#the modern demigod
cabbakansas · 2 years
It’s all Greek and Latin
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Daily prophet newspaper template - link
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Cover art by T0XIC on DeviantArt - link
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aroaceleovaldez · 5 months
i think a lot about how early-series, demigods are referred to pretty equally as "demigods," "half-bloods," and "godlings," - the last used particularly by gods at demigods - but after that "godlings" is almost exclusively used to refer to minor gods.
something something i am literally always chewing on the concept of the line between immortals/demigods/monsters/etc being thinner than it appears
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piper mclean is def the type of person to specifically go to taylor sheesh instad of taylor swift
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holybent · 2 months
@singofus asked : ❰❰ PULL ❱❱ sender pulls receiver close to them ⇢ magissa ﹠ hypnos
athens  ,  202x  . 
she's  definitely  tipsy  .  like  ,  not  nearly  enough  to  not  remember  tonight  ,  but  still  -  tipsy  .  a  guy's  behind  her  ,  the  same  guy  that's  been  dancing  with  her  for  the  past  three  songs  ,  his  hands  tight  on  her  hips  ,  one  hand  creeping  up  to  her  bare  midsection  .  his  hand  is  hot  ,  heavy  ,  against  her  skin  ,  and  she  breathlessly  laughs  ,  tilting  her  head  to  the  side  .  lips  skate  along  the  curve  of  her  neck  ,  and  she  conjures  a  moan  for  him  . 
maybe  she'll  get  lucky  this  time  . 
she  feels  a  heavy  gaze  on  her  .  nothing  she's  unaccustomed  to  ,  but  she  looks  over  anyway  ,  too  tipsy  to  stop  the  thought  of  caring  . 
sleepy  ,  but  intense  ,  gold  eyes  stare  back  at  her  ,  briefly  lit  by  a  spinning  light  .  she  blinks  -  the  eyes  are  gone  . 
she's  tipsy  ,  not  tired  ,  right  ? 
the  guy  behind  her  tugs  her  closer  ,  and  she  works  to  move  her  attention  back  to  him  ;  an  impossible  feat  when  she's  suddenly  pulled  into  someone  else's  arms  .  surprisingly  strong  arms  ,  but  he  is  a  god  ,  she  supposes  . 
she  looks  up  ,  chin  on  his  chest  ,  her  own  yellow  eyes  dilated  .  the  guy  says  something  but  she's  not  paying  attention  . 
she  slips  her  hands  into  his  back  pockets  ,  him  wearing  the  joggers  and  cropped  t-shirt  she'd  cut  for  him  ,  and  presses  closer  to  his  form  .  she  can  see  his  fangs  from  this  angle  . 
yum  . 
“  never  thought  i'd  see  you  here  ,  ”  she  says  ,  biting  her  lower  lip  .  “  you  jealous  ,  my  lord  ?  ” 
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You said you're excited to spend more time on Sur'Kesh in Empire of Preys, and I'm excited for that too! We only got to spend like a minute on Sur'Kesh in canon, and I've always wished that we'd gotten to see more of that world. What do you imagine salarian architecture and design sensibilities as being like? I won't ask you to spoil the story, but I'm curious about any worldbuilding you've done along those lines that you'd like to share!
Sorry for taking so long to reply to this wonderful ask! I kind of pondered a lot on what to talk about and how much I should talk about; but since you focused on architecture, I think I'll focus on that!
So, in The Empire of Preys, we spend most of our time (barred from one scene that takes place in a more remote city) in the country of Nkoma. What we call country and what salarians call country differs slightly, however: think of it more as an administrative district that exists more for the sake of resource repartition and ease of organization at a medium scale rather than a place, or an identity with strong cultural attachments that would involve nationalism or things like this --this would be much more true for cities (a practice encouraged and mirror by asaris) and clans in general.
There are two main focuses in Nkoma.
The first one is the city of Talat, considered a hotspot of diplomacy (where the administrative body called the Grand Symposium has its seat --basically where the Salarian Union is being ruled), business and tourism that spreads from the remnants of an old volcano all the way to the seaside coast. Its main landmark is a huge water dam used to control the level of the internal lake, assist with irrigation of the agricultural activity spreading around the city, and also partially turned into a luxury hotel. It's also the city that looks the most like the Citadel, Thessia, Armali, and every huge metropolis in the galaxy: it has tons of immigration and is the most overtly capitalist, with the least amount of relics from their past that isn't directly turned into museums.
The second is the city of Leyjung, which is Nkoma's second biggest city (and the biggest focus of the two within the narrative). It is much deeper inlands, deep within the rainforest --it's actually pretty close to the STG quarters that we see ingame (and MAYBE, maybe, we could see it in TEoP as well....)
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It's a very old city with tons of history: it is roughly divided between the old town (tucked inside a valley following a large river) and the newer town that looms over it from the cliffsides. Both towns are riddled with technology; it's just that the old town still preserves a lot of its ocher-based and troglodyte buildings that allows for natural temperature regulation on top of being monuments to the city's past as a huge capital of the (since defunct) phassen empires.
The traditional structure of the salarian clan does not account for individuality. Therefore, the oldest kind of salarian building is the House: a very long building built over generations that try to account for the needs of the clan, a place where every salarian with a clan is always welcomed (but they have, for example, no concept of individual bedrooms; though people with importance within the clan have individual offices). The whole clan very rarely live together all at once; they generally have small individual open rooms that will sustain a dozen of salarians at a time (for example a ton of small kitchens rather than one big room where everybody eats all at once, and no real concept for group meals except for big celebrations). They also include walk-in showers everywhere; the goal is just to let water splash over you for a few seconds to cool off, and you're not even expected to remove your clothes while doing so (they also have communal pools for longer soaks, where public nudity is 100% fine).
Leyjung still has a large number of old clan Houses that have not been repurposed into commercial hubs or broken into smaller apartments like in Talat; most notably, the biggest Linron House is still in use while being considered a remarkable historical artefact as the history of that clan and that town stretch back for at least a thousand years.
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One of the biggest challenges of the architecture of the town is to account for the extreme humidity: the rainforest surrounding and permeating the town is so dense that, twice a day, once at dawn (feshe qer) and then a little after midday (selecat qer), huge clouds of vapor start rising from the surrounding canopy as the air gets more and more suffocating, until it all breaks down into a brief torrential rain that soaks everything back late in the afternoon, and makes the evening and night the most pleasant temperature-wise. It happens... basically every day.
The town's architecture is therefore very concerned with avoiding wind and thunder damage, as well as trying to prevent stagnant water from swamping down the infrastructure. For example, hydrophobic plexiglas is very widely used. A lot of streets meant for pedestrians, especially in the older town, kind of follow this format (sorry for the janky perspectiiiive I'm bad at thiiis)
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Using a lot of non-corroding mesh fence and avoiding to put salarians directly on ground, using a lot of triangular structures to let the rainfall glide to canals that are pushed back to the main river, with a ton of plants to absorb the excess humidity as much as possible and provide some relief from the heat.
The main problem that Leyjung face is: when is modernization too much modernization? What is preserving tradition, and what is refusal to change? What's opposition to galactic gentrification, and what is straight-up xenophobia? What's power to the individual VS what is the destruction of the collective?
Let's have Elections about it, maybe!! Surely that will solve everything!!
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iristial · 2 years
Recording some Ace’s true origins speculation before they drop the revelation bomb in my lap, which I don’t need to go insane because I already have
An old soul
- As a child Ace was given a coin with Julius Caesar on it by Mitsume. He last sees her dressed in robes stereotypically associated to ancient times before entering a (presumably) ancient building
- In the first arc Ace often quipped about past events/historical figures and how things in the DGP have been like this for a long time
- Claimed he’s been fighting since 1 A.D. Either his guaranteed entry in the DGP gives him immortality, he’s of a long-lived species, he’s participated since the games’ conception, or a DGP round took place in 1 A.D. and Ace somehow followed it there
...or not?
- He mentions a previous DGP round involving the cactus Jyamato had wiped out all the players, an entire area and its inhabitants. However, it’s set in modern-day Japan, and Ace states this occurred prior to him joining
- We never see what clothing he’s wearing when Mitsume left him. The same goes for when he wrote his true wish but the Desire Card rejected it
- There’s a 2008 elementary school entrance photo of him with a completely different mother (Mika Ukiyo) and father
- Gene/Ziin/Jean’s admiration started when he first watched Ace fight the Jyamato as a modern-day high schooler. He’s went as far as to dig up Ace’s history and discovered said photo
- Mitsume’s a former DGP navigator - and Tsumuri plus the executives are from the distant future, not the past. Speaking of which, said staff never knew she had a son and that’s what gets them to change up the game’s format, in hopes of Ace slipping up
- Who says you need to be over two thousand years old to talk about the Sengoku period and quote Greek philosophers as times gone by? Basically Ace is a history geek lol
- Neon’s father is a previous DGP winner. His prize? A child aka Neon. While we don’t know if he never had a child to begin with or the original Neon died during the kidnapping + he sought a “replacement”, that places his participation somewhere between 10~18 years ago (as of 2022; 2004-12). Ace's confirmed to have never lost one of his entries before Girori’s sabotage. This also implies former champions become DGP sponsors who fund the game and provide media play, should the DGP setting fall into their lifetime
- Going back to high school - Ace (“b. 2001″) first became a DGP participant at 16~18 years old (2017-19). He’s currently 21 (as of 2022), so he’s been fighting for the last 3~5 years. In episode 10 we see Tsumuri with four fulfilled Desire Cards:
Guaranteed entry until he dies (est. 2017-21)
No need to work and earn money (est. 2018-21; he dropped out or graduated)
Become the Star of the Stars of the Stars (est. late winter - Sept. 2022)
Playing family with the DGP staff (est. Sept. - Oct. 2022)
- The Sakurai siblings’ parents died in a DGP round when Sara was in high school, yet they weren’t revived. Either because they were eliminated DGP players or NPCs within a now erased area aka the previous cactus Jyamato game. And if Sara’s born in 1998 like her actress - making her two years older than Keiwa (22) (b. 2000) - she would’ve been in high school during 2014-16; placing this event before Ace joined
Other ramblings
- Considering how much influence DGP supporters have, perhaps NPCs who catch the audience’s eye are invited into the next game. Given how meticulous, intuitive and sharp Ace tends to be, I wouldn’t be surprised if he approached the Jyamato specifically to get someone’s attention. Even if he doesn’t know about his mother being a goddess, surely he knows a few tidbits
- The last few DGPs have happened consecutively, but it isn’t impossible for the DGP show to go on “hiatus” + Ace wanders around for a while
- Going by the Dawn DGP’s length and Ace’s 1 A.D. claims, each game takes an average six months to complete, two per year; a total of 4044 games. If going by Encounter and Scheme - roughly two months, six per year - he’s completed 12 132 games. But we’ve seen less than four fulfilled Desire Cards, and why would it take that long to test the prize’s limits? At that point he might as well live out his life with friends and figure out the existential crisis himself
What if he’s selective in the games he participates? His first wish was to always be given an invite to the DGP + he’s set up countermeasures in case he loses
What if each game has varying time periods to complete? No word on that. Also, as boring as the supporters claim the distant future is, I doubt most audiences would watch a reality television season lasting several years. At least I wouldn’t
What if his win streak isn’t what it is? Niram confirmed Ace has been unbeatable since his entry
What if Ace traveled across time, seeing how DGPs take place in different eras? The staff would get suspicious as there’s only so many identical strangers and descendants/ancestors you can encounter. Unless being trapped in the DGP, regardless of where you’re from, makes that commonplace. Plus we’re talking about the same staff who had a bored, sadistic high schooler hijack their television series despite confirming she isn’t the first to attempt this, but I digress
- Some off-topic timeline stuff: Michinaga (b. 2001) and Tohru have been friends since high school, maybe longer. The latter was 20 years old when he died; placing his participation in 2021, roughly during Ace’s second DGP. So Michinaga’s first DGP would’ve been the Dawn round in 2022, age 21
Actual Ace’s true origin theories, ranging from debunked to logical to pure nonsense but it’s fun to think about
- Ace was an archaeologist who unearthed the DGP and broke its seal several centuries/decades ago. He’s trapped in the game, hence his eternal youth, and watched his co-workers despair/get destroyed for the DGP staff’s entertainment. Even when he tried wishing for the game’s destruction, his Card got rejected, so he fights back by testing the system’s limits + winning as fast as possible to prevent more lives from being lost. He’s memorized every possible setting, Jyamato tactic, etc. and is a walking DGP manual
- Ace and a certain town have been stuck in a DGP-inflicted time loop. He met Keiwa and Neon in the past and forged a connection, but they’ve forgotten about him
- Our Ace is a highly evolved Jyamato born from original Ace Ukiyo soil during Mitsume’s navigator tenure. If they can recruit grandpas in a death game, then children aren’t out of the question. While he’s not meant to exist, Mitsume took pity on him and raised him in secret; thus he considers her his mother. Eventually she had to leave him behind in an unknown time period, and so he grew up, waiting for her return. Fighting in the DGP partially quells his species’ innate bloodlust + it explains his existential crisis
- Mitsume’s the Goddess of Creation who created Ace through the future’s advanced eugenics technology or her powers. If the latter, the staff considered the personal use as a violation and resolved to strip her of autonomy. They also implemented security measures like requiring supporter and Producer approval for wishes. This also means Ace was born in the future + his remarks about things long past would still hold ground. But before the staff punished her, Mitsume left Ace in the hands of a modern-day family. There he grew up while waiting for the DGP to use “his” era as the current setting again
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achespink · 6 months
god I haven’t been on her in so long <33 she’s the sweetest aphrodite kid ever !! please ignore how she’s a bit ditzy but she means well, I swear — she’s strong when she has to be ):
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lyctorism · 9 months
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pov: you just said horses are lame.
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atlantic-riona · 10 months
big fan of things ending. for good, even.
#I forget if I made this post already but sometimes things are good because they cannot be repeated#like yes are there stories we tell again and again: Gilgamesh the Odyssey Macbeth Romance of the Three Kingdoms etc etc#but crucially 1) they are reinterpretations of a pre-existing text or story#Homer is not out here churning out Odyssey II or Iliad: the Endless Reboot#like we know the story but it's told to us in a different way because there's some new way to look at it#and 2) they're actually significant stories to culture that have layers and meaning and portray something meaningful about humanity#and when they're told to us again and again they're COMPLEX#so there's generally something new for each new audience#and like#I am not saying that superheroes or Star Wars cannot have something meaningful to say#like I genuinely think they do#Star Wars has a story to tell that is fascinating it's a traditional fantasy set in space and the villain is the father#And what does it mean to love and forgive someone? these are fascinating to explore#and superheroes are basically the modern equivalent of demigods and legendary heroes except limited by the fact that#their stories have to make money so they actually can never grow or come to a satisfying conclusion#but the current stories being told and retold are shallow and endlessly repeated until they become stale#(and don't get me started on spoilers and how that's ruined a lot of people's perceptions about storytelling)#like not every adaptation or retelling of say Pride and Prejudice or the Iliad or Hamlet is going to be good#but at least there's something there relevant to the complicated lives of people?? and it's not simplistic?? I mean yes sometimes it can be#a little simplistic#but in their simplicity they reveal layers of humanity more obviously#whereas when I see a lot of the reboots and sequels they're just about making money#getting laughs#the story they tell is shallow so it can appeal to the broadest group of people but in a way that doesn't make anyone think too deeply#COULD these stories be deeper?? yes absolutely#some of them are quite good#The Winter Soldier was good and even if I didn't like everything in the Nolanverse the second Batman movie was also good#so the potential is there#but once again it's limited by people who 1) want to make money 2) want to write a simple story so people like it without thinking and#3) I hate to say it but not everything in pop culture is actually that deep so any reboots or sequels are probably not
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pyrokineticwarrior · 1 year
Verse List for Devlin (to be added to)
V1 || Main Verse; Modern Demigod Son of Hades
V2 || Ancient Greece
V3 || Ottoman Empire
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cabbakansas · 2 years
Chapter 1
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Cover art by T0XIC on DeviantArt - link
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Stock photos from Pinterest and CLT Express
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bug13underscore · 1 year
todays work doodling i’ve taken to drawing the cocoa puffs and i’m very interested in seeing them included more in canon works in the future!! there’s also like. 6 or 7 named on the bookmark/insert in the hardcover copy i got and they said there probably like 15 or so in the book so i wonder what they’re all called
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stygicniron · 2 years
hammerofavoid asked:
A hero in the wrong. (it was some number on one of your ask memes but apparently it didn't copy that part. )
Lost Meme -- @hammerofavoid
“I lost my sibling too. My sister.” The words feel drawn out of his chest, pulled by hooks so they scrap at the back of his throat as they finally emerge, leaving behind a gaping hole in his middle--an ache familiar but also new. Nico doesn’t talk about the death of his sister Bianca, doesn’t even let himself think about it, but the yawning cold and the gleaming light of the fire draws the words out, leaving them to hang like portents in the air.
He shivers, tucking the blankets close as he waits for the other to work. Nico’s traveled much further afield than most Greek heroes tend to go, although he’s not sure if he’s a hero. After obtaining the raw materials for a Stygian iron weapon, he’s found one of the most renowned weapon’s crafters in the world to see if he could make something that might suit him. Nico knows he’ll need a weapon in any event.
Nico doesn’t know why he’s talking though, when the words hurt so much. Maybe they just needed to find a way out? He knows a little bit about the arm’s smith, how he lost his brother, and maybe this knowledge of the loss alone makes the words tumble free. He tucks his head over his folded arms, trying to keep anything else from falling out of his mouth.
“My fr-- they were going to protect her, but they didn’t,” he continues, voice slightly muffled now by his arms.
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ccwarp · 2 years
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Sending love from Cape Concord, the world’s most inclusive home for demigods of any pantheon!
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arcann · 2 years
Marika is like if that toxic patriarch from succ session was a catholic girlboss
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tsareviich · 2 years
♕ ┊ v. young prince ┊ ❛ all grown ups were once children ❜ ♕ ┊ v. trilogy ┊ ❛ the crown prince of ravka ❜ ♕ ┊ v. kos ┊ ❛ you are my most trusted advisor ❜ ♕ ┊ v. ketterdam ┊ ❛ no mourners ; no funerals ❜ ♕ ┊ v. privateers ┊ ❛ and we could be pirates ❜ ♕ ┊ v. nichevo'ya ┊ ❛ a creature wrought from shadow ❜
♕ ┊ v. modern ┊ ❛ don't you know that the kids aren't all right? ❜ ♕ ┊ v. alt. modern ┊ ❛ i don't like violence. i'm a businessman. ❜ ♕ ┊ v. immortal ┊ ❛ we could stay young forever ❜ ♕ ┊ v. football ┊ ❛ famous for being almost famous ❜ ♕ ┊ v. regency ┊ ❛ heirs have the responsibility ❜ ♕ ┊ v. demigod ┊ ❛ you take what you can get ; and you make the most of it ❜ ♕ ┊ v. opposites attract ┊ ❛ a rat and his prince ❜ ♕ ┊ v. modern royal ┊ ❛ let me be your ruler ❜ ♕ ┊ v. pirates ┊ ❛ it's the age of princes and pirate ships ❜ ♕ ┊ v. vampire ┊ ❛ ordinary people who just happen to consume blood ❜ ♕ ┊ v. pirates ┊ ❛ it's the age of princes and pirate ships ❜ ♕ ┊ v. mermaid ┊ ❛ walking is just like swimming ❜ ♕ ┊ v. hollywood ┊ ❛ i once was poison ivy; but now i'm your daisy ❜
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