#the movie shouldn't be 90% Shadow
kaylatoonz · 1 year
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Partner in crime
Some people argue if there is room for Amy or Rouge in the next film, pinning them against each other.
I say why not both.
Maybe they can be introduced at the same time like tails and knuckles but with a twist. They’re both very familiar with each other in fact they are partners in crime and sisters. They don't always see eye to eye (Rouge being comfortable with their lives as thieves while Amy wants a different life) but they care about each other and always get the job done. That is until they get separated when trying to steal the master emerald from team sonic.
Amy gets captured by Sonic and the gang, while Rouge gets taken in by G.U.N or Dr. Eggman(or Agent stone, not sure if Jim Carry is returning or not). Rouge at first uses Shadow and others to her advantage to get back what is hers, the emerald, and her little sister. She later bonds with Shadow (and later Knuckles) but both are too dead set on what they want. Amy, on the other hand, realizes there's something bigger going on and it's her time to change her path. She also bonds with the gang (especially sonic), earth, and the people of earth/green hills. She eventually can't see herself leaving this planet especially when it needs their help.
When they meet again (maybe G.U.N or Eggman capture Amy for Rouge) Rouge feels betrayed due to Amy not wanting to finish the job and leave earth to fend off their own problems. Rouge just wants things to go back to normal while Amy wants things to be different (she wants to help others). Some things are said between them that shouldn't have been said and Amy is left alone in containment until the job is done.
Shadow checks up on Amy to make sure she doesn’t try anything funny but in reality, he can't stand seeing her upset for some reason. Mistaking Shadow for Sonic (the room is dark no Amy is blind jokes please😑) thinking she was saved she rush in for a hug. Shadow freezes but can't help but smile at the comforting yet familiar feeling. Before he could put together what that feeling was, Amy pushes Shadow away realizing her mistake (when she gets a better look at him in the light). Shadow is left shocked because; 1. She was able to push Him and 2. she look more embarrassed and apologetic rather than scared of him. He's again shocked when she asks if he’s ok. He tells her he's fine and let slip that he is just used to other seeing him as a monster or weapon. Amy argues that he's not a monster or weapon but shadow ignores her and asks why she's not afraid. Amy rushes in to give him another hug and tells him "All I see is another hedgehog like me who wrap up in something they can't control but you have the power to change that. And someone who needs more hugs than I can count." Shadow leaves Amy to continue "his" mission but Amy's word linger in his mind. (this unintentionally turned into a Shadamy moment👀).
Eventually Rouge learns to let Amy go and that there’s bigger enemies to fry when she encounters Knuckles again (he knocked some sense into her😭).
(this doesn't mean her thieving days are through😉).
Amy has her scene with a Shadow.
The day is saved (not sure if Shadow will die or not👀)
Rouge and Amy probably would go their separate ways. Amy joins the team and stays in green hills while Rouge travels to earth to see what other jewels they have to offer.
I think this way would allow the film to switch between what going on with Amy (and sonic heroes) and Rouge (shadow and the villains). Hopefully, they would have balance screen time this way.
When team Sonic had Amy captive I think it would be funny if they played good and bad cop. Sonic fails at both roles because he’s too excited about meeting another hedgehog that technically didn’t try to kill him.
Knuckles: Hedgehog we are not here to mingle, you need to play your part to find out what they are plotting.😡
Sonic: Hey! you wouldn’t be any better at this if we got the bat instead! I saw the way you looked at her.😙😜
Later when things are patched up between Rouge and Amy
Rouge: If you put in the good word for me with Big Red over there I'll get you set with Blue.😏
Amy: ROUGE!😳😡
Rouge: 😉
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keldae · 29 days
Tagged by the incomparable @dingoat -- thank you! <3
3 ships
Right now, to nobody's surprise, Gale/Devi is eating my soul. On paper, they shouldn't work -- he's an educated, wealthy, powerful mage (who makes very poor life choices), and she's a much-younger-than-him thief who grew up as an urchin on the streets of Baldur's Gate, whose only "acceptable" skill is playing a violin (apparently pickpocketing and stabbing people aren't considered widely acceptable or desirable skills?). But in all the ways that really count, they are compatible -- they're protective of each other and their friends, and Devi's street-smarts balance out Gale's book/arcane knowledge, and her feisty-ness is another counter to his more balanced way of dealing with things (read: he's 90% of her impulse control). I suppose opposites DO attract! ;)
Theron/Xaja has lived in my brain ever since Shadow of Revan dropped, in canon-verse and in at least two AU's. Theron definitely brought out a side of Xaja that isn't necessarily a proper Jedi side to show, but it's definitely her -- she's also feisty, and protective, and she's got a snarky streak to her that sings to Theron's soul. And she loves Theron's devotion to the cause, and his intelligence, and his wit.
(also, looking at Xaja and Devi... apparently I've got a TYPE when it comes to my main characters in RPGs. You should take a look at my canon Warden from DAO sometime, Lynaen... who ALSO is a redheaded dual-wielding rogue with a healthy dose of snark. At least she was raised a Cousland and didn't spend time learning how to pickpocket on the streets like the other two? #roguelifeFTW)
And I gotta talk about Reanden/Mairen too. They started on a bit of a whim when @andveryginger and I decided to throw them together for a couple of one-off kiss prompts, annnnnd now they run a good chunk of our respective brains (Reanden likes to hang out in Ginger's head a lot). Mai (Ginger's) loves Reanden's intelligence, and his dedication to his kids and the Republic, and the compassionate, caring streak he has under his sociopathic facade. And he's got a type for snarky redheaded Corellian Jedi ladies -- the fact that Mai loves his kids like they're her own, and doesn't think less of him for his rare moments of vulnerability, means the galaxy to him.
First Ship
Oh man -- my very first OTP was Faramir/Eowyn from LOTR, ever since I first read the books at the ripe old age of 12 years old, and it's STILL one of my favourite ships. I think, even 20 years ago, I was seeing myself in Eowyn (as a female character, as one who wanted to fight and seek out renown, as one who, as I would discover later on in my own life, had a bucketload of mental health problems to the tune of depression), and wanted my own Faramir (gentle, noble, compassionate, intelligent). So a bit of projection there? ;) The first ship I wrote... well, I'd started a girl-falls-into-Middle-earth fic in high school, and the endgame goal was my OC with Legolas, but looking back on it now, I think my OC may have had more chemistry with Boromir. Either way, that fic has been abandoned for like 15 years -- I ain't bringing it back out to resurrect it. ;)
Last Song
According to Spotify, "Master Of Illusion" by Battle Beast! If/when I come up with a Gale playlist, that song's going on it.
Currently Reading
"Tress of the Emerald Sea" by Brandon Sanderson. I'm not too far into it, but so far I'm enjoying it! (Also, I LOVE Sanderson's writing style, and the little bits of snark he peppers in there. Current favourite line: "... he had a jaw so straight that it made other men question if they were.")
Last Film
In theatres -- "Argylle", which I enjoyed! I wouldn't class it as a "favourite" movie, but it was fun! At home (read: at Chez Boyfriend), it was "RED" -- that's one of my favourites. Bruce Willis and Karl Urban snarking at each other... =D (Karl is also my faceclaim for Reanden, and that movie was a big inspiration!)
Currently Craving
Nothing at the moment! I have my coffee and I have a big-ass Costco-sized muffin that I'm working on before I go for my tattoo appointment. (Also, Part 1 of my tax return came in last week... I could get ALL the groceries, thank God! Part 2 is dropping on Thursday, for all the backpay after the CRA applied the ADHD disability credit to my previous years... I legit cried when I saw that number. I can afford to get my car fixed, AND get this new tattoo, AND a haircut, AND maybe, I don't know, throw something into a retirement fund!)
Tagging, if you wish: @greyias @storyknitter @nayci @elveny @abysskeeper @auroraesmeraldarose
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helix-enterprises117 · 2 months
Batman Headcanons, Opinions & Headcanon Timeline
I personally like a Batman who abides closely to his no-kill rule, but firmly believes that his enemy's life is forfeit if they go too far. KGBeast is an example of Batman willing to take a life to ensure the safety of others and, me personally, while Batman shouldn't liberally murder people, I don't think it's out-of-chracter for him to be willing to make exceptions to his rule without becoming corrupted, like he fears. In regards to his character in-general, think an Adam West who breaks bones; he takes no pleasure in using focused violence as a necessary means to take his opponents out, considering he's a normal guy who operates in the most dangerous city on the planet and is constantly fighting super-powered villains and literal monsters on a nightly basis, but does enjoy being Batman all the same and smiles more often than people tend to realize/want to admit.
The Batmobile should be car. I'm sick of the damn tank.
As for the timeline:
Batman: Year One
Legends Of The Dark Knight: Gothic/Shaman
Legends Of The Dark Knight: Prey
Batman: Year Two
Legends Of The Dark Knight: Faith/Flyer
Batman: Full Circle
Batman: Ego & Other Tales
Pretty much most of the Golden Age, Silver Age & Bronze Age runs on both Batman AND Detective Comics from 1940 - 1987
Mike Barr's Detective Comics run and Jim Starlin's Batman run (for those who don't know, Detective Comics and Batman are two different comic runs)
Batman: Son Of The Demon
The Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade
Batman: A Lonely Place Of Dying -> Batman: Dark Night, Dark City -> Batman: Bride Of The Demon, and finally -> Chuck Dixon's Robin run
All of 90s Batman, including Graham Nolan, Alan Grant, Dennis O'Neil and Chuck Dixon's runs on the character throughout the three runs (at the time): Shadow Of The Bat, Detective Comics & Batman
Batman: Under The Red Hood (animated movie, not the comic)
Grant Morrison's Batman
Batman Incorporated
Batman: War On Crime
Batman Universe
Batman: Dark Detective
Batman Beyond
In-between all of it, Bruce Timm's Justice League & Justice League Unlimited are my headcanon JLA stories. None of the spin-off material is canon to me, though; so no "Zeta Project" or "Static Shock" (nothing against either of those, it's just that neither is important to me).
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gift-to-literature · 8 months
1. Pilot : 1x1
2. Wendigo : 1x2
3. Dead in the Water : 1x3
4. Phantom Traveler : 1x4
5. Bloody Mary : 1x5
6. Skin : 1x6
7. Hook Man : 1x7
8. Bugs : 1x8
9. Home : 1x9
10. Asylum : 1x10
11. Scarecrow : 1x11
12. Faith : 1x12
13. Route 666 : 1x13
14. Nightmare : 1x14
15. The Benders : 1x15
16. Shadow : 1x16
17. Hell House : 1x17
18. Something Wicked : 1x18
19. Provenance : 1x19
20. Dead Man's Blood : 1x20
21. Salvation : 1x21
22. Devil's Trap : 1x22
23. In My Time of Dying : 2x1
24. Everybody Loves a Clown : 2x2
25. Bloodlust : 2x3
26. Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things : 2x4
27. Simon Said : 2x5
28. No Exit : 2x6
29. The Usual Suspects : 2x7
30. Crossroad Blues : 2x8
31. Croatoan : 2x9
32. Hunted : 2x10
33. Playthings : 2x11
34. Nightshifter : 2x12
35. Houses of the Holy : 2x13
36. Born Under a Bad Sign : 2x14
37. Tall Tales : 2x15
38. Roadkill : 2x16
39. Heart : 2x17
40. Hollywood Babylon : 2x18
41. Folsom Prison Blues : 2x19
42. What Is and What Should Never Be : 2x20
43. All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 : 2x21
44. All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2 : 2x22
45. The Magnificent Seven : 3x1
46. The Kids Are Alright : 3x2
47. Bad Day at Black Rock : 3x3
48. Sin City : 3x4
49. Bedtime Stories : 3x5
50. Red Sky at Morning : 3x6
51. Fresh Blood : 3x7
52. A Very Supernatural Christmas : 3x8
53. Malleus Maleficarum : 3x9
54. Dream a Little Dream of Me : 3x10
55. Mystery Spot : 3x11
56. Jus in Bello : 3x12
57. Ghostfacers! : 3x13
58. Long Distance Call : 3x14
59. Time Is on My Side : 3x15
60. No Rest for the Wicked : 3x16
61. Lazarus Rising : 4x1
62. Are You There, God? It's Me Dean Winchester : 4x2
63. In the Beginning : 4x3
64. Metamorphosis : 4x4
65. Monster Movie : 4x5
66. Yellow Fever : 4x6
67. It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester : 4x7
68. Whisful Thinking : 4x8
69. I Know What You Did Last Summer : 4x9
70. Heaven and Hell : 4x10
71. Family Remains : 4x11
72. Criss Angel Is a Douch Bag : 4x12
73. After School Special : 4x13
74. Sex and Violence : 4x14
75. Death Takes a Holiday : 4x15
76. On the Head of a Pin : 4x16
77. It's a Terrible Life : 4x17
78. The Monster at the End of This Book : 4x18
79. Jump the Shark : 4x19
80. The Rapture : 4x20
81. When the Levee Breaks : 4x21
82. Lucifer Rising : 4x22
83. Sympathy for the Devil : 5x1
84. Good God, Y'All : 5x2
85. Free to Be You and Me : 5x3
86. The End : 5x4
87. Fallen Idols : 5x5
88. I Believe the Children Are Our Future : 5x6
89. The Curious Case of Dean Winchester : 5x7
90. Changing Channels : 5x8
91. The Real Ghostbusters : 5x9
92. Abandon All Hope : 5x10
93. Sam, Interrupted : 5x11
94. Swap Meat : 5x12
95. The Song Remains the Same : 5x13
96. My Bloody Valentine : 5x14
97. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid : 5x15
98. Dark Side of the Moon : 5x16
99. 99 Problems : 5x17
100. Point of No Return : 5x18
101. Hammer of the Gods : 5x19
102. The Devil You Know : 5x20
103. Two Minutes to Midnight : 5x21
104. Swan Song : 5x22
105. Exile on Main St. : 6x1
106. Two and a Half Man : 6x2
107. The Third Man : 6x3
108. Weekend at Bobby's : 6x4
109. Live Free or Twi-hard : 6x5
110. You Can't Handle the Truth : 6x6
111. Family Matters : 6x7
112. All Dogs Go to Heaven : 6x8
113. Clap Your Hands If You Believe : 6x9
114. Caged Heat : 6x10
115. Appointment in Samarra : 6x11
116. Like a Virgin : 6x12
117. Unforgiven : 6x13
118. Mannequin 3: The Reckoning : 6x14
119. The French Mistake : 6x15
120. ... And Then There Were None : 6x16
121. My Heart Will Go On : 6x17
122. Frontierland : 6x18
123. Mommy Dearest : 6x19
124. The Man Who Whould Be King : 6x20
125. Let It Bleed : 6x21
126. The Man Who Knew Too Much : 6x22
127. Meet the New Boss : 6x23
128. Hello, Cruel World : 7x1
129. The Girl Next Door : 7x2
130. Defending Your Life : 7x3
131. Shut Up, Dr. Phil : 7x4
132. Slash Fiction : 7x5
133. The Mentalists : 7x6
134. Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! : 7x7
135. Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel : 7x8
136. How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters : 7x9
137. Death's Door : 7x10
138. Adventures in Babysitting : 7x11
139. Time After Time : 7x12
140. The Slice Girls : 7x13
141. Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie : 7x14
142. Repo Man : 7x15
143. Out with the Old : 7x16
144. The Born-Again Identity : 7x17
145. Party On, Garth : 7x18
146. Of Grave Importance : 7x19
147. The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo : 7x20
148. Reading Is Fundamental : 7x21
149. There Will Be Blood : 7x22
150. Survival of the Fittest : 7x23
151. We Need to Talk About Kevin : 8x1
152. What's Up, Tiger Mommy? : 8x2
153. Heartache : 8x3
154. Bitten : 8x4
155. Blood Brother : 8x5
156. Southern Comfort : 8x6
157. A Little Slice of Kevin : 8x7
158. Hunteri Heroici : 8x8
159. Citizen Fang : 8x9
160. Torn and Frayed : 8x10
161. LARP and the Real Girl : 8x11
162. As Time Goes By : 8x12
163. Everybody Hates Hitler : 8x13
164. Trial and Error : 8x14
165. Man's Best Friend with Benefits : 8x15
166. Remember the Titans : 8x16
167. Goodbye Stranger : 8x17
168. Freaks and Geeks : 8x18
169. Taxi Driver : 8x19
170. Pac-Man Fever : 8x20
171. The Great Escapist : 8x21
172. Clip Show : 8x22
173. Sacrifice : 8x23
174. I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here : 9x1
175. Devil May Care : 9x2
176. I'm No Angel : 9x3
177. Slumber Party : 9x4
178. Dog Dean Afternoon : 9x5
179. Heaven Can't Wait : 9x6
180. Bad Boys : 9x7
181. Rock and a Hard Place : 9x8
182. Holy Terror : 9x9
183. Road Trip : 9x10
184. First Born : 9x11
185. Sharp Teeth : 9x12
186. The Purge : 9x13
187. Captives : 9x14
188. #thinman : 9x15
189. Blade Runners : 9x16
190. Mother's Little Helper : 9x17
191. Meta Fiction : 9x18
192. Alex Annie Alexis Ann : 9x19
193. Bloodlines : 9x20
194. King of the Damned : 9x21
195. Stairway to Heaven : 9x22
196. Do You Believe in Miracles : 9x23
197. Black : 10x1
198. Reichenbach : 10x2
199. Soul Survivor : 10x3
200. Fan Fiction : 10x4
201. Paper Moon : 10x5
202. Ask Jeeves : 10x6
203. Girls, Girls, Girls : 10x7
204. Hibbing 911 : 10x8
205. The Things We Left Behind : 10x9
206. The Hunter Games : 10x10
207. There's No Place Like Home : 10x11
208. About a Boy : 10x12
209. Halt & Catch Fire : 10x13
210. The Executioner's Song : 10x14
211. The Thing They Carried : 10x15
212. Paint It Black : 10x16
213. Inside Man : 10x17
214. Book of the Damned : 10x18
215. The Werther Project : 10x19
216. Angel Heart : 10x20
217. Dark Dynasty : 10x21
218. The Prisoner : 10x22
219. Brother's Keeper : 10x23
220. Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire : 11x1
221. Form and Void : 11x2
222. The Bad Seed : 11x3
223. Baby : 11x4
224. Thin Lizzie : 11x5
225. Our Little World : 11x6
226. Plush : 11x7
227. Just My Imagination : 11x8
228. O Brother, Where Art Thou? : 11x9
229. The Devil in the Details : 11x10
230. Into the Mystic : 11x11
231. Don't You Forget About Me : 11x12
232. Love Hurts : 11x13
233. The Vessel : 11x14
234. Beyond the Mat : 11x15
235. Safe House : 11x16
236. Red Meat : 11x17
237. Hell's Angel : 11x18
238. The Chitters : 11x19
239. Don't Call Me Shurley : 11x20
240. All in the Family : 11x21
241. We Happy Few : 11x22
242. Alpha and Omega : 11x23
243. Keep Calm and Carry On : 12x1
244. Mamma Mia : 12x2
245. The Foundry : 12x3
246. American Nightmare : 12x4
247. The One You've Been Waiting For : 12x5
248. Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox : 12x6
249. Rock Never Dies : 12x7
250. LOTUS : 12x8
251. First Blood : 12x9
252. Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets : 12x10
253. Regarding Dean : 12x11
254. Stuck in the Middle (With You) : 12x12
255. Family Feud : 12x13
256. The Raid : 12x14
257. Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell : 12x15
258. Ladies Drink Free : 12x16
259. The British Invasion : 12x17
260. The Memory Remains : 12x18
261. The Future : 12x19
262. Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes : 12x20
263. There's Something About Mary : 12x21
264. Who We Are : 12x22
265. All Along the Watchtower : 12x23
266. Lost and Found : 13x1
267. The Rising Son : 13x2
268. Patience : 13x3
269. The Big Empty : 13x4
270. Advanced Thanatology : 13x5
271. Tombstone : 13x6
272. War of the Worlds : 13x7
273. The Scorpion and the Frog : 13x8
274. The Bad Place : 13x9
275. Wayward Sisters : 13x10
276. Breakdown : 13x11
277. Various & Sundry Villains : 13x12
278. Devil's Bargain : 13x13
279. Good Intentions : 13x14
280. A Most Holy Man : 13x15
281. ScoobyNatural : 13x16
282. The Thing : 13x17
283. Bring 'em Back Alive : 13x18
284. Funeralia : 13x19
285. Unfinished Business : 13x20
286. Beat the Devil : 13x21
287. Exodus : 13x22
288. Let the Good Times Roll : 13x23
289. Stranger in a Strange Land : 14x1
290. Gods and Monsters : 14x2
291. The Scar : 14x3
292. Nightmare Logic : 14x4
293. Optimism : 14x5
294. Unhuman Nature : 14x6
295. Byzantium : 14x7
296. The Spear : 14x8
297. Nihilism : 14x9
298. Damaged Goods : 14x10
299. Prophet and Loss : 14x11
300. Lebanon : 14x12
301. Mint Condition : 14x13
302. Ouroboros : 14x14
303. Peace of Mind : 14x15
304. Don't Go in the Woods : 14x16
305. Game Night : 14x17
306. Absence : 14x18
307. Jack in the Box : 14x19
308. Moriah : 14x20
309. Back and to the Future : 15x1
310. Raising Hell : 15x2
311. The Rupture : 15x3
312. Atomic Monsters : 15x4
313. Proverbs 17:3 : 15x5
314. Golden Time : 15x6
315. Last Call : 15x7
316. Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven : 15x8
317. The Trap : 15x9
318. The Heroes' Journey : 15x10
319. The Gamblers : 15x11
320. Galaxy Brain : 15x12
321. Destiny's Child : 15x13
322. Last Holiday : 15x14
323. Gimme Shelter : 15x15
324. Drag Me Away (From You) : 15x16
325. Unity : 15x17
326. Despair : 15x18
327. Inherit the Earth : 15x19
328. Carry On : 15x20
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fishedeyelenz · 1 year
I'm gonna be so upfront with you, DILF Billy is still a new concept for me personally but I'm already obsessed with it. BEGGING for some tasty random headcanons abt him, anything and everything I can get my grubby little baby hands on so I can open my head up and pop em right in my brain 🤲
ok let me see what comes to mind first
Has chronic back pain problems that developed from a lifetime of sleeping in places he shouldn't have slept in. It's mostly his lower back, but honestly his whole back needs a good massage
Works as a cinema projectionist (this au takes place 90s, 20 years later after the movie) it's a job that doesn't require that much interaction with other people, so his anti social ass isn't so overwhelmed
Almost everything he owns is bought from flee markets or thrift stores, his whole house is pretty mismatched and a bit cluttered
Everything is also covered in cat hair from his six cats
Bad and naughty kitties get put into the sock of shame for time out
Dresses eighter in a sloppy white T and sweatpants or like Guillermo What we do in the Shadows. On special occasions he dresses like a laid back college English professor but that's only for formal events
Bitch is blind as a bat
Can cook!!! Omg they though him how to cook in psych ward and he's decently good at it let's go!!!!!
Favorite things to make are french toast, pesto pasta, some sort of home cooked stew of his own making and Mac and cheese
Unsocial but loves playing board games lol things like monopoly, ludo, various card games etc.
Number one Garfield fan, cuts out every strip out of various newspapers and magazines he collects, and keeps the in a special drawer (different from his other special drawer wink wink, nudge nudge)
Also owns a Garfield plush he broke out of a claw machine
Has an extensive VHS collection of movies of various genres, from the most acclaimed movies to low budget art films to porn. Most of the tapes were stole though
Doesn't understand kids these days
God, there's more from where that came from, if anybody has anymore questions about him feel free to ask
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railwaycuckoo · 7 months
Carrion flowers
In hopes a digital journal will make me more consistent.
Remember when he said - medium makes up 90% the essence of a poem. Remember her writing with such a passion, always in cursive, and me, typing on a phone.
She's now a drug addicted mother. I'm a scavenger, a rat. I carry leprosy, anthrax, curse.
Things don't feel as serious, real, when typed, even though my poetry, let's face it, consisted of trauma live or past coverage, it didn't feel real, for a long time. Slipped unseen. It wasn't my story, reporting from life of somebody else.
I've always been separate from my emotions. I've been separating myself from them since I was a kid. Unlike most things, I'm good at it. I can detach the act from the actor and so a lot of times I'm losing track of what had really happened.
Memories, half lived and half created, strung between history and, of consistency needs, holes being filled with what could've happened, could've been said, seen, heard.
Not to look for excuses, as I think, I passed the point where you still try to believe that water is clear at the spring.
I asked my therapist (isn't it just pathetic, whatever you believe, that we're all giving out our dark, our weak, spilling our guts onto paid strangers, somehow specialized in making out sense of what can't and shouldn't be shared, isn't it desperate, fucking sad?) if it may be true that being a good person is a choice. It never seemed to just ooze out of me like it does for some people.
Always fascinated by what's malicious, ugly, putrid. My favorite cartoon characters were the antagonists, I loved spiders and bogs, the outcasts, the cuckoos, the mold.
I love the idea of closeness, sensitivity, innocence, of love, of connection, dedication, openness, I love the pictures, the movies, I crave what I imagine the feeling to be.
But the real experience of it, just like anything or anyone, I guess, never matched.
So I endorse ideas. Trapped is a stupid ass Plato dualist world where they seem to be more genuine than what happens between the skins.
It would be funny if I was 15 again.
Possibly, it would get me some nice girl to swirl around my daydreaming, buzzing screen, where they carry heads, like a satellite. Like a bee circling 'round flower. Mimesis crypsis.
I watched you change into a fly, I looked away you were on fire. And I watched a change in you, it's like you never had wings.
About three weeks and not by chance - I'm living half a life, I don't remember dreams - you've been coming or I have, damned will to part.
It happened before, it's microwaved. Dull, soggy, half-cocked.
I wrote a poem, years ago. No record.
I asked her to exit my sleep. I was slowly pulling her long, pink dyed hair out of my mouth. And I was asking to leave, repeating it like a mantra.
Something is singing, beeping, clanking in the ceiling, pipes. It happened before.
I wrote a poem, years ago.
Rain in the gutter, Geiger counter. (...)
Someone has spat on me from your window.
It's not a blessing.
Night watchman, arm in a sling,
foreswearing under oath.
Maybe I'll hear from you tonight, once more.
Seems like I'm casting your shadow, can't let ideas
In case you ever find this journal, I'm sorry.
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thestalkerbunny · 2 years
Have you watched Turning red? It is a really good movie.
I have and honestly.
It hurts how period accurate this movie is; cause I was a 90s kid (Albiet I was still in single digits during that time. but a large chunk of my childhood was in the 2000s. I remember Tomagachi, Tech Decks, the ove abundant blue eye shadow, the era of NSYNC...)
And I spotted numerous things that I actively recognized. Priya is my favorite, but Abby was the kind of person I was in middleschool. Very aggressive.
Just the art style in general was really wonderful and as a former 13 year old girl; I felt fucking seen as fuck. The cringey drawing sexy art under the bed scene hit a little too hard.
Every weirdo out there saying 'its a bad movie' or 'we shouldn't be talking about periods in a kids movie' or 'it's too niche of a group (The chinese community in toronto) for a movie to be about to be relatable.' or 'I can't emphasize with the protag'-Not every movie is made for you, sorry you can't relate to 13 year olds, tragic isn't it that every movie can't be about a 20-30 year old white man with issues.
but I honestly love it! It was a lot of fun! I enjoyed it. I never was a part of the boy band scene as a kid (I never really enjoyed them that much.) but they captured the RAW ENTHUSIASM 13 year olds have for things they love accurately.
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miguelsbrat · 4 years
The Theater | Miguel Galindo x Reader*
Warnings: Language, Cheating, Dom/Sub Tones, a Dash of Daddy Kink, and Some Steamy Forbidden Lovin' in a Public Place
Note: I haven't posted anything smutty on here since the Tumblr Apocalypse of 2018, so I tried to keep this light, but... it sort of got away from me.
Thank you for reading! 🥰
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"Can I help you?" The guy behind the glass, all shaggy hair and unshaven jaw, barely looks up from his book.
"One ticket to the one o'clock showing of The Way We Were, please."
"Twelve dollars."
You slide your card through the window and wait for the ticket to pop up from the slot.
"Enjoy the show," he says, his eyes never leaving his page.
As you replace your wallet in your bag, you remember the reason you're here. The image of your secret lover flashes behind your eyes, dark and dangerous and brooding. Your fingers wrap around the door and your heart skips a beat when you think of him waiting for you.
The salty smell of popcorn washes over you when you reach the lobby, the buttery scent teasing your nostrils. Though it's likely stale, you stop and order a bucket. You don't want to look too eager so you linger by the register, smiling at the cashier as they scoop, grateful for the distraction from the silence.
Snack in hand, your feet drag along the old, worn carpet, the billowy fabric of your sundress kicking up around your ankles as you climb the theater stairs.
He was right--aside from the braided mercenary who nods at you as he passes by, there's no one else around.
A ghost of a smile crosses his lips as you reach the top and find him in the center of the back row.
"You bought popcorn?" Miguel shakes his head, sliding over and raising his arm to make room. He knows you like to nuzzle in as close as possible, even when there's no one else around.
Especially when there's no one else around.
Because Miguel may be your man, but he's also Emily Galindo's husband.
"It smelled good and I couldn't resist. You know, I never saw this movie," you say, fighting the shiver that was working up your spine by talking too much. "Is it any good?"
"It doesn't matter, querida." His voice dips low, taking on that raspy tone that makes your stomach twist and pull with need. "You won't be watching it today, either."
"I won't? But isn't that why we're here?"
Your playful smirk is rewarded with the patented Galindo glare, the look that promises he's not teasing and makes your panties ridiculously wet.
"If you wanted to watch the movie, you shouldn't have shown up looking like this." His finger trails along the soft swell of cleavage peeking over the neckline of your ivory sundress.
"Looking like what, exactly?" The urge to smile is strong, but you manage to suppress it.
"Looking like some kind of goddess created just for me." His lips find your ear, teeth grazing the soft lobe, and you have to bite back a sigh. "Get over here, princesa."
As you meet his amber gaze, tendrils of longing unfurl in your chest. It's been too long since you've been alone with him, thanks to Emily's sudden suspicions, and you're desperate to make up for lost time.
He laces his fingers through yours, waiting patiently for you to climb over him and settle yourself onto his lap. Though he's calm and unruffled as always, a little thrill shoots through you when remember that you're technically in public.
Your hips roll against him just once and he sighs, squeezing your hands before releasing them to wrap around your waist. He's hard already, and probably has been since he first laid eyes on you.
As you wait for his next command, your first instinct is to lower your gaze, your eyes skimming over his exquisite bespoke charcoal suit. It's a little much for the movies, but that's Miguel.
When his palm slides up your neck, fingers resting at your throat, he tips your face up towards his. And when his lips finally touch yours, it's like lighting a match.
Flames ignite between you and your tongues tangle, teeth clashing messily as the passion begins to consume you. His beard abrades your delicate skin, but you can't get enough. It's always like this when you're together--chaotic and uninhibited, until he gathers enough strength to take control.
"Mmm. I missed the taste of you," he admits as you grind against him.
"I missed the taste of you, too, Daddy," you whisper, loving the warmth of his body. You're embarrassingly wet, soaked through your panties and probably his pants, too. "I feel like I'm in high school again, making out in the back of a movie theater."
"I'll bet you drove the boys crazy in high school, didn't you?" His smile is lopsided, uncharacteristically soft. "Did you tease them like you're teasing me? Rubbing your sweet little pussy against them and ruining their pants?"
"Maybe," you breathe, unsure what he wants you to say. Miguel may be married, but he's extremely possessive of you.
"Show me how you teased them, princesa. Roll those hips for me."
His teeth graze your collarbone as he palms your chest, and you slowly rock against him. His hard cock is notched between your thighs, and you can feel every ridge through the light fabric separating you.
"Fuck, baby," he grunts, shifting so you lean further back for him.
Your fingers find his buckle, opening it with practiced ease, and you slowly roll down his zipper. When you try to wrap your fingers around him, he swells against your palm.
"I want to ride you, Daddy. Please?"
His eyes darken a full shade as he considers your request. It's a lot for him to relinquish control, but he wants it this time, too. Plus your options are fairly limited in the small, cramped theater.
"Turn around," he husks, pulling himself out the rest of the way as you turn to face the screen. "And take off those filthy panties."
Your fingers hook into the lace, sliding them down your legs and over your ankles. You're about to tuck them into your purse, but he stops you.
"Ooh, you bad little girl. These are fucking soaked." One hand squeezes your breast and the other twirls your underwear around his fingers. You're not even surprised when he stuffs them in your mouth. "Can you taste yourself on the silk?"
You whimper softly in response.
Impatient hands ruck the hem of your sundress up around your waist, and you grip him tight in your fist. He's hot and silky, smooth against your palm, and you can't wait to feel him inside you.
You're not sure what's happening on the screen, but it's quiet--too quiet to be careless. Your vision blurs as you guide him to your entrance.
Slowly, you sink down on him, the panties between your teeth muffling your moans. Miguel bites down on your shoulder to stifle his own sounds of pleasure as you lean back against his chest.
The air conditioning is on full-blast but it always feels like it's 90 degrees whenever Miguel is nearby, and with him inside you like this, it feels like an inferno.
You do your best to ride him slow, trying not to make it obvious if someone were to walk back and find you, but desperation overtakes your senses.
Miguel's gripping your thighs, thrusting upwards to hit you where you need to feel him, and the first ripples of an orgasm begin to spread through you.
You're thankful for the panties smothering your cries when he leans back to change the angle and you suddenly see stars.
"That's my girl," he whispers, urging you on. "I feel you getting close. Go ahead and let go for me, querida. I want it all."
His hand slips beneath your dress to find your clit, rubbing slowly as he plunges even deeper than before. Your senses all blend together as you fall apart for the man you love, bathing his cock in your hot release.
Miguel groans behind you, letting loose a stream of filthy Spanish words as his hips still. He fills you up with everything he has just as you hear the metallic slam of a heavy theater door.
You spit out the panties and he helps you slide from his lap, draping your dress to cover your nudity as he tucks himself back in his pants.
Your walls are still clenching as your dress hits your ankles, Miguel's release sliding down your inner thigh.
When no one appears at the front of the theater after a tense moment, you relax and lean into him.
"Are you okay?" You can feel his heartbeat racing alongside yours, but you nod.
You're more than okay, blissed out from his deep strokes and incredible body.
He cups your jaw, his face serious.
"This is the last time it goes down like this, okay? I need more of you than stolen moments in the shadows. I want to make love to you in a bed, to scream your name when I come inside you. Tonight, I'm telling Emily that our marriage is over."
His thumb brushes over your bottom lip, and you force a smile. You've never let yourself hope for more than this, so you have a hard time believing his promises.
If all you ever get with Miguel is the occasional secret rendezvous, you're okay with that. You'll take whatever he can give you.
Still, there's something different about the way he looks at you now as you settle in against his chest.
Something that tells you that maybe you'll get more of Miguel after all.
You smile to yourself and reach for your popcorn, content with whatever may come your way.
The End.
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iftekharsanom · 7 years
Shouldn't We Remember Our Rock God The Complicated Legacy of Chuck Berry::::::::
Chuck Berry's death on the weekend at the age of 90 years has a stroke to widely recognized out as one of the most important founding figures of rock and roll man. Its place in the canon of music is undoubtedly deserving, and is likely to be sustainable. Berry's musical heritage with another aspect of her life is linked, which is very familiar in the music industry - a history of mistreatment of women. Convicted Berry spent time in jail in the early 60's after the move of a 14-year-old girl across state lines for prostitution purposes.
While there are some doubts about whether it is a case of an overly broad law that applies in racist less ambiguous 1.2 agreement, $ 59 is paid millions of estimated women in the early 1990s after installing a hidden bathroom Ladies restaurant In Missouri accused camera. Berry obituaries are published in recent days very different: some omit or minimize this material, while others openly contain accounts of these events. The New York Times gave a full account of its darker side and its services:         In 1987 he was arrested by the police on assault charges at the Gramercy Park Hotel         in New York, where a woman said he had beaten her up. Eventually Mr. Berry  pleaded        guilty to harassment, and was fined $250. It is encouraging such a discussion in an industry to see musicians, where iconic, especially after death, have ignored or dismissed it. Of the myths in the shadows that grow around them their abuse of women. Examples of this are plentiful. Degradation of groupies by touring bands is often presented as "material of legends" in the history of rock music. A particularly scary example includes members of Led Zeppelin, a teenager and a shark; Although music journalist Lisa Robinson clarified the taxonomy:          ‘It wasn’t a shark,’ Richard Cole told me years later. ‘It was a red snapper’. Sleeping with underage girls (also known as rape) is among musicians not uncommon and active place in the seventies. Abuse of girls was not limited to this period, however, as suggested by many settlements that R Kelly Women made him the predatory, accused behavior. Artists like John Lennon, Ozzy Osbourne and Tommy Lee added or convicted of domestic violence. Lennon was in an interview with Playboy in 1980, talks about his story to beat women quoted:           That is why I am always on about peace, you see. It is the most violent people who             go for love and peace. While some musicians such as Chris Brown and Ike Turner, committed to violence against women, there is a clear racial element to it. Similar actions are minimized in the collective memory, when white skirt engages deuses. We have also tried in the most terrible cases, our culture, to protect the reputation of people who are seen as a creative genius. The 2016 Mini-Series Som Partir, gave broad coverage to Phil Spector's career, his innovation and ability, praised the study, complete (not only women), and who actually killed her to ignore during her long history of violence actress Lana Clarkson In 2003. (This type of treatment is not just in music, Roman Polanski is a similar case in the world of cinema). The personal connection Concentrate Our failure in these stories about the music discussions has two sources. One of them is to make the general social tendency violence against women as unimportant. The other is precisely that we often connect with music because it with something, and therefore to identify with the people who create it. Recognizing their offenses can undermine our joy of music. Should we listen to the work of people who have done bad things? (Or, in other cases, to read your books or watch your movies?) We recommend that you turn off the artist and the art is possible and that a public concerned about the crimes of Chuck Berry can still enjoy your music and recognize its influence. No separate art and artist takes the bad behavior to apologize, or reject the art, which may contain a lot of value - and may also include the entry of many people, does not deserve to be all of them, yet censured.At the same time , It is a moral imperative to take the darkest of Berry and page historical reports, obituaries, and also the discussion about his music. Delete the sent message which is the abuse of girls and women is not important and can be overcome this and perhaps even by the musical claims.A genius as the founding figures of rock and roll form is justified, it must be defined at the moment In the foreground of their wickedness and their accomplishments. We need the normalization of abuse in the music industry to question, and to make this ugly side of music we love more visible. Thus, the music industry may be more inclusive to do in the future.
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