#the nine lives of Caroline Forbes
rumblcs · 11 days
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☆゚.*・ ◞ is that caroline forbes on bourbon street ? the eighteen / forty-nine year old vampire who stay in the the french quarter ? i heard they are married to klaus mikaaelson. they are notoriously known for being loyal & protective but also stubborn & dogmatic. which is probably why they are considered the damsel out of distress around town.  i wonder if they had their tarot cards reading, yet? either way, the cards on the table will reveal their fate soon enough
stats !
full name: caroline forbes. nicknames: care. gender: cis woman. pronouns:  she/her. sexuality: bisexual. spouse: klaus mikaelson children: josie & lizzie saltzman ( surrogate ), hope mikaelson ( step-child ), william, nikolas, & faith mikaelson ( biological ) traits: compassionate, overwrought, protective, reliable, devoted, & reticent. species: vampire. neighborhood: the french quarter occupation: administer at the mikaelson boarding school for the young and gifted. label: the damsel out of distress
lil bio ! ( death, guilt, and grieving tws below )
becoming a mother to josie and lizzie fundamentally changed caroline's life. after turning into a vampire she had been battling with the fact that motherhood was not in her future. not only was that not the case, her family would soon to grow bigger than she'd imagined when it had been just she and the girls. reconnecting with klaus and adding to her family was everything. as william, nikolas, and faith were born, caroline tried to balance the work she valued very much at the school, being a devoted wife and mother, and looking for some sort of loophole for the merge.
losing lizzie left caroline in shatters. guilt of not being able to save both her children from something so horrible weighed deeply within her. still she had to stay strong for the rest of her family. maybe she got a little overbearing after. checking in on her children a little more than normal, worry wormed into her heart and fear of losing another child ached. she couldn't help it.
as time passed caroline tried to heal, to rid herself of the pain in hopes to try and honor the living. her family helped, working helped, as long as she didn't lock herself away she could carry on, and she did. with her children grown and flying the nest caroline is tries not to overwhelm herself with work and her worries. making time for things that make her happy. she's going to live forever, life will throw things her way eventually and like always she'll fight like hell.
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ambroselaveau90 · 6 months
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Free-spirited Desmond loved history and the myths of old but after losing his grams,dark forces manifest within him which lead him to learn that he comes from a line of sorceresses and inherited the mystical gifts of his many ancestors.
Though as he uncovers the secrets of his past,blood-curdling horrors converge on the city threatening to consume it forcing him to go on a journey that he never anticipated in hopes of killing the sinster forces,that have haunted his lines for generations but he must come to terms with who he is or become the wicked witch that history painted her as.
(Here are the main ocs for my main book series Millennium Of Hellfire,that takes place in a one universe,where the Vampire Diaries and other series like American Horror Story and Teen Wolf can crossover in one sacred timeline.These OCs are main characters because they are the next generation of characters that were killed in the original two series(The Vampire Diaries and The Originals)and want to make their loved one's killers suffer.
Caleb Mclaughlin as Desmond Jameson(The Wicked Witch Of The East)
•Son Of Annalise Lestrange and Elias Brannick
•Son Of Baron Samedi and Lilith Ediom
•Tie to the Vampire Diaries=Aja Holmes,she was the leader of the twelve witches that Caroline Forbes killed to save Bonnie Bennett from killing her.She was his mother's younger half-sister.
•Tie to the Originals=Katherine(Katie) and Daruis Malchance,they were siblings in the French Quater Coven that owned the Jardin Gris Voodoo Shop.Katie was murdered by Klaus Mikaelson to futher his plans of dismantling his adopted son's kingdom.Daruis was murdered by Hayley Marshall after he refused her request to locate her daughter,Hope Mikaelson after her father,Klaus Mikaelson sent her away with his sister,Rebekah Mikaelson.They were his father's younger half-siblings.
•Main Mikaelson=Freya Mikaelson.Due to a prophecy spoken by Isabel Logroño,she prophesied that her line would grow stronger and stronger,culminating in the arrival of a single Bruja that would be powerful enough to vanquish many evils,which include her and her family for her sister's death and betrayal in 1701 during the Spainsh Inquisition.Two hundred and ninety-nine years later,her prophecy came to pass,when her descendant Desmond Jameson was born in the New Millennium.But before he was born,Freya had learned of his existence from the Seer,Ivy after she had met Annalise after they consecrated Daruis to the Ancestral Well.
After his birth,Annalise and Elias had taken their son away and for five years,they moved around to evade Freya and her Coven along with the vampires and hybrids,sent by her brothers.But after settling in Upstate New York,they were finally found by Freya's Coven after their cloaking spells were broken and that same night,all of them were killed in a fire,but unbeknownst to the Mikaelson Family,the child survived with the help of his aunts,Marielle and Estelle.To this day,Freya believed she had put to the Logroño Prophecy to rest,but Desmond is out there,ready to burn her at the pyre for her crimes against witchkind and against his family.
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Xolo Maridueña as Marcos Salazar(The Big Bad Wolf)
•Werewolf(Lycan/Blooded One)
•Son Of Isabella Salazar and Carlos Correa
•Tie to the Originals=Carlos Correa(He was the third oldest sons of Benito Correa the First.Like his siblings,he had been living his life as a untriggered Blooded One for decades until they had the chance to take back the New Orleans but in 1997,Carlos met a werewolf of different kind,a Lycan named Isabella Salazar.After their lustful meeting,they soon fell in love and got married in the span of five months.But a year later in 1998,their son Marcos Correa was born.
To make sure that the baby was kept away from their enemies,he was deemed dead at his birth and was made to live at the Guerrera Mansion while his parents mourned him publicly.But in 2000,Marcos had begun to show signs of his Lycan heritage but Isabella didn't want her son to deal with this until he was of age.Before they could find a witch to bind him,a witch and her son had approached the Guerreras.They had told the witch to leave but she told them,that she knows about Marcos and his condition,so they let them in their home.
Carlos watched as Francesca and the witch named Annalise talk about her services,while Isabella watched her son and Marcos interact but Annalise had turned to Carlos and asked them in return that,Marcos would marry her son Desmond,a witch from the Dalliencourt bloodline of witches,when they came of age to create a unified pack/coven.His brothers were mortified at her request but Carlos could see the boy's connection,he knew from his wife,that Lycan have mates unlike his kind and that Marcos had growled at his uncles when they attempted to touch Desmond and he even grew claws to protect him from them.Francesca had told their brothers to stand down and she asked Carlos what he wanted to do with Annalise's request,and he agreed as Isabella smiled at him.With that,the first spells that Annalise performed for them,was binding Marcos's Lycan side and boundaries within their home.But before they left,Annalise had warned Isabella and Carlos that Francesca might be the reason their family will end.They had taken her words in and but Francesca was able to get enchanted moonlight rings and gave them to her brothers.
They each killed their bodyguards and due to this,they activated their werewolf gene and then used their newly-gained werewolf abilities to attack the vampires,including Elijah Mikaelson resulting in the majority of the vampire community of New Orleans dying from werewolf bites,Francesca also handed the still-pregnant Hayley over to the witches in exchange for the moonlight stones, as the witches were intent to sacrifice Hayley and her part-witch daughter on their Ancestors's orders.
After gaining the moonlight stones,Francesca and her brothers,along with their Crescent wolf ally,Oliver,leveraged their new physical power into more political power over the city and gained control over the supernatural factions of the French Quarter.
During the four month time jump,the Guerrera werewolves had been controlling the city.Under their rule,any vampire who entered the French Quarter was to be killed on sight, and the pack had made an alliance with the witches,led by Cassie Harrison(who was possessed by Ástríðr Mikaelson),who had agreed to make the wolves more moonlight rings.Taking advantage of the fact that their own moonlight rings weakened Klaus during every full moon,Francesca and her family/pack decided to seek out the white oak stake and kill the Originals once and for all, not knowing that Klaus and Elijah, with help from Hayley, Marcel, Joe and Josh, had their own plans to strike back once the full moon hit its apex.Francesca sent her lackeys to the Mikaelson compound to subdue Klaus,where Hayley and Elijah killed every werewolf(except for Oliver)who invaded their home.Meanwhile Klaus went to the Guerrera mansion,where he proceeded to kill all of the Guerrera's wolves and Francesca's brothers,which include Carlos.
But as Klaus killed everyone else in the home,he checked the last open room to see nothing but a room for a little boy and with pictures of Carlos and Isabella with pictures of Marcos as a baby before he died.He left as he was reminded of Hope and giving her up to keep her safe.But unknown to him,Isabella and Santiago,Marcos's personal bodyguard stood in the room with her son in her arms.As Santiago pulled a gun at Klaus,Isabella stopped him before he vamped away.Meanwhile Francesca,fearing for her life, fled before Klaus could kill her,only to be attacked and killed by Hayley on the road as she was fleeing town.
A few days later,Santiago and Isabella was able to find Francesca and buried them in their St.Ailbhe Cemetery but before they left,she found a femur bone in Benito's grave with a old note that spoke of the Guerrera's guarding the bone since their family were known as the Navarro Family before the survivors changed their names to the Guerreras to escape Klaus Mikaelson's fury in the 1700s and that bone was one of the keys to a great evil buried in New Orleans called the Hollow.
After the funeral and taking her son to New York City,Isabella married Santiago after falling in love with him and Marcos took his mom's name as he grew up amongst his mother's pack.
Main Mikaelson=Niklaus Mikaelson(Read Above)
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Sebastian Croft as Selwyn Wicker(The Prince Of Darkness)
•Original Vampire(Enhanced/Upgraded)
•Son Of Elodie Flemming and Christopher Wicker
•Twin Brother to Drusilla Wicker
•Tie to The Vampire Diaries=Elena Gilbert and the Petrova Bloodline(Isobel Flemming was born as the older sister to her younger Elodie in 1967.Unlike her sister,Isobel,Elodie was the party popular girl,while her sister was perfect A student and their parent's golden child while Elodie was ignored by them.
While she was fourteen,she met her sister's boyfriend John Gilbert and told them both about vampires,which sparked their curiosity and dedicated their life's work to supernatural research.
Elodie helped Isobel hide her pregnancy from their parents and helped her deal with giving up her daughter,her niece,so she could have a better life in 1981.While Isobel attended Duke University,she got accepted to Whitmore,where she studied folklore and parapsychology.During this time,she also met Christopher Wicker and eventually married him,in 1992,their son William was born.After earing her degree in 1993 and becoming a full-time teacher,she mentored underneath Shelia Bennett,who told her of witches as well.But everything changed in 1996 when she got call from their mother that her sister was dead.Despite not having a body to bury,they bought a headstone and a grave for her.Elodie mourned her sister and never forgot her,even though a relative named Katherine sent her money over the years as a favor to Isobel's memory,even though it stopped in 1998 after Katherine left a final payment.Later in 2001,she give birth to Selwyn and Drusilla in London,England.
Years later,in 2021,the family had decided to take a trip down to New Orleans but during the trip,their parents had quickly canceled it due to meeting someone from their past.As they drove out of New Orleans,their car was suddenly thrown off the road,as Selwyn helped his sister and brother out of the car,he was mortified to see his mother being drained of blood by a man in a suit with their father at his feet.William told them to run but Selwyn tried to stay but his sister grabbed him to run.The last time he heard his brother were his blood-curdling screams as they dragged themselves into the woods.
But as they dragged their injured bodies into the woods,they were soon found by a redheaded woman named Eve Bloom.She asked them if they wanted to be strong enough to avenge their family and they both consented to her question.Without a spilt second,Eve sired them as they died to their injuries.
After completing the transition,Eve helped get their family cremated and decided to mentor them after Aya Al-Rashid offered to recruit them into the Strix,since they wanted to kill the one murdered their family,Elijah Mikaelson.
Main Mikaelson=Elijah Mikaelson(Read Above)
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Tags:@deafchild2000 @cancerian-woman @l0nelykai for more that are interested.
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alwayslcyal · 2 years
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      ❛   oh  look–– the  heart  of  sunnyvale has  arrived !! ❜
character sheet for  @cmpnghtwing​​​’s  gv
✨ ′   NAME ; joshua benjamin rosza ✨ ′   FACECLAIM ;  michael cimino ✨ ′   AGE ; nineteen ✨ ′   PRONOUNS ; he/him ✨ ′   POSITION ; counselor ✨ ′   SHADYSIDE OR SUNNYVALE ; sunnyvale ✨ ′   HAIR COLOR ; dark brown ✨ ′   EYE COLOR ; dark brown ✨ ′   HEIGHT ; five feet - nine inches // 5′9″ ✨ ′   SEXUALITY ; closeted homosexual ( straight passing ) ✨ ′   RELATIONSHIP STATUS ; single ✨ ′   FEARS ; people finding out his sexuality when he was not ready to come out.  only his best friend, caroline forbes, knows about his sexuality, but he’s scared someone else may know the truth about him. ✨ ′   FAVORITE CAMP ACTIVITY ; anything to do with color wars, because it’s always been his favorite activity growing up.  but also the talent show, hence why josh is in charge of it now as a counselor. ✨ ′   BRIEF BIO ;  the  rosza  family  were  a  family  of  immigrants.   in  the  early  1800s, the  italian  family  settled  in  the  us,  where  they  found  themselves  in  a  small  town  of  sunnyvale.   this  is  where  they  placed  their  roots.   the  rosza  family  were  well  known  over  the  years,  making  their  name  a  well  known  one.   even  now  with  josh  being  the  oldest  in  his  family,  that  meant  that  he  had  to  be  the  perfect  son.   but  the  thing  was,  he  was  far  from  perfect.   he  was  hiding  a  secret,  and  it  terrified  him  if  anyone  had  found  out  the  truth.    but  he  lived  his  life,  the  best  he  could,  and  summer  was  around  the  corner,  and  josh  was  ready  to  go  back  to  camp  nightwing,  since  this  was  his  home  every  summer  since  he  was  ten,  so  of  course  he’d  be  back  as  a  counselor.   he  was  in  charge  of  talent  show,  and  he  was  hoping  that  he  could  do  it  justice. ✨ ′   PERSONALITY ;  josh  was  kind  hearted  to  his  closest  friends,  and  very  sarcastic  to  practically  everyone  else.   but  to  describe  him  best,  he’s  a  loyal  person.   he’s  an  entertainer,  festive,  and  knows  how  to  have  fun.   but  he’s  also  protective,  can  be  stubborn,  and  perhaps  a  little  impatient  when  it  came  to  things.   overall,  he’s  just  ready  for  new  adventures.
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ofnightwind · 2 years
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( chloe bennet ; cisfemale ; she/her ; lotus by christina aguilera ) hey, look! isn’t that MADISON LIU? the 28/125 year old VAMPIRE is known to be HEADSTRONG and REPENTANT. they’ve been in town for FOUR MONTHS and always remind me of a life lost and so desperately missed, crossbow bolts hidden in the back of car trunk & the scent of cherry blossom fragrance. let’s hope they survive what’s to come.
INTRO BEGIN. (TW: heavy suicide ideation / suicide attempt, murder)
FULL NAME AT BIRTH:  madison emily liu. NICKNAMES:    mads, maddie. DATE OF BIRTH:   december 21st. PERSONALITY TRAITS:
+   opinionated, kind, loyal, dependable, resilient, compassionate -    melancholic, stubborn, sometimes self destructive, sometimes withdrawn
SPECIES:    vampire; previously was a witch in a family of now extinct famous hunters. RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  single.     SEXUAL ORIENTATION:   pansexual. SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTICS:   n/a. SCARS:  none. LAGUAGES SPOKEN:    english, spanish, chinese, japanese, russian, korean, basically a lot she loves to learn different languages and loves culture  OCCUPATION:    TBA. CHARACTER INSPOS / PARALLELS:    caroline forbes (tvd), rosalie hale (twilight), allison argent (tw), faith lehane (btvs)
madison was born to a forbidden relationship between a hunter father and a witch mother. from the moment of her birth, madison was incredibly loved by both her parents although the bright little girl couldn’t say she felt that same love from either of her grandparents or through her parents sides of their families with the exception of her hunting uncles; being seen as the abomination of the families, disliked immensely but madison, as little as she was to even understand the hatred towards her always responded to them with a kind temperament. 
from the age of six on up, madison was trained in both magics and began her hunting training with her father firmly believing she should know how to defend herself and from a young age, she was exceptionally gifted at most weapons but found her talent and gift in the hunting crossbow. from thirteen madison would become a pro at the hunting life and excel with the magic her mother would teach her and madison would fall in love with magic as she did with her skill of a bow, learning everything she could pertaining to magic and using it to help others rather
madison would continue to live her life with as much of a kind touch as possible, aspiring to one day become married to the love of her life and she was happy to wait for that love despite society telling her otherwise that she had to be married but madison dejected that notion, holding onto the firm belief that love would be worth waiting for for that right one to come along and she had a few prospects from a fellow hunter she would briefly see but it was not meant to be as their views were too different, he viewed every supernatural as an evil entity whereas madison did not. she preferred only to hunt whenever it was necessary as madison couldn’t stomach taking another’s life if she could help it though she had the perfect skill and capability to do it. maddie didn’t mind holding a friendship with those she was morally obligated to kill such as the original vampire jaesun kang, whom she grew to become intrigued by and came to respect him the most out of any of the original vampires, finding a comfortable friendship within him, intrigued by the life he had led for the past near nine hundred years.
at twenty six, madison would enter a knee deep friendship (relationship ?) with a vampire, one lost and was simply trying to find his way through immortal life and madison was there every step of the way to ensure he could live within her town safely, even going as far to allow him to feed from her as a last resort when he needed it. though through the years, their friendship could become shaky at times as madison would sometimes find herself cleaning up a mess of his when he went too far on a binge, making excuses when any suspicions would fall onto him but madison was no quitter, once you had her trust and friendship, she would be a loyal friend to the end.
everything began to fall apart for madison when she was twenty eight, the town fell under attack from vampires, her mother and little brother being of the casualties in the massacre, their bodies along with others displayed as a sporty display. the hunters of the town joined together aside from madison who did what she could to protect her friends who would inevitably be targeted though it wasn’t without consequence. her friendship with the vampires was discovered and madison was seen and treated as a traitor amongst hunters; she wasn’t a true hunter they said when they also discovered her origins of birth that she was also a witch. the group played judge, jury and executioner to madison, even more hurtful that her own family members would allow what would come next: they would overpower her to first murder her where it wouldn’t kill her instantly, it was to be slow and steady with a finale of throwing her into an empty grave to leave her to bleed to death or be buried alive, whichever would come first but what they hadn’t realized was madison had accumulated vampire’s blood within her system only the night before from allowing her friend to feed on her but it went too far and he nearly killed her only to fix his mistake by feeding her blood. madison would die and she would end up digging through her own grave as a creature she didn’t ask to become.
madison would return to life though only as a vampire and she would not adjust to it well. it was a life she never wanted to live and had initially refused to complete the transition, allowing herself to die as she was meant to until hunger overtook her and she killed one of the townspeople, an old friend she’d recognize from youth. with her sire having fled town once he’d realize what he’d unknowingly done to madison, she was essentially abandoned and left to deal with transitioning on her own and the overwhelming guilt of taking lives would drive madison to beg jaesun, the original she would turn to when she had no one else, to end her life, to stake her. with his refusal, she would then attempt to burn herself alive to sunlight until jaesun convinced her otherwise, convincing her that vamprism wasn’t the end but the journey didn’t end there. madison for a period had lost that kindness she once possessed, replaced by a nasty bitterness and grief for her life being forcefully taken, for being abandoned, for being hated from the moment she was born, for being hated for her kindness and it was her kind heart that only brought her death and suffering. jaesun would show her the right path of being a vampire, retouching that kind soul she let go and over time, she began to start to accept her death and would begin the process of healing from the trauma of being betrayed and murdered, allowing herself to finally look at vampirism differently; choosing to then live her immortal life doing for others as she had as a human rather than be bitter although she can’t help but sometimes grieve for that life lost and still wishes to have died blissfully as a human.
madison is the last (un)living member of the liu hunting family. they were a famous hunting family through the years of 1775-1929. after her death, she was disowned as a member of the family and maddie watched her whole family one by one over the years fall to death by the supernatural until the last member in their family line died in 1929.
if given the choice, obviously madison would have chose to grown old as a witch. she would not have chosen vampirism in any light and if you ask her her opinion on if you should turn, she’d recommend anything else but is supportive if that’s the route they want to take.
madison does her best to be a reflective vampire to what jaesun has tried to teach her and surprisingly since she got past the initial hurdle of vampirism, she is a very controlled vampire. she can handle and manage her urges easier than most.
she still holds hunter skills and capabilities and can kill her own kind fairly easily although older vampires are a bit harder obviously but she hasn’t actually staked one of her own in years. the last time she staked one was around 1973.
kang jaesun: jaesun was really madison’s saving grace, mostly from herself; he helped her through her transition when she wanted to end her vampiric life before it could begin. he helped her begin to accept her death and it was him alone who restored the kindness maddie once lost due to bitterness and grief of her own life being taken from her. he is her best friend and is fiercely loyal to him, being eternally within his debt and will do anything for him he asks of her.
* intro subjected to be edited and added with more info.
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gldenhrs · 1 year
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                              (—) ★ spotted !!  OLIVIA JAMES on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid ! many say that the 34 year old looks like CANDICE KING , but i don’t really see it. while the  ACTRESS  is known for being  CARING  my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be  BOSSY  i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song LOVER BY TAYLOR SWIFT  .
*   ◞  ╰   general   .
full name : olivia marie james ( nee richardson ) . nicknames :   liv , livvie birthdate / zodiac sign : somewhere in march during aries season . birthplace : houston , tx . sexual orientation : heterosexual . family :   emily richardson ( mother )  &  zach richardson  ( father ) siblings :  none relationship status :  married   children :  emma james ( daughter , 5 years old )  +  another daughter on the way pets :  golden retriever named sammy occupation :  actress . love language :  physical touch , deeds , words . + traits  :  loyal , caring , organized , valiant   &   courageous . - traits  :  bossy , stubborn , workaholic   &  controlling . aesthetic :  matte lipstick , family beach days , blowdried bouncy hair , lipstick stained coffee mugs , matte nail polish , freshly cleaned sheets , gentle touch , game nights , day drinking , sneakers instead of heels , long talks on the phone , mom vibes , oscars stocked shelves . muse inspo :   monica geller ( friends ) , haley james scott ( one tree hill ) , caroline forbes ( vampire diares ) , lorelai gilmore ( gilmore girls ) , prue halliwell ( charmed ) , amy santiago ( brooklyn nine-nine ) , leslie knope ( parks & recreation ) , claire dunphy ( modern family ) , dorothy zbornak ( golden girls )
*   ◞  ╰   quick history   .
ok so , liv grew up in houston with a loving , caring af family which set her values high from the start . the fam was never rich but they also never truly lacked anything ??  
it was clear from a rather early age that liv possessed insane talent when it came for acting , so after a couple of lessons , school plays  &  whatnot , her parents decided to relocate to california so she could pursue acting full time  (  which was a big thing considering she was just 5 , but they believed in her ! )
so obvi , since she was a cute lil blonde girl with immense talent , it didn’t take long for her to book her first big shot movie , &  soon enough liv was a household name !!
growing up , she was careful what she picked  &  even more careful of the company she kept  (  aka fame never got in her head that much )  so with that more blockbuster movies followed , so did appearances on tv , commercials , etc ... u name it ! she was basically hollywood’s sweetheart  (  think hilary duff grows up to be kate winslet or kate blanchett )  &  i have the list of movies she’s made  HERE  to make it easier for u :)) 
fast forward a couple of more years  &  now she’s a big a-list actress , is happily married  (  which is a shock itself for hollywood standards )  to the love of her life for about 7 years now (  think of blake lively and ryan reynolds on this one !! ) ,  has a beautiful daughter named emma who just turned 5 , owns a golden retriever called sammy ( american cliche what can i say )  &&  is about seven months pregnant with ANOTHER  baby girl !!
*   ◞  ╰   personality & cute facts .
not gonna lie she’s totally based off monica geller from friends  &  i regret nothing .
also a huge coffee addict (  surprise , surprise  ) 
wears glasses for reading  &  cleans when frustrated !! 
the mom friend of every group so .... will protect anyone who needs it .
doesn’t tolerate nonsense &  is quick to give u a smartypants comment to a stupid question or overall give u lectures on the bad decisions u make .
does not too well when she’s on the receiving end of criticism  &  hates admitting she’s in the wrong .
famous lines include  “ you did not just say that “  &  “ i told you so “
can do her makeup even drunk ;))
still cries like a baby when mufasa dies  &  susan forgets about narnia .
likes having a glass of wine every night before bed to calm her nerves lolol .
goes lowkey crazy during superbowl season bc .... she’s a big football fan .
a total momma bear  &  will hurt u if u hurt her family .
lowkey hates going to all the award shows bc the press always makes a big deal out of it meanwhile all she wants to do is stay home . 
her husband & her love cracking jokes / tease each other thru social media so they often post ridiculous pics / twitter posts  &  the fans eat it up !! 
*   ◞  ╰   connections  .
childhood best friend aka the rachel to her monica !! <3
a group of  FRIENDS  ( see what i did there fdjnrjtdg  ) give me ross , phoebe , joey & chandler pls !!
friends that often barbecue together on the weekends ?? 
hollywood couple friends !!!
maybe her first love ??  like a guy she dated when she was 14 , and it was totally cute  &  innocent
also exes she dated before meeting her husband  (  think taylor swift before she met joe alwyn ) <3
also co-actors on her films would be grand too !!
ok so since i know our group is full of QUESTIONABLE people , maybe someone she watches over , protects , lectures , etc ??  just let her be a mom friend pls !  
frenemies , coworkers , protective friendship , sibling like friendship , unfaithful friends  , unlikely friends , friends who used to be enemies , ex best friends , friends who balance each other out , competition , rivarly , friends by association , family friends , her husband’s friends :))
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forevercaroline · 4 years
The nine lives of Caroline Forbes chapter 1
For @austennerdita2533, @caritobear, @misssophiachase, @babeyouareenough, @joceysstuff
“Come on Rebekah hurry up.”
“You try running in heels.”
Klaus and his younger sister Rebekah and younger brother Kol are running into the tall and open coit tower but these three are not here to see the panoramic views of the city and bay. They followed the man dressed in black and has scars on his face who is sent to kill their kind but at the moment he is after Caroline Forbes who doesn’t know who she is or how to protect herself.
“No please.” The man with scars has cornered Caroline to the edge of the tower she looks down at the ground the people look like ants they are so high up.
The trio hear her cries and Rebekah reaches down and takes her heels off and catches up to her brothers. They are to late they get to the top of the tower as Caroline is pushed off. The man with the scars watches as Caroline’s body hits the pavement.
Klaus reaches out and takes his siblings hands and they turn around quickly and quietly.
The bald guy with scars turns around and watches as the two blondes and brunette siblings are running down the stairs he gets an evil grin on his lips and he chases them down the stairs.
As they get down to the ground. Klaus being older pulls his siblings behind him Rebekah is putting her heels back on behind him and Kol is in front of his sister. Klaus address the man that just killed Caroline. “You would really kill us here out in the open. Knowing who and what we are?”
As the older man with scars saunters towards them drawing a knife pointing it at them. “One way or another you will die if not from my hands it will be from someone’s. The order has declared it.”
That morning:
Blonde perky Caroline Forbes wakes up excited for the day to begin today is her sixteenth birthday. All she wants is a convertible bug doesn’t matter what color anything except green or orange.
Her bedroom is as bright and perky as she is and everyone has a dark side too all of that is reflected in her room. With tea dye walls the back wall behind her bed is a black piece of wood with white mandalas over it. As she is getting out of bed with a baby blue padded headboard with her pink striped comfortable and pink and black pillows. She puts on some music and dances as she picks out of her clothes for the day. The sun is shining through the windows of her little nook she has a window seat of red cushions, she has a chair, a footstool and a beanbag in the nook seating area. With her desk one one side and her mirror on the other.
While in her en-suite bathroom taking a shower her mind wonders to the color of car she wants a convertible bug maybe red, or pink, yellow could be cool but maybe blinding they do live in San Francisco, baby blue or regular blue could be pretty.
When she finishes her shower she puts on a pair of denim capris, pink spaghetti strapped tiered cami and a navy textured jacket if she gets cold she also has on black wedges and a silver heart necklace.
She goes down to the kitchen which her mom gives her a kiss on the cheek. “Good morning sweetie.” She hands her a bag which when she unwraps it, its a bag of Reese’s, a new black sweater and two new necklaces one is a gold tear drop with gold balls along the inside surrounding a crescent moon and the other is a tube necklace with three lines hanging down but connected to the other side of the necklace.
Caroline hugs her mom. “Thank you I love them.”
“Your welcome there is one more gift but you can’t see it until tonight.”
She nods and as she is picking up a banana. “Did dad send anything?”
“I’m sorry honey he didn’t we don’t even know where he is its likely he forgot.”
After swallowing some of the banana she looks up at her mom and puts on a fake smile. “It’s ok, I know that he left years ago but I just thought that he would send me at least a card on my birthday its not everyday your adoptive daughter turns sixteen.”
Liz pulls her daughter into another hug, even though she is not the biological parent of Caroline she loves Caroline no different.
Before school starts Caroline and her two best friends brunettes Davina Claire and her cousin Enzo Claire are talking by one of the stairwells. “I keep having this strange feeling to visit coit tower I don’t know why. I’m going to try to ignore it.” Caroline rubs the side of her temple ever since, Davina and Enzo picked her up in Enzo’ black Jeep everything has been incredible loud every little noise is amplified she swears she could hear he inner workings of the Jeep it’s giving her a headache.
Enzo’s parents died when he was five and a half, and he was sent from Southampton England to San Francisco to live with his cousin so he has a British accent. “Don’t look now cuz London is coming.”
Davina peaks over her shoulder and bites her lip and just like that Kol and Klaus Mikaelson a devilish duo on a good day are coming down the hallway. Kol has a basketball he is bouncing off the walls and catching it. Klaus and Kol stop in front of the staircase and Kol hands his ball to Klaus so he can flirt with Davina, while Klaus is waiting for them to finish he throws the ball above Caroline’s head and catches it so he throws it again above Caroline’s head who is not thrilled and just waiting for the ball to hit her in the head she reaches up and grabs the ball.
Both Caroline and Klaus walk towards each other with different ideas in mind, Klaus wants the ball back and Caroline wants to give him a piece of her mind. “Listen just because your attractive and British and have dimples and look really good in a Henley.”
Enzo pinches her to stay on topic. “Right doesn’t mean you can throw a ball above my head and I’ll be totally fine with it.”
With one hand Caroline throws the basketball down the crowded hallway and it swooshes into a garbage can near the exit of the school. Students in the hallway are amazed and mummer did you see that, Klaus is speechless and looking down at Caroline but Klaus is not the only one speechless so is Caroline and that whole group.
It’s Enzo’s voice that breaks the silence. “How did you do that?”
Caroline swallows and still shocked. “I don’t know lets go.”
Her and Enzo grab Davina’s wrist and drag her off she yells back to Kol “Talk to you later.”
As Caroline is rushing down the opposite hallway she threw the ball in with Enzo and Davina right behind her Klaus and Kol share a look and watch them flee with amazement.
Caroline comes out of science and has to go down the stairs to history when Klaus who is coming up the stairs stops her by putting his arm on the wall and backs her up until her back is against the wall. “ That was impressive earlier. You’ll have to show me your moves.”
Caroline nervous she knows his sister Rebekah better they are friends since the Mikaelsons moved here three years ago she can count on one hand the number of conversations she and Klaus have had one when Rebekah introduced Caroline to her brothers Kol and Klaus she said hi he said hello that was it. “ Moves I dont have any moves. That earlier was a freak of nature.”
“I wasn’t talking about basketball.”
Caroline raises an eyebrow. “Subtle.”
Klaus puts a hand on her waist. “Oh I’m not trying to be.”
Caroline has never been this close to Klaus it’s like she can hear his heart beating. She always thought he was Rebekah’s jerky older brother. “ Why are you talking me?”
He leans in and smells her neck. “You smell nice.”
Caroline now a little uncomfortable but when he smelt her his heartbeat jumped. “ Ok its called taking a shower and perfume.”
If it was even possible Klaus gets even closer to her. “Why are you giving me such a hard time Caroline Forbes.”
“We’ve never had a conversation.”
“Looks like we’ll have to change that. I feel like we are going to be great friends.”
Klaus leans down to give Caroline a kiss as his lips hover over hers they both hear. “Klaus!”
They both look at the stairs going upstairs and Rebekah is coming down. With Klaus distracted Caroline makes her escape as she is going around Klaus she smiles at Rebekah. “Hey beks.”
Rebekah smiles at her.
Klaus, Rebekah and Kol are sitting in the library and Rebekah hits Klaus in the arm. “Really klaus.”
“We need to know there is only one explanation for the basketball trick this morning.”
“And if she wasn’t she would be dead. And you would be prime suspect number one.”
Kol chimes in with “The basketball stunt is all over school everyone is talking about it.”
“If Rebekah would of not interrupted my test we would know.”
“She’s my friend plus Nik you were coming off creepy. Seriously smelling her neck we don’t have a specific smell making us different then everyone else.”
Klaus rolls his eyes. “I don’t see you coming up with any better ideas.”
Kol asks. “You’ve been friends with her for three years and you’ve never noticed anything.”
Rebekah side eyes her older brothers. “Its not like we are doing ritual sacrifices and I can see if she heals quickly or lazer tag to see if she has night vision, we’re not doing cheerleading or gymnastics to see if she can jump high. Am I supposed to pretend to want to paint her nails and see if claws extend.”
“We need to find out before they find her that is if she is one of us.”
Caroline works at a clothing store/bookstore with a cafe. She doesn’t understand the merge of the two but the clothing store goes into the little cafe off the bookstore. There’s no middle wall between the two. While at the counter of the clothing store a brunette teenager comes to her. “ I’m new to this town, do you know cool spots to check out?”
Caroline turns around and comes face to face with the new student at her school Stefan salvatore she had heard there was a new student. “There is a nice cafe over there. It’s California so people like to hang outside.”
Since it’s a slow day at the shop Caroline and Stefan sit in cafe and talk. “How do you like San Francisco so far?”
“Its nice my dad moves us around a lot. Its just the three of us my dad my older brother and me my mom died years ago.”
“I’m sorry, my dad left years ago its like he’s dead we never hear from him.”
As Stefan is leaving Caroline watches him leave he’s cute.
All day Caroline has had this lingering feeling to visit coil tower, she doesn’t know why she visited this place when she was younger before her dad left. As she is walking up the stairs to the building she notices a man in all black and has scars on his face. Three claw marks down the right side of his cheek and neck. The man is watching her go into the tower. As she is looking around at the base of the tower she notices the guy is following her. She figures she’ll lose him going up to the tower since there are thirteen levels of stairs.
Rebekah and Kol had snuck away to find Caroline’s body which people have started to surround around. As Kol and Rebekah are trying to get through Kol announces. “Nothing to see here folks just a prank.”
They hear a women say. “A prank I saw her fall from the tower.”
As Kol is lifting Caroline up Rebekah goes over to the women. “Are you sure your feeling ok your saying a lot of crazy stuff.”
Klaus opens the door to the penthouse as Kol brings Caroline in, Rebekah rushes over to the couch to make room for Caroline’s body. Their older brother Finn who is on the phone with his wife Sage while looking out the window sees their reflections in the window and pulls the phone away from his ear. “Did you get to her before they did?”
“No but we did bring her here. When she wakes we will explain everything.”
Finn turns around to see Caroline’s lifeless body laying on the couch. “And how do you know this girl is one of us?”
Kol looks up at him. “She one handed tossed my basketball down a crowded hallway and made a perfect basket in a garage can.”
Finn puts the phone back to his ear to tell Sage he loves her and he’ll call her back. “How long has she been like this?”
All three of his younger siblings look at each other. “An hour.”
“The first death and the loss of innocence is always the longest to come back from.”
As Kol’s popcorn is finishing in the microwave Caroline’s eyes open and she looks around at the dark penthouse she is in. Moonlight shining in from a wall of windows, she’s laying on a black couch and there two black chairs on each side of the couch. The last thing she remembers is being at coil tower and that creepy guy following her.
Rebekah is in her bedroom and Klaus is in his studio, Kol went to go make popcorn and Finn was in charge of watching Caroline’s body to see if it did something. While waiting Finn called Sage back he wasn’t paying attention to the couch and the now awake blonde.
Caroline looks around and sees Kol in the kitchen pouring popcorn into a bowl and a man she does not know talking on the phone she gets up and is a little lightheaded really confused on how she got here and her headache is still hurting. As she is going towards the elevator Kol comes out of the kitchen and puts an arm around her waist and picks her up.
“You can’t leave yet.”
She kicks him but it does nothing, she never know Kol was this strong. “What is happening and why are you holding me hostage?”
Kol carries her back over to the couch. “I know it looks like that but this is for you own good. Finn you had one job watch her. Can you get Klaus and Rebekah.”
Finn puts his phone back in his pocket. “I’m in charge here you go get Klaus and Rebekah I’ll watch her.”
“No offense Finn but you didn’t do a good job the last time and I think she could take you.”
Finn flicks his hand and claws comes out of his nails. “I think I can handle one teenage girl.”
Kol rolls his eyes and leaves the living room to get his brother and sister. Caroline looks at the elevator and Finn who is looking at his claws. “ I wouldn’t if I were you. Like my brother said I know this looks bad but we are trying to help you.”
“Help me by keeping me in this dark fortress.”
Finn looks over at her and raises an eyebrow. “Fortress, please this a penthouse.”
Kol re enters with Klaus and Rebekah and Caroline rushes for Rebekah and hugs her finally a friendly familiar face.
Rebekah gets her back on the couch and Klaus sits on the arm of the couch next to Caroline his feet on the couch and arms resting on his knees while Kol sits in a chair off to the side and Finn leans up against the window. Caroline looks at them and they are all looking at her. “Will someone tell me what is going on and how I got here?”
All the siblings look at each other none of them want to explain this it’s hard to explain. Klaus begins. “Kol picked you up after you fell and brought you here.”
Kol adds. “To your death you fell and died.”
Caroline shoots up and exclaims. “What I died. I’m dead, the afterlife is full of Mikaelsons. I can’t die it’s my sixteenth birthday I still have not got a car yet.”
Kol looks over at his siblings. “I don’t know whether to be insulted by that.”
Finn sighs. “How did I end up with this?”
“Freya is busy, Elijah is on a date and Sage is out of town on business.” Finn glares at his sister.
Klaus looks up at Kol while Rebekah tries to get Caroline to sit back down. “I was going to ease her into that tidbit.”
Rebekah gets Caroline to sit back down and is rubbing her arm up and down. “Your not dead... anymore. Look you are like us your Mai.”
Caroline looks over at Klaus and raises an eyebrow. “Excuse me I’m not yours.”
Rebekah tries this time. “No Mai are a group of people who have amazing abilities were not all human but not all god we are descendants of a powerful goddess Bestet we were once protectors of humans and used to help Pharaohs but we got sick of taking orders and the mai and humans had a falling out, for centuries now we’ve been hunted. That man earlier with the scars he was sent to kill you and if we didn’t intervene he would of kept killing you.”
“Kept killing me how many lives do I have?”
Finn from the windows tells her. “Nine we all have nine some refer to us as Demigods, our abilities manifest when we are teenagers.”
Caroline looks at Rebekah. “Is this a joke?”
Rebekah shakes her head no.
“I have claws like him.” She points at Finn.
Rebekah lifts Caroline’s hands up and her finger nails are longer and look like claws. Caroline’s eyes widen. “How do they go away?”
“That’s easy for you to say you didn’t just learn you died and came back with claws and have had a headache all day.” She glares at Kol for telling her to relax.
Finn leans off the window taking charge. “I know you’ve just been told a lot of things and processing but maybe you would like to go home, you said it was your birthday why don’t you go home and celebrate.”
His three siblings look up at him Finn sometimes can be so insensitive. Caroline nods and Finn flicks a finger to Klaus to take her home.
In the elevator down to the lobby Caroline is pacing and Klaus stops her and puts both hands on her shoulders. “You need to relax did you forget that part where we are being hunted if someone sees claws they will try to kill us.”
Caroline nods and tries to make them go away by closing her eyes tightly but nothing. “Breath with me.”
As the elevator doors open the claws disappear.
Klaus drives them to her house, as he drives he asks her, “You were born in the Ukraine right?”
Caroline nods. “How did you know?”
“Mai are not born in America, we come from Europe, Ukraine, Russia that’s where my family was born we moved to London later. Since Mai and humans have had a falling out we can never have a intimate relationship with them. You can not date a human I saw you earlier at that clothing store flirting with that new guy at school that’s all it can be Caroline if you kiss him something bad will happen.”
“Bad how bad?”
“If a Mai kisses a human the human dies best case scenario paralyze before death.”
Caroline turns towards him as he pulls up to her house. “Mai can only kiss mai.”
Klaus nods. “Want to practice.”
Caroline rolls her eyes. “Any more changes?”
“Claws, enhanced hearing, faster reflexes, hyper awareness, accelerated healing, night vision, your stronger now and what am I forgetting oh yeah a tail.”
Klaus laughs “Just kidding. About the tail everything else you do get.”
As she is opening the car door. She tells him. “Not funny.”
“Don’t worry one of us will always be there for you, watching out for you.”
As Caroline is coming up the front stairs of the two story home she shares with her mom. When she opens the door Davina and Enzo jump out and yell “Surprise!”
Caroline screams and in seconds Klaus is right behind her he places a hand on her shoulder and she jumps they both can hear how fast Caroline’s heart is beating. Klaus leans down and whispers in her ear. His breath tickling as she hears. “Breath.”
She looks up at him surprised he’s here, she thought he left how did he get there so fast. “You forgot this in the car.” He hands her a long black velvet jewelry box. “Happy birthday.”
After he leaves Davina and Enzo surround her. “What was Klaus Mikaelson doing here? And what did he give you.”
“You two have had quite the journey today from where you two were this morning.”
Caroline rubs her temple she can hears heartbeats, car’s driving past, clocks ticking, conversations in other homes their TVs. People going for nightly jogs she can hear their music. “Its been an interesting day.” She opens the jewelry box and her eyes widen at the beautiful diamond infinity bracelet.
Liz comes home and sees her daughter and two best friends on the couch. “Your present is here.”
Caroline’s eyes widen and Liz puts her hands over her daughters and guides her outside and there in front of the house on the street is a powder baby blue convertible bug. “Ahhh thank you so much mom.” Caroline flings her arms around her mom’s neck.
Later that night after Davina and Enzo went home Liz pulls out a small cinnamon crumb cake for two she gives Caroline and fork and they sit at the island and eat it. After they finish Liz tucks a piece of hair behind Caroline’s ear. “Did you have a good birthday sweetie.”
“It’s definitely one for the books.”
Liz pulls out a card and hands it to her daughter. “This was in the mailbox.”
The envelope does not have a return address it’s addressed to her. She opens the card and all it says is Happy Birthday H.R.
Every year she gets a card from H.R. she doesn’t know who they are and there is never a return address. She has all of them in a shoebox under her bed. One day she hopes to find out who H.R. is.
As Caroline is drifting off to sleep Klaus is sitting on her roof watching to see if any harm will come to her. Also her email dings and it’s a email from her father that says happy birthday.
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Matt Donovan x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Summary: Y/N is a retired Hunter, and they've been dating Matt for almost a year. However, thanks to the couple's busy schedules (and various supernatural dramas), it's rare for them to find big chunks of time where they can just relax and be together. Finally, they've decided to dedicate a day to finishing Brooklyn Nine-Nine and spending time together, and Y/N is DETERMINED to make sure nothing gets in their way.
Word Count: 1,547
Category: Fluff
A/N: Despite the title, there are no B99 spoilers in this fic :)
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"Matt!" I yelled.
"Don't forget the popcorn!"
"Wouldn't dream of it!"
I grinned to myself as I turned back around on the couch to face the TV again, instead of shouting backwards to the kitchen. Matt and I were finally going to watch the final season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine today, and we both wanted everything to be perfect.
We'd started watching the show together just after we started dating, and even though we'd been dating almost a year now, we still hadn't finished it. Either I was away at school, Matt was busy with his deputy work and training, or—my least favorite—the resident Mystic Falls supernatural community created drama that got in our way.
I hadn't known about all the supernatural drama here when Matt and I first started dating, but I really should've. I'd been a Hunter in New York, but I'd decided to move to a smaller town and focus on my schoolwork instead, hoping for something closer to a normal life.
Mystic Falls was just about the worst place I could've chosen. I probably would've left as soon as I found out, but Matt was here, and I was wiling to stay for him.
I'd been home from school on break when Matt couldn't keep me out of the supernatural world of Mystic Falls anymore. He'd gotten roped into being bait for some new evil or other, and when he hadn't come home one night and I couldn't reach him, I went out to find him. I'd almost staked Caroline Forbes before he could explain to everybody that we were mutual friends, not foes.
Ever since then, I'd been rabid about trying to keep a good balance of supernatural drama in our lives. I kept trying to get Matt to move away, but he insisted Mystic Falls was his home. So, we stayed, and we made it work.
We'd recently decided to start making space for more days like today, to just enjoy life and each other with no supernatural drama. Brooklyn Nine-Nine had been our show for so long, and today, nothing was going to get in the way of us watching and enjoying the final season in peace.
I wouldn't let it.
"Alright, that's all the snacks, drinks, and blankets in the house," said Matt, setting the popcorn on the table in front of us before sitting next to me. "Anything else we need?"
"Not a thing," I said with a smile. "Let's do this. It's been a long time coming."
Matt smiled, positively giddy by his standards as he wrapped one arm around my shoulders and pushed play on the remote with the other hand. I snuggled into his chest as the first episode of the final season finally, finally started playing.
I sighed, listening to Matt's heartbeat as we watched the familiar intro. It instantly relaxed me to just lay with him like this, both of us breathing and taking time for ourselves, away from the crazy of the rest of the world.
I should've known it wouldn't be that easy.
Matt and I were just starting episode five when the doorbell rang. I sighed and leaned my head back as Matt paused the show.
"I'll get it," he said, groaning a little as he got up. I sat forward, listening carefully as Matt opened the door. Hopefully this wouldn't be a big deal, and Matt could just quickly tell whoever was at the door to get lost.
I heard the murmur of voices, and then a louder voice that I instantly recognized.
"C'mon, Donovan!" cried Damon Salvatore. "Why are you being so obnoxious about this? Come make yourself useful!"
I sighed as I stood up and headed to the front door. I turned the corner to find Matt and Damon arguing in the entryway. Matt kept trying to push Damon out, but Damon stopped paying Matt an ounce of attention when he saw me.
"Y/L/N," he said.
"Now I get it," said Damon, turning back to Matt. "You're putting a date over helping us protect Mystic Falls. You know, a lot of people would say that's falling down on the job, Deputy."
"Alright Damon, shut the fuck up and get out of here," I said, walking down the hallway to where he still stood next to my boyfriend and the open door. Matt glared at him, but as much as I loved him, he'd never really been able to handle the supernatural intrusions into his life.
"You know, I thought a Hunter would care a little more about trying to keep the world safe from supernatural threats," said Damon as I reached him.
"Well it's a good thing I'm not a Hunter anymore then, isn't it?" I said. I'd finally gotten close enough to start shoving Damon towards the door, and although he wasn't moving yet, I was determined to change that. "Although, if you don't get out of this house and let Matt and I have one, single day without your bullshit, I might have to go get some of my old equipment out and make you stay out of this house."
"Now Y/N... don't tell me you're trying to threaten me? I know you wouldn't kill me, no matter how much smack you talk."
"I never said I'd kill you," I said. I took a step back from trying to push Damon out the door and reached into my purse, which I'd left on an end table in the hallway. It didn't take me long to find what I was looking for, and I quickly slipped on my vervain-laced gloves before going back to shoving Damon out the door.
This time, when I made contact, he practically jumped out of his skin and back over the threshold of the door. As soon as the contact stopped, he glared at me, but I just grinned right back.
"That was a dirty trick, Y/N," he said, taking a step forward again. I just held up my hands and wiggled my fingers.
"So is trying to use my boyfriend as bait or cannon fodder in every single plan you make," I shot back. Damon had stopped short of crossing back over the threshold of the house, but he was still scowling at me. "Be more creative with your plans. C'mon, I'm starting to think you're a one trick pony. Not very impressive for the famous Damon Salvatore."
He scoffed and rolled his eyes, but a lot of tension that had been in the air a moment ago was gone.
"Fine. Wonder Boy will be my plan B. But if whatever my new plan A is doesn't work, I'll be back," he said, taking a few steps backwards and away from the house.
"Tomorrow at the earliest," I added for him. He raised and eyebrow and looked like he was about to argue, but I didn't give him the chance. "We're having a normal day today, which means you're keeping your supernatural drama out of it. Come back tomorrow, but only if you absolutely must."
I held my gloves out towards him for emphasis, and he just huffed and rolled his eyes.
"Fine," he said. "But if the world ends, it's your fault."
"Uh huh, great," I said, closing the door as Damon walked the few steps backwards down our porch. I pulled off my vervain gloves and put them back in my purse, then turned around to see Matt staring at me with his mouth open in shock. "What?"
"Nothing," he said, laughing a little as he stepped forward to wrap his arms around me. "Just... you're amazing. It's fun to be reminded of it."
I beamed as Matt leaned in closer, kissing me softly on the lips. I ran my hands up his arms and into his hair, and his arms tightened around me.
"I love you," he muttered against my lips.
"I love you too," I said with a smile. It was kind of funny to see Matt like this, especially as a result of me kicking Damon Salvatore out of the house.
Matt and I stayed in the hallway for a few more minutes, completely lost in each other. Finally, we broke apart, and Matt absolutely beamed at me, his eyes shining with a joy I didn't get to see nearly often enough.
"As much as I want to keep going, I feel like we should finish B99 before anything else comes along to interrupt us," he said. I grinned.
"Yeah, I agree. Let's go watch our show, and then we can get back to... other stuff... later."
Matt smiled even wider, if that was possible, and took my hand as we headed back into his living room together. We curled up together on the couch as Matt restarted the show, but every so often, I caught him staring at me instead of the tv.
I just smiled to myself. Matt was perfect, and based on today, I felt confident we could go the distance. I'd found my soulmate, and he'd found his. Nothing could stand in our way.
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misssophiachase · 3 years
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For the extremely kind, funny, brilliant and thoughtful @enniec123​ turns out it was just recently National Sandwich Day and I know how much you love those. But also, many happy returns. I’ve sent you my separate playlist. Songs from travelling, the year of your birth and more. 
blind spot 
Klaus is teaching Caroline to drive and it’s all Kai Parker’s fault or at least that’s what they’re both telling themselves.
Friday PM - side of the road
“I’m going to kill Kai.”
“Well, get in line, Little Miss Bad Driver. Although, I’ll have to actually return home unscathed to exact my revenge which, at this point, is looking unlikely.”
240 minutes ago - Parker House
“I’m not going to be able to take you for another driving lesson, Care. Bonnie isn’t feeling well, so I need to be the dutiful boyfriend and look after her.”
“She sounded perfectly fine on the phone before.”
“Well, ah, you know how these twenty-four-hour bugs work, one minute you’re fine and the next you’re, well, not fine, that is.”
“Thanks for that technical assessment, Dr Parker. Also, since when did you start caring for people? When I had chicken pox age nine you laughed at me then told me at least I matched the living room curtains.”
“Harsh, Caroline,” he groaned, pretending to stab a knife into his heart. “We’ve been best friends since second grade and you’re going to resort to childish insults. I was only trying to cheer you up.”
“For the record, it didn’t work and you need to work on your comedy routine.”
 “Although, to answer your question about being such a caring and selfless person, its been since my beloved Bonnie came down with something.”
“Beloved? Sure you’re not the sick one?” 
“Cute, Care Bear.”
“What have I told you about calling me that?”
“Are you two doing that weird and incessant bickering which you think is charming but instead is incredibly annoying?”
“Speaking of incredibly annoying,” Caroline muttered turning to face her sworn enemy, also known as Kai’s other best friend.  She wasn’t possessive given she had both Kat and Bonnie but she didn’t like the way he thought he was always right, called her love and flashed those annoying dimples in her direction. “What is he doing here? I don’t have time for this, my driving test is on Monday morning.”
“Meet your new driving instructor for the weekend.”
“Oh no, you’ve got to be kidding me?”
“Wow, way to show some gratitude, Forbes,” Klaus teased. “I think what you meant to say was thank you, Klaus, for being so kind and thoughtful to give up your weekend.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart.”
“I am not a bad driver, Mikaelson! Did you ever think that maybe you’re just a bad teacher? I mean your people do drive on the opposite side of the road.”
“My people? Do you see that thing over there?” He growled, gesturing to the side of the steering wheel. “That’s what they call an indicator.”
“It’s actually a turn signal but yes, luckily for the both of us I know what an indicator is,” she replied through gritted teeth. 
“Well, maybe you know what it is but clearly have no idea what it does. When you want to turn you need to signal your intentions so it doesn’t cause a bloody accident like the one you almost had five minutes ago on Melrose.”
“If only my indicator could do something more satisfying like punch you where the sun doesn’t shine,” she shot back, using air quotes for indicator.  
“Well, just keep playing that annoying, whiny music and I might succumb to unconsciousness if you’re lucky, sweetheart.”
“You didn’t just say that,” she huffed, opening her door in an attempt for some fresh air and a much-needed break from her so-called driving instructor and his over-inflated ego. “That happens to be Taylor Swift.”
“Is that supposed to mean something to me?” He asked, flashing that stray left dimple in her direction. 
“You are impossible.”
“Such a big adjective for such a bad driver.”
“I’m surprised you understand the meaning of the word adjective.”
“I don’t need a dictionary.”
“Maybe so but you’re an ass nevertheless,” she scowled. “I’ve know it since you weaselled your way into Kai’s life and don’t think that flashing those dimples in my direction is going to make me think anything else.”
“Do you really think that badly of me?” 
“Is that a perfectly orchestrated line from the people who drive on the opposite side of the road?”
“As much as I like being friends with Kai, the only reason I was so excited initially was to get to know you because maybe I like you.”
Nine years later in his best man speech for the wedding of his best friends Klaus and Caroline, Kai would try to claim credit for his matchmaking prowess but everyone knew even he didn’t see it coming. 
P.S. Caroline got her driver’s license, eventually. But there were a few accidents and bumps along the way beforehand because her parallel parking left a lot to be desired.
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freddieslater · 3 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Caroline Forbes x Seline (The Vampire Diaries)
"I feel like I shouldn't even have to say this," Bonnie sets down her coffee and stares at Caroline; a stern, slightly disbelieving and exasperated stare, "but don't sleep with the babysitter."
She says it with such conviction, too, as if it's a genuine concern. Like she's going to just waltz up to the new girl and suggest it! 
Caroline rolls her eyes, laughing, and replies, maybe a bit too testily, "I'm not going to sleep with her! I just..." She takes a deep breath and tries again -- without the sheepish smile this time. "She's... I just think that..."
"She's hot and you want to have sex with her."
"That's--!" Her words actually register, alongside an image of Seline, the new babysitter, as of this morning and Caroline slumps with a defeated sigh, "--totally true."
Bonnie picks her cup back up to take a drink and totally not to disguise the smile that Caroline can see on her face, plain as day. Groaning, she drops her head onto her arms with a thump. 
Bringing up the interview was a bad idea. Coffee with Bonnie had just seemed like a good opportunity to whine a bit about how infuriatingly perfect Seline was throughout the entire interview, because she can't say anything to Ric without him going all gooey-eyed and gushing even more about how great she seems. And he wouldn't even listen to her when she tried to point out that it was so obviously all just a ploy to try and seduce him, and get under his skin!
For what reason... she actually isn't sure. But it worked! Because now she's under Caroline's skin as well like the slightering little snake she is, if snakes were slender, and had impossibly smooth skin, and were able to work their venom into your veins without even touching you!
Another groan escapes Caroline but it comes out as more of a pathetic whimper if she's honest. She props her chin on her arms and pouts. 
"Why couldn't she be really horrible so that we were forced to hire the old lady nanny?" she asks miserably. "Couldn't she be like every other stranger in our lives and turn out to be some bloodthirsty monster, or an ancient, evil witch with a murderous vendetta? Why did she have to be perfect and... sparkly?"
Bonnie's eyebrows raise, and she laughs, sets down her cup, and shakes her head at her like she's the saddest sight she's seen. And that's saying a lot; she dated Jeremy, for gods sake. 
"All right, you need to pull yourself together," Bonnie tells her, leaning in across the table with a smile that's getting far too much entertainment out of this for the words coming out of her mouth. "Or else you're going to end up getting sparkly with this girl. I repeat: Do. Not. Sleep with. The nanny."
"Fine," Caroline says but she isn't convinced by her own agreement. She sits up straight, finally shaking herself out of this ridiculousness, and repeats, more clearly and calmly, "I'm not going to do anything with the nanny that would count as even slightly unprofessional. All conversations will be about the girls, or Ric, since she is clearly already trying to get her perfectly manicured claws into--"
She catches Bonnie's stare. Closing her mouth, she nods, getting the message. 
"Yeah, I'll work on it."
Bonnie nods back. "You do that. But, uh... I'd suggest doing it fast, because based on your descriptions of this gorgeous demon of a babysitter, I'd say that she has just walked in and is -- oh, yep, she's coming over here. And she's smiling. And waving. And I'm still talking -- I'm gonna go!"
Caroline's eyes widen as Bonnie is already grabbing her stuff and getting out of her seat -- the only other seat at the table. She shakes her head frantically and tries to grab for her, not able to speak as Seline reaches them far too fast with those annoyingly gorgeous long legs. 
"Hi!" Seline greets, and the moment for escape has passed. 
"Hey!" Caroline says, with way too much enthusiasm and a smile that probably looks a bit crazy. Judging by the look both she and Bonnie give her, she's guessing it does. 
"You must be the new nanny," Bonnie says to Seline. "I'm Bonnie."
Seline sticks out a hand and shakes Bonnie's with a bright smile. "It's nice to meet you! Are you leaving already...?" she asks, gesturing to Bonnie's stuck gathered rather hastily into her arms and her seat now left unoccupied. 
"I have to get to Whitmore College. My class starts in a half hour, and they're not going to learn much if their professor isn't there," she explains with a laugh that Seline joins in on, to Caroline's great dismay, because as it turns out, even that sounds perfect. Soft and silky and like a god damn siren. As an afterthought, Bonnie adds, "Well, professor in training, I guess."
"Oh, did you intern with Alaric?" Seline asks.
Bonnie and Caroline share a subtly amused look at that, and Bonnie falters for a second, trying not to let her smile show too much.
"Uh, yeah -- in a way. I'm actually teaching Occult studies, so, having him around has certainly been... a big help. What with the... history side of things and all." Recognizing her own fumbling, she quickly says, "Anyway! I have to go. I'll see you later, Care. It was nice meeting you, Seline. You two have fun!"
Caroline shoots her a disbelieving glare, eyes wide as Bonnie just smirks and makes her escape out of the cafe. Fantastic. Now it's just her and--
She turns to find Seline already taking the seat across from her and asking, "Is it okay if I sit with you for a little while? If you're not busy, of course! I'd love to get to know you better, seeing as how you're trusting me with your kids."
"And their father," Caroline says tightly, then regrets it when it comes off as a jealous ex. Even the thought of someone assuming that makes her shudder. She was more just meaning because of his bad luck in the dating department, any new women in his life seems like a bad idea, especially now that Lizzie and Josie are in the picture. 
Seline actually looks surprised by the comment. She blinks and sits up straighter. Then her expression shifts, and she's clearly trying to suppress a smile -- though, not very hard, as it twitches and tugs at the corners of her mouth as she momentarily ducks her head, nodding. 
"Ah," she says, like everything makes perfect sense now. That's worrying. Caroline is really hoping she didn't go down the wrong route with this. "I get it now. I couldn't figure out why you seemed so... off with me during the interview. I was actually worried that I had done something wrong, or my resume wasn't enough."
"No." Caroline sinks in her seat with a sigh, guilt popping her with one sharp poke. "No, Seline, that's not--"
"It's okay!" Seline assures her. "I totally get it. I've watched the movies. Girl interviews for a job as a nanny, and nine times out of ten, they end up sleeping with the father. I absolutely get why you might've thought that's what I was trying to do."
Caroline shakes her head. "No, really, it's fine. It's my fault, I shouldn't have jumped to assumptions like that. You are... lovely. And perfect. For the job! For the kids -- Lizzie and Josie will adore you, I just know it. It was extremely rude of me to assume that you had any other intentions towards the job, or towards Ric."
"Well... thank you for saying that." Seline smiles at her, mouth stretching so far across her cheeks that it's kind of impossible for Caroline not to smile back. Then Seline is saying, "But I just want you to know that, I promise, I am not trying to go after Alaric, just so that you're totally reassured and don't have any concerns about that. I'm actually gay, so."
The bluntness throws Caroline. Bonnie returns in the form of a stern voice in the back of her head, giving her a good thwack for good measure as she repeats: Do not sleep with the babysitter. There is a line and it should not be crossed. But with this new information, as well as the smile that she is currently directing right at Caroline like a very obvious beam of sunshine, it's harder to see that line. 
"Oh!" Caroline says then immediately kicks herself and scrambles to correct. "I mean -- that's great! For you. Obviously, it has no impact on me. Not that I'm not -- oh god, that came off incredibly wrong. I... am so sorry."
Seline's laughing that silky laugh again. Like music, floating into Caroline's skull and filling it with clouds, soaking up all of the worries and bad things. A sort of peaceful content is washing over like a gentle shower of rain. 
"Don't be," Seline tells her. "It's fine. And cute."
Heat rises to the surface of Caroline's skin, and she flushes. She tries to laugh it off. "Uh... thank you. I try my best."
The joke has Seline laughing even more. Caroline can't help laughing, too, letting the embarrasment be washed away.
Then Seline says, "I was actually trying to impress you, not Alaric."
Maybe it's just the slight giddiness of it all lingering for a moment afterwards, but Seline gives her a lingering look before finally switching the subject, and she swears that it meant something. If that something is a toe over the line then... she'll just pretend she can't see it. Lines are easily moved. 
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Today I want to finish either Forbes chapter 5 or chapter 26 of beautiful dirty rich. They will be going up together.
Also need to finish the new mikaelson family chapter 30, my immortal love chapter 16 Caroline stark series chapter 6, secret sister chapter 7, and get back into klaroline in Nola chapter 11. Plus the second chapter of fast life. Running from the devil chapter 3, nine lives of Caroline Forbes chapter 2.
Also I have another fic idea: Caroline from tvd, Erica from teen wolf and felix from ouat are a Charles angels type group. Except supernatural Caroline is a vampire Erica is a werewolf and Felix is a lost boy from neverland.
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Ice Skating
Klaroline Bingo as hosted by @klaroline-events Prompt // Winter
Caroline Forbes was single, and proud.
Being single allowed her to go wherever, whenever, and with whomever she wanted.
She didn’t have to worry about checking in with anyone. She could stay out all weekend if she wanted, and she could stay in whenever she wanted too. She could focus on her career, and herself, and didn’t have to worry about treading on any masculine toes.
There had been a time where she flitted from boyfriend to boyfriend, thinking it was what she needed to be happy. But the older she got, the more she realised she was just happy being with herself, and if the right person came along, she would know.
So yeah, Caroline Forbes was single, and loved it.
But every now and then, as rare as it was, there were days she hated it.
On that particular day, for instance.
It was the day of the whenever-it-works-out friend reunion. A day when Caroline, her entire friend group and their partners got together to have a big, boozy lunch - free from kiddies and responsibilities.
Her friends were dotted around the country by now, so their reunions were rare. This one Caroline had actually organised, seeing as she was the only Chicago local in the group. They had decided on Chicago some months earlier, because some of her friends were coming to Chicago to visit their brother anyway, and it wasn’t much of a stretch for the remaining couples to descend upon the city as well.
Caroline was rightly looking forward to it, it wasn’t often her friends-who-are-parents were able to let loose.
So imagine her displeasure when, she got a harried phone call from one of her friends the morning before the reunion was due to take place.
Because, for some reason, ‘single’ seemed to be friends-who-are-parents language for ‘convenient babysitter’ when they needed time out from their rowdy young ones.
“Please, Caroline,” Elena begged. “The service we hired to mind all the kids cancelled. None of us have been able to go out for months!”
The blaring implication was there; Caroline could hear it in her friend’s plea.
‘Please, Caroline. You can be stuck with children for one day. Going out doesn’t mean as much to you.’
Caroline had been an odd mix of hurt, and – dare she say it – relieved that she was being shouldered out of lunch, because her friends-who-are-parents needed a babysitter.
She was hurt for obvious reasons. Didn’t matter that she wanted to hang with them.  Didn’t matter that she organised the reunion. Didn’t matter that it was her rallying that got them all together. She was the most expendable. Because she was single, she wasn’t a mother; she didn’t need it as much.
But she was relieved because, no matter how much happy she was living her single life, her coupled-off friends usually couldn’t manage to keep their opinions of her singlehood to themselves.
She bitterly rolled her eyes, thinking about how they would like it if she passed comment on their lifestyles with kids, made judgements about their marriages.
“Fine, but you better remember this next time you ask me why I’m still single,” Caroline agreed, haughtily. “And I expect a pretty awesome Christmas present.”
On the morning of the reunion, her small, not-particularly-kid-proof apartment was over run by her five excitable nieces and nephews, and their eight excited-looking parents.
“We can’t thank you enough,” Bonnie gushed, happily, as she stepped through her front door, beginning the slew of compliments for Caroline’s selflessness.
“Care, this is so amazing,” Jeremy said, appreciatively.
“Caroline, you’re a lifesaver,” Elena grinned, gratefully.
“Yeah, barbie, love your work,” Damon quipped, sardonically.
“Care, you truly are the best friend,” Rebekah smiled, thankfully.
“Yeah, Caroline, I know you’ve been looking forward to today as well,” Stefan thanked, profusely.
“We are very much in your debt,” Elijah nodded, graciously.
“I don’t know what all you are on about, Caroline is the reason these things are fun, and you’re making her babysit your kids!” Katherine griped, but threw her friend a relieved smile.
“Not a problem, guys,” Caroline said, with all the grace she could muster. “Now, how are my favourite rugrats!”
The five children chorused their enthusiasm in exuberant cacophony, making all nine adults smile widely at the cuteness.
Before too long, however, eight of the nine adults took their leave, leaving Caroline to wrangle the little ones on her own.
Now, Caroline may not have been a mother, but she knew her way around children.
She babysat her way through high school, then nannied her way through university. Plus, the first baby had been born into the group less than a year after college ended. Plus, Caroline had known all these children since they were born, and just as she was the cool friend in the group, she was the cool aunty.
That experience, coupled with her unrivalled ability to plan the perfect day for any group, Caroline knew the day with the kids would go off without a hitch.
She had every activity planned out, and every item she’d need for each activity in colour coded boxes. She’d only had a day’s lead time, or else she’d have sent each parent a list of things they should pack, to ensure best-day-ever status from the children.
Though, minding all five at once was getting more challenging as the two eldest, Jeremy and Bonnie’s, Rowan, and Elena and Damon’s, Jessamy, were now ten, so endless craft activities didn’t hold the magic it once did.
But never fear, Caroline set up stations for the children to run between, which included every winter activity she could think of; paper snowflake cutting, drawing, Twister, and, the group favourite, gingerbread house decorating.
Each child chipped in making lasagne for lunch, and laughed their way through a team challenge of baking chocolate chip cookies.
They all watched a movie after lunch, munching on their cookies and gingerbread. But by the time 4pm rolled around the kids began to get fidgety, and the lack of a back yard on her apartment suddenly became and issue.
Never fear, however, because Caroline had a contingency for this, as she had for every eventuality.
“All right, kids,” she called, clapping her hands together to get their attention. “Jackets, shoes and socks on, please, we’re going on a special trip. But you have to promise to be extra good okay?”
While the kids eagerly donned their outwear, Caroline quickly shoved snacks, and two thermos’ of hot chocolate into a big bag, before donning her jacket, scarf, hat, and gloves. 
“Let’s go ice skating!”
“Okay everyone!” Caroline called, as all five kids stood with their feet all clad in skating gear. “Are we excited?”
A squealed response later, Caroline gave them her brightest smile and the green light to take off.
She knew she was taking a bit of a risk with this trip, but she also knew Bonnie and Jeremy took their kids skating often so she wasn’t worried when the two youngest Gilberts, Rowan and Penny, took off immediately. Elena and Damon’s daughter, Jessamy, was a little less confident, but it didn’t take long before she was off after her cousins in a flurry of snow. Stefan and Rebekah’s, Jamie, was also already quite the competent skater, which left Meg, the youngest of the cousins, to tentatively cling to Caroline’s hands as her wobbly skating legs took to the new activity.
But before much longer, even Meg was chasing after her older cousins, just leaving Caroline to grip the railing at the edge of the rink.
“Come on Aunty Care!” Jessamy shouted, excitedly. “You have to skate too! We need six if we want to play this game!”
Caroline felt a wave of trepidation cross over her, she was content staying stationary, thank you very much. She may have been an incredible cheerleader in her day, but that skill did not translate to skating ability. That was a lesson she’d learnt the hard way on her first college date, where she had ended up with concussion and a broken arm as a result.
“Umm, I’m not very good at skating, guys. Can I just watch?”
“No!” came the rousing protestation.
And Caroline, of course, obliged, unable to bear their sad, puppy dog faces for longer than a few moments.
“Fine,” she groaned, cursing herself internally for taking them skating when she knew full well she couldn’t skate.
Caroline shakily put her legs onto the ice, and immediately began to wobble. Rowan and Jamie took her hands encouragingly, and pulled her further onto the ice.
And right as Rowan let go of her hand, Caroline felt a figure zoom past her, too big and too fast to be one of her group, and she cursed the blasted skating trip again, as all hell broke loose.
Caroline’s legs tangled up with Jamie’s and they crashed to the ground. Penny fell onto her knees trying to stop herself crashing into them, leaving Jessamy to crash into her. From there, Meg started to cry seeing all her family in a confusing muddle on the ice, and the Gilbert siblings took it upon themselves to start yelling about whose fault it was.  
Caroline cursed the damn trip a third time, as she contemplated the complete impossibility of scrambling to her feet – because, did she mention, she was terrible at skating – while in the middle of a clusterfork of wailing, potentially injured children.
Then an unfamiliar voice joined the ruckus.
“Do you need a little help, love?”
Caroline froze.
The kids froze.
“Excuse me?” Caroline asked, as she stared at the man who was intruding on quite an embarrassing moment.
He was god-tier-handsome, and Caroline nearly rolled her eyes that this would be the way she met someone who looked like him.
“I asked if you needed a little help, love?” the man repeated. “After all, it’s not everyday a beauty, such as yourself, falls – quite literally – at my feet?”
The flustered Caroline balked at the absolute gall of this man. Sure, he was hot, but ‘a beauty falls at my feet’.
That was for sure.
“Now you listen here, buddy –”
She was about to give him a true fairly uncensored piece of her mind, but was cut off when Jamie suddenly cut over top of her.
“Uncle Klaus?
The man’s somewhat smug-and-charming smirk was replaced with a look of confusion.
“Jamie Mikaelson, why are out here all by yourself?”
“But he’s not by himself, Uncle Klaus!” the boy’s cousin cried. “I’m here too!”
“And me!”
“Me too!”
Klaus was suddenly quite squeamish to note every single one of his nieces and nephews were in the pile of small children he had vaguely noted when he stopped to chivalrously aid the blonde beauty who had toppled on the ice.
And he had to admit it was not ideal.
Sure, he loved his family, and fully intended showing up as the cool uncle when they were older – but he was not good with kids at all, and was at a loss with how to proceed.
“Wait, you’re Klaus Mikaelson?” the blonde asked, as she began struggling to her feet.
“That would be me,” he replied, weakly. 
“But why the… why are you… oh my gosh!”
In her attempts to clamber up and talk at the same time, Caroline planted her ass firmly on the ice again with an unceremonious ‘ooof’ – much to the amusement of the little ones surrounding them.
“Yeah yeah, laugh it up,” Caroline grumbled. “Come on, we should try and get up. Why don’t we take a break? I packed some hot chocolate for us to drink.
The kids agreed without too much fuss, the older ones helping the younger ones to their feet and skating to the edge.
“Do you need some help, sweetheart,” Klaus asked, as Caroline still struggled.
“I’m good,” Caroline said stubbornly, proceeding to struggle for another minute.
“Do you need some help?” Klaus asked again, this time with a cool, quirked eyebrow.
She just threw him a disgruntled look, but stuck out her arms for him to take nonetheless.
When she found her balance, she kept her hand squeezed tight to Klaus’ forearm, much to his enjoyment.
In the short skate from the centre of the rink, where the incident occurred, to the edge, Klaus got his kicks by unbalancing Caroline, to provoke the small whinge from her throat, and the tightening on her grip on his arm.
When they made it to blessedly dry land again, Caroline jumped back into babysitter-mode, passing each child a steaming drink and telling them not to stray too far away, before turning her attention back to Klaus.
“Why the hell did you barrel me over on the ice?”
“I did no such thing, love!” he replied indignantly. “You were the one to strayed into my path.”
“That is so not how it happened!” Caroline cried. “Why are you here anyhow, aren’t you some big grouch who hates fun?”
“Is that what they say about me is it,” Klaus said, waspishly. “I’ll have you know, that I am perfectly fun, thank you very much. And I quite enjoy outdoor ice-skating. We did it lots when we were children, and my siblings visiting reminded me of that.”
“How sweet,” Caroline said mockingly, though she noted the slight change in mood, and the wistful look on his face. “Wait, you went skating because you’ll miss them?
Klaus didn’t say anything, but his ears reddened, and she knew she had hit the mark.
“I’m Caroline, by the way,” she said, changing the subject.
“I had worked that out.”
“Why are you here, Caroline?” Klaus asked. “Didn’t you organise some great catch-up?”
“Well I did, but the sitter bailed,” Caroline said. “And you know, I’m the only child-free friend, so…”
“I see,” Klaus replied.
“Caroline, can we go back on the ice,” Penny whined.
“Oh, sure thing, sweetie,” Caroline said. “Take care of the little ones though, okay, I’m not going to go out this time.”
“But Aunty Caroline, you gotta,” Jessamy sulked.
“Please Caroline!”
“You have to!”
“I’m so bad at skating,” Caroline implored, for some reason, looking at Klaus, hoping he’d back her up.
“Why doesn’t Uncle Klaus teach you!” Rowan said, ever the pragmatist. “He’s a grown up! Grown ups are good teachers!”
“Well, doesn’t that sound like fun,” Klaus said, that smug-and-charming smirk coming back to his lips in full force.
“Yeah! Then we can have seven players for the game! That will be even better!” Rowan cried. “Come on!” 
With that, the eldest cousin was off, and all the younger ones following closely behind.
“Please, you really don’t have to do this,” Caroline said nervously, even as she got to her feet to follow the children at a slower pace.
“Oh I think I do,” Klaus said. “The children have spoken.”
“No buts, Caroline, my nieces and nephews don’t take no for an answer,” he said, then leaned in to whisper almost seductively into her ear. “Neither do I.”
She couldn’t help the tingle that ran through her body at that, nor the wry curl beginning on her lips.
It wasn’t too long before Klaus’ out stretched hand was closing on her own, and he was pulling her onto the ice, teaching her the basics. And less time still before he was settling his hands on her waist behind her to help her ‘keep her balance’.
“You move quickly, don’t you,” she quipped.
“Only when I know I’ve got something worth moving for.”
It was only another ten minutes until the kids found their aunt and uncle, and demanded they join in their complicated skating game. And then just an hour before they were back at her apartment, having skated themselves completely exhausted. And then only thirty minutes before the parents were back.
It was only a few minutes after they all arrived that they found out that Klaus had joined them for skating. And then only a few of seconds before Katherine made a semi-drunk, very-lewd comment about Caroline and Klaus sitting in some sort of plant, doing some sort of natural act together.
And she wasn’t far off the mark, for it was only a day later when Caroline heard from Klaus.
And only the day after that when they went on their first date.
Hope you like! Happy Klaroline bingo!! xoxo
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oliviacs · 4 years
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『 candice king. thirty. cis female. she/her. 』 oh heavens, is that OLIVIA JAMES from FAIR LANE i see roaming around mapleview? minnie may’s always calling them -BOSSY & -STUBBORN. i happen to think they’re not that bad! they’re a pretty cool OWNER OF THE PASTRY PLACE and every time i’ve seen them, they’ve always been +LOYAL & +CARING. i hope i see them around again!  @mapleviewstarters​​
hehehehe here i go again  ! ! 💕 tbh i really felt like we needed at least  /one/  semi-wholesome muse here with happy domestic vibes so may i present to u my 2nd baby  💕  
basics ;;
FULL NAME:  olivia marie james  NICKNAMES:  liv , livvie  AGE: thirty DATE OF BIRTH (ZODIAC):  march 24th ( aries ) BIRTHPLACE:  mapleview, nc. OCCUPATION: owner of the pastry place  POSITIVE TRAITS:  loyal , caring , organized , valiant  NEGATIVE TRAITS:  bossy , stubborn , workaholic , control freak  MUSE INSPO: monica geller ( friends ) , haley james scott ( one tree hill ) , caroline forbes ( vampire diares ) , lorelai gilmore ( gilmore girls ) , prue halliwell ( charmed ) , amy santiago ( brooklyn nine-nine ) , leslie knope ( parks & recreation ) , claire dunphy ( modern family ) , dorothy zbornak ( golden girls )  LOVES:   coffee,  pastries , red wine, celine dion, cooking, movies, rain showers, scented candles, cold beer, people who make her laugh, corny pick-up lines, cinnamon hot chocolate, romantic gestures, sunrises and sunsets, bikram yoga, old disney movies, french fries, cuddling and hugging, being in charge, honesty, football, 80s music HATES:  being kept out of the loop or nor knowing stuff, liars and cheaters, anyone who hurts those she cares about, when people are in her kitchen and don’t need to be, oatmeal raisin cookies, feeling weak or helpless, death and funerals, secrets
background ;; tw:death
olivia has always been the quintessential girl next door during her youth and adolescence. born & raised in mapleview in a family who , for the most part , got along , she truly didn’t have a bad childhood. sure , they were never rich but they never truly lacked anything. 
for twelve years that she attended school , she was fairly popular , kept good grades  &  unlike her older sister that was a polar opposite , actually was a nice girl . 
howeveeeer , she was never short on spunk & wit despite the fact she “ played by the rules “  basically all her life. while she was always homely & friendly , she was also the girl that cut her hair short as a statement against femininity & only wore heels because she hated to feel small. 
along the time when she finished high school , she decided to use her college fund to travel outside her little hometown  &  see places until she eventually decided to enroll herself in a cooking/baking class & take over the pastry place from her grandma. 
however, tragedy struck when her older sister passed away , leaving the family in a total wreck - especially her niece penelope. since then , liv has always kept her close , kind of taking a role of her older sister. 
currently still lives in mapleview , is happily ( one of those annoyingly cute couples u love but hate at the same time ) married to the love of her life for about 7 years now , has a beautiful daughter named emma who just turned 4 , owns a ( new ) family house in fair lane ( moved from saycamore way ) , also owns a golden retriever called sammy ( american cliche what can i say )   &&&  is about eight months pregnant with ANOTHER baby girl !  
cute headcanons that we love ;;
i’m not gonna lie she’s totally based off monica geller from friends & i regret nothing y’all. 
also huge coffee addict ( surprise , right ? lol )  &  has insane amounts daily . probably smells of freshly made coffee everyday ksdfneg.
her leg shakes or her foot taps on the ground when she’s stressed. 
wears glasses for reading or when she needs to handle paperwork.
cleans when frustrated !!!! 
she’s the mom friend of every group so .... probably has a ton of people over every friday where she always cooks more than necessary. 
doesn’t tolerate nonsense & is quick to give you a smartypants comment to a stupid question heh
really ,  reaaaally affectionate with her loved ones . 
likes to sleep in her husband’s shirts ??? i mean who could blame her right
does not take too well to criticism or admitting she’s in the wrong 
famous lines include  “ you did not just say that “  &  “ i told you so “ 
can do her makeup even drunk ;))
still cries like a baby when mufasa dies & susan forgets about narnia
likes having a glass of wine every night before bed to calm her nerves lmao
goes crazy during superbowl season bc ..... she’s a hc football fan
a total mamma bear  &  will hurt you if you hurt her family.
extremely competitive in .... p much anything 
wanted connections that i’ll just give u my heart & soul for ok ;; 
childhood best friend aka the rachel to her monica !! <3 
a group of  FRIENDS  ( see what i did there rfneg ) give me ross , phoebe , joey & chandler ! <33
neighbors that often barbecue together on the weekends  
friends & enemies from school / high school 
maybe her first love ??  like a guy she dated when she was 14  & it was totally cute n innocent 
frenemies , coworkers , protective friendship , sibling like friendship , unfaithful friends , babysitter , unlikely friends , friends who used to be enemies , ex best friends , friends who balance each other out , competition , rivarly , friends by association , family friends , her husband’s friends :))  
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
The Vampire Files/4
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Part 4
AU story with tvd/to characters, but also with many others from different fandoms like Nick Amaro _Law&Order svu, that I am borrowing here. And Joel Goran from Saving Hope etc.
Main pairing_ Nick Amaro and Elena Gilbert
Nick and Elena are FBI Agents investigating supernatural activities and homocide caused vampires and demons.
Expect witches, demons, vampires. Inspired by X-files, Twin Peaks, and many other shows
tag_ @miguelsbrat​ thank you so much for your support and kind words.
thanks for reading xoxo ★(✿˘▿˘)
and _gifs are not  mine
“Amaro...I’m hit...I...my apartment buil...” Elena chocked, feeling her eyelids drop.
She stood n the midst of a vast darkness. There was a dull spotlight shining down on her.She glanced at her hands and feet, find herself wearing a white shirt and pants, the outfit she wore on the first day she started work as an Agent. What was going on? Fear hit her like a falling tree in an ice storm. The hair on the back of her head stood up. Suddenly it was pitch black. Her eyes could not penetrate the darkness no matter which way she turned. It was a complete shutdown of light, except for the dull light around her. Darkness weighed heavily on her shoulders. The darkness felt as if it was brooding and rotating about her. Muffled voices spelled out from her left and from behind her. A ripple of mocking laughter streamed over to her from the distance. Waves of rejection and hatred swept through her like the heavy stream from a fireman’s hose. She tried to ran away, but  slammed into an invisible barrier.
The ambulance rushed Elena to the hospital. And Nick followed right behind. Seeing her down unconscious kicked him hard. This was not a random attack. The arrows were nothing he had ever seen. But now, his mind was just aimed at one thing- to hear if Elena was going to be all right. And so he ran inside the hospital as fast as he could explaining to the nurses who stopped him who he was, showing his badge.
And the nurses still wouldn't let him go beyond a certain point. He knew it, but something pulled him to go into the OR. She had known her just for a little while and yet for an unexplained reason she mattered to him greatly. He inhaled deeply and then sat down in the waiting area frustrated.He now dialled the Headquarters reporting on the accident.
Not long after Stefan and Valerie arrived. They were already investigating Jackson's murder and with Elena being attacked they found it to be correlated. Nick gave them the whole account of the day and the evening, especially the last couple of hours he and Elena spent before they parted.
"So, you have a clue as to who it might be? Whoever killed Kenner is after Gilbert!" Nick said straight faced.
"It could be, but might not" Stefan replied.
Nick knew that could very much be the truth, as he had read the report on the case Elena and Jackson were working on, which subsequently got him killed.
Would a shaman send strange hitmen using ancient arrows?!
Nick moved away from his fellow colleagues  to get himself some coffee as he knew that the surgery would take a while. He was a very patient man but this time he wished he knew how Elena was doing that very instant.
Stefan notified Caroline, who came storming in.
Rebekah, being the resident orthopedic surgeon of the hospital, talked to the nurses, who gave her the paramedics report.
"How bad is it?" Caroline wanted to know.
"Punctured lung," Rebekah said,"should not be that bad- Gia and Vincent are the best specialist for these types of wounds"
"Seriously- does shit never stop?!" Caroline moaned- as she moved restlessly to the waiting area noticing Elijah talking on the phone mentioning Elena.
"Ah, so this is Nick Amaro?!" she thought sizing him up and then went up to him as he finished his phone call.
"Caroline Forbes." the blonde attorney she said putting her hand out to the Agent.
Nick shook her hand and said ,"Assistant District Attorney Forbes?"
"Yes. But I am not here on official business. Elena is my friend. I am here in that capacity." Caroline explained.
"Right." Nick nodded a little and it seemed she was not going to get anything more. So, the name vulture, really suited him, Caroline thought. Dark, repulsive, but compelling. Elena was right. Something about him was not like she had seen before.
Soon Rebekah joined them, who was now also introduced to the Special Agent.
“Does Elena have any family?” Nick said.
“Yes. An aunt. She lives in New York.” Rebekah replied.”I will give her a call.”
“It is not necessary. I think that the Bureau has probably already notified her.” Nick said.
It was so. Jenna, who lived in New York, was notified by the Field Director, and was on her way. And by the time she had arrived, Elena was out of the OR. Gia, the chief of surgery gave Stefan and Nick the recap of how it all went. Elena would recover.
 Nick asked immediately if he could go and see her, which stunned all of them present.
Gia hesitated as he was not her next of kin.
"I am her partner!" Nick stressed, “I need to see her, please.”
Reluctantly, Gia gave him five minutes. As he left with the nurse, Caroline could not  help herself, "Wow. He like knows her for five minutes and he is already out there?!"
“It’s an FBI thing. Partners have magical bond - it didn’t take him long to bond with her.”
Stefan then had to step in the conversation, "Well, she did invite him for beer and a pool game."
"They definitely bonded." Caroline remarked.
Nick walked in the ICU, and seeing her laying in the bed like a sleeping beauty, he wished for a moment it was him instead of her. Where was this coming from? Shock. But he was always so cool and collected. Everyone else was only a fellow Agent. She was so much more. He didn't understand why, but so it was.
"Gilbert," he said and now took her hand, swallowing hard. How and in what moment did she get under his skin, he couldn’t put the finger on.
"Nick Amaro?" Jenna said.
"Yes" he turned around.
A nurse now came in as Jenna just got in without permission, and so to clarify the situation she said to both of them, "I am Jenna Saltzman, Elena's aunt. And as her only next of kin, I believe I have the right to come in!"
"Yes, but you still needed to clarify it with us before" the nurse said.
"I drove three and a half hours to get here, dropping everything - get me the attending” the way she looked at the nurse made the woman resigne trying to explain to her that she could not stay in the room and went to look for a doctor.
"They say she will pull through" Nick then filled her in with the info he got.
"Yes, she will. She is a tough one,"Jenna then said  walking over to Elena taking her by the hand gently, "I am here now."
Nick walked out giving them some privacy. Getting to know Elena's aunt made it clear where she got the feisty impatient part of her personality from. As Caroline said, yes, he and Elena bonded, that was true. He pictured her playing pool and nearly kicking his ass. Inside he said a little prayer for her, his heart wishing all the best.
In the ICU, a little while later, Jenna spoke to Vincent about the operation and as he went, allowing her to stay as long as she wanted, she made herself comfortable.
"Elena ,you should not have gone there," Jenna whispered worryingly,"they now know that you exist."
Three months earlier, New Orleans
Elena walked in a bar looking for Luis Cyphre.
"Who wants to see him?" the woman behind the bar asked.
"Tell him Angel Heart." Elena said.
The heavily tattooed woman just swayed with her hand telling Elena to follow her.
The morning found Nick in the Bureau office. Caroline getting ready for work. Rebekah still sleeping. Stefan waited for his partner Valerie in the diner revising the Kenner-Gilbert case. Elena awake quiet looking at Jenna asleep on the chair. The Agent smiled a little, glad to see her there.
Thirty years ago, after Miranda and Greyson's funeral.
"I will look after you and everything will be all right, I promise you that!"- Jenna said to the nine-year old child, who just nodded trying to cope with everything that had gone on-"New York is a magical, and you will really love it there. I so love it there."
And she had loved it there. But the demons didn't go away, nor the fact that she was the first born with the mark of the huntress. Jenna knew it. And she did all in her power to teach her all she had learned about her family and what they were since the beginning of time. At the age of sixteen Elena became a huntress with all the magic passed onto her the first hybrid moon after her birthday.
"Mmmhh" Jenna muffled a little bit as she moved opening her eyes rubbing her neck- smiling as she saw that Elena was awake now waving at her aunt a little.
"Oh, I fell asleep. How are you? Has it helped?" the woman referred to the potions she had given her earlier.
Elena nodded.
"Good. I couldn't give you more till they check you out. It would have been too suspicious." Jenna said.
"I know" Elena whispered.
"So, I met your new partner," Jenna then said, "he looks badass! You skipped a few points. He is so suave!"
Elena rolled her eyes a little. She was not surprised at Jenna's comment.
"He was really cut about you. So I don't really get why he is all wrong." Jenna referred to their conversation after she had returned from Mystic Falls telling her about Nick.
"He is not all wrong." Elena said.
"Oh, you changed your tune. Did something happen? Something I should know about?"
"Nothing happened. But he is right for the job." Elena replied.
"Right. Let me know when you are ready to tell me why he is suddenly all right for the job."
"He is one of them."
"What? When did you find that out?" Jenna couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"I saw the mark. He is Bloodborne."  Elena said.
"The Witcher?," Jenna said in amazement,"but they are extinct, or are they not? Aztec bloodline?”
"Yep." Elena muttered.
They wanted to speak some more, but the nurse came in followed by Gia, who could not believe how greatly Elena had improved. And then, Jenna had to do what she really didn't like much, she took a small crystal ball out of her bag compelling the surgeon and the nurse to let Elena go in a few days to home care.
As they left, Jenna now put her coat on, ready to leave herself.
“You rest and behave. And I will come and pick you up in a few hours.”
“Right. Get me ice-cream.” Elena said.
“You got it.” Jenna said and giving her niece a little wave, left the room, soon crossing Joel’s path carying a big bunch of balloons and an unicorn.
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“Oh, please don’t tell me you and Elena made up?” Jenna shot a disappointed look at the surgeon.
“And what if we did?” Joel tilted his head narrowing his eyes at the Professor.
“Damn you if you hurt her again- that is all I’m going to say.” Jenna warned the man, her eyes blazing with serious intent.
Joel was smart enough not to go further into the conversation and now excused himself, walking away.
Jenna inhaled sharply, displeased. But for now she let it be and now went away.
A week later Elena  recovered completely. But she had to go on with the pretence of recovery, so she took another two weeks off of work after she had been released from work.
"I hate to do this. But I can't tell them." Elena said to Jenna.
"Maybe they will understand. Try them. I told Alaric, and look how great that worked out." Jenna said.
"I can't. I don't want to drag them into it. And when I am with them I just want to be me, Elena, to have some normality -"
“What is really going on with you and Joel?” Jenna now asked.
“Nothing.” Elena said.
“Really? So what was this whole thing with the balloons?”
“We just hooked up - the night before I got shot.” Elena replied dismissing it.
“So you are not going back there - he slept with that doctor not once , the damsell in distress - the one that nearly had him jailed.”
“Please, you don’t have to remind me. The hook up was just one-off”
“Ok - a bit of meaningless sex never hurt anyone”
"It leaves me so empty afterwards." Elena said sighing a little, thinking of Joel.
Jenna scooped the ice-cream into a bowl for both of them. Her phone rang and she went to another room to take the call.
Elena sat down at the computer, looking at the arrows the forensics have sent over to her. They were of akkadian origin. Jenna, who was a Professor of Demonology, found out that only a secret society would have those in their possession.
The door bell rang and she now went to answer it.
"Amaro?" Elena said as she opened at the door.
"You look really good- I mean- aren't you supposed to be resting?" he said as he walked in.
"I am on very special pain meds. Plus, who can be in bed all day. What's up?"
"You are definitely better."
"There's no time to waste. What have you found out about the Armory?" Elena asked.
"A society of supernatural artifact collectors. Founded by a Lorenzo St. John" Nick replied.
"Right." Elena said happy about the info.
"Stefan and Valerie went to visit them - they are denying any kind of connection." Nick continued.
"Coffee?" Elena offered.
"No, thank you" Nick refused politely.
Jenna appeared from the bedroom and with a small 'hi' adding, "Maybe ice-cream?"
 Nick greeted her back and said no to the ice-cream.
"Ok, guys, I have errands to run," Jenna said giving Elena one of those looks telling her that she had her own lead, "I will see you later. Oh, and Nick - make sure she goes to bed"
Elena looked wide-eyed and emberrassed about Jenna's comment, "Sorry about that. She overdoes her 'mother' role sometimes."
"Well, meds or no meds-she is right. You should be resting." Nick said smirking cutely.
"All right," Elena huffed slightly annoyed and sat down on the sofa,"there, I am resting. Seriously, I am not made of glass."
"No, but of flash and blood." He sat down on the armchair next to her, "why do you push everyone away? You should have seen your friends worried whether you will make it or not-"
Elena did appreciate the concern, but the defensive mechanism she had imposed on herself made her dismiss care she would be given. It was her way of surviving. "I just don't like the fuss. And there is so much to do. I've seen people dedicated to their work, but with you it's an entire new level. You can't hide when the Evil calls your name"
"It's something I read. Anyway," she turned to the table with her meds, that actually were vitamins,"Can you pass me that bottle there. And it's time for my pills."
Nick stood up and passed her a glass of water and the medication that were on a chest of draws.
As he passed it to her, she thanked him and in the process took hold of his had,"I do appreciate you waiting in the hospital"-
"You are my partner," but the way he said it somehow meant more the way it sounded.
The door buzzed and Elena now asked Nick to go see who it was. Swinging the door open, Joel Goran stood there. “May I come in?”
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“Please” Nick said and gestured to the surgeon to come in.
_to be continued
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forevercaroline · 3 years
Sneak peek night
I love doing sneak peek night or giving you guys updates about upcoming fics. So send me a fic and I’ll give you a sneak peek.
Beautiful dirty rich chapter 19
The nine lives of Caroline Forbes chapter 2
Neverland twins chapter 2
Running from the devil chapter 2
The new mikaelson family chapter 30
My immortal love chapter 16
Secret sister chapter 7
Forbes chapter 2
Kerosene chapter 4
Caroline Stark series chapter 5
Rumbelle’s daughter chapter 4
Changing history chapter 3
Vampires and five years olds chapter 2
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misssophiachase · 4 years
...fake dating christmas au?
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This took on a life of its own and is a kind of fusion with Holidate but with my own twist - hope you like it, Nik : ) Thanks for the awesome prompt. 
No Refunds or Exchanges
Workaholic Caroline Forbes gets more than she bargained for when she receives a surprise gift on Christmas Eve from her friends. 
“I’m sorry, you did what now?” Caroline hissed, pulling her friends away, strategically ensconced behind the impressive, Christmas Tree. She was attempting some level of discretion but that pretty much ended when her Christmas ‘gift’ was unveiled. 
“You’re always so picky and difficult to shop for, Care,” Katherine argued, Bonnie by her side nodding enthusiastically. “Plus, we wanted to surprise you and given that shocked expression I think we succeeded.”
“The reason I’m shocked is because you gifted me a person. Like a real life, living, human being.”
“She called him a human being, Kat, I think that’s what they call progress,” Bonnie smiled triumphantly. 
“It was a slip. Excuse me if I’m a little distracted by your totally inappropriate gift.” she growled, sneaking a glance at him from between the green, pine needles. 
Why did he have to look so good in that woollen sweater with those lips and those curls and those damn dimples? 
“Anyway, Klaus Mikaelson is most definitely an extra terrestrial.” 
He was also closely related to her friends’ boyfriends which was not a good thing in Caroline’s book. She’d begrudgingly accepted that he’d be around every now and again but not disguised as a present at her own house on Christmas Eve. 
“You always loved ET.”
“Leave him out of this,” she shot back, eyeing Bonnie. “You don’t just go around giving people other people as gifts.”
“Drama queen much? Caroline, he’s not the gift,” Kat clarified. 
“Great because I was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable with this entire scenario.”
“It’s the services he provides.”
“Wow! Who knew Klaus Mikaelson moonlighted as a Christmas gigolo?” Caroline scoffed, wondering if they were playing a prank or she’d drunk too much of her nana’s spiked eggnog. “If they haven’t made a Hallmark movie about this yet then I’m buying the rights.”
“We are gifting him to you as your holidate,” Kat insisted, rolling her eyes for added effect.
“I’m sorry?” 
“A holidate is someone you take as your date to all holiday celebrations throughout the year,” Bonnie grinned, clearly pleased with their gift.
“We both know you have that New Year’s work function,” Kat added. “We love you, even with those workaholic tendencies, so what better way to make those witches from legal accounts jealous than to show up with some English eye candy?”
“Our gift is valid for an entire year of holiday fun,” Bonnie added.
 “Oh, and no refunds or exchanges,” Kat winked. 
“I suppose that would be difficult given I don’t have a receipt of purchase,” Caroline groaned sarcastically. “I need more eggnog to process this whole ridiculous episode.”
“I know you don’t love me, Forbes, but there’s no need to turn to alcohol addiction.” 
Speaking of English eye candy. She turned around not quite sure what she was going to say or do. 
Her friends then decided to make themselves scarce. Traitors.
“Pretty sure you should be used to driving girls to drink, Mikaelson,” she snapped. “And if this is your idea of a joke then...”
“Says the girl wearing the festive, elf hat?” He reached out and tugged playfully on the bell at the end. She was trying to focus because he smelled so good and his close proximity was making it difficult to concentrate.
She hated him.
Well, that’s what she’d been telling herself since he’d crashed into her life nine months ago, mainly thanks to her friend’s bad taste in men. 
“Not that it’s any of your business, but I lost a bet to my cousin Matt,” she replied through gritted teeth. “We do it every year so as to try and avoid unnecessary, family dress-ups. I don’t get around in Christmas garb for fun.”
“Well, you wear it well, love, especially with that cell phone stuck to your ear permanently.” 
“It’s called a job and why exactly did you agree to this? Or did they spike your eggnog too?”
“Number one, I have a job too, sweetheart, go figure. But being single at the holidays is torturous at best and if I can avoid my mother’s forlorn and pitying expressions I’ll do it.  Surely you have some relatives and friends you want to shut down?”
“Maybe but, even so, I don’t like you in that way,” she blurted out. “Like, not if we were the last two people on earth and we had to procreate to save the human race.” Caroline was rambling uncontrollably, and she knew it. 
“Well, someone certainly has tickets on herself,” Klaus chuckled earning a dirty look from his newly acquired holidate. “Good to see that we are on the same page at least.”
“Exactly! No kisses at midnight, no roses on Valentine’s Day and I get full costume approval on Halloween.”
“Someone needs to read the holidate contract,” he murmured, placing the paper in her hands. 
“There’s a contract?” 
“This is a fifty-fifty partnership, love. Trust me, I insisted on that when your friends decided to draft me for this task. We can discuss all holiday particulars beforehand.” 
She was frozen, not quite sure how to react. How was he more organised than her? 
“And I hate red roses so no worries about Valentine’s Day.”
“I still don’t like you,” she grumbled before making her way toward the kitchen. “Where is the damn eggnog?”
12 months later...
“Nice elf hat” she joked, tweaking on the bell like he had all those months prior. Klaus wore it way too well, but she wasn’t all that surprised. “Matt is a swindler when it comes to bets. He’s considering a professional poker career in Vegas, so don’t feel bad”
“Given your skills, maybe you should join him then, love?” 
The Klaus she knew should have been upset by his current predicament but the lazy grin on his face was telling her something else entirely. Those creases in the corners of his eyes definitely meant something big. 
“I’d much prefer to hang out with you and mistletoe,” she smiled, capturing his lips with hers. Caroline would never get sick of that feeling. Ever. “And anyone who can celebrate the holidays like you deserves a kiss or ten.” 
She wanted to hate her friends for their ‘i told you so’ looks and constant commentary but it didn’t seem to matter when it came to him. Even though she still detested the term she’d begrudgingly fallen in love with her holidate. 
“I’m so glad I never had a sales receipt for you.”
“There was a receipt?” He asked incredulously pulling back and breaking the spell between them. “Why do I suddenly feel like a piece of meat?”
“You should be so lucky,” Caroline teased. “But apparently I was told no returns or exchanges and for that I’ll be forever grateful.”
“I bet you say that to all the boys.”
“Only to my one and only holidate.” 
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theworkofxanderking · 4 years
The Originals: Bad Blood (Alternative Season Five) Master List
Warnings: I do not own the original content to “The Originals”, “The Vampire Diaries” or “Legacies” or any of the characters from the television shows.
15 plus displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson/Original Character, Rebekah Mikaelson/Marcel Gerard, Elijah Mikaelson/Hayley Marshall,  Kol Mikaelson/Davina Claire, Freya Mikaelson/Keelin, Hope Mikaelson/Josie Saltzman, Klaus Mikaelson/Caroline Forbes, Rebekah Mikaelson/Bonnie Bennet, Rebekah Mikaelson/Original Character, Lizzie Saltzman/Sebastian.
Klaus Mikaelson had never lived without his siblings for a 1000 years even when he had daggered them and stashed their bodies in coffins he manged to keep their coffins close but now he was facing not only an existence without his siblings but without his beloved daughter Hope. However as family became enemies once more old faces from the past returned seeking vengeance on the Mikaelson family. (An Alternative version to Season Five of The Originals.)
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Episodes List and Links:
Episode One - Bad Blood: Before and After (4,416 words)
Episode Two - Family Reunion (3,395 words)
Episode Three - Mother Knows Best (3,955 words)
Episode Four - Henrik Mikaelson (3,638 words)
Episode Five - A Mikaelson Family Christmas (4,615 words)
Episode Six - From Here to Hell Town Part One (3,739 words)
Episode Seven - From Here to Hell Town Part Two (2,659 words)
Episode Eight - Legacies: Blood of Our Blood (4,011 words)
Episode Nine - 731 Days (4,702 words)
Episode Ten - Previously on The Originals (3,498 words)
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