#the number of times I've seen this conversation take place
fixyourwritinghabits · 2 months
No Such Thing As Filler
Okay, so yes, this is another post based on something I saw that irritated me, but it seems like this idea keeps coming up, so I need y'all to internalize this. There is no such thing as filler in good writing. None. Do not approach your work thinking you have to fill space in a story, I will beat you with this wiffle bat. Don't ask me where I got the wiffle bat. Don't even worry about it.
The idea of filler comes from a very particular place - when an anime or TV show has to fit in a certain number of episodes, but doesn't have enough content (hasn't caught up with the manga, the source material isn't long enough, etc) to cover those episodes. An episode has to be written, but the characters can't really progress, and so are given something else to do. Many a trope has come from these episodes, and they're sometimes necessary. Filler in this context is something that makes sense.
The dark side of filler is the idea that you need some space between Big Event 1 and Big Event 2 in your story, therefore you need throw anything in there to take up space and make your word count. This is a mistake I've made and I've seen plenty of other writers do it too, but it's a huge waste of your time. You do need something between those big action scenes, but you should always be writing to accomplish something.
Instead of thinking of that writing as filler, try to approach it with three things in mind:
Move Forward With Character Development and Backstory - Your characters barely survived a huge gunfight, and they won't encounter the big bad again for another few chapters. How do your characters decompress from that gunfight, and what does that say about them? Did a cocky character go in guns blazing, only to be deeply shaken by how a real fight works? Did that fight spark a moment of deep trauma for the main character that they have to reflect on afterwards?
Filling this space with meaningless scenes is a huge waste of opportunity. Think about how to dive deeper into your characters.
Move Forward With Plot and Subplot Development - The bad guy beat the heroes to the stolen gem, but they left behind a clue to why they want it. However that clue could reveal some painful truths about the protagonist's beloved great aunt... Carmen Sandiego???
A major goal following a big action scene is having the characters figure out what to do with what they've learned and what to do next. It's where romance subplots or secret relative subplots make progress, when truths are revealed and next steps are taken. You can absolutely do this in any setting - a flirty conversation while at the battling cages, a tense moment of feelings while hunting down a wayward chicken - but your main goal is making progress for both the characters and plot.
Move Forward With Worldbuilding - Worldbuilding has it challenges, believe me. You don't want to write a chapter on how an airship works only to have to cut it later. But you should still try to flesh out your world, and you should do so with the perspective of how to use that worldbuilding to your benefit. Maybe a critical scene hinges on the main characters knowing how that airship works, or that lake your main character often stares at is the setting of the big Act 3 Boat Battle. The weather can play into both perspective and emotions. Knowing what the main character's house and car looks like can reflect a lot on their personal character or backstory.
When you're struggling with a scene or a chapter, rather than writing filler, take a few steps back and think. What can you establish with your worldbuilding? What can you reveal about your characters through their dialogue and actions? What subplot could you explore or add in these between moments?
Filler from a fandom perspective - Now let me make this clear - if you're writing a fanfic just to have a cute moment between the characters you like, or you really want to force everyone to do that weird Twilight baseball scene, that's fine. You don't need a grand goal to achieve for every story, there's no need to justify your fanwork in any way other than you wanted to do it.
But I'd also argue fanwork doesn't fall under the filler label either - something you create, be it a character snapshot or a 'what if the gang meets Slenderman' parody, isn't taking up meaningless space. It's something fun you did that you and others enjoy, and there's nothing wasteful or pointless about that.
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fir3ylolol · 8 months
we want you!
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pairing: Johnny Cage x Reader
summary: The hot military rep on your college campus finally talks to you, but what happens when he gives you his number?
word count: 2.4 k
tw: vaginal sex, vaginal penetration, oral sex, cunnilingus, afab!reader, very light dom/sub, sub!reader, gentle dom!johnny, he still whimpers tho, kind of anonymous sex, making out, biting, praise, hes actually rly sweet, smut, porn with plot
a/n: DILF JOHNNY DILF JOHNNY im so happy with how this turned out!! OH! and I've got another mk1 johnny fic halfway done so keep an eye out for that :))
other parts
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It wasn’t really fair to call you a college student. Were you still actively going to college? Yes, but! You were studying for your master’s degree. Totally not the same thing.
So you didn’t feel that bad about paying attention to the very hot military representative that you always saw on campus. He was insanely built for an older guy, tall and graying near the temples. Black sunglasses always cover his eyes, you couldn't tell if he was cocky or just avoiding the kids on campus. You wanted to talk to him but honestly? He made you sort of nervous.
He’s just so handsome and confident, nodding your way every time you pass him. But finally, after a couple of months, you decide it’s your turn to be confident. He’s stood next to a table under a pop-up canopy, looking around for more people to scout. You walk directly towards him, trying not to falter any of your steps. He finally notices you, quirking an eyebrow and smirking your way.
Fuck, that’s even hotter.
But it’s too late to back out now, as you stop a few feet from him. Nervous to meet his eyes, you clear your throat and manage to ask, “How’s the military this time of year?” He chuckles lightly, pushing his sunglasses further up his nose. “It’s not too bad. You know, I’ve seen you around campus, but you always seemed like you were in such a hurry that I didn’t want to bother you.” You mentally curse yourself for pretty much scaring him off.
“Well, you know how it is. Places to go, subjects to study. I have been wondering why you haven’t said anything to me. I always see you chatting with other students. I just figured it was because I wasn’t the right material.” You try to be less nervous and casual, leaning against the table as well. He looks down and laughs again, taking his sunglasses off and tucking them into his tactical vest. He looks up, wide brown puppy dog eyes meeting yours.
Shit, can he stop being so hot??
“Nah, you’re too good for us, you’re needed out here. Besides, they only have me out here for star power.” You look quizically at him. I guess he did look sort of familiar. Then it hit you. “Oh shit, you’re Johnny Cage!.” He laughs again, who knew you were this funny?? “You just realized? I guess I’m not as famous as I once was. That, or without the tattoo, you can’t really tell.” He unzips the vest slightly and pulls his collar down, showing hints of a large tattoo of his own name across his chest. You fluster slightly at his show, “Wow, yeah, that makes a big difference. Wait, why are you in the military?” He sighs, scratching the back of his head. “Well, my ex-wife basically recruited me and honestly, it’s been more fulfilling than being an actor.”
And there it is, the awkward reason that someone so hot is single. Coughing lightly, you look away. “A-ah, well, that’s…good.” Sensing that he might’ve just said something a little uncomfortable, he quickly grabs a leaflet and pen from the table and scribbles something on it. “Hey, I feel bad about taking up so much of your time. Here.” He hands it to you, sticking it almost directly into your arms. As you take it and look at the very rushed writing of what looks like his phone number, he flashes a signature smile. “So we can continue our conversation at your leisure.” Folding it up and putting it in your pocket, you try to smile back as confidently. “How kind of you, Johnny. I’ll take you up on that.” As you begin to walk away, you hear Johnny call after you. “Wait! What’s your name?” Turning around slightly, you wave and yell back, “Take me out first!” He laughs slightly and puts his sunglasses back on, light glinting off them mischievously. 
As you get back to your place, you pull the paper out and put it on your bed. This is crazy, you know? He’s like twice your age at least. And a celebrity! But…he wouldn’t give you his number unless he wanted you to text him. But not yet. You didn’t want to seem desperate. You decide to eat a bit of food and check on your grades, trying to ignore your nerves. You can only wait so long though, and you grab the paper again. Putting his number in, you take way too long to figure out what to say. God, you feel like a middle schooler, getting nervous about some cute guy. But you finally pull the trigger, sending a simple hello and hoping that you were the only person he gave his number to.
He responds almost too quickly, immediately recognizing you and being happy that you decided to message him. You smile at his words, then quickly shake your head, embarrassed at how quickly you were getting giggly over him. But you can’t stop yourself, half-flirty messages sent back and forth the rest of the day. Man, a guy like this is dangerous. He’s smart, funny, secure in himself, and genuinely so nice. Plus, he spends half the time talking about you, asking questions, and seeming truly interested. It’s hard to find a guy like that.
As day turns to night, you get ready for bed. As you lay down in bed for mindless social media time, you get a text from Johnny. As you click on it, your eyes widen in shock. A selfie of him, laid out on a hotel bed, completely shirtless with wet hair lights up your screen. Finally able to see the full tattoo, plus the insane muscles he has, you need a second to catch your breath. He captioned it ‘ready 4 bed, but hotel beds r always uncomfortable’. You feel like you’re drooling over him, how can a 50-year-old look like that?? He quickly sends a ‘hope youre feeling comfy’ and you feel compelled to take a pic for him. Fixing your hair and lighting in preparation, you make sure that your pajamas are actually cute. After way too many tries, you get the perfect one. You send it with the caption ‘oh u know it ;)’ and immediately throw it onto your bed, nerves absolutely shot. After a few seconds, your phone buzzes. And buzzes again. And again.
Picking it back up with shaking hands, you see his praise flooding in. ‘oh wow’, ‘you look so good like that’, ‘comfy is definitely a good look on you’, and ‘ur room is so cool too’ are amongst the least of the texts he’s sent. After a short pause, a final text arrives.
‘i didnt think you could get hotter but you proved me very wrong’
All of a sudden, you lose the walls you set up to hold yourself back. The mood is switched rapidly, and honestly? You are no longer nervous about talking to him. It’s time to have fun.
Y: ‘you think im hot?’
J: ‘of course, i have eyes you know’
Y: ‘i mean, i thought i was too young for you’
J: ‘i wont say i didnt notice, but honestly, if you dont mind i dont’
Y: ‘perfect’
J: ‘god, youre so hot’
Y: ‘youre not so bad yourself. dont think i didnt notice those muscles’
J: ‘i was that obvious huh? sorry, i couldnt help myself’
Flirting back and forth, you begin to lose your inhibitions even more. Flirty turns to sensual to almost overtly sexual. Something weird about what happens when the sun goes down. Like a horny werewolf. That was, until, he sent the exact right message.
J: ‘i wish i could see you rn, teasing over text can only do so much’
Holding your breath, you can’t stop yourself from a much too bold text.
Y: ‘come over then’
J: ‘what’
Y: ‘come over, you said you dont like hotels and you wanna see me’
Y: ‘here (address)’
Y: ‘your move hollywood’
J: ‘omw’
Freezing and realizing what you did, you rush to pick up your house a little. It wasn’t messy but still. Nerves. It’s a surprisingly short wait until you hear a gentle knock at the door. Seeing him stand there in the pajama pants you saw earlier and a jacket, you unlock the door. Both of you stand there, waiting and breathing. Finally, he steps in, his right hand shooting to your waist and left hand closing the door behind him. Quickly, his lips meet yours in a messy clash, tongue and teeth and desperation. Finally, you pull away, panting and trying to catch your breath. Your brain finally processes that it’s really him, touching you, standing right there.
And it’s not too long before you begin to kiss him again, hands wrapped around his neck. His hands travel lower, squeezing your ass with a groan. With surprising ease, he picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist. He breaks away again, asking in a breathy voice, “Bedroom?” With a nod, you manage to get out, “That way.” He starts the kiss back up, walking towards your room.
You expect him to toss you down on your bed. You’re kind of used to jacked guys having too big of an ego in bed. But he leans down gently, placing your back on the bed. His lips move down, kissing your jaw, neck, and chest, leaving little bites and hickeys along the way. You shiver at the feeling, he's much more tender than you expected, but you’re not complaining. One of his hands slides under your top, swiftly removing it. The cool air of the room can only be felt for a few seconds before his warm tongue latches onto one of your nipples, coarse fingers lightly twisting the other. Light moans slip from your lips as his other hand caresses your hip. He groans at the sound, pulling away slightly to mutter out, “Shit, you sound so good, baby.”
Continuing to play with you, his free hand travels lower. He finally dips below your waistband, quickly finding your wetness, another moan escaping his lips. Finally breaking away, he moves lower, crouching on the ground next to the bed. Slowly, he pulls the last of your clothes off. You’re fully exposed in front of him as he practically eats you up with his eyes. Placing chaste kisses against your pussy, he dives in, licking with a fervor.
Unable to hold yourself back, pornstar moans pour from your mouth. It eggs him on further, moaning against your sensitive clit, and gently curls a finger inside you. Pulling away to breathe, he rasps out, “You taste just as good as you sound. And feel even better.” He keeps working at you, pushing you closer and closer to cumming. Another finger pumps inside you, his thumb rubs your clit, and his free hand grabs the back of your neck, pulling you in for a kiss. He notices you about to finish, rapid pants and breathy moans, and leans in to whisper in your ear, “Come on love, come for me. Let me feel that pretty pussy clench around my fingers. Put on a show for me baby.” And there you go, grabbing onto his shoulder and throwing your head back, cumming around his fingers. He slowly removes his fingers, admiring you while lewdly sucking on them. That earns another groan from him and he cleans his fingers, not waisting a drop.
“Good job, you did so good for me.” He kisses your forehead, quickly removing his shirt. “You ready for more?” In your half-fucked out state, you nod rapidly as he finishes taking his pants off. God damn, aren’t older guys supposed to lose testosterone or something? Rippling muscles littered with light freckles, salt and pepper hair swept out of his eyes, and cock fully erect and waiting. He scoots you onto the bed further, climbing on after you. As he kneels at your legs, he looks down hungrily. He leans in and kisses you, body leaning onto yours. With a final questioning look, which is met with a resounding “yes please” from you, he lines himself up with you.
Slowly, he sheaths himself in you, hissing at the sensation, “Oh god, you feel so fucking good, so tight around me.” Your legs wrap around his waist again, pulling him even closer. It takes you a while to adjust, gentle kisses on the lips to distract you. With a final kiss against his cheek to reassure him, he begins to move faster and faster, grinding against you with each thrust. He’s unable to hold back from loud moans and whines. Readjusting, he leans back and grabs your legs, setting them against his chest. He starts fucking you even harder, nearly knocking the wind out of you. Both of you are definitely annoying your neighbors, loud and unabashedly lost in the feeling. He can’t help the praises falling from his lips, rasps of “so good”, “you sound so sexy”, “you look so good under me”, and “I’ve wanted this for so long, you don’t understand”. The lewd sounds that fill the room are drowned out completely by you two. He seems proud of how you bounce below him, hands desperately searching for a hold on him.
Moving your legs back around his waist and leaning down, his pace is relentless and he’s lost the rhythm in his movements. You kiss against his tattoo, biting lightly against it, which earns another delicious whimper from Johnny. He starts to snap his hips especially hard as you begin to scratch lightly against his shoulders and back, whining out “gonna come, ‘m gonna come”. There’s almost no time to react before his hips snap in violently one last time, coming deep in you. A final moan escapes his lips as his hips stutter with the force of his orgasm and how much physical effort this required. Both of you breathe heavily, trying to regain some composure. He's trembling slightly at how hard he came, pressing his forehead against yours. He pulls out very slowly, a light whimper at the feeling as he lays down next to you. After a long pause, he starts to speak again, voice shaky but words confident.
“So I’ve got two questions for you. Can I know your name now, and do you wanna go again?"
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
Hooked On A Feeling
Chapter Twelve - Mr Ricciardo
Daniel is a Formula One driver, but, more importantly, he was a single dad to a wonderful little girl. He wants her to be a normal little girl, to have a normal social life, so he sends her to daycare. That was where she met Milo, her future best friend.
Milo's mother was incredibly stressed. She worked so hard to provide a good life for her son. But then he makes a new friend, a friend who has a hot dad (ofc they fall in love)
Single Dad!Daniel x Single Mum!Reader
Series Masterlist
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"So, tell me, why is it I have to wait for the neighbours boy to tell me that you've got a boyfriend?"
"Mum," Y/N tutted as she chopped the vegetables. "I haven't got a boyfriend, okay?"
Her mother sighed and she could picture her pinching the bridge of her nose out of frustration. "I've seen the clip. I've seen you kissing the man in the white suit."
Daniel, she was talking about Daniel.
"And, was that my grandson behind you? Do you know how heart breaking it is that this is the first time I'm seeing Milo?" Her mother continued.
Y/N rolled her eyes. But she was used to it by now, used to her mother berating her. "You've done this to yourself," she bit back. "You didn't want to support me when I was pregnant with Milo, so you don't have the right to know him." She pulled the phone away from her ear and ended the call.
She took just a moment to gather herself. Conversations with her mother always rattled her, but she couldn't bring herself to remove her mother from her life. Maybe one day she'd give her parents a chance to know Milo, she just wasn't ready for that yet.
"Momma," Milo called as he walked into the kitchen. He climbed into his seat at the table and placed his colouring book in front of him. It was a Formula One themed colouring book and Milo happily tried to colour in the Ferrari.
Y/N placed the vegetables into the pan with the already cooked chicken. "What is it, my little munchkin?" She asked as she sat opposite him.
Milo kicked his legs as he coloured in the number sixteen on the car. "Do you think Mr Ricciardo will take us to another race?" He asked.
Thank God Milo hadn't asked his mother why she had kissed Mr Ricciardo. He hadn't brought it up at all. But he had dragged Y/N away the moment Daniel had pulled away from her. And he had insisting on holding all of her attention on their way home.
She and Daniel hadn't had a moment alone since they returned home two days ago. They'd tried to text, but Y/N immediately went back to work and Daniel was training. Olivia was with her mother, so she didn't even see him when dropping Milo off at daycare.
"I don't know, munchkin," Y/N said as she pulled out her phone. "Would you like him to?" She texted Daniel as she waited for Milo to answer.
"No," he answered, and Y/N looked up.
She frowned at her son. "Why not, Milo? What's up, munchkin?"
Milo muttered something under his breath, something that Y/N couldn't hear. So she asked him to say it again. "I don't want you to date Mr Ricciardo, momma! You won't have time for me if you date him," he muttered under his breath.
Suddenly Y/N stood up. She walked around the stable and stood at Milo's side. "Oh, munchkin," she whispered as she knelt down beside him. She wasn't going to tell him about the text Daniel had just sent her, it would make him far too upset. "If your momma ever starts dating, she's not gonna have less time for you," she said as she pulled him close. "You'll always be my number one guy, even if I date Mr Ricciardo."
"Are you gonna date Mr Ricciardo?" Asked Milo as he swung his legs back and forth.
Y/N let out a sigh. "Mr Ricciardo has asked if I would like to go to dinner with him," she said as she stood up straight. "That means you get a sleepover with Livvy, and her grandparents are gonna look after you," she said and went back sorting dinner. "Are you okay with that, Munchkin?"
He thought about it for a moment. "Yeah, momma. Sleepover with 'Livia!" He cried and went back to colouring.
y/n (milo's hot momma)
tomorrow are you okay if milo stays with olivia and your parents?
daniel riiiiiciaaaardoooo
of course i'll let them know
She plated up dinner and placed on in front of Milo, putting his colouring book and pencils up on the counter. They didn't mention Daniel and Olivia for the rest of the night. As much as Milo said he was okay with it, Y/N still want' sure. So she didn't say anything.
She hadn't been out on a date since before Milo was born. Y/N didn't have any date clothes, which is why she went shopping on her lunch break.
There wasn't a lot she could afford, nothing too fancy. She searched through the shops for the entirety of the half an hour she had for a lunch break. It took a few attempts in a few different shops before she found the dress she'd wear out to dinner with Daniel.
It was black and fit to her body. She skirt was short, with a tiny, little slit on the side. Nothing like what anybody would expect to see her in, but she felt beautiful when she tried it on. It was going to be perfect for her date with Daniel.
It stayed in the back of the car while she completed her day at the office. It stayed in the back of the car when she picked Milo up from daycare.
She got Milo ready for his sleepover at the same time that she got ready for her date with Daniel. She showered as Milo packed away his toys.
For the drive over to his house, she was dressed down, wearing just her sweats. The dress only came out of her car when she and Milo walked up to the house. She kept it clutched tightly in her hands as they knocked on the door and waited for Daniel to answer.
"Milo!" He called the moment he opened the door.
"Mr Ricciardo!" Milo cried, attaching himself to his leg.
He offered Y/N a smile as she walked into the house. Immediately Daniel went to get Milo settled with Olivia while she went to the bathroom to get changed.
When she came out of the bathroom Milo was already comfortable with Olivia's grandparents, telling them his favourite facts about his favourite dinosaurs. He already had Rexy out and the beginnings of Jurassic park was playing on the television in the background.
"Munchkin," Y/N called softly from the doorway.
All eyes turned to her. At Daniels stare she felt herself become rather bashful. He muttered a 'wow' under his breath, but she didn't react.
But Milo still ran over to his momma. "Are you sure you're be okay here with Olivia and her grandparents?" She asked softly as she crouched down to his height (while still trying to keep herself dignified.
"Yeah, momma," Milo said. "Go and have fun." He sounded so grown up, she could have cried. She wrapped her arms around him for just a second before letting him run back to Olivia and her grandparents to tell them the rest of the facts he knew.
Daniel strode towards her and offered her his arm. "Shall we?" He asked. Looping her arm through his, she nodded her head, and they left the house.
She hadn't been on a date in so long, she had forgotten what they were like. Or, maybe no date she'd ever been on before was as good as this one.
Daniel was a perfect gentleman for the entire night. He opened doors for her, pulled out her seat for her, let her order whatever she wanted, and insisted on paying.
Dinner was incredible. The food was good, the drinks were good, and Daniel was even better. She tried to argue with him about the payment, but Daniel wouldn't let her. There was no way he was letting Milo's hot momma pay on the first date.
That night she confessed to him what her dreams were. It wasn't something she liked talking about, not since having Milo. It wasn't that she didn't pursue her dreams because of Milo, but she was a single mum who had moved across the country. She didn't have the time or the money for dreaming.
"I hate to say it," she began as they walked back out to the car, hands joined, swinging between them. "But I'm actually enjoying a night off from parenting."
"Don't feel bad," Daniel said as he pulled open the passenger door for her. But Y/N shook her head. Aside from her little comment, it wasn't something she wanted to talk about. If anything, she wanted to get back to Milo.
Daniel shut the door and climbed into the drivers seat. "Come on," he began. "We've got one more stop before we head home."
"We do?"
Daniel couldn't help the grin that crossed his face. He started the car and began driving, heading away from the restaurant. The further they drove the less busy the roads got. The city lights soon faded but Daniel kept driving.
It was only when they were in the middle of nowhere that he stopped. Out here they could see the stars. "Wow," she whispered as she opened the car door and stepped out. Her outfit wasn't really suited for the cool night air, and she wrapped her arms around herself as she leaned against the hood of the car.
"Have I told you that you look really good?" Daniel asked as he sat beside her. He placed his arms around her shoulders and pulled her into his side.
She couldn't stop her giggle as she allowed herself to rest against him. "Yes, Daniel. Several times." She looked up at the stars with her head on his shoulder. "Thank you, Daniel. You also look great."
He was in a simple pair of jeans and white shirt. But damn did it suit him.
She couldn't stop herself from grabbing his hand and tracing her fingertips over his tattoos. "Tonight has been amazing. I don't think I've been on a date since I was maybe seventeen," she confessed.
"We're gonna have to make up for lost time," he said, leaning his face closer to hers.
He was addicting, and she couldn't help but find herself drawn to him. Drawn in close enough to kiss him. His hand was cupping her cheek, fingers pushing stray hairs behind her ear.
Just like kissing Daniel the first time, it was amazing. He quite literally took her breath away. But neither of them wanted to pull away, not until they were desperate. Even then, Daniel still rested his forehead against hers. "Be mine," he whispered, his lips almost touching hers again.
She couldn't stop herself from stealing another kiss. "Not until I take you on a date, Mr Ricciardo," she said smugly.
Mr Ricciardo. He liked the sound of that.
Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @cassie0sstuff @spideybv28 @andydrysdalerogers @aundercover @lou-bean28 @landossainz @purplephantomwolf @ggaslyp1 @layazul @phantomxoxo @minkyungseokie @gills-lounge @hollie911 @annispamz @lillians-world-is-f1 @cixrosie @notyouraveragemochii @charli123456789 @amalialeclerc @teamnovalak @tallrock35 @teenwolf01 @chiliwhore @darleneslane @sava207 @thatsusbitch @formulaal @leptitlu @angiesw0rld @yunakynn @landosgirlxoxo @msolbesg @cherry-piee @catmouseggy @bathedinheat @chanshintien @ilove-tswizzle @woozarts @evie-119 @trouble-sistar @mysticalnightenthusiast @lewisvinga @spilled-coffee-cup @starkeyellow @fxrmuladaydreams @viennakarma @radiator101 @lightdragonrayne @angelxxrose @millinorrizz @xemiefx @ellies-world61 @the-depressed-fellow
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houseofanticipation · 9 months
You're sitting with your friend Sam at a coffee shop, catching up. She's telling you about an instagram ad she keeps getting for some audiobook streaming service. "It's just crazy," she says, "because I was just telling Lucille I wanted to start reading more books but I never have the time, and then it's like instantly I'm getting these ads all the time."
"So what," you say over your steaming mug, "you think they're listening to you?"
Sam shakes her head. "Honestly I think it's almost scarier than that. They have so much information about us, they don't even need to listen to our conversations. They just know, based on everything they've gathered about me, that I'm probably someone who wants to listen to audiobooks."
"Well they can't be that smart," you say. "Because the only ads I've been getting lately are for something called Slut Cream."
Sam raises an eyebrow. "You must know I'm going to need more details."
You take out your phone and find an ad to show her. It's not difficult; literally all of the ads you see on instagram are like this. They're even showing up in other places now, on webpages you visit or apps you use. This one is one you've seen before: a beautiful woman in a crop top that just barely covers her nipples is proudly displaying a squeeze tube of the kind you'd buy sunscreen or toothpaste in. The caption says, "Being a slut isn't a hobby—it's a lifestyle! Step up your slut game with Slut Cream! Shop Now"
"I don't even know what slut cream is," you say. "All you get when you look it up is a bunch of porn."
"Well, obviously it's a way to step up your slut game," says Sam sagely. "What does it say on the website?"
"Oh, I'm not clicking the link," you say. "I don't want to encourage them! What I want to know is why suddenly this ad is all I can seem to see!"
Sam shoots you a wink. "Maybe you're just a slut. These data brokers know us better than we know ourselves."'
What neither of you know is that it's actually quite easy to buy online ad space, and they let you get pretty specific with your intended audience.
I live in the next apartment over from you. I've been watching you for a long time, studying you, listening to you through our shared wall. We've talked a few times, some terse conversation at the mailboxes or in the hall, which is how I knew enough about you to place those ads, with audience parameters so specific that probably only you and about five other people would see them. I had fun making them; hiring the model to do the photoshoot, dusting off the skills I picked up in that college graphic design course, creating a website for this fake business (though I'm disappointed you still haven't clicked through to see it). If you actually tried to buy slut cream, the website would tell you we're currently closed due to high traffic, and to check back later. Nowhere on the website does it explain what slut cream is.
A number of strange things happen to you over the course of the following day. On your lunch break you walk down the block to the deli by your office. You're in here every weekday, but today the energy here is different. People are staring you, side-eyeing you, having whispered conversations that stop abruptly when you get too close. As you're walking back to work, an old woman spits on the ground as you pass, you'd swear you heard the word "whore!" hissed under her breath. You wonder if you should say something, stand up for yourself, but she's elderly, probably confused, and you decide to be the bigger person.
In the hours after lunch, you're propositioned by no less than seven of your male coworkers. You've had to refuse a few invitations to dinner in your time, but seven in a day is completely out of the ordinary, and the things these men are offering to do to you go way outside the bounds of first date stuff. One guy tells you the conference room is empty, if you want to go for a quick fuck; another guy tells you he hasn't cum in a month, and if you sucked his cock he'd pump so much cum down your throat that you wouldn't need to eat dinner. Your boss even tells you he and his wife are looking for a third and he thought of you first, like he's offering you a big promotion. The strangest thing is that all of these men seem genuinely surprised when you turn them down. Like this sort of thing usually works with girls. One guy even says, "sorry, I was just trying to help."
It was pretty easy to hire actors for the deli and the street. You go to the same place every day, so I knew where they'd have to go and roughly when they'd need to be there. The harder part was getting your coworkers to play along, especially because I was picky about getting people who could sell the act. For a few of them all it took was money. A few of them I had to blackmail. For your boss I had to call in a favor, get his boss to threaten his job. He protested, but I think it made his cock hard, thinking about fucking you alongside his wife.
I keep this up for a few weeks. Anywhere you go I have people watching you, talking about you behind your back. I have people approaching you on the train, at the park, in restaurants, offering to fuck you like they're doing you a favor. You stay firm in your refusal—I wouldn't have expected any less from you—but I can tell it's beginning to eat at you. I watch you try to figure out what you're doing that seems to give all these people the wrong idea about you; you start to dress more modestly, talk less, even walk a little less confidently. But none of this will change anything. All it will do is make you feel more repressed.
After a month, I decide it's time to make my move. I could probably wait longer, but the anticipation is getting too much for me, and besides, you're beginning to get a little wild around the eyes. I'd hate to break you before I've had my fun. One evening, when I know you're home, I unlock your apartment with the duplicate key I had made two months ago. You're in the kitchen, washing dishes with headphones on; you didn't hear me come in. I leave the door open as I approach you, admiring the way you shake your ass to whatever it is you're listening to. I get right up behind you and stay there for a moment, lavishing in your innocence, feeling my cock strain at my belt as I imagine taking it away from you. Then I reach around front of you with both arms and plunge my hand into your panties
You shout in shock, fight back, try to push me off as the headphones fall off your head. But I've got you pinned against the counter, my full body weight against you, one hand down your pants, the other groping your breasts. Once you realize that fighting won't help, you stop struggling and ask me what I want. "Please," you say. Just hearing that quiver in your voice almost makes me delirious with lust. "Please, let me go. I don't want this, please."
I bury my face in your neck, kissing and breathing you in. You smell incredible, like fear and sweat and sex. I bring my lips up to your ear, let them brush against you as I speak. "Of course you want this, baby. You've been trying so hard to hide it, but you don't have to hide with me. Look, you left the door open for me." I let you turn your head enough to see the door hanging open just as my fingers find your clit. I'm rubbing you gently, tenderly, just the way I've watched you touch yourself through the webcam I have in your room. My other hand is under your shirt now and I'm squeezing your breast, rolling your nipple between my fingers, feeling it slowly grow full and erect. You try to stifle a soft moan and I kiss your neck again. "It's okay, baby. You don't have to be ashamed. It's okay to want to feel good. Let me make you feel good."
You clutch your face in your hands and let out a cry of frustration and humiliation and agony and pleasure. You barely know me; I'm the guy next door who sometimes looks at you a little too long. The guy you speed up to avoid in the hall. But that feeling radiating from you clit... You think how exhausting it's been, doing everything you could think of to change people's perception of you, get them to stop looking at you as a slut, how none of it has done you any good anyway. You wonder if you'd have had more fun fucking Jim in the conference room, or swallowing Dylan's cum, or having a threesome with your boss and his wife. And that throbbing in your clit, the agonizing pleasure...You remember that beautiful woman in the ad: "Being a slut isn't a hobby—it's a lifestyle!" You think about how happy she looked, how fulfilled. You remember Sam's words: "These data brokers know us better than we know ourselves."
It does feel good, doesn't it? To let me touch you, pleasure you, to let go of this act you've been holding on to. Isn't it okay to want to feel good? Why did you ever let anyone make you ashamed of that? You try out another moan, letting the pleasure well up through your chest and out your mouth. It feels good, so you try another, and another, and then you're leaning back into me, grinding up against me, delighting in the feeling of my hard cock against your ass.
"Good," I say. "You're letting go of those silly hang-ups. Now we can have our real fun." My hands still around you, controlling you, I half lead-half carry your trembling body to the bedroom. I throw you on the bed, face up so I can get a good look at your eyes, see what I've done to your mind. Those same eyes that have avoided me in the hall so many times now gaze hungrily up at me, wanting me, needing me.
Who am I do decline?
I pull off your pants and panties as a single unit, letting you take care of your shirt for yourself. I kick of my own bottoms, letting my throbbing cock slap against your leg as it springs from its confinement. Don't think I don't notice the way your whole body shivers when it touches you. I lift your legs and push your knees up towards your ears; you're remarkably flexible. It must be all that yoga I've watched you do at the place downtown. I've greatly enjoyed your visits to that place, so it's nice to see they weren't in vain.
You're afraid of me, all of a sudden. Maybe some part of you is seeing sense, realizing you'd have to be crazy to let a guy like me come into your home and fuck you like this. But what was the alternative? Have me rape you? Let me tell you, darling: I would have raped you. You feel the head of my cock gliding over your skin, exploring your inner thighs and pubic area, and tremble at my touch. I want this, you tell yourself. This is what a slut like me needs.
All the same, you cry a little bit when I penetrate you. It's not because it hurts—it does hurt a bit, but you're wet enough, and it's not entirely a bad pain. It's not because you're afraid—well, maybe in part, but that's not the core of it. You cry because you're finally letting go. Letting go of the person you used to be, or thought you were. It's the relief of knowing you don't have to pretend anymore, wrapped up with the mourning you feel when you lose a potential version of yourself. I lean across you as my cock fills you up, and tenderly, I kiss away your tears. "Hush, my darling. I'm here. I will always be here. I will love you despite what you are, when everyone else turns away in disgust."
My weight on you feels good, comforting. The way I press down on your legs, stretching you out, driving my cock so deep inside you that it brushes your cervix. It hurts a little, but is that any better than you deserve? Could a slut like you really expect to find better than this? Better than unconditional love and a desire to give you the pleasure you need?
I'm speeding up now, my face something like an animal, furious and insistent as I gaze down at you. There's darkness behind my eyes, you think, something cold and cruel. You thank God I'm on your side. My hips are like a hammer on your pelvis now, and with each thrust you feel my cock bulging inside you, throbbing and pulsating with anticipation. When I finally plant my seed in you, groaning and growling and pressing you further into the bed, you find there's something comforting about the warmth of my cum inside you. Maybe my seed will take root, make you swell up with me, make you mine. As I roll off you, huffing and panting, the tears begin to stream down your face again, this time from joy.
What did a slut like you ever do to deserve someone who loves you like I do?
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stevethehairington · 2 years
There's a guy that frequents the same park that Steve takes his morning jogs through. He always sits at the same bench, with the same little journal in his lap, bent over it and scribbling furiously away at its pages. Sometimes he'll have headphones on, sometimes he won't. Sometimes he'll be wearing a full on leather jacket, despite the weather. Sometimes he'll just have a t-shirt on, with cut off sleeves that show off his glorious, tattooed arms. Sometimes his long curly hair will be down by his shoulders. Sometimes it'll be tied back out of his face.
But if there's one constant, it's that he is always there.
And he is cute.
Steve wants to talk to him, but he doesn't know what to say to the stranger. Doesn't really know how he would approach him either. Just walking up feels too weird, and forget sliding into the empty space on the bench beside him. Asking about the journal feels way too personal, too. And just saying "Hi, I've seen you around" feels sort of creepy (even though Robin assures him it isn't — it's just a conversation starter).
So instead of outright acknowledging him, Steve decides to be a bit subtler about catching his attention. He surreptitiously alters the course of his jog so that he runs directly past the guy, and if he starts wearing his old shorts from high school that are a little too tight, a little too short, well. Thats for him to know and this guy to notice.
It goes on like that for a few weeks. Steve jogging his new path, right past Cute Guy, trying to sneak a peek from his peripherals as he passes to see if Cute Guy is looking back. And either Cute Guy is really good about timing his looks, or he's just not looking.
It's kind of a total bummer. A real shame. But who knows, maybe Cute Guy already has someone at home. Or maybe he's not into guys. Or maybe he's just not interested in some random, sweaty stranger at the park who stares too much.
Oh well, Steve thinks. Even if Cute Guy isn't interested, he at least gives Steve something nice to look at on his run that isn't a tree so. He'll take what he can get.
And then one day Steve jogs past, not really paying Cute Guy much attention this time.
Only then he hears, "Excuse me! Excuse me, hey, dude, you dropped something!"
Steve slows to a stop, patting at his chest and pockets as he turns back. He has no idea what he could have dropped — he doesn't bring a whole lot to lose on his jogs in the first place, but there's no way Cute Guy is talking to anyone else.
But also hello Cute Guy is talking to him. Who the fuck cares if he didn't drop anything?
So Steve jogs back towards the guy, who is on his feet now, and jesus his jeans are tight. Steve approaches slow, tries to keep his eyes up, and comes to a stop in front of him. "Oh?" He asks. "I did?"
Cute Guy nods. "Yeah," he says, and holds out a little scrap of paper. He lets a grin (a dimpled grin, be still Steve's heart) spread across his face, tilts his head a little, and goes, "You dropped my number."
Sure enough, right there on the little scrap of paper, are seven digits and a name.
Steve looks back up at Cute Guy— at Eddie. Then he folds the paper back up and makes a show of tucking it safely into his pocket, pulling the zipper across so it won't fall out. He pats his pocket and grins back at Eddie. "Wouldn't want to lose that," he tells him. He sways forward on the balls of his feet, lifts a hand to his mouth like he's telling a secret. "Rumor has it that's going to get me a date with a very cute boy."
Eddie's eyes sparkle and his smile brightens. "I can assure you, that is no rumor."
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gguk-n · 6 days
I did a poll yesterday and I had asked which driver I should write an smau with us Sabrina Carpenter's Please please please. Lando won, so here is the smau. I hope you guys enjoy it more than I enjoyed making it!! (I used Sabrina Carpenter mostly, except a few places where I got the pictures from pinterest)
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Tagged Y/BFF/user and McLaren
Liked by McLaren, landonorris, oscarpiastri and 4,657,982 others Y/N.Y/L/N So Y/BFF/user loves watching cars go fast, I on the contrary had my heart stop when I found out the speed they drove at. Thank you to McLaren for having us. It was the nicest experience, let's do this again some time. The drivers were so much fun, especially oscarpiastri, same sense of humour as Y/BFF/N.
user 1 I knew loving y/n was a queen move, she's so pretty. user 2 the crossover I didn't know I needed😭😭 user 3 I was at the race and when I said I was a fan she gave me and the others an autograph and we even took pictures!! the sweetest!!❤️❤️ user 4 I was also at the race and I saw her and Lando literally throwing themselves at each other and laughing at god knows what. user 5 user4 me too, I saw them whispering to each other and I think I saw them exchange numbers👀 user 6 both of them follow each other now, idk what that means?? are we getting a new dad?!🤔
Y/N was greeted by McLaren staff at the entrance and given paddock passes to enter. Y/BFF/N was looking around with big round eyes and almost screamed when she saw Lando and Oscar. They shook hands and went along with the engineers on a tour of the paddock. Y/N didn't understand most of it but she was happy for Y/BFF/N. Lando seemed to have noticed that Y/N was zoned out, so he tapped her shoulder, "You don't have to listen if you don't want to." Y/N apologised and tried to pay attention, alas Lando had other plans and decided to end her misery. He took her along to the drivers room, let her sit down and even got her an iced americano, her favourite!! Y/N thanked him with the conversation flowing like butter with the sprinkling of some flirting here and there. As Lando finished P3, he made sure to get Y/N number before she left for the night; a triumphant look on Lando's face.
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Liked by 34,765 others f1updates Y/N Y/L/N was in attendance at today’s race at McLaren. P (Max's girlfriend's daughter) was seen taking picture with her. She wasn't the only one happy it seems because a certain driver couldn't get done with press and debrief without blushing every time he looked at her. He even ran back after the race to her in what every is describing as a race to get her number before she leaves. We hope to see more of Y/N now that she might become a wag.
user 7 can celebrities who don't care about the sport not come. 😒😒 user 8 this page is supposed to update about the race not the racers lives🙄🙄 user 9 I think they look cute together, I haven't seen Lando blush like this ever🥰🥰
landonorris followed Y/N.Y/L/N
Y/N.Y/L/N followed landonorris
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Liked by landonorris and 3,657,987 other Y/N.Y/L/N So happy to bring you the collection with Skims I've been working on since last year. You know how much of a big advocate I am of body positivity and control. I hope this collection brings joy to all the people who wear it, I hope you feel just as sexy as I did while doing the photoshoot
user 7 not Lando lurking in the likes user 8 user 7 he's not lurking, he follows her lol. user 9 she betrayed taylorswift for money🤦‍♀️. user 10 mother is mothering user 11 Y/N.Y/L/N can you adopt me?? I wanna be hot like you when I grow up Y/N.Y/L/N user 11 sure but you're already hot, I can see from the pfp💋💋. user 11 Y/N.Y/L/N didn't just reply to me, i can die happy
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liked by Y/N.Y/L/N, McLaren, oscarpiastri and 1,456,278 other landonorris might not have finished podium but you guys get cute pictures of me
user 10 marry me Norris!!!❤️❤️💋💋 user 11 he's so cute and drivers fast cars, what a package.🥹🥹. user 12 its ok mate, better luck next time👍 user 1 not only did Lando like y/n post, y/n liked his back too😭😭
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Liked by 15,798 others. y/nupdates Y/N was seen a few days back with a mystery man on the streets of London. Both of them looked very comfortable holding hands or kissing each other any chance they got. Is there romance in the air or is this another one of y/n flings? only time will tell.
user 2 guys, its Lando Norris, Mclaren's driver😳 user 3 I can confrim its Lando, I saw them near big ben user 4 she hasn't released any new music in ages, focus on your work😫😫 user 5 user 4 let her have fun, you mood killer🤬
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liked by 3,490 others f1wagsupdates Lando Norris was seen getting up close and comfortable with a new girl on the beaches of Hawaii. Is a new grid couple on the rise??
user 6 you did not just call y/n a new girl?? 🤦‍♀️😤 user 7 i think they are so cute!! I want what they have😩😭 user 8 Lando needs to focus on the race now that Mclaren is doing so good😤😤
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liked by Y/BFF/user and others popnews Y/N Y/L/N, singer and Lando Norris, McLaren's F1 driver were seen walking around the streets of Paris. This seems to be the third city the pair has been spotted being in love. Speculations say that they started dating after Y/N went to the race in March. Only time will tell what is going on between the two since they've kept their personal lives private since neither have been seen attending a race or a concert. We've tried contacting both their PR team but have gotten no response.
user 9 y/n best friend liked this, must be true🤯!! user 10 both of them are so cute together!! can't wait for all the love songs y/n will write😭😭 user 11 i hate it when bitches get with hot guys😡 user 12 you can tell they both are in love. can't believe popnews reported, must be real😔
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Liked by lando.jpg, Y/BFF/user and others. babygirlcore that's why they say you should date an athlete, they got good stamina lando.jpg damn, i feel objectified babygirlcore I'm only with you for the looks, sorry you had to find out like this Y/BFF/N can't believe my bestie is dating my fav driver and I find out from the tabloid babygirlcore I'm sorry Y/BFF/N I would've told you but Lando wouldn't let me. lando.jpg don't drag me in this I'm innocent
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Liked by landonorris,maxverstappen1 and 1,452,647 others. Y/N.Y/L/N It was so much fun performing at coachella. Thank you for having me. I've been touring for the past year, but this never gets old. I hope I get to see you guys at my concerts, tickets available in the bio.
user 1 seeing her live was a dream come true😭 user 2 the only reason I went to coachella❤️❤️ user 3 is it just me or was she winking and giggling at someone in the crowd??🤔🤔 user 4 user3 I saw it too, it's prolly Lando🥲🥲 user 5 user4 it was definitely Lando someone posted pictures of them after the coachella user 6 can't believe this witch took my Lando😤😤
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Liked by Y/N.Y/L/N, McLaren, f1 and 5,278,934 others. landonorris that first win feeling!! So thankful to McLaren for always believing in me!!
user 7 the most deserved win😭😭😭!! user 8 not Lando running to y/n as soon as he won😍😭😭!! user 9 so rude, y/n won't even comment congratulating her boyfriend😷😷 carlossainz55 congratulations cabron oscarpiastri congratulations mate
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liked by lando.jpg and others babygirlcore the winner of Miami gp and my heart!! give it up for Lando Norris!! so proud of you baby, I knew you could do it!! can't wait to share more wins and watch you become the WDC!!
lando.jpg you're making me blush, love you baby!! Y/BFF/user can't believe I missed this historic moment Congratulations Lando!! Gonna have to take the year off so I can process these emotions😭😱🤯 lando.jpg thank you Y/BFF/N
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Liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 3,765,983 others. Y/N.Y/L/N I've been working at the studio for a while now, can't wait for you guys to hear the new stuff I've coming for you. It's been so long since a new album. So, I'm happy to announce the release of my new album in a couple months. Can't wait to share it with the best people in my life!!
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user 7 let her cook😭🥹 user 8 can't believe Lando is her muse, the song is so Lando coded🥹🥹 user 9 oh to be y/n and dating Lando, she hit the jack pot😔😔 user 10 I'm so happy she's finally getting the love she deserves❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭. user 11 can they just come out and say that they are dating😖😖. user 12 i'm working late cuz I'm a singer, the line of the century, play this at my funeral💀 Y/BFF/user is this song about me babygirl Y/N.Y/L/N Y/BFF/ user always, you're my soulmate❤️❤️🥰🥰😘😘
Lando couldn't help but gloat to his friends and fellow drivers. How many people can say that their girlfriend wrote a song about them. The song made him soft and mushy so when Y/N walked through the door he tackled her into a hug. "you wrote a song about me" Lando whispered in her ear. "I did" y/n replied, "all my songs are about you darling" Lando's neck felt hot and his cheeks started to hurt from smiling to hard. Y/N looked at his face and smirked, "aww!! is little norris blushing??" Lando quickly moved away and turn his head towards the window. Y/N couldn't help but tease him and call him a sap in love. Honestly the biggest sap was Y/N since she was the one writing songs about her boyfriend.
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Tagged landonorris
Liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 2,769,654 others Y/N.Y/L/N Heart break is one thing, my ego's another.
link in the bio
user 1 mom said dad's not allowed to look anywhere else.😈😈🙈🙈. user 2 what a power move y/n casting her boyfriend in the song about not fucking up the relationship😂😂. user 3 if that stupid vroom vroom guy fucks up, it's on sight😤😤 user 4 i don't get the hype, she aint even that pretty😒. user 6 i hope they break up, Lando is meant to end up with me 🤦‍♀️ landonorris Thanks for having me on the music video, if you need help in the future lemme know😏😉 Liked by the author user 5 Lando trying to be low key in the comments when we know he's being loved by the best girl Y/BFF/user I'm sending this to my boyfriend Y/N.Y/L/N Y/BFF/user I thought I was your boyfriend, am I the other one???? Y/BFF/user Y/N.Y/L/N sorry babygirl, it do be like that sometimes
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Tagged Y/N.Y/L/N
Liked by Y/N.Y/L/N, maxverstappen1 and 1,256,783 others. landonorris I'm not as good with words as she is. I never knew what love felt like before she walked into my life. So grateful to be the boyfriend of the most beautiful, kind, caring, loving and gorgeous girl. You're my forever person. I love you Y/N Y/L/N❤️❤️
user 1 if someone saw this. they'd think this was a y/n fan acc. user 2 y/n is barbie and Lando is just ken and he's happy if barbie is😫😫. user 3 eww, she ugly, Lando could do so much better. carlossainz55 congratulations cabron!! happy for you charles_leclerc Alex want's to know if we can get tickets to her concert?? Y/N.Y/L/N charles_leclerc yessss!! tell Alex she can come to all my concerts oscarpiastri you would've thought he would shut up after getting with her but he has become insufferable. Y/N.Y/L/N take him away. He cries whenever you're not around. Liked by Y/N.Y/L/N Y/N.Y/L/N I love you too baby boy. You're my forever person too!! landonorris I'm so lucky to have you, love you mommy😘😘.
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Tagged landonorris
Liked by landonorris, Y/BFF/user and 1,426,783 others Y/N.Y/L/N People keep asking why are all my songs about love, I look at them and say I’ve finally found my muse. He makes me so happy, I’ve never felt this way with anyone. So grateful for meeting him cuz I don’t think I knew what being loved was like. Thank you Lando Norris for being the light in my dark times. I just wish my heart didn’t give up every time you looked at me or got into that damn F1 car. But I think I’ll live. Love you❤️💋
landonorris love you too. Liked by author user 4 what dry ass reply was that Lando, look at y/n comment's on his post Y/BFF/user landonorris does this mean free passes to the races forever?? landonorris Y/BFF/user obviously!! user 5 Lando is so blind, she's only using you user 6 they are so cute, they'd have the cutest babies🥺🥺 user 7 he's too good for her, i wish he was still with Luisinha user 8 y/n prolly watching every race to make sure her man is alive 🤣🤣
After hitting the post button on their respective accounts, Y/N found herself in Lando's arms with her head against his chest and his on top of hers. She wrapped her arms around his torso and took a deep breathe; "I love you so much, you know that, right?" Lando chuckled, “You don't let me forget it, with being your muse and all” She let out a sign of content and mumbled, "Just like the driver's championship you are P3 in my heart" Lando's face dropped, unwrapping his arms and pulling her to eye level, "what do you mean?" Y/N just laughed and said, "my parents and Y/BFF/N are P1 and P2 but am sure you'll become P2 if I write any more songs about you." Lando leaned in and kissed her, she pulled him closer as she deepend the kiss. Both of them happy where they were in each other's arms.
I hope you guys liked it!!
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non-stop-imagines · 8 months
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From this request!💖 And a little help from this too 😚
Word Count: ~10.1k words w/ smau
Pairing: Carlos Sainz Jr. x Black Rapper!Reader ( JT face claim)
Warning: Smut, p in v, fingering, forced eye contact, a little bit of an innocence kink made its way in there, Twitter Environment, rude comments, mention of food Minors DNI!!! 18+
A/N: AH HA! ITS DONE AND IM SO HAPPY! I have said this so many times and I mean it everytime, thank you, thank you, thank you so much to my 🌶️ anon. For trusting me with this request, for checking in on me, and most of all for being so patient. I hope you are doing well and I hope you enjoy this. 💖 I hope you all enjoy this. I am trying to work my way to reopening my requests because I truly find pure joy in reading the ideas that you guys have. Love you all!!💖💛💖💛💖
A/N 2: All of the pictures used for the smau portions are all from pinterest and are not my own product.
   You and Carlos stroll back over to his car, parked a block away from the park that Carlos took you to, Jardins Saint-Martin, just on the outskirts of Monaco. Since Carlos decided to ask you on this date at the last minute (it was about 11:00pm on Saturday, Monaco grand prix weekend), it was either this or his boat that probably was surrounded by fans in some fashion. Taking you to this park, and finding a place still open to buy ice cream before coming here, was Carlos' best shot at being alone with you.
   "Sorry the date seemed so…basic. I wish I could've taken you somewhere fancier, but I was so nervous about asking you on a date that I didn't do it until late." He's been wanting to do this since he met you at the Miami Grand Prix. When he first saw you peeking into the Ferrari garage as a celebrity guest at the race, he had never plotted so quickly to get someone's number. You were…different. In a good way. You were dressed sexy yet classy, obviously comfortable in your own skin, and you weren't afraid to be expressive when talking with anyone. Heck, when you first talked to him, he could tell you were nervous, but it still did little to dull the fire in your conversation.
   "So, this is yours, huh?" Carlos had led you into the open garage while everyone else focused on a different celebrity that had made their way over.
   "Sí. Not what you expected, huh?" He smiles and watches you closely observe the race car, your eyes tracing its curves while Carlos' traced yours.
   "To be honest, I don't know what I expected. I mean it tried to learn as much as I could about the sport once I learned I was invited, but I didn't really focus on the cars. Mainly teams, drivers, less technical stuff." You were rambling. You knew you were rambling, it always happened when you were around someone you found attractive. "But I do know that this does not look like any Ferrari I've seen." Mental facepalm. Of course not, it's a goddamn race car. You could feel your chest squeezing, scared that your awkward remark wouldn't elicit a response from the driver, but instead the faint sound of an exhaled chuckle shocks you.
   "I know. It's smaller. And seems a bit less safe, but what do I know?" Your tension melts a bit as Carlos makes a joke just as terrible as yours. You continue observing the car, walking around and tilting your head, hair falling gently around your face.
   "Sorry, I'm being so quiet. I just think it's so cool seeing one of these up close." You saunter back over to Carlos, eyes still on the car, not to observe it, but for the purpose of avoiding the intense eye contact that he was trying to initiate, mentally urging you to look at him.
   "So, uh, you make music, no?" This gets you looking at him for a moment, only to answer the vague question.
   "Uh, yeah. I'm a rapper. You probably haven't listened to my stuff, though. Probably not your speed." You flash a small smile then look away again, observing the car one last time before turning your attention to the rest of the garage. Little did you know, that smile knocked Carlos off his feet, and he wanted it to happen again.
   "Maybe I have, maybe I haven't, but I would like to. Here." This brought your attention to his face then his phone that was unlocked and open for you to go to your music. "You can just add yourself."
   "You know you could've done this yourself…" You smile to yourself as you search your name.
   "I know, but now you can put your number in, too." You stopped what you were doing to look up at him, squinting and grinning.
   "Ah, smooth. I see where the nickname comes from." You chuckle and go to do as told, adding your number to his contacts.
   "Thank you. I'm glad you said it because if I said it, it would have been too cheesy." He exhales a laugh, searching your face for amusement, which he finds once you go to hand his phone back.
  "You know, I would've given you my number if you just asked." You didn't know what to do with your hands. If you were bold, you would have allowed your hand to run along his toned arm, but you settled on just letting your hands be expressive as you spoke, lazily pointing an acrylic clad finger.
   "Maybe, but this is more fun." Carlos smiled, a smile that accentuated his bottom lip, making you instinctively and stealthily dart your tongue out onto yours.
   After the brief moment of the poorest example of attraction projecting body language imaginable, it was soon time for you to continue on to God knows where because you weren't paying attention before, and for Carlos to start Friday practice prep, even though he definitely wouldn't be paying attention. He would be thinking about how he was going to text you, call you, something.
   It took him 3 days to text "Hi" and you 5 seconds to respond 
   Okay, so fire was an exaggeration, but you didn't know any better.
   "I thought the date was nice!" You hesitantly reach out for his hand. The motion was initially instinctive, your hand acting on its own, and once you realized what you were doing, you began to pull back, but it was stopped and encased by Carlos' before it was fully retracted, and he continued the conversation like nothing happened.
   "No, no. It could have been nicer. I just didn't give myself enough time." Your heart was racing, and this was when you realized you were still looking at entwined hands and not the man speaking to you, so you quickly refocused yourself.
   "Really, I wouldn't know the difference anyway, I have nothing to compare it to." Carlos tilts his head quizzically at your implication so you continue to explain, chuckling. "I've never been on a date before." 
   "Wait, no? Haven't you had a boyfriend or something?" His thumb starts to move over your fingers and your brain short circuits, your eyes cutting back to your hand.
   "Uh, no. No, I haven't. So I definitely don't know what I'm doing and I wouldn't know better as to whether or not this was the worst date a person could've ever had." You finally got your brain to work again and smiled nervously as you spoke, watching a look of disdain settle into Carlos' face.
   "Well, I wouldn't say all of that, but…wow, I can not believe you've never had a boyfriend." You were greatly enjoying Carlos' shock, but you go on to explain a little.
   "I've been focusing on my music career since I was 16, so someone would literally have had to hold a sign up in my face and shout that they like me for me to even consider the possibility of them wanting to go on a date with me." You giggle nervously, the disdain on his face shifting to curiosity as his eyes traced every part of your face over and over again.
    "So would that be necessary now?" A grin tugs at the right side of his mouth and it seems like he keeps having to pull his eyes from your lips.
   "No, that won't be necessary. Just a simple 'I like you' would be fine." Your laugh was looser this time, and you finally let loose a full smile, displaying shallow dimples and accentuating your lips. Carlos looked at you like a shooting star that had just whizzed by, disappearing into the horizon all mysterious and sparkly.
    "Well, I like you, a lot. And I want to take you on more dates, and be whatever other first I can be for you." His grin slowly fades but it doesn't take away the sincerity in his eyes and his words, now unabashedly staring at your lips. 
   "Oh. Well i- I've, um, never, uh, kissed anyone before." There was obvious hesitation in your statement, knowing it was a bold move for you, slightly surprised at the smile that landed on Carlos' lips.
   "I am so glad you said that." You knew what was coming, especially once you felt him pull you closer with your hand, beginning to lean in, but for some reason you failed to take any steps to reciprocate the action, eyes wide open, watching him lean in for the kiss but stop centimeters away. "It's better if you close your eyes, I promise." Carlos chuckles at the shocked face you looked at him with, his eyes still trained on your plump parted lips.
   "Yeah, I know. I don't know why I didn't…let's-uh-try again." You pinched the bridge of your nose in embarrassment, resetting your brain to try the moment again. Eventually you gaze back up at him, first taking a moment to admire the man in front of you, failing at hiding a laughing grin while you got lost in his eyes.
   Carlos, on the other hand, his mind was going berserk. The eyes you looked at him with were so innocent and trusting, even further indicated by how you, unprompted, fluttered your eyes closed prepared to try your first over kiss again. He had to indulge his own self for a moment, testing the waters to see if he could prove his theory, even the slightest bit, so he unnecessarily lifts your chin and tilts your head to your right, each move smooth and gentle, and with both moves you allowed yourself to follow the modification unhesitatingly, keeping your eyes closed. "Perfect." He finally leans down to kiss you, first just the soft press of each other's lips, you getting used to the foreign, intimate feeling, but after that moment Carlos slots his lips between yours and you try your best to keep up, mimicking his lip movements to the best of your ability. Carlos was considerate of the situation though and held off on the tongue, instead opting for manually lifting and wrapping your arms around his neck and then circling his own around your waist to make the kiss deeper. Your lips were glossy and pupils were dilated upon pulling away from the kiss, chest heaving with slow deep inhales.
   "How was that?" The look you gave him seeked approval, or at least constructive criticism, on your kissing ability. Carlos just like that his opinion mattered so much to you.
   "I feel like I should be asking you that, no?" He keeps a tight grip on you with one hand as he uses the other to gently rake through your hair, fingers going just deep enough to manipulate the top layer.
   "Oh, well you've done this before. I'm the one that needs pointers." You move your arms to wrap them around Carlos' torso, giving your shoulders a rest 
   "You need no pointers." He leans down to give you another lip slotted kiss.
   "Oh, thank you. I-uh- you're not too bad yourself." Carlos just chuckles at your awkward comment and leans in for more kisses, testing the waters more and more to see how deep he could make them, how much more tongue you would allow, and smiling at how you didn't know what to do with the small introduction to the appendage. It was you who had to break up the moment, wedging your arms between you two. "Don't you have a curfew or something? The race is tomorrow right?"
   Carlos wasn't going to lie, he completely forgot it was a race weekend. He was so enamored by you just being here, how when you were with him you exuded a, now more understood, innocence that is hidden behind the nature of your fame. "Not if I pretend I don't." He shines a devious grin at you, and you have to reboot your brain to remember what you were going to say.
   “No, I’m not gonna be the reason you break curfew or whatever.” You try and wave away his eyes that were trained on your face, but his lips approaching your neck, and the reflexive tilt of your head to give him more surface area, shut you right up.
   “Fine, I guess you’re right." He says with his lips brushing deliciously against your ear, then pulls his face away and extends his arm past its previous home if your waist to open the car door for you. He has to move his face into your line of sight, which was off in the distance just past his left shoulder as you contemplated your situation, and use his eyes to motion you into the car.
   "Thank you again, for tonight. I had a nice time." You spoke as you buckled your seatbelt, realizing that was something you did often when you were able to, occupying yourself with something else to avoid having to look Carlos in the eye. He wasn't going to stand for that though, so once he was in and the car was started, he turned his body to you and tilted your chin up so you would look at him.
   "That's good to hear." He brings you forward for a kiss, again testing your response to the addition of his tongue to the equation, liking the effort that you put into following his lead. He didn't worry, though. He knew he had time with you. "When you get to the paddock tomorrow, go to the Ferrari building. I'll make sure they have a garage pass for you." You just nod, eyes dazed and trained on his lips before flicking up to his own deep brown irises, and he couldn't help leaning in for another brief make out session. After kissing you the first time, your first time, he became immediately obsessed with it, trying to teach you and get you to follow his lead each time, and loving that you were a fast learner. 
   After some driving, more kissing, and stealthily making it back to the hotel room, "Good nights" and confirmation for tomorrow's plans were made and, eventually (because Carlos wouldn't leave unless you looked at him while talking to him) you both were in your assigned rooms, wondering what would come of that night.
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Liked by carlossainz55 and 351,079 others
yn_music Red on me like Ferrari 💋🌶️🏎️
View all 539 comments
user1 New music soon? 👀♥️
>yn_music We workin, don't you worry boo💋
>user1 I literally screamed and threw my phone
>yn_music Hope your phone's okay 😬
normani It's giving 90s dream girl 📷♥️
>yn_music 💋
user2 Uhhhh, Carlos, whatchu doin here blud?
>user3 Apparently they seemed pretty close during the Miami GP
>user2 She was at the Miami GP!?!?
>user3 Yeah! And there were seen in the garage Thursday talking and possibly exchanging numbers 😶
>user2 This is the best possible wag announcement I've ever experienced
user4 I refuse to believe that Carlos Sainz is seeing someone that makes music like hers 🤷🏽‍♀️
>user2 why are you even here
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   "I'm sorry. Can you just explain to me one more time why you stopped me?" You let your fingers just barely run through the top of your hair, taking a deep breath and glaring at the man standing in front of you.
   "We have received a couple of complaints regarding your attire and so we have to ask you to cover up." The man in the bright yellow security jacket looked just as done as you did, but you didn't care.
   "Okay, I'm not trying to be difficult or anything, but I have seen outfits much worse than mine and yet I'm the one that gets stopped? I just don't…" Your response may have been directed to the security guard, but it was more for your own sanity trying to keep yourself calm. "Respirar" You repeat the Spanish word taught to you by Carlos for whenever you felt anxious or overwhelmed, inhaling as you say it and then releasing a long exhale. "Let me just-Do you think we could go over to the Ferrari motorhome? Carlos was the one who invited me and maybe he would be able to help…”
   “Ma’am, please. We don’t need to get anyone else involved. Just cover up or else I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” The guy reaches out to guide you by your arm but you pull back from his reach, taking a singular step back.
   "First of all, do not touch me. I did not give you permission to touch me. Secondly, I am not going to cover up because there is nothing wrong with my outfit, and it is entirely too hot to do so. Please can we just-I texted him, hopefully he's by-oh!" You felt a hand touch your lower back ever so lightly, making you jump and a flash of anger come over you very briefly before looking to your right and seeing Carlos flash a grin at you. The more severe part of your frustration melted away with the presence of the man beside you, softening your demeanor and allowing him to press a kiss to the top of your head and subsequently fix any bit of hair that came out of place due to the action.
   “Hello.” He still had that grin on, but you could tell it got brighter the longer he looked at you, the more his eyes wandered around your appearance.
   “Hi.” All you could muster was a tired grin to reciprocate, drained from the previous encounter, which made Carlos even more adamant to squash whatever problem you frenziedly and vaguely texted him about. So, after protectively wrapping his arm around your waist, he turns to the man that was previously hounding you about your outfit.
   “So, what’s the problem?” The glare Carlos gave the man could have set the guy’s hair on fire if Carlos willed it. He was messing with his girl, and he wasn’t going to stand for it.
   “Oh, s-she is a guest of yours…” The man started fidgeting with his jacket, pulling at the bottom hem and scrunching up the sleeves before finally just settling on crossing his arms. 
   “Yes. My girlfriend if you want to be specific. So, what is the problem you are having with my girlfriend?” Silence. That is all that followed the question, and it caused the world to just fade away, leaving just you three. Carlos, silent and waiting for an answer. The man, silent and feeling like an ass as he racked his brain for a way to talk himself out of the situation. You , silent and waiting for something to unfold, and then finally registering Carlos’ words but too nervous to say anything. When enough time passed to irritate him, Carlos turned to you for an answer. “What happened?”
   “Um, uh..” Your first instinct was to look away, anything for you to not have to endure the intenseness of Carlos’ frustrated stare. You click your long, decorated nails together, trying to find your words again, surprised by the gentle finger that guides your eyes to his.
   “Mírame. You can tell me.” His glare softened when he turned to you, willing you with his eyes to speak and trying to telepathically convey that it was a safe space to tell him the full story.
   “He told me that there have been people complaining about my outfit and that I can either cover up or leave.” Even though it was hard to initiate eye contact with Carlos, maintaining it was a piece of cake. Getting lost in the dark irises of a gaze that could go from playfully wide to sultry squint was effortless for you, and you eyes seemed to follow the motion of his as he checked out your entire outfit, oversized and low buttoned white dress shirt and blue jean mini skirt down to the gold accented thigh high boots, a sexy elegant look which was one of the many looks he loved to see on you, and definitely did not see a problem with.
   “You must not have been doing this for long because I have seen much worse outfits walking through the paddock.” His hand slid from your waist to your hand as he mildly pointed a finger at the man before turning to you. “You look great today, by the way.” Since a true response would make you dip into having to initiate eye contact again, all you could do was bashfully grin at the ground. “Now, we have somewhere to be, and I think you should go take a break, and just not come back, so you don’t disturb anyone else, okay?” He checks to ensure he had a firm grip on your hand before hastily walking away toward the Ferrari motorhome, but when you guys get close instead of going to the building you two turn toward the garage entrance, stopping along the wall just as you turn down the long walkway. It was only at that moment that you realized Carlos was dressed in his race attire, only haphazardly with the suit pulled up onto his shoulders but mostly unzipped, and your eyes couldn’t help but follow his hands as the quickly performed that task. “That was stupid, I don’t know why…” He mumbled that to himself as he finished strapping himself into his race suit. “I’m sorry about that girlfriend thing. I-”
   “Don't be sorry.” You answered quickly and made sure your eyes met his. When Carlos said that in his haste to defend you, sure you heard an inflected emphasis on the word "girlfriend", that was a pleasant pillow that you were able to rest on while he handled the situation.
   “What, you want to be my girlfriend?” His smirk acted as your reminder that you were holding eye contact, making you want to shrink back down in embarrassment, but you didn’t allow yourself to, and you knew Carlos wouldn’t allow it either.
   “If you don’t mind being my first boyfriend.” You shrug timidly, and smile just as wide as Carlos does after your answer. You could tell Carlos was racking his brain for his next steps with how quick his eyes flashed over you, finally landing on your lips as his hand rested on your shoulders to pull you in for a kiss, quick but still held the happiness he wanted to convey.
   “I told you I want to be all of your firsts. Even though I wanted this to be a bit more special. Flowers and everything.” He pushes your hair behind your ear and finds his eyes moving back and forth between yours again.
   “Yeah, I remember.” Your eyes reluctantly peeled themselves away from his and traveled down to his race suit, pulling you back to the present as your hands act on their own to turn him toward his garage. “Go, please I’ve held you up long enough. What is this anyway? Practice?” Since landing in Britain that morning, you have been non-stop trying to get to the track, so you haven’t kept track of the schedule for the day.
   “Eh, no. Qualifying.” This only made your eyes widen and caused you to put more force into pushing him into the garage.
   “What the fuck!? You could’ve told me! Go, go, I probably completely ruined your concentration.” You continue to push but the action is interrupted by Carlos delicately pulling you around to his front and pulling you close to him wrapping your arms around his waist. His hands found their home on the sides of your shoulders, steadying you for another kiss, meant to calm your worries but also because he found your concern endearing.
   "I'm more than prepared. Trust me. I'll see you later, cariño." He jogs off to his side of the garage, having to leave you at the entrance, but you eventually make your way in, standing behind the barrier separating the guests from the rest of the garage, pulling on headphones and waving at his cousin before finally turning your attention to the main event.
   "Okay, hold on one more moment, cariño. Keep your eyes closed.” You’re walked out of the bathroom that you were very quickly whisked into when you arrived at Carlos' room. Though your eyes were closed, they could still sense the soft glow of what could possibly be candle light, and the lack of sight didn't stop your nose from breathing in the fresh perfume of flowers, though you were unsure what kind. You waited patiently, jumping ever so slightly at the feeling of Carlos' hands over your closed eyes and the faint touch of his breath on the back of your neck. "Alright, open."
   You open your eyes to, as you suspected, the dim, warm lights of several candles around his hotel room, a bouquet of roses on the bed that was sprinkled with rose petals. "Oh, Carlos…" You could've cried. Just a few months ago, you weren't even thinking about being in a relationship, let alone being in one with someone like Carlos, but here you are, with this man who thinks the world of you, and shows it not only in his words but in his actions. 
   "I wanted to get more balloons, but this is what I could get in such short notice." He had his arms wrapped around your torso and his chin rested on your shoulder as you looked at the beautifully decorated room, but you wanted to look at him instead, so you turned around in his arms to hook yours around his neck.
   "You're too much." You slowly lean in for a peck, smiling with each one that follows.
   "I know." You both chuckle as you go to playfully hit his chest. "You deserve this all, I hope you know that."
   "I'm trying too, but still, thank you, Carlos." You go to rest your head on his chest, but you're startled by a sudden exclamation of mild disdain from him.
   "Aye, Carlos is too formal." You eyebrows furrow briefly at him and shift your jaw as you think.
   "Okay, so, um, what then?" Your eyes were wide and surprisingly innocent compared to the usual sultry look you had.
   "Papí. I think that would have a nice ring coming from you." He couldn't help but lean in for another kiss from you. Your lips were his favorite part of you and the feeling of them on his own was his favorite feeling in the world, you embracing him second for the time being.
   "Okay. Thank you, Papí." You place another peck in his waiting lips, liking how the nickname rolled off your tongue.
   "You deserve it, mí amor." A kiss to your cheek begins to trail down your neck, reaching a tender spot that elicits a moan that shocks you but pleases him.
   "Oh. I don't know wh-" Your automatic apology was interrupted and excited Carlos.
   "Let's see if we can do that again." The kisses continued, making it the first time anyone has ever explored the erogenous points on your body. 
   Well, he was at least able to get around to anything above the shoulders.
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Liked by charlesleclerc and 362,870 others
yn_music 🌹🥀🌹🥀
tagged carlossainz55
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carlossainz55 Amor ♥️
user5 This is the hardest soft launch I've ever seen
user6 My happiness depends on these two making it so just everyone be quiet and let them live
>landonorris I agree with them ☝🏼
kaliuchis Mamí ‼️‼️‼️🥵🥵🥵
user7 I'm gonna need pointers because I still don't know how you snatched Carlos Sainz 🧐
>yn_music Be awkward as fuck in the Ferrari garage 🧍🏿‍♀️
user8 This is not gonna last I'm calling it rn 🫥
>user9 She probably whined and cried for him to do that for her 🙄
>carlossainz55 Try again. This time pull your head out of your ass so you can think clearer
   You were in the zone, posing as music played in the studio. That was truly the only way you could even begin this shoot as the only things covering your upper body were fake butterflies, but as you got well into the shoot those nerves melted away and you were just vibing to the music. After a couple more shots, the photographer called you over to take a look at what they had gotten and while you were studying each shot you received a tap on the shoulder.
   "Papí!" You turn around and fling your arms around your boyfriend’s neck, his warm woodsy scent, a slightly sweet tinge at the end, swirling around your head. When you pull away, he hands you the robe that you left in the make-up area, aware of the qualm you had about being too exposed for long periods of time, and you graciously and quickly accept it before hanging your arms around his neck again while he brings you closer to him by your hips.
   “Te ves hermosa, cariño. That color is perfect on you.” You looked at him with a dopey gaze, poking out your lips to accept the kiss he was leaning in for.
   “Gracias, Papi.” You guys make your way toward the make up area, which in a large open area such as the studio this was taking place, is a small portion of the large room partitioned off, a clothing rack and a vanity in the vicinity. "What are you doing here?" You sit in the chair facing the vanity, your hand in the unwavering grasp of your boyfriend who walks around to stand in front of you.
   "What, I can't come see my girlfriend?" His eyes wandered around your intricate makeup, while he spoke and you could feel your face heat up and your heart begin to race as he placed you under his adoring gaze.
   "Well, I mean, it's just unexpected for you to be in L.A. when you're supposed to be in Singapore by tomorrow. Wouldn't this fuck up your sleep schedule?" You bring your other hand up to accompany the one already in Carlos' grasp, swinging his arm, eventually turning your attention to the group of hands.
   "Eh, maybe. Maybe not. I guess we will see." He shrugs and then uses his free hand to tilt your head up. "I couldn't pass on a chance to see mi cariño."
   "Oh." He removes his finger and your eyes go back to your guys' hands, to his dismay. But his ears perked when you voluntarily looked back up at him. "I am really happy to see you.”
   It was simple what you said, but it was how you said it that made the moment a sticky-sweet one. “I’m happy to see you too, amor.” He bent in to press a kiss to your lips and then examined your eyes. “Have you eaten? Are you hungry?”
   “Oh, no. I’m fine. They provided food." You tilt your head to the table off to the side, and Carlos' eyes are assaulted with the sight of boring looking sandwiches and various fruits and vegetables. He knew you well enough to know that you would only eat what was over there if you had to. But he was there, so you didn't have to.
   "Are you sure you don't want me to get you something, mí corazon?" Corazon. The nickname that you loved and feared the most for the sheer fact it is a sign that you had to be vulnerable. If he called you by that, it meant that he could see through whatever front you were putting up and that you had no choice but to voice whatever was on your mind. A complaint, your feelings on something, an idea you have. He was there to listen, and you were trying to remember that.
   "Well, um, there is this taco place, I think it’s about a block away, they have these amazing carne asada fries with queso, guacamole, pico, sour cream…” Your stomach growls at your descriptive request, and you look up innocently at your boyfriend, who grinned at you like you were a precious jewel.
   “Got it. I think I saw it on my way here. Uh, what about coffee? You seem a little tired.” He reaches to your hair, a feather light touch barley even altering the already perfectly set hair.
   “No, I-uh…” You stop your refusal, feeling Carlos’ intense gaze on you, just waiting for you to lie so he could say something, so you conceded and told him the truth. "Yes, a coffee would be nice." You give him a worn grin and lean into the forehead kiss that he gently guides you into by the back of your head.
   "Okay, mí amor. Iced Macchiato, extra espresso shot, sweet cream cold foam…do you want extra caramel this time?" You look up and slowly nod at him, leaning in for one last peck on the lips. "Okay, I'll be back. You keep being sexy." 
   "I'll try." This was preceded with a girlish giggle, and you were reluctant to let go of his hand, holding on until his arm was extended to its fullest extent. "Love you." 
   Carlos stops in his tracks. Sure, this wasn't the first "love you" shared between you too, but he was sure this was the first time you've said it first. "I love you too, mí cariño." He backtracks to kiss you again, soft and slow, before you finally let him leave.
   He came back with the food and coffee about 30 minutes later and stayed for the entire rest of the shoot, his presence a comfort you didn't know you needed until he was there. He left for the race early the next morning, even though he knew he would be arriving halfway through the media day, it was worth being with you those extra few hours.
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Liked by nickiminaj and 425,017 others
yn_music Look who decided to visit 🦋😚
No Bars out now, y'all‼️ If you haven't listened, where tf y'all been at? 🤨😒😘
tagged carlossainz55
View all 473 comments
carlossainz55 Sexy as always 🥵 Pre-race weekend time well spent cariño ♥️😘
>landonorris Why do I feel like there is some deeper meaning behind this 🤨
>yn_music Don't look to deep into it, it's not for young eyes 👶🏼
>landonorris You're literally a year older than me???
saweetie Y'all don't fuck wit her 🤞🏿💖🤞🏿💖
>yn_music ♥️
>saweetie I've got a shoot next week, you think your man can come bring me some food?
>carlossainz55 She has told me that since you and are her friends I am obligated to. Just tell me when and where 🫡
user10 A lewk❗ Ate left no crumbs❗ Slay hunty to the boots down❗Serving cunt❗
>yn_music You just using them all, huh? 😭
>user10 I just love you so much 🥲
>yn_music ♥️
user11 So we're praising her being basically nude...got it ✔️
>user10 You just wish you looked that good basically nude 💁🏾‍♀️
comment liked by carlossainz55
carmenmmundt Can't wait to see you this weekend, lovely ☺️
>yn_music I say the moment I see you we flake on our boyfriends and go get some drinks
>carmenmmundt Deal 🤝
>user12 Hmmm? You two are besties and no one decided to tell us?? Surprises around each corner this season
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   "Amor, can you grab the salad de la navera, por favor?" Reyes instructs as you two move around the kitchen to grab the finishing touches on the dinner that was happening out on the patio of the large Madrid home. It was only you two in the kitchen, as desired by Carlos' mom, while he, his sisters and various other family members stayed out on the patio while Carlos Sr. grilled.
   "Okay, here we are." You set the bowl on the counter and then turn to lean against it as you watch her put finishing touches on various other fragrant side dishes.
   "Gracias, amor." When she gets done turning off the burners of the stove and wiping her hands clean, she whirls around to look at you, a soft content grin on her face as she eyed you up and down, meeting your eyes when she's done. "You are such a lovely girl. And not just beautiful, pero tu aura, how comfortable you are with yourself and how it naturally makes other people more comfortable around you. That's a gift."
   "Thank you, Miss Reyes. You don't understand how nice that is to hear. With so many people talking about my relationship with Carlos, thinking they know what's going on…it's just nice to hear. Especially from you." Your heart fluttered at the compliment. You weren't one to be phased by online comments, but there was a small morsel of your mind that was worried the comments would influence those close to Carlos, convince them that you weren't good for him, but that has been far from the case. They all loved you, and that was an understatement. His mom and sisters would always steal you away from him the moment you guys walked through the door, and his father treated you like his own.
   "And Carlito, he-I have never seen him so in love with someone. When he calls me, two things he talks about, driving and you." You had to do something with your hands as you felt Reyes' adoring eyes focus hard on you, making you mildly nervous.
   “I’m sure my friends would say a similar thing about me. All I do is focus on my music and talk about Carlos.” You chuckle and bring your hand to your hair to shake it out and push some of it backwards. “I always feel like a lovesick teenager when I talk about him. I get giddy about the stupidest stuff.”
   “As you should, mi amor. He always talks about how proud he is of you. How you’ve allowed yourself to be vulnerable. How you've been learning to voice your needs. And, eh, this last one coming from my own hopes, but I hope he is showing you what a good relationship is supposed to be. Even if he is not your only one, I hope he is a good one.” She takes a step towards you and lays a soft hand on your cheek, and you naturally lean into the motherly touch, your lips twitching into a grin.
   “He’s been a great one. He’ll be a tough act to follow, if it comes to that of course.” You two share a quiet moment after that, like a mother watching her daughter fall blissfully in love and being comforted in the fact that she is being loved back two fold.
   “Bueno. Now, let’s talk about that new song of yours while we bring the rest of this food out.” She nods her head at the salad bowl and plate of rosquillas sitting on the island behind you and turns around to grab the dishes behind her and leads the way to the patio where the rest of the family was.
   “Oh, that. I-” You follow quickly behind her, preparing an answer to explain the content of the song but the answer you get before you’re able to finish is one that you should’ve expected.
   “I love it. It’s on my workout playlist.” She turns to the side to walk through the door to ensure that nothing hits the door frame, watching her step as she does so, and you follow her lead, dumbfounded by her confession. “You never need to worry about your music with me amor. I love everything you make because it’s you. You need to take some advice from your own song. Aye,¿cuál era la línea? Ah, ‘I’m that bitch, give a fuck who don’t like me.’” Reyes’ recitation of the lyric invites a playful, riot-like response, a jumble of "Mamí!" and "Tía!" erupting from the group on the patio.
   "Thank you, Miss Reyes. I'm very happy you enjoy the song." You say this through intermittent chuckles as you walk over to the other side of the table, to where you're greeted by your boyfriend trying to take the bowl of salad and plate of dessert from you because he never lets you do any labor if you don't have to, while a similar gesture unknowingly happened in the same moment with his mom and dad. The difference in the moment is, that while Reyes allowed the gesture to happen, used to Carlos Sr.’s impromptu help, you kept the serving dishes in your grasp, telling Carlos that you had it and giving him a short kiss on the way by.
   You two had an audience for that entire interaction, you walking by, Carlos' eyes watching you the entire, and the bright, eye crinkling smile he gave you once you turned to him after placing the dishes down, bringing you into his arms and giving you a deep kiss. He then plops into the chair he was previously sat in, bringing you down onto his lap, eliciting a giggle from you in the process. "So, what did you and my mom talk about in there?"
   "Oh you know, the usual. Food, music…how you're absolutely obsessed with me and can't live without me." You calmly comb your fingers through his hair as you spoke, slowly getting more focused on actually fixing the tousled look of his hair, until his right index finger tilts your head down slightly so you were looking in his eyes.
   "Todo es verdad, mí cariño." You lean down to receive the kiss his partially puckered lips offered, the only thing your brain could register doing is allowing your eyes to travel the hills of his face and lean your head into the light touch his fingers gave the back of your ear following his gentle modification of how your hair fell in front of your face. "Oh!" His sudden exclamation made you flinch slightly and perk you head toward him, eyes widened in surprise, silently waiting for him to continue. "Move your stuff into my room tonight, please. I do not know why you slept in a different room last night, anyway." His index finger continued to lightly scratch at the back of your ear.
   "Oh, yeah. I was so tired last night after traveling, and it was, like, instinct to go to another room at your parents house because that's what I did the last time we came here. But, um, I will. I did miss you last night." 
   "I missed you too. You have no idea how much I missed you." His eyes traipse around your body suggestively, before silently coaxing your eyes to his. Your head follows the guide of Carlos' hand to meet his lips in a couple of light, languid kisses, that is until you hear a low grunt and turn around to see his cousin playfully rolling his eyes at the precious interaction.
   "Consigue una habitación." This was whispered under Oñoro's breath, and a cheesy smile plastered its way onto his face when Carlos' hand briefly leaves your hip to swat at his cousin, a flurry of giggles coming from all parties.
   "Sólo estás celoso." His arm wraps back around your waist and hand gravitates back to your hip, clasping his other hand that has now settled in the same location, hugging your body closer to him.
   "No, he's just mad that I beat him at Padel last time we were here and I could probably beat his ass again." Carlos brings his head adding a curiously raised eyebrow to his amused visage. "He still doesn't understand how I did it with the long nails." You click your, now moderate length (moderate compared to the usual length you get), nails as a subconscious supplement to your coy answer, a complete contrast to the response that comes from the man seated next to you two.
   "You shouldn't have even been able to hold the racquet with those things." Though loud, the tone of his answer was more comical, a chuckle laced throughout his words.
   "Aye, don't be a sore loser." They childishly swat at each other for a couple of seconds before Carlos' attention abruptly moves back to you. "You move to my room tonight, bueno?"
   "Bueno, papí." You press a gentle kiss to his nose and then a few slow exaggerated ones to his lips. Nothing too deep, not in the company of family, only lips were involved, but there was a conscious effort on your part to put most of your attention on his bottom lip, sucking and kissing it.
   Soon it was time to eat and you had to move to your own chair, much to Carlos' dismay.
   Three slow knocks to his bedroom door made Carlos rise from his bed and slowly stalk over and swing it open, slowly pulling your tiresome frame into his arms.
   "You moved my stuff already." You mumble into his chest, the scent wafting from him swirling around you, making you realize exactly how much you missed him last night. How perfect he would have been to cuddle up next to, be wrapped in his warm embrace…
   "Cariño? You there?" He makes a knocking noise while pretending to knock your head to grab your attention. You didn't realize how tired you were.
   "Yeah, yeah. I, um…" Your response acted as go-ahead for Carlos to press slow kisses up your neck and behind your ear, a location that he would pepper with his lips when he wanted to mess with you, make you mewl quietly and immerse yourself fully in the sensation. He loved it, watching your face show a level of eros that would rarely reveal itself. He always wanted more, wanted to move further down your body, explore areas that are always tortuously covered in clothes, but he was adamant in not doing so until you were absolutely sure. Until you yourself initiated something.
   "You must be so tired, amor. Can't think straight." He pushes his hands beneath the baggy long sleeve you wore, fingernails grazing the skin of your back, one hand leaving its post for a fleeting moment to push closed the bedroom door, your lips held captive by his.
   "Mmm…no. No. I, uh, I just gotta go do something real quick. I'll be back." It took a moment for you to escape Carlos' hold, you practically wearing him like a backpack until you disappeared behind the bathroom door. He slowly saunters over to the bed, stopping momentarily when he hears you screech out "You even organized my stuff in the bathroom!" 
   After about 15 minutes, you emerged from the bathroom and laggardly made your way toward the bed, where Carlos was engrossed with something on his phone. That is, until he could see you approaching him in his peripheral, making him intuitively set the device down and accept you crawling into bed with him. He noted your change in attire, tight shorts and a baggy shirt, a change from the long sleeve and sweatpants you had on moments before. He also noted your hesitancy in climbing onto the bed, as if you played out an entire scenario while standing at the side before just climbing in and laying to the left of him, turning to your side to wrap your arms around his left arm and to drape a leg over his hip.
   Originally, you both just layed there, intertwined, Carlos ready to go to sleep with you finally there beside him, but that when he felt soft, timid kisses being placed up his neck. He couldn't help but smile endearingly at your attempt to set a mood, working diligently to hold in a chuckle with each unsure kiss you pressed with your pillowy soft lips. It was similar to a doe taking a chance to walk up to you, one wrong move and they'll retreat for good. "Hey, hold on." He says this quietly, and he could tell from your still hooded eyes that you were only stopping to follow whatever brief instruction he had for you, but instead of instruction, he just shifts his body up the bed so he was sitting up against the headboard, taking you with him and ultimately pulling you over his body so you were sitting on his lap eye level with him. The abrupt change in position is what broke your trance and caused you to stare at him in the eyes, unsure of what to do next. "Just keep doing what you were before, cariño." You stare at him for a second longer, just until he gives you the slightest of nods, in which you reluctantly go back to placing gentle kisses along his jaw. "Get closer, amor. Why are you so far away?" He presses his hands to your lower back to bring your lower body up his legs, your core dangerously close to the bulge growing in his shorts.
   There's a quiet hum from you that follows the adjustment. It basically had the same purpose as a warning alarm when starting up machinery, because after that soft hum came the unskilled movement of your hips over his, movement that surprised Carlos and cause him to bring his hands to your hips on instinct, immediately pressing you down onto his crotch and helping you with the movement. You pull away from your previous occupation of your lips to his jaw to allow your brain to comprehend the, not quite new, but definitely enhanced sensation, eyes failing to meet his and instead settling on his lips. He didn't allow that though, as one of his hands came up to grip your chin and manually place your eyes on his. "Mírame, mi cariño. I want to see how good I make you feel."
   Boy did he get his wish. You did as told and held the eye contact, mouth falling open as you continued to rut your hips into his. This is all the stimulation you ever tried to get from Carlos, so he wasn't surprised to see you pupils already blow out in lust, but it was the knotting of your eyebrows that hinted that this time was different. That you wanted more and just didn't know how to ask, but Carlos was patient. But he also knew he would have to force it out of you, eventually. And so his grip on your hips got firmer and you could feel that your body had been pressed further down onto your boyfriend, creating delicious friction that was working to bring you to that high you so desperately craved. You bit down on the inside of your lip and began to move your hips faster, but the even further furrowed eyebrows caused him to put the hand breaks on your hips. You whimper in protest, only wanting to make yourself feel good as you've had time and time again, but your eyes are met with wide ones trying to asses your thoughts, trying to make you answer an unasked question. When no answer comes he is forced to verbalize it.
   "Do you want more, mi cariño? You've got to use your words." You nod, voice trapped in your throat from your earlier shyness, but you somehow manage to rasp out the words you needed to.
   "I need you, Papí." You buried your head into his neck as you said this, starting your hips up again but you're quickly stopped again and Carlos' fingers lace through your hair, gently tugging back, knowing the delicate handling needed by the style, so you were looking him in his eyes again.
   "Eyes on me, cariño." You nod at the instruction and he releases his grip on your hair letting his hand fall to your cheek. "We'll go slow, okay?" Another nod from your lustful but slightly concerned face has Carlos guiding you into a kiss. Starting off simple, like your first kiss in the park in Monaco, lips pressing gently together. You feel Carlos actively work his lips between yours and you knew to open your mouth slightly, and follow along with the movement of his tongue. Your arms move from being wrapped around his neck to his chest, your fingers just now realizing he was shirtless and causing a stifled moan that came out more like a short, pained exhale. It was like the new level of salaciousness you were experiencing caused you to slip in and out of consciousness because it wasn't until your shirt was halfway up your raised arms that you realized Carlos was removing your shirt, exposing the red lace trimmed bra you were wearing. "Eres tan hermosa, mí cariño." He tore his eyes away from your breast to look you in your eyes, eyelids relaxed and mouth slightly agape, showing your teeth a bit when you smile at the compliment.
   "Gracias, papí. It's all yours." It was Carlos' turn to break eye contact now, bring his hands to run over your breasts, his first real look at them, and boy was it a treat. This moment was fleeting, eyes returning to yours and lips crashing back into each other, going back to the sloppy work they were doing before. You pressed your body as close to his as you possibly could, hands combing their way through Carlos' thick, dark locks until you just couldn't hold off anymore. You lift your body from his laps and begin to pull at his athletic shorts, eyes focused on the obvious bulge that you were craving to see the source of. 
   "Wait a moment, cariño." He holds your wrists in a firm grip and silently urges you to look at him, and when you do he gives you a domestic grin. One that you reciprocate before giving him a simple kiss, going back to basics. You sit back and wait, mind finally coming back to the situation at hand, how exposed you both were, what all of it was leading to. Your instincts told you to pull away from the hands that were now wrapped around your torso to undo your bra, but your brain quickly overrode that thought, reminding you that this is the man you love who loves you twice as much and you have been wanting this for a while now. So you let it happen. Let your bra be flung off to the side and kisses be pressed into the valley between. Let his kiss swollen lips mark a slick path to your nipple, your head tipping to the side when he takes it in his mouth. Let innocent mewls drip from your mouth at the new sensation and feel your core get warm and slick in anticipation.
   When Carlos had his fill of your chest for the time being, he pulled back again to look in your eyes but you could feel his hands venturing down to your shorts but not yet inside. He flicked his eyes down to his hand and then back to your face. "Is this okay?" You nod and brace yourself for the sensation, having never been touched in such a way, but when it didn't come, you put your attention back in Carlos' face, stern with an inquisitive eyebrow up. "You need to use your words, amor."
   "Oh, uh, yeah. Th-that's fine." You look back down at Carlos' hand that remains still until a sudden grip on your cheeks from Carlos' other hand brings you gaze back to his, only then did his statuesque appendage dip into your shorts and lightly graze your clit, your body jolting at the feeling.
   "Mírame, mi corazon. Don't look away, please. I want to see what faces you make. Faces that only I have had the opportunity to get from you, mí inocente cariño." Carlos coos before moving his hand again, rubbing a full circle on your clit this time. You let out a lewd whine and squirm your hips, feeling yourself clench around non-existent stimulation. "You want a finger, amor? Does my pretty girl want to feel Papí's fingers inside of her?" Carlos drug his middle finger along your entrance, surprised at how wet you were already, eager to know what sounds and faces you would make being fucked by his fingers, but he waited for your verbal response.
   "Mmm, yes, please." You spoke with a needy whine and bucked your hips against his hand, getting sticky juices up to his wrist. He flashes an maniacal smile and pulls your face to his for a messy kiss you were very much not ready for, finding your impatience darling. He then had to stifle a cruel chuckle when you let out a shocked and slightly uncomfortable whimper when he finally does stick a finger inside of you. He removes it and goes back to rubbing your clit for a moment, giving you light kisses along your jaw.
   "You okay?" There was the slightest remanence of that chuckle in his voice, but not enough for you to notice or care because you just go on to answer his question so he is able to continue.
   "Your fingers are much thicker than mine." You whimper, your pouted lips the perfect target for Carlos' as he presses his finger back inside of you, dragging along your soft walls and his palm pressing against your clit as he moves his finger.
   "You've been using your fingers?" He wondered if you realized what you admitted to when he inquired this, but the answer was obviously no when you go on to mindlessly answer his question.
   "Mhmm. Did last night." You nod, face still being held by the large hand of your boyfriend, eyes still forced to look into his as they being to display a touch of overwhelm.
   "Were you wishing they were mine?" Carlos' finger held a slow steady pace, a second one coming to join the first, adding to the already full sensation. The spongy texture of your g-spot acted as a target that he put more focus into hitting, which caused you to move your hands to grip his wrist.
   "N-no, I-not your fingers. You…" You didn't want to be looking at him when you hinted to imagining him fucking you with wild abandon, but your face was still in his grasp, eyes having only the options to look him in the eyes or the mocking smile on his lips. 
   "You were wishing I was there to fuck you! Oh, cariño, that's cute. How about I help that wish come true, hmm?" He slips his fingers from you and removes his hand from your shorts, his index and ring finger glistening obscenely with your juices and your mind has to reboot after watching him suck said juices off said fingers. He finally removes his other hand from your face and reaches over to his night stand to reach into the drawer to grab a condom, the shiny wrapped object being held briefly between his lips so he could close the drawer again. As he went to pull down his shorts, he stopped to take a look at you vacuously watching his movements. "Here. You take them off." He takes your wrists in his hands and brings your hands to his waistband.
   "Oh, okay." You accept the task with a high-pitched whisper and lightly grasp the waistband of his shorts and underwear, taking a deep breath and then slowly pulling down. You watched as the bulge at his crotch was revealed, his dick springing out, slowly falling onto his stomach, the tip glossy from precum. The crinkle and tearing open of the condom brings your eyes back to Carlos', noticing that they seemed darker and his pupils were obviously blown out.
   "You know how to do this?" He hands you the condom when you begin to nod slowly, watching as your warily remove the object from its wrapping and place it on his tip, shaky hands having trouble starting to roll it over him. He brings one of his hands to wrap around yours, guiding your fingers in rolling the edge of the condom around his tip and then moving that hand to your hair when you're able to finish the task yourself, trying his best not to thrust up into your hand, which looks absolutely adorable wrapped around his dick. You make this a bit harder for him, intrusive thoughts taking over and making you start to stroke him over the condom, hand moving easily due to the lube that came on the object. Carlos had to stop you before it went too far, taking your hand and using it to guide you in flipping your positions, you now laying on your back with Carlos between your legs. He hooks his fingers to the waistband of your shorts and pulls them off with your underwear, a string of slick going with them for a second before he flings them off in the direction that your bra went earlier. Finally there you two were. Naked. Exposed. Ready to engage in the most intimate moment of your relationship to date. But Carlos had to have some fun with it. "If only all those people saw you now. Mi pequeña inocente, fucking herself with her fingers, wishing it was my dick. Maybe they'd shut up about you being dominant. You being the one 'wearing the pants'. But I'll let them believe that. As long as I get this. You waiting for me to fuck you stupid." 
   "Papí, please…" You whine out, reaching up to grip what you could of his hair so you could bring him down for a desperate kiss, pulling away to look at him with wide doe eyes. He takes the obvious cue and lines himself up with your core, eyeing you up and down before leaning over you, placing a hand by your head and using the other hand to toss one of your legs over his waist.
   "Okay, okay amor. I'll take it slow. Just know that it'll feel…different." You nod and look down at the gap between you two, waiting for your hips to connect and for the pressure and possible pain to follow. Instead came the gentle tip of your chin upward so you were looking at Carlos. "Mírame, okay?" You nod, now slightly nervous, but another short kiss, this time given to you by Carlos before he checks again to make sure he was lined up with your entrance then pushed in, slow as humanly possible. He paused when you let out a wail that you tried and failed at stifling.
   "Oh, oh. I'm sorry, I'm sorry…" Your incessant apologies are quelled by gentle kisses that trail to your lips, and a thumb coming up to your cheek to wipe a tear that you didn't know was there.
   "Shh, shh cariño. It's okay. We're on the complete other side of the house. You can be as loud as you need." You nod and wipe some more tears that you were now aware of. "Are you okay? Do you want to stop?"
   "No. No. I just need a moment…" You take a few breaths and try to adjust your body, trying to familiarize yourself with the pressure, trying to distract yourself from the initial feeling of being split in half that caused such a vocal reaction. He definitely felt thicker than he looked, and the visual you did get of his dick beforehand was nothing to sneeze at. But after a few more deep breaths and adjustments, you felt it was okay for him to push again, stopping intermittently when you indicated a need to stop until he bottoms out fully.
   "Everything okay?" Carlos does his best at gauging where you were at, eyes flicking over your face rapidly, searching for any sign of extreme discomfort. Instead, a soft grin appears and one of your hands reaches for his face, a gesture to which he responds to by leaning down and placing two slow, tongue involved kisses.
   "I love you, Papí. So much." There's a unique amount of emphasis that these words flowing from your mouth put on your lips, still swollen and parted as you gave him the "OK" to move. So, his hips hitch back, and as his dick drags deliciously against your walls as he pulls out, it's surface area touching every sensitive spot inside of you on the way out, and then they press forward again, dragging along the same spots, pressure between your hips reapplied but felt to a lesser extent, a gentle press all the way to your cervix, all for him to retract and do it all again. Your head tips down again, watching the agonizingly slow movement of Carlos' hips, watching him disappear and reappear from you, wondering how this was at all possible and how it felt so fucking good. Carlos allowed it this time. He was enjoying watching you, your face, confused and overwhelmed, because fuck, did you looked adorable on his dick. 
   Your arms autonomously drape over his shoulders, inadvertently bringing him down so that your foreheads were pressed together, nails just gently grazing his skin for the moment. "You're taking me so well, cariño. I could fuck you forever." Carlos was becoming more unhinged, hips starting to move ever so slightly faster, even with the tight grip your pussy had on his cock. His mind was traveling elsewhere. He loved you. He loved everything about you. This was no secret to anyone. But there was also a part of him that loved the challenge you presented. Your innocence and inexperience. Your reputation in the world that held no merit. Yeah, you were badass and didn't give a fuck about what people thought, but you weren't the unprofessional, hypersexual person people thought you were. And to be honest, he was glad that he was the only one who knew this you. The you currently bemused by the sights and feelings of having sex for the first time. "Mírame, amor, and tell me something…"
   "Mhmm?" His hand was gripping your face again, guiding your gaze and starving you of the hypnotic sight of his hips crashing into yours, dick plunging in and out, the shine on the condom from your juices increasing. But instead you were subjected only to the site of dark amorous eyes peering down at you.
   "Did you cum when you used your little fingers?" As he asked his question, he moved himself closer to you, changing the angle of your hips, lifting them up slightly which allowed his dick to push deeper. 
   "I-i don't know. I don't t-think so. I stopped when I got too sensitive." You pouted, remembering the intense feeling that you unwillingly had to ride out.
   "Aw, mi pobre pequeño. Let me try. You are going to have to relax, though." In that moment, Carlos seems to change the motion of his hips, rolling them more, causing his pubic bone ever so lightly graze your clit with each thrust. You attempt to protest, worried about what would come with the unknown experience, but a strangled whine instead erupts from your chest in response to Carlos' calloused fingers starting to rub circles on your clit, using your juices as lubricant to make the action more fluid.
   So, with one of Carlos' hand making its rounds on your clit and the other forcing you to look into his eyes as you make each ridiculous pleasure filled face, enjoying a bit too much the extreme reaction he has been able to elicit from you, your legs were left to wrap around his hips unattended. While it would have made sense for them to fall from his waist, they seem to actually tighten as you begin to near your climax. "Mmm…Papí…I ca-, I don't- I-" You weren't unfamiliar with what you were feeling, senses heightened, sensitivity in every nerve ending in your pussy amplified by a thousand. It was whatever came afterward that concerned you.
   "Let go, cariño. It's okay. I'm here. It'll make you feel so good." So you listen to the instructions cooed down at you and let yourself fall over that pleasure threshold, allow all nerve endings reach a peak sensitivity, your body to stiffen and your back to arch. The walls of your pussy fluttered around Carlos' dick as he continued to hitch his hips into you.
   "Carlos…" A whiny sob bubbles from your chest as he continues to thrust, unintentionally overstimulating you as he was too focused on how adorable you were all whiney and tired, pussy still spasming, squeezing him and producing more of it's own lubrication making the obscene sounds of him fucking you senseless louder with each thrust until he finally finishes in the condom, whispering about how in love with you he was in an intoxicating mixture of English and Spanish. Once you both came down from your highs and cleaned yourselves up to the best of your tired ability, you two fell asleep immediately, only to wake up close to noon the next day and, once you both were presentable, make your way to the kitchen greeted by the knowing look of his mom.
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Liked by theestallion and 428,748 others
yn_music ✨Do not Disturb✨
tagged carlossainz55
View all 463 comments
latto777 An icon 🌟🌟🛥️
carlossainz55 I thought we agreed the bikini photos was for me only, amor?
>yn_music Lo siento, Papí. But I looked too cute not to share ☺️😘
>carlossainz55 Fine. We have more that's just for us anyway ♥️
user13 I see so many people commenting about how they seem so happy together but does anyone else notice that they are only together on expensive looking getaways
>yn_music We were actually in Madrid to see his family, but thank you for showing such concern for my boyfriend 😚
user14 I need you two to stay together forever for my sanity, okay?
>carlossainz55 We will try 😁
>user14 Thank you 🧎🏻‍♀️
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Liked by landonorris and 401,803 others
carlossainz55 Mí cariño hermosa 😍
tagged yn_music
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yn_music 🥰😚🥰😚🥰
>yn_music Even though you're determined to make me look like the most chaotic person on the planet
>carlossainz55 It's because I like these pictures of you (and the people deserve to know the truth 😶‍🌫️)
>carlossainz55 And not all the good pictures of you I have are appropriate 😘
landonorris Hi Mom! 👋🏻
>yn_music Boy if you don't stop calling me Mom 😤
>yn_music Jk hey baby! 👋🏿😘
>carlossainz55 I think you'll be even happier to know that she got those taken just to give to me as a birthday present
>user15 I am 🥲
user16 It took some work and emotional damage, but I'm glad to see that Carlos and Yn are unapologetically in love 💕
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spdrvyn · 2 months
Perhaps a request for Miggy x scientist reader? Reader is a a former Alchemex scientist who used to work with Miguel. They have been working in spider HQ ever since the beginning of spider society. Both of them have been too busy to realize the bottled up feelings and emotions that is about to burst….
breaking beakers
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miguel and a reader that's been by his side since day 1. since the treachery of alchemax, you've been loyal to miguel and his cause for protection of the multiverse. read bit by bit how your relationship with miguel develops, even if it's only something as simple as helping him administer rapture.
angst. drug usage (rapture). panic attack. absolutely love this request! i've never written a story where the reader was already a part of miguel's past so this is new and exciting for me. thank you, anon! i put my own twist, i hope you still enjoy reading ♡
dividers by @cafekitsune
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breaking breakers
When you got paired up with your workplace's assigned asshole, you were more than concerned for your career than ever. 
Miguel wasn't easy from the start. Arguments were one after the other, followed by complete silence in the lab due to the inability of either of you to take accountability. You had never really heard him talk or engage in conversation properly unless it was to scold or correct you for making, according to him, a quintillion mistakes. 
It stretched you thin, you were close to asking the higher-ups to give you another partner, but you knew that they would ignore your protests so you put up with it. Besides, talking smack with your friends outside of work helped. Though, you knew that they were getting a little tired from it as well. 
After a particularly harsh argument with him, you couldn't retaliate with anything witty to say. You sulked in your own corner of the laboratory for a while, until Miguel silently placed a small, steaming hot cup of coffee on your desk. 
That moment had triggered the beginning of your actual relationship. Sometimes, the room would still be strung tight with tension, but it was better than awkwardly hanging around each other and waiting for yet another fight to start. It slowly turned into Miguel giving you rides home, Miguel buying more than just coffee for you, and Miguel staying at your place after he dropped you off.
Then he quit. 
Or did he get fired? Liberated, in corporate terms. You didn't know the full story, you got a new lab partner one day, Miguel was gone, there was no coffee on your desk anymore. There was no comfortable silence. 
It was difficult to get a hold on him with the moments that followed, you knew well that he had a tendency to brood, but never for this long. He didn't leave you on read, your messages weren't even going through. You searched his name up on social media and found nothing, a thousand other Miguels but not your Miguel. You reached out to his brother after a lot of thinking, but he couldn't come up with an answer either because his family didn't know where he went either. 
Perhaps it shouldn't have upset you as much as it should have, Alchemax viewed their employees as expendable toys. You didn't mean to get attached to him, but you had breached that line very long ago ever since the first shouting match. He was your friend now, no corporation was going to get between at least trying to talk again. 
When you had gotten a message from an unknown number, there were only two possible answers. A telemarketer or Miguel. Likely possibilities, a fifty percent chance for either. You thanked God that it was the latter. 
The power that was held in that conversation had changed the trajectory of your life forever. Miguel helped arrange a time for you to meet, the second you caught sight of him, it erupted a feeling in you that you just couldn't bring yourself to describe. 
He still looked like him, but otherwise different. His face looked more sunken in, eyebags, lines you hadn't seen on his face before. He was definitely taller, his physique was more built as well. What caught your attention the most though was his eyes, crimson red and deliberately drained of light. 
Miguel, what happened to you?
It was a long, overly extensive talk. You shouldn't have broken down over it, the events that lead up to his timely demise at his job. It wasn't your place to cry over his misfortunes, but he looked like he didn't have it left in him to cry so you took that place for him. Alchemax was your breeding ground for innovation and evolution of human society, a little shady around the edges, but you knew that you'd still be helping people in the end. After this, your hopes in that place had been quashed. Clearly if they were heartless enough to treat one of their top geneticists like this, they wouldn't be any better towards the safety and care of the populus. 
So you quit your job immediately. Miguel invited you to Spider Society and you gladly agreed, you were in no position to really decline. Besides, it was a good way to get you back on your feet again. You had become acquainted with the people that passed by in what used to be headquarters back then, Miguel trusted them with his life it seemed (despite him not being able to admit that himself though).
You'd find yourself in HQ more than in your own apartment at that point, you enjoyed being there. You had closer friends, Spider-People were better company than mad scientists anyway. You helped Miguel make this new, exciting thing from foundation to the top. It helped you become more social, it made you more comfortable opening up to people again. 
You just didn't know that it was doing quite the opposite with Miguel. 
You had blamed yourself for not noticing sooner, for not picking up the details that he wasn't doing as fine as he thought he was. When you found the doors to his office locked, you already felt your heart begin to race. You called out to Lyla and she was more than willing to answer back, "He's going through something, he hasn't really been taking his Rapture doses recently and-"
"Let me handle it," you said, firmly. "I can help him. I can fix it." 
Lyla looked at you, just looked. She didn't feel, she wasn't supposed to feel exactly. She could act like it, her programming allowed her that at least. She made perfectly calculated decisions and perfectly calculated reactions to them, when she noticed a problem, she was supposed to fix it. 
You weren't as accustomed to Lyla as other people, but you were aware of that as well. In spite of that, she still managed to be the light in conversations most of the time. Literally, when it was the dead of night, just you and Miguel strewing and caking together more reports, she'd find ways to make it more entertaining. 
That means if Lyla looked at you like she did, with so much uncertainty and inner conflict. It was like her code turned to beat like a human heart, you could hear it in the swift moment of silent she'd left you in. The hiss and whir to Miguel's office doors reeled you back in, Lyla sighed. She shouldn't sigh, she never sighed. 
"Do the right thing," she wished you off. God, I hope so, you thought to yourself. 
It was dark, obviously. You were used to it, ever since Miguel told you about how sensitive his senses can get, you didn't really mind at all. There was still light that peeked from the corners, a small monitor here and there, maybe a secret window you just didn't know about. It was cozy sometimes even to evade the blinding sunlight and stay in the darkness with Miguel. But that's not at all what it felt like when you entered. It did not embrace you, it suffocated you.
There was no accompanied noise either, no beeping from a monitor, no whirring of a machine, and no idle chatter with him and Lyla like there would always be. It was the purest form of silence, the sound of your breathing and the small pats of your shoes against the cold, metal ground was all you could hear. 
Miguel's platform was placed high up, there was absolutely no way that you could get to him without using a web shooter. Unless you could somehow convince him to lower his platform, which you really didn't want to do in the case you might accidentally say something stupid. 
"Miguel?" You yelled, stupidly. Though, it would be more stupid to try and propel yourself up to the height of his platform. One option results in humiliation until the end of your life while the other option could result in the end of your life. You weren't really looking forward to experiencing the latter.
You thought you heard him mumble something, but before you could call out his name again, he answered back. "Get out." 
The absence of cruelty in his tone was prominent to you already. He didn't have the heart to speak so coldly to you in the first place. No, he sounded scared, fearful, whether it was of you or himself, you were yet to find out the reason why. The priority right now was to talk to him, properly.
"Are you sure about that? I have a, uh, really important work file that I need you to review! The multiverse is at stake here, Miguel. Come on!"
Silence. For a few seconds. Before you heard the unmistakable click and whir of his platform, it makes its slow descent down towards you. Miguel begun to enter your vision, he had a chair pulled up and he was hunched over on his desk. Rare, you knew he liked to work when standing (oddly enough). 
"You're a bad liar," he grumbled, not even facing you as he said it. You sighed as you stepped onto the platform, placing your hands on your hips. 
"I wasn't lying, but your doors were locked and Lyla told me that there was something going on here." Miguel mumbled something else under his breath that you couldn't catch, he simply goes back to what to whatever he's doing. Which you really couldn't allow, but you couldn't push yourself into this. With him, there was always some sort of process. 
You took the moment to observe your surroundings, it was unbearably messy in here. A feat that he'd somehow been able to achieve despite being way past the age of papers, there was clutter everywhere. From beakers, liquids of mysterious origin pooled around from here to there, and even... Blood?! 
Your attention had snapped back to Miguel and that's when you had started to notice, how his shoulders rose and fell faster than usual, his hands ruffled in his hair, the rapid successions of his breath. 
"Miguel," Shock the process. Shock waiting. He clearly wasn't okay, you knew that to the fullest now. In three short strides, you were already by his side. "What's going on?"
He shook his head. Okay, you didn't want to press him too hard into talking, but this wasn't something that you could leave alone. Hesitantly, you placed a hand on one of his shoulders. He flinched, so did you, but right now, you needed to be the strongest person in the room so you kept your hand there. 
You tilted your head to the side, just so you could see his face, but he avoided your gaze. What entered your sights however was a discarded needle gun, yet to be picked up, and a few claw marks on the table. 
So this was the Rapture that Lyla was talking about. You hadn't a single clue what it was when she mentioned it, you pretended because you thought that she'd lock you out if you hadn't. Even then, there isn't much you could deduce aside from the fact that it was a drug Miguel had to take. You heard very little about the Rapture studies back in Alchemax, it was very classified, and you wish you would have pried more. 
"Do you need help with that?" You asked, trying to keep your voice as level as possible. Your thumb drew small circles into the muscle of his shoulder, his hands fell from his hair to his sides. He slumped back against his chair with a big sigh, and he nodded. 
Shakily, you picked up the gun. There was no seat for you to take, so you decided on sitting on the table. When you leaned down, the nanofabric of Miguel's suit had dissipated, revealing the fullness of his arm to you. You attempted to steady your hands over the exposed skin, Miguel doesn't even wince as the little needles pierce through. 
It will probably take a little while for the vial to empty out. You stewed in the silence with Miguel for a while, you'd usually use this as an opportunity to make conversation, but judging from his current state, he probably isn't one for talking. 
You released the breath that you were holding in when it was finished, you set the device for the side. Your hand remained on Miguel's shoulder the whole time and it tightened as you asked, "Is there–"
"No. No, I'm sorry. I'm just-" Miguel took a deep breath. "I'm- not ready to talk about it right now. It's a lot, sorry for bothering you."
He still wouldn't look you in the eye, you looked down to his hands and saw him tugging and pinching at the fabric of his suit. He'd calmed down a little now at least, but still. You couldn't help but feel like you've failed somehow, you tried to put on what's supposed to resemble a smile to him. "Okay, that's fine." 
When he dismissed you and let you (told you) to leave him alone, you promised yourself that you'd wait. You'd wait for him to be ready.
But maybe he never will. 
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nofomogirl · 6 months
Good Omen's problem with having two canons
They're fundamentally different. That's the problem. That's my point.
For quite a while I focused almost exclusively on the new season of Good Omens, but now I am slowly delving into analysis that takes the entire show into account, and I've encountered a little obstacle. Namely, things from S1 can be really tricky to interpret.
Fair warning: this post is going to zig-zag between various points but I want you to trust me and take this scenic route with me. It will take us somewhere eventually, I promise.
The Arrangement
It's one of the core elements in the Good Omens universe and at the same time a perfect example of the issue I want to discuss. So let's have a closer look together.
In the book, the Arrangement is presented to us in two passages:
the first one, where it is first - very briefly - mentioned:
Aziraphale had tried to explain [free will] to him once. The whole point, he'd said - this was somewhere around 1020, when they'd first reached their little Arrangement - the whole point was that when a human was good or bad it was because they wanted to be.
and the second one, where it is properly introduced and explained:
The Arrangement was very simple, so simple in fact, that it didn't really deserve the capital letter, which it had got for simply being in existence for so long. It was the sort of sensible arrangement that many isolated agents, working in awkward conditions a long way from their superiors, reach with their opposite number when they realize they have more in common with their immediate opponents than their remote allies. It meant a tacit non-interference in certain of each other's activities. It made certain that while neither really won, also neither really lost, and both were able to demonstrate to their masters the great strides they were making against a cunning and well-informed adversary. (...) And then, of course, it had seemed even natural that they should, as it were, hold the fort for one another whenever common sense dictated. Both were of angel stock, after all. If one was going to Hull for a quick temptation, it made sense to nip across the city and carry out a standard brief moment of divine ecstasy. It'd get done anyway, and being sensible about it gave everyone more free time and cut down on expenses.
In the show, the Arrangement is presented to us in two original scenes in the cold opening of S1E3:
(I am quoting most relevant dialogues only)
537 AD, Wessex:
C: So we're both working very hard in damp places and just canceling each other out? A: Well, you could put it like that. It is a bit damp. C: Be easier if we both stayed home. If we just send messages back to our head offices saying we'd done everything they'd asked for, wouldn't it? A: But that would be lying. C: Eh, possibly, but the end result would be the same. Cancel each other out. A: But my dear fellow... well, they'd check. Michael's a bit of a stickler. You don't want to get Gabriel upset with you. C: Oh, our lot have better things to do than verifying compliance reports from Earth. As long as they get paperwork they seem happy enough. As long as you're being seen doing something every now and again. A: No! Absolutely not! I am shocked that you would even imply such a thing. We're not having that conversation, not another word!
1601 AD, The Globe Theatre:
A: I have to be in Edinburgh at the end of the week. A couple of blessings to do. A minor miracle to perform. (...) C: I'm meant to be heading to Edinburgh too this week. Tempting a clan leader to steal some cattle. A: Doesn't sound like hard work. C: That's why I thought we should... Well, bit of a waste of effort, both of us going all the way to Scotland. A: You cannot actually be suggesting what I infer that you are implying. C: Which is? A: That just one of us goes to Edingburgh, does both. The blessing and the tempting. C: We've done it before. Dozens of times now. The Arrangement- A: Don't say that! C: Our respective offices don't actually care how things get done. They just want to know they can cross it off the list.
S2 doesn't actually reference the Arrangement. But it does reuse the dialogue about free will where the 1020 date is dropped. We will get back to it.
The challenge of adapting Good Omens
Good Omens shares a certain characteristic with all of Terry Pratchett's solo books I've read - it couldn't care less about "showing instead of telling". Which I love, just to be clear. A book is a written medium. It's made with words and one of words' major strengths is that you can use them to just tell things point blanc.
Good Omens does it a lot and it's fantastic.
Look at that second passage from the book I quoted earlier.
From just those few sentences we learn a lot about the relationships between:
Heaven and Hell (opponents and competition)
Aziraphale and Crowley (two individuals in the same position and in direct contact with each other)
Aziraphale/Crowley and Heaven/Hell (field agent and a remote HQ that are not in direct contact)
Aziraphale/Crowley and Earth (two individuals and a space they live in)
Heaven/Hell and Earth (a board where the game is played, only winning or losing matters, what actually happens on a board does not)
It's really an extra condensed worldbuilding gem sprinkled with humor, so it's no surprise it's become one of the most iconic passages from the book.
I mean, just browse through some interviews with David and Michael - especially the ones from 2019 - where they explain what Aziraphale and Crowley are about. You'll be hard-pressed to find any where they don't reference that specific paragraph, consciously or otherwise.
But it's only this neat on the pages of the book, where narration like this takes mere seconds to absorb. It's impossible to convey the same information in a visual medium with anywhere near the same efficiency.
The fact that the majority of Good Omens is like this was, in my opinion, a main challenge the adaptation faced. The book is very narration-heavy. It's full of fun facts about characters, side jokes, hilarious comments, etc. Some of that precious material was salvaged by introducing God as a narrator, but there was only so much of it you could squeeze into a TV show. The rest had to either be fit into dialogues or lost in translation from the written medium to the visual one.
Obviously, in the case of the Arrangement, it was the dialogues.
Book canon and show canon
We all know they're not the same. Neil Gaiman also pointed it out several times. But I think our mistake is that we still tend to think about them as complementary.
Look at the Arrangement again. The show canon seems to merely expand on the book canon. Add extra details and fill in the blanks. The Arrangement works the exact same way, except now we also know more about how it started.
If we compile what we know from the book with what we know from the show, we get a more detailed timeline:
Crowley first proposes the Arrangement in 537 (show).
The Arrangement starts in 1020 (book), ie. Aziraphale finally agrees to it (show - deduction); we don't know for sure if it's a "basic version" (not getting in each other's way), or a "full version" (doing each other's jobs) but we can assume it's the former.
In 1601 "full version" of the Arrangement is in place for some time (they've done it dozens of times) but Aziraphale still objects and needs convincing.
But read that description from a book once more.
Does it really fit into the version of events shown in the TV series?
The Arrangement in the book is something that just happened. A natural, and in a way inevitable result of Aziraphale and Crowley's circumstances. We are never told who came up with it first because it doesn't matter. Because it could have been either of them. Because after five millennia on Earth, they were both ready to do it. They were both of the same mind. For all we know it might have been an unspoken agreement all along!
But for the show, the creators had to come up with a good reason for the Arrangement to be discussed out loud. And what could be a more natural situation for someone to describe and explain an idea than trying to sell that idea to someone else?
For that practical reason - among many others, no doubt - the Arrangement is not only explicitly Crowley's idea, but an idea Aziraphale vehemently rejects at first. He needs to be convinced and even when he finally relents he's never entirely comfortable with it. He keeps objecting and it requires Crowley's constant effort for them to keep cooperating in any way.
The fact that Aziraphale is reluctant gives Crowley a perfect reason to keep convincing him ie. talk about the Arrangement. But the fact that he needs to explain and keep convincing Aziraphale means that Aziraphale is no longer a person who understands the same things and feels the same way.
That is a huge change.
Of course, you may say that what I've written about the Arrangement in the book is just my interpretation. It's true that technically there's nothing there that would contradict the events from the show in any way. The thing is, the events in the show aren't very compatible with the overall characterization of the ineffable duo in the book.
Evolution of Aziraphale and Crowley
You might have read that our leading pair was originally conceived as a single character that Neil and Terry eventually decided to split into two separate individuals.
My reaction when I first learned about it was: "Of course they were! That makes so much sense!" Because honestly, as a person who watched the show first and then read the book, I was surprised at how few differences there were between the two in the original text. If you squint your eyes really tight, you can see how book!Aziraphale and book!Crowley are two versions of the same character. They're far more similar than their show versions.
Most importantly, their attitudes toward Heaven and Hell are pretty much identical. Perfectly mirrored in every regard. What Hell is for Crowley, Heaven is for Aziraphale. What Hell is for Aziraphale, Heaven is for Crowley. In. Every. Possible. Way.
Allow me to present some evidence from the book.
Exhibit #1: the end of the scene where Crowley convinces Aziraphale to interfere with Warlock's upbringing
'You're saying the child isn't evil of itself?' he said slowly. 'Potentially evil. Potentially good too, I suppose. Just this huge powerful potentiality, waiting to be shaped,' said Crowley. He shrugged. 'Anyway, why're we talking about this good and evil? They're just names for sides. We know that.' 'I suppose it's got to be worth a try,' said the angel. Crowley nodded encouragingly. 'Agreed?' said the demon, holding out his hand. The angel shook it, cautiously. 'It'll certainly be more interesting than saints,' he said. 'And it'll be for the child's own good, in the long run,' said Crowley. (...)
When Crowley first points out that good and evil are just names for sides, and then insists it's something they both know, Aziraphale doesn't react in any way. That's because these aren't things that book!Aziraphale disagrees with. He does indeed know it and doesn't deny it.
Also, please note just how cynical the angel is here with his comment that influencing the Antichrist would be a more interesting project than influencing saints!
Both would be rather OOC for show!Aziraphale.
Exhibit #2: the scene just after Warlock Dowling's birthday party, when it becomes evident he is not the Antichrist
'You said it was him!' moaned Aziraphale (...) 'It was him,' said Crowley. (...) 'Then someone else must be interfering.' 'There isn't anyone else! There's just us, right? Good and Evil. One side or the other.' He thumped the steering wheel. 'You'll be amazed at the kind of things they can do to you, down there,' he said. 'I imagine they're very similar to the sort of things they can do to you up there,' said Aziraphale. 'Come off it. Your lot get ineffable mercy,' said Crowley sourly. 'Yes? Did you ever visit Gomorrah?' 'Sure' said the demon. 'There was this great little tavern where you could get these terrific fermented date-palm cocktails with nutmeg and crushed lemongrass-' 'I meant afterwards.' 'Oh.'
Can you imagine this kind of exchange in the TV series? Can you imagine show!Aziraphale being this realistic about Heaven, and show!Crowley so naive about it? There's no way.
Show!Aziraphale genuinely believes that Heaven is good at its core.
Book!Aziraphale knows Heaven isn't any different than Hell and would punish him just as ruthlessly and unfairly as Hell would Crowley.
Show!Crowley understands both Heaven and Hell on a very deep level and is highly aware of their true nature.
Book!Crowley buys a piece of celestial propaganda about ineffable mercy and actually expects Heaven to be forgiving.
Let the magnitude of that difference sink.
Exhibit #3: same scene, a bit further
'So all we've got to do is find it,' said Crowley. 'Go through the hospital records.' The Bentley's engine coughed into life and the car leapt forward, forcing Aziraphale back into the seat. 'And then what?' he said. 'And then we find the child.' 'And then what?' The angel shut his eyes as the car crabbed around the corner. 'Don't know.' 'Good grief.' 'I suppose (...) your people wouldn't consider (...) giving me asylum?' 'I was going to ask you the same thing. (...)'
This is just a cherry on top, really.
Yes, in the book, when things go pear-shaped, both Aziraphale and Crowley consider seeking asylum on the opposite side.
Do you need more proof that book canon and show canon really aren't as compatible as they may seem?
Free will
As promised, let's get back to that dialogue because while it may not be obvious at first glance it really illustrates perfectly the problem arising from balancing between two canons.
Here is the full quote from the book:
Aziraphale had tried to explain [free will] to him once. The whole point, he'd said - this was somewhere around 1020, when they'd first reached their little Arrangement - the whole point was that when a human was good or bad it was because they wanted to be. Whereas people like Crowley and, of course, himself, were set in their ways right from the start. People couldn't become truly holy, he said, unless they also had the opportunity to be definitively wicked. Crowley had thought about it for some time and, around about 1023, had said, Hang on, that only works, right, if you start everyone off equal, OK? You can't start someone off in a muddy shack in the middle of a war zone and expect them to do as well as someone born in a castle. Ah, Aziraphale had said, that's the good bit. The lower you start, the more opportunities you have. Crowley had said, That's lunatic. No, said Aziraphale, it's ineffable.
And here, for comparison, is how it was reused in S2E3:
A: There is a stolen body in that barrel! This is wicked! C: Oh, I'm down with wicked! Anyway, is it wicked? She needed the money. A: That is irrelevant. Look, I am good. You, I'm afraid, are evil. But people get a choice. You know, they cannot be truly holy unless they also get the opportunity to be wicked. She is wicked. C: Yeah, that only works if you start everyone off equal. You can't start someone off like that and expect her to do as well as someone born in a castle. A: Ah, but no, no. That's the good bit. The lower you start, the more opportunities you have. So Elspeth here has all the opportunities because she's so poor. C: That's lunacy. A: No, that's ineffable.
I'll be honest with you - I didn't like that scene in the show. It felt jarring and off. Aziraphale was acting like it was his first day on Earth and it was frustrating to watch.
Then, on one of the rewatches, just as I was rolling my eyes at "that's ineffable", a bulb lit in my brain. That line didn't work there because it wasn't created to be there! In the book and in S1 "it's ineffable" was kind of Aziraphale's catchphrase but in S2 it only appears this once. More importantly, in the book and S1, the fact that the angel would say that was all a build-up to the scene when he threw it in Heaven's face at the Tadfield Airbase. Using that word in S2 was like trying to make a running joke that has already reached its destination run again.
And just like that one line the entire dialogue didn't fit because it wasn't meant to be there. It was created for an entirely different context.
What's the difference?
Firstly, book!husbands' conviction was very shallow and it wasn't uncommon for both of them to spout slogans without meaning them. Therefore, book!Aziraphale's words didn't carry that much weight. The very fact that the conversation took place at the same time they formed the Arrangement tells us something about how serious he was. But show!Aziraphale's relationship with his beliefs is different, so when he says things like that it's a much bigger deal.
Secondly, the book explicitly states that Aziraphale and Crowley only developed free will on Earth, due to extended exposure to mankind. The show never really makes a stand on the matter but based on what we've seen so far I think we can safely assume that angels and demons are capable of making their own choices as much as humans do.
In other words, in its original context, the conversation was just Aziraphale talking about a concept he didn't fully grasp, quoting propaganda he didn't fully subscribe to. He was being ignorant and mildly obnoxious in an endearing way.
But using the same dialogue verbatim in the Resurrectionist carried a completely different meaning. Aziraphale who utters it in the show has no reason to be so ignorant about free will. Aziraphale who utters it in the show genuinely tries to defend Heaven. Most importantly, Aziraphale who utters it in the show, doesn't just idly bicker with his friend about general things but is judging an actual human individual that's right in front of them. That, more than anything else, makes it sound heartless and ignorant.
What is the problem with having two canons, exactly?
It's time to wrap things up.
In the opening paragraphs, I've mentioned that I've noticed the issue while interpreting scenes from S1, and yes, that was the case and I do believe that the existence of two canons is especially problematic for S1. That's because pretty much every scene in S1 is potentially like that dialogue about free will in S2, except subtler and harder to spot.
A grand majority of what we see and hear in S1 comes directly from the book. But while words and actions were kept, in some instances things that gave them their original meaning might no longer be valid in the show universe. Sometimes they easily take new meaning, and we don't even notice. But sometimes there's this dissonance that's not as easy to work around.
S1 deviated from the book and created its own canon. But the difference didn't seem to go very deep and it seemed perfectly reasonable to use some trivia from the book to shed some extra light on the content of the show. I used to do it in my head, even though I was aware of the changes that were made.
But S2 expanded the show canon so far beyond what was in the book that I'm really not sure it makes sense to compile them anymore.
There are a lot of things that were only explicitly stated in the book that I keep clinging to. But perhaps it's time to let go...
Thank you for your patience.
I know all of the above isn't exactly a revolutionary discovery, but I needed to get it off my chest before writing anything else.
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bcacstuff · 5 months
Where's the video of him and the men at the party before and after the blonde fan and her friend tried, without success to lure him from? Don't you have it or are you choosing not to post it?
Well well... it took me some time to figure out and puzzle together what on earth you are talking about Anon, as I had no clue...
But the dramas and innuendos this fandom seems to be able to create out of nothing still amazes me after all this time.... 🙄
I posted a shitload about the event, pictures and videos, and Tumblr wasn't kind at me that day and took ages to upload and publish a video. It was quite impossible to post all, you have to make a selection and at some point, enough is enough. However I never left anything out on purpose. Let that be clear.
Now first the video where all the drama is about, at least that's what I think you mean Anon
First of all, the woman that interrupts his conversation with persons he is talking with, is not a fan. For the people not in the known, the afterparty took place at a bar near the Kursaal they especially built for it, they divided the room in an area for VIPs and the rest of the room was for fans. It was only divided by a red cord and fans could (and did) stand right behind it to take pictures and shoot videos from what happened on the other side of the red line.
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So the woman who interrupts his conversation, who you can clearly see has this bracelet for the VIP area, seems to introduce him to the blonde woman she was talking to. He shakes her hand and says Hi, and starts a conversation with them. Now that's really all really there is to it. The person who took (and posted the video) clearly took it from behind the red line like many others took pictures and videos from there.
Then it seems some felt it necessary to outrage about somebody recording a conversation he has. Well, I don't know, I'm quite sure there is nothing wrong with my hearing, but with that loud music not a word of the conversation can be heard. you would need a specialist in lip reading to know what he says. I can only recognize him saying Hi to the woman he is introduced to.
Further more, he's at that party and many people want to speak with him. He mingles, and gets interrupted a lot of times when others take an opportunity to get his attention. Nothing really out of the ordinary here.
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That all said, there is a group of fans who never seem to get enough. Pushing themselves in front of queues, trying to get a pic with him. But when they have it, it isn't even enough.
I've heard a number of stories from different people how people went to his hotel, which wasn't that hard to find out. And standing outside to see when he leaves or arrives is one thing, but going inside, waiting in the lobby when you don't stay at the hotel crosses all lines I think.
I've heard that after the star event they came back to the hotel and it was chaos with a lot of fans inside the lobby. They had to call in extra security so Sam and Eleanor could safely get to the car. Now I really think this behaviour is embarrassing. For him and for the fans as well. He was out at the star event to watch, on the RC and even when there was not that much place and time to give autographs and take a pic, he did what he could and stayed nice and calm. But at some point I did hear him say in a video, 'back off'. And rightfully so.
Really people, just behave and think about what you do. I can understand everyone wants a picture, but you surely understand he can only do as much as he does. So try to behave, and when you already have a picture, why not let the space to others instead of getting another one and another one at all costs.
And this isn't only at this event, but we've seen a number of times now how people get into his space. So consider this an appeal to behave with all respect.
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wholoveseggs · 3 months
Hi this request will probably be a bit different but I’m hoping you’re ok with it
I’m a trans guy and I was wondering if you could do a Elijah smut with a he/him pronoun y/n? If you don’t want to do mlm smut then maybe just change pronouns?
For the actual fic
You’re first time and Elijah is like really sweet with u but also dominant lots of good boy and praise n stuff
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
After a date with Elijah, you want to take things to the next level and he makes you feel like the only boy in the world.
♡♡ Thanks for the request @elijahmikaelsonsboy ! this was a fun challenge and I hope it's what you wanted (I truly believe that Elijah is a pansexual king... he had chemistry with Damon~) ♡♡
2.8k words - Warnings: pure smut no plot, transmale!reader, virgin!reader, sprinkle of dom!elijah, blowjob, lots of praise...
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You adjusted your shirt and tie in the mirror, smoothing out your hair for the fourth time. There was this piece that just wouldn't stay down no matter what you did. You wondered how Elijah managed to never have a hair out of place, you made a mental note to ask him.
It was finally here, the night you were going to tell him. The night you would confess that you loved him. The plan was to tell him after your date... Or maybe during. You weren't sure. He had said it was just a casual date, nothing fancy. But you wanted to impress him, so you made sure there wasn't a single wrinkle found on the dress shirt and pants you were wearing. Your tie was a perfect knot, the shoes you wore had not a scuff on them.
He arrived at your door looking amazing as always. His hair was perfectly styled, his suit a perfect fit, and the way his dark eyes pierced through yours... It made you weak in the knees. He smiled and offered you his arm, kissing your cheek. "You look very handsome tonight."
You smiled back, kissing him. "Thank you. You look very handsome yourself."
You spent most of the ride there making idle chit chat, just talking about each other's days and such. You were so happy to have him in your life, sometimes you couldn't believe how lucky you were.
When you met him you had made the assumption that he was only interested in women. You had no idea that he was pansexual until he kissed you. You were surprised, of course, but pleasantly so. After that, he had been taking you on dates every other week, and you fell more and more in love with him as time went on.
You were ready to take things to the next level, but you were nervous about it. You had never gone all the way with anyone before, and the last thing you wanted was for it to be disappointing for him.
It didn't help that he was so much more experienced than you. You had discussed it one night while cuddling, and he said it wasn't a big deal. You felt better after that, but you still worried.
Tonight he took you to go see a movie, it was one of those big blockbuster films that was a long awaited sequel. You had seen the trailer and were excited, and when you saw the posters and the crowd at the theater you got even more excited.
It was the perfect date. You couldn't focus on the movie, however, because your mind was racing with the possibility of having sex for the first time. You were nervous about a number of things, him seeing your body, what it would feel like and how you would react, not being any good at it. The list went on and on.
After the movie, you drove to his place and ordered some takeout. You tried to keep a conversation going, but you kept spacing out. He noticed your lack of interest in the conversation and placed a hand over yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Are you okay?"
You smiled at him and squeezed his hand back. "I'm fine. Sorry I'm being quiet. Just thinking."
He leaned over and kissed your forehead. "That's alright. What is on your mind?"
You leaned in and kissed him, gently. He responded in kind, moving his lips against yours. He pulled away, brushing his fingers along your cheek.
"I've just been thinking a lot lately. About us." You whispered, looking into his eyes.
"Thinking about us, huh? Well, I'm all ears." He gave you another quick kiss, casually playing with your tie.
You swallowed hard, "you know how I've never..?"
He nodded. "I do."
"I want to."
He gave you a gentle smile, rubbing his hand up and down your arm. "You're sure?"
He kissed your neck. "Well, I am always up for the task." He chuckled
You nodded, blushing a bit as he stood and took your hand, leading you upstairs. He opened his bedroom door and pulled you inside, kissing you softly. He knew how nervous you were, and he didn't want to rush you.
He sat on the bed and pulled you onto his lap, his hands on your hips. You draped your arms over his shoulders and pressed your lips to his, closing your eyes.
Elijah began to undo your tie, then the top two buttons of your shirt. He trailed kisses from your mouth to your jaw and then down to your neck, pausing at the juncture of your shoulder. He gently scraped his teeth across your skin and you gasped, clutching his shoulders.
"You smell nice, is that my cologne?" he asked, pressing his lips to your throat.
"It is," you breathed, running a hand through his hair. "I may have borrowed some."
"Mmhm." He kissed you again, his tongue slipping past your lips.
You let him control the kiss, melting into him as his tongue explored your mouth. Your tongues slid together, fighting for dominance. He pulled back, panting.
He kissed your cheek, moving his hands up your sides and onto your chest. He slipped his hands inside your shirt, his thumbs grazing over your nipples.
"Is this okay?"
You nodded, biting your lip.
"Use your words, handsome,”
"Y-yes." You managed to get out.
He pinched one of your nipples and you gasped, gripping his shirt.
"That's my good boy." He purred.
He took your shirt off and tossed it onto the floor. He ran his fingers down your sides, tracing the outline of your ribs.
He pressed his mouth to one of your nipples, swirling his tongue around the hardening nub. You gripped his hair, arching your back.
"So sensitive," he murmured.
He moved to the other nipple, sucking on it until you were squirming in his lap. You could feel him growing hard beneath you, and you blushed.
He lifted his head and smirked. "Feels good, huh?"
"Yeah." You whispered, blushing more.
"You're so cute when you blush." He grinned, pressing his lips to yours again.
He undid your belt, and unbuttoned and unzipped your pants. Reaching inside, he touched you through your underwear.
"Oh, someone's already so wet." He chuckled, rubbing his thumb over the damp fabric.
You bit your lip, grinding into his hand. His hands felt so good on you, his thumb sliding across your clit with just the right amount of pressure.
He pulled your pants and underwear down for better access. You moaned at the feeling of his fingers stroking you, teasing your entrance.
"Look at you, all worked up and we've barely even started." He whispered.
He pulled his hand away, and you groaned in frustration. You tugged on his tie, pulling him in for a kiss. He chuckled and bit down gently on your lip.
"Patience, mister."
You ignored him and began to unbutton his shirt, running your fingers over his bare chest. Your fingers moving through his soft chest hair.
"Can I touch you a little bit?" You asked shyly, running your fingers down his abs.
"Of course."
You unbuttoned his pants and tugged them down, freeing his erection. It was big, and the thought of it filling you up was exciting and scary at the same time. You stroked him, wrapping your fingers around the shaft and pumping slowly.
"Mmm." He groaned, leaning his head back.
You continued stroking him, rubbing your thumb across the tip. He moaned, thrusting his hips up.
You moved off his lap and onto your knees in front of him, you never had done this before, but you wanted to make him feel good. You looked up at him, and he smiled down at you.
"You don't have to." He whispered, running a hand through your hair, messing it up a bit.
You smiled, kissing the head of his cock. You took the tip into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it.
"Show me how?" You asked, blushing a bit.
He guided you, placing his hand on the back of your head. "Suck on the tip. Lick the underside. Use your tongue. You can use your hands, too."
You did as he instructed, taking him in as far as you could without gagging. Your cheeks felt hot, and you could feel yourself getting wetter.
"That's it, baby. You're doing so good." He whispered.
You closed your eyes and bobbed your head, taking him deeper with every movement. He groaned, tugging on your hair.
The sounds he was making were turning you on, and you felt yourself clench.
"If you keep doing that, I'm going to cum."
You pulled back, releasing his cock with a pop. "Will you to cum in my mouth?"
A flash of something dark and dangerous crossed his face, he gave you a crooked smile and his voice dropped lower, "aren't you a dirty boy,"
You blushed, looking down at his cock. It was shiny with your saliva, and was leaking precum. You leaned forward and licked it, lapping up his release.
He groaned, and pulled you back onto his lap, kissing you hungrily. His hands tore away your pants and underwear, leaving you naked and vulnerable. He gripped your hips and licked along your chest, biting on your nipples and then soothing the sting with his tongue.
You began to tremble a bit, knowing what the next step was. Elijah noticed and stopped, stroking your cheek.
"You okay?" He asked.
You nodded.
"Just nervous, that's all."
"I'll be gentle, I promise."
You kissed him again, grinding your hips down into his. He reached down and rubbed your clit in slow circles, making you moan.
"You don't have to be that gentle," you breathed, feeling lusty and wild.
He let out a soft hum, slipping a finger into you, watching your eyebrows arch up. He chuckled, the sound reverberating deep within his chest.
"You're so sensitive," he mused.
He began to pump his finger in and out, watching as your mouth fell open and your eyes closed.
"I bet I could make you cum like this, just with my fingers," he mused, slipping another finger inside.
"Mmm." You moaned, rolling your hips.
"Or maybe with my tongue," he murmured, leaning in to press his lips to your neck.
"Elijah," you breathed, "stop teasing me."
He chuckled. "But it's so much fun," he said, punctuating his words with a particularly hard thrust of his fingers.
You groaned, bucking your hips. He smirked, pressing his lips to yours. He suddenly flipped you over, pinning you down with his body, and then his hand was between your legs, his fingers pumping in and out of you, his thumb rubbing slow circles against your sensitive nub.
He let out a low growl, leaning in to nip at your ear. "Naughty boy, making a mess, all flushed and sweaty." He whispered.
He pulled his fingers out and positioned himself at your entrance. You tensed, looking up at him.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked, stroking your cheek.
You shook your head. "No."
He kissed you, pushing inside of you. You gasped, biting down on his lip. You felt so full, so stretched, it was a little painful and yet... It felt so right with him.
He stilled, giving you time to adjust. You took a few deep breaths, trying to relax.
"Eyes on me," he whispered, cupping your cheek.
You looked up at him, and the love and lust shining in his eyes took your breath away.
He began to move, slowly, rolling his hips against yours. You moaned, arching your back, trying to match his rhythm.
He nipped at your neck then moved down to your chest, biting at your nipples, before sucking on them, making you whimper and squirm.
"Do you like that? When I suck on your cute, little nipples?" He whispered.
He hummed, his teeth scraping against the sensitive flesh. Your hands tugged on his hair, urging him on.
He chuckled, sucking on the bud. He released it with a wet pop, moving to the other one. You moaned, your hips bucking.
He groaned, picking up the pace. He took your hands and pinned them to the bed, intertwining his fingers with yours. He watched your expressions, your eyes shut tight, your mouth slightly parted, a flush on your cheeks.
He was honored that you trusted him enough to be your first. You were a beautiful soul, and he was grateful for the privilege.
"You are such a good boy, all nice and wet for me. So good, my beautiful, precious boy," he murmured.
"Elijah," you gasped.
He grunted, kissing your lips. He rolled his hips, thrusting deep and hard. He felt you tighten around him at his praise, and he smiled, he enjoyed learning what turns you on..
He nuzzled your neck, sucking on the skin, leaving little bites and hickeys. You arched your back, wrapping your legs around his waist, meeting his thrusts.
"You like when I bite you, baby?"
"Yes." You whimpered.
He nibbled on your earlobe, his warm breath fanning over your skin.
"What about when I do this?" His thrusts became harder, slamming you with such a force you moved a bit on the bed.
You nodded, too blissed out for words.
"Or when I do this?" He let go of one of your hands and trailed his fingers down your chest and stomach, pressing down on your lower abdomen.
Your eyes widened and you moaned loudly, the sudden pressure almost too much.
He smirked, nuzzling your neck, licking and biting, his tongue and teeth tracing along the tendons of your neck.
His grip was strong, his fingers digging into your flesh. His thrusts became faster, deeper, and harder, pounding you into the mattress.
"Do you want to cum, mister y/n?"
He kissed your lips. "Beg me," he growled.
You were surprised, but the roughness was thrilling. "Please, please let me cum."
"Mmm, not yet," he purred.
You groaned, your legs beginning to shake.
"Elijah," you pleaded, your voice cracking.
He chuckled, "such a good boy, begging so well."
You clenched around him, panting and whimpering. You could feel Elijah losing control, his pace becoming erratic. His breath was coming in harsh gasps.
He kissed you, his tongue delving deep into your mouth. His thrusts were wild and desperate, the sound of flesh slapping together loud in the quiet room.
"Cum for me, my boy," he commanded, his voice a deep growl.
You obeyed, clenching around him. You cried out, your eyes rolling back in your head, stars exploding behind your eyelids.
"So perfect," he murmured, pressing his lips to your throat.
You collapsed, panting, sweat trickling down your back. He released your hand, his fingers ghosting along your skin.
"Are you alright?" He asked, his tone tender.
"Yeah." You whispered, looking up at him.
He kissed your forehead. "It wasn't too much?" He asked, cupping your cheek.
"No." You said breathlessly, your mind still spinning from the intensity of it all.
"Good." He pulled out of you, and you grimaced. He noticed, and his eyebrows furrowed. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"
"Just a bit sore, but I'll be fine." You assured him, reaching up and brushing your thumb across his cheek.
He pressed a kiss to your palm, then got out of the bed, scooping you up.
"I know just the thing," he said, carrying you to the bathroom.
He set you down on the edge of the tub, and started the bath. Once the water was warm, he helped you in, and then climbed in behind you.
"Lean back," he said softly.
You did, resting against his chest. He gently washed your body, being careful to avoid the more sensitive areas.
"Thank you 'lijah," you whispered.
"Of course," he said, his voice quiet and soft.
He kissed your neck, wrapping his arms around you. You closed your eyes, feeling warm and safe.
He ran his fingers through your hair, making it stick up in weird places. He chuckled, his chest rumbling against your back.
"I learned so much about you today," he said, a teasing lilt to his tone.
"Did you now?" You asked, your cheeks heating.
"Indeed, I did." He chuckled.
"Like what?"
He leaned down, pressing his lips to your ear. "Like how sensitive you are," he whispered. "How much you like being praised." He nuzzled the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.
"Mmm." You sighed, relaxing.
"And," he added, "how good you are at begging."
You giggled, covering your face.
"But I didn't get to explore all the ways to make you beg," he teased.
"We have time," you said, smiling.
He hummed, kissing the side of your head. "I love you," he murmured.
"I love you too," you said, turning to look up at him.
You would never forget this night and how special Elijah had made it. How he made you feel. How loved you were.
It was perfect and you couldn't wait for more.
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♡♡ Tag-List ♡♡
♡ @gorgeouslydangerous ♡ @starkleila ♡ @lydia1369sworld ♡ @notleylaaa ♡ @vampiresluv ♡ @vamprium ♡ @myanmy ♡ @xflowerbombxo ♡ @maryvibess ♡ @always-and-forever-daydreaming ♡ @criminallminds ♡ @theesexystallion ♡ @rosemarypotion ♡ @spnaquakindgdom ♡ @amournoir ♡ @loving-and-dreaming ♡
♡ @meeom ♡ @damienmorton ♡ @wickedmuse ♡ @sunkissedebony97 ♡ @idk00sblog ♡ @savannaounana ♡ @cs-please ♡ complicatedandconfusing-25 @hamiltimes ♡ @akala6670229 ♡ @yeaiamme2 ♡
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m0nsterqzzz · 4 months
is it possible for a Carol Danvers x reader where Reader is a new caretaker of the baby flerkens/kittens and sometimes asks Carol tips since she looks after Goose while this is happening Kamala ships it and asks Kate to help her ship set sail and the two of them tries to be like spies like the Black Widow siblings but fails and in the end Carol has the guts to asks reader out but Kamala and Kate has to do training about stealth as punishment?
this is so cuteeee ahhh
love the flerkens with all my heart so i'm so excited to write this <3
it'll actually be the first carol oneshot i've posted!! (despite writing hundreds and hating all of them lol) so thank you for requesting bestie <3333
sorry it took so long but here you go :)
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pairing: Carol Danvers x gn reader
summary: taking care of baby flerkens is scary. That's for sure. But would such a positive outcome of getting a date with a pretty superhero be enough to make you stay?
a/n: love the ask, hate my writing. just like always.
carol is wifey tho so we chill.
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You wouldn’t exactly say your job is superhero important, but taking care of thirty kittens who can open up their mouths and swallow you whole at any second has its own set of risks.
It started with you going to visit the vet place you used to work at as a doctor before leaving to pursue other interests. You’re still close friends with the rest of the vet’s there, so you go and visit when you have time. While you were there, your friend Maggie had been telling you about some girl that came in with thirty cats, which surprisingly, has been seen before. That wasn't why this lady was remembered in the office so well. It was because the kittens kept eating workers, just to spit them back up perfectly fine- well maybe a little bit covered in saliva- about an hour later.
When Maggie described the woman, an older blonde woman that had manners, was accompanied by two young girls that wouldn't stop getting on her nerves, and had fists that glowed when one of the girls accidentally ate a dog treat that was shaped like a cupcake. The woman's name was Carol Danvers- a superhero you and millions of other people were familiar with- and her friends, Kamala Khan and Kate Bishop.
Fun day for the office, and you could only say you wish you’d been there to see it. The smirk on your friend's face was one you see quite often, one she only has when she’s planning something.
So that day, you left the vet building with a piece of paper in hand, one that had a messily scribbled out phone number. Carol’s number. She’s looking for someone to take care of the flerken kittens while she's at work, and she was so happy to hear back from someone that she hired you without even asking to see your credentials.
That's how you find yourself here, chasing around one of the kittens with a treat in hand. Kamala, the sweetest angel, was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and now she’s in the wrong place. I.E, one of the kittens' stomachs. As Carol explained it, whatever goes in their mouths aren't technically in their stomachs, just in a pocket of time and space that starts in their stomachs. At least, that's what you thought she said. You were too busy watching the way her arm muscles flexed in the tank top she was wearing while she was hammering a nail to connect parts of the giant bed she’s building for the kittens.
Suddenly, as you get into the kitchen with the cat still several feet in front of you, somebody chuckles and leans down to catch the meowing animal before it can escape again. It’s Carol, dressed in her usual attire of slightly baggy jeans, an old band t-shirt and converse. 
She holds the cat up but it’s armpits, facing him away from her and in the opposite direction of you before she says, “give her back.” That’s all it takes, and then the kitten opens it’s mouth and spits out Kamala.
You’re barely paying attention to the girl gasping for air on the floor though, instead you’re watching Carol's cute smile as she nuzzles the cat and then sets him back on the ground. “How’ you do that?” You start, trying to get your breathing back to normal. “I’ve been trying to catch him for like an hour.”
“Yeah, that was a really long time!” Kamala chimes in, but neither you nor Carol are listening.
“I learned from Goose that if you show disappointment in your voice, they’ll let ‘em go. Weird, but effective.” The blonde says before she goes back to cooking. “I’m making lunch. You want some, honey?
You find yourself turning crimson at the nickname, about to say no thank you before suddenly Carol is speaking again, panic in her voice. “I mean do you want honey! In the tea! That I haven’t made yet. Not you honey! This honey!” She holds up a honey container shaped like a bear to prove her point.
Kamala smirks, awkwardly winking at Carol and mouthing the word, “Smooth!” before the superhero finally just shoves her out of the room.
You sigh, nodding your head before grabbing the baby flerken and making your way out of the room. It’s obvious she doesn’t feel the same way and you shouldn’t be surprised. Why would a superhero like her fall for…you?
Carol Danvers is madly in love with you.
You don’t know that, of course. But she is.
It’s why she’s here, panicking in the kitchen after accidentally calling you a nickname. Someone snickers behind her, and without missing a beat, she throws a rag towards Kamala’s head. “Shut up. That sucked! What is wrong with me? The blonde pleads, and Kamala’s eyes soften even though her tone is still teasing as she says in a sing-songy voice, “You like them.”
“No shit sherlock. Of course I like them. Have you seen their smile? And the little laugh they do whenever one of the flerkens eat something? Or-”
She’s cut off by Kate barling into the kitchen, Goose in her arms and training suit on. “What’s going on?”
“Carol’s telling us about her crush on the flerkins caretaker.”
“Ooooo! Are you gonna ask them out?”
“Can you two shut up?”
“No. I totally ship you guys!”
“Fine. How about this, if you don’t shut up and let me handle this, I’ll make you do 48 extra hours of training over the course of the next two weeks. That's almost two extra hours a day.”
They shut up.
It’s not like she doesn’t want to go out with you. That would be amazing. But she hasn’t had a relationship in years. Well, there was that little situationship with Valkyrie but we don’t talk about that!
Point is, she doesn’t know all the proper dating etiquette nowadays. Should she take you to dinner and a movie? Ask your kin if it’s okay? Recite poetry?
The two younger girls notice her spiral as she leaves the kitchen, making them feel sorry for their friend. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Kate asks with a smile.
Kamala is silent for a minute before she says, “We should go to the store and get Goose to steal ice cream sandwiches for us because we’re poor?”
“Later. Right now, I think we need to help Carol get a date.”
“I don’t know about this Kate. It’s clear she doesn’t want our help.”
“Wow. Since when did Kamala Khan not want to meddle? It’s like your favorite activity.”
The young girl sighs, petting Goose before she says, “You’re right. Carol needs our help and it’s going to take serious meddling.”
So, with that idea in mind, they come up with a plan. As superheroes, their main job is keeping people out of danger. It’s what Carol also does on a daily basis. If they can put you in a dangerous situation, Carol can swoop in and save you.
It’s why they went to the store and got 2 pounds of butter, melting it over the stove before dumping it all over the living room floor.
Just because they’re superheroes doesn’t mean they’re smart.
Then, they hide behind the kitchen counter, heads peeking over the side that makes it obvious it’s them.
You open the front door, back from your lunch as you call out for the baby flerkens. You stop in your tracks when you see the butter, eyes darting around the house as you call out, “Carol?”
She comes running in, successfully slipping in the butter before you can catch her. Kamala and Kate gasp from their hiding spot, hiding their heads again when Carol narrows her eyes towards them.
“Are you okay? Do you need help?” You say, but she just shakes her head with a grimace. “No. I’m fine. Go on. The kittens are in my room.” With a hesitant nod, you walk around the pool of butter with your crush smack dab in the middle of it, then into the hallway and towards her room.
Carol takes a deep breath while closing her eyes, deciding to lay in shame and butter. Kamala and Kate quietly get up from their hiding spot, taking her moment of silence to escape this situation. “Three hours of extra stealth training tomorrow. A punishment for this and because I don’t know how the hell you two become superheroes. And please….for the love of god….clean up the fucking butter.” The blonde mumbles with her eyes closed, the younger girls grabbing each other's arms as they hold in a groan and continue trying to sneak out despite the fact they’ve already been caught.
After a quick trip to the grocery store for ice cream, Kamala and Kate spend all night watching movies, eating, and coming up with a new plan to make their ship sail.
Carols a good cook, having had to learn how when she got tired of eating packaged space food on her ship. You don't get home cooked meals a lot, so maybe they can invite you over for a dinner so that you and Carol can have more time to talk about things that aren't work related.
You easily accept their invitation with the idea that Carol knows you'll be there, so its a bit upsetting when you show up and she frowns in confusion. "Hey. Did you forget something?" Carol questions when she opens the front door to see you.
"Um....no. Kamala and Kate invited me for dinner? I figured you knew." You say with a frown of confusion, and she lets out an annoyed sigh that for a second your kinda scared is pointed towards you until she yells, "Kate! Kamala!
They jump up from behind the couch, the nervousness clear in their eyes. "Oh hey Carol. We were just hanging out."
"Behind the couch?"
"Yup. This is our....meeting spot. How'd you not know that?"
The blonde stares at them for a minute before she snickers. "That's another hour of stealth training. Leave the spy stuff to Yelena and Nat from now on girls." You’re still confused about what's happening, but in the end just decide to leave it be and come inside with the dessert you brought.
Carol follows you into the kitchen, thanking you for the treats with a bright smile. “I already ate, and I have to do some repairs on my ship, but I’ll see you tomorrow alright?” With that, she leaves, once again squashing any hope you ever had of starting a relationship with her.
The next day, you show up at the house to take care of the flerkens like usual though something feels off. The air is more tense, and there’s not laughing going on from some dumb joke Kamala told like there would usually be. It’s always been such a fun, energetic home. Right now though, you feel like you’re in a library and have to stay quiet so a 100 year old librarian doesn’t come and tell you to shut up.
After a awkward run in with Carol in the hallway while you’re on your way to the flerkens room and she’s on her way to make breakfast before leaving packing her bags for the week long job she has to go on in space, she walks into the kitchen were Kamala and Kate are sitting at opposite ends of the table. They’re on their phones, both texting someone.
They’re texting each other about a new plan, but Carol doesn’t need to know that.
“What’s this?” They finally look up from their phones when the blonde speaks, her tone bitter and confused as she holds up a takeaway coffee cup with someone's phone number scribbled messily on it. It’s not her phone number, and it’s not one of the girl’s ethier.
“I don’t know. It’s something your little crush brought in. Said something about the girl behind the counter at the coffee place hitting on them.” Kamala chuckles, fighting the urge to roll her eyes when Kate begins to hit her arm repeatedly.
The archer takes a moment to compose herself before she says in the most casual voice she can muster, “Seems like you missed your chance.”
Carol’s eyes finally move away from the cup to look at her younger friend with wide eyes. “You really think so?” Kamala smiles knowingly and hums. “Yup. I do.”
You come into the kitchen with a flerken in your arms right at that moment, not exactly reading the room as you grab the cup from Carol’s hand and smile. “Thanks captain. I was looking for that.”
You begin to make your way out of the room, but she gently grabs ahold of your wrist before you can so you turn around to face her. She’s nervous, you can tell that by the way her hand absentmindedly draws stars on the counter and she uses her other hand to tap the beat of the Star Wars theme song against her thigh.
“You okay Carol?” You ask with a small chuckle, reaching over to put your hand over the one drawing stars which only seems to make her more nervous.
Kate coughs then whispers, “Chicken.” Carol narrows her eyes at the giggling pair at the table, point towards the entryway to the kitchen. “Out.”
They grumble something about her being a big baby as they leave, but you have a feeling they don’t get very far.
“So I was thinking.” She starts.
You snicker before saying, “That’s never good.” 
She groans, playfully shoving you away. The joking helps to ease her nerves a little, and she can finally look you in the eyes as she speaks. “I was thinking….that if you’re free, and you want to, we can maybe….go out to dinner together? Like more than friends? Only if you want to though! I totally understand if you don’t want to and I guess this might have been a little too-” Your laughter cuts her off, but it doesn't help her nerves.
“What's so funny?” She tries to awkwardly giggle as well.
One look at her face is all you need to go silent.
“You’re not kidding?” The question comes out as more of a whisper. Her stomach churns as she shrugs. “Not really.”
You think about it for a minute before asking, “You like me?”
“I really, really like you. But it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. I totally understand.”
She watches as a small smile forms on your face, then changes to a cheshire cat grin. “I….I would love to go out to dinner with you Carol. Because I really, really, really like you too.” With that, you pull her into one of the tightest hugs she's ever gotten, her arms hesitantly wrapping around your waist to bring you even closer. 
You guys stand there in silence for a few seconds, just enjoying each other's embrace before she suddenly calls out and is followed by loud groans and your laughter, “Girls, I know you’re in the hallway. That’s five hours of stealth training. Really, how have you guys saved cities?" 
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Carol: And me? Oh, I'm 60 years old.
Kate and kamala: damn!
Carol: ……
Kate and kamala: ……we’re sorry.
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pietrosbulletsstuff · 4 months
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All credit to @ipetite69 for the idea of this
Author's note: I put on my lana playlist while writing this 🤭 this went on kinda longer than I planned but it's okay. I kind of lost motivation towards the end because i ran out of ideas
Word count: 2521
Rafe was the first one who spotted you when he was at the golf course with Kelce and topper. You honestly were just there for moral support for your friends having no interest in the sport. As your friend walked by you happened to look towards the group of guys only to see Rafe looking back at you. What you didn't know was that Rafe knew you were going to be his.
“Rafe hit the ball man it's your turn”
Rafe turned his head and said yeah yeah going to take his shot. Rafe looked between u and the group kind of trying to make a decision.
He then decided to forget about the game and walked over to your group of friends.
Where are you going man? Yelled topper as he gave Kelce a look of confusion. They stood there to watch where he was headed, becoming more clear as he got closer. As he approached, u sitting on the golf cart playing on ur phone. you looked up as u could hear someone walking closer.
“Hey im rafe, what's ur name?”
Confused, you answered- “my name is y’n.”
“Well y/n it's nice to meet you.” he said as he held his hand out for you to shake.
As you stood up to greet him the height difference became obvious. “Nice to meet you rafe.” You said with a smile on your face.
“you new here because i've never seen you around here before?”
“I've lived here my entire life Really? Are you sure? I would definitely remember if i've seen you around.”
“ Well maybe we don't have the same interest so you wouldn't see me around.”
“Well I'll definitely remember you now. He said with a smirk. You know you should come to this party I'm having later tonight, yeah?”
“A party? I don't know..” you said as you looked over towards your friends to see them looking back at you.
“You can bring your friends if you want, I don't mind.”
One of your friends that was listening in on the conversation joined “who wouldn't miss out on a party at your place?” she said, twirling her hair in her hand. Obviously flirting.
“Hand me your phone.” Keeping his eyes on you.
“So I can put my number in and let me know if you come to the party, yeah?”
You looked at your friend before you pulled out your phone to unlock it.
“See u at the party” he said, maintaining eye contact with u before he started to walk away.
“I never said I was going for sure” you yelled out with a smile on ur face.
Walking back, Rafe had a smile on his face also.
“So uh” he began as he scratched the back of his head-
“What was that?” topper said when rafe was in ears reach of hearing him.
“It's okay- also guys night is canceled.”
Before topper and kelce could complain, Rafe said “we're gonna have a party today.”
“I hope you invited them.” said Kelce, nodding his head towards your group.
“You know I did.” rafe said in a matter of fact way.
Later that day u and ur friends were walking towards rafe’s door already hearing the loud music. Know your friends were probably going to leave you alone at the party you decided to text rafe.
-So we decided to come to the party after all, where are you?-
After walking around the party you finally spot rafe- with his hair cut. “Hey! When did you find the time to cut your hair?”
“Earlier? At the golf course.”
He laughed. “That's cute.” he pushed your hair out of your face. “I don't go to the golf cou- ohh wait. You have the wrong person. I’m roman.”
“Is this some type of joke or something? Because it isn't funny. Like at all.”
“I'm serious.” He said with a smile. “But here follow me, I'll show you where rafe is.”
He grabbed your hand and led you upstairs. You found yourself in a room. He opened it as a gesture for you to walk inside first. You gave him a look as u walked in scanning the room for rafe.
“Where is he?”
“Wait here, he’ll be up here just wait, alright? Sit on the bed or something.” he said as shut the door behind him.
You took the time to look around the room. As you looked around the room you figured it was a guest room that you were inside, wondering why roman didn’t bring you to rafe’s room to wait for him. After what seemed like hours that went by someone finally walked in. you were looking out the window down at the party that was happening on the ground below. “y/n! You made it!!” While walking up to you so he could lean in for a hug.
It was starting to become clear that he was drunk or on something. “I see you met my brother roman!” he sort of yelled as he slung his arm around your shoulder and brought you closer to roman.
You grabbed his arm to support yourself since it all kinda happened fast. Roman nodded his head to the bedroom door hinting to rafe he wanted to talk somewhere you weren't around.”Here sit down wait here yeah?”
“Oh alright then i'll just wait here.” Rafe and Roman stood tall over you as they both looked at you. Rafe looks at roman with a smirk and moves his hand to run over the top of ur head with a smirk on his face. Roman watching this whole thing going down.
“Cmon” rafe said as he hung his arm over romans shoulder walking out with him shutting the door behind him. Roman turns to rafe giving him a knowing look.
“why not?”
“You always do this Ro. I let you have the last one- but this one is different. There are plenty downstairs for you to choose from”
after spending about 5 mins going back and forth roman says- “wait hold on a second.”
“Why don't we share?”
“Yeah share, I didn't say anything else.”
“That's crazy. Why would I want to share someone with my twin brother? That would be weird besides she probably wouldn't like that.”
“How are we supposed to know if we dont ask or something?”
Biting his nail as he stood there to think this through for a minute. Roman places his hands on Rafe's shoulders, “besides what did mom and dad always tell us? If we can't come to an agreement” Roman said. “Then we shared it” rafe joined in.
“it's not like we would be doing that with each other- we would just have her- but at the same time?”
“Yeah like a threesome basically” spitting the words out to hurry and help rafe understand.
“I mean if it's just her and not us doing any of that weird shit with each other i guess it could be alright.
Roman opened the door and looked at rafe to find rafe already looking back at him.
“ Do u wanna-“
“ no it was your idea so u can say it.” He went back to biting his nails.
“Okay then we have a proposition for you.
“What is it?”
Rafe stared intensely at you studying how you would react to what roman was saying.
“Well you see the main problem is we both want you. And I know you don't know us that well since you just moved here.”
You cut him off and say “I didn't just move here. I've lived here literally my whole life.”
Roman pauses. “Really?”
“That's what I said.” Rafe added with a laugh.
“Anyway, back to what I was saying. Basically me and rafe-” he pauses as he sees rafe sat next to you still watching how you would react.
“What was I saying? Oh. but yeah you should know me and rafe grew up being told we always were told if we can't share then we can't have it at all.”
“But here's the problem.” Rafe said, taking over the conversation. “We both want you and we aren't willing to let you go just yet," he said in a hushed voice.
“So now what.” you looked between the two.
“Well what happens next is up to you," he said but when you looked over to where he was standing. he wasn't there anymore. Instead he was on his knee (like he was in s3 with kiera) his hand gently running over your knee.
“How is that up to me?”
“Well princess” rafe chimed in “let us both have you at the same time.”
“What? That would be odd. Plus I don't want rumors or anything like that going around about me.”
Roman says “nothing like that wouldn't happen with us. The worst that could happen is us making you feel 100 times better than anyone else has.”
Roman stands up to sit on the bed on the other side next to you.
“c'mon pretty let us help you.”
He knew he was pushing his limits but he decided to do it anyway, he pressed his lips against your shoulder, you breathed in as u looked at him. you then looked at rafe.
“Wait, you're serious about this?”
“as serious as we can be sweetheart," Roman said, grabbing your hand.
“C'mon let us help you.”
“I mean okay I guess” as u looked down at your hands.
“Hey, keep that pretty head up don't let it fall down" said roman meanwhile rafe had started kissing your neck the moment u agreed.
“Stand up for me real quick so I can take this off of you.” Rafe whispered in your ear.
Rafe worked on unzipping your dress while Roman worked on taking off your heels.
“Here, let's make you more comfortable," Rafe said in a hushed voice.
After roman unzips the dress he helps you keep your balance while you wiggle your way out of it. Roman sucks the spot in between ur neck knowing it will leave a purple bruise by the time they are done with you. You reach back to undo your bra but roman smacks your hand out the way so u retract your hands to rafe’s shoulders. Roman takes it upon himself to take your bra off himself. As soon as roman did that rafe moved closer to the edge of the bed to suck a purple bruise in the middle of your chest. you lean back into roman as he moves to the other side of ur neck.
“Lay down.” Rafe instructed.
you walked to the left side of the bed and crawled to the middle of it. Wait. rafe moved the pillows around to place one under ur head and threw the other one to the side that isn't relevant. After placing the pillow under your head, Rafe leaned down to kiss you. He put his arm on the side of your head so that way he wouldn't put all of his weight on you. Roman got his shirt off then reached for your underwear to pull it off. He didn't waste any time before his lips were on ur thigh, kissing his way up to the place u needed him the most. When he got there you let off a small gasp, causing you to pull away from Rafe only for you to pull him back down,keeping your hand at the back of his hair- deepening the kiss. Roman circles his tongue around ur clit and adds one finger to see how wet u were. He pulls back to sit on his knees. and stares at you for a minute. He then looks over towards rafe i think she likes having us both u think/ rafe also pulls away. You looked down to where roman was sitting and before you can look back to rafe you feel yourself being dragged to the middle of the bed then flipped onto all 4’s. You looked up and roman was there in front of you.
Roman unzips his pants “here this should give you something to do” as his hand rested on top of ur head gently guiding you to where his other hand was.
“I don't understand why you're so sweet to her; open up.” Rafe said as he reached over you and pushed your head to where Roman wanted you.
you stuck out your tongue to lick upwards on his cock. Going down as far as you can when you reach his tip. Roman gathers ur hair into a quick, messy ponytail, making you set the paste he wanted. Rafe drags a hand across your ass then slapping it; squeezing it with both of his hands. Sometime when you hadn't noticed; rafe took off his clothes, but you did notice when you felt him at your entrance. He slowly pushed inside of you, leaning his head back with a low groan as he did so. He moved out to push slowly in again. Testing to see how you would react. You took your mouth off of roman and rested your head down still moving roman in ur hand.
“Hey hey keep ur head up” roman said as he lifted your head back up moving the hair from yourself back behind your ear then tapping the side of ur cheek lightly; letting you know to continue.
You slowly move your hand up and down his cock and circle your thumb around his head. He softly groans as he grabs your hand to bring you to finish him off. Roman was getting closer and closer. You can tell since he started to fuck himself into ur mouth. his thrust became sloppier the closer he got.
You were close and Rafe could feel it. He moved his hand to the clit and rubbed right circles so y’all would finish around the same time.
“Fuck” Roman said with his voice strung out as he held your head, not pulling out of your mouth yet. as he reached his peak. After a moment he pulled out of you then you and rafe finished just a moment after.
When Rafe finished he leaned his head on your back while you both collected your breath. Roman buckled his pants back up. He grabbed you by the cheeks and kissed you. He put his number in your phone then set it on the dresser before he walked out.
Rafe pulled out and started to get dressed.
“We should do this again but you know probably just us," he said with a smile. You were at a loss of words as you looked for the clothes the pair threw around the room.
What have you gotten yourself into you thought to yourself as rafe walked out.
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cosmal · 1 year
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 — 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
summary — james, as nervous as he is, kisses you at midnight on new years eve.
warnings/tags — fem!reader, alcohol consumption
Tonight is the night. James swears of it.
He's not sure how he'll make it work, but he usually does, so he will. Granted, he's had plenty of turndowns in his life, and not enough fingers to count them on. But, he's almost certain you like him. The feeling he gets when he's around you is enough clarity to put him at ease, though sometimes it morphs into a number of nerves that he thinks it's all in his head.
But he really thinks he might kiss you tonight.
You cling to him the entire night. Half of him doesn't know why because all your friends are here, though you're not rude because you still stay close even when you're rambling about everything with Lily. The other half of him, at the idea of you wanting to be by his side, has him swelling with adoration and his ego grows tenfold.
23:49. He's still sober enough to read the clock on the wall. He's spent the entire day on squash and enough pints to drop a toddler. If he stays sober just so he can't stuff up the night, he keeps it to himself. Though, Sirius notices because, of course, he does.
"I've never seen you this sober at a new year's party, mate."
On the other hand, Sirius is just as drunk as expected - fortunately for James. If everything goes to shit tonight (which James half expects because you make him more nervous than anyone has ever) the only people who will remember are him and, unfortunately, you.
"Lovely," he murmurs, only because you're so close, into your ear. He's selfishly loving it. More when he watches you shiver.
Your conversation with Alice fades off slowly and you turn to him with a little hum. He traces the edge of your lips and takes in the colour of your lipgloss. He expects a matching mark to be swatched around your glass. Then, like he has been most of the night, traces the silver glitter over your sticky eyelids, the extra length of your soft eyelashes. If he's been obvious about it this whole time, he doesn't care.
"Do you want a drink?" he asks, pressing his knuckles into the skin above your tights. He's pushing his luck, he knows it, and if he thought you'd want him to stop, he would. But then you're wrapping your hand over his where it's at your thigh and you smile. It's shy, barely there, James loves it all the same.
"Yeah, c'mon." You eagerly stand from the booth and tug James up with you.
He has no problems when you lead him through the crowd. Still, he keeps a hand up your arm to shield you from rowdy patrons.
You get to the bar and James says, "I was offering to go get you a drink."
"And leave me in the booth?"
James has half the mind in him to not mention that there are eight other people at your table. You giggle knowingly.
"Right." He nods like it makes any sense.
"What are you having?"
"Whatever you choose." He says because he can.
You order two of the same drinks. Two cosmopolitans with extra lime. The glass is wet and awkward to hold, thin and its stem way too small to hold in his big hands. Still, he sips at it with no qualms because he won't act like he's above a cocktail. In fact, he loves them. Especially when you reach your hand across to wipe the line of pink from his top lip.
When you reach back to your table, everyone's shuffled down. The spot you and James had been cramped into only big enough for one.
With your mouth around the rim of your glass, you offer James the seat with a smile.
"You take it."
"It's okay," you say now, licking stickiness from your thumb.
"Y/N," he frowns.
You frown back. It's more adorable than his. "Sit."
James thinks it might be easier not to argue with you. He sits, unwillingly he wants to add, but it's worth it when you move to his side and place a hand in his hair.
You twist soft locks around your fingers, your hand a warmth he loves more than he would ever admit to anyone. He's glad Sirius and Remus are too busy loving each other in the other corner of the booth. He loves it so much he has to hide his giddy smile in his drink.
The new year is quickly approaching and the pub starts to fill. Most people have their arms linked through someone else's, their lips excitedly pressed to others' cheeks. James grows nervous suddenly. More than he has been since he got here.
He second-guesses every choice he's made tonight up until this moment. He's not entirely sure if you'd want to kiss him (like your lovesick giggles and your hand in his hair isn't enough to prove anything to him). He distracts himself with his sweet drink and thinks, stupidly, he'll see how the next five minutes play out.
Everyone in the pub circle around the TV above the bar, like sardines, pushed snugly up against each other. You press really close into his shoulder until he can feel the bump of your stomach. He worries for you for a moment and looks up over your arm. You smile until someone knocks you into his lap.
You startle and James wraps his arms around your back to stop you from toppling off of him. He's gentle with his touch, barely grazing you. Still, it burns.
"Sorry," you say loudly. Everyone shifts to excited yelling. Standing from their seats, drinks in hand.
You don't show that you want to get up. James isn't sure if this makes him feel better or worse.
The cheering gets louder as the clock ticks over to one minute from midnight. James isn't sure you'll be able to hear him. He's not even sure that he has the courage to say anything at all. Until your hands come forward to wrap around the lapels of his jacket to stable yourself. You don't tug him forward but he leans in anyways.
"Do you," he yells, but he still stammers. If it was bright enough inside he's sure you'd be able to see the blush creeping up his cheeks. "Are you kissing anyone at midnight?"
You smile. So wide that he can hear the thump of his heart over the rowdy atmosphere. "I'm not sure yet. Are you?"
James straightens his back out and you shuffle in his lap. He's feeling pretty lucky. "Maybe!"
The crowd begins the countdown. He leans in and waits for any sign that you want to back out. Like you aren't in his lap. Like this isn't the first time any of this has happened. Granted, this time he thinks he's actually going to kiss you.
James is in his head and he'd be stupid to think you'd not notice. "James!" 7! 6! 5! "Are you gonna kiss me?" It's louder. He still knows you're giggling.
"Fuck," he murmurs to himself, leaning forwards. "Can I?"
You kiss him. You actually kiss him. Right on midnight. Everyone who isn't eating someone else's face cheers. It sets him on fire. Your lips up against his. Soft and tender just like he expected. James squeezes his eyes so hard he sees stars. Brighter than the fireworks he'd expect to see if he wasn't having the best time of his life right now.
He's still buzzing when you pull away. Smiling because he can't help it.
"Happy," James blushes, smiling into the side of his hand when he turns his face away, "happy new year, Y/N."
You're so close James can still feel your breath. It fans over his lips and makes the heat he feels worse. In the best way possible. "Happy new year, James."
James thinks it's the happiest new year he's ever had. In a total adoring and cheesy way. It's even better when you lean in to kiss him again.
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wayfayrr · 1 year
Sage is up and on edge! what crimes will he commit?
(all of them, and reader will be none the wiser <3)
Part Two of this! Part three is Here!
Also if anyone wants to see Sage introduced to anything in particular feel free to ask, I've got a couple of ideas in mind but I'm curious what you guys think would be interesting. and as a heads up Sage is TotK link as a separate link from wild
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"Earth? The place you mentioned when you were talking about your home? That earth?"
"Yeah. That earth. My home actually, lucky as those odds are. so uhh, any questions? I know you’re probably as overwhelmed being here as I was when I first ended up in Hyrule; I won’t be afraid to answer anything."
I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone’s face switch between emotions as rapidly as his in that moment, I don't even think it would be possible to be any faster. Shock, surprise, anger, and a few more that I can’t put my finger on before settling on pride?
It’s as good a guess as any for what he’s feeling right now, especially considering he looks like a smug cat. Granted he’s not outwardly panicking now which is an improvement whether that’s due to me offering to answer questions or due to me knowing where we are is up for debate.
"And I’m the only link here?"
…Unless you count the links in the games, not like I’m getting into that.
"Certainly seems that way doesn’t it? Hopefully, they’re not panicking badly."
You know what?
I was wrong. 
His face could switch even quicker, seemingly because I shoved the equivalent of a lemon into his mouth before he regained his composure. Blink and you’ll miss it moment really. I could question it, but right now? It's not worth my stress. 
I'm sure he’s just overwhelmed, right? 
"Oh don’t be worried [name], they’re heroes of legend. They already have Hylia looking over them. They’ll survive without you."
Okay then, he’s stressed. Of course he is, I know I was when this was all flipped. Just so happens that his way of destressing is by speaking bitterly about the others, so it’s probably worth it to change the conversation completely rather than get into it while he’s overwhelmed.
"... You’re probably right. I’m overthinking things."
Didn’t think that would calm him as much as it did. Seems being alone with him, when we aren’t in his Hyrule at least, lets him show his true colours more easily. I wish I could say it calmed me as well.
Relaxing would be nice right now however I’ve still got a stupid number of notifications to respond to, to figure out how to respond to. Before people start getting suspicious; before they start asking questions; before someone recognises him.
It's fine, there’s time to pull myself together, to sort everything out. Sage doesn't need to have me panicking while he’s adjusting. He deserves someone stable after everything he’s gone through, and I can be that. I know I can, I just need to buy myself some time to think, to clear my head.
"It might be an idea to get you some clothes while you adjust. You should be able to fit into some of mine, they’ll do for a bit at least."
"You’d let me... You would let me wear your clothes?"
He would be mortified if he saw the look on his face now, what with him fawning like a lovestruck puppy. There wasn’t even a single hope in attempting to hold back my laugh while dragging him to my room. 
"What else could I do? It’s not like you can stay in those all the time. Take whatever you want, something in there is bound to fit you."
"Whatever I - Thank you."
If I wasn't so unnerved by how he was acting a couple of moments earlier? I’d be melting at how cute he’s being. But that raw visceral hatred in his eyes when I brought up the other heroes, even though it only lasted for a split second?
Worry about that later [name]. Focus on helping him adjust and to readjust yourself. Stop reading too deeply into things.
Luckily, it worked how I wanted it to. Sage is distracted for the minute giving me a chance to look over any messages and hopefully catch myself back up to speed. There can’t be much to have missed in less than a day though. Nothing that time-sensitive either. 
A bundle of clothes shoved into my face wasn’t exactly what I thought would snap me out of dredging through messages and playing catch-up; it’s a clear tell he’s found something he's pleased with.
"These are mine now."
"Huh - okay, I guess?? Are you going to change into them or just stand there?"
Have I done something wrong??
He's never looked at me like this before, I can't tell what he's thinking. 
"Do you want me to get changed into them here?"
"What!? No, I meant - Not here! You can change in the bathroom, you can have a shower as well then. You really need one…"
Seems he got his payback about me laughing at him earlier though, with how red my face is. Even if he did look a bit confused about my comment.
Wordlessly taking his hand in mine after regaining my composure, I led him to the bathroom; gave him a quick rundown of everything; then left him to sort himself out after I was confident he could manage.
To be fair to Sage it’s not like I don’t also need one, Hyrule’s hygiene left a lot to be missed. Soap, hot running water and even a soft towel sound like bliss. 
Between Freshening up with some clean clothes; reminding myself that nothing has expired here despite feeling otherwise; preparing a couple of drinks, and shifting back into this mundane life feels almost overwhelming. If Sage weren’t here with me I’d be going insane, doubting anything and everything that happened in Hyrule.
But he is here, and I’ve not gone insane. Not yet at least.
There’s not exactly any harm in waiting around and enjoying some luxury either though. Physics isn’t advanced to the point of having portals nor do we have magic to do it; waiting is our sole option to get back Hyrule and the chain.
Has Sage wrapped his arms around my waist!? When did he even get out of the shower? Have I really been so lost in thought and oblivious?
"You’re sure nothing here has been tampered with at all, I wouldn’t put it past the shadow. I still have supplies you can use, we shouldn’t risk anything."
"I well- it should be fine, shouldn’t it? If the shadow wanted us dead, it would’ve killed us outright when it had that chance, surely?"
"Um, also Sage, mind if I ask why you’re holding me like this?"
He sounds so tired and defeated, it’s hard not to drop everything for him at the slightest chance to ease his burdens. While a quiet groan then being tugged closer to him, at any other time would have flustered me again, is concerning given that portal could have affected him in any number of ways. 
"The gloom’s actin’ up like the portal did something. I'm just… You don’t mind do you?"
"Oh Lavender, do you want to take my bed for a bit, or at the very least sit-down? I should have some painkillers around here somewhere." 
Must be agonising if he’s like this seeing as he's not willing to go into detail, to set aside his fear of being vulnerable, nor is he willing to let go of me despite the promise of painkillers. He’s got me wrapped around his finger like this; it wouldn’t surprise me if he knew either.
"Hold me? Please?"
"Of course, I’ll hold you. Although wouldn’t you rather sit somewhere comfortable?"
Now he’s not even bothering to speak, only whining quietly while he clutches me tighter in his embrace. Therefore it was a simple choice to lay him against me as I sat down, giving him unspoken permission to rest his head on me.
Oddly enough with how he’s got his face against me…
I could have sworn he was smirking.
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bangchansdirty-slut · 12 days
Hi!! Can i ask for a male reader x bang chan where the two meet of them meet again at a high school reunion and rekindle their relationship?
We Meet Again
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Paring: Bang Chan x Male reader
Genre: Fluff (Short)
More: Masterlist
A/n: Requests are open
M/n nervously adjusted his tie as he entered the crowded hall where the high school reunion was taking place. Scanning the room, he caught a familiar face in the crowd. It was Bang Chan, his old friend from school. They had lost touch after graduation, but M/n had always secretly harbored feelings for Chan.
"Chris!" M/n called out, making his way through the crowd. Chris turned around, a surprised look on his face before breaking into a wide smile.
"M/n! I can't believe it's you," Chris exclaimed, pulling M/n into a tight hug. The two friends quickly fell into easy conversation, reminiscing about their high school days and catching up on each other's lives.
As the night went on, M/n and Chris found themselves gravitating towards each other, their laughter and inside jokes flowing effortlessly. It was as if no time had passed at all.
"You know, I've always regretted losing touch with you," Chris confessed, his eyes locking with M/n's. "I've missed having you around."
M/n felt a warmth spread through his chest at Chris' words. "Me too," he replied, a genuine smile on his face. "But I'm glad we found each other tonight."
As the night went on, the two of them continued to talk and laugh, growing closer with each passing moment. There was an easy chemistry between them that neither could deny. Finally, as the reunion began to wind down, Chris leaned in toward M/n, his voice barely above a whisper.
"M/n, I've always felt a special connection with you."
M/n's heart skipped a beat as he listened to Chris' words. He couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions, both happy and nervous. He glanced up at Chris, whose eyes seemed to hold a depth of sincerity that he'd never seen before. Without thinking, he reached out and took Chris' hand in his, squeezing it gently.
"I like you too, Chris. Maybe we can make up for lost time."
Their hands stayed entwined as they continued to talk, the rest of the reunion fading into the background. As the night grew late, they decided to exchange numbers, promising to keep in touch this time. They exchanged lingering glances and shy smiles as they parted ways, each feeling a newfound hope and excitement about the future.
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