#the obsessive rollercoaster was never gonna work out long term anyway
elrondsscribe · 2 months
Yeah I know that vampire relationships aren’t supposed to actually be functional but I do still wish Armand and Daniel coulda worked it out once Daniel got vamped
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shadowsfascination · 3 years
Sonamy YAAU - Irreversible [Chapter 15 - B]
Impatient and restless as ever a blue hedgehog footed in circles through a dark cave, trying to make up his mind. He would sit back on a flat rock and toss up a red emerald only to catch it again. Then he would rise up and start walking again. The resolution that had landed inside him to proceed and indeed go through with this red emerald stuff was gone when he woke up this morning- highly unnerved by a vivid dream. One that had awoke all kinds of questions in his mind that he wasn’t able to shake off. And it wasn’t like him to be this unnerved. Having come to terms about his feelings for Amy had robbed Sonic of his care-free signature attitude. It was extremely annoying for him because he felt like he couldn’t face this problem the way he used to face all the other issues in his life. Running away wasn’t an option because Mobius needed him to fight the oppression from the A.R. and talking to Amy about it wasn’t either. If anything, he didn’t want her to find out. He’d be humiliated but most importantly: nothing would be the same if she knew.   Talking to Tails about it last night was highly uncomfortable for him enough. Neither of them had ever had dated someone before so they shared the lack of experience there. And even though Tails was a couple of years younger than Sonic, he still didn’t take any interest in girls or kissing and everything. It appeared to Sonic that Tails might have a different reason for that than he himself; a girlfriend would slow him down and rob him of his freedom… So he thought for a very long time, until he now had found a new interest in Amy all of the sudden. The dream of last night, in which Amy returned his feelings, kissed him with her rosy lips and chose him over Shadow was proof of that. Immediately he felt guilty for even the tiniest bit of desire to have her instead of Shadow, who he now had come to deeply respect. The swirl of feelings of hope, joy, guilt and surprise overwhelmed him. He had never had dreams like this one before and it had made him doubt what to do.   He shook the upcoming thoughts off, tossed the emerald up once more and caught it with ease and confidence: he was going forth with the plan. He had to get over this! “Sonic? Are you in here?”   Of all the times, why now? Why her? Sweet chaos! You gotta be kidding. It was almost completely dark in here, so maybe if he kept really quiet, she’d go away.. How did she know where he was anyway?   His wristwatch caught his eye and he drew a long and heavy sigh. His location was on and so his marker was trackable for anyone in his friend list- including Amy of course.   “Sonic! I need to talk to you! It’s urgent!” Her voice was drawing near and he heard the tiny chunks of stone crackle under her shoes while she was stepping closer to him.   “Are you in here? I can’t see a thing!” Suddenly he was blinded by the spotlight she turned on and he almost never felt so embarrassed before- as realization dawned that he had yet to explain why he was hiding in this dark cave, ignoring her. To make things worse his tongue felt tied. Sonic swallowed: “A-amy! What brings you here?” He smiled at her in discomfort while in search of where to put his hands in a way that wasn’t unnatural, but failed. Where on Mobius did he leave them before? “Don’t act so casual with me.” At least she thought he was being casual.   “How else would I act?” She looked at him with a worried expression.   “Please don’t go through with it.”  The blood in his hands and feet seemed to draw away. His hands got sweaty and his stomach twisted and churned. He clenched the red emerald in his hands, tiring his fingers from the cramp. She knew! “Is this why we barely seen anything from you for the last weeks?” He remained silent.   “Why didn’t you just talk to me? I thought we were friends!”  “It’s not easy to talk about you know. I’ve never felt anything like this before. And, I… I didn’t want to jeopardize our friendship! It would’ve been for the best. And besides, guys don’t really talk about these things much anyway.”   “It would only have worked if I were totally oblivious about it.” “You weren’t, then?” “I suspected something because you were acting so strange in the cave when Shadow took me home. And then afterwards you didn’t check in on me?! That’s so unlike you.” “I know. I’m sorry.” “I started to think that you didn’t care! But then it dawned to me. That you might care too much after all.”  A quick flashback of his Chaos Engery Transfer in the cave passed by in his mind.   “Did you share that vision with me then, back in the cave?” “I did,” she confessed. “My memory was a little blurry at first, but I regained it later.” “We’ll need a new plan than.” Sonic sat down and leaned with his back against the cave wall. Amy sat down next to him and it made him nervous. She placed a hand on his knee. She asked him what he exactly felt for her and he told her everything: the fear of suddenly losing her, how he thought of her as amazing, kind, strong and brave and that he didn’t see a future without her in it. How he suddenly was filled with love at the moment he transferred his Chaos Energy to her and how he didn’t know how to act. The fear of ruining their friendship and how annoying it was that he didn’t know what to do. How he lost himself in it and how it led to this stupid Chaos emerald legend-thing. And then there was Shadow, who was more of a friend to him now than he had been a rival. He didn’t want to be a burden to anyone, so he tried to get rid of this ridiculous emotional rollercoaster that he was placed in without approval. Amy nodded while she listened to him.   “Sweetie, I knew you loved me. I don’t know though if it’s a romantic kind of love.” “What?” He eyes widened with the possibility of and escape.   “I mean: are you attracted to me?” “How would I know?” “Do you want to kiss me?” He looked deeply into her eyes, heating up in distress of not knowing.   “Ames, you’re gorgeous, but it doesn’t matter if I do. You’re with Shadow and you’re happy. Right?” “I am… And I can’t believe I’m gonna say this but, Sonic, I’m not the girl I used to be. I’ve been trying to catch your eye for so many years… Even though my love for you was a great part of my strength, it’s been also exhausting. I just gave up at some point. I didn’t believe you would ever want me like this… And I got older, more serious, focussed on my studies and became less clingy, haha. Then Shadow and I became a couple. He is amazing and treats me so well. He’s secretly such a gentleman.” 
“I get that. It’s just too late, isn’t it?” “I guess. I just don’t want to open that book again, Sonic.” “Kind of ironic. I’m never late.” “There’s a first time for everything, right?” “True. How did you know what I planned on doing by the way?” “Tails told me. I dragged it out of him. He feels horrible. You should go see him.” Sonic looked at her in annoyance, unsure if he cared at all at this point and in doubt who he blamed more: Tails or Amy. “Anyway: I’ll just have to get over this...” He said with a regained confidence and calm heart. It didn’t hurt that bad after all. ”Can you help me with that?” “How?” “Maybe you could go back to being a crazy obsessed teenager again? That drove me far from you, didn’t it? Or I could ask Shadow about all the things he doesn’t like about you. Oh! I can think of one thing already: you’re a hothead.” “Are you aware that you’re still talking?” She snarled at him, trying to hold her temper, squeezing his hand so tight that it hurt.   “Ah! Okay, I get it.” The two of them giggled at each other and suddenly burst into inexplicable laughter. For the first time in weeks the air felt cleared and the vibe between these two friends was like it always had been. He looked up to her and then rested his head on her shoulder, heaving a sigh.   “I’m sorry I got us into this mess.”  “It’s okay.”  We’re cool?” “Always.” 
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fy-kpopfanfiction · 6 years
Five Years - UBomb
Requested by: One of my Instagram followers has been requesting tons of Block B for ages. Finally got around to it.  If you have any requests, send me a message or an ask! Anons welcome! Only M/M pairings, but I’ll write just about anyone! :)
Pairing: U-Kwon/B-Bomb (Block B), Taeil/P.O (Block B)
Summary: High school AU! An angsty fic with a happy ending where former best friends Yukwon and Minhyuk are reunited at a kissing booth. Angst and fluff ensues!
Warning: None, really. There’s some swearing. Some sexual scenes, but no actual sex.
Word Count: 11,529
Rating: T (Cussing, “steamy” making out)
AO3 Link (Please head over and leave kudos and comments!)
You can also read under the cut, but leave me some kudos and comment anyway! :) 
In Minhyuk’s hometown, there were several big events throughout the year, but the biggest was the annual week-long fair with a huge carnival filled with rides, games, and delectable fair food along with cook-offs, live music, and a small menagerie of animals for the little ones to ride or pet and feed.
Minhyuk had attended every annual fair since he was a toddler. His mother and father were co-chairs of the planning committee. When he was old enough, he began to volunteer – starting with brushing the animals and feeding them which he had loved to cleaning up after them (not so much love there) and onto more responsibilities as he grew older.
As a senior in high school, his volunteer duties involved signing up acts for the live music stage in addition to running the kissing booth for his high school. The proceeds from all the kisses would go toward new uniforms for the football team and cheerleaders. Minhyuk was mortified by the whole ordeal. He’d attempted to wiggle out of the job, but as student council president, it was his job to aid the school in any way possible.
As he fretted with his hair before leaving the house, he stared at himself in the mirror and wondered who exactly would pay to kiss him? Student council president, vice-president of the astronomy club, and an enthusiastic member of the chess club, he’d never gotten a kiss for free, let alone for a dollar or two – depending on where you wanted the kiss (cheeks or lips.) Why the captain of the football team wasn’t tasked with this job, he’d never know. The girl that would sit opposite him was vice president of student council but also a cheerleader – popular and pretty. Everyone would want to kiss her.
Minhyuk was… Maybe average? If he was lucky. And presently at war with a section of his hair that wished to stand on end rather than lay nicely with the rest of it. He rubbed a little gel into his hands and attempted to flatten the hair once more. It finally gave in and he let out a sigh as he left his room.
His house was eerily quiet as his parents had been at the fairgrounds since six that morning for set-up. It was nearly three in the afternoon, and he was just getting there. School was a month from letting out and he still had plenty of work to do. He’d convinced his parents that he couldn’t possibly devote the entire day to these volunteer activities.
When he showed up at the fairgrounds, he went directly to the volunteer station where his mother was coaching a group of volunteers that would be working with the animals. How Minhyuk wished he could go back to doing that. He’d shovel goat droppings any day over sitting at a kissing booth being humiliated for an entire evening.
“Minhyuk-ah!” His mother called, waving him over after she sent the young volunteers on their way with their “Big Kid Helpers” – the slightly humiliating term given to the teens tasked with minding the little ones in the animal pins.
Minhyuk accepted his mother’s embrace and then took a badge with his name and photo on it from her.
“Will you check in at the music stage before heading off to the kissing booth?” She grinned at him every time she mentioned the booth and, every time, he groaned internally but kept his face neutral.
“Sure, Mom. I’ll make sure things are going smoothly. Where’s Dad?”
“You know, I’m not sure. I’ve lost track of him. I hope he’s not eating another fried Oreo.” She glanced around anxiously as if his father would magically materialize in front of them.
“I’m sure he’s fine. I’m going to head out.”
“You have your cellphone, right?”
When did he ever leave home without his phone? He planned to play video games or read an eBook on his phone the entire time he was not being kissed. “Yeah, Mom. Call if you need anything.”
“Sure, honey! You’re on the booth at four, right?”
“Around there.”
It was five, but he wanted an hour to ride some rides before the lines were too long and stuff fried Oreos in his face while his mom wasn’t looking. He’d packed a tiny toothbrush kit and minty fresh gum for after even though he was sure no one would be getting near enough to his mouth to know.
 As his mother requested, he stopped by the music stage which already had five volunteers surrounding it. Still, because he was an obedient boy who respected his mother, he checked in with all of them to be sure things were running smoothly before he walked off to find the first ride he’d enjoy – the Ferris Wheel.
The Ferris Wheel had been his favorite ride since he was tall enough to ride it. His father would sit with them then and they’d wait, excitedly, hoping that they’d get stuck at the top. Well, Minhyuk would wait excitedly while his father humored him like any great dad.
“We’re gonna get stuck up there forever, Son! We’ll live on top of the world!”
That’s how it felt to Minhyuk, like being on top of the world. He could see the entire fairgrounds, of course, and off into the edge of town. His father swore he could see clear to their house if he looked hard enough. Minhyuk would lean as far forward as possible when he was young, straining to see their house, sure he’d do it one day.
He knew now that their house was much too far to see even from the top of the Ferris Wheel, but he still felt like he was sitting on top of the world.
It was too early for the majority to be riding rides. Most waited for night fall when everything was lit up and exciting. Minhyuk loved riding in the daylight when he could see everything and there were fewer people to crowd him. He was given a little seat all his own and, since the volunteer controlling the Ferris Wheel was a member of his Chess club, he knew he’d be stalled at the top of the wheel for longer than would be necessary even if there were other riders to let on and off.
Sure enough, after their second time around, the wheel stalled, Minhyuk’s seat rocking gently directly in the middle of the giant wheel. He sighed and sat back against the metal seat, staring out over the fairgrounds. He spotted his mother and father on the nearby stage where one of the cook-offs was taking place. He imagined his mother gingerly scolding his father for taking more food than was needed to sample the offerings. He smiled but averted his eyes when he heard a commotion down below on the wheel.
He leaned over the side of his seat to see an arm waving out to the side a few cars down – stalled toward the “front” of the wheel. “Come on! There’s no one here! Let’s move!”
Minhyuk recognized the voice immediately. It belonged to the boy that had once been his best friend. They’d been inseparable when they were babies, toddlers, and up until eighth grade when suddenly Yukwon became “too cool” for him. The girls had started to follow Yukwon around like he was a lost puppy that needed looking after and he didn’t seem to have time for his “nerdy” friend, Minhyuk, anymore.
Now, Yukwon had a reputation for being a “bad boy.” He drove a sports car – always too fast – wore black all the time, had a piercing in both ears and one in his nose. Minhyuk thought that one was fake, but he couldn’t be sure. Yukwon never deigned to come close enough to him to find out. He was also sure that the rumors of tattoos were fake, but again, couldn’t be sure.
A part of him hated the sight of Yukwon – his once very best friend and closest confidante – that had betrayed him, left him alone in favor of popularity and girls. He’d never forgiven him for that and, yet, he knew that if Yukwon ever came back to him, asked to be his friend again, he’d say yes without a moment’s hesitation. He missed him.
Beneath that bad boy façade, Minhyuk was sure that his Yukwon was still there. He missed him so much. Five years had passed and he still wished Yukwon were there with him. When he became obsessed with a new video game, he recalled the years of playing Mario Kart with Yukwon after school and wondered if Yukwon would like the new game.
He was sure Yukwon was too busy driving his ridiculous car or kissing some girl to play video games, but still his mind couldn’t help but wonder.
When the ride moved again, he wanted to slap Yukwon for, not only, ruining his perfect moment at the top of the Ferris Wheel with thoughts of him, but also for berating his poor Chess club friend until he started the ride going again.
Minhyuk motioned for his friend to let him off the ride when he reached the bottom. The small boy a grade lower than Minhyuk – apologized profusely, but Minhyuk kindly waved him off.
As he walked off to find a different ride, he looked back at the wheel, foolishly searching for the shape of his former best friend. Yukwon was somewhere at the top of the ride by then and he couldn’t see him. He imagined for a moment that Yukwon was looking down at him, missing him the way that Minhyuk missed him.
He turned, shaking his head at his ridiculous thoughts. He was certain that Yukwon never wasted a moment of his time on him.
His next stop was a rollercoaster, followed by the tilt-a-whirl, and finally a food stand for a fried Oreo and a corn dog. He wasn’t usually allowed to eat that sort of food. His mom was a lovable health nut. She joked around, but he and his father were given a free pass at the fair.
When he finished his snack, he walked around a while longer, used his tiny toothbrush to freshen up, and then begrudgingly walked toward the kissing booth which was at the front of the fairgrounds at the beginning of a line of carnival games. The High School wanted to catch as many people coming in as they could.
He nodded a hello to Ellie, the cheerleader and his student council vice president, when he slid into the seat beside her. “Gum?” he asked, offering her his small pack of mint gum.
She fished in a little purse she had laid on the table in front of her and revealed a pack of gum. “Already brought my own.” She smiled sheepishly. “I was afraid of how my breath would be,” she admitted.
Minhyuk nodded, popped a piece into his mouth and then shoved the pack into his pocket. They sat awkwardly silent then before Ellie instigated small talk about some end-of-the-year party that Minhyuk hadn’t been invited to. He smiled and nodded mostly, offering the occasional affirmative sound when necessary.
He was glad when their first “customers” approached the booth. One of them was Ellie’s boyfriend, Riley; the other, his little sister who paid to get a kiss on the cheek from Minhyuk.
And that set the tone for the night.
Over the next two hours, several guys from popular to relatively unknown, approached the booth and shelled out two bucks to get a little peck on the lips from Ellie while Minhyuk had the odd toddler or grade school child get a peck on the cheek or forehead because their parent wanted to donate to the school. The children were sweet and Minhyuk had always liked kids despite never having small siblings of his own. Maybe that was the reason he liked them so much. Everyone he knew with siblings didn’t like them.
When the sun went down, the fairgrounds came to life around them. The games amped up, color-changing lights highlighting their signs and the volunteers shouting out encouragements to passersby, drawing them in. From his seat, Minhyuk could see the pulsating lights on the Ferris Wheel. He wished he could be there rather than stuck at the table kissing babies like a politician. Ellie had joked that he got stuck kissing the babies because he was president of the student council. He laughed but didn’t find her joke amusing.
He didn’t find Ellie Chambers amusing, as a rule, and was glad when she announced that she needed a drink. It was closing in on eight o’clock and he wanted to go home. His mother had him slated to sit at the booth until nine. Who cares about a stupid kissing booth that late? They hadn’t seen anyone that wasn’t one of Ellie’s friends running over out of some loyalty to her or the school or whatever in over an hour.
“Do you want something to drink?”
“Water,” he said, producing a few dollars from his pocket.
“That’s okay, Mr. President,” she said, giggling. “I’ll cover it. Don’t kiss too many babies while I’m gone!”
He rolled his eyes at her back and sat back, pulling his phone out of his pocket to check the status of his game. He was awaiting supplies from a neighboring village. Three real-time hours remaining. He closed it out and opened the eBook he had nearly finished it.
He hadn’t even managed to get through a page before he heard a throat clearing above him. When he looked up, he almost dropped his phone.
Yukwon stood above him, smiling (or perhaps smirking) at him. “Two bucks for a kiss on the lips, huh?”
Minhyuk nodded. He couldn’t speak. He was pretty sure those were the first words that Yukwon had said to him in five years.
Yukwon reached back to pull a black leather wallet from the back pocket of his jeans which Minhyuk noted were tight black, ripped skinny jeans. He averted his eyes when he caught himself looking at the curve of Yukwon’s backside when he turned slightly to dislodge the wallet.
He had just begun to realize that he found Yukwon to be attractive to him as more than a friend when Yukwon abandoned him. He still wondered sometimes – mostly late at night when he couldn’t sleep – if Yukwon had sensed that and it was the real reason he left him. He couldn’t imagine that to be true, but it still plagued him, as did the thought that someone might find out that he thought of any man that way.
Minhyuk jumped, Yukwon’s sharp voice tearing him from his thoughts. “Hmm?”
“Two bucks…” He shook two bills in Minhyuk’s face.
Minhyuk snatched them away, embarrassed and annoyed. His cheeks burned red. “Ellie will be back in a minute. She went to get a drink.”
Yukwon cocked his head to the side and a slow smirk slid onto his face. “I’ve already paid my two dollars.”
“Yeah, I’ll tell her when she gets back.”
“Maybe I don’t have time to wait for my kiss.” Yukwon’s eyes burned into his.
Minhyuk gulped and his cheeks burned hotter. He couldn’t possibly mean.
“Stand up, Min… Unless you want me to bend over for you.”
Minhyuk almost leapt out of his skin. Yukwon was the only one to ever call him Min or Min Min, for one. He hadn’t heard the little nickname in years. The flood of nostalgia it brought on could have knocked him off his feet had he been standing. Not to mention… Surely, that last statement wasn’t meant to sound as sexual as Minhyuk’s overthinking brain took it to be… Right?
“Wouldn’t…” He cleared his throat. “Wouldn’t you rather wait for Ellie?”
“If I wanted to wait for Ellie, I wouldn’t have come over when I saw her leave. Up. I’m not going to bend over for you.” He winked that time and Minhyuk nearly suffered a heart attack.
He stood on shaky legs. He fought to hide his nervousness but was absolutely certain it was on full display for Yukwon who had the nerve to chuckle at him when he bumped the side of the booth coming around to stand by him.
“I’m getting the VIP treatment, huh?”
“Don’t you usually stay behind the booth?”
Minhyuk felt his cheeks blush again. He did stay behind the booth. Why had he come around for Yukwon? Because he wanted to be closer to him and Yukwon must know that now. “Sometimes,” he lied.
Yukwon smirked. Had he always had that smirk? It seemed like a he had a trademark on it now. Minhyuk wasn’t sure he liked it. “Alright, now… I better get my money’s worth, Min.”
He took a step closer to him and Minhyuk’s mind was at war with his body. His mind screamed, “RETREAT” while his body inched closer to Yukwon. He hadn’t been this close to him since the last time he saw him – standing on Yukwon’s front step while the latter told him he didn’t think they could hang out anymore. “We’re just different now, Min Min. You’re so…” He had shrugged casually while Minhyuk’s heart broke. “We’re just too different now.”
He’d walked home in tears, something he’d always wanted to tell Yukwon just to see if he’d apologize, if he’d feel any regret.
He couldn’t tell him now not when he was about to kiss Yukwon. Kiss Yukwon. He never thought he’d do that, though he thought about it often. He’d seen plenty of dramas where the most unlikely of couples got together in the end. He still saw his as a million in one shot. He was more likely to be struck by lightning.
“Do you always make your kiss recipients wait in such suspense?” Yukwon’s lighthearted laughter was familiar and tugged at his heart.
“Yukwon, I…”
Yukwon silenced him when he took hold of his wrist and tugged him closer to him. “You always did overthink everything,” he muttered just before his lips pressed to Minhyuk’s.
Minhyuk tried to ignore the jab and let himself process that he was kissing Yukwon! After five years, they had reunited and now they were kissing! Was this kissing booth thing just a pretense, an excuse for Yukwon to confess that he’d had some feelings for him all the time?! Had his own feelings scared him away from Minhyuk? After all these years, he might have the answers and the resolution that he had craved. He might have his Yukwon back.
He brought his hand up to rest on Yukwon’s chest, pressing just a little closer to kiss him back.
Then came a bright flash of light.
Was he actually being struck by lightning?
Then came the snickering and the hooting.
Not struck by lightning – photographed.
He pulled away from Yukwon, jerking his head to the left. Yukwon’s gaggle of new friends stood in a huddle, cackling and snapping photos of him with their phones.
“Told ya he was gay for ya, Kim!” A boy Minhyuk only vaguely recognized, shouted out to Yukwon, laughing like he’d just cracked the world’s funniest joke. “You were all into it, weren’t you, homo? You probably volunteered for this just hoping to kiss a bunch of dudes.”
The rest of the guys threw out jabs filled with homophobic slurs. Minhyuk was frozen to the spot at first but snapped out of it when Ellie returned to the booth. “What is going on?”
It was then that Minhyuk realized one of the guys in the brood was her boyfriend. He didn’t usually hang with Yukwon’s crowd, but he must have made an exception for this spectacle.
“Babe, you’ve been sharing a booth with a homo this whole time. He just attacked Yukwon.”
Minhyuk’s eyes widened. He turned to Yukwon, thinking surely he’d argue with this. Surely, he wouldn’t let them say that. Yukwon wouldn’t meet his eye. He said nothing. His face was unreadable. Minhyuk wanted to scream at him or hit him. But his body wanted to cry and run.
“I’m quitting for the night,” he said to a startled Ellie.
Tears filled his eyes as he hurried away, listening to the homophobic shouts behind him. His tears gushed harder the further he got from them. How could he have been so stupid to have trusted Yukwon again? He’d been such a fool to think that Yukwon would come back to him after all these years and not only want to be his friend but want to kiss him.
He cursed at himself as he searched the lot for his car. This would be the second time in his life that he made the journey home in tears because of Yukwon.
 He sent a text to his mother when he arrived home. It wasn’t the whole truth, by a long shot, but it was close enough that he didn’t feel like he was lying to her, something he had never done.
I went home a little early. Not feeling well. Don’t worry about me! Have fun!
She replied quickly, as always: Feel better, sweetie! Your father and I will be out late. Call if you need anything. There’s ginger ale in the refrigerator if you’ve eaten too much fair food.
Despite everything, he smiled at her message. He knew she was genuinely concerned for him, but the fact that she couldn’t resist throwing in the fair food jab almost made him want to laugh. Almost.
He left his phone on the table in the foyer and went up to his room to have a long, hot shower. He wanted to wash away the shame he felt. He could still feel Yukwon’s lips on his. He’d felt like he was in heaven for those brief seconds before everything went to hell. The taunts rang out in his ears.
People always said things like, “It’s not that bad. I mean, it’s 2018. Come on. No one is that small-minded.”
Funny how they were always straight people who never had to justify their heterosexuality to anyone, never had to “come out” and say that they were attracted to the opposite sex. The idea of coming out at all felt like an offense to Minhyuk. Why should he have to make a spectacle of his choice to love a man?
He had hoped a shower would make him feel better, but his mind just ran and ran, overthinking everything. He left the shower feeling angrier than when he went in.
He’d just put on his pajamas and decided to stuff himself with junk food from the stash he kept hidden and watch Netflix as a second shot at calming his anger when he heard a loud knock at the door.
He glanced at the clock on his nightstand. It wasn’t quite nine, but he still wondered who could possibly be at the door. If his mother had come to check on him, she’d have used her key. His father, maybe. He’d be more apt to leave his keys behind. But the house key and the key to his car – that he’d definitely need to get home – were on the same ring.
He slipped into a pair of house slippers and made his way cautiously to the front door. Knowing his luck, it would be a serial killer. Humiliated and murdered all in one night. Sounded like his luck.
Another knock came – louder and more insistent.
Did serial killers knock? They made phone calls, he knew that from his horror movie viewing history. But he didn’t think they knocked at the door…
When he looked through the peephole, his hands clenched into fists. A serial killer would be preferable, he thought, in a fit of great maturity.
He jerked open the door and used one of his fists to punch Yukwon in the face.
The first punch he’d ever thrown in his life.
And it was terrible.
He had aimed for his nose, imagining how it would crack under his knuckles, permanently marring his beautiful, stupid face. But he’d hit him somewhere lower(?) and to the left(?), colliding awkwardly with his cheek, lip, and teeth.
Yukwon stared at him wide-eyed. “What… the hell was that? Did you just punch me?” He brought his hand up to brush at his mouth. The punch had been so weak that it didn’t really hurt, just a light sting. He was startled though. He never imagined Minhyuk would have the guts to raise a hand to him.
“Yes,” he said hesitantly because, honestly, what the hell was that? He really needed to work on punching things. He considered trying again, but demanded instead, “What are you doing here, Yukwon? Are your friends out there to take pictures of me again? Just… get off my doorstep.” He slammed the door in his face.
Get off my doorstep? What am I – a ninety-year-old man yelling at a door-to-door salesman?
How did he get so pathetic?
“Minhyuk! Open the door! There’s no one here, but me! I want to talk to you!”
Minhyuk wanted to swear at him, but he didn’t really swear. It just wasn’t his thing. Instead he threw out a bunch of intelligent insults, using words that he was certain Yukwon wouldn’t even know.
And then, “Did you just swear at me in Middle English?”
“Early modern English, actually,” he answered though he was unsure why he bothered.
He thought he heard Yukwon snort. “You’re such a dork. Can you please open the door?”
He felt anger rising in him again, his heart pounding. How dare Yukwon even come here after what he did? He jerked the door open again and raised his fist to hit Yukwon a second time.
“Don’t!” Yukwon jumped backward. “Come on, don’t. You can’t even throw a punch, Min. Just… don’t. Can we just talk?”
“Why would I want to talk to you, Yukwon?! You dump me because I’m not cool enough for you and then five years later, you finally talk to me, kiss me, and humiliate me. Why would you do that? Did you need to do that? It’s been five years and I’ve never done anything to you. I’ve never even spoken to you. You had to come up and get your friends to take photos of me kissing you and call me all of those awful names? I’m sure they’re putting those photos all over Twitter and Snapchat and they’ll probably print them and hang them up at school.”
Yukwon was shaking his head before Minhyuk even finished his sentence. “They won’t do that. I made them delete the photos. I didn’t know they were going to do that, alright?”
“Liar. I don’t believe a word you say, Yukwon. I don’t trust you!”
“I know you don’t and I know that I haven’t given you a reason to. What I did to you when we were younger was stupid and mean. I was stupid and mean.”
“Yeah, tell me something I don’t know.” Minhyuk was really showing his maturity tonight.
“Look, Min, I need you to believe that I didn’t know they were going to do that. I didn’t think they were even around. I left them at the Tilt-a-Whirl and came to find you. I got lucky when I saw Ellie getting up to leave.”
“You expect me to believe you? You expect me to believe that you didn’t have her boyfriend call her away or something, so you could come and humiliate me.”
“She didn’t even show up until after they were there, and she looked confused, Minhyuk. How does your theory even work?”
Minhyuk hadn’t thought about it before he blurted out the words. They made zero sense. Her boyfriend wasn’t even a regular in Yukwon’s crowd.
“I don’t even know why Riley was hanging out with us tonight. Steve, I think.” He rolled his eyes.” Look, Min… I’m sorry, okay? I never meant for that to happen, honestly. I just…”
“Just, what? How am I supposed to believe that you just wanted to come over to, what? Talk to me? Kiss me? That’s the most ridiculous load of crap. You wanted to pay to kiss me at the kissing booth?”
“So, what if I freaking did, Minhyuk? Would that be so horrible?” He stamped his foot on the porch. “Can I come in? It’s getting chilly out here.”
The April air had turned colder the longer the sun was down and Yukwon wore nothing, but a thin t-shirt and his skinny jeans with large rips. Minhyuk noticed how his muscular thighs showed through the rips.
“Whatever, fine.” Minhyuk walked away from the door leaving Yukwon to enter and close the door behind him.
He walked to the opposite side of the room and stood broodily in the doorway that led off to the kitchen. His mind was spinning with ‘So what if I freaking did, Minhyuk?’ He didn’t want to believe a word he said. The more distance he put between them, the easier it would be to do that.
Yukwon seemed to forget why he had come as soon as the door was shut behind him and there was no longer a real barrier between them. He ran his hands through his hair which he’d bleached blond during Christmas break. It was fading, his black roots growing larger with each day. Minhyuk thought it looked sexy, but he’d sooner tear every hair from Yukwon’s head than tell him that.
“Min, look…”
“Please stop calling me that,” Minhyuk snapped.
Yukwon looked at him, bewildered. “What?”
“Stop calling me ‘Min.’ We’re not friends anymore. You can call me Minhyuk or nothing at all.”
Yukwon stared at him for a moment. “I’m sorry.”
“You’ve said that quite a few times now. I still don’t believe it, so you can save your breath.” Minhyuk’s voice was even belying the anxiety coursing through his body. His heart hammered against his rib cage and he felt slightly lightheaded. He never thought he’d be able to muster the courage to stand up to Yukwon. He was terrified, but he wouldn’t back down. Not after this humiliation.
“Minhyuk, shit, please!” Yukwon stomped his foot again, like a petulant child. Minhyuk recalled that he’d never been good at not getting his way.
“How dare you say that to me, Yukwon?! You ended our forever friendship over some jerks that you thought were cool and some stupid girls who thought you were hot! You dumped me at the start of eighth grade when everything was changing and scary. You just abandoned me to go be cool with some freaking jerks! And now you expect me to just hang on your every word and forgive you everything, believe the disgusting lies that come out of your mouth! I don’t believe for one minute that you didn’t set me up tonight, that you didn’t get your jerk friends to take pictures of me, so you could – at best – laugh at how much of a stupid ‘homo’ I am and – at worst – spread them everywhere to ruin my life! What is wrong with you? You used to be so… different. Better. You used to seem like an actual human being. You’re disgusting to me now.”
“Do you feel better now, Minhyuk? Huh? Does it feel better to say that to me? How long have you wanted to say that to me?”
Yukwon expected Minhyuk to shout back at him, but the latter just sighed and shook his head. “No, Yukwon, it doesn’t make me feel better to say that to you. It would make me feel better if I didn’t have to say that to you. You think I want to hate you? You think I want to think that you’re a disgusting thing that somehow took over my best friend? I don’t. I want to go back to seventh grade when everything was right and you still cared about me.”
“I didn’t stop caring, okay? It just…”
“Don’t tell me a bunch of bull… crap, Yukwon! I don’t want to hear it!”
“It’s not bull crap, if you just let me finish!”
“Hurry up, so you can go. I don’t want to look at you.”
Yukwon jerked like he’d been slapped. He deserved that, but it was hard to hear. “I deserve that. Just… I was stupid, okay? I ran away from you, because shit got weird.”
“Screw you. You left me, because I was a nerd and you wanted cool friends.”
“Screw you, Minhyuk! You don’t know what I wanted!”
“You told me! You said we’re just too different and you shut the door in my face and I walked all the way home in tears, Yukwon!”
“Yeah, I said we were different! I never said you weren’t cool enough! You made that leap on your own.”
“Oh, well how we were so different then? Any differences we had didn’t seem to bother you before that!”
“We were different in that I was growing up, becoming a teen, I guess. My hormones were going mad and I couldn’t stand to be around you. You were always so calm and cool and you just read books and played video games like when we were kids.”
“Oh, and that’s so wrong, is it? You know there’s nothing different from what you said and I what I thought. You were growing up and becoming so cool and I was still just some loser kid. Right?”
“I don’t believe you!”
“I know, but I’m telling you the truth! And maybe you’d believe if you just shut the hell up for a second and let me actually tell you all of the truth instead of just pieces of it for you to freak out over.”
“Well, I told you to hurry up!”
Yukwon crossed the room until he had closed half of the distance between him and Minhyuk. “It will go a lot faster if you stop interrupting!”
Minhyuk sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. “Get it over with then. I won’t interrupt.”
Yukwon walked a little further until he was in front of the bookshelf where Minhyuk’s mother kept her collection of classics amongst several family photos and cute trinkets. He stared at photos of young Minhyuk, recalling the days they spent together as kids. He had spent years feeling like a complete idiot, but it was worse now. He was overwhelmed with regret. “I remember this year,” he said, pointing at a photo of Minhyuk, age seven, with a fat orange cat on his lap. The photo was taken a week before the cat ran away. Yukwon was allowed to stay the night with Minhyuk on a school night that night to comfort him.
Minhyuk gritted his teeth. He didn’t understand what this had to do with Yukwon’s big truth, but he didn’t dare interrupt when he swore that he wouldn’t.
“Carrot was such a good cat. I still miss her sometimes.”
Minhyuk wanted to punch him in the throat. “Tell your truth or get out.”
Yukwon hung his head. “Sorry… Eighth grade was a weird year for me. Like I said, I was changing and you were staying the same which wasn’t a bad thing. I wanted to stay the same too. I wanted everything to stay the same, for us to be friends forever and just play video games, go swimming in the lake during the summer, stay up all night on weekends talking about silly stuff and making jokes. But I started to feel weird when I was around you. I started to feel like my older cousin always said he felt about the girl who lived next door. They were friends with they were little kids and then one day, the realized that they wanted to kiss each other. I found myself wanting to kiss you and hold your hand in more than just way that you held it as we ran around. I didn’t know what to do with those feelings. I didn’t know anyone that felt that way. My parents don’t support the lifestyle. I had no idea what to do and I was sure that you wouldn’t want anything to do with me if you found out. You wanted a friend to play games with, not some freak that wanted to kiss you. I thought I was doing us both a favor by leaving. I realize now that I was stupid, that I should have trusted you enough to talk to you. But I was terrified. I wanted to dump you before you had the chance to dump me after probably humiliating me.”
Minhyuk’s heart felt like it was in a clamp. He wanted so badly to believe him. What if he was lying? He couldn’t take the humiliation and pain of believing another lie.
“I know how stupid I was, Minhyuk, and I’m so sorry. You have to believe me when I tell you that I’ve never regretted anything more than I regret what I did to you.”
“Okay… I have to believe you, but you don’t really give me any good reasons to. How am I supposed to believe that you were so filled with regret when you had five years to tell me that and you didn’t. Five years, Yukwon. Why would you wait this long?”
“Well, I knew that you hated me, and I didn’t know how to talk to you at all, let alone try to apologize.”
“If you had come to me the day after, I would have forgiven you everything!”
“I couldn’t! I was ashamed of the way I felt. I thought I was a disgusting piece of shit that ruined our friendship with my gross feelings. I couldn’t come to you then and the more time passed, the more impossible it seemed.”
“So, what changed? Why bother now?” Minhyuk felt fear twisting in his stomach. Had Yukwon somehow discovered his sexuality? He had gone to great lengths to hide the fact that he was attracted to men. He never dated men, but his being a nerd covered that. No girl wanted to date him anyway.
“I’m tired, Minhyuk. I’m tired of being so fake all the time. I’m sick of pretending to be this cool badass idiot that doesn’t care a damn for anything. I’m tired of spending time with people that believe I’m really that person. I’m tired of this damn thing.” He reached up and pulled the fake nose ring out, dropping into the little waste bin by the wall.
Minhyuk gasped quietly. I knew it, he thought but said instead, “I don’t think I can believe you.”
“It’s all true, Minhyuk. Also… The biggest reason that I had to make some kind of move now… We only have a month left before we graduate. You’re so smart, always have been. I knew that you’d probably go to some huge university far from here and… And I might never see you again. I had to say something before we went our separate ways and never saw each other again.”
“So, you wanted to accomplish what, exactly, by telling me all this.”
“I want us to be friends again. I… I’m sorry for everything I’ve ever done to you. I’m so sorry for the way that I made you feel. I never stopped loving you, Minhyuk. I still consider you the best and only real friend I ever had. Do you hate me?”
Minhyuk withered when Yukwon met his eyes. His mind didn’t want to believe him, but his heart was giving in. It wanted to believe every word, believe that Yukwon would never hurt him again. He stepped closer to him. He wanted to hug him, to feel Yukwon’s arms around him. He wanted to beg him to kiss him, deeper than at the kissing booth, deeper than he’d even let himself imagine countless times.
“I love you.” The words rushed out of him. He’d intended to say, “I don’t hate you.”
Yukwon bit his lip when it started to quiver. He wasn’t about to have an emotional breakdown in front of Minhyuk. “Do you want to be my friend again? Two months and we’ll be away from high school. All that shit can be behind us. I’ll do whatever you need me to do to make up for being such an asshole to you, I swear it, Minhyuk.”
“Kiss me.” A rush of words again, seemingly flowing against his will.
Yukwon started, shaking his head a little, and pulling his head back. “What?”
“I want you to kiss me again.” Minhyuk’s entire body trembled with anxiety as he stumbled toward Yukwon. “I want you to kiss me right now, not like the kissing booth. Kiss me like you mean it.”
Yukwon’s eyes went comically wide. “You – you want that?” he sputtered. “You actually want me to kiss you?”
A moment later, Minhyuk was so close to him that Yukwon could feel his warm breath on his face. “I’ve wanted to kiss you since we snuck that dirty movie your cousin had and watched it together.”
The look on Yukwon’s face might have made Minhyuk laugh if he wasn’t so focused on kissing him. “You, wait…” Yukwon pushed him back a little, breaking the tension between them slightly. “Wait, you mean that you wanted to kiss me back then, too? You’re actually… gay?”
Minhyuk’s entire face, neck, and ears tinted pink. “Yes… I thought… You knew. Your friends called me a homo.”
Yukwon rolled his eyes. “Those assholes call each other ‘homo’ for spending too much time with their girlfriends instead of doing ‘manly’ things like racing cars and being massive tools.”
“You know that you’re one of the biggest tools at our school, right?”
Yukwon looked away, fiddling with the hem of his t-shirt. “Not really. I just fake all that crap, so they won’t find out that I’m really a… homo, or whatever.”
Minhyuk let out a loud sigh. He felt like the world was spinning. So many feelings coursed through him. He still desperately wanted Yukwon to kiss the hell out of him, but he also, sort of, still wanted to punch him. But, also, was his real Yukwon really back? Or was this another set-up? Was there a camera somewhere to catch him in an even more vulnerable state? Why was he thinking of being in such a state with Yukwon right now?
“You’re not messing with me, right? You’re not going to pull out some camera that’s been recording all of this? You’re not going to tell me that I’m some pathetic homo that’s been pining for you all these years, right?”
“I don’t have anything, Min… Hyuk. I don’t have a camera and there’s no one waiting to jump out. I swear to you. You can search every inch of me.
Yukwon grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and started to lift it.
Minhyuk wildly grabbed for his hand. “Don’t!”
“You want to make sure I don’t have a camera, right? You don’t trust me and for good reason. I’m a piece of shit! I’ll show you!” Yukwon stepped backward and pulled his shirt over his head. “Nothing!”
Minhyuk stared at his exposed torso. He couldn’t help it. He had never seen Yukwon this way before. When they were thirteen, Yukwon’ had looked nothing like this. He’d been scrawny and pale. Eighteen-year-old Yukwon was tanned – bronze and glowing – his torso all planes of lean muscle, a slightly defined six-pack. Minhyuk gulped as he took in the V of muscle disappearing into the waistband of his skinny jeans.
Yukwon turned “Nothing on the back either.”
“Wait…” Minhyuk had noticed something as Yukwon spun, a flash of color on his lower side.
“What? Did you see the wire? Oh, no. Min, come on. I don’t have a camera, I swear. I’m so sorry, but…”
“You really have a tattoo?”
“Huh?” Yukwon jumped and spun around again, scrambling to put his shirt back on. “No.”
“Liar! I saw it! There’s something on your side! I thought that was just a lie! Some crap to feed your bad boy image.”
Yukwon snorted as he tugged his t-shirt back down. “Well, it would hardly work for that.”
“I thought you didn’t have one. You lie like it’s your job.”
That stung, but Yukwon tried not to show it.
Minhyuk apologized quickly. “Sorry… I shouldn’t have said that. It was mean. I just need some time to forgive you, I guess. Can I see your tattoo?”
“Why? Come on. I’ve never known anyone in real life with a tattoo.”
Yukwon snorted again. “You should see Taeil now.”
Taeil was Yukwon’s older cousin – three years older than them. He’d always been nice to Yukwon and Minhyuk, though, treated them like equals and friends. He’d bring them candy and always rented movies or video games for them. He’d been a little steamed when he discovered Yukwon had swiped his filthy movie, but even then he’d been cool about it. Minhyuk would never have imagined him as the type to have a tattoo, though. He was small for his age, had glasses too big for his face, and had been more interested in science and math than something like a tattoo.
“What do you mean?”
“He’s covered in tattoos.” Yukwon laughed and pulled his phone from his back pocket. He swiped through his photos until he found one from the previous summer when he and Taeil had gone to the lake for a week together. They spent nearly every waking hour swimming. “Take a look.”
Minhyuk took his phone and his jaw dropped. The guy in the photo was obviously Taeil – still short and still wearing huge glasses too big for his face, but they suited him now. He had shocking blond hair, cut close to his scalp. His skin was absolutely covered in tattoos. Arms, legs, neck, chest, hands. “He has tattoos everywhere!”
Yukwon laughed heartily. “I know, right? He went to university, quit after a semester, and became a tattoo artist. He did some of them himself, but most of them were done by his boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend?” Minhyuk’s eyes shot up from the phone to Yukwon.
Yukwon walked to him and swiped over on the phone. There was another photo of Taeil at the lake, but there was a massive, tall guy behind him. He had a huge grin on his face as he leaned over to wrap his long arms around Taeil’s neck. “He’s tall.”
Yukwon laughed again. “Yeah, he really is. He’s a good guy, though. He and Taeil have been together for about three years, I think. They met in that one semester Taeil did.”
“Wow. I didn’t know Taeil was… Well, is he gay?”
“He’s gay.” Yukwon took his phone with Minhyuk offered it to him. “He told me that he thought he was bi when we were younger, but then he realized that he really just liked guys.”
“Does he know that you’re…?”
“He’s the only one besides you that knows. Well, Jihoon knows too.”
“Who’s Jihoon?”
“His tall boyfriend.”
“Oh, right.” Minhyuk looked away for a moment. “So… You’ve never had a boyfriend?”
He shook his head. “Nah. Who am I gonna date around here? If there are any gay guys at our school, they’re certainly not advertising it. I went to a party at Jihoon’s university last year and made out with a kid that was there touring the campus, but that’s about it.”
Minhyuk had never even kissed anyone, aside from Yukwon at the kissing booth, and Yukwon was off going to college parties making out with random guys. No wonder Yukwon had thought they were so different back when he dumped him.
“You disapprove?”
“You’re scowling at me like you think I’m gross for making out with some guy at a party.”
“Oh, no, sorry. I was just thinking how you were right to say we were different back then. I understand why you wouldn’t want a friend like me. You’re the type that gets tattoos and goes to college parties to make out with random guys while I like to stay at home with a video game and a book and have never even kissed anyone aside from you at a kissing booth.”
Yukwon was filled with a weird feeling of relief. For some reason, he liked knowing that he’d been Minhyuk’s first kiss. “You’re wrong. I’m sorry that I made you feel that way. It wasn’t like that, Min. Sorry, Minhyuk.”
He shook his head. “You can call me Min, I guess.”
A small smile flashed across Yukwon’s face quickly before he returned to a serious look. “I was afraid of my own feelings, Min. Honestly, that’s it. I was afraid of the want that I had to kiss you all the time. I thought it was my only option and I couldn’t go back. I’m not lying when I tell you that. I told you that earlier and I meant it.” He shoved his phone back into his pocket and walked toward Minhyuk. “I will do anything to make it up to you, okay? I’ll do anything I can to get you to trust me again. I just want you back. I miss you.”
Minhyuk stared at him and then at the floor. “I miss you too,” he admitted finally, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve been missing you for years.” He looked up again. “It was so hard to see you all this time, wanting to be your friend, thinking about what it might be like to kiss you, all while hating you so much for what you put me through. Hating you but not really hating you at all. I… have thought about this so many time. By this, I mean, you coming back and being my Yukwon again, the Yukwon I remember and not the jerk with the nose ring.”
Yukwon laughed. “It was fake… It’s in the trash.”
“Excuse me… The jerk with the tattoo that he won’t let me see.”
“If I let you see, will it earn me some points toward trusting me again?”
“Half a point.”
“Can I have a full point if I tell you what the tattoo means?”
“Maybe if it’s a good story.”
“Come on, Min. I’ve never told anyone what it means, not even Jihoon when he did it.”
“Jihoon did it? Not Taeil?”
“Taeil refused to do it. He didn’t want me to hate him if he messed it up.” Yukwon started to take his shirt off again.
“I’m pretty sure that I can see it if you keep your shirt on.”
“Oh… Right.” Yukwon blushed a little and held his shirt up. “It’s really low on my side. You won’t be able to see the bottom of it unless I pull my pants down a little bit. I’m assuming you don’t want that to happen.”
Minhyuk nibbled at his lip. “I’ll see what I can see.” Minhyuk inched closer to him and leaned over to look at the tattoo. He couldn’t see it clearly, so he sank to his knees.
Yukwon stared down at him. His stomach did a little flip at seeing him like that, on his knees so close to…
“Mario and Luigi.”
Yukwon jumped at being pulled out his thoughts. “Hmm?”
“Mario and Luigi…” Minhyuk flicked his eyes up to Yukwon. “You and me?”
When the were little, Minhyuk’s mother had compared the two of them to Mario and Luigi. They were close like brothers and always going on adventures – whether real or in their favorite video game – with each other. The boys ran with that comparison. Minhyuk got to be Mario because his name started with M and he was two months older than Yukwon like Mario was older than Luigi.
“Do I still get a full point if you guess the story behind it?”
“You got a tattoo of Mario and Luigi for you and me?”
“As soon as I turned eighteen this year.”
Minhyuk brushed his fingertips over the video game characters. Yukwon wiggled and squealed. “That tickles, Min!”
Minhyuk grinned. “You’re still ticklish?”
“That doesn’t just go away.” Yukwon wiggled and hopped away when Minhyuk purposefully tickled his side.
Minhyuk giggled softly. “I want to see the rest of it.”
“I want to see the bottom of the tattoo.”
Yukwon hesitated for a moment before he walked back over. He removed his phone and placed it on the sofa table next to him. He undid his pants and rolled down the waistband a bit, so Minhyuk could see the rest of the tattoo. There were three life hearts under each character. Mario’s hearts were all red – three full lives. Luigi’s hearts were empty.
Minhyuk flicked his eyes up at Yukwon. “Why doesn’t Luigi have any lives?”
Yukwon hitched up his pants and buttoned them back. He couldn’t look at Minhyuk when he spoke. He busied himself picking up his phone and shoving it into his pocket.  “I thought I was being clever, I guess. I didn’t feel like I had a life without you, so Luigi didn’t have any.”
Minhyuk stared at Yukwon’s back from his place still on his knees. He stood up a moment later and placed a hand on his back. Yukwon spun around and wrapped his arms around his back. “I’m telling you the truth, Min. I missed you so much! Please believe me.”
His hand tightened into a first around a section of Yukwon’s shirt when Minhyuk rested his head on his shoulder. “I want to. I’m trying.”
Yukwon held him tightly. They hugged silently for several minutes before Yukwon whispered in his ear. “Do you still want me to kiss you?”
Minhyuk nodded, pulling back just enough to get his mouth in line with Yukwon’s. “I want you to kiss me.”
Yukwon pulled him close and their lips collided. Minhyuk was a surprisingly good kisser for not having ever kissed anyone. His lips were soft but insistent. His eagerness revved up Yukwon’s own and he kissed him harder, pushing him back, guiding him until his back hit the wall behind him.
Minhyuk whimpered when Yukwon pressed him against the wall. Their kiss grew sloppy and feverish, desperate. Yukwon just wanted more and more of him. He broke away from Minhyuk’s mouth finally, ignoring the whine of discontent from Minhyuk. He kissed his way to his neck where his mouth latched onto his pulse point and he kissed him there, sucking gently at his neck.
Minhyuk squirmed beneath him, mewling softly. He’d never felt anything like this before. He’d fantasized about this very thing, though. Yukwon holding him against a wall, a door, maybe, ravishing him. A heady feeling took over as he realized that his fantasy had become a reality but also wondered if he was imagining the whole thing.
He put his palms on Yukwon’s shoulders and pushed him backward.
“Sorry, sorry…” Yukwon was quick to apologize and back away even further.
Minhyuk struggled to catch his breath, to tell him it was okay. Yukwon had started to pace around the little sitting room and foyer.
“Shit. I’m sorry, Min. I didn’t… I got carried away.”
“Don’t. I didn’t… I needed a breath. I was overwhelmed.”
“I’m sorry.”
Minhyuk went to him, grabbing his face. “Is this real, Yukwon?”
“Is what real?”
“This… Everything. You being here, the kissing, the promises. Is it real?”
“Yes, I swear. I want to be here. I want us to be friends again. I want us to be more than friends. I want to kiss you. I want to… I want you.”
Minhyuk brought his face to his, smashing their mouths together for another frenzied kiss. Moments later, he was being shoved against another wall.
Eventually, they made it down the hall to Minhyuk’s room where their shirts were thrown to the floor just inside the door before Minhyuk was shoved against said door, forcing it closed.
“Shit, you’re so beautiful, Min,” Yukwon muttered as he covered every inch of Minhyuk’s chest with kisses, flicking his tongue over the most sensitive areas, raking his teeth over a nipple just to see Minhyuk’s reaction. The arch of his back, the low groan… Minhyuk knew how to put on a show and Yukwon couldn’t get enough of it. He wanted to map his entire body with his mouth. It gave him a rush knowing he was the first to see Minhyuk like this, to kiss him, to make him moan and whimper.
Minhyuk couldn’t string together a coherent thought. His mind was a hazy mess of want and need. He wanted Yukwon’s mouth all over his body. He needed his touch, craved this closeness.
When Yukwon reached the waistband of Minhyuk’s jeans, he looked up to Minhyuk for permission. He was on his knees in front of Minhyuk and the image made the latter feel weak.
“Can I go further?” Minhyuk asked. “Can I take your pants off?”
A tiny voice in the back of Minhyuk’s mind warned him that this might all go wrong. He shouldn’t go this far. His heart and his body took over. He didn’t care what consequences there might be, what might possibly go wrong. This felt so right. He nodded quickly and watched as Yukwon’s head moved forward. He pressed a gentle kiss to Minhyuk’s stomach as he popped the button on his jeans. He continued to kiss him as he unzipped the jeans and pulled them slowly, gently off his hips.
The tell-tale tent in Minhyuk’s boxers made Yukwon’s stomach flip. He wanted to touch him so badly. He could. His hands were only halfway down Minhyuk’s thighs. He could reach up and take him in his hand, caress him.
He stood and pulled Minhyuk’s pants back up to his waist, zipped them, buttoned them.
“Yukwon, what… What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?”
Yukwon held his face gently and pressed a kiss to his lips. “No, Min. I did something wrong.”
Minhyuk’s heart felt like it dropped to the floor. He felt the familiar squeezing ache of a panic attack in his chest. What had Yukwon done? He’d known better. He never should have… He struggled to take in a deep breath, his eyes falling closed. His therapist had taught him deep breathing as a technique to fight off his panic attacks. He struggled this time.
“Min, are you alright? Min.” Yukwon gave him a little shake.
He forced his eyes open. “Just leave,” he choked out.
Yukwon’s eyes widened. “Min, no. Why? I’m sorry. I just didn’t want to push it. I didn’t want you to think I was taking advantage of you. I did you so wrong in the past. I don’t deserve to have this with you yet. I want you, but I need to earn your forgiveness first. I need to earn you.”
“Wrong in the past…” The pain in Minhyuk’s chest lessened. He had been so afraid when Yukwon said he’d done something wrong. He feared that he was admitting to having a camera or telling his friends or something awful. He was speaking of the past, just the past. “I misunderstood.”
Yukwon kissed him gently on the cheek. “I’m so sorry. Min, you’re so beautiful and I want you to trust me and love me before we do anything like this. This will be a first for both of us and I want it to be good. I want us to be on good terms when we do it. Please trust me.”
“I try. I will try. I want to trust you. I want to believe you and love you. I want you.”
Yukwon took hold of his hand, threading their fingers together. “I just want to be back in your life. I want whatever you’ll let me have. And I don’t want to lose you when we graduate. I don’t want to lose you again.”
Minhyuk leaned forward, resting his forehead on Yukwon’s. “Don’t leave me then.”
Yukwon closed his eyes. “I won’t. I won’t leave you again.”
 Two hours later, the two of them were curled up on the couch in the Lee’s family room. “Yukwon… I know that I said I didn’t want you to leave me, but I think you should probably leave. If my parents come home and find you here, it probably wouldn’t be good.”
“They hate me, don’t they?”
“You know my parents. They could never hate you. You were like a second son to them. But they just… They were hurt when you disappeared too, you know? They lost a second child when you stopped coming around, or whatever.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t want to have to explain everything to them after we’ve been making out all night. I’d rather explain to them when my head is clear and maybe after we’ve been hanging out for a while.”
“When you’re sure that I won’t go anywhere?”
“I trust you. I’m trusting you not to do that again. Not to hurt me.” Minhyuk turned to face him, pulling his legs up to sit cross-legged on the couch. Yukwon mirrored him. “You understand what that means, right? I’m giving you one chance, Yukwon. If you betray me, we’re done forever. I’ll never forgive you if you hurt me again. If you betray my trust, it’s over. I’ll never speak to you again.”
“I won’t. I won’t do that to you. Let’s start out by restoring our friendship, okay? Let’s hang out again. We’ll start tomorrow at school. Okay? Everyone will see that we’re friends. I’m going to be late to school. I have a doctor appointment in the morning.”
“Are you okay?” Minhyuk interjected.
“Yeah, it’s just a therapy thing.”
“Mental therapy. I take pills sometimes to help with stuff.” He shrugged his shoulders.
Minhyuk wound his fingers into the hair at the back of Yukwon’s head and caressed it gently. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.
“I’m fine. I just have to go in once in a while to talk about things and see if I still need the pills or whatever. I’m okay. I’ll find you at lunch tomorrow, okay? I’ll sit with you.”
‘Seriously? What about your friends?”
“My friends? Firstly, they were never really friends to begin with and do you honestly think I would still hang out with them after what they did to you tonight? I would never, Minhyuk. I’ll see you tomorrow at lunch.” He leaned in for one last quick kiss before he stood up to leave.
 Minhyuk went to school the following morning with an anxious ache in the pit of his stomach. If Yukwon didn’t show up at lunch or if he sat with the others, he would know that the previous night meant nothing. Everything Yukwon said would be a lie.
He wanted so badly to trust him, but the ache in his stomach said he wasn’t quite there.
He couldn’t focus for his first three classes. They passed in a blur.
After calculus, it was time for lunch. He dumped his books off in his locker and walked slowly to the cafeteria. He’d eaten lunch in the corner with his chess club friends every day that year. He looked around for Yukwon, wondering if they would sit at their own table now or if Yukwon would take up with his friends. He couldn’t imagine his friends would like that much. He felt sick.
He turned to rush to bathroom when Yukwon’s blond hair caught his eye. He stood by his old table, talking to one of his old friends – the same one that had been front and center snapping photographs and shouting hate at Minhyuk the night before.
His eyes filled with tears and he rushed down the hallway into the bathroom. He stayed there through the lunch hour, fighting off a panic attack. When he finally left the bathroom, he went to the school nurse and got a note to take the rest of the day off.
Yukwon blew up his phone with over ten calls and twenty texts.
When Minhyuk’s doorbell rang at half past three, he knew it would be Yukwon. He heard his mother’s curt response. “Minhyuk is sick.”
Yukwon tried to argue, but his mother was unmoving. Another call came in, followed by two texts just after he heard the door shut.
He turned his phone off and rolled over to face the wall.
“Minhyuk…” His mother poked her head into his room. “Do you want to explain to me why Yukwon Kim was just here begging to see you.”
“It’s been years…”
“I know.”
“Did something happen with him?”
“I’m sick, Mom. I just want to rest.”
“I think you should see the doctor tomorrow.”
 Minhyuk saw the doctor the next morning, earning himself another two days off school and free from volunteering at the fair which was on until the following Sunday. One of the chess club members brought him his homework and he had everything finished by the time he returned to school on Thursday.
Yukwon was waiting for him at his locker when he walked into school. He turned to walk away. He could carry all the books that his friend brought to him. He’d carry them all day if it helped him avoid Yukwon.
“Minhyuk!” Yukwon ran for him when he saw him walking the other way. “Minhyuk!”
“Get off me!” Minhyuk shoved him back when he grabbed his arm.
“What?! How can you say that to me? You haven’t been at school all week and you won’t answer my calls or texts. Your mom won’t let me in. She said that you’re sick! What happened? Are you okay?”
“Like you even care. Stay away from me, Yukwon. So help me.”
“What are you talking about?! What did I do? We were fine Sunday night! We were supposed to meet each other at lunch and you never showed up.”
“I did! I showed up!” Minhyuk got in his face. “I showed up and I saw you chatting happily to that freaking jerk that called me a disgusting faggot! So, screw you. Get away from me and don’t ever talk to me again.”
“Minhyuk, no! I wasn’t talking happily to him! He called me over. I told him that I meant what I said the night before. He threated to tell everyone that I was a homo. I told him to tell everyone. I didn’t care. I told him I didn’t care who knew but I wasn’t going to stop hanging out with you. I told him that you were my best friend and nothing he said was going to change that. And then I waited around for you. I even asked your chess club friends. They didn’t tell you? I asked some other guys and Ellie. She broke up with Riley, by the way. She didn’t want to be dating someone that acted like he did. Anyway, no one knew where you were. And then I couldn’t reach you and I was scared as hell.”
“I thought…”
“I told you, Min. I told you that I’d be there. Why didn’t you come to me?”
“I… I thought you were playing me again. I thought… I had a panic attack and went home.”
“I’m so sorry.” He kissed his forehead quickly. “I’m sorry. You can trust me, I swear.”
“I’ll try.”
“I swear I’ll do everything I can to earn your trust.”
 Yukwon spent every day trying to make things up to Minhyuk. He brought him little gifts. He played video games, reinventing their lost childhood. He made up with his parents – a tear-soaked event – spent nights and weekends with them.
Graduation came and went and they celebrated together. They had a post-graduation vacation together – a gift from Minhyuk’s parents. A beautiful cabin in the woods where they could camp and fish and swim.
They came out when they returned home. Yukwon earned huge points for standing bravely at Minhyuk’s side while they tearfully explained things to his parents. For their part, they were very accepting of their relationship but wanted to be sure that the physical side of their relationship didn’t go too far, too fast.
Yukwon’s fear of moving things forward physically remained until their second year of college. They went away together, lived in a small apartment together.
They made love for the first time only after Minhyuk told Yukwon that he finally fully trusted him.
 Lying in bed together after their first time, Minhyuk gently traced the tattoo on Yukwon’s side. “I think you should have Jihoon change this now.”
Minhyuk leaned down and placed a kiss on Yukwon’s warm skin over the tattoo. “You should fill in the lives. It’s time, Yukwon. I’m here and I’m not leaving you.” He kissed his way up his chest and to his mouth. “You have your life back. I’m here. I’ll always be here.”
Yukwon pulled him closer, kissing him intently. “I love you.”
“I love you too, and I love the life that we’re going to have together – now and forever.”
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moonydiego · 7 years
review shinees lucifer album 🐸 (im judging anything below a 9/10 jsyk)
send me an album and i’ll review it
alright SO 2010 kpop, lucifer was arguably shinees break out album (really theyve been the shit since replay with that rookie grand slam, PLUS with ring ding dong as a strong single of the ep Y.O.U.) i personally think this is due to how shinee was branded as actaully fucken amazing at dancing, and the lucifer choreography is honestly something unmatched, especially for the time that it came out.
but honestly for me as how i view things in shinee’s discography timeline, as well as with sales or what not i really think lucifer was that staple that not only was hype af when it came out but its main single “lucifer” still brings people onto shinee to this day so? really iconic album
however, as a long time shinee fan, i really love lucifer mostly nostalgically, like most people the first video i saw from shinee was lucifer, the first album i downloaded was lucifer, i tried learning the vogueing part from lucifer (and i still remember it lmao) so for me lucifer is really? great, mostly because it’s album i listened to when i was super young and kinda brought me onto shinee which in turn brought me to a wider spectrum of music
however, while it may be shinee’s amazing throwback album, looking back on it as a whole it really did not showcase the amazing powerhouse shinee is.
im not talking singing wise, lucifer does showcase amazing vocals but, shinee as a whole has a huge history of being contemporary, of always bringing people that new shit-that good shit-that cutting edge shit. and i think it’s taken them some time to grow into that contemporary mindset, before this mostly imo theyve been contemporary in the terms of style and what not but musically they’ve more or less sat comfortably of what was kinda going on. rather than being on the edge of the trend imo they brought out something that refined the trend to further establish it as the norm-before moving on as the trend changes
(imo shinee breaks out with sherlock as THAT group musically and artistically, that constantly pushes kpop music but thats for another review)
however lucifer is a staple in shinee’s discography and it’s a really nice album for that 2010 nostalgia era, it has cute upbeat songs, the freaking catchy lucifer as well as some gr8 ballads (and electric heart, imo one of the BEST songs shinee’s ever done)
anyway here’s the track by track review lmao:
(disclaimer, vocally shinee’s performances never disappoint (maybe rap wise but never singing wise) this is mostly me critiquing like the actual music and what it brings to the table as a cohesive album so not really shinee but mostly the production team backing them up and sm’s musical choices lmaoooo)
the first track is up and down, it’s classic 2010 kpop era type of song, it’s cute it’s catchy it’s upbeat. the main vocalists voices are strong af and the backing voices are really noice as well, the chorus is extremely catchy and it’s just? a straight forward catchy song. honestly nothing really new, especially with the placements of the raps but? it’s just a sweet listen, maybe a bit too sweet as the years pass, i think ready or not is a better catchy pop-y song imo but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the next track is lucifer and honestly im gonna give my actual opinion, i dont listen to lucifer anymore sure i love lucifer but honestly i think this is just the perfect throwback song that you’re super hype for but in my opinion i dont listen to on the daily, like its good and it’s just catchy but, it follows that generic verse chorus verse chorus rap chorus. really what brought shinee into the lime light imo was their dancing and lucifer showcased that AMAZINGLY, but songwise it’s pretty? catchy but ?? you feel me??????
next is electric heart and electric heart TO THIS DAY is one of my favorite all time shinee songs. dude shinee has not done this type of song before, and it’s the only time they do this type of song on this album. the vocals are breathy and self assured, the harmonies are fucken angelic, the instrumentals fit their voices perfectly gives a very moody almost? seductive type of vibe that’s really punctuated by their falsettos. fucken A+++ track and honestly it really stands out from the album IMO just because of the way they sing and just how they all work together to make the song work. it’s groovy and sensual and jams when it needs to and just? a great listen all of them work so well in this ugh i love it
then it’s a-yo which i used to love when i was younger, not to repeat myself but the way i feel about this track is how i honestly feel about up and down with the exception that this song isn’t as upbeat, it’s more of a subdued upbeat song, something that in my opinion would fit perfectly in their replay album? i feel like it has that 2008 vibe. anyway yeah. catchy, cute, nothing new but nothing wrong w that
ok then we hit obsession and it’s one of the few shinee songs i actually dont like. i will give them the fact that it’s pretty experimental i guess?? for them??? for this album? the only problem is how out of place it feels, like we have upbeat and catchy then kinda sensual rly nice electric heart and then this? it has a darker tone and it’s? okay i guess i just think they really didn’t go all way that they couldve on this, i feel like theyve really refined the “darker” songs or more desperate sounding songs on the misconception albums. like it’s dark then soft and then you’re hit with jonghyun almost pleading chorus, honestly im not that big of a fan of it, especially with how the beginning and the chorus sound so disjointed on the same song but not in a Cool Experimental way imo, i kno i lot of people like it and if you do please tell me why!! would love to discuss w you all c:
after you’re hit with quasimodo which is a str8 up ballad and it would sound weird to have on an album that has songs like up and down and ready or not but? being placed after obsession was a great choice imo so it doesn’t sound so jarring. this is a complete ballads with fucken amazing vocals but especially the way they all just work together especially on the verses leading up to vocals. imo im not a huge fan of ballads but this is a really beautiful song that’s just, a great soft listen if you like those types of ballads. imo not anything new or groundbreaking but honestly it’s a Typical Ballad song in which jinki kills it so??? not really complaining
ok then it’s shout out which i was….obsessed with and honestly i….never listen to it now. it’s a great, “we’ve gone thru so much shit and here we are bitch we’re back and we dont give up” song i guess. however, in my opinion as a rap song? it’s not really? anything new or anything really?? astounding, imo listening back it’s kinda? i dont wanna say childish but i think like as utilizing “rapping” as a form of conveying music shinee (esp minho and kibum) have really improved on that a lot in their after years, and this is like a last remaining album of kibum and minho rapping the way every kpop group did in 2010 you know? nothing really shinee-like it’s just? idk it really isnt that great listening back and how far theyve come since it (odd eye guys, the rap in odd eye is a perf example because the rap goes along so well with the song itself and it feels like it sits in shinee’s discography as a perfect shinee song rather than A Rap Song They Did) and idk yeah, not a big fan now and i honestly think it’s great to show just how much shinee has grown as a kpop group to actual artists.
next up is wowowow and it’s? another catchy upbeat song but it’s not really with a lot of substance imo, like i feel they really went hard on the autotone like autotune can be used as a really cool device in song producing but i feel like? it’s a bit off putting with jonghyun’s high vocals you know?  it’s catchy but???? it’s just cute that’s it, what are they offering here that the other upbeat songs on this album dont offer? not to bash on it but?? there’s not much to say that i havent already ;A; (it’s still really cute)
your name is next and it’s? a cute slower song. it’s slow but not ballady. it’s like if wowowow was w/o autotune and like a bit more chiller. it’s just a sweet song nothing really???amazing i guess?? the “lalalala” the members do is really nice and i like it towards the end, once minho raps and the song changes a bit, i feel like it’s less generic and a cooler listen, like most songs in this era there’s a slight change towards the end of the song with the first two halves sounding extremely similar. nothing much to say w this one just. it’s cute.
then it’s life, which if i have one thing to say about this album’s lack of a cohesive feel is the fact that they put the slower songs with perfect transitioning songs before them, so listening to the album straight isn’t a jarring experience so honestly??? good on them that was a fab choice. now in my opinion, quasimodo was a better ballad-mostly because all the members really work together backing each other up and it sounds greater orchestrally than this song. life takes nearly two minutes to pick up, now i lov a slow start to get the tension started but really it doesn’t pick of until 1:50 and there isn’t really? anything amazing going on instrumentally to garner attention imo, shinee’s vocals are beautiful but?? u kno???? like most songs the cool shit is towards the end but i feel like it’s just subdued with some great notes belted out. classic ballady song if you like it, but again i think quasimodo really brought it home without sounding like it’s taking a while to get to the good parts you know????
after it’s ready or not. which i know i mentioned having transitining songs from slower to upbeat, which is NOT the case with this. but i FUCKEN lov ready or not. it’s literally like a better version of up and down imo, up and down sounds incredibly repetitive because of the whole rollercoaster ride thing, but this is like a repetitive song that doesnt seem like it’s looping. it has some embarssing 2010 song moments but honestly??? i dont care it’s literally a cute up beat song, generic especially with that kpop formula and the slight change towards the end but honestly thats what shinee was doing at the time, and it was fine. im only being so hard on this album because shinee Really Fucking Worked on their music and really went like beyond everything to become the shinee we know and love and appreciate today. so yeah. generic cute pop song that i still jam to but dont listen to often.
then it’s love pain, which i mean? it’s like a more hurt ayo lmao. like in the way it’s sung and it’s feel, the subject matter can be totally different. anyway not much to say just like…this album is so 2010 and this song really captures that like idk not much critique on this, i dont love it anymore but? vocals are gr8 and it’s a cool slow song
the album finishes with love still goes on, which is i think an AMAZING reference to the song love should off their first album. it’s a nod to the past while showing off how theyve grown and how theyve improved their vocals. the problem i have with this song is literally the same with ready or not with a dash of side eye at the raps but honestly?? it’s cute its happening and i just think the nod to their first album was a cute way to finish the album. it doesnt finish with a band but rather with a thanks, and i think that was really lovely
anyway my final review is: nostalgia/10 (with me mostly only listening to electric heart, ready or not, love still goes on and up and down)
but again this was me really just? giving a thorough critique lmao i still really lov this album, i own it (a ver AND b ver) and honestly if i ever see shinee live and they do any song off this album you will catch me wiping the tears from my eyes while belting out the lyrics. hyped as fuck. i kno this album like the back of my hand istgggggg i really do love this album, it’s just musically we all kno shinee is that group, but it’s super cool looking at their progression as artists and how theyve moved along musically!!
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hgpelite-blog · 5 years
Hi!  My name is:
Today let me begin by introducing myself to you.  My name (now) is Hillary Giuda-Philpott and I am an alcoholic.  NO, no Im not, thats supposed to be funny.  My ex-husband IS an alcoholic but that is a tale for another time.  I will introduce myself as follows:
-Competitive bodybuilder:  Today we start from the beginning of this journey.  It has been 4 years in the making and to be perfectly honest, today I am tired of it.  I don't always love it.  And I am hungry.  But... I keep going.  Why?  Because I am insane?  Or maybe stubborn?  Determined!  That's it.  At least that is what I tell myself.  
In the beginning I was 29 years old and a brand new gym rat!  I didn't really know much of anything about bodybuilding.  I learned a little bit about macros, losing weight, and how to lift weights (via youtube videos) and like so many that have come before me I became totally obsessed!!  I was already a WELL established cardio queen at my local YMCA so it came as a surprise, for some, to see me in the weight room.  I do have giant balls though, so naturally I wasn't intimidated.  I also have a lovely RBF!  So people, for the most part, left me alone!  Not long after my iniatition in the weight room I left the YMCA for 'The Pound' which was where the real bodybuilders were, no offense Norwich YMCA, and clearly where I belonged!   I truly did feel right at home at The Pound, and this place was like no other gym I had ever seen... not that I had seen that many, BUT...  The owners were (and still are) straight up GOALS!  They both train like savages and have the know how to back up their skills!  And they actually WANT to help their people grow which is one of the things that set them apart to this day!  Shortly after I began training there I was asked "have you ever thought of competing?"  Well no.  Not sure what that even is... I think I even asked "what's that?".  Then googled and figured YEAH Im gonna do THAT!  I can do that!!  And it was off to the races!!
I think that epic moment was some time in August of 2016... and I took the stage that October in Syracuse NY!  I believe my class had 5 girls and I actually came in 2nd!  I remember thinking I was going to either trip or pass out... maybe both.  But luckily I did neither of those things.  My feedback from that show was to smile!  Looking at the pictures now makes me cringe... like most of us when we look at our first show pics.  No joke though I literally looked like I was being tortured up there.  After that show I decided to do the Arnold Amateur in Columbus OH (yea, that is me!  From sharing the stage with 4 people to the 2nd largest show in the world...).  Just a month or so into my Arnold prep I decided I was in over my head and hired a coach.  The first coach I had ever hired!  Her name is Casey Samsel and I was totally obsessed with her from the start.  I still am in fact.. but I think her, and my growth through her, is going to be a whole other blog.  
I took the Arnold stage that March looking better than I did in Syracuse but not nearly good enough.  I was still in the stage of "doing this for fun" and "now I get to eat" so I was ok with not placing top 10.  But far more importantly... something happened to me on that stage... and Ill take a few minutes to get into that now.  Why not.
In May of 2016 I left my college sweetheart & now ex-husband.  I had my reasons and if anyone really cares I will write about that at some point as well.  When I left him I took with me the blame and a barrage of rumors about my relationship with my NOW husband.  And like that cocky RBF gym rat I gave zero fucks.  My husband, Mark, was and is my pilar of strength.  It was through him that I began to find myself and who I really am.  And clearly, because people, this somehow equated to we were having an affair.  I think I am digressing so I'll move on.  And none of that is the point. ANYWAY.  May 2016 to March 2017 was rough.  VERY rough.  I learned who my Ex really was.  I learned how much he lied to me and how bad his drinking problem really was.  I learned that he wasn't going to change, and that things were really over.  I, like that country song said, found out who my friends were!  I also lost half of my family (in terms of support.. no one died).  I had some very low moments in those months... but somehow I made it to that stage in March 2017.  I remember meeting Casey for the first time at this show.  And she really is goals.  My BFF Jess and I were just staring at her!  We were AMAZED by her physique!  Like two little kids looking at a real life Unicorn!!  She led us past the security officers with their dogs, past THE ARNOLD STAGE, and into the backstage area.  That is one of my very few vivid memories of that day.  As crazy as it sounds the memories that day don't all stand out... and maybe that is because what happened when I stepped on that stage.  And no, I didn't face plant.  
I remember being hit in the face with those lights, and unlike my Syracuse showing, it lit me up inside and out.  Mark and Jess were in the audience and they were just about all I had at that point in time!  I had the love and support of my father also but he wasn't there.. the bikinis are a little small for his comfort level so he cheers me on from afar.  I walked out to that center box and it happened.  An epiphany!  I had gone through months of physical and emotional struggle and found myself in Columbus.  Literally.  I had found myself.  This was who I was meant to be!!  I had found a way to channel my pain and struggle and turn into my very best version of myself!  (Insert some cliche saying about a butterfly).  Then and there was when I decided competing was part of who I am.  It was my struggle that got me through.  Competing gave me something to focus on other than the utter chaos of my divorce and all the drama that went along with it.  My prep was the one thing that I could control and in those moments on stage it all paid off.  Even now as I remember that day my fire to succeed is growing stronger.  
Being a competitive bodybuilder is truly one hell of a rollercoaster and I don't know that many people put that out there.  What you see a lot of on social media is the gorgeous women, all shredded, in totally blinged out bikini's pumping up eating a donut (or a rice cake if you keep it clean).  And that is the glamorous and exciting side of the sport!  What you don't see or hear so much about is the shit that is going on, in my head, right now.  Right at this very moment.  It is a constant battle of your will!  It is some kind of cross between insanity and determination.. on steroids (no pun intended, and no I don't use gear).  The kind of hunger and exhaustion you experience during contest prep isn't anything that can be put into words.  It is all consuming some days.  Today I have spent my free hours working as much as I can to keep from counting down the minutes until I eat again!  And my meals, though I am being fed pretty well, barely coat my ribs and really just piss my body off... making me MORE hungry than before I ate.  And I know, cry about it right?  There are literally people starving in the world and I choose to do this to myself.  
The trouble, lately, is I feel like I lost my fire!  I forgot about that soft, underdeveloped girl, who fell in love with this sport!  My goal is always in my heart and on my mind.  I WILL WIN MY PRO CARD!  It has been all consuming for the last 3 years!  My life revolves around my sport and my goal!  But today these girls (and I do mean girls... most in their early 20's) are FIRE!  And here I am, 33, arriving late to the game!  And I find myself asking will I EVER GET THERE?  Or will I just torture myself until I finally decide to give up.  But there... is the problem.  I can't give up.  I will never be able to live with myself if I do.  So in these moments I try to remember my why.  And I go back to that stage in Columbus.  Today and each day I will follow my plan.  I will give it hell.  I feel like I have come full circle and my time is coming.  I made my rounds (and again, that will be in a blog to come), and I have found my way back to my first coach, Casey.  She brought the true athlete out of me and she is the one who will take me to the IFBB pro league.  My time will come!  I WILL be like Charlie Brown and I will never give up.
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