#the og pic also makes me lose it every single time
tarteggs · 1 year
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the public wants to know
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iotiamohd · 4 years
@iotiamo follow for follow? <3
Schrödinger’s Leak
We’re extremely sorry to say: this is fake. We made it because we’re agents of chaos  to prove that it was possible to do something like this in two days. It took a lot of work at the sacrifice of our sanity, but we did it, and filmed on a phone like the original leak was, it could pass off as real. (Look through this blog if you want to see the ugly truth of the HD version.)
The problem is...we were originally doing this to prove that the leak was real, because “no way someone would do this in two day, especially without getting paid”, and instead not only we realized it’s possible, but we’re left with more doubts than before. Keep on reading if you’re interested in what we (didn’t) find out, and what we did to put this together. 
We could have posted this a bit earlier, but we didn’t want to distract from the #SomethingToSay campaign.
Guys. Guys, we wish we could explain the sheer amount of things Vittorio Guerrieri, Cas’ voice actor, has been in. This man is in every anime dub ever, it’s impressive—we knew finding that specific “Io ti amo” was a losing battle, but we still tried. 
Oh, God, did we try. We went through English scripts of all the rom-coms he’s dubbed; compared that to the Italian subtitles of those same movies, looked for working links to stream the Italian dub and check if the “I love you”s we found were the right one....brain cells were lost. Progress was not made. 
We settled on using the one in Marley & I (lmao), that Owen Wilson’s character says to the dog  to his wife. It’s even better than the one in the leak, in our humble opinion, @ og leaker, suck our collective dicks.
Pictured here: Owen Wilson confessing his undying love for Dean Winchester (as he should).
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The closest match we had is Dean's Anch'io, (me too).
Although it wasn't a Supernatural "exclusive" line, we decided to search within the original scripts and look for an Italian corrispondance. We found it.
2x20 [9.54] - What Is And What Should Never Be It not only was a perfect match in terms of sounds, but after analyzing the file with Audacity we had no doubt about it. Furthermore, if you overlap the OG leak's "me too" with the one we found, they seem to perfectly fit. 
Listen to the cleaned and compared audios here, and stay tuned for our mixtape, it’s gonna be straight fire. 
Here are the graphs. The “Anche io” from 2x20:
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“Anche io” from the leak:
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Obviously we didn’t expect them to look the same, considering the differences in audio quality, but they’re still very similar. It was listening to the audios side by side that convinced us. 
...Is this proof that the leak is fake? Idk. Probably yes. But what if it’s a coincidence that they’re so similar? How different could the two graphs for two small words said by the same person possibly be, after all. And what about all the other lines that we couldn’t find a match for? You see now why we’re conflicted. 
The original idea was to go through every. single. time. Dean says “Castiel” in the Italian dub, hoping to find a perfect match for the one in the leak. We figured every other line could have been taken from the voice actors’ older works (both Castiel’s and Dean’s are very popular here in Italy, and their voices have appeared in...everything, basically)—but that “Castiel” had to come form Supernatural. 
We didn’t find it. We went through a lot of the episodes with Castiel in them, the ones with more emotional scenes first, and found nothing...we ended up getting distracted by the search for Mi dispiace, Dean, when we realized that also had to come from Supernatural. We settled on using the first close match we thought of: the scene in 09x01 where Dean is praying in the hospital’s chapel. 
This is not the “Castiel” used in the leak, so we can’t prove that it’s a recycled line stoled from an older episode of the Italian dub. For all we now, Stefano recorded it for 15x18. 
“Castiel” from 09x01:
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“Castiel” from the leak:
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Does this prove anything, considering how bad the audio quality of the leak is? We wouldn’t get the same exact graph even if it was the same snippet of audio. (By the way, when we started this we thought that Dean had rarely said Castiel’s name like that in the dub. We’d forgotten than Italian!Dean never calls him Cas, the asshole.)
The same problem remains: did the leaker find some obscure anime episode where Guerrieri says Io ti amo and used it to dub Castiel, or is this all very real, and that’s why we couldn’t find it anywhere? We don’t know, we just don’t know. 
Apart from the very wistful "Castiel..." right before Dean gets chucked on the ground (lol get rekt), the other line that came without a doubt from Supernatural is "Mi dispiace, Dean."
I'm sorry, Dean, a sentence that Cas doesn't say that often throughout the show: we checked the English scripts, and we found only three instances where it happens (we only have up until season 13 dubbed in Italian, so if he ever says it in the remaining two seasons, it certainly doesn't have an Italian version). 
5x22 - Swan Song: Cas says it, and it's very obviously not the one in the leak. The tone is completely different. 6x22 - Meet the new boss: again, close but no cigar. 7x01 - Reading is fundamental: at first we thought it was the exact same one, and that's why this particular Mi dispiace, Dean is the one you can hear in our fake leak. After checking with Audacity, the one in the episode and the one in the og leak don't correspond. It's just the closest we could find. 
So...? What does this mean? We don't know. It's very possible that Italian!Castiel does say Mi dispiace, Dean somewhere in another episode, straying away from the original English script, but without transcriptions of the Italian dub available online, we had no idea where to start. 
It's also possible that the leak is real, and that's why we found no doubles for this line. 
Also: we've seen people in various posts about the leak saying that the change from "Goodbye, Dean" to "I'm sorry, Dean" is suspicious. It's not uncommon to change lines if it means lipsinking them better, and considering what was happening in the scene, it's not out of place to have Cas apologize to Dean. It wouldn't sound weird to someone who has never watched the original episode. 
But, there's another argument to make...Cas has never said goodbye, Dean in older episodes (as far as we could find), and the og leaker was forced to use the next best thing they could find in the Italian dub. 
That monitor in the leak looked so sus at first. Is it normal for professional studios to use equipment older than some people on this hell site?
Apparently yes. 
We've found a bunch of photos of voice actors in front of the screen they use at work, and they all look like that. Dusty. 
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These pictures also confirmed that the punctuation in the frame rate changes—sometimes it's all :, sometimes it's all ; (like in the case of the OG leak), sometimes it's mixed. Once again, we can't prove anything one way or another.
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This is a pic from 2009 of Davide Chevalier, Sam's voice actor, and the framerate looks different from the one in the leak...then again, it's from 2009. What does it mean? What does it all mean?
If you know more than us, please tell us:
Did we read the Audacity graphs correctly? Do they prove/disprove anything that we didn’t mention?
Does the framerate make any sense? Are we being bamboozled?
Do you have any insight on whether or not season 15 is already been dubbed? We know that season 14 will go on air in bundles of three episodes starting from the 12th of December, so it’s not crazy to think season 15 is already in the works.
Was this worth it? Was any of this worth it? We slept very few hours last night. 
tl;dr: in conclusion, we CAN’T affirm with absolute certainty if the Italian leak is fake or not, since we have evidences leading both way. Sadly, the final word will be when the episode will actually air next year.
IRTF - Internet Research Italian Rogue Task Force
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naivesilver · 3 years
top 5 adaptations of the Fairy from Pinocchio? (or maybe top 5 best AND 5 worst?)
I spent so long staring at this and wondering if I even KNEW five good Fairies, but it turns out I do, albeit mostly for asinine reasons. Anyway AHFAKKJKFHAHJKJA thank you <3
Ask me my top 5 anything
Obviously under the cut because I couldn't resist and did BOTH
The salt AKA the worst of the worst first:
1) Piccolino No Bouken
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Surprised? I suppose most would have expected me to put the Disney Fairy first, and I did, too, for a while, but as I was sitting in my car pondering this ranking I realized I was SEETHING with rage about this one, so I had to rearrange things a bit. This, guys, is where my Fairy hate begins - not the book, not the Mouse's interference. This woman.
I hate her. I hate her SO MUCH, for all that I love this adaptation more than most things in the world, and that the choices made about her characterization were a huge inspiration for me. Not only does she not send Pinocchio to school, instead teaching him on her own, she is the only one to actively keep Pinocchio from his father - indeed, she makes the choice for them, saying to Geppetto's face that it would be best for the boy to be taught something before he goes back home. Who the hell are you to make this call, uh? You have known him for a day at most! You left him hanging from a fucking tree all night! I wouldn't trust you with a bloody lapdog, nevermind a child!
Also she lets Pinocchio believe she's dead UNTIL THE VERY END. She turns into a bird while he cries at her tomb. Are we fucking serious now? Leave him alone.
(Yes, this is elementary school me howling for revenge. I've been mad about this longer than reason would let me. Sue me.)
2) Disney's Pinocchio
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Bane of my existence. I don't know if anyone remembers that pic of me at the Pinocchio theme park I posted a while ago, but basically in that moment they were putting up a little show to tell children a little bit of the OG story, and they asked the audience if they knew what color the Fairy's hair was - a few said blonde, and I, being on stage next to her, distinctly heard her mutter "dammit, Disney". I've been living with that mantra since then.
Nobody asked you to make that puppet sentient, ma'am. He doesn't owe you shit. Aside from that, just like Jiminy Cricket, she ruined her character in a good two thirds of future adaptation. And while we're speaking of Jiminy, WHY did she think it would be a good idea to entrust a little boy to a slime ball such as him? He's too horny to have an ounce of sense. Conscience, my ass.
Basically...begone, asshole.
3) Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night
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This film is so horrible, the Fairy had no chance to be decent at all. A cheap copy of the Disney one, with the addendum that she turns MULTIPLE toys into living beings while holding them responsible for whatever they do after. Basically Victor Frankenstein, but make it a poorly dressed woman from a direct-to-TV movie that shouldn't have existed at all.
-100/10, at least you're pretty, but by God, SHUT UP.
4) Once Upon a Time
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Honest to God if she doesn't keep her filthy hands off my faves she's gonna get a slap across the face so strong her Wish Realm self ought to feel it sting. I am not exaggerating.
Seven seasons in, she hasn't done ANYTHING useful that I can remember. She's not even good at her own fucking job! Not only that, she's traumatized and guilt-tripped a good chunk of the population of Storybrooke, including first and foremost my beloved son August. The Pavlovian reaction I had every time she appeared on screen can't be described in coherent words, only in eagle screeches.
She's wrong. On principle, she's wrong. Let's move on.
5) Luigi Comencini's Le Avventure di Pinocchio
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Doesn't rank higher only because she's played by Gina Lollobrigida (my beloved). She's book accurate, which means she'd be annoying as fuck as it is, but what little they added only makes her worse.
She has the gall to tell Pinocchio she'd like to see him happier. Like, apart from the fact that the ghost of his father's deceased wife isn't exactly the most reassuring person to hear it from...Said father has been swallowed by a giant fish. You told that boy he's only going to see his father if he studies hard. You keep turning him into a puppet anytime he misbehaves. What did you expect, that he would do the Macarena every time he entered your house? I am honestly too shocked to say any more. What the fuck.
Okay, I've been enraged enough for a single night. Let's move onto brighter shores!
1) Enzo D'Alò's Pinocchio
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Enzo D'Alò knows what the fuck is UP!!! The only one with the courage to let the Fairy be a weird little girl - not only for a short time, but up until the end of the movie! That takes guts! Balls of steel!
I've said before that this movie has nothing memorable to it, and it's true, but also...Pinocchio wanted a sister so bad, and the movie gave him one. And they even explained the plot hole of the medallion with Pinocchio's face in it! That's twice as good as the fact that they cut out the most awful parts of her story, which is already delightful.
Thank you, Mr D'Alò. You have my trust until the end of days.
2) The Adventures of Buratino
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Speaking of weird girls, this one is officially balls to the walls enough to gain my respect. She's bothersome to Pinocchio, but she's bothersome to everyone and everything, so I'll let it pass. Her role is exclusively to appear out of nowhere and do batshit insane stuff for no good reason at all. A star.
Plus, other than having an handwashing obsession that I've felt very keenly in the past year and a half, she also has a boyfriend - her and Pierrot are the original girlboss and malewife, I'm not accepting any criticism on the matter.
(Fun fact: when I was a young kid I once dreamt that the Piccolino No Bouken Fairy was dating a big, buff and blonde farmhand. He wooed her by gifting Pinocchio a dog. Apparently I've always been very interested in Fairies getting a love life and staying the fuck away from my specialest little boy.)
3) Pinocchio miniseries
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"Serena, but you said you were disappointed in this adaptation so many times!" True. But consider: I am also very, very queer, and Violante Placido being motherly and wearing wispy dresses stirred SOMETHING in 11yo me that I can't very well ignore.
In hindsight, she and the Cricket probably had something going on behind the scenes, which is a shame. Miss Fairy, I swear, you could do better than Luciana Littizzetto in an ill-fitting green suit. She's gonna break your heart and lose your puppet charge in a crowd of little idiots. Do me instead.
4) Pinocchio Vampire Slayer
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This woman kills monsters - and she's damn good at it! Honestly, so badass, and such a good mother figure too, even in trying times. I don't want to spoil the comic much to those who haven't read it, but she and Cherry are the highlight of the first volume and I am very fond of them. A+.
5) Matteo Garrone's Pinocchio
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This one's book accurate, too, but Garrone did something with her that almost burst in tears in a crowded theater. She's awful, and irritating, but she's...she's so human, too. I can't rage against a Fairy that's so impossibly human even during the smallest of scenes. It breaks me over and over again.
Look at her SMILING, for pity's sake, am I supposed to think there's some warmth in the dead lady? Fuck you, Matteo, what did you do to me? I am an honored Fairy hater. You're going to ruin my reputation if you keep this up.
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gamesception · 5 years
Sception Plays Demon’s Souls, part 9 - OG Blighttown
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I’m already aware from various Souls game commentaries that every single souls game has a shitty swamp area and that they all trace back to the Valley of Defilement in Demon’s Souls.  It’ll be neat to see the original take on it.  Personally I didn’t hate Blighttown in Dark Souls, so I’m actually kind of looking forward to this.
I, uh... didn’t get a lot of pictures here.  The whole ramshackle village of narrow rickety boards is super unnerving from a platforming perspective, the enemies are weak and die easy but they’re also really gross and can easily surround you and knock you off the edge and the give you like no souls.  The in game camera gets stuck all over the place, so it’s hard to see where I’m going and avoid death drop holes in the floor, or holes that don’t drop me to my death - just into the middle of a bunch of enemies who then kill me.
Apart from the camera troubles, I kind of love it.
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After several deaths I find this plank jutting out near a fog door.  The note says there’s treasure if I drop off it, but that looks like a troll if ever I’ve seen one.  Still, I’m already in undead form, and have no souls to speak of since the enemies here are worth nothing and I keep dying anyway, and I don’t really want to go through the fog door in case it’s a boss, so what do I have to lose?
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And would you believe it, the note wasn’t a troll.  You fall far enough to kill you, but land in some straw that apparently cancels the damage, a mechanic that doubtless will be repeated zero times in the future.  A few enemies later, and I find a Blessed Mace!  Sounds like the perfect weapon for the faith build I’m going for.
It’s moveset seems decent, though damage is currently a lot lower than my halberd.  Maybe Boldwin or Ed can buff it up for me a bit after I get back.  Its damage does scale with faith.  Right now my faith is still at the starting level, since I’ve been pushing stamina to be able to actually wear my armor, but once I get stamina up to around 30 and vitality up to at least 20 I will be pushing faith pretty hard, so yeah, this should be a pretty good weapon.
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Shortly after that is this guy, and it’s not apparent from the pic, but this guy’s huge, like twice as tall as the normal gross plague dude enemies around here.  He absolutely wallops me, and at that point, divine mace in hand, I decide I’ve probably had enough of OG blighttown for now.
Pretty cool for a first impression.  Very claustrophobic, super maze-like and vertical.  It’s a really neat area, I kind of hate it and love it at the same time.  So far the Valley of Defilement feels a lot more messy, dirty, and organic than Blighttown in dark souls did.  A lot less square angles.  More lived in, if that makes sense.  More ramshackle.  And it feels a lot bigger, though i haven’t been through enough of it to say if it actually is bigger or not.  Despite the fact that the Valley of Defilement is a discrete area that you teleport to instead of part of a larger interconnected world, it still feels more like a *place* you’re invading and less like a level in a video game than Blight Down does, at least by comparison.
And that’s the last archstone.  I’m sure there’s a lot more to see in later zones of each, but that’s the main worlds we got.  Grey stone medieval castle defended by knights, peasants, and dragons; reddish mountain mines with sturdy miners, pyromantic overseers; dark spooky prison with mind flayer wardens; greenish windswept ruins defended by skeletal warriors; and filthy brown ramshackle shanty town full of plague zombies, descending vertically down into, I presume, a hideous poison swamp.
I’m given to understand that the sixth broken archstone was at one point intended to lead to some sort of snowy/icy area, which could have been cool.  Apparently it was either cut content or a DLC expansion that never got made.  All the more reason it would be great to see a proper remastered update of the game.
In the mean time, though, that’s a solid set of levels, with really different feels between them.  About the only one I’m not looking forward to going back to is the mindflayer prison, and that’s mostly because that level was very successfully creeping me out, so if anything that’s a mark in its favor.  In all that running around Sception’s leveled up a few times, upgraded her main weapon from +1 to +5, met some friendly npcs, and picked up a few neat treasures, including a secondary weapon that should become more useful down the line.  All in all, a pretty successful tour, but now it’s time to head back and see what was on the other end of that dragon bridge...
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mythvoiced · 5 years
@enchcntd - THE OG GAYS, OFC — ultimate ship meme!
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Uh? Forever? Obviously?
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - I wouldn’t say it was love at first sight but it was definitely “good god, this is something”, at first sight (at least for Patrick) so I’m thinking it didn’t take that long, they were infatuated pretty early on, and they both feel Very Strongly, SO HERE THEY ARE
How was their first kiss? - It had the intention to become steamy because at first Patrick thought “yes, this’ll do it, this’ll show him my feelings” but then their lips touched in that random-ass bathroom stall in the men’s toilet at a gala event organised by one Anthony Sullivan, and it was just... slow sparks, it was the “we have to pull away after a literal second because neither of us can believe this is happening and oh god this is what i’ve been missing all my life, isn’t it”
Who proposed? - The absolute idiot that is Patrick Finch (said, of course, affectionately) he just kinda suggested it and well, hey, once you’ve put it out there, all you gotta do is get a ring and PUT IT ON IT because I’m mad Pat didn’t show up with a ring right away >:( but then again, it wasn’t exactly a planned proposal
Who is the best man/men? - We haven’t discussed this yet BUT ALLEN’S DEFINITELY THERE, I don’t know who’d apply for Spencer so feel free to scream the names at me <w< I don’t think either of them would want people who aren’t like, super close to them, though, right?
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Not applicable, but to be honest Liv should be IF yknow
Who did the most planning? - Patrick struggled a bit here because he’s used to planning things SOLO (comes from having a naturally strategical mind AND being alone for so long and all the time) but he wouldn’t want to just leave Spencer out of it when he’d know he’d feel bad if he couldn’t participate, so they probably balanced it according to their abilities... And then Pat’s mum Susan flew in and had to be physically restrained by Allen because planning a wedding is on her bucket list and she adores Spencer so she literally is usually sitting there, in a corner, waiting until she can help with something
Who stressed the most? - This would go to Spencer, right? Patrick does his own fair share of stressing on the daily (can’t he rest) but he having Spencer nearby calms him down ALSO because he wants to be calm enough to help Spencer when he’ll start stressing (this is probs the planning only, because I feel like if we’re talking about the idea of marriage itself, Patrick wouldn’t sleep for a week, but I dIGRESS, Allen is here during that period, he’ll smack some sense into him, don’t worry)
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Anthony Sullivan, Reginald Finch, and Patrick put off inviting Robert until his mother ripped him a new one
Who is on top? - They both are... ON TOP OF THE WORLD because they are very deeply in love with one another
Who is the one to instigate things? - They haven’t worked their way up to that topic/situation yet and they both seem fairly comfortable with just letting it rest wherever it may be for a while longer, lmao
How healthy is their sex life? - Well, healthily nonexistent, LEAVE THEM ALONE Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - No Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - Fellas, I don’t even know if Spencer masturbates, I know Patrick doesn’t even do that, HOW AM I SUPPOSED-
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Hypothetically speaking, because this is literally all we’re doing here (I’m tryna swerve this section, not gonna lie) the answer would be YES, although Patrick would be more inclined to take care of Spencer’s because for obvious reasons
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - None! Biology doesn’t work that way!
How many children will they adopt? - AT LEAST one, I don’t feel like they’re thinking of adopting another at the moment, BUT DEFINITELY one! Her Royal Highness Samantha Finch
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Sammy didn’t use diapers anymore when they adopted her!
Who is the stricter parent? - Patrick! Outwardly! He tries to be! He’s a big softie but he’s also terrified of losing her
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - BOTH! They’re quite apprehensive BUT at the same time, Patrick believes if a kid’s feet aren’t dirty at the end of the day, have they really lived the day? Falling of a low branch off a tree every so once in a while is okay, it depends entirely on what Sam can handle, because she may be on the spectrum, but he’s not made out of glass neither should she be treated as such, mic drop LMAO
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Kitchen is Spencer Terrain! Therefore, by extension, SPENCER!
Who is the more loved parent? - She loves them equally for different reasons! You can’t really compare them, because they’re two completely different beings and she adores them for who they are as individuals.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Patrick would make it a habit to be around for them CERTAINLY because he wants not only to be there for Sam, but also for Spencer the first few times, thinking the idea would stress Spencer out. Not to mention, Patrick has a deep-rooted passion within him to go against every and all systems out there, so he’d want to be there right away if the school Fucked Up because that’s his daughter they’re talking about (but he’d also try to get Spencer to come every time because it’d be important to Spencer as well to be there, right?)
Who cried the most at graduation? - To be honest they probably spent 20 minutes just all three of them crying into the best family hug in the history of all family hugs
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Patrick, because he INVENTED trouble with the law, NAH omg hopefully neither
Who does the most cooking? - Spencer! Patrick can cook well enough to keep himself alive, but Spencer is basically a CHEF at this point and well, it’s his thing :3
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Maybe Sammy? Patrick isn’t picky in the slightest, he’s very likely to eat something he doesn’t like either (at the end of the day he always be “everything’s better than trench food, so”) and Spencer doesn’t seem very picky? So if anybody had to pick that title, it’d probably be some child-pickiness
Who does the grocery shopping? - Who happens to! Depends on schedules and such, but I also believe that Spencer is more likely to, also because he’s the cook so Patrick would be constantly calling him anyway
How often do they bake desserts? - Any time Spencer would feel like it >:)
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Well, Spencer is a vegetarian so there’s that, Patrick definitely enjoys meat
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - SPENCER! Although, it depends, are we talking a dinner out or a dinner in, although it’s a dinner in either way right, SO SPENCER! Because he cooks. Patrick would surprise him with something else.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - PATRICK! But he means... OUT out, as in out into nature, on a field, for a picnic, or to star-gaze, he’s more likely too because if he can’t breathe fresh air at least once a day, he withers away (like a dog, yknow)
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - NEITHER! 
Who cleans the room? - BOTH!
Who is really against chores? - NEITHER! I can see it being rather relaxing for both of them, just getting things done around the house
Who cleans up after the pets? - WHOEVER HAPPENS TO!
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - APPLE! Lmao
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - SPENCER! Because Patrick is just gonna boot them out if he doesn’t like them, he’s a master at skillfully kicking people out of places, but also because he’s taken to trying to be calm during situations like these so that Spencer can rely on him, so even if he WAS stressed, he’d probably get over it
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - SAMMY! It’s her Treasure
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - SPENCER! For the sole reason that Patrick’s showers are fast as lightning lmao and he doesn’t take baths
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - THEY DON’T OWN A DOG!
What are their goals for the relationship? - EVERYTHING THEY GOT RIGHT NOW TBH
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - NEITHER! Both seem pretty early risers
Who plays the most pranks? - PATRICK! I’m kidding IT’S APPLE
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chillm4tic · 6 years
A very SKAMson birthday!
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@rogueleader1987​ KT Baby, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
I’m gonna restrain myself from writing you a whole long love letter on the internet, because you already know all the things. When we were getting to know each other, I kept being surprised by all the things we had in common, but when we discovered we’re both Fansons, GAMECHANGER! I never thought I could share all these things that hardly anyone else cares about with one person. But here we are.
As a birthday gift, please enjoy SKAMson, or, the Hanson soundtrack to SKAM Season 3 (<-- it’s a link to the playlist on Spotify!). I know we’re always crying at each other about all the Hanson songs that make us think of Evak, so… for your birthday, here’s the one thing that I can give you that no one else can… a frivolous mashup of our very first fangirl obsession and the thing that ruined us and brought us together 20 years later (SKAM) that no one asked for … our OG pretty blonde boys meet Evak! I’m sorry I don’t have the skills to make this cute with pics and gifs and shit.
(under the break)
E1: We open on a pretty sweet party. Running Man is just a great party track, and it’s about making mistakes which he’s done and will do plenty of, plus Isak literally runs away at the end of the party. This episode also needs Where’s the Love? and Weird because this confused baby needs the right kind of love:
Sitting on the side waiting for a sign, hoping that my luck will change Reaching for a hand that can understand, someone who feels the same When you live in a cookie cutter world being different is a sin So you don't stand out, but you don't fit in. Weird.
E2: For that epic stare, I have to include Optimistic. I mean, it’s Hanson covering Radiohead! It only makes sense!
The rest of this episode is If Only. This song always makes me think of it, particularly when he’s watching the Even and Mikael video, and when they’re flirting in Even’s apartment. SWOON!
If only I had the guts to feel this way And if only You'd look at me and want to stay And if only I'd take you in my arms and say I won't go, 'cause I need you Cause I need you
E3: Sure About It sums up a lot of this episode. Isak is stress and confused. Then Crazy Beautiful and Thinking ‘Bout Somethin’ (I’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout something’ other than you) are perfect for the last clip. I especially appreciate all the innuendo in Crazy Beautiful:
Liquid, melancholy dreams Tell me what it means 'Cause you drive me crazy Driftwood, won't you float me down your stream? Tell me what it means 'Cause you drive me crazy
'Cause you're crazy beautiful
Don't go looking in my eyes tonight Don't go telling me lies tonight Don't go promising the skies tonight When you're crazy 'Cause you're crazy beautiful
E4: Runaway Run because “people leave their wife and kids to be together with the one they love” and these two dorks run away from their dates together in this episode.
21:21 is Lost Without You.
I see it all aligned in front of my face But like a shooting star fades It could be gone just as fast as it came I'm gonna take this moment and chase this fear right out of me Come one day I will have no regrets after today 'Cause the “unexpected beautiful” I'm about to admit I've been longing for
Is staying in my arms tonight There's nothing that I wouldn't do I just wanna be the one you're holding onto And if you wanna run tonight I'll follow anywhere you want me to I'm giving you my heart 'cause I I'm lost without you Lost without you
E5: Phew, there’s a lot happening in this one. I think Already Home makes sense since it opens on the morning after their first night together, and they already feel so comfortable and warm, like they’re already at home together. I cry.
And then the locker room scene always makes me think of Madeline.
Your lonely face Your lonely eyes This is something you can't disguise It's not just me, you feel it, too ‘Cause you know I belong to you
Look at where we're goin' Tell me what can I say We're tracing our footsteps We're going the same way
Madeline Here we go around again You know it, I know it Don't try to pretend
Re: Eskild’s epic truths, This Time Around.
I heard them say that dreams should stay in your head Well, I feel ashamed of the things that I've said Put on these chains and you can live a free life Well, I'd rather bleed just to know why I die
And finally, Hand in Hand to bring the angst at the heartbreaking end. 
I know just how much I love you But there is no time to explain I realize just what I'd give to Get you back in my arms
And I see you hand in hand with another man And I don't know what you see in him and why you let us go
So if you're gonna lie At least you could just let us die And if you're gonna cry to me baby At least you could just say goodbye
E6: I definitely think of Tragic Symphony for the opening of this episode. It’s one of their few angry songs, and… it works.
I’m just a part in your masterpiece A minuet in a minor key A sad song that you know so well You cheat me, but you have no tell And you keep leading me on You make a good thing feel wrong
Poor Isak bby can’t sleep. He Can’t Stop thinking about Even. 
Morning, day or night I tremble at your sight It's impossible to fight; I've tried
Now you're in my head And your mind I've read Could recite the words you've said Now I
Can't stop thinking about you Can't get you off my mind No, I can't stop thinking about you all the time Can't stop thinking about you I can't get you off my mind No I can't stop thinking about you I'm thinking about you all the time
Lost Without Each Other makes me think of when they meet in the cantina. 
All I know is what I'm missing What I'm missing is your kissing Are you listening? Don't go, don't go telling me you're all right There's no room for getting uptight Don't go saying that you're okay When you're lonely Baby, don't go telling me we're over When you know you're my one and only lover And I won't go saying that we're okay when we're Lost without each other 'Cause we're lost without each other
Annnnnd finally, this episode and Evak in general also makes me think of Save Me. The opening line of this song ruins me every time.
Loving you like I never have before I'm needing you to open up the door If begging you might somehow turn the tides Then tell me to I've got to get this off my mind
I never thought I'd be speaking these words I never thought I'd need to say Another day alone is more than I can take
Won't you save me, 'cause saving is what I need I just want to be by your side Won't you save me, I don't want to be Just drifting through the sea of life
E7: Tonight (for obvious reasons) and Get the Girl Back.
It’s about time that you put your cards back on the table It’s about time that you show her you’re willing and able It’s about time that you get the girl back That you get the girl back on your side
E8: Obviously an embarrassing pop song is in order for the Breakfast Kitchen Dance Party, so it’s got to be Mmmbop, of course! Even would fully dig this song. (And Mmmbop is all about the future being impossible to predict and control, and appreciating and living in the moment… very Sesong 3!).
Great Divide for when Sana schools Isak about hate and fear re: religion, and just Sana in general. 
When every eye is one the fortune It can only breed contempt They say blood is thicker than oceans Still we box our brothers in
I find hope and it gives me rest I find hope in a beating chest I find hope in what eyes don't see I find hope in your hate for me Have no fear when the waters rise We can conquer this great divide
Waiting for This makes me think of High for This.
And then Juliet (yes!) is perfect because... well, because Juliet!
Juliet, every single time you get me all messed up I try to talk it out But you’re so hot to touch And Juliet, I feel so dangerous Looking in your eyes is perilous But I don’t care ‘cause I would die for love
Through your window breaks the rising sun By any other name, you’re still so beautiful In everything I do, I will love you my whole life If you’ll be my, be my
Juliet, you are a drug and it is quick And with a kiss I lose my senses Juliet, you are a fire, I am consumed Tonight I’m dying in your arms
And for the end, Strong Enough to Break … the fabric is about to fray.
E9: Love Song for the heartbroken boy.
In this lifelong love song You can love right, you can love wrong In this love song, you can love wrong But if you love wrong, it doesn't mean love's gone Oh, and it doesn't mean love's gone Just because you're feeling low And it doesn't mean love's gone 'Cause you feel like you want to let go See, no one wrote in this book of love That you'd always know I wish someone would have told me before
Wish I Was There for the pining boy. 
The sun has fallen Another day gone without you. My heart keeps callin' And I don't know just what to do When you're near me I seem to forget my lonely days It's more than a feelin' It's something that can't be explained
I wish that I was there I wish that I was there When you're not here I wish that I was there
O Helga Natt is definitely I Will Come to You. It’s so perfect, it hurts. 
When you have no light to guide you And no one to walk to walk beside you I will come to you Oh I will come to you When the night is dark and stormy You won't have to reach out for me I will come to you Oh I will come to you
Sometimes when all your dreams may have seen better days And you don't know how or why, but you've lost your way Have no fear when your tears are fallin' I will hear your spirit callin' And I swear that I'll be there come what may
And a little bonus live O Holy Night / Silent Night / O Come All Ye Faithful medley, for funsies.
E10: A Minute Without You for minutt for minutt. And Underneath for sweet Even. 
I know what to say But don't know where to begin I fear I'm losing you beneath my skin Is there resolution for this pain that I'm in?
Sitting all alone in this place Even though we're here face to face There is nothing gone But there's something wrong
Can't you see That I'm stuck here underneath And you’re making it hard to breathe? Take a look around and tell me what you see You'll find me underneath 'Cause you'll find me underneath
Watch Over Me (naturally) and Smile for passa på meg, because Isak likes seeing Even laugh/smile, and it’s just the sweetest song for the sweetest boys.
Well this feeling I've been feeling Well I can feel it right now from my head to the floor When I see you I want to love you Till the end of time and a little bit more
And I'm not gonna let it go You've got to let your feelings show So smile, give me all your heart and we'll never be apart. I'll never leave you alone If you'll just smile, tell me that you care And I'll always be there. I'll never leave you hurting if you just smile.
I also think a lot about Carry You There in relation to Isak being there for Even.
Try You don't have to be afraid to just rely On someone to hold the weight part of the time It's alright It can get too much to handle by yourself If you can't do it alone I know you will say I don't know what's at stake or what it takes
'Cause I don't care what you say Don't have use for your words anyway You don't need a Cadillac 'Cause I'll be waiting with my bare back To carry you there
Finally, Nå = Dying to be Alive
The things you see The way you see them Will never been seen again Let’s go through life Livin' on luck and betting ten thousand to ten Mistakes I've made in this life I can’t say why or when But the thing that's strange is You only live once And never look back again
I'm dying to be alive Not trying to just survive Let’s not go through our lives Without just dying to be alive
And we all come tumbling down No matter how strong, we all turn to the ground In the days to come you’ll say "why did I wait?" You can't just leave your life up to fate Gotta turn it around before it's too late
BONUS! Even’s clip from s4 always makes me think of Every Word I Say.
Before you I was only What I let control me You are a revolution Against my own conclusions Till today I feel I can't lose I'm letting go of what I knew
I want you for always I hear your name in every word I say I'm a fool and I don't care I hear your name in every word I say
And now I say goodbye to the way I used to be There is no room for question Cause your name it sets me free Yesterday's troubles harm me Today's are creeping in So let go of the world around me Cause your love is all I need
I want you for always I hear your name in every word I say I'm a fool and that's okay I hear your name in every word I say
I want you for always I hear your name in every word I say I'm a fool and I don't care I hear your name in every word I say
That’s it! I hope you liked this absurd thing that I spent my actual time on! Love you so much, KT Baby. Thank you for being born/you/mine. <3
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