#the one character from the first dream (completely made up guy) followed me from the first dream TO THE SECOND
carcinized · 2 years
i cant get that dream i had last night outta my head like wtf was that girl
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vivisviolets · 2 months
˖◛⁺⑅♡⑅~you received a lost package~⑅♡⑅⁺◛˖
🎁⁀➴ ✉ Energy check-in
📦⁀➴ ✉ Affirmations
📮⁀➴ ✉ Quotes
*cw* post longer than my temu package's tracking history 💀
˖◛⁺⑅♡⑅ -pick the package image you feel most drawn to- whatever caught your eye first upon seeing this post is most likely *your* pile!!!! but oh ofc you can also ease yourself, close your eyes, focus on your current state of mind/your life, and then ask yourself/spirit/God what pile has what you most need to hear rn! and pls pick more than one pile if you feel interested to do so!!! you may get messages you needed to hear across all piles yakno:))- okkkk byeeee-˖◛⁺⑅♡⑅
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✉ pile 1
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✉ Page of Pentacles, King of Wands, Nine of Pentacles ✉
✉ Earth placements, Virgo/Capricorn/Taurus, fire placements, Aries/Sagittarius/Leo, divine masculine, divine femininity, heavy heart, earthy, warm/hot, -songs Only Angel - Harry Styles, Hate Me Harder - Kesha
✉ Woo- Look at youuu-!!! Look at you go more like- like, holy ish you should have seen me tapping into your energy and pulling out the cards one after the other with such genuine eassseee the heck... -but anyways pile 1s- you are REALLY setting your heart ablaze, it's like you're purifying your heart space after a period of purging energetically... In fact for quite a while, it was a consistent purging of- a lot for you. a total rebirth through a dark forest- you are literally an adventurer traversing through a fantasy land, following the pounding of your royal blood through your heart- knowing it will lead you to your glory- I'D SO READ THAT BAHAH- anyway though, you're really filling your heart with this fire. things and opportunities that fill you with joy and make you feel so warm inside 🎇🔥. I'm hearing a lot of self focus so projects around your passions or moving yourself up towards your goals! mmhm, I'm hearing a lot of different things for the collective- I'm seeing starting up a business, independent artists of various kinds, makeup or personal care focused products, you could be selling prints, monetized pages/videos, building a website- I'm seeing Jan Levinson with her candle side business😭😭... obviously you guys definitely don't house the shadow aspects of her character in your energy (tf am I saying 💀)- what I mean to say is after a lot of melting yourself down, you are now completely reforming into something that is completely personal and your own... like scented candle making 😭👍!!!!!!!!! okkkk I'm so freaking proud of you~ and if you've felt any heaviness just from you refilling your heart with so many opportunities- please don't let that cause you ANY doubts about your endeavors because OH👏- MYGOD👏 it's all going to go so well for you. no matter any circumstances or external worries. keep goingggggggg.
✉ Nothing can stop me from reaching my goals
✉ Regardless, my goals always become bigger and better
✉ I always reach my goals
✉ Regardless of anything external I am fully capable of achieving all of my goals
✉ Regardless of my mindset, I am fully capable of achieving ALL of my goals
✉ My goals become better and better
✉ I find fulfillment in my goals
✉ My goals always bring me so much joy
✉ My goals always bring me so much abundance
✉ I love building up my goals to infinity and beyond
✉ I am so good at doing what brings me joy and energy
✉ My goals orbit me
✉ My dream life is already waiting for me
✉ My dream life wants me
✉ Earning my dream life is as easy as breathing
✉ I am made of my dreams and desires
✉ My dreams and desires always become mine
✉ My dreams and desires are already mine
✉ Joy and abundance fuel my dreams and desires
✉ Joy and abundance fuel my goals
✉ Every single step I take brings me closer to my goals
✉ Achieving my goals is easier then ever before
✉ My goals have been deemed to be mine
✉Achieving my goals is so easy for me because they are already mine
✉ My goals love me
✉ My goals work for me
✉ My goals work towards me
✉ I am so happy for all I have accomplished
✉ My goals reward me daily
✉ I am rewarded daily because my goals are extensions of me
✉ I am so abundant
I have always been so abundant
Everything is an extension of me, and everything rewards me
✉ Everything is an extension of me, and everything flows me to where I desire to be
✉ My work is my creativity
✉ Creativity flows through me
✉ Creativity has always been my birthright
✉ I am made of creativity
✉ I am creativity
✉ I care for myself easily
✉ My goals allow me to relax
✉ My goals love when I care for myself
✉ The more I relax the more my goals flow to me
✉ I fully trust my goals
✉ I am fully deserving of my goals
✉ I fully deserve my goals
✉ I fully deserve and allow my goals to orbit towards me
✉ I align myself fully with my goals
✉ I am aligned to my goals
✉ I align myself fully with my desires
✉ I am aligned to my desires
✉ I align myself fully with my dream life
✉ I am fully aligned to my dream life
✉ My goals are mine.
✉ ✉ ✉
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✉ pile 2
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✉ Eight of Wands (reversed), Seven of Pentacles (reversed), The Lovers
✉ Air placements, Gemini/Libra/Aquarius, earth placements, Taurus/Virgo/Capricorn, numbers 8, 7, 6, 1111, stops and starts, "air headed"/emotional/flightly described personality, healing unresolved wounds/fears, -song Love Is An Open Door - Frozen (2013)
✉ Oh my pile 2s :'), I'm pretty quick to ask how are you? seeing the certain reversals I got- one of them (Eight of Swords reversed) is definitely way more positive and a really good step in the right direction for you, it feels like a breath of fresh air!!- but it has a heaviness to it, it's a step in recovery from some baggage... and then the next one to come out felt like a real wammy- (Seven of Pentacles in reverse)... I got interrupted after a moment of being engrossed in your energy pile 2s, I feel you had a period where you felt this sense of freedom after a long while of realizing a lot of mental limitations you had that did not serve you- and so you jumped into trying and doing the opposite of those imitations!... but something might have happened that caused all that newfound sense of freedom to deflate in you- and you feel like you've gone right back to square one of how you used to feel- is that right? I find myself asking questions instead of being sure in what I am telling you, maybe that's the state that you're in currently of having all these why this? and why is that? with no feeling of hope in finding any answers, that right? <-- SEE?? there I go putting the questions back onto you instead of giving you answers:')- I'm so sorry. I'm hearing it might not have even been a big thing to have offset you as much as it did, just some sort of small trigger- it might have even just been your own pent up discouragement rearing its head at not seeing enough movement o headway in a certain aspect of your life, even with all the personal changes you were trying to create... I'm using the word trying a lot- omg this is so saddening😭... Ok, I'm going to pull myself out of this dark and dreary pity party (I don't say it in any mean way love ❤️) and take you up with me- because this place sucks and because I have got to offer you some help and some love- it's what you freaking deserve!!
-You have to address your feelings. you have to feel these emotions that are connected to all the limiting thoughts you have. you might be the type to be very flighty when it comes to your emotions- and there is a bright side to that trait that is beautiful and free and I don't think you should get ride of that!! but you're relying and using the shadow aspect of that trait by continuing to fly away to the externals first as to fix the limiting beliefs when really, the way to fix the external- is through the internal. do it for yourself, do it out of love for yourself. give yourself the space, time, patience and love that you deserve. heal your discouragement by allowing it to just be a feeling, and allow it to past like all feelings do. once you start healing and spending time and love on yourself- literally EVERYTHING in your life is going to blossom- love and freedom will be blossoming!!!! and you will be soaring stronger then ever before. oh my gosh-goodness I've gone on, but again- you deserve patience, love, and a space for healing- and I hope I was able to be that my pile 2s~ 🕊
(*reading your energy I know you may be cynical to these affirmations- again please address your limiting thoughts babe because they ain't getting you no where no how, and allow yourself just a little bit of trust. you don't have to even believe the affirmations, just read them/speak them. allow them <3.~*)
✉ I allow myself to heal
✉ I am patient with myself
✉ I allow my internal healing to play out
✉ I have full trust in my healing journey
✉ The more I allow myself to heal the more free I become
✉ The more I allow myself to heal the more I receive what I desire
✉ The more I allow myself to heal the more I accomplish
✉ The more I allow myself to heal the better and better life gets for me
✉ I align myself to love
✉ I align myself to joy
✉ I align myself to abundance
✉ I align myself to peace
✉ I align myself to my self love
✉ I align myself to my inner joy
✉ I align myself to my inner abundance
✉ I align myself to my self peace
✉ I am in alignment with myself
✉ I am capable of receiving all that I dream of and desire
✉ I am capable of giving and receiving love
✉ I am capable of self love and self care
✉ I am always capable because I am enough
✉ I am deserving of healing
✉ I am deserving of what I will accomplish
✉ I am deserving of love, healing, freedom, and to know myself better
✉ I deserve to be healed
✉ I deserve to be limitless
✉ I deserve to love myself
✉ I deserve love
✉ When I change, my reality follows
✉ I make the choice to heal myself
✉ I make the choice to love myself unconditionally
✉ I make the choice to allow self growth
✉ Regardless of anything external, I allow myself full self love
✉ Regardless of anything external, I allow myself to fully heal
✉ I release what no longer serves me
✉ I release what does not serve me and reclaim my energy
✉ I call all of my energy back to me
✉ My path ahead is full of healing, love, beauty, abundance, joy and freedom
✉ I trust my path
✉ I will be successful
✉ I trust that my path is full of abundant success that expands
✉ I am already successful
✉ Success is already mine
✉ I trust that success will flow into my life
✉ My success will build and expand
✉ I know that my success will be full of all my desires
✉ I am deserving of my success
✉ I desire to be successful
✉ I allow my success to flow into my life
✉ I trust my success
✉ I trust that success always finds me and I always find success
✉ Everything I desire will find me
✉ Everything I desire will flow into my life
✉ ✉ ✉
(*idk why but extra quotes for you~ ur favored fr~*)
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✉ pile 3
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✉ Three of Swords (reversed), Ace of Wands (reversed), Nine of Swords (reversed)
✉ Air placements, Libra/Aquarius/Gemini, water placements, Cancer/Pisces/Scorpio, numbers 2, 222, 2222, 1212, 2424, 444, old connections, not needed, present-day path, planting seeds, blunt/honest/levelheaded/practical/mature/grown described personality, "he said- she said-", divided energies, feminine intensity, masculine intensity, commonly used emojis 💗, 🔥, 💀, -song Bloodline - Ariana Grande, Stray Kids (?), Enough - Jess Glynne
✉ For the first time in maybe over 3 years, my brain began to play Bloodline by Ariana Grande as soon as I tapped into your energy- I'm getting you may definitely have prominent air or water placements, more so Cancer, and Libra- other air and water placements too and oh gosh I'm realizing that those are Ariana's signs in her big 3- I do not think I'm connecting wrongly though,- I'm seeing that there are some of you that are either listeners/relate to Ariana, and the other camp is completely indifferent/are not in that fan base at all in which case I'm probably turning you off of this reading 😭😭- yea I'm totally seeing 2 separate camps in this pile rn, this divide of either very fem/fem baddies (that whole Thank U, Next album was very much in that whole aesthetic)- or very masc aesthetic/personality (not gender specific btw- this is fully afab/amab safe)... I randomly typed a fire emoji and heard the word "lit" immediately- so for my masc group you guys are described like that and or aim for that aesthetic- but my fems here are seen as that too 🔥 I'm hearing, like that description isn't gender-expression exclusive 💗🔥. again now there's more music coming through- for my mascs it's K-pop, K-indie, K-rock, K-Metel.. This is so weird to hear because i know nothing about that scene (someone here likes jazz tf- okkkk😭)... two very different and... stubborn- towards each other?- energies rn.
Ok, I'm going to actually get into what's going on as best I can for the collective- I'll be honest, this energy is all over the place, and I'm having a hard time reading or relating specifically to just one group of people rn like- 💀💀💀... I'm hearing the phrase "he said- she said-" so honestly I could be describing two people who are in/were in a relationship of some kind, a feminine and a masculine- (again, afab/amab safe!! and take what resonates) so you could be the feminine reading this and this is about a masculine who's heavy on your heart, or you could be the masculine in this and this is concerning your feminine whom you're really messed up over. and for both of these situations, it's really mutual that you two cut each other deep in the heart space 💀- like fr there is history that has occurred between you two and something happened that really made the mark that you guys left on each other's hearts- open up and start bleeding... and I'm literally just standing here watching the intensity of you two gazing at each other-... I'm seeing this scene of the feminine wanting to close her door but just continuing to stare at the masculine who could have stormed off but instead is still standing on the welcome mat, staring back into the eyes of the feminine- AND I'M STANDING IN THE HALLWAY OF THIS APARTMENT COMPLEX LIKE... I'm just trying to pass through to go feed my cats 💀...
I fr don't know what to say,- and that is so not like me at all. I'm just so heavily in this energy and there are literally two energies coming in and are weirdly connected to each other- AND they are both stubborn as hell. YOU TWO ARE BOTH stubborn as hell 😭. in fact, you two are so similar that when you have a problem with each other- no one can get a foot in the door to help. because you two are literally so on the same level mentally, that you can literally continue your intense stare-down with your friends trying to get in the middle to put the situation on ice- but you both continue to set each other's souls ablaze... you two need a retreat away from each other BAHAH 💀. God, again I do not know what to say because not only are you stubborn and intimidating asf, you are also very mature (referring to a singular person again whew), and you have the (emotional) receipts to back up how intense you can be- (I cannot figure out where to put this but it keeps weighing heavy that some of you are even parents/have young kids you have to be thinking about constantly)- you know bullshit like the back of your hand and I know you'll def be eying my words rn like a hawk... wasn't I suppose to give you affirmations 😭????? *nervous laughter fr* jokes aside- I'm going to stand my ground to you,- I can feel it and see it in the eyes I'm being shown- you've been through a lot. you have a past that is heavy and it's weighed on you since you were just a little girl/little boy/little child. you had to mature fast in the way you did out of your own survival. and that has done what it has done- but what about now? yes, you can do and act however you want to. you've earned your living! as you believed you needed to, had to, and would do- but for someone so confrontational about other's behavior- why can you not do the same for your own? you're usually right with the conclusions you come to about situations and other people with all the shit you've seen- so why not face yourself with that same focus? just as you question other people's behavior, already knowing the truth about them- you can do that very thing to yourself.
question yourself- why does this person trigger you the way that they do? when this person triggers you, what are you reminded of? are you reminded of another person or situation? are you reminded of your family growing up? are you reminded of your father? or mother? or relatives?- does this person who triggers you- remind you of yourself?... do the heavy walls you built when they were required to survive, serve you now? because I think it's what's inside the walls that needs stabilizing.
WOOO I just gave tougher love then I have ever done before- but I freaking had to get through to you love!! I really hope I did, whatever vulnerable emotion you are feeling right now if you've read this far of what I've channeled for you- please know that you have people you can go to with these emotions. this isn't like when you were growing up, you are safe. you are safe to be fully you, every piece of you that you had to lock away or armor up is safe now- thanks to the life you are building for yourself. I'm hearing a saying about how when you cut a tomato, you get a bunch of seeds- and you can plant those seeds, and with your work and patience, you get more tomatoes!! and that's what you've done- taken the small seeds and grew things up for yourself. so please enjoy all your hard work, PLEASE- show all those parts of you love. plant those seeds that you had to lock away and allow them to blossom and finally see the sunlight you created. again, I really am seeing that you do have safe options to turn to for support, definitely personal support- friends I'm mostly seeing- people outside of your old family/upbringing...
if you're in an intense relationship of some kind (said person could even be someone you've known since childhood/earlier years) like what I was channeling earlier, then I'm seeing that could be a perfect opportunity to turn to people for support- and oh my gosh honey you're going to be so loved. you already are, people love you and want you to open up more to them- I'm just seeing you opening up more as being both healing and strengthening for you, but also for your relationships 💗. this is so sweet, you have some sweet people around you that you fully deserve (for those with kids I see you taking so much more healthy joy in being a parent and you connecting with your little ones so beautifully- I'm seeing dancing in the kitchen especially 😭💗). but just to be inclusive to everyone here, you of course don't have to open up to others- I see seeking some professional guidance of some kind would also be incredibly beneficial (also spiritual guidance if you have an interest in that), and also you of course always have yourself. so go inward and see how you can show up for yourself better!!!
alright whew I know that reading might not have been for everyone but it was strong so I know that this reading is for someone💗🔥 so it was a pleasure. anddd my apologizes for the full read yikezies 💀-
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✉ I am safe
✉ I create a safe space for myself
✉ I have created a safe space for myself
✉ I am in a safe place
✉ I am safe to express and feel my emotions
✉ My emotions are mine and I am free and safe to express them
✉ My environment is safe and fully mine
✉ I choose to feel safe
✉ I allow myself to be vulnerable
✉ I allow myself to feel what as hurt me
✉ I allow myself to be bitter
✉ I allow myself to cry
✉ I allow myself to be angry
✉ I allow myself to grieve
✉ I allow parts of me that do not serve my highest good to pass
✉ I allow what does not serve me any longer to leave my body and exit out of my life
✉ I allow the most vulnerable parts of me to be healed
✉ I allow the most vulnerable parts of me to exist
✉ I respect my vulnerability to be as it is
✉ I love my vulnerability
✉ I allow myself to be patient towards my life
✉ I am patient with myself
✉ I allow myself to release control in my life and surrender to my healing journey
✉ I have released control and am now in a state of healing
✉ I allow myself to prioritize my needs fully
✉ I am my first priority
✉ I allow myself to feel taken care of
✉ I am taken care of
✉ I allow myself self love and self growth
✉ I am focused on giving myself the love I deserve
✉ I allow myself to be emotionally open
✉ I am emotionally open towards myself
✉ I show up for myself
✉ I allow myself to connect to my heart and give love to those I trust
✉ I am open to people I trust
✉ I am shown who I can trust and I allow my heart to open
✉ I am protected and surrounded by people who I trust
✉ I am protected and surrounded by love and those who I can love safely
✉ I am protected and surrounded by abundance and success regardless of any externals
✉ I deserve to be trusted and I am worthy to share my trust
✉ I deserve to be loved and I am worthy to share my love
✉ I deserve abundance and I am worthy to share my abundance
✉ I deserve success and I am worthy to share my success
✉ Trust is my birthright
✉ Love is my birthright
✉ Abundance is my birthright
✉ Success is my birthright
✉ Stability and loyalty is my birthright
✉ Regardless of others actions- I am deserving of trust, love, abundance, success, stability, and loyalty
✉ I accept the truth that it is my birthright, and that I am inherently deserving of trust, love, abundance, success, stability, and loyalty
✉ I allow myself to live my life knowing those truths
✉ I allow myself to breathe through my whole body and begin to shed all that no longer serves me
✉ I trust myself and I trust my journey
✉ I allow myself to be healed
✉ I am capable of being healed
✉ I am healing
✉ I am healed
✉ I allow myself to view my life as my own
✉ My life is my own, and I live by my love, joy, and peace
✉ I allow myself to see life as enjoyable
✉ I am capable of viewing life as enjoyable and all that can bring me joy
✉ I enjoy viewing my life as fun and full of joy and peace
✉ I allow myself to have fun with myself and those I love
✉ I am capable of having fun with myself and those I love
✉ I love having fun in my life and sharing that with those I love
✉ I fall in love with myself, and find someone to share it with
✉ ✉ ✉
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✉ oh praise be we're done~ byeeeee till next time
✉ ✉ ✉ love, vi~♡
303 notes · View notes
nastyavolk-cp · 5 months
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A/N: First of all I want to thank my friend @aphroditelovesu for letting me use her headcanons to write this story! If you want to read her original headcanons you can read here.
Since this is a yandere platonic story, I believe you guys know what it contains, it's nothing new, just yandere themes, obsessive and manipulative behavior, characters trying to kill each other, yeah, the basic stuff. By the way, Irina is my original character and English is not my first language, so sorry if it contains grammar mistakes. Enjoy it ❤️
Irina Chase was special, at least to her sister, Annabeth, the famous daughter of Athena. She, just like her older sister, was also the daughter of the Goddess of Wisdom, but she was as well the spwan of Frederick Chase. This was what made Irina even more special to Annabeth, the two were daughters of the same mortal father and goddess mother, since she was little Annabeth wanted her father and mother to be together, when Irina was born, she felt that this dream was not so far away to come true, right?
She and Annabeth were 7 years apart, although the older one stayed at Camp Half Blood, she always made sure of visiting her mortal family, not to see them, but rather her dear little sister, Irina. Nothing and no one else was important, just her baby sister, she was everything to Annabeth and she would do everything to make Irina only for herself, after all she was proof that in the end she would have their family's dream together.
As Irina grew up, Annabeth did everything she could to be by her side, no matter what it was, whether it was family gatherings, birthdays, no matter what, she was always there to support her little sister and be the most supportive family member for her. Anything the younger Chase did, the older one would be there to celebrate, even the small achievements (excellent grades, learning to ride a bike, etc.).
The day Irina was ready to go to Camp Half Blood, now 11 years old, Annabeth was ecstatic, many things had happened like the wars, but everything was left aside when Irina was sent there, now the oldest could to have Irina by her side basically the entire time, as she had impatiently waited all this time. Of course she made sure that Irina stayed away from her half-siblings, after all, they weren't important, the two of them were.
Annabeth was extremely possessive and jealous, she hated seeing her little sister mixing with demigods that she thought weren't worthy enough for her, her little sister can't mix with those types of people, what if she forgets about her? No, there was no way she would let that happen, Annabeth made sure of limiting her little sister's contact with other demigods, if she had obligations she would take Irina along, she justified it by saying that it was just to ensure that she was always safe. Ha, big shit.
As if the possessiveness and clinginess that Annabeth had wasn't enough, it got worse when Percy Jackson got into the picture, yes, the super mega famous son of Poseidon. The moment he met Irina, he completely fell in love (platonically duh) with the young girl, she was like a young and shy version of her own older sister, and it wasn't long before Irina was considered Jackson's little sister, after all he wanted to protect her from everything and he was one of the only people Annabeth allowed to talk to and interact with on a daily basis.
But lately, and it took Annabeth a while to realize due to her illusions about family and such, Irina was moving away from her, very gradually. It's because? All thanks to Leo Valdez, who became friends with young Chase a short time ago, as he was one of the people Annabeth accepted for Irina to interact with, she didn't worry so much at first, after all Irina would come back to her like she always did.
How wrong she was. In a short amount of time, Irina began to idolize Leo, she saw the son of Hephaestus as an example to be followed, every time she found herself confused about something, she turned to him and no longer to Annabeth and worst of all, she began to refer to him as a big brother. This began to worry Athena's daughter. No, there is NO way Valdez would steal Irina from her!! She was HER little sister and not the Hephaestus's son’s, let him look for another child to satisfy his need.
“Irina, we need to talk.” Annabeth said dryly when Irina entered the empty cabin, where only she was. The young girl looked at her older sister with curious eyes.
“What is it Annie? You seem kind of angry…” She said hesitantly, you could see in Annabeth's facial expressions that she was angry, but she had reason to be.
“Oh no, Irina. I’m not, I just need to ask you something.” The blonde said, trying to hide it, but of course the young girl didn't let that go, but she decided to pay attention to what her older sister was going to ask.
“What is it, Annie?” Irina asked curiously, it was then that Annabeth took a deep breath and said dryly to her sister.
“I want you to keep your distance from Leo Valdez from today onwards. I already asked Percy to tell him about this too.”
Irina was static, not believing what she had just heard her older sister saying. Why? She finally had a friend she could trust and spend time with that wasn't just her sister or her boyfriend. Leo was intelligent and had a lot to teach her, she loved him, why did Annie want her to stay away from him? Did he do something wrong? But he wouldn't be able to.
“W-What? But why?"
“Isn’t that obvious, Irina? Oh please, don't act stupid to me! Do you think it’s cool to start ignoring me just to spend more time with Leo??” Annabeth questioned her, she didn't care if at that moment she was showing her true colors, after all, it wouldn't make any difference.
“W-What? But he-"
“It’s always ‘Leo this, Leo that…’, where is our partnership? We are sisters, blood sisters! From the same father and mother and you dare call that son of Hephaestus your older brother? Have you lost your mind??” Irina was increasingly scared, she had never seen Annabeth so angry with her, and it was for real. The young daughter of Athena, however, didn't understand why, until something finally made her realize and everything made sense.
“Are you jealous, Annie??” She asked her older sister, who looked at her with wide eyes and her anger grew significantly, never that she would admit it, not even to her little sister.
“As if, Irina. He is nothing compared to us, daughters of Athena━”
“That's why you're talking bad about him! You’re jealous of him, aren’t you???” Irina cut Annabeth off to continue her line of reasoning, her frustration and now anger made her realize everything. “You're insecure as hell, that's why you wanted to keep me away from others?? You… ugh, you are the one who ruined all the friendships I had and now I have no one, no one looks at me or talks to me….” Tears started to form in Irina's eyes, Annabeth immediately noticed, but instead of comforting her, like she always would, her pride didn't allow it.
“He’s not good enough for you, no, no one is! Only I, Irina, only I am good enough for you, why other people if you have me? You always had me in the end, now you're going to abandon me and go to someone else?! He’s worthless and a bad influence!” Annabeth argued and Irina had had enough of her, now with angry tears falling from her eyes, she screamed loudly.
“I HATE YOU ANNIE! I HATE YOU, I’M NOT YOUR SISTER ANYMORE!” She screamed and Annabeth fell silent, motionless and unable to properly process the words she heard her little sister, her precious Irina say out loud and with pure hatred. Before Annabeth could respond, Irina left the cabin in tears, leaving the older Chase contemplating her hateful words.
Irina ran into the middle of the forest in the camp, she ran until she tripped, she wanted to find Leo, he would be in his Bunker, but she couldn't take it and continued to cry, she hated her sister, she finally realized why she never had friends . This was all Annabeth's fault and her selfishness.
"Are you ok?" A not very familiar voice asked her, the young Chase looked around scared, but finally her eyes met with two black irises that belonged to a certain son of Hades.
“I-I am but… who are you?” She asked hesitantly before wiping her tears away, he wore an alternative look and Irina had definitely never seen him before.
“I am Nico di Angelo, son of Hades. You must be Irina Chase, sister of━”
“Yes, Annabeth Chase.” Irina said with a derogatory tone, which surprised the son of Hades. “I need to find Leo, I don’t want to be closer to her.”
“I think you'd better go to the infirmary. Your leg is bleeding a lot.” The Italian said pointing to the young girl’s leg, which indeed was. But Chase didn't care, she managed to get up with difficulty and was trying to walk around looking for Bunker 9. “Hey, where are you going?? You won’t go very far with your━”
“I’M FINE, I DON’T NEED HELP!” The child screamed in response, but stumbled again, letting out a groan of frustration and pain as she fell face first onto the ground.
‘Prideful like her sister.’ Nico thought, approaching the girl who was whimpering against the leaves. “Come on, I’ll take you to the infirmary. Will will take care of you.” He said picking the girl up carefully in his arms and before she could protest, he entered a shadow to take her to her destination.
But if she hadn't been taken, she would have faced Leo and Percy in a verbal confrontation, in the end, Leo actually wanted Irina as his little sister and he wouldn't hesitate to get rid of Annabeth to make that happen, after all, the young Chase deserved a better older brother and who would be a great candidate like himself?
That day, Leo Valdez and Annabeth Chase started a war over Irina, a war that would cost the young girl dearly.
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sterekvidinhasz · 8 months
Ever since I found out what happened to Hanzo, I've been really upset, not just as a Subscorp fan, but also as a huge Hanzo fan.
When I saw Smoke's ending, I was very disappointed. In fact, Kuai Liang's ending made me sad too. First of all, I would like to ask NRS why Kuai married Harumi if, since her introduction into the story, she has always been Hanzo's wife. If the intention was to give Kuai a love interest, wouldn't it be better to create an entirely new character or let him have a relationship with a playable character?
If they specifically chose Harumi because she is part of the Shirai Ryu, wouldn't it be better to put Hanzo in her place? After all, he was the grandmaster of Shirai Ryu in the previous timeline.
I don't understand why they assigned this role to Harumi, when it could easily be given to Hanzo, who has been a playable character in the franchise since launch. I also didn't understand why Harumi married Kuai Liang. Harumi was Hanzo's wife, this was literally his only role in the story, she was part of Hanzo's construction as a character.
I can't like the fact that they excluded Hanzo from the creation of Shirai Ryu, as the clan revolved exclusively around him.
It may seem silly, but to me Hanzo was disrespected in every way possible. He is one of the 7 original characters and received an animated film dedicated to him. You might think "but all that attention wasn't necessarily given to Hanzo, that attention was given to Scorpion". Yes, I understand your point, but that Scorpion is intrinsically Hanzo. The development of Scorpion stemmed from Hanzo's story about losing his family and clan. In Mortal Kombat X, he stops being a wraith and returns to being completely Hanzo Hasashi. In Mortal Kombat X comics, he restores his clan (and unfortunately sees his clan massacred again). In Mortal Kombat 11, he has an excellent redemption arc as he fights alongside the good guys and tells his past self to give up undisciplined revenge.
So, I ask: why give everything that made Hanzo Hanzo to another character?
I have no problem with Kuai Liang being Scorpion. He can have Hanzo's gameplay, weapon and powers, that's okay. But why erase Hanzo from his clan creation and not allow him to have Harumi and Satoshi?
For example, Mileena was finally able to have a family, now she is loved by her sister. But why can't Hanzo have everything he wanted most (Harumi as his wife and Satoshi/Jubei as his son)?
This seems unfair to me. They gave Kuai Liang characteristics of another character. I know that in the new era, the characters have new origins, but they simply gave everything Hanzo had to Kuai Liang. They could create a really new origin for Scorpion Kuai Liang, but they simply discarded elements of Scorpion Hanzo's lore and gave it to him.
Hanzo became a homeless teenager, probably an orphan, he probably continues to suffer, when he could be happy next to Harumi and their son, commanding the Shirai Ryu side by side.
As someone who has been following Mortal Kombat for years and dreams of seeing Hanzo finally happy, it hurt my heart to realize that having what he always wanted is impossible even in Liu Kang's timeline.
If they don't want to change too many things, they can just say that Hanzo and Harumi are a couple and are friends of Kuai Liang's family. Hanzo and Harumi welcome Kuai and Tomas to Japan and help found Shirai Ryu. The boy that Smoke finds on Harumi's property could be Takeda, who was born from an affair between Kenshi and Suchin, just like in Mortal Kombat X comics.
I understand that a new era shows new perspectives and is different from the previous era, but what happened to Hanzo was disrespectful, it was a disregard for the character.
Kitana is still daughter of Sindel & Jerrod, Kuai Liang & Bi-han remain brothers, Tomas grew up with them like in the previous timeline, Mileena is still dating Tanya, Suchin is still Kenshi's love interest (he mentions her in intro dialogues)... So why can't Hanzo marry Harumi and be Satoshi's father? Why they hate him so much?
I'm indifferent to Hanzo and Harumi as a couple (there's not much to think about them, Harumi is an NPC and all her appearances before MK1 were just flashbacks or mentions). The point is that Hanzo suffered for eons over the death of his lover and his son, he would do anything to get them back, this has been demonstrated so many times. I just want him to have the life he always wanted.
And honestly, was it really necessary to give Kuai Liang a completely sudden love interest? He spent 30 years single, why is this out of the blue?
I'm very frustrated with all of this. Hanzo was reduced to an insignificant role in the story (even though he assumed the mantle of the most famous character in the franchise for 30 years), the writers decided to shove Kuai Liang into a random and unnecessary romance, we will probably never have Subscorp again (yes, I know we have a lot of content from them, there have been three decades of many interactions and moments between Kuai and Hanzo, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to having more of them in the new era).
Please do not take this as a criticism of Kuai. I think he was also a victim in all of this. They didn't need to discard elements from Hanzo's old lore and give it to him, Kuai is already a well-written enough character, I even think that his part in MKX comics, where he destroys the cyber initiative and takes leadership of his clan, is the most amazing thing I've ever seen, his transition from a boy who lost his brother to a Grand Master is sensational. He didn't need it. Each character has their individuality, no matter what mantle they take on. For example, when Kuai became Sub-zero after Bi-han's death, he had his own story. Bi-han, now Sub-zero again, appears to have his own story as well, quite different from Kuai Liang's and quite different from his own in Mortal Kombat (1992), Mortal Kombat II and Sub-zero Mythologies.
Anyway, that was just a rant. I have a lot of attachment to Hanzo as a character, so seeing what happened to him is something that really frustrates me.
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bloatedandalone04 · 1 year
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➪the one where you have to present the winners with johnny. (requested)
WARNINGS: smut, fluff, swearing, making out, friends(ish)-to-lovers, riding, and you guessed it-reverse cowgirl, unprotected sex whoops, choking (kinda)
Word Count: 3.5k
Do not repost this anywhere.
Being told you would be one of the presenters of the movie awards was exciting, to say the least. 
What made you nervous, however, was who you’d be presenting it with. 
The one and only Johnny Knoxville. 
He wasn’t your enemy, but he definitely wasn’t your friend. 
He drove you crazy, that much was obvious. He knew it, too. 
It’s probably why he put on an act every time you were around one another. Lingering stares when you were both invited to events, brushes of the hands whenever he walked past you. 
And the constant fuck me eyes he gave you?
The nerve. 
You made the mistake of watching his interview from earlier in the night on the carpet, his interviewer being the Queen B herself. She asked him if he was excited about presenting the award with you, and this man really said “We might be presenting the winners tonight, but I think we all know who the real winner will be after the show,”
Yeah. There were only so many ways you could’ve taken that, right? That was his answer to a question about you. 
And it was bad enough that he wore a blue suit, one that matched the flowers that were scattered about on the skirt part of your white dress. It was damn near the same shade. You two were watching without even meaning to. 
You barely heard the announcer say your name, along with Johnny’s, as you were too busy avoiding eye contact with the very man himself. He was sitting next to you, his feet flat against the floor as he swayed the chair side to side. You were sure he was burning a hole in the side of your head with how much he was staring at you. 
But you refused to make eye contact. 
You also refused to play into his games, no matter how attractive you found him. No matter how damn near edible he looked at that moment. 
“Stop staring,” you mutter as you face the wall. 
You didn’t need to look at him to know that he was wearing the most coy smirk ever seen on a man. “I can’t help it,” he replied, shifting slightly in the chair. “You look amazing.”
“Quit trying to flatter me,” you say and finally look over at him. “We both know that you’re going home alone tonight.”
“Alone,” he nodded, his eyes barely visible due to both the lighting and his sunglasses. “With you.”
You thought you were used to his charm, but who were you kidding? Given the chance, you’d let this man have his way with you completely without a single thought about it. 
You shake your head and face forward again, crossing your arms. “In your dreams,”
“I must already be asleep,”
Before you could reply, the lights were turned on and you had no choice but to follow Johnny’s movement of spinning the chair around to face the audience. You stand up first, the envelope in your hand as you begin to descend the stairs. Before you could even step down onto the first one, Johnny’s hand was wrapped around yours as he guided you down.
You wanted to pull away just to prove that he had no real chance with you, but instead allowed him to help you anyway. The heels you were wearing did not mix well with stairs, after all. 
 Once you successfully made it down and onto flat ground again, you pulled your hand away from Johnny and tried to ignore the way he didn’t let his arm fall back down beside his body. No, instead, he placed his hand on the small of your back, dangerously close to where your body curved.
When you reached the microphone, his hand stayed in its place on your back, hidden from the eyes of the audience. “Aright, guys,” you spoke, your voice sounding throughout the massive room. “Johnny and I are so excited to be here and present the award for breakthrough male.”
“The characters in this category have names like Rabbit, Igby, Devon, Van and Antwone,” Johnny added, his fingers drumming against the skin of your back. 
You were asked to say a little skit beforehand, and you had failed to go over it with Johnny before the show, so you were sure your next words are ones he wouldn’t expect. “Johnny? If you and I were to have a kid, which name do you think we’d name him?” At this point, you were just trying to rile him up like he was currently doing to you. 
He hummed, glancing at you quickly before shrugging. You should’ve known he would be quick with his response. “Who cares? I’m just thinking about how fun it would be making ‘em,” his reply has your eyes widening and you refrained from dropping your mouth open in shock. Before you had any time to react, he leaned over and whispered in your ear, “Ever heard of reverse cowgirl?”
Any and all words got caught in your throat and you stuttered out a laugh, looking up at him with a look that said it all. 
You give up. He won.
Why try so hard to resist a guy like him, anyway?
“Okay, here are the nominees for the breakthrough male,” you said it so fast that you were sure most wouldn’t be able to understand you. As the screens begin showing the clips, you turn to Johnny, only to see him already staring at you. The lights were dim, so no one, besides the people in the first couple of rows, could see you. 
Making sure his voice wouldn’t be picked up through the mic, he leaned down so his face was only inches from yours. “So, what do you say?”
Your eyes flicker between his before downwards to his mouth, the corners of your lips turning up slightly. “I say we better hurry this up so you can show me how much of a winner you really are,”
Your words caught him by surprise as he stepped back just as the lights turned back on, his hand finally slipping from your lower back. You smirked as he leaned towards the microphone, reading the name when you showed it to him. “And the breakthrough male is,” he began, doing a piss poor job at hiding his growing want for you. “Eminem, 8 mile.”
As soon as the camera panned away from the two of you and towards the screen where the man himself gave his thank you speech, Johnny grabbed your arm, making your claps stop, and pulled you off the stage. 
Backstage, he mumbled something to the crew about there being an emergency, to which the man wearing all black directed the both of you to a side door that would lead directly out to the parking lot. 
“Where are we going?” You ask as you try to keep up with his long strides, knowing damn well where he was taking you. “We’re supposed to stay until the end of the show.”
“You don’t actually like sitting through those things, do you?” He asked, bringing his phone up to his ear. “Besides, we have a problem we need to fix.”
A short phone call later, and an unbearable five minute wait in the darkness of the lot with Johnny breathing down your neck, his driver finally pulled up. You were in the backseat within seconds, Johnny telling the man to take him back to the hotel he had stayed at last night.
It felt like hours had passed when the door to the room was unlocked. With one hand on your back, he pushed the door open with his free one and guided you into the large room. 
The room, as big and beautifully decorated as it was, was obviously being occupied by a man. Clothes were strewn on the floor, the bed was unmade and various drink cans littered the surfaces of the nightstands. 
You hummed as you walked further into the room, hearing the sound of the keycard hitting the wooden table behind you. “Couldn’t be bothered to clean up for your guest, huh?”
Johnny shrugged, finally taking the sunglasses off his face and setting them beside the card. “Can you blame me? I wasn’t expecting you to actually go home with me,” 
You grinned as you watched him walk past you and towards the bed. As he sat down at the end of it, you looked away from him as you reached down to slip your heels off, dropping them by the table. 
The entire time his eyes were on you, letting you make the first move. Once you are freed from your heels, you make your way over to Johnny, situating yourself between his legs. Your hands gripped the sides of his neck, your thumbs pressing against the underside of his jaw and tilting his head upwards. “I should’ve known that one day I’d cave from the words of Johnny Knoxville,”
Before he could even feel pride from the effect he had on you, the distance between you was closed. Your lips pressed to his in what started out as a simple kiss, but quickly grew heated after you both let your desperation from years of mutual pining pour into it. 
It was hot, desperate and passionate all at once. 
His hands move to grip your waist, bunching the fabric of your dress between his fingers. He pulled you closer to him, your front now pressed against his. 
In his kiss-drunk haze, he still worried about the condition of your dress and how it would stretch if he were to pull you onto his lap. So, why not take it off? 
Keeping his lips connected to yours and letting his teeth nip and pull at your bottom one, his hands slide down your body until they reach the end of your dress. He pulled the fabric up and over your head in a quick motion. 
When you were freed from the constricted material, you let out a quiet, breathless laugh at the reality of it all. You were really about to do this with Johnny Knoxville. The guy you’ve had tension with for years at this point.
At the sight of your near nude body, Johnny bit his lip and let his eyes trail up and down your entire body, his eyes lingering on your still covered breasts. “Fuck, I really did win tonight,” he muttered, hearing your breathless laugh once again. “Who would’ve thought?”
You shrug as you crawl on top of him, pressing your palms against his chest and pushing back into a lying position. “Not me,” it was kinda true. Sure, you had always wanted to sleep with him, but you were convinced it would never happen. 
Hastily, you pull off his tie and unbutton the jacket. He was left in the striped shirt, which your fingers quickly made work of. Once his upper half was bare, you leaned down to press your lips to his again, feeling as his hands roughly gripped your waist. 
Needing a form of relief from your growing want for him, you slowly begin to roll your hips against his. You had a feeling that Johnny was one of those guys who were very vocal in bed and weren’t ashamed to be overheard. You were proven right when his hands gripped you tighter and groans began leaving the back of his throat. 
 You grinned against his mouth, your hands reaching down to pop open the button of his pants and unzip them. Johnny’s hands slid up your sides before resting on your back, where his fingers quickly unclasped your white bra. You lifted your body slightly and moved your arms so he could easily remove the article of clothing from your chest. 
At the feeling of your bare front against his, Johnny grunted against your mouth, his hands moving to your chest. His hands covered your breasts instantly, his thumbs and index fingers pinching the peaks. 
You moaned at the feeling, your hips speeding up their pace the longer his fingers pinched and tugged. 
Seconds pass before you pull away and sit up. You move off him for just a second to remove your matching white underwear, and so Johnny could properly free himself from the blue pants. He kicked them off his legs and let them fall to the floor before his hands were on your waist again, pulling your body on top of his once again. 
As carefree and cocky he could come off as sometimes, even he couldn’t believe that he had finally been given the chance to be with you, in more ways than one. The back and forth teasing finally paid off, and he was sure that he wouldn’t be able to let you go after this.
You were so caught up in the moment that you completely forgot to ask about protection, not that you wanted it anyway. You wanted to have him in his entirety, full and void of anything to prevent him from claiming you as his.
You could only hope that this has a happy ending, with you and him ending the pining and becoming official. One night stands weren’t really your thing, anyway. 
You looked down at him, his body laying on his discarded shirts and his eyes completely blown over with lust and want for you. The sight was enough to send a wave of heat down to your core. 
Lifting yourself up just slightly, you grip the base of him and slowly sink down onto him. At the feeling, the pair of you let out relieved moans, silently agreeing that skipping foreplay was the right move as you were both too far gone to wait any longer.
You press your hands flat against his chest, your nails digging into his skin slightly when you lifted yourself again before dropping back down on him. “Fuck,” he groaned, his hands placed firmly on your waist. He was used to being the one on top in the bedroom, used to having that sense of control, but man did you ever look hot from this point of view. 
He definitely didn’t mind you taking control and fucking yourself onto him like you were in heat, with whiny moans leaving your lips. They were stained a blush colour, your lipstick you applied earlier being completely messed up from the heavy kissing you two did and were continuing to do. 
And fuck if it wasn’t a sight to see.
 As you set a steady rhythm, Johnny was powerless against the low groans and breaths that were leaving his mouth. “Fuck, I can’t believe I finally have you,” he also had no control over his words. You were like a drug and he was addicted from the first touch. “Wanted this for so long.”
His words make you blush, your face heating up as you smile down at him, your brows raising in question. “Really?” You ask, leaning down to press your chest flat against his. From this angle, you were able to move your hips down on him and allow his length to reach even deeper inside of you, something you both noticed immediately, if the shared moan was anything to go by. “How long?”
“Too long,” came his reply. You shake your head, grinning at the way he moaned the two words in response. His eyes closed, so he didn’t see you move your head towards him for a kiss. He didn’t complain, however, when he felt your lips connect with his, and deepened it as best as he could. He was straining his neck, much like you were, to keep you connected in more ways than one, but the sting of the stretch was worth it. 
“All you had to do was ask,” you hum when you pull away, pushing against him as you sit back up again, your front on full display for his eyes to see for the second time. As you bounce on him, his tip brushing against the most sensitive spot inside you, you struggle to say, “I’ve wanted this for too long, as well.”
Maybe you shouldn’t have told him that as the smirk that formed on his lips told you he was now aware that all your “rejections” weren’t really rejections at all. 
But as you sped up the movement of your hips, you couldn’t bring yourself to care about the inevitable teasing that would come with your confession as he dropped his head back down onto the messy sheets, low grunts leaving him. 
This man truly was breathtaking, and you kicked yourself for not giving in sooner. 
The sight of his fucked out expression had your nerves swimming with excitement, your core eagerly taking in every inch of him. 
It was no surprise that you felt the knot in your stomach begin to form quicker than normal.
Before you could reach that point, his previous words from earlier in the evening came back to you. 
Ever heard of reverse cowgirl?
Fuck, did the memory of him asking you that on live TV turn you on to no end. 
You grin to yourself as you stop your bounces and lift yourself off of him, hearing him start to whine in protest. You shush him with a chaste kiss before turning your body around and situating yourself back on his lap. Reaching around your body for his hands, you place them on your hips as you sink back down onto him. 
Buried back inside your warmth, Johnny let out a satisfied moan, using his upper body strength to push himself up. With his front now pressed to your back, this gave you the support to move freely, your breasts bouncing with every grind of your hips.
The sounds that were leaving your mouth were nothing short of pornographic, and they only increased in volume when one of Johnny’s hands trailed up your body and gently wrapped around your neck.
It was feather light at first, but when he concluded that you liked the feeling, he tightened his hold and added more pressure to the soft skin of your throat. 
His other hand slipped down your body, the pad of his index finger easily finding your bundle of nerves and rubbing circles onto it.
You were, quite literally, close to falling off the edge of your climax as well as the bed, and if it weren’t for Johnny’s tight grip on you, your body would’ve surely given out and you’d be on the floor right about now. 
Turning your head to the side, you had to crane your neck uncomfortably to be able to kiss him, but you decided that the pain was ultimately worth it. 
Your pace, mixed with the pressure on both your neck and clit became too much to handle and you broke away from his mouth with a desperate moan. Your body gave out and you were beyond thankful for Johnny’s firm hold on you that prevented you from tumbling forward. 
He pulled your body completely against his, the hand that was around your neck falling to your waist, where he wrapped his arm around you. His warmth filled you in your entirety, the feeling heating up every part of you and you let out quiet moans as the two of you rode out your highs.
Seconds go by and your breathing begins to regulate, the heavy pants turning into steady breaths. Johnny’s hand caresses the side of your face, turning your head so he could place one final, chaste kiss to your lips. 
A sinking feeling formed in your stomach at the thought of this being a one time thing, and that he didn’t want you in the way that you wanted him. 
You lift yourself off him, the feeling of being empty taking over your core. Johnny stands up in all his naked glory and begins to head towards the bathroom. “Johnny?” You call out from your place on the bed.
He stops and turns to face you, his brow raising in question. 
“Was this just a one time thing for you?” You ask, suddenly feeling so small in front of him. “‘Cause as much as I don’t show it, I really do like you and I don’t want to think that you saw this as just a hookup when it wasn’t for me.”
Johnny grinned and shook his head, holding his hand out to you. “Come shower with me,” he said. You stood up, still unsure about his feelings for you as you took his hand. As he led you into the bathroom and turned the shower on, he calmed your racing heart with his next words, “This wasn’t a one time thing for me. I’ve wanted this for a long time now, but I didn’t know how to tell you that.”
At his words, you grin and stand on the tips of your toes, still not coming close to his height, and press your lips to his. Somehow, you had a feeling that this simple kiss would lead to a second round, but this time in the shower. 
And the thought sent a searing jolt throughout your body, and unknowingly, Johnny felt the same thing.
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
*holds you by shoulders*
*starts sobbing while slowly falling to my knees*
I do love and adore the shippy part of 1082 because I am a very intense Shuggy shipper and I had been waiting to read their break-up for sooo long. But it's not exactly what made the chapter life-changing for me, tbh.
Buggy's speech is... Is incredibly beautiful and encouraging. It explains so much about his character, the dynamic he has with Cross Guild, and why he's so resentful toward Shanks. Throughout the manga, we've seen him in serious moments, yes, but usually, Buggy is pretty much used for comedy relief more than anything. This is one of the first times we've seen Buggy realize the position he has now and say "Fuck it. Already on the verge of dead for these two, might as well do something with this shitty situation because for once, I have the opportunity to be brave and be more than what people think of me". There's literally nothing stopping him right now, and he prefers to risk his life enraging Crocodile and Mihawk than letting this opportunity of showing who he truly is slide.
And tbh, we haven't seen them ever since (I am starving please-) but I am really hopeful his speech somehow makes Crocodile and Mihawk have a little tiny itty bitty of respect for him at least. Because out of the three? Buggy is the one who deserves the title of pirate more.
Mihawk and Crocodile don't have dreams or ambitions and see pirating as a business. Even when Crocodile did have ambitions (remember when the silly rubber guy destroyed all of his dreams that was a funny arc haha) his whole personality has always been more of a mafioso than anything. Mihawk is a simple man and is bored with life being at the top of the top, he clearly wants something interesting to happen but doesn't see any use in looking for it himself. They care about their commodities and wealth. But out of the three, Buggy is the one who had to give up on his dream and now he has the opportunity to fulfill it.
"How can you call yourselves pirates with schemes like that?! You're doing it all backwards!! [...] Way back when... What did you guys want to be?! [...] I wanna be king of the pirates!! Wealth? Power? Why stop there when we can have it all?!"
This is something a real pirate would say. He talks like Roger here, I am going to curl up and cry don't look at me-
What I like about One Piece is the constant use of themes like dreams and freedom etc, etc... That's something we all know. But you wouldn't expect it coming from Buggy, of all people. And I think I'm pretty fond of him being brave and finally acting upon what he truly wants to do. What makes it great is that you have this comedy relief character standing up for his dream in front of clearly two other antagonists that have control over him in, well, strength and everything. But Buggy has something they don't and it's so, so much ambition and a dream that could be considered childish but it's the representation of freedom and doing things because you want to follow your heart. This is kind of why I always say Luffy would be more fond of Buggy if he knew the whole story and would probably support him a lot--
What I like the most about this chapter is both Buggy's character development through a speech + flashback and Mihawk and Crocodile being completely stunned by it because they weren't expecting this to happen from Buggy of all people. I know I sound like a broken record but I really, really, want them to respect Buggy a little bit more after this. Also, Buggy doesn't do this only to announce he's going to follow his dream now that he's on equal footing with Shanks. He does it because the other two mention needing overwhelming power over the rest. Buggy isn't stupid and knows how manipulating people works. The thing that makes pirates work harder isn't money, it's a dream. And there's nothing a pirate desires more than the One Piece, so that's kind of why he announces it publicly. First, to establish power, and second, so that way Mihawk and Crocodile don't get rid of him because seriously, Buggy is a better boss than these two because their followers appreciate him and don't feel forced to follow him.
Not to mention that the whole thing also shows more of Buggy's relationship with Roger and how left out he felt because people thought highly of Shanks instead of him. But Buggy, even if he was jealous, was willing to follow Shanks despite his feelings because he accepted being less worthy of respect than him. Shanks shone brightly and Buggy decided that, even if he wanted to be seen like that too, he'd give up on his dream and support Shanks instead because at least they'd do this together, just the way they did everything back at the time.
But then Shanks hesitates, and I think that's Buggy's last straw because he sees giving up going for the One Piece as something disrespectful to their captain (dad) and thinks it's unfair that Shanks is so respected by everyone even though the one wanting to follow their captain's steps right away is him. It's honestly frustrating. And then you understand better why Buggy is angry at Shanks-- Yeah, he made him eat the devil fruit and lost the map because of him (not really but whatever), but the way I see it that's just a metaphor for the real reason why Buggy is so resentful. Shanks' existence, even if it was not on purpose, made Buggy feel so powerless he gave up on his dream. And eating a devil fruit means the sea hates you and you can't have any independence in the pirate world, and losing the map is kind of like losing the only thing that guides you. He left Buggy with nothing and let him carry the burden of a lost dream.
This is funny because Shanks did absolutely nothing wrong and everything is a product of jealousy and miscommunication, but I understand why Buggy blames Shanks and this chapter makes it clearer and explains it perfectly.
Basically, it's such an amazing chapter for Buggy's character and it's definitely my favorite for him specifically. Although the flashback does wonders for my Shuggy heart.
Also, adding more points for the revolutionary plot in the end and Sabo showing up because I adore him <3
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isshua · 1 year
Breaking the Wall (Find Comfort in Those Who Might Hear You)
Sagau Xiao x Reader
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I haven’t been feeling great lately, so I decided to write this little story to cheer myself up. I had this idea about what might happen if Teyvat’s environment were to reflect your emotions whenever you logged on, and by extension whatever character you are currently playing as. I also wanted to write my own play on a character “breaking the fourth wall” in order to communicate with their player. This story follows the more classic sagau trope of how the characters are semi-aware of the fact that they’re living in a videogame but view it as a sort of boundary between their world and ours.
Xiao is a huge comfort character to me and I mostly wrote this for myself as a way to cheer myself up. I thought it came out okay though, so I decided to share it here. Hope you guys enjoy! :)
To break the Wall meant instant termination.
  Teyvat made this clear. It would not allow its people to make contact with the divine world. Forging a connection that extended beyond the mechanics of life was simply not meant to be. The Vessels could communicate with the Creator within the bounds of Teyvat’s laws; that was what being a Vessel was all about in the first place. For non-Vessels, then such hopes for communication with the God Above All Gods was impossible. That was how Teyvat was designed. That was how things were meant to be.
  Xiao, typically, did not mind following the rules. After all, he was an immortal being with thousands of years of experience in his belt. He knew attempting to break the Wall would result in his death. Long ago, before he had been chosen to be one of the Creator’s envoys, he hadn’t even cared about the Wall. Why would he want to break it? Meddling in such matters was not of his concern. His duty was to protect Liyue, nothing more.
  But then he got to know you. And his feelings for you only grew. When you chose to, you guided him through his daily tasks with kind words and praising whispers. When your golden light possessed him, his karmic debt would dissipate and he would feel a thousand years younger than he really was. You took him to places he never dreamed of seeing: the peaks of Dragonspine, the streets of Inazuma City, the dunes of the Sumeru desert. With you, there was a sense of adventure. With you, there was excitement. With you, he felt whole.
  You did not speak often, not that he was bothered by it. He was an introverted soul, one who appreciated the silence between the two of you whenever you would travel together. Occasionally you would comment on the environment or the enemy he was fighting. Sometimes you grew frustrated after completing domains-not with him, he understood, but rather with the horribly mediocre artifacts the two of you would receive. He liked it when you laughed. The noise was so clear and invigorating, he found himself hoping to hear it every time you appeared. He liked when you would softly hum some unknown tune from the faraway land you inhabited. He loved it when you acknowledged him, how he was a stronger and better version of himself only because of your dedication to him despite knowing the many sins he has committed. If you could have known the impact you had on him, you might find it amusing to see how easy it had been to steal the aloof Yaksha’s heart.
  There were so many things about you that he loved. But there was one single thing he hated.
  He hated it when you cried.
  The day began as a typical one. You had not possessed him for the entire week, not that this was something to be worried by. You typically did disappear due to some strange thing called ‘college,’ but you always came back. Xiao largely spent his day patrolling Dihua Marsh, slaying monsters, and saving the occasional mortal from dying at the hands of hilichurl tribes. He did not interact with anyone beyond stiff acknowledgment; the only person he did talk to on a regular basis was the Traveler, and the last he heard of them, they were somewhere in Sumeru, ever exploring, always curious.
  Your presence was not anticipated, but it was welcomed. When your golden light descended upon him during late afternoon and he felt your presence tugging at his mind, he felt contentedly unsurprised. Your voice echoed his name: “Xiao. Let me in.”
  He did not resist and allowed your influence to settle within his body. “You called?” he murmured, halfheartedly hoping for a reply. You never did answer him whenever he greeted you, but that was due to the Wall. Conversations were strictly one-way.
  He waited for you to take control. Whether it meant being teleported somewhere or just taking off into Dihua Marsh, he knew the two of you would be off eventually. He waited. And waited. A minute went by. He did not move.
  “Your Grace?” he called out, puzzled. He could feel you, he knew you were there. So why weren’t you interacting? Surely you didn’t appear just to stare at him, right? What is going on?
  Something wet fell onto his hand.
  He looked up at the sky and immediately noticed the ugly gray clouds gathering overhead. A filter of mundane color cast out the light of the sun. Droplets of rain started pattering down onto his face, his hair, and his clothes, leaving him drenched. But he did not stop staring. Because within his head, he could hear soft sobbing.
  The Creator was weeping. And so Teyvat weeped along with them.
  The first thing he felt was anger. Who hurt you? he wanted to ask. Who would dare make you cry? But as he listened to your cries and watched the rain come down, he realized that anger would do nothing to help. He could not solve your problems. After all, he was in Teyvat, and you were somewhere else entirely. His second reaction was to comfort you, but he could think of nothing to say. The issue of you two being separated was still in effect. The Wall would not allow him to offer you any consoling words. He had no choice but to let you suffer alone.
  But by the Archons, you were making his heart ache. Xiao was one to usually think that tears were for the weak, but he could not make himself see you in a pathetic light. Would it not be pitiful of him to deem his Creator as a lamentable coward? He didn’t even know why you were crying. You could be in danger!
  That’s when he decided. I have to make contact with them.
  It was a nearly impossible feat. But he knew he could do it.
  Break the Wall. Establish communication.
  He had never heard of anyone doing it before. Not even Rex Lapis, the strongest god he knew, dared mess with such an unpredictable, mysterious force of power. The Wall was not hard to find, but it took willpower to face it. Xiao didn’t know if he would perish the moment he did, or if it would take time for him to dissolve away. There were too many possibilities of failure. He could think of no way this sudden plan of his would lead to success.
  But your crying was like a million arrows piercing into his heart, and the pain of his karmic debt was rising as he continued to soak in your negative emotions. He was hurting right along with you-but if he could only talk to you, things could be made right.
  Xiao held out his hand, and his jade spear materialized. He braced himself and raised the polearm high into the air. Focusing on the ground beneath him, he concentrated and felt his surroundings. The energy of Teyvat came to him quickly, most likely due to being exposed to your power for so long…and then he pinpointed it. The moment of weakness. He brought his spear down with every bit of strength he had and tore into the fabric of reality. A gaping hole of darkness ripped right under his feet. He did not scream when he fell in, nor did he grunt in pain when he slammed into a glass-like surface after his short freefall. Everything was dark, except for the millions of green bolts of  electricity racing all around him at the speed of light. Your golden glow encompassed him and fended off the overwhelming power this Abyss-like area radiated.
  He looked at his hands. His weapon was nowhere to be seen, and the tips of his fingers were…glitching. In fact, his entire body seemed to be crackling-falling apart and knitting itself back together with technic shrieks. It was a sure sign that he was in a place not meant for him. He had done it; he had broken through the Wall. Now he was beyond it, but where, he did not know. Surely this can’t be the Creator’s domain, he thought. This place was far too dark, and there was no hint of your aura anywhere except for within him. But it had to be the realm in which he would form a connection with you.
  He could still hear your crying, but now, it was less ‘in his head’ and much more clear. Xiao walked forward, his footsteps echoing against the glass floor. “Your Grace!” he called. “Can you hear me? It’s me, Adeptus Xiao!”
  No answer. He was utterly alone in this place…but the sound of your crying was getting undeniably louder. Xiao pinpointed on the direction in which it was coming from and took off. With each step he took, the glow of your light grew brighter. He took that as a sign of goodwill.
  And then, he saw you. You were sitting at a strange looking desk with your head buried in your arms. Xiao slowed to a walk and crept tentatively up to you. He had never seen your physical form before, and only had a minor grasp of your appearance from the various statues of you scattered across Liyue and the abstract depictions of your form in history books. To be honest, he had been expecting you to be a bit more…god-like. The person in front of him did not look like an all-powerful deity. They were ordinarily mortal, and possessed no external qualities that differentiated them from the average human being.
  But then you lifted your head to scrub your tears away, and his breath was lost within his chest. Within your eyes he could see countless stars, and flecks of gold were scattered through your hair. All around you, there was an explosion of light, and Xiao was exposed to the warming feeling of your aura at an even greater intensity than usual. This was you. You might have looked human, but you were undeniably, most definitely his god.
  “Your Grace,” he uttered, kneeling at your side. “It’s alright, I’m here now. I heard your cries. You called out my name. Please, let me speak to you.”
  You didn’t respond. The connection still wasn’t there. Xiao tried again. “Your Grace, can you hear me?”
  You let your head flop back into your arms and continued to sob. Xiao leaned back on the balls of his feet and couldn’t help but growl in frustration. That damned Wall was still keeping you and him apart! What more did he have to do in order to simply talk to you?
  His eyes flitted to the strange device set up on your desk. It had the appearance of a box, but at its front there was a screen, and on it was displayed a shrunken image of Dihua Marsh. This must be a divine mechanism. It’s a way for you to forge contact with Teyvat. What…what would happen if he touched it? Would that finally allow him to communicate with you? He had his doubts, but it was worth a shot.
  Without hesitation, he pressed his palm over the screen. There was a jolt of energy that started at his fingertips, then rocketed through his entire body. He shuddered at the electrocuting sensation and refused to allow himself to flinch away, even when every instinct in his body was telling him to do so. The Wall was trying to repel him; like hell he was going to allow it to do that.
  With his other hand, he reached out to you. At first, he was nervous to touch you, for why should a creature tainted by karmic debt and innocent blood be allowed to embrace the God Above All Gods? He shakily slipped his hand over your cheek and raised your head. Your cries stuttered, and your eyes widened open in confusion. You were not looking at him, but rather at your divine mechanism’s screen.
  “Don’t cry,” Xiao whispered. He swiped your tears away with his thumb. “There is no need to cry. I’m here. I’m with you.”
  He desperately hoped you could hear him. He hoped even more that you would reply.
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  You had no idea what the hell was going on.
  Today was a horrible day. A day filled with anxiety and embarrassment and ruined expectations that things might go right, only for them to go wrong. When you returned to your room and let yourself collapse into your desk chair, you thought playing your favorite game might cheer you up. After all, losing yourself in a fantasy world was practically the best way to forget what the real world was like.
  You logged into Genshin Impact and found yourself where you left off last time you played: in Dihua Marsh. Your current character was Xiao, and he stared blankly out at you while you waited for the game to catch up with your internet and for everything to load in. But you did not feel any happier. In fact, you felt worse. The events of the day were just too much to simply forget, and pretty soon, your hand slipped off of your mouse as you slumped forward onto your desk and started to cry. It did not feel good to let your emotions out. The sobs shaking your body were ugly, and the tears staining your cheeks made you feel gross. But you couldn’t stop, and frankly, you didn’t expect to for quite some time. These were tears you had been holding in all week; it was only a matter of time before the dam broke and the water came rushing out.
  You did not expect to feel a sudden intuition to lift your head. You did not expect for your body to automatically follow that intuition, either. It was like someone was lifting it for you, and when your blurry eyes raised to focus on your computer’s screen, you were shocked to see that the in-game chat box had a message in it. It didn’t make any sense. You weren’t in a co-op world, and you were pretty sure you were far too preoccupied with crying your eyes out to accept someone’s co-op request. Could it be a glitch? Far too curious for your own good, you clicked on the chat box and opened it.
  Two words had been sent to you by an unknown entity with no icon. “Don’t cry.”
  “What…?” you mumbled.
  More messages appeared. “There is no need to cry.”
  “I’m here.”
  “I’m with you.”
  This had to be some sort of joke. Someone hacked your account. This had to be a real person.
  It was then that you noticed Xiao was gone.
  “I know what it feels like to break. I understand what you are feeling.”
  “Just know that I am here for you. I will always be here for you. All you have to do is call out my name.”
  “Xiao?” you breathed.
  You felt the phantom sensation of someone wiping your tears. The scent of Qingxin flowers wafted fainty around you.
  “Yes,” the chat-box answered. “I am here.”
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farfromstrange · 4 months
Lizzi’s Valentine’s Special & Follower Celebration
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Dear Everyone,
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and I thought, since this silly little blog hit over 1.1k followers yesterday, I want to give you something special.
First of all, though, I want to thank you. I’ve been on here since (and I checked with the archive) July 19, 2022. I can't believe that it has been almost two years. I started watching Daredevil after watching Spider-Man: No Way Home in December of 2021 and hearing Matt Murdock say, "I'm a really good lawyer," after catching a brick. So, I started watching the show, and that was during a time I was really miserable. Mentally and physically, I wasn't in a good place, but after watching Daredevil for the first time and falling in love with Charlie Cox as a genuine person and an actor, it felt like I found a reason to keep going.
I started writing fanfiction again, which I kind of neglected because I felt like this hobby of mine wasn't going anywhere. I wasn't inspired at all until I watched the show. If I hadn't, I probably would not have gotten back into writing and using it as an outlet for my feelings, and I probably wouldn't be where I am today. Thanks to Charlie's portrayal of Matt Murdock, and watching his interviews, I felt like I could do the things that I love again and follow my dreams. He's the reason I chose to major in English. And while I owe him that much, I owe you guys here on Tumblr and AO3 even more.
When I first posted here, I didn't think people would even be interested in what I had to say and write. But then more and more people started visiting my profile, you guys started following me, and it kept me motivated to keep writing, even when I'm miserable, and I sometimes only post once every blue moon.
I feel so honored that you guys chose to follow a silly little blog run by a silly little 20-something-year-old whose first language isn't even English (but made it her entire personality), and who chose to write about traumatized dark-haired characters portrayed by Charlie Cox. I'm overwhelmed by the love you continue to show me, and every time one of you chooses to reblog or comment on one of my works, saying that it resonated with you, I feel like I'm doing something right. I'm sharing my ideas, my own experiences, my wishes, and even my deepest, darkest dreams through my writing like it's a fucking diary, and you eat it up every single time.
I'm just so glad that this community exists, as chaotic as it sometimes is, and that you chose to stick around, even when I suck at keeping promises sometimes. You keep teaching me new things about who I am, my writing, and how important it is to put myself first. I don't know if you've heard it lately, but you guys are incredible and I appreciate the hell out of every single one of you.
Thanks to Tumblr, I made lifelong friends (especially looking at you, @blackshadowswriter) and found like-minded people that made me feel less alone. That alone was worth making this account and continuing to post on here.
You may think that I'm being dramatic, but for someone who has never really experienced the kind of validation this community gives me, I want to celebrate this milestone. It means more to me than I can even put into words. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I love you all so much! Please, don't ever forget how amazing you are.
That being said, I've got some exciting things planned.
The other day, I found a folder in my Docs titled "the vault". I completely forgot about it because I usually keep my WIPs in a different folder. As it turns out, I made that folder for fics that I originally never planned to post, or ones that I'd finished but wasn't happy with. It’s many, but it’s a few. Some are deeper than others. I also jotted down rough ideas and outlines last year that I stuffed in there, some of which I've actually shared with you but never started working on. Until now. And the contents of that vault are what I want to give to you now.
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6 stories from the vault. 1 bonus fic. 7 days.
I went through a myriad of emotions while I wrote these. For some, I actually bled my soul onto paper. For others, it was merely a brain fart that led to their existence. They're sad, horny, and at times angry, but some of those were originally written for me, and only me. Those that weren't started as a few sentences in a folder before I forgot they existed. Either way, I don't want them to catch dust. And I wouldn't want to share them with anyone else.
Starting February 14th, I will be posting one fic every day until February 20th. My “The Vault” works are Matt Murdock x Reader works, but I've made an exception for the bonus fic. I won't tell you what they are about, but I will give you a list of installments and what kind of fic they are so you know what to be excited about (and maybe which ones are not your cup of tea).
-> The number at the end tells you the date I will be posting it on, but I put it in chronological order as well.
1. If You Need To Be Mean (angst, hurt/comfort) 14.
2. Mismatched Bridesmaid (fluff, smut) 15.
3. Weed Cookies (humor, fluff, cw: accidental drug use) 16.
4. the grudge (songfic, angst, hurt/comfort, cw: death of a parent) 17.
5. Halloween (Smut) 18.
6. I Want To Fuck A Priest (Smut, cw: priest!Matt) 19.
7. Now That We Don’t Talk (Part 2 of Is It Over Now?) -> Frank Castle x Reader (smut, angst) 20.
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A few more words: You are free to send me an ask if you want to know more, but be prepared that I won't be answering in much detail. I don't want to spoil the fun. I would, however, not mind talking about them as vaguely as possible (if you’re interested).
Thank you all. For everything. And I hope you stick around to read these little gems.
With love from yours truly,
Lizzi <3
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erosuguru · 11 months
My Sister’s Best Friend Is a Total Smokeshow(?!)
MINORS+AGELESS BLOGS DNI, Hyoma Chigiri X Reader, all characters are 18+, Reader is chigiri’s older sister’s best friend, Reader is female, middle school chigiri mentioned a few times but no focus on it, theres not enough info on chigiri’s sister, 2k words
CW: NSFW, penetration, creampie, chigiri and reader fuck in chigiri’s childhood bedroom, tiddy sucking, clothed sex, no proof reading
Notes: no words shawty I wanna go to bed and read and play video games and write like theres so many things I wanna do and all I end up doing is sleeping aLSO I ACCIDENTALLY GOT LUOCHA WHILE TRYING TO BUILD PITY FOR BLADE WTHHHHH I WASNT EVEN GUARANTEED
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The first time Chigiri saw you was when he was in middle school, he came home and heard chatter coming from his sister’s room, curiosity got the best of him although he still had the decency to knock first.
“Oh! Hyoma, Welcome home! (Name), this is my little brother.” His sister introduced, you were sitting next to her on her bed more upright as she was more relaxed, you smiled and nodded in acknowledgment to him.
“It’s good to meet you! Your sister’s told me a lot about you!” Maybe it was the hormones that came with his age but the younger Chigiri thought you were really pretty, his body followed orders like a robot to seem natural in front of you; he returned the nod, introduced himself and quickly excused himself, apologizing and closing the door to give his sister and you your privacy.
When you left, his sister waved bye to you at the front door and he stood behind her quietly before he let out a surprised noise when you waved bye to him as well, his sister wrote it off as puberty and that he would’ve acted like this towards any older girl. Immediately after she shut the door he bombarded her with questions: “what did you guys talk about?” “What did you tell her about me?”
After he calmed down, he found out that your family actually recently moved into the neighborhood and you met both his mother and his sister when you came by to introduce yourself, when he wasn’t home.
Slowly, as Chigiri grew older and as you visited more often, he would become more comfortable with you although there was a line he couldn’t cross due to the age gap (you being his sister’s age) and certain unspoken rules relating to siblings and friends:
1. Chigiri is only allowed to know surface level information about you
2. Chigiri was not allowed to befriend you on the same level as his sibling’s
3. If Chigiri wanted to gift you something, he’d have to do it through his sister
4. Chigiri was utterly positively definitely absolutely completely NOT ALLOWED to romance you in any way, shape or form.
He knew his sister wouldn’t have minded him getting chummy with you but he had a nagging feeling that it would still be awkward, the rules seemed extreme to outsiders however in his mind he knew that he needed to keep to these rules to avoid hostility, awkwardness or misunderstandings.
It was enough you were the center interest during Chigiri’s ‘girl-crazy’ phase, even as he grew out of it he found himself still thinking of nights where he thought of you in a romantic light.
Slowly Chigiri had forgotten about you during his time at Blue Lock’s institution, he focused on bettering himself in all aspects to achieve his dream, although deep down he couldn’t help but indulge in the nagging feeling that he wanted to see you again.
Life was going great after blue lock, with all his football achievements Chigiri barely had time to visit his family between tours although he made sure to stay in contact any way he could; letters, texting, sending gifts, long video calls.
As his career progressed Chigiri developed a certain talent for planning, the calendar app became one of his most frequented apps on his phone and he would sometimes write down potential dates he could use to go visit his family on any surface available be it a napkin, scrap paper and even the back of a receipt.
Finally all his rapid planning paid off, he managed to get two free weeks all to himself (one of those two weeks were labeled under ‘rest - doctor’s orders’).
An excited giddy feeling filled Chigiri’s chest as his taxi neared his home, the familiar scenery invoking a sense of nostalgia as the car slowed and arrived at his destination, his family’s house.
He bid the driver goodbye and paid his expenses, approaching the door he was a bit unsure of how to go about his return, should he knock on the door? Ring the doorbell? Was he allowed to barge in? He knew his mother kept a spare key under the mat. He settled for ringing the doorbell and he didn’t have to wait long until the door swung open, and his dear sister greeted him with a bone crushing hug.
“Hyoma!! Mom! Hyoma’s here!!” he could hear his mother yell out ‘Hyoma’s here?!’ and he returned the hug to the best of his abilities, patting her back with a strained hand.
“Good to see you too, sis...! could you let go...?” She let go and finally allowed him to breathe properly, frowning a bit she dragged him inside “we don’t see you for months and now you don’t want to hug your big sister anymore?” she teased, Chigiri rolled his eyes at his sister’s drama as he hugged his mother, she happily welcomed him home.
He noticed from the corner of his eye someone else was here, a figure in the kitchen.
“Hey (Name)! guess who decided to pay us a visit too!”
His heart throbbed in his chest, theres no way she meant…? No, its probably a different person with your name! you’re probably busy with your own responsibilities somewhere else
“Hyoma..? oh, welcome home! I wouldn’t have visited if I knew you were coming!” he saw you move out the kitchen and attempt to reach for your coat, his sister stopped you and led you over to him.
“oh hush, if anything it was probably fate! Hyoma, you remember (Name), right?”
For a moment, he forgot he was supposed to answer, he stuttered and tried mustering the smoothest answer he could “How could I forget? You and sis are always together!”
A flustered laugh escaped you and he had to mentally smack himself to focus and not turn into a smitten maiden, just as everyone else in the house gave him a ‘welcome home’ hug, he accepted yours (after his sister insisted that you two were well beyond a handshake.)
Chigiri was certain he would be fine if he saw you again now that he was older and more mature of his feelings, yet as he stood in his family’s home, in front of you, he felt like he was transported back in time turning into that shy teenager who wanted your attention more than anything else.
Guilt wracked Chigiri’s entire being, one moment he was showing you around his childhood bedroom when you made a casual comment about never seeing it, the moment he offered he wanted to throw himself out the nearest window in embarrassment.
Yet a small part of him was ecstatic he offered, otherwise his tongue wouldn’t be in your mouth right now as he muffled your noises caused by his wandering hands, Chigiri felt disgusted with his behavior; making out with his sister’s best friend as his family was in the kitchen preparing dinner.
Everytime you tried speaking through kisses, he would either smother your lips with another or he would cut you off by admitting how much he desired you, the perverted thoughts that plagued him once now resurfacing.
“you’re so pretty like this, y’know?” his voice came out in a hushed whisper wanting no one but you to hear him, “I’ve always had feelings for you.” It felt so good to say it to you.
Your body responded to his advances, squirming or moaning into his kisses as quietly as you could, Chigiri slide his hand beneath your shirt sliding upwards until it reached your breasts, his fingers pinched at your nipples and prodded at the soft flesh squeezing as if trying to memorize the shape of your body in his hands.
“you’re driving me crazy.” He mumbled desperately after separating from a particularly wet kiss, a thin string of saliva connected your lips before splitting and disappearing “Can I fuck you? Please? I promise I’ll be quick..”
His question made you more flustered than you already were, you always knew Chigiri as your best friend’s shy and reserved brother, hearing him say such vulgarities felt foreign to your ears. Yet you found yourself hesitantly nodding “Okay.. but we have to be quiet..!”
Pinning you down to his bed he shoved your shirt above your chest to give him easy access, Chigiri rolled up your long skirt running his hands over the skin of your legs and thighs enjoying the way you shivered under his touch.
He knew you two needed to be quick so he couldn’t be bothered to remove your panties, only pulling them aside and giving a few testing strokes to your wet slit. He felt his cock throb as your arousal coated his fingers, he kissed you once more as you held back a moan.
“so wet, this is all for me, yeah?” he whispered harshly and chuckled as you tried catching your breath from his sudden boldness, hurriedly undoing his pants he couldn’t help but sigh in relief as he pulled his cock out of its confinement. Quickly positioning himself and pushing in he covered your mouth the moment he saw your lips part, he only let out a short hiss and bit down his bottom lip as to not groan loudly at the feeling of your cunt sucking him in.
The combination of his precum and your arousal allowed him to push in easily, he grunted as he bottomed out inside you, if only he this wasn’t such a risky place for him to fuck you he would have praised you for taking him so well.
Chigiri leaned down and kissed you deeply once more as he moved his hips back and forth in short quick thrusts, he set a goal to fuck you as good as he could with as minimal noise as possible, as much as he wanted to hear you scream his name he had to settle for the wet smacking his tongue would produce with yours as he kissed you deeply.
The idea made his cock jump in excitement, you moaning his name, not his family name, he only ever had the pleasure of you calling him by his first name if his sister was around as to not induce any confusion.
You always called out to him so innocently, always a simple lovely ‘Hyoma!’, what he wouldn’t give to hear you moan it like a desperate little slut.
He panted between kisses as he sped up his pace, feeling your heat hug him so deliciously, he could feel you tightening. Lowering his head to your breast he sucked harshly at one of your nipples producing a noise, he would have worried if he wasn’t lost in the pleasure of you running a hand through his hair and locking your legs around his waist, Chigiri could practically feel his brain short circuiting over how blissed out he felt fucking you.
As you tried recovering from the incoming oversensitivity, Chigiri nuzzled into your chest as he thrusted as deep as he could muffling his moans into your torso as he felt your pussy practically coax him into finishing inside, a shiver racked through him as he stilled his hips and grunted loudly feeling his cum fill you, warmth spreading deep inside you and he mentally cursed himself as he felt a few drops leak out.
“Hyoma.. you came lots..” he heard you whisper between pants, looking up at your flushed face he practically felt his heart shoot up to his throat, you looked so cute it was making him want to ditch dinner and give you a hotel keycard.
“Yeah… sorry..” and yet he didn’t move, he kept his cock nestled deep inside you even as he heard knocking at his closed door.
“Hyoma? (Name)? Dinner’s ready! What’re you two doing?”
“… just showing (Name) some of my old trading cards! We’ll be right there!” Chigiri quickly excused as he sat up, he had to hold back the smile on his face after seeing the look of embarrassment on yours.
With a groan, Chigiri’s sister left not wanting to hear more about the same cards her brother had been ranting to her about for years. Just as you sat up and made yourself decent, you felt him lean over you once more planting one last kiss on your lips.
“You called me ‘Hyoma’ that time..”
rule 4 of Chigiri's 'How to Interact With Your Sibling's Best Friend' manual™ was definitely broken.
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gaylordscooter · 1 month
Log of the Multiverse: Cross and XChara
Cross and XChara (usually referred to as just "Chara") both hail from Xtale, an au that's fallen into ruin ever since the creator, XGaster, was contained.
I was shocked to find out that the creator was one of the characters in their universe, but Ink told me he was a false creator, as he was merely a puppet to the true creator that lies beyond our realm and comprehension. It's like how a meta character in a piece of fiction can be written to act "aware", but it's still being written by somebody. Ain't that weird?
Don't think about that for too long.
So Xtale was kinda an empty void after XGaster was taken care of—that's the fault of Cross who killed like, all of his friends (but xpapyrus was the one who killed basically everyone else. GEEZ i couldn't imagine my brother killing a fly! hurting a fly definitely. but killing?? yeesh) and then absorbed xfrisk's soul because he thought he'd be able to OVERWRITE (<- a mechanic their world has where you can basically do whatever the hell you want, or something) his world turned out he couldn't do that sooo.
yeah he was NOT happy about losing his world (and somewhat playing a part in its downfall)
and also xchara's linked to frisk's soul for some reason. so he kinda just had xchara haunting him for awhile.
Luckily! Ink, Dream and I were able to help Cross cope through his loss!
It took so much time. like so much.
He eventually came to accept his world would never come back, but he got an idea. Since his universe couldn't be repaired to what it was before, why not create something new? Of course he couldn't create new people but after learning there were more people that have lost their homes like him (and me) he thought: why not make this place a safe haven for people like him?
Ink encouraged him. He was Very enthusiastic about it actually, he even helped with decorating the place (as in he painted every building. and all the scenery).
Of course, Cross isn't like Dream and Ink, who can sense negativity or when someone's world is destroyed, so those two tend to give him a heads up on where to go (or they just drop people off themselves)
At first we've just been calling it "Xtale" but obviously the place has changed drastically so we decided to call it something else.
unfortunately somehow all of us (even the ARTIST) weren't able to come up with that creative of a name and settled for calling it "the hub"
Now, I didn't forget about XChara, they were getting tired of having to haunt Cross all the time, so I decided to take up a little project.
And by me, I mean I asked Alphys (from a post-pacifist undertale au, we're buddies. yes i'm allowed to be friends with her because they're no longer following the game's script) to help me make a robot body. i made a prototype that ended up being completely non-functional. so alphys kindly made a complete one that WAS functional for me. even though i insisted she didn't need to do that but she said she enjoyed doing it and that i would've popped blood vessels i didn't have if i kept trying to make one (she's right. i was never that big of an engineer)
so the hard part was separating cross and chara. except it WASNT because their souls are WEIRD and i literally just wrenched their pieces apart like lego pieces it was crazy. unfortunately they still only have half of each of their souls. but hey, they can live just fine like that! they're just not as strong as they would be.
well, mainly in cross's case. chara has a cool robot body now that's loaded with defense.
So anyway, yeah! That's about it.
Pretty happy outcome for these guys, despite all the hardships of course.
But I heard from Ink, in this other multiverse this thing called the "X-Event" occurs. It sounded pretty rough from what I remember. But fortunately our Ink isn't like the one in that multiverse! He's too much of a softy
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sonicjustbecause · 4 months
What about the earliest Shadow?
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Mods and Shadow has his Chao following him...
I imagine that most people got so interested in Shadow lately because he is back to be likeable, but also because of the incoming movie.
For the last decade Shadow has been the laughing stock from Sonic series. Crazy OoC-ness from fans were deliberate and not a mistake.
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Yes, happy Shadow was a choice by its autor. Is a long story...
The most common image of last decade Shadow we had was... THIS...
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I knew Shadow first from Adventure and Heroes. I didn't play heroes but I played a lot SA2B, especially the chao game and I always used Sonic and Shadow because they were the safest to have around chao. I rediscovered him later, in 2010, but he wasn't the likeable character I once knew so I completely lost interest in him (also I'm more a Sonic fan). I forgot who he was and all the things I knew were from meme. But also video from games showing 'how Shadow is an asshole' 'Shadow the edgelord' and IDW comics, the worst of all (not that Game Shadow was better, he was often underused and his few lines tasted as 'Go fuck yourself'. To make things worse he was dubbed by Kirk Thorton, not a really beautiful voice, to not say brutal things...).
Sega just took Shadow and removed all his good qualities, all what made him well rounded, keeping only the flaws (I've read the mandates, do you know what an Anti-Mary Sue is? Well...). They wanted him being unlikeable I guess. Is mainly from Prime and tMoStH that Shadow sparkled my interest again into exploring him as character, that made me think there is more, that he must also have good qualities, not only flaws.
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The earliest Shadow (Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes) was hardly grumpy. He was sad, lonely, somewhat insecure, often lost in though, but also stubborn, certainly less cold than people might assume. As for grumpiness, if I compare him to Sonic in 2001, Sonic seemed slightly grumpier than Shadow at that time. Shadow himself seemed to be aware of that and to have fun picking on Sonic. Both of them are rather cold outside but both of them are shown to be able to feel strong emotion (Shadow having a panic attack and Sonic wiping his eyes during the credits, Shadow being controlled by is own emotions while Sonic refusing them) At least that was the impression he gave me. Since Shadow was meant to die, most of his personality traits aswell as his backstory were packed and shown during the whole game, like a character ark. He is pratically the protagonist in the dark storyline. By the end of the storyark he is able to open up to Sonic (during the final battle against the biolizard he openly told Sonic he was not feeling well. Also the hand clasping was a gesture of openess from Shadow) and to some degree toward Amy. Not so much toward Rouge who pratically is the one who hurt him the most. In heroes Shadow appears to be pleasant to have around, althoug aloof. He is not fond in humanity and that's one of his main traits, but he doesn't let his predjudice win over him. He still has this melancholic aura around him though, it doesn't matter how content or cheerful he may seem sometimes.
Sonic was dubbed by Ryan Drummond and Shadow by David Humphrey. David's voice was different from the other VA Shadow had. His voice was more high pitched, youthful, cute. Still soft spoken. Ryan's voice was legendary, and when he made Sonic talk soflty, he sounded almost like Shadow. The two VA had so similar voices that made Sonic and Shadow sound like legit twins, and back in 2001 I though they shared the same VA all the time. Well, Drummond also dubs Shadow for a short time.
So what went wrong?
The 00's era were the years of the prince of the saiyan, or better, the king of the edgelords:
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This guy was also sad and lonely. But he was also more impulsive, rough, boorish and extremely grumpy. Maybe because he is a muscular human and not a cute velvety male calico kitten hedgehog he filled the dreams of young and older teenagers.
Some said Shadow is based on Vegeta (not only him but also him) the more the 00's approaches the 10's, the more Shadow became grumpier, arrogant and standoffish. Sadness and melancholy were replaced by selfishness and he became less and less fun and interesting. Shadow the edgelord.
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Archie Shadow was maybe too expressive (and his sadness was very underlined) but with only SA2 and Sonic Heroes around this interpretation was more than understandable. They (Flynn, Penders I can imagine) referred from the material they had. Shadow opening up to Sonic is there in Adventure 2, is undeniable, so it was normal assuming he was more open.
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He is left handed, yeah! (This is actually correct)
In Sonic Universe Shadow was more balanced, maybe closer to the one we saw in early '00s. Lonely, rejected, sometimes bullied (although he could defend himself with his sharp tongue) because he was different.
Then the IDW.
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No. Seriously Shadow?
That is unavoidable if we are talking about characters that are created by a team and not by a single. We already see this with Disney. When the writers change the charcters change too, everybody notices different things about a character, based on it's own experience of life. The characters chanfe even when the single writer deals with them, because people change too. Any kind of mandates can only help this far, if they're too heavy they end to be counter productive.
This is my personal opinion, but I would have seen better Shadow befriending Amy and Sonic more than Rouge in early days. Rouge worried for him at times, but there were moments she purposefully hurted him (although later she cared sincerely for him). She would take time to regain his trust. With Sonic, following SA2 would have been open, even more than what we see in Prime. With Amy he would be in good terms though often drained by her own cheerfulness and extrovertion. Tails is rather reserved although not socially awkward so he would not have problem with him. With Knuckles things would become funny I guess, Shadow used to be calm and smart while Knuckles is more simple and is grumpy. I think he (Shadow) would still have issues and relapses with his PTSD though and the need to be left alone.
Well, now the movie will come out. They did a good job until now. I'm curious about what they will do with Shadow. I hope he will be likeable like in SA2.
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audhd-nightwing · 5 months
percy jackson ep2 live reaction
annabeth being a little creep i love her
fun fact i learned at the pjo NYCC panel: the most grueling part of the show production was making the camp half-blood shirts. they all had to be a specific shade of orange and there had to be a LOT cuz all the campers wear them consistently
very much angsty tween energy
i love the big house’s design
grover’s little *clop clop clop* hehe
“your highness” book!percy wouldn’t be caught dead saying that shit but it’s still funny cuz i KNOW as soon as he learns more abt the gods all that respect is out the window. book!percy is just a little asshole from the start
Mr D is fucking perfect casting
godDAMN chiron is tall asf
also i fr did not know brunner was pronounced like that
mr d actually being kinda nice to grover??
riptide my bbg
i need a close up of the inside and outside of all the cabins immediately
Hermes cabin 💪💪💪
there’s a fire pit IN the cabin?? that seems like a hazard. but also magic and it’s fucking cool so
the complete non-reaction to percy’s introduction now vs how people will eventually react to hearing his name is kinda wild
they really did not give this poor boy any time to grieve his mom huh
poor percy, his first reaction to being approached is to be defensive :(
CHB necklace!!!!
o shit that scared me. hello wood nymph. is this his mom??? idk how satyrs are born
the tiger shirt 💀
grover :( ur a good friend bb
dream time woooooo. OH THE VOICE IS KRONOS i forgor
“glory” ok nerd
luke really has a whole posse following him around lmao
nvm they all have them in that order….
i love that percy has just had that leather necklace from the very start of the show. in preparation for the camp beads :,)
aaaaaaaa a character in a wheelchair that’s so cool!!!!!
no one’s even gonna show him how to use the bow???
this boy is gonna destroy the camp i love him
oh my god i’m gonna cry. percy praying to sally is my favorite change they made in the whole show
“like, real friends” crying luke how dare you betray this sweet darling boy
YOU TELL HIM PERCY!! get his ass
“hey guys! 😃 🤚 can’t sleep huh?” ilysm percy
“do you think you’re special?” oh boy clarisse do you have a big surprise coming. also percy didn’t even tell anyone abt the minotaur that was grover
okay i liked this cgi way better than nancy bobofit’s takedown
annabeth stalker behavior i love you. SHE ADMITS IT TOO I LOVE HERRRE
“annabeth sees the world differently” yeah she’s autistic with a genius iq
sobbing. “she’s my little sister”. pain. the betrayal is gonna hurt so much more
th-alia ??? hm
“until zeus broke the pact” hades, hiding his kids from the 1940s in the lotus hotel: yeah zeus was the one to break it first, obviously
i can’t wait to see who they cast as thalia
“let it rip” i see what you did there 👀 my mind went right to beyblade tho lol
their shields lowkey look like the nightwing symbol :3
god this set is so fucking cool
cringefail loserboy rizz
THE HAT!!!!!!!!!!!
“he’ll be ready, i know it” *cuts to percy flossing* i love this dumbass so much
lizard :D
exceptional depiction of adhd ty rick
bro really just gave away the location of the flag with no hesitation lol
OH SHIT THAT WAS COOL! the roll into picking up the shield? smooth asf!!!
how tf did the spear even break isn’t it made of like magic metal
she really used him as bait lmao. *pushes him into the water* she’s just testing a hypothesis!!
holy shit the cabin is so cool. kinda spooky tho. i hate to say it but i like the movie version better
“what 😃”
damn they really just blame everything on hades huh. poor guy. i’d hate my siblings too if they gave me a shitty job and made me the scapegoat for a bunch of stuff
why tf is chiron wearing a suit. why.
“i’m sally jackson’s son” YES YOU ARE KING
grover you’re the best ily. chiron you’re giving way too much dumbledore energy i hate it
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odiesbun · 1 year
TXT reaction: Their S/O being drunk
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There may be errors in the text, as my native language is not English. Thank you for your likes!
WARNINGS: fluff, lots of references to alcohol, the author's dumb humor, some crack.
Requested: Yes.
Number of characters in the text: 4456
•There will probably be someone who misses the moment when you get drunk and sober up altogether. You were at the band's anniversary party, he accidentally talked to Kai and Beomgyu, completely missing you from sight.
- Wait, you're drunk!? When did you get so drunk? - Soobin rushes over to you as you pour another glass, but you don't have time to drink it, for it ends up in Subin's hand.
- How much have you drunk? - Soobin grabs you by the shoulders, thereby holding you up.
- Three.
- Shots?
- Bottles.
•He's actually very experienced in this situation as a leader, so as soon as you might get sick from the alcohol(or too good to the point where you almost kiss him), Soobin will already be standing there with a basin, with hangover pills and whatnot. He's a very caring guy, YES, the man of your dreams.
- Look, these are pills in case you get sick, here's this basin so you can throw up in it at any time, here's a water bottle in case you get thirsty... - He enumerates while you lie blissfully on your stomach and smile.
- Why are you looking at me like that? - He frowns slightly, pursing his lips.
- Because I love you~ - You giggle, smiling.
•He'll probably be the one drinking with you. And you'll both show up drunk and barely able to stand on your feet, but in love and happy.
Yeonjun looks at you lovingly, sighing and propping your hand on his cheek. You look back at him with a question, smirking.
- What? - you ask, your cheeks reddening slightly.
- I realize what I like about you. - Yeonjun answers, sending you an air kiss. You giggle.
- And what do you like about me?
- Everything. I like everything about you.
•But if YOU are the one who comes home drunk, Yeonjun will resent and sulk at you for a long time. Regardless of whether you feel good or bad, he'll still sulk, but he'll sweet-talk you.
- It's hangover soup. - Yeonjun shows up at your bedroom door with a bowl of soup, which, attention, was made by Choi Enjoon himself.
- Thank you~ - You purr sweetly, making Yeonjun's heart melt.
•He pretends not to notice anything. Well, I mean, he'll act like nothing happened, you know? Even if you happen to fall on him and you smell like alcohol from a few yards away, him! That's it! It's all the same!
- Oh, honey. Have you decided to change careers and start scaring passersby? - Giggles Beomgyu, watching you walk into the apartment. You hum, showing him your tongue and walking proudly into the bathroom, but the next second Choi runs to catch you because you almost fell over.
•If your drinking is pretty quiet and you're not "rampaging," he jokingly offers to get you drunk to feel the full meaning of this life.
- Why don't the two of us get drunk out of our minds? I've heard that drunken kissing is great. - Beomgyu defiantly shows you two bottles, one of cognac and one of wine.
- Where did you hear this nonsense? - You resent it, frowning.
- From Yeonjun-hyung.
•Will grumbles and sulks part two, talking about how he "told you not to drink" at your friend's birthday party. Actually, he was there too and drank alcohol too, but Taehyun's body is stronger, so he didn't care, but you do.
- I'll never let you go to another party where there's alcohol. - Taehyun resents me, frowning. You lie down affectionately on his lap, smirking.
- Are you jealous? - You giggle drunkenly, poking him on the cheek.
- First of all, I'm protecting you from alcoholism, and second, yes, probably.
•Silently will follow you around, literally not letting you go anywhere. Even if you go out to the bathroom for a while or walk to the fridge to eat.
- Where are you going? - Taehyun watches your actions closely, coming up behind you. You stagger to the bathroom, grumbling about your hangover taking its toll.
- Why are you following me? - You raise your eyebrows, sighing. Taehyun's arms wrap gently around your waist, pulling you closer.
- Because I care about you.
♡Huening Kai♡
•He's the one who'll probably hide from you in the other room and won't come out until you sober up. I have a feeling that Kai hasn't seen the good side of drinking, so now he's afraid of drunk people and that's why he'll avoid you for a while, but later he'll come up to you and apologize for it.
- Kai... - You call out pitifully, pulling the knob to the living room for the hundredth time.
- No. I'm not coming out until you sober up! - From across the room, Kai blocks your door with a chair and sighs in relief as you walk off resentfully into the bedroom.
•But he's very caring. As soon as you fall asleep, he might come up to you a million times checking on you. He'll ask a lot of times if you're okay, if you're nauseous, and if you need anything.
- Well, I need something... - You smirk, watching Kai's worried face.
- Yes? I'll get you anything you need. - Kai leans closer, biting his lips nervously.
- I need you and a second bottle of wine! - You laugh, sprawled out on the bed in a star pose. Kai instantly adopts a serious face, tsking.
- You know I can only perform the first act!
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jacevelaryonswife · 1 year
Meeting him in college | Modern headcanons 「AU」
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pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem!Reader
a/n: College!Jace is definitely the dream guy, don't blame me for it.
warnings: curse words, fluffy, humor. English is not my first language.
modern headcanons masterlist
inspired by this work of @stargirlstudio ✨
Punctuality is something you and Jace both hold dear. Usually, you two are the first — or one of — to arrive in the classroom, always sitting at the front in every class.
Normally both of you sit side by side, as there is a little implicitly established competition over the center seat in the room. When you arrive first he sits on the left, when he arrives first you sit on the right, it has almost become a tradition.
It didn't take long for you to exchange a few words. You were together in four classes and had the most complete notebooks in the room, once, Jace lost the teacher's logic and ended up turning to you in a whisper so as not to interrupt the class.
It became a habit, eventually, when he or you needed something you would reach out to each other both in class and over text. Complaining about teachers came next.
“I can't believe he's scheduled a seminar for next week. ” He muttered under his breath after they left the class.
“He’s a fucking asshole.” Your curse was a little louder than intended, causing both eyes to widen before practically running away.
For a few months the only topic you two broached was college, until he followed you on Instagram and could see some likes you had in common. He liked the same sitcoms as you, he liked your humor and your feed.
You start talking about any subject. Series, songs, animals, routine, family and etc.
“I love all the characters in Modern Family, but I feel like Luke and Manny were so undervalued as teenagers by the producers.” You said while tasting a cupcake given out at the cafeteria.
“Totally, they get so simple and boring, there's not the same essence as before.” He says. “Why is your cupcake bigger than mine?”
“The cooks like me better.”
You enjoyed each other's company and humor, becoming friends over the weeks (it was a pretty quick start). When a buddy activity was suggested in an especially difficult class, Jace invited you over to his house in the late afternoon.
You knew he had better financial conditions than you, but damn, he's a fucking heir! His living room is bigger than your entire apartment. The force you exert to keep your mouth from falling out as you walk through rooms is inexorable.
His family was lovely to you, as was he, trying to make you comfortable. He was sweet and kind, keeping a wide smile for you being there. Most of the day was spent in his room (which was bigger than your living room), with his notebook, notebook and books spread out on his bed.
He thought he were demanding and detailed, but you've completely surprised him. You were totally methodical, your writing and presentation are out of this world, although according to you, presenting to other people made you nervous.
He prepared a snack for the two of you, earning a curious look from his mother before heading back to his room. “She is just a friend.”
“She’s adorable." Rhaenyra answered.
Indeed, you were adorable and funny. And beautiful. You were so beautiful and smart and you were in his room. He panicked for a short moment, stepping into the room with all determination and a forced smile. Oh no.
It was so weird, fortunately you were too distracted to notice.
After the end of the finals, the two of you keep in touch, talking almost daily. He asks you out during the holidays and you immediately accept. You thought he was so cute and handsome, with lips so pink and full...
Oh fuck. You’re fucked.
For: @damatheirin
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gardenofbookworms · 28 days
today is a very special day and so i am taking advantage of this opportunity to give you all my manga recs before rose kills me :D
(“bee i thought you hated romance there's a lot of bl on here” bl doesn't count okay. shhh)
*note: author and character names are in last-name-first-name format when full name is shown
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Kindergarten Wars by Chiba You
in japan there exists an establishment called kindergarten noir, where children can often be seen running around in the playground out front. though it may look unassuming—this is the safest kindergarten in the world, daily attacked by assassins (such as leo) yet never having lost one single child. rita is one of the staff members, all of which are former convicts with more kills than their age in years and enough baggage to weigh down a jet. her only goal in life? to find a hot boyfriend (and definitely NOT her nicotine addicted swindler colleague). but before that, there’s something that must be done at any cost—protect the children.
the balance in this manga is actual, literal perfection. it’s officially classified as a comedy, and yet there’s a real seriousness behind the characters and their missions that makes it so, so emotional (the end of the asakusa arc…). not only that, but there seems to be a lovebug going around, and of course it’s not complete without the resident manga otaku (luke). the “elite” from another level in fighting aren’t set apart from the others in the kindergarten, either—the characters are constantly unified and there for each other which only made it worse when [redacted].
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Servamp by Strike TANAKA
shirota mahiru is a very simple person. if you see a lonely cat, you pick it up, right? but what if the cat is a vampire, or rather, servamp, and he's just been dragged into the complex world of the supernatural (y'know, vampires, werewolves, demon children splitting in half)? with tensions growing between the seven and the “eighth”, the servamps draw closer to war. and, thinking simply, mahiru and his neet vampire kuro are the only ones who can stop it—and not without help, of course. now, how much of that was a lie?
word is that servamp is ending this year which, nooo…but holy shit is it a good series. everything escalates really really quickly (and ridiculously but that's the charm) but each arc is obviously carefully thought out (sakuya……lilly……ophelia……tsurugi……). the complexity makes it a little hard to follow sometimes, but seeing the way the characters struggle to keep their morals and navigate relationships with each other and more stuff i can't fit here is so, so worth it.
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Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead by Aso Haro and Takata Kotaro
tendo akira has a definite zombie apocalypse role—the guy who’s just happy not to go to work. having had his dreams crushed by an exploitative corporation, akira would readily take a zombie apocalypse over another day in the office. when his prayers are answered, he realizes he’s had no free time to be anything other than an employee. so what does he do? make a bucket list, of course! after a reunion with college friend kenchiro ryuzaki, the two travel japan and meet other survivors—shizuka, a strategist whose dream is to become a doctor, and beatrix, a foreigner and samurai who came to japan with bright eyes. hordes and manipulative former bosses may follow them, but they can’t fall to their level—because they’d much rather be eaten by zombies than miss out on a chance to live.
i first found out about this manga through the anime (which is phenomenal but beware for your mental health). the way it kicks off really set the tone—akira tries confessing to his coworker, but it goes nothing like he’d ever plan for—that bittersweet start had me hooked throughout the manga. a lot, if not all, of the circumstances are nothing short of ridiculous, my favorite examples being the zombie shark (defeated by electric punch) and the government robots (defeated with the help of a gamer girl). above all, the bad guys aren’t the zombies! it’s—you guessed it—capitalism (yay!).
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The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All by Sumiko Arai
highschool gyaru oosawa aya is set apart from the rest of her glamorous friends by (mostly) one thing—her music taste. deviating far from the typical, fresh j-pop that everyone seems to listen to, aya prefers her much-treasured american indie rock bands. koga mitsuki, who quickly earns her reputation as “the prince”, is the same way, except she’s on the opposite side of the school spectrum. but it just so happens that mitsuki, one of those “loner-types”, sits right next to aya in class. when their paths cross for real at the record shop where mitsuki works, a case of mistaken identity is the first thing that sets off their relationship—but when you break it down, they’re just two people who really love music.
there are two things that i absolutely adore in this manga. a) MUSIC IS A BIG FOCUS. AHHHH if you can’t tell im also obsessed with music so (btw on spotify i have a playlist of all the songs featured in the manga if you’d like to take a look). really loved the exploration with mitsuki and aya’s feelings about music and also mitsuki’s uncle AND kanna too. and b) the art style is so captivating…the use of green, and especially neon green at that, is so so cool. it kind of reminds me of glitter pen ink with all its shiny-ness. flashy teen romances are definitely not my thing but this series…
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Hirano and Kagiura by Harusono Shou
kagiura akira has never been good at waking up early, despite all his early basketball practices. luckily, he's got his new school dormmate hirano taiga to help him get out of bed. but as the school semester progresses, kagiura begins to realize something—he is horribly, hopelessly, in love with hirano. when he figures out hirano doesn't return his feelings, they enter a compromise; for ten seconds a day, kagiura is allowed to touch him with more affection than just between “friends”. starstruck, kagiura is willing to give him all the time he needs to come to terms with his feelings. but hirano isn't even sure of them himself—kagiura is so, so close to his heart, but are those feelings really romantic? and just how long is he okay with making him wait? and when will they be past the point of trying?
how do i even start to describe this manga. every single chapter i read, there were at least three times i had to put my phone down and take a deep breath. why? because they are so cute rahhhhhh. kagiura’s initial underlying uncertainty about his feelings growing into something he's more sure about is. an amazing reflection of his maturity. meanwhile hirano is still catching up, trying to sort through everything but still cheering his kagi-kun (that's so affectionate i’m gonna cry) on. and obviously, because this is bl and who are we kidding, there's niibashi and hanzawa for comical outsider pov commentary (while i'm on that pipeline, i adore how hanzawa knows and trying his best to be supportive).
“but bee, i thought you had seven recs?” i do, but unfortunately i am lazy af and forgot to write the last summary for given (kizu natsuki). it’s still one of my favorites though. music, romance, and of course, angst. yes it’s bl, shhh. i also highly recommend the bungou stray dogs series (asagiri kafka and harukawa sango) but since that’s a little more widely known (and we trend once a month, if yk yk), i’m not gonna get into it.
hope you enjoyed :DDD
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mothstache · 10 months
Random Susie hc time
bursts down the door violently killing 2 people instantly
I love Susie and I also love brainrotting over my hcs for her. So for once I will be sharing some of those hcs! Everything is under the cut for ease of access.
First of all, anyone who has followed me longer than 2 seconds will know how much I love my shark Haltmann hc. I don't care that I make him look completely different from canon or tumblr sexymanified, he's a literal loan shark in my heart and I love him. in my verse, Haltmann is a type of alien called 'sonar sharks' that originate from a Subnautica-esque planet covered in 95% water. This planet is Haltmann's home planet and is very technologically advanced despite society being primarily underwater. A lot of sonar sharks live on this planet and are one of the major species there.
Sonar sharks are naturally extremely bulky (I mean look at that guy) and very physically powerful. They are extremely voracious as they have to eat a LOT to keep up their weight and overall health. Not eating enough can make their health and mental state deteriorate rapidly.
Where does Susie come into the picture here? She's Haltmann's daughter but looks almost nothing like him. While I hc her mother was a different species than Haltmann (the same species as the mage sisters, in fact) Susie seemingly possesses none of the natural heftiness that Haltmann has whatsoever.
My hc is that she SHOULD have at least some of the chub Haltmann has - she just never got the chance to develop it properly. Every Kirby fan and their mothers know how her backstory goes, she was whisked away into Another Dimension as a child. In my verse, she was 12 when that happened, at an age where she was only a few years away from putting on more natural weight like her father.
In Another Dimension, she was teleported to a remote location away from any nearby society that could have offered her food - dropped off in the middle of the wilderness essentially. And here she had to fight to survive near constantly - which included fighting for food. It was hard to come by, so she didn't always have a lot of it, and ended up having to ration it the best she could.
Even when she made it back to society in this dimension, most of her time was occupied by working with anyone she could there to find a way home, back to her father.
And we all know how that must've turned out when she finally got home...
So. Working at the HWC, with a PLETHORA of food available, she still rationed her eating out of habit from all her years stuck in the wilderness of a foreign dimension. To add to this, she constantly lived under the stress of the expectations of the dictatorship-like company, as well as anxiety about the plan she was putting into place (her plan to steal Star Dream).
As a result from barely eating during teenhood, a critical time for growing, as well as living under so much stress and repression that she barely ate, Susie has been eating irregularly for over 10 years in my verse. As such, she's very thin for being part sonar shark, as well as rather runty compared to her father.
Luckily, post-Planet Robobot, after working and working to make amends with Dreamland, Susie is able to start healing emotionally in my AU, as well as physically. She starts learning to eat more (with help from Kirby ofc) and slowly but surely, starts putting on her natural weight. This improves her health considerably - she would often get sick a lot, but on the HWC they had systems to combat sickness she would use. Nowadays she doesn't need to worry about that as she doesn't become ill nearly as much. She's considerably less snappy, and her mental attitude about various things has improved for the first time since childhood.
Does she still have trauma and struggle with a lot of shit? YES very much so. but in my verse, she is happier, healthier and healing, which is very important to me for a character like her.
If you read this to the end CONGRATS and thank you so much for hearing my insane rambles :)
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