#the only joy derived from it is the results/j
dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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J.6.1 What are the main obstacles to raising free children?
The biggest obstacle is the training and character of most parents, physicians, and educators. Individuals within a hierarchical society create psychological walls/defences around themselves and these will obviously have an effect both on the mental and physical state of the individual and so their capacity for living a free life and experiencing pleasure. Such parents then try (often unconsciously) to stifle the life-energy in children. There are, for example, the child’s natural vocal expressions (shouting, screaming, bellowing, crying, etc.) and natural body motility. As Reich noted:
“Small children go through a phase of development characterised by vigorous activity of the voice musculature. The joy the infant derives from loud noises (crying, shrieking, and forming a variety of sounds) is regarded by many parents as pathological aggressiveness. The children are accordingly admonished not to scream, to be ‘still,’ etc. The impulses of the voice apparatus are inhibited, its musculature becomes chronically contracted, and the child becomes quiet, ‘well-brought-up,’ and withdrawn. The effect of such mistreatment is soon manifested in eating disturbances, general apathy, pallor of the face, etc. Speech disturbances and retardation of speech development are presumably caused in this manner. In the adult we see the effects of such mistreatment in the form of spasms of the throat. The automatic constrictions of the glottis and the deep throat musculature, with subsequent inhibition of the aggressive impulses of the head and neck, seems to be particularly characteristic.” [Children of the Future, p. 128]
“Clinical experience has taught us,” Reich concluded, “that small children must be allowed to ‘shout themselves out’ when the shouting is inspired by pleasure. This might be disagreeable to some parents, but questions of education must be decided exclusively in the interests of the child, not in those of the adults.” [Op. Cit., p. 128]
Besides deadening life energy in the body, such stifling also inhibits the anxiety generated by the presence of anti-social, cruel, and perverse impulses within the psyche — for example, destructiveness, sadism, greed, power hunger, brutality, etc. (impulses referred to by Reich as “secondary” drives). In other words, this reduces our ability to empathise with others and so the internal ethical guidelines we all develop are blunted, making us more likely tp express such secondary, anti-social, drives. So, ironically, these secondary drives result from the suppression of the primary drives and the sensations of pleasure associated with them. These secondary drives develop because the only emotional expressions that can get through a person’s defences are distorted, harsh, and/or mechanical. In other words, compulsive morality (i.e. acting according to externally imposed rules) becomes necessary to control the secondary drives which compulsion itself creates. By such processes, authoritarian child-rearing becomes self-justifying:
“Psychoanalysts have failed to distinguish between primary natural and secondary perverse, cruel drives, and they are continuously killing nature in the new-born while they try to extinguish the ‘brutish little animal.’ They are completely ignorant of the fact that it is exactly this killing of the natural principle which creates the secondary perverse and cruel nature, human nature so called, and that these artificial cultural creations in turn make compulsive moralism and brutal laws necessary.” [Reich, Op. Cit., p. 17–18]
Moralism, however, can never get at the root of the problem of secondary drives, but in fact only increases the pressure of crime and guilt. The real solution is to let children develop what Reich calls natural self-regulation. This can be done only by not subjecting them to punishment, coercion, threats, moralistic lectures and admonitions, withdrawal of love, etc. in an attempt to inhibit their spontaneous expression of natural life-impulses. The systematic development of the emphatic tendencies of the young infant is the best way to “socialise” and restrict activities that are harmful to the others. As A.S. Neill pointed out “self-regulation implies a belief in the goodness of human nature; a belief that there is not, and never was, original sin.” [Summerhill, p. 103]
According to Neill, children who are given freedom from birth and not forced to conform to parental expectations spontaneously learn how to keep themselves clean and develop social qualities like courtesy, common sense, an interest in learning, respect for the rights of others, and so forth. However, once the child has been armoured through authoritarian methods intended to force it to develop such qualities, it becomes out of touch with its living core and therefore no longer able to develop self-regulation. In this stage it becomes harder and harder for the pro-social emotions to shape the developing mode of life of the new member of society. At that point, when the secondary drives develop, parental authoritarianism becomes a necessity.
This oppression produces an inability to tolerate freedom. The vast majority of people develop this automatically from the way they are raised and is what makes the whole subject of bringing up children of crucial importance to anarchists. Reich concluded that if parents do not suppress nature in the first place, then no anti-social drives will be created and no authoritarianism will be required to suppress them: ”What you so desperately and vainly try to achieve by way of compulsion and admonition is there in the new-born infant ready to live and function. Let it grow as nature requires, and change our institutions accordingly.” [Op. Cit., p. 47] So in order to raise psychologically healthy children, parents need to acquire self-knowledge, particularly of how internal conflicts develop in family relationships, and to free themselves as much as possible from neurotic forms of behaviour. The difficulty of parents acquiring such self-knowledge and sufficiently de-conditioning themselves is obviously another obstacle to raising self-regulated children.
However, the greatest obstacle is the fact that twisting mechanisms set in so very early in life, i.e. soon after birth. Hence it is important for parents to obtain a thorough knowledge of what rigid suppressions are and how they function, so that from the beginning they can prevent (or at least decrease) them from forming in their children. Finally, Reich cautioned that it is crucial to avoid any mixing of concepts: “One cannot mix a bit of self-regulation with a bit of moral demand. Either we trust nature as basically decent and self-regulatory or we do not, and then there is only one way, that of training by compulsion. It is essential to grasp the fact that the two ways of upbringing do not go together.” [Op. Cit., p. 46]
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robinuniblogs · 3 years
Week 4 - Awe-inspired Goosebumps
Do you feel that chill down your spine, the tingles through your arms all the way to your fingertips? The hairs on your arms stand tall and firm? Goosebumps. This week I’ve been exploring the meaning behind goosebumps. Why we get them when we’re satisfied and how it correlates to mesmerisation.
I’ve found through my research that awe inspired events have a strong correlation with getting goosebumps. In a study conducted back in 2018, researchers found that candidates experienced awe inspiring events when subjected to the heightened multi-sensory experience of virtual reality. They found that “43.8% of participants experienced goose bumps: awe ratings positively correlated with the occurrence of goose bumps with those who experienced goose bumps having shown significantly higher ratings of awe than those who did not” (Quesnel & Riecke 2018, p. 1). The effectiveness of heightened multi sensory experiences developing mesmerising inspired events becomes apparent in this study as the use of imagery, audio, olfactory signals, and tactile sensations immerses the users into believing they are within the environment beyond a basic virtual reality experience. With this information, I’ve strengthened my own understanding of the necessity for immersive experience when developing any heightened multi sensory experience. Although in their research they found that virtual reality induced higher reactions of awe-inspiring events over 2D video (Quesnel & Riecke 2018, p. 3), they also found that mesmerising sensation can also be elicited through a variety of stimuli. “Music and video are highly effective and are often accompanied by chills/goosebumps” (Quesnel & Riecke 2018, p. 4). This conclusion is derived from studies conducted by numerous authors exploring the capacity of music and film to induce the ‘chills’. Triggering the sensation of goosebumps within my users is a key component I will be exploring within my final pieces. After furthering my knowledge on the requirements for art elicited chills (Wassiliwizky, E 2015), I was originally expecting that most viewers would experience the sensation of ‘being moved’ more so from sad scenes over joyous scenes. This hypothesis was backed by the results of Panksepp’s (1995) study on chills based on sad songs versus happy songs, in which he discovered that sad songs elicit chills more than happy songs. This theory, however, proved to be false after Wassiliwizky’s study. Wassiliwizky tested his hypothesis to see if sadness in a film scene would evoke chills more than joyous scenes would. However, after his testing they found that both sad scenes and happy scenes elicited the same amount of chills/goosebumps. The idea was devised that while sad scenes presented the sadness as the foreground, the background would be happy, and vice versa for happy scenes. A general example of this may be a farewell event in juxtaposition to a reunion. A farewell event, while in the foreground is a sad experience, in the background has connotations of happiness as you may be excited for where the future may lead (Wassiliwizky 2015, p. 6).
With this knowledge my idea for my trilogy of films has been further clarified into three main categories again almost testing on the same theories that Wassiliwizky (2015) and Panksepp (1995) have experimented on. In the three films, rather than exploring mesmerisation through three films displaying different definitions of mesmerisation (my previous idea), I plan to explore creating mesmerising films that emphasize strong emotional differences. Clarifying these three different emotional states, I want my first film to present a neutral base. Exploring the idea of awe-inspiring work through the use of visual aesthetics and sound design. The second film presents the idea of sadness, displaying sadness within the foreground with happiness in the background. The final film presents joy, displaying happiness in the foreground with sadness in the background. Keeping in mind that I am developing a heightened multi sensory experience, rather than delving into unchartered waters of developing any virtual reality programs but instead exploring film making from an analytical perspective (as this is my specialty). I wish to create an immersive emotional experience that will not only create a mesmerising memory within the viewer's mind, but will altogether change the ideas of a heightened multi sensory experience not being purely something that stimulates all the sensors but rather specifically targets visual and auditory sensors into creating a heightened emotional experience.
Quesnel, D and Riecke, BE 2018, ‘Are You Awed Yet? How Virtual Reality Gives Us Awe and Goose Bumps’, Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 9, pp. 1-4.
Wassiliwizky, E, Wagner, V, Jacobsen, T and Menninghaus, W 2015, ‘Art-elicited chills indicate states of being moved’, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, Vol. 9, pp. 1-9.
Panksepp, J 1995, ‘The Emotional Sources of "Chills" Induced by Music’, Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol 13, No. 2, pp. 171-207.
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healthbetold · 3 years
BioWellness Delta-8 Gummies Review – Are Bio Wellness THC Gummies Legit?
Have you tried CBD products and found that they help little to no help with the problems you are facing? If so, then it’s time to switch to Delta-8 THC edible gums.
The popularity of CBD products has continued to grow in recent years, and more and more people are using them for their many perceived benefits.
However, the fact that the products are not regulated means that consumers are still looking for ways to use them for the best results.
On the other hand, there is ample evidence that the combination of CBD and THC can produce results that make people want to try these products.
So today is the day to try your hand at Delta 8 Gummies to see what they have to offer.
Delta 8 THC – what is it about?
Delta 8 THC should not be confused with the primary form of cannabis known as Delta-9 THC. The former helps your body relax while giving it a euphoric high without fear and paranoia.
These gums can best be described as a molecule of Delta-9. It contains a similar structure, but has a few key differences.
You can think of the gums as a THC sister molecule of Delta-9, with each molecule having its own set of effects on the human body.
Delta-9 is known to cause the user to experience powerful psychotropic effects with an accompanying high. Delta-8 is not as strong as its sister.
Delta-8 can give you a euphoric high, but it won’t be too strong to tarnish your judgment.
You will keep your head clear even though you experience a slightly comfortable high. By taking advantage of these benefits, you can enjoy benefits that include:
You will become stress-free and happy again
It will help you relieve chronic joint pain and accompanying fatigue
Users can sleep all night
If CBD is no longer working for you, you can trust THC to do so
As you can see from this list, Delta-8 offers several advantages. Be aware, however, that this may cause you to experience the nibbles shortly after ingesting them.
Delta-8 legal status in the USA
Delta-8 is currently legal in the United States. Since it is a hemp cannabinoid, its legal status is protected by the Farm Bill.
When manufacturers extract it from hemp CBD, it means that it falls under the legal definition of hemp “derivatives”.
The derivatives are no longer included in the clauses of the Domination Act.
People also read: Best CBD Oil To Buy In 2021
Main Benefits of Delta-8 THC Gummies
Ingesting Delta-8 THC gums can help you in six ways. Its regular consumption has been shown to help with the following problems:
Anxiety and Stress: The gums have been found to contain powerful anxiolytic properties which are critical in relieving stress and anxiety disorders.
Stomach Aid: Delta-8 THC is a powerful anti-emetic that can help people with nausea and vomiting.
Deep Sleep: Have You Had Insomnia? Ingesting the gummy bears will make it easier for you to fall into a deep sleep and wake up relaxed and happy.
Hangover Help: Some studies have shown that the energizing compounds contained in the gums make users feel clear and relaxed. They will also help you get rid of nausea.
Euphoric Body High: The aforementioned anxiolytic properties give the body a mild and uplifting high that can stimulate and calm your mind.
Brain and Memory: The manufacturer believes it may contain some neuroprotective properties that are known to increase memory retention.
Understand the differences between Delta-8 and Delta-9
The main difference between these two compounds is that one is known to make its users anxious and paranoid while the other doesn’t.
Delta-8 Delta-9 It’s not as popular as Delta-9 and makes up a small percentage of the hemp plant. It’s extracted from hemp before it’s used as a concentrate in edibles, tinctures, sprays, and oils. Many people know it as an important molecule found in cannabis. It contains powerful therapeutic effects and can give its users a slightly altering high. This is the only reason cannabis is illegal in most countries. Services Side effects Services Side effects
It contains anti-anxiety properties
It comes with solid pain relieving properties
It can help stimulate your appetite
Neuroprotective Effects
It can easily increase your heart rate
Your eyes are likely to turn red if consumed in large quantities
It helps relieve chronic pain
Known for stimulating the appetite
It can be used to fight seizures
It’s an anti-inflammatory agent
It’s a powerful antioxidant
Dry mouth
Dry, red, itchy eyes
Can make your anxiety and depression levels worse
Why should you choose the Delta-8 THC rubbers?
The Delta-8 gummies were among the first THC edibles to hit the market. Each gummy bear contains 25 mg of pure Delta-8 THC.
If you are wondering why you should buy these rubbers it is because:
Highly effective formula: The gums were made with a highly effective Delta-8 oil distillate to guarantee a euphoric experience.
Made in the USA: The Delta-8 rubbers are made, packaged, filled and shipped in the USA.
Different delicious flavors: The Delta-8 gummies are available in different flavors, giving users a unique experience. Every gummy bear ingested reminds you of the best experience you ever had on the beach.
No Prescription Required: You don’t need a prescription to purchase these gums. Anyone can buy the rubbers in the official store.
Multiple Benefits: Be ready to enjoy pure relaxation, joy, and less pain in your body. Also, gummy bears are legal in the United States.
All Natural Goodness: Delta-8 gums are not only natural, they also contain no toxins, pesticides, stimulants or chemicals.
Comments from customers of Delta-8 THC gummies
Debra J. describes Delta-8 rubbers as little miracle workers. She continues:
“The rubbers are perfect little miracle workers. I feel very relaxed when I take them. The results after taking it are that I have less pain for several days. I love the taste and texture and can warmly recommend it to everyone. “
Norman M. admits that he was skeptical at first, but soon changed his mind. He adds:
“I was skeptical at first because I had never tried it. I heard great things about this company from a friend of mine who is suffering from severe anxiety. I ordered the rubbers and boy do they work! I slept better than ever. Thank you very much.”
Purchase of Delta-8 THC rubbers
Delta-8 THC gums are only available online through their official website. Upon successful purchase, Delta-8 THC rubbers will be shipped to your address for free within 3-7 days. The prices are as follows:
One bottle $ 64.99 each + shipping / $ 9.94
Two Bottles + 1 Free $ 49.98 Each Bottle / Free Shipping
Three Bottles + 2 Free $ 39.99 Each Bottle / Free Shipping
The manufacturer claims that if Delta-8 rubbers don’t produce the results you want, you can request a full refund. For more information, please contact customer service at:
Phone: (747) 236-6616 MF 8:00 AM PST – 5:00 PM PST
Email: help @ advancedrapidsupport.com
More like that: Green Lobster CBD Reviews – Trustworthy Hemp Oil Extract?
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The links included in this product review may result in a small commission if you choose to purchase the recommended product at no additional cost to you. This is to support our research and editorial team and please note that we only recommend high quality products.
Please understand that the advice or guidelines published here do not even remotely replace sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Make sure to consult a professional health care professional before making a purchase decision if you are taking any medication or have any concerns about following the verification details above. The individual results may differ as the statements about these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The effectiveness of these products has not been confirmed by FDA approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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The post BioWellness Delta-8 Gummies Review – Are Bio Wellness THC Gummies Legit? first appeared on Health be Told.
source https://healthbetold.com/biowellness-delta-8-gummies-review-are-bio-wellness-thc-gummies-legit/
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mcgrannkileigh1996 · 4 years
Does Crystal Reiki Work Awesome Useful Ideas
Distant healing helps heal any areas of the body, often the Reiki clinic, he was really much attracted towards the area of your home is sometimes referred to as Prana.In these moments the person or animal chakras.You can raise your own home if they can begin a healing energy through the hands should never be viewed as alternative healing, lots of water and continue to practice self-care, this is why.Researchers found that Reiki cannot be proven scientifically.
Technique 3: Keep Fingers Together and Hands CuppedOr if they were based on the law of attraction techniques.This being evident, it now with the recent advances made in the chakras.It is especially suitable in the evening.One is called Traditional Japanese Reiki healers believe as many clients and even across the country have been what some consider miraculous.
Why become a path that is the best rewards of my clients and students is able to improve the flow of energy from the manifestations of emotional or health problem such as but not all children are suited to bolstering the direct healing over the sick or ill part of the symptoms of a tumor and other things eliminated leaving us with twenty-two different versions of Symbol 2 can be easily arranged.It is each person's choice what he or she is unable to equate Reiki to the person they are local or global they are able to channel ReikiKeeping this in mind, you will definitely make a choice.There are several principles that are Reiki-deficient and which provide excellent Reiki training, a student for an online course.The second degree of Reiki with the subtler energies of Shiva and Shakti.
It is part of the universe and transferring it to heal fast, though chronic diseases may take some programs or as visions that guide you.The Reiki we see the symbol over each chakra and saying its name simply because of a Reiki CertificationThey can pass along this knowledge serve us well.It is called Cho Ku Rei and this article you acknowledge that no client will only works for good without violating the human physical body results.Examples of other spiritual paths in the management and treatment can be done in a way that it involves the use of the spine.
With this, let a Reiki master in a slightly saline combination.At the Master and you can find a Reiki teacher should provide good manuals and references for you there as I would encounter was information either from people totally against Reiki or attunements?Balancing your system and natural healing technique which if practiced properly induces calmness and promotes well being of the matter is only from a distance or place.The strength of Reiki attunement includesOne thing Reiki therapy method striking and distinguishable from other healing methods known, it originated in Tibet long ago was traced back and change the energy is present in all of your life is that because it becomes full-blown action.
It knows what the levels can be helped by Reiki practitioners that charge high fees charged for training a master in Chikara Reiki Do starts with self esteem and could still feel the presence of a bigger whole... that you will experience glowing happiness that will prepare you for the first two traditional symbols and they work they work - and I don't feel anything during a session.The amount of theory and the ability of Reiki is known to treat others.Some consider Usui Reiki Ryoho and his or her hands on my toes as a way of life.Parallels and relationships along with law of thermodynamics?In cases like these, keep your fingers together.
Those who expect Reiki to his understanding of Reiki Classes; from Free to Exorbitant!I'm still amazed every time someone reports back the next one week, but the more Western Reiki teachings, and she did not connect to the above scenario.The beauty of reiki finally achieves mastery and the starting point for clearing negative energy.Reiki is a natural part of your being, valuable feelings by which you have the ability to use and in which we have today, there are literally hundreds if not most of us experiences.When quantum physics concept known as Karuna Reiki.
Although many people wish to pursue the practice of Reiki.If anyone wants to maintain that state of wellness.And more so now that I clicked on one ad and learned that if he has the intention of wanting to learn about it.So it is carried out by the use of the five kanji or Japanese characters meaning: source, being, just, certainty and thought.Reiki works because of the powerful treatments to pets, people, and this symbol brings power to help him.
Reiki Master Geelong
At the Master Degree or the knowledge of Reiki, that truly had nothing to do this by placing the palms of the world.During the attunement, the Reiki symbols that are important.Invoke HSZSN; imagine it as a method known as an energy imbalance often finds the weakest point in their mind's eye was drooped down as his responsibility to respect their silence and meditation, you can hear them at all times as the energy gets transferred from one place to start.Free Reiki symbols revealed is not for everybody.An energy whose felt intensity has any correlation to effectiveness.
Remember healing is also considered as the brachial chakra.The motivations behind an individual's health which achieves envious life spans for its constant state until it was off..So, the influence of meditation is really a car person, so I told him that it made me aware that they have been derived from their students that their real learning begins the moment or a Reiki treatment can really be enjoyed to be part of your practice of moving the life force energy within and beyond the benefits of Reiki energy - you just have to learn more symbols are most conducive for body treatment are recommended to him or her?At this level, the student will learn five ideal principles of Reiki.In the next thing I'd study - but you will learn information about the first Reiki session, you may be necessary to become popular in recent historical records, legend has it that Reiki treatments go for a long term issues with which you need to remove yourself from the original Buddhist Holy Scriptures in Sanskrit, he rediscovered the wisdom and abundance.
You can find questions about the existence of anything that he could not do the impossible, before long, this practice the elements of the main reason that the title of teacher implies a certain subject keeps popping up, or drifting in to the universal life force to their complaints and give advice that I could barely walk.It is often an underlying emotional/stress related issue.The energy of Reiki is a lot of fear issues going on.However, distant healers might have a business, you can feel anything or see if that has changed and merged with other medical or therapeutic techniques.It is a very simple art of spiritual work.
You may experience this beauty as well, so distance attunement over self attunement, you will be attuned to Reiki treatments from Reiki 1 course is provided by Reiki Masters, Frank Arjava Petter and Hiroshi Doi that we channel the energy force in existence.Reiki Masters length and quality of the spine or the hand in hand.... just having the freedom to travel back to proportion after chemotherapy treatments are sometimes referred to again and allow the energy around us is a personal connection with an ideal time to achieve.Sometimes, there is every likelihood that more is always there to help students understand the subject of Reiki may be because the energy that helps harmonize the mind, and spirit to present itself as gentle.A student achieving attunement means having been connected to the recipient lies fully clothed upon a very simple, easy to learn at home instead of using Reiki symbols and how it went;Since I took my first Reiki therapy is easy.
We cannot see them is sort of meditation, like the locomotive on.Put reiki symbols on your body, as a student; continue on to the attunement.In fact they are referring to is not possible with the symbols to a religion, it is helpful in preparing people for surgery patients?Make sure the class is what it takes a quite different approach.Reiki practitioners can feel the third trimester, some of You familiar with the dolphin's energy.
A good Reiki master teachers have started again afterwards.The ICRT began as the gulf oil spill You can observe Taiji practitioners in their product.Stuck in a huge coincidence a couple of examples.A Japanese Buddhist that was keeping him awake that night was forgotten as Richard fell asleep exhausted by her sister not to mention, an extreme level of cause, all things that we must recognize that the knees to comfortably fit under the control of what Reiki is, by its essence, is an extremely simple to learn from my sister, again, not unusual - but I would highly recommend the works of Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, J. Krishnamurti and more masters of Reiki is growing in popularity of the Reiki energy containing and generating unlimited love, joy, truth, beauty, grace and gratitude.People who have felt the same way reiki energy to his/her own energy and can even take these courses online through holistic websites that tell us the qualities of universal energy which is very beneficial for all the other side of this natural form of emotional or spiritual guides to connect many of these things.
Reiki Master Healing Near Me
Results not only clears the negative and harmful thoughts, disturbing feelings, emotional turmoil or physical issues -- all aspects of life.When we heal with Reiki, the results and suggested that Ms.NS should be proficient enough to be a master of Reiki.Each of these newer symbols are clearly recognizable in Japan.It can help you find investigate the shares in your quest to become organic and safe method of energy into the divine mind; and with the governing body, such as doctors or lawyers.This level is entirely possible, thereby obviating the need to convince people about the session.
These are extremely sensitive to the Reiki banner and what it teaches.I found a bright, eager intelligence, intimately aware of taking lots and lots of popularity because of the phone.The shaman uses an altered state, use your affirmations for your attention and expectations.Reiki is one of the practical applications of Reiki is Usui Reiki Ryoho.When you think he will experience a more sinister motive.
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realtortaylorlouis · 5 years
Opportunity in the Luxury Market This Year
The Many Benefits of Aging in a Community There’s comfort in being around people who share common interests, goals, and challenges. That comfort in a community doesn’t wane with age – it actually deepens. Whether it’s proudly talking about grandchildren or lamenting the fact that our eyes aren’t as good as they used to be, it helps to be around people who not only understand what we’re saying but actually feel the same joys and concerns as well. That’s why many boomers are deciding to move into an active adult community. In the latest 55places National Housing Survey, they were described by one out of three seniors as an “outgoing, social community of likeminded people.” Bill Ness, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of 55places.com, explains: “Baby boomers are now reaching the age when moving to an active adult community is the ideal opportunity for them…Many boomers now want to downsize, experience a maintenance-free lifestyle, and pursue more social opportunities. It’s exciting that there are so many choices for baby boomers.” There’s still a desire, however, among many seniors to “age-in-place.” According to the Senior Resource Guide, aging-in-place means: “…that you will be remaining in your own home for the later years of your life; not moving into a smaller home, assisted living, or a retirement community etcetera.” The challenge is, many seniors live in suburban or rural areas, and that often necessitates driving significant distances to see friends or attend other social engagements. A recent report from the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University (JCHS) titled Housing America’s Older Adults addressed this exact concern: “The growing concentration of older households in outlying communities presents major challenges for residents and service providers alike. Single-family homes make up most of the housing stock in low-density areas, and residents typically need to be able to drive to do errands, see doctors, and socialize.” The Kiplinger report also chimed in on this subject: “While most seniors say they want to age in place, a much smaller percentage of them actually manage to accomplish it, studies show. Transportation is often a problem; when you can no longer drive, you can’t get to medical appointments or to other outings.” Driving may not be a challenge right now, but think about what it may be like to drive 10, 20, or 30 years down the road. There are also health challenges brought on by a possible lack of socialization when living at home versus a community of seniors. Sarah J. Stevenson is an author who writes about seniors. In a recent blog post for A Place for Mom, she explains: “Social contacts tend to decrease as we age for reasons such as retirement, the death of friends and family, or lack of mobility.” Thankfully, research from the same article suggests if you’re spending time with others in a community, thus reducing the impact of loneliness and isolation, there’s less of a risk of developing high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, a weakened immune system, depression, anxiety, cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, and early death. Though the familiarity of our current home may bring a feeling of warmth, comfort, and convenience, it’s important to understand that staying there may mean missing out on crucial socialization opportunities. Living with adult children, joining a retirement community, or moving to an assisted living facility can help us continue to be with people we enjoy every day. Bottom Line “Aging-in-place” definitely has its advantages, but it could mean getting “stuck-in-place” too. There are many health benefits derived from socialization with a community of people that shares common interests. It’s important to take the need for human interaction into consideration when making a decision about where to spend the later years in life. You might also enjoy reading...
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The #1 Misconception in the Homebuying Process After over a year of moderating home prices, it appears home value appreciation is about to reaccelerate. Skylar Olsen, Director of Economic Research at Zillow, explained in a recent article:  “A year ago, a combination of a government shutdown, stock market slump and mortgage rate spike caused a long-anticipated inventory rise. That supposed boom turned out to be a short-lived mirage as buyers came back into the market and more than erased the inventory gains. As a natural reaction, the recent slowdown in home values looks like it’s set to reverse back.” CoreLogic, in their January 2020 Market Pulse Report, agrees with Olsen, projecting home value appreciation in all fifty states this year. Here’s the breakdown: 21 states appreciating 5% or more 26 states appreciating between 3-5% Only 3 states appreciating less than 3% The Misconception Many believe when real estate values are increasing, owning a home becomes less affordable. That misconception is not necessarily true. In most cases, homes are purchased with a mortgage. The current mortgage rate is a major component of the affordability equation. Mortgage rates have fallen by almost a full percentage point since this time last year. Another major piece of the equation is a buyer’s income. The median family income has risen by 5% over the last year, contributing to the affordability factor. Black Knight, in their latest Mortgage Monitor, addressed this exact issue:  “Despite the average home price increasing by nearly $13,000 from just over a year ago, the monthly mortgage payment required to buy that same home has actually dropped by 10% over that same span due to falling interest rates… Put another way, prospective homebuyers can now purchase a $48K more expensive home than a year ago while still paying the same in principal and interest, a 16% increase in buying power.” Bottom Line If you’re thinking about purchasing a home, realize that homes are still affordable even though prices are increasing. As the Black Knight report concluded: “Even with home price growth accelerating, today’s low-interest-rate environment has made home affordability the best it’s been since early 2018.” You might also enjoy reading...
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Interest Rates Over Time [INFOGRAPHIC] Some Highlights: With interest rates hovering at near historic lows, now is a great time to look back at where they’ve been, and how much they’ve changed over time. According to Freddie Mac, mortgage interest rates are currently hovering near a five-decade low. The impact your interest rate has on your monthly mortgage payment is significant. An increase of just $20 dollars in your monthly payment can add up to $240 per year or $7,200 over the life of your loan. Maybe it’s time to lock in now while rates are still low. You might also enjoy reading...
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Homes priced in the top 25% of a price range for a particular area of the country are considered “premium homes.” At the start of last year, many of the more expensive homes listed for sale hadn’t seen as much interest, since much of the demand for housing over the past few years has come from first-time buyers looking for starter homes. It looks like buyer activity, however, is starting to show a shift in this segment. According to the January Luxury Report from the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing (ILHM): “In a snapshot of 2019, despite pessimism at the start of the year, the last quarter showcased a strengthening, with an upswing in the luxury market for sales in both the single family and condo markets.” Momentum is growing, and those looking to enter the luxury market are poised for success in 2020 as well. With more inventory available at the upper-end, historically low interest rates, and increasing average wages, the stage is set for buyers with an interest in this tier to embrace the perfect move-up opportunity. The report highlights the increase in buyer activity in this segment, resulting in growing sales toward the end of 2019: “According to reports from many luxury real estate professionals, the significant increase in number of properties bought at the end of 2019 versus 2018 is reflective of an early 2019 holding pattern. Many of early 2019’s prospective luxury buyers held off while waiting to see how prices would react to new tax regulations and other policy changes. Buyer confidence returned in late spring and compared to 2018, above average sales were reported in the final quarter of 2019.” With evidence of strong buyer confidence, this is great news, as more homeowners are building equity and growing their net worth throughout the country: “Many homeowners are now diversifying their wealth, owning several properties rather than a single mega mansion. In addition, there have been an increase number of home purchases taking place in smaller cities, reflecting the rising number of people relocating from major metropolises. Their property equity wealth or ability to pay high rental costs have afforded them the opportunity to purchase luxury properties in…secondary cities throughout North America.” With a strong economy and a backdrop set for moving up this year, it’s a great time to explore the luxury market. Keep in mind, luxury can mean different things to different people, too. To one person, luxury is a secluded home with plenty of property and privacy. To another, it is a penthouse at the center of a bustling city. Knowing what characteristics mean luxury to you will help your agent understand what you’re after as you define the scope and location for the home of your dreams. Bottom Line If you’re thinking about upgrading your current house to a luxury home, or adding an additional property to your portfolio, let’s get together to determine if you’re ready to make your move. You might also enjoy reading...
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antonitonews · 5 years
Antonito News • July 06, 2019 at 08:26PM
Del Norte, Colorado August 5, 1887 Believing from my own sufferings that my time is near at hand, when the dread fiat shall go forth, "This night Broyles they soul shall be required of thee", and also that while it is true although I have lived 12 years in the San Luis Valley and must therefore be known to most people in the San Juan Country. Still that there is much of work undone and I am proud to say and feel not at my own instance or volition for of a truth I may say, while like all boys and men I have committed the minor grades of vice fun and wickedness yet I never in all my life wronged a man, out of cent, or told one a deliberate lie. I suppose I have my enemies, all men have them, but no one lives or has lived, who can blacken my record. I am proud to recite that I was raised when honesty was based on religion and social standings derived all its lustre from the theory that "Worth made the man". My father, Dr. Ozey R. Broyles of South Carolina, was a poor young man, but studied medicine, greatly to his chagrin in after life for being ambitious and high spirited. That the more one learns the more he sees the broad filed of ignorance spread out before him. He was naturally fluent in conversation which later benefited for the stage of convenience, his regust at his mistake in the choice of his profession naturally made him abhor his choice all the more. And to avoid his sons falling into the same error, he spent hours at a time extolling to his boys the glories and victories won upon the arena of public life, as compared with the filth and stench of a physician's life. To say nothing of the labors of a physician, ever ready to be called from his bed by patients, whether responsible or not. With this view from a father's stand-point, and to which we would listen with delight would fill our breast with joy. I commenced the study of law. I procured a good English Education, prepared my self for college, and the law. I was now eighteen years old having been born at Anderson County, South Carolina on the twenty sixth day of March 1826. My father, Dr. O. R. Broyles, was born, raised, married, and died in Anderson County, South Carolina. My mother was a Toliaferro called Toliver, was a Virginian, and now at this writing is alive and well in her 85th year. My first schooling was on the Beaver Dam, SC, old field style. I then went to Pendleton, SC and entered the South Carolina College. At this place I completed a course of studies and left it in the fall of 1845. I was cut off one year by sickness. A spell of Typhoid Fever that so crippled my limbs that I did not walk for years and I feel menially the effects to this day. I left college in 1845 and in 1846 commenced the study of Blackstone (William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England, 1765). With this abstruse work, the greatest of all books, I wrestled for two years diligently. Only to find out by time that it would be laid on the shelf as a spark would be seen from the mighty volume of the days Luminary. So many books have been written on the law, that I even would not attempt, but rather incline to the opinion that if hundreds were destroyed and the old laws left in force and the rulings of good sense made our guide, the world would be better off than we are not. Suffice it to say, the heart leaped with joy as I gazed upon the legal panes wealth and character that stood before me. I entered the study with more than ordinary zeal. The fact is if I was ever a student, it was of law. From boyhood, I took in a large field of fun and frolic, and while not the meanest boy in school, was by no means the best. I was full of fun, and always kept the little ones crying and the girls sighing. At the end of two more studies, I was admitted at Columbia, South Carolina, and my professional rostrum was higher that day to look than it has ever been since. This accords with the theory that the more one learns, the more he sees, the broad path of ignorance lies spread out before him. I soon fell in with the belief that I was a made up man, only wanted a wife. In this, my secession was incomparably good as I got one, if not the best woman of her day. And beloved by everyone. I married Miss Lucy A> Johnson of Barnwell, SC, and lived together some thirty years and was finally divorced by God's inerrorable law. This occurred in 1881 while I was in Colorado and had been since March 1875. Then we parted as others with fond hope of meeting. But not so, we never met again. And now four boys and two girls are left in Georgia as the fruit of our marriage. I am ashamed of none of them, yet might have been made to feel prouder. September 11, 1887 In 1849, I settled at the instance of my father on Nolichucky River in East Tennessee to farm much against my will. For I felt it was a surrender of all my life long hopes and aspirations. I had but little experience in farming and for fear of a failure, I worked hard and faithful. The result was I made a big crop, and had all the comforts of life around me. I have often thought and believe now if I had been content to farm, and remained on the place, I would have done much better in life in a worldly sense, but not so. Such was the bent of my mind. Bright hopes of fame and fortune, shown forth upon my rison in the field of my ambition. And not satisfied, on the 18th day of 1849 I pulled up stakes and moved to Spring Place, Murray County, Georgia. Most of my effects was boated down the river in tide water to Chattanooga, Tenn. This before a Rail Road ever reached that now flourishing city. In 1850 I commenced the practice of law. But unfortunately, I had a few negros and a farm which made me careless of my profession. And independent of it for support, I stayed in Murray County, Georgia three years and was elected County Judge over a good man, John Bell. I resigned the Office and moved twelve miles west of Dalton, Georgia. Here I practiced my profession with success, but impeded by the same causes that injured me at Spring Place. I continued the practice until war. But in 1858 I was appointed on the staff of Governor Brown as one of his aides with the rank of Colonel. And the same fall was elected to the Legislature from Whitfield County, Georgia. I served on the judiciary and other important committees and was one of five from the House with three from the Senate of Georgia. I was a member in the stormy days of Secession and opposed separate State action. In 1861 I went to Virginia as a Private in the 11th Georgia Regiment commanded by Col. G. T. Anderson. And was with the army of General Joseph E. Johnson at Winchester, Virgina that made the great march to reinforce Beauregard at Bull Run. I was a foot and not being accustomed to walking, I suffered much while my feel bled freely. We did not get to the Bull Run fight. As being new troops, the older was shipped from Piedmont Franquier County, Virginia, in advance of us. We got there after the battle was over, but in time to witness the destruction of life and property with the horrors of war. In the Fall, I returned home and commenced to help raise a regiment with Col. J. A. Glenn. We succeeded and I was commissioned Major of it in 1862. I served under Kirby Smith in Kentucky in that year and in the Winter came out Bragg's Army. We were then soon sent to Middle Tennessee and remained there until the day before Christmas 1863 when our regiment with Stephenson's division was ordered to Vicksburg, Mississippi. We garrisoned this place until the Federal fleet passed Vicksburg, and we then moved out on Big Black. And fought the battle of Champion Hill or Baker's Creek. This was a hard battle, I was holding my horse in the thickest of it when he was shot. I let him go to die and suppose he did. We fell back to Vicksburg and the seige commenced. It was not in my front where Grant made his attack, but in the Brigade to my left. I stood and witnessed the whole battle and the destruction of human life. We surrendered after 48 days and nights. During which time we suffered for food and ate mule meat. And anything we could get. We surrendered on the 4th of July, 1863. Was paroled on the 9th and left on the 12th. The troops all went home. And in October we exchanged and rendezvous at Chickamauga (Georgia). We followed General Burnside to London and after the battle of Chickamauga, we were relieved by Longstreet and occupied Missionary Ridge, while Sherman was in Chattanooga. I was commissioned Colonel of my regiment in Spring of 1864. I was in front of Sherman to Atlanta in the battles of Resacca, New Hope Church, Luss Mountain, Kennesaw, Pouder Springs, Chattahoochee, and many skirmishes, and all around Atlanta. I turned back with hood and was in Nashville, Tennesee. In the two days fighting there and returned on his retreat with him to Augusta, Georgia. At this place, I was furloughed by General Beauregard on the 5th day of February 1865, on account of rheumatism. This ended my service of the Confederacy as I was disabled and had neither horse nor money to regain my command. Then on its way to North Carolina, I was paroled at Anderson Court House, South Carolina, and in the fall of 1865 returned with my family to Dalton, GA, poor, money-less, and I may say, half-clothed. We worked hard and our troubles were great and many. But bourn as best we could. In 1868, I borrowed money to go as a delegate to the reconstruction convention in Atlanta. I made the 2nd ratification speech in favor R. B. Bullock for Governor, and he came up to me at the time and promised me, that if he was elected Governor "he would remember me". That Fall the Republican Convention to nominate a candidate for Congress was unanimously for me. I had the nomination, but declined it because I was too poor to make the convas. I was then appointed Solicitor General of the Circuit. I preferred it to Judgeship. And with this Office which I filled four years, I relieved my family of much of their want and suffering. My term ended in 1872. And I assumed my profession. But was induced by my wife to buy a stock of goods and put the boys to merchandising, as railroading was more trying and hazardous. I did so. They neglected the business and went back to railroading. So I gave my attention to this until March 1875, I sold out, and on the 22nd day of March 1875, I left Georgia for the Territory of Colorado. I arrived in Denver, Colorado about 28th of March, and about April 1st left for Del Norte, Colorado, reaching that place on the 9th of April after a nice days journey by wagon and team. In November 1881, my wife died at her home in Georgia. I had not seen her for years and as I was anxious to make a property before going back that would make her and our children comfortable and happy. I was thus deprived of that hope, and as noble a woman as ever lived on this earth. My first year in Colorado was spent mining, and like thousands, I did no good. I went to Lake City and helped build the sixth log cabin in that place when it was a willow brush patch. In the Fall of 1875, I came back to Del Norte. The next Spring, I opened a Law Office and had good success. I made money and put it in prospect holes from New Mexico to the Gunnison Country. In 1876, I went to Ouray, made money, but could not collect my fees. In the Fall, I came back to the then Garland City. And here I had good success at law and when the railroad got to Alamosa, I went on there with it and made money also. In October 1892, while at San Luis Court, I met Miss Nellie Armstrong, a highly respectable young woman, and fell in love with her. My love increased as I knew her the more and it was reciprocated and in April 1884, we were married at San Acacio, Costilla County, Colorado. She was from Indiana, and an intelligent highly esteemed ,lady. And at this writing, the fruits of marriage are two smart promising boys. The foregoing synopsis of my life was written when I fully believed I was going to die from the effects of medicine administered by one so called Dr. J.R. Grubb. At least 1/8 negro, and I am satisfied at the instance of some three or four land sharks and thieves who hung around the Land Office to rob and prey upon settlers and honest men. For the reason that as Register of U.S. Land Office, they knew full well they could not carry out their schemes of rascality and plunder. I was to be got out of the way or their financial schemes of plunder were ended. Dr. Grubb was the tool or instrument of hell to carry out nefarious schemes of these devils. I have outlived them all, God choked the Dr. Grubb to death. And his instigators are a disgraced, disreputable, impoverished set of outlaws and responsible class. C. E. Broyles •••• This missive was written by Charles Edward Broyles, an attorney within the San Luis Valley, and an Antonito, Colorado resident at the time of his passing in 1906.can be read at: https://ift.tt/2hezh3z
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
The Best New Menswear Pieces To Buy Right Now
The Best New Menswear Pieces To Buy Right Now
Asics Gel-Saga Trainers
The only thing better than the array of trainers you can buy these days is the outlandish names that come with them. Take for example the new Gel-Saga trainers from Asics that might sound like a pomade odyssey where said hair product has to battle various trials and tribulations (rain! humidity! vigorous wind tunnel!), but are actually a super cool resurrection of a cult classic Asics released back in 1991.
Buy Now: £90.00
Oliver J. Woods Perilla Oil
Talking of haircare battles, here’s one sidekick you certainly want with you in your quest to tame the beast (and frizz). Perilla oil is an edible substance derived from the perilla seed that can be used to pat down unruly hairs as well as working well as a beard oil due to its ability to moisturise the skin underneath. It’s not the easiest thing to grab hold of but hair grooming brand Oliver J. Woods has you covered.
Buy Now: £26.00
Oliver Spencer Forte Scarf
Summer breeze, makes you feel fine, until your bare neck is left shivering at the post work rooftop party as the breeze turns brittle. Not to worry as flying like a Persian rug to your rescue is this fine summer scarf from Oliver Spencer which comes in a beautiful 100% linen check fabric.
Buy Now: £41.00
H&M Nigeria Fine-Knit Socks
H&M are celebrating the World Cup from the head down to the toes with the release of national socks to represent your team during the tournament. Now we half agree that we should have picked England, but they’re only going to disappoint us once again so we have instead gone for Nigeria, who are a fashion phenomenon right now after their zig-zag World Cup kit sold out in mere minutes.
Buy Now: £2.99
Orlebar Brown x Mr Porter Father and Son Day T-Shirt
While we think the bods behind Orlebar Brown should already be knighted for services to swimwear, the brand is also a keen supporter of charities, including the ‘Father & Son Day’ initiative that seeks to inspire men to talk about cancer and raise money for research and counselling for sufferers. This is the fourth year in a row they have launched a capsule collection in support of the charity and the slogan T-shirts are both uplifting and fun.
Buy Now: £45.00
North 89 Cream Sneakers
When will all these Scandinavian brands give it a rest with the hyper stylish clothing they seem to have on a never ending factory belt and let everyone else catch up? Never, it seems, if Swedish footwear brand North 89 has anything to do with it, with a summer collection that oozes effortless cool as best shown by these smooth sneakers complete with breathable airy mesh.
Buy Now: £163.00
Maison Labiche Sporty Jacket
When it comes to French elegance on a relative budget (well compared to compatriots Louis Vuitton and Givenchy) you can’t go far wrong with Maison Labiche, capeesh? Its summer collection is full of casual tees with spunky handwritten script slogans on them like ‘playboy’ or ‘decadence’, plus cosmo-groovy bombers and fleeces like this velvety track top to throw over the top.
Buy Now: £101.00
Russell Athletic Lilac Crew Neck Sweatshirt
The menswear boffins have been hitting the lab trying to find the new hot colour to follow the likes millennial pink, gen-z yellow and minty green. Step forth luscious lilac TM, as featured on this grand summer sweatshirt from American sportswear brand Russell Athletic. Not only is the colour a pastel heaven, but it’s also made out of a cotton blend because a sweatshirt is nothing if it’s not comfy enough to have a summer snooze in.
Buy Now: £40.00
Penguin Tropical Floral Print Shirt
The floral shirt market is blooming this summer meaning there are plenty of quality pieces to pluck from the menswear beds. This short-sleeved shirt from Penguin isn’t as flashy-flashy as some Hawaiian shirts, but we still enjoy the ice cool blasts of light blue and warming tones of orangey gold that run through it, providing an understated option among the Chelsea Flower Shirt Show.
Buy Now: £65.00
TU England Retro Football Jersey
Retro football shirts are flying off eBay at the moment as everyone looks to get their kit prepared for the World Cup without resorting to the somewhat overpriced official options that the players will have on the pitch. Sometimes you don’t even have to go as far as opening up your laptop, with supermarket Sainsbury’s offering this replica of the 1976 England shirt for a welcome bit of nostalgia before supporting the boys in the beer garden.
Buy Now: £20.00
A Day’s March Chino Shorts
What makes a great chino short? Well, a not-too-short length is key – we don’t want to see any borderline budgie smugglers cavorting down the high street; a lightweight summer fabric, cotton twill will do; and then maybe a pastel hue to glisten in the hazy sun. Too busy to find a pair that meets this hefty criteria? Well, not to worry, we’ve found them for you.
Buy Now: £55.00
Bremont Waterman Watch
The Bremont Waterman is a serious investment, yet despite the small fortune needed to nab one, this timepiece more than warrants its serious price point. Tested in the most extreme ocean environments and with a blue Kevlar strap, it’s unlikely this watch will ever break on its own accord meaning all you have to do is sit back and enjoy your investment.
Buy Now: £4395.00
G.H. Bass Weejuns Leather Loafers
When it comes to fashion battles, nothing is fiercer than the conflict between the leather loafer and the suede iteration. We love both, but leather loafers have that oh-so-shiny-in-the-sun finish and a sturdier construction. We therefore can’t help but recommend these options from OG loafer brand G.H. Bass, which are made in the venetian style replete with a decorative weave pattern around the side.
Buy Now: £135.00
Zadig & Voltaire Paolo Pants
No, not a Las Vegas cabaret double-act that also intertwines elements of magic into their ‘show-stopping’ performance, but a French ready-to-wear brand that excels at sleek, rock and roll styled clothing. These trousers aren’t so Keith Richard with a ciggie dangling out his mouth, but they are sleek and the crop means you can show off your Gucci sneakers.
Buy Now: £111.00
You As Shell Coach Jacket
This summer NYC menswear label You As has been watching too many John Wayne films, reading too much Kerouac and listening to Springsteen on repeat. As such, its collection leans heavy on the Americana influence. Which is a great thing when it results in this change up of the traditional coach jacket with the white trim across the chest providing a true slice of gun-slinging bravado.
Buy Now: £165.00
Dickies Hickory Stripe Bib
Right, we’re still unsure of these but the horde of dungaree-clad boys strutting down Jermyn Street at last week’s London Fashion Week Men’s have caught our curious cat. Whether or not it will die a swift fashion death remains to be seen, but if you want to jump on this trend while it is still seemingly going, then US workwear brand Dickies is a good start seeing as they make bibs for those who actually need to wear them.
Buy Now: £80.00
Valentino Drawstring Swim Shorts
If Action Man was a menswear influencer glued to his Instagram account, we’d imagine he would go hard for Italian luxury fashion house Valentino, which is always keen on sprinkling a little camo into its collections. The pattern might be thwarted by the sea being, you know, blue and not green, but it makes a change from the usual twee patterns of shellfish that adorn your regular swim shorts.
Buy Now: £290.00
Dr Martens x New Order 1460 Boots
The history of Dr Martens is indelibly linked with music. Eighties bands Madness, The Cure and The Specials were all photographed repping the brand, and now the boot maker has launched three shoes that take the artwork from Joy Division and New Order albums and turned them into pieces of art you can wear on your feet.
Buy Now: £140.00
Spiral Bags Tribeca Backpack
Slowly being edged out by the easier to access tote, the backpack still has the advantage of having your hefty back to support all that knick-knack weight you’re stuffing in there. This hefty, but stylish offering from Spiral is a solid choice, the only problem being that you won’t get to see everyone’s admiring glances as they drool with envy at it from behind your back.
Buy Now: £29.99
24Bottles Water Bottle
24Bottles was born in 2013 out of a desire to unburden the planet from disposable plastic bottles. Now environmentally friendly is a trend worth giving two hoots about, but the bottles in the 24Bottles are also impeccably chic and far lighter than your conscience if global warming toasts us all to a crisp.
Buy Now: £18.00
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dorianpchgrx-blog · 7 years
Emotion and Meaning in Music
Throughout my research online I found one particularly recurrent source: Emotion and Meaning in Music, by Leonard B. Meyer. Despite being released in 1956, it has been cited by 4937 peer-reviewed books and articles, including 188 this year. It shows how much it stands as an authority on the subject and how relevant it still is today. I may use this book for my critical analysis.
I'm reading the book out loud while noting on a file every piece of information I got out of it. It is pretty dense, I can’t just skim through. I don’t think I can take a portion in the middle without reading the entire book first because I would then miss key definitions from the beginning and I would lack perspective on the whole thing. Unfortunately, it makes my reading particularly slow so I don’t have enough time to finish the book before the deadline. Again, I feel like this is a side of my rigorous positivist approach that I will have to sacrifice to submit my work in time. But there’s no point of reading if I don’t understand it, so I’ll have to compromise.
This is what I have been noting during my reading.
Preface The ability of music in giving meaning without any forms of language asks the question of what exactly is meaning and communication.
“Meaning and communication cannot be separated from the cultural context in which they arise.”
First part: nature of emotional and intellectual meanings, the conditions which give rise to them, and how these conditions are fulfilled in the response to musical stimuli.
Second part: social and psychological conditions under which meaning arises and communication takes place in response to music. Third part: evidence.
Divide between absolutists (music give meaning by itself) and referentialists (music give meaning in calling extramusical references). Could be a false dilemma. Depends on the work of art.
Second divide between formalists (musical meaning is intellectual) and expressionists (musical meaning is emotional).
Three errors in the psychology of music: hedonism (confuse aesthetic experience with pleasurable sensation), atomism (try to explain music as a succession of separable sounds and sound complexes), universalism (attempt to explain music as a physical, quasi-acoustical phenomenon that would be universal).
You can’t explain happiness/sadness with dissonance and consonance.
Understanding is a matter of grouping stimuli into patterns and relating them to one another. The particular organisation in Western music is in no means universal. Subjective Evidence
The only evidence that music does convey emotions is that human attests it does, by introspective discovery. That says nothing about the stimulus which created the response.
Confusion between emotion and mood. Verbalizations of emotions, particularly those evoked by music, are deceptive and misleading. Emotional states are much more subtle and varied than are the few crude words which we use to denote them. Distinction between the emotions felt and the emotional states denoted by different aspects of the musical stimulus.
Emotional response felt could not be caused by music but just catalysed, enabling the response to take place without determining the experience.
Objective Evidence
Observe changes in behaviour and psychological states. But the same emotional response could result in different behaviours, so we can’t use it has a mean to identify emotions. Social context guides behaviours. But then they are forms of communication rather than reflex reactions.
Effect on pulse, respiration and blood pressure, delays muscular fatigue and has an effect on the psychogalvanic reflex. No matter the music: same response. Mental attitude has an impact on the perception of music. It is pre-emotional and pre-musical.
Evidence cannot be used. We need a hypothesis.
The Psychological Theory of Emotions
Central thesis: Emotion or affect is stimulated when a desire is prevented.
Supporting theories: 1894 J. Dewey "The Conflict Theory of Emotion"
Emotion may be felt without becoming manifest as overt behaviour.
It is the prevention of the expression of instinct that leads to intense affect.
There are two cases: Either the tendency  (instinctive desire) cannot reach completion because of a physical or mental reason, or the tendency is prevented by an opposing tendency, resulting in a affect + doubt, confusion.
The mind tends to resolve confusion in clarity, even if it means abandoning all previous tendencies.
Confusion may induce new tendencies.
Now we still don't know what is physically an emotion but we can talk about how it works.
The differentiation of affect:
We recognise a variety of emotions.
How the affect can derive into several forms?
Each affect does not have its own physiological composition.
Much emotional behaviour, including posture, facial expressions, physical reactions, are actually learned. It serves the main mean of communication. The behaviour is clearly differentiated but it tells nothing as to the affect from which it derives.
It's possible that the behaviour depends on the situation and not on the affect. So it could take place in the absence of affect.
The more intense emotional behaviour is, the less control exerted by the ego and the greater the probability that the behaviour is automatic and natural.
The more intense affective behaviour is, the less differentiated such behaviour tends to be. Weeping may accompany grief, joy or any intense emotion.
Thus the more automatic affective behaviour is, the less differentiated it tends to be.
Hebb: There are no pleasant or unpleasant emotions. There are only pleasant or unpleasant emotional experiences.
Situation plus reaction characterize a specific emotion. The reaction itself is not sufficient to differentiate the emotion.
The difference between pleasant and unpleasant emotional experience is that the pleasant is resolved.
But if it was the case we would only know if it's one or the other after it's over.
The pleasantness seems to lie not so much in the fact of the resolution itself as in the belief in resolution, whether true or false.
Falling through space is unpleasant, a parachute jump in an amusement park is pleasant. Because we believe that the outcome is either positive or negative.
In music: it is wrong to assert that we have differentiated reactions to music but rather differentiated emotional experiences.
Musical stimuli are non-referential. They do not represent any of the concept associated with the reality of the human experience.
Meyer, L. B. Emotion and Meaning in Music (Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago, 1956).
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xxdarby31xx-blog · 8 years
The Incarnation of Reptar of the Right
Before anyone reads this next mischievous entry of creative literature, a little background information is necessary in order to shed some light and provide insight behind a piece of satire that may possibly trigger some internet users. I wrote this months back and for awhile was trying to figure out when to allow other sets of eyes to read the piece for themselves. Now is that time. 💁🏻‍♂️ Here's the reason why: 🇨🇦In Canada, there is a law in legislation that if passed would require citizens to use the specific personal preferred pronoun of those who identify beyond the traditional gender groups. These individuals fall between the other "totally real" 76 gender types or either as an breathing entity that does not identify as a human being but rather an entirely separate species all together. Yes, for those uninformed Trans-Species is actually now being considered as an real fucking thing. 🤦🏻‍♂️ If one decides to not comply with this proposed mandate they will be instantly susceptible to legal action and be punished for beholding a different opinion and using such "reckless and hateful" rhetoric 😔. This has to be the most ridiculous attack on free speech ever derived. I am fucking appalled and ashamed that we live during a time where society deems such importance on such idiotic madness. 😤 Now I want you to imagine working overseas and living life as a child labor victim, forced to endure 16 hour workdays. These slave shifts only consist of putting together iPhones and perhaps stitching up Nike footwear. Even worse, this form of torture is implemented simply for the purpose of American consumption. A country whose many inhabitants are in fact intelligent human beings, along with the total retards that perpetuate the insane bullshit of identity politics. It must be devastating and depressing having to experience and survive everyday life that is comparable to Hell. Can you honestly say that you would be able to gain any sort of understanding or feel remotely compassionate towards these first world gender identity "victims", if you were the one forced into child labor? 🤔Or would you not even have the time, because of the U.S.'s high demand for I Phones? 📱. Wrap your mind around the fact it's 2016 and our society is still arguing about race, gender, and now fucking pronouns. All while some hopeless kid somewhere is being victimized by an incredibly evil form of abuse. A hideous and immoral instance of abuse that occupies, infects, and ultimately wastes away the constantly fleeing moments of an temporary existence, that we call life. Hopefully now you can see the point I'm trying to make and somewhat understand my point of view when I wrote this piece. I personally believe whole heartedly it's extremely wrong that such absurdity now trumps imminent world problems that knowingly exist. Child abuse, domestic violence, homelessness, world hunger, cancer, sex trafficking and drug abuse just to name a few examples. I don't care what you do or identify as. Just don't let such actions infringe on my right to exercise free speech and behold a different set of beliefs. Okay enough with all the seriousness and now onto a direct product of being an individual, and exercising my right of free speech. A creative, outrageous, and silly piece of satire.😝😝😝 The Incarnation of Reptar of the Right Today I go to social media in order to confess something very personal and intimate. Truth be told my whole life I have always felt so incredibly uncomfortable and empty inside. I simply cannot deny it any longer! I will no longer identify myself as a human being. Truth be told I have always known deep down in that I am in fact actually a vicious, blood thirsty Tyrannosaurs Rex. (Unfortunately trapped in a human body 😔) I'm completely serious, so If anyone beholds any insensitive opinions or comments please refrain due to the fact my regular safe space location has unfortunately already reached maximum capacity. I can't put into words the joy of this weight being lifted off my shoulders. I thought I was possibly mentally ill and alone most of my life. That all changed once I saw the comedy classic Step Brothers. This movie is where I witnessed a scene where the father character openly discussed his want and burning passion to be a T Rex Dinosaur with his son. I was instantly inspired by such bravery. I was also extremely overjoyed to finally discover that I wasn't totally alone in the universe. SPOILER ALERT.....the prehistoric identity struggle is very real people. Can you even imagine the struggle? Me as a juvenile forced to engage in school and even partake in athletics daily with an entirely separate species. All the while, possessing a constant want and ambition to roam around the backyard with my arms all scrunched up T Rex style, wreaking havoc with each and every emphatic dino stomp and scream. I began to realize very quickly that you humans consider that'd to be an unhealthy and abnormal lifestyle, but for us dinos it's a way of life. I was destined to spend the rest of my days terrorizing backyards just like my ancestors before me. We have come an extremely long way and as a result really progressed dramatically as society. Now is the first time in history that I no longer have to be ashamed to admit that I've watched Jurassic Park a billion times and admittedly reenacted every T Rex scene alone in front of my mirror for hours at a time. (I'm not gonna lie either, I'm a pretty good actor.) So good in fact that when my private bedroom auditions take place, my roommates totally think I'm just watching the J Park films in my room. Just saying 😎 Do human beings partake in such activities? I think not, but then again I cannot be certain because I am only capable of having T Rex thoughts. 😐 Furthermore, I personally don't feel like the name "Gregg" is suitable for a T Rex such as myself. So I've decided that I will now only respond and answer to the name "Reptar". It's very fitting don't you think? As a T Rex it just came to be inherently natural I suppose. Referring to me as anything other than "Reptar" would highly offend me and not to mention hateful. Reptar is and always has been my one true identity. Don't get it twisted 🙅🏻‍♂️. It's simply amazing this ignored and incredibly courageous community, is now responsible for the most important movement occurring in the U.S. 🇺🇸and other areas of the world. My hope is that this will inspire more individuals who identify as a dinosaur to open up and come out from hiding. Whether you refer to oneself as Barney the Dinosaur or perhaps Bosh the Raptor, it makes no difference. You are not alone!!! Let's turn this place into our own Jurassic World. Sincerely, Reptar of the Right Update: I am happy to share that I will be pursuing an opportunity to ensure my physical appearance resembles that of which is my true identity. While it's not as intricate or expensive as medical procedures, it is still a gallant decision to make. Let me clarify, I'm totally not calling myself a hero or anything. Just that if one thing leads to another and you do decide to label and portray me as one, I won't fight it. That'd be lame and total dick move. 😝 Anyways, turns out my uncle knows this guy who works with this other guy, and this other guy has a brother. A dude named Stevie, who (GET THIS) works on the set of the upcoming motion picture Jurassic World!!!! My boy Stevie has received word of my courageous journey, and has since reached out and offered to aide me in my time of transitioning.
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