#the only problem is I have kaeya built as a main dps for a permafreeze team
mookybear12404 · 2 years
Putting Diluc and Kaeya right next to each other in my serenitea pot. metaphorically they are wearing a "this is our get along t-shirt"
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dourpeep · 3 years
stormterror and lantern rite?
Genshin Ask Game!
lantern rite: what is your favorite cutscene in the game so far?
My favorite cutscene is definitely still the Lantern Rite--the one where Xiao's sitting on the hill just outside of Liyue Harbor, looking up with awe at the thousands of glittering lanterns filling the sky.
It makes me tear up because...even through his millennia of living, that was the very, very first time that he let himself enjoy something for the sake of enjoying it--not because it reminds him of anything, not because it is his duty. And also because it was, in part, a tribute to one of his friends who has long since passed. Ahhhh just thinking about it I'm (':
stormterror: if you had 4 all sword, all claymore, all polearm, and all catalyst teams what characters would you put on them for fun?
Ooooo okay okay okay lemme just (I also threw in bow as well for fun ehe)-
In order of slot as well:
Sword: Traveler, Qiqi, Kazuha, Albedo
Claymore: Sayu, Beidou, Chongyun, Xinyan
Polearm: Raiden, Xiangling, Xiao, Zhongli
Catalyst: Kokomi, Sucrose, Lisa, Yanfei
Bow: Diona, Venti, Amber, Yoimiya
And then under the cut are some explanations if you want to read them nodnod
I'm pretty picky with how my comps are ordered-
For the most part, I'll put characters in this order: Healer, Sub Support, Main Support, DPS. This only changes if there's a dedicated shield character or if the team is predominantly supports built w/ DPS capabilities (all sword team).
The only exceptions are the all polearm team--because there isn't a healer and instead there are two supports, one skill/burst support, and one DPS--and the all bow team because Venti inexplicably feels like a 'second slot' character to me. I don't have an explanation for it ehe
All Sword Team
Overall, a pretty solid team! There's lots of flexibility due to Qiqi's healing and Albedo's crystalize shields as well as Traveler being able to switch to different elements. Very dependable. Kazuha's there because I love his playstyle--probably has my favorite playstyle above all other characters nodnod
9/10 for versatility and bonus point for Albedo
All Claymore Team
Lots of possibilities for reactions! Namely melt + Overloaded which both are big damage reactions. Unfortunately, there aren't any hydro claymores...but if there were, I'd put them on this team because Chongyun's skill + hydro mean permafreeze. Slap on physical build Xinyan and mannn this team would destroy. Also you can get electro charge w/ hydro electro which is good dot nodnod
8/10 because a hydro character would be better
All Polearm Team
Man, this team would be really good too...Why didn't I think of this sooner?? Overloaded as is does pretty big damage, not to mention you can easily just switch to Raiden, Xiangling, and Zhongli for their skill before switching back to Xiao and just going to town-
7/10 because Xiao's passive HP loss with his Q as well as Zhongli's skill and Raiden's bright ring of purple effect visibility
All catalyst Team
Another that's pretty focused on reactions! Luckily, catalysts give reliable and consistent application of elements because...well, the attacks themselves are only elemental. I actually have nearly no experience w/ Lisa because I got Beidou really early on and used her in tandem with Kaeya for superconduct so I don't have much to say-
Also because of the four characters, I only have one actually built and only use her once in a while (Sucrose).
8/10 because stamina drain is a big problem and my experience w/ a catalyst based team tends towards having to bunnyhop because my stamina bar is empty. But also in this case, Kokomi would def help w/ her healing
All Bow Team
Ahhh yes yes this would be a fun team. You have the possibility to proc melt or reverse melt (which deals more damage than melt), you get a shield, healing, cc, and also have a great aim/charge shot person (Amber) as well as a great auto attack person (Yoimiya). Not to mention the pyro resonance giving that attack boost.
The only downside is that, apart from Venti, the team is very 1-target based. However, Yoimiya alone does enough damage for that to not really be a problem.
8/10 because the downside, but other than that not too shabby
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