#the only problem is im the worst at drama
flufallo · 5 months
Does anyone else just have the urge to become an actor sometimes or is it just me?
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babylion · 1 year
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magmythedevil · 8 months
TW: mention of grooming & sexual assault Please dont read If this topic makes your uncomfortable
Quite of a long test ahead. Sorry
Listen, i dont want to sound rude or anything, but everytime someone on the murder drone fandom (twt specifically) gets outed as a groomer, sexual predator, or Just someone who has caused harm to other people in general MD fans on twitter always turn these types of situation into a:
"LMFAO murder drone fandom suck ass!! I hate you all!!!!!! im out of here for real!!!!!"
"i love murder drones But i hate this fandom"
And ...no... Please....dont.
I know these guys are all just teenegers just like me and may or not may have good intentions when they say this, But i have an awful truth about to say about these situations;
Those groomers and sexual predators are not on the fandom bc they are interested on the show and just happen to be groomers just because. They are on the fandom bc they know murder drones Its the type of show that attracts vulnerable teenegers and kids
Stop making these type of situations into a fandom thing, bc Its something serious. These groomers are not genuine fans of the show (most of the time) theyre here to make victims
And yes, these groomers are capable o spending months building their murder drones fandom accounts just to befriends the minors on the fandom, even If theyre not even acctually interested on the show.
Im tired of seeing groomers in the fandom getting outed and then some minutes after some corny;
"lmfao, in out here, im just gonna be a normal account now lolll"
"muted all the words related to murder drones <33333"
"wait??? Thad the cool guy is a groomer??? Cant this fandom be normal for once???"
tweets pop up taking the focus away from the real problem.
Some predators using the show to make their victims doesn't automatically turns the fandom into "an awful place full of disgusting people" and its because of that generalization that these events keep repeating themselfs.
Theres some assholes and toxic people on the fandom? Yes totally. I saw toxic envy shippers trying to turn nuzi into a """pedo coded"""" ship in real time.
But, this is difference, a groomer disguising themselfs as a fandom member is not a fandom problem or drama, and doesn't automatically makes the an entire group of people bad.
If the fandom knew how to handle these types of situations Instead of making;
"block this disgusting murder drones fan!!!!!!! Loll im so tired of this fandom, in out"
posts, people should make;
"therese another predator out there, Please everyone be carefull and block all of their accounts and i feel so sorry for all the victims"
(they do make these posts, but get quickly overshadowed by the fandom focused corny ones)
Things would be so much better.
Remember the murder drones strike thing? The fandom could make a campaingh similiar to that but focused on spreading awareness about predators that use murder drones to attract kids. Its a sad truth, But only facing reality is a way to make things better
Maybe that happens bc MD is the first fandom these people have ever been at, so they don't know how to react to these type of things but trust me i have seen fandoms that are much worst who have had terrible things happening out there.
Anyways, this is all i had to say, sorry if Its kinda confusing, english is not my first language, but i hope i made a clear point here a least
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artofhazbinhotel · 5 months
How toxic do you think the poly vees get if they notice one is favoring the other. (Sorry if this isn't what you were expecting im a sucker for drama)
Velvette almost always feels like Vox and Valentino favor each other over her, they've known each other much longer than they've known her in and in a poly situation they've always been together much longer than they've been with her. They're unaware of this because she refuses to communicate and instead chooses to be petty and not initiate dates or intimacy. Only when she's asked directly will she get involved, it's an unspoken rule they have to ask first because she accuses them of just doing what she says when she has to ask "if you wanted me here you'd ask first" even though they said yes
Vox feels Valentino favors Velvette, Valentino and Velvette bicker but it's nothing like what they do, he calls her babydoll, lavishes her with gifts, cuddles her, but won't do the same for Vox because he likes making Vox jealous, Velvette doesn't get that treatment because her jealousy is just anger instead of the obsessive demanding Vox does
The same problem happens with Valentino, he thinks Vox favors Velvette, Vox will buy them both gifts, but the difference is Vox hardly ever argues with Velvette, and it makes Valentino so angry even though he's the problem and most arguments are his fault exclusively because of his temper. He has the worst coping mechanisms out of the three, he's never been monogamous but he'll go out and tell them to have fun just because they hate this mood
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tumb1rgirl7 · 8 months
giving my opinion on the whole drama going on,
i’ve been a fan of the triplets for around a year and a half now. i’m going to be completely honest i only start to watch them because i found them attractive. i never had a problem with l***a and m**i until recently. signing 3 teenage boys to a management because your daughter watches them on youtube and definitely finds them attractive is so strange and weird and also the relationship they have with their manager is so weird. she treats them like family when they are her clients. they can’t fire her because they are best friends with their managers daughter, so they are kinda forced to stay with zstardigital.(i’m guessing they obviously want to stay)
now with the m**i and matt dating rumours. it was funny and entertaining, i don’t think a lot of people knew it was satire(i felt like it was) but as we know the triplets are sensitive and can’t take backlash, so them talking about this on the most recent podcast shows that they obviously did have enough, which is very surprising since they rarely ever talk about stuff like this because they don’t want to come off as “controversial”
i didn’t really understand when nick said he deleted tiktoks for “privacy reasons” i just thought it was strange since he deleted them in the time span of everything going on in the fandom. basically matt deleting “your never gonna find someone like me tiktok” set everything off.
i do think the sturniolo fandom is a little insane, but most of it is young teenage girl who would kill for them. the other half is older teens who just watch them for entertainment. the people who are giving death threats to their female friends are clearly the younger fans. but i feel as they are making their fans feel guilty and im talking about the fans that haven’t really done anything(i personally think it’s embarrassing being apart of this fandom when they have to call out people and i personally feel guilty even if i haven’t done anything, i just cringe that there’s people in the same fandom doing shit like that) i also feel as the triplets can be very ungrateful when their fans are literally paying for their rent.
im sorry if you don’t agree, this is just my opinion, the worst thing the triplets could of done was sign to a management, well the one they are sign to.
also since when did nick love chapstick so much to make it? no clue.
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fraudulent-cheese · 4 months
Do you think they made Dave a bit of a straw man near the end of Pahkitew? Like it always felt to me they needed someone to use as a hate buffer you know since they couldn't use any of the antagonists they had already made. And this is coming from someone who likes Dave. He was just a pathetic guy who had some charm to him if explored and used them correctly but in the end he was... Mauled by a robotic bear? The punish may fit the crime, the culprit sure doesn't.
-Pahkitew anon
Total Drama in general has a problem with over punishing it's antagonistic characters in general. I mean, Heather's head getting shaved off is fine imo? It's harsh, but also a punishment in line with her character; if her hair's the hottest thing about her, taking it is a fitting punishment (again. Really fucking harsh). Same with Justin's downfall, caused by him actually liking a girl instead of just charming one. I haven't watched the ending of Action so i can't say anything for how Courtney's elimination is treated.
However, as the series went on, the antagonist punishments started going... way too far. I think the writers just thought that making Ezekiel a weird creature was funny and the volcano erupting would've made for a dramatic finale, but making Alejandro both get burnt alive by it and then stuffing him in a robot suit for over a year is just overboard. Same thing with Scott in ROTI; the trauma chair's implications just get worse the more you think about it - at least Alejandro could speak in the machine at first!
I won't cover the Reboot in this context, but i will cover PI: mostly because this season seemingly has 2-3 antagonists, and most don't carry the plot. Scarlett's an actual antagonistic force for a single episode and doesn't get any punishment on screen outside of elimination (and being sent with Max). Sugar is who im pretty sure the writters wanted to treat as an antagonist? But she doesn't feel like an overarching vilain since she's mostly just doing her own thing all season and the show's just... really mean to her? The narrative repeatedly treats her as unattractive, annoying and dismisses her abilities (specifically in singing) when she's like. Fine. in those aspects. She's also not the smartest, but knows how to use the rules to her advantage (see Ella's elimination, probably the worst thing she does all season)
Getting to the actual topic of your ask now, Dave's heel turn to murder just... feels a little off. Oh sure if the writing insisted on the conditions on the island wearing him down and having Sky be the only positive connection he had (especially considering his attitude towards relationships), having it torn down like this could make it work? At least a little better? But by the episode he's eliminated in he seems to be doing ok.
In general the finale just seems to exacerbate Dave's worst traits for either comedy reasons or plot reasons (pre and post Sky-has-a-boyfriend reveal), but i could personally excuse it if his reaction was more akin to one he'd have before. He would not have reacted well to the reveal, hell him trying to stop Sky from winning could've worked but like??? Not like this man! Im not asking the Total Drama teenager to have a reasonnable reaction, im asking the Total Drama Writters to stick with the character they wrote, and frankly it would be funnier if he failed miserably in trying to get back at Sky or something. Out of all the seasons i feel like either TDAS or TDPI should've ended with the contestants fighting back against Chris instead of the actual endings we got.
Also, as a final clarification: Dave wasn't mauled by a bear (onscreen), Scuba bear was just standing behind him as the entire season ended. I guess my big problem is that he gets consequences for his actions during a single episode and not actions from over the course of the entire season; frankly Sky rejecting him is enough consequences, the dude's pathetic and didn't listen to her 'but', multiple times.
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whynotjohnlock · 7 months
Hey, hope you're having a great day :D
Tw for self harm.
One thing I don't like about fics with self harm is that the doctor ends up feeling a bit overdramatic, and I want people not to make a big deal out of my problem and just assure me that they'll stuck with me
So can you please write a thing where the doctor discovers that the reader is self harming, and they just silently being over a first aid box to patch up the wounds while the reader is furiously apologising, then the doctor just looks up at us and is like "hey, don't apologize, I just want the best for you"
(I tried to follow your request as closely as possible, let me know if you need me to change something.)
A/N: Hey, I hope you're ok. I want you to know that whoever you are you are loved and special and unique. I hope if you need it you get help (to you anonymous, and anyone out there struggleling) because you deserve it. Here is some fullfy 11th doctor without drama.
Warning for people easily offended to not click keep reading. Your media consumption is not my responsibility.
The inside TARDIS was calm and peaceful, but not enough as to quiet the racing tanted emotions filling your soul and the voices urging you on.
You knew it was irrational to hurt yourself. You knew you shouldn't. But those thoughts did not stop the madness.
Perhaps some part of yourself believed you deserved what you did to yourself. There had been more than enough occasions that a mistake on your part had cost the lives of others. Traveling with the Doctor was not always fun.
Maybe you felt like little more than an ant compared to all the important people that surrounded you. The people you traveled with could handle so much. Rory had waited 2000 years for Amy. River has to live with the love of her life not knowing who she was half of the time. Amy had killed a version of herself to keep living with her boys. The doctor was feared and loved throughout the cosmos for his cleverness and ferocity. They were all so strong, and in that way so unlike you.
Perhaps another part of you believed they where better off without you. You didn't want to slow down such amazing people after all.
You didn't know what had brought you in the bathroom on your nees with a sharp small kitchen knife in hand, or why you felt numb to everything but the new scars on your hand, and you didn't care.
It felt so good. It felt good, and that was the only thing that mattered. Blood flowed out of skin freely, and you just didn't care.
That was until of course, the Doctor opened the door. You felt guilty, foolish and stupid as tears ran like rivers down your tattered form.
"Hey Y/N, I was wondering if-" the doctor froze in his tracks, eyes filled with understanding and pain.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" You gasped for metaphorical air in your drowning mind.
You experienced him to be angry. You expected the doctor would go full incoming storm and demand why you would be as weak as to be harmful to yourself. Fear flashed in your face and you prepared for the worst. Would he even want to travel with you anymore.
The doctor was, infact angry, but as soon as he read the terror in (Y/N)'s eyes he stopped himself from anger because he knew being outraged and loud would not help his precious companion.
He hugged Y/N. The Doctor clasped his arm around his troubled companion until his fingerteps where white and Y/N dropped the knife onto the bathroom floor.
You kept on saying the same words over and over like a broken record. "I'm sor- Im sorr- m' so'y" the violent shudders of sadness made your speech nearly incoherent.
"Shhhh. It's going to be ok. I'm going to clean up your wounds now, ok?"
You nodded numbly.
Quietly and sadly, the Doctor pulled out some bandages, gauze and Alien bottle of wound cleaner.
You continued to keep sobbing, incapable of words or anything else for that matter.
The doctor was very careful to not react in a way that would scare Y/N. He contacted to patch up his friend and sit next to them in silence, because he understood without words what was going on in his companion's head.
He had been there himself not to long after the Timewar and the loss of his children.
After the blood flow was stopped the doctor picked up his companion, gentle as to not reopen any wounds. He walked out of the bathroom and laid you out on the bed the TARDIS materialized for you. It was only then you slowed the tears down your face.
Softly, the Timelord spoke, "Y/N, do you want to talk about it?"
"Not really."
"That's ok. We don't have to talk now. You can tell me everything later or whenever you want. There is no pressure or guilt in the feelings you have or the things you have done. I'm not angry. I just want what's best for you."
The Doctor continued when he was met with silence. "You are an amazing person Y/N. You don't deserve to be in pain. You are not unimportant. I haven't meet anyone unimportant in 900 years of traveling. You are worth more than gold and diamonds and whatever things humans use for currency in your time period."
The doctor started to trace his fingers in southing circles on Y/N's back. "We all have issues. I'm not going to yell at you. I have issues too, and I'm sill grieving from the loss of my people."
"I just want you to come to me if you ever think about this sort of thing, because I will support you until my bones fade and my two hearts stop beating; that's not an overdramatic statement, that's just how I feel."
"I know you probably want me to shut up now, so I will. I'm going to go get you some (Favorite snack) and put on (favorite show that's not doctor who)" The doctor started to leave to go make Y/N's favorite comfort food, a hand grabbed his open palm, preventing him from leaving.
Y/N's voice was muddled in the covers but it was till clear what the words were. "Stay."
The doctor's eyes softened at this and layed down on the bead with them. Dispute finding out today about the mental challenges his friend was going through, the Doctor was hopeful. In his 900 years adventureing he had seen thousands of miracles and one of the greatest he had ever witnessed was you.
The Doctor knew you would figure out whatever was troubling you eventually. And when you fell asleep in his arms he made a promise, just like the promise he made when he chose the name doctor, unspoken and unbreakable:
"Whatever it takes I will Help Y/N unti they are ok. Not because Y/N is broken, but because they deserve kindness after everything they have given to this universe and to me."
When Y/N was ready to talk, they would. For now cuddling in one another's arms was everything the both of them needed.
Together, warmly and safely with one another, they were happy.
And for that wonderful afternoon, that was enough.
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leemillion · 1 year
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Introduction to the Snow - Miracle Musical (gives me the ✨vibes✨)
Look Who’s Inside Again - Bo Burnham (Think it would describe his childhood. At least a part of it)
Am I Supposed To Apologize? - Maria Mena (It’s %90 percent here because of a few short lyrics that would imply him discovering his love of theater. The other %10 is because I have a headcanon he’s a child of divorce parents.)
My Play - AJR (C’mon man it seems pretty self explanatory if you’ve listened to it. Plus it adds onto the divorced parents theory)
The Main Character - Will Wood (It’s literally him. C’mon man. The vibes. Also you cannot tell me he wouldn’t be a huge Will Wood fan.)
Hard to Be the Bard - Something Rotten! (He’s a writer✨ An artist✨ It can’t possibly be easy 😔)
Soldier, Poet, King - The Oh Hellos (Now this one is more the Performance Trio as a whole but still. Preston is the poet, obviously 😌 while Nerris is the soldier and Harrison is the ruler.)
I/Me/Myself - Will Wood (Because he's just so ✨gender✨ Plus if you headcanon him as gender-fluid it makes this even better.)
Oh No! - Marina & The Diamonds (A desire to succeed. To make it big in this world. He knows what he wants and he won’t stop at nothing to get it. He definitely has a fear of failure. And who’s to say he doesn’t feel like he’s the worst? He already acts like he’s the best. Who’s to say that’s not a cover up?)
Everybody Loves Me - OneRepublic (Consider this the beginning of Preston Goodplay’s Good Play. He finally has a performance piece that people seem to like. He’s finally getting the love and attention he so deserves 😌 But at what cost?)
Non-Stop - Hamilton (Turns out his new performance is the only thing people seem to want. So why not just keep writing up new ideas for it? Sure he’ll eventually run out. But right now’s not eventually! He’ll just have to keep coming up with new ideas for it! Thing is it’s getting a lot more stressful than he intended.)
Left Brain, Right Brain - Bo Burnham (Oh Y’know just that one scene where he’s arguing with his own fucking reflection. Unsure whether he should sell out and give the people what they want, or follow what he wants with the risk that no one would like it.)
Show & Tell - Melanie Martínez (Ok this is getting ridiculous. They’ve started showing up to his practices and commenting on HIS writing process. It’s overwhelming. But what can he do about it? They’re his target audience. Well his only audience but still-)
Everyone is Dumb - Mazie x Everybody Likes You - Lemon Demon (Seems self explanatory. Everyone actually pays attention to him now. They’re excited for his performances. Everyone likes him. But they’re also stupid. It’s a stupidly simple performance that’s virtually the same every time. Yet they never get tired of it. Yes they like him, but is it worth it if this is the reason they like him.)
Shine A Light (Reprise) - Heathers (Oh y’know just the silly little nightmare he has :,D And then the hallucinations of his own reflection laughing at him. Plus him pulling out that prop knife uh- was he just being dramatic or??? Like he did have a bit of a psychotic break, man’s was hallucinating. How do we know he didn’t think the knife was real? Like was he actually trying to- y’know? Seriously is he ok-??)
Are You Satisfied - Marina & The Diamonds (He talks to David for a bit. And something’s called to question. Is he satisfied with this? He’s worried about his future yes, but then again what’s the point of making art if he doesn’t actually like it himself. It’s pointless. And he realizes no one else should get a say in what he wants to create. It’s his problem. No one else’s.)
Drama Club - Melanie Martinez (Honestly just doesn’t give a shit about anyone’s opinions anymore and that’s kind of a good thing. Even if they hate it. “Any reaction, positive or negative, is still a reaction :D” As tomatoes are pelted towards him. Honestly a healthier mentality than he had before. And I think that’s the end of the Preston Goodplay’s Good Play section of the playlist!)
Recess - Melanie Martinez (I’m here for Preston’s grandmother raising him and teaching him everything she knows 🗣️🗣️🗣️ Stg every lyric fucking fits. Also I think this could apply to his new mentality of “Fuck you it’s my art not yours I do what I want.” A nice little summary to the fiasco that is Preston Goodplay’s Good play.)
Mirror Man - Jack Stauber’s Opal (Mostly just gives me Preston vibes. His desire to become famous and what not.)
Art Is Dead - Bo Burnham (Vibesss man. “I am an artist, please god forgive me. I am an artist, please don't revere me. I am an artist, please don't respect me I am an artist, you're free to correct me. A self-centered artist. Self-obsessed artist. I am an artist. I am an artist. But I'm just a kid. I'm just a kid. I'm just a kid, kid. And maybe I'II grow out of it”)
Finale (Can’t Wait To See What You Do Next) - AJR (Honestly just thought it’d be cool to have the last song in the playlist be called Finale 💀 But I think it’s a nice little summary of his character. A final bow if you will 😌)
Anyways that’s about it. If anyone else has suggestions or input on the songs already here feel free to! Hell if you happen to disagree with anything feel free to. I love discussions about things I like :D Also feel free to suggest songs that you think I should add 😌 Gonna go pass out now baiiii
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thefloatingstone · 10 months
Sailor Moon Questions: Why is Mamoru the worst part? Is it a Kaiden Alenko sort of thing or did you inherit Kunihiko Ikuhara's dislike maybe? Also, what about PGSM gets past your dislike of live action remakes?
Mamoru is the worst part of Sailor Moon because he is BORINGGGGG. He is literally just a prize for Usagi. And I mean that's perfectly fine because, to put it bluntly, "this ain't about him". Mamoru is only important because he's important to Usagi. We only care about him because Usagi does. If she didn't care about him we could kick him out of the group and never think about him ever again.
The problem is just that sometimes, although very rarely in the 90s anime, the story makes a big drama over him and Usagi's relationship. Honestly the ONLY reason is works in the anime is because we're always seeing it from Usagi's perspective. So we care because she cares.
But whenever we have to spend time with Mamoru it's just so incredibly dull and uninteresting because the guy has no personality. And what little personality he DOES have isn't particularly enjoyable. In the manga he's a bit of a sarcastic bitch which is at least SOMETHING I like about him. But in the anime and in PGSM... he's just a anal retentive jerk most of the time, brooding and aloof to make him ~*mysterious*~ and desirable to the preteen audience because he is uncomplicated and therefore nonthreatening. But in the anime especially, as soon as he and Usagi officially get together he is all but a blank slate. Just passively nice in a way that forgoes any individuality. He's literally the opposite of Bella Swan. A sort of reverse Y/N where instead of being a self insert for the audience, he's an insert for the audience to project whatever they think would make for a cool boyfriend because he has no describable traits. Hell we barely even know what he's supposed to be studying!
This is why a rather big group of fans, especially back in the day, preferred Usagi with Seiya in the anime. Because at least Seiya had SOMETHING resembling a personality. I don't like Seiya but they at least are a CHARACTER.
And then because Mamoru has 0 personality it brings up a lot of questions the source material isn't built to address which is "why are these two together?". Because without actually having a personality, they don't seem to have anything in common at all. And that brings up a lot of uncomfortable questions regarding fate, and destiny, and whether the only reason they are together is pressures from a past life and pressures of a Utopian future they are obligated to fulfill.
None of this is something the story is equipped or interested in discussing, however. Because it's a story for preteen girls (except for the final Stars arc, especially in the manga, where Naoko decided to go off her shit and make the entire thing about philosophy regarding the self, static death versus dynamic life, the acceptance of chaos because it is the only way good can exist even if it means the possibility of evil, self love, the universe as organism etc etc).
Mamoru isn't like Kaidan at all tho because Kaidan is an actual character. I can tell you things about Kaidan, both good and bad, about his personality, how he sees things and how he thinks about things. Mamoru is literally just the male version of a sexy lamp.
I clown on Kaidan and make fun of him because I really appreciate his role in Shepard's story and his importance to the games as a whole. He enriches the world and plot, especially as a foible to Shepard. I think Kaidan's clashing with Shepard makes her personal story BETTER. kaidan ADDS to the narrative specifically because of who he is, how he thinks and how he responds to things, and how he and Shepard have to work out their shit to reach equal grounds and overcome their past issues and mistakes with each other. Kaidan also humanises Shepard in a way that I adore. Because Kaidan and Shepard's messy relationship shows that Shepard is just a human being. Which is immensely important to Mass Effect as a whole.
Shepard isn't space Jesus. She's a human being. Which is why she makes me so emotional.
Mamoru is just there so Usagi can give the preteen girls watching their wish fulfillment of a cool older boyfriend.
And that's just incredibly dull. Especially when the canon within the story itself, in all its incarnations, has other really great relationships which are complex and nuanced and actually interesting.
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jihyoruri · 22 days
the angst would honestly work so well tho. never asked cause everyone had this happy vibe and i was SO scared of getting jumped.
i can imagine yn becoming aware of how close and comfortable she got with hanni, so she'd just start avoiding her without explanation. poor hanni on the other hand would reach out for the girl during the first days, trying her best to justify her actions, only to get to a point when she just can't do that anymore. hanni would be like a few steps away from depression. staying in her dorm room all day, eating the bare minimum, being too scared to open her socials or to go live, only talking with her friends through the locked door, she would genuinely be a mess. like she felt so good when she was with yn, she would melt all her stress & problems away, maybe they were young but if someone were to ask her she could definitely envision yn in her future. during music shows they would look at each other across the crowded rooms, yn looking at hanni like she just saw her worst nightmare and hanni looking at yn like it's their last day on this planet, both ignoring the people that are talking to them. fans would go crazy and constantly ask why hanni doesn't talk about paranoia anymore or put their songs on live, why her and yn don't get spotted anymore, why they haven't commented on each other's post in a long time, why they haven't interacted in so long in general, and hanni would fight back tears and end her livestreams as soon as the chat would get flooded by these types of questions. maybe i'm too much of a drama queen but i can't help it, i think that at some point hanni's sadness would turn into anger and she'd finally find the will to fight back, she'd try ANYTHING to face yn but the latter just kept avoiding her so hanni showed up in paranoia's dorms. before any of the three members could ask how hanni even knew where their dorms were, she'd ask yn a million questions, only to get always the same answers ("i never liked you", "there's someone else", "it meant nothing to me" all the bullshit like this you hear me?). hanni would grow progressively more impatient, AND HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE she'd slap yn SO GODDAMN HARD, to either hurt her fr or smack some sense into her, or maybe even both (hanni herself wasn't sure on why she did that) before storming out of their dorms. yn would stay still for a couple of minutes that surely felt like hours if not DAYS, not because of the pain, but because WHEN DID HANNI BECOME LIKE THIS)?????)???? but on a side note that would actually make her realize how far she went.
also i think that everyone is aware of yn's personality most of the people just thought about a redemption ark or some shit like that idk 🤔😭
honestly I feel like if hanni was ranting to yn about these things she wouldn’t be like “I never liked you” and stuff you said she would be more like “you knew what you were getting into, I don’t do relationship's.”
imma be so fr if hanni was to slap yn it would literally be an instinct for yn to slap her back ngl LIKE SORRY BUT the way yn wouldn’t hesitate and like she would even shock herself like it was just instinct, like living with boys has really changed her survival instinct and she’s swinging on instinct.
like after hanni leaves and everything the only thing running through yn’s mind is no way she just put her hands on me like let’s actually think about who paranoia!yn is she would def be thinking about that slap more than the reason of the slap like the guys would be like “why did you hit her back?!” and she would be like “because she hit me… really hard it was just instinct IM SORRY.”
honestly I don’t rlly get the redemption arc thing when it comes to paranoia!yn because what redemption does she need? she’s not like wow!yn who can be a complete asshole she’s just someone who’s not comfortable with relationships, you can soften her up but you can’t change who she is yk?
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formicarum-rex · 7 months
ive been on cohost on-and-off since november, and i think im going to stick with it (famous last words, i know, but i am genuinely enjoying my time there, meeting some nice people and enjoying the posts that come across my dash)
home page
my blog
general observations, differences between here and tumblr (both good and bad), and caveats under the cut
the ability to use html and css in posts is fantastic, and while i do sometimes miss being able to change the formatting with a simple highlight like on tumblr, the added abilities to customize more than makes up for that. i've only used it a bit myself, but plan to use it more going forward, and you can get some fantastic shitposts on your dash because of this. note that only posts are hyper-customizable. blogs themselves aren't as customizable as on tumblr (think the default/mobile theme here)
i think their pro-privacy, anti-algorithm, anti-numbers philosophy is admirable. it's not perfect-- funding is a continual trouble, although they have plans for making it sustainable.
as with all smaller websites, it is a bit of an echo-chamber and has its share of drama and controversy.
the fewer number of people also lead to there being fewer good posts than on here, especially if you have niche interests, but my dash is still quite active, and i have to check it at least once a day to keep up-to-date.
if you edit your original post, all reblogged versions of the post are updated as well.
it has a comprehensive cw system built into posts, more reminiscent of mastodon than tumblr. there is discourse about its use or over-use, but on the whole i think this is a big improvement.
i (thankfully) haven't run into anybody or any post that required blocking or silencing or muting yet, but the options are there and thorough.
related, there is a no-nonsense attitude towards bigotry. i havent run into any bad eggs myself, but from what i've been given to understand they are sniped more or less as soon as they're discovered. there may be moderation issues as the website expands (this is one issue where places split up into smaller groups like mastodon have benefits) but as of right now, it seems to be working just fine, and better than tumblr.
there's no general within-post search for the sake of privacy and to limit harassment opportunities, but unlike tumblr, the tag search is functional. in addition, all posts with tags you've bookmarked show up in a separate, single tab on your dash, in proper chronological, non-algo'd order, which is a good way to discover new people to follow and posts to reblog. this is similar to "your tags" on tumblr, but unlike tumblr, i trust it to work
i haven't used this yet, but sideblogs are able to comment, ask, like, follow, etc, separately. no more "follows from [main url]"
in general, i like the vibes better than pillowfort, the other tumblr replacement site, and its a much more satisfying tumblr replacement than mastodon, because, well, its not like twitter (although i do like mastodon for other reasons).
there are some odd things that differentiate it from tumblr that you have to get used to at best, and can be extremely frustrating at worst:
notes cant be viewed per-post. they're all under your notification tab, chronologically listed. this hasnt been a problem for me, but i understand that this can get messy if you have a lot of followers/notes
if you are not OP, you cannot view others' reblogs. i've found that this is mostly fine, but it does mean you cant dive into the notes to see if anyone has added anything you'd like to reblog instead of the version on your dash. changing this is one of the most requested features. it doesn't seem to conflict with the site's anti-numbers ideals as long as it only lists contentful reblogs (those with additions), so i'm hopeful it will be added.
OP is not notified of tags on reblogs. all comments that are towards OP and not towards your followers belong in the comments. unlike other things in this list, this isn't a downside so much as a neutral difference that has taken me a long time to get used to.
the comments are generally important. reblog chains are still used, but comments (replies) are more functional than they are on tumblr, with proper ability to reply in comment threads and a better UI. they are used more often on cohost than on here, especially if you want to start a convo with OP and others viewing the post. as far as i can tell, everyone can see every comment, unlike the reblogs.
photoset layouts are not as flexible as on tumblr
no DMs
discovery hasn't been a big issue for me as someone who is primarily a reader/viewer (if anything, the functional tagging system and unified bookmarked tags tab makes it easier), but ive heard that for creators it can be frustrating
i am under the impression that pillowfort is the place to go for specifically fandom posting. more fandom people have been joining cohost though, especially since a bunch of tumblr people joined a couple weeks ago.
i realize this isn't exactly a hard sell, but want people to be aware of potential downsides before creating an account. despite these things, i really do urge you to check it out if youre interested! it's a good place :)
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jemmo · 1 year
Seonwoo is sooooo messy, I love it and hate it, he brings that drama but at what cost???? The way he kept teasing Junsung, GOD he’s so annoying I had to take a deep breath
this man. this fucking man. I don’t just wanna go out and say I can’t stand him but maybe I just do. idk. im also interested in him and the way he works even when those ways are so twisted, bc it’s like I can see where he’s come from and why he’s like this, a person that literally came out a week before the show in his 30s who has this outward persona and confidence and chatty and outgoing but he’s so unwilling to actually share his thoughts and feelings, it’s like I can see this huge void between what he presents and who he is and a need to please people mixed with who you are not being the normal thing people want seems to put all the puzzle pieces together.
that being said, it’s that thing of I can understand where you’re coming from and what your deal is but I can also objectively not like it. a reason is not an excuse, and when he sat with hyungjin and said I am what I am, that’s me, that changed my approach towards him then. before, I thought he needed someone to break through that exterior and help him take down that guard and get to the core of him, but now I’m more thinking ok that might be a part of it but I also don’t think how you behave is a mask, it’s part of you, and whatever you perceive yourself as, you don’t have a problem with, which makes things a bit easier for me bc now I don’t feel the need to reason his behaviour. his actions are his actions and I’ll see them now I see them.
so saying that… he’s a bitch. I don’t know if this is my roommates for endgame rose-tinted glasses, but his behaviour has bitchiness in it, the way he continually finds ways to bring up sungho to junsung, rub it in his face that he’s dated him while he hasn’t, it’s the hypocritical-ness of it all for me that’s the worst bc he said he’s uncomfortable in this love triangle situation continuously in ep 7, and yet he’s the one seeking out junsung to set themselves up as rivals. he’s the one at that table who called them rivals, and junsung is the one that said he doesn’t like competitiveness, doesn’t like tension. at this point, he seeks out junsung to talk about their rivalry more so than he seeks out sungho, the one he actually likes, to hang out with him. and I think I said in tags before, that this need to compete with junsung comes from jealousy and insecurity, bc he isn’t like junsung, and can’t bring himself to be. junsung is certain and steadfast and straightforward and bold and seonwoo can’t do any of that. he isn’t a person that can express himself that easily. and instead of explaining that difference to junsung and sungho, instead of seeing that difference, bc he sees it as an insecurity is why he twists it into this rivalry, a way to prove he can be all those things that junsung is, that he wants to be.
and it’s the way he acts this way, pushing this love triangle narrative, while still being the one talking to and keeping doors open to other people. like i can’t bear to watch yonghee anymore bc i adore him so much and I need seonwoo to cut that tie instead of keeping him tethered with this promise of id like to date you someday, bc when will the day come. I get that they haven’t had a chance, but so haven’t so many other people. so many of the pairs that are interested in each other, like sungho and junsung, like minsung and hyeongjun, haven’t dated, and yet their feelings and connections are strong. you don’t need a date for that, you can foster that in the house, and a date can then serve as a chance to check or affirm those feelings. seonwoo strings yonghee along like if only we had a chance to date, then I’d be able to see whether I’m interested or not, when they have had time, they’ve talked a lot, and I just want seonwoo to give him more than there’s maybe a chance of cut it off altogether bc he can know by now if there’s a feeling, he can give some indication of whether this is more than just returning kindness or feeling sorry or wanting to comfort him. and that maddens me, bc it keeps yonghee in this state of tunnel vision when there’s so many other people around him giving him kindness that he can’t see with those blinders on. but no, seonwoo will keep that flame alight only just while feeding into this love triangle and acting like he’s frustrated by it. like… dude if junsung wasn’t in the equation, you’d still be in a love triangle bc sungho is apparently not the only person you’re open to. you’d just be at the center of the love triangle, and is that what you want? this personality of being cowardly to share your feelings and make a move but instead wanting everyone to chase you and pursue you and have you at the center of everyone’s attention? I just can’t get behind that, that selfishness. and it makes me even more mad that he won’t acknowledge the fact that he’s a central figure in this house bc he has so many people interested in him and he won’t take on the responsibility of that place by properly addressing those interests. sungho has two people interested in him that he can’t decide between and it makes him feel stressed and awful. seonwoo had multiple people interested in him and he sleeps fine at night. it’s that difference that infuriated me, that he starts all these fires and won’t put any of them out. great for tv, great for drama, but as a person making decisions… nope.
and I think it’s very telling that hyungjin, his complete opposite, someone very honest with his feelings and straightforward that is still very personable… I think it’s very telling that I think he clocked onto him straight away. literally on their first date, the first time he met him, asking whether he was being nice to him out of affection or is he just nice to everyone. bc he saw that he is kind to a fault, to the point it purposefully obscures his true feelings and he very much said I’m not here for that, he’s off my list. and you saw that seonwoo gauged that and didn’t like it. he went to hyungjin and had it out bc he couldn’t handle someone not even not liking him, but not being interested in him, and I love that hyungjin told him straight. and sungho sees it now too and is getting mad at that constantly bright persona when he won’t sort out the situations he’s created. and I’m kinda like yes yes get mad and go find refuge in the calm and comfort of junsung pls.
bc the thing is I don’t want to see this as a rivalry. I want sungho to take time and make the decision himself bc he’s capable of that. he’s a person, not a prize, and he can like who he likes. but what got me was him saying he just wanted to go, get out and have fun, get away from the house and the drama of it. and that is drama that seonwoo has maybe not created but absolutely fostered, and made bigger (bc look at how comparatively less tense and heated the minsung love triangle is… which ofc seonwoo has to stick his nose into), and it’s junsung that says he wants to go and have fun too. it’s those things that keep affirming in me that sungho would find that kind of happiness with junsung. and I think the best thing for seonwoo is for him to be knocked down a peg or two, and have a good long look in the mirror and realise how hypocritical his behaviour is.
ok this rant turned out way wayyyy to long I hope you aren’t bored of me anon but I’ll put this under a read more to save your brain from my ramblings. but thank you for your ask and hit me up with whatever his man 2 anons you want bc clearly I have a lot of opinions and I ain’t afraid to share them
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stormyoceans · 5 days
Was it exactly the same writing team that did the first 9 episodes? what prevented them from separating the two of them, but for them to keep in touch with each other by sharing their successes via video link? it would be much better and the trope of love at a distance is much better than the trope of let's break up, because this is the laziest explanation for the whole mess. only "be my favorite" avoided this shitty twist. no, this trope really needs to be excluded from the plots of all lacorns of 11 episodes if the creators are not sure how to make a drama out of the blue, or if they are not sure that it will not look cheap on the screen. God, this is such bullshit. It's been so long, but I'm still angry about this twist. it wasn't the sudden epiphany that bothered me (okay, hope, and all that, I get it, okay), but fucking this cheap and completely unnecessary move… I'm shutting up, I'm sorry, Monica.
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and please don't apologize anon, my inbox is always open if any of you needs a space to vent, either about life or a show, and when it comes to last twilight i feel the exact same way as you, so really, don't worry about it. i honestly admire the people who like the last two episodes of last twilight, because god knows i've tried but i just cannot make my peace with them, and this interview only proved that i have to accept the fact that unfortunately it will never happen. it's not even about day regaining his sight, because not only i feel like i cannot judge on that matter as someone who doesn't have a disability, but either way they would have made morkday break up and not even contact each other for years, and that's what my main problem is, both narrative and character-wise
'and with that choice, one character inevitably ends up feeling heartbroken' <- like this line is the ultimate proof that i simply cannot see things the same as them, because to me there never were only two choices – either morkday breaking up and not seeing each other for years, or staying together and having day feeling like he was being pitied and keeping mork from having his own life - but there always was a secret third option that would have made much more sense with the development of the characters: have them part but be together, have them build their own life but still have each other be part of it
also that last part about day's mom upsets me so much because they keep saying that day didn't want to be pitied but god fucking forbid they gave us a moment where he turned around to his mom and told her 'i do not need p'mork or anyone else to take care of me i can take care of myself'. and really, they needed years for day and his mom to have that conversation about love?????? wouldn't have made much more sense to have it even just a couple of days after the break-up??????
idk i really just could go on for days talking about why this part in particular doesn't make sense to me and actively made me dislike the ending, but i feel like i've already been way too negative so im gonna stop here
just know i feel the same anon and that im sending you all the hugs!!!!!!!!
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hood-ex · 10 months
ooo ive got some tea for you. im living with three other roommates rn and one of them is this guy who is a nice person but a HORRIBLE roommate. anyway we've been having a pest problem for a while now and i called in some pest control to take a look at it and the guy said we have german cockroaches which are apparently CANNIBALS and regular traps don't work on them which is the WORST. but anyway.
i told my roommates this and the guy who is nice but a bad roommate was like "oh yeah i hate the roaches. im pretty sure they're from roommate X and her boyfriend since they make bread and cook all the time" and i was like well they haven't in a few weeks? you're the only one that's been using the kitchen and making an absolute MESS of it?
the reason this guy is a bad roommate is because he's an absolute slob. he leaves wet clothes in the laundry machine for HOURS while he's at work, makes a mess of the stove (read: BURNS his food on the coils and doesn't clean it up), leaves dirty dishes with food on them for DAYS at a time (record so far is 2 weeks), and will blast music, vacuum, scream, yell, you name it!! at all hours of the night with zero regard for how thin the walls are- and im right next to him </3
anyway, i told roommate X what he said and she was like uh huh yeah its allll my fault, def not the guy leaving his shit out everywhere and refusing to take out the trash
another roommate, roommate Y, lived with the guy for a year before X and i moved in, and she gave us the wholeee run down of what its like living with him. he's a big dude and easily is stronger than all of us girls, so confronting him about his shit is hard (he's punched a wall before- MASSIVE baby behavior imo) and he gaslights the hell out of anyone who tries to hold him accountable for his mess. like literally today when i was telling him about the pest people, and i said we need to be extra clean in the coming days, he was like "oh yeah totally, i always try to wash my dishes, and... you know what, i think i took out the trash too" and he peeks around the corner to see the old trash bag taken out and a new one in and nods to himself all like "yeah i did take it out" WHEN IM THE ONE WHO DID AND TOLD HIM SO BUT HE IGNORED ME
anyway. thats my tea <3 roommate drama sucks, everything is fine so nothing to stress about, but i thought the drama might be something fun for you to giggle about <333 peace and love emily!!
I'm sorry did you say CANNIBAL cockroaches?? 😭
That roommate sounds like the worst. I cannot stand people who are that inconsiderate. And not only inconsiderate but just obnoxiously loud with no regard for anyone else. Like the type of people who will slam their doors closed at night when everyone is sleeping and are somehow oblivious as to how that could disturb other people. Ugh!!
And that's so frustrating that y'all can't even confront him about it out of fear that he might hurt you! That man needs to learn how to take accountability and grow the hell up.
"Yeah, I did take it out." Like sir!! You best get out of my sight rn!!
Bad roommates suck! I hope he skedaddles and leaves y'all to your peace 😩.
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okay since im probably not gonna be using this blog im gonna talk about my opinions :3
Emmater's great big list of TD opinions ☆
Chase still cares about Emma and he shows it. His problem is that he is not a good person. He needs to be able to better himself and own up to his mistakes before Chemma could EVER happen.
I fucking hate alenoah with a burning fucking passion. yes im a noco shipper too fuck off
as i have previously stated, i fucking hate sierra. sierra is the worst character to ever fucking exist in TD.
I don't know about you guys, but personally I don't like Abuser x Victim ships!! (Coderra) I'm not a complete and utter weirdo!! Coderra is the worst ship to ever exist!! I'd ship alenoah before shipping this!!
Duncan and Courtney are both victims of each other and I'm tired of you guys treating Courtney like she was only a victim of Duncan cheating
Can we stop fighting about if this fandom is misogynistic or not, like just because my top 5 aren't all girls doesn't mean I actually hate women in fiction.
With that said, almost 0 characters (male AND female) in Total Drama are that compelling to me. Maybe that's because I usually like fiction that has stories that are more serious or stories you can take as more serious rather than relationship dramas, but I don't really like too many of these characters. That's probably why I like Cody so much, he's got the Sierra thing. He can easily be given trauma from that in fanworks, just because it's not explored in canon. Another one of my favorites is Mal because of the amount of shit you can give to him as a backstory just to justify his existence. Idk I like characters that have more to them than an archetype maybe this show isn't for me
Both TDTakes blogs are toxic and horrible. This is nothing against Mod Courtney or the late Mod Ripper, but it's absolutely against the anons. You guys are honestly assholes to everyone who has an opinion and it's disgusting. Part of the reason I'm less active on this blog tbh.
Scott and Manitoba should kiss
Mike's system has such god awful rep. I want him to reappear just so that they can fix him. He desperately needs to be fixed. All Stars sucked but I love Mal so
Alejandro is also a villain 😱😱😱😱😱😱 just cuz he's hot doesn't excuse his actions 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Mal and Alejandro should kiss
Nemma had awful writing, I'm not just saying that as a noco shipper either. It had awful writing and also likely exists as Fresh TV's damage control for the gay Noah accusations (considering when they were asked if Noah was gay and could not give proof that he wasn't)
Courtney and Gwen should kiss
Noah and Cody should kiss
Katie and Sadie should kiss
We needed more characters that have groups, rather than characters that only interact with one or two other characters.
And finally..
Emma isn't actually as awful of a character as I thought she was initially. She's just written awfully. I hate that about her. That's why I'm Emmater.
Thank you for reading ^_^
- @emmater
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bulbabutt · 1 year
I'll be honest the worst part of the love triangle in 12 to me (or at least the worst part of the fan reaction to the love triangle in 12) is the people who act like it's somehow Rob Paulsen and/or Mae Whitman and/or Josh Peck's fault that it's like that. I mean, putting aside the fact that blaming the VAs instead of the writers is not cool (and also the fact that Paulsen and Whitman are ridonkers talented as VAs-Paulsen has too many to name and Whitman just needs the two-hit combo of Katara into Amity Blight, Peck I have less to say as because I only really know him from Drake and Josh and 12 itself but he seems alright), they're not the only parts of their characters! Donnie and Casey get plenty of stuff to do outside of that, and while April definitely gets the short end of the stick there I can at least think of a few solid bits here and there. 12 has problems but it's really annoying when Rise ultrafans act like 12 is some blight on the franchise (we have Next Mutation for that thanks). (AND I LIKE RISE I STRESS)
ok first of all people do WHAT lmao thats actually insane, it doesnt even matter if the actors are talented or not, its very bad behaviour to be blaming actors for anything lmao
lemme also say its not even always the writers faults either, cuz something about 12s writing issues i didnt give credit to was nickelodeon or playmates for how they clearly are behind the scenes saying "do this, do that". cuz all tmnt shows are shows made to sell toys and a lot of the time things that happen is also cuz some studio exec is coming in being like "hey! we need more _ cuz kids like _!"
but like if i can be absolutely honest when i say this and this is not even directed at you so like no offence to you or anyone who's got something to say about 12 or rise or whatever this is just like reminding me of the weird inter-iteration behaviour ive seen recently (like i browse tmnt crossover stuff cuz... obvs i wanna see crossover stuff, but lately i keep seeing nastiness)
but i have seen 12 ultra fans, i have seen rise ultra fans, i have recently seen just how weird and over the top toxic certain people who prefer either can be when discussing their non-favorite show and i just. can i just say. all of you guys. just... just stop interacting w the other people's media? if you dont like a rise fic, dont read it, if you dont like a 12 fic dont read it. if you dont like the characterization? the story? you think somethings ooc? like. its okay. its not for you, just let it be. people arent bad for writing it that way, its theirs. make your own art, interact w peoples art you do like!
idk maybe im just too old for this but ive seen people on either side of that whole...............situation. put their entire faces into videos like ripping the shit out of people and naming and linking the art theyre talking about and it seems really mean.
anyway all this to say please dont talk to me about whatever drama has happened between iterations (its always those two) like... the issue is very much just gonna be a generational divide. thats all it is. 12 came out a time when the jokes were a bit meaner, and rise came out in a post steven universe era. both of these shows are good they both are just different genres. people from either side of it have different tastes because of the specific thing they like in tmnt. if rise fans think the 12 turtles come off toxic and you dont thats their business, dont interact w them. if 12 fans dont like how different rise is leave them to it.
specifically please leave me out of it, and just dont be mean to each other. putting someone on blast for their art or their perspective just makes you look like the asshole.
also i unironically enjoyed the next mutation im sorry, im cringe but you can take bonesteel and hot vampire lady and mikeys pirate radio and BEST SPLINTER show from my cold dead hands AHJKSDH
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