#the only way they would have one upped bts is if they had actually kept all nine members bc then they would have an actually good vocalist
lover-of-mine · 24 hours
Personally, I like Tommy as a character, and I’m okay with BT for the time being, though I don’t really ship it. The biggest feature Tommy brought to the table this season was to make Buck realize he’s bi. But you could have replaced him with any random guy and I would have been just as happy about it.
My biggest issue is the toxicity from the BT stans. As in, I don’t appreciate being called a homophobe for thinking that the daddy-kink comment was out of place at the dinner date.
Look, we’re all part of the same fandom and if it makes you happy, go smash your Barbie doll’s faces together. Have fun with it. I support you 100%.
But the fact of the matter is that up until now, most of the things relating to Tommy come from head canons and Lou’s cameos. There isn’t much in the source material to go by. Mostly because he didn’t get a lot of screentime, and the writing of the scenes he’s been in, has been questionable. It’s not a very realistic show so why couldn’t they dress Tommy up for the bachelor party? It would have meant the world to Buck. (Oh, but guess who suggested matching outfits because he cares a whole lot about him?)
Yet, people are out here celebrating these two like it’s the most romantic thing since sliced bread. It’s jarring to see, how many people - especially former Buddie stans - jumped ships at the first opportunity they got. I don’t know if it’s a thing of instant gratification of having Buck in a queer relationship canonically or something else, but I don’t like it. The whole thing makes me worry, the show runners will change course to cater to the BT supporters and push for BT endgame. That would be the least satisfying ending to both Buck’s and Eddie’s story.
I will be honest with you, I think most of my dislike of Tommy comes from the way I am being called names because of him all season, it kinda kills a character's chances when the following of them gets so aggressive, he aggravates me more because of the way fandom treats him than because of anything he did this season because he was barely there this season beyond showing Buck he's bi, like you said. The fandom created this version of him and his relationship with Buck that's not backed by canon, because his scenes lack depth and the writers are not helping him at all and the way people flipped is actually disconcerting. Especially with how willing they are to attack everyone who doesn't agree they are the best thing to ever grace their television. But honestly, considering the way that buddie was still very much present and very much displaying the partnership and love they always had, I still think Tommy is a stepping stone that they are dragging out because it gave them better publicity that they were expecting. Buddie was the only thing that was handled carefully in both Buck and Eddie's storylines the whole season, they know the potential they have there, so I will keep the hope that they'll let this story unfold in a satisfying way. And yeah, it would be extremely unsatisfying to see Buck end up with Tommy with the way Buck was constructed and I like to believe they were way too careful with the construction of Buck in the love interest archetype to fumble the pass in the 2 yard line (I know that's not a saying but my brain is in football mode for some reason bear with me) and not give Buck the conclusion of that when they have been building Eddie in the way to fight that archetype by giving Buck someone who just loves him. And because no one they introduce for Eddie is gonna feel as satisfying as Buck with the way they kept playing up the way Buck is Eddie's life partner. And Buck is quite literally the only thing the show is allowing Eddie to keep. It would be unsatisfying to watch them end up with other people and that was very clearly exemplified by the season 6 finale and the way their ending were very 😬😬 yk? I have faith we will get there.
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
So you have mentioned long ago that btses and strays are similar and I was curious how? I see it in their um interesting fandoms. But I can also see similarities with blokb kinda.
rapper leader that supposedly had a hand in choosing members
three rapper unit
marketed as a 'self produced' group
self love + positive reinforcement branding
weekly recurring lives/shows on vlive
huge emphasis on intl audiences to the point where there's not a lot of domestic regard
extremely poorly behaved fanbase of mostly intl fans
vocalists that can't pass muster
overrated dancer
underrated dancer that gets shafted constantly
steep increase in production budget that does nothing visually other than show off how much money the company has
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dumpywrites · 2 months
Two Days - Jungkook
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Summary: He just wants you to give him two days. He'll take you on a few dates and you'll decided if you actually like him? Or not?
Genre/tags: mostly fluff, tiny bit of angst, friends to lovers, biker jungkook, jungkook is a goofball and a simp! :)
Pairing: Jungkook x she/her reader
a/n: this is my first ever bts/jk fic, I'm just trying this out since i have some days off from work, hope y'all like it <3
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“You’re missing out.” 
“Jungkook, we’re literally in a Burger King.”
You heard the man playfully saying, “Yes, and?” in a singing tone. All you could do was rolling your eyes in reply. Jeon Jungkook, this guy who had been begging you for his so-called masterplan that he called, “trial date” for weeks, was now yet again begging you for a chance.
You could not exactly pinpoint when it actually began. He was shy the first time you met. You had known the rest of the boys ever since you met Yoongi at an art class. The cold looking guy who was surprisingly friendly and soft-hearted, later on introduced you to the rest of the guys. Jungkook was introduced almost a year later into befriending the group. He was a guy who went to the same gym as Namjoon. They became friends ever since he offered Namjoon a ride one time. 
Being the youngest amongst the guys and also the latest you got to meet, you would think that his shyness would linger at least a little bit longer. Then again, if you really think about it, he probably only stayed quiet and shy on the first meeting. 
The idea of both of you together was never mentioned until recently. Namjoon was the one who started calling out Jungkook’s odd behavior towards you, but the nail on the coffin was when you all got drunk at Jimin’s house that one time. 
It was Jimin’s birthday and truthfully, you knew the guy was loaded rich, but you did not know he was rich with capital R. The selection of bottles in his house was pretty much unlimited from the ones you like to the ones you couldn’t even name. It was five hours into all the celebration and you all were blurting nonsense. You were tipsy, but still aware cause for some reason you were winning all the games that night and got to drink less. But Jungkook on the other hand, who was usually winning everything, was getting pissy cause he kept coming second after you. 
“This is unbelievable.” Jungkook groaned, casually throwing the boardgame cards on the table. 
“You just have a soft spot for her.” Jin shrugged. 
“I do not! I just have a crush on her.” Jungkook retorted back, as if his sentence made any sense. 
You heard Hoseok voiced a small “oh” with his usual judgy expression, and the rest were silent for a second, including you. 
“I mean…” Jungkook tried to correct himself but stopped mid-way, trying to make up words in his already drunk mind. His eyes went back and forth to everyone before he scoffed. “You all act so surprised, as if you didn’t tease me everyday right after the first time I met Y/N.” 
When the room was still silent, Jungkook realized he fucked up, his blurry mind completely ignored the fact that you, the subject of this topic, was in fact also in the room. 
“Shit.” Was all he muttered before he excused himself to the bathroom, and did not come out for twenty minutes. 
When he was done, everyone had decided to wrap it up due to the awkwardness and the absence of Jungkook himself. He found Taehyung and Jin sleeping on both sides of Jimin’s big couch, and a small smile formed on his lips, shaking his head over the dumb expression they had in their sleep. His stomach soon flipped right after he saw you on the kitchen, making yourself a cup of instant noodle. 
“Oh, hey.” You greeted awkwardly. “I got hungry from all that drinking.” You shyly mentioned. 
Jungkook only nodded and took a seat on one of the dinning chairs. 
“You want some?” You offered, trying to break the ice. 
“Y/N stop.” His eyes widened once he realized how bad that sounded. “I mean… I didn’t mean it like that?” He chuckled dryly, it was more of a statement rather than a question. 
When you kept quiet but sat down next to him regardless, and ate your noodles, he decided you were at least comfortable enough to hear him talk. “This whole huge crush on you thingy… that’s not gonna ruin our friendship or anything, right? If you’re uncomfortable I’ll just stop showing up when you’re around for a—”
“What?! No! Jungkook, I’m not uncomfortable.” You sighed. “I’m just a bit surprised, I guess.”
“Why though?” He asked innocently, his big doe eyes looking straight at you, making you slightly nervous. 
“It’s just… you do realize you’re quite popular right?”
“What’s that gotta do with this situation?”
“I thought I wasn’t your type.” 
“You don’t get to decide that.”
That was the last civil conversation you had with him until he decided it was a good idea to cling to you almost every single day, pestering on the idea of this whole trial dating. Everyone other than Yoongi, who was neutral (read: don't really care enough to actually voice an opinion at the moment), was pretty much on board with his plan. You being single for a year now definitely did not help your case. They kept saying that you needed to lit up your dating engine again, so it wouldn’t be rusty. 
It was not that you did not find Jungkook attractive. Heck, he was one of the most attractive person you had ever laid your eyes on. It was just, weird? He felt like a brother, the same as the rest of the boys. If you didn’t treat any of them different, then you should not with Jungkook either, right?
“Have you maybe considered that maybe she’s tired of your bullshit?” Yoongi blurted with a blank expression, as he continue to munch on his burger. 
“It’s only been two weeks.” Jungkook protested. “Besides, you never know 'till you try, right?” He winked at you. 
You rolled your eyes. “I’m good, Kookie.” You pinched his cheeks, a little bit too hard. 
“H-hey!” He pouted, his cheeks forming even rounder. “Two days! Two days!” He suddenly shouted. 
“Oh boy���” Hoseok side-eyed the rest of you, clearly done with the younger one. 
“Give me two days, Y/N!” He said with his two fingers right in front of your face. “You don’t have plans this weekend, right?”
“Hey, maybe—“ Namjoon didn’t even get to finish his sentence before the lad interrupted. 
“I’ll take you on two dates and then you can decide afterwards.” He grinned, as if that was the most brilliant thing he had ever thought of. “If you still don’t like me after that then I will gracefully back off.” He threw his hands in the air. 
“You promise?” You suddenly spoke, after being silent for a while. 
“Wait, you’re actually considering—“ Jin stood up from his seat, almost knocking his table. 
Jungkook hurriedly covered Jin’s mouth, not letting yet another man finish his sentence again. “I promise!” He saluted, grinning so hard his cheeks almost hurt. 
“Are you really sure?” Yoongi whispered to you. 
You only shrugged. Truthfully, you were not sure either. But at this point, you just wanted Jungkook to get over his girl hyperfixation of the month. Which was, you. 
You just did not buy the story of him being head over heels on you since day one. As if he didn’t look like a Greek god himself? As if you did not know how women and even men would kill just to get a taste of him. You just wanted him to get it over with, so he can realize how weird the whole idea was and went back to being the goofball friend you once knew. 
Right, so.
Now here you were, basically having a mini dress-up montage moment, picking an outfit for your cinema date. Even after spending almost an hour getting ready you ended up with just wearing your usual crop top and baggy jeans, hoping it will be fine. Clearly you didn’t wanna seem like a try-hard. It was just Jungkook. He had seen you with pajamas and you didn’t hear him complain, so there shouldn’t be a problem. Why did you even go through the trouble to pick an outfit? You wondered yourself. 
Ten minutes later and Jungkook was already ringing your phone. 
“I’m at your lobby!” He exclaimed loudly over the phone. 
“You’re early.”
“Just can’t wait to see you.” You could not see his face, but you knew he was grinning like an idiot. “Hurry down! Oh, and bring your jacket.”
You didn’t expect him to came with a motorbike. A huge one not to mention. Something stirred in your stomach for a millisecond seeing him in a leather jacket. 
He took a spare helmet and innocently handed it to you. “Gotta make sure my girl is safe.” He sheepishly said. 
You tried your best to ignore the nickname, and spoke. “I didn’t know you ride a motorcycle.” You said, taking the helmet he gave in your hands. 
“I’m just too lazy to drive sometimes so I just lift on Hobi’s car.” He shrugged. “Why? Are you scared?” He teased. 
“Of course not.” You said and put on the helmet. You did not miss his small snickers when you struggle to hop on his Harley, having to grab him by his shoulders. 
“Okay, just wanna let you know, I drive like suuuuuper fast. So, you have to hug me to be safe!” He giggled. 
You rolled your eyes, even if he couldn’t see. “I’m just gonna head back upstairs...”
“Don’t be such a sourpuss.” He chuckled. “I’m a good driver, Namjoon approved! But you can grab onto my jacket if you want.” 
The movie was great. 
And that was a lie, cause truth to be told, you could barely focus on the plot. Every time you caught a glimpse of the boy next to you, his eyes were already looking at you. While it was true that you had not been dating for quite some time, you could feel your spidey-sense tingling, as if you were to turn your head towards him, something would happen. Thinking about it was not exactly the best thing for you.
“We’re getting ice cream.” Jungkook cheerfully said, as you both walked out the cinema. 
“That’s not a question?” You couldn’t help but to smile at the silliness. 
“Not a chance I’m letting you go home yet.” 
“Is this a date or a kidnapping?” 
“Could be both if you want.” He laughed. “So…” He cutely put his hands in his pockets as you walked. 
“So… how’s life?” 
“You did not just ask me that.” You laughed.
“What? I’m just trying to make actual conversation!” He laughed as well, but later on his expression softened. “You seemed down these past couple of days though?” 
You tilted your head slightly. You didn’t think he would notice. 
“You… noticed?”
“Of course I did!” He grinned, patting his chest proudly. “You didn’t talk that much at our last movie night at Taehyung’s. You usually love to debate after watching a movie.” He chuckled. "The fact that you're not even starting a discussion right now, is lowkey concerning."
That was because of an entirely different thing, but you chose not to say. “I haven't even told Yoongi.” 
“Even if you tell him, he wouldn’t tell anyone either, so what’s your point?” 
“That’s fair.” You broke a small smile. 
“What happened?” He stopped mid-track, suddenly losing a bit of confidence in his speaking tone. “I mean, only if you’re comfortable enough to tell me…”
Your expression softened. “It’s a bit stupid…”
“It’s okay, I’ll listen!” He nodded towards you. “I’ll just quickly grab those ice cream and we’ll sit down somewhere?” 
Minutes later he came back with two ice creams and a big stupid grin plastered on his face as usual. “Here you go, let’s sit down on that bench.”
You nodded and thanked him before following him to the bench. 
“Come sit close to me!” He patted right next to him. When you only looked at him blankly. He added, “Please?”
You sat down close to him but left a bit of space enough so that your shoulders wouldn’t touch. 
“Are you cold?” 
“Uh… no.”
“Okay, good.” He smiled and took a big bite of his ice cream. “So, do you still wanna tell me? Or we could also just sit and talk shit about Jin while we eat ice cream if you don’t want!”
You smiled. Looking into his eyes, you could feel his sincerity. It could be just you, but you felt somewhat… safe. 
“I used to date this one guy… We dated for three months before I ended things with him.” 
You looked up to Jungkook, expecting to see a negative expression but he remained silent, only nodding to signal you to continue. 
“To be fair we haven’t been in touch for almost a year, but he suddenly called me. He was drunk and said a bunch of nonsense. I still replied at first, cause I was worried for his safety. But after I found out he was drunk at home, I bid my goodbye. Then he suddenly said…” You took a deep breath. “He said that I’m a 4.5 with a bitch attitude and being picky won’t help me.” You broke into a sad grin. “It’s stupid, I know—“
“Who is this fucker? Can I beat the shit outta him? How come I’ve never heard about this?!”
“Probably cause this is how you react.” You chuckled. “It had me quite bothered for quite sometime, maybe the fact that I also haven’t dated in a while adds to it, but I guess I feel somewhat better now.” 
“So that’s why you said you thought you weren’t my type?” 
“That fucker needs to get his eyes and brain checked.” He shook his head. “You know, it’s fine to not want to settle for less.” He said as he looked at the sun setting in the sky. “He’s just butthurt you don’t want him back.” 
You stayed silent but nodded.
“His dick’s probably small anyway.” When you slapped his arm, he laughed. “What? Am I wrong? Why did you even break up with him?”
“He's sexist!”
“And his dick is small.” He followed. 
“Jungkook!” You began to laugh as well. 
“You know you’re easily a ten, but I’ll give a nine for now.” He said, pretending to be serious with rubbing his chin and squinting his eyes. 
“Why? What deduct the one point?”
“Cause you haven’t like me back yet.” 
“God, make that at least five points then, I hate you.” You rolled your eyes, but laughed. 
He smiled softly. “Feeling better?” 
“Well, I guess? But now my ice cream's all melty.” You pouted, trying to lick some that was melting down the cone. 
“That’s why you eat fast like me.” He proudly said. 
“And have stomach problem? No thanks.”
“Here let me just…” He licked a stripe from your cone and took a big bite. “There.”
You were taken aback. So stunned that you could only blink a few times at him. 
“What? Don’t tell me that turned you on?” He smirked. 
“You… Jungkook, that’s gross!” You whined, which only resulted in his laughter. 
The next day Jungkook wanted a full day date. Boy kept saying that he wanted fair chance since it was his last day. He already planned a list of things both of you would do and all, and the first being eating brunch with you. 
“Do you really have to come this early?” You complained as you opened your apartment door for the guy. 
When the said guy sheepishly didn’t move and enter, you raised one of your eyebrows. His hands were behind his back, clearly holding something, and you can see both of his arms flexed, seemingly grasping something tightly. You were searching for his boyish grin, but his expression seemed worried instead. 
“I got you flowers.” He said, sounding discouraged. 
“Oh?” You replied, but wondered why he just kept standing and not move. 
“I found out last minute that you don’t like flowers…” He frowned. “Yoongi told me in the group chat after I got too excited and sent them a pic of the flowers I got you.”
He looked like a lost puppy, and suddenly you had the urge to hug him to ease all his pain away. You stopped yourself before the impulse got the best of you and you grabbed him by the forearm, dragging him inside and closing the door. 
“You can’t stay in that position the whole day, you have to hand me the flowers.” You folded your arms, trying to hold in a chuckle. 
“But you don’t like them!”
“I haven’t even seen them.”
He finally moved his hands and revealed a small bouquet of fresh daisies. It was a simple bouquet, nothing too extravagant with a brown wrapping paper. It somehow reminded you of his smile and how radiant he looked when he did so. Yes, you did not like flowers, they were unpractical, it felt like an unnecessary addition, a waste of space. But somehow you like it. It made you feel all warm and fuzzy and it was very pleasant. It made you wanna accept it with open arms. Truthfully, the description did not really feel like it was describing flowers anymore, but you decided to not further ponder on it. 
“Thank you.” You took the flowers and sniffed it, before setting it down on your table. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t know, I feel so dumb cause everyone knew already and—“
“Hey, we’ve only known each other for three months.” You assured. “Besides, it’s really not much of a big deal, I actually like them.” 
“You do???”
“Yeah, they look pretty. I don’t know how long I can keep them looking like that though.” 
“Oh my god…” He exhaled deeply. “I was so worried it would be a deal breaker or something. I was literally shaking!”
He laughed and showed his right hand in front of you, it was shaking slightly. You didn’t know why he laughed at it, you didn’t find it funny. 
“It happens sometimes when I’m nervous.” He chuckled. 
Instead of saying something, you took his hand into yours just by intuitive. It was impulsive, but you let go before he had the chance to intertwine his fingers with yours. He didn’t comment on your behavior, but a smile was still on his face as he waited for you to grab your things to go. 
The brunch was on this small cafe near your place. You insisted on paying this time, since he paid for yesterday. The brunch was spent with him trying to sneakily hold your hand, but failed every single time. 
Next activity on the list was buying clothes together. As cringey as that sounded, and you even almost opposed the idea, Jungkook said that he needed to buy new outfit and he wanted to hear your feedback. Plus, some of his clothes barely fit him anymore since he decided to become a gym rat. 
“You actually look great in those skirt.” 
“You’re joking.” You denied, but twirled around in front of the mirror anyway, while trying to convince yourself that you didn’t need the purchase. 
“I’ll buy them for you if you won’t.” 
“We didn’t have all those money-saving talk with Namjoon only for you to say that.” You folded your arms. 
“Oh come on, you look great!” He pointed to you and his lips forming into a small pout. “Besides, we’re on a date today so I think that’s a pretty good excuse.” 
“I thought we are here to help you buy some clothes, not buy me skirt that I probably won’t wear that often.” 
“Let me spoil you for once… please?” He begged, eyes all sparkly. His lips shined along with his two lip piercings. 
“Alright, fine... I’ll get the skirt, but!” You eyed him. “Only if you buy that straight-cut jeans you just tried before.”
“That’s it? You’re not gonna argue on how those aren’t on trend anymore?” You raised an eyebrow. 
“I was gonna buy them anyways. You were practically drooling when I showed you.” He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows playfully at you. “Kinda was just waiting for you to admit it…”
You only rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t open your lips to deny his words either. 
After you changed back into your clothes and Jungkook paid for the purchases, he went back to you with a sly grin on his face and you immediately suspected something. He came back with a pair of matching string bracelet. 
“You can just not wear them later if you don’t want to, but let me be delusional for today, okay?”
You both left the store after you let him put the bracelet on your wrist. 
Next in line was spending time on a local amusement park. It was nothing too extreme, just a small carnival that has a few rides and snack booths. The guy kept insisting that you both should take a picture when the sun set. 
“Cotton candy!” Jungkook sprinted to the booth like a hungry kid, his laughter could be heard even as him getting far from where you were standing. 
You shook your head, smiling to yourself as you walked to his direction. 
“Pink, blue, or green?” 
“Blue, maybe?”
“Alright.” He grinned and paid the seller as they handed the blue cotton candy stick. “Why blue though?” 
“Dunno, just kinda matches your outfit.”
“Sweetheart, I’m wearing jeans and a plain white t-shirt.” He giggled. 
Which should be a crime! Cause who even looks that good in a basic white t-shirt??? You thought to yourself. “Your jeans, I guess..?”
“If you say so.” He chuckled. “Wanna ride the ferris wheel?”
“Being in a such small space with you sounds dangerous.” 
“I’ll protect you, babe.” He winked. 
“The danger is you, babe.” You mocked. 
He smirked, clearly amused. “Well, at least I got you to call me babe, that’s a win for me.” 
“You’re anno— hmph!” He stuffed a ball of cotton candy in your mouth, laughing continuously at the sight. 
After wandering around for a while and finishing the cotton candy, Jungkook dragged you to the shooting game. You refused, saying how you never really win these kind of games, but knowing him, losing was never really his thing. You saw how big the main prize was and you know Jungkook, you knew his ego, you knew damn well that was what he was aiming. 
“If you’re aiming for that giant teddy bear, don’t. We can’t carry that thing around...”
“You can’t tell me what to do.” He didn’t listen and instead paid for the game tickets. 
“We can’t carry that in your motorcycle, that’s like another passenger!”
“Just watch me.” He smirked, already aiming with the toy gun. 
You rolled your eyes, there’s really no telling him on this. “Fine, whatever.” 
After just two shots, you hear him jump in celebration, fist in the air and the staff rang the bell for him winning the price. You were ready to complain, but the staff handed you a small frog plushie instead. You looked at Jungkook and saw his boyish grin, his eyes almost turned into crescents. You looked back at the plushie in your hands and couldn’t lie to yourself, it was very adorable. 
“You didn’t aim for the grand prize?”
“You told me not to.” He shrugged. “Plus, you like frogs, right?”
“I wished I took a picture of your expression when they handed you the plushie.” He laughed, a soft blush decorating his cheeks. 
You finally agreed to ride the ferris wheel with him. The park was going to close in an hour anyway, and you thought why not, it wouldn’t hurt anyone to go for one ride. 
You sat across him, hugging the frog plushie on your lap. It was silent for the first few minutes, but it was comfortable, not awkward. You were just looking at the view from above and silently admiring it. 
“Did you have fun?” He asked. Suddenly your attention went back to him and his smile. 
“Well, yeah… I did.” You nodded. “Thanks.” 
“Don’t thank me, I had fun too.” He smiled. “Everything’s fun with you though so I may be biased…” 
You didn’t really know what to say to counter his words. You just smiled and went back to looking at the window. 
“Mind if I sit next to you?”
“Uh… sure. Just be careful, you might tilt the cart.” 
Jungkook carefully moved to sit next to you. He muttered a small “phew” as he sat down. “Wow, the view’s better here.” He said, looking straight at you. 
“What do you mean? How—” And then it clicked to you. “Oh my god… shut up!” You hit his arm, and he laughed. 
“Take my compliment for once!” 
“Never.” You stuck your tongue out. 
The ride soon came to an end. You remembered that you promised Jungkook to take a picture with the sunset, but out of nowhere it started to rain. Although it was just small drizzle, it’s hard to take picture and avoid getting soaked at the same time. You both ran to the nearest sheltered place, with Jungkook’s leather jacket covering both of you. 
You said your sorry about his now wet jacket, but the boy did not seem to be bothered, as you can see how bright and happy he was, just from running with you under the rain. You sighed, but an idea came to you as soon as you saw a photo booth machine, not far from where you were standing. 
“Do you… maybe wanna do that instead?”
“Photobooth?” He looked at you, as if he couldn’t believe your words. 
“Why? You don’t want to?”
“No! I want to!” He said, almost too quickly. “But it’s just weird that you suggest it. But it’s a good weird!” He chuckled. 
“I promised you a picture, so we’re getting a picture.” 
“Aww.” Jungkook pout his lips in a kissy way, teasing you. 
“Let’s go before I regret it.” You dragged him inside the booth. 
The first pose you playfully put peace signs behind Jungkook’s head, giving him bunny ears, while he only stuck out his tongue. The second one, Jungkook made a love sign with both of his hands, and you surprised him with a middle finger, which he yelled at you afterwards, but couldn’t really continue to complain as the countdown for the next photo were already starting. 
Since Jungkook spent at least three and a half seconds with his protest, you both were panicking for the last picture, running out of ideas. As the countdown stating two, he suddenly pulled you closer and leaned on your shoulder. The shutter flashed and the photo was taken. You were still in awe and couldn’t process what just happened. You only followed when you saw Jungkook making his way out from the booth to collect the picture. 
The guy giggled like a highschool boy, taking the printed photos, then giving one copy to you. You stared at the last picture, how genuine Jungkook’s smile when he leaned on your shoulder, while you had your eyes widened in surprise. You felt your face heating in embarrassment. 
“Ugh… can we just cut out the last picture?” 
“I was thinking the same thing, I’m putting it on my wallet!” He said, eyes still looking up and down on the set of photos. 
When you only looked at him in disbelief, he uttered a small “what?”, and laughed. 
Both of you ended up eating some cups of ramen in a nearby convenience store, as you wait for the rain to stop pouring. He took you home right after, insisting on waking you to your door. 
“Take care of little Kookie for me, yeah?” He said, pointing at your frog plushie, as you stopped at your unit’s front door. 
“Why is he named after you?” You chuckled. 
“I’m his father!” He pretended to be offended.
“Well, say bye to your papa now, little Kookie.” You waved the plushie’s small hand to him. 
Jungkook felt his heart somersault. He turned away for a second, covering his mouth. He cleared his throat. “Well, uh… thank you again, for today…”
“Yeah! Thank you too…” You chewed your inner lips, hugging your plushie close. 
“I uh…” He awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. “I just wanna let you know that what I said to you… about deciding whether you like me or not after the dates… I was just saying stuff. I don’t wanna pressure you into deciding your feelings for me or anything, I genuinely just wanna spend some time with you, and I’m thankful for your time.” 
You nodded, smiling at him. Your eyes locked with each other for a quick second. Your heart skipped a beat. Maybe it was the moonlight, or the lamp in front of your door that you recently just got replaced. Either way, you could see the stars in Jungkook’s eyes and his skin glowed, but so did his lips. They were practically sparkling and glossy, you wondered if he had put any lip balm over it. For a moment, your attention stopped at his lips, just wondering how it would feel against yours. Would it be soft? Would you feel the cold metal of his lip piercing against your skin? 
The man in front of you seemed to be lost in his thoughts as well. You swore you saw his eyes darted to your lips for a quick glance, before coming back to your eyes. Just when he leaned down a bit to your height level… 
You froze. What was that? You felt your stomach turned, you couldn’t exactly point out whether it was due to nervousness, or if you were simply just afraid. You took a step back and your back almost hit the front door.
“You should head back, it could rain again soon…” You said, looking away. 
“Oh.” There was disappointment in his voice. “Okay then… bye.” He waved to you awkwardly and walked away. 
As you see his figure walking away, you went inside your apartment and closed the door behind you. Sitting down on your sofa, you put your hand over your chest. Funny how your heart was still beating so fast. You were panicking, feeling everything all at once. Nervousness, excitement, curiosity, but mostly fright. The unknown territory was making you scared. The new feelings you were feeling, you didn’t even know if it would be okay to feel it. 
Still laying down on your sofa, you took your phone and dialed your best friend. 
“You called.” You heard Yoongi’s voice from the other line. 
“Why are you saying it like that.” 
“You only call when you’re stressing over something, otherwise, you only text.” 
You hate how smart and observant your friend was sometimes. “I think I feel something for Jungkook.” 
“Isn’t that… I don’t know, good?” 
“I don’t know… it just hit me like a truck, okay? One minute I wanna punch that stupid grin out of his face, the next thing I know, his lips looked so shiny and he got me wondering if his piercings would feel cold against my lips.” 
“Okay, wow.” Yoongi said in amusement. “Care to elaborate?”
“What if I’m just… super horny or something? I mean I haven’t been with anyone for like god knows how long now, and I could just be desperate and Jungkook is good looking, extremely good looking may I add, and—“
“Okay, okay… Y/N, pause for a second.” Yoongi sighed. “So you think you might be just horny and you feel bad for it?”
“Of course I feel bad! I don’t wanna use Jungkook like that! Just because he has this stupid crush on me, doesn’t mean I can do whatever I want with him. I’m not that kind of person!” You exclaimed, the volume of your voice getting slightly higher. 
“Tell me, how do you feel after the dates? Did you enjoy it?”
“Well yeah, I had a great time actually. I didn’t expect Jungkook to be that caring, and he’s actually very good at initiating conversation…” You wondered what else you could point out. 
“During that time, did Jungkook mention or do anything sexual?” 
“N-no! Of course not! Yoongi, do you take me as the fuck-on-the-first-date kind of person???” You said, slightly offended.
“So you like him.” He stated casually. 
“I’m sorry?”
“You caught feelings. Just admit that Jungkook has officially win you over.”
“I… what…” 
“I knew it. I shouldn’t have let you go on those dates, now both of you are gonna be so gross when we hang out...” You heard your friend groaned. 
“I like him?” You asked, more to yourself rather than to your best friend. 
“Maybe you should call Jungkook instead and tell him.”
You widened your eyes in horror. “No way, that guy only has a crush on me, it’s more of a hyperfixation, like I’m his girl of the month or something. I’m sure it’s not like how you think it is.”
“You should ask him yourself instead of making assumptions, just saying. And you know…” Yoongi paused for a second before continuing. “I think that kid is actually a good person, despite how dumb and annoying he looks.” When he got no respond from you, he spoke again. “Alright, I’ll leave you with your thoughts, just make sure you’ll talk with him about this, okay? Take care, Y/N.” 
Yoongi hang up the call while you were still sitting down, expression blank, staring at the wall in front of you. 
Jungkook didn’t text you at all after the date. Not like you text each other regularly, but you lowkey expected him to after. You wanted to call him, or at least text him. You wanted to say how you feel but you were again, scared. You began to think if you were reading it wrong. He was popular, you wondered if he just acted like that to everyone, if you were catching feelings, while he just wanted to hang out and have a bit of fun. After all, he never really explicitly said that he had feelings for you, all you knew that he admitted his giant crush for you while being under the influence of alcohol. 
You never hear from Jungkook again until the next week. Hoseok invited you all to game night over his place. You wanted so badly to bail and fake being sick, but Yoongi picked you up, basically forcing you to come and face your problem like an actual adult.
With all these new and mixed emotions that you were still getting used to, the thought of seeing Jungkook in person sounded so overwhelming. He would probably just act like how he usually would, because of course, why wouldn’t he. After all you were the one who suddenly took a weird turn.
“Finally!” Hoseok shouted, as he opened the door for both of you and Yoongi. 
“Come on, switch with Namjoon, he sucks!” Jin spoke while his eyes still not leaving the TV screen and his fingers loud against the controller. 
They were playing Tekken 8 on Hoseok’s Playstation. You saw how Namjoon was basically getting his ass kicked, playing as a Panda character, while Jin quickly leading himself towards victory using the character that coincidentally has the same name as him. 
Jin Kazama wins. 
The oldest one screamed happily, while Namjoon’s protests and excuses could be heard very loudly. Everyone laughed at the two, so it was easy to spot the one who didn’t laugh as much, whose expression didn’t hold that much excitement, sitting on the edge of the sofa just playing with his phone instead. 
“Y/N, come on!” Jin patted the on the carpet to the now empty seat next to him, since Namjoon already excused himself to get more popsicles from the fridge. 
You followed and sat down next to Jin on the carpet, which was directly in front of Jungkook, who was slouching on the couch. 
Sitting down quietly, you took the controller and beginning to scroll through the rooster of characters. You chose the character named Lili, while Jin stayed with his current main. 
When you beat Jin and the sound of your friends cheering loudly was heard, you began to feel a little bit relaxed, at the very least you could forget for a moment about your situation with Jungkook. That was until, you heard Yoongi spoke. 
“Jungkook, your turn.” 
You immediately turned your head towards your best friend, eyeing him straight. How could he betray you like this was beyond you. 
“Nah, you play I’m not really in the mood.” He rejected politely.
Your eyes went back to the screen because you refuse to see Jungkook’s expression. You pretended to busy yourself pressing the dpad button up and down on the character choices. 
“This is the first time I’ve ever heard Jungkook refusing a match.” Taehyung said while munching on his potato chips. 
“Yeah, that’s so unlike you, man!” Hobi joined. “Come on, we all know you’re good, but Y/N doesn’t know that yet!” He added. 
A small groan came out from Jungkook’s mouth before he stood up, and once again everyone cheered. Jin stood to switch seats with him. The man locked his eyes with you once, before sitting down and picking up the controller in his hand. He didn’t take too long picking a character. His choice landed on a boxer character. 
The match went quietly with only the sound of the video game from the speaker. Your friends behind you somehow went silent as well, and the atmosphere in the room became very tense. 
“Is it just me or it kinda feels like they’re actually fighting with each other…” Jin whispered to Hoseok who was sitting next to him. Hoseok only signaled with his hand shaking next to his neck to cut it out, while the rest only widened their eyes and try their best not to make any comment. 
You pretended like you did not hear any of it and kept mashing the controller buttons. The milliseconds of your attention being taken away from the game gave your opponent a leaway to break your combo and finally beating down your character. 
Steve Fox wins. 
“All right, Yoongi you switch with me, I’m gonna go get some air.” You excused yourself and headed to the balcony, closing the door behind you. 
Technically it was not a lie. It just got a bit stuffy with eight people inside an apartment living room. Especially when the guy you suddenly had feelings for was in the equation as well. 
You searched your back pocket for your pod and cursed silently when it was nowhere inside your jeans pocket. 
“Looking for your vape?” Jungkook entered the balcony uninvited, wiggling your small disposable vape pod in front of you. But when you were about to take it from him, he withdrew his hand. “I thought you’ve stopped.”
“I did. I only do it when I’m nervous. That’s why it’s a disposable.” You said weakly. 
“I noticed.” He replied in a monotone, now pocketing the pod inside his pants, refusing to give it to you. 
“You smoke, don’t act all high.” You retorted. 
“Well, have you seen me smoke these past few weeks?” 
“No, actually… yeah, now that I think of it, you didn’t even smoke once when we went out—“ You stopped when the memories of your date went through your head. “Jungkook, about that…” You bit your lips, nervously facing him. 
He also turned his body to your direction, looking at you directly. “I’m sorry.” He suddenly said. 
“Huh? For what?” 
“I feel like I’ve pressured you into something you don’t actually want. I’ve been thinking and re-thinking about it the past few days and it drives me crazy. I may have feelings for you, but that doesn’t give me the right to drag you along to do stuff with me just because you enjoyed spending time with me as a friend.”
“Wait, Jungkook, I don’t feel that way!”
“I know! That’s why I apologize—“
“No! I mean, I didn’t feel like you dragged me along or anything. I genuinely enjoyed our date and…” You looked away, taking a deep breath before continuing. “If I’m not reading it wrong, you’re saying you truly have feelings for me?” 
“Isn’t that obvious already?” 
“Well, I thought I was just your girl obsession of the week or something… You have celebrity crushes left and right, okay?! Hell, you even had a crush on Namjoon at one point!!!” 
“The Namjoon crush was a joke. Man just got some nice thighs and I was just admiring it.” He defended. 
You took another deep breath. “Look, I’m sorry as well… the emotions were all just come clashing to me at once and I just told you to go home instead of dealing with it.” 
“But, you rejected my kiss...” He said with a weak voice, you almost didn’t catch it. 
“Cause I haven’t figured out what I want yet. I thought I was just so touch deprived that your lips looked inviting that day.” You admitted while cursing yourself secretly inside your mind. That was lowkey embarrassing. 
“Try being me, your lips look inviting every single day!” He exclaimed, his mood now seemed to be improving. 
“Be serious.” You hit his sides. He muttered an “ow” but you doubted it even hurt the slightest bit. 
“So now you’ve figured out what you want?” His doe eyes looking at you directly. 
“I’m getting there… I guess.” You broke the eye contact, it was a bit too much for you and suddenly you felt a bit sweaty. “But I think I like you too.” 
“Say that again while looking at me.” 
“Hell no.” You suddenly covered your face with both of your hands. 
“Please?” He grabbed your wrists, softly trying to prey open your hands. “I just want to have the visual memory of it captured in my brain.”
When you finally loosened your grip, he took his chance and held both of your hands in his. He grabbed them for a few seconds, intertwining his fingers with yours, before letting them go. He traced his fingers along your right wrist where you wore the bracelet that he got you, the one he got matching with his, and then moved his hands up to cup your face. The entire time he did all that, you could actually feel the shakiness in his hands, and it melted your heart. 
“Can I?”
You nodded and he did not waste any second before dipping in and closing the gap between you. 
Oh boy you were right, his piercings did feel cold against your lips, but that was only for a quick second before everything felt warm and soft, and your mind became blurry. You were moving your lips against his carefully, afraid to accidentally hurt him by his piercing, but instead earned a small bite on your bottom lip from Jungkook. You gasped and pulled away, hitting his chest. Since when were you in his embrace? That you did not know. 
“We gotta head back now or they’ll get suspicious.”
He giggled and kissed your forehead. “They’re already suspicious, babe.” 
“Still, we gotta head back…”
“You guys done making out?! We’re hungry!!!” You heard Jimin shouted from inside the apartment. 
Jungkook and you looked at each other with widened eyes, before laughing in unison. He pecked you on the lips one more time before running back inside with you, holding hands. 
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Thank you for reading! 🌸
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aajjks · 8 months
The price of Love (II)
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synopsis. they say the price of love is dangerous, but jungkook would pay anything to buy your love, at any cost.
warnings. Yändêrê thěměs, öbsëssïön, därk thěměs, crèèpy, änxïêty, öbsëssïön ät fïrst sïght.
pairing: Yandere sugar daddy!jungkook x sugar baby female!reader
viewer discretion is advised, yandere stuff can be very triggering so read at your own risk, also let’s remember that this is purely fictional and this does not represent bts or jungkook irl.
part one x
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Yerin was going to be dead meat.
You were definitely going to kill her, “i had a good time with you- yn is it?” The man’s voice pulls you out of your murderous thoughts, you blink and regain your focus on him.
“Ahh I’m so glad, Mr Jeon… I had fun too..” you give him a kind smile, “I’m sorry if i was too awkward… I just didn’t know we’d have to be alone together- and celebrate your birthday.”
Jungkook, the mysterious man gives you an amused look once again, you wonder to yourself, what’s so amusing about you?
“just call me Jungkook.”
“I didn’t mind it honestly… i got to know you.” He’s so blunt, you inhale, trying to stop your cheeks from heating up. You look around, everywhere but him.
“That’s kind of you.. haha..” you bite your lip, looking all over the luxurious interior of the restaurant. “Was the food up to your liking, yn?”
“Oh are you kidding me? This was the most delicious meal I’ve ever had in my life- i mean it was delicious.” Jungkook looks at you with his full attention.
“You are a very unique person yn.” He remarks suddenly and you feel so small under his heavy gaze.
He just means to say that you’re so cringey yn.
“Umm thank you..” you push your hair back, you feel so nervous.
“Well it’s getting late… and i have an early shift tomorrow so… allow me to leave?”
Jungkook doesn’t respond but raises his eyebrow, almost looking disappointed but maybe you’re reading too much into his expressions.
“Sorry, I meant to say that I should leave now… I hope you don’t mind?” You immediately correct your sentence and just keep on smiling lightly.
Hey stands up, without replying, “yes I know that actually but it would be really impolite of me to let you go alone at this hour, so allow me to drop you.”
How does he even know that?
that’s the first thing that you mind registers, but as you watch his expressions soften, and a small smile on his lips, you give in.
Well, I would appreciate that because it’s really late and it would be hard for me to find an Uber… I appreciate it, J-Jungkook?”
The mans smile immediately widens, and his eyes shine.
Now he looks kind of cute.
“After you my lady.”
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He was not as worse as you thought he was.
His company was actually really comfortable as you sit in his car and he drove, light conversation was actually very nice but his aura remained dominant and Intense.
You weren’t the one to shut up, but in his presence, you could barely speak without feeling nervous.
You just kept and answering his questions, playing with your fingers to ease your nerves. It was hard for you to maintain eye contact with him because he was just such an intense person for you.
Intense is the only way you can describe him.
Well, you don’t talk much do you?” Jungkook halts the car and focuses on you once again, you almost gasp in surprise, you were already home.
“oh, it’s nothing like that. Maybe I’m just tired but thank you so much seriously.” Jungkook nods his head. “hold on don’t leave yet.
You stop your movements.
It takes you by surprise when he suddenly asks you to not leave. You wait for him to say anything else but he gets out of the car.
You sit in silence and patiently wait.
“is everything all right?” You ask him when he opens your door for you, concern is all over your face and he notices it but he doesn’t say anything, but offers his hand to you.
“Just trying to be polite and maybe… charming.”
That makes you laugh as he gives you a shy smile.
“I appreciate that.” You hesitate to give him your hand, but then you look at him and do it.
“I really enjoyed my time with you tonight.” he makes a conversation again as you walk towards your home. You feel his eyes all over you, but it doesn’t creep you out.
He’s not looking at you like you are a piece of meat. Instead his Eyes are fixated on you, like you are of the jewel of the most precious crown in the world.
That is the only way you can describe it, even though it sounds so cliché.
“Honestly, thank you. I don’t know I guess I am too much to handle but I’m glad you enjoyed my company..” “But I swear to God, I am- oh I don’t even know why they couldn’t make it?”
Jungkook hums along as you finally stop. “I’m here now and I know I’ve said thank you so so many times but I… appreciate you for dropping me home.” Do you think the man for the nth time.
“when you absolutely didn’t have to, and you didn’t even let me pay for the meal.. thank you.”
Jungkook crosses his arms to his chest, his biceps flex effortlessly, the white shirt, makes him look so good as you finally notice him under the street lights.
The long locks on him looks so good.
He is a very attractive man maybe that’s why you’re so nervous around him, well, that’s not entirely the only reason he’s pretty famous around your country too, and he’s literally a billionaire.
How did you get so lucky?
“if you are checking me out, I don’t mind at all.”
There you go feeling embarrassed as he points you staring out.
“could I please have your number? I think I would like to see you again if you don’t mind….” he doesn’t waste the opportunity to ask for your phone number.
He really isn’t shy.
“Umm.. I… are you sure because I think I should let you know something..”
You inhale and exhale deeply
“I am so sorry but I don’t- I’m not really looking for romance right now.. as much as I enjoyed the dinner with you, I only came there because of my friend…”
maybe you were too honest about this, but he needed to know, “ trust me I get that.”
His smile doesn’t falter at all, “I appreciate your honesty but don’t worry I’m not looking for something so serious too… but I think I like you already..”
He is standing there looking at you, his smile makes him even more attractive, “ oh really well that’s great we could be friends..”
He stalks closer to you, and takes out his phone.
“Oh right, well it’s ____________”
“OK now I should really go. Goodbye Jungkook.” The guy waves and waits for you to go inside of your home. He dials another number in his phone after typing your phone number.
And smiles to himself.
“oh, I know exactly what to do.”
Everything was going in his favor, just like he had wanted.
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pennyellee · 11 months
CHAPTER I - absquatulate
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pairings: mafia leader!yoongi x f!reader genre: mafia!au, yandere au, historical au
summary: Their interlocking gaze served as a butterfly effect on his heart, stirring it to the core. She, in turn, only dreams to find a way to escape. But perchance, over time she might forcefully learn to love the man who has taken so much from her.
Thus unfolds a twisted tale of love and loss, of hope and despair, of life and death. The music reverberated through the dimly-lit streets. Tears of sorrow, weeping symphony - reflects the hurt, the scars that linger deep within and the wounds that never healed. Lacrimosa.
chapter warnings: minors dni 18+ | mafia au, dark!yoongi, mafia!yoongi, yandere, kidnapping, mentions of God, graphic violence, manipulation, possessive/obsessive behaviour, angst, betrayal, mentions of death
word count: 2,11K
disclaimer: this story is purely fictional, it does not depict real-life events or involve any actual members of BTS. This story will contain depictions of violence, blood shed, death, mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol drinking, illegal activities, old social norms and traditions, which we do not condone.
absquatulate (v.) to leave without saying goodbye
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October 1938
Her feet ached, the shoes she wore were mercilessly biting into her skin, and the clothes clung uncomfortably to her body. She couldn’t slow down though. Y/N was determined to push herself a little further to cross the borders of Luen’s territory in north side of Korea. She didn't exactly know what would happen next, nor did she care at this point. The vision of freedom kept her sane. Little did she know, fate had a different plan in store for her.
Tears of happiness streamed down her cheeks as she finally found herself beyond the imaginary border. She made it to South part of Korea — the port city Incheon, next, a ferry to Jeju Island. Y/N was moving down the coastline for days, and she feels more than happy to be nearing her final destination.
The moment of joy was short-lived as the sound of barking dogs and distant screams echoed behind her. Wiping her tears quickly, she looked around the area in a rush. A small old building caught her eye, serving as a warehouse of some sort. It was her only option. Casting one last glance behind her, she made a split-second decision and hurried towards the building.
Inside the building, the air was even colder than outside. She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to warm up.
Suddenly, a loud thump reverberated through the air, freezing her in place. Instead of moving away from the source of the sound and seeking safety, an inexplicable force drew her closer. Y/N took small steps closer and closer to the voices that grew louder with each passing second. So far, she had guided her steps wisely. This next step, however, would prove to be a grave mistake. With just a slight twist of events, her fate would be forever altered by one hundred and eighty degrees. If only her curiosity and naivety haven’t gotten the best of her, her path could have been entirely different. Or would it?
One movement, one glance, one flutter of butterfly wings and her fate was sealed. Time stood still as she found herself gazing fearfully into his dark eyes. Y/N hadn't even noticed the red-tinged blood staining his white shirt or the loaded gun clutched tightly in his hand. She simply stared, paralysed by fear. It felt like an eternity to her, but it had only been seconds since she hadn't been careful before tripping over the empty wooden boxes revealing to everyone in the room that there was an uninvited guest.
She could hear the man standing nearby reloading his gun. Snapping out of her daze, she turned and fled, as if she had never stopped running. The cool night air lashed against her face as she sprinted with all her might, making her way towards the harbour. There were no more voices heard behind her. Y/N cautiously looked around, finding no trace of anyone following her, allowing herself to have a flicker of hope.
A shadowy figure appeared from behind a corner, blocking her path. It was one of the soldiers, armed and dangerous. Her heart raced as she searched for a way out. ‘This cannot be,’ she thought. The soldier was quick to close the distance between them, the command was loud and clear. “Bring back alive.”
The poor soul, who had only yearned for freedom, remained oblivious to the fact that her life was not in immediate danger. In the heat of the moment, she collected her courage and pushed the soldier forcefully against the wall with all her might. It took him a moment to collect himself as he had hit his head pretty hard. Y/N did not hesitate though. Her eyes spotted a rock earlier which was now in her possession — brought it up and smashed it against his head. Only after she realised what has just happened. She knew he might be dead and for this very sin, she will have to pay. But there was no time for regrets now. She took off running again.
Had she managed to escape? That remained to be seen. Hungry, thirsty, and chilled to the bone, she stepped onto the small ferry, placing one foot on its creaking board. Y/N paid for the journey with the golden hairpin that held her dark locks together. As the wind danced in her hair and frost began to paint her face, a kind-hearted passenger offered her a blanket, which she gratefully wrapped around herself while she watched the disappearing land, full of lights. In the distance, she thought she caught a glimpse of a figure dressed in black on the pier. Paying little attention to it, she unknowingly continued down a treacherous path.
Not far away, a man leaned against a car whose engine had only recently gone cold, asking.
“Shall we follow her sajangnim?”
“There is no need for that,” the man’s words hung in the air. As if he knew exactly that fate would lead her back to him.
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She reached the other shore shortly before dawn. Though hazy memories guided her, she vaguely recalled the path she was meant to take. The last time she was on this island, she was barely fourteen years old. Yet, her feet seemed to instinctively remember the way.
She stood before the gate of a grand mansion, comparable in size to the one she had grown up in. Slowly, she opened it and slipped inside. There were no soldiers to be seen guarding the mansion.‘Strange,’ she thought to herself.
Slowly she walked to the door and grasped the large metal knocker in her hands, rapped it three times. The door swung open, revealing a middle-aged woman holding a small boy in her arms.
“Y/N?” the short-haired lady addressed her.
“I know I shouldn't be here, Daiyu, but I have nowhere to go right now,” she said with tears in her eyes and a lump in her throat. Daiyu opened the door more and let her younger cousin in. Placing the little boy in a wooden chair, Daiyu prepared tea, mindful of the chilly temperatures outside.
“What happened Y/N? Does Uncle know you're here?” She asked when she finally sat down next to her. There was a pleasant warmth inside that radiated from the lit fireplace.
“No, no one knows I’m gone” she admitted.
“That's not good at all Y/N, do you want to end up with a bullet in your head?!”
“I’d rather that than take my freedom by marrying that brute”
“You know damn well you won't get it,” she told her younger cousin. She knew what she was going through, but she couldn't help her.
“Auntie told me to come here once—” her voice faded away when she realised the sorrow within her. “—Maybe if Chan-yeol...” She didn't even have time to finish before the sound of a slamming door reverberated through the room, shaking Y/N to her core.
“What in God’s name is she doing here!” The voice echoed, filled with anger and disbelief once he saw her sitting in his kitchen. Y/N turned to face the source of the voice, her cousin's husband towering over her, his eyes blazing with fury. “Chan-yeol...my mother sent her here. She needs help,” Daiyu attempted to explain and pleaded for Y/N’s safety, but Chan-yeol’s response was cold and hostile.
“Our help? Amazing, now they’re going to kill us too!” he bellowed, his face turning a bright shade of red. Treason wasn’t tolerated among the Wang clan. By running away Y/N knew very well that she cannot come back if she doesn’t want to die.
Y/N began to realize the gravity of her situation, but she knew that it was too late. “They won’t kill you, just please get me to the west. I’ll help myself from there, Chan-yeol please,” she pleaded, falling to her knees in front of him. Y/N was not ready to die.
Chan-yeol’s expression softened for a moment, but it quickly turned to one of anger and frustration. “Daiyu, come with me,” he ordered, his voice cold and hard. Daiyu looked at Y/N with a mixture of sympathy and regret before following her husband out of the room. Y/N was left alone, her heart pounding with fear and uncertainty. She knew that her fate was now in the hands of her cousin’s husband, and she could only hope that he would have mercy on her.
Her feet carried her front and back while she was listening to muffled screams and thuds from behind the closed door. Suddenly, everything went silent, and a tearful Daiyu came out of the door. “Don’t worry Y/N, everything will be as it should be,” she said, her words laced with a bittersweet comfort.
Overwhelmed with relief, Y/N believed she would finally be free. Daiyu poured the tea she had set the water on earlier. She smiled at her through her tears and watched her drink it. The poor girl had no idea what was yet to come. Slowly, her eyes closed, and she fell into dreamland as Daiyu sat beside her and cried.
“You knew this will happen sooner or later, Daiyu. We cannot disobey him.” Chan-yeol said as he picked Y/N up in his arms and carried her away from his wife’s sight.
“This was your mother’s wish. Honour it.”
Never in her worst dreams would Daiyu have thought she would sacrifice her blood to protect the clan she despised with the same amount as Y/N.
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The crackling of wood in the blazing fireplace brought Y/N back to consciousness. Slowly, she widened her teary eyes and looked around the room, which was unfamiliar to her. Tall windows, obscured by long curtains that prevented her from looking out, darkened the entire room. The only source of light was the blazing fireplace and an oil lamp set on the bedside table. She sat her body down on the bed.
Y/N was no longer clad in her bright red qipao dress, but she was wearing a nightgown that wasn't hers. Nothing in this room belonged to her. She grasped the oil lamp in her hands and, with a small gasp, took her first steps toward the large door on the other side of the room.
Everything was sort of strange, the house looked Korean with some touches of Western furniture. For a moment she thought Chan-yeol had made it, and she was somewhere in a far-off land in a safe house.
She pushed the door open and carefully slipped out. Y/N found herself in a hall that was darker than night. The walls were littered with black and white framed photos and several doors. The petite Chinese woman walked slowly down the hallway, shining her light on the paintings. She didn't recognise most of the people, family portraits from generation to generation, until she came to the last one.
It was him, with his dark eyes and the long scar across, her own filled with fear. The lamp fell from her hands and her feet carried her unknowingly where. She rammed full force into several doors and wandered until she found the exit. Y/N looked around the area in every direction but there was no escape route anywhere. Abruptly, she turned back to face where she came from. She had an uneasy feeling inside her. As if someone was watching her. But she didn’t see anyone anywhere.
It was only the cold drops of rain falling on her shoulders which made her look up, revealing the reason for her inner unease. She saw him standing up there like a king, a God, looking directly into her eyes. His hands rested on the wooden balcony railing, smiling. The smile concealed darkness within. Her eyes rolled back, and she collapsed to the ground.
“No more fleeing away, my little butterfly,” his voice echoed in the air, and a feeling of satisfaction settled across his body.
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“Everything is going according to the plan, kkangpae. She came here” Said the man, holding the phone to his ear. His wife looking at him with tears.
“I understand,” said Chan-yeol, ending the call, and locking eyes with his wife. “Don’t cry Dayiu, you know this is the best for her.” He sighed.
“That is very easy for you to say, it’s not your life that is about to change.” She collected herself, ready to leave the room. “You managed,” said he.
“But you weren’t the head of syndicate Chan-yeol—” she began. “You know, I made my peace within this marriage, but I’m sure she won’t take it laying down.” Chan-yeol pursed his lips in annoyance.
“I wish I could know my mother’s reasoning for this ordeal, but it’s too late for that.” Said Daiyu, finalising her words and leaving the room at once.
to be continued
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author’s note: AAAAAAA! The first chapter is here. This is just a little beginning and I promise that a lot more is going to come and be unveiled ♥ Excuse any ridiculous mistake I made, I just recently got back to writing and it's not beta read. If you want to be added to the taglist, don't be shy and lemme know. Dm's and asks are always open ♥ I'll try to adjust everything and you prolly will get second chapter soonish too.
I'm also not expert on chinese, korean and japanese culture, but I tried to research everything realistic I wanted to add to the story. Nonetheless, take it as a fiction.
Don't be a silent reader, comment, re-blog, heart, asks are more than welcome ♥
let's be friends chummers ♥
lots of love, 𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖞𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖊
taglist: @chaoticpuff17 @honsoolgloss @jingerbreadoutofstock @moocow778 @janura26 @dinosolecito @yoongislatinagff @xyahrinx @ruhmoojeonjunkook-blog @hi12345567 @nochuel @deltamoon666 @bbkissme99 @darkuni63 @nansasa @sazsazsaz @missmin @strxwbloody @royallyjjk @jaiuneamesolitaiire @shadowyjellyfishfest
©pennyellee. please do not repost
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agustdakasuga · 1 year
The Way Of A Criminal: Chapter 2
Genre: Mafia!AU, Criminal!AU, Angst, Romance
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: Your father was a stranger, you never knew who he was and what he did. But one day, someone knocks on your door, informing you of his passing. Now, you learn more about him, his life and the legacy you are expected to continue with the help of his 7 executives.
Story warning(s): This story will contain depictions of violence, blood shed/gore, death, mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol drinking and gambling. This story is fictional and has nothing to do with real life events or the actual members of BTS. Please read at your own discretion.
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After spending the whole day at home yesterday, except leaving to get groceries for the house, you thought you would feel more refreshed. But whether you liked it or not, your father’s letter stayed on your mind. There were many questions that were unanswered.
“Hey! Watch it!” Someone yelled out to you as you accidentally bumped shoulders with them, too deep in thought.
“Sorry.” You mumbled, continuing your way to your locker. University was just university to you. It wasn’t a fancy private academy or the top campus, you just wanted to graduate with your degree and find a job.
You didn’t have a major yet. Your university allowed students to study common modules in the first year if you couldn’t decide on a major. But you needed to choose one in the second year.
“(y/n) sshi. Welcome back. My deepest condolences.” The professor greeted you as you entered the classroom.
“Thank you, professor.” You bowed your head before going to your seat.
“Hey, (y/n), I kept your homework for you.” Your good friend, Wonwoo, pulled out the chair to sit with you. Unlike you, Wonwoo had chosen his major when applying for university. He majored in Music.
“Thanks, Wonwoo. You’re a lifesaver.” You smiled, briefly flipping through the notes and homework that you’ve missed.
“So, what happened? I thought you didn’t have a dad. Then all of a sudden, you’re at his funeral?” Wonwoo asked. You scratched your head, not really sure where to begin.
“Honestly, the past few days have been rough. Suddenly I get news from a stranger that the man, who is also my father, passed away. I was expected to be the chief mourner since I am apparently his only blood related child. I don’t really know how to feel, he’s a stranger, I barely know his name and face. Is it bad that I don’t feel the grief?” You sighed.
“Like you said, he’s a stranger. You’re not expected to mourn over someone you don’t know. Don’t worry about it.” He smiled softly, patting your head.
“Everyone that came to the funeral told me what a great man my father was. Remembering what my mother went through alone, I didn’t think he was that great.” You said sourly.
“Has he not tried to reach out all those years?”
“Not at all, no phone call, nothing. From the letter he left me, he probably didn’t even know my mother died.” You shrugged.
You were grateful to have Wonwoo. You have known him since high school. Back then, you didn’t think having friends was important so you kept to yourself. But if you didn’t have him to talk to, you didn’t know what you would do.
“Don’t bottle it all up, okay? You know you don’t have to shoulder it all on your own.” He comforted.
“Hopefully this was just a one time thing and I don’t have to be involved with anything related to my father again. It’s too much for me to accept a parent at this age and only after his death. I wish for him to still remain the stranger he always was.” You rubbed your temples.
“Alright, with most of you here, let’s begin class.” The professor spoke.
After class, you and Wonwoo had lunch together before he had to go for music class and you had mandatory session with the guidance counsellor about choosing your major.
“Good afternoon, Mrs Lee.” You greeted as you entered the small room. Mrs Lee smiled and stood up to get you from the door.
“Hi, (y/n). How have you been?”
“I’ve been okay. If you’re specifically referring to the passing of my father, I am okay about that too.” You cleared your throat, sitting down. She awkwardly nodded her head and sat down opposite you, pulling your file out.
“Now, since we last spoke, have you explored more about what major you would want to take?” She asked.
“Kind of? I have been narrowing down my choices.” You rubbed the back of your neck in embarrassment but she had an encouraging smile all the way.
“Playing to my strengths of learning foreign languages, I was thinking linguistics and language major. But I did consider biology, as well.” You began to list out all your options and the reasons.
“It’s good that you have narrowed down your options, (y/n). And with your grades, you can choose any of the options you have just listed. But with some, you might need to do a placement test, the same one that everyone does. You told me all the good points of each major option. How about... ‘the bad’ or your worries with each major?” She asked.
“The main worry is that the degree won’t get me far after I graduate. Not so much worried about work load...” You replied.
“You never know, the needs of the industry is always changing. In a few years, things will change. Companies might focus on new goals and trends will change.” She said. You nodded your head.
“(y/n), at the end of the day, you have to ask yourself what you want to do, only you know what you enjoy.”
“I know...”
“You’re going through a lot now, I understand. Let’s speak again in a month and see if there is more clarity then.” She shot you a friendly smile. You grabbed your bag and she escorted you to the door.
“Thanks, Mrs Lee. I guess I’ll see you in a month.” You left her office. You went to your locker to get the books you needed for your next class. Wonwoo was there, waiting for you. It was weird since you usually meet him in class.
“How was Mrs Lee?” He smirked.
“She believes my ‘grieving’ self can’t think straight so there was no progress. I think I just have to figure this who major thing on my own.” You groaned. Wonwoo was your close friend and probably only friend but you didn’t tell him everything, you drew a line for privacy and he respected that.
Also, a part of you felt that telling him everything would make you dependent on him and you didn’t want that. You needed to be independent and be mentally ready for when he gets sick of you and leaves.
You only had two more classes before you could go home. Wonwoo insisted on taking you home on his bike. He handed you his helment.
“I’m really fine taking the bus, you know?” You didn’t really live far away from your university.
“It’s no problem, really.” Wonwoo said, reaching over to make sure the helmet was adjusted well and not too tight or loose. He helped you onto the bike before climbing on.
“You should wear the helmet.” You spoke.
“I’d feel much better if you’re the one wearing the helmet.” He chuckled, starting the engine.
“Hang on.” He declared. You yelped in shock, instinctively wrapping your arms around him. Wonwoo sped off in the direction of your house. He made sure to not go too fast, knowing that you felt nervous on the bike.
However, when Wonwoo pulled up to your street, you were not expecting to see a luxury car parked in front of your house. The Porsche stuck out like a sore thumb but you didn’t recognise it. Wonwoo stopped the motorcycle and helped you off. The car door opened and a suited male emerged. You recognised him as one of Namjoon’s brothers.
“(y/n) sshi.” He approached you.
“Who is that?” Wonwoo asked, looking the man up and down, taking in his tailored suit, expensive shoes and luxury car. He stepped in front of you, slightly protective. You bit the inside of your lip.
“It’s alright, Woo. I... know him. He’s one of the guys from the funeral.” You explained to him.
“I’ve got this. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You told him.
“You sure?” Wonwoo didn’t look convinced. You nodded and waved to him as he hopped onto his bike and left. You took a deep breath and turned to him.
“I haven’t introduced myself to you, I’m Kim Seokjin. I’m actually here to let you know that your father’s lawyer will be going through his will and we would like for you to attend.” He stated.
“Seokjin sshi, I appreciate you coming all the way. But I thought I made myself clear, I don’t want anything to do with that man, his money and his company. I relinquish whatever was willed to me to you and the other 6, you can do whatever you wish to do.” You told him.
“We understand, (y/n) sshi. But your father has told us to tell you about some of your mother’s belongings being kept with his will. And even if you do relinquish all inheritance, you would need to sign off with the lawyer.” He informed.
“Wait, my mother’s belongings?”
“Yes. However, none of us know what those belongings are.” Seokjin was quick to add, sensing your rising anger.
“Even in death, he is trying to blackmail me. Why can’t he just leave me alone?” You clenched your fists, tears of frustration threatening to fall. Seokjin didn’t say anything about your statement.
“When is the damn lawyer meeting?” You asked him. He gave you the date and you nodded.
“Also, were you or your brothers the ones who told my university about the funeral? Because I, for sure, was not the one who told them.” You looked at him, throwing all politeness out the window.
“We thought it would be good for them to give you a few days off for the funeral procession and proceedings.”
“You all had no right to do that. Now, I have the whole university administration looking at me with pity, giving me allowance for things because I’m ‘grieving’. Well, I’m not grieving, I’m not sad that he’s gone. I feel nothing.” You said through gritted teeth.
“I’m sorry, (y/n) sshi. We should not have done that, it was an overstep on our part.” Seokjin apologised.
“Just please, don’t meddle with anything in my life anymore.” You pleaded. He nodded his head, face glum. Your words towards your father was cold and cruel but it wasn’t your fault.
“Is there anything else you need?” You were over this. You wanted to move on and not have anything related to that man in your life anymore.
“No. Have a nice day.” Seokjin wished and you walked into the house, shutting the door and locking it behind you. Seokjin looked up at the house, letting out a long sigh before going back into his car. No one ever dared to have such an attitude with them, being afraid of the repurcussions, but the boys knew that they couldn’t blame you.
This was thrown onto you out of nowhere and you have to deal with this on your own, face the unfamiliarity and confusion. It wasn’t fair to expect you to just accept everything as it is.
Jin drove all the way back home. He didn’t have an office to return to for work like the others since his room was his office.
“Young master Seokjin.” The butler opened the door for him and he tossed the keys to the valet to park his car in the garage for him. The first thing Jin saw when he entered the mansion was the boys playing poker.
“Don’t you all have work to do?” Jin rolled his eyes.
“Oh, hey hyung.” Taehyung said, not looking up from his cards or answering Jin’s question.
“You went to speak to her?” Yoongi asked from his spot by the bar, swirling his crystal glass with whiskey inside. Jin nodded, removing his suit jacket and dropping it on the couch before heading over.
“Needless to say, she’s pissed. She knows we told her university about her father.” Jin rolled up his sleeves, ready to fix himself a drink.
“Well, I would be too. We’re lucky she hasn’t beaten us up yet or something.” Jimin chuckled, his vape nestled between his fingers as he read his cards.
“Not everyone is like you, where they itch to beat people up, especially strangers. Boss always said that she and her mother were so gentle, wouldn’t even want to hurt a fly.” Hoseok scoffed. Namjoon emerged at the top of the stairs, coming down when he saw that Jin had returned.
“Did Namjoon send you cause he’s scared of her?” Yoongi teased.
“I’m not scared of her. It’s just that, so far, I have been the bearer of bad news. Plus, it might be good for her to start to know and recognise all of you too.” Namjoon shrugged.
“Yeah, cause Yoongi hyung offering her a cigarette is great for introductions.” Jungkook burst out laughing.
“Shut up. She looked stressed and I thought she would want one to help her calm down a little.” Yoongi glared at the youngest.
“Sure... Hyung, you do know that we were the cause of her stress in the first place, right?” Jimin added with a laugh. Yoongi rolled his eyes, sliding off the bar stool and walking up to his room, whiskey in his hand.
“Everything aside, she will attend the lawyer meeting. As expected, knowing her mother’s belongings are kept with the will, she agreed to come. Although, I do agree with her that this is blackmail.” Jin sighed. They couldn’t do much, they were following the orders of their late boss, who was insistent and firm on what to do when he passed.
“It’s just going to get more complicated when the will gets read.” Namjoon said.
“Wait. Hyung, you know what’s in the will?” Jungkook asked. Namjoon didn’t say anything else, grabbing a whiskey and going back upstairs.
“Enough playing. Get back to work.” Jin told the younger ones and went to his office. He turned on his entire system, the multiple computer monitors lighting up the room.
This was Jin’s job in the organisation. Nothing hides from him on the web. Any information that could be found online, he can find it. He could also hack any system, no firewall or security could stop him.
“Wow, good grades... But why haven’t you chosen your major?” Jin asked to no one in particular when he pulled up your university records.
“Security cameras... Entrance of the university.” He pulled up the footage. From the estimated time that you would be there, Jin watched the footage to look for you. Well, he wasn’t looking for you in particular. More of the person you were with.
“There you are.” Taking a screenshot of Wonwoo’s face, he enhanced it using his computer software and ran it through the university database.
“Jeon Wonwoo. Music major. No criminal record.” He scanned through Wonwoo’s records with the university. You were always described by your father as a lone wolf. So Jin couldn’t help but be curious after seeing how close you were with Wonwoo earlier.
“Hyung, who are you stalking?”
“Geez! You scared me!” Jin held a hand over his racing chest as Taehyung appeared beside him.
“I’ve got the change the passcode for my door.” Jin grumbled. Taehyung laughed, knowing that Jin’s attempt would be futile anyway. He always had a way to get to where he wanted to go.
“She has a boyfriend? He’s kind of handsome.” Taehyung noted as he looked at Wonwoo’s picture.
“He’s not her boyfriend. I just wanted to make sure that he won’t cause any trouble for us. His record is clean. They went to the same high school, it seems.” Jin reported.
“Even if he was trouble, we could easily handle it. You should finish your stack of work. I’ve got people hounding me for information.” Taehyung said, gesturing to the stack of folders on Jin’s desk that he had to work on.
“I’ll get to them soon. Now, get out. I don’t like people being in here.” The older pushed him out of the room, locking the door. Jin needed to be in the mood to do work and he hated people nagging him. Although, no one really said anything since he’s the oldest of the 7. Namjoon was the only one that could get him to do work.
“Got kicked out?” Jungkook tilted his head, seeing Taehyung stand in the hallway, outside Jin’s room. Taehyung nodded glumly.
“Tough luck, hyung.” Jungkook patted him on the shoulder and continued on his way. He went to his room to change out of his pajamas before going down to the garage.
“Jungkookie.” Jimin appeared as Jungkook was working on Hoseok’s car.
“What?” He grumbled. Like Jin, he didn’t really like anyone interrupting him, especially when he was working.
“I have a big event in 3 days so Hoseok is bringing a new car in for me to drive there. Do you think you could help me check it out and make sure it’s okay by then?” Jimin asked.
“What car?”
“A Valhalla.”
“Wait, Hoseok hyung got his hands on one? Only 999 were made and it’s super exclusive.” Jungkook was shocked.
“It’s Hoseok hyung. Of course he would be able to get it.” Jimin said. If you needed something, Hoseok would be able to get it for you. His connections spread far and wide.
“Sure, I’ll take a look at it when it comes. But I’ll need to do some research first. It uses a new hybrid battery system and a new bespoke V8 engine. First of its kind.” Jungkook was in awe. Jimin smirked, knowing how to get Jungkook interested in a project.
“I just need it for the event, you can drive it after the event.” He added. For most of the cars, the boys always shared amongst themselves anyway. The only cars that were not shared were their personal cars.
“Oh, I am definitely driving it after.” Jungkook declared.
“Great, glad to have you onboard. Hyung said that it’ll be delivered tomorrow.” Jimin informed. Jungkook hummed in acknowledgement.
“Thanks, Kook. Knew I could count on you.” He clapped happily and left the garage for Jungkook to get back to work.
“An Aston Martin Valhalla is going to be in our garage tomorrow.” Jungkook let out a laugh of disbelief, shaking his head. To say he was excited was an understatement.
Since Hoseok brought in such rare cars, they didn’t trust just anyone to maintain them. So Jungkook, with an interest in bikes and cars, took the job of making sure the cars are maintained and taken care of. He also fixed them when the other boys get them destroyed while doing a job outside. It was hard work but Jungkook loved his job.
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deluweil · 9 days
Thanks for your response to that other anon about Tommy; you’re totally right. I also was intrigued, even liked him and Buck after their first kiss. But his closet comment and behavior on their first date, like he didn’t care that Buck has LITERALLY just figured out his bisexuality and that’s A LOT to process, his dismissive attitude towards Buck’s ideas and feelings (the bachelor party henley, the “enjoy it while it lasts” at the medal ceremony)….and then add in the way some fans have gone 0 to 100 on them so quickly, even calling them endgame, and likely at least in part JUST because it’s two men…it’s become such a turn off. I was neutral, even wanted to like them at first, but now am counting the days until it ends. And it’s not because I’m a BoB or would dislike any Buck LI that isn’t Eddie. And I don’t agree with anyone getting HATE (we can sideeye and judge people’s actions ($cameos$) But I think seeing Buck in a canon male/male relationship has caused some people to lose their damn minds. Ship and let ship! Stay in your sandbox, we’ll stay in ours!
LOL I am so removed from all the crowing bummies that I have to ask wth is BoB?
I actually went to look it up and found some interesting options, I am going with this one:
"Bob" is a generic and common name, and using it can be a way of avoiding formalities or creating a relaxed and approachable atmosphere
If you have the other meaning go ahead and tell me, like bummies I understand what benefits me in the moment😂
I kinda wish ppl will look up the meaning of "comphet" (I actually looked it up) that Ryan keeps bringing up in his interviews - that way ppl can stop saying crap things about him being the one to derail Eddie-T because he was supposedly against it. - Which is bullshit, Tim repeatedly said it was because the Natalia actress couldn't come back and M actress could. - Also, Originally T was supposed to be Lucy, she just couldn't come back so they took Lou in a pinch, so Obviously the endgame sure as shit wasn't the pilot.
And you're right, T's attitude was condescending at best, I was talking about it with a mutual the other day, and said that if they really had an interest to build BT properly, also by the time they came up with BT they knew they were being renewed for S8, they could have slowed into this. Actually make Buck's coming out story, a coming out story, not "So first date was a bust, how bout you come to my sister's wedding?" like who does that?
They could have started as friends with Lou being a gay guru, they could have had private dates until Buck was actually out to everyone and ready to be seen in public.
There could have been feelings involved that developed over time.
I gave the example of Tim-Ashley vs Nolan-Bailey from The Rookie, while Ashley was fairly kept to the background (btw she got more screen time than T, just saying) while Bailey was constantly and still being weaved into the story, intricated into Nolan's life, because he was meant to end up with her.
What ppl, who seem to have never watched good tv in their lives, don't seem to understand is that there is a way to write a story, and 911 not only screwed up spectacularly with Buck and Eddie's storylines, but they managed to make it clear from the get go that any LI to come along would be written just bad enough for it to be clear that they are not lasting.
Even furious, Eddie never walked away from Buck. Even when Buck was an asshole in 2x01, Eddie stood his ground and insisted they sort it through making it clear that they are on the same side, that he cares about him and wanting to be his friend. - His partner, a team.
Tommy, like all his predecessors, walked away as soon as something didn't fit his little comfort zone. Tommy walked away on that first date, he didn't contact Buck after that, Buck had to make contact and apologize for not being comfortable on his first date with a guy, like how messed up is that?
And Tommy's little acid retort in front of Eddie in the restaurant before that? From the side it's hilarious for someone who was never in that position. It was mean and uncalled for, but not exactly a surprise because T was never much of am understanding person, he was pretty much an ass from the get go in S2, only difference now is that he is out of the closet.
How did Athena put it when Michael first brought his new bf home after they got divorced? "If Michael had cheated on me with a woman, no one would have expected me to slap on a fake smile and welcome her into my home."
And that is exactly what the GA expects us to do, so what if Buck injured Eddie for attention? He's bi now.
So what if T was an ass and pretty much dismissive towards Buck and talks to him often in a bored way like one talks to a child? He's gay now.
A certain sexual preference does not excuse bad behavior. A person's behavior is supposed to be taken at face value, and not excused just because that person is now seeing someone who happens to be of the same gender.
Crappy behavior is just that - crappy behavior - equal accountability and all that.
I actually liked Taylor for Buck in S2, I think Lucy could have been perfect for him in S5, but the writers made sure to smear their characters in the eyes of the GA from the beginning, thus ending up with another failed relationship, while Buck's relationship with Eddie thrives from one episode to another for the last 7 seasons. One has to wonder about that even if they don't ship buddie.
Same pattern here with T. I was prepared to like him with Buck, I was prepared to see Buck making his way out of the closet with someone who would make him feel safe to do it, not kiss him unprepared under the pretense of coming originally on Eddie's behalf. Not that crap show that was that restaurant date. Not Buck apologizing after feeling insecure and exposed in public for the first time out of the closet and so many other things. - I'm getting the same vibes as Taylor looking through her phone in disinterest in 4x11 as Buck recites some google fact.
And you're right, the fans going from 0-200 after one kiss was just ridiculous, like chill people have you never seen two men kiss before?
I have, on screen and in RL, I grew up with lovely lgbtq+ friends from childhood, it's not all that. When my gay best friend dated someone who didn't treat him right, I told him to get rid of him. When my cousin's gf treated her like property and like she owes her something I urged her to find a better more nurturing person to be happy with.
Two men kissing is not endgame making, hell, from experience two men having sex (hot as it is) is not endgame making.
Love, passion, trust, security, fun, friends gatherings where they're cute and gross, can be made into a healthy endgame making relationship.
Buck and Tommy have physical attraction, they make for a steamy picture but nothing else.
And Lou, I am just... I don't know, I would have preferred not to find out the things he's done as cast of 911, I am just so disappointed.
I loved Lou, now it's just meh. Like he's trying to make as much money as he can before he finishes his way in the show is all kinds of wrong. Also very misleading to the ppl who are hanging on his every word. (And I don't think Oliver likes it either, he is pointedly ignoring any scene with T, not promoting anything that doesn't involve Eddie and Christopher or Buck's own development).
Even Ryan didn't know he was going to get shot until he got the 4x13 script, he was sure he was being killed off until he talked to whoever was showrunner at the time lol.
So Lou can't know he just talks out of his ass and make himself look bad in the process.
And I agree, ppl should be free to ship whoever they desire, but they are not entitled to force their desires upon others, I'm talking about both sides of the ships not just one. (Although I gotta say I've never got hate asks until a certain ship popped up this season. A lot of hateful - now blocked anons - that I refused to give stage to.)
These toxic battles are useless and made this season worse than it's writing.
All that's left is kick back and hope this season's last episode can salvage the poor and repetitive storylines we got this season, - I mean even Henren and Bathena got a replay of S4.
And don't even get me started of the fart shaped storyline Eddie got after switching last minute.
I'm tired lol
didn't mean for this to become this long monster, If you made it this far thank you, sending LOTS of love. ❤️
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staytinyville · 7 months
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Stay Alive (28)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: smut (MDNI), piv, unprotected sex (we don't do that here),
A/N NOT BETA. Honest opinion yall what you think of my smut lol
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Gossip was not the first thing you expected to hear the moment you walked into your office space. It felt even worse when you realized they were talking about you. You had no clue if they wanted you to hear you or not but either way it seemed much too loud to be talking about a few desks over from yours. 
“I heard from one of the other nurses that she's sleeping with Bangtan.” Some older nurse whispered, causing you to furrow your eyebrows at how loud they were actually being. 
“What!?” The one she was talking to gasped. “How is doctor Hanseol allowing that!?”
“I don't think he knows it yet.” You realized it was Yoongi’s nurse who was spreading the rumor. “But maybe she's sleeping with him too.”
“Him?” The nurse suddenly scoffed. “Please, he would tear her apart.” You could seem them turn to look at you with a sharp look. “She's human—he would never go for something so lowly.”
You sighed quietly, feeling your chest seize up when they mentioned that you were human. It was clear they were some kind of creature like the boys. You figured they all were if Hanseol didn’t want the secret to get out. 
You were a lucky case, you realized. You weren’t meant to work down with the others. You were meant to be a regular nurse who took down research. It was luck that sent you down to Jungkook. And it was him who threw the tantrum to have you as his nurse. 
“If you will excuse me.” You cleared your throat, moving to leave the desk. They were blocking your path so you had to tell them to move. “I have a job to do. I think it would benefit you both to do the same rather than gossip about a coworker.” You told Eun Ae. 
“Who are you to tell me what to do?” Eun Ae sneered, leaning over you to intimidate you. “I can kill you.” 
You kept your eyes on hers, which only stemmed to irritate her. You tried not to flinch when you felt something poke at your head, like the brush of something against your brain. 
“Can you be a dear and tend to Yoongi? I have so many things to do and he gives me a headache.” She told you with a sickeningly sweet smile. 
You realized the nudge you felt was her trying to erase your memories. She didn’t know that you knew everything which was a good thing. You opted to listen, thinking it would be best to not allow her the knowledge that she wasn’t able to hypnotize you. 
“Of course.” You told her with a blank stare. 
“Thank you, Darling. Aren't you just the sweetest?” She pinched your cheek, trying your hardest not to make a sound. 
When she turned around to get back to her gossiping, you rolled your eyes, looking down at the floor to avoid further confrontation. While on the elevator trip down, you leaned your head back against the wall, clenching your jaw. 
You were stupid to think that someone in your job wouldn’t notice what you were doing with the boys. Heck, you literally had sex with Jimin in the pool. Anyone could have walked in and seen you two. And if they did it was clear they had left to spread the rumor. 
However, you began to think if it was just something the other nurses began to spread just to get on your nerves. You hadn’t been called to see Hanseol over it. Gossip was going to run around through the office even if you tried to avoid it. Especially when the boss seemed to always want to talk to you. 
You looked down at Yoongi’s files, shaking your head at his terrible nurse. You could understand why he acted the way he did with her. She was insufferable and clearly hated the way Yoongi acted. There was nothing wrong with him–he was just someone who was terribly honest. He cared about people in his own way. If he allowed you into his circle that meant you were one of a kind. 
When you knocked on his door, he called for you to come in. Like always the only light was the small night light attached to the wall. You could see him pulling back his covers, making himself comfortable against his pillows. 
“Yoongi?” You called out, trying to adjust to the minimal lighting compared to the LEDs from the hall. 
“Come here, Princess.” His arm stretched out, gesturing for you to lay down in his arms. 
“What are you doing?” You chuckled, setting down your things before making your way under the covers to get comfy with him. 
“You project your thoughts too much.” He told you, eyes closed as he tried to find a nice nap. 
You furrow your eyebrows, thinking back to how Taehyung had been able to read your thoughts as well. “How does it work?” You asked. “How can I stop from doing that?”
“We don't get all your thoughts.” He explained. “However if they pertain to any of us you open the channel.”
“If I think of you?” You repeated.
“Yup!” A teasing grin splayed on his face, not that you could see. “So if you're masterbating with one of us in mind, we'll know.”
“Yoongi!” You gasped, poking into his side as a blush bloomed on your face. 
“I'm kidding.” He laughed, turning onto his side as he pulled you closer to his chest. “Well, not really. You just have to learn how to keep your thoughts from leaving your mind.” He added. 
“How do I do that?” You continued to ask.
“Hobi would tell you better. You'll have to ask him.” He tucked your head under his chin, hand rubbing at your back. 
“So then, you've all like—heard me?” You spoke quietly, hiding your face into his chest. 
“Have you masterbated to one us?” Yoongi asked nonchalantly. 
“No!” You gasped, pulling away from him. “I haven't had the need to.” You pursed your lips, turning away. 
“I'm teasing, Princess.” The man gave you a gummy smile, tickling your sides. 
You laughed, squirming away from him. He was quick to hold onto you when you moved too close to the edge of the bed. You squeaked when he easily pulled your entire body back to him with his one arm. 
“Besides, what can you possibly think of when one of us isn't there?”
You quickly pulled back, furrowing your eyebrows at him. Was he telling you that you didn’t have a vivid enough imagination to get off? Sure, they added to the pleasure you would feel when orgasming but you would like to think you were good when it came to making yourself cum. You didn’t always need a man to do that for you. 
Well, not until they turned up. 
“Are you doubting me?” You asked. 
“Compared to what I've experienced?” Yoongi scoffed, looking down at you. “Your thoughts would be tame.”
You suddenly glared at him, a smirk on your face. “Try me.” You told him. 
You turned onto your back when he leaned over you, lips ghosting over yours. “Is that a challenge?” He asked you quietly. “Think you can make me blush? Sad to tell you, Princess, but I’m dead.”
“I don’t need to make you blush.” You told him boldly. “I just need to make you hard.”
Yoongi’s lips pulled into a grin from one ear to the other. He kissed his teeth, his nose dragging along yours. “I want to see you try.”
The smirk on his lips was quickly wiped off the moment you reached up to kiss him. He took in a deep breath as his body began to buzz. He was so used to the cold that the warmth spreading throughout his body felt foreign to him. 
The grip you had on his sweatshirt was tight, fingers slowly drifting down to the skin of his collarbone. As your fingers lightly traced over his jaw, he pulled back to allow the tips of them to graze his bottom lip. 
“Close your eyes.” He whispered against your lips. 
You did as you were told, suddenly overcome with images. Your lips frowned as you looked around a room, noticing how it looked like a bedroom in a palace. The bed was neatly made as you laid in it. Looking down you felt someone laying on top of you. 
Your breath got caught in your throat as you noticed Yoongi, giving your chest small kisses. You didn’t have any kinds of clothing, which allowed him room to place his lips on any part of you. You sighed, arching up into his mouth. 
However, just as you were getting into the feeling of his lips on you, everything quickly disappeared and you were pulled back into the space of his room. You sat up, looking over at his figure laying down on his bed with his hands behind his head. You could barely make out the sly smirk on his face but you knew it was there. 
“You have a sensitive chest?” He asked you. 
You huffed, laying your head back down onto his pillows. You sighed to yourself as you closed your eyes again. The scene had come back to your mind, watching as Yoongi moved his hands down your ribs lightly. You felt your hands grip onto the sheets, but you frowned deeply as you tried to take control of the scene in your mind. 
Letting go of his hold on your thoughts, you quickly moved to grab his head and push him upwards. His eyes went wide as you pulled at his hair from the roots, snapping his head up to look at you. He moved off you as you sat up quickly slotting your lips against his. 
Something bumped into your arm breaking your train of thoughts, almost screaming at the body that was covering you in the dark. Yoongi slammed his hand near your head, chest pressed down onto yours. He smirked, laughing quietly. 
“You think you want to be in charge?” He asked you. 
You stayed quiet, swallowing some of your spit. Yoongi glared for a moment, eyes casting down to your lips. He quickly sat up, sitting on his calves as he got comfortable. 
“Well?” He asked you. 
When you didn’t move, he began to smirk again. “Take off your clothes. We ain’t going to get anywhere sitting here.”
Your hands slowly moved to your scrubs, taking them off slowly. He didn’t comment on it, instead he chose to take off his shirt. Once you were in your underwear and bra, you shivered at the cold feeling of Yoongi’s room. Yoongi laid back down, one hand behind his head as normally while the other stayed on his stomach.
“Show me.” He told you. “How you would do things.” He added. 
You laid down as well, trying to think of what you personally enjoyed. As your mind began to drift off, your hand traveled down towards your heat. Yoongi was quick to open his eyes as he felt your movements, eyes staying on your moving fingers. It wasn’t long before your thoughts were projected into his mind. 
You were on top this time, back arched as you kissed his naked pelvis. He wasn’t a novice to the whole sex ordeal–he had lived a very long life. However it’s the feelings you have for him that seemed to seep into his skin. Not only were you projecting what you wanted to do to him, but you were also projecting your own feelings. 
He had been able to feel something like that with the boys. Always knowing when they would be upset if they wanted comfort or got excited over something that they wanted to share. However he had never experienced something like this before. The pleasure of having your lips on his skin increased tenfold. Every small touch sent sparks into his cold skin. 
He was quick to close his mind off from your projections to keep from getting overwhelmed, eyes drifting to see you in the dark. Your hand was moving under your panties, breathy moans falling from your lips. He wanted to reach out and touch you, feel your smooth skin on his fingertips. But he was too mesmerized by the movement of your own hand. 
His hand moved down to his own length. He groaned quietly, tightening his fingers with each thrust you did with your fingers. He couldn’t hold it for much, wanting to feel your warmth against him. Not wanting to startle you, he allowed you to enter his mind once more. 
He almost choked on the image you were displaying. You were on top of him, grinding back and forth on his cock as it became covered in your juices. Before he got lost in the sight of you naked on top of him, he spoke up. 
“Wake up.” He told you. 
The moment you did, you realized just where it was your hands were. You quickly tried to pull them out, however, Yoongi stopped you from moving your hands. “Keep them there.” He told you softly. “I want to watch.”
He moved to sit between your legs, pulling your underwear completely off. Your fingers stayed still on your core, which made Yoongi get annoyed. “Don’t stop.” He told you, fingers moving between your own to play with you. 
He watched you flinch from his cold touch, whining at how he moved your fingers the way he wanted. He was able to see how your core was clenching and unclenching on nothing. While it was dark to you, he was able to see everything you did with perfect vision. 
And the moment he saw your hips stuttering and your breaths coming out quicker, he quickly pulled your hands away. In one movement, he was leaning over you, legs pressed back and to your chest as he lined himself up with you. 
You were still trying to come down from the orgasm that was ripped away by the time you realized where Yoongi had positioned himself. His lips grazed over yours, moving back just a bit as you tried to chase him. 
“Sorry, but–” He laughed for a moment. “You being on top is going to have to be another time.”
With that he thrusted his hips forward. 
You cried out hands flying to his shoulders to have something to hold. His hips moved quickly but didn’t move far from the back of your legs. His hips made sure to keep them to your pelvis, leaving you in a straining position for a bit. 
But you didn’t dare to complain–not when he was hitting the sensitive spot within you. And he knew he was because he didn’t dare to move the way he was thrusting. And when he felt you clenching around him, his eyes squeezed shut and moved to lean up. His hands were clutching onto the back of your thighs, hip stuttering.
His groans made the bubble in your stomach tighten and release quickly. You groaned, quickly dropping your legs and tightening them around Yoongi’s hips to stop him from moving and overstimulating you. However he was trying to reach his own high as well. 
It was a bit of a struggle for him but he managed to pull your legs from him and release himself on your thighs. He felt the breath in his lungs leave him for a moment, making his head dizzy. But it was something he found to love so much. 
He laughed quietly, watching as you had your eyes closed and you were softly twitching. With soft hands he massaged your thighs and pelvic area. He smiled softly, leaning forward to place his forehead on yours. 
“I don’t think this was the point of our challenge.” He whispered. 
“Did I win?” You asked quietly. 
“I’d like to consider this a draw.”
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Series Masterlist
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btsficsandsuch · 8 months
Hi, I wanted to request a BTS × 8th member reader where they are not welcoming of her at the start and are hostile towards her but she is not treated by the management properly too . With a happy ending
I hope this is okay!
Warning: Swearing, Mentions of extreme dieting, Hints to physical abuse
Going To Be Better
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“This is so stupid. We don’t need an 8th member.”, Yoongi spat. “I agree. Things are great the way they are.”, Taehyung added. Bang PD nodded in agreement but his words spoke differently, “I understand. It’s a big change but I think it’s going to be a good change. Bringing on this new member will surely bring in new fans. Just give Y/N a chance. She’s really talented. Have I ever done anything to try and jeopardize your careers?” The boys all nodded in understanding but the mood in the room was still tense.
To say you were nervous was an understatement. You were currently standing outside one of the recording studios trying to work up the courage to knock. When you finally were able to give three soft knocks you waited in silence. After a couple more knocks you were still met with more silence. Thinking maybe you didn’t hear them say to come in you gently pushed open the door and were met with three pairs of eyes staring at you.
“What the fuck? Don’t you know how to knock?”, Yoongi spoke. “Alright that’s enough hyung.”, Namjoon replied. Hoseok just sat there staring at you. Before anyone else could speak Bang PD walked in with a smile, “Oh I see you’ve met already. Everyone this is Y/N. I asked her to meet here to work on some new songs with you guys. I know I can count on you guys to treat her well.” Just as quickly as he appeared you watched him walk off typing away on his cell phone while you desperately wished he would stay. “Great, so they really weren’t kidding about this new eighth member?”, you heard someone speak and that’s when you noticed Jungkook, Taehyung, Jin, and Jimin sat in a corner of the room.
Trying to be kind you put on a smile and tried to introduce yourself, “Hello, like he said my name is Y/N. I was a trainee wit-“ but you were cutoff. “We don’t really want to hear your life story right now. Let’s see if you’re actually as talented as they say you are.”, Namjoon spoke. Shyly you made your way into the recording booth taking the lyric sheet from Jimin. A few moments later the melody began and you sang your heart out wanting to impress them. You honestly impressed yourself with how good you sounded.
Hearing a beep you looked over and saw that Yoongi was about to speak. Your heart sank a little when instead of praise you received nothing but criticism. Trying to hold back the tears you sang through the verse six more times before they were happy with it. Thankful when they finally told you to go home you couldn’t wait to get out of there. This definitely wasn’t going as you had hoped.
Over the next few weeks you practiced and practiced not wanting to disappoint. Big Hit officially announced you as the new 8th member of BTS and you were very well received by the fans and media. They said it was refreshing and they were excited to see how this progressed. Unfortunately the rest of the group still hadn’t come around to the idea. They weren’t as harsh with their words as they were at the start but they still kept their distance. Jungkook was the only one who was somewhat opening up to you. It probably had something to do with being closer in age to each other.
Today you were getting a crash course on the choreography. Hoseok felt that you weren’t quite getting it so he wanted you to get extra practice. “Y/N, I know it’s difficult but you should be going a little quicker. Is there something I can do to help you?”, he asked. You couldn’t discern if he was actually trying to be helpful or if he just wanted to rub it in. At this point you didn’t really care. The two of you had been at it for several hours now and you were exhausted. It didn’t help that it was already 9:00pm and you were currently functioning on a cup of black coffee and half a banana that you had for breakfast. One of the mangers had told you that you looked pretty chubby in your stage outfits and suggested you loose some weight. Even though you felt like passing out you smiled at Hoseok, “I’m sorry Hobi. I’ll try harder.” He nodded and you two ran through the choreography again.
Two weeks later you guys had your first official performance as a group of eight. Everyone was sitting backstage relaxing when one of the managers came walking through the door doing an inspection of outfits. When he got to you he looked you up and down and you knew it wasn’t going to be positive.
The closer he got the more you flinched trying to turn away. Jimin definitely noticed your behavior and knew something was going on. “Y/N, I thought we told you to loose weight. It doesn’t look like you’ve lost a single pound.”, he asked. You could feel your throat drying up. “I’ve been dieting and I’m constantly working on choreography and I go to the gym in what little spare time I have. If I eat any less I won’t be eating at all.”, you whispered. The manager scoffed, “Well then I suggest you stop eating in general. You might be talented but your visuals will bring the group down.” As you watched him turn and walk away you could feel seven pairs of eyes on you. The last couple months finally caught up to you and you couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. “Well you guys get what you’ve wanted this whole time. You can remain a group of seven. I quit.”, you said before walking out the door letting it slam behind you.
Thankfully you were able to find an empty room down the hall that you walked into so you could have some privacy. Sitting on the floor you released all the pent-up frustration and hurt that you had been feeling over the last couple months. You were so enthralled in your sorrows that you didn’t hear the door open causing you to jump when you felt someone grab your hand. You weren’t expecting Jimin to be standing there with a sad look in his eyes.
Before either of you could speak the door opened up and the other six members came following in. They all sat in a circle in front of you not speaking. Part of you wanted to tell them off and let them know how much they hurt you, part of you wanted to hear them out and maybe get an apology, and another part of you wanted to get up and walk out not giving them another minute of your time. Before you could decide Namjoon spoke, “Y/N we owe you a major apology. I know simply saying sorry isn’t enough but we’ve been really hard on you and not welcoming.” Yoongi added, “Yeah I’ve been particularly rough on you. It’s just been a big change that they threw at us and we weren’t expecting it. We handled it like spoiled children instead of responsible adults.” “Please don’t quit Y/N. You’re so talented and you do add something special to the group. We know it’s going to take time but we do want to make things right with you.”, Jin said with smile. Drying off what was left of the tears on your cheeks you smiled, “I would like to try and work on our relationship but unfortunately I don’t think I can continue. I’m not going to starve myself and diet like this. I’m not going to be treated like dirt by management. That’s not healthy. I’ve realized I’m better than that.” Namjoon nodded, “Let us take care of that Y/N. We’ll make sure he doesn’t bother you any more.” The guys helped you get up off the ground and each gave you a hug before walking out the door. Jimin stayed behind a little longer. Taking your hand in his he spoke, “Y/N I just wanted you to know that you’re beautiful the way that you are and you don’t have to change. That’s something that took me a long time to learn in this industry. I’m genuinely sorry for how we treated you and I’m sorry that we let management treat you like that too. We swore we would protect any new idols but we failed you. We’ll make sure you’re taken care of from now on.” “Thank you Jimin. I do appreciate that.”, you smiled and led him out into the hallway.
Thankfully the concert went off without a hitch. You hit all of your notes and we’re on point with the choreography. The fans also seemed to really love you. After the show Taehyung invited you back to the dorm for their post concert routine of ordering a ton of takeout and then crashing on the couch watching a movie. Things still felt a little awkward but you appreciated that they were trying to make things right and everyone knew it would take time.
The following day you made your way to the recording studio when you heard someone call your name. Turning around you saw Bang PD smiling at you as he invited you into his office. “Y/N, I had a long meeting with the boys this morning. They told me what happened yesterday with the manager and how he treated you. You should’ve come to me a while ago and let me know that this was going on. I just wanted to let you know that the manager in question has been dealt with and is no longer an employee of this company. Should this happen again please bring it to my attention immediately.”, he advised. “Thank you.”, was all you could say feeling a wash of relief that you don’t have to deal with this any more. After giving a quick goodbye you walked out of his office and went back over to the studio knocking on the door and waiting to be let in. A few moments later Yoongi greeted you with a smile, “Y/N come in! I’ve got a bunch of new songs we need to work on. I think your voice is going to add something great.” Happily you walked in a greeting Namjoon who was sat at the control table before taking a seat next to Jimin who reached over and gently gave your knee a squeeze reminding you that things were going to be better.
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pt2change · 10 months
it’s definitely you ; kim taehyung
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pairing: taehyung x reader
genre/warning: angst, sad oc, pinch of fluff, happy ending
a/n: hi! fyi if this seems familiar, i posted this before on here an a separate account before i deleted it. okay anyways continue :)
word count: 1k+
↣ bts masterlist
the bed felt unnaturally empty. you spent hours tossing and turning, trying so hard to get comfortable to sleep. and no matter how many times you closed your eyes, relaxed into your sheets, laying with no thoughts, your mind always came back to him.
you sighed and sat back up, running your hand through your hair. it was absolutely pointless to just continue lying there. and you couldn’t go back to sleep now that he has consumed your mind. you stood up and began pacing around the room.
but, everwhere you looked, there was photos of the two of you. on your dresser, the nightstand, you even kept a small photo of the two of you in your phone case. none of these pictures could fufill the ache you felt inside.
leaving the room wasn’t helpful, especially not when the living room and kitchen contained so many of his things. his favorite blue hoodie on the back of the couch, his growing collection of art supplies in the corner of the living room, the row of his different favorite drinks in the fridge. even the air in your apartment smelled of his cologne.
you put your head in your hands, struggling to keep yourself together. it has only been just little over a week since he left, and you were dying inside.
after a few seconds, you picked your head up, straightened your shoulders, and walked into your kitchen.
you decided to warm up a small cup of your favorite tea in hopes of being able to fall asleep. when your tea was ready, you walked into the living, taking small sips.
as you sat on the couch, you reminisced on the nights he did this for you when you weren’t feeling good and having trouble falling asleep.
you could feel his hands as they caressed your face smoothly and moved your hair away from your face.
you felt a lump in your throat and your eyes began to fill with tears. you set your glass of tea on the small coffee table, no longer having the stomach to finish it.
you curled up into the corner of the couch, grabbing his blue hoodie, and slipping it on. letting out a sigh, you layed on the couch.
you didn’t think it would be this hard to be away from taehyung, but the aching pain your chest grew more and more as the minutes and seconds passed.
but it wasn’t like taehyung wanted to leave. it was the quiet opposite actually, he had no choice.
if he didn’t go, it would’ve messed everything up.
and you knew that. but you weren’t selfish enough to be the one to stop him from achieving one of his dreams. all you ever wanted was for him to be happy.
but all you could think about was his voice, the way his arms wrapped around you, the gentle touch of his lips against your own.
you loved everything about him. absolutely everything.
and you wouldn’t be able to see him for a couple months.
your phone went off suddenly, and you quickly sat up to reach it. one glance at the name on the screen made your stomach feel so many butterflies, and you pressed the green button.
“hello?” you whispered, your voice almost shaking.
“hi y/n.”
and you felt tears slowly run down your cheeks, it had been so long since you heard his voice.
“hey, don’t cry.” taehyung said, his voice soft, hearing you sniffle through the other end. “baby, please don’t cry.”
“i’m sorry.” you stammered, “i just miss you s-so much.”
“i know, i miss you too.” taehyung replied with a tender voice, “but i’ll see you soon, i promise.”
you nodded, “okay.” you sniffled, holding back what you really wanted to say.
i miss you. i don’t want to be selfish, but i need you now. not in a few months. when are you coming home?
i love you.
you stayed on the phone, talking about other things for little over an hour. you said goodbye and hung up, without telling him how you felt and how much he means to you.
after all, you and taehyung hadn’t been dating for so long. and you’re terrified you’ll scare him away by telling him you love him.
but immediately after hanging up, you regretted not telling him. you couldn’t help but think that if something happens to him, he would never know just how much he meant to you.
working up the courage to tell him, you began to reach for your phone. but in that moment, the doorbell rang.
you sat up, confused. you couldn’t think of anyone who would show up at your door this late.
then, the doorbell rang again. scurrying to the small hall way closet, you got out a bat you kept as a precaution.
you approached the door, gripping the bat tightly in one hand. you unlocked your locks, turned the door knob, and opened the door.
not even a second later, the bat hit the floor, and began to roll away.
you were in complete shock, staring at the man in front of you in complete disbelief.
“hi baby.” he greeted you with his boxy smile.
you could feel the tears filling up in your eyes again. you leaped into taehyung’s arms, wrapping your arms around his neck, and his arms around your waist.
you clung onto him tightly, one hand on the back of his neck, and the other on the back of his head.
and he held onto you just as tightly, burying his face into your neck.
“i missed this too.” he quietly whispered into your ear.
you pulled back to look at him, a few tears rolling down your face. “how?”
“come on. did you really think i could stay away from you for that long?” he asked, leaning down pressing his forehead to yours with a smile.
and you felt such a wave of affection run through your body. and just as you opened your mouth, it wasn’t your own voice that you heard.
“i love you, y/n.”
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dark and dangerous, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
you were the love of my life the darkness, the light this is a portrait of a tortured you and I is this the end? – up in the air by thirty seconds to mars
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; blind reader; hitman!au (basically John Wick universe; I was inspired by Donnie Yen's character Caine); violence + body disfiguration from violence; reader being forced + blackmailed back to service; tbh, many feels; smut (fem reader, choking / erotic asphyxiation, ink appreciation, a lot of sensual touching, slight D/s due to the situation, mild restraint, cowgirl); non-idol!BTS - retired hitwoman!reader x current hitman!JK; sub!JK; JK’s POV
He hadn’t seen her in a long time.
Time was a bitch.
She had defied it in some ways, as he knew she would. Pristine, glossy waves of hair cascading down her left shoulder. Longer than he had ever seen it. Gleaming skin, with that little mole under the right side of her lower lip. A little prefect imperfection under a perpetual faint smile. Blouse with a ruffled collar. Clean black longline trench. That was all he could see from this angle, above the bobbing heads of the packed train car. They were both forced to stand, along with many others. No free seats available. Her shoulders were forward, as if her hands were resting in front of her body. Not holding on to any railing, her back only vaguely leaning against the steel pole.
She wore dark-tinted glasses now.
Cat-eye-shaped, with silver accents. Actually, probably palladium. She had expensive taste.
The train approached a tunnel.
There was chattering, but mostly it was the low buzz of the general public. A mass gathered but not interacting. Passengers politely in their own worlds with the collective backdrop of a thundering train speeding through carved darkness.
The gunshot tore through the murmur.
Everyone began screaming.
He was standing in the corner of the train car, towards the door. Looking very much like a businessman ready to punctually take his leave, and suddenly he was one of the many flattened against the metal walls, crushed past the doors and into the train map. The mass became one. Earsplitting panic ricocheting. The awareness of being contained, confined, trapped, heightening and getting louder. He paid attention to none of it, instead narrowing his eyes and focusing on the way the crowd parted, right at the center.
Right where the woman in dark-tinted glasses was standing.
Her body was ever-so-slightly turned.
It must have been less than a second.
It was so fast that he barely had a chance to see the crouching man with arm extended, and then there was another blast of sound. The fear pitched, piercingly sharp. Instant, whirling black as she closed the distance. Long, thin, rod-like, rising. He finally found out what she kept in her hands in front of her body.
The sound cracked through the air as startlingly as the gunshots. Even faster, perhaps, because there was no hesitation. The untrained eye would be unable to keep up, but he was no untrained eye – one strike, onto the hand, where the delicate bone of the thumb was immediately snapped. The gun flew out of his hand and into the crowd, causing more alarmed screeching as people stampeded away from it, throwing themselves against the sealed doors. The disarmed gunman had no time to shriek. Two strikes to the arm and he was crumpling. Two more. Shoulder, head bowing as the body involuntarily cowered to protect itself and the last, side of the head behind the ear.
The gunman hit the floor with a crunch, groaning wetly.
The hysteria was racing towards critical level, but the train slowed and the doors burst open despite the mechanical reminder to stand back. No one noticed. No one cared. Flinging themselves out, scrambling over each other, clawing to be the first ones to escape. Crying, tripping, running, and then.
“The doors are closing. Please stand back.”
The whirr reinstated after the doors closed and the train began moving again. A metal shell was oblivious to human terror.
The woman in dark glasses remained.
There was a gleam of silver towards the top of her cane. Something wicked hiding within.
Her hand shifted and snapped it shut.
She flipped the cane in her hand, the bulbous handle pointing downward.
The man on the ground grunted, shifting.
Completely still now.
The gun was still on the floor, all the way to the other side of the car.
The woman stood in the middle. The cane in her hand flipped back to its correct alignment, the tip rapping the floor. It moved forward, to the body, poking it several times. Gingerly. Her lips twisted into a pout of discomfort, muttering something under her breath that sounded like, just one, the disrespect, and she crouched down, sweeping her coat aside.
Ping. Ping.
A familiar sound.
She stuck her hand out and calmly patted down the fallen man. There was a distinct tapping motion rather than a grazing along the body. Manicured nails, and then those nimble fingers flitted under the collar of the jacket her assailant was wearing. An exhale and she pulled, hard, plucking something from the body. A small metal disc, no more than a couple centimeters, with an engraving on it. It looked like a stylized ’S’ with flowers made of blade-like petals.
Her thumb ran across the surface.
“Fuck,” she spat.
Then she tucked the pin into the inside of her coat.
The woman in dark glasses stood back up and tapped the floor with the black cane again. This process had taken about a minute. The train was still moving, onto the next stop. The cane struck the linoleum, repeatedly, against the seats and the metal poles, the tinkering echoing in the cabin.
The woman tilted her head slowly, then faced his direction.
“And here I thought you were stupid,” she said, her voice loud and clear, directed to the corner he was standing in. “But actually you were just being courteous to the disabled, hm?”
The black cane turned, silent, the stance of the hand holding it altering from exploratory to predatory.
He had two choices.
Talk or get his ass kicked by an expert of ass-kicking.
He settled on saying, “Not a warning shot.”
She froze.
Still wary and on high alert, but no longer an arrow pulled to the brink against the string of the bow. He saw the twitch of one of her eyebrows.
“You have got to be kidding me,” she hissed in icy annoyance. Her shoulders lowered and her head ticked back. The body language equivalent of rolling one’s eyes. The dark glasses remained though. “Why the fuck are you here? I’m retired.”
He didn’t move from his corner. The tip of that cane was blunt but he just watched her take out a man in five hits. That thing wasn’t made out of plastic – and he was pretty sure it was sheathing a blade. No thanks. “And still getting shot at.”
“I said I was retired, not uninteresting,” she retorted, stance relaxing. He let out the breath he had been holding. “Answer my question.” She rapped the floor sharply and his body immediately snapped to attention.
He should have listened to his superiors.
“Why are you here, Jeon Jungkook?”
Leave the information to be found. Do not engage with the target.
The last time Jungkook saw her, she still had sight.
He let out a soft sigh.
“The Elders are giving you a name.”
The dark tint of those sunglasses did nothing to hide the vicious distaste behind them.
“Tell the Elders to shove the name up their collective assholes,” she growled, but he was already walking forward and the cane was pulling back, poised at an angle at her side.
“I didn’t want to come,” Jungkook said, and it came out quieter and more helpless than he thought it would.
The anger in her expression wiped clean.
The Elders, his superiors, were not to be trifled with.
She tucked her tongue in her cheek as he reached into his suit jacket. It was made an unpatented combination of fibers, the latest in cutting-edge bulletproof fabric. Couldn’t really patent shit made for the general public to not know. He suspected her coat and slacks were made of the same material, which explained the pinging noise earlier.
Old habits die hard.
“I’m blind. Not stupid,” she muttered.
She held her hand out, but her face wasn’t quite in his direction.
He placed the black card with a series of raised dots.
She swiftly pulled it back, not allowing his hand to linger. Mashed it against the top of the cane. He noticed the orb-shaped handle was an intricately carved piece of silver metal. Vines? No, more like stylized lines of water. Or fire. There was a creature within those lines, inset, making it look like it was huddled within.
A bunny.
Her fingertip pressed into the black cardstock. Stopped in between, only halfway. Then pressed on even though they both knew the name on there. He couldn’t read braille but he could read her pissed-off expression pretty well.
She let out a huff.
It wasn’t a question.
“He betrayed us.”
“Like I couldn’t have told you that sooner,” she breathed out in a vengeful exhale. “I warned them. I warned them against taking that American snake’s money. They didn’t listen to me. Took my eyes instead. And now they gave me a name? You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
He really did not want to see her angry but there was no other reaction she could have.
The train was calling, indicating the next stop was coming.
Jungkook opened his mouth, a single syllable of her name escaping his throat.
The cane shot up and jammed into his chin. Bruising pain. Shut him up and made him jerk back, but she pressed forward, lowering her head, still not quite looking at him, and that was the worst, her not being able to look at him even though she was doing the equivalent of that.
“Young gun,” she sighed, and the hole in his chest tore open a little more upon hearing the nickname she had for him long ago. Back when they were not quite friends on the surface, because this life that they chose didn’t allow for that, but friends nonetheless in the moments that counted. “If they sent you, that means you should stay away from me.”
“They didn’t send me,” Jungkook admitted and he could smell her perfume.
In the past, it had clung to his skin sometimes.
Her head tilted.
The train was slowing, announcement crackling up above. They would have to get off. Can’t be near a body with brain damage and a gun. He spoke softly to the thin air between them.
"I picked up the task with the last messenger was… interrupted. I happened to be closest.”
There was the faintest tick at the corner of her lips. She removed her cane from his chin.
“Happened to be closest,” she echoed.
Her voice like smoke curling in the darkness.
The train stopped.
The doors slid open.
She backed up and turned away. The cane tapped from side to side. Side to side, a rhythm and routine of finding the opened doors. The mechanical announcement called above their heads. He watched her stride away confidently, a stricken feeling in his chest, remembering something she used to whisper to him in the dark, I love looking at you, curling smoke all around them as scarred fingertips slid up his naked forearm.
She stopped at the exit.
“Don’t follow me.”
Walked out.
Jungkook followed.
“How’s your father?”
“I told you not to follow me.”
They were standing at a crosswalk and he was behind her. Not that close but close enough. She stayed close to the pole where repeated beeps indicated it was not safe to cross yet. Cars zipped by. For some reason, Jungkook found them unnaturally loud and violent even though he had never thought that about cars before.
“He’s fine.”
He glanced at her face but there was no expression.
“Still has dementia, still gambles and milks every cent out of the old folks in the retirement complex. You would think he would ease up once he’s struggling to remember the people in his life but, nope, he’s completely content with only knowing how to kick your ass in poker.”
There was a resonance of bitterness in those words but, also, a feeling long gone.
She ticked her head. “They keep him alive to remind me he doesn’t remember I exist. Least he pays his own bills with his habits.”
It was safe to cross now.
He watched the cane sway and tap. She walked calmly and with ease. Maybe even a swagger. It relaxed him as he fell in step.
“You do what you know,” he commented, his eyes darting, taking in his surroundings.
“I really try not to, young gun.”
They walked briskly along the streets. She turned this way and that, stopping once at a fruit stand to buy some apples. The merchant accepted the bills handed to him. She asked if it was enough. Jungkook saw it was more than enough. The merchant replied it was the exact amount. She hummed and stepped away before Jungkook could say anything. He hurried after, and she immediately turned and walked right into a laundromat.
The repeated thump-thump-thump of whirring washing machines and dryers radiated all around them as people fought with their duvets and swore under their breath.
“You overpaid,” Jungkook hissed, stepping closer.
“Such is life,” was her reply. She chuckled, tap, tap tapping away, hitting the edges of the machines but not a single person seemed to notice or care, too busy hurling themselves into the large cavities to yank out their sopping garments. “I do it sometimes just to see if they’ll correct me. They don’t.”
He frowned and made a mental note of the man’s face.
Just in case.
She held delicately to the bag of apples and shouldered her way into the back double doors.
Kept walking, through the back of the laundromat, into the alleys, and now the faces here were different. Keen, sharp gazes that ignored her presence but immediately narrowed upon seeing Jungkook, looking him up and down. Men and women, in musty coats and worn-out gloves with holes in them, backpacks and carts. A complete turnaround from his sharp three-piece suit and neatly parted hair. She breezed past, the apples rustling in the plastic bag, skimming her cane along the concrete, not quite looking exactly forward. Her head was slightly tilted; one ear closer to him.
“I told you not to follow me,” she chuckled.
“I see that,” Jungkook let himself say, calmly and without emotion.
“I don’t,” she quipped back.
There was a lightness to her tone that indicated there was no danger as long as he kept his hands to himself. He continued to follow.
Someone on his right reached out and shoved him.
The cane whipped through the air, swatting Jungkook’s left arm and pinning it to his body. He grimaced, feeling the solid stripe of pain, noticing her movement had stopped his body from colliding with another in this narrow alley. The woman to his left glared at him, grinding her teeth. The shove hadn’t hurt.
It was just disrespectful as hell.
What had been previous tense silence erupted into malicious sniggers.
Droning all around.
Jungkook gritted his teeth and pushed his anger down.
Her head jerked like a hawk.
“You know the rules,” she warned to the air. “You upset me and I will take your offering from the shrine and then there will be nothing to protect you.”
The sniggering immediately died.
Now the silence wasn’t tense.
It was fear.
She removed her cane from Jungkook’s arm and swung it in an arc. Slowly.
Jungkook didn’t have to turn his head. He heard the sharp intake of breath. Hard not to in the terrified hush. He didn’t say anything. He let her handle it. If he reacted, there would be cracked skulls. He had a feeling that the woman in dark glasses would be a lot more pissed at him if that was the case. He did not want to make her angry. It seemed like a bad idea.
She whacked the tip of the cane against the brick wall.
Everyone flinched.
Even Jungkook felt a muscle in his shoulder twitch, reacting to the loud, piercing sound.
She turned back around and continued walking.
No one bothered them after that.
They finally turned and stopped at a makeshift shrine in the middle of the maze of alleys. It seemed to be a clearing point. An intersection of sorts, where a group of buildings were sequestered awkwardly due to poor planning. Someone had created a structure in the middle of this chaos with a shingled roof and a statue in the center surrounded by a sandy pit of burnt incense sticks. There was a wall behind it, with strips of paper tacked on, fronted by tables overflowing with fruit and cellophane-packaged boxes.
She placed the bag down and it tumbled against a stack of oranges, one red apple spilling out of the plastic and hitting some pears.
Jungkook stepped up and corrected it.
She faced the papers. They flapped about like ducks crowding a lake, not in the wind but in the hot air blasting out a vent from of one of the buildings. She made a noise that sounded like disapproval and irritation mixed together. Turned and walked purposefully away, running her cane along the cracks of the concrete.
Jungkook followed once more as she stepped out, following a walkway between two buildings.
There was a door to their right, inset within the walls. Or, not a door. He frowned. Instead of a handle, there was an odd dent in this part of the wall that seemed to cave inward. She paused, tapping the cane along the ground. There was a hollow sound, and Jungkook looked down to see some metal tiles littered against the door. She stepped forward, treading along the otherwise meaningless metal sealed into the concrete. She slid the cane up in her hand, gripping below the rounded handle.
The orb made of swirls around a bunny.
She raised it and with surprising accuracy, within two taps against the door, slid the orb into the dent.
There was a whirr and a click.
The door slid open, a strip of light appearing on the ground.
She stepped inside.
Jungkook followed.
“What if you lose your cane?” he wondered out loud.
The door slid closed after they entered.
“There’s another way to get in, obviously,” she tutted. “All I have to do is bleed on it.”
A hollow silence.
They were in darkness except for the thin line of light at the bottom of the door.
“Don’t need to talk,” she interrupted. “I need to shower and then pack some things. Wait.”
She stepped out of her shoes and placed the cane against the wall beside them. Felt along shoulder height, pressing switches. Stripes of light gleamed from above and below the walls, along the edges and sides. He had to pause to take it in. Black ceilings with brocade-patterned obsidian wallpaper where the designs were glossy compared to the matte background. A squishy-looking coffee-colored leather couch, a huge sound system bolted to the wall above an electric fireplace, bobbly blankets stuffed in a basket. No television, no coffee table. A large, empty space behind this area with a large set of dark wood armories along the wall. To his right, a kitchen with dark granite countertops that had similar notable differences than what he was used to. When she walked, she followed the lines of light along the ground.
“I’m sorry,” he called after her.
She stopped.
“I should have…”
“Shut up, young gun.”
She didn’t sound angry or pissed off.
She just sounded tired and that was worse.
“You couldn’t have done anything. This is the life we have.”
“I should have tried to find you,” Jungkook pleaded to that back, to that longline black coat and graceful legs. Dancer’s legs, he used to think, so nimble and quick that he could never keep up. He had been a little envious of how lithe she was back then. Aroused at how she always struck with such poise, something he wasn’t good at. He preferred brute force. Learned outmaneuvering from watching her move, often. It was addicting, watching her move, and he had found himself wanting more.
He hadn’t expected this would be the result.
She reached up in one smooth motion and removed her sunglasses. Placed them on the kitchen island.
The palladium on the edges of the dark lenses glammed.
“You wouldn’t have found me.”
She turned.
Starburst eyelashes surrounding white, mottled irises framed by twisted scar tissue.
A faint, emotionless smile.
“Can’t find a shadow when they’re all around you, Jungkook.”
He breathed in.
The bed smelled just like her. Her perfume, mixed with fabric softener, and there was that indescribable scent that could only be described as his perception of her. The smell that didn’t change despite the perfume, the smell he breathed in now with his back flat on the mattress, the smell that only he knew because its effect on him was different from everyone else. It was an experience. It was memories. It was…
Jeon Jungkook breathed in, laying on her bed as she showered.
He hadn’t asked. Probably should have. His arms were spread out with the backs of his hands touching the duvet. His black jacket and vest were draped on the pale chestnut-colored velvet armchair next the bed. At least he had kept his dress shirt and necktie on. He had thought about removing them. Letting his bare skin touch the folded duvet, even slip under to be against the sheets, but even he had a limit to his insanity.
He had thought about it though.
Maybe would have done it if she meant a little less.
He had missed her smell. He inhaled again. The last time he memorized it, she still had sight. It had been so long. Time was a bitch. His hands turned. The duvet was made of a cool, creamy linen. He closed his eyes, fingertips grazing the soft fabric, something satisfying about the wrinkled texture, organic, imagining their body lines pressed against it.
He bunched the fabric in his fists.
Let go, sighing.
For not the first time, Jungkook wondered how it could have been different.
He hadn’t missed the details. All of the furniture in this home had rounded corners. Lines of light streamed throughout every room, clearly indicating all the corners and edges of the walls. There were little speakers positioned discreetly, waiting for her command. No mirrors anywhere. No windows. Hole in the wall that no one was supposed to know was here, although Jungkook was sure the Elders somehow knew. Or guessed. Sometimes one didn’t need to have full information to cause enough disruption. He gritted his teeth even though he understood why she hadn’t been in touch.
The rage within him, from witnessing how she now lived, was beyond violent.
Careful there, young gun.
This was Korea but Jungkook was eager to introduce the Elders to the language of Columbian neckties.
You’re so reckless. I like that about you.
He was of the belief that he could handle the details later. The reality was that he was just very lucky to meet certain people in this business of killing for hire. People who saw something in him, whatever it was. Youth. Energy. Power. He was coasting a little because of his looks.
That was part of playing the game, too.
He liked playing the game. It had been a necessity once, and now he liked it. Because of ego. Because he had a natural talent for it. Because there was a time where he believed there were no rules – but the rules were always there, a silken web underneath his feet. In this business, one didn’t get to decide to work for the Elders.
The Elders decided when you worked for them.
Crossing paths was inevitable.
He had almost hated it. And then he met her. Same business. Different approach when it came to dealing with the cards that had been dealt. A moment that meant everything. Pivotal. Fate. Guns crossed and he knew. He knew the moment he looked into her eyes.
Jungkook turned his head and inhaled again, drenching his lungs with her scent.
Opened his eyes.
She was gliding into the bedroom, a long, dark maroon silk robe flaring out against her legs. Her hand was following the wall, three fingertips grazing against the black wallpaper. Skin gleaming, hair pinned in large, soft curlers, head tilted to one side. The silk clung to her shoulders, her breasts, her hips, and then she turned, facing the dresser.
Her hands lifted, finding the glided edges of the dark wood, stroking the intricate profile of inlaid silver.
“If I didn’t know better, I would be creeped out right now,” she chuckled.
He sat up.
“Do you know better?”
He didn’t know how he wanted that to sound, but those words escaped with an edge of uncertainty.
On the dresser was a plate with a perfume and a collection of faceted crystals. Her hand was dancing upward, following the surface, finding the dark glass bottle. He didn’t understand the meaning of the various stones, but for some reason he didn’t think they were there for a spiritual reason.
Those thoughts were confirmed as her other hand drifted over them, following the edges.
“You’re simple, young gun.”
She doused herself with sprays of spicy gourmand.
Exhaled, satisfied.
He could smell it from here and it made him ravenous.
“And not that subtle,” she added, smooth and biting.
Neither of them moved.
Jungkook found that despite the carnal instincts eating up in the cavity of his ribcage, he wasn’t sure if he wanted her to turn around. Knotted lines and white orbs. He grimaced and hoped it was silent. Still, he didn’t look away from her back, his skin burning all over with festering shame and guilt.
She shifted her weight, accenting the delicious curve of her hip.
Dark silk molded to those body lines.
Yeah, Jungkook was sure that he didn’t want to stop looking.
“Are you supposed to be accompanying me?” she asked.
He could lie. “I’ve been assigned to be your eyes.”
She snorted.
He would have followed anyway, orders or not. The orders were there to both torment and annoy him. Well, the level of pain depended on how he felt about the situation, he knew. And that depended on how he could navigate this moment, right now. Currently the status was, not well. Her back still facing him after all.
“Stupid motherfuckers.”
He smiled despite himself. It was funny and familiar, her swearing. He noticed the pin with the lotus and the stylized ‘S’ in her hand now. She ran her thumb over it. There was a tension in her shoulders. He didn’t recognize that symbol and that bothered him.
“I thought you were retired?”
She hummed, tapping the metal against the wood. “I am. I got bored. Gotta pick up hobbies, you know.”
“I could pick up your hobby,” he offered.
She chuckled again, placing the pin down and sliding it to between white crystals. “Sadly, I think that fun will have to wait. I’m being called to service and all that shit.”
Silence again.
It was hard to know how much time passed though. Time almost didn’t seem real in within these walls.
She broke it.
“Don’t you want to get out?”
He took a moment.
“The Elders would have called you back eventually.”
He let that statement hang in the air.
“Tracking was never your strong suit.”
Yeah, it wasn’t.
“Now it’s not mine either.”
Jungkook winced and hoped she couldn’t hear it. Her head ticked. Sigh.
“My fucked-up eyes bother you?”
“No.” Shit. He said that way too fast. “I don’t think you’re ugly.”
“That wasn’t what I asked, Jungkook.”
Her words cut through him, razor-sharp and accurate. He withered despite not being viewed.
“You know the Elders suspected you might intercept. They’re old, not dumb.” He did know. He still didn’t say anything. He struggled to say it out loud, but she had no trouble. “They are testing you. They will manipulate you no matter how you feel about it. The best way to avoid those puppet strings is to feel nothing at all. You are putting yourself in danger.”
It was unbearable, saying nothing.
“What about you?” he asked softly.
A pause.
He saw he index finger bounce silently on the edge of the dresser.
Her head turned a little more, the curlers holding her hair blocking the side of her face. She reached one and, one by one, removed them. Pulling out pins. Setting them on the dresser. Pulling out the soft curlers, setting the cylinders on the flat side so they didn’t roll away. Locks of hair cascading down, falling, falling, framing shoulders and back.
She ran a hand through her hair, sighing, separating the waves with her fingers.
“I told you. I’m retired.”
His lips parted.
“Not uninteresting.”
The side of her mouth curved upward.
“You shouldn’t have intercepted the messenger.”
There was something about the way she said it. Teasing rather than chiding. And yet there was still that hesitation. He let his eyes roam over her partial side profile.
“I’ve been in danger from the day I met you,” Jungkook finally admitted and he didn’t mean his physical self.
From what he could see of her expression behind her hair was an amused one. “Shit. You’re gonna make me blush, young gun,” she snickered.
Her words had the opposite effect. He felt his neck heat and instantly reached back to rub it, trying not to let it show. Well, she couldn’t see anyway. After a split second of consideration, he let out the low noise of embarrassment. Her head lifted, hair shifting. He saw the side of her mouth soften to a faint smile.
“I wonder how you’ve changed,” she breathed out. “Can’t appreciate you like I used to.”
He still couldn’t quite see her eyes. They were covered by curls of hair shadowing her temples.
Jungkook let himself say her name the way he wanted to.
She didn’t move, still life wrapped in deep scarlet silk.
“I don’t believe you.”
He could see it now, the subtle change in her demeanor. Sharpened. He had said the words with a smile and she could tell. Tone or volume or both. If possible, more frightening now. More deadly. More of a weapon, which was why, he assumed, the mutilation was done rather than an execution.
“You’re blind. Not stupid,” he reminded her.
Her head and body turned.
The way her hair framed her face, only half done. The slim openings of the robe securely tied at the waist, exposing thin white scars and the raised marring of worse ones. Retired, sure, but not that long ago, and still honed in muscle and movement. She wasn’t that much older than him. She just called him young gun to get on his nerves a little. Had seniority over him in this business and all that. Pretty easy to have seniority when one was given to the Elders as a child.
He wasn’t always a good gambler. We all start somewhere.
Jungkook stood up.
Those clouded orbs found the source of blocked light at the end of the bed. It was a different feeling, being the focal point knowing the other didn’t have sight. Unnerving was the wrong word. He was just very aware that he was the target of her senses. With sight, he realized, he had an inherent level of complacency. There were a lot of intricacies in a single glance. The concrete details mattered less than the contrast between what he expected versus what he didn’t expect.
Her lips curved into a dangerous smirk.
He admired it.
She moved forward, silent.
“You do seem to have put on more muscle,” she hummed. “Heavy.”
“You always reminded me to remember to eat while on the job.” The direction of his voice. His breathing. “You’ve learned more skills. Scary.”
She grinned. “I’ve had some free time. Wait till you see me dual wield.”
She stopped in front of him.
Raised her head.
Jungkook found he saw a lot more when he looked into her scarred eyes than he ever expected.
“You have changed,” she murmured.
A faint smile.
“Y… Yeah,” he breathed back, the ache in his ribs rattling.
It was different.
She reached up and forward. Fingertips grazing his shirt, then finding the tie. Following it with two hands, carefully. Seeing. He tried to stay still. Focused on her face, the little smile when she found the tie clip, muttering under her breath, oh, you’ve become a little more of a man, huh, and her body language, relaxed. Comfortable. Details he would have ignored given different circumstances.
What else had he missed all this time?
He was still lacking in some areas, he realized.
She was unraveling his tie.
“I hope you have learned how to tie a tie by now.”
He hadn’t. “Nope.”
A laugh. “You hate them anyway.” She folded it in her hands and held it to the side. “Hold onto it for me. I might need it.”
His skin tingled, the sensation traveling up his back. Lifted his hand and let it linger, brushing past her callused knuckles, taking the necktie from her. A contrast from their past. This was a measured ferocity compared to a fast-paced chase. He ran his fingertips along her wrist, trailing off her forearm. She smiled and he felt it everywhere, in his blood and in his nerves, his world alight once more.
She raised her hands again and followed his shirt placket, starting from the top.
“I like this cologne.”
“You said it was your favorite.”
“You really can’t be subtle to save your life, can you, Jungkook?”
She teased him as easily as she teased the buttons from their restraints. He bit his lower lip, sucking in a breath.
“I’m really trying to be patient right now,” he gritted out.
She smiled again.
This was her smile she only showed him.
He was sure of it.
His shirt was halfway unbuttoned now. She leaned in, locks of hair curling over her shoulders, spreading the placket open with two fingers. Breathed out. The heated air washed over his chest, and he closed his eyes, shuddering, ignited desire shimmering in his raging blood. She did it again, but this time with his name.
His head tipped back, lips parting, the low sound of clawing lust bubbling in his throat. His hands came up, tensely resting on her silken shoulders.
The rest of the buttons came undone as he himself unraveled.
Her hands slid in, fingers spreading over his flexed abdomen. Cool, careful, seeing him. He gasped, struggling to keep still. Exploring his scars, known and new. His shirt peeled back, tugging out of his slacks as she touched him. Along his sides, his chest. His nipples, and she flicked one, making him hiss and flinch. They hardened as she rubbed them.
“Still like that, hm.”
“S… Shut up.”
Her palms over his pectoral muscles, fingers fanning out.
“Been working out, haven’t you?”
His breathing was shallow. “Gotta pick up hobbies, you know.”
A soft laugh. She gently knocked back his arms, pushing the dress shirt off his shoulders. Confines, he concluded. Her fingertips paused on his right shoulder. He looked down, body on fire. Her lips were parted, pink tongue dancing on the edge of for lips.
“You have tattoos.”
That was right. She hadn’t seen yet.
“Hobbies,” he snickered.
She turned her head, fingertips hesitating.
Jungkook reached up and pressed her hand to his arm.
“Please. Look.”
It was a strange, intoxicating sensation. Being touched like this, guiding her along. He murmured under his breath, describing them one by one. She could follow, especially the newer ones or the ones that were done over his scars. She lingered by the tiger lilies on the inside of his forearm. There was a patch of black there. Amusement flitting across her features. Continued down, following the outline another tattoo, tracing the eyelashes.
She cocked an eyebrow.
“I think I might change that one. In light of… events.”
Her cheek tightened in mirth. Just more confirmation that she was alarmingly acute in sensing tone and meaning beyond words.
“You’re unbelievable.”
He froze, feeling her other hand sliding up his back as the one he was holding slid down to his knuckles, caressing them as her lids lowered. Lines of scars, across starburst lashes and across his spine, closer, her fingers lacing with his, her chin lifting.
That small mole under the right side of her plush lower lip.
“You have goosebumps, Jungkook,” she purred, dragging her nails down his back.
He closed the distance.
Her scent all around him.
Her taste.
The fervor seeped into him when their lips connected, ravaging his senses and his thoughts, body to body. Nights and days, culminated memories bleeding into now, into the ferocity of their kiss, her fingers claiming his back and his in her hair, tangled in the mess, clasped hands below them, squeezing tight.
He thought he would never see her again.
Never hold, never touch, never breathe in her breath.
He was afraid too. Afraid it wouldn’t feel the same. Afraid their euphoria was broken by interference and ego. Afraid he was wrong, abut himself, about her, about them.
But he wasn’t.
Jungkook could tell.
She let go of his hand and wrapped it around his throat.
“I missed your taste,” she whispered into his moan, in between nicks of teeth and feathery kisses. “You know what makes someone dangerous?” Her grip tightened, pulling him down to her, red silk slipping off her shoulders. “When they have someone to die for.” Her lips traveling over his jaw, to his gasping mouth, his blood flow slowing as her fingers pressed into the sides of his neck. “When they have someone to live for.” Ravenous kiss, making his eyes roll back and his air disappear, lightheaded as he touched the exposed skin of her upper arm, knotted lines of scar tissue from a previous gunshot wound under his fingertips.
She murmured to his open mouth, husky voice a caress.
“When they have someone to kill for.”
He pressed his forehead to hers, his erection straining against his slacks, pressing it into her naked thigh.
Jungkook stared into her white eyes and she reveled in the darkness, basking in his shadows, seeing all of him with all her other senses.
“You made me all three,” he gasped.
Her grip loosened and the blood rushed back, making his eyelids flutter and fire crawl up his scalp.
A resolved sigh.
“We are one and the same, you and I.”
His hands following the memorized lines across her back. The dark red silk pooling onto the floor. Her hand between them, stroking him through his clothes, choking him again. Pleasure seeping down his tense thighs, up his clenched abs. The pressure winding within his core, his lips trembling against her calm, so close to the perfect imperfection of that mole under a silver tongue.
“Guns just waiting to be aimed.”
She held down his wrists bound by his necktie.
Rammed her hips into his and he hissed, back arching, bouncing on the mattress. Torn condom wrapper on the floor by their discarded clothes. Saliva drying on the inside of his hard thighs still tingling from bites. Her other hand pressed down on his chest, pushing him back into place. Fuck, so tight. So wet, constricting around his cock, the swollen head throbbing against her pulsing walls.
Her face was directed to the side.
Seeing with her ears.
He groaned, feeling her hips rock, building the pace deliberately, squeezing every centimeter. Fuck. He pressed his head into the pillows, black strands invading his vision. His own hair a mess. Whimpers threatening to break free. She raked her fingernails over his chest, teasing his hardened nipples. Toying with him. Rolling her hips as he thrust up, a vain attempt to fight back.
Her fingers fanned over his wrists, palm pressing down on the knot.
“I’ve missed your sound,” she shuddered, her hand on his chest sliding to his collarbones.
Her nail scraped against his Adam’s apple, sparking electricity through his veins.
“Just… fuck… choke me, please.”
The side of her lips twisted into a smirk.
“I’ll wrap my hand around your neck.”
So tight, with love.
Her grip closed in, causing the fire to prickle over his skin, up his cheeks and down his spine. Limited oxygen, heightened awareness, pleasure flowing to every core, bound at the wrists but finally free, losing himself to the sound of connected bodies and swirling moans, to the shock of firm, wet slaps between hips, to the scent of sex weighing down the air, soaking it, to the taste of iron as he chewed on his lower lip, whines leaking out between his teeth, deeper, harder, faster.
His vision hazed, edges smoking with black.
Her chin tipped down.
Clouded white.
He was exposed, torn open and ripped apart by that gaze that was no more.
He could barely force the words out, the ache in his ribs pooling down, down.
“Take… me…”
She breathed in, seeing all of him.
“Fuck, you feel good.”
She let go of his wrists and layered both her hands over his throat, choking him harder and fucking him into the mattress. Air gone, his eyes rolling back, vision black, power radiating in every thrust, and he felt her body weight shift downward, fingertips digging into the sides of his neck, hopefully leaving bruises, his resolve cracking, slick walls around him throbbing in their shared pulse, there.
He rammed his hips up and the orgasm shot through him in shattering bolts, through his burning muscle and his empty lungs, his cock jerking, and then – release – his voice returning in a hoarse moan, another wave slamming into him, another level, creating a ripple effect throughout his nerves that electrified him, burning, gasping, his spine locked in an arc, hearing her exhale his name in a wanton hiss, clenching, spasms, sweet and sticky between their thighs.
His tongue extended, tasting the air, their passion palpable and pungent.
His body was trembling so much he was sure she could feel it even through her hands flat on the bed next to his head. She raised one, tracing his trembling jaw. Ran the pad of her fingertip over his quivering lips. Her name came out in a weak rasp, hot and shaking against her touch.
And yet he wanted her hands around his throat again.
How he missed that feeling.
She saw with her hands. In scent and sound. In previous knowledge, and she knew his body so well, his heat and his hunger. Bondage was temporary. Trust was forever. She could mark him in bites and in scratches, but her scars were in the cavity of his ribs, in his heart that still yearned and in hers that she kept from him to protect them from becoming tools against the other.
Jungkook was afraid.
But he had someone to die for, to live for, to kill for.
And that made him dangerous.
So the Elders could try to rip them apart, but he was sure now that they would go down causing irreversible damage.
She ran her hands over his heaving chest.
“I’m not doing this stupid assignment until I’ve made up for lost time,” she panted, warning sharpness to her tone.
He smirked.
“I was hoping you would say that.”
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kimbappykidding · 10 months
Imagine having a huge crush on Dahyun and your world exploding when you get a job working with her
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When your company asked you to host an event you said yes. You wanted to do more to promote your group Mamamoo as you weren’t the most social member and never volunteered for anything. You had the full support of your members and your friend BTS' Jin would also be hosting. You and Moonbyul were born the same year as Jin and became friends through a group chat. You were a little shy and personalities like Jin and Moonbyul's brought you out of your shell. So having Jin around as a fellow host would really help and you heard the two of you would be partnered up too so were actually excited about it...and then a week before you heard plans had been changed and your new partner was Twice's Dahyun. "I can't do it!" you said "I can't be her partner I'll never be able to speak or get my words out properly!" you said and Jin tried to calm you down. You were outside dress rehearsals and refused to go in the room because you were freaking out having just heard the news. "Y/n it will be fine, you can do this and Dahyun will have no clue". "How can you be so sure?" you asked and Jin patted your shoulder "how would she know?" he asked you "come on Y/n the only people who know are me, Moonbyul and your members and none of us would tell her. Just act normal and you'll be fine. Plus today is just dress rehearsal so you probably won't even be near her so much". You took a breath "yeah that's true". Jin nodded "and if it gets that bad I'll ask the manager if we can be partners instead, okay?". "You'd really do that?" you asked and Jin nodded "of course! So just give today a try and we have that if we need it, okay?". "Okay" you said feeling better "you're a good friend". "I know" Jin said smiling giving you a hug "now let's do this". The reason you were freaking out was that you had a small (huge) crush on Dahyun. You found funny girls so attractive and once you saw her Eagle dance you were hooked. She was so confident and unapologetically herself. You admired her so much and so started trying to be friends with her. You got pretty close and were on the stage of nodding and saying hi to one another whenever you passed at events...and then you realised you actually wanted to date her and got scared. Romance made you nervous and the second you realised what your feelings were you took a step back because how on earth would Dahyun want someone like you? All your members and Jin told you they disagreed and thought Dahyun would be lucky to have you but you weren't convinced and you'd been avoiding her ever since. It had been pretty successful too and you'd kept it up for a year but that streak was coming to an end.
You and Jin were the last two to enter rehearsals and the session started promptly. The manager introduced you all and then asked you to get into your pairs. You shot Jin a panicked look but he patted your arm and whispered "you got this" before going to stand with his partner Chanyeol. You looked across the room and saw Dahyun watching you. She shot you a big smile when you looked over and waved. You waved back and made your way over to her. "Hi!" she cried when she saw you "I'm so pleased we're pairs! This is going to be so much fun!". You nodded trying to mimic her energy "yeah so much fun...as long as I remember all my lines". "You will! I'll help you" Dahyun insisted "we can even meet up separately if you want to practice or anything". You nodded "yeah maybe" when the scripts were passed around. "Okay so we're going to run through once with scripts, give feedback and then a few more times without scripts. Sound good?". Everyone nodded and you flicked through the booklet. You and Dahyun had 4 appearances but only two of them were proper segments. Your first one was with Jin and Chanyeol and with Jin standing on the other side of you, you got through that pretty easily. The director said you were good which was reassuring. "You clearly know your lines and have good diction so just try and have fun with it!" he told you. You nodded but saw Jin trying not to laugh and couldn't resist a smile. Then your next scene was a little later and you and Dahyun stood waiting. "Have you ever done something like this before?" she asked and you shook your head "no, honestly I'm not the most social or confident person so I've never really been in front of a crowd that wasn't our fans". "Really?" Dahyun asked "that's so surprising you seem so chill on stage". You blushed, pleased she thought that and finally returned the question "what about you?". She shrugged "I've been performing since I was little so yeah but nothing on this scale. It's a bit nerve-wracking isn't it?". You were relieved to hear her say that and nodded "yes! I'd love to be one of those people who never get nervous in front of people. Jin's like that" you said watching him charm all the managers with his segment and couldn't help smiling. "Yeah but then it'd be too easy" Dahyun joked "plus I think it's really impressive that you are still doing this even if you're not the most social. It's really brave". You smiled "thanks! Let's see how it works out" and Dahyun smiled "don't worry, we're in this together" and you looked down so she wouldn't see you blush. Then the time came for your first segment together and you had the lines memorised, until the part where Dahyun makes a joke and leans in close to you. You lost your train of thought the second you made close eye contact with her and had to be prompted by the director to continue. You decided not to look at Dahyun for the rest of the segment but afterwards, the director asked you to do it again but with more interaction! You felt like you were going to combust on the spot and every time you looked at Dahyun it took you a few seconds to get back in the swing of it. You felt like the director made you run your section forever and when he said you could stop you rushed into the crowd quickly. Dahyun found you a few seconds later "there you are, so I thought that went quite well". "Really?" you asked and she nodded "yeah! All we've got to work on is our chemistry but I mean of course! We're not going to be super close from day one". You nodded "yeah that's true" but inside was just praying she'd not see how much your hands were shaking, Your second segment run-through was better, mainly because there was less interaction with each other and then the final closing skit was fine. The director called for a quick break and Jin found you "so you're doing amazing!" he said and you rolled your eyes "we both know I choked on that segment". "Not at all!" he said "you were just a bit stiff but that's to be expected, that's why we're having this run-through. Plus you know all your lines and have a good memory so it can only get more natural". "Here's hoping!" you said.   The rest of rehearsal was pretty much the same. You were fine with your lines it was just your delivery that went out of the window whenever Dahyun looked at you. Jin drove you home afterwards and Moonbyul was waiting for you in the garden, pretending that she wasn't. She prodded a plant and then hurried over "so how did it go?". "I'll tell you, if you can tell me what that plant's called" you said and she paused "erm a succulent?". "You totally just guessed!" you said but Moonbyul just smiled "I got it right so pay up". So you and Jin sat in the garden and you sighed. "It wasn't good" you said and Jin shook his head "Y/n was a little nervous and keeps beating herself up about it" he told Moonbyul and then explained what happened. "That's not bad!" Moonbyul said when you told her about messing up with Dahyun and you shook your head "I forgot I was speaking to the Queen of lesbians and the most confident bisexual in the world" you said and Moonbyul and Jun bowed respectively, quite pleased with their titles. "But seriously Y/n it's not bad, as Jin said it's your first rehearsal! Nobody expected you to be completely charismatic and I bet so many pairs were the same". You shook your head but Jin interrupted "they were Y/n you were just so in your own head you thought you were the only awkward one". "I just hope Dahyun didn't notice or take it personally" you said and again both your friends shook their heads. "Please she's so nice and was all smiles when you left" Jin said and then he turned to Moonbyul "she even asked Y/n for her number". "Only so we can practice" you said and Moonbyul shot you a smirk making you sigh but you couldn't resist a small laugh and that made the others laugh too. The laughing alerted your members you were back and they all came to ask you how it went. After your talk with Jin and Moonbyul, your perspective changed a little and you shrugged "it was...okay I guess" which made everyone smile.   A few days later Dahyun herself texted you! She asked how you were and if you wanted to meet up to practice one evening this week. Your members all encouraged you to go and so you found yourself heading over to the Twice house to meet with your crush. Dahyun opened the door with her signature big smile and your first thought was she looked amazing even when she was just dressed casually! She was wearing white jogging bottoms and a brown top but looked so pretty and you wondered how someone looked this good when they weren't trying. Dahyun ushered you in with a hug "come in! It's so good to see you" she said and you wondered if she was always this happy and positive. "You too!" you said "I've got my script and I brought some snacks" you said holding up the bag of snacks you'd spent an hour choosing in the supermarket with Hwasa who was ready to strangle you by the end of it. "That's so sweet!" Dahyun cried "you're so wonderful" and she took your hand and led you into the house where some of her members were sat. "Hey everyone this is Y/n" she called and everyone turned to look at you. You were acutely aware of Dahyun's hand on your arm and everyone's eyes on you but managed a smile "hi everyone thanks for letting me come over". "Of course" Nayeon said "Dahyun said rehearsal went really well because you were so organised". You blushed "Oh I'm not sure about that". "Hadn't you already memorised all your lines?" Momo asked and you shrugged "mostly". "See that's the idea MC partner!" Sana said and Jihyo smiled "I know what do you even need to practice? I bet Dahyun just invited you here for fun" and several of the girls laughed so you joined in. "Okay well we're going to head into the living room and practice" Dahyun said grabbing some drinks from the fridge and pulling you away. "Your members are nice" you said and Dahyun smiled as a sigh escaped her "they're embarrassing but yes nice, right so should we get to it?". You practised all afternoon and it actually got easier to look at Dahyun's beautiful face! You still got a flutter in your stomach anytime she touched your arm but you weren't as disabilitated and could smile and say your line. It was actually getting easier with each try and by the time you broke for food, you were able to joke back a little with Dahyun! You couldn't believe it and were so excited to tell everyone. You and Dahyun rehearsed a few more times before the event finally arrived! Despite pretty much having your sections down you were nervous and just wanted to get tonight over with. You didn't even register what the stylists had given you to wear and just smiled as the girls complimented you. It was only when Dahyun gushed over you that you took in the compliments. "Wow you look beautiful!" you heard Dahyun say and turned around to see who she was speaking to. "Me?" you asked and she laughed "yes of course you, the gorgeous girl in the stunning dress". That made you go bright red and you stammered for a while before thanking her and returning the compliment. "You look beautiful of course but you always do" you said and then went pink again. Dahyun smiled "aww you're so sweet to say that, how are you feeling about tonight?". "Nervous" you admitted and Dahyun nodded "yeah me too". "Really?" you asked and when Dahyun looked you, you looked down "I just meant you always seem so confident and never seem to get nervous". Dahyun shook her head "I've got a good poker face" and you suddenly felt quite protective over her. You had friends who were good at blagging their way through things and acting like they were okay and hated how they never received any help. You'd always been unable to hide your emotions and got a lot of support...so you wanted to do that for someone else. You turned to Dahyun and gently linked arms "well it's like you said, we've got each other and we can get through this together. I'm here for you". Dahyun stared at you for a few seconds and you worried you should've asked before touching her and she was upset but then she smiled. "That's so sweet Y/n thank you" she said "I'm really glad I got to work with you on this" and you nodded "me too...I mean work with you! Not me of course!". Dahyun smiled and nodded "of course, ready to go kill it?" as the managers started gesturing to you both it was time to get ready. You nodded and with more confidence than you felt cried "let's do this!". The night passed in a blur of emotions. You felt everything from intense anxiety when your queue to go out on stage was called, to humour as you watched Jin do his bit, to pride as you closed the show with Dahyun when another duo couldn't be found. You actually couldn't believe you'd gotten through it and told Dahyun that as she hugged you, "I knew you could do it" she told you and you blinked "how? You clearly know me better than I know myself". She shrugged "we're always harder on ourselves but I've seen what you're capable of Y/n and you're a beautiful badass powerful woman!". "I couldn't have done it without you!" you told her "you were amazing Dahyun and I've always admired you. What I said earlier I wasn't being nice, I think you're incredible!". You were so caught up in the adrenaline of successfully finishing a show you were bolder than usual and you noticed Dahyun blush a little but didn't berate yourself for your words. "Wow to hear someone like you say that..." Dahyun said "I'm a little overwhelmed". You patted her arm "don't worry you don't have to say anything back" and Dahyun nodded when she was suddenly attacked. A swarm of girls descended on her and you jumped before realising it was Twice. You smiled as the girls all hugged and congratulated her and when Dahyun started chatting to them you backed up and went to find your own group. They all demanded you go out to celebrate and you agreed heading to the afterparty. "I saw you with Dahyun" Wheein smiled "was there something going on there?". You blushed "I confessed a little to her" you admitted and all four girls, who had clearly been eavesdropping, screamed. You told them to calm down but they hyped you up so much that when you did see Dahyun later you were expecting something to happen...but she seemed content with her friends and stayed away from you. As time passed, the buzz faded but still Dahyun hadn't said anything to you. You'd passed her earlier on the corridor too but she hadn't seen you apparently and didn’t make eye contact with you. So you were starting to think you'd done something wrong and Jin caught your expression "no that's the Y/n is overthinking stuff expression!" he said and you sighed and explained everything to him. Jin privately agreed that sounded odd but wasn't going to tell you that. "She's probably just stunned from tonight or tired but either way we don't know and sitting here stressing isn't going to do anything so that's not what we're going to do" Jin said and before you could ask what he meant he yanked you upwards. You protested all the way to the dancefloor but couldn't say no to Jin and soon found yourself dancing with Jin and then Exo as he pulled Chanyeol over. Jin supplied you with alcohol to keep you buzzed and after a while, you felt better again. Dahyun made your night but Jin saved it. You didn't hear from Dahyun after that night and it did hurt a little. While you hadn't confessed your feelings to her you had been more upfront with her than you ever thought possible so her silence was a slight blow. You tried not to think about Dahyun but it was hard, especially working in the same industry. You saw her or heard a Twice song at pretty much every Kpop event and finally came face to face with her a month later at the sporting event Isac.
You realised Dahyun would be at the event but still paused as you saw her. You'd told yourself you were over her now she'd unofficially rejected you but then you saw her smile and knew you still had feelings for her. Still, you told yourself to just keep moving forwards and with time your feelings for her would dim. So you kept to yourself and went about your business. You were quite athletic and managed to win a few races and the Moomoos were amazing cheering for you. You were just coming back from one of your races when a conductor asked you to wait before going across the track to sit down. You promised you'd wait and turned to watch the race when you heard a small commotion. You heard laughing and turned your head to see Dahyun standing up and facing away from the track. She was moving her arms around in weird shapes and you wondered what she was doing when you realised Dahyun was commanding the onces in the stands. Any direction she moved her arms in they followed with her light stick and she was loving it. You found her so cute and couldn't help but stare. Many other idols were also watching her and her members looked a mix of embarrassed and amused. You definitely found it funny and were smiling without even realising it. Then Dahyun suddenly turned and looked at you. You looked down embarrassed you'd been caught but when you looked back up Dahyun was still looking at you. She shot you a big smile and waved you over. You froze and asked "me?" and Dahyun laughed before nodding "of course!". Dahyun quickly took your arm and pulled you beside her "Come try it, it's so fun!" she said. Luckily moomoos were right next to onces so you copied Dahyun and the Moomoos copied you. It was actually quite fun! You could do anything and they'd copy you. You did some random movements you thought would be amusing and then started to do the opposite of Dahyun so the onces and moomoos were going in different directions. Dahyun noticed and started going faster so you had to speed up too. You didn't even have time to notice how cute she was! The two of you carried on competing, getting faster and faster until suddenly a starting gun went off and you both jumped. "The race has started" Sana explained and you and Dahyun both laughed because you'd forgotten there were even races. "I guess we should behave then" Dahyun said and she pulled you towards the seats, the Twice seats! You looked over at your members wondering if you could really just sit with Twice but nobody batted an eyelid as Dahyun pulled you to sit next to her.  "Thanks for Indulging me" Dahyun said and you smiled "thanks for inviting me. It was fun". Dahyun smiled back and then turned to watch the race. You were sat rather close together and you could feel her hair brush your arm anytime she turned. It made you indescribably happy for some reason and for a second you got the instinct to put your arm around her! You shook the thought from your head and moved away from her a little. You couldn't let your feelings make you do something reckless and had to be on your guard around Dahyun. Literally as you were thinking that, Dahyun suddenly turned to you with a smile. "so how have you been?" she asked "it's been way too long, it's a month this weekend since our partnership together" she said and you nodded surprised she remembered. "I've been good" you said and she smiled "I saw you winning all the races, how many medals do you have?" she asked looking at the array on your chest. "Only three" you said and Dahyun sighed "I don't even have one! I kept getting beaten". You paused "oh well you can have one of mine if you want?". Dahyun's face completely changed and she shook her head "oh no I wasn't fishing for one I promise". "No it's fine" you said getting the strong urge to make her happy like last time. Dahyun hesitated but when she saw you were serious she took the medal from you and smiled at you "you're so good to me". You blushed and struggled to speak "I just want you to be happy" and Dahyun beamed. "Well I always am around you" she said and she pulled you closer to her and linked arms. You were slightly taller and Dahyun hesitated to lean against you but you moved your head so she could lean against you and she actually leaned into you! Dahyun stayed nestled against you for 30 minutes until you all had to move. Even then you walked together and Dahyun kept looking at you with such a happy expression on her face. It made you wonder if the past month's worrying had all been for nothing and you wondered why Dahyun hadn't been in contact with you if she did like you. You didn't ask her though and when she queued up with Twice you waved to her and said goodbye. You went over to your members who had very wide smiles on their faces and completely missed that they were wearing the same expressions as Dahyun's members. After that, you didn't really see Dahyun and then the event ended. You didn't mind though. You were really happy with the interaction you had and were still glowing from Dahyun grabbing your arm. So you were slightly in a daze as you waited for your car but you heard giggling and then suddenly felt someone tug your hand "Hey Y/n, we're going to this restaurant downtown to celebrate Nayeon hosting" Dahyun said "it's really nice and we've booked the place out. Would you like to come? You can bring your members too!". You blinked at having her smiley beautiful face so close to yours but smiled back instinctively. "We'd love to!" you agreed and then looked at your members "sorry I just answered for us all".  Solar smiled "no you're right, we'd love to". Dahyun nodded to them and then looked at you "that's great, I'll text you the details and we'll see you there then". "You got it!" you replied and Dahyun squeezed your arm before moving away. When you arrive Twice were already there but they rushed to greet you. The girls were so friendly and you found yourself sitting next to Dahyun with Nayeon on your other side and Sana across from you. "So Y/n Dahyun tells us you're super hard working" Sana said "have you always just had amazing work ethic?". You paused "hmm not always. At school I used to get in trouble for not trying hard enough because I can be super efficient and hard-working but only for things or people I care about". For some reason Nayeon and Sana smiled widely when they heard that response and Dahyun coughed and changed the subject. "Did you know Sana got that scar from trying to grab meat too quickly?" Dahyun said and you looked from her to Sana and then to the scar. You smiled "I've done that too" and pointed to one on your forearm "but mine was pizza" and Sana grinned "great minds think alike...or act alike" she said "you know what I mean" and you nodded with a smile. "So Y/n do you have any pets?" Nayeon asked "Dahyun loves animals!". You nodded "I do too but I don't have any pets at the moment because I don't think it'd be fair to them. But I had a golden retriever growing up and I cuddle her every time I go home. She has the cutest puppy eyes, I can never say no to someone with cute eyes and I think it's because of her". Again Nayeon and Sana smiled and a thought occurred to you. "You've got a dog right? Ari?" you asked Dahyun and she smiled "yes how did you remember that?". "Because you told it me" you said confused why Dahyun thought you wouldn't remember and Sana made a high-pitched noise before Nayeon hit her. You thought she was choking and quickly passed her some water. "Are you okay?" you asked after she'd drank some and she nodded "yes thank you!". You turned back to Dahyun who was still smiling "so how is Ari?" you asked and Dahyun smiled "he's good, I've got some photos if you want to see them?". "Yes!" you said and leaned in to look at them. Once again missing the glances from pretty much everyone at the table. After you'd all eaten everyone started milling around drinking, dancing etc and it was nice. You chatted to Jhnyo and Tzuyu whom you hadn't really spoken to before and every time Dahyuun saw you she'd shoot you a big smile. Jihyo caught her doing it and laughed as you blushed. "She's so sweet" you said "I think she knows I'm not the most social person so she keeps shooting me reassuring smiles encouraging me" you explained. "Oh is that why she can't take her eyes off you?" Jihyo asked and Tzuyu smiled. You paused at Jihyo's tone and smiled "yeah at least I think that's why she's watching me...why do I have something on my face?". "No, you look beautiful Y/n" Tzuyu said and Jihyo nodded "exactly so we can't blame Dahyun for admitting you" and you went bright pink. Dahyun quickly realised if any of her members would be bold enough to confess for her it'd be Jihyo so she quickly nipped this conversation in the bud and managed to get you alone. As she walked away Jihyo mouthed "tell her" with thumbs up and Tzuyu nodded making Dahyun feel all fluttery because that was the signal that you liked her! Dahyun led you to an area outside where none of the girls were around and sighed. "Y/n I've got something to ask you and I hope you keep an open mind" Dahyun said and you nodded "okay. Whatever it is, I'm here for you". Dahyun smiled and nodded "okay well here goes...I like you". You immediately went bright pink and looked away which Dahyun hoped was a good sign. "I like you too" you said casually, trying to deflect the situation and Dahyun was tempted to pretend it was as friends but knew her members would kill her so soldiered on. "No Y/n I mean as more than friends, I have a crush on you" she said and your jaw dropped "what? Seriously?". Dahyun nodded "yeah and I thought I was so obvious!". "No you weren't" you said "I mean I'd hoped you'd liked me but I never thought you actually did" you said and Dahyuun smiled "so you return my feelings?". You nodded and Dahyun went to step closer when you froze. "Wait are you sure? What about all of last month when you ignored me? Did I do something wrong?". "No it's not that it's just...I thought you and Jin were together". "Jin from BTS?" you asked shocked and Dahyun laughed "yeah that one". "Why?" you asked and Dahyun shrugged "I guess just because you two seemed really close. You were together a lot in rehearsals, I saw you two come together and how he hugged you outside, and then you just seemed physically close as in you weren't scared to put an arm around one another or whisper and I guess I just misread the situation" Dahyun said "but you're not dating?". "God no!" you said before pausing "sorry that seems rude, Jin's lovely just I'm very gay and he's a guy". Dahyun smiled "yeah that makes sense" and you blushed at how pretty her smile was. "It's also a really big relief to hear you say that" she admitted "I thought there might be something between us but I got scared and then when I saw you dancing with Jin at the afterparty I thought you must be together. That's why I took a step back, I didn't want to get hurt but I didn't stop thinking about you". Once again you were stunned because your situations were so similar and you told Dahyun that. "No way!" she cried "wow we were just meant to be huh?" she asked. Hot Dahyun did make you feel weak at the knees but you remembered her comment about having a great poker face and reminded yourself she was all bark no bite. "I think we are" you said gently touching her waist and pulling her close "do you think it's finally time to kiss you?". Dahyun's confident mask faltered and her eyes widened as she nodded. This time she stammered before nodding "yes, please...I mean I don't mean please but you don't have to kiss me if you don't want to" she said flustered. "No I want to" you told her and showed her. After the kiss Dahyun rested against you, her arms wrapped around you. "I know I act really confident but that all melts away around you" she admitted "I can't act cool around you". You smiled "yes you can, you've been doing it the whole time! But I appreciate what you're saying, you give me a reason to be more confident...to defend you. Not that you need protecting or anything just I want to always be there for you". Dahyun went to speak and a weird noise came out of her mouth making her eyes widen in panic but you burst out laughing. This made Dahyun laugh too and you were soon in stitches. The girls came to investigate what was going on and found you clutching each other trying to stop laughing. "Dahyun is everything good?" Jeongyeon asked and Dahyun "everythings great" and took your hand. The room exploded at that and Dahyun buried her head in your shoulder giggling at the chaos she'd caused. "You're enjoying this aren't you?" you asked and she nodded "yeah a little bit, they've been telling me to ask you out for ages". You nodded "my members have been doing the same. I feel like we should get presents for finally doing it". "You're the only present I need" Dahyun said and you both laughed at her line. "Smooth" you said "can I expect more of this suave sophisticated flirting machine?" you asked and Dahyun nodded "oh yeah, you're stuck with me now" and you smiled "I can't think of anything better".
My first Twice imagine! This all came from my crush on Dahyun because being funny and not caring what others think is so attractive!
I also think Jin and Moonbyul would be such a funny duo and the best friends to have. 
FYI - I took creative liberty with Moonbyul and Jin’s sexualities and I hope it goes without saying I’m not claiming they are those sexualities. Just there is nothing wrong with being bisexual or a lesbian and I always aim to have my work as diverse as possible. There is no evidence they’re not gay and so I decided to imagine they were. That’s it. 
Hope you enjoyed it and feel free to request any other female idols you’d like to see more of! 
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pennyellee · 6 months
preview of chapter VI
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pairings: mafia leader!yoongi x f!reader genre: mafia!au, yandere au, historical au
summary: Their interlocking gaze served as a butterfly effect on his heart, stirring it to the core. She, in turn, only dreams to find a way to escape. But perchance, over time she might forcefully learn to love the man who has taken so much from her.
Thus unfolds a twisted tale of love and loss, of hope and despair, of life and death. The music reverberated through the dimly-lit streets. Tears of sorrow, weeping symphony - reflects the hurt, the scars that linger deep within and the wounds that never healed. Lacrimosa.
chapter warnings: minors dni 18+ | mafia au, dark!yoongi, mafia!yoongi, yandere, manipulation, possessive/obsessive behaviour, angst, mentions of God, mentions of alcohol, manhandling, mentions of murder, gun use, abduction, attempted non-con, gaslighting, vomiting, anxiety, choking, decapitation, strong language, smut, loss of virginity
beta read by @chaoticpuff17
word count: 844
disclaimer: this story is purely fictional, it does not depict real-life events or involve any actual members of BTS. This story will contain depictions of violence, blood shed, death, mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol drinking, illegal activities, old social norms and traditions, which we do not condone.
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“Do we?-” She interrupted, praying for a change of his mind, though fully aware of the inevitability. He needed to ensure no loopholes in their marriage for others to exploit or for her to negotiate over. She knows this is mandatory.
“Yes, we do,” he acknowledged after some thought. Knowing what she had been through that day, he recognised the potential impact, but he also saw it as a way to fully claim her. It was a selfish desire, perhaps, but one he had long awaited. 
Yoongi longed to feel her skin to skin. It was indeed selfish, he knew that much. Some would say it is careless of him to demand such an intimate act to happen after all she has been through. But he wanted to show her that this is a part of their marriage she can truly enjoy. Yoongi wanted to give a final full stop to their relationship by solidifying the union rightfully, as the tradition goes.
The flickering flames of the fireplace danced in the dimly lit room, casting a warm glow upon Y/N and Yoongi. Consummating the marriage was a private but necessary measure.
His selfishness had not gone unnoticed by the syndicate elders, who questioned his insistence on not just any hotel room but the house where generations of memories had been created. He deliberately wanted to spend the night in the house he grew up in, where his father started a family, and his grandfather, and his grandfather and so on down the history line.
Yoongi, having lost his parents at a young age, yearned to start his own family. He wanted to witness the growth of his children, their marriages, and their own families.
Y/N knew this day would come, sooner or later, and as a young woman, she had learnt to protect herself from unplanned consequences. She understood his desire for a child, though he never explicitly discussed it with her. But she was far from being ready to surrender to the life fate had planned for her, not just yet.
Heaven had given her a sign, a slight hope when she found a particular herb in the garden before the first snow fell. Y/N had kept it discreet, asking the maid to dry the flowers and serve them as tea in the morning. Tonight, she was calm, knowing it could not happen, even if he wished otherwise.
Yoongi observed her hesitance, her eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and resilience. The room, with its walls that held generations of memories, seemed to echo with the weight of tradition and expectation. But as he reached out to touch her cheek gently, his eyes softened.
The sharp sound of a loud whistle from the tea kettle startled them both, tearing them out of the cocoon of their thoughts. The iron kettle hung gracefully over the open flame, steam rising in wisps as if trying to escape the weight of the night. Yoongi carefully prepared the tea, his movements deliberate and unhurried. The aroma of freshly brewed leaves filled the air. The porcelain teapot, an heirloom passed down through generations, sat patiently on the wooden small table that was next to them. As he poured the tea into delicate cups, he eyed her small physique yet again, searching for any signs.
She accepted the cup he offered her, the warmth seeping through the delicate porcelain. Her mind briefly paused when she recognised the familiar scent. She chuckled and Yoongi raised his eyebrows in surprise, awaiting her words. Y/N took a few careful sips from the cup, accepting what it offered.
“Are you afraid, Kkangpae?” She asked, taking another sip. Yoongi put his cup on the wooden table and looked directly in her eyes.
“Me? No,” he pointed at himself, hiding a smile.
“So why did you choose to make tea from Valerian root?” Her studies that surely included herbalism had escaped Yoongi’s mind.
“I knew this night would be difficult for you, and I — I wanted to ensure it went as smoothly as possible,” he confessed.
“Considerate,” she muttered, more to herself than to him. Yoongi’s gaze faltered, and he looked away momentarily.
“I want you to enjoy it—”
“Then make me enjoy it,” she interrupted him yet again, gulping down the contents of her cup, setting it down with a gentle clink next to his almost full one.
“I intend to,” he said. The complexities of tradition, the weight of the syndicate expectations, seemed to press down on them like the heavy beams of the hanok. Yet, he was thrilled at the prospect of laying her down and making love to her, while she tried to make peace with the path ahead.
A mixture of emotions played across Y/N’s face, the tension in the air made her anxious. The tea flowed in her system, calming her. The steps were set, and she cannot back down now.
His hands cradled her face, a gesture that held both tenderness and an unspoken understanding. But Y/N knows he will never understand. And thus, the night unfolded.
01.12.23 23:00/11 PM CEST - 01.12.23 17:00/5 PM EDT
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©pennyellee. please do not repost
Don't be a silent reader, comment, re-blog, heart, asks are more than welcome ♥
keep in mind - I'm not expert on chinese, korean and japanese culture, but I tried to research everything realistic I wanted to add to the story. Nonetheless, take it as a fiction.
let's be friends chummers ♥
lots of love, 𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖞𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖊
tag list: @beautifulcloudfestival - @chaoticpuff17 - @honsoolgloss - @jingerbreadoutofstock - @moscow778 - @januara26 - @dinosolecito - @yoongislatinagff - @xyahrinx - @hi12345567 - @nochuel - @deltamoon666 - @bbkissme99 - @darkuni63 - @nansasa - @sazsazsaz - @missmin - @strxwbloody - @royallyjjk - @jaiuneamesolitaiire - @shadowyjellyfishfest - @bbgniecyy - @elayne321 - @seojunandsoju - @bun-27 - @whipwhoops - @wobblewobble822 - @whofan88 - @haneyyyyyy - @lostgirlinthewoodss - @secfir - @btspurplesky - @elleflying07 - @pamzn - @megseungmin - @selenophileforlife
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
i saw you mention it briefly in a previous post and wondered if you happen to have any examples of jimin acting jealous related to jk
i can’t think of even one instance of it happening jimin has such a good poker face
Finally!! Getting to this ask. Sorry i kept you waiting my dear. Lets get to it.
Disclaimer: My word is not law. I can only point out what I picked up. Its up to you to form your own opinions. You don't have to see what I see 😘
To start us off would be the most recent.
Army: I'm Taehyung's wife
Jimin: Hello Taehyung's wife
Army: Hi, I'm Jhope's wife
Jimin: Hello Jhope's wife.
Army: Hi, I'm Jungkook's wife.
Mans really said "no the fuck you're not. You can call yourself JK's wife but I'm the one who knows what he's doing not you." 😂😂😂 No, but this was funny.
Next we're gonna talk about HOME. But before we do that. Let's understand something. Jikook have these exclusive things they do to/for eo and they prefer if it stays that way. A good example would be Jimin touching JK's chin. It's a Jikook thing or rather used to be, because sometimes in the past u would catch Jimin side eyeing another member when they did it. He's always done it from the beginning and other members started doing it too. But I think Jimin is over it now. Doesn't care anymore. But it did used to bother him. Another example would be the boxing. It's a Jikook thing and they (mostly JK) prefers it that way. We've seen him refuse to play box with V. I even touched on him debunking V here when V said they box together. It's a Jikook thing. Alright? Which brings us to HOME.
As we all know there is that one part where Jikook usually sing to each other during HOME.
My favourite is this one 🥺🥺
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If you don't believe it's a Jikook thing, look at how JK reacted when Jimin sang to Army instead of singing to him. Here is an even better angle. He wasn't impressed. He was looking forward to it, only for Jimin to sing to Army 🤭
All duos have designated moments during songs. Here is angry Jin pulling Jimin away from a Taejin moment. (Sorry if u can't access tiktok. Tumblr only allows one video at a time) So this theory is not too far fetched.
Okay now let's get to the Jimin being annoyed part. Not jealous, annoyed. Its important we differentiate these 2 words. He wasn't jealous of V...he was just annoyed that it happened.
Okay. So first lets look at the Jikook moment. Which i love.
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And then we look at the Taekook moment.
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Why does V always look at members like they're a 5 course meal he's 2 seconds away from devouring? Damn. Anyway, I'd tell you to watch Jimin but that's not the best angle. You see his reaction better from the Jimin fancam.
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Yeah... he wasn't impressed either.
Next we're gonna go back to Army proposing to JK. The infamous "Jungkook marry me" I bet JK regretted bringing that up the moment he started getting grilled. Mans really got the 3rd degree 😂😂 And you can see the exact moment Jimin was like; wtf I'm i doing?
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Right before leaving to go off camera, looking all embarrassed. That shit was hysterical. Really 😂😂
Next we have JK calling RM sexy.
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Jimin rubbing his face like that read to me like "this again?" And I wouldn't have thought anything of it but then he went and repeated the word "sexy" when JK said it which had me 🤔🤔🤔
Next we have this Run Bts episode. I will share Cameron's dubbed version because why not? 😂😂😂😂 JK even tried to make Jimin feel better. Yes, he was doing his mission but why not kill 2 birds with one stone?
Then we have the Busan concert. He wasn't jealous. He wasn't even annoyed. But he was watching them. He took notice. Jimin does it often when it comes to Tkk. He doesn't react, but he pays attention. Idk how to explain it. But he watches them, if that makes sense.
Next one is actually quite popular anon. I'm surprised you've never seen people talk about it. Again I will share the dubbed version because I play too much.
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Aaah. Fine. Here is the original for the boring people 🙄 Watch Jimin's face when JK smiles at him. Then JK immediately lets go of V. Though he does it again, coz he can be a brat sometimes. But y'all get it.
These two Jinkook and Yoonkook moments are not even up for debate. It's pretty freaking clear. And yes. I will use the word jealousy for these ones.
This one is heartbreaking. I prefer when Jimin is angry. I do not like him sad. It's just... 😭😭😭
This one too. My heart breaks every single time.😪😪😪
You can watch this entire compilation if u feel like it. I find it mostly accurate. (Mostly. Not all) But watch this part. Jimin is watching Namkook on the viewfinder. Did you see him look away as soon as JK looked up? Why? Hmmm 🤭🤭
Now this one he was not just bothered but actually got angry. Like fucking pissed.
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Thanks @astutejiminie for coming through. This video is absolute gold. They start reacting at 36:24. It's where it all starts unfolding.
(Keep an eye on Jimin touching his nose. That's usually a sign with him)
So we have V caressing JK's hair for a long ass time. And we have Jimin hating it. We hear him clear his throat abnoxiously at some point which is when JK notices and tries to like sit up and pull away from V. But as usual V doesn't get the memo and continues to touch. Eventually when they finish, Jimin stands up so aggressively that his chair flies back and then storms off before they have even wrapped up. Idk what it was about this day but Jimin got proper angry about the touching.
Another time Jimin didn't like V touching JK was during this live. He even banged his cup on the floor.
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I recommend this analysis of that Dynamite BB hot 100 live/JK's birthday and what was really going on with JK staring at Jimin. Jimin had an issue with all the skinship on this day. That analysis does a good job of explaining why. Give it a go.
This here anon, is what I call the Holy grail. Jimin wanted to kill this army. Well, that's an exaggeration but still, if looks could kill, this Army would have gone up in smoke. So this girl goes to JK and calls his name in this cutesy tone. And watch Jimin. That, is some scary shit right there. 👀 I'd have ran and never come back 🙈
Damn this post got long and these aren't even all of them. I am too hungry to go get this link. So I will describe this moment and u see if it rings a bell or u can go search for it. Run BTS Canada. Jin sits next to JK and Jimin makes him move. He was like "That's my chair" and Jin immediately took off.
This cute winter package moment where Jimin slots himself between Jinkook. I don't think this is part of the list. I just like that moment 🤭🤭🤭
I gotta go eat. So this is all I have for now. Cheers! 🥂🥂
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armywriter · 8 months
Pairing: BTSmember!reader x Jungkook
Genre: Smut
Warning: desperate reader, cocky Jungkook, dirty talk, dumbification, reader gets called whore and doll, fingering, p in v, doggy position, oral (fem. receiving), creampie, squirting
Living as a celebrity isn’t as nice as everyone thinks. You have paparazzi following you everywhere in public, that’s why I prefer just staying inside in the dorm of my group BTS. The boys and I were close friends and loved doing things together but also letting each one having their own space. We all got back from practice late tonight, at around 11 pm. Ever since this morning, I just couldn’t help but feel intensely horny. You don’t really get any chances to get laid when you can’t get out to meet other people.
Most of my members already took a shower by now and went to bed, but I tried to keep my thoughts busy by scrolling through my phone for a while now. I sat on the sofa in the living room, occasionally squeezing my legs together like I’ve been the whole day trying to get some friction. Checking the time to find out it was already 2 am by now, I figured I would just go to sleep and it would be gone by tomorrow. I was wrong. I couldn’t even make it till tomorrow because the hornyness kept me up all night long. I squirmed around in my bed, turning around for the ninth time in a row. I was feeling so hot that I only wore an oversized shirt from Jungkook by now, which I stole while doing the laundry. Jungkook… how would he be in bed? Definitely a dom… and how would his long fingers feel ? I felt my pussy clenching around nothing as my thoughts wouldn’t stop. How could I imagine something like this about my bestfriend?
Another ten minutes had passed, as I couldn’t hold on anymore and not a single thought could stay clear. I stood up from my bed, opened the door of my room and went down the corridor to Jungkook’s room. I knocked lightly on his door and entered his room shortly after. The moonlight peeked through his window onto his bed. I knew that Jungkook didn’t sleep with his shirt on, but I’ve never actually saw it. It was breathtaking and I swear I was shaking from my needs by now. “Hey Jungkook, I just had a bad nightmare could we maybe cuddle together?”, I lied to him just to get some warmth. “Sure, hop in”, he answered as he held up his blanket so I could get under it with him. I slipped into his bed and cuddled into his stomach as we laid in spoon position.
We both stood still for a moment, I eventually closed my eyes in hope to fall asleep soon. Suddenly, Jungkook started to slowly stoke my upper thigh, going all the way up to my bare ass. He kept on drawing circles on my butt and I was everything but asleep. I let a slight moan slip out of my mouth, as his hand went up to my boobs and around my hard nipples. “Oh I know you like that. Is that what you need baby?”, Jungkook whispered in my ear. “All that squeezing your legs together, are you really that desperate?”, he said. If I wouldn’t be that horny, I would be embarrassed about what was happening right now. But all I could answer with were some quiet moans. “Jungkook… please”, I managed to let out. “Please what? Want me to fuck you really good? Needy whore”, he said in his low voice.
Not far after, his hand moved down to my ass again. He smacked it for a bit, but then started to caress my inner thighs. My skin was burning by now, I felt the need to explode. I muttered out some gibberish, a mix about “please” “need you” and “jungkook”. When his fingers finally met my throbbing clit, I let out a low moan. Jungkook behind me was laughing about how desperate I really was to react to such a small touch. “Oh doll, I’ll destroy you tonight”, Jungkook laughed low. His movements were slow until now, but everything suddenly happened so fast. The next moment I knew was two of his thick and long fingers pumping in and out of my pussy at a high speed while his other hand drew harsh circles on my clit. I was going dumb by now, eyes rolling back at the feeling of pure overstimulation. I let out almost pornographic moans as jungkook laughed at my fucked out state, finding it cute. “Jungkook… close”, I screamed out. He stopped everything he did and moved away from me. I was left confused as he ripped the orgasm from me. I looked at him with a confused expression, still out of breath.
He smiled and laughed at me: “Oh no, did my doll not get her orgasm, hm ? I told you I am going to destroy you tonight. Get on all fours now”. I obeyed immediately arching my back. Jungkook got rid of my and his clothes as I whined for him. He lined up his dick with my hole as he slipped in in one smooth movement, my dripping wetness making it easy. He immediately went into full speed, hitting every spot just perfectly. Spit came out of my mouth as I couldn’t keep myself together. Jungkook started to circle my clit again and I came in less that three seconds, but he didn’t stop there. I kept on creaming his dick as I felt another orgasm building up quickly. It felt different and much more intense. “Is my whore going to squirt for me? Come on coat my dick really good”, jungkook moaned out. It hit me like a truck, my juices getting everywhere. I could only see stars and all noises around me seemed to be silent. It took jungkook just a few more pounds bevor he pulled out of me.
He turned me around and I laid flat on my back. I didn’t even see him going down on me again. This time, he slurped all of my juices from my pussy. The feeling hurt a bit because of the overstimulation, but once he was satisfied he stopped. “You taste so fucking well doll, get a taste”, Jungkook said while letting me taste myself on his tongue through a kiss. He took a few strands out of my face and asked: “Is my baby now satisfied? Did so fucking good”. I couldn’t get out a single word, being too fucked out. “You won’t believe how many times I’ve imaged you just like this, so freaking pretty my doll.” Finally I could sleep tight next to the person I loved.
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hobaworld7 · 1 year
MYG - Insecurities (TW) (M)
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Pairing : reader x idol/yoongi
tw: mention of eat!ng dis0rder, body dysmorphia, weight and insecurities about reader's body, like b!g or feeling not enough. there is also a lot of fluff.
PLEASE : don't read if you are underage or are struggling with ed because this could be triggering*
I feel like i'm in the right place to write about that, i've been medically diagnosed with anor3x!@ and went to many therapies for my ed. so please be comfortable to get help if you struggle or you can always talk to me, my dm are open!
a/n: I wanted to write this one since a while, so here i am a 10pm when i have to wake up at 5am tomorrow, but hope you'll enjoy and please comment some request!
disclaimer : BTS or Suga doesn't belong to me. The scenario does. Remember that it's only an imagine. I also took some of his quote about body positivity because it fits with the story. I'll put them in italic, so you know that they are not mine.
You've been struggling a lot lately. One year ago you were diagnosed with an eating disorder. You've went to therapy and since have been follow by a psychologist and your doctor. It was doing well, you've improved a lot but you were still feeling fragile. A little thing could be triggering enough to put you in some bad habits again. Summer was coming and even if your psy kept telling you to love your body that it does so much for you, just the thought of wearing and seeing yourself in short or crop top in front of people make you sick.
Here you were, in front of your full size mirror. You've tried at least 6 outfits. Nothing was okay. Your thighs were a little too big and you didn't like the way your arms fit in all of your tops. At this point, your bedroom was a mess and you were at the breaking point. You got out of your clothes, put on one of your boyfriend's hoodie and decided to call him.
-Y/N, is everything all right? I'm waiting for you at the studio.
-Yoongi, nothing looks good on me. I feel fat and ugly. I don't have anything to wear. I tried 6 outfits. I just can't get out of the house today, sorry my love...
-Babe, put anything that feel comfortable and come to the studio please. Take that long sleeve of mine that you love seeing me in. Wear it. You would look beautiful, as always, in it.
-Yoonie, I really don't feel like going out...
-Please jagiya, I'll wait for you now.
He hung up before you could say anything. He knows it was the only way to make you go out of your apartment. You went to his wardrobe, grab the long sleeve he was talking about and some legging too. You put your favorite white adidas shoes and some sunglasses before heading out. You were feeling shitty but you know you had to go see your boyfriend to feel better. He had a whole pm planned for both of you. You took the bus to his studio.
_ _ _
-Babe I'm here!
You knock slowly on the door and open it after hearing him telling you to come in. It was a little studio with all his instruments, some screens and a couch so he could rest during the busy days. You always love coming here when he was working on his album.
You hear him talking over the phone so you decided to get cozy and find your favorite spot on the couch under a blanket. You were scrolling on TikTok when Yoongi decide to come lay on you like a big bay, his head resting against your chest.
-Hello beautiful baby girl. What do you wanna eat?
-I don't feel like eating...
You wrap your arms around your belly. It was a bad day.
-I know, but you still have to take a bit or two. Now please, tell me what you wanna eat?
-I don't know, some ramen would be good?
-Perfect babe, i'll order something.
He kisses your forehead and go order food. You were a little hungry actually. But the eating disorder was like controlling your thoughts and after that body-hate morning, you didn't feel like you could eat. Like you were punishing yourself.
But Yoongi was amazing and understood how you were feeling. That's why he was forcing you to eat and get out of your apartment. He wanted you near him so he could watch over you because it was a bad day.
After you ate and he did all the work he had to do for the day, you both went home. You were feeling a little bit better. Once you arrive at your place, Yoongi went to the dressing to get changes and you went in the kitchen so you could grab something to drink.
-Babe! Y/N! Come here please.
You hears Yoongi scream from the dressing room. You let your coffee on the counter and went to the walk-in. When you open the door, you saw that he cleaned all your mess of the morning and took off the sheet that was covering the mirror. It was a full length one and he put on the sheet a week or two ago when you told him you felt ugly this day.
-Come here baby.
He reaches out for your hand. You take his hand and he slowly drag you near him. He put his hands on your shoulder and turn you around so you are facing the mirror.
-Baby, please not today..
You put your hands around your body.
-Please, let me do something okay?
You mumble as an answer. You knew he was stubborn so if you let him do what he wanted to do, it would be easier then try to leave right now.
-You are so beautiful baby.
He puts his hand on your hip and slowly pull up your hoodie.
-Raise your arm baby.
You slowly do as he said and he then slowly undress you. You were now only in your bras and legging. You rapidly put your arms around your body and turn to face him.
-Please babe, can I leave now?
Yoongi put his hands on your cheek and lift up your face toward him.
-Trust me with that okay baby? You are so beautiful and I love you so much. I just want you to know. I wanna tell you over and over again how perfect you are. Now turn around and look at yourself in the mirror, please.
You turn around slowly and he put his index under your chin and lift up your face so you can see your reflection. He cover your neck of kisses and put his hands back on your hips.
-Look at that beautiful body. He's so precious.
He take off his shirt and trow it away. Then his hands are on your hip and his lips on yours. As he kisses you, he undress you of your legging.
-I don't want you to loose weight. Just imagine, one gram of your beautifulness leaving your body. I wouldn't be able to live.
He goes sit on the couch that decorate the corner of the room. He take your hands and once he's comfortably sit, pull it so you can sit on him, facing the mirror. He start kissing your neck and shoulder. His hands touching every parts of your exposed skin. His mouth was devouring your skin. Your eyes close, just taking all this sweetness and pleasure in.
-Open your eyes baby. Look how beautiful you are.
You start feeling his lips, sucking and gently bitting your skin. Probably leaving marks all over your body like he loves to do. You didn't really mind, honestly. Yoongi loved it so much, seeing his passages on you so it kinda turned you on.
-You are so pretty baby. Look at your body. Reacting so much under my touch.
Both of his hands were touching your body and you were shaking under his touch.
-Y/N, I love you so much. You are so amazing. You are so beautiful. Please never think you aren't enough or not pretty enough. You're a piece of art.
If you want to read more, here is the link of my masterlist : https://www.tumblr.com/kimtaehyung-taetae-writing/710423978560421888/masterlist?source=sharethank you army!
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