#the other parent had told them to never ask me for money or they'd cut them off aliuhdsliushldiduh
hog-guy · 7 months
achievement unlocked: parent asked me for a 5-figure 'loan'
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softie-rain · 4 months
I know none of you are as crazy about Coral as I am but could you do a little drabble of her and Mizzen going around Four's market place amd selling things?🥺 just silly little wholesome seablings??🥺🥺
sweetheart I'll write anything you ask me to
Also Coral is growing on me and I've always loved Mizzen my pookie. Sorry this took so long 😔🫶🏻 I sneaked in a few headcanons I have about them, hopefully these aren't too out of character (especially for Coral 🥲)
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"Mizzen, this is dumb." Coral whispered, looking around the market. She observed hers and Mizzen's market bench, looking so small and insignificant compared to the others.
"It's not! Your artworks are amazing, and everyone wants the bracelets I make with shells at school!"
Coral shook her head, unconvinced. Mizzen finished fixing the table with the small handwritten price tags and smiled proudly. He cleared his throat and moved in front of the table, while Coral stood behind uncomfortable.
She knew they needed to do this. Coral's family wasn't exactly starving, but her mother had fallen sick and was unable to provide for her and her siblings. Mizzen was the only one to know about her situation, being the only one Coral trusted with such delicate and personal information.
She didn't think he'd offer to help her like this though.
Mizzen cleared his throat, and started loudly calling for clients. "Homemade bracelets! Buy your bracelet made with freshly caught shells! Every bracelet you buy, you get a painting for free!"
Coral blushed looking at her drawings. In her eyes they weren't that good, but Mizzen had always said she underestimate herself. She looked around once more. Everyone was too busy buying food to pay attention to them, the yells of the other sellers calling for fresh fish much louder than Mizzen's. And for the first twenty minutes, no one even dared looking at them.
"Mizzen, maybe we should-"
"Homemade?" An old lady asked, getting closer to their small table.
Mizzen smiled happily, "Yes ma'am! I made them myself just this morning!"
The old lady chuckled at Mizzen's excitement, nodding. "They sure are beautiful, you are one talented young boy."
Mizzen's smile widened. "Thank you!"
"Did you make those drawings as well?"
"Oh, no," Mizzen said, moving aside, "these were made by Coral here."
Coral gulped, her cheeks getting redder as the lady smiled at her. "Did you?"
She nodded. "Uh, yeah. Just something I do after work, to relax."
The lady raised an eyebrow, confused. "Work?"
"Yes, she helps her mother cut the fish my father catches, and then we sell it together." Mizzen explained, and Coral angrily stared at him. Why was he telling the story of their life to this stranger? She didn't need anyone's pity, they were just trying to make a few more money, that didn't mean Mizzen had to go and tell a sob story to everyone.
Mizzen ignored her glare and kept looking hopeful at the lady, who frowned. "How old are you kids?"
"Thirteen and fourteen, ma'am." Mizzen replied, pointing at him and Coral. The lady nodded.
"I'll buy two, for my grandson and granddaughter. They'd love your bracelets! And your drawings too, Coral." The lady decided, winking at Coral.
Coral awkwardly smiled, while Mizzen thanked her. He took the bracelets the lady pointed at and two drawings, one representing a red, dying coral - "It's sad.", "It's art, Mizzen. It's self-descriptive." - and a yellow fish surrounded by bubbles.
The lady smiled. "You kids are doing a great job. I'm sure your parents are proud of you." She said, and then left.
Mizzen looked as she walked away and then turned to smile at Coral. "See? I told you! You need to be more confident, my friend." He said proudly. He turned around and stated yelling again, drawing attention to himself.
Coral chuckled and rolled her eyes, secretly deeply thankful for Mizzen's help. She walked up to him in front of the table as well, starting to call for clients with him. Maybe her drawings weren't perfect, but if one old lady had liked them, trying some more couldn't hurt anyone, right?
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sidthedollface2 · 1 year
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Third Love
Ch: 3 El Boracho
Pairing: Eddie x Mexican Female Reader
Word Count: 4.3k
Summary: Eddie tries to win over your affection and use you in hopes of getting signed to your dads record company. There's just one problem. Your situationship and a heartbreaking past that threatens to expose the darker side of you.
CW: MDNI 18+ flashbacks, mental illness, smut (fingering, bjs) Modern au Eddie, fuckboy Eddie. Spanish words. Reader with other man (not cheating). Eddie with other girl, gave you a cute lil nickname cuz youre a sweetie. 🍑
Finding a day that both you and Eddie were free turned out to be harder than you thought. He still managed to send you text messages. His sweet Good Morning message brought a smile to your face and his play by play of how his day was going made you feel like you two knew each other more than a weekend.
Your schedule was already tight with zoom meetings and studio time. A particular Rapper had a falling out with the label, stating creative differences and unprofessionalism by the label. In other words the Artist was defying the requests to create a radio friendly track while also claiming his royalties weren't reflecting the millions he was bringing the company. Word Had gotten around that this Artist was money hungry and ungrateful for the success he had attained in such a short time. Everywhere you looked and social media was stretching the truth, and cancel culture was not giving up on him.
"Dad, you can't take him off the label. Austin can blend into multiple genres, right now the rap world thinks he's a clown. But If i can convince him to cut his hair and do this Nirvana cover set the rock world will embrace him with open arms."
A sigh leaves your dads lips as he looks out from the 13th floor of his office. Tall glass windows brighten the room, L.A. traffic and high rise towers surround the building. You sit on one of the many couches where contracts are signed, and famous musicians cheer to their success. Gold and platinum albums cover the walls, a photo of your parents sits on your dads large mahogany desk. Soon this would be your office and you wonder what photos would make it to your desk. A best friend maybe, or perhaps a lover, possibly both.
"This whole Company is going to be your responsibility soon. If you think Austin can turn this around without getting canceled then do what you have to do. But if it fails then the possibility of more failed artists will run this place to the ground, and that'll be on your shoulders."
You thank your dad for trusting you to deal with Austin and assure him you'll be home to cook him his favorite meal, just like how your mom did. You're half way out of his office when his following question has you stopping in your tracks.
"Mija wait. Have you told Sebastian about the contract?"
Almost all the talent you were seeing thought that your Dad was the only person to offer them a contract when in reality it was you. Your dad handled the office work and mostly stayed behind the scenes where lawyers and financial advisers were involved.
You knew first hand how the singers or bands commanded a crowd. How talented or how much work needed to be done to get them to a level where they'd bring a profit to the company. As a band Glass House wasn't ready yet. Sebastian as a front man was incredibly talented. You just didn't have the heart to tell him that his friends were keeping him back.
"They're not ready yet." You replied, closing the door behind you. As you reach the elevator doors and press the G button for the garage, you quickly send Austin a message. "You owe me big time."
After finding out that Max was your roommate Eddie had asked if she would meet him for coffee to talk about how her trip with Lucas went. Not to get some personal information about you. Nope. That wasn't like him, he would never betray your trust that way. Or would he?
The delicious scent of coffee grounds and vanilla filled the crowded shop. People in business attire stood at the order pick up line, glancing at the names of drinks that had been served. Eddie's tight black jeans and cut off sleeves of his shirt was a stark contrast to the suits and ties that were gathered as he walked up to grab his drinks.
"Since when do you get cold brews Red?" He asked, sliding her the vanilla cream cold brew she ordered. "Since my roommate made me try one of hers." She took a sip of her drink, humming in approval of its bitter but sweet taste. Coffee order, check. Eddie took a sip of his Americano, "You didn't tell me you had a roommate." He questioned. "She's hardly home because of work, and she spends the night with her boyfri–" She cuts herself off and shakes her head. "Sorry, not boyfriend. Actually, that reminds me Lucas wanted me to give you some nerd D&D stuff. Left it at the apartment though."
It was wrong and he knew it. He followed Max to her apartment, knowing it was also your apartment. Hesitancy written all over his face as he walked into your safe space. Bright light filtered through large windows. Planters and hanging pots decorated the space. A money tree with three thick roots spiraled together giving home to large green leaves sat in the corner by another window. He knew Max didn't care for plants so this love of greenery must be yours. He walked over to the bookcase in the living room, it was large and filled to the brim. "These are all yours?" He asked as Max sauntered to the kitchen in search of some snacks. "Nope. All roomies." She replied.
Eddie slowly glanced at the titles, tracing his finger along the spines. He plucked one from the shelf and smiled to himself, A Game of Thrones, book one to a series of 7. You liked fantasy, he thought as he placed the book back in place. "Have a seat. I gotta look for the damn manual in all my junk." Max explained, throwing Eddie a smuckers peanut butter jelly sandwich. "Yeah yeah take your time." He replied, secretly asking for more time to roam through your home. Eddie watches as Max bounces over to her room and he wonders which one was yours. He sat at the couch, eyes wandering every little corner, memorizing the small details of your apartment. For knowing Max as long as he did he knew all her likes and dislikes so it was easy for him to decipher her hobbies from yours. Gaming consoles filled the space under your TV, A Ps5, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, guess no PC games for you. On the wall behind the couch a painting caught his attention. A man Eddie assumed was a warrior, large orange feathers held in place by a thick gold band rested on his head. Armour draped over his shoulders and down the center of his chest leaving his torso and arms bare. Animal leather draped along his waist as a loincloth. Physique sculpted like a God. He carried a curvy woman in his arms, she wore a white dress and a flower in her hair, she was dead and this warrior carried her down a large mountain. At the bottom of the beautiful painting are the words Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl, he couldn't even sound out the words but wrote them down in his phone to google later.
Eddie took steps toward the hallway, his heart beating faster than normal as he stood outside your room. His hand held onto the door knob to your bedroom, this was crossing a line. Invading your privacy like no one had ever done. The bed you slept in at night, that housed your nightmares, all your delicate clothes and personal belongings just on the other side of this door. Photos of your father and your beloved mother sit at your nightstand where you'd silently cry into your pillow begging to turn back the hands of time for one more minute with her. Detailed notes and revised contracts of future artists litter your desk, a calendar of all your past and future events hang on the wall above. Multiple medications fill the medicine cabinet of your bathroom, antidepressants, anxiety, pain pills and sleep aids to name a few. Medications that no one knew about except your father. Small beads of sweat gather around his hairline as he thought of entering without your knowledge. He tightened his grip on the door, his breath deepend causing his chest to visibly rise and fall. The thundering beat of his heart heard loud through his ears, blocking out the good vs bad thoughts if he were to enter your room. If Eddie entered your room, all your deepest secrets and pain would be delivered to him on a silver platter. Your Mothers passing, your Fathers business, your brother's trip to your family's homeland, the mere fact that you had a brother. The real reason Sebastian was involved so much in your life, all details about you lay just beyond the door.
A shaky breath escaped from his lips as Eddie released the door. He did want to get to know you, just not like this. Not veiled in deceit and lies.
"Bathrooms over here."
Eddie jumped at the sound of Max's voice just behind him.
"Dammit Red, scared the shit outta me." He chuckled, clutching his chest in surprise.
You didn't get home till almost 11pm, dragging your feet up the steps of your apartment. The comfort of your bed softly calls you towards it. The soft glow of the living room brought your mind some sense of peace, you were finally home. You shuffled to your door, eyes drowsy with sleep. Searching for the key to your room, the sound of metal grinding the tile floor was heard as you looked down to your feet, a shiny chain peeked from beneath your shoe. You leaned down and cradled it in your hand, a silver chain with a red and black Fender pick hung from its length. On one side the initials EM delicately carved the surface, and CC on the other. Too exhausted to think much of it, you pocketed it in your jacket and turned in for the night.
Eddie had called you everyday leading up to your date night. The conversations were usually quick, a hurried 'have a good day' and a 'don't forget your lunch.' It was sort of domestic you thought, but you welcomed it as it made you feel cared for. Tonight Eddie had asked if it was ok to facetime you, which you nervously accepted.
You sat in the living room of your Dads house, when your phone rang the screen came to life as the name 'Eddie' was displayed. You answered with a shy "hello" as Eddie's beautiful face filled your phone screen. His long dark curls framed his pale face and his wide smile brought a tiny flush to your cheeks. "Hey, Princess Peach" he greeted. His deep voice rattled your nerves and the sweet pet name had you smiling into your phone. How was he able to pull a smile from just a greeting you had no idea. Eddie's eyes roamed over your shoulder and you informed him that you were at your Dads house. "I've never seen a house so huge, Quick tour perhaps?"
"Oh, yeah of course." You agreed, getting up from the couch and walking up the stairs. You gave him a glimpse of the foyer from the top of the stairs and Eddie gasped. White marbled floors and a wrought iron staircase circled both sides of the room, in the center a white grand piano gave the entryway a luxurious look. Eddie swallowed, and he all of a sudden realized that you were way above his social status. Your Dad must be a Billionaire if not then for sure a Millionaire. Not even Steve's house, the wealthiest person he knew had a foyer. Shaking the uncertainty from his face he focused on the piano. "You play piano? Or any instrument?." He asked, genuinely curious. You threw your head back and your boisterous laugh echoed in the room. "I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you. It's just. I was a producer before, and yeah, I can play many instruments." Eddie beamed at the knowledge. You continued down the hall and motioned to a bedroom. "This is my room." You continued walking, not bothering to open the door. "Whoa whoa, I don't get to see where the magic happens?" He chuckled, raising his eyebrows suggestively. You smiled at your phone and bit into your bottom lip. "Maybe after our date, but only if you're a good boy." Eddie's eyes widened at your flirtatious gesture, and he hoped to God you meant it.
"Don't tease me with a good time sweetheart cuz I'll hold you to it."
He smirked and your stomach knotted as he licked his lips.
You dip your chin towards your shoulder and cover your smile with your hand. "Don't get shy on me now baby, I wanna see that pretty smile." He cooed.
When the word Baby left his lips you knew you were in trouble. He looked so pretty even through the screen, prettier than you remembered. The sparkle in his warm eyes, and the crinkles when he smiled made your heart beat a little faster. You talked for hours about everything and anything. From your favorite childhood movies to Game of Thrones, which he mentioned was an amazing show. Your favorite foods which brought you to cook dinner while the phone sat in the corner. His curious eyes watching you carefully cut into various vegetables and beef, all the ingredients needed to make the caldo as you explained to him. Eddie's lips parted as you brought a spoonful of soup to your mouth, gently puckering your lips to blow at the steam that swirled from the hot liquid. He didn't know if his mouth watered at the delicious meal you made or the image of your lashes fluttering closed as your glistening lips wrapped around his–
"Mmmmm, so good." You hummed, interrupting his dirty thoughts.
"Yeah? That actually looks tasty, can't wait to try some." He hinted. Hoping to be a taste tester for any and all cuisine made by your skilled hands.
"Did your Mom show you how to cook?" He asked.
Time stood still. Your eyes focused on nothing as your mind went back to all the times you leaned over your moms shoulder eyeballing spices, and dancing to Vicente Fernandez as she swayed her hips belting out gritos that sounded like a cat dying. You and your brother's coughing fits paired with faux asphyxiation whenever she'd roast chili peppers on the stove. The thoughtful way she'd buy extra hominy for the menudo during holidays because she knew it was your favorite part.
You blink back to the present as you wipe at a stray tear that escaped your lash line. "Um, yeah. She taught me how to cook." You utter, not trusting the wobble in your voice.
"That's really sweet of her, passing down those family traditions. I don't know how to cook much but I do love to eat." He says, rubbing his hand over his tummy. Eddie carries the conversation effortlessly, not one moment of silence between you. You learn that he's incredibly charming, laughs at almost everything, therefore making you laugh. He's fond of squishmellows and has to stop to look at every one he sees and do a squish test. He's not once brought up anything involving music or the usual, which celebrities are rude and is so and so really that obnoxious or is it an act, something that you're incredibly grateful for.
You're curled up on the couch, phone propped by the throw blanket bunched up over your tummy. Eddie is sprawled out on his bed, chucking pretzels in the air and catching them in his mouth. "That's five in a row." You yawn, eyes heavy with sleep.
"I should let you get some sleep sweetheart, It's late." He coos.
"Can you stay on the line with me? Please?"
"Of course I can Baby."
The sleepiness in your voice gives him a glimpse of what it would be like to sleep next to you. When you finally fall under the spell of the midnight sky, where the only light is bouncing off the glow from your phone, Eddie thinks you're just as beautiful sleeping as you are awake. He falls asleep staring at your cute nose and plush lips, wishing he was there to kiss you goodnight.
"We're Corroded Coffin, Thank You and enjoy the rest of your night."
Eddie jumped off stage, buzzing with adrenaline and booze as he walks straight to two girls who had flashed him during their set. He walks between them, one arm over their shoulders as he orders enough drinks from the bar to regret it in the morning. Their hands roam the expanse of his body, fingers twirled around his tousled curly hair as they whisper and giggle in his ear. You arrive at the same bar, Max had invited you to see her friend's band play, not for work she mentioned, just to hang out and have fun. It also happens that Sebastian's friends are also on the roster tonight, which is why he walks in beside you, palm at the small of your back leading you to the bar for drinks. While Sebastian orders the drinks you leave his side in search of a restroom. The bartender motions backstage behind these two doors.
You stumble into a room that was rarely occupied. Deep grunts barely audible through the loud blaring music. The bartender at the front mentioned that it was behind these doors so you pushed through and you gasp, body frigid as the scene before you.
"Oh fuck, just like that sweetheart."
Eddie has a strawberry blonde on her knees between his thighs, hard cock shoved half way down her throat, a topless bleach blonde at his side licking into his mouth while his fingers pump into her dripping sex. "Get the fuck out." He seethes, not once looking towards the door.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." You spoke as you quickly turned away to scurry out of the room. Eddie's head snapped towards your paniced voice quick enough to see half of your face, and his stomach dropped. "Wait, Wait! it's not… fuck!" Eddie's voice strained as he pushes the girl off his cock. Shoving his dick back in his jeans to chase after you. You were able to make it back to the bar, leaving the restroom for a later time.
Eddie frantically searched for you in the crowded room, cursing himself in the process. He hadn't even take you out on a date yet and he was already fucking up. Afraid you had run out of the bar, he grabbed the nearest stool, stood on it and scanned the room till he found your beautiful face smiling with a group of your friends. He weaves through the crowd desperate to get to you, his rough hand reaching for your elbow. He leans in close to your ear so his words are not mistaken. "Can I please talk to you?" You crane your neck over your shoulder to meet Eddie's pleading eyes. A fake smile on display as you agree.
You follow Eddie outside, stepping into the cold night air. A shiver runs through your body as you stand under the glow of a lamp post. Eddie trails his eyes over the curves of your body. His eyes walk up your smooth bare legs, that he wishes he could touch. The black short shorts accentuate the curve of your hips and plush ass. His lips sting with the urge to kiss the curve of your waist, as his gaze ghosts over your exposed midriff. Eddie swallows as he now realizes your top is see through and your breasts sit perky in your black bra. You cross your arms over your chest, suddenly feeling too naked under his stare. His eyes finally meet yours and he's left speechless at the sight of you. The girls he was with don't even compare to your beauty, yet he agreed to indulge them 1 day before your date was supposed to happen.
"I'm sorry you –. They're not –." A sigh left his lips as his palm roughly dragged across his face.
"They're just a hook-up, nothing serious. I'm so fucken sorry."
"It's ok." You shrug, arms crossed over your midsection for warmth. He takes notice of your shivers and places his leather jacket over your shoulders.
"It's ok?" He repeats your words, brows pinches in confusion. Every girl that Eddie knew would be screaming at him with angry mascara streaks running down their hot cheeks, livid in jealousy. Some would claw and scratch at him begging why they weren't good enough, hitting him and calling him every ugly name in the book. But not you.
You stood tall, seemingly unbothered by what you had seen. Eddie stepped forward expecting you to step back. You stay planted, cautious eyes set on his guilty ones. He would prefer retaliation because the words you would speak would pain him more than a few scratches.
"You're not my boyfriend Eddie, and you're a Rockstar; they're all the same."
You look down at Eddie's hands. His fingers are twitching with the undeniable urge to touch you. The sound of the bar doors open and a tall figure steps out.
"There you are Kitten, I've been looking for you."
Eddie's Jaw clenches at the pet name, and he shakes his head in disbelief. How could he be green with jealousy if not even 20 minutes ago his cock was down another girl's throat.
Sebastian laces his fingers with yours and brings your hand up to his lips for a gentle peck to the back of your hand. You smile at his tenderness, and brush your shoulder against his chest. Eddie rolls his eyes, shooting daggers at his competition. He notices the need in Sebastian's stare, he glimmers with fondness and longing to be something more.
"Who the fuck is she?!" A screeching voice could be heard in the distance, and Eddie tightly closed his eyes, wishing the ground would swallow him up. This was not happening. He was fucking it all up before it even started. Cursing under his breath at the cards that were being played for him. A glance over Eddie's shoulder and you see Strawberry girl storming towards you.
Before she can reach you Eddie stands between you, hands gripping her arms, blocking her from attacking you. Sebastian pulls you behind him and it makes Eddie's stomach churn. It should be him shielding you from this groupie but instead it's his fault shes speaking to you. You try shoving Sebastian away attempting to confront the girl but his tall frame is immovable.
"Stop, just stop Chrissy." Eddie winces at the name. Surely a slip of the tongue. A loud crack is heard, as Strawberry girl's hand meets the side of Eddie's cheek. "It's kristie asshole!!" She yells, storming back into the bar, wobbly legs threatening to fold under her. Eddie's relieved to get rid of her and as he looks back to search for you he comes face to face with Sebastian's hard glare.
"Stay away from her." He orders, as he shoves Eddie's jacket to his chest.
Sebastian jogs back catching up to you, placing his hand on the small of your back guiding you to his car. You wrap your arm around his waist and Sebastian pulls you in a side hug.
Eddie watches at a distance as you both enter the car, Sebastian is seen waving his arms and hands around seemingly in a heated discussion. Eddies about to walk over to you when he sees Sebastian grip the back of your neck as he brings your lips to his in a deep kiss. Eddie has no right to be upset but seeing this man touch you and kiss you has him seeing red. Eddie knew he fucked up but he was determined to make it up to you. Just as Eddie turns his back away, you push at Sebastians chest and when his lips try to chase yours you turn away giving him your cheek instead.
Eddie finds himself back at the bar, drowning in whiskey and coke wondering if you'll find yourself in Sebastians bed. The thought alone churns his stomach, but he has no one to blame but himself. After his 4th drink, liquid courage raced through his veins and therefore the beginning of his drunk text messages.
Eddie: You never tolf me if Sebastan was your boyfriend
Eddie: he actz lik e your boyffiend
Eddie: is he youre fuckimg boyfriend!!
Eddie was right, you did end up in Sebastians bed that night. His warm body curled up behind you, anxious hands caressing and kneading your thighs, fingers gripped your hips pulling you close to rub against his clothed erection. He kissed your bare shoulder, gently moving your hair to the side to place wet kisses along your neck, inhaling the scent of your shampoo that lingered in your hair. The bright glow of your phone stopped him from going further. Skinny fingers punched in your password as your soft breathes deepend, indicating you were now fully asleep. Sebastian looked over the messages Eddie sent you and sadness consumed him. He didn't understand why you couldnt reciprocate his adoration for you. To him you were it, his end goal and the woman of his dreams. He never once looked at other girls, despite having groupies throw themselves at him. He never looked for other relationships even though you clearly made yourself available to other men, sure you two weren't official but he still stayed loyal to you. He told you many times that he would never let you go, he'd wait for you for as long as it took. He types out a message and sends it to Eddie hoping it would steer him away from you.
You: He's not my boyfriend yet, but we do fuck.
kindly Reblog and like to support your writers.
@amira0303 @hideoutside @edsforehead @skank-sinatra13 @kissmejoey @ms1oftheboys
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luverofralts · 9 months
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"Still? When's this going to be over?" Adrienne shouted at the cards on the floor. It was nearly Winterfest, which meant that it was time for the Helios family birthday party. Noelle, Adrienne, and Luciana all had the same birthday and their grandparents wanted to celebrate it the most economical way possible. By combining the three birthdays into one party, Elaine saved time and money. It also usually meant that her children wouldn't feel obligated to show up at her house on Winterfest itself. The less time she had to spend with Nathan and whoever he was bringing home that day, the better.
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Theo had absolutely no interest in answering Roman. Instead, he and Adam were texting, since Theo had been unable to ditch the family event. They'd been texting non-stop about all the interesting things Adam was going to do with his own family on the school break. Adam was going snowboarding, and shopping in the high-end magical stores while Theo watched his little sisters blow out candles and his father argue with his siblings for an entire afternoon. They wouldn't get to see each other until after Winterfest, which felt like an eternity. How was he supposed to manage without Adam for so long?
"Theo? Can you help your father set up the living room? He needs a second pair of hands."
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"Theo! Now. Go help your father. When you're done, you can come help me make dinner in the kitchen."
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"I don't get it!" Adrienne shrieked, shouting at the unresponsive deck of tarot cards on the floor. "They can't just show up here, I told them that! Victoriana is supposed to know and then they come. They'll mess up everything!"
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"Rien, put your cards away. Just because it's your birthday doesn’t mean that you can shut yourself away with them. Go celebrate with your sister and cousin. Make a friend, I don't care who. Please, Rien, please."
"Yes, Dad," Adrienne sighed. "But-but it's important that I see what's coming. There are huge plans in motion that-"
"Give me the cards," Roman snapped, cutting his daughter off before she could mumble strange prophecies again. "You're not getting these back for at least a week. No one can accurately predict the future, and even if you could, what's the point if you're not living it? Let whatever happens happen and we'll deal with it then."
"But Dad-"
"Now it's two weeks," Roman declared, glowering in the direction of his son. "Theo! Get off your ass now and help your father or Adam won't be allowed to come over for three months. Now mister, go."
Theo grudgingly stood, no doubt telling Adam how cruel his parents were via text. Roman didn't care what the teenagers thought of him, so long as it got Theo off the couch and helping his family set up.
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Elaine passed her youngest son in the hall, deliberately avoiding him as best she could. The last thing she needed was to deal with Nathan's drama while the Bellamys undoubtedly brought enough of their own drama for the day.
"Ugh, Kaeileen is obsessed with me," Nathan grumbled, scrolling through his messages. "'Your child support didn't come in this month, why haven't you signed the form for Naethan's school trip?' Doesn't she have anything better to do with her time than bother me?"
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"Happy birthday!" Luciana exclaimed, hugging her grumpy cousin. "What's wrong? We're getting presents and cake today."
"I don't want to talk about it," Noelle replied. "You wouldn't understand. Your parents care about you."
"Oh, what did Aunt Lucy do now?" Luciana asked. "Dad hasn't yelled about her for a long time. Did she get an important case? Is she suing the school so we get a longer break?"
"No, none of that. I found out who my other mom is and...and I can't talk about it."
"Okay!" Luciana chirped, ignoring her cousin's moodiness. Today was still going to be awesome even if Noelle was grumpy. Cake and presents always made things better. "Have you seen the presents on the present table? There's so many of them!"
"I don't care," Noelle sighed dramatically. "It's our birthday and I'll never see my other mother here. I've been abandoned. No one wants me."
"I can get you some pretzels," Luciana offered. She didn't have the focus today to put up with her stepcousin's drama. "Dad hasn't got the desserts out yet, but there are pretzels."
"Hard or soft pretzels?" Noelle asked. "I love the soft ones that just came out of the oven."
"Both," Luciana replied cheerfully. "You know my dad doesn't skimp on anything. Let's go find some before dinner. It'll be fun."
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Noelle paused for a moment and considered her options. Her absent mother wasn't a priority to anyone else, and the one mother she did have in her life was completely distracted with her attention seeking behavior. No one wanted to listen to Noelle, so she might as well join her friend for a birthday pretzel.
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"Hey, how are things going? Busy? I'm pretty busy. I don't get back to Arkhelios as often as i should," Nicholas said.
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His old friend and stepbrother, Nathan, had been erratic their entire lives and didn't often call Nicholas to hang out, so this was probably the only time they'd see each other for a while. From what Nicholas understood, Nathan spent his life jumping from job to job, country to country. He spent days with royalty in Crystal Cove and then weeks hanging out with a vampire coven in Strangetown. Anything to avoid the typical life his mother wanted for him. Anything to avoid paying child support to Kaeileen, not that he held a steady enough job for her to collect from. He had Gareth and his boys for the length of the party, after which, Naethan would be returned to his mother and Gareth and Garth would return with him home, until Nathan had another impulse to disappear again. It wasn't exactly parent or partner of the year behaviour, but no one fought Nathan on it. He always came back, didn't he?
"Yeah, things are busy," Nathan replied dismissively. "I travel a lot, do a little work here and there. I can't complain. You're still where? Strangetown, right? You fled one desert for another. At least they have good clubs there."
Nicholas shrugged.
"I guess so. I wouldn't know, we're expecting our first child soon. All I've been doing is fixing the nursery and reading book after book. It's the greatest thing to ever happen to us. We're so excited."
"Eh, I guess," Nathan replied, rolling his eyes. "They're expensive and whiny too. Don't have too many."
"I can see why Gareth keeps you around," Nicholas remarked. "You're such a romantic."
"Oh, Gareth! Good to see you."
Abe waved to his ex and Nathan's fiancé as he walked down the hall.
"Hey Abe! How's the birthday girls? Excited for their party?"
Abe paused to consider his answer. Noelle had been sulking all day while glaring daggers at her mother and Rien was busy crying on the stairs because Roman took her tarot cards. Luciana at least was running around, shoving food in her mouth and laughing. At least one of the kids seemed to be enjoying the party.
"You know those three, always off doing something," he settled on. "God only knows what Theo's up to too. He's spent the whole morning texting and now I can't find him. He's supposed to be in the kitchen helping, but I can guess what he's actually doing. Just wait until your boys are teenagers; everything you ask of them will suddenly be the end of the world."
Gareth smiled politely.
"I can imagine. Is...uh, is Roman here too? He'd not like, running errands or anything?"
Abe cringed, remembering the first time Nathan had brought Gareth to the family house and how Roman had lost his mind threatening him for having slept with Abe a few times in college. Roman had been better with prolonged exposure to the man and the fact that Gareth was now engaged to Nathan. There was still hostility when Roman went anywhere near Gareth, but Gareth believed that there would be large consequences if Roman threatened him again. He'd lost Elaine's automatic support from his affair with Ulyssa, and Lucy tried not to indulge in petty pranks when her high profile wife was nearby. With all that protecting him, Gareth had downgraded the threat Roman posed enough to just be nervous of the man.
"Roman's in the kitchen, or he will be once he hunts down our son," Abe assured him. I doubt that you'll see him until dinner."
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"Gareth? Gareth! Did you send Kaeileen money yesterday? My account is mysteriously missing the amount she wanted. I told you, Mom's going to draft something to get her off our backs."
"Sorry, I should talk with him," Gareth apologized. "He doesn't understand that child support is not optional, and that his mother can't just make his responsibilities go away."
"Yeah, of course," Abe said, watching Gareth storm off to yell at his partner.
He had no idea how Gareth tolerated Nathan. He was Abe's little brother and Abe couldn't stand to be in a room with him for more than ten minutes.
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Naethan and Garth were well behaved, unlike their father. They were only half siblings, but they seemed to be inseparable and weren't too impacted by their shared father's inability to be a functioning adult. Abe didn't see them often, as he didn't willingly spend any time near his brother, but it looked like Gareth and Kaeileen's parenting was making up for Nathan's.
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Elaine scoured the living room for her missing grandson. Roman was getting pissed off in the kitchen with Ironman, which made Elaine pissed off that her first grandson, with at least some of her DNA in him, was being a lazy slacker. For all the money she helped his parents pay to his fancy school, Theo certainly hadn't been taught manners or responsibility.
"Theodosius Bellamy, you come here this instant. You have been summoned to help with dinner, and if you don't get in there in the next three minutes, there will be consequences. Ironman knows how to block cell reception and take down the wifi network. It'd be a shame if you couldn't call anyone, wouldn't it?"
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"God, I have to go, Adam, my bitch grandma is yelling at me for some reason. Yeah, I know. I miss you too. I'll try calling you later."
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On his way to the kitchen, Theo's eyes spotted his grandmother's new karaoke machine in the living room. He loved to sing and play guitar, and it was there for the party guests to use, right? One little song wo wuldn't be the end of the world before he was trapped, cutting onions and peppers with his father.
He scanned a few songs in the catalog, while Noelle was already prematurely booing his future performance.
"Boooo! No one wants to hear you sing, leave the machine for the people with talent!" Noelle called out. Teasing Theo was almost too easy, but it helped ease the hurt she felt when she thought of her mothers.
Theo glared back at her, completely unshaken. It would take a lot more than heckling to rattle him. He could be just as petty as her.
"Her name is Noelle, I have a dream about her," Theo sang, making sure that his voice was extra obnoxious for his cousin. "Something something, I've got gym class in half an hour."
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"Shut up already!" Noelle shouted, stamping her feet. "It's my birthday, and I'm sick of that stupid song everyone thinks is funny. There are other songs with Noelle in them! You're stupid! This whole party is stupid! Don't make me break your stuff. I'm still a kid, no one will blame me."
"THEODOSIUS ULYSSES BELLAMY. Get in the kitchen now, or I swear to god-"
"Coming," Theo groaned, putting the microphone away angrily. "This whole party sucks. I wish I were with Adam. His parents would never make me help with dinner."
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chaosandcrimson · 7 days
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no way is that RUBY VILLANUEVA.. they’re a 27-year-old SYNTH notoriously known for being DOGMATIC & UNFORGIVING but there are some people who have seen them being WITTY & RELENTLESS. if you ask me, they remind me a lot of a telescopic baton tucked away in your designer purse, crawling through an air vent to retrieve stolen property, and having questions you know you’ll never get the answers to, but that could just be because they’re considered the ACTION FASHIONISTA around town. just keep an eye on them & see if their true colors shine through..
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I would be complex, I would be cool They'd say I played the field before I found someone to commit to And that would be okay for me to do Every conquest I had made would make me more of a boss to you
Name: Ruby Grace Villanueva
Nickname(s): N/A
DOB: April 23, 2097
Age: 27
FC: Maris Racal
Height: 5'2"
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Insurance Investigator / Recovery Specialist
Relationship Status: Single (Closed)
[+] elegant, witty, relentless [–] dogmatic, judgemental, unforgiving
Ruby grew up in El Paso with her parents and her sister Opal. Her mother, an interior designer, and her father, a real estate developer, both made good money and were able to provide their daughters with a comfortable upper middle class lifestyle in a big suburban house with a white picket fence.
For a long time, she wanted for nothing. She had loving and supportive parents, she was very popular at school, and she was extremely close to her sister. She was barely a teenager when her world was turned upside down.
Opal went missing when Ruby was a freshman in high school. Speculation ran rampant as to whether foul play had been involved, or whether she had simply run away from home; but after the authorities investigated, they were unable to determine what had happened to her. The case ultimately went cold.
The Villanuevas did their best to pick up the pieces but things were never really the same after that. Her mother got colder, her father got more distant, and their once warm and loving home slowly turned into nothing but four walls housing three people who were, for all intents and purposes, strangers to each other.
At school, she chose not to talk about her home life. Instead, she focused on her grades, her extracurriculars, her friends, and her boyfriend. She became the head cheerleader, he was the star quarterback, and he also happened to be the son of a man her father was negotiating a business deal with worth millions.
Eventually, she discovered that he was cheating on her with another one of their classmates. She told her mother about it, who heavily encouraged her to turn a blind eye for the sake of the business deal, to which she reluctantly agreed. It did make her feel some kind of way that the other girl was also a pretty Filipina.
For the rest of high school, she stayed together with her boyfriend while waiting for him to either confess to the affair and ask for her forgiveness, or finally decide to leave her for the other girl, Eva. Neither of those things happened.
It wasn't until after they graduated, when Ruby was getting ready for college and Eva had left town, that he came clean and said he wanted to be a better person. In response, she admitted that she had known all along, and that she knew she wasn't the girl he was trying to be better for. She also made it clear that she had no intention of being anyone's second choice, and that if he'd only been honest about his feelings sooner, he might still have the girl he really wanted.
With that chapter of her life finally over, she cut all ties with her life in El Paso and set out to get a fresh start in college. She majored in criminology with a minor in art history and worked several part-time jobs to pay her way through school.
In her final year, she discovered the first new lead in her sister's case in years, which indicated that Opal had been in the Dallas-Forth Worth area shortly after her disappearance. After college, Ruby moved to the Metroplex and started working as an in-house investigator for an insurance company.
She has become an expert at recovery, and in addition to her monthly salary, she gets a percentage of the value of any item she recovers for their clients. She isn't nearly as wealthy as the higher-ups in the Big Three, but she makes enough money that she can afford to live comfortably in the upper district.
In her free time, she is still trying to figure out what happened to her sister.
Her job has put her into contact with both some of the richest people connected to the Big Three and some of the shadiest people connected to the Skyport Mafia. She also frequents establishments affiliated with both groups.
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chaos-and-recover · 1 month
I had a few mutual friends sending me pictures of her fb, and having seen her fb through their fb I can see now that even when I was a friend on fb she was blocking me from seeing her posts and info - and it did say that she's been in a relationship not just a friendship with her now husband for years, so I don't see how she can be upset I don't know that stuff when she prevents me from seeing it. (Cont)
My grandparents, uncle and aunt, and my mom were so pissed off that they started proceedings to sue her in small claims court for all the money we all lost going to the wedding. My cousins and siblings are also pissed. Anyway this happened three months ago. So my parents just found out the judge refused to hear our case for whatever reason and we have all been given a Do Not Contact order, which said a bunch of stuff about stalking, harassment, and bullying. (Cont) So my parents just found out the judge refused to hear our case for whatever reason and we have all been given a Do Not Contact order, which said a bunch of stuff about stalking, harassment, and bullying. On top of that our mutual friends have all told me that she gave them an ultimatum to either stop being my friend (because she somehow found out they were showing me stuff) or they'd be blocked and they decided to block me because she made them which my family says is proof that she's (cont) controlling. My family is planning to fight to Do Not Contact order in court, which I kinda understand because that really hurts. However I'm sitting here thinking that they kinda are escalating things to a point I am uncomfortable with. And the past three months I've really been thinking about everything that's been said to me. However a part of me is like why should I trust her when every time I see her there's been drama (cont) and she's been really rude to my family when they've called her out on past behavior that she insists are lies, but why should I trust her when I barely know her, instead of my family who has always supported me and gone to bat for me and had my back and given me a good life? How can I tell if she's the one gaslighting us or if we are gaslighting her? How can I tell the difference between a "family scapegoat" and "a liar who is reacting to being called out on toxic behavior." (Cont)
It's really difficult and idk if my friends would be able to give the right advice bc they don't really know everything and I haven't really ever talked about my cousin to them ever because like I said I only ever saw her at family events. Sorry for this rant idk, maybe you or your followers can help? Sorry it took so long but tumblr made me take a break from asks.
I imagine the judge refused to hear the suit because they were trying to sue for costs they were never asked to incur for a wedding they were not invited to. She's not responsible for that.
And yeah I'm sure having a no contact order is a blow to their egos but if they hate her so much and she is so toxic, why are they so insistent that they should be allowed to continue to contact her? I think if everyone just backs off and leaves each other alone you'd all be in a much happier situation. If she really IS the toxic and abusive one, and your family respects the no contact order, then she's effectively out of your lives, and that should be a good thing. But if it's your family being toxic, then they've now lost access to their target, and their reaction makes a whole lot more sense.
I get that it's hard to see people who have always loved and supported you as toxic or abusive but they really truly do sound like they are being abusive in this situation.
If there's drama every time you see her, who starts the drama? The last wedding sounds like it was messy on all fronts with everyone being drunk, but what about the other times? What specific toxic behaviour is she being called out on? Cutting off people who treat you badly is not toxic, and not playing nice with people who treat you badly is not abusive. Can your family give you examples of what she's actually done that's so horrible? Is it that she didn't tell anyone about her relationship and kept her FB settings fairly tightly locked down? If I had family constantly asking me if my friends still put up with me or saying that I'm single because I'm unlovable, I would also not be exceptionally forthcoming with a lot of personal information that they could use as ammunition and I certainly wouldn't give them a chance to get to the person I was in a relationship with.
One of my followers commented on the last batch of asks suggesting spending time with another family, like a friend's family, to get a feel for their dynamics and I think that's a great idea. I think the fact that you're reaching out for advice means there's at least part of you that understands something is off here, and that's a good sign. Getting outside perspective is helpful (I hope these responses help) and getting a feel for other family dynamics can also help you see that most people do not act like this.
Either way I think you should leave this woman alone, honestly.
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samieree · 1 year
Dawn of the North || Robb Stark
Robb Stark x OC
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-> Chapter I "Family"
Chapter II "War in the south"
She might not have been to Castle Black much, but she knew it as much as she needed to. Her uncle Aemon had told her all she needed to know some time ago.
Amalthea had no right to remember this (since she wasn't even born), but once upon a time the Night's Watch had constant contact with the kingdom of Acalida. Even more so, if they were going on a trip beyond the wall, then they almost always stayed with them for a few days to rest before returning to Castle Black.
But this wasn’t the only way to help, in the event of any attack, the guards could always count on the help of the kingdom and each other. Over time, however, this relationship faded, mainly because the guards stopped visiting the kingdom at all. The inhabitants themselves wondered why, but the rulers thought about it the most - did they offend them with something? What changed?
They sent lots of ravens, but got no response. So they didn't intend to help the Night's Watch any more, and that's how it stayed until then... Only the Watchers didn't even know about the existence of a realm they'd never approached, mainly because even wildlings didn't venture there, for fear of being burned. However, no one wanted to convince themselves of the truthfulness of these words, so it was decided to give up such distant escapades.
“Hello, Uncle Aemon.” The princess greeted softly, pushing her hood off her face. They met in the basement of the castle, where they used to be in the habit.
On the one hand, the girl could have gone out and said who she was a long time ago, but on the other hand, it is not known how they would react to this - which is why she preferred to remain unnoticed.
“Dear Amy... I wish I could see how you've grown up.” Maester Aemon spoke up, clumsily grabbing the blonde's hand. “Tell me, how are your parents...? And siblings, of course.”
“We're fine, and Slythia and Zorienn are growing very fast.” She smiled gently. “Better tell me, how are you?”
“It's a pity to say... I live somehow until the gods decide that the end has come for me. Ah... Targaryen alone in the world, a terrible thing…”
“Uncle…” She cut, seeing that Aemon was about to start his monologue.
“Oh yes, your father wrote to me.” He showed her with his hand to follow him, which she did. “I prepared a horse for you and some supplies…”
“I have money, it wasn't necessary.” She smiled slightly at the older man, walking in the direction he indicated.
“A little thing, it’s just a little thing... Just take care of yourself.” She nodded, throwing the hood over her head.
“I will. Thank you again, uncle.” She said before looking around and walking away with Aemon in different directions.
She approached the horse, on which she got on after a while, watching how nearby, standing on the ground, Istra is staring at her incomprehensibly.
“I can't ride you, everyone here thinks dragons are extinct, and I don't want to make a sensation around me.” She explained to her, urging her horse. “At least try to keep as few people as possible noticing you.” She asked, and immediately after that the dragon bounced off the ground and after a few flaps of its wings was already high above the ground.
Still, it kept its eyes on the silver-haired girl, after all, it was supposed to be watching over her here, so it couldn't fly too far away from her.
* * *
After years of growing up in her kingdom and riding a dragon, she didn't think how long horse journeys could be. On a dragon, flying to the wall and back, you could easily do this course several times in one day, while on horseback...? It took several days.
And now, heading south, she wished she could fly freely there, which would have been much faster. But the fact people might get scared of a dragon flying freely above their heads...
Anyway, she ended up wandering into that war her father had mentioned. Specifically, on the battlefield. The ground was full of the dead, but also as many wounded, who were tended to by several people, while the victorious side of this battle was walking around. Maybe Amy didn't want to get too involved in all this, but she saw a dark-haired girl nearby, struggling with some boy at his leg, who - it must be admitted - was in terrible condition.
“May I help?” Princess asked, walking over to her and taking a better look at the whole situation.
“If you can hold him…” She replied to what the boy was chasing all the time, struggling immensely despite her calming him down.
Amalthea knelt a little behind him and to the side, pulling him a bit on his back, and the woman who had been helping the dark-haired woman grabbed the boy from the other side and his tugging was more and more for nothing.
“No, I don't want to be a cripple, please! It'll get better, it doesn't hurt at all!” He shouted when the dark-haired girl was tying his leg with some string, explaining to him why she had to do it, but it didn't help much. Even the argument that he will die if the girl didn't get rid of that leg. “My Lord, tell them something! I can't be a cripple!” He turned to some other man who happened to be passing by, surrounded by several other men.
“Better bite this than the tongue.” He handed Amy his glove, which immediately landed in the mouth of the struggling boy, interrupting him in mid-sentence just before the dark-haired girl began to cut off his leg.
Amalthea, not taking her eyes off the scene, was still looking at how the dark-haired girl was doing it, who had only spoken to her one sentence so far. Once, if she were younger, she would probably look away when such a scene played out in front of her eyes, but now she was more interested in such a view than disgusted and scared. Besides, let's face it, the blood no longer impressed the woman who regularly saw it every month.
When the woman got rid of the - in fact, unnecessary - leg and secured the wound, she began to collect her belongings. Only then she was going to speak to the silver-haired, but she was overtaken by the man who was watching everything all the time from behind, even though he was already alone.
“What's your name?” He asked.
“Talisa.” The dark-haired girl answered immediately, collecting the last things, but not even looking up at him. Then he moved his gaze to the silver-haired, clearly expecting an answer from her too.
“Amalthea.” She smiled briefly and gently, seeing that Talisa was also listening well to what she was saying.
“Do we look like sisters?” Talisa muttered, rising, holding her wooden trunk with all its utensils in her hand. “That boy lost his leg because of you, and you have women in your head?”
“I just wanted to ask what houses you're from. I can't take back that you cut his leg off.” He replied to her. “And siblings can look different.”
Maybe so, but Talisa and Amalthea definitely didn't look like sisters even at first glance. The first thing that caught the eye was the completely different hair color - Talisa's dark hair and Amy's very light blonde, silver in some light. The eyes were also different, Amy had light brown, amber in fact, while Talisa had dark irises.
The easiest way to describe them is that everything Talisa had, Amalthea had definitely brighter, even her skin was a few tones lighter. But well, the slight exception to this rule were eyelashes, both of which were black.
“Can I go with you?” Amy asked Talisa softly, to which Talisa replied with a gentle nod, after which they both began to walk away towards her carriage. At the same time, Amy whistled for the horse, which after a while ran up to her so that she could freely mount it.
She was interested in this woman and would very much like to spend more time with her, getting to know her better before deciding to continue her journey.
“You didn't say where you are from!” The curly-haired man shouted after them, walking a bit, until the cart on which Talisa gracefully jumped moved.
“Volantis!” She shouted, slapping her tackle box to make the horse speed up.
“And you?!” Amy thought for a moment what exactly she should answer to that before she shouted back the answer, turning only slightly over her shoulder and answering truthfully.
“From the North!”
From the north? And her hair is so bright? He'd never met a woman with such blonde hair who was from there...
-> Chapter III "Silver-haired" -> general masterlist -> Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon masterlist
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Dreams Fri 1/27/23
I had nightmares all night last night, but interspersed with them or a few dreams where Chris was somewhere there. I had so many nightmares I really could not remember them all. One was that I was back in my childhood home and my stepmother had sent these people to break in. I had called the cops and the cops and they'd come &it had been a big fight but the people were arrested and dragged off. Then I heard somehow that because of this happening my stepmother sent someone to kill my dad. And I kept trying to call my dad over and over but I could not find him.
I had a dream about my mom at some point too but I cannot remember anything about it. I have been dreaming about my parents a lot I'm not sure why. Plus I have been dreaming about my niece a lot too and I almost never ever dream about her. I had one dream about her last week that felt so real it is like she came down and visited me in the dream.
Then I dreamed I had ordered some books to be given away to charity or to pass out to my students, and when the books came in they were all My Little Golden Books and I was really sad because they were too young to be given out to the kids I taught. And then I kept those books through several other dreams.
Then I dreamed I was 10 years old and was having a sleepover at my paternal grandmother's house with a bunch of my students there--- we were all the same age. And then there was something about some boys crashing the sleepover and getting into my stuff and cutting up a bunch of my stuff. The boys who did this turned out to be the problem students I have in class.
Then I had a snippet of a dream that I was in a gigantic swimming pool, swimming and doing these elaborate dives. I was wondering if somehow Chris was watching me and if my swimming skills were impressing him. 😄
But in real life I never learned how to swim.
In the last dream I was in a mall that was huge and somewhere there I passed Chris by and I don't think I spoke to him. Later on in the dream I was shopping and I was carrying a pair of jeans and in the pocket I had my keys, phone, & wallet. I stopped at some really large kiosk that on one side was a jewelry kiosk but on the other side serve drinks. I went around to the drink side to get something to drink and when I went back the jeans and all my belongings were gone. I was stuck at the mall with no money no phone no keys to my car and no way to get home. And being stranded at the mall for some reason is a really big recurring dream of mine.
I kept going through this mall asking people to help me find my keys and my wallet and nobody would. Most of that dream was me going from store to store and from kiosk to kiosk asking people if they had seen my stuff. Then I ran into one of the kids I teach and they told me it was in a certain store but they had just seen someone turn off the lights in that store and they were pretty sure the store had been closed up. So then I went in search of that store. Then somehow during the dream I got to where I couldn't talk because I was so thirsty but I didn't have enough money to buy myself anything to drink. After a while I got to where I couldn't walk either. Then I was literally crawling on the ground still going from store to store. Finally somebody helped me up and put me on a motorized scooter but the scooter was levitating and wasn't touching the ground. Finally I passed by a place and saw my jeans there. I went up and grabbed them and the guy came up and grabbed them at the same time and then we were fighting over them. And I realized this guy had stolen them to begin with. The dream ended with some woman coming to my rescue with a sword telling the guy she was going to chop off his dick if he didn't give me back my stuff!!
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wild-houseplant · 2 years
Hello Plant!!! I found a moment and would like to pose a few questions from the OTP asks. For Rhodri and Zevran:
5. Describe their cozy night in.
8. What happens if one of them gets sick?
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
42. What's their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
Please feel free to pick the ones you like and to take as long as you'd like ^^ Lovely even temperatures to you and a spectacular day! And give Rhodri and Zevran all my love ^^
Hello my excellent and superb friend :3 I really appreciate you sending me the ask!! I am greedy and will choose them all, and as I rabbit on and on and on I will be steadily wishing you a very long sequence of perfect days and excellent temperatures.
And, of course, Rhod and Zev send their best love to you. Please keep half an eye on your nearest window; I'm told they had a bit of a shopping spree, as is their wont, and gifts are coming your way in untold quantities. I hid my own presents for you in there too, though, so as to bum off their postage. One must get one's money's worth, don't you think?
Under the cut, you know the score. The curse of the waffler! ok but I kid you not, I went all-out on this one. It's seriously long.
5. Describe their cozy night in.
This will be a lengthy answer, my spiffing friend, as there are headcanons galore in here. I humbly offer my condolences and sincere appreciation for your manifold patience! :D
my tl;dr for this is that they might sit and do their own thing together (Zevran will read, play the mandolin and/or sing, cook, and draw; Rhodri will read and enjoy his singing); dancing is also a thing, and Rhodri starts getting a mite... how would you call it... dumping the affection (sfw).
A cosy night in means they've got time alone, because the Callistus-Amell family usually spend evenings together at every possible opportunity, so it'd mean the parents and siblings all have prior engagements.
Not that they're not a cosy bunch, per se. There's plenty of contentment to be had, but they'll often be pretty involved in some activity or another that you couldn't call cosy. Stuff like dancing, taking in a show, attending a gala, paying visits to friends or vice-versa... probably the closest thing they get to cosy would be sitting and chatting-- and lord knows Aurelio and Revka just won't shut up. Factor in the boisterous twins Mazarin and Evander, plus the quieter but still involved Owen and Bethann, and now also Rhodri and Zevran, and the bastards will stay up until all hours. They don't go to bed until the beloved housekeeper politely but firmly shooes them out around daybreak.
One particular thing I think they'd love, if they wanted something really low-key, would be to just sit together and do their own thing.
I think Zevran in particular would really enjoy this avenue because up to now, he's never really had the opportunity to pursue his interests. The Crows were awful, physically and mentally, about people doing what made them happy, and it’s a forbidden pleasure he now-- tentatively-- relishes. He could turn his hand to anything but I can see him being a voracious reader if given the chance. He also seems to dabble a lot in arty things (tattoo artistry, dance, the mandolin, etc.), which is frankly perfect since the Callistus-Amell bunch are great patrons of the arts, both in Tevinter and Kirkwall.
So now, with an entire library, more comfy chairs than you can shake a packet of peanuts at, and basically anything else his heart desires, Zevvo can park himself beside/on/against Rhodri and devour a pile of books, or practice the mandolin or some other instrument, do some sketching... gosh, he could do whatever he pleased. To actually have the means to pursue what he enjoys, and to actually have that encouraged by Rhodri and the family means more to him than he can find the words for. Better still, it’s not only encouraged but modelled by the rest of the family, and so he treasures the times where he and Rhod can sit together and feed their interests, and share them without fear of something awful coming from the other.
Also, not to be ridiculous, but I hc that he has a very pleasant singing voice- somewhere between baritone and tenor, I can't quite decide, but absolutely splendid vibrato either way- and if he's in the mood to have Rhodri rocking them hard enough to tip the chair over backwards, he'll take the ol' vocal cords out for a spin. Happens more often than we’d think.
As for Rhodri, she's usually reading or writing. Creative outlets done by someone's own hand are limited for Tevinter Altus. The HC here is that the Altus place such high value on convenience that they hire other people to do just about everything for them. It's a lot of work to learn to play an instrument well, or draw well, or act, or anything really. Dancing and maybe designing their own outfits would be about the limit. Maybe crafting stupendous insults to whip out in the Magisterium. Nothing beyond that, though. In practice, this means that if they want something arty, they'll hire someone for that. A singer, an artist, an actor. It's small change for them. If they’re good at it themselves, it’s by sheer miracle.
(It's been that way for ages; many Vints are under the impression that it's the same in other countries. To this day, Rhodri's father Aurelio is convinced that her mother Revka, who is a classically-trained singer, was naturally born with a beautiful voice. He has often taken umbrage to accusations (in Revka's absence, of course) that this is untrue, and swears on his own grave that his wife has never taken a music lesson in her life. Revka has no idea he is under this impression. It's gorgeous oblivion.)
They might dance!
Both of them are great on their feet and love to tear up the dance floor. The Antivan dancing style tends to be a little lacking in modesty compared to the Tevinter approach (think bachata vs. zouk, respectively), which means it's best kept for home. Better for if they're feeling energetic.
Zevran could get seized by a Fast and Ridiculous Mood. Or Rhodri could.
As it says on the tin. What usually happens is one of them ponders something absurd (e.g. 'how hard would it be to recreate a raincloud indoors?' 'will a stack of 250 pancakes weigh more than me?'). Really weird shit, and they ponder it aloud. The other one hears it and gets a wild look in their eye, and next minute you've got the love child of Jackass and Mythbusters unfolding as they get to the bottom of it.
Massage and Tevinter gestures of appreciation (SFW)
Rhod's nowhere near as good at massage as Zevran- at least initially, but has anyone else ever offered him so much as a back rub? Not on your life. She's not awful at it, just amateurish, but Zevran enjoys it all the same. Sometimes he can persuade Rhodri to let him give her one, even though it's "not his job" to do something nice for his stupid wife. Rhodri is a damned fool. Usually if he explains it's for teaching purposes, or to keep his skills current, she's much more amenable. Both are true, and they're the more palatable truths.
Rhodri's also very hung up on showing Zevran that they are equals and that she doesn't consider herself above him in any way. This is especially the case once they're back in Tevinter and it becomes quite clear that she could, in theory, exercise a lot of unfair power over him.
With that in mind, in comes my last headcanon for this question: in Tevinter and Antiva, and parts of Rivain, the feet were once-- and in some contexts still are-- considered a dirty part of the body. Kissing or washing someone's feet are the most significant displays of deference, reverence, and respect in all three nations. Unfortunately, most of the time it's done by slaves who are forced to show submission to their masters, and it's often done in public.
Now, I hope it goes without saying that Rhodri would rather display things like reverence and respect to Zev through everyday behaviour- actually asking for his opinion before reaching a decision together; doing her best to give him whatever reasonable thing he wants; checking in on him; fixing his problems wherever she can and looking ahead to anticipate what he might need, often at cost (often small, but) to her energy and time for herself. Things that actually have an impact on your life, and are petty much what her father would expect of his heir.
But these things are what she considers to be displays of genuine care for someone’s wellbeing, and tender as they might be to onlookers, she doesn’t attach too much emotional significance to them. Certainly she does them lovingly, and out of love, but also out of moral obligations. She performs them almost reflexively, because she has spent her whole life doing it and doesn’t know any different. The result of this is that they come at minimal emotional cost to her.
At the complete opposite end of this, for Rhodri at least, is feet-washing. Showing your love is one thing; showing the extent of it is quite another. There’s no practical reason to wash Zevran’s feet; he is a fastidiously clean man, and his feet are rarely dirty, especially indoors. The only real purpose to being sat down as someone gets on their knees and tenderly washes your clean feet in fragrant water is a symbolic one. And culturally speaking, a Magister kissing or washing the feet of anyone is unheard of, except perhaps for their parents, or the Archon. Her doing it to him is just bananas by Vint standards. Actually, to an outsider it's probably closer to embarrassing because it's so implausible as to seem gauche, if not outright mockery.
But Rhodri does mean it. She’s completely, deadly serious every single time, because as far as she’s concerned, this is the most truthful (and emotionally costly) way of conveying to Zevvo how highly she thinks of him and treasures him, and how she sees herself in relation to him. Rhod’s not given to talking about her emotions. Her father didn’t allow it with anyone but him, and she finds words to be frustratingly inadequate. (In fact, she was extremely distressed about one of the last letters she sent to Zevran while they were apart; he had asked her if she missed him and she considered her response woefully understated, and upon their reunion in Kirkwall, bypassed greetings and kissed his feet in front of a very astonished Fenris, Isabela, Varric, and Cousin Tank).
So in practice, expressing the depth of this particularly strong one, even to Zevran, is like offering herself up on a platter.  Especially in her case, because in her heart of hearts, she’s such a proud person, and painfully aware that whatever she does could easily be interpreted as hyperbole. In Kinloch Hold, she was roundly mocked for her rather jarring honesty (among other things), and the embarrassment of having something as tender and privately valued as the depth of her affections being mistaken for dramatics, well. I think it would be more than she could stand, and she’d never do it again. But hey, it was explained to Zevran the first time, gravely and in a very soft, embarrassed voice, and the importance was understood immediately.
And better still, Zevran relishes it. He wasn’t sure what he’d think of it at first, since it’s a rather unexpected gesture (by his standards). But yanno, Rhodri’s ‘moral obligation’ loving gestures shocked and awkward-ed the hell out of him for an entire year, and he ended up feeding off them, so. By the time his shoes were off he was convinced, and the bugger swan-dived into the affection like a hog into the trough. He sees the change that comes over her whenever they do it, and since he’s the one usually doing the opening-up emotionally, it feels good to be on the other end for a whole host of reasons. He’s encouraging and appreciative in that gentle way he has, and so she keeps offering.
Anyway, on a night in, she'll probably ask to wash his feet at the end of the evening, and he’ll accept with alacrity. The added bonus of this, of course, is that Tevinter nights are often quite warm. Even without all the humble-adoring-devoted symbolism shit, cool water on the feet before bed is the Good Stuff.
8. What happens if one of them gets sick?
Oh, it's resolved pretty quick for Zevvo. Though Rhod's not as good of a healer as her younger twin siblings, she's a dab hand at anaesthesia- both in the sense of taking away pain and sedation. Zevran's never out of sorts for too long with her to hand, and once Mazarin and Evander bustle in with some foul-tasting cure-all, the matter is resolved before the hour's out. If it takes longer, Rhodri appoints herself as both his nurse and his doctor, and keeps a close eye on him. Most of his issues are chronic, and they have detailed plans from top healers on how to manage them, so she's quick to leap into action and get him as comfy as soon as she can.
Rhod's not so good at being unwell, unfortunately. Not on her own. There are a lot of things that make her uncomfortable in everyday life. Loud noises, certain fabrics, tight shoes, weird temperatures... it's all go in Autism Land. Usually, the way illness manifests in her is that her skin aches. Just a full-body oversensitivity. Light touches are especially painful; clothes or skin glancing over skin are agony. She can't get comfortable; it's always at the forefront of her mind, and it's so distracting that she can't always puzzle out what the bloody problem is before a meltdown is imminent.
Zevran, bless him, only needed to witness this once; now he can spot it from a mile away. Once she starts trying to straitjacket herself with her robes, or she flinches when he touches her, he'll let her know his suspicion that she's not well and she'll arrange for the healer. Even knowing why she's uncomfortable helps, but sparing her pride by letting her sort it out herself is a kindness that she appreciates so much. He'll help out if the pain is stopping her from getting it done, or get her father to do it, but most of the time that's not necessary. Smart feller, that Zevvo.
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
Somewhat unsure, I tried to ask Rhodri what she'd do for Zevran, and she flat-out refused to participate. As far as she's concerned, it's not an appropriate thing to do when elves are commodified for their looks and have had very little agency over their bodies in general. On top of that, in the event her outfit selection deviated from any of Zevran’s own personal style preferences, she would be horrified if he started doing that thing just to please her. She wasn’t having a bar of Zevran’s gentle reassurances that that wouldn’t happen if she didn’t want it to. If we can put that all aside and delve into her reptile brain, though, where such notions float around unformed and certainly unsaid, she'd probably kit him out in the flowy Antivan shirts he's fond of, in the very finest silks. Complements his shoulders, and better still if it’s tucked in to show off his waistline. The shirt's probably in a jewel colour- purple is my first guess. Tan breeches made of top-notch Antivan leather, and boots of the same, rounded off with an embossed leather belt. Jewellery, especially gold and with precious stones, would be worn generously- possibly more than Zevran would usually wear. (Rhod's got the most awful weak spot for seeing him wear finery that he enjoys, and sometimes she does just take it a little further than necessary). Fingers, toes, ears, neck, wrists-- a nose ring, if he fancies... hell, if he’ll let someone weave filigree gold chain into his braids, it’ll be done.
Zevran has absolutely no problem with kitting Rhodri out for the day, mostly because he knows she wouldn't wear anything she didn't want to, so if he chose something out of the ordinary and she wanted to wear it to please him, it'd have to please her as well. (he sighs and quietly wishes she'd feel the same in regard to him, but what can one do?)
That said, what he’d want choose for her outfit isn’t something she tends to wear any more. As a child, she absolutely did, and the rest of her family certainly dress in it now, but her own pair is much simpler than theirs: traditional Tevinter loungewear. He’d kit her out in an exquisite robe made of Imperial vestment cotton, in peacock green, royal blue, or deep red with gold chain detailing around the seams. It’d be a short-ish wraparound robe that came to the hips or mid-thigh paired with matching pants and a pair of soft shoes.
If Rhodri were really willing to humour him, Zevran would go ham accessorising her, too. Earrings, chain finger rings, cuff bracelets, one of those decorative headchains... she wouldn’t look out of place on the front cover of Lonely Planet: Tevinter edition.
42. What’s their favourite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching snowstorms, etc.)
Ahhh, you know what? They’re tropical babies. The year in Ferelden (plus the other twelve in Kinloch Hold for Rhodders), was spent missing the humid afternoon weather. The hot day in both Minrathous and Antiva City builds all through the morning and midday into a swelter, clouds gather, and the air is heavy and exhausting. People who can wangle it will take cover with a cool drink and good company (book or person), or a bed, and spend the next hour enjoying the flash of relief as the rain clears out the humidity and the thunder/lightning gives them something to watch.
Rhodri and Zevran make time to enjoy it together as often as they possibly can, often daily. Usually, especially since she was cured of the Taint, Rhodri’s pretty dozy by this point in the day, and Zevran won’t say no to extra rest either, so they’ll often take the opportunity to sprawl out on a day bed in the observatory or, when the heat’s especially oppressive, outside undercover. Say a few words, knock back a cool drink, and then drift off to sleep. What more could a person want?
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One-shot: Money really does buy happiness
"Pirarucu, I still don't know why you want me to come with you."
"You can't just wear the same clothes every day, you know."
She was telling half of the truth to them.
"But— Miss Anemone made this for me! I can't just— I don't want to not wear it!"
"I'm sure she'll understand. Besides... If you agree to help, you can get whatever you want."
The mere mention of that got their attention.
When they were younger—back when they were still with their family and not Anemone—their parents had always bought everything they had for them and their older siblings.
They still missed them, even now.
"Whatever I want...?"
"Yeah! Let the clothing search begin!"
She grabbed at their arm, causing them to ack as the sleeve was pulled down slightly, exposing some of the scars on it.
This was one of the things that they'd wanted to keep a secret from her, at least for now.
They pulled the sleeve back up as she'd stared at them in slight confusion.
They didn't want her to know about Petrel, either.
"That looks SO perfect on you!" she gushed. "Look, there's even little wings and everything!"
As they stood in front of the mirror, they couldn't help but think that it did.
There they were, in the outfit of a tengu.
Especially since Petrel was a Nega-Birdman, and tengu were somewhat birdlike themselves.
Lookin' good, Moray, Petrel told them from within.
"Oh, almost forgot about the mask!"
She dropped the finishing touch onto their face.
"AHHH, YOU'RE SO CUTE AND HANDSOME AT THE SAME TIME IN THAT!" she squealed. "That's it! We're getting this for you, one million percent!"
They couldn't help but faintly blush a little at this. Nobody had told them anything like that before.
As she bought the outfit, she suddenly had another idea. "Right! There's another store around here that sells little figurines on all kinds of things. Judging by what you thought about that, you're probably into yokai and stuff, right?"
They almost seemed to light up at this. "I do! I've got this encyclopedia on them I read almost every day. My parents...gifted it."
Pirarucu could sense the happiness fading as they finished talking.
"I'm...really sorry about what happened with your family and all. I hope they're all okay somewhere."
The two remained silent as they walked into the store.
"Hey, don't you think that we should look at the—" She noticed that the half-Monster was no longer next to her and was instead looking at a display at the corner of the shop. "Oh."
"There's a jorogumo, kappa, tanuki, oh, look, there's a tengu, I'm getting that..."
"Moray... You don't have to get something just for yourself, just putting it out there..."
They jolted as the realization hit them. They'd never gotten anything for Anemone or Octo at all!
Reacting quickly, they took a nekomata figure for their newest friend, and settled on a kitsune for Anemone.
"Just as I say that, you go ahead and nab those, too," she laughed. "You might not afford them all, they're kinda expensive."
"I can, too!" they blurted out. "You know my family had a lot of money, and—"
They cut themselves off as they realized that no, they hadn't mentioned that to her at all.
"Ugh, please disregard that last part. Just forget I said that. Or at least pretend to."
"Really? Your parents were rich, too? Woww, I never knew that..."
She couldn't help but laugh a little at this.
Back during the Undeadification, in the time before one of the resets, Anemone had asked the same thing of her and the others after a particular rant about her beloved Amoeba Goonyans.
"You certainly don't look the part."
"Nevermind, let's just get the stuff and leave."
Walking over to the counter, the duo were ready to know the cost.
She doubted they'd afford the meager thousand that pulled up, but she was rather pleasantly surprised when they'd taken out a little extra money, telling the cashier to keep the change.
The sight was enough to make her think about bringing them along with one of her shopping trips with Clione.
"Moray! How was your little trip?"
"Went well," they told her. "I got these."
"Ooh, nice!" Her eyes glimmered as she laid her eyes on the figures. "The outfit you got would look perfect!"
"I'd want you to keep the nekomata for the next time Octo comes here. I thought he'd like it, so..."
"I'm a woman of my word, so it's safe with me!"
"Thanks." They smiled, letting Pirarucu know that she'd done her part.
"Moray! We've got a Monster with an outfit request for you, nyamo!"
"Coming, Goonyan!"
Soon the two were alone.
"To be fair, I never really thought that would actually work," the scientist said.
"Yeah. I knew they'd probably needed to relax once in a while."
"Do you think we should do this again? Goonyan could even pitch in a little for money..."
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could you give me some advice? i'm sorry to bother you but i don't know who else to ask other than random strangers on tumblr... you can ignore this if you want
so basically a majority of the people ik (my friends, classmates, etc) are toxic as hell. they piss me off so bad, they're the embodiment of cringe culture, yet their humor is being racist, sexist and supporting 🍇. my girl friends act like the entire world revolves around them and talk shit abt people, and my guy friends don't know when to stop.
my father is always angry for no reason and acts like it's never him in the wrong. when i justify myself, he cuts in and yells at me. just recently, my school had a sports day and my father didn't come even though i told him about it. i mentioned back home that some of my friends parents are super nice and he asked why they were there, and i mentioned the sports day. he then started yelling at me because i 'didn't tell her', even though i seriously did. i told my whole family. i told them about how i was excited for the running and the long jump and the handball games, and he forgot and he told me that i was a gaslighter. he's the one i hate the most.
the one person i don't hate talking to is my best friend, my real one. not the one that says she's my best friend and hates me all at the same time. i've told him about my classmates and he gave some pretty solid suggestions, but after my father scolded my a few days ago, and told me i was hiding secrets, i've been scared to talk to him in case they ask to look at the chat and see that yes, i do swear. i know what 🍇 is, and i'm not homophobic and i'm not racist. they'd know i hate them, and hate my 'friends' who have 'done so much for me'
what do i do? i need an outlet for all of these feelings, but any outlet i have, i'd get yelled at for. a personal diary would be read, because 'there shouldn't be anything they aren't allowed to see in there'. my best friend swears and i do too, tumblr has lgbtq+ community (they're homophobic), all socmeds are stained to death with things they shouldn't see.
i don't want to 'stay away' from everyone either. my parents expect me to be always warm, friendly, chatty, smily, and people hate the introverts at my school.
if you decide to respond, please be quick. i have to go soon.
Hello! I'm really sorry this is happening to you. I don't really understand your struggles, because I personally don't have a desire for friendships, but I think I can imagine at least a little how you're feeling.
As for your classmates I have no advice, that is really shitty, and I don't think it can be fixed.
I'm really sorry that your parents are like this, yeah, I can relate. I'm sure you did great on your sports day! For that I unfortunately don't have any advice either, I just act real nice in front of my parents, say "thank you" and "please" and "I'm sorry" after every second word, and I somehow managed to not let them catch me associating with the LGBTQ+ community.
I hope you can reconnect with your best friend soon, it sounds like he really helps you :)
For parents reading your things… yeah, I don't know either. Maybe a burner phone? Though I've never had one, so I don't know, plus you'd have to give away a significant portion of your money, and your parents could notice and question you. Or maybe start learning a new language, so they wouldn't understand you? I really don't know.
I really wish you the best <333
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shichey97 · 8 months
Long Live 2
“Is it time for chapter 2?” He asks with a smile and I nod with a smile and repeat the same step as last night. I find myself missing Eddie more each time I repeat this step.
I could never understand how a person didn't move on from their lost love before him, but now I understand completely. I don't think I'll ever move on from Eddie.
“Can Uncle Steve listen?” he asks and I nod. I laugh as he goes off to find his uncle and bring him to the bedroom.
I smile as Steve tucks him in. I would forever be thankful for the man that's helped me raise mine and Eddie's son.  
“Are we all ready?” I ask and both of them nod so I start reading.
                            Chapter 2: The First Date
Everyday for a few months Eddie and her were inseparable in school and every night they would talk about different music and songs they liked.
The thing that had surprised her the most was Eddie wasn't a snob when it came to music like other metalheads. He preferred the hard sounds of metal, but he knew all genres of music.
They were talking about George Michael currently and Eddie said something that surprised her.
“What did you say?” She asked as she sat up on her bed.
“George Michael is attractive. That's just a plain fact.” Eddie said with a shrug. “It's not that big of a deal, sweetheart.” 
“Of course it's a big deal. No metalhead has ever said a pop act was attractive!” She exclaimed with a laugh. 
“I'm not most metalheads.” Eddie said, chuckling as he took a bite of his freshly poured cereal.
“That is the truth, Eddie Munson. What are you having for dinner?” She asked and wandered downstairs to get her some food.
“Tiny toast.” He said and she scoffed. “Hey don't knock it unless you've had it.”
“It's cereal, Edds. You need actual food.” She said with a sigh.
“Well, princess, I haven't sold much so there's not much groceries. Wayne isn't working as many hours so they cut his money. Ah the point is it's cheap stuff.” He said venting his frustration out a little bit.
“Not tonight, Munson. I've wanted to ask you on a date for a while. Let's go tonight. I'll pay.” She said softly. “Or give you the money so you can pay if your ego is fragile.” She teased; the smile was evident in her voice.
“Wait. Are you for real?” He asked, sounding shocked that she asked him out. He'd explain that he wasn't the dating type later.
“Yeah. I'm serious. You can drive my car again.” She had grown accustomed to being the passenger in her car when they hung out after school.
“Yeah. Sounds good. Give me an hour to finish my cereal and then clean up.” He said.
She nodded her head even though he couldn't see her, “Alright see you in an hour.” She said and hung up to get ready for their date.
It was an impromptu type date, but she knew that they'd have fun. She wore ripped jeans and a Metallica band t figuring Eddie would be wearing ripped jeans and a hellfire shirt. He had made an excess of them so he had plenty to wear.
An hour later she was on her way to the trailer park. Her parents spent days on end at the labs so she didn't have to worry about them waiting at home. Truth be told, they were not happy with her choice in friends. Being Baptists they had thought Eddie Munson was a follower of the devil. She didn't care what they thought because she knew Eddie better than the ordinary people in town.
She knew Eddie was a sweet, kind, misunderstood guy and she was going to support him and stand by him despite her parents' eventual protests.
She pulls in and toots her horn before she gets out and goes to the front of the car leaning against it like she's seen him do to the side of his van. She crossed her legs and then crossed her arms under her chest with a grin.
It was another minute or so before the trailer door opened and Eddie came out in ripped jeans and the same Metallica band T she was wearing. Which made both of them start laughing.
“Well I'm not changing.” She said, shaking her head. “You'll have to change.” 
“I'm not changing. I look good.” He said as he walked down to her, “I guess we'll have to match.” He added with a chuckle.
“I guess so.” She pushed herself up and walked to the passenger door reaching for it.
“I got it.” Eddie said, carefully opening it. “We've done this all backwards.” He said, shaking his head.
“It's ok we're unconventional and I like that.” She said and kissed his cheek before she got into the car and put her feet on the dash again. She never had a care in the world when he was driving.
She trusted Eddie with her life and knew he'd never harm her if he could help it. She sang along to the Corroded Coffin tape headbanging to the songs. She loved how the bass, drums, and the singer's voice sounded in it.
“How are you sleeping at night? How do you close both your eyes? Living with all of those lives on your hands” She sang and then kept headbanging causing Eddie to laugh and turn the radio down a bit.
“You really like them don't you?” He asked, looking at her with a soft smile. Eddie seemed extra proud of that and she nodded. He chuckled, “I’ll have to introduce you to the rest of the band.” He said with a laugh.
“The rest of the band?” she said looking at him with a soft hum, “Are you in the band?” she asked and he nodded. “Oh my god.” She said leaning back against the seat. “What do you do in the band?”
“I think I’ll let you see at the Corroded Coffin show next Tuesday.” He said with a smile as he pulled into Old Root Bar and Grill, one of the few places to eat in Hawkins. Sure, there was a McDonald's about 80 miles east of Hawkins in Indianapolis, but he figured she’d want to stay local and this was a better place than The Hideout to eat.
“You guys have a show?” She asked excitedly, “I can’t wait to see you perform.” She put her feet down to slip her flats back on and get out. 
“We get a crowd of about 5 drunks so it’s pretty good. No one ever really pays attention to us.” He said. He stopped by her to offer her keys back to her.
“Keep them for now.” She said and took his hand to walk into the bar and gril.
“Welcome to…” the host trailed off when he saw who was walking in behind her. “We don’t serve evil worshippers here.” he drawled glaring at Eddie.
“Excuse me?” she said, raising her eyebrows. “As if I’d waste money here.” She turned. “Let’s go Eddie. I know how to cook. I'll just make us dinner.” She said and started out the door.
“Sweetheart. It’s fine. Order your food.” He says and kisses her cheek whispering what he wanted to her before trying to leave. He was stopped by a hand on his wrist and her pulling him back.
She glared at the kid she had seen at school, but never had anything to do with. “I want to place a to go order for 2 bacon cheese burgers, 2 orders of seasoned fries, and 2 slices of…Why are you not taking this down?”” she said plainly and she was obviously annoyed.
“I said we’re not serving devil worshippers here, you'll have to make your own food.” The kid said and scoffed.
“Excuse you?” She said louder than before. “Is there something wrong with my money?” She asked, staring the kid down. She couldn’t believe how rude he was being to Eddie; there was no sense in that to her.
“It’s really ok, sweetheart. You can’t fight everyone for me.” Eddie said, holding her hand gently. He showed he cared about her with how he touched her so gently and sweet.
“No, but I'm tired of everyone calling you Satan or a devil worshiper. You're neither of those things.” She said as she looked up at him. “Now why won’t you serve him again.” She asked as she stepped forward.
“Because he’s a freak and I don’t want that tainting a fine establishment.” He said, crossing his arms and if looks could kill he’d be dead.
“The only establishment that is worth my money is in Indianapolis.” She said before she turned and walked out of the restaurant with Eddie more than a little annoyed at Hawkins right now. Eddie didn’t deserve to be treated like an outcast for liking metal and DnD. She stopped when Eddie pulled her hand gently.
“You didn’t have to defend me like that. It’s never going to change how they feel about me. All it will do is put you on the same level as me.” Eddie said it as if he was warning her against defending him.
“Then I’m on the same level as you, Eddie.” She said, shaking her head gently, “It’s not right for them to treat you like that over music and a game!” she exclaimed. She was angry that they did that to him. That they tried to humiliate him like that.
All her anger seemed to leave her when Eddie pulled her into a hug and kissed her head. It was just as sweet and gentle as he always was, but she swore she could feel his gratitude through the hug. He had wanted her to calm down and forget about the stupidity that was the people in this town.
“We should go to Indianapolis for the night.” She said after she wrapped her arms around his waist and put her head on his shoulder. This close she could smell the comforting mixture of soap, cigarettes, and weed on his skin. She liked to hug Eddie; he held her tight and swayed slightly from side to side. His hugs caused her to feel safe and secure.
“I could go. Just need to leave a note for Uncle Wayne.” He says with a grin, “What about you?” he asks softly. They could go have their date in Indianapolis and share a room that night then come home in the morning.
“That’s what I’ll do and then we can go.” She said happily and kissed his cheek as she pulled away with a big smile on her face.
30 minutes later they were flying down the highway for Indianapolis. It takes about an hour and a half to get to the city and a restaurant called Storm’s. It was a drive-in burger joint, but they wouldn’t eat there. There was a place called Lookout Mountain that they’d go sit at to eat. Once they got their food Eddie took off driving again. “What does your writing process look like?” She asked, looking at him with a hum before pulling out her fries and offering him one. He ate it from her fingers without even looking from the road before he answered.
“I usually think of a single lyric and build the song around it. Kinda like the one I’m working on. I have the lyrics ‘ I’m up at night thinking that I just might lose it all ’ so I’m thinking about that.” He said as he nodded his head.
“Kind of how my friend wrote her stories.” She said, “I’m excited to hear your new songs.” She says with a soft smile. “Do you do most of the writing for the band?”
“Uh…It’s probably about 20% of the writing. My bandmates write a lot of songs too.” He said with a soft smile. “What about you? What’s some of your hobbies?”
“Well I like music, reading, drawing, and anything to do with animals.” She said as they parked and she got the food out. “I was sad when I found out the Hawkins shelter isn’t accepting applications for workers. I want to work with shelter animals.”
“Did you find a job?” He asked, looking at her as he took his burger and unwrapped half of it to take a bite. He looked content to be eating an old fashioned burger because he made an ‘mmm’ sound.
“A lifeguard at the pool. It opens in a couple weeks. Just in time for spring break.” She said, smiling at him. “What about you? Do you have a job besides selling?”
“I wait tables at The Hideout in trade for shows for the band.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders. “So selling is the only job that I make money on, but I prefer the reward from The Hideout.”
“That makes sense.” she said softly. She focused on eating her food for a little bit. They had mainly talked about music, past relationships, and goals up until this point which had her curious about his family. “Hey, Eddie. I have a question and you don’t have to answer, but I am curious.”
“I’m an open book for you, Sweetheart. Ask away.” He said softly as he looked at her. She could tell he was admiring her from the way that his eyes moved over her.
“We’ve talked a lot about Uncle Wayne, your friends, your goals. What about your parents?” She asked as she studied his face. She didn’t miss the look that crossed his face. It looked like this was a wound for him.
“Well my mom, Elizabeth, passed away from cancer when I was 6. She was so beautiful. She was tall; she had warm brown eyes and curly hair like me. I remember listening to music with her. She called her albums her plane tickets.” He smiled at the memory before he took a drink of his soda. “She would’ve loved you. She was the type to defend the people who were outcasts and freaks. She grew up in Memphis. She met my father, fell in love, and a little bit later had me at 20. I couldn’t imagine how scared she had to have been.” He chuckled softly. “My father is a con-artist. He isn’t worth much. He’s charming and every girl seems to want him. I got none of his charm, but I’m told by…everyone that I look and act like him.” He shakes his head, “Honestly? I hate my father and want nothing to do with him. Uncle Wayne is more like a father to me than Alan Munson.” 
She could understand why Eddie hated his father if she knew more, but she wouldn’t get to ask because he asks about her parents.
“Well both my parents are scientists at a lab in Indianapolis. They had been working at the Hawkins labs when it closed down so they stay the weekdays here and come home on the weekends sometimes. I think they would rather stay at work, but they can’t miss church on sundays.” she said, shaking her head slightly. “I don’t follow a religion in all honesty.”
“I’m agnostic. I believe there’s a god, but I have no clue what form that comes in.” He explained and she nodded. 
“I believe in fate and karma which is kinda conflicting I guess, but yeah.” She said and leaned back and turned her head to look at him. “Have you sent your music to labels?”
“I had a shot at a record deal 2 years ago, but it fell through. They wanted just me; said the band was ‘too garage’ whatever that means.” He said with a soft sound as he finished his burger.
“What happened?” She asked as she watched his face. She was enjoying just talking to him about everything and anything. The pair just let the conversation flow between them. 
He told her what happened with his father and everything which had her shaking her head. She could see why Eddie hated his father now. She wouldn’t compare the two if she ever had the misfortune to meet Alan.
It was half past midnight when the pair figured it was time to find a hotel and sleep. They ended up booking a double room and saying goodnight pretty soon with her wearing his shirt to sleep in since she couldn’t wear jeans to bed.
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heavenslapse · 1 year
@heartsaligned akechi comes back after being static
Back once again in the somberness of Leblanc. Goro didn't think he'd ever return to the tucked away coffee shop by Yongen's station. He'd made the decision the last time he was here to remove Kurusu from his life. Cutting all contact with the other boy when he discovered the truth. A thief and a detective weren't meant to be acquainted, much less anything else.
It was disheartening. But it was better this way. No more distractions to come between him and his goal. The Phantom Thieves were becoming a thorn in his side as well. Reputation with the media had already begun its steady decline since Kaneshiro's sudden change of heart. Yet there were worse things than losing his polished status. The noose around neck felt like it'd had grown tighter, the leash shorter. It wasn't his fault the thieves had gotten to Kaneshiro before him. How was he to predict that specifically when there'd be no news regarding them since the Madarame incident. They'd fallen off the air and dramatically struck their return before anyone could act.
❝I felt like a child who'd been scolded by his parent.❞ What IRONY. Goro couldn't help the bittersweet note of his laugh that escaped past his lips. It was sickeningly hilarious. He'd made himself sound SO cheerful on the phone after leaving Shido's office. He didn't want to be alone after that and going back to his quiet and empty apartment left like walking into a gaping maw that'd swallow him whole with the deafening silence encased with white walls and too little belongings.
❝My boss is an incredibly powerful man, you know. If he asks for something he can always seem to get it. So when I failed to measure up to his impossible standards, he let me know. I told him plainly there was nothing I could have done. I expected him to throw his stapler at me. I've never disappointment him with results before, I still feel I haven't. But we don't see eye-to-eye with that.❞
It wasn't as though he could do anything without Goro either. His mental shutdown business would go belly up and so would all of the backers who would inevitably pull out of his fixed election. He was nothing without Goro. Even with other persona users popping up, he'd never find another so quick to work for him. The thieves--Kurusu--wouldn't agree with his tactics, Goro was certain of that. And no amount of money or threats would deter him. Goro envied Kurusu for that freedom. He'd been Shido's attack dog for years. He was in too deep and had done too much to back out of the only thing that made him live for.
❝You must be painfully bored listening to me like this.❞ Each word felt like chewing glass to keep up the pleasant prince facade. He balled his hands in his lap, felt the pinch of his nails bite into his palms. ❝We haven't seen much of each other lately and I come in bothering you with insipid troubles from my busy schedule.❞
He hated confiding in Kurusu with his problems. He hated relying on his care and understanding. Hell, Goro hated him too. But he always seemed to rely on him regardless. He felt disgusted with himself, now knowing the truth. He was confiding in someone who was his enemy.
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naturallyalisia · 2 years
Quick Lil (not really) Emotional Note
Sometimes at random, I'll think of my biological father. He didn't abandon us, he transitioned years ago. Just shortly after I was born. I only have photos and what others have shared with me about him. I have no organic memories, my sister has a few but enough for it to have taken a toll on her as time passed. She and my mother felt this more, they have bonded on that trauma. I don't have that. I'm not saying that I wish I felt the way they did, some days I felt lucky because I didn't have to live with the pain of missing something I knew, something I experienced.
When my sister and I were younger and my grandparents still lived in NY we'd visit here and there. Some days we'd visit grandpa and stay over and some days we stayed with grandma (they were divorced). I remember one-time grandpa brought us to all these people to visit, family or friends of the family I suppose. He'd introduce us and the exchange was all the same " These are ____'s kids, XYZ" and they'd looked shocked, say a few things, mention how we look like him, how sorry they were and they'd give us money. (My sister and I got at least 100 bucks that day lol, I remember too because I bought several of my scene dolls when we came home.) I didn't understand what they meant, cause as far as I was concerned I had a dad already, this guy here is my grandpa and I didn't question it. It wasn't until I got a little older I asked my mom why me and my sister didn't have the same last name as our stepdad, her and our baby brother. Then she sat me down and told me. I wasn't sad at that point, just neutral and accepted it. From that point, I was very open with close friends or people who asked about my parents. "he's my dad but not my really dad, he died". That was it.
As I got older hearing all the stories, and seeing how people drifted apart, and changed due to the pain of this loss I thought I had won the lottery. I didn't know him, I don't have any attachments. So I don't get to be sad. I don't need to be sad. I had a step-parent that stepped into that role, despite the issues between him and my mother.. l had a dad, he wasn't my blood but he never made me feel as if I wasn' t his growing up.
So that feeling of sadness didn't really hit me. I think only once did I react because my kid brother said my dad was dead and I cried about it, my mom said it didn't make sense to cry because I didn't know him. I wish going back my mom didn't let that slide because I believed it. So I left it alone. Today I chalk it up to not wanting to revisit that pain and mourning again. I'll probably ask her.
This neutral energy stayed this way until a few years ago. Which I think sparked after seeing my grandfather & my uncles. I haven't seen my grandpa in years since he returned to his country shortly after my father's death as far as I know. I saw him and gave him the biggest hug, I wanted to tell him everything that had happened to me since we last saw each other. Every. chance he got, he just looked at me and said "look at ____'s daughter. Looks just like him". He Shared stories up to when he got the call my father died, how he felt, and everything. I need to visit him, I spoke with him a few months ago. Aside from my uncles/aunts that is all I have left from him. Grandma passed years ago, and I never got to see her before she did. It still bothers me... though she did visit us. (that's a story for another time)
Eventually, I suppose the feelings of loss and grief started to catch up to me. I got married and things started to shift. I started to realize my dad will never be here for any of my milestones. I tried to push it down. I tried to ignore the fact that I couldn't go to him for advice, I'd end up in relationships that didn't serve me because I wouldn't have experienced the daddy's girl life that my sister had which was cut short, he'd never meet his grandchildren if I'm blessed enough to have them, he never had the chance to teach me to drive, to fix things..none of that. I don't even know what he sounds like. He died when he was 28.
28 years old. Didn't even live a full life. I grieve because the opportunity for me to form my own opinion about this man was stolen from me. I can't even decide on my own if he was truly a good person or if he was an asshole. I only have testimonies. (As I write this I think what triggered it was the takeoff's death. The only difference is my dad was just a regular smegular joe, trying to help someone quickly on an errand run for diapers. A true case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.) (Also the movie onward iykyk)
Then I look at myself I turn 28 next year. I'll (hopefully) be older than my father was when he died. I'm going to outage him. It makes me extremely sad. I feel like a failure. I feel like I haven't done anything with my life that would make him proud. I never had the inkling to use that as motivation and it makes me feel like a bad daughter. I'm just here, trying to. figure it out.. I feel like I should be living my best life because he wasn't able to.
I talk to my mother about him regularly, much more than before, and it's always a good conversation. I still see that his death affects her, sometimes I think she died along with him. She lost her way and has struggled since..but now she's seeing that and has been working towards bettering herself for her. I'm proud of her.
All this to say, right now I've been thinking about family a lot. I'm an adult now and I'm not a child anymore. I want to make the effort to connect with my father's family especially my grandad before he passes. That's a big reason for me right now on why making this money is important so I have the room to travel. I don't want to lose my roots. I don't want to forget. I don't want my kids to live never knowing or having to dig and search for family information.
I've seen enough especially lately of what not being connected to your family can do. I want to change that. I can only do my part. If the rest doesn't follow that's okay because I tried.
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topsytervy · 4 years
Valentine's Day ~ Kelce
Blurb: Valentines day with Kelce
Word count: 1,210
Warnings: swearing, mentions fighting and drinking, spelling/grammar errors, i think thats it.
You didn't really believe in true love and shied away from love in general, so Valentines was always an iffy holiday for you. Until Kelce.
You didn't really know why you were iffy with love but if you had a guess, it was because of your parents. 
Not because your parents didn't show you any love, you got plenty of love from them. It's because they didn't really love each other. 
Your father and mother told you stories about princes and princesses and happy endings, but then turned around and shouted at each other every other minute for the dumbest things.
Your mother had told you multiple times that the only reason she married your father was to have kids and not hear your grandmother complain about having kids outside of marriage. She was always talking down about your father and blaming him for everything. 
Your father was drinking just to tolerate your mother and her constant bickering. 
You just wished they'd get a divorce instead of staying together just for your sake. 
These two people who were supposed to love each other just didn't and it caused you to have negative thoughts about love.
You had been Kelce's neighbor for ages and he had never been shy about flirting with you.
Calling you baby or sweetheart, holding your hand or just holding you, giving you many compliments that made you blush. People automatically assumed you were together despite you two not.
He was sweet and caring and knew exactly how to cheer you up.
Hey, I need to escape.
Kelce smiled at the text and immediately set down his controller to type out a reply.
Where to?
"Kelce, where the hell are you? I'm getting slaughtered over here all by myself." Rafe's voice rang over the headset. 
"Umm...by the trees." Kelce answered as he looked at his tv for a second before looking back at the three dots popping up, signalling you were typing.
"Why are you there?" Rafe asked.
"Cause that's where I stopped."
Anywhere. It could be the junkyard for all I care. I just need to get out. 
Come on over and then we'll leave.
"Kelce? Hello? Am I talking to air?" 
"Rafe, man. I gotta go."
"Wait, what?"
"Something came up. I'm sure Top will play with you."
"Not Topper." Rafe groaned.
"It'll be fine. It's Y/N." Kelce told him.
"Figures." The older boy mumbled. "Tell her I say hi."
"Will do." 
And then Kelce signed out and turned everything off, throwing on some shoes before grabbing his keys and dashing to the front door.
He bid his parents goodbye and walked to his car as you walked across the lawn separating your two homes.
"We can go to the overlook if you want." Kelce suggested once you had gotten into the car. 
You smiled. "That sounds great, Kelc."
He stopped and got ice cream, handing you yours and placing his in the cupholder, before driving in the direction of the overlook.
"You know, my doors always open. You don't have to text me. My parents like you and are always happy to see you. There's no problem with you just walking in." He told you.
You nodded. "Thanks."
"No problem, sweetheart."
When you two had arrived, you sat in silence as you ate your ice cream. Kelce opened his mouth to speak but you did first.
"I'll pay you back for ice cream and gas money." 
He shook his head. "No. It's fine."
"Kelce, you're always doing things for me. Let me do something for you." 
"How about a date then?" He turned to look at you.
"A date?"
He nodded. "I'll let you pay for your half if you want to but I'm 100% okay with paying for the full meal. One date. That's it. I'll consider it even."
You chewed on your bottom lip before nodding. "Alright." 
One date turned into two though and two turned into three, and so on. Soon you were dating for four months and it felt like you blinked.
Kelce made you forget about home and Kelce's parents made you feel at home whenever you were at his. You two worked so well together. A match made in heaven, some would say.
Because of COVID, you and Kelce weren't hanging out as much and agreed that you two would figure out something for Valentines day since Kelce had just gotten tested and was waiting for his results.
You sighed as you took off your mask and trudged up the stairs to your bedroom, both your parents still at work and you just getting home.
You threw open your bedroom door and gasped.
Flowers sat on your nightstand along with a box of chocolates and a little box with a bow.
You smiled as you pulled out your phone and facetimed Kelce. 
"Hey. How was work?" He asked after he answered. 
"It was alright. How was your room?" 
"Bland. How's yours?" 
"Different from when I left. You sneaking into my house, Kelc." You teased.
"Only way I could give you your gifts, sweetheart." He beamed. "Have you opened the box yet?" 
"No. I decided to wait and open it on camera. Thought you'd want to see my face."
"I always wanna see your face baby." He replied smoothly.
You giggled before grabbing the box and sitting down at your desk, propping up your phone before undoing the ribbon.
You lifted the lid of the box and grinned, lifting up the charm bracelet. "Oh, Kelce."
"I remember you said something about always wanting one since your grandmothers was too big for your wrist and I figured you could take the charms off your grandma's and put it on that one. You know, to have a part of her with you." He shrugged.
You smiled and wiped away a tear. "You think you can stand outside my window and I can lower my gift to you?" You asked.
He nodded and you saw him grab a mask before making his way out of his bedroom.
You grabbed his gift and grabbed a ball of yarn, tying it around the gift before heading towards your window. You opened it to see your boyfriend standing there and grabbed the scissors from your desk before slowly unrolling the yarn and sending his gift down.
"Well, aren't you a modern day MacGyver?" He laughed.
You shushed him and he grabbed the box before you cut the yarn.
You watched him open it before smiling. "A bracelet and a shit ton of candy to hold me over until I get my results." He hollered up at you as you heard his voice through your phone as well. 
You nodded. "Figured you could use the candy and…" You walked over to your phone and held up your wrist that sported the same bracelet. 
You tapped the bracelet and he saw his bracelet light up. He grinned up at you and you smiled down.
"I love you, Kelc."
Kelce's grin widened. He didn't expect you to say those words first.  He thought he would have to.
"I love you too, Y/N/N."
You smiled once more before ushering him back inside. "Now go back inside and I'll catch you up on my dumbass coworker."
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local80smotel · 4 years
All knowing love
pairing; V x Trans Man! Reader
summary; being under V's loving and watchful eye.
requested; Anonymous
rating; T
warnings; transphobia, parental abuse (physical), hints of suicide (but never outright said)
word count; 2185
A/N; this isn't wasn't the fluffiest thing I could write but once talking to my trans boyfriend I couldn't help but feel having a bit of angst was acceptable.
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When Y/N was still just a child, he knew something was off about him. Not something "bad" or "wrong" that people would call this feeling when he'd tell them. "It's just a phase" was a comment that was thrown at them mostly by their parents when they were still in their teens, just before high Chancellor Sutler was ever in the eye of politics. Oh, how those days would seem like a humid southern summer walk compared to when Sutler came into the picture. The transphobia he had experienced grew like how weeds grow in futile soil.
The comments like "You're confused" slowly started to warp into something more demeaning to the boy as the Chancellor candidate's toxic grip on the people of England started to squeeze any "unwanted" life out of it. "Undesirable" life as he would call it. When hair was cut after Sutler was elected, there weren't small arguments anymore that would be fixed when he'd be asked if he were hungry and wanted to eat supper with them. It became violent and unlike the people who had raised him for the last 15 years. Having handfuls of freshly cut hair be ripped out because his mother was holding him by his scalp just to yell in his face how much of a monster he was broke his heart.
Was it fear that caused this? Were they scared of losing their only child as many other families had? Was their bundle of joy in their life really an undesirable and the cause of this virus outbreak? Just why? He'd ask himself that as he was packing his bags in preparation to leave the family home for good.
Three long years had passed and at the ripe age of 18, he moved out into the busy streets of London. A small pit in his stomach began to form as the sickening feeling came back. The cause of it was from one simple but yet complex question; could he survive in this fascist regime? Sadness also fueled this emotional fire, sadness from knowing he'd have to use so many things he knew was wrong and didn't describe him truthfully just so he could get a place to come to when curfew hit; The name that was long dead to him the second it was given to him and female pronouns. He'd be signing his own death certificate if he put Y/N instead of his deadname on his application to rent.
They'd look it up and find no Y/N L/N in England and call the police on him in a split second. Shivers ran down his spine as he imagined what would happen to him if that became a reality. No one knew what happened when you were deemed "undesired" but everyone after having Sulter for three years knew that they would go missing and would be never seen of or heard from again. You were just wiped off the face of the Earth.
Y/N lucky had enough money saved from working in retail for the past 2 years to get a small apartment. When he was finally given the keys to the place he couldn't help but sigh in relief. At least in this tiny space, he could be his true self without shaking in fear as he had in his past while being stuck in his parents' home. The next three years were some of the worse when it came to dysphoria. Being forced to go to work almost every day and be called ma'am or miss and be deadnamed constantly damaged his mental health to the point it felt easier just to be open with his identity.
Anything would be better than being forced to hide in this shell of terror. Nights of panic attacks and sobbing that sounded like a wounded animal as he laid on the rotten wooden floor became a routine. On the morning of his 21st birthday, he woke up in the late afternoon. There was no panic in him when he realized he was late for work, how could someone care when this would be their last day on Earth?
With scissors in his hand, he grabbed his hair and began to chop it off sloppily but that didn't matter to him as long as it was finally short like it was when he was a child, and that was enough for him. The thought that when the police would see him, that'd see a man instead of what society had deemed him brought a smile to the young adult. The feeling of freedom pumped through his veins as he went on with his day. It felt odd but refreshing to feel the cold air from his AC on his neck as he fixed himself some bacon and eggs. It wasn't the fanciest thing someone could eat on this day, but it was enough for him.
Around ten AM he left his flat, walking with newfound confidence due to his hair and now his wrapped chest. He had heard from the grapevine that wrapping one's chest in medical bandages could cause serious damage like nerve loss but one this final day he decided to risk it so he could pass in normal daily life. Being called sir by ticket seller at the movies brought him so much joy as he grabbed his "Count of Monte Cristo" tickets and wished them a good day as he went deeper into the movie theater to find theater four to watch the movie. Y/N was somewhat surprised to see only one other person in the audience. Sure, he was 10 minutes late but this was a classic film that was finally being let out of the vault to be watched again! Nevertheless, the man sat down a few rows in front of the figure, settling down into the uncomfortable chair.
“I didn't expect you to come.”
He could tell from how the figure's words were muffled that they were wearing a mask. Y/N turned to them with a confused look on their face.
“Excused me?” Y/N asked but their confusion just deepened as he saw that the figure was wearing.
A Guy Fawkes mask with a matching hat while wearing pitch-black clothing. The man under the mask chuckled as they stood up, Y/N couldn't help but be slightly intimidated by the height of this masked figure.
“I should have done this first so you wouldn't be so perplexed, ” he cleared his throat as began monologing, using many words that start with the letter V in his speech which in turn slightly impressed the 21-year-old.
“But you can simply call me V.”
"V" said while taking a bow
Y/N couldn't help but snicker at this display of some kind of knightship which in turn had V cocked his head in slight confusion on what could be so funny
“Well, Mr. V, might I ask why you're here alone?”
“I could ask you the same thing, but as I am apparently on a tight schedule I won't elaborate”
“Tight sch-” the man interrupted them by placing his leather glove covered finger on top of their lips
“Yes, very much tight schedule as I only have 2 hours till your self made demise am I correct?”
He was blown away at the fact this random stranger knew of his most shameful plan, but the feeling of shock was soon replaced with anger. This creep was stalking me! He thought as he slapped away the masked man, getting up from his chair as he did so.
“You have some right talking to me like that!” he yelled as he started to march away from them.
V reached out and grabbed their hair in a somewhat gentle way
“Y/N wait please, ” he sighed as Y/N stopped who's face was twisted in bitterness “I understand how you feel Y/N, I truly do. I was labeled an undesirable so please don't think that I've been keeping an eye on you in for any other reason than just to keep you safe.”
When he said this Y/N rage seemed to melt away slowly. How was he able to survive being an undesirable? So many questions filled the male's head but the only word he could speak was
V let go of his hair as he straightened his posture “If you come with me I'll tell you.”
The more sensible side of the man told him to run away from this masked freak and enjoy what little time you had left in peace but something stopped him. After a moment of silence, he nodded to V's pleasure. He took the 21-year old by the hand and lead them to the back exit. The two walked down the alley and what drew Y/N's eye other than the 6'3 black mass was the posters. Every single one they pasted seemed to have a V cut into them.
He broke the long silence with another question “Did you mark those posters?”
“Does a raven speak?”
“But why?”
V didn't stop walking but he could feel his eyes on him. For being an undesirable he sure seems fine being out after curfew Y/N thought as they waited for the answer.
“The people deserve a symbol. Something to get them through this.”
He opened his mouth to ask what he meant by that but quickly shut it once the meanings of the words came to mind. Maybe he wasn't this creep, more like this country's guardian angel that would save them all from high Chancellor Sutler. It didn't take long for him to reach what Y/N guessed as V's home which turned out to be an abandoned Victoria station. Y/N looked over at him with an eyebrow raised as V opened the hatch that kept the station locked to the public who had originally thought it was abandoned. V turned back to the man and gave him his hand simply saying "follow me, sir Y/N".
Once V was given the curious man's hand he rubbed his thumb over their knuckles before tenderly pulling them inside. He held the hand as they walked in the pitch black, guiding them until they found a giant door which to Y/N's touch felt like it had complex carvings in them. When the masked man opened the door Y/N couldn't help but wince as golden light hit his E/C eyes that had just gotten used to the dark. He had expected V to let go of his hand once they reached his "lair" but he didn't. Oh, what a perplexing and mysterious man he was.
Y/N would be lying if he said his face wasn't blushing at this moment in time. V led them deeper into his beautiful home until both of them to were behind his couch which was black leather. In front of the said couch was a glass coffee table with a box on it. Y/N's hand was finally let go of as V sat on the couch.
“Come sit, I have something to give you.”
“But you said-”
He sighed as he complied, arms folded as he sat next to him. V opened the box and to Y/N's surprise, there was a biner in it. Once again, all he could ask was "How?" as all production and selling of items that could help trans folk was banned just as the Koran was. The masked man took the folded bundle into his giant hands and gave it to them once again shocked male.
“Life has been tough enough on you even if we don't add our government into it. Thank you for holding on. For surviving this long and not letting them take away your love for life and your fighting spirit.”
Without any hesitation, Y/N pulled V into a tight embrace with tears threatening to fall. No one had ever put their life in danger to give them this piece of happiness like this stranger had. All he could do was whimper out a "thank you" as a sob shook his chest deeply.
“Since I showed you my lair, you're going to have to stay till the next November the fifth, is that okay?”
Y/N couldn't help but nod immediately. He could finally be somewhere he was truly accepted for who he really was; a man who was just simply given the wrong body at birth.
V placed his hands on top of the weeping H/C man, stroking the uneven hair and placed his head onto the others.
“I'm cooking ham, is that okay?”
“Thank you, Y/N.”
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