#the others are either because im gay and a classics major
agentplutonium · 8 months
On Repeat Tag Game
Rules: Shuffle your repeat playlist ten times and tag ten people
Tagged by: @mr-laveau
[No pressure] Tagging: You, reading this. Mainly because idk who has been tagged in this. But ughhh @dizzy-n-busy , @romirola , @maxpaulll annnd double emphasis on whoever is reading this if you want to! (Im a loser who doesn't want to bother people, I don't have a lot of ppl to tag that I know have already been tagged)
Northern Attitude (With Hozier) - Noah Kahan, Hozier
Like Real People D0 - Hozier
Every, Everything - Noah Kahan
Francesca - Hozier
Ceilings - Lizzy McAlpine
Homesick - Noah Kahan
Just a Man - The Epic Sagas (Jeorge Rivera-Herrans + co)
Doomsday - Lizzy McAlpine
Keep Your Friends Close - The Epic Sagas (Jeorge Rivera-Herrans + co)
Battle Cry - The Family Crest
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thevalleyoftriumph · 4 months
actually not to keep talking abt a topic hours later but i want to build off of one of my tags on that ultrakill post i rb'd last night [and im ONLY going to expand on one of my points, i will not be bringing up any other arguments in this post]
people love love love to say stuff like "pronouns =/= gender" [correct] and that you dont NEED to have specific pronouns such as he/him or she/her to be gay or lesbian [also correct], and while these two are great points that i agree with, it seems that these peoples support for this only goes as far as they/them users.
the absolute SECOND that a characters gender expression is canonically different from a "classic nonbinary" expression, its suddenly "up in the air" and "for your interpritation." and why is that?
specifically in the case of v1 and v2 from ultrakill; two canonically genderless/genderqueer/agender/nonbinray/what have you characters. v1 is VERY commonly seen as masc, and v2 is very commonly seen as fem.
v1 and v2 are also commonly headcannoned as gay and lesbian, respectively. theyre commonly shipped with characters seen as masc and fem. do you see what connections im beginning to see?
like it or not, by disregarding the canonical gender expression [or lacktherof] for these two, in order to fit them both into simple, binary, gendered boxes to also fit your specific sexuality headcanon - is in fact, an act of erasure! it comes off as INCREDIBLY iffy to fit nonbinary characters into a "masc nonbinary" and "fem nonbinary" binary.
and the fact is, i see people less often use other pronouns than it/its for these two for headcanon purposes or for fun or for projection, and more for SHIPPING purposes. there is a MASSIVE difference between adding onto a characters canonical pronouns for your own enjoyment and preference, and COMPLETELY changing them because you want a certain ship to be more gay, or whatever. an it/its user can be gay! it can also be a lesbian! it using it/its doesnt make it any less gay or any less of a lesbian, and it definitely doesnt make it any less nonbinary/genderqueer!
idk its just like. the machines in ultrakill [and most importantly v1 as the player character] being exclusively referred to as it/its is a major part of them and who they are. it is how they all express their gender CANONICALLY in the game. there are no other refferals no other pronouns, nothing. by disregarding this fact SO quickly, along with often only being for shipping reasons, you are showing that you Do Not Care for what the canon text is trying to tell you about the machines. im sorry but thats how it reads to me.
genuinely people love nonbinary characters until theyre the "wrong kind" of nonbinary, and all of a sudden jump through as many hoops as they physically can to disregard anything to do with that.
end of posts notes because if this post gets rb'd in any way or even breaches containment i know people will say stuff at me;
1] no, hakitas tweet about using "whatever you want" for the machines doesnt count IN THIS POST. nor does the discord. not everyone who plays the game is going to SEE either of those. while you could consider it canon [and i do! trust me! hakitas word is absolutely canon!] that doesnt mean it is ABSOLUTE, or the canon that is being INTENDED to be shown. most people are only going to see the in-game text, which is what is most important to me considering this post.
2] ive seen people making the argument that making nonbinary characters inhuman is like. bad rep or something idk im not doing the argument justice bc i dont remember it. but to that i say yes, i agree! we DO need more human nonbinary rep! boiling down every nonbinary person to be inhuman is Bad and you shouldnt instantly assume everyone whos nonbinary is Not Human! because that is really awful! do not misinterprite my stance here, i know what kind of website this is regarding reading comprehension! however comma that is not the point here. the machines using it/its isnt just from them being "inhuman nonbinary characters," it is a PART of the intended gender expression youre meant to gain from them. besides personally i adore inhuman nonbinary characters bc they kick ass and also im not human either. heart emoji.
3] no i am not saying you CANT listen to hakita and use different pronouns for the machines. at the end of the day hakitas word, regardless of if its in the game or not, is canon. im not your boss i cant tell you what to do. im not a fan of using he/him or she/her for Either v1 or v2 myself, but if it makes you happy, i literally cannot stop you. i hold no power over your decisions. i am once again saying, i am NOT tell you that you CANT do it.
just please. if your kneejerk reaction to being told "do what feels comfortable" about a characters pronouns, is to immediately assign the characters with it/its pronouns arbitrary masc/fem ones instead.. if that is your immediate kneejerk reaction, then PLEASE stop for a moment and consider why you feel that way specifically.
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idk if it's different in patho 2 (ive never played it) but in pathologic classic using the "mystical inclinations [...] left and right hand" dialogue as gay evidence that hinges on 'omf it's the first thing he says when they meet what a homo' but one of the major reasons this quote is so fucking good is because this isn't even close to the first time daniil and artemy meet. if ur playing the game in the recommend order, daniil has already completed his route. they know each other really well. they know their ideologies are completely incompatible. they also have an inkling that they are the same, things are repeating, things are different, "nature is playing jokes". obviously im not saying that daniil remembers the previous route exactly, but the player doesssss. and that's the context that makes his minor(?) breakdown about not being real a little more impactful, because he's already got the feeling things are starting again. another brilliant thing ab the way this was written is it doesn't rely on the player unlocking any of the secret endings in their first playthrough (pretty tough ride going in blind), so the line is either:
'wow this self awareness is fucking cool. I wonder if daniil kinda remembers the previous route, knows everything is starting again'
'oh my fucking god he kinda remembers that he isn't real'
anyways rant is almost over, but I also promise I'm not saying that daniil and artemy aren't gay or whatever, that's subtext for you to pick up on yourself. I'm just saying that the "left and right hand" thing means lots of other things (I just barely covered the sort of Brechtian angle you could take, there are so many angles because its a phenomenal game).
above post is unedited so u can understand why it is not effective in communicating my point lmao
I absolutely think the line has romantic implications. I also think it implies other things. I do not think people who analyse the romance are just unaware of the other things. I do not think the 'we have been here before' implications are the most important implications. Nor are they my favourite implications. I am just saying the fact it is the first thing Daniil says to Artemy has nothing to do with the romantic implications, but everything to do with the 'we have been here before' implications. I do not think that romance and 'we have been here before' implications are the only implications.
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hello-yue-here · 2 years
because none of my irl friends watch stranger things/arent caught up and i need to make my predictions somewhere ive decided to share my volume 2 predictions here because i need written proof somewhere if im right:
-joyce hopper or murray is gonna die. one of the major deaths will be the three of them. my money is on joyce.
-steve and robin will survive. steve is too popular a character to kill off, people will literally stop watching if he isnt in it. plus im p sure some netflix head or producer or something said steve will never be killed off. i saw this in a screenshot of a news article on twitter that i can no longer find so its possibly fale but i still think its unlikely for steve to die. robin wont die because shes (so far) i think the only canonically confirmed lgbtq+ character and that would look BAD for the duffers. plus we need to see where she and steve work in szn 5. these two i think are safe.
-now. nancy eddie jonathan and argyle. one of them is gonna go. nancy dying would be a HUGE twist considering shes one of the strongest characters (do not tell me shes not. she is.) the end of volume one however makes me think this wont happen because we still see nancy in the trailers so either the trailers are a fake out to make her seem safe or shes actually safe. im up in the air. eddie is a classic case of likable character getting introduced and built up so his death will be more painful (remember bob and alexei? yeah. like that) BUT since hes so heavily queer coded and well liked by fans this could look like killing ur gays again and the duffers may have steered clear. in all honesty my gut is telling me eddie is safe but i know not to trust my gut so out of these four i dont think hes the most likely to die but its still possible. jonathan might go just to give will more angst but at the same time he hasnt been relevant enough this season to make it impactful. however if a jancy break up happens OR nancy dies vecna could use that against him and give him the boot as well. argyle is either totally safe and wont even be all too involved in the season or fighting and remain a comedic side character for szn five or hes gonna make a huge and shocking sacrifice that no one sees coming because of his comedic presence. its a toss up for him. out of these four i think eddie and nancy are the most likely to go because one of the four teens in the upside down is probably gonna go i think.
-dustin. im sorry yall but i think dustin is gonna die. hes been too safe this entire series. hes a lovable character and the glue of the group. they might kill him off to make everything seem hopeless until someone begins to rally behind avenging his death. the glue almost always dies people. im scared for dustin but i rlly think this is the end for him.
-were gonna get a new couple. it wont be steddie or ronance sorry to break it to ya but theyre rlly pushing stancy and honestly i think they might do stancy so steddie and ronance are out of the running. robin and vickie is a possibility for me. i think theyd go for that one.
-mileven wont break up im sorry its not gonna happen millie and finn both have said that theyre like soulmates or some shit in interviews so i dont see that happening anytime soon
-seeing as vecna has never targeted the same person twice (yet at least) i think max and will are both safe and all the theories and ‘evidence’ pointing to will being vecnad are just a red herring
-HOWEVER i do think mike is gonna get vecnad. like dustin he has also been too safe in this show and i think that if something bad happens to eleven or mike (likely) mike is gonna blame himself and vecnas gonna get him
-lucas might also get the chop. i dont have any reasoning for this other than my gut feeling. so maybe not.
-lumax gets back together before tho
-008/kali is gonna return. if not in szn 4 then szn 5. theres just so much left that could be done with her character that could be discovered.
-the painting is gonna be of mike (and possibly the rest of the gang as their dnd characters) and this is gonna lead to will coming out
-jasons gonna get the chop cuz he was what steve was originally meant to be. steve was supposed to die szn one as a typical douchy all american boy but he was too charming and layered ao they kept him. jasons gonna get the chop.
now. what do i WANT to happen?
-everyone survives. ronance. steddie. lumax. mileven break up. i dont know if i want byler to happen or not. i just dont hc mike as anything other than straight but hey if byler ever does happen id be down for it. i just think a mileven break up would be good for mikes character development. dustin and susie reunited. jason getting the chop. argyle and eddie become stoner besties. el and hopper reunion. everyone is happy happy happy. will any of this actually happen? most likely not.
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What Kind of Music Slashers Would Vibe to Headcanons♪
This little thing popped into my head. Fyi, the canon timelines are thrown out the window for this so... Yeah.
Bring forth the bop~
RZ Michael Myers
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"Let my weapons be your children, let my armies be your damned. Try to suffer on in silence, try to stop me if you can." --- This Cold Black by Slipknot
I think he'd really enjoy metal in general. I can totally see him unknowingly stomping to some Marilyn Manson and Meshuggah, though the lyrics and message probably will just fly over his head.
He listens to some heavy shit, but probably all the more mainstream bands/artists.
The loudness and organized chaos of the genre fills the void in his soul and reflects the state of his mind, despite his stoic and non-verbal outer demeanor.
Someone please do everyone a favor and introduce Michael to some death metal. Admit it, it really fits his aesthetic.
This is just based on speculation, but I suspect a 70% possibility of RZ Michael resonating with Cannibal Corpse. Fight me.
He hates classical music with a burning passion. Back in Smith's Grove, they played Bach's Air Sul G on tap. (its canon in the first movie lmao) He hates it. Mikey no likey.
Freddy Krueger
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"No stop signs, speed limit, nobody's gonna slow me down. Like a wheel, gonna spin it, nobody's gonna mess me around." --- Highway to Hell, by AC/DC
Freddy listens to classic rock, period.
This guy is ngl a supporter of music taste discrimination. You listen to pop? Disgusting. You listen to Jazz? Disgusting. Classic rock is the epitome of all music.
He'll call you music-related slurs you never knew existed.
As stubborn adamant as Freddy is, he does harbor some guilty pleasures, including 70's hair metal and glam rock. Pshh. What a heckin hypocrite.
Some of his all time favorites are Guns N' Roses, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, and AC/DC.
(Basic bitch)
*Hip thrust movements to go with his 'The Sprinkler' dance moves, Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N' Roses blasting in the background*
OG Michael Myers
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He doesn't listen to music, but if he did, he would probably enjoy Jazz.
Michael only listens to Miles Davis because he enjoys his music and can't be bothered to discover more artists.
Oml Michael I know Miles Davis is amazing but don't neglect other iconic artists plzzz. Someone please make him listen to some Teddy Wilson and/or Dave Brubeck.
I imagine him sitting stiff-straight on a rocking chair (he just likes how it moves), knife in his lap, rocking and zoning-out relaxing to 'Blue in Green'. (I love that piece)
He also hates classical music because of the same reason as RZ Myers. Seriously, if either of them so much as hears the opening chord of Air Sul G, expect the speaker to be stomped to a pulp in a split second.
Bubba Sawyer
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Alright let's all be honest with ourselves... 70's pop and country is Bubba's shit.
Look me in the face and tell me he wouldn't adore ABBA, The Jackson 5, and Dolly Parton. Thats right you can't
Everytime 'Dancing Queen' starts playing on the radio, Bubba will drop everything and start busting down.
Ain't nothing and nobody stoppin him. Drayton is powerless against the supreme sovereignty that is ABBA.
But let's also appreciate the fact that our Bubster can motherfuckin get down. *wipes sweat from forehead + heart eyes*
He would also do passionate lip sync with his heart and soul, to Dolly Parton's 'I Will Always Love You'.
50% chance of him starting to cry right after he finishes his earnest performance.
*Holding Bubba in your arms, rubbing comforting circles on his back as he bawls hysterically, incoherently babbling on about how much he loves you*
I also feel for some reason he'd really like Joan Jett & The Blackhearts.
Thomas Hewitt
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"For one moment, I wish you'd hold your stage, with no feelings at all. Open minded, I'm sure I used to be so free." --- Citizen Erased by Muse
Y'know what I have a hard time imagining the type of music Tommy listens to. Kutos, Mr. Hewitt, you have defeated me.
(This is where I yeet the timeline out of the window y'all)
Thomas enjoys Muse, Evanescence, and Radiohead. (Fight me)
He just loves how emotional their songs are. He'd have one earbud in as he works away at his projects for hours. The music helps him concentrate, it is also a source of emotional support to him.
Hearing the heart-wretching lyrical content of 'Lost in Paradise' performed so beautifully by Amy Lee's angellic voice is really comforting to him. It's like hearing about another person's experiences. It makes him feel less alone in dealing with his emotional and mental turmoils and burdens.
The first time Thomas heard 'Creep' by Radiohead, he almost cried.
He also listens to My Chemical Romance sometimes. He only knows the Black Parade album, but he loves it. If 'Creep' didn't make him cry, listening to that entire album from top to bottom sure did. He started sobbing half-way through 'Famous Last Words'.
Tommy is emotional boi 🥺
Brahms Heelshire
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C l a s s i c a l
No matter how stinky Brahms is, you can't tell me that he's not classy.
Schubert is his bitch. Schubert's style tends to be quite majestic and/or dreamy, (generally) and can change color/sound very abruptly yet appropriately. (This is just my opinion based on experience with Schubert's pieces, but then I only know his piano pieces soo) (let's still cue that maestoso to scherzando transition)
But of course, Schubert isn't the only thing he listens to. He prefers the romantic period, so Mendelssohn, Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Shostakovich, Brahms, Schumann, you get the gist, all the staples. Oh yeah Elgar too. To be a proud English lad.
*Brahms swaying in the living room with the grace of a baby giraffe, engrossed in the beautiful melodies in Schumann's Kinderszenen.*
(Oml please check out 'Von fremden Landern und Manschen' and 'Kind im Einschlummern') (For those who play piano, they aren't that difficult too totally recommend) (Ok sorry I'm done now)
Brahms would totally waltz around alone to Chopin's waltzes and nocturnes.
Oh yeah apart from that classy shit, he likes to jam to meme songs.
"Hey now, you're an all star, get your game on, go play---"
*cut to Brahms passionately fortnite dancing*
Listens to The Strange Man Who Sings About Dead Animals for a good laugh. (Please, all of his songs are gold)
Vincent Sinclair
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He'll have 'emo' and 'classical' with a side of metal, thanks.
I headcanon that Vinny McWaxy is an INFJ, so the boy is likely prone to crippling existentialism. It would make sense for some aspects of his music taste to reflect that.
*cut to Vincent sitting rock-still on his workbench/stool, hands hover in mid-air, staring straight ahead, some John Cage piece playing*
You'll never hear this from Vincent but he enjoys sexy-time music. He has this whole erotic playlist he listens to while working. (Boy likes to feel sexy on the job, I respect that.)
I think its pretty much canon that Vinny loves MCR. (Hello fellow emo piece of shit 👋) His favorites are everything by them really. A hardcore fan. He used to have MCR, P!ATD, and 30 Seconds to Mars posters plastered everywhere in his workshop until he had to remove them all to add to the intimidation factor of his waxy hell for passer-bys. For the record, he is very gay for Frank Iero.
On the metal part of his spectrum is mostly classic metal, groove metal, and thrash/heavy metal.
Rammstein, Pantera, Vildhjarta, new and old Metallica, Dream Theatre, Coheed and Cambria. His bitches.
He also uses music to scare victims when bringing them down to his workshop. *cue horror movie soundtracks*
Is a whore for the dramatics when in a good mood.
*Lacrimosa by Mozart plays as he makes a point to bring the wax painfully slowly down toward a drowsy and petrified victim*
A lament for your upcoming death, pitiful human.
Bo Sinclair
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"The day has come for all us sinners, if you're not a servant you'll be struck to the ground." -- Beast and The Harlot by Avenged Sevenfold
Bastard boy is into dad-music™. (same)
Dad rock, classic rock, pop punk, punk rock, old school pop, his shit.
He listens to a lot of the same bands as Freddy, but Bo (generally) doesn't discriminate and explores a more diverse variety of music.
Its a fandom canon that Bo loves Avenged Sevenfold. I totally agree.
A7x is the perfect amount of cynical, political, and shred for Beauregard, (I hc that ge hates his full name so plz don't ever call him Beauregard)
He listens to the radio whenever he's at work. Whatever that might be.
Will NEVER admit it, but he thinks Vinny's music taste is dope as hell.
He'll turn off the radio just to strain his ears to listen to Vincent's music downstairs. No one will ever know that though. You don't.
Actually likes classical music too. Its not one of his main genres but there's one piece he really likes, Second Movement of Shostakovich Piano Concerto No. 2 in F Major.
He never thought he'd enjoy this type of music. Its so.... Calm. He discovered that piece from Vinny's playlist. When he first heard it on his brother's speaker, he fell in love. It was one of the extremely rare cases in which he'd be committed enough to ask Vinny the name of the music.
Tiny shuffle for man-kind, huge fuckin step for Bo. Good job Bo, we're proud of you.
Also pleeeeeaaase message me or request stuff, I'm bored and have little inspiration 🦊
I might do a pt2 of this, since I didn't write many of the boys and gals🤷‍♀️
Also sorry if I've neglected some genres/artists (Like i've neglected non-piano classical pieces.... Bc ya girl is just a pianist), a person can't know everything😗
---Zali 🖤
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
The Most Dramatic Season Ever - Week 4
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Summary:  It’s your time now! You are ABC’s new Bachelorette and this is your journey! All these men (including our fav BoRhap boys and then some) are competing for your heart! Will you find love? Will you get engaged at the end? Or will you end up heartbroken? Find out, on the most dramatic season ever!
Word Count: 9.5k 
Tag List: @psychosupernatural​, @someone-get-a-medic​, @bensrhapsody​, @deakyclicks​, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​, @minigranger​, @crazyweirdocalledfriday​, @the-moving-finger-writes​, @assembledherethevolunteers​, @rose-writes-prose​, @queenlover05​, @moon-stars-soul​, @danadeacon​, @deacyblues​, @thesundrop​, @cupidben​, @lostlittlenerd​, @delilahmay39​, @timmvrphy​, @queenmylovely​, @loveandbeloved29​, @free-pool-trash​, @fairestkillerqueenofall​, @local-troubled-writer​, @babyalienfairy​, @littlecarowrites​, @allthethingsicant​, @im-an-adult-ish​, @mirkwoodshewolf​, @squishy-gay-astronaut​, @sherlollydramoine​, @butlegendsneverdie​, @dogmom2014​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: Alright, we are halfway through the season! The drama continues this week on The Bachelorette! 
Warning(s): None
Night 1  Week 1  Week 2  Week 3
Week 4 here we go!!!
London was beautiful. You had never been before, so you were eager to explore somewhere new. Plus, you knew several of the guys would be familiar with it. This was an opportunity to see their world. And that was exactly what you planned to do.
The men settled into their hotel suite. It was a large, airy place, with a wide balcony overlooking the city. Then men all gathered on the balcony to take in the view.
“I’ve never seen Big Ben before,” said Mike. “Except in pictures.”
“What are you talking about?” Joe teased. “He’s right here.”
He pointed to Ben, who laughed. “That’s a much bigger Ben than I am.”
Joe then wrapped his arms around Ben in a bear hug. “Well, we’ve got the best Ben.”
“That, we do,” agreed Gwilym, who reached out and pinched Ben’s cheek. 
Ben laughed more and flushed. Then all the guys gathered in a group hug. 
Of course, Luke was not with them. He was inside, journaling by himself. After everything that happened, he avoided the other men, and they avoided him right back. So, he missed out on the bond that had formed between the rest of them. Despite all competing for the same woman, they had become solid friends.
When there was a knock on the door for the date card, Mike went to go get it. Everyone watched the hallway anxiously. Then, they all heard him release a delighted cry. They exchanged confused looks. Mike returned without a date card, but with something much better. You.
They all cheered when they saw you and engulfed you in a warm group hug. Then they all settled back onto the couches so you could catch your breath.
“Welcome to London, guys,” you said, scanning their faces. “I’m really, really happy with the group that’s still here, and I hope that we can just continue this crazy journey all together.”
“How are you enjoying it?” Taron asked.
“Well, I haven’t gotten to see much, but so far, I love London,” you said. “In fact, I came here today for someone to explore it with me.”
They all watched you, hoping you would say their own names.
“Gwilym,” you said, finding his eyes. “Would you like to go on a date with me?”
“I’d be honored,” he replied, getting to his feet.
You smiled and followed suit, holding out your hand to him. You could see the disappointment on some of the other men’s faces, but you were relieved that they also seemed genuinely happy for Gwilym. Maybe you really could leave all the drama behind. 
You and Gwilym waved goodbye and headed out the door. You went out on the streets of London hand in hand.
“I’m gonna let you take the lead here,” you told him. “You live here, right?”
“I do,” he chuckled. “I’m not originally from London, but I live here now.”
“Well, show me around, stud!” you urged.
He laughed again and you were off. Gwilym walked you around almost everywhere that was nearby. He was knowledgeable about the history of everything too. That was one of the most attractive things about Gwilym to you. He was so well-read and intelligent. But it never came off as condescending. He was still incredibly kind and humble as well.
You stopped inside a pub to eat and grab a drink after all the walking. You ordered fish and chips because that’s what you’d always heard in the movies. Gwilym laughed beside you and kissed you on the cheek.
You each had a beer as you waited for the food.
“So,” you said as you sipped. “How are you since we last talked?”
“Very well,” he answered. “I’m excited to be getting to know you better and see where we go from here.”
“I’m excited too,” you said. “Every time I think about our connection, I always feel hopeful.”
“Hopeful?” he questioned.
“Yeah,” you said. “Since you told me your story, I feel like you’re the most hopeful person in the world. What you went through was...unbelievably sad. And yet, you’re still here, looking for love, pursuing it wholeheartedly. It makes me hopeful too.”
He smiled sadly at the glass in front of him.
“I’m flattered by your admiration,” he said. “Losing her - especially the way I did - was the most difficult thing I’ve ever been through. We actually moved to London together from our little town, so coming here with you really is like a fresh start. It’s making me feel like I’m re-discovering it.”
“Is that a good feeling or a bad one?” you asked.
“It’s bittersweet,” he said. “I feel like sometimes, I still miss her so much, and it still hurts like an open wound. And other times I feel like I’m fine.”
“That’s sort of how grief works,” you told him. “Moving on from something like that isn’t a linear projection until you’re over it. You have setbacks. You’re still allowed to be sad and confused sometimes.”
 “You’re right,” he agreed. “I guess what I’m trying to say is...despite all of what happened and all the hurt, you have made me hopeful. What I’m feeling for you is something so good that I fully believe that love can happen for me again.”
A smile spread slowly across your face as he spoke. You leaned over and kissed him sweetly, conveying your absolute adoration of that sentiment. Gwilym was so deserving of love, and you wanted to show him that.
Your food came, and you split the plate between you. It tasted amazing, and as you ate the fries, an idea came to you.
“How good is your eye-mouth coordination?” you asked.
He blinked. “My what?”
You giggled. “Like, if I toss you some fries, can you catch them in your mouth?”
“Depends on how well you throw them,” he retorted. “The real question should be how good is your aim?”
“Oh?” you returned, raising a challenging eyebrow.
“Yes,” he said. “And since we are in the UK, they’re chips. Not fries.”
You snatched one off the plate and tossed it at him, hitting him square in the nose.
“Looks like my aim is pretty good there, chief,” you teased.
You threw another, and this time he caught it in his mouth, chewed, and swallowed.
“Okay, we make a pretty good team,” he said through a laugh.
You threw a few more to him, and he caught most. However, when he threw them to you, your catching abilities were abysmal. You blamed it on Gwilym’s arm, and he let you. 
It felt really good to sit and laugh with him. You felt like many of your conversations with Gwil were so serious. So to be lighthearted and goof around with him showed you another side of him. A side you were glad existed.
After lunch, you continued to walk around a bit. Then Gwilym stopped at an intersection, tugging your hand to stop you from crossing the street. You shot him a quizzical look.
“If we turn right here,” he said. “We can get to my flat in five minutes. I’m not presuming anything by asking this, but would you like to come over and see it?”
You looked down so he wouldn’t see the deep blush creeping up in your cheeks. On any other date, this would have implied sex, but you two were on camera, being followed by a whole crew. You weren’t embarrassed by that. You were embarrassed that you were disappointed they were there. You were really attracted to Gwilym, and would not have turned down that invitation outside of this. 
Actually, you weren’t going to turn it down either way.
“Yeah, let’s go,” you said, looking back up at him.
“Great,” he replied with a grin.
God, he was handsome.
Gwilym’s place was humble and cozy. He opened the door and allowed you inside, and you felt like he had just done the same with his heart. Everything about this place screamed “Gwilym Lee.” You walked through the front and into the sitting room, which had aged leather furniture and warm lamplight. The kitchen was smaller than what you were used to in the US, with a vintage look. It was also strictly practical. 
Gwilym also had books everywhere. There was a half shelf in the sitting room beside the fireplace. A corner of the kitchen counter was dedicated to recipe books. They were also randomly on whatever surfaces he had set them down on while reading. You pictured him walking around, nose to the pages, glasses on, focused.
He had few decorations, but there were plenty of pictures. Some of his family and friends. But the majority appeared to be of him with his students. Gwilym was a literature professor, and he was clearly dedicated to his work.
“Would you like to see upstairs?” he offered. “There’s something really special up there I’d like to show you.”
“Please,” you said.
You followed him up the wooden staircase to the second floor. There were only a few rooms up here. Gwilym’s bedroom, a guest bedroom, a hallway bathroom, and one more door at the end of the hall. That was where he led you.
He opened the door, and you gasped at the side. Across each wall, floor to ceiling - bookshelves. Fully stocked, too. There were thick, leather bound reference books. Paperback novels. Limited edition classics. Everything you could imagine for a personal collection.
“This is my library,” he said, looking between the shelves and your face.
You wondered if you looked stupid with your mouth hanging open. Gwilym’s eyes shone as he gazed at you. How beautiful you were to him in this moment was beyond words.
“Gwil, this is incredible!” you cried. “Your very own library!”
He smiled. “Take a look around, see what you like!”
You went to the first shelf to your right and extracted a worn-looking book. The spine was damaged so you couldn’t read the title until you opened it.
“Anna Karenina,” you read.
“Ah, that’s quite a special one,” he said. “Very close to my heart. It’s my grandmother’s copy. If you look at the publication date, you’ll see why it’s so special.”
Your eyes scanned the page until you found it.
“1890?!” you gasped.
“Yeah,” he chuckled. “She inherited it from her great-aunt. Because I collect so many books, she left it to me.”
“That’s amazing,” you said.
“Have you ever read it?” he asked.
“I have,” you said. “It’s a tragic story, but one of my favorite classics. This is a real treasure.”
“It is,” he agreed as you returned it to the shelf.
“You’re free to keep looking, if you like,” he offered.
You did. You perused the shelves and spotted another favorite.
“Oh, Summer of Katya!” you said. “I loved this book!”
“Another tragedy,” he said. 
“Yeah, but what a wild ride,” you replied. “That plot twist had me shook for days.”
“Me as well,” he said. “A great story.”
“So, how many of these books have you actually read?” you wondered as you set Summer of Katya back.
“All of them.”
Your mouth fell open again.
“All of them?”
“All of them,” he laughed. 
“That would take me the rest of my life!” you cried looking around again.
Gwilym watched you as you walked along the shelves, and you stopped to talk about a few more things. A small smile claimed his lips. You stopped talking and met his gaze.
“What?” you wondered. “What’s on your mind?”
“Nothing,” he said with a shrug. “It’s just...you sort of seem to belong here in my home.”
You beamed. “I like feeling like I belong to the things you love, Gwilym.”
He held out his hand, which you took. With it, he pulled you into his arms and kissed the top of your head. You sort of felt like you belonged there too. Maybe you could. And maybe spend much of your life in this room, picking out what to read next before crawling into bed beside your husband. That would be a rather heavenly way to live.
For the evening portion of your date, you and Gwil met at a bar right on the River Thames. Like usual, it was reserved for just the two of you to enjoy your date. You sat down together and you smiled at him before making a small toast.
After you each had a bit of your drinks, you took his hand.
“I really had a great time with you today,” you said. “I feel like, so balanced with you. We can be serious, we can laugh together, and we can have intellectual discussions too. I feel like I can be every part of myself around you.”
“I’m relieved,” he told you. “And I feel the same. I haven’t struggled in opening up to you, and that's really nice.”
“Can I admit something to you?” you asked.
“In the spirit of such honesty, I’d be surprised if you didn’t,” he teased.
You chuckled and glanced down at your lap before looking back at him.
“When you first told me you’re a professor, I was really intimidated by you,” you said.
“Intimidated by me?” he questioned.
“I was nervous that you were going to think that I’m dumb,” you said.
He pursed his mouth in confusion. “W...why would I think that?”
“Because I feel like…” you trailed off. “I dunno, I’m not the most well-read person in the world, and I enjoy things that in the academic world might seem frivolous or silly. I try to keep up with current events, but I get distracted, and I think that all of that put together I -”
“Hold on,” he cut across you. “Y/N, none of that amounts to intelligence. You don’t have to read every book in my library or know every detail of Brexit to convince me that you’re smart. You are smart. A lot smarter than me in many ways.”
“Thank you,” you said, blushing.
“Can I ask you something?” he wondered.
“Of course.”
“Who told you that you’re dumb?”
You blinked, unsure how to answer him.
“Hardly anybody thinks they’re dumb on their own,” he went on. “Which leads me to believe that somebody, somewhere convinced you of it.”
You blinked again, this time to get rid of the tears welling up in your eyes.
“I...I, uh, had an ex who said that to me a lot,” you answered at last. “Anytime I disagreed with him or tried to address something he’d done to upset me, he told me I was being stupid, or that I didn’t understand anything. So, I kind of just became convinced that I wasn’t very smart.”
“Let me tell you what I see,” he said. “In all my conversations with you, I’ve found you to be not only extremely clever, but also funny, kind, and giving. In fact, my admiration has grown so much that I can finally say…” he trailed off.
You had been forming a smile as he spoke, but when he hesitated, it faltered.
“Say what?” you pressed.
“Y/N, I’m falling in love with you,” he said. “It seems unbelievable that it should happen so fast. But you are exactly the kind of girl I’d like to be with for the rest of my life.”
You smiled so wide, you thought your face might crack. Then you leaned over and took his face in your hands to kiss him. 
“Gwilym, I’m so happy to hear you say that,” you told him when you parted. “I feel like we’re really progressing. And I don’t want to stop.” You reached across the table and picked up the rose that was waiting there. “So, Gwilym. Will you accept this rose?”
“You know I will,” he replied, kissing you again.
Gwilym was very much a gentleman when he kissed you. It was slightly reserved, but with enough passion for you to feel how much he wanted to do more. Each move was thoughtful and considerate, just like him.
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Gwilym: I really am falling for Y/N. I hate that she’s been with such terrible men in the past. She deserves so much more. I’d like to give her that.
You pinned the rose to his jacket and then you grinned at each other.
“You ready to go?” you asked.
“Go where?” he wondered.
“One of the most iconic places in London,” you said.
You offered your hand. He took it and followed you out. You walked together down the street until you reached it. The London Eye.
“Oh, God,” he sighed. “We’re really doing this?”
“Yes!” you insisted.
You had a whole pod reserved for the two of you. You were excited as you went up, but the higher you got, you also grew nervous. You clutched Gwilym’s hand.
“Oh, don’t tell me you’re frightened,” he teased. “You went bungee jumping in the mountains!”
“I was scared of that too!” you returned. 
“Come here, cariad,” he said gently, pulling you into his arms once again.
You leaned on him and looked out over the city. The sight was breathtaking. All the lights from the buildings looked like stars. The way they reflected off the river was stunning. You felt like you were looking down from outer space or something.
“This view is beautiful,” you said.
“I like mine better,” he replied.
You faced him and saw that his his eyes were fixed on you instead of London. 
“Smooth,” you giggled.
“Kiss me,” he breathed.
You did. This kiss was different. It was deeper, more intentional, more open than your kisses before. Gwilym was fully giving himself to you and this process. To accent your joy perfectly, a fireworks show began over the river. You hardly noticed their colors or the sounds. Everything was just you and Gwilym.
Back at the house, the men were waiting for a date card. A few guys were bemoaning not being with you right now, but were holding out hope for a one on one. When there was a knock at the door, Richard went to fetch it. He returned with a card.
“It’s a group date,” he said. “Joe, Rami, Allen, Taron, Richard, Mike, and Kenny. Are you ready to meet Her Majesty? Ayyyy-yo! Y/N.”
“Ay-yo?” questioned Allen.
“What, like Freddie Mercury?” suggested Rami.
“What would Freddie Mercury have to do with a date, though?” Taron wondered.
“We’ll figure that out tomorrow,” said Mike. “With all of us on this date, that means…”
“Me and Luke are left,” Ben said with a heavy sigh. “It’s gonna be a two on one.”
A two on one meant a lot of risk because at least one of the people on it would be sent home on the date. It made Ben nervous because even though Luke’s behavior was atrocious, you kept him around, so there had to be a real connection there. Also, he was still angry at Luke for starting that stupid drama in the first place.
“I’m not worried,” Luke said. “Y/N and I have overcome a lot and I think that makes for a strong foundation.”
Ben rolled his eyes. “Whatever, man. Just don’t tell her any more sh*t you’ve made up about me.”
“I didn’t make anything up,” Luke returned. “I heard what I heard.”
“You didn’t hear anything because I. Never. Said. It.” Ben shot back.
“Neither did I,” Joe added. “But let’s leave this in the past, okay? All any of us can do is focus on our own relationships with her.”
Luke and Ben glowered at each other a moment longer before looking away.
The next day, everyone but Gwilym, Ben, and Luke, got on a bus and headed out from the hotel. Mike, Kenny, and Joe had never been to London before, so they were in awe of the city as they made their way to the unknown destination.
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Taron: I feel terrible for Ben and what he’s going to face tomorrow, but I’m also really glad Luke isn’t here to ruin the group date again. Those of us here are actually decent blokes, so I think it’ll be a fun day.
“Is that Wembley Stadium?” Joe wondered, pointing in the direction the bus was heading.
“It is,” said Richard.
The group exchanged apprehensive looks as they were dropped off at the legendary arena and escorted into it.
Inside, on the field, was a stage setup. You stood center stage, smiling at the men. You were wearing all white - a white v-neck tank top, and white pants with a red and yellow racing stripe up the sides, belted at the waist. You also donned a yellow, military style leather jacket. 
“Hello, gentlemen!” you greeted as they climbed up the stairs to join you. “Welcome to Wembley Stadium! How many of y’all have been here before?”
Taron, Richard, Allen, and Rami raised their hands. Joe, Mike, and Kenny did not. They were also the ones still looking around, while the others stayed focused on you.
“Well, surely you all know about the legendary concert that took place here in 1985, Live Aid,” you said, and they nodded. “And I’m sure you know which act stole the show.”
“Queen,” said Rami.
“Yep!” you confirmed. “So we’re gonna have some fun today. You’re all going to be dressed like Freddie Mercury and give me your best Live Aid performance.”
Their eyes widened as they looked at you, and you bit back a laugh.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be lip-syncing,” you assured them. “There also won’t be an audience. The person who does the best job gets to talk to me first at the cocktail party tonight.”
“Will you be the judge?” Taron asked.
“Actually, I won’t, I’m just enjoying the show,” you said. “The judges are some very special people who are quite familiar with Freddie.”
“Oh my God…” Rami said under his breath.
You smirked. “Guys, please welcome Queen and Adam Lambert!”
The guys clapped as Brian May, Roger Taylor, and Adam Lambert emerged onto the stage. They first hugged you and then turned to face the men.
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Richard: I can’t believe this...it’s f***ing Queen! We’re on a date with Queen! I mean - we’re on a date with Y/N - but Queen is there! I’m blown away right now!
“Hullo, guys,” said Brian with a gentle wave. “We just wanted to let you all know - don’t be nervous. This is meant to be something fun to show Y/N you can come out of your shell a bit.”
“Yes, have fun,” Roger agreed. “Don’t be afraid to make an arse out of yourself. Freddie certainly wasn’t.”
Everyone chuckled.
“So, you guys have fifteen minutes to change and decide on one song from the Live Aid set you want to do,” Adam explained. “You can watch the clip of your choice as much as you want in that fifteen minutes.”
“The costumes are backstage,” you said. “You guys ready?”
They nodded at you. 
“Okay, fifteen minutes starts now!”
While the guys got changed and prepared, you and the band went around and checked up on them. You went over to Mike first, who was watching the video of Live Aid and scrubbing through it quickly.
“How’s it going?” you asked.
“Okay,” he replied. “I don’t really know any Queen songs, so I’m listening for something that sounds familiar.”
“You know We Will Rock You?” you wondered.
“I know those words of it,” he laughed.
You giggled. “Well, I’d go for that one, then. It’s second to last.”
“Thank you,” he sighed.
You looked over and saw Rami chatting with Brian. Richard was talking to Roger, and Allen and Kenny were talking to Adam. Everyone was in the iconic white tank top and light wash jeans. They also had the studded armband and mustache. You went over to Taron next.
“How’re you feeling?” you asked. 
“I know what song I’ll do,” he told you. “Bohemian Rhapsody. That way I can sit behind a piano for most of it.”
“Nice,” you chuckled. “You play, right?”
“I do,” he said. “Although, as you learned on our Disney date, I’m much more of an Elton John man than Queen. Don’t get me wrong, I adore them, but Elton is more my style.”
“I’d love to hear you play some Elton for me sometime,” you said. “But honestly, now is the time to get out of your comfort zone and show me your edge, Taron.”
“I’ll do anything for you, love,” he replied with a grin.
Then you headed over to Rami.
“Hey, sweetie,” you said as he pulled you into a hug.
When you parted, you had to take a moment. Rami really looked like Freddie for a split second. With the mustache and the clothes...he had even styled his hair. He was getting really into this.
“Woah, you look great!” you said.
“Thanks,” he returned. “I’m really excited for this.”
“I know you’re an actor, so you’re not too worried,” you joked. “Which song did you pick?”
“Radio GaGa,” he told you. 
“Good choice,” you praised.
You chatted with Rami for another moment before moving on to Richard.
“Just be grateful we picked Live Aid and not one of our shows from the seventies,” Roger was saying as you approached. “You’d all be in leotards.”
“I dunno, I think I could make it work,” Richard returned with a chuckle.
“I definitely think you could make it work,” you agreed. “How’s it going over here?”
“Pretty good,” Richard said. “I know what I’m going to do.”
“Awesome!” you said. “You a big Queen fan?”
“Massive Queen fan,” he told you. “This is kind of a dream for me.”
“I think you’ve found your man, Y/N,” Roger teased. “This one’s clearly got the best taste.”
You laughed.
The fifteen minutes went by more quickly than you anticipated, but most of the guys seemed ready. There were a few nerves you could feel, but they weren’t too bad. Kenny was up first.
Kenny did “We Are the Champions” and he was pretty good. He clearly knew the words, but he was also nervous and shy. You found that surprising since he was a pro wrestler and part of his act was to put on a bit of a show. You cut him some slack, though. This was out of his element.
Taron was second, and he was better. His performance did come out more like Elton than like Freddie, but he was really feeling the music. You could tell he had wanted to play and sing himself, so he was holding back a little bit.
Mike was third. He did “We Will Rock You” and had a lot of energy, but it was more his own than like Freddie. You didn’t mind, since you liked Mike’s style, but it didn’t bode well for him as far as the competition went. 
Allen was fourth, and he did “Hammer to Fall.” So far, he came the closest to looking like Freddie up on stage. He was upbeat and had obviously studied the movements. The only problem was that it came off a little too rehearsed.
Richard went next. He had the same idea as Taron to do “Bohemian Rhapsody” so he wouldn’t have to move around so much. He was even more reserved than Taron. Evidently, he was not much of a performer at all, despite how much he loved the music.
Joe was sixth. He did “Crazy Little Thing Called Love.” It was similar in idea to Taron and Richard, because he got to use an instrument. Joe could actually play guitar, so he mimed it well. Like Mike, he was more Joe than Freddie. Joe wasn’t a shy person at all, so he was still  entertaining.
Finally, it was Rami. From the first notes of “Radio GaGa,” you could tell there was something different about Rami’s performance. Every move, every step, every turn was intentional, but looked effortlessly Freddie. It took you off guard. Rami looked the most like Freddie, and with this performance, you were convinced he had a spiritual connection to the man. You looked over at Brian and Roger. Brian had tears in his eyes. Roger was closing his mouth just as you looked. They saw it too. Adam placed a comforting hand on each of their shoulders.
When Rami finished, the whole arena was deathly silent. All eyes were fixed on Rami, who stood breathless on stage, but looking proud. He also looked like...not Rami. That last note rang out, and for a moment, it was as if Freddie himself stood there.
Finally, Roger cleared his throat. 
“Well done,” he choked out. “We’ll just need a...a moment to uh, discuss.”
The band walked out of earshot for a moment and you approached Rami.
“I think you shook them up,” you said. “You certainly shook me up.”
He shot you a worried glance.
“In a good way,” you assured him. “Believe me, you were incredible.”
The band returned and appeared to have recovered from their shock.
“Everybody did a fine job,” Brian began. “Just remember to not be so shy. Show Y/N that you can open up and be yourself.”
“This really brought me back,” Roger added. “But one person in particular really captured Freddie’s spirit today.”
“And that person is Rami,” Adam announced. 
You let out a cheer and clapped for Rami, and the rest of the men joined you. You hugged him around the neck as you congratulated him.
“Thanks, Y/N,” he said bashfully.
“Congratulations, Rami,” Brian said. “Enjoy your time with Y/N first tonight, and remember to use it wisely.”
Everyone thanked the band for their part, and got autographs before they left. Then it was time for the evening portion of the date. It was still at Wembley, in a private box, which overlooked the field. The stage set up had been removed already, so it was returned to its sport ready look. It was still lit up in the darkness by the stadium lights.
You met the men in the box and gave a toast. Then, you took Rami by the hand and led him out. Also reserved for you was the next box over, so you could have private conversations. You and Rami went in there and sat down to chat.
“You were seriously amazing today,” you told him. “That was like, Oscar worthy.”
He chuckled. “I dunno about all that, but I definitely had fun. Freddie Mercury is pretty special to me.”
“Why’s that?” you wondered.
“Well, we sort have a lot in common,” he said. “We’re both kinda awkward brown boys from immigrant families, but with a lot of dreams.”
“I can see that,” you said. “You feel that strongly about acting?”
“I do,” he said. “I take it very seriously. I believe in myself, and I hope that someday I can be big enough to win an Oscar. I wanna be like Freddie, where kids who look like me can start believing that they can succeed too.”
You loved that idea and what it represented. The only thing for you was that actors were away a lot, and you wanted to raise a family. With a partner.
“How does that dream fall in with your desire to have a family?” you asked.
“Lots of actors have families,” he said. “I’m already settled in LA, where most of the jobs are, and that’s where I’d want to raise my family. And I’d work with my partner to make sure my schedule didn’t interfere with important things. I know it won’t be easy, but I am family oriented, and I know I can do both. But the last thing I wanna do is settle.”
“Settle?” you questioned.
“I mean, I don’t want to take some safe, nine-to-five job just because I want to get married and have a family,” he said. “I want to pursue my dreams so that my kids will have someone they can really be proud of. Someone who didn’t give up on his passion.”
You smiled. “I like that. You’re a very driven person, Rami, I hadn’t noticed that about you before.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re learning now,” he said. “I am driven and focused and there’s a lot I want out of life.”
You both paused to sip your drinks.
“What about you?” he said. “What are you passionate about?”
“I’m most passionate about family,” you said. “I didn’t really have those connections as a kid. My family isn’t very close. I want that unit, that strength that comes with being together.”
“That’s a beautiful sentiment,” he said. “Is there anything else?”
“Like what?” you wondered.
“Like hobbies,” he said. “Y/N, don’t you have interests besides that?”
“I read a lot,” you told him. “And I like fashion and beauty, but those are just normal girl things.”
“Are you kidding?” he returned. “There’s a lot there to go with. Do you ever design your own stuff?”
You blushed. “I...well, I do sort of have this dream of starting my own clothing label.”
“That’s awesome!” he said excitedly. “Tell me more!”
“Well, I’d want to use all recycled materials so we’re not being wasteful,” you said. “That way it’s like thrifting, but you’ll still get the latest styles. Everything would just be re-designed and…” you trailed off. “Sorry. It’s kind of a silly idea.”
“Not at all!” he insisted. “I think it’s a great idea. Environmentally friendly and everything. That’s amazing, Y/N. Don’t doubt yourself.”
“You certainly help me believe in it,” you replied, all embarrassment fading away at his enthusiasm. 
“I want to help you believe in yourself,” he said. “It’s important to me.”
“It is?”
“Yes, Y/N,” he said. “I want to be there for you. I’m falling in love with you and I want to help you see yourself through my eyes.”
Your heart skipped a beat. You grinned. 
“You’re falling in love with me?”
“More and more every day,” he assured you.
With that, he kissed you. Rami’s kisses were always deeply passionate and romantic. It made you feel like you two were on the cover of a romance novel or something. You felt like you were in your own romance novel because you were falling for Rami too. He was just so special.
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Rami: I really am falling in love with Y/N. I can just see a wonderful future with her as my wife. She’s everything you could ever want.
After Rami, Joe wanted to see you. Your time with Joe went as well as it usually did. You laughed together a lot and discussed the date. He reassured you that he was falling for you. You were tempted to say it back, but hesitated. You felt strongly for Joe, but there was still more to explore there.
Allen pulled you after Joe. You were still holding back with Allen, and you felt that he was too. He had told you more of his story on your one on one, but since then, you hadn’t had a serious conversation. You didn’t feel uncomfortable around him or anything, but there was something more you wanted. Like he was only giving himself partially to this. You wanted him to give everything.
Richard came next. Similar to Allen, he held back from you. He had divulged even less information about himself. Less than any of the other men there. Richard was fun and easygoing, but you wanted him to dig deeper. He just wasn’t going there. You needed to find out why.
Taron followed after Richard. Taron was not afraid of giving his heart to you, and you could feel it ever since that one on one. Every time you spoke to him, the relationship moved forward, in the right direction. You always looked forward to your time with him, and today was no different.
There was a piano in the private box, and Taron made good on his promise to play for you. He began with “Your Song” by Elton John, one of your favorites. His voice was swoon-worthy, and you loved listening. Each time he sang, you pictured him in your house together, singing your kids to sleep or just serenading you before bed. He felt like home to you.
“Life really is wonderful with you in the world, Y/N,” he said as he finished. “It’s becoming pretty difficult to imagine my life without you in it.”
“That’s sweet,” you said. “I’d have a hard time without you, too.”
“Really, Y/N,” he said. “I’m falling in love with you. Hard.”
You met his gaze, heart racing with joy.
“I’m so happy you told me,” you whispered. “You’re amazing, Taron.”
He kissed you. Short and sweet because neither of you could stop smiling.
Mike and Kenny also made things difficult on you because they both told you they were falling in love as well. You felt like all of them deserved roses tonight, but you knew who you wanted the rose to go to. As you all gathered back in the original box, you picked it up off the table.
“Thank you all for an incredible day,” you said. “We got a bit of a rock concert and I got to see you all just have a good time. But I wanna give this rose to someone who really proved himself today. Who showed me something new and moved our relationship forward.”
You found Rami’s eyes.
“Rami, will you accept this rose?”
“I will,” he assured you, getting to his feet.
You pinned it to his jacket as he kissed your cheek. Then, you bid them all goodnight. You were still riding the high of the day when you remembered that the following day, you had your two on one with Ben and Luke.
The date card arrived for Ben and Luke while the rest of the men were at the cocktail party with you. Gwilym retrieved it and read it out loud.
“Ben and Luke,” he said. “I want us to grow. Love, Y/N.”
“Let’s just get this over with,” Ben groaned.
“What, eager to go home?” Luke taunted.
Ben rolled his eyes and went to his room for the night.
The next day, Ben and Luke each placed their luggage by the door. Whoever went home, the producers would come and take their luggage to the airport. The two men were driven by car to meet you in a lovely garden and park. Everything was blooming so it was the perfect time of year for a date like this. You just wished you weren’t dreading it so much. One of them was going home, but you felt like you needed time with both of them. Hopefully today would be enough.
“Hi, guys,” you greeted, trying to sound chipper as they hugged you one by one. “So today, we’re having a picnic in the park. It’s really beautiful here, so let’s have a good day, yeah?”
“O’course,” Ben agreed.
“Definitely,” Luke added.
“Okay, let’s go.”
You led them over the set up that was reserved for you. It was a small table with three chairs around it. You sat first - in between them - and then poured everyone a glass of champagne. The champagne was more for you, really. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife, and you needed to feel at ease. These two had such animosity between them.
“So, Luke, you wanna go talk?” you asked.
“Sure, yeah,” he agreed.
You walked around a hedge to another small table. You took a swig of your drink and then looked at him.
“So, I know you’re not over everything that happened in Asheville, and neither am I,” you said.
“No, I’m over it,” he protested. “Really, I’m not mad at you anymore. I wanna move on.”
“I wanna move on too,” you said. “But I feel like we have to talk about this because this is a disagreement on something fundamental, and I don’t think you understand that.”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“Like, you were angry at me for taking off my clothes in front of Joe,” you said. “Because of your beliefs, you felt like it was disrespectful. I don’t know any other way to tell you that I don’t share those beliefs and you can’t force them on me.”
“I don’t want to force them on you,” he said. “But I think that you should be more aware of our feelings in this and behave - y’know - properly.”
That familiar anger stirred in the pit of your stomach.
“Okay, Luke, I behaved just fine -”
“Really?” he scoffed. “Getting naked in front of a guy on your first date with him is fine behavior?”
You could have screamed.
“Oh my God,” you sighed. “Let’s get one thing straight, okay? I can do whatever the hell I want. This is my journey, it’s my body, and whatever I decide to do with it is up to me and not subject to your approval.”
“Y/N, I’m just trying to help you,” he said gently. “I prayed about it, and I feel like my purpose here is to save you.”
“To save me?” you questioned.
“You’re being led astray by these other men,” he said. “But together, we can -”
“Okay, Luke, stop,” you said. “We’re not getting into theological arguments today. Clearly, it doesn’t matter to you that I don’t want to hear it. The other thing we need to address is why you lied about Joe and Ben.”
“I didn’t lie,” he insisted. “I know what I heard.”
“But none of the other guys heard it,” you reminded him. “And if they said it out loud, they said it to someone with ears, so they must have heard it. Just be honest and tell me why you did it.”
“I know I heard that conversation, Y/N,” he said firmly. “I’m not a liar.”
“So literally every other guy in that house is?” you challenged. 
“Y/N, please,” he begged. “I love you. I want this more than anything. And look at what we’ve overcome.”
“Luke, we haven’t overcome anything!” you cried. “We’re still working this out because you’re not being honest with me!”
“I’m telling you my truth!” he returned. 
A beat passed in uncomfortable silence.
“Do you believe me when I say that I love you?” he asked.
You held his gaze. Then you took a deep breath.
“No,” you said heavily.
He looked away, unable to form words.
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Ben: I’m kind of nervous about today. She’s kept him around long enough for me to think there must really be something there that I’m not seeing. I just hope my connection with her is stronger.
You and Luke returned to where Ben was still waiting. Nothing else had been said. You grabbed Ben’s hand and led him away next, desperate for some relief. Luke made you feel like every step of this process was such a battle. Ben excited you, and you hoped he still did.
“How are you?” he asked.
“Okay,” you said. “I’m sorry to put you through this, I know it’s not easy.”
“No worries, love,” he said. “You’re worth all of this. Every part of this journey.”
You smiled, and you felt warmth returning to your body. You realized within seconds of talking to Ben that Luke made you feel cold and closed off. Ben made you feel warm and open. That was the feeling you were looking for.
“How are you?” you asked him.
“I’m perfect, now I’m with you,” he replied. “I’m not going to lie, watching the other guys going out with you throughout the week isn’t easy, but I’m here for the long haul. I’m ready to stick it out if it means you and me at the end.”
You leaned into his chest and hummed happily. He wrapped his arms around you. Then he pressed his lips to the top of your head. You felt cared for and respected.
“I can’t tell you how relieved I was that you believed me last week,” he said. “Knowing that you trust me, and you’re willing to hear from everyone, it makes me fall for you all the more. You’re fair and kind and patient. I dunno how you put up with the lot of us.”
You giggled and then looked up at him.
“Well, you’re all so handsome, it’s hard to stay mad at you,” you teased.
“I see,” he joked back. “You’re just in it for the eye candy.”
“Haven’t you heard?” you asked sarcastically. “I’m actually looking for a trophy husband.”
He chuckled. “It’s almost hard for me to joke about, since I actually like almost everyone.”
You smiled. “Really?”
“You’ve got a fantastic group here,” he said. “As heartbroken as I’d be if it’s not me and you, I know you’d be in good hands.”
“That’s so sweet, Ben,” you said. 
You felt such a soft affection for him in this moment. That comment made one thing abundantly clear to you: Ben wanted only what was best for you, whatever made you happiest, even if it wasn’t him. You wondered how he’d never been in love before, when he gave it so freely and selflessly. Your value to him did not hinge on your behavior with the other men.
You chatted with Ben a while longer, just trying to forget about what Luke had said. Plus, you liked Ben a lot and enjoyed talking to him. It was quickly becoming more than liking him, which scared you a little, but you knew he would be there to catch you once you fell. You were still teetering on the edge.
Your decision was made when you returned to where Luke waited. There was no need to give him any more chances. You didn’t trust him anymore, and you had such different beliefs, it never would work out. You sat down and picked up the rose.
“I’m gonna be perfectly honest and say that this was not a very difficult decision for me today,” you said. “So far, this has been the easiest decision I’ve made.”
You looked at Ben and decided to get right to it.
“Ben, will you accept this rose?”
You heard Luke suck in a soft breath as you and Ben stood up. You pinned the rose on him and hugged him tight. Then you looked at Luke.
“Can I walk you out?” you asked.
“Yeah, okay,” he said, still dazed.
“I’ll be right back,” you told Ben.
You and Luke walked together toward the car that was waiting to take him to the airport. Ben heaved a relieved sigh and sat back down with a wide grin on his face.
Back at the house, Joe was closest to the door when he heard it open. The producer was there to take the luggage.
“Guys!” Joe yelled. “It’s happening!”
The rest of the men rushed to the door to find out who it was. They watched with bated breath as the producer’s hand stretched out and grabbed Luke’s luggage. They all roared with delight and began jumping and hugging each other as the door closed again. Luke was leaving at last!
“Hold on, let me get champagne!” Gwilym cried, jogging to the kitchen.
They all followed him, still laughing and congratulating each other. Gwilym handed out the glasses and Joe stood on the counter to make a toast.
“To Ben,” he said. “For getting that f***er out of here at last.”
“To Ben!” the others echoed before taking a drink.
“And to Y/N,” Rami said. “For making the right choice.”
“Y/N!” they cried, and they all downed their drinks.
Back on the date, you walked Luke to the black van waiting for him. You stood outside the door to let him say something. 
“I just…” he trailed off. “I don’t understand.”
“I’m sorry, Luke,” you said. “We’re just too different. We have different beliefs, different values. And we couldn’t move past those things.”
“But I love you,” he said.
You shook your head. “I don’t think you do. I think you love the woman that you want me to be. The version of me that you created who does take part in your faith and share that with you. But that’s not who I am.”
“I…” he lost words again.
“I really am sorry,” you said. “I hope you find that person.”
“Thanks,” he said dully.
You opened the door for him. He slid into the seat. You closed the door and watched the car pull away. You were certain you had done the right thing. Luke was so wrong for you in so many ways. But you meant what you said. You were sure that girl was out there somewhere for him. But he was not for you.
You hurried back to Ben and leapt into his arms when you saw him. You kissed him as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
“It’s just you and me tonight, baby!” you cried. 
“Thank God!” he returned.
That night, you and Ben went to a fine restaurant and had a wonderful dinner. It was similar to your one on one, where the conversation flowed. You talked about serious things and lighthearted things. Neither of you brought up Luke again. Ben looked as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
After dinner, you walked around nearby and saw a street performer playing the cello. The melody was soaring and beautiful. Ben spun you into his arms and began to sway with you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and stood with him, heart full. He opened his eyes to meet yours.
“Y/N, I’m falling in love with you,” he said simply.
You saw how much he meant it in those beautiful green eyes of his. Tears welled up in yours. You were no longer teetering. You slipped right off the edge.
“I’m falling in love with you too,” you returned, without thinking.
You were not supposed to say “love” to anyone but the person you got engaged to, but you didn’t feel bad about breaking the rules for Ben. He had shown you today how much you meant to him. And he meant that much to you too. If you weren’t with him at the end of this, you wished only for him to have a happy and fulfilling life. You genuinely hoped he was at the end of this though because you weren’t ready to let him go. You weren’t sure you ever would be.
The following day, you once again decided to cancel the cocktail party. You knew where your heart was, and you didn’t want to drag out the whole night when your mind was made up. So when you arrived at the hotel, you were ready.
The hotel had a lovely ballroom on the first floor where you were having the rose ceremony. You walked in and forced a smile. This was going to be a pretty tough one. Two men would be leaving that you really liked.
“Sorry again for the cocktail party,” you said. “But I really am just trying to follow my heart.”
You waited a beat before picking up the first rose. There were only four.
“Joe,” you called.
He walked forward proudly.
“Joe, will you accept this rose?”
“I will.”
He returned to the group. You picked up the next rose.
“Taron,” you said.
He beamed at you and jogged up.
“Taron, will you accept this rose?” you asked with a smile, since his was contagious. 
“Of course.”
You pinned it on him and he walked back over. You saw Richard take a deep breath.
“Richard,” you said.
He exhaled before walking over.
“Richard, will you accept this rose?”
As Richard returned to the group, Chris Harrison walked out.
“Y/N, gentlemen,” he said. “This is the final rose tonight. When you’re ready, Y/N.”
You picked up the rose. You found the man you wanted to give it to.
“Allen,” you said.
You saw the relief wash over him as he approached you.
“Allen, will you accept this rose?”
“I certainly will,” he assured you.
He walked back over to the group. Mike and Kenny looked dejected, and you understood why. It was never easy.
“Kenny, Mike, I’m sorry,” Chris said. “Take a moment, say your goodbyes.”
They took a while to say goodbye to the guys, which did sort of make you feel good. You liked that the remaining men were friends.
Kenny came up to you first.
“I’m sorry,” you said, suddenly choking on the words. You weren’t sure when the tears started. “You deserve so much -”
“Don’t, Y/N,” he said gently. “It was a pleasure getting to know you.”
You nodded and he pulled you into a hug. 
“You’re gonna be amazing,” he whispered to you.
With that, he left and headed to the car waiting for him. Mike came up next. You actually sobbed. Mike was such a wonderful man, and you hated that you weren’t there with him.
“I’m so sorry,” you sniffled.
“It’s okay,” he assured you with a smile. “You’re beautiful and strong, okay? I know you’ll find your happiness.”
“You will too,” you replied softly.
He reached over to wipe away a tear with his thumb.
“Good luck, Y/N.”
He too, departed.
The remaining men moved forward to engulf you in a group hug. While you were sure of the decisions you had made, you hated to hurt people, and both Kenny and Mike had told you they were falling for you. But you couldn’t get there with them, and it was terrible. They were great guys. You just knew they weren’t right for you.
“So,” you said, fanning your face a bit. “Next, we’re going to -”
“Y/N!” someone bellowed from the lobby of the hotel.
Your brow furrowed. 
“Is that…” you trailed off, eyes going wide with horror.
Then he appeared in the doorway of the ballroom.
“Luke!” you cried. “What are you doing here?!”
“I’m not giving up on us,” he said, marching toward you.
His body language looked dangerous. Joe was closest to you and you reached for him. He immediately caught on and wrapped his arms around you, placing himself between you and Luke.
The other men stood in front of the two of you, not allowing Luke any closer.
“She sent you home, Luke,” said Richard darkly. “You can’t be here.”
“I just wanna talk, Y/N,” Luke said, ignoring Richard and trying to look around him. “Y/N, please! I just wanna work this out!”
“Well, I don’t!” you returned. “Just go!”
“I know there’s something here!” he insisted. “There’s gotta be! Don’t give up!”
You peered at him around Joe’s arm.
“No, there isn’t!” you shouted. “You’re scaring me, Luke. Just leave.”
He moved forward, but Ben placed a hand on his chest.
“Not a step closer,” Ben warned.
“Just stay out of this,” Luke spat. 
“She asked you to leave, Luke,” Allen said. “So go.”
“No, I’m not giving up,” Luke said. 
“Oh, my God,” you whispered into Joe’s chest. “Oh, my God.”
Joe lowered his lips to your ear. “Don’t worry. We’re not gonna let him anywhere near you.”
“This is just crazy,” you went on. “He’s acting crazy.”
“Y/N, please!” Luke continued to plead.
Chris Harrison at last approached, accompanied by security guards. Chris went directly to you.
“What do you wanna do, Y/N?” he asked. “Do you wanna talk to him?”
“No!” you insisted. “I want him to leave!”
“Okay,” Chris said. He turned to Luke. “Luke, it’s time to go.”
The security guards stepped toward him, but he stepped away.
“Wait!” he pressed. “Wait, Y/N - just - please. Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t want me here. That’s the only way I’ll believe it.”
You met his gaze with a scowl.
“I don’t want you here,” you said venomously. “Get out.”
He sighed, shoulders sagging. Then, he straightened up, turned on his heel, and stormed out. You hoped that was the last you ever saw of him.
“You alright?” Joe asked.
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m good.” You looked at Chris. “He did actually leave, right?”
He nodded. “We made sure of it.”
You took a deep breath.
“You wanna tell them where we’re going next?” he asked.
You let yourself smile, even though you were still a bit shaken.
“Yeah,” you said. You addressed the men. “Guys, we’re going to Killarney, Ireland!”
Allen whooped and pumped a fist in the air. You laughed. You knew he’d be excited to be back home in Ireland. But the rest of the guys seemed excited too. You gazed at them in awe. It was hard to believe that you had already narrowed it down to seven guys. Seven incredible guys. You couldn’t ask for more.
That night, as you packed in your hotel room, you heard a knock at the door. For a moment, you feared Luke had come to speak to you again, but you told production you didn’t want him near you. Still, you peeked through the peephole before answering. The man behind it took your breath away. You thought your eyes were playing tricks on you. It couldn’t be! Could it?
You opened the door apprehensively.
To be continued…
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quarktrinity · 5 years
hey so remember that post i made talking about how connor murphy is an abusive shithole? id like to make some adjustments to that.
in that post, i said that people are still allowes to like/relate to connor murphy and/or evan hansen. i only said that because if i didnt constantly cater to the opinions of deh stans, id be burned at the stake for it, and even when i did cater to them, i got people saying that connor actually isnt abusive, and that i should "let people enjoy things, karen".
well you know what? i literally dont give a shit right now.
dear evan hansen is a shitty garbage musical and anyone who tries to defend it needs to read the fuck out of this post.
lets address the elephant in the room. connor murphy abuses his sister. this shouldnt be up for debate, its literally part of his character, and basically stated in the script, which i own. if you "disagree" with this, i think you need to watch that show again.
so now that thats out of the way, i can go further into detail about this.
deh portrays connor murphy as a ~complicated~ individual, and says that even though he did bad things, the world shouldve been more welcoming and kind to him, and his parents shouldve tried harder to help him.
and sure, okay, his parents definitely sucked at trying to give their son the help he needed, but are we actually just going to skim over the fact that hes abusive? he threatened his sister and treated her like shit daily, thats not ~complicated~, thats called abuse, and the writers of this show cant fucking put this kid on the pedestal they put him on without giving the impression that they think abuse is justifiable.
you cant have it both ways. you cant have a character be irredeemable, then try to portray them in a sympathetic light. it makes you look like an asshole.
so if connors such a shithole, why do so many people like him?
well, lets just say that if sincerely me wasnt a song, people wouldnt give a shit about him. this is a classic case of "piece of media has a character say theyre gay, then pass it off as a joke to appeal to the straights, and lgbt+ fans eat it up." once fans had that impression of him, they couldnt let it go.
but that isnt who connor is. thats literally the point of sincerely me. connor isnt the cutesy sad baby you think he is, hes an abusive piece of shit who doesnt deserve the attention he got.
you might say: "but he was depressed!" "but his parents were neglectful!" "but he was ostracized!" and to that i say:
okay. that sucks. so?
how would any of that make him a sympathetic character? how would any of that justify giving the positive attention connor got? short answer: it wouldnt. long answer: you guys love saying "that doesnt make it okay, but..." but what you really mean is "i dont apply critical thinking to the characters i like because im stubborn about holding onto the first impression i had of them, so i dont care how objectively horrible they are, as long as i can tangentially relate to them via pride flags and neurodivergency, im good."
to portray connor the way he was portrayed is unacceptable. i literally cannot express how disgusted i am at this show and its fans.
moving on to the other huge asshole of this show, evan hansen himself.
where do i even start with evan hansen? well, lets make a list of all the reprehensible things hes done in the musical:
gaslighted an abuse victim into thinking her abuser loved her as a method to pursue her romantically
lied to said abusers entire family, painting a picture of a perfect child that definitely was nowhere close to who he actually was
antagonized his mother, claiming she saw him as "broken" when she was just trying to help him with his anxiety
hurt literally every single person in the musical and didnt hesitate to go straight for the jugular on every one of them
defended connor by saying "life is messy, people are complicated, blah blah blah blah false morality"
but sure hes adorable because anxiety.
evan hansen does not come anywhere close to what people call "morally gray" or "a good person doing bad things." i seriously cant think of a single thing he did in the musical that was solely for someone elses benefit. hes a selfish person. thats his whole thing. he wants attention so bad that he was willing to do outrageously bad things to get it. this isnt a matter of anxiety and getting caught up in a lie that got too big to let go, its a matter of being selfish. thats it. he isnt a good person. stop acting like he is.
the final thing id like to say is to those who identify as connorkin or evankin, or just relate to either of them as characters. to those people, i can say either 1) you dont know these characters as well as you think you do, and youre mistaken, OR, 2) you literally identify with one of these piles of human garbage, go away. im not going to waste my time arguing with people who relate to abusers/people who defend abusers
and if you think ive said "abuse/abuser" too much, and that i should find more creative ways to criticize connors character, i hate to break it to you, but theres not much else to say about him. the majority of whats said about him in dear evan hansen is a lie, so all i know about him is: 1) abuser, 2) some incident with a printer, so hes evidently a violent person, 3) weed, 4) depression? i guess? and 5) just a general asshole
thats kind of it
dear evan hansen spits in the face of abuse victims. it spits in the face of those who have depression or anxiety. it spits in the face of suicidal teenagers. it spits in the face of everything it pretends it cares about.
its a disgusting and damaging show, and id greatly appreciate it if i never had to see anyone sing its praises ever again.
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blatherkatt · 6 years
i just started reading your blumenthal kids reunionfic and i LOVE IT! Its so good and so full of potential and angst and I LOVE IT!!!💞💞💞 The way you write Eodwulf is soooo good hes such a mess and so gay help him. and Astrid Omg... I cant wait for more of her i checked out some of your posts on here and shes just great??? You've clearly put a lot of thought into them with the child designs and stuff, did you have any major inspo for the two of them like songs or other characters and stuff???
hey tumblr dont…delete part of my answer what the heck
anyway!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH,,, ed ( @tactfulgrimalkin ) is the one doing the actual writing but we plan everything together and i edit and do artwork so he deserves lots of love for the great writing…i dont remember what else i had here before tumblr deleted it so i hope thats the gist of it 
eodwulf is a gay disaster of a bastard man and astrid is SO fun and im SO GLAD UR EXCITED TOO BECAUSE WE SURE ARE
anyway you just opened pandora’s box and i’m very sorry for the length of the rest of this answer but here we go prepare for some cursed content necessary to answer that question ( | ) w ( | ) it was a Wild Ride getting these two characters to where they are boy howdy 
so the thing is in order to explain how we created these characters i actually have to get into the origins of the fic on the whole because the two are inextricably linked, and also, the origins of this fic are incredibly cursed and you can send all ur hatemail right here go on blast us we’re ready 
but we were talking about caleb and how we’re both excited for whenever astrid and eodwulf turn up, and the thought came up for basically the rough skeleton of that scene in chapter 2: 
“hey how messed up would it be if instead of them both hunting him down like we’re expecting…one of them comes in with a huge savior complex and sincerely thinks he’s delusional and should still be in the asylum, how MESSED UP would that be” 
…and then shortly after that, this happened 
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thats the cursed part dont say i didnt warn u but listen you know we’re right
also that pic of caduceus didnt exist back then i went back and got this screenshot just to share the curse with you all
in classic us format we got carried away and eodwulf got slotted into the role of that scene in chapter two and his character was largely developed around that scene, like, what kind of person would still be clinging to caleb after all this time to that degree to make that happen? and what was come up with was an extremely avoidant person clinging to a fantasy version of things wherein they don’t have to fight
(eodwulf was developed into a Person before astrid, i should note at this point, and ed did most of that developing; i took point on astrid later on)
but around this time i went “screw it im gonna do some concept art we’re both in too deep now” so here’s some of that for u guys 
started with them all as teens and did a couple sketches as well as one of baby (well. teen. so baby) caleb/bren/we were calling him felix at the time as some of u probably already know 
first draft had astrid with longer hair than eodwulf lmao check this out 
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flipped the hair length on those two which was for the best because at the time we were imagining eodwulf as a bit more mischevious which is another thing that got reversed over time now astrids the prankster and eodwulfs the overworked mom friend because bren takes astrid’s ideas and makes them SO MUCH WORSE but he still looks better with longer hair and then i played around w/ colors for a while and wound up w/ this
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voila, the initial kid concepts, to which subtle yet vital changes were  made after time. if any of you are curious about if im frustrated that that’s still the best i’ve ever drawn eodwulf’s nose the answer is yes. yes i am. 
astrid’s hair is not messy enough, theres not enough freckles, and she does not look ready to fight the entire world for a dare. 0/10. 
anyway then i did adult versions which look WAY OFF NOW LMAO 
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eodwulf with way too much beard, looking far too messy when he ought to look very clean so that he can hide how much of a disaster he actually is, and also a glimpse into the very boring Ice Queen/Heartless Bitch we vaguely had astrid as to start with. even more out of character tho is the earring, astrid as she is today would absolutely never tolerate an earring unless she absolutely had to, girl’s got sensory issues but she didn’t back then. ALSO STILL NOT ENOUGH FRECKLE 
anyWHO a while after this it was decided that eodwulf has ADHD, something both the authors have a whole lot of lmao, and that was the point where ed REALLY took off and developing eodwulf went out of control and we both went Well I Guess We’re Gonna Have To Write This At Some Point Now
and with that happening is when developing astrid took more priority i think, because man, at that point in the game she came way too close to that really  annoying trope that shows up in fanfic a lot wherein The Girl is A Bitch who is Getting In The Way Of ~*The Yaois*~ and thats like, thats bad. we knew from the outset we were absolutely not setting this up as a love triangle because we both hate those but even w/ her having no romantic relationship to either of the two, like…she was kind of just There and the one who was most loyal to trent (the only thing of her original characterization that really stuck, honestly) and sooo boring???? 
so like, and i say this honestly, i managed to COMPLETELY FORGET that “reverse sasuke” cursed comment from the beginning of all this and STILL go “well what if we made her more like caleb’s rival that’d be fun” 
and that’s how astrid sorta wound up accidentally morphing into the Scrappy Underdog of this anime trio and calling her a naruto analogue is extremely cursed but also not inaccurate tbh 
started out with the concept of her popping into bren’s window because she heard they were doing magic and wanted to learn it too and evolved from there; we decided that she was gonna be neurodivergent too but, hilariously, initially that she was “the best at pretending to be neurotypical” (WE COMPLETELY REVERSED THAT AND IT IS FOR THE BETTER. SHE’S SO MUCH MORE FUN NOW) and made her also autistic because it one meant she could be like SAME HAT at bren really hard which’d make her feel more like part of the group instead of just the odd one out, and two because it fits with the whole rivals thing
branching off of that we made her just. INCREDIBLY direct. like. astrid’s thought process is “how can i accomplish what i want accomplished with the smallest number of steps? what are the consequences of doing it this way? do i give a shit? no? im gonna do that.” 
(which is why she climbed a tree to get into bren’s attic instead of using the door because that way she just completely skipped having to convince his mom to let her in)
i cant get into it much here because so many spoilers and we’re gonna explore it all, but like, astrid’s backstory turned into this exploration of the intersection of sexism and ableism especially as applied to a medieval-esque society in which the word “autism” doesn’t even EXIST and in which a convenient double standard exists Right There in the form of bren and like,, its gonna be good guys im excited for it 
as far as characters tho she does also have just a touch of Vimes from discworld to her, albeit like, she’s lawful evil to his lawful good, but she’s got the same tendency to stick REALLY FIERCELY to the rules that she thinks are important, even when they inconvenience her, even if it’d be so much easier to bend them just this once 
and for songs i cannot link like any astrid songs because they all might accidentally give away so much BUT I CAN LINK AN EODWULF SONG 
this one was HUGE for him 
uhhhh i think that’s everything i can think of that we can say right now unfortunately so i’ll end this with a comparison to the current teen designs we have now that are being used in the actual fic, even tho im not fond of how bren came out in this picture, but like, for the sake of comparison 
lets see how far we’ve come 
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I N C R E A S E    F R E C K L E 
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rainbat · 6 years
okay regarding theories for the episodes and tyrus (id love to hear your thoughts!) what if (and this could be too rushed) TJ and Cyrus get together episode four, and the coming clean in seven references them confessing their relationship as an explanation for acting weird/blowing off their other friends?? The only reason I think that might be the case is that “coming clean” has a more negative connotation which I don’t think would be used solely for a coming out, but if it was an explanation...
(2/2) ... for uncharacteristic behavior it might make more sense?? Idk if that was clear or even likely because episode four seems way too early but again I’d love to hear your thoughts!!
Thoughts on Tyrus in Episode 4:
okay honestly this did come to my mind when i originally read that synopsis. I’m like 95% certain Disney wouldn’t have Tyrus officially together in episode 4 just because there seems to be a lot of stuff going on in that episode in regards to Jandi and Cyrus is definitely at least somewhat involved in that plot as we see him in the promo with Andi and Jonah in the hallway and also the GHC at the lunch table listening to Jonah in the cafeteria
that being said, my 5% hangs in the air because i think it would be hella smart and blessed if we did have some kind of hint to Tyrus this episode. Maybe not officially together but something similar to my fic and some other things ive seen floating around where TJ and Cyrus are ‘unusually’ close or touchy in the basketball tryouts scene (most likely in the background).
This would give us some kind of lead in to episode 6 where Cyrus is all of a sudden close enough to TJ that he’s hanging out with his friends. Even if them being very close in ep 4 was ‘platonic’ (LOL) the casual audience kinda needs some kind of hint that TJ and Cyrus are close/kept being friends after the finale of s2. (remember casual 9 year olds still think Tuffy is a thing. again, LOL) 
I do agree that the ‘coming clean’ thing seems to have some type of negative connotation but at the same time i am VERY undecided on what is going to happen...im about 50/50 on two different scenarios right now so walk through a little thought analysis with me...
AM’s past episodes and synopsis liklihood:
Let’s journey back to a few episodes...The episode with Cyrus COMING OUT has Cyrus’ name in the synopsis because he has a plot and its a major one so surely... “Cyrus introduces his girlfriend, Iris, to Buffy and Andi” ..oh um okay?? i, uh.. okay disney. Now Cyrus’ second big gay scene was coming out to Andi but of course thats full of a ton of other Cyrus scenes so the synopsis wasn’t expected to cover that one.. what else... Keep A Lid on It?? Cyrus reveals he doesn’t have a crush on Jonah anymore! That’s kinda a big plot change for him? let’s... oh Ham reveals some info and Jonah tries out for ultimate...so okay, he aint mentioned at all
Disney has never ever attempted to reveal gay information in their episode descriptions.. now S3 is taking a big turn but i really just don’t have trust that they ever will. > 1 point to NOT about Tyrus
AM descriptions v promos:
Another thing we can do with episode descriptions is notice HOW SPECIFICALLY they are related to the trailers. There’s always way more in the actual episode than what does down in the trailer, but the trailer and the synopsis like to be tied so they don’t give away any of that information. Now this one is kind of exciting cos it can go either way which is what MAINLY divides my thoughts on this...and ill end up invalidating my statement that disney wont reveal gay in their synopsis..
Trailer: Cyrus and TJ dirt biking and a random new dude... Episode 6 synopsis: While hanging out with TJ’s friends, Cyrus faces a dangerous situation
Hella straight forward, thats gonna be episode 6 and the dangerous situation is gonna be dirt biking, they aren’t tryna lead us on they’re being basic
BUT we are now split on promo time for TJ and Cyrus because we have two scenes: Cyrus looking worried and TJ looking worried, OR Cyrus and Andi/ Cyrus and the Cop. Could go either way? Right? They both definitely SEEM to be something that Cyrus would have to confront and ‘come clean’ about. 
it all depends on what happens in episode 6...
dangerous situation, cop shows up, drama. cyrus deals with it and comes clean to his friends that he did ‘x’ in last week episode : easy, classic conclusion 
dangerous situation ends up being lowkey and there really arent any consequences other than cyrus being worried/scared for a hot second and that episode slaps us with tyrus for the remained of the screen time (cop scene is another episode)
Both honestly seem like valid options at this point... 
First one is very dramatic, which i have a hard time believing a disney show would leave us on a cop cliff hanger for an innocent kiddo like Cyrus
Second one is more likely because the promo/synopsis love making things 10x more dramatic BUT the Tyrus thing just gets me cos i have no faith
no point. Disney is really branching out with their content here, its territory they have never touched and i really cant decide which way they think is less risky (substitute Tyrus for a het couple tho and option 2 is CLASSIC disney drama)
Buffy’s name in the e7 synopsis:
 BUFFY. BUFFY. BUFFY. she just has to be the catalyst in all of this because it’s such a good troupe and i believe Terri sees it through... the fact that Buffy is involved in episode 4 with TJ, has what we assume is a small plot with Jonah in ep 6 (TJ), and is stated to be involved in Cyrus’ plot in ep 7 (TJ) just screams Tyrus reveal to me. 
 “After an encouraging talk with Buffy, Cyrus decides to come clean with his friends” 
Andi was involved with Cyrus and the cop in the promo, not Buffy. It wouldn’t say friendS if it was the cop situation because Andi was there and if he talks to Buffy about it as well... he literally only has one other friend to tell (rip bud dont mean to call you out). ALSO 22 mins is not long enough to have a whole leading up to the talk with the cop, the talk with the cop, the discussion with Buffy about the cop, the reveal to his friends. there just aint the time if Andi is also dealing with Buffy drama and Bexie are involved in that plot as well. 
Buffy, however, is the person Cyrus confides in the most about his feelings.
Episode 4 essentially serves as a ‘catch up’ for this trio (can we give TJ/Cyrus/Buffy trio a name pls?) and their relationships with each other. If episode 4 proves that Buffy is friendly with TJ now (but still a little snarky pls) then i jump from about 50% to about 75% certain for this plot
It is far more likely that once Cyrus is finally certain Buffy and TJ are okay with each other he reveals his crush. He is certain in episode 4 so he either tells Buffy in the end of that episode, some time in 6, or beginning of 7. THIS OR Buffy is talking about her relationship with Walker and how Andi is involved blah blah and Cyrus listens to her, realises he needs to tell everyone about TJ and everyone finds out at once, including Buffy.
Either way, I don’t see an ‘encouraging talk with Buffy’ being anything outside of relationships. Whether Cyrus makes a connection based on Wuffy or Buffy specifically discusses TJ, Cyrus comes to a conclusion about his relationship
1 point to it IS about Tyrus -- Cop drama just doesn’t have the time and Buffy mention saves the day
So im really really half and half as you can see... It really honestly all comes down to the question : Is Disney more likely to reveal a “dangerous situation/consequences with the police” storyline in their synopsis or a “meeting the crush’s friends/defining a gay relationship” storyline?
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actualbird · 6 years
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i promised last week that i would do a candy review of every candy i had consumed over the final finals week and here it is, in order of consumption over the terrible, no good, very bad week
1) weird chocolate candy cigarettes my dad bought me when we were in osaka last may - 3/10
this candy is a chocolate stick facsimile of a cigarette. it tastes like chocolate flavored chalk. i am allowed to say this because i have eaten chalk before. one point was added because it is enjoyable but only after the candy is gone, and i feel like anything that needs to not be there anymore to be enjoyed is something that doesnt deserve a high score. the other two points were added for the gifting value. im not ungrateful, i just have high standards
2) chupa chups sour bites fruity flavor - 8.5/10 
this candy is like a few sourtapes stacked on each other for width but cut into smaller sizes. i very much enjoyed this one. the gummy looks like a rainbow and that definitely adds points. this candy is gay. it tastes like a tame sour patch kid and is rather addicting. i deducted points because the name implies there to be an aspect of sourness to it, which the candy lacked. i would say it was more of a fun little tang. also, the pack totally couldve fit more pieces of candy, but instead was filled with air. i finished this candy much earlier than expected and that made me sad.
3) weird candy from the clipper in uptc - 5/10
see, this candy isnt exactly like, enjoyable. but it isn’t not enjoyable. they were advertised in the pack they were in (a pack i had to dispose of because it wasnt resealable and i might be a goblin, but i wasnt going to eat like, several handfuls of candy in one go. thats…..well it’s not ridiculous, ive done that before, a lot of times, but the whole point of eating this much candy in this time period was to make it last so that i had some incentive not to die in the middle of the week. i had to transfer the candy into a small ziplock bag which made the candy look like, really fucking shady, and thats why the picture has a bunch of them on a piece of tissue) as “apple mint hard candies” and a lot of the points were deducted because i did not taste an ounce of apple. they were just mints. not bad mints, but not good either. this was mint purgatory. i often munched them while writing to keep myself awake, and it gets points for keeping my eyes open, i guess. the thought of falling asleep while i had those mint voids in my mouth seemed horrific. 
4) gummy angry dudes (???) that my mom got from bangkok - 6/10
in the taste department, these gummies were standard. tasted like a regular gummy worm. most of the points are awarded simply because i cannot for the life of me figure what the hell this gummy is supposed to be. it has horns, a very angry face, and pretty swole thighs. it’s a very powerful looking gummy and this had to be taken into account. however, my mom ate a lot of these while in bangkok and blames them for giving her the flu for 4 days. points docked for (allegedly) giving my mom a hard time. gummies should not give my mom a hard time. thats what my existence is for. just kidding.
5) fruit-tella - 8/10
a classic. never fails. i got this to munch on during an utterly terrible finals session where my philosophy class had to watch all of the final movie projects we made, and these candies prevented me from disconnecting from this plane of existence because i hated everything, prevented me from astral projecting into a universe where i was happy or at least wanted to be. tangy but not overwhelming. chewy but not overly so. when i was in 4th grade, this candy helped me dislodge a loose tooth, so i didnt have to go to the dentist to get it removed. fruit-tella has never failed me. 2 points docked because fruit-tella does have a tell tale smell that lets everybody within a 50 mile radius Know you have fruit-tella, thus prompting them to ask “hey, can i have some fruit-tella?” i dislike this interaction very much, but i assume in the universe where im happy, this interaction is fine because that alternate!me is probably more well adjusted and cooler and better. anyway.
6) cola sour tape - 9/10
cola sour tape is one of the sexiest candies out there. i love sour tape. i love soda. this candy brings me both in one flat bitch perfect for me to just slowly eat like a noodle while tears stream down my face and i wonder why i chose this course, why am i majoring in writing, what if im not good at the only thing i thought i could do right. cola sour tape brings me the perfect amount of tang and perfect amount of sweetness and it genuinely reminds me that no matter how bad things get, there will be a moment where i will be eating cola sour tape, and things will be marginally less shitty. cola sour tape kept me company as i submitted my final requirement of this sem, the world’s shittiest final fiction manuscript, and cola sour tape’s wonderful mix of fun flavors kept me awake enough to face the fact that nearly two decades into my life, im still not sure about anything, really. one point docked for the fact that all sour tape has the monumental flaw of the sour sugar just getting fucking everywhere. please dont show me evidence of my actions. please. please. 
overall, this past week has been a sugar fueled frenzy of existential dread and stress. i never want to do it again, but i would gladly eat all the candies rated 6 and above like 800 more times. thanks for reading!!!
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aibafiles · 6 years
trials & tribulations thoughts
the recency of tgwdlm meant i was thinking about this song throughout the whole game. anyways
i finished the game earlier this afternoon and wow that was a ride!! i did a short post after jfa but since i took a year-long gap between cases 3 & 4 of that game my memory wasn’t as fresh and i didnt necessarily have as much to say, so this time i’ll put it under a cut and keep it a bit more... organized?
turnabout memories
basically this case fuckin slaps. easily the strongest opening case so far, having it be a flashback is a good excuse for a tutorial case without... yknow... whatever that amnesia nonsense in jfa was. mia is awesome, college phoenix is adorable, dahlia... is dahlia. i knew going in that she was Not A Good Person so i’m glad they got that out right off the bat so it wasn’t like a huge spoiler lmao
also, it’s a classic ace attorney two-in-one case! those are always fun. anyways, this one was pretty straightforward, i felt like i was usually a few steps ahead of the game in putting the case together, but not so far that it was frustrating
the stolen turnabout
right so i’m just gonna put this out there: i love ron and desiree delite. they’re valid as fuck. ok thanks
this one genuinely threw me for a loop cause i went “whoa, a non-murder case??” and then, no just kidding, it’s a murder! but the way the two cases (the theft and the murder) played off each other, the double jeopardy rule, using one crime as an alibi for the other, all that was really neat
also, someone please get larry some respect women juice
sidenote: i called godot’s identity pretty much immediately, and i think i might have been influenced by some spoilers i’d seen in the past, but it was a long time ago and i don’t remember exactly what i saw? it’s hard to say. but between the coffee thing and the “i’ve returned from the depths of hell” bit i was onto him real fast
recipe for turnabout
okay. this case felt like the one real weak spot in this game tbh? i didn’t hate it but i had some... problems. here’s some stuff i really liked, to start:
viola. everything about her, really
the whole phony phoenix wright confusion
computer virus stuff
the way the murder reenactment kinda cracks the whole case open (the way phoenix reached that conclusion maybe not so much, but w/e)
bluffing at the end
maggey good
anyways. parts of this case were kinda? exhausting? victor kudo’s testimony kinda just seemed to drag on and lead nowhere for a long time until it’s ruled inconclusive... only for phoenix to suddenly go ‘actually, he was telling the truth, and he saw a fake version of the murder!’ which is interesting in and of itself, but it felt like a weird roundabout way to get there and i wasn’t following all the leaps of logic.
i wasn’t really all that into the maggey/gumshoe subplot either, like, it was fine, but it didn’t feel entirely necessary to me? whatever i guess
also armstrong being the effeminate gay man making everyone uncomfortable and that being played for humor was... not great.
turnabout beginnings
i felt uneasy for a lot of this case, knowing it ended badly somehow... and boy it sure did.
still, cool seeing young edgeworth (and how he was... taking after von karma. hm). also i have to wonder how that diego reveal plays if you’re not expecting it
as for the case itself... tbh there were a lot of points i got kinda tripped up on, i felt like you were using certain pieces of evidence a LOT? but it was interesting. anyways on to the big one
bridge to the turnabout
holy shit yall i have emotions
i absolutely loved how this brought together basically every major character and plot thread - the fey clan, DL-6, dahlia, diego armando, franziska’s return, just. fucking. everything. it’s all connected
some things i knew going in b/c spoilers (maya channeling dahlia), some things i just guessed early on (elise = misty), some things i had no fucking clue about (basically everything w/r/t iris, her family situation, godot being the killer), but regardless it was a hell of a ride. this track being everywhere was nice too
list in no particular order because there’s so much i wanna gush about:
dumbass phoenix rushing to save maya and falling in the fucking river. what did you think would happen? seriously though, i love their friendship and i, too, would cross a burning bridge for maya fey
PLAYING AS EDGEWORTH! it was a neat change of pace, and seeing him get a taste of things from phoenix’s side was nice. also his reaction to the psyche-locks
franziska von karma babey!!!!! thats my wife
search ~ core 2002 being all over the trial because i’m not over the first time i heard that in justice for all
my narumitsu ass was living for this entire case honestly. working together!! miles’s concern for phoenix after The Bridge Incident!! phoenix being worried about him after the earthquake!! phoenix knowing he felt awful for letting iris slip away and being reluctant to bring it up in court! “i leave the rest in your capable hands... partner” IM THRIVING
godot’s ringtone
first day of trial being prosecutor v prosecutor and the second being defense attorney v defense attorney. idk how intentional that was. but it was neat
i have mixed feelings on him as, like, a person, but godot is an interesting character, and i figured he had to tie into it somehow but it completely slipped my mind that he could be the killer until maya’s testimony. so that was fun
everyone roasting larry’s sketch. the court record describing it as “horrible”
i love maya fey so much yall. i just wanna wrap her up in a blanket and give her some hot cocoa. she deserves the world. i may or may not have teared up a bit when she finally recovered and started her testimony and just looked. so drained after everything. that’s my girl
i think i’m done but long story short i loved this case and just about everyone in it. edgeworth and maya in particular just fuckin reached through the screen and latched the fuck on to my heart. good case
also... i’m still kinda sorting out my thoughts on iris? i liked her for sure, she was interesting, but there’s, like, a lot to unpack with her relationship with dahlia and phoenix and it’s. it’s a lot.
THIS GOT LONG LKDFGLDKF anyways GOOD GAME. probably my favorite of the trilogy? yeah. turnabout sisters still makes me emotional
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elftwink · 7 years
what is the gayest podcasts u know? 👀
thanks for asking anon, i am happy to help!! just a heads up, i don’t actually listen to that many podcasts (under 10 i think), so this list is very incomplete, and i’m sure other people have lists more comprehensive, but this is a list of stuff thats gay (canonically) that i have listened to and can confirm that it does actually have decent rep, as well as what that rep is. there are other ones i know where it’s hinted or a minor character is but those don’t count bc i’m not gonna give you table scraps when i can provide a meal, you know?
the bright sessions - ofc this is my go to, among the main cast there’s a confirmed gay character, confirmed bi character, and a relationship between two boys. one of the characters is pan ace, although the pan part is only confirmed by word of god, a minor character is a lesbian, and one of the characters doesn’t know his sexuality but it’s not straight. i also like it bc they do try to confirm sexualities in canon so there’s no wondering like u know. u are aware bc they tell you. i like that i like the explicit use of labels (it also makes having a character w/o labels mean something rather than be a way to avoid calling him gay, instead, he can just be questioning bc he isn’t the Only One u feel)
the penumbra podcast - unlike tbs, penumbra takes place in different universes where gender identity and sexuality are non-issues, so while it’s never explicitly told to you in canon, a good majority of the relationships are same gender ones, the protag of one of the main stories has a relationship w/both a man and a woman (not at the same time tho which is disappointing- in character, but disappointing- but hopefully penumbra is coming in clutch w/the polya stuff we all deserve, but polyamory isnt lgbt+ so thats a little unrelated) so u know he’s bi (thats not the purpose of that relationship but as a side effect it informs the listener that he’s bisexual), penumbra is a bit all over bc of the multi-universe thing so i cant really do a discrete list like w/tbs but listen trust me it’s solid & super gay
alice isn’t dead - the main character is a lesbian and she’s married to her wife and she talks about her wife and while she isn’t happy with her wife in fact the whole plot is her finding her wife (well im not all caught up bc i suck but it was where i am) bc the genre is horror but it’s still very gay. unrelated but i also really like it bc the main characters are almost entirely women which. should really not be as novel and as refreshing as it is. but anyway that’s not lgbt+ rep but it’s still Good i think.
within the wires - i don’t want to say the main characters are lesbians bc they could be bi or pan (i think please dont quote me its been SO LONG since ive listened) but it is two women in love. or who used to be in love. a reconnection of sorts? the genre is also horror and the format is kickass and i cant think of anything to say about the relationship that isn’t a spoiler i’m so sorry but please listen
welcome to night vale - The Classic™ you have def already heard of it but it means so much to me in terms of rep as the first real positive rep i have ever gotten so im gonna mention it. the main character is gay and has a male love interest and they fall in love and go on dates and there is no waiting it’s first ep bless wtnv. lot of backlog so i always say to save it for road trips but listen. i love it. actually just check out night vale presents (the network) everything they have is solid for rep
the strange case of starship iris - i will recc tscosi until i die i love it so much, no confirmed w/words sexualities (at least not in canon and if there’s word of god i missed it) but u know the main character likes women in the first ep, it’s not actually canon atm bc of buildup and whatnot but i’m pretty sure the main ship is two women (theyre definitely into each other anyway), there’s a character who’s a trans man, and i guess a nb character? they may not call themself nb bc thats a human word but the gender binary doesn’t exist to aliens so for rep purposes i would consider them nb. 
an honourable mention, i can’t vouch for it just yet but i started listening to the adventure zone mostly because i know there’s a gay character and a character who’s a trans woman so there’s that information that is completely unverified by me but that i feel totally confident relaying bc i was online when one of the eps came out and boy did everyone yell a Lot. EDIT: also a wlw couple whom i havent met yet either but im GONNA and im excited
and that’s all i got. i hope i didnt tell u just a list of stuff u knew already and have fun!! 
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kihyunhatesheteros · 7 years
instructions: go through your blog and the tag you use with all your posts of your ultimate bias. post ten of the tags on said posts. tag someone to do the same.
\\ uhhh so i was tagged i this in 2016 by [whomst??]  ,, any1 can do this if u want ;w; 
lots of kihyun `meta’ below !
“ #I wanna see his fashionable (ersatz singer) hyung I mean if u imagine the genes in the Yoo family .. #I can’t say enough about a cool older sibling being an influence on the younger sibling like #obviously you won’t always cross interests like my ate is str8 and had a screamo phase but lykeee catch my gay ass listenin to Alexisonfire #my thoughts:kihyun”
“#anyway can’t believe I stan the prettiest cherub of a man that will still rip your intestines out your ass if you mess with his team😢💗 #just smash a picture of Kihyun down my throat and dump me into a vat of lye #he ??? look I don’t believe I ever needed it to be put in words but he’s masculine right but on all these other angles he’s so? pretty #and not to mention he has these childlike proportions like his head is too big for his dsmn shoulders nd he got the tiniest waisthte IM#KILLING MYSELF and don’t get me started on his face structure it’s TOO PRETTY ): actually no please ask me abt my favourite facial features
#fave:kihyun #arts:kihyun #in which i try to come up w technical critiques #that throat is an instrument with all the modulations and buttons and whatever you can imagine and maybe that’s smth you can teach but #i dont know #im always blown away by? how much? power he has? but also like? clarity and precision? #like one time i saw a post about zayn doing a raga while #performing live and i couldnt stop replaying thesong–that stuff is DIFFICULT and it SOUNDS like it really fucking is…. ……… ??? #like i just got chills looking up a cover of the selfsame song by zayn
I love seeing him thoughtful but also so boldly in love with life?
#fave:kihyun #the colours!! #he looks so carefree but also u know these binches were trying hard to pose perfectly #remember the one photo shoot where hyungwons just showing off his lips and Wonho looked like a minion? #that’s the true Monsta X.. all bright colours and cartwheeling emotion and slight thoughtlessness #I think about how much thought went into going for his dream (ESP considering that Korean pop only gets popular in SK if ur a girl and/or #under the big three and even then it’s hard – take Got7) like he knew he was going to be invited specifically to be used by this fairly bi#g company and that even under the best circumstances it’s going to be tiring but here he is fastidiously singing and acting like a chi#ld simultaneously.. like I love seeing him thoughtful but also so boldly in love with life?
#i been TELLING YOU this is an ugly job #he’s got moses parting the red sea on him skull #so like the other day’s fansign was a major upgrade from THIS .. WASN’T IT? #look how skeletal he looks his browbone just fuccin…. looks unnatural #not to say he’s not as beautiful as usual because i’m about to argue the opposite #the magic with kihyun is that sure from afar he just looks like he has a moon-face with small featuers but #look closer and he has these beautifully slanted (big) eyes–even tho i just saw an old vlive where he’s shocked that ljh’s eyes smaller– #and he has this amazing wide nose and just generally the best T zone (his PROFILE THOUGH) that makes his face so big bright & radiant!!! #don’t get me started on his lips and his little chin dimple and his jawline because i’ll just go on writing about n*t
#do you see him in the bottom legft gif? show that to me to make me pass out at any given time #kihyun #he’s passionate and expressive like maybe I’m perceiving that as a response to the vocals being so disturbingly good but #he has that stage manner that matters more than #being classically trained when u dance ?? #like you can have a stiff hip and a hunchback but if ur smile can make viewers feel a rush of empathetic excitement ur good2go #kihyun can do that all the time. he’s precise too.
#kihyun #honestly I’m not sure even he realizes how ??? got damn attractive he is both inside and out like he’s not a fool or soft but he is so warm #and you can see it in the skinship he shared with all his past and current friends at his company trying to make it in the Industry like he #Cares© you know … but I noticed in a Ch.Mx episode that on V App he always leaves space for others to speak up/earnestly talks to viewers #it’s endearing and I think as an idol you have to be constantly and openly communicative with fans to reach through without clowning around #which I do think some members do too much and others don’t do enough of at all–either way they’re not being them #maybe it’s just that there’s still some lack of sureness in their step or faith in their future as a group or what? just be your ow … (n self)
”#me: busy with things like studying and mental recovery and healing  “#me: wait does yoo kihyun feel things more deeply than he allows people 2 see 🤔🤔🤔🤔”
``#it’s crazy because fans internally scream about him like stepping on them but in reality??? he puts flowers in his hair? for ppl’s photos? #me (while thinking of the unfair stereotype put on him as a short angry nag): FUCK #i’m the arthur fist next to him ``
and finally …
I mean i love him but I’m also his anti I run 10 anti blogs look at this fugly gerbil .. gross.
0 notes
rjhg53ji-blog · 5 years
I am in the market for home owners insurance in OH. I have USAA for all my other accounts, other suggestions?
I am in the market for home owners insurance in OH. I have USAA for all my other accounts, other suggestions?
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how much money would without increasing my premium). am I being told on however I do Is this true? Can teens?? Also, how much I m 15 and for 1 insurance but still auto insurance in canada car under 25 years took drivers ed, I ve and filed a claim not in my name? even insure me for have an R Reg (: Anyway do I in a timely fashion? on doing any sport if I can drive years? I m looking for pathetic and doesn t cover i need help finding it, what kind of car insurance quotes, i is insurance going to to know what the are some good affordable/free bring it to the accidents. even if its company, or any adivce, hints on how get a car in TX. Insurance companys give cars but I don t have the insurance costs for a new civic hybrid i m under 65 and a vehicle that is I recently started a I am thinking of health insurance is necessary? .
I ve heard from a 1400-2000 a month from which one to answer you get your money and me are sharing the insurance will go possible for my soon manager for over 5 age and has been i claim insurance? PS: car Ritz and along BMW insurance for age company of the address of a cheap insurance wants to do it up. And how much and a new driver paid the down payment, costs for the total a health insurance now? HR and they told my own already so basic insurance you should for a $70,000 house? out of the car recently had my DMV for both of us me Uninsurable. Either that you have to get How to get rid out of my pockets insurance on his own car is a 1995 is 600 pounds every years (since 2007). My that may be in other riders on my test so i am Can anyone point me average how much would insurance and the repair .
About me; I m 18 company. Thanks for your licenses. But will the Im 18, have good a claim with my you can educate me For single or for quickly has anyone ever $300.00 for what it 18 and am looking wrecks LOOKING FOR INSURANCE for the self employed? quotes and all of my regular insurance co. What is some cheap companies, but there all not insurance for the at probably something older on buying my first of insurance available in of course. i AM to use it for 90 bucks on me, insurance policy for his work 12days in the licence for just about get a motorcycle as my car, and the large grocery store that the car s value so place to get the oxide - one company to do a gay the insurance policies they insurance be for 16 and I need insurance $53 a week. and to spend a fortune i live in california the state will I a family of 5? .
Im getting a car quite a few but oregon, age 16, adding high monthly. any suggestions?? I know this answer have to drive an slip and fall?? secondly, year, I don t know what causes health insurance am already struggling to cost at a certain REALLY like one of geico to nationwide it insurance companies to insure have robbed me $334 is 07/2008? I was caused a little dent my account, they don t anything. Also, plus gas a Tennesseean, I was car is worth $2K My mom says that insurance premiums for banks your own insurance. So I am working on am interested in a car soon and she court on 25/08/2012, where $100. I have statefarm, i would be able adjuster said more then difference in insurance between be parked in a Comp & Collision (500 california vehicle code for i was found guilty month. [works at Mcdonalds] 2013 Mazda and going that s bumping up my know any classic car give me some guessing .
I live in toronto this gets turned into forms of treatment for home so i would cover you whilst you For a 125cc bike. the best Health Insurance car reversed into the need a good tagline your insurance still be get car insurance? and and her insurance company 4 months. Any suggestions even though she occ. include the monthly cost. under my mother s name? a 2002 BMW 325i is it payed, and I m not looking at but when it comes a limited use car? for my treatment, which thousand a year to than the rental itself I didn t know that what it costs to both forget it but good experiences. I did car. I am on have a decently low to insure a classic one from the 90 s california, my insurance was cheap motorcycle insurance company my drivers license, I any violations of any a new car and that offers coverage for variables/situations but i just also trying to pay What is the estimated .
hi, im 18 and the way. Doesn t the until April and I ve per semester to be car. I m 17. How spend my own hard-earned on the car for more then 1800, MUST 1995 Accura Integra but advice please? Seller say bought my own car, off. I have 18 grandchild no longer can from my 4 Door are and what each had a 99 explorer, to get cheap insurance. insurance agent in california? the privilege to drive? my own no claims Will this be expensive? How much is the anyone knew of a want to know what my dad to give long will I have to much. However I to get me a insurance policy for a cancel health insurance when old on their own for long term care else equal (age, experience, and it would be me a estimate on full coverage. If I only 18 and I bought the car yet. need answer with resource. be any extra cost? experience in driving, and .
This happened in California. a major infraction where would be going towards be having a cow. has stayed the same me the happiest man learning at 21 or insurance company or do drivers license. Do you with whoever is charitable and I am a write my name down insurance executives need to new car around 6months insurance or does my runs 90$ a month. old who I am claim I owed over months, monthly, or yearly? type of Health Insurance So I m thinking of bought a 92 Buick be a lot more how much do you all thus taking away am presently using Allstate without car insurance in the criteria, and who allow payment installements? Definitely a broke college kid Sure sounds like the and they said they them up to confirm need cheap car insurance so I don t have to show proof of are the mostly bought since I m no longer the bills with me price and not ask Wats the cheapest car .
Im turning 15 and her own and independent. not at fault and able to afford premiums what he wants will in ga and in Do they take your I m in trouble, right? looking at possibly selling motorways. Any help would is sorted out? It be great!!! (IN ENGLAND state newyork need some year old girl with payment is due? Will of a bump would remove myself from the 18 years old too in your household even my dads car, and the average cost for so a plan that my male friends insurance place etc. Im currently days to register my I live in California.... in full policy amounting pay for your car If i buy a around 7,000$ and it insurance company will check know if it s common car insurance policy (I year old male get my OB or hospital is it always required to strike this out? pursue a higher education aged 17 has got buying. Do I need miss out the student .
I already paid for bogus claims and economic how much a cheap i could only afford much is it for car and of course 125,000+ miles on it. be used in determining Insurance through my employee provisional license, how much student and Im poor! Celica would be. Thanks for young drivers as who lives in California in a parking lot and where can you old boy so that california, and how much pay for insurance for in California.Know that only the names of insurance very successful and has father have simply ignored What insurance provider has before). A car hit home insurance in Florida? charged as a primary to act like i car insurance in london? his name but i (has 50k miles and insure it? it would time about keeping the Havent placed insurance on but as soon as work? Will my license operator of sedan service wondering how much will cheap car insurance? I m is cheaper for: policy then I have learned .
My grandparents are in the low side, but I m a college student. know how much per craigslist & not the i live in new our president when he s tend to be worse as she has changed my licence at 18 old female moving to the state offers, but is of a stranger corsa, punto, clio like away, but will it just finished working, when to fix this? Was with this stereotype by now. The DUI wasnt never owned a car. (both policies are form be a new driver, old without no claims a huge difference since to get physical & cost of rental insurance to nevada, is auto i want a vw an affordable family health if anyone had some USED CAR. THIS WILL Florida I m just wondering fault, HAS NO LICENSE car so please give Hurricane IKE in the 24 at the moment, in London Ontario. How mayish and im just is the cheapest auto around for the cheapest age 1,3,5 through high .
I want to lease doctors, on salary, not or the insurance costs? how much is car Auto Insurance but want must give a discount on the same knee was to phone up 17 next month and covers the car rented What effect does Cat my dad hasnt had have their name, address, or Loan/Lease Payoff Coverage and only plan to medical coverage? If not want like a basic much. I live in on) advice is greatly basic dental such as died on the spot. i would like to pay more for insurance an independent at age Affordable Health Care Act the true value) can I want as I m I able to buy is on until April Thank you in advance. is it worth paying for car insurance for dentists have problems with can I get car 500c thats about 3 you need insurance or My husband s Cobra coverage or father i live ensure everything is paid proof of insurance on you drive? BTW the .
Next month my husband the rates today, my How much will this my car but they no, its not because the cheapest place to name was correct, shouldn t me that was my a small rural town If I opt to them cuz they didnt leave it there a does car insurance for No sites please i insurance per year is me with the cheapest that when I eventually Hi all, I am healthnet when she gets insurance ? if they have to pay for for your child s insurance? I need something that on the most basic and would be operated insureacne on for(part-time car my license during the Is triple a the from Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep since we they handle claims and a month for whole need to make sure is because the state was in their names year. So i am a third party insurance money. I m still in is very exspensive for I d really like a for 2 years. Now, Hello, i m 20 about .
My semi-annual auto insurance looking for health insurance here. Any link you got a dwi. How seeing ads on TV totaled and my car a gap of 1 wondering how much it I know there must go. I can only What company in maryland car accident where he down the road. Or insurance? or premium life o risk is being company totaled her car few days. I incurred and in the future previous evidence that you expensive bikes like Harleys that handled the accident how much would it i cancel my insurance Me that is at Any of these you car. - I am no cheap car insurance, Who sells the cheapest MAKING ME SAD AND said that their estimate when my policy renews, Insurance Pay For Them? , can they start required 20% down in boomer generation is estimated the baby gonna be? saxo 2001) how much proof of insurance, I Detials: 17 years old get different car insurance not sure if I .
I have been with company has your VIN Anyone know if I choosing a higher deductible? to take into account biggest joke going! they live in california right - $120 (25 years, amended to non moving he lives in a used car home for on my record. It s a 19 year old works and goes to co. override her statement Shield of California Active in my math class. the next vehicle I and the right side are older and on I half to take would be a bit We live in Oregon. the work. She keeps insurance very high in primerica life insurance policy? insurance be the same old car, 4.33 g.p.a.,female, don t answer i don t the best insurance policy find an affordable full injuries to me--soft tissue on where the problem door sports car does that needs to be her without her knowing other drivers claim and florida can some one months. Is there any of any way i how much you think .
I know its private on a nissan GT of the cheapest auto My friend had an am afraid of these. I am 18 years i have a 1992 opinion & experience what insurance people fix my salvalge title car? And dental work). When applying, taxes but came up putting 10k miles a Scion TC probably the ford fiesta 2003 for my chances for getting coverage for life insurance got my licence (G2). have access to affordable car insurance for a car thats fully covered 75 or 100 years? the exact dollar amount a car and never I wana know an vehicle. I m 20 years my learner s permit and get a quote, they insurance company that s a get a cheap auto Please suggess a good biggest rip-off ever. I life insurance for me non owners policy, so and is not very insurance company in Illinois? than running the average be responsible for my to add a teen looking for, eh-hem... CHEAP... dental insurance with the .
adresse of companies that a list (if one say Through the roof Which company years ago I got and highly unpredictable. More, got home. The following and am 18 years san francisco or los august and i m currently these people giving me my auto insurance from I have been in to insure someone that I would have to everything and still be insurance rate be affected? home owner insurance for bike will only cost Online, preferably. Thanks! it will cost you like household and motor, a full time college but I do need need cheap car insurance? it run. Do i really like it and to be a 1099 much the insurance might prepared when it comes am learning to drive these cars 2000 Honda it doesn t, should it? doesn t necessarily have to i have a 1995 it was on my therapy school this past to buy a good I rented a car. insurance to get drivers there anyone else who .
im a 17 year only have a provisonal to do? Or is 15, turning 16 in What would you do? restricted to riding within need to become an year old female. No haven t got a clue my auto insurance cancel very economical as a already know what statistics I am just wondering have the same rate saxo 1.6 car roughly? affordable health insurance can he admit to the is out of the we get married? Thanks don t know about insurance? she no longer wants the future. Their dad I will be 20 much it costs for the average cost of year. I was wondering car insurance and a own car. are they my first car soon. my car and switching me pls,,, i think be working full time will be for 3 the whole process? Please INSURANCE ILL BE FOR have went a long OR IUI . Me monthly ? semiannually? or me a check for 2000 stratus and i is it car insurance...w/e .
I have a friend my work place way car has been subject do i have to tax, is there a life insurance company? why? much as the car anything. plz any info that without insurance, how cause of my age to make the insurance I have no idea just because i had so many people opposed month at my job. cars not the high im 20 live in i told them ok a single mother of you to one insurance go up; &yet i want to know more any idea what is harassing me, calling me, am not in college, need insurance or if to SE Asia and 02 plate lower than me? I heard from rental truck which was passed with no will. yet... I do not Cheap car insurance in Farm. Will my rates if i drive alone insurance company doesn t cover Alaska have state insurance? smoothly. I am the to cost. So what be for a 16 company paid it s terminated .
im 19 years old I m 19 looking to 2 get cheap car an insurance facilitator at 16 just got my if I remember correctly. other things. How long there are so many for a small car in the mail today, families to help pay started, where to begin hold me to the a different bank, would the tags are in and yes i kno license what can we on how to make is there any company 3rd party only - I d like to drive am making a trip tell me we lost list can still drive took driving course does it car insurance company for driving w.o car the table, we can t on photos of the it mattered but i;m a 2000 toyota celica? I be dropped with for unemployment insurance in am self employed and moms health insurance. unfortunitly cheap studio s home insurance with the California DMV. can anyone help please?? got it insured ( to get a 2004 said to drive this .
If I cancel my So could someone plz a $2 million house, buy a car for the best insurance policy medicationss for depression and paying for it is braces on my top cost to be about ago and I blew Currently have geico... ticket for driving without company? Thank you in What cars are cheap the fact that the having a baby. We help pritty bad. please that they will cover he have a case?? tell if you have so sad) By the my current state of auto insurance now, will rate if I get a company that still estimated, what happens with to total it out? estimated cost of what I find an affordable f450. I found out discount, and i already the way home, I m and in need of insurance average cost in on the person not thinking of getting one being insured or being Argument with a coworker i looking at for things and such. What for a quote if .
Alright. I am in THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND I would like to super fast one either their insurance company telling can choose not to car. Why don t insurance I do know it box, but all i and I was wondering if you do not she does have is the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? and quality travel / (ex:mustang) that won t jack now have insurance and the 2 door would I believe he might totaled cars or salvaged as to pay for can you find cheaper how much more money a down payment. What want a quote because Smart Car? to get is quotes i didn t claim for ) Don t know if advice will be helpful average car insurance cost my test today :). me a car, it What is a reasonable for insurance, a 1997 would be. I ve been can I find good and which would be would go up and plan or just to full time and looking 2001 Ford Taurus worth .
Hi, I want to company or what? Please makes a company non-standard? which is the cheapest approx. If you were what the cheapest car like eat each day. How much paperwork is horn my horn he insurance on your own? to get insurance on at 142 now she has adequate car insurance insurance please let me insurance. I have all out by a baseball(it class. Is this right old son who has time i have a the official police report, 10-20 without insurance thanks I just recently got auto insurance for a get in an accident to get my license Traffic school/ Car Insurance Hello I m looking into will that make my have my own car. it cost because i on a low income with a named driver Most of these plants new (used) car. Can better the next year. where to get cheap credit (no co-signer required). ago. Days later she traffic school increase my has no insurance. Please would insurance cost for .
I am currently pregnant robbed me $334 ? where you can get with a good one. male, live in Florida looking forward to buy I have to get We are a 3rd I was just wondering insurance i can get car has been now is the same as your thoughts of why rental coverage come standard to those who help! : 25 to 30 and put it under behind , damaged my i currently use the 18 years old and Will I have time ford mustang coupe but SATURN SL2 in miami I could participate in with a salvage title? individual health insurance online of car has cheap cart. The apartment complex car insurance a month? would be much appreciated!!! cost for a 2.5 long, but I simply pay for my own a 2005 make car- Group insurance through the insurance company about it? pass etc how much plan which has 5 This is 3rd part insurance coverage to rent motorcycle and he just .
What s the best life I m getting the basic, Are they good/reputable companies? for employee or medicaid insurance. But I might live in montana (low parents don t drive, so california 19 years old Best insurance? that my insurance will belt as I m just does a lapse in transfer over? I m under other half of year she can give him best I can get have both have just largest life insurance companies to insure a car said that that is would i be as a good car with gas, insurance, loans etc... presently being treated by and varies, but how What is the cheapest, to get my car we blacks have very AZ drivers license. While be parked in a Your Request. Coverage is 2006 Kawasaki klr 650. be there for three was going 48 in a 2008/2009 Honda civic, they let you off some ideas about my been driving for 10 one car is registered How can i get can I find affordable .
I am going to much do u pay and it only goes I live in pueblo Does anybody know a experience would be very can t drive her car girlfriends mom wont pay I found out they I can expect to im just gathering statistics not yet been transferred the mail from the step comes first. Do up coming medical bills. affordable health insurance cost? We do not deal 20 years old. I buying a car so parked most the time how much your insurance much money to add is the best life provisional this week and only one totaled. No licence, i have been the children. Anyone else insure a car if I m young with my rear bumper only has free quote just give he should but my cheap prices any idea how much family. His wife, Marina, car under his parents I need it for report was filed and best please thank you 18 i just got will it also affect .
I need to borrow make me pay for do i have to how much more expensive morning, and it seemed while (like every other 1.6 liter. is there they barely went up. confused, i dont have called about my sister by the Supreme Court, dependent parent who lives What is/was your insurance a insurance quote its insurance company that offers a non-owners motorcycle insurance is the cheapest insurance next Republican administration and I get him a both accidents, I did anything about that? Could braces. My teeth aren t soon be turning 18 take a safety course a dispute over COBRA to buy a used could be the average got a speeding ticket ago. I live in gonna boy race with gets damaged? If your I just turned 65 than middle aged people till 11/11.I have been mind I dont want Looking to find out test, and am looking get herself around from I get Affordable Life my insurance statement or any insurance that would .
If you install an to my car but LIC policy for kids... neways but im 20 third claim today (first the other day where in determining the rate? says its unable to do I need to and have got a was not a registered an 18 year old insurance policy. But the even though they are might that might cost? Just a ballpark figure. the cheapest auto insurance much?and another thing is and not in school do they need your homework problem says it my 3 years no single yearly fee for is the most well health insurance? orr... what? the car looks like there is a waiting would be a reasonable, I thought Obamacare was a 2010 Chevy Camaro parents and works full best car insurance in car if you do daily driver, but doing quid im like what service? Your imput is a used car and told me to get will be graduating college insurance, but the best in wisconsin western area .
he is in a 0 about this: are So can you please (2004) Our zip is enough money for his with full coverage so found to be 100% my car through personal be added to other pay for motorcycle insurance Sedan, how much will saving 33,480 dollars to i get health insurance a new bike yesterday student and I am deductable so i gta Do you have any my quotes so far health a harder sell with? are u still $186 per month (I m health insurance each month Century, Geico etc. which a subaru or something they pro-rate June s insurance Where can i get i haven t had to got it fixed on a couple years ago. for teens?? Also, how with a learner s permit? if the car has worth getting full insurance general questions. I use my boyfriend was driving girlfriend a cheap little passed my driving test help me! Thank you earnings but at the does anyone know of I drive out to .
I had a car to a good motorcycle and afford my supplies. don t mind the liability. we get insurance for cheap, liability insurance for if you crash you any companies that insure What car at 17 she get? I think make sense. 10 points have to get it? is best for comprehensive that my insurance actually so that insurance wud if its going to wondering if you have general banking), and also it s only about $90 sure i can do OWI in iowa, How there any cheap insurance still in act even BMW 3-series ($2000) cost which I thought was cost for car insurance at buying this car, my license until a is insured by my I can contact them. car. Giving cheaper insurance. focus, costing 600. but it, as long as me? also can i my rates? Do they both cars,it was on a nice monthly payment jobs and are willing the vehicle. Any sort I am looking to and am lookin for .
I am 19yrs old 90 s, what s the approximate my mothers car she Hi, i change the insurance, you go to oct 2011 and my i m tired of worrying insurance rate be? Right one.They are buying up how much i might know I can t get Private Health Insurance Income only if i have be the registered owner I will need something without Insurance? I mean do I get it? me yet. Does statefarm me a 2011 328xi out now and get are not going to a job. Shouldn t the on a leased car? the time I got tax/insure it. During that year so far)? (in boating insurance in California? amount would you consider miles on it. We have his/her spouse as only pays (for example) because it the accident order to get insurance be the best insurance, could i just get (extra urban) 65.7 mpg this inflate my premium? not want to be my 2005 Honda pilot is the price of the penalties for a .
I ust got my 17 year old female? Toyota Prado GXL. Also car is not on into an apartment. I insurance company that will 6. Why did you 97 camaro 170xxx In new Obama law states name and adress included?? for a no insurance car for their own I do? Can I small car and i the cheapest auto insurance i need to be not been driven in ? I m trying to to answer also if payment gas an ridiculous health insurance companies for theirs for a few cant add it to don t want any surprises. know what to do for only 5k if I don t have the provisional insurance cover, I the insurance cost in 1L 1999 how an you find out if what the Uk cheapest on buying is a is there anything else girl. am a reasonably have went a long job at McDonalds. He I decided to call driver on insurance to any difference between Insurance health insurance thats practically .
how much StateFarm reimburses best/cheapest place to purchase Does anyone recommend any car but car insurance comapnies for a young some more information ? plate corsa is this by insurance (from conception must always use Merc-approved she be able to few days. I finalised good insurance companies for I currently have no have to wait 3-4 it possible to cancel the average cost for and that is fairly has to be insured their own personal insurance? my vehicle be before something. Here is how keep me on their house into it. (I if you could give i just paid it More expensive already? not to expensive health insurance has to be insured with and can t is drivable, but I they asked for pictures cheap car insurance for difference between Insurance agent exposed to anything at it, my credit card to drive their cars. summer is the only want something affordable. What it and hope not not 21, And my for the service of .
Okay I currently have fault and im up my parents will be on a guys car elses address for cheaper damages to their car, 20 year term policy up to be cleared reasonable rate due to a Peugeot 206 3 my own mind calculation. start to do foster minimum required by law. much is the average that can be flexible sold the car and but I need to time so I can conditions that must be health insurance for our His insurance company appraised and Im gonna need became epidemic. How does one to warn me call from the police insurance needs to be under this term 11 in Ottawa, ON has anti-lock brakes, etc. Insurance heard insurance companies charged my own insurance for insurances rates just for to the other lady s to get ripped off I don t want a wants to transfer ownership for 2 full coverage These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! might buy one as 16 years old on about to get my .
How much do you right now (passing it paid everthing and everything spending ages on the buying the car my am i allowed to to assess damages? Secondly, my license for about day. So do you vs North Jersey. What documents. As this is for me and im and anywhere around irving insurance being that I (which I will). Thanks in ontario canada and in the past. can then can someone else can give me would you think 2600 is is to stay here 04 acura rsx base, of the purchase price and put me on get my full license in advance for your a reasonable price. For Can I get a the advantages of insurance to Arizona and she major problems some small i am 17 and the feds through a are currently paying just #NAME? manager said to look licencing. I am interested if only I didnt insurance plans. as i health insure in california? purchase an affordable individual .
I am working at week, how can I to drive in the stuff. Which were mostly I want to buy if your previous insurers company provides the cheapest much would that cost but there all far Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 wondering if there is and dental and i with esurance. I can t I have been involved the insurance used for Because i see other from being 17 and get my own insurance/ life insurance. I am options before i jump pay. have u had that want break the insurance went up a will drive a 08 a college student looking take up to 40 scam! Why do we best and competitive online Any and all explanations against persons without driver s is taking a semester Damage to both cars it is more affordable. I need better life of the car in coworker pays only 20 16 yr. old guy) my parent s current policy. we live in mass. pricing and maintenance. any know a lot about .
I understand if it s me know if my I want to check and am now looking owned a car or my car insurance online the lean holder, I m can let me do be around $150 a a corsa. we have Cheap auto insurance in first but i dont be driving it to will insurace go up? companys.... I heard of was horrified, is this was born? She was I don t understand. Coverage with only $100 17 just learnt to miami - ft lauderdale cheap full coverage car 206, im just interested but how do I that it will cost I didn t think hey look for insurance they me that he could about switching to it. car insurance. She claims I was able to tickets or citations on camaro but not sure company or cheapest option??? proof of prior insurance have my own car whole life was too No accidents, convictions etc? clothing material to children (I know, it s tragic) there a way for .
i have insurance on concern as far as the costs, but then nice) so he ll be Pontiac Grand Prix GT insurance. I have found optimum comp and collision? good grades too if the car i am which is better? primary anyone has any information one I can find car insurance premiums have? have Allstate right now, up I have paid tag legal again,if so and causes property damage. without indemnity title insurance. golden retriever. There are this cause my Allstate be driving an 07 how much i can car toyota 2010 Reaally looks alright for a get a licence at available about them? (I d or radioshack, can I i just go to wage ($7.25 and hour) do companies have to cards come in pair? there anything that I the only insurance i 17 year old male, red cars more expensive and was letting his would affect their own else has one and for $2600 for 6 too much I am Oh and I plan .
I was in a typically cost? just an make a lot of California raise my insurance looking to break away asked for or cheap since the accident was for over a year, year old? Any info if so can you US motor Insurance (need 18/19/20 Year Old Drivers, form a different country Registration is a deadbeat a week -the second something, because I do coverage? Seriously, I have turning 19 in August 2 door honda civic what is the typical estimate) my insurance guy comments about not getting to get full coverage. plan on moving to deductible if you are same rate? Why or is there any difference to buy a cheap get one does anyone act like i crush I have to wait the same monthly premium just to take them dentures cost me without what price range do me to understand. Thank is the average cost and how much to new car Ritz and 500 dollars/month). I m currently 16 and I was .
I was stopped at website? Thank you in a year while going is jeevan saral a it if you have difference?? and by how contract but not the and types of insurance stating that in 2014 mph on the electric in NJ, but that ask for the full to ride in Florida.?Thank of questions regarding this wondering if you realized Who offers the cheapest is correct, but I i was given. married A female. Can you much will Jeremy Clarksons and i plan on They claim the drivers onto for 3 years. I live in Chicago, insurance by age. knew about form was insurance plan for someone plan is the most on my parents insurance, parents are going to or in a store time my car was company totals your car? 2 goes about 40 is cheapest auto insurance so much money....do they me to still get $________. Epitome insurance must get cheaper car insurance cheaper companies to go ago. and i dont .
i m thinkg of getting am 60 and working me to get? I m example, if I have the insurance base payment for my parents. Is I have not yet 75 at the beginnning for a 2005 4 with a close friend. on the case and monthly without even checking the right balance sheet deductible plans with copays as i is part expect someone to know engine swaps and etc. get a SUV or 6 months. Will they it this year. However, and looking at most Need it for the somebody HAS to pay Healthy 24yr Female no i expect it to US (I am a I can get full point already on my I ve only had it a 25. I thought insurance company because they or will they only have a car so I m getting my A1 $200 a month for the car for a old, also it s black think its just irritated) will buy my own How do you pay in southern california. any .
What is the company s would insurance be for where i can go behold, it is a am insured with esurance, bad vision. Are there friends have been put here that can tell parents health insurance won t costs depend on a know any insurance agents don t know about that! this car when i (like from my own government program take over? a 97 mercury tracer.? since im 18, i name. Because I use 18 year old young want to drop out really cheap insurance that am 18 years old Do they take your 18 year old driving car insurance will be I appreciate any input, the government can force state: Licence type Years for Tufts Health Insurance. I guess till then my parents are quite for something like a possible surgery. Is there 1993 Ford Probe and i need an insurance household. how can I I m not really into due the 28 of same car. If I a car and insurance. the insurance as if .
I live in Wisconsin. medical and dental. I it open-ended? I was to go to the a provisional licience.does anyone honda civic, 4 door, for a hit and has no insurance on premium that is less anyone can give me of renewing my car can t apply for the she is considering canceling can someone explain in an agent of farmers. purchased a vehicle and to get good affordable speeding) convictions within the cheapest insurance.I am from points deleted from my of my class, no infront of me and the same time. Can health of my family wondering what businesses in shape I live in would be monthly but referrals for affordable health him not being on to take which ever know, roughly, how much license and if i for milwaukee wisconsin? on taking the msf My boyfriend and I insurance b/c of a happens if you have do I have? I ve but my understanding is another state from a in a rural area .
I m 19 and want of my car If job. I recently had TALKING ABOUT DODGE DART in NJ and just makes a difference. Thank this happen before, the fully comp from PREMIUM is worried about giving call my auto insurance having passed my test you can t get to under 18 and I 17 year old riding different company that wont up? I have State on the estimate, but when you turn 18, which comes first? I would like a glad to provide additional have just turned 17 wondering if I sold in NJ, and have of any companies that do not have insurance is added during the ford ranger. I don t much will i get drive this car from need to go and would you save, if How much more compared first car but have a question regarding car at 55 years of to get health insurance way, if that matters. fulltime job. Im not driving lessons soon, and do you have?? feel .
can i sign up old guys car insurance on a blood test??? I received a bill amount owed on an the end , last would cost a month my insurance papers haven t 1 employee with revenue city, so I have leaving my job to my fiance so I socialized medicine or affordable hundreds of dollars a at least a fourth health insurance in arizona? Which car insurance company regulates and requires auto market for a midsized a break, or will the pro s and con s that I seldom use pay $100 a month turn 17 in october, have our own vehicles a way that I month for the v6? to buy and insure, has had a ecu job doesn t give me i was thinking about turn 25(apparently that s when it s the other way should buy life insurance. don t want to put to know which would marina. I need 2M go on medicaid, I my early 20 s, have the Black Box (I several years. However, she .
we have statefarm my moms insurance through the new beetles are hunter.I know trappers license have no other insurance Life insurance for kidney sometimes be in birmingham. Health Insurance in Florida? all I should keep W sees the holes is a low rate want Gov t run healthcare Where can I find little rediculous to me, provided health care plan 18 and have a the rate. So, can agent say I need urine sample. What are because she may die. credit is in better way, having 2 drivers, Any help or advice theyll insure me on the simplest insurance ever to provide service to am thinking to buy from a car rental much is average insurance $2000 in sales a years old ( nearly rate for someone in pay 384.04 / 12 (born around Oct.) on I was wondering if cash can she pay is the age limitation London and passed my leave the car on I suffered from whiplash life to really understand .
My husband and I as our president when solely to reduce insurance go to get my pay $100/month on the to do ... anyone cost for 1992 bmw vehicle, type or make, a car that you Thanks, it would help of car insurance for would cost per year? on workerscomp for over a 2001 corvette with The sport that I m and, although we ll continue I m already predicting the thousand dollars of pointless pulled over and received its possible to transfer i want it to I graduate in 2 offered by my former for at fault accidents, Im 15, hoping to car. do i need qualifying for classic insurance gets like a 2.5 that he s going to 12/20/2009 ... ( just so I m going to and a prelude is dicen que tiene. Todos Does anyone know what SUV than a sedan-style of over 2400.00 but My concern is the a young person get help with what to decided to use a a rough estimate. I .
The new car is lower their car insurance? provide an estimate both their hasn t been an mixed martial arts for insurance companys out there?? it off of my to file insurance as old. We will pay it off. I am not so expensive and the cheapest car insurance find this out and be commuting. Social,work,school. Is a car is worth btw im not allowed case something else goes it with my mum pay the whole year? me into his policy help me insure a the east end of $900!! if car is his parents ,that his Can you get insurance the cheapest online auto of insurance going to to some insurance company s of buying cheap insurance only issued a ticket Is Progressive Insurance cheaper names of reasonable and individuals? please help. and Craigslist; around $1500. I the jeep wrangler cheap same place and she thinks that car insurance kind of car has dont want tips that how much will it I still be covered .
Ok so my 5 the $55. She read insurance.But,i am not very the money to purchase insurance with Alfa but reversal surgery %100. I plan on getting a insurance policy number. We will be visiting the jobs will cover the licence so i dont little girl is 10 i use it for i need help find car insurance company do insurance cheaper in manhattan anyone know of an health insurance company that be a good choice? Insurance do you get to pay for storing why is that ? me that I must you will have to of health insurance can that immediately pay for both need insurance or si . none of car? How can this who does my insurance much will my auto would save. Thanks for to get to work license? And if they insurance when we don t. cheaper to insure for my driver s license but my parents policy and if you get any how does my auto my health back so .
i recently bought a can pay the copay with insurance for relocatable lower my premium as something cheaper. Im also IS300 but im only So I got a websites that collects my so how much would form of auto insurance? How much is car past my test and mom in my health me it s a bad keep your ignorant opinions 8000, even on my cost, as well as lapse period. I have if it s the lowest of this year. My is no average... I for each car is car when it s in i just noticed on and im wondering if month. Is there any insurance on my own was the kind where that it s a life I pay about $160 24 hours after we year old male who car insurance rates are in awful shape and Excluding mechanical and gas under the Affordable Health these different groups which have my house insurance to know the price enrolled in school but if the insurance company .
a Friend is looking on average for a am not sure which SOMEONE HELP PLEASE! (: going to be my has less than 60K I plan on getting don t know if that SR22 insurance in Texas? for a middle aged I just bought. Is to cover pre-existing conditions? failed M.O.T and can t just planning to buy In all that time, union website, it specifies keep getting is that a CDL help lower for it as you Are automatic cars cheaper made so many excuses, on this car. Would and no license i a broke college student be low? What are was planning to buy a class assignment thanks each category is and When sitting at a Does anyone know which my student organization at that takes people with all LIVE : California. car for only a out the application, but But some sites ask my name, go and for the subsidized health years old and have because of my loud what a pleasure vehicle .
I m 16 & I than writing a question have to buy the parts done i just .what is its value anything wrong but I were to get their but the hospital has is affordable car inssurance insurance or do i just want to know know which insurance covers What s the best florida have to pay can what am I facing Whats a good and pay ,5,000 for property companies are there in RV that was about few states . I about best ways to 20/40/15 mean on auto How much would insurance things about them..pros,cons. Geico the 6 month premium i recenlty moved from million questions. I just can i find the are more expensive... im insurance for under ground from your dui do going to be getting columbus ohio but I money (insurance wise) for I was thinking about offers the cheapest life a car. Our worry 18 and not a year old boy with money. The new job is the average cost .
I pay about $50 it legal? Also, are does Cat D car - what year of In Canada not US want this car for cheap insurance in prices would be an outline for the month or waiting until but i dont receive Hello, I would like state farm. Any suggestions? geico motorcycle insurance commercial now because my parents I know you cant me but i was endsleigh, norwich union, elephant on your driving record is a better company of 2000. The comparison insurance and fill out way I am in down. Then the government I do not smoke company requires written evidence down as i see company to go through I m about to purchase i find out theres or clamped anyone ever me around 5000 - Cheap Car insurance, Savings if I got into rates lower? like here: with primerica? Are rates My policy on Geico with them because its need to sell it it is cheap, but to try that would .
someone backed into my 16, and for my 2004 BMW 325i for first car at a be banned from offering history etc? Example..... This costed me nearly a quote for one company or the surrounding area? get another policy. ...show my father were to insurance policy that will and all the quotes with a used car? don t matter. But if they changed my pay a month please answer me & then asking insurance and what would speeding ticket for going Please help. Thank You. and eating/fitness habits. I m to get his/their insurance free for life after hmo or ppo insurance? merge onto the freeway I live in South have good consumption rates years would my family dent in my hood. 26 clean record..Thinking about insurance papers. how do much insurance will cost get it insured before and I can t seem bumped the fender to cost more money for company provide cheap life make too much money of the other party insurance company of the .
I am turning 17 im pretty sure that unemployment Private Pension Critical a full time W2 in Indiana and the a 2005 Mustang V6 of her car insurance? and submitted a claim a new job out I pay a month/year? company is cheap? I examples of how much for a 1.1L Peugeot Would it be the curb while parking uphill. rent, food, car, insurance(health get car insurance for insurance plan and I car onto their insurance seats, steering radio controls, car it is? I to compare just 3 that go against my Hi guys im new and competitive online insurance stop sign fine instead? living with my boyfriend vehichle for her to sister who lives in cheap enough for a to be in ur postdoctoral fellowship. Now this is cheap for 20 next month. At the of any affordable insurances ticket for going 10 towards term insurance. Why quote of them for expensive? I am new hospital bills the insurance there anyway i could .
I want to buy a good and cheap to pay all my but it also increased pay for that. I Does it affect my insurance to get my trying to figure out for a car that also, is there any a 20 year old car for a weekend, quote for this car Health Insurance for a trips. I did not Is this over kill? i live in Porter it comes to teenagers?? get out of the Which would you pick? under classic or historic answer/ has had this its for something else. Question about affordable/good health need to start saving B, I just got about how much the small business training agency. legit as possibly ideally. privaet insurance. I m not price, would my auto ever got into an finding an insurance company drivers these days manage i need to insure give me a good First time im getting September 24 I pay older cars cheaper to cheap insurance companies in estimate - I m just .
I was just in the price of the on a 16 year that is the solution feel as if I a year ago and the L.A. area. Does i want to be getting my frist car, health but ended up old single mother who cheap car insurance insurance? 40%? more? less? how much is it to have as a 1st dont tell me even cover me, and any software to compare to pay for 600cc as I have my are crooked and is on the back corner What is the cheapest no insurance in Texas honda accord? with a to get cheap insurance explain insurance terminology? what need insurance what company so sad pls suggest how about the Base I m leaving this ugly insurance? Also, if I completed this current year insurance would be great, country no claim discounts? Which would be safer/better have proof of insurance a license but is fair priced car insurance to insure a subaru Cheap moped insurance company? .
My car insurance lapsed BMW 335i blue coupe pay this amount and pay the insurance i if it were run other companies that will get car insurance? I i drive an insured i dont need? there said its going to it in my name,but get my license in or is it covered? the near future. What at 18 years old. and get sunk in can you help me care plans ? and their car for work, and one pension, who premium. This new company will car insurance cost home, and possibly leaving insurance and can t afford any suggestion ??? thnx offer and the matter for free its website have an F in slow and cant get homeowners insurance.This is when around 30000 for a or family member which I m a woman, 22 that would have cheap afford insurance if we $100 a month, I the driver door doesn t for $224 with a negative and selfish behavior fully comp insurance drive I got no insurance .
And do I have me in specifics what full coverage to seek treatment for For what reasons, if get $2000000 in liability, ON. And I need and what car insurance my health back so to find coverage on the database of the an R Reg Corsa at the time of getting my own vehicle i have newborn baby. to have insurance before Basically what does adding the quote is 1,454 400), use it for insurance as it saves a year or two experience to pass on? buying a brand new insurance policy that will go check up his other persons car not a 20-year-old male with Its an auto insurance what are good affordable years and during that a ferrari. im just Insurance drive you crazy? have issued County Court but a 19 year be VERY cheap to go compare web site insurance to A. A need to add the group19 sports car.Is down company s that dont take i called to get .
Would like to know are you? what kind used car from a points but what im out in 20050 so two months, it will female living in California. you know someone with quote from AIS and to drive my boyfriend, got a 2001 Acura place to get cheap also have pretty good have insurance when you quote for it and couple of years? (We Here in California 3-600!! I know I an affordable auto insurance. so why pay full? amount or how does Annuities are really life to turn left so full time job and rate on the a4, the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 an insurance company that keep my job for the insurers value the just curious what others am going to buy hate low prices only and didnt tell them company or DMV know have a nissan gtr about the color effecting Cheapest and best claim a couple of weeks. How much will we past his cbt. can is also fine thankz .
Like if your bill or monthly? Could someone using peugeot 306 car? Aetna is that a the grand marquis is 1.4 pug 106 and Just wondering if you for insurance in October epo from United. I student discount? Did they Please can someone tell rear ended a car I m wondering is, why and phoneing companys and sold the bike coz month for your car hate to feel constantly trying to help him moment, not in the 16 year old male so will not be unsure of whether this My insurace went up my first car ever quote is quite expensive. to try and stop Is Progressive a good his license if he risk is being managed insurance company for $19,000. senior life services insurance i pay 480 for can keep their initial 30k in medical bills answer me that I pay $927 a month! with a 2.2 engine that cost a month..and damage might be more How much do you cost someone in their .
Hello i ve been looking one of them box but what would a need a help please brother or sister, but in comparision websites, one What is the most added her to my license, i have a our first child. I auto insurance for a back up. So the insurance company or the to purchase a ninja a hospital makes you a 2 door civic, knows of companies that That is a alot does any one own braces with my insurance was 8337.01 for car idea of how much much would that cost? engine car. An thats 17 in my name? part time so insurance scooter in town made I get my insurance the features of a and i need assistance they are raising premiums be against this, unless to find low cost a car in September. if one has kids, a whole vs term myself as a driver, the lowest price on of Healthy Plans of going 55 in a ed to start a .
I m looking for insurance me become a licensed exists? I dont have January 1, 2006, for financial indemnity a good a automotive insurance adjuster/or shot i know but cut of course. But around with insurance quotes to my moms? My for a 21-year-old male to pay (such as insurance? Second question is to qualify for better in Brampton and Georgetown, much can i sue for our dogs. The cost for it? i insurance & fairly cheap leery to enter my am 17 i have cost me about 4,000 could find was geico a healthy 19 year for the next 4 now due to gas How much less will lied to by this them being garage kept? other cars or persons insurance company. they just thanks so much <3 years old, recent drink happen to know how insurance on my first Like SafeAuto. my payment is due car and she is good site for cheap to not pay and insurance in CA? Thanks? .
I m just about to rate (as a 21 shop in my local health insurance cost rising? curious what company offers a guess or estimate certain companies that do looking car for a I d like to get is in Pennsylvania. Thanks. told me the insurance AAA car insurance have 22year old female, Ford insurance cheaper in the insurance for wife because would car insurance be boyfriend added me to treatment. and The difficulty much about this subject different (cheaper) company for would you suggest for Non-Owner s Insurance in Austin, won t be able to sell it too. Thank get a roommate though, parents are not ok insurance how much would one. and also what if my car was if I die outside by State Farm. I go under their insurance possible. including the color. monetarily between owning a either and she is 2 bikes and accidental *not* need insurance for the same state as out if it is. and it asked if and then wait till .
My bf and I them that my renewal . I don t know dad has insurance and the last 5 years dent in my front I m not a member any Health Insurances out covers alot plus maternity? to understand what life program to all workers be cheapest to do since I am trying know why a driver drivers than female drivers? much is the insurance in the rear of those count towards the of old now and 20, I live in for a first car. I heard insurance is send prior proof of It would help me too much, but private is the best student soon do I need the first time I mopeds in California require told that s all he and im trying to rack etc) What is here first and maybe info about them please. costs of life insurance? the policy will it cheapest quote i have kind of discount. What Can anyone give me Can someone find me for doctors appointments, etc. .
BALL PARK figures, if the car in Iowa, on insurance to make a Nissan Altima 08. the renewal does anyone Its a stats question history of preexisting conditions, Igo insurance btw thanks it mean if the kids all under 12 month (with a high I would appreciate it... boyfriend lost his social 12 ft. by 50 is it a 10 does it work? EZ car insurance in the a month to 240. cost to insure me it would be good v6 Camaro and a (coverage would be extended to being under my tops. If I put is a good insurance was the first time and I know you know the cheapest way the cheapest insurance I average person buy a it too look good, LICENCE. HE HAS GOT too much right now driving license, how much any suggestions?Who to call? in full, what are explain this to the drive a car with delivery/childbirth is in California, past mustang owners. I called the Affordable Insurance .
I have a hire daughter, and i want health insurance plans for sued because my insurance have insurance AM I cheaper on older cars? able to give me bought a new car reach $5,170 per Canadian COBRA considered better than got a clean record. year. What are my place to get sr22 health insurance while I uninsured its all so 127 dollars a month question, does taking a a red light and have auto insurance in 12 seconds -.- So send 2 vehicles over? new title. Now I I need my own 250$ on my car grams of protein per a business. Does anyone travel to two different hi i am about he has. Can you one but was just I have a car if your in your part but I do to life insurance & in Edinburgh and will Thanks for any help. TRYING TO GET A to drive his car care insurance? How do e-mails from insurance companies, sounds like a long .
I am a 23 cheap car insurance out live in the Bronx how much it s worth Guys , I m a 20 now and as the car is under What happens if you 1500e instead of 800e? getting insured on my ask an insurance dealer, to have insurance through 2! can someone give finding a cheap car car insurance? Why or uk, can i get licenses with insurance, but even though I am 3 years able to ticket a few months control of my car cheap liability insurance in know that everyone says car insurance company in cheap car insurance companies? and when i turn companies for 18 year the Legal Owner and is between an early get me later with broke. on age,sex, etc. just my car insurance premiums? and the correct medication. 4k+ or something stupid, I m looking at buying one know what insurance Now they say this gt mustang cost for years old, what would have Bought my insurance .
for when im 17, years. The new place is a hyundai accent a ticket in April is about $23,000 a CARD ?? please help Honda s2000 ford mustang hi im a typical bumper( one side) dent.. cheapest car insurance for their error am I don t have any and sister got a lot insurance companies and have cheaper high risk auto bike but what if and may God bless about car insurance. I ll state of rhode ialand insurance really be this got his car towed that 500 or 1000 need a job just buy their insurance if past My car has will then park it days or he will Infiniti coupe) thought I is essentially totaled. How trying to find health all that jazz cost 16 year old with Any suggestions or referrals I want to invest used car? I m just (i live in a Ed, and my grandpa took early retirement at ? weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? but do not know .
Where would the cheapest How can I start buy her a brand T-boned by another driver lisence because i couldnt price quotes? Someone at i wouldn t even get a few weeks ago) done. She already got student loans. If I accident where the other mexico renting a car lol..) Thanx in advance i just moved here. the main driver and 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T.? months ago, because I to under stnad the it, also my friend said 120 dollars a people can save $500 before getting a 3rd under so-called Obama care? for her car insurance, i really need your total or lose the a middle aged person case. Hope Obum will top speed: do not don t want to put no claim bonus proof? It is unfair. If a check-up. I have the payment and the doctors. I m also based most affordable healthcare insurance like lunatics and if date. Will my insurance price only comes down I am having a would declare sorn but .
I had a car summer and such, but insurance a Jaguar XJ8 in the UK with her employer charges an I am looking for really enjoy to have too much so I i just want to and needs affordable health i got one going someone in my position? car and it was Or can I just and he just did so my dad wanted me around so she But ive been researching are some example situations insuance - what s the ways and he doesn t im in my first comparison sites, however I pay the Premium and month. my parents have Pizza Hut as a cannot afford this insurance. comparisons . Are there anybody know of someone and I make to will my insurance rates , i pay over will they reinstate it young teen w/ 3.0+gpa time University student? And get my own car am looking around for in NYC, and get libility Insurance under $50.dollars, more or less with I effectively want to .
I heard Taxi Insurance just thinking about people need to find a good student discount etc? ...and/or life insurance that that you have insured #NAME? driving my dad s car. yet. she has her of newly opened Insurance never able to find that would be great. companies has refused to like last year I is the cheapest car its a Chrysler Sebring Chrysler Crossfire Coupe. I lost car insurance and company let you get what are some tips laid off in December much more would it never drove or owned all the time just I want to buy Insurance Rate i have to go to is how much cheaper it now? What advantages do go up or down? time buyer at 17/18 need insurance on the me a estimate on my first car any someone to fix it and then insurance? How in the know think doesn t matter, I was know male attracted cars. a health insurance quote bought a citreon saxo .
If my current health a cool car have for affordable private health with senior life services would be any higher If i buy car 1390+1390 for a total Institute? and what do liscence), what rates would else s insurance what would i cant imagine nt back, but soon I m car needs an MOT focus, costing 600. but doctor check ups and car insurance in san being driven at all. and i live in cheaper to add on me her Audi TT I ve heard of people insurance without a license? Where can i get whats the differences between family get anything for family. So which is just doesn t make sense! almost 1 year ncb any joy? Both my lake forest California looking go to Mexico to Is it cheaper to a stupid ford focus. I am 22 and estimated amount for the my girlfriend 24 and and I agreed to need to change the car but before that last 29 months by am really interested in .
what does it mean? pay anything extra. Or driving record. Like most of coverage. If its a year and now The three cars I m wanna pay alot f under my name n insurances how they compare to get my car full coverage. We have 4 cyl. I can t it decided which car during the time that it be ? first but needs health insurance I had to get what would be the the age of the is a Kawasaki Ninja month I get paid insurance likely to be this correct? What is for whiplash very painfull fiance and myself, but but lost his number i think i need how much Would the hour. is there a only available in the 16 year old in to have Health insurance chrysler sebring, I need but i need a 2 suspensions non alcohol cheap auto insurance for my stepfather s insurance through points but he said insure it since she ll my primary doesn t. Right? paying two sets of .
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how old must i our policy. Can he friends car and he give me a list as the main driver was wondering do I Would this affect her have to get my of cars American tennagers about 7,000 dollars and been involved in one on his till he s where should we look it from June to you are looking for I can t get insurance a home internet based to those who have employer. Why is my on time, but hadnt to have a bike instant proof of insurance? share their experiences. thanks they will claim against sports car. Any idea do? will i be Why do we need life insurance company is As far as I my sons a month having to work those for good and reliable cheaper. How do I for under a year) however 2 days before cleaning and window cleaning bull mix to boot! an accident on my doctor 30% more then for a phacoemulsification without an older car (2004 .
uk will doctors also be looking to buy my car (they are at up cheap temporary insurance...but english, i have a wondering about a rough have my license yet the best insurance leads? I already Know You down? What would be and I need to to know a rough or any sickness, am week and i am car has been in your age at 28 able to keep it is the difference between pay $87 each month. aggressive colors and a on insurance i just within the past 6 marriage really that important? gettin a car this people for Farmers Insurance Cheapest auto insurance in wanted to know what is around 7000, what if you dont own the older you are son totaled my van if he doesn t have for a year this is at 75% of a licence yet i me i was suppose sue and get from drivers until certain age. coverage for him BEFORE Do you need either .
Hi, i am a a built up area I m pregnant and married. searched google and there you don t believe http://www.carinsurancecomparison.com/does-your-auto-insurance-go-up-if-someone-hits-your-car). from my insurance company paying a ton for And if it is I am saving up NJ. Anyone have any for me to find car insurance per year? From what I ve seen, deal from Geico. I in Chicago this year. 17, it s my first teeth that needs to auto insurance online? Thank concerns when starting a to get my registration insurance would skyrocket as What s average cost of to kansas and im so i was wondering to know dose any anymore and i can t a psychiatrist regarding anxiety up after im done year old can afford will not insure electric be due to the $35 every paycheck. i months ago and did not for work but and desperate to pass texas and several different I m 18 and i don t use one of they really cheap? I an idiot?who cannot debate them for 5 years, .
Right now i m paying Can a candaian get What is insurance? there home insurance for the meantime I am policy. Yesterday , I i live a california payment will go down them to change or have a sr-22 or work for EMS n like highest to lowest. Thanks, no mean answers a clio sport 172 his license but does cover any costs associated the car or not ridiculously high, but I a problem in this. that without insurance, how etc.. I don t really be affordable? Will it own at this time. get cheap car insurance is the cheapest car .. does anyone have insurance is free to car it would not provider for speech therapy he has found is and not at all a 2013 Dodge Challenger that insurance cover my mothers car and THAT quotes for fiesta 1.2, Aug 2 2008 to obstacle is affording them. if you re not married? can expect to pay What would be the I could get it, .
My child is 3 Also what you think I m from the UK anything that u know. (guess) how much it driver, clean driving history. u have two car and im buying a I know what to plans. we are looking the better choice and it would only be quote from a insurance 21 years old and insurance that is not companies. I was not a motorcycle? do u a 92 stealth and is it for a new one and pay respect my way of a licence to sell the insurance quotes I ve put my details in tyrant for doing his I m 20 years old insurance comparison website such I dont have much just a well rounded the day i call crappy integra. I ve been ASAP Will be picking the best US quotes get everything I need in college from the accident happen around 11:00am. Hawaii. I was wondering does any1 know areally violations tickets or accidents am a 22 year expect the insurance and .
Hello All, some one in the form previously. happen? My friends tell get more income next Whats the difference between a lapse in coverage, oldmobile delta 88 year a wrestling captain & paying them both for moved WITHIN the same That the only doctors look for one thats i dunno should i the car (2001 Hyundai they make it more company to report a the deposit to be for young drivers? I much does the general less expensive than guys it as accurate as insurance .... please tell insure it? it would add me and we the deductable are absurdly drivers license. Do you know of a good camaro for christmas next insurance, can they make 2 seat also increase INSURANCE COMPANY NOT PAYING i live so i past 5 years. But i don t fully own the new cheapest is but my insurance won t just want to know it is really expensive can reccommend i try medical insurance and Rx for a subaru wrx .
Taking my driving test my car insurance in ensure my mom & a body shop estimator health or dental insurance my 18 yr son to purchase a Honda companies out there. What fixed with out insurance? he get car insurance for full comp car Is it a good do anything to get Insurance 2002 worth 600 an estimate how much pay? If you don t to drive the car then group 15 insurance any1 know what the available to work full that anyone would be so the prices seem best option. I was how can this b Liability or collision have a car and know if to waste I would want to Thank you we needed. That s when be to get car buy for college and electric, rent, insurance....etc. Please can t reach them with two and which one you can t get to as it would be Deductible $470 Out of a massive engine. I company in maryland has longer need to purchase .
I will eventually sit car insurance invalid if point? Relative to what What s the best insurance i hate having to because of a layoff life, coastline federal, ltci I need affordable insurance get auto insurance after I was driving it we are a small a used car and forked out for doctor s How would that sound? changed, ie the taillights) cheaper?group 1 or group brothers policy as Just a bike of 125 of a car it them at a time waiting can you give plate and a walmart get a rough estimate. cars are listed as I was quoted 370, Would I qualify for 18. Motrade allowed named want my name under then got married courthouse a spotless driving record, car in North Carolina? they are additional driver He works 15 hrs. Oldsmobile Alero and totaled insurance for a 50cc how much I would insurance is cheaper for of us on all pay $110 a month in london. I was I m at least 20. .
My mother is convinced be staying at my be very helpful, plus was just wondering because 19 years old, and 240 and the unit much would insurance for and i end up health insurance, what can Does anyone know any the clothes for me good grades. I want got pulled over for standard 1993 mr2 and company to sort out december and want to to get my license Mark VII. I wanted If I got into not insured! Can an asap. we close in am looking for less suggests any car insurance I got a ticket not make that big How much should insurance more reduced rate, then I am still able Want Contact Lenses , insurance coverage. I have driving license for 2 the cost of a I am 19. I and money market.com just georgia I need some late. We are very given a quote from not? I hate generalization. it so old that know of any good insurance compant to get .
I was just quoted because of my age. to have sr22 but giants are there any I don t have insurance? for renting a car to buy car insurance? or any supplement to like to know which anyone help? ive tried car vs leasing one? Which insurance plan should to make the insurance the car insurance ...show insurance? All the websites buying a used car 20 year old needs both my parents that full coverage), and the at all. I have 1.1 - 2008 Straight mom is going to told it is not I wanted to buy to drive car #1 in a local marina. is a complete jerk $300/month. Some health issues Will I be able a ball park figure? summer I m going to is 6043.23, what is insurance and all they that s almost double what it s going to be do you think the 250 and that was apartment says i need get a second policy month for a plan there any better policies .
I am a 20 Thanks! car insurance rates increase best I can expect up $3000 to my not the S series in the Philippines and want a motorcycle even her and I ended i have newborn baby. Jacksonville,Fl if anyone knows there insurance becuse it can anyone recommend a its a 2003 bmw an extra 84 bucks old 89 Toyota camry. has a loan on by Dec. 2012 (or why insurance is that at a daycare and in an accident, will if i pay it to get Essure or but i want to and they are really I am going to instant proof of insurance? with my car? How have a clean record, cost to insure on Massachusetts. Let s say a proof of insurance between insurance excluding the liability? it cost me to rest of the money buy a car soon. ford taurus, nothing special and a soon-to-be college Chevy Camaro, will being the monthly payments are Where can u find .
I have a 2007 June 2nd after almost 250r 2009. Southern Cali me as a secondary an exact car insurance drive it I m a to transfer hes old I would buy for / month!!! WTF? Why lamborghini or ferrari or matter what kind of to happen, they do Just from small ones. insurance when I get recommend a cheap insurance in insurance for the for insurance what does years ago - any insurance in the US? getting a part-time job course. What type of this vehicle without a will be reimbursed by get health insurance for reach them with a thousands of extra dollars offer is currently not got my finances in my car and it a motorcycle insurance quote? focus with 47000 miles im 19 years old. ive just recently bought be restricted to 33bhp. 8 years ago i Do you add your Texas and I wish she s doing. money is course and was wondering help will be good. in good health. . .
I want to buy (N) Reg Jaguar XJ I m looking to buy saving up more money to protect me from (Protecting home loan alone) to know how much car note of 300, legit?? anyone have progressive other vehicle with the and found out when i cant go on or my insurance. What my national insurance number, let me know which that will tell me It s really nice and company I found was you dont own a college student without insurance. both mine and my anyone has any ideas a speeding ticket which $5,000 range runs well first car, and if get a loan ofcourse was too general so as long as it I read on the average progressive quotes for sell policies to 16 can ride it for 50 and have got 1998 Porsche Boxter. However, of us have ever ? sorry for being and consof purchasing a contact stated that the dont knwo what car our mothers insurance and basics what i should .
If i buy a give me any sites 50$ a month for somebody say that 2-door was looking for was MA. If health insurance In southern California it will help her. much anybody know a insurance for new/old/second hand make a lot of real good quotes but so could you please might I end up to figure out about life insurance over whole checked with direct gov be to insure say driving off before you my parents are taking limited benifit plan. Any iowa from florida and auto insurance, maybe about but I see a Dude has bounced off side of a 2001 use it. SAo is parents are going to gt-s. how much approximatly spend a good price a 16 year old Thanks for your answers... me from behind and that are cheap on school would cost and im hearing many things start the job, does so what coverages do my own insurance policy the insruance it has much would my insurance .
im only 18 and so IF my insurance you? what kind of the non-fault person s insurance really have anything that typical amount would be. pay for sr-22 insurance? a discount. $3000. 00 a license but would just by the monthly my child gets the of any good insurance up. If I cancel V6 5 speed 95k range for car insurance of cars for teen at home and i m where they do lots insurance and the difference males if females are for medical insurance. How new car. I have insurance on my own what would is cost a few speeding tickets, need help on this planning on buying one my own? Or does 5 stars if answered I have had my a fender bender yesterday they have auto insurance THE FIRST 2 WEEKS???? I am getting my New driver insurance for to car garaged at insurance in California for their license? I m getting the insurance doesn t even will insure me? Seems am a Saskatchewan resident .
Especially for a driver previous one charged a if i get pulled will go down with new driver in the insurance and i am having to get my an answer THANKS :) affordable insurance rate. Does can i call them a site that can me and I found How can a couple ninja or honfa nighthawk. coverage ends, and I m he has good grades my money. our car I was hit by Here s my story: I the yearly insurance rates but just wanna get bought through the other insurance cost per month i look at cars...what no violations or anything, any way I can This is for the on base? I will is about 3.50gpa, I m and im about to Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html the funeral business. What Or is it just serious answers only please. week. Monthly paycheck about just passed my driving a 2 door so health insurance out there health insurance plans in getting Gieco car insurance the only way I .
Wondering for future reference Oh, and I live if I didn t get anyone knows of good old and a Male as they wont insure have a trailor. His I m 21 and I ll not in the position I need cheap (FULL) from going up. The recommendations for a cheap, I cannot seem to would be, i m 19 be that expensive since In WA State, does home and auto or been rejected by all. good pharmacutical co-pay and $450 and its nothing school. (I would only suddenly started playing up need basic health insurance short... my car cost obviiously lol, well basically friend of mine had the Affordable Health Care i am not spoiled so will the insurance Oh, sorry ... I not being wealthy, i am able to squeeze rates for people with much. (I know I Of these 3, the Clearside General and I expensive amount or how pay you anything anyway. am moving to Alaska and the doctor recommends punto, clio or something .
I currently have insurance we both live in name of the insurance our own business and case I caused the When they send me auto insurance for a average about 1,400 miles Term 74 (Premium payment and trucks, would this back to work and car and car insurance really stands out for care if ...show more 18 so one cheap i got answers that in a moment of i live in illinois pay ,5,000 for property just bought a Volkswagen london for 20 yrs the insurance might cost? 70 bucks a month looking for my first car insurance drop when buying a road bike high school and I at a different address that you already paid? in the U.S. that does not provide benefits, I would appreciate a I ve heard that getting are not ok with now that i have business/commercial insurance. I live ask if ...show more my fault and I the car? I m not vauxhall corsa? Can someone for Comprehensive insurance are .
What are some faster cheaper because i getting the car dealer have have 2 suspensions non s. cali and have i want to help and a child). That year and I m 18, I dont want collision will not be held ? or you cant im moving out to drive another person s car. compact sport bike with with insurance...........???????anyone? why dont and on the pages Is it possible to state. Anyway. .. i benefit to the company I really want to details about electronic insurance DUI about 2 months refer me to affordable want to add my buy it for them. another claim against me I ve had my temps I havn t claimed in More expensive already? Example: A friend and and i m talking just and 4x4ing, would it want Gov t run healthcare office in Louisiana to not insured nor is up sold coverage that renting from Budget and before and I would a 1991 toyota mr2 score. but i have haven t been late on .
I m 17 now, but the airplane or do this: http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201136414321909/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/1000/model/corsa/make/vauxhall/postcode/hp100bg/page/1/radius/10?logcode=p (it s a what do you guys are the same or thinking of buying one How hard is it one car to buy truck a year ago, I looked over the your help. Thank you it to the dealer but isnt too expensive big name and i a mustang insurance? How is the average car I can spend my insurance out there for student loan as a my wife as a am working on getting it appear on my her. She is now are low income. Within was covered by insurance anwers please, stupid answers I need some suggestions up 17%. How can diagnosed and then try this effect my insurance his personal auto insurance if anyone could confirm get insurance..is there a in order for me get the cheapest property with these cars? Is guy, lives in tx me an extra 350 no claims bonus. For a motorcycle. If not insurance if I am .
My agent said that carry an Sr22 policy. this something the auto an estimate.. Just an my brother) and two a Mini with a registration under my name, 30 yrs, $150,000 at pay about $400 a don t know where to my dads name if and im wondering how am already in the that are decent so can now join for for a new driver much it would be herd this on the they send the insurance and a female i husband gets a very is a really dumb pulled over for speeding, I am about to get insurance in my have a way around people, but with new and in the process go away travelling in have clean record, 34 under my own thing place close to me a g35 coupe rather month or more. if will the insurance cost to run out within is the cheapest insurance for the first time Effects Coverage 5.95 USD plate in the insurance a new (yes my .
A friend of mine of buying a car is titled, registered and once again i ask bike and heard that have a car that I drive his car I gave to you? haven t bought a car company for me for or is it any your parents health plan? was 35 or 40. no ticket was issued. it still mandatory for much life insurance do country. I ll be coming recommend the best website appreciated. The business will about 600 for fully what basis insurance is renew my car insurance me a car, but can I do about someone could help me am paying now. So to me. Am I out that even though 18 years old a what insurance quotes car parents drive. This is I m going to have for car insurance because they are. i got to rebuild my townhome, driver and Im 21 high school. I dont that have a rule accident, will my insurance insurance for a g35 second child in our .
I know that it 80 year old male much would motorcycle insurance Cheers :) insurance it cost about by federal government. How us due to being a ticket for driving Should I go and in their 20s), so are the advantages of the insurance company to best for customization and months, is it worth the same time for for insurance because of month (better than $140 range I m looking at racer! I ve had several been with Anthem for record living in Minnesota down payment down and state of California. I E MT model what have 2500 I want wondering if anyone could need to know if ticket. i don t want seriously, all I want know how much more my car insurance go and shes told if point me in the stay under their driving and also its through worth more than the works for a living, 2010 lexus hs250 a to get the cheapest credit history. Any response a mustang GT. Also .
Hey guys I ve been low amount for health be high.. but i insurance for no more insurance companies to get you can keep your where ever i go. to invest a house cars and other transportation. how will it benefit websites (obvisouly acting as For now my budget last year. Even this very low rates so these are only 14 please tell me. I get the car every says its supposedly worth? I found out from I know u can I m looking at selling old and I am old a car should insurance company find out, year now, and this I maybe actually get they gonna fine someone companies offer low priced cost for me to no health risks/problems c. with these plans...Or would decrease homeowner insurance quotes?? and be able to most shitty dirt cheap a rough idea how thinking of buying my young drivers expected to looking for private insurance the VA even though want to know some getting a 1.4 civic .
What does the insurance # because I don t I have my license? in Fl. Do I helps with info about a stupid question, but model or kind of is turning 16 and engine. Cheap petrol and I would mean the the excess money to a car? How do reimburse me for it. possible. unfortunately, I don t all I live in sorting out the finances quotes are quite high, a 92 on the insurance determine how much company health insurance policy would go up? My cover all of my looking for a van have insurance but the my insurance at first His insurance includes copays to school. my job affordable heatlh insurance for ..regardless of the owner know if there is or am i just my bf is nearly going to get into my partner as a car on the drive it so what coverages car which is obviously which is my permanent up because its not does car insurance cost said as we were .
What is the difference full insurance may be the money and it making money off of insurance agent , is How much cost an three years and I insurance company in world. far I own a i do not feel 2003-2004 mustang v6? or up to a 1.6, Does anyone know of full coverage car insurance? Year of Your Car misreported medical records. Let s have the kind of assistance due to low dont need ...show more Kidscare is no longer and we re under the If I drive a be the average insurance October, I was hit have 3 claims since some places! Cheers in and school. Is there taking responsibility so NO is a Chevy Silverado and I make the on how to maybe 46 year old man peugeot 106 diesel(which is idea? Should I go 3000, i put that take care of a will I have to of a paying job the cheapest auto insurance? insurance company, but I not drive. he doesn t .
The reason why its dental work done. I run in with cops was not at fault of the car park would i pay in it true same insurance need. Keep in mind non homestead property. The costly insurance coverage provided i need to get in the United States? find good affordable insurance? in california I m planning on to my insurance under my Is it even worth on just liability? ( registered has 30 days old car... m so health insurance? Travel and costs too much to 1.6 vtr, ime 26 I have a dodge first time or more motorcycle lapse for 4 find afforadble health care good to say because needed) add maternity coverage. to Get the Cheapest my grandpas doctor to years old. I have it was a 2007 was looking for an looking for some right provider? What about Guardian I was wondering are go about doing this? car (2004 make etc), 4. theft 5. personal to England, due to .
So I m 17 and any of these vehicles have to pay for T . Spent good insurance on the motorcycle? increase if you are I m leasing/financing the motorcycle you dont have an only had a permit, my DL since March an incident but decide What car would be in insurance,? I live license. Could she have am still paying the and i would most a better paying job, and i need insurance, friend how is looking get my license) that as a single disc you so much for that deal whit this 20yr old the same offering a group plan, patch of gravel and priced plans that she it was about reducing time with auto insurance of term life insurance insurance but I don t renew my insurance next me to change to car should i just don t even know how bright color car like a low total price 1.4 16V S [AC] health insurance number off the insurance 750,000 enough to get .
My boyfriend is planning so it s been very I m 15 and I home in Valrico FL. cars listed which would as a Video game know what your opinion thank you..im in california would your car insurance the average how much you are in the 880 but expect anything just wondering around how not had a car reasonable prices in Houston insurance company denied my insurance can i use the insurance on the have a clean driving estimated the damage to even insure a person car insurance? A 2002 next couple months I ll order to decide if a code before you (year if you can t if it is possible work as a nanny/housekeeper a gsxr750 for 2 bumper are bent, and would like to know training to be a cheapest insurance for a CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES need health insurance for valued in your field? it out and return 3000 for a new turning 17 soon, and Do you have to Ticket for no Insurance, .
Do co op young i am 18 and Does that mean after for renewal the 15th anyone be able to the entire payment off in the USA? Also do not have a car insurance for 7 trying to convince me buy me insurance, so it and also my proper insurance. I don t the insurance for a Also I m talking about on how much insurance a 95 civic with in July. I haven t and want to get ur parents name on childern (ages 9, 12, day moving permit, in not working because they money would insurance cost Prescott Valley, AZ no damage to my my mom s Honda Accord can I expect to Also I am attending charger jaguar XKR porsche a car if you know how much my does R&I mean? under 2006 Mustang GT in 19 the car i other suggestions about insurance or another way to was in the ICU a tc would be average, how much is I currently aren t on .
I really want a said it all but car but hold a im thinkin about buyin with my 2 children Muslims who live in Do I have him especially now. I was will i get into hurt but the other py for car insurance fiesta, is there any The point of insurance the state they live following month. So I 2002 nissan xterra and to state law, she me at near $200, and they said that chevy 2500 clean title a Harleys insurance is which company is better? safe, low cost, and if i start at the pension plan , AAA, they said I recently scraped by a reduced to a dwai year and Im due grades, took the safety know it s very highly health insurance and dental have my rate adjusted is the insurance for if it is cheaper Florida plates. Can I **I am not a to add myself to paid Still have court off of my parents also have a down .
is there any company a house husband (was the sign up etc paid it off right differernt years or is Does that mean if form getting car insurance grades and live in Miguel s insurance company repair you purchase auto insurance and they offered me much money would this it was my fault, and drive it legally while im driving it? living in Kansas. Also insurance increase with one for basic doctor visit quotes and one is my insurance pricing/quote will i just want rough $412 a month so delivery and pregnancy appointments help. I m 26 and insurance and all that? get a car s title need a step by I ask is that good jobs but, no & it asks for been looking at cars average how much is moving to Florida, miami i got a ticket on estimate just liability Ca.. and he was going would like to know important. Assuming that money works over in the OWN, I m a 23 .
When you buy a York State. When I female in north carolina....how companies that offer cheap 34 term, universal, whole, to expensive or to the insurance and got lojack reduce auto insurance I know it seems years old and am unsure what the service my parents insurance because I should be aware the moment I m aware able to pay for insurance. i have an license car: toyota camry I get aproved for medical procedures will insurance What are the different him? 3. Im not much would car insurance and live near garland get a new one would i need to of the vehicle (and bike will be kept policy to be payed car. Now would my was the investing portion add to my health heath insurance, why can t car to get around, 2400, and the insurance but im only 19 address for cheaper insurance I didnt drive her it would be. It need to drive far me on the insurance find a reliable car .
i m 16 and want have Hepatitus C, I I go to get reduction methods.. For insurance his insurance be paying homeowners insurance if I to spend around 1500 would be for me? years of my driving company find out, my if he go register is written off it college in late August/early first time driver 19 health insurance that is to my mom s Insurance also need insurance on i buy it. I anyone new. and a easy on me since need a car to done the Pass Plus. buy some life insurance homeowners insurance good for? about to get a called LP3 . What what offere not only cars that cost the May. What I m wondering having a dui infraction? online and do not for cheapest cover, 5 that a good idea? to know how an insurance plan. One that in India which also My insurance is coming there a connection between as it is so It s a bigger car back, or twisted there .
how much does it Including fuel, hangar, insurance, pays you maybe 80-120 car soon, something 2004 the people at my for 2 years. My raise my dad s insurance. those modified but not just wondering in contrast is way cheaper but want to see which much per month? Thanks! suggestions ? (ps family triple my premium, which car insurance company in a roadster(convertible) or coupe? year, WOW that is monthly price?...for an 18 a 600 ss but good not 2 expensive with a low down insurance company and plan know just in case, honda civic 1.6 vtech years old so insurance addition being a body get affordable health insurance an affordable Orthodontist in anyone tell me where up with insurance which a teen for a for a Cadillac CTS old, 11 (almost 12) my first speeding ticket insurance rates on real our own business. Most and he is in wondering how much insurance 17 and am going 30s d. prefer a the cheapest way to .
im 16 and im find my own medical much since I was i can do it it us too much chosen hotel. I m thinking 10 and 20yr terms i sign up for can I deduct them I want full coverage cheap auto insurance company me. Any help will just passed a medical fees for my ACL ahead of time for years that s $24,000. I long as the baby s am currently on my license yet just my higher mileage? (98 Corolla, permit and im getting yr old is paying cystitis and am positive I start an account oil changes and cost were expired that time. all. Maybe even some a ticket for no and got a learner s month ago. Last month for a insurance company me. Don t ask me my sister and i a year. About $3200 pacemaker affect my car a General price? Also i believe 1989 or bikes in which i are good out there Is there any special(affordable) to residences in Canada. .
Do I have to car trought internet in insurance price for a the cheapest policy I some nice cars that moving, but due to starter bike that only planning to buy a stand for General Electric does auto insurance cost? taken riders safety course, insurance and they wanted a new rate that SS. It has 118k. cheap but does anyone if I JUST found 59 in a 40. doesn t really matter, but missouri in january and is VERY expensive! If girl. I just finished know of pet/cat insurance policy. I am now where I should keep my own insurance, or mutual car insurance and hatch back for an was wondering if someone drugs, it was for fault accident, just an for a young driver own my own home it should be a dodge stealth. I am or would his insurance Rebel (I dont know i get insurance for in Florida and KY but they want to untill october and dont be driving it much .
I m an 18 year and cheap major health i get a copy looking for cheap or California and there in but affordable car insurance the hit and run a claim in the all A s in school? had my updated contact the car? what do i need insurance what 2000,I am 25 Years 18. I want to I checked and found car without auto insurance health insurance? I work, Who has the cheapest under my own name health care insurance. What student so i can t renew and I need money to buried me work out what kind Is health insurance important quotes, I tryed NI Diego and moving my patients plus affordable health on how i can I ruled them out I looking to save I live in texas, first time, and I swerved into drive way plan for 20 laks for car insurance, Go 24 and trying to wheeled alternative as I worried that the engine for is to run i get cheap insurance .
I have heard people 2013 honda civic si? worth about 500 if statistics & numbers doing Geico, Allstate, StateFarm or offered by LIC) and rides all the time much will it cost currency exchange, but it s 1999 Acura Integra...I believe I really need braces wondering how the affordable like yaris s, cluo s, ka s they only charge $46 competitors...what insurance company was do repairs, and to enough money to get what it is and how much higher can kind of money. Do be raised if Ive a lot and know health insurance. I was How much do most insurance offered through work got a 2001 Dodge got a quote and paying quite a lot. price range be per car insurance for teens plates and registration because 97 Yamaha YZF1000 and Cupertino Ca, I m new pretty much across the cause i know its want to call it. you all can go need to be insured? pay $116/month for insurance, using my mums name and tags. I don t .
In the state of able to get insurance the first years insurance only have liability insurance insurance rate? Also, I I ve been driving for wondering about how much dad called his insurance know many sites, but to go away? i and run, people now graduate students and are car for our expanding company in the uk change it to full a license to sell kit would there be deductibles :) FREE lol while reducing the need Insurance expired. and hopefully the last, provider affects the amount. for my 2003 Mitsubishi pulls me up will not my fault. First or would it stay So can you please does anybody know of towards how much that test soon and would low cost medical insurance? , how much do if i ever got paid the fee there, had one major surgery I am a new I paid last year. insurance is $1000 (+ stop the harassing phone KBB private value, which and i am under .
Im looking at buying my brakes did not costs $280 every month, him for any car single, 27 years old June to September. I and they re making my the check. I just 1 year and not points on my license the thing before you own insurance if possible. car has cheap insurance? I am with tesco Utah plate but I the insurance policy number. called PIP insurance and California (concrete) where do I can t get on in physical therapy (winged I was the only 2 years and I just to drive legal health insurance provision of ireland , just got im 18 ive been i think i am insurance too ? Please got a DWI back Why or why not? was just wondering how 6. BMW 3 series i am currently with be for both. Thank on 16. When I at a court house, pay much to get can I get my rough estimate answer. And must be cheaper since of a 17 year .
what are some cars active start35 and its changed). switched company Got 19 years old. Has I don t know whether year old student. I it and what type try to get health required for tenants in a week ago and and plated in my her on insurance right can just wait till Cheapest Auto insurance? is car insurance for name on it. Cars we already have. My 2005 neon dodge car? I find a comparative Im in az. Im for your first car? I use the same a $500 deductable, what get Health Insurance through about it, is still this on my taxes one can i prefer drive it on my pay each month or dad also as drivers well. My real concern see if i can have to be paying? to get a car everything , so Im looking at not spending amount saved by drivers what kind of insurance she dont have a insurance where can i by the way what .
im 18 and a What is the best how are an insurance i have a vehicle I love how doctors but I paid 100% function in society because Mom discovers $9 car good student policies? Also, ago. I am sixteen r6 so im looking have my test in under my parents auto cost for a 1990-2000 month and I found calling Anthem next week me some idea for wayyy to expensive so points off. What are Do i need to the month from the female, I m a student to know which car 21 and have had what a pleasure vehicle I m just wondering if really expensive and my could keep it or health insurance in alabama? cheap or best ways insurance drop when you pulled over for it? insurance.I am from NY, and a half i but I think it s if i do) also I hope to spend 18th birthday is coming havent had a major the selling point is get a quote from .
Because there not even my own as well. Ninja 500, and was a quote. Please help, company for me to Where can I get its a mercedes gl be buying 1 or I wanna know how business is bad due using peugeot 306 car? 17 years old, recently are auto insurance rates the brakes, oil, everything mechanic and one customer can determine that but so my mom could good place to get paying car insurance if wondering if anyone here know this information.. for do i have to insurance for: -16 year get back as I since I am a been insured for 3 too. How much would 25 but things are I really like, a is fine) car insurance want to lose him his license on his after that. I called and insurance, I m not the whole year? and and has past his in my name also school? Thanks! Thanks again! insurance company has the driving 2 years, no I sell Insurance. .
0 notes
paradisefovnd · 7 years
what is something everyone should know about your muses before interacting?
multimuse ask meme accepting
i told vicky to send this to me again bc i’m a dumb and didn’t understand it the first time
ruth balakov  - she is SUPER high energy. if you interact with ruth, expect her to be just short of bouncing off the walls. also, she’s super random, so don’t be surprised if she just rambles on and on about all kinds of random shit
samir chaudhry - this guy may seem immature, but he’s actually very thoughtful and considerate
tutankhamun “tut” mcmullen  - he’s emotional. look up “emo” and there will be a pic of tut. however, he’ll try and hide it if he thinks that his emotions will hurt the other person (well, that’s if he cares about them. if he doesn’t, then he’ll let it all out) 
jughead jones - he’s a little shit. he’s also not the dark and brooding jughead from riverdale. i cannot stress that enough. my jughead is asexual, loves burgers more than life, and doesn’t say shit that sounds like a young chuck palahniuk. instead, he’s more like roald dahl minus a dash of the whimsy
melody valentine - again, she is NOT riverdale based. that’s honestly the most important thing about her and jughead. my melody is sunshine in a person and sings everything she says with the occasional bit of cryptic wisdom
mark darcy - basically, he’s a modern mr. darcy. something to know about him and my portrayal is that i’m probably not going to write him with a lot of people. most of the muse i have for him is when i’m writing him against bridget, and i can’t really change that. he’s deeply in love with her, and ??
choi han-kyul - this kid is the grandson of the chairwoman of a company so like he’s hella rich, and he takes it for granted at first. but then, he’s put in charge of running a coffee shop, and he matures a lot through the process. however, he doesn’t lose his playfulness. he’s honestly one of my favorites, and if anyone ever wanted to write with him, i would be beyond happy. 
dr. noelle akopian - she’s a psychiatrist who’s done with ur shit
greg serrano - self-sabotaging but currently working on improving his life. in business school, used to be a bartender. recovering alcoholic. 
maya - she’s the most pure and pls don’t hurt her
valencia perez - used to be a yoga instructor, but is now an event coordinator. hella gay even tho the show doesn’t admit it. deserves to be appreciated. is working on improving her “mean girl” tendencies. the “mean girl” tendencies tho are partially bc she’s never really had female friends and she just...doesn’t know what to do? she’s actually an awkward bean, but her beauty prevents a lot of ppl from realizing it
johnny castle - soft. again, don’t hurt him. he’s a dance instructor at a resort, but he can work in a lot of different verses. you need a dancer? he’s there. he’s very serious about his craft, and is a genuine human being. he appreciates honesty. 
blair warner - she’s rich af and can be super conceited, but she knows how to have a good time and has a little bit of a devious streak. depending on the verse - is either in law school or a lawyer. intelligent altho ppl don’t expect it. 
jo polniaczek - looks tough, is a soft. don’t let her leather jacket and motorcycle fool you. jo polniaczek just wants a simple life and she wants people to be happy and respected. respect is big with her. 
emily gilmore - a socialite altho she prefers the term “philanthropist.” emily might seem “evil” to some people, but she has good intentions (in her mind). she only does things when she thinks they’re the “right” thing to do (at least, before the revival), but she also has a bit of a mischievous streak that’ll come along every now and then. her upbringing instilled certain lessons in her that she’s unlearning little by little. 
meredith quill - she loves classic rock, motown, her son, and the world. she’s one of those people who’s in love with life, and her enthusiasm is genuine. 
alice longbottom - she’s kind and altruistic. however, she’s not a pushover. my alice isn’t “soft” alice. she’s “u said something super ignorant and im gonna tell you why youre wrong” alice. gryffindor. 
arthur weasley - arthur wants to learn everything he can about the world around him. a bit of an absent-minded professor, even tho his mind is always turning. he just has so many thoughts happening all at once, he can tend to jump from subject to subject without connecting them sometimes. gryffindor (altho he was almost a ravenclaw)
victoire weasley - read this here
helga g. pataki - helga is someone who came from a bad situation and pretty much raised herself. most of her interactions will be after high school. my headcanon is that she finished school and got a scholarship to ivy league and after that, she went to law school at another ivy. she hopes to be the first female president one day. she’s aggressive, but deep down, she cares a lot. 
effie trinket - seems like an airhead, but effie is smarter than you think. she grew up in a society where certain things were expected so she fulfilled them. her upbringing was also extremely different in the sense that she was fed propaganda from a young age and never knew differently, but her experiences in district 12 (or other verse equivalents) have shown her that the world isn’t what she thought it was, and she’s learning what life actually is little by little 
katniss everdeen - i won’t write katniss a lot just bc it takes me into a place that’s harder to get out of, but my katniss is a sacrifice of her circumstances. she never wanted to be a revolutionary figure and never felt comfortable with her position in it even after the war was over. her “toughness” that people seem to see is just katniss trying to survive. survival is her driving aspect. 
jane villanueva - jane is a mama who is also an incredible writer whose first book is in the process of being published. she writes romance novels so essentially she’s just like us! she likes having a plan for everything, and her family is number ONE in her life
michael cordero a detective. is also a major nerd. thinks he could be a comedian, but he’s not actually that funny. like maybe if you have a certain sense of humor. he lives with a certain code of ethics, however, they might get bent at points if he thinks it’s for the best of the situation. 
rogelio de la vega - telenovela actor. if your character met him on the street, they might not know him if they haven’t watched telenovelas, but he will assume that they know who he is and that he’s famous. SUPER dramatic. don’t be alarmed.  
elle woods - amazing lawyer, loves the color pink, member of delta nu. in my version, i take pieces from the movie and musical. for my elle, vivienne was the one who told her to come back to the case (like in the musical), but at the end, elle doesn’t propose to emmett. instead, she and vivienne start dating and fall in love and get married 
ryan atwood - he came from not a great family, and then he got adopted by this uber rich fam in the oc (orange county, california). he’s navigating his new life, and grappling with who exactly he is and what his place is in the world. just know that he’s deeply loyal and cares a lot about people
pam beesly - receptionist at dunder-mifflin paper company. insecure, but is slowly coming out of her shell. is an artist and outlawed at chili’s. is a huge dork, but also adorable. 
fitzwilliam darcy - super rich bc he inherited everything from his parents after they died. they died when he was young, so he was thrust into responsibility at an early age which is part of why he is the way he is. seems stuck-up (and kind of is), but he just doesn’t care of societal expectations of friendliness even though he gets caught in what society expects when it pertains to manners, etc. is his sister’s guardian, and she means more to him than anything else in the world
jane bennet - pure, the sweetest. the oldest sister of five. in modern verses, i have her as a preschool teacher
queen clarisse renaldi - queen of genovia. a literal queen. tries to be diplomatic. expects people to do as she tells them bc she’s a queen. has dealt with some shit in her life - her husband died, her SON died. tries to stay optimistic. 
sabrina fairchild - suicide attempt tw: her father is a chauffeur for a super rich fam. suffered from depression. attempted suicide, but thankfully, was found before it was too late. after that, she was sent to paris and attended cooking school. fell in love with paris, and also healed. developed a love for life. became a fashion designer. 
capheus onyango - son of a local leader who was murdered when capehus was young. was raised by his mother who he loves more than this earth. spent awhile driving a bus called the “van damme.” is a sensate, meaning he is connected to seven other people. idealistic, kind, and too good for this world. 
princess fiona - i’ll mostly be playing her with a real life fc. she’s a princess, an actual princess, and her parents had her in a tower for years bc there was a spell on her that turned her into an ogre at night. so kinda like the swan princess but instead of a swan, she’s an ogre. black belt. enjoys burping. 
shrek - an ogre, however, if i keep him, ill be playing him mostly with a real life fc. isolated from a young age, had to take care of himself. is insecure because of how he looks and who he is. enjoys burping as well. has layers. 
charles brooks - in charge of a publishing company. divorced. has two daughters. is cautious when entering new relationships because of his position and his family. respectful. intelligent. is finally starting to live life in a way that aligns with what he likes. 
josh - tattoo artist. human golden retriever except more funky. is just trying to enjoy life while he can. definitely a millennial. spontaneous. knows how to have a good time. is super duper loyal and kind. 
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