#the owl house Tarak
sepublic · 1 month
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I hope King got to reclaim the bones of his siblings. After reclaiming his mother’s body from further exploitation and misrepresentation for power and genocide by Belos, it’d have been nice to see him do the same with the Titan Trappers’ gross misuse of his siblings’ bodies. The fact that King fell for the intended purpose of this misuse and almost died because of it…
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Between the nightmare sequence and the Collector learning what death is, and the Titan Trappers being incapacitated by them? It’d have been really great to see King and the Collector clear the deal; That the ‘Grand Huntsman’ does not approve of Bill’s lies, and anyhow they will reclaim these remains by force if necessary.
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Given the setup for Tarak and the other Trappers to realize Bill is a liar, plus their Grand Huntsman revealing they were misused in a similar way by Belos, whose reign they at least understood was faulty? I could see a shift in them renouncing these ways, esp since they never actually killed a Titan, we had Tarak’s guilt over having to sacrifice King, etc. It’s easy to advocate for the genocide of a dehumanized ‘evil’ race until you actually encounter one of them and realize, Oh! That’s a real person!
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Tbh given the parallels between Bill and Belos? I can see Tarak, possibly the entire Titan Trapper community, being akin to Caleb; We already have Tarak’s previous bonding with King, which led to some hesitation! Dana confirmed Caleb and Evelyn initially met one another under the guise of Evelyn being human, so I wonder if Caleb had a similar moment to Tarak in EotW, where he was gung-ho about killing witches, realized this friend of his was a witch, hesitated… But unlike Tarak, didn’t go through with it and even defied the group.
Maybe Tarak eventually does this during the timeskip, at least for the practical reason of realizing Bill is a liar. Of course, Tarak still tried and King is a child to him, unlike peers Caleb and Evelyn; So I don’t expect King to forgive and accept Tarak as family the way Evelyn did Caleb. Who knows…
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Regardless; The mother was laid to proper rest and no longer had her grave desecrated. Given King got closure and even revenge over that, it’d be wonderful to see him get the same for his siblings, since brotherhood with Luz is just as important as his parental figure in Eda, the two other main characters of the show! King already got back at Bill by destroying his teleportation gate, and with the Collector ‘collecting’ him and King not doing much to stop it? He could always go further…
Just, man; I have to mourn the siblings. We know the Titan at least, people revere her. But who were the siblings? Only King and his family will mourn them. What were they like? Were they like King with Eda, in their relationship with their biological mother? Were they artists, goofballs? Bill at least confirms similarities in being big tyrants with appetites who go WEH! How young were they when the Archivists and Trappers killed them, before their mother, in grief, had to escape? Did they cry out for their father, were they murdered in front of him?
It just really gets me man. One genocide may have been averted, but another has not been fully avenged or prevented with the Archivists still out there, and there was simply no room to address that with everything else. And King learned all of this, just when he actually began to consider the idea that he has other siblings he doesn’t know about, and begins to miss (and then mourn) them too…!
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carpetcat2 · 1 year
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simpin-on-noodles · 1 year
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Finally designed my ocs time skip designs 😭💕
Plus a Titan Trapper and Eclipse edit 
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vickysaurus · 7 months
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Hooty: "King may not know where he came from, but he's learning more and more about himself every day!"
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"Eda can become Harpy Eda now! She still drinks her elixir, but she's accepted the Owl Beast as part of her. It's progress!"
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"And Luz's new GF showed her tips and tricks to get more information from that old human's diary. They're adorable, and deserve all the happiness!"
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"I had to promise never to help anyone ever again, but nevertheless, I'm a genius!"
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"Everything solved! No more mysteries!"
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"I beg your pardon. Would you see this finds its way to King Clawthorne?"
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"Ah, whoopsie! Hope that was junk mail!"
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luzswonderland · 2 years
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Prominent Characters Introduced in Season 2 (2/2)
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*whispers into mic* Penultimate chapter time. Also second TOTM Wednesday.
This one is a doozy. Easily the longest - and most emotionally intense/possibly darkest - chapter in this fic! No, seriously, this is gonna be heavy. There’s a moment in here you probably shouldn’t read if you’re squeamish.
It’s pretty much the climax of this fic, I’d say, and I am ecstatic to share it w/ you all!
Tide of Tide Minds
Chapter 5: Cosmically Opposed
Summary: The Titan Trappers finally make their way to what they call the carcass kingdom. Chaos ensues.
Chapter Word Count: 2,350
Trigger Warnings: Kidnapping (seriously there’s one scene that’s. kinda creepy when I reread it), character injury, character death, graphic (a bit)
The army drifts steadily across the Boiling Sea. An army with a single destination, a single goal, in mind.
They’re going to the carcass kingdom, to finish what they started.
A roiling breeze strokes the brine around them in the opposite direction - almost as if some force is trying to deter them, get them to turn back. But the army paddles forward, driven by solemn determination, a flame burning within each of them.
Before long, a series of barely audible thuds punctuate the night as each boat is gently jostled to a stop. A small, scruffy figure clambers out of one of the vessels, briefly scanning his surroundings, before motioning to the others to step out onto land. As the army gathers their weapons and makes their way onto the shoreline, the small figure gives a toothy grin.
Soon, their prey will be within reach.
“…aaaand that’s everything!”
The Collector waves their hands with a gleeful flourish, stepping away from the large mat, pot, and colorful winks they’d created per King’s instructions.
“Now we just need to set it all up!” the cosmic being declares.
King nods, rolling some stray winks back onto the mat. “Got someplace in mind?”
“Hmmm…” the Collector muses. His eyes shift over to a gulf a little ways from their current spot near the lower knee. “How abooouuut… there?”
King blinks, baffled. “The- you wanna play tiddlywinks- down there? I mean… do you want the shock rays to give us their complaints?”
“Maybe I do; you don’t know everything about me,” the Collector retorts light-heartedly.
King stifles a laugh. “Hey, just an idea - maybe we could… both look for a spot? Together?” King suggests, hoping to delay the notion of gulf-tiddlywinks as long as possible.
The Collector gives a drawn-out shrug. “Mm’kay.” They scoop up King and rise into the evening air, far enough so that they both have a full view of the Isles.
As King’s eyes drift across his father’s landmass form, he spots something that makes his heart skip a beat.
After a moment, he shakes his head irritably. Great - the sunlight’s playing tricks on me.
But he could swear he’d seen…
He looks in that direction again, more tentatively.
And there they are.
No, not them.
How? How are they here??
The Collector seems to notice King’s stunned silence and frowns in a bit of concern, waving a hand in front of his face. “King? You there?”
King doesn’t respond. After a long moment, they follow his gaze, eyes glowing as he uses his powers to zoom in their vision. As soon as he does, the Collector gives a start, eyes widening. “Whoa- I know those guys!” Then their eyes narrow as he adds, “They’re weird.”
A shudder runs down King’s spine, making his fur stand on end. “We have to go back. Back to the Archives.”
“What? Why?” The Collector asks, baffled. “We haven’t even started the game yet!”
“If they find me…” King chooses his words carefully, trying to find some way to phrase them in a way that’ll help the Collector understand the urgency of the situation.
“They’ll take me away from you. Permanently.”
During the afternoon, Bill had sent out three search parties of four Trappers each. Their orders: search the kingdom for their quarry, making sure to lie low. As soon as the Titan child was reported found, they would all return, taking it to their rudimentary base in order to complete the ritual sacrifice.
Bill himself had taken three Trappers along for a fourth group, and they’re trudging along the ribcage toward the head. The youngest one of the group holds the task of clambering up each rib they come across and using that vantage point to scout for any sign of the Titan’s son.
Navigating the Isles has proven more difficult than they bargained for, as the entire place is glitter-ized with a cosmic pastel aesthetic, part of which being massive, floating blue star structures with menacing red eyes that turn anyone they zap into dolled-up, vacant-eyed versions of themselves. To top it all off, there’s some sort of structure balancing on the tip of the Isles’s horn, one shaped like a massive crown.
It’s well into the night before they finally spot what they’re looking for.
The young Trapper is peering through his sin-oculars when he lets out a shout from his perch. When the others approach, he says, “I saw something - some sort of… flat star? But the Titan child was definitely on there.”
Bill gives a start of surprise. “Wha-? Let me see!” he orders, snatching up the sin-oculars and using them himself. Zooming in, he sees the star the young Trapper described, and following it, he realizes it’s heading for the crown-like structure on the tip of the Titan’s horn. He grins.
That’s where we’re going.
Through some trial and error, the group is able to enter the structure. Bill commands them to split up and search every nook and cranny of this place until their prey is found.
Soon enough, he reaches a hole leading to a floating bedroom in the shape of a small moon.
From the bed on the right comes the unmistakable glint of horns.
There he is.
Bill feels almost lightheaded with delight.
Ducking his head out of the hole, he scrambles several paces back, then pulls out a contact crow. “Get everyone back to the base,” he whispers gruffly. “I found it.”
He returns to the bedroom almost at a run, aiming for the moon - overshooting and promptly crashing into it. Shaking his head, Bill clambers up the right side until the bed is in view.
Slowly, carefully, he creeps up to the bed to peer at his soundly sleeping quarry. After a moment, King flinches in his sleep, as if sensing something looming over him - then sits bolt upright in bed, leveling a startled look at Bill.
He opens his mouth, presumably either to call for help or blast the Titan Trapper away with one of his raucous shrieks.
Oh, no you don’t.
Quick as lightning, Bill lashes a hand forward to clamp the young Titan’s mouth shut. His now-muffled cries won’t be heard by anyone. Bill scoops him up.
“No one’ll be around to help you this time,” he growls, narrowing his eyes.
The Collector had been sleeping nice and cozy, until shadows had come and poisoned his dreams, turning them sour.
Pictures that they instinctively knew came from King - the small Titan being dragged off by a short, scruffy guy wearing a Titan-like skull thing, looking terrified. A whole room of what looked like Titan skulls that came with a vague but intense feeling of horror and finality. The whole thing was punctuated by King’s throat-gripping fear and despair.
It’s these that jerk the Collector rudely awake, panic prickling along their spine. Part of them hopes it had been a dream, though he knows that’s not likely.
That hope goes out the window when they glance over at King’s bed and find it empty.
Their core leaps into their throat.
He doesn’t completely understand everything he’d seen, or what they’re supposed to imply, or the feelings around them - he just knows it’s bad, and that King is in more danger than even they could know.
He suddenly remembers, too, that King had warned them something like this would happen. What had his friend said…?
“If they find me, they’ll take me away from you. Permanently.”
The line is punctuated in the Collector’s mind with another flash of the room full of Titan skulls - ones that are all close to the same size as King’s - and the overwhelming sense of foreboding that had come with it.
No. No.
They vault off their bed and through the hole to the rest of the Archives.
I have to find King right now.
The Collector searches the building, his panic growing by the second, but finds nothing. When they finally blast out of the building, they decide they need to narrow down the search and tap into his powers.
As he looks around with zoomed-in sight, it isn’t long before something catches their eye.
A group of people.
When the Collector looks at the Titan skulls - ones that are close to the size of King’s - the group are wearing, that sends many unwelcome thoughts his way.
They’ve been acting weird lately, talking about something bigger and better they could do against Titans.
They took King away.
They might have done something awful (permanent) to him.
They may have done something awful (permanent) to a lot of the little Titans I used to know.
Something finally snaps.
The Collector screeches, a pained cry of rage, and falls upon the Titan Trappers like a storm.
They barely notice the roar of the earth quaking and splitting around them, barely make out the words in the Trappers’ cries to one another. All he can process is a chaotic din of overlapping noise and a mass of swirling figures wearing (King-sized) Titan skulls.
He’s consumed and driven by a single, primal need, a need that burns in every fiber of their being, to blast, tear, hurt something, hurt anything, take all the pain they felt from King and all the pain they themselves feel and let it all out on something, make them feel it all tenfold. He needs to shake the figures around him to their core, cause them all such fear as to make sure they get and stay as far away from everyone he holds dear as possible.
He’s able to focus through the haze around his mind just enough to pin down a Titan Trapper at random, just enough to form his agonized screams into three words.
King doesn’t know how long it takes Bill to reach the Titan Trappers’ base on the Isles - not that he wants to know. Every second that ticks by is torture when he knows it’s a second closer to his own execution. He’s beyond the point of panic; his most overpowering emotion right now is sickening despair.
Suddenly, they both hear something - something faint but unmistakably chaotic. Bill hears it too; he stops and raises a clawed hand to where his ear is underneath the skull he wears. “What the …?” he mutters, starting forward again with more measured steps.
It doesn’t take them much longer to reach a close view of the base. Bill stops again, and King tilts his head forward to have a clear view himself.
The sounds almost aren’t enough to prepare King for the sight.
The base is in complete shambles, the earth cracked and jutting all around it as if a massive fist had collided with it. The Titan Trappers themselves are sprawled and scattered all over, some running away. At the center of it all, floating in the sky, is a familiar figure, intense and moving wildly.
Bill buckles forward upon seeing them. “He’s… free.” His voice is hushed with awe.
King feels the grip on him suddenly jerk tight as Bill rushes down to his camp, the Titan Trapper leader practically radiating manic jubilation. A few of the Trappers see Bill on his way down and their eyes light up, but he pays them no mind as he dashes to the top of the tallest piece of jutting land.
“At last!” He cries out, exulting. “Fortunate smiles upon me, for the day of reckoning has finally come!”
King sees the Collector turn in the air at Bill’s shout, their face blank for a brief second - before it twists into all-consuming rage, his teeth bared and gritted, his eyes blazing. With a shrill, wordless shout, they rocket down toward the Titan Trapper.
Bill looks up at the star child arrowing in his direction; he must be too wrapped up in his euphoria to notice their anger, because he tosses King roughly to the ground and raises his arms to the sky in glee, as if waiting for some sort of reward.
He gets one, but not the one he expects.
The moment the Collector collides with Bill, a sickening crack blasts King’s eardrums.
Several moments pass. If there’s not much noise, or if he just can’t hear it over the fading ringing in his ears, King can’t tell.
When he finally opens his eyes, the Titan Trappers are retreating - hurrying back to get their boats together and leave, making sure their wounded are set securely onto the vessels. Tarak in particular carefully takes Bill with him. King only flicks one glance at him and immediately wishes he hadn’t, as the scruffy Trapper’s head is at an angle it definitely shouldn’t be. They seem to be in some sort of daze, not completely knowing what to do with themselves without their leader, but clearly intent on getting out of the Isles as fast as they can - which is just fine with King.
He glances over at the Collector. There are stains of red on their right hand, as well as a few flecks on their face. They’re curled into themselves, shaking - King can’t say if it’s more from shock or their dissipating rage.
Upon realizing that he’d instinctively sent the cosmic child a mental cry for help, King didn’t know what to expect. He certainly didn’t expect to hear them rain calamity down on the Trappers the moment he got close to the base. He’d had a sense that the Collector may genuinely care about him, and what happened to him, but it would appear he’d underestimated just how much.
Tentatively, King approaches his friend and sits by him, wrapping his tail around his hind limbs and resting his chin on his knees. He feels a slight weight as the Collector leans onto him a bit, and looking up, sees their face crinkled with an internal knot of emotion.
Two godlike children sit silently over a shore. One looks at nothing, the other carefully observes everything.
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wheretwofacesmeet · 1 year
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adult-trash-lord · 2 years
Theory Time
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You know, I've seen a lot of people say this is the Titan, and at first I was in the same boat.
You know who else this kinda looks like?
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I can't see the Titan Trappers never coming up again after Edge of the World. I feel like we're gonna see them in the finale, if only briefly.
They worshiped the Collector and had a disk, albeit broken, but I feel that means they know about the in between.
And since it was a sort of spector, maybe it was someone trying to communicate.
People have also heard "Luz" coming from the muffled voice. Tarak would know her name.
That is all.
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honestlyobsessed · 2 years
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Tarak Would have been such a good uncle to King if he wasn't trying to kill him.
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The Owl house season 3, and what I need to see part C
The owl house is entering its third and final season. Season 3 will consist of three 44 minute specials (I think. I heard a rumor that fan outrage forced Disney to lengthen the specials to 55minutes). Season 2 ended with the characters kinda spilt into three groups. Luz and her friends henceforth called "The Hexside gang" are trapped in the human realm. The adult CATTs members are back home on the boiling isles out of one apocalypse and straight into another, and King is trapped as the collectors playmate in what ever "owl house" he has made. I am imagining that each special will follow one of these three groups adventures as they all try to reunite.
Here is what I need to see with King and the Collector
Okay first off just like how I said that the “Hexside Gang” better still have their palismen with them, King better still have his bunny. Preferably the when the collector rearranged the isles the collected all of King’s stuffed toys and gave them back to his new “friend”. If that cannot happen King better at least have Francois. Mama and Big Sis went through so much to get Francois back for King.
Also I want King to have bandages on his head, or The Collector to comment something about King’s skull healing so now they do not have to take playing easy... King hurt it pretty bad during the crash in King’s tide, and I need for continuity to address that.
King will not, and honestly should not, like being with the collector at first. Let King want to go home, want to be with his mother, and want to see his sister again. But he cannot, because this annoying brat is forcing him to “stay and play”
Have King say to himself that he wonders how his Dad found and put up with the collector so long ago. Then of course I want a flash back to just that
Do have King and the collector playing, and using their God powers, which gets destructive (little boys ARE wild and destructive during play). The collector keeps changing shape and warping and bending the isles. King gets in stuff he shouldn’t, can shatter stone with his sonic call, and I want him to get a new titan power (possibly to grow wings).
I need more of the back story as to King’s dad. Like between “Edge Of The World” and “Oh Titan Where Art Though” I said that the boiling isles Titan couldn’t be King’s dad (and I made a post theorizing that The Owl Beast was Kings dad in a different form) because it has been a skeleton for several centuries/ a millennium, and King is only a little boy. Then the show says that King is in fact the son of that Particular titan. Well that Raises a ton of questions:
How long to titans live? How long do they incubate? Do the actually live long enough to raise their children, or do they always die before their young hatch? How did King’s dad trap the collector “Beneath these bones” if he is the titan that the collector was trapped beneath the bones of?... Did he... eat him?
Find someway to answer all these questions believably, or have the collector say that that Titan is not Kings dad (maybe his great grandfather), laugh at how old that would mean King is, and that Kings actual dad is....
I do want the owl beast and The Collectors relationship explained at some point...once again the owl beast could be a titan, and related to King somehow, even if not is father. If it’s a part of Eda, it’s already a part of his family
At some point have the titan trappers show up again and try to kill King. The Collector saves him. He yells “Stay away from my friend” and then makes them all go bye-bye. Kings asks him why he did that, if the collector is “The Great Huntsman” doesn’t that mean he hates the Titans and wants them slayed.
The collector then tells King that he used to play a game with the Titan who found him where they would chase each other down, catch each other, then let the other go and trade roles. Once when The Collector was the hunter he met a group of witches, explained the game to them, and asked them for help.  When the titan learned what the collector did they trapped him in the prison and refused to let him go.
Its possible the collector has escaped a few times and been resealed by different titans. We all saw the broken bits circling around his pokeball prison.
Address if the collector actually understands concepts like death, and understood that the titan trappers were killing titans and Belos wanted to kill the witches. I am hoping he does not understand and thought that everybody would just get back up and keep playing (It happened with the grim walkers, right? Them dying was just them restarting the game?)
King thinks over what collector did and told him. Maybe The Collector isn’t evil after all. Maybe they are just a confused kid who was tricked and used by bad adults. Maybe...maybe if King can find away to explain the importance of rules, boundaries, and safety during play to the collector then they won’t be a threat anymore, and the two can actually be friends.
King and the collector are reunited with everyone else.
Now I see The Collector’s story ending 1 of three ways.
1.) King and the others try  to teach the collector the importance of self control and not to hurt others in their games, but the collector does not listen. They dismiss it all as boring rules, and insist they will play however they please, and get mad that anyone would dare try to tell them not to. This results in them having to be sealed away again. If this happens, okay not every villain needs to be redeemed. Just lock whatever is slimy thing is left of Belos up too. Have The Collector say to Belos that “At least we still have our original plan of playing together forever. This time I will pick the game!” Slime Belos gulps.
2.) King and the others successfully teach the collector about self control and how to play/express themself without hurting others. The Collector then join the found family...I have thought a lot about who would be the best parent figure for them. Eda is a great mom, but she already has kids who need her and take up a lot of her attention, so her taking a third one could strain her to much. I said this as a reason she shouldn’t take Hunter, and it is still true with the collector. Camila, Alador, maybe Raine are all in the same boat. Lilith is a great aunt, but she doesn’t seem to want to be mother too, that would give her much less time to research ancient history. Daruis seems like the type who would be good with teenagers but not little kids, plus I do not want Hunter to have to share Darius with another kid so quickly. Gwen&Dell or Bump might be good, but they are all elders at this point and the collector will still be a kid when they pass on... actually considering that the collector is implied to have been a child for centeries that will be true for all the witches, as is that they are 100 times more powerful. After careful analysis of potential parent figures...
Hooty should be the adult that adopts The collector, if The Collector gets adopted into the found family! Hooty is perfect. He has a demon life span, longer than a which or humans. He is super powerful and could handle magical tantrums. We know Hooty has tons of experience taking care of troubled residence in the owl house. Hooty. Hooty is forgiving, super sweet, and loves to play games. He has struggled with loneliness before and knows what it feels like. He helped Lilith get her life back on tack after she left Belos, and Dana tweeted that she originally planed for Hooty to help Hunter too but had to scrap their relationship for time. Hooty is officially a life coach for people recovering from Belos’s abuse, and that includes The Collector. Also since Eda and Hooty live together and Hooty has referred to himself as King’s uncle, then King and the collector could still play together and be cousins. Even if he gets adopted by someone else I would like one pick of them with Hooty at some point.
3.) King and the Collector become friends and King refuses to reseal his new friend. But The collector does not understand self control enough to live peacefully on the isles with everyone else, and it turns out they miss their old home among the stars. So King convinces them to go back to their old home, promising that they will see each other  again. We know that King will outlive Eda, Luz, and their friends, and if he is a titan he will one day become to big to live and interact with them. So maybe the collector could come back when that happens. King could travel with him and they could keep each other company.
We have the standard end, the sweet end, and then a kinda bitter sweet end. I will except any of the three.
P.s. I made none of these three post with spoliers or leaks in mind. I have been doing my best to avoid those. I like the twists and surprises that Dana and her crew throw into the owl house, and I want to go into the final season blind so that I can keep being surprised by them. If you have/know any spoliers or leaks please keep them to yourself. Thank you
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shortprince-cos · 2 years
i had a vision
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sepublic · 1 year
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We know the Collector encountered the Titan Trappers and turned them into puppets, which makes me wonder how that went down? Was King there when it happened, did he already warn the Collector beforehand of how they tried to kill his best bud? Or was this at a point in their relationship where King wasn’t sure if he could trust telling the Collector they had an entire cult at their service?
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Did Bill and Tarak show the Collector the skulls? How does this relate to the kid’s misunderstanding of death, did they never find this room? Believe these were just costumes in their naïveté, turned the Trappers into puppets before they could elaborate?
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The Collector subjects King to a nightmare sequence where he encounters this horrible room, and we see in Luz’s nightmare that Amity makes what we might call a ‘continuity error’, implying the puppets are directly controlled by the Collector an extent, hence why they made that mistake; They don’t have a perfect memorization of their puppets’ memories.
So how does King’s nightmare work? Is it like Gus’ trauma illusions, where the Collector has no idea what trauma might manifest? They seem to have deliberately chosen puppets to scare our protagonists with. Did Amity’s discrepancy come from her, as an attempt to warn Luz, and the Collector otherwise had little to no control over what their victims saw?
Did they think they could ‘fix’ King’s siblings, and just hadn’t gotten around to it? That these were costumes and King was the one exception for Bill? Do they just have a general idea of “These people are relevant and/or scary to these guys”, so they threw them in and let their victims’ psychology fill in the gaps? Did Puppet Bill do the same with his memories, drawing upon what he knew that the Collector didn’t to traumatize King?
Makes me wonder if the Collector recognized the Titan Trappers as the people who helped the Archivists ‘take away’ the Titans, and their immediate reaction was to turn into puppets, with Bill assuming this kid felt the same as his kind. Perhaps the Collector recognized the skulls as pieces of the Titans left over, but the rest of their ‘parts’ were with the Collectors; They couldn’t fix them working with just skulls, hence their continued misunderstanding of death.
Did the Titan Trappers offer themselves and immediately get turned into puppets on a whim, or was it a gradual thing like Terra, where they were accepted into service but did something to upset the Collector; Being ‘weird’ and most likely, being threatening to King, who would’ve brought up the attempted murder. Or did the Collector transform them without King ever finding out, and they told him later, or never brought it up? Not thinking it important or as an intentional way to hide uncomfortable things... Granted the Collector hates lying, so what is their stance on leaving out details?
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iceespizza · 2 years
tarak should get a redemption arc in s3
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zfiledh · 1 year
Headcanons: The Owl House
In no particular order:
Luz and Camila took Amity, Hunter, Gus and Willow to Comic Con dressed like characters from Cosmic Frontier. They actually got to meet the creator(s) of Cosmic Frontier, who were very bemused by Gus and Hunter asking a multitude of questions and Gus’ warning about the giraffes. Luz and Amity got to hang out with fans of The Good Witch Azura.
After the Collector installed the new portal door, Jacob Hopkins managed to get out of jail and attempted to sneak into the house. The last anyone heard from Jacob, he was trying to set up an online fundraiser to get home from Mars (when he really was sent to a place called Quinhagak, Alaska.)
Months after Belos fell, Alador and Odalia divorced. Odalia tried to revive their original arms business, but it fell flat. Amity, Edric and Emira never spoke to her again.
Masha learned the truth about Vee and the Demon Realm. In fact, they’re one of the first humans to attend Gus’ Human Student Exchange Program.
Some sketchy ex-Coven Heads (the Potions Head, Terra, & Adrian) and Kikimora attempted to take over the Boiling Isles and replace the vacancy left by Belos. This was quickly thwarted by the B.A.T.T.s C.A.T.T.s and the Hexside squad and a thorough investigation and trial took place. Unsurprisingly, Odalia was also implicated in the plot because of the subpar Abomotons that were used. The plotters and Odalia were banished from the Boiling Isles and sent to Titan Trapper Island to live out their sentence. Kikimora worked out a plea deal and that’s how she was found working with Matt Tholomule to rebuild Bonesborough.
Eda and her dad have a better relationship these days, to Gwendolyn’s delight. Dell and Gwendolyn have also doted on King and Hunter. In fact, Eda was the one who introduced Hunter to Dell after Luz mentioned that Hunter wanted to learn how to carve Palismen.
A delegation was sent to Titan Trapper Island, and Bill is no longer the leader there. Tarak was appointed as the new leader and he promised that he and his people will not to go after the last Titan (King). It also helped that The Collector was included in that delegation to seal the deal and promised to build a portal between the two islands if the Titan Trappers behaved...and changed their way of dressing and the name of their island.
Lilith unlocked her harpy form the same way Eda did: with cookies made by Hooty. However, it wasn’t as “smooth” as Eda’s transformation, but with the help from Eda, Gwendolyn, and Camila, she was able to take control of her transformations. Hooty was also temporarily banned from the kitchen. Right after she managed this, Lilith showed off her transformation in front of Flora.
Luz told Eda what Papa Titan told her, and Eda felt honored. Though Eda was a bit offended about the Titan questioning her homemade apple blood recipe.
The Therapy Coven had never been busy after the fall of Belos. Hunter and Raine in particular spent some time with them because of the shared trauma of possession by Belos.
Hunter elected to stay with Darius, though he's always welcome with the Nocedas back in the Human Realm, with the Parks, the Blights (minus Odalia), Eda, and the senior Clawthornes.
Willow introduced Hunter to her dads after Hunter finished gushing about sewing and wolves with Darius and Eberwolf.
Boscha peaked in high school.
The Bat Queen sensed that there was something about Hunter, and Hunter told her about Flapjack’s sacrifice. After that talk, Hunter also became welcome in The Bat Queen’s forest.
Luz and Amity got more “mundane, slice-of-life dates”, both in the human realm and the demon realm.
The Collector visits King from time to time, and the Hexside squad learned to relax around them and teach them about how to approach people and play other games.
There was an attempt to introduce Camila to the food in the Boiling Isles. Suffice to say, she was only able to eat griffin eggs like Luz, though she found the animals there quite fascinating.
Viney and Jerbo eventually became friends again, to Barkus’ relief. (Barkus knew they would become friends, it was a matter of when.)
Principal Bump officially retired as Principal the following year. That was not the end of his love of education because he spent the next year to reach out to Glandus and St. Epiderm about revising their curriculum and offering multiple magic tracks.
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vickysaurus · 8 months
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"Hi, Dad. If you're out there watching this, I uh, want to introduce myself."
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"I like cheesy foods and conquering kingdoms. Though I haven't conquered any of my own yet. But maybe you have, and we can compare notes. I'd love to meet you. We could do parent-kid stuff, toss a ball, burn some cookies, catch me going on weird websites or something. Also, I found a symbol in the tower I hatched in."
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"Maybe you can teach me to read it! I live with my favorite human and a cranky old witch."
Eda: "Hey!"
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"But cranky or not, she's the one who raised me, which is why I am le...gally changing my name to King Clawthorne! Surprise, Eda! Now we're connected for life, and there's nothing you can do about it!"
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"Is that what you wanted to tell me this whole time?"
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Luz: "And, if you sign here, it be official!"
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lampmanliveblogs · 4 months
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Watching and Dreaming
Seven minutes and seven seconds into the episode we get out title. It feels fitting.
I think I mentioned this in one of the previous season three liveblogs, but I already knew what the secret message hidden in the episode titles was.
Thanks to Them For the Future Watching and Dreaming.
Thanks For Watching
It’s… bittersweet, in a way. I suppose we’re lucky to actually get a finale for the show, and these episodes may be great. But damn it, how much greater could it have been? How much greater could things have been with twenty more adventures? We could have gotten to see the witch kids go on adventures in the Human Realm. We could expand on lore and characters. We could have gotten a solo episode dedicated to Vee in the Human Realm after the others left where she could go on a date with Masha and maybe even telling them the truth goddammit! And who knows, maybe Vee would even end up on an adventure of her own as there was something strange going on in Gravesfield…
Alas, that’s not how things worked out in the end. But for what it’s worth, since the team behind The Owl House thought it appropriate to thank everyone for watching, I want to give my sincere thanks to them for making this wonderful show. Thank you.
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Atop the giant Rubik’s cube, Luz finds King still trapped in a nightmare of his own, haunted by the visages of Bill and… um… what was his name, the guy who was like a kindly uncle to King… Turok?Tarak! Tarak, that was his name!
So the real important question we have to ask for episode: are we finally going to get that backstory for the Bat-Queen?
The second most important question we must ask for this episode is this: Is that the real Bill and Tarak, or just fake puppets The Collector conjured up based on some memory they pulled out of King’s mind? Even if The Collector knew about the Titan Trappers, who they were and where they lived (and that’s not a certainty if my theory about the Titan Trappers worshipping not THE Collector, but some other Collector/Collectors is true), I’m not sure he would care to go get them for his collection. It is possible that he read King’s mind, saw Bill & Tarak, zoomed over to Titan Trapper Island, picked them up, and then zoomed back… or that he just created some dolls that look like them.
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On her other side, Luz finds Eda, she too trapped in the bad dream, haunted by what I’m gonna assume are the real versions of Gwendolynn, Dell, and Lilith. And in hindsight, the slight weirdness of Lilith having her hair colored black like her old hairstyle, but still cut short like her new one in Eda’s nightmare can be explained by The Collector (or Eda’s mind) just putting a thin layer of illusion on the puppet.
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D’aaaaaawwwwwwwww… told y’all the reunion would be a tearjerker.
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”…the dog?”
Pfffffft! Not gonna lie, this made me burst out laughing, You can just hear the utter confusion and bewilderment in Philip’s voice (well, I guess it’s actually Raine’s voice, but Philip’s in the driver’s seat… you guys know what I mean).
Anyways, back in the bed space, The Collector’s talking with Philip-posing-as-Raine (or RayRay, as I’m henceforth going to call Possessed!Raine). Rather than immediately trying to convince The Collector to destroy everyone, RayRay convinced them to put everyone in those twisted nightmares to ”make them see the error of their ways.”
(Were I a more learned man, I might be be able to make some connection with religion here. Like, The Collector as God, and these nightmares are like… a warning of hell or something? I dunno.)
However, now that they’ve broken free, The Collector realizes that maybe this wasn’t they’ve best way to go about it if he wanted to be friends with them. Should’ve just made some friendship bracelets, shaking my head. Nah, instead he warped them into a world of hate and war where they were assaulted by everyone they’ve known and loved before.
(Future Lampman here: something I noticed during a rewatch of this scene is RayRay grabbing Francois, and The Collector quickly taking it and putting it back on the little drawer; because King doesn’t like anyone else holding Francois)
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