#the perils of being a phil main
tsukana · 11 months
any time abuelito and tango capys are in direct proximity of phil i just feel like crying and smiling
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 years
Walt Disney Animated Pictures Studios from Worst to Best-Part Five: The GREATEST Films
Salutations, random people of the internet who certainly won’t read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck! I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons!
Now we’re getting into it with this Walt Disney Animated Pictures Studios ranking! This time, we’re talking about the movies that are simply the greatest. The films that I’ll always be in the mood for, what with them being fun, creative, and, at times, simply beautiful. Not the best just yet, but these next few movies are far from being the worst. And we’re going through them by starting with a movie that I’m sure some of you are surprised that it’s ranked this high.
#20. Hercules-If you’re hoping for a grand, epic retelling of Greece’s greatest mythological hero…you’re not going to get it.
But if you’re looking for a cartoonish comedy with a decent amount of heart and some insanely catchy music, you’ll get that in spades.
There’s not much to say about Hercules other than that. It’s a fun movie, but it’s one that’s definitely not for everyone. I certainly had a blast, but I can understand why someone else wouldn’t. The stars just don’t line up for them.
#19. Tarzan-I feel like I can talk forever about what I like in Tarzan, and, really, there’s quite a bit.
Tarzan’s journey to discovering who he is and where he belongs is easy to sympathize with and is engaging to see him come to his own inclusion.
Jane is a decent love interest, who is bubbly and excited to learn about everything, while also getting a chuckle or two out of me when necessary.
Kala is up there as one of the best Disney moms, doing her darndest to support Tarzan, letting him know that he always has a place in the family, and especially a place in her heart.
Clayton is a decent villain, whose motivations are simple but his personality is what wins me over as this impatient meathead that clashes well with Tarzan. Also, he’s a contender for having one of the darkest moments in Disney’s history.
Speaking of dark, there’s some effective and tense peril in this film, with three exciting set pieces that gets the blood pumping as Tarzan tries to survive a predator, whether it’s a leopard or a Clayton.
I could go on forever, but I also don’t want this list to go on for too long. Besides, while there’s a lot to love with Tarzan, there are issues that hold it back.
Tantor’s blind hatred for Tarzan is pretty messed up. He bullies Tarzan from infancy to adulthood, never giving him a chance for no reason. If there was a scene that showed that he hated humans, I might understand, but as is, it’s harsh as hell.
Terk and Tantor are not as funny as I remember them. Honestly, I’m pretty sure they were funnier in the TV show. But here? Eeeeeeeeh, they have moments…or A moment.
Tarzan’s close proximity to Jane can get…creepy. Very creepy.
Not to mention that Jane’s conclusion in the end is pretty rushed, as it’s hard to believe that she’ll make it after the short time she’s spent with Tarzan.
And then there’s the Phil Collins songs. Whether you love ‘em or hate ‘em, you gotta admit that it would have hit harder to have the characters sing, not Phil Collins. Imagine if Tala sang “You’ll Be in My Heart” or if Tarzan sang “Strangers Like Me.” Wouldn’t that be more powerful, even if it was by a smidge?
Again, I could go on and on. And maybe I will one day. But to keep things brief, I’ll say that while Tarzan is far from perfect, the things that work well work enough where I’ll be willing to sit through what’s imperfect just to get to the good stuff. And, as I’ve said, there’s quite a bit of that.
#18. Atlantis: The Lost Empire-Stop me if you’ve heard this one: A heavily underrated Disney film that tries to be more mature and adult compared to the others. Sounds familiar, right? Well, this time, I can certainly say that it is one of the more effective attempts. The story is fairly simple as it’s an expedition that heads out to find the lost city of Atlantis, but the simplicity helps add to the main theme of preservation and how taking from lost civilizations for the “pursuit of knowledge” isn’t as noble as people think. Sure, there’s still a princess that needs saving and that kind of shows Disney’s true colors, but is that really worth complaining about? I mean, look at everything else this movie does right compared to that.
It has some incredible animation aided with a comic book-like art style that leads to some incredible shots and expressions. The character designs are also top-notch, saying everything you need to know about them just by the way that they look…though one might be a little offensive to a particular group. I’m not sure.
I AM sure, though, that the comedy that comes from these characters are pretty funny, with Vinny in particular getting the most laughs with his dry wit and line delivery. And as for character development, Milo’s is pretty solid, going from meek nerd to brave hero in a convincing manner. At least, to me he does.
If there’s anything worth complaining about, it’s the pacing, as the movie feels like it’s on fast-forward at times. Things go by so fast that there’s hardly time to breathe once we get to the main voyage.
“Also this movie is directed by Joss Weadon.”
Oh, right…he’s a piece of s**t and we hate him now…Yikes.
Still, if you’re willing to look past that (and maybe some racism?), you’re in for a fun time. Not a flawless adventure, but still pretty entertaining.
#17. Big Hero 6-I feel like the best way to look at this is to not see it as a Disney movie. Instead, it’s more like a mid-tear Marvel movie. It has an end credit scene, a Stan Lee cameo, and a solid mix of comedy and action, and all the makings that cause Marvel to be an easy box-office smash…Unless you’re Morbius.
Though, the fact that this one is animated gives Big Hero 6 more of an edge. I always feel like animation is the best way to bring superheroes to life because, when animated, the larger than life powers can be explored to their fullest potential and the action can be much more grandiose. Whereas live action is limited to what an actual human can do and has to rely on CGI…which is just animation with a cooler name. So I do think that Big Hero 6’s animation helps it be better than even the most mediocre of Marvel movies just for the spectacle it’s medium is allowed to be. That and the characters, primarily Hiro and Baymax. The other characters are more about being supportive towards Hiro rather than having actual arcs, but their personalities are entertaining enough to offer a good time. But Hiro is the true star of the show, going through the motions to learn that there’s a right way to process grief than doing…what he tries to do. And Baymax steals the show, being equal parts funny and wholesome, crafting an endearing relationship with Hiro that genuinely tugged at the heartstrings at certain points.
Unfortunately, like most Marvel movies, the worst thing about it was the villain. I won’t give much away, but trust me when I say that everything wrong with this villain is summed up in “That was his mistake.” He at least looks cool, but…that’s about it. The villain doesn’t hurt the movie too much, but I feel like the reason why I’m saying that is because I’m a fan of both superheroes and animation, meaning that this film checks off all the best boxes for me. So, if my bias is showing, then I guess that’s my mistake. Still, I’d be willing to argue that Big Hero 6 is always going to be a fun time for me.
#16. The Emperor’s New Groove-If there’s one word that describes this movie perfectly, it’s, “iconic.” The jokes, the characters, and even the facial expressions all line up for a movie that NO ONE will be able to forget. I mean, this is the movie that gifted us with Kronk. KRONK! The funniest and most quotable character in all of fiction! Not just in Disney, but in fiction.
The Emperor’s New Groove might not be as grand as other Disney films, or even as epic as its original concept, but that’s a bit of an unfair judgment. Yes, there are some movies better than it, but The Emperor’s New Groove is still pretty great in a vacuum. Kuzco’s arc into becoming a better person is handled well, his friendship with Apa is endearing as it is believable, and Izma makes for a fun, if not insane, antagonist that adds to the whole package that is an entertaining film. It might not be the objective best, but it is pretty fun. And who am I to knock down a movie for being fun?
#15. Zootopia-Once upon a time, I would consider this movie to be in the top best Disney films, and for good reason. It has stellar animation that makes the characters seem 2D with a 3D coat of paint, some great comedy, and two characters with an entertaining dynamic and adorable relationship. And, on top of all that, Zootopia also tries to have a solid message about prejudice. Some say it’s a bit preachy, but to that I say, “LOOK AT THE WORLD WE LIVE IN!” A six-year-old African American boy got arrested for picking flowers off a man’s lawn while waiting at the bus stop! No s**t it’s preachy! We need this stuff hammered into our skulls if s**t like this happens!
(And that story is true, by the way. Look it up.)
As for something I do agree on, the predator and prey analogy can be a bit iffy. Predators, despite what the movie preaches, are biologically designed to eat and kill prey. That’s just nature. So to have predators be the representation of every minority ever while preys are the ones that take advantage of them can be..rough, to say the very least. I will say that I do appreciate that even the main character has prejudices of her own, and even tries to work through them, meaning that not everyone is absolved from this issue. So, while iffy, it does come from good intentions. I won’t say Zootopia is the perfect movie to talk about race and prejudice, but it’s at least enough to transition kids into the discussion. It could have been done better, but it also could have been done way worse.
(Remember that shock collar idea from the original plot? Yikes…)
#14. Pinocchio-Pinocchio has two jobs: Scare the crap out of kids and break the hearts of adults. If you missed your chance to be afraid of donkeys and whales as a kid, then you'll at least learn great sadness when you see characters like Pinocchio and Geppetto being in distress as you get older. Pleasure Island remains one of the darkest places Disney has ever created, with Monstro the whale being pretty threatening-looking. As for stuff like Pinocchio crying when in a bad situation or Geppetto being so worried about what happened to his son, it tears you up inside, I'll say that much. But aside from the solid emotional beats, Pinocchio also has a decent story. Pinocchio learning to be a real boy is handled well enough, making his reward feel earned after the hardships he went through and the bad choices he improved himself on. Maybe the movie tortured him a little too much, but, again, this movie has two jobs: breaking hearts and scaring kids.
(Don't smoke or drink, kids. Otherwise, you'll turn into a donkey and get sent into salt mines.)
#13. Cinderella-Cinderella is the movie I picture when I think of Disney. It's a charming retelling of a classic fairytale, fit with wonderful animation, beautiful singing, some pretty genuinely funny comedy, a sweet happy ending, and, hey, a decent princess. Cinderella is still a woman who needs mice of all things to save her, but her personality is still one of the best. She's kind and compassionate to everyone around her but still smart enough to know she's in a bad situation and witty enough to call some people out on it. It's mostly the cat, but it's better than nothing. Cinderella may not be a Moana or a Rapunzel, but at least she didn't eat an apple from a stranger like a naive child. The one thing that actually bugs me is the Prince, who's more of a plot device than an actual character. He's pretty forgettable and nothing like that himbo I've heard so much about in that straight-to-video movie that's apparently good (I'll take your word for it). Still, this is a classic movie, and I'd be dreaming if I put it any lower.
#12. The Little Mermaid-Like Cinderella, The Little Mermaid is a movie that comes to my mind when I think of Disney. Primarily, it's when I think of the point when Disney reached the Disney Renaissance. Every movie before it had a notable charm with the occasional fluctuations in quality, but none compared to The Little Mermaid. The animation's much grander, more fluid, and more expressive than past Disney films, all being a spectacle to see. What's also a spectacle is the music. Every song is catchy as all forms of hell while also giving me goosebumps at times. When Ariel started singing "Part of Your World," I remembered what's so enchanting about these movies. And we haven't even gotten to the characters yet, with each one being entertaining in their own way, especially Ursula. She's yet another villain that's both funny and scary, but where past Disney baddies attempted to get on her level, Ursula's the one who perfected the role. The only real problem would be this movie's prince and princess. Ariel at least has a fun personality of being obsessed with the human world, but Eric is...uninteresting. Bland. Devoid of any unique character traits other than wanting to marry a sixteen-year-old. By the way, Ariel's sixteen. Just...think some of you should know that. And I wouldn't have issues with how boring Eric was if he also wasn't the main goal for Ariel. She's willing to go through a lot of danger for this boring man who she knows nothing about. Which isn't something kids should look up to. Still, I love this movie for everything else it does right. It's fun, spectacular, and, at times, even beautiful. Everything I look for in a Disney movie.
#11. Beauty and the Beast-"BeLlE eXpErIeNcEd StOcKhOlM sYnDrOmE! HuRr-HuRr-HuRr-HuRr!"
There, I've made the same stupid joke everyone else made. Let's move on.
Beauty and the Beast is the first animated movie ever to be nominated for best picture at the Oscars, and...Yeah, it's pretty damn good. The characters are fun and charming, the songs are both visual and auditory spectacles, and the movie does something no Disney film did before it. It gives personality to both the Prince and Princess. While past princesses did have a personality, their princes were as dull as a plank of wood. Here, it's different. Belle is an intelligent lady who knows when to be brash if the situation calls for it, and Beast is a savage beast who slowly and convincingly learns how to settle down his...beastness. The one thing that doesn't really work is the development of their romance. If there's anything the movie could benefit from, it would be a longer runtime dedicated to showing more of Belle and the Beast spending time together to make it more believable that they fell in love. But, at the same time, this movie is clearly going for that "fairytale brought to life" feeling, which the romance, as is, still works well for. I guess it all depends on whether or not you want Beauty and the Beast to be more of a movie or more of a fairytale. And while I would personally choose a movie more than a fairytale, I can't really complain here. This was a beautiful film that deserved its nomination. But it wasn’t the best. None of these movies are. A lot of them are worthy enough to be contenders, just couldn’t make it to the top ten. And you’ll see why as we finally talk about the BESTDisney movies…Tomorrow.
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isa-ghost · 3 years
I May have thought of a neat AU fic idea but only the basic concept. Feedback/interest on this idea big appreciated in the notes or in asks. 👀
Tommy is desperate for closure. He couldn't get it the way he tried before and he has sworn to NEVER try it that way again.
Dream is still alive, now free and right back to looming over him like a murderous storm. And everything else about him is a mystery. How stacked he is, any allies, where he's hiding when he's not harassing Tommy himself.
On top of that, Tommy's drifted drifting away from Wilbur, who still thinks Dream is a wonderful guy. Wilbur is doing his own strange things with Ra.. well, was doing? Doing alone now? Tommy doesn't know. And Wilbur hasn't really elaborated.
He doesn't even feel as close to Tubbo as he did in the past. Tubbo just wants to live and be safe and.. Well now he has a dead platonic marriage partner to mourn and deal with the ghost of. He's busy and Tommy feels guilty that whenever he pulls Tubbo into things, Tubbo ends up in peril. Even with them being a team and Tubbo always being there for him if he needs it, he's grown hesitant to involve Tubbo again. Especially after what almost happened at the Disc War Finale.
All of Tommy's once closest confidants and support system is- while still there -not as strong as it was before. They're there when he needs them, at least if he doesn't count Dream's game of "tag" after breakout. And while he THINKS Phil might be able to do him some good (he's old and wise, right? He must!), Tommy isn't confident that what Phil is trying to teach him will give him closure on the past. If anything, it'll offer him insight for the future (hopefully).
So, desperate as he is and preparing to fight Dream alongside Sapnap, Tommy gets an idea while they're making plans for the future fight against Dream in Kinoko. Karl time travels. Tommy needs closure about the past.
Planning session with Sapnap over, he seeks Karl out. He needs to see what things would have been like if POG 2020 won. Are they better than this? Worse because Dream hates unison against him and Tommy in a place where Dream can't get to him as easily? Is Wilbur the man he used to know? Are he and Tubbo as inseparable as they used to be? What about Niki or Jack or anyone else? Does Eret still redeem himself? Is the way things are and what he's doing here in the "main" timeline worth it? Are they the right thing?
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Selling SHOJS harder than Phil Swift sells flex seal
Spooky's House of Jumpscares(also known as Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion bc of copyright complications) is a horror game by Lag Studios and Akuma Kira. Your goal is to make it through the perils in A thousand rooms of a mansion inhabited by a little ghost girl called Spooky, hence the name. But I know what you're thinking: Why should *I* play this game?
Well my friend, do you like cute things in horror games? Then this game has plenty of that! The Jumpscares themselves start as cardboard cutouts that have cutesy smiles and adorable eyes, but don't worry about things being too easy, not all is as it first seems here.
Do you like horror games that manage to lull you into a false sense of security? Then once more this game is for you, although it seems innocent at first, this game will before long have you wondering what's behind the next door on your quest to a thousand rooms.
Do you like lore? Great, so do I! This game has several characters each with their own lore, backgrounds, trivia, symbolism, and inspiration. Along with in game lore and the background behind the various areas encountered in the game.
Do you like great ost? This game's ost in or out of game is a great experience, personally I love the themes of both specimen 7 and specimen 8.
Do you like mysterious protagonists? Well the protagonist of this game we know hardly anything about. We are aware they have a love of history and visited the mansion to learn more about its past, and that they have some form of mental issue or past trauma. Other than that we can make an educated guess from the few glimpses we get of them(revealing red eyes and pale skin) that they are albino. The rest is entirely up to your imagination! (But if anyone wants to see the design I made for them feel free to ask)
Do you like androgynous characters? The protagonist has no set gender and most of the characters aren't even human
Do you like monsters? We got a lot of those
Do you like sneaky tricks played on the unfortunate main character? Awesome!
Do you like different game modes? Because we have the regular story mode, and then endless mode which allows you to see how long you can last in the horrors of Spooky's abode
Do you like DLCs? Of course, unlike the base game, these cost a bit of money, but we have the HD renovation, where your favorite characters get a cool visual upgrade, we have Karamari Hospital, where we delve deeper into the depths of our favorite extra Spooky ghost's residence to see what secrets lie in the forgotten underground of the mansion, and then you can even download the OST to your own computer for your listening pleasure
Down below I will link the steam page to the game, the wiki for it, a playthrough, and a playlist with the OSTs
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june2734 · 4 years
The Short Lived Golden Age of Nerdy Web Shows
There was a time between the years of, let's say, 2007 to 2015 that I like to call the golden age of nerdy web shows. It consisted of a lot of small low to no budget productions that had a lot of heart, the kind you just don't see very often anymore for some reason. Many of these show have found a dedicated home on streaming services like The Fantasy Network, some have even gained enough steam to be featured on big name services like Netflix and Amazon like The Guild and LARPs The series respectively. I'm not exactly sure why the web show trend died out so hard, maybe the crowds just aren't there for them anymore like they use to be with some many pieces of high budget productions on streaming services vying for their attention. Every once and a while I'll jump onto Google to try and find new web shows that have that same heart and feel but rarely if ever do I come up with anything. As far as I can tell the only place new nerdy low to mid budget web shows or films gets any attention is at GenCon or small streaming services like The Fantasy Network. Who knows if there will ever be another nerdy heartfelt web show created that captures the spirit of those old series I hold so dear to my heart, but regardless if it happens or not I'd like to bring some attention to a few of my favorites. They may be old by the standards of the internet and maybe even cheesy by today's standards, but I really think they were something special and if you give them a shot maybe you'll think so too. If you have any others that you think would fit in with shows like this feel free to let me know.
The Gamers: Hands Of Fate
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Zombie Orpheus Entertainment use to be one of my favorite channels for nerdy fantasy related content back in the day. You could always see the quality and passion that they put into every piece of content they out out on their channel. They're still around today but they've shifted their focus to other ventures such as the ever popular trend of live streaming table top games rather then making scripted content. That being said their old stuff is still well worth a watch and The Gamers series, particularly The Gamers: Hands of Fate, is some of their best work they’ve ever put out. The series centers around a group of table top gamers(the same that can be found in most of the other The Gamers creations by ZOE), particularly the character by the name of Cass, as he steps into the world of one extremely popular card game hopes of impressing a woman who's a huge fan of it. But this is seemingly simple premise is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this series. The show also features a secondary narrative that involves the characters that actually exist in the card game as as the players decisions in the real world effect their lives and leads one character, Buckstahue(not sure if I’m spelling that right), in particular to start questioning what mysterious forces are controlling their lives. The show is a real treat filled with twists and turns I never saw coming, it's fascinating seeing how the real world actions of this card game effects the card characters lives as well as question if and when Buckstahue will figure out what strings control her actions. The stories surrounding the other characters in the party might not be as engaging but they are by no means a weak point of the series either, many of their subplots are engaging in their own rights and pay off certain character moments established in proper The Gamers creations. If this peaks your interest then the series can still be found on Zombie Orpheus's Youtube channel or as a movie on The Fantasy Network. ZOE had pivoted more towards live streaming as opposed to the scripted content of their past but I'd love to see more content from The Gamers one day. Source
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LARPs The Series
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LARPs The Series first premiered at GenCon 2014 and took home the award for Best Independent Series. The year after it was picked up by Geek and Sundry as a part of a push for more scripted content on the channel which was where I and many others first got a chance to watch it. When the short trailer for popped up on the G&S channel everything about it screamed that I was absolutely going to love it, and I wasn’t wrong. The series centers around a 4 man party of larpers (AKA Live Action Role Players) by the names of Will, Brittany, Arthur and Sam and their DM (Dungeon Master) Evan as we follow their lives in and out of the game. The show is surprisingly heartfelt and sympathetic towards the characters involved in this often misunderstood and mocked hobby as it shows how larping enriches their often turbulent lives and connects them all as friends on a deep and meaningful level. These characters felt real and you really rooted for them as they deal with, work, relationships and the many other hurtles of adult life as they wait eagerly to gear up for whatever peril might befall them in their next campaign session. The show was also pretty hilarious, seeing them play out classic predicaments that any party, whether they be larpers or table top roleplayers, have experienced such as one player trying to roll to kill a tavern owner or romances between PCs were always a joy to watch unfold.  Another thing that most will notice right away is how the production value and direction are surprisingly astounding as well, especially in season 2. I was shocked by just how much quality was put into the show from the costumes and sets as well as from a writing standpoint. If you're interested in checking out the show then it can be found on Amazon Prime but they can also still be viewed for free on YouTube or in The Fantasy Network. Beanduck, the production company behind LARPs The series, is working towards a funding campaign in hopes of earning enough to produce a third season so if you have any spare change you might want to toss it their way in support. Regardless if you decide to help or not, LARPs The Series is a show that I think any nerdy individual will enjoy. Source
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Glitch was another show produced by the team over at Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, but it never seemed to get the same kind of love as many of their other productions. The concept was brilliant: What if one day you woke up and found out your life operated on the logic of video games? Well this is the predicament that a programing temp nicknamed Glitch finds himself in. Most episodes of the show centered around particular game mechanics causing problems in his and his friends lives and how he tries to figure out ways to work around or fix problems they've created. Glitch, Wyatt and Samus were all fantastic characters and it was always fun seeing Glitch trying to work through some real world problem with game logic like trying to flirt with a woman he likes using a conversation wheel like in Mass Effect or figuring out how to "defeat" his boss at work who he see's as an actual game boss. Another thing I liked about the show was how the characters really felt like real people I knew, they played games on the couch, debated about which Sci-Fi starship captains were the best, and they grilled each other in nerdy ways while working in slang from their favorite bits of nerd culture into their daily vocabulary. I always hoped that ZOE would eventually put out a second season but unfortunately for whatever reason that never became a reality. Now days the channel that originally hosted Glitch has changed their name to Burger Orchard and rarely if ever uploads anything, but luckily those original episodes of Glitch can still be found on their. Give it a watch, it's short but sweet and if you really enjoyed the show a lot there are little companion shorts that can also be found on the channel. Source
The Street Fighter
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The Game Station was an early find for me back in my early college days, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I shaved away many hours watching all kinds of gaming related content on that channel instead of studying for exams. One production, created by one of the channels founders Layne Pavoggi, which came out in late 2011 and was a cut above much their already fantastic content was a short lived series was called The Street Fighter. The series centered around a single dad by the name of Phil who has just lost his job and decides to take up a short career as a professional Street Fighter player to provide for his son as well as keep his mind off of the stressful and highly competitive job market. This a real underdog story that’s extremely reminiscent of old sports 80s films where the protagonist has everything working against them, with that being said you might think that such a trope filled narrative would make things a little predictable and you wouldn’t be wrong but there’s still plenty to love since this concept has really never been explored with videogame to my knowledge. Phil is a guy you’d be hard pressed not to warm up to, especially when you see him interacting with his preteen son Ryan or his best friend/semi love interest Camile (played by former All That star and all around spectacular person Lisa Foiles). Seeing him trying to make his way into the job market, taking odd jobs here and there just to try and get by while also playing Street Fighter to destress and become better for the sake of winning a competition for money to support his son really makes to root for him through all of it. One aspect of the show that I really this is fantastic is how it feels truly authentic to the FGC (Fighting Game Community) when it comes to talking about all of the technical aspects of play Street Fighter on a competitive level. There are moments when Phil goes into detail about his “bread and butter” combos or talks about different strategies when it comes to taking on different characters compared to his main. The show was short lived but it can still be found on The Game Stations channel, if you’re looking for a heartfelt underdog story then I highly recommend giving The Street Fighter a shot. Source
Versus Valerie
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Versus Valerie is a bit of series finale for a fictional character created by Hannah Spear for the character more commonly known as the Sexy Nerd Girl on her YouTube channel. Even if you didn't watch the characters vlogs over the years leading up to the web series I still think you'll find something to enjoy in this extremely charming show. It centers around Valerie Lapomme, the titular Sexy Nerd Girl, as she lives life hanging out with with her best friend Guy, shopping for comic books, going on dates, vlogging, and trying to make something of herself as a mid 20 something living in Toronto. The brilliant thing about this series is how each episode is structured like or makes homage to popular shows, films and games such as Star Wars, Doctor Who, Memento, and The Matrix just to name a few. On top of that the show is surprisingly well produced and written for something that spawned from a fictional vlog series, Valarie and Guy are much more fleshed out and all the characters including them have some really fantastic character arcs and moments in the show. Valerie’s awkwardness and extremely nerdy imagination felt embracingly relatable to me personally since I often imagine different situations in my life in relation to my own nerdy fandoms. What I was often taken aback by when I first watched the show years ago was just how enjoyable all of the episodes were in their own special way, and the pay off of it all really feels like a proper satisfying ending to the strange and imaginative journey we’ve been on with Valerie. If it peaks your interest at all then you can still find the full series on the Veruse Valerie YouTube channel as well as some of the vlogs prior to the series on the Sexy Nerd Girl channel as well. It’s well worth a viewing and aside from the fantastic lead characters of Guy and Valerie the show also managed to grab Mark Meer as a supporting character, aka the voice of COMMANDER MOTHER F^*$(^% SHEPARD BABY!!!  Source
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reynoso79-blog · 4 years
The Simpsons - A Commentary on American Culture
No one could have predicted that the grungy drawings of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson on the sketch parody program, "The Tracey Ullman Show" would change into a tremendously worshiped pack hit among watchers everything being proportionate and establishments. As the longest running restored course of action all through the whole closeness of TV, it is in like turnpike one of the most esteemed. "The Simpsons" scenes are routinely themed around advancing new unanticipated turns of events – even imperfect subjects, for instance, gay marriage and religion in state financed schools. There is nothing of the sort as difficult to show up at point on "The Simpsons." Topics on the show are facilitated distraction that is truly spun around all ages, races, sexual course and religions rick simpson oil .
Producer and authority creator, Matt Groening is attributed with restoring the excess satire to prime time TV with the introduction of "The Simpson's" hypothesis on Fox in 1989. Official creator James L. Streams is an Emmy and Academy award winning producer and creator of films that wire Terms of Endearment and As Good as it Gets. Al Jean is the third official creator other than head producer (Simpsons, 2006). As a stunning little attestation, staff writer, Daniel Chun is the more fiery get-together of a juvenile this author dated in assistant school. Al Jean and Mike Scully are in like manner two fundamental researchers.
Regardless of the conspicuous VIP guest stars who have voiced different sensational characters on the show, it is the voices of the standard characters that are central and key to the show's continued with progress. Everything considered striking for giving out the general filtered through "D'oh!" as Homer Simpson, Dan Castallaneta past Tracey Ullman cast part, is other than Mayor Quimby, Grandpa Simpson and Groundskeeper Willie among others. What's logically a Tracey Ullman alumna, Julie Kavner prompts her voice to Marge Simpson and her two upsetting Homer-disdaining, MacGyver focused, chain smoking sisters Patty and Selma. Nancy Cartwright is the voice of multi year old Bart Simpson, paying little mind to Ralph Wiggum, Nelson Muntz and Todd Flanders. Focus youthful, multi year old Lisa Simpson is outlined by Yeardley Smith. Both Hank Azaria and Harry Shearer offer voices to different Springfield's essential characters (Simpsons, 2006).
The Simpsons' Lucrative Heyday
In its exactly on an ideal opportunity to mid-'90s importance days, "The Simpsons" was less at the height of clear quality and evaluations, at any rate the show was gathering a few millions in referenced thing bargains. Parties couldn't get enough stunning Homers that drooled "Mmmm… doughnuts" or battery worked Barts hollering "Announced carumba!" at the push of his mid-locale, paying little psyche to PC games, dress, home enhancements from this time forward commonly more. Bart's catchphrases which included "Don't have a dairy creatures man!" and "Eat my shorts" were heard everywhere. Near the evaluations, systems of Simpsons referenced things have declined starting late, yet the section scholars' and producers' undertakings to keep the show new and attracting have not gone unnoticed by various watchers who have remained focused on the inhabitants of Springfield, USA.
A Window into Our Nation
How the show is set in a dull state shows an effort concerning the stars to reflect American culture everything considered in each scene. This has related with the show to draw watchers from wherever all through the country. For instance, a show like "Sex and the City" may have an especially beast after of New York watchers, while "The Simpsons" with its unidentified setting can interface all Americans. The two-story Simpson home on Evergreen Terrace energetically shows up additionally as a standard home in an American suburb – short the festival like striking shades.
The Main Characters – the Simpson family
The show is based around the Simpson nuclear family model of two watchmen, 2.5 young people (Maggie could be considered the .5 thinking about her as deficiency to talk) notwithstanding cats, Snowball I, II and III and ensured about greyhound, Santa's Little Helper. The family structure and character characters reflect standard American checks. While the Simpsons are truly broken, (as show by one of the past scenes where the family experienced incapacitated individual treatment with Dr. Marvin Monroe to vanquish their issues), finally, we when in doubt have issues, at any rate toward the day's end, there is an enormous level of warmth and solidarity in different families. This is unmistakably, if you pardon the trustworthy introductions of youth abuse where Homer stiflers Bart until his eyes swell off of his brain and the way that kid Maggie is certainly once in a while wandered out from home alone.
Submitted adornment and mother Marge is a tribute to enduring American moms. She is the heart, soul and glue of the Simpson family. As opposed to her life right hand, Marge doesn't have any mates or time to be social as she is an over the top level of clamoring paying unprecedented cerebrum to her adored one and adolescents. Homer, who has a huge level of irrelevant progression mates, is the pulverizing imbecile of a genuine proximity embellishment and father. What he needs sharp, he makes up in mix use at his kept up watering opening, Moe's Tavern. He isn't for each condition completely gave to his family and is continually fuming and crazy, yet near the fulfillment of most scenes, he picks the best choice – and that is the spot we see the spirit of the American father.
Bart is the artfulness, free vivacious most settled youth who uncovers burden all finished, regardless, like his father, as a last resort finds recuperation and a liberal closeness practice before the accreditation of a scene. Lisa is the totally evident still, little voice of the Simpson family. An especially read, caring youth who follows Buddhism and perpetual new unexpected new turns of events, Lisa can in like course chuckle with Bart at the especially energetic scenes of the cat and mouse enemies, Itchy and Scratchy. Kid Maggie, while the humblest and calmest character, says a great deal with the sucking of her pacifier. Managers have dependably given Maggie a discernible information and care that isolates her young age. She even has a uni-browed baby adolescent pre-grown-up kid foe.
Social Commentary
Notwithstanding the Simpson family central characters, the show features packs and unquestionable Springfield tenants with staggering records and excited characters, all of which address the focal characters an epic bit of us will establishing with the course of our lives. For instance, our country is over-issue with odd government supervisors and Mayor Quimby addresses an absolute vexatious political figure. He is routinely caught in exchanging off positions selling out Springfield and swaying with young people, yet he remains in force and no one in the town seems to shudder an eyelash. Completely when he even addresses the townspeople as "botching hicks" and they are not sifted through by it.
Punching fun of the police structure, The Simpsons features Police Chief Clancy Wiggum, perhaps the second most essential bozo on the hotshot near Homer. He is in peril for Springfield's security and thriving with his two side-kicks who rout Wiggum in information. His stagger factor is wavering and the town would be in a perfect circumstance rushed toward dread based oppressor savages with access to weapons of mass pummeling. Any police chairman who says "Aww, wouldn't anyone have the decision to in this town censure all position?" may not be the most qualified open entries for the turn of events (Simpsons, 2006).
Estimation of the Elderly
The show other than limits the fundamental issue of old dismissal. Homer's father, Grandpa Simpson, lives in the Springfield Retirement Castle. A surrendered war sifted specific, Grandpa was hard for Homer in his pubescence. As perhaps a kind of subconscious response, Homer put Grandpa in a home where his own fulfillment is poor. Doubtlessly Grandpa and various tenants are regulated genuinely. His ill-manners is clear when in one event, Grandpa won't let Homer get the phone with the objective that he can "respect the rings." Yet Grandpa appears in changed scenes as a singing, hypnotizing character who credits his novel, upsetting outlandishness to the show. Potentially the specialists are endeavoring to plot that different old paying little respect to everything have a great deal to contribute and should not be disposed of as aggravations.
Phil Hartman
The late Phil Hartman of Saturday Night Live acknowledgment influenced his voice to two prosaism Simpsons characters: miserable authentic guide Lionel Hutz and lighting up film star, Troy McClure. Troy McClure would normally progress by saying something like "Howdy, I'm Troy McClure! You may review me from such open assistance stories as 'Alloted Drivers, the Lifesaving Nerds' and 'Phony Tornado Alarms Reduce Readiness'" (Troymcclurepage, 2006). Troy was a boggling of a character a broad bit of us found in our giganticness in potentially a couple of state maintained school films that by chance held any illuminating worth.
Certifiable guide Lionel Hutz was a crude, salvage vehicle filtering for after, picked authority who now and again out of the blue appeared in a situation where his confirmed "achievement" may have helped him advantage by somehow. His authentic practice was named "I Can't Believe it's a Law Firm!" and offered clients gleams, for instance, a free pizza if their settlements were not formed in a brief timeframe or less (Lionel Hutz, 2006). Lionel's character unfalteringly exemplified the hypothesis of the unquenchable, money grubbing confirmed help.
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clairedrawsairdraws · 6 years
Creativity Night 42: Prompt - ‘taco’ and/or ‘star’
oh look a celebrity AU
Douglas sighed and carefully planted himself in front of the horde of screaming fans. He adjusted his earpiece and turned his attention to the partially open doorway. Karl's voice crackled in his ear, letting him know 'Icarus is flying' and he tensed in preparation.
Martin Crieff stepped through the door, and the noise from the crowd behind Douglas heightened to a near deafening degree. Martin gave a blinding smile only Douglas could tell was utterly fake, and started to make his way through to the waiting car. Douglas pressed in on his side, clearing the way and making sure Martin could avoid the more grabby of his fans, helpfully opening the car door and letting Martin slide in to the safety of the vehicle. Douglas just sighed again and slid into the other side, barely managing to close the door before the car pulled away.
Immediately, with no cameras or fans in his face, Martin slumped. Douglas gave him a half-sympathetic smile. Martin Crieff was a big-name actor, famous for a number of roles that had shot him into stardom. The press loved his humble origins and that he was the only successful actor from the tiny talent agency run by Carolyn Knapp-Shappey. Douglas was their head of security, which consisted of two other blokes named Dirk and Phil, with Karl as their main PR worker. With Martin's rapid rise to fame, the agency had had to scramble to organize themselves and their much busier schedule. Arthur Shappey, Carolyn's son, mostly just ran around getting everyone coffee and providing the, in Douglas' opinion, very vital emotional support for their anxiety-ridden leading man. Quite often, Douglas felt bad for Martin, who acted for acting's sake, passionate about his work in a truly admirable way, but who had a hard time with the fame and hectic life of success in the business. Sometimes he needed sympathy and a reassuring word, but Douglas saw the tense way Martin was staring out the car window, and knew the other tactic was needed.
“Ah, the perils of being a star.” A half-teasing drawl, and Martin huffed.
“Shut up, Douglas.” But his shoulders relaxed and Douglas grinned in triumph.
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tkmedia · 3 years
Fernandes backs ‘really important’ star to emerge into Man Utd leader
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Man Utd ace Bruno Fernandes has backed one new team-mate to become a ‘leader’ at Old Trafford.The Red Devils have started their Premier League campaign in good form. They have gained 13 points from six matches and sit fourth in the table heading into round seven. They will need to be consistent this term if they are to compete for the title. Rivals Man City, as well as Chelsea and Liverpool, all look strong following a busy summer transfer window. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s side was improved with three key signings. Jadon Sancho arrived in Manchester from Borussia Dortmund for a £73m fee. He was followed by French defender Raphael Varane. The World Cup winner left Real Madrid for Man Utd in a £41m deal. The most talked about transfer was the return of Cristiano Ronaldo. He re-joined Man Utd from Juventus for a reported £19.8m. Fernandes, who has scored four times this season, has spoken about Varane in an interview with MUTV. The Portugal international said: “Of course, he’s a winner. Everyone knows that. He’s a nice guy and works really hard and is always pushing everyone to do better. “I think he has a great mentality but, at the same time, we cannot forget the other players. “Rapha has been brilliant, but Victor Lindelof has had an amazing, brilliant beginning to the season. “Eric Bailly came later because of the Olympic Games, but he’s a player we trust a lot. Harry Maguire we already know is doing really well. “Rapha is really important for us, and has been really important for us. But the main point is everyone being okay to do the best that they can. Nuno Espirito Santo in perilous position after Tottenham derby thumping by Arsenal “In football, we all have different qualities, and Rapha has different qualities to Victor, Harry, Eric and Phil , but they can all add different things. “Still, he’s a little bit shy in some ways, because it’s the beginning for him at United, but I think he’s a leader. I think he can help in that part of the game.” Both Fernandes and Varane are expected to feature in United’s next match. They face Villarreal in the Champions League on Wednesday.
Solskjaer confirms Man Utd injury
The Red Devils look set to be without Maguire for a number of matches. The England international has picked up a calf injury. In the Villarreal pre-match press conference, Solskjaer said: “Harry is more or less definitely out, it doesn’t look good. It’s his calf, that might take a few weeks. “Let’s see how quickly he recovers. He wanted to play against Villarreal, he missed the last game. We will have to make a few changes.” The Norwegian also said that Luke Shaw has the chance to feature, although he is unlikely to start. READ MORE: Solskjaer admits Man Utd have key tactical flaw in reaction to Neville ‘style of play’ criticism Read the full article
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theseaeaglelives · 4 years
Round 3
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Round 3
Manly Sea Eagles            32      
Canterbury Bulldogs   6
Playing at an empty stadium at the Central Coast is nothing new for Manly with this phenomena dating back to the ill-feted Northern Eagles debacle in the late 1990’s. Having said that, Manly do have an imposing record at this ground having won 13 of the past 16 outings.
Showing that he was feeling no ill-effect of the COVID-19 inspired lockdown Tommy Turbo opened Manly’s account after 5 minutes following a strong break from Moses Suli. Tommy then doubled up shortly thereafter when set up by brother Jake and Manly were well and truly on their way. Only some poor goal kicking from the usually reliable Ruben Garrick prevented Manly from fully extending their early dominance.
The remainder of the first half was a fairly dour offering with both sides appearing somewhat rusty and sloppy with ball control. Manly however were less rusty and less sloppy than their opponents.
Shortly before half-time Tommy Turbo turned provider putting Brad Parker over. The Sea Eagle has been singing the praises of young Parker for some time now and he looks a likely prospect. Halftime Manly 14-0.
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Manly started the second half in much the same fashion as the first and when Horhay Torfua crossed only minutes in they were well and truly running roughshod over the hapless Dogs outfit.
Further tries to Curtis Sironen, Brad Parker and Rueben Garrick (and a late consolation to the Dogs) and Manly ended up running out 32-6 winners, strangely though a score line which did not fully reflect their dominance and to some extent flattered the Dogs.
Next week, it’s the despised Eels so bring it on!!
President Trump Named China Virus Lockdown NRL Wrap
A lot has taken place since the Sea Eagle’s last report, and none of it good. You know the world has gone to sh$t when the leading news story (and on more than one occasion) in all mainstream media in Australia is “90-YEAR-OLD DIES IN NURSING HOME”.
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 With the game in lock down due to a President Trump described “China Virus”, the NRL faced the nightmare scenario. That is having got through the usual off season atrocities, they found themselves after two rounds of the competition, in lockdown, and the players left to their own devices. Thankfully, the pubs and clubs were closed.
As Phil Gould succinctly put it for a small portion of players, the best thing that they can do is get back into the usual routines of training and playing and not being distracted by external influences (eg the real world).
During this COVID-19 inspired debacle the world as we know it has changed and the NRL has not been immune to the perils inflicted by this debacle. Back in March when the NRL went into hiatus the Sea Eagle will admit he had grave fears for the safety of society. Not because of the health impact of the virus, but more due to the potential for greater harm when 500 or so NRL players transition to, for want of a better term “an off-season”. It has been well documented that a dormant NRL player is a dangerous commodity and without the structure of a regular playing and training schedule there was potential for all hell to break loose.
Surprising though, in the main NRL players towed the line during this period of lockdown, however there can be no doubt that Rugby League is the gift that continually keeps giving and not surprisingly there were a few notable exceptions. So here goes with the tale of the tape for the 8 or so weeks of the lockdown for what President Trump describes as the “China Virus”.
  Latrell Mitchell & Josh Addo Carr (and some Newcastle Knights reserve grader) shooting and camping during lock down Apr 20
Latrell Mitchell will no longer be the NRL’s poster boy as it emerged that he and Addo “the Fox” Carr and a few of the bros, went a huntin, a shootin and a fishin way up near Taree, despite strict regulations not to leave home unless exercising etc.
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This certainly raises questions about his professionalism and approach to the game of young Lattrell and vindicates the Roosters decision to let him leave.
Regrettably, these imbeciles felt it necessary to have videos sprayed over social media over this incident. Naturally breaching social distance and health regulation rules saw them issued with fines, and the NRL Integrity Unit had to look into yet again, more stupidity .
The NRL also had to scrap its Simply The Best advertising campaign that featured the controversial image of Latrell Mitchell draped in the Aboriginal flag. Yet again this is yet another shining example of what happens when the NRL put a player up as the face of the game . History is littered with players given this most deadly of honours.
Once a player is the face of the game, inevitably some sort of atrocity arises involving said player, soon after the opening advertisement occurs arises , causing  a very expensive ad campaign to be pulled from the screens.
Let’s look at this way. At the height of the COVID debacle and at a time when NRL Chairman Peter V’landys was doing his utmost to restart the competition these clowns broke the two cardinal rules of lockdown. Firstly, by trotting off to Mitchell’s property in northern NSW for a weekend with their mates consisting of dirt-bike riding, discharging shot-guns at glass bottles, camping and boozing. Secondly and even more stupidly, particularly if you have already broken rule one, by filming and posting said exploits on a social media.
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And it gets worse, when it came to light that RLPA boss Clint Newton, who was deeply involved with Vlandys at the time, in restart negotiations and player payments, clicked “LIKE” on some of the social media posts – it beggars’ belief.
Unable to refute their actions (due to the fact that thousands of people had viewed the snapchat posts), Messrs Mitchell and Addo-Carr issued the obligatory apologies citing that the weekend away was a “cultural gathering” where they were “learning about our land”. Yes, a cultural gathering indeed, in fact the only thing missing from this cultural extravaganza was some boomerangs, a didgeridoo and a stirring rendition of an indigenous war-dance.
Despite calls for these clowns to be stood down for the season, sanity prevailed and the NRL imposed $20K fines and suspended sentences. They were also fined $1,000 from the police for flaunting lock-down rules and the Fox faces further charges relating to the use of firearms, without a permit and riding a motorcycle without a helmet (this last one being the most heinous of all alleged offences).
Panthers star Nathan Cleary caught flouting social distancing protocol Easter 20
We all remember this screamer. Nathan Cleary had five or six chicky babes (in the Sea Eagle’s view some quite spunky young lasses) come over for a few drinks, a bit of dancing and who knows what else. His flatmate Tyrone May was involved as well, it is suggested.
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  Tyrone May (we all remember him; he is the one who was three-year community corrections order over a sex tape scandal in recent times ) will also miss two matches on top of the four-match suspension he already had to start the 2020 competition. May has been fined $15,000.  Apparently for misleading the Integrity Unit.
This whole incident immediately conjured up images of some sort of reverse gangbang scenario wherein young Nate was servicing an assortment of Panther groupies with Tyrone adopting his rightful position directing proceedings, Iphone in hand.
Unfortunately, the reality was a lot less salacious and the video in question was some sort of (fully clothed) TikTok (WTF??) dance routine. Again, the two cardinal rules of lockdown were broken. Firstly, by inviting a bevvy of young girls around and breaking social distancing restrictions during these crazy times and then secondly and even more stupidly, particularly if you have already broken rule one, by filming and posting these exploits on a social media platform for all to see.
Cleary copped a fine for his efforts, a bit of a suspension and some rather unfortunate embarrassment because he misled the integrity unit with his answers to some of the relevant questions. The only relevant question the NRL Integrity unit needed to ask was how he handled that many girls on his own in one night? The answer is anyone’s guess. But he is rugby league, so anything is possible. But regrettably, the girls thought it was a good idea to spray it all on social media, and the rest, as they say, is history.
As for the NRL Integrity Unit it needs to be renamed to simply the NRL Crime Commission.
  Cody Walker Police investigate after footage emerges of fight linked to alleged blackmail of Cody Walker
In a belated off-season related incident Rabbitoh 5/8, Cody Walker, has been suspended for two matches and fined $15K, following the release of a video which shows him inflicting what appears to be a kung-fu style kick on a man during a fight in December 2019.
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  It is understood that the video, only came to light after Walker approached the police after reportedly being blackmailed. Apparently, the alleged blackmailer contacted Walker’s manager, seeking money to stop the video from being leaked to the media.
The situation then took a bizarre twist when it was discovered the blackmailer’s phone number had been traced back to another player manager, who is now reportedly also being investigated.
The Rabbitohs have also been fined $20,000 for not informing the NRL Integrity Unit of the incident.
This is pure rugby league and has all the elements of a good NRL scandal (i.e. violence, blackmail and cover-ups) and whilst Walker was not charged by police, it’s a bad look for the game and again highlights the perils of a dormant NRL player in the off-season.
The footage of the shirtless Souths star showed him kicking a man in the chest in a street fight in northern New South Wales (Casino) late in 2019 , however is disturbing.
Not strictly a breach of Covid 19/President Trump China Virus health protocols but still worthy of mention because as usual, it happened when the players were not playing .
Super coach Wayne Bennett had to deal with some uncomfortable questioning as well from the Integrity Unit about failure to notify.
And finally, it is worth noting the common thread that young Cody has with the other two delinquent clowns above
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  Anti Vaxxing. Flu shots,
As we know , one of the requirements for the game to recommence playing was that all players had to have a flu jab . The fact that the flu is not COVID-19 , and has never been required of players in the past , would seemingly make this health requirement from the State Health mandarins something of a nonsense.
But given these public servant imbeciles are the same type of people that let the Ruby Princess Petri Dish of Coronavirus arrive in Sydney and then release infected passengers into the general community, one shouldn't expect anything else but this type of stupidity.
In any event, Bryce Cartwright of the Gold Coast Titans and a few other players are quite affronted by these requirements and have relied on their basic human rights not to be given a filthy big needle against their will.
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  What a debacle. In the Sea Eagle’s opinion this is very simple. The NRL has no bargaining power with government, so it has to behave as the bosses say, or no NRL fixtures. In that light, it is necessary to get the players in and tell them in simple terms, as this is usually the maximum capacity of their understanding: Mate, No shot no play. No play no pay. Don’t slam the door when you leave.
Strike action will turn fans against NRL referees, warns Harrigan
One of the changes during the President Trump China Virus lockdown was the reduction from 2 fwits on the field to a single one, ie 1 referee. Naturally, the Referees union was up in arms and threatened strike action . Former top referee Bill Harrigan weighed into the action and warned the NRL's whistle-blowers against taking strike action. Basically warning that fans will likely turn against them (ie the Refs) if they threaten the May 28 restart date.
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Anyone who buys into this bovine excrement (ie BS) has never been to an NRL fixture. News flash . The fans hate the ref!!!  And Harrigan certainly understands this. we all remember Manly coach Bob Fulton recommend a cement truck be driven over him in 87 after an absolutely appalling refereeing performance (personal opinion) directed against the mighty Sea Eagles .
Naturally, the Refs having to face the wrath of new NRL supremo Peter V’landys, capitulated on their threat of industrial action, and the game rolls on.
  Bronson Xerri- Sharks positive performance enhancing substance test
Two days out from the first game back with the NRL looking forward to a clean sheet and a new start, this one arrives.
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The list of what Mr Xerri allegedly took is incomprehensible . Apparently had returned a positive A-sample for "exogenous Testosterone, Androsterone, Etiocholanolone and 5b-androstane-3a,17b-diol" and is facing a four-year ban from the sport. This does not look like a list of stuff used to treat a headache. Whilst the B-sample is yet to come back it is understood that young Xerri had more juice in him than a Nutribullet canister of an ex 90’s East-German female weightlifter.
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  This has been referred to in the same light as the 1988 Ben Johnson 100 metres Olympic Sprint debacle against Carl Lewis .
Many have said that young Xerri is like grease lightning on the field and the next great thing . Well he would be wouldn't he if the tests turn out to be positive ?
Who does he play for ? None other than the Sharks , who else .
At this stage, the Sea Eagle is not prepared to comment on the guilt or otherwise of young Xerri and will leave this up to the experts at ASADA, but suffice it to say this incident is pure Shark. The team from the Shire is well known for pushing the boundaries and who could forget the peptide scandal that engulfed the Sharks in 2013 which resulted in multiple player suspensions and the suspension/sacking of then coach Shane Flanagan.
Rumours the Sharks are starting their own reality TV show, My Peptide Rules (MPR) are well wide of the mark. The Sea Eagle rejects any such suggestions.
The Sharks are a disgrace, and the fact that they then went on to win a premiership in 2016 is an indictment on the integrity of the NRL. Surely in light of this current scandal the NRL has no option but to revisit the legitimacy of their (only) premiership and strip them of it as they did with those other filthy cheaters, the Storm.
  Project Apollo
When the NRL announced the project to restart the season was to be named Project Apollo , the Sea Eagle was more than apprehensive . Sure Apollo 11 was a rip roaring success . But many a Saturn Rocket had imploded prior to that successful mission . And let's not forget Apollo 13 which never made it to the moon. In that light, the choice of the name Project Apollo was a very brave decision indeed .
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Well done to the NRL in getting the game back on against all odds, and a special congratulation to Peter V’Landys the NRL Chairman who drove from the front, steamrolling anyone who dared to oppose.
  Sports Administrator Casualties Of The President Trump China Virus
Two stand outs here. NRL CEO Todd Greenberg and Rugby Australia CEO Raelene Castle.
NRL CEO Todd Greenberg was forced to fall on his sword . Again the precise details are not clear but it would seem that the NRL head office had multi layers of management personnel not doing very much other than getting in the way . When the pandemic hit, the coffers were bare and the game found it had nothing in reserve with which to us so as to fight on.
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He had to go. The fact he and the Chairman Peter V’Landys did not see eye to eye did not help either.
Rugby Australia CEO Raelene Castle had a slightly different problem. She found herself running a game in Australia (ie rugby union ) that nobody watches and fewer and fewer are playing. Not only were the financial cupboards bare , she had in the Sea Eagle’s opinion , completely mishandled the Israel Folau debacle, and simply ended up paying millions of dollars to their best player who did not get on the field, largely because of ideological differences.
That was a problem of judgment and most likely a failure to confront Qantas. Everyone knows where the flight stewards sit on gay rights, so when Izzy went feral, she needed a better strategy than backing an airline that is pro-gay, against a player with a strong legal position, and particularly when the core Rugby fan base couldn’t care less what Izzy said or did off the field.
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But the real problem, again in the Sea Eagles opinion, was that she was a Kiwi who's original background was running netball NZ. How she somehow found herself running Rugby Australia is anyone’s guess. It looks like some pony tailed HR person thought a me-too ! experimental appointment would be a good politically correct look. She did her best, but it was always going to end in tears.
If Rugby Australia learn anything from this, it is that key appointments need to be based on merit and suitability. The other lesson is that Kiwis in head management or coaching positions in Australian sport usually do not work very well. How will Dave Rennie go as the Wallabies coach? He better not start off by making the players repeat him saying “sixty six fishes”.
But what do former NRL CEO Todd Greenberg and Rugby Australia CEO Raelene Castle have in common ? Well it's the fact that they both ran the Canterbury Bulldogs and had Manly legend Des Hasler as the Club coach. In a classic example of good decision making, Des left the Dogs, got a payout and is now back at his spiritual home at Manly,  while these two (Todd Greenberg and Raelene Castle) are joining the ques at Centerlink. If recent form is any guide, they may well now be considered unemployable in any area of sports administration.
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The best that can be said about these two leaving their respective roles, is that in some small way, to use the words of John Cadogen of Auto Expert.com, they respectively made the NRL and Rugby Australia slightly “less shi&t”.
Cardboard Cut-Out Crowds
It has come to the Sea Eagles attention that in this era of no crowds at NRL games some genius has come up the idea of fans purchasing Cardboard Cut-Outs, presumably of themselves, which will then be displayed in the grandstand during games.
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  Refer to the link below, the Sea Eagle now implores all recipients of the report to take up the challenge to  download your favourite shot and for the small price of $22 have photographic representation at the NRL game of your choice. For what its worth the Sea Eagle is looking forward to seeing Ron “the Hedgehog” Jeremy at the next Manly game.
Let’s face it the possibilities are endless and who wouldn’t want to see Adolf Hitler, Stalin, Izzy Falou or even the great man Pres. Trump at an upcoming game!!
Or, we could have the bad boys hill, with cut outs of Todd Carney, Julian O’Neill John Hoppa etc. strategically placed.
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ao3feed-kurthummel · 7 years
High School of the Damned
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2Dc9Fiz
by Hillbilly_Leprechaun
It's high school for those with damned families and relationships. Will everyone survive the oftentimes terrifying, damned perils of high school - the teachers, the magic, the gangs, the drugs, the loves?
Words: 5570, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Multi-Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Phil Lester, Dan Howell, Ryan Evans, Troy Bolton, Norville "Shaggy" Rogers, Kurt Hummel, Oswald Cobblepot, Lucifer Morningstar, Beast Boy, Raven, Toby Curtis, Happy Quinn, Olivia Charity, Lem Bridger, Zak (Dragon Tales), Cassie (Dragon Tales), Buford Orville Gaylord Pugh, Jacob Two-Two - Character, Steve Burns, Fez (That '70s Show), Jackie Burkhart, Aldo (Sitting Ducks), Bill (Sitting Ducks), Maurice "Twister" Rodriguez, Reggie Rocket, Winnie Wolf, Lilly Truscott, Miss BG, Brittany-Ann, Nergal Junior
Relationships: Dan Howell/Phil Lester, Carl Foutley/Blake Gripling, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, King Julien XIII/Skipper, Cupid/Juandissimo Magnifico, Jo Polniaczek/Blair Warner, Oswald Cobblepot/Edward Nygma, Troy Bolton/Ryan Evans, Maddie Fitzpatrick/London Tipton, Susie Carmichael/Angelica Pickles, Carlton Lassiter/Shawn Spencer, Becky "WordGirl" Botsford/Theodore "Tobey" McCallister III, Dora the Explorer/Swiper the Fox, Jimmy Neutron/Cindy Vortex, Danny Fenton/Sam Manson, Matt McGuire/Missy Cooper, Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel, Arnold/Helga Pataki, Edd "Double D"/Kevin, Wallabee Beetles/Kuki Sanban, Heinz Doofenshmirtz/Perry the Platypus, Kim Possible/Shego, Brian Griffin/Stewie Griffin, Strut/Clutch | Turbo Dogs, Spongebob Squarepants/Squidward Tentacles, Too-Tall Grizzly/Lizzy Bruin, Willow Rosenberg/Buffy Summers, Jeanette Miller/Simon Seville, Stephanie Tanner/Kimberly "Kimmy" Gibbler, Greg House/James Wilson, Tickety Tock/Slippery Soap, Timothy McGee/Abby Sciuto, Dean Craig Pelton/Jeff Winger, Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck, Bert/Ernie (Sesame Street), Auggie Anderson/Annie Walker, Jack McFarland/Will Truman, Mr. Humphries/Mr. Lucas (Are You Being Served), Chandler Bing/Joey Tribbiani, Freddie Benson/Sam Puckett, Ace D. Copular/Snake Ingleberry, Zack Addy/Lance Sweets, Cat Valentine/Jade West, Jude Lizowski/Jonesy Garcia, Duckie Dale/Andie Walsh, Patrick Jane/Teresa Lisbon, Dale "Barbie" Barbara/James Rennie Jr, Peter Neidermayer/Val Valentine, Lucas Wahl/Henry Morgan, Zuko/Toph, Freddy/Peck, Delete/Digit (Cyberchase)
Additional Tags: multifandom pairings, animals turned human, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Gang Violence, Drag Queens, Partial Magic, Alternate Universe - High School
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bangkokjacknews · 5 years
Why Vietnamese are being TRAFFICKED into the UK
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A Sun Online investigation can reveal that behind Britain’s #cannabis trade lies a dark and shocking reality, in which around 3,000 #slavechildren are cultivating crops in dire conditions.
And most of those kids are Vietnamese teenage boys who have been ripped from their families by traffickers, who smuggle them into the UK and force them to work in secret drug dens in houses all over Britain. Once here, many endure horrific conditions, beatings and sexual abuse at the hands of gang masters. Children as young as 11 are forced to survive on scraps as they tend cannabis farms, and one man was even reduced to eating dog food to stay alive while he grew weed for gangs. Their suffering has led anti-slavery campaigners to coin the phrase ‘blood cannabis’, to reflect the true horror behind some of Britain’s £2.6bn-a-year illegal weed market, which sees an estimated 255 tonnes of weed smoked annually in the UK. The National Crime Agency says 96 per cent of trafficking victims forced to grow weed in Britain are Vietnamese, and 81 per cent of those are children. Many of them are dangerously smuggled into the UK in lorries — the death of 39 Vietnamese people, including 10 teenagers, in Essex in October highlighted the lethal peril of such journeys.
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A police officer inspecting a huge cannabis farm in an abandoned nuclear bunker in Tisbury, Wiltshire - where four young Vietnamese workers were found sleeping on mattresses at the siteCredit: Solent News
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The Essex lorry deaths, in which 39 Vietnamese people died being trafficked into Britain in October, showed the dangers of faced by those being illegally brought into the UKCredit: Press Association  
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Police are too busy to focus on weed farms Giant cannabis farms have been uncovered all over the UK — including in town centre bingo halls and even a disused police station — but thousands of smaller operations are being run all over the country. In London alone between 2016 and 2018, police found 314 illegal cannabis farms, but the true scale of cannabis growing in the UK will never be known as they're illegally run in residential properties and shop backrooms. For users, an eighth of an ounce (3.5g) of cannabis costs around £20, and a full ounce (28.3g) will set you back around £180 — which is cheaper than prices of legalised cannabis in the USA. Horrifyingly, government figures released last week show raids on cannabis farms have plummeted in the last seven years as police forces focus resources elsewhere. And millions of Brit users have helped the trade thrive — around 30 per cent of the UK population aged between 16 and 64 admit to having tried cannabis, which is roughly 10 million people.
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Three children were kept in this industrial unit in Rochdale, Greater Manchester and forced to grow cannabisCredit: MEN Media
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The kids had been trafficked from Vietnam and were being 'criminally exploited'Credit: MEN Media
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Cops found £850,000 worth of weed in the unit - but this is just one of many illegal factories across the UKCredit: MEN Media Fingers cut off children The victims are children like Le, orphaned at just 11 years old. He was left saddled with loan shark debt from paying his dying mum’s hospital bills in his Vietnamese homeland. He was taken in by a convent - but was kidnapped by money lenders who demanded church elders hand over Le’s family land to settle the loan. Their ultimatum came with a grisly threat - a package containing Le’s severed finger. Although the church tried to help Le, he was put to work by his captors in a warehouse, where he was kept in chains and fed scraps. After being sold to a gang in China, he was sent on a perilous lorry journey across Europe to the UK. Forced to work on an illegal cannabis farm he grew so hungry he tried to eat the plants. When police raided the cannabis farm, he was rescued and taken into local authority care. But after meeting a man in a shopping centre who spoke Vietnamese, he was enslaved again and put to work in a warehouse. Phil Brewer, former head of the Met’s Anti-Trafficking Unit, says that’s because cannabis slaves are coached to mistrust the authorities. “They don’t speak the language and have nowhere to go,” he explained. “The fear factor takes over and they gravitate back to what they know, back to exploitation.” Le eventually managed to escape his new captors and was given refuge in a safe house by the Salvation Army. But they say he lived in fear of deportation or of being found by gang masters. One day, he left the safe house and never returned. Nobody knows what happened to him.
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Le was kept in chains and had his finger cut off by a brutal gang before being trafficked to the UK to grow cannabisCredit: Getty - Contributor Le’s agonising story is far from unique. While some, like Le, are kidnapped from orphanages or the streets into slavery, others voluntarily leave behind their families in rural Vietnam in search of a brighter future. They are enticed by traffickers with false promises of exciting job offers or student exchanges. But instead they spend years in servitude, passed from grow-house to grow-house, under the thumb of brutal organised crooks, as they work off the cost of their passage to Britain. Police raids have revealed the nightmare existence endured by these slaves, whose work exposes them to toxic chemicals, fire risks, and violence from rival drug gangs.
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Gangs cater to a multi-billion pound cannabis market in Britain - some campaigners say its time to cut criminals out of the trade by changing the lawCredit: Getty - Contributor Survived by eating dog food In October, police rescued three Vietnamese children found living in squalor in an industrial unit in Rochdale. In April 2015, a 32-year-old Vietnamese man was found surviving on tins of dog food at a house in Northern Ireland, where cops recovered over 500 weed plants. And in 2017, four young Vietnamese workers were discovered sleeping on mattresses and locked in a subterranean nuclear bunker while they tended 4,000 plants in an operation worth £2m a year. Brewer says: “Cannabis is seen as a bit of a soft drug, unrelated to violence and sold through traditional drug dealing methods. I don’t think people always make the link to the violence and control that goes with it.” Efforts to take down the kingpins behind the trade have had piecemeal success. In September, 20 gang members were jailed after a joint sting by the NCA and three police forces in south Wales. The investigation uncovered a network of 45 cannabis farms and storage units as far away as Coventry, thought to have netted the gang £25m.
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Cannabis farms often steal mains electricity to power their operations - this farm stole £650,000 of electricity from a nearby pylon to keep the lights onCredit: Solent News
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The vast complex was run behind the steel blast door of an abandoned underground Cold War era nuclear bunkerCredit: Solent News Cops losing fight against gangs But despite the success of some high-profile operations, police only busted 8,600 cannabis farms in 2018-19 - a thousand more than the previous year but still just over half the 16,590 raided in 2011-12. And Volteface, a non-profit group campaigning for cannabis legalisation, says Ministry of Justice data obtained under a freedom of information request shows prosecutions for growing weed fell 63 per cent in the five years to 2018. It comes down to police budgets and priorities. Volteface director of policy Liz McCulloch, said: “Police are withdrawing from policing cannabis markets. "Their budgets are stretched and it’s not a priority anymore. “Growers are probably a bit more confident there’s a good chance their activities aren’t going to be found out.” Tony Saggers, former head of the NCA’s Drugs Threat and Intelligence added: “We seize what we look for, and we look for what we prioritise. “Considering all the pressures on policing, not least another drug generated threat in County Lines – it doesn’t surprise me that less focus has been on cannabis, this does not mean it is not still being taken seriously”
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The heartbroken parents of Hoang Van Tiep, who died in the Essex lorry deaths last month - he was 18 years oldCredit: Ray Collins - The Sun Mimi Vu, a world expert on the trafficking of Vietnamese children and young people, hopes the container tomb tragedy in Essex will serve as a wake-up call for Vietnam’s youth to seek their fortune in their own booming economy, instead of gambling their lives on a deadly lorry journey to the UK. “They grow up believing their best bet is to go overseas,” she says. “But what happened in Essex has brought everything into the open, and shown that the dangers are real. “There’s no way now that anyone can say we’re making up stories to scare them off.” But even if fewer Vietnamese do decide to make that perilous crossing, police intelligence reveals there will still be a plentiful supply of trafficked slaves to help grow weed. There is growing evidence that ruthlessly efficient Albanian gangs are now moving into cannabis. And Home Office data suggests the number of trafficked Albanians exploited in the UK for labour – which includes cannabis farms – is on course to double this year. Tony Saggers, former head of the NCA’s Drugs Threat and Intelligence says, cannabis users should give more thought to the human cost of lighting up a spliff. “Leisure users blame prohibitionists and the law for preventing them the freedom of choice to use cannabis,” he says. “There’s a selfish inclination to do what they want instead of thinking of the wider consequences.” *Le is a false name. His whereabouts are still unknown. – You can follow BangkokJack on Instagram, Twitter & Reddit. Or join the free mailing list (top right) Please help us continue to bring the REAL NEWS - PayPal Read the full article
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kaijusaurus · 7 years
A Japanese perspective on imagery in Mothra vs Godzilla
Hiya both,
Great job on the podcast, guys, I just recently started listening as I am midway through my own non-chronological run through the bulk of Godzilla films. I was glad to see you both enjoyed Mothra vs Godzilla as much as I did. It is one of the very best in my opinion also. I just wanted to add a little wrinkle from my Japanese cultural background that might not be obvious but might make MvG that much more poignant to the non-Japanese observer.
Two points to make, really…
One: The scene when the kindergarten/primary school teacher is fleeing Godzilla with the pupils to the other side of the island.
This scene, needless to say, is incredibly affecting just on the surface of it. The scene sells the high stakes - losing innocent children to the monster (rather than just greedy/stupid fishermen and their homes) and the manic desperation of the headmaster ashore on the mainland. However, in addition to that, some cultural background makes this scene even more chilling. By way of explanation, first, indulge me a short paragraph of history.
During WWII, Japan’s battlefront with the US was mainly aerial bombing of strategic targets, and the main ground warfare avenues were in Japan’s imperial conquests, the Pacific islands, famously Guadalcanal in the Solomons. The only time US-Japanese forces clashed on either country’s home turf was in the closing stages of the war when American forces reached Okinawa. For the first time civilians were forced to reckon with a physical enemy presence in their towns and homes, and the self-sacrificing, brainwashed nature of contemporary Japanese society would manifest in unimaginably awful incidents.
You can Google “Okinawa children mass suicides” for details (Reuters, The Guardian, NY Times have covered it), but in a nutshell, the military would hand out two grenades to classroom teachers to use when cornered - one to throw at the enemy, and the other to commit suicide instead of being taken alive. On small islands like in the Okinawa archipelago, there’s only so far you can run before the enemy catches you.
Of course, the Godzilla movies are no stranger to stoic death (the family in the 1954 original accepting their fate at the mercy of Godzilla so that they could meet their deceased father comes to mind) but the mechanics of this scene really stand out to me as the product of deliberate, conscious choices: • The fact that the scene plays out on an island, with the mainlanders unable to offer support to the women and children - an obvious reference to Okinawa’s physical separation from mainland Japan • The children, crying as their female teachers console them, are forced to grow up before their time, being made to “march” over a steep hill to get to the far side of the island • Godzilla, the embodiment of atomic might (wielded by the United States over Hiroshima & Nagasaki in the context of WWII) is the force of doom • The children and teachers hide in a cave on a sandy beach - in popular culture, the child and infant suicides from WWII are often depicted taking place in hiding spots at the edges of islands - usually stone cliffs and coastal caves
Even without straying from the text of the film, the scene is an emotionally wrenching one, but with the added historical and cultural background (women and children in peril at a coastal cave), the effect is a bone-chilling pathos and dread.
(sorry if that got a bit heavy!) Now for the second point, which I swear will be shorter…
Two: the Japan-specificity of the criticism of (a) theme park construction and (b) over-development of coastlines.
As you’re doubtless aware, in the immediate post-war period following the rewriting of the new demilitarised constitution in 1947, Japan experienced high economic growth, basically from the 1950s through the 1980s. This included wholesale embrace of American pop cultural entertainment-business products such as the movie studio system, Disney and Warner mascot characters, and theme parks.
Even today, Japanese theme parks and extreme rides rank highly in international lists of extreme rides, and Tokyo Disneyland was the first Disneyland in Asia, even before Hong Kong or Singapore, international playgrounds of the Asian affluent. I appreciate you touched on the criticism of capitalism, but I might just add that theme parks are particularly central to Japanese society as an affordable entertainment venue.
Lastly, I’m not sure if you’ve been to Japan, but many coastlines are covered in concrete “tetrapods” as a measure against coastal erosion and tsunamis. These sorts of large-scale, concrete-heavy (in many cases) white elephant projects in rural areas came under intense criticism, especially in the 1990s, as it was revealed that many projects had been fronts for yakuza-related local government corruption. It was also in the 1990s that many opulent theme parks that had sprung up in economically unviable situations in the 1960s through the 1980s went out of business and decayed (the inevitable hangover from three decades of heady development).
The principled messaging of Mothra vs Godzilla, and its optimistic depiction of the idea that the press could influence the people for good, should be commended, especially with a view to how specifically Japanese the major social-economic problems raised in the film are.
Anyway, sorry about the long message. Keep up the good work! Loving the podcast.
Thank you so much for this! 
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Fifth Woman Accuses Senate Candidate Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct
New Post has been published on http://usnewsaggregator.com/fifth-woman-accuses-senate-candidate-roy-moore-of-sexual-misconduct/
Fifth Woman Accuses Senate Candidate Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct
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The day’s events seemed to harden the resolve of Senate Republicans to avert what they fear would be a nightmare situation going into the midterm elections next year: being associated with a man accused of preying on children.
“It’s drip by drip, cut by cut,” said Senator Richard C. Shelby, Alabama’s senior lawmaker. “It doesn’t look good.”
Mr. Moore responded with fury, not only refusing to quit the race but stating that the person who needed to step aside was Mr. McConnell.
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Roy S. Moore, the Republican nominee for Senate in Alabama, at a campaign event in Birmingham, Ala., on Saturday. Credit Brynn Anderson/Associated Press
“He has failed conservatives and must be replaced,” said Mr. Moore in a statement, appending President Trump’s trademark: “#draintheswamp.”
Publicly, Mr. McConnell, appearing at a news conference in Louisville, said he was “looking at” drafting a write-in candidate for the Dec. 12 special election. Privately, Mr. McConnell was doing more than merely looking. One idea being discussed, first brought up by two different White House officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, would be for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to run as either a write-in candidate or to be appointed to what was his seat should Mr. Moore win and be immediately removed from office.
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Mr. McConnell is supportive of the idea and discussed it on Monday in a telephone call with Vice President Mike Pence that was chiefly about the Republican tax overhaul proposal, according to party officials briefed on the call. Mr. Sessions remains popular among Alabama Republicans, but his relationship with Mr. Trump has frayed since he recused himself from the investigation of the role that Russia played in last year’s presidential campaign.
The swap would be something of a win-win for Mr. McConnell and Mr. Trump — the senator is eager to rid himself of Mr. Moore and the president has been open about his disappointment with Mr. Sessions.
That they even discussed such a radical maneuver spoke to the desperate straits that Republicans find themselves in. If Doug Jones, the Democratic nominee, wins, it would narrow the Republican advantage in the Senate to a single seat.
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Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader, at the Capitol last month. Credit Gabriella Demczuk for The New York Times
But Republicans increasingly believe that enduring such a narrow majority may be a price they are willing to pay if it means keeping Mr. Moore from their ranks.
Should Mr. Moore prevail, Republicans believe the debate over whether he should be allowed to take and keep his seat could drag on for months. The Republicans’ legislative agenda, including on taxes, already faces uncertain prospects and could be swallowed in a maelstrom of controversy around Mr. Moore and his fitness to serve.
The implications for the 2018 elections could be even graver, Republicans fear, with several party strategists predicting that Democrats would brand them as the party of child sex abuse.
For their part, Alabama Republicans are warning of the perils of barring Mr. Moore from the Senate. A write-in campaign, they suggested, would prove fruitless and perhaps help the Democrats, while a move to block or expel Mr. Moore would further poison the relationship between the Republican Party’s leaders and its populist wing.
“If the people of this state go forward and select their U.S. senator as Roy Moore, it will be because there is a deep suspicion of what has been coined as the establishment in D.C.,” said State Senator Phil Williams, whose district includes Mr. Moore’s home county. “And if the establishment then chooses and tries to unseat, or in some way disavow, that candidate, it will create a backlash the likes of which the party has never seen before.”
Democrats, who have been restrained about their prospects in such a conservative state, tried to avoid inserting themselves into the Republican crossfire. But, they said, as more information comes out, Mr. Moore’s case that he is being smeared in a single newspaper article will crumble. By Monday night, an article in The New Yorker asserted that Mr. Moore had been barred from the mall in his hometown, Gadsden, for bothering young women, a memory that many in the town said they shared, though no one has found direct evidence.
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“The more people that come out of the woodwork, the more women with similar stories, the more credible it becomes,” said Zac McCrary, a Democratic pollster based in Alabama. “It’s going to become easier to see through Roy Moore’s nondenial denials.”
Mr. Jones is also quietly benefiting from the support of national liberals. He is to be in Washington on Tuesday for a $500 per person cocktail reception partly sponsored by a raft of well-known Democrats, including Senator Kamala Harris of California and Cory Booker of New Jersey, according to an invitation circulating among Democratic lobbyists.
Mr. Jones has been raising substantial money out-of-state — Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut helped him bring in $125,000 with a single email and handful of Twitter messages — and has had Alabama’s airwaves nearly to himself in recent weeks: He has aired nearly $2 million worth of commercials since Mr. Moore won the nomination in September while Mr. Moore has spent only about $300,000 on ads, according to strategists tracking the race.
Mr. Moore, because of his statewide fame, has never had to raise much money. But now that he is fighting for his political life, he urgently needs to recast the race to focus on some of Mr. Jones’s liberal views on guns and abortion.
But he may not have the money to mount any such assault and, with his party leaders shunning him, it is not clear who will fill the gap. Mr. Moore tried one approach Monday afternoon: trying to tap into the grass-roots loathing on the right toward Mr. McConnell.
“Mitch McConnell’s plot to destroy me,” Mr. Moore wrote in the subject line of a fund-raising email.
“Apparently Mitch McConnell and the establishment G.O.P. would rather elect a radical pro-abortion Democrat than a conservative Christian,” he added.
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eastenddiscourse · 7 years
Ian Beale Origins (7 August 1990)
You’re not just born like him. Something has to trigger it.
Well, I think I’ve found the exact moment Mr Nice Beale develops that streak of his. His transformation into someone who’s mean-spirited at best, and vindictive at worst. Into a selfish, disillusioned bastard with a burning distrust of all women. Into Bad Beale.
The change can be pinpointed. It comes when Cindy tells him Steven isn’t his, which he double-checks with her at the start of the episode in case anyone missed the last one. (I was about four days old when this aired, so I’m very much going at this with fresh eyes.)
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Kathy’s on hand to take Steven from Cindy and he viciously shoves her into his van.
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You can imagine the kind of questions being asked here. He’s saying what a mug she’s made of him, before getting worked up and calling her a slag and shoving her back out of the van.
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Out you get, that’s it.
Cindy calls Wicksy, who is meant to be Ian’s best mate. He, of course, is Steven’s father.
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Wicksy is very much EastEnders’ original lothario.
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A bit of Maxi Priest playing in the Vic, providing a nice soundtrack to Phil, Pete and Grant discussing their concerns over new pub landlord Eddie Royle’s ex-copper status.
Eddie can’t be that bad. He’s let Wicksy go and see Cindy.
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Cindy’s worried about how Ian drove off. She goes, “I've never seen him like that before. he's so good natured.” Shall we see how he’s getting on?
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Young Ian looks a bit like a clean-shaven David de Gea. Got that baby llama look about him.
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Jesus. He wouldn’t, would he?
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This is why you should always wear a seatbelt.
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Fuckin’ ell.
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He’s not taken this well.
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Back at the pub, and there’s a nod towards Pete having some telepathic bullshit for his son’s peril.
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Ian’s promptly strapped in and loaded into an ambulance. You know he’s going to be fine, and the paramedics handle him as if they’re in on the immortal nature of main characters. EastEnders’ Homer.
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Hi, are you Mrs Cindy Beale? Yeah, er, your husband’s actually made an attempt on his life because you’ve ruined it?
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Wicksy’s over at Michelle’s, who seems to have been in on the secret. He reminds her she’s fucked up a few times herself and that minimises her scorn considerably.
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Kathy took a break from her Saved By the Bell audition to sit with Cindy and Pete at the hospital.
~ Will Ian make it? ~
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Lots of technical equipment close-ups in this ep. Not sure whether this is all new in 1990 or something and they’re trying to show it off, but it seems gratuitous.
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Poor bugger.
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What the hell is this? Sharon’s birth mother?!
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I smelt another future retcon, but nope, Carol Hanley (who looks even more like Roly than her) is truly Sharon’s real mother.
Carol’s alarmingly wary of bonding with Sharon, who just needs a friend. But, nah. Not interested. You don’t need her anyway, Shaz. 
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Wicksy’s in Cindy’s ear, telling her he loves her and their son, and wants them to all be together. All the while he’s still dressed like fucking Annie Hall.
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Cindy takes Steven back to the hospital to visit Ian. Must care a bit, mustn’t she. Wake up, mate.
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Chin up, Cindy! He goes on to comfortably outlive you and your shitty son.
Come on, Ian, just open your eyes, eh?
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There he is. You big drama queen!
But the man who opens his eyes is changed forever. His dream of a perfect, tidy life is tainted, and the metamorphosis into the Ian Beale we have to this day is complete. Give ’em hell!
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The Horse and His Boy
Book: The Horse and His Boy Author: C.S. Lewis Drink: Redemption Rye Bourbon. Straight. So far I have felt the need to explain why or how I have chosen which books to read for this blog. Partly because I myself have wondered how people ever choose any book (or make any decision at all for that matter) and partly because I am actually really thinking through what I want to read and write about. I have spent the past few months reading The Chronicles of Narnia to my daughter. We have completed five out of seven which puts me at around 1000 pages of out-loud reading. The Horse and His boy has been her favorite thus far which is why I chose this one to write about. I think is her favorite because 1) the main character is a boy named Shasta and we now live in Shasta County, 2) Aslan's character is on full display and 3) The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe would just be too cliche. As someone who has also read the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, something that sticks out to me is that while Tolkien really gets your heart racing with excitement and peril and suspense, Lewis grips your heart at its core. There is a consistent relationship theme through each volume of the series, and I have been emotionally tripped up at some point in each. What got me in this one was the realization of one character's true identity and how closely he was watched and protected while on a journey not unlike that of Joseph in Genesis (unrelated note: I am currently reading Phil Collins's autobiography which will be blogged about soon). This has led me into a deeper understanding of my own world around me, and I have found it helpful to have a theologian's perspective to shed some light not only on my core being, but also on God's, all through the lens of this "dream world of magic" (http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/snl-digital-short-lazy-sunday/n12003). I also get goosebumps every time Aslan is around, and in The Horse and His Boy he really brings to life what is said about Aslan in Wardrobe. He is not safe, but he is good. He even proves to be dangerous at times, but for the purposes of helping those around him. And if you take the following line out of context (which I am about to do) he is also funny: "Justice shall be mixed with mercy. You shall not always be an Ass." And although it has a more literal meaning in the book, this line on its own gives me great hope. Prior to traveling to Narnia with my daughter I had only read Wardrobe. There is so much more interplay between our world and Narnia than I ever realized, and I am so happy to be reading the rest of the series now as we get to navigate these different worlds and different versions of time. She loves it, and I love it. We have been able to share magical time together, and I get to see her enjoy, and at times even critique, literature. Plus I get the added benefit of more exposure to books and stories and fiction and great writing, and I'm filled with hope that this is just the first step into a life long love of reading and writing for her. Bourbon - I hadn't ever heard of Redemption Rye Bourbon, but I decided to give it a shot since the price wasn't obscene but still high enough to believe I could drink it straight. And I was correct, even if it does come in a little higher at 92 proof. You actually only feel that on the way down, and I find this bourbon very drinkable. I took a sip followed by a deep breath, and a wave of relaxation came over me. It's just too bad that my wife can't stand the smell of whiskey.
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shropsnews4u · 5 years
Shrewsbury + News from our partners: Pass Go, go directly to Jail – at Shrewsbury’s ex-prison, in Monopoly
News from our partners Winning Moves UK
Pass Go, go directly to jial – at Shrewsbury’s ex-prison*
*but do not collect £200
Salopians will from this week be able to advance to Shrewsbury’s showpiece Charles Darwin Statue at the throw of a dice.
Shrewsbury Monopoly – Charles Darwin statue
But along the way it could be a perilous journey as they may end up in jail .. Shrewsbury’s very own visitor jail!
Today (Friday 15 November 2019) sees the much-anticipated Shrewsbury Monopoly game ‘Big Reveal’, when it will be revealed that two jails will get to star in the game .. instead of the normal one that you find on a Monopoly game board.
That’s unique on any Monopoly game anywhere in the world!
In this unique version of Monopoly, all four corner squares, including the legendary Monopoly jail, remain exactly the same. But all the other spaces are customised to Shrewsbury, with one spot dedicated to Shrewsbury’s ex-prison which sits next to the ‘Go to Jail’ squares.  Other leading town landmarks Passing Go include Shrewsbury Castle, the Charles Darwin Statue and Shrewsbury School. The game is being launched at the exact same time as it hits the shop shelves.
At the launch a gigantic replica of the gameboard will be rolled out. Formally launching the game will be Mr Monopoly… in handcuffs, flanked by two ‘prison officers’ from Shrewsbury’s ex-prison The Dana – a tourist magnet for the Midlands and UK. And the first game will be played inside The Dana (with a ‘prison officer’ acting as the banker), with the Mayor and Town Crier amongst the players.
Shrewsbury Monopoly box
As well as 22 multi-coloured property spaces all being handed over to leading Shrewsbury landmarks, the Community Chest and Chance cards will be heavily town customised too. One will penalise players for accidentally dropping their phone in the River Severn (and, maybe less accidentally, parking on a double yellow line). Another rewards players for brushing up on Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species.  Charles Darwin is the town’s most famous son or daughter… and his statue gets to land on the top-ranked Mayfair property space.
Shrewsbury edition Monopoly money
Jo Adger, Custom Games Executive at Wiining Moves UK, the makers of Monopoly: Shrewsbury edition, said:-
“The game features the great and good of Shrewsbury.
“The rules, money denomination, playing tokens and above all the spirit of Monopoly stay the same – but in this unique version the property spaces all become Shrewsbury landmarks.
“The property sets are themed from heritage to tourism, travel to culture, from education to leisure – and more. Thank you to everyone who sent in suggestions for the landmarks and cards.”
Included in an education set of three is Shrewsbury School, which dates back to the 16th century and is one of the world’s most famous schools.
Stuart Cowper, Head of Partnership and Community Engagement at Shrewsbury School, said:-
“We are proud to feature in the new Shrewsbury edition of Monopoly, celebrating the wondrous town we have been a part of since 1552. Shrewsbury is full of heritage and to appear alongside other historical landmarks, as well as our most well-known Old Salopian Charles Darwin, is a great privilege. We hope all players have serious fun playing the Shrewsbury edition of Monopoly.”
Also included in the education set is leading Shropshire college, Shrewsbury Colleges Group.
Catherine Armstrong, Group Vice Principal, said:-
“The colleges group is delighted to be part of such a landmark game as we play such a large part in so many people’s lives.
“Shrewsbury Monopoly is a fantastic idea; we even used the theme in a recent marketing campaign with activity across the county featuring ‘community chest’ designs.
“Just like Monopoly, we offer something for all ages, from part-time hobby courses to A Levels, vocational courses and apprenticeships, all the way through to degree level courses.”
Shrewsbury’s ex-prison heads up a yellow set of three which is themed around leisure.
Joel Campbell, CEO – The Campbell Group of Companies, said:
“We’re thrilled to be hosting the launch of this iconic game at Shrewsbury’s ex-prison. With the perfect synergy between Monopoly and ‘Go Directly To Jail’ it’s a great fit – and we’re sure Mr Monopoly will feel right at home here!
“It is fantastic that Monopoly has chosen Shrewsbury as the ideal location for this latest version of the classic board game, just as the ex-prison itself has been recognised by the BBC as the only UK attraction to feature in their world’s ‘Top Dark Tourism’ attractions. Both accolades will undoubtedly be a massive boost to tourism in the town.”
And the game is being widely hailed by civic leaders as a massive tourist boost for the town.
Local figure Phil Gillam said:-
“I love it when some of my favourite things come together in perfect harmony – like scones and jam and clotted cream – and now my  favourite board game, Monopoly, has come together with my favourite town, Shrewsbury.
“It’s a match made in heaven! I can’t wait to play it.”
And Martin Wood, Town Crier for Shrewsbury, commented:-
“It’s wonderful to see that Shrewsbury has been honoured by having its very own Monopoly game. People from all over the world can now put their own houses and hotels on great landmarks and streets.”
Winning Moves UK are the makers of this unique version under official license from Monopoly owners Hasbro.
Town favourites and landmarks to star on their very own property space include the Charles Darwin Statue (Mayfair), Shrewsbury Castle (Park Lane), Shrewsbury’s ex-prison (Piccadilly), Shrewsbury School (Bond Street), Shrewsbury Colleges Group (Regent Street), Flaxmill Maltings (Pentonville Road); and and very many more.
Alastair Godfrey, Historic England’s Project Lead for Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings, said:
“Historic England and our partners, the Friends of the Flaxmill Maltings and Shropshire Council, are thrilled that Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings features in the new Shrewsbury edition of Monopoly.
“This site has been a prominent part of the town for over 220 years – and as the world’s first iron-framed building and the grandparent of modern skyscrapers, its significance is far-reaching. A decade ago this collection of fantastic buildings was in danger of being lost to the town forever.  However, thanks in large part to The National Lottery Heritage Fund, the Main Mill and Kiln buildings are being restored and the Flaxmill Maltings has been put firmly back on the local map – and now the Monopoly map!”.
Four charities also get to land on their very own spaces on the board, following a month-long public vote. They are: Severn Hospice, Shropshire Cat Rescue, Shrewsbury Ark and The Lingen Davies Cancer Fund, whose thrilled Chief Executive Officer Naomi Atkin said:-
“We are honoured to see Lingen Davies Cancer Fund represented in the new Shrewsbury Monopoly game.”
The new game goes on sale from 10am today at all good toy and book stores, including at Waterstones, WH Smith and The Works – and very widely online, including on Amazon. Mr Monopoly will be visiting all four stores and more today, and ‘selfies’ with him and the new game are being invited.
The post News from our partners: Pass Go, go directly to Jail – at Shrewsbury’s ex-prison, in Monopoly appeared first on Shropshire Council Newsroom.
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