#the person that was at the front of the queue had to wait Some More
enwoso · 30 days
A lovie request where she has a terrible fan encounter maybe she’s watching the game with her uncle Luca and when they try to get down to alessia at the end lovie gets shoved and falls over and is being crowded and she’s so scared and calling out for someone to help her but the fans are more excited because Leah/ alessia are signing things at the barrier
BACK OFF — alessia russo x child!reader
just a little something something to say thank you for 800 followers!!! i love and appreciate you all so much. forehead kisses for you all xoxo
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grumpy masterlist
game day was always busy day for you but always a fun day nevertheless.
you would always travel to the stadium with your mummy and then you would find either your uncle luca or nonna depending on who was coming to watch. then you could enjoy the match in the stands and it also gave alessia the chance to do her full pre-match prep without the worry of you being around.
always cheering for your mummy with your jersey on and her number on your back, you being the loudest one there. screaming louder than anyone when your mummy scored. always being your mummy's number one fan.
the match had now ended against sweden and now all you wanted was to see your mummy, but alessia was doing her rounds around the pitch. stopping and signing shirts and posters as well as taking photo for fans at the barrier. along with the rest of the lionesses.
alessia's name being called out in all direction. you though for this game where sat in the friends and family box at the top of wembley. your mummy looking like a small figure on the pitch.
you had been patiently waiting at the stairs that would take you all the way down to the barrier and to your mummy but you were being told to wait by your uncle luca. and you were bored of waiting.
“we go on now luca?” you asked with a sweet smile as he hummed looking down towards the queues at the barriers all with people pushing and shoving to get the the front. luca obviously not wanting to take you down their if it wasn’t safe.
“just give it a couple minutes then we can go, okay?” luca said as he took another glance down the bottom as a little huff came from you. you just wanted to see your mummy.
this is why games at the smaller grounds were your favourite, you didn’t have to wait for people to scatter as your mummy would be straight over lifting you over the barrier and into the warmth of her arms. you on your own little excited ramble about the game you’d just watched.
you were beginning to get really impatient, if there was one thing you didn’t like and that was waiting.
“we go now” you asked again dragging your words out as a small sigh came from luca as he nodded slightly.
“yes, but slowly there’s still a lot of people down there!” he pointed to the many fans holding shirts and banners in extended arms as well as screaming your mummy’s name.
you replied with a small okay, jumping out your seat with your teddy wrapped under your arms as you were finally allowed to begin to walk down the steps.
you started off slowly but with each step you picked up the pace knowing your were getting closer to seeing your mummy. “tiny, slow down…” luca trailed off but it was no use you were to far in front now.
alessia had spotted you making your way down the steps, your little excited wave as you got closer to her. but alessia made the silly mistake of waving back drawing some unwanted attention your way as you were mere inches from the barrier.
"oh my god it's alessia daughter!"
"can she sign this for me!"
"can i get a photo with her!"
fans started to crowd around your small frame as you got a little scared at all the unknown faces now looking at you, you a lot smaller so you had no one to hide behind as alessia tried her best to get as close to you seeing the crowds around you.
the fans starting to get a little bit more pushy invading your personal space as you began to get more and more overwhelmed.
fans were pushing you, trying to get closer to you but also the barrier as alessia was getting closer. "luca" you whined but it was no use as you didn’t know where he was so he wasn’t able to stop the few hundred fans pushing your small figure around.
"help" you whined a little louder, as the crowds around you got smaller. men in bright yellow jackets pushing them away and yelling for the unknown faces to ‘back off’ in a deep and scary voice as you were scooped into your mummy’s arms.
your mummy pulling you tightly into her chest as small sniffles came from you. you still being a little overwhelmed from the interaction.
"it's okay lovie, mummy's got you" alessia cooed as you sunk into the safety of her arms, the fans shouting her name as she said a quick few words to her brother, luca nodding at her words before she quickly waved to the fans.
walking back into the centre of the pitch, it was a little quieter. you calming down as alessia kissed the top of your head. "you okay now lovie? what happened?" your mummy asked as you frowned.
"people shouting my name and your name! and then they start pushing me" you said with a sad smile and tears still prominent in your eyes as alessia nodded as she began to explain how some fans just wanted things to be signed and that they probably didn't mean to push you.
"me no like fans" you huffed with crossed arms and a frown on your face. a small laugh coming from alessia with a knowing hum as she placed a kiss to your cheek walking towards her teammates.
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ludwig-van-gaythoven · 5 months
Cabin Fever - (Regina George x F Reader) Part 3
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Mean Girls (2024)
Regina George x Reader
The students of Northshore go on a school trip for a week in the forest. You end up getting to know the apex predator in a way you’d never seen her before.
ED mentions.
Part 1// Part 2// Part 3// Part 4// Part 5// Part 6
When you wake in the morning, Regina is already gone. She’s probably gone to meet with Karen and Gretchen for breakfast, pushing food around her plate more like. You’ve noticed some of your leftovers have gone missing, you don’t mind though. At least it means she’s eating something.
You’re not sure why she seems to relax around you enough to eat, something she can’t seem to do around her supposed best friends.
You have to remind yourself you aren’t her friend but the sketch is still neatly folded under her pillow, whatever that means.
You have a quick shower, throw on some jeans and a band tee and go to the campfire pit to hear what activity you’ll have to do today. It might mean being paired with Regina again, although she acts like a completely different person with you in public. You can see straight through her act. The more you see of her, the more you realise she’s not cruel, bitchy or formidable. She’s scared and a little insecure.
“Today half of you will be boating and half of you will be climbing! Cabins 1-6 follow me and cabins 7-12 meet your leader at the high ropes in 5 minutes!” The instructor calls.
Fuck no.
You try and sneak away slowly, if there’s one thing you’re afraid of, it’s heights. Maybe you can sneak off with the boating group, that sounds less scary, and safer.
It doesn’t work, Mrs Norbury catches you and sends you off in the direction of the high ropes. It’s not like they can force you to climb, right?
They’re laughing about something, you can’t tell what. Maybe Regina’s already making fun of you, maybe she’s gone through your bags to find anything embarrassing to tell her best friends. Maybe she’s taken a photograph of your sketch to prove you’re a loser, freak or whatever. She did similar to Janis, what’s stopping her from doing the same to you?
Maybe not.
You think you saw a glimpse of the real Regina underneath all the pink and glitter, last night.
An instructor calls out that the session is starting. For once this week you stop thinking about Regina.
You can already feel your heartbeat in your ears as you approach the climbing frame. You’re instructed on how to correctly fit your harnesses and told to line up and go over one at a time across the high ropes.
It was like an assault course in the air. First some wooden stepping stones, then walking across a tightrope with just a rope above to balance yourself, and then finally a zip line. You felt your stomach flip, there had to be a way out. You couldn’t have Regina see you having a full-blown panic attack.
Regina is just in front of you in the queue, she doesn’t turn to look at you even once. You’re slightly hurt but not surprised. It’s not like one evening of civility means she could be seen with you in public.
The plastics climb up and start to walk across. Gretchen and Karen walk in front, screaming and giggling the whole way. Regina saunters across, nothing phases her. As she climbs across the rope you can see the muscles under her pink crop top tensing, it makes you momentarily forget about what you have to do until the instructor calls out that it’s your turn next.
Okay, just breathe and whatever you do, don’t look down.
You climb up to the top platform. It’s just a walk across some stable wooden platforms. You can do this. You stare straight ahead, ignoring the thumping of your heart, your hands clammy against the ropes. As long as you don’t look down you’ll be fine.
By some miracle you make it across. The next obstacle is a walk across a tightrope. This one makes you cold sweat.
You start to shake more. Regina is already across the other side standing and waiting to go across the next obstacle. She still looks like a goddess, and you probably look like a sweaty mess. For the first time today she turns and looks at you, her expression is hard to work out, maybe pity? Probably amusement.
You put one foot tentatively on the rope and hold for dear life onto the top rope. You shuffle across in an ungraceful manner. Hopefully Regina has turned her back by now. This would definitely be blackmail material.
Every time the rope moves you feel like you’ll fall, any second you could faint, or throw up, or maybe have a heart attack.
You edge closer to the finishing platform, you can see the edge of it and make the mistake of looking down.
The ground becomes blurry and feels like it’s 3,000 feet away.
Your stomach lurches and your foot slips.
Desperation fills you and without thinking you desperately reach your hand out, hoping Regina will grab It, pull you back up and you won’t feel that dreaded falling sensation.
Instead she shoves you.
You fall from the rope, your heart nearly stops and you can’t open your eyes. The harness catches you but you’ve swung sideways from the rope and the force of Regina’s push makes you come crashing back, your hip colliding with the wooden platform.
The pain is immediate, and searing.
An instructor lowers you down and a teacher demands that Regina comes down too to take you to first aid.
She does this begrudgingly, her little minions whining that it’s not fair that she has to pay the price when you ‘just slipped.’
You don’t look at her or speak to her on your way to first aid. With every step your hip explodes with pain. You try not to show how hard it is to walk. This wasn’t the same Regina you hung out with last night.
Never show your weakness to a predator. That was your first mistake.
“ I wouldn’t have had to do that if you didn’t try to touch me.” She spat, staring at the ground as you walked. Was she ashamed?
“Whatever Regina. I don’t care.” You sigh, wincing again as you step.
She huffs and rolls her eyes at you as you finally make it to first aid. She leaves you at the door.
The first aider confirms that she doesn’t think it’s fractured or broken. Just badly bruised. When she asks what happened you lie and say you slipped. She doesn’t buy it but she doesn’t push any further. She gives you some pain medicine and an ice pack and suggests you go and rest for a bit in your cabin.
You go back and lie in your bed on your back with the ice pack slowly melting away at your hip, making the sheets wet and cold.
Luckily Regina is out somewhere, she’s probably snuck off to one of the plastics cabins.
It’s not like you care anyway.
You decide not to get dinner today. The thought of limping all the way to the campfire sounds awful and you don’t want to give Regina the satisfaction of knowing she hurt you so you try and get some sleep.
Your phone buzzes and lights up on the nightstand. It’s Janis.
“Heeey Dude! How’s the school trip? Wait why are you in bed it’s not even late” the voice of your best friend rings out down the phone.
“Long story, I slipped climbing.” You don’t know why you lie to Janis. You don’t feel like talking about Regina.
You know that despite them being on civil terms now, Janis and Regina still held a grudge respectively. Secretly you knew Janis definitely still had a crush on her, not that she’d ever admit it. At first you didn’t understand why Janis would fall for someone so fake and shallow but now you’ve seen the other side to her. Or is it just a disguise for her to gain your trust? You trusted she’d catch you and instead she pushed you away.
“Are you even listening to me?” Janis breaks you out of your thoughts.
“I said, has Regina fallen in mud, or ruined her boots or had bugs in her hair yet?” You can hear the grin in her voice, and a slight hint of excitement from speaking about Regina.
“Uh, I don’t know… I haven’t really seen her.” You lie again. Why can’t you stop lying to your friend?
“Anyway Janis I have to go, I should probably go and get dinner now, the teachers will wonder where I am.” Another lie “Bye!” You add quickly and hang up.
You sigh and throw your phone back onto the nightstand. You close your eyes again and try and get some sleep.
The painkillers have kicked in and you finally drift off.
You’re in the middle of a forest in a clearing. For some reason you feel uneasy. The trees are all looming around you, as if they’re trying to warn you, leaning closer to whisper “Run” in their windy breath. From between the trees you see a bright pair of blue cat eyes. They’re fixed on you. Unblinking.
You try to get up to run but you can’t move, you’re fixed to the spot as a lion emerges from the trees, claws sharp and teeth bared just about to clamp down on your neck-
Something shakes you awake. Or rather, someone.
“Get up.” You hear Regina hiss.
“What, why?” You mumble back, rubbing your eyes. Her silhouette is blurry above you.
“Come with me.”
“Why the fuck should I.” Your response shocks both of you,she scowls and grabs your wrist to drag you up.
“Just come with me.”
“Fuck off, Regina.” You spit
She doesn’t say anything, just tightens her grip on your wrist and pulls you up.
There’s no use resisting. Stupidly you follow her. Why would you trust her after she pushed you, you’re walking yourself to your doom.
She leads you to a clearing in the trees. Just like your dream, everything in your body is telling you to run.
And then you see it.
A hot pink blanket is sprawled out on the floor and you recognise various containers of food you’d bought laid out on the blanket. There’s two fluffy white pillows either side of the blanket.
“Say something, dumbass!” She barks, she doesn’t meet your eyes and you notice a slight blush on her cheeks
“What’s happening.” You stutter. Surely not, why would Regina have gone to all this effort? Is she trying to apologise?
“I saw you weren’t at dinner and I didn’t want you to starve or something. I’m not sleeping in the same room as a corpse.” She quips, going to sit on one of the pillows. You follow and sit on the other, are you still dreaming?
You eat in silence for a while. Every now and then stealing glances at Regina. She’s actually eating some of the food, looking down at the blanket in thought. The sun is setting and the light manages to catch her in a way that makes her even more perfect. Her cheeks are slightly rosy and you notice she’s taken off most of her makeup. She looks softer, like her guard has dropped slightly.
“I’m sorry I pushed you.” She whispers and her eyes catch yours. She looks genuinely sorry.
Against better judgement you immediately forgive her. You can’t hold much resolve against her when she’s sitting at a picnic she made for you and the sun is reflecting off her skin like that.
“It’s okay, I’m fine anyway.” That’s half a lie, it still hurts quite badly. “Thanks for this. You didn’t have to.”
“I wanted you to know I’m sorry, really, and…. Your food is better than the shit they serve here.” She fidgets nervously “It’s nice to eat without Gretch and Karen commenting on the fat content of it.”
That makes your stomach sink. You wonder how anyone could ever think that Regina was anything but beautiful.
“We could have dinner together tomorrow too, if you wanted” that definitely didn’t come out as confident as you wanted it to.
She doesn’t say anything but she smiles at you. Your heart skips.
After you finish eating you pack up Regina’s cute picnic and make your way back to the cabin. You resist the fleeting urge to hold her hand. You don’t want to get shoved again.
She goes to the bathroom to shower and you pull out your sketchbook. You draw the same forest clearing before, sketching in all the leaves, except this time the lion is lying on a blanket, eyes closed, peaceful.
You put the sketchbook back in your bag and get changed into pyjama shorts and a top before laying on top of the covers on the bed.
You’re drifting in and out of consciousness when Regina comes out of the bathroom, you hear her pad quietly towards your bed.
As if not to scare her off you stay perfectly still, eyes shut, and pretend to be asleep.
You feel her hand pull the leg of your shorts up at the side to reveal the darkening bruise at your hip.
Your heart nearly implodes when you feel her gentle lips press a soft kiss to your hip.
It’s over in a second, she goes back to her bed and pulls the covers over her head.
You let out a shaky breath and decided you would probably never be able to figure Regina George out, but at this current moment, you didn’t really mind.
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kittenintheden · 9 months
Where were you, when I was new?
AO3 Version Here bonus gift art by tavplum!!
Even the masters have to start somewhere.
Rating: E Word Count: 5.6k Content: 18+, Virgin Astarion, Pre-Canon Astarion, Law Student Astarion, Young Astarion, Loss of Virginity, Oral Sex, Intercourse, Gender-Neutral Partner (3rd Person), Unnamed Partner (3rd Person)
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Astarion Ancunín is twenty years old, a law student, and a virgin. At least, he is for the time being.
It’s not as if he doesn’t know he’s an exceptionally good-looking young man, not as if no one’s ever asked before. Not as if he’s completely inexperienced. He adores kissing. Flushes with pleasure when someone plays with his long, elegant ears. Participates in a little hand stuff here and there. He even received head and gave it back, once, at some party.
Really, it’s simply that he’s had other things to do – other lessons to learn, other books to study, other concerns about his future position – and no one ever seemed worth sharing himself with fully. At least, not the first time. What can he say? He has standards.
It’s neither here nor there, to be honest, because he’s deep in his notes from a recent lecture when a friend puts a hand on his shoulder and draws his attention away. He grumbles, annoyed at being yanked out of his zone.
“What, arthehole?” he says from between his teeth because he doesn’t want to drop the pair of gold-rimmed glasses that dangle from his mouth by one temple. He never did quite outgrow his oral fixation.
His friend tilts their chin toward the large double doors that offer entry to their university’s library, which is where they’re currently holed up. “Look sharp,” the friend says. “The mock trial team from Neverwinter just walked in.”
Astarion sits up and shifts his gaze to the group of unfamiliar students following behind an enthusiastic prefect who seems to be giving them the full tour of the Grand College of Baldur's Gate. They certainly look like standard Neverwinter fare – wizard-chic robes, scrutinizing stares, Northern city attitude. He leans his cheek on his hand, lazily sizing up the competition.
There’s one that stands out and he quirks his mouth up as he observes. This student is smiling brightly, slowly spinning in place to take in the shelves around them with wonder. Their clothing is simpler than the others, more street-friendly than cosmopolitan.
“Huh,” he says to himself.
“I think we can take them no problem,” his friend says. “But what do you say about running a bit of an insurance policy? Some friendly distraction, if you will.”
Astarion glances their way. “I’m listening.”
The friend points to someone toward the front of the line. “I’ll take that one. You know I’m a sucker for tieflings with blue… everything.”
He laughs. “Have at. I think…” He folds his glasses and slips them into his pocket, training his eyes on the student who stuck out to him before. “... I’ll deal with that one.”
“Good man,” says the friend, holding up a hand for him to clasp.
Some time later, Astarion leans casually against a support beam in the university’s canteen with his supper in hand, waiting. It isn’t long until the Neverwinter students begin to filter in and he quickly spies his target.
They’re taking in the room and the people around them, eyes soft and gentle as a cow’s. Elven, like him, he thinks. They look over their shoulder and happen to catch his eye for a scant moment. He tilts his head and they give a polite smile before stepping forward in the queue.
Astarion examines his nails closely during the several minutes it takes the group to retrieve their food and find seats. As the elf walks along the line of chairs, he makes his move.
Before they even notice his approach, he steps just in front of them and then startles as they knock into him.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” they say, mercifully righting their tray before anything spills. “I didn’t see you.”
“No, no,” Astarion says, smiling bashfully. “My fault entirely. I didn’t look to see where I was going. I’m terrible that way. Please, join me?”
He pulls out the nearest chair and gestures for them to sit. They blink at him, wide-eyed, then lean around to look for their friends, then back at him in slight confusion.
“Ah, sorry, that’s presumptuous, I shouldn’t-”
“No, it’s fine,” they say, their face brightening with another grin. “We’re supposed to be here to meet other students, anyway, so. Yeah. Yes, I’d be happy to join you.”
“Wonderful,” Astarion says, pushing the chair in under them as they take his offered seat. Behind their back, he casts a look over at his friend across the way. They waggle their eyebrows at him and go back to chatting up their blue tiefling. Astarion smirks.
He schools his features back to neutral as he takes his own seat, giving the Neverwinter student a tight smile, playing the part of the nervy introvert superbly. Right on cue, his glasses slip down his nose a bit and he adjusts them back into place.
“Do you actually need those?” his guest says, their cheek already full of food.
Astarion’s smile drops for a second before he snatches it back and gives a laugh. “What?”
They chew and swallow their bite before pointing at his face. “The spectacles. I was just wondering if they were for show or…” They pause and their eyes go even wider than usual. “I apologize, that’s really rude of me, forget I said anything.”
His surprised laugh is genuine this time. “You know what? I don’t actually need them.” To illustrate his point, he removes them, folds them, and puts them in his jacket pocket. He leans in like he’s about to tell them a secret and quietly says, “Honestly, I just think they make me look smart.”
Immediately, they burst out laughing and he joins them. The conversation flows smoothly, after that.
“What are you doing all the way down at the Gate?” Astarion asks, placing a forkful of his own food in his mouth to chew as they answer. He now knows their name, their year, that they adore snow foxes, and that they are indeed visiting from Neverwinter.
They pick off a piece of their roll, then another. “I’m here with the mock trial group. You know that one? We playact cases like you’d find in the courts. We’re here for a competition with the Gate’s team.”
“Really?” Astarion says, the picture of innocence as he leans in closer, fascinated. “Like theater? I didn’t even know we had one of those.”
“Oh, yes, it’s a lot of fun.” They’re animatedly waving their forgotten roll around as they speak. It’s cute. “We each take the side of either the prosecution or the defense and we sort of, you know, duke it out.”
Astarion giggles. “Maybe I should come watch this thing. Which side are you on?”
“Defense,” they say with a wink. “And we’ve got a killer case.”
“Is that so?” Astarion’s grin spreads wide over his face. “I’d love to hear more.”
It had been quite the productive evening. His companion spilled the details of nearly everything that mattered, from their witness list to the evidence they hoped to sneak in last-minute with a legal loophole. Astarion flirted up a storm, keeping them talking. And talk they did, punctuated with laughter and light touches and a general aura of friendship .
Astarion grimaces as he organizes his notes for the trial. It should begin in an hour and he’s been hiding out in the nearby lecture hall that serves as the makeshift judge’s chambers. If he’s really, truly honest with himself… he feels awful. His opponent had been sweet, friendly, and genuinely enjoyable to be around, if a little… south of brilliant. It hadn’t taken long for him to realize he actually kind of liked them. Would maybe consider flirting with them for real, even.
If only they hadn’t been so naively trusting . That was their own fault, wasn’t it?
He swallows the sour taste in his mouth.
Around then, his friend swaggers into the room with a blooming bruise on their neck and a sleepy smile. They flop down in the seat beside him.
“Good night?” Astarion asks, cocking an eyebrow at them.
“Blue everywhere,” they say as if they’re doped up. “Everywhere, Ancunín.”
Astarion chuckles and shakes his head. “But did you learn anything useful?”
His friend doesn’t answer and Astarion clears his throat to prompt them. They focus back in on him and say, “Erm, we were supposed to be learning something? I proposed running distraction.”
“Oh for the gods’ sake.” Astarion rolls his eyes. “No matter. I got all the details from my date, anyway.” He taps his notes against the desk to straighten them and slips them into his satchel.
“You mean their team captain?” his friend says.
Astarion freezes with his hand on the latch of his satchel. Turns his head slowly to gawk at his teammate. “Their. What?”
The friend shrugs. “Guess I did learn one thing, after all. My companion said you were sitting with their team captain. Thought it was a pretty bold choice.” They wink at him. “Good for you.”
“Shit,” Astarion whispers.
His friend frowns, but before they can ask, he’s up and pulling open the door that leads to their mock chambers. The Neverwinter team is already well underway on their setup. He storms down the center aisle and sure enough, there’s his dining companion, looking polished to a fine shine with their hair properly styled and robes of deep blue setting off their elven complexion.
They turn just in time to catch him glaring at them with his jaw clenched.
“Glad you could make it,” they say with a much slyer smile than they wore last night.
Astarion has never been so simultaneously angry and infuriatingly attracted to someone in his life.
The first trial of their three-day competition is, naturally, a complete bust for Team Baldur’s Gate. Astarion is completely off his game and operating off of a strategy that proves totally useless. The Neverwinter team absolutely trounces them.
He got played. He got played and he’s furious about it.
Worse, he’s impressed by it. Gross.
Afterward, they come up to him to offer a genuine, friendly handshake. Astarion reluctantly accepts it.
“I’d apologize,” they say. “But honestly, I let you take the lead completely. You didn’t have to listen to a single word out of my mouth.”
Astarion sniffs. “Yes, well. Congratulations. You won.” He leans into their space ever so slightly. “This time.”
They laugh and it sounds almost the same as it did the night before. “Come on, let me buy you a drink.”
“You don’t have to rub it- wait, what?” Astarion says.
They shrug. “Secret’s out now, I guess, so I don’t see any reason for us to pretend that we didn’t enjoy one another’s company.” When Astarion doesn’t immediately respond, they put a hand on their hip and smirk at him. “At least, I enjoyed yours.”
“Well, I…” Astarion huffs and looks askance, then back at them. “I don’t even know which parts of you are real , so. I can’t say.”
The elf reaches out a finger and taps him right on the center of his chest. “You’re the one who saw someone from one of the top universities in the realm and assumed I must be some foolish bumpkin who’ll spill their guts to the first pretty face that comes along because I smile too much. I’m the one who should be concerned, I think.”
“Ugh, okay, fair,” he says, tossing his head. Then he smirks back. “You think I’m pretty?”
“Come on,” they say with a laugh and a tilt of their head toward the exit. “Let’s get that drink.”
Hours later, Astarion stands in front of the tiny vanity in his dorm, turning his face to examine his reflection. His cheeks are flushed from a second and then a third drink, his curls looking a bit flat at the end of the day. He pulls back his lips to examine his teeth, making sure the wine didn’t stain them. Fine. He looks fine.
He huffs at his reflection. Normally, his confidence in his appearance is, one might say, inflated . Tonight, he’s feeling unusually self-conscious about it. He pokes at the moles under his eye and grimaces.
It had been a marvelous time. True to their word, his fellow captain had bought him the first cup of cheap wine. He’d pitched in for their second round, and they’d each decided on a third. After agreeing that tonight would involve absolutely no discussion of the next day’s case, they simply let the conversation take them where it would, and took them it did. 
It was… easy. Instinctive. He told them all about leaving his terribly boring hometown behind for the call of Baldur’s Gate, determined to polish himself to a high shine and enjoy everything the city life had to offer. They told him that Neverwinter was a beautiful, sparkling metropolis, but woefully lacking in people who weren’t head-and-shoulders up their own arse.
Astarion fidgets with the wooden comb and brush laid out on his vanity, smiling. Wine loosened their tongues a bit more and they’d given into the compulsion to openly flirt with one another, and it had been… good. Very good. It’s been some time since he’s felt genuinely interested in spending an evening with someone this way. If anything, he thanks his dates for the delightful makeout session and goes on his merry way.
He runs his fingers along his bottom lip, remembering being partway into that third cup and snatched up with the overwhelming desire to kiss them. The air around them felt heated and heady, their laughs going lower in pitch as the night wore on, their eyes half-lidded when they looked at him.
He’d wanted to. He’d wanted to so badly. More than he could ever remember wanting to kiss anyone. And he’d let his nerves get the better of him.
They’d bid their goodnights, he’d come back here, and now he was flopping down onto his too-hard single bed with a huff, covering his face with his hands. He sighs and drags them over his skin, looking at his wall covered in parchment, his reminders and notes to himself everywhere, a few tickets to events he wanted to remember pinned here and there.
He reaches out and taps the flyer advertising the mock trial competition, feeling a slow grin spread over his face. They’d bested him today, but tomorrow… tomorrow’s another story.
The look on their face when Astarion delivers his final arguments to the judges is delicious. He’s back in the game, fully and completely, using every bit of performative flair to make sure all eyes stay on him. When he wraps it up, he pays them a smug glance and they’re looking at him with lips slightly parted.
Better yet, they’re blushing .
He positively beams.
Baldur’s Gate comes out victorious, leaving the teams one-and-one. Tomorrow will decide the competition.
Tonight, they all go out together to play.
The Neverwinter team is desperately competitive and worth every bit of the name they’ve made for themselves on the university circuit, but they also love to party. The two groups find a rager of a soiree happening at the winter house of one of the Upper City students. There’s dancing, and drinking, and no small number of heated exchanges.
Astarion doesn’t waste the opportunity to rub elbows with anyone notable – he has long-term goals, after all – but most of his attention is devoted to spending as much time as possible with his new Neverwinter friend.
They share a dance or two on the trellised patio, purple and white wisteria hanging down all around them and perfuming the air. Nothing salacious… at least, not at first. That second dance ends up a bit close, with their hand on his chest and his just the tiniest bit too low on their hip for propriety.
In the twilight, they look into his face, their own expression open and affectionate, and it hits Astarion again – that overwhelming desire to kiss them. His heartbeat quickens, fluttering his pulse up along the side of his neck, and his breath catches. Heat swirls through him from the place their hand sits on his chest.
This is ridiculous. He’s never had a problem kissing anyone else before.
He’s never wanted to kiss anyone like this before, though. This thing between them… it’s chemical. Magical.
The music drifts away and they drift apart.
He does not kiss them.
Day three of the competition dawns and it’s the fiercest one yet. Every member of each team is out to win and they bring their very best to the table. The professors and other staff acting as the competition's judges watch the back and forth with raised eyebrows, thoroughly impressed by their students’ passion.
And no passion is so intense as the passion between the two team captains, who pace around one another like a pair of territorial wolves, seeking any weakness at all. They stand on either side of a long table, making their cases back and forth. Occasionally they address the judge, but clearly this is a battle between the two of them.
“The evidence is crystal clear,” the Neverwinter captain states, eyes narrowed. “This man is corrupt, feeding information to the highest bidder with complete disregard for any life ruined in the process. It is unconscionable, and the court must see justice through.”
Astarion slams his hands down on the table for effect and leans closer, eyes on them. “The evidence reveals he feared for his life, for the lives of his family. He performed these misdeeds under duress. The true culprit is not in this courtroom. And that…” He pauses for effect, letting the tension stretch. “... is why I move for a mistrial.”
There’s a bark of laughter behind him from his teammate and the room goes nearly to shambles under the sudden upswing in feverish whispering. Astarion grins.
Astarion stands his ground.
Astarion wins his requested mistrial .
In the end, the final judging declares Baldur’s Gate the winner of the day, but Neverwinter the overall mock trial champions – decided by a single point.
The entire mock chambers breathes a collective sigh of relief for the end of a battle well fought and new friends made. Astarion’s teammates are swarming him, slapping his back and praising his performance. He’s grinning ear to ear and looks up just in time to see the Neverwinter captain come barrelling through the crowd to catch him in a hug. He gasps and instinctively wraps his arms around them in return.
After a solid squeeze, they stand back and put their hands on his shoulders. They’re flushed with the fight, with the win. Their eyes shine a bit in the light.
“Well done,” they say, beaming. “You were incredible.”
Astarion gulps and manages to pull on a smile. “Congratulations on your win.”
“You’ll be at the party tonight?” they ask, looking between his eyes.
“Of course,” Astarion says. “I'll see you later.”
And he doesn’t miss it.
Astarion stands in the mock chambers again some time later, the air far less tense and much more celebratory. The teams and their judges and staff mingle amid the catered trays of sandwiches and pitchers of cheap wine. He looks around with two cups in hand, seeking out his new friend. Friend. Friend?
When he spots them, he simply can’t stop the smile pulling at his mouth. He wants so badly to be cool tonight and they make it so hard.
He takes a breath and approaches them. They turn from the person they’re currently chatting with and light up when they spot him. Their companion looks at Astarion and takes their leave with raised eyebrows, clearly aware that their conversation is now over.
Astarion clears his throat and offers a cup. They accept it.
“It’s really very bad,” Astarion says with a scoff. “But it’s something.” He takes a sip.
They continue to smile coyly at him as they bring their own cup to their mouth.
“You’re leaving tomorrow?” Astarion says, looking into his cup so he doesn’t have to see their face.
There’s a pause, and then softly, they say, “Yes. Late morning. We’re hoping to make it back to Neverwinter before the snows start on the road.”
Astarion takes another drink of his wine and sets it down before he looks back at them. “That’s unfortunate,” he says with a soft, sad laugh. “Because I’ve rather liked the time we’ve spent together.” He pauses and swallows. “I’ve rather liked you .”
They tilt their head, wine held aloft in one hand, and let their smile widen.
When they don’t respond, Astarion says, “That is, you’re very clever to be around. Fun. Fun to be around? I like to be around you because you’re just…” He looks around desperately like he’s going to find help for this. “... incredible.”
They turn and set their cup down on a nearby bench.
Astarion rambles on, “I only thought maybe you might be, I don’t know, interested in letting me show you what else I’m capable of.” High-pitched laugh. “Outside the courtroom.” Clears his throat and blinks rapidly. “If you want.”
With a giggle, they grab him by the lapels and pull him in, pressing their mouth fully to his in a kiss that makes him immediately swoon, his legs going a touch weak as he leans against them for support. The chatter around them goes muffled in his mind as they both adjust for a better fit and he feels his ears flush pink to the very tips.
When the kiss breaks, Astarion can feel his heart beating in his throat, in his fingertips, in his lips, in his… oh, that’s going to be an issue very soon.
They catch his eye and say, “You want to get out of here?”
He’s never nodded his head “yes” so quickly in his life.
They don’t make it anywhere close to the dorms.
Now that the seal’s been broken, Astarion simply can’t keep his hands off of them. They escape into the hall together and run a few steps down the way when he crashes into them, wrapping his arms around them from behind until he gets them to turn so he can kiss them again, both hands on either side of their head as they stumble.
They run a ways, kiss a ways, run a ways, and so on until Astarion yanks them down a side hallway behind the library, looking from door to door. When he finds one he likes, he gives their hand a tug and they use the momentum to slam against him until his back hits the door. The pair of them laugh deliriously as they kiss again, tongues testing and discovering, but then they break from his mouth to kiss toward his ear.
The moment they suck on the lobe, his cock goes fully and painfully hard, hips bucking out as he whines into the air beside them.
“No, no, not there,” he says in a breathy whisper. “Not unless you want to call it a very early evening.”
They bury their face in the side of his neck, giggling, and he scrambles his hand around behind him until he finds the doorknob and they both go tumbling inside.
Astarion collapses onto the floor with his companion on top and doesn’t even think before he kicks the door shut with one foot and reaches up to bring their face back to his for another kiss. This time, he uses a thumb to stroke along the length of their own elven ear and then groan into his mouth, grinding down hard against him.
Oh gods, this is happening.
He wants this to happen.
On impulse, he reaches down their bodies until his hand's between his companion’s legs, gently cupping them there, and they sit upright, head thrown back in the very low magical lantern light of this filing room, and rock themselves against it. He does his best to give them the friction they’re seeking.
A minute or so later, they tilt their head forward and meet his eyes, their eyes stormy and lustful. They take his hands and pull them both back to standing, backing him up until he slams up against the side of the nearest filing shelf. Fingers fumble with the buttons of his doublet and he tries to help, getting them undone enough that they can reach their hands inside and scrape their nails over his ribs through his undershirt. Astarion’s chest arches forward, goosebumps prickling over his skin as he makes contented noises through their kiss.
Then they kiss down his neck, giving him a little nip near the collarbone that makes him squeak, which he attempts to cover with a purr. They keep going until they kneel on the floor and work at the lacings of his trousers. His tongue feels so heavy in his mouth, and he’s about to say that they don’t have to do-
But then their mouth is on his freed cock and he throws his head back, swooning into the overwhelming sensation of wet heat surrounding him. He’s done this before, and it was fine, but it wasn’t like this . Maybe it’s because he’s so attracted to them? Maybe it’s because they’re doing… that thing… with their tongue…
He whines and pulls in a deep breath, trying to keep his wits about him, because he highly suspects that one-sided head is not how they want the night to end. Before he reaches a dangerous place, he puts his hand on their head and gently slows them. They pull off of him and look up with a smile, their eyes the exact mix of mischief and sexiness that caught him in the first place.
No one’s ever made him feel like this. Not once.
This one, though. They’ve wound their way around the very core of him.
Astarion gulps and says, quiet and shy, “I haven’t done this before.”
Their eyes go a little wider. “Really?” they say, sincere. “You?”
He laughs. “I mean, I’ve done what we just did, but I haven’t… done what I think we’re about to do.”
They give his cock one more long lick that makes him sway a bit before they stand back up and kiss him. He melts into it. He likes them so very, very much. It hurts that they’re leaving, but this is right. He knows it is. These past few days and nights feeling them take root in him… they’ve all been leading to this.
“Well, then, I’m honored,” they say, and they sound like they mean it. “If we’re about to do what you’re thinking.”
“Oh, yes, please,” he says, kissing them again.
They each separate and disrobe, their clothing building a haphazard pile between them. Soon enough, they swipe the old files off the nearest table and his playmate faces it, bidding him closer with a smile over their shoulder, almost exactly the same as the first one they ever paid him in the canteen only a few nights ago.
Astarion takes his cock in his hand, still spit-slick, and puts his other hand on their hip. They lean over the tabletop, palms flat on the surface, and spread their legs for him. His breath stutters, his legs go weak beneath him. He can’t quite believe he’s here.
Beneath him, they shift their weight so they can put their hand over his. He’s shaking, just a little.
“We can stop if you want to,” they say, their words reedy with need but sincere beneath it.
“No,” Astarion says. Licks his lower lip. “I want to do this with you.”
They give a light laugh. “Whenever you’re ready.”
He nods, then realizes they can’t see him. “Okay. Okay.”
His fingers move from their hip to the middle of their back and he draws the pads of his fingers down over their spine. They shiver under the touch and Astarion swallows hard. His fingers trace all the way to where their arse begins to curve. He shudders in a breath and brings two fingers to his mouth to suck, then reaches between their legs to touch them there, apply pressure, rub small circles.
They arch and hum beneath his ministrations.
Astarion holds his breath and pushes his fingers inside them, losing his footing just a bit as he feels their heat, the pulse of them around his fingers. When he has his wits back, he moves his fingers in and out, pumping slow, listening to their breath beneath him for cues on what he might be doing right or wrong. He turns his fingers a bit, mapping their body, and they give a shuddering sigh.
Their insides grow warmer to the touch. Are they supposed to do that?
“More,” they huff. “You can do more now.”
“Right,” Astarion says, withdrawing his fingers and moving in closer, his arousal pulsing with anticipation. It feels like crossing into a new world, going somewhere that will well and truly mark him an adult. And he’s ready.
His cock rests at their entrance and with one more breath he guides himself inside with his hand. There’s a brief resistance, a pleasant pressure against the head of him, and then he’s half inside. His hips instinctively give a second thrust and then he’s fully sheathed.
He gasps and curls forward into their body just as they arch into his. Astarion’s arm wraps around their waist and he holds them tight.
“Okay?” they gasp again, their legs quivering.
“You feel…” he pants, pressing his forehead to the space between their shoulder blades. “Gods, you feel so good.”
They laugh and reach a hand behind them to tangle in the hair at the side of his head. “You too. You feel good, too.”
Astarion huffs out his breath and tries to place a sloppy kiss to their back, but it’s so hard when this feeling is coursing through him and his thoughts are going haywire because everything is different, now. He’s different, now.
He draws his hips back and rolls them forward again.
They sigh with it, signaling their approval.
So he does it again. And again. And again.
Together they build a rhythm. Every once in a while, they help Astarion angle himself this way or that, teaching him how to make a partner feel, make them shudder, make them moan. He finds a spot near the front of them that makes them squirm and he files that knowledge away. They take his hand and guide him round to their front and show him what to do, how they like to be touched.
He’s a fast learner. Always has been.
Astarion pants as he attempts to commit every second of this experience to memory: being buried deep inside, feeling the shudder and movement of his partner, the way they flush and bloom, the unbearably sexy sounds that float from their throat to his ears. Most of all, he wants to remember how this feels , how much he enjoys the person he’s sharing this with. His heart thuds in his chest, his ears flush with arousal and affection, and he is so happy to be exactly here, in this moment.
The pair of them grow slick with sweat against one another in the unventilated room, their cries stifled and sultry. The minds are willing, but the bodies are young and eager. The passion building between them swells, shivering, laser-focused on the place where they meet.
Their rhythm goes chaotic and Astarion only barely holds on long enough for his partner to fall over the edge before he goes tumbling after.
For a scant moment, the world goes paler than he’s ever seen it.
Then they’re both whimpering through the other side of their peak, movements gradually slowing to stillness.
After they’ve had an awkward disentanglement and a more awkward cleanup, they look into one another’s faces, and then they’re kissing again, touching again, losing themselves again. What youth lacks in experience, it makes up in vigor.
They do it once more, face to face this time. Slower, longer. Astarion learns what it’s like to soul kiss someone while making love to them. He likes it. Very much.
Some time later, Astarion leans against the table and stares down at his doublet while he does up the buttons. Beneath his lashes, he peeks up and sees them looking at him, their mouth titled up in a sweet smile. They’re already fully dressed.
“What?” Astarion says airily. His cheeks are warm and he’s positive he’s rosy pink with a blush.
“You are so pretty,” they say. “And funny, and clever. You’ve been lovely company.”
Astarion raises his eyebrows and looks askance, unable to stop grinning. “Yes, well. You’re delightful, as well, and you certainly gave me a night to remember. Thanks, for that.”
It goes unspoken between them, the knowledge that this is the last and only night. They’re young, they’re dedicated to their studies. There won’t be time for lovesick letters and pining, nice as it might be. No. Best that they keep this memory contained in crystal, sparkling.
His opponent, his friend, his lover walks closer and puts a finger under his chin and Astarion allows them to tilt his face so he’s looking at them. Then they lean in and give him a tender kiss.
When they break away, they stay close and look him in the eye. “What you gave me was a gift, you know. I won’t forget it.”
Astarion smiles. “Nor I.”
With one last kiss, they say their goodbyes. “Goodnight, Astarion,” they say. “I do hope we meet again, one of these days.”
“Me too,” he says, watching their retreat. “Goodnight, Tav.”
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logansargeantsbabymom · 3 months
Hi could you please write an imagine for the f1 boys (mainly Charles, lando, Pierre, Charles) where they surprise the reader at work and she works in childcare. Thank you
Hey pretty, thank you for the request <3!
Work Surprises with the F1 Boys
A/N: I did make this where Y/N has different occupations working with children so it's not the boring same old same old for every driver. I hope that's okay!
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
F1 Masterlist
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Charles Leclerc: Pediatrician
I woke up at the same time I have for the past 3 years as I would everyday to get ready for work, at 5:30am. Now I was never and never will be a morning person but I absolutely love my job because it involves me helping kids whether they're sick or just need to get a physical for a school field trip.
I felt my boyfriend stir in his sleep next to me as I tried to sneak out of bed. My attempt of sneaking out though failed as I felt the strong arm of my boyfriend wrap around my waist and yanked me against his body. "Mmmm, don't leave" my boyfriend, Charles whispered against the crook of my neck, which caused me to shiver at the sudden breath hitting my skin.
"Baby, I have to get ready for work." I said as I ran a hand through his messy hair
A groan left his mouth before he continued, "Call out sick" his grip on my waist tightening as he snuggled closer to me to fall back asleep
"No Charles, I have too many appointments today and I won't have any cover. I'll be back soon though, remember the office closes early because it's the 4th of July?" that seemed to persuade him enough because I felt his grip loosen a bit and I took that as my queue to slip out before he had enough time to change his mind.
I'd only been at work for about 2 hours and I've seen about 24 patients and attempted to finish some paperwork but every time I get the second to sit down and start the papers, a new patient needs to be seen. I think the last time I've been more stressed in my life than I am right now was back when I was waiting for my score to see if I passed my pediatric exam to get my license and that because I have a waiting room of 6 more patients and all the other doctors and nurses are busy.
I can only thank the heavens because the next patient I had to see turned out to be quadruplets, which would save a significant amount of time on my behalf. Once I called the patients and led them to the room where I closed the door before asking the most important question any doctor could every ask.
"Who's Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn?" I was slightly annoyed with myself as I finished my question because anyone could tell who Dawn was so I could've easily excluded her from the question.
"I'm Nicky, that's Dicky, and that's Ricky. Dawn obviously is the only girl here so" Nicky said
"Right, well who wants to get their shots first?" I said as I looked at the pan of 8 needles. Each kid needed a flu shot and a hep b shot but as I looked around the already crowed room, none of the kids wanted to volunteer first.
With an unamused look on her face, Dawn reluctantly agreed to go first. It only took about 10 minutes to give all 4 kids their shots and when the last kid got his shot, they all bolted out of the room.
"I'm sorry about them, they hate needles" was all the mom said before she left to follow her kids.
It's now 11:55am and the last patient is just about to leave before we close for an hour to have lunch "Okay, if the meds aren't working for your son after about a week, I would come back but if he develops a fever and starts vomiting while taking it, I would suggest taking him to the emergency room." I said as I guided the new mom and her 3 year old daughter to the front lobby.
As soon as the last patient left, I locked the door before making my way to my office to attempt to get some of my paperwork done during my hour break instead of eating.
I was walking back to receptionist desk where I kept my paperwork so I could take them back to my office, only to find it not there. A look of confusion plastered on my face as I continued to look for my missing paperwork. I frustrated groan left my mouth as I realized I'd have to restart all that work.
"I hope you really weren't about to skip lunch for work mon cherie"
A gasp slips past my lips as I quickly turned around to see my boyfriend standing there with a stack of files in one hand and bag of Chinese food in the other.
"Charles!" I said as I walked over to him and took my paperwork back "I thought someone stole these! You scared me!" I placed my hand over my heart and I took deep breaths to try and regulate my heartbeat.
"Sorry, mon coeur but I had to take them because I knew you were going to skip lunch again." A baffled look played across my face because how did he know I have been skipping my lunch breaks to get paperwork done?
"Your coworkers have been telling me you're not eating at work. You can't tell kids to eat to grow and be strong and then not take your own advice. I'm here to make sure that you eat today so I'm making it a little lunch date. Sit and eat."
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Lando Norris: Kindergarten teacher
"Ms. L/N, my dad told me that you're dating a famous wace car dwiver, is that twue?" my one student, who's name I just learn was Leo asked me.
Today was meet the teacher day at the school I taught at just 2 weeks before the first day of school and this question was very different than the ones I've been asked before. I looked up at the single dad behind him as I let out a little chuckle
"Why yes I am Leo, is your dad a fan?" I asked as I knelt to be at level with him
"Uh huh! He woves the orwange one!" I've always had a soft spot for kids and right now Leo is making my heart melt.
I didn't have a chance to respond before he ran over to his dad to tell him the good news. I got pulled aside by a parent who told me about an allergy her kid had to a specific cleaning chemical which I made a note of to avoid using in my classroom. I stuck the sticky note on my computer screen before hearing "MS L/N, YOUR BOYFRWEND HERE!" I could recognize that voice as little Leo's.
My head shot up to look at the door and sure enough, my very famous Formula 1 driver boyfriend was there with a bag full of school supplies and gift bags filled with goodies for the kids.
"Kids, I've got presents!!" Lando shouted which caused a little sea of 5-6 year olds kids ran over him making little grabby hands.
Once all the kids got their little baggy of toys, Lando talking to Leo's dad and I answered more questions, the classroom started to empty as Meet The Teacher time ended. The room fell in a comfortable silence as I started to clean up and organize all the supplies I was gifted today.
"Have you ever thought of having a kid or two?" Lando asked, my body tensed at the question
"I dunno, I haven't thought about it. Have you?" I asked as I looked him in the eyes.
"Everyday since we started dating."
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Carlos Sainz: School Counselor
"Listen Jess, I can't keep getting you out of trouble. You have to stop getting attitudes with teachers over a small issue." I said with a sigh as I had to deal with a troubled 14 year old freshman for the 4th time this week and it only being Tuesday.
"It's not my fault Ms. Jones was being a bitch to me." Jess said as she shrugged and slouched back in the seat she was in.
"Jess! You can't go around calling your teacher a bitch!" I scolded
"I will if they're being bitches!" Jess shouted
The ring of my school phone is what prevented me from further scolding the student sat in front of me
"Ms L/N's office" I started as I listened to the person on the other line "Okay, tell him to sit at the door of my office while I finish up with this student I have now. Okay, thank you. Bye bye" I hung up the phone before turning my attention back to Jess.
"Do you have another student?" she questioned
"I have another meeting, yes, but you're my top priority right now." I said as I readjusted my position in my chair
"To be honest, I cause these problems because I need someone to talk to and I feel most comfortable with you." Jess admitted as she looked down at her lap
"Jess," I started sympathetically "How about this, once a week we will have a 20 minute meeting to talk about anything and everything you want?" I compromised, which got a nod from her.
I watched as Jess left my office, I attempted to clean my desk a little before bringing my other meeting in before hearing Jess' voice
"Woah, you're hot. Are you a teacher?" before I could questioned who she's talking to I heard a thick Spanish accent answer her question
"No, I just have a meeting with Y/N." Disbelief spread across my face as I recognized the voice. There was no way that voice belonged to who I thought it did to.
I quickly ran outside my office where I was met with the most beautiful man on planet earth and who I was proud to call my boyfriend.
"CARLOS?!" I shouted as I jumped in his arms before planting a kiss to his lips
"Sorry for calling your boyfriend hot Ms. L/N" Jess said before she walked away
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I asked as he put me down but not breaking the hug
"We have the week off before the Miami Grand Prix so I wanted to surprise you." Carlos whispered as he kissed my temple
"Well, consider me surprised" I mumbled against his lips before littering his face in kisses.
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Lewis Hamilton: Peds surgeon
I’m currently on hour 8 of my 12 hour hospital shift and I’ve never been more exhausted in my life. I’ve performed 2 surgeries today and I still have one more lined up, now don’t get me wrong, I love my job and everything that comes with it. The ups, the downs, all of it.
I’ve finally finished up a post-op check up with one of my patients before hearing my stomach growl, I sent one of my trusted nurse friends to do the post op check up on the other patient while I grabbed a quick bite before my next surgery.
When I got to the cafeteria, I got a sandwich and sat down with another one of my friends while I scarfed my food down.
“So what’d you do today?” My trauma surgeon friend, Nalani asked as she took a bite of the sandwich she got
“I had to fix a bowel in one kid and another one swallowed a whole bunch of magnetic balls so I had to remove those. One balls tried to stick to the other and pierced an intestine so I had to fix that up. What about you?” I asked a I took another big bite of my food
“Oh well two people came in impaled in the chests with a long rod. Had to separate them, they both survived. It was a real miracle of God because when the images were taken, it looked like neither one of them were gonna survive.”
I’d been prepping for my last surgery of the day before I finally get to clock out and not worry about coming back for the next 4 days.
I walked into the OR getting suited up before noticing a figure in the amphitheater which caused me to look out of pure curiosity. Looking up I was locking eyes with the most handsomest man Ive ever seen in my whole life, who just so happened to be my fiancé.
“What is Lewis doing here?” I questioned the surgical intern
“He said he really missed you. The chief of surgery gave him clearance to be there, I think he promised to autograph a whole bunch of things for him and his kids?”
“That sounds like something Lewis would agree to” I giggled as I started to walk to the head of the table before hearing over the intercom
“Good luck with this surgery darling, I love you.”
“I love you too” was all I whispered before starting my last surgery of the day.
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Daniel: Summer Camp Director
“Alright everybody, can I have your attention please?” I shouted as I glanced around the room filled with 10-15 year olds.
This is my 3rd summer being a Camp Counselor and I have to admit that I always have a blast here.
“Thank you. My name is Ms. L/N, and I’m the main counselor here at Camp Kikiwaka and I’m going to be going over everything that we’re going to be doing here over the course of the summer and you then I’ll open the floor to you guys so you can ask me questions, okay?”
I heard a sea of “Yes” “Okay” “Got it” before I continued. It only took about 45 minutes to go over the expectations at Camp Kikiwaka and the summer itinerary, “Okay, now does anyone have any questions?” A small hand shot up the second I finished my question
“I thought the big kid camp was the building?” a little girl said
“Yes it is, the camp section for older kids is right next door, why? Do you have a sibling over there?” I questioned as I looked at the little girl in front of me
“So who’s that man and why is he smiling at you?” okay, that was scary at all.
Before I could register who she was talking about I heard an older boy say “That’s Daniel Ricciardo!! What is Daniel Ricciardo doing here?!” which caused me to shoot around to see if he’s actually here.
“Hello guys! Don’t mind me, I’m just here to be your counselor’s assistant for the next week and a half” Daniel said as he walked over to me and engulfed me in a hug, swaying us side to side before placing a quick kiss on my temple.
“What are you doing here?” I whispered, looking up at him to stare in his beautiful eyes
“We have two weeks before the next race so I thought I’d volunteer my time here. I already got permission” Daniel said as he cupped my face.
Turning around I let the kids know the news “Okay guys so this is my boyfriend and your guys’ new camp counselor for a week and a half, Mr. Ricciardo! You guys can go up to him and ask him questions just as you are able to come to me!”
“You guys can call me Daniel, there’s no need for formality. Alrighty, any questions?” Daniel corrected me
“HOW CAN I BE YOUR ASSISTANT IN FORMULA 1????” The older boy shouted which caused Daniel to let out a loud laugh before he answered the question.
This was going to be a fun week and a half.
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Pierre: Therapist
To say that today has been stressful would be an understatement. The lady who was in charge of booking my appointments scheduled who people at the same time and then proceeded to fill my schedule today so I couldn’t place the poor girl anywhere so I did the only logical thing anyone would do: I skipped lunch.
Well skipping lunch obviously wasn’t the best idea ever because just about 4 patients after lunchtime is when my headache started settling in, right in that spot behind my eyes. God I hated headaches so much but I despised them even more at work because how am I supposed to be helping my patients if I can’t even think straight.
To make matters worse than they already were, the headache went from just being pulsing behind my eyes to throbbing every time I moved my head in the slightest moment. Thank god this meeting ended quicker than intended and I had 15 minutes before my next patient was to walk in which gave me time to pop a few ibuprofen’s and let it settle in, in hopes that this would go away before the next one walks in.
I must’ve drifted off because two seconds after popping the ibuprofen’s there’s a knock at the door. I suppressed my groan before letting out a weak “Come in!”
I heard the door open but I just couldn’t bring myself to lift my head up
“Woah, you look like shit.” I heard a thick french accent say as the person let out a little giggle.
I knew who the voice belonged to, the owner was my longtime boyfriend who I haven’t seen in 3 weeks but right now, I couldn’t even be excited because I was in pain.
“Pierre please, I love you but right now I have such a massive headache. I feel like I’m going to pass out.” I mumbled into my hands
“Did you eat? I brought food.” He said as he lifted up the bag of french food that he claimed I “needed” to try.
I reluctantly lifted my head so I was able to take a bite or two out of the food. After a few bites I could slowly feel my headache going away, letting out a satisfied groan I continued to dig into my meal.
“You look like you haven’t eaten in days” Pierre chuckled as he watched me absolutely scarf down the food he placed in front of me.
“I feel like I haven’t” was all I managed to get out before I finished my food.
By the time my next appointment arrived, my headache was nothing but a slight throb behind my eyes which I was eternally grateful for.
I made a mental note to thank Pierre in different ways when I got home.
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Logan: Speech Therapy
I’d been working with this kid to say ‘Water’ for the past 20 minutes and I’m nowhere with him.
I work with kids who have trouble talking and I get them to where they need to be at whatever age they are. Like if the kid is 4 years old and isn’t talking, I have to work a lot with the kids to make sure that I can get him to talk and be at a 4 year old’s level of communication.
Something about this 4 year old though, I just can’t get him to say ‘Water’ no matter how hard I try. I glanced up at the clock noting that it’s almost lunch time and I would have to end our session soon.
“L/N, your boyfriend is here and he brought food for all of us!” My coworker Destiny said
“Logan, can you help me? I can’t get him to say ‘Water’ and I’ve been trying for the last 20 minutes” I’m pleading with anyone at this point to at least help me get some type of progress done with him.
I watched as Logan got at level with the kid before attempting his own way “Hey buddy, can you say ‘water’?” after a second of silence he tried again “say ‘wah’.”
“Wah” my body tensed at the kid talking
“ good! now say ‘ter’.”
“Ter” I can’t believe he’s doing it
“Yes! ‘water’ !”
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Lance: Nanny
“Baby why are you here?” I shot around to face my boyfriend
“When the fuck did you get here?” I asked in disbelief
“I missed you. How about we dip?” The nerve of this handsome man.
“Lance, I’m babysitting YOURE NIECE because YOU didn’t want to”
“I’ll pay my sister to take her kid back”
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Oscar: Librarian
“Excuse me Ms, do you have the Pete the Cat book? Me and my friend really want to read it. Please” I heard a little girl say.
I looked down at her before typing in my computer to see exactly where in the store it was at.
“Yes, you can follow me right this way and I’ll take you to them!” I said as I made my way over to where the books were placed. “They’re right here then. Just come up and let me know if you need anymore help!” I said as I watched her and her friends grab different books before going over to the bean bags to sit and read.
Back at my desk I was trying to place pre-orders for the new Ana Huang book coming out. I only got to the part where I could place the amount I wanted in my cart before I was being asked a question
“Do you guys have the King Of series? My girlfriend really wants to read them.” I looked up from my computer only to be faced with my Fiancé of 6 months
“Oscar?? What are you doing here?” I asked in disbelief
“I was in the area. Okay well I was a few cities away but it was only a hour drive” He said shrugging
“You’re so weird. The books are this way” I said as I grabbed a hold of his hands to guide him the way to my favorite Authors section.
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Max: Nutritionist
“Okay Mom so you want to make sure that baby gets as much veggies in his system and more water, Santa said he only puts kids on the nice list if they listen to their mom and eat what she gives.” I said as I directed that last part to her 5 year old son who scrunched his face before hiding behind his mom.
“See Chase, I told you that Santa said that. He didn’t want to believe that Mommy has ties with Santa.” She smiled at the last part before picking her son up to take him out. “Thank you again, Chase is going to eat his veggies, right Chase?”
“No!” he yelled
“Do you want to be big and strong?” A thick Dutch accent could be heard
“Uh huh!!” Chase replied
“We’ll eat veggies. That’s the only way.” I turned to see my boyfriend Max in the doorway of my office.
“Oh well that was one way.” The mom shrugged
“Have a good day!” I shouted as she left “I don’t know how you did that”
“Kids love me”
“oh that’s not-”
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George: Sports Coach
“RUN THE FUCKING LAPS NOW!!!” I screamed at the kids in front of me
To the outside world I would seem crazy for yelling at a bunch of kids like this but in reality, I’m coaching my brother and his bastard friends soccer team this season and they bet me $20 I wouldn’t say that in front of their parents, so that was a quick $20 I put in my pocket.
“CURSING AT KIDS NOW BABE?” My boyfriend George asked.
He was helping me coach them this year and he’s a really do-by-the-book type of guy and he really disapproved of me cursing at the kids.
“Sorry baby, they deserve it. They said that you’re too bad to be in F1” I said shrugging as I made up that lie
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @eddieharrington @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi @Ggasly.p @tellybearryyyy @a-panseuxalmess @love-simon @tallrock35 @iiaik0ii @Milkyymelanine @ilovsyou3000morgan
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thedreamlessnights · 10 months
Hi! I’ve got a request for Astarion and Dark Urge Tav. Like they got together through act 1 and 2 and confessed their feelings for each other, but when they go to see Gortash become Arch Duke Tav realizes that she used to be lovers with Gortash before her memory was wiped. Queue angst and hurt/comfort and fluff and hhhhh Gortash loses plssss
I absolutely loved this concept and had so much fun writing it! Dark Urge's route changed me as a person, and I honestly feel like it's a perfect match for Astarion. Thank you so much for sending this in, and I hope you enjoy!
Aching (Astarion x F!Reader - Dark Urge)
Warnings: Major spoilers for Act III of Baldur's Gate - particularly for the Dark Urge playthrough. Mentions of blood, killing, death, and suicidal ideation. Dark Urge being Dark Urge. Hurt/comfort, self-loathing, angst with a happy ending.
Word Count: 4.6k
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Like so many other things, the sight of Lord Enver Gortash tugs at a painful spot in your skull. 
You’ve come to differentiate them: the gaping, aching tug of your lost memories and the sharp, swift yank of the tadpole. Somehow, his presence pulls at both of them in equal measure. There’s something on the edge of your tongue, but it won’t be said. A memory behind your eyes, but it won’t be seen. 
One thing is clear enough - you know this man. For better or worse, the two of you have met before.
Karlach clears her throat behind you, and you return to yourself: not lost in the dark void of your memories, not consumed by the itch for blood. Wyrm’s Crossing. 
Gods, you’d nearly forgotten. You’re in the middle of a throne room, surrounded by dozens of people, here for the coronation. Wyll’s father stands in the center of the room, all but a meat puppet under the Absolute’s control. 
The Absolute, which Gortash is a part of.
The soon-to-be Archduke sees you, and something shifts in his gaze. His expression softens. Given all the trouble you’ve been causing for him, that expression comes as a shock - but what he says next is jarring to your core.
“Dearest patriars, but a moment,” he requests. “I must greet a most important guest.” He strolls toward you, arms spread wide as he steps forward, and smiles. “Crawling back from her bloody disgrace - it’s my favorite assassin! Gods, you’re a sight for sore eyes.”
And suddenly, you are two pieces of a whole. One longs to step forward, knowing him, wanting him. The other longs for nothing more than to jolt away from him - from the misery you know he’s been causing. Not only to you, or even Karlach, but to your home; Baldur’s Gate.
“Hang on,” Karlach says. “What? You know each other?”
As if you could have possibly known that. As if you’d been willfully keeping it from her. As if your amnesia is a silent betrayal.
“We have important matters to address,” Gortash says dismissively. “My reunion with Karlach can wait.”
Gods, it’s all too much. You’re trying to think, but your mind is swimming in front of your eyes. Your skull throbs. Your heart thuds unevenly in your chest. Something in you is fundamentally disrupted. 
“Don’t talk to me,” you manage to spit out. “Talk to her.”
After all, she deserves it. Ten years in Avernus, a flaming engine in her chest, a slow, painful oncoming death that none of you can prevent - or at least, not while she’s refusing to go back to the hells. She deserves a talk with the man who betrayed her. More than anything.
But Gortash won’t be swayed so easily, it seems. “No offense to my old friend,” he says, not even bothering to look at Karlach, “but it’s you I have been dying to see. After all, you abandoned us some time ago, leaving a rather uncomfortable hole in our plans.”
Fond. His expression is unmistakably fond. 
You don’t know what plans he’s talking about, though. What to say to him? Should you treat him like a friend, exploit his familiarity down to the hilt for the sake of the information you might obtain? Should you be honest and find out more of your lost self? Do you even want to?
As it turns out, it doesn’t matter what you’re planning to say. Gortash sees your face, and that’s enough. “Oh, I’d forgotten,” he remarks, “your memories are quite lost, aren’t they? Orin told me she’d made a fool of you.”
Orin. A picture flashes in front of your mind. Warm blood, oozing from a gash in your head, streaming down into your eyes. A sharp, fierce tug of betrayal that digs into your chest, sours in your mouth like milk. 
Then, another image. A recent memory: Orin. A gruesome suit of skin. A bloodthirsty tongue. The Netherstone in hand.
But Gortash is still talking.
“To think you and Karlach traveled together all this time, and she hadn’t the faintest you were one of my nearest and dearest,” he’s saying.
Karlach tenses, and you suddenly feel sick. Your hands go slick with sweat, and you can feel, not see but feel, the others silently fuming behind you. 
All of this is adding up to one big, horrific picture. A conclusion you despise but can’t deny. Something affectionate in your chest. The admiration in his gaze. The way he’d greeted you. Nearest and dearest. 
Lovers. You and Gortash were lovers. 
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The walk back to camp is the most painful of your life - that you can recall, at least. You’d rather be feral again, tied up like an animal on your bedroll, attempting to bite Astarion. 
Part of you wishes you’d decimated Gortash the moment you’d laid eyes on him. If you had, all of this could have been avoided. The swirling guilt in your stomach for something you don’t even remember. The sting of reproof from nearly every single one of your companions. The betrayal in their eyes.
You’d done this. All of it. The Absolute, the march on the city, the tadpole now squirming around in your brain. You and Gortash had planned this out, and now you’ve fallen victim to it. 
It seems like a disconnected idea, a person you can’t imagine being. The further you go on, the less you recognize your old self. The more you despise it.
Gale had certainly chewed you out. Karlach isn’t talking to you. Gods, even Shadowheart is angry. Shadowheart, who should know more than anyone else what this is like. 
Astarion, at least, doesn’t seem as upset as the others. He’s liked his tadpole for the most part. Is some odd part of him grateful for your role in this? For the power it’s given him? You can’t tell. 
You should be able to tell, shouldn’t you?
When the silence becomes unbearable, you grab a bottle of Berduskan Dark as a peace offering and join him at his tent, crawling through the entrance and sprawling yourself over his various pillows. “Do you hate me tonight, too?” you ask lightly.
He raises a brow and rolls one of his shoulders, feigning annoyance. “Oh, I don’t know,” he says, his tone teasing and casual. “It’s not often I find out the woman I’m with is behind a horrible, malicious scheme to control an elder brain.”
Your words of penance fall flat even before they’ve touched your tongue, so you pour him a glass of wine in response. 
He smiles. “Trying to win me over, darling?” he asks, tilting his head. “You’ve caused quite the commotion around camp, you know. Gale is positively furious.”
That sensation of guilt comes again, but this time, it’s overpowering. It makes you want to crumple in on yourself, to erase the horrid, evil parts of you that are left like bloodstains on a white shirt; things that won’t be scrubbed away, present and never-escapable.
“I didn’t know,” you start, firmly but barely kept together. “I swear, I had no idea-”
“Relax, dearest,” Astarion says. “As you know, me and the tadpole are the best of friends. No need to explain.” He pauses. “Although,” he says, suddenly becoming very interested in inspecting the brim of his glass, “you and Gortash seemed to be old friends, too.”
You know what he’s asking you, and you don’t have it in yourself to lie to him. Instead, you slowly nod, pouring yourself a glass of the wine, too. Gods, do you need it. 
“We were lovers, I think,” you finally answer. “I can’t remember anything about it, but… the way he talked to me. It seemed like we were more than friends.”
He pulls a face. “Well. I certainly hope he won’t be serving as my competition. You can do so much better.”
You stare at him: the sudden tension in his shoulders, the pasted-on, confident smile that plays on his lips, the dark glint to his gaze. 
“You’re jealous.”
He scoffs. “Jealous?” he exclaims, laughing a little. “Of course I’m not jealous. Honestly - it’s hilarious. A Bhaalspawn and Bane’s chosen. In another life, I would have been rooting for the two of you.”
But there’s a crease between his brows, and he won’t quite look at you. You reach out for his hand, and his expression softens. He playfully rolls his eyes, but he takes your hand all the same. “And what is our vicious little mastermind thinking about?” he asks, leaning toward you.
“I’m thinking,” you say, “that Lord Gortash could never compare to you.”
“Oh?” he asks, moving in a little further. He loves preening for compliments, and you love treating him to them. “Do go on, dearest.”
You trail your thumb over his knuckles. “Well, he’s clearly nowhere near as handsome as you are.”
Astarion tilts his head. “Of course he isn’t. The man couldn’t hope to compare with a… world-endingly handsome vampire.” He squeezes your hand, lifting a brow. “Anything else?”
You can’t help smiling now. “His taste in clothing is awful. Didn’t you see his boots?” you ask. “Tacky.”
He scowls. “I did. Horrendous, honestly. And at his coronation, no less,” he remarks, tutting. “Well. I’m glad to see your standards have improved, darling.”
“As am I.” You take a sip of your wine, swirling it in your hand, enjoying the feel of Astarion’s grasp in the other. 
With him, you can almost forget the worst parts of yourself. The others, as much as you love them, only make your crimes seem so much worse. There’s a constant forgiveness sought with each conversation, a debt you can never repay that lingers underneath the way they see you. But not with him.
He mirrors you. He sees you. What you really are, not what you were, not the echo of your old life. All your past grievances, well… those don’t matter to him. Everything you’ve done, he considers himself worse. 
Part of you thinks - if the two of you actually make it through, that is - that bit by bit, you may actually heal. Maybe, you’ll actually have a life with him beyond the tadpoles, and beyond Baldur’s Gate. Maybe, the two of you will build something far beyond those who once controlled you.
And then the night comes.
You leave Astarion in his tent to trance, telling him you mean to sleep even though you have no intention of doing so. You never rest well, but it’s aggravated, lately. The Urge is always at its worst during the night. The shadows reflect your darkest self back at you, and your fingers itch for blood. Your mind becomes a haze of gore. Your teeth fix on a tender part of your cheek and press down until you taste iron. 
You’d like to say that this part of you is a clean split from the other - that it’s easy to tell where the Urge ends and you begin - but it’s not. Your thoughts so often drift. You’d been the one feeling that sickening sense of satiation when Alfira lay dead at your feet, her blood drying on your skin. And it’s you who feels a strange tug toward Gortash - some lingering yearning that won’t be scrubbed away. 
And you try. Gods, do you try. You take a rag and sit at the river and rub until your skin is raw, trying to get the metaphorical blood off your hands, trying to cleanse yourself of the want that pulls at your chest when Gortash slips into your thoughts.
But it doesn’t work. It doesn’t work at all.
The way you want Astarion feels different. It’s grounded. Natural. Being around him feels as easy as breathing. Gortash, though: there’s something so very strong there, something ripened with time and obsessive, almost. Something that wants him no matter what you tell yourself.
You want to win this. You want to look at the faces around camp and tell them that their faith in you is not misplaced; that you are capable of what they want you to be. You’re more than the monster in your thoughts. When you’d resisted killing Isobel and Astarion despite your butler’s commands, you’d thought there was a chance for that to happen - for you to become something outside of your murderous tendencies. 
Now, you’re not so sure. 
Your role in the creation of the Absolute has changed things. This feels… unforgivable. Not that Alfira’s death wasn’t already unforgivable, not that you haven’t already sinned enough, but… it’s tallying up to a truly heinous amount of perversion that you can’t fathom anyone here tolerating, much less accepting. Astarion, maybe, but he deserves better than this.
You’ve already tremendously ruined things, and on top of that, you find out you were responsible for turning all of the people you care about into thralls? 
It’s enough to shake you to your core. Enough to sow doubt in your mind, spreading like a slow poison through the veins of your thoughts, slowly choking them away, slowly consuming you.
You really might lose.
Gods, are you strong enough to win the long-fought battle against yourself? Do you have it in you to completely turn away from your past? You won’t give in without a fight, of course, but what chance do you have against Bhaal when he’s in your very mind, rooting himself into every inch of you? 
In the days, you have hope, but in the nights, when you’re alone, you feel certain you’re doomed. That perhaps, this side of you will take over, and you’ll be absolutely helpless to stop it.
The true question is this: when the darkness takes over, will you still exist; forever trapped in the body you once had control over? Or will Bhaal’s presence ravage you, body and soul, and leave nothing of the thing you once were?
You really can’t decide which is worse.
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You’re used to your hands shaking, by now. Your fingers have often trembled around the hilt of your blade, itching to drive your knife deep into sweet, bleeding flesh.
This is different. 
It’s fear that takes your body, not the Urge. Fear that compels you, not Bhaal. Are you afraid to lose to Orin, or afraid of what you might become?
Astarion stands behind you, observant but tense. The two of you have come so far now that it almost seems foolish to think of losing. He’d defeated Cazador. He’d resisted the Ascension. If he’d found it in himself to turn away from his darkness, can’t you?
Yet, some part of you still thinks you might disappoint him. Some part of you still fears the monster that lies within yourself.
Astarion rests a hand on your shoulder, knowing you all too well. “You can do this,” he says, lightly squeezing. “I know you can.”
And the sheer, beautiful belief in his eyes - belief in you - is enough to have a little hope again. Not much, but some. You can do this. 
You step into the center of the circle, hands around your blade, and you believe.
It all goes by in a blur. 
Orin is a viper, tightening her strokes around you, striking fast and hard. Her movements are rapid and graceful, her dance lithe and experienced. Even in her slayer form, there’s a deadly beauty to her actions. Every slash, every wound she inflicts on your skin, is a vicious reminder that she’s nothing but practiced in this regard.
Perhaps she’s forgotten, but you are, too. And, this time, your pride doesn’t blind you to the threat she poses.
Your body moves instinctively; for once, you let the Urge guide you freely. You leap out of the way of her claws, dig your blade into her side. When the scent of blood hits the air, you rejoice. When you feel pain, you bask in it. 
Flashes of your past echo in front of your eyes - being in the pod, blood gushing into your eyes. You remember the agony of her betrayal, the fear as you’d smashed your skull into the glass again and again and again. Anything to escape what she’d done.
It’s despair that takes over you, not fear. It’s your fury that deals the final blow, not the Urge. And when Orin finally falls, your blade in her ribs up to the hilt, you feel no relief, no satiation. 
Only grief. Nothing but grief.
You don’t know what you mourn for - your old self? The life she’d robbed you of? No - no, you despise your past. You despise who you were. So what tugs at your chest this tenderly? What force brings you to your knees?
For just a moment, you almost forget about Bhaal.
Of course, he won’t be forgotten - not here, not in his own domain. Not when you’re his creation. Sceleritas Fel is in front of you, applauding your victory, calling you the Chosen One. 
“He is near,” he says. “He comes for you.”
Fear flutters through your chest. Bhaal’s Chosen. It tempts you, even now. The Urge has slithered into the very heart of you, kept somewhere in your ribs, so dark and alluring that you can barely breathe. 
It salivates at the sight of the blade slicing through your butler’s chest, sways at the sight of his blood. His body rises, limp and lifeless, and it’s all you can do to stare, still breathless from the fight, still silently devastated, as more blades cut through the skin one by one - impaling him until his blood seeps onto the stone below; dark, crimson liquid shining over the cold floor.
And in his reflection, you find Bhaal.
He is everything you’ve felt in the Urge and more - the sweet whispers of death in your ear. He’s the honeyed tone that compels you to serve him, compels you to bring forth destruction in his name. In chaos, he triumphs, and in blood, he revels.
This is a gift. An offering to you, his Chosen.
You could accept. You could stop fighting against your destiny, against this thing you were born to become. You could do what he asks, and wreak beautiful havoc on this world. You’re exhausted. Every muscle in your body aches - not from Orin, but from this never-ending fight against yourself. 
How strong you could become, remedied of these burdens. How well you would please your father. It would be so easy. All you’d have to do is accept…
And then you see Astarion. 
His face is paler than usual, a tension in his shoulders, a quiet exhaustion in his eyes. You see him now, as he is, and you see him as he was in the ritual chamber: the temptation of power right beneath his grasp, begging to be taken. He’d sacrificed so much. The light of the sun on his face. The relief of hunger. The burial of his shame. All of these, he’d refused, but he’s finally free. He wants that for you, and you want it, too.
No matter the cost.
So you refuse. You look Bhaal in the eye and refuse his gift, knowing what it will mean for you. And when he threatens your life, you refuse again. No matter the cost, you think. Death is freedom in its own way.
The sudden agony that wracks through your body is unlike any you’ve ever known. It boils through your blood, singes body and soul, brings down you to your knees with the very force of it. Your chest seems to cave in on itself, expelling your inheritance to Bhaal with every beat of your heart. 
Even when he lifts a hand and raises you into the air, you feel crushed - suffocated. Your teeth grind against each other, your skull throbs in agonzing waves, blood flows steadily over your tongue. Your heart slows, your essence fades. Sharp, blinding pain overtakes your vision until all that’s left of you is the shallow, scraping breath in your lungs.
All at once, everything fades, and you’re left in darkness.
And in the darkness, there is finally peace.
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Being revived feels like a cruelty. Death is sweet and calm and simple. Emptiness. Oblivion. It is silent, and you are grateful.
Until you’re not. 
You’re not, because you’re no longer dead. Something rips you from your painless sense of stillness - throws you back into the misery of life. You fight against it, but it’s pointless; you have no say in this, and it will take you where it desires. 
You find yourself in flesh again, find the familiar sensation of your tender skin. You find yourself before Withers, bruised and broken, but reborn.
He’s a sight for sore eyes, but there’s something else that lies in your chest. A silence that hasn’t been there since… since before you’d woken up on the nautiloid, confused and alone, not a memory to be found aside from meaningless scraps and a face you didn’t recognize. 
The Urge is gone. All that’s left is you.
It feels empty.
This should feel heroic, this return of yours that leaves you panting with the throes of death, covered in blood and on your knees. You’re back, you’re alive, and gods, you’re glad to see your friends and your lover, but it’s empty. 
You deserved to die, didn’t you? It was your horrible knowledge, the one you kept tucked away even from Astarion. That never-ending guilt. After your crimes, after all the horrid things you’ve done with these hands, this body, before you’d lost your memory - you’d most certainly deserved to be put down. 
You don’t dare look at Astarion, but you look at Withers. Surely, he must know what you are. Surely, he must know what you’ve done.
“I deserve to die,” you tell him, your voice shaking as much as your body. “For all the evil I have done.”
Withers stares at you, his expression unchanged. “The sole way to atone for thine actions is to do better, in a new dawn,” he says - and gods, he smiles. He’s proud of you, you realize. Proud of your resistance. “That dawn has come,” he announces.
And if he will not be swayed, you suppose you won’t, either. You’re alive, whether you like it or not. Whatever pieces are left of you and the life you might live, you’ll put them together. You’ve done it before, and you’ll do it again.
The important thing is that you’re finally free.
“Bhaal tried to extinguish thee,” Wither observes, “but his wrath is imprecise. He only succeeded in killing the part of thee he knew. The Urge that drove thee to terrible acts. The spark of brutality that made thee his. But there is a new part of you that hath grown during thy travels. That part, Bhaal could not extinguish. And so, instead of destroying thee, he hath made thee anew.”
“You get to start over,” Astarion says. He gazes at you, a mixture of leftover fear and relief and care. “To be the person you want to be. Not what someone else made you to be.”
And gods - even in the worst of yourself, you know that he sees you - wants you, all the same. If you’re at his side, you’re sure you can do anything.
“Greet the bloodless dawn, child of none,” Withers says, and for once in the shabby remembrance of your life, the guilt that haunts you finally sweeps away.
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Gortash knows you’re coming, you think. After your stint at the Iron Throne and the foundry that now lies in ash, he must. Your memories are mostly lost to the aether, but you do know this - he’s no fool.
Still, when you see him again, there’s that strange, leftover twinge of your past. It’s dead now; whatever warmth there was in his presence has become ice. Your old self has died along with your Urge, rotted away like your need for blood. After all, the part of you he cared for was maniacal. Brutal. Not as bad as Orin, perhaps, but deranged. It sickens you to know he cared for someone like that, when you’ve despised yourself so.
It sickens you even more to know that he knows no guilt for his actions. How much have you suffered over your own deeds? How often have you awoken in sweat, drenched from head to toe with the fleeting remnant of your past deeds tainting your mind?
And here he is, smug and so sure - of himself, of this path, of Bane. And he knows no regret, or guilt, he makes no apologies. A part of you may have once loved him, but no more. Whatever he’d once seen in you, it no longer remains.
You wonder if he can tell. After all you’ve done to him, after the havoc you’ve wreaked on his plan, does he realize that the person he cared for no longer exists? He seems not to. Not until Karlach launches at him and you draw your blade, willing to kill when it’s necessary but not craving an ounce of blood more.
The fight is long and brutal, but it’s familiar. You have your friends at your side, people you trust even more than yourself. It flies by in a blur, only ending when Karlach’s axe sinks into Gortash’s gut and he crumples to his knees, letting out a final rush of air before he goes still.
Like so many other events, this should feel triumphant, but it doesn’t. Like so many other things, this isn’t fair. Gortash is gone, yes, nothing more than a body on a floor, but there’s no celebration, no relief. 
Karlach has gotten her revenge, but she will never get her life back. She will never regain what he took from her. 
You have the Netherstones, yes. But gods - that doesn’t stop the sickening feeling deep inside.
You head home with nothing but grief and an aching body, your hand held tight in Astarion’s, and you finally allow yourself to fully mourn the life you’d lived - the things you’d done, and the people who no longer live because of you.
With Gortash finally gone, the air of the camp changes. You’re so close to your goal, but there’s an underlying tension that fills the air. It has you making your way to Astarion, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and nuzzling into his neck. 
He holds you close, his thumb trailing over the nape of your neck, and the action slackens the tension out of your muscles.
“So,” he starts, “how are you feeling, now that your old lover is gone?”
You huff, shaking your head. The action brushes your nose with his skin, and you can smell him all over you. The warmth of brandy, the sharpness of rosemary. “I don’t remember any of it,” you say, words soft. “I… don’t really feel anything.”
You recall his numbness after Cazador. Dame Aylin’s emptiness after smiting down Larroakan. Karlach’s grief after killing Gortash. Even after your fight with Orin, there hadn’t really been relief. Just… a sense of loss. 
He gently takes your face in his hands.
You’re scared, really. You’re so close to succeeding, so close to getting the tadpole out of your mind, and yet, you’re terrified out of your wits. What the hells are you supposed to do, now that failing holds the most weight?
“Do you really think we’ll win this?” you ask him. Your fear slips into your voice and breaks it, and you wince.
“Of course I do,” he says. “I don’t know about you, darling, but I have no intention of dying again.” He presses his lips to your forehead, the gentle touch soothing away your fear. “We’ll get through this. Trust me.”
And, despite the fear, the pain, the loss - despite every curve that life continually throws at you, every defeat you muster through, you know he’s right.
You’ll get through this; just like you always do.
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lvscoups · 1 year
just friends ; choi seungcheol x reader
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summary choi seungcheol's been your best friend since elementary school, and now you're both eighteen, about to leave for university. the last thing that you want is to go to university as a virgin, so he offers to take your virginity. surely this won't make either of you question your feelings for each other, right? wc 5k tags slow burn, childhood best friends to lovers (somewhat), barb seungcheol, underage drinking/smoking, pwp, virgin!reader, loss of virginity, afab!reader, 18+ MINORS DNI
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eighteen. what an age- when you were thirteen, you thought that by now you’d have a hot, popular boyfriend, have gone to hundreds of parties, have a huge friend group who would all go to the mall and travel together, and maybe even have a scholarship to harvard. but you started university in three months and you had nothing to show for it. it would keep you up at night, all the dreams you had when you were younger, and how few came true. you only had a couple of friends, a shitty job at a convenience store, and the last party you’d gone to was for your niece’s 8th birthday. what weighed on your mind the most, though, was that you still didn’t have a boyfriend- and you were still a virgin. university was your last shot to really live out those dreams, to go to parties, hook up with strangers, go clubbing.. but, god, the last thing you wanted was to lose your virginity to some random person you’d meet at a house party. but high school was over, and, really, what relationship could you establish with a man in a couple of months that would make him someone you’d want to lose your virginity to?
“seungcheol’s here for you!” your mom yelled from the kitchen. you came running to the front door with a smile on your face- he’s back from his vacation, fucking finally. “so we’re going to the beach?” you asked as soon as you saw him. “yeah, i think miles and his girl are coming, rosie is bringing some people too.” he smiled. “are you ready or are you gonna make me wait an hour again?” “the latter, i didn’t think you’d be coming so early.” he follows you to your room, sitting on the side of your bed as you pack. oh, choi seungcheol. your best friend since… sixth grade? you’ve watched him come and go through different relationships- he was someone you envied, living the guy version of the life you wanted for yourself. out of the handful of house parties you’d been to, he’d dragged you to almost all of them. you didn’t know what you’d do without him, he was always there for you, the one who introduced you to almost all of your friends, who would help you cheat on tests. without him, you’d be regretting your high school experience even more. “let’s go?” you pull your duffel bag over your shoulder, looking at him. “finally,”
he was one of the only people you knew who had his own car- his father got it for him for his seventeenth birthday. it wasn’t the best, but it was really nice. you were pretty sure it was a ford or something similar because it had one of those big open trunks people use to put wood and furniture in. no idea why he needed one of those, because he was always showing off how he was strong enough to carry anything by himself, but it was still cool. the two of you would put pillows and blankets in it and lay down, talking and drinking together, listening to music on your cheap bluetooth speaker. you got into his car, leaving your duffle bag at your feet, setting up your playlist and the aux while he started up the car. “i can’t believe you didn’t take me with you to the bahamas, you bitch.” you joked. “luggage costs are crazy, i already spend so much money on you,” he teased back. “it’s an hour drive to the beach, by the way.” “no problem,” after your playlist started up, the two of you drove in silence, partially. there was some small talk about the bahamas and a lot of you singing along to nicki minaj, who seungcheol always managed to sneak into the queue. “me and kim broke up,” seungcheol said during a particularly quiet song, his eyes still on the road. “and you didn’t tell me?” you replied, looking over at him with a shocked expression on your face. “yeah, i dunno. it just didn’t…” he trailed off. “it wasn’t a big deal to me.” “i liked her! remember when she gave you all those leftover cookies from… was it her church’s bake sale?” “yeah, i guess.” he stared off. “she was nice, i dunno why it didn’t affect me.” “god, remember when you broke up with sierra? that was fucking crazy.” you turned back, looking at the road, too. “sorry. why’d you…?” “it was her.” “shit, sorry.” “no, no, it’s fine, really. i lost interest and stopped talking to her as much and we called about it and decided to break it off.” “just like that?” “well not just like that. it wasn’t like i stopped talking to her all of a sudden.” he turned to you, smiling. “use your brain, dumbass.” “school is over, i don’t need to do that anymore.” you laughed. “but really, that’s crazy. i’m glad it’s not… bad, but, like, you two dated for a while.” “i wouldn’t say three months is that long,” he replied. “at least i’ll have a hot boy summer, or something. ewww, sorry. that was so bad.” “it was. but you’re right, have fun! emma’s single now, too. maybe you two can get together.” “i think i’m fine. i don’t know if i even want a girlfriend right now. maybe i’ll meet some hot twenty year old at uni. who knows.” he paused. “is emma really single?”
he turned onto a more bumpy, dirt road, and soon the sounds of the waves and music came closer and closer until the beach came into view. “parking’s gonna be a fucking nightmare.” he sighed, looking at the hundreds of cars parked throughout the parking lot. you picked up your phone, unplugging the aux cord to call rosie. “where is everybody?” you asked, putting the phone on speaker. “we’re near the playground and this barbeque thing. leia, where are we?” you could hear some people talking in the background. “leia’s sending a photo to you right now. bye!” “bye,” you hung up. “here, there’s a photo of the map… we’re at the entrance, right? we need to take a left until we see a washroom. can we stop at the washroom? i really need to pee.” “okay, be quick, though.”
after another half hour, you finally parked. “what did we bring?” you asked seungcheol as you both stepped out of the car. “just drinks and our swim stuff. don’t worry, just go ahead- i’ll carry everything.” you took your duffle bag and trudged through the sand- your cheap dollar store flip flops felt like they would break at any moment during the long journey, your heels burning every time they would touch even a bit of sand. “hey!” you called out, waving to everybody once you finally found them. “y/n!!” rosie replied, getting up and running to hug you, making you both fall on the ground. “ow, shit!” you exclaimed, getting up and laughing off the burning pain of the sand hitting your back. “sorry we took so long- cheol is on his way with everything. parking was crazy.” “can’t relate, we’ve all been here since six,” leia laughed. “miles and the other guys are in the water, we were gonna get lunch soon if you wanna come, though.” “i dunno, i think i might just settle in first. get comfy.” “totally fair, we can wait for you.” leia looked over to the water, where you could make out a bunch of guys swimming and splashing each other with water. “i don’t think the guys are getting out anytime soon, so don’t worry at all.” “thanks,” and then you heard seungcheol’s voice- well, his whine. “the sand…” he groaned, trudging towards you. when he finally reached you, he dropped the blue cooler and other bags down on the ground. “shit! that was torture…” “your fault for not asking for help.” you said, opening one of the bags and taking out a beach towel, laying it on the ground. “come on, sit down. tell the girls the news!” “what news?” rosie asked excitedly. “yeah what- oh,” seungcheol said. “it’s really not a big deal, y/n. me and kim broke up, that’s all.” “WHAT?” leia shouted. “tell me everything!” you got comfortable, sitting cross-legged under an umbrella while you listened to seungcheol recount everything.
“can someone help me with my sunscreen?” you asked. “rosie?” you turned onto your back and wiggled your shoulders. “no, you perv!” she laughed. you pouted jokingly before seungcheol approached you. “you can’t do anything by yourself, huh?” he teased, taking the bottle of sunscreen and opening it, putting some on your back and rubbing it in. “nevermind, seungcheol’s definitely the perv,” rosie replied. he laughed, and you closed your eyes, your head resting in your hands as you let the sun warm your body, waiting for seungcheol to finish. after a while, he hit your back gently a couple of times. “you’re welcome.” “thanks?” you replied, getting up. “let’s swim?” you asked the rest of the group. rosie and leia got up, taking off their sandals and flip-flops, agreeing immediately. “i’ll watch everybody’s stuff, since nobody else will.” seungcheol replied, sighing and crossing his arms dramatically. “thank you!!” you all called out to him as you ran off to the water.
the sun had set, and the air had gotten cooler. it was dark outside as you all laid together on the beach towels, the big, blue cooler seungcheol had brought now half empty. of course, seungcheol hadn’t drank a thing, despite his seemingly endless whining about just how bad he wanted to drink, how jealous he was of everyone who was drinking, how he wished you could drive.. it just went on and on. you hadn’t drunk, either, in forced solidarity with him. neither had miles’ girlfriend, bea, who was everyone else’s designated driver. you and seungcheol were lying down together, both wide awake from the chocolate starbucks doubleshot you’d shared an hour before. you both stared up at the sky. “it’s, like, two months until you leave.” seungcheol remarked. “a little less, right?” “yeah, but same thing. i can’t process it.” “i wish you’d been accepted. we could have gone together, rent a studio apartment. it’d look so cool. you’d have one side and it’d be, like, red or something, and mine would be… i dunno. it’d be cool.” “we should. maybe i’ll go online and move with you.” “that’d be so cool.” “i can’t imagine what it’ll be like without you.” “you can still call me. it’s not like i’m dying, stupid.” “yeah, but… you know.” “yeah,” silence. you shifted your attention somewhat to the conversation the rest of the people were having- something about how prom went, but you couldn’t really focus on it. “i’m leaving high school as a virgin.” you said, breaking the silence. “oh my god, you are. holy shit, that’s hilarious.” he started laughing. “i have no idea what i’m gonna do.” “what do you mean? you’re not gonna be the forty-year-old virgin or something. you’ll just lose your virginity to some college guy.” “i don’t really want that.” “don’t you wanna have fun in college? you mentioned that a lot.” “yeah, duh. but i don’t wanna lose my virginity to some random man.” “too late for you to not do that. you shoulda tried to get a boyfriend before high school ended.” “ugh, you don’t get it.” “what don’t i get?” “i dunno. this is weird.” more silence, but from the corner of your eye you saw him nod.
“what did you mean, about all of that stuff you were talking about earlier?” he asked on your way to the car. “what stuff?” “me not getting you wanting to lose your virginity or something. or not wanting to lose your virginity.” “oh.” you paused. “like, i dunno. i kinda wish i had a boyfriend or something. like i had had more of a life in high school. and now i have to just settle for losing my virginity to some guy i’ll probably never talk to again.” “isn’t that what you want?” “no, that’s what you don’t get. like i wanna have fun and, like, hook up with people or whatever. but i don’t wanna lose my virginity to a random person. that’s different.” “yeah, i get that.” “but, like, in a month and a half, you can’t really get a boyfriend. even if i did, i don’t wanna lose my virginity to someone i’ve known for less than two months.” “yeah.” you got in the car and waited as he started the engine. in the meantime, you set up the aux again. after a while, he broke the silence. “i can do it.” he said. “what?” “i’ll do it. if you want me to,” he added. “there’s so many weirdos out there. if they find out you’re a virgin they might, like, take advantage of you or something. we can do it, get it over with, you know?” you paused. it wasn’t a comfortable silence. “sorry. i don’t wanna overstep a boundary or anything.” he added, again. “no, no you didn’t. well you did but not in a weird way or anything. it’s just…” “yeah, i get it. i’m sorry.” “no, no, no. seriously, you’re fine. i’m not opposed to that idea or anything.” “yeah?” “yeah.. i mean, it’s better than what you said- losing my virginity to a weirdo or something.” “so then…?” “it’ll be weird, but let’s do it. i might change my mind but for now, let’s do it. yeah.”
you’d never thought of seungcheol in that way. maybe in your darkest, most desperate hours, but that was it. it wasn’t like you didn’t take notice to how huge his biceps were, or his fucking crazy jawline, or how perfectly everything on his face complimented each other, but.. you did that platonically. it would just be weird to do that. but now that the two of you had agreed to have sex together, you assumed nothing could be weirder than that. so you tried to will yourself to like him, or that’s what you told yourself. it wasn’t gonna be an enjoyable first time if you didn’t at least have some attraction to him, you thought. so you’d find yourself thinking about him a lot. at night, your mind would wander to his hands, his arms, and sometimes your fingers would brush against your clothed pussy, playing with it, imagining it was him. of course, it was all a part of your effort to have your ideal first time, at least, as ideal as it could be, considering it was with your best friend and not your imaginary boyfriend, and after high school had ended. you assumed sex was better when you were attracted to the person it was with, so it only made sense to create some attraction to him.
“have you ever.. thought about what you wanted?” the two of you were relaxing in the back of his car, where he’d put up pillows and blankets again. you’d brought some chips, and the two of you were drinking and eating, talking about whatever. “like, sexually?” you replied. “i guess. i mean for your first time.” “i don’t know. something romantic, in a bed, at night. i don’t wanna eat food first- i think that’s kinda gross. kissing someone after eating? ew..” “is that really it?” “yeah, i guess. i don’t really mind the rest.” “okay, okay.” he nodded. “i don’t wanna ask too many questions, it’s just… i wanna make sure that it’s special.” you blushed. “thank you,”
you’d arranged a date- the twelfth of august. you were leaving by the twentieth, so it seemed like a good time. it was the last day of july when you made the decision, and you found time flying by. seungcheol came over a lot more than he usually did, which was already a lot- he was your best friend, after all. as the twelfth grew closer and closer, you began to notice smaller things, like the way his eyes would linger on your chest and the flush that would appear on his face when you two were especially close. you pretended like you didn’t see it, the same way you assumed he pretended he didn’t see you looking at his arms a little too long when he crossed them. it was all a part of your shared, unspoken effort to make your first time more enjoyable, of course. the two of you were friends. just friends.
he’d invited you to the birthday party his family was having, but you didn’t feel like intruding on something like that, so instead you went to the party miles was throwing for him that night. bea picked you up in her car- you were nervous about the ride if you were being honest. it was the first time you’d ever driven in her car and you’d heard that she’d had to pay for the entire repair fee for her mom’s car after she got into a car accident. she swore that she’d learned her lesson but you would be lying if you said you weren’t scared out of your mind every time she took a turn. the party was small, with just your friend group and then some other friends, and then friends of friends. you stuck with leia, sitting beside her and listening to her talk about the date she’d gone on the day before. eventually, leia ran off with another guy, and you went to the front porch. two girls were sitting on the front chairs, and you took a cigarette they offered you. you weren’t a smoker, but you didn’t have anything else to do. you recognized the one who offered you the cig as bea’s sister- it was crazy how similar they looked. same hair, same nose, same lips, except she was at least five inches shorter than bea. after a while, seungcheol came out to the porch, too. you began to sing happy birthday to him, and the other girls joined in, too. after clapping, he asked you, “what’s up?” “huh?” “i was looking for you, i haven’t seen you this whole time. where were you?” “oh,” you paused, stubbing out your cigarette on the ashtray in between the two girls. “i was hanging out with leia, then i came here. i didn’t wanna be in your way, it’s your party.” “we’ve been friends six years, come on. you can’t be serious.” he moved away to another corner, out of earshot from the other girls. “come on,” he whispered. you followed him. “you’re friends with everyone else here, too. it’s kinda weird to just stick to your side the whole time. i don’t wanna seem like that kinda person.” “okay, fair, but i don’t think the people here think you’re like that. they all know you.” “okay, okay.” you said, holding his hand. “let’s go back, then.”
it was on the ninth, while you were at his house, eating leftover pizza and watching youtube, when he put his hand on your thigh. he was talking to you about a game he’d started playing, putting his pizza down so he could really tell you about it, and when the conversation drifted off into something else, his hand was still there. you knew if you did anything even slightly implying you were uncomfortable, he’d move it- seungcheol was always looking out for you. you let his hand rest there for a while until he had to get up to grab something. while he was gone, you thought to yourself about it. by the time he was back, you’d made up an excuse for everything- including an excuse for why you gently moved his hand back to the same spot it was before.
august eleventh, he came over. he was sitting on your floor, head resting against your bed, which you were lying down on. “you’re sure about tomorrow?” he asked. looking up at you. “yeah. why wouldn’t i be?” “i just wanna make sure.” he smiled. “no pressure at all.”
and then it was nine p.m., august twelfth. your parents were conveniently gone for the night, to a family friend’s house to celebrate something or other. you didn’t know and, honestly, you were so nervous that you didn’t really care. he knocked at your door and you nearly fell on your way there. “hi,” “hi.” he leaned against the doorframe slightly, smiling. “you’re sure?” “yeah.” you both made your way to your room, your face hot. “i’m sorry, i have no idea what to do… i thought we could watch a movie or something?” “yeah, of course.” he sat down on your bed. “don’t worry about it, really.” you sat down beside him, grabbing your laptop and opening up netflix. after you settled on a movie to watch, you both got comfortable and you hesitantly rest your head on his shoulder. to say it was awkward would be an understatement. it was petrifying. your palms were sweaty and your heart was racing and this was all before he even touched you. it was an hour into the movie when he put his hand on your thigh again. it was summer, so you were in shorts, which made the sensation all the more incredible, you felt his hand move up slowly until he was toying with the hem of your shorts. “can i take them off?” he whispered in your ear. “yeah,” you put the laptop down on the far edge of your bed, and he slid your shorts off, holding up your legs just slightly. you turned to look at him, and there was his face. maybe it was the adrenaline rush or maybe it was something more, but you closed your eyes and soon found your lips on his. you’d had your first kiss already, but this time it was different. you found yourself melting into the kiss, your hands in his hair his hands cupping your face, before you felt his hands moving and you shifted on top of him. he pulled away. “is this okay?” he asked. “yes,” you whispered, pulling him back into the kiss and letting him put his hands under your shirt. the sensation of his hands on your breasts left you feeling even more horny, grinding down onto his crotch. eventually, you pulled away, standing up on your knees and slowly sliding his jeans off of him. he took the opportunity to gently push you onto your back, getting on top of you. he kissed you one more time before slowly leaving kisses all over your body, moving from your face to behind your ear to your neck, sucking on your breast. “you’re gorgeous,” he whispered, his voice deeper than usual. he moved back to kissing you, and you felt his hands go under your underwear hem. you found yourself moaning into his kisses as he rubbed your clit, then slowly put one finger into you, his palm still on your clit as he inserted another. “you’re… really good,” you moaned, after a little while, he took his fingers out, and you still found your walls closing around nothing, “is it okay if i put it in?” he asked, his voice still low and husky. “mhm,” you looked up at him. maybe you were caught up in the moment, maybe it was the moonlight peeking from the sheer curtains on your bedroom window, or maybe it was something else entirely, something that wouldn’t go away when the sun came back up, but just the sight of him in the darkness, his long black hair just slightly obscuring his face as he looked up at you through his long lashes, made your eyes almost water. at that moment, all that you could think about was how lucky you were, how grateful you were to be in this situation, and how happy you were. “are you okay?” he breathed, snapping you back to reality. his brows furrowed, the lust in his eyes being replaced with concern. “y-yeah, i’m great.” you smiled, looking up at him. “just making sure.” he reached into the pockets of his now discarded pants, closing your laptop before grabbing a condom out of the pocket, opening the packaging, and putting it on. he held your hand as he positioned himself in between your legs, slowly sliding into you. “let me know if you’re uncomfortable.” he whispered. you closed your eyes, and the stretch of your walls hurt at first- but soon the pain turned into pleasure, the most pleasure you'd ever experienced.
you moaned as you leaned up to kiss him, using your free hand to bring him closer to you. he shifted a bit, suddenly thrusting into you at the perfect angle and leaving you a mess, moaning his name and when you weren’t, you could hear him moaning yours. it was such an intimate moment and the way he was fucking you was so perfect that you found yourself forgetting that he was your best friend. you were whispering praises to him, telling him how good he was and how big his cock was and all these things you would never have expected you’d be saying to choi seungcheol, but here you were. his thrusts got more sloppy and his kisses became more messy and passionate and you knew he was about to come. soon, you did too, and the sensation left your head blank. you felt him pull out of you and lay down beside you. “you want me to run you a bath?” he asked. “yeah,” you looked over at him. “thank you, cheol. that was…” “amazing? life-changing?” he joked. “mhm,” you kissed him. “i’m really glad we did that.” “yeah. come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
he left after making sure you were all good, kissing you one more time before going. you didn’t think much of anything that night, but when you woke up your mind was racing- that was after you were able to confirm that the night you just had wasn’t a dream. you assumed seungcheol’s mind was racing, too, because aside from sending you some tiktoks and occasionally talking to you about something or other, it was radio silence from him. you were torn about it- on one hand, you were massively grateful. you knew it’d be awkward to talk to him after everything. but on the other hand, you were almost hurt. it was definitely irrational, and you knew that, but you almost felt like he didn’t talk to you because he didn’t like you after the two of you had sex or, worse, he had just been using you. then he called you, three days after everything. “hello?” “hey,” he said. “sorry for not talking to you for a while.” “yeah,” “i needed some time to think about things. it’s not like you did anything wrong though. i still need time, i’m calling to tell you that this has nothing to do with you,” he paused. “really, you were incredible, and that was one of the best moments of my life. and i don’t want to stop talking to you. i just need some time to myself for a bit.” “thank you,” you blushed. “but… yeah, that’s fine. don’t worry about it. but don’t take all the time you need. i leave in, like, five days.” you laughed, though there wasn’t anything funny. “yeah,” he replied, his voice somewhat… sad? you couldn’t really pinpoint what it was. “you gotta promise me that we’ll hang out at least once before then, ‘kay?” “okay,” he paused. “i gotta go, though.” “bye,” “see you,” he said before hanging up.
the phone call left you frustrated for the next few days, which only worsened how sad you felt to be leaving your home and your town. rosie and leia were constantly coming over, but, as much as you loved them, it wasn't the same as hanging out with seungcheol.
you'd been invited to leia's house on the nineteenth, to watch a movie or something. she drove you there, suspiciously giddy with excitement, and once you arrived at her house, you realized there was something more going on. she opened the door for you, and instead of being greeted by her parents and nobody else, you were greeted by a whole crowd of people. somehow, leia and rosie had managed to gather everybody for a surprise going-away party- even your cousin was there. you made your way through the crowd, talking to everybody, so happy from seeing all these people you loved and had spent your teenage years with that you forgot about everything with seungcheol entirely. in fact, you forgot about everything with him throughout most of the night. but then you found him, sitting alone and playing some game on his phone, and he looked up and saw you, and you immediately knew something was up. "can i talk to you?"
he took you to a bedroom and closed the door behind you. "i wanted to tell you something." he said. the two of you sat side by side on the edge of the bed. "i know it's really late to tell you this, but i figured because you're leaving tomorrow this is… my last chance to tell you." he paused. "i don't think it was just because of that night and i don't want you to think that, either. it's also not because of kim, even though the timing would make you think that… i was really thinking about this, and i think… i don't know how to say this, but…" you looked at him and he looked at you and suddenly it all clicked in your head. every little thing you made some stupid excuse for, like how you could only think about him when you touched yourself, or how you couldn't pull your eyes away from his crazy huge arms, or how your heart fluttered when you both made eye contact. it all made sense to you know. "i love you too, cheol."
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888-fr · 4 months
Disclaimer that I'm speaking from a point of being established here, because not everybody can afford to run their skin shop like I do. I don't judge less established artists for needing to limit their skins because they can't afford to print a run with only 2 people on it. I'm also not judging anybody who does retire their skins after a set number of prints - whole different matter! I'm giving an opinion piece based on my own personal thoughts about running my own skin shop.
Okay, now that's out of the way. I really dislike the idea of time-limiting my skins. There's just no actual justification for me, as an established skin artist, to limit skins I know will sell... aside from prestige, and putting buying pressure on my customers. So there's a couple of reasons I don't like that:
1) Erodes trust in the artist.
Yes, I could probably make more money if I kept my skins limited so people HAD to pick up my skin on release. Maybe even all 4 colors of the skin, including the one they don't really keep in their hoard. Just in case they want it down the line but it won't be available anymore.
Is this good business practice though? Do I want people to start feeling panicked every time I ping for a release, because they just picked up a new project and really really CAN'T afford to be buying skins right now but there's 5 colorways of my skin available and they'll probably be resold for 2kg as soon as they retire?
Personally, no! I want people excited when I ping, not feeling dread in their hearts and budgets. I want people to be thinking: 'Awesome, a new skin! I can't afford that right now but I know he always keeps a few on the AH at print price even after preorders end. Even if I can't buy a skin just this moment, I'll be sure to keep an eye on his thread for when I have gems again.' Or: "Awesome, a new skin! This one doesn't appeal to my lair aesthetic, so I will just nod and smile. I don't feel the need to buy it in case it gets popular for resale, because it will always be on the AH for print price."
People tell me about unsubscribing from GASP because they get anxiety being pinged for skins they want but can't have. So I want people to stay on my pinglist because there's no pressure on them whatsoever to purchase anything. It'll always be here, okay? In the meantime, just enjoy the art, maybe preview it on a scry or two. I'll be here if you're back in three weeks, or three months.
2) Passive income!
I lied. I probably would've made less money time limiting all my skins than by keeping my skins restocked. A couple of reasons for this:
- My earlier skins sold worse. This isn't psychology, it's just numbers. Some of my most popular stock were made early on in 2021/2022. I didn't have that many sales then, so could you imagine if I had retired them immediately after that? There's 230something copies of SAILOR'S WARNING out in the world right now. If that skin was time limited after preorders died down, I would've sold "only" 50 forever.
- People see my shop stock whenever you ping for a new releases. I get 3-4 sales off auction house whenever I release something new and people check my front page. It's not a lot but it's consistent.
- It's a win-win situation, okay? If a skin is popular, there's no reason to time limit it to drive up sales. If it IS popular, then people are going to see it on other people's dragons, go "damn that's a nice skin," and maybe do an AH search for it. And if there's a cheap print price copy available, they're gonna buy it.
2) Reprints are easy!
It was a lot more annoying to keep track of queue numbers and inventory back when reprints had to go through regular queue for a week. Did I put in 10 copies of SUNHEAVEN already? Wait, are my kitsune aethers back yet? How many of MOLOCH are still listed?
Now I can put in a blueprint and get my reprint instantly. No fuss at all.
3) I don't want to buy into the 'this is a retired skin' hype...
This is just personal preference. It makes me feel a little bad when a public skin I made is popular and people can't afford to have it. I'm not judging anybody who does like it when their skins are rare, special, and sought after.
It's just... I get that part of my brain scratched from my customs. They're gorgeous, they're 5 prints, they're on the AH for 30kg if you really want one. Most importantly they're niche and high coverage enough that even if someone hadn't paid me to draw an exclusive skin specifically for their dragon, they'd never do well as a public skin anyway.
Here are some tips for people looking into keeping their skins unlimited:
- You don't need to do it like I do.
Blueprints are expensive. Even I don't have my entire catalogue stocked, only the ones I noticed always have reprint requests. For example, only SAILOR'S WARNING out of 4 total colors for my impm skins is kept stocked because the others don't sell enough to justify it.
If you can't afford to stock them 10 at a time, have the customer provide the blueprints. Shelving your skins but having them be reprintable with a BP and a fee (350g is good for 850g print prices; remember, 500g of that went to you purchasing blueprints in the public run, so it doesn't make sense to charge customers a whole 850g when they're already providing the blueprint) is a good alternative to permanently retiring your skins. You don't get a ton of people who can afford that, but the option is there for people who want it.
- Notice which skins sell!
If you already have a good amount of skins in catalogue and have trouble figuring out which ones to begin stocking, you can start by checking in with your pinglist. Poll them and see which ones you'd want to rerun.
- Don't have so many recolors.
It's a law of the universe that they more recolors you have, the worse they sell collectively. I usually do 2, no more than 3. If you have to time limit your skins to get 6 recolors to hit print, then it's time to cut those recolors down.
There's reasons for this: it's choice paralysis, people may want 'complete sets' and will skip out if you're making that complete set cost 4kg total, and it just plain doesn't make sense for very similar color schemes to cover 4 different skins. Feel free to print personal recolors or have custom recolors open.
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
It’s not over
Cillian Murphy x reader
Master list
A/N: I was planning to post a Tommy story but this idea kept playing around my mind and I couldn’t get it to stop haunting me, so here it is, inspired by his recent appearance at the BAFTA’s.
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Walking past someone from security you were rushed in the queue for an interview. It was a beautiful sunny day, your glam team made a fabulous job glamming you up that day for the Bafta event. This time you weren’t nominated, but you’d present an award. People shouting at you for a wave, you turned around and blew the crowd a kiss, after taking some time away from the sets you were ready to go back again, you were in love with the entire process; reading a script, preparing for the role, filming time and go back home.
As you turned around you frowned as you saw someone’s back walking away to enter the building. It was in a flash and a chill ran down your back. But an instant later you were pulled aside for more photos and smiles.
As the ceremony started you went backstage to change into another dress, it was a beautiful custom made dress, backless, a bit risky to be honest but it was made to fit your figure beautifully.
You tried to remain calm despite the chaos and hurry that always happened, taking small sips of water, the stylist kept busy with your hair, making sure not a single hair was out of place.
“We’re back on air!” Someone said in a firm voice.
“Oh no, no!” The woman running the program looked so stressed. “Y/N, you were supposed to go at the upcoming nomination, not this one.”
You froze for a second, trying to process what was happening. “It’s fine I can do this one.”
“You sure?” You found panic in her eyes, everything had to run according to schedule.
“Yes, no problem.”
“It’s the leading actor, instead of the actresses that you were supposed to be presenting.”
You smiled at her, a hand on her shoulder to calm her down. “Perfect, go and tell the other person the change.”
“Y/N one minute.”
There was a hole in your stomach from the excitement but you kept taking short breaths as you were handed the envelope with the winner and the card with the nominees.
Taking a second to read the list of nominees, your heart stopped beating as you read the first name on the list.
It’s a small world after all.
From all of the people, it had to be him.
“Y/N go!” Someone hissed and pushed you a little.
The screen went up and a bright light was directed into your face, unable to see a thing, you made your way to the microphone as you had during rehearsal.
A huge smile on your face as you waited for the audience to stop clapping.
“Thank you everyone, it’s lovely to see you all tonight. And even better to see these talented actors bring to life to fantastic characters, going above and beyond for their roles.” You read from the prompt in front of you. “For the category of leading actor, these are the nominees.” The red light over the camera you had been staring went off and the image of Cillian Murphy of his role as Tommy Shelby in Peaky Blinders appeared on the big screen while another camera was directed at him, you saw him smiling his eyes straight to the stage where you were standing. Quickly the recorded voice finished naming the actors and someone directed the light again to you.
“And the winner is…” Your fingers were trembling when you snapped the envelope open.
After greeting the category winner, your eyes searched around the crowd, from one side to the other, row after row.
Until you found his gaze fixed on you, even in the distance you could still feel your knees weak under the power of his eyes.
After all these years…
As the show went to a break, you were directed to a lounge backstage, the place was packed, filled with people snapping photos, laughing in a low voice, having a snack, champagne glasses flowing, someone was broadcasting the vibes of the Behind the scenes but your mind could only think of the man with the deep blue eyes and contagious smile that broke your heart years ago.
Waking up in a hospital bed, you felt groggy from the medication, an annoying beep making you want to hide your head under the pillow.
With a dry mouth you asked the nurse for something for the pain, wishing you could also get something for the heartache.
After the terrible accident you had been in the previous day while filming a scene, you were rushed to the closest hospital, it took them a while but they were able to stabilize the deep wound. The following morning when you woke up they still needed to run more test to determine the injury, you even needed a blood transfusion. The director of the film you were working in and your assistant were waiting outside trying to reach your family.
When you asked them to let your boyfriend know, they exchanged looks. You still regretted demanding to know what was happening as they told you they couldn’t reach Cillian. But when they left to grab a coffee and a nurse walked in you didn’t want to chat so you asked her to turn on the tv, only to realize that a picture of your boyfriend was all over the place; drunk sitting in a van with Sienna Miller, Cillian looked pissed off, cheeks flushed.
Anger took over you and an unknown level of resentment towards him appeared when he crossed the door to your room.
Still in bed, unable to move you yelled at him to fuck off, that he was a douche bag for leaving you alone after the accident while he was living his best life and fucking his co-star.
He still looked hangover and you were so glad to reach a high level of yelling at least, because you couldn’t get up to slap him.
With no voice left you announced you never wanted to see him again, and with all the pain of the world, you saw him opening the door without another glance.
You were left with not only a few broken ribs, but a broken heart as well.
End of flashback.
During all of those years you occasionally found him in a movie here and there, but never crossed paths with him at an after party or a movie premier.
Until now.
“Y/N.” His Irish voice whispered too close for your own liking.
Swallowing hard, you turned your face around to look at him, grateful that you were sitting.
“Hello Cillian.” You answered politely.
The leg opening of your dress caught not only his breath but his eyes as well, from afar you oozed beauty but having you close, he was taken aback.
Asking an old pal around and he soon learned you were by yourself at the ceremony, he had already said goodbye to his assistant.
“It’s been a while.” His free hand went to the pocket of his trousers. “I was wondering if we could… talk?”
You saw him scanning around at the people in the room.
It was a bit crowded as more people started to show up there and you definitely didn’t want anyone listening.
The memory of your body close to him flashed through his eyes for a moment, was that even possible? To keep a memory for so long? He didn’t know it was possible, but he followed your steps, tempted to touch you.
As you walked you started to regret accepting this, what was the point? Your relationship was over, you both moved on, he was probably with someone…
“I’m sorry.” He admitted taking you by surprise. “For what happened between us.”
You looked at the floor, his gaze was making you feel uneasy. “Doesn’t matter anymore.”
But he interrupted you.
“Please… I never got the chance to say how much I regret what happened,” he touched your arm with his fingertips, testing the waters, unsure if you’d take a step back, “I should’ve been with you after the accident, I-”
Your eyes watering from the pain you felt, both physically and emotionally, it had been harder without Cillian.
“Seriously it was a long time ago, I need to go.” You tried to move on, but despite the fame you reached, the ambitious projects you got involved in, nothing really mattered.
No without him.
As you tried to walk past him, Cillian reached out to stop you. “I know you said back then you didn’t want to see me again, but I should’ve try better, Y/N to be there for you, to get you back.” His chest raised, you had to focus in the disheveled tie around his neck because his eyes were too much.
You had to fight the lump in your throat. “Someone is probably looking for you Cillian.”
He shook his head. “I divorced three years ago.”
You were lost for words.
“Are you with someone?” He asked and you shook your head.
When did he get so close? You thought, getting nervous, you could feel his breath fanning over your face.
“Look at me.”
He wrapped his hand around your waist and opening a door, urged you to walk inside of a small coat closet.
“I know it’s been so long and you probably don’t care about this, but I need you to know nothing happened that night… I just got drunk, way too drunk, threw up and woke up in my hotel room on my own, went back to sleep again and then I got the phone call that you had been in an accident.”
Thinking about it you couldn’t deny the truth you found in his eyes, he was being honest. If only you gave him the chance back then…
His index and thumb were hooked under your chin, to make you look up at him.
“I’m sorry for not going back to the hospital.”
“It’s not your fault, I pushed you away.” You shouldn’t believe the scandal the media made of it.
He looked up and sighed, you had to control the impulse to run your lips through his sharp jaw.
“Just wish things had been different between us.”
“I let you go once Y/N, I’m not losing you again.”
His lips on yours took you by surprise, but you didn’t have any energy left to try to fight your feelings, over the years you learned to disguise it, to try to move on and start a relationship with someone else, but as his hands locked around the small of your back you had to give in.
Your body molded to his perfectly, your hands on his shoulders for support, one of his hands found the opening on your leg and you felt him groan as his fingers slided up through your thigh.
Breaking apart to take a breath, you took the chance to kiss down his neck and collarbone, loving the access the first loose buttons of his black shirt was giving you.
“I’m sorry you didn’t win tonight.”
With your lips connected to his neck, you felt his laugh vibrate.
“Trust me, I’m winning something much better than that award.” His strong hands cupped your face gently, to look into your eyes. “Us, what we had… it’s not over.”
Your thoughts is the best gift I could get 💕
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @gypsy-girl-08 @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @winchestergirl22 @heidimoreton @allie131313 @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @already-broken144 @moral-terpitude @rangerelik @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @cilliansangel @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida
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sempersirens · 11 months
my love, mine all mine
pairing: joel miller x f!reader
content/warnings: 18+ mdni. no outbreak!au. hurt/comfort. infertility. hospitals. alcohol.
author's note: hello my lovelies. i am so happy to be back posting - i missed you all a great deal. please forgive that this is a bit of a self-indulgent personal one, and i just want to take the time to say that womanhood is not intrinsically linked to the ability to have a child. we are so much more than that.
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You'd always hated hospitals. Hated waiting. Hated the sterility lingering in the air. Everything was so unsettlingly white. The fluorescent lighting should expose at least a speck of dust somewhere, on some forgotten surface. But somehow, it never did.
The names called forth never seemed to be yours. Joel would've been in agony if he were here. Confined to the little plastic chair, time rolling on, on, on with no end in sight. You were almost thankful he had to be on-site today, leaving you to fend off the passing of time alone.
But you'd grown tired of being strong.
Strong for yourself, strong for you both. You craved the warmth of his rough palm, desperate to intertwine your fingers in his and replace the fluorescence with the nothingness of your eyelids.
You wanted to take. Take, take, take. Take every ounce of strength he could give you. But he wasn't here, and that had to be okay because Joel was hurting too.
You'd been lucky enough to have never known grief. Never felt its empty sting in the middle of the day, in the queue for lunch or on the drive home from work. But can you grieve something your fingers never touched? Something that had only ever been a far-off thought, that had maybe never even existed inside of you.
Was it a reflection on you?
On your capability as a mother, a woman?
Had nature deemed you unworthy since birth?
Were the worms and the flies laughing at you each time you'd uttered the words when I have children one day?
After the seemingly psychological torture of waiting, the appointment was over in minutes. It's not the news we were hoping for. The doctor had said. If you and your partner need support going forward...
The brochures she had slid across the table fell to your feet as you mindlessly drove yourself home, relying solely on muscle memory to bring you to the embrace of your front door.
There were no tears left. Everything inside of you was empty; barren. You threw your keys into the dish and softly closed the door behind you. The stillness of the house was suffocating.
Your shoulders dropped and muscles relaxed at the sight of the photograph of you, Sarah, and Ellie hanging on the wall opposite the front door. Sarah had lovingly adorned the picture with the words Joel's girls glued on in cut-out letters from your old Vogue magazines.
You loved Sarah and Ellie as your own; it would've killed you should Joel think otherwise. They were as much your baby girls as they were his, despite having not been babies for the better part of five years.
But you saw the depravity in Joel's eyes each time he edged further inside of you. The need, the want, for a creation of your own. And there was something almost feral inside of you, too. A part of you that only Joel had managed to tease out and bring into the ugly light of day. You wanted to watch yourself swell and grow with the proof of his love. You craved the shrill of a new beginning illuminated under fluorescent lights that you would gratefully embrace if it meant you could fall in love at first sight with a life you had created with Joel.
Even though Joel could hardly bend down to tie his shoes without hissing through his teeth these days, you knew none of that would matter if it was a product of your adoration for one another he was one day scooping up in his arms.
Although the two of you had been trying your hand at a sober October, you haphazardly fished around the kitchen drawer for a corkscrew, plunging it into a cheap bottle of red.
As you took your first sip, the sound of a key turning in the door made your stomach flip.
"In here." You called, tapping your nails on the body of the glass.
He filled the doorframe effortlessly. After all this time, he still managed to give you butterflies, leaving you squirming against the counter like you hadn't been victim of those brown eyes for almost a decade.
"Take it we're not celebrating?" He said, nodding toward the glass in your hand.
"Define celebrating. At least I won't need a fucking IUD anymore." You tipped your glass in the air and took a gulp. "An inhospitable environment."
"What's that?" His eyebrows furrowed together as he made his way closer to you.
"That's what the leaflet the doctor gave me says. I've got all the right pieces, my body just won't fucking do the one thing it's meant to do."
"Don't say that, sweetheart. You know it ain't like that..."
"Well, what is it like, Joel? What's left of me to love? How can you look at me and be satisfied that I'm the one you love? Everything about me is so fucking difficult. I want to be perfect for you. I want to give you everything you deserve, and it kills me that I can't. Because you've given me more than I deserve."
And then all at once, the tears came. He caught you in his arms before you buckled under the weight of your pain, holding you upright as you soaked his work t-shirt with your sobs. He smelt of asphalt and fresh October air.
"That what you really think?" He asked, murmuring into your hair while his fingers traced circles on your back. "Think you're difficult to love? Loving you has been the easiest damn decision I ever made."
"Then why weren't you there today? I needed you."
Smoothing down your hair, he pulled himself back so that you were facing one another. His eyes were red and glassy.
"I'm a coward, sweetheart." You scrunched your face in response, watching as a sad smile spread across his face. "I ain't as strong as you are."
"What's that supposed to mean?" You couldn't help the bite in your tone.
"Was scared to hear the truth. Would've felt so final comin' from the doctor."
Blood rushed to your head.
"So what, because my womb's the issue you let me go alone? Is this my penance or something?" You scoffed, pushing him away from you.
Joel called your name as you stormed up the stairs, wiping away your tears with your sleeve.
"You have children, Joel. There will be biological remnants of you living on in this world after you're worm food. I love those girls, and in every possible way, they are mine as much as they are yours. But I'm never going to have what you do; the privilege of looking into someone's eyes and seeing everyone who came before me. So don't give me that self-pitying bullshit disguised as admiration for my bravery." You sniffed, wanting to sound stronger but crumbling with each word.
Turning to lock yourself in the bathroom, his large hand wrapped around your arm. An old man may he be, Joel always managed to chase you down in moments you wanted to be as far away from him as possible.
Any attempt to shrug him off was pointless, and the warmth of his skin that you had craved all day radiating through your sleeve could've melted you there and then. You knew you were both scared and showing it in stupid, different ways, but you were adamant on holding your own for just a while longer.
"We're gonna get through this, baby. I ain't got the answers right now, and you know I sure as hell don't know what to say at the best of times. All I know is that I love you, and I'm so sorry for letting my fear get the better of me."
Your head found refuge in the crook of his shoulder once more, and you let the warmth of his body engulf you.
Truly, there was nothing he could say. You weren't even sure what you needed him to say.
That night, you could feel the fear dancing with grief between your bodies as you held one another in the dark. Joel may have been a father before, but neither of you had experienced this. And you knew it would be okay.
As long as you could feel his arm draped across your chest in the darkness of the night, you knew it would be okay.
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starlazergazer · 1 year
Through the Looking Glass
Pairing: Anakin x Reader / some Peter Parker x Reader
Request: Anakin and the reader stumble into the MCU where they meet peter parker (other MCU Y/N’s boyfriend) who is so relieved to see her he kisses her sending Anakin into a jealous rage. Queue extra possessive/protective jealous Anakin
Warnings: Some swearing, jealous Anakin
Word Count: 6K
A/N: Not gonna lie I’m not sure where in Marvels timeline this takes place (maybe just before infinity war? Maybe?) I just wrote in the characters I wanted. Had a lot of fun creating a cute little love story for the reader and peter so I hope you enjoy that!
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 You tried to force calm breaths. Tried to ignore the way everyone in the room was wearing clothing unlike you had ever seen before, sitting on furniture unlike you had ever seen before, in front of a window that bore a skyline unlike anything you had ever seen before.
But no, there was an explanation for this, there were thousands of planets in the galaxy, each one completely different, it wasn’t unusual to stumble across something you weren’t familiar with.
But still that didn’t change the feeling of wrongness that settled in your gut, didn’t change the fact that the glowing circle you and Anakin had stumbled through somehow seemed to have changed everything about the environment, didn’t change the fact that each person in this room was looking at you with wide eyes and slightly opened mouths.
That was another thing of note, they were all looking at you, not Anakin. He got little more than a passing glance, but just you, the moment you stumbled through whatever the glowing circle had been every eye had been glued to you.
Apparently this was something you weren’t alone in noticing.
Anakin was in front of you the second his own shock broke, hand already on his saber as he surveyed the large group in front of you suspiciously, waiting to see who would make the first move.
Every member of the group before you reacted together, each dropping into their own fighting stance, eyes finally breaking from you to Anakin.
The entire room had been pushed to the edge, the slightest movement from either side could send you over and into chaos. Anakin was a good fighter and you worked well by his side but there’s no way you could take on this many people, though something inside you told you that you didn’t want to either.
Hesitantly you stepped forward, placing a hand on Anakin’s shoulder to pull him back softly, whispering to him “stand down”. And though he didn’t necessarily listen to you, he did back up slightly, letting you take the lead.
“Hi I’m Y/N” you introduced yourself awkwardly with a small wave, trying to make yourself seem as non-threatening as possible “knight of the jedi order, do any of you have any idea where we are right now?”
A dozen eyes scattered around the room, making confused, worried glances at one another before eventually all turning to look at one man with tinted colored glasses and a goatee off to the side, a man that had an expression you could only describe as sorrowful.
“We’re going to have to warn the kid” was all the man said with a sigh, eyes finally breaking from you to meet the groups gaze.
“What’s going on?” A sad, broken voice fighting to stay upbeat spoke from behind the group and you watched every member go stiff, wide eyes split between staring at you and looking back behind them.
It was like a bubble pushing through the crowd, each person moving slightly to give the man at the back room as he slowly slipped through them. A call came seconds before he emerged, a small halfhearted “kid wait” before he appeared to you, a man roughly your age in a bright red and blue suit.
As soon as he escaped the group his eyes fell on you and you watched him freeze in place, his mouth falling open ever so slightly.
His face was covered in cuts working to heal, lines of dark red dried blood and deep purple bruises littered his figure, a state of being you were more than used to inhabiting. But he had a glossy sheen over his eyes as he looked at you and you could feel it had nothing to do with his injuries.
And it wasn’t just that he knew your name somehow but the way that he seemed to choke on it, you had the feeling that he knew not just your name but truly knew you.
“Kid” another soft call, a hand immerging and pulling back his shoulder that he brushed off no problem, his eyes never leaving you.
And you were so caught up in the arrival of this mystery man, so shocked by his reaction to seeing you, that you didn’t even comprehend the fact that he was approaching you, moving across the room faster than you had thought possible.
Long fingers traced their way below your ears, tangling themselves in your hair as thumbs rested naturally on your temples. And there was something strangely familiar about this action, something oddly comforting in a world where nothing seemed to make sense.
His lips were planted on yours before you could even think to object, your eyes fluttering closed more on instinct than anything. And his kiss was so desperate, so passionate, so…so brief.
Suddenly he was being ripped away from you, fingers tangling in your hair for a second as they were forced back roughly. Then the only thing you could focus on was the familiar sound of a lightsaber activating, a blue hue taking over your previously black vision behind your eyelids.
Opening your eyes you saw Anakin standing protectively in front of you, saber drawn and held up in front of him. The man who seemed to know you was sprawled out on his back on the floor, staring daggers up at Anakin before him.
The rest of the room were raising up what you could only assume were weapons, all pointed directly at Anakin and you knew you had to do something, knew at the very least they didn’t seem eager to hurt you.
“Ani stop” you cried out, pulling him back with his arm, taking a stepin front of him in turn, trying to ignore the sad broken voice that repeated your words in a confused whisper from the floor, “they clearly know as little about what’s going on as we do”
“Because that was clearly the actions of a guy who doesn’t know you” the anger in Anakin’s voice clearly wasn’t helping to calm the rest of the room, nor the way he waved his saber in the guy’s direction.
“Anakin” you hissed back at him, a hand coming up to his, pushing his saber down until he was forced to shut it off, the entire room visibly relaxing at its disappearance.
You could feel the way his chest heaved with every deep breath, his eyes glaring daggers at every person in the room as he fought to take a step forward in front of you again, you effectively stopping him with a hand on his chest.
“Y/N?” Again there was that voice, a sad, confused voice calling out to you, the man pushing himself up to his feet before you, a hand almost instinctively coming up to reach out to you “what’s going on?”
Anakin was pushing forward at the same time, a growl slipping from his lips though you had him silenced with a glare and a raised brow, daring him to push you any further.
“I don’t think that’s Y/N kid” a man from the group spoke up.
His words had the man before you shaking his head “No I-“
You cut him off before the conversation could get any more confusing for you “My name is Y/N” you insisted, forcing your eyes away from the man before you to the rest of the group “and I need someone to explain what is happening right now”
The group before you sent worried glances to one another, a silent conversation you were not privy to taking place before your eyes. Instead, your attention was drawn back to the man before you as he placed a hand on your shoulder, an action that had Anakin pressing forward into the palm of your hand once again.
“Baby what’s going on?” and he said it with such concern, such sincerity, that for a second you believed that there was something wrong with you, that you were meant to have known him all along.
But it only lasted for a second before Anakin was between the two of you, roughly pushing the man back from you, getting in his face as he spoke “I’d keep my hands to myself if I were you spider boy”
The man was already rearing back on Anakin, his hand coming up before him with fingers in a weird configuration before a hand wrapped in shiny red armor caught his wrist, effectively stopping him.
Immediately you were pushing yourself between them, two hands coming up to Anakin’s chest to push him back, not missing the way his eyes never left the mystery man’s figure.
“You cannot keep starting fights here” you hissed at him, putting your weight behind your next push, sending Anakin staggering back a few steps.
“I’m not the one starting fights” he insisted, a hand pointing angrily at the mystery man behind you.
“You are” you objected, forcing his gaze back to yours with a small push “and I need you to chill out”
His clenched his jaw angrily as he stared down at you, arms crossing in front of his chest defensively “I am being chill”
You let out a strained chuckle, raising an eyebrow at him “really this is chill? Then why don’t you work on being chill in the corner while I figure out what’s going on here”
“I’m not leaving you alone with him” he spat, eyes going over your shoulder to the stranger behind you who was apparently having a very similar argument as you.
“Why don’t you sit this one out kid” you heard from over you shoulder, the familiar sad voice desperately interjecting quickly. “But Mr. Stark-“
“Well it looks like he won’t be there for this either so you can both sit this one out” you hummed back at Anakin with a triumphant smirk on your face, watching him sputter as he tried to come up with his next excuse.
“I’m not leaving you alone with the rest of them!”
“I can handle myself” you rolled your eyes as you crossed your arms over your chest “besides they seem to know who I am they won’t hurt me”
“Yeah they seem to know who you are a little too much” he groaned, eyes casting back over your shoulder.
“Ani” you called his attention back to you with a small sigh, reaching out to take his hand and give it a small squeeze, trying to be as reassuring as possible, fighting down your rapidly growing annoyance “look I want to get home as much as you do, they’ll be more inclined to speak with me if you aren’t there”
“You don’t know that” he groaned, practically begging you to drop it.
“I think we both do” you sighed, casting a glance behind you to see the stranger in the blue and red suit being led away down a hallway, eyes glued to you the whole time “just give me a few minutes, okay?”
He sighed, watching the man be led away, looking back over the group to see their attention torn between you and the kid, confusion and worry etched into every expression “fine, a few minutes, but you’re staying in my sight line”
With a small chuckle you gave his hand a soft squeeze, ushering him to a seat in the corner with your eyes before finally making your way over to the group only to see them all already watching you.
“I’m sorry about him” you apologized awkwardly, noting the way they all seemed to glare at Anakin, a look he was more than eager to return from across the room “today’s been a lot”
The group seemed to ignore your apology completely, Mr. Stark instead talking to seemingly nobody “Friday-“
“Already on it sir” a voice seemed to speak from the room itself, putting you naturally on the defensive as you searched the ceiling for its source. “Vitals are normal, heart rate slightly elevated but that is to be expected, she seems healthy sir”
Grave looks were shared amongst the group only furthering your confusion. “Was that voice talking about me?”
Again your question seemed to fall on deaf ears, a silent conversation occurring before your eyes once again before Mr. Stark spoke up. “Okay kid why don’t you tell me what you remember”
And you felt yourself start to grow frustrated at the statement, at the condescending tone, at the implication that the issue laid entirely within your own head. “Look I don’t care what you all think you know but you definitely don’t know me. I have never met any of you before in my life” you could feel Anakin shifting to his feet at the sound of your raised voice from across the room, forcing yourself to take a deep breath and lower it you showed him a small open hand, telling him to stand down “all I know is this morning Anakin and I were on a mission like normal and this spinning yellow portal appears out of nowhere, we step through it and now we’re here”
They all seemed to perk up at that, all eyes going to the man off to the right in the weird blue robes, “Strange what does she mean yellow spinning portal”
“I’m not sure” the man spoke with deeply furrowed brows, eyes casting downward in thought “I certainly didn’t do that, besides with her having a completely different set of memories that can only mean one thing and we haven’t figured out how to do that yet”
“Yes but spinning yellow portals are your thing” Mr. Stark spoke up, anger and frustration edging into his voice as he did before you cut him off.
“Hold on no” you held your hands up, effectively silencing them all “I’m sick of everyone in this room knowing more about this than me. Someone explain now”
Hesitant looks were shared before each set of eyes slowly started to fall on the same man, a sigh escaping Mr. Stark before he spoke “how much do you know about the multiverse theory?”
You took a deep breath as you stood just inside the open door you had been directed to.
It didn’t occur to you that you didn’t know what to say until you were standing in the doorway, it didn’t occur to you till then that maybe Anakin was right and you weren’t the person he would want to talk to now, all you knew was that you wanted to be there for him, in whatever way you could.
His gaze connected with yours the minute you walked in, you unable to focus on anything but his slightly red, puffy eyes, barely even noticing Mr. Stark’s quiet “I’ll give you guys a moment” before he slipped past you out the door.
Peter’s eyes never strayed from yours.
“So…” he prompted somewhat awkwardly, breaking a silence you hadn’t realized had been going on for too long until that moment “you’re not actually Y/N then”
“I-uh-well” the words stumbled out, forcing a small chuckle to your voice to try and ease the tension.
“Right” he chuckled back, eyes casting down to his hands “just not my Y/N”
“yeah” you sighed softly, wrapping your arms around yourself “I’m sorry about that”
His laugh felt slightly more genuine this time, eyes casting back up to meet yours with a soft, almost sad smile “you’ve got nothing to apologize for” he assured you “if anything I should be-“ and his sentence died in his throat, his eyes going slightly wide as a hand rose to run anxiously through his hair “oh my god I kissed you”
And this time your laugh was more genuine, immediately shaking your head softly “yeah no worries tho-“
Peter immediately cut you off, zero indication that he had even heard you “Y/N I am so sorry I didn’t know it wasn’t you, or that it was you? I don’t know. Either way-“ he was rambling quickly, working himself up into a frantic pace.
So you reacted without thinking, walking up to him and grabbing his forearm, physically pulling his attention to you “Peter stop, it’s fine”
He froze beneath your touch, eyes going immediately to your hand, mouth falling open ever so slightly at the action. It was only then that you realized your mistake, your eyes going wide as you started to let go “I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have-“
His reflexes were quick, his hand coming up to stop yours from moving before you could let go, resting for a brief moment on top of your own before he spoke “no it’s okay I-“ and he paused, a breathy laugh escaping before he finished “I can’t decide if this is helping or hurting more”
A sad smile grew on your face in response, giving his arm a soft squeeze “I understand, just let me know if you figure it out yeah?”
“Yeah” he chuckled back, eyes coming up to meet yours “it’s weird you’re so much like her”
An awkward clearing of a throat startled the two of you, Peter instinctually jumping back from you, your hand dropping from his in response as you looked to the source of the noise, Anakin brooding in the doorway.
“Am I interrupting?” he asked in a tone that told you he really didn’t care if he was.
“uhhh” you looked to Peter who stared back at you with wide eyes, the memory of Anakin pushing him off of you no doubt fresh in his mind “no, no you’re not. What’s up?”
“Tony’s set aside some rooms for us and I know you haven’t slept in far too long” he pointed back behind him, pointedly only looking at you, avoiding all eye contact with Peter.
You in turn turned back to the man, sending him a silent question with your expression that he picked up on no problem “Yeah go ahead I’m good” he shrugged you off with a forced smile.
“Are you sure?” you asked him, not liking the idea of leaving him alone quite yet.
“Yeah” and this time you saw his smile reach his eyes, only a bit but enough to make you feel somewhat better “go get some sleep Y/N”
So, slowly you conceded, working your way back across the room to Anakin, his hand immediately going to the small of your back as he stepped aside to let you out, ushering you softly further down the hall without another word.
You couldn’t sleep. Not that that should have been a surprise given the day you’ve had but it still sucked staring at the ceiling for hours on end. So you decided to change that, getting up you pulled on a sweatshirt you were given to borrow and crept out of your room planning to take a walk around the tower.
Taking a few random turns with no real care as to where you ended up you eventually found a light at the end of a hallway, soft clinks of a metal spoon against a bowl drawing you closer to find none other than Peter hunched over the kitchen island eating.
“Hey” you called out softly, not wanting to sneak up on the poor guy “what’re you doing up?”
A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he started to answer “I could ask you-“ but his words died in his throat as his gaze came up to meet yours, freezing mid-sentence the second he laid eyes on you.
And immediately you were cursing yourself for saying anything in the first place, he was trying to be alone, probably worrying about his girlfriend, he didn’t need the living embodiment of her sneaking up on him now. “Sorry I shouldn’t have-“  you were apologizing quickly, starting to back out of the room before he stopped you.
“No wait-“ he called out, halting you in place “It’s just-you’re uh-you’re wearing my sweatshirt” he stumbled out, pointedly avoiding eye contact as you did so.
Your eyes went wide at his words, looking down at the sweatshirt you hadn’t thought twice about throwing on before you left “I’m so sorry it was given to me in a pile of clothes they said I could borrow I can-“ and you were already starting to take it off, getting one arm out of the sleeve before Peter stopped you with a small laugh.
“No no keep it” he assured you with a smile, looking down into his bowl as he said his next words a lot softer “It’s always looked better on you”
And even though you knew you weren’t really the person he was talking about a heat still rose to your cheeks that had you grinning at the floor to keep him from noticing. “Whatcha got there?”
“Ice cream” he answered you with a soft smile as you approached the other side of the island, taking one of the chairs. “My Y/N and I have this unspoken agreement that if either of us is having a bad day we meet late at night for junk food”
And you liked the way he talked about her, the fondness in his voice, the small smile on his lips, the way he never really seemed to focus on anything else in the room as he told the story, fully enwrapped in the memory of it.
“Is it good? The ice cream?” you asked, nodding vaguely to the bowl as you rested your chin in your palm.
“Of course it’s good” he laughed with a soft shake of his head “it’s ice cream how could it not be”
“I’ve never had it” you giggled back at him, peering curiously at the brown sludge that inhabited his bowl.
“What how can you-“ and suddenly he paused, eyes going wide as he looked up at you, dropping the spoon into the bowl “do you not have ice cream in your universe?”
And you couldn’t help but laugh at his expression, unable to do more than shake your head in answer.
“Unacceptable” he declared, grabbing his bowl and dashing around the island to sit next to you, pushing his bowl in front of you “you have to try this”
“I feel like you’re hyping this up way too much” you shook your head at him with a smile while nonetheless taking the spoon.
“Alright lets see you say that after taking a bite” he challenged you and you tried to ignore the way his knees so casually bumped into yours as he sat next to you, the sparkle in his eyes when he looked at you so eager to hear what you had to say, to see your reaction. You could certainly see why another version of you would’ve fallen for him.
Appeasing Peter you took a bite of the incredibly cold concoction and the second it hit your tongue your eyes went wide, “holy shit”
“Right” Peter laughed, leaning back in his chair in triumph.
“Its so soft and creamy and sweet” you gushed, eagerly taking a second bite without thinking “why would you eat anything else?”
Peter chuckled back in amusement at you, leaning forward to steal the spoon when you finally let it go, keeping the bowl in front of you but stealing a bite for himself “just wait, tomorrow I’ll take you to get pizza”
“I’d like that” you nodded eagerly, taking the spoon back from him as a silence fell over the two of you.
It wasn’t a tense or awkward silence, but it wasn’t exactly a comfortable silence either. The silence of strangers with no real idea how to navigate the conversation going forward.
“Couldn’t sleep?” you asked him hesitantly, not missing the way his gaze shifted to the distance, avoiding you as much as possible.
“I mean, can you blame me?” he asked softly, crossing his arms over his chest with a sigh.
“For what it’s worth” you offered softly, pulling his gaze back to you with your words as you leaned forward slightly “if Dr. Strange is right and your Y/N just switched places with me then she is in very good hands”
“Yeah?” he asked with a small smile that didn’t reach his eyes.
You nodded to reassure him, leaning forward to rest your forearms on the countertop “Yeah. Before Anakin and I came through that spinning portal thing we were on a mission with Master Obi-wan Kenobi and Captain Rex. Obi-wan basically raised me and there is no one I trust more to have my back in a fight than Rex.” You said honestly “there’s no doubt in my mind they’ll have her back”
Peter nodded at your words, eyes casting back across the kitchen as he mulled them over, and you sincerely hoped he found at least some comfort in them.
“You on the other hand” you poked him in the side playfully as you stood, earning at least a small chuckle from him “you look like shit. Get some sleep Peter”
“I’ll try” he assured you softly, not looking your way as you stood up and headed for the door before calling you back, spinning in his chair to look at you now by the door “Hey Y/N…thank you”
You smiled softly back at the boy, giving him a soft nod “You’re welcome Peter” and that was it before you slipped from the kitchen and started heading back to your room, hesitating when you noticed a figure sitting just outside of your door, a very familiar figure with his back leaned against it.
“Ani what’re you doing?” you asked with a soft chuckle, still in a rather warm and fuzzy mood after your talk with Peter
“couldn’t sleep” he shrugged, his tone cold and icy as he stared back up at you “figured you probably couldn’t either so I came to keep you company”
You chose to ignore his tone, chose to chalk it up to him being tired, to it being a long day, and started to tell him about this great new food you had just discovered, when his next question spoiled any good mood you had that night.
“How was you’re ice cream with Peter?”
And it wasn’t the question that set you off, rather the way he said it, the way he seemed to spit it at your feet, as if you were somehow betraying him by comforting a man who’s girlfriend is actively missing.
“Have a good night Anakin” you spat back, shoving him to the side with your leg as you stepped around him to get into your room planning to shut the door in his face when his next question stopped you.
“You know you’re not his girlfriend right?”
And you decided then that you have had it with his attitude this entire time. Besides it’s not like you were getting any sleep tonight anyways. Holding open the door you ushered him inside, “get in here”
He raised an eyebrow at you in response, clearly not expecting any more than a door slammed in his face.
“I’m not fighting with you in the hallway while everyone else is asleep so get in here” you grunted, stepping aside to allow him in before shutting the door securely behind him.
Anakin did nothing but stare down at you, eyebrows drawn in confusion as he crossed his arms in front of his chest, waiting for you to speak first. You weren’t aware that was something angry Anakin knew how to do.
“Alright I get it” you spat at him, trying your best to avoid working yourself up even further, trying to keep your voice low “you’re mad that we ended up in an entirely different universe”
“That’s not-“ Anakin tried to interrupt but you silenced him with a glare, silently daring him to interrupt you any further.
“You’re mad that we have no way of getting home, you’re mad we’re stuck here with no idea as to what is going on, but you do not get to take it out on me”
“That’s not what-“ Anakin tried again but you cut him off
“That’s exactly what you’re doing” You insisted with a raised brow “every second you are over top of me, complaining every time I try to talk with the other people here about what is going on, and maker forbid I try and have just a normal conversation with any of them to try and lighten the mood. I am just trying to get us out of here and you are actively making that more difficult with every step”
Silence fell briefly as Anakin took in your words, shaking his head softly with a sigh before running a tired hand over his face “I’m not mad about any of that”
You raised a brow at him “then what are you mad about”
And for whatever reason that question seemed to shut him up. Anakin’s mouth opening and closing multiple times as he tried to think of what to say, his eyes bouncing down to your shirt multiple times before he sighed, his hand dramatically coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose “can you at least take off his sweatshirt while we do this?”
Rolling your eyes back in response you slipped out of the sweatshirt without a word, dramatically tossing it onto the floor, raising your eyebrows back at him inviting him to continue.
He let out a deep breath once you took it off, giving you a small nod before thanking you awkwardly, another brief silence passing between the two of you before he finally answered your question “I’m mad at Peter”
You sighed at his ridiculous response, slumping back against the wall behind you as you spoke “why are you mad a Peter?”  
“Because he’s in love with you” his answer came quick with no hesitation, his own eyes boring straight into yours as he said it making you furrow your brows.
“Peter is not in love with me he’s in love with a different universe’s me” you reminded him.
“That doesn’t really count right now and you know it” he insisted, holding up a finger the minute you started to object “not with that kiss he gave you right after we arrived, not with the longing looks he sends your way whenever you’re in the same room, and definitely not when he’s flirting with you at 3 in the morning over ice cream, whatever that is”
“It’s actually very delicious-“ You muttered under your breath, half hoping he wouldn’t even hear you
“that’s not the point at you know it” he raised his brows at you, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Then what is the point?” You challenged him, crossing your own arms to mirror him “he misses his girlfriend who I happen to be exceptionally similar to in basically every way, so what?”
“So you’re not his girlfriend” he pointed out “you are notably an entirely different person than his girlfriend”
“Again so what?” you demanded “He’s sad, I offer some comfort, that is the extent of our relationship so, so what Anakin?”
“So what happens when we go back to our universe?” he asked, his voice peaking up in anger “what happens when it’s time for you to say goodbye to Peter. I heard your conversation in the kitchen, I see the way you blush around him. Are you going to be able to say goodbye to him?”
You scoffed at him “oh so this is all out of concern for me then Ani? You’re so concerned that when we figure everything out Peter’s going to break my heart or whatever?” You raised an eyebrow at him, challenging him to correct you.
He took a deep breath before doubling down “I’m just trying to look out for you-“
“Bullshit” you interrupted “tell me the real reason”
“That is the real-“
“Tell me the-“
“Because he looks at you the way that I look at you”
His sudden outburst caught you off guard, your posture subconsciously straightening as you furrowed your brows at him, waiting silently for him to continue.
Anakin seemed almost as surprised by his own words as you did, his chest heaving with heavy breaths as his mind scrambled for the next thing to say, opting instead to just lay his cards on the table.
“He looks at you the same way I have looked at you since we were eleven and less than 24 hours later you’re wearing his clothes and he’s calling you beautiful while you blush at the floor and it kills me”
You mouth hung open slightly at his words, your brain struggling to wrap itself around all of this new information. “Ani I-“
“No” he sighed, cutting you off as he sat down on the edge of the bed, his elbows going to his knees “I-“ and he paused, struggling for a moment for the right words “you don’t have to feel the same way, I know I’m not entitled to anything from you, you don’t even have to say anything right now if you don’t want to but you wanted to know why I was so angry and that’s it.” He chuckled bitterly, shaking his head softly “Because Peter somehow has everything I want with two different versions of you”
“Ani” you couldn’t help but chuckle back, moving across the room to sit down next to him “I don’t like Peter like that”
“Yeah?” he asked, sending a skeptical look back your way that had a soft smile playing at your lips.
“I don’t even know the guy how could I?” you shook your head, slowly leaning forward so your posture was in line with his “Besides there’s already someone else”
He raised a brow in your direction, wordlessly waiting for an explanation.
“A guy I grew up with” you started slowly, reaching around to loop your arm into his, fingers stretching out to intertwine with his own “A guy who used to let me win in lightsaber duals because he knew it made me feel better, who always managed to make me laugh no matter what mood I was in, and who has the unique ability to make the already terrible experience of being inexplicably transported to another universe even worse by throwing a temper tantrum.”
Finally moving your gaze up you were immediately met with Anakin’s already on you, a soft smile on his lips “a temper tantrum huh?”
“Yes a temper tantruem” you chuckled softly back to him “that’s the best way I can think to describe it”
He shook his head softly as he bumped your shoulder playfully, turning more fully to face you “well I think he sounds pretty great you should tell me more”
You laughed at that but played along, turning to face him in response “well for a guy who claims to have been looking at me since we were eleven he’s pretty oblivious, and…” you drew out the end of your sentence, reaching a hand up to grab at his chin giving his face a few turns “I guess you could say he’s pretty handsome”
“And..” he prompted with a smug smile making you roll your eyes.
“And he doesn’t know when to quit” you muttered, already pulling his face down to yours.
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madhatterbri · 5 months
Grind | W.O.
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Summary: Will discovers he likes to grind on the boss' daughter. Historical AU. 18+
Author's Note: The devil works hard, but fanfic writers work harder. 😂❤️
@plentyoffandoms @theworldofotps @99hook
Impure fiction
Will had an eye on the boss' daughter for quite some time. He was shy about it at first before getting cheeky. No inappropriate actions or words were ever done in front of the watchful eyes of daddy, of course. Oh no. He saved them all for the moments they were alone.
Y/N sat at the desk crunching the latest numbers for her father's business. After sending her off to college, she came back with a degree in accounting. Her father insisted that she come work for him. When he told her that Will was working for him, she immediately accepted.
"Oi, what are you still doing here? It's dangerous out there for a pretty girl like you," Will announced and pointed out the window behind her. As if on queue, a flash of lightning followed by the roar of thunder shook the room. He made his way to Y/N's desk.
"Rain catch ya, did it?" She giggled upon seeing his wet features. His dirty blonde curls normally fluffy were now soaked. His clothes stuck to him. The white button-up shirt he wore, leaving nothing to the imagination.
"Think this is funny, do you? You may have the beauty, darling, but I got the muscles. A quick shower yourself would do you some good," he teased and moved like he was going to hug her.
"You wouldn't dare," she hissed and stood from her chair. Will had a big toothy grin on his face. Each step towards her met with the sound of his wet socks being squished between the floor and his feet. She quickly made her way from him.
He gave you a running head start. Will was an assassin who liked the feel of catching someone after they had a head start. The power it gave him as the person couldn't outlast him. The only thing better than the feeling was Y/N.
Y/N only made it to the kitchen before he caught her. His arms wrapped around her waist from behind. She squealed as the cold, wet rain touched her skin. Will spun her around and press himself against her in a proper hug. Curses and insults flew out of her mouth as she pushed him away.
"You bloody bastard! I will kill you!" She screeched and slammed her fists into his muscular chest. He laughed at her feeble attempts to hurt him, which only egged her on more.
He scooped her up over his shoulder. Her balled up fists banged against his back to be let down. Will eventually followed her wishes and placed her on the rug in front of the fireplace in the meeting room. Her father would come in here to unwind during business hours.
"Happy princess?" He asked with his arms extended outwards. His arms fell back to his sides when he saw through her white shirt. She followed his gaze and blushed. Her shirt was pressed to her body.
"Like what you see then?" She asked and started to unbutton her shirt. Will's mouth dropped open in shock. He gulped to get rid of the dryness in his mouth. He licked his lips. "Right then. You've got two options, Willy. Either we can do what we have both been wanting to do or you can fuck off. Which is it?"
Will wasn't as delicate as she was with his clothes. He grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled it apart. The buttons popped off and bounced on the floor. He dropped to his knees and kissed her hard. His hands cupped her cheeks as the fire roared next to them.
Her hands ignored her clothes and rubbed his damp body. She started from behind his neck and made her way to his chest and stomach. Each ripple of muscle feels tight under her fingertips. His hands followed suit and ran down to her shirt.
"Don't you bloody dare, Ospreay," she threatened.
Her shirt met the same fate as his. "Sorry, love, been waiting for this for too long,"
He ripped the fabric off her body and away from them. The next to go was her bra. Her arms lifted up as he slipped the garment over her head. His light eyes didn't hide that he was checking her out. Will urged her to lay back.
She laid on her back. He placed his hands at either side of her body. His lips connected to hers once more. Will made his way by kissing her jawline down to her neck and chest. He paid attention to her sounds, making sure to hit all the right spots. Her fingers snaked through his hair.
He sat up to unfasten her belt. She hoisted her hips as he slid her pants and underwear off. Her legs were spread under his lust filled gaze. The bloke still couldn't believe this was happening. All the times he dreamed about this.
Her moans sounded in the room as he teased her. His tongue slowly ascended up her slit. She closed her eyes and whined. They locked eyes, and he smiled.
With little hesitation, he went down on her. His tongue toyed with her clit as it pulsed in need for him. Her leg laid over his shoulder. One of her hands gripped his hair while the other held his hand. His free hand made use of working her.
Will started slow with thrusting one finger in and out of her. He saw the pathetic excuse of men she dated. They couldn't prepare her for him. Once he saw she was getting adjusted to him, he added another finger and then another. He spread them apart and curled them inside of her. She only got louder from there.
He stopped the moment the tightness in his pants was too painful to withstand. Will pulled away from her, much to her dismay. A loud whine of protest slipped out of the boss' daughter yet stopped when she saw him undressing. Soon, he was above naked as the day he was born.
"I got you, darling. Don't worry," he assured her and placed himself between her legs once more. His strong hands wrapped her legs around his waist. Will grabbed himself and rubbed the tip of his dick through her folds. He felt the head at her entrance. He leaned down and kissed her before slowly pushing himself inside.
His mouth captured her moan as he waited for her to adjust to him. She felt heavenly to him. His eyes closed to take everything in. God, if this was a dream, he never wanted to wake up.
"More," she begged against his lips. He happily obliged. The sound of skin hitting skin and their carnal sounds filled the room. The fire flickered in the fireplace, but he could see her pleased expression perfectly. Her eyes half closed while she moaned and whimpered his name.
His hands gripped her waist as his thrusts picked up. He never wanted to feel her so far from him. Will paused momentarily. He could feel the two of them were close, but he wanted his ego stroked by her one last time.
"Who makes you feel like this, huh? Who has you singing like this?" He asked roughly between grunts.
"Y-you do," she stuttered and bit her lip. Her walls started to clench around him.
"Scream my name, darling. Let everyone in London know who makes you feel so good," he ordered. She opened her mouth to speak, yet nothing came out. Only breathy moans. Finally, she found it in her.
"Will!" She called out once she reached the peak of orgasm. Will wasn't far behind. He shoved himself deep inside of her one last time. He came inside of her without a care in the world. Her dad would kill him if he ever found out, but he'd die a happy man.
The next few minutes were spent laying in front of the fireplace. He laid behind her and rubbed her side. His arm was used as a pillow for her head. The two of them were distracted by watching the dying flames in the fireplace. Will kissed her bare shoulder softly. Y/N smiled at a joke that popped in her head.
"I guess grinding the boss' daughter isn't too bad," she teased and kissed his bicep.
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chapter 1.
Note: a brand new fic no one asked for :)
Warnings: none I can think of, we're just getting started here, it's all fluff ;)
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Sihtric, the bass player of your favourite band, suddenly remembers you when you meet again after 7 years.
wordcount: 4,5k
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'Wait! Have we met before?'
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Seven Kings, one of the most popular alternative rock bands of the last few years, were playing a show in your hometown, which was actually also the band's hometown, but you knew all members had moved away after their break through. When you saw the tour announcement, which only had eight dates, you immediately called your best friend, Gisela, and you were hysterically screaming on the phone. When she finally understood what you were saying, she screamed just as hard. You both have been a fan since the very start of the band's career, seeing them at their very first free show in your city at a pub. And after that, you both went to every show near you, while the band became more popular and the venues bigger. 
The band hadn't toured for a whole year and a half, as they had been recording new music and dealt with some personal issues back home. Sihtric, the bass player and your favourite member, went through a divorce last year, while Osferth, their guitarist, made headlines when word came out he was to become a father; of two different children, by two different ladies. It always baffled you how Osferth seemed so shy, yet he was a real ladies killer. Their other members, Finan, the drummer, and Uhtred, the singer/guitarist and Gisela's favourite member, seemed to have no struggles going on. And you were already excited when they announced their new album, a few weeks before the tour announcement dropped.
You and Gisela immediately stressed over the ticket sale. As the band had gotten more popular, the ticket sales became more horrifying. However, you couldn't complain, you always managed to get tickets, but it was always a bit of a punch in the gut you could never see your favourite band up close again. The newer fans randomly started to camp out for shows a few years ago, two days before the actual show sometimes, and you and Gisela drew the line there. You had no problem with getting to the venue early in the morning and queueing, but sleeping outside? For a show? Absolutely not. And so you both bitterly accepted your front row days were over. 
Your most prized possessions are the photos you have with all the members, when you met them for the first and last time, seven years ago, when they opened up for a bigger band. You got to meet Seven Kings at their merch table, after the show. They had all been so lovely, which was a big reason why you kept supporting them. You pretty much grew up with them, as you were around the same age, and their music had helped you through various heartbreaks. But your heart was also somewhat broken when word got out that Sihtric got married, years ago. You and Gisela always joked how you belonged with Sihtric, and how she belonged with Uhtred. But then Sihtric got married, and you felt crushed for a day or two, but then life went on. It's not like you ever had a chance with the guy anyway. Uhtred was forever single, always whoring around with the groupies, as was Finan, and well… Osferth definitely too. Gisela said she'd still marry Uhtred if she could, and you couldn't blame her. 
When the news broke last year that Sihtric was single again, Gisela blew up your phone with texts. You both chuckled at your delusions of marrying your favourite pretty boys, but never took it seriously, as they were famous, and truthfully, you barely knew anything about them.
On the day of the ticket sale you managed to score floor tickets, and you and Gisela were ecstatic. The show was already in a few months, and the album would be released in a few weeks. You both counted down the days and, when the album dropped, you and Gisela had a sleepover, listening to the record all night while desperately gushing over how good "your boys" looked in that new video, even though you both knew it was shot a while ago, as Finan's hair was short in the video, and you knew it was longer now.
'Did you hear you can win meet and greet tickets?' you suddenly asked.
'For real?' Gisela gasped, 'how?'
'All you have to do is enter your email address on their website, and a few winners get picked at random for each show.'
'Oh my god!' Gisela squealed, 'can you imagine?! We both have to enter!'
And so you both entered the competition. You knew chances were slim, their fanbase was huge, and many fans travelled to multiple shows, so they would try for every show they'd go to. You could only afford to go to one show, the one in your city, which was also the first show of the tour. You kept thinking of trying to get tickets for the last show of the tour, which was two weeks after your show, in a city which was only an hour away from you, but you never got them.
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The concert was in two days. You and Gisela were already going crazy with excitement, and when you suddenly received an email from their record label, saying you were one of the meet and greet winners, you were sure your entire city could hear you and Gisela scream.
'Oh my god, what do I wear?' you panicked.
'I need to buy new clothes!' Gisela cried.
'I have to dye my hair! Look at these roots!' you gasped as you looked at yourself in the mirror.
You and Gisela went shopping the day before the show, and you fixed up each other's hair, hoping you'd both look a little presentable among the other fans who had won. 
'I wonder how many others there will be,' Gisela dreamed the night before the show, as she stared at her phone, looking at pictures of Uhtred, 'and I wonder what the guys will be wearing!'
'I'm so afraid it will be so rushed,' you pouted, scrolling through Sihtric's instagram, 'and me too, I can't wait to see their new look- oh my god!' you suddenly shouted.
'What?' Gisela jumped up.
'Sihtric just posted a selfie on his story!' you squealed, 'look! Oh my god, he has long hair now! Oh god, that smile!' you cried.
'Oh god,' Gisela snorted, knowing you were a sucker for tall, lean guys with shoulder length hair, 'you won't survive tomorrow.'
Luckily for you, Gisela had the same meltdown when Uhtred posted a new selfie too, revealing his new look as well, and you thought Gisela was about to faint. You both 'awww'ed' at Osferth and Finan's reveals, them always being cute and handsome, and after that, you desperately tried to get some sleep, as tomorrow was the day.
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'Is my hair okay?' you asked nervously, standing in front of the venue.
'Yeah, yeah, you look good,' Gisela said, 'mine?'
'You're always pretty, shut up,' you scowled.
You looked down at your outfit; black boots, black skinny jeans, and a comfy shirt of Seven Kings, which was actually their very first tour shirt, which you had always been very careful with. The shirt still fitted perfectly, but you did cut off the sleeves years ago, making it a sleeveless top. You anxiously looked around, confused, as there were only a handful of other fans who also won, and then you all figured there were no more than five winners, each allowed to bring a friend, so it truly was an exclusive thing. Gisela kept pulling at her little black dress. She heard that Uhtred apparently likes ladies in short dresses, so she went for it. You actually had no idea what type of girl Sihtric was into, as he was rather private and quiet in interviews. And his instagram page mainly had professional photos of him, taken during live shows or for promo, and if it wasn't that, it was a photo of another new bass guitar he got his tattooed hands on.
You all froze when suddenly a door opened, and your tickets got checked. Terrified that something was wrong with your ticket, your trembling hands showed the venue employee your papers. You all got cleared, ushered inside, and were told to wait in a comfortable lounge room.
'Okay,' Ragnar, the band's manager, said as he walked in the door, 'first of all, congratulations,' he smiled, and you all cheered quietly.
'The band will come out in a moment,' he said, 'and please… just… behave,' Ragnar sighed, 'no pushing or pulling, there is no need, there's only ten of you and you guys have almost an hour here with them, if you all behave that is,' Ragnar said sternly. 'Also,' he continued, 'no asking for kisses and there will be no boob signatures if you are underage,' he glanced quickly at a few girls who were absolutely no older than 16.
You and Gisela gave each other a sly smile, but you both felt you were too old for that kind of behaviour, so you wouldn't ask for anything like that anyway.
'Before you take your selfies with the guys, we ask you to just chill out and chat, get some albums signed and all that, the more relaxed you are, the better your pictures will be, okay?' Ragnar chuckled, 'those boys are all ugly anyway, so I don't even know why you are all here,' he snorted and left the room.
The younger girls gasped while you and Gisela laughed at the manager's sneer. Everyone adjusted their outfits before you all perked up at the sound of Finan's laughter closing in. And there they were. Finan got in the room first, grinning, wearing a sleeveless black shirt with denim jeans and sneakers. Osferth followed, in his white fishnet top, black jeans and leather boots. You heard Gisela exhale sharply next to you when Uhtred appeared, with a hint of eyeliner, a leather jacket with no shirt underneath, leather jeans and black boots. You looked at Gisela, who was blushing at the sight of her favourite, and you snorted. But when you looked back up, you saw Sihtric, his hair loose and wild, wearing a black leather dungarees with a black mesh shirt underneath, his dungarees tucked in his black Doctor Martens. Your heart skipped about five beats when you locked eyes with his mismatched pair for a second.
'Oh my god,' you breathed softly, grabbing Gisela's hand. 
Then Ragnar walked in again and frowned at all of you, frozen on the sofas. 'Well, what are you waiting for?' he chuckled, 'they don't bite!'
'Maybe we do,' Finan grinned.
Then you all jumped up and, as expected, most girls ran over to Osferth and Uhtred, while Finan earned some company too. Because Sihtric was always the quiet one, he took a slight step back from the others, which is why some of the other hesitant fans didn't dare walk up to him, and turned to the other members. But this was your chance, you thought, so you went for it, while Gisela already left your side and stood next to Uhtred.
You took a deep breath and walked up to the handsome, slightly scarred Dane, who grabbed himself a bottle of water and sat up on a table, keeping to himself. When his eyes met yours again as you approached him, a sweet smile appeared on his face and he leaned back.
'Hello,' he simply said, with that soft, low voice you love so much, and he took a sip of water.
'H-hi,' you smiled, trying your best to not show your nerves, 'how are you doing?'
'Nervous,' Sihtric confessed with a chuckle, then tilted his head, 'and how are you, lady?'
'Nervous,' you laughed softly, which earned you another sweet smile from Sihtric.
'Surely not because of me, I hope?' Sihtric asked as he sat up, quickly looking you up and down with a sly smile.
'Maybe,' you half joked, feeling your face heat up when his eyes darted over you.
'Ah, don't be nervous for me,' Sihtric smiled and squinted his eyes a little, 'I like your shirt. Is it an original?' he asked and leaned in, his fingers brushing your shoulder as he felt the fabric.
'It is,' you smiled, 'I got it at the actual tour back then.'
'No way,' Sihtric said with big eyes and let go of your shirt, 'you stuck around all that time?'
'Even longer,' you giggled shyly, 'I first saw you guys at that free show here in the city, at the Irish pub.'
'At Clancy's?' Sihtric frowned, 'damn.'
'Yeah, but I had to leave early that evening,' you said, 'and I got this shirt when you opened up for that other band, you guys were at the merch-'
'Wait! Have we met before?' he gasped softly.
'Eh, actually, yeah,' you felt your cheeks heat up again and took out your phone, showing him the seven year old selfie.
'Gods!' Sihtric stared at your screen. He took your hand in his while you held your phone up to him, to get a better look. 'Yeah… I remember that night, I also remember you now.'
'What? No way,' you looked down at your feet.
'Yeah, yeah,' Sihtric said as he let go of your hand, 'you were the girl who told me you liked the metal chain I use as a bass guitar strap,' he smiled, 'because it reminded you of Peter Steele.'
'Oh my god,' you snorted, 'yeah, that was me. And you told me you stole the idea-' 
'From Peter Steele,' Sihtric laughed, 'because I am the most unoriginal bastard.'
You both laughed at the memory, and suddenly Sihtric held his arms open to you. 'Come here, bring it in,' he smiled, 'you deserve a hug for still putting up with our music.'
You allowed Sihtric to pull you in, wrapping his arms around you, and he lightly stroked your back with his big, warm hands as you were pressed against his muscular chest. You could die peacefully now, you thought. You tried to pull back, but Sihtric held on a little longer before he let go, licking his lips with a soft smile when he looked at you again.
'You been to all our tours ever since?' he asked.
'Yeah, but more and more in the back of the venue, as you guys became more popular. I refuse to camp out for a good spot.'
'Ah,' Sihtric clicked his tongue, 'yeah, fandom behaviour got, eh, quite intense the last few years. People camp out, some even figure out our hotels, it's crazy,' he said, 'that's why I'm not that active on social media. You post one thing and suddenly a shit ton of people find out where you are.'
'Sorry to hear that,' you gave him a compassionate look, 'me and my friend also took a step back from the fanbase because of that,' you looked a little sad, 'people have no limits anymore these days. It's weird as shit.'
'Truly,' Sihtric nodded, 'but good to see we still got some decently behaving people who like us,' he winked and poked your shoulder.
'Oh, thanks,' you smiled shyly.
'So, can I sign anything for you or…?'
'Ehh, my ticket?' you smiled sheepishly, 'I forgot to bring my album.'
'You did not,' Sihtric snorted, 'really?'
You gave him a shy nod and buried your face in your hands, to which Sihtric laughed.
'Okay, hold on,' Sihtric smiled and got off the table, towering over you as he put his feet on the ground, and his fingers brushed over your arm, 'come,' he said, 'I'll get you another one.'
You hesitantly moved your feet towards the door Sihtric held open for you.
'But… I don't want to get in trouble,' you looked back at Ragnar, who was on his phone, 'I can just wait here?'
Trouble?' Sihtric shook his head with a smile, 'you won't get in any trouble, come,' he beckoned you over.
He didn't have to ask you again. You followed Sihtric through the empty hallway, to their merch stand, where he opened a few boxes.
'You had a cd or a vinyl?'
'Cd,' you said, 'the coloured vinyl was a little too pricey,' you blurted out by accident, not meaning to fish for anything or come off rude.
'I agree,' Sihtric sighed and looked up at you, 'we told the label to cut down that price. We don't even need that income anymore, to be honest,' he quickly grimaced, 'sorry, don't mean to boast or anything. But yeah, the record looks sick, but that price tag is ridiculous.'
'I agree,' you scoffed lightly, 'but, well, it is what it is.'
'Mhm,' Sihtric hummed as he grabbed a vinyl, 'it is what it is,' he smiled and got up again, 'what's your name, love?' he asked as he grabbed a silver marker out of a drawer and ripped the plastic off the vinyl cover.
You told him your name and stared at the vinyl, confused, then you suddenly realised Sihtric was writing your name on the record.
'W-wait,' you chuckled nervously, 'I… I can't afford that-'
'Shush,' Sihtric hushed sweetly and winked at you, 'I'm giving it to you, so it's a gift,' he shrugged and continued to scribble on the cover.
'Oh… o-okay,' you felt yourself blushing again, 'thank you.'
Sihtric smiled and silently nodded his head while looking down at the record, accepting your thanks. He closed the marker again and flung it in the drawer, then leaned in on the merch table, opposite of you, staring into your eyes with a soft smile.
'Can I get you anything else, pretty lady?' he asked, carefully pushing the vinyl your way.
'N-no,' you said with big eyes.
'Hm, what's your size?'
'No,' you chuckled, 'I… I will not steal any more merchandise.'
'You're not stealing any merch,' Sihtric laughed, 'tell me your shirt size,' he bit down on his lip.
'I will not,' you protested while butterflies marched through your stomach, because of Sihtric's playful voice and smile.
He suddenly made his way around the merch table and, before you realised what happened, you felt his rough fingers touching your neck, as he took the collar of your shirt and looked at the label.
'Got you,' Sihtric whispered in your ear before he hopped back to the merchandise. 
He pulled out a sweater and two shirts in your size and pushed them in your hands, along with the signed vinyl.
'Sihtric, I-'
'Let's go, lady,' Sihtric chuckled as he looked around. He placed his hand on your lower back, guiding you with him, 'if anyone asks,' he looked at the pile of merch in your arms, 'you already had it. It's just our secret as to how you got it,' he winked, opened the door for you, and you stepped back into the lounge room.
Luckily, everyone else had been so occupied, no one even noticed that you and Sihtric had left the room for quite a few minutes.
'Thank you,' you said as Sihtric sat back on the table again, and he took another sip of his water.
'For what?' he grinned, then held his water bottle out to you, 'sip?'
Sharing a drink? With the man of your dreams? You'd be foolish if you didn't.
'Eh, sure,' you smiled and took the bottle out of his hand, taking a small sip.
You handed it back to Sihtric, who took another few sips before he closed the half empty bottle again, and handed it back to you.
'Keep it,' he smiled, 'so, you want a new photo? Now that we're both older?'
'Of course,' you said, taking out your phone again, fumbling as your arms were overloaded with everything Sihtric had given you.
Sihtric chuckled and grabbed your phone when he saw your struggle. 'Put the stuff on the table, love,' he smiled and then pulled you close, his arm around your neck, leaning heavily against you, and he flashed a sly smile as he snapped a few photos.
'Those good?' he asked, swiping through the selfies, keeping his arm around you.
'Yeah,' you smiled, feeling lightheaded at how close you were. You could even smell his cologne, which had hints of mint and cedarwood. You were absolutely smitten.
Sihtric handed you your phone and took a step back, his hand still on your shoulder, but before either of you could say something, another fan finally walked up to Sihtric. You noticed her and you stepped away, but Sihtric's eyes lingered on you before he looked at the other lady, and he somewhat reluctantly let go of your shoulder. 
'I'll see you around,' Sihtric said with a sweet smile.
You returned the smile and walked up to the other members, joining Gisela again, who frowned at your arms full of merch.
'How did you get that?' she asked with big eyes as the other men were busy chatting with someone else.
'Sihtric gave it to me,' you whispered.
'Are you serious?'
'Yeah,' you smiled and told her what happened. Gisela couldn't believe it and kept saying how Sihtric must have liked you, but you shrugged it off. 'He's just really nice,' you said.
'Nice, my ass,' Gisela frowned, 'he keeps looking at you,' she said, upset, because Uhtred didn't pay her much attention apparently.
'No, he's not,' you scoffed, then looked over your shoulder and locked eyes with Sihtric, as someone else was talking to him, and a smile appeared on his face. 'O-okay, maybe he just looked now,' you stammered.
'What did he write on that record?' Gisela tried to get a look at it.
'Oh, shit, I have no idea,' you said, completely forgetting about that after everything that happened.
You looked at the vinyl cover and smiled at the way he wrote your name so gracefully, and had continued with;
Hope you stick around for another seven years, and longer... 
Love you to death ;) 
'Love you to death?' Gisela's mouth fell open.
'No! It's not what you think!' you said, 'you know his guitar strap? The metal chain?' 
Gisela nodded, her jaw still dropped.
'He stole that idea from Peter Steele, who was the bass player and singer for Type O Negative,' you explained, 'and one of their most famous songs is called Love You to Death. It's obviously a nod to the first time I met Sihtric, and said the metal chain reminded me of Peter, which we just talked about. Oh my god, I didn't even tell you yet!' you gasped, 'he remembered me when I showed him the photo we took years ago!'
'Oh my god,' was all Gisela could bring out.
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The rest of the meet and greet was a blur really. You just couldn't grasp your interaction with Sihtric, and Gisela kept telling you how Sihtric was constantly looking at you. You chatted and took pictures with the other guys too, who were just as friendly as the first time you had met, but your eyes kept wandering back to Sihtric, and you always found him looking at you from across the room. When the meet and greet was over, everyone just waved goodbye to each other, but Sihtric was quick to run up to you, to give you another firm hug before leaving, and said if he found you in the crowd, he'd throw you one of his guitar picks. 
And before you knew it, you found yourself in the hot crowd. You were kinda close to the stage at first, but the crowd was constantly pushing and pulling, so you and Gisela moved further back halfway through the set.
As always, the show was fantastic, but when you left the venue you were sad you never got that guitar pick, as you had been too far away. Back home, you both couldn't stop staring at the pictures you got with your favourite member, and you posted your selfies separately on your instagram, tagging all members in their own photo. About an hour later you suddenly screamed, startling Gisela, who jumped up next to you on the couch.
'What happened?' she asked.
'S…S…S-Sihtric liked our selfie,' you wheezed, and just as you both looked at your screen, another notification popped up.
sihtric.kjartansson commented: beauty & the beast x
You felt dizzy and laid down on the floor, while Gisela took your phone to read the comment properly.
'Oh my god,' she laughed, 'he's totally into you!'
'Impossible,' you groaned, hiding your face behind your hands.
'Oh come on, we all stalk their pages, we know none of them ever comment. They rarely even like the posts they are tagged in!' Gisela said, 'you gotta dm him! He's totally flirting!'
'I thought about it, to… you know, thank him again in private but… I don't know…'
'You should!' she said, 'you should send a picture of you wearing one of those shirts he gave you, telling him it fits,' she giggled.
'Should I?' you frowned.
After some bickering, you finally agreed. You put on the comfy hoodie, which was the perfect amount of oversized, and you took a cute picture in the mirror. 
You: The merch fits! Thanks for everything. Had a great time meeting you again, sad I didn't get that guitar pick though, the crowd was rough. Great show regardless! :) 
You hit send and locked your phone. It was getting late and you were tired, so you decided to go home and sleep, figuring Sihtric would never reply anyway.
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The next morning you woke up and you had a near heart attack when you looked at your phone. Sihtric had liked your message and even replied. With shaking hands you opened your dms.
Sihtric: looking good lady x
Sihtric: sad I couldn't find you either, the crowd was indeed rowdy. hope you didn't get stuck in that mosh pit...
Sihtric: let me know if you're going to another show, I'll fix that pick for you x
You gasped, screamed and nearly cried. You screenshotted the messages and texted Gisela, who went feral too, and she asked what you were going to reply with. You had no idea yet, you needed some time to think. You also cursed yourself when you saw he had replied only 5 minutes after you had messaged him last night, while you were in bed already, trying to sleep. You figured he'd never reply again now, after 10 hours had passed by now, and you felt you had wasted the opportunity. 
After an hour you finally gathered your courage and replied.
You: I know better than to get near a mosh pit haha! unfortunately last night was the only show I'll be at, I couldn't get tickets for the last show :( better luck next tour maybe!
You locked your phone again and got back under your covers, and a minute later your phone buzzed. You thought it was Gisela, but your heart skipped another beat with you saw it was Sihtric again.
'Oh my fucking god,' you breathed and opened the message.
Sihtric: damn, lady. Definitely hit me up next time you're seeing us, yeah? x
You replied with trembling hands again.
You: will do :) thanks again! x
Right after you pressed send, it showed that Sihtric had seen the message, and he started typing. Your head was spinning, how was any of this even real. Sihtric, out of all members, was the one who used his social media the least. Yet here he was, responding to you within seconds.
Sihtric: no worries love
Sihtric: was lovely meeting you again
Sihtric: how are you doing today then? x
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @bel-bottoms @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx @urmomsgirlfriend1
214 notes · View notes
blueberrypancakesworld · 10 months
Elijah Kamski x fem!reader - I want your soul
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warning : minors don't interact/read, smut, p in v , mirror sex, some oral (f receiving), bondage, fluff/comfort, obsession
Summary : Elijah Kamski the genius behind the androids and their accessories. He was the genius of the most important man. Who was looking for someone to work with him on something. But did a genius like him really need help or was it something else he wanted, sought and needed to create something that would give him something in the end.
Info : Okay I've finally finished writing it I'm not completely satisfied for one thing because I've had this floating around for months and haven't finished it, I'm going to write an extra one with a few more themes that I hadn't done here. I hope the smut is good and the story is not too ripped out as always it should be as realistic as possible. Have fun reading :)
Ps : @thatsthewrongwallcraig I finally did it I hope you are still in your Elijah obsession have fun reading :)
Detroid had changed since she was born in 2013, it seemed the whole world had changed. Everything had become more modern, more technological and more efficient.
The whole world wasn't just getting closer to the old movies about the future, it had already overtaken them.
It opened up new paths, more possibilities and development was at a level that made them all but immortal. Until the androids came.
Developed by one man, a genius with an IQ of 171, Elijah Kamski. The young genius who developed the androids became a kind of god to some and the devil to others.
The devil for the people whose jobs he had taken away with the androids. He had everything, at least if you could believe the press and the news.
With the invention of thirium and biocomponent technology, he was also the founder of Cyber Life and the richest man on the planet.
He was the incarnate one. The incarnate one who one day launched a public appeal. Not something for a new project since his retirement in 2028 or an assistant or perhaps a successor.
It was rumors that went around the world but especially in Detroid made waves. Until the announcement came from Elijah himself and it was weirder than they had imagined.
Elijah wasn't looking for a successor, he was looking for a maid to inspire his new projects. It was a headline that the magazines ran with and something that caused a boom, suddenly the whole world seemed to be standing in front of the entrance to Cyber-Life's main building.
No one knew what was waiting for them inside, but they all hoped to work for Kamski. It seemed that only one thing mattered to them all. To see Elija Kamski and his money. Because they all knew he would pay well, or so they said.
The kilometer-long queue that stretched out in front had all kinds of people. Everyone who wanted the job would fight for a place. All except for one person, a young woman who was standing in the queue like everyone else.
She wouldn't necessarily walk over dead bodies and would rather take good advice from him that she needed for her studies or a tip for finances because she didn't have any.
To be honest, she was only here to take advantage of this small, minimal opportunity to get the money to pay for her studies and to pay back her parents who had taken on extra debt. A fact that weighed heavily on her heart.
Which is why she could use the money and paying a publisher to turn her script into a book wasn't cheap either and realizing a dream like that would be nice too. But as much as she wanted to, she had to survive the queue first.
I certainly wouldn't be the first to die because of all this standing, she thought, remembering all the people she had seen with tents and chairs. How they came out of the building with their heads hanging or cursing. They had missed their chance.
But she also felt how her feet had been hurting for hours, she had run out of the university as early as she could and yet she was one of the last. But after hours in which the sun would set again in a few hours anyway, it was finally her turn.
Saw how the entrance gradually came closer and closer. She finally had the chance to get to it. Will he notice? the question popped into her head and she became all the more aware of the notebook in her bag.
She didn't know how she should feel about it. Meeting the man who had fascinated her for as long as she could remember.
Meeting the man who was the lover in her book, everything was exactly the same except for the name. Initially in her late teens it was just a model she had used but now. It was more.
More than she perhaps wanted to admit to herself. ,,Miss, it's your turn," a voice snapped her out of her thoughts and her hand slipped into her pocket. Past her notebook and to her wallet and pulled it out.
She thanked the security guard after he had looked at her ID. Before she went into the building with a pounding heart.
She knew it from videos and pictures she had seen in her primary school days. Vague memories went through her mind as she saw an android approaching her.
It seemed as if they wanted to hold back the free spirit and not let people walk around here freely. Like a fake bird in a real cage. ,,Good afternoon, Miss, would you please follow me," he said and she saw the Led flicker briefly from blue to a brief yellow.
He must be announcing me she thought to herself and followed the android with a smile knowing that many others were hostile towards the machines.
Some even went so far as to beat up and kill the androids that didn't fight back. There were unpleasant headlines about severed body parts belonging to several missing androids. Headlines that sent shivers down her spine.
After all, who said that all the androids wouldn't be dead soon? ,,What is it that Mr. Kamski wants from me?" she asked as they walked through the foyer and stood in an elevator. The android stood in front of her and turned his head slightly towards her.
She saw exactly how his eyes avoided hers for a second before he said, ,,A test to see if you are suitable for the job you are looking for," and turned forward again. The quiet hum of the elevator was between them again and her purse had disappeared back into her pocket.
Her heart seemed to compete with her nervousness as the elevator arrived at the top floor of the building. The floor she had never been on before, at least not then.
It seemed almost unbelievable to be back here now. ,,Please, you have to go through this door, good luck," the android said, pointing to what appeared to be a door in the large white hallway with a few modern paintings, plants and bright lights.
,,Thank you," she mumbled and gave the android a small smile before stepping out of the elevator and walking towards the door.
She heard exactly how the android got back in and she was alone in the hallway. She knew she had to go forward. She finally had to go to the door and felt how each step seemed to get heavier and heavier.
But after a few seconds the moment was over and she put her hand on the handle. Opened the door and stepped into the room where she found the man who would give her a job.
The light in the room was dimmer, not so bright that it stung her eyes, it was most like a foggy afternoon with dark clouds hanging in the sky and the threat of thunderstorms. Her eyes fell on the occupied armchair that stood behind a glass table.
The light illuminated the figure slightly and she saw him. ,,Good afternoon, Mr. Kamski," she said, surprised that her voice had held and that she hadn't thrown up from nervousness.
She saw how he leaned forward slightly, the dark strands of his hair framing his face. His bright blue eyes watching her closely as if she were the machine to him and the androids were the humans.
As he briefly pointed to the chair she should sit down on, she obeyed his silent command, her slightly trembling fingers pulling the chair back and sitting down. The slight clatter of her bag seemed to be too loud in the room before she turned her gaze forward.
His eyes met hers and she almost forgot to breathe for a moment. He was everything. He seemed like it came from her imagination, the pictures, videos and articles. ,,Do you think an android can get nervous?" his voice suddenly rang out, so engaging that it seemed to drown out her heartbeat.
The question echoed in her head over and over again. ,,N-no I mean yes" she began to stammer and felt the warmth jump to her ears and cheeks.
Oh god pull yourself together! she screamed at herself in her head, swallowing the lump in her throat and digging her fingers into her jeans. ,,Yes... I do think that androids can get nervous. There are... deviants who show emotions, they are human too," she replied and looked up from her lap to the older one again.
Saw how he had tilted his head slightly. His gaze looked as if he was considering whether he should throw her out or do it himself.
,,So you're implying that androids are human? Are you questioning my work?" he asked, smirking as he could practically see the gears turning in her head. She was apparently trying to guess which answer was the right one.
After a few more seconds of silence, he saw in her gaze that she had found her answer. ,,No, I don't question it, I would say that it shows that the relationship between humans and androids is maybe doing something... maybe human," she dared to put up her tese and saw first to her fear how the small smile on his lips disappeared.
His bright eyes looked at her almost incredulously as if she had deeply offended him. I'll never get a job, she thought to herself and was about to reach for her bag when she heard the sound of paper.
,,Come to this address next week and have your tessellation completed Miss," he said and felt him put a card in her hand. She had it. She had the job.
She had finally got it. ,,Thank you! I mean thank you very much Mr. Kamski, I'll come," she said and grabbed her bags before walking out of the room. The big smile on her lips spoke for itself as the android seemed to rejoice with her on her way out.
But in that time, she hadn't even thought about what it meant to be with him. To move in with him, to be with him for more than just minutes or hours. Forever.
Because a mind infused with devotion and emotion overlooks the obvious. Overlooks the gaze of obsession.
The gaze of possession. The gaze of the rich and their greed for everything. Oh, he would do so much more with her than just have her around.
But she did what he said and came to the address on Monday of the next week. His house was out of town, secluded by roads, woods and rocks.
But when she parked her small car in front of the house, armed only with a bag, she realized once again what this meant. I feel like a little kid at Christmas, she thought as she walked up the stairs to his door. It was the season of winter, snow was slowly falling from the sky and looking behind her she saw the landscape slowly turning white.
Her coat kept her warm and the hat on her head kept her ears from freezing. Ringing the bell, she tried to concentrate on the time in front of her, not the cold.
A smile on her lips turned into a surprised look when a blonde woman opened the door for her. ,,Hello, you're Miss Sun right?" she asked the blonde woman who seemed as perfect as only an angel could be.
An android. ,,Yes, I am Mr. Kamski had given me his address for the job," she replied and saw that the blonde woman stepped aside to let her in. ,,Mr. Kamski is expecting you, please take a seat in the living room," she said, a small smile playing around her lips before she gestured towards the room.
The house was too big for one man to live in. But as she walked through the hallways and doors, the dark walls, saw the colorful paintings and the markings, she realized how different they were.
She was nothing compared to him and yet he had chosen her. He had seen something in her, something that set her apart from the others.
But what? What was it? Putting the bag down next to the table, she found herself in the living room. Didn't know whether she should sit down or not. Instead, she stood next to the table and looked around the room.
Only heard muffled footsteps coming towards her, the door opened and he came out. He came out of another part of the house. A black bathrobe on his body, she saw that his hair was still slightly wet, she could see a little of his upper body.
But his gaze, his bright eyes seemed to focus only on her, despite his appearance, he had lost none of his look. ,,Good afternoon, Mr. Kamski, your housekeeper said I should come here...I can wait too," she said and was about to reach for her bag when she heard his grin.
A smirk that led to an amused smile. ,,No, I wanted you to be here and that's why you're here. I suppose you found your way here all right?" he asked, but his interest was clear. She sensed that it wasn't about her life. It should be about her.
It was supposed to be about her work and what was going on inside her. ,,Yes, I did, I also revised my thesis again... Mr. Kamski could you tell me what the job is about now?" she asked as she watched him make himself a green protein shake, mixing the powder with the vegetables, the blender surprisingly quiet.
But he remained silent as he calmly made his drink before walking past her, gesturing for her to follow him. Grabbing her handbag, she followed him, not knowing whether she should walk beside him or behind him.
But she opted for the latter, not wanting to push her luck too far. She didn't want to compete with him. But why? Do I even have a chance? she asked herself and almost walked into him when he stopped.
,,Your room is all yours, I know it might be unpleasant but I would ask you to stay here. As far as my work is concerned, quick communication is essential," he said, leaning against the doorframe as he watched her. She watched as she looked around the room a little.
The room was three times the size of her own small room. Cave it could probably even fit her entire apartment in here. Staying here? For how long? the question popped up in her head and she looked at him slightly questioningly.
She saw that he knew what she was getting at and took a sip of his drink. ,,I don't think for a few more weeks...it depends on how good you are...oh and please just call me Elijah," he dismissed her with those words, closing the door behind him and taking her nervousness with him.
Her glance at her bag let her know that she had to go back to her apartment to pick up her things, but that she had still taken her book with her.
The words she had written about him, being in his house, working for him. ,,I really did it," she muttered and proudly began to unpack her things, set up her room and took her things with her. She tried to find Elijah only to run into Chloe who let her know that Elijah was at work.
Letting her know when he needed her to get her things. Which is why she found herself back in her apartment less than an hour later. Had walked back to the exit, past the pictures and cameras, past the Chloes and past his gaze without realizing it.
She didn't see what he was doing, she just knew she had to do something to formulate her thesis. And when she came back, she saw him again eating a salad at the table in the living room, but this time he wasn't wearing a coat.
He was wearing normal jeans, a dark shirt and glasses. ,,I see you're back, I'd like to read your thesis the day after tomorrow. To understand what's going on inside you," he said and gave her a slight smile. She felt her heart beat faster again, she agreed and went back to her room with her things. The smile on her lips was unmistakable.
Just as unmistakable as his approval. She did as he said as she joined him in his office, his workroom full of various technical things. ,,Elijah, I have my thesis," she said as she stepped inside after knocking and the door opened, she saw him working on an android model.
It was a construct of wires, metal and the pump that symbolized the heart, yet human features were recognizable.
He looked up from his work and something like surprise flashed in his gaze as if he was realizing something before he gave her a satisfied look and motioned her to his desk.
She handed him her tese and he grinned as he felt the paper in his hands. ,,Old-fashioned and yet not corruptibly good," he said as he took the paper properly before he began to read it. she remained standing next to him, watching his eyes run over the sentences.
He became more and more lost in her work, absorbing her words and becoming more and more absorbed in them. ,,Perfection, your idea of something non-living... very good, I'm proud. I would like you to design a model of it for me more deep thought" he baht she had turned towards her his hand had placed itself on her shoulder.
She felt his warmth, although she had always thought of him as cold, he was warm. He was welcoming and he made her heart beat faster, leaving her proud as he held her tese before giving her a smile and watching her walk out of the room.
Not knowing what his thoughts turned to as he went back to his latest project. Her thesis would help him. Everything would be perfect.
But she did what he said, worked on her work, didn't question him, wouldn't and shouldn't. Ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with him. Caught herself listening in the house to see if he was awake to go to the kitchen and make breakfast.
Usually did it with Chloe, who didn't need any sleep. The two of them talked and laughed and she forgot that the blonde was an android.
Forgetting what was happening around her, what was happening out in the world, what had ever happened. Because what she had was here. A job, a friend and a man who admired her and gave her support.
Or did she? Could she describe her life like this? How long had she been with him - days, weeks or even months? How often had she sat with him, revised her work and written down her inner life? What had happened?
,,My dear I will invite you to dinner and would like you to carry this here" she mumbled the words on the small card that lay on the gift wrapping paper that held something with fabric inside.
Unwrapping the gift, she saw the dark fabric of the dress and held it in front of her body. She could feel how expensive it must be, it was perfectly tailored to her body.
It was perfect in every way. As she stood in front of the mirror, she looked at herself in it and for a moment felt like she was on the same level as him. Was with him to the point that she meant something to him.
And she caught herself thinking that the only thing missing was the gold ring on her hand. But had she turned like this or had he made her like this? Did he want to make her like this? Or was everything bigger than he thought in the end? Was she programmed from the beginning to react like this, was it her feelings?
Was it his creation? She didn't let her thoughts get in the way and continued by putting red lipstick on her lips. She took one last look in the mirror before leaving her room. Hearing the clack of her shoes in the hallway, she walked into the dining room, finding no Chloe or any of her friends on her way.
She found only the silence of the house and heard the classical music coming from one of the rooms like a rhythm, the sounds played over and over again as she arrived in the candlelit room. ,,You look beautiful, I'm glad you put it on," he said, giving her the appearance of a choice she didn't have.
After all, what kind of woman would she be if she didn't comply with his request. ,,Thank you for the dress and the invitation," she replied, her gaze dropping for a moment before she saw him step into her field of vision, taking her hand and feeling his warmth as he led her to the table.
,,It's a multi-course meal to thank you for your work," he began, placing the first course of food, a simple soup, before reaching for the bottle of wine and pouring them both a glass.
She saw him sit down opposite her and they both ate in silence. But it wasn't unpleasant, on the contrary, the food, the sound of the cutlery and the music in the background created an atmosphere of comfort.
She couldn't see what was hiding behind his gaze as he concentrated on her. ,,Sorry I haven't had so much time for you in the last few days and weeks," he said, almost too suddenly, as he put down the spoon, his look apologetic but his voice seeming out of place. He was inappropriate.
A man who had spent time under machines could show emotion. ,,It's perfectly all right... I'm very glad we have this," she replied and finished her soup, not wanting to break the atmosphere.
She did as she was told before they got to the end of the meal and she didn't know what to do. She didn't have to because Elijah got up from his seat and walked over to her, offering her his hand before she walked next to him for the first time. His hand was on hers as they both walked towards his office.
His gaze was on her, watching her, looking for anything wrong. ,,I've taken the liberty of creating a new prototype...your notes and work helped" he began and walked over to the machine knowing she was listening to him, knowing she would do anything for him from this point on. He handed her the table with the data and watched as she looked over it, fascination in her eyes for his work.
He knew that she would always admire him, it didn't take much but he had read it. He had read her book and knew that she was truly the right person for his purpose.
That his inner self was right, his genius was right, his obsession was right. She let the shapes and processes on the table before she suddenly felt his hand on her shoulder.
He touched her in all the time she had been with him, he had never fully touched her now only when she had done something well. ,,What did I do well?" she asked, turning to him, the device with the thin screen still in her hand.
She kept still wanting more from him, the bond between them still far too strong. He saw her as his and she saw herself as his wife. It was and would be between them. It was her devotion in her brain for him, and it was his desire for her as his wife. For someone perfect.
,,Everything my love...you have no idea...what you've done to me," he murmured and she felt his other hand on her shoulder as he continued to touch her, praising her for something she couldn't do.
,,Can I do something for my existence?" she asked her inner question out to him, hearing his smirk, smelling the metal, the aftershave, snow and wine. Smelled him. Felt him so close to her and yet she didn't move. Stood still like someone waiting for an order.
Something he liked to have her the way he wanted her. Like an android. ,,You can help what you do... tell me, do you want to be free for a moment?" he asked, his hand moving over her shoulder and down to her hand. He gripped the tray and gave her the freedom to decide for a moment.
She could walk away or she could stay and give it to him. And she did. She gave it to him. ,,Free? But we're free, aren't we?" she asked, not knowing what he meant as he took the tray from her. Leaving the first kiss on her neck before he slowly moved her past the.
The office, like everything else, was just a pretext which she seemed to realize but it made no sense, it didn't matter, there was just the two of them and that should be enough. She hadn't been what she used to be for a long time.
But it didn't matter, it was about him and her, not about what had happened. She felt him leave more kisses on her skin as the doors opened in front of them and she felt the warmth on her cheeks, a natural reaction when she saw his bedroom. Dark walls reddish abstract paintings on the walls.
One might have thought that the pictures hid the portrait of a woman, but what did she know. At most, he saw her in the colors. Because he wanted to. Because understanding told him so. She felt him next to her, his hands gripped hers, her shy gaze found his.
Her uncertain, his almost demanding, the glasses helped him to see her better, even if he didn't need them. He would have her anyway. He slowly placed his hand on her side and pulled her close.
On the contrary, the closer he touched her, the more intimate she became. The more she wanted him. ,,That's it," he said with a murmur, apparently listening to her thoughts before she felt his lips on hers, kissing his warmth over her as she clung to him, almost searching.
He wanted the kiss more knew he was getting it. But she gladly gave herself to him. She felt safe. He had given her a job, given her a dress, given her everything.
Now it was only fair that she gave him something back, wasn't it? It was always like that. She only felt a dull sensation as he moved to her back and unzipped the expensive fabric flowing from her body. She stepped out of her shoes as if automatically, not wanting it to be over like this.
She wanted to please him without realizing that she was doing just that. ,,I've liked you ever since I saw you... like a perfection for me," he said, taking away her fear as he went to the bed, leaving her standing there, almost confused and full of shame.
The warmth on her cheeks increased as she felt flattered and crawled towards him on the bed, knowing that he was watching her, not hiding the fact that he found her attractive.
That he saw exactly how her nipples had hardened slightly from the cold. That his hands lay on the fabric and her shaky exhale. He had her body to himself, had her to himself. ,,Elijah you-me...you are everything," she murmured, knowing it was her mind veiled in lust.
The spirit that longed for Elijah wanted more. Wanted more of his touch. ,,I know that... I know everything, my love," he whispered to her, pulling her into another kiss before he let his hand wander over her breast again. He felt her shudder. ,,Poor girl...all these months without touch or pleasure...without me," he said, watching her.
Watched her through his Chloe's or had to know. Had given him lust without her knowing who his cameras were. She had shown him everything he needed to know. Always in the quiet of the night, he had touched himself to see what she had done.
He pulled her onto his lap, feeling her quick pulse as he kissed her neck, beginning to leave colorful marks on it, her warmth mingling with his as she held onto the cover in the dark bed.#
His hand that was not on her breast moved to her thigh. She felt her hips thrust out towards him, full of devotion, needing him. ,,I'm going to make you feel good look" he whispered to her biting lightly into her lobe hearing her shaky exhale feeling her lust could feel the tingling in her body as his rough fingers slipped under her bra.
Moaning his name, she pressed herself against him, feeling his own arousal against her back, yet he focused on her. Wanted to see her fall apart when he actually touched her.
She opened her half-closed eyes and looked at herself and Elijah out loud in surprise. Her own reflection in the mirror built into the closet. ,,Beautiful forever," he whispered to her and she moaned as she let his fingers wander over her center.
It was different where her fingers weren't even close enough, his seemed so much better. He felt her wetness through the fabric of her underwear, took his hand from her breast and let it wander over her body. Leaving red scratches, small bites, marks and kisses.
Driving her on as he repeatedly focused his attention on the little bundle of nerves. As her voice filled the room, the classical music drowning in it, he was also completely hard but with each of her shaky movements his hardness got some relief.
He rubbed himself lightly against her his breathing was slightly shaky and yet it made no difference. Because he dealt with her. Giving her more of what she wanted while his blue eyes were on her. Her gaze on the mirror. The trembling spread to her legs as she begged him for more.
But he knew he had watched her closely and knew when she was slowly coming to the end. ,,Look at you, darling... everything just for me," he continued to murmur, finally wanting to show her. His finger moved out of her only to add another one, keeping her better than her own, her hips in rhythm with him. His praise took her mind away.
His pace increased, her trembling increased and when he heard her murmur he knew she was nearing climax. ,,El-Elijah please," she said, resting her head on his shoulder, finally wanting to let go, her fingers digging into the dark bed. He gave her body more kisses before he gave her the okay.
He took his hand from her breast and gripped her jaw, forcing her to look at herself in the mirror. She fell apart around him with a throaty moan.
He pulled out of her, her heavy-breathing form relaxing to just a sporadic twitch of her legs as she came down from her high. Closing her eyes, he withdrew from her. Licked his hand clean and slowly pushed her away. Watched as she still wasn't completely back, but she didn't have to be. ,,Thank you for your time, my dear," he said, hearing only a murmur, but his gaze went to the mirror.
A flicker caused the android behind it to take away the image of the mirror, the projection disappeared and her image emerged in the form of the android.
,,I have recorded all the data, sir," said the android's voice, turning her gaze away from her human image. ,,Very well, interpret the data I want perfection darling," he said and his hand passed over hers but warmth met cold. The coldness of a machine before it went out. He was left alone with his muse, his darling.
Saw that she was asleep saw that she was unaware. Didn't know what his search for her had driven her to. ,,Sleep well my love," he said and withdrew from her, opening and closing the door. Left her alone.
Until he wanted her again, knowing that she would give him everything. That he had rebuilt her so that when her human shell died, he had her eternally living one. She was his, right down to her soul, she belonged to him and always had.
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seuonji · 1 year
彡 a different feeling — chwe vernon
notes ๑ x fem reader, fluff, college setting, long fic, friends to lovers, cursing, vernon is sooo oblivious (and unserious), vernon loves yn so much. they are so teenager here and they’re still figuring out how everything works. lowk dramatic.
2k words
「big thanks to my bestie who proofread this but also we both were in the middle of a food coma so there still might be some mistakes<3 」
—songs depicts how the characters feel at the moment.
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first part + currently playing - your face by wisp
๑ 'i want to feel, only when im with you."
the door of your class finally opened after what felt like an eternity. "yo," vernon who had been waiting for you says as he puts his arm around your shoulders.
"hey," you responded still not making eye contact with him, you were busy queueing songs to play during your travel. once you were done you gave him your other earphone and leaned on him slightly, "thanks for waiting by the way." "always," he smiles at you softly.
as you walked with vernon and looked around your school you noticed the stares you got from certain vernon fangirls. you knew it was kinda unfair for you to keep clinging onto your best friend like this, but something gives you a bad feeling in your stomach when you think of seeing vernon with another person. of course if ever he got with another person you’d stop, but for now, he was yours to keep.
"i think the girls in my class like your cool-guy-stance, they couldn’t take their eyes off you seeing you outside the window," you teased, he was always there waiting for you as long as you guys didn't have a conflict in schedule, he would always be able to get you from class and commute with you to your home. it's been like that since you guys got close in the beginning of college and found out you guys live near each other.
"im flattered," is all vernon had to say. you softly chuckled at his emotionless face. you moved on from the topic and talked about anything interesting that happened that day.
second part + currently playing - by your side by flatsound
๑ 'but i don't want to say goodbye, because it’s safer when i'm by your side.’
you guys got on your train and you sat on the only available seat. you gave up offering the seat to vernon, he would never take it. he stood in front of you and held the bar at the top to keep balance as you continued on with your story about a girl you dislike.
"and then, when i walked into the room kel said "hi yn!" and she hugged me!?" you expressed your disgust with your tone. "isn't kel the girl that talked shit about you?" vernon asked, super intrigued with your gossip. "EXACTLY- hey vern you missed your stop," you noticed when you took a looked at the train route. "huh- no i didn't?"
"you're going to seungkwan's place no?" seungkwan was vernon’s best friend from highschool. "i'm bringing you home first tho?" he mimicked your tone and rhymed. you laughed slightly and played with the hem of his jacket, "you don't have to bring me all the time.”
you lied. you preferred it when he stayed. train rides were more bearable with him.
he gently held your wrists in his hands and fiddled with the charms of the bracelet he gave you, “i’m not doing this cause i have to, i’m doing this because i want to.”
he was telling the truth. he loved being around you more than anyone else. that isn’t to say he didn’t want to meet his friends it’s just, a few more minutes with you, if he can take it, he will.
you grinned and leaned your head on his arm. he looked down and patted your head with his free hand. you don’t know why but something in you screamed that you wanted something more than this.
something felt different.
third part + currently playing - theres this girl by sign crushes motorist
๑ 'theres this girl, i hope she knows, how much she means to me.'
vernon got the key to seungkwan’s apartment that kwan gave him after realising vernon practically lives there. also one time vernon had to pee really bad and he was just outside the door knocking profusely— but seungkwan was wearing earphones and couldn’t hear him. but generally it could just be convenient and good for emergencies!
he quickly opened the door and threw his stuff on the floor along with his shoes.
“KWAN,” vernon stands infront of his friend that’s sitting in his living room, head rested on his hands like he was in a midlife crisis (he was). seungkwan slowly lifts his head revealing his bloodshot eyes with the glare that screamed don’t mess with me. vernon calmed down and pushed his suffering friends bangs away to touch his forehead, “you good bro?” “fuck college.” “true that.”
“hey vern,” seungkwan's roommate jeonghan walked in from the hall. they’ve been livng together since college started. "hey.”
“i'm taking a break and what’s up with you? you seem tense,” seungkwan got up from the floor and walked to the kitchen.
“i think i want to confess to yn," vernon stood in the center of the house like a lost cat.
both seungkwan and jeonghan froze. two people that hear at least 5 stories about yn per day. is it actually happening? is their otp actually getting together?
"excuse me?" seungkwan furrowed his eyebrows. "woahhh," jeonghan still stood in the hallway like the standing emoji. "who slipped up first?" he added.
"no one slipped up? i don't even think yn sees me that way."
"you oblivious gremlin- you two are closer than some married couples i know." seungkwan hissed. "that's just how we've always been." seungkwan slammed his hands on the dining table that was separating him from throwing hands at his blunt friend. jeonghan picked up the conversation as he hung his arm on the youngest's shoulder, "okay, why do you want to confess?"
"i can't really see myself being with anyone else."
"that's a good reason."
"i think i only have eyes for her." "okay this is getting cheesy," seungkwan cuts him off.
"but what if yn isn't interested and then our friendship becomes weird and then i have to live a life without her," vernon lays on the couch out of frustration.
"vernon, you and yn already act like a couple what makes you think a label changes anything," jeonghan stated while seungkwan nodded in agreement and took a sip from his glass while his free hand was on his hip. he was serving wine aunt.
jeonghan leaned against the wall and watched the helpless boy sulk, "i'm only gonna tell you this once, you'll never actually get together unless you try. and it's better to try. before you know it, she might be taken away by another guy, yknow?"
"yea," vernon replied defeatedly.
"you guys are close enough for you to try and it would be crazy for her to not have caught feelings, especially with the way she reciprocates your actions." he continued.
“kinda true.”
“unless she’s only close with you to make her crush jealous," seungkwan sips again as both stared at him, jeonghan with a hateful gaze and vernon with a, 'i thought you were on my side' look.
jeonghan instantly got up and ruffed up seungkwan's already messy hair and they bickered about why kwan would even say that. but anyways, regardless of what these two said, it all depended on vernon to make his move.
+ currently playing - ur so pretty by wasia project
๑ 'i'm so scared that the moments we shared won't happen again, i don't want this to end."
the typical routine of you clinging onto vernon happened again the next day. your arm was wrapped around his left arm, his right hand held your phone and it was his turn to queue the music today. you were expressing your joy with slightly jumping and tugging his arm over knowing that tomorrow would be the weekend but vernon was thinking about how you two might not be doing this anymore by tomorrow.
as you calmed down there was a silence but vernon broke it, “yknow you’re never going to get a boyfriend if you keep doing this.”
your heart sunk to your stomach, ‘where is this coming from?’ you thought but you maintained your composure and muttered, “i know.”
vernon looked at you, “you don’t want one?”
“i do.”
as you said that, vernon felt the world fall from behind him. could you be talking about the crush seungkwan made up— vernon was practically losing hair and sleep over a sentence he heard yesterday. having a crush on his best friend was one thing. realising he might have been inconsiderate to you was another. he knew how physically affectionate he is with you but he never bothered to ask you, was there someone else in your life that you wanted to share these experiences with. actually that was more or less a question he didn’t want the answer to.
at this point you both stopped walking and the air was heavy. your voice reached his ears but he didn’t know if it felt as sweet as before, “vern?” you stood in front of him reaching for his arm.
eventually he couldn’t bottle his feelings anymore.
he cupped your hands and spoke, “yn i really like you, like since we got close— since i met you probably so if you like someone else just tell me i can handle it,” he can’t handle it, but this was the right thing to do, right?
it was so silent you could hear the breeze.
vernon continued “i don’t want to hold you back, i want you to be with the person you like—“
+ still playing - ur so pretty by wasia project
๑ 'so hold me, don’t leave me.’
you launched yourself onto him and hugged him.
vernon couldn’t tell why you did that. was it out of pity? a friendly hug?— you guys hug all the time but why did this feel different from the one last week? in the end, he couldn’t find it in him to care if there was a motive or something of that sort. he just wanted you. in that moment all he could do was absorb it. he closed his eyes and caressed you in his arms.
“i like you too. you idiot.”
vernon stood there dumbstruck. ‘no way,’ he mouthed.
he would’ve called you out for pranking him if it wasn’t for your overly sentimental voice that pierced his heart.
there was a long pause before he responded, “you sure?”
you slightly parted from the hug to face him, “fuck you mean ‘you sure’? does it really look like i’m looking at other people?” you sandwiched his face in between your hands. his arms were still around your waist and he laughed at your reaction, “sorry, sorry.”
you beamed at his gentleness and he got so lost in your eyes. “do you want to date me?” he said breathily. you jumped back into the hug, “of course!?”
‘there’s no way that worked,’ vernon thought. you two continued your walk to the train, while holding hands! but also vernon’s legs felt like jelly from the shock. he was walking so slow you thought you were going to miss your train.
fortunately you both got onto the train and got to your usual position. you got on your phone with one hand to reply to any messages you had while the other was holding vernon’s.
vernon was also on his phone and he couldn’t fully pay attention to you, “sorry, give me a second i need to tweet this to seungkwan and jeonghan.” you snickered at his seriousness and way of phrasing.
vern, kwan & han
vern: i did it
kwan: you burnt something down?
vern: i’m dating yn
han: WOAHHHH 👏
han: i told you!
kwan: don’t get too happy, this could be another one of his dating yn dreams. did you just wake up?
vern: *attachment of you two holding hands*
he instantly got a phone call from the two and it ended within mere seconds. you could still hear someone talking on the other line but vernon hung up.
“seungkwan and jeonghan invited you to dinner tomorrow.”
“are they your parents or something.”
“more or less.”
it was a calm train ride until you realised something. “why did you keep talking about me liking someone earlier?”
vernon sighed, “fucking seungkwan.”
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mitamicah · 2 months
Gig repport: Allas Sea Pool, Helsinki July 5 2024
Here follows my experiences with Käärijä at Allas Sea Pool, Helsinki on July 5 2024.
Having a bit longer to the venue than with Backas two days prior I went out around 7 and met up with @jaarijani and @pianist-chan at the queue. I was genuinely surprised to learn how many people had made personalized bracelets for me including @n3ongold3n that made ‘greatful’ and ‘the bojan’ (hopefully I remember right :'3) plus Anna (a finnish fan that doesn’t have tumblr) that had made a bracelet saying sunflower ‘auringonkukka’ inspired by the original version of Cha Cha Cha and because I “shine like a sunflower”. I sticked one of my Allas stickers on the bridge next to the venue and later learned that @omppupiiras had put cornpea Kä next to it, although sadly I’ve been told that cornpea Käärijä is gone now. It was also so cool seeing my own art being printed as stickers by @krishoney <333
@hika-chachachan joined our group going to breakfast and we got to play some Uno at the café. (We later learned that had we stayed at the venue we’d seen Häärijä do random stuff behind the gate).
Back in the queue I started regretting having left my sign at home (I had made a sign asking Jere to write ‘Are You’ for a tattoo to match the one I have from Bojan, but I’d left the sign in Denmark since I’d experienced it gave me nothing but trouble when brought it to Böle). Then I noticed some empty pizza boxes so I asked the kääryle next to them if I could borrow the lid and they were more than happy to give it to me when I told them the occasion. Not long after having made my spontaneous new sign was finished, me and @teal-skull went to get some food from the market in front of Allas, where I again got reindeer this time in form of a hotdog (I was too curious).
Jesse had been very active around the queue jumping back and forth over the fence and just before 5 I noticed him standing a bit behind doing his job. I tried to sneakily gift him one of my last stickers yet the moment I had decided to try a security person called for us to form the line so instead of being subtle I ended up skipping to Jesse, giving him a smile and a nod and skipping back in line without another word.
We (me, Skull and Cass) ended up getting second row just in the middle of the stage. Waiting for the concert to start Cass commented that she heard Trafik! Everywhere so we went to Joost’s tiktok where he is known to randomly share his music sometimes out of the blue and a snippet of the song had been released to IG music. That together with Joker Out randomly confirming that Šta Bih Ja (a song we’ve waited and craved since march) would be released next week – made us over the moon excited.
Jessica was right behind us so given I had a bit better of a spot I offered to film Huhhahhei for her with her GoPro. Not far after Käärijä was done performing that song he started “Are You”ing the crowd so I immediately threw my sign in the air an he noticed and jokingly said he’d write it on my ass later. The set today was also amazing, yet it was hard to compete with Backas for me. I must admit that getting Fantastista (a song I never believed I’d be lucky to hear live) was a treat tho.
After the gig I decided to make it my goal to bring my tattoo journey to a homerun looking for Jesse or Häärijä to get my autograph book to Jere (since he had technically been promising me the tattoo now). Yet both times I was able to spot Jesse I wasn’t fast enough – one of those times I had to choose between being rude to @icbimakb that went to talk and to offer stickers or let Jesse go and I chose the latter. At the merch table I was very alert and obviously nervous which Anna (the person that gave me the sunflower bracelet) noticed. They offered to talk with security since they had experience in the tv industry so they knew how to handle security – also they could speak Finnish much better than I can. I gave Anna my book, pen and sign right before the other security started to rush us out, so for a moment I feared I’d lost my book (that already held Bojan’s Are You and cute Backas messages inside) for good. Right before we were tossed out, Anna came back with a signed book, and the people next to me thought I was going to faint (I went into semi shock). Having to calm down me and Anna said goodbye to the others and placed ourselves in front of the fence outside Allas so we were accidentally present when Jere, Häärijä, Jesse and the bodyguard came out waving goodbye at the crowd (my voice was so destroyed all I could do was cheer at him with a sound that wasn’t unlike the chicken at the end of Kot Kot). Anna and I then went together to the central station just talking (amongst other things we agreed to meet up Tuesday since Anna had a Cha Cha Cha beer can she wanted to gift me).
Trinkets from Allas v
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My quickly made sign + Jere's handwriting
Official Häärijä shirt
Auringokukka bracelet from Anna (not on tumblr)
Bojere card from Elmi (not on tumblr)
Dalton sticker (not sure who so please let me know if it was you :'D)
Sticker collection from @icbimakb <3
Barry, Koppi Tulles, Rock Rock and Paidaton Riehuja bracelets (not sure who so please let me know if it was you :'D)
Piña Colada and Glöggi bracelets from @hika-chachachan
Toiset Samanleiset sticker from lov.illust (not sure about your tumblr url if you have one)
Hojan, Häärijä and Bojere bracelets (not sure who so please let me know if it was you :'D)
Pokemon card (not sure who so please let me know if it was you :'D)
Kris, Bojan (both my art - printed with permission) and Joker Out sticker by @krishoney
Are You and Are We bracelets from @carpblu
Greatful and The Bojan bracelets from @n3ongold3n (again let me know if this is wrong :'D)
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foreverisntenough · 6 months
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Summary: While you daydreamed about his face an ocean apart, he had no idea what yours was about to do to him. With a twist of fate and the heat of summer, a new relationship would completely ransack his heart - Everyday heavy with the thought of one another, neither of you were going to let the unexpected love of your life go. You were going to be his, you were his, and you were going to stay his.
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestive, smut love bombing, little sad, and kind of angst- not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: I hope you like it! There will definitely be more parts (don’t know how many just yet though.)
Chapter 16 - ‘You’re Mine’
(This chapter feels long and is exaggerated but what isn’t about the whole series.)
It was another match day. It was raining as usual and you sat in your kitchen gathering things before Marcel was set to pick you up from your house. You two had gotten really close, you spent so much time together over the years. You joked that you spent more time with him than you did Trent but the hours you spent in bed with Trent probably tipped the scales in his favor. You were together just about every match and had developed a little routine. You could technically drive in the UK with your US license for now. In the next year though you’d have to take an actual UK driving test if you wanted a real license which you were planning on doing but we’re putting off so your boyfriend's little brother drove you around. You two would go to a particular coffee shop you both liked every home game, it felt comfortable but when you went in today something felt off.
“I know I sound crazy... but do you feel like people are looking at us?” You hushly asked Marcel waiting in the queue.
“I am the best looking brother, it happens, people know…” he goaded, staring ahead debating if he wanted to venture away from his usual order.
“Humble too… but no, seriously.” You quipped back.
“Erm… “ he looked around the place assessing if anything was different, and it did feel different. “Now that you mention it, maybe a little… Don’t worry about it.” He tried to reassure you but put his hand on your shoulder moving you in front of him in the queue just in case. The Alexander-Arnold’s kept a low profile but they were known in Liverpool, when the boys walked in anywhere it was noted. The three brothers, obviously Trent, but all three really felt inclined to make sure you were okay. You weren’t actively trying to keep the relationship under wraps but your presence alone over time caused people to take more and more of an interest in Trent’s personal life and they were doing anything to get some insight. The uptick in curiosity was apparent to his family as it had changed from what they had been used to and it now was involving someone else; you.
When you were next in line the barista’s jaw slacked a little recognizing Marcel. You put your phone on the counter mindlessly before ordering and her eyes glanced down at your screen. Your background was a photo of Trent picking you up after a match, legs wrapped around him, still in his full kit, kissing. Her eyes widened, putting all the pieces together that the ‘mystery girl’ she and the whole city, country had seen, still unidentified in posts about Trent’s relationship, was in front of her and 100% in a serious one with Trent.
Marcel stopped the awkward encounter in its tracks interrupting it to place his order. When you got your drinks he trailed behind you making sure no one was going to bother you. Finally back in the car, relieved and back to normal banter with Marce, you got an abrupt call from Trent.
“Hi baby,” you cooed with a silly smile, answering excitedly to hear his voice.
“Can you do me a favor, beautiful?” His words came fast and he sounded a little stressed. You told him you would and he calmed hearing you and thanked you mushily with a few ‘I love yous’ before he even got to the actual task. Marcel rolled his eyes, able to overhear the excessively affectionate conversation.
“Could you bring me my headphones? I think I left them at home. I don’t know where. They aren’t here. I need them. I need them before the match.” He was panicking at the thought of shaking up his usual routine.
“Course, T. It’ll be fine. I’ll get them and be there soon.” You reassured him.
“Nah, it’s not like I’m the one actually really going to be doing this or anything..” Marcel yelled for Trent to hear. Trent knew you wouldn’t say no to helping him and Marcel wouldn’t say no to helping you so it was a chain of coercion. Trent was at the hotel with the team before the game, his car parked at Anfield already so even if he was allowed to leave, which he wasn’t, he couldn’t go get his headphones himself.
When you arrived at the hotel, security had to let your car through barricades. There were hundreds of fans surrounding the gates of the hotel knowing it was where the squad gathered every match. Trent met you and Marcel down in the lobby. It was rare for you to see him on match days so this favor turned out to be a pleasant one. Marcel kept his hand on your back from the car to the front entrance. His frame blocking yours from the fans. Trent greeted you both getting his headphones and the camera shutters were clattering outside. Trent dapped up Marcel as he wished him good luck. It was sincere but incredibly bro-y. Your interaction couldn’t have been more opposite. The crowd outside’s view was skewed, blocked by trees, a pillar in the hotel, other people in the lobby, but some of the onlookers were adamant to see what was happening, recognizing his brother and spotting Trent appear inside. Trent pulled you into his chest placing a kiss on your forehead whispering in your ear furthest away from the doors so no one could make out what he was saying but it was all being captured. He couldn’t help himself as his hands slid from holding your lower back while you three talked quickly to slip down to palm and squeeze your ass. You left with a kiss to his cheek and a tight hug before Marcel swung his arm around you to walk to the car leaving.
Once Trent had his headphones the team could proceed with preparations and went for their pre-match walk around the city. A little boy stood patiently on a corner holding a number 66 shirt so Trent stopped mid stride talking with Dom to sign a little boy's jersey.
“All good mate?” Trent cooed, taking the shirt from him.
“Do you have a missus?” The little boy bluntly asked.
“Uhh..” Trent was shocked by the question, his brows furrowed and he pulled away before laughing it off. Dom squeezed Trent’s shoulder at the direct and funny question.
“What’dya need to know what I’m up to off the pitch for?” Trent asked teasing, diverting from his lack of answer.
“I think you should date my sister so we could be related, you could be my brother.” The little boy's logic was wild but it was cute and endearing.
“I’m happy at the minute lad but thanks for thinking of me. You’re a big fan, yeah?” The little boy nodded eagerly. “We’re bros then. Reds are family.” Trent bent down and squeezed the little boy's arm, his mum thanked him for stopping before he and Dom walked away. She had captured the sweet encounter on video for her son to remember and posted it to her Twitter tagging him to share how kind Trent had been. The video fell into the abyss before it was spat into the algorithm and started racking up likes. The nice video turned into fuel for a fire that was already brewing on the app.
A Liverpool fan account shared a few videos and photos they’d taken at the hotel as live updates before the match. One particular post read ‘Alexander-Arnold last minute delivery before tonight’s clash’ including a bundle of photos and videos of you, Marcel, and Trent’s interaction. Its original intent was harmless but spiraled quickly when fans became interested in who delivered the item rather than what it was. Tweets and replies were multiplying at a rapid rate in discussion.
‘If we win tonight it’s thanks to another Alexander-Arnold’s assist’
‘What could he really need that badly to hold up the whole team?’
‘If that’s his brothers girl, I’d be throwing hands when Trent gets home’
The tweets were dramatic and exaggerated but the discourse ran wild with the tweet about you being his brother's girl. Simultaneously the heartfelt video with the little boy was generating another discourse about his current relationship status. Accounts were quick to call out Trent’s avoidance in his reply.
‘Wait.. but answer the question. Does he have a missus?’
‘If I was the girl he’s always seen with I’d be screaming’
‘Why didn’t he answer’
There were paralleled conversations about Trent and they both involved you. When the inevitable happened and the discussions merged ‘Alexander-Arnold’ began to trend on Twitter. You were blissfully unaware of it all unfolding going to the stadium. The internet dialogue continued as you entered Anfield with Marcel and Dianne. You were walking down the steps of the open air seats in the box to sit down to watch Liverpool warm-up when someone in an adjacent section took a video when Trent blew a kiss to you. A DM including the video was sent to a Liverpool update account who quickly reshared the message.
‘She’s here tonight btw with his family. Definitely together.’ Definitely not his brother's girl.’ The video featured you leaning on the bar in front of your seats, it panned to Trent’s kiss, then back to you smiling making a heart with your hands down to him. People were desperately just looking for confirmation of the relationship and this video was only feeding the beast.
After another win, you left the stadium with Trent headed back home. Pulling out, the car, as expected, was flooded with camera flashes. The photos quickly uploaded to the continuing Twitter narrative. A storm was brewing and you had no idea. Before, during, after... it was being rubbed in the public’s face you were together but they knew nothing about you.
You weren’t much of a Twitter user but the buzz there had leaked over onto Instagram. You were on your explore page scrolling mindlessly, Trent’s hand holding your other in his lap, when you jolted up seeing a video zooming in on you in the box tonight.
“Oh my god!” You exclaimed in the relatively quiet car.
“You okay?” Trent's eyes widened at you before speaking again, “baby...”
“Just… erm. Someone posted videos of me at the stadium.” You muttered out shocked not looking away from your phone, swiping to only see more photos.
“That’s happened before though, no?” Trent tried to downplay it in hopes it would settle you. You had gone almost two years keeping things private but lately…things had started to get a little out of control.
“Yeah, but this is like… my face. It’s about me. I’ve always just been in the background. People are talking about me… specifically.” You mumbled lost in your phone screen.
“When we get home, I’ll look at it, baby. It’ll be okay. Promise.” He kissed the back of your hand continuing to drive. As you had discussed you weren’t hiding the relationship and people were bound to talk. People would eventually want more details but your private information wasn’t up for grabs. This was the first time though there was direct focus on you.
“Did you still want to go out tonight?” Trent was hesitant with his question seeing your obvious discomfort with the online attention but he needed to know. It wasn’t often players, specifically Trent, went out after games. There was a break in the fixtures though and some of the boys wanted to grab a dinner together tonight thanks to the earlier kick off time.
“No, it's fine, T…” you said, leaning your head onto his shoulder looking for some solace. He pulled into your driveway and seeing the warm light emitting from your front door made you feel a little better. It was your little sanctuary tucked away in suburbia, just you and him together. That didn’t last long though when another set of car lights came beaming down the driveway.
“Think Dom came straight here. You gonna be okay, baby?” He spoke, pulling you off him to look into your eyes trying to see an honest answer. You could only nod. When you got into the house, Trent and Dom went straight into the kitchen, you told them you had to go upstairs to change, trying to get a moment alone. The videos of you today had accumulated thousands of comments about you. You scrolled what felt like endlessly until your phone was plucked from your hands.
‘Erm… who the fuck is that?’
‘He could do so much better’
‘TAA scoring on and off the pitch’
‘Ngl not good enough for me’
‘Honestly, gross.’
“Stop…” Trent had come upstairs. He knew you well, he knew you were running away trying to hide being upset from him. He snatched the phone away from you sitting on the edge of the bed to stop the flood of self doubt you were feeling. “Do you know who I’m looking for in the stands every match?” You didn’t respond just looking blankly around the room. “Hmm?” His hand was a little harsh, grabbing your chin to turn it up to him.
“Me..” you quietly said, rolling your eyes at his persistence to make you feel better.
“And who are you looking at..” he cooed, still holding your chin. His thumb caressing under it.
“You… T.. stop.” You pulled away getting actually annoyed with him.
“Baby…me and you. That’s it. Why do you care about people who we aren’t even aware are there? I’m looking at you, that's what I’m paying attention to.”
“T.. I’m not like you, people talking about me doesn’t just roll off my back.” You quipped standing up. He pulled at your shirt to keep you close.
“C’mere” your body pressed into his. He was tired and a little frustrated, not able to understand how you were feeling. His aggression started to seep through as lust. “Gonna be a good girl? Put something pretty on for me to go out? Hmm?” He was teasing you, his lips pressing to your neck now nipping a little at your skin, pulling a soft moan from you. “Hmm, baby? Let me take you out, show everyone how sexy you are for me?” His hands came to stroke down your thighs squeezing at your legs.
“T, please.” You whimpered.
“Answer me… gonna be a good girl?” His words felt like a drug, your brain had gone hazy, the sensation of his hands and lips on you had intensified.
“Y-yeah, okay baby. I can be a good girl for you tonight.” You whined and felt his cock twitch at your words. He let you initiate a passionate make out. It was mean but he pulled away. He slapped your ass, pressing his lips to yours once more before he walked towards the bathroom. “Hey!” You yelled after him flustered.
“Go on, we’ve got to go soon.” He said looking at you through the mirror with a smug smirk gesturing to the wardrobe.
He went downstairs and you got ready to go. You, Trent, Tyler, Dom, Curtis and a few other friends were going into Manchester for dinner. You came into the living room where the boys were, albeit a little shy after all the online commentary on your appearance. You weren’t sure if Trent told them but the boys were actually incredibly sweet telling you how good you looked for a change instead of the usual jeers. Trent got up to come over to give you a big hug.
“You know how much I love you, baby?” He whispered, lips pressed to your ear. His words sent a shiver up your spine. You just nodded, still feeling the remnants of your confidence being knocked down a few pegs. You sat on the edge of the couch starting to put on your shoes. You opted for a pair that brought back a warm familiar feeling. They were the pair of black heels you wore on your first date with Trent. The ones that wrapped and tied around your ankles. Trent offered to help you tie them so he came over and sat on the floor in front of you. His face perfectly aligned with your core. You were in a black mini skirt and he smirked at his view of your legs open a little so you didn’t close them. He just wrapped the leather strings around your ankles slowly, eyes fixed on the little material covering you. When he was done his hands stayed on you gliding up your legs as he stood up. Hands going up your calves, over your knee, gripping your thighs harshly to push himself off the floor. He leaned towards your face, you expected a kiss but he went straight to your ear biting it.
“You're so hot, you're gonna lemme take those panties off you later?” He whispered. Trent was trying to build your confidence back up and to be honest it was working. Having a man at your feet, staring at your panties asking to take them off later had you smug.
With your mini skirt, you wore a long sleeve sheer black top with a black bra underneath showing it intentionally. You actually really liked the look when you caught a glance again in a mirror in the foyer as you were leaving, setting the alarm to the house. While you typed in a code Trent’s hand crept under your skirt to squeeze your ass but he managed to pull the material up completely exposing your butt too.
“T!” You exclaimed, very aware your whole ass was out.
“Relax… everyone’s outside. Just f’me yeah?” He said in a sexy voice and as you scanned the room noting you were actually alone and gave in to his persuasion.
“So needy… gonna be like this all night?” Your eyes feigned innocence. You grabbed his hands and guided them around you to place them over your exposed ass. Once his hands were where you wanted them you took your hands off his and slid them over his chest slowly upward until you got to his neck wrapping your hands around it, digging your nails behind his head. You hummed when he started to massage your ass, your bodies coming to press together. Your faces were so close. Your glossy lips kissed his slow when you gently pushed your hips into him. He groaned a little at the movement only to squeeze you tighter and push a harder kiss back to you. He pinned you up against the entry way console, picking you up to sit atop it, him coming to stand in between your legs. His hands slid under your top up your back pulling your body into his. You moaned in his mouth at the feeling. If people weren’t waiting for you this would’ve ended up differently but instead you pulled away. His hands coming off your back up to your cheeks.
“All night.” He finally answered your question and it had you giddy. You both were incredibly aroused leaving the house so it was bound to be an interesting night. You closed the front door and got into some luxury car service completely lost on you, your focus was on Trent’s hand around your waist squeezing you, his thumb tucked in the waistband of your skirt. The boys had to kind of travel separately and enter stagnantly to avoid complete chaos. So you went in one car with Trent, Dom and Tyler. It was filled with a lot of noise, the boys all yelling about nonsense but it all sounded like static, the whole world blurred around you but Trent. You were lost in a moment gazing at him wondering how he got to be so perfect. He had pulled your legs over his. He wrapped one arm around your back, the other holding onto your thigh, while your hands played with the fingers of his hand on you. His body was so warm. He was so beautiful. You could stay in a trance like this for hours watching his lips move, his eyes light up, dimples appearing in big smiles and then disappearing but it was cut when the car came to a stop in front of the restaurant.
“Let’s go eat, beautiful,” Trent said, nuzzling his head into your neck playfully.
When the driver opened the door the all too familiar white barrage of flashes returned. Trent grabbed your hands and squeezed them. “Me and you.” He whispered before helping you out of the car. He held your hand tightly walking into the restaurant. When the door of the restaurant closed behind you he grabbed your hips swiftly pressing his body to your back behind you. His lips pressing kisses to your neck. “Okay?”
“With you… yeah. Always.” You said hands snaking up to hold his face for a quick kiss. Even in moments of distress he made you feel at ease, always sure to check on you. Unfortunately, the restaurant wasn’t that much calmer than the scene outside. This was a pretty popular spot that footballers seemed to frequent, it was expensive, it had good security, you guessed good food but it was just more so known as a domain of theirs hence the photographers outside anticipating the arrival of a few if not more players. It was a big place. Your table was a large one for all of you tucked behind an ornamental tree providing a screen from the front of the restaurant and potential for outside photos. You slid onto a bench Trent coming to sit absurdly and unnecessarily close to you but you liked it that way. Per the restaurant's standards an incredibly attractive girl came over to introduce herself as the server. She was very nice and returned promptly with bottles of liquor ‘on the house.’ It was ludicrous these boys were given so much for free given how much they made but you were just along for the ride and weren’t going to complain having a seat at the table.
After receiving the menus, Trent held up his childishly high to cover your faces to kiss you. His hand slipped around your waist gripping the material of your skirt. You couldn’t not smile but pushed the menu down, pulling away from the kiss to lean your head onto his shoulder, attempting to move your body even closer into his.
It wasn’t long after you had ordered that a group of younger girls came up to the table giggling. You understood the infatuation. They stumbled over words but eventually got some out.
“H-hi..” the first girl giggled, hiding behind her friend. Dom's eyes widened watching the girls lose all common sense when he looked at them. When they pushed closer to the table Trent’s hand possessively came to grip your thigh tight and high pushing your skirt up a little where you had to adjust it not to show your panties.
“Okay?” Curtis asked the group not really caring for their answer but just wanted to see them squirm seeing as this was a little amusing. You looked at Tyler shaking your head at them entertaining the girls falling over them. The girls weren’t all that young though after getting a better look. They probably were close to Curtis and Doms age so you gave them the benefit of the doubt maybe they had drank too much.
“Could we get a quick picture?” One girl finally got to what they came over for. Tyler almost interjected seeing as the boys were just trying to eat dinner with friends but let it play out. When Dom confirmed they could he stood up and walked around the table next to the girls who continued in their fit of giggles. At this point you deduced they were definitely drunk but you thought it was funny and a little sweet, not something you couldn’t see you and your friends doing. Definitely the giddy demeanor around boys who looked like they did. Trent hadn’t really paid mind to the situation, he acknowledged them of course, he’d never be that rude but he didn’t say much.
“I can take it if you want,” you smiled offering. Tyler looked at you with a ‘thank you’ expression because this interaction seemed to be dragging, taking a long time with the intermittent giggles.
“Oh my goodddd! Thank youu sooo much!” The girl was definitely slurring. Dom placed himself between Trent and Curtis still in their seats with the girls nestled in between them. Trent slid over on the bench some for the picture but kept his hand on your leg, just moving it down as he got further away. You took a couple photos for them.
“Can you take one with flash..?” One girl called out. You said sure. The light from the phone's camera though was like an alarm bell for people in the restaurant to register who was at the table.
“Here ya go” you said kindly, holding the phone out for the girls to grab after the photos. Trent pulled himself back over to you. You smiled at him softly. He returned the smile, gaze now locked back on you; his hand coming to brush up your spine to your neck, gripping it gently, stroking his thumb over your skin.
“Thank you! Sorry and you’re…?” one girl questioned who you were as she reached for the phone curiously watching Trent’s hands all over you.
“My girlfriend,” Trent answered for you. It was definitely short but he turned toward them with a smile.
“Oh! Omg she’s actually your girlfriend!” They all kind of murmured together simultaneously. Their tone and look of connecting all the dots in their head was enough for Tyler. He nodded at someone who worked at the restaurant who swiftly came over to the table and asked the girls to go on their way. The table continued on with the conversation you were in before like nothing happened but you definitely didn’t miss one of the girls sitting back at her table taking a photo of what looked to be directly of you.
You sat through the meal happily, probably having a drink too many but you blamed it on the bottles that kept appearing. Trent kept a hand on you at all times. You shared a quick kiss and nuzzled into him as you listened to Curtis tell a chaotic story. You were so comfortable under the influence of Trent and Tequila it was almost lost on you you were out in public for the moment. A table across from you, one behind Curtis, was pointing at Dom so you watched them talk about him, in a literal sense, behind his back. It was after that when you felt like you got a bit paranoid. It felt like there were eyes on you. You could feel the text being sent at the table next to yours ‘omg Liverpool players sitting next to us at the restaurant. Trent Alexander-Arnold is all over that girl… not that pretty in person imo’
Dinner wrapped up and your paranoia was broken in half when you heard Trent’s voice above you.
“Ready?” Trent said, holding out his hand for you to stand up.
“Thank youuu” you cooed while holding onto it, bringing his arm around your waist once you were fully standing up in front of him. Your faces pressed close together your noses brushing against each other saying mushy things till he placed a kiss on your lips. While you two stood there in your own world a man stopped Dom and Curtis for a photo. They graciously took one. The man posted the photo right away to instagram in excitement tagging both boys. The photo picked up more traction than a usual fan photo though when you and Trent were lit by the flash kissing holding onto each other in a way that could only be described as ‘in love.’ It was probably the first picture, a zoomed in, cropped, low res one, but the first proper one people had been able to see you were a couple. It was a quiet answer to all the questions; you weren’t with Marcel, you weren’t a friend of the family; you were most definitely Trent’s girl. The storm began to brew again online.
You left the restaurant hand in hand with Trent, the white flashes filled your eyes again, leading you to the car. He helped you get in but stood close to your body to block the view in case your short skirt slipped too high. You held onto his hand and stepped in dragging him in after you giggling a little as he stumbled in. He sat in the back seat and pulled you onto his lap. You felt like you could hide a little tucked in the back of the car waiting for the others to walk out so you grabbed at his face to give him a kiss but your body so close to his mixed with the drinks from dinner the innocent peck snowballed into a messy makeout. The cameras continued to shutter when Dom exited the restaurant walking to get into your car. The bright lights illuminated the interior of the car, you were unaware that the cameras could see inside while memory cards of media outlet’s press cameras filled with images of you on top of Trent passionately kissing, hands all over each other. The steamy moment only broken up because Dom opened the door to get in.
It was a night off for the boys, drinks were flowing, and you started to really let go of what people might be thinking of seeing when you were with Trent. No camera or headline could outweigh the love in Trent’s eyes when you looked at him. The car pulled away from the restaurant and drove a short distance to a club that had invited them to have a private table. With your newly developed detachment from the attention, Trent’s hands on you didn’t feel like a form of reassurance but a confirmation that it truly was just you and him. The ride to the club felt much more free, you could still feel the warmth from the cameras but it didn’t ignite your anxiety the same. You didn’t care, you were a little drunk on tequila and really drunk on love when you finally arrived.
It was like a familiar replay of entering the restaurant but as you exited the car to enter the club you felt more prepared to ignore the barrage. You were a little braver facing the lights. Trent held your hand and you squeezed his, your other hand gripped his forearm while he kept his head down guiding the two of you inside. You definitely didn’t like it but it’s how it was going to be on nights like this. Once everyone had made it in, security took you to a roped off area. The boys seemed unphased but you watched phones follow the group from the door to the section once they realized who was walking in. When you got to the section Trent pulled his hand away from yours and wrapped you in a tight hug, swirling you around with a kiss. It was a nice area filled with couches, tables of liquor, lights, the music was loud, and it overlooked a large dance floor but he was acting as if it was a closed off private room. If he was going to be okay with it then so were you.
It was a really fun night. You were drinking a lot more than you should’ve. You knew tomorrow it would seem like terrible logic but right now it was helping you cope with the amount of phones that seemed to be videoing your every move. You were straddling Trent’s lap on a je of the couches when he went to grab a bottle of tequila off the table to make a drink.
“Gimme!” You cooed in his ear taking the bottle of Don Julio 42.
“You want this baby?” Trent held the bottle further away from you just to tease so you whined rolling your lips into a pout. He caved immediately at the sad look that was swept off your face in an instant when you got what you wanted. You took a small swig from the bottle directly and Trent's eyes widened, he shook his head laughing. You leaned into him. You kissed his neck working your way up to his ear. His arms wrapped around your waist tightened. His hands gliding under your shirt. You pressed your lips slow and gently against his ear.
“Wanna taste?” You whispered sitting your core harder down on his lap.
“Mmm depends what of..” he cheekily replied. One hand letting go of you coming to grab your face and pull you in for a kiss then rolled into a messy make out.
“Relax!” Curtis called out from another seat. You couldn’t help but pull away from the kiss laughing. You were the definition of PDA and you were pushing the boundaries. Your one hand slid up the back of Trent’s neck and pulled on his hair to tilt his head back then sliding it to grip around his neck gently. He obliged and you couldn’t suppress the smirk. His arm still wrapped around you, your free one holding the bottle of the tequila poured it slowly into his mouth. It was sexy. A little dripped onto the side of his mouth when you pulled the bottle away so you took the liberty to clean it up with your thumb, brushing over his plump lips.
“I love you, baby” he cooed holding your waist tight.
“You’re drunk.” You babbled back earning another kiss from him making you beam.
“If I’m drunk.. then you’re very drunk, beautiful, but that doesn’t mean I love you any less.” He sealed his words one more kiss and you hummed in satisfaction. All you could taste was tequila and desire for him. It was like your body was wired to function solely off his approval.
The night continued as expected, drinks, more drinks, Trent refusing to dance, more drinks, and a lot of laughs. Your section was next to another private one that had later filled with a ton of girls in white all celebrating a hen do. It looked fun and made you miss your girlfriends back at home a little but a squeeze of your ass brought you back to the current moment remembering how happy you were to be here with Trent. You stood in front of him and nuzzled back into him. One of the girls from the hen do gestured over to ask if Dom, Curtis, and Trent wouldn’t mind taking a photo with the bride to be. Of course they didn’t, it wasn’t a big ask.
“I’ll be right back, pretty girl” Trent whispered in your ear before placing a kiss on your temple. The girl waiting to show them to her area watched your interaction like she had seen a ghost, shocked that all the swirling rumors over the past year were right, some wrong, it didn’t matter you definitely were with Trent.
They took what felt like a lot of photos. This was normal though, this was your normal now. People were excited to meet Liverpool players and if a photo was going to make a fan happy then that’s what the boys were going to do. It was a little ask but made a big impact.
You stood in your section trying not to watch in an attempt to not look overly protective or jealous. Tyler of course saw right through your facade.
“It’s fine” he confirmed to you, coming to grab both your shoulders from behind you.
“It doesn’t bother me, I just want to know what they say to him.” You told his brother honestly. It did make you wonder often but you never asked Trent because it was so common for him you didn’t want to make a big deal out of a regularity.
“You’re so hot, leave your girlfriend and come home with me’” he poked fun at your worry and impersonated how you were imagining these girls spoke to your boyfriend. “Y/N… you know they don’t say shit. If anything it’s a ‘my brother, dad, boyfriend, uncle, whoever loves you’ they just want a picture to show people they met him.” His actual opinion made you a little less tense but you still tried to glance over at the group.
“I know, it’s a me thing... I don’t know, it still gets to me.” You mumbled not really saying anything, a little embarrassed by your lack of confidence in the interactions.
“It is a ‘you’ thing. You two are end game, trust me… he’s definitely not thinking about anyone else.” Tyler told you, finally releasing your shoulders after one last tight squeeze. He and Trent had had many conversations about the trajectory of your relationship; ultimately what Trent wanted out of it and when he wanted it but you didn’t know he had these finite plans. You two just kept an open dialogue about the future with no real decisions made yet so Tyler bit his drunk tongue from sharing Trent’s plans for you.
“You don’t think there’s like an agenda there?” You asked once more as you watched a girl squeeze Trent’s arm in a photo.
“Yes, Y/N. One of those girls who met him just now, he’ll spend the next week not leaving a hotel, they’ll date, he’ll fly her around the world to see him, become so obsessed with her he makes them move in with our mum to then buy a house together all to just throw it to the wind…” He trailed off with the over exaggerated response mimicking a rendition of your and Trent’s story.
“Okay, okay! I get it. Thank you for the belittlement” you slapped at his chest starting to laugh at the ridiculousness of your worry spelled out for you.
“Believe or not… not all 10 million people that follow him want to have sex with him. In my opinion I’m amazed even one does, you’re insane to me but hey… each their own. If you want to voluntarily put up with his moody ass go ahead.” He said half joking half serious.
“He’s not that moody!” you tried to defend him but got lost when you caught Trent staring at you while he took another photo. He winked and your heart fluttered.
“Yeah… okay.” Tyler quipped, rolling his eyes. Tyler obviously knew Trent well and had a lot longer than you did and he was right, Trent could be dramatic but it was cute to you. You loved him for every quirk. Every little annoying thing to others was alternatively cute to you.
“One more!” The bride to be yelled while posing for another photo with the boys. “My fiancé is going to go mad when he sees this… thank you lot so much! Obviously I’m taken,” pausing to show the boys her ring, “but I have lots of cute friends!!!!” She squealed, pointing back to the girls they had just finished taking photos with. “Are you boys taken?” She quizzed. Dom just smiled, Curtis confirmed he was off the market leaving Trent. The girl looked at him but he wasn’t paying attention he was looking at you.
“Bro! She asked if you’ve got a girl?” Curtis snapped nudging Trent knowing the answer. He didn’t really turn back to the conversation he was itching to get back to you. He wanted to know what you and Tyler were talking about, he was definitely a little drunk and you looked so good.
“Yeah, me girlfriends over there.” He said practically drooling over the sight of you.
“Lucky girl!” The bride to be cooed. She was sweet, the boys said their goodbyes and wished them a good night etc.. you were still in Tyler’s ear yapping about something unrelated when Trent’s hands ran up and down your arms, his lips coming to your neck. It sent shivers down your spine.
“Hi” you cooed struggling to keep your voice steady trying to keep your gaze on Tyler to seem unphased by Trent’s arrival but he wasn’t interested in assisting you and Trent’s games, leaving you.
“I missed you,” Trent whispered, taking another step to press his chest up against your back. His hand snaked around your waist. Your heart began fluttering again. Any semblance of control to look composed was slipping away feeling the warmth of his skin.
“You were only over there, T.” You tried to play it off as if you weren’t eagerly awaiting for his return.
“You didn’t miss me?” His plump lips rolled into a pout. “Not even a little, baby?” His hands laced together tighter as you spin around to turn in his embrace to face him. You gave him a pretend unimpressed look.
“Don’t give me this.” You said pulling his bottom lip a little with your fingers. “So needy.” You teased, letting go of it, before pressing your lips to his. He hummed in contentment but you pulled away too soon for his liking so his hum turned into a whine. “I like when you need me, T.”
“I always need you” his hands sliding down to grip your ass over your skirt. “You should come home with me” he cooed, pretending like you were just meeting, like this would be a hookup.
“I don’t really know you though, do I?” You tried not to giggle as you questioned back like he once said to you on the street in New York.
“C‘mere beautiful.” He said pulling you closer pressing into his body. “I wanna finish what we started earlier.” You nodded your head ready for Trent to take you home. The way his hands felt on your skin made you dizzy. You felt so beautiful and desirable because of all the people here, the options he had, he still wanted you so bad. You had security escort you out when you decided to leave the rest of the group because you simply couldn’t take the teasing anymore and needed to get back home.
What you didn’t realize is that every finger you laid on each other during your time at the club was being videoed or photographed. People who were fans that knew he had a ‘mystery girl’ and people who thought they were just witnessing Trent hook up with a random girl were just glued.
You left the club and the familiar lights were back but you were much more intoxicated than when you walked in. Your shirt was no longer neatly tucked into your skirt; it had been bunched up from Trent pulling at it. Your lipgloss was on his skin, the color smeared a little on yours. You walked out first but Trent was right behind you, his arms wrapped completely around your frame, his face pressed into the back of your neck. Having him so close seemed to lower the pressure of the spotlight but it only heightened the noise around your relationship.
Trent wrapped his arms around you protectively, helping you into the car to be driven home. You slid in after Trent opened the door for you and he quickly followed.
It was a bad decision but you two were pretty drunk and you couldn’t help it. You needed him, he needed you. There was a divider between the driver and the back so there was some discretion but not enough to deem the ride’s actions acceptable. Trent’s hand initially was suggestively but innocently on your thigh but minute by minute it seemed to get closer and closer to your core. Your back was arched at the proximity alone. The intoxicating scent of him filled the car and made your heart race faster.
You looked at him with doe eyes, tugging his hand when he kept swiping his fingers closer to where you wanted only for them to drift back down.
“What do you need, baby?” He laughed at your needy expression. He was teasing you and he loved it. Alone in the back of this car felt like a private oasis from a night where you felt a million eyes on you and you couldn’t wait to take advantage of that million dwindling down to just his two.
Finally, after what felt like tortuous hours, actually mere minutes, he snaked his hand under your skirt stroking his fingers over your covered sensitive clit. Your body jolted finally feeling his touch. He moved your panties to the side and he started to rub your clit casually, he was so nonchalant leaning his face into your neck pressing kisses to your burning skin while you were trying to bite back moans silencing your actions. You were whimpering, squeezing his leg trying to remain calm but he was tracing soft circles over your clit making your pussy clench and gush. He dragged his fingers through your folds, humming content at your warmth before dipping two inside.
“So wet,” pushing his fingers in further, curling them, your slick running down his hands, you were trying not to scream from the pleasure.
“Want more, T” you were begging, pulling him into a filthy kiss. It was messy, his tongue in your mouth had you almost unable to hear the squelching sounds of your sopping pussy getting loud. This wasn’t discreet anymore. You were getting closer to the edge and he knew, the smirk on his face grew. You were overcome with a blinding pleasure fluttering around his fingers, before he slowed down. Trent gently pulled his fingers out and licked them clean. You looked at him with clear desperation. Your legs were glistening coated in a thin layer of your sweat under the motorway lights.
“Almost home.” He cooed, pressing a kiss to your temple. You relaxed into his body, spent, making him giggle so he pressed another kiss to the top of your head.
Before you could make it through the front door Trent had grabbed your waist pulling you away. He proceeded to throw you over his shoulder and carried you directly into the house, up the stairs, and straight to your bed before dropping your body onto it.
“Raise your arms in the air, baby” he said, pulling at your top as you sat up. “Gonna be a good girl for me?”
“Mmhm” you couldn’t get out any words you were desperate for him.
“Fuck, you have the prettiest tits, baby.” He groaned now pushing his face against them, licking, sucking, biting on your sensitive skin. You couldn’t compose yourself. You were giggling at the sensation. You were so focused on him. When he pulled away, his plump, pink, beautiful lips were just begging for a kiss so you pulled him down on top of you. Your kiss spiraled into breathy moans, the rest of your clothes peeling off, your bodies pressing into each other, your hands grabbing anything. You were absolutely soaked, he was impossibly hard. The kiss was a mess, you pushed your body further into his. He tasted like heaven, tequila and black cherry. The memory of your warm wet pussy was seared to the front of Trent’s brain, the thought of being inside made his cock twitch.
“Oh my god” you moaned, feeling him twitch as he pulled away to bite the sensitive skin on your neck, sucking harshly. His teeth grazed against your skin. A whimper fell from your lips as you rolled your hips into him. The things coming out your mouths varied form insanely lude to the most romantic things you’d ever heard. You were so in love with him, all of him. The alcohol blurred your vision, it felt so good, you couldn’t really process what was going on other than the sensation of his skin on yours, you were saying things you probably shouldn’t, things you needed to have proper discussions about, but you couldn’t stop them and neither could he.
Trent thought he was going to black out from how hard he was. He needed to fuck you now, he couldn’t even manage foreplay. This kiss, your body, it was going to break him. He flipped you over harshly. He grabbed your waist pulling you back to him.
“Please,T” You whined, arching your back begging for him to fuck you. His brain was short circuiting. You had drunk sex plenty of times but something about this was different. It was a familiar feeling, the one like he needed to take care of you, that you were his. He couldn’t work out what triggered him to be so possessive when you were with him the whole night but he felt compelled to fuck you so roughly as if you had done something wrong.
“You’re the hottest girl I’ve ever seen in my life” Trent cooed his hand coming to pull your hip the other stroking his cock. He dragged the tip of it down your ass, tracing it over your skin, smearing pre-cum all over you before he aggressively spread your ass to rub his cock up and down your pussy. “Oh my- Fuck.” You were soaked, you couldn’t take the waiting anymore. Trent wanted to fuck you so hard you were seeing stars but his brain did a 180 seeing your face turn a little. He could see a blush hue over your cheeks, a little pout and he just fell apart. You pulled your body up to his pressing your back to his chest because he was taking so long. He wasn’t going to do that now, he wanted to make love to you. you’re his baby, his best friend, the love of his life, he needed to be gentle with you. You leaned your head back onto his shoulder, your hand coming to grab his throbbing cock to tell him he needed to hurry up. He groaned when the other hand grabbed onto his hair and pulled.
It felt like absolute heaven when he slowly eased his cock inside you. You were so wet, warm, your walls squeezed his huge cock encasing him in warm velvet. He presses his lips into your hair quieting his moans as he pulled in and out of you. He kept his face buried there, eyes shut, relishing in the feeling of you.
“I love you” his words were muffled as your ass recoiled against his cock. You could feel your orgasm building.
“T...” you whined. “I-I love you” you could barely breathe. His gentle warm and comforting hands guiding you through the movements. It was so languid it felt like it was in slow motion. You had never felt so good in your life. You couldn’t stop yours eyes from trying to flutter closed.
“You’re so close aren’t you, baby? I can feel it.” He moaned as you squeezed him tight making it harder for him to pull his cock in and out. He hit a spot he never had before so deep that the invisible rubber band snapped inside you. Your walls pulsated around his cock as you came. Your legs felt like jelly, pleasure radiating through you as Trent continued to bounce you up and down. Your slick ran down your thighs covering his cock and your ass, it was a mess. Everything was a sticky mess and he loved it, he loved you. You thought you blacked out momentarily from the feeling. Tears started streaming down your face. You collapsed onto the bed, feeling so needy and overwhelmed as he continued to fuck you. Trent couldn’t process how you looked as you unraveled, prolonging your orgasm and he continued to hit so deep inside. Even his dirtiest, hottest wet dreams about you could never measure up to the real thing. You were so fucking beautiful to him, your pussy perfect, made just for him, squeezing his cock he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer when he heard you start to speak again.
“Gonna make you a daddy” you moaned being compelled to grind your ass back into his cock.
You both heard it. You couldn’t process what you just heard yourself say, you had no idea where that came from. You felt weird, like you actually meant it. Trent's brain shut off. That was it for him. Something broke. His strokes got harder and faster rapidly. You were so shocked but you knew that telling him to slow down would be pointless. The change in his behavior didn’t go unnoticed so now you were interested in what he thought but your interest was overtaken quickly by your pleasure.
Trent controlled your body and you let him. You liked it this way, he knew you liked it this way. You both felt so fucking good, nothing could ever compare to this feeling. He was so deep inside you that all he could think about was filling you up. He pulled your hair to press your body further into his aggressively. He bit his teeth down into your shoulder, unable to handle the feeling that was approaching. His mind had completely gone when your drunk self decided to push this further.
“Gonna cum inside me, get me pregnant?” You mindlessly whined begging for it.
“Fuck Fu-fuck Y/N, oh my god baby.” He couldn’t breathe. He wanted so badly to keep eyes open but he couldn’t handle the sensation. “Make me a daddy, be a good girl and take all of it f’me” he mumbled when you could feel his load pumping into you filling you past full. Some of his cum leaking out as he continued to thrust into deliriously. “Is this pussy gonna get pregnant for me?" You were on another planet, so you nodded, unable to hear the words he was babbling. The smile that appeared on his face was so genuine he was in utter bliss. He slowed completely, holding you so tight to his chest you couldn’t breathe. You turned your head back to try to see his face. His pupils were completely blown out, getting you pregnant still on the forefront of his brain. His heavy body laid on top of yours and you felt a wave of emotions hit you. Coherent thoughts finally were coming back to Trent and he was in the same boat. Were either of you supposed to acknowledge that you said you wanted to get pregnant? He rolled himself off you laying leading up to the ceiling, his chest heaving. Neither of you said anything but he pulled you to him. He didn’t know what to say but he didn’t want you to feel like he wasn’t with you. Your sweaty bodies stuck together when you nuzzled into his neck, kissing his skin softly. He sighed tilting his head to the side for you to trail more kisses up his neck, your hand coming to scratch gently at the nape of his neck. He broke the silence first.
“I want to wake up with you like this. You look so beautiful just like this,” his hand stroked slowly over your glistening cheek as you finally made eye contact for the first time. He kissed the top of your head.
“Never gonna let you go,” you muffled into his skin, cuddling closer to him. What had just unfolded wasn’t exactly anything you hadn’t heard before but the manner at which you were having sex and the way it was acted on felt like it was a genuine thought. Not some kink, you, he, actually might’ve wanted this and that thought was way too scary to bring up right now. You both could feel the pressure. Trent was trying to figure out the same thing. If either of you had any energy left you would’ve mustered up some courage to talk about this but instead he whispered into your hair a long ramble of words that answered if he wanted this or not. You couldn’t remember how much he drank tonight so you couldn’t tell if he maybe was just drunk. He was promising you the world, telling you all about the perfect life that laid in store for you in the future, gushing over the perfect life you two were living now. The life he depicted for you now was the one that he had already confided in Tyler. Sure, he was buzzed, high on adrenaline, fucked out of his mind, but this wasn’t something he was making up on the spot. You didn’t know any of that but it was true nonetheless.
“My T…” you cooed playing with a little piece of his hair till you fell asleep. Trent practically melted at the way you clung to him, curled up… filled with his cum.
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Next Part - Chapter 17 xx
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