#the pocky was really good too lmao
dawn-in-neocity · 3 months
heyy :)) i'd like to request playing truth or dare and the dare being that one pocky game with bsf dreamies please!
thank u for the request, i hope you enjoy !
pocky game with “best friend” ™️ dream
(that’s literally your bf, y’all are not friends hate to break it to u.)
an absolute giggly mess. doesn’t even bother trying to hide how geeked out he is. covers half his face with the back of his hand to avoid eye contact. peeks out from under it anyway lmao. “dude, just do it!” has to physically hold himself back from screaming when you get to the last bit and your lips graze. thinks about it until the game is over. until the night is over actually.
pretends to be annoyed at the dare but you see right through him. looks up and away from you when you smile knowingly at him. he tries to fight it but you see his own smile growing too. stands with his hands crossed behind his back. holds his breath all throughout without realizing. very much disappointed when you break the biscuit off without your lips touching. turns bright red when you cheekily wink at him.
takes the pocky stick between his teeth like he’s done this a billion times before (which, knowing you guys, isn’t far fetched). smiles all smug when you get shy. stands still as statue while you work your way closer. surprises you by nibbling the final bit himself when you get there. still holds your chin and presses your lips together, laughing when your friends complain about how gross you both are lol.
the theatrics! feigns annoyance when you guys get the dare, rolling his eyes at whoever gave it. “alright, come here.” drags you close. you’re both biting off bits and meeting in the middle. his eyes are closed! this man is not wasting time, he’s trying to get to the good part (not the chocolate); practically gnawing on the stick. still clutches his chest and squeals like a little girl when your lips finally touch.
the biggest tease omg. plays with the stick, flicking it up and down when you try to grab it. stares you DOWN while you get closer and closer. might place a hand on your waist if he’s feeling especially bold that day. his heart feels like it might pound right out of his chest, but he’ll never admit that. smiles really big and wriggles his eyebrows when you get to the last part. 180s into the shyest baby when your lips actually touch.
is sooo shy and nervous about it. can’t even muster up a sassy lil comment or anything. makes you stay still so he can do the work. takes his sweet time, biting small bits off at a time. “don’t look at me!” he will do anything but lose though. chomps off as close as possible without actually kissing you. has the NERVE to wipe a crumb off your bottom lip after??? asks to do again “properly this time” when you’re alone.
his face is absolutely burning up. that won’t stop him tho lmfao. puts the unflavored part in his mouth immediately. his eyes are SQUEEZED shut while you’re working your way closer. bites too hard on the stick and breaks it so your friends make you do it again. almost breaks it again when you hold him by the shoulders. won’t bother to roll his lips back though, he didn’t put up with all the teasing for nothing.
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keepyourpantsongohan · 2 months
Ayesha Liveblogs Sasaki and Miyano S1
I am watching this entirely because I was recommended a YouTube compilation on this show and I watched a few seconds of it before I decided to see for myself what's up. The little I saw gave me Haruhi and Tamaki energy
"As that senpai strode forward, I admired him in secret." Alright, I'll bite, where is this going?
"Dial it back several notches. Or I'll have this made into slash art." INSANE threat, Miyano, please continue
What's with all these little manga fans calling other people normies?
Recommending things to people with fifteen disclaimers is so relatable. Me about Bridgerton LMAO
"Despite all the hard stuff the protagonist went through, he resolved himself in a really cool way and moved through his burdens. I really liked that story." I've only had Sasaki for 4 minutes but I love him already for his review of this Gay Detective Manga
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On one hand, I do appreciate how obvious Sasaki is about his feelings (the nickname, the physical affection, the dropping off cookies to class), but I'm right with you Miyano, in your position (being gay in high school) I would probably refuse to interrogate it any further on the off chance I am incorrect
"I saw you, you know. Chatting away happily with the boy on the basketball team from class 1-A, with the refreshing, lovely smile." So caught was I in the fact this show is called Sasaki and Miyano that I didn't consider for a second Miyano might like some other guy (Hirano)
I do love the interesting little dynamic they're setting up between Sasaki, Miyano and Hirano
"But he's a guy. He has such a cute face though. I feel kinda anxious." Oh Sasaki, you're in it now
The chronology of these scenes is a little confusing, it only becomes clear midway through the scene if it's the past or the present
"Everything is too much." JKGKJHG the implication that Sasaki is like, ready to die aftering getting beat up (moderately inconvenienced). The Sasuke of it all. Also, me too, baby
"You're so cute, Mya-chan. Wanna go out?" Oh, so he's been OBVIOUS obvious
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"You try standing in front of a BL shelf with another guy! You'll just end up fodder for everyone's conversations!" "You sure about that?" "Yes, I am." "Then I'll stand at a different shelf." There's something so sweet about this. Something something understanding and boundary-respecting
"If there's someone I like, I want to know them." Giggling and kicking my feet over everything Sasaki says
"He's gonna be misinterpreted." Oh, I think he's gonna be correctly interpreted, Miyano
HAHAHAHA background conversation of "When [Miyano] blushes, could you mistake him for a girl?" "What? No way! He's a dude." "Yeah, I wouldn't either." Implying one of Miyano's classmates also thinks he's cute LOL he is a menace to heterosexuality
Not Sasaki challenging Miyano to Gay Chicken via Pocky and immediately forfeiting cause he was embarrassed hahahaha
Why is it MEN's Pocky?? Which I've just googled and is a real thing??? For what lmao!!
Why do they keep cutting away to the cat, is it a metaphor for something
I appreciate the homie straight up just being like "Are you dating?" without any teasing, just wondering about their situation
"Sasaki-senpai is a good person. Remember when I got beat-up before summer break?" OHHHHH I see how it loops back into the friend group
"Those two have gotten pretty close. I guess I should take that as a good thing." I thiiink Hirano likes Miyano but his vibes are a little hard to read so it could easily be Sasaki or neither. In any case, I do like his Minato hair
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"Thirty-six. Who the hell went first?" Awwww poor Sasaki, experiencing his first bout of jealousy after hearing about all the chocolates Miyano got from his classmates.
"In that case, Mya-chan, ya wanna find out [whether I'm a clumsy kisser]?" Sasaki said: I will not pass up an opportunity to ask Miyano to kiss
Miyano said: I will simply not read into this, I pretend it was a joke
Miyano also said: So caught was I in how Sasaki embarrasses me in public every two seconds with the sincerity of his feelings that I forgot for a second he's also cool
Of the two girlfriends that have been mentioned so far, both Sasaki's friend and Miyano's friend have girlfriends who seem to be fujosh*s and let me tell you, I don't think this show is ever in danger of passing the Bechdel test
Awwwww, Miyano broke Sasaki by giving him a White Day present
"What do I do? My heart won't stop." "Good. You'd be dead if it did." "It's pounding." "You out of shape or something?" Hirano's patent refusal to romanticize life makes me happy
I also like Hirano's hair being black, what can I say, I love a switch-up. Also I just like black hair
"Do you let your roommate touch [your hair]?" "Yeah, he's the one who told me it's damaged." Miyano said: Oh my god they were roommates
"He might be treating you as BL material like my girlfriend, you know." [Turns to Miyano] "Are you?" "Huh? Come to think of it, I've never done that with you." "That's news to me. Give him the same treatment." Not Hirano complaining that Sasaki ISN'T being objectified for BL purposes LMAOOOOO
Also Sasaki extremely willing to abandon his friend Ogasawara in his hour of need for his crush jkjhgkjhg. Not the best move, but understandable
Every time there is a line of uncaptioned, silent dialogue, I always assume it's that they're saying "I love you" (shout-out that one JJK scene LOL):
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"If senpai only saw me as a kohai, would he, in that quiet tone, here on the train, (when I wasn't even awake!) say that?" "I like you." Oh I love the immediate reveal, we appreciate a romance that doesn't beat around the bush
KJHKJGHKJH none of their classmates overhearing or caring about how they're discussing if Hirano would top or bottom. My god, this school
Also also also. I've been thinking this for a while, in part because I truly think too many people are TOO possessed of topping and bottoming as personality traits, does no one in these shows believe in versing LMAO?
Setting all that aside, it is very sweet how flustered they keep getting whenever they're close
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"I like girls, not guys." I've been wondering about this as well. In Miyano's little brain, these things (liking gay manga and projecting BL onto his classmates) are two things that have nothing to do with his orientation. And while that can be true. YOU GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY*
*As a general term, I'm not saying he can't like women LOL
You know, I'm so glad I knew I was bi before I started watching so many gay shows because that could cause some confusion for sure
Miyano imagining himself literally on top of Sasaki: Which could mean nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did I just miss it earlier or did they wait until ep 4 to give Tashiro (blond friend who asked if Sasaki and Miyano were dating) and Kuresawa (nice but stoic friend who got beat up and loves his girlfriend) names
"I read every manga she's got. But I found one about a... slime? And a delinquent. And now I have no idea what to do anymore. I can't understand what she wants." I love Ogasawara actually. The act of reading every BL manga to understand his girlfriend is a love language for sure
"You don't do that because he's your boyfriend?" "You're mistaken! We're not in a relationship." Everyone at this school thinks has Miyano and Sasaki clocked but Miyano LOL
"I thought you also liked guys." Ogasawara no. 1 wingman for Sasaki:
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"Not that it matters anyway. And it ain't my business." Also very true. I love everything about this interaction, Ogasawara
"In middle school, I had a crush on a girl. So I know I don't." I see your confusion, Miyano. Google bisexuality and circle back. If that doesn't work, try comphet
"I like you, Miyano. What I said in the summer, I'm not taking that back." "Um, I, uh..." I can wait... You don't have to answer right away. I'd be happy if you gave it some thought." This is slowly becoming my favourite trope
I don't know what the hell kind of cheerleading uniform Hirano's outfit is supposed to be, but I dig it:
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"What if a Committee Member is violating the dress code?" "Like who?" "A certain blond individual." "Oh, me." I think Hirano might actually be my favourite character. I love the contradiction of him being a delinquent on the Discipline Committee
This show has been so delightful so far, I beg of you not to make it weird with this school nap
It was borderline, but it seems like we narrowly escaped
"Wait 'confessed?' Should you be telling me?" said Hirano, before immediately tossing his phone at Sasaki with Miyano pre-dialed and proving why he was a good person to tell
Also. Also. WHAT YEAR IS IT LMAO. The flip phone kjhgkjhg
"I like you a lot. for more than your face. That's all. See ya. And take care." "Sasaki, go let Miyano punch you. Actually, can I just punch you?" Hirano ACTUAL NO. 1 Wingman for Miyano
"Is it serious?" "Yeah." "You know what? Nope. Forget all of this. This is creeping me out!" ["Just don't do anything careless.] "Same." ["I won't.] The serious discussion of feelings followed by the disgruntled dialogue and sincere exchange in the subtext.... WAH 😭😭😭 I love Hirano and Sasaki
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"Some scenes can make you feel embarassed." This conversation about BL anime feels a little self-referential, but okay
Do we think the sucker worked for Sasaki because he probably has them while studying and had that whole sense memory thing going on? Or was it just the encouragement of his crush giving him a birthday present? Or was it, in fact, Hirano's study cards? Probably the last one
"Take Miyano. Even with his cute face, he's a guy." Tashiro has to tell Miyano he's cute like once a day, at least
"I just mean people are more than their looks." "So you were saying my girlfriend likes me for my looks and for who I am. Thanks, Tashiro." "That's some self-confidence you've got, Kuresawa." I also do appreciate Kuresawa's level of delusional self-confidence
You truly have to wonder what Miyano's friends think is going on if not an intricate flirting ritual. Do they just patently ignore Miyano's claims?
"Do you happen to like guys?" "I don't think so. Why?" We'll unpack this conversation and trope at another time Sasaki, but let's focus on the 'WHY?' WHY DO YOU THINK HE'S ASKING? YOU CONFESSED TO HIM, A GUY!
"Thinking about all of this, BL gets more and more confusing.... And when you said you liked my face... Though my face is feminine, I'm a guy so.... And I might be taller than you in the future!" Sasaki trying not to giggle as Miyano stream of consciousness processes his feelings aloud <3
"And when I'm 50, I may look totally different than I do now..." I love that Miyano, after one (1) confession, in high school, is like WILL YOU STILL LOVE ME WHEN I'M 50?
"Senpai, I want to consider it a little longer!" Awww, he got there!
"You might grow taller than me one day, and your face might change completely. But I think I'll still like you, Mya-chan. So take as long as you need to answer." They are SOOOOO SWEET
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"Our cultural day festival will have a cross-dressing competition." I feel like we're moving past this too quickly. Admittedly, I've seen this trope several times before, but usually it's a play where they're cast in a cross-dressing role. It's not the sole purpose. Is cross-dressing a standard cultural activity for high school festivals? If not, why did you just say that like it's supposed to be?
"The Cultural Festival Committee revealed their tastes when they wrested permission to hold it from the Student Council." Ahh, so it was not standard, it is a preference of this school LOL
"I'm down. I bet my girlfriend would love [me cross-dressing]." Kuresawa unmatched security and affection. We love
Wjkhkjh the Chairman seems like a total menace to his Committee members, I do enjoy that
"I wanna see the person I like." [Miyano runs into the staff room yelling about the room key] [Sasaki laughing in the background] Sasaki said: New flirting dynamic unlocked
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Gjkhkjhk Makimura not seeing Miyano for two full years and immedately objectifying him for art reasons. At least he gets some romantic closure about her
"It's not about gender. I don't want to be rough with someone I like." Ohhhh Sasaki
New Sasaki lore unlocked: He is the son of bakers
I really am curious about the girlfriend in the hospital storyline with Kuresawa. Is it leading anywhere
The way I thought for a second Miyano might be worried about Sasaki buying the manga because it would disrupt the borrowing dynamic they've created but he was actually so excited that Sasaki shared his interest and was outwardly engaging with it!!
"Hirano, aren't they a little too close?" "I-I don't know. Don't ask me," said Hirano, though he did know, in fact, and was actively involved
"Well, fudanshi, is it?" JKHKJGHG the way Ogasawara (Jiro) just calls Miyano fudanshi while seeking advice and he responds to it
[Jiro, seriously] "I don't move on a woman I have no intention of marrying." "I think that's the kind of thing she likes about you." [Jiro, upset] "That I'll let her wear the pants?" PLS he is so silly
"I cross-dressed and Tashiro mistook me for a girl. But our love story failed to take off." HAHAHAHA this is the funniest way to phrase what happened
Sasaki asking Miyano to put his bangs down bc it makes him nervous. Sweet boy
I actually do appreciate that they followed through on giving Miyano a less overtly feminine outfit to begin with
"Chairman, what do you think it means to like someone?" Oh, Miyano, you are SO in it
"You looked like a girl, but the difference wasn't as big as with Kuresawa." "Thanks. Complicated thanks." Adding 'Complicated Thanks' to my vocab immediately
"I wouldn't like it if a guy took pics of my girlfriend, so scratch that." Lmaooooo so that settles it, they are patently ignoring Miyano's claims this is platonic (also this is truly the most drastic their height difference has ever looked):
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"You'll just let your classmates pressure you?" I can't tell where exactly Sasaki's upset is coming from, and perhaps neither can he
"I'm gonna say something inconsiderate. If I asked you not to compete, would you drop out?" Because he's hot, or because he's reluctant, or because of a third secret thing like Sasaki having to re-evaluate the circumstances of his attraction?
I appreciate how even when Miyano has said nothing about his situation, Kuresawa is still trying to help him via manga store visit
"I made the decision to compete myself. So I want to follow through with it." "Okay. Good luck. I'm happy you told me how you feel." Ohhhhh this
"If possible, would you like to see the festival together?" Hee hee, good for Miyano
"Arranging a date?" "We're not going out, but I guess it's a date." Not Hirano politely eavesdropping on this whole exchange
I fucking love the concept of a Hooligan Cafe, and Hirano as Chief Hooligan, 10 bajillion/10zo
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I am going to ignore Chairman Hanzawa's self-fortune and focus instead on his helpful advice to Miyano about building confidence
"He had ten more minutes though." "It's just ten minutes." Hirano letting Sasaki off early for his lunch date <3 That's my hooligan, no. 1 wingman
"Can you support Miyano appearing in a cross-dressing competition like this?" "How much do you know?" "He hasn't told me anything. I got a distinct impression, though." HAHAHA I love this exchange. Sasaki said: Who told you we're almost dating? To which Kuresawa said: I have eyes
"Well, that makes sense. I never did hide it." LOL Sasaki, u right
The 'what about when I'm 50' belatedly hitting Sasaki HEE HEE
Colour me cliche, I do fucking love a fireworks trope
"Could you... wait just a little longer for my answer? It feels irresponsible to give it right now." Believe it or not, Miyano, this is also kind of an answer
"I wanted him to hug me then. I wanted to take care of him. Do I like him the same way he likes me?" Yeah Miyano, you do, catch up!
Holding hands with him during the fireworks while blushing and leaning into him is ALSO also kind of an answer, but I do appreciate your sense of romantic responsibility, Miyano
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"Even though I don't know, I want to tell him I like him... Why is that?" Welcome to your first love, Miyano
[Text overlay] 'Delinquent, motherly, blond, Discipline Committee, handsome, Vice-chairman, strong fighter, trusted by teachers, etc.' "He packs together a lot of tropes." HAHAHAH that's also part of why I like Hirano, Miyano
I like that Sasaki makes Miyano forget his anxieties about other people perceiving their date
"If these feelings aren't the real deal, what is?" It took Miyano two full dates and ten full episodes, but he got there!
Oh thank GOD Hanzawa has a gay brother with whom he has a complicated relationship, when he started whispering "niisan" I got nervous about the direction it was taking
"I thought he was finally dating Sasaki-senpai." Tashiro said: I refuse to engage in allusions, when is the hard launch?
I love that Hanzawa's older brother came out and his little brother was immediately like ditto. I will not lie though, in my life I do appreciate my brother for repping the future grandkid issue
Also the way that Sasaki was just about to kiss Miyano in the hallway after school and Miyano's immediate reaction was 'Well, alright!' They have no sense of self-control LOL:
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"You still don't have each other's number?" Hirano said, ENOUGH, HOMOSEXUALS
"And people will ask things they'd never ask an opposite-sex couple. I guess they can't help but focus on it, even if it's irrelevant to the discussion." THANK YOU MASATO HANZAWA
"Sasaki, you forgot stuff at school. Get your butt back here." [...] "What did he leave here?" "I lied. this way, he'll run into Miyano." Hirano for World's Least Enthusiastic Matchmaker HAHAHA
Sasaki weaving a tale about how he is a horror to society for trying to kiss his almost-boyfriend while Miyano is thinking about how much he loves Sasaki
"I like you, Sasaki-senpai!" GOOD FOR THEM!!!!!!!!
[Sasaki, immediately crying] "Sorry. No, I mean, you can think about it some more. No rush." BABY
"I feel like words aren't enough to get this across. But he won't know if I don't tell him." YEAHHHHHHH MIYANOOOO
I get so distracted by enjoying the show that liveblogging becomes an afterthought, but just now, Miyano had a very good and clear confession
I do, as always, love a park bench romance:
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"Sasaki-senpai, I like you! Be my boyfriend." Miyano said: There will be no ambiguity in this return confession!!!
The little callback to 'Wanna go out' and the crouched kiss and the exchange of numbers!! <3 Worth the wait
"We're dating." "Oh... That's great... Dammit. Look I'm not great that at this." "I know." Hehe it is only right that No. 1 Wingman Hirano is looped in right away
"Um, well... We started going out." "What? Really. So I was right." "Yeah, yeah." HAHAHA lmao @ Kuresawa deciding Tashiro gets to know
Double LMAO @ Ogasawara being the only one unaware of what they are all pleased about
"You're not going out with Miyano, right?" Again the chronology of this OVA is a little confusing. I know the ep title is A Tiny Episode Before He Realized His Feelings, but they talked about this at the festival. So this is post-festival but pre-confession?
This keychain search has me wondering beyond the romantic, how much Miyano lets manga run his thought processes
[Jiro, ominously] "Did ya lose something?" [Miyano, startled] "You scared me." [Sasaki, even more ominously] "Ogasawara. Don't scare Mya-chan." This is what happens when you date a delinquent LOL
"Animals love him. I knew Ogasawara-senpai was a good person." HAHAHAHA the kittens getting interested in Ogasawara's bell in his bag and Miyano reading this as a Disney Princess-like affinity for wildlife. Romanticize your friends:
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Are we finally about to meet Hirano's little background boyfriend? I can't wait
"I bet he remembered something he had to do. I'm sure he'll text us." Oh, I take Sasaki's sweatdrop as confirmation this is situationship-related
OHHHHHHHHH it's Kagi, the guy who Hirano offered to get a drink on festival day
"But I saw you and I couldn't help but grab you." "Are you a dog chasing a ball or something?" "Want me to be your pet?" GOOD LORD, I NO LONGER BLAME MIYANO FOR THINKING SOMETHING IS GOING ON BETWEEN HIRANO AND KAGI, IT IS ENITRELY MERITED
"I want to stay here with you a little longer." Kagi said: I gotta take up the mantle of Obviously Pining Guy since Sasaki's feelings are now requited
They waited until the very last episode to start putting Hirano in romantic situations. Also worth the wait:
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"You see, the Student Council President sometimes secretly feeds the cats. Thanks to that, several cats have settled here at the school." I didn't expect for them to actually have an explanation for the cat cutaways, but there you go
I love this episode dedicated to getting to know the Discipline Committee more
Bonus: Sasaki and Miyano (Graduation Film)
I will not lie I did like skim-read the whole Hirano to Kagiura manga before this film so I am not as surprised by the roommate dynamic as I was one (1) episode ago
"Earrings... I can't get up if you don't put them in." Still, stroking your roommate's ear IS a bold choice first thing in the morning
I won't lie, I would ALSO fall in love with Hirano if he woke me up every morning and ate the veggies I didn't like and helped me in school and gave me cookies he'd personally made
"The walls have fundashi ears." Bold way to bring Miyano back into this story, but okay
"If I get married, I hope it's to someone frank like you, Kagi-kun." What a thing to say to your roommate, Hirano!
I won't lie, I am 100% sold on the roommate romance, I both love the trope and I can't believe they described their ideal partners as each other:
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Gjgkjgljglj @ Miyano giving his boyfriend a Good Luck Gay Manga for his college entrance exams
HAHAHAHAH Tashiro looking for Miyano and Kuresawa to give him relationship guidance and them just both responding that they do with their boyfriend/girlfriend, "The Normal Stuff."
"Hirano keeps saying, 'Passing isn't the finish line.' He's kept up his studies the whole time. It's really cool." I love Sasaki and Hirano's dynamic as always
"If it's long, I can run my fingers through it, which is fun... But if it's short, I can see your face better, which makes me happy." Miyano is still shocked when Sasaki flirts even though they are literally dating
"Until I pass my exams, I won't touch him more than this." [Tiktok audio voice] It's like a reward
Sasaki having a smart phone while Miyano has a flip phone truly does make me confused about the era. Is it now, where we've circled back to some flip phones being popular? Or is it 2010, when some people had smart phones, and some had flip phones, and both were normal?
Take a shot every time someone in this anime gets sick from overstudying LMAO
"Do you want some... affection?" [Both pause and blush] "Yeah." Awwww Miyano asking but both them immediately getting embarrassed. Also are they doing a mask kiss? That's sweet!
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Oh, they did do a masked kiss! We love a follow-through
"I've heard that some boys give girls chocolates [for Valentine's Day] these days. How nice! Make some for me sometime too, okay?" "A-Actually, the person I want to give them to is a guy." Are we coming out to mum right now, Miyano?
"Mom, I really like being around this senpai, and I want to keep being with him. I-I like-like him." "Lovely. It's wonderful to like someone. I know, 'cause I like your dad." AWWWW this is a really lovely response, good job Mama Miyano
"I'll get good enough to make your sweets by myself next year." [Sasaki, internally] "Next year?" The way Miyano is always thinking about his future with Sasaki, without even being aware of it
The way that Miyano is smiling and thinking about the people in his life not caring that he's dating a man <3 We love shows devoid of homophobia
Now that we're about halfway through the ep, it is funny that they dedicated the first ten minutes to Hirano and Kagiura and then the next twenty to Miyano and Sasaki because you'd think if they were going to involve both it would be more alternating scenes
"Are you dating him for real?" "That's none of your business, Ogasawara." HAHAHA Sasaki said: We're not THAT close, Jiro
"Which role are you? Nope! Never mind, I don't actually want to hear stuff like that about a friend." "And I don't want to tell you." Hanzawa foreshadowed Sasaki being asked this question, though I did not anticipate it coming from Ogasawara
They really are making some bold choices, both anatomically and in the kissing in the third year classroom
"I'm fine with either. Whatever Miyano wants." Realistic discussion of sexual interests? In anime? Shocking!!
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"How could I do that at school?" That was also my question, Miyano!
"You've got it wrong. We're dating." You know, I like that they're establishing this, but the translations in this show are so indirect. What Sasaki says is "kōhai ja nai," which is specifically the strong refusal of the term kōhai, which I feel like they could subtitle as, "He's not my kōhai." But they translate it back without using that word, instead as, "You've got it wrong," I guess to avoid repetition? I don't know that much Japanese, but I've noticed a lot of translations like that with this show, how they drop a number of nouns in the subtitles to interpet more broadly. I talk about captioning in every show ever, but this is the first time there was a noticeable difference in subtitles from Japanese for me. Weird!
Also, I made the no homophobia call too early I guess LOL
"The thing is, I can't be too pushy with my sister. In middle school, I injured her." "Did you two fight?" "Not really... but I pushed her over and she got hurt. It left a scar. That's when I understood that I was bigger than other kids." Having a sibling much bigger than you really do be that way, eventually it becomes dangerous
"Senpai, your sister is important to you, huh?" "Eh... medium-important." HAHAH this is such a brother answer to give
"For me to respond with 'why?'... It's because you like each other. I'm very sorry." "It's all right. People change how they think about things over time." Sasaki's sister said: I went for a walk, I can accept gay couples now
"You're a cool guy, Miyano-kun. I think I might get why Shumei fell for you." Both Sasaki and Big Sister's Boyfriend coming to interrupt because of this compliment is very funny:
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"Shumei-san." "Why is that the part you remember?" "Maybe I'll call you Yoshikazu." "You could." I will never tire of the first name to last name transition in media, it is my favourite
Hirano grabbing Sasaki by the back of the neck like he's a misbehaving cat when he looks at his boyfriend during the graduation rehearsal is so cute
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"Would you be the jealous type, Miyano?" Everything Hanzawa says is foreshadowing
"Drop it! It's got nothing to do with you." Hirano said: DO NOT gossip about why Sasaki would sprint after his favourite second-year to explain the (fake) lipstick mark on his cheek, and the other Third Years said: That's fair, not my business!
"How can my heart be so small?" said Miyano, as if jealousy were not a normal human emotion to feel, especially at 17
"If you're going to gush to me about him, be careful what you say. My girlfriend will find out." "Have a long and happy relationship." HAHA the friend group designating them as Relationship Status Official
Hirano said: I know we haven't talked about my situationship with my roommate for forty minutes, but I promise, it's still going on
Hkjhkhkjh Sasaki offering Miyano his school blazer for "when he gets taller." I don't think he will, but the faith is nice!
Awwwwwww Miyano copying Sasaki's embarrassed gesture of laying his face down!! <3 <3 <3
The flashbacks to their different moments across the school are getting me. I am just a sentimental bitch at heart
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This was a lovely show, highly recommend, very sweet and likeable cast, relatively unembarrassing given the initial premise, friends to lovers, mutual pining, not a single person at their all-boys school giving them a hard time for their relationship, good friendships, beautiful animation, no real complaints on my part
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whats-it-mean · 10 months
Yo bestie I feel silly asking over Tumblr instead of text but it felt right to do it here so 💀
Anyways please could you write anything for Haruka Sakurai please I'm desperate and crave content for him of course if not that's fine
A late pocky day in milgram! ☆
Haruka Sakurai x Reader
A/N - NO UR GOOD i love haruka too as you know so im happy to write for him. i decided to go for a (LATE) pocky day prompt bc i missed it lmao, but there are some mentions of my own milgram ships, so i hope thats fine?? the one mentioned is 0309 because i think theyre cute <333 also mahiru would totally play matchmaker for all the other prisoners. prove me wrong i dare you
C/W - 0309  mentioned/suggested 0309
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Upon first hearing of it from Mahiru, unsurprisingly, Haruka had no idea what pocky was. He tilted his head towards the girl, mumbling out a ‘hm?’ as she rambled on about how romantic it was. It was no surprise that even in prison Mahiru would care about such things, since on valentines she had somehow roped everyone into baking cookies, but it seemed to fly directly over Haruka’s head as he listened.
“...? I- I’m confused.. So you just.. Eat the candy…..?” He asked, gently tapping his chin. “How is that a game..?” You could hear a slight snicker come from a certain red-haired boy in the other corner of the room, followed swiftly by an elbow to his stomach coming from Yuno.
Mahiru giggled. “It’s like a challenge- two people eat it at the same time.” She pulled a piece of the candy out of the box she had been fiddling with this whole time as she spoke, twirling it between her fingers before holding it out as example. “Whoever breaks off first loses. Cute, is it not?”
Haruka glanced up at the Pocky in her hand, confusion still evident in his eyes. “But.. what if nobody breaks off…?”
You should have known it would come to this.
Mahiru grinned, and from the corner of your eye you could see Shidou shaking his head slightly as she smiled at the poor boy. “Then they kiss~!” Mahiru’s cheery voice spoke, despite the way Haruka flushed red, turning to hide his face in his hands, face practically steaming.
“O- Oh…” He mumbled, voice muffled by the way he covered it with his hands. He tried desperately to look away, his ears and neck now turning pink in addition to his entire face. Mahiru smiled at him, patting his head when he tried to curl up into a ball and chuckling at his attitude towards the topic.
“Now, since Es didn’t tell us when it was Pocky day a little bit ago-” Es scoffed from the corner, rolling his eyes at Mahiru’s accusing tone. “We’re celebrating late. But celebrating is still celebrating~!”
Fuuta rolled his eyes from the corner where he sat. “And how exactly are we planning on celebrating?”
“Well- Not everyone can really participate, since Amane is a bit too young… But you should all pair up and play at least once, right? We rarely get to do fun things like that here, and it’ll be so exciting-!”
“No way I’m playing this bullshit game.” The boy huffed, standing up without a moment to waste and turning to leave, but let out a yelp when someone grabbed his pantleg, and Mikoto dragged him right back onto the floor, and next to him.
“Sounds good, Mappi-chan!” He hummed, completely ignoring the continued protests from Fuuta who was now being forcefully held against the brown-haired individual.
Mahiru let out another one of her signature giggles before turning to you, flashing you a grin. “You should pair up with Haruka here!” She patted the boy’s head, ruffling his hair slightly as he glanced desperately upwards at you from where his head sat, currently in his arms as he huddled around his knees.
“U- Um- I’m not--”
Mahiru grinned at the both of you, giving you a slight push towards the boy before placing a box of strawberry Pocky in your hands. “Have fun!!” She bounced off in another direction, probably to tease Fuuta and Mikoto a bit, before you glanced back at Haruka, to which he let out a little squeak.
You sighed, incing a bit closer to him so that you could pat his head, to which he immediately leaned into your touch. “Sorry about her… We don’t have to--”
Haruka’s voice was impossibly quiet and timid, but he spoke so quickly you could barely finish your sentence. “....B- But-... I want to.”
You paused. “You do!?”
He nodded his head shakily, partially obstructed face glowing with a rosy blush as he let out an embarrassed breath , cheeks burning with shame. “S- Sorry- I just-” He trailed off, letting out a sound somewhere between a squeak and the sort of whine you would bear from a kicked puppy as he buried his face further into his crossed arms.
“.....Don’t be sorry, I just- Didn’t expect that. Like. At all. But- It’s fine if you want to, I guess-...?”
Haruka snapped his head upwards, hair disheveled from trying hopelessly hide himself from Mahiru as he looked at you with wide eyes. “R- Really?”
“...I’d be happy to.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── End
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jasminerva · 3 days
This as Tenju, Futaba, Reader, and Nagumo who puts m&ms in his popcorns. Tenju has been waiting for this moment as an excuse to kick him out
This was hilarious!!! Tenju would use any excuse to kick Nagumo out lmao but he just made it easier for them.
I think Reader would've been the Kong dp and Futaba is the Godzilla/dragon just laughing her head off because that's who she is.
Here's a fun snippet of how the convo would've gone in that group:
Tenju: All right! Important question for our alliance. When you go to the movie theatre, do you ask for extra butter or just regular butter or no butter? Nagumo: Hmmm~ I like to order chocolate to mix in with the popcorn. And sneak in Pocky! Tenju: Okay, I'm just gonna remove Nagumo from this call. Nagumo: Hold on-- (Tenju boots Nagumo off group chat) Futaba: HAHAHAHAHAHA HAHA!!! Tenju: Heheheheh ehehehh! You: You didn't even give him a chance to explain himself... You: Like, have you tried extra butter popcorn with chocolate though? It's actually really good every once in a while. Futaba: Mmm I like caramel myself! Tenju: Y'all are monsters. Say hello to bad cholesterol later in life! You: You gonna kick us out too? Tenju: Nah, I just wanted any excuse to kick Nagumo. Futaba: Oh. You: Oh. You: Yeah, that sounds like you.
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natsu-tte-noodle · 2 years
A3! Translation - Regional Tour Instablam Posts (Autumn Troupe)
Autumn was a little easier to do than Winter was... you’ll probably see why pretty quickly lol
Also, the like count on the posts seem to be completely random.  This isn’t important to the meanings of the posts, but I think it’s really funny that I’ve gotten Kazu posts with 0 likes lol
Also you can see here that I tried to vary the way they type out their tags in terms of capitalization and stuff!  That’s a purely stylistic choice on my part; there’s not much in the Japanese that implies for it to go either way
Sendai - Zunda shake
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Sendai. A commemorative zunda.
#the fabled zunda #delicious
Sendai was fun! (≧▽≦) We all drank zunda ^^
#MANKAI Company #Sendai #We’ll come again #Zunda #Wasnt sure what station lunch to get (1)
Thanks for coming to our Sendai play run. This is sweet and delicious.
Thank you for attending our Sendai play run. Apparently this is famous.
#Sendai #Thanks #Zunda
Nagoya - Nagoya morning breakfast set
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Nagoya morning.
#coffee #as for the ogura #just looking at it made me sick
Ogura bean paste.
Morning! ( `ー ´)ノ My tummy’s been full all day~!
#MANKAI Company #Nagoya #Morning #Ogura bean paste
Active since the morning. This is healthy.
Thank you for coming to our Nagoya play run. Speaking of Nagoya, this is morning. The early bird gets the worm, after all.
#Nagoya #Morning #Accompanying an elder #Damn sleepy
Osaka - Glico Running Man in Dotonbori (2)
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Dotonbori. #THE pose #they forced me to do a pic #not posting it tho
My souvenir from Osaka was a cheesecake.
Osaka was fun! I luv it! (3) Jk (≧▽≦) I ate myself to death (4) with delicious food!
#Osaka #Surprise Kansai dialect #The hells with that (5) #Dotonbori #Variety #Ate too much #MANKAI Company
A food binge tour with everyone. When you think Osaka, you think food.
#Osaka #Thanks
Thank you for coming to our Osaka play run. As always, there were many people.
#Osaka #Good work #Dotonbori #Sightseeing
Niigata - Red snow crab
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Niigata crab.
#sea of japan #shellfish #massive
Crab! So big! Super tasty! ^^
#MANKAI Company #Crab #Niigata ftw (6) #Hype
We ate crab today. The seafood from the Sea of Japan is fresh.
Thank you for coming to our Niigata play run. Of course the crab is good too, but the rice is delicious.
#Niigata #Crab #Impressive
Fukuoka - Tonkotsu ramen
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When you go to Fukuoka you gotta have tonkotsu ramen.
#best place for it #crispy style #second noodle helping #used it up
Ramen after the show run.
Thanks Fukuoka~! And my long-awaited tonkotsu ramen ^^ I enjoyed it all the way down to the soup!
#Fukuoka fun #Hakata (7) tonkotsu #ramen #MANKAI Company
Enjoying Fukuoka. This is our last stop.
Thank you for coming to our Fukuoka play run. At the end of the run.
#Fukuoka #Tonkotsu ramen #Light oil #No overeating #No ruining your skin
1. This was 駅弁悩む (ekiben nayamu), which is literally “worry about the station bento,” but that sounded to me like he wasn’t sure if it would be good or not
2. Dotonbori is a popular tourist destination in Osaka!  Food is huge in Dotonbori, and Osaka in general, which you’ll see in a lot of the posts about it. The Running Man sign is an ad for Glico, the company responsible for Calpico/Calpis and Pocky!  The ad has been up since 1935.
3. Taichi says 好きやねん (sukiyanen) here, which is Kansai dialect for “love it”.  I normally don’t do anything funky with Kansai-ben, but if I didn’t it’d look like he was saying “I love Osaka. JK NO I DON’T” lmao so we had to do SOMETHING.  Shoutout to Moonlight for the simple suggestion!
4. Here Taichi uses the phrase 食い倒れ (kuidaore), which basically means “eat til you drop.  I had to change the TL a to “eat oneself to death” to make it sound ok, but it basically means the same thing, right? Omi’s “food binge” is also originally 食い倒れ
5. The standard tsukkomi retort in manzai as well
6. This was 新潟最高 (Niigata saikou), with 最高 basically meaning “greatest.”  I let myself have a little fun as a treat lol
7. Another name for Fukuoka
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orcelito · 3 years
Opening song for cr campaign 3 has me thinking about Matt mercer's singing voice & since I have p5 brain inevitably I am thinking about Yusuke with that voice And
Im thinking about a karaoke night with the crew. Having heard Robbie and Xander's singing voices I can say goro & Akira would be good singers too (And would get WAY too competitive about it) but like Matt mercer's voice is like. Almost heavenly when he sings. Like wtf.
The group doesnt expect Yusuke to b that great at singing, but turns out he's the best one of the bunch
#speculation nation#jfkshfkd i was talking to andi about this but like#i think makoto would have an average singing voice. not bad but not special#ann could be good if she applied herself but shes more in it for the fun#ryuji bless his heart he is not good at singing#haru would be Enthusiastic but her voice is just so small & squeaky i dont feel like her singing would be very good#futaba's way too timid & would NOT sing well at all lmfao. either way too quiet or way too squeaky. not her forte.#morgana would b maybe okay except the karaoke machine just picks up meows so he ends up losing anyways#karaoke night with this bunch would be haru and ann being very enthusiastic & singing a bunch#them pushing makoto and ryuji to sing Some#futaba is talked into doing One song and after that song she swears off singing Entirely#morgana similarly tries One song but is too frustrated by the machine to go again. maybe sings with akira in subsequent songs#akira n goro are of course WAY too competitive. once they get started they have to be DRAGGED away from the mics#bc they just wanna beat each other that bad lmfao#the group manages to get yusuke to sing & then they r pushed to tears from his beautiful voice. like a god in mortal form.#yusuke does not understand what the big deal is. he returns to his seat and continues eating pocky#jfkshfkdb idk where tf id put a karaoke night in discacc but this is making me REALLY want to put one. it's just so fun lmao#discacc shit#sure lets put that there. these r general headcanons but since id like to find a spot for them in discacc... we will include it#Phantom Thieves Karaoke Night. a chaotic night for sure.
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rainy-ggukmin · 7 years
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I bought Strawberry Cheesecake flavored Pocky and it Piske and Usagi and I screamed “Jikook” 😂 ((Click to enlarge ofc))
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starsistertarot · 3 years
I just want to know what animal you think would be the animal mascot for the other generations of miracles + Kagami. You know like how 2 is to Kuroko.
Ohhh... That's a good question actually. I have never thought about it before, but when you mention it...
I HAVE A FEW IDEAS OKAY *gremlin laugh*
*feel free to change their names if you want, I'm just really shit with that sort of thing*
Kagami: A hamster
I believe Kagami would own an orange hamster that he named after his favorite basketball player (Because he's a dork), and spoil it a lot... But not too much!
He'd be the best hamster dad, okay. He claims he's not it's dad, and yet he'd treat it like his own *son*. (I headcanon its a boy)
He talks to his hamster about anything and everything when feeding/cleaning his cage- But he won't admit that.
Aomine: A frog
He owns a frog named Satsuki, because 1. It pissed her off when he told her its new name and 2. He claims it looked like her 🤷‍♀️
Him and the frogs are buds, because they bonded over how much Satsuki the frog scares the living shit out of Satsuki the human.
They don't have that "My child" relationship, but Aomine has a lot of respect for his frog.
They're best friends *cough*
Kise: Pomeranian
He owns a blond pomeranian named Pompom (I don't make the rules). And he has over 350 selfies with her ... and probably more without her-
Shes the love of his life, and he claims he's her dad now. He sleeps with her, walks her, shows off every single picture to all his friends until their eyes bleed.
"Did I tell you what my DAUGHTER, POMPOM did yesterday?", Kasamatsu: *groan*
Midorima: Goldfish
He owns a goldfish named after his favorite horoscope show, Oha-asa. Being the tsundere he is, he pretends he doesn't care too much about his goldfish.
But if Takao tapped on its tank, *evil overprotective Midorima* comes out, shouting "TAKAO- DONT DISTURB HER-" (yes it's a girl fish).
He loves his goldfish more than anything okay
Akashi: Snow Bengal cat
He is the proud dad of a bengal cat named Pearl. Who has somewhat become his emotional support animal over the years.
They're best friends, she's the love of his life and he has labelled himself her cat dad on every social media platform. (Even if I headcanon he's not an active user, he just went on a changing his bio spree LMAO)
He loves his little princess to *death*, and takes mild offense to anyone who doesn't understand he's her dad now. (we are the same, cat dad and cat mom unite)
Murasakibara: A snail
He owns a snail named Pocky, which he formed an emotional bond with. They had a lot in common you see. They ate food, took things at their own pace and slept.
Pocky is his friend, and no one can take it away from him.
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haifengg · 3 years
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Lucas can’t really go without affection. He needs a smooch at least before he leaves the house or when he says goodbye on dates. He wants to be reminded that their S/O loves him and that he loves them. It’s as easy as this.
B = Before (What were they like when they had a crush?) Dude would try to impress. With bad jokes. With flexing his guns. He would always ask his crush if they want to come with him and the guys to do whatever. And if they agree he wouldn’t really be able to hide his excitement. It would light a spark of pure joy in his eyes. It would be very obvious really.
C = Confession (What was their confession like?) Regardless of his looks and height Lucas still is a very childish man and he’s not that old either. I would honestly go that far and say that during his life he wasn’t the one confessing often. He usually got confessed to. So when it is actually his turn he would probably get all shy around his crush and he maybe asked Kun for advice as well on how to tell them and what to say since he is not the very best with words.
D = Date (What was the first official date they went on?) I am guessing something cheesy. Lucas may or may not be a romantic person but being all nervous about fulfilling expectations and doing a solid job he would take their S/O out to go an amusement park. He is a child really and his sometimes subtle playfulness is probably what attracts his S/O to him as well.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) Please don’t come for me on this one but I recon he would choose a text. As I mentioned in section C = Confession I imagine him being this popular kid in school everyone had a crush on at least once a week. (We’ve all seen the pics he’s adorable.) That being said he maybe got too used to dumping people interested in him. I won’t say it is the same with his S/O as it was with high school sweethearts but he might just fall back into old patterns due to convenience. Breaking up would still hurt him and still be difficult.
F = Fights (What would fights look like? What are things that upset them?) Honestly: Fights with Lucas would be a pain mainly because he doesn’t see where he’s wrong or what the issue exactly is. He is a very loyal person once fully committed but maybe not the most understanding one.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) His emotional way is very gentle. His physical way in terms of hugs and holding hands is too. Simple mind - Simple showings off affection other things we don’t discuss here it is SWF, please
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) Just like Johnny his arms are insanely long and wrapping them tightly around his S/O is just way to nice to not do it constantly.
I = Intimacy (What is their favorite form of intimacy? Do they have problems with it?) He knows why he’s in SM. He got casted off the streets for his looks. He also really radiates the vibes of only being there for the fun and the people only. Lucas is very confident in the way he looks and he is aware of how many thousand people find him insanely attractive. I am pretty sure there are close to no problems when it comes to intimacy but that is something very personal because we know that everyone has at least one issue with themselves which we sometimes could never tell.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) He gets jealous. Not much but he does in general. I am not sure how exactly that would display or how he would show it but overall: Yes he does.
K = Kisses (Are they a good kisser? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) I hope he is. Okay no honestly, hear me out lmao. Lucas ... is either very excellent at kissing or he isn’t. I just look at him and I really hope he is because that would be so grate and elevate him one step closer to being the complete package. He meets the height requirements. He has the hands to hold his S/O. He surely has the lips as well. Which is also where they like to kiss/be kissed the most.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) Lucas is the perfect personality type for getting along well with kids. He is goofy enough to play around with them and fun and fool but he is also calm enough to not out-child them and keep an eye on them. He is guiding their playfulness in a way only a few people can.
M = Messages (How often do they text his S/O?) He texts them A LOT when he’s bored. During practice or some random meeting he would get distracted by his phone and text them about how bored he is. Also he would often take pictures or snaps of stupid little things he wants to show them but they’re not around. Speaking of SnapChat: Filters.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Nights out in clubs are hot and fun. Nights out in bars (if they are dates) are hot. Nights out in movie theatre would be so much fun. He would totally get this slushies that turn your tongue in different Colors but would also hold his S/O during scary parts of the movie even though he’s scared himself. Acting all tough
O = Opinion (Would they ask for their S/O’s opinion a lot? How important is it in terms of decisions?) He would ask for their opinion but mainly because he thinks he has to or that they would want to be ask. If it’s about his personal matters. When it comes to mutual decisions it’s different because well of course he asks for his S/O opinion. What they say matters to him and he wants both of them to be comfortable. So when they say that sofa is ugly - it’s ugly.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Getting on his nerves is quite hard I assume. He probably would be the one getting on his S/O’s nerves (most of the time by accident tho.) If it’s something about them that actually bothers him he will be patient and ask them to maybe change that behaviour for a long time before actually admitting how much it is bothering him and eventually raising his voice.
Q = Quizzes (How does a bar trivia night teamed up with them look like?) A complete mess. Lucas once admitted he is not the smartest one and I adore people who are aware of that and own it in their own way. He would still try his best to not let his S/O and maybe other teammates down. BUT he is still an important part of the team: The one who chugs everything for the sake of the cause. IDK I just see him being able to drink a lot. He radiates this frat boy energy help
R = Remember (How much do they remember about their S/O or their relaitonship in general?) Lucas does his best but he is forgetting a lot. He writes it down in his phone. For example there could be a list for his S/O's family member’s birthdays and all their important anniversaries. He may still forget them tho. When it comes to memory Lucas knows it’s not his forté but he is trying hard.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) He is maybe one of the most protective boyfriends you will find in whole NCT. He shields his S/O from wind or rain, he corners them in crowded subways. He flags and gets in cabs first. He will shove between his S/O and other guys dancing at clubs casually so they don’t notice. He will tell people to fo k off if they are obviously bothering his S/O. He does it all.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) He might be sloppy with everyday chores but he will rather often take his S/O on spontaneous coffee dates or bring home take out aka steal something from the dorm Kun cooked.
U = Unique (What makes them unique as a S/O?) What makes Lucas unique as a S/O is definitely his awareness of his ... stupidity? Now I can see people coming for me for saying this but he once said he is not very smart and he is probably correct about that. His abilities lay more in the practical and emotional/empathic area. So what makes him special is is ability to pull his S/O’s guard down. If they come home from work super stressed he will put their mind at ease by simply talking to them about not so heavy or challenging topic. He will be their save heaven. A place where they don’t need to pretend or to impress. Lucas loves his S/O 190% for their character or quirks and maybe even for their intellect as well but he doesn’t compete with it and is real about himself.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) SO. MUHC. He has sloppy days tho but they will mostly never catch him with greasy hair or anything. And also he is in shape and plans to stay that way.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without their S/O?) He would. If he is not with them for a long time he can feel how he is losing his inner center or balance. Lucas would be fine on his own but honestly exactly just fine.
X = X-Ray (How transparent are they?) Lucas is an open book. He can’t hide anything and he is so easy to fool on like April 1st or some prank they want to play on him. If he’s feeling down they’ll see it. If he’s happy they’ll know it. if he truly loves them it will be on the local news.
Y = Yuck (Everyone has flaws. What is theirs?) Bruh okay. Well. He leaves his underwear everywhere. Or his socks. and he leaves the toilet seat up.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) Being asleep he grabs everything and pulls it in close. There is no escape. And I feel like he will wander towards the mid of the bed so if their S/O is avoiding being hold custody they will have no where to go but the sofa or wake him up.
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@jeonghanmoon @kpopsnowball @pocky-otp @himitsu-luna @soleilsuhh @dundun-baby
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kuroosweakness · 4 years
Hiii! I’m the curly haired anon, I loved what you wrote for me!!! I’ve come back with another one lol how would a road trip be with Oikawa, Akaashi, and Kuroo, like all of them separately with just their s/o? Would they wanna drive, would they want their s/o to drive, gas station order LOL, the whole nine yards! Thank you<3 I hope you’re doing well!
a/n: hii curly haired anon <33 a road trip with oikawa, akaashi, or kuroo would be so fun omgg :)) thanks so much for reading and requesting !!
oikawa, akaashi, and kuroo on a road trip with their s/o
- the day before the trip, he’ll be like “oh yeah i wanna drive !! it’ll be so fun and you can just relax through the whole trip. we can enjoy the scenery, play music, roll down our windows....”
- but on the day of the trip: “driving is a little too tiring :(... babe you have a license, don’t you ? :D”
- okay so you both agree on taking turns to drive :)
- oikawa definitely overpacks when it comes to snacks. he’s a prepared man for any snack emergency. especially sweets !! donuts, gummy bears, cookies, caramel popcorn, pocky, etc etc ( and milk bread of course ) 
-  “y/n ~ we’re out of vanilla cookies D:”
- “... yeah but there’s still five packets of chocolate cookies in the back babe ...”
- “ it’s not the same :( .... i knew i should’ve packed more-”
- the first few hours will be so hyped up !! music playing, rolled down windows, and a lot of laughter :)) but after a while, he’ll start drooling in sleep ( he looks so peaceful in his sleep ><) 
- he definitely takes a lot of pictures. he probably brought two different cameras to make sure he takes enough photos for scrapbooks. he’ll take selfies, pictures of the scenery, you driving, him and his snacks, you and your snacks, you sleeping, the cows on the side of the road, funny license plates, etc etc 
- “y/n are we there yet ?”   ...  “now, are we there yet ?” 
- gas stops will be the best of the best. you’ll both dash out the car and run into the gas station store together and stock up on even more snacks
- “yayyyy my legs are finally free :DD” 
- after going to the bathroom and having enough snacks again, oikawa will pump gas with the window down so he can still talk to you while he swipes the credit card 
- he’ll give you random compliments while driving, “y/n, you look really really pretty today.”          
-“aww that baby cow is so cute ... but my y/n is even cuter hehe” 
- overall, road trips with oikawa are fun, adventurous, and a time to feel free and happy while enjoying each other’s presence :)
- ( everywhere he goes, he shows you off. more and more pictures. ) 
- hmm... he’ll want to drive but if you would like to too, then he’ll be happy to sit in the passenger’s seat. (he secretly loves watching you drive ... it makes him feel energetic and relaxed at the same time ... and because he likes your side profile <33)
- conversations with him will mostly be recalling back funny and memorable memories you both have together <33 
- “remember the time we ran into a kid with a bloody nose and you got him a tissue ? that was sweet :)” 
- “ ... i’ll never forget the time you took my shirt and claimed it was yours for a week and then gave it back to me and took my hoodie for a week and then gave it back again and then took anoth-”  
- “and i’ll do it again ;)”  - you 
- as for snacks, he’s more of a potato chips and trail mix person. when you’re driving, he’ll feed you some of his snacks “do you want a big piece of chip or a small piece? okay open wide ~” 
- chill, relaxed, groovy music will play in the background while akaashi dances a little ( imagine akaashi dancing omg jfkdlskdjfdkl ahhhhh- ) 
- he’s very prepared and has all the different places to stop at planned out. also really good at navigating the roads !! 
- he brought a lot of pillows and blankets for napping when the other is driving. he’ll put a shade on if the sun’s hitting your eyes and wrap your body in blankets 
- he would definitely love to drive ( i have a feeling kuroo likes cars and electronic related things. i feel like he’s one of those people who can back-park with one hand and look really cool while doing it ... )
- kuroo would definitely tease you about your snack-taste ( but not in a mean way of course ) “babe are you sure you like chips that looks like broccoli ?” 
-  you’re in charge of snacks while he packed bento box lunches for the two of you :)) 
- egg salad sandwich, fried chicken, rice, curry, yakisoba, cheesecake, all that  
- if you compliment his cooking, he’ll be smiling widely the whole entire trip. he’ll probably brag about it too :) 
- most of the time, you both are just making jokes together and laughing at the inside jokes you have
- sometimes, his conversations starts getting deep into the wonders of life “have you ever thought about the meaning of life? if you and i weren’t here today then we wouldn’t be in this car talking to each other right now. life is a series of decisions. each decision we make impacts the rest of our life. if we hadn’t met then what would we even be doing right now? thank goodness i got to meet you or who else will i make fun of ? ;)” 
- “kuroo i’m just trying to sleep, not get a life lesson ... but keep talking i like your voice” 
- kuroo talks back to the GPS ( lmao ) “no, i’m not gonna turn right on elm’s street” 
- you guys will stop at many different sites just to enjoy the environment and buy souvenirs. museums, coffee shops, beaches, cool statues, boardwalks, shopping malls, all that 
- his hand is definitely on your thigh when he’s driving ... a little dangerous but his hand is not gonna move no matter what you say 
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tf2-hellhole · 4 years
The pocky game with their crush?
None of the know what the pocky game is, so this’ll be interesting lmao
I accidentally wrote this as the Reader already being their partner, sorry
Warning: There is mention/initiation of sex, but there is no actual sex/NSFW
Says sure when his S/O asks him to play, and asks how to play. When they tell him, he pauses for a moment before blushing and asking, “Are you serious?”
His S/O affirms that yes, they’re serious, and asks if he’s too chicken to play. He sits up and adjusts his cap, insisting that he’s not.
He’s a little reluctant in the first few moments of the game, but soon starts eating through the Pocky like it’s nothing so they can get to the making-out part.
Immediately starts trying to French-kiss his S/O. He’s ridiculously bad, to the point he kinda ruins the moment. His S/O pulls back so they can laugh, which embarrasses Scout. He’s actually about to get up when his S/O finally collects themself and brings him back in for a proper kiss. He melts into it once he realizes his S/O wasn’t mocking him.
After a few minutes, he’ll start to take the lead again and tries to initiate sex. He starts whining if they turn him down.
Asks what the Pocky game is. He starts grinning and excitedly asks if they can start after his S/O explains the game. He excitedly chuckles when his S/O holds up the box.
Unfortunately, it goes really poorly. Every single time, he immediately breaks the stick in half by moving too much. The two break almost half the pack before they finally give up
They just end up eating all the rest along with several other snacks while enjoying a good movie together. Soldier ends up eating like 70% of the Pocky sticks. They end up in a really heated make-out session by the end of the movie, so I guess they didn’t need the Pocky.
Pyro giggles in delight when their S/O holds up the Pocky box and explains the game. A game that involves chocolate AND kissing? Count Pyro in.
Of course, Pyro’s a little shy about the game because they have to take their mask off. They know their S/O has already seen their face several times but they can’t help but be a little sheepish anyway.
Pyro has a huge smile on their face when they put their end of the stick in their mouth. They eat through it kinda slowly, as they’re still feeling shy.
Turns out Pyro is a very shy and sweet kisser, which isn’t much of a surprise. They kiss very softly and often smile into it.
They can’t help but smile and giggle again once the two separate; It’s very sweet. They might try to steal another kiss, but they don’t try to escalate the kiss at all. This one is shorter and softer, more of a quick peck.
When his S/O suggest a game, Demo smiles and sits down next to them, asking them what they have planned. His smile grows into a big grin when they explain what the Pocky game is.
As they’re getting ready for the game, he doesn’t even try to hide the mischievous look in his eyes. His S/O knows what he’s gonna try, but they don’t say anything about it.
Once they’ve started eating the Pocky stick, Demo reaches out and puts his hands on their hips. As soon as there’s no Pocky stick left, he closes his eye and starts passionately and deeply kissing his S/O. He finally brings his arms around their waist to pull them close.
When they part to catch their breath, he leans in and whispers all sorts of sweet but sensual things to them in an attempt to initiate. If they say yes, he immediately picks them up and hauls ass to the bedroom. If they decline, he complains but in the end respects their choice.
If his S/O suggests a game, he sits down and asks what the game is. He blushes a little when they explain the game to him, but he’s down to try it.
He watches with a small smile as his S/O excitedly pulls the Pocky stick out of the packet. Honestly, he thinks the game sounds really silly but he’d glad to do something that his beloved S/O will enjoy.
He eats his end of the stick slowly; This ends up with his S/O getting most of the stick. Once they’ve eaten all of it, he starts to lean closer and puts a hand on their shoulder to kiss them very gently and softly. He doesn’t pull away until his S/O starts to. He can’t help but smile at them again when they look up at him.
He doesn’t try to initiate anything sexual, but if his S/O does he’s happy to provide what they need.
Highkey really likes the Pocky taste and eats like 75% of the packet on his own lmao.
He’s down for any games his S/O has planned, but when they explain the game he blushes a ton and chuckles softly. He’s totally down for it though.
He’s trying to hide his smile as his S/O fishes a Pocky stick out of the packet, though he’s not succeeding. He’s thinks the game an adorable gesture and he’s low-key a little excited to share this little experience with them.
Once they’ve both eaten their end of the stick, he puts his hands on their arms. He kisses them firmly but not roughly, and he smiles into it the whole time. His cheeks turn a bright red as the kiss goes on.
After a few moments the two separate for air, but once his S/O catches their breath he kisses them again, this time a little more softly. He chuckles breathlessly again once they separate and cups their cheek to press one more kiss to their forehead.
If he’s in the mood, he might try to initiate. If his S/O turns him down he respectfully stops.
He gives that huge, toothy grin of his when his S/O suggests a game and happily asks what they have planned after he sits down next to them. He’s a little surprised when his S/O explains the game, but he’s totally down for it.
His S/O can very obviously see the playful, mischievous glint in his eyes as they grab a Pocky stick.
He eats through his end quickly, eager to get to the kissing part. He softly puts a hand on his S/O’s cheek as he immediately starts kissing them passionately. When they pull away for breath, he leans in and mutters compliments in German against their cheek until they’ve both caught their breath.
Once they have, he comes in for a much more passionate and deep kiss; It’s hard for him not to smile into it. He’ll try to initiate sex after a few more minutes of heated making-out. If they say they don’t want it, he’ll immediately back off. He’ll complain a little but honestly doesn’t care that much about it.
They were in his camper when his S/O asked him to come play a game with him. He sits down next to them and asks what they have in mind. He blushes a little when his S/O explains the game, but he manages to keep his cool. He leans back and throws an arm over their shoulder as they pull the Pocky stick out of the packet.
He gets a little flustered once they start the game, so he ends up not actually eating too much of the stick. When their lips finally meet, he kisses them very gently, almost shyly. Once he pulls away for air, the blush on his cheeks is a little more obvious.
He gains more confidence and comes in for a second kiss, this one being much more passionate but still just as gentle. He reaches out to put his hands on his S/O’s hips, and leans forward into the kiss.
When he pulls away for the second time, he softly asks if he can escalate what’s going on. If they say yes, he pushes them down onto his bed for more kisses, but if they say no, he pulls away and apologizes before asking what they’d like to do instead.
Spy invites his S/O to come sit in his lap and show him what they have in mind when they suggest a game. They cross his smoking room and sit down with the Pocky box, and explain the game. He looks at them with a half-lidded, almost amused expression as they pull out one of the sticks.
He eats his end at a lazy pace until his S/O’s lips meet his. As soon as they do, he wraps his arms around their waist and starts deeply kissing them. Once they break apart, he mutters something in French before trying to catch his breath.
Will start asking for entrance after starting a second kiss, and if they don’t let him he’ll probably pinch their arm until they do. Though if they really don’t want it, he won’t push. If they do let him, he’ll kiss them this way for a little while before trying to initiate.
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miyanom · 4 years
Juniberry Season
WARNINGS: mentions of upcoming war, allura’s probably very ooc
NOTES: This is set in the Paper Rings universe, so if you’d like to see things set after this, check out the masterlist linked above! Also the title really has nothing to do with the oneshot, it just sounds cute lmao
DEDICATED TO @biqherosix, who really helped me out while writing this piece
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“Excuse me,” Allura gently moved her hand away from the man in front of her who had just kissed it in greeting. “As much as I would love to continue this conversation, I’m afraid I’m needed elsewhere.”
The diplomat, from god knows where, nodded as he bowed. “Of course, Princess. I’ll save a dance for you.”
Allura forced a smile onto her face as she bid goodbyes and quickly made her way toward Y/N, who was waiting on the sidelines with a teasing grin.
“Princess, I’ll save a dance for you,” Y/N mocked quietly, following behind Allura as they made their way out of the ballroom.
This was a common occurrence at events like this. Allura would often have to greet suitors who would do just about anything to win her over, and afterwards, she and Y/N would head outside to laugh about their hopeless attempts to woo Altea’s crown princess.
“At least you wouldn’t step on my feet, Y/N,” Allura whispered, a smile tugging at her lips.
Y/N let out a laugh, linking arms with the Princess as they stepped foot into the garden. “Well, I learnt from the best.”
It wasn’t a lie, Allura had taught Y/N how to dance when they were mere children, before Y/N had become one of Allura’s ladies. It was one of her fondest memories honestly.
The Princess let out a sigh as she sat down. “I feel as though the time isn’t right for this party,” she spoke. “Not with Altea on the cusp of war.”
Y/N’s smile faded for a moment. “But isn’t that why we need to have this?” She questioned. “One last hurrah.”
Allura hummed as she picked a junniberry from behind her.
“I don’t know about you, but I’d like to be married before it all,” Y/N suddenly stated.
“Married?” Allura raised a brow. “Y/N-”
Y/N looked down at the glass in her hands. “I don’t know, Allura,” she whispered sheepishly. “We have no idea how things will turn out, so I think it’s okay to hope for things as simple as that.”
Allura stared at her friend. Y/N was right, though Altea was on the cusp of war against one of King Alfor’s longtime friends, they had to have hope. Even for the simple things.
“Do you have anyone in mind?” Allura asked. “Did you fall in love and not tell me?”
Y/N’s face lit up, going almost as pink as the juniberry flower Allura was holding.
“You did!” Allura grinned. “Y/N, why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t!” Y/N shook her head. “You just caught me off guard, Allura.”
Laughter filled the garden, even as Allura returned to what she was making with the flowers. “If I did though, I’d like to believe he would be more serious than the men fighting for your attention. They’re just... too much,” Y/N muttered. “And maybe he’d be good with a sword, so we can train together.”
“Oh! I’d like someone who listens to me, definitely, even if they have no response.”
“Really? I always thought you’d fall for someone on the playful side,” Allura’s eyes flickered to her friend.
“Playful?” Y/N thought about it for a moment. “Playful feels like a step too close to childish. I doubt I could last in a relationship with someone too childish. Though I would like to be someone who can make me smile no matter what.”
“You may be right about that one.” Allura leaned over to place the flower crown atop Y/N’s head. “Though no matter who you come to love, they will never make flower crowns as good as I.”
Y/N smiled softly as she glanced at Allura. “Of course, I wouldn’t even ask them to try.” She then averted her gaze. “But this is all a ‘what if’ scenario, maybe I’ll grow up to be like Coran.”
Allura laughed at that. “You’ll find somebody one day, Y/N, and I’m sure that day isn’t too far in the future.”
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“Come on, I’ve fought children stronger than this gladiator!” Y/N taunted, standing on the sidelines as the Paladins trained against the Altean gladiator.
“Y/N is right. The gladiator is set at a level fit for an Altean child!” Allura called out, crossing her arms as her eyes narrowed in the Paladins direction.
Pushing himself up from the floor, Keith took off running at the gladiator, his sword held tightly in his hands. Though before he could get the drop on it, the gladiator was charging in Hunk’s direction, knocking the boy over with ease.
Allura let out a sigh, quickly powering down the simulator as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “Let’s… take a break,” she spoke in frustration.
Y/N’s eyes flickered from Allura, who was already walking out the door, to the Paladins who looked beyond tired. “Good work today, Paladins!” Giving them a thumbs up, Y/N quickly took off after the Princess.
“Keith is almost a natural with his bayard,” Allura noted immediately as Y/N caught up. “The others however… I fear they have a long way to go before they’re ready to face Zarkon.”
“Right,” Y/N nodded. “But they have us here to train them.”
Allura stopped in the hallway, a soft smile beginning to tug at her lips. “While watching, I was reminded of something you said a long time ago,” she spoke. “About the man you’d like to fall in love with.”
Y/N’s brows furrowed in confusion. “What about it?”
“Well, Keith seems to fit those standards, don’t you think?”
“Allura,” Y/N let out a laugh. “I think my taste in men has changed over the last 10,000 years.”
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@filipinhce @booyakasha516 @iifloweringnightsii @20coldhearts @kaylove12 @chewymoustachio @pocky-otp @chasingcqrs @fandomtrashbitch @rory-cakes @sokkas-honour @alteasmoon @biqherosix
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lustresky · 4 years
chocolate [peter parker x f!reader]
summary: Ned’s idea turns out to be not that bad after all. (Or, a story in which you and Peter play the Pocky Challenge.)
wc: 4000ish. 
themes: teenagers being teenagers, asian snacks, fluff (to be very honest this is the very first story of mine to only have. like. a teaspoon of angst haha), mj’s bffs w reader, ned is the best wing-man we never knew we needed, peter’s adorable as usual
a/n: title is a song by bbolbalgan4 which i think perfectly describes reader & peter’s sweet ass relationship. this idea came to mind when i was eating pocky lmao. also! i imagined reader as asian cause i am too and i kinda ended up putting irl things about me (being an immigrant, a nerd, and having strict but loving parents) into her story, so if you want to imagine her as such, please feel free to do so! i don’t think that it really matters much in the end tho haha
“I’m gonna get some snacks,” You announce as you stand up from the sofa, popping your neck and letting out a satisfied sigh as you hear it crack. “You guys want anythin’? Mom and I stopped by the Asian store last night.”
“Ooh!” Ned breaks his stare from the TV screen, lowering his controller onto his lap and looking up at you with a grin. “Did you guys get some Shrimp Chips? It’s been a while since I’ve had some of those.”
You let out a snort, “Duh! One pack of Shrimp Chips comin’ right up.” You say as you open the kitchen cabinet in which your family kept the snacks; a colourful array of different chips and biscuits staring back at you in greeting. You ruffle through them to find the familiar pink and white plastic packaging.  “What about you— Pete, MJ? You guys cravin’ anything?”
“I’ll have some Hello Panda, if there’s any!” MJ calls back, and you didn’t have to look up from your position to know that her face is still buried in her true crime novel. You hum back in response at her request.
“Pete, what about you?” You say, as you finally find two packets of Shrimp Chips hidden in the corner of the cabinet; you take one in your arm as you proceed to look for MJ’s snack.
“I’ll um— I’ll just have whatever you have, Y/N! Thanks!” Peter answers back just as you find the familiar diamond shaped, pink box containing the strawberry filled cookies. You place it in your arm, right next to Ned’s snack.
“You sure you don’t want anythin’ specific, Pete?” You reply back, as you dig through to find the snack that you’ve been craving for ever since coming home from school with them three.
It had become an unspoken tradition between you four to hang out at your house every Friday after school; you really don’t remember when it had first happened exactly, but you had never once complained about it. It’s, and had always been, fun spending time with them— and the fact that your parents always have their ‘date nights’ (Which, to be fair, you think that they deserve to have as a tradition considering how hard they work to give you a good life.) on Fridays means that you four have the entire apartment to yourselves, which is pretty nice.
Surprisingly, your parents— as strict as they are with their upbringing of you sometimes— are pretty lenient with them staying over every single time. You assume that it’s only due to the fact that they’re all nerds (No hate, you’re one too.) who actually get good grades and focus in school, but it could also be that your parents just want to make sure that you aren’t hanging out with the ‘wrong’ crowd.
Hah, you laugh to yourself. If only they knew the truth.
Not that they’re a ‘bad’ crowd per se, but you don’t really think that they’d react nicely to finding out that you’re actually hanging out with your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man and his ‘posé’ every Friday afternoon… nor the fact that you’re harbouring a secret crush on him. Nope, nope. You’d get your ass whooped.
“Yeah, just pick whatever you want, Y/N!” Peter responds just as soon as you find the thin, red rectangular boxes behind the packets of dried mangoes. You hum back in reply to Peter’s answer, grabbing two packs, licking in your lips in anticipation. To top off the pile, you add a few random packets of candies and a few bottles of Yakults, Milkis and Banana Milk. They didn’t ask for any drinks, but you figured that it would only be appropriate to get some while you’re at it.
Trudging back to the living space, you let all the snacks fall from your arms once you reach the sofa, hearing Ned whoop and MJ set her book down on the floor as she rummaged through the pile for her own snack.
Within a blink of your eye, only the two boxes of Pocky and a bottle of Banana Milk and Milkis are left. You let out a laugh as you see MJ and Ned promptly stuffing their faces with their respective requests.
You plop down next to Peter on the carpet, desperately ignoring the rising heart-beat in your chest. God, keep it together, Y/N! You tell yourself.
Peter didn’t notice you nor react, much to your disappointment; his head’s still buried in his textbook, right hand scribbling away on a piece of scratch paper beside it. His brows are furrowed, lips set in a tight line as a bit of his tongue poked out in concentration— Christ, who the hell gave him the right to be this cute?
MJ suddenly speaks up to Peter, breaking your gaze from his form onto hers. “Dude,” She says, lips popping off of the Milkis can. One of her eyebrows rises up as her hand lays down her book onto the sofa. “It’s Friday, can’t you like— do your homework some other time?” She pauses to pop a Hello Panda in her mouth. “You have the whole weekend for that.”
“Yeah, Pete,” You agree, siding with her. You pop open the other can of Milkis as you slide the Banana Milk over onto Peter’s side. “Come on, I know that we’re all nerds and all, but still…”
Peter looks up at you, and that’s when you notice how his cheeks are tinted with colour. His brown eyes pass over yours and then onto the drink that you had slid over to him. Letting out a sigh, he rakes his hand in his hair, effectively messing it up even more and making your heartbeat rise faster against your wishes. What the fuck, how can such a simple move get you so bothered?
“Fine,” He breathes out, dropping his pen onto the table, taking the drink and ripping open the plastic in which the straw for it was enclosed in. Peter stabs it in, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down at each gulp he took. After a few sips, he gives you a small, grateful smile as butterflies subsequently flew into your stomach. “Thanks, Y/N.”
You grin back, feeling heat creep up into your cheeks. “No prob Pete, anytime.”
As he looks back onto the table to inspect the other snacks that you had brought, consequently ending your eye contact with him, you see MJ looking at you with a huge smirk on her face as her eyebrows wiggled up and down.
You scrunch your nose at her, annoyed and embarrassed at her teasing; though you can still feel your cheeks flaring. You had discovered your feelings for Peter just a few weeks ago, and you had only confessed about it to MJ just last week— but she definitely made sure that she knew of the fact every chance that she got.
“Come on, Y/N!” She had hissed— a few days after you had told her. You had been in front of your locker, desperately trying to ignore her words as you focused on getting the stuff you needed for your next class. “Peter likes you too, I’m a hundred percent sure of it.”
You had closed your locker in a huff, the metal door slamming with a pretty loud bang. You ignored the eyes that had turned towards you in consequence as you stared down MJ, whose arms were crossed as she leaned to the locker adjacent to yours. “First off, how can you be that sure, and two, why do you want me to confess so badly anyways?” You had asked, annoyed. She only meant well, you knew that, but you were tired of her constant and incessant teasing.
“Because one, my observation skills are pretty damn great— I didn’t figure out who the web-slinging neighbourhood hero was for nothing,” She had replied, voice lowering into a whisper as she reminded you of how she found out Peter’s secret.
“And two, because I’m tired of you guys waltzing around one another like some kind of five year olds in kindergarten!” She had replied back, and before you could’ve retaliated, the first warning bell rang; telling you that you only had five minutes left to get to your class.
So you had left it at that, her words ringing in your ear as you stared down the mathematical formula on your notebook.
“Ooh… What are these?” Peter breaks the memory that had suddenly resurfaced in your mind, his hands holding up the slim, red, rectangular box. ‘Pocky?’” He asks as he reads the English words on the packaging.
“Yep,” You say, grabbing the snack from him as you ignore the brush of your hands on his. Keep it cool, Y/N. “You’ve never had some before?”
Peter shakes his head. “No— at least I don’t think so?”
“Well then, you’re in for a treat,” You say with a smile as you open the box nonchalantly, taking out the plastic packaging in which the sticks were in and ripping it open; making sure that you open it non-coated part up so that he wouldn’t get chocolate all over his fingers. “Here.”
“I— um, thanks.” He says as he grabs one of the biscuits and promptly takes a bite of it, eyes widening in delight as the chocolate coated his tongue.
You let out a small giggle, amused at his adorable expression. Holy fuck, my heart can’t take more of this shit.
“Did you guys just say Pocky?” Ned suddenly intervenes, concentration breaking from the TV and onto your outstretched hand. “I didn’t know you had some, Y/N!”
You let out a snort as Ned promptly takes one for himself. “Well, you didn’t ask, so.” You shrug, laughing at the look of betrayal on his face.
He just shakes his head and takes another bite of the chocolate dipped snack. “Ah,” He muses, one hand on his chest while the other holds up the Pocky as if it was a buried treasure that he had just uncovered. “This reminds me of that one time me and Betty did the Pocky challenge… What a pleasant memory.”
“Oh, really?” You laugh at his antics, grinning up at his dork-like stance. Ned never failed to bring up his summer fling with Betty; and you don’t think he’s ever really going to bring that down. Ever since they broke up, citing that they’re better off as friends, he had started acting like he knew the ins and outs of teenage love.
“Uh-huh.” He replies, a wistful smile on his face, effectively making you snicker. “It was nice…”
He suddenly drops the hand on his chest, lips forming into an ‘o’. You raise an eyebrow at his unexpected change of demeanour. “What’s up?” You ask, taking a gulp of your Milkis.
“I have a great idea,” Ned answers. You just raise an eyebrow up in response, urging him to go on as you continue drinking.
He claps his hands together. “Let’s do the Pocky challenge!”
You almost snort out your drink; making you cough excessively.
Peter quickly looks up at you in concern. “You okay?” He asks, hand instinctively going to your back and giving you a couple of soft pats. If it weren’t for the fact that you had almost inhaled a handful of liquid into your lungs, you would’ve spluttered like a teenage girl in love (Which, honestly, you think you would end up being if Peter keeps acting like such a sweet fucking gentleman.) at his action, but instead you just tried your best to breathe; chest heaving at the sudden intrusion.
“Yeah— yeah— no, I’m fine,” You wheeze, letting out an embarrassed chuckle at your little accident. You try your best to ignore the fact that his warm hand’s still laying on your back, still patting it softly. “Just got surprised— that’s all.”
Peter sends you a nod, a smile on his lips as he retracts his hand back to his lap. (You try not to let your disappointment about it show too much— MJ would never live it down.) He looks back at Ned, and asks, “What’s the Pocky challenge, anyways?”
You also look back at Ned, who gives you an eyebrow raise in concern— it isn’t really his fault that your mind had immediately supplied you with the image of you and Peter doing the challenge, promptly almost making you choke in response. Well— technically he did bring it up, so maybe it is kind of his fault… but seriously, who can get angry at Ned?
“Yeah, Ned,” You try to play it cool, clearing your throat. “What is it, anyways?” You add, as if you don’t already know. Come on! Anyone who has had a Tumblr or has watched anime knows what that is.
Ned claps his hands once again. “Okay, so basically,” He starts, taking another Pocky stick out from the pack, showing it off as a diagram. “Two people each bite the end of the Pocky as much as they can, and the one who pulls away first, loses!”
You feel Peter flinch from beside you. “Oh—“ was the only response that he had for Ned’s explanation. You didn’t even try to reply; your imagination seemingly deeming it the best time to go full on creative mode, much to your dismay.
Ned continues, “Well, you know most people just stop after a few bites— but me and Betty…” He trails off, the wistful look from before appearing on his face once more.
You let out a snort, ignoring the way your cheeks feel like they’re on fire. “Okay, okay— we get it, Ned,” You say, shaking your head. “You and Betty did food play, TMI, but— okay.” You joke, trying your best to steer the conversation away from the topic.
Ned breaks his recollection with an offended gasp at your words, whilst you hear MJ cackle from behind you and Peter.
“Y/N!” He says, scandalized. “I can’t believe— we’re children!”
You roll your eyes. “Ned, we’re literally going to college next year,” You reply, popping another Pocky in your mouth. “Plus, Tumblr and Twitter exist, dude. I bet I know way more than you do.” You laugh.
You feel Peter straighten beside you, and you inwardly take a 180. Christ, was that too much?
Sure, you’ve been friends for two years— but now that you think about it, you’ve never really discussed anything about… things in the bedroom before. Sure, you’ve talked about crushes and people that you find attractive, (You always made sure to keep your feelings a secret, though.) but nothing more than that.
You were about to take back what you had said, but before you can even do so Peter clears his throat. “Well— are we—” He says to no one in particular as he shrugs his shoulders.
Raising an eyebrow at him, confused, you ask, “Are we… what, Pete?”
Peter looks at you completely. You force your heart to beat at a normal rhythm. His face is tinted pink as he answers, “Doing— the… challenge?”
Your breath hitches in your throat.
Damn you, thalamus.
Ned answers, much to your disagreement. “I mean yeah, why not? Not like we’ve got anythin’ else interesting to do.” He says as he shrugs his shoulders.
After a beat, his face morphs into a look of disagreement. “But like— don’t do it with me, though. As much as I love you, dude, I don’t think I’d be able to do that.”
“Yeah, no—” Peter scrunches his nose up at the same thought. “Love you too, bro, but same.”
Ned’s face quickly lights up, however, and suddenly you have a gut feeling that you aren’t going to like whatever it is that he’s going to say next.
“You can do it with MJ, though—” Ned doesn’t even finish his sentence as a throw cushion goes hurling at him.
“Yeah, I’mma have to stop you right there, chief—“ MJ says, disgust evident in her voice. “My lips are not going near anyone else’s tonight. Thank you.”
Ned just grips the pillow in his lap and looks over at you. Oh no.
“Well, Y/N, how ‘bout you?” He raises an eyebrow, and you try your best not to show the fact that your heart is leaping out of your chest.
Play it cool, Y/N. Play it cool.
The correct answer is probably “Yeah, thanks but no thanks.” but God, this is probably the first and only time that you’ll ever be able to get this chance.
So you muster up some courage, acting nonchalant.
“I mean...” You clear your throat as you look at MJ, who’s already staring at you with a sly grin on her face. She nods, urging you to say yes.
Fuck it.
“I’m not… opposed to it?” You answer, shrugging.
Peter’s breath hitches— and before you even know it Ned has opened the other box of Pocky as he forces you and Peter to sit properly in front of one another.
“Okay, you guys know the rules,” Ned says all seriously, acting as if he’s a game keeper. You let out a laugh to get your jitters out. “First one to pull away loses!”
“Didn’t think I’d be doing this on this fine Friday evenin’.” You joke, doing a horrible southern accent and trying your best to keep the butterflies in your stomach at bay. Peter— thankfully— laughs back, putting you at ease somewhat. You grab a Pocky, taking the non-coated end and wrapping your lips around it.
“You may begin!”
Peter lets out a breath and goes in.
You can hear MJ cheering you on whilst Ned cheers for Peter.
As you continue biting down on the biscuit, Peter does the same.
Neither of you are slowing down.
Once your mouth reaches the chocolate part, you smirk as an idea pops in your head. You really don’t know how this will end; but one thing’s for sure, you aren’t going to lose.
You look up at Peter and make eye contact; trying to be clever by intimidating him.
Being this close to him allows you to gaze right through his eyes; and your smirk immediately falls from your face as you realize…
His pupils are dilated.
The heat crept higher up your cheeks— but no, you are not backing down.
You quickly break the eye contact as you continue nibbling on the biscuit, choosing instead to focus them on his nose.
You had never realized that he had freckles before.
Peter doesn’t stop biting down— and so you don’t either.
You hear MJ whoop louder, as Ned resorts to full on squealing.
By now there’s only a few centimetres between you two, and you can’t help but look at his eyes once more.
You notice the faint indents of lines around them, the slight bags under his eyes, the flutter of his black eyelashes as he stares right back into yours.
The beat of your heart rises, making you break your gaze and dropping them onto his lips.
Pink, pillow-y, soft…
Before you know it, your concentration breaks as Peter suddenly retracts himself— leaving you with the last bit of Pocky in your mouth.
MJ cheers and laughs louder, whilst Ned groans in defeat.
You won.
The living room’s filled with noise as MJ teases Peter relentlessly and congratulates you. Ned promptly disses Peter and gives you a reluctant, but still somehow proud, pat on the back.
You know that you should be happy too— you won, just like what you had told yourself that you’ll do; but the sound of your heart dropping in disappointment by Peter pulling back from you is deafening.
Looks like MJ’s observation was wrong.
After the impromptu ‘celebration’, you four decide to binge watch a new series on Netflix.
Ned then sits himself next to MJ, both of them sprawling out on the sofa whilst Peter sits on the floor.
Usually, you would sit right next to him, you two sharing a throw blanket and almost cuddling beneath it; but this time you choose to sit far from Peter— sitting by yourself on an armchair.
You just don’t think that you can handle being in close proximity with him for the time being.
It’s dumb, you know that. It isn’t his fault that he doesn’t like you— but damn, did it still hurt.
If you’re telling the truth now, before the game had started, you had hoped that it would end in a kiss; but now that you think about it more, you just feel like an idiot for even thinking of that as a possibility.
You feel a pair of eyes on you, but you shake it off and try your best to focus on the show in front of you.
After a few episodes, you hear the front door open and close. Your parents must be back.
MJ must have noticed, too, as she brings her arm up and pauses the show with the remote. She stands up, cracking her back and letting out a sigh. “Well, that must be our cue to go home.”
You tear your eyes away from the screen, looking over at the clock. It struck 10 just a few minutes ago.
Ned stands up too, letting out a yawn. “Yeah, I’m dead.” He groans.
You let out a snort, forcing your body to stand up too. “Fine, fine,” You say, popping your neck. “Go home, you invaders.”
Peter stands up as well, but he doesn’t say anything.
You follow them three towards the front door, passing your mom and dad on the way. They both give you a peck on the cheek as a greeting, giving MJ, Ned and Peter a nod as well. They seem tired, but the huge smiles on their face are enough for you to know for sure that they enjoyed their night out.
You see Ned out first, who gives you the handshake that you both had come up with two days before as a goodbye. MJ scoffs and Peter’s eyes widen, but it’s evident that they’re both impressed.
“Bye, Ned!.” You chuckle, ending the routine with a fist-bump.
MJ’s next and she gives you a hug; her perfume wafting in your nose and instantly calming you down. Her arms seem to last longer around you than usual, but you don’t say anything about it.
“Goodbye, my lil’ nugget.” She says, and you laugh upon hearing the nickname, your head resting on her chest.
They both left first as they took the same path home. You’re then left alone with Peter as usual, who still hasn’t said anything since you got up with them three to say goodbye.
It’s always been like this, Peter being the last one to leave; but it doesn’t feel the same anymore. The awkwardness and tension residing in the air due to the game that you both had played.
So there, in front of him, you had stood; hands playing with one another, eyes cast down on the floor, as your heart felt hollow in your chest.
You sigh.
Best to get it over with.
As you open up your mouth to say goodbye, Peter beats you to it.
“Y/N I—“ He starts, and your eyes immediately rise up to make contact against his.
Your breath gets caught in your throat.
With the glow of the moon and street lamp, he looks… wonderful: his brown eyes glowing with the faint light, the freckles on his cheek now visible to your eyes upon your discovery of them a while ago, his brown hair tousled and messy…
You muster up some courage, and you open your mouth once more—
Except you’re cut off with a kiss.
When Peter pulls away, you’re greeted with the sight of him flushed; cheeks, ears and lips tinted red.
You don’t say anything for a while, still needing to process the unexpected yet welcomed surprise in your mind… and also the delightful sight in front of you.
However, Peter’s face quickly morphs into a look of distress, promptly breaking your silence. “Shit! I’m sorry Y/N! I didn’t—“ He fumbles with his words. “I didn’t ask—“
You shut him up with another kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck and pushing him closer to you.
Peter melts like chocolate in your arms.
He tastes like it, too.
When you pull away, you smile at him; your eyes crinkling and your heart hammering in your chest.
“We should’ve done that earlier.”
thanks for reading! as always, requests are open! & pls don’t forget to like and reblog, thank you! c: 
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soap-stains · 4 years
Justice for All! We have begun!
Prosecutor Payne, hate 'im.
She actually really liked how snarky Amnesiac Phoenix was
That,,,, is all I got from the first trial,,, I didn't note anything from it, we're staring the second one, now
(Reunion, and Turnabout)
Anyway, I accidentally just said "I'm just pulling your neg!" Instead of "I'm just pulling your leg, Nick!" So that's fun
She likes Dr Grey; too bad he's gonna die lmao. She just said she kinda wants to cosplay him, and she really likes his hair
She went from "Pearl looks annoying" (seeing her on the title screen) to "awwe I love her she's cute" (seeing her the first time) to "I hate her" (when Morgan called her angelic). Idk whether or not she's actually gonna end up liking her? Maybe not
We started singing "Hot n Cold" in a ridiculous voice and when I got to 'you're wrong when it's right' I said, instead "You're Edge-wrong when it's Wright~!"
They're really drawing our attention to the incinerator, man. "Hey, there's an incinerator." "Don't forget about the incinerator!" "There's probably gonna be a body in that incinerator later, so don't forget about the incinerator!"
Headcanon: Phoenix is as terrified of bears as Ryan Bergara is.
At 2:24 a.m.: "wh- it's 2am?! When did that happen?!" "Twenty four minutes ago?" "Get your snarky-Edgeworth-ass out of here."
"If it's Gumshoe, I'm walking out." "...No, please don't-" <I think I recognize that Southern accent...> *we look at each other* "...Even worse." *she gets up and leaves*
I forgot Lotta was in this case ugggh noooo-
"I regret everything that got us here."
"But looks like you already forgot [about me]." "Yeah, because we hate you."
She's legit so angry we don't know Morgan's age... "So is she just immortal or something??"
"How has it got to the point that seeing Gumshoe makes me happy?" "He's just a lost puppy."
"Please tell I'm gonna see Edgeworth again. I want to see my boy." "You're gonna see Edgeworth again." "No, in this case. Are we gonna see him??" "...Of course we're gonna see Edgeworth again." "Good." *doesn't realize how I didn't directly answer her question because she still doesn't know about his note.*
I just spent the last 20 fucking minutes singing "uwu / I got a disease / walkin' 'round through the crunchyroll / neko neko nee~! / everybody's like, 'whatcha got?' / I'm like 'pocky!' / they're like 'you so weebish, I'ma call the police!'" in different voices of Ace Attorney characters- like Miles, Phoenix, Gumshoe, Maya, Gant, Ema, Ini, and Polly, because we just thought it would be fun. It was so stupid, but so god damn funny. Gant was kinda hard, but it was by far the funniest. It was very hard to do it in Miles' voice, I literally just gave up. I couldn't do it. Unfortunately, had to shut everything down, since it was 3am and I didn't want to get too loud & wake up my parents.
As soon as Pearl spoke, she was like "She's adorable, I love her so much!1!1!"
Phoenix was like "Maya! Don't bring up his name! He's gone..." And she looked at me like "you fucking asshole. You lied to me about us seeing Edgeworth again!" And I was like "well,,, technically not,,," and she was like "photos!! And a flashback!! That's different!!!"
She,,, Immediately hates Franziska, not shocked though. I had a feeling. I mean, look at her personality. I mean, I'm gay for her, but that doesn't change how frustrating she can be.
"...I... I think this is how I come out to my family."
"She's growing on me because she is the only one who has sense around here."
"You can't show weakness in front of the one you love!" ". . ." ". . . I'm her babysitter. Not her boyfriend."
*whip* "I don't think anyone really cares!" *unholy screech*
So much of what Morgan's saying,,, just doesn't make sense,,? It contradicts so much from before
She just started singing the "uwu song" from earlier, but in the Judge's voice xD
"I could not understand [Lotta's] atrocious English, not to mention she looked awful." "That's,,," "That's perfectly fair. Lotta sucks."
"[Phoenix] has very big hands..."
"Morgan... Fey...?!" "I thought she was gonna say Morgan Freeman..." "Oh my god- I can just imagine, this whole time, Phoenix making Morgan Freeman jokes(when Morgan isn't around) and everyone's just like 'jfc phoenix please s t o p', but Franzy's just like 'Morgan,, Freeman,,? What are you talking about, Mr. Phoenix Wright??? Her name is Fey???'"
"If this Phoen- Phoenix?? If this witness-" "did you seriously just-" "I'm sorry, not good at English, I'm from Germany-" "Yeah, yeah, I know."
"Makin' my way downtown, walking fast, there's my husband, oh he's being chased by women, I'll keep walking-"
"Dangit Edgeworth, why'd you have to die, I need you to pay my rent!"
(Turnabout Big Top)
Low key shipping Regina & Maya for some reason
"I wouldn't mind hearing more about Max's bust... Not that I'm into that sorta thing..." "P h e o n i x. Is there something you wanna say here??"
"All the sudden, I need a hamburger sad!"
"L... Little brother...?" "Me and my Todoroki Hoodie need a break. Fuck this. Fuck her. Fuck you." *throws blanket off my feet*"You can thank Manfred-- I meant Franziska-- for that." "Franziska doesn't deserve happiness."
"The truth is, I'm hiding him at my house. I'm hiding him from the females chasing him." "He- he's in Europe."
*hears DL-6 music and cries*
At Maya; "You make everything ten times worse. You make breathing ten times worse. You make Edgeworth ten times worse. You make the ground ten times worse. "You make Von Karma ten times worse, and that's saying something. Both Von Karmas."
*Phoenix goes off on Franzy* "oooohh he salty, he not happy-"
"This dog is all bark and no bite." "I'll bite you. Wait, I already bit your brother. But that's supposed to stay in the bedroom. WAIT-" "what did you just-" "Don't. I'm not okay."
"I,,, don't know the voice to do for Acro." "Just do a deeper voice, like I do for Judge." "Uh, okay... *does the best i can* 'You must be Phoenix Wright.'" "I said 'deep,' that's not deep!" "ShUT UP."
"I can imagine Nick being like 'I wonder if Edgeworth's looking down on Franziska and I...'" "No, fuck her, it's just me." "Wh- they're still siblings-" "I don't care."
Regina so cute gbufmudnhdngxv
"Me mimicking Maya mimicking you mimicking Phoenix. . ."
"He seems like such a nice guy!" "Yeah, so did Ted Bundy, but guess how he ended up."
hnnnnn we're so dumbbbb we lost the trial but fortunately we saved a bit before we showed the wrong evidence so it's fine but getting a GUILTY verdict terrifies me
"You just don't get it, do you?" "Wh... What did you just say?! That was offensive, how dare you." "I'm- I'm offensive? ...*rants for a bit Idk I didn't get it all*... You are just rude and inconsiderate and ugly." "Hey!!" "Don't ever call me offensive."
She said one of Maya's lines("Really, Nick?") as a joke the exact same time I was saying it and it sounded just like my Maya voice jdbdkxhdkhxdj how dare
(Farewell, my Turnabout)
For some reason when Pearl appeared again and started talking we were both collectively like "wow she's,,, kinda being annoying"
Wendy Oldbag came back and Pink flipped her fucking lid. She's so pissed off.
"...Tell this guy I. . . have the right to be here!" "No, you don't." "You don't have any rights."
"I will become a prosecutor just to see [Lotta Hart] guilty."
@ Gumshoe "-And you're hogging the place in my heart. ^w^"
"They had a real fiery rivalry!" "Sounds pretty gay to me."
*gets Transceiver* "I don't trust it." *snort* "I wouldn't."
I forgot to type this earlier but she was really happy to see Edgeworth again lmao and kinda relieved when Franzy got shot (rip)
We just had a conversation as the Judge & Gumshoe,,, I don't remember what I said but it ended in Gumshoe getting his salary cut even more (even though he's already getting fired ugdjdbkcbdmchd)
*as Judge* "...So much for my theory." *from the kitchen* "Sucks to suck!" "What was that, from the audience? Someone want to speak up?" "...no..." "That's what I thought."
Both of us have said at different points "maybe he should've stayed dead,,,"
Honestly, I miss doing Franzy's voice,,, it was hard to speak in sometimes, but it was fun :(
"We love Franzy. Sometimes. Ew, I can't believe I just said that. Time to go wash my mouth out with bleach."
"Mystic Maya, what's 'makeup sex'?" I'm not giving context for this but- just take it
"Who hired [Gumshoe]?"
*reading something* "...God-it-" "It's Godot." "Too bad."
*reading again* "...Detective Sue-de-hoes-" "Suedshoes???" "Oh- but you have to admit-!"
*still reading* "Six dollars for two Swiss Rolls?" "Those better be good, jeez." "That's three dollars a swiss roll!"
"Thank y- I mean-" *as Judge* "Thank you for being nice to me, unlike your sister-" *whip sound* "oW!" "Okay, like, Franziska in the hospital, reaching for her whip, because it's totally with her, and she's like 'Someone's talking about me...'"
"Guess [Gumshoe] works at the fire department, now."
"Why were you in his room?" "Why do you think I was in his room?" *throws part of phone case* "Ha! Missed me!" *throws other part of phone case* "aCK, hey!!"
"...I have martial problems." "Mari-sh- wait, shoot, you were right-" "Really? I was right! I was wondering why you were correcting me." *utter embarrassment*
"Mr Engarde had gone to the victim's room [with his own dinner knife, and used it to murder him]. Which, in my opinion, is kind of gross, but. It's murder, it's fine." "I- we don't have time to unpack all that."
She's kinda already working on Apollo's voice because shocker shocker I'm gonna see if I can buy it!
"Just say it's important and agree with me for once!" "Never, fuck you." "Please do." ". . . Dude. Ew, I didn't mean to say that in Edgeworth's voice. That's so weird."
I've said "Not the time, Wright," way too many times today
Why tf do we have to present this god damn knife three times in a row
"It means your theory was flawed from sup- supi-" "Supposition." "-supposition one!" "Takes a little bite out of it, when you can't pronounce a word." "Shut up, I'm Babey!!!"
"Who is that?" "This is Adr-" "A bitch!" "-... You're not wrong."
"This manager with the initials 'A.A.'... Could it be 'Ace Attorney'?" "Pfft-" "Or 'Alcoholics Anonymous'??"
"I mean, you do look fine, but I don't think you are doing fine."
"You're lying, dammit!" "Jeez, that's harsh. I leave for a year, and this happens?" "You made me think you were dead, so shut the fuck up!" "That's. . . Fair."
"Just say what it is you want, Wright. Wait, no, don't-" "I want you-" "-please no-" "in my bedroom tonight." "-god damn it." "What? You asked. First amendment, bitch!" "You can still be penalized, you know!" "Meh."
@ Edgeworth: "Fuck you, and you, and you~. I hate-. . . you."
"No one is accusing you of that. Except for Wright, 'cause he's a bitch."
"We have to throw her off her pacing." "Now you've thrown him off his rhythm!"
"Where's Maya?" "Maya's dead, [friend's name]!" "Wait, really?!" "NO!"
"Anyone randomly stumbling upon a dead body would be shocked." "Logan Paul wasn't."
*says something along the lines of 'i get it, shut up' at Mia* "Hey! That was offensive! I help you out! Well, actually, not really." "Yeah, she just kind says stuff and we look at her and then she's cryptic and unhelpful and then we get confused and look away. But she is nice to look at."
"Phoenix, you stupid whore-" "How dare you call me a stupid whore!" "Phoenix, you stupid simp." "..."
"Just as I thought, her testimony is solid." "Really? Because it seems pretty wishy-washy to me." "We get it, you're better than us, just hElP uS oUt."
"'The room?'" "'That day?'" "Two types of people."
"I swear, if Lotta appears again-" *clicks button and Lotta appears* "... H O W."
"I don't think I've hated anyone in this game more than [Lotta] or Oldbag." ". . . Rise from the Ashes." "Oh."
"Yer that red coat's friend, aren't ya?" "That's... A loaded question." "I'm his boyfriend!" ("Two types of people.")
"I feel like he's going to have some sort of reveal. You know how bad characters in this game have like, reveals? Of what they really are like?" :)
*Matt does his reveal thing* "...That's hot."
"Because I'm a grown-up, and I can." -Matt Engarde
"What a shame. Oh, what a shame, what a shame the poor groom's bride is a-" "Dusty bitch.""
"Who's gonna take care of Shoe [after this]???" "...Eh, we'll give him to Pearl. She deserves it."
"Ugh, Phoenix, you stupid, basic, almost-hetero man."
"It's about a three-hundred foot radius from the tent!" "You were able to measure that far?" "I've been lawyering much longer than you have, shut up!"
"What's the moral of the story, kids? 'Looks can be deceiving'! Because we totally haven't heard that phrase 20 thousand times this case."
"You kids these days and your fancy new toys." "Cut to 2020." "Yeah, these games tend to slap you in the face with the fact they were made in the early 2000's."
I haven't been taking notes for a while, but... We're done! We've finished Farewell, My Turnabout. We kinda fucked up and didn't give Miles the whip so oops
Anyway! That's it for now!
Time to start Trials and Tribulations!
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thespiralgrimoire · 4 years
*Cracks knuckles* Alright y’all it’s go time
I’m going to discuss all the works in my series Boys Will Be Embarrassing and also some WIPS
Lost in Roses
⭐️ This whole fic was an accident. I started writing it with a vague idea of what it was going to be about and I lost that idea along the way.
⭐️ It’s my least favorite in the series because it’s kind of boring, but I did like writing baby Solid
⭐️ It’s included in the series because it’s the origins of Nebra’s crush on Fuegoleon, which is important for later works
⭐️ I got to introduce this headcanon that Nebra is good at climbing here, and have not been able to use it since, which just breaks my heart
In the Lion’s Den
⭐️ This is the fic that properly started the friendly contest that led to the Boys Will Be Embarrassing series, but it is NOT the first fic. It’s the second. The first hasn’t been posted because it takes place post-canon (or canon-divergent, depending on how long Black Clover goes for), and it’s called And They Were Roommates.
⭐️ @loafingdragon​ waited WEEKS to post this fic because she couldn’t think of a proper meme for one of the lines near the beginning. In the end, I kicked her ass into posting it without a meme. No loss.
⭐️ This is the fic that started us keeping track of all of Nozel and Fuegoleon’s friends, because we had to decide which one hit on Meoroleona and got his nose broken. It was Ben Benfunk. This ended up working well because in the anime, Ben has a throwaway line about the Crimson Lions having to do well or Captain Meoroleona will make them regret it LOL
The Challenge
⭐️ This is my FAVORITE FIC IN THE SERIES it does NOT let you come up for air it’s SO FUNNY
⭐️ This fic’s working title was Boys Will Be Embarrassing. I made my sister change it because at this point I knew we were going to make more stories in his genre and I liked it as a series title.
⭐️ This one was a draft for a long time because in the original ending, Nozel opened up a trap door to see Meoroleona watching them play this game and it just ended with the two staring at each other like this
⭐️ In the original, they also only played one round of the Pocky Game before they played Cherry Chaser, which meant that we didn’t get Nozel doing... all that
⭐️ In the original, Fuego swallowed his cherry and Nozel lost his. When Nozel found Meoro, she popped a cherry in his mouth so that Nozel could win.
⭐️ When I read the second draft of this fic, where Nozel starts doing all those things during the Pocky Game, it killed me on sight
⭐️ The working title for this piece was “Hot Boys” LMAO
⭐️ I forced the idea out of my noggin because I wanted to explicitely write fluff. Might have missed the mark on this one but OH WELL
⭐️ Originally they were going to get caught in a cave, and when the temperature dropped a night, Fuegoleon got to be the one keeping them alive. I ditched this because everyone makes Fuegoleon the big strong one and I wanted Nozel to be the one in charge the whole time
⭐️ Did you know that mercury is such an efficient coolant that it’s not advisable to use as a coolant because (along with the fact it’s hard to get) it cools TOO well? Makes your devices frosty
⭐️ Silver Cradle WILL be making an appearance in other fics, actually in a similar fashion to how it appeared in Oasis. But with someone else
⭐️ If it weren’t for my sister @loafingdragon​ this fic would easily be half the length that it is. I kept writing a little more and she kept saying “It doesn’t feel finished yet!”
⭐️ There are WAY more subtle headcanons worked into this fic than it seems. So many of them are extremely subtle and inconsequential, I didn’t bother pointing them out.
⭐️ Mimosa isn’t playing with Leo and Noelle in this fic because I straight up forgot that she existed LOL. I regret this
⭐️ I didn’t get a single age right in the whole-ass fic but shhhh nobody’s called me on it
⭐️ This is my most popular fic and you know what. It should be. It’s the best so far
The Grimoire Thief
⭐️ The working title for this one was The Grimoire Walker, which was cooler, but didn’t fit, so we had to change it
⭐️ This is the newest fic in the series right now! It’s a beautiful mess and all over the place.
⭐️ This fic is what made me start loving Nebra
⭐️ It’s where she really explored Nebra’s love for games, which I take full advantage of later
⭐️ @loafingdragon​ is reading this almost entirely by herself so I can’t say a lot about it tbh
The Ring(s)
⭐️ It’s in the notes of the fic, but it was inspired by this post
⭐️ There is a fifth chapter, which follows that post almost like a script, and I like it a lot, but I didn’t post it because it’s entrenched in my preferred AU where instead of ascending, the elves just stuck around and shared bodies with their human hosts. It was too much to explain at the end of a story.
⭐️ I thought up the very important hc that Nozel can eat anything on the spot for this fic and it has colored every other thing I’ve written about him to date
⭐️ This ring comes up in other works because Nozel never stops being enamored by it
Now let’s talk about WIPS a little bit
Disaster Bisexual Fuegoleon Fic
⭐️ The working title right now is Ultimatum but I’m already tired of that
⭐️ We’re about.... 1/2 - 2/3 through this fic and it’s about 80,000 words LOL pray for us
⭐️ This is the first fic where @loafingdragon and I are seriously collaborating on it. Like, there are points in this fic where we’re both writing it, at the same time. It’s really fun and exciting, as I’ve never written anything this collaboratively, and I’m having soooooo much fun with it
⭐️ The reason we’re doing it that way is because there are two OCs in it that belong to my sister. They’re elves who belatedly possessed Fuegoleon and Nozel. This only increases the hilarity of the fic I promise
⭐️ The other reason we’re writing it collaboratively is because it’s a comedy and my sister @loafingdragon is way funnier than me
⭐️ The elf thing is one reason that we haven’t started posting it yet. The other is because it also takes place after/divergent from canon, like And They Were Roommates
⭐️ @loafingdragon did a whole story introducing the elves, which is really good but she hasn’t posted it yet BECAUSE we have to write something ELSE before that is properly situated in this universe. It’s a matryoshka doll of details to explain and I’m losing my resolve to explain them properly
⭐️ Despite us working on this extremely collaboratively, I don’t think my sister knows how I plan to end it??? Which is very sexy of me I think
Traning With Aunt Nebra
⭐️ This fic is completely done, and discusses Nebra training Fuegoleon’s toddler son, who has steam magic
⭐️ It was written real early in the history of this series by @loafingdragon, and has a really flippant feel to it, meaning it’s funnier than anything I’ve written in my life
⭐️ Nebra gets to motorboat Fuegoleon in it. That’s really all you need to know to be sure that it’s good\
⭐️ It’s going to be a while before it’s posted because we still have to explain where Fuegoleon’s son came from
There are actually more fics but they’re @loafingdragon‘s and I don’t have that many thoughts on their beauty
Thank you for enabling me shammie. Now I’ve got to go put on pants and get some breakfast.
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alolowrites · 4 years
Top 10 Stories of 2020
With 2020 almost over (still not in 2021 where I live lol), I decided to walk down memory lane aka my masterlist. I wrote a total of 53 stories this year which honestly blows my mind. Using this fun website, here are the top ten stories of 2020:  
1. Juice (Bakugou): OF COURSE this story is number one and it’s Bakugou LMAO. Listen, I love this guy so much and this fic was so fun to write. Bakugou just has a way with kids, huh? But tbh, he would make a great dad, I just know it!
2. Small Competition (Bakugou, Shinsou, Kaminari): I’m not sure when I got inspiration for this story, but the idea was just too good hahaha. They’re like drabbles or headcanons (???) and out of the three, Shinsou’s was my fave one to write out. 
3. Comforting Words (Bakugou): Listen, I suck at comforting people. I just can’t; I’m too blunt and I kinda freak out when people cry, but I still care ya’ know? Same with Bakugou, he cares in his own weird/aggressive way, but still tries to lift you up. I think this is my absolute comfort fic (see what I did there hahahahaha, imma stop)
4. The Point of No Return (Toshinori): OOOOF, this story was a PAIN to write out. I got the idea when I was brushing my teeth one night and it was just so much angst that I had to write it. I honestly cried when it came to the dialogue, especially the ending. By far my fave angst story I’ve written.  
5. Hands Off (Shinsou): Okay, I kinda was reading some Mandalorian fanfic and boom the bounty hunter!Shinsou image came to my head. Shinsou is mysterious and I just know his deep voice sounds so fucking hot. Him being a bounty hunter is an added bonus lmao. I didn’t expect this story to blow up tho hahaha
6. Pocky (Shouta): So this story was inspired by someone’s fanart from a different fandom. I saw it on Tumblr one late night and like a dumbass, I forgot to like it to reference it back/give proper credit! Anyways, I wrote this fic while I was WFH and legit focused on this story instead of my actual work LOL. 
7. Laundry Night (Bakugou): My very first Bakugou story!!! Wow, what a throwback, ha! I was watching some BNHA video on Youtube and someone wrote in the comments that Bakugou looked like a hot-headed Pomeranian and shit, I was SOLD. The dialogue was my fave part and the ending too.    
8. Don’t Litter (Bakugou): Y’all can tell I love Bakugou, huh? Anyway, this idea came after scrolling through Tumblr and so a post where a dad kicks a car’s door to protect his kid. It was so cute and screamed Bakugou big time. Plus, I’m a sucker for dad!Bakugou, sue me (pls don’t, I can’t afford it)
9. Stolen Glances (Tamaki): THIS SWEET BOY!!!!! Man, I really wanted to write something for Tamaki and it had to be fluffy because he deserves the WORLD. I promise to do better and write more stories for him in 2021!! 
10. Workout (Shinsou): This little shit head LOL. He would try to seduce you with his workout routine. The story was also my first try on exploring more ~steamier~ topics. Baby steps for eventual smut?? Maybe. 
Well, that rounds up my Top 10 stories for 2020! If anyone else wants to do this, click on the link above!!
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