#the price of astrophile
inaducurserphelper · 8 months
P E R S O N A L I T Y - W I S E:
THE HALCYON – someone who is loving and care-free. they see the brighter side of things. their optimism can often lead to them being childish
THE SACCHARINE – someone who is overly sweet. whether you love or hate them, they will always respond positively and in a polite manner
THE SOILED DOVE – someone who is sympathetic and full of hope. however, they can also be lost
THE FRAGILE BUTTERFLY – someone who is sensitive. don’t do anything that will yell at or scare this lil angel because they will break down
THE HELPING HAND – someone who wants nothing more than to help people. and, most of the time, want nothing in return
THE CRESTFALLEN – someone who is depressed and is often disappointed
THE MAMABEAR / PAPAWOLF – doesn’t necessarily have to be an actual parent but acts parent-like to their friends ( basically the mom/dad friend™ )
THE HEEL – someone who is FULL of hatred. not only towards others, but (sometimes) towards themselves as well; for little-to-no reason
THE FALLEN ANGEL – someone who was once a cheerful little lovebug is now damaged and have become reckless and rude
THE TEMPEST – someone who knows the exact WRONG thing to say or do and does them just to cause a rise in people….so an asshole
THE BLABBERMOUTH – someone who never shuts up about anything ,, can be gossip or just general talking
THE MANNEQUIN – someone who is physically attractive and fashionable. something seems fake about them; they tend to be cold  and distant
THE CUDDLE BUG – LOVES, LLLOVES cuddles and physical contact. it doesn’t even need to be sexual tbh. they’ll find any excuse to touch you ( i.e hold your hand, hug you ). they just love it
THE TACITURN – someone who is shy and tends to be very quiet, especially around those they don’t know very well
THE DIRTBAG – someone who loves to cause a rise in people and break rules
THE CRIMSON – someone who gets easily upset (mad) and aggressive
THE CATALYST – someone who is independent
THE LOTHARIO – typically a man – someone who is seductive and often irresponsible in relationships
THE VIXEN – typically a woman – someone who is alluring and manipulative ; uses their good looks to get what they want
THE FILLE FATALE – femme fatale in the making, someone who is still learning how to get away with things by using their charm and good looks
H O B B Y - W I S E:
THE ASTROPHILE – someone who loves watching the stars, learning about astrology and just adores the topic of our galaxy
THE BEACH BUM – someone who LLLLOVES the beach and sunny days. typically a surfer
THE BIBLIOPHILE – a person who has an collection of books to show off. looking for them? they’re most likely off, alone, reading their favourite book
THE EYES AND EARS – also known as the gossiper – nothing goes around without them hearing it. they’re a hoe for passing on juicy gossip
THE CITY MOUSE – someone who lives for being out in the city. there isn’t a bar/club/park they haven’t been too ; they enjoy the hustle-n-bustle of the city life
THE COUNTRY MOUSE – someone who loves being in the country. they like that there isn’t a lot going on around them and can never seem to understand why anyone would ever like feeling rushed ( aka in the city )
THE SONGBIRD – someone who enjoys singing and/or music. they most likely have a very impressive collection of CD’s and records laying around their house
THE STUDIOUS – also know as the nerd ( awwww, yeS ) – they love to study and are very intelligent people. tbh, don’t even try to fight with them about that math problem ‘cause binch, they’re
THE GOOFBALL – someone who loves to crack jokes but knows when the line should not be crossed. they’re usually lovable and fun to be around
THE PHOTOGRAPHER – want some nice pictures but don’t want to pay silly prices?? go to them. they LOVE to take pictures of just about everything and anything. they carry a camera around with them everywhere they go
THE ARTISAN – someone who is an art hoe. they enjoy painting, drawing, etc. if it’s a form of art, they’re all for it
THE AESTHETE – someone who appreciates not only art but the beauty of it as well. they tend to look aesthetic af
THE FOODIE – isn’t someone overweight, someone who loves food. they love to eat and honestly, it isn’t a bad thing
THE BELLWETHER – loves setting trends and trying new/risky things with their style
THE THESPIAN – a drama queen ; can also be an actor or actress
THE ANIMAL LOVER – loves all things animals. from house pets to exotic animals, they love every one of them
L I F E S T Y L E - W I S E:
THE FITNESS GURU – someone who loves fitness. they often go for early-morning runs. can do yoga as well
THE NEAT SHEET – ( typically the neat fre*k but i don’t like that word tbh ) someone who enjoys organizing things and their house is probably spotless… ,, bicht you can see your reflection in their flOOR I BET
THE CLEAN SLATE – someone who may have had a difficult past which they want to forget. they’re starting a new life in hopes of stopping and, eventually, forgetting the pain of their past
THE ECDYSIAST – also known as the stripper – someone who is a striptease performer
THE NOMAD – someone who can’t stay in one place for too long; similar to the traveler but doesn’t travel for their own amusement.. they go because they have to
THE TRAVELER – someone who wants to see the world. it doesn’t matter where or how long it takes to get there, they’re GONE - don’t be surprised if you text them one morning and they’re like “oh yeah btw, i’m in france :)”
THE BAR HOPPER – ALCOHOL TW !!!! – someone who has a drinking problem
THE CRITIC – someone who feels the need to critic … every…thing … can sometimes go overboard but can also be very helpful with their art friends
THE TRUST FUND BABY – someone whose family is wealthy ; typically a teenager who gets their parents’ funds
THE DADDY’S GIRL – much like a trust fund baby except they use their father’s money. they typically use the fact that they’re ‘ daddy’s little angel ’ to get whatever they desire. you’ll often hear them say “buuut daaaadddyy….. :(”
THE OPULENT – again, much like a trust fund baby / daddy’s girl, the opulent showers in luxury. they wake up on their private yachts and drink fancy-shancy champagne
THE ACTIVIST – someone who fights for change and doesn’t/won’t give up easily
THE HELLION – someone who wants to raise hell, can be a hot-head
THE RUNAWAY – on the run from someone or something, doesn’t usually stay in a single place for long
THE SHEEP – someone who follows others
THE ORPHIC – someone who is beyond ordinary,, they’re like from a fantasy book or something ; tend to be very mysterious
THE TALISMAN – a person who is astonishingly charming and often know certain things before anyone else does
THE ANTISOCIAL – says it as it is, someone who dislikes the company of most people ( there’s those few people that don’t drain them emotionally) and someone who isn’t sociable
UPDATED ON: 02/06/17.
H O B B Y - W I S E:
THE AQUAPHILE – someone who will do anything to be near water. they love any body of water ( lakes, oceans, etc )
THE PACK RAT – someone who obsessively hoards something to the point where it’s probably unhealthy ( this can result in their appearance looking rough and unkempt )
THE ADDICT – someone who is addicted to one thing or another
THE HARDCORE GAMER – someone who executive plays video games
THE DILETTANTE – an amateur artist; has room for development
THE DYNAMO –a zestful person who likely has a big personality. they chase their ambitions with full potential of being successful
THE FACADE – someone who obviously ( or not-so obviously ) hides behind a mask
THE QUIXOTIC –  a romantic person who is also idealistic but can be foolish and impractical
THE ISOLATO – someone who is isolate from society; physically or metaphorically 
THE HOYDEN – a tomboy. typically a girl; they are often bold and carefree
THE ECCLESIASTIC – someone who is religious
THE BENEFACTOR – basically a sugar daddy
THE CELEBRITY – typically someone who is famous or has a high and public profile
THE AMARANTH – someone - typically a woman - who is very difficult to forget
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all1e23 · 4 years
Tricks & Treats
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Orion’s Halloween is quickly turning rotten until someone helps to turn her day around with a few sweet treats. 
Warnings:  N/A Unless you count a disgusting amount of fluff to be a warning.
A/N:   A new Astrophile drabble! This is set in the very far future, Halloween 2042. Orion is 27 and it’s just the kiddos. No Beck or Bucky. This does have some bits (okay a lot of bits) of the the shared Price of Astrophile universe collab with Tara and if you haven’t read The Price of Gold you need to! Thank you to my beautiful @moonbeambucky​ for looking it over for me. If you have not read the series Astrophile, THERE WLL BE MAJOR SPOILERS.  
Catch up on the series here!
***My fics are not to be saved or posted on any other sites without my written permission. Reblogs are my jam, though! Thanks!*
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Halloween 2042
Today has been a disaster. A complete and utter nightmare. It started with spilling hot tea all over her copy of Star Lore and down the front of her favorite skirt, which forced Ori to settle for the little black number Cassie bought her as a Halloween costume. It’s supposed to be a cat but it’s really a dress accompanied by cat ears. It’s not that it’s awful, it’s not her usual taste. It’s a simple spaghetti strap dress, sweetheart necklace that doesn’t dip too low and cut just above her knee. As far as Halloween costumes go it’s fairly modest but it’s a little tight compared to the rest of Ori’s closet. 
Little did she know that was just the beginning to her terrible day. This was the first day in months that Ori was running the store on her own. No mom to fall back on. Not that it hasn’t happened before. At fourteen Ori was working the floor by herself so none of this was new but, today has been a nightmare from the moment the doors opened. It was unusually busy for a holiday, especially Halloween. It wasn’t often that the store was packed with customers on a day like today and there were moments when Ori began to feel claustrophobic with the amount of people filling the tiny shop.  
Half of the morning was spent on decorating the window display for a new series that was set to be released at the beginning of November. The copies were scheduled to be delivered today, but they never showed and when Ori called to check on their status, the man she was unlucky enough to be put in contact with screamed at her, explaining that it was a holiday and not everyone spent their lives working. 
It was one of those days where she wished she was ten years old again and Bucky could swoop in and save the day. 
By some miracle, there was a lull, and she was able to slip behind the counter where her phone is kept when she’s working the floor alone. She swiped away the missed calls from Cassie and ignored the texts from Leo. There was only one person who knew how to calm the swirling mess in her head right now and she knows how pathetic she looks, twenty-seven, and tears swimming in her eyes. She didn’t care because just hearing his voice would help settle her. Theo’s voice rang her ear and as happy as she was to hear it, part of her wished it wasn’t his voicemail. 
“H-hey,” Ori’s voice cracked, she cleared her throat ridding it of the tears choking her. “I know you’re at work. I’m sorry I’m calling. Please tell me I didn’t get you in trouble. I’m so sorry if I did. I just… I needed to hear your voice. I’m having a really awful day. That party with Cassie is tonight. I don’t want to go even though Cassie says it will be fun. And this new series. This stupid dumb shipment. They said they would be here today and I spent all morning doing the window display between the mad rush of customers by the way, they never showed. When I called to check in they said they can’t get here because it’s a holiday and well, they yelled at me. Now, I have to find something to replace the window display and spend another hour fixing what I did this morning. The store is so incredibly busy. I haven’t even stopped for lunch. I’m hungry and tired and I hate this day. Great. Now, I’m whining. Did I mention that I miss you? Well, I do and-” 
“Ma'am?” A deep voice grabs Ori’s attention and she turns around to find a man in a UPS shirt standing behind the counter, she smiles as kindly as she can and pulls the phone away from her mouth to answer him, “I’m so sorry. Can I help you?”  
“We have your delivery.”
Ori can feel the color drain from her face. She shouldn’t have that many boxes and the publisher on the clipboard being handed to her isn’t right. 
“Wait… No. No, I didn’t order that. That’s not mine-”
“Orion Barnes?” 
“Well, yes that’s me but,” She sighs, holding back the whimper that’s threatening to escape her. “Can you hold on just one second?" 
Ori didn’t wait for his okay like she normally would have, she stepped towards her office and put the phone back up to her ear, “I guess my terrible, awful, no good day isn’t over. Talk to you soon? I hope.”
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Orion had her eyes glued to a stack of invoices in front of her when the bell above the shop door rang. Thankfully, she was able to clear up the whole shipping mixup, but dealing with that set her even further behind inventory. It didn’t matter much. She knew who it was without having to raise her head. Ori didn’t have to look up to know her sister had arrived. Cassie skipped nearly everywhere, she has since she was old enough to walk and between the jingling of the bracelets on her wrist, the massive keyring on her purse, and the bells on her shoes (that had nothing to do with Halloween) it was easy to know when she arrived. The jingling came to a stop next to Ori, and a slight nudge to her hip that made Ori look up from the papers in her hand to find Cassie handing over a small brown paper bag from the bakery next door. Ori narrows her eyes at the gesture. Is she trying to butter her up about the party tonight? 
“What’s this?”
“Cinnamon bagel from next door,” Cassie said with a certain self-satisfied taunt to her voice. “A certain boy texted me and said you hadn’t eaten today and asked if I could bring you something when I come by to pick you up for tonight." 
Ori beams brightly as she peeks in the bag, avoiding her baby sister'’ suspicious and slightly giddy gaze.
“Question. Why is Theo texting me about your food needs and how does he know about tonight?” 
She doesn’t answer, but this isn’t unusual. Like Bucky, Ori’s softer, gentler when it comes to revealing things close to her heart. There are some secrets she’s not ready for the world (or herself) to know yet. Cassie on the other hand is loud, in all things, but especially with what’s written on her heart. She loves just as deeply as Ori does but she’s quick to shout it from the rooftops, without a hint of fear.
Ori wishes she could be like that sometimes. 
“Something is up. I can tell by the smile you’re trying to hide!”
"I’m smiling because I was hungry and it was very thoughtful of you both.”  
Ori finally gets a look at Cassie’s costume when Cassie sheds her coat and she can’t help the surprised laugh that slips out. She’s in a white cotton dress that looked like it was made from one of those adult onesies, covered in glitter from head to toe and the rainbow leggings she has on matches the tail sticking out of the bottom of her coat and the mane on her hood she has pushed down. 
“What are you wearing?!” 
“What? I’m a sparkly unicorn. I look adorable!” 
Ori grins. 
“Yes, you do. You look beautiful.” 
The bell chimes again and Ori greets her brother without looking, he’s never far behind Cassie after all. Leo looked pretty much like he always does, slacks and a button-up white collared shirt under his coat but he was wearing black square-frame glasses. He leans over the mahogany counter and presses a kiss on Ori’s cheek. Whatever Cassie was hoping to get out of Ori would never happen now that Leo was present. Ori laughed at the pout on Cassie’s face, picking at the bagel as she scans over the invoice in front of her. 
“Ready for tonight?” Leo asks as he steals a piece of her bagel.
Ori shrugs a little, glancing at the clock and sighed when she saw it was nearing six. They would be pushing her out the door soon. It’s not that she didn’t like going out, she did. Things have been off lately and she hasn’t felt much like socializing, which is why her siblings insisted they have a party. If it turns out to be as terrible as she predicts it’s going to be, she can always call Bucky to pick her up because no matter what Bucky still drops everything to come to her rescue whenever she needs it. 
“It’s going to be fun!” 
“I guess. I’m not really a party person.”
“I know but you make the cutest cat ever.��� 
Leo’s brow furrows and the worry on his face has him looking so much like Bucky it almost makes Ori laugh. 
“You’ve been working a lot. Skipping family stuff. When was the last time you came to family dinner and didn’t rush out the door? Mom said you’re working more hours than she is-”
“I should! She deserves time with dad and it’s not like I have a life waiting on me right now.” 
It’s been a little over a year since she called off her wedding and ended things with Cole and while she’s happy that relationship has ended, she’s nowhere near where she thought she would be at her age. She had plans and lists, milestones she promised herself she would hit by a certain age and now she’s… floating. No purpose. No real path. Simply riding her mother’s coattails, managing a store she wouldn’t have without her mother and she has no idea where she’s going or what her future is going to look like. It’s terrifying. So maybe she’s been spending a little more time at work to keep her mind busy. Sometimes it doesn't quite calm the chaos in her head, but staying busy helps. 
“That’s not true. You have us and, yeah, mom deserves a break but so do you. We thought it would be good to get out of the house. If you hate it I’ll bring you home.” 
Ori smiles. Leo has always been their protector, ready to jump in and save his mom and sisters from anything that could cause them the slightest bit of discomfort. She couldn't be aggravated with him for wanting to help, he’s only following in Bucky’s footsteps. 
“Yeah, okay. Today has been a mess. Give me a few minutes to wrap things up, okay?” 
She’s barely had time for her eyes to focus on the words in front of her when Cassie chirps from her side, “The window display is a mess. What happened there?” 
“I’m just saying. Want me to help you fix it tomorrow?”
“I’ll be out in a minute,” Ori snatches the brown bag with her bagel resting on top and heads back towards the office in hopes she will be able to focus there, “and yes. I would like help. Thank you.”
“I’ll watch the desk!” Cassie shouts behind her, getting an appreciative smile from Ori. The quiet doesn’t last long. The shop bell is ringing and Cassie is yelling for her before she’s managed to make it through one invoice.  
“Ori! Get out here. There’s a delivery.” Cassie’s shouts are piercing her ears and she’s certain  the entire bakery next door can hear her clear as day. Ori steps back out onto the sales floor, frowning and having every intention of reminding Cassie not to scream in the store, but she can’t because she’s staring at the largest bundle of lavender she’s ever seen. 
“I-- this. What is this?” 
“They are for you!” Cassie squeals but quickly stops smiling and looks at the older gentleman who is wearing a warm smile when he confirms that they are indeed for her sister. 
“Yes, ma’am,” The man says with a chuckle, “If you’re Orion Barnes. These are for you.” 
He passes the delicate bundle wrapped in brown paper in her arm and passes over a pen for her signature. She quickly scribbles her name and pulls the small white card out of the twine, grinning foolishly at what’s written. 
“Who are they from?” Cassie begs, jumping up and down. “I already know but I need to see the card myself.” 
Ori presses the card to her chest to keep Cassie from sneaking a peek, she’s not willing to share a bit of the sweetness written there. Cassie quickly gives up on the card and snatches the receipt before Ori can grab it, finding exactly what she was looking for. 
“Theo Tucker! I knew it!” 
The thin paper is pulled from Cassie’s hand by Leo, who is staring at the receipt with a deep frown as if he can’t process what he is seeing. 
“Why is Theo sending you flowers? Where did he find a place that delivers lavender like that? More importantly… why is Theo sending you flowers?" 
Ori can’t answer her brother, she’s too busy grinning like a fool and hiding her blushing cheeks behind the soft purple sprigs in her arms. 
“What do you mean ‘Why is Theo sending her flowers?’ Because he loves her. Am I the only that’s been paying attention?” 
"He loves you. It's the same thing and you don’t get flowers.”
“It is a hundred percent not the same thing, Leo.”
There’s the faint sound of the twins arguing in the background, “How is it different?” “Leo you can’t be serious. You’ve seen the way he looks at her!” She should probably stop their bickering but she can’t. She can’t focus on anything, not while she’s daydreaming about California. 
Maybe it wasn’t the worst day, after all. 
“So, are you going to wear a sprig of lavender as your catnip? Seems like it added a little spring in your step.”  
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Cassie had squealed when Ori asked her to draw a cat nose and whiskers on her face. If she was going to dress as a cat she had to go all out. The ears, while cute, weren’t enough to satisfy the perfectionist in her. Before they left her apartment, she sent Theo a thank you text and a picture of her all dressed up. The simple response, you look beautiful, makes her stomach flip and leaves her head spinning. It drops a fraction when Leo asks why she’s smiling at her phone with such a goofy grin. 
No one is ready for that answer, so she tucked her phone in her purse for now. 
The minute they arrived, Leo stepped through the front door and pulled his shirt open to reveal a giant S stitched onto his blue undershirt and he proceeded to do several more times throughout the night. Despite her reservations about the party, it wasn’t so bad. Or maybe she was simply in a better mood. She spent a better part of the night hanging around Cassie and Ariel, who was dressed as Tinker Bell and her lovesick Peter Pan never strayed from her side for long. Ori didn’t know a lot of the people currently filling Leo and Ollie’s apartment, so it felt safer to stick by family. 
At some point a small group of people broke off from the larger party and started playing spin the bottle. It was strange to watch twenty year olds play a childhood game. There was bobbing for apples which didn’t seem all that sanitary if you asked Ori, which is why she declined rather emphatically when asked if she wanted to try. 
Halfway through the night their mom texted asking for pictures, so she took a few with Cassie and Ariel, some of her and Leo and of course all of them posing together. She even sent the few of Ariel and Ollie off to the Tuckers. Another text comes in but it’s not a response from her parents, a very handsome Indiana Jones pops up and she can’t help the huge smile that forms. He looks adorable with that hat and playful smirk and she tells him so. Ori peered over her phone to find Cassie and Ariel smiling, she cleared her throat and quickly hid her phone back in her purse. 
“Oh, look. There are some mummy cupcakes left. I better go grab one before they disappear,” Ori had muttered as she quickly tried to divert attention off of her. 
There was every Halloween themed treat you could think of. The chocolate covered strawberries dressed up as ghosts, bloody s’mores, and candy corn rice krispy treats were gone first. When Ori asked how they managed to do all this, Leo admitted with a sheepish grin that their mom had done most of the baking and Cassie and Ariel had decorated. She should have known Ariel had a hand in the planning, it was too well organized for Leo and Ollie to handle on their own. 
The party started to die down a little after one in the morning, Leo offered his bed but Cassie was already fast asleep and there was no way she was sharing with that human koala. After refusing to take Leo’s spot on the couch, Leo brought her back home with the promise to text him the minute he got back. There’s no way he would let her catch a cab back to her place all by herself. 
It’s nearly three by the time Ori trudges up the stairs to her apartment. She’s tired, but it’s a good kind of tired. Not that she will ever admit this to Cassie but tonight was fun. It wasn’t exactly where she wanted to be, and a very important someone was missing but it wasn’t as bad as she envisioned. She slips out of her heels and drops her purse on the table by the front door, she can clean up tomorrow when she’s not struggling to keep her eyes open. Right as she reaches kitchen island where her bouquet is sitting in her mother’s chipped mint green vase, her phone rings in her hand and she can’t help but grin at the name staring back at her. 
“Hey, you.”
Ori grins, dusting a finger over a stray sprig and she’s suddenly not feeling as tired.
“My day? You know, it wasn't so bad actually. It got better there at the end. Even better now.” 
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hues-of-purple · 2 years
one of my poetry books has been reduced on Amazon
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moonbeambucky · 4 years
Turn Back Time
Pairing: Lance Tucker x Reader Word Count: 2617 Warnings: fluff, embarrassing moments
Summary: Theo's embarrassing mistake makes his parents wish they could turn back time.
A/N: We're skipping ahead to the future! This takes place in October 2039 and yes this is another Theo-centric drabble but it's fine because we love him. There are more mentions of The Price of Astrophile universe collab with Allie so don't forget to read Astrophile if you haven't already. Thank you to my love @all1e23​ for beta reading 🍕❤️
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It’s quiet in the house, silent mostly apart from the gentle hum of the washing machine that fills the background as your eyes gaze over the pages of the sturdy book that rests in your lap. Your focus is interrupted every now and then when Cashew lets out a deep snore you’re surprised hasn’t woken him.
He’s curled up beside you on the couch with his head resting against your thigh. The book can wait so you’ve set it off to the side, rubbing your palm in long, gentle strokes along his body. It’s hard not to notice how he doesn’t climb up as easily as he used to. You vividly recall the day you adopted him and it’s hard to believe that was thirteen years ago but just like Cashew isn’t a puppy anymore, your kids aren’t children. 
Ariel is living in New York and though you knew this was coming for a long time you still miss her every day. It made sense for her to be there with more opportunities in dance. She was loving every moment training at the American Ballet Theatre.
New York had offered more than just dance, Ariel’s heart had been there ever since she met Ollie. You understood the difficulties of a long distance relationship, having done so with Lance for a while. It still amazed you though how dedicated they were to each other despite their age. Their friends enjoyed the convenience of being face to face while Ariel and Ollie spent more time having “dates” over FaceTime until they were able to see each other in person again.
Now you’re the one that has to FaceTime her, thankful that no matter how exhausted she was after a long day of dancing she always has time to speak to her parents. Lance knew the rigorous training she was going through, reminiscent of his own Olympic training. “You don’t have to call us every night,” he would tell her and while Ariel knew she didn’t have to, she could see passed the smile on his face knowing how much her Dad misses his Starfish. If a few minutes a day made her parents happy she would give that and more without question.
Seeing her over the phone was good but in person was even better and last weekend you were able to do that. It was her twentieth birthday and you and Lance flew up to celebrate. It didn’t matter that you last saw her two months ago, both of you hugged her like it’s been forever.
She was more than settled in at the Barnes’ house and you couldn’t thank them enough as they offered to have Ariel stay with them. You were certain Cassie had a lot of influence on their decision, emphatically telling them all the reasons why Ariel should live there.
Truthfully she didn’t have a lot of convincing to do. You and Lance were as close to the Barnes’ as Ariel and Cassie. You had a long discussion with them and they kindly offered Orion’s old bedroom. She had been living in the apartment above their bookstore for the last few years so they did have the space. Plus they considered Ariel family and they wanted to make sure she was safe as she navigated life in a new city. 
It was sad that Theo couldn’t make it and no one was more disappointed than him. He would use any opportunity to see his friends in New York and it killed him to have to miss this trip. Theo was training to become a lifeguard and his classes were every Saturday; missing even one would disqualify him from the program. 
He was able to FaceTime as everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to Ariel, watching her blow out the candles on the cake Cassie made for her. The phone was passed around so Theo could say goodbye to everyone, heat forming on his cheeks when Ori told him how much he was missed. His smile curbed just a bit when Leo grabbed the phone and teased that he wasn’t missed that much.
Theo was only alone for a few days and while some seventeen year olds with a house to themself might throw a party Theo was focused on practicing. He stayed long after class was over to continue swimming laps in the Olympic size pool. With his test coming up he needed to practice as much as he could.
The sound of the door shutting puts a smile on your face. Before he even announces himself you know it’s Theo, you can tell by the way he shuffles inside, dropping off his bag near the front closet like he always does.
Cashew slowly lifts his head up as Theo plops down on the couch. “Hey mom,” he said quickly, smiling at Cashew who slowly got up to turn and face Theo.
“You’re home early. I thought you’d be practicing some more.” 
He looked up from Cashew to answer you, still giving the good old dog scratches behind his ears. “They had some private lessons so I couldn’t stay. Did you have lunch yet? I’m gonna make something before I get into our pool, unless you needed it?”
You couldn’t help the smile on your face knowing Theo had grown into a kind and considerate young man; not that you expected anything else. You and Lance worked hard raising him and Ariel with manners and to treat everyone with respect
“I ate already, thank you Pumpkin.” Theo dropped his head to Cashew as fond embarrassment came over him at the sound of his nickname. “And the pool is all yours though I do wish you would take it easy. You’re sure you haven’t been pushing your knee too much?”
His shorts are bunched just above the scar from the ACL surgery he had earlier this year and the injury, although common, was devastating to Theo. He loved being active so bringing all of his activities to an immediate halt hurt more than the pop felt in his knee. He was eager to get back into everything which made you worry. Then again, as his mother you would always worry about him.
“I feel good, trust me Mom.” Theo reassured you with a smile. He got up from the couch and stopped to plant a kiss on your cheek before heading to the kitchen. You helped Cashew down, his nails tapping slowly against the floors as he followed Theo, hopeful and waiting for some food to drop.
As you were folding laundry you didn’t expect Theo to be there, startling you enough that a pair of folded socks went flying out of your hands. He laughed as he went to pick it up, snickering still as he asked, “Do you know where the Bluetooth speaker is? Mine broke.”
Pursed lips held feigned anger for Theo laughing at you but you couldn’t keep it up. “It might still be in the garage from the last time Ariel was home.” 
“Thanks,” he said, tossing the rolled up socks your way. He turned on his heels before backtracking, flashing a smile as bright and white as the freshly folded towel he took from the pile, throwing it over his bare shoulder.
Theo was ready to swim again, and not long after you heard music blasting from the backyard. Your pool wasn’t large enough to accurately practice the timed laps he needed to complete for certification but he was able to work on other things, like perfect all of his strokes and practice retrieving a diving brick from the bottom of the pool. It was a little awkward and Theo supposes that grabbing a person will feel just as foreign. Then again he’s kind of done it before.
Last year when his friends from New York came to visit everyone was helping Ariel pack up things for her move. Ollie even brought an extra suitcase so he could bring back some things in advance to ease the trip she would have to make the following month. As her best friend Cassie was at her side, holding the list Ariel made and rightfully ignoring it as she pointed at random things in the room to see if it was something Ariel wanted to take. (And no Cassie, there was no need for Ariel to take the pink bowling pin from her seventh birthday party with her to New York.)
Leo was doing his best to help, at Cassie’s insistence. He would much rather be hanging out with Theo who is much luckier than him for not having to help pack up. His eyes shifted to the open door, hoping the sound of the person coming up the stairs was Theo, or Ori even. It was a good thing Ariel’s room didn’t face the backyard because Leo would have been running outside if he got a look at what was going on.
Theo can’t escape the memory of the day he taught Ori how to swim. Somehow he was lucky enough to be alone with her, without Leo’s disapproving stare weighing him down. His own nerves were doing that for him but he pushed them aside as much as he could.
Ori was embarrassed, thinking she was too old to be learning how to swim at twenty-three. Her makeshift doggy paddle was enough to fool others into thinking she simply preferred the shallow end to stay near her younger siblings when they were little. 
The truth was the deep end was unpredictable. There were too many what-ifs and if Ori could not solidly control a situation then she simply wouldn’t go for it. But things didn’t seem as scary with Theo there. Maybe it was the look in his eyes, honesty swirling in the reflection of the water below them; or his smile, with kindness pouring out from the soft pull of his lips. There was no need to feel shame and with Theo she never had a reason to. 
It was one of the best days of his life, not only because of the time he was able to spend with her but because Ori trusted him. He kept her safe and taught her as much as he could before the sky decided to open up on them. 
Every time he gets in his pool those memories wash over him. Theo can’t help the heat that creeps on his cheeks, a minor distraction he tries to shake off so he could continue practicing. But when he remembers her scent, fresh lavender that’s soft and pretty just like Ori, it has him swimming through the clouds. 
It was hard not to think about Ori, she’s been on his mind ever since they met. He was a child then with a big crush on that pretty girl with the big smile and gorgeous eyes; but with every passing year his feelings have grown and Theo knows deep down in his heart there's a reason why he can't shake this crush. His mind drifts with hope for the future. 
Eventually he was able to focus, staying out there until long after Lance got home. Dinner was quick and you and Lance could see how much Theo had pushed himself all day. He was exhausted, unable to control his yawning in between chewing his food. The sun had barely begun to set when he said goodnight to you both.
The rest of the night was spent in bed, cuddling up with Lance as you watched a movie hearing the gentle patter of rain against the windows. Cashew was resting at the end of the bed, surprising you when he lifted his head up at the sound of the toilet flushing down the hall. 
“Good boy Cashew,” you cooed, leaning forward to pat his head, “You heard Theo, good boy!” It was nice, for a moment, to believe Cashew wasn't as old as he really was.
You settled back against Lance, feeling him press a kiss to the top of your head. His hand rubbed up and down your arm gently, reaching down to squeeze a handful of your bottom.
As you lifted your head up towards him, Lance’s growing smirk told you that Cashew might have to temporarily move to his bed on the floor. He leaned in to capture your lips, your need for him growing deeper until everything came to a record scratching halt. 
“Mmmm just like that baby.” 
You pulled away, puzzled by the foreign sound of a woman whose pornographic moans grew louder and louder.
“What the fuck? Where is that coming from?”
Both of your phones were on the nightstand untouched and the movie was still playing so it was unlikely that the remote had been accidentally touched. Lance chuckled as he sat back against the headboard, wishing you would get back in bed so he could pull those same sounds from you.
You scanned your bedroom following the lewd sounds until you stopped dead in your tracks. On the bathroom counter your eyes widened in horror, staring at the sleek Bluetooth speaker, the same device Theo was using earlier. Lance must have taken it back inside before the storm.
Your feet carried you in a hurry, jumping back in bed in a frenzy, disturbing poor Cashew as you buried your face in the pillow.
“What?” Lance asked, first with a laugh which faded into concern as you shook your head, muttering a slew of “no’s” into the fabric. “Y/N what’s wrong?”
Your head turned to the side, peeking one eye open at Lance who couldn’t stand the anticipation any longer.
“It’s… Theo.” Your face cringed as you said his name. “He must have been too tired before to disconnect his phone from the speaker…” 
Lance’s lips pressed into a thin line realizing he would have to handle this embarrassing situation since there was no way you could. 
It wasn’t that Theo wasn’t open with you. He never shied away from bringing Amber over the house, asking for your advice on sweet things he could do for her especially when they got back together but there were some things he definitely felt more comfortable talking about with his Dad. 
Lance let out a heavy breath, closing the door behind him so you didn’t have to hear that awkward conversation.
“Cashew help me!” you pleaded, patting the spot on the mattress next to you for him to cuddle.
He plopped down beside you, licking your face as you gently pet him. The moans abruptly stopped and you felt some relief though a bit of sadness lingered. Although Theo would always be your pumpkin he was no longer a little boy. 
“Theo’s all grown up now huh Cashew?” His head tilted slowly, a reminder that he too was all grown. As the door creaked open you lifted your head to Lance, hesitantly asking, “Everything good?”
He pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a small laugh, “Yeah... he’ll be fine.” 
Getting back into bed, Lance adjusted his position since Cashew had taken up a good portion of the middle. With Ariel in New York and Theo graduating next year it made you both realize just how much time had passed and because of that Lance didn’t take it personal when you snuggled with Cashew instead of him. He threw his arm over both of you, flashing that same smile that spoke the words he didn’t need to say. 
You were both feeling the same thing, the yearning of wanting to turn back time and not let your babies (and puppy) grow up as fast as they did. Or at the very least, remind Theo to disconnect his phone from the speaker!
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scullysexual · 4 years
Baby Cries
Post Emily | Words: 2055 | Angst | Warning: Tiny bit of borderline child abuse | AO3 |
How Scully deals with Emily’s death post funeral. 
My angsty Emily fics never do as well but this post got me thinking. Don’t let the warning put you off reading I just thought it was important that I said something about that bit (which you will understand if you read it) I hope you like it :)
@today-in-fic @mypanicface @impulsive-astrophile
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He brings flowers. Carries them in his arms much like a mother would carry a new-born baby. It just makes her cry.
When he hands her the flowers to remove the lid of the coffin to reveal a box full of sand, she cries even harder. Her gold cross stark against the dimmer yellow.
She looks down at the cross, then at the altar, wanting to curse the god- her god- that would take her baby away.
But God gives and God takes away; he gave her a child, then took that child away.
Mulder takes her hand and guides her out of the church. In the distance, Matthew whines and it creates the strangest sensations within her. An instinct which should have died with her daughter remerges, tugging at her chest. In her fuzzy-grieving state she hears Emily’s cry.
All baby’s look the same at that age. All baby’s sound the same at that age.
The wake is small and quiet. Much like the funeral, only the family attend. The family and Mulder.
His whiskey sits before him, going stale with each passing minute. Bill Jr. eyes him from the kitchen but even he’s smart enough to know that now is not the time to pick a fight.
Mulder’s attention is trained on Scully. There’s the quiet murmur of a conversation between Bill, Tara, and Mrs Scully. It’s Scully who sits alone on the two-seater table, the wine bottle in front of her, downing wine glass after wine glass.
His eyes flick to the clock on top of the fireplace.
Can I buy you a drink?
It’s 2 o’clock in the afternoon, Agent Mulder.
Another glass.
It’s 2 o’clock now, Agent Scully.
He takes a glance behind him, her family looking on towards Scully from the kitchen doorway as they continue to converse softly, their words low enough to be inaudible from here.
It makes Mulder uncomfortable. He has an urge to remove Scully from the room, take her somewhere more private away from prying eyes. He knows they’re her family and yet they should be the last people being judgemental.
He downs the whisky in one gulp, not as courage but more necessity- it would be wasteful after all- and is about to move from his seat when there’s another cry from Matthew.
Whatever trance Scully had found herself in with her wine is broken at the sound. Her head snaps up towards the direction of the noise and she stands as if about to go up there herself.
“It’s okay, Dana,” says Tara softly as she enters the living room. Matthew and his presence has become a touchy subject. “He’s just hungry.”
Scully sits back down, a dazed look returning to her face as she looks to be repeatedly blinking.
Mulder pushes himself off the couch and walks towards her, extending his hand out.
She looks at it, then at him, confused.
“Where are we going?” she asks childlike.
“I think a lie down would do you some good,” he answers.
She looks towards the bottle and Mulder’s eyes follow, sees it’s almost gone.
“Come on,” he says gently. She takes his hand and much like in the church, she allows him to guide her out.
Upstairs, they hear Tara tending to her son and Scully’s stopping suddenly has her yanking on his arm, her hand tightening in his.
“I thought it was Emily,” she says, tears beginning to form in her eyes once more. “Mulder, why do I keep thinking it’s Emily?”
She searches his face for answers but he has none to give. He feels dumb, inadequate to help her. He opens his mouth but the words don’t come out.
He closes it and sighs as she looks down to the carpet, realising he doesn’t know himself.
“Come on,” he says again.
Her bedroom here is the same one as the one from her childhood only it’s cold and devoid of her things. A suitcase lies on the floor, half packed, reminding her of a flight she should have taken days ago.
But then she found Emily and then Emily got sick and then there was Emily’s funeral.
“Can we go home tomorrow?” is what is asks.
Mulder is bewildered. “Scul—”
“Please!” she begins to beg. She never begs, only ever done it once when she was dying. She feels like she’s dying now, wilting away like the flowers at Emily’s coffin, wilting away like her daughter’s stolen body. The thought makes her beg some more.
“Please, Mulder,” she asks, grabbing at his shoulders, clinging to his arms. “Please, take me home. I want to go home.”
She crumbles against him, falling against his chest, the weight of her body knocking him off balance momentarily as he catches her. Saying nothing, his hand touching her head, fingers in her hair as she splutters her anguish into him.
His cheek resting against the top of her head, wrapping his arms tighter around her.
“I’ll see what I can do,” he says.
The answer is enough, it has her calming down, her weeping turning to sniffles.
She’s sleepy against him. Wined-drunk and exhausted, snuggling into his chest, snotting all over his shirt. She wipes it away with her sleeve.
There is still a persistent ache in her chest. The wine and exhaustion doing nothing to send it away. She wants it gone, she thinks. Wants to numb it until she can’t feel it, until it’s a distant memory. She wants a distraction; work or…
She has work in her arms: Mulder, her partner, her best friend, her one companion.
She lifts her head up, rests her chin on his chest.
“Mulder…” she says.
He looks down and Scully rises onto her tip-toes, stretching up for her lips to touch his.
And it’s not enough. This mere contact between them, she needs more. She pushes against him, tongue poking between his lips seeking access. Her hands moving from his waist to the top of his neck to press harder.
But he realises what it is she’s doing, begins pulling away.
“Scully, no…” he starts. “Not- not like this.”
“Yes like this,” she answers, seeking him once more, chasing after him, following him like she always has done, like she always will.
But his finger is at her lips, preventing her from getting any closer.
“Not like this,” he says, looking into his eyes. In them she sees it, the gentleness, the understanding, the want but the restraint. This isn’t a rejection, he’s telling her. It’s just not the time.
She slinks away, back to her natural height, and turns away to the bed.
“Will you stay with me?” she asks pulling back the covers, looking towards him.
He nods. “I’ll stay,” he answers moving to the chair.
She wakes and he is gone.
She wakes and there is crying.
She’s slept a full twelve hours if the clock is right.
I’m coming, baby, she thinks. Emily is crying. Emily needs her.
She makes her way to the nursery, her eyes on the cot and the baby that squirms around in it.
She is smiling. It feels foreign, as does the heaviness in her breasts but she goes to the cot away, to the baby who still whines.
But when she reaches it, realisation hits her. Her hands touching the rail of the cot has her remembering.
She has no baby. Her Emily is dead.
Instead lies Matthew staring up at her with curiosity.
She stares down at it with disgust.
Matthew, she thinks, reaching down to pick him up. His head hangs back.
He smells. A scent coming off of him, the low-hanging diaper the cause of what woke him.
“Why did you get to be born while Emily died?” she asks him. “Was this the price? Tara’s baby for mine?”
Matthew has no answer and Scully has the urge to shake him until she gets one but no, instead her hands find themselves squeezing his side. The baby begins to whimper and the harder she presses the more his cries break through until he’s screaming.
It’s release. The baby screaming is her screaming. It’s doing the thing she can’t do. It’s also doing it because she’s hurting him.
A bright light is on just as she realises, releasing her grip on him.
“Dana?” Tara’s voice has Scully spinning around to the four people standing in the doorway.
“What are you doing?” Her sister-in-law’s voice in equal parts curious and in denial. They all know what she was doing. She sees that knowledge in Mulder, the way he looks down at the floor.
“I’m sorry,” she says, handing Matthew back to Tara. She leaves briskly, pushing through the small gap between everyone, down the stairs, towards the door, grabbing Mulder’s car keys as she goes.
He can’t say what he saw exactly.
Scully holding Matthew, Matthew crying. It could’ve been anything.
“I don’t know why she was holding him like that,” Tara says sounding scared. She holds Matthew close to her, protecting him.
“She’s grieving, Tara,” says Mrs Scully.
Yet Bill Jr. is fuming.
“It’s not Matthew’s fault the girl is dead,” he says his voice full of quiet anger.
Mulder leaves, intending on finding where Scully ran off to and leaving the family to figure it out.
Through the window by the stairs, he sees her sitting in his car. Her head bowed down. This is not somebody who needs to be berated right now.
He puts on his shoes and opens the front door. She doesn’t see him when he reaches the car so he taps on the window, alerting her. She looks up and smiles sadly. He smiles back slightly, opening the car door and climbs in.
They sit in silence for a while and Mulder looks over to Scully, to her hands that tangle together and how glum she looks, staring out the window, her eyes wet.
“I was gonna drive off somewhere,” she says finally. “But I didn’t know where to go.”
Mulder nods. “I’m glad you didn’t.”
Scully let’s out a breath, followed by a quiet, “Are they angry with me?”
He thinks to Bill, his seeping anger, his lack of understanding.
It’s not Matthew’s fault the girl is dead, he said. That’s her daughter, Mulder thinks. She wasn’t just a girl.
“They don’t understand what you were doing,” he answers. “I don’t even understand what you were doing,” he admits then looks to her. “And I don’t think you understand it either.”
She shrugs and he has no idea what to make of it.
“I thought it was Emily crying,” she tells him. “Then I realised it wasn’t and I just got…so angry.” She lets out a breath before she continues. “I started asking him why he was alive and she wasn’t. Then I squeezed him and he started crying and then screaming and it was what I needed, someone to do what I wanted to do and just as I realised what it was I was doing the lights switched on and everyone was there.”
He digests what she’s said and reaches over to still her hands. It brings her attention away from them, to him.
“I found a direct flight for 10am tomorrow,” he tells her. “But if you want, we can go to the airport now and see what’s available.”
Scully looks to the road then to the house and Mulder waits as she weighs up the decision of whether to apologise to her family or make a fun or it.
She choices the former. Shaking her head.
“No, I think I best apologise.”
Mulder smiles, removing his hand. “Okay.”
They climb out of the car and walk back towards the front door.
“I’m not gonna sleep for the rest of the night.” She looks at him as if what she’s about to ask is selfish. “Do you mind staying up with me?”
He doubts he’d be getting any more sleep himself tonight. He had been awake to hear Matthew cry, awake to hear him scream.
“Of course,” he says, taking her hand as they walk side-by-side up the driveway. “I know a good infomercial we could watch together.”
She smiles, her hand tightening in his, and Mulder’s just glad he could put a smile on her face.
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pollinneee-blog · 6 years
How does ICT affect our daily lives?
In today's time, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) are present everywhere. Inside your house, you see those appliances who makes the household chores easier and faster at the same time? When you and your family are bored, where do you spend your time? definitely watching television, either surfing the internet, or listening to music. When you need to go somewhere, how do you get there? You take a public or private vehicles to send you to your destination. Most of the people nowadays have what they called "me time" where you seek for something new, new places and discoveries and of course you want to share your experiences to the world, you can post it online on your social media accounts. Subconsciously most people aren't aware of but ICT is with us in whatever we do.
Technologies are taking over in our era. Because they make our jobs easier most of the time, we tend to rely on them too much. For example, me as a student who have so much paper works to pass on, instead of scanning a book which would surely take time, I often choose to surf the internet to fetch the information I need. As a teenager, I am also an active user of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. I use these social media applications to keep me updated on what's happening locally and internationally but since it is an open platform, you can't filter the information you might see so most of the time I am prone on seeing posts with malicious contents. Recently on twitter, I've watched a video a of girl named Lou torridly kissing a guy named Andre inside the Pinoy Big Brother (PBB) house. This was broadcasted on TV but since I don't have the luxury of time to watch television due to school works I am not able to watch it, but because information now spread faster than milliseconds, I am still able to watch the censored video clips of them. In social media, you have an access to almost all the information you want to know further about and it really fills someone's curiosity. Everyday I spend 4-5 hours scrolling through the internet absorbing all the information I've seen, watched, and heard. Almost everyday, I slept at 1:00 a.m. in the morning making my sleeping habits unhealthy and harder for me to wake up in the morning.
Despite of the negatives, ICT have its advantages. Through the internet, I can communicate with my family and friends and always be kept in touch with them. I am aware about what's currently happening. Almost everything is accessible anytime. For example, my father recently bought me a new phone and I need to buy a case for it. Instead of going to the mall, I used my mobile phone to shop online using Lazada and Shoppee. Yes, it take quite some time but I can guarantee you the quality and the price is affordable especially for a graduating student like me, who have so much financial needs right now. Also, a relative of mine able to build his dream house and financially sustain his family's needs with the help of internet. He started on networking and he was lucky that the one he entered is not a scam and he was able to generate money on it. This relative of mine posted his success on the internet and through Facebook, I was able to catch up about the happenings in his life. Cliché it may sounds, but ICT also creates hope. Recently, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have just finished its exploration on the red planet Mars. I have a hope that someday there would be another planet that can serve as home for humans. When that time comes, I am definitely sure that I no longer physically belong to this world. I am an astrophile, a person who loves star, I am also infatuated with the moon. With the help of ICT in aesthetics, I am able to appreciate stars more because they can edit or give additional features to the picture and video to make it seems more real. Like you are just watching it near when in reality it is so far from a person's touch.
Everything have its pros and cons, ICT both positively and negatively affects us, our daily lives, actions, and decisions yet I firmly think that if you have discipline in using ICT and knowing its limitations then it won't cause harm to anyone. Growing with technologies is not bad at all, in the first place, can you imagine a day without watching a television? Without a mobile phone to communicate with your loved ones? no internet to feed you with information? No, right? Me too. ICT have been part of my life since the day I was born, I've been raised with it, and we both grew up together. ICT is a big help for everyone.
"With ICT, I walk towards progress." - Villanueva, Angela Pauline 👩‍🎓❤
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all1e23 · 4 years
I was tagged by @moonbeambucky, my pizza love, to post a snippet of my WIP so here is a little preview for an upcoming Halloween Astro drabble. Might mention someone from Tara’s series The Price of Gold. Maybe. 👀 ********
Orion didn’t have to look up to know her sister had arrived. Cassie skipped nearly everywhere, she has since she was old enough to walk and between the jingling of the bracelets on her wrist, the massive keyring on her purse and the bells on her shoes (those had nothing to do with Halloween), it was easy to tell when she arrived. The clinking came to a stop next to Ori, and a slight nudge to her hip that made Ori look up from the checklist in her hand to find Cassie handing over a small brown paper bag from the bakery next door. Ori narrowed her eyes at the gesture. Was she trying to butter her up about the party tonight? 
"What's this?" 
"Cinnamon bagel from next door,” Cassie said with a certain self-satisfied taunt to her voice. “A certain boy text me and said you hadn't eaten today and asked if I could bring you something when I came to pick you up for tonight. The bagel was his idea as much as I want to take credit for it.” 
Ori beams brightly as she peeks in the bag, doing all she could to avoid her baby sister's suspicious and slightly giddy gaze.
"Question. Why is Theo texting me about your food needs and how does he know about tonight?"
taggging: @bucky-the-thigh-slayer @invisibleanonymousmonsters @nacho-bucky and whoever else wants to play
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all1e23 · 4 years
I read all of astrophille instead of studying for my exam and OH MY GOD. I luv it. The drabbles are perfection *chef's kiss* Are you writing more of them? I'd love to see Bucky at Orion's wedding. I luv you. Thx you for writing it.
Thank you! Astrophile is my baby 🥺 I love it with all my heart.
So, Ori's wedding. I have no plans right now to write it. Bucky cries the entire day. I can tell you that. He's very emotional, very happy his comet has someone that does whatever he can to earn her love and loves her the way she deserves to be loved.
If I ever write anything about that day it will have to be a collab with @moonbeambucky. For reasons. 👀👀👀
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all1e23 · 4 years
Aaaaaaaahhhghhh i squealed and died of fluff reading tricks & treats. Seriously while reading I screamed, i aahed and ooed and died. It’s sooo cute. And Theo, bless him, and Ori being all cute and frustrated and flustered and just aaaaahhhhhh just oh and Cassie being all I know why you smile and Leo being all like what you mean. Ah i just am so happy about this piece, it makes me soooo excited for the future :) thank you for this, I hope you have a good day I know I will have a great day now :)
Hehehe. Yes. They are all so adorable.
Theo is 🤧🤧. Sweet precious boy. Ori might not be ready to admit she has feelings for a certain boy just yet. Even though everyone knows. Everyone but Leo. 🤭 He will figure it out eventually. Lots of good stuff in the future. Thank you for reading and loving my babies 😭🥰
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all1e23 · 4 years
If any of the Astro kids decided to ever get married to a future partner, I can see Uncle Steve crying the hardest out of anyone, and that’s saying a lot considering how hard I think everyone would cry out of joy 😂 I can see him trying to stay strong and then when one of the kids and their partner starts saying their vows he’s out, he’s blubbering and Sam who is trying to not cry starts crying and everyone else is sobbing too lol
😂😂 all the Astro kids get married but Cassie is the last and Steve definitely cries the most at her wedding.
Though when Ollie and Ariel get married, Sam is crying the hardest. He's watched them go through a lot and fight to be together. He's spent a lot of time driving and picking him up from the airport and helping him mail boxes and cards. So it's a bit emotional to see his son finally get married to the woman he loves. 🤧
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all1e23 · 4 years
How does Bucky deal with Beck getting overwhelmed, day they had a camping trip or something similar planned with the kids but the weather is awful so they aren’t going, and things just aren’t going to plan.
Beck isn't a planner. She doesn't do plans. 😂 They are more likely to wake up Saturday morning and Beck decides they are going camping.
The few times a year she does plan stuff she's not going to get upset. She's very relaxed. She doesn't let little things weigh her down. So they can't go camping? Well, she's gonna move all the living room furniture out of the way, set up their tent inside and camp in the living room.
It's one of the reasons Cassie is so relaxed, it's why Leo doesn't sweat the small stuff with his kids. So they threw a baseball through the front window. Did anyone get hurt? Okay. Maybe next time we don't face the house? Probably for the best.
Now, if it was one of their annual Disney trips to see the Tuckers in Florida? Yeah, Beck will be upset. Not about the trip so much but over how upset her kids are. Cassie will spend the whole day crying in bed because she hasn't Ariel in months and they have to trade scrucnhies! It's their thing!
Leo pouts all day. All day long he's a bit of a grump. He had plans with Theo! All three of them don't get to hang out together often so cancelling a trip would be awful for him.
In this instance, Bucky would go into fix mode. He would find a way to reschedule their trip and work it out with the Tuckers, help Beck try to find something to cheer up the kiddos so their time together isn't wasted (if it's a school holiday or something). The best thing he could do is give the kids comfort, especially Cassie and just be calm.
And maybe give her a few extra kisses throughout the day.
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all1e23 · 4 years
“how’s parenting going? both of my 3 year olds decided it was no-pants day”
😂😂😂 @moonbeambucky and I have a HC about this. Bucky does not let his kids go without pants but Ori might let hers and papa finds this super weird.
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Yes this is literally what all of our conversations are like. Just Astrophile and PoG HCs. Non-stop.
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all1e23 · 4 years
Okay all I saw was “Halloween 2042” and my first thought was “oh my god, how long have we been in quarantine??!!” 😂 it’s such a slow day at work and this made the day a little better. I need more Theo and Ori for sure 🥺
@moonbeambucky Everyone loves our babies. 🤧🤧🤧 There will be more Theo and Ori for sure. We are working on lots of things for them. 👀 Lots and lots.
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all1e23 · 4 years
in high school i was on our dance team, and i can always picture cassie being part of it & having bucky be in the dad’s dance!! also leo & ollie wear the dance team support shirts with pride at every competition 🥺💕
Cassie isn't into dance. She likes kickboxing and she takes classes with leo. When she's younger she tries to join boy scouts and she creates one of those neighborhood libraries where people can get books for free.
One of her best friends is very into dance though. Leo and Cassie absolutely support Ariel whenever they can. It's hard because they live far apart. When they are older Cassie goes to a Barre class with Ariel and she's nearly dead after.
And Ollie? Forget it. That boy tries to fly down to support his girlfriend at least a couple times a month and you better believe he's sitting front row ready to support his girl whenever he gets the chance. ♥️🤧
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all1e23 · 4 years
does cassie love disney nature?? i feel like she loves disney nature
Cassie love nature period. She loves hiking and often drags Leo with her. He hates it but he loves her so he goes. But yes. She loves Disney nature.
When they visit the Tuckers down in Florida the whole bunch spends a week or two at Disney together and Cassie's favorite ride is Living with the Land at Epcot.
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all1e23 · 4 years
pool finally kind of warmed up today, child and i swam in pool all. afternoon. long..... like she refused to get out until i told her we wouldn’t get to eat dinner if she didn’t..... is cassie a water bug? i feel like she is 😅😅
Mmm she can be. They don't really have a lot of water fun because of where they live. None of their close family have pools but she does tell Bucky she wants to move to Florida and get a house with a pool after they visit Ariel.
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