#Orion Barnes
eden-3000 · 1 month
Ben Barnes and Andre Garfield have the same birthday (20. August.)
Therefore I would like to propose that we make 20. August official Wolfstar-day
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melissarz · 2 months
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peaky1wh0re · 10 months
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swatchitt · 4 months
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Regulus and Sirius Black.
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s0urw00lf · 1 month
Rewrite the stars
Pairing: Sirius black x reader
Summary: you and Sirius have been in love since you were mere teenagers, but life seems to have other plans for the both of you.
Warning: angst and heartbreak
AN: I hope this makes you cry because I cried writing it. This was supposed to be a song fic but I don’t know how I feel about making characters sing I feel so awkward writing it so this is what it ended up as.
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Your life had been damned since the day you were born. At a young age you Sirius and regulus would sit in the garden under the stars as you rambled on about random things. “I think our lives are written out in the stars.” You said laying on your back. Sirius and regulus turned to you “how do you mean?” Sirius asked, regulus hummed along as he always does, he’s the more quiet out of the three of you. You smiled looking at the stars with so much adoration “we all have a destiny right? I believe it was written in the stars, and we just cant read it how we would if it was in a book” seven year old you said. “I think each star represents one person's destiny, that’s why some shine brighter than others”. Sirius smiled “do you think were written in the stars?” He asked, causing regulus to sit up, also wondering. You giggled “I don’t know silly, that’s kind of the point.” You said, “but, i like to think we are” you said pointing to the brightly shining row of three stars. Two closer together than the other.
Now ten years later you sat alone at the end of the slytherin table, body rigid, just as anyone’s would be these days. But for you especially, you were terrified, and the only person who could bring you out of that headspace was sitting across the room with his longtime group of friends. You stared at him, the light in his eyes made you envious, angry that your eyes no longer shone like that. But it made you happy that he got out, out of this life. At least one of you had. You and regulus hadn’t been able to, now your parents are forcing you into a marriage. You and regulus are best friends with no romantic feelings for eachother whatsoever. But your parents had not one care and had been best friends with his parents since they were young and in hogwarts themselves. The deal had been set in stone some before you were born. Except it was supposed to be with Sirius. “Your staring again” You hadn’t noticed when regulus had sat down but you were happy he broke your trance before you had the chance to humiliate yourself yet again.
“Have i ever told you how grateful i am for you” you joked, though your tone had nothing humorous about it. He filled his plate not even looking up at you “not nearly enough as you should, but yes” he answered. You huffed out a laugh “yeah well i am” regulus hummed, like he did since you were kids. You never really minded that he was quiet, more so because you were too but also because it left you alone with your thoughts. “You should eat, you’ve been doing a lot less of that lately” he said pushing a plate towards you. You sighed looking down at the plate of food you weren’t even aware he prepared. You ate a little over half of the food before you felt eyes on you.
immediately you knew where it was coming from. You looked across the room, meeting eyes with this brown ones your heart longed to wake up every morning to. You longed to be with him so bad it made your chest hurt physically. The only thing that had kept you going so far were the meetings you had in a room you didn’t know existed until Sirius caught you walking alone in the halls and dragged you to it.
He nodded his head slightly, and you nodded back. That was the confirmation that you’d meet tonight after dinner. You broke eye contact with him and looked to the darke he aired curly head in front of you who’s head was down as he read his book while eating. “Can you cover for me again?” You asked. His eyes looked up at you from his heads lowered position. Rolling his eyes he nodded “just don’t stay out as late again” he said. You smiled “regulus black you are a gift sent straight from heaven” you joked before finishing your food.
Now it’s around 11:00 at night and you and regulars were finishing your rounds around the school. Somehow (very obvious how) you both had been elected as prefects. So you had a little more freedom after the other kids went to bed. You not to subtly parted from regulus, when you reached the corridor that lead to the room you and Sirius had been meeting in.
When you arrived he was already there in all of his glory. He was sat with his head down and brown locks covered his face. You guessed he hadn’t heard you come in because hes head remained down. “Siri?” You spoke, his head immediately shot up, his brown eyes slightly wide. “Are you okay?” You asked, he nodded standing up to walk toward you. “I’m fine, love” he confirmed. Your heart soared at the nickname.
he grabbed your hand softly and just held it examining your face with soft eyes. “I- i have a crazy, probably very idiotic idea.” He murmured, you giggled “you have a lot of those” you joked lightly, “i know i do” he laughed but his expression quickly grew serious “But i want you to hear me out”
the air in the room grew tense, “Sirius what are you on about?” You asked, growing worried. There were very few scenarios where Sirius was actually serious ‘Ironic’. Worry etched onto your face, and Sirius saw that. He leaned in to kiss your forehead bringing his hands to hold the back of your head. His lips were soft and gentle as always. He pulled away but the tip of his nose was still grazing your hairline “come live at the potters with me” he said. Your heart dropped, you pulled away to see if he was toying with you. He wasn’t, his expression mirrored determination. “You must be joking” you muttered, still not believing the words that slipped through his soft lips. He shook his head “i'm not”.
you pulled away completely, turning away from him while running a hand through your hair, your heart raced with anxiety at the mere thought of it. Puting all of these people in danger. “Sirius, that is absolutely insane, even for you. I mean you can't possibly have thought this through” you stressed. He rushed toward you and quickly but gently turned you face him again. “I have i swear” he defended. You shook your head “you cant have. All of the people that would endanger. All of your friends, regulus, you, me?” You listed. “I’ve talked to James and his parents, love they miss you. I miss you” he begged. You frowned tears filling your eyes “and I you, but you know the lengths my parents will go to keep me under their control, and regulus, i can't just leave him.”
“We can bring him too” you laughed incredulously at his statement. “You and regulus have barely spoken a word to each other since you left home” you stated. A silence covered the room like a blanket, both of you not sure what to say “i would do… anything… to have you back” he murmured, his eyes were glossy and full of tears. “I would too, but i guess we weren’t written in the stars” you mumbled, not trusting your voice to speak at full volume.
At that moment you could see recognition and hurt flash in his eyes. The reminder of that night all that time ago, when he’d asked you if the two of you were written in the stars. So much had changed since then and you wasn’t sure when it all started and you hated that it had to be this way but you had to protect him.
Sirius then dropped down to his knees, grabbing bit of your hands “Y/n please. I am begging you, come with me. We can protect each other, we’ll run away and hide” his voice shook as tears flowed freely down his face. You held back a sob, tears clouded your vision and all you could see was a muddy outline of him. “There is not a place in this planet that they wouldn’t find me, if I go I’m a danger to you all and I won’t let that happen.” You cried, Sirius dropped his head against your lower stomach and cried, you felt his tears soaking your sock.
You joined him on your knees resting your head on his shoulder, and he rested his on yours. “There is nothing I want more than to spend the rest of my life with you. To have children and watch them grow up. To see them off to Hogwarts every year. Nothing.” You whispered broken.
“But we can’t” Sirius finished for you, you nodded “but we can’t” you repeated almost inaudibly. After a while of sitting in each other's embrace Sirius lifted his head from your shoulder, causing you to lift yours. You took in his broken expression. red eyes, rosy cheeks and nose, and you were sure he was doing the same to you. “Kiss me, before we part ways Sirius please” you begged, you would’ve felt pathetic begging for anyone else but Sirius was different. You were meant to be, just maybe not in this life.
He gently placed his hands on your cheeks, thumbs rubbing your skin “are you sure?” He asked. You nodded frantically, “yes just please” your tone pleaded. He nodded with a soft smile, he began to lean in and your breath hitched, you could feel your body tingling from excitement and desire. You were sure your cheeks were red from how hot your face felt. When his lips met yours butterflies erupted in your stomach. His lips were soft and you could taste hints of honey from the chapstick he wore all the time. Your lips moved in unison almost like a practiced routine. Your hands found his hair and the kiss deepened, nothing harsh you just poured your hearts into this one kiss. You pulled away, feeling your chest tightening from the lack of breath.
You both breathed heavily in efforts to catch your breath, your eyes eventually met, and the air released all tension. “I’m glad we did that,” he whispered. “Me too,” you replied with a smile.
“When this war is over and your parents are gone, I’m gonna marry you” he said. You smiled sadly, you both knew the possibility of the good winning the war were slim and your parents dying were even slimmer but it wouldn’t stop you from keeping up hope. “I should go” you forced yourself to say. Sirius frowned. He knew that this was probably your last spontaneous meeting and he wasn’t ready to watch you walk away yet but in all honesty he wouldn’t ever be ready. So he nodded “okay” he said, he didn’t fight or resist and you thanked the heavens above because is he had you weren’t sure you would’ve left. “I love you Sirius black” your voice broke. “And I you y/n l/n”
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arintheman · 3 months
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Did I just create 6 oc's? Uhhhh yeah I did.
I recently read all of the Guardians of Ga'Hoole books and of course it reignited my hyper-fixation from middle school. I know they look kinda copy-paste-y, but for the sake of simplicity I just sketched out a base that I used for all of them. (They're all owls, what do you want from me?) All 6 started out in my sketchbook.
Let me introduce you to Benter, Orion, Solan, Dymas, Maple, and Ansel! All 6 are up on my artfight (I've nearly quadrupled the number of characters I have there now lol) along with some lore!
(Psst. If you would like me to design an owl for you, message me! - I will likely only do three)
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imthebadguyyy · 7 months
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pairing : sirius black x reader
fandom : marauders/hp
synopsis : sirius realizes there's no place that feels more like home than your arms.
warnings : self depreciating thoughts, insecurity
a/n : felt like wandering into the realm of the marauders! do let me know if you want more :) inspired mildly by francesca by Hozier
sirius sat with james, while remus and peter sat across from them, both pouring liberal amounts of gravy onto their plates. james was also digging into an obnoxiously large amount of roast potatoes and chicken, barely pausing for a breath as he scarfed down the food.
the great hall was not buzzing with the sound of students chattering as it usually did, and the sound remained at the decibel of a small hive of bees, while the professors murmured softly at the grand table, the munch of the many treats laid on the table for the christmas eve dinner.
sirius himself didn't feel that hungry, fork half heartedly poking at the beans on his plate. his eyes roamed around the hall, taking in the tiny mass of people at the other tables, and at dumbledore pulling mice out of his purple witches hat - his christmas special.
that very morning, his owl had dropped off a rather nasty howler from his darling mother, once again choosing to call him a colourful variety of insults and ending with her usual "disgrace and traitor to the black boodline" bullshit, followed by a chorus of "mixing with mudbloods and muggles" that had him clenching his fists in frustration.
then, his father orion had also decided to grace him with a scathing letter he burned the moment he received, but not before catching the words "shame to my bloodline", which once again had him sighing and rubbing the sore spot on his temples.
he had ignored it initially, focusing instead on the beautiful hand knitted scarf, golden watch and basket of sweets and treats he had received from euphemia and fleamont, with a small engraved gryffindor lion at the back of the watch.
he had also received a leather jacket from you, and homemade strawberry pies that you had made with help from the elves in the kitchen, and a set of silver rings to go with his pre existing ones.
remus had gifted him a muggle record called rumors from a band called Fleetwood Mac, that you had freaked out over and told him you'd listen to together because they were your favourite band ever and you'd be damned if he discovered your favourites on the album without you.
james himself had bought him bundles full off tricks and games from hogsmeade, and a framed picture of the marauders, along with a small replica of his own quidditch jersey because, "everyone has to know you're my number one fan pads!"
even marlene had gifted him a bunch of chocolate frogs, and mary had got him a postcard from venezuela and chocolate because her parents were visiting. lily had sent him muggle posters of his favorite bands as well.
but despite the merriment, the niggling insecurity of not being enough played on his mind the whole time, creeping like a shadow, insecurity slithering through the corridors of his mind, casting doubts where there once was light.
his mind was spiralling, as he looked at his plate, gulping as a sudden lump appeared in his throat. james was reading a letter from his mum to remus and peter, telling him about their travels in egypt, and peters mum had sent sweets for them to share at dinner.
oh how he longed for a mom who would write him sweet letters and send him sugary treats instead of venom coated words and flame bursting letters, a father who would teach him how to tie his tie properly for class, or tell him tales of his childhood.
sirius longed for a family to love and hold him always. and the closest he had to that was you and james.
as his thoughts turned to you, he was distracted by a sudden crash as the doors were flung open, as you rushed in, followed by the two friends with whom you sang as part of the hogwarts band, your red robes flaring as you rushed to find your spot beside him at the table.
with a pant, you flung yourself down, taking heaving breaths to calm your racing heart.
"well hello little miss" james said through a mouthful of peas, making you scrunch your nose in disapproval. "where were ya?" remus asked, piling on food onto your plate before it changed course.
"i was at band practice! we just lost track of time and then had to rush because we were so hungry!" you exclaimed, while your hands reached for sirius' under the table, taking his cold palm in yours, squeezing it tenderly to get the blood flow back in them, bringing it up for a quick peck to the knuckles before interlacing his fingers with yours.
sirius felt his heart physically slow down as he watched you, laughing a joke remus made, poking fun at james and messing around with peter. he watched as you cut the roasted potatoes into smaller chunks, dipping them in extra butter as you popped them into your mouth, and the way your eyes sparkled when you smiled.
he watched the way your hair fell, little strands framing your face as you brushed them off impatiently, all while leaning forward for a slice of a chocolate tart and icecream that had just appeared.
he watched as you put a slice of apple pie on his plate, topping it with a healthy dollop of cream, and passing it to him with a saccharine sweet smile and a murmur of "your favourite siri!" and he felt his heart flutter again.
what he didn't note was the crease in your eyebrow as you looked at your friend, the darl circles under his eyes, the slight stoop to his posture, the way his smile came out forced, lips pressed tight together with none of his gorgeous smile lines appearing around his eyes and lips.
he failed to note the way you drew a sharp breath when you felt the rough skin of his palms, coarse from all the times he dug his nails into the delicate skin to control the rage and hurt he felt at his family. the way your eyes softened as you looked at him, the way his lack of obnoxiously lewd jokes and quick wit made him look so vulnerable that it shattered your heart into a million pieces.
after the crackers were pulled and you had packed up a "grow your own warts" kit and many a butterbeer flavoured candy and a few white mice, he squeezed your hand again, gesturing towards the gryffindor common room, leaving the boys chatting with a few members of the ravenclaw quidditch team who had stayed back for christmas as well.
murmuring the password to the fat lady, you stumbled into the common room with sirius, who had his arm wrapped tightly around your waist. you sunk into your favourite armchair, and giggled when sirius fell into you with a muffled "thump"
even though you were 'just friends', you knew him better than anyone else and he knew it as well as you did.
the cozy red armchair with its plush cushioning looked as inviting as ever as he settled into it, legs haphazardly tossed over yours. affection was a major part of your relationship with sirius, having become fast friends since the first year at hogwarts.
ever since you were joint at the hip, bonding over a shared love of music, shared comfort in silence, shared trauma and a love for leather. you were as much a part of the marauders as any of the other boys, and sirius couldn't quite point to the time when you had become such fast friends.
he buried his head into the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply, absorbing the lilting notes of vanilla and shea, and fiddling with the loose strands of hair at the base of your neck. you hummed softly, some melody that had been playing on your mind, hands gently running through his dark locks, nails scratching softly at his scalp.
"you okay?" you asked, noting the tenseness of his shoulder muscles, and the still present frown between his eyebrows.
a non commital shrug was the only response.
worry began to seep into your mind, surprised at how your usually bubbly bestfriend was decidedly unbubbly.
"you don't seem okay babe" you stated, lifting his chin so he was looking at you.
his stormy gray eyes reflected doubt and insecurity dancing like lightning, casting shadows of uncertainty that loomed deep in his mind.
to your surprise, tears welled up in his eyes, mirroring raindrops, poignant with a tempest of emotions swirling within, creating a tumultuous scene of vulnerability and insecurity.
"oh sweetheart.." you cooed softly, shuffling so he was engulfed in your arms. you felt him bury his face deeper into your neck, clinging to you desperately as if he was worried you'd disappear into thin air.
"talk to me honey" you whispered, trying to coax him out of his hiding place.
just as he opened his mouth to speak, the door to the common room swung open and remus james and peter trooped in, followed by a few other gryffindors.
they stopped short, taking in the scene before them, their best mate in tears in the arms of the girl he loved who happened to be his best friend.
"mate are you-" james began, only to be cut off by a glare from remus.
"who don't you go up to our dorm y/n? I'll make sure no one goes up" remus said, staring at your pointedly, offering a soft smile to you when you nodded.
"i think we'll take you up on the offer, is that okay with you siri?" you asked, still softly stroking his hair.
he nodded against you, and followed you silently as you took his hand in yours and draped an arm around his torso, pressing a kiss to his temple as you led him up the winding staircase to the boys dormitory.
as soon as you were inside, you led him over to his bed, gently pushing him down so he was sitting, eyes looking unseeingly at the posters and polaroids that graced his headboard.
with worried eyes, you watched his gaze flicker back and forth, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to spill over.
"talk to me siri, im right here" you cooed, kneeling down in front of him, hands resting on his knees, drawing tiny circles with your pinky over the material of his robes.
"are you here with me love?" you asked, watching the black in his pupils darken as he spaced out. you watched as he jolted a little, looking at you almost alarmed, before the tears began to drip down his cheeks.
the first drop had you sprinting into his arms, wrapping your own tightly around him, kicking your shoes off as you squeezed him tight, knees resting in between his own, as he sobbed into your chest.
you'd seen him cry before, but never like this. broken sobs spilled from his salty lips, dampening the material of your robes, and small choked sounds escaped his lips, along with deep strangled breaths as he gripped your waist to keep himself grounded.
he cried for what seemed like hours while you whispered sweet reassurances to him, kissing his cheeks, his nose, his forehead and his hands, placing his hand on your chest to feel the steady beating of your heart.
"m' right here darling, let it all go, I've got you, i promise, I'll be right here to hold you honey" you whispered to him, rocking him back and forth like a child.
sirius gripped you even tighter, clinging to you as if you were his lifeline.
eventually, his sobs slowed,and he pulled back, eyes red and swollen and face glistening with tears. even when his hair was messy and he looked like a wreck, he looked ethereal.
"oh my beautiful boy" you said, kissing the top of his head. "tell me what you need" you said, interlacing your hands.
"you, just need you" he said, and the way his broke on the word 'you' shattered your heart into a million pieces.
"just give me one second darling, okay?" you said, walking into their bathroom and taking out a clean handkerchief from your pocket. you soaked it in some water, bringing it back to him, gently wiping his eyes and then his face with it, leaving kisses on every spot you cleaned for him, before taking a comb from his nightstand and slowly untangling the mess that his hair was.
sirius watched as you combed his hair, eyebrows furrowed in attention, and he swore his heart fell even more for you.
"d'ya think you can tell me what's wrong sugar?" you asked, biting you lip when he flashed you a smile at the nickname.
"yeah" he nodded, tugging you down so you were cuddled into his side. "oh wait!" you exclaimed, fishing some chocolate out your pocket and offering a piece.
he took it with a smile, letting it melt on his tongue as he looked at you.
you were now snuggled into his shoulder, your ankle intertwined with his as you lay across from him, hand gently holding his, as his other hand traced patterns on your hip.
"darling mother of mine sent me a howler this morning for a christmas present" he said with a dry chuckle.
"did she now?" you said, anger simmering deep in your bones. "yeah, and then sperm donator sent me a lovely letter as well" he said, chuckling a little at his own nickname for his father.
"mmhmm" you said, tracing his thumb.
"yeah, jus' caught me off guard" he mumbled
"you do know that whatever they say is not true, right?" you asked, looking straight into his eyes.
"yeah but- fuck, darling, it gets hard sometimes. sometimes I feel like I am a traitor and failure. sometimes i feel like I'm not worthy of being a human, I'm not worthy of being a friend, I'm not worthy of being loved i-" he broke off, looking at the ceiling.
"you are more than just a name, sirius. you are worthy of being loved. you are worthy of being human, and you are worthy enough to have friends who care about you" you said firmly, forcing him to look back at you.
"it just hurts me sometimes" he admitted
"i know sweetheart" you cooed again. you felt like no words you said were enough when it came to this topic.
"am i really worthy of being loved?" he asked suddenly, turning his face to look at you.
"of course" you said. the silence got louder for a moment. "siri?" you asked, voice lighter than honeycomb.
"theres something Ive been wanting to tell you" he got out in a rush. "ever since we met on the train on our way here, from the tender age of eleven, my heart silently declared its allegiance to you. each passing day has been a testament to a love that started as a whisper and has grown into a resounding echo in my soul. darling, with every sunrise and every moonlit night, my affection for you deepens, as if there's an infinite well within me, filling with the boundless affection i hold for you. you are the constant melody in the symphony of my existence, and i fall harder for you with each beat of my heart" he said, turning to look at you.
you felt tears welling in your own eyes, and it only felt right when you leaned forward, pressing your soft lips to his slightly chapped ones.
to him, you tasted of strawberries and cocoa, warm and sweet and oh so extravagant, a taste so luxurious he couldn't get enough of it.
to you, he tasted of cigarette smoke, mint and cocoa, an intoxicating taste you couldn't get enough of
his lips pressed deeper against yours, hand grasping your waist tightly, pulling you flush against him, as he poured all his love and passion out for you.
time stopped, the world slowed and your heartbeat dropped to the lowest of lows. relaxed. calm. loved.
finally, when your lungs began to burn from the lack of oxygen, you drew away, chests heaving as you looked at each other.
a slight flush lay on his cheeks, tinges of red littering his cheekbones. you could feel a heat thrumming in your own cheeks, and your heart felt like it was racing a million miles an hour.
"i don't know how long I've waited to say that to you" he breathed out, nuzzling his nose to yours.
"since our shared days at eleven, my heart has been a clandestine haven for the enchantment you brought into my life. you don't know how happy you made me with this. in the quiet dance of our days, my affection for you has blossomed into a resplendent garden, and with every sunrise, I find myself immersed deeper in the captivating allure of our love. you are the symphony that resonates in my heart, and i cherish you always" you told him, pressing a kiss to the swell of his cheekbone.
sirius felt his cheeks burn a deep red, and he tilted your lips up to press a searing kiss to them again.
"i love you" he gasped against your lips, drawing you closer to him.
"i love you too" you murmured against his lips moulding your body to him.
and as sirius lay there in your arms, pressing kisses as sweer and delicate as spun sugar against every part of your body but especially your lips, he realised there was no other place that felt more like home than your arms.
you were his home.
a/n : I've missed writing so much!! i really hope you enjoy this, and as always likes reblogs comments opinions etc are appreciated!! sending u all love and happiness and remember, my inbox is always open and i love making new friends!! marauders is a new field for me but if u have any reqs/ideas please do send in asks! happy reading ☺️♥️
general : @roslastyles420 @hopeful in love @bluesongbird
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maremartinelli · 6 months
Sirius Black X fem!reader
Summary: Y/n and Sirius had broken up. The boy with dark hair was going through difficult days with his family and this was the only way to protect his girlfriend. However, on a rainy holiday day In the summer he appears at the girl's cousin's house, just on the day she was there. What happens when his ex sees him all bruised and burned?
Words: 2.3K+
Warnings: I cry, break up, swear words (I don't remember), bruises, burns, but a happy and happy ending.
Author: Of course, English is not my first language, I apologize for any writing or spelling errors. And by the way, this imagine came through a song that I love. I'll leave it here at the end, for anyone who wants it to hear. (The music is Brazilian).
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Sirius and Y/n had broken up.
Their relationship had lasted for two long, beautiful years. However, lately Sirius was facing several problems with his family and for some reason he distanced himself from his girlfriend, Y/n made a thousand proposals for him to tell her what was happening. But nothing was working.
He didn't spend time with her, he made excuses not to go on dates, he avoided her in the common room, he sat further away in class and so on.
Y/n even thought he was cheating on her, but with a conversation with Prongs and Moony, they explained that he was also acting strangely and it was the Black family's fault. Like always.
And after a lot of talking and trying to help, Sirius decided that it would be better to separate, but that it wouldn't affect Y/n's life. But he said he still loved the girl unconditionally.
The days leading up to summer vacation were the worst for Y/n. While she wasn't studying for finals with Lily, she was in her dorm crying deeply while the same redhead comforted her.
The weeks passed and everyone was boarding the Hogwarts express to head home to enjoy their summer vacation. That day, Sirius was quieter than usual. Thus, causing James to have an idea.
Upon entering the train after the girls, James walked to the carriage they were in and when he was about to enter, he saw his cousin lying on his girlfriend's lap while crying sobbing.
Lily just shook her head saying that it was better for the two of them to be alone and then James asked the boys to find another carriage for them, however, Sirius who was right behind Prongs ended up seeing the scene.
The redhead just smiled slightly at Pads and continued to comb Y/n's hair as a form of consolation.
The holidays have definitely arrived, and as always the sun was shining brightly. However, Y/n just wanted to stay at home and cry until her eyes couldn't open anymore, she just wanted to stay at home and lay on her mother's lap while the older one consoled and felt sorry for her little girl.
But, since she was little, Y/n spent half of her summer holidays at her Uncle Potter's house together with her cousin James - now better, Prongs. And this summer would be no different, he called asking his cousin to come there to distract his mind and have fun with his friends.
Y/n said she would think carefully about the offer.
Until the next day in the morning Remus called her with the same request and in the afternoon her best friend - Lily. I was also making the same proposal. Until she accepted.
She packed her bags and the next day she asked her mother to take her to her aunt and uncle's house. Where already, all the friends were gathered. Except Sirius, James said that he was facing a lot of conflicts at home and that his mother forbade him to go out and be with his friends.
On one hand Y/n felt relieved, on the other, she knew that her love was suffering at Walburga's hands.
It had been 3 days since Y/n and her friends had been sleeping at James' house and having a great time.
Today, they were in the large yard behind the house trying to catch a golden snitch that Prongs had released. The first person to pick it up could choose tomorrow's menu. Just as Aunt Euphemia had said.
And obviously, everyone was so excited after the golden animal.
"Hey Hey!!" Y/n catches everyone's attention.
Remus, Lily, James and Peter turn to look at their friend.
"It's raining. Wouldn't we better go inside?" She says looking at the sky, which had huge, dark clouds.
"Let's enjoy it more, I'm almost catching this snitch" James says as he runs.
Remus rolls his eyes.
"No, it's not. I'm the one who's going to ask Aunt Effy to make us pumpkin pie tomorrow." Lupine says as he ran after James and the Snitch.
"Ew" James and Y/n mumble.
"Come on, we have to take Moony out of the competition. No one deserves pumpkin pie" Y/n laughs and runs after the golden object.
Moony just rolls his eyes and they all continue to chase the snitch as the raindrops were getting more and more violent.
The game lasted until Euphemia appeared at the door and asked them to come in, as the rain was getting heavier and the lightning was close to the Potter house.
Everyone entered quickly and each went to the room they were staying in. Y/n and Lily went to the room they shared and drew odd or even numbers to see who would take a shower first, like they did in the Hogwarts dormitory.
With that, Lily always won and today was no different. While the redhead took a shower, Y/n took her favorite pajamas out of the closet and looked at them.
The clothes matched what Sirius had too.
She had given them matching pajamas on their first Valentine's Day together. Sirius and Y/n made a point of showing off to everyone as they paraded around the common room in matching pajamas.
Now, every time Y/n wore those pieces of clothing, she felt like something was missing.
It doesn't take long for Lily to come out of the shower with wet hair and make the room available for Y/n to take a shower.
The Potter girl smiles friendly and enters the bathroom. When she feels the hot water run down her body, the tears flow together and wash the girl's face.
And after composing herself, she left the bathroom and sat at the vanity to brush her hair, until James, Remus and Peter ran in front of their room. They seemed hurried.
"Huh, what happened?" Y/n stops with the brush in her hand and looks at Lily who was on the bed putting on her socks.
"I don't know. But don't worry too much, they're really crazy" Lily says and Y/n smiles.
Upon returning to the mirror, Y/n starts to comb her hair again until they hear a bang coming from the main building downstairs. The two friends look at each other and run to the window to see who it was.
When they arrive, they can only see James holding someone as they enter the house.
Soon after, they hear someone running up the stairs and passing by their room.
Y/n runs to the door and to Remus.
"Moony, what's going on?" She asks worriedly.
"I'm going after Effy and Mont. Sirius is here. He's hurt!!!" With that said, Remus runs to the older people's room and knocks on the door.
Lily, who was behind Y/n, widened her eyes and in a quick gesture, the two girls were running down the stairs like lightning. Skipping one or two steps every time.
Arriving in the main room, Y/n stops at the sight she sees.
Sirius was all soaked from the rain, his perfect hair was all messed up, his fingers and hands were burning, there were bruises all over his face and his clothes were torn in some parts, and you could also see some deep cuts.
James and Peter were asking him questions while Moony was behind Euphemia and Fleamont, Y/n had stopped and couldn't move for the life of her. Lily even stopped next to her and said something that Y/n's ears insisted on not hearing.
Her eyes were glued to Sirius as he also looked at her.
Y/n only managed to come out of her trance when Remus accidentally hit her on the shoulder as she walked by with Effy and Mont.
"Son, what happened?!" Fleamont asks as he crouches down next to Sirius on the couch.
There was so much movement that Y/n didn't even realize she was crying. Crying with sobs.
"Lily, take Y/n upstairs. I'll come after you" Effy says to her daughter-in-law while looking at her niece.
And that was when Y/n saw that his face was full of tears and that his breathing was not controlled.
When did all this crying start??
It hurt Sirius. Seeing your loved one crying like that. Of course, he had several injuries on his body, but nothing compared to the pain he had in his heart.
So, Lily took her best friend upstairs to help her calm down. Meanwhile, Y/n tried to say something, but the crying wouldn't allow it.
"I-I should stay with him. B-but I can't c-with you. I should…"
"Shii, it's going to be okay" Lily runs her hands through Y/n's wet hair. "Everything's going to be okay..." She takes a deep breath.
Hours had already passed and everyone - almost everyone. They were already asleep.
After Euphemia helped Mont with Sirius and the boys, she went up to the girls' room and comforted Y/n.
The oldest knew about the relationship they had. For the first Christmas they were together, she brought the boy to spend the holiday with them. And it's not like Effy has never met Sirius either, he's her son's best friend.
Euphemia and Lily spent hours comforting Y/n until the Potter girl ended up falling asleep in their lap.
But now, four hours later, she was awake again.
She was sneaking out of her room so she could go to the kitchen for some tea to feel better.
Shifting foot by foot, she reached the room without waking anyone.
Y/n put the electric kettle with water on to heat up while she grabbed the tea bags that were in the upper cupboard in her aunt's kitchen. The scene of Sirius suffering on the couch with his pain still played in her head as she got her tea ready.
Until she felt another breath in the kitchen and quickly turned around, pulling out her wand that was stuck in her hair bun.
"Hey hey, doll. It's me!" The male voice says weakly while standing at the door.
Y/n takes a deep breath when she hears Sirius' voice.
Thus becoming a little embarrassed while the brunette stared at her. Potter began fidgeting with the checkered pajama pants she was wearing, while she waited for him to say something or for the hot water from the kettle to signal that it was ready.
"You wear it" Sirius smiles pointing to his pants and Y/n looks down at his leg.
"A, yeah. Yes. I love them" She says weakly. "They're comfortable and...I feel like I'm close to you." She says the last sentence quietly, but Black hears it.
"Me too. But well, I left mine at home when I escaped here"
Y/n bites her lower lip and looks at the ground, trying not to remember everything he could have suffered until he arrived at her aunt and uncle's house.
"Well, about earlier... y--do you want to talk? We may be apart, but I'm a good listener" She tries to smile, but ends up grimacing.
"It's okay now, Effy helped me with the bandages and the boys distracted me until I fell asleep. But I couldn't sleep anymore."
"I imagine..."
"Well, what about you? I was worried about you" he approaches the counter.
Y/n was in front of the sink, on the other side of the counter as she looked at Sirius. Which was now more visible, due to the weak light that the island provided.
"Yeah. You were desperate when you saw me." He swallows hard and Y/n looks away from the mug he was holding.
"Yeah...I...well, yes...it was hard to see you like that. I imagined your mother humiliating you and seeing you so small there, it made my heart break even more" she says weakly and drops a few tears . "I wanted to come help you, but the last few days you just kept me away and I didn't know what to do. And my reaction was that, I didn't want to. I'm sorry" Y/n lowers her head and sheds more tears.
Sirius walks around the counter and stops in front of his lover.
"Hey, you don't need to apologize for anything. I confess that I felt really bad when I realized that I was moving away from you, but I couldn't keep you with me. My family threatened me in every way and said that the next person would be you . I was so shaken that the only thing left for me was to break up with you. I'm sorry for leaving you aside" He lifts Y/n's face with his index finger, while she showed that she was still crying.
"I tried to help you in many ways, but it seemed like something was missing in you"
"What I'm missing is you." Sirius runs his hand over Y/n's cheek.
Y/n looks into Black's gray eyes.
"Siri, I'm so sorry for everything you've been through. I should have been on your side." She says tearfully.
"You're here now, aren't you?! He smiles and places his other hand on Y/n's cheek.
She shakes her head.
"I missed you so much" Y/n confesses.
"Me too" Sirius cries, but still smiles. "I know you're missing me, come get your half soon" Black flirts making Y/n roll her eyes and laugh.
"Not even in this situation can you stop your jokes" she smiles. "but yes, I want my half back."
"Great" Sirius smiles and pulls Y/n into a kiss.
It was as if everything was falling into place again. The kiss felt more passionate and stronger.
One couldn't live without the other and now they realized.
"Promise that you will stay now until death do us part?" Y/n asks when they break away from the kiss.
"Always, doll" Sirius smiles and then pulls his girl into a cozy hug. "I love you so much, my life."
"I love you, my love"
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Author: Here below is the song I said in the synopsis👇🏽
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James: *kissing Regulus aggressively* Sirius: *Walks in* Hi! James: … Regulus: … Sirius: bye! *Slams door*
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ourloveisforthelovely · 8 months
The Family (Part 1)
Regulus Black AU
Request: Can you write a story where Regulus and the reader have been best friends for years. After Hogwarts, they move to France and get married without telling The Blacks? After being away a few years, they come back and surprise everyone.
Parings: Regulus Black x Reader
“You know that my family isn’t friendly…right?”
You looked up from your dressing table. Regulus sat on the bed looking at you with a slightly worried look.
“Like I’m concerned. I can be unfriendly too. Let fire meet fire.”
You chose to ignore the little wince that your “husband” gave you. It was no secret that Regulus was worried about facing his parents after eloping. This was the most “un-Regulus” like thing that he had ever done in his life. Meeting the repercussions of his actions was now beginning to worry him.
It had been nearly three years since Regulus had seen or talked to his family. The two of you had been hiding out in France. After moving back to England, it was time to face the proverbial music.
“Y/n, I really don’t think that you know what you are getting into. My parents aren’t like your parents. Mine are deranged and…chaotic.”
You put your brush down before moving to settle yourself on Regulus’ lap. Reaching out you twirled your fingers around one of the curls that was about to fall into his eyes.
“Regulus, we have been best friends since we were 11. I know all about your family and their…ways. It's going to take a lot more than I am the almighty Walburga Black to scare me off. Granted, I do wish that I could have a mother-in-law to do fun things with but, hey, you get what you get. You, my love, are worth whatever those nutcases have to throw at me.”
You were relieved when Regulus smiled. It wasn’t often that a smile graced his face but when it did, your heart melted.
“Maybe, if I’m l lucky, mother will fall over dead from a heart attack and the rest of the family will just spontaneously combust.”
Regulus commented with a smile. He knew what he was getting into. Regulus knew that his family was about to have a fit when he brought his new “wife” home. He knew that evening’s dinner was bound to be a fiasco. You were the absolute last person that Walburga wanted Regulus to marry. She hated the fact that the two of you were best friends. The literal only reason why she finally shut up about it was the fact that you were a Slytherin and a pure blood.
“If you must be friends with that girl, fine. It isn’t like you are going to marry her one day.”
Regulus had never forgotten that comment from Walburga. He had been 13 at the time and told his mother that you were his friend. He had no intention of stopping being your friend. It didn’t matter how angry it made his mother. Regulus had banked on his “being his mother’s favorite” card to keep her from beating the stuffing out of him after that comment.
To Regulus’ relief, Walburga stomped off muttering to herself about wondering why her sons were so obsessed with the Potter children. She just couldn’t understand what was so fascinating that Regulus and Sirius couldn’t say no to. At the moment, that was enough for Regulus.
Now, however, things were different. Regulus had fallen in love with you. After a completely “innocent” kiss at 15, he was hooked. There would be hope in Regulus ever wanting to stay away. He couldn’t…not even if he tried.
The following years were full of Regulus keeping you away from any member of his family. No matter how many times you told him that you were ready to officially meet them and rip the “bandage” off, Regulus always said no.
“Reggie, I hate to break it to you but no one will be dropping dead of any heart attacks. Besides, your mother should expect something. We are always together. One would think that with as smart as she “claims to be”, she would have figured out that we have been together since 5th year. Like it or not, she will just have to get over it.”
“I hate knowing that I am taking you into that lion’s den.”
Leaning forward, you placed a soft kiss on Regulus’ lips. You hoped that some kind of physical contact would calm down his raging mind.
“Regulus, I want you to hear me. It will take a lot more than your family to scare me off. I knew what I was getting into when I said, I do. I know your parents aren’t like my parents. They will just have to accept that we are in love. If they can’t…then that is on them. That won’t be our problem.”
“But we have two things that will be their problem.”
Regulus commented as his grey eyes flickered to the corner of the room where your twin daughters sat playing. Both girls were not the least bit interested in the conversation that their parents were having. You looked at your daughters sympathetically before turning back to Regulus. He didn’t have to say it for you to know this was the other source of his panic.
“Maybe knowledge that they are suddenly grandparents will take them out.”
You suggested with a smile. Regulus couldn’t help but smile as you got off of his lap.
“I have to keep them safe from mum and dad. I don’t want them pushing their ideals on Matilda and Rose.”
Both girls looked up and gave Regulus matching little smirks before going back to their toys.
“Regulus, I have known you for a long time. I know that you won’t let them hurt the girls.”
Regulus was quiet a moment as he watched Matilda and Rose play. He coudln’t help but wonder why his own father wanted absolutely nothing to do with him until he had gotten older. Regulus wanted nothing more than to be a part of whatever it was his daughters were doing.
“What if being around them makes me act like…him?”
Regulus questioned. You moved to stand beside your husband. Reaching down, you wrapped your hand around his and squeezed gently.
“The fact that you are even worrying about it tells me that won’t happen. If it were your father, he would never even have that thought. He would just be uncaring and believe that children are to be seen and not heard.”
Before Regulus could comment, the doorbell rang.
“That will be your brother.”
Both twins' heads popped up as they stood up to toddle out of the room shrieking Sirius’ name.
You moved to walk out of the bedroom to answer the door but stopped to look back at Regulus.
“I mean it, love, you are nothing like your father and you won’t become him. Now let's get this exciting evening over so we can have something to laugh about later.”
Walking downstairs, you smiled seeing Sirius holding both Matilda and Rose. Both twins were trying to look through his shirt pocket for the lollipops that he always brought them.
Matilda shrieked before taking the lollipop out of Rose’s hand. This resulted in Rose screaming “mine” right back at her sister. Sirius looked between both toddlers and sat them down. He handed each girl a lollipop before shaking his head.
“You both get one. No need for the yelling.”
“Thank you”
Matilda muttered before going to sit down at the little table in the corner. Rose patted Sirius’ leg and went to join her sister as Sirius started trying to wipe some sticky substance off of his face.
“I don’t want to know what that is.”
He commented as you handed him a wet cloth. Chuckling Sirius cleaned the gooey spot off before giving you a smirk.
“I never thought in a million years that my neat-as-a-pin brother would be open to being a father. I thought he would barf the moment that a kid drooled on him. So…are you two really going to subject yourself to a delightful dinner from hell with Norma and Norman Bates?”
You nodded.
“Its best we get this over with. The quicker we totally rock their words the faster it will be over>”
Sirius winced.
“I don’t think it will be that easy, love. So, how is Regulus handling it?”
“Like I’m about to fall through thin ice on a pond.”
Regulus commented as he walked into the room pulling on his suit jacket. Sirius turned to face his brother and gave him a sympathetic expression.
“Maybe she will have a heart attack? I mean telling her that you married Y/n and that you have kids will be a huge shock. What if she just kills over at the dinner table? Are you just going to leave her or will you call for help? Reg, what if dad kills over too? Wouldn’t that be great?!”
Regulus only wished that he could have Sirius’ level of enthusiasm at the moment.
“I’m not that lucky, Sirius. Look, the twins go to bed at 8. Try not to hype them up on sugar this time. The last time we didn’t get them to sleep until after 11.”
Sirius gave Regulus a cold scowl.
“Look last time, they asked for ice cream. Try saying no to those little faces.”
As if on command both Matilda and Rose gave Regulus their signature “I’m cute” face.
“Love you daddy.”
Matilda muttered. Rose nodded eagerly but didn’t give up a moment with her candy. Regulus shook his head.
“Love you too, princess.”
He turned back to Sirius discreetly giving him the middle finger.
“And you’re teaching them to suck up knowing very well that I can’ say no to them.”
Sirius chuckled to himself before moving to sit on the couch.
“Well, you’ll be okay.”
Glazing down at your watch, you turned to Regulus.
“We better get going if we want to make our appearance as planned.”
Regulus groaned.
The two of you moved to kiss your daughters goodbye. Sirius gave you both a final look.
“If you need me, I’ll be there in a jiffy.”
“I’ll remember that. You should pray that I don’t kill her.”
Regulus replied before following you out the door.
A moment later, you stood beside Regulus outside of Grimmauld Place. Neither of you moved to knock on the door. After a moment, you turned to look at Regulus. His handsome features were set into a hard scowl.
“Reggie, remember what I said. You aren’t your father and are nothing like your family.”
Regulus nodded. Hearing those words come from your mouth always seemed to make him feel better. Right now, it was especially helpful because he felt as if he was throwing his family into the lion's den.
“We should get this over with.”
Regulus commented before knocking on the door.
A moment later, Kreacher opened the door. The elf’s eyes got huge seeing the one person that he loved most in the world.
“Master Regulus, you finally came home. Kreacher is delighted to see you.”
Kreacher turned his attention to you and frowned. He knew exactly who you were after hearing Walburga fuss about you for many hours. Regulus had followed Kreacher’s gaze and took a breath.
“Kreacher, this is my Y/n. I want you to treat her with respect.”
The elf didn’t look thrilled by the comment. He held back the vile comment that he wanted to make about the Potters being blood traitors. If there was one thing that Kreacher wouldn’t do, it was upset Regulus.
“Yes, Master Regulus. Please follow Kreacher. Dinner has just been served.”
Regulus tightened his hold on your hand as the two of you stepped into the house.
You had never been inside Grimmauld Place before. After stepping in the door it was as dark and gloomy as you expected. Nothing about this place screamed warm and welcoming.
“This makes me love my family all the more.”
You thought as you followed Regulus and Kreacher down the dark and gloomy hallway. At least, with your family, the home was always warm and welcoming. No one had to worry about being hexed over the dinner table.
Your thoughts stopped the moment that you stepped into the dining room. Just as you expected, the room grew silent. Multiple sets of cold eyes were initially upon you. You squeezed Regulus’ hand as Walburga stood up looking furious.
“Regulus, why is that girl here?”
Regulus took a breath. He didn’t expect much of a greeting from his mother.
“Hello, mother.”
He glanced to where his father sat. Orion was watching him with a hawk-like expression while his grandmother and grandfather took sips of their wine. Cygnus and Druella both were giving each other hesitant expressions as if to say “here we go.”
“I asked you a question, Regulus. It's been three years since we have seen you and you come home with this girl.”
Regulus swallowed, suddenly remembering just who the hell he was. If his mother wanted to play hardball then so could he.
“Yes, Mother it has been three years. Furthermore, this girl has a name, and its Y/n. I expect respect for my wife.”
Both Walburga and Orion went pale. Cygnus and Druella’s mouths dropped while Arcturus and Melania tilted their heads.
“Silly of me, but did you say wife?”
Walburga finally choked out.
“Yeah, he said wife. My name is Y/n. Just so you know, Walburga, I match people’s energy. You be nice to me and I’ll be nice to you. If you want to start shit, you better be ready to dance. That goes for all of you lovely people. Now, we are here in goodwill. We aren’t here for this to turn into some muggle soap opera-level crap.”
You watched as Walburga quickly began to stutter. She clearly did not expect that to come out of your mouth. Orion, meanwhile, was looking at you with a look of amazement.
“You wanted to see us. We are here but play your cards carefully. Remember that I’m the heir to this family.”
Regulus added in a calm even tone. Walburga continued to blink before turning to Orion. Orion gave his wife a cold glare before turning back to his son.
“I see that you couldn’t be bothered to tell us about any of this.”
Regulus smirked.
“Sorry, Father but we have been rather busy in France. There is more you should know. We have twin daughters. If you have any interest in seeing them, the lot of you will agree to my terms.”
Walburga sank back in her chair before grabbing Orion’s arm.
“They have children. Oh heaven help me, they have children.”
Orion didn’t say anything immediately as he glanced at his wife. He knew Walburga would kill him later but he had a feeling that she would do exactly as her son asked. In private, Walburga had been a wreck since Regulus moved away. There had been multiple times that she had shed tears over the subject. Of course, Orion would never tell Regulus this.
“Yes, we have children.”
You replied. Melania turned to her grandson with a gentle expression. Regulus had always been her favorite. Now seeing him as a husband and father made her extremely pleased. While she still could see the darling little boy that Regulus was, it was clearly time to see him as the man that he had become.
“You didn’t bring them with you, Regulus.”
Regulus’ cold expression softened as he addressed his grandmother.
“No, grandmother. I didn’t with reason. Our family has a talent for losing our tempers and acting out of places of anger. My daughters don’t need to be exposed to that. Before any of you lay eyes upon them, you’ll listen to what I have to say and agree to my terms.”
Orion leaned back in his chair with a scowl.
“We’re listening.”
@geeksareunique @jessyballet @knreidy1 @dumbbunnys-safes @siriuslyceleste @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @readtomeregulus @i-love-scott-mccall @iluvthe-marauders @justfinishthis @fific7 @woohoney @abaker74 @regulus-black-223048 @saramaple @missgorldafirst @f4iryluvy @s-we-e-t-t-ea @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-m @ivybeeloved @i-love-scott-mccall @panpride @bennyberry @gugggu6gvaii @jag9000 @quinis @haroldpotterson @mentally-unstable-hoe @daddyslittlevillainx @goldensunshineshit @marichromatic @melaninnbarbie @ravenhood2792 @play-morezeppelin @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @rubyroscoe1 @brokencasbutt67-writer @un-lovesherself @emiwrites3reads @padf00ts-l0ver
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maraudersoncrack1981 · 6 months
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lixzey · 10 months
Ive had this idea in my head for a while now and i just had to tell someone 🤭❤️
So y/n is siblings with regulus and sirius, and regulus and them are twins. They had a good bond with sirius before he ran away and then they werent alouwed to talk to him anymore because of there mum. But a few weeks after sirius left he came back to get a few things that he really wanted to keep . But when he and the marauders sneaked in he found there mum toruring regulus and he was screaming and crying and stuff, while y/n was laying there unconscious and bleeding a lot and then you can continue :) ( also if you want make it james x reader at the endddd)
Love your stories sm ❤️
warnings: use of the cruciatus curse, mention of death eaters, mentions of blood.
safe and sound
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Oh, all that I did to try to undo it. All of my pain and all your excuses, I was a kid but I wasn't clueless. Someone who loves you wouldn't do this.
All of my past, I tried to erase it, but now I see, would I even change it? Might share a face and share a last name, but we are not the same.
December 25th, 1976
You hated Christmas.
Not because you despised the holiday, really, but because you hate what happens during the holiday.
Your parents would always gather up the whole family at Christmas; it was a tradition that originated with your family’s ancestors. You and your brothers were forced to wear itchy dress robes and needed to be on your best behavior. For as long as you can remember, the Black family Christmas gathering was a load of hippogriff dung.
You spent the whole day mingling with your older cousins, which you absolutely dreaded each and every time you had to spend time with them, especially Bellatrix. You already had to spend every day seeing your cousins at Hogwarts, and the last thing you wanted was to spend Christmas with them too.
The only sensible cousin you had was Andromeda; you loved her like a sister, but she wasn’t welcome in the family anymore since she married the muggle-born Ted Tonks. You missed her dearly, but you still exchanged letters from time to time, you still preferred Andromeda's company rather than Narcissa's or Bellatrix's.
The gathering went well—at least the first half of it.
You were sitting on your bed, peacefully reading a book, when your mother called everyone to the Black family library. You were confused; your family never used the library for gatherings this large. You reluctantly make your way up to the library, goosebumps littering your body as eerie silence enveloped the whole house. When you opened the doors to the library, your eyes visibly widened. 
All of your family members were already inside, along with masked figures in dark cloaks—death eaters—standing in a circle around another hooded figure. Before you even knew what was happening, your eldest brother, Sirius, was thrown into the middle of the room.
“He is ready, my Lord.” Your father, Orion, bowed in front of the hooded figure—the Dark Lord. “He is sixteen, just as you requested.”
“I requested nothing, Orion. I required him to be at least sixteen and willing to join in the ranks of my death eaters.” The Dark Lord’s cold voice echoed in your ears, sending shivers down your spine. “I do not intend to use the Imperius curse on every last follower into understanding and obedience.”
“Perhaps a little persuasion is useful, my Lord?” Bellatrix purred lovingly at the Dark Lord, making you want to vomit right there and then. Voldemort raised a hand, and your cousin’s crazed laughter echoed throughout the room, her wand aimed at Sirius. “Crucio!”
You felt sick to your stomach as you watched in horror as your brother’s screams rang in your ears. Sirius looked defiant, refusing to bow down to the Dark Lord. You felt paralysed, unable to move or do anything to help your brother. Tears started to sting your eyes. You wanted to scream and shout. You wanted to grab your older brother and just run away from all of the madness.
You suddenly felt arms wrap around your shoulder, the familiar warmth enveloping you despite the horrors in front of you. “Starlight, look at me.”
You looked up, meeting your second-eldest brother’s soft eyes. “Reggie…..” 
“I know, I know, just don’t let your guard down, okay, starlight?” Regulus whispered, kissing your forehead as he hugged you tighter. “It’ll be okay; Sirius will be okay.”
You watched helplessly as Sirius thrashed on the hardwood floor, screaming as the curse coursed through his body. Despite Regulus’ assurances—which you knew were pointless—tears flowed down your cheeks as you hoped that this was all just a bad dream. Sirius didn’t deserve any of this.
Still, Sirius did not break.
“He’s stubborn, Orion, Walburga,” Voldemort sneered, his red eyes glinting in the dim light. “Perhaps we should instruct the boy on the consequences of defiance.”
“Never!” Sirius screamed as he struggled to breathe, blood spilling out of his nose from being knocked over by the cruciatus.
“The young heir must be taught a lesson.’’ you heard your uncle Cygnus say, earning the laughs of agreement from everyone else.
Sirius panted heavily, licking blood from his lip before spitting it onto the rug. “Never….in a million….years.”
“Crucio! Crucio!” Bellatrix was clearly eager to hurt Sirius, enjoying the sight of your brother writhing in pain under her mercy. It made your blood boil; you wanted to just rip Bellatrix’s throat out of her neck.
“Kill the spare.” Voldemort’s snake-like eyes landed on you and Regulus. Your skin crawled as you felt the gazes of everyone in the room fall on you and your brother.
“No!” Your mother screamed and fell to her knees in front of the Dark Lord. “My Lord, I beg you, kill this traitor instead.” She gestured to Sirius's shaking, bleeding, sweating body. “Regulus and Y/n are as noble and pure as you could ever require. My better children will willingly seek your approval and bear your mark as soon as they come of age.”
Suddenly, everything went silent. You could hear your own heartbeat pounding in your ears. Every breath you took was a struggle as you waited for Voldemort's decision. Finally, he turned his gaze away from you, causing you to release the breath you didn't realise you were holding. The tension in the air was thick, and it felt like no one dared to move.
After what felt like an eternity, Voldemort spoke. “Very well, I will accept your offer. Bring them once they are of age. Do what you please to punish this Gryffindor.”
Regulus had his hand intertwined with yours, giving it an assuring squeeze. “It’s going to be alright, don’t worry.”
As Voldemort's followers, along with your family members, filed out of the room, you quickly rushed and kneeled down beside Sirius’ trembling body, pulling him into a hug, tears streaming down your face.
You choked back tears as you tilted his head so that he could look you straight in the eye. “Siri, look at me,” you choked out, your heart breaking at the sight of your injured older brother. “Open your eyes, please. Sirius, please look at me.”
“Hi, my little starlight,” he rasped, his grey eyes slowly opening to look up at you.
“You’re alright, I got you, you're safe,” You kissed your brother’s forehead, the taste of blood sticking to your lips. “Reggie,” you forced yourself to say through tears. “Help me take Siri back to his room.”
Regulus quickly nodded as he helped you and Sirius out of the library, his arm wrapped around Sirius’ waist to offer support while the two of you brought him back to his room. Once you settled him on his bed, you started to clean his wounds as best as you could. Regulus helped as well, casting healing spells on Sirius to ease his pain.
“I'm sorry,” Sirius said, his voice barely above a whisper. “I brought this on all of you.”
“It's not your fault, Siri,” you reassured him, tears still spilling from your eyes despite wiping them away just seconds ago. “None of this is your fault.”
Regulus handed Sirius a vial of dark red liquid. “Drink this—it's blood replenishing potion. I nicked it from Slughorn’s stash before we left for the holidays. Drink up, you'll feel a bit better.”
“We'll always be here for you, Siri,” you murmured, holding your brother's hand tightly. “No matter what, we'll be here for you, together.”
You grabbed the vial from your brother's hand, uncorked it and force fed it to your eldest brother. Sirius grimaced at the coppery taste, but swallowed nonetheless. After some time, Sirius was finally able to breathe easier, and his pain lessened. He looked at you and Regulus, the same gray eyes mirroring yours.
“Thank you,” Sirius mumbled. “I don't know what I'd do without both of you.”
“We’re siblings, it’s what siblings do—we protect each other,” Regulus said, a smile on his lips, leaning against the wall as he watched over you and Sirius with a determined look in his eyes. “We'll be okay, I promise. We just need to stick together and look out for each other, no matter what.”
“Yes, we will,” you agreed, giving Sirius a reassuring smile. “We'll find a way to get through this together.”
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You lay awake in your room, your thoughts drifting back and forth to what had just happened earlier today.
Sirius didn’t do anything to deserve pain and torture. Sirius was the best big brother to you and Regulus; he always made sure the two of you were safe. Whenever either you or Regulus got into trouble, Sirius would do something worse, so he was the one who’d get punished instead. You’d always ask him why he did what he did, but he’d always say: your skin is far better than mine, starlight.
You were grateful for Sirius’ protection from your parents through the years; he and Reggie were your rocks. You wouldn’t have made it without your brothers; you loved them more than anything in the world.
It hurt you when Sirius first went to Hogwarts. You were scared he’d forget you and Regulus while he was at school. Sirius assured the two of you that it wouldn’t happen, but somehow it did. It didn’t happen until Regulus went to Hogwarts, leaving you alone to fend for yourself.
Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor; at first he was absolutely terrified, but in the end he embraced his inner Gryffindor—much to the disappointment of the whole family. Your parents specifically warned you and Regulus not to talk to Sirius while he was at Hogwarts; they wanted the two of you to cut ties with your eldest brother—just because he was a Gryffindor. Of course, you didn’t cut ties. Sirius was your brother; you weren’t just going to throw that away because of him defying tradition. But since Sirius was the disappointment, it fell on Regulus’ shoulders to become the proper heir of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.
Sirius would send letters, telling you and Regulus about his adventures while being a first year. He told the two of you about his friends, how he was excited for Reg to come to Hogwarts, and how he wanted so badly to have his siblings in Gryffindor too. It created a rift between your brothers, a rift created by your parents’ beliefs that were forced upon Regulus.
When Sirius came back from his first year, Regulus was distant from Sirius, unlike before. Of course, Sirius got worried for his little brother and asked you, but you didn’t know either what was happening because you and Regulus spent the whole year away from each other—with the exception of him sneaking into your room to comfort you when you were punished for not taking your etiquette lessons seriously, like the proper pureblood lady that you are. 
The summer before Regulus’ first year and Sirius’ second year was spent in silence. The three of you locked up in your rooms until Sirius decided to be a proper Black. It was torture for you because it was slowly pitting your siblings against each other. The ideas your mother instilled upon you and Regulus were horrid and absolutely disgusting to hear from a mother’s lips—which you knew from an early age—that your mother was not like other mothers. Your aunt Druella was not like your mother—she was kind and loved her daughters—so it confused you as a child: why did Mother not love us?
Your brothers drifted apart completely when Regulus was sorted into Slytherin. Sirius stopped talking to Regulus completely—which broke his heart, but he wouldn’t tell that to Sirius; only you knew—and ignored Regulus for as long as he could while at school. It didn’t help much because Regulus became friends with Severus Snape, the person Sirius despised at Hogwarts.
Still, your brothers sent you letters to make you feel that you weren’t alone. But over the course of that year, the letters slowly stopped. At first, you thought it was because they were busy, but that wasn’t the case. They simply got caught up in their personal lives, forgetting you in the process. You couldn't hate them for it; they were entitled to their own lives outside of you; you were only their sister; you couldn’t demand attention.
You felt alone for the first time in your life. Your brothers left you alone to fend for yourself. You felt betrayed and abandoned by the people you loved most in the world. The months without them were hell. You spent all of your days being trained to be a proper wife when you came of age. You were barely eleven and training to be a wife—the only thing you’re destined to be, according to your family's standards.
When Christmas of that year came, you couldn’t recognise your brothers. Back then, one of you couldn’t be seen alone; it was always the three of you glued to each other's sides. The moment Sirius and Regulus stepped out of the floo, they immediately went to their respective rooms, not even batting an eye at each other or you either. Though it hurt, you were determined to bring back your family—your family, your brothers—and you weren’t going to let your parents’ words affect anything you had with your brothers.
You snuck into their rooms, trying to persuade them to bunk in your room, for old times’ sake, please! But all of your efforts were futile, as neither of them wanted to be in each other's presence other than yours. Well, at least they had common ground, you. Days passed, and they headed back to Hogwarts, leaving you once more. At that point, you came to terms that it would not be easy to bring your family back, but you at least had to try.
Finally, the time for you to attend Hogwarts finally came. And by some miracle, your brothers got along temporarily. It was their little sister’s first year at Hogwarts—they weren’t going to just ignore that and not be excited. Your brothers told you everything you needed to know while the three of you bunked in bed, just like old times.
As soon as you stepped onto the Hogwarts Express, Sirius and Regulus hovered over you like hawks—literally. You were annoyed, but you wouldn’t have it in any other way. Your brothers assured you that they’d still love you no matter which house you got sorted into; you were still their little starlight.
Lo and behold, you were sorted into Slytherin, like every other Black in your family. Your parents were ecstatic; they sent you an owl—a literal eagle owl that was bigger than your head—along with a box of Honeydukes sweets. Regulus was happy that you were sorted in the same house as him and was already eager to show you around the Slytherin common room. Sirius, on the other hand, was happy for you, but he was disappointed that his sister got sorted into the same house generations of family members were in—even Andromeda was in Slytherin—but you assured your eldest brother that nothing was ever going to change between the two of you.
Surprisingly, your Hogwarts years were a blast. By the time you were in your third year, you were at the top of your class and had friends in every year and house. You were popular amongst the crowd—not that you’d ever admit it—you were known as the kindest Black that ever walked the halls of Hogwarts. You made lots of friends in Slytherin and even more in Gryffindor, without your parents’ knowing, of course, because your tattletale of a cousin, Bellatrix, and with the extension of Narcissa, had already graduated prior to your first year.
Sirius and Regulus were extremely protective of you when boys started flocking over you. You had the Black family genes—full lips, aristocratic features, long black hair, and grey eyes—there was no denying that you were beautiful. But there was one boy who caught your eye, which Sirius would not approve of. Despite the fact that you had boys asking you out from left to right, you couldn’t compete with a certain redhead with eyes green as emeralds.
You loved James Potter more than just a friend.
James was kind, funny, brave, and fiercely loyal. Even though he had an ego the size of the Black Lake, he had a golden heart to match it. James never treated you like how other boys treated you; he treated you like a person, not like some trophy to be won. James had an effect on you no one else had; he made you feel like a lovesick girl whenever you’re near him—but you won’t show or tell anyone about it though—butterflies fill your stomach in a frenzy each time he looks at you. But he was your brother’s best friend, meaning he was off limits. There isn’t a written or verbal rule about that, but you knew Sirius would flip if you ever dated his best friend, which is a long shot because James Potter was hopelessly in love with Lily Evans. You hated it, but you didn’t have a choice; Lily was your friend too, and you couldn’t hate her for the things that weren't even her fault.
All of a sudden, you heard the floorboards creak from outside your bedroom, snapping you out of your thoughts. You slowly got out of bed to investigate, confused. Who the hell is up at three in the morning? Kreacher definitely doesn’t stay up this late. You placed your hand on the doorknob, slowly turning it, making sure to be as quiet as humanly possible, only to see your older brother creeping out of his room. Sirius stopped in his tracks when he noticed you, a guilty look plastered on his face, a look you knew oh so well.
“Go back to bed, starlight,” Sirius said, trying to act nonchalant but ultimately failing.
“Where are you going? Why do you have a bag packed? Are you leaving us?” You asked, your lips quivering at the sight of a bag slung over his shoulder.
Sirius sighed, walking towards you. “I’m sorry, starlight, but I have to leave,” he said gently, his breath wavering as he reached for your hand. “If I don’t, I’ll go insane.”
“What about us? Me? Reggie?”
“We can get through this, Siri; please don’t leave us…” you begged, pulling his hands away from your cheeks.
“I’ll write every day. I promise...” Sirius said, cupping your face in his hands. “It’s not safe for me here.” His chest heaved slightly. “You saw what happened, starlight—you know they’ll force me to take the mark, and you know I can’t have that,” he said, his expression solemn. “I have to leave; they’ve finally pushed me too far.”
Suddenly, the floorboards creaked again. Regulus stood behind Sirius, a confused look plastered on his face at the sight of you with tears in your eyes. “What's happening, Sirius, Y/n?” Regulus asked, worry evident in his voice.
Sirius froze at the sound of his voice. He felt you flinch in his arms. He turned to face Regulus, his eyes pleading and watery. “I’m leaving, little brother. I don’t belong here…with you lot,” he said, choking back his tears.
You buried your head back into Sirius’ chest, holding back your sobs. Your legs felt weak, and you had to grab onto your brother for support.
“You're only sixteen, Sirius,” Regulus said, his voice breaking. “You can’t just leave; you'll be disowned, Sirius.”
“I can't stay, Reggie,” Sirius replied, his voice strained. His eyes roamed over his brother's face, the pain and desperation evident in his eyes. “Mother never cared for me; father would rather die than acknowledge me.”
You looked up at Sirius in horror, tears running down your cheeks. He was right. Your parents hated him. They treated him like scum, all because he wanted to be a good and decent person. “Please, Sirius, don’t leave. We need you. I need you.” 
Sirius sighed, his heart breaking at the sight of his crying sister. “I know, I know, but I can’t stand another day here. There’s so much going on—so much they expect me to do, but I can’t take this life.” 
You hugged your brother tightly, silently casting a silencing charm as you let tears fall from your eyes. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Your fucking parents, Voldemort, fucking ruined it all.
“What about Y/n? It's our job to protect her!” Regulus cried out, trying to reason with Sirius, his eyes blazing. “What? You’re just going to leave?”
“I know, little brother, and that’s why I need you to protect her for me,’’ Sirius said slowly, his voice barely audible.
Regulus narrowed his eyes at his older brother. “Sirius, you’re a Gyrffindor! Be fucking brave, for once!” Regulus hissed angrily, fists clenched, and his lips curled into a scowl.
“For once?” Sirius snapped angrily, moving away from you. “I have been brave for you and Y/n for as long as any of us can remember, Regulus!”
Regulus’ expression morphed into anger; his eyes were blazing with fury and resentment. Sirius took a deep breath, but before he could say anything more, you piped up. “Reg...please.”
“No, Y/n! He’s only thinking about himself-”
“No, you're only thinking about yourself—what about me? MY future—how would you have expected me to become one of Voldemort’s minions and settle down and have children with a woman I don't even love?! I don't want their kind of life, not anymore,” Sirius yelled, his voice full of anger.
You flinched at the venom in Sirius’ voice. “Please, Sirius, don’t leave.”
“I’m sorry starlight, but I have to. I can’t be a part of this twisted family and the Dark Lord's reign of terror. I can’t keep pretending to be someone I’m not.” Sirius said, his voice filled with pain and determination
“Where will you go? ” You whispered, looking up at Sirius.
“The Potters, James said his parents would take me in.”
Regulus’ eyes filled with anger again. “You're choosing James Potter over your own brother and sister?” Regulus hissed angrily, pulling you away from Sirius.
“Yes!” Sirius yelled, his eyes turning cold. “I'm choosing freedom and life over this twisted family and the Dark Lord! I can't stay, Regulus, and you know it. Don't try and stop me!”
“You've made your choice,” Regulus spat, grabbing your hand. “Come on, starlight.”
Sirius watched as you followed Regulus, his heart breaking. He could feel his eyes burning and his tears threatening to fall.
“Starlight..?” Sirius called out, taking a step after you and Regulus. At the word, you both stopped. For a moment, Regulus turned to face Sirius, and then he took his younger sister by the shoulders.
“Stop crying for him, Y/n, he’s weak.” Regulus spat harshly.
And with that, Sirius slung his bag over his shoulder and walked to the Floo in your father’s study. “Potter Manor!”
You and Regulus stood there in silence, watching helplessly as you let out a choked sob. “Sirius, please don’t go,” you pleaded, but your voice was drowned by the sound of the flames that engulfed him, disappearing from your sight.
Regulus pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly as you cried. “I’m sorry, starlight,” Regulus whispered, his voice breaking. “I'll never leave you, I swear.” 
You clung to your brother, and tears streamed continuously down your face as you realised that everything had changed. Your brother, Sirius, the one who always protected you, was gone. And everything was going to be different from now on.
Now you have another reason to hate Christmas.
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turvi · 2 years
Sweeter than Sweets
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Image Source:- Pinterest
Sirius Black x Fem!Reader
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Your friendship with the Marauders was unexpected but very welcoming. You were introduced to the group by Remus. Remus shared a few classes with you and got acquainted with you. One day he saw you eating lunch by yourself in the Great Hall and invited you over ignoring Sirius' glares.
Remus warned you before he introduced you to everyone "Sirius can be very cold and hostile, but he can be kind too, just try not to let the rudeness of his first words to you cut you too deeply."
It seemed like Remus was true because while everyone gave her a warm welcome Sirius gave you a cold shoulder every time you tried talking to him. You gradually got closer to the Marauder and Sirius didn't like it. But you liked Sirius a lot. You would overhear his conversations and the soft voice he would use on other girls and wish he talked to you like that. You loved his smile the most. It felt so innocent so opposite to his flirtatious nature.
Sirius was annoyed at how you were always bright, you made bad jokes but your laughs made others laugh sometimes even him but he won't admit it. He hated how everyone quickly opened up to you and even Remus Lupin who has a hard time talking to someone new just confessed to you that he is a werewolf and the rest of the Marauders were Animagus.
Now Sirius was furious and as a result, he was having an argument with Remus right now. "Have you lost it Moony? Why did you have to tell her all that? If you are in such a mood to reveal your secrets let us announce to the students in Great Hall that we are a bunch of feral animals"
Remus chuckled "Oh Padfoot you say you don't like her but you two are so similar. You know mate I won't just tell anyone. I trust her that is why I told her."
Sirius was about to berate Remus when he interrupted "give her one chance Padfoot then you can ignore her as much as you want. Why do you even hate her so much?"
"I don't hate her Moony. She just is so bright and happy all the time. She has overused her motto about how life is too short to take it seriously while absurdly winking at me."
"Just talk to her once will you?." With that Remus started to leave his room.
"Where are you going?"
"Oh, Y/n is making a cake for us. Too bad you don't like her you would love her cake."
Sirius hated the smug look on his best friend and decided to talk to you because it looked like you were going to stick with the group.
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You were sitting in front of the fireplace reading your book. Sirius started to feel nervous to talk to her. This is not his first time talking to a girl but normally he would be able to predict how the girls will react to his words, either they will hate it or love it. You are so far best described as unpredictable.
He slowly approached her. "Hey Y/n". You cautiously looked at him "hey Sirius". He felt a slight pain in his chest as he saw how you didn't give him the bright smile you give his friends. He pointed towards the empty space beside her "can I sit here?" You patted the empty seat but were still cautious.
Remus told her how Sirius can be loving once you will get to know him but before that, he can be very cold and rude. You were cautious not to upset him more. Of course, Sirius never blatantly told you but she could see he didn't like her as much as his friends did.
"So you like baking?" Sirius started awkwardly. You stared at him blankly then remembered that two days ago you made a chocolate cake for the three boys. "Uh I do, I don't know if I am great at it but Remus ends up finishing the deserts I make, he has quite a sweet tooth."
Sirius chuckled at her words "he does, chocolate is his favorite flavor." You turned to him immediately "tell me about it, that boy finished up three chocolate mug cakes while James and Peter were busy talking to me. I had to make more for the poor lads."
Sirius started laughing as he imagined Remus eating mug cakes in one corner. "What is a mug cake?" You gasped at that "come with me I have to make you a mug cake right now." You grabbed his wrist softly and tugged him towards the kitchen. For some reason, Sirius found your smile very soft today. The whole night as you made mug cakes for him, Sirius opened up to her more and found Remus was right about her. "She is as sweet as her desserts". He enjoyed the dessert you gave him but after spending time with you he wanted to consume a different dessert. You.
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It was a warm day outside and the marauders took the opportunity to take a dip in black lake. Sirius decided to stay out of the water as he couldn't keep his mind off of you who he opened up to last night.
It felt like a fever dream to him, how he started to enjoy your bad jokes and how he shivered under your accidental touches. The smell of your citrus perfume lingered in his senses. He was confused as to why he felt like this. He never felt his opinion about someone change so quickly. All he could think about was if your kisses will taste sweet or not.
"Hey guys" your voice interrupted his thoughts about you. He groaned not because of frustration but because he realized that now he is falling for you. Sirius finally comes up with what he thinks is a brilliant idea.
"Hey, you know what Prongs I think I will join you guys in the water. You are joining us Y/n?"
Everyone looks at Sirius as he gently asks. You shyly decline and he nods and jumps into the water. You notice how beautiful he looks, you have always noticed that but he also seemed more intimidating than others. You noticed that he immediately got out of the water, his white shirt stuck to his body revealing the black ink that decorated his body. He had.... tattoos? You immediately looked away when you realized that you were staring at him.
You didn't know Sirius had tattoos. And you didn't know you had a thing for tattoos. Sirius noticed you looking away, your face flushed. He smirked and quickly ran towards you. "Doll could you pass me the towel?" You wordlessly nodded and handed him the towel without looking at him. Sirius enjoyed how easily you got flustered by him.
"Do you mind if I open my shirt?" Your mind started short-circuiting when he asked that. It's ok he is just opening his shirt. No big deal and oh dear you feel like you might faint when you glanced at him and he winked at you as he opened his shirt. He sits beside you still keeping a respectable distance from you.
"Is the grass more interesting than me love?" You should have brought your book with you so didn't have to stare at the grass while a very shirtless Sirius Black sat beside you.
"Am I making you uncomfortable?" concern was very evident in his voice. He made it hard not to fall for him. "No Sirius it is alright I don't want to make you uncomfortable"
Sirius chuckled "it is ok I don't mind, I only take off my shirt for girls who share their dessert with me." You chuckled at that.
He continued "I am sorry for being so harsh with you, I have trust issues."
"I understand, then why did you give me a chance?"
"Well it looks like you are here with us to say and those three idiots kept saying how sweet you are I had to see for myself."
"And what is your judgment? Am I sweet?"
"Darling you are sweeter than your sweets" Sirius scooted closer to you when he saw you smile.
"There is a question plaguing my mind."
"if you taste sweet too." he got closer to you "Can I have a taste?"
"Yes." He kissed you like he had no other purpose. He held you so gently but his kiss was fiery. When you separated to regain your breath you asked him "so? what do you think?"
"They can have your sweets I am having you."
A/N: This is long. THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID. sorry. REBLOGS AND FEEDBACKS if you like this.
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peaky1wh0re · 7 months
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He was so sweet at the beginning of the movie😔💔
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mezsygfs · 5 months
any marauders fan wanna randomly start texting and become the best of friends who do everything together and always talk and never have a single issue ever and fall platonically madly in love together 😝
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 18 Neighbour AU
@wolfstarmicrofic April 18, word count 991
Remus Lupin had one asset, and that was his parent’s house. It was in the middle of the Welsh countryside. It was a mile walk to the little village, and the only thing it had going for it was the barn. It was light and airy and smelled of wood. 
Remus had spent a lot of time and effort converting it into a liveable space. The idea had been to sell it, but no one was interested in living so far away from the major cities. So, under the advice of his estate agent, he rented it out for short holidays. 
So far, it had been quite lucrative. With the money he made from that and his own job, he could afford chocolate whenever he wanted. 
The holiday season was coming, and he already had two weeks booked out. He tended to get a lot of city dwellers looking to get away from it all or families trying to get back to their roots. 
He checked his emails one morning with a fresh cup of tea and a plate of crumpets. HE filtered out the junk and found an inquiry email in his barn folder. He opened it.
A man was looking to hire the barn for the full summer and all of September as well. He was looking at three months of solid booking. It was a shame he couldn’t offer it, having already booked those two weeks. And he refused to let down his other guests. He typed a reply stating as much. He got a reply back almost instantly, asking if there was somewhere he could pitch a small tent. Mr Black said he would gladly still pay full price while his other guests used the barn. Remus couldn’t believe what he was reading. It seemed too good to be true. He sent a couple of pictures of his personal garden. The views weren’t as good, but it would be sheltered from the worst of the wind, and he could use Remus’s garden furniture. Again, the reply was quick. The man agreed and said he hoped he wouldn’t be any bother. 
Remus sent an invoice and got Mr Black to confirm he agreed to the price, and with the confirmation, he booked out the three months. He sat back with a pleased look on his face as he finished his crumpets. He just hoped that Mr Black would be a good neighbour as it was a long time to deal with a terrible guest. 
July arrived, and with it, a sleek black motorbike and an equally sleek owner. Sirius, as he demanded to be called, settled in instantly. He played his music a little loudly, but as it was to Remus’s taste, he decided to enjoy it. 
Remus found he quite enjoyed Sirius’s company, and they spent nearly every night in Remus’s garden drinking beers. Remus had even started making enough dinner for Sirius, though Sirius had told him he didn’t expect it but did appreciate it as he was useless at cooking.
It turned out that Sirius needed a break from his high-pressure job, which was why he’d come to Remus’s. 
“I hate it. It’s been my life since my mother found out she was pregnant with me. They own the company now, but my brother and I run it. He’s so much better at it than I am, and I swear he’d have such an easier time at it if I quit.” Sirius had admitted to him one August afternoon.
“Then why don’t you quit?” Remus asked as though it were an obvious solution. 
“Everything I own is tied up in the company. If I leave, I lose everything.” He shrugged. “My parents made sure it was that way after I went through a rebellious streak in my teenage years.”
“That’s terrible, Sirius. I wish I could help.” And Remus found he meant it. 
“Don’t fret about it. I’ll muddle through.” Sirius beamed at him as he patted Remus’s leg. “Right, enough feeling sorry for myself. I’m off for a walk. Care to join me?” Remus couldn’t think of any reason not to, so he took the proffered hand, and they strolled towards the village. 
Remus showed Sirius some of his favourite childhood haunts just off the beaten track, and they spent a wonderful afternoon in the thick foliage. 
Soon, the first week came around when Sirius would have to sleep in his tent. And, of course, the worst storm to hit Wales in over a hundred years decided to arrive that night. 
The trees were whipping back and forth, creaking and groaning. The fence surrounding Remus’s garden swayed dangerously. Remus refused to let Sirius stay out in this. He flung open the back door and yelled into the downpour. 
“Sirius! Sirius!” A face popped out of the zippered entrance of the tent. “Get in here!” Sirius shook his head. 
“I’m all good. Don’t fret.” 
Lightning cut across the sky, lighting the dark ground with its answering thunder not far behind. 
“Sirius, please! I won’t be able to sleep knowing you’re out here!” 
Suddenly, Sirius was streaking across the lawn and ran straight into Remus’s arms, knocking the lanky man back a few steps. Lighting flashed across the sky again and then another and another. The last bolt hit the cherry blossom tree in Remus’s garden, and a huge branch fell off and crushed the tent Sirius had been in moments before. 
“Yeah, probably a good call that Remus,” He joked. “Shall I put the kettle on?” Remus decided, not that he had much choice, that Sirius would be staying in his spare bedroom for the remainder of the two weeks. Maybe longer if the look Sirius was giving him meant what Remus thought it did. That night, they sat, snuggled up together on Remus’s tiny sofa in front of a roaring fire, sipping mugs of hot chocolate and listening to the storm wailing around them.  
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