#the priestess arcanum
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colorfulfoxengineer · 7 months
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nesonkin · 5 months
I hate this fucking game
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tarotdeana · 2 months
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Arcano Mayor II: La Sacerdotisa
Mientras que el Papa gobierna sobre lo terreno y construye puentes entre el interior y exterior, los dominios de la Sacerdotisa o Papisa se encuentran en el estrato más profundo del Ser. Su preocupación no está en las cosas materiales, ni en las acciones que se realizan en la realidad, a ella le importan los asuntos del alma, los sentimientos y los pensamientos más profundos.
La Sacerdotisa es un personaje de gran receptividad. Encarna la paciencia, la reflexión, la fluidez, el amor y el contacto con los espíritus y energías de la naturaleza. Tanto su tocado como el medio círculo que yace a sus pies recuerdan a la luna, símbolo de lo femenino, lo oculto, y de la influencia natural e inevitable de las entidades del universo.
Su aparición en una tirada significa un consejo para el consultante: reconectar con nosotros mismos, aceptar que el espíritu fluye, esforzarse por comprender la actividad del ánima y aceptar lo irracional como parte de la vida. También, puede indicar una feminidad exacerbada, una inclinación hacia lo creativo, lo intuitivo, lo sentimental, lo eterno.
Su número 2 no es casualidad: este número es la separación de una unidad, pero no una separación cismática, sino una división para reconocer las fuerzas opuestas que se equilibran para que el mundo y el Ser puedan funcionar equilibradamente.
Imagen: Tarot Rider - Waite.
Lee mitos coreanos aquí.
Lee mitos japoneses aquí.
Lee mitos griegos aquí.
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santoschristos · 1 day
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September 23 - October 23
Thoth, God of Knowledge, and Ma’at - Goddess of Truth and Divine Justice
The zodiac series: Libra art by Johfra Bosschart
The tenth holy night of the Christmas season, from January 2 to 3, corresponds to rulerships, the higher intuition (Buddhi, life spirit) and the constellation Libra. In the painting below, Johfra (1919-1998) depicts characteristics of the Libra, and in the following text he provides an explanation.
The Libra is a positive sign, sky in essence, the sign the sun is at the beginning of fall as it crosses the equator to enter the period of winter. The ruling planet is Venus. The distinctive quality of this sign is balance and harmony. That is why the composition of this painting, like that of the Twins, has been kept symmetrical.
In the sign of Libra, the orientation of the soul changes. While in the preceding six signs the emphasis of the evolving human being has been on the self, in the following six signs the non-self is central to the acquisition of experience. It is Venus, the goddess of love, harmony and beauty who reigns here.
It is above all also the balance between head and heart, mind and feeling, which is the aim of this sign. That is why I also involved Thot-Hermes in the performance when compiling the symbolism. Just as I have pictured Mercury as ruler of the mind in his Egyptian form, so here also the goddess Venus appears in her Egyptian form as Hator, the goddess of joy, dance, celebration and love, with cow horns and ears. The two figures keep a balance.
On the one scale the feather of Maat – so again the soul-judgment, but then in connection with love-wisdom. The placement of Mercury to the left and Venus to the right of the balance refers to the kabbalah where Hod, the sefira who rules over the mental aspect in man, stands below on the left pillar of the tree of life (the pillar of austerity), while Nezach, the feeling , is at the bottom of the right pillar (of loving kindness or mercy). So here too the perfect balance between reason and emotion is expressed. Left and right absolutely need each other. Reason without feeling is sterile and deadly. The emotion without the corrective mind is just sentimentality and creates chaos. Both are very dangerous abilities without their polar opposites.
Nezach is the seventh sefira. Hence Hator carries a seven-pointed star between her horns. Below it is the astrological sign of Venus. In her hand she holds a sistrum, the ritual ringing instrument of the Hator priestesses. The four serpentine rods it contains represent the four elements that harmoniously resonate in the cosmos. Winding around the figure of the ibis-headed Thoth are the well-known serpents of the Mercury staff — the negative and positive forces united in harmony. In his hand he holds the ankh cross – the symbol of eternal life among the ancient Egyptians. At the center of his belt is the astrological sign of the planet Mercury.
The harmonic duality of the sign Libra is further depicted in the lower part of the painting by the two Assyrian sphinxes. These represent the chariot (arcanum 7) on the tarot card, which is associated with the sign of Libra. Here the two sphinxes pulling the chariot represent opposing cosmic forces, which work harmoniously under the guidance of the charioteer.
In the painting, the two animals are also symbols of the four elements in a positive (male sphinx) and negative (female sphinx) respect: the head is the element of water, the lion's front legs are the element of fire, the wings are the element of air and the bull's abdomens are the element earth – completely analogous to the four beasts of Ezekiel and the four symbols of the evangelists from the previous sign of Virgo.
The black and white checkered tile floor also refers to the harmonious cooperation of the polar forces at the foundation of the cosmos (this is the floor of the temple of the Freemasons). The lily in the foreground represents the serenity that results from the perfect balance between head and heart.
In the middle of the tiled floor is another Masonic symbol, namely the altar in the shape of a cube. The cube represents the foundation, because it consists of squares. This "cubic stone" is the "cornerstone", the Christ. It is the philosopher's stone of alchemy. This sacred altar in the temple, where the light of the spirit is always burning and never extinguished, was the Hindu symbol for our sign Libra. Officially, this cubic stone should be black and opaque. However, I painted it as a crystal to show the sphere, the golden seed it contains. This also contains the astrological sign for Libra, also in a heptagon, for Venus is related to Nezach (the seventh sefira on the tree of life).
When the cube is unfolded, the six faces form a Christian cross. In that case, the golden seed in the center of this cross. This image is directly reminiscent of the rosary, where the rose is also attached to the center of the cross – see the scales as a rosy cross above. I chose the sign of the Rosycross because this order also strives for the balance between head and heart in building the perfect man. The red rose is the flower of Venus, for it represents self-sacrificing love.
Furthermore, some other symbols related to the union of the opposites: the Chinese yin-yang symbol in connection with the polarization in primordial matter, the superimposed ∞ (the lemniscate, the symbol of infinity), the polar forces of the sun and moon, the spirit and the soul, interacting eternally. - Johfra Bosschart
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The Convergence & Magic w/ Princess Zelda
Zelda: "You haven't heard of the Convergence? Ah, well, documenting Hyrule's past has been...difficult to say the least. We're fortune to live in a time where we have access to a good deal of our history, no small part to due to the events of the Convergence and the allies of Hyrule from that period.
"To put it simply, the Convergence was a cosmological event roughly a thousand years ago that occurred in response to the Divergence in eras past. This event remerged the split in time that the Divergence created, reinforced by a Wish made by the Hero and the Princess of that era to heal time. In the process, three timelines worth of magic were pushed into our singular one. Which has created a good deal of influx for magic.
"In the past, only a handful of people had regular access to magic: the Royal Family, Sages, and the like. However, since the Convergence, the appearance of Sages have almost vanished in the traditional sense. Instead, we've seen influx of mages, or more common magic users. There are still individuals suspected to be Sages, of course, but arcanely inclined lineages have also seen an increase in ability. It's why where previously individuals from my family tree who would only have access to divine magics now have had the opportunity to study the elemental schools of magic as well.
"It also means that there is more access to magic than ever before. Previously, most people could only use magic through divinely crafted relics, like those left behind for the Heroes. Now, research has allowed for mages to create their own enchanted items. Nothing on caliber of the creations of the Goddesses, but still a considerable step forward to the understanding of arcanum."
Marela: "I like the enchanted bags we invented the most, those are incredibly useful."
Zelda: "There are certainly a few creations I'm partial to myself. And our beginning research into teleportation has been incredibly fruitful. (L: "Beginning?") Much like with the Goddesses though, most people share a magical affinity that will determine the school of magic they're most easily able to work with. But that's of course a topic for another time."
Marela: "But it means there are all kinds of magic users now! Witches, priestesses, mages, not to mention the cultural practices that have developed. I hear the Gerudo have a practice for igniting their blades with the elements, that sounds awfully exciting. And of course, the Zora had been able to expand the tradition of armor crafting to include real magical enchantments, not just symbolic gestures."
Zelda: "It's allowed for several international advancements as well. Access to magic as allowed for the postal system and for banks to operate on scales never before possible, between nations. Not to mention the more local achievements made possible by using magic as an energy source, like the invention of the most recent model of pictobox."
Marela: "I've seen those, they can make the picture right there, you don't have to take them to the shops anymore to develop."
Zelda: "But on the matter of the Convergence and so much of modern advancement, we owe significant thanks to the documentation by the Dreeka. Their libraries have cataloged so much of our history, across the timelines, allowing all of this to be possible."
Marela: "I've heard they even have a full account of the Convergence, written by the Princess of the era. And that the translation took over a decade to complete."
Zelda: "I've read a part of it, it recently was returned for revision to the Dreeka enclave here in Hyrule. Perhaps that could be more elucidating for you on the particulars of the past."
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Mark of a Hero (Updates on Tuesdays & Fridays, 1 of 9)
Hyrule is at peace, or so the Royal Family would have its people believe. Something is afoot in the kingdom, and someone needs to do something about it. Least likely would be Marksmen Link Sayre- a mercenary and monster hunter doing his best to get by. Until a job goes wrong, and he gets roped into the secret plans of Hyrule's princess. Now Link must play the part of the Hero to dive deeper into the mystery, and maybe stumble into a legend of his own.
AO3 - Wattpad
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cursedbeasts · 4 months
Urum-13 Lore
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General Info
Location: Urum system. Calixis sector. Segmentum Obscurus. 
Forge World colors: Teal gray and bright orange
Exports: Augmetics 
Unique traits: Antennae that give its tech priests access to Urum’s noospheric network. If a tech priest of Urum commits a crime, their antennae are removed, and they are exiled. Skitarii are sent after them, and if they are caught, they are executed, but if they manage to escape, they are free to go.
A volcanic forge world located in Calixis sector. Mechanicus activity is centered in six forge centers known as Spires. They are named after the tech priest in charge.
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The majority of Urum's inhabitants live in six huge forge cities known as Spires. Each can be mostly independent, with its own voidport, but each also has its own specialty. The spires are connected with miles of railways.
Spire Aurelia
The biggest and central spire. Houses augmetics manufactorums and the fabricator general's personal forge temple. 
Spire Cordelia
Houses the largest voidport and guest quarters. A beautiful place decorated with sculptures and lush gardens for the less augmented guests to enjoy. The Spire is covered by a massive canopy that keeps Urum’s ash-choked air out. 
Spire Kassander
Urum’s data storage, library, and working spaces of Lexmechanics and Logi. 
Spire Karhu
Urum’s genetors work in the myriad laboratories housed here, monitoring Urum’s genestocks, the health of its inhabitants, and conducting research. 
If you mention the Prime Genetor's name while inside the Spire, he might just appear from practically nowhere.
Spire Maledicta 
This spire houses Urum’s Skitarii and Secutor barracks and training grounds. The spire sits on the side of a volcano, and is protected by a forcefield.
Spire Teyron
Teyron’s spire houses the strategic center, as well as weapon and armor manufactorums.
Ruling Council
Urum-13 is ruled by a council of six tech priests led by Fabricator General Aurelia. The members of the council represent different branches of Mechanicus operations on the Forge World. 
Fabricator-general Aurelia Alpha-1-Omega
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The priestess in charge of the forge world. Aurelia's origins are shrouded in mystery, there's evidence that she once started as a Lexmechanic. Now she is a master artisan in charge of her own Forge World.
Fabricator Locum Cordelia
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The diplomat and Aurelia’s right hand woman, Cordelia conducts dealings with the outside world.
Secutor Prime Maledicta
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Once plucked from a world besieged by Tyranids, Maledicta was entrusted to the previous Secutor Prime, whose name was also Maledicta. Maledicta senior gave the girl her name, and raised her as her apprentice and daughter. Maledicta rose through the ranks and now commands her own Spire and oversees the training of Skitarii and more militant Tech Priests. She resents Aurelia for taking her away from her home, but she feels like she owes it to her mother to make Urum her home.
Magos Dominus Teyron
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Teyron oversees the planetary defense and strategizing along with Maledicta. 
Prime Genetor Karhu
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A weirdo genetor trapped on Urum because it’s the only place where his ideas of using Terran animal parts to strengthen humanity aren’t seen as tech heresy. Bonds with Maledicta over disliking Aurelia. Also knows that Maledicta is a former genestealer cultist.
Lexico Arcanum Kassander
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A quiet fellow who can fivine the future using numbers, data analysis, and statistics. Mostly keeps to himself.
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Through the Dragon's breath, The Dark Shadow manifestsThe Shadow of night, channeling the abysmal offspring.
O arcanum, Dark Lord, sacred union.
Elemental enlightenment of the afterlife.
Sanguinem Solve et coagula.
Insatiable Black Wing of Aaras, spread the luminous venom, in time to turn a Scorpius sting.
Sacred given rite, walk through the black flame.
Chant the Ghost in Magus tongue.
Lick and taste, the immortal blood,
becoming one,
Priestess Antares/ Aeon Dminique
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haitianempress · 5 months
Arcanum High Priestess High Redemption Ending
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romance-club-daily · 2 years
Obviously RC offers multiple endings for every book, but what would you say is probably viewed as the "intended" path for each book, if that makes sense?
For example, Vixen seems to make the most sense for Sophie to take in STW since the point is basically for her to get out of her comfort zone. And though this may not necessarily mean anything, some books also seem to lean more towards one path than the other, like how CY has more Logic than Intuition points to accumulate in total, you can only defeat the circus in SoS if you're on the Caution/Starving Demon path, a good portion of HS1 is the demons just wanting to be seen as equal to the angels, and certain books like RotT and Qi30D only have one checkpoint for a specific path rather than the usual two or three.
Interesting question! 🤔
Sails in the Fog I think is well-balanced, because it doesn't matter if it's in the path of White or Black Magic, the plot remains the same. Diplomatic and Strentgh also don't make much difference in the story, because both make a lot of sense.
Moonborn, Seduced by the Rhythm, Legend of the Willow, Dracula, Sins of London, Heart of Trespia, Theodora, Hell and High Water, The One, Psi, Vying for Versailles, Elite Tag, and for now Heaven's Secret 2 are in the same situation as SIF because it will only influence the MC's personality and not the plot. I think.
My Hollywood Story I think it's more a matter of how serious or funny you want your path to be. The difference between them goes from 100 to 0 very quickly. I think the stats don't influence the path in the end, they all lead to the same thing one way or another.
For Wave Patrol I think it leans more towards the Cautious path. I personally think it even makes sense for Kim's work.
Arcanum, I think they lean more on High Priestess and the Redemption path.
Love From Outer Space is a balanced path, but they lean more on the star's path (and make more sense too).
Path of the Valkyrie the Changes path makes more sense.
Gladiator Chronicles I'm not sure. Personality too? But there's mercy and cruelty, maybe for being a slave gladiator and seeking revenge the path of cruelty makes more sense, but I don't know.
KCD I have no idea
The Flower from Tiamat's Fire I think the Fire path, is literally the book's name XD
The Desert Rose, the rebellious path.
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colorfulfoxengineer · 7 months
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thespacelizard · 2 years
the thing with feathers (causes problems)
@fluffbruary day 5, with yet more gen fic, this time ft Keszriin and Vuzree. up on AO3 here!
In which there is a pigeon in the Arcanum.
“How did your sister even send you this thing?”
Vuzree skidded to a halt alongside Keszriin at the end of the corridor. She shushed him, glancing frantically up and down the junction. He shoved his hair out of his face and tried in vain to catch his breath. They’d been chasing the stupid bird for what felt like hours, according to his low cardiovascular health. He wiped his sweaty hand on his thigh with a grimace.
A clatter of wings to their left—Keszriin grabbed his arm.
“There it is! Come on!”
Up until now, Vuzree had never truly appreciated just how similar the corridors of the Arcanum were. All the dark stone was the same, every sconce identical, all enchanted so not even the glow differed from floor to floor. He felt he was running in some unending nightmare, where the only reward would be getting pecked to death by a—
“What is this stupid creature again?”
“A pigeon, Vuzree, now keep up!”
A pigeon. Some ratty little surface bird Keszriin had—for reasons known only to herself—smuggled into the recreation room, all pretty dark eyes and gentle cooing, adorable until it had gotten loose and gone streaking off into the Arcanum at a frankly unsettling speed. Keszriin had been after it like a shot, tailed by Pella and Dresvan’s twin cackles. Vuzree had gone after her mostly for damage control—Keszriin on a mission usually resulted in high collateral.
He sprinted around a corner, swerving past two alarmed looking first-years—then again, first-years always looked alarmed; you could tell the most recent arrivals by the perpetual wide-eyed expressions. But he could see the pigeon now, making a fair bid to break some sort of speed record as it streaked along about a foot from the ceiling. Despite being built for sunlight and open skies, it was performing considerably well underground.
Vuzree would have put fair money on it being a polymorph at this point.
“Keszriin, if you don’t catch it in the next thirty seconds, I’m going to zap it.”
Keszriin threw an affronted glance over her shoulder. “Don’t you dare!”
He raised a hand and spiralled white sparks around his fingers, making his rings glow. Keszriin swore at him and increased her pace. Vuzree huffed after her. All those petticoats and in heels, how in Mystra’s name was she so fast! The unfair advantages of having spent her youth twirling about as a priestess in the Shrine, he thought sourly. Some of us are simple wizards, Lady Eilist’tra, give us a fighting chance!
The pigeon banked hard right, and dived down a staircase. The two of them leapt after it, plunging into the well and scattering those drow trying to levitate within it. A chorus of complaint followed them down—they were going too fast for apologies. Keszriin suddenly hit her levitation and vaulted over the guardrail. Vuzree fell another floor before he caught himself, and scrambled to get back up after her.
The dining hall doors loomed ahead now, the corridor absolutely packed. Even if he hadn’t been able to see the pigeon, Vuzree could have tracked its progress by the shouts of alarm and amusement. It shot into the dining hall and out of sight. Keszriin was already on its tail, elbowing her way through the crowd, leaving Vuzree to duck and weave and flounder in her wake.
He burst into the dining hall, engulfed at once by the cacophony of cutlery and chatter. He saw the pigeon streaking low over one of the tables, and hopefully the lack of height meant it was tiring, but where was—
“Nine bloody Hells!”
Up on the table, sprinting after the pigeon, hair flying out behind her and was she laughing? Vuzree raced along, fighting to keep pace; he’d had just about enough of all this. He hurled the magic missile with a shout—it was reasonably well formed, given the circumstances, if a little ragged around the edges. All three bolts missed the pigeon, because of course they did, and slammed straight into the Master at the end of the table.
Or they would have, if said Master hadn’t flung up a shield. The arcane bolts scattered into a pathetic shower of sparks as Keszriin skidded to a halt. Vuzree finally caught up to her, panting.
“I am so sorry, Master, I—”
“Apprentice Abbyn’tyth,” said Master Velkon’yss. The shield dissipated, and he brought his unamused gaze to bear on Keszriin, who was still on the table. “And apprentice Eilist’tra. Why am I not surprised?”
“There’s a…” Keszriin swallowed. “Pigeon.”
Master Velkon’yss uttered an arcane word, and the thin yellow bands of an earthbind spell shot up, neatly snagged the pigeon, and brought it to the ground in a flurry of feathers. Keszriin hopped down off the table and picked it up, cradling it to her chest.
“Remove that bird somewhere more appropriate,” Master Velkon’yss said. “Then the two of you will report to the message runners hub—since you enjoy tearing about the Arcanum so much, you can assist them for the rest of the tenday.”
“Yes, Master Velkon’yss,” they chorused, neither daring to meet his eye. Vuzree was painfully aware of the entire dining hall staring at them as they made their walk of shame back out into the Arcanum. The pigeon lay quietly in Keszriin’s arms, dark eyes closed. It had gone to sleep.
“Next time Phyrra sends you a present,” Vuzree said, “do us all a favour and send it back.”
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eralacrimae · 2 years
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[OC] The Gates of Heaven / The Conquest of the Underworld
My Ludovic and https://twitter.com/VenenumTea's Astolfo, as the union of the 5-5 Major Arcana my Marseille Tarot deck gave me as their mirror image. I took elements from the 5-5 Major Arcana I got for them to create their images. The Arcana my deck gave me were the High Priestess, the Hierophant, the Lovers, Judgment, and the Star for Ludovic, becoming the Gates of Heaven, and the Chariot, Strength, the Devil, the Sun, and the Tower for Astolfo, becoming the Conquest of the Underworld.
As for the style of this piece I wanted to honour my Marseille Tarot deck as it has been my faithful guide and a great source of inspiration. My deck is from Le Tarot Pas à Pas by Marianne Costa, and is a reproduction of the deck Pierre Madenie made in 1709.
Details: on many of my cards the traces of the black outline of a different Arcanum can be seen, and I wanted to keep this: you can see the lineart of the other dimly in the background.
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I got most of my Tarot knowledge from Costa's Le Tarot Pas à Pas, Jodorowsky's The Way of the Tarot, and Anonymus's Meditations on the Tarot, the latter imparting knowledge on the Major Arcana from the point of view of Christian hermeticism, treating them as spiritual exercises. These books all deal with the Marseille Tarot deck. The Rider-Waite-Smith deck, which is more popular, is different in many points, and reads differently.
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ritunn · 2 years
Legends of Alepheria HB: Arc II
With the group having finished arc 2 of the campaign, I present all the Fabula Ultima homebrew I made for it! Learn of the previous arc here!
This time, the party traveled through the once vibrant country of Oxtali to reach Ifrit's temple after dealing with Chronepsis. Now reduced to nothing but a dying desert filled with demons, Oxtali is a hostile land ruled by an oligarchy that used the opportunity to claim their place as rulers. The heroes found themselves making their way to the home of one of Merlot, a bandit outpost for the Lost Crop led by Sashimi. There they encountered Freya, the Red of the Council of Five. A dangerous assassin, duelist, and mage, Freya had taken over the outpost in an attempt to capture the priestess of Ifrit who'd found refuge there while trying to travel back home after the war between Oxtali and Cescayle when she was young. But after a nail biting duel, Freya was defeated and returned to Cid to plot her revenge. With that done, the party took on the role of protecting the child priestess, Mia, and made their way towards the temple, where the grizzled veteran, Ba'vesk, found his and Mia's home, Kaloo-Ha, now laid in ruins.
Destroyed while away at war thanks to one of the four lunar beasts, Nightmare, and it's demonic rider, the Warbreaker, made from the corpse of one of Ba'vesk's friends, Kaloo-Ha was filled with demons and dangers. Yet they showed no fear and defeated the duo of bosses at the east end of the town. The Arcanum of the Moon, Tsukoyomi showed respect to the party arcanist, Flint, for reeling in one of his menagerie and joining his collection as a summon with Chronos, Arcanum of the Wheel and Titania, Arcanum of the Oak. Ba'vesk even forgave his old friend and freed him from the torment that turned him into a demon. But now, they were to fight Ifrit.
Mia and Flint raised the buried temple and Mia summoned Ifrit with her powers. Turning the temple into a fiery hellscape, the party dispatched the corrupt Arcanum of the Forge that sought to kill them and remake the world. But Cid and Freya had found them and using his airship, sent artillery fire against the temple. Thanks to Sashimi with stolen transportation crystals left by Freya's forces, they were able to escape unharmed by Cid's attack and return to the Lost Crop Outpost. Now, Ramuh was in sight and Endell and Valicia were near. The party ready to embark on their next journey.
What's Alepheria without the riftworks? Constructs constructed by Cid in the future to gather the resources of the past, while also functioning as a personal army for the Council of Five. The ones Chronepsis used were a bit out of date and clunky, but Cid has made some upgrades to the basic unit so that it no longer is disabled entirely in the night.
Rift Soldier Mk. 2 Traits: empowered by light, emotionless, glowing, loyal Level 20 Construct DEX d10 / INS d6 / MIG d10 / WLP d8 Initiative +8 / HP: 90 (45) / MP: 60 Defense: [DEX] + 1 / Magic Defense: [INS] + 2 Resistances: Air, Earth Vulnerabilities: Bolt, Dark Immunities: Poison Absorb: Light
Basic Attacks Armblade (M): [MIG + MIG] + 2 [HR + 10] physical damage and the target suffers weak. Automatic Crossbow [R]: [DEX + MIG] + 2: [HR + 10] physical damage and the target suffers slow.
Special Rules: Construct: The rift soldier Mk. 2 is immune to poisoned. Lux-Core Reactor: As long as it's day, the rift soldier Mk. 2 gains a +3 bonus to accuracy checks and its attacks deal 5 additional damage. As long as it's night, the rift soldier Mk. 2 suffers slow and weak.
Oxtali is home to 4 dangerous breeds of demons, spawned when negative emotions corresponding to hunger, death, disease, or war overtake someone. Killing them and corrupting their bodies into a malevolent force for evil. However, this only occurs when near the corrupting influence of the fallen moon. But, due to Oxtali's once vibrant export of mining the fallen moon for resources necessary for magitek, its people easily were overcome in time.
Deathdealer (Elite) Traits: corrupted, cooperative, fanatical, maniacal Level 20 Demon DEX d8 / INS d8 / MIG d8 / WLP d10 Initiative +10 / HP: 160 (80) / MP: 70 Defense: [DEX] / Magic Defense: [INS] Resistances: Ice, Poison Vulnerabilities: Bolt, Light Immunities: Dark
Basic Attacks: Deathdealer Claws (M): [MIG + WLP] + 2: [HR + 10] dark damage.
Other Actions: Call Soul: The Deathdealer summons a Corrupted Soul.
Spells: Devour Life - [INS + WLP] + 5 - 10 MP - One creature - Instantaneous The target suffers [HR + 25] dark damage. Then, you recover an amount of Hit Points equal to half the Hit Point loss they suffered.
Eternal Entropy - [INS + WLP] + 5 - 10 MP - One creature - Scene Until this spell ends, the target suffers 5 extra damage from all sources that deal dark damage.
Special Rules: Demonic Affinity: The Deathdealer is immune to shaken and weak. Flying: Creatures on the ground cannot reach the Deathdealer with melee attacks as long as it is in mid-air (but the Deathdealer can perform melee attacks against targets on the ground with no penalties). If the Deathdealer suffers damage of a type it is Vulnerable to, it is immediately forced to land and temporarily loses the benefits of this Skill — the Deathdealer resumes flight at the end of the round. The Deathdealer may also be forced to land by spending an opportunity. As long as it is in Crisis, the Deathdealer loses all benefits granted by this Skill.
Corrupted Soul Traits: corrupted, lost, mindless, moaning Level 5 Undead DEX d10 / INS d8 / MIG d6 / WLP d8 Initiative +9 / HP: 40 (20) / MP: 45 Defense: [DEX] + 2 / Magic Defense: [INS] + 1 Vulnerabilities: Light Immunities: Dark, Poison
Basic Attacks: Howl (R): [DEX + WLP]: [HR + 5] dark damage.
Special Rules: Demonic Fodder: When reduced to 0 HP, the soul becomes food for demonic forces. Every demon present on the scene regains 20 HP. Undead: The Corrupted Soul is immune to poisoned.
Feasting Imp Traits: corrupted, gluttonous, large, thieving Level 20 Demon DEX d6 / INS d8 / MIG d10 / WLP d10 Initiative +7 / HP: 90 (45) / MP: 90 Defense [DEX] / Magic Defense: [INS] Resistances: Ice, Poison Vulnerabilities: Fire, Light
Basic Attacks Belch (R): [INS + WLP] + 2: [HR + 10] poison damage and the target suffers poisoned. Hungering Claw (M): [MIG + WLP] + 2: [HR + 10] physical damage.
Spells: Famine's Feast - [MIG + WLP] + 5 - 10 MP - One creature - Instantaneous The target suffers [HR + 20] poison damage. Then, you recover an amount of Hit Points equal to half the Hit Point loss they suffered.
Soul's Repast - [MIG + WLP] + 5 - 10 MP - One creature - Instantaneous The target suffers [HR + 20] poison damage. Then, you recover an amount of Mind Points equal to half the Hit Point loss they suffered.
Special Rules: Demonic Affinity: The feasting imp is immune to poisoned and shaken. Feast of Sorrow: When the feasting imp recovers HP or MP, target creature loses Hit Points equal to the amount recovered. Flying: Creatures on the ground cannot reach the feasting imp with melee attacks as long as it is in mid-air (but the feasting imp can perform melee attacks against targets on the ground with no penalties). If the feasting imp suffers damage of a type it is Vulnerable to, it is immediately forced to land and temporarily loses the benefits of this Skill — the feasting imp resumes flight at the end of the round. The feasting imp may also be forced to land by spending an opportunity. As long as it is in Crisis, the feasting imp loses all benefits granted by this Skill.
Plague Eater Traits: corrupted, maniacal, poisonous, smelly Level 20 Demon DEX d8 / INS d6 / MIG d12 / WLP d8 Defense [DEX] / Magic Defense: [INS] Initiative: +7 / HP: 100 (50) / MP: 65 Resistances: Dark Vulnerabilities: Earth, Ice Absorb: Poison
Basic Attacks Devour Plague: (M): [MIG + DEX] + 2: [HR + 15] poison damage. If the target is **poisoned**, regain 15 HP.
Spells: Spreading Plague - [MIG + WLP] + 5 - 10 x T MP - Up to three creatures - Instantaneous Each target hit by this spell suffers poisoned.
Special Rules: Demonic Affinity: The Plague Eater is immune to poisoned and weak.
Warbreaker (Elite) Traits: fearsome, stern, silent, violent Level 25 Demon DEX d8 / INS d6 / MIG d12 / WLP d8 Defense [DEX] + 1 / Magic Defense: [INS] + 2 Initiative +9 / HP: 220 (110) / MP: 75 Resistances: Dark, Light Vulnerabilities: Air, Ice
Basic Attacks Reaping Charge (M): [DEX + MIG] + 5: [HR + 10] dark damage. Unholy Scythe (M): [MIG + MIG] + 5: [HR + 15] physical damage. If the target has taken damage this round, this deals 10 additional damage.
Spells: Tides of War - 10 MP - One creature - Instantaneous The target loses an amount of their Hit Points equal to their Dexterity or Might die (whichever is higher) then may immediately perform a free attack with a weapon they have equipped (or with a basic attack, if the target is an NPC).
Special Actions: Reap: On it's next turn, the warbreaker must preform Reaping Charge. It gains multi (2) and each target hit by that attack suffers weak.
Special Rules: Demonic Affinity: The warbreaker is immune to enraged and weak. Violent Aura: The warbreaker's allies' attacks deal an additional 5 damage.
The two villains the party fought in actual combat were Ifrit and Nightmare. As the Arcanum of the Forge and god of flames, Ifrit was a serious threat damage wise, but the party came well prepared and survived the encounter. However, with the combined might of the Warbreaker, Nightmare proved to be a deadly foe and dealt Ba'vesk a near killing blow with its shadowy magics while empowered by the moonlight.
Ifrit, The Forgemaster (Champion 6) Traits: aflame, bulky, heavily armored, master of weaponry Level 25 Elemental DEX d8 / INS d8 / MIG d12 / WLP d6 Initiative +14 / HP: 660 (330) / MP: 110 Defense: [DEX + 4] / Magic Defense: [INS + 2] Vulnerabilities: Earth, Ice Immunities: Poison Absorb: Fire
Basic Attacks Molten Hammer (M): [MIG + MIG] + 2: [HR + 10] fire damage. This attack has multi (2). Slag Shot (R): [DEX + INS] + 2: [HR + 15] fire damage. Each target hit by this attack suffers slow; if a target is already slow, they become Vulnerable to fire until they recover from the slow status effect.
Other Actions: Reforge: Ifrit heats his hammer for devastating blow. The next Molten Hammer attack deals an additional 5 damage. Reinforce: Ifrit reinforces his armor for the next strike and becomes Resistant to all damage types he doesn't Absorb or is Immune or Vulnerable to. This benefit lasts until Ifrit loses any amount of hit points.
Special Rules: Elemental: Ifrit is immune to poisoned. Focused Mind, Sturdy Body: Ifrit is immune to enraged and weak. Hellfire Apocalypse: When Ifrit enters Crisis for the first time, he cannot be targeted, loses all actions, and summons 4 infernal weaponry. After 4 rounds or if all infernal weaponry surrender, this benefit ends and he chooses any number of creatures he can see: each suffers 10 fire damage and an additional 10 damage per infernal weaponry present in the scene. All infernal weaponry immediately leaves the scene. Molten Armor: When Ifrit is hit by a melee attack, the attacker suffers 5 fire damage. If Ifrit suffers damage of a type he is Vulnerable to, he loses the benefits of this Skill until the end of the round.
Infernal Weaponry Traits: aflame, animated, mindless, molten Level 10 Construct DEX d8 / INS d8 / MIG d8 / WLP d8 Initiative +8 / HP: 60 (30) / MP: 50 Defense: [DEX + 2] / Magic Defense: [INS + 1] Resistances: Earth Vulnerabilities: Ice Immunities: Fire, Poison
Basic Attack Infernal Blade (M): [DEX + MIG] + 4: [HR + 5] fire damage. Infernal Munitions (R): [DEX + INS] + 4: [HR + 5] fire damage.
Special Rules: Construct: The infernal weaponry is immune to poisoned. Parry and Riposte: After an enemy misses the infernal weaponry with a melee or ranged attack, you may perform a free attack against that enemy. Treat the High Roll [HR] as 0 when calculating damage dealt by this attack.
Nightmare, Dark Horse of Night (Champion 3) Traits: clad in darkness, destructive, haunting, wretched Level 25 Monster DEX d10 / INS d6 / MIG d10 / WLP d8 Initiative +11 / HP: 300 (150) / MP: 130 Defense: [DEX + 1] / Magic Defense: [INS + 2] Resistances: Ice Vulnerabilities: Fire, Light Absorb: Dark
Basic Attacks Trample (M): [MIG + MIG] + 5: [HR + 15] physical damage and the target suffers dazed. Night Slash (R): [DEX + DEX] + 5: [HR + 10] dark damage. This attack deals 5 additional damage against dazed or shaken targets. This attack targets Magic Defense.
Spells: Grim Neigh - 20 MP - Special - Instantaneous Choose any number of creatures you can see: each of them suffers shaken.
Other Actions: Shadow Fade: Nightmare fades into shadows and can no longer be targeted by attacks (spells and other effects can still be used against it). This benefit lasts until the start of Nightmare's next turn, or until Nightmare loses any amount of Hit Points.
Special Rules: Living Nightmare: While in Crisis, Nightmare is immune to all status effects, and night terrors terrify everyone else present on the scene: other ceatures lose 5 MP at the end of each round.
What's a hero without their weapon or armor? Pretty easy to kill! I made a much larger variety of magic rewards for this arc compared to the last one. Many tailored to specific PCs or classes. I'll only be sharing the more unique ones however.
Armor + Shields Aegis of Forgiveness [Martial Shield] 950 z - Defense +2 | Magic Defense +2 When you use the Protect skill on a creature in Crisis, it recovers 5 Hit Points.
Phoenix Feather Cloak 1400 z - DEX die +1 | INS die +1 | -1 You are resistant to fire and once per round recover 5 Hit Points when you deal fire damage.
Melee Weapons Encyclopedia Arcanum [Arcane] 800 z - [INS + INS] - [HR + 6] physical Two-handed - Melee - You gain a +2 bonus to Magic Checks against elementals, as well as a +2 bonus to Opposed Checks against elementals.
Thirteenth Hour [Martial Sword] 1000 z - [DEX + MIG] + 1 - [HR + 14] dark Two-handed - Melee - Damage dealt by this weapon ignores Resistances of targets you have a Bond of hatred towards and deals 5 extra damage.
Ranged Weapon Snow's Grace [Martial Firearm] 850 z - [DEX + WLP] - [HR + 8] ice One-handed - Ranged - You are immune to slow.
Tsukoyomi is the Arcanum of the Moon! A small white rabbit with a love for jade and magic, he has a menagerie of lunar empowered beasts, though 4 escaped centuries ago, but he never really bothering to retrieve them.
Arcanum of the Moon Domains: beasts, change, magic Merge: You are immune to dazed. When you recover Mind Points, you recover 5 extra Mind Points. Dismiss: When you dismiss this Arcanum, choose Astral Refuge or Astral Torrent: Astral Refuge. Each of your allies present on the scene recovers 20 Mind Points. Astral Torrent. Choose any number of creatures you can see: each of them loses 20 Mind Points and suffers dazed.
All's Well That Ends Well
That's it for now! With the party on trek to defeat Ramuh, Arcanum of the Sky and Hades, Arcanum of the Gate, things should get interesting. Especially once Freya finds them for a rematch! For now, enjoy this lovely sketch of Ifrit by @passioninblue.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
Apprenticember, Day 10
What is their relationship to the other arcana like?
(I won't detail hir relationship with every Arcanum here, only the ones s/he interacts with in canon or regularly!)
🐕 The Fool - S/he does not have much of a relationship with this Arcanum outside of currently occupying its body; however, s/he does continue a friendly relationship with its... Aspect? Familiar? Avatar? Manifestation? in Scout, who (ever faithful) tends to appear just when s/he is unsure of hir path in the Magical Realms.
🐂 The Emperor - Heron's Patron; as such, s/he has a passing, cordial acquaintance with this Arcanum, despite seemingly being the complete opposite of what he stands for. (But then, all opposites are simply different sides of the same principle.)
🦊 The Magician - The Magician is fascinated by the person who would drive their protege to such lengths, as well as deeply curious about hir chaotic magic. The Magician and Asra also have a certain secret regarding keeping hir wild magic from immolating everything around hir in uncontrolled bursts during hir recovery... (S/he does not trust The Magician as far as s/he could throw them, mind you.)
🦉 The High Priestess - Jinana is a person of intuition, and the High Priestess brings out this quality in hir to its best; both work together to coax Nadia into learning to trust this aspect of herself more, to 'get out of her own head' and better in touch with her magical talents.
🐏 The Hierophant - While grateful for hir help in freeing both himself and Valerius from the Devil's bonds, their personalities do tend to be somewhat at odds, and they can rub each other the wrong way - much like Valerius and Jinana.
🎡 The Wheel of Fortune - Jinana's own Patron.
🖤 The Hanged Man - Because of his connection with Julian, and as the person who can best help this protege reach his own potential, the Hanged Man has a certain fondness for Jinana, and vice versa. Outside of hir own Patron, he is the Arcanum that is the easiest for Jinana to reach and the most responsive.
💀 Death - Having passed through the gates of death and returned, and being an embodiment of Change hirself, this Arcanum holds little fear for Jinana, and s/he has been known to seek their counsel.
🐐 The Devil - While he has a place in the greater scheme of things and a role to play as an archetype, Jinana wants no dealings with him, and (after the final events of ToC), this feeling is quite mutual.
🐈 The Star - The Star was the Patron of Jinana's beloved aunt Seraphina, and while s/he now has little memory of this, s/he still finds the presence of this Arcanum to be comforting and joyous. The Star, of course, knows this, and she tends to treat Jinana as Seraphina did.
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