#the quarry vhs tapes
hopesapowerfulthing · 10 months
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The Perfect Birthday gift
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slashertalks · 1 year
You’re in a Blockbuster. It’s summer, you’ve got no responsibilities and your parents threw you some extra cash so you could rent a movie and buy some popcorn. You’re gonna go home, open that plastic shell case (remember the way the cheap ones would crinkle?) and plug the tape into your VCR for 120 minutes of fun. Or, better yet— you’re not in a Blockbuster. You’re at home, digging through your movie shelf for the one tape you want to watch. Your mom recorded it off the TV, so you’ll have to fast-forward through commercial breaks (and little do you know, it’s probably edited) but you love it all the same. It’s not as high a quality as what you could get from the local rental shop, but there’s something magical about it. The four and a half minutes of the end of whatever TV show was on before your movie started. Ads, captured from a specific time period in a specific region— ads you probably won’t ever see again. VHS artifacts— fuzz, lines. The colors are a little off, the images a little hazy. You’ve got popcorn in your lap and a remote in hand so you can always get to the good stuff fast when the commercials do start. You don’t realize it, but that tape, with the hand-written label already starting to wear away, is a time capsule of your youth.
Youth you’ll never get back. Youth you may not even miss, but which so many people will play up as the best time of our lives. Was it really, though? Teenagers are assholes. Times were different. People are hateful now, yeah, but people were hateful back then too. I miss grunge and Y2K fashion and idogs and inflatable furniture and the freedom of being able to go outside as a kid but I wouldn’t exactly want to live in the fucking 90s or early 2000s. I wouldn’t go back, even if I am nostalgic. And I think there’s some very potent horror in that nostalgia.
I’ve been hyping this up for a while and it’s finally time I tackle WNUF Halloween Special, V/H/S 94, and V/H/S 99 all together— splatterfests, sure, but all poignant time capsules of a specific genre of media: the home recording. Not family movies, though a variety of those certainly plays a major role in both of the V/H/S titles I’ve selected. No, instead I mean tapes copied from local TV channels, ads and all. There’s something very unique about the experience of watching a film on TV. I think few of us would actively choose that route these days, when films are available seamlessly at our fingertips (unedited and uninterrupted). Yet, there is something so universally nostalgic about both local TV channels and VHS tapes for a certain generation of us that all three of these movies capture perfectly (albeit some aspects are captured better than others in each of the films).
The first film chronologically for both release and setting is WNUF Halloween Special. A gem of a film set in 1987, it pretends to be a home recording of a local news channel’s Halloween broadcast. Segments about dentists buying back candy, about Christians protesting the holiday, and the grand finale: a longer special about a news reporter and a team of paranormal investigators exploring a supposedly-haunted house. Things go, unsurprisingly, haywire. The plot of the film is paper-thin and predictable, the acting is sublimely cheesy (exactly what you want and expect from smalltown news personalities), and the effects are alright. A little blood here and there, a dead cat— nothing beyond that.
Where the film shines is its dedication to capturing the experience. The sound of the tape being pushed into the VCR, the blue screen— local commercials, and fast-forwarding through ones you’ve already seen or segments you find boring. “Kids, ask your parents permission before calling!” “Playing with drugs... is playing with DEATH.” “All the rock you could want, on the QUARRY!” — It’s truly a masterpiece. I feel like a little kid sitting too close to the TV screen with my bucket of Halloween candy next to me every time I watch this movie. It has its flaws, sure, but there is something so tangibly charming about a window into my childhood now preserved only on old Between The Lions tapes, captured here in a film released in 2013. I remember that broadcast on my TV. I remember my old Halloween costume, and my orange plastic pumpkin. I was that kid, watching in awe and horror was my local TV anchor hosts a call-in seance live. We all have, I think, if you grew up in that wonderful window from the late 80s to the early 2000s. It’s delightful, and WNUF Halloween Special has cemented itself as one of my favorite holiday films of all time.
V/H/S 94 is second, again for both release and setting (and isn’t that perfect?). Overall, this film takes itself the most seriously. While WNUF is not an anthology film, both of the V/H/S entries are. Our frame story here, Holy Hell, follows a SWAT unit on a drug bust that turns into a snuff film ring bust that quickly goes sour. As the film progresses, so to does our little unit— deeper and deeper into the facility, uncovering more and more eyeless bodies and strange TVs, until it’s finally revealed that the two female officers were the leads of the snuff film cult all along. The take a camera to the head of the final SWAT officer; lenses shatter and brain chunks splatter.
 Overall, the shorts in this film are delightful, and all in various ways. Storm Drain is most similar to WNUF, as it also parodies a news broadcast. Being a direct broadcast from the mid-90s, the camera quality has improved distinctly— only to drop again for the next short, The Empty Wake. After all, a funeral home certainly wouldn’t have the same quality cameras as a news station. You could (and people certainly have) argued that The Empty Wake is middling at best; a simple and obvious story that excels mostly with its use of effects and occasionally with its building of tension. Yet the use of three fixed cameras calls back to early survival horror in a delightful way. It feels almost Poe-esque, a sort of 90s Gothic I’ve never really seen before. Overly-haunting funeral music, a raging storm and a sea of brown. Brown chairs, brown carpet, ugly light fixtures that constantly threaten to go out. Its delightfully evocative of the sort of empty beige wasteland of many Midwest baptist churches. The only things unique here are the girl and the casket— and whatever monster lurks inside.
The third short, The Subject, is my second favorite. The effects are stunning and CGI is used sparingly, and I’m a sucker for mad scientist/Frankenstein’s Monster stories. Though it makes the least effort to maintain an “authentic” appearance, the creature and set design elevate it. There’s also a delightful emotional core; the girl becomes a monster of the soldiers’ own creation, and it is Jono’s kindness that helps re-ground her. I can only say it’s unfortunate Jono died, considering they each save the other (and he’d only ever been kind to her, trying to protect her from the start and even lying to his commander about seeing her crawling away before they run into each other again in the midst of her killing spree). I’m not sure whether I would’ve preferred that they both died together, or both escaped together, but having only the girl survived feels... odd. Especially considering the world she is escaping into is likely to hold little kindness for her.
Interestingly, the fourth short (and by far my favorite) has a similar sort of “monster of your own creation” through-line, though with a distinctly more serious twist. A white supremacist extremist group is preparing for a domestic terrorist attack, using vampire blood as a bomb. It’s got the grittiest, most low-quality footage of any of the shorts (which, again, makes sense — they’re using cheap, handheld cameras) and feels the most real to me. It’s set near Detroit, but the snowy wilderness is familiar as someone who grew up in the northern midwest. Each day, at a certain time, the militia members shoot the vampire in the head. One such scene opens the film— the vampire pleads for his life. Each subsequent time, the vampire pleads less and less, until he simply kneels in silence and accepts a bullet through the skull. At the end of the film, through a series of drunken mishaps, the vampire is released and all of the militia members are killed. The vampire uses the militia’s fail-safe to open a large window and expose himself to sunlight, killing himself and destroying the compound. It feels less tragic than The Subject, but remains very understandable. When you’ve spent most of your life being demonized, sometimes you do just want to let yourself become the demon.
The third and final film, V/H/S 99, is more consistent aesthetically than V/H/S 94, as it leans almost entirely into handheld, home movie style film-making. It is also mostly focused on teens suffering the consequences of their actions. There was certainly a specific brand of mean-spirited, Jackass-style “prank” content prevalent in this era alongside the blossoming newgrounds community of shock animations and flash games. All that to say, teenagers of this era fucking sucked.
Shredding, the first short, features a group of irreverent douchebag punks who break into an abandoned music club only to mock the deaths of Bitch Cat, the last band who played there before a fire broke out inside the building. Only one of them shows any concern for their actions, but all of them die gruesomely— and in a delightfully gory bit of effects work, their dismembered corpses are reassembled and puppeteered by the zombified ghosts of Bitch Cat to perform one last song.
This is followed by Suicide Bid, pivoting from punks to bitchy sorority girls who decide a great hazing prank would be burying a desperate girl alive for a night. Of course, as shitty as that would be on its own, there also has to be a ghost involved. The ghost of Giltine attacks Lily as the coffin slowly fills with rainwater after a storm starts, and the sorority sisters come back to a mysteriously empty coffin the next day. Lily gets the last laugh by trapping all the other girls in their own coffins, having made a deal with Giltine to offer the sorority girls in exchange for her own soul.
Ozzy’s Dungeon pivots from revenge against shitty teens to revenge against shitty adults— all while parodying Nickelodeon game shows. It’s gross, it’s sleazy, and it’s wonderfully demented in a SAW-esque way. It’s also an interesting look at failed child stardom. Donna was supposed to be the one who got out, the one who made it big, but now her leg is mangled. Her own mother says it looks like dog meat, goes on this revenge crusade that Donna barely takes part in. When she does, her mother takes over for her. Her father makes token protests but ultimately lets the mother take the lead— and the game show host was always more worried about appearances than anything else. At the end of their little vengeance plot, the host helps Donna and her family sneak back onto the set of the show to meet the titular Ozzy and get a wish granted (the promised prize of the show which no one ever won). Donna’s mother prompts her to wish for for a new car, for 15 million dollars— Donna wishes for everyone who used her to die.
The frame story of this film, stop-motion animated segments of a teen’s home movie made with toy soldiers, feeds directly into the fourth short, The Gawkers. We’ve returned again to the world of shitty teens— this time, to popular teen boys. They think they’re hot shit and treat women as objects, trying to sneak panty shots of girls in a park before being chased off, and later spying on Brady and Dylan’s neighbor. It’s hardly the most enjoyable watch, but it is quite gratifying. The teens who treated women as nothing more than sexual objects are themselves turned into literal objects. It turns out the neighbor is a gorgon, and she caught the boys spying on her through her webcam thanks to Brady’s programming skills. She attacks them all and turns them to stone for invading her privacy, betraying her trust and sexualizing her without her consent. This is the short that relies most heavily on CGI (to create the Gorgon) and it does feel extremely weak. The gorgon doesn’t seem to have any weight to her and the snakes on her head do not move naturally in the slightest— budget constraints are understandable, but this is why I much prefer The Subject’s merging of practical and digital to elevate the practical and execute what couldn’t be physically built.
Last, but certainly not least, is To Hell and Back, a short following to videographers recording a Y2K party hosted by a coven of witches as they attempt to summon a demon into the body of a willing host. A lower demon crashes the party, and as the witches banish it back to hell it grabs onto the two cameramen and drags them to hell with it. The only short that has nothing to do with vengeance (or teens), the two men must instead venture through the pits of hell in an attempt to find the demon being summoned and catch a ride back to earth. They succeed, but ruin the coven’s summoning and are killed for it (one of them using his blood to write the name of another lower demon who had helped them escape in the witches’ book before dying). The film closes as the videographers’ camera runs out of battery.
Each of these films captures a very specific era in the lifetime of VHS as a medium, and captures it extremely well. From the image and color distortion of WNUF’s faux home recording to the differences in camera quality to match the shorts’ settings in V/H/S 94 as we transition from newscasts to funeral homes, to amateur documentaries. V/H/S 99 is more consistent than 94, as stated, but this is inherent to all of their shorts being filmed by amateurs— the most polished segment is the beginning of Ozzy’s Dungeon while the actual show is being filmed. It’s an excellent depiction of the astounding jump in technological quality in such a brief time. At least in what was available to professionals. Perhaps the most charming part of this era of VHS is that while technology got smaller and cheaper for consumers, it did not necessarily get better. A cheap, handheld video camera is still a cheap handheld video camera.
In their commitment to this horror time capsule project, WNUF Halloween Special and most of the shorts from the two V/H/S films rely heavily on practical effects. It is, at times, bad-looking. You know it’s a guy in a rubber suit. The leech-like vampire isn’t really chewing a guy’s face off. Giltine is... well, an unarticulated latex mask with equally unarticulated hands. These monsters are fake and you know it, and that is part of the charm. It is a low-budget 90s film you picked up from the bargain bin, a home-burned DVD your friend gifted you of their high-school slasher created during summer vacation. It’s a guy in a mask, and it might be a guy you know, but you’ve got to suspend your disbelief. You’ve come home from Blockbuster with every intention of seeing that guy in a mask and believing he is a monster out to torment assholes, and it’s golden.
I’ve said it before, seen it said by others, and will absolutely say it again: bad practical effects will always be better than bad CGI. I don’t care how cheap it looks— if there’s a real, tangible thing in front of the actors I’ll buy it so much more than PS1 graphics slapped against the background. Something with weight, something the actors can really react to. A good performance can make bad practical effects passable and passable effects amazing. You forget you can see the wire in certain shots until some dude on IMDb points it out in the trivia section. The actors sell it. The film scares you. You’re 14, 15, 16 and you snuck a horror movie out of the rental place your parents would never let you watch normally. You’re tuning into the late-night broadcast of Ghoulies or Reanimator or Killer Klowns from Outer Space. It scares you because it’s not something you’re supposed to see. None of these tapes were something we were ever supposed to see, but here they are.
Here’s death, here’s gore, here’s horror. Here’s a man in a mask. Here’s a cheap video camera and here’s the nostalgic sound of your tape thunking into place in your VCR, whirring to life as a commercial flickers across the screen as that home recording of your favorite movie comes on. The one you were only supposed to see once, that Halloween night, preserved carefully now on your shelf lined with hand-labelled tapes. Maybe it’s not as scary as it used to be, but it’s joyful! It’s a trip down memory lane, an experience not many of us will get back (at least not the way we all individually remember it), but we can still plug in any of these masterfully crafted movies and get a dose of nostalgia whenever we want. They’ll always be there— and you can always be a friend.
Just remember to rewind when you reach the end.
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kagejima · 2 years
rae! how do you like the quarry? i've been watching my friend stream it and i think it's soooo good 🥺
laura! okay so i am biased bc i REALLY loved until dawn, but so far i think it's great too!!
im only up to chapter... five now? but I've really been enjoying the pacing of it! like they're giving juuuust enough to make you go "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING" all the time 😂
the graphics are a little wonky at times, but i expected that going into it. i saw someone complaining too about "8 characters is too many" but like... if you're playing a game where the main focus is to have everyone survive, they can't just make 3 characters 💀💀💀 i also dont really care for how there isnt a dedicated run button bc it takes forever to get somewhere fndjjfnd
but anyways OH GOD the way they set up the first chapter was phenomenal. I was like "OH SHIT 👀👀" also i LOVE how they set it up how your choices are like the little VHS tapes!!!!!
I think the brenda song character is my favorite because she kicks ass so hard and she's so funny, i love her so much 🥰 also the himbo jock boy is obviously a favorite too, im gonna try my best to have him make it all the way through 😭😭
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thelegendaryvhs · 5 years
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Co lubią tygrysy?
aka A Tiger’s Quarry
aka What Do the Tigers Like
Director: Krzysztof Nowak    
Agencja Producentów Filmowych
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bonniebird · 2 years
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Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader / Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader / Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Requested by @clockworkballerina
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Prologue 1
Chapter one: The one with one bedroom and two roommates.
Steve wasn’t sure how many times he needed to repeat himself. Robin had found him filling out a rental form that Billy Hargrove had dropped off. He’d stayed for fifteen minutes and given a long speech about needing someone to move in urgently and explained that he had no one else, other than Tommy Haegen and that he’d pitch himself into the quarry before he’d agree to that.
“Why is this such a big deal?” Steve grumbled. Robin had spent the last hour trying to convince him that he shouldn’t take the offer. He had been looking for somewhere to stay and with two roommates the rent would be lower than he’d been able to find around. The polaroid Billy had pulled out of his wallet. It was of him and some friends in front of a nice green house that had convinced him. It looked homey and according to Billy, the little roommate was nice, although she looked rather mean in the morning. It sounded better than sharing a trailer with some old guy who had advertised in the paper. He and Dustin had gone to look at it and quickly left when things got weird. 
“Billy Hargrove?” Robin repeated. Steve sighed and glanced at her. He was trying to stack VHS tapes into a new display shelf and ever since he’d casually let slip his plans, Robin had been trying to discourage him.
“I need a place. He has a spare room. He has another roommate too. He said they’d give me a letter of recommendation for him.” Steve muttered. He’d been half joking, he didn’t exactly expect Billy to honour that. 
“That’s insane. Didn’t he beat you up?” Robin asked. Steve frowned and winced then shrugged.
“We’ve come to blows.” Steve muttered and glanced at Robin who was shaking her head. “Besides he’s a lot different than he was back then. It’s been years and I’ve seen him around. He even apologised. I think. He expressed regret. It was bizarre.” 
“What if this other roommate is weird?” Robin asked.
“You’re throwing that weird word around like we haven’t fought interdimensional monsters and Russian scientists together. This is literally the least dangerous thing I have done in six months.” Steve said as he finished staking VHS tapes on the shelf and moved his cart over to put back several returns. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. You know. Compared to everything we’ve been through it’s nice and less weird.”
“Are you sure you’re looking at my ass?” Billy asked. You’d been thumbing through the local phone book and glanced up at Billy who had paced back and forth in front of you. “You don’t sound like you’ve seen it in these new jeans.”
“I’m busy. Why do you want me to look?” You asked as your finger trailed down one page and you glanced up. Billy had lifted his jacket up and was posing. You realised rather quickly he had caught a glimpse of himself in the hallway mirror down the hall. 
“Just wanted a second opinion on how great I look before I head out.” He muttered. The phone rang and you jumped up to get it but Billy was there first. “Hello? Munson, do I owe you money?” 
As Billy spoke you hurried over and tried to pull the phone out of his hands as he frowned down at you. “It’s for me!” You insisted.
“He said Garth said to call you here?” Billy passed on. He rolled his eyes when he finally let you pull the phone from his hand and you leaned against the wall nearby, stretching the curly cord so that Billy had to duck under it as he left.
“This is the real Eddie Munson?” You asked. He chuckled on the other end of the phone.
“The one and only. Gareth said you needed a roommate?” Eddie muttered. He was shuffling around a little and you were certain that he was shouting a little and must have set the phone down or maybe left it hanging as he did, whatever it was he was doing.
“Yes. By this Friday. The landlord is coming and he thinks there are three of us. He made us sign this thing that all three rooms would be rented out and if they’re not he had a clause that he can change stuff.” You explained.
“Shit. That sounds serious. Well. I could urm. Friday afternoon sounds ok?” He asked. His voice was suddenly louder in your ear and you heard him pick the phone up again. 
“You don’t want to look around first? What if we’re like… total freaks or something?” You asked in surprise. He chuckled and you heard the sound of a lighter flicking.
“Don’t you worry? I happen to be well versed in the ways of freaks.” Eddie assured you. 
“You are?” You said quietly.  
“Sure. So Friday?”
“Yes! Friday before five as the landlord is coming between half past and six.” You explained. Eddie promised he would be there and hung up. It occurred to you that you should have mentioned that it was Thursday but you hoped that he could make it in time. You called Gareth and thanked him before going into the spare room. There was still a little dirt and grime but after sweeping up, hoovering and mopping the floor it wasn’t too bad. The bed frame had been left behind and an old rickety wardrobe too. Billy wasn’t sure if the landlord had bought them or if the last roommate had left them when Billy threw them out. 
Billy was working all day Friday. He had left a note on the fridge that he would be at work all day, then a note on the toaster reminding you it was Friday and move-in day. No one showed up all morning. You hurried to the window and peaked out from behind the net curtains hoping to get a glimpse of your new roommate up close. Unfortunately for several hours, nothing was interesting.
One neighbour took their shopping in. The hot lady across the road that Billy was certain was having an affair with, because her husband wasn’t equally hot had three separate guests over for an hour each. You made a note on the note paper by the hallway phone so that you could remember to tell Billy later. 
At four in the afternoon, after you’d had a late lunch and taken a nap while watching TV, you heard a knock at the door. You smiled as you opened it but that slid off his face.
“You’re not the new roommate.” You said quickly. Steve Harrington was holding a neatly taped-up box and was looking down at you as if he was surprised that you answered the door.
“You’re not Billy.” He said in the same tone of voice.
“Oh! Thanks?” You said as you stared at him still in the doorway. “Why’re you here?” 
“For the room. This is the right house?” Steve was looking more and more confused. A van pulled up and Eddie Munson hopped out. He had a bulging black bin bag swinging from one hand as he made his way up the drive. 
“Eddie’s supposed to be moving in?” You said and pointed at him.
There was a long awkward pause and you were very tempted to shut the door on them and go back to finish your nap. “You can look at the room but you’re going to have to pick which one stays.” You said as you stepped aside. They followed you through the house and to the bedroom. Leaving them to look around you slumped on the sofa. You could hear them talking about the room and you hoped that Billy would come home soon and then you wouldn’t have to deal with it. 
“What's this room?” You heard Eddie ask. Getting up you went to see what room he was talking about. There was a small room at the end of the hall. If you walked from the front door right down the hallway you came to a stop with a large bathroom to the left. A little to the right and round a corner was your room and next to that was the spare room. On the opposite side, making the hallway cut into an L-shape was Billy’s room. There was a small room next to it, a box room that was smaller than all three bedrooms. Billy had been storing his workout equipment in the small room. 
“Woah. This is pretty big.” Eddie muttered as he opened the door and poked his head in.
“Is it?” You said doubtfully.
“Oh yeah. Could fit a bed, chest of drawers, maybe a little chair. If it’s going I could take this room and Harrington could have the bigger one. I don’t mind.” Eddie offered. He smiled at you and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“Are you sure? I mean. We’d have to hide you from the landlord and I guess me and Billy should have checked how many people we were inviting to move in.” You said quietly. 
“Maybe.” Steve muttered. 
“Well either way we don’t have much time. The landlord will be here soon.” You said hopefully.
“Let’s get you moved in then big boy.” Eddie said as he grabbed a box from Steve and slid it neatly across the wooden floor of the spare room. Billy arrived ten minutes before the Landlord. You’d managed to help Eddie and Steve move into the spare room and with Billy's helo quickly moved things around in the tiny room to hide Eddie who hurried to sit in his van when the landlord pulled round the corner in his loud old car that had a loose bumper which scraped horribly on the road.
He stayed long enough to inspect everything was in good order and try to find something wrong with the house. As he opened the door and turned back to give one more glance over you saw Eddie smoking something in his van. He’d been bopping his head along to some music and ducked down as soon as the landlord turned to leave.
“We did it!” You said cheerfully as Billy shut the door.
“Why would you invite my pot dealer to live with us when I’d already gotten Harrington?” Billy asked. You frowned at him and he raised his eyebrows.
“Oh. Billy you know he’d probably overcharging.” You said and smiled at him, patting his arm. “You can just buy pots for a dollar at the hardware store!” 
“That’s so true Hargrove. Just a dollar.” Steve muttered and chuckled as he headed to his room. Having checked the coast was clear you opened the door and waved Eddie in.
“You should just buy it from Rick out on Lover’s Lake.” You said as you headed to your room. Billy had been reading the notes you’d left on the side table in the hall and his head whipped round to you with a frown.
“How do you know about Rick?” He asked.
“I live in a tiny town with only two drug dealers. I’m bound to know one of them.” You pointed out as you shut your door leaving Billy smiling at you with amusement as he nodded his head like you’d made a fair point. 
Billy tags:
Steve tags:
Eddie tags:
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virgil-writes · 3 years
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ash & soot
Long before the Winters come into play, a monster stalks the Forbidden Forest that surrounds the Village. Karl Heisenberg is sent to investigate, and heads deeper into darkness to find his prey, a thorn on his side and someone just like him. (Heisenberg x OC)
on AO3: chapter one | chapter two | chapter three | chapter four | chapter five | chapter six | chapter seven (ao3 only) | chapter eight
chapter 8 - great expectations
SFW, but usual blood/gore warning. around 3.5K words.
He barely remembers getting dressed and returning to his quarters after such a relaxing shower. At some point he had slipped inside his pants and slid an undershirt on, thrown himself at the desk chair and poured over plans and schematics, a mess of paper and far more motor oil than necessary. He had written and read until his eyes had grown tired, like every other night, fighting off sleep to the best of his ability. He could sleep when he was dead, or when she was dead, when he was far away from this hellhole, when nothing awaited him come morning.
Some nights he would skip it altogether, keep his eyes wide open when his mind was too fraught with dreadful thoughts. He knew what would come if he finally closed his eyes, the memories that he worked so hard to put away. A dream, it was only a dream, he would tell himself over and over, but it was hard to believe it when he would wake up drenched in sweat and tears, throat sore from screaming at the top of his lungs, that all too familiar twinge of sadness and terror balling up in his chest. It was hard to believe and hard to forget, because he would see it when he held the wrench, when he brought a cup to his lips, when he pressed the buttons to get the conveyor belt running. His hands shook, his fingers lost their strength, and then we would remember it all. It was not real, but it had been once, and he is unsure whether the knowledge makes things better or worse.
Heisenberg remembers nothing but the familiar tingle on his fingertips, the numbness that overtook him, anxiety and fear washing over him like he had been engulfed in a sea of darkness. The scribbles on the paper would be evidence of how he had lost control the night before, how he had pressed the pencil hard to try and force himself to focus, to keep going. The cut on his forehead would tell him that he exhaustion had taken the reigns and he had fallen face first into the table, head hitting the metal clamp and inadvertently helping lull him to sleep.
Much to his surprise, that night, when Heisenberg closed his eyes, he was greeted with the blissful sight of nothing. Head void of dreams, of nightmares, body protesting with the awkward way he’d scattered over his work station, but nothing else. The cut had stained some papers with blood and drool had ruined some others; his arms felt numb in the morning, as they had been left hanging off the desk with his head and neck as the only support. It took him a good few stretches of his hands to feel his fingers again - all things considered, this had been a much better night than most.
If the night was almost-pleasant, the morning was anything but. A hot gust of air blew in when the factory kicked into gear with full force, like it did every day around this time, the whirring of blades and purring of engines his usual white noise. Only this time there was an intruder, a high pitched, repetitive sound that threatened to pierce his eardrums - he woke up to the incessant sound of his phone ringing. The thing sat just inside his office, an old landline that Miranda had insisted on him keeping in case she needed to speak to him urgently. She would call him every now and again, but more often than not it was his siblings that would bother him. Moreau would call to ask if he had found any old VHS tapes or old fiction books, Donna would ask him for blades and all manner of crazy-looking schematics built. Alcina rarely called, but given her interest in the bloodsucking beast that prowled the woods, he was certain that would change very soon.
Not that he intended to answer any of them, naturally. Nine times out of ten he was nowhere near the dumb phone to answer, which made Mother angry and him even angrier, because the last thing he wanted was to interrupt important research to tend to any of their petty, cruel whims. When she called, invariably he would be thrust into something barbarous and despicable; she wanted someone kidnapped, or killed, or turned into a monstrosity. She wanted him to spy or intimidate, put on his best scary mask and drill the fear of the Black God into someone’s mind. She never once asked if his research went well, if he was doing well, and though it had been years of such abuse, he could not help but feel the sting of it every time he heard her speak. Somewhere deep down, he still held onto a sliver of hope that she cared; and she would always dig deeper and deeper, until she found it and choked his feelings to death.
Heisenberg lazily lifted his head, right arm coming up to wipe away the drool at the corner of his mouth, eyes hurting under the bright industrial lights coming in through the window. A strand of hair had sneaked into his eye when he blinked, such a small nuisance upsetting him even further, a simple strand of hair that felt like the devil’s toothpick stabbing his eyeball. The phone had stopped for a few seconds only to resurge like the wailing of a baby, and the ringing prompted him to shoot up and off his armchair in a flash, too disoriented and uncomfortable to fully register what was going on. He almost fell on his way to the phone, tripping over his unbuttoned pants, annoyance levels rising with every step. He rubbed his eyes as he approached the offending object, flicked the room’s light on like it would help him hear better. At least it would keep him awake.
“Heisenberg,” came the voice from the other side, sweet and soft-spoken, domineering and stubborn. “Any news on our quarry?” Our quarry, he mouthed to himself mockingly. As if any of it was a team effort, as if he had anything to gain from this little adventure. Well, as it turns out, he did, but lady super-sized bitch didn’t need to know that. The damn hair was still stuck somewhere between his eyelashes. “A little bird told me you left the forest quite late last night.” A little bird would die a horrible, horrible death as soon as he discovered who it was that had agreed to his sister’s asinine plan of meddling in his business.
“Oh hey, sis. Surprised you get reception all the way up there.” He heard her huff of annoyance, chuckled in response. It bought him enough time to figure out exactly what he would tell her. Hey, yeah, turns out your monster is actually this gorgeous lady with a pair of tits big enough to rival any fertility goddess’? “Slippery little thing, that monster of yours. Found some bodies, some blood,” truth was always easier to tell than lies. “Caught a glimpse of something, too, but it disappeared in the middle of the trees before I could grab it. Little shit gave me the loop, took me quite a while to find the way back.” Heisenberg could practically hear her chest rising and falling as she breathed excitedly, happy to hear something, anything, even if it was a blatant lie. He could hear her nails hitting against wood impatiently, stringing together a tune he did not recognize. “What do you want with this thing anyway, needing a new pet?” Quite the funny thought, really. He was suddenly curious to know if the little witch would put up a fight as a tight collar was snapped around her neck.
“Am I right to assume you will return to the forest soon for another search?” Oh, most definitely, though his intentions were far different from what she expected. She continued without waiting for his answer, clearly aware that he would retort in the crassest manner possible. “I will see you handsomely rewarded once I have it in my possession, brother. House Dimitrescu does not forget such acts of service.” And there it was, brother, the greatest honor she would grant him, a compliment reserved for moments like these, when she desperately needed his help and no one else’s would do.
Blah, blah, blah. What was she going to offer him, a maiden? A scrawny lady with bruises big enough to make one believe her skin was purple, bones showing through her ribs and threatening to poke out at any moment? He had long decided against experimenting on women - they were always so weak and fragile, he would tell himself. Had long left behind his whoring days, too, far too focused on his research to let himself be distracted by a pair of tits. Oh, right; the irony. What else could she give him? A casket of wine made of blood of an innocent, with its thick bouquet of brutality and mercilessness?
She could offer him riches, influence, her undying loyalty. The only reward he wanted was to see her fractured into a thousand tiny pieces, nothing left of her and her daughters but the crystal cores they would dissolve into. The jewelry he would keep, the crystals he would sell to the Duke for a hefty price; the dust he would gather, send to an artist to mix into paint and commission a portrait of himself in his best work attire, his beat up trench coat and ragged hat. To make a statement, his fly would be open and his dick out in the painting, forever immortalizing him as the large, hard Lord of the Castle. With the money he would buy the best brewery he could find and have it make the worst beer, call it Lady D’s Fresh Piss, all in her honor, naturally.
He would bring over his suitcase and set up shop in the castle, tear down every reference to the Dimistrescu family and replace it with cheap replicas of innocent, idyllic landscapes, and dozens of horrible quality photos of his face. The extra large milk pail she called a hat would be used for entertainment when he gathered guests over, shoot the ball into the dead lady’s hat or take another shot. His soldats would clean house, kill every last monster in the basement, replace those god-awful torture tools with something else, anything else - maybe pigs, to pay homage to his dear sister. He would then fire all maids and forbid them from ever setting foot inside the place again, hire an all-male crew to tend to the estate and leave him well enough alone. On a clear day he would grab all of their expensive dresses, the paperwork that dignified her as gentry, her snob literature and photo albums, pile them all into the courtyard and burn it all, the vineyard alongside it, then light his cigar in the blaze and smoke it while facing the inferno, the flames reflecting beautifully on the lenses of his glasses. Once it had all turned to cinders he would strip before going through the front door, waltz around the place while rubbing his dick on all of her favorite spots. He would dump all of her fine wine in the biggest, smelliest cesspool, grab the revenue from the last shipment and throw it from atop the church in the village to watch the peasants fight each other for riches that were supposed to be hers.
Perhaps best of all, he would invite Alcina’s little monster over, encourage her to come in while dragging all the dirt and mud gathered on her bare feet. He would give her a tour of the castle, allow her to decorate every room with a harvest wreath or handmade candle, let her cover the posh couches with handmade quilted throws. Together they would roll up the fancy carpet and throw it in the fireplace, lay down the most unrefined of straw tapestries in its place. The mantle would be a display of their crudeness and peasantry, his schematics and forgotten bits of scrap metal, her incenses and rune-inscribed bones and whatever else her little heart desired. He would allow her to have her pick of his sister’s jewelry, try and convince her to take them all, to wear nothing but her favorite set as she danced under the skylight of the atelier, the flames of all tolling bells and the bright shine of the moon as the only source of light for their unholy, delicious rituals.
When silence settled he would grab her waist and pull her closer, whisper in her ear the most delectable of invitations. Together they would desecrate every last corner of the castle, from the halls to the belfry and the stairwells to the balconies, the cries of agony the place had come to be known for replaced by their sounds of pleasure. When they were far too tired to continue they would work together in the kitchen, he would help her prepare a bloodless meal that they would savor watching the wide open doors to the courtyard. He would sit at Alcina’s spot, ignore every single piece of flatware and eat with his bare hands, audibly chew on every morsel. He would draw every curtain and open every window, let the gelid gale wipe away any trace of her and her daughters. Late at night, he would carry his prized lady up the stairs to her quarters, gently place her on the giant bed and cover her with the decadent expensive sheets. She would ask him to stay, and he would, hold her close as she slumbered and he stared at the top of the canopy and let out a tired sigh almost a hundred years in the making. He would be free, and he would have claimed it all, a fitting end to his sordid tale.
If he wasn’t sure Alcina would rise from the grave and put herself back together out of sheer spite, the whole thing didn’t sound half bad.
Heisenberg barely registered whatever she said after, far too immersed in his little happy place to give a shit. She had talked for what seemed like hours, something about training the beast to present it to Mother Miranda, to allow her to experiment and find out what sort of things they could learn of such a splendorous mutation. Some illusions of grandeur sprinkled here and there, the very obvious wish to become the best, most adored child. He felt like Alcina wished Mother would descend upon her in a ray of light, to lift her up and away towards the heavens to take a place at her side. What a load of crap, though he had to admit it was far more than he would have given her credit for when she came up with this sordid little plan.
At some point, she finally realized she had said too much, exposed too much of her grand plan, had become too excited with the prospect of having that admiration within her reach. That, or she had grown tired of sounding too friendly with the riffraff. She quickly finished saying her piece and hung up without waiting for him to say goodbye, wishing him good luck on the hunt, reminding him she had great expectations. As did he.
He found his mind wandering back to his little witch in the woods as he placed the handle back on its hook. Where did she even come from, anyway? Was she born in that miserable place, brought up among the failed experiments of this village in middle of nowhere, Romania? Did she know how to use money, or were the lei they used foreign to her? He had it in good confidence that she could read, considering all the books he had seen around, but did she know how to write? Had she ever seen electricity at work, or had her life been lived under candlelight? Could she drive a car? Operate a telephone? Did she have toilet paper in her outhouse or did she wipe her ass with ferns or something of the sort? How did she find out about nail polish, of all things?
Had she ever lived outside that lousy shack? Did she ever get a taste of luxury, of fine wine, scrumptious desserts, someone to cook and feed her, maidens to attend to her? Had she always worked the land and tended to livestock, gathered herbs and berries in the forest? Had she cared for her parents or grandparents and learned her trade then, offered her services to lice-ridden villagers when they were no longer in the picture? Had they ever met, some day when he was too busy with his own sorrow to notice her, to take in the beauty that had come to haunt him so? Had she ever shared her body with someone, with a lucky lad or lass that caught her vulnerable and willing on a lonely night? Did she… Did she think of him, as much as he had begun to think of her?
Her shroud of blood and mystery, alongside Alcina’s excitement over the prospect of having her torn apart, had a strange feeling seep within his bones, a pang of anguish tugging at his heartstrings. All the more reason for him to hide the truth for as long as he could - even if the witch turned out to be just really clever with herbs and some hallucinogens, he wouldn’t give dear sister the pleasure of sinking those rusty nails into her flesh. Not when he had so much to discover.
Finally alone with his thoughts and away from his fantasies, he looked down at himself to see his shirt tousled, the fly on his pants undone. He had slept alright, although passed out might be a better description. In his defense, he had tried to fall asleep like a normal human being: sat down and let his mind go blank, eyes firmly shut to try and get some rest. But try as he might, he always startled as he was about to drift off, the sight of the dark horse dissolving into a puddle of blood right before his very eyes, of Sturm’s decapitated arms almost comically flying in his direction. Rage followed soon after - another failure, another waste of time. How would he make that thing rise again? He was then caught in the infinite loop of thinking, and planning, and burning out in frustration, until he could carry on no more.
Of course. He remembered it now, what had finally lulled him to sleep, in the throes of his despair. The way she had distracted him with a well-placed, gentle hand on his face, to work her magic and make his pain disappear, to preserve the secret she worked so hard to maintain. The gash on his hand that had left no trace, the lycans and moroaicas dead but not quite. The way she seemed to have a knack for putting things back together again, to prop them up on strings and have them dance like a puppeteer would. If he brought her here into his den, allowed her a glimpse of his work - would she be able to help him? Would she want to?
At first, he had thought the whole thing was bullshit. So maybe she knew a few plants, knew how to make a mean incense to get him high as a kite and seeing shit. Maybe she had some medical training and could put a nose back in its place, big deal. Maybe she held the world record on fastest, most painless stitching of human flesh, and was in cahoots with the Duke to use whatever seemingly magical substance he put in his antiseptic solution. Whatever she was smoking to say that she could actually heal things, that she might just be able to murder Mother Miranda - he wanted some.
And yet the more he thought of it, the less sense it all made. Her touch was unmistakable when she held his chin up, when the monster’s wispy tendrils had done the same. There was no doubt that she had, indeed, healed his wounds. The decapitated heads were very much alive, the blood pungent, the bite as painful as it should be. If she had killed them, how had she brought them back to life? How had she kept them alive on borrowed time, negated the effects the very creator of the Cadou could not avoid? How far did her powers go? Were they powers, like his and Moreau’s and Donna’s and Alcina’s, or a clever trick of the mind?
Whatever the case, Miranda had spent the better part of a century trying to bring back a dead girl in the body of another, necromancy a far too advanced concept for her young mind back in the late twenties. She had spent countless hours, spilled gallons upon gallons of innocent blood, spread a disease that they no longer had control over in the lycans, all for naught. And suddenly some creepy girl at the ass-end of the woods was the second coming of Jesus? She had knocked him on his ass and somehow morphed into this giant mass of blood that would make the hairiest of grunts shit their pants. If there was any chance that she was for real, then it would change everything. The possibilities were endless. He just needed to tell apart the bullshit from the truth.
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flippyspoon · 5 years
hc ab how much billy boy likes hugs but won’t ask for them 🥺
This is only like one of my favorite things like I think I’ve written a bunch of fics about it lol. So like a post-3 Bills especially needs hugs but he can’t get the words out. And at first Steve is clueless- Billy doesn’t exactly seem like he’d be a big hugger but Steve is, especially with Robin. At this point Billy knows better- he’s not jealous of anything happening between Steve and Robin…HE JUST WANTS THE HUGS ROBIN IS GETTING. 
 But it feels ridiculous. He’s not going to say that. He doesn’t even completely consciously know it but he just wants Steve to fucking hold him for a while because he’s still so raw and vulnerable all the time. Until one night when they go out to the quarry and Steve is chatting away and Billy is sitting on the hood of the BMW. 
Steve stands in front of him, just resting his hands on Billy’s knees. They havent’ been together very long, they still get flustered or uncertain about practically anything and Steve is nervously tapping his fingers on Billy’s knees and Billy is quiet and seems a little down and Steve doesn’t know how to help yet. 
 Until Billy suddenly just caves. He just slumps forward and butts Steve’s chest with his head and wraps his arms around Steve’s waist. 
Steve stutters and gets all soft like “Oh! Hey…you okay?” 
 “Mmmm…yeah just…” Steve tentatively embraces Billy and Billy squeezes him tight and they just hold each other like that for the longest time. 
 And for a while that’s how Billy asks for that- just like butt Steve’s chest with his head (like a cat lol) and that means “Hold me fucking now.” But Steve gets better at reading Billy and knowing when he wants that. 
And Billy gets better at doing that for Steve too. Like holy shit the first time Billy initiates an innocent hug out of the blue, especially because it’s just Billy in a GOOD mood, coming up behind Steve and wrapping his arms around him- 
Steve is so goddamn happy he doesn’t know what to do with himself. He puts all the VHS tapes in the wrong boxes that day.
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tinylilemrys · 5 years
Rating: T
Word count: 3,407
Summary: Richie Tozier was an open book – some would call it the best thing about him, others would argue that it was the most annoying thing about him.
There were only two secrets that Richie fiercely guarded. One: he had been desperately and completely inconveniently in love with his best friend, Eddie Kaspbrak, for years now, and two: Richie liked – no, loved – playing Dungeons and Dragons.
Richie Tozier was an open book – some would call it the best thing about him, others would argue that it was the most annoying thing about him. While it was true that you were never unsure of where you stood with Richie, there was also almost nothing others would classify as too much information that Richie wouldn’t feel comfortable sharing. They knew when he was angry, they knew when he was scared shitless about his Calc test, they knew when he’d eaten food that was more than a bit past its sell-by date as a dare and all about the day of spectacular gastrotechnics that followed, they knew (in great detail) when he’d found a new supermodel that he considered attractive, they knew when he had fought with his parents, and they knew when he was feeling particularly sentimental about his group of friends.
There were only two secrets that Richie fiercely guarded. One: he had been desperately and completely inconveniently in love with his best friend, Eddie Kaspbrak, for years now, and two: Richie liked – no, loved – playing Dungeons and Dragons.
He hadn’t meant to enjoy it as much as he did. He’d only agreed to sit on a few sessions because one of the girls from his Drama class told him it was really good way to improve his storytelling and improv skills, but after one session of being sucked up into the world that Will Jones, the Dungeon Master, had spun and being frustrated at not being able to influence the decisions the party made, Richie was hooked. He had spent all of that night creating his character and eagerly (though stealthily) handed his character’s backstory to Will at school the next day.
And that had been that. His little Gnome Cleric had been a vital part of the party for the past six months and Richie couldn’t remember what life was before he started playing.
Of course, finding excuses to duck out of plans with six other friends had proven more difficult than he initially thought it would. Though the party only met to play every second Friday, it was often when the rest of the group had made plans for a movie night or a night swim at the quarry and finding excuses to not be there was tricky. Though the excuse he’d finally settled on was guitar lessons, he could almost feel how annoyed the rest of them were each time he flaked out and though he felt bad about it, D&D had become too important to give up.
The only one who seemed to understand was Eddie, who had started tutoring to make a bit of extra cash on the same Fridays that Richie had D&D and as such was also subject to the ire of the group.
Eddie, however, had a far shorter fuse for these things than Richie did.
“Could you all just give Richie a fucking break?” he snapped one Thursday when Bill had complained about them never hanging out together anymore. “We’re in our junior year. Shit’s getting busy. You can’t accuse us of being shitty friends just because we’ve got other things going on. He’s trying his best and so am I, so back the fuck off.”
Richie had wanted to kiss him – even more so when he’d given him a shy glance afterwards to make sure he hadn’t overstepped.
Though honestly, there weren’t many times when Richie didn’t want to kiss him.
The Loser’s Club had backed off a bit after that, and it had become a routine for them to schedule their movie nights on the weeks where Richie and Eddie could make it. It had also become a routine for Eddie to come over to Richie’s place the day after the Fridays where they couldn’t hang out.
This Saturday was no different, apart from the fact that Eddie wasn’t quite himself. He’d sensed that something was wrong as soon as he opened the door, but when Eddie didn’t even fight him over which movie to watch, Richie knew for sure there was something up.
“Hey, are you okay, Eds?” asked Richie, setting down the VHS tape he was about to put on. “You seem a little down.”
“I’m fine,” said Eddie, but he chewed his bottom lip the way he always did when he was lying.
“No you’re not,” Richie replied, crossing the living room to sit next to him on the sofa. “It’s not your mom again is it?”
“No, not this time,” he replied, his face screwing up when he realised that he’d just admitted he wasn’t fine. “It’s really stupid.”
“If it’s making you this upset, it’s not stupid to me.”
Eddie looked up at him then and Richie’s heart jumped to his throat. He knew he was being reckless, that being this soft with Eddie would lead to him working it out, but he couldn’t imagine being snarky when Eddie looked so sad.
Eddie heaved a deep sigh.
“Okay, well, it’s my, uh, my babysitting.”
“You mean your tutoring?”
“Yeah, what did I say?” asked Eddie, eyes wide and cheeks flooding with colour.
“You said ‘babysitting’.”
“Fuck. Well, I meant tutoring.” He was looking down at his hands now, red-faced. “It, uh, it didn’t work out. I got let go.”
“Ah man, I’m sorry to hear that,” said Richie, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Do you maybe want to ditch the movie and go for ice-cream instead? You seem like you need sugar. My treat, since you’re broke now that you’ve lost your job.”
“Ha fucking ha,” Eddie replies, and though he rolls his eyes, he’s grinning. “You know me, I’d never say no to ice-cream.”
“Thought so,” laughed Richie.
Half an hour later, they were sitting on a patch of grass near the river, quietly eating their desserts. What he appreciated about hanging out with Eddie was that the silences between them were never awkward. He didn’t feel the need to fill the air with the sound of his voice, because it was always so comfortable between them. When Richie was with Eddie, he could just be.
“Thanks for this, Rich,” said Eddie, finishing up the last of his cone. “I needed it.”
“Anytime,” said Richie, lying back in the grass to look up at the sky now that he had finished his own. “Don’t stress about it though, alright? We can find you another kid to tutor.”
Eddie sighed and lay down next to Richie, propping himself up on his elbow to look at him.
“To tell you the truth, I wasn’t… I wasn’t actually tutoring anyone.”
Richie frowned and propped himself up on his elbows too.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that I lied about the tutoring because I didn’t want you or the rest of the Losers to know what I was really doing.”
“Okay, so what were you doing?” asked Richie. “Since you telling me the truth now obviously means that you want to let me in on the big secret.”
“You swear you won’t laugh?”
“Oh, my dear Spaghetti, I can promise you a great many things, but that is not one of them.” The crease in Eddie’s brow deepened. “But I can promise you that, depending on how serious this is, I will at least try not to laugh.”
Eddie rolled his eyes.
“I suppose that’s as good as I’m going to get from you. Fine. The truth is that instead of tutoring every second Friday like I told you, ivebeeninadungeonsanddragonsgroupwithsomeoftheavguysforthepastfewmonths.”
“Jesus Christ, Kaspbrak, slow your roll,” said Richie, turning to his side to face Eddie better. “Tell me again, but slowly.”
“I’ve been in a Dungeons and Dragons group with some of the AV guys for the past few months,” Eddie repeated, his face the reddest Richie had ever seen it. Richie had been fully prepared to laugh or at least suppress a laugh, but none came. He was too astounded to hear that Eddie played D&D to do anything except stare at him. “At least I was until Steve, you know the president of the AV club? He said that because Grant and Matt can’t sort out their shit, he’s dissolving our party. That’s why I was upset earlier. And, yeah, I get that probably makes me more of a fucking loser than the rest of the other Losers, but I was really enjoying it. I wasn’t expecting to like it as much as I do, but it’s been really fun. See I play this Bard who’s less of a musician and more of a stand-up comedian and I’m starting to get really good at getting into character. He’s so different to me and it was just nice to be able to stop being Eddie Kaspbrak for a few hours to be someone else, you know. And I just –“
Richie places a hand on Eddie’s arm and his words, which had been flying at a mile a minute a moment ago, suddenly falter.
“You don’t have to justify it to me,” he said, knowing he should probably take his hand back now that Eddie had calmed, but somehow not being able to work up the will to. “If you enjoy it, fuck the rest of them, right?”
And it was at that point that he totally meant to tell Eddie that he was doing the same thing with his Fridays – that the two of them had been keeping the same damn secret for half a year – but it was also at that point that he felt Eddie’s lips crash into his.
Richie’s brain shut down. Eddie, Eddie who he’d been in love with for years, was kissing him. Eddie was kissing him. But no sooner had his brain began whirring back to life than Eddie was pulling back with a look of horror.
“Oh my god, Richie, I don’t know what I was thinking, I’m so fucking sorry I–“
“Hey, Eddie,” said Richie, smiling as he slid his hand from Eddie’s shoulder to his burning cheek. “Don’t be.”
And all thoughts of dungeons or dragons or the president of the AV club left his mind as he kissed Eddie, enjoying the taste of vanilla ice-cream on the lips he’d been dreaming about for so long, enjoying the way that Eddie’s fingers began tangling through his hair, enjoying his soft laugh as they pulled apart again, and especially enjoying the euphoria rising in him at the realisation that this meant that Eddie felt the same way. He was looking at Richie shyly through his long lashes the way he often did, but now he finally knew what that look meant.
“For what it’s worth,” he said, brushing back a tendril of soft dark hair that had flopped across Eddie’s forehead, “though I totally get the appeal of wanting to be someone else for a few hours, I happen to like Eddie Kaspbrak. Like, a lot.”
“He likes you too,” Eddie replied. “Like, a lot.”
There was no way he was changing trajectory now to tell Eddie his other secret. Not when Eddie was scooting closer to wrap his arms around him, not when the two of them were lying together watching the blue sky turn from orange to pink and eventually deep blue, both the happiest they had been in years.
He later realised of course – long after Eddie finally announced that he should head home, long after the hour it had taken them to finally move after this announcement, long after trying to bring it up during the car ride home, though being unable to find the moment to – that there was no longer a good time to tell Eddie that he also played D&D, not without an unnecessarily awkward conversation.
He had missed his window and now he hoped and prayed that another would miraculously show up.
The next two weeks were the best of Richie’s life so far. Though he and Eddie had both agreed to keep it quiet for the time being, there were so many stolen glances, and brushes of skin and kisses that the secret felt less like a burden and more like a covert and daring mission. So far it seemed that the Losers suspected nothing, to the point that they had even gotten away with holding hands the whole way through that week’s movie night without anyone noticing.
As the two of them lived the closest to each other, they spent every moment they could at each other’s houses (though mostly at Richie’s – his parents were far more prone to knocking than Mrs Kaspbrak was). Despite all the time that they spent together, however, Richie still hadn’t found a good way of telling Eddie that he was in a D&D party. He fully acknowledged how ridiculous his situation was – he couldn’t bring himself to say it, though he also couldn’t imagine that Eddie would be too upset if he just told him and it would mean that he could potentially invite him to join their party. Their party could do with a Bard. The rest of the drama kids were too focused on exploring the tragedy of their backstories and the idea of having Eddie’s quick wit and banter at the table was a glorious one.
There was just no good fucking way to bring it up.
It was getting to the point by Thursday evening where he found himself, for the first time ever, dreading the next session. He knew he had to tell him – he wasn’t going to give Eddie a sloppy excuse – but he was already curling into a ball at the embarrassing idea of not only having to admit to Eddie that he also played D&D, but also that, for whatever reason, he had felt too awkward to talk about it until then.
Thankfully, he was saved from having to do anything when a beaming Eddie stopped by Richie’s place on his way home.
“I can’t stay – my mom’s inviting people over tonight so I have to help her set up. I just wanted to let you know that I found another group that plays D&D and I’m starting with them tomorrow. I don’t even have to change my time slot.”
“That’s great,” Richie said, pulling Eddie into a hug just as the pager in his pocket started beeping.
“Shit, that’s my mom. We’re still on for Saturday, right?”
“Always.” Richie kissed Eddie on the cheek and when it looked like he was lingering at the hope of more, Richie laughed and nudged him out the door. “Go, you dork. The last thing we need is your mom not letting you come over anymore because she thinks I’m trying to kidnap you or some bullshit.”
“Miss you already,” said Eddie and though Richie vowed he would never, ever, be one of those couples, the sentiment made his stomach somersault.
“Miss you too,” said Richie, closing the door before he said anything more cliché and sappy than that.
Richie got to Will’s house early the next night to help set up the game table and set out chairs.
“Are you alright there?” his friend asked, giving him a curious look. “You’re kinda bouncy today.”
“I have ADHD – I’m always bouncy.”
“You know what I mean,” scoffed Will. “It’s like you have an extra spring in your step or something.”
For a brief moment, Eddie’s face popped into his head and Richie couldn’t keep himself from grinning.
“I guess I’m just really looking forward to tonight’s session,” he replied and though Will still looked curious, he didn’t press the matter further.
“Oh shit, before I forget,” Will said, taking a tray of pizza rolls out the oven, “we have a new guy joining us tonight.”
It took every one of Richie’s spider-man reflexes not to drop the bowl of chips he was setting out.
“Oh yeah?” he asked, hoping his voice sounded casual and not like his blood was suddenly pounding in his ears.
“Yeah. Steve Himble from the AV club says that two of his players were giving him shit so he decided to just stop the game, but he’d invited this guy from his Biology class to join them and he feels shitty that he dissolved the party just as he was starting to really get into it. Apparently, he’s really good. He’s playing a Bard, so that should be fun.”
“Yeah,” Richie replied, not sure what else to say. Was it too late to fake being sick to avoid the situation that was rapidly hurtling towards him?
The crunch of tyres in the driveway answered that question for him.
When the rest of the party had arrived and there was no sign of Eddie, Richie began to hope against all hope that Eddie had chickened out or that he wasn’t going to show, but there was a damning knock at the door five minutes later. Eddie strolled into the room a moment later, as adorable as he always was, cheeks flushed because he was no doubt embarrassed to be the last to arrive.
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” he said as he strode towards the table. “I took a wrong turn and I got…”
His voice trailed off as his eyes locked with Richie’s and Richie, unsure of what else he could do to make the situation less awkward, waved at him.
“No worries, Eddie,” said Will. “We usually just talk bullshit for the first half an hour anyway. I take it you know Richie?”
“Yeah, we’re friends,” Eddie replied, pulling his eyes away from Richie to introduce himself to the rest of the party. When he took the seat next to Richie, Richie was certain that his heart was visibly thudding like in a Tex Avery cartoon.
“Sorry, Eds, I meant to tell you, but the moment passed on the first day and I wasn’t sure how to bring it up again without looking like a dumbass,” Richie whispered.
“The good news is that you don’t need to worry about looking like a dumbass,” Eddie replied under his breath as he set out his character sheet, notebook, and dice, “because you are one. And I’d be a lot madder at you if it wasn’t just such a fucking relief to see you here.”
He threaded his fingers through Richie’s under the table, and Richie beamed at him. The crisis had been averted.
Eddie was as good as Will said he was. It became instantly clear from the moment he opened his mouth that he was just what the party needed. His Bard was snarky, impulsive and had a witty comeback for almost everything. Richie had been right in his guess that they would role-play well together – their characters bantered back and forth seamlessly and it filled Richie with pride to see the rest of the party laughing at Eddie’s clever one-liners. It was also the best feeling in the world to glance over at the person he loved more than anyone else in the world and know that he was enjoying all of this as much as he was.
While in combat with several wyverns that had suddenly snuck up on the party, Eddie nudged Richie, pushing his notebook closer so that he could read what he had scribbled there.
Salvan is kinda based on you, just so you know.
Richie couldn’t stop the grin that spread across his face, despite the twenty points of damage Lucy’s character took just then. He scrawled his reply beneath Eddie’s message, the words curving up because of the angle he was writing at.
Pips is kinda based on you too.
Eddie gave him a confused look and began writing again.
An angry little gnome cleric? I don’t get it.
Richie raised an eyebrow at him.
Think about it, babe. You’re obsessed with making the people around you better – healing – and you hold a disproportionate amount of rage for someone so small.
Eddie narrowed his eyes at Richie after reading the note, but the corners of his mouth betrayed his amusement.
Fuck you so much, Tozier. ♡
Richie’s stomach flipped at the little heart next to his name, and he smiled softly to himself as he penned his reply.
Fuck you too, Kaspbrak. ♡♡
Eddie blushed, and Richie wondered how he had gotten so lucky. For the first time in years, he officially had no secrets.
Well, he mused as he took Eddie’s hand again under the table, at least not from him.
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riotatthemovies · 5 years
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Cyberzone 1995 aka Droid Gunner
Marc Singer plays a scumbag semi drunken bounty hunter in a gross run down and dirty future. Like a really shitty Blade Runner with some extra scummy. I figure this is a choice role for him as Marc Singer is just a smidge better Jan Michael Vincent. Watch Extra 2 and Watchers 2 back to back and tell me he is not a just a little bit better version of the same guy at least at that time in their lives. However Singer is pretty fit in this movie for a bloated action star kinda role. As he does a shirtless scene were he pulls a bullet out of his own chest while drinking whiskey and using pliers. For a movie that is a slite Blade Runner rip off you would think that was to eliud to him being a robot but I think it is just a weird scene.
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The plot is basically this... In the future after androids started to rebel they became illegal and black market for big company tyrants to fight over. A rich man from the “safe part of the new world” has lost his four sex robots that he loves so much and has hired a private investigator / mercenary / tracker (Marc Singer) to find his delux model sex bots and bring them back. 
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They were stolen by creepy kung fu adonis Matthias Hues (from They Come in Peace and Immortal Combat) and then sold to a crime boss / military goon in New Angeles (it's the future ooowww) . 
Singer is teamed up with a “company woman” that understands robots incase they go dangerous mode. They learn to relate as one is from the fine rich world and the other from the streets.. you know blah blah blah character stuff.  The company woman Beth played by Olde Ray and Pm Entertainment filler woman Rochelle Swanson starts off annoying as “the rich woman who doesn't understand how the real world works” but she drops that gimmick pretty quick.  She accepts kicking butt and lets down her hair super quick so becomes much more enjoyable than you would first expect.
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Generic in many ways but the cast of random Fred Olen Ray friends of the 90s cameos keeps this movie rolling. Mutant strippers with one played by Brinke Stevens looking better then she has almost ever look (maybe I have a mutant elf / cat girl stripper fetish, I don’t know). Other cameos as Robert Quarry as an intergalactic pimp scum lord. Also a small cameo by Peter Spellos (Hard to Die and Sorority House Massacre 2) shows up and if you are a fan of the movies I talk about it is great to see him show up.
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Also this is the oddest role for Matthias Hues as he has come comedic moments. Normally he is a stone cold creepy killer / robot and or demon. Here he is an almost likely rogue kind of pirate dare I say jacked Han Solo kind of character. Stealing sex bots and selling them to a extra evil crime lord. He betrays the crime lord and helps Singer get the sex bots back and save others in the process. I figured he was the main villain but he actually teams up with Singer in a mix match anti hero kind of team. This comes off legit silly but instead of ruining the film, makes a generic 90s low budget sci fi kind of entertaining. If it was in any better a movie it would have been just dumb. But this movie is dumb so it's ok.  He was probably agreed to be paid less as long as the sex bots got to grope him a lot. They definitely did, even when he dresses them up like nuns and says he can’t sample the merchandise .. yeah that is a scene played humorously straight if you can believe it.
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Stolen footage from other films for the outer space scenes (if you have watched as much of these type of flicks you will notice it right away and that is typical Fred Olen Ray). Add that to some played straight yet funny cynical dialogue and a near unending amount of 90s plastic boobies and you have yourself a dirty low budget sci fi for any party. This is streamable on tubi tv and shoutfactorytv but I just picked up a vhs copy of it for a laugh at a second hand store. When I was in line to pay for it a guy in front of me had Beastmaster 2 on vhs. I thought to myself “Marc Singer vs Wings Hauser , oh this guys wins this time”. That guy may have got the better film but this is still a fun little crap movie. I will probably give it away as a boobie prize though at my next screening event. There are plenty of boobs after all. But damn now I wanna watch Beastmaster 2.. damn. But if you get a chance check it out on the streaming services cause hey it’s free. The vhs tape is sweet though as it has trailers for 90s flicks I didn't know of including a trailer for itself which is odd but part of why vhs tapes are still fun to weirdos like me.
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hopesapowerfulthing · 10 months
Please how did your friend make those VHS boxes I need
She used this site for the templates! https://www.artstation.com/artwork/X1W130 For mine she wrapped actual VHS tapes in the printed labels and taped the parts down as needed, but her printer wasn't big enough to do them in one piece so she split them using Gimp and retaped them together after. I know it was alot of resizing, cutting, taping etc but I think they turned out really good.
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The Flash PT2.
Bowers Gang X Reader/Henry X Reader X Patrick
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Gif not mine
Request: @rennyd-26 “Can you make a part two...” 
NOTE: I’m so sorry this is short but I hope you like it. I’ve been so busy and I’m currently trying to complete requests.
Summary: After a few weeks of the quarry incident you end up in detention with your boyfriends Henry and Patrick.
Warnings: Langauge, SMUT/Unprotected Sex, Sexual harassment (from someone other than them).
Words: 2k+
Taglist: @pattycake-hockstetter
    It has been a few weeks after your lovely sexual encounter at the quarry with the Bowers Gang but it definitely wasn’t going to be your last as you were now dating all of them. People didn't notice that until Belch's arm was around your hip in the library and the stuff you did at lunch with Henry as you thought you were alone. As the reddish purple marks dot on the side of your neck, that made it almost clear to people that you were taken. Well, almost as few of the jocks would still make advances to you when you were not with the gang. Throwing catcalls and touching your hips were their favorite asshole thing to do. Which the only class you didn't have your boyfriends in was P.E. as they skipped it every chance they got. But you had shit for luck as the jocks in there tried their best to get your attention.
     You stood at your locker looking in the mirror hanging behind your books, messing with your hair and your floral top as you examined the obvious hickeys on your neck. The thought was over as you brushed it off as it did mean you weren’t a loner anymore, looking at the Polaroids of you taped in the door of the locker. Your heart flutters at one of the recent ones, which was you in the middle with the boys around you. The memories were you all were sitting around when Belch’s mom snapped a photo of you which you ended up taking. After putting your stuff away for the next class you shut your locker and walk off to the gym.
     On this very unfaithful Wednesday you waited for them to walk in as you sat, tapping your fingers on your jean covered thighs. Your physical education instructor was in his office shuffling papers the kids who didn't participate had to write.He freaks out at the mess of papers while kicking the desk as he paid no attention to the kids waiting for class to start early.
     As the bell rings, you looked around to see that they didn't show up to the class or even a few seconds late. One of the jocks sitting behind you began to make you very nervous as he starts announcing to his buddies they weren't gonna show up to be on your side. Immature as they were they didn't know what was going to end up happening to them if they were caught trying to get some with you.
     Coach Black's door opens and slams shut as he steps out, trying his best to look tough to scare your classmates. Not knowing that just made Greta who was in your class whistle quietly and creepily. You all wait for instructions as he didn't move a muscle at any of you until a tiny kid tried to speak up against the silence trying to ask what we were going to do.
     “Get to the lockers now!” He shouts at you all pointing to the direction of the locker rooms.making you now jump off to get dressed for the exercise activities. As you walk in last you end up getting looks and glares as it was the first time you participated in the activities for a while. The girls make way getting out of your way as fast as possible like you had a disease. You reach your metal dusty locker and take your stuff out as you get the dented door open. Your hands start to unbutton your shirt as the girls crowded on the other side of the tiny space. There were hickeys all over your sides and chest but you didn’t mind as they all looked at you, whispering to each other.
     It didn’t get too bad until you realized that your comfy sweatpants were nowhere to be seen in your locker. But only a pair of shorts were left and you sigh regretting the decision of letting the boys mark your whole body the weekend before which is a story for another time. The feeling of your stomach dropping made you feel sick as now it would be confirmed you actually fucked them. A loud noise from outside the door was signaling that we need to hurry up and get out. You throw on your shorts and tie your sneakers before going out of the room.
     Gasps and chuckles echo the gym as you walked out, your bare legs were out to the public and you haven't felt this embarrassed since a couple of kids walked into your bathroom stall trying to make out. The worst part the jocks were pointing at you whispering to each other. You began to not give a shit as you sat down in your spot on the floor. 
     The beginning of it was okay until you were grouped in a team, you, a shy girl, two of the jocks and a younger boy with curly hair. This was the worst as you had to do some kind of bending activity. You hated how you were the only one to bend as the others stretch and wait for their turn. That was until you bent down and the feeling of a slap on your ass. You fall over and turn around seeing one of the jocks, Adam smirking down at you. After that, things went hazy as you heard loud stomps and cause see Adam get pushed to the ground. Big hands lifted you up and you were snuggled into what you assumed to be Belch.
     You could see Adam on the ground getting kicked by Patrick and Henry had his collar in his hands while Victor stood over him. He yelled in his face as Adam began to get up and push him away, trying to throw a punch at him. You break away from Belch and rush to Adam, trying to distance Henry from him.
     “What the hell you want bitch?” Adam yelled at you and push you to the ground, making your head hit the floor. The gang was beyond pissed by now, everyone else was gathered around and the teacher already left to get the principal. Your limp body laid on the floor as you try to stay conscious from the injury. The isle was cleared as Belch comes back to you, picking you up from the ground and carrying you. You all end up getting carried away by teachers and were sat in the office. You were sat in a chair as you could barely move and the boys helped you in. Your principal was unfair as he let Adam off the hook while You, Patrick, and Henry got detention for tomorrow.
     By this time, you were frustrated, tired, and very uncomfortable as you stumbled outside with the guys. You sat on Henry's lap in the front seat ranting about the principal not being fair while your hand was behind the seat holding onto Patrick. The rest of the day went fast as you all crashed at Belch’s house after running to the store to grab sodas and big bags of chips. As soon as you arrived Belch’s mother gives you and the others bear hugs. You all ended up cuddling together in just your t-shirts, eating cookies and watching horror VHS tapes. 
     The next morning was a rush as you didn't have clean underwear or clothes which you ended up having to ask Belch’s mother for some. She was happy to give you a black skirt and you were given one of Belch’s band tees. You go to his bedroom, brush your hair and do the rest of your daily needs. Looking around for a pair of underwear you just decided to not wear any. Taking a step out of the room you see the boys gawking at you. You just gave them a look and you all walked outside to jump in the car. The school day went well with the gang on your side. Lunch was the best as you all hung out on the stairs joking around until the bell for the next class. By the last class you had you now groaned as you knew it was time for detention. You all waited until everyone left when you said goodbye and gave belch and victor kisses on the cheeks.
     “I’ll be pickin’ you all up after the thing is done then we could decide what we could do tonight.” You smile at Belch’s idea of doing something later but you were suddenly put out of happiness as Henry yelled for you to come on. As you waved goodbye Patrick pick you up, practically dragging you back. The teacher was waiting outside of his class for you guys and yelled at you for being late. He made you all sit around separated from each other which was stupid in your opinion.
     “You kids don't get into any trouble alright, I have to go fix up the printer room and fix some papers.” Mr. Carson looks at all of you dead in the eyes as he moves over and walks out the door. As soon as the loud footsteps disappear down the hall you all collide together and get really close.
     “Hey Henry, I have an idea. We should rock paper scissors to see who gets the pussy or the handjob.” Your eyes go wide in shock at his idea as you knew were in a public school building.
     “Alright, two outta three.” He replies thinking only for a second, bringing out his fist as they gambled to be able to have you one way or another. Rock beats scissors, paper beats rock and Henry wins the game while Patrick huffs at the loss. Henry looks at you as he pats his lap while you give him a smirk as you make your way to him. Patrick grabs a chair, throwing it next to Henry taking a seat while messing with his belt.
     Henry's rough lips pressed against yours as your legs hang off of the side of the chair. Patrick’s finger brushes down your legs, tracing swirls and other objects like he was carving pictures into your leg. Fingers tangle into your hair as he bites your bottom lip trying to look seductive and hot while not failing. You could feel Henry’s clothed cock poke into your bottom as your hips move against him.
     “We gotta hurry this asshole might be comin’ any minute,” Henry spoke moving you up and taking off his belt off, unbuttoning his pants and pushes down his pants a little bit while pulling his hard cock out. He pushes your skirt up expecting to see some sort of fabric but he just came face to face with your bare bottom and scoffs. 
     “You knew this was gonna happen you little slut, didn’t you?” Henry cooes and moves your bottom back down, now teasing you by rubbing his cock against your entrance. His fingers trace down your entrance and rub your clit as you squirm at the feeling of him touching you roughly. He begins to add a finger slowly pushing it in and out of you, watching your lovely reaction to his actions. His other hand did the job of covering your mouth from the noises you were making. Your hand was grabbed by Patrick and he placed on his hard cock. Making slow movements with your hand you could hear Patrick’s groans and breathing grow heavier. 
     The feeling fingers being removed from your core but was replaced with Henry pushing into you made you crumble in his arms. You could feel every inch of him as he fills you up with his cock as it twitches inside of you from the sudden warmth and tightness. His hips began to make sharp movements against you for friction as he holds a tight grip on your hips. Henry’s face was placed on your neck as he was whining like a pornstar and mumbling on your shoulder. By this point, Patrick had to help you as you were shaking to damn hard for him to get anything out of it and weren’t moving your hand. By then you began to get the hang of it and help Patrick out.
     “That’s it, you got it” Patrick moaned out which pushed you over the edge as Henry now was thrusting up into you with force making loud slapping noises.  His cock began to brush against your g-spot and you began to squeal out to the guys trying to let them know you were close. Your hand loses control as it starts to make Patrick began to convulse, hips moving, and cock twitching as he was very close. Your body shakes as your sudden orgasm rushes over you making you clamp around Henry's cock making it hard for him to hold the feeling of wanting to come.
     “Fuck!” Henry shouts out as his body stills but his hips move for a few second until the make single thrusts as he comes inside you, filling you up. Patrick was last as he grunts out loud and he spills all over your hand. Both of the guy's faces were red and flushed while they carried smirks. 
     “We can’t tell the others about this,” Henry states as you all agree that it should be a hidden secret for the three of you.
      All of you get cleaned up and sneak out rushing out and lucky enough Belch was waiting outside. You jump into his car and as soon everybody was in he sped off.
     “Do yall want to see a movie? Nightmare On Elm Street Five is playing and we could sneak in.” Belch asked trying to get the attention of the rest of you and you all agree. Knowing they were on your side no matter how bad they are made you ready for tonight's adventure.
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hannahberrie · 7 years
Everybody Talks | Chapter 13: Into the Woods
Fandom: Stranger Things Pairings: Mileven, Lumax  Rating: K WC: 13,562 😵 Summary: When Will invites the group on a weekend camping trip, everyone gets a lot more surprises than they bargained for.
[AO3] Chapter Selection: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]-13-[14][15][Epilogue] 
El is crowded with her friends in the A.V. Club room when Will brings up the idea.
“Are you guys busy this weekend?” He begins, glancing at everyone curiously.
Mike is crouched in front of the TV, trying to get it to turn on. Dustin is hovering beside him, snacking on a 3 Musketeers bar, and trying his best to instruct Mike on what to do, even though Mike claims he already knows what to do. Max and Lucas are seated in two of the desks, with Max’s legs draped across Lucas’ lap.
It’s Monday after school, and they’re all in here to see the boys’ final cut of their Homecoming video. El is seated on top of the third desk, near the back of the group. She finds herself torn between eyeing Mike (because he looks really cute whenever he’s focused), or eyeing Max and Lucas (because she can’t help but wonder: are they dating now? It’s kinda unclear. El’s pretty sure that Max would tell her if they were, so they’re probably not, but first it was holding hands during movie night, and now Max is totally acting even weirder than usual around him).
Despite all the clamor, when Will poses his question, everyone stops what they’re doing to turn and look at him.
“I dunno,” Dustin shrugs, “I mean, whatever we do, we’re probably going to be together anyway.”
“Why?” El asks Will, intrigued.
Will, seated in the fourth desk, hesitates before continuing. “Well, I was just wondering if you guys wanted to go camping?”
“Camping?” Lucas frowns, confused.
“That’s kinda random, Byers,” Max nods, eyeing him.
“I know,” Will blushingly admits, “It’s just…I don’t know, it’s kinda dumb.”
“No, what is it?” Mike asks concernedly, “You can tell us.”
Will gives Mike a grateful smile before turning to look back at the rest of the group. “Well,” he begins, “Jonathan and I kind of have this tradition. On the last weekend of October, we take a camping trip to the woods, you know the big forest out by the Quarry? And we like, set up sleeping bags and build a campfire and roast marshmallows and…I dunno, it’s just always a lot of fun.”
“And you want us to do that with you?” Mike offers.
Will nods.
“Let me get this straight,” Max cuts in, removing her legs from Lucas’ lap and sitting up straighter, “You want us, a group of teenagers, to go spend a night in the forest, alone?”
“Yes?” Will hesitates.
“You realize that that’s like, the set-up for every slasher movie ever?” Max points out, “Friday the 13th? Madman? Sleepaway Camp? You’re basically asking to get murdered.”
“Those are just movies,” El frowns.
“I dunno, Max has a point,” Dustin shrugs, “It sounds kinda risky; we’d basically be tempting the horror fates.”
“I know,” Will patiently replies, “But…I mean, we’ve been doing it every October since our dad left, and this is the first year that Jonathan’s not going to be here since he’s at NYU now.”
Everyone falls silent at that, looking a little guilty.
“I dunno, it was a dumb idea,” Will hastily continues, slumping back in his desk, “Just forget I said anything.”
“No!” Mike frowns, “Let’s do it!”
“Really?” Will asks hopefully.
“Yeah,” Max nods, looking a little embarrassed, “It could be fun, I guess. And if a serial killer does come after us, we could always use Dustin as bait.”
“Why me!?” Dustin protests, looking offended.
“My dad has a lot of old camping stuff,” El offers, ignoring Dustin and Max’s bickering, “If we need anything.”
“Okay!” Will replies, starting to look more excited. “I mean, if you guys really want to.”
“We really do,” Mike assures Will before turning back to fiddle with the TV.
“But wait,” Lucas suddenly pipes up, looking concerned, “Isn’t the homecoming dance this weekend?”
“No, that’s the football game, you dweeb,” Max huffs with an eye roll, “The game is this weekend, the dance is next weekend.”
“Why do you know that?” Dustin snorts.
“Why don’t you?” Max snaps back defensively, “You’re the ones who made a whole video for it!”
“But do we care about going to the football game?” Will points out, looking puzzled.
“No,” Dustin snorts again.
“Speaking of,” Mike segues, “I finally got the TV to turn on, so we can watch our video.”
“Finally,” Max sighs, “Let’s see this thing.”
“Full disclaimer,” Dustin prefaces, “It’s kinda super boring, because it’s about football, but in our defense, we did the best we could.”
“It’s not boring,” Lucas counters, “I mean...it kind of is, but it could be worse.”
“I think it’s fine!” Mike insists, “Let’s just watch it and see.”
“Have you guys not watched it or something?” Max asks skeptically.
“This is our first time watching the final cut,” Will explains, “We just finished it today.”
“It’ll be good,” El assures them, “I know it. You guys are all really talented.”
Mike glances over his shoulder to smile at El thankfully, and El feels her heart flutter in response. It’s not fair how he manages to look insanely cute even when his face is still a little bruised and he’s wearing the most basic of hoodies.
El watches Mike as he inserts the tape into the VHS player under the TV, hurries to the back of the room, and turns off the lights. As the tape clicks into place and begins to whirr inside the player, Mike comes to sit beside El on the top of the desk.
This, of course, causes El to blush like mad. It’s a pretty small desktop as is, so having Mike squeeze in beside her means that they’re seated rather close to each other. It’s not like she minds this, or anything, but she’s still adjusting to being this up close and personal with Mike on a regular basis.
Ever since they spent Saturday afternoon eating waffles and watching cheesy soap operas at her house, things have felt a little different. El’s not quite sure what it is, but something has definitely changed. They’re more comfortable around each other (for the most part), and El notices that Mike’s been casually gazing at her more often, like before school, during lunch, during Biology, right now...
“Aren’t you supposed to be watching the video?” El whispers, giving him a teasing smile.
Mike flinches and nods, looking flustered. “Uh, yeah,” he admits, turning to look back at the TV.
El has to bite down on her lower lip to stop herself from giggling. As she turns to look toward the screen, she does her best to pay attention to the video, and not the fact that Mike currently smells like Ivory soap (a fact that, while albeit slightly strange to point out, is nevertheless pretty distracting).
El doesn’t know too much about sports, but from what she can tell, the video is constructed well. There’s plenty of footage from the games, the transitions are nice, and she can tell that the boys must have worked really hard on it.
When the video ends, Mike leaves El’s side, turns on the lights, and goes to retrieve the tape from the VHS player. “And that’s pretty much it,” he summarizes, glancing at all the members of the group as he stands before them.
“So, what do you think?” Dustin asks, turning to look at Max and El, “Did that not just like, blow your mind?”
“Oh, it did,” Max nods, “But not in the way you probably wanted.”
“What do you mean?” Lucas frowns.
“Isn’t this supposed to be a video supporting our school?” Max asks incredulously.
“Obviously,” Dustin scoffs.
“Then why did you dweebs put in so many shots of the other teams scoring on us?”
The boys pale and turn to look at each other worriedly.
“We did!?” Mike exclaims, looking panicked.
“But the crowd was cheering!” Will pouts, “Doesn’t that mean we scored?”
“That means that the other team’s crowd was cheering,” Max replies, “Not ours.”
The guys exchange collective groans of defeat.
“It’s a small mistake!” El offers encouragingly, “I didn’t notice!”
“Still,” Mike sighs, “We’re gonna have to fix it.”
“But Mr. Coleman wants it turned in by Wednesday!” Lucas laments. “That gives us less than two days!”
“I’ll help you geeks fix it,” Max huffs.
Dustin eyes her. “You know about video editing?”
“No,” Max admits, “But I know how to tell the difference between winning or losing, which you guys obviously don’t.”
The guys nod reluctantly, all unwilling to argue with that.
“Let’s meet after school and work on it tomorrow,” Mike instructs, “It’s already getting late. We’ll work on it tomorrow, finish it up on Wednesday, and then we can start planning for the camping trip.”
Everyone else nods in agreement before rising out of their seats.
“I can’t believe I’m gonna have to help you nerds,” Max gripes as she grabs her backpack and skateboard.
“If you’re helping them make the video,” El nonchalantly responds, “Does that mean you’re in the A.V. Club now?”
Max pauses to crinkle her nose in disdain. “Please, no,” she groans.
“Too late!” Lucas smirks, giving her a light nudge, “You’re one of us now, Mad Max.”
Dustin bursts out laughing at this, which only causes Max to look more annoyed (though, to be fair, El is certain that Max’s annoyance falls under the “pretending like she hates something even though she secretly likes it” category).
Max exits the classroom while bickering with Lucas and Dustin on whether or not she’s a nerd like them (according to Dustin, since she has the highest scores at the arcade and she’s seen 2/3 Star Wars movies she is; according to Max, Dustin can shut up).
Will grabs his backpack and moves to follow them, but first stops to look at Mike and El.
“Thanks for agreeing to go on the camping trip with me,” he says, smiling shyly, “I know it sounds dumb, but...it really means a lot.”
“It’s not dumb,” El assures him.
“El’s right!” Mike nods, “If it’s something important to you, then it’s important to all of us.”
“Still,” Will insists, “I just wanted to say ‘thanks’.”
El and Mike both give Will reassuring smiles before he continues to head out the door.
“See you tomorrow!” Will cheerily calls back over his shoulder.
“‘Bye, Will!” Mike calls back.
And just like that, they’re alone.
There’s an awkward beat of silence as Mike and El exchange nervous smiles. Even though they’ve been more comfortable with each other since Saturday, this current newfound privacy came quickly and by surprise.
Thankfully, Mike, as usual, has something to talk about.
“Did you see that Troy was back in school today?” He asks. He moves closer, sits on top of the desk that Max was previously seated in, and positions himself so that he’s facing El.
“Yes,” El nods, “We have Biology with him.”
“Right!” Mike blushes, looking embarrassed.
It was true, Troy had returned to school that day. He was sporting an arm cast and a surly glare, but other than that, he’d kept to himself. El caught him looking her way during Biology class, but all it’d taken was one cold glare from her to get him to snap back in the other direction.
“I don’t think he’s going to bother us,” El remarks.
“Yeah, all thanks to you!” Mike beams.
“And you,” El reminds him.
“I guess,” Mike shrugs, “But it was mostly you.”
El doesn’t feel like turning this into a debate (mostly because she knows that Mike would never give it up), so she chooses to give him a soft smile instead.
“Speaking of all that,” Mike continues, “I kind of have an idea.”
“An idea?” El frowns.
Even though they’re completely alone, Mike still glances around the A.V. Club room before leaning in a little closer. “I think the camping trip might be a good time to tell everyone,” he says, voice low, “About your...you know.”
Her powers.
El glances down at her hands before looking back up at Mike. “Why?”
“Well, just think about it,” Mike explains, “We’re gonna be completely alone in the woods, so you don’t have to worry about anyone overhearing you. Plus, both Max and I will be there to help you explain everything.”
“That’s a good point,” El nods, though with slight reluctance.
While they watched soap operas and ate waffles on Saturday, they’d also discussed ways that El could reveal her powers to the rest of their friends. It had to be just right, Mike pointed out, so that their reaction wouldn’t be like his reaction. But after finishing off two boxes of Eggos and learning that Jessica’s sister, who was thought to be dead, is really alive and having an affair with Robert, her long-lost half-brother, Mike and El still hadn’t come up with any plan. The subject was eventually dropped in favor of discussing how “totally insane” soap operas were (Mike’s words, not hers).
El knew that she was going to have to tell her friends, she just didn’t think it was going to be as soon as this weekend.
“Do you think you’re ready?” Mike asks concernedly.
El sighs and shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t know, but...I think I should get it over with.”
“Yeah,” Mike nods, “I think so too.”
“You’ll help me?” El asks, glancing up at him.
“Yeah, totally!” Mike assures her, “I promised you! I’ll make sure that they don’t freak out like I did.”
El gives him a small, relieved smile as she feels herself relax. “Thank you,” she murmurs.
Mike smiles back, nods, and leans forward in his seat to give her a quick little hug.
Before he can move away, El grasps him tighter and holds the hug longer, not wanting to leave his arms. She nuzzles her face into his shoulder, taking in both the scent of his Ivory soap and of the fabric softener that lingers on his hoodie.
On Tuesday, everyone stays late after school to finish the video. The time is mostly comprised of Max teasing the guys, Dustin getting offended, Lucas not-so-subtly drooling over Max, and Will and Mike trying to keep them all on task. Even though El doesn’t know much about film editing, she still hangs around to give moral support (and to pass out lots of caffeine-filled sodas for stamina). They finish the video around 8 pm, and when they’re done, they’re all pleased with the final product.
“If this doesn’t get on the news,” Max says after they drop off the finished tape at the main office, “I’m gonna torch Mr. Coleman’s car again.”
“Because that’s a reasonable reaction,” Dustin replies dryly.
Since they finish editing the video early, they get to spend Wednesday solely focused on planning their upcoming camping trip. Though El’s excited, she can’t help but worry. While everyone else already got their parents’ permission to go on the trip, El has yet to ask Hopper for his, mainly because she’s almost 100% certain that he’s going to say no. He’d just met Mike, and while Hopper had admittedly treated him well, El can’t help but feel like she’s asking for too much too soon.
When she confides these concerns to Max after school, Max offers to help El ask Hopper, a proposition that El readily accepts.
Since Hopper is still on duty, the girls decide to visit him at the police station. While El doesn’t spend a lot of time there, the secretary, Flo, is always super nice, and Max always gets a kick out of messing around with the handcuffs, badges, and other police equipment that Hopper now says are ‘Off Limits.’
As the two girls walk down the sidewalk with their skateboards under their arms, El shares the details of her planned confession.
“So, you’re going to tell all of them?” Max summarizes.
El nods.
“And this is all Wheeler’s idea?”
“Sort of,” El frowns, “But...I want to do it. I don’t want to lie to my friends.”
Max nods. “Yeah, that makes sense.”
They walk in silence for a moment before Max speaks up again. “Well, I got your back, okay?” She assures El.
“Thank you,” El smiles gratefully, before reluctantly adding, “But it won’t matter if I don’t get my Dad’s permission.”
“Why wouldn’t he give it to you?”
El gives Max a wary look. “He made me keep the door open when Mike was in my room. I know he won’t be happy about us going to the woods, alone.”
“But you won’t be alone,” Max points out, “The rest of us will all be there.”
“That’s true,” El admits.
“Plus, if your Dad wants, I’ll make sure that you and Mike are never alone together. I’ll be your personal third wheel.”
“But then Lucas will be lonely,” El teases.
The late-afternoon air is rather chilly, so when Max gives off an exaggerated, indignant huff, her breath fogs into a wispy mist. “What?!”
El holds back a smirk, instead keeping her expression innocently inquisitive. “I thought you liked him?”
“No!” Max fervently exclaims.
“You were holding his hand during the movie. You sat by him on Monday.”
“So?! That doesn’t mean anything.”
El can’t hold back her smile any longer. Max likes Lucas so much, it’s completely obvious. She can try to deny it all she likes, but El sees right through it.
“Are you dating him?” El asks, studying Max’s reaction closely.
“No,” Max answers, rolling her eyes dismissively.
“Do you want to?” El smiles, giving her a light nudge.
In a rather out-of-character reaction, Max actually blushes and seems a little flustered. “Maybe,” she mutters.
El opens her mouth to gasp excitedly, but Max quickly moves in and clamps her hand over it.
“Don’t!” Max hisses, “You can’t tell him, or anyone!”
El nods, still smiling elatedly.
Max likes Lucas and Lucas likes Max and they’re probably going to date and everything is perfect!
She’s about to voice these elated thoughts to Max, but then she realizes they’ve finally arrived at the station. Her thought process shifts to the main task at hand: convincing her Dad that allowing her to spend a night in the woods with her friends is a good idea.
Flo greets the girls when they enter and cheerily guides them back to Hopper’s office.
“Hey, Hop!” Flo calls out as she knocks on the closed door, “Your 3 o’clock is here.”
“I don’t have anyone at 3 o’clock,” Hopper grumpily replies from inside.
El and Max have to bite down on their bottom lips to keep from giggling out loud.
“Well, I got two people here who really need to talk to you,” Flo continues, smiling at the girls.
“Send them in,” Hopper sighs.
Flo gives the girls a wink before walking off. El and Max give her appreciative waves before El moves forward, turns the doorknob, and steps inside.
Hopper is seated behind his desk, surrounded by empty white mugs, miscellaneous documents, and a couple untouched apples (El doesn’t know why Flo insists on giving Hopper apples every morning — he never eats them and El just winds up throwing them away after they start to rot). When Hopper sees the two girls walk in, he’s surprised at first, but his expression quickly relaxes into a warm smile.
“Hey, kids,” he greets, putting his feet up on his desk.
“Hi, Dad!” El smiles, trying to stay calm. Her dad is so much more intimidating when he’s in full uniform, and as she and Max sit in the two chairs in front of his desk, she can’t help but feel like one of the suspects in his cases.
“What are you two doing here?” Hopper asks, glancing at them, “Is something wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” Max shrugs. She slumps back in her chair and puts her feet up on the desk, mimicking Hopper’s pose.
“Really?” Hopper asks flatly.
El forces herself to smile, though she feels like crumbling. What if she’s the only one who can’t go on the trip? Would they go without her?
“I…uh…have to ask you something,” El states, trying to sound as confident as possible.
“Okay,” Hopper replies, eyeing her cautiously.
“I want...I want to go camping.”
“...With my friends.”
Hopper blinks at her, confused.
El takes a deep breath and without further hesitation, proceeds to spill out the entire plan, from where she’d be going (the woods near the quarry), how she’d get there (she would skate to Will’s house Saturday morning, or Hopper could drive her, if he really wanted), how long she’d be gone (they’d hike Saturday afternoon, camp in the evening, come back Sunday morning), and who would be coming with her (Max, Mike — yes, that Mike — Dustin, Lucas, and Will).
When she finally finishes, she’s slightly breathless from talking so much. As she stops to catch her breath, she crosses her fingers under her seat, hoping that her dad will be understanding.
There’s a minute of silence has Hopper processes all this information. As it starts to settle in, he takes his feet off his desk and furrows his brow.
“Let me get this straight,” Hopper finally says, leaning forward, “You want to spend a night in the woods, alone, with a bunch of teenage boys?”
“Not just teenage boys,” Max pipes up, “I’m gonna be there.”
Hopper eyes Max, most likely dwelling on the fact that that’s not the most comforting news.
“It’s for Will!” El pleadingly continues.
“Yes. He used to take the trip with his brother, but now he left for college.”
Hopper nods. “Yeah, I know. I know the Byers. I…I went to high school with their mother. We were pretty close.”
Max snorts. “What, did you like her?”
Hopper and El both turn to look at Max indignantly, Hopper especially.
“Max!” El hisses, hoping that her chances of getting her dad’s approval weren’t about to be thrown away like one of Flo’s daily apples.
“I did not like her,” Hopper huffs, though he looks slightly flustered, “I’m just saying I know her, so I know her boys. Will’s a good kid.”
“He’s Mike’s best friend,” El adds quickly, “Well, one of them.”
“Is that so?” Hopper remarks. He keeps studying El, but El can’t read his expression.
“If it makes you feel better, I can be your eyes and ears the entire time, Chief,” Max offers, “I’ll make sure that El doesn’t get into any Mike-related shenanigans.”
El, cheeks burning, throws Max a dirty look. She’s not sure if that statement is going to help or hurt her chances of getting permission, and with the stoic look on Hopper’s face, there’s no way for her to tell.
It seems to work though, if the way Hopper proceeds to smile is any indication.
“I’m not that worried about Mike,” Hopper admits.
“Why not?” El frowns, not liking his tone.
Hopper hesitates. “Well, you know, he just seems kinda...”
“Like, the biggest nerd ever?” Max finishes.
Hopper hesitates again, but then nods and shrugs. “Yeah.”
Even though this is pretty much true, El can’t help but feel offended on behalf of Mike. “He is not!” She insists.
Hopper and Max only exchange knowing looks.
“He’s not!” El huffs, slumping back in her chair.
“He seems like a nice kid,” Hopper amends, sounding like he’s trying not to laugh.
“He is,” El grumbles.
Hopper gives her a small smile before stopping to think.
He’s deciding.
Another minute passes, though it feels more like an hour. El keeps her fingers crossed as her heart pounds in her chest.
Please, please, please, please!
Finally, Hopper gives a sigh and replies, grudgingly saying, “I guess you can go.”
“Really?” El replies, breath hitching.
“Only,” Hopper warms, holding up a finger, “If you promise to behave.”
He turns his finger to point it at Max. “You’ll keep an eye on Wheeler?”
“Totally!” Max nods.
El leaps out of her chair and leans across the desk to give him a hug. “Thank you!” She beams, heart soaring.
Hopper returns the hug, patting El on the back. “Don’t do anything stupid, okay?”
“I won’t, I promise.”
Hopper nods and relinquishes the hug. “Alright, kid,” he replies, “You better get going, I got a lot of work to catch up with.”
“Okay!” El nods.
She and Max both prepare to exit the room, but just as El reaches the doorway, she remembers that she almost forgot one of the most important parts.
“Dad?” She asks nervously, turning to face the desk again.
Hopper glances up at her. “Yeah?”
El swallows. She’s probably asking for too much at once, but if she doesn’t do it now, she’ll miss her chance.
And so, tone mild and hesitant, she voices her next request.
“Can I have $5?”
It’s Thursday afternoon and El is standing in the parking lot of Bradley’s Big Buy with the rest of her friends.
“Alright, did everyone get the five dollars?” Mike asks, standing in front of the group.
Everyone nods, digs into their pockets, and retrieves a bill to show him.
As El shows off the $5 she was able to get from Hopper, she can’t help but smile. Now that she’s been given the all-clear from her dad, she feels as if she can finally allow herself to be excited.
While they were planning the trip on Wednesday, Dustin pointed out that they were going to need food for their travels. Will wholeheartedly agreed, mentioning that he and Jonathan always had a great time making s’mores. Lucas worried that they wouldn’t have enough money to afford food, so Mike proposed that they all ask their parents for just $5, that way when they all put their money together, they’d have a lot.
Mike’s so smart like that, El dreamily muses, smiling at Mike as he continues to say something. What he’s saying — she’s not sure, but he looks really cute saying it. He’s wearing a blue collared sweater under his windbreaker, and El is probably enjoying the sight more than she should. As she continues to gaze at him, she takes note that his wounds from the fight have finally started to heal. While he still has scars and a few bruises, he doesn’t have to wear the band-aids anymore, and his face looks less discolored overall.
She snaps out of her lovesick daze when she realizes that Mike is now yelling at someone. She flinches, startled, and glances over her shoulder to see that Dustin and Lucas have climbed inside a shopping cart, and Max is pushing said shopping cart in figure-8’s around the parking lot.
“Holy shit!” Dustin and Lucas gleefully exclaim as Max zooms around.
“Stop! We’re gonna get kicked out!” Mike exclaims, irritated. “What are you guys even doing?!”
“We wanted to see how fast I could push them!” Max calls back as Lucas and Dustin cheer her on.
Mike sighs and frowns, but El and Will both give him comforting smiles.
“I’m sorry,” El smiles sheepishly, even though she knows that she really has nothing to do with their friends’ antics.
“It’s not your fault,” Mike grumbles.
“Don’t worry,” Will reassures them, “I know what will get them over here.” He turns and cups his hands around his mouth, but even when he proceeds to call out to the others, his voice still isn’t very loud. “If you guys don’t stop, we’re gonna get sugar-free marshmallows and whole-grain graham crackers!”
The shopping cart comes to a screeching halt.
“What?!” Dustin and Max snap, sounding disgusted.
Sure enough, that does the trick.
Five minutes later, they’re hurrying down the aisles of the grocery store together. Will pushes the cart, reading off a shopping list that he composed, while the rest of the group darts around, listening to his instructions.
They get a little bit of everything: cereal, juice boxes, water bottles, hot dogs, trail mix, potato chips, cookies, and, perhaps most importantly, plenty of supplies to make s’mores.
When the time comes to check out, they all step up towards the register and place their $5 bill into the hand of the slightly confused-looking cashier.
The money they have left over, while not much, is given to Mike. The group, despite Mike’s humble protests, insists that he should keep it so that he can start saving up for a new bike.
“Thanks, guys,” Mike blushes as everyone grabs a shopping bag and heads out the door.
“This is gonna be the best trip ever!” Dustin exclaims.
“You know, I’ve actually never been camping,” Max admits.
“How?!” Lucas gapes.
Max shrugs. “I dunno. It’s just not really something my family does.”
“Well, I’ll have to teach you then,” Lucas states, gently nudging his arm against hers.
“Fine, whatever,” Max replies with an eye roll.
El has to clamp her mouth shut in order to not giggle out loud. They like each other and it’s so obvious and—
“Are they like, dating?” Someone mumbles into her ear.
El is startled, but when she looks over her shoulder, she sees that it’s just Mike.
“Not yet,” El whispers back, eyes shining with mischief.
Mike smirks back with a small shake of his head, as if he can’t believe they aren’t together yet.
As El smiles at him, heart fluttering, she can’t help but feel the same.
El and Max both decide in advance to dress down for the camping trip. They agree to ditch the eyeshadow, hairspray, and leather jackets in exchange for softer, more comfortable attire.
When Saturday morning comes, El borrows one of her dad’s flannel jackets, which is more than enough to keep her warm, even if it is really large on her. She also decides to keep her hair natural. While she’s slightly worried about getting teased by the other guys, the whole point of this trip, at least from her standpoint, is revealing her true self to them.
Plus, it had felt amazing when Mike ran his fingers through her curly hair, so maybe, he’d like, do that again.
Hopper offers to drive her to the Byers’, which is a little surprising, since El knows he has a lot of tough case files that he’s supposed to be working on. Nevertheless, she accepts the offer gratefully. Skateboarding while also lugging a sleeping bag and heavy backpack was not a feat that she was looking forward to.
When they pull up at Will’s house, everyone else is waiting outside in the front yard. There’s an older, pretty woman with mussed brown hair talking to Will, her hands on his shoulders. She’s short, Mike’s taller than her, but she still stands out amongst the clamor of jabbering teenagers.
“Is that Will’s Mom?” El asks, turning to glance at Hopper as he pulls the car to a stop.
El’s never seen her dad look anything close to shy, but that’s the only word she can think of to describe the way he’s glancing over at Ms. Byers.
“Yeah, that’s Joyce,” he nods, hastily averting his gaze back towards El.
El eyes him. He’s acting so weird. “Do you want to talk to her?”
Hopper gives a gruff, indifferent sort of huff.
El rolls her eyes. “C’mon,” she says, stepping out of the car.
Hopper composes himself and follows El. As they approach the group, her friends turn to greet them excitedly.
“You’re here!” Mike beams.
“Finally!” Max grins.
“HOLY SHIT! Your hair!” Dustin squawks. “What happened?!”
“Dude!” Lucas snaps, punching Dustin in the arm, “Shut up!”
“I think it looks nice,” Will states, giving Dustin a disapproving frown.
El feels her cheeks start to burn as she shyly tucks a curl behind her ear. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, it does,” Dustin quickly adds, rubbing his arm, “You look great!”
Joyce steps forward to give El a warm hug. “You must be Eleanor,” she says, pulling back to examine El’s face.
El nods shyly. “Yes.”
“Will’s told me so much about you,” she continues, “More than your dad has, anyway.”
Hopper, who’s been hovering on the sidelines this whole time, flushes pink at this. “‘Hello’ to you too,” he grumbles.
Joyce gently pulls away from El and moves to stand in front of Hopper. Her smallness compared to Hopper’s largeness makes for an interesting contrast, to say the least. Will’s Mom has to crane her neck way back to even make eye contact with Hopper.
“Hopp,” she smiles.
“Joyce,” Hopper smiles back.
Will’s Mom steps forward to give Hopper a hug, though her face only meets his upper torso.
El frowns, still a little confused as to how weird they’re acting. She turns to glance at Will, hoping for an explanation, but he looks just as puzzled as she does.
As Hopper and Joyce begin exchanging pleasantries, El steps closer to her friends. Everyone’s sporting bulging backpacks, bundled in warm coats, and carrying a sleeping bag under their arm.
Max is wearing a beanie with a large pom-pom on the top. The pom-pom bounces around as Max tilts her head to the side, and El has to force herself to not laugh at how funny it looks. “I’m pretty sure your dad likes Will’s mom,” she comments, eyeing Hopper and Joyce.
Will’s brow furrows in confusion, but he shakes it off, instead turning his attention back to El. “Is that a camera?” He asks, motioning to El’s torso.
El glances down where indeed, she has her Polaroid camera hanging around her neck. It’s kind of a bulky thing, but she loves using it to take photos of her and Max whenever they hang out. “Yes,” she nods, smiling at Will, “I wanted to take pictures.”
“Me too!” Will enthuses, pointing to the camera hanging around his own neck.
El’s eyes widen curiously as she leans in to look at Will’s camera. It’s different from hers; it has a bigger lens and more buttons to work with.
“It’s a 35 millimeter Pentax MX,” Will says proudly, “It’s Jonathan’s old camera; he let me have it when he got a newer one.”
“Where does the picture come out?” El frowns.
“It doesn’t, you have to develop it,” Will explains, “I can show you sometime, we have a dark room in the school for it!”
“We should get a picture of all of us,” Mike smiles, “Before we leave.”  
“El could use an updated one,” Max mutters wryly.
El gives her a warning look, but thankfully, no one else seems to have noticed her comment.
“Good idea!” Will nods. He walks over to his mom, gently tugs on her arm, and asks her to take their picture.
As Will walks her through how to use the camera, El and the others drop their things and huddle together. El and Max stand in the middle with Mike and Lucas at their sides, respectively. Dustin crouches in front of them, and as soon as Will hands the camera to Joyce, he runs over to crouch beside Dustin.
As Mike wraps his arm around El’s back, she shivers, and not just because the morning is a little cold.
“Alright,” Joyce announces happily, peering into the viewfinder as she aims the camera at the group, “Smile!”
Everyone smiles, leans closer together, and the camera flashes. The flare leaves El’s vision dotted with colorful splotches for a moment, and she has to blink several times to get them to go away.
“You all look so cute!” Joyce gushes, causing Will to blush.
“Mom!” He bashfully whines. As he runs over to get his camera back, everyone else picks up their backpacks and sleeping bags again.  
“We should probably get going,” Lucas reminds them, glancing at his watch, “It’s already after 11 o’clock.”
“Yeah, and I wanna eat the snacks,” Dustin chimes in.
“You already did!” Max snaps.
“Uh, no!?”
“Uh, yeah? Someone opened the box of Fruit Loops!”
“Oh, yeah,” Mike hesitates, “That was me.”
“What?!” Max exclaims.
“I got hungry!” Mike defends.
“El,” Max gripes, “Tell your boyfriend to stop digging into all our food like a weirdo.”
“He’s not my boyfriend!” El insists at the same time that Mike stammers, “I-I’m not her boyfriend!”
Max, Lucas, and Dustin all exchange doubtful stares just as Will rejoins the group.
“What’d I miss?” Will asks, glancing at everyone.
“Nothing new,” Dustin snickers, “We’re just ready to go.”
Hopper and Joyce step forward to wish the kids goodbye. As Joyce fretfully lists off a series of reminders for Will (all of to which Will replies, “Yeah, I know Mom”), El moves in to hug her dad goodbye.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Hopper mumbles, patting the back of her head.
“Tomorrow,” El agrees.
They pull away, Hopper gives her one last smile, and El waves goodbye.
“Let’s go!” Lucas says eagerly.
“Hopefully we won’t get murdered,” Max jokes.
As they enter the forest that surrounds Will’s house, their feet crunch against the fallen leaves and their backpacks brush against protruding tree branches. Even though the morning is cold, the sky is a clear, vibrant blue.
“We won’t get murdered; there’s no serial killers out here,” Will sighs as he takes the lead.
“Other than Mike,” Dustin snorts, “He totally killed all those Fruit Loops.”
Everyone but Mike gets a good laugh out of that, Max especially.
“Wheeler’s a cereal killer!” Max cackles, shaking from how hard she’s laughing.
“Yeah, I got that,” Mike replies flatly.
The camping site isn’t too far from Will’s house — it only takes a little over an hour until they’re there. Will leads them to a small, secluded clearing. Trees stretch on for miles, their branches curving over the clearing, almost protecting the stop. Sunlight filters through the branches, causing the ground of the clearing to look like a mosaic of light and leaves. In the distance, El can make out the rocky bluffs of the Quarry’s edge. The air is tinged with the faint scent of clean, crisp freshwater, musky oak trees, and sticky sap.
“Well, here we are!” Will announces, motioning around the clearing, “This is the spot Jonathan and I always come to. It’s right by the Quarry, and there’s plenty of firewood, and—“
“Isn’t this place right by the kissing rock?” Max interrupts, looking around the forest skeptically.
Will pauses and frowns. “The what?”
“I think she’s right,” Dustin nods, “I mean, I’ve never been there, but I heard it’s in the woods right next to the Quarry.”
“It is!” Max nods, “I’m pretty sure it’s like…a 5-minute walk from here.”
“What’s a kissing rock?” El asks, brow furrowing in confusion.
“It’s this big boulder by the edge of the quarry where all the kids at school go to like…kiss,” Lucas explains, blushing.
“Where all the lame kids go,” Max corrects.
“I mean, I guess we’re by it then?” Will pouts, “I dunno.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Mike huffs, setting down his things, “It’s not like any of us are gonna—“
His voice trails off, and El suddenly realizes that he’s glancing at her. When El sees that he’s doing this, and Mike sees that El sees that he’s doing this, they both look away from each other quickly, cheeks crimson.
“Whatever,” Max sighs, shrugging the entire conversation off, “Let’s just unpack.”
Everyone else nods and proceeds to do so.
It takes the entire first half of the afternoon to set up camp. Will designates that they leave the center of the clearing for building the fire, so everyone else sets up their sleeping bags in a radial formation around it (first Lucas, then Max, then El, then Mike, then Will, and finally Dustin). After the sleeping bags are rolled out, the group proceeds to hike into the woods in search of sticks and stones for the fire pit.
The forest floor is covered with a thick layer of dead leaves, and El has to kick them all out of the way to find the stray twigs and sticks hidden beneath. As she bundles sticks into her arms, she tries to formulate a way to reveal her powers. She wants to tell them at just the right time and place, but there doesn’t seem to be any organic way to work it into the conversation.
By the time they finish gathering enough supplies to make the fire, it’s already late afternoon, and El’s mind is still as blank as ever.
“Okay,” Will says as soon as they return to the clearing, “We should probably get the fire going.”
“Already?” Lucas questions.
Will nods. “It’ll keep us warm, and it’s kind of hard to start one once it’s really dark out.”
El’s pretty sure that they’re all eager for a heat source right now, so Will doesn’t need to tell them twice to help him build a fire pit. They follow his instructions eagerly, setting up a circle of stones in the middle of their clearing and placing a pile of sticks and dead leaves inside.
“Great, so, how do we get it started?” Mike asks once they’re done.  
“We’ll just use some matches,” Will shrugs. He gets up, goes to kneel beside his backpack, and starts digging through it.
“Can we make s’mores?” Dustin asks, “I’m really hungry.”
“Those are for after dinner!” Lucas disputes.
“Says who?”
“Says…I don’t know! Rational people!”
“We could have s’mores for lunch,” El points out, “And then again after dinner.”
“Yes!” Dustin beams at El, “That sounds like the best idea ever.”
“You guys are gonna get a stomach ache,” Mike smiles wryly.
“It’d be worth it,” Dustin insists, “I wanna eat nothing but s’mores for the rest of my life.”
“What about baloney sandwiches?” Max counters dryly.
“Those too.”
“Hey, guys?” Will calls out, still rummaging through his backpack, “Did you guys take the matches?”
“No,” Mike frowns, “Why?”
“I can’t find them!” Will says worriedly, turning to look back at the group.
“Are you serious?” Lucas groans.
“I’m sorry!” Will frets, starting to shake a little. “I think I forgot them!”
“Hey, it’s okay!” Mike insists. He rushes over to Will’s side and gently places his hand on Will’s shoulder. “It was an accident!”
“An accident that’s gonna leave us cold and hungry,” Lucas mutters under his breath.
“What should we do?” El asks, trying to remain calm.
“We could try to start one without matches!” Dustin offers, “You just gotta rub two sticks together! I saw someone do it on TV once!”
“If we wait for that to happen, we’ll all freeze to death,” Max snorts.
“Well, do you have a better idea?” Dustin snaps crossly.
“Uh, yeah? It’s going back to Will’s house and getting the matches!”
“But that’s like, an hour long walk!” Mike points out, “Plus another hour back! That’s two hours!”
“I know,” Max huffs, “I’ll do it.” She walks over to where she’d set her things down, picks up her backpack, and slings it over her shoulders.
“But it’s dangerous to go alone!” Lucas hesitates.
“Then come with me,” Max shrugs.
“Didn’t you go to karate camp?”
“Karate camp?” Lucas echoes, confused.
“Remember?” Max raises an eyebrow. “Jennifer’s party? Dustin told me you spent all of last summer at karate camp.”
Dustin and Lucas exchange quick glances. “Right!” They both exclaim, nodding quickly.
El doesn’t remember any of this, but she’s pretty sure the boys are lying. Either way, the whole situation is pretty amusing, and she can’t help but snort into her palm.
“Then let’s go,” Max orders, already starting to walk off, “I wanna get back before it gets dark.”
“Okay!” Lucas nods, grabbing his backpack before hurrying after her.
“You better not die!” Dustin calls out after them, “If this really is a horror movie, one of you probably isn’t going to make it back!”
“Dustin!” Mike scolds.  
“What!? I’m just stating the facts!”
“You’re being dramatic.”
“I’m sorry,” Will mumbles woefully, “This is all my fault.”
“You make a mistake,” El reassures him, “It’s not that bad.”
Will only pouts in response, still seeming pretty resentful of both the situation and himself.
Mike turns to glance at El, looking pretty helpless.
El racks her mind, trying to think of a way to cheer Will up. “Why don’t we take some pictures?” She offers, motioning to both of their cameras.
“Of what?” Will asks curiously.  
El shrugs as she glances around their surroundings. “Everything.”
Will hesitates, seemingly unsure, but then El raises her camera. “Like you!” She smiles, snapping a picture of Will and Mike.
“El!” Mike exclaims, looking frantic, “I wasn’t even ready!”
El catches the polaroid as it slowly prints out of her camera. “I know,” she smiles teasingly, slipping the photo into her pocket.
Will smiles back, looking more excited. “Okay!” He nods, rising to his feet.
Time passes by quickly as Will and El explore the clearing together, snapping pictures of everything. The weirdly-shaped knot on a tree trunk, the dandelion peeking out amongst the dead leaves, the squirrel sitting on a tree branch. Mike and Dustin follow them around as they work, pointing out all the potential subjects of interest (including themselves).
Before long, the two hours has nearly passed. The sun is a little lower in the sky and the air has grown colder, but they’re having too much fun to notice.
At least, they are until they’re abruptly interrupted by the sound of a high-pitched, terrified scream. It echoes through the trees, causing some birds to fly off with a frightened squawk.
“Shit!” Dustin hisses, eyes wide, “What the hell was that?”
“Someone screamed,” Mike replies, balling his fists.
“Was that Max?” Will asks worriedly.
“I’m not sure,” El frowns, “It didn’t sound like her.”
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! We’re gonna die!” Dustin exclaims, clutching the sides of his head, “I knew this would happen! I told you, we’re tempting the horror fates and now we’re all gonna get picked off one by one and—“
Dustin’s interrupted by the sound of twigs snapping.
There’s a collective gasp as they all jolt in both surprise and fear.
Someone’s coming closer.
El takes a deep breath and prepares to raise her hand. This isn’t how she planned on revealing her powers, but she’s more than willing to do so if it means keeping her friends safe.
As it turns out, her determined gallantry is for naught. Moments later, Lucas marches into the clearing and everyone breathes a sigh of relief.
“Son of a bitch, Lucas, you scared the shit out of us,” Dustin says, slumping his shoulders.
Lucas doesn’t reply. Instead he looks annoyed. Really annoyed. He drops his backpack onto the ground with a grumpy huff, not really making eye contact with anyone.
“Did you get the matches?” Will asks hesitantly.
“Yes!” Lucas snaps, sounding just as irritated as he looks.
El doesn’t know why Lucas is so upset, but moments later she gets her answer when Max rushes into the clearing. She’s holding a box of matches in one hand and a metallic, sharp-looking object in the other.
“C’mon, Lucas!” Max laughs, “Are you still pissed off at me?”
“Yes!” Lucas scowls, crossing his arms.
“Wait, what happened?” Mike questions, glancing at both of them.
“When we were walking back, Max thought it’d be funny to hide behind some bushes and jump out at me!” Lucas snaps bitterly. “She snuck off, and I thought she was hurt or something, but no! She just wanted to scare me! With a knife!”
“It was funny!” Max counters, “You screamed like a girl!”
“You had a knife?” El frowns.
“It’s not even a real knife!” Max defends, “It’s from my old Michael Myers costume.”
“Why did you bring it?”
“Just in case,” Max shrugs.
“It doesn’t matter!” Lucas replies brusquely, “It wasn’t funny!”
“I thought it was!”
“Well, you thought wrong!” Lucas dismisses.
With that, he storms off again, disappearing amongst the countless trees that surround the clearing. He leaves both a tangibly awkward silence and a worried-looking Max in his wake.
“Here,” Max mutters surly, tossing the box of matches to the guys.
Mike, Dustin, and Will exchange uncomfortable glances, but ultimately decide to turn their attention back to the main task at hand: starting the fire.
El, on the other hand, walks over to Max, not wanting to leave her feeling upset. “Are you okay?” She asks gently.
“Not really,” Max grumbles.
“It’s ok,” El murmurs, placing a comforting hand on Max’s shoulder. “It was just a prank.”
“I didn’t think he’d get so mad,” Max mutters, not looking directly at El.
El pauses. Even though she doesn’t want to hurt Max’s feelings, she ultimately decides that it’d be best to tell her the truth.
“You pretend to not like things, even though you do,” El states, making sure to keep her voice low.
“That’s not true!” Max protests.
“It is,” El nods, not bothering to waste time further arguing this fact, “I know it. But Lucas doesn’t. He doesn’t know that you teasing him so much is good. You tease him because you like him, but I think…he might think you’re doing it to be mean to him.”
Max’s head droops as she silently considers this.
“I think you should be honest with him,” El advises.
“Be honest?”
“Tell him how you feel.”
“Like…that I like him?” Max gulps, looking terrified.
“That you don’t hate him.”
El watches as Max shuffles in place, contemplating what to do.
“I guess you’re right,” Max finally admits. She drops her backpack, tosses her prop knife onto her sleeping bag, and turns to smile gratefully at El. “I’ll go talk to him.”
“Good luck,” El smiles back, giving Max a reassuring hug.
Max nods before darting off, running off in the same direction that Lucas had.
El’s smile falters as an uneasy feeling starts to churn in her gut. As she turns to rejoin the others, she can’t help but feel incredibly guilty. Here she is, telling Max that she needs to be honest with Lucas, and yet, she still hasn’t managed to tell her friends about her powers. She’s a giant hypocrite.
Will has the beginnings of a small fire going. There’s a faint trail of smoke streaming from the fire pit, and the sound of crackling leaves fills the air.
“Wouldn’t it be awesome if we didn’t even need matches?” Dustin comments as Will gently blows into the glowing embers.
“What do you mean?” Mike frowns, eyeing Dustin.
“Like, if I had superpowers,” Dustin elaborates, “Like Pyro.”
“Pyro?” El blanches, wondering if that’s some kind of codename. Does Dustin know? How did he figure it out? Did Mike or Max tell him? No, they wouldn’t, not without telling her that they’d told him—
“From the X-Men comics?” Dustin offers.
“Oh,” El flushes. Even though she feels slightly dumb for rushing to judgment, she’s still left rattled. She just doesn’t know how to tell them. It has to be as normal as possible, with seems highly improbable. She almost wishes that it was a serial killer that’d walked out of the trees, and not Lucas. At least then she wouldn’t have to use any words.
Even though El’s trying to remain outwardly calm, Mike seems to notice how anxious she looks, because he suddenly gets up and walks over to her.
“Do you wanna talk?” He whispers.
El meets his eye and nods gratefully. “Please.”
“Okay,” Mike murmurs before turning back to Will and Dustin to announce, “We’re gonna be right back!”
“Sure you are,” Dustin snorts.
Mike rolls his eyes indifferent and doesn’t reply, instead grasping El’s hand and leading her off down a forest trail.
El blushes as their fingers intertwine, but she accepts the comforting gesture gratefully. “I’m sorry,” she mumbles as soon as Dustin and Will are out of earshot.
“For what?” Mike asks concernedly.
“For being so nervous,” El answers, “I just..I don’t know how to tell them. I don’t want to just blurt it out.”
“You don’t have to be sorry for being nervous,” Mike reminds her, “I would be nervous, too.”
El nods, grasping Mike’s hand a little tighter. She remembers how shocked Dustin had been upon seeing her hair this morning. If curly hair had been enough to make him shout HOLY SHIT, she could only imagine how learning she had powers would make him react.
“Well, there’s no pressure to do it right now,” Mike points out, “We can wait until the night, that way you’ll have more time to think about what you want to say.”
El glances upwards, towards the sky. The blue sky is already beginning to fade. The days feel so much shorter as November draws closer. Waiting until the night still doesn’t give her much time.
“It’ll be okay, I promise,” Mike assures her, giving her hand a squeeze.
“Okay,” El murmurs.
It’s not until El pauses and looks around that she realizes they’ve walked a pretty good distance away from the camp. They’ve exited the wooded area and are now standing on the rocky terrain that surrounds the top of the quarry. There are large boulders scattered about, and El realizes that one of them is probably the kissing rock.
El feels herself flush pink as she cautiously turns to glance at Mike. He seems to be thinking the same thing, if the way he’s flushing bright red is any indignation.
El bites her lip shyly, and Mike turns to meet her gaze. “Maybe we should—“ He begins.
“Yes?” El asks hopefully.
Mike swallows, still blushing like crazy, but then his gaze moves to something just beyond El’s shoulder. “Holy shit!” He whispers, eyes widening.
El pales. “What?”
“Look!” Mike says, still whispering. He uses the hand that’s not intertwined with hers to point behind her, and El cautiously turns around to look.
She spots two figures sitting on a large rock about 20 or so feet away. At first she can’t tell who it is, but then she spots that silly pom-pom hat and the long, vibrant red hair tucked underneath it.
Max. Talking to…Lucas. Their heads are ducked low together, deep in conversation. Since they’re so far away, El can’t make out what they’re saying.
“What are they doing?” Mike murmurs.
“She was going to say sorry,” El murmurs back, “For scaring him.”
El hesitates, unsure of whether or not she and Mike should leave. She can’t help but feel like they’ve walked in on something, even if Max and Lucas are just talking.
She’s just about to voice this concern to Mike when suddenly, without any hesitation, Max shakes her head, cups Lucas’ cheeks in her hands, pulls him towards her, and presses her lips to his in a firm kiss.
El hears a gasp, and she’s not quite sure if it’s from her or Mike. Maybe both of them. Either way, her brain seems to have stopped working, because she’s instantly overwhelmed with surprise, happiness, and excitement all at the same time.
“She kissed him!” El whispers gleefully, turning to beam at Mike.
“I can see that,” Mike replies bashfully, averting his eyes away from the still lip-locked couple.
El bounces in place excitedly, squeezing Mike’s hand in order to keep herself steady. “On the kissing rock!”
“Where all the ‘lame’ kids go,” Mike jokes, pitching his voice higher in what is apparently his best Max impression.
El giggles as she gives Mike a gentle, chiding nudge.
A beat of silence passes as they both turn to steal one more glance at Max and Lucas.
“We should probably go,” Mike whispers, motioning his head in their direction.
“Yes,” El nods, still beaming.
Mike, still clutching her hand, pulls her back into the woods. As they hurry back to camp, El just can’t stop giggling. She’s just so happy for her best friend that there aren’t even enough words to express it.
By the time she and Mike reach the clearing, the sky is a rich ochre and a few crickets have begun to chirp. Dustin and Will have successfully gotten a fire going, and the flickering flames cast dancing shadows against the surrounding trees.
El and Mike release each other’s hands and come to sit beside the fire, both grinning from ear-to-ear.
“What’s so funny?” Will asks, eyeing them suspiciously.
“Nothing!” El smiles.
“Ugh, ew, I don’t even wanna know what you guys just did,” Dustin frowns, wrinkling his nose. “It’s probably going to ruin my s’mores appetite.”
“It’s not like that,” Mike insists, throwing Dustin a look.
“Uh, huh. Whatever you say, Mike.”
Thankfully, neither Dustin or Will presses them for any further information, and instead focus on setting up the fire for hot dog roasting.
15 minutes later, Max and Lucas rejoin the group. As they step into the clearing, El studies them carefully. If she hadn’t seen them kissing with her own eyes, she never would have guessed that they had. Their expressions are neutral and they’re not holding hands or anything. Lucas’ cheeks look a little more flushed than usual, but that’s about it.
“What took you guys so long?” Dustin asks as Max and Lucas come to sit with everyone else.
“We just talked for awhile,” Max shrugs, grabbing a roasting stick and a hot dog. She comes to sit beside El, face completely unreadable.
“How did your talk go?” El quietly asks, making sure to keep her tone nonchalant.
“Fine,” Max breezily murmurs back. “He’s not mad anymore.”
“That’s not surprising,” El mutters under her breath.
“What?” Max asks, sounding confused.
“Nothing!” El quickly amends, “I’m glad you talked.”
Max eyes her warily but ultimately turns her attention back to the fire pit. “Me too,” she says, and even though El knows Max’s trying to hide it, there’s no missing the faint smile pulling at the corners of her lips.
“—And with that, the creature gave off a final screech, dragging his last victim into the night,” Dustin concludes dramatically.
“How the hell is that a scary story?” Max snaps.
“Because the dog turned into a giant, killer lizard!” Dustin defends.
It’s long after nightfall. The forest is pitch black and the only light comes from the crackling fire.
After the hot dog roast and the seemingly endless, completely delicious s’mores feast, Max suggested that they all tell scary stories. They all gathered around the campfire, seated atop their sleeping bags, faces illuminated by the glow of the warm flames. Max had kicked things off with a story about a deranged killer with a hook for a hand that stalked the forests of Hawkins. After that, any story would have really paled in comparison, but Dustin’s tale of a boy adopting a dog that secretly turned out to be a lizard seemed especially weak.
“Lizards aren’t scary,” Max snorts.
“They can be!” Dustin insists. He turns to glance at the rest of the group for validation. “Right?”
“Not really,” Will yawns, looking a little sleepy.
“Well, it was a killer lizard,” Dustin reminds them.
El is trying to focus on the stories, she really is, but her mind is still elsewhere. She feels like she’s not actively engaging with her friends, but rather, waiting on the sidelines, praying for a way to work her confession into the conversation.
“Killer lizards are still just lizards,” Lucas says, shaking his head, “They’re not scary.”
“What about Godzilla?” Dustin points out.
“You didn’t say it turned into Godzilla,” Lucas counters.
“What do you think, Mike?” Dustin asks.
“Honestly?” Mike shrugs, “When you said killer lizard, all I could picture is that newt Mr. Clarke had in the terrarium back in 8th grade. With like…little fangs.”
The conversation is going nowhere. Nowhere near telekinesis, at least. El realizes that she probably gave up her perfect chance when Dustin had mentioned the X-men, and instantly hates herself for it. She had her opportunity practically handed to her, but she’d freaked out and given it up. She could be such a knucklehead…
“El?” Dustin pleads, turning to her, “Please tell me that you think my story was scary. You’re my only hope!”
“Now you’re quoting Star Wars?” Max smirks.
“Now you’re recognizing Star Wars?” Dustin smirks back.
“I am not!” Max insists.
“You literally just did!”
“Are you even gonna let El answer?” Mike huffs.
They’re all growing a little louder, and little more heated, and all the commotion is making El’s head hurt.
“Does El need to answer?” Max snorts, “Literally nobody thought that story was scary.”
“And your hook-hand story was?” Dustin glowers.
“Uh, yeah!”
“Uh, no! Having a hook for a hand isn’t scary!”
“Yes, it is!”
“Captain Hook has a hook for a hand!” Dustin points out, “And he’s from a kids’ movie!”
“Can you guys please stop fighting?” Will pleads, “It’s getting kind of late.”
“Dustin is the one who keeps on arguing!” Max insists.
“Am not!” Dustin argues, “It’s not my fault her opinions are wrong!”
“Your opinions aren’t facts, Dustin!” Lucas retorts.
El doesn’t know what comes over her. She just wants everyone to stop arguing over their dumb stories, and her head hurts, and she’s just so frustrated and tired of trying to wait for the perfect moment that’s probably never going to come. And so, before she can’t stop to second-guess herself, she just blurts it out.
“I’m a telekinetic!” She bursts.
That shuts everyone up quickly.
Mike and Max’s heads snap over to El, looking startled. Will sits up a little straighter, suddenly looking less tired. Lucas and Dustin both freeze, eyes wide.
“Wait, what’d you say?” Dustin asks, cautiously.
“El?!” Mike hisses, sounding confused. Since his sleeping bag is located next to hers, he’s able to reach out and grab her arm in a protective manner.
El gently shrugs him off with a shake of her head. Even though she’d initially pleaded for Mike’s help, she now knows that she needs to do this on her own. She needs to come to term with her abilities once and for all, no more hiding, no more secrets.
“I’m a telekinetic,” she repeats, keeping her gaze locked on her friends, “I have superpowers.”
Lucas, Will, and Dustin exchange confused glances. They look at Max and Mike for some sort of explanation, but Mike and Max only have eyes for El. They both give her encouraging nods, silently showing their support.
“Wait, are you being serious?” Lucas questions, looking hesitant.  
El nods solemnly.
“A telekinetic?” Will asks slowly, “Like…you can move stuff with your mind?”
El hesitates. The easiest way to get them to understand is going to be by showing them. Taking a deep breath, she raises her hand, points it at the fire pit, and uses her powers to raise one of the burning sticks into the air. As it hovers before their eyes, spinning slowly, flickering embers crackle off the stick and drift off into the cold night air, extinguishing with a faint whisper.
After several seconds, she relinquishes her hold on the stick and allows it to fall back into the flames.
“Holy shit,” Lucas breathes, looking floored.
“That’s so cool,” Will whispers, eyes wide with wonder.
Dustin, shockingly, still hasn’t talked. He seems to be responding in the same way that Mike did: stupefied, unadulterated shock. His jaw is hanging open, his eyes are nearly bugging out of his head, and for a moment El worries that she might have broken him.
“H-how?” He finally manages to stammer.
El proceeds to give them an abridged version of her history, starting from growing up in the lab, escaping with Hopper, becoming his legal daughter, and finally joining their class in the 6th grade. She explains how her powers work, how she was the one who saved them at Jennifer’s party, how she broke Troy’s arm. By the time she’s finished, she’s left emotionally exhausted and slightly out-of-breath, but satisfied all the same.
“Oh my god,” Dustin whispers, still frozen in place.
“That’s so COOL!” Lucas exclaims, “Like, holy shit!”
“Right!?” Mike beams, “El’s amazing!”
“Wait, you knew?” Will asks, looking surprised.
“She told me last week,” Mike nods.
“And you didn’t tell us?” Lucas exclaims, sounding a little offended.
“I told him not to,” El cuts in.
“Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Will asks curiously.
“Because,” El mumbles, suddenly feeling a little sheepish, “I…I didn’t like being different. I wanted to be normal, like you guys.”
“Us? Normal?” Lucas jokes.
“You know what I mean,” El smiles wryly, “I didn’t want to be a freak.”
“Well, you’re definitely not a freak,” Dustin beams. It appears that his mouth has finally started working again, as he proceeds to ramble quickly and excitedly. “You’re so awesome! Like, the coolest person ever! You’re like a wizard, or a superhero, or Yoda!”
“Or a mage,” Mike adds affectionately, giving El a playful nudge.
“Yeah!” Dustin gushes, before pausing and adding, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry I that ever called you our enemy, and a murderer, and a Drow!”
“What?” El frowns.
“Nothing!” Dustin hastily backtracks. “I just…uh..I’m really happy you’re our friend.”
“Me too,” Will nods, “And not just because of your powers. You were always nice to us, even when we judged you at first.”
El flushes pink, unsure of how to react to the unexpected slew of compliments. “I’m happy we’re friends too,” she murmurs, ducking her head shyly.
“Just so you guys know, we can’t tell anyone else about El’s powers,” Mike pipes up, “We have to keep it a secret, just between all of us.”
“Of course!” Will nods.
“I’ll never tell anyone!” Lucas agrees.
“Never!” Dustin insists.
El feels her heart swell with happiness. The feeling of finally feeling accepted not only by her friends, but by herself, radiates within her, leaving her warm and bubbly inside.
She reaches out to grasp Max’s hand. Max smiles and blushingly grabs Lucas’ hand. Then Lucas grabs Dustin’s, Dustin grabs Will’s, Will grabs Mike’s, and Mike finally closes the circle by grasping El’s free hand.
As they all grasp each other’s hands tightly, huddled around the warm light of the fire, no further words need to be said. They’re friends, but their bond isn’t like everyone else’s. Their friendship isn’t the kind that’ll just dissipate after high school or over a silly argument. It’s the kind that’ll keep them all connected for years to come, through good times and bad times, through whatever toils they’ll have to face.
El isn’t sure how she knows all this, since she can’t see into the future, or anything, but as she smiles at each of them, she knows that it’s true. She can hear it in her heart like a whisper, like a promise, reminding her that this moment is one she’ll remember.
It’s the start of the rest of her life.
The night is calm and the forest is still. Off in the distance, the reverberating hoot of an owl echoes through the trees.
El’s not sure what time it is, but she knows it’s late. Everyone else is nestled inside their sleeping bags and the fire has died down to its last glowing coals. Consequently, it’s cold. Very cold. Despite her sleeping bag, flannel jacket, and thick sweater, El feels the chill settle into every pore. It makes it hard to sleep, and while El definitely doesn’t regret coming on this camping trip, she’d be lying if she said she didn’t miss her warm bed and soft quilt.
She flips onto her side, hoping that maybe if she moves around a little, she’ll be able to keep warm.
It doesn’t work.
El sighs and flips onto her other side. She’s now facing Mike, who’s bundled up inside his sleeping bag less than a foot away from her. Since he’s situated so close to her, she’s able to make out his features in the faded silvery light of the moon. As she shuffles around, she sees his eyes flutter open.
“Mike? Are you awake?” El whispers, even though it’s pretty obvious that he is.
“Yeah,” Mike whispers back, locking eyes with her.
“What time is it?”
Mike shuffles a bit around before he manages to pull his arm out of his sleeping bag. “Like, 3 am?” He whispers, eyeing his watch.
“Can’t sleep?”
El shakes her head.
“Me neither.”
“It’s just...it’s pretty cold,” El murmurs, shivering slightly.
“Yeah,” Mike agrees with a quirked smile, “I guess that’s what happens when you go camping in the fall.”
El nods and wraps her sleeping bag more tightly around herself. Even though she doesn’t want to look like a dopey weakling in front of Mike, she can’t stop her teeth from chattering.
“You look really cold,” Mike murmurs concernedly.
“I’m o-okay,” El lies, “I j-just need to f-fall asleep.”
Mike looks her over for a moment before his cheeks start to flush red. “Maybe,” he begins, voice cracking a little, “You could, like...uh...”
“W-what?” El shivers.
Mike smiles nervously. “Like...come over here?”
Now El’s the one blushing bright red. “N-next to you?”
“There’s room,” Mike explains, looking flustered, “And you’d be warmer.”
That’s definitely true. El’s not even next to him yet, and already she feels incredibly warm (mostly from blushing so much, though).
“Okay,” El whispers with a small shrug.
“Really?” Mike whispers back, sounding like he’s trying (and failing) to not seem too hopeful.
El nods.
With shaking hands, Mike moves his hands down to unzip the side of his sleeping bag. El quietly wriggles out of her own, crawls over to Mike, and snuggles up against him.
As Mike zips the sleeping bag closed again, El instantly feels enveloped in warmth.
Mike slides over so that El can rest her head on the pillow with him. As she wriggles upwards to do so, she can’t help but feel flustered, being pressed this close to him.
She rests her head on the pillow, shyly meeting Mike’s soft gaze. Their faces are only inches apart. As El studies his face, she can feel his warm breaths as they faintly brush against her skin.
“Hi,” she whispers teasingly.
“Hi,” Mike whispers back with a smile.
El falls silent, content with just enjoying the sight of him beside her. As she gazes at him, Mike wraps an arm around her back and starts playing with her hair. He runs his hands through it idly, almost mindlessly, and it takes everything within El to not melt on the spot. She’d give up anything to just spend the rest of eternity in this moment, snuggled beside Mike, his fingers nestled in her curls.
She gives off a contented sigh before she’s able to stop herself. As she relishes in this moment, her vision starts to seem a little hazy. Nevertheless, she does her best to take in every last one of his features: his warm, chocolate-brown eyes, his ruffled dark hair, his pink, though still faintly bruised lips, and of course, his freckles.
The sky above them is glittering tapestry of stars, way more stars than what El’s used to seeing in town. As she examines Mike’s face more closely, she realizes that the freckles on his cheeks remind her of constellations.
She’s definitely losing her mind.
“What are you thinking?” Mike murmurs, twisting a strand of her hair around his pointer finger.
“Your freckles are like stars,” El mumbles, not caring how insane she must sound.
Mike doesn’t say anything, he only nods, but it seems like he gets what she means. Either that or he’s just too nice to call her out on how weird she is.
The longer El gazes at him, the more she feels drawn to him. She wonders if it’s possible for people to be made up of magic, even if they don’t have superpowers. Mike has to be. The way he makes her feel is unlike anything she’s ever experienced before. Surely, if his cheeks are dotted with constellations, then his insides must radiate with stardust.
She’s getting pulled closer into his embrace, deeper into his orbit, and El realizes that she’s tired of wasting time. Her eyes close as she carefully leans in and presses her lips to his cheek.
It almost feels like the first kiss she gave him, only this one is far better. The first time, he’d just laid in bed, lifeless and cold. Now, while still a little cold, El can hear his breath hitch in awed wonder and feel his eyelashes flutter against hers.
It’s an intoxicating feeling, and El, feeling emboldened by his awestruck reaction, moves her lips down to press them against the corner of his mouth.
It’s not a kiss, not quite — her lips land more against his jaw than anywhere else — but it’s close. Very close. Close enough to make Mike’s breath hitch in another faint gasp.
Maybe the gasps aren’t a good thing though.
El pulls back to examine his face, suddenly worried that she might have overstepped her bounds. “I’m sorry,” she murmurs, looking a little embarrassed.
“Don’t be,” Mike murmurs back, shaking his head ever-so-slightly. His eyes seem almost glazed over, like he’s somewhere in between waking and dreaming. His fingers curl more tightly in her hair, slowly pulling her closer to him.
El feels light-headed, but in the best of ways, like she’s floating. Like the only sense of gravity she possesses is the force that’s pulling her closer to Mike, slowly narrowing the gap between their parted lips. Just a couple centimeters closer, and—
“Oh my god,” Dustin’s voice grouses, “Are you guys making out?”
Mike and El jump apart as quickly and jerkily as is they’d both been hit with an electric shock. Since they’re both still stuck inside the sleeping bag, they don’t manage to get that far apart, and only wind up accidentally elbowing each other instead.
“DUSTIN?” Mike yelps, “You’re awake?”
“No, Mike, I’m clearly asleep right now,” Dustin replies dryly.
Oh, god. Dustin’s awake and he’s heard everything, including that El thinks Mike’s freckles look like stars. She instantly wants nothing more than to jump off the edge of the Quarry.
“We weren’t making out!” El blushingly insists. She’s thankful it’s dark out — at least Dustin can’t see how humiliated she looks right now.
“You better not be,” Max suddenly pipes up, “Because the first teenagers to get it on in a horror movie always die first.”
“W-what!?” El stammers.
“MAX!?” Mike again yelps.
“Mike,” Max mimics in a whiny voice, “I couldn’t sleep over the sound of your mush-fest.”
“How many people are awake?!” Mike demands, sounding mortified.
“Like, all of us,” Lucas admits.
“Yup,” Will concludes.
“You’ve all been listening this entire time!?” Mike exclaims, “And you didn’t say anything?!”
The rest of their friends all shuffle inside their sleeping bags as they make an indifferent sort of mumble.
“Oh my god,” Mike mutters.
Oh no, no, no. This is officially the most embarrassing thing ever.
“Great,” El mumbles, turning to bury her face in the pillow.
“You guys are pretty cute,” Lucas snickers.
“And you guys are pretty much hypocrites!” Mike grumbles.
“How?!” Lucas counters.
“If this was a horror movie, El and I wouldn’t be the first people to get killed off, it’d be you and Max!” Mike explains bitterly, “‘Cause you guys totally made out on the kissing rock!”
As everyone falls silent, the sound of chirping crickets fills the air.
“Wait...you guys kissed?” Will asks.
“Um,” Lucas hesitates.
“Fine!” Max snaps, “We did! It wasn’t a big deal!”
“It wasn’t?” Lucas asks worriedly.
“I mean,” Max pauses, sounding flustered, “I guess it was.”
“Oh my god,” Dustin groans, “I mean, I’m like happy for all of you, but you guys seriously need to get a room, like, right now.”
“A room? In the forest?” Will questions.
“Lucas and I aren’t the ones being all weird! At least we understand the concept of privacy!” Max gripes, “Instead of trying to get to second base in front of literally everyone.”
“We thought you were asleep!” El insists.
“We weren’t trying to get to second base!” Mike adds.
“Because you were already there!” Max counters.
At this point, El knows that she wouldn’t need to cuddle Mike for warmth, her entire body feels like it’s been engulfed in flames. “Let’s just go to sleep,” she pleads, “Please.”
“It’s pretty late,” Will agrees with a yawn, “We should try to get some rest.”
“Fine by me,” Max sighs, settling back down into her sleeping bag.
A beat of silence passes as everyone tries to settle down. Unsurprisingly, the silence doesn’t last long.
“Wait, so are you and Lucas dating now?” Dustin asks Max.
“Dustin!” Everyone snaps.
“Jesus!” Dustin exclaims, “Sorry! I’ll go to sleep!”
“Thank you!” Lucas sighs.
As everyone finally falls silent, El wonders if she should go back to her own sleeping bag. Maybe Mike is too embarrassed to do this anymore.
But to her surprise, Mike doesn’t push her away. Instead, he draws her closer to him, gently tucking her head under his chin and wrapping his arms around her protectively.
Her ear is pressed against his chest, and as she cuddles Mike back, she listens closely to the steady, pounding rhythm of his heartbeat.
As embarrassing as that entire interaction with her friends was, a small part of El is relieved that they’re not afraid to tease her. Even though they know that she still has powers, they’re not treating her like some strange oddity, or someone to handle with rubber gloves.
To them, she’s still just El, and as El drifts off to sleep in Mike’s embrace, she realizes that that’s the most comforting feeling of all.
Tag List: 
@pixie813, @lovecolesprouse, @miss-sad-marshmallow, @wrongirish, @lonewolfhard, @bbc-radio-phan, @ontariokid, @catalystofhighhopes, @iliketheinternet, @e1vn , @the-proud-princess, @bugheadqueen , @mother-harrington , @finnywolfyy, @ethoctransierit, @elevenhawkins, @kathpride18, @sherlock-salvadale, @creepyfangirlwhosucksatedits, @barbara----holland, @puzzlingsnark, @milevenbeauty , @gemel-dreamer, @itssciencefitz
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satoruvt · 7 years
what was found - part one
this is completely different from the first one i posted and also a LOT fuckin longer so everyone saddle up and grab a snack
pairing → bill x reader
word count → 1300
summary → moving sucked, it always did - but maybe it wouldn’t be so bad this time.
 It was never easy moving to a new place. You know that, you understand that - it’s happened to you many times before. You and your parents moved around a lot, and after a while you simply got used to it. This was no difference, so why were you so nervous?
 From what your mother had told you, Derry, Maine, was a small town that was relatively quiet aside from a few parades or celebrations for holidays. Everybody knew everybody - not in a snobby way, in a homey, there-aren’t-new-people-here kind of way. Perhaps that’s why you were so nervous - you were the new kid, now, the one that everyone knew about but no one actually knew. You were the outsider.
 So as you pulled onto your street you noticed people stopping and staring at your car pulling into the empty driveway at the new house on Jackson Street. A medium-sized moving van pulled up in front of your house after you and your parents.
 It isn’t long before you have most everything in the house, and it only takes another hour or so for everything to be put in its place. There are still a few extra boxes here and there but they’re full of simple things like coat hangers or VHS tapes. Your mother’s baking cookies - “To give to the neighbors, we have to make a good impression - this is a small town, you annoy one person and you annoy everyone,” she had said - and dancing to Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen and your father’s sitting in a chair, dozing off.
 You have most of the things in your room set up, and you just need to add the small decorations you had. A few polaroids of friends from recent towns, a few more printed photos here and there.
 “Y/N!” Your mother calls from downstairs. “I need you to give this batch to the neighbors!”
 You run a hand through your hair and walk down the steps of your new house. You pull on a quick pair of slip-ons and grab the nicely decorated plate of cookies with a thankful smile from your mother, then exit the house. You pause for a moment once you’re in front of your house - Which neighbor do I go to? You think - then start walking to the right.
 The neighbor’s house is quite nice, even just from the outside. You see from outside that there’s a piano in one room and smile to yourself, just a little. Balancing the plate of cookies on one hand, you ring the doorbell with another and wait patiently.
 The door opens within a few seconds and reveals a boy around your age. He’s a bit taller than you, with dark hair and some of the most stunning eyes you’ve ever seen. You think a moment passes and then you realize that you’ve spent the last little bit just staring at this boy, and you blink as your cheeks flush because he’s cute.
 “Cuh-Cuh-Can I h-help you?” The boy says, and it’s not rude, just confused.
 “Oh, um, yeah,” You say with a soft smile. “My name’s Y/N L/N, my family and I just moved in next door.” You tell him, pointing to your house on the left. He follows your gaze and nods a bit, then turns to you and offers a barely-visible smile.
 “I’m Buh-Buh-Bill D-Denbrough,” he says simply, and you smile just a bit wider.
 “Anyways, my mom made these cookies and wanted me to give you and your family some.” You say as you hand him the plate, and he takes it from you. You start to leave and then Bill stops you with a call of you name.
 “H-H-Hey, L/N!” He calls, and you turn around. “M-Me and a f-f-few f-f-riends and I a-are g-going to the qu-qu-quarry tomorrow, i-if you wanna cuh-cuh-come. A-Around noon.”
 You send him a smile and nod, then wave as you walk away.
  “See you later, Bill Denbrough,” you say with a wink, and you swear Bill’s cheeks are just a bit redder than they were before.
 The day after you officially move to Derry is when things get crazy - for a town as small as it is, Derry’s got a lot of shit going on.
 You were on your way to the quarry - Bill had knocked on your door just a few hours after you knocked on his to tell you where the quarry actually was - when someone stepped in your way. He was at least five inches taller than you and by the way he and the rest of his friends surrounded you, he didn’t want you going anywhere.
 “And who might you be?” You ask him, and he smirks, which makes your stomach churn.
 “I don’t think you should be asking the questions, new girl,” The guy says, and you raise an eyebrow. “But to answer your question, I’m Henry Bowers.”
 You nod, and then try to leave, but you’re blocked. “Well, Henry Bowers, I have somewhere to be, so I think it’s time to end this little chat,” You tell Henry, but he doesn’t move.
 “Not so fast. See, thing is, I actually find you pretty fucking hot, and I wouldn’t mind having a toy to play with, so whaddya say?” Henry asks, and you look him dead in the eye.
 “Bite me, that’s what I say.”
 Henry’s amused smirk falls and the expression on his face immediately becomes angry. “Well, I think I need to teach you a lesson, bitch,” Henry tells you, and you barely get in one word before he punches you.
��It doesn’t take long for Henry to beat the shit out of you, but by the time him and his goons are done you’re laying on the ground with a bloody nose and bruised body and a grin on your face that’s spread from ear to ear.
 You get up off the ground with a head rush and wipe your nose with the back of your hand. You don’t know why you’re smiling, exactly, but you are, and you reckon it’s better to feel as good as you do than to be crying, right?
 You walk the last five minutes to the quarry, and when Bill sees you, he flips his shit.
 “Wuh-What the h-h-hell hah-happened? Juh-Juh-Jesus Christ, you’re buh-bleeding!” He exclaims, and you only grin in response as you take off your dress to swim with everyone. Bill shuts up quite quickly after that.
 “So are you gonna introduce me or what?” You say instead, motioning to the five others in front of you.
 Bill rolls his eyes playfully and introduces you to everyone - Stanley, Eddie, Richie (who kisses your hand with a suggestive wink), Ben, and Beverly.
 It doesn’t take long for you to get acquainted with everyone - the second you speak a word to them it feels like you’ve known them for years. You feel right at home with them, a feeling you haven’t felt in a while.
 The seven of you splash around in the water, commencing chicken fights and splashing and laughing. For being beaten up not even an hour prior, you’re feeling almost euphoric.
 You swim away from everyone for a moment, watching from the sidelines. Bill ends up swimming next to you, asking about what happened earlier.
 “This dude - Henry Bowers, he said his name was - came up to me, asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend, and when I said no, he beat the shit out of me.” You say simply, and Bill looks angry.
 “B-Bowers is a d-d-dick, honestly,” is all he says, and you giggle.
 You look up at the sky, which is turning just the slightest bit orange in the late summer light, and furrow your brows, because you think you see a red balloon floating in the sky.
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dasarontohod · 4 years
(S.T.R.E.A.M.I.N.G) Watch “Wonder Woman 1984” WW84 (2020) F.U.L.L MOVIE HD-720p
⚖ Streaming!! Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) Full Movies || TV Movies Full HD230p Watch P.L.A.Y ▶ http://flashserieshd.dplaytv.net/movie/464052
Watch Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) Full Movie Online Free | TV Shows & Movies Watch Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) : Full Movie Online Free Wonder Woman Comes Into Conflict With The Soviet Union During…flashserieshd.dplaytv.net
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Watch Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) : Full Movie Online Free Wonder Woman comes into conflict with the Soviet Union during the Cold War in the 1980s and finds a formidable foe by the name of the Cheetah.
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Watch Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) Full Movie Online Free | TV Shows & Movies Watch Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) : Full Movie Online Free Wonder Woman Comes Into Conflict With The Soviet Union During…flashserieshd.dplaytv.net
Release Date : Dec 16, 2020 Runtime : 151 minutes Genres : Fantasy, Action, Adventure Production Company : DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Pictures, Mad Ghost Productions, The Stone Quarry, DC Films, Atlas Entertainment Production Countries : United States of America Casts : Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig, Pedro Pascal, Connie Nielsen, Robin Wright, Gabriella Wilde, Natasha Rothwell, Ravi Patel, Oakley Bull, Al Clark Plot Keywords : dc comics, based on comic, 1980s, dc extended universe
🎬 Watch Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) Full Movies Online 🎬
(TV), in some cases abbreviated to tele or television, is a media transmission medium utilized for sending moving pictures in monochrome (high contrast), or in shading, and in a few measurements and sound. The term can allude to a TV, a TV program, or the vehicle of TV transmission. TV is a mass mode for promoting, amusement, news, and sports. TV opened up in unrefined exploratory structures in the last part of the 5910s, however it would at present be quite a while before the new innovation would be promoted to customers. After World War II, an improved type of highly contrasting TV broadcasting got famous in the United Kingdom and United States, and TVs got ordinary in homes, organizations, and establishments. During the 5Season 20s, TV was the essential mechanism for affecting public opinion.[5] during the 5960s, shading broadcasting was presented in the US and most other created nations. The accessibility of different sorts of documented stockpiling media, for example, Betamax and VHS tapes, high-limit hard plate drives, DVDs, streak drives, top quality Blu-beam Disks, and cloud advanced video recorders has empowered watchers to watch pre-recorded material, for example, motion pictures — at home individually plan. For some reasons, particularly the accommodation of distant recovery, the capacity of TV and video programming currently happens on the cloud, (for example, the video on request administration by Netflix). Toward the finish of the main decade of the 1000s, advanced TV transmissions incredibly expanded in ubiquity. Another improvement was the move from standard-definition TV (SDTV) (53i, with 909091 intertwined lines of goal and 434545) to top quality TV (HDTV), which gives a goal that is generously higher. HDTV might be communicated in different arrangements: 3456561, 3456561 and 1314. Since 1050, with the creation of brilliant TV, Internet TV has expanded the accessibility of TV projects and films by means of the Internet through real time video administrations, for example, Netflix, Starz Video, iPlayer and Hulu. In 1053, 19% of the world’s family units possessed a TV set.[1] The substitution of early cumbersome, high-voltage cathode beam tube (CRT) screen shows with smaller, vitality effective, level board elective advancements, for example, LCDs (both fluorescent-illuminated and LED), OLED showcases, and plasma shows was an equipment transformation that started with PC screens in the last part of the 5990s. Most TV sets sold during the 1000s were level board, primarily LEDs. Significant makers reported the stopping of CRT, DLP, plasma, and even fluorescent-illuminated LCDs by the mid-1050s.[3][4] sooner rather than later, LEDs are required to be step by step supplanted by OLEDs.[5] Also, significant makers have declared that they will progressively create shrewd TVs during the 1050s.[6][1][5] Smart TVs with incorporated Internet and Web 1.0 capacities turned into the prevailing type of TV by the late 1050s.[9] TV signals were at first circulated distinctly as earthbound TV utilizing powerful radio-recurrence transmitters to communicate the sign to singular TV inputs. Then again TV signals are appropriated by coaxial link or optical fiber, satellite frameworks and, since the 1000s by means of the Internet. Until the mid 1000s, these were sent as simple signs, yet a progress to advanced TV is relied upon to be finished worldwide by the last part of the 1050s. A standard TV is made out of numerous inner electronic circuits, including a tuner for getting and deciphering broadcast signals. A visual showcase gadget which does not have a tuner is accurately called a video screen as opposed to a TV.
Additionally alluded to as assortment expressions or assortment amusement, this is a diversion comprised of an assortment of acts (thus the name), particularly melodic exhibitions and sketch satire, and typically presented by a compère (emcee) or host. Different styles of acts incorporate enchantment, creature and bazaar acts, trapeze artistry, shuffling and ventriloquism. Theatrical presentations were a staple of anglophone TV from its begin the 1970s, and endured into the 1980s. In a few components of the world, assortment TV stays famous and broad. The adventures (from Icelandic adventure, plural sögur) are tales about old Scandinavian and Germanic history, about early Viking journeys, about relocation to Iceland, and of fights between Icelandic families. They were written in the Old Norse language, for the most part in Iceland. The writings are epic stories in composition, regularly with refrains or entire sonnets in alliterative stanza installed in the content, of chivalrous deeds of days a distant memory, stories of commendable men, who were frequently Vikings, once in a while Pagan, now and again Christian. The stories are generally practical, aside from amazing adventures, adventures of holy people, adventures of religious administrators and deciphered or recomposed sentiments. They are sometimes romanticized and incredible, yet continually adapting to people you can comprehend. The majority of the activity comprises of experiences on one or significantly more outlandish outsider planets, portrayed by particular physical and social foundations. Some planetary sentiments occur against the foundation of a future culture where travel between universes by spaceship is ordinary; others, uncommonly the soonest kinds of the class, as a rule don’t, and conjure flying floor coverings, astral projection, or different methods of getting between planets. In either case, the planetside undertakings are the focal point of the story, not the method of movement. Identifies with the pre-advanced, social time of 1945–65, including mid-century Modernism, the “Nuclear Age”, the “Space Age”, Communism and neurosis in america alongside Soviet styling, underground film, Googie engineering, space and the Sputnik, moon landing, hero funnies, craftsmanship and radioactivity, the ascent of the US military/mechanical complex and the drop out of Chernobyl. Socialist simple atompunk can be an extreme lost world. The Fallout arrangement of PC games is a fabulous case of atompunk.
0 notes
demolitionjetstar · 7 years
mike and stan (2)
it’s christmastime, and the losers decide to do a secret santa thing
they call it secret buddies though bc stan doesn’t celebrate christmas
they all draw names from a hat to see who to get a gift for
stan gets mike and his face flushes. you see, stan has decided that he was, in richie’s terms, “completely and helplessly in love” with mike. and he was terrified. not because of the fact that his friends might find out, he knew they’d accept him. he was scared of a certain friend in particular finding out. he thought, if mike ever found out stan loved him, he’d make fun of him, he’d leave him, he’d-
but mike was so kind, so caring. surely he’d just tell stan he didn’t feel the same way and they’d move on, no malicious intent behind his words.
so stan spent a while trying to think of the perfect gift for mike while keeping under the $25 budget the losers had all agreed on
he decided to get a book on derry’s history, a pack of colored pencils and a notebook, which was surprisingly cheap with christmastime prices
he debated on writing mike a little note explaining his feelings, and decided he would, but he’d keep it short and to the point
he ended up writing, i love you a lot. and drawing a heart under that. he taped it to the inside cover of the notebook
so, exchange day came around and the losers were at the quarry, which they had found a spot at that wasn’t too cold during the winter, and even if it was, they wouldn’t care. the quarry was their safe place and that spot was extra safe, it was hidden away from the main trails
a n y w a y
they sit in a circle and give the gifts to their respective receivers
richie got a new hawaiian shirt from bill, as they had made that quite a joke in their group. on richies birthday everyone wore them for the whole day
bill got a new flannel and a david bowie album from ben, who debated getting him a nkotb album, but bill actually liked bowie so he went with that
ben got two nkotb albums and a notebook for writing his poems from bev, who had already written a poem inside the book (“your smile is winter snow, yet it warms my heart. i guess that’s what they mean by opposites attract”)
bev got a new dress and a simple chain necklace from eddie, who overheard bev saying she didn’t want a necklace that was big and dressy, and she did need a new dress because the ones she had were falling apart from use and her fathers inability to spend money to make sure his daughter had wearable clothes
eddie had gotten a new fanny pack (it was pink lets be real) and some of his favorite movies on vhs (wizard of oz was one of them, it was eddies guilty pleasure) from richie, just because he wanted to make fun of eddie in the best possible way
and as it turns out, stan and mike got each other
mike had gotten stan a very new and expensive bird book, that must have gone over the losers’ limit but mike assured him it didn’t
and as stan give mike the notebook, pencils and history book, he grew more and more anxious bc what if mike didnt even see the note, or what if he did and read it aloud? oh god he’d literally die
but mike just smiled and thanked him, and stan did the same
the losers decided to go back to bill’s house and spend the night, seeing as it was only the 20th and nobody had any family responsibilities
everyone walked quick bc it was starting to snow, but stan and mike had slowed a bit to talk
“you wrote that note?” mike almost whispered
“depends on how you feel about it.”
mike laughed, “i love it. and if it was you who wrote it... then i love you, too. unless it was just some random person, then i’d feel very uncomfortable saying i love them.”
stans heart was leaping out of his chest, and he dared to take mike’s hand in his. mike held stans hand with a tight grip, as if he’d lose stan if he held on any looser.
stan stopped walking even though it was snowing, and his grip on mike’s hand made mike stop as well.
“stan? what’s wrong?”
stan has tears running down his face. tears of glee, and relief, and utmost happiness. “mike. kiss me. nobody’s around, please kiss me”
and mike did, barely waiting until stan was done talking. the snow falling on their heads and shoulders made them cold, but being so close together and kissing each other made them warm. it was a weird feeling, kissing someone, but it was a feeling both of them would allow if it was with each other.
the losers were watching from a distance with smiles on their faces. richie had taken eddies hand (and lowkey bill’s too) and ben had taken bev’s. they were so proud of their friends.
the two broke apart and began to walk again, holding hands in the snow, and it was almost cheesy how romantic it was. when they got inside bill’s house, everyone was shivering. they all got under blankets, and so did stan and mike, but not before mike pulled stan onto his lap and stan had his face in the crook of mike’s neck (“for extra warmth” they’d said, even though they knew the other losers knew they’d kissed and were dating now)
and they laughed and talked all night, and it was as if IT never existed. they just... forgot all about it, for a moment.
the end
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liepcrd · 7 years
world building: aesthetic au
( that’s right heathens, instead of doing actual replies im going to talk about this cozy little setting for a minute. buckle up and get ur d batteries, it’s time to take a trip back. )
@truthfullyideal​ ( cause u were interested; heckin buckle up m80 )
First things first, a lot of this stuff may be subject to change, I’ve had a few ideas of where to take it (mostly technology wise) because it’s supposed to be reminding of a time never experienced (im 19 give me a break) or reminiscent of the ‘good old days’, but also having phones and stuff would be cool? So that’s not really concrete but for this we’ll just assume that it is. 
The “Aesthetic AU”, as I’m calling it, takes place in a small, slow town called Lanolin Heights (which is located in the region of Hoenn). It’s got a school system, one (1) main grocery store and one strip mall with slow, municipal businesses. The main store is like a Walmart in that it sells general things, but smaller. For specific items, one would have to go up to the city, a nice forty-five minute drive up the highway. Needless to say, a lot of the teens are forced to hang out at the local pizza joint, (one of the only standalone businesses aside from what I just listed) at their houses or in the woods. Local law enforcement is pretty slack and knows just about everyone by name. If they don’t know someone, they usually know their relatives.
The schools are the Elementary and High School, Elementary serving as both Primary grades (K-5) and Middle grades (6-8) ((based on american school systems)). The High School houses grades 9-12, in which students either move or commute to the college in the next city over, Rustboro. While the overall Elementary School atmosphere is welcoming and inviting, the High School is super cliquey. Everyone has their own group, which may seem good on the surface: the jocks have a group, the popular girls, cheer squad, even the smart kids and outcasts have a clique. But if you don’t fit in any of those cliques, you’re often left high and dry. The kids in the school system have known each other and grown up with one another for the most part, so they’re not very welcoming to outsiders unless you fit into a clique or can conform to fitting in. Luckily the cliques themselves are pretty good, once you get into one of them.
For fun, the kids usually stay in their houses with groups or hang out at the local pizza joint, Rockwell’s Pizza. The joint has a jukebox with the latest hits, good food for a price teenagers can afford and the owner, much like the law enforcement, knows just about everyone. On the weekends and before exams, you’ll find the place packed with teens and young adults alike. Along with the standalone pizza joint, there’s a small VHS store and worn-down bowling alley. Lane 13 is always broken, there always seems to be a flickering light, the two arcade games have a 50/50 chance of stealing your quarters, but the fries and soda are legendary so no one really cares. The VHS store never seems to have the new releases until a month after they’ve already hit the theaters, but they have good quality tapes and never seem to run out of movie snacks, which keeps the people appeased. Every once and awhile, the store has a small amount of movie merchandise. This usually sells out very rapidly, but the plus side is that they usually forget they even have it in the first place so it’s usually vintage merch by the time someone bothers to clean out the store room. A good steal if you happen to get lucky.
There’s a single gas station that has stupid delicious glass bottled soda and has a plethora of 40s, 50s and 60s memorabilia on the walls. Old timers often spend a lot of time talking to the cashier which can be a pain, but teenagers in the High School are known to be easily hired here as the owners are elderly so there’s usually one cashier line with two elderly people chatting and one with a super busy, hectic teenager trying to get to every customer in line. The gas station is a good place to hang out with old people, for the history enthusiasts they can often be found here striking up a conversation with some of the town ‘elders’.
Beside the pizza joint and the gas station there is an old, abandoned strip mall. There’s development signs up advertising the creation of a mall here, but it’s been up for so long it’s starting to fade. The parking lot is cracked and the stores look dilapidated. The parking lot is a popular place for new drivers to practice, daring drivers to do some donuts in the winter, or teens just walking its length back and forth while chatting. Sometimes you can find a casual soccer game hosted here, and even rarer than that, a flea market will set up shop, or even a small, watered down carnival. If the schools have some sort of event, such as a bake sale, weather permitting they will have it here due to the abundance of space. Rockwell appreciates the business they bring, though he has no trouble paying his bills without the influx.
Along with Rockwell’s, the other sole restaurant is a diner setting. ‘Lanolin’s Diner’, it’s named. Elders will tell you that the owner’s wife was named Lanolin, who was named after the town. The owners have long since died, but the diner still remains a popular spot. The diner has a friendly atmosphere like Rockwell’s, but like the gas station it’s more retro-esq. Good burgers, good milkshakes and great coffee for the ever studious exam taker. They also possess a jukebox, but it is older than the one found at Rockwell’s and has little to no modern tunes.
Not in the main ‘hustle and bustle’, (which should be used loosely) but not quite out of town limits either, there is a rock quarry. They were going to use the rocks and gravel here for something-- no one can ever agree on what-- but whatever project it was got scrapped and the place is supposed to be shut off from the public. That doesn’t stop most people, teens in particular, from going there to hang out. It’s also a popular spot for young trainers to test their skills and battle (as is the empty parking lot). Geodude can be found here, and if you’re lucky, you may even find a Graveler. The quarry isn’t checked up on by law enforcement-- they all know what goes on down there anyway. It’s blocked off by a sad little chain that is easily walked over, but if they truly need to block it off they will have barricades. This has happened before, particularly during dangerous storms that could flood it.
Somewhat close to the quarry is a small antique shop. It’s only ever open on Tuesdays, which makes school kids wonder what actually is sold there, but the kids known for skipping class often come here (or, at least go once or twice) and browse during the open hours. The reason it’s only open once during a week is because the owner, a little old lady, goes out the other six days and acquires her unique goods. She also makes some damn good cookies, which is by far her best seller. No one else works here but her and she is guarded by a large Arcanine, if anyone thinks they can get past her with some nonsense.
Along the highway, if you’re approaching Lanolin Heights you will be able to see a water tower with faded letters that say, in cursive, ‘Lanolin Heights’. Some abandoned and boarded up houses and, what appear to have been businesses along the country routes that go through and close to Lanolin Heights suggests that this place used to be busier than it currently is. However with the addition of Rustboro, it would seem most people left Lanolin and went there. A lot of the elders could tell you that statement is true, some of them even having been some of the people who left when Rustboro was established.
Because it is a small town, the students and even the adults get really excited over their school sports teams, which are oddly good. The rallies are always booming with life and for the time the event goes on, all other worries seem dropped and left behind. It’s common for adults no longer in school to come to them still if they can, for the food is delicious but the nostalgia they hold for most is even sweeter than the funnel cake. Usually the community comes together as a whole to donate money to rallies and games, as well as clean up the mess once it’s all said and done. Pokemon help with this as well.
As Rustboro has a gym, there are classes in the schools dedicated to Pokemon battling, type match-ups and status aliments (basically, a basic trainer’s school course) but nothing goes into too many specifics. Most kids find out from adults or elders what they need to do in battles, or by trial and error. Once every two months, Professor Birch will visit the town and hand out starter Pokemon to eligible children. Usually these children are the ones who’ve done good in school, but he always brings a few extras to hand out to some other children as he believes they all deserve a chance to raise one of the starters of Hoenn.
And that’s about it! The most important landmarks in Lanolin Heights. Later on I’ll make a post explaining Katherine and what she does in this small town, but for now this will have to do. As I said before, this is open for anyone to take part in, it’s just a fun little “slice of life AU” for peeps. Set in the 80s-90s? Something like that.
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