#the relicary...
relicarios-de-dor · 3 months
Preciso voltar pros 68kg pelo menos!!!!! Vai ser a 1ª meta!
Preciso de ajuda, vou baixar meus apps de calorias e jejum de novo (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
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inkeyjay · 4 months
Content warning: Blood, Gore, body horror
Diseased Relicary
Weird autopsies
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An mild ailment corroded the streets of Arca two decades ago. The fevers were believed to be contracted throught the ingestion of contaminated fish and water. The vercals, renown healers, rose to power to ensure it wouldnt erradicate the city, but it ended making it worse. Health potions administered by Saint Trina's order were only capable of stopping the synthoms for a few days, and then they returned and so on. Anger festered in the streets, as only a few were able to afford such care and any attempts to replicate or look for a cure outside the order were crushed just as the poison filled vials between the teeths of their perpretators.
Queen Consuelo Vercal herself got the infection, but she endured years, for the monarch had the saints beside her. As the queen stood proudly on Arca Altus tall towers, the city withered at her feet. And another disease took the city: rebellion.
Only when the queen stepped down and took off the crown, as a final act of martydom, the plague was expelled from the city's lungs. The Nerón family then swore to legislate towards peace so the city could recover, not just from the epidemy, but also from the deep wounds that divided it.
The disease is now known as the Saltpeter fevers, due to its origin in the salty waters of the estuary, and the white residue pilling around the mouths of the ill. Just a few medics and forensic were able to see where it came from.
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thesillydoll · 6 days
Agatha's relicary is interesting. Relicaries are not bought for oneself, they are given as gifts.It usually represents love and memory. I wonder if the lock of hair was Nick Scratch's or Rio Vidal's.
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nattysgirl · 7 months
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Didn’t like how it turned out but it was difficult because the relicary is 1cm x 1cm so it’s small lmao
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l-ours · 9 days
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aeroplanos, andreus (Ginebrosa), avions (de bassa) o avionets), barratgina/barretgina (Sóller/València), borinots, (cavalls de) bruixes, bumberots, burumbots, bombots, pixamines, cabots (Libellula depressa), cabuts, calabruixes, cavalls (de serp/de bruixa/d'aigua/), cavalles, cavall(et)s de Sant Martí, cavallets (del diable/dimoni), cavallets (de séquia/(cua) de serp/d'acer/de mar), cavallets voladors, cevils/civils, cuc de les basses, cucs plovedors, cuques voladores, damisel·les, diablets (Ondara), dianxos (a Gata), dimonis de safareig, dimoseles (Rosselló, Vallespir, Cerdanya) i madimoseles (Rosselló), doctors, dotors de bassa, escanyapits ((Fontpedrosa), escopetes, espantadimonis, espantacriatures, espiadimonis, espietes, esquitxidors, estiracabells, ferrers, fideues, gaiter(o)s, gambosins, gavatxos, gitanos, grandaios, guàrdies civils (Delta de l'Ebre), guitarretes, guitarrons, gulles, helicòpters, iaios (la Sénia), iaios figues (Mas de Barberans, Montsià), joanets, jolibeus/julibeus (a Pedreguer), judios, leonors, llagostins, mares de cavall, marianets, marietes, marotets (femella), marotetes (femella), médicos, micalets, mongetes (La Marina de Pinet), mor-te-i-fuigs/mortefuigs (Almenar), palometes, paraguais, paraigüer(o)s, pardals d'aigua (auia), pardalets d'estiu, parecabots (o parecabotes), pares vicaris, parits, parots (anisòpters: parots = èsnids i parotets = libel·lúlids), parots de bassa, parotets (mascle), passabarrancs (emprat potser a tort, puix que designa, també, els Cordulegaster) pericos, petins, pixatinters, pixavins (a Nules o Castelló), redolins (Delta de l'Ebre), reiets, relicari(o)s, remiqueris, rodabasses, rodadits (rodadit en singular. rodadits de bassa: Gomphus pulchellus, rodadits groc: Gomphus simillimus, rodadits esperonat: Gomphus graslinii), rodalitxos, rodapous, sangradors, sardineros (els Valentins, Montsià), sastres, senyores, senyoretes, serpents, serradits (en singular), tavals, tavans (d'aigua), tavanos, capellans, sangradors, tallanàs o tallanassos (invariable) (Alcanar), tallaorelles, teixidors, tixeires (Sallagosa), torerets (zigòpters), trencaporrons (en singular), treu-ulls, trisparís (Castelló), volantins de fontana, vicaris de bassa, voliaines (Targasona), voltabaixos, voltabasses (Alt Penedès), voltapous, xopaculs... (Wikipedia)
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edipalstropics · 6 years
Curs de Filosofia en 1 lliura i 3/4 [llesca #1: L’Obra dels Peatges]
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PARÍS, 1934
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helykk · 8 years
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My new Dark heresy char, since Ekroo died. Introducing Wespe, techpriestess, agent of Relicary 26 retrieval strike team. She’s basically a land speeder, fast, flying and with a lot of dakka.
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ernestdescalsartwok · 4 years
CARDONA-PINTURA-ART-SANTS MARTIRS-CRIPTA-RELICARIS-MISTICA-HISTORIA-ESGLESIA-SANT MIQUEL-PAISATGES-INTERIORS-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: CARDONA-PINTURA-ART-SANTS MARTIRS-CRIPTA-RELICARIS-MISTICA-HISTORIA-ESGLESIA-SANT MIQUEL-PAISATGES-INTERIORS-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- En el interior de la cripta de la Església de Sant Miquel de Cardona, he podido pintar otro los paisajes interiores que me entusiasman, unas pequeñas urnas que contienen los restos de los Santos Mártires, els SANTS MARTIRS, que cuentan las leyendas fueron ajusticiados en Calahorra en tiempos del Imperio Romano en Hispania y posteriomente devueltos en sus bellos relicarios a la iglesia del pueblo de CARDONA, pueblos de la Comarca del Bages en la provincia de Barcelona, Catalunya Central, bajo una luz eminentemente mística se hallan adosados al fondo de la pared central, el objeto en sí mismo resulta de pequeñas dimensiones, pero he querido mostrarlo ocupando toda la pintura para disfrutar de sus detalles y sobre todo plasmando en la obra sus efectos mágicos sobre los escogidos visitantes que pueden contemplarlo. Formando un mundo propio, las Reliquias adquieren toda la importancia en su atmósfera histórica y religiosa, el uso de las luces es el que he creído más oportuno para embellecer al máximo este asombroso detalle en una población que es conocida por su imponente castillo, pero que se demuestra capaz de albergar tantos otros tesoros. Pinturas del artista pintor Ernest Descals sobre papel de 50 x 70 centímetros, pintando las joyas escondidas.
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