#the return of strongbow
tangledbea · 9 months
When did Eugene say he was in jail?
My mistake, it was Cassandra who said it, to which he replied, "Mostly yes."
But again, he was lying out his ass for a lot of that episode. Who knows what was truthful and what wasn't. A fun thing to remember about characters is that not everything they say is the truth! Therefore, we have no proof that Lance was ever convicted of a crime.
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rhmis-user-2020 · 7 months
Rapunzel's hands are behind her back
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hitchell-mope · 8 months
Arnwaldo Schnitz? No wonder he changed it to Lance Strongbow.
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tangledgal · 2 years
Genuine question for the tangled fandom: when was the last time you watched a Tangled: the Series episode, and what was the episode/ episodes?
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alexturntable · 2 months
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chris_bloodfilms Met my hero on a train. This story is long so scroll if you cba reading. It’s 2005, a band explodes on MySpace. They’re dressed like you and their lyrics are a mirror to your life. Bleeding heck, who the fuck are the Arctic Monkeys? After 19 years on repeat it’s now 2024. Myself and @/conor_bloodfilms are travelling back from Paris. We arrive at Gare Du Nord and Duffy stops in his tracks. He whispers to me “I think that’s Alex Turner.” “F**k off!” I immediately reply. I gaze over at a guy wearing a leather jacket with long brown hair, his face adorned with aviators. We should probably stop staring as it’s getting weird, sexually and aggressively weird. Turns out it is bloody Alex Turner, the man who’s provided the soundtrack to my life! He strolls past and disappears into the Parisian platform crowd. A missed opportunity. We board our train back to London. We look to our left and there’s Alex. Sitting in his seat accompanied by a notepad. He’s probably writing the next Arctic Monkeys hit “Two gawping pricks on a train”. We really need to stop staring. I tell Duffers I’m going in, he stops me. Reminds me that I’m a fully functioning adult and not to create a scene. Christ, he’s right! I feel like I’m 15 years old again, someone get me a Strongbow and whack Dancing Shoes on, kin hell lad! Eventually myself and Con engage, it’s a surreal experience. Alex is polite and returns conversation in a soft friendly manner. The whole situation is just bloody lovely. I awkwardly ask if I can take his portrait, fully aware that it could result in an awkward exchange and destroy this wonderful moment. He smiles and obliges, he’s effortlessly cool, asks for direction and I take a few snaps. We disembark the train, I felt quite emotional and that’s embarrassing to admit. Maybe it was the jet lag, the caffeine and croissant overload? Or maybe it was just the rekindling of my youth. This all might sound trivial, however, for me these portraits are deeply personal serving a reminder that life is a series of fortunate events and when fully appreciated can conjure up some pretty awesome memories.
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musicandotherstuff · 2 months
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Recent photo of Alex Turner taken by a fan, 2024
chris_bloodfilms: "It's 2005, a band explodes on MySpace. They're dressed like you and their lyrics are a mirror to your life. Bleeding heck, who the fuck are the Arctic Monkeys?
After 19 years on repeat it's now 2024. Myself and @/conor_bloodfilms are travelling back from Paris
We arrive at Gare Du Nord and Duffy stops in his tracks. He whispers to me "I think that's Alex Turner." "F**k off!" I immediately reply. I gaze over at a guy wearing a leather jacket with long brown hair, his face adorned with aviators. We should probably stop staring as it's getting weird, sexually and aggressively weird.
Turns out it is bloody Alex Turner, the man who's provided the soundtrack to my life! He strolls past and disappears into the Parisian platform crowd. A missed opportunity.
We board our train back to London. We look to our left and there's Alex. Sitting in his seat accompanied by a notepad. He's probably writing the next Arctic Monkeys hit "Two gawping pricks on a train". We really need to stop staring.
I tell Duffers I'm going in, he stops me. Reminds me that I'm a fully functioning adult and not to create a scene. Christ, he's right! I feel like I'm 15 years old again, someone get me a Strongbow and whack Dancing Shoes on, kin hell lad!
Eventually myself and Con engage, it's a surreal experience. Alex is polite and returns conversation in a soft friendly manner. The whole situation is just bloody lovely.
I awkwardly ask if I can take his portrait, fully aware that it could result in an awkward excha"
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nicoscheer · 2 months
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chris_bloodfilms Met my hero on a train.
This story is long so scroll if you cba reading.
It's 2005, a band explodes on MySpace. They're dressed like you and their lyrics are a mirror to your life.
Bleeding heck, who the fuck are the Arctic Monkeys?
After 19 years on repeat it's now 2024. Myself and @conor_bloodfilms are travelling back from Paris.
We arrive at Gare Du Nord and Duffy stops in his tracks. He whispers to me "I think that's Alex Turner."
"F**k off!" | immediately reply. I gaze over at a guy wearing a leather jacket with long brown hair, his face adorned with aviators. We should probably stop staring as it's getting weird, sexually and aggressively weird.
Turns out it is bloody Alex Turner, the man who's provided the soundtrack to my life! He strolls past and disappears into the Parisian platform crowd. A missed opportunity.
We board our train back to London. We look to our left and there's Alex. Sitting in his seat accompanied by a notepad. He's probably writing the next Arctic Monkeys hit "Two gawping pricks on a train". We really need to stop staring.
I tell Duffers I'm going in, he stops me. Reminds me that I'm a fully functioning adult and not to create a scene. Christ, he's right! I feel like I'm 15 years old again, someone get me a Strongbow and whack Dancing Shoes on, kin hell lad!
Eventually myself and Con engage, it's a surreal experience. Alex is polite and returns conversation in a soft friendly manner. The whole situation is just bloody lovely.
I awkwardly ask if I can take his portrait, fully aware that it could result in an awkward exchange and destroy this wonderful moment. He smiles and obliges, he's effortlessly cool, asks for direction and I take a few snaps.
We disembark the train, I felt quite emotional and that's embarrassing to admit. Maybe it was the jet lag, the caffeine and croissant overload? Or maybe it was just the rekindling of my youth.
This all might sound trivial, however, for me these portraits are deeply personal serving a reminder that life is a series of fortunate events and when fully appreciated can conjure up some pretty awesome memories.
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incredipuppy · 2 months
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Happy anniversary to “The Return of Strongbow” and the first appearance of Lance
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Please vote based on the picture AND the description!
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Thessaly Olden [Tangled OC @marching-tall-through-it-all]
A Coronan who runs her five-kid family's antique shop... and then she meets Lance Strongbow. She has what I call "Head Elf tendencies" (good at managing everything but bad at being the de facto leader), and while she doesn't fall for Lance's cons, she loves the true dork underneath.
Tsuname [Lost Eye @kazeharuhime]
Tsuname is a member of the Wotren race, fish-like people capable of changing from land form to water form. He lives on an island on his home planet amongst his people. One day he is taken captive by space pirates and forever changed. He struggles to return to his world, only to find that when he does, he himself is now the danger due to years of slavery and the effect it's had on his psyche. He now must struggle to turn to normalcy after becoming the monster he's always feared, but he isn't alone in this journey. Someone else who has walked a similar path is there to help him through his storms. Though whether even this figure is enough to help him remains to be seen.
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What are your fave episodes of Tangled?
This is a great question! I tried to be picky, but it still turned out pretty long, lol:
Season 1:
1x05: Cassandra v. Eugene - a great set up to the frenemy-ship between Cass and Eugene; the episode illustrated the common ground between them as well as an interesting contrast of ideals/priorities that I wish later seasons had built upon
1x06: The Return of Strongbow - Lance is one of my favorite characters
1x11: Pascal's Story - too sad to rewatch, but Pascal and Rapunzel's relationship is so important to their characters and this ep did that justice in my opinion
1x12: Big Brothers of Corona - also a huge fan of Angry & Catalina; their dynamic with Lance & Eugene is gold
Season 2 (my favorite season overall):
2x01: Beyond the Corona Walls - the failed proposal (one of many), the kidnapping, the reveal that Stalyan is NOT a horse, the interrupted wedding in disguise, the super long New Dream kiss at the end...this episode was EVERYTHING
2x02: The Return of Quaid - interesting plot, cool art style, and the perfect blend between funny and heartfelt
2x07: Keeper of the Spire - "SPY-YUHR!"
2x11: Max and Eugene in "Peril on the High Seas" - LOVED that Eugene + Max got an episode dedicated to developing their dynamic and learning how to see eye to eye; hilarious conflict, lots of quality Eugene quips (I laughed out loud at "and now that I've lived there...I think I want a better one.")
2x17: Mirror, Mirror - the challenge was creepy in a fun way; and I enjoyed how we kept cutting back to how the team was doing in the "mirror world". One of the more successful attempts at a darker tone compared to the relatively light-hearted first season.
2x18: You're Kidding Me! - While I don't totally agree with the characterization of Eugene and Rapunzel in this one, the question of how their respective traumas would influence their parenting in conflicting ways was fascinating, and it's a fun trope in general.
Season 3 (my least favorite season overall):
3x12: Cassandra's Revenge - while I did not love the writers' choices regarding Cass's backstory, the confrontation between her and Rapunzel during this episode was SO well-written. This episode also had some of the best songs in the series, beautiful animation during the fight scenes, lots of New Dream moments (plotting his birthday surprise, yet another failed proposal, Rapunzel rescuing him from Cass, etc). Amidst the angst, there was also some humor--most notably Cass laughing at their attempts to scale the tower, Lance's commentary, and "going up to go up is too simple!"
3x15: Race to the Spire - again, "SPY-YUHRRRR!"
3x17: Flynnpostor - not perfect but a pretty funny Eugene-centric plot; would have loved more screen time devoted to his letting go of the "Flynn Rider" mantle and seeking a new path in life
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 month
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tangledbea · 1 year
So in the Return of Strongbow, is it confirmed that Frederick found out that Eugene had been the one to take Arianna’s ring or is more of an assumed type of thing? If I recall correctly there was an scene later on of them looking down at Eugene and Rapunzel through a window that episode.
No, Arianna never told Frederic.
Eugene confessed to Arianna and she said at the time that she didn't know if she was going to tell Frederic or not, but at the end of the episode, when she's watching Eugene and Rapunzel through the window, and Frederic approaches, he goes to kiss her hand, notices the ring, and comments how he thought she lost it ages ago, and she simply answers, "Yes! Eugene found it!"
She didn't rat him out. She knows Eugene is good for Rapunzel and knows that Frederic's approval of him is important for New Dream's ongoing relationship, so she protects him from the potential of being punished for a crime that should technically fall under his blanket pardon, but might not be, given that it was committed against her.
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rhmis-user-2020 · 8 months
Cassie is just smiling at angry Rapunzel with Pascal just carrying a glass of milk
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And Punzie dons a milk moustache
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hitchell-mope · 8 months
Hey Genie
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mikeallenz · 6 months
My friend @nerdasaurus1200 posted a pirate Tangled post. (The correct answer to the poll is Rapunzel, but I digress.) I remembered I made a One Piece AU after the Netflix show came out so now I’m gonna grace those willing to read with my AU. And in true nerdasaurus style I will do it with heroforges.
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Meet Rapunzel d. Sonne. Captain of the Sundrop Pirates and the wielder of the Hair-Hair Fruit, a Paramecia Devil Fruit that allows her to grow her hair out and use it to attack. It can levitate and attack at her command but it seems to have a bit of a mind of its own. It is indestructible so she can also use it as a shield. And she can recall it whenever she wants. She was raised by a ruthless warlord allied with the World Government named Gothel who trained her to be a killer, but then she breaks free from the influence when learning her true heritage. Her father was a pirate who set off looking for the One Piece after Gol d. Rodger’s execution. And how she is possesses the Will of D. So she goes off to make her own crew, find her father and possibly beat him to the One Piece. She is the Luffy of the team, recklessly off on adventure and making friends and enemies wherever she goes.
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Meet Cassandra, the only member of the crew without a bounty (as of now). But she is the First Mate of the crew, so it’s about time, but she’s still annoyed that it hasn’t happened yet. Cassandra is an excellent swordsman, trained by her adopted father, a respected marine Captain. (Even if Cass herself never officially became a marine, she was a bounty hunter before joining the crew) Cassandra is also an expert at Armament Haki, able to outmatch a lot of far more practiced users. Cass originally met Rapunzel when she was going after the bounty of Flynn Rider, who happened to be traveling with Rapunzel at that time. But she quickly earns Cassandra’s respect and is coerced into joining the crew. Despite being hesitant at first, she realizes how much Rapunzel respects her and wants to help her to become the world’s greatest swordsman. (Yes, she is the Zoro)
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Meet Flynn Rider, (or Eugene to his friends) and Lance Strongbow. They are the navigator and the chef/musician of the crew (when they officially join, that is). Eugene is present when Rapunzel learns her true heritage and joins her and Cassandra on her ship so he can return to the base of his pirate captain. Because in truth they work for the ruthless warlord “The Baron”. Eugene especially is meant to marry Baron’s daughter Stalyan and if he doesn’t, they kill his best friend from childhood Lance. When they were younger, Eugene and Lance made a name for themselves as criminals but Eugene got into some trouble with Baron, resulting in the Barons crew taking over his home town and Eugene makes the arranged marriage in order to save them. So this results in Eugene betraying his friends after bonding with them and hoping they don’t follow for their own safety. (Yes, the Nami.)
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Lastly is Mad Alchemist Varian. He is a mix of the sniper and he has a role similar to Nico Robin’s as well. His father is a Vice Admiral of the marines but he himself is an alchemist so he never fit in on his father’s ship. One day, when visiting an important Island, Varian and Quirin get into an argument, which Varian flees from, but when he returns, Varian’s alchemy was used to encase Quirin in amber. After grieving, the marines thinks he did it so he flees and is found by Rapunzel’s crew. And Rapunzel makes a deal with him that she’d help him track down a way to save his father, if he helps her and joins her crew. Which he agrees to.
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doodle-pops · 8 months
Hey Mina! I don’t mean to intrude but I have a question.
I’m currently working on some edits for that Beleg project and I realized something. For one my understanding of Beleg was that Túrin meet Beleg when the elf was a great woodsman and later the two both became legendary soldiers/march-wardens.
Is that correct? Or was Beleg already a march warden? Btw idk if I’m spelling that word correctly but I think you know what I mean.
Either way I hope you have a pleasant day!
My day has been a rollercoaster, but I'm visibly excited for your fic 😆
As for your question, Beleg was always the Chief of the Marchwardens way before he met Turin. Famously known for his ability with the bow and whereby earned the epessë Cúthalion which means 'strongbow' for his bowmanship or elite archery skills.
You are correct about them later becoming active warriors in the war against Morgoth after Turin refused to return to Doriath and Beleg requested to depart and follow him.
Hope this helped! Feel free to reach out again 🤗
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