#the same way I dont like show Eloise
thekatebridgerton · 1 year
I don't remember much of Hyacinth's book, but I think I would remember if she insulted Sophie. Is it because she called her the daughter of an actress? I don't think that was an insult. Did I miss something?
you really had to make me dig for my copy of Its in his kiss to remind me how much I dislike adult Hyacinth do you?.
So here's the line about Sophie that I take issue with. I know everyone else doesn't and if its a me problem, its a me problem. Because I dont like Hyacinth. And I adore Sophie quite a lot
“Your family might object.”
“Pffft. We’re not so high in the instep as that. My brother’s wife is the illegitimate daughter of the Earl of Penwood and an actress of God knows what provenance, and any one of us would lay down our lives for her.” Her eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “But you are not illegitimate.”
He shook his head. “To my father’s everlasting despair.”
“Well, then,” she said, “I don’t see a problem. My brother and Sophie like to live quietly in the country, in part because of her past, but we shan’t be forced to do the same. Unless of course, you wish to.”
- IIHK chapter 18
Like seriously!! this part of the conversation makes me so angry, because I'm very pro Sophie, and here is Gareth telling her all this time he's been rightfully concerned for something that's affected his entire life since he was born, and will now affect her life as his wife, because his father has some sort of grudge over it. And Hyacinth not only acts like lol what a funny thing to say Gareth. But it also sounds like she thinks Sophie is some kind of undesirable relation in the same breath she says she loves her. LOL Hyacinth what a lighthearted way to take the issue. And dont get me started on the grudge she holds towards Lucy even after she's married to Gregory
Ugh, reading it's in his kiss always makes me think that Gareth is too good for her and he deserved better.
Also to the anon who asked me what scene I wanted to see from her book. I take back what I said about Hyacinth reading to lady D, because the most hilarious scene in that book is Gareth asking for Hyacinth's hand and Anthony just being ready to sing Halleluyah because he's done marrying off his 4 sisters.
Like I said, maybe my dislike for adult Hyacinth is a me problem. But you can tell how much I dislike the crap she pulls in her book by my opinions on show Eloise, who takes a lot after her. The sheer immaturity and entitlement is so real.
And that's the tea.
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sunfortune · 5 months
can I ask what bridgerton books you’ve read and if they’re worth it
i read “the viscount who loved me” yeeeeears ago. and it is still probably my fav regency romance novel. it’s not even perfect. i just loooved the characterizations. (they’ll NEVER make me hate you book kate) and i think the banter and slow burn in the first half of the book was SOOO good. and literally what so many romance novels LACK. bc insta-lust/love just doesn’t pack the same punch. i’m sorry
also i litchrally claimed kate as a women of color in my own delusions back when i was literally reading a standard White Ass Regency Romance Novel (BEFORE there was ever any show) bc i just loved kate that much. and was like WHOS gonna beat my ass⁉️ (this was after still star crossed lol) she was a woman of color. TO ME.
plus they described kate as “dark” and edwina as “fair” in the book a lot which i know just meant hair/eyes but i was like. slay! no take backs! LDMLSJSKSJ
(so despite everything about the way the show did kate i did absolutely WIN in that aspect)
next. the second book i read was “romancing mister bridgerton”. (again. this is before there was ever a show) bc i liked the little of penelope i saw in kanthonys book. but then. well. reading that book is when i realized “the viscount who loved me” might have been a fluke bc WHAT in the world. “romancing mister bridgerton” was just 350 pages of penelope getting dogged by the boringest MOST bitchless man on earth. the way she PINED for colin from literally page 1. PAGE ONE. but the book doesn’t spend a SINGLE second making him compelling in ANY way, shape or form was MIND boggling. AND THEN gave him the audacity to treat HER like shit⁉️
and the WHOLE TIME the book is like they’re friends to lovers btw!!! hehe <333. NO THEY WERENT! DONT piss me off rn. that man was NOT her friend. he was nice to her ONLY when he deemed her below him. and as soon as he found out she had success in something he didn’t, it was immediate disdain and disrespect for her. that’s not a friend?!
ALL WHILE! she falls all over herself bc of how bad she wants him. i wanted to get her the fuck out of her OWN romance when i was reading that book. i could not believe what it was selling as real true love. garbage
next. i was debating if i should check out another book after that mess. bc i didn’t know if the other were also bad. and eventually just decided to start from the beginning (moment of silence 😞) and pulled up “the duke and i” and then as im reading the synopsis i stumble on a review detailing the plot and that describes the actual sexual assault in that book that gets played off as romance.
aaand i have NOT touched another bridgerton book since
i Have heard eloise’s book and romance is awful by mutuals who have read them all. and benedict’s is not very great either. francesca’s book may be the only worthy follow up to tvwlm. those 2 are generally considered the better ones of the series.
i’m still recovering from the ones i have read though so wont be able to confirm any time soon
in conclusion:
the viscount who loved me (my best friend still idc. not perfect but very gorgeous to me)
romancing mister bridgerton (hot garbage. argue with your mother)
the duke and i (burning books is not always bad. it would be fine here)
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tubbytarchia · 4 months
todays stream..... im watching the vod in 1.5x speed because i forgot to watch. another long one.................................
jim and oli meet up immediately. they go to jimmys graveyard and olis died a bunch and he called himself mrs canary. blond boyfriends is "one night only" and oli said no flower husbands. they started making jokes about closing tumblr and ao3..... blond boyfriends are dead </3 jimmy then says they dont spend their evenings browsing those sites then oli says speak for yourself im mr wattpad
oli says "put on something sexy" for the talent show because both of them forgot to make skins for it. jimmy says hes not putting on the maid one (oli: i will) then oli suggests they both put on maid skins. grrrrr
(oli: why dont you want to be a maid? why dont you want to be a maid? you loved it you had a thumbnail about it and everything, you loved it, you loved it! stop pretending you didnt love it!
jimmy: i only do it on special occasions...... i only wear the maid dress one time on one series....... i cant do it twice........
oli: yeah but this is a different character, this is blond boyfriend jimmy, its like a whole different action figure!
jimmy: right, right, ill put it on.)
then they ask chat to make oli a maid skin since he doesnt have one. specifically with the same face as jimmys (the derpy face) then they realise they need an invisiblity potion for their talent show thing so they go to steal one from pixs furious cocktail machine. they go material gathering for more talent show stuff and split up.
(he kept making spongebob references. i think im going insane)
they meet back up. on the way jimmy goes to sausages house to steal some milk and he sees saus so he stabs him and runs away. oli found a weird pillager looking base in sausages house and shows jimmy to see how he would react to it. (u know how his voice goes when hes lying? Yeah) then after talking for a bit about who they think is a pillager (lizzie) they split up again.
Tumblr media
they meet up again and switch skins to their maid ones,,, then they start practising their dance for the talent show. not a lot happens other than flirting and oli theatening to kill himself if they lose. then they head over to the talent show and oli sings a gay little song on the way. he tries to make it sound less gay but it turns into sounding like a one night stand.
they arrive and sausage admires the outifts and asks if they want to work at the tavern later. oli says yes (only if they dont win) and jimmy doesnt say anything about it. they take their seats and jimmy sits in front of scott. hes standing on the back of the stair instead of the front so scott asks him to move so hes not blocking scotts view. jimmy says not my fault im 6 foot so scott hits him and he ends up landing on the back of the seat in front (which is eloises). eloise hits him back. he gets hit around a bit (notably laughing) then scott pulls his sword out and asks out loud how much of a blockage a grave will be. jimmy then shakes his head and goes please no i dont have any armour on :( and scotts like haha i know. then the talent show starts
mog introduces the show and prays for no deaths. first event with no deaths. please. he reads a poem for his pet sweetpea that died. its actually really good but the fact that its about a minecraft bee does make me giggle. the judges are fwhip, eloise, and katherine. not entirely people who hate jimmy.... he has a chance....... how the judging works is the 3 judges have redstone lamps that are ON and if they turn them OFF they dont like the act. if all 3 lamps turn off you have to leave the stage.
first act is shubble :) she makes cat jokes. i think theyre funny. fwhip turns off his lamp and shubble says "quit the catattitude". eloise also turns off her light. she ends her performance with 1 light on!
sausage goes next...... hes doing a play about boat boys. joel audibly sighs in the audience. sausage is wearing an etho skin and drags joel on stage. saus tries to get joel to say he loves etho but joel just goes I LOVE MY WIFE!! lizzies in the audience and she doesnt react at all. "etho" then goes on to say they have a kid together. then it ends with 2 lights on. (technically 1 but katherine turned off eloises light. then eloise turned off fwhips light but he turned it back on.)
then oli and jimmy go!!! fwhip turns off his light almost immediately but they basically just make puppy dog eyes at him until he turns it back on. they start with their dancing and they get the audience to join in. its much more organised than the rehersals. then they go onto the disappearing act. fwhip turned his light off again but eloise and katherine seem to be loving it. jimmy splashes himself with the invisiblity potion (and accidentally catches oli in it) then runs behind the seats and drinks milk. eloise turned her light off too :( but katherine and the audience really like it. they try to do their drowning act but theres a conduit power which makes it less interesting. they end the performance with 1 light on.....
then its mogs turn! hes. racing people. and jumping very high. then he starts flying. i genuinely think hes hacking and i respect the dedication to the bit. then he starts walking on water. i think he ended with all 3 lights on.
judging time....... notable thing is katherine gave oli and jim a 10/10.
1st: oli&jim. 2nd: shubble. 3rd: mog. 4th: saus. fwhip gives jimmy his coin and jim says thanks daddy fwhip. jimmy goes home and is very happy about it :) then he ends........ new sos video saturday and next stream is monday :P
long recap again.... this ones kinda all over the place cuz i was typing while watching. i equally love blond boyfriends and also want oli 100ft away from jimmy at all times
man oh man... the adventures of the blonde boy friends
Ok the maid dress......... I'm not too upset by it because I accept Oli joining in with the maid outfit thing as a valid form of helping Jimmy heal. Not that Oli INTENDS to do that (he's too stupid) but... Him insisting "you loved it! You did!" makes me want to throw up but he's stupid. He's his own fucked up thing who I don't see as participating in the Jimmy "bottom of the food chain" bullying culture. He puts himself down on that food chain alongside Jimmy... unintentionally, still, but. Mmmgh. If it were, say, Sausage instead whototallydoesnthaveamaidkink saying this... It'd be another story and I might just throw myself out the window
Oli's fooling around and I still hate his insistence on Jimmy liking the maid ordeal (and even here, Jimmy is voicing the opposite!! sobs) but then he goes and puts on a maid dress too. It might be unsubstantial fun and jokes for him, but at least Jimmy's not alone on that now in a sense... Even the derpy face is the same... And same with "I'm mrs canary now". It's more "haha we both suck" and less "you suck/I suck almost as bad as you". More affectionate and less derogatory
Oli saying he'll kill himself if they lose kinda sucks because Jimmy frequently gets blamed for failures of groups he's part of, and if not, he might just blame himself and apologize anyway. But at the same time if they did lose, I cannot imagine Oli blaming it on Jimmy. He'd only address it as them both being equally at fault. Shared failure... The bar is really low ok
OF COURSE Sausage is there to admire them OF COURSE Sausage whototallydoesnthaveamaidkink is asking them to work at the tavern. Fuckass sorry I'm gonna hold myself back in case any Sausage fans are reading this. Sorry Sausage fans. I don't hate you ok. and Jimmy not saying anything in response even when Oli said yes... he has trauma guys he has such trauma I cant fucking make this up its right there. This is making me so sad. Jimmy choking up.... Even if he were to voice displeasure he'd just be shot down again. Sausage won't take no for an answer and Oli being Oli would probably encourage Jimmy too. Unfortunately. This sucks
There's something about Joel here too but I actually can't talk about it I'm serious even Tumblr will cancel me
I can't tell you how fucking happy I am that they won though so that 1. Oli doesn't kill himself and 2. They don't have to go work at the tavern as is evident is against Jimmy's wishes anyway. He doesn't have to relive his trauma. Katherine you have no idea what you've done I love you Katherine
Also thank you Jimmy for stabbing Sausage. Deserved
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brynnne · 21 days
I dont know what to say other than I read @pendale 's titanic au drabble like an hour ago (go read that if you havent) and then furiously wrote this.
"James Cameron is full of shit," Eloise says as the screen fades to black and the credits begin to roll. "I still say they both could have fit."
"Not this again," Theo laughs, half out of desperation, and half actual humor. He pinches the bridge of nose. "For the last time, El, it's about the bouyancy, not how much space they had to occupy."
Eloise smirks, popping a piece of popcorn in her month. To the victor goes the spoils, she thinks. It's become much, much too easy, lulling Theo into an argument like this. Most of their movie nights end up following a similar route.
"All they had to do was tie Rose's lifejacket-"
"I swear to God, if you bring up the Mythbusters thing again-"
She throws an M&M at her boyfriend's face, aiming for his forehead. He catches it in his mouth instead. She would be more annoyed about it, but it was an pretty impressive catch, so she gets her revenge by throwing herself at him and toppling them both down onto the couch cushions.
She settles on top of him, and Theo's arms wrap snugly around her waist as he peers up at her with a gaze so open that even after years of receiving it, it still sparks crackling electricity to erupt throughout her body.
(The same sensation she had had the first year of university watching him arrive in the middle of a lecture with the most endearing blush on his face before taking a seat next to her.)
"I don't think Jack and Rose were in the right frame of mind to have come up with such an elaborate plan," Theo tells her, "you know, with all the freezing to death and what not."
"Sucks to be them," Eloise says plainly. "I  would have thought of it."
"Of course you would have."
She sinks more fully onto him, pressing them further into the cushions. She'd called it payback for his teasing, but it's hardly a punishment. "I'm just saying, if I had a gorgeous peasant in front of me I wouldn't simply sit back and do nothing while they turn into a corpse."
"I don't know if I should be flattered you called me gorgeous, or offended you called me a peasant."
"Who said I was talking about you?" She raises a challenging eyebrow.
Theo laughs. "Well, you're too old for Leo Dicaprio, so I know you're not talking about him."
Eloise smooths her hands down his solid chest, appreciating the way his features get caught in the glow of the television. Something anchors itself in her ribcage, heart tied to this spot, this moment, this man. She holds no desire untether it. "I would have gotten us out alive," she says softly-- not a boast, but a declaration. "I would have saved you."
"I know you would have," Theo pulls her closer. "There's not a bone in my body that would ever cast doubt on you."
She shows her gratitude for such unwavering confidence by capturing his lips in a kiss-- slow and sweet, and without any emerging danger or impending doom to hurry them along. Theo’s fingers tease the hem of shirt, and her own take to their favored position of curling in his hair, and her opinion is only cemented further.
James Cameron and the freezing waters of the Atlantic Ocean be dammed. There's nothing in the world that could keep her from having this.
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all4yourupertgrint · 3 months
Season 3 Part 2 Rant
So I've been ruminating on how I feel about the second half of the new season. I felt very underwhelmed and disappointed with the writing and editing. Similar to the first half of the season there was sooooo many sideplots that detracted from Polin's love story.
My real issue though is sparked by a lot of comments online saying that they didn't think Colin and Pen had chemistry. Rewatching episode 6 is struck me that yes, it might appear that way... because they never have any scenes together after the beginning of episode 6!!!! We don't get to see them in love, we don't get to hear their flirty banter, see their intimate touches and stares. We dont get to enjoy them being engaged. Episode 6 we have Colin giving Pen an engagement ring. We have them in the church (two BEAUTIFUL moments) and then there is zero Polin until the Mondriches ball.
This is where the directing and writing and editing screwed them over.
1) We have Penelope enter and Portia asking where her groom is. Cut to Colin, instead of dashing to her side, kissing her hand, telling her he's been waiting to see her- Colin's off complimenting Will on his party 🥲 Later we see them dancing but they didn't show how they got together. They are the main couple, why this wasn't a priority and we get MORE Francesca I do not understand.
2) Again dancing, they have a cute moment, they talk but they are both distracted by Cressida entering. The writers failed to build up this rising tension in either of them so it feels flat. Why didn't they have a scene prior to this of them promenading or Colin calling and him discussing how Eloise has promised to put a stop to Whistledown? Something to point to the fact that Pen AND Colin are both super invested in LW drama.
3) WTF happened when they handed out the pamphlets for WD? Colin and Pen were dancing together and suddenly they are on opposite sides of the room... Pen has all this time for a convo with El and apparently leaves to go to her printers and is like ✌️out. Why couldn't they have put a scene with her making lame excuses to Colin about leaving, make him suspicious that something is going on. Have a shot of him deciding to follow her in the carriage. (The I thought you'd been abducted by your driver's was such a weak story line to throw out there). The writing just feels very lazy.
Idk if they had included these few small moments leading up to the Whistledown confrontation at the end of 6 there would have been way more chances for romance and rising drama.
The last 3 episodes seem to follow the same pattern of just missed opportunities for scenes that would have fleshed out their love and chemistry a little more and help drive their plots. It makes you wonder what ended up on editing floor or if it was just a bunch of idiots who hated Polin that wrote the scripts.
I'm just annoyed.
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faiseuse-d-histoires · 3 months
So Pen deserve DEATH??!!! For fucking gossip??? For the truth about awful people ( except eloise, she is not awful). Are you really liking this post??? And then you try to seem such a girls girl ??? Hahahaha pleasee!! You are liking a post from a bad person who harrass real people and wish death for a fat white girl only because she is fat. Is this real?? I know Pen doesnt exist but this show how she and you. And 9 more people at least would react to real people just pointing out hiw bitchy you are ( marina) and dont tell how you all must treat fat womab in real life. I dont want to jump into you in the streets. Please tell me, do you shot out at fat girls in the street to go to hell??? Im curious
Of course you won't answer this cuz you are a coward and you wish death to a fat girl
Sweetie, why do you have to stalk a blog for weeks like that, when it's clear you don't like what you see? Why look through an anti's post's comment section? Through the likes of a person you seem to dislike?
Anti Polin does not harass real people. Does not judge people on their bodies. I do not. That would be you, dear.
It's useless to explain patiently to you why one does not like a character's actions and show treatment, you are so focused on the body, full of hatred and self-pity that you can't see any nuances. You don't even like plus size persons, from the messages you sent me. You limit them to their bodies, you make all kinds of remarks about their appearances (and frankly disgusting ones).
That's indeed a spirale, but that's your work to do, to get out of it.
There's a healthy end to that: block. I would do that for your sake, but I don't know who you are. Care to enlighten me? (Or if you could just follow that advice, that'd be even better. I would think: yes! They did it themselves, on their own! They grew up! They began their way to healing! They have a life! You go anon!)
But at this moment? Nah, you don't.
How disappointing. How lacking in character development.
I see you're not one to bear silence. You want a fight. But this fight, you will never win. Not only because you are fighting the wrong persons, but you are fighting with blinkers full on.
Are you Don Quixote? No? Another disappointment.
Know that harassing people anonymously about them not liking a character won't make these people like you, or your fave. It doesn't make you right. Far from it.
I came from wanting Penelope to have a realistic ending, where she at least has to face the consequences, face the people she hurt and try to make it right, to simply not standing her show counterpart because of fans like you that want to impose their views and are all insults, but without any true engagement behind it.
No Show Penelope? No problem. That's be sometimes 4 asks by day less by the same no life anon for me to delete.
The problem is not me, darling. I like what i like, answer what i answer, but don't impose it on you. You impose it on yourself. You do you, focusing on the body, victimizing yourself when you are the bully in the situation.
If there is a true fatphobic and nasty coward here, I would say you quite gave all the proofs to everyone who saw and received your hateful words.
You need to stop hurting yourself that way, dear hate anon. Right here, I can hear any person that could have bullied you laughing, because while you are hiding behind anonymity to stalk and harass people who don't even know you, they are thriving. You became the bully, alongside them.
Your loss, their win.
Now a good twist would be: you block and decide that harassment will get you nowhere, and you win.
Signed: one of the nasty bitches you visibly can't seem to get enough of.
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ceedaryaps · 4 months
Bridgerton Season 3 Spoilers!!!!!!!
So I finally had a day off and could wacth season 3 of Bridgerton and oh.my.god. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.So three things before I get into the meat of it. First of all, I sincerely hope that Violet and Lady Danburys brother get a chance to connect more MAMA VIOLET DESERVES LOVE TOO! Seecond the fact that Anthony cannottt keep his hands off Kate is so hilarious to me like get awf that lady and let her breathe. And third Francesa being a subtle autism rep is so amazing to me, as an autizzy person myself seeing someone with the same mannerisms as me within a romance setting is so refreshing like it truly puts joy in my heart. And also the sign language in the first episode???? love itttttt, they truly perfected diversity without shoehorning it.
Now to the meattttttt of it.
Now friends to lovers has never personally been my thing and in terms of each bridgerton show im gonna rank this leason my second least favorite but thats NOT to say I dont like it I very much enjoyed this season but i do have my critiques.
While I get a giggle out of Pen's sisters I cannot stand her family as a whole, for the simple fact that they treat her as if no one would EVER want her just because she plus sized and has "odd interest" in their words, it infuriated me how her mother wanted Pen to say yes not because she was happy for her but because she truly thought this would be Pen's only chance. Despite my disliking her family it was a good plot point for her to finally decide to make a change and put herself out there. I feel like in her previous two seaons for her she didnt put herself out there because, as weve seen, she has a huge lack of confidence that it was more than likely the work of her mothers and her sisters doing. I also loveeee the wardrobe change from bright gaudy colors and patterns to more Bridgerton esqe colors in her wardrobe. The wardrobe in Bridgerton has always amazed me but putting Pen in that light blue was amazinggg she was gorgeous and glowing. Even her sisters were eating this season like props to wardrobe and makeup bc they ate. Im so worried to see whats going to happen when Collin eventually finds out shes lady whistle down like omgggg.
I don't hate Eloise and Cressida NOW HEAR ME OUT OKAY. Cressida is still not a good person at all but I'm so glad we got to see more of her character bc it definitely shed light into why she acts that way. It would be completely ignorant to sit there and believe that the pressures of the ton to be perfect and find husbands quickly and avoid scandal WOULDNT make the girls get a little nasty with each other. The pressure from her parents specifically made me go "Oh girl I think id get nasty too if those were my folks." In no way does it excuse her treatment of Pen tho!! I also liked that it was Cressida who clocked Eloise's tea about her pointing fingers immediately at her when Pen got exsposed. Not to mention when the girlies came to Cressida for tea SISTA DID NOT FOLD!!!! She politely said naur and kept it pushing. Like I understand Cressida was neverrr the nicest and was a gossip but if Eloise decided to hang around her then she shoulda had faith in the girl. Like Eloise I love you but doooo betterrrr. Don't get me wrong at all yall Eloise is my fav but I'm glad people are clocking her for her shittt. I hope Cressida and Elosie stay friends but they constantly build off of each other to be better bc I loved how Eloise made her dislike of Cressida's treatment towards Pen known.
This is so unrelated but i love bennedict BAD hes sooooo idk yall I need him.
Imma be real I might be bitter bc I feel like Pen shoulda made that man grovel. After what he said about her to his friends in the previous season he should have been on his hands and knees BEGGING for her forgiveness she let him off too easy. Also I don't really appreciate that it took another man giving Pen attention for his stupid ass to finally be like "Oh shed kinda bad actually." I ALSO don't like how when he described how he liked Pen as a friend it wasn't because of her actual qualities it was how she made HIM feel. "You're always here to listen to me and give me a new perspective!" Sir you could have just said she was very insightful, you enjoy her company SOMETHING other than a service she has done for you. That why Im glad he was suffering so bad every time he saw them together he was SICK to his stomach and I'm here for it.
All in all I cant wait to see how things go down next bc I think everyine is gonna reap what they sow Pen, Collin, Eloise EVERYONE. bc the sneak peak looked crazyyyyyy.
Anyways the next thing I should post will be the Finnal Gambit the last book in the trilogy of the hawthorn legacy series.
See yall later!
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moss-sprouted · 4 months
more on my post from earlier about diversity on bridgerton but- i feel like if they Did add a queer character, maybe one more forward facing then two guys benedict sees for like three seconds, it would be a great way to show people about lavender marriages, and the history behind those, or even "they were historical besties!!" if you NEEDED more realism (in a setting where the queen is a black woman, which isnt historical but go off ig) theres so many ways to incorporate queer history into a regency story, especially one thats so fantastical its history
something could even be said about introducing trans characters specifically, like "so and so had a daughter but came back with a son" or vice versa type situations wasnt totally rare, except im not sure how common that was in, maybe a more wealthy family but again ~fantasy regency~ and i think bridgerton has a lot more stories to tell around diversity, where it Doesnt have to be focused on like this seasons disabilty rep, or how black characters arent subjected to heavy racism (yes queen charlotte does show this more, but its way more brief then most shows) which again proves how its more fantasy or unrealistic/historical realism, but i think its a great vehicle for these stories that are primarily love stories, and hell if you wanna introduce a couple gay characters on the side, sure fine, i dont think any of the bridgertons would ever be queer (even though eloise absolutely gives me the vibes) but that doesnt mean some of the others couldnt have small plotlines in the back, even if it means a couple who gets married both have same sex lovers or something as a form of gossip (hopefully portrayed somewhat positively but, either way) id love to just seem more
like queen charlotte was able to do that as well, and it was great! but id love to see some in the main show too
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sara-likes-things · 3 months
I'm gonna preface this by saying I have no problem with representation. I love queer stories, especially when they're organic and natural. I'm bi, and I've had fulfilling relationships with women as well as men. Honestly, I would love a spin-off on Brimsley and Reynolds. It didn't feel.....forced. the characters were new and their story grew organically. Michaela? No. I'm trying to articulate how I feel without sounding like I hate the queer community because I genuinely don't. I appreciated Benedict's story line even if it was a little jarring. He's exploring, experimenting and that's fine. It still doesn't take away from his story. But the introduction of Michaela felt like a guy punch. It felt wrong. I've never particularly like gender swapping in stories based on an original IP, because it changes a lot of dynamics. It changes a lot of story lines. And yes, it's fiction, but I'm sorry I cannot get over it, especially when it's such a blatant case of pandering. It makes me feel as if I'm wrong to question this change and I've somehow internalised homophobia. If so, then why wouldn't I hate other queer characters or be similarly uncomfortable?
Okay I think I can make my argument clear with an example. If anyone has seen the movie Love Lies Bleeding, I think they'll get it. The sexual orientation of the characters didn't matter. It felt right. And it was not important to the story. It was just an established dynamic and we could enjoy the plot easily. It wouldn't have mattered if it was a heterosexual couple or a homosexual couple, the story is largely unchanged. If Michael becomes Michaela, here's the issues I see. Who inherits Kilmartin. We've already established an estate will go to the next male heir if the current owner dies. A major part of Michael's story was his guilt over his inheritance and his imposter syndrome. His story arc taking his place in parliament. It's all gone. I mean, I know the show isn't interested in the plots other than the main character pairing but this felt so wrong. If they wanted a lesbian lead, the just make another show with original characters why force this? I'm not looking forward to Francescas season at all. I'm sure a lot of people will like it and that's their prerogative but for me, personally, the only thing keeping the story moving forward is Benedict. Maybe Eloise. But I feel like the story of the show has lost its charm and has dug itself into a hole like Disney or marvel
I can see why you feel that way, for me its kinda like that but more so how they went about it.
I dont mind the gender swap but hate the way they went about it, diminishing the relationship francesca has with lord killmartin when they spent all season saying to violet and us how love stories are different but that doesnt mean theyre not as good but then go and do exactly the opposite??? I think if instead of francesca michaela reacted the way fran did then it would be less jarring because at the end of it its the same dynamic, but making fran react like that after just getting married means she doesnt really love lord killmartin as much as she told her mom and thats a problem.
Also i think the problem with the gender swap its that it doesnt really work with the overall story of francesca haha like if they wanted to gender swap one character there was sophie or maybe try that change with eloises story, you know, stories were someone getting pregnant isnt necessary.
I do believe bridgerton has lost some of the aspects that made it so good, the production feels cheaper and the writing too modern and simple, it feels like another show but even if im not that excited as before i know im gonna keep watching so 😐
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dusty-daydreams · 4 months
Hi! Fic Anon here again! I love talking to you about these things too! Because its so hard to find like minded people about Bridgerton 🥲.
I have to be careful about it on insta because everyone on there just seem to hate Eloise (though there are good edits). I kind of saw some still of part two and i dont like it 🥲 like at all. I don't think I want to watch s3 after this 💀.
Also, I was thinking about Kate and Eloise what do you think of their dynamic? They dont interact much in canon but i have a feeling that they would be really close. I am excited to see what your fic has in store for them. Good luck ☺
Hi Fic Anon!
I get that completely, but hey we get to enjoy watching the stuff and then playing in the sandbox and discussing all the things that could be better.
I am on the same page with you about Kate and Eloise. I think it goes back to what I was saying about Eloise and Anthony. Eloise and Anthony may seem very different but at their core they are very similar as principled stubborn characters who tend towards pride and self-righteousness.
Anthony and Kate are also very similar in these ways, they are definitely not an opposites attract couple - they share a similar outlook in putting family first and making sure that their families have the best possible that they can provide them.
In other words Kate and Eloise are similar as stubborn prideful but principled people.
It’s also interesting that Kate is different from Anthony in the sense that Kate has had to fight against the uphill battles of sexism and racism to be able to better Edwina’s life. So Kate and Eloise actually have a lot of similar opinions I would think.
Kate is the type of person Eloise could become given a few more years of maturity. In fact Eloise is likely to be able to do more and push further with her principles because Eloise as the white noble daughter of a long standing British noble family does have privileges that Kate the daughter of an Indian bureaucrat doesn’t. Kate was able to make the best of a terrible situation for Edwina. Eloise if she matures a bit (and the show allowed her to develop coherent politics) would be able to help a lot of women.
Plus, there is the fact that Eloise if kind of the first Bridgerton Kate becomes friends with, they have their first proper interaction at the Danbury Talent Show soirée and Kate likes her enough that it slightly (just barely) softens her to Anthony, and then they gently bully Anthony together. Then later staying at Aubry Hall, Kate and Eloise have a sincere moment of bonding over the position of women and spinisters in society, and Kate seems genuinely pleased to talk with her.
It depends on what Jonathan Bailey and Simone Ashley’s filming schedules are like, because as much as the Historian in me wants them in the show because as entitled members of the family they would be (like them going off on a second honeymoon during the season - logical for the show but also means that Anthony is shirking his governmental duties because he isn’t sitting in on the 1815 session of the House of Lords), they are both such good actors that I don’t want them turning down great more significant roles to be side characters in Bridgerton for the foreseeable futures.
If Simone Ashley sticks around I want them to develop her friendship with Eloise, that predates even her relationship with Anthony. Like I love Kanthony, and they are obviously still in the honeymoon phase but it’s a waste of Kate’s interesting character to just be having her rolling around in bed with her husband in every scene we see of her.
So I really really hope they do a storyline of her embracing her power as the Viscountess and involved in that a friendship with Eloise, who encourages her to accept her power and who Kate encourages to think about things in nuanced ways.
Having met Francesca now, I am also super interested in the sisterly relationship between Kate, Eloise and Francesca who all seemed to rub up against a woman’s role in slightly different ways. (Having Daphne in the mix, as the perfect Paragon who found her crown as the diamond a burden would also be interesting but Phoebe Dyvenor isn’t coming back and honestly good for her)
Basically I think that Kate and Eloise are similar enough that they would and do make great friends, but different enough in maturity, upbringing and experience that they’d challenge each other and help each other improve
What do you think their friendship would be like Fic Anon?
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years
Here me out. I think s4 could be philoise. Sophie is not introduced yet & even if the ball happened in s3 dont forget there I'd suppose to be a gap between their 1 meeting to when the story takes off. Plus 1 of the reason we're polin now is because they don't want to aggravate the fan, well the same applies for philoise. Add the actress playing Marina is sick she might not be up to return to a project so close to what she's going through her story could be wrapped in 1 scene or with her not even present in s3, paving the way for s4 philoise.
Okay so before I answer this I'd first like to encourage all of you to support Ruby Barker, who plays Marina. Like I always do. She's an amazing actress who has been trough a lot and deserves all the love.
Now for those of you who don't know the context, Ruby Barker was quite open about her hospitalization in May 2022 due to mental health problems. She has subsequently been posting pictures of what we assume is a happy and healthy path to recovery. BUT we haven't heard anything about her taking on new projects. Which likely means she's not ready to go back to work yet. (And honestly, acting, is a job, glamourous as it is, if any of us had a job that caused us to have mental health struggles, the least recommended thing would be to go back to that job, until healing was well and truly accomplished)
Because of the situation with Marina's actress I do think s4 is going to be Benophie. I love Phillip as much as any other Philoise fan, but 1) Benophie fans were left pretty high and dry after they polin season was announced 2) Eloise has a lot of growing up to do, before she's ready to start her journey towards true love. At least with Benedict, we know he is open to finding love.
I disagree with what you said about not wanting to aggravate Philoise fans. Because, and I say this with all the kindness in the word, Philoise fans are less rabid than Polin fans. They're even less rabid than Benophie fans. (by a landslide but they are). You will find that when push comes to shove, Philoise fans will be happier to wait for s5 than Benophie fans ever would (and I say this with all the love in the word, Benophie fans, you are as scary as the Polins)
In fact, with the recent recasting of Francesca, there is a possibility that s4 will mash up An Offer From A Gentleman and about half of what happens in When He was Wicked.
I'd also like to add something very very obvious about TSPWL. that for Philoise to happen benophie NEEDS TO EXIST FIRST. at least one quarter of TSPWL involves Eloise and Phillip going in and out of My Cottage. The philoise proposal happens in Sophie's study and the scene where Phillip saves Benophie's son from a fever is pretty pivotal for Phillip and Eloise character development. Netflix can't just cut that part out and I will seriously riot if they decide to substitute those scenes of Philoise bonding with Benophie, with Kanthony or Polin.
the point of showing in s1 and s2 how much closer Eloise is with Benedict than she is with the rest of her siblings. Is to draw a parallel of how they both fall inlove with people who love them and accept them for who they are. Both in Sophie, who has always seen Benedict as his own person, and never confuses him with Bridgerton #1 or Bridgerton #3. And with Phillip who sees everything that people consider flaws in Eloise and celebrates her for it.
isn't it also interesting that Eloise and Benedict have the only 2 Bridgerton spouses who have suffered childhood physical abuse as well. Because here are two people who need to be loved so desperately it hurts because they have received so little love in their pasts, and that just tugs at that weak spot inside of Benedict and Eloise. Because they can give all the love and they just want to feel needed but still maintain their independence and holding on to their right to do what they want in life. Sophie and Phillip not only need them, but also support their individuality and encourage their self expression to the extreme.
So when the Philoise season does come Benophie kinda needs to have already happened.
and that's the tea
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navs-bhat · 2 years
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I posted 2,735 times in 2022
That's 1,090 more posts than 2021!
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2,729 posts reblogged (100%)
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I tagged 42 of my posts in 2022
#marvel - 7 posts
#bucky x reader - 5 posts
#sebastian stan - 5 posts
#mcu - 5 posts
#bucky - 4 posts
#bucky barnes - 4 posts
#marvel fic - 3 posts
#bridgerton - 3 posts
#anthony bridgerton x reader - 3 posts
#anthony bridgerton - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 95 characters
#no offense but literally hes just a man hes not a hero hes just a man who had to sing this song
My Top Posts in 2022:
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11 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
Okay so I was reading this enemies to lovers bucky barnes one shot and well my phone switched off and I've lost it
So basically it goes like Tony and Steve send the reader and bucky for some time to Tony's winter cabin and well there's not enough food there and one bed and the couch dissapears and the rules are they can't say no
So bucky makes the reader call the pizza place but the reader tells him they'll only do it if he excepts that the last mission was his fault and then since he says that won't ever happen
The reader tells him to call the pizza place
"I want a cheezy pizza with extra cheese"
"Shut up"
Help me find it ahhh
11 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
Student Of The Year Rewatch Thoughts? Idk reallly know what this is yet lmao
I hope this reaches my target audience
Firstly, it's been too long since I've rewatched this I used to watch it whenever it came on tv and I'd find it while surfing
Secondly, I still enjoy this movie I think lmao
Let's see
-okay so to start with the kukkad song
-I never realised that the lyric says " ainu vekhe de munde to kehnde Oh My God" I always thought it was kudiye both times
-kinda gay tbh jk jk
-Abhi is in the wrong tbh like this guy is parking a bike in a car park and then is like who said this is an entitled rich boy's parking LIKE WHY ITS A CAR PARK NOT A BIKE PARK
-then he goes and ruins a beautiful Ferrari😭
-one big question I have is how can Abhi even have thee audacity to get into physical fights with rich boy on what seems to be his first day
-this man is here on a scholarship he can't afford to do all this on his first day bro
-I always loved Siddharth Malhotra more than Varun Dhawan while there were many dying over varun
-I remember the whole thing was just as big as Team Edward or Team Jacob here okay
-Rohan is too mean too Jeet
-ALSO why was even Shanaya still with Rohan like according to her first few lines he definately has a habit of flirting with other girls while he calls her his girlfriend LIKE GIRL YOU COULD DO BETTER
-Rohan's dad and brother are too mean yikes
-no wonder rohan hates his dad the way he does
-why is the dean so weirdly gay its too funny but at the same time CRINGE
-it's sad to see Rishi Kapoor now :(
-all the parents are so weird
-Sumo is so sweet actually
-Dean massaging the coach 😭😭😭
-hes so gay its gay
See the full post
30 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
I lost this fic I was reading
It was basically an Anthony Bridgerton x reader and the first half was just reader chatting with Colin Benedict and Eloise where Colin pulls the readers leg about being unmarried and the reader snips back and takes Eloise's hand
Uh she has a gossipy mother
The reader and Anthony share this passionate look and the reader goes to the lemonade stand to look around and spot Anthony but she doesn't find him instead this other guy I forgot his name shows up and starts talking to her she decides to ask him about his trip to Italy to keep him talking while she ignores him
Eventually Anthony takes her away from tha guy and they are in the garden and he's jealous and she teases him by asking him why he hasn't kissed her yet
40 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Okay so I went to the page cause someone said they missed the book sucking scene and others said thank god its not there
Bur anyway the whole kate having a horseback accident reminds me of this one x reader fanfiction I read here
It was the same basic plot but the reader and Anthony were married and she was going to look for Anthony himself
I'm assuming it was inspired by the books but I love this
60 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tubbytarchia · 3 months
he logs on and hes been pranked. his doors now set off wind charges when u go over the pressure plates. its harmless and he thinks its funny (probably sausage) it scares him a couple times but within a few minutes he goes through it and goes woohoo :D! and its so cute
HE SHOWS OFF HIS BASE!!!! HES PROUD OF IT!!!!!!!! i was worried he would be like haha its nothing special haha BUT HE STILL LOVES IT!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYY
plans today are obsidian for an enchanting table and a nametag for his dog. his dog vvv
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(also he keeps getting distracted irl cuz hes watching football with a bunch of friends tonight. hes such a nerd i loev him)
hes also making a wall. the disc wall. a wall with discs. its hidden
hes talking about how he never does big fancy nether portals and he says "like the boring man i am"... :(( :( :(((((
hes now the disc stealer. i dont think anyone even has discs that they care that much about (then again i only watch jim). he goes around to sausage (and gets cat), fwhip, shelby, eloise, scott (13), mog (precipice), aimsey (otherside), guqqie, cpk (13 + precipice), sneeg (precipice + cat + wait + ward + far + mall + creator), and martyn (cat + precipice x2). the only reason he doesnt do bekyamon is cuz she is online
unrelated but scotts place gives r/malelivingspace and its very funny. its so empty??? didnt get any good screenshots though
sneeg has so many discs so jim takes them all and says hes gonna let him in on it.
his inventory is full of discs and he goes back to his secret room with the disc wall. he mines a block and wordlessly tries to pick it up 4 different times before remembering his inventory is full
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disc wall done. or as done as it can be for now since he has every disc on the server. he starts listening to one of the discs (mall) and then. yeah
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he fixes it quickly so all is well. he starts playing otherside and takes it out of the jukebox when its about to drop.
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he listens to it again (properly) and goes in 3rd person AND HE HIMSELF SAYS when you find bugs under a rock. he dances for a little bit
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he goes to answer the door and leaves his character like this and i feel like im watching someones kid. i dont mean to baby him but also look at his stupid face?!?!?!?!?!? the way hes just looking up
he goes obsidian mining for the enchanter which goes smoothly and he steals sugarcane from mog and now his enchanter is all set up. his house is so cute
he goes fishing for a nametag. same guy who was stealing from everyone earlier?? i support him. he does not fish one up :(
shorter stream than usual since hes busy tonight..... among us video on friday
JIMMY'S STILL PROUD OF HIS BASE YAYYYYYYYYYYYY and then that depracation swiftly returns with him calling himself boring. Grrr
"scotts place gives r/malelivingspace and its very funny" HELP CC Scott's IRL setup gives me the same vibe. Why did my man put a shelf in the middle of his fucking room that isn't that big to begin with. What's going on in his head when he makes these decisions.
Bug Jimmy recognition.. you're so right though that just looks like you've been left to watch over little Jimmy as he looks up at you expectantly wtf is this
I also love how he only steals selectively. I can respect it
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BRIDGERTON S2 REVIEW WITH SPOILERS (and comparisons to the book)
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bridgerton s2 was lovely! I to be honest dont know where to start. though i guess i should start with the obviouse stars of the show.
The chemistry of Simone and Jonathan is impeccable and I could not ask for a better casting.
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Kate and Anthony's plot were well thought out in my opinion, and I loved the gutwrenching-ly good slowburn the show delivered. The lines were very well written, and I'm grateful that they chose to make them fall in love with each other naturally and in their own pace rather than the rushed feel in the books. I like that they weren't verbatim FORCED TO MARRY BECAUSE OF A BEE! but still incorporated that fear of Anthony's without making it a huge phobia of the bees itself rather than his own fear of the memories of his father's death, losing his father, and what his family especially his mama and him had to go through.
though to be honest, i also quite liked the book's version where Eloise was the one to have witnessed her father's death, i feel as though it would make her relate much more with Sir Crane (IF her love plot would follow the books).
back to Kate, the one thing I really wished they would've put in the show is Kate's fear of storms. I loved that Anthony's irrational fear of bees were dimmed, and I know it would've added to mere subplot in the show, but I think Kate's fear of storms and the story of her biological mama's death would've bonded them more rather than just their lust for each other in the beginning, for example, the library scene in the book i think is better than the one in the show.
The ending felt rather anticlimactic to me, and i truly don't know why. I don't know if it's just me, i dont know if it's because i set up too high of an expection for a grand ending, of course i'm happy for them, and i still love the ending, but i dont know why i cant help but feel like they couldve done better? OR IDK MAYBE IM JUST A SUCKER FOR WEDDING SCENES IN MOVIES AND SHOWS AND WAS A BIT DISAPPOINTED THAT THEY DIDNT SHOW IT? thats probably it
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Eloise's plot this season was chef's kiss! And I don't have much to say about her character and the comparisons in the books.
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I at first, was shocked to watch that in the show Edwina actually fell in love with THEE Lord Bridgerton, because in the book she just felt kinda burdened and (i feel that she feels) uncomfortable with the whole trying to find a spouse who'd be able to support mama and Kate too; plus it was really obvious to her in the book that Kate and Anthony were smitten by one another.
I do like that Edwina, in the show is sure and strongheaded in what she believes in and wants for herself, even if in the beginning it might not seem that way.
The Featherington's subplot about the mines etc, PLUS THE WEIRD THING GOING ON WITH LADY FEATHERINGTON AND THE NEW LORD FEATHERINGTON is kinda weird and uneccesary me thinks, but idk maybe it's because i dont really care for them except for Penelope.
Penelope's plot this season was meh, but that's because I suspect she'll have a more bigger role in S3 or even have the third season be for her and Colin (since we did find out that Shonda said she would not go in order according to the books, and we were left by that cliffhanger of Colin saying he would never court Penelope which is not much of a cliffhanger should you want to read the books) Also, i really dont like how she was selfish enough to keep Eloise from meeting Theo, like I know she was trying to protect herself, but SHE LITERALLY could've gone to another print shop LIKE PAYING A BIT MORE AND MOVING, IN THE SAME TIME AS TO NOT HURT YOUR BEST FRIEND'S FEELINGS OR EXPOSE UNWANTED SECRETS IS WORTH IT DANGIT, and Eloise and Theo could enjoy each other's companies much longer.
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Colin's a dumbass. A literal dumbass. Everytime i see his face and the decision he makes i just go "dumbass..." I literally do not hate him, but you get it right? like? right?
Benedict's plot for me was also meh, though I do not wish for the showrunners to make him a drug addict please! ISTG it wont add any substance to his character
Im far more interested in Francesca's plot and how they're going to manage to mend it in the third season.
Gregory and Hyacinth always cute as ever, and I LOVED that exchange between Gregory and Anthony, also that ball scene of the Sharmas and Bridgertons dancing together!!
Daphne's role wasnt that significant in this season but that's to be expected, but I loved how even if she is younger than Anthony by age, she knows more in terms of emotional intelligence than him (even if all the Bridgertons seem to share one single brain cell :))
The Queen's plot is also interesting. I can see how she loves The King so, but is so sad and heartbroken by him at the same time and how she wishes to be able to repeat time just to seep in the good old days with His Majesty.
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ALSO LADY BRIDGERTON?? LIKE I EXPECTED MORE FROM YOU GIRL!! But then again, i think it kinda made sense for her not to push so much since in the beginning of S2, she pushed and Anthony just kept being more aggravated at her, but like idk i guess i just kinda missed how she pushed Daphne, bcs come on, a mother's feelings are never wrong.
Lady Danbury's always-meddling and never-minding-her-own-business is great although sometimes annoying, I can see why it's definitely of use.
I DEFINITELY LOVED the fact that in the show, they clearly chose to marry each other because THEY DO love each other and are brave enough to declare so.
LETS GIVE A HUGE ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR THE CREW! I HAVE TO GIVE THEM A SPECTACULAR APPRECIATION FOR THEIR ATTENTION TO DETAIL, AND DEDICATION TO MAKE THIS SEASON THE SHT! especially the writers pls :,) i thought the i burn for you scene in s1 was pheww, but there are 3 scenes in s2 that just melted my being away, which were the HONOR line scene, CONSUME MY VERY BEING - LILIES scene, and last but not least the YOU MUST FEEL IT, BECAUSE I DO line scene.
Overall even with room for improvement for the next season, or things they could've done better (for me) this season was wonderful, and im always a sucker for a good enemies to lovers plot <3
Kathony! You will always be famous!
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allyneedislove · 2 years
lol look you dont have to like or understand why season 3 is about polin and you can choose to live your lives being bitter about something you really cant do anything about.
funny how you think perhaps your opinion matters? when we live in a world where probably more than half of bridgerton's audience are really hyped about polin next season and/or are not consumers of the book series and therefore do not care about timelines and book accuracy. dude...... what shondaland wants... shondaland does. 🤸‍♀️
if you dont want to watch it next season. then don't!
it's just a TV show. it's not that deep. 🙃
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[I love Benedict to pieces and would have been happy if S3 was about him or the same way I'd be ecstatic if S3 was about Eloise!]
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my-secret-shame · 3 years
oh my god yeah, dan's supposed to be 26 when we meet him, in his late teens in the constant and the variable flashbacks, and is 29 when he dies. they had NO IDEA when they wrote the role and cast jeremy, similarly to how charlotte was supposed to be mid/late twenties and then they changed her birthday for Added Time Travel Angst (and bex called them out on it when they blamed her for the continuity error)
😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 oh I dont like that they wanted to blame her for that
I love all this information though! It's so interesting (and doubly interesting as I'm such a latecomer)
I think I'll view Daniel's age in the same way as other shows show a 16 year old character who is played by someone in their 20s: some good old ⭐⭐tv magic⭐⭐
( I do like the wig they give him when he's younger, it just amuses me)
I always forget how most tv shows change writing/plot wise, even in the same season for the longer running american ones. (I was so surprised when I first found out that the whole season isn't written when filming starts.)
I think, also, because I only watched Lost last year that when 70s Eloise is like "I dont have a son" my brain was like "of course not, there's a fourty something gap and- oh wait what year is it in the Lost present day? 2009????"
Thank you so much for sending this to me! ⭐
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