#the scene in Kingdom of Heaven always spoke loud to me
k1dkh1dr · 2 years
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Episode 0
Judgment of Corruption, pages 4-18
Is it greed to wish to be pure?
This world has now become a bundle of impurity.
I don't think that's a bad thing. This world certainly wasn't originally created to be absolutely clean and free of imperfections.
Take, for example, "water".
This thing that is vital to so many living beings is not pure in actuality, by and large. Mud, sand, salt, bacteria, and other sorts of organic matter besides…Despite all these impurities being mixed in it still wets the earth, or falls from the sky.
You need to perform a little bit of effort if you want to get purified water. The simplest and easiest method that humans undertake is distillation. You heat water until it evaporates, and then you cool it so that it condenses back into liquid. What you produce by doing this is still not “pure” water in the true sense of the word, but it is at least relatively safe to use to slake one’s thirst.
Even such a fundamental component like “water” needs to go through these phases in order to become pure. And since it isn’t completely so even then…It’s obvious that it’s a much harder matter to make pure something more complicated than that, like “humans”.
You could say that for humans to become pure beings in a material sense is largely impossible. Therefore, humans seek a spiritual “purity”, and have the tendency to make this into a virtue.
This in turn means that when it comes to those who differ from them physically and spiritually in this world—Or perhaps calling it “society” would be more accurate?—they have a habit of taking these heretics in society and loathing them as “impurities”.
Leaving the preface aside for the time being, right now I shall elucidate on the sight that stretches on beneath me.
First, relating to the whole region that this area is in--Humans have given this place the country name of "Holy Levianta". There was also a time long ago when it was called the "Magic Kingdom Levianta". Or, going off of a denomination particular to this current time period, combined with several of its neighboring countries you could also call it the “USE (Union State of Evillious)”.
Anyway, a red-brick building stood at the very center of this country—and I was clinging to the ceiling of its biggest room.
A big black star was painted on the ceiling. I don’t know if this building was named “the Dark Star Courthouse” as a result of this feature or if it was because it’s called “Dark Star Courthouse” that this star was painted--I know I learned it somewhere, but I've forgotten which it is.
Here and now, a bit of history was coming to an end.
A woman who had sought to be “pure” was now, for that reason, being eliminated from society as an “impurity”.
This social event by the name of a “trial”—she was the lead role, standing in the center of the Dark Star Courthouse’s great courtroom as the defendant.
“I will declare my verdict.”
The young head judge's calm voice rang through the courtroom.
The whole visitor’s gallery was packed full of people. That spoke to how much of the world’s attention this trial had.
“For the crimes of murder, larceny, and violation of the special law on witchcraft, the defendant Elluka Ma Clockworker…is sentenced to death.”
Upon hearing the judge’s verdict, all of the audience started to rustle.
"Oh…Oh God."
"How could this be…"
All of those who clutched their heads despondently were wearing the same religious habits. There were also those among them praying, rosaries in hand.
They, and Elluka who had just received her death sentence, were clergy of the Levin faith.
On the other hand, there were those who smiled with satisfaction at the verdict, those who glowered at the defendant with anger in their gaze, and those who simply watched over the proceedings without changing their expression.
"Kill the witch!" someone in the gallery suddenly shouted. Perhaps one of those who had a grudge against the defendant.
With that shout as the trigger, the courtroom began to grow increasingly into an uproar, and the judge slammed the gavel in his hand twice against the stand.
His voice was unconcerned, and by no means loud, but with that the court became quiet once more.
The power to command the room—you could say that was one of the abilities sought after by judges. Just by seeing this single scene you could infer that he was quite capable in his job.
After letting out a sigh, the judge began his explanation on his verdict.
"To begin with…Though all present to witness this today already know of this, bizarre phenomena have been occurring in every region. For example, the other day a small forest here in the east of Levianta changed into a desert overnight. That was something that occurred spontaneously. If that were the only thing it would not be entirely beyond the realm of possibility. However, the issue is not limited to just that. --A baby was born between a certain husband and wife. By all rights this should be a happy occasion, but the second he saw that child the husband went mad with rage, and the wife grew severely disturbed. Why? ...Because even though the husband was an Elphe, and the wife was from Marlon, the baby was born with black skin, resembling neither of them."
I could hear a woman sobbing from the visitor’s gallery, but the judge ignored it and continued on.
“The husband sued the wife for the crime of infidelity. This trial was conducted by one of my subordinates, and the end result was that the wife was cleared of any wrongdoing. For no matter how extensively the World Police investigated, no evidence came forward to suggest that the wife had had an affair. Perhaps there are those who think this absurd. But the Dark Star Courthouse judging the wife innocent was not done on the basis of this fact alone. –Examples like this are occurring in every household in the world right now. The birth of children that are unlike their parents or their ancestors, completely ignoring their genes…Things that are scientifically impossible are genuinely occurring.”
His explanation seemed fairly roundabout. I would have liked him to just get onto the main topic of the basis of his verdict, but perhaps it was appropriate consideration for a judge to have, given the world’s interest in this trial.
Not all of the people in the visitor’s gallery were highly educated. By so neatly explaining the line of his reasoning, he may have been trying to get them to understand how he arrived at sentencing the defendant to death.
“In the kingdom of Beelzenia to the south, creatures with skin an inhumanly white like limestone are said to be rampaging all over the region. The truth is unclear, but there are reports that these are corpses that have crawled out of graveyards. The world is in a whirlpool of chaos so severe that we cannot laugh these off as jokes. And the source behind all of these things—"
“Are witches!"
Again someone shouted from the gallery.
The judge cleared his throat, and pounded the gavel.
“—The USE unified government has concluded that the cause of this progression of bizarre occurrences is that they are done by the magic of ‘witches’. At first there were objections that this was an unscientific, even anachronistic conclusion. However…as a result of the research done by our scientists, we have already confirmed the existence of ‘witches’ throughout Evillious history. This was made clear by the testimony of historian Sir Heaven Jaakko given in this court.”
The judge dropped his gaze to the defendant's chair. The woman there—Elluka, having just received her death sentencing, made no sign that she was losing control. She only looked up at the judge’s seat, silent.
She just looked to be faintly smiling.
“—Due to the ‘special law on witchcraft’, the World Police have up until this point arrested many suspects who were thought to be witches, and in this Dark Star Courthouse all of them have been given the death sentence. However…the strange occurrences in the world have shown no sign of resolving. This does not mean the conclusion of the World Police and the Dark Star Courthouse is incorrect. This worldwide chaos cannot be brought about by a single ‘witch’. Peace will not come to the world until we have exterminated all witches.”
The judge once again looked at Elluka.
“The defendant is also someone who was arrested by the World Police under suspicion of being a ‘witch’. However unlike the others, she bears the name of the witch ‘Elluka’, who appears in history. This court is treating the name ‘Elluka’ as one that is passed down among witches throughout the generations, and has acknowledged that the defendant is the current holder of the title.”
Humans are clever creatures, but that doesn’t mean that they could always derive the correct answer on everything.
I knew that the woman in that defendant's chair was certainly "Elluka". But she by no means was a figure who had merely inherited that name.
The Sorceress of Time, “Elluka”, had always been the same being.
Of course, the average human wouldn't know that.
--It sounded like the judge’s story had finally moved on to the main topic.
“The immediate charges the defendant was arrested for was the murder of Sir Mata Corpa, the Minister of Finance of the Lucifenian Republic, and larceny. A priestess of the Levin church, the defendant did on the night of April 4th, Evillious year 944, sneak into the Corpa estate and murder the afore-named victim. Upon stealing the ‘Marlon Spoon’ which was being stored inside the estate, she was caught in the act by an investigator of the World Police’s International Works Department ‘Justea’. Thanks to investigation taken afterward it was confirmed that the defendant had eighty-four other offenses—”
After that the judge rattled off both the nature of those offenses, and just how heinous a person Elluka was.
“—Furthermore, the World Police’s main office has determined that the defendant is ‘Elluka Ma Clockworker’, who is thought to be the leader of all ‘witches’, and this court has now indicted her as such. The defendant has acknowledged all of her crimes but shows no sign of introspection in her conduct; the blame that she must take responsibility for as the cause of all the chaos in the world is enormous, and from a societal point of view I have determined that there is no other recourse than for her to face capital punishment.”
The long explanation on his verdict had come to an end.
“Court is adjourned.”
Immediately after the judge pounded his gavel one last time, the viewing gallery once more broke out into an uproar.
But the judge showed no sign of quieting them down. He silently stood up and then started to walk towards the exit. Other judges followed suit.
Several reporters with notebooks in hand dashed outside from the gallery. Their articles that “Defendant Elluka Ma Clockworker Given Death Penalty Verdict” would surely be front page news tomorrow.
Elluka did not look towards the viewing gallery. She showed no indication that she concerned herself with the cries and jeers from behind her, still simply standing there with the same expression on her face.
Two of the courthouse’s guards approached her, and seized her arms. She did not resist them, and was taken out of the courtroom.
I also left the courtroom, following after Elluka. When I caught sight of her in the hallway I once more clung to the ceiling.
Elluka and the guards walked on without saying a word.
But an intruder suddenly appeared there.
I could see a single man running towards them from deeper in the hallway, opposite the direction they were heading.
Three other guards were running after him.
Right before he could reach Elluka he was tragically seized by the guards.
"Let go!"
The man struggled but his lean body was no match for the brawny guards, and he was unable to shake them off.
Elluka stood in place, silently gazing at the man.
Her expression appeared to have changed slightly from when she was in the courtroom.
It was slightly…it was only slightly, but she looked sad.
After a moment, a new figure appeared from a nearby door.
"Release him."
It was the young head judge who had run the court session earlier.
While the guards holding the man hesitated, the head judge continued, "It doesn't matter. He has a relationship with the defendant. We can allow him one last conversation with her at the very least.”
An act of kindness by the soft-hearted judge…so it may have looked to someone watching.
But as the guards released the man he grew enraged at the judge.
"You bastard…So you betrayed me, did you!?”
“Betrayed you? Now now, what are you saying, Gandalf? I merely made a just and upright judgment…No more, no less. What? ‘The defendant will surely be found innocent, as she has the backing of the Levin church and the Freezis Foundation’--Was that your simplistic line of thinking?”
"You're far, far too naïve. Unfortunately she earned far more enmity than necessary. ‘Elluka Ma Clockworker’ must be put to death…The people who believe such are in far greater number than you’ve imagined.”
“…And how much did you accept from these ‘people who hate Elluka’?”
“Ha ha, now what could you mean by that, I wonder…Are you suggesting that I, the director of the Dark Star Bureau, have been paid off by bribes? To think that I would be suspected of such by one of my own colleagues…how sad,” the head judge said, pressing on the inner corner of his eye in an affected manner.
“How dare you speak to me so shamelessly—"
“It’s quite unlikely, most unlikely for that to have happened, Gandalf. Unlikely, and yet…Well, let me put it this way…‘Money is the best lawyer in hell’.”
“Why you…”
Even now Gandalf grit his teeth as though he were about to knock him out, but the head judge quickly held a hand out in front of him as though to restrain him.
“Please calm down. I have no wish to make you a defendant too. …Honestly, on the contrary, you should be thanking me. Right until the end I never revealed your—relationship with Elluka. By all rights that is improper of a head judge to do. But…I didn’t want to tarnish your career with this. As a colleague, and as your friend.”
“…I no longer have any wish to stay in the Dark Star Courthouse. I’m fed up with this corrupt organization.”
“Are you insane? You would waste my help after I went to such pains…Fine. You’ve made your decision. I won’t stop you,” the judge related, his tone extremely mournful but his expression joyful.
Gandalf clenched his trembling hand into a fist, but eventually he let it drop, shoulders dropping with a crestfallen air.
No matter how he struggled, he could not stop Elluka’s execution—He had given up on it.
Someone else starting walking over from the entrance to the courtroom that Gandalf had run in from.
It was a woman wearing a servant uniform, looking roughly thirty years old.
She was holding a young baby against her chest.
After briefly patting the baby’s head, Gandalf made this request of the head judge:
“In the end…Only a few words would be enough. Please, let me speak with Elluka.”
“Of course. That’s why I originally had the guards release you, after all.”
“With…the baby, if possible.”
“That baby—Ah, I understand. I see. So that’s how it is. Well, I don’t mind.”
Upon hearing those words, Gandalf gratefully inclined his head. Then he and the servant started to move towards Elluka—but there he turned back to the head judge for a moment.
"I said this earlier, but I will quit being a judge. …However. This doesn't mean that I have completely lost hope. This doesn't mean I'm going to quit being a man of "justice". I know that someday, someone who has a truly just heart will change this corrupt institution. When that happens, I know that rotten bastards like you will see hell. Head of the Dark Star Courthouse—Hanma Baldured!”
"Ha ha ha, that’s quite the bark for a beaten dog. …Well, I look forward to when that day comes." The judge--Hanma, returned once more to the door while laughing him off.
After seeing him leave, Gandalf turned back to Elluka and walked to her side.
The two of them gazed at each other, bringing their faces closer and gently exchanging a tender kiss.
"That I should be parted from you like this--"
“I’ve been prepared for this, Gandalf. I do use ‘magical arts’. That is a true fact. …And you accepted me anyway, despite knowing that.”
“But…this trial is no more than a farce! I know there’s no way these bizarre events in the world are your fault. You—the Elluka that I love, could never be the kind of person who would do such things! It’s obvious that this story of you murdering the Minister of Finance is a false accusation!”
"--Thank you. It does my heart good just to have someone here now who believes in me."
The two of them kissed one last time.
A tragic parting of two people who loved each other.  An innocent defendant and her lover. Well, something like that I suppose.
But I’ll say it again. Humans are not always wise, and cannot always derive the truth.
I knew. It was indeed utter nonsense, this idea that Elluka was causing the chaos in the world with magic.
And not just Elluka. All of the "witches" judged at this Dark Star Courthouse were innocent.
These strange occurrences. Their cause lies not in “witches”.
These were errors induced within a much larger stream than that.
And the only ones who knew the true reason for them--
Were "Gods".
…In that sense, you could say that Elluka was innocent.
The other crime that she’d been charged with—the murder of Minister of Finance Corpa, that was without a doubt something Elluka committed.
It was a crime she had carried out in order to obtain that “Marlon Spoon”…Or to speak more accurately, to obtain the being that was inside it.
The baby abruptly started fussing.
“Oh dear, do you need some milk? Or a new nappy?”
The servant flusteredly started to rock the baby.
Upon noticing that, Elluka leisurely made her way over.
"Lady Elluka…Please, hold your baby,” the servant said with tears in her eyes, handing the baby off to Elluka.
The moment that Elluka gently held him in her arms, the baby immediately ceased crying.
"…He's a smart boy."
“Yes, he properly knows who his mother is."
"And he also understands that his mother--is a 'scary woman when angered'."
"Ha ha…Perhaps so." While holding the baby, Elluka turned to Gandalf. "What you said to Hanma earlier--"
“That one day, someone who has a truly just heart will change this corrupt institution…I hope our boy becomes that person.”
“…Honestly I have no desire for him to ever get involved with the Dark Star Courthouse.”
“…That’s pretty unfair coming from you, having already made your decision to quit this place.”
"I'm sorry. I know better than anyone what a weak man I am. But—"
“It’s alright. Not everyone has the determination to fight. But…the one who will ultimately decide what he does is this baby himself.”
Elluka brought her face close to the baby and lightly kissed his brow.
“Bye bye. Grow up to be a good man like your father…Gallerian.”
Led along by the guards, Elluka disappeared further inside the courthouse.
As he watched her from behind—No. Gandalf could not continue to watch any longer.
He had fallen to his knees on the floor, and started to loudly sob.
As though following along with him, the baby being held in the servant’s arms also began to wail.
Well then.
This is a very intriguing matter to me.
In this world—this space that I call the “Third Period”—Elluka is a very singular being.
She possesses an extremely long lifespan, and has continued to involve herself in the history of this world.
…To speak more strictly, it’s a bit of a faulty expression to call who she is now by the name “Elluka”, but explaining that would be very complicated, so I’ll leave that alone.
She is a mere shadow of what had once been the Sorceress of Time “Elluka”…If you think of her that way you would not be mistaken, for the time being.
I’m not just interested in her, but also the fact that she’s given birth to a baby.
As far as I know, she has until this point never done such a deed before.
What sort of change has there been in her mental state?
And what sort of path will that child—Gallerian Marlon, take from here on out?
I think I shall observe Gallerian for a short while.
Perhaps he could become a savior for this world.
Or perhaps he could become a pest that leads it to its ruin.
I still don’t know which.
All I can do is to simply gaze on.
--I have yet to introduce myself.
It’s not that I’m trying to hide it, or put on airs about it.
Only, in this story I am a simple observer, and as such I don’t have any particular importance.
Even so, if you would like to know about me—
Then for now I will at least tell you my name.
My name is “Sickle”.
I am a simple bat, with nothing unusual about me at all.
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a-vintage-snake · 5 years
Once I Called You Brother
Pairing(s): None in this chapter
Warnings: Abusive parenting, both emotionally and physically, Remus typical stuff  Characters: Roman Sanders, Remus Sanders
Summary: When Remus disappears, Roman tries to reflect on their shared past.
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People who were asked to be tagged: @avocados26, @fandoms-will-collide @nottoonormalme Author’s Note: *claps hands* SO. My Dukeceit one-shot gave me so many plot ideas that I wanted to continue it. And I intended the next installment to be a one chapter thing from Roman's point of view, before returning to Deceit and Remus. HOWEVER, after writing 10.000 fricking words for this chapter and not even REMOTELY close to being done, I thought that would be a bit too cray-cray and decided to split it up in not just two, but MULTIPLE separate parts. I write out of order (meaning I write the scene I'm feeling the most that day) so while most of the next three chapters is written, they're not done just yet. Hopefully the next chapter will be out sooner than this one though. Don't worry, we will return to slimy boi and trash rat eventually. Just have some Roman angst while you wait. Word Count: 6790 “Don’t wait up for me!” Remus yelled. “BYYYYEE!!” “REMUS!! Remus, wait!” Roman ran after his brother, but the minute Remus spurred the mare into a gallop there was no chance he could catch up. Baffled he halted and watched as his brother disappeared out of the castle’s gate.
Quickly Roman turned to the stable boy who had brought out Remus’ horse.
“You! Prepare a horse! I need to go after-”
“Your Highness!”
Roman whipped around to see his fencing teacher approaching him.
“Where do you think you’re going?” The man huffed. “You haven’t finished your lesson yet!”
“So sorry, mister Moore, but I have to cut this lesson short. My brother, he just-!”
“Absolutely out of the question!” Mister Moore waved away the horse the stable boy brought over. “I allowed you a break, but you have to continue practicing stat if you ever hope to improve your footwork!”
“But sir, my brother! He’s planning to go to the Desolate Mountains!”
“I don’t care if his Grace is planning to go to the underworld itself, you will not skip this lesson!”
“Are you kidding me??” Roman yelled. “I am not going to be stopped by you, you absolute-!” “What is going on here?”
Roman’s back immediately straightened and he shut his mouth, as his father made his way over to the stables. King Augusto was dressed in his hunting attire and was in the process of pulling his gloves on.
“Your Majesty,” Mister Moore bowed when Roman’s father reached them. “So sorry for the disturbance, but prince Roman is trying to get out of his lesson.”
“Out of the question.” King Augusto said as he turned towards his son. “Roman, how many times must I tell you? As the future king, you have responsibilities.”
“But father, it’s Remus!” Roman said.
“Oh heaven above help us…” His father sighed dejectedly. “What has Remus done this time?”
“He just left, yelling that he was going to kill the warlock in the mountains!” Roman gestured to the castle’s gate. “If we hurry, we can catch up to him-!”
“You are not your brother’s babysitter, Roman. Lord knows he scared all those off…” King Augusto muttered as he turned away. “Return to your lesson.”
“But father!” Roman followed after the man as the king ordered the stable boys around. “Didn’t you hear what I said? He wants to go to the Desolate Mountains! We have to go after him!”
His father stopped in his tracks, and Roman froze when he realized what just left his mouth. The king slowly turned to face him, and Roman’s heart started beating painfully fast when his father walked up to him until they were mere centimetres apart.
“I don’t have to do anything,” The king spoke in a soft, dangerous voice. “And you would do well to remember that, son.”
Roman clenched his fists to hide that his hands were shaking.
Show no weakness; show no flaws.
“Yes father…” Roman said, quietly.
A few seconds passed, where the king inspected his eldest son with a cold glare and Roman desperately tried to not break eye contact. But then the king’s gaze eased slightly and he sighed.
“My hunting party will go in the general direction of the mountains,” King Augusto said. “I’ll keep my eye out for him.”
Roman’s eyes widened in surprise, before his face split into a big grin.
“Thank you father!” He beamed.
“Yes, yes,” His father waved him away. “Now get back to your lesson; I expect improvement by the end of the week.”
“Of course!” Roman wanted to give a playful salute, but thought better of it. “I won’t let you down!” “You better not.” The king hauled himself up to his awaiting horse, and rode up to the castle’s gate where his hunting party was waiting for him. Without another glance to his son king Augusto spurred his horse on and rode out of the gate, the king’s men behind him. Roman watched them go, and hoped his father would catch up to Remus soon.
A cough behind him pulled Roman from his thoughts.
“Your Highness,” mister Moore said. “Let’s continue your lesson.”
After fencing Roman had etiquette class. When those were done, he was expected at the study hall, where one of his tutors taught him the history of his country, the monarchs that had come before him, the alliances between their country and its neighbouring kingdoms. The many names, dates and places eventually blurred all together, and Roman was relieved when evening came and the lesson finally ended. He wanted absolutely nothing more than retreat to his rooms, collapse on his bed and sleep until sunrise.
He knew he couldn’t. Of course he knew. But the idea was nice.
After a quick change of clothes Roman made his way to the dining room. Mentally he reviewed his lessons of the day, just in case his mother would interrogate him about what he learned.
The dining room was a lovely space, with warm wooden walls, a large fireplace that was currently unlit and tall windows that overlooked the gardens and the landscape beyond it. A long table that could easily fit 30 people stood proudly in the middle. When his parents entertained guests, the dining room was a cheerful place, filled with laughter and jokes, and Roman would love every minute he spent there.
When it was just the family however, the dining room was a somber place. No amount of warm candlelight could quite chase away the solemnness that oozed from the muted suppertime, and the silence made Roman acutely aware of every scrutinizing frown that his parents sent his way.
When Roman entered the dining room, his mother and father were already seated. As the lackey announced his presence, Roman gave a short bow to his parents. But his eyes immediately zoned in on the empty chair that sat across from his, and it’s usual occupant nowhere in sight.
“Good evening Roman,” His mother greeted him. “Have a seat. I trust your day has been well?” “Splendid mother,” Roman answered dutifully, just like every evening. He sat down at his usual spot next to his mother. “And how has your day been?”
“Nothing out of the ordinary, aside from a mild headache.” Queen Nadia smiled thinly.
“So sorry to hear that. I hope you feel well soon.” His daily talk with his mother done, Roman turned to his father who sat at the head of the table. “And how was the hunt, father?”
“Excellent!” His father looked quite pleased. “We caught two boar and a doe. Not bad, don’t you think?” This answered exactly none of the burning questions Roman had, but just when he opened his mouth to ask what about Remus the lackeys served up the dinner. Roman bit his tongue and swallowed his questions for now. His parents insisted total silence during actual suppertime.
Knifes scraped over plates, sometimes someone would cough, and the soft sound of chewing were the only things that filled the stillness of the room. Roman tried to focus on the creamy flavour of the quite excellent dish of chicken with mushrooms and potatoes, but no matter what he did his eyes were pulled to the other side of the table. His brother’s empty spot seemed to taunt him.
Silence wrapped around Roman’s throat like a noose. My goodness, dinnertime was always a miserable time, Roman knew that, but today the atmosphere pushed down on him like a crushing weight and Roman wanted nothing more than to break the tension. What was different?
Walking up to the dining room, Remus came from an opposing hallway and joined him. Roman threw a quick glance at his brother, intending to give a casual greeting, but what came out was-
“What the hell is that on your upper lip??”
Remus raised his eyebrows in surprise, but grinned. The soft mush of barely there moustache hair that a 14 year old could grow moved along with it.
“Jealous, bro-bro?” Remus stroked the hairs proudly.
“Pfff, hardly!” Roman laughed. “You look ridiculous!”
“You’re just mad because you can’t grow any facial hair yet! Baby face!” Remus stuck out his tongue.
“Rather a baby face than a dead animal on my upper lip! What did you, torture some poor hamster?”
“Oh, you want to know my secret?” Remus leaned in, a wild grin on his face. “It’s totally actually just glued on pubic hair!” He said in a loud stage whisper. Roman let out a shriek of laughter.
“Holy shit that’s disgusting!” Roman wheezed. Remus cackled along with him, and spread his arms in a proud stance.
“All hail the pubic ‘stache!” He hollered, and Roman had to stop walking and lean his hands on his thighs to laugh.
“You’re so weird!” Roman managed to say through peals of laughter. Remus grinned widely.
“Only the best kind!”
The brothers were still laughing among themselves when they reached the dining room. Their parents gave them disapproving glares, but Roman and Remus couldn’t stop grinning when they sat down. Throughout the quiet dinner the brothers both had to suppress their giggles and smiles whenever they made eye contact across the table.
Roman tried to focus on the dish he was eating. He brought his fork up to take a bite, but paused when he looked at the cooked spinach on his plate. A grin spread on his face when an idea came to him.
When Remus looked up at his brother, Roman was sporting a very dapper looking spinach moustache.
Remus, who had just taken a large swig of water to wash his last bite down, snorted loudly and spit out his water in a large spray across the table. Their mother and father let out double screams of surprise while Remus howled with laughter.
“REMUS!” His father rose from his chair. “You blithering idiot, look what you have done!”
A loud smack echoed across the room as king Augusto backhanded Remus so hard he fell off his chair on the ground. Roman’s light mood disappeared as he shrunk back into his chair; his hand quickly came up to wipe away the spinach from his lip.
“Can’t we have one dinner without you making a fool of yourself?!” His father roared at his son on the floor.
“No- Wait, father, I wasn’t-” Remus stammered. “It was Roman, he-”
“Of course, blame your brother.” His mother cut him off, coldly. “As if Roman would ever be as disruptive as you.”
“Learn to take responsibility for your actions, you moron.” His father said as he sat down again.
Remus shakily got up on his feet, holding his stinging cheek.
“Roman, tell them! Please…” Remus pleaded.
All eyes turned on him, and Roman froze under his parents expecting stare. Oh god, he would be a disappointment if he told the truth. He had been disruptive and childish, all the things his parents taught him not to be. They would be angry with him, furious maybe! He wasn’t supposed to make mistakes like this.
Avoiding his brother’s eyes, Roman merely shook his head.
“There, you see,” His mother looked back at Remus. “Now what do you have to say for yourself, little liar?”
Remus kept staring at his sibling, his mouth opening and closing in quiet disbelief. Then he turned away and ran out of the room.
“Honestly, that boy…” His father shook his head, not bothering to call his second son back. “Where did we go wrong?”
“It’s not our fault, dear,” His mother said. “Some people are just born a little… freaky, that’s all.”
His mother turned to Roman, and he stiffened as she gently caressed his cheek.
“Don’t worry, we’re not talking about you.” She said, her voice sweet. “You are such a good son, Roman.”
She pressed a soft kiss to his temple, before turning back to her dinner. Roman tried the same, but noticed he had lost his appetite.
The next evening when he ran into Remus on his way to the dining room, his brother refused to make eye contact and didn’t speak a word.
Roman’s heart gave a twinge at the sudden memory. He couldn’t take it anymore. He slammed his cutlery down with a bang and stood up. His parents jerked up.
“Roman?” His mother asked. “What do you think you’re-”
“Where’s Remus, father?” Roman asked before the courage left him. His father looked disdainfully at him.
“Sit down Roman. We have rules at dinnertime, you know that.”
“Where. Is. Remus?” Roman repeated. “You said that you would look for him!”
“And I did! Are you suggesting I wouldn’t look for my own son?”
“No, of course not! But then…” Roman looked at his brother’s empty seat. “Then where is he?”
King Augusto let out a sigh.
“I couldn’t find him. He was probably already too far ahead of us.”
Roman’s stomach dropped. His gaze flicked outside towards the mountains in the distance, looming in the fading light.
“We have to go look for him,” Roman said, as he scrambled away from the table. “Roman, get back here!” His parents rose from their chairs as well.
“He’s in danger!” He already had his hand on the doorknob when hands seized his shoulder and hand.
“Roman, sweetie,” Queen Nadia’s voice said in his ear. “Come sit and calm down before you do anything rash.”
“But mother he-!”
“Roman.” His mother’s tone took a warning edge. Roman swallowed, reluctantly released the doorknob and allowed his mother to gently guide him back into his chair. She sat down next to him and faced him, a soft smile on her face.
“Now,” She started. “Tell me exactly what your brother said.”
“I told you! He left yelling that he was going to kill the warlock in the mountains!” He rose once more. “If we hurry, we might be able to stop him!” His mother grabbed his hand before he could run again.
“So he never said specifically that he was going to the Desolate Mountains?” She asked.
“Well he…” Roman shut his mouth, thinking. Wait, had he…? Feverishly he replayed his brother’s exit from this morning in his head. Had he mentioned the Desolate Mountains at all?
“No…” Roman said hesitantly. “No, I don’t think so…”
“Well there you go,” His mother smiled kindly. “No need to worry, sweetie.”
“But then… where would he have gone?” Roman asked.
“Son, do you really think we only have one warlock in this whole country?” His father shook his head with a laugh. “I’m sure there’s plenty of them living in mountainous areas!”
“But how do we know for certain?” Roman’s eyes once again went to the window, to the threatening peaks in the distance.
“I don’t think even Remus would be stupid enough to actually go there.” King Augusto said. “Didn’t we make you both promise to never enter the mountains?”
I’m pretty sure you only made me promise, Roman wanted to say but he didn’t. After all how could he know for certain that they hadn’t made Remus promise as well? “And besides,” His mother added. “Remus is always yelling nonsense! Do you remember, a few years back, when he ran away to the sea to ‘fight the Kraken’, in his own words? He came back two weeks later with five sacks of dead fish and a live squid in a tank!”
Oh yeah, that had been an odd day… Remus had loved that tiny squid though; doting on it like it was a cute kitten or a puppy. He had been devastated when he found the squid dead in his tank a month later.
“Someone murdered him!” “Or he just couldn’t survive in a tank, no matter if it’s a salt water tank.” “No! I took good care of him, and Sir Squiddles was just fine this morning!” “Seriously? You named that thing ‘Sir Squiddles’?” “HE WAS NOT A THING! He was my friend!”
At the time, Roman had laughed at Remus calling a squid his friend and got kicked out of his brother’s room for it. Now thinking back on it, Roman cringed at his own insensitivity.
“But…” Roman tried one last time. “What if he did go…? Shouldn’t we look for him just to be sure?”
“Sweetie, don’t be daft,” Queen Nadia’s voice turned impatient. “You want to risk your own life because you jumped to a conclusion? Or the lives of our knights? What if we sent troops, and Remus turns up tomorrow unharmed? Do you want the blood of those men and women on your hands?”
“…No. No I don’t.” Roman finally sat back down. His parents gave him content smiles.
“I’m sure Remus is fine. He’s just off on another attention seeking ‘quest’, and he’ll be back before you know it.” His mother reassured him. Roman nodded.
“You’re right… You’re both right. Thank you.” He said.
“Very well.” His father sat back in his chair. “Now that’s settled, lets get back to this excellent meal before it gets cold.” Roman nodded and picked up his knife and fork again. Of course Remus would come back just fine! Like his father said, not even Remus would be so reckless to go to the Desolate Mountains!
“Oh, and Roman?”
Roman looked up at his father. “Yes?” He asked.
“Don’t ever interrupt dinner time again.” King Augusto said coldly.
“…Yes father.”
“Hey! Planet earth to Roman!”
Fingers snapped near his ear. Roman startled, quickly turning his gaze away from the window and back to the other people in the room.
“So sorry, zoned out there for a second.” Roman smiled. “What were we talking about?”
“This is the fourth time you’ve zoned out and missed the punch-line to my story! What is up with you today?” Tristan huffed. “You’ve been more quiet than Farah! You’re not turning boring on us like her, are you?”
The others laughed, apart from Farah in the far corner. She buried her face further into the book she held open on her lap. Even from the windowsill Roman had seated himself he saw her cheeks turn a bright red. He gave a soft wince in sympathy.
“That’s not exactly gentlemanly of you to say of our fair Farah, Tristan!” Roman said.
“Oh, it’s all in good fun!” Tristan fell back on one of the soft sofas in the salon, lounging on it widespread with a lazy grin. “She really ought to grow thicker skin if she isn’t used to it by now!”
Roman wanted to snap at him that Farah didn’t seem to find it fun, but his father’s voice immediately echoed through his head.
“You need to maintain a network of friends, Roman,” King Augusto had said when Roman once asked why he needed to spent time with someone as insufferable as viscount Tristan. “Build yourself a reputation, learn to know your future allies. After all, what is the one thing we always tell you?”
“A royal’s reputation is the most important thing he has.” Roman had answered, the words falling from his lips automatically after years of it being drilled into him. So Roman only smiled thinly at the viscount before turning his head to look out of the window again.
The murmurs of the conversation started up again, and Roman listened without registering any of the words. After two more times of him missing some hilarious joke, the others seemed to grow tired of his inattentiveness.
“Tristan is right! You are boring today Roman!” Tristan’s best friend Brett complained. Roman shrugged.
“I guess today is an off day.” He said without looking towards the other man. He didn’t need to see to know that Brett was trying his best to pose to impressively show off his muscles for his crush Madison.
“It’s not just today,” Madison pouted, gracefully ignoring Brett in favour of braiding Emma’s hair. “You’ve been quiet every time we hung out in the past weeks.”
“Yeah!” Emma whined. “You’ve been so mopey and dull, Roman! What gives?”
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Roman instead smiled and brightly said, “Maybe I’ve been brainstorming for new adventures!”
“I sure hope so.” Madison finished the braid. “This mood you’ve been in just isn’t any fun!”
“Are…” Farah spoke up hesitantly. “Are you okay Roman…?”
Roman’s smile faltered slightly. Was he okay…? Why was she even asking? Of course he was okay! He just… Hadn’t been too keen on hanging out with his friends today, that’s all.
It wasn’t that he completely disliked the others company. Okay, Tristan was an asshole, and Brett couldn’t hold up an intelligent conversation even if he tried, but Farah was nice! If a bit quiet. And Emma and Madison could have been good company if they stopped gossiping for a few minutes. He had just hoped he could have had this day to himself. Roman’s schedule was busier than ever! The past weeks were filled with so many lessons of various kinds that at the end of the day he could barely keep his eyes open. After shoving food in his mouth, Roman would collapse on his bed and sleep like the dead. And on the rare few days he didn’t have lessons, his parents made sure he spent time with his friends, the children of the court’s nobility. Two months had passed in a haze.
And there was still no sign of Remus.
His stomach clenched as his thoughts went to his brother. Alright, if he would be completely honest with himself, Remus was partially at fault for his somber state of mind. He knew his parents told him not to worry, but as the days turned into weeks, and weeks had turned into two months… Roman couldn’t help himself. He was distracted at his lessons, grim during meetings and unusually quiet. His parents had asked him repeatedly if he was getting sick the last couple of dinners.
Worrying his bottom lip between his teeth, he considered telling the others. He knew he wasn’t meant to be gloomy, but they were his friends! Surely they would understand?
“I suppose…” Roman started, swivelling his head to look at the others. “I have been a bit worried lately…”
“Worried?” Emma asked. “How so?” “Well… It’s Remus. He’s been gone for weeks now-”
“Oh, so that’s the reason it’s been so peaceful around here?” Tristan laughed. “I already wondered why it smelled nicer around the castle lately!”
“Hey!” Roman said.
“What?” Tristan spread his hands in a ‘what gives’ gesture. “It’s true! How many times have we seen Remus covered in weird dirt and dragging heavens knows what around?”
“Too many times...” Brett said, shaking his head.
“Didn’t he once put a rotting decapitated pigs head in your bed, Tristan?” Emma shuddered.
“Ugh, don’t remind me.” Tristan made a grossed out face. “It took weeks before the smell got out. And I’m still not sure how he even got in!”
“He did that because you pranked him, right?” Madison asked.
“Yes! Seriously, your brother just can not take a joke!” Tristan said to Roman, who grimaced. Roman remembered that particular “prank” all right…
“Wanna hear something crazy?”
Roman looked up from his book, expecting his brother to grin at him with that “I just brought a live opossum into the parlour and I have called him Jeremy” grin, but instead his brother looked… Strangely nervous. Huh. That was very unlike him.
“Yes…?” He said, curious enough to ignore the warning bells.
“I think…” Remus said slowly.
“You? Thinking? Don’t hurt yourself, brother!” Roman laughed. Remus didn’t laugh, and made a short stuttering movement that to Roman seemed like a wince. Frowning, Roman wanted to backtrack but before he could say anything Remus continued talking.
“IthinkIhaveacrushonTristan!” Remus rushed out. Roman’s mouth fell open.
“You WHAT??” He yelled, abandoning his book in favour of jumping from his chair and joining his brother on the couch. “You have a crush on Tristan??”
“Yell a little louder, I don’t think the people in the dungeons quite heard it!” Remus hissed out while punching his brother’s arm.
“Sorry, sorry, just excited!” Roman squealed. “Oh gosh, are you going to tell him? When will you tell him? And how? Flowers are a classic, obviously, but if you want to be more original you could always slay a grand monster to prove your love-!”
“I wrote a poem.” Remus mumbled. Roman let out a gasp.
“Oh that is PERFECT! And such an unorthodox of a display for you brother! You must truly have it bad for our fair Tristan!”
“Oh, shut up!” Remus punched his arm again, but he was smiling. Roman couldn’t stop grinning as well. How long was it ago that they had this kind of brotherly banter? It felt like years! If Roman were to guess, the last time they truly spent time together like siblings was when they had been kids. And now their 18thbirthday was only a month away!  
Why did they ever stop hanging out…?
“Send him that poem! I’m sure he’ll love it!”
“You think so…?”
“I know so!” Roman gushed. “Tristan is super nice, he’ll be over the moon by it!”
“Wow, it’s almost as if writing a poem for your crush, only for said crush to not only read out said poem out loud and make fun of it in front of basically the whole court,” Roman bit out through a forced smile. “But also ridicule you for having a crush is not even remotely funny, Tristan!”
“It was a little funny!” Brett said.
“Yeah! Didn’t you see Remus’ face?” Tristan snorted. “Come now Roman, it was a harmless prank!”
“A harmless prank that caused my own brother to refuse to talk to me for nearly a year!” Roman very nearly shouted. He had sworn up and down to Remus he hadn’t known Tristan would do something so cruel, but he had the suspicion Remus never truly believed him. Especially since his parents didn’t allow him to cut off all contact with the viscount.
“You will not lose one of your most important future allies because Remus is too immature to handle a joke, Roman!” His mother had bristled. “And that’s final!”
Secretly Roman thought the pig’s head had been well deserved.
“Hey now, calm down.” Tristan held up his hand in a placating gesture, and Roman wanted nothing more than to challenge the insolent cur to a duel right then and there. “I meant nothing by it. Honestly Roman, what’s the matter with you today? You make fun of Remus all the time!”
Instantly the anger inside him deflated.
“Yeah, well-! I…” Roman stuttered out. He couldn’t exactly deny it. “Maybe-! Maybe… Maybe that was wrong of me!” He ignored the sceptical stares. “And besides, Remus has never been gone this long, and I don’t… I don’t… I’m worried, alright??” “I don’t think you need to,” Emma said. “Remus is like a weed; you can’t really kill him!”
“Exactly,” Madison finished the intricate braid in Emma’s hair. “Before you know it, he’ll ride through the castle’s gate and he’ll be back doing… Whatever the hell it is he does.”
“Seriously, what does he even do all day?” Brett snickered.
“He often goes to the library.” A quiet voice said. Immediately all eyes turned to Farah, who seemed to instantly regret saying anything.
“The library? Really?” Roman asked quizzically.
“Remus in a library?” Madison scoffed. “Don’t you think that’s stretching the truth a bit too far, Farah?”
“Does he even know how to read?” Emma simpered.
“It’s true!” Farah said. “I regularly see him when I go to the library!”
Roman swung his legs off the windowsill and sat to give Farah his full attention. “What does he do there?” He asked curiously. While he hated to agree with the others, they were right; He couldn’t exactly picture his chaotic brother to particularly enjoy the library.
“I don’t know…” Farah muttered. “We don’t really talk.” “Wow, what a shocking revelation!” Tristan snorted. “Farah doesn’t talk! Next you’ll tell me that water is wet!”
Another wave of laughter echoed through the room, and Farah looked like she wanted to disappear into her green coloured hijab. Roman glared at Tristan, the irritation rising up to new levels. He was about to snap at the viscount when the doors of the salon opened.
“Your Highness,” The lackey entering said while he made a bow. “Pardon the intrusion, but your parents request your presence in the throne room.”
Roman barely held back a sigh in pure relief, and practically ran out of the room without saying goodbye to the others. He did feel a pang of guilt for leaving Farah alone with those heathens, but he shook it off and made his way to the throne room.
Upon entering he saw his parents, looking regal and untouchable on their thrones, the picture perfect concerned monarchs. Before the throne knelt an older man, his clothes torn and tattered. Most likely he was a peasant from a nearby town. His parents smiled at him when they saw him.
“Ah, Roman! Just the hero we wished to see.” His father beckoned him closer. “Come here.” “Would you repeat your request for our son?” His mother smiled sweetly at the kneeling man.
“A-Ah! Yes, yes of course, your Majesties!” The man shuffled on his knees, so he faced Roman who had walked up to his side.
“Please good sir!” Roman gently grabbed the man by his elbows and helped him stand. “No need to kneel for me! That cold floor can hardly be good for your knees!”
The old man looked surprised, but smiled either way. Roman smiled back, choosing to ignore the disapproving peers he knew his parents were giving him.
“Your Highness,” The man started. “I come to you in dire need. My village is under raid by a manticore-chimera! The monster has killed several of our villagers, destroyed a good portion of our crops and damaged our homes! We’re not sure how long we can keep the demon at bay! But the whole kingdom has heard of your bravery fighting such horrors, and we beg for your help!”
The more he listened, the more Roman felt his heart clench. That fiend was harming his future subjects! His people! Outrage and determination swelled up in his chest.
“Do not worry, my good man!” Roman bellowed. “I shall come with you and vanquish the mighty beast!”
He vanquished the mighty beast.
A day’s journey away from the castle had taken Roman, and the knights that accompanied him on every quest, to the village the monster terrorized… The small town sat right by the edge of the Desolate Mountains.
Ignoring the cruel irony, Roman had focused on slaying the manticore-chimera. It had taken all his willpower and several close calls, but he did it. He was victorious, and the monster would do no more harm.
And in the end, every fight Roman suffered through would always be worth it. It was worth it to return to the village after the battle and see the relieved, happy faces of the townspeople. To see their tears of relief, hear their joyous laughter and know that those who had been grieving would get a little respite now that their loved ones were avenged.
It was worth it knowing his people were safe.
And if the people celebrated, and Roman and his entourage were pulled along with it, well who was he to deny an adoring audience?
That’s how Roman found himself surrounded by all the town’s children, who were breathlessly listening to Roman regaling how he had taken down the manticore-chimera. His knights mingled with the adults of the village, who smiled both fondly and wondrously at their prince entertaining their kids.
“And so, while my brave knights distracted the monster, I snuck up to it from behind, narrowly avoiding its scorpion tale!” Roman mimicked drawing a sword. “I waited with bated breath until I saw an opening… And then… POW!!” The children all startled, many of them gasping. “I pierced my sword right through his heart! And the manticore-chimera… Was no more.”
The children ooohed and aaahed when Roman struck a heroic pose, the gold details of his most princely outfit sparkling in the sunlight and his red cape fluttering in the slight breeze.
“When I am older, I wanna be a knight too!” One of the children gaped.
“Oh, and what a fearsome warrior you shall be!” Roman scooped the girl in question up and settled her upon his shoulders. “Known far and wide! Every monster shall quack in their boots upon hearing your name!” The child shrieked with laughter as Roman took off in a gentle sprint, the other kids nearly tripping over their own feet to follow him.
“You are much nicer than the other prince!” The girl giggled above him. Roman laughed, a little confused.
“Other prince? What other prince?” He asked.
“The weird one with the funny moustache!”
He froze. Skidding to a halt Roman was distantly aware that the kids surrounded him once more, pulling at his cape and sash and begging for a turn.
It couldn’t… There was no way!
The girl wiggled on his shoulders. “Keep running, keep running!” She yelled. Roman shook himself from his frozen stupor.
“Ah, I’m afraid this mighty steed has done enough running for today!” The children all chorused their disappointment, and the girl pouted as he lifted her off his shoulders back onto the ground. “How about you play with the knights instead? They have saved your home just as much as I have!”
“But we wanna play with you!” A boy whined. All the other kids nodded in agreement.
“Ah, but maybe, if you ask nicely… My knights can show you how to hold a sword like a true warrior!”
That seemed to instantly cheer the children up. Roman watched with a smile as the group ran off towards the knights. Dread pooled in his stomach however when he thought about what the girl had said.
B-But there probably had been a mistake! There were loads of people with moustaches, and perhaps it had just been a rich merchant travelling his way around the mountains, the only safe (albeit long) path to the kingdom on the other side. Any child would see a fancy gentleman and think him a prince! Roman huffed a laugh, and pretended not to notice how strangled the sound was. That was a totally reasonable explanation! No need to panic over nothing! He would even ask to be sure, so he could laugh at his own foolish behaviour!
He looked around for the village head, a lovely older woman who had introduced herself as Alina before he went to kill the manticore-chimera. He spotted her chatting animatedly with her wife on the edge of the town square. Quickly he approached her.
“Pardon me, my lady?”
“Prince Roman!” Alina grinned at him brightly. “We are forever in your debt for slaying the beast. We simply cannot thank you enough!”
“It was the mere duty of a prince and future king, ma’am!” Roman said. “But I need to ask you something.”
“Anything, your Highness.”
“About two months ago, did a traveller pass through your town? My age, with a moustache, most likely wearing green?”
“Oh, did prince Remus ever return home safely?”
Roman felt like he had been punched in the stomach.
“You… You have seen my brother?” He asked weakly.
“It was a little hard to miss him!” Alina’s wife Nesta said. “He rode in one late afternoon, and stopped only to allow his horse to drink something and to buy some more supplies in our tavern. He yelled that he would kill-” The woman paused when she saw Roman’s face drain of all colour. “Your Highness?”
“What did he yell?” Roman’s voice sounded numb. “Please, what did he say?”
“He yelled that he would kill the warlock in the Desolate Mountains for us, your Highness.” Nesta continued solemnly, all mirth from just mere moments ago gone. “We tried to stop him. We warned him of the danger, but he didn’t listen. He… He rode away before we could talk sense into him. But… Surely your Highness knew this? Our king and queen would not send their son on a mission like that without a plan!”
Silence stretched out for a few seconds as the women smiled hopefully at Roman. Their smiles died away at Roman’s ashen expression.
“You didn’t know…” Alina gasped. “Please, you have to believe us, if we had known prince Remus was there without your parents blessing, we would have sent word to the castle immediately! We wouldn’t have- Prince Roman?”
Roman couldn’t breathe. The sound of the village head and her wife asking him worriedly if he was feeling unwell reached him muffled and faraway, like his ears were stuffed with wax. A coldness like ice spread from his core to his limbs, making his skin tingle. He had the idea that his legs would give out on him any second. The shadows of the Desolate Mountains loomed over him, cold and menacing.
He had actually… Remus truly was that reckless… He had really gone to…
Oh god his brother had gone to the Desolate Mountains!
“Haha! !It seems like we overstayed our welcome long enough!!” Roman yelled so suddenly the women jumped back in shock. He felt himself slip back into his princely demeanour without truly trying. “Thank you for your hospitality, you are such wondrously kind people!!”
“Prince Roman, maybe you should sit down first?”
“Sit down?? Of course not, I feel fit as a fiddle!!” Roman chuckled, edging on hysterics. “Yes, we should definitely be going now!! I should inform the general!! A grand day to you, ladies!!” With that, Roman stormed away, ignoring the protests of Alina and Nesta. He had to find the general, he had to round up the knights, and they had to go look for his brother!
“GENERAL ISOLDA!!” He called out over the town square. The woman in question looked up, a bit shocked to see her prince in such a frenzied state. The knights that were talking to her stood to attention as well.
“Your Highness?” She asked when Roman reached her. “What is the matter?” “Gather all the knights! We’re going!” Roman commanded.
“Already?” The general frowned in confusion. “But we have barely rested for the journey home!” “We’re not going to the castle! We’re going to the Desolate Mountains!”
“What- Are you mad?” The general gaped at him, thinking he must be joking. Roman however could not be more determined.
“My brother is there, general! He has been there for the past two months, and we must find him immediately! We can buy supplies here in the town, and-”
Roman stopped dead in his tracks.
“No? What do you mean, no?”
“It means that I am not sending my knights on a suicide mission, my prince!” The general seethed. Roman stared at her, before nodding.
“You’re right… That would be unfair to ask of them. I shall go alone then! Inform my parents of my absence!” Roman turned around to search for his horse, but was stopped in his path by one of his knights. Without Roman realizing more knights had joined the little group, and they formed a circle around him. Trapping him.
“I will do no such thing,” General Isolda said behind him. “Because you will be returning with us.”
“Let me go at once!” Roman turned to glare at the general, who merely looked unimpressed.
“You will return to the castle with us, prince Roman,” She said. “And that is an order.”
“You can not order me!” Roman fumed. “I outrank you!”
“And your parents outrank you, your Highness. I- All of us- Have strict orders to always bring you back home. No detours, no crazy quests. And we will follow those orders no matter what.” Roman bristled, ready to shout and yell. He looked around at knights circling him, closing his escape path off. Many of them had their swords partially drawn, their faces resolute.
“Please prince Roman,” The general said patiently. “Do not force me to tie you to your horse.”
He could not fight them all off, Roman knew that. And the whole journey home they would watch him like a hawk. Admitting defeat, Roman’s shoulders sacked.
“Fine,” He bit out. “But we’ll be leaving immediately. If we hurry we can make it back by evening.” He had to let his parents know as soon as possible, so he could go looking.
As Roman and his entourage left the town, it felt as if the mountains mockingly waved him goodbye.
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gcwcns · 5 years
below the cut you will find 100+ (i lost count) lyrics from hozier’s entire discography that could be used as rp (charrie, otp, etc.) tags. they are arranged by song. if you’re looking for a specific song press ctrl (command if on mac) and f to search it! 
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take me to church 
if the heavens ever did speak she's the last true mouthpiece
i'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
i’m a pagan of the good times my lover’s the sunlight
drain the whole sea get something shiny
there is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin
angel of small death & the codeine scene
shaking the wings of their terrible youths
with her sweetened breath and her tongue so mean
she's the angel of small death and the codeine scene 
it's bloody and raw, but i swear it is sweet
the sweet heat of her breath in my mouth I'm alive
jackie and wilson
so tired trying to see from behind the red in my eyes
no better version of me i could pretend to be tonight
she blows outta nowhere roman candle of the wild
every version of me dead and buried in the yard outside
cut clean from the dream at night let my mind reset
someone new 
electing strange perfections in any stranger i choose.
there's an art to life's distractions,
the dark caress of someone else i guess any thrill will do
my heart's already sinned.
i fall in love just a little bit every day with someone new
to be alone 
never feel too good in crowds
all i’ve ever done is hide 
i feel like a person for a moment of my life
to have someone kiss the skin that crawls from you
it's the god that heroin prays to
from eden 
something tragic about you something so magic about you
honey you're familiar like my mirror years ago
idealism sits in prison chivalry fell on its sword
innocence died screaming honey ask me i should know
i slithered here from eden just to sit outside your door
in a week 
i have never known peace like the damp grass that yields to me
our hunger's appeased our heart beats becoming slow
so long, we'd become the flowers
after the foxes have known our taste
they'd find us in a week when the buzzards get loud
just a little rush to feel dizzy to derail the mind of me
our veins are busy but my heart's in atrophy
you and I nursing on a poison that never stung
free and young and we can feel none of it
i'm somewhere outside my life babe
work song
there's nothing sweeter than my baby
she'd give me toothaches just from kissing me 
no grave can hold my body down i’ll crawl home to her 
in the low lamp light i was free 
heaven and hell were words to me 
like real people do 
why were you digging what did you bury 
i will not ask and neither should you
honey just put your sweet lips on my lips
we should just kiss like real people do 
i knew that look dear eyes always seeking
it will come back 
i know who i am when I'm alone
you should never know how easy you are to need 
don't let me in with with no intention to keep me
give me mercy no more
don't you hear me howling babe
foreigner’s god 
she moved with shameless wonder perfect creature rarely seen 
her eyes look sharp and steady into the empty parts of me 
always a well dressed fraud
screaming the name of a foreigner's god the purest expression of grief
i've no language left to say it every word i've got is foreign to me 
cherry wine
her eyes and words are so icy 
she burns like rum on a fire
the blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine
her fight and fury is fiery 
and it's worth it all it's divine
in the woods somewhere
i called your name til the fever broke
night so black that the darkness hums
i prayed my mind be good to me  
i spoke no word no sound he made
to save a life i didn't have
tare is this love keep it covered
her hungry eyes her ancient soul
a shame without a sin
with as many souls claimed as she
run til you feel your lungs bleeding
arsonist’s lullaby
i learned the voices died with me
all you have is your fire
don't you ever tame your demons but always keep em on a leash
i knew that something would always rule m
but my peace has always depended on all the ashes in my wake
my love will never die 
honey please try to love me
my love will never die
flowers grow where I'm laid to rest
pick a blossom and hold it hold it to your breast
my love bursting loud from inside
nina cried power 
it's not the waking, it's the rising
it's the heaven of a human spirit ringing
i could cry power
power has been cried by those stronger than me
rattle your chains if you love being free
give your heart and soul to charity
the rest of you the best of you belongs to me
If I was born as a black thorn tree I'd wanna be felled by you 
fuel the pyre of your enemies
ain't it warming you the world goin up in flames
moment’s silence (common tongue) 
relax and catch the manic rhapsody
all of me is a prayer in perfect piety
when the meaning is gone there is clarity
since it all begun to it's reckoning
so summon on the pearl rosary
the words hung above but never would form
remember me love when i'm reborn 
as the shrike to your sharp and glorious thorn 
all of my goodness is going with you now
grounded and giving and darkening scorn
almost (sweet music)
sweet music playin in the dark
be still my foolish heart don't ruin this on me
let's get lost and let the good times roll
a love supreme seems far removed
reporting russian lullabies
i could never define all that you are to me
shake like the bough of a willow tree
honey you're atlas in his sleeping
in awe of something so flawed and free
when you move i move
no plan
the screaming heaving fuckery of the world
there's no kingdom to come
there will be darkness again
keep my body from the fire hire a gardener for my grave
when I'm lying under marble marvel at flowers you'll have made 
i've been fed gold by sweet fools in abu dhabi
i'd be appalled if I saw you ever try to be a saint
if i had the choice between hearing either noise
i once warmed my hands over a burning Maserati
i’ve had no love like your love
to noise making (sing)
your head tilt back your funny mouth to the clouds
was it just the act of making noise that brought you joy
you don't have to sing it right but who could call you wrong
put your emptiness to melody your awful heart to song
who could ask you be unbroken or be brave again
as it was
i'd had life enough my heart is screaming of
whatever here that's left of me is yours
but your love was unmoved
just as it was before the otherness came
nights were as dark as my baby half as beautiful too
i’d be the voice that urged orpheus when her body was found 
i'd be the choiceless hope in grief that drove him underground
imagine being loved by me
i'd be the last shred of truth in the lost myth of true love
that's found in the last witness before the wave hits
once atrocity is hoarse from voicing shame
with the same sweet shock of when Adam first came
be the hopeful feeling when eden was lost
when i have no kind words left love for you now
that will grow bold in a barren and desolate land
dinner & diatribes
hell is the talking type
i'd suffer hell if you'd tell me what you'd do to me tonight 
a pillar i am of pride
let there be hotel complaints and grievances raised
that's the kinda love i’ve been dreaming of
would that i 
love in withdrawal was the weeping of me
with the roar of the fire my heart rose to its feet
i fell in love with the fire long ago 
i was fixed on your hand of gold
and it’s not tonight where i’m set alight
betray the moon as acolyte on first and fierce affirming sight
a soul that's born in cold and rain
i would gladly be the Icarus to your certainty
strap the wing to me death trap clad happily
your love is sunlight
wasteland, baby!
all the fear and fire of the end of the world
like the bonfire that burns that all words in the fight fell to
be still my indelible friend you are unbreaking
and that day that we'll watch the death of the sun
the death of all things that are seen and unseen
better love
blind to the purpose of the brute divine
Staring in the blackness at some distant star
you whose heart would sing of anarchy
when our truth is burned from history
like fire weeping from a cedar tree know that my love would burn with me
106 notes · View notes
pengiesama · 5 years
Celestial Confluence/Cultivation Cross (Fic, TGCF, HC/XL)
Title: Celestial Confluence/Cultivation Cross Series: Heavenly Official’s Blessing (Tian Guan Ci Fu) Pairing: Hua Cheng/Xie Lian
All of Heaven has been brought to its knees by the hot new gatcha game, Celestial Confluence/Cultivation Cross. The gods are at each other's throats, and are at the brink of civil war, in pursuit of the rarest of .pngs.
Chaos reigns. And it is most emphatically Hua Cheng's fault.
Link: AO3
Check out my commission info here.
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“...so you see, profits are up from last quarter, and attendance at the gambling halls is at an all-time high,” said the bird demon at the front of the conference room. “Our Lord’s bold strategic moves in this fiscal year have broken previous records into such dust.”
“Master’s business acumen is unmatched,” stated the hog demon to the horned woman seated next to him at the polished wood table. The horned woman nodded at this sage assessment, and the rest of the room murmured in agreement.
“Who other than a Supreme could wield such horrible power?”
Suddenly, the demon business consultants found their voices silenced. They could not utter a peep -- it was as though an invisible hand had reached down their gullets to pluck out their tongues. But there was little mystery to who had performed such a feat. A perceptible dark aura had descended upon the room, and at the center of it all was the object of their praise and adulation: their Lord himself, Hua Cheng. Despite their acclaim, despite the numbers from last quarter’s gross profits displayed prominently on the overhead projector in a neat, color-coordinated bar graph, Hua Cheng’s expression was grave. He swirled red wine in a goblet of fine, translucently white porcelain.
After a long and deliberate silence to build up an appropriate sense of dread, Hua Cheng spoke.
“Not good enough.”
He hurled the porcelain goblet against the wall, splattering its contents -- looking to all the world as red blood and white bone, a scene of spectacular violence. Hua Cheng snapped his fingers and a nearby handmaiden handed him an identical goblet. Hua Cheng swirled it again, once, twice, before he spoke once more.
“Profits are up,” Hua Cheng repeated, mockingly. “An all-time high. Meaningless. I need more than that.”
His consultants said nothing, out of terror. And also out of still not being able to speak because Hua Cheng stole their voices. Hua Cheng seemed to remember this part only belatedly, as he waited a little bit too long for a response. He rolled his good eye, sighed in frustration, and gave the bird consultant his voice back.
The bird consultant knew he had a role to play in this scene, and wasted no time embracing it. “M-my lord!” he coughed, trying to get his tongue back in the right place in his throat. “Whatever do you mean?”
Hua Cheng threw another goblet against the wall, and accepted its replacement in his waiting hand.
“I have built an empire on cards and dice. However, there remains the need to attract more clientele. New clientele. Clientele that think themselves too good, too noble to enter my gambling halls. Tempt them, ensnare them, enslave them -- only then will I approach the profits needed for my ultimate goal.”
Their Lord’s riches were unparalleled -- truly, the stuff of legends. Mountains of gold, oceans of jewels. Jurisdiction over the nether realm, command over an army of souls and a bottomless abyss of power. Wealth that even the richest of kingdoms could only ever dream of. To lust for more and more was the nature of demons, to be certain. But their Lord’s aspirations seemed to be approaching the limits of reality itself.
“Such devious and lofty ambition is surely within my lord’s reach,” said the bird consultant, with utter sincerity -- for it was a simple truth that everything was within reach for their lord, the king of the ghosts, the lord of the demons, the terror of the heavens. “But does my lord already have something specific in mind?”
Hua Cheng was idly throwing goblet after goblet at the wall, clearly bored of the meeting. “I do. I don’t care about your input, and I don’t know why I pay you or why I have these meetings. You’re all dismissed. Bye.”
The demon consultants found their tongues forcibly returned to their mouths, and they quietly filed out of the room, trying to reattach them properly. It was no use, and was entirely unwise, to inquire any further into their lord’s plans.
After all, surely, they would find out soon enough.
Xie Lian was used to being out of the loop on the latest trends in Heaven. It didn’t really bother him -- he was just too old to keep up with this gossip or that fashion trend or that new joke, especially when it was sure to be old hat in a week or less. What’s more, it was always so awkward trying to fit in. He distinctly remembered the pain on Shi Qing Xuan’s face as he tried to explain to Xie Lian why that picture of a frog puppet on fire was relevant to the current conversation in the heavenly array. Xie Lian still didn’t understand. Why would someone want to set a puppet on fire? It seemed like a perfectly good puppet. He probably could have put on a street performance with it.
“It’s just like -- an expression! It’s you! You’re all excited and on fire and you’re the frog puppet!” Shi Qing Xuan explained, in increasingly desperate tones.
“I’m not a frog puppet,” Xie Lian said. “And I don’t want to be on fire. It hurts, trust me.”
Shi Qing Xuan lowered his head to the table and buried himself under his voluminous silken sleeves. “You are the least cash money person I have ever met.”
“Sorry,” Xie Lian said. “I am the trash god, you know.”
In any case, Xie Lian’s willful ignorance of popular trends allowed him to live a peaceful -- if uncool -- life. But as he was soon to discover, one cannot escape from the cold, clammy grasp of popular culture entirely.
Xie Lian didn’t remember why he’d needed to visit Heaven, that day. Perhaps he’d needed to get some holy water from the celestial stream, perhaps he’d needed to gather herbs to make medicine, perhaps he was just feeling masochistic and wanted to go to a place where everyone deliberately ignored him. Whatever the reason, it was as though he had stepped into the realm of the damned.
Gods stumbled down the streets, mumbling to themselves as they tapped away at glowing screens that floated in the palms of their hands. Cries of joy and cries of despair echoed from the palaces and alleyways. All around him, Xie Lian saw faces twisted by anguish, by ecstasy, by madness -- still more with eyes that were utterly dead to the world. Xie Lian almost thought that he had made a wrong turn, and had landed in the entertainment district of the Ghost City by mistake. But no. This was Heaven, but somehow, it had become overrun with the unmistakable aura of hell.
Surely no one would have blamed Xie Lian if he had simply turned around and left. But alas, he never did know how to leave well enough alone. Xie Lian hastened to the Windmaster’s mansion, hoping against hope that Shi Qing Xuan was still in possession of his full faculties...or as full faculties as could be expected from such a devoted follower of hot trends. It took a few knocks, but eventually, Shi Qing Xuan answered the door. Xie Lian was disheartened to see that he (well, currently she, for the present moment) had that same glowing screen in the palm of her perfectly manicured hand; however, Shi Qing Xuan’s expression was still bright and cheery, her eyes still clear. With any luck, she still had enough strength of will left to answer questions.
“Just in time!” Shi Qing Xuan said cheerily, dragging Xie Lian in by his wrist. “I’m about to stream my next few dozen ten-rolls. You can be my guest commentator! Ming-Xiong and I have a channel, you know, and we can always use guest commentators, because Ming-Xiong doesn’t really talk, he just eats into his microphone even though we’re not a mukbang stream except when it’s Thursday and we’re a mukbang stream. We have a podcast, too, did you know that?”
“No,” Xie Lian said. “I didn’t.”
“Well, if you stick around, you can be a guest on that too!” Shi Qing Xuan said cheerfully. “Come come, sit here so the cameras can see you.”
Xie Lian settled down awkwardly, watching as Shi Qing Xuan attached her glowing screen to a strange setup. Ming Yi didn’t seem to acknowledge his presence at all, and continued to engage in the activity that he had been partaking in since they entered the room, which was slurping noodles extremely loudly into a microphone. A large screen displayed on one of the walls, showing the camera footage of the three of them in the room, and showing a scrolling feed of the conversation taking place in the heavenly array -- as well as a running tally of the merits that were being tossed their way. Xie Lian was extremely puzzled as to what they were doing that merited...merits. Every time Ming Yi made an especially loud slurp or finished another bowl of noodles, a new wave of donations pinged onto the screen. Pictures of that frog puppet kept popping up in the chat, in new and strange situations.
Frog puppets. Noodles. Podcasts. Heaven transforming into hell. And Xie Lian could do nothing but watch.
“Hey everyone! We’ve got a special guest today; he’ll be chatting with us while I whale for my new outfit card in Celestial Confluence/Cultivation Cross!”
“You’re doing what to a whale?” Xie Lian asked, regretting the question when it wasn’t even fully out of his mouth.
Shi Qing Xuan laughed uproariously, then stopped, seeming to realize from previous experience that Xie Lian wasn’t joking. However, instead of having a swooning fit over Xie Lian’s uncoolness as she usually did, she seemed to have the scent of something interesting. She scooted in close, closer, closer. Xie Lian fought the urge to bolt.
“Xie Lian. Your highness. Lemme ask you this. Do you know what Celestial Confluence/Cultivation Cross is?”
“Absolutely not,” Xie Lian said.
“He doesn’t know!” Shi Qing Xuan crowed with glee, clapping her hands in delight. “He doesn’t know at all! Your highness, it’s only the most popular game in the Heavens right now. Or like, ever. You seriously haven’t heard of it?”
“Not at all,” Xie Lian said. He looked around for anything that resembled a game board. “It’s a game? Where are the game pieces?”
Shi Qing Xuan gestured with a flourish to the screen display, her sleeves fluttering like leaves in the wind with the motion. “You’re looking right at them, your highness.”
On the screen, there was...a series of pictures of Shi Qing Xuan, in a dizzying variety of different outfits. Shi Qing Xuan pointed to each one, proudly.
“This is me in my travelling robes, and this is me when I’m feeling a little sassy and want to go out incognito dressed as a simple but also beautiful mortal cultivator, and this is me except I’m a schoolgirl, and oh, there’s me when I’m a schoolboy too, and this is me on a day out at the beach in a cute polka-dot bikini and couture sunglasses and kicky little high heels, and this is me as a Santa Claus -- watch out or else you’ll be on my naughty list, Ming-Xiong!”
Ming Yi had nothing to say to that except another loud slurp. Another torrent of merits pinged on the screen.
“And this is me as a sexy cat burglar, and this is me as a famous idol singer, and this is me as a dazzling bride, and this is me as a star athlete, if you’ll notice the diamond-studded booty shorts, and this is me as a pastry chef, and--”
“Windmaster,” Xie Lian interrupted, seeing that Shi Qing Xuan was not about to stop any time soon. “Would you be so patient as to explain to me how one plays with...such game pieces as these?”
Shi Qing Xuan squinted at the screen, frowning. “...I dunno, I just pick whatever outfits I’m in the mood for and then let the auto-battle option do the rest. Anyway, this is another idol outfit, but it’s from a different collab and in THIS one you can see that I’m wearing striped panties--”
“Is there an aim to the game?” Xie Lian prodded gently, trying to keep Shi Qing Xuan on...some sort of track that didn’t just involve her showing off her pretend closet for the next hour. “Does one battle against any sort of opponents?”
“Ugh, you martial gods and your one-track minds,” Shi Qing Xuan sighed and shook her head. “Yes, I guess you fight monsters and stuff. And like, you can join a team with people on your friend list and take on raid battles with them -- those are like, battles with really strong opponents. And once you kill ‘em you get prizes.”
Xie Lian gave a polite “hm.” He supposed he could see the appeal of practicing strategy with such a...low-impact method, but he wasn’t convinced it would impart any real-world benefits when it came to actual combat. He didn’t become a martial god by sitting inside playing xiangqi, after all.
“There’s a story.” Ming Yi had finally diverted his attention from his noodles. He cleared his throat, and squared his jaw, clearly itching to say more. “In the game.”
Shi Qing Xuan gestured wildly with her fan. “Yeah, that too! In the idol collab there was a WHOLE story about me and Ming-Xiong and I forget who else teaming up with a bunch of mortal girls who were desperate to save their school from closing, so they offered up a prayer and--”
“The MAIN story,” Ming Yi cut in. “Is about a sect of cultivators out to save humanity from a prophecy of destruction. They summon the aid of the gods to help in their battle, and along the way, they encounter many twists and turns and eventually they discover that the prophecy came from a mysterious race of aliens from beyond the stars who wish to sacrifice humanity in a crucible to split off the timeline, but in actuality this already happened millennia ago, or maybe millennia in the future if you think about it laterally, or maybe it happens in a cycle or all at once, but whatever the case may be the heroes must find a way to unite the True Timeline with the Dark Timeline, but which timeline is real? What will become of our heroes when the timelines are merged? Also the main character cultivator who’s kind of a blank slate but not really if you play the sub-scenarios has an evil twin or possibly an alternate-reality clone who can summon the power of the demon kings and it’s not clear if he’s working with the aliens or a rival cultivation sect or if he’s just a rogue agent out to sow chaos and destruction--”
Shi Qing Xuan started slurping noodles as loud as she possibly could, and the noise combined with the rush of pinging merits drowned out Ming Yi as he continued to confuse and vex everyone who heard him. Fuming, Ming Yi returned to his task of eating his feelings.
“Anyway,” Shi Qing Xuan said, daintily wiping her mouth, careful not to smear her lip rouge. “You get it now, your highness?”
“A bit,” Xie Lian said, lying through his teeth to avoid having it explained further.
“Great! Now, you get all these cute little cards by drawing for them in a lottery, and you can either grind for free game currency by toiling away on tasks...or you can just buy currency and draw until you get everything you want!”
Shi Qing Xuan’s tone clearly showed which method of cultivation she preferred. Still, when it came to matters of luck and lottery, it was best for Xie Lian to not get involved at all.
“You’ll have to excuse me, Windmaster, but I wouldn’t want to upset your fortune by staying here. I wish you and your whale the best of luck in…” He gestured vaguely. “...cultivation?”
“Nononono, stay! C’mon, did you think I didn’t remember about your Thing when I invited you in?” Shi Qing Xuan lunged forward and dragged Xie Lian back down to sit on the colorful silk cushions. “It’s so BORING doing this with just Ming-Xiong to keep me company -- it’ll totally be a hoot to see how bad our rolls are with you in the room! I’ll just draw for my new outfit later. It’s for the ballet event, by the way.”
“Oh,” said Xie Lian.
“I’m a swan princess,” Shi Qing Xuan elaborated. “Cursed by a dark wizard to force me to be his bride. Bird by day, fair maiden by moonlight. And only a kiss from a prince can save me!”
“I see,” said Xie Lian.
“Odette dies at the end of that ballet,” Ming Yi noted.
“Nuh-uh!” Shi Qing Xuan shot back. “The wizard turns into a big ugly monster and the prince shoots him and then the prince cries on her body and stuff and she’s alive somehow! And she’s a human again but she can still turn into a swan for all the sequels. There was a turtle and a penguin or something too.”
Ming Yi stared at Shi Qing Xuan with a mouthful of noodles, and Shi Qing Xuan took this as a victory, somehow. With a flourish, she presented her glowing screen to Xie Lian. There was so much going on that Xie Lian didn’t even know what he was looking at. Beautiful fairies with petal wings, with butterfly wings, fluttered here and there, glowing orbs and blooming flowers decorated banners encouraging players to “draw now!” And surely players had a glut of choices to draw from. There was a banner with Shi Qing Xuan pouting and winking at the camera, there was a banner with Feng Xin and Mu Qing facing each other down with bow and spear in hand, there was even a banner with the Rain Master’s loyal ox assistant...wearing a black blindfold, white wig, and a short, frilly black dress. (“Geez, is that Nier collab still going on?” asked Shi Qing Xuan.)
Shi Qing Xuan tapped on one of the banners, and pointed to a glowing button on the bottom of the screen. A set of eight fairies fluttered their wings, just waiting for their cue to pull back the curtain and reveal what awaited behind it.
“Press the button,” beseeched Shi Qing Xuan, wriggling in place. “Press it, press it, c’mon, your highness!”
“It’s your money on the line,” Xie Lian said, simply, and tapped the screen.
A lavishly-animated cinematic played on the screen. The fairies swirled around the white-clad cultivator character, who raised their sword to the sky -- causing the clouds to split with a crack of thunder. Rainbow light filled the screen, and energetic strings and drums added to the assault on the senses.
“Oooh!” Shi Qing Xuan clapped her hands in excitement. “Rainbow clouds! You got me at least one ultra-rare card out of that, your highness! I think your luck’s finally turning around!”
“Maybe it’s just that his luck’s so bad that it got confused and looped around,” Ming Yi said.
Shi Qing Xuan nodded thoughtfully. “Yeah, honestly, that’s more likely.”
“I won’t exactly argue,” Xie Lian said. “But I must protest.”
The cinematic finally ended, and the results of the draw displayed on the screen. Xie Lian squinted, a bit confused at what he was seeing. Shi Qing Xuan and Ming Yi’s jaws had both dropped to the floor; struck into speechlessness by the outcome. But the silence was quite brief. Shi Qing Xuan let out a shriek that rattled the windows and had the microphones panging with horrible feedback.
“THEY DO EXIST! YOU DO EXIST!” Shi Qing Xuan leapt onto Xie Lian, shaking him by the shoulders. “NO ONE’S EVER MANAGED TO FIND YOU BUT YOU JUST FOUND YOU! FOR ME! LIVE! ON MY STREAM!”
Xie Lian briefly glanced at the array chat, which was absolutely exploding with expressions of excitement, of disbelief, of frog puppets. All over -- him? Xie Lian didn’t understand. Least of all because Shi Qing Xuan was making no sense at all and was no longer able to control the pitch of her voice. It was rapidly approaching levels that only dogs could hear.
The roll he’d made was impressive, evidently, by the game’s standards. He’d figured out that much. But...all the cards were just...him. Him in various outfits. There he was in his plain white robes and straw hat, dangling his bare feet in a stream while animated flower petals drifted around him and Ruoye twirled about his ankles. There he was as the flower-crowned martial god, wielding Fang Xin and flinging his golden mask aside as he reached into the air as if to catch something. There he was, holding his hat to his head and smiling over his shoulder at the camera, reaching out his hand as if to beseech the viewer to take it. There he was, in light and colorful summer robes, dancing under lantern light to the beat of the festival drums. There he was, face half-hidden behind the hood of a voluminous wool-lined cloak, warming his hands on a mug of tea as snow swirled around him. There he was, as -- as a bride, gazing demurely up at the camera with blushing cheeks and parted lips as his mystery groom drew back his veil…
“Um,” Xie Lian said. “You...you don’t have to use any of these. As game pieces. In fact, please don’t.”
Shi Qing Xuan briefly stopped screaming directly in Ming Yi’s ear long enough to whirl around, wild-eyed. She flashed a terrifying grin at him.
“I am the only person ever to have gotten even one card of you, let alone ten,” Shi Qing Xuan said. “I am going to show off so much.”
“These cards have amazing stats,” Ming Yi was murmuring to himself. Excitement was coloring his normally-expressionless face. “They’re just broken. They’ll revolutionize the meta. I’ll have to update the wiki; all the literature gods are going to be SO pissed that I got to it first…okay, the game crashes when you try to equip the Chef card, I’ll list that as a bug...”
Shi Qing Xuan snapped her fingers at Ming Yi, and Ming Yi wordlessly handed the glowing screen back to her. They were both staring at Xie Lian with expressions of determination, of hunger. Xie Lian’s eyes scanned the room, looking for the best escape route.
“Your highness,” Shi Qing Xuan said, voice dripping with sweetness. She offered the screen with both hands, and inched closer, closer. “Won’t you roll for us again? Once, twice more, maybe?”
Which would turn into thrice more, which would turn into him being locked in the mansion’s basement for the next month. Xie Lian had no talent for fortune-telling, but he wasn’t blind to where this was going. Those windows looked extremely breakable, surely it would only take a single kick. They were up rather high, however, and Xie Lian couldn’t afford to land wrong and be hobbled with the Windmaster in hot pursuit -- and, from the array’s continuing reaction, perhaps all of Heaven would be only steps behind as well --
Suddenly, there was an announcement on the screen, heralded by the rumble of drums. Shi Qing Xuan and Ming Yi were distracted enough for Xie Lian to start creeping towards the door to make a stealthier escape.
“It’s…a flash event! A limited-edition raid!” Shi Qing Xuan read off the screen, with growing excitement. “‘A Raid for the Strongest and the Prettiest Only’ -- Ming-Xiong, that’s us, that’s us, it’s only us, right?”
“Obviously,” Ming Yi said, rolling his eyes. He summoned his own glowing screen.
“Tell the rest of the guild to get online! Right now!”
“No need. We’ve got ten secret weapons in our deck. Lead off with the one of him in the teahouse waitress outfit, that’s a buffing card, then swoop in with the pincer of the orchestra card and the one of him in the bunny ears, then mop up whatever’s left with that overly-horny one of him in the river flashing his ankles…”
The raid had apparently begun, and to Xie Lian’s surprise, his cards really did seem like they were useful...or as far as he could tell, they were useful. They were easily cutting through the little green goblin sprites that advanced across the screen, and there were a lot of loud noises and flashing colors. It covered his escape quite nicely, and Xie Lian was able to creep out of the mansion and back onto the heavenly avenues without being stuffed into a sack and imprisoned in a locked room, to tap a screen until his finger fell off.
The rest of Heaven was under the same thrall that had swept Shi Qing Xuan and Ming Yi away -- they stood motionless in place, or paced in circles, furiously tapping and swiping away at their screens. The raid had apparently interrupted a real-life brawl between Feng Xin and Mu Qing, and they lay slumped against each other for support, bruised and bloodied and clutching their screens, as they battled for the title of Strongest and Prettiest.
It was truly outstanding. Whoever was behind this game now held control over Heaven -- surely, an entire army could leisurely stroll down the streets and not be confronted by a single god, so engrossed they were in their virtual world. Xie Lian briefly wondered if Jun Wu was a fan, too. He imagined a horde of demons sauntering into the hall that housed the throne of Heaven, and pushing Jun Wu off of it with a single finger as he poked away at his screen. Xie Lian shuddered. Those thoughts were probably some form of blasphemy.
Who could manage this kind of feat? Who was cunning enough? Skilled enough? Audacious enough?
There was only one possible answer, and luckily, Xie Lian had a standing invitation to dinner with him any time he pleased.
“San Lang,” Xie Lian said, bowing at the entrance to Hua Cheng’s study. “Please forgive the intrusion.”
Hua Cheng’s expression was warm and welcoming as he rose from his desk to greet Xie Lian at the door.
“My home is always open to you. But to what do I owe the pleasure of a surprise visit? I haven’t had the time to prepare any treats for us, nor the time to prepare my heart for seeing gege’s face and hearing his voice.”
“Oh, stop,” Xie Lian said, waving off Hua Cheng���s teasing. “I just wanted to...lay low here, for a little while. If it’s not too much trouble.”
“Not at all.” Hua Cheng’s eye was shining, and his expression was warm as he regarded Xie Lian. He was certainly in a pleasant mood today; Xie Lian hoped his unannounced visit wouldn’t dampen things. “I’ll have a guest room prepared, and we’ll have a feast tonight -- I can have a bath drawn for you while you wait, and I have many fragrant oils I can comb into gege’s hair while he relaxes--”
“Have you heard of a game called Celestial Cultivation Conference?” asked Xie Lian.
“I could rename it to that if gege finds Celestial Confluence/Cultivation Cross too unappealing,” Hua Cheng said. “We could discuss it after we settle on which oil you prefer.”
“Ah,” Xie Lian said. “So you are the mind behind that game. It’s causing quite the crisis in Heaven right now.”
“Oh yes,” Hua Cheng said, his eye crinkling as he smiled. “I know. Almond oil?”
“And you’re responsible for all those strange outfit cards.”
“I outsource some of the art to trusted assistants,” Hua Cheng said. “Though I take care of the most important art personally. Coconut oil?”
Xie Lian eyed him warily. “...and you’re responsible for the game’s, ah, story?”
Hua Cheng made a face. “Ah, your highness, please don’t remind me. No, I outsourced that nonsense too, but I fear I should have paid more attention when the ghostwriter submitted it for approval. No one plays this thing for the story but one has to have standards.”
Xie Lian turned this thought over in his mind. The corner of his mouth twitched. “...ghostwriter?”
Hua Cheng bared his teeth in a wide grin, and Xie Lian snorted before smacking him on the arm lightly. In truth, he didn’t blame Hua Cheng for the...situation in Heaven, nor could he really blame the game itself. No one was ever forced to participate in any of Hua Cheng’s various business ventures. There never any trickery, any unfairness -- Hua Cheng clearly found it far more entertaining to watch as people leapt into his stewpot of their own free will; motivated by greed and pride and vanity and jealousy and other such dark drivers of the human condition. And this new game of his seemed to bring out all of said emotions in spades.
“Rose oil,” Hua Cheng declared with an air of finality. “Its fragrance will suit you. I’ll ring for bath water--”
“Ah!” Xie Lian clapped his hands together. “There were workers here digging a hot spring the last time I visited, yes? I asked them what they were working on. Have they finished?”
Hua Cheng’s eyebrows rose, and he pouted briefly. “...yes. That was supposed to be a special surprise. I haven’t finished arranging it to receive gege yet.”
Xie Lian’s shoulders drooped. “Ah...I understand, I’m sorry for being so forward. I can’t remember the last time I’ve had a nice soak. And you mentioning oils reminded me how lovely it is to soothe sore muscles with a massage after a long dip in the springs...”
A pulse of energy palpably resonated through the manor’s structure, nearly knocking Xie Lian off his feet.
“Actually, I forgot, it’s arranged right now,” Hua Cheng said hastily. He rubbed at his arm where Xie Lian had swatted him earlier. “Did I happen to mention that my arm has been very sore lately?”
Xie Lian tutted and shuffled in to take Hua Cheng’s wrist in one hand, and his elbow in the other, flexing the arm carefully to check for stiffness. The floodgates had been opened, and now Xie Lian would talk about health and wellness until physically restrained. “Now, San Lang, you can’t ignore your body like that. If you’re sore or stiff, then you should visit a doctor.”
Driven on by an earnest and entirely innocent passion for Hua Cheng’s well-being, Xie Lian felt his way up Hua Cheng’s bicep with one hand, checking for muscle knots and tender spots.
“I don’t feel anything particularly off, but that doesn’t mean that you’re not hurting. It does mean that I’ll have to give you a more general workup instead of just targeting your arm, though, since I’m not sure of the source of the problem. Will it bother you if I massage your neck and back? Perhaps your thighs and calves, too. Are there any sensitive spots I should avoid?”
Hua Cheng’s expression was blank, and he had a faraway look in his eye. “...his highness may...workup wherever pleases him…”
Xie Lian smiled. “You’re a model patient, San Lang. Fetch that rose oil you mentioned? It’ll suit you, too.”
And so, profits that year broke all previous records, especially after the surprise release of the Hot Springs Set; the most overly horny collection yet in the hottest app on the market. From the creator that brought you My Sword Boyfriend and Rabbit Turf War, download Celestial Confluence/Cultivation Cross today!
“Hey. Hey. Crimson Rain Seeks Flower.”
“I’m way too cute and way too annoying to ignore so I know you heard me! So, Crimson Rain Seeks Flower. As my third-best friend--”
“That is an exceedingly unfortunate sentiment if true, Windmaster.”
“--as my third-best friend, I think you owe me the full scoop on what you’re doing with all this dough you’ve been raking in. C’mon, c’mon. I just wanna make sure you’re investing it wisely!”
Hua Cheng mulled things over for a moment, then pulled a small, elegant notebook from his pocket.
“Investments for the future. Savings accounts to ensure our children receive the best education. Retirement funds -- I wish to be able to eventually devote myself entirely to serving at Qiandeng Temple, you see, and to pass off the reins of the business to one of the children who proves to have a head for it. And before any of that,” Hua Cheng continued. “Wedding planning is quite expensive and tiring indeed. Choosing gowns, choosing flowers, choosing menus for dinner and lunch and brunch and tea and dessert. Bringing together all the guests on my guest list has proven to be quite the headache in and of itself.”
Shi Qing Xuan peeked at the list. “...what’s a ‘Hatsune Miku’? And a ‘Beyonce’?”
Hua Cheng rolled his eye and sighed at Shi Qing Xuan’s lack of culture. “The artists performing at the reception will hail from dimensions far and wide. Which brings us to another item proving to be quite expensive; researching interdimensional travel. Once that’s settled, we’ll be able to finalize the guest list and start looking for a patissier capable of bringing my cake design into reality.”
Hua Cheng smiled at Shi Qing Xuan warmly, and Shi Qing Xuan hesitantly smiled back, unsure of how to react to this sudden outpouring of Crimson Rain’s most secret desires. Hua Cheng snapped his fingers in Shi Qing Xuan’s face, and after a split-second, the Windmaster sighed and slumped over.
“And you won’t remember a word of that when you wake up, because I know you’ll run that mouth of yours and spoil the surprise for gege,” Hua Cheng finished. “I just know he’ll love Miku.”
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nezzfiction · 5 years
ENMY Chapter 89 - Fourth Crusade (Part One)
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Chapter Synopsis: The Kingdom of Vacuo is about to enter its most daunting challenge since its conception. Salem is launching the Fourth Crusade. A war to end some of Remnant’s greatest warriors, including Team ENMY. Assistance from Atlas is on its way, but will the Fleet arrive in time to make a difference?
Only one thing is certain. Whatever happens in Vacuo will echo the events to come for the rest of Remnant.
Series Synopsis: Team RWBY is disbanded, and Yang must find herself new allies. For her, that might very well be yesterday’s enemies. Joining up with the likes of Emerald, Mercury, and Neo, the four will comprise Team Enemy(ENMY).
Links to read the series: Ao3 or FF.net
Or hit the jump below
Fourth Crusade (Part One)
Well, I looked my demons in the eyes, laid bare my chest,
Said, “Do your best. Destroy me. You see, I’ve been to hell and back so many times, I must admit,
You kind of bore me.”
“Have you finished relaying the situation?” Temujin asked.
“Ran your people the basic play by play,” Emerald answered. “Cuckoos gone, some of their loved ones gone, hordes of Grimm, plus, a giant freakin’ butterfly making a beeline for us.”
“It’s a moth.”
“Right. Behemoth. I get it.”
“Have you modified their emotions?”
“Tweaked them just a touch. They were as angry as you wanted them to be and ready to war without it.”
“That will do. Wake them. And connect my thoughts to theirs.”
“From sweet dreams to full-blown nightmare. This is gonna be a scene.”
As the mental connection secured, Temujin stepped onto the balcony of the Hanging Gardens. She sat on her small stool, and took her familiar horse-fiddle in her hands. As she touched the bow to the strings, her throat opened and she drew strength from her diaphragm.
Another tragedy to carve in these old bones one last time.
One last burden.
One last sin.
Temujin bore her soul bare to the untethered sun and the desert’s hot air.
Answer me, one last time.
My Kingdom of Blades.
A low, soulful song reverberated into the skies above Vacuo. Its volume began low, but slowly and surely, its melody became a crescendo that shook the heavens. The citizens roused to its sound. The voice of their Great Khan, the voice of their Kingdom. It called them to arms.
I failed you.
I deceived you.
I betrayed the Code I set for you all.
But will you answer me once more?
If this is our end, will we stand together?
How will we march into the darkness?
With fear?
Or will it be with Wrath in our hearts?
A single command coursed through the minds of her people. A pure emotion of most unmitigated rage. A sweltering draught that drowned away their sorrows.
All across the city, the citizens of Vacuo stirred. They stood tall with their chests out. Their weapons drawn and raised high.
“An Eye for an Eye.”
X  X X  X  X
Despite the conference room in Atlas HQ being something the size of a small theater, all its occupants were struck silent. None could watch the floating projection, and not be horrified by what was displayed.
Finally, a lone, timid voice spoke what they were all thinking.
“They’re doomed.”
The digital map zoomed out to show the Vacuo capital and its surrounding lands. Rounding to hit the city from the North and South were hosts of Grimm almost twice the city’s size A flood of red markers filled the edges of the map, but the more imminent threat was displayed by the monstrous Behemoth flying directly from the West.
Murmurs began flooding the room. Mutterings of disbelief and fear rose with a rising tide.
“How can that many Grimm be controlled?”
“If something like that attacked us, would the Aegis and Javelin System be enough?”
“We should order our Fleet back. Strengthen our defenses here.”
“It’s all over for them.”
A hand slammed loudly onto the table. Cinder’s furious gaze silenced the room and brought order to the staff.
“How far is the reinforcement Fleet?” she asked.
None made a move.
“How far are they?!”
They all jumped, and one officer rapidly tapped her tablet.
“Still a day’s flight, ma’am! Twenty hours estimated!”
“Is there any way to shorten the travel time for the remaining distance?”
“They could possibly cut down a few hours by traveling at maximum thrust. However, that would only be possible for a small portion of the Fleet.”
“It would be advised not to separate—”
“I know that!” Cinder shouted in exasperation.
“……Ma’am, I think we should consider withdrawing the reinforcements.”
The Black Queen offered no response to the suggestion. She remained quiet, studying the scales and balances in her head. There was a tough call to make in this. The future of Atlas, and more importantly Remnant’s, would hinge on the actions she took now.
We didn’t expect Salem’s resources to be so extensive.
Can Vacuo hold until the Fleet arrives?
Even with the little aces up our sleeves, the chances of victory are too low to entertain.
Initiating the fight with Salem backfired.
No, it would have been worse to wait. At least, the Cuckoos have been removed from the board.
Is the situation still salvageable?
The smart move would be to recall our forces.
By the time they arrive, Vacuo will likely be overrun to a point they cannot recover.
Team ENMY must be evacuated.
Cinder looked up to the officer-in-waiting.
“Sortie the light-traveling transport marked Swordfish ahead to retrieve—”
“Belay that order.”
Cinder turned in surprise to Weiss’ sudden interruption. Her surprise quickly transitioned to smoldering fury.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“We aren’t sure Vacuo is lost yet,” Weiss answered.
“With all due respect, my fellow Queen, Vacuo can’t possibly hold out against that,” Cinder motioned to the projection. “Not until reinforcements arrive, and even then, the chances of victory are too small to consider.”
“We need to contact Team ENMY.”
“We will give them the order to evacuate—and they will follow it.”
The Black Queen squinted, as the White leaned closer to speak loud enough so only they could hear.
“You know, better than I, the things Team ENMY is capable of.”
“I do,” Cinder nodded. “They can perform the impossible given the right circumstances. With adequate preparation and strong mental grit, they can and will perform outside expectation. But what Salem has brought to the board is completely out of their depth.”
“I want to hear what they have to report first.”
“And we shall, but do not hold out hope.”
“At this point, hope might be all we have.”
Cinder went quiet for a moment.
“I detest the idea of abandoning our allies more than you would believe, and this miscalculation frustrates me to no end—but we cannot afford to be stubborn at this juncture. I thought you were smarter than this.”
“I doubt we can outsmart the Witch, if that’s what we’ve been trying to do.”
“She’s had decades to prepare and plan and manipulate the variables, Cinder. We can’t win that way.”
Weiss’ words rung deep with the Black Queen. It was a thought she fought hard to abate, but seeing the might Salem brought live on the projection, Cinder could only face the truth. If this was a chess game, it wasn’t fair to begin with. The Witch had too many pieces from the start and moved several times before her first turn came.  
It was enough to dishearten anyone.
But that was not what Cinder saw when she met her coregent’s eyes.
“…What are you thinking?” she couldn’t help but utter, almost disbelievingly.
“I’m not sure myself,” Weiss shook her head. “I think we have a choice, Cinder. It’s the choice you and I have been dreading without really knowing what it was.”
“I can feel it. We have to make a stand here. We have to.”
“…Is that your head speaking, or your heart, I wonder?”
“Very well, Weiss. We will delay ordering the retreat.”
Weiss blinked in surprise.
“As I said before, your counsels are always welcome. No matter how naïve or ludicrous they may be.”
Seeing her fellow Queen pout brought a slight smile, as well as lighten Cinder’s mood. She turned to the adjutant and gave the following order,
“Mobilize all the light transports. Few reinforcements sooner are better than none too late. Have the rest of the Fleet maintain course. Inform Trafalgar and Ironwood of the situation and our decision.”
“Ma’am, yes ma’am,” the officer saluted, and tapped at her tablet.
“And open a direct channel with Team ENMY in real time. Priority one.”
“Ma’am, it will take some time to construct a secure line.”
“It doesn’t need to be encrypted. I don’t care if Temujin eavesdrops on our conversation.”
“Yes, ma’am. Right away.”
Cinder breathed a quiet sigh and glanced at Weiss beside her.
“This is quite the gambit, my Queen.”
“You could have overruled me easily. You are, as you’re so fond of reminding me, director of all affairs military.”
“Indeed. But if I had to say…”
“I also think, a stand must be made.”
X  X X  X  X
The throne room of the Hanging Gardens was instantly converted into a war room. Various communication equipment had been rigged around the chamber to coordinate their armies.
Ilia was busy giving sortie orders to the city wall’s hangars and garages to mobilize airships and other modes of transport. Nai had left earlier to join the battalion heading North. Minerva was dividing her students between those transported to the safety bunkers and those who would join the battle in the South.
Meanwhile, Temujin, the Rakis siblings, and Team ENMY had their attentions concentrated on the bigger picture.
“You’re sending an awful lot of your people to cover the armies at the flanks,” Emerald commented.
“Yes,” Temujin answered simply.
“But Behemoth was going to hit the city first. You want to take the fight to the other fronts, outside the walls.”
“We were supposed to be locking down siege defense after we got rid of the Cuckoos.”
“We were.”
A tense silence filled the atmosphere.
“……You’re abandoning the city?” she whispered low.
Temujin didn’t give Emerald an answer. She rechecked how Vacuo’s military was being divvied up. It appeared none of the staff officers noticed how none of their forces were being devoted to Behemoth. The only way that was possible was if…
Emerald felt the stares of the Rakis siblings on her. Mouse and Knives were the most senior commanders just below Temujin. Minerva and Nai weren’t around, hands full with their own tasks.
“You knew you would have to abandon the city?” Emerald asked, remembering the Precognition Semblance the siblings had. “This was a future you guys saw?”
Mouse and Knives nodded slightly.
“So, what?! We went through with Operation Gun Dog for nothing?”
“It served its purpose. We also believed it might cause a deviation in the future they saw,” Temujin explained. “But it seems our gamble did not pay off on that venture.”
“Great! Thanks for clueing us in this late in the game. We knew Salem’s army wasn’t fucking around, but the wonder siblings didn’t see that big ass, Mothra-fucker coming?”
“The Witch did well to hide it. If you studied the material on our Grimm, you know Behemoth was outside expectation.”  
“Yeah, it’s only in its adult form seven days out of the whole year. It also works on a strict timeclock, so you spawn-kill it as soon as it hatches out of its cocoon, far away from the any settlement.”
“There were measures to exterminate it months from now. In the worst case, we would have waited until it exhausted its lifespan.”
“Looks like there’s a new worst case now.”
“It is near impossible to defeat in fair, open ground. If the brunt of our forces were used to counter it, there would be nothing left when Salem’s main army arrived.”
Emerald continued to trade glares from Temujin to the large moth taking up the monitors. Poisonous powders spread beneath the Grimm’s shadow. Its toxins carried into the gusts of its wings. Once in a while, a few scales would drop from its body, unrolling into giant, armored caterpillars.  
In addition to its other absurd traits, the Grimm possessed one other ability.
“You guys see any new visions of the future?” Emerald asked.
“…Yes,” Mouse squeaked out an answer.
“Let me guess. If you kept all your people behind the walls, and concentrated your attacks on Behemoth, it would’ve suicide bombed the city.”
Upon the Grimm’s death, it shed all of its scales, which caused an unfathomable amount of carnage in the surrounding environment. It was another reason the Vacuo military tried to lessen the damage by disposing it elsewhere.
“Salem won’t waste time. She’ll have it belly flop the city anyway,” Emerald bit her thumbnail. “That’s what I’d do. It’s too slow to wipe a good percent of a moving army, but it can level a lot of your standing fortifications. Salem’s trying to weaken the siege defense for the later game.”
“We have come to similar conclusions.”
“Any chance we can bring it down before it gets inside the walls?” Emerald continued to press.
“My sister and I foresaw something else, which our scouts have since then confirm.”
Mouse touched a nearby monitor and enhanced the image on the screen. Zoomed onto the back of Behemoth was a small army of Grimm. The groups seemed to be crowding something at their center like a shield wall. When the image was further enhanced, Team ENMY saw what was there.
A few of the Grimm Clan Leaders were identified. Camlann, Azkaban, and Combine were commanding their brethren from afar, while riding Behemoth’s back. The combination of area effects between Azkaban and Combine alone were enough to deter any real resistance. Their abilities were much more potent than the average Cuckoo or Daemontor, and their effect radiuses even wider so.
“…Crap. Then, what’s the plan?” Yang spoke up. “You guys do have a plan, right?”
Temujin looked to her goddaughter strangely, and sighed.
“A course of action is in place. Behemoth will be allowed to detonate within the city. After its death, our armies will retreat back behind whatever is left of the fortifications and initiate siege defense as planned.”
Yang threw Temujin an accusatory look.
“But the other citizens…!”
“Some will survive.”
“More will die!!!”
“Our warriors will fight all the harder.”
“You can’t be serious!”
Just then, Yang felt the oxygen empty from her lungs. She coughed violently from Temujin’s sudden activation of her territorial Semblance.
“I am deadly serious, my foolish goddaughter. It is the only way my people will survive.”
“By offering some of them on a silver platter…!” Yang forced her voice through. “I didn’t know you had such an ego…! I didn’t know you were so cold…!”
“You have no idea.”
“You’d sacrifice anything to win! What makes you so different from Salem?!”
“…Not much I suppose.”
“Bullshit!!!” Yang turned, and stormed from the throne room. Her team followed after.
Once ENMY was gone, Temujin bade a forlorn gaze to Knives and Mouse. Both were positively fuming and biting the edges of their lips to keep silent.
Good job holding back, you two.
We can’t have them staying behind, if they knew the truth.
Yang is right, though.
I would sacrifice anything to win…
Even myself.
X  X X  X  X
As Yang stomped angrily out into the hall, her team caught up to her—right as she punched a hole through the nearby wall.
“Yang,” Emerald said with a hint of disappointment.
“I know what you’re going to say, Em.”
“Yeah, well. I’m going to say it anyway. Temujin’s making the right call.”
“I don’t know about ‘right’.”
“Either some die, or they all die together. Minus one is better than minus a hundred. The math isn’t hard to figure.”
“Or, we can make it’s minus zero.”
Yang stared at Emerald meaningfully, while the team leader narrowed her brow in return.
“We can bring down Behemoth, Em.”
“Not after the gas we just spent on Operation Gun Dog. Not in time, anyway.”
“We can do it.”
Emerald held her head like she was massaging a migraine.
“Do I have to remind you how this is supposed to work? We frontload our hand on Operation Gun Dog. THEN, we rest a tic to recover what we spent. And only after, do we actually get in on the real fight with Salem’s army.”
“Except there’s no time to rest, because Behemoth is going to cannonball the city! We’re the only ones with enough firepower and mobility to stop it!”
“Alright. So tell me, what happens when we burn ourselves down to the felt taking down Behemoth—which is a little more than an impossible ask, by the way? You think Salem’s gonna pass up the chance to ghost us while we’re catching breaths in-between suicide missions? We know a certain somebody won’t.”
“We have to, Em! Innocent people will die!”
“You and I both know the safety bunkers might hold up,” Emerald crossed her arms with a suspecting stare.
“We don’t know that,” Yang argued back.
“Some of them will.”
“A lot of them won’t!”
“I should be asking you that.” Emerald stepped close to Yang’s face. “What’s with you? Since when were you so touchy about people dying?”
“Since always!”
“No, not when we had to fight on Dracul. Not when we were making enemies in Vale. And definitely, not when we were taking over Atlas. I mean, you did, but not like this. So, what gives?”
Yang gave Emerald a long, pleading look, before answering.
“…Because this was our chance to do some good.”
“Hehe…! Stupid me, right?” she chuckled sadly. “After all the shady things we’ve done, I just wanted to do some good—some actual, honest good. Save lives instead of being the reason people lost them. Guess I should’ve known better.”
“I know, Em.”
“It’s not how our team does things.”
“Yeah. We’re the enemy. We attack. Protecting and saving people isn’t our rep.”
“No. Nothing to be sorry about.” Yang gave a vague shake of her head. “I’ll get my game straight in a second. Just let me know when we’re moving out of the city. Till then, I’ll take a rest. Gotta refill the reserves, right?”
As the girl dragged her feet off with drooping shoulders, Neo braced her waist with a comforting hand. Together, they went to look for a private room. Emerald and Mercury were left alone in the hallway.
“…Don’t say anything,” Emerald said, after a time.
“What?” Mercury put his hands up innocently. “I wasn’t going to say anything.”
“Stop. You go weak whenever Yang pulls that ‘puppy dog that just got kicked’ look.”
“More like, ‘you just kicked that puppy dog’s dreams’ look, but same difference.”
“What are we gonna do?”
“What do you mean?! I just said what we were going to do!”
“Yeah…but what are we really going to do?”
Emerald glared fiercely at Mercury’s passively waiting demeanor. The staring contest lasted for a couple of unblinking seconds.
“AAARRRGGHHH!!! DAMMIT! FUCK!!!” the team leader vented her curses.
“You’re getting softer, boss.”
“And who’s fault is that?! Stupid, moral, nobility craphat. Annoying, blonde, bullshit, punchy…”
As Emerald continued to mutter endless profanities under her breath, her scroll gave a soft ring.
“Welp, saw this coming.” She coughed to clear her throat, before answering. As soon as the line went live, Emerald tried to make her tone as professional as possible. “Let me guess, we’re being ordered to ditch Vacuo?”
“…The matter isn’t finalized,” Cinder’s voice came from the other end. “There is no shame for you and your team to retreat.”
“Yeah, I’ll say. Shit’s not about to just hit the fan here, it’s going to—am I on speaker?”
“Whole room?”
“Fortunately, only Weiss and myself.”
“Your report.”
“It’s bad, Cinder. Real bad. I know you probably have an idea, but it’s nowhere close to what we’re seeing here.”
“So, Vacuo is lost?”
Emerald thought for a moment.
“……These people are strong,” she gave an uneasy laugh. “I saw Salem’s army with my own eyes—it’s like signs of the freakin’ apocalypse! But these people, they want to fight. They will die fighting.”
“You cannot let their behavior influence your own.”
“I know, I’m trying to say something different. Cinder, Vacuo is worth saving. We shouldn’t abandon them. We need them on our side.”
“They are that valuable an asset?”
“They are. This alliance is the most important investment Atlas needs to make.”
“Sounds like a sales pitch. Tell me what truly whispers in your heart.”
“…” Emerald braced a hand to her chest. “Team ENMY is going to take down Behemoth.”
“So soon after your previous mission?”
“I know we were supposed to take a power nap before the next big fight, but you see that thing.”
“You intend to accomplish this by yourselves?”
“Temujin’s diverting all her forces to the North and South.”
“She plans to forfeit the city. A calculated choice.”
“We’ll manage.”
“This is reckless,” Cinder ended with a short pause. “What would you do if I ordered you from doing so?”
“……I’ll always listen to you, Cinder. If you tell me to take my team, and get the hell out of Vacuo, I’ll do it. I’ll drag Yang back, even if she hates me. You say the word, I’ll listen. Always.”
“But I’m asking you to trust me. Let me make this call. My team can swing this.”
For a moment, Emerald swore she heard Cinder’s breath stifle with emotion. A second later, the other spoke again.
“You are ordered to return to me,” the Black Queen commanded almost angrily. “Alive and in one piece—but at a time of your choosing.”
“I promise!” Emerald answered quickly. “I promise I’ll come back!”
“Hmph. You are aware any infidelity towards your Queen’s orders incurs the highest of penalties.”
“Don’t I know it.”
“So, how do you plan to perish the creature?”
“I have an idea.”
“So, speak it.”
“You guys might not like it.”
“……Speak it.”
Emerald took a searing deep breath between her teeth.
“We might have to use a couple of the aces we’ve been banking.”
X  X X  X  X
A few miles south of the capital, Vacuo’s military made first contact with the Grimm army. The battalion was tasked with eliminating the enemy’s first wave and slowing their advance towards the city. A part of them knew it would be no easy task.
But they did not know how difficult it would be until they saw the head of the horde.
“My, aren’t these some familiar faces?” the cold voice lingered.
While countless Grimm smashed into the lines of Vacuo’s warriors, a smaller battle was waged in the midst of chaos.
“Tai!” Glynda called.
“I know!”
The head of a Grimm King Taijitu struck at Glynda and Minerva, trying to snap the pair of sorcerers in its jaws. But Taiyang was able to position himself in time. His hands gripped each fang firmly, and slid his feet to a stop. Tattoos covered every inch of his arm, signaling the activation of his Semblance.
While their vanguard held down the threat, Glynda and Minerva aimed a set of spells at the source. A storm of raining ice and flames fell before them. Their target, pelted with blizzardous hellfire.  
“Hm. That was much less than I expected,” the chilling voice came again.
Undaunted by the Magic spells, an enormous tortoise shell remained when the sand clouds dissipated. It was white, bony, and jagged.  And as the Grimm barrier cracked open, it revealed a dark silhouette underneath. Their arm still connected to the King Taijitu head grappling with Taiyang.
“It seems my Crusade will be easier than I anticipated,” Salem taunted. “I knew you would be lost without Ozpin—but I didn’t quite know how lost.”
She gave her arm a tug, and from atop the Taijitu’s skull, a scorpion’s tail sprouted. The stinger snapped towards Taiyang’s head, but the man was able to dodge the blow at the last second. The tip caught his collar, but even then, it only left a small mark on his reinforced skin.
“That all you got?!” Taiyang shouted.
“Typical,” Salem scoffed.
The Witch materialized a long, ornamental hairpin from her robes. Its end was decorated with an elegantly jewel-crafted butterfly. Then, without any hesitation, stabbed the point of the needle into her collar bone, matching the placement with the scratch inflicted on Taiyang.
At the same time, blood spewed both their bodies. The man let out a scream of panicked anguish before steeling himself enough to leap back to safety. His hand clutched the base of his neck, where blood dribbled between his fingers.
The Witch on the other hand, showed only indifference to the curse-inflicted wound. She continued to observe her three opponents without paying mind to the black liquid spraying out. Only after a few seconds passed, did Salem spin a web from her fingertip to bandage the gash.
Taiyang badgered himself for his carelessness and forced his wound close with his Semblance. Though it stopped the bleeding, the fix was only skin deep. Regardless, he took a fighting stance, showing he was ready to go, but a gentle hand rested his shoulder.
“Assist the others, Tai,” Glynda spoke with consolation in her voice. “Leave this to me and Minerva.”
“This battle will no longer take place within the confines of this realm,” the Headmaster of Shade added.
Taiyang wanted to argue back, but prior experience held his tongue.
“Yes, run along now, little lionheart,” Salem condescended with a brushing gesture.
“Only certain performers are allowed to share this stage.”
X  X X  X  X
“This is the best we could do, huh?” Yang asked.
“Yep. Everything’s zeroed on this spot,” Emerald replied.
“Couldn’t make it any farther out?”
“Considering all the last-minute strings we had to pull to make this puppet show dance, I’m surprised we made this much space at all. Let’s just be happy and take what we can get, shall we?”
On the farthest edge of Vacuo’s western wall, Yang and Emerald plopped down to take a seat. Their feet dangled off the side. Neo and Mercury joined them shortly. The four stared passively at Behemoth encroaching their position. They could see armies warring at the corner of their peripheries to the left and right.
Although they were aware of the violent events transpiring, and those to come, the team basked in the oddly-serendipitous moment of peace. For them, nothing would happen for the next few minutes. All manner of dangers were far or on their way. All they could do was wait. And likely, due to repeated instances of high intensity, even a few minutes of waiting was enough to bring a calmness to their nerves.
Neo pulled out an apple, and sliced off a few pieces with her sword. One by one, she passed the slips of fruit to her teammates. And the four munched on the small snack, while watching Behemoth beat its wings towards them. Nothing left, but to bide their time until the omen of destruction’s arrival.
“So, everyone around’s been cleared out?” Yang started.
“Yup. Zero possible casualties, except for maybe us. Just the way you like it,” Emerald replied.
“See? Doesn’t it feel nice to do the right thing?”
“Fuck the right thing. That’s not why I did this.”
“Oh? Then, why did you do it? I thought your self-proclaimed moral compass was broken.”
Emerald glared at her silently.
It is broken.
I mostly did this cause of you…
“Still, thanks for doing it.” Yang beamed with a warm smile. “I mean it, Em.”
Yang was about to pop another apple slice in her mouth, when Emerald snatched it midair. Taking it as some abstract price exacted, the girl didn’t make a fuss. Only taking replacement from Neo, who was performing her own magic trick of producing endless fruit out of thin air.
“Hey, Em?”
“Yeah, Yang?”
“Did Temujin seem…weird to you? You know, back there?”
“Temujin’s always weird.”
“Yeah, but… evasive.”
“Temujin’s always evasive.”
“You know what I mean,” Yang groaned. “Back when she told us she was abandoning the city, and even when we told her our plan, she just okayed it like it was nothing.”
“You prefer she argue with us? We practically handed her a ‘we’ll save your city for free’ card. Maybe, she just didn’t want to look a gift horse in the anus.”
“Uh, it’s teeth.”
“What is?”
“The saying. It’s ‘gift horse in the teeth’.”
“Oh. Mercury lied to me.”
“No, it’s definitely anus,” Mercury mumbled, stuffing more apples into his mouth. “That’s how you tell the horse’s age.”
“Okay! But you know what I’m saying,” Yang brought the topic back. “What futures did Mouse and Knives see? And what else aren’t they telling us? Temujin doesn’t seem the type, but she looks kind of like she’s given up. What else are they hiding?”
“Who knows,” Emerald shrugged.
“I know you’ve thought about it.”
“I got a few ideas, but nothing concrete.”
“This isn’t the time for our sides to keep secrets.” Yang let out an exasperated groan before popping another slice into her mouth. “Cinder and Weiss are ready to pull us out. Temujin has to know that. She needs to be open with us.”
“It’s not like we tipped all of our hand to her either. Still gotta play a few things close to the chest. Distrust goes both ways.”
“I thought we were in an alliance.”
“I think this is about as much two Kingdoms can trust each other without actually merging. And that’s without all the bad blood between Vacuo and Atlas.”
“We need to be on the same page, Em. Salem found a crack in our team, and pried it apart. What do you think she’ll do to two Kingdoms?”
Emerald paused, and then bit into the next crunchy morsel Neo handed her.
“True. If Vacuo somehow gets out of this intact, I wouldn’t put it past Salem to turn one of the Kingdoms against the other. You have an idea bouncing around that noggin? Or do you just like adding new problems to my ‘shit I gotta figure out’ list?”
“We need to have a sit down with Temujin. At the least, we need to hear everything the siblings predicted so far.”
“Yeah, she’s kept us in the deep dark about their visions. Not just us, but her own people, too.”
“And if we’re learning anything, whatever Temujin hides is worth finding out.”
“Emerald,” a voice came over the Enchantress’ mental link. “Are we ready to begin?”
“Yeah. Just about,” she responded, and got up.
At that moment, a number of transmissions reached Team ENMY’s communications.
“Alrighty. Time to set the world record for taking down a bunch of Nightmare Class Grimm in a row, maybe!” Emerald announced.
“All boss speedrun!” Mercury fake cheered.
Yang turned to Neo with a loving stare.
“Got my back?” she winked.
Neo smiled widely.
X  X X  X  X
(An hour ago)
“Are we sure this is wise?” General Ironwood couldn’t help voicing his doubts. “We were supposed to wait until we were closer to attempt this.”
“Drastic measures, General,” Trafalgar answered, next to him on the bridge. “Sometimes, all we can do is take a leap of faith.”
“There are countless variables which can skew the accuracy.”
“That’s why it’s called a leap and not a step, or a modest crawl.”
Ironwood breathed a sigh, before speaking into the console.
“Alright, Penny. Permission to arm.”
“Armed and READY, Mr. Ironwood!” the girl answered with a chipper.
X  X X  X  X
“……. What the hell are you kids thinking?” Qrow muttered his disbelief.
“I’m thinking we need your help to bring down Behemoth. Is the wax building up in your ears, grandpa?” Emerald replied.
“Don’t call me grandpa!”
“The other guy is definitely a grandpa. As a matter of fact, he’s the grandest of grandpas. So, you gonna help us or not?”
“I thought the plan was to surprise Salem with an ambush.”
“Plans change. Roll with it.”
Qrow breathed one of the most soul-draining sighs in his life, before centering himself to continue.
“Okay. So, let me make sure I got this right. You need me to use Titan’s power to help you kill Behemoth.”
“But before that, you need me to stick my neck out.”
“You got it.”
“I immediately don’t like this…”
X  X X  X  X
“I think I’m going to like this,” Raven gave a soft chuckle.
“I thought you would,” Emerald shared in the mental laugh. “Shouldn’t be a violation against whatever your contract is with Salem, right?”
“Only you brats could come up with something this sloppy and effective.”
“Compliment received.”
X  X X  X  X
Out in the ocean separating Atlas from Vacuo, the acting reinforcements of the Atlesian Fleet came to a full stop. While the airships hovered as still as possible, their artillery battery raised to a high angle. Tapped into each vessel’s control system and calculating a complex aiming algorithm was a certain android.
“Coordinates fixed. Real-time calculations complete. Trajectory courses confirmed!” Penny cheered.
X  X X  X  X
(Back to the Present)
Team ENMY turned their gazes eastward, where a flock of glistening projectiles soared towards their position.
“Whoa, that’s gonna be close,” Yang commented.
“Yeah, well. It’s supposed to be,” Emerald sneered, as she elbowed Mercury’s side. “You’re up, top gun. Make sure it’s not us that gets our ass fricasseed.”
“On it, boss.”
Mercury activated his Semblance and felt the surrounding atmosphere come under his control. His senses extended to the oncoming shells. Their trajectories mapped out in his mind’s eye.
Damn. Not a bad shot from fifteen-thousand plus kilometers away.
Just need to sharp it just a little…
Mercury adjusted the turbulence and atmospheric pressure to suit his needs. He played out the simulation in his head, and matched it to the present. Their “back-up” fire would land exactly where they wanted it to on the dime.
“Merc,” Emerald elbowed him a few more times. “Hate to interrupt your beautiful mind moment, but the big bad bug is coming up faster. Maybe, short the fuse on lighting this candle?”
“Sure, just gotta speed up the momentum on more than a thousand combustible Dust shells. No big deal.” The sarcasm exaggerated in his voice.
“I had to hallucinate a whole Kingdom. Don’t get cute with me about making the big plays.”
The crying flock of whistling missiles screamed across the sky ever closer. At the same time, the great shadows and winds kicked up by Behemoth brushed the team’s backs.
Despite being caught between an arsenal of hellfire and the largest Grimm ever recorded, ENMY showed no signs of panic. Once Mercury finished his modifications, he expelled a small sigh of relief.
“Nice,” Emerald smirked, while putting on the sunglasses she took from Coco so long ago. Yang, Neo, and Mercury were producing their own pairs, when she also took out her scroll. She then, held it out and struck a smug pose.
“Are you actually taking a selfie right now?” Yang asked in slack-jawed awe.
“I wanna send a picture to Cinder. It’ll also make a good memory.”
Without wait or permission, the rest of the team crammed into the camera shot. They made random faces, while throwing up a series of hand gestures and middle fingers.
Meanwhile, high-pitch whistling from the Fleet’s artillery was at the peak of its cries when they were suddenly muffled. Bellowing explosions cut the sound off with its own. Raining hellfire engulfed Behemoth’s back in clouds of inferno. It was a carpet bombing of a creature that could have been a small island onto itself.
“Sweet fireworks,” Yang grinned. “Did you get the shot?”
“Got it!” Emerald confirmed.
“I always wanted to help destroy something beautiful,” Mercury shed a single tear.
Neo threw her hands up, cheering with mute excitement.
Fire! Fire! Burn!
“Okay, okay,” Emerald called their attention. “I know that just made the inner pyros inside us cream, but we still got work to do.” She tapped her in-ear communicator. “You there, OG?”
“I’m here.”
Flying above the incinerating back of Behemoth, a black bird swooped down. Its feathers shed upon its descent, giving way to a human form. He aimed the landing of his dive before the intact form of Combine, Chief of the Cuckoo Grimm.
The parasitic bird gave a gross chirp, as it recognized its bodyguards were burned away by Penny’s fire bombing.
“This… really sucks!” Qrow complained.
Sweat dripped down his face. He could feel the life being siphoned from him, leaving his skin cold. If he didn’t possess the Old One’s longevity, he might have died instantly in Combine’s presence.
Azkaban was somewhere near, so Qrow couldn’t activate his Semblance to save himself. But if things went according to plan, he wouldn’t remain vulnerable for long.
“How much could I pay you not to save my brother?” Raven posed to Emerald via their telepathic link.
“Discount low five figures,” the quick answer came.
“That was a joke.”
“Was it, though~?”
From her cliffside in the Black Oasis, Raven gripped the hilt of her katana and went into a low iaido stance. Her senses attuned to the combination of Emerald and Neo’s information. There, she saw her brother’s back turned towards her.
“Now, don’t flinch, little brother.”
“Neo?” Emerald prompted.
The petite girl poised her estoc in a thrusting motion above her shoulder. A silver light gleamed in her irises. She made out the positions of three key figures: Combine, Qrow, and Azkaban, before sealing the sight into her blade.
Neo took a long-drawn breath, and then emptied her lungs of all its air. She concentrated a majority of her Aura into the ultimate technique she created herself, leaving just a little in reserve. It was the most powerful move in her arsenal, and she would only be able to perform it once for a long while.
The small swordswoman felt traces of Yang’s influence swell in her soul. A bright fire of her beloved’s sun licked heat on her fingertips.
Neo’s hand moved quicker than the naked eye could catch. The sounds of shattering glass only followed after the fact.
In the same moment, Raven freed her blade from its sheath. Her bloody double-slash was going to cut a blazing X across the sky and Qrow’s back. But at the very last second, the move collided with Neo’s.
It was a clash of ultimate sword techniques that resounded across the entire continent. A piercing blade of blinding, silver glass and a cross drawn by a sinisterly, crimson paintbrush cut the sky into pieces. The world itself seemed to tear briefly, like it was made of paper.
Raven’s attack was barely deflected enough from her brother’s back, and guided in the direction of Combine instead. Likewise, Neo’s thrust was diverted towards Azkaban. Both their blades struck their marks down, slaying the Nightmare Grimm with their god-like skill.
Hmph, Raven scoffed with an impressed thought.
Out of the four brats, she might be the one who grew the most in all this…
“Not that I’d tell her that.”
“Uncle Qrow!” Yang shouted.
“On it, kid!”
With Combine and Azkaban down, Qrow felt the burden on him lifted. He tapped into Titan’s ability, while harnessing his own Semblance. A pair of great scythes unfolded in each of his hands. A familiar green glow permeated from his body to envelope the burning Behemoth.
The Grimm’s flying motion slowed to a crawl. Time slurred in the space it occupied until the creature stopped just above the wall and Team ENMY. Wind, fire, poison, and intermingled with it, falling caterpillar Grimm froze midair.
Yang and Mercury stared up, before bumping their fists.
The Spring Maiden felt adrenaline rush her veins. A crystallized crown formed its halo around her head. Her eyes blazed with the fire of her Semblance. She watched lightning crack across her vision, outlining Behemoth’s multiple weaknesses caused by redundancies in its anatomy.
“Wouldn’t be easy if we could just strike one spot. We’re gonna have to hit them all.”
The pair rocketed into the sky.
Mercury and Qrow went to work first. The young man summoned a storm to carry him across the Grimm’s expansive mass. Every kick he delivered made the floating island shudder. Likewise, the veteran Huntsman used his Reaper’s Semblance to sow death from atop. Together, they layered a cacophony of craters and trenches into Behemoth’s exoskeleton.
And then, Yang rose to join them.
“Many search the meaning of the shape given to their soul,” she heard Nai’s words echo the depths of her mind.
“I am Poison.
I am a Weapon.
I have lived and learned to become the agent that destroys my enemies’ bodies.
What does your life embody?
What meaning does its shape give?”
Yang jumped from falling debris to falling debris, making her way to the belly of the beast.
For my friends, I’ll be their warmth.
When they are lost, I’ll be their light.
And for anyone who tries to hurt them,
I’ll be the banisher of their darkness.
Yang’s Ember Celica shifted its form. Pistons fired across her entire arm. It rumbled with all the power and force of a jet engine.
I am the Fight that Life brings.
I am Fire.
And I Burn.
The exact moment, the noon sun reached its highest crest, the Spring Maiden’s punch let loose a flame likened to the birth of a new star. A supernova erupted in the center of Behemoth’s stomach, scorching constellations across the vulnerabilities of its body.
The halting of time was no small feat, and Titan’s ability only lasted a breath before reality resumed. But it was enough for Behemoth’s annihilation to be realized.
“Alright! It’s gonna pop!” Emerald shouted. “Clear the area!”
Yang, Mercury, and Qrow escaped the burning wreckage’s vicinity, as the Grimm plummeted down. Its body decomposed into countless scales, which combusted on any contact. The repeated detonations and weight of its carcass drove a crag into the wall and a small part of the city.
Yang let herself freefall. Burning cartilage still flew around her. Much of her energy was spent, but not all of it, per Emerald’s orders. But there was no denying the weariness setting into her nerves.
“Well, that was a thing.”
She looked to the side, and saw Mercury speed down to Emerald. Their leader stood on what remained of the wall. Her Uncle was nowhere in sight.
*Sigh* “I really want this day to be over…”
Just then, among the falling scraps, Yang spotted an oddity. It was a little singed, but it stood out from everything else with its white-colored design and the way it spun sharply through the air.
Yang squinted her eyes, and saw it was a playing card.
The Ace of Spades.
X  X X  X  X
“Is this truly all the strength you can muster?”
Salem gave a wave of her hand, and the bright projectiles Glynda and Minerva cast her way dissolved into squirming maggots. As they writhed uselessly on the ground, the Witch made a claw with her hand. Her long nails thrusted in the direction of her opponents.
Suddenly, the sand beneath the sorcerers’ feet coiled like tentacles, pulling them into its embrace. Salem’s hand squeezed, and the prison of silt closed tighter.
“You’re spellcasting is rather rudimentary compared to what I’ve seen over the ages. But I suppose that is the folly of mortals. Not enough age to hone that wisdom, no matter the potential exhibited.”
“Then, perhaps another challenger is in order? One you can’t bully with your tricks.”
A crow flew down, before expanding its form into a man. He snapped his fingers once, and the “living sand” about to suffocate the sorcerers was dispelled.
Glynda blinked, not believing her eyes. The image of the man before her seemed to phase in and out of existence, as if their identity wasn’t solidified.
“Apologies for the tardiness, Glynda,” the white-haired man with small glasses said. “There was an issue that required our assistance.”
“But, how…? What about Qrow?”
“Also, here,” the figure of Ozpin replied with a voice that was not his. “This body sharing thing is more complicated than it looks.”
The immortal’s body flickered between Ozpin’s visage and Qrow’s, and then another Glynda recognized as Beacon’s past Headmaster Myrddin’s. Reality bent, and several iterations blinked in quick succession. Some figures she remembered from historical texts, more of them she did not. The spinning of the forms continued until the image settled onto a small, hunched-back old man. He had the look of a retired farmer and had to use a cane to support him like a third leg.
“Titan…!” Salem snarled with rising furor.
“…Wicked,” the Old One spoke in a grounded tone. His voice was crass, but it dissipated into the surroundings like an earthquake. “Must we continue this vicious cycle?”
“Oh, it will not continue. Not for you.”
“So, it was inevitable. You and I must battle once more.”
“Immortal versus immortal,” the Witch gestured to herself, then Titan. A bloodthirsty Magic coursed her veins, making them pulse black across her pale skin.
“There can only be one.”
X  X X  X  X
Yang was in no position to react. The playing card spinning outside her reach was practically a calling card for her death. All she could do was leave her fate to another’s hands.
Fortunately, those hands were the ones she trusted the most with her life.
The sound of shattering glass scattered pieces of Neo’s mirror portal into the falling sky. Her sword was held, outstretched. Its point pierced through the card as a bullet punched a hole through the same middle.
It should have been a perfect killshot. Yang and Neo read the trajectory, and it would’ve drilled right through Yang’s forehead, but Neo’s interference skewed its course.
Yang whipped her neck as fast as she could, just in time for the bullet to tear a chunk of her hair off along with part of her right ear. Blood stained her cheek and a sharp ringing noise penetrated her eardrum.
“Hey, you. Can you hear me?” Emerald’s voice came from her comms, as Yang could see her leader smirking in the distance. She flipped her the middle finger.
“Told you she’d try.”
“Really, Em?! Now?!”
“Hey, you were the one who wanted to do this, despite my fair and wise warnings.”
“Can we save the ‘I told you so’s for later?”
“Say hi to her for me,” Emerald waved.
Yang flashed an angry glare to Neo, who gave her a quick nod.
A second later, and her partner conjured a mirror for her to drop into. The portal pushed her into another, and then another, and so on. Each segment accelerated her into the distance.
Yang didn’t aim her fist. She knew Neo would do that for her. All she had to do was swing when the time came.
And at the last shuttle interval, she threw her fist.
Yang’s landing struck the terrain like a miniature meteorite. The target and source of her bullet wound was knocked off her feet, and onto her back. The shooter could have put up resistance, but the looming Spring Maiden erased any thought of that.
Instead, Inna Kao simply smiled.
“Hey, Yang.” She tipped her hat, still on the ground.
“Hey, Inna. Long time no see,” Yang replied unenthusiastically. “Em says, hi.”
“Oh? Tell her I said hi back.”
Yang did a quick sweep of her surroundings.
“No Bean?”
“Nah. I wanted to take my shot away from him just in case. Guess I made the right call on that.”
“Too bad. I wanted to see him.”
Inna stared at Yang for a while, before tilting her hat down.
“Heh… Well, you got me good. Don’t tell me ya’ll fixed that trap for lil ‘ol me?”
“It was Emerald’s idea. We’ve been ready ever since we heard you and Bean were around. We know we can’t underestimate you.”
“Shucks, Yang. Now, yer just makin’ me blush.”
Yang stared long and hard at the cowgirl.
“……I heard about your team. Sorry.”
“Yeah, well. I’ll be joinin’ them soon.”
“Funny thought that.”
Yang grabbed Inna’s rifle laying on the ground, and snapped it in half across her knee. It pained her a little to destroy someone’s personal weapon, but the bad feeling disappeared when she remembered she was missing part of her ear because of Inna. The gun would be repaired eventually. As far as she was concerned, they were even.
“Nothing to worry about if you don’t have your rifle,” Yang tossed the remains at Inna’s feet. “I’m done killing people, especially people I like.”
“…I can’t stop coming for you, Yang.”
“Yeah, you can. All you have to do is stop,” Yang shrugged. “But if you really want to keep trying, go ahead. I’ll be ready.”
“Hm hm! Told you, you’d be sorry, Inna,” Raven chuckled, as she stepped through her portal.
“Mom. Why am I not surprised you’re here?”
“Your little girlfriend actually matched my favorite move.”
“She’s a keeper.”
“I guess.”
“I’m totally telling her you approve.”
“I don’t. And another thing—”
Just then, Raven and Yang’s heads were flooded with an amalgam of information. Rather information, they were a bit like actual memories, but of events that had yet to occur. It was disorienting to say the least, but one thing was clear.
“Hey! Did you get that?!” Raven asked Yang.
“Yeah. What the hell was that, Em?”
“It’s the visions the Rakis siblings have been seeing. Don’t know why, but Knives was suddenly in a sharing mood. But after seeing what was in them, I think we can make a guess!”
“That vision…Temujin…!”
“That’s why you and Raven should get your asses back here on the double!”
“Mom!” Yang turned to Raven, and saw fear there like she never had before.
“Let’s go.”
X  X X  X  X
“Hm. They brought down Behemoth,” Temujin rubbed her chin with an even composure.
The throne room, which was once a bustling war room, was now vacant. The lone ruler of Vacuo sat on her chair with only the Rakis siblings for company.
“Any deviations?”
“With almost all our fortifications intact, more of Vacuo’s citizens will survive by the end,” Mouse answered.
“Haha… They are truly something. Troublemakers. The perfect enemy against Salem and fate.”
The old woman smiled ear to ear, before breathing a contented sigh.
“Everything else is proceeding according to script?”
A nearby monitor showed an endless replay of Team ENMY’s assault on Behemoth. Right before the artillery from the Atlesian Fleet struck, a wisp of dark mist engulfed Camlann, and seemingly warped it out of the area.
On a security monitor, three figures made their way through the Hanging Gardens. The colossal armor of Camlann was recognized. Beside the Grimm were Adam and Blake. It wouldn’t be long until they reached the chamber.
“You two should go,” Temujin said to the siblings.
“No,” Mouse refused shakily. “We won’t leave you.”
“You have to guide our people.”
“We won’t leave you!”
The boy now had tears streaming his eyes. He wanted with everything to overturn the future he and his sister saw. A future where the Grimm overran their land. A future where their closest friends died…
…A future where Temujin offered her life to further incite the rage of her people.
“Oh,” the old Faunus put a hand on Mouse’s head. “You know, I faced a lot of criticism for adding that Eye for an Eye thing at the end of the Code. Mostly from Minerva, but whatever.” she smirked. “Who knew it would be the strength our people needed in their weakest hour? Surely, not me.”
Gentle sobs continued to escape Mouse, as Temujin continued.
“No, definitely not me… But if the death of one old woman past her prime can be the rally cry of our Kingdom, I will answer my duty with a full heart.”
“Go. My time is over.” Temujin announced proudly. “This is goodbye.”
“We won’t leave you!!!” Mouse cried back.
Temujin scratched her ear in frustration, before turning to her other side.
“Knives. I entrust you with your brother. You know what must be done. The both of you must regroup with Nai and Minerva. Notify them of my death. The first waves of the Grimm should be dealt with by then. Fall back here with Team ENMY, and eliminate Camlann. Hold the siege until Atlas’ Fleet arrives.”
The younger Rakis made no move to respond.
“Knives? Did you hear me?! Knives!”
Temujin shook her shoulder, and saw the girl’s expression turn with surprise.
“Oh, right!” Knives answered with wide eyes. Her tone was different from her usual. “Actually, I agree with Mouse there. You really shouldn’t be so quick to sacrifice yourself.”
The elder Faunus was struck speechless.
“There’s a lot of people who would mourn your death, Temujin. They’d be heartbroken,” the girl continued. “I know one person especially!”
“Who…?” the old Faunus could only mutter. “Who are you?”
The girl with the appearance of Knives could only smile brightly.
“There’s always a way to change fate, as well as those who are willing to fight it. You said it yourself.”
“But they can’t help you if you don’t believe in it too,” Knives held Temujin’s hand in both of hers. “This girl loves you so much. She begged for a way to save you, even in her dreams. That’s how deep her resolve is.”
Temujin continued to stare blankly at the girl. Knives met her gaze, unabashed. The young girl’s eyes seemed to glint with a brighter silver than usual.
Then, Temujin remembered where she heard this speech mannerism before, as well as this unflinching determination.
“Summer Rose?”
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winterbaby89 · 7 years
As Destiny Has Its Eyes On You Chapter 1/?
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Summary: Princess Emma Swan of Misthaven has been prophesied as the Savior since before her birth. Now with the help of a Lieutenant from her past she is going to take her destiny into her own hands, to defeat the Evil Queen.
A/N: This is a MC I have been working on, for the better part of a year. It is inspired by 'Destiny has it's eyes on you' by the lovely EmilyBea on FF.net (@seriouslyhooked on Tumblr). 
With the overwhelming support and love from Emily and Allison  (@ilovemesomekillianjones On AO3, FF.net, and Tumblr) I have finally decided to publish it. I hope you enjoy, and if you haven't read the works from these lovely ladies, I highly recommend you do so. Allison has also graciously agreed to be my beta for this entire project. 
This story will eventually cross over into ‘M’ territory. 
Chapters 1-4 are based on chapters 1&2 of ‘Destiny Has It’s Eyes on You’
**Also a special shout out, and thank you to @hollyethecurious for making this lovely collage for my (now belated) birthday week reblogs.** 
**This chapter is a collaboration between EmilyBea and I.**
Line breaks indicate change in POV or Scene
Can also be found on: AO3, FF.net, and my fic page
Time never passes for the three sisters as it does for the rest of the world. For them, it is far more fluid, pulling each corner of their sacred trifecta into a different segment of its currents. They deal with the past, the present and the future, and in the intersections of those states, they find their purpose. To keep the records of what had been, what is, and what would come to pass. Mostly their curse was to watch the world unfold in ways they could never influence, but this strand of the world's story was different, for the fate of an entire people rests on the shoulders of a young woman, a woman they'd been watching for some time. Her future was bright, her past nothing if not charmed, but the struggle to come was profound. Still, this girl with the golden hair and bright green eyes would overcome, that was written in the stars.
"She will undo a past of suffering for her people, and for her family. She is formed of that past, the product of true love that survived a storm of whirling chaos in the darkness." The first sister, guardian of the past said as they watched the image filled swirling pool of water before them.
"She will find her own love and with it, she will finally harness the power that's been trapped inside. Only with this can she make the future bright and hopeful once more." The sister of future confirmed, looking just the same. But several moments passed and soon the two sisters who had spoken turned to the third, distressed by her quiet. Preemptively the guardian of the present spoke.
"Almost there, just a few moments more … there. Now she is ready, she faces the journey ahead with courage and bravery. Now Emma Swan embraces her destiny."
"So it has been, so it is, and so it shall be." All three sisters echoed the chant together, sealing the bit of power they could to this story's heroine, but the guardian of the present added one last thing.
"Follow your heart, Emma Swan, for it will always be your light in the darkness."
Chapter 1
"No one should look so sad on their birthday, Emma."
Emma doesn't look at her mother directly, for she doesn't want her seeing the depth of the emotions she’s grappling with. If her mother saw them, it would mean there would be talking, and Emma just didn't think she could stomach a pep talk today.
First, there’s the sadness that her mother sees, sadness that she has been alive twenty-one years, is by all accounts an adult, and she knows relatively nothing of life beyond the small bubble of being a princess. To her parents, and to the people, she’s a breakable, fragile flower, a symbol of hope for a better future. But she is never allowed to prove herself, to taste what life outside is really like.
Next her sadness blends into anger and resentment for the way that she's been raised and the reason things are this way. The Evil Queen is relentless, never letting down the threat of devastation on Emma's family, and waging a decades long war that has ravaged their kingdoms and their people. Everyone is terrified of the Queen's magic, but not Emma. She believes in a simple truth that her fairy tutor Tinkerbelle always says, “When faced with true light, there is no way for darkness to win.” Emma has been training since she was a little girl to be that light, to make her magic strong enough to free this realm of the Queen's evil once and for all. Maybe then she can have her own life.
That thought brings to a head the third emotion swirling around inside Emma, guilt. She feels guilty for wanting more in a land where so many are struggling. Sure, she’s confined, she hasn't left the walls of the palace in four years thanks to her parents' fear that something would happen, but she’s safe, and loved and protected. She has food, shelter, and a palace to call home for heaven's sake, but she still wants more. Even though she mostly wants to save her kingdom, there is a part of her need to leave that is personal, and for that, Emma feels ashamed.
"I know you're not comfortable with the idea of a ball, Emma, but it's for the good of the kingdom. We've invited everyone, and it's a chance for them to see you and learn what we're fighting for."
Emma looks at her mother then, trying to see if she truly believes that.
"Doesn't it eat away at you? People dying every day, families torn apart just to try and protect us? It's not right! It's too much!"
"I would lay my life down to protect these people, Emma."
This is one of those moments where having Snow White as a mother is infuriating. She’s always so calm, so certain in her beliefs, and it rattles at the tensions building up in Emma, prompting her to strike back with truth. "Yet you won't let me do the same! I can help, Mother, I'm of more use to this kingdom outside these walls. I have no knack for diplomacy, I hate balls and affairs of that sort. I want to fight like you did, and this time we can win."
Her mother shakes her head, resolute as she always is that Emma's entrance into the fray of fighting isn't the answer. "It's too risky, Emma."
Emma knew she could continue to argue her point but it wouldn’t get her anywhere. There is no use in trying to make her see reason, Emma thought. Now all that is left to do is implement the plan she'd made many months ago. Tonight is the night that everything will change, and this too plays a part in the sadness that is set in Emma's features. Tonight I say goodbye to my family and fulfill the vow I made to myself.
She is going to be the Savior that is prophesied, and she is going to do it now.
"I should see Tink about today's lessons. I'll see you later." Emma moves past her mother and heads down the long corridor of the palace's East Wing and out a side entrance into the gardens where she spends most of her time. The rose blooms that mark her path are beautiful, but they hold little meaning for her today. I have to find Tink!
"Emma, over here."
From the side of the garden near a grove of trees, Emma sees her friend waving at her and she smiles. Try as she might, Tink is never discrete. Her voice is too loud, a tidbit too high, her motions are always drawing attention, but Emma loves her all the same. Tinkerbelle might be her teacher, but she’s also Emma's best friend and one true confidant within the palace walls. She can trust Tink with anything, and she’s trusted her with her plan to leave. "You know there's no need to hide. I can enact a barrier to guard what we're saying from the attendants on the lawn."
Tink shakes her head, looking a little preoccupied. "There's been a change in plan, Emma. I cannot leave with you. Fauna has been called to see Blue. She left earlier this afternoon. Without her, we have no one to create the diversion, so it has to be me."
Emma looks at her friend curiously, for her words simply don't compute. The plan had always been for Emma and Tink to go together, to find the young Lieutenant of the navy that she'd known as a girl, and ask for his help in undermining some of the hold Regina has over this whole realm. To go it alone is something Emma has never considered, it is the first time she second guesses her plan. "But I need you for so much of what we have to do."
Tink takes Emma's hand in hers and interrupts any other doubts that may arise. "Emma, you are more than ready for this. I haven't said it before, but there's something you should know. The world is not as fluid as we like to think, some things are simply meant to be. Just as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so will you defeat Regina. It's the only destiny there is, and it's yours. You will save your kingdom. You will save all the people of Misthaven and the Enchanted Forest."
Emma nods, believing that Tink would never steer her wrong. "And what if Killian can't help me?"
Only now did Tink smile.
"Killian is it? I thought he was just Lieutenant Jones?"
Emma blushes, but she ignores the question about the man she'd met when she was just seventeen. Even if Tink knew Emma had always liked him, there is no time or room to harp on about it.
"Do I turn around with my tail between my legs if he says no? Everything depends on him, but what if he can't help? Or worse, what if he doesn't remember me?" That would be the worst torture indeed, she fretted. In all her days she's never met another man like him. He means so much to her, even though they'd only been in each others presence a few days’ time.
"Oh, he'll remember you. A boy like that doesn't forget a princess as striking as you."
Emma's heart pounds in her chest. Just the thought that she is going to see him again has her feeling more hope than she's long believed in. What will he be like now? Has he changed as much as I have, or is he the same humble sailor with the lovely heart and the lopsided smile that she remembers?
"We have very little time left, Emma. Sneaking you out will be a test of everything we've practiced, but it’s only the beginning." Tink pulls out her fairy wand and draws a lazy circle around Emma's person, while Emma just looks on, somewhat confused. "This spell will keep you untraceable from the likes of magic, even from Regina’s."
"What about you?"
Tink sighs, a bit of regret hanging in the sound. "It will shield you from all magical seers, Emma. Even me."
That thought makes her heart hurt. What will I do without Tink? Keep going. I have to keep going, even if I'm scared. The thought cements Emma's resolve to push forward. She can do this. She has to do this.
Tink has her hands poised on her hips in that bossy fashion that Emma considers Tink's signature move as she asks Emma if she is ready.
"Yes. I am ready." Emma reaffirms her resolve, as she responds to Tink’s inquiry.
As she looks into the mirror in her room, the one she's stared into at the start and end of each day, Emma barely recognizes herself. In a green satin dress, with a crown in her pinned up hair, she looks every bit the princess, but she also looks untouchable. She is no longer Emma, but an object, a token for the people and her parents to look at and dream of better days. Only Emma is done dreaming. She’s ready to fight for the life that she wants, and the life that all of the people of this realm deserve.
Earlier in the day, Emma had packed the bag she’d be taking with her, the one she and Tink had embellished with magic over these past few months. It was covered in protections and able to fit far more than it looked capable of within its depths. Inside the bag were essential tools she'd need and enough money to get her through her journey.
Now she has two more things to put inside, a map and a miniature portrait. With the map and the one thing she has of Killian’s, (a silver chain with a Swan pendant that he'd entrusted her to keep when they'd parted years ago), she'd found out where he was using a locator spell. The spell said he was in her kingdom's port, which was shocking. What were the odds, really? But it will make finding him far easier, she mused. The pendant meanwhile hangs around her neck, returned to its constant resting place once more. The miniature portrait is her parents and her little brother, she had painted it herself. In it they are happy, smiling and just as she most loves to picture them. It’s going to be nearly impossible to say goodbye to her parents tonight, to know that she may never return if things go wrong, but saying goodbye to Leo, her junior by ten years might be the hardest thing she has ever had to do. She loves her little brother more than anything, but this is just as much for him as it is for her. Leo has few memories of life before the walls went up and the gates were shuttered, and she hopes that if she succeeds, he can one day see the world for all it can be.
"You look beautiful, Emma."
Shifting her eyes from her dress to the place behind her in the mirror, Emma sees her father's smiling face and feels a sudden sense of calm. He always seems to find her when she’s hurting the most, and he’s nearly perfect at remedying any problems that come her way. "Thank you." She turns from the mirror to look at him straight on. She notices worry lines have set in through the course of his life, and the streaks of gray that are starting to touch his temples. Her father has lived a life of fighting, even if he’s also lived one of love, and time has taken its toll, perhaps faster than it might have in other circumstances. He is still very handsome, but he looks tired.
"I've been thinking of what to get you as a gift. I went through the ordinary ideas, a new horse, some more dresses, a new tiara …"
Emma hates all of those ideas, except maybe the horse, but her father's eyes tell her he's decided on something different.
At that moment he pulls a sword from behind his back and hands it to her. The handle is plated in gold, with distinctive markings, just like those on his own sword, but the sheath is different, designed specially for her with what looks like swans adorning it. "Then I remembered that my daughter is one of the best swordsmen in the kingdom, and I decided on this."
"It's stunning. And it's just like yours. Thank you!" Emma pulls the blade free of its sheath and marvels at the way it catches the firelight in her room. It’s light enough to wield with ease, and feels to be the exact proportions she favors. It is easily the most magnificent sword she has ever seen.
"Your mother and I have worked very hard to keep you and your brother out of all of this, but a day will likely come when that hold on the outside world breaks. When it does, I want you to remember one thing; we all fight for something, and that something is hope."
Emma nods, having heard years of similar professions about the power of believing. Still, tonight, it brings tears to her eyes. She will hold her father's words close, and hopefully they will be enough. "I'll remember."
He smiles and extends his arm to her. "Good, now let's go see about that ball."
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Massive thank you to @artistic-writer for making this stunning piece, and thank you to @kmomof4 for commissioning it as my Christmas present.
Chapter Two
Tagging some lovelies that may enjoy:
@ilovemesomekillianjones, @seriouslyhooked, @xhookswenchx, @jennjenn615, @flslp87, @laschatzi, @icecubelotr44, @kmomof4 @hollyethecurious
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swipestream · 6 years
Q&A with Richard Cain
I took a dive into CH’s back catalog and came up with Richard Cain’s God Hates Me. I remember Vox featured it earlier in the year and though the accompanying text and review highlights made it sound good, I could never get past the cover but I’m glad I gave the book a chance. This really is a case of “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. 
  When it comes to supernatural fiction I don’t enjoy cheap and gruesome thrills and concentrate on the underlying theological background; think the opening of The Exorcist  at an archaeological site in Iraq over the famous “pea soup” scene. Well, Richard Cain has created an intriguing backstory with an unique story line featuring a demon seeking redemption. Unlike The Exorcist, Cain’s book is humorous, so don’t expect a depressing or overly violent read. The demons know their time before judgement is limited and they pass the time in causing as much mischief as they can. If you are going to suffer for eternity you might as well get your money’s worth. Another aspect that comes out is the ennui many demons suffer as they await their fate. Atrocities and inflicting pain can only remain interesting for so long and many demons are heavily involved in hobbies such as running historical reenactments in haunted houses and we meet some that take their LARPing as aliens so seriously they can only be described as demonic otaku. 
  For the dudes that can’t get over the cover we discuss Richard Cain’s next book in the Q&A which he promises will have a cover easier on hetro male eyes. I don’t have a release date yet but it should be soon and I’ll update this post when I get the word.
  Q&A on the next page.
Scott Cole: I have to admit I wasn’t expecting much from God Hates Me, maybe the cover threw me off (more on that later) but it was an enjoyable read and the story line is definitely unique…
  Richard Cain: Thank you. Some argue that the demon/angel thing is overdone. It’s not. Like communism, it’s simply never been done right – until now. If you’re expecting Frank Peretti – don’t. He missed the chance for humor in the dark lives of the damned. In God Hates Me, we meet Malach, a put-upon demon unjustly kicked out of heaven, leaving his unfinished rock garden behind. Now he’s stuck in the Kingdom of Darkness, dealing with Nephilim, working for Moloch and having to put up with LARPing demons in UFOs. It’s a sad, sad life for a misplaced angel. To make himself feel better, he possesses random and forces them to tell his story to anyone who will listen. Including Tinder dates.
    SC: Where did you get the idea to write about a demon seeking redemption?
  RC: I am friends with an exorcist and she hooks me up with the juicy stuff. “Touched by an Angel” ain’t the way it works. Demons are here and they want to party before they hit the flames – except for Malach, who just wants to get back into Heaven. On his own terms, of course.
    SC: The demon mentions portals between the physical and spiritual realms which are actually created by humans (e.g. blasphemy, sacrifices, sites where atrocities have taken place). Human souls can’t pass through the portal because they are tied to their physical bodies but entities from the spiritual realm are free to cross over. What does your exorcist friend report as the most likely avenues of possession?
  RC: She’s told me that demons hang out where horrible things have taken place. Lunatic asylums, old human sacrifice sites, etc. If someone has a horrible event in their life, that can be a point where a demon jumps in and makes himself at home. If you’ve ever had the hair stand up on your arms when you’re walking through the DMV, you know the feeling.
    SC: What can one do to help prevent interaction with demons?
  RC: Don’t play around with the occult. Burning witches is always a good idea. Interacting with the spiritual realm is that it is like swimming in the ocean. You are out of your element, with no protection and do not knows what lurks beneath the surface. In fact, you are at the mercy of any shark that decides to come out of the depths and take a bite out of you. There are protections, of course, but don’t play in their field. I’ve seen a guy go from a quiet drunk to a ranting madman when I mentioned the name of Jesus Christ. It was like someone grabbed the strings of a puppet and spoke through his mouth. Even if you think you can deal with them and say the right things, if you’re not allied to the Kingdom of Light, they may strip you naked and beat you senseless.
  SC: Let’s talk about the cover. I went on a trip recently and had the book loaded on my AMZN Fire device. When I went to read in the airport lounge or on the airplane I noticed a couple of funny looks when my seatmates would see the romance novel style of cover with the bare chested model on the front. Not sure if the cover is congruent with the story?
  RC: Sexual insecurity is a sign of demon possession. Since God Hates Me is rather like CS Lewis meets Douglas Adams, The Supreme Dark Lord naturally decided to give it a lurid homoerotic romance cover. This represents three standard deviations of cover design conceptuality. It’s okay, though. My next book features a scantily clad female on the cover.
    SC: Details, please, about your next book?
  RC: My upcoming novel Vessel of Venus tells the story of a hopelessly gamma IT professional who discovers a cheesy sorcery app which grants him some strange abilities. He also has a genetic secret which makes him a person of great interest to ambassadors from the long-dead planet Venus. His quest to hone his occult powers and fight global warming as a Venusian ambassador turns into a trainwreck thanks to his possessed girlfriend and his own neuroticism. It’s like Alpha Game: The Novel, except with aliens. And a demonic locust named Timmy.
    SC: Does Vessel of Venus tie into the God Hates Me story line?
  RC: Somewhat. Both stories are in the same universe but the second story stands alone.
  SC: I’m looking forward to it.
  RC: It’s 666 times better than the first one. And the first one was damned good.
C: Why it is better?
  RC: God Hates Me was my debut novel. Since writing it two years ago, I’ve been honing my pen on other writing projects and deliberately sharpening my writing skills by studying pulp authors as well as writing theory. I’ve easily written 500,000 words in between the time I wrote the first book and finished the second book. Readers will notice the difference. If you liked the first one, you’ll like this one even better.
Talking about writers, who do you read on a regular basis?
  RC: On the non-fiction front, Dr. Michael Heiser’s theological writing was quite helpful. As for fiction, two years ago I read through all the works of Lovecraft. I also read the first two Tarzan novels by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Out loud, to my tank of poisonous toads. They weren’t sure about the anthropomorphic apes at first but still got into the story. G.D. Stark’s Wardog novels are a very good read, although he needs more demons. I also finished reading John C. Wright’s Count to A Trillion series recently – amazing concepts, which he carries over into Superluminary. I’m waiting expectantly for the second half of Vox’s A Sea of Skulls but have entertained myself during the wait by reading all the Arkhaven and Dark Legion comic book titles.
  SC: Thanks for your time and good luck with the new release.
Q&A with Richard Cain published first on https://medium.com/@ReloadedPCGames
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