#the school for good and evil: the camelot years
Despite Rhian being both Evelyn and Rafal’s favorite, Japeth is actually the one who’s most like them.
He killed his brother and then stole his identity, all to raise his lover from the dead, a lover who never loved him at all.
They loved Rhian because he was what they wanted to be. Good.
They hated Japeth because he was what they were. Evil.
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hi, do you have any takes/opinions or analysis of japeth? sorry if you've already posted something and i've missed it, i'm just eagerly hunting for japeth content 🫡🫡
I haven’t really done any substantial #japethposting, or anything exactly full-scale, but he has been a part of certain sections of some of the analyses I've done. You can find some of them by typing "#japeth" into the search bar of my blog. Or, if anyone wants me to, I could look for the links and send them to you. And, this overall precedent doesn’t mean I won’t possibly post about him in the future, potentially if/when I start my reread of The Camelot Years.
Generally speaking, I don't think I've paid enough attention to him to be able to analyze him in great depth. That said, I will redirect you to @discjude as she/they is/(are?) the Japeth expert, and her/their analyses are phenomenal! (Please tell me if I've gotten your pronouns wrong and sorry in advance if anything is wrong, Jude.)
Though, I will leave you with one meager headcanon: it seems unlikely, but if Japeth were musically-inclined, I think he’d play atypical instruments, like the serpent and the ophicleide because of course he would. Music could be his opportunity to rebel, defy what's expected of him, while also referencing his snake symbolism.
Here, you can listen to some orchestral performances involving these instruments. If you start the first of the videos around the timestamp 3:38 and listen to the end, you can hear the deeper, foreboding, lower-pitched parts and some tense, stringent parts that sound higher, like his Scims whirling, to my mind. There's a very obviously sinister "march" of sorts, with ghastly, winding, serpentine "movements," twists, and turns.
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discjude · 6 months
School Years enjoyers!!! I need some Help
So. I may or may not be working on writing something SGE related that has something to do with a few certain characters from a certain region of the Woods. I thought there were a lot of characters there that aren't explored quite as much as I think they should've been, so I'm taking it upon myself to write a sort of prequel that will use mostly canon information to tell those stories (I'm Very Bad at just making things up).
However. I really don't want to reread School Years I just don't enjoy reading them (its probably all arics fault) and like half of the characters that I want to write about only exist in these books. SO
if anyone has any details regarding the characterisation, upbringing, or any other relevant details about Chaddick, Tristan, or Evelyn Sader it would be greatly appreciated if you could share them with me!! it would just save me a lot of time having to reread the first 3 books and I would be very very grateful :)) And if anyone wants to guess what region I'm focusing on please have a go aghfdfshdfdh
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kprdotexe · 7 months
Hello. Are you going to write your opinion on Tagatha?
I have no clue how old this ask is. Imma be so honest, I'm only now learning how this system works but YEAH SURE I'LL TALK ABOUT TAGATHA
haven't touched the books in a hot year or so but i remember some spirit waking up inside me and making a google slide so i have guidance, let's allow my brain to catch up as i read this.
Disclaimer, I think the book should have ended at 3. I think any further kinda rips away the happy ending those three had so my opinions are that of the first three books.
Now, I enjoy a good enemies to lovers as much as the next person but my _god_ did I not like it with Tagatha at all. They just never seemed to really get each other??? The constant bickering was never really cute to me and maybe I just need to reread it, but it always seemed like their romance was very surface deep.
They were both kids— teenagers basically at this point in the story both in societies that glorified one side and villianised the other, so their opinions and way of going about things reflected that. Honest to god? Great set up, didn't like the execution. I feel like it's because it never felt like Tedros was even meant to be a love interest in the first book.
Tedros had a lot of good traits to him in the first book (heck, mans became my favourite character when I started writing him because I found him and his story really interesting) but he just never felt like a person to me at that point. It never felt like this love story that made me want to ship them, it just... set the stage of everything really well.
He was there to be an obstacle, at least to me! One of the many things Sophie had been dreaming of her whole life but then couldn't have. From a technical stand-point, I could only imagine Tedros and Agatha being together to further add to Sophie's anomosity and jealousy and further show that the girls were in the right schools.
Agatha was a princess, in her Good School with her Prince who she would then marry and make her a Queen. Agatha was meant to be the best, both because she obviously was and to give a good subversion of tropes, and Tedros fit the bill.
And maybe that's the intention and if so, okay! but it never appealed to me as all.
Their original relationship felt a fair bit rushed as well. While confidence in a person does make them more attractive, does it really just erase all the previous history they had?
Like okay, if we're relying on Tedros just being a himbo and focusing more on the pretty face (something I despise mind you) alright, fine but Agatha? She also lets bygones be bygones, forgets all the valid arguments and the reasonable dislike she had for Tedros? Seriously?
Their dislikes of the other were valid! And even when they did good things or things that kinda went against what they thought, how would they be sure y'know? They never talked. Never had a moment where they sat down and just tried to understand each other and that was highkey the worse part of it all.
I always thought it'd be something nice to have the two learn from each other, or rather grow with the other because they both have very harsh views on the other gender— based on upbringing both harsh and limiting but they always just fell back into the habit of just assuming the worse of each other. And maybe I'm too aro for this and maybe the book is just a product of the time (I still didn't like it then though) but I never got the arguing like a married couple thing.
Why is that cute? Like yeah, sometimes spending time with one another can have you learning new potentially annoying things about each other that you dislike but my god, not a scrap of understanding out of either of them? I guess that's how you can tell they're young.
The worst part of their bickering as well is they never actually work through a good few of their issues! The plot (or the Storian, I suppose) just moves them along to the next thing so they have to work together and thank god they can manage that at least.
In the grander scheme of things, it just sucks for the both of them! They're kinda just nudged towards each other by fate and just stuck together because the Omniscient Magic Pen said they were meant to be and they just rushed into it.
So, that's my opinion on them. I like them both! But I just don't ship them. Honestly, I think they belong with other people. (Maybe prioritise some healing from past trauma and deconstruction of some core beliefs before yall jump into relationships but that's just me.)
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rosellemoon · 6 months
The Camelot Years are extremely painful for me to read, but I must at least skim them to glean the necessary information for Ever Never After. I think I'll just say "fuck it" at some point, though. It all seems so damn convoluted? Yeah, I'm taking a creative license.
God, I wish this series stopped at the first trilogy and the prequels.
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lucicorn72 · 2 years
Do I want them to adapt TCY? No. I want them to adapt ACOT and Sophie’s “You Will All Die Scene” and that’s it the rest I don’t care about.
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thebeigewitch · 2 years
Im boutta piss a whole bunch of people by saying this but I had to-
School for good and evil books 4-6 sucked
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pigfacedbitch · 10 months
Dating Hort of Bloodbrook
summary : general headcanons of dating Hort while being the princess of Camelot.
word count : 0.7k
type : headcanons
pairing/s involved : Hort x Reader, Sibling! Tedros x Reader
warning/s : discrimination against Nevers and Evers.
here is my masterlist!
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Note : I know this is late but this has been on my unfinished works since the movie came out. I fell in love with Hort, he is so cute and loyal to Sophie 🥹. I haven't read the books but I might soon when I need to escape reality again.
You will likely be a year younger than Tedros.
Because of the heir and the spare™.
I know it sounds bad but some rulers actually do those.
Tedros is extremely overprotective over you, especially when Queen Guinevere ran away with Lancelot and King Arthur died.
He's like the typical older brother you see in movies; handsome, buff, (kind off) a meathead, and annoys you to know end.
Will also be the first one to come to your defense.
When you got to the School of Good, you were determined to destroy the image of being Tedros' little sister.
Which results to you preferring to be a hero in your own story than being a queen in someone else's.
As expected, you quickly became friends with Agatha.
Not afraid to stand up to those who think girls are inferior to boys.
While the other Evers found the Nevers horrible for being future villains, you have a neutral perspective towards them.
After all, the School of Good has many stuck up and vain students.
Meeting Hort was definitely a memory to remember. It was when Professor Dovey took the first years to the Wish Fish (Let's pretend Agatha didn't free them).
When you put your hand on the water and begin to think of a wish, you didn't feel the water swirling like Agatha told you she experienced,
Instead, it was hand that intertwines its finger with yours.
And it harshly pulled you down the water.
The girls' screams and the professor calling out your name in panic caught the boys and Tedros' attention, running to the 'rescue'.
Under the water, you see someone smiling at you, or at least that's what you hopes he's doing.
A Never named Hort, son of Captain Hook.
Tedros immediately pulled you out of the water, with Hort in tow.
The angry professor commands the nearby guards to bring him back to the School of Evil and how Lady Lesso will surely punish him.
"It seems like I'm your wish, my lady."
He expects you to be disgusted like the other Evers. To his surprise, you give him the sweetest smile he has ever seen in his life.
"That you are, Hort of Bloodbrook."
To say Hort is surprised was an understatement.
You didn't only smile at him but also knew his name.
Cupid's arrow struck him at that moment. His villainous smirk drops, staring at you with wide eyes as much as he could before they were out of sight.
Tedros, who saw the whole thing, was not pleased and gave you a warning on how Nevers can't be trusted.
After your encounter, Hort seeks you out more.
You didn't mind, he is an odd yet funny companion.
He also doesn't care for one's physical appearance like the girls do or how you're nothing but a pretty face with a royal title like most guys think.
He encourages you to be yourself, like Agatha does.
You two would get judgmental looks from both sides.
Sophie was pissed, not only because Hort was losing interest in her but being the princess of Camelot is everything she wants to be.
So is Tedros. And everyone else who sees you together.
Agatha is just worried and would remind you to keep your guard up.
But you enjoy each other's company, that's what matters.
Hort was in love with you the moment you met but it took you a longer time to realize your feelings for him.
You only told Agatha about it but Tedros overheard.
Believe me when I say that Tedros will demand you to be examined.
"She's not under any spells, my prince."
"Are you certain?"
"Oh my God, I love Hort and there's nothing you can do about it!"
Everyone in the hall heard you.
Silence before a giddy howl ensues.
Hort runs to you and gives the biggest hug you could ever receive.
Despite being initially embarrassed, you returned it.
Before he could kiss you like he always dreamed of, Tedros stops him.
He pulls out Excalibur and points its tip on Hort's neck. Your brother will mercilessly give the poor boy threats if he broke your heart or hurt you in any way. Agatha joined in without words, just sending a warning glare on his way.
Hort would be lowkey terrified but so happy at the same time.
I mean you love him back. He could take a fucking army if you command him to.
Lady Lesso and Professor Dovey would only look at each other in disbelief, worried for what happens next.
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ouatsqincorrect · 9 months
do u have a headconanon for how henry would've reacted when he was old enough to understand the abuse regina had to endure bc of her forced marriage?
he’s about 16 when it just clicks one day and the minute it does, he’s pissed—maybe a bit at snow for spending most of her life clueless to it all, a bit at regina for never telling the full truth, at rumple for letting it happen, at the king and the unsettling fact that he’s related to him, at the world for tearing his mom apart again and again, at himself for calling her evil once or twice and not knowing the full story
suddenly, the last six years just make sense—actually, so much about his entire life with regina finally makes sense
henry isn’t clueless, he’s seen the way regina flinches when someone mentions the king, or the way it’s hard for her to get out of bed some mornings
by now, she’s been taking certain days off work and he’s always thought her excuse of “just needing a break” was a little weak because this is regina mills we’re talking about, and despite complaining about it pretty consistently, she actually does like her job as mayor
ultimately, it’s david who talks about it with him first—they’re spending the day together and henry’s never been that good at masking what he feels (david isn’t expecting the answer he gets when he asks what’s wrong but it’s also not that surprising—he was bound to find out at some point)
and david tells him this is something he needs to talk to regina about, she’s the only one who can tell her story and the only one who should be allowed to tell henry, of all people, about it
also, david advises him to be careful and patient, if regina doesn’t want to tell henry about what happened, she doesn’t have to
when he gets home that afternoon, henry (who is far too wise for his age after trips to neverland and camelot and a pit stop in the underworld) tells regina that he thinks he knows the truth, and that some day, when she’s ready, he’d like to know for sure
it doesn’t take long for regina to tell him that he’s right, that the marriage between her and the king wasn’t really a marriage at all and that she faced abuse during that time that no one should ever have to experience
she doesn’t tell him everything—after all, he’s still a child, but he can put the pieces together and understand, even if she refuses to use the actual words to describe what she went through
from that day on, on those days she stays home from work, he stops by granny’s on his way home from school and picks her up some sort of treat, and steers the conversation away from the king when someone in town had the audacity to mention him in front of regina
he’s still a kid, even if he has had to grow up fast, and emma and regina do everything they can to make sure he doesn’t have to share the burden of a past long gone
and he doesn’t feel like has to—but he is forever catious and actually a bit grateful for a better understanding of his mom
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weekly tag wednesday
tagged by: @samantitheos and @mybrainismelted
Weekly Tag Wednesday - Firsts!
Name: Lem
Age: 32
First Pet? We had an array of different dogs and animals before, but the one I remember solidly as the first one with a name that was there longer than a month was a black pug, her official name was Julianna Opal, why? We got Juliana from the movie Quest for Camelot, and Opal was my brother and dad's birthstone. But her name that stuck was Ding based on the dinging her tags made on her food bowl.
First Word? I think to my mother's dismay it was dada. BUT mom tells this good story about the first time I said fuck. I was about three and she was heavily pregnant with my brother, we were playing with barbies on the floor and i just casually slip a "fuck" between whatever barbie babble I was doing, She calmly asks ("I knew I had to be calm because you were three and if I made a scene you'd say fuck everywhere knowing it was bad because you were a little shit") "where did you hear that word honey?" Thinking I'd say my dad. my reply? "From yooooou"
First Celebrity Crush? oh hell, the only one coming to mind is Adrien Brody, which I know was in middle school because I would print pictures of him off in the school library and keep them in a special folder to look at through the day when class was lame. (no shame)
First IRL Crush? His name was Tommy, starting at least in kindergarten to when he moved in third grade. He promised me a kiss once we both turned 18 too, which he never fulfilled.
First kiss? His name was Marty, we hid in the big tunnel on the playground in first grade and the entire memory is blurry, but I remember that little kiss. Now first KIIIIISS i was 16 and we were watching Tarzan at my house and he just leaned over and kissed me during the opening song, before Tarzan's parents died.
First Car? fuuuuck I loved that thing. a 1991 grand marquis mercury. BEST BOAT ever
First apartment/house/dorm/whatever away from your parents? I moved in with my best friend (still my best friend) and my boyfriend at the time, into a trailer, three bed two bath, big ass kitchen, I loved the shower/bath it was huuuge.
First time on a plane? Never been on one.
First cellphone? a tracfone
First concert? Fallout Boy right before the pandemic.
First Foreign country you visited? Never been to one.
First sport you ever played? soccer when I was four or five.
First career aspiration? National Geographic photographer
And finally… tell me about the first time you wrote/drew/created/whatever something that made you think "wow". Middle School, wrote a four composition book length book about a girl who fell in love with a werewolf then got kidnapped by the evil werewolf creator and taken to his evil castle in the artic, where she started learning spells and when her beloved came to rescue her she helped kick ass.
Cringingly i tried to read through it and edit it a few years ago and I was APPALLED that I ASKED my 7th grade english teacher to read it and edit my grammar and spelling.
I swear to fuck she and the other teachers must have had discussions about it because they ALL made some comment about my book here and there and asked to be mentioned when I published my first one.
god the flashbacks
I'll tag @witchboywitchboywitchboy @suzy-queued @ian-galagher
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sarascamander · 30 days
Final finished with the last book in the series!
1. First of all, I want to say WOMEN 🛐🛐🛐. All of them are wonderful, badass, legendary, absolute icon. If it weren't for the women in the series, Tedros can kiss his crown goodbye lmao.
2. Baby Merlin is an absolute cutie I wished he stayed that way longer. Calling Aggie Momma — aghagah my heart
3. The gays win in this one y'all! Japeth and Aric confirmed and when Japeth asked for that kiss — I was holding my breath, I was anticipating it. I needed it. I'm so disappointed that it was actually Tedros 😭 Then there's Anadil and Hester being wives since day 1 with unconventional love confession. Tedros basically admitted to being bi, William and his bf I forgot the name. Love all of them omg.
4. My favourite scene in the book is probably Sophie's scream that almost killed Japeth. Like go Queen! And speaking of Sophie, my wife has many amazing and badass moments as she should (her ripping the scim from her ear also deserve a standing ovation. Truly witch of the woods beyond.)
5. Hort and Sophie relationships are better and i understand why people ship them... But I still would prefer if he was dead lmao. They're cute but maybe I'm not feeling them since I'm still hung up on Rhian.
6. Overall though, I actually enjoy this less than the other books. Idk why, maybe because it's the last or that it's so packed with action that we didn't really get any relationship moments. Or maybe I'm just sad that it's over but it's still satisfying to read about the characters and I'm happy with how it all ends. I certainly love The Camelot Year more than the school year. So I give this one 3 stars.
Okay, maybe there's clear things about what I don't like
1) I think Japeth and Rhian being Rafal's son made sense but at the same time it don't. Like... I really don't like the way people are randomly sleeping around in this one. I can't imagine Rafal messing with Evelyn, I can't imagine Arthur and Lady Gremlaine literally doing it a day before his wedding. It just rub me the wrong way
2) they pushed Japeth in the background when I found him and his brother as villian really interesting and different. But now instead of going against Japeth, it's about solving the Quests so we don't really get any development on Japeth which is a shame (and the way he dies is so anticlimactic it's not even satisfying)
3) it focused on Tedros too much and I liked him but not enough lmao (probably the reason I love book 5 so much, he's barely in that).
4) Again, the actions are so packed and sometimes repetitive (Sophie's chapter finding the sword and then we turn to Agatha's chapter and find the same revelation).
5) when that crown land on Agatha, I really wished she was crowned for real at that moment instead ngl.
6) the pacing and the setting? We are going left and right from one adventure to the next and in my previous review I said i don't quite like adventure books with traveling and stuff. I found book 4 interesting and book 5 grounded but this one is just all over the place, I can't always keep up what's actually happen. Maybe this one is just me.
If I have to rank the book
1) A Crystal of Time
2) A World Without Princes
3) Quest for Glory
4) The Last Ever After
5) School for Good and Evil
6) One True King
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WIP for a fanfic, I guess
  Dinner was a tense affair. The meal itself was lovely, of course, Camelot’s chefs not knowing how to make any other kind. A lush, creamy, goat-milk, lemon, and mint soup with a side of pan-fried potatoes wedges. Six separate salads, three of which were composed entirely of fruit. Roasted nuts and seeds dipped in a salty black sauce. Cuts of nearly every kind of meat imaginable, waterfowl and poultry, white meat and black meat, livestock and game, all so tender they bled juice the moment a knife sliced through their crust.
  Sophie ventured into the topic of conversation near the start of the sixth course. Her jade green eyes focused on the man seated across the table from her, taking note of the fact that his plate was a mirror of her own, treated more like a prop than something he was actually going to use.
  “Japeth, darling, do tell me about yourself. Your brother and I already get along so swimmingly”—sitting on her right, Rhian gave a wane smile, as if he was amused with her half-truth—“and since we’re going to be roommates I thought—“
  Japeth’s head snapped up. “What did you just say?”
  “There’s no need to throw a hissy-fit around it, I’m not any happier about this than you are,” Sophie sniffed, nibbling on the edge of a cucumber sandwich, “your brother’s the one who suggested it.”
  “Than he can un-suggest it.” Japeth snarled, tightened his grip on his knife, wearing the resigned expression of a dog who knew a beating was coming but was too tired to try and defend himself.
  Rhian didn’t look up. In the low light cast from the fireplace at the other end of the room the scar on his head looked like a thick, pink rat tail. Sophie had to fight the urge to reach over and brush it off.
  “I’m not going to answer you while you’re emotional like this, Japeth, it’s unbecoming for our family.”
  “Control your emotions, Japeth.” Rhian reprimanded, with the inflection of someone who was saying something so obvious it didn’t merit repeating.
  Like wiping a chalkboard clean, Japeth slowly managed to ‘control his emotions’, as Rhian had said, although not without some effort. Sophie was disappointed, she’d been hoping that they’d kill each other.
  “Better?” Japeth spat through clenched teeth.
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SGE Characters as Literary Things
(Not all of these are actual literary or rhetorical devices; some are just writing techniques, forms, genres, mediums, etc.)
This is a bit abstract, so I’m curious about how subjective these might be. Does anyone agree or disagree? And feel free to make additions if you think I left anything out, or request another character that isn’t here.
Hopefully this makes (intuitive?) sense. As always, I'm willing to explain my thought process behind any of the things I've listed.
Also, anyone can treat this like a “Tag Yourself” meme, if you want. Whose list do you most relate to, use, or encounter?
LANCELOT (I know—how odd that I’m starting with a minor character and not Rafal, but wait. There’s a method to my madness. Also, watch out for overlap!):
Metonymy, synecdoche (no, literally, to me, these are him.)
Figures of speech
Slang, argot
Rhyming couplets
Rhyme schemes
Commercial fiction
Coming-of-age genre
Line enjambment
Overuse of commas
Cadence, prose speech
Waxing poetic, verse (not prose)
Kinesthetic imagery
Phallic imagery/sword sexual innuendos (sorry)
The chivalric romance genre
Anaphora, repetition
Semicolon, periods
Line breaks
Terse, dry prose
Semantics (not syntax)
Consonance, alliteration
Narrative parallels
Sophistry (yes, there is a word for it!)
Italics, emphasis
Em dash
Aphrodisiac imagery
Unreliable narrator, bias
Rashomon effect
Syntax (not semantics)
Chiasmus (think: “Fair is foul and foul is fair.”)
Rhetorical purpose
Provocation, calls to action
Voice, writing style
Rhetorical modes: pathos, logos, ethos
Hyperbole, exaggeration
Sensationalism, journalism
Callbacks (but not foreshadowing or call-forwards)
Narrative parallels
Paralepsis, occultatio, apophasis, denial
Hypothetical dialogue
Villanelle (an obsessive, repetitive form of poetry)
Sentence fragments
Unreliable narrator
Setup, payoff
Chekhov’s gun
Epistolary novel
RHIAN (prequels):
Multiple povs
Dramatic irony
Situational irony
Chiaroscuro (in imagery)
Deckled edges
Narrative parallels
Death of the author
Omniscient narrator
Word families or 'linguistic ecosystems'
Verbal irony
Gallows humor
Narrative parallels
Circular endings
Parallel sentences or balanced sentence structure
Narrative parallels
Authorial intent (“return of the author”)
Gothic imagery
Deuteragonist (second most important character in relation to the protagonist)
Psychic distance
Sterile prose
Forewords, prologues
Works cited pages
Gustatory imagery
Tritagonist (third most important character in relation to the protagonist)
Falling action
Dedications, author's notes, epigraph, acknowledgements
Epitaph (Tristan)
Rising Action
Unrequited love
Falling resolution
Brackets, parentheses
Synesthetic imagery
Stream of consciousness style
Coming-of-age genre
Rhetorical questions
Time skips, non-linear narratives
Diabolus ex machina
Malaphors, mixed metaphors
Slant rhyme
Deus ex machina
Iambic pentameter
Filler words
Shock value
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Meet our contestants!
Seeding is in progress, the bracket should be done by tomorrow and Round One will begin! In the meantime send propaganda in the ask box!
List of the nominees under the cut:
Adora from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Aragorn from The Lord of the Ring
Ari Helix from Once and Future
Arthur from Code Geass
Arthur from Arthur King of Time and Space
Arthur from Shrek 3
Arthur from Disney’s The Sword in the Stone
Arthur Boyle from Fire Force
Arthur Dent from The Hitchhiker’s Guide of the Galaxy
Arthur King from King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
Arthur Kingsmen from Mystery Skull
Arthur Liebowitz from Fairy Odd Parents
Arthur Lester from Malevolent
Arthur Pendragon from BBC Merlin
Arthur Pendragon from Kaamelott
Arthur Pendragon from Seven Deadly Sins
Arthur Pendragon from The Mechanisms “High Noon over Camelot’’
Arthur Read from PBS’s Arthur
Bob from the Minion
Dave Strider from Homestuck
England from Hetalia
Excalibur from Soul Eater
Firestar from Warrior Cats
Fjord Stone from Critical Role
Flynn Carson from The Librarians
Jack and Annie from the Magic Tree House
Jim Lake Jr from Trollhunter Tales of Arcadia
John Uskglass from Jonathan Strange and Mr Nobell
King Arthur Baking Company from real life
King Arthur from Gargoyles
King Arthur from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
King Arthur from Quest for Camelot
King Artorius from Wizard 101
King from The Owl House
Ky Kiske from Guilty Gear
Larry the cat from real life
Link from The Legend Of Zelda
Little Josh from the Josh Figh
Lord Foog 2nd from internet meme
Lucille Kensington from Where the Stars Fell
Magnus Burnsides from The Adventure Zone
Martin the Warrior from The Redwall Series
Merric from Fire Emblem
Mario from Nintendo’s Paper Mario
Peter Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia
Poptropica Player Character from Poptropica
Prince Marth of Altea from Fire Emblem
Queen Elisabeth II’s ghost from real life
Rand Al’Thor from The Wheel of Time
Richard Campbell Gansey III from The Raven Cycle
Roland Deschain from The Dark Tower
Saber Artoria from Fate/Stay Night
Sailor Venus from Sailor Moon
Simon Snow from Carry On
Sonic the Hedgehog from Sonic and the Black Knight
Sora from Kingdom Heart
Stabby the Roomba from real life
Tedros from the School for Good and Evil
The lettuce who outlasted Liz Truss from real life
The little swedish girl who found a thousand year old sword in a lake from real life
The Luidaeg from The October Day Series
Thomas the Tank Engine from Thomas King of the Railway
Wart from The Once and Future King
Zagreus from Hades
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fourleafclovxr · 1 year
seerposting (aka saderposting)
i've always been so interested in the idea of seers in sge (if we've been mutuals for a while you would probably know). because the idea of someone being able to see how the story ends (which is like, a Big Thing for literal characters in that story, and also in soman's writing) also implies the possibility of them being able to manipulate that story. to go against what was set out by the story.
i mean, august sader's whole thing in tlea was... weird? like the man is soman's eternal deus ex machina but he has his limits. if i remember correctly, he told sophie & agatha that he Saw himself telling them their backstory (sister twist etc), but that he couldn't See any further than that, and that the story depended on their choice- which he couldn't predict. but the fact that he knew to tell them that at all (even after his death) means that he could also, theoretically, choose not to do it, right?
and that element of choice itself also implies that the future, the ending of the story, is a changeable thing. that you can influence it. and if even characters can do that, why not seers? who arguably are even better equipped with knowledge to do it?
in the school years, august sader acted as an enabler to the story. i think he also appeared in otk? it's been too long since i read the books :[ actually if he appeared in otk that makes things More Interesting because at that point they were in the middle of the man vs. pen conflict. fun! tells us more about how seers work! except i don't remember if that was a thing! but basically the whole idea of Sight was so integral to the series. and then soman didn't explain it at all. (thanks soman!) so what role do Seers really play in a story that's never fixed?
and for another thing, what do seers actually work for? to continue the story or do they have their own free will? like, august sader gave rafal that whole reader prophecy about sophie. did he know he was supposed to do that, or did he just want to? i remember theorising that he did it for his sister to enter the school, not sure if that was a book thing or a fanon thing.
because it resulted in a whole shitshow (ie the entire sge debacle because sophie was marked as Special from then on), which. if you think about it, just really served to bring good and evil back together, and stopped the trend of good winning. (for the school years at least. whatever. the camelot years were not storian-approved and therefore not as relevant to the idea of seers working for the story.) so did august sader set that in motion or did he know he Had to set that in motion?
+ the whole thing about seers aging ten years if they told anyone about the future. obviously that's kind of a rule against changing the future through influencing others. but what about their own action????? wouldn't it be an interesting thing to explore, being able to write your own story? maybe even control the storian, like japeth and his man vs pen conflict?
and doesn't that make seers somehow greater than good and evil? like, the man vs pen conflict basically disregards good and evil completely. logically japeth is evil but evil was also working against him (the coven), and i really don't think he fits into the categories of good and evil set out in the school years. i think he's something even more fucked up than that. something More Than The Story. hhh soman your camelot years had so much potential to explore that don't make me do it for you
+ sader's weird seer ancestor in rise of tsfgae. i forgot what he said. he existed ig. rise of tsfgae was not a very good book so i mostly ignored what happened
tl;dr: can seers in sge go against the future (the ending of the story) or can they act independently? wouldn't it be cool if they could act independently? Wouldn't It
i know this isn't what soman's books were about, and that this is an incredibly niche and odd idea, but. seers. (august sader)
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kazoosandfannypacks · 2 years
CS Christmas ask, as threatened. ;) 3, 5, 18, 27
threatening me with a good time, I see. :D very well, I accept 😅
3. Favorite Captain Swan scene? I'm gonna go with the one in Regina's vault in season 6, when Emma is stressed about saving her parents and being the savior and facing the evil queen and all these visions she's having- and Killian just takes her hand and says "shhh, love, it's storytime." and he sits her down and retells her the story of how her parents met, and fell in love, and how "true love can break any curse- and so can you, because that's what you're made of." It's such a pure, gentle moment they share, and I cannot get enough of it. It also has the exact same vibes of the song "So Will I" by Ben Platt, which is my comfort song and I associated it with them long before that episode as well
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5. What are you most looking forward to this Christmas? Christmas is on a Sunday this year, and I bought a lovely new cherry red dress to wear to church, so I'm fairly excited about that. I'm also excited to give Christmas presents to my family and to see my relatives (we have family in Alaska who will be down to visit around Christmas!)
18. Do you have any Captain Swan Christmas headcanons? First off, I'm a firm believer that Emma is a Halloween person and Killian is a Christmas person- not that there has to be a dichotomy between them like that, but that's absolutely the case. I also headcanon that their first Christmas together was when they were in Camelot (this one's not as much a headcanon as like. Like I've mapped out the timeline on this. I have notes. Emma became a Dark One on approximately December 22, give or take a week's variance on either side. My headcanon is that they actually celebrated Christmas in some way while they were there- we definitely don't see every day of the six weeks they were there) This is less of a captainswan one and more just Killian, but I also have this headcanon as of recent that Hook and Rumple's animosity post-season 6 trickles into some kind of like, rival suburban dads thing and I'm picturing Gold and Killian competing to have the most decorated house for Christmas- which is especially entertaining because Killian knows nothing about electricity but is still determined to best the crocodile in this (he definitely enlists Henry and David's help.) I also like to think that Emma isn't really the best cook, but she tries to do something special for breakfasts on Christmas- probably, like, making pancakes (yes, actually making pancakes, but I know where every CaptainSwan fan's mind went when I said that) and it's just her usual boxed pancakes, but she pours the batter into cookie cutters on the pan so they're Christmas shaped. This kind of becomes tradition, and she even starts changing it up by adding stuff like m&m's to the Christmas tree shaped ones to look like ornaments and sometime cinnamon and cocoa powder in the gingerbread shaped ones to give them a darker color. Also sorry for making this one so long, but I also feel like Henry starts Christmas morning at Regina's. Assuming Christmas existed in Storybrooke, they probably had a lot of years of traditions to continue, and while Emma and Killian love being with their son, they do recognize that they have each other, and all that Regina has is Henry (and Emma knows how much it stinks to be alone on the holidays!) Besides, Killian and Emma certainly don't mind spending a quiet evening together on Christmas eve, with eggnog and mistletoe, probably falling asleep on the couch together in the glow of the Christmas Tree. One last CaptainSwan Christmas headcanon for now- somehow Killian and Henry find out that Emma absolutely loves Christmas trees, despite her initial adamant insistence that she's indifferent towards Christmas. So, one day when Henry's off from school, Killian takes a day off from work to "take Henry sailing-" but instead they go pick out the perfect tree and decorate it to surprise Emma when she gets back- needless to say, she absolutely loves their perfect little Christmas tree, and starts to get a little Christmas spirit herself.
27. What's your biggest Christmas wish this year? I don't have a whole ton of Christmas wishes- I know I can't get the big item I wanted right now, but I'm good without it, and well. I've got a job, I don't have to worry about rent or food because I still live at home, I get to see my family every day and my friends often and I have a lovely group of online friends I can talk with every day. I have free time to express my creative talents and I get to see almost all of my extended family this year! I'd say if I did have a Christmas wish, it would be to see my best friend sometime while she's on Christmas break. We worked at camp together for a while, and became friends after a year or two of not speaking to each other very much [we became friends again specifically because I needed someone to talk about ouat with and she had seen the first couple of seasons- and now she's on season 6 in our watchthrough together that picked up where she left off,] and now she's my closest friend, despite the fact that I've only seen her twice since we started talking to each other again. It's not super important to see her in person, because I'm used to her being more like an internet friend, but it would be so cool to see her in person again for a little bit! We haven't made any plans though, and she lives a couple hours away- and neither of us drive- so it probably won't happen, but that's alright too!
sorry this is such a long response 😅 I did not expect to ramble so much
Captain Swan Christmas Ask Game!
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