#the screams i scrumpt at all the right points.
i have no clue what possessed me to finish watching the pentiment playthrough tonight but i did and i’m ruined and i have to go play this game myself now huh.
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I love a good S3 Steddie AU so—
Eddie and Robin were friends in high school, and every time they needed cover they would pretend to be dating.
So she starts working at Scoops, sees Steve not knowing he’s different now, and as a defense mechanism tells him about her “boyfriend”
Then they become buds but she still doesn’t correct the record, because she would have to explain why she lied
So Eddie comes into the shop and she’s like “That’s him!” and Steve is “🥺”
Because he and Eddie have been dating for months
THE SCREAM I SCRUMPT AT THAT LAST LINE NONNY. This story starts on July 1st (S3E3), so after they've cracked the Russian code.
It takes a full month of working at Scoops to get Robin to be more chill around him. He gets it. He was never outright mean to her but he was a dick in high school and his reputation lingers.
He's happy now that she's graduated from quietly distrusting him to outright teasing him. He's pretty sure it means they're friends now, or something like it. She even made that white board to mock his inability to flirt a few weeks ago. He knows he'll never get a tally in the You Rule category because he's not actually trying to flirt with anyone, what with him having a boyfriend of his own. Not that he can brag about his boyfriend as much as Robin brags about her boyfriend.
And, Jesus, did she brag at first. Steve had been convinced it was a new romance, and therefore she was still in the honeymoon phase, except she said they'd been dating since she was a freshman. With senior year starting for her in September, Steve's a little jealous.
He hopes that he and Eddie never leave their honeymoon phase. It's only been three months, and Steve's in awe that Eddie even bothered to look his way after how he'd been in school. Still in awe that Eddie wants more with Steve than just the physical. That Eddie wants cuddles during a movie, and sappy hand holding while they just chat, and to hold Steve after a nightmare on the rare occasion they get to share a bed through the night.
Anyway, the point. Robin is something of a friend and Steve's pleased about it. They have to be friends now, right? They cracked a Russian code together! (Steve refuses to give Dustin any credit for their official jump into friendship even though they wouldn't have had a Russian code to crack without him.)
"Are you and the Boy going to do anything for the Fourth?" Steve asks apropos nothing after handing off a banana split, leaving no more customers to help currently. He's a little ashamed to admit that he doesn't remember the name of her boyfriend. He's sure she said it at some point, so he's blaming his shit memory for that. But she just refers to him as the Boy, and doesn't find it weird that Steve does, too, so he'll take the win.
"Oh, uh, we haven't really discussed it. I'm scheduled closing on the Fourth so," Robin shrugs.
"We'll be in misery together," Steve says.
It's times like these, where Robin is so deadpan Steve can't tell if she's joking or not. Like maybe they aren't the budding friends Steve thinks they are. She's tough to read, sometimes.
"Well, even with the closing shift, there's still a lot of night left. Great time for fireworks."
"True. I'm sure The Boy is thinking up something as we speak. He likes to surprise me."
Steve's not jealous. He's not. He knows that Eddie would surprise him if they didn't have to be so secret about it all.
They do have plans for after Steve gets off work on the Fourth to go to the carnival. It's not strange for friends to go together. Maybe Steve can convince Robin come and to bring the Boy and they can just be a group of friends hanging out?
"Well, if he hasn't planned anything, maybe you and he will want to come hang out at the carnival? I'm going with a friend, maybe we'd see each other."
Robin levels him with a look, eyes squinted in judgement. "Your friends, the children?"
"I have more friends than just children!"
"I literally do not believe you. Why don't any of your age appropriate friends come bother you here, like all those kids?"
It's a valid question, Steve can concede. "That's because I do not want him to see me in this uniform. I will never live it down."
Robin raises an eyebrow. "Does he even know you work here?"
"Absolutely not. So if you do bump into us at the carnival, you are not allowed to say our place of employment. I'm serious, Robin. This will ruin me. You can say 'the mall' because that's all I'll say about it."
Robin's grin turns mischievous. "So, what I'm hearing is, I have blackmail material against the Steve Harrington?"
Steve groans. She's joking. He's like... 80% sure she's joking. He makes a mental note to ask Eddie if he knows Robin.
"Oh shit!" Robin calls out, surprised but delighted. Steve whips his head to her, and sees she's looking out the front door and through a sea of people.
"What, is it Dustin? Russians?" Steve joins her side quickly trying to see what she sees.
"No, it's-" she cuts herself off and Steve turns his head to look at her, only to find she's already looking at him. "It's my boyfriend. I don't think he's seen me yet. Want to meet him if he comes in?"
"Hell yeah I do. I need to meet the man you won't shut up about," Steve grins at her before turning his attention back to the people. His eyes scan over all of them, trying to figure out which guy looks like he might be Robin's boyfriend. Which, yes, he knows isn't something you can judge based on looks (he and Eddie are a prime example) but still.
And speaking of Eddie- no! No no! He'll never hear the end of it if Eddie sees the stupid sailor outfit. Eddie hasn't spotted him yet, so Steve slides around Robin to be out of eyesight. "You see him?"
"Yeah, he's- oh! I think he's seen me. He's coming this way," almost as an after thought, she adds, "do you remember Eddie Munson?"
Play it cool, Steve. "Uh... yes. Why? Is he coming this way? I thought I saw him out there..." Way to play it cool. If Robin didn't seem so hyped to be seeing her boyfriend, she would absolutely be questioning him.
"Oh. Well, he's my boyfriend, and yes he is."
Steve feels the floor fall out from under him.
The whole world shifts and Steve cannot stay here. He thinks he says something about a bathroom break before ducking into the employees only door, and then his body moves him further still until he's through several other doors and suddenly outside in the heat of the day.
Do you remember Eddie Munson? Well, he's my boyfriend.
He doesn't know what to do with that. Doesn't know how to process it. How to proceed. Eddie is- but he can't- this can't be real. This is a crazy dream, brought on by thoughts of Russians and codes and leftover Upside Down bullshit and he will be waking up anytime now to get ready for work.
Eddie Munson. He's my boyfriend.
He can't be your boyfriend Steve wants to scream. He can't be your boyfriend because he's mine.
Maybe... Maybe it's turning out to be that while Eddie is his boyfriend, he's not Eddie's. Maybe Eddie's never thought of him as a boyfriend.
Every instance runs through his head; all the times Eddie wouldn't stay the night. All the times Eddie told him he couldn't stay at the trailer. Is Eddie actually even in a band or is band practice just a convenient lie that keeps him from having to see Steve while still keeping him in his back pocket?
All the hiding, and the let's keep this just to us for now, and how wonderfully convenient it is that this needs to, has to, be a secret when you're in a queer relationship in a small town.
Steve's a goddman idiot!
Of course, Eddie has a girlfriend. Of course, he agreed to 'see where this thing goes.' This is why Eddie bothered to even look his direction. Because there's no scenario where Steve comes out okay. He can't even tell Robin her boyfriend isn't the fucking golden, perfect boy she brags about because how does he do that without telling her how he knows?
All the worst case scenarios play in his mind. Robin being in on it. Her and Eddie laughing at him behind his back, waiting for the right time to publicly out him. To get whatever revenge they think he owes to them for all his dick behavior in school. His whole relationship being a joke.
He lets out a yell and whips around to punch the wall next to the employee entrance door. The pain grounds him almost immediately and that yell turns into a chokes off sob, his eyes squeezing shut as he leans in to rest his forehead against the wall and take a shuddering breath.
There's no way Robin is in on this. And it was mean of him to think so. If Steve's just been some sort of experiment to Eddie, then that's on Eddie.
And Steve. For being stupid enough to believe anyone would actually be interested in him. For taking one look at Eddie's stupid dimpled smile and tripping over himself to do everything in his power to see it again. For fucking falling in love too fast, too soon, and not asking enough fucking questions and-
That's why this hurts so much. That's why he didn't stick around to watch Eddie sweat at seeing his long-term girlfriend and- and whatever the fuck he thought Steve was working together and getting caught in whatever fuckery he's doing.
Steve's gone a fallen in love with the asshole.
He pushes off the wall, takes a deep breath to steel himself, and makes a decision. He's going to confront Eddie on the Fourth, since that's the next day they'll see each other. He'll tell him they're done, and that Eddie needs to come clean to Robin about what he's done, or he will. She deserves to know, and Steve can deal with the consequences.
When he returns the Scoops, there's no sign of Eddie, but Dustin is there.
(What Steve doesn't know is that Robin and Eddie hugged in greeting. Robin asked what he was up to. Eddie told her he was searching for his boyfriend. He works at the mall and Eddie wants to surprise him. Robin doesn't ask who he's looking for, and Eddie doesn't offer, because they both know the importance of coming out on your own terms and in your own time. Robin does ask if he's happy, and Eddie says he didn't know he could be this happy.)
Of course, what follows that is a series of terrible events that result in being stuck in an elevator, captured and tortured by Russians, drugged, and then rescued.
He and Robin end up in a bathroom, puking up their guts, and Robin says, in a Russian accent, "Interrogate me."
Steve chuckles and replies, "Okay. Interrogate you. Sure. Um... when was the last time you peed your pants?"
"When the Russian doctor took out the bone saw. It was just a little bit, though."
She laughs and he groans. It's definitely still in her system.
"Okay. My turn."
"Hit me."
"Have you..." she starts, leaving a pause as she thinks of what to ask, before ending with, "ever been in love?"
And Steve, horrifyingly, mortifyingly, just starts to cry. He can normally reign this in, has better control than this, but whatever drug is still in his system robs him of that.
In another universe, where Steve is able to control himself, he'd lie. He'd describe Robin, knowing she's happily taken, maybe slide himself under the partition between their stalls so she can reject him to his face, and they can laugh it off, solidifying their friendship.
But that's not what happens.
What happens instead is this: Robin, who does not slide herself across the floor but instead hauls herself upright to stumble around the partition, kneels in front of him as Steve lets out hiccupping sobs in between saying embarrassing things like yes and they don't love me back, they never love me back.
And Robin. Sweet, wonderful Robin, to whom he has been the other person in her years long relationship, tugs his arm until he's no longer hugging the toilet and is instead cradled by Robin. And she hums and assures him that whoever doesn't love him is an idiot and it makes Steve sob harder because she doesn't know and when she learns she's going to hate him.
He cannot let her continue to comfort him while he's crying about her boyfriend. It is with that sobering thought that he's able to win his war against whatever he's been injected with and stop his tears. Just in time, too, because Dustin and Erica find them, and then the Russians do, but so does El and the others.
The world is nothing but Upside Down terror for hours.
When the dust settles, Hopper is dead, and so is Billy, and Steve is sat in the back of an ambulance, hugging Robin around her shoulders as they both look out into the parking lot with matching thousand-yard stares. They've been looked over and deemed okay to go home, so Steve is just waiting for the government men currently raiding what is left of the underground Russain bunker to either find his keys, or not.
If his keys are found, he's Robin's ride. If they aren't, they're both being dropped off by ambulance, which Robin is stressing about because her parents cannot see her come home in the back of an ambulance.
Steve offers her to stay at his house. He thinks it'll be easier to beg her parents for forgiveness than explain this situation. Robin agrees to stay if the ambulance ends up being their ride.
It doesn't, though. It takes an hour after everyone else has left, but someone delivers his keys.
It's eerie, the walk from the front lot around the mall to the back employee lot, so they clasp hands to have something to ground to. There are less people the further they walk. The fire's been contained, probably so the government people can root around the bunker below the mall to discover whatever it was the Russians knew, or know, or whatever.
The back lot is completely empty. Only Steve's car, parked towards the edge of the lot give that his shift yesterday had been an afternoon one, and all the closer parking spaces had been taken.
His car is parked so that the passenger side faces them as they approach. Wordlessly, they break apart, Robin heading for her door and Steve rounding the front of the car to get to the driver's side. Except as soon as he rounds the corner, a figure that was previously crouched or sat in front of the door jumps up, lunging at Steve.
He barely has time to register the voice, a terrified sounding "Stevie!" before Steve back tracks with a yelp, out of reach of the figure. Robin screams when he does, and whoever was lunging at him stops in their tracks, whipping around to look at the other source of the noise.
It's then that Steve takes in the sight before him. It's Eddie. It was Eddie leaning against his door, waiting for him. Steve's flooded with a rush of love, his stupid brain deciding that Eddie must have been worried when Steve didn't meet him for the carnival. Had come to look for him. But then the reality of the situation settles over him.
That might have been true, but now he's seen that Steve is here with his girlfriend and this isn't how he wanted to do this but he will.
For Robin, he will. She deserves better.
"What are you doing here!? Besides scaring the shit out of us!" Robin yells, rounding the car to punch Eddie in the arm.
"Ow, Buckley, what the fuck!" Eddie rubs the spot she punched him, looking between Robin and Steve with... confusion? Steve is expecting to see maybe some remorse, or guilt, or maybe even glee at the fact stupid Steve Harrington was able to be so easily fooled. He doesn't see any of that, though.
Eddie takes a step towards him, and Steve flinches back.
Robin steps up to Eddie, like she wants to pull Eddie into a hug, but he stops her with a hand on her shoulder. He looks from Robin to Steve again, then back to Robin. Steve can't see his face, his hair hides his profile, but he can see Robin's face. Her confusion, brows furrowed, before her eyes go wide and now she's looking between Steve and Eddie.
Fuck. She's just put it together herself! She's going to hate Steve forever, homewreaker that he is.
"Oh. Oh no," Robin whispers, then says Eddie's name in a devastated tone. "Eddie. Is it-?"
"I-I can't... Robin," Eddie says back, sounding just as hurt.
"No! No, I told him- Eddie, I told him we were dating!" she turns to Steve, then, and blurts, "I'm a lesbian!"
He doesn't know what to do with that information. "What?"
"I lied. Steve, I lied, I'm a lying liar and I'm so sorry," Robin says, shoving Eddie away from herself and towards Steve.
Maybe the drugs are still working because Steve still doesn't understand. "I don't... what?"
"I'm not dating Eddie," Robin says. "I've never dated Eddie, would never date Eddie because I don't want to date boys. Please, Steve, I never meant to make you think-" but she cuts herself off, looking from Steve to Eddie and back, before saying, "I never meant to make you think you were unlovable."
Eddie makes a wounded noise at that. "What did you say to him, Buckley!?"
Robin lied. Robin lied about dating a boy. Because she's not interested in boys? That doesn't make sense. That- oh. She lied about having a boyfriend for the same reason he's lied about not having a boyfriend. Because it isn't safe to not to.
Steve's legs give out, but he doesn't hit the pavement because Eddie catches him and the three of them sob and cling to each other in the dark of the parking lot.
Later, much later, the truth will come out. Steve will learn they've always been each other's covers but never actually together. Robin will apologize because she blames herself for Steve's bathroom, drugged-breakdown, and Steve apologizes for all the awful thoughts he had about Eddie when he thought Eddie was dating them both and lying about it.
Steve will learn that Eddie loves him, too, just as much as Steve loves him.
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onmyyan · 8 months
hi hi hi 🥺👋 i hope i’m not bothering but omg :’) the delmont brothers brainrot is so real, esp after reading “sharing is caring”, i have so many headcannons and scenarios in my head about them 😭 i’m so delulu for them esp caspian and marcos *bark bark*
ok ok but just imagine the delmont bros with darlings that are athletes??
i imagine caspian with a darling who’s a figure skater, mans is definitely going to go feral, foam at the mouth, and cum in his pants everytime he sees bbygirl twirl and lutz, doing her routine on the ice with her short, flowy, and almost sheer figure skating dress on esp if it shows her collarbones and/or her thighs. 😩👋 definitely gets hella jealous if darling is a well-known figure skater and has fans throwing flowers and plushies at her during the end of her routine but at the end of the day, he know his bouquet of flowers is the only one that darling will accept 😌🫶 100% will cook nutritious and healthy meals for his baby to keep up with her lifestyle and internally screams and gets possessive when darling skates up to him and kisses and cuddles into him after her routine because she’s cold
gabe with a gymnast darling‼️‼️‼️ idk why but it just FITS like the utter chaos that darling will cause because she did some aerial moves or a floor exercise and makes him all bricked up is *chefs kiss*. he’s the type to work out and go to the gym w darling and wipes off her makeup after her competition ends and rewards her when they get home, really testing out how flexible she can be 👀 gets all smug and smirks when he sees his love bites and marks that can’t be covered on his darling when she’s competing, knowing that she’s taken and spoken for already
ricky with a ballet dancer darling *screams*!!! not only is ballet a sport but it’s also an art form and ricky appreciates all art, esp if his darling is the one executing it 😌💗 (we love a supportive mans) referring back to his hc’s, ricky can dance and he just loves dancing with darling, twirling her around and lifting her up in the empty studio where it’s just him and his love 😩😭 feral caveman brain activates when he finds out his initials are written on the inside of darling’s pointe shoes and/or she wears a leotard and tutu in his favorite color during her recital
MARCOS WITH A DANCER DARLING‼️ i don’t think it’s an official sport (BUT WHATEVER LETS JUST SAY IT IS) and just picturing him with a darling that dances and choreographs her own moves RAHHHHH *horny noises* he definitely gets hard watching her moving and thrusting her hips to the music and heaven forbid it’s a song like “you right” by doja cat or “shirt” by sza where it’s all sensual and sexy 😩😩😵‍💫 i JUST KNOWWWW there was definitely an instance where he’s watching darling with hearts in his eyes and high on zaza, a blunt in between his fingers while making grabby hands at darling while she dances to his freaky playlist and teases him AAAWWWOOOGGGAAAA 😤 100% picks darling’s outfits for her dance routines and matches it with the same vibes as the songs she’s dancing to/choreography
manny with street racer darling 👊👊👊 idk if this is actually a sport but whatever, let’s call it an extreme sport since it’s highly dangerous and probably illegal in some places 👀 but anywayzzz, just imagine darling speeding down the streets in the middle of night with cops chasing her down and she blasts the most toxic/fuckboy/fuckgirl music ever like chase atlantic or the weeknd out of her loud ass modified car speakers and places one hand on the wheel and the other on manny’s thigh, gripping it and smirking at him as her car’s exhaust is booming as she’s hazardously merging onto the freeway to curb the cops 😩😭😭😭 manny is literally just turned on by how dangerous and hot darling is, feeding off the thrill and excitement she gives him *SCREAMS*
that’s only a little bit of the brainrot i’ve been having about the delmont brothers but 😮‍💨 the delulu is deluluing omg 🤪 tysm for creating these scrumptious hottie ocs and i love your writing sm 🥺 i hope you have an amazing day/night!! 💗
I adore this soooo much it gave me so much inspiration thank you for sending this in I love it ❤️💗😍
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astriddestelle · 8 months
The way I was obsessed with enemies to lovers/rivals to lovers as a kid 😭😭😭 my top pairings growing up ranked. Canon/Fanon included.
Can you tell I’ve been on a nostalgic rewatch.
1. Logan/Quinn from Zoey 101. The OG teenbop enemies to lovers omg I stan. When they pronounced their love for each other at the season finale at the prom, screaming crying throwing up. The way they get together is so random lmao he calls her hot and they kiss then Michael rides by on a horse like what? But the pay off and ending was so *chefs kiss*
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2. Courtney/Duncan from TDI. They were everything to me and Cartoon Network ruined it. First season the bantering, the flirting. When I tell you I was hooked. The scream I scrumpt when they finally kissed (also me didn’t she just throw up but whatever I guess) then she left and it was all downhill from there.
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3. Rose/Jake from ADJL. The Romeo and Juliet of this paring needs to be studied. They were so down bad for each other. When Jake found out she was huntsgirl then when she found out. Their first kiss being right before she had to ‘kill’ him for sport in an arena. Her giving up her life to keep him and his family safe, him giving up her to keep her safe. 😭😭😭 they don’t make em like they used too
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4. Draco/Harry from HP. The ship that started it all. Before this I’d never read a slash fic before is it even still called that. Anyways this right here is my longest going ship I’m still into only reason it’s not higher is that I love the other ones more. You get so many variations of this, from the super toxic fic, to the I’ve always secretly loved you, to the meet up after the war is over and so on and so forth. Ugh I love it. There’s like 50,000 fics of them on a03 and I know I’ve read like half at least 🤣
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5. Zuko/Katara from Avatar. My second non canon ship on here. When I tell you I was obsessed with them. Sigh then I discovered other fandoms and by the time I came back to them I was just done. Which I think comes fromm just not being as much of a Zuko fan anymore. This ship was gold, tho, I mean come on I’ll save you from the pirates how can I not. The way he jumped in front of her (obviously he’d do the same for everyone but like listen it ate down bad) the whole crystal caverns episode was fuel to the fire, the writers/creators knew what they were doing
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6. Jake/Miley from Hannah Montana. Another OG omg she hated him so much. The flirty the snark then they had to kiss and both of em were like oh hot damn. They were so cute together and I will forever hate Disney for making her choose Jake just for him to cheat on her like what was the reason. What was the reason 😭😭
7. Alejandro/Heather from TDI. Woo child buckle up. This is one of those slowburns cause it’s not until like a quarter in to the season you’re like hold up. Are they going where I think they’re going and then they did. I don’t like the ending cause seriously wtf was the point. But the lead up and bruh the stuck in a hole song I still sing that on a daily. They were literally made for each other.
8. Chad/Sonny from Sonny with a Chance: one thing about Disney they ate down when it comes to enemies to lovers, or annoyance to like, whatever you wanna call it. Chad Dylan Cooper and Sonny omg the drama was beautiful, they hated each other so much and when they started dating I bout passed out. Lol they were so hilarious together I miss it.
9. Raven/Beastboy from TT. This and next two aren’t super enemies to lovers, more live annoyances or belligerent sexual tension. But I really was obsessed with this, like I was the girl reading Terra bashing fics 😭😭 they were so cute, the Beast Within was ship gold, Nevermore, the fact that she holds onto to the penny he gives her when she ‘dies’ and oh he only turns into the Beast again to protect her from Slade and never again. Beautiful
10. Jimmy/Cindy from JN. They may have only been nine but sheesh the rivalry to lovers or in this case crushes was intense. Cindy was down bad since day one but she hid that shit so well. The Valentine’s Day episode still makes me giggle like a kid. And the last episode where they’re legit just straight up flirting with each other I can not. When she almost confesses when he’s the orange hulk. So cute.
Honarary mentions:
Jinx/Kid Flash from TT. They were cute but I hated it solely for the fact that it shoulda been me 😭😭🤧🤧
Sam/Freddie from icarly. Ok so I used to love this one and as I got older, Sam was just so fucking mean that I couldn’t ship like damn. At some point it’s not cute anymore, it’s just down right abusive, early seasons yes, later seasons where they’re actually together no.
Bakugo/Deku simply cause some days I think it’s cute other days I hate it
Mindy and Josh from Drake and Josh. Cute and amusing but didn’t care for em much.
Bailey and Code from Suite Life on Deck see above.
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letterstotheflre · 2 years
Happy Halloween! Tina I am thinking ghostface!eddie thoughts.. maybe for your blurb day, ghostface!eddie with you and Chrissy where he has you play a game and hunts you down in the woods behind his trailer 👀
mei.. the scream i scrumpt when i saw this.. so delicious oh god
cw: ghostface!eddie/ghostface!au, dark, cnc, knife kink, sadist/masochist, poly!edissy, chrissy is mentioned to be hurt but she isn’t really it’s all part of the game, no smut but talks of it
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“That was fun, wasn’t it?” The man in the mask whispers in your ear. He trails the knife down your chest, leaving a trail of red in it’s wake from your boyfriend’s blood staining the silver blade. He sighs wistfully, “I love playing hide and seek.”
You close your eyes tightly when you hear the small rip of you tank top and feel the cold air hit your chest, lower lip wobbling as your tits spill out. The man hums and gropes one of them, gloved fingers twisting your nipple harshly until you whimper. You shake in the cage of his arms, wrapped tightly around your waist. 
“Such pretty tits,” the mask of a frozen scream praises. “Such pretty sounds. Your girlfriend’s real lucky, isn’t she?” He looks at Chrissy who’s leaning against the bark of the tree you two were hiding behind. “Aren’t you lucky, Chrissy?”
Chrissy cries along with you as her eyes follow the knife slicing through the first layer of skin over your ribs, right under your breast. Blood drips down your stomach and to the waistband of your pajama shorts, the fabric soaking it up.
“You’re hurting her!” she screams at him, struggling to stay on her feet after hurting her ankle in your attempt to escape this psychopath.  
The man cackles, throwing his head back like she just told the funniest joke. “That’s the point, silly girl. Girls like you like the pain, don’t they?” He directs the question to you, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on your side. You know he’s smiling under the plastic mask when you nod tearfully. “See? Your girl’s a sucker for pain and you didn’t even know it. Now,” he cuts the sides of your shorts so that they fall to the ground and rips off your lace panties. “You’re going to get on your knees and eat your girlfriend’s little pussy while I use her mouth as a fleshlight or her pretty neck will get a new necklace.”
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0shewrites0 · 1 year
heyyy, i hope you are having a good day 🖤 i have been following you for quite a while from the litg community and i had no idea you liked romance club!! (& malbonte <33 i love him so much too). how did you find this update & do you have any predictions for the next update :)
Heyyy! I’m having a very good day, thank you very much, I hope you are doing well too 🫶🏼
Thanks for this ask, because I have been wanting to philosophise about Malbonte, his intentions, his plans and whatnot for the longest time! Also, prepare for a very lengthy reply 😅
How did I find the latest update?
Well, just the scream I scrumpt when Malbonte kissed Vicky says it all 😩 I was the luckiest girl in the world ngl
I honestly loved every minute of the new update, especially that we had several chances to get closer to Malbonte!!!!! (🥹) But let me tell you, these episodes are so long and so packed with stuff happening that I needed a bit of time to sort my head out. Because every time new episodes come out, I'm more confused than ever.
So let's talk about some of my thoughts, shall we?
Spoilers under the cut!!!
I hate that Vicky doesn't see how much Malbonte still cares for her and that he's far from the robotic machine she always tries to make him out to be. There are all these little moments, like when he notices during their kiss that she's cold because of the stone wall right behind her, so he puts his hand between her body and the wall. Or when she's going through a roller coaster of emotions after War's mission on Earth, trying to catch her breath and come to terms with the fact that she actually liked the power War gave her to destroy people with, and there he is again, handing her a bloody handkerchief 😩 Can we also talk about how it was so obvious that he had a plan from the moment Plague set foot in the Citadel, and Vicky is only now starting to realise it? It's so infuriating and frustrating!
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I posted about this and how Malbonte is a cold-hearted monster (in everyone's eyes, even Vicky's) on Reddit, so read that if you want more background on why I think Malbonte is by far the smartest Immortal and is not at all the monster everyone makes him out to be…
Also, I'm convinced there were tongues involved in their kiss, and he didn't do it because of some bullshit experiment, he did it because he fucking misses her. He can't let his guard down, but that's the closest he can get to opening up and being vulnerable. He's literally giving her so many hints that he's doing everything he can to save her, especially her, and I really really hope and optimistically predict that he will give in and that there will be a sex scene with him in the next update. Because we could have that with literally any other LI except him. It's clear that Malbonte plays a much more important role than all the others put together, so he has to be much more careful and it's always going to be a hell of a slow burn with him, but it's only a matter of time, I'm convinced of that.
How is it that new people keep appearing and no one is properly introduced - like Ulyssa and her son? Ulyssa is so obviously Misselina's sister, in my humble opinion, because not only do they look frighteningly similar, but they both have very similar names too. And then her son can speak the language of darkness - what's that about? And what’s with Torendo being able to understand it too, but at the same time claiming not to be able to speak it? There are so many inconsistencies and nothing makes sense to me. Why are Ulyssa and her son here now? What role do they play in the grand scheme of things?
I can't shake the feeling that Shephamalum will show up on stage at some point - I don't know if it will be in the season one finale or later, but he will definitely show up. I mean, Shepha is dead, but Shephamalum is not, and he appeared to both Malbonte and Vicky before Plague appeared on the scene. That has to mean something, I just don't know what yet.
And then there's Astaroth and his inexplicable hatred of Vicky. He'd kill her if he could, there's no doubt about that, but for some reason Plague has forbidden him to do so. And to be fair, Vicky isn't particularly arrogant, at least not in HS2 and especially not now after she's been held captive for god knows how long and Malbonte has practically ripped her heart out of her chest. I'm on the composure path, so she's especially not arrogant, and yet he seems to really have a problem with her, while Christopher seems very relaxed and is not constantly trying to provoke her.
Last but not least, what happened to Leeloo and Christopher in the last seconds of episode 8? I suspect it has something to do with all the arguments between her and Dino, although he never wanted to tell Vicky what they were about. He knows something and I reckon we will find out what it is in the next episode because Plague wants to know too lol
I think it could be that she’s part of the R.O. as well but I’m honestly not too sure
Dino also said that Leeloo wasn't herself when she attacked Christopher and even before that, during the tournament, she was obsessed with not letting him win. It seemed unnatural, definitely not purely driven by hatred. And why did she attack Christopher? Why not Astaroth? I didn't understand it and I still don't. Somehow he's important to the Horsemen, that much is clear, because Leeloo practically confirmed that when Vicky talked to her, but then she also said that Vicky should be killed and not protected by a stone. WHAT STONE??
Malbonte, I hope? But knowing RC the stone has to symbolise something specifically and I honestly don’t see the connection to Malbonte just now
I mean, obviously Vicky is going to play an important role in HS2, there's no question about that, but I wonder what Leeloo knew that everyone else (except Dino) didn't, and why she escalated it to the point where she thought it better to kill herself than accept the consequences that would come her way. Especially because War said they needed her alive and I feel like that wasn’t solely about him feeding on her hatred before she killed herself. It feels like there’s more to it…
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chdarling · 2 years
The scream I scrumpt when I saw the new chapter! I loved it so much; your characterization of James is so compelling, I was so excited to see it was from his POV. I’d love your thoughts on something the Snape/James altercation sparked for me. From my understanding, it’s implied that Snape took Felix the night of the Christmas party, and that Lily & James fighting was perhaps part of his “lucky night.” If that’s the case, how do you view James’ culpability for the horrible things he said to Lily about Cokeworth? Was he magically compelled to say them bc of the potion, or would he have said them regardless? Perhaps he wouldn’t have said them that night in those circumstances, but that mismatch in background would have been an obstacle Lily & James faced at some point anyway?? Thanks for your beautiful amazing writing. This is truly my favorite fanfic ever and I’m so happy to see it has resumed.
Ahhh thank you so much! 🥺🥺❤️ “The scream I scrumpt” is my new favorite phrase hahaha.
So! James’ culpability vs. the irresistible tug from the Felix Felicis to be shitty. This question is delicious. 😈 I am very firmly of the opinion that James is 100% culpable for his words/actions that night. Felix Felicis (as I imagine it, anyway) does not make people behave out of character, or put words in their mouth, or compel them to act against their will à la the Imperius curse. Rather, it rearranges events so that the things that would naturally happen happen in the manner that is most beneficial to the potion drinker.
If Snape hadn’t taken Felix Felicis that night, he might not have run into James and Lily at the party, he might not have walked away at just the perfect moment, he might not have said exactly the right thing to push all of James’s buttons, Lily might not have approached just in time to overhear. However, potion or no potion, had the situation repeated itself by pure chance, James would’ve said exactly the same thing. Those words and those thoughts were always lurking in his heart; he was always going to have to reckon with that unpleasant part of himself.
So in a way Snape and his old friend Felix did James a massive favor by instigating that reckoning sooner than later, so James can hurry up, grow up, and romance the heck out of Lily. Good job, Sev. 😌
Appreciate you ❤️❤️❤️
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