#the shop owner helped me choose it based on my hand size
marlocandeea · 2 months
broke my fountain pen nib for the second time >:(
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dykejake · 3 years
christmas wrapping | j.m.k
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pairing: josh kiszka x f!reader
this fic is based off of christmas wrapping by the waitresses!
part one - 1,383 words
December, last year
You could not believe you’d forgotten your snowboard boots, of all things. An hour and a half drive to the ski resort, and you didn’t have boots. Everything else? In the car. Helmet, goggles, snow pants, gloves, the actual board… even the lock and key to make sure you could leave your board on the rack without it getting stolen.
It wasn’t like your lack of gear was holding anyone up, you’d decided to take this day for yourself, so at least there was that. You were just debating with yourself whether or not you should rent a pair of boots or splurge and buy a new pair.
It wasn’t like your boots were in great shape - they really weren’t. You’d bought them off Facebook marketplace secondhand because you spent most of your gear budget on the actual board and bindings. You hadn’t bought anything new this year anyways… you could afford to purchase a brand new pair of boots.
Decision finally made, you locked your car and made your way over to the cute ski shop on the slopes. The shop wasn’t very big, so the selection of boots was pretty slim. There was a purple pair and a red pair in your size and that was it. They were both brand names, but you didn’t know near enough about brands to know if one would be a better choice than the other.
“Uh, I’m partial to the purple, if that helps you choose.”
You turned to face the owner of the smooth voice that had interrupted your piss poor decision making. He was a very, very pretty man with curly hair and slightly 70s looking moustache and beard.
“Yeah? Any reason for that other than the colour?”
“Well, more bang for your buck. They’re much better quality than the other brand, and they come with heat packs that you can plug in in case your feet get too cold out on the slopes. The red pair does not have that. Plus, I have the exact same pair in black. I’m Josh, by the way.”
“Thanks so much for the advice, Josh. Genuinely really appreciate it, I’m pretty terrible at decision making. I’m y/n.”
“No problem! Wanna help me pick goggles, since I helped you pick boots?
“Sure! I think you should get the blue and purple ones over there, mostly because I have that pair and if we’re gonna have matching boots, we may as well get matching goggles as well.”
The laugh that left his throat was genuine, big and loud, and it in turn made you laugh.
“Here we are, just meeting in the ski shop, and we’re gonna be one of those annoying matching couples.”
His eyes widened at your words and your cheeks pinked. Why did you say that? Oh my god, why? This random, very nice man helped you choose which boots to buy and you made it weird by, well… making it weird.
“Well, we can at least be matching acquaintances who have each other’s phone numbers, if you want. That seems like a good first step.” You were awkwardly trying to save any semblance of normalcy, hoping to god that he didn’t think you were desperate, or weird, or creepy.
His face relaxed into a smile as he fished his phone out of his pocket. He unlocked it, pulled up a new contact page and passed it to you. You blushed, typed your name and number in, and handed it back to him with a wide grin.
“Cool! Now, I’ll text you so that you have my number.”
He typed a quick message out and you watched him hit send, then your phone dinged.
“Great, we’ve got each other’s numbers! Now, I gotta quickly buy these goggles and go join my brothers who I’m here with - they’re gonna get tired of waiting for me just because I forgot goggles. Seriously, though, text me when you can. I’d love to hear from you.”
You watched him make his purchase and then leave, flashing you one final massive grin before exiting the small shop.
April, this year
It had been four months since your encounter with the adorable man at the ski shop, and you still hadn’t properly texted him. You’d send a quick hello and an emoji, and he’d responded, and then you’d overthought it and then worried that he might think you were ghosting him, so you’d texted him a quick “life’s been busy, but you’re still on my mind!” and he’d responded with a “same here - chat later!”
It wasn’t like he wasn’t on your mind, though. His face was still vivid in your memory and your heart skipped a beat when you thought about him. You had good intentions, you promised yourself, but trying to stay in touch after one brief, interesting encounter in a skip shop was more difficult than it should be.
After overthinking everything once again, you decided to go for a record shopping excursion to clear your head. Going to the store and looking through the music selection and enjoying the scent of old records always calmed you down and let your brain re-evaluate every situation.
After a couple minutes in said record store, you could’ve sworn you heard your name. You turned, and a familiar curly-headed man was barreling towards you with a massive smile on his face.
“Ski shop y/n! I knew it was you!”
“Ski shop Josh! Oh my gosh, it’s so nice to see you!”
You tentatively held your arms out to the sides and he pulled you into a gentle, friendly hug. It was almost too tender and sweet, you didn’t want to let go.
“How’ve you been? How’s life? Sorry I haven’t texted much, I know I said I would, but life really gets in the way sometimes.” You finally pulled back from the hug to meet his eyes mid-sentence, a grin dancing its way onto your lips.
“Oh god, no worries at all. I’m terrible at texting back anyways, it’s much nicer to see you in person. What a pleasant surprise. What are you thinking about getting?”
You pulled the Pink Floyd album you had been admiring, The Division Bell, out of the bin, showing it to him.
“Hear me out, okay. I think Pink Floyd’s early stuff is absolutely incredible and they are such musical masters, but this later stuff after Roger Waters left has such a spark of joy in it and it’s so pleasant to listen to. I think this album is a hidden gem, I really do.”
“I’ll take your word on that, can’t say I’ve ever listened to the later stuff.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket to take a picture of the album in your hands. “I’ll definitely put it on the to-listen list, I trust your recommendation!”
You met his eyes with a genuine, heartfelt smile. Getting to share music with other people was one of life’s greatest joys, and you really hoped he loved the album as much as you did.
“If you hate it, don’t tell me, it might break my heart.”
“I promise I won’t hate it. Anyways, would you maybe wanna grab lunch? No worries if not, this is all a bit spur of the moment, but I would love to take you out if you’re free.”
You clutched the record to your chest, contemplating your answer. You really wanted to say yes, but you’d made plans with yourself for the rest of the day and you really couldn’t be putting off your laundry any more than you already had just to have lunch with Josh. Technically, you were free, but you really shouldn’t, and you also really hated spur of the moment plans.
“I genuinely would love to, but I really need to be getting back home. Laundry won’t do itself, y’know?” You giggled nervously. “But please, please can we raincheck? I would still love to have lunch with you sometime.”
The smile never left his face, thankfully. “Hey, raincheck is good with me. Laundry’s gotta get done, for sure. Keep in touch, yeah?”
“Yeah, for sure! I will text you as soon as I get home.”
“Sounds good, y/n. Have a good day, and I hope to see you soon.”
thank you to my proofreaders: @amarideberry​, @fosterkidwiththebrokenjaw​, @theweightofstardust​, and @screechesincoherently​!!
taglist: @secretgvfstan​, @fosterkidwiththebrokenjaw​, @screechesincoherently​
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scentedmoonbear · 2 years
Turkish rugs: everything you need to know and how to bring it home
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Turkey is all amazing, and along with the natural beauties, it also has a series of local products and exquisite handicrafts, such as the famous Turkish rugs, jewelry, and ceramics.
On our trip, we visited a rug factory/shop. I don't remember the store's name, but as it's local art, I believe it's not hard to find places like this to visit. The space was huge, massive like "don't leave me alone in these 53204 rooms and with zillions of colorful Turkish rugs online everywhere". Yes, the place was impressively big!
Upon arrival, we were met by the factory owner, a Turkish man (of course) who spoke excellent English, which made it much easier to understand the entire process of making Turkish rugs. He took us through the various stages of the process. We saw the women weaving the rugs, an incredible and challenging job, and we saw the extraction of the silk, coloring, and finishing.
Regarding the work of these women, do not think that they are slaves. At least in this region, they cannot spend more than 2 hours weaving the threads. Yes, it's a pretty heavy job. Some do things at home, others at the factory. In addition to being a naturally complicated job, as they spend a few hours a day on each rug, the process becomes time-consuming.
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Another fascinating thing that we were taught is that what changes in the price of a Turkish rug is the number of knots per cm²: the more knots, the more intricate the piece, the more silk, and the more work.
I confess that I was never interested in these Turkish rugs. I thought it was ok, and I will never have one of those. But then my world fell apart, and I changed everything! I saw the most absurdly incredible rugs in the universe in this place. Unbelievably beautiful prints that changed shades depending on the angle you looked at, prints that cost fortunes, prints that were so crafted jewels. Pieces I thought were impossible to make with this hand weaving method. Jaw-dropping, completely.
The cool thing is that after all the explanations, we went to a private room, and they showed several rugs, explained each one of them and why this one was more amazing than that other one—all based on tea and coffee, treated with sponge cake. And really, it was the best. I didn't expect any of that on this tour. I was even a little wary of "touring a store = rough stuff they'll force me to buy."
Now let's talk about the serious stuff, what matters: how much it costs and how to bring it home.
It's not cheap, and it can't be. If it's very cheap like
Grand Bazaar
, be suspicious. It's certainly nothing like these here. You won't find anything below 100 euros, this being the most "cheap," that is, with the most straightforward design and small size. The price varies up to 80 thousand euros. Yeah, there's something for every pocket.
What I found interesting is that all values are given in Turkish lira, euros, and dollars, so you choose what is best for you, if you have money for any of these, if you want to pay in 3 currencies and mix it all up… you can do anything. It's time for real math because you'll have to do the conversions to see what's best at that moment.
The payments are in cash or card. Also, be prepared to negotiate, but don't force the bar. They get offended, especially here with a luxury product. If it's 100 euros, don't even waste your time offering 20, it won't happen. But healthy trading is super plausible.
Ahhh, here we have three options, and the company helps you in all of them. After all, the important thing is that you leave with a rug under your arm, hehe. Oh, and look, it's no use telling me that "I'm not even going to buy it, I don't have a place to put it/I don't have money" or any other excuse, because when I get there, my friends, I want to take everything. Sell the house and take a rug like that. So it's good to go prepared with money and space in your suitcase, ok?
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I rewatched CATFA recently and I realized that during the first chase scene Steve accidentally runs into that wedding dress shop. i think it would be a very endearing story idea if Peggy got a wedding dress from that same shop 🥺
 Oh my god???? Yes, please! Your mind!! I am soooo sorry. This is maybe not what you thought but I just couldn’t stop writing???
Peggy’s little smile grew as Mr. Jarvis and Ana parked them outside a few shops. Directly across the street from them was a familiar shop, the window long fixed, updated white dresses of various sizes and details sat in the window. She watched the shop owner adjust the white dress with a delicate lace trim, her eyes catching the black car across the street. Peggy smiled at the owner, giving a fond nod.
She’d called earlier this week to request the shop to herself, the owner reluctant to agree until she had heard Peggy’s reasoning.
“Are you sure you two want to go in there?” Mr. Jarvis asked for the fourth time, turning around in his seat to stare at both of them with a fond look. “There are many traditions you will be breaking here.”
“Edwin,” Ana sighed, patting her husband’s arm. “This is their wedding. Traditions are not meant to be followed. Certainly, we didn’t follow all of mine.”
Steve chuckled at the pair’s light bickering, squeezing Peggy’s hand. He rubbed his thumb for the unkempt time over her ring. It wasn’t the best out there and nor was their wedding band but it was theirs. Peggy had said she didn’t need a fancy ring to accommodate their love, she just wanted Steve and how else could he prove his love than to pass down his mother’s wedding band to her? Just this time, he’d changed the engraving inside with Howard’s help.
“I never saw the point of that tradition,” he mused while Peggy grabbed at her bag and coat. “And I’m terrible at choosing suits, so Peggy has to be there to help me.”
“No offense, darling, you’re terrible at choosing any sort of fashion,” Peggy teased, pressing a soft kiss to Steve’s cheek. He lit up like the fourth of July, his face burning a bright red. “Thank you for the ride, Mr. Jarvis. You two are welcome to join us. The more people’s opinion, the merrier. Steven will just say he loves every dress on me.”
“Because I do,” he grumbled, rolling his eyes as they got out of the car.
Holding Peggy’s hand, Steve stopped in front of the shop, his eyes scanning the etched words into the glass. He glanced to his left, back across the street, brow furrowing in the process. Peggy squeezed his hand and raised her brow slightly. “What’s wrong, darling?”
“This place…it looks familiar.” He couldn’t place it, not right off, like an itch in the back of his head he couldn’t quite scratch. “We’re on…”
“The old SSR base, yes. This one has long been shut down for obvious reasons.” She patted his shoulder before ushering her fiancé inside.
That’s when it hit Steve. He’d ran into this shop during the Hydra chase, when he was too clumsy with his bigger body, but all he knew was the sense of protecting people from this dangerous man who had killed Doctor Erksine. A man who trusted Steve more than he trusted himself.
His eyes looked past the mannequin in the window, to where was the old shop and underneath it, he wondered what was there. Oil stains from the weird submarine? Bloodstains from Erksine? Echos of memories that he’d never get to touch again. For Peggy, that was just four years ago but for Steve, that was a lifetime of memories ago. He was a different man. No longer so awkward and unsure, unknowing of what a world of war and the consequences that awaited him.
“Darling?” Peggy whispered, cupping Steve’s face and tilting his head to look down at him. Instinct wise Steve’s arm tightened around her waist, a little too tight and causing her breath to hitch. “Steve…the road rash…you’re touching it.”
His arm instantly pulled back, but still stayed lightly touching her. The blonde’s eyes fell to hers, a little clearer and more in the present. “Is that why you brought us here? Out of all the shops…” Is that why she’d looked so smug?
“A tad bit, yes. You’ve avoided this section of shops and I know how…painful these memories are for you, darling but we can’t avoid it forever.” Her hand patted his cheek with a soft sigh. “That and I do adore these dresses. Are you ready?”
Tilting his head down, Steve brushed his lips over hers, causing the owner to scoff. “Am I ready to watch you try on countless dresses until you find the perfect one? Of course.”
Peggy smiled against his lips, kissing him again just because the owner seemed annoyed. She knew Steve meant those words too. “Good, because we have the whole day booked.”
Peggy was, if anything, always stubborn. One of the reasons why Steve loved her more than anything. He could see her enjoying pressing the owner when she seemed to ignore her requests for dresses and tried to find god-awful dresses that did nothing to flatter Peggy’s form or were not what she wanted. The owner seemed more annoyed when Jarvis and Steve stayed in the room to watch Peggy walk around the mirror with Ana’s help.
“Is this your first time trying on a dress?” The owner asked, Steve’s head picking up from where he’d been sketching on the pad he brought. Peggy had told him it to be a while. “You seem to have some…experience.”
“I do,” Peggy mused, unashamed. “I was engaged once but broke it off in order to join the war effort.” Her eyes fell to Steve who was looking right at her. He knew. They’d talked about this beforehand and while Steve had a small flare of jealousy, it was long past. “Can I try on one with less puff in the sleeves? They’re terribly itchy.”
Steve couldn’t help but laugh when the woman stomped off, leaving Ana and Steve to gently help Peggy out of the delicate dress that looked more like a blanket draped over her form. Ana fixed Peggy’s slip and adjusted her curls, tsking over the small features. “I don’t think she liked that answer. She’s really…full of herself.”
Peggy’s red lips curled into a warm smile, rolling her eyes. “You have no idea. You should hear her in that room. She doesn’t think I know French, Ana has been translating for me wonderfully.” The two women shared a small laugh over that matter. “What are you sketching over there? You looked drawn into it.”
It was Steve’s turn to flush, clearing his throat. He always felt little odd sharing sketches with Peggy, even if they were simple things. This one was not. He picked up the sketchbook and passed it over to her, his hands pulled behind his back.
“Oh, darling.” Peggy’s eyes widened at the photo, her fingertips just brushing over the page to not disturb the pencil markings. “It’s absolutely beautiful. I would adore that.”
“Let me make it,” Ana spoke in a soft whisper, but with a sure enough smile. “For you, Peggy dear. It could be my wedding gift to you. I have experience in making dresses. This would be nothing to it. We’ll just need to get the material. There’s a shop next door we can go to, Edwin can take Steve to go get his matching suit. I’m thinking…ivory, yes?”
“Oh, Ana that would be perfect.” Peggy couldn’t help but to hug her friend with the sketchbook between them, looking over her shoulder to Steve’s flushed face.
Knocking on the door, Steve steeled himself as he heard Peggy call him in. He pulled on the stiff collar of his suit, feeling more comfortable in his dress military uniform or the Captain uniform than this one. Pinky and Happy were on the way with his metals and military jacket, at least. He just hoped they’d hurry up so he wasn’t late to his own wedding.
“Oh wow,” he breathed, stopping in the doorway. “Peggy you look beautiful. Ana did an amazing job.”
Ana hadn’t allowed him in on any of these processes of designing the rest of the wedding dress despite they were using his sketch. She waved him off and sent him pouting back to the living room while she and Peggy worked over the dress. Now he understood why.
The dress was anything but traditional, in a beautiful ivory white that made the traditional burgundy red of her lips stand out just as much as her eyes, the dark brown freckled with specks of honey. It came to her knees in a flare out as if she’d just twirled. The bodice was a beautiful, hand-stitched lace soft to the touch, knowing how Peggy despised anything that made her skin itch. Underneath the lace was the bodice, squeezing her chest tightly but comfortably. The collar of the lace hugged her neck lightly, tied together with a beautiful, simple golden pendant on a piece of ivory fabric. Around her waist was the only splash of color save for her lips, a soft red fabric, the silk pinned to the back, rather than some ridiculous bow.
Steve’s mouth quickly snapped close at Peggy’s amused look, slowly stalking to her. He wasn’t thinking. He never thought. He just dipped Peggy, right there in front of her Ana and Angie and kissed her. She giggled against his lips and kissed him back in the same instance she gently smacked his chest.
“Absolute mad man,” she laughed as Steve straightened her back up.
“Perhaps,” he teased, pecking her lips again. “You look beautiful Peggy. Fuck, I…I’m so lucky. Ana, you two did an amazing job.” He was about to start babbling if Peggy didn’t kiss him again. “I love you,” He sighed against her lips.
“Quite so,” she whispered in turn. “Or else this wedding would be a tad bit awkward.”
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sambergscott · 4 years
Lights Out
Summary: The elevator jolts and the lights flicker, before plunging them into total darkness. There's a Brooklyn-wide power outage, they're stuck in the precinct elevator and Amy is claustrophobic AF. Then her water breaks.
Based on this amazing (!!!) s7 finale theory by @luna-minerva​. Thank you so much for letting me turn that into this. I really, really hope you love it. 
She has a birth plan written out by her sixth month of pregnancy detailing her preferences for labor — dimmed lights, calming music, an epidural, Jake by her side at all times — laminated in the apartment, her go bag (already pre-packed in their family friendly sedan) and her everyday purse. She sent copies to her doctor, both their parents and Captain Holt, printed one for Jake to keep at work and saved a digital copy in the Notes app on both their phones. Just in case.
(“Single spaced, double sided: Santiago Style,” Jake grins when she hands over the final draft.
“Of course. It’s an important document about the most important moment of our lives. I want everything to go smoothly.”)
And for most of her pregnancy, it does. She sends him out for pierogis, potato pancakes and hot chocolate most nights, cries over every car commercial on TV and waddles around the apartment making sure everything is perfect for when the baby arrives. The doctor assures her that they’re both healthy, but she should take an early maternity leave, given the stresses of her job.
She survives for one day before she’s back at the precinct, prompting several raised eyebrows and whispers from around the bullpen. Ignoring all of them, she hitches her purse onto her shoulder, lifts her head, and marches determinately to her old desk.
“FOMOW?” Jake guesses with an amused smile.
“It’s not FOMOW,” she huffs in annoyance. “I just finished organising the nursery and since I was passing the precinct, I figured I’d come visit my husband, if that’s OK with you.”
“Hey, I’m not complaining,” he holds his hands up. “I’ve missed having a beautiful lady to look up at when my paperwork gets boring.” He wiggles his eyebrows playfully. “I suppose you’ll do.”
She rolls her eyes, sitting down and trying to make herself as comfortable as possible, a difficult task when you’re as big as a whale and your back has been aching all day.
“Peralta,” Holt’s new assistant barks as he leaves Holt’s office, “you missed some signatures on this report.” He drops it on top of all the other open case files, candy wrappers and clutter on Jake’s desk, a welcome change from the way Gina would turn their work into paper airplanes and fly them across the bullpen. As Jake starts scribbling his name, Holt’s assistant notices Amy. “Can I help you, ma’am?”
“Oh, I’m OK. I work here. Well, I used to work here. I’m on maternity leave.”
“Of course,” he nods, realisation spreading across his face. “You’re Sergeant Santiago. Captain Holt mentions you constantly.”
“He does?” She clutches her heart. “Jake, did you hear that? Holt mentions me.”
He mouths “dork” and she sticks her tongue out at him.
“So when’s the baby due? You look ready to pop any day now.”
“Two weeks,” Jake answers on her behalf, sensing danger. The ‘ready to pop’ comment has been driving her crazy for weeks. She is well aware of her size and does not need perfect strangers reminding her. She’s pregnant, not a contestant on America’s Next Top Model. She’s supposed to be big. He shoves the signed documents into Holt’s assistant’s hands and glances apprehensively back at his wife. “You OK?”
“Mm-hmm.” She plasters on a brave face. “Can’t believe I’m saying this but I actually miss Gina.”
Jake snorts and presses play on CCTV footage of a robbery.
She twists her engagement ring on her finger, braids the ends of her hair and straightens a pile of folders on the desk. She is something of a workaholic and not being able to do anything is torture. “Any cool cases you’re working on?” She asks Jake, because what else are husbands for if not living vicariously through their work while on maternity leave?
“Hipster coffee shop got broken into last night. The owner was devastated that she had to drink Starbucks this morning like the rest of us instead of her fancy $8 million gold infused coffee blend from Outer Mongolia.”
“At least she gets to drink coffee,” Amy responds snarkily.
“Worth it though,” he grins. “And I’ll be your personal in-home barista once this baby is out.”
“Thanks, babe. You’re the sweetest.” She rounds their desks to give him a chaste kiss (she may not be in work but they are still at work), when something catches her eye on the screen. She instructs him to rewind the video, pointing out that the intruder has the same bone structure and blonde hair as the owner behind the counter.
Jake gasps. “It was an inside job!”
A failing business tries to scam the insurance company; it’s a tale as old as time.
He grabs his phone, gun and jacket in a rush to arrest the owner before they skip town.
“Can I come with you?”
“I want to come with you. I’m the one who solved the case.”
“You’re pregnant. You can’t.”
“I’ll walk ahead of you, pretend I’m just a normal customer,” she pleads. “You know I’m good at going undercover. Remember Dora?”
“Of course I remember Dora, Johnny loved Dora, but this is different. It’s too dangerous.”
“They own a hipster coffee shop, Jake,” she deadpans. “They’re not going to hurt a pregnant lady. I’m FOMOWing so bad, I just want to be there.”
“Please, Jake,” she kicks her persuasion tactics up a few notches, pulling out the doe eyes and pout that she knows he can’t resist.
“Fine,” he concedes before she starts crying and playing the “I’m having your baby” card. “You can come. But if anything dangerous goes down, you have to get out of there straight away. You can’t get involved.”
“Deal.” She shakes his hand firmly (she took a refresher seminar a few months ago) and retrieves her purse from her old desk, following him to the elevator like old times. Peralta and Santiago off to take down bad guys (and look good doin’ it). Of course, there will be no actual taking down of bad guys nine months pregnant, although she could do it if she wanted to, she’s definitely felt the urge to kick Charles in the shin whenever he brings them disgusting foods or tries to kiss her belly.
Just being there is enough for now.
She speeds up, reaching the elevator before him and pressing the down button first. She smirks at him over her shoulder and steps inside when the doors open. Despite being married and expecting a kid together, their competitive edge has never wavered. In the last few months alone, they’ve bet on the sex of the baby, who would cry first when they heard the heartbeat, what fruit or vegetable their baby is that week and who can put a diaper on a football fastest. Bets are the cornerstone of their relationship — the original bet sparking Jake’s realisation that he liked her liked her — and Amy can’t wait for their kids to join in when they’re old enough.
(Kids, plural, because for some reason, even after difficulty conceiving and morning sickness and FOMOW, she would still go through pregnancy all over again. They don’t quite want eight like her parents, but at least one more would be nice).
Rosa’s black boots stop the elevator doors closing and she squeezes through the gap. “Got an early lunch date,” she explains.
“Oh,” Amy says, sharing A Look™️ with Jake. Rosa hasn’t dated anyone since Jocelyn dumped her, choosing to be on her own for a while since she hasn’t really had time alone to process her almost marriage to Pimento, prison and coming out. Repairing her relationship with her parents has been her #1 priority and this is the first Amy’s heard about her seeing someone new. “Is it... serious?” She tries not to push too hard because otherwise Rosa will just close off (it’s pointless asking about names or jobs or appearance), which is hard because she just wants her to be as happy as she is with Jake, but also knows from past experience that Rosa will eventually reveal the information when she’s ready.
“It could be,” she responds vaguely. “I like her, but she’s a doctor so we both work way too much.”
“Well, I hope it works out. You deserve someone really great.”
Rosa pulls her in for a tight, unexpected hug. “Thanks, Santiago,” she murmurs, her voice cracking as if she’s about to cry.
The elevator jolting and lights flickering ruins the moment. After a few terrifying seconds, it stops completely and they are plunged into darkness.
Amy’s blood runs cold, panic filling her lungs. She’s had this nightmare a million times, having suffered with claustrophobia ever since her brothers locked her in a closet as a kid.
She hears Jake’s “cool, cool, cool, cool, cool” and Rosa saying that it’s probably a power cut, but she can’t speak. She can’t do anything but think about how they’re never going to get out and how the squad will have to send them food supplies through the safety hatch in the ceiling and how they’ll have to raise their baby in this tiny metal box, teaching her to count using the buttons to the different precinct floors.
She feels pain, a fun combination of Braxton Hicks that she’s been having for weeks and panic attack. She tries to focus on her breathing and not on the four walls closing in on her. When the breathing techniques fail, she focuses on Jake.
Kind, funny, handsome Jake. Her husband, but more than that, her best friend. She concentrates on the toothpaste stain on the front of his shirt, his unruly curls that she loves so much, the ring on his finger glinting in the light from Rosa’s phone. His own phone is pressed to his ear and she can only hear one side of the conversation but it’s clear that he’s debriefing Holt.
“- Me, Amy, Rosa -"
“- We’re fine, just stuck -"
“- How long?  -”
“Shit.” He hangs up, pocketing his phone. “Power’s out everywhere. Our back-up generators haven’t kicked in, something about air in the fuel system. The fire department are busy with the blackout and we’re apparently not an emergency, so. We could be in here a while.”
“Shit,” Rosa echoes his sentiment.
“Yeah. You OK, Ames?” He turns his attention to her.
She shakes her head meekly.
“Claustrophobic?” Rosa guesses, remembering her reaction to being locked in the trunk when she was trying to get her and Gina to face their fears.
She nods.
“We can play Celebrity to distract ourselves. I’ll go first. He’s the greatest actor -.”
“Bruce Willis,” Amy and Rosa say at the same time.
“Thought I’d give you an easy one to start,” he blushes.
Amy almost laughs despite the overwhelming fear. She loves him, Bruce Willis obsession and all. She takes a few seconds to think of someone good. Then, “They’re in - oh - water -.”
“They’re in water?” Rosa repeats, confused. “You mean like Jaws?”
“Or Finding Dory?” Jake adds. He made her watch the movie with him after Pimento’s Memento disease and now wants to buy a fish and call it Dory, even though he famously killed her fish back when they were dating. “Is it Ellen?”
“No, my water.”
Jake and Rosa both look down in horror. She buries her face in her hands. As if this situation could not get any worse.
“At least this classifies us as an emergency now,” Jake quips.
Rosa does Amy a favour and punches him in the arm.
They notify Holt — who in turn notifies the FDNY — and Jake sends a text to both their parents.
Rosa climbs onto Jake’s shoulders and opens the safety hatch so Charles can lower a care package of towels and bottled water into the elevator.
(He also delivers Sour Candies, upon Jake’s request).
Terry tries to pull the doors apart, but even his tree trunk arms are no match for the heavy metal.
Amy breathes through her contractions, stubbornly determined to stick to her birth plan and give birth in the hospital.
Her body, however, has other ideas.
“Four minutes apart now,” Rosa announces. She punches a wall out of frustration. “Where the hell are those firefighters?”
“They’re not going to make it in time,” Jake responds, equally frustrated. “Camila warned me months ago that Santiago babies come early, fast and are always boys.”
“This baby is half-Peralta and a girl. She might be the exception.” Amy takes a sip of water, ignoring the look of disbelief on Jake’s face.
“Diaz, you went to med school, tell my wife that this baby isn’t going to wait.”
Rosa opens her mouth to speak but Amy cuts her off.
“Diaz, tell my husband that the contractions aren’t even that painful and we have time.”
As it turns out, they don’t have time at all.
She’s feels pressure, the urge to push, and not even the glug glug glug of Rosa’s babbling brook sounds can calm her down.
“I do not want to give birth in the precinct elevator,” she cries.
Jake, on back rubbing duty, exchanges nervous glances with Rosa. She’s fully dilated and with the fire department still busy tackling other emergencies, this is happening. Right here. Right now.
“You know, it’s actually kind of perfect, Ames. We first met outside this elevator, right? And I kept the elevator doors open to let you win the Jimmy Jabs because of my massivecrush on you. And then you let me win to save our car. We fell in love in this precinct. It’s where we had our first for realz kiss, where we got engaged, where we got married. It’s kind of fitting that it’s also where our baby is going to be born.”
She tilts her head back to kiss him, ignoring Rosa’s complaints that they’re gross.
She thinks back to her wedding vows. Not everything is in our control, but as long as you’re with the right people you can handle anything. And you, Jake Peralta, are the right person for me. She can handle this with Jake by her side. She can bring their daughter into the world.
“OK... I’m ready.”
“That’s my girl,” Jake says proudly, shuffling into a better position to hold her hand and see the baby when she comes out.
They all disinfect their hands with Purrell from Amy’s purse and Rosa explains what’s going to happen and Jake jokes that he feels like Sandra Oh in Grey’s Anatomy.
Rosa rolls her eyes. “Christina was a heart surgeon, dumb dumb. You’re thinking of Addison. What?” She questions at their surprised expressions. “I like Grey’s Anatomy! It makes me feel things! I’m not totally heartless.”
Amy releases a string of expletives as another contraction starts.
“We’re going to start pushing on the next one,” Rosa instructs, forgetting her favourite medical drama.
Amy nods quickly.
Jake brushes fallen strands of hair away from her sweat-covered skin and takes her hand. “Squeeze as hard as you need to, babe.”
No amount of studying or listening to her mom’s stories could prepare her for the pain of pushing a baby out. It’s worse than the time her brother pushed her off the monkey bars when she was eight and she broke her arm, worse than the time she got shot in the line of duty, worse than the heartbreak of Jake being sentenced to 15 years in prison. It’s worse than anything she’s ever experienced and when it’s over she has so many questions for her mom, including why on Earth did she do this so many times?!
She’s also going to thank Jake for not complaining once and buy Rosa many drinks for her part in all this.
Having her colleague deliver her baby was definitely not part of the birth plan, but out of everyone they work with, she’s glad that it’s Rosa.
Rosa who’s been there for Jake since the Academy.
Rosa who has always had her back, too, who comforted her when Jake was in Florida, helped get her to her Sergeant’s exam on time and encouraged Jake to ask her out.
(And thank God she did).
Labor is exhausting.
It’s painful and emotional and long.
“You’re so close,” Jake cheers her on when she hits a wall.
“He’s right. I can see her head. One more push, Santiago.”
“I can’t-.”
“You can,” Rosa insists. “1,000 push ups.”
“OK,” she whispers. Rosa doesn’t just throw around 1,000 push ups willy nilly. It means something. And if Rosa is so confident that she can do this, then she can do it.
She pushes and pushes and eventually hears a baby’s cry.
It’s the most beautiful sound she’s ever heard.
When Rosa places her in Amy’s arms for immediate skin-to-skin, all four of them are openly weeping.
She’s the most perfect person she’s ever seen.
“I love you both so much,” Jake murmurs, kissing the top of Amy’s head. He leans down to kiss his daughter, too, marvelling over the fact that he gets to say my daughter now.
They cuddle for a while, quietly bickering over who she looks most like. They decide that she has Jake’s hair, nose and mouth and, when she opens her eyes for a second to see what all the fuss is about, he is thrilled to discover that she has the same beautiful eyes as her mom.
They wrap her up in Jake’s favourite blue hoodie to keep her warm and Rosa snaps their first official family portrait and sends it to their parents, Amy’s brothers and the Nine-Nine’s WhatsApp group. She reads out the messages of congratulations that fly in, making Jake and Amy both cry some more.
Finally she interrupts their family time to cut the cord, pulling out her pocket knife and lighter from her leather jacket.
Jake’s eyes go comically wide. “You’re going to use a knife?”
“Do you have any other suggestions?” She snaps.
He falls silent.
“Thought so.” She sterilises the blade (recently sharpened following Brad Leone’s tutorial from the BA Test Kitchen) with her lighter and carefully cuts the umbilical cord.
“Say thank you Tía Rosa,” Amy coos, stroking her daughter’s tiny hand.
“Mm-hmm,” Amy hums with a tired smile. “We were going to ask you to be her godmother anyway, but I think you have more than earned that role now.”
“I’d be honoured,” she responds.
After another hour and a half stuck in the elevator, the lights come back on, the elevator doors open with a ping and they are suddenly faced with a crowd of concerned police officers, firefighters and paramedics, little Maya Peralta gracing the rest of the world in the most dramatic of fashion.
The firefighters spring into gear, holding the elevator doors shut while others help Amy into an awaiting wheelchair.
Jake hovers next to the paramedics as they check Maya’s vitals. Thankfully, everything is normal, they clean her up and replace Jake’s blood-stained hoodie with a warm blanket.
“She’s perfect,” the female paramedic tells him as she hands Maya back to her dad, confirming what he knew the second he laid eyes on her.
They then turn their attention to Amy, who is fine — more than fine, she’s the happiest she’s ever been — just a little sore. They decide to take them both into hospital as a precautionary measure since Maya is two weeks early (Santiago Style!), packing up their equipment while Jake and Amy introduce the Nine-Nine’s newest recruit to the rest of the squad.
Terry says something about little girls being the best, Hitchcock and Scully claim not to have known Amy was even pregnant and Holt’s stoic façade crumbles when Maya grips his finger with her entire hand.
Charles’ eyes are red and puffy like he’s been crying, but he’s uncharacteristically calm when Jake asks if he wants to hold her. He nods, of course, and is enamoured with her the moment he feels her weight in his arms.
This isn’t how she planned it —none of it is — she wanted the controlled hospital birth and the grandparents to meet the baby first and she really wanted to catch the perp from the coffee shop robbery, but Jake was right. It’s kind of perfect that she was born here, in the Nine-Nine, surrounded by their second family.
She meets her husband’s eye and smiles.
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Small Town Swoons
Hello buttercups! Here is the big fat project I was talking about. I am giving you snippets and teasers of the whole thing, just to let you know what you’re all getting yourself into. 
There are some spicy tidbits here and there, so I would suggest only mature (18+) people read and/or engage with this post. 
I’ll be starting with Yoongi since his piece is really in the holiday spirit and I’m super hella inspired to write it, but don’t worry, Steamy waters is still coming (just know that I’m not done publishing stuff for the night 👀)
Let me know what you think about this project, what story you like the most and which one you really really look forward to reading 💕✨
Just in case you need it, here is my masterlist
Enjoy 💜
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Apple of My Pie — Jin
In the bakery and café near the university many students barge in, desperate for coffee and the delicious apple pies served there once October comes. Some of them barge in for the sweet sight of the owner, still mysteriously single. Little do you know that he’s been pining after you for years, since you ran into his café in a slow, rainy Sunday morning, drenched like a stray kitten, asking only for friendly help. Friendship sparks easily and his comfort tastes as sweet as autumn apples. That’s how you find yourself flatmates, watching movies with his secret recipe hot cocoa on Saturday evenings and waking up to the delicious scent of his pies on Sunday morning. But the sudden apparition of a rival makes you wonder, what would it be like to fall asleep in his bed every night?
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Mold Me New — Taehyung
Divorce is a mess, especially when you’re so young and you had bet your life on your high school crush. All those things you never had to learn are scary now: dating, friends with benefits, all those secret rules on social interactions and flirting. But then your friends gift you a clay modelling lesson at the local pottery. Your teacher looks like a quiet, grumpy man who slowly warms up to you, offering you his kind smiles and gentle laughs. Right when fear that your lack in courtship manners might cost you your greatest chance at a new happiness, his lessons indirectly turn into small advice, and suddenly it feels like his hands are shaping your heart into the perfect, beautiful whole you needed. And to show him your gratitude, you’re more than willing to gift the artist his creation.
“Don’t let it dry too much. Too much water will mess it up. It will become too pliant and it won’t hold up.” That was it. The rule to love. You had bathed him in reassurance and affection, and just like that he had melted underneath your touch, and he had turned into nothing. And the love had run out. “Every shape has its specific requirements.” He explained, dipping his hands in the basin and letting the droplets fall from his fingertips. “Wet hands, but not drenched.” Once he was happy with the result he sat up, his foot starting a small pressure on the pedal. “See, here we go. The clay will show how much water it needs. Easy on the pedal. Very slow. You’re warming it up. Be gentle. You’re not sure it’s good. Just like with people. Easy at first, and once it works you speed up.” He smiled at the material underneath his hands. “Gentle. Easy.” He said, his sinewy fingers gently pressing into the art piece to be. His fingers seemed to stretch and bend imperceptibly, as if he was feeling the very texture of the material, and of the final result he wanted to obtain. “That’s the secret to good things.”
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The Shrew, Untamed — Jimin
Everyone gets married in small towns. The hairdresser’s daughter, the butcher’s niece, the doctor’s granddaughter. Even your best friend. And someone has to organise all the weddings. You have taken part in so many it is unnerving. You’re not asking for a husband, a simple fuckbuddy would suffice. You don’t even need someone with skill, you just need to have sex with a human. Though your goal seems unattainable and life apparently truly sucks, the petty florist where you order the flower arrangements offers you a beacon of hope, comforting you and spoiling you whenever you visit his shop, condescending to your every whim. Will he satisfy your every wish or will you have to supervision your best friend’s wedding on the verge of sanity?
“Sit down, sweet pea.” He said, offering you his chair. He immediately stood behind you, digging his fingers into your shoulders, massaging them. He always smelled like greenery. It was relaxing. “Who pissed on your roses, tiger?” He asked, his thumbs drawing circles at the base of your neck. You moaned and closed your eyes. “Poor baby. So stressed.” He purred, laughing. “Portia is getting married.” You groaned. He ohed. “Your friend, Portia?” You frowned and pouted. “That bitch. Portia.” You growled. He laughed a silvery sound. “It’s your best friend.” “It’s a stressed out insult. She wants me to plan it. Jimin, I am so tired of watching people getting married.” He kneaded the nerves near to your spine. “It’s a professional hazard, baby’s breath.” His finger stilled as he reached the middle of your back without finding the clasp of your bra. He moved upwards, ignoring the small detail. “It’s the third in two weeks. I can’t. Is everybody getting married this spring?” You asked, your head rolling forward. “I’m tired. Stressed. Grumpy.” You whine. “Baby, you have your sugarcane at home, use it.” He said, referring to your swirl shaped dildo. You shook your head. “It’s the warmth. Human touch. Sympathy.” Ask me, please — Jimin mentally begged — I’ll be so sweet to you. “And now I even need a plus one for Portia’s wedding. Lest she pairs me up with her cousin. Did I mention that he’s thirty and bald?” You sighed. “I can help.” He said. “With the Plus one.” He clarified. “Don’t expect me to get my fingers in your pie, blossom.” He stated. You shook your head. “Your loss.” You tutted. His loss, for sure. Not like you wanted him massaging your breasts as you sucked him off, laying on your white silk sheets, his dulcet moans filling your lonely room and your empty
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Natural Connection — Namjoon
The city sucks. And before you definitely choose to resign from your job, you spend the money earned with your all-work-and-no-play attitude in a reinvigorating holiday in a natural resort in the woods. What you find is true heaven on earth, an eden of wonders and explorations. When you meet your guide, who will follow you and you alone, you almost cannot believe your luck. The closed-off man leads you through all the breathtaking sights of your location, offering you emotions and landscapes unrivalled — both in terms of wildlife and... well, humans? The steamy atmosphere seems to keep growing hotter together with the summer days, and before you can think twice your big friendly giant helps you get rid of the hots. What happens when your Adam and Eve idyllium gets interrupted by a ruckus of stag-partying jocks?
Namjoon knew your average blood pressure at rest and under effort, your shoe size, your weight and height. Still when he found you right before him he could barely believe the sight of you. He knew you were small but this small? He was surprised. Amazed. Completely dazzled by your size. “Uhm. Kim Namjoon?” You asked, hesitant. God, even your voice was small — he noticed. As you got even closer, he realised you barely reached his sternum. He was endeared. He imagined how hugging you would feel. Why was he imagining to hug a stranger? “Hello! Welcome to the Valley!” He said, offering you his hand. You took it and shook it energetically. “Thank you. I assume you will be my guide during my stay.” You commented. “Exactly. I'll be your coach and your guide through the whole experience.” “Perfect.” You smiled. He was dumbstruck by it. So sweet and bright. You noticed he had a nice voice. And a kind smile. He looked like a very gentle giant. “Have you brought any specific equipment with you or would you prefer to use the one we offer?” “I have trekking boots and walking sticks. You know, basic stuff that's difficult to find when you're the size of a teapot.” He laughed a loud belly laugh, which surprised you and pleased you. “Okay, we can head to the hall and chat about your activity plan.” He said, leading you. Walking behind him was definitely a hard challenge, both because his legs were kilometric — and damn fine — and because how could you not stare at that ass right in front of your gaze, clad in oh-so tight shorts? Once he realized you were basically running behind him, he turned, a bit confused. And then embarrassed. “Sorry,” he smiled sheepishly, taking shorter steps. "Don't worry, it's okay. I'm a fast walker." You stated. He grinned. He barely stopped himself from murmuring a 'cute'. You were adorable.
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Ink ‘n’ Run — Jungkook
People find awful ways to inculcate mean insecurities in our lives. It is to get rid of insecurity that you head to the talented tattooist in a small town near your campus, ready to ink your fears away. Ready to start from zero, you let yourself enjoy a night out clubbing and a steamy one night stand with a tattoed god. Hit by the morning-after regrets, you run away before he wakes up. Little do you know that he’ll be the man you’ll be spending several hours underneath, half-naked as he inks you. Such a shame that you keep running away each time he is ready to ask you for a date. And that he keeps running away after you convince yourself to concede him one. Will you manage to let each other see that you click perfectly or will you let that night be just an accident?
“Oh. You’re back. Lovely to see you, how can I help you?” He looks sweet. God, he was sweet, of course he looks sweet; you thought. He was the most gentle man you had ever been with. Wicked hips, but such a sweet mouth. “Uhm, I have an appointment?” You said, showing him the business card with the date and time of your appointment. “Oh.” His expression was the perfect depiction of confusion. “Uhm. I guess you can come into my studio, then. Do you have someone with you? Would you like Daisy to come in?” He said, looking at the girl sitting at the reception table. “No, I’m cool.” You forced yourself to form a tiny, polite smile on your face. As he walked ahead of you you noticed the way his tight black t-shirt hugged his narrow waist. And his wonderful, jeans-clad, toned ass. God, he had rammed into you like a mad man that night. You shook your head, trying to bring yourself back to reality. Meanwhile, his mind was fuelled by millions of questions. Why had you run? Were you freaked out by what was happening? Were you as affected as he was at the idea of him working on you? Did you think he was a fuckboy? Would you let him take you out on a date? Would you let him fuck you again? Wait, scratch the last one.
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Head over Heals — Hoseok
You are the most talented ice skater of your state. Or rather, you were. Your career was harshly interrupted by an unfortunate accident. Healing from the hurtful events takes strong nerves and positive energy. Luckily, your physiotherapist — the neighbour of your childhood home — is the most positive, enthusiastic person. New feelings bloom like daisies on a warm spring morning, while old feelings rekindle and light your way back home like a field of fireflights, back to places that you’ve always loved. It takes little time to get used again to his sweet energy and his gentle hands, healing your body and your soul. It takes even less time to fall head over heels for him.
“What changed?” He asked, drying your tear with his thumb. “I don’t know. It feels like it changed.” He smiled. “You’re still the same to me. Same bright eyed little girl running around in a summer dress, smelling like honey shampoo and sun cream. You feel like home. I think nothing has been okay since you were gone.” Your heart took a second to melt and resolidify around that new truth. “Hobi.” His eyes were glittering. “I think I always had a soft spot for you. You and your knees always scraped, the small curls framing your face, the way your braids came undone that night as we were driving away after prom in the convertible your parents ran away in when they eloped.” He looked so sad. And so beautiful. “Hoseok, I never forgot you, you know. You were my first.” You confessed. “And you were mine.” He replied. He paused. “We were perfect.” “We were.” You replied. We still could be. We are.
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Sugar and Spice — Yoongi
A new girl moves into town, her goal starting her life from scrap. And then on a foggy autumn night she ventures in the local pub, where she meets a cute, tattooed bartender who happens to be the local sweetheart. Fate — and the sweet granny next door — seem to push them together; it’s only a matter of time before feelings bloom and attraction becomes too intense to resist. The magic of a small town, and that loneliness that they share and understand so deeply, bring them close at the most wonderful time of the year. Love can blossom even in the dead of winter and who knows, maybe they’ll find a new life by the time of the new year?
“How does it feel to live in a small town?” You asked, stretching your legs out the flannel blanket. Sunlight came in through the yellow leaves of the apple trees. “Like time doesn’t really exist. Until you don’t have any left and suddenly your friends are getting married and having children and all you have is a useless piece of paper stating that you’re a doctor.” He said. “But it’s okay. It’s lovely, at times like this.” He said, looking at the sky. “Marriage and kids are overrated.” You said, laying down. He looked at you, your eyes closed, your hair coming out of his beanie, currently covering your head. “Don’t leave me alone here.” You had a beauty he had never known. Or that maybe he had seen in his mother. That rough, tough beauty that looks dangerous from afar. Delicate from up close. You weren’t gracious. You weren’t cobwebs and golden hair and clouds. You were the ground, the trees, the stone. You were the mountains capped in ice, beautiful and so endangered. Still, so steady. You were the forest, eternal. Nothing could marr you. No man, no humanly disgrace. You would weather and transform, like nature does. Maybe he was idealising you, maybe he was giving you all those traits he had always wished in a woman. “Stop staring at me. Lay down. Enjoy your seconds before you turn into a fifty-something lonesome worm.” You teased. He laid. Your hand found his. “I’ll tell you how a small town feels like, based on the opinion of a girl from a big city.” He exhaled a laugh. “It’s comfort. Like when it rains outside but you’re in your bed and you’re warm and you don’t have to get up. You can simply lay.” He rolled onto his side, staring at your eyelashes. If I blink, will she disappear?
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missmitchieg · 4 years
Bath & Bodyworks Fired An Employee For Saying “Fuck Trump“ So Here’s A List Of Black-Owned Candle Shops I Found On Twitter :)
They are a UK based shop working on getting affordable shipping to the US.
@AyaAromas on twitter and @aya.aromas on instagram!
They are an NYC based shop.
@HarlemCandles on twitter and @TravelistaTeri on instagram!
They are a Chicago, Illinois based shop with hand poured candles.
@HydeandParkCo on twitter and instagram!
illuminate B. Candles is a luxury, soy candle line that produces handmade candles and wax melts.
@illuminatebcandles_ on instagram!
100% Handmade Soy-blend Candles and Wax Melts! Restocks twice a month and sells within the US including Alaska and Hawaii.
@waxqueencandleco on instagram!
Kansas City, Missouri based shop established with one mission: to bring high-quality, aromatherapy candles to your home.Our candles are hand poured and scented to perfection. We pride ourselves on customer service and Midwest spirit. We look forward to being the spark in your life!
@MonCherieM_ on twitter and cheriescents_ on instagram!
Ekaya provides those special little touches that highlight life's beauty and help you get in touch with yours. Our store offers a handmade natural collection of candles. From  the candle to the packaging, our products are organic and environmentally conscious. What are you waiting for? Start shopping online today and find out more about what makes us so special.
ekayathebrand on instagram!
Bonaco Candles uses enchanting fragrances that convert a room into one of exploration, relaxation and curiosity. Formed in 2017, “Bonaco” is a combination of the owner’s two dream destinations: Barcelona, Spain and Monaco, France. She wanted the candles to represent locations in hopes of inspiring people to travel and explore the world.
@BonacoCandles on twitter and instagram!
We take pride in hand pouring each soy candle with love. Once you choose your candle size, scent, and your preferred streaming service Rhythm and Flame will  include a QR code that links you to the playlist that matches your scent selection. Just light your wick, scan the code, and press play!
RhythmandFlame on instagram and twitter!
We are a family run business and we are passionate about creating products that are good for you, your home and the environment - whilst being beautifully designed too.
We handcraft natural wax candles, botanical skincare and work with talented artisans in Nigeria to curate our collection of homewares. We are also passionate about promoting well being and exploring creativity through workshops and events, maybe you can join us at one soon?
We created this brand as we felt that there are many people out there who like us, want to fill their home with considered, kind and lovely things
We hope you enjoy following our journey!
ourlovelygoods on instagram!
The name JJ Candles & Co. came from my sons name & myself, Jazmyne & Justin. I created this brand out of a love for candles, along with everyone around me! A great smelling candle can change the entire dynamic & mood in a room.
JJ Candles are 100% natural, made with soy wax, essential oils, and tons of love hand poured by Jazmyne & Justin.
Couldn’t find a twitter or instagram for them. :/
The best Organic Candle and Beauty Shop is here. We have a great selection of products for all your needs. We invite you to come visit us for a pleasant, efficient shopping experience. Our staff members would be more than happy to assist you personally to ensure you find exactly what you have in mind. And if you need assistance, ideas, or special service we’re at your beck and call. Feel free to pick up the phone or email us with any questions you have and we’ll be glad to help you.
Couldn’t find a twitter or instagram for them, either. :/
Dabira Aroma is an all natural apothecary brand consisting of candles and Body butters. Dabira (PRONOUNCED"DAB-E-RAH")   is the Yoruba Word for Serenity. The first step of self-care starts with you, and you and your skin deserves nothing but the best. Your taste of luxury is waiting for you.
dabiraaroma on twitter and instagram!
SosaScentsCo on twitter and instagram!
shopearthylush on instaram!
100% soy wax candle company curating illustrious scented candles.
soysoulections on twitter and instagram!
Here at The Candle Wick Company quality is our top priority and our customers are our main focus. All products are prepared and hand-poured in small batches with love , using 100% soy wax. Our soy candles have been uniquely designed with you in mind! Due to our candles being toxin free with zero additives some frosting may occur, however that does not effect the quality of our product.
thecandlewickco on instagram!
lumiereswl on twitter and lumiere.swl on instagram!
COMING SOON: Gleam & Glim by @stfuclarice launching in August!
gleamandglim on instagram and twitter!
COMING SOON: Southern Blaze (Website under construction!)
southern.blaze on instagram and southern_blaze on twitter!
COMING SOON: UK Candle Mother & Daughter Company called House of Mahogany!
hom_candles on twitter and @HOMahoganycandles on instagram!
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towingserlas541 · 3 years
Best Mobile Rv Repair Service and Cost in Las Vegas NV | Towing Services of Las Vegas
 More information is at: http://towinglasvegas.org/mobile-rv-repair-near-me/
 Mobile Rv Repair service near Las Vegas NV: Are you looking for Mobile Rv Repair service near Las Vegas NV? Towing Services of Las Vegas, We also appreciate knowing the tech will be focused only on your rig while he or she is at your home or on your site. This means mistakes are less likely to be made due to distraction, and you know you are paying for hours spent focused purely on your RV. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Mobile Rv Repair Service around Las Vegas NV. We serve Las Vegas NV and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Everything You Need to Know About Mobile RV Repair Services
Mobile RV Repair Service near Las Vegas NV:  One thing we love about RVs is the fact that most repairs can be made quickly and easily by the owner. That said, there are times when you might need a little help with a repair. When these bigger issues arise, many people take their RV into the shop to be fixed. However, some people prefer to turn to mobile RV repair.
Wondering what mobile RV repair is, and if it might be a good option for you? This article covers the ins and outs of RV mobile repair, so you can decide with confidence whether or not this is the route you want to take next time your rig is in need of some TLC.
 What is a Mobile RV Repair Service?
As you might imagine, mobile RV repair service is a type of repair service that comes to you. This might mean that a mobile RV tech visits you in your campground or at your home.
In some cases, people choose this service out of necessity because they can’t move the RV due to damage. However, more often than not, a mobile RV mechanic is called out because it is the most convenient option.
 Types of Mobile RV Repair Services
Many people seem to believe that a mobile RV mechanic is one size fits all. However, this is not actually the case. In fact there are a total of three different types of mobile RV repair service.
1: RV Dealer or Repair Shop House Calls
Some RV dealerships and repair shops will make house calls on request. This is typically done only on an emergency basis, and you will likely pay a huge sum to have a tech from one of these places visit you. For this reason, we don’t recommend going this route if it can be helped.
2: Mobile RV Repair Specialists
There are some repair techs out there who specialize in a certain type of repair. These specialists often work out of their trucks, and if not that, they tend to be more willing to visit customers due to having a niche customer base. That said, because these repair people are specialists, you can also expect to pay well for their services.
3: General RV Repair Techs
Finally, there is the general mobile RV tech. This guy tends to be a jack of all trades, with a bit of experience fixing pretty much everything that can go wrong on an RV. They rarely have a shop to work out of, meaning mobile work is all they do. In most instances, this is the person you want to call in when you want mobile repair work done.
 Getting Parts for Mobile RV Repair
Mobile RV Repair Service near Las Vegas NV: Unfortunately, because the general mobile tech (option #3) tends to work from his or her truck, you can’t expect them to have every RV part you could possibly need on hand. This means the parts might need to be ordered online or picked up at a local store.
In some cases, the tech has connections and is able to get a bit of a discount, making it beneficial to order through them. That said, it often works just as well for you to order or pick up the needed items yourself.
You might find that it’s best to talk to the repair person beforehand to find out what you should order, and have it ready to go when they arrive. This will save everyone time and will likely save you some money.
 Benefits of a Mobile RV Repair Service
Mobile RV Repair Service near Las Vegas NV: The obvious benefit to hiring a mobile RV tech is the fact that you don’t have to move your RV at all. If you’re already all set up at your favorite campground, there is no need for you to unplug and hitch up to have repairs done.
Likewise, if your RV is sitting in your yard, calling in a mobile tech removes the need to drive the rig into a shop. Finally, there is the chance that you are unable to move the RV at all. In these cases, this benefit is not just convenient, it’s necessary.
Another awesome benefit of choosing an RV repair service that comes to you is the fact that the work can be done in your yard, meaning you may not even have to take off work to get it done.
We also appreciate knowing the tech will be focused only on your rig while he or she is at your home or on your site. This means mistakes are less likely to be made due to distraction, and you know you are paying for hours spent focused purely on your RV.
Other mobile RV repair services include:
● Window blind and shade repair
● Carpet replacement
● Oil & filter changes
● RV detailing (wash & wax)
● Holding tank clean-out
 Mobile RV Repair Service near Las Vegas NV: In an effort to always provide the highest level of service to our customers, we try to anticipate our customers’ needs in order to be proactive in our service and care. That being said, it’s not out of the ordinary for customers to have questions about our RV services, and so we’ve compiled a list of the questions frequently asked.
 How often should I have my RV serviced?
 This typically depends on how often you use your RV. If you’re a full-time RV enthusiast, you’re going to want to have certain systems, including your air conditioning and furnace looked at and cleaned at least once a year. You should also have your brakes checked and bearings repacked once a year, or every 10,000 miles whichever comes first. If you’re living in your RV at a park full-time, just make sure you get your brakes and bearings checked and serviced before you set out on the road again. Bearing grease will break down over time, and brake parts will rust-up, so it’s best to be proactive.
 There are other items to check routinely, including your RV’s roof and exterior wall sealants, overall roof condition, jack systems, and any other systems that you frequently use. These need to be checked or operated and lubricated every six months or so in order to ensure that they’re functional and keeping the elements out of water is an RV’s WORST enemy!
 What RV types do you work on?
 Yours! We may not cover every system you have, some motorhomes are more complex than a 747 but we can repair most of it! We’ll be upfront and honest with you about which parts and systems we’ll be able to work on before we begin. We’re not going to waste your time or take any chance of damaging your RV or our reputation by taking on a project that we can’t handle.
 What forms of payment do you accept?
 Cash, check, Bitcoin, or credit card. I have even worked for food. It was worth it!
 What RV manufacturers do you specialize in?
 For the most part, all manufacturers build their RVs in a similar way, which makes RV service and repair fairly straightforward for any model. The same systems that are in a Forest River are also in a Highland Ridge or a Coachmen; the RV manufacturer doesn’t matter all that much, and we can repair them all.
 What is the turnaround time for repairs?
 Our turnaround time depends on several factors, including:
 ● The extent of the repairs
● The availability of the required parts (if we don’t have them in stock)
● The amount of jobs already in progress or scheduled
 Normally, we can get to your RV to at least diagnose the problem within the week you call. We work with all of our customers to ensure timely and efficient service.
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ink-and-flame · 5 years
Kinktober Day 6: Intensify
Kinktober Day 6 Prompts: Hair pulling || Nipple clamps || Genital sex  Fandom: [None] Original Tags: Exophilia, Hair Pulling, Nipple Clamps, Rough Sex, Size Difference Pairing: Human(f)/Orc(m)
Living in a new place was never easy and neither was trying to build up a new social life. It wasn’t just about meeting new people, but finding people with shared interests that it was easy to connect with. Lia had not lived in the town long and had struggled to make any kind of connection. It was an interesting place, that was certain. It was why she chose here to move of all places. The people were so diverse, humans mingled with all the other races and lived in what seemed like harmony here. Yes racism was still a thing, but it seemed far more subdued. Most the people that lived here chose to live here and so had no reason to attack one another. 
Her apartment building was set up to take many races, different styles and sizes of apartment were available based on need, race, and size. Smaller races like goblins could have apartments scaled down to their size if they wanted. Same for larger creatures living in buildings that supported their height. Lia’s building had all sorts living in it as the owners clearly took diversity seriously. She loved her apartment, it was a little bigger than she probably needed but it was perfect. 
Lia had ended up selecting an apartment previously rented by orcs. Everything was just a bit too big, but she had dealt with situations like this before. The struggle was worth it due to the location. It was a nice corner apartment with big windows and a balcony. The owner offered to make changes to the structure for her, but Lia didn’t want to make the apartment unlivable for others. So she just got a few step stools. The other added benefit was all the extra space since most of her furniture was smaller. She did keep some of the larger orcish items such as the couch and comfy chairs. 
Of course after a few months Lia felt lonely. She had made nice with a few neighbors and hung out at the coffee shop with a lovely fae girl. It just still felt like something was missing. Sitting around at home obviously wasn’t going to help, but Lia was frustrated so spending time on the internet helped. At least on line she could make connections, she had friends she could talk to, and if nothing else, vent about her loneliness. 
It wasn’t just emotional loneliness, there was physical loneliness too. The most surprising thing about the move was how much Lia missed her friends with benefits. She used to complain about being a booty call, but after all these months with nothing. Which for Lia 6 months was a long dry spell, she was starting to go a little crazy. Her toy budget had increased and while it kept the edge off it also frustrated her because it always felt like something was missing. 
Browsing local hang outs Lia decided to see if maybe there were any clubs around. Bars were an acceptable place to meet people if she was careful. Nothing wrong with a one night stand even if it wasn’t her usual cup of tea. To her surprise not only did she find a club that had potential, it was one that spoke to her interests. Finding a BDSM club within driving distance had been a shock. Normally she only found those in the larger cities, but it was pretty clear that is what this place was all about. They did require that people buy memberships, but there didn’t seem to be too many restrictions on who could be a member. 
Feeling excited Lia contacted the customer service for the club asking about memberships and was surprised at how quickly she received a response. They had a trial membership option that allowed for people to pay for a day so they weren’t paying for something that ultimately didn’t work out for them. Lia agreed and filled out the attached form sending it back and was excited. She would have to pay when she got to the club and bring her ID, but they already had her information so it would just be to check and make sure she was who she said she was and that she was actually as old as she claimed. 
When the weekend rolled around Lia was a bundle of nerves. She was excited but she had spent all week imagining and fantasizing about what the club would be like. Choosing what to wear had not been easy. She didn’t want to overdo it on her first day. Settling on a simple outfit, one of her more form fitting dresses and some heels, Lia smiled at herself in the mirror. She had pinned her hair up wanting to look a bit classy since she was hoping to attract attention.
Arriving at the club Lia was surprised at the size of it. The bouncer gestured her to where guests could sign in. She showed her ID and got her temporary membership card and went inside. The music wasn’t too loud, which was nice. This wasn’t a dance club, people wanted to have conversations. There were several booths around the room and curtained doors that lead to other rooms. The main room had a stage in the center where dancers performed, similar to a strip club but these girls were in costumes and all looked so interesting in their masks. 
Finding an empty booth Lia sat down, ordered a drink, and just observed for a while. She watched as people went in and out through the various curtained off areas. There didn’t seem to be any restrictions on who was allowed wherewith one exception, the V.I.P. Lounge. Which made sense. Feeling adventurous, Lia finished her drink and headed off to see what was behind curtain number one. Eventually she wanted to see what was behind all the curtains, but it was as good of a place as any to start. 
The first room was simple enough. It was set up like a lounge, instead of tables it was small circular beds around the room with curtains around them that could be left opened or kept closed. Couples were in various stages of undress and sexual activity around the room and Lia found it quite arousing. Moving to the next space this was clearly an area for public punishment. Submissives were tied up and displayed, some being spanked, others just bound and left to be viewed by those around them. 
Towards the back there was a door with another bouncer in front of it. Curiosity getting the better of her Lia walked over to ease her curiosity. The bouncer didn’t try to stop her but did look at her curiously. She showed her day pass and he nodded with a smile, gesturing for her to go on in. This door lead to a hallway filled with doors. Each room had a sign over it either lit up green with the word VACANT, or red with the word OCCUPIED. It didn’t take Lia long to figure out that this was where people would go to do private and probably more intense scenes.
Peeking into some of the vacant rooms they were set up to invoke different scenes. Some just had equipment in it, sort of dungeon looking. While others were mocked up to look like specific locations. There was a hospital room, a classroom, an office setting, a few different bedrooms with some interesting furniture choices, and those were just the ones she could actually look in. 
Turning around and leaving the hallway she smiled at the bouncer on the way out, he smiled back and nodded. Clearly this was common, new people being curious. It was probably why he allowed her back there without her actually participating in any kind of scene. From there she moved back to the main room sitting down at a different table and looking thoughtful. There was more to see, but right now she was horny and needed another drink. 
Lia wasn’t alone long when an orc sat down at her table after asking if it was ok that he join her. He was handsome, tall, and quite muscular. He was in a nice suit, but there was something wild about him. His bluish black hair stood up up in a wild sort of mohawk that looked soft to the touch. His large ears were pierced and he had the greenest eyes Lia had ever seen. His tusks had rings around them and he had a few facial piercings. 
He reached out a hand, a well manicured hand at that, introducing himself as Darnok. Lia blushed when she shook his hand, hers was so small compared to his. She was so small compared to him. She wasn’t tall for a human regardless, but next to this orc she felt down right miniscule. She knew his kind could get big, but he had to be over 7 feet tall. His voice was so deep she could feel it vibrate through her with every word he spoke which only affected her more and it was clear that he could tell. Her arousal was beyond obvious. 
“I haven’t seen you here before, I would very much like to get to know you little one.” Darnok smiled gently. He had quite the charming smile, but he simply didn’t want to frighten her.
“My name is Adalia, Lia for short. I just moved here about 6 months ago. I didn’t even know this place was here, I found it online. So this is really my first time here. I just wanted to see what it was all about, see if I fit in, if I like it.” She took a sip of her drink.
“I do, I think I want to get a membership here. Not sure what I will do with it at first, but I hope if I come here enough I could meet people and well, go from there.” Lia smiled at him and tried not to scoot closer.
“You’ve met me, if you are willing.. I can show you some of the ways you can enjoy yourself here?” Dar wasn’t being subtle but he wasn’t saying anything outright either.
Lia knew what he was offering, what he was asking. Honestly, he was sexy, intelligent, and seemed nice. He was also patient and wasn’t pushing her to answer. Something she appreciated, but despite not really doing the whole one night stand thing, her hormones were overriding her and made the decision for her.  “I would love to.” She offered him her hand and allowed him to lead her away. Back towards that hallway of doors. 
Darnok chose one of the bedrooms, it was more simply in design and it made sense to Lia since this was their first encounter. She was pretty sure that they were really only going to have sex and that kink wouldn’t be entering into it much. Though, he was attractive and she wondered if things went well, if he would want to meet up again. He seemed nice enough, gentlemanly, well put together, but it was really just his kind eyes that struck her the most. He didn’t set off her creeper vibe the way some men at clubs like these did. So why not give him a chance, give them a chance to see what could happen.
Stepping over to the bed Lia looked up at him. She was short, but this orc made her feel positively tiny. “Just so I understand, we are going to be having sex, yes?” She had to check, because if he was looking for a kink scene she felt they needed to negotiate. 
“Yes, I apologize for not making my intentions more clear. While I would love to do a more intense scene with you, something about you just interests me, I am aware we just met. I thought it might be better if we started simple, see if we are even physically compatible. That being said, I can be an intense and demanding lover, and I do have my kinks that come out regardless of how simple I like to keep things. I need to know if you have any hard stops now, any lines that could be crossed that would ruin the experience.”
Dar had made it simple for Lia to understand and she appreciated his desire to just get to know her a bit. Even if they were skipping several usual steps. “Hard limits for me are anal, permanent damage, and excessive pain. Other things can be negotiated, but I feel like those are the only ones that might come up in this situation. What about you? I am assuming you are going to be in control, but that doesn’t mean  you can’t have limits.”
“Fair of you to ask.” Dar had already slipped off his shoes and suit jacket, laying the jacket on the chair behind him. He was unbuttoning his shirt revealing his muscular and quite hairy chest. “I don’t do degradation usually, don’t call me a beast or a monster. No racial slurs, things like that. Also, I prefer if you didn’t struggle in any way that made it seem like you don’t want what is happening. This needs to be consensual and I want it to feel that way. A little struggling can be fun, but not until I know you, know your real body language. Other than that, we won't be getting into anything that would come close to my other lines.”
Lia nodded, watching as he revealed more and more of his body. He was the largest, and strongest male she had ever seen naked like this. He wasn’t built like a body builder, a little softer than that, but he still looked strong enough to pick up vehicles and throw them. Kicking off her shoes she unzipped her dress and moved it to a free chair, the bedroom was well set up and she was glad not to have to toss her clothes on the floor. “I don’t know if I could say anything truely horrible to someone while having sex, I dont think we have to worry about that.” Undoing her bra Lia blushed a bit. 
“You are so lovely, I don’t suppose you will indulge me?” Dar asked.
Lia looked curious as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet bag. Inside was a pair of decorative nipple clamps, a lovely silver, with little bells on them. Holding them out to her, he gave her the opportunity to choose if she took them, and Lia did. Placing them on herself to show her willingness. They pinched a bit, but in a good way, and the bells made such a sweet little sound, the bells having a delicate chime to them, musical in a way. They made her nipples look larger and harder, she actually began to like the way it felt to have the extra weight there. 
“Exquisit.” Dar breathed as he looked her over. “Would you let your hair down? Are you comfortable with a little hair pulling when things get rough?”
Lia had to think a bit before nodding. “Just, not too hard ok? I haven’t really done it so I don’t know how painful it is.” Reaching up she began unsecuring her hair, setting the pins and clips on the bedside table and letting her hair fall down her back in waves. Turning she moved to get on the bed and sat there looking at him, patting the place next to her.
“I promise, I will keep my strength in check as much as I can. Please let me know if anything becomes too much.” With that his pants and boxers were off leaving him nude before her. 
Lia was shocked by the size of him, thick and uncut, but not even fully hard yet. She scooted back on the bed as he climbed up next to her. His hand grabbing her wrist to stop her as she tried to remove her thong. 
“Let me, give me some time to warm you up, get you used to me. I can smell your fear, I promise I am not going to hurt you. I can be gentle to start.” Dar leaned in nuzzling at her neck, his form looming over hers as he pushed her back onto the bed. The nipple clamps chiming delicately as he positioned her. 
Using his mouth and hands, Dar slowly worked Lia through her nerves. Showing her how soft he could be, showing his gentle side, letting her feel safe with his touch. He brought her pleasure through gentle teasing, and enjoyed each of her orgasms as they came upon her. The muscles of his body were tense as he held back his own desires so that he could ease her nerves and prepare her body to take him. When she was ready he smiled down at her as he loomed over her. 
“You are so perfect in your pleasure Lia, I wish I had a whole weekend to play with you. There is so much more I want, but I can’t hold back my own needs any longer.” Leaning up to kneel between her legs, Dar grabbed a condom from the bedside table, as they were offered for free by the club. Sliding it on where Lia could see was just one more gesture to prove to her she could trust him. He always used protection with new partners, but if Lia enjoyed him as much as he was enjoying her, perhaps they could move to a different arrangement that no longer required one. 
“Thank you, some people don’t want to use them.” Lia wanted to help and reach for the bottle of lube, helping to pour it over him and stroke him to lube up the condom. She could feel him throbbing in her hand and it was clear he was eager. 
Dar smiled and waited for her to finish, though his jaw was clenched. The feel of her hand on him was so good, he almost didn’t want to stop, but he desperately wanted to be inside of her. Grabbing Lia by the waist he lifted her and flipped her over, placing pillows under her to help support her body. Holding her down he used one hand to guide his cock to her entrance, rubbing slowly to work her up and get her used to the feel of him against her. Soon he couldn’t resist any longer and he was slowly pushing into her tight heat. The sensation almost overwhelmed him and he felt himself tensing as he tried to control the rush of pleasure that threatened to push him over the edge far too quickly. 
Lia squirmed beneath him and Dar thought he might lose his mind as her wiggling was driving him to distraction. It felt too good, far too good, and he was pushing in faster and harder than he had originally intended. The sounds of her moans and whimpers driving him on as he managed to get halfway in before having to pause. “Are you ok?” His voice was strained but she had made a noise that sounded like she wasn’t.
“Y….” Lia swallowed and tried again. “Yeah, just.. So intense. You’re so big Darnok.” Lia whimpered and squirmed as she felt her core stretched beyond what she felt were her limits. Yeah she had a few larger toys, but nothing like this. She had never taken anything like this and it was both terrifying and glorious. It burned but in a way that made her want more. “Don’t stop, please?” She pushed herself back against him to try and take more of him as she heard him groan above her his grip on her tightened. 
Dar was losing control. The heat of her, how tight she felt around him, her eagerness. He had calmed down some until she begged him not to stop and tried to push more of him into her. It was enough to drive anyone mad. Growling deep in his chest Dar’s hips snapped forward pushing more of his cock into her as she cried out at the sudden stretch and invasion. Her body was taking him so much better than he had imagined and he didn’t want to stop. 
“Can you take more?” His voice was tense and he lost himself for a moment and growled down at her. “By the gods I just want to rut you girl.” His thighs shook slightly with the effort of holding still. She was trusting him, and that meant more to him than he wanted to admit. Looming over her small frame Dar felt strangely protective of Lia, and didn’t want to ruin this experience or her opinion of him by fucking her like a savage. 
“Please, I want it Dar. Please fuck me. I need it.. I need to know what it is like..” Lia was desperate for more. He had promised a level of roughness she was sure she had never known. This was her first time with an orc and she wanted to experience what it was like. She wanted him to enjoy it too, and a part of her, a darker more submissive part of her, just wanted to be thoroughly ruined by him. 
It was her begging that broke some of his resolve, the sweet sound of her voice, the clear need in her tone. Dar couldn’t hold back any longer and he thrust forward into her hard, burying his cock the rest of the way until his heavy balls slapped up against her. Watching as her body surged forward from the impact, the jingle of the bells of the nipple clamps making his cock twitch inside of her. Feeling her surrounding him, Dar was lost. 
Lia cried out as Dar began fucking her in earnest, his cock pushing deeper into her than anything had ever been. Her body was at its limit if not past it, and yet, having Dar balls deep inside of her only made Lia want more. She pushed back against him, moaning loudly and begging for him to go harder, begging him to fuck her, to use her. Something in her snapped as the orc looming above her became more and more feral in his fucking. 
Soon Lia was lifted off the pillows, held up in the air as Dar pounded into her. The bells on the nipple clamps ringing constantly as his hand found a grip on her hair and yanked her back, holding her in place as he thrust up into her, his balls slapping lewdly against her wet cunt. The feel of his hand in her hair, the tugging, the power he had over her, the helplessness she felt only made Lia more wet and more needy for him. 
She lost track of what she was even saying, begging for things that weren’t possible  and made no sense. She was overwhelmed with pleasure and felt her orgasm building wild and out of her control. The tight coil of pleasure ramping up more and more, each time she thought she had reached that peak ready to crash over, it just kept ramping up, that burning pleasurable sensation growing more tense. 
Dar began to fuck Lia with almost complete abandon, surprised that her body could handle so much and that she just wanted more. He could feel her tightening around him and knew she would cum soon. It was a miracle he had not released yet himself as he rutted up into her in exactly the way he had promised himself he wouldn’t. Then he felt it, that flutter in her core followed by a scream and she was cumming around him. 
Grunting Dar hunched forward sinking his tusks into her shoulder as he thrust up hard into her spasming pussy, his own release spilling into her, blocked only by the condom he had remembered to put on. He could feel her shaking in his arms, her orgasm just as intense as his own as his balls throbbed and pulsed with each pump of his release. 
It had felt like many minutes had gone by for both of them as their bodies slowly relaxed, orgasms subsiding. Dar became aware of himself first and pulled back slightly to survey the damage. He had broken her hard limit, his tusks had dug into her flesh and broken the skin. There would likely be a scar and she was already bleeding from it. 
Carefully pulling out Dar moved to the cabinet in the room and grabbed the first aid kit, cleaning and bandaging the wound as Lia lay there. “I am deeply sorry, I lost control, that is no excuse. I understand if you want to press charges and never see me again.” Dar was surprised when Lia began laughing.
“You just gave me the best orgasm of my life, the most intense and fulfilling fucking I have ever had, and you think I am mad because you bit me?” Lia tried to sit up but couldn’t yet.
“But.. you said no permanent damage?” Dar was confused but helped her sit up, holding her gently as he massaged her body, knowing her muscles had to be sore. 
“Promise me you won’t walk away. Promise this isn’t just a one time thing, and we can forgive the bite..” Lia knew she was pushing, reaching, asking for too much.
Dar smiled gently at the little human in his lap. She really was perfect. “Then perhaps you should mark me in return, and make this official.” He leaned in pressing his forehead to hers. “When you have the strength, of course.”
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avengerscompound · 5 years
The Grind House - Chapter 1
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The Grind House: A Bucky Barnes Fanfic
Series Masterlist
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x  F!Reader
Word Count:  2201
Rating:  E
Square filled:  @buckybarnesbingo​ - B1, AU- Coffee Shop, @star-spangled-bingo​ - coffee shop au
Warnings:  None for this chapter, future smut most likely
Synopsis:  When Bucky Barnes stops to get coffee and warm up at your coffee shop, he had just expected that caffeine might lift his mood a little. He didn’t expect to fall head-over-heels for you over a game of chess.
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Chapter 1
Bucky wasn’t exactly in what he’d call a good mood.  Even for him.  Which was saying something really.   He wasn’t exactly sure what it was that had put him in that mood either.  He just sort of woke up surly and everything was just annoying him.  He had been tempted to throw Clint out the window when he’d started up on a website he found that rated the Avengers on fuckability.
It had been snowing.  That might have had something to do with it.  He hated the cold and as the flakes landed on the ground he pulled his coat tighter around himself.   He had to get inside.  Maybe coffee would help?  Caffeine might make the word a little more tolerable.  At the very least coffee was hot.
He spotted a place up ahead and beelined right for it.  It wasn’t a chain.  Or at least if it was one he didn’t recognize it.  The walls on the outside were dark wood with gold inlay acting as both decoration and spelling out the words ‘The Grind House’.
The large windows of the store were all darkened so you could barely even see inside.  There was a fireplace though.  He could see the light it was giving off even from down the street.  Everything about the place appealed to him.
A bell over the door tinkled as he pushed it open and stepped inside.  It was warm and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee hung in the air.  Around the store were shelves. Some contained the usual coffee shop merchandise - bags of coffee beans, decorative mugs, boxes of chocolates and French presses - while others just contained decorative knick-knacks like model ships and well-loved teddy bears, board games that had been clearly used over and over, and books.  Around the shop were tables and chairs of various sizes.  Small coffee tables surrounded by large wing back chairs.  Large round dining tables with hardwood dining chairs and a hardwood bench with barstools along it.  Each place had at least one outlet.
Bucky shrugged off his coat and hung it on the coat rack by the door.  This was somehow both warm and cozy and incredibly cool and yet was remarkably empty.  There was a couple sitting at a coffee table playing a game of cards and gazing at each other lovingly over their decks as they sipped on large mugs of coffee.  And one of the tables had five elderly women playing Clue.  Delicate teacups sitting beside them cooling.
For a moment he wondered if he might have just found his new favorite place and then you walked out from out the back.
Bucky was a practical man.  He had lived a long time.  Too fucking long if you asked him.  He’d seen a lot.  He didn’t believe in things like soulmates or love at first sight.  So he had no idea what he was feeling as he locked eyes with you.  It wasn’t lust.  Or at least, not all of it was.  That was there, under the surface.  Lust always was when there was attraction after all.  He just knew as the two of you looked at each other, that whoever you were, he wanted to get to know you more.
It was a thought that startled him.  He hadn’t felt that for anyone.  Not since… well not since he’d been taken by HYDRA that first time.  Even as he’d followed Steve around fighting NAZI’s obliviously to the fact that yes, he could, in fact, go through something worse than his first experience as a human guinea pig and German POW, women just seemed abstractly attractive.  Like a painting.  You might admire it, but that didn’t mean you wanted to date it.
“Hi, there.  What can I get you?”  You asked coming over to the counter.
Bucky looked up at the menu.  “Large Americano I guess.”  He said.
“You started typing in the order.  Like it black, huh?”  You asked.
“Like my soul.”   He said.
You laughed.  It was warm and somehow completely genuine considering you had had to have heard that before.  “With those blue eyes?  That can’t be true.”  You said.
“Truth is, it’s the only way I’ve ever had it.”  He said.  His face felt warm and for a moment he wondered if he was blushing.  That couldn’t be right though.  The Winter Soldier didn’t blush.  He couldn’t remember ever blushing.
“Really?  Do you have a lactose intolerance?  We have other kinds of milk.”
“What?”  He asked suppressing the urge to laugh.  “No.  No… I just… Haven’t I guess.  Just used to drinking black coffee from a pot.  And my friend said Americano was the closest to that in a place like this.”
“Well, they’re right.  If you ever want to try something new let me know.”  You said.  “Did you want anything else?”
Bucky had a quick glance at the pastry cabinet.  He was a sucker for sweets and it was rare he could resist one if there was something on offer.  He selected one of the chocolate mousse cakes and paid.
“Is that to go?”  You asked moving to the espresso machine.
“No, I'll have it here.”  He said.
“Take a seat, I’ll bring it over.  And grab a book or a game if you like.  It’s kind of what we’re known for besides the coffee.”  You said as you started up the machine.
“A game?  But I don’t have anyone to play with.”  He said.
You shrugged.  “It’s pretty quiet if you don’t mind getting interrupted, I can play with you.”
Bucky went over to the wall and looked over the games.  He thought it would just be a cursory glance.  A lot of these games he didn’t recognize.  Scythe looked complicated.  Sushi Go looked silly.  And what the hell was Cards Against Humanity?  Not that it mattered, that game had a three played minimum.  He had thought he’d just look to be nice, and then wave you off saying it was okay, he could just enjoy his coffee alone.  That is what he intended to do, but as he browsed over the games, most of which he either didn’t recognize or were too complicated for one sitting, he started thinking this would be a good way to get to know you.  A really good way.  So he slid a chess board off the shelf and took it to a small table with leather wingback chairs on either side.
He set it up.  It was nothing special.  Just a cardboard board with a red and black grid and very basic standard plastic pieces.  He set it up and decided to save time he’d choose white and make his first move.  He pushed a pawn forward two spaces.
You came over with the coffee and small chocolate cake and put them on the table beside him.  “Chess, huh?  Well, I’m a little bit rusty, but I’m game.”  You moved the pawn opposite his up so they were directly next to each other.  “I keep thinking you seem familiar.  Have you come in before?”
Bucky tensed a little.  Was this why you were being nice?  That little gleam of recognition from seeing him on the news or on television?  Would the realization that he was an ex HYDRA assassin make you pull away immediately?  Or worse kick him out of the store altogether?
He huffed and moved his knight forward so it sat just behind and to the side of his pawn.  He might as well do this now though.  Off like a bandaid.  It wasn’t fair to you to force an interaction based on missing information.  “No.  You might have seen me in the news.”  He took off the leather glove he kept covering his metal hand and flexed his fingers.
Your eyes went wide and you pointed at him.  “Oh right, right.  You’re an Avengers.  You're - you're - Captain America’s friend. Umm… Oh… James Barnes.  Sergeant James Barnes.”
Bucky smothered a laugh and shook his head.  “Yeah, that’s me.  I prefer Bucky though.”
“Oh god, I’m sorry.  That was overboard wasn’t it?”  You said as you moved another pawn forward.
“Maybe a little.”  He teased.  “It’s okay, that’s not normally the reaction I get.”
“No?  But… you’re an Avenger.”
He assessed the board for a moment and brought the opposite pawn forward two spaces.  “Yeah, but I haven’t always been.  People don’t forget easily.”
You tapped your fingers on the table as you thought about your next move.   “That’s not fair though.  You save people.”
“I don’t blame them.  I mean… what I did was public knowledge.  It’s not… good…”  He took a sip of the coffee.  It was rich and full bodied.  Bitter but not overly so.  He hadn’t had a coffee this good in a long time.
“I see.  Still, blame yourself huh?”  You said. “Oh shit, sorry.  I’m a busy body.  You can ignore me if you like.”
He flexed his fingers and didn't say anything for a moment.  “You probably aren't wrong though.”
“Maybe but I'm not your therapist.  You don't need analyzing by some stranger.”
There was a tinkling as the door opened and a small group of people came in. You moved your bishop out so it sat diagonally next to his Knight and got up and returned to the counter to serve them.
As you took their orders and started to make them Bucky sat assessing the board.  His fingers drummed on the table as he thought both about your words and his next move.  He took a bite of the mousse cake and had a real urge to moan with how good it was.  Creamy and sweet and a little tart.  He suppressed it though and just started down trying not to watch you as you laughed and chatted with the new customers.
You hadn’t been wrong.  He didn’t forgive himself.  He wasn’t sure he ever could forgive himself.  His hands were stained in blood and he thought maybe that was permanent.
He took your pawn with his and sat back drinking his coffee and eating his cake.  When you had finished with the other customers you came back over.  “Oh taking a piece while I’m not looking.  Harsh.”  You teased.
“Sorry.  It was just the best move.”  He said.
“That’s okay.”  You said moving your bishop to take his knight.
“Oh, rough.  My poor knight.”  Bucky said and you laughed.
“Maybe that will teach you.”  You said.
“So is this place yours?”  He asked.
“Well, I’m a co-owner.  Me and a couple of friends.  I’m the coffee person, and there’s a cake person and a money person.”  You explained.
“Who’s the game person?”  He asked.
“Oh, we all are.  That was one of the things that sparked the idea.  We used to have game nights on Fridays and we’d drink so much coffee.  We decided to see if we can make money doing that.”  You said.
“You still do that?”  He asked, taking your bishop with his queen.
“Dude!”  You yelped.  “Yeah, we do.  Here.  And it’s a big thing.  It’s our busiest time.  There’s a lot of finger foods and competitions going on.  You should come sometime.”
Bucky wondered if that was a serious invitation or just one of those things people say.  “Yeah, maybe.”
“Guy can’t be an Avenger all the time.”  You said and took one of his pawns with yours.  “It would be cool to have you.  You can play with me and my friends if you like.  Or if you wanted to bring people we can set you up with something.”
“I guess you can’t.”  He agreed.  “I might see what I can do.  You know… missions and stuff.”
“Yeah, of course.”  You said.  He thought that was a look of disappointment on your face.  He was pretty good at reading people.  That was something that had been literally beaten into him.  But what could you be disappointed about?
“I’ll try and make one.”  He said moving his other bishop out.
His phone chimed and he picked it up.  There was a message from Steve telling him he was needed back a the tower.  He groaned and drained his coffee.  “Shit, sorry.  I gotta go.”
“Was that them?  You got Avengers stuff?”  You asked.
He risked a smile and nodded.  “Yeah, something like that.  Sorry about the game.  I wanted to finish it.”
“Take a photo and the next time you’re here we can start up again.”  You said, moving your knight out.
“Really?  Yeah.  Okay.”  He said and took out his phone, snapping a picture of the board.  “I’d like that.”
“So would I.”  You said with a smile. “It was nice meeting you, Bucky.  Just leave the board and I’ll pack it up for you.”
“Thanks,”  He said getting up.  “I guess I’ll see you again.”
“Soon, I hope.”  You said with a smile.
He grabbed his coat and shrugged it back on, watching as you started clearing off his table.  Whatever had put him in such a bad mood was well and truly gone.  Now he just had to figure out whether he was ready to ask someone out on a date.
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emmvxnce · 4 years
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i didn’t know i was a p h o e n i x                                TILL I LEARNED HOW TO S P E A K
𝖖 𝖚 𝖔 𝖙 𝖊 𝖘
"Without losing a piece of me, how do i get to heaven?  Without changing a piece of me, how do I get to heaven?  So if I’m losing a piece of me, maybe I don’t want heaven.” — Troye Sivan, Heaven
“She had a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach, like when you’re swimming and you want to put your feet down on something solid, but the water’s deeper than you think and there’s nothing there.” — Julia Gregson
“The worst thing in the world next to anarchy, is government.” — Henry Ward Beecher
“I’ve left my fingerprints somewhere. And that’s good enough.  And I am my own person. And that’s good enough.  And… I stand my ground. And that’s good enough.” — Morrissey
𝖇 𝖆 𝖘 𝖎 𝖈
NAME: Emmeline Glenys Vance NICKNAMES: Emme, Em, Vance AGE: Twenty Two BIRTHDAY: 10 September 1957 GENDER: Cis Female PRONOUNS: She/Her SEXUALITY: Homosexual ETHNICITY: English, Welsh, Chinese
𝖋 𝖆 𝖒 𝖎 𝖑 𝖞
MOTHER: Jìngyi ‘Jenny’ Vance, née Ling (44) FATHER: Raymond Thomas Vance (46) SIBLINGS: Charles Vance (23), Margaret Vance (20)
𝖕 𝖍 𝖞 𝖘 𝖎 𝖈 𝖆 𝖑 𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖇𝖚𝖙𝖊𝖘
FACE CLAIM: Chloe Bennet BUILD: Naturally slim, of average height.  Several years of training have lent an athletic edge to her body.  Solid bone structure, thin but not waiflike. HAIR: Shoulder length, thick, and wavy. Typically pulled back off her face in some way or other.  Often twisted up with her wand which backfires when she is forced to pull her wand and her hair comes falling around her face.   HAIR COLOR: Dark brown. EYE COLOR: Typically brown, nearly black when she’s upset or angry but lighter when the sun is bright or her mood is up. SKIN COLOR: Beige with warm undertones. DOMINANT HAND: Right. ANOMALIES: Broken nails from years spent biting or picking at them.  A scar on her hairline on the right side of her forehead from where she fell when she was eight and cracked her head on the coffee table in the living room.  Various minor scars from several years with the Order.   SCENT: Honey and lilac from her shampoo, a touch of something floral if she’s decided to put on perfume which is rare and reserved for the most special of occasions.   ACCENT: RP but with traces of welsh from years listening and speaking with her dad who is from Cardiff.   ALLERGIES:  Pollen and blueberries. DISORDERS: Mild anxiety triggered in the last several years by the worsening war FASHION: Leans to muggle fashion, typical late 70′s clothing.  Bell bottoms, high waisted jeans, crop tops, the occasional leather jacket, over sized men’s shirts paired with leggings.  She prefers pants to skirts as often as possible.   NERVOUS TICS:  Biting and picking at her nails, toying with any jewelry she may be wearing, usually a necklace, twirling hair at the base of her neck or from her ponytail.  In general her hands are usually fidgeting in someway, she has a hard time keeping them still. QUIRKS:  She doesn’t like silence and sometimes will hum to herself if there is no other sound just to fill the empty air, she almost always sits with her legs pulled up either under or in front of her.
𝖑 𝖎 𝖋 𝖊 𝖘 𝖙 𝖞 𝖑 𝖊
RESIDES: Plainview Point BORN: Cardiff, where her parents lived in the earliest years of their marriage before moving to a village just outside London.   RAISED: Shere, a village in Surrey, about an hour southwest of London.   PETS: Persimmon aka Persy, a ginger cat she met in an alley near St. Mungo’s who took a liking to her after she shared her turkey sandwich one day and followed her home.  
CAREER: Healer, specializing in spell inflicted damage and working on the fourth floor of St. Mungo’s. EXPERIENCE:  Member of the Potions club in her fifth through seventh years at Hogwarts.  OWLS and NEWTS in Charms, Potions, Herbology, and Defense Against the Dark Arts.  Entered the Healer training program upon graduation from Hogwarts, rotating through each floor and specialization at St. Mungo’s before choosing to specialize in spell-inflicted damage.   EMPLOYER: St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
POLITICAL AFFILIATION: Order of the Phoenix BELIEFS: Equality, in all shapes and forms.  Being a muggleborn, a woman, the daughter of an immigrant, and a lesbian have given her a unique viewpoint into so many of the ways that society is stacked against certain people.  She does not have a strong religious or spirtual practice or belief but adds it to the list of things she believes people should be allowed to choose and practice without judgment or intercession. MISDEMEANORS: Breaking curfew, pilfering from the potion supply closet in school and a little bit from the hospital when it’s not something she can get at the apothecary FELONIES: None on the record, only in service of the Order DRUGS: Marijuana, both inhaled and ingested.  Girlfriend makes a hell of a pot brownie. SMOKES: Marijuana, yes.  Cigarettes, no. ALCOHOL: Beer mostly, the occasional whiskey when someone else is in charge of choosing it.  Never wine or cocktails.  Too sweet for her taste. DIET:  Mostly simple meals, usually with a bit of a Chinese foundation.  Rice as a staple, a lot of stir fry because it’s simply and quick and can be made in large quantities to last her for many days or to feed a multitude of people.  
LANGUAGES: English, Welsh, Mandarin
PHOBIAS: Fire, losing those she loves and being left alone.   HOBBIES:  Brewing potions, listening and collecting muggle music TRAITS: { + }: compassionate, self-assured, determined, hard working, pragmatic { - }: blunt, ineloquent, inflexible, stubborn, temperamental
𝖋 𝖆 𝖛 𝖔 𝖗 𝖎 𝖙 𝖊 𝖘
LOCATION: Her flat.  She’s turned it into a haven with couches you can sink into, nooks where she can curl up, candles and warm smells, even a fireplace she and Persy like to lie in front of until they fall asleep on the poufs she has as extra seating.   SPORTS TEAM: Chelsea Football Club, Holyhead Harpies (football first and then quidditch) GAME: Rummy, card games in general MUSIC: Muggle rock and punk - Queen, David Bowie, Blondie, The Clash MOVIES: Star Wars, The Godfather (just the first one), Superman, The Exorcist FOOD:  Chinese food but actual Chinese food like her mother makes, not what you can get in the shops.  Not that that’s bad - it’s just not her favorite.   BEVERAGE: Chocolate Milk.  Yes she knows she is a child.   COLOR: Deep gold.  
𝖒 𝖆 𝖌 𝖎 𝖈
ALUMNI HOUSE: Hufflepuff WAND (length, flexibility, wood, & core):  9 ¼ inches, ash, phoenix feather core, slightly springy.  The saying goes that ash wands are stubborn but it isn’t the arrogant or crass type of stubborn that attracts this wood.  It is drawn to a person whose beliefs are held strongly in their mind and deeply in their heart.  Combined with a core of phoenix feather and it’s slightly springy nature, Emmeline’s wand is particularly loyal and becomes finnicky in the hands of anyone other than it’s owner. AMORTENTIA:  Fresh baked pastries, cinnamon, twilight air in the summer PATRONUS:  Brown Bear - social creatures who find strength in sharing resources and who are known for their protective instincts.  Bears are also closely associated with healing in some cultures.   BOGGART:  Darkness.  The kind of darkness that envelops your senses.  Instead of becoming stronger, it dulls each sense so you cannot see but you also cannot hear or feel or smell.  You are isolated, alone, helpless.  Seconds become eternities as you seek any anchor to hold on to to pull yourself back to the world.  
𝖈 𝖍 𝖆 𝖗 𝖆 𝖈 𝖙 𝖊 𝖗
MORAL ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good MBTI: ENFJ-A (Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging, Assertive) MBTI ROLE: The Protaganist ENNEAGRAM: Type 2 ENNEAGRAM ROLE: The Helper TEMPERAMENT: Sanguine WESTERN ZODIAC: Virgo
Virgos are always paying attention to the smallest details and their deep sense of humanity makes them one of the most careful signs of the zodiac. This will lead to a strong character, but one that prefers conservative, well-organized things and a lot of practicality in their everyday life. These individuals have an organized life, and even when they let go to chaos, their goals and dreams still have strictly defined borders in their mind. Their need to serve others makes them feel good as caregivers, on a clear mission to help.
Roosters are smart, charming, witty, honest, blunt, capable, talented, brave, and self-reliant. They are known for their ability to do astounding things with extremely limited resources. Their way is always right (in their mind, at least), and they love to debate their stance. Roosters are extremely sociable and bask in attention and praise.
Loyal, observant, and analytical, those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Corgi are devoted friends and family members who take on the role of caretaker with great passion. Few others are as eager to jump in and help a friend in need, and Corgis take great pride in this. More so than other signs, members of this sign like to fill a very specific role in the lives of other people, thus getting the majority of their own personal fulfillment through their service to others.
The Justice Tarot card has to do with moral sensitivity and that which gives rise to empathy, compassion, and a sense of fairness. Since the time of Solomon, this image has represented a standard for the humane and fair-minded treatment of other beings.  This card reminds us to be careful to attend to important details. It's a mistake to overlook or minimize anything where this card is concerned.
SONGS: coming soon, i suck at this
IDEOLOGIES: Doesn’t believe in wallowing or living in the past.  Mistakes get made and bad things happen and the only way to get past it all is to pick yourself up and keep on walking.
Tea over coffee.  Fight her about it.  Get yourself some black tea if you need the caffeine.  
There is exactly nothing that can’t be made better by a dance party around the flat with the music so loud that you can’t hear your own thoughts anymore.  
There is no excuse for inequality.  People are people and the only way to get through this life is to care about the people inhabiting the world around you.  Most common thought - “I don’t know how to explain to you that you should care about other people.”
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centralparkpawsblog · 5 years
The 10 Best Flea and Tick Collars for Dogs
Recently, I’ve had the joy to watch one of my best friends adopt her own puppy and bring him home.
She’d never owned her own dog before, so it was great to watch her experience all of his first milestones.
Some were more enjoyable than others, but there are always a few firsts that dog owners have to experience.
The night she discovered tiny black bugs in his soft puppy fur, she panicked and didn’t know what to do.
She didn’t have the budget to take him to the vet and buy a prescription just yet, so she needed a cheaper but still effective solution.
I told her to turn to flea collars and she was not disappointed.
Here are the best flea collars for dogs that I’d recommend to any dog owner looking for an easy flea solution.
How Flea Collars Work
Depending on the type of flea collar you buy, the ingredients will be different but still work the same way.
Within the first 24 hours of the flea collar being worn by your dog, the ingredients in the collar will slowly disperse through your dog’s fur.
As these ingredients are soaked into your dog’s skin, the more protected they are from fleas and ticks.
The ingredients can both kill flea infestations and prevent future ones, depending on the purpose of the flea collar.
Types of Flea Collars
Those who have only ever trusted a flea medication for their dog may be wondering how they work.
There are two types of flea collars on the market that are effective, so you can choose from either one.
Unless you already know that your dog has skin allergies or sensitivities, you may not find out that they’re better with one kind of flea collar over another until you try them both out.
Chemical Flea Collars
The first is a chemical flea collar.
It’s made with an insecticide[1] that slowly releases into your dog’s fur, which ends the life cycle of the fleas. They can kills eggs, larvae and even adult fleas.
Some chemical flea collars may contain multiple insecticides for the most powerful infestations, but they’ll all be tested before being sold to the public.
All-Natural Flea Collars
Make sure to discuss the following options with your canine companion to see which they prefer
The other kind of collar is the all-natural flea collar.
It uses only natural ingredients[2] to kill and deter fleas, like citronella and other oils.
Fleas get turned away by the smell of the ingredients if they aren’t killed off immediately, but dogs and humans won’t be bothered by it.
Best Flea Collars
There are a few varying factors that will affect which dog collar you buy for your dog.
Age and weight are some of them, but size is one of the most important.
Check out these flea collar superlatives by size that should help you figure out what to get.
ProductProtection LengthMinimum AgeRatingPrice Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar8 Months7 Weeks3.7$$$$$ Check Price Hartz Ultraguard Flea and Tick Collar7 Months12 Weeks3.7$ Check Price Rolf Club 3D Flea Collar6 Months12 Weeks4.0$$$ Check Price Arava Flea and Tick Prevention Collar6 MonthsNone Givien3.7$$$$ Check Price Lucky Pluto Flea Collar8 MonthsNone Given3.4$$ Check Price Dr. Bob Goldstein Nature's Protection Herbal Dog Collar3 Months16 WeeksN/A$$ Check Price Mozart's Flea and Tick Prevention Collar6 Months5 Weeks4.4$$$ Check Price PetArmor Flea and Tick Collar6 Months12 Weeks2.3$$ Check Price Joeor Prolonged Flea and Tick Collar8 Months8 Weeks4.4$$$ Check Price TevraPet Proact Flea and Tick Collar12 Months12 Weeks3.3$$$ Check Price
My Top Pick
Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar
While there are tons of flea collars out there to choose from, the one I’ve seen work on a consistent basis is the Seresto collar by Bayer.
Click the image for more info
It’s made for dogs of all sizes and ages, so you don’t need to worry about the specifics.
Vets also commonly recommend this collar because it’s powerful in the fight against fleas without being a major irritant to your dog’s skin.
You can get it at almost any pet supply store or online.
What I Liked
Dog owners looking for the most effective flea and tick collar should turn to Seresto.
When you buy a Seresto product, you’re getting a collar that stops fleas in their tracks. It kills them before they lay eggs and repels any other fleas or ticks from joining the party.
It’s not greasy and has no odor, so it’s pleasant for humans to be around when your dog wants to cuddle.
Additionally, Seresto collars can help symptoms of sarcastic mange, which sometimes goes hand in hand with flea outbreaks[3].
Mites are friends of fleas, and they can cause mange when they burrow under your dog’s skin.
What I Didn’t Like
There’s not much to not like about the Seresto collar.
If your dog doesn’t have any immediate allergic reactions to wearing it, it does its job well and helps with additional issues like mange.
Final Thoughts
The Seresto collar is an easy way to cover all your dog’s bases, which is why it’s trusted by so many dog owners around the world.
You won’t be taking much of a gamble by trying this collar out on your dog.
You can find a more in-depth review of the Bayer Seresto collar here.
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Best Flea Collar for Small Dogs
Hartz Ultraguard Flea and Tick Collar
Small dog owners probably spend their time looking for a collar that’s both the right size and the right price.
Paying a huge price for such a small collar can feel like a rip off, but you don’t have to sacrifice your budget to find something that works when there’s the Hartz Ultraguard Flea and Tick collar.
Click the image for more info
What I Liked
This flea collar usually sold in a pack of two for around or less than ten dollars, depending on where you shop.
Anything that helps out my budget is a winner for me.
Even though your dog only needs one collar at a time, they aren’t meant to last forever.
A pack of two will save you time and money in the future when the collar needs to be replaced.
This chemical collar is water resistant too[4], so your dog can run through a sprinkler and not ruin the collar.
Just make sure to remove it before they take a bath or go swimming.
Being dunked continuously in water will make the chemicals release faster, wasting the active ingredients that should extend for months at a time.
Click the image to read the itty bitty text
What I Didn’t Like
I’m not a huge fan of the fact that puppies younger than 12 weeks old can’t wear this collar.
They won’t be socializing much anyway, since they’ll be catching up on their vaccinations, but they can still get fleas and ticks when they go outside during potty training.
Dog parents shouldn’t feel like their only option is to buy the more expensive oral medication.
Final Thoughts
I love that this collar can be bought in a pack of two.
Most flea collars are only sold individually, but I like that you can stock up with Hartz Ultraguard.
Even though young puppies can’t wear the collar, it’s still a great option for smaller dogs looking for flea and tick protection.
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Best Flea Collar for Medium Dogs
Rolf Club 3D Flea Collar
Medium dogs may have the easiest time finding a collar that fits, especially since Rolf Club makes their 3D Flea Collar.
Click the image for more info
What I Liked
The 3D collar is specifically designed to by hypoallergenic, so your dog can still wear it if their skin normally reacts to things like different shampoos or sprays.
It’s also an odorless way to protect your dog from mosquitoes and lice, in addition to fleas.
Some spot-on flea treatments leave an unpleasant odor after application, which can stick around for a day or two.
This collar is an easy way to avoid that without compromising on your dog’s flea protection.
What I Didn’t Like
Some owners have reported that the collar may slip off of your dog, but I believe that’s due to either getting the wrong size or not securing it correctly.
Make sure to read the packaging so you put it on your dog the right way, since not all flea collars are designed to be identical.
Final Thoughts
Averaging around $30, it’s a reasonable price to pay for such great canine protection.
You’ll only have to replace the Rolf Club 3D flea collar twice a year, which is still much more affordable than oral or spot-on medication.
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Best Flea Collar for Large Dogs
Bayer Flea and Tick Collar Again
Large dogs require a flea collar that has a bit of extra strength, since there’s so much surface area to cover. Bayer Animal Health will keep your dog safe with the Seresto Flea and Tick Collar.
Click the image for more info
What I Liked
Any large breed dog seven weeks or older can wear this collar, so your dog can grow up with the same product.
The Seresto collar also has a lower concentration of active chemical ingredients, so they won’t irritate the skin while they release slowly over time.
Your dog will be protected for up to eight months while wearing this non-greasy, odorless collar.
What I Didn’t Like
There’s not much to be said regarding complaints with the Seresto collar.
There are only a few rare cases where the collar didn’t help end a flea infestation, which may be related to the lower concentration of active ingredients.
Final Thoughts
The Seresto collar is one of the biggest sellers in the dog flea collar market, especially for big dogs.
If you haven’t tried a flea collar on your dog before, this may be the collar that gets recommended to you the most by friends and your dog’s vet.
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Safest Flea Collar
Arava Flea and Tick Prevention collar
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Chemical flea collars are out on the market because they’ve been tested and proven to be safe for dogs to wear.
Still, dog owners can feel uncomfortable when the word “chemicals” is mentioned.
That’s completely understandable, which is why natural flea collars like the Arava Flea and Tick Prevention collar have a huge presence in the flea collar market.
What I Liked
The all-natural ingredients are definitely a bonus.
I would never have to worry about them bothering Maggie’s skin, which is even more difficult when you have a dog with thick fur.
You can trust the natural herbs and essential oils that make this a powerful collar in the fight against fleas and ticks.
What I Didn’t Like
Some consumers have made it clear that this collar didn’t do much to end flea infestations that had become pretty bad.
If your dog is suffering from a long-term flea problem, you’ll want to go with a collar that has more powerful ingredients.
Or a short term oral solution may be what’s right, and then you can get the Arava collar for your dog to wear once their coat is back to normal.
Final Thoughts
I still stand by the fact that all-natural collars can be just as effective as chemical collars.
The Arava collar proves this, since it’s trusted by so many dog owners to protect their dogs for months at a time.
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Best Flea Collar for Puppies
Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar Once More
Buying a flea collar for a puppy is tricky.
Most collars won’t be safe for a puppy to wear, because of the chemicals they contain.
That’s why so many new puppy parents turn to the Seresto flea collar for help.
Click the image for more-ah, you know the drill by now!
What I Liked
Depending on the puppy’s age, their liver may not be fully developed to process out chemicals.
Vets may recommended oral flea medication at a lower dose, but there’s also the Seresto flea collar if that’s what you’d prefer to use for your dog’s flea protection.
Many vets recommend that puppies as young as seven weeks old wear the Seresto flea collar[5].
It’s safe for young puppies because it’s designed to be tough on ticks and fleas without introducing anything a young puppy may not be able to process through their digestive tract.
What I Didn’t Like
It’s disappointing that something as well known as the Seresto collar isn’t also made with all-natural ingredients.
Still, dogs wear the Seresto collar all the time and don’t experience any bad side effects, so it’s unlikely that your puppy will be any different.
Final Thoughts
It’s hard to find a flea collar for puppies, but the Seresto flea and tick collar makes it easy to protect your pup.
Starting your puppy with a Seresto collar could mean that they wear the Seresto brand as they grow up, which is easier for everyone involved.
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Best Flea Collar for Older Dogs
Lucky Pluto Flea Collar
As dogs age, they have different health issues to keep in mind when purchasing something for them like the Lucky Pluto flea collar.
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What I Liked
In general, it’s a good idea to not give a dog a flea collar when they have skin lesions[6], which can occur more easily with older dogs.
It’s safer to stick with a flea collar that uses all natural ingredients so it’s irritant free.
Lucky Pluto’s flea collar does just that, while also being allergen-free.
For up to eight months, your senior canine will be protected from fleas and ticks, even if they go for a swim or take a bath.
What I Didn’t Like
It’s a little disappointing whenever a flea collar is water resistant and not waterproof, which is the case for Lucky Pluto.
It’ll take some time to get used to removing the collar every time your dog bathes or goes for a swim, but it’s a small price to pay for effective flea treatment.
Final Thoughts
Older dogs require different precautions than younger dogs, which is why you want to get them the safest collar.
The Lucky Pluto collar won’t let your dog down, so its a safe option to try out on older dogs.
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Best All-Natural Collar
Dr. Bob Goldstein Nature’s Protection Flea and Tick Collar
When you’re trusting an herbal collar with your dog’s health, you’re going to want to get the best in the business.
That’s why you should trust Dr. Bob Goldstein Nature’s Protection flea and tick collar.
What I Liked
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This collar uses three natural ingredients to send ticks and fleas running.
Almond oil, peppermint oil, and Virginia cedar oil are all non-toxic ingredients that help in more ways than one.
They have antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties, while also containing an odor that repels fleas.
All you’ll smell is a minty refreshing scent in your dog’s fur, which they may enjoy as well.
What I Didn’t Like
The only annoying feature of this collar is that it has to be replaced every three months.
While it’s relatively inexpensive, it’s another thing to add to your busy schedule.
Keep that in mind before purchasing, if you don’t want to frequently replace your dog’s collar.
Final Thoughts
As far as all-natural collars go, Dr. Bob Goldstein’s Nature’s Protection ranks above them all.
The three main ingredients take care of fleas and ticks fast, which may be worth replacing it every three months for some dog owners.
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Best Vet Recommended Collar
Mozart’s Flea and Tick Prevention Collar
Your dog’s vet will know the best way for them to be treated if they have a flea infestation, but vets also recommend that Mozart’s flea and tick prevention collar be used as a precaution when your dog doesn’t have fleas.
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What I Liked
Mozart’s flea and tick prevention collar is the number one preventative collar that vets recommend.
It uses all natural ingredients like cinnamon oil, clove oil, and lemongrass oil along with citronella and peppermint to keep bugs away.
It will also protect your dog for up to six months.
While that’s slightly shorter than other flea collars, this collar option is much more budget friendly, which is another reason why vets recommend it to so many dog owners.
What I Didn’t Like
A few owners have reported online that the scent from the collar can be quite strong when it’s fresh out of its packaging.
Prepare to let it air out for a few hours before putting it on your dog to help with the smell.
Another important factor for dog owners to consider is that large dogs with thick coats haven’t had as much success with this collar as short haired dogs.
Final Thoughts
There’s no doubting the effectiveness of this all-natural collar, but it may not be for every dog.
If your dog doesn’t see any flea or tick relief within the first 24 hours of wearing the Mozart collar, they may need one that uses strong chemicals instead.
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Best Six Month Collar
PetArmor Flea and Tick Collar
Six month collars are easy to find, which is why many owners trust the PetArmor flea and tick collar for their dogs.
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What I Liked
The PetArmor Premium collar come in all sizes and only take a few hours to start killing even the most severe flea infestations.
At the end of six months, replace it with a new collar and your dog will be good to go.
It’s a straightforward collar, so it’s easy for people who are new to flea collars to use correctly on their dog.
What I Didn’t Like
For some reason, chihuahuas and other tiny dogs tend to react poorly to this collar.
So, avoid the PetArmor collar if you have a very small dog!
Final Thoughts
If you don’t have a chihuahua or other tiny dog, the PetArmor collar will take care of your dog’s flea problem quickly and easily.
If you prefer spot-on drops instead, check out our review of PetArmor’s topical flea medication!
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Best Eight Month Collar
Joeor Prolonged Flea and Tick Collar
There are many reasons why an eight month flea collar is more appealing to dog owners than a six month collar.
You may have a tight budget to work with or you may not want to remember to replace the collar more than once a year.
If you’re looking for the best eight month collar, look no further than the Joeor Prolonged flea and tick collar.
What I Liked
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This collar repels ticks, fleas, and even mosquitoes during all life stages.
That’s extra pest protection without any extra steps for you to remember to do every month.
Compared to other rigid flea collars, the Joeor collar is also soft and easy to buckle into place.
This may be related to what it’s made out of. It also uses mostly all-natural ingredients, so it’s safer for dogs with sensitive skin to wear.
What I Didn’t Like
The citronella scent of this collar can be overpowering when it’s first used, so prepare yourself for the scent if you decide to buy it for your dog.
Final Thoughts
It’s nice when you can put a flea collar on your dog and not have to worry about replacing it more than once a year.
The Joeor collar is a safe and effective way to keep pests away from your dog, if you don’t mind the citronella smell that will follow your dog around for a bit after they first start wearing it.
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Best Long Term Collar
TevraPet Proact Flea and Tick Collar
Don’t want to keep track of how many months your dog has been using their flea collar? Try out a year long, long term collar like the TevraPet Proact flea and tick collar.
What I Liked
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The TervaPet collar is meant to be used for up to twelve months at a time, so it’s waterproof and slowly releases continuous protection over time.
Dogs twelve weeks and older can use it, so younger puppies can grow up with this collar.
If your dog is smaller, the collar can easily be cut to fit your dog’s neck perfectly.
Another great feature?
It’s commonly sold in packs of two, both online and in stores. For an average of $30, you could get two years of pest protection for your dog.
What I Didn’t Like
A general issue that comes with long term collars is that pet parents stop checking their dog for fleas and ticks regularly when their dog is wearing the collar.
At first, that may be fine, but the collar may become less effective over time.
Dunking the collar in water is one of the easiest ways to make it less effective, so just remember to check your dog regularly even if they have a long term flea and tick collar on.
Final Thoughts
It’s great that pet parents have the option to buy long term flea collars for their dogs, but it doesn’t mean you should stop being proactive
If your dog wears a collar like the TevraPet collar and you’re also brushing them to check for bugs, they’re bound to be safe all year round.
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How to Use a Flea Collar Effectively
It’s important for dog owners to know that different flea collars may come with slightly different instructions.
If you want to be sure that you’re using the flea collar effectively, read the back of the packaging that you bought.
Still, there are a few general steps that flea collars require in order to be used.
Make sure you do these following things so your dog is protected from pests.
Unroll and Stretch It
Most flea collars will be rolled up and then packaged.
Once you unroll the collar and stretch it out, the main ingredients will be activated.
You may even see a white powder around the collar after stretching it. That just means the ingredients are working.
Fit the Collar
Next, you can fit the collar around your dogs neck.
There should be two finger spaces between your dog’s neck and the collar for a comfortable fit.
There may be an excess length of collar left after the fitting, which can easily be cut off.
Leave at least an inch or two of extra collar in case it needs to be loosened.
Watch for Skin Irritation
If your dog start scratching at their neck after they’ve worn the collar for a few hours, inspect their skin.
They may have slight skin irritation if the collar is too tight.
Use the extra collar length to loosen it to the appropriate size if needed.
The flea collar you eventually purchase for your dog will depend on many varying factors.
You have to consider if your dog already has fleas or if the collar will be mainly for preventing infestations.
You’ll also have to think about things like your dog’s age, size, and if they have any allergies or skin sensitivities.
Think also about what each flea collar is made out of, so you’re comfortable with what your dog will be wearing.
It sounds like a lot to keep in mind, but your preferences will be second nature once you start reading through your options.
Test out different flea collars to see which ones are the most effective for your dog, so you don’t have to worry about fleas and ticks again.
Do Flea Collars Work?
Yes, flea collars work by using one of two methods.
The first is by repelling fleas and ticks by emitting a gas they can’t stand.
If they bite your dog, the gas will also kill them.
The second method is for a flea collar to release active ingredients slowly over time.
These collars may or may not leave a greasy residue in your dog’s fur, depending on the brand.
How Long Does It Take for a Flea Collar to Work?
Most flea collars will begin to work immediately, but the time it takes for them to reach their full effectiveness differs.
Some collars will begin to work within minutes, while others require a few hours.
At most, you can expect a flea collar to begin taking effect within 24 hours of placement.
If there are still fleas and ticks on your dog after that, it may be time to switch to a new brand.
Are Flea Collars Safe?
Some dog owners worry that flea collars aren’t safe because they contain chemicals that kill fleas and ticks.
While the initial thought of chemicals in your dog’s fur may be concerning, all flea collars are tested for safety before being sold.
The only way a flea collar may not be the safest option for your dog is if they have an allergic reaction to the chemicals used.
If that happens, you may want to switch your dog over to an all-natural flea collar.
Do Flea Collars Have Side Effects?
Flea collars are one of the most common ways dog owners protect their dogs against fleas and ticks.
Because they’re so widely used, they’re recommended as a safe flea and tick alternative to dog owners who don’t want to use oral or spot-on treatments.
However, some side effects may still occur in some dogs.
Dogs with sensitive skin may start scratching at their collar and continue the scratching for hours on end after it’s clipped on.
Dogs may also deal with redness of the skin and possible hair loss around the collar if they’re irritated by the collar’s ingredients or allergic to it[7].
All-natural flea collar alternatives are an allergen-free alternative for dogs who can’t use a traditional flea collar.
The post The 10 Best Flea and Tick Collars for Dogs appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/flea-medication/best-dog-flea-collars/
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jhope-seok · 6 years
chiaroscuro | Part 4
Tumblr media
chi·a·ro·scu·ro (n.) /kyärəˈsk(y)o͝orō/: an effect of contrasted light and shadow (used in art); Italian, from chiaro light + oscuro dark
Disclaimer: All of the things mentioned in this story are all works of fiction and have been made up by me, the author.  I did not intend to make anything based on real life, and any coincidences to real life are purely coincidences.
AU/Genre: Mafia x Cop AU (A/N: this chapter is mostly filler and backstory....sorry not sorry. Feel the slow burnnnnn)
Warnings: swearing
Members: Jungkook x Reader (ft. original characters)
Length: 2,489 words
Masterlist | <previous : next>
“You have been cordially invited--”
“We sincerely appreciate the generous--”
“Boss, the next shipment arrives in two days.We’re gonna need you--"
You sigh, rubbing the pads of your fingers against your temples as you click through email after email. You never seem to be able to get ahead of things in this business. Every time you think you've answered every email possible, sorted through all of the junk in your inbox, you refresh and there's ten more emails waiting to be answered. Today is no different, and the sun shining through your office window only worsens the headache that has been growing since you sat down.
Your head pounds beneath your skin; the blood pulsing through your veins like a jackhammer against your fingertips. You sigh, closing your eyes, the smell of your untouched coffee on your desk wrapping itself around your brain and squeezing until you can’t take it. You have to get up and take a walk around your office, get away from the deafening silence from your computer. You grab the coffee cup off of your desk and make your way to go get a fresh cup, hoping it would not only clear your mind but also put your headache at ease.
Your assistant protests the second you walk out of your office, claiming they could get a new cup for you if your old one is cold. You raise your hand, silencing them with a look. They sit down in their seat, biting their lip. You feel bad for being harsh with them, even without using your words you know you've upset them, but you need your own time to think. As the coffee pours out into your cup, staining the white porcelain brown, your mind wanders to your sisters.
You still hadn't reconciled with them, the thought always pressing through your mind that you can’t be head of the business and not speak to your sisters--their jobs essential to the smooth running of every aspect of the company--but you’re far too stubborn to apologize first. Your mind rings with your previous conversation, the sound of the door slamming behind you as you rushed out echoing on in the endless cavern of the hallway. You trudge back to your office, wishing things were easier with them, wishing they knew just how tolling your new position was on you. But you're afraid it will never be as simple as that, they won't ever understand unless they have to experience it first hand. You know to them it seems like all you do is galavant around town, being escorted everywhere by your gigantic bodyguards, but things are harder than they look from the outside.
As you thud back into your chair, taking a sip from your fresh cup of coffee you’re determined to finish your emails; get back on track for the day. That is, until another click of the mouse opens an email from Mona.
"Hey sis,
I know we're not really speaking right now, but the family got invited to the Senator's house; a small gathering for the local business owners. Dad got the initial invite before you stepped in, but he never responded. I know he wants us all to go, so please let me know if you're going so I can give the final head count for the family to the Senator’s secretary. She’s been on me about it, but I know you keep deleting all of the emails I forward you. Please try and let me know by the end of the day.
Your eyes glaze over as you read her email, wondering how she could sit wherever she wrote this from and not once throw in a simple apology. Although your fight was mostly with Rina, Mona had still watched as you stormed out, choosing to side with your other sister. The words on the screen come across almost condescending, as if she thought your actions had been childish, your outrage unwarranted at being told what you did was unimportant.
Your anger bubbles up inside of you as you punch a mindless response.
Honestly, is it even important that I come? You can just mark me as whatever you feel is best for the company, since my opinion doesn’t matter. As long as it’s not too difficult for you to make that decision.
You know that your response is childish, but it still hurts to know that while you’re struggling to keep a strong presence as the new head of the business, your sisters are gossiping behind your back about how annoyed they are with you; venting about how you’re doing nothing to help. In the moment, all your mind can focus on are the memories of the day you were promoted. You remember how your life seemed to turn on its head at the news you were no longer just a shadow of your father. You’re surprised how time seemed to move so quickly, the last year of your life a blur.
“Y/N, please come upstairs. Your father and I need to speak with you.” The voice of your mother through the intercom rang loudly throughout your empty apartment.
You stopped where you were, on your path from your bedroom to your personal gym. You groaned, hoping she wasn’t still listening to hear your response. You played with the towel around your neck, eyes glancing between the box on the wall next to you and the door to the gym, which was only a few steps away. When you stood there for a few more moments wondering how urgent it was for you to make an appearance, her voice sounded once more, causing you to jump.
The soft click of the sound system indicated that she had stepped away, and was definitely no longer keeping an ear out for what you were saying. Which was the only reason you let out a slew of curses. “It’s Sunday night. What the fuck do they want from me now,” you spoke to no one but yourself. “I don’t want to be bothered by useless shit.”
You tossed your towel onto your couch and trudged quickly out your front door, into the elevator and up into your parent’s three-story mansion inside what most people believed to be an apartment building.
For the most part, that’s exactly what it was. The ground level of the building housed several shops: a corner store with a pharmacy, a small sub shop chain, and a very small boutique, owned by a friend of the family. The other thirty floors in between them and Mona’s floor were all dedicated to apartments. However the top six floors were for your family.
Your parents had renovated the top six floors for their personal use, having a singular elevator to connect them to the rest of the building, that they really only used to be transported to the underground garage. They had installed another private elevator for personal family use, one that connected the top six floors to each other. None of the other building tenants had access to either of these elevators, the main elevator having been labelled as a service elevator so that they didn’t accidentally wind up somewhere they weren’t supposed to be.
Your mother had been insistent that you all live in the same building. Once you and your sisters had gotten older, they wanted to make sure you were never too far out of their reach, close enough that they could still be a short elevator ride away. Luckily, they didn’t force you to live with your sisters. That had been a compromise they agreed to. If you couldn’t move far away, you at least wanted privacy to do whatever you wanted, and they conceded; providing you and your other sisters with their own floors.
It was nice having your own place. They’d included so many amenities for you on your floor that sometimes you found yourself having spent days inside your own apartment without having ever left. You had almost everything you needed. A gym, a spa, a restaurant sized kitchen,  an office and a bedroom so large you could have fit five king beds inside with room to spare. All to yourself. Your sisters had the same, your parents wanting to make sure everyone had equal options. However they were all tailored and designed to your personal styles.
As you took the one floor ride up to your parent’s lower level, you wondered what could be so important that they called you in on a Sunday. Most of the times you only heard from your parents once or twice a week, to call a family meeting. But that was always during business hours. Never at 9:00PM on a weekend night. You had been hoping to get in one last workout before your nightly wind down before the hectic week you had ahead of you, but your parents had other plans, apparently.
Back then you had been acting as the head of communications for the front business. It was hard work running a nightclub industry, but your parents entrusted you to handle it almost solely on your own. You had had a few assistants to help with the bookkeeping and other management aspects. But other than that you were the sole head for communicating between all of the managers and management teams for the nightclubs across the city. You were in charge of getting and booking the talent for all of the different locations. For the most part you had helped in setting up regular entertainment for every night of the week, but occasionally you were tasked with bringing in outside performers to pique interest and sales.
You had been doing this ever since you turned eighteen, having felt in your father’s eyes that at that age you were old enough to no longer shadow him directly, and to start taking over one of the most essential parts of the business. He still called you in on important meetings with the top players in the trafficking business, but over the last nine years, you’d slowly worked your way up from just being an assistant to taking over as head of the fronting business. You were proud of the work you’d done, and your father was proud as well. He believed you’d been doing a fantastic job managing and overseeing all of the nightclubs you had scattered around the large city.
That was until you were greeted by a somber attitude as you stepped out of the elevator onto their first floor. You tried to make eye contact with the guards around you, but not a single one would look at you. They stood straight as rods, almost as if you had touched them, they would have broken under any amount of pressure.
You tried to say something to one of them, to inquire about where your parents possibly could be, but the one on your right spoke before you had the chance. "They're waiting upstairs for you in the dining room."
"Okay..." you deadpanned. You sighed to yourself, after realizing it was clear no one would actually give you any further information besides that. So you trudged your way up the stairs, your footsteps echoing against the large open space, to the family dining room. Your mother and father were facing you in the large space, both seated at the far end of the table.
"Please, Y/N," your mother prompted you, "Take a seat." She gestured to the seat across from her, the chair on your father's right hand side.
As you got nearer to them, the weight of the air became heavier on your lungs, and you found it hard to take a breath, wondering what in the world could make your parents so somber. “Is everything okay?” You ventured a question into the thickness in the room, hoping their response would be less burdensome.
“To be frank,” your father began.
“No,” your mother finished for him.
“As you know,” your mother continued, “your father has been seeing a doctor for quite some time for his health problems. And the doctor has advised that it is best for him to take a step back from the family business to focus on regaining his health. Otherwise the doctor believes he may outrun his due course in life, if he continues on like this.”
Your mind swam with the words you were hearing. “So why am I here?” you managed through the haze in your mind.
“Because,” your father paused to grasp your hand in his. “This means that you will have to take over in my absence. Your shadowing period is over. We called you up here to formally announce your promotion to head of the family business. We will hold a dinner for our partners in the upcoming months, but in the meantime and for the foreseeable future, you will now be in charge of all of the cocaine trafficking portions of the business. This also means that you alone will become the face of the family business. Mona will take care of your previous job; you have many other important things on your plate now. I know you will do well, my dear.”
You sink further into your seat, your headache slowly subsiding as the coffee works its magic on your body. Your anger at your sisters recedes knowing that someday they will have to be exposed to the true nature of the family business, to the true expanse of the works of your family. But, for now, you’re glad you can at least rely on them to run the front business properly.
As your mind wanders, and your eyes gaze longingly out into the real world, wondering what life would have been like had you been born into a regular family free from drugs and money, your phone chimes on your desk, two short rings one after the other. You grimace slightly, annoyed at the sudden interruption in your daydreaming, but a small smile forms on your lips as you read the messages that broke through your memories.
[Unknown 11:07am] Hey, Y/N. It’s Jungkook.
[Unknown 11:07am] The police officer.
You chuckle to yourself, picturing how flustered he must have been sending these messages. A bubble appears and disappears on the screen until another message pops up onto your screen.
[Unknown 11:09am] Would you maybe want to grab a drink sometime?
A laugh slips through your lips, genuine happiness in your smile as you imagine the guts it must have taken for him to send such a simple question. ‘The strong police officer is not so strong after all, it seems,’ you think to yourself. Your fingers glide over the screen as you send your response to him, adding his number in the process.
[Me 11:10am] Meet me at XX at 9, tonight. Don't be late.
feedback is always welcome! please feel free to leave some here!
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kupemoda-blog · 5 years
Ok, I Think I Understand Ethiopia, Now Tell Me About Ethiopia!
Definitions of Ethiopia
Unrest in regions of the country has also resulted in a surge in the range of internally displaced men and women.  For drought-hit pastoral places, the outlook for the rest of the year is bleak.  Make certain you are vaccinated against all types of meningitis prior to your trip. Ethiopia - the Conspiracy
Much like any important city, be careful of pick-pocketing and other theft that are typical in Addis Ababa.  It's the most significant refugee camp on earth, and the great majority of the 400,000 people there are from Somalia, but among them are an increasing amount of Ethiopians from the Ogaden.  Ethiopia, among the poorest countries of the planet, is currently suffering from horrific drought.
Tourists are famous for coming to Ethiopia and handing out huge amounts of money.  Refugees wish to work and they wish to be successful. however, it can be a battle. Ethiopia - Dead or Alive?
A family's prestige is decided by the frequency of its feasts, the number of individuals invited, and the high quality and amount of food served.  Rather, you have to understand calorie density versus nutrient density.  Adhere to the serving sizes (usually an ounce) and you will reap the advantages of their wide selection of nutrients and their satiating abilities. What Ethiopia Is - and What it Is Not
Because things exist only when they're told.  There's some confusion over the use of the term Ethiopia in ancient times and the modern nation.  As mentioned earlier in the guide, knowing the reasons behind your selling can be equally as vital as when or should you sell your house.
Requirements differ depending upon your nationality, so make certain to check which ones apply to you. You've got to choose one of the 12 sorts of travel required by the United States.  Connection is the secret to opportunities Contact and let us know how we can assist you. The Bad Side of Ethiopia
The President further noted the significance of strengthening the bilateral financial cooperation between both nations.  When you've established your presence in the internet, sign up with sites that are looking for and prepared to pay bloggers with good suggestions and skills.  You are able to offer your bids, proposals or ideas and produce money online for every single successful project. Definitions of Ethiopia
Finally my country is likely to provide help.  The greatest overcoming was to kill over a lion every day.  An additional way to differentiate this breed from the others is by looking in its stripe pattern. The Debate Over Ethiopia
It's great to likewise concentrate on what you could give to the nation, the individuals there rather than just self-enjoyment.  Among the myriad issues that refugees face, among the most serious is the problem of education.  Some travelers Ask your doctor what vaccines and medicines you need based on where you're going, how long you're staying, what you'll be doing, and if you're traveling from a country apart from the United States. The Demise of Ethiopia
To make money on the internet anywhere in the world you will need an Internet company that can deliver what you say.  Let's escape from this freezing Tesco.  Inform them you're shopping for the best bargain. Whatever They Told You About Ethiopia Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why
It's possible to prevent the airport queues and you won't need to answer questions regarding your trip purposes.  You should stay vigilant and adhere to the help of the regional authorities and your tour operator.  You will encounter these folks in the majority of the popular tourist destinations.
Paying on two mortgages while your previous house is on the sector is a very big burden you may not be able to take care of.  Reduce costs wherever you may.  Odds are you will think about the possibility of fraud, the price of shipping from the nation, and difficulties in getting paid.
The role these business will play for the growth of the nation strictly is dependent upon their persistence to remain in the challenging business atmosphere.  Once it takes a mean of 42 days to collect payment from U.S. companies, it is significantly slower in different nations.  Further, it should go beyond the rhetoric by implementing measures that would ensure a free flow of information, including the right to impart and receive information. The One Thing to Do for Ethiopia
Generally, Ethiopians are usually non-confrontational and offer the things that they believe is the expected response in place of say something which might embarrass another.  By the time the marriage happens, the bride is anticipated to be a virgin based on their cultures and traditions.  No ethnic entity was untouched by other people. Ethiopia: the Ultimate Convenience!
You should think about all options if you would like to discover the best approaches to accomplish your objective of selling your premises.  By establishing internal controls and letting employees know that you're vigilantly looking for fraud, it's possible to indeed deter a lot of your employees from trying to steal in the very first spot.  New small business owners frequently don't understand cash flow or underestimate how much money they'll need for startup and they have to close before they've had a fair opportunity to be successful.
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