#the shows in question are till the end of the moon & love between fairy and devil
hyydra · 11 months
if i had a nickel for every time a cdrama gave the male lead magic induced narcissim that the female lead was able to "fix" i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but its weird that it happened twice.
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yletylyf · 9 months
Fic Writer Wrapped- 2023 Edition
I did this in 2022 and 2021, and am revving it back up for my own personal interest in tracking these things. Tagging anyone reading this if you want to participate!
Like in previous years, this is about fic published on ao3 in 2023 (not amount of words written in 2023, which I don't keep track of).
How many stories did you complete?
I completed one longfic (more than 100k words), eight medium fics (between 15k and 100k), and forty-two short fics (under 15k). Just like last year, I continue to have considerable lag between writing and publishing. The longfic and some of the medium fics were mostly written in 2022, but published and finished this year.
What is your total word count for the year?
547,416 words
What fandoms did you write in this year?
I really committed to the multi-fandom bit. I also discovered an addiction to cdramas. I wrote in Harry Potter, Tolkien, The Grisha Trilogy, Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen, Emma - Jane Austen, Twilight, the Locked Tomb, House of the Dragon, 陈情令 The Untamed, 山河令 Word of Honor, 苍兰诀 Love Between Fairy and Devil, 莲花楼 Mysterious Lotus Casebook, 无量 Wúliàng, and 长月烬明 Till the End of the Moon.
Did you write more, less, or roughly about what you expected?
This year's published word count borrows from many projects that were written in 2022, probably about 150k words' worth. Even subtracting that, I wrote a lot more than I expected. Because I didn't write a long fic this year (123k of Rainbow of Chaos's total of 130k words was written in 2022), I felt like I was unproductive compared to previous years. But I actually I wrote a lot!
What’s your favorite story of the year?
To catch a fox (Grisha verse, the Darkling/Nikolai). I had a blast writing this, it felt like it wrote itself, and I think the fic is so much fun, I still enjoy re-reading it, and I'm really happy about how many other people liked it as well!
What is your most underappreciated story of the year?
This question gets harder and harder to answer every year, because the more deliberately niche I write the happier I am when I get a single comment and feel that is more than sufficient appreciation. I guess if I had to pick one, it's my Aredhel/Celegorm fic, because imo this ship deserves to be more popular than it is!
Biggest fanfic-related disappointment of 2023?
I was riding the high of discovering the Darkling/Nikolai ship after watching the TV show Shadow and Bone in March. A good friend left a prompt that I loved, in an event called Fandom Orienteer, which had a several-month-long writing period and then a posting window in August. I bit off more than I could chew when I started writing Palace in the Dark, found my ideas too plotty, and did not finish in time to post a completed story in August. By the time I actually finished over Thanksgiving, not only did I miss being part of the event, I had lost almost all my WIP readers (except my friends from the darkolai server, shout out to you, you are the best!). It's fine, the fic is finished and complete on my profile, and readers will slowly find it. But I was disappointed in not being able to finish in July for the event and when the momentum from the show was hotter.
Biggest fanfic-related surprise of 2023?
I'm surprised by how many multi-fandom exchanges I did. I was only dipping my toe into them in 2022 and was not sure the whole thing really suited me. I wrote almost forty exchange fics this year, and got some amazing gift fics in exchange, and it's been really fun.
Something you look forward to working on in 2024?
I think I'll work on more villain-centric fic for MDZS, and also hopefully write more new-to-me fandoms for exchanges.
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tavina-writes · 1 year
What are some good xianxia dramas?
okay, I feel like this is an extensively fraught question depending on what you define as "good."
The show that got me into xianxia dramas as a whole is Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms (though I'm primarily here for Dong Hua/Bai Fengjiu instead of the main couple). In this group we also can never miss mentioning Heavenly Sweetness, Ash Like Frost/Ashes of Love as also being incredibly important to the early xianxia drama boom.
The classical xianxia that I consider the most well done is actually 2019's Love and Destiny which is produced by the same team as the one who did TMOPB. 2020's Eternal Love Like Dream/The Pillow Book also merits a mention on this list for being the sequel to TMOPB and featuring Dong Hua/Bai Fengjiu as the main leads, though I liked their storyline here less than in TMOPB?
And then I kind of took a xianxia drama break so I can't really comment on anything else that came out in 2020/2021, so things like Immortal Samsara, Love and Redemption, etc etc I didn't watch. I also didn't watch this year's The Longest Promise, Divine Destiny, Journey of Chongzi, or tbh a lot of this year's xianxia dramas so I can't judge them either!
I did really enjoy Love Between Fairy and Devil which came out last year, and The Starry Love/Love When The Stars Fall which came out earlier this year. I have my beefs with Till The End of the Moon which is also, I think, the widely watched big tentpole xianxia of this year, but I'll save my comments on that for a completely different post.
If this feels like word salad "throw names of dramas at nonny" I'm sorry! I think the thing about xianxia though is that like, it's big and dramatic and it makes the metaphorical literal and examines who we are as people and self actualization and the meaning of true love, which are pretty highly individualistic. Xianxia, at its core, is iddy! So what works for me might not work for you, and sometimes you find the most devastating gut-wrenching concept about love and identity in like, a show that is objectively not very good? This is also why I feel like opinions about xianxia dramas are so polarizing and decisive, what hits me bang in the id might not hit you the same way, etc etc
So tbh I'm not sure what we'd quantify as like a "good" xianxia drama. I think it's much better to try some out and ask yourself like "hey do I like this?" and if not, drop it! rather than like, persisting just bc someone else said it was good or passing up a drama just bc someone else said it was bad. (I would also apply this to all sorts of other media, but I find this especially true for things that are designed to be iddy, which xianxia very much is.)
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21tailsofwoe · 3 years
“cry for the moon: side H” musings
so i watched the hunter side of identity v stage episode 3 “cry for the moon” and i would like to let out my thoughts because there are so many of them and i do not know any better way of coping with my feelings.
spoilers for the stage play under the cut:
simply said, this production was leagues above episode 1, which i also hold very close to heart so you can imagine what episode 3 did to me. i’ve loved mary ever since i started playing the game almost a year ago, and to learn that there’d be an entire stage play dedicated to her. and not to mention that cecile daigo would play her role, i was already sold.
putting her character against eli, whose character (at least in the stage) is supposed to be this calm, supportive, empathetic person, i’d keep thinking how they’d pull it off, how’d they frame mary’s backstory, how everything would work out in the manor...i had so many questions. in the end, i came out so thoroughly satisfied by this stage. in fact, my friend and i cried multiple times watching this. it affected us THAT much.
the story is a little straight-forward. mary is a queen who was executed by her own people. from my understanding, they didn’t allude to the revolution or anything, simply the fact that mary grew up in royalty and luxury, was taught to be high-headed, and self-centered, maintain that elite image. and in following this way of life, she ended up being extremely lonely, till everyone around her betrayed her and she was left to be executed. in the manor, now that she’s dead, she’s still very stubbornly insists that everyone treat her like royalty, that everyone else in the manor is beneath her, just so she could justify the pain from the loneliness and betrayal she felt. eli shows up, reaches out, the concept of ‘skins’ in the game is very cleverly used as a plot device, and the stage ends with mary learning about the Power Of Friendship(TM). she also learns to accept herself as a person, not as a ‘concept.’
i feel like the motives of the hunter main character seemed a lot more fleshed out. the connection to the survivor main character was established in due time, and all the pieces started fitting together as the story went on, something i found a little lacking in the first stage. like i said, it’s straight-forward and easy to digest, but still ends up tugging at your heartstrings.
mary’s characterisation was phenomenal. i’ve always been bitter about the fact that the game straight up copy pasted marie antoinnette onto her, but in the stage the creative liberties were put on full display. she’s her own character, with abundant past trauma which makes her cold and unapproachable. she’s so protective of her world view that she’d lash out on anyone and everyone who dares to change it. being called a ‘hunter’ makes her snap, makes her pissed, because she’s a queen! she always has been! there’s no way she could be standing along with other people! that’s not what she’s learned in her life time!
eli doesn’t have a lot of character moments because this was the hunter side after all, but he’s the same as the first stage. sees a lonely, recluse person, and wants to reach out. though the creators have stated that each stage is a different manor, or a different story, they’ve stuck to this characterisation of eli and i love it.
while the other hunters also had their parts, the more prominent ones were luchino and joseph. and joseph. oh goodness. his transformation from the first stage to now was something i craved for. he’s joking around with the other hunters, the other hunters also clown him pretty bad. he has a soft spot for robbie. the back and forth he shares with luchino also filled my heart with so much love. and most importantly, he’s the one who tells mary to embrace the present as it is, because holding onto the past will not do much. he fits the gap between eli and mary perfectly, and moves the story in his own joseph way. seeing him actually move on from his past and live with a healthy mindset, something we’ll probably never see in the game...it destroyed something in me.
joseph’s character also emphasises that in the confusion of whatever the manor wants from them, the hunters at least have each other. it was a very nice touch.
acting, direction, dialogue:
this is the part where episode 3 completely overshadows episode 1. cecile daigo is the star of this stage. she has once again won my heart. when she’s being cold, you’ll feel a chill down your spine. when she’s angry, you’ll physically feel that tension. when she screams and cries, you’ll have your heart sink. her dialogue delivery in any given situation hit in all the right spots. i’m still scared to go rewatch the guillotine scene because it was so incredibly painful to watch the first time.
not only that, but the way they creatively used this open stage which made the play seem so much more idv-like. the way they would place eli on one end of the stage walking in one direction, and mary would be on the other side walking in the opposite direction. or when the lights would follow them around the stage as they sang their duet, OR OR OR the way the actor playing mary’s mirror image would sync perfectly with mary, or even the way eli talks to mary in a soft, calm manner, knowing that she’s going through something very traumatic. it was all so beautifully done. the dialogues themselves were so impactful, we had to rewind some scenes just to appreciate the words properly.
music, costumes, misc:
the music. GOD the music. not only the hunter song, but also the score in the play itself. the fairy-tale like song in the fake world. eli and mary’s duet song. it was all perfect. in the end when mary returns to all the hunters with a change of heart, and ‘acclamation’ plays in the background i actually got teary eyed lmao. just the timing of everything was so spot on.
the costumes, just like the previous stage, were also perfect. mary rocking bloodbath while bride eli mopes in the background. the other characters in their alternate clothing was. something.
also. norton in a tux. phenomenal.
my personal favourite part from the alternate world was the dance, where i lost my shit two times: one, when i saw 0.3 seconds of fiopat and two, when i saw xiefan fist bump.
ty for the fanservice idv stage play.
as a milf enjoyer, i would’ve appreciated more of marymichi but i think this one screen cap alone is enough to fuel me for the next ten years.
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gotta appreciate michiko for taking the shot at the start of the play. she missed terribly, but she took a shot and that’s what matters. go get your girl, michiko.
my review could be very extremely biased, though. sorry for ending on this note LOL. i love identity v so so much and i’ve invested myself in these doll characters way too much, so actually getting to watch my favourite characters TALK to each other, be part of each other’s stories, it may have slightly skewed my perception of of the play. of course, it isn’t without faults, but to anyone who loves idv, who loves mary especially, this is a must watch. i genuinely mean the praises i’ve given to this stage play and i do not regret spending my money on this.
i’ll watch the survivor side and the comedy stages eventually and i don’t know if i’ll be making reviews for those but i just had to talk about the hunter side.
thank you so much to the creators of this stage, to all the wonderful talented actors, and a big thank you to the new writers. this was more than i could’ve asked for.
hoping for a stage 4 with mary’s return xx
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joonbugg · 3 years
Welcome to my list of all the Asian dramas I’ve watched. I go through shows pretty fast so it will constantly be updated. I have the title of the drama, its region, and where I watched it listed below, in the order that I watched them. If you have any questions about any of the dramas or my opinions on them, don’t be afraid to ask 🙂
Chinese Korean Japanese Thai Taiwanese
Netflix Viki YouTube DramaCool IQiYi
Bold Italics: really enjoyed drama
Drama Title*: all time favs
The Untamed* Chinese Netflix (2021)
Legend of Fei Chinese Viki
Kingdom Korean Netflix
Color Rush Korean Viki
Word of Honor* Chinese Netflix
Shadow* Chinese Netflix
Heaven Official’s Blessing Chinese Netflix
Eternal Summer Taiwanese Netflix
The Rise of Phoenixes* Chinese Netflix
The Yin Yang Master* Chinese Netflix
Begin Again Chinese YouTube
Squid Game Korean Netflix
The King: Eternal Monarch Korean Netflix
The Guest Korean Netflix
My Country: The New Age Korean Netflix
Tale of the Nine-Tailed* Korean Viki
Life Korean Netflix
Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning Japanese Netflix
Rurouni Kenshin: The Final Japanese Netflix
All of Us Are Dead* Korean Netflix (2022)
More Than Blue: The Series Taiwanese Netflix
TharnType: The Series Thai Viki
Strangers From Hell Korean Netflix
TharnType 2: The Series Thai Viki
My Beautiful Man* Japanese Viki
Ancient Detective Chinese Viki
Goblin* Korean Viki
Where Your Eyes Linger Korean Viki
Silenced Korean Netflix
Lovers of the Red Sky* Korean Viki
Happiness* Korean Viki
Train to Busan Korean Viki
Arthdal Chronicles Korean Netflix
To My Star Korean Viki
Ju-On: Origin Japanese Netflix
The Divine Fury Korean Viki
He is Psychometric Korean Viki
The K2 Korean Netflix
The Witch: part 1 - subversion Korean Netflix
Flower of Evil* Korean Viki
He’s Expecting Japanese Netflix
Sweet Home Korean Netflix
The 8th Night Korean Netflix
Rurouni Kenshin Japanese Netflix
Just Between Lovers Korean Netflix
Semantic Error Korean Viki
Cherry Blossoms After Winter Korean Viki
The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window Japanese DramaCool
The Sound of Magic Korean Netflix
His Japanese Viki
Uncontrollably Fond Korean Viki
Amanza Korean DramaCool
My Annoying Brother Korean DramaCool
DNA Says Love You Taiwanese DramaCool
Life~Love on the Line Japanese Viki
Forgotten Korean Netflix
I am the Years, You are the Stars Chinese YouTube
Doctor John Korean DramaCool
Novoland: Pearl Eclipse* Chinese YouTube
Our Blues Korean Netflix
At a Distance, Spring is Green Korean Viki
The Beauty Inside Korean Viki
Love Between Fairy and Devil* Chinese Netflix
Memorist Korean Viki
Love in the Air* Thai DramaCool
Kyou no Hi wa Sayonara Japanese DramaCool
Bad and Crazy Korean Netflix (2023)
A Christmas Carol Korean DramaCool
Memories of the Alhambra Korean Netflix
Rampant Korean Viki
Hyde, Jekyll, and Me Korean Viki
A League of Noblemen* Chinese Viki
Mirror of the Witch Korean Viki
Crash Landing on You* Korean Netflix
Jirisan Korean Viki
Stranger (s1) Korean Netflix
Something in the Rain Korean Netflix
Never Said Goodbye Chinese/Korean DramaCool
Till the End of the Moon* Chinese Viki
The good bad mother Korean Netflix
D.P. s1 Korean Netflix
Lost You Forever s1 Chinese Viki
A time called you Korean Netflix
Destined with you* Korean Netflix
Born Again Korean Viki
Concrete Utopia* Korean Viki (2024)
From Now on, Showtime Korean Viki
Bloodhounds Korean Netflix
Exhuma Korean DramaCool
The Longest Promise Chinese Netflix
Unknown Taiwanese Viki
A Journey to Love* Chinese IQiYi
Story of Kunning Palace Chinese IQiYi
94. Tune in for Love* Korean Netflix
95. Office Black Belt Korean Netflix
DNF- did not finish 😔
Rarely, do I not finish a drama. But there have been a select few that I’ve started and either couldn’t get into or something happened along the way that I dropped it. I haven’t been keeping this from the beginning so there probably a couple not on the list. I want to keep record of it now. It’s possible I may try to watch some of them again, but we’ll see.
Beyond Evil
Voice (2016)
First love
The sound of the providence
Sell your haunted house
What’s wrong with secretary Kim
Wonderful world
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hey! thank you for everything that you do! you are awesome. im just wondering if you any fic were Stiles is fae? thank you!
We sure do. - Anastasia
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till the moon has taken flight (to the waters and the wild) by WindyRein
(5/10 I 1,426 I Not Rated I Steter)
It's not fair! But he knows already that life isn't fair, doesn't he? He can feel the bitter smile curling his lips.He, if there is such a thing anymore, floats and is torn apart and doesn't exist. (but that would be kind, wouldn't it?)
Bloody Secrets by cywscross
(1/1 I 3,085 I Teen I Steter)
Stiles has silver in his veins.
Peter could’ve done without finding out this way though.
Somewhere to Start by Lissadiane
(1/1 I 3,352 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles has always known that he isn't quite human - the plant life that tends to sprout around him whenever he gets upset or excited gives it away. He's never really fit in among the regular people in Beacon Hills and is determined to wait it out, go to college, and find somewhere to belong. He's forced to abandon those plans, however, after he desperately agrees to enter into an arranged marriage to save his father's life.
An arranged marriage with an angry, sometimes furry dude with trust issues. It's all very Beauty and the Beast, without the singing candlesticks.
Dance Under the Moonlight by Therapeutic_Steter
(2/2 I 3,440 I Mature I Steter)
Fae!Stiles saving Peter from Pack's stupidity and washing his hands of them. Please?
The Other Side by Green
(1/1 I 3,769 I Explicit I Steter)
Stiles doesn't know anything about his father, only what his mother told him, that he's human. Despite her words, Stiles has had his doubts. So when the queen sends him through the veil, he's nervous and isn't sure what to think.
Seven Years Falling by InfiniteAlexisA
(1/1 I 3,880 I Not Rated I Sterek)
“I don’t mean to!” Derek yelled throwing his hands in the air.“DON’T YELL AT ME!” Stiles screeched, his entire body going up in flames.This is what Derek gets for dating a fire elemental.
we're not so different (you and i) by colferstilinski
(1/1 I 5,621 I Explicit I Sterek)
For many of the fairies that lives here, Utopia is their sanctuary—haven, in other words—and why shouldn't it be? It never rains on this stretch of meadow, the clouds in the skies always pink with interest and it smells like the breaking of spring every dawn and dusk.
Stiles detest it, the least to say.
It’s too much and he hates swinging along with the status quo with the other fairies. Yeah, with their blooming shades of colours and the shimmering, silken tunics they don on and fuck, the limitless sparkles. There’s even a new trend going on with the younger generation where they gather allium blooms to form a flower crown, oh—with added glitter!—and it makes Stiles wants to roll his eyes.
Or the fic in which Stiles is a fairy and wants to escape the horrendous, boring world of fairyland to have an adventure. And by adventure, he means meeting Derek. The plant. Or... not-so plant.
Cold Iron by the_problem_with_stardust
(5/5 I 5,641 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek thought the disaster that ended with Kate Argent almost burning down his family home was a relationship worst-case scenario. So, when Dr. Deaton reveals that his current girlfriend is not what she seems, Derek is ready to swear off romance forever. In an attempt to escape his well-meaning (but insanely overbearing) family, Derek volunteers to take over remodeling the small cottage that was left to the Hale siblings in his grandmother’s will. Connemara is nothing like California, and Derek feels like his luck just might be looking up.
salt and a waltz by The Byger (Byacolate)
(1/1 I 7,433 I Explicit i Sterek)
"Not that lubed-up Q-tips aren’t the sexiest thing in the world, but I kinda want to know what it’s like, you know. To be impaled on your huge dick without actually being impaled.”
“It was about to get sexy there, but you shot the mood right in the face.”
In which Stiles is a faerie and Derek is sick and tired of not being able to fuck him.
Don't You Wanna Be My Sky? by WhoNatural
(1/1 I 9,420 I General I Sterek)
Stiles got ratted out by the Realm Guard for sneaking off with Scott a total of seven times before his dad buckled, promising sabbatical once Stiles reached Faehood, and enough Earth culture in the meantime to have him talking like a born-and-bred Californian teenager.
He just didn’t have the tan.
(Or, in which Stiles is a Frost Fae sent to the Earth Realm on the Fae version of Rumspringa and immediately falls head-first into a Coffee Shop AU)
No Love in Idleness by Elpie (Horribibble)
(2/2 I 11,687 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles is the sole grandchild of none other than Robin Goodfellow, the most mischievous faerie ever to wreak havoc among the Folk and Man alike. To the people of Beacon Court, he is at best a merry wanderer of the night.
At first, Ser Derek is inclined to agree, but the little bird on his shoulder has quite a bit to say about that.
Trees are always a relief after dealing with people (except when they aren't) by ravelqueen
(1/1 I 15,889 I Mature I Sterek)
Derek Hale decides to become a hermit before he reaches 25. Too bad he picked Beacon Hills as his retirement home.
(Or the one where Stiles is a wood nymph/pixie/human hybrid who falls in love with his new grumpy werewolf neighbour)
Broken People Get Recycled by poemwithnorhyme
(1/1 I 16,389 I General i Sterek)
Nothing is ever just calm in Beacon Hills. No, something always has to go wrong, and this time, it's Stiles' turn in the spotlight. That doesn't mean he has to like it. Post S2 AUFae!Stiles
The Magic's in the Coffee by xxxillusionxxx
(8/8 I 17,596 I Explicit I Sterek)
Ever since the tall, muscled, leather-clad werewolf had begun his daily coffee routine at the Skullery—a horrendous name in Stiles’s opinion, but his boss was a skeleton who thought he was terribly clever—an impromptu competition developed among the baristas.
When Trust is Everything by hellbells
(12/12 I 27,913 I Teen i Sterek)
For a secret to remain true then only one person can know it; if not then it will come out. Beacon Hills is the converging point of several secrets all wrapped up in the supernatural. For Stiles, the unravelling of several will let him find peace, love and safety in the arms of his true mate. The only question is can he trust a Sourwolf and his pack well enough to show his true self.
It just might be the one thing between Beacon Hills and safety!
(Or observe the really awkward distrustful courtship between a Sourwolf and a hidden Fae Mage)
A Little Bit of Sunshine by 100KlicksAway
(21/? I 29,600 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles woke with a start, dreams of pixies flitting around his head. He’d dreamed… He’d dreamed that he was a wolf? Or…. He wasn’t sure. Something with fangs… His mouth had been dripping blood in his dream, and when he woke, he could still taste the thick copper taste coating his mouth.
Stiles has been working hard for the pack since Scott was bitten. They leave him out more and more frequently, though, until Stiles realizes that he's strictly unnecessary. Then, the pack's activities throw him into danger and he ends up in a shitty situation with no one helping him.
Stiles leaves Beacon Hills. He doesn't care anymore, he just... Needs out.
The Last Chills of Winter by LeeHan
(1/1 I 42,525 I Explicit I Sterek)
“He didn’t magically charm me,” Derek shot back in his defense.“Oh, so he just regular charmed you?” Laura said with a smirk.“What? No,” Derek growled.“Was he hot?”“No! He just—“ He just had a laugh like a sun shower. Fuck.
We Follow Darkness Like a Dream by GreenasCole
(10/10 I 51,106 I Mature I Sterek)
When a mysterious note is left on the Stilinski's door it leads Stiles and his best friend Scott out into the woods on quest for answers about Beacon Hills's most infamous tragedy. After a surprise encounter with a monstrous wolf the two boys are hurled into an ancient and terrifying world, only for Stiles to discover he was secretly a part of it all along. Will he manage to survive the insanity of Fae politics and avoid the enemies that are suddenly crawling out of the woodwork to find a place in this new world? Or will the very revelation of his existence be the catalyst that plunges both worlds into war and chaos? And why can't Scott just stop teasing him every time he catches Stiles looking at their new "friend" Derek too long?
Laughter in the Dark by Starshaker
(13/? I 56,148 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles is a fae. A trickster spirit with too much curiosity for his own good and a knack for getting into trouble. When he's just trying to help things don't go to plan and coincidences don't seem to end up for the better.Trapped, isolated and aching to get home, though it's better than what Gerard would have had planned for him initially, Stiles learns to deal with his new set of circumstances.
The Fairy's Wolf by kuki
(57/? I 90,602 I Explicit I Sciles)
In a world where non-humans mingle with humans in public schools until they became of age, about high school age, going instead to a specialty finishing school, a young halfling fae fights to stay with his friends. His fear of losing touch with his best friend, a young Alpha werewolf, has the pair pushing their relationship to the edge; and their relationship has the world on the brink of war.
-or-where I apparently ship Skittles hard now, hate myself with this work load on top of my school work, switch up species because f-u that's why, make up mythology, and try to give Derek a nice life.
Where You Still Remember Dreaming by yodasyoyo
(15/15 I 95,612 I Explicit I Sterek)
“What’s your name? I can’t keep calling you Balto.”
“What’s yours?”
Derek raises an eyebrow. That isn’t his real name. There’s no way. But now he thinks about it, he has a vague memory of someone, probably Uncle Peter, telling him that with the fae, names have power. “I’m Miguel,” he says.
“Are you trying to tell me your real name is Stiles?”
Stiles runs his tongue across his teeth and considers Derek carefully. “Fair enough,” he says, “Miguel it is.”
Grabbing his groceries and pocketing the change, Derek turns to leave; he’s nearly at the door when Stiles calls out, “By the way, Miguel, if you’re interested, it’s two for one on bags of kibble at the pet store down the street.”
Derek doesn’t look back, doesn’t hesitate, just raises a hand and flips him off on the way out.
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enjiyuuu · 4 years
Ich Will Dich
A/N : To be honest, this whole works was made when i was 14 and actually for my own novel, but now i’m 18, so i turned this into one of ikevamp fanfic and i fixing some parts to this. I hope you like it xoxo!
Author: @kindesire​
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Character(s): Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart x reader
Warnings : A bit angst
After saying good night to her parents, she hurried back into her room. She hardly tried to smile as tomorrow is her biggest day, the happiest day of her life, more than just a birthday party.
It’s her wedding day.
The thoughts of being a bride for tommorow, supposed to make her feel happy. Just smile like usual, she told herself.
But that smile with ease faded away, destroying the mask that she put along these days. The tears that she had been holding up from earlier shed like a waterfall. Her heart ache hard.
She should be unable to stop smiling all day or maybe not being able to sleep tonight, instead of crying and curling up under her blanket. And, she thought that she should be relieved to be able to make your parents smile happily seeing her on her wedding day with someone whose her parents believe that man can make her happy with all his life.
Yes, it should be like that. Then why am i crying?
Her tears broke out again. Her sobbing were heard in the tense of the silence night. She curled back deeper while hugging her white pillow tightly. Her chest felt stuffy. Love, hate, longing, and everything seems mixed up inside her head and heart.
She doesn’t want to be Juliet, losing her lover with a completely tragedy ending. She knows that she shouldn’t be so selfish right now, but just for this once, she really wants to act selfish, ignoring anyone but her heart.
God, please... She prayed, wailing in tears, feeling hopeless.
A loud knock from outside her balcony, made her stop awhile from crying and look to there for a moment. She rose and immediately walked straight to the balcony. Her eyes widened, when she saw a familiar figure in her sight. Mozart standing there, behind the glass door that separated her room with the balcony.
She gasped. Her eyes blinked for few times that she couldn’t believe what she saw right now. How could he possibly be there?
Or perhaps was she missed that man so much that she ended up dreaming his figure...?
"Mozart..." Her hand reached out to open the glass door, letting a night breeze burst into her room. Her light brown hair was fluttered by the wind like a flag. She knows that she isn’t dreaming when she heard Mozart calling her name while he was standing on her balcony with a faint smile painted on his face. His voice sounds quite real. Real enough to heart ache.
Mozart carefully took off his shoes, then walked slowly closer to her. His footsteps sounded so soft, as if he were walking as lightly as a feather.
She took her breath, then exhales it slowly. She raise her head, stared at the pair of amethyst eyes that looking deeply towards her.
She smiled a little and said, "Though that I wished for a kind fairy godmother to come to help me.
Mozart snorted while laughing softly, didn’t want his voice to sound too loud till outside. “Why fairy godmother? if you have your prince coming for you," he muttered softly. He put his hands in his pants pocket. His gaze is still attached to her.
“Why do you come, tonight...?” She asked, trying hard so that her voice didn't sound trembling. She doesn’t want him to know that she cried before he came, because she just know Mozart too well, like that man does to her.
“Are you just crying?” Mozart asked, didn’t replied her previous question. His hands cupped her face and the trace of her tears is still visible, remembering that she was crying not long ago.
“Did i make you wait too long, liebe?” He asked again.
She gulped. She knows that she is a teribble liar. And she also knows that there is no secret can be hided from those amethyst eyes.
“I just missed you, a little too much...” Her voice trembled. Mozart brought his face closer, shrinking the distance between them with a soft kiss that slowly turned into a passionate one. He can’t stand to see her crying in front of him.
As he kissed her, Mozart slowly dropped her right on her bed. His both hands caressing her bare arms softly. He pulled his face away and staring her with deep love and adoration. “You look very good tonight. So good, so beautiful that i want to take you away with me.”
She stares him hopelessly. “Won’t you take your Cinderella away with you?” she asked in trembling voice. “I don’t want to be another Juliet, you know.”
“Then, you want to see me cry everyday...?” She cut him quickly. Her tears welled up again in her sweet brown eyes. “If you’re not going to bring me with you, why would you come here in first place...?”
“Why would you showed up in the night before my wedding day, Mozart...?”
Mozart looked away. He rose and stood up in a silent. A frustation sigh came out from his mouth.
“I want to take you away, but i just... i just keep thinking about what if you  regretting your decision to be with me.”
Mozart rises his head, staring closely at her. For a moment, he could feel for again and again, that his universe was always diverted again to her. The soft hands of her held his hand tightly. And, Mozart clearly didn't want to let her hands go, but he just stayed silent, did not know what else to say. His tongue is speechles, as his voice seemed to evaporate from the throat.
"Look me in the eye and you no longer need to ask, how deep is my love for you. There are no regret, no hesitation, Mozart. Ich will dich.”
Mozart stunned. A shy smile appeared on his face. “It should be my line, to convince you to be with me.”
“I don’t mind to say it, Mozart.” She whispered.
"Then, marry me..." The words came straight out of his mouth, while his hand pulled out a small velvet blue box from his coat pocket. The box opened, revealing a shiny white gold ring inside of it. A very simple happiness that every girl craves, including her.
She gasped. Her eyes look into Mozart, who was now kneeling in front of her, asking her to choose him to be her life partner and share the rest of her life with him.
“I can’t promise a hapilly ever after like in your favourite fairy tales, but i’m swear that i love you from yesterday, this night, tommorow, and forever.”
She murmured softly with teary eyes. She can feel the happiness that overflow in her chest. Immediately, without any hesitation, she rushed into his arms. She hugged him tightly, as if to say that she would never let him go ever again.
And, without her to answered it out loud, Mozart really knew exactly what the answer was.
The full moon shone brightly at the height of the summer night, the leaves rubbed against the tree branches, and the cuckered owl made a glimpse of the night that looked frightening and tense. But in fact, not too gripping too.
She let out a long sigh. Her long, curly brown hair moved noisily in the wind. Her feet walked slowly, approaching the wide open balcony. Her hands touched the cold silver painted fence which bordered the balcony. She immediately ducked and found Mozart, who was also watching her from down there, waiting for her.
She smiled without hesitant. No more doubts tucked in her heart as she was fully certain of what her heart had chosen.
The memory of their first time meeting at the beginning of the summer seemed to replay like an old movie in her mind. They are two lines that meet in the same tangent line. This time, both of them were certain that the series of coincidences that happened before were come not by accident.
They were meant to be in this way.
With all of her courage, she climbed onto the balcony railing and jumped in a smooth motion. Mozart came and caught her when she fell. Always. Mozart's hands curled around her slender waist. Both of them realized, how small the distance between them. The fresh scent of Mozart’s burst into the her nose. She smiled as Mozart gently kissed her forehead.
“Ich liebe dich.”
This night. Only him and her and that’s way is more than enough.
And, the full moon at midnight that summer bears witness to the both of them. []
--das ende
*ich will dich = i want you
38 notes · View notes
She couldn't take this any more. All this fighting and the non-sense between witches and the rest of Magix. Weren't there more experienced Fairies and Specialists, in Alfea or in the Red Fountain, in all of Magix. Weren't they more warriors than them? They were only kids, teenagers, still learning about magic. They barely knew the basics. She herself didn't even know that magic existed a few months, or was it just weeks, ago. Their group was one made only because they were roommates, and they didn't know anyone else in this godforsaken place. Strangers, misfits just banding together. They came from everywhere Linphea, Solaria, Melody, Zenith, and she herself from earth. They bonded over the fact that they knew no one else. And really who were they. A nobody from a flowery planet who was too nice to everybody, a reckless princess from a planet with so many suns and moons who was failing every class, a tomboy from a never silent planet who let nobody close to her, a stupid genius from a planet completely compiles of zeros and ones who was so in love with technology she couldn't understand human emotions any more and Bloom herself. A hot- headed idiot who knew nothing about magic. They didn't make their little clique the "Winx Club" to fight off witches and demons and all else that wanted to destroy or subjugate the whole Magic Dimension. They just wanted to make a place for themselves to fit in for once. Bloom tightened her fists, tears streaming down her face. Her dragon fire billowing around her, sparks scattering in the air, never dying out and the air grew hotter by the second and always drier than it was just a moment before. With a roar she dove forward. She didn't know where Stella, Flora, Musa and Tecna where, probably fighting off Darcy and Stormy, which left her to face Icey. She idly wondered where the trio came from and if they were actually sisters or just called themselves by that title because it played into the whole witch motif. In popular media at home, it was always three sisters being witches, if good or bad didn't matter, too. Power of three and all that. She almost missed the shows she used to watch with her mom. She barely escaped an icicle that was sent flying at her. It left a deep gash in her shoulder. The blood was running down her arm faster than she expected, staining her blue glove a deep red. How did it actually work? This whole business of changing into a fairy? Where did her clothes go and what was is that she was actually dressed in? She snapped back into focus, melting a cascade of snow that Icey had sent at her. Little drops of, now harmless, water still hit her face, only to evaporate into smoke as they came into contact with her skin. She didn't even notice that her skin grew that warm. Or was it just the fire surrounding her? She realized that she was more and more zoning out. A habit related to her stress that, according to her mother, she always had and, according to her father, would get worse the longer it was going on, till she, according to both of them, came down with a strong fever. Flying sharply upwards and pulling her legs close to her, she escaped Icey’s ice again and avoided being riddled with holes. Not that like that unlucky tree behind her. Maybe Flora could help it later. With a huff Bloom tried to scrape the last of her concentration together. She had a feeling that otherwise it wasn't going to be fever taking her down later, but one of Icey’s attacks now. She tried to get closer, evading ice and snow, as it was flung at her, ignoring Icey’s monologue about how she was first gonna rule over Magix and then the whole magical dimension, as if other planets didn't have schools to throw their charges at the trio of witches. Bloom scoffed at that thought and with a twirl dodged again. These shards were getting more and more annoying. She realized that at this point, she was rather close to Icey. With a last push of her magic, the sparks and heat, but more importantly, the surrounding fire condensed itself around her fist. Bloom pulled it back, but before she could hit Icey a grin spread across the witch’s face. It was an unsettling sight. The fire died out, not even sparks remaining. She realized how cold everything was, especially her chest. She didn't mind her fairy costume, or whatever it was, she usually still stayed warm because of the fire she had a hold on but now, everything was somehow cold. She looked down. Her wings fluttered a to a slow beat, nothing left of the speed they showed before, barely enough force to keep her swaying midair. Bloom slowly reached down to her chest, right where her top ended, not quite believing what she saw. As a child, she remembered faintly, she often did not believe what her eyes showed her, always questioning herself and others, but still somehow believing in fairies. It was ridiculous in retrospect. "Get it out", she whispered and with a cough blood started dribbling down her chin, staining the collar of her glittery top. She questioned how the blood would get out of the clothes, would it just vanish when she turned back, would it transfer to her previous clothes or would she later sit down with some soap and baking powder, a trick of that nice elderly neighbour of hers and try to scrub it out. Or would someone else do it for her, because she couldn't? The icicle in her chest didn't vanish. She looked back at Icey who was still grinning victoriously. Bloom felt herself falling backwards. It almost felt like that one time she broke her wrist falling from her chair. She wanted something from the top of her closet and the chair just toppled over. She broke her wrist while trying to catch herself. Her father was so angry at her, he always worries too much. "Stop, please", she didn't know with whom she was pleading with. Certainly not Icey, who was nearly screeching in delight, cackling madly. Not knowing that she only defeated a weak student and not someone who could’ve put up a real fight in Bloom’s opinion, but who was asking her, especially at this point. With a thud she hid the ground, the air just leaving her. Her parents were against her visiting Alfea, she should’ve listened to them. She would be in Gardenia finishing up high school, where no teacher would send her and her friends out to fight dangerous witches. She could’ve been happy, finding a boyfriend who didn't lie about who he was, who was honest. Instead, she was laying here, staring at the sky, which looked so different from the one she watched for sixteen years. A rather short life considering it all, but still sixteen years is a lot, if one is to think how her parent got to adopt her, being found in a burning building. She couldn't take this cold any more. It was horrible, no wonder everyone complained about it. Her mind wandered to her friends, she hoped their fights were going a lot better than hers had gone. After all she was laying on the ground, icicle in her chest and slowly bleeding out. Her sight began to blur together, making the night sky not look so alien any more. Another thought came to her, that didn't really matter any more at this point. She wondered if her outfit would stay or change back. She somehow hoped it would change back, this little crown was after all really ridiculous and what was up with the skirt, the only blood free part of her by now. She could hear nothing any more, beside the beating of her heart. It seemed awfully loud and it slowed more and more. Blood still dripped down her chin and down her cheek from the side of her mouth. She tried to huff, it only caused bubbles of blood spilling from her mouth. She must look horrifying right now. Her eyes closed without her volition, she took in a breath and the last thing she thought of was her parents, how much she loved them and with that she stilled.
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flowerbeom · 4 years
aesthetics tag!
tagged by @jjinyounf 💖💝
rules: bold the aesthetics you relate to and add twenty of your own aesthetic qualities for others to bold
tagging: @defgyus @jinseunie @axizzles @focusgyeom @demongyeom @sxfterhearts @urlocalkpoptrash 
bro, this was long! but fun. 
baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night
dark academia
neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story
closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks
colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | diy-ing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding
preppy casual
collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy-lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
cinanamon - steph
gold jewelry, slowdancing in the kitchen with a lover, sun on skin, red-tinted lip balm, lazy mornings, getting lost in foreign cities, scent of bakeries, high-waisted jeans, kissing someone’s neck, writing reminders on your wrist, sleeping in braids to have waves in the morning, growing an herb garden, gentle touches, sketches tucked between pages, flushed cheeks, tandem bikes, floating in a pool, vintage gold hand-mirror, deer grazing, softly singing while doing chores
jaesmintea - dia
oversized everything | painted nails | fairy lights | dozing off in the middle of class | tying hair up into a ponytail | round glasses | laughing so hard you can’t breathe | late night study sessions | tender hand holding | impromptu photoshoots | drowning in moondust | bathing in the light of the sunset | strawberry flavored lollipops | polaroid pictures | eagerly tugging someone down the street | handwritten love letters | smell of coffee | living with reckless abandon | crinkled pages of a journal | replaying the same part in a song over and over
naptimetea - helena
everything black | rewearing your favorite outfit | drawing late into the night | rewatching favorite shows | the bread isle | minty lip balm | falling asleep anywhere and everywhere | making green tea | useless questions when it’s 2 am | forehead kisses | sleeping in till the afternoon | love of pink | staying up to watch the sunrise | dancing in the bathroom | messy handwriting | pile of sketchbooks | talking for hours about interest | old sentimental stuff animals | hanging out on the bed and doing nothing | thick fluffy blankets
the thrill of leaning your body way over a balcony’s edge | the suffocating feeling when the strong wind blows down your lungs | tip-toeing barefoot | hair ruffling and cheek pinching | hugging a body pillow at night | facing the sky with closed eyes | the whimsical silence when it’s past midnight and you’re the only person awake | when you can physically feel your eyes soften when you look at someone | dancing alone with only an oversized shirt | when your sweater falls over your thighs as you stand up | humming scary but memorable lullabies | vivid imagination | w-sitting with a mini skirt and thigh high socks | heated laptop on your lap | cereal at 3 am | gliding your fingers across your thighs | bittersweet melancholy | withdrawn and distant eyes | very tight belts | wanting love but not believing in it | not cruel but not kind
listening to a song and remembering the times you used to listen to it on repeat | imagining yourself living in any other life than the one you have now | crop tops and high waisted jeans | forgetting to smile but not actually being upset | nuzzling your face in the crook of their neck | back hugs when you’re stressed | turning in assignments 1 minute before they’re due | wanting a relationship but getting scared the moment you’re in one | pretending that you don’t care when inside you’re burning with doubts and fears | the sound of the evening waves as you lie on the sand | lying in your bed listening to your sad playlist | exhaustion but you can’t sleep | singing loudly when you’re the only one home | feeling safe and comfortable with that person in your life | knee high suede black boots with your black winter coat | comfort over appearance | writing essays at 2 am | creative peak from 1 am to 4 am | the one that always ends up walking in the back of a friend group
hyunsracha - sav!
split-dye hair | female rappers | staying up until 6am and sleeping until 1pm | taking notes on an ipad | middle school emo music | mini skirts | late night drives | rain on the ocean | flirting with people when you’re bored | doc martens | eating ramen in the pot | afraid of being looked at | fishnets | getting joy out of making people laugh | small tattoos | crying yourself to sleep | peppermint everything | desperate for freedom | chipped black nail polish
well-worn converse | ginger ice cream | farmers’ markets | amaretto in coffee | the sound of pen on paper | empty mountain trails | black and white photographs | vintage bicycles | roads trips with no destination | overfilled bookcases | a shoebox full of ticket stubs | granny smith apples | orange gerbera daisies | cardigan sweaters | games that tell a story | red wine in a mason jar | succulent gardens | tattoos of birds | fresh-baked muffins | a favorite pair of jeans
dnceracha - sydni
black chelsea boots | chapped lips | browline glasses | losing yourself in video games | impressionist art | pink peonies | writing down anything you need to remember | the smell of gasoline | business goth style | dangly earrings | florals | ballet flats | cuffed jeans | liking the villain | a stack of journals | generous amounts of highlighter | knives | rain on a tin roof | heavy footsteps | small-town diners
bamshine - sae
chunky black boots | not realizing you’ve been writing for hours | soft dog fur under your hand | the loud gathering of friends after an exhausting dance class | bubble tea | casual touches between friends | beach trips | airports late at night or early in the morning | coming home from travel and finally being in your own bed | leaves crunching under your foot | shopping for groceries with christmas music on the radio | loud family gatherings over a pizza | succulents | goofy singing and dancing with friends | getting so into a book you do nothing else all day except read | cool summer evenings around a bonfire | apple cider | the scent of vanilla | selfies with friends | the sting of a new tattoo
jjinyounf - cres
ocean breezes | moonlight/sunlight through clouds | sweatpants and baggy tees | empty journals | stud earrings | messy bedroom | thought-provoking movies | apple cinnamon | hot, but not sticky weather | chill big dogs | mixing flavoured vodka with ice cream | playing songs at full blast in the shower | quiet corners | the sound of bacon while it cooks | loud thoughts but quiet words | staying in bed until the absolute last second | mid-calf boots in the winter, flip flops in the summer, sneakers every other time | mental breakdowns doing anything academic-related | madras shawls | the colour combo of red, black, gold, and white
flowerbeom - kat
polaroids | saying hello to the moon | buying more books that you can read | lo-fi playlists to fill the emptiness | baking bread of saturdays | playing the same song over and over until you learn the lyrics/vocal runs perfectly | milk tea | booping your cat’s nose with your nose | keeping a stash of that one perfect pen | being the quiet listener in conversation but always has a great story to tell | sneakers over everything | watching the sunrise through cracked open blinds | leather and patchouli candles | freshly cooked rice | finding the perfect word to describe something | the crunch and squeak of walking on freshly fallen snow | writing “hello” on foggy windows | strolling through ancient forests and feeling small | kissed on bare shoulders | falling asleep to the sound of rain 
5 notes · View notes
dustofinsanity · 4 years
aesthetic tag ✨
rules: bold the aesthetics you relate to and add twenty of your own aesthetic qualities for others to bold
tagged by: The one and only!! The wonderful!! The amazing!! The talented and  incomparable PAPA!! Also known as @defgyus 💜
tagging: no one but, if you wanna do it, just say I tagged you.
baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night
dark academia
neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story
closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks
colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | diy-ing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding
preppy casual
collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy-lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
cinanamon - steph
gold jewelry | slowdancing in the kitchen with a lover | sun on skin | red-tinted lip balm | lazy mornings | getting lost in foreign cities | scent of bakeries | high-waisted jeans | kissing someone’s neck | writing reminders on your wrist | sleeping in braids to have waves in the morning | growing an herb garden | gentle touches | sketches tucked between pages | flushed cheeks | tandem bikes, floating in a pool | vintage gold hand-mirror | deer grazing | softly singing while doing chores
jaesmintea - dia
oversized everything | painted nails | fairy lights | dozing off in the middle of class | tying hair up into a ponytail | round glasses | laughing so hard you can’t breathe | late night study sessions | tender hand holding | impromptu photoshoots | drowning in moondust | bathing in the light of the sunset | strawberry flavored lollipops | polaroid pictures | eagerly tugging someone down the street | handwritten love letters | smell of coffee | living with reckless abandon | crinkled pages of a journal | replaying the same part in a song over and over
naptimetea - helena
everything black | rewearing your favorite outfit | drawing late into the night | rewatching favorite shows | the bread isle | minty lip balm | falling asleep anywhere and everywhere | making green tea | useless questions when it’s 2 am | forehead kisses | sleeping in till the afternoon | love of pink | staying up to watch the sunrise | dancing in the bathroom | messy handwriting | pile of sketchbooks | talking for hours about interest | old sentimental stuff animals | hanging out on the bed and doing nothing | thick fluffy blankets
the thrill of leaning your body way over a balcony’s edge | the suffocating feeling when the strong wind blows down your lungs | tip-toeing barefoot | hair ruffling and cheek pinching | hugging a body pillow at night | facing the sky with closed eyes | the whimsical silence when it’s past midnight and you’re the only person awake | when you can physically feel your eyes soften when you look at someone | dancing alone with only an oversized shirt | when your sweater falls over your thighs as you stand up | humming scary but memorable lullabies | vivid imagination | w-sitting with a mini skirt and thigh high socks | heated laptop on your lap | cereal at 3 am | gliding your fingers across your thighs | bittersweet melancholy | withdrawn and distant eyes | very tight belts | wanting love but not believing in it | not cruel but not kind
listening to a song and remembering the times you used to listen to it on repeat | imagining yourself living in any other life than the one you have now | crop tops and high waisted jeans | forgetting to smile but not actually being upset | nuzzling your face in the crook of their neck | back hugs when you’re stressed | turning in assignments 1 minute before they’re due | wanting a relationship but getting scared the moment you’re in one | pretending that you don’t care when inside you’re burning with doubts and fears | the sound of the evening waves as you lie on the sand | lying in your bed listening to your sad playlist | exhaustion but you can’t sleep | singing loudly when you’re the only one home | feeling safe and comfortable with that person in your life | knee high suede black boots with your black winter coat | comfort over appearance | writing essays at 2 am | creative peak from 1 am to 4 am | the one that always ends up walking in the back of a friend group
hyunsracha - sav!
split-dye hair | female rappers | staying up until 6am and sleeping until 1pm | taking notes on an ipad | middle school emo music | mini skirts | late night drives | rain on the ocean | flirting with people when you’re bored | doc martens | eating ramen in the pot | afraid of being looked at | fishnets | getting joy out of making people laugh | small tattoos | crying yourself to sleep | peppermint everything | desperate for freedom | chipped black nail polish
well-worn converse | ginger ice cream | farmers’ markets | amaretto in coffee | the sound of pen on paper | empty mountain trails | black and white photographs | vintage bicycles | roads trips with no destination | overfilled bookcases | a shoebox full of ticket stubs | granny smith apples | orange gerbera daisies | cardigan sweaters | games that tell a story | red wine in a mason jar | succulent gardens | tattoos of birds | fresh-baked muffins | a favorite pair of jeans
dnceracha - sydni
black chelsea boots | chapped lips | browline glasses | losing yourself in video games | impressionist art | pink peonies | writing down anything you need to remember | the smell of gasoline | business goth style | dangly earrings | florals | ballet flats | cuffed jeans | liking the villain | a stack of journals | generous amounts of highlighter | knives | rain on a tin roof | heavy footsteps | small-town diners
bamshine - sae
chunky black boots | not realizing you’ve been writing for hours | soft dog fur under your hand | the loud gathering of friends after an exhausting dance class | bubble tea | casual touches between friends | beach trips | airports late at night or early in the morning | coming home from travel and finally being in your own bed | leaves crunching under your foot | shopping for groceries with christmas music on the radio | loud family gatherings over a pizza | succulents | goofy singing and dancing with friends | getting so into a book you do nothing else all day except read | cool summer evenings around a bonfire | apple cider | the scent of vanilla | selfies with friends | the sting of a new tattoo
jjinyounf - cres
ocean breezes | moonlight/sunlight through clouds | sweatpants and baggy tees | empty journals | stud earrings | messy bedroom | thought-provoking movies | apple cinnamon | hot, but not sticky weather | chill big dogs | mixing flavoured vodka with ice cream | playing songs at full blast in the shower | quiet corners | the sound of bacon while it cooks | loud thoughts but quiet words | staying in bed until the absolute last second | mid-calf boots in the winter, flip flops in the summer, sneakers every other time | mental breakdowns doing anything academic-related | madras shawls | the colour combo of red, black, gold, and white
flowerbeom - kat
polaroids | saying hello to the moon | buying more books that you can read | lo-fi playlists to fill the emptiness | baking bread of saturdays | playing the same song over and over until you learn the lyrics/vocal runs perfectly | milk tea | booping your cat’s nose with your nose | keeping a stash of that one perfect pen | being the quiet listener in conversation but always has a great story to tell | sneakers over everything | watching the sunrise through cracked open blinds | leather and patchouli candles | freshly cooked rice | finding the perfect word to describe something | the crunch and squeak of walking on freshly fallen snow | writing “hello” on foggy windows | strolling through ancient forests and feeling small | kissed on bare shoulders | falling asleep to the sound of rain
focusgyeom - leena
wishes at 11:11 | leather jackets | hoop earrings | making playlists for friends | seasonal candles | bath bombs | pink drinks | late night drives | crystals | ripped jeans | starry nights & full moons | writing out your emotions instead of talking about them | loves the thought of being in love, but too scared to fall in love | black clothes | staying up till 3am writing | lip gloss | fall & winter | vampires books & shows | keeping a journal on you at all times | gel pens | sunflowers
defgyus - val
feeling at home in museums | color coordinating everything | feeling the warmth of the sun on your face | owning lots of stationery | aesthetic pinterest boards | period drama | coffee and tea are always a good idea | big windows overlooking a big city | neutral tones and muted pink | keeping a journal with your favorite quotes | fashion magazines | disney films | movie scores and lofi playlists | daydreaming in public transport | learning languages | laughing out loud watching comedy sketches | drawing on procreate | chunky sweaters and jeans | neck kisses | loving hard
defnabeom - nauan
shapped sunglasses | silver jewelry | the laugh of the people you love | this particular voice you could hear for hours | veins | ripped clothes | grungy style | cats lover | collecting everything | organized mess | cigarettes and a glass of whiskey | the feeling of being afraid to bother | old cartoons | spikes | men perfumes | noisy pictures | bucket hats | a simple touch of color in a black outfit | wine red eyeshadows and matte lipstick | the loner who needs love
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multisfabulis · 4 years
Abhorrence in the Face of Adoration
Word Count: 4461
TW: Implied abuse, self worth issues
This segment took me a little over 3 weeks to write, due to the many rewrites I had to do and the late nights I pulled while knowing I'd be waking up early, but I did it!
I've been wanting to write the idea of Ferreth realizing his love for Ven for so long and I decided to write this after publishing chapter 6 of TRFBD because, if you think about it, they're related in that you see how far he's willing to go for her in TRFBD so I wanted to show when it began. Writing this has made me realize just how much I can't wait to write more Verreth segments set after MZCR because god, these two love each other and I have so many cute ideas to write for the both of them!
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     Ferreth stared up at the ceiling as he laid in bed, feeling frustratingly tired. His arms flared up in pain and he could only wait and beg for it to stop. It was like someone was chipping away at the embedded stones while they disregarded the agony they were putting him through. This was a hell he hated living in every time the weather turned cold because it meant sleepless nights of incurable pain till spring came around and even that wasn’t guaranteed. The only hope he had was that maybe living here instead of the mountains would make these times a little more bearable.
     A nice, relaxing stroll through town could probably help. Nighttime walks were a good pastime of his whenever autumn descended upon Thornewind and he needed a distraction from the pain. It was a time he’d let his mind wander off and wear him down enough to conk out soon as his head hit the pillow. He sighed, rubbed a hand down his face, and headed out the door into the cool dark.
     Aurora Zenith was different from Thornewind at night. There were hardly any noises, save for the distant waves of the ocean and the wind rustling through the leaves of the trees, and not a soul to be seen for seemingly miles. The only sources of light he could see came from the orange glow of the lanterns in town and the radiance of the full moon high up in the sky. It was a new place, with winter right around the corner, but it still held the feeling of peace he felt up in the mountains.
     He looked around the town as he walked. The end of Noctovka marked his arrival here 3 months ago and he was still getting used to everything. Coming from a place where there were others like him all living in a cold and constant drizzle, this was certainly different for him. He liked the warmth, missed the liveliness of Thornewind, and still had no idea what he wanted to do in life.
     He had a couple ideas in mind but there were already people working those jobs that did them ten times better than he ever could. What good was there in having an amateur come in and screw everything up? At least he was making himself useful, both in training to become Eric’s guard and being the guy to do odd jobs around town. He still had time to figure it out so there wasn’t a need to stress about it.
     He was nearing the docks when he saw her. A gust of wind blew the hood of the black cloak she wore back, letting her long snow white hair out to cascade down her back as she shivered from the chill it brought. The little skin she showed seemed to glow under the moonlight, which made eyes the color of bloomed orchids stand out even more than in the day. She looked like an ethereal fairy almost and he was absolutely entranced. This was Ven, the woman who had him dancing around the palm of her hand and didn’t even know it.
     Things had somehow changed between them now. It’s not that they had gotten into an argument or did something the other didn’t like. He wasn’t sure on where she was but things were definitely different on his side.
     There was no denying that he had been attracted to her since the beginning of their friendship but this was deeper and longer than his average “crush”. She could be so unbelievably cute at times, like the way her eyes seem to sparkle when something catches her attention or when she has the most adorable smile on her face once she gets a whiff of a delicious sweet. He was amazed at how big her heart was for someone so small and at the strength she had, both physically and emotionally.
     There were times he’d find himself thinking about her. There had been days he’d be so consumed by his self-loathing and seeing her, being around her would quiet the voices telling him he was worthless. She saw something in him that he wished he could see in himself, something that could make him believe he had worth. He wanted to be with her, stay by her side, and never let her go.
     It honestly scared him to realize just how deep his feelings for her went. He’s never felt this way towards anyone before and it was scary. The question of her reaction to if and when she discovered these feelings weighed on his mind. Would she still want him to hang around her or would she demand he stay away from her? He wasn’t sure if he could take the latter option.
     He shook his head to stop thinking about that. He was probably just overreacting; this was probably a crush that was overstaying its welcome but would go away at some point. Besides, even if it wasn’t, who’s to say she’ll find out? He was good at deceiving others with his winning smile and charming wit. He’ll just continue on acting the way he’s always been and, eventually, things will go back to normal. He just needed to wait this out a little bit longer…
     Coming back to the present, he figured he may as well talk to her. Odds are, she was out here for the same reason he was. He began walking over to her, his light footsteps echoing in the still night.
     Her shoulders tensed up at the sound before relaxing once she saw where it was coming from. She always did that when she heard footsteps behind her and he had a sneaking suspicion of why that was. The little hints she’s dropped of her past from their earlier conversations gave him some unpleasant imagery he so hoped wasn’t the case. Just focus on the now, Ferreth, he told himself.
     “Oh, Ferret.” She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear to stop it from blowing in the wind. “What are you doing out here?”
     He had long since given up on correcting her with his name. It became a lost cause once the first month passed and she was still calling him Ferret. It was a better nickname than Ferra, at least, so it was fine.
     “I couldn’t sleep so I figured to take a walk and see if that’d change anything,” he replied. “What about you?”
     “Eh, same,” she said with a small giggle. “I was actually thinking of going to the beach for a little bit and just walk around, clear my mind and stuff. Do you maybe want to join?”
     “Uh, sure, I’ll go.”
     So they walked down the cobblestone steps that led to the beach. He had been there only a handful of times since moving to Aurora Zenith but this would be his first nighttime visit. The pitch black ocean served as a mirror for the moon, its white light reflecting on the water far off in the distance. He could smell the salt the waves wafted as they rolled along the shore and soaked their feet. The winds carried a biting chill that ruffled through their hair and clothes, cooling them. It was already a peaceful place during the day but it was downright serene at night.
     “You know, I think this is my first time seeing you with your hair down,” he said, looking over to her.
     “Yeah, I only really wear it down when I’m going to bed,” she replied.
     “Why don’t you keep it down more often? You look beau---nice when it’s down.”
     “Eh, I doubt it. Besides, it’s more annoying than it’s worth. It gets caught on a lot of things and I can sit on it if I’m not careful. I should probably get it cut but I’m trying out a couple new styles for it and the ponytail’s working so far.”
     “Well, I think you’ll look good either way, long hair or not.”
     A scarlet blush tinted her cheeks and he had to tear his eyes away from her. It was always cute to see her blush from his compliments but this was different. He couldn’t explain why, it was just different. Maybe because if he didn’t, he would’ve said something stupid and embarrassed himself.
     Still, he wanted to say she looked beautiful with her hair down but she might’ve taken that as him flirting with her. He did that at the beginning of their friendship and stopped when he realized she had never been in that situation before. It didn’t feel right to keep going with it after that so he didn’t.
     She was beautiful, though, even without her hair being down. Seeing it as it was now, a waterfall of pure white that stopped just at the small of her back, only added to it. He wondered what it’d be like to feel it, wishing he could run his fingers through the fine tresses, tangling the strands in-between into knots, gently tugging on the ends to draw her head up as he---
     God, he wanted to slap himself right about now. He couldn’t be thinking those kinds of thoughts about her. She was his friend/crush/some other term that could be used to describe their relationship and how he felt towards her. The last thing she needed was him daydreaming about them being a couple like a creepy weirdo. That shit would drive her away quicker than he could blink.
     In an attempt to change the topic, he asked, “So, uh, if you don’t mind, why couldn’t you sleep?”
     “Oh, um…” She paused, seemingly troubled by her answer, “I suffer from nightmares. There’ll be nights where I have trouble going to sleep and, if that doesn’t happen, the nightmares will wake me up. Tonight happened to be one of those nights.”
     …Shit. That was NOT what he expected to hear. He could understand the insomnia part but nightmares? Knowing that little bit of information now only strengthened the suspicions he had of her past. It also gave an answer as to why she had dark shadows under her eyes.
     “That…sucks.” Nice job, dumbass. He wanted to ram his face into a wall for that terrible response.
     “I’ve had them for a while now so I’ve gotten used to them. It’s not like they can show me stuff that I haven’t already seen so…”
     “Well, if you want, you can come talk to me if they start to get worse. We don’t have to talk about them if you don’t want to, we can just hang out till you feel better, you know? Again, that’s if you want to, though.”
     “...I’ll think about it.” She let out a small smile.
     He was taken aback by that. She normally refused his help with anything so her actually taking his offer into consideration was progress. He knew he couldn’t do much, short of going inside her head and removing the bad dreams. If the best he could do was lend an ear, then he’d give it to her, no questions asked.
     “Um… Oh, are you going to the Solstice Ball?” she asked, her eyes filled with curiosity.
     “That’s next month, right? Uh, yeah, I’m gonna go,” he replied. “Are you planning on going?”
     “I-I don’t know. There’s gonna be a lot of people there and…”
     “Come on, it’ll be fun! There’ll be food, dancing, champagne… What’s not to like?”
     “It’ll be my first time going to a formal event like this. It may be fun to go to but I’d have to wear a really nice dress and I’ve never danced before and… I don’t think it’d be good for me.”
     “Look, think of it this way. This’ll be my first dance, too, and I’m gonna be going all out. Just imagine this handsome guy--” he gestured to himself-- “decked out in the best suit while he completely embarrasses himself with his dance moves. I mean, I’m a good dancer but this is a different dance so you get what I’m saying.”
     “Still…I doubt I’d look good in a dress.”
     “Ven, believe me when I say you’ll look stunning, no matter what dress you wear.”
     “Uh, yeah. I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true.”
     He could just imagine it now. Ven arriving at the ballroom, all eyes drawn to her as she walks down the steps, wearing the most beautiful violet dress. Some of their gazes are filled with envy while others beguilement. She may not know it but everyone has become captivated with her. It’s too bad they’ll be brokenhearted to realize she wasn’t there for courtship. She was just there to have fun and if they couldn’t handle the rejection, then tough.
     Wow, she has got him messed up bad. While the stares of those who found her alluring would, of course, rile him up, it was only right they look at her like that. She was a beautiful woman and she should know it. Besides, she’d take care of anyone that overstepped her boundaries.
     “What about the dancing?” she asked. “I’ve never danced before and I’m probably gonna screw it up.”
     “Well, as I said before, I’ve never done a slow dance myself but--” he held out a hand to her-- “we could try together. Just save me the first dance, if you’re going, of course.”
     A few seconds passed before she giggled, put her hand in his, and said, “All right, I’ll go. I know it’ll be fun if you’re there and besides, I’m looking forward to seeing you in a suit, which’ll be nice, too.”
     Her hand felt cold yet soft in his. He was going to be holding it again when they danced and it only just hit him that they would be doing that. His mind began painting a picture of them slowly twirling around, dancing to the music. Their hands entwined, his other on her hip, and her fingers just at the crest of his shoulder. She was so small and delicate compared to him, he’d need to be careful when holding her. The aromatic scent of her perfume would hit his nostrils as he’d let himself get lost in her shimmering amethyst eyes and---
     For the love of god, Ferreth, stop, he begged. These fantasies of his were quickly getting out of hand. Whatever this was had become deeper than a crush and it fucking terrified him. This couldn’t be, shouldn’t be more than an infatuation but when did it grow into…?
     “Um, Ferret?” She stopped walking, still holding his hand. “Can I…tell you something?”
     “Y-yeah, what is it?” he asked, her voice ringing out like crystal amongst the cacophony in his head.
     “You’ve done a lot for me these past few weeks and I just want you to know that I appreciate it. You believe me, right?”
     “Of course. You don’t have to say anything for me to know you’re thankful.”
     “I know but I still wanted to say it. I appreciate all that you’ve done for me and I just wanna say--” she laid her other hand beside his-- “thank you, Ferreth.”
     Surprise and awe couldn’t begin to describe how he felt. That was the first time she ever said his name and it sounded so sweet and full of warmth. Her eyes looked at his in such earnest gratitude and her mouth was curved into the tenderest smile he had ever seen. She seemed to glow like an angel under the moonlight, she only needed wings sprouting from her back to match.
     That was when he understood, realized it. His fervent desire to be with her, his amorous daydreams of her, they had an answer. He was so, so stupid to ever think this was a crush. It may have started out like one but it became so much more than that in such a short time.
     He loved her. He loved her. When did it happen? When did he fall for her? When did he begin to love her? All of these questions swirled around and around as he came to terms with how he felt about her.
     He loved Ven. He was in love with Ven. He loved her.
     Then cold, hard reality crashed down upon him. Worthlessness, self-disdain, and self-loathing he tried to keep hidden away came spewing forth like a geyser. He couldn’t be with her. The moment he fell for her was the moment she flew out of his reach to the other end of the chasm that now separated them. She was extraordinary, special, one of a kind, and what was he? A no-good, worthless dragon that could never be the man everyone wanted him to be.
     Kandorinth’s wretchedly arrogant voice resonated in his head, whispering affirmations of his meaningless existence into his ears. It made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as biting ice filled his veins. Memories of the ice entering his arms through the open wounds the stones created flashed by his mind’s eye, wicked laughter echoing off the walls. He so desperately wanted the voice to shut up but it only got louder and louder.
     Oh, Ferra… You know you’ll never be better than you are now. You’re just a weak, pathetic worm and that’s what you’ll always be. Why not just accept how inferior you are to the world and die like the trash you really are? That’s the only worth you’ll ever have in your sad, shameful life.
     Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he choked on the lump in his throat. No, he couldn’t break down here. Ven didn’t need to see him like this, see the worst his ugly, flawed self had to offer. He needed to get out of here, back to his home of solitude, and…fall apart.
     Blinking back the tears, he put on the best smile he could muster and, resisting the urge to close his hand around hers, said, “You’re welcome, Ven.”
     The expression on her face changed and she stepped closer to him. “What’s wrong, Ferret?”
     Oh, this was simply unfair. What did he do that was considered to be so wrong to have her eyes be full of concern for him? She didn’t deserve to worry over the likes of someone such as him. He was nothing; why should she care?
     “It’s nothing!” he replied, fighting to keep his voice steady. “Nothing to worry about.”
     “Are you sure?” she asked. He hated lying to her, especially when she looked at him with such care in her eyes, but it was necessary.
     “I’m sure, Ven. I’m okay.”
     She moved back, her shoulders dropping. There’s no way she bought his lie but she dropped the matter, at least. It was for the best; if she kept trying to pry, he probably would’ve bared his soul out to her. It was too small and insignificant of a thing she needn’t trifle with.
     “Hey, listen, I’m gonna head back and try to get some sleep,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “You coming back with me?”
     “Um, yeah, I’ll go.” She turned around, ready to go back the way they came. “I don’t live very far from the docks. I’d just have to find the split in the road and find my way home from there.”
     He wanted to walk into the ocean and drown as he realized the stupidity of his actions. Why the hell did he ask her that? He knew that the more time he spent with her, the deeper he’d fall into his self-loathing. It wasn’t her fault, that he’d never blame her for, but he couldn’t be around her right now. He didn’t deserve the love he had for her and it only served to show the countless amount of flaws he kept buried underneath his mask on full display.
     Climbing up the steps they walked down earlier, they made their way through the inner parts of Aurora Zenith. It was hard for him to pretend that everything was all right when it was the complete opposite. He wished he could run past her and hightail it back home but it was too risky. If she began suspecting something was wrong or, even worse, discover she was the reason for his pain, she’d become wracked with guilt. That was just the kind of person she was and he refused to let that happen.
     Then they came upon the aforementioned fork in the road. Two paths in both directions, one leading to his house and the other presumably hers. He was so close to finally being alone. He just had to keep the charade going for a little longer and then it’d be safe for him to break down with no one around to hear it.
     “This is where I have to go.” She stopped at the foot of the left path. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
     “Yeah,” he replied, his voice at the cusp of cracking. “Goodnight, Ven.”
     She bid him goodnight, tucked her hair inside her hood, and went home. He held his wrist back to prevent himself from reaching out for her. The pain washed over him once more as he watched her figure shrink the further she got from him. Soon as she was out of his line of sight, he took off running towards home.
     He fumbled with turning the knob to push open his door. He forgot it had trouble opening from the outside as he struggled to get inside. This was the last thing he needed on top of the piling list of fuck-ups. In a fit of frustration, he threw his arm off to the side and caused a torrent of dirt to shoot out, pelting the nearby leafless bushes with upturned soil and grass. A firm enough push was able to unstuck the door and he stumbled in.
     Closing the door, he leaned his back up against it and slid to the floor. He finally allowed the warm tears to roll down his cheeks as he curled into himself. Sobs wracked his body, his voice growing hoarse from the crying. He wished the truth was wrong but he couldn’t deny it.
     He couldn’t be with her. He wasn’t worthy of being with someone as wonderful and special as her. How could he be deserving of love when he was unimportant, a nobody, nothing?
     She deserved to be with someone who wasn’t worthless. Someone who’d treat her like she was the most precious treasure in the world. Someone who’d cherish her, tell her she was loved everyday, make her as happy as she deserved to be. He couldn’t be that person, no matter how much he wanted to be.
     It wasn’t an issue of him never knowing unless he tried. He knew full well she didn’t reciprocate his feelings and she never would. Why would she when he wouldn’t ever be in the same league as her? They were of two different worlds, he’d be out of place in hers and rightfully so. It was a miracle he hadn’t been dropped yet and maybe it was by her grace he was allowed to stay with her.
     What was he going to do now? Avoiding her was out of the question, though he couldn’t tell if it was because he didn’t want her to believe she was the reason for it or his inability to handle being away from her for long. The way he looked at it, he was screwed either way. He couldn’t be with or without her and he wasn’t sure if he could strike a balance between the two.
     Still, he planned on keeping his love for her a secret. He had a few guesses on how she’d react if she ever found out but that was a big if. For now, he just needed to figure out a way he could be content with being her friend while sparing himself the pain. It’d take time and it’d be difficult but…
     He loved her and he’d be okay with never being more than her friend.
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sxfterhearts · 4 years
aesthetics tag!!
tagged by @flowerbeom​ 💞💞 (thank you kat!! hope you’ve been doing alright 🥰)
rules: bold the aesthetics you relate to and add twenty of your own aesthetic qualities for others to bold
tagging: anyone who wants to do this HAHA (im so late oops)
baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night
dark academia
neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story
closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks
colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | diy-ing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding
preppy casual
collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy-lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
cinanamon - steph
gold jewelry, slowdancing in the kitchen with a lover, sun on skin, red-tinted lip balm, lazy mornings, getting lost in foreign cities, scent of bakeries, high-waisted jeans, kissing someone’s neck, writing reminders on your wrist, sleeping in braids to have waves in the morning, growing an herb garden, gentle touches, sketches tucked between pages, flushed cheeks, tandem bikes, floating in a pool, vintage gold hand-mirror, deer grazing, softly singing while doing chores
jaesmintea - dia
oversized everything | painted nails | fairy lights | dozing off in the middle of class | tying hair up into a ponytail | round glasses | laughing so hard you can’t breathe | late night study sessions | tender hand holding | impromptu photoshoots | drowning in moondust | bathing in the light of the sunset | strawberry flavored lollipops | polaroid pictures | eagerly tugging someone down the street | handwritten love letters | smell of coffee | living with reckless abandon | crinkled pages of a journal | replaying the same part in a song over and over
naptimetea - helena
everything black | rewearing your favorite outfit | drawing late into the night | rewatching favorite shows | the bread isle | minty lip balm | falling asleep anywhere and everywhere | making green tea | useless questions when it’s 2 am | forehead kisses | sleeping in till the afternoon | love of pink | staying up to watch the sunrise | dancing in the bathroom | messy handwriting | pile of sketchbooks | talking for hours about interest | old sentimental stuff animals | hanging out on the bed and doing nothing | thick fluffy blankets
the thrill of leaning your body way over a balcony’s edge | the suffocating feeling when the strong wind blows down your lungs | tip-toeing barefoot | hair ruffling and cheek pinching | hugging a body pillow at night | facing the sky with closed eyes | the whimsical silence when it’s past midnight and you’re the only person awake | when you can physically feel your eyes soften when you look at someone | dancing alone with only an oversized shirt | when your sweater falls over your thighs as you stand up | humming scary but memorable lullabies | vivid imagination | w-sitting with a mini skirt and thigh high socks | heated laptop on your lap | cereal at 3 am | gliding your fingers across your thighs | bittersweet melancholy | withdrawn and distant eyes | very tight belts | wanting love but not believing in it | not cruel but not kind
listening to a song and remembering the times you used to listen to it on repeat | imagining yourself living in any other life than the one you have now | crop tops and high waisted jeans | forgetting to smile but not actually being upset | nuzzling your face in the crook of their neck | back hugs when you’re stressed | turning in assignments 1 minute before they’re due | wanting a relationship but getting scared the moment you’re in one | pretending that you don’t care when inside you’re burning with doubts and fears | the sound of the evening waves as you lie on the sand | lying in your bed listening to your sad playlist | exhaustion but you can’t sleep | singing loudly when you’re the only one home | feeling safe and comfortable with that person in your life | knee high suede black boots with your black winter coat | comfort over appearance | writing essays at 2 am | creative peak from 1 am to 4 am | the one that always ends up walking in the back of a friend group
hyunsracha - sav!
split-dye hair | female rappers | staying up until 6am and sleeping until 1pm | taking notes on an ipad | middle school emo music | mini skirts | late night drives | rain on the ocean | flirting with people when you’re bored | doc martens | eating ramen in the pot | afraid of being looked at | fishnets | getting joy out of making people laugh | small tattoos | crying yourself to sleep | peppermint everything | desperate for freedom | chipped black nail polish
well-worn converse | ginger ice cream | farmers’ markets | amaretto in coffee | the sound of pen on paper | empty mountain trails | black and white photographs | vintage bicycles | roads trips with no destination | overfilled bookcases | a shoebox full of ticket stubs | granny smith apples | orange gerbera daisies | cardigan sweaters | games that tell a story | red wine in a mason jar | succulent gardens | tattoos of birds | fresh-baked muffins | a favorite pair of jeans
dnceracha - sydni
black chelsea boots | chapped lips | browline glasses | losing yourself in video games | impressionist art | pink peonies | writing down anything you need to remember | the smell of gasoline | business goth style | dangly earrings | florals | ballet flats | cuffed jeans | liking the villain | a stack of journals | generous amounts of highlighter | knives | rain on a tin roof | heavy footsteps | small-town diners
bamshine - sae
chunky black boots | not realizing you’ve been writing for hours | soft dog fur under your hand | the loud gathering of friends after an exhausting dance class | bubble tea | casual touches between friends | beach trips | airports late at night or early in the morning | coming home from travel and finally being in your own bed | leaves crunching under your foot | shopping for groceries with christmas music on the radio | loud family gatherings over a pizza | succulents | goofy singing and dancing with friends | getting so into a book you do nothing else all day except read | cool summer evenings around a bonfire | apple cider | the scent of vanilla | selfies with friends | the sting of a new tattoo
jjinyounf - cres
ocean breezes | moonlight/sunlight through clouds | sweatpants and baggy tees | empty journals | stud earrings | messy bedroom | thought-provoking movies | apple cinnamon | hot, but not sticky weather | chill big dogs | mixing flavoured vodka with ice cream | playing songs at full blast in the shower | quiet corners | the sound of bacon while it cooks | loud thoughts but quiet words | staying in bed until the absolute last second | mid-calf boots in the winter, flip flops in the summer, sneakers every other time | mental breakdowns doing anything academic-related | madras shawls | the colour combo of red, black, gold, and white
flowerbeom - kat
polaroids | saying hello to the moon | buying more books that you can read | lo-fi playlists to fill the emptiness | baking bread of saturdays | playing the same song over and over until you learn the lyrics/vocal runs perfectly | milk tea | booping your cat’s nose with your nose | keeping a stash of that one perfect pen | being the quiet listener in conversation but always has a great story to tell | sneakers over everything | watching the sunrise through cracked open blinds | leather and patchouli candles | freshly cooked rice | finding the perfect word to describe something | the crunch and squeak of walking on freshly fallen snow | writing “hello” on foggy windows | strolling through ancient forests and feeling small | kissed on bare shoulders | falling asleep to the sound of rain
sxfterhearts - rach
espresso dripping onto a cup of milk | taking pictures of food before eating | drunk karaoke | bangs | travel journals | writing out your favourite lyrics | sentimental playlists on sad days | sending multiple long texts in quick succession | white clouds and blue skies | watching the moon from your bedroom window | cafe vlogs | glittery pink eyeshadows | mailing postcards to yourself | pastel flower bouquets | baking as therapy | the feeling of strikingly cold air on your cheeks | ink stains on your fingers | intimate late night conversations in the car after a night out | writing and daydreaming to escape reality
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scullyy · 6 years
Days With You
Title: Days With You / Chapter One
Pairing: Clementine x Louis
Word Count: 1945
Summary: Clementine and Louis enjoy their first (impromptu) date.
A/N: I’ve been wanting to try a modern au for a while now, it’s nice to take a break from the walkers :P This was originally a 9k fic that I ultimately broke down into smaller chapters. It’ll be an ongoing series of events between Clementine and Louis throughout their time at university.
So many damn sounds.
Were carnivals always this loud?
Clementine adjusted the headphones in her ears, trying to drown out the noise. How Marlon and Louis convinced her to join their expedition to the carnival was beyond her. The bright lights of the stalls and sketchy rides could make the moon blush.
“Earth to Clem,” Marlon waved his hand in front of Clementine's face, her eyes meeting his. “You got your ticket?”
She pulled the blue stub out of her back pocket, displaying it in all its scrunched mess. Marlon nodded, grateful that someone was organised.
“According to Marlon, an organised day is a fun day,” Louis whispered to her. She jumped slightly at his intrusion, despite his voice being very timid. “But it is a social day, so no headphones Missy.”
He yanked both headphones out of her ears, placing one into his own. “My Chemical Romance, seriously? Remind me to create a playlist for you.”
She snatched the headphone out of his ear, chucking them back into her satchel. “I like my style of music thank you very much. I don't need you recommending me The Sound of Music, again.”
“I'm just saying, Julie Andrews never gets old.” Louis flashed his ticket to the woman standing at the kiosk, giving him a tired smile as he entered, Clementine following closely.
“I still reckon we should have gone to the bar.” Violet gave an obvious look of disgust at a little boy running past her, hitting her thigh in the process.
“Chin up Vi, it’ll be fun.” Ruby gushed, earning an eye-roll from said girl.
The group of eager and annoyed young adults set up station at a picnic table, the smell of grease from the hotdog stand was enough to make Clementine’s stomach hurt.
“So, where does everyone want to go first?” Marlon asked as he flattened out the map in front of everyone.
“I’d like to watch the horse show, scope out the competition y’know,” Ruby said as she pointed to the cartoon horse in the centre of the map.
Louis gave Aasim a gentle nudge to the shoulder, bravely winking at him despite the death stare Aasim was sporting.
“Alright, since we’ll most likely never decide, let’s just go where we want and meet at this food stand in two hours.”
Everyone seemed to enjoy that plan, running off into different directions. Clementine began to wander aimlessly around the carnival, enjoying how the fairy lights glowed against the night sky. It was peaceful being on her own.
It was disturbed as Louis’s presence appeared beside her, so much for peace. Whenever Louis was around her heart fluttered, everything about him was somehow attractive, even when they were in high school and he was a total dork.
“You have any idea where to go?” He chirped in her ear. “Cause I don’t.”
“I was just gonna walk till something caught my eye. It’s been a while since I’ve been to a carnival, don’t really remember what it’s like.” Memories of holding both her parents' hands slipped through the cracks. Her dads’ laughter echoed, taunting her.
“You cool Clem?”
Clementine snapped back into reality just as quickly as she fell out of it. “Yeah, just thinking about my parents.”
Louis slowly nodded, not daring to press the subject further. Despite having known her for a few years, the mystery surrounding her parents remained strong as ever. She had her adoptive father, Lee Everett and her little brother AJ - whom she loved dearly - but they couldn’t fully replace what she lost as a child.
Louis searched the nearby area, desperate for something that would make her happy again. The bright blue light of the High Striker grabbed his attention. A plan began to form in his mind, a risky one...but to see Clementine smile?
She was always worth it.
Louis walked to the machine, flashed the oddly young worker his ticket and confidently gripped the mallet. It was moments like these when he was glad he played baseball as a kid. Although this was the only time he has ever needed those skills.
“What are you doing?” Clementine questioned. She didn't like the cheeky sparkle in his eyes, it usually ended in trouble.
“If I can ring this bell, you have to go on a date with me.”
“You plus me equals a date. Deal?”
Before she had a chance to speak Louis raised the mallet in the air, taking in a deep breath before slamming it down on the red button. Clementines shoulders fell as the lever flew to the top of mechanism, hitting the bell sharply.
Louis couldn't stop the grin he was sporting. “So, a date it is m'lady.”
She was almost at a loss for words, at his offer and strength. Knowing that fighting him would result in an endless battle, she accepted his request. “Do you have it planned out?” Clementine matched his grin, her heart running like a freight train
Louis motioned to the bustling carnival around them. “Right here, right now. Clementine, will you go on a date with me?” He bowed down dramatically to his princess, a nickname he only ever referred to when he was alone.
“Okay.” She answered without thinking, her desires influencing her mind.
Louis by taken aback by her answer, expecting some sort of argument from her. “Ah, well let’s check out the Ferris Wheel. I hear it’s got the best view of the forest.”
He took her hand slowly, desperate not to piss her off, but shockingly she grabbed tightly and let herself be dragged through the crowd. His stomach starting doing mad flips, how were her hands so soft? He didn’t let go till they were inside the small compartment, against his own wishes. The compartment was dangerously rickety and small, definitely not up to code. Their knees clashed together as they shimmied onto the cold seats.
“I don’t know how you convinced me to come tonight,” Clementine laughed as the ride went into motion, hoping the darkness would conceal her blush at being in such a close proximity to Louis. “You know this isn’t really my scene.”
Louis just shrugged. “We all deserve some fun, especially now that uni is starting soon. ”
“Don’t remind me. It feels like yesterday we all started, can't believe it's already been two years.”
Louis gazed at his close friend, who was calmly fidgeting with the rips in her jeans. He remembers the day they met so clearly. She was the mysterious new girl and Marlon was giving her a brief tour of their high school, he was in the music room practising when he first laid eyes on her. She was beautiful, she had always been beautiful to him and he’s always been able to hide how he felt. Until now, seeing her so calm in his presence. 
Clementine turned to him, looking almost embarrassed. “Did you plan to ask me out, or was it just a joke?”
He thought it was obvious, wasn’t it? He’d been flirting with her since the day they met. “My sweet Clementine, I may joke from time to time,”
Clementine scoffed. “That was an understatement.”
“But when it comes to matters of the heart, I do get serious.”
“Wow, you being serious?”
Louis chuckled. “I asked you out because I like-like you and I have for a while now.”
He sure was a wild card, telling her this in a place where she couldn’t run. Louis had always been charismatic, especially towards her. Only her.
It all made sense, the relentless jokes, dramatic serenades and lingering glances. He tried to express himself in his own way.
Their eyes met and she instantly reached out for his hands. The hopeless romantic in him couldn't help but feel weightless and somehow completely grounded all at once. Their fingers laced together, Louis squeezed slightly, proving to himself that this was real.
This is real.
Clementine examined his face, staring at him for a sign. A sign that he was okay with it, a sign that he wasn’t beginning to regret it all. “Louis? I...don't really know how to do the date thing.”
“Neither do I.” He confessed.
Knowing that he was just as confused as she was provided Clementine with some relief. Her hand found its way to the back of his neck and pulled him closer, closing the gap that kept them at a safe distance all these years. Their lips made contact as fireworks exploded in the air above.
“Talk about a movie moment.” Louis smirked into the kiss.
They were eager to stay wrapped up together in their own world, but the sudden halt in movement brought them both back to planet Earth. “Did the ride just stop?” Clementines question had an obvious answer that was starting to settle in.
“I think our chemistry gave the ride a jolt.”
“Fuck he's so smooth.”
Clementine laughed freely with him, despite their current situation. The people in the other carriages were shouting, becoming afraid from being suspended mid-air.
Louis stopped caring about the outside world, hoping that the ride stays like this. “And I'm going to take this all as a sign that you like me back.”
“What gave it away,” Clementine confirmed his number one wish, turning away to catch her breath. “Check it out!” She squealed, getting distracted by the breathtaking sight. Louis looked down below, realising they had made it to the top. The view was spectacular. The trees looked so small and dense. The people looked like dolls, enjoying the night whilst they could before being forced back into their daily routine.
“You were right,” Clementine was in awe. “It is the best view.”
Louis turned back to Clementine. “Yeah, it’s amazing.”
They both hopped out of the ride, grateful to feel the ground beneath their feet. Clementine looked at her watch to confirm the time. “I can't believe we spent our two hours stuck on that Ferris wheel.”
“It went by suspiciously fast, so no complaints here,” Louis playfully shoved Clementine. “Did you have fun?”
“I did, thanks for a good date.” She smiled sweetly.
“Just good? That's it, our next date has to be splendid!” Louis punched the air dramatically.
Clementine raised an eyebrow at his candour. “A next date? Who said-”
“Sorry too busy preparing a date for this amazing girl I’ve had a crush on forever, hopefully, she'll say yes.”
All Clementine could do was smile, she wasn't skilled with words, just simple actions. They made eye contact with their friends, all holding prizes and food. Violet seemed to be happier, then again she was holding a pack of chicken nuggets.
“There you guys are,” Marlon sighed. “We haven't seen you two all night.”
Violet wiggled her eyebrows as the other kids began to giggle at all the things two young adults who share feelings for each other could do. It seemed everyone else was aware of the subtle flirting they shared beore Clementine and Louis even acknowleged it.
“We were on the Ferris Wheel, it broke down.” Clementine killed their whispers instantly, she wasn't one for gossip and especially didn't want any rumours about her to circulate.
Marlon eyed down his two friends. “Okay, Violet, Brody and Mitch won't stop pestering me about going to the bar, you guys wanna join?”
Louis and Clem both nodded, walking a little ways ahead of the group to share whispers and secrets they've kept the past few years.
“Am I wrong or are we witnessing the beginnings of love here?” Aasim joked to the others as they watched their friends sink further and further into their feelings.
This was the start of something wild.
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scoundrels-in-love · 6 years
K-Drama Ask: 7, 12, 15(if you can think of any), 19 and definitely ☆ ... lol
Thank you for waiting so patiently and thank you for asking in the first place! @myhalloweendreams
7. Underrated K-Drama(s)
Just Between Lovers - It got some traction among Tumblr and International fans, but I feel like it is still severely underrated. A masterpiece to me, carefully crafted and acted from start to finish, with premise that is tough to handle and speak of as well as it is in this drama. Story to remember always.
It’s Okay That’s Love - I feel like it’s something that’s rarely spoken of and I realize people will have mixed feelings about it and some aspects of it, but for me, it’s one of the best Kdramas out there! Emotional and thoughtful, but also funny and just... Really gets me. At one point, I couldn’t stop watching and stayed up till morning light, crying.
Shopping King Louie - There is no deep reasoning behind this other than watch it for pure, senseless fluff and feel-good. I don’t think it got very popular anywhere and sure, I also skipped over some cringier humor, but it also made me feel warm and fluffy, and sometimes that’s all we need, so I think it deserves to be seen more!
12. First K-Drama you ever watched 
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo. Something I picked because I could not connect to any of Western shows in my field of vision and a friend of mine was watching it at the time. I genuinely did not think I’d watch it far or love it half as much as I did. High School/Uni stuff is not me and there was so much about it that made me slightly cringe... And at the end, I stuck through, having binged and cried, and it opened my doors to Kdramaland in most unexpected way.
15. K-Drama character you’d want for a best friend 
Ha Moon Soo from Just Between Lovers, for sure. I do not know if I would make a good friend for her, but I surely would try. She is so strong and intelligent, and loves so deeply - not just people, but also things and interests, there’d be a lot to learn from her and she’d have all my support. It’d be amazing if along the way I could also befriend Gang Doo & others.
Also girl squads from Because This Is My First Life & 20th Century Boy and Girl. I would be much younger than them, but I think, if it was possible, we’d find some common ground and even if we weren’t super close, it’d be amazing and supportive experience.
19. Character who deserved better™
Hmm, I feel like Yoo Jin and Ma Ri of Just Between Lovers ultimately fall into this category, though I have no doubt that all they wanted, they got - just beyond the limits of our screens. It’s mostly in the way they were sometimes overlooked by watchers, etc. And perhaps we deserved to get a bit more of what they achieved - and for Yoo Jin I don’t mean it as necessarily Love Interest on screen, because her journey was about embracing who she was and getting rid of her lingering, but deep feelings for Joo Won. From 2nd lead that was All About Him she became Her Own Person, that was her journey.
In a sense, Hye Ran of Misty. Though I am yet to finish, I know vaguely enough to think life in the end took an unfair turn for her and story sidelined her, in her own story.
I really don’t have good anecdotes relating to kdramas. /sufferingface What is kind of one is that my love for JBL is so overflowing, bunch of my friends essentially assume I am always speaking of it, if I am like, making reference to something in our groupwatches. That or Goblin. To point they threatened to make a count of times I bring either up, when I protested. So, I am that person, I guess. Haha.
Ask me Kdrama questions? :D Linking from lovely creator’s blog because post seems to have vanished from my blog.
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prplepixie · 6 years
all of them
Girl, I love you.
Before I answer any questions, I’m going to say @haveyoutriedtequila is perfect and amazing and lovely and just ugh, the best human being in the world.
Alright, here we go!
moon: what is your astrological sign?
- My sign is Libra
gingerbread: your moral alignment
- My moral alignment is True Neutral, which I feel is somewhat accurate
birdseed: family or friends?
- My family, but to be clear, I have friends who are family. Even my family members have said they feel my friends are family members.
sheets: your sexual orientation
- I am still exploring this, I used to identify as bisexual but than decided that pansexual fit me more. But I’m still on this searching adventure.
warm milk: when do you usually fall asleep?
- I definitely don’t have a regular schedule which explains my sleeping problems. But I will say most of the time I go to sleep before midnight because of work/school
pot of honey: your gender identity
- I identify as female.
snow: what is your favorite time of year and why?
- I love Spring time! I love it when 40 degrees feels warm compared to 40 degrees in fall as it gets colder. I love buying flowers and other plants to grow through the sunny weather. I love curling up in the sun and being able to open the windows.
yarn: what are your most enjoyable hobbies?
- Painting, drawing, Lego building, reading, video games, and most recently painting with diamonds
bicycle: what are you talented at?
- I would say nothing but I know for a fact my friends would tell me off for it, especially the one who asked me to answer these. So I will say I have talent in art related things. I have a lot of stuff to learn still and improve at, but there is always room for improvement.
folktale: what stories remind you of your childhood?
- hmm, I would definitely say any Dr. Seuss book. My aunt would read those books to me every night to help me sleep if I stayed over for the night. They are her favorites and now some of mine. And of course Goodnight Moon.
woods: where do you feel at peace?
- Honestly, when I’m alone or with people I feel truly comfortable being next to. But I also feel at peace when I go to the Disney Parks with my family, It’s a second home to me.
chicken feet: what is your emotional “flaw”?
- I am rather sensitive about compliments if that makes sense. I find it hard to accept compliments because somewhere in the back of my head, I don’t believe them.
red cheeks: what makes you nervous?
- Everything. I have terrible anxiety and worry about practically everything. But what I’m mainly nervous about is doing any form of presentation. I hate speaking in front of my peers.
sunflower: what do you love and cherish?
- My family and friends. They are the only people I’ve felt a close relationship with and with unconditional love. I will cherish them till the end of the line.
bells: what sounds are your favorite or calm you the most?
- The sound of thunderstorms and rain. Also the sound of the laughter of the people I care about.
turnip: what is a food you could eat everyday?
- I would eat Panera’s Asian Sesame Chicken Salad every single day if I wasn’t broke.
spit: do you get jealous easily?
- I feel I don’t get jealous in the sense everyone things of it. I get jealous when I see the level people are at with their art, but I remind myself that they’ve gotten there with practice. I get jealous sometimes when I see people happily in love, but I remind myself I don’t need love right now as finding myself and focusing on college is so much more important than adding a relationship to balance.
mushroom: list unique things you like about yourself
- I like my weird hypermobility, even if others like my family members find it weird and gross. I like my love and dedication to Disney. There isn’t all that much.
cupboard: a good childhood memory
- I think the best childhood memory I have is the day my younger brother was born, of course I don’t remember everything about it, but It changed everything. I wanted to take care of him the moment I met him in the hospital.
eyebags: what do you think makes a person attractive?
- I think its the confidence and even the personality that attracts me to the person. Body image doesn’t matter. Of course I can’t help seeing certain body types as attractive, but when I say attractive, I don’t necessarily mean in a romantic way, but as a I want to hang out with this person.
fallen log: something you’ve gotten over that you never thought you would
- I know this is such a petty thing, but I’ve gotten over the fact that fairy tale, romantic relationships barely happen. My parents have a fairy tale meeting and have raised me to false hopes.
dagger: your worst fear
- Not getting the opportunities I dream and hope for. Also losing those close to me.
whisper: do you have any secrets?
- Of course I do, but I’m not telling anyone!
wild boar: which person do you feel closest to?
- It’s a tie between my mom and the girl who asked me these questions.
sweet: what candies or cakes are you fond of?
- I’m in love with vanilla and chocolate cake, I’m a simple girl with cakes. When it comes to candies, I love snickers, reeses, and crunch. But I also adore Goofy’s Candy co. Sour cherry balls. I could eat those forever
footprints: do you remember your past lives?
- I wish I did
fur: name an animal you feel connected to
- I feel connected to cats 100%. I feel I am very similar to them.
vodka: do you drink?
- I have before in the company of family, I’m not a huge fan of it. I feel when I turn 21, I will do it for social occasions.
sour cherry: an obscure tradition from your family?
- Family trips to Disney. We pick a different resort every time we go, we make sure we go every 5 years. If there is a trip earlier, we don’t complain.
pine needles: what is your favorite scent?
- I love the smell of pine trees, reminds me of holidays and calming scenery.
heart-shaped: do you believe in love? are you in love?
- I believe in love, I hope for it someday. I have never experienced it before.
home: where do you dream of living?
- I don’t really have a set location. I would be cool to live outside of the united states but I also wouldn’t mind staying in Minnesota. I know I’d like to live with friends.
spice: list your favorite herbs
- Dill, mint, cilantro, and parsley
mud: something you’re insecure about but trying to love
- I am very insecure of my body and how I look. I have always had insecurities of my legs but I’m trying my best to change that opinion.
tobacco: do you have any addictions?
- Nope!
sock: how would you describe your clothing taste?
- A mess. I love my skinny jeans and graphic tees. I also have button ups and plaid. But I also have dresses. leather jackets and giant hoodies. Mainly black clothing too. I also wear a beanie with everything.
cuckoo clock: are you a morning, a noon, or an evening person?
- Can I say a mix? No matter how late I stay up, I can never sleep in. I can be super productive in the morning but also spend the whole day getting things done. If I need to stay up late doing things, I can.
wooden fence: a favorite memory
- This memory is from 2015. I went to Disneyland with the family for the celebration of the 60th. During the firework show, there was a lot of inspiration quotes and speeches that made me very emotional. After dealing with years and years of depression, I was finally in a point where I was seeing things get better. So I started crying in the middle of this show. My parents smiled at me as I think they realized my admiration was growing bigger but I was seeing the light appear in front of me. I also cried at the World of Color show too.
Wow, that took a long time...
Thanks girl, I love you!!
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mrsessayyad · 4 years
Night Angel
“They clamour and fight, they doubt and despair, they know no end to their wrangling.
Let your life come amongst them like a flame of light, my child, unflickering and pure, and delight them into silence.”
                                                   The Child Angel. By; Rabindranath Tagore
*The Legend
  Deep in the enchanted forest, on the edge of Elond.
It was a full moon night in April, when Lilly the Medela fairy was giving birth to her firstborn, only moments before midnight. Lilly was breathing with a rhythm, waiting impatiently to meet her daughter and hold her in her arms, she knew it was a girl, something deep within her knew all along, and she trusted her senses.
On the other hand, Pairo, Lilly’s husband was anxious, pacing in front of their room. Wings spread, fists clenched and heart racing. He was both worried and excited. They waited for a long time to have this baby.
Inside, Lilly gave birth to a baby girl. She threw her head back on her pillow, catching her breath, closing her eyes and allowing Aldora to take care of her tiny newborn.
Aldora, the wise fairy, held the baby carefully in her arms, looking at her with mixed emotions. She was worried, taken aback and astonished, her gray eyes wide and her hands slightly shaking. There was something strange about this baby.
Pairo lost his patience. It was taking so long he couldn’t wait any longer. He burst into the room then stood still staring at the scene in front of him, he saw Aldora holding something so bright in her hands, something that made Aldora’s gray hair glimmer and her wings sparkle. He took a step closer and found out that the glowing thing was his baby, wrapped in a blanket.
Pairo was puzzled, baby fairies do not glow or shine like this. Medela Fairies are magical creatures with wings and healing powers. Only an angel can glow like this.
Her glow was soft and soothing, yet powerful, it could light the whole room.
Pairo and Aldora exchanged anxious looks when Lilly’s voice broke the silence. “Why is she different Aldora, what is wrong with my baby?” The moment Lilly had reopened her eyes and was ready to meet her daughter, she knew something was wrong, the look on her husband’s face and the glow from the blanket between Aldora’s arms indicated it, her heart skipped a beat waiting for an answer.
Aldora was the keeper of the fairies’ library and they called her the wise fairy. She always attended births to give her blessings. But even Aldora with all her knowledge didn’t know the answer to Lilly’s question, she suspected but she was not sure.
With careful hands, she handed the baby to Lilly. “I’m not sure, I have to consult this with the King and Queen but don’t worry my dear, I’m sure it’s all going to be all right.” And without a second glance at Pairo she left the room and hurried to the royal palace.
Pairo approached his wife. She looked tired and worried. Her black hair disarranged, sweat formed small beads on her forehead and her green eyes were fixed on her baby, while she held her with careful arms.
He wanted to comfort and assure her. “She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” Pairo said, while looking at his baby in Lilly’s arms, and he was right, the baby was beautiful, she had emerald green eyes, an unusual color for a baby, silky black hair, so dark like a moonless night, her skin fair and flawless like all the fairies. She was so tiny, he took her from Lilly and held her in his strong arms, and his brown eyes studied her with love and pride.
“I don’t think glowing is a bad thing, angels glow and look at them, they are the most magnificent creatures in the world,” Pairo added and gave his wife a half smile, Lilly looked a bit relieved after hearing that, she rested her head on the satin pillow,
Then she said, “I’m sure Aldora will know the reason for the glow.” She pushed away any negative thoughts and let herself admire the view of her husband and daughter.
 Aldora closed the small wooden door to Pairo and Lilly’s house and hurried along the forest. With a worried look in her gray eyes, she knew the baby was not any ordinary fairy, but it can’t be it’s just a legend. She followed the stone path that crossed the forest all the way to the royal palace.
Aldora was so absorbed in her thoughts, she didn’t notice how the enchanted forest looked different tonight. It never looked better, the full moon was so big and bright with a silver and blue aura around it, the river was sparkling like a thousand stars were scattered on the surface, will-O’-wisps were dancing above the water. The mermaids were out enjoying the full moon beams, splashing each other and singing with enchanting voices. The grass thick and soft, the colorful squirrels and rabbits chasing each other playfully, the huge trees covered with moss seemed to whisper through the soft wind. Every creature in the enchanted forest felt something different in the air that night. Despite all the magic this place contained they felt something extra, something glamorous was happening that night, something powerful and good, something made all the Medela fairies come out to watch the sky and enjoy this night’s tender breeze. Even the green and orange monkeys were hyperactive that night, jumping between the huge branches. The black elephants were walking slowly between the trees, ignoring the noisy monkeys above them. The enchanted forest’s famous butterflies were circling around the roses, their bright colors gleaming as they crossed under the moon’s silver beams. Even the miniature dragons were out of their caves, walking around the forest, they were a lovely sight with their small legs and spiked tails, they ran around Aldora wanting to play, they were such playful creatures, unlike the regular dragons, which lived far in the forest, away from Elond.
Aldora wasn’t in the mood to play with the dragons, she kept walking fast toward the castle with wide, hurried strides and a clouded mind. Her gown flowed around her figure and the tail of her gown skimmed the grass softly and rapidly.
Aldora reached the castle, panting and anxious. She said to the guard with a firm tone, “I must see the king and queen now, it’s urgent.” The guard bowed his head in a respectful way and went inside the castle.
People usually came to the King and Queen of the Seelie Court seeking their help and asking to be healed.
A few moments later, he came back and said to Aldora “The king and queen are waiting for you in the throne room.”
She hurried inside straight to the throne room. The castle was glorious, the walls were made of gold, silk curtains covering ceiling-length glass windows. A glass ceiling showed the sky above. The stars were twinkling around the full moon. The stars in Myron always twinkled brighter than any other place. The floors were covered with moss and tiny white roses blossomed here and there between the soft moss.
The throne room was not different from the rest of the castle except for the crystal throne. There were pixies flying around it. The floors were transparent and underneath them was a lake full of beautiful colored fish swimming under the whole room. The water was so clear you could see the bottom of the lake, white sand and green weeds that seemed to dance along with the movement of the fish. The two thrones stood out at the end of the room, glorious and beautiful, on a crystal step, higher than the rest of the room. The moonbeams made the thrones glow. A crystal table was set on one side of the room. A glass dome was above the throne, showing millions of stars.
Queen Elianor was on the throne wearing a long blue silk dress that matched the color of her eyes, with glittering silver stars on the long tail that was spread under her feet. Her golden hair on one side of her slim body all the way till her waist, her blue eyes twinkling,
“Is everything all right, Aldora?” she asked with a worried voice, which was uncommon for the lovely fairy queen of the Seelie Court.
“I’m sorry to disturb my lady at such late hour, but something very strange happened,” Aldora said with an uncertain tone.
King Randall was standing near the window. Aldora didn’t notice he was there. He was wearing his golden cape above a blue suit that matched the color of the queen’s dress. His blond hair covered with a crystal crown. He spoke to Aldora.
“What do you mean by strange?” The king knotted his arms behind his back waiting for an answer.
Aldora stood quietly for a moment, trying to figure the right thing to say. Then she said “Lilly Star gave birth to a glowing baby girl.”
The king and queen exchanged a look. “What do you mean by a glowing baby?” asked the king who looked puzzled, his hands fell free to his side and he took a step forward. His golden eyes now fixed on Aldora.
“Her skin glows, my lord. Like the angels. A bright, clear light surrounds her, it comes from within her,” she paused before adding, “You know the legend, my lord. That’s why I came to you first.”
King Randall was deeply absorbed in his thoughts. His golden eyes focused elsewhere now. It was a while before the king spoke again. “You the only one who would know best if this is the real legend or not.”
“I have to get back to the enchanted books, my lord. Before I can confirm anything,” Aldora said politely.
“Very well then. And I want you to bring me what you’ll find as soon as you find it.” The king’s tone was authoritative and firm.
“Of course, my lord, excuse me.”
The king signaled to her that she could go. She bowed to the queen and left heading to her library in the old tower.
King Randall was rarely worried. The fairy world was a peaceful place. Medela Fairies keep to themselves and no trouble ever happened. Queen Elianor never saw her husband like this.
“Randall, do you think this child is dangerous?”
“If I remember correctly, she is not. She is just very different from us. She is intended to do things beyond our powers.”
“What are you talking about beyond our powers?”
“You know the legend, my dear. Every single creature in the enchanted world knows it.” The king sounded tired.
“You mean the light princess? But it can’t be. It’s only an old tale.” The queen tried to dismiss her husband’s concerns.
“But all the tales are true,” said King Randall with a firm voice, stopping the queen from discussing the matter anymore.
He was worried about the unknown. Of the unlimited powers the legend spoke of and what these powers might bring upon his kingdom. Medela Fairies only interact with other magical creatures to heal them. They only offer this much help. They are never involved in anything happening outside their forest. All the wars between angels and demons. The ultimate struggle between the werewolves and the vampires. Even the world of witches and wizards and warlocks. They never cared who they are healing as long as he didn’t commit any crime. But this baby being born means they will have to deal with all of this, and be involved in everything.
 Back in the tower, Aldora had most of the enchanted books scattered around the huge wooden table in the middle of the room. The library was stacked from floor to ceiling with books, all kinds of books, row after row. Big and small books, mostly worn out. Some were in leather binding while others had wooden covers with locks.  Even books in many different languages, some only contained symbols, while others only held empty pages. The room was lit by a witch light. One wall had a huge fireplace. Another wall wasn’t exactly a wall, it was a tree trunk, a huge trunk. This had been the oldest tree not just in the enchanted forest, but in all of Myron.
That tree had been here for over a thousand years. The fairies built the tower around it to honor it. The windows in the room weren’t so big like the ones in the castle, but rather small without any curtains. The floors were made out of dark wood and had no carpets.
Aldora was moving fast between the shelves and the table, bringing more books, going through them fast. It took her most of the night until she came across a very old book, large with green binding and golden writing.
“Ahh, finally. The book of ancient legends,” Aldora said with a relieved tone.
 King Randall sent for Lilly and Pairo to come to the castle in the next morning. Lilly’s heart sank when the guard delivered them the message. She couldn’t stop worrying about her baby, and she didn’t sleep at all last night. She could see that Pairo was worried too, only he was trying to hide his fears from her. They were silent on the way to the castle. They crossed a group of fairies dancing and singing, their long dresses and capes flying behind them with the wind. Fairy music was divine and to humans, it could drive them insane, drag them from a deep sleep and make them drown themselves into the ocean just to reach the source of it.  When the dancing group saw Lilly and Pairo, they exchanged anxious looks. Some leaned in and gossiped in low murmurs in each other’s ear. Lilly, luckily, didn’t hear what they said, she hugged her wrapped baby tighter to her chest, trying to hide her from those curious eyes, Pairo noticed too, and got irritated. Of course, everyone knew about his daughter by now. There were no secrets in this forest.
When they entered the throne room, King Randall, Queen Elianor and Aldora were all bending over something on the crystal table. The room looked spectacular in the daylight, sunshine reflected on the water beneath the room, the crystal throne casting colorful patches of light on the walls, fresh flowers were put in every corner, Pixies flying around the flowers, making soft buzzing sounds with their tiny wings.
The king looked immediately with studying golden eyes at Lilly and the baby. He knew then what Aldora meant by ‘glowing baby,’ it was as if she was made of witch light, or she was a witch light stone herself. The light emitted from within her, not just an aura around her.
The king did not say anything. It made Lilly even more nervous. Something in his eyes was intimidating. The queen, on the other hand, was calm as usual in a satin light-pink dress. She approached Lilly, the dress tail sweeping on the glass floor behind her.
“Congratulation on your baby,” she said in a cheerful voice.
Pairo bowed and said, “Thank you, my lady.”
Lilly couldn’t say anything at all, her heartbeats were thundering in her ears at this point.
The queen touched the baby’s cheek and said, “She is such a beautiful girl.” She was studying the baby’s features with interest.
Only then, Lilly managed to say “Thank you, my lady.”
“You must be wondering why I have requested your presence,” the king said with a cold tone, maybe even bitter. Then he gestured them to approach the table. Laying on it was a book. The same book that Aldora was so relieved to find the night before.
“Aldora, do you mind explaining why this baby is different from us,” the king continued in the same tone without taking his eyes off the baby.
Aldora smiled at Lilly. She could tell how nervous she was. She pushed the book closer to where Lilly and Pairo stood. The pages were yellowish and worn out.
“This is the great book of legends and there is something in it about that special baby of yours. Here look,” she said with as much enthusiasm as if someone had found a cure for cancer. Without waiting for Lilly and Pairo to say anything, she went on. “The legend says:
‘Princess of light,
Born on a full moon night.
Damned creatures fear her sight,
With powers blessed by the angels,
All must praise angel of the night.”
Aldora was looking at the words with joy, she finished and examined Lilly’s and Pairo’s faces trying to figure out how they felt.
Lilly’s mouth was slightly open. She looked down at the book. The writing was neat with a golden glow, other writings were there too, but in a language she didn’t understand, and there were angelic symbols. In the middle of the page, there was a picture of an angel. A female angel actually, with waist-length hair and huge wings, a sword in each hand, and under her feet, there was something that looked like ashes, but what caught her attention the most was that her body was gleaming like her baby’s body.
Aldora went on, “I think your daughter is the one the legend spoke of. All the signs fit, the full moon and the light. She is the princess of the light, this glow is power, Angelic powers. Those powers will be beyond any fairy powers or magic. This will enable her to fight dark creatures, Downworlders and outlaws. She is just like a warrior angel, and she is considered royal. All enchanted creatures must respect her and assist her in her mission. That mission is sacred and divine.”
Lilly finally spoke interrupting Aldora, “What do you mean fight Downworlders? Are you talking about demons?” It seemed that that was the only thing Lilly had heard.
Aldora said matter-of-factly. “Demons, dark warlocks, dark wizards and vampires who bite humans and….”
A shiver went down Lilly’s spine. Her eyes were wide with horror and her voice came out as a shriek cutting Aldora off. “We don’t fight demons, she is just a baby.”
Pairo put his arm around Lilly’s shoulder trying to comfort her. She had gotten so pale and he wasn’t very comfortable either. He was about to say something when the king said in a firm tone.
“She is not going to fight them now,” He looked so annoyed.
“We can’t deny or hide who she is. I am bound by the law to declare her birth to the enchanted council. The angels have the right to claim her.” The king was so firm it made Lilly shiver. One phrase was hanging in her brain: “claim her” She wanted to scream at the king, but instead she held her baby tight against her chest.
Both Aldora and the queen looked at Lilly with sympathy. King Randall was always a tolerant man, willing to talk to his people, humble and noble, but he was so different today. He was cold, uncaring about the star family’s feelings, worried and irritated.
The king spoke again. “Now that Aldora has explained everything you may go. I will send you a message to attend the council meeting.”  He waved his hand, dismissing them without looking at them. He went back to stare at the book, knotting his hands behind his back, his crown was uncharacteristically askew and his shoulders were tensed, like he was carrying the weight of the world on them.
Pairo was puzzled. He hadn’t seen his king like this before. He turned around leading his wife out, putting his arm around her shoulder. Lilly felt she was sinking into the ground, her knees no longer able to carry her. If it wasn’t for Pairo supporting her, she would have fallen.
Aldora asked to be excused too, she looked at the king, who gave her a dismissing wave, she grabbed the book and hurried outside the throne room.
The queen was quiet during all this. She didn’t understand her husband’s behavior. She moved closer to him, “Why were you so harsh with Lilly and Pairo? It’s so unlike you, Randall.”
He paused before he spoke. “They have no idea about the threat that child poses to our kingdom.”
“What threat? I don’t think she is…”
The king cut her off sharply. His voice was loud and angry. “Don’t you understand? Not a creature in the Downworld won’t know about her birth. They know she is dangerous to them. They will want her dead before she is a threat to them. What if they decide to attack our forest to get her? Do you think we have a chance against them?” He took a deep breath before he added, “I wish I could just hide her and pretend she was never born, to protect you and all of our people, but you know how I’m bound by the law.” Only then did the good king realize that he was shouting. He saw that his wife took a few steps back from him with a horrified expression on her face and one hand covering her mouth.
The king suddenly felt so tired and remembered that he hadn’t had any sleep last night, he moved slowly to the throne. The sun was casting golden rays on his crown, making the green gems glimmer. He threw himself down with a thud and put his face between his hands. His shoulders were still hunched. He looked defeated and older than he really was. He spoke again in a low voice close to a whisper. His voice was muffled, his face was still between his hands. “It’s a huge responsibility cast on my back. I don’t even know if I’m up to it. If I’m qualified enough to do my duty towards the angels, towards my kingdom.” His voice went even lower, the queen had to strain her ears to hear him.
“And toward her.”
The queen moved slowly toward her husband and put her hand on his shoulder. He tensed but didn’t look up. “You are a great king. You always have been. I’m sure you will do the right thing.” The queen’s voice was so tender. The king looked up at her; her golden hair was around her face and all the way down her back. Her eyes so blue like the ocean on a sunny day and was smiling at him. He took her hand in his and smiled back at her.
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