#the silent plains
goryhorroor · 9 months
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christmas horror + title cards
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bunabi · 4 months
The Imperial Chantry says ancient elves created blood magic and Solas corroborates this by having experienced opinions on the topic
But the first priest of Dumat says he learned that shit direct from the Big Man himself and he's credited as the first blood mage in history
All I'm saying is: either somebody lying or something going on
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jackshiccup · 1 year
hiccup’s subtle hand signal to toothless while they were being attacked at the northern markets by dragon hunters ohhhhh i’m obsessed
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endiness · 4 months
just to add to the list of reasons why i do not like the redesign of maria's outfit in the remake and the narrative issues with it: maria's outfit is in direct contrast to mary's outfit in the original to reflect their different personalities.
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maria is wearing dark, bold pinks while mary is wearing soft pastel pinks and white/cream colors. maria's skirt is leopard print and mary's dress has a flower print. maria is wearing a short skirt and a short top that isn't even buttoned all the way and mary is wearing a knee-length dress with a jacket that's completely buttoned up.
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like, maria's outfit in the original is supposed to reflect her personality and how it is the opposite of mary's because maria is not only james' fantasy of mary in general but very specifically his sexualized fantasy of her. like, literally lol.
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so by having maria's outfit in the remake be so boring and bland and flat and much more conservative looking — and i don't just mean the amount of skin showing (or not) but just in terms of things like color and pattern and style — it feels like it's largely missing the point of the costume design in the original game and how it was all very intentional in order to reflect and contrast their differing personalities.
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 months
How does Fives survive in the Bean AU?
Because the Coruscant Guard were forcefully separated from their Clone Beans after Anakin mentioned their existence to the Chancellor, the adverse effects the separation has had on them severely impaired Fox by the time of the Conspiracy Arc.
He misses the shot and then proceeds to have a seizure. This not only gives Fives enough time to get away, but also clues Rex in on the fact something is horrifically wrong with the Coruscant Guard.
Everyone is having a bad time.
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hey-hamlet · 8 months
Indentured for Life au
What has natsuo been up to since he was freed ? What have the other quirkless people done after realease ?Also how have some heroes(Like hawks) and hero students reacted to finding out that the organizatorom they served was using slave labor
Natsuo is catching up on his schooling! He's in an accelerated program and, thanks to an embarrassingly small amount of settlement money from the government, he has his own shitty little apartment in a barely tolerable area. He loves it to pieces. He isn't used to living alone, so it gets pretty lonely, but some of the other workers live close by and they come hang out pretty often. Izuku visits a lot too! He's aiming to be a nurse. Some of the others have gotten work in hero agencies for costume repair (its. ethically strained, but its the only work they know and they are happy to do it, as long as they are getting paid a fair wage.) and some others are working in activism and quirk discrimination charities.
As for reactions?
His hands were still shaking. He'd been retching uncontrollably for what felt like hours, his hands shaking as he torn himself out of his costume. How many times had he been grateful for the hand stitched seams on his costume being gentler on his wings? For the warm leather on his googles that had already been shaped for his head, with hand written instructions for leather care tucked into the box. Fuck - he'd thought they were old fashioned for the note, not locked in a factory without so much as a fucking printer. He needed to make a public statement, the faster the better. He had to say something loudly because the HPSC had time to write his statement for him. Just. Just when his hands stopped shaking.
His PR team must be having a field day. Endeavor's own son, recovered from one of the factories? The man himself with nothing to say? What could he say? That he'd kept his mouth shut so his youngest son had a chance at overtaking All Might, that his youngest son could help where he failed? Ha - that'd go over well. He hoped Natsuo knew he still had a college fund. Still had a credit card in his name, a bank account his father put money in once a month, for when he was finally free. Maybe he'd take it, if it was from Fuyumi.
Iida Tenya
His brother had been upset that week. He'd come home early, corralling his parents into a meeting room and not leaving until they'd found a new costume supplier and a public statement beyond repute. He hadn't known why, not until the news story had broken that morning. Tenya had been lost, staring at the television until he was late for his train, only arriving to class minutes before the bell. He'd always wanted to be a hero. But - could he? Knowing what he knew now, about the organization he'd have to answer to?
His mother had screamed when she'd seen that footage of Deku, All Might carefully breaking the metal cuff around his throat. The nerd had only smiled weakly, like seeing All Might wasn't everything he'd ever wanted. He was so thin, his hands covered in small cuts, burns and blisters. He wanted to feel upset, that Deku had ruined his hero costume too - but. It was his fault. He was the one who told those fuckers Deku was quirkless, after auntie had so carefully not commited to putting anything down on paper. He and the idiots had trailed All Might once, before they knew that's who Yagi was. They'd seen the buildings, the lady with the collar. They'd put it out of their minds because they hadn't had a choice. No closure, just a creeping unease that would sneak up on them at night. Deku had been in one of those factories. Deku had been making the blast proof mesh on the palms of his gloves, the sweat wicking fabric of his winter costume, the thick tread of his combat boots. Katsuki stared up at the blank ceiling and tried not to think any more.
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mabaris · 30 days
ok but what happens when an OGB dies. i know it’s a popular theory andraste was one because she was born around the end of the first blight. but what happened to that soul when she was killed? being reborn in a mortal cleansed it of the blight, so it wouldn’t have to jump into the nearest tainted body (darkspawn/warden), but is the jumping a feature of the blight (possible, since corypheus does the same) or a feature of the inherent Divinity of the soul? would it have died there, or gone into hessarian, or instead gone to the nearest pregnant woman lol. and then from that kid on down the ages. what’s the endgame here
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linksthoughtbrambles · 6 months
The sun in the dark world in A Link to the Past appears to be rising (or setting) in the north.
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sunshinechay · 1 year
So I had a thought probably everyone else has had by now but like
Mew had absolutely turned Boston down in the past right? And Boston never got over it. Maybe he liked Mew at one point just like Ray.
So he introduces Top, someone a lot like himself. A “love ‘em and leave ‘em” type expecting Mew to turn him down too.
Only Mew doesn’t. So now Boston has a problem. Not only did Mew turn him down because he’s not interested, the guy he likes is the one Mew accepts, the one Mew dates, the one Mew is willing to have sex with.
And Boston just can’t deal with it. Can’t deal with Mew not wanting him, can’t deal with Top wanting Mew instead of him, can’t deal with the fact that everyone is cheering Mew and Top on like it’s going to end well (with the exception of Ray but that’s it’s own can of worms). Can’t deal with the emotions (jealous, angry, hatred, inadequacy) that comes with all of this happening.
So he is reacts poorly. He starts trying to create doubt and discord and he’s getting more desperate the more it feels like it’s not working. Top and Mew are still dating, still getting to know each other, still having sex and Boston just can’t have that.
This is what I mean when I say he’s the closest thing by to a villain this series has. He has his own reasons, his own qualities that are both good and bad. He is not an evil person, but he is a jealous person. That jealous is going to ruin his life if he lets it, and it looks like he’s going to let it. Which is a damn shame since he is already such an interesting person. He’s social and outgoing and charming. He knows what he’s about and goes out and gets what he wants.
This friend group is already so toxic and it’s as unhealthy for Boston as it is for everyone else. Especially since it’s pretty clear he feels like he can’t open up to anyone else about everything. So he doesn’t, he bottles it up. Soon it’s going to explode as he falls apart. Everyone’s demons are going to eat them all alive and unfortunately it looks like Boston is the one who jump starts it all.
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meyhew · 11 months
I was not expecting Macklemore of all celebs to put out the best statement about the genocide going on in Palestine but I am glad someone like him is using his platform for good.
first, i did not know his govt name is BEN. kinda crazy. anyway full statement for anyone wondering:
I have been in fear. I have felt a literal lump in my throat and I cannot stay silent any longer. I condemn the murder of any human. The bombings, kidnappings and murder of the Israeli people carried out by Hamas was horrific in every way imaginable. My heart deeply hurts for the Israelis that lost loved ones to such an abomination. As a father, I cannot imagine if one of my kids was at that festival, or was still missing after being kidnapped. It is absolutely unfathomable. But killing innocent humans in retaliation as collective punishment is not the answer. That is why I am supporting the people around the world who are calling for a ceasefire. We are witnessing an unfolding genocide in Palestine at this very moment. A U.S.-backed human catastrophe in front of our eyes. Gaza is being demolished. Well over 1 million people have lost their homes. Schools, hospitals, places of worship obliterated. Innocent kids are being murdered as I’m typing this. People can’t get out. They are literally fenced in. Israel isn’t allowing water, food and medicine into the open-air prison that is Gaza. And yet we remain silent. I have. There’s the fear of immediately being labeled Anti-Semitic when you say anything against the Israeli government. This is false. I  can wholeheartedly love my Jewish brothers and sisters while simultaneously condemning the Israeli government for their mass killings and Apartheid.  I have been backstage at night before the shows, tears uncontrollably streaming down my face in absolute disbelief at how we as a country are supporting these murders with our weapons and financial backing. We are collectively praying for Israel before NFL football games, projecting Israeli flags onto our buildings and watching in-depth news stories on the catastrophic bombings in Israel. All are important ways of honoring the Israeli lives lost and those that are suffering because of it. But why are we not doing the same for Palestinians? How are one group of people’s lives worth more than others? By no means am I an expert on this conflict. I am relatively new to this and learning as I go. There’s 75 years of Palestinian occupation and deeply rooted pain on both sides, stemming back far before I was born. But there is no side to take when it comes to our collective human spirit. We all have a voice and a platform to stand for what is right and just. Even if it’s a one-on-one conversation with someone. I understand my privilege in speaking out publicly because I have financial resources and am void of a boss or company to answer to. A lot of Americans are afraid that if they say something it could put their livelihood at risk. But if I’m putting my business, career, or Instagram followers above using my platform to speak out against genocide… what does that say about me?” I keep coming back to this MLK quote: ‘Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.’ I have so many close lifelong Jewish and Muslim friends and I don’t want to cause any additional harm to any of them. But I trust in our friendships that even if we disagree we can be rooted in love and acceptance in whatever dialogue transpires. I trust that these potential challenging and emotional conversations will not divide us in the end but lead to more compassion. Killing the innocent is never the answer. Revenge only breeds more hatred. Thinking of ourselves as separate from one another is a lie.
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mariocki · 15 days
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Silent Rage (1982)
"John killed him, right? Didn't he?"
"I don't care if he murdered a hundred people. We're scientists, not moralists. You know that we're all expendable. John Kirby is the future. Because of him it's possible that millions of lives can be saved."
"Only if we could have perfected the process, but there's no time. I mean, nobody's going to give us the Nobel Prize for murder."
#silent rage#1982#american cinema#michael miller#joseph fraley#edward di lorenzo#chuck norris#ron silver#steven keats#toni kalem#william finley#brian libby#stephen furst#stephanie dunnam#joyce ingle#jay de plano#lillette zoe raley#peter bernstein#mark goldenberg#brainless Norris actioner; I've wanted to see this for a while‚ but only because of the presence of beloved Bill Finley (under used but an#absolute delight as always). this was Chuck's only foray into the vaguely sci fi or horror themed movie world‚ this being a kind of#Frankenstein take off (only with more roundhouse kicks). it was also his only time doing romantic scenes‚ something he was apparently#very uncomfortable with‚ and which he swore off ever doing onscreen again. he's not the strongest actor‚ altho his martial arts are#admittedly impressive; this is at its best when following Libby's man mountain homicidal killer (the opening ten minutes in particular#all restless handheld camera and sweaty mental break‚ are quite excellent). Libby was a stuntman but you'd never know he wasn't a trained#actor‚ he puts a hell of a lot into his performance. Furst's comic relief deputy‚ on the other hand‚ quickly grows tiresome#dumb as rocks and at times plain idiotic (Norris is satisfied he's killed the big bad by throwing him down a small well‚ despite the guy#having just survived much greater falls and a close range explosion without a scratch). fun synth score too but this is far from an#essential watch; for fans of brainless machismo and or Bill Finley being a weird nerd only (I'm the latter more than the former)
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silentprincess17 · 2 years
One word prompt- Feather with Ocarina of time Zelink 👀. Also CONGRATS ON 350!!!!
Hi Ace! Thank you so much! :)
So, your prompt is chapter 2 of my OoT fic: A Map of Memories!
Summary: A Masquerade balls hides more facades than just those covered with a mask. Child time fic continued with now Adult!Link and Zelda :) Read Chapter 1 on AO3 | Tumblr AO3 Link:
A Secret Hidden in Plain Sight
Smoky fumes coloured the ceiling of the ballroom, burnt amber lighting from torches on the walls below illuminating the shadows. They allowed Zelda to catch glimmers of jewels, and reflections of satin fabric worn by the occupants.  
Her emerald mask, decorated with the feathers of the Kokiri and emeralds of the Goron, stretched across her cheeks, curving down on one side of her more heavily than the other, her eyes lined with kohl and golden shimmer eyeshadow. Gold velvet gloves covered her hands, extending to her elbows, with one hand extended along the staircase decorated with flower strands. The other hand folded shut a cherry blossom fan gifted to her by Ruto, slipping it into the secret waist band she’d kept from her childhood…
Even if the reason why she’d started to use said secret pocket was no longer with her. 
Swallowing, she moved from the final step, her golden heels echoing across the floor, delightfully anonymous, with the small trial of her dress following. The dress itself was emerald in colour, the bodice formed from a corset, with gold trim and embroidered foliage detail, flaring out at her hips, the details continuing in lazy swirls down to the end. 
After all, a princess in disguise still had to dress to a standard worthy of one. 
A waiter circulating with wine reached her, and she lifted the flute to her lips, knowing she’d need the alcohol to get through another, seemingly endless, night. Was it too soon to escape to the balcony? Probably. 
The feathers tickled her forehead and it made her smile. That had been such a fun adventure. She’d never climbed up roots from trees before. Or crawled through crevices of land. And then – 
She downed the rest of the glass. 
Twelve years had passed and she still thought of him. Hell, she had even dressed in his colours, wearing the last set of feathers they’d collected together, before his gaze set on the Lost Woods and in the hope of seeing him, one more time, she’d given him the Ocarina. 
Why? Twelve years later and she still held to the same wishful hope that he’d reappear? He’d show up again? He’d- 
“Mademoiselle, you look delightful tonight.”
Here we go again. 
“Why thank you.” Now she had no excuse, her glass was empty and so there would be no escape. “You look-” It was a concoction of lilac frills and yellow lace, toppled with an atrocious lime green hat. It was disgusting. “...Floral.” Is what she settled on in the end. 
“Of course! That’s the pinnacle of fashion, my mademoiselle. Can I have this next dance?” 
Firstly, she wasn’t his. Secondly, it was may, but idiots never bothered to learn the language. Sighing, she agreed. It was necessary for the charade after all. 
She winced for the first, but certainly not the last time that evening when his hands annoyingly found her waist to begin the dance. 
“Mademoiselle, you are very beautiful and gracious indeed. Isn’t it a shame the Princess has effectively obliterated our social calendar? We have been denied the chance of meeting sooner!”
Zelda had to fight not to roll her eyes. Then again maybe she could and in the dark the fool wouldn’t see. “Surely, Monsieur, you realise such an adjustment had to be made for the greater good of the People?” 
It was a miracle that she’d managed to cut down on so many of these stupid, idiotic parties for the nobles, limiting it to one every season. She’d reinvested the money saved into an emergency fund, helping those affected with poverty and starvation. Obviously, the rich had never faced these problems. But Zelda had. Oh, Zelda had seen what Hyrule could have been, in fact, what Hyrule was in a timeline just next to theirs. Reality could have flipped and she was not going to squander the blessings the other Princess Zelda and her Link had fought for. 
“Oh… yes. Indeed. I’m sure the Gerudo are very thankful.”
Zelda bristled, angrily twisting out of his hold, and watching him splutter across the dance floor trying to keep up. Yes, she was the one who had broken the boundaries with the Gerudo, offering aid and support, but the olive branch she’d extended hadn’t only benefited them alone! “Again, Monsieur, I have good intel that suggests the trade has proved fruitful for as many Hylian merchants as it has for the Gerudo people. We should never take excessive advantage of the resources we happen to have and use it as leverage against those who do not. And would you rather”- she turned aggressively to the right- “we risk war or we live in peace and prosperity?”
He gulped like a fish in response, flailing to keep up.  
She wasn’t a fool. Her trade deal had ensured the Gerudo wouldn’t cross the provider of the sole source of reliable food income, and even if they developed ideas of invasion, she had Sheikah hidden in and amongst them. 
Regardless, her council was based on the Sages of Hyrule. She had representatives from each land join, each land present their problems and together, cumulatively work together to find solutions. She had sourced resources, education, health and defence treaties from all the races within Hyrule, unifying them as a nation and as a stronghold in the wider world.  
Hyrule was a protected sanctuary of countries, of flourishing cultures, of people living good, lawful, peaceful lives and it would remain that way under Zelda’s control. 
Hyrule was thriving, Hyrule was healing and yet… 
The music swelled and he was going to dip her in a false show of control- no - he was not, she swirled them around instead, his feet toppling over, and she set him right at the end. 
She didn’t give him a moment to recover, the monsieur had vexed her enough for a night, and she stepped away into the shadows, feet carrying her to the security of the balcony. 
She deserved a break. 
Her finger clung to a segment of lace on the dress, and she was reminded of the reason behind her personal misery. 
She’d never managed to tell Link why she had wanted to go on the trip. Why she’d brought her harp. Why she’d shaken at each and every location, hiding it from him after that first time she couldn’t control the memories by the fountain.
She remembered it all, she knew of it all, and he’d just left before she could do anything about it. Before she could prove she truly was his friend, his companion as Sheik, and his… Princess. Why hadn’t he given her a chance to explain? A chance to remedy her wrongs? 
Angrily, she brushed the tears that stormed their way through the mask. She shouldn’t have worn his colours. Why did she torment herself so? It only dredged up regret and betrayal. 
The door to her balcony, hidden behind the alcove on the thirteenth step up on the right side of the twin staircases that curved around the room that no one else knew of, shuddered. 
She turned around, startled. A metal linked chain suddenly sprang from the small knob under the archway for the door, forming a zip line strung tight under tension. 
Her kodachis were out the next second and she flipped back to face the intruder, lunging with both knives clasped at a cross cross, his neck caught in between. 
A man with white hair and startling turquoise eyes glared at her, unblinking, with his hand strained taunt from holding the hookshot.
Where had he even gotten ahold of one?! Those were only in the chest of - 
It couldn’t be. 
Her eyes narrowed, as the mystery man swallowed, his throat pressing against her blades. A quick scan over him revealed he had blue hoops in his ears. That-
“Who are you and what do you want?”
He swallowed again, his trachea touching the blades. “Isn’t it a masquerade ball tonight?”
“To those with an invitation, yes. That typically involves presenting said invitation to the doormen, by the central entrance.”
“Well I’m not a typical man.” Was- no. No. No, she wouldn’t be so foolish. 
She pressed closer, and he winced. “And I’m not a typical woman. Tell me the truth. Who are you, and what do you want?” 
His fingers reached to loop around her curled hair, before tracing up to her mask. “You… are just as she was.”
Her stomach flipped, her hands shaking for the first time since Impa taught her how to use the blades, inadvertently causing a cut. Blood blossomed, as he smiled and she wrenched backwards. “No.”
“Yes.” He finally pulled himself up the ledge, stowing his hookshot away, a smile growing on his face. 
Her voice cracked. “Why?”
He stepped closer, removing his mask and morphing into the Link she knew, and she stepped back, daggers clattering to the floor. 
She couldn’t allow herself to believe it. 
No it was just a mirage. 
He was just a mirage. 
A –
His hand clasped her face, real, warm, and course, tears in his eyes matching hers. “I’m sorry, Zelda. I’m so sorry for not coming back sooner.”
She leant into his palm, before realising it wasn’t enough, it wouldn’t ever be enough Goddesses, it’d been so long – she reached over him, wrapped both arms around him tight, her mask tumbling to the floor. 
Nothing else in the world mattered in that moment. They sank to the cold concrete, a pool of emerald lace, forest green feathers, and chain mail. 
For her Link had finally returned. He’d finally come back home.
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arolesbianism · 3 months
Man oni can't do this to me I'm supposed to be preparing for artfight but all I can think abt is Them™ from the second I wake up to the moment I go to bed how am I supposed to prepare in these circumstances 😔
#rat rambles#oni posting#and dude the beta is probably still going to be going during that time klei how could you do this to me#like I will still be participating in artfight but I fear Ill be on oni lockdown for the first week or smth dhskdhkdh#Ill try to at least sketch some stuff out but god if I can get my hands onto any amount of lore its so jover#now thats not a guarantee this is a beta after all but god man. fuck.#also I need to know the new dupes name right now its important#mostly because I want confirmation that I got z on the cypher right lol#chances are theyll just have another a name or smth#who knows maybe theyll have a w name and be the second ever contender for being sent to the constant#although for all we know there could be plenty more w names in the cast that are just hidden in the full names like with nails#I am in such agony rn with seemingly every place ppl post abt oni being dead silent still hello is anyone there#I thought Id at least see some more speculative stuff on the gameplay side of things but Ive seen like 2 things where ppl even bring it up#tbf some of the new stuff seems pretty obvious to deduce to me like there's no way the new fox deers dont produce lumber#and we already know the bunny guys (or the big one at least) provides reed fiber at least#the plants are mostly more mysterious tho#we have the obvious one being our new bestie the oxylite plant and the lil puffball tree thats probably the new decor plant#and the crystal grapes are probably going to be a new muckroot equivalent and at least one of the new plants probably produces smth edible#as for what recourses they need we know that at least 2 of them need watered in some way#Im currently betting theyll need ethanol but thats not based on a lot#honestly if any of them use plain ol water or even any water variants Ill be surprised#I wouldn't be surprised if most of them take ethanol or some liquid gas or smth#I still am holding out on a plant that consumed liquid carbon dioxide but Im not too hopeful#one thing Im very curious on is just everything abt how the oxylite plant grows I wanna know how good itll be so bad#because I am a proud member of the desperately wants more viable oxygen production option in oni gang and I wanna see this baby flourish#but based on how seemingly abundant it is Im afraid itll just join the squad of early game oxygen options that become too much of a hassle#to sustain late game so you're usually just going to switch to exlectroliszers each time#I hope Im wrong but I wont be surprised if Im not#they already took one oxygen plant out back and shot it dead so this guy might just be a corpse on arival if we're unlucky#well hey thats why there's a beta ig gotta make sure things are balanced or whatever
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benetnvsch · 11 months
If I haven’t made this abundantly clear, if ur pro-Israel or even just neutral/‘listening to both sides’ please block me and stay the fuck away from me. Indifference kills. There is no neutrality in genocide
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angelamontoo · 2 years
Abbott and nurse Agnes
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I'm not sure it comes across, but Agnes very fancy garb is supposed to look like a black wedding dress. It was inspired by the fact that Peter Lorre and his first wife were married while he was still in the Abbott garb and makeup, which I find very neat
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pragmatic-optimist · 1 year
So TK and Carlos got engaged without discussing their future plans for a family and kids?
Yes, it's a short clip, but the word choice is very specific, with TK asking pointedly, "Since when do you not want to have kids," and Carlos replying, "Since when did I ever say I did." 
So TK proposed marriage with the assumption Carlos wanted a family. That's what is being said here. It’s canon. 
They’re legit surrounded by kids in their close circle/found family every day, and the “writers” are saying it’s canon that it has never come up until now. I—
It keeps coming back to this for me: story execution > story idea. 
Season 4 insists on following through on the delivery of ideas and arcs that, yes, could have been fascinating for character development if introduced much, much sooner. Exploring them now is terrible execution and character derailment (looking at you Carlos “flippantly jokes about the marriage I never mentioned” Reyes). 
No matter how you spin it—at its core—it remains nonsensical. The writing on Lone Star has always been a rollercoaster when it comes to consistency, but Season 4 takes the cake. 
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