#the sims 2 lilith pleasant
vesperink · 6 months
— Це нечесно! — повторювала Ліліт, все більше віддаляючись від дому. Її черевики забруднмлися після невеликого дощу. Він, ніби віщуючи закінчення цього дня, лив із самого ранку, в день народження близнючок Плезант. Як би сильно Ліліт не любила своїх бабусю Корал та дідуся Ерба, як би не скучила за тіткою Дженіфер і кузиною Люсі, але навіть вони не були спроможні врятувати цей день. Наче її немає і не було. Наче вона — порожнє місце в їхній родині, а центром їх всесвіту завжди є прекрасна Анжела. З її солодкозвучним голоском і невинними оченятами, здатними просити все, що заманеться. Жахлива несправедливість.
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Дівчинка зупинилася вдихнути повітря й озирнулася навколо. Будинки були їй незнайомі — з батьками і сестрою вони не гуляли цією вулицею. Невже вона ще й загубиться тут? Хоча, невідомо, що гірше: загубитися чи повернутися додому,отримавши ще й прочухана у свій день народження. Ліліт заплакала знову, чи то від образи, чи то від безвиході. Батьки хоч помітили, що вона зникла? Чи будуть надто зайняті догожданчями їх ідеальній Анжелі?
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— Привіт? — за спиною юної Плезант почувся тихий і трохи здивований голос. Озираючись, вона помітила смаглявого чорнявого хлопчика, що уважно розглядав її. Він, схоже, помітив її сльози, і подальші запитання були б щодо них. Ліліт шморгнула носом, не знаючи, що відповісти йому.
— Ти нетутешній? Я не пам'ятаю тебе тут, — дівчинка спробувала відвести розмову від себе.
— Ну, ми переїхали сюди нещодавно. Та я ще нікого не знаю тут, — він знизав плечима і підійшов трохи ближче. — Я Дірк, а тебе як звати?
— Ліліт, — відповіла Плезант, усе ще шморгаючи носом.
— Чому ти плакала? — спитав Дірк, простягаючи руку новій знайомій. Вона потиснула її, ховаючи погляд.
— Бо сьогодні мій день народження. І моєї сестри день народження. А всі ніби пам'ятають лише про неї!
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— Йой. Може вони так поводяться, аби зробити тобі сюрприз?
— І не мрій. Так завжди. Кожного року, кожного дня!
— Це справді сумно. Але чекай хвилинку, — Дірк підійшов до будинку, що знаходиться поруч. — Чекай тут, я зараз. Я швиденько.
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Хлопчик метнувся до будинку. Ліліт лише знизала плечима. Дірк справді з'явився швидко, але вибіг з-за будинку. Мабуть, через запасний вхід. У руці він тримав букет із зірваних у садку квітів, таких самих, що росли в Ліліт удома. В іншій руці тримав невелику статуетку і малюнок.
— Не думаю, що ти бажала б саме це, але все ж таки... З днем народження, Ліліт.
Якусь мить Ліліт лише розгублено кліпалп очима, та згодом боязко взяла подарунки нового знайомого.
— Це... я... дякую, — вона знову шморгнула носом, але вже не через образу. — Це найкраще, що мені дарували.
— Хочеш зайти до мене в гості? - запропонував Дірк. — Тато не буде проти, і мама от-от повернеться.
— Ліліт!
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Не встигла дівчинка відповісти, як одразу почула за спиною голос дядька Джона. — Ми тебе всі шукаємо!
— Я не піду! Не забирайте мене додому! — тут же вперлася Плезант. — Я не піду!
— Ліліт, батьки хвилювалися, та й вже запізно. Час додому.
— Я не піду! — повторювала дівчинка, але чоловік уже забрав її подалі від дому нових знайомих.
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microscotch · 3 months
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combat boots bffs
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budgieflitter · 6 months
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oh hey its budgieflitter and her swap aus obsession again descriptions are under the cut 🔽
CALIENTE + LOTHARIO = BEAKER When Don got a date with the Caliente sisters, he thought he won a jackpot. What he did not expect, though, was to wake up next morning on an operation table in their basement. Will this test subject last or the sisters will have to look for a replacement soon?
GOTH = SPECTER Turns out not only relatives are buried in local oligarch's graveyard. Ever since Mortimer's wife Bella mysteriously disappeared, he became more reclusive than he already was. She was not the only victim - all of his daughter Cassandra's fiancés seemed to disappear one by one. Will Alexander get used to living with ghosts? Can Cassandra ever find love again?
BROKE + DREAMER = GRUNT Brandi and Darren found comfort in each other after a terrible tragedy struck their families, however it seems this comfort is about to crumble. Darren is determined to reach the stars someday, and Brandi would rather stay close to the ground. Will Dustin and Dirk ever get along? Will little Beau follow his stepfather's footsteps?
Daniel has been fascinated with space ever since his father's Mars expedition hit the news. Good thing he found a woman whose eyes reflect the beauty of the universe itself. Will Mary-Sue get her long-awaited promotion, and can Angela and Lilith make the right choices when it comes to love?
BURB = CURIOUS Jennifer is interested in the vastness of universe, but for a different reason her brother is. Where is she from? What really happened on her father's Mars expedition? Was it anything like the experience her husband went through during his abduction? Maybe the answer is much closer than she thinks.
Oldies have been a long-time residents of Strangeview. Unable to fulfill her role as a Birth Queen, Coral escaped with her beloved with a tiny alien aboard. Will Herb realize that the result of his last mission as a Pollination Technician is somewhere nearby? okayyyy i had so much fun making this. the idea hit me literally yesteday and i was on the rideee hope u enjoy ^_^
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hyacinth-sims · 2 months
sims 2 premades as memes/texts/posts/etc. (-slides u a note during class- do u still think i'm funny y/n edition)
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dumbass-with-internet · 7 months
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f1shart · 3 months
ACTUAL fish art..
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ok listen. the only reason i did this actually was because i was thinking about tangela (tank x angela NOT the pokémon) and i agree with the green x green aesthetic but also tank grunt is soo gay. so if angie was transmasc i would call him evan, short for evangelo, cuz that is MUCH cooler than angelo sorry not sorry.
as for lilith (now levi), BEING THE EMO POOPYHEAD HE IS, he tries to convince people that his full name is actually 𝕷𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖓 but no one believes him
neways i trans'd the rest of the pleasants (+ company) ^_^ dfaafdsBUTCH DANIEL PLEASANT 😳😳💕😻💐🧎 ...who said that :/
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thats me hes holding :3
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rainbowwsims · 3 months
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This may be a hot take...
...but I don't believe Angela really did anything wrong ): Like I fully understand Lilith's resentment, I don't get the Angela-hate
they were both just children and they lived in a situation where attention was a resource that could run out, and in a situation like that, a child is going to take all the attention they can get, even if it means taking it from their sibling and that's on the parents for pitting their children against each other, like I'm struggling to understand why we are blaming Angela for that ;3;
Angela didn't choose to be favored by their parents, and as I see it, she wasn't the 'good' twin, she was the 'responsible' twin
Think about it, like Angela still had to learn so much in her childhood while Lilith didn't; what I'm hearing is due to the parents paying little to no attention to Lilith, it meant she had more freedom than Angela
Lilith got to dress how she wanted, date who she wanted, she got to buy expensive things for her room, she even snuck out and didn't get into trouble for it (note that Lilith has a memory of getting caught sneaking out, but not by her parents, but by Gordon King), while Angela has hardly any memories at all besides what she learned
I think people tend to forget that Lilith and Angela both grew up in the same house, with the same dysfunctional parents and they had to listen to the same fights, just because Angela turned her cheek and looked the other way with a smile, while Lilith would sit down and feel sorry for herself, doesn't mean either of them were better than the other
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these are just two separate ways of coping with the same situation
I will say, I do adore that in the sims 4 they move out and go to university together, just the two of them, and they are finally realizing that they have common ground, finally bonding and taking baby-steps towards healing their relation
I can confirm that you just bond in a different way with your sibling when your parents aren't around, and it took moving out for them to realize that ;0;
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cruelnemothesis · 4 months
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goatskickin · 11 months
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🥀 🌸🥀 🌸🥀 It’s National Sister’s Day! 🥀🌸 🥀🌸 🥀 What better day to bless you with some clothing CC inspired by the most different of teenaged sisters - Angela and Lilith Pleasant!
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So! First up is 8 recolors of my retexture of Amayrll’s (aka @witheredlilies) Wooly Cardigan. 
The TF mesh is by @deedee-sims​.  2 recolors are missing from the preview gif, but all 8 are in there.
Angela is definitely a cardigan person and a horse girl.
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Texture credits go to Amaryll, AAS, HouseFabric, Stajl and Maxis
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Angela would be little miss “If I like it, I’ll just get it in another color”. So I present to you 18 recolors of the most perfect skirt ever: @deedee-sims‘s Ultimate Dress, as a bottom only skirt!
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Texture credits go to Amaryll, AAS, HouseFabric, Stajl and DeeDee
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Lilith seems like she’s all about zippers, stripes and dark colors. As such, here are 8 tops for your alt girlies.
🚨 PLEASE NOTE 🚨 : These use a base game mesh, tftopblousedwaist. If you have a default for that mesh, these will not show up right. 
Texture credits go to AAS, Xandher, FashionTwist and io (known as @serabiet​)
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Lilith would be nowhere without tights, boots and skirts!
So here are 18 recolors of just such a combo! The mesh is by io (find the original here). 
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Texture credits go to io, Xandher and HouseFabric
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And finally, 2 recolors of a mesh by @whattheskell​ - something decent for them both to wear when the grandparents come over.  Texture credits go to Stajl, io, Skell, Maxis and DeeDee
Download - Angela vs Lilith Collection
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eilyca · 4 days
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Dirk helps his bf with school work so he doesn't get sent to the military
1 like and I draw continuation of Dirck apologizing for being impatient with his pleasant twin lover buddy (I want to draw Dirk apologizing by helping Dustin look after his siblings, that way he will understand why bro does so poorly in school)
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strangextown · 8 months
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Lilith and Angela Pleasant!
my cringetober demon/angel contribution. (And my inktober angel and demon contribution lmao)
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sunnywhateverr · 13 days
Sims 2 Pre-made album covers
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Lilith Pleasant — Deftones: Around The Fur
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Hermia Capp — Evanescence: Fallen
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Kaylynn Langerak — Blink-182 : Enema Of The State
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(Unborn) Baby Broke — Nirvana: Nevermind
I had so much fun making these! Please give me suggestions for more album covers! 💕
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microscotch · 1 year
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ordinary saturday night
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profesionalpartyguest · 3 months
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btw i found lilith pleasant's dress here.
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hyacinth-sims · 11 months
random sims premades as posts/tweets/texts/etc.
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more under the cut cause there's a lot hehe
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emperorofthedark · 2 months
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Midnight Run for the hills Midnight Come for the thrills
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