#ts2 headcanons
vesperink · 9 months
— Це нечесно! — повторювала Ліліт, все більше віддаляючись від дому. Її черевики забруднмлися після невеликого дощу. Він, ніби віщуючи закінчення цього дня, лив із самого ранку, в день народження близнючок Плезант. Як би сильно Ліліт не любила своїх бабусю Корал та дідуся Ерба, як би не скучила за тіткою Дженіфер і кузиною Люсі, але навіть вони не були спроможні врятувати цей день. Наче її немає і не було. Наче вона — порожнє місце в їхній родині, а центром їх всесвіту завжди є прекрасна Анжела. З її солодкозвучним голоском і невинними оченятами, здатними просити все, що заманеться. Жахлива несправедливість.
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Дівчинка зупинилася вдихнути повітря й озирнулася навколо. Будинки були їй незнайомі — з батьками і сестрою вони не гуляли цією вулицею. Невже вона ще й загубиться тут? Хоча, невідомо, що гірше: загубитися чи повернутися додому,отримавши ще й прочухана у свій день народження. Ліліт заплакала знову, чи то від образи, чи то від безвиході. Батьки хоч помітили, що вона зникла? Чи будуть надто зайняті догожданчями їх ідеальній Анжелі?
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— Привіт? — за спиною юної Плезант почувся тихий і трохи здивований голос. Озираючись, вона помітила смаглявого чорнявого хлопчика, що уважно розглядав її. Він, схоже, помітив її сльози, і подальші запитання були б щодо них. Ліліт шморгнула носом, не знаючи, що відповісти йому.
— Ти нетутешній? Я не пам'ятаю тебе тут, — дівчинка спробувала відвести розмову від себе.
— Ну, ми переїхали сюди нещодавно. Та я ще нікого не знаю тут, — він знизав плечима і підійшов трохи ближче. — Я Дірк, а тебе як звати?
— Ліліт, — відповіла Плезант, усе ще шморгаючи носом.
— Чому ти плакала? — спитав Дірк, простягаючи руку новій знайомій. Вона потиснула її, ховаючи погляд.
— Бо сьогодні мій день народження. І моєї сестри день народження. А всі ніби пам'ятають лише про неї!
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— Йой. Може вони так поводяться, аби зробити тобі сюрприз?
— І не мрій. Так завжди. Кожного року, кожного дня!
— Це справді сумно. Але чекай хвилинку, — Дірк підійшов до будинку, що знаходиться поруч. — Чекай тут, я зараз. Я швиденько.
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Хлопчик метнувся до будинку. Ліліт лише знизала плечима. Дірк справді з'явився швидко, але вибіг з-за будинку. Мабуть, через запасний вхід. У руці він тримав букет із зірваних у садку квітів, таких самих, що росли в Ліліт удома. В іншій руці тримав невелику статуетку і малюнок.
— Не думаю, що ти бажала б саме це, але все ж таки... З днем народження, Ліліт.
Якусь мить Ліліт лише розгублено кліпалп очима, та згодом боязко взяла подарунки нового знайомого.
— Це... я... дякую, — вона знову шморгнула носом, але вже не через образу. — Це найкраще, що мені дарували.
— Хочеш зайти до мене в гості? - запропонував Дірк. — Тато не буде проти, і мама от-от повернеться.
— Ліліт!
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Не встигла дівчинка відповісти, як одразу почула за спиною голос дядька Джона. — Ми тебе всі шукаємо!
— Я не піду! Не забирайте мене додому! — тут же вперлася Плезант. — Я не піду!
— Ліліт, батьки хвилювалися, та й вже запізно. Час додому.
— Я не піду! — повторювала дівчинка, але чоловік уже забрав її подалі від дому нових знайомих.
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daydreamingdrawerette · 2 months
If Tybalt Capp would be a twenty-something in the 2020s, he would deffo like Hardstyle, Hardcore and Uptempo
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plumbogs · 1 year
the only sims 2 theory that i consider objectively false is "brandi killed skip for insurance money". you think skip "just the tip" broke had life insurance? you think the people popping three kids into a two bedroom trailer were planning things? he did Not have inheritance either. he left behind a collection of losing lotto tickets and one pack of hollowed out swisher sweets in grape flavor
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microscotch · 4 months
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meredith and nameless social worker lady #3 are sisters, 100%
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violentclown555 · 5 months
Some screen shots from a powerpoint I'm making explaining why I think Tank is autistic
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gr47p · 1 month
Sharing my headcanons for Strangetown sims heights.
What are your headcanons?
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Pascal Curious - 174 cm (5' 8.5")
Vidcund Curious - 192 cm (6' 3.6")
Lazlo Curious - 176 cm (5' 9.3")
Crystal Vu - 179 cm (5' 10.5")
Nervous Subject - 211 cm (6' 11.1")
Loki Beaker - 190 cm (6' 2.8")
Circe Beaker - 172 cm (5' 7.7")
Erin Beaker - 164 cm (5' 4.6")
Chloe Curious - 178 cm (5' 10")
Lola Curious - 178 cm (5' 10")
Kristen Loste - 167 cm (5' 5.7")
Ajay Loner - 173 cm (5' 8.1")
Jenny Smith - 160 cm (5'3")
Pt9 Smith - 186 cm (6' 1.2")
Johnny Smith - 185 cm (6' 0.8")
Jill Smith - (as adult) 158 cm (5' 2.2")
Olive Specter - 162 cm (5' 3.8")
Ophelia Nigmos - 157 cm (5' 1.8")
Buzz Grunt - 188 cm (6' 2")
Tank Grunt - 188 cm (6' 2")
Ripp Grunt - 178 cm (5' 10.1")
Buck Grunt - (as adult) 184 cm (6' 04")
For the pictures I assume the default height is 180 cm in the sims 2, so I calculated the values for the stretchskeleton cheat based on that.
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thesims2comics · 11 months
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Lazlo being up early (or having not slept at all)
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simstraffikcone · 1 year
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Hear me out, this might be controversial but... Don Lothario being distantly related to the Monty family?
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I mean look at these guys. Don can so easily be a distant relative to Bassanio. Besides Don is a name from Shakespeare, as is his mother's name Adriana (and her mother's Isabella).
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"Ah yes child, the first step in being a certified Romance Sim Ladies Man™ is to start by being trash."
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i call this uhhhh…..,,,, tycho curious like 16ish years later 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
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went downstairs off no hours of sleep and cooked this banger. it’s a miracle cause i was just gonna ragequit this after the highlighter sketch didn’t look good but decided to humor myself and try to draw over it and it looks good so…. we stay winning
i gotta work on making his haircut a lil more unhinged cause terrible cuts run in the curious family (shoutout vidcund and johnny)
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gloomykiz · 4 months
My goated sims 2 headcanons
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You guys will never UNDERSTAND ME until you fuckers UNDERSTAND my "buzz grunt has prostate cancer" headcanon
You guys will never UNDERSTAND ME until you fuckers UNDERSTAND my "ripp grunt is a femboy that larps as an anime girl online" headcanon
You guys will never UNDERSTAND ME until you fuckers UNDERSTAND my "vidcund curious is a weeb that unironically calls himself an otaku and browses myanimelist. Com every single day" headcanon
You guys will never UNDERSTAND ME until you fuckers UNDERSTAND my "Johnny doesn't know if he has asthma or not" headcanon
You guys will never UNDERSTAND ME until you fuckers UNDERSTAND my "juliette starts arguments on twitter on purpose and doxxes people while saying shit like " it's over for you lil bro" then tells them to mald and seethe when they get upset over it" headcanon
You guys will never UNDERSTAND ME until you fuckers UNDERSTAND my "Alexander goth is actually suffering from severe TİKTOK brainrot, can't get skibidi toilet out his mind, is too invested in TİKTOK rizz party lore and secretly uses shit like SIGMA and GYATT when typing but tries to act like a philosophical gigachad know it all irl (he isn't he's just some 12 Yr old with severe case of tiktokism) " headcanon
You guys will never UNDERSTAND ME until you fuckers UNDERSTAND my "Angela is a fucking Hamilton, Heathers and homestuck fan that ate musical animatics UP" headcanon
You guys will never UNDERSTAND ME until you fuckers UNDERSTAND my "hermia got banned from sephora bc she stole too much shit from there (she is banned in 72 countries) " headcanon
You guys will never UNDERSTAND ME until you fuckers UNDERSTAND my "lilith calls herself a girlfailure femcel"
You guys will never UNDERSTAND ME until you fuckers UNDERSTAND my "Dustin listens to $uicideboy$" headcanon
You fuckers will never UNDERSTAND ME until you fuckers UNDERSTAND my "jill is a pyrocinical fan" headcanon
You fuckers will never UNDERSTAND ME until you fuckers UNDERSTAND my "romeo once called idubz a cuck because of his wife opening an only fans" headcanon
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sirensskai · 1 month
Nervous Subject trichotillomania hc. Because I need to project my insecurities somehow
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kamiiri · 10 months
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Tank Grunt, unlike his brother, was completely dedicated to Division 47. Even if his father didn’t let him do all the things he wanted to, he was just happy to be there. Every waking moment was spent trying to please the general. One day, that position—general of the military—would be his. And he intended to deserve it.
For the time being, Tank was tasked with security. He spent most of the day scanning surveillance footage. It was boring, yes, but he knew it was an important job. Somebody had to do it, right? Did Buzz give the assignment to him because only he could be trusted with it? The general must really believe in his abilities! He’d be moving on up any day now!
His main duty was making sure the Smiths weren’t trying to leave again.
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plumbogs · 6 months
anyways... the burbs are like... soo tragic in a heterosexual suburban way. like i don't think john's a bad husband at all i think he's even down to be malewife of all time and all that i think it's more like. he's completely ignorant to the fact that jen genuinely doesn't like being a nuclear family fashion mom and a lot of it is her own internalized problems because she wanted to grow up and be a sports star... but her own family pushed her against that and john's content to not pry or push her into following her actual dream. like. he's genuinely invested in living in the suburbs with the garden and all that stuff and just assumes that because jen isn't outrageously openly upset with it, she's happy with it. because he's kinda dumb in that straight guy way yk. i think their issues run a lot deeper than any kind of simple dislike like they simply couldn't make it work and both be happy even if they were honest.
but jen is Not happy and she's probably pissed that she's not happy because she's supposed to be happy. got husband and a happy kid and a house in the suburbs she is not supposed to be soooo sad. and her brother Does have what she wanted but takes it for granted it's sooooo sick
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yolkema · 2 months
"general buzz isn't racist against aliens, he just hates pt9!" buzz in the original strangetown trailer:
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violentclown555 · 6 months
Resident army brats, Blood, Sweat and Tears. (Grunt kids)
(Buzz voice) I dont care if you're neuron divergent i need you to go to fucking War
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Also notes + Tank without facepaint or whatever
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Damn, they werent lying, that family life can dysfunctional
Anyways yeah just my headcanon stuff + a color ref sheet for myself cuz I'm having fun teehee :3
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loosiap · 5 months
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tmbodypoloshirtoverhang replaced with shoeswap using Trillyke’s SP26 Sneakers (converted by Skittlessims)
everyday category; normal shoe sound; has fat morph; polycount 2.4k;
in the download there're 2 versions of this replacement: v1 with original maxis’ textures repo’ed to in-game files and v2 with new textures shown in the preview (edited Kalynn’s textures) ofc keep only one! separate previews for both versions are in the download
Credits: EAMaxis, Trillyke, Skittlessims, Kalynn
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