#the soc misfits au
rotzaprachim · 4 years
ok some INCREDIBLE important things i need input for a six of crows modern au
1) what would Nina’s go-to song for karaeoke in a greasy pub be (preferrably circa early 2010′s...) 
2) if matthias had a superpower randomly given to him what would it be
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transsteverandle · 6 years
roller derby outsiders au is literally my life right now so here’s some hc because i’m sick and need feel better
- the greasers and socs are on different well known teams. the gangs and other groups are different branching off teams
- socs usually win and much more of the professional jet set funded team
- while the greasers are more the underdog misfits that have use hand me downs from their former teammate skaters
- instead of jumpings it’s hiding, breaking, and stealing gear
- socs cheat sometimes but usually it’s just them being able to pay off anyone to avoid misplay or something that would cost them the match
- the races don’t actually have big turn outs it’s just school kids mostly and the off chance adult checking in. none of it is professional matches, it’s amateur play for the most part
- socs do use it for a college sporting scholarships and beat out greasers from doing the same typically
- the gang are pretty good but not really that competitive although dallas kinda wish they were
- ponyboy is their weakest link
- two bit keeps putting knives on his skates
- darry keeps taking them off
- johnny and ponyboy practice a lot together
- sometimes they go against tim and his gang who tend to play dirty
- dallas as full on decked a dude for saying his form was weak and sloppy
- imagine the book but roller skates
- johnny and ponyboy skate to windexville
- johnny killed bob by beating him to death with a blunt front of a roller skate
- the rumble is a skating race and they keep pushing each other down and other stuff
- picture cherry in skates. cute
- steve and soda work in a roller ring
- steve fixes skates, arcade games, and other stuff
- all the girls like to hang around soda’s work area which is usually the indoor pizza place
- they all have different color skates. pony’s purple cherry’s is blue johnny as black with gold stripes and so on
- dallas tried to skate away from the cops but gets shot in the back and pony keeps his blood covered skates
- stay skating
i’m very sick what is this
add more hc pls this was fun i like roller skates
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babytoro · 7 years
hey i did some more outsiders au headcanons
gerard way
has dyed his hair every color of the rainbow (red, orange, blonde, green, blue, purple, black, white and pink)
usually spends at least an hour doing his hair and makeup every morning
gerard spends a lot of time picking out his outfits
gerard is the unofficial leader of the greasers
gerard is a graffiti artist, and often makes murals on abandoned buildings
has filled almost 100 sketchbooks and has kept all of them
gerard works at a comic book store
gerard is a closeted star wars and batman geek
gerard likes flirting with random guys in bars and gas stations
gerard loves david bowie, morrissey, the misfits and joan jett
gerard’s parents died when he was fourteen, so he had to step up and take care of mikey at a very young age
aspires to be an artist or a singer
is usually very kind and sweet but becomes violent and aggressive when the greasers are threatened
he treats the greasers like a second family
dropped out of school when he was fourteen so he could take care of mikey
although he dropped out of school in freshman year, he is quite smart
gerard loves going to parties
if you mess with frank, you mess with gerard. they’re best friends
gerard wears eyeliner and occasionally eyeshadow
gerard used to dress in drag when he was in middle school
gerard sees lindsey as the sister he never had
gerard and mikey have a very close relationship and are very protective of one another
gerard loves frank with all his heart and acts excessively violent and aggressive towards socs who try to hurt him
he is terrified of needles and won’t let anyone get near him with one
gerard is very flamboyant and sassy
frank iero
frank is the second smallest greaser (5’4”)
cuts his own hair like the rest of the greasers
little punk bitch who has a kink for the misfits
frank is an atheist
his parents are divorced and have gotten into very violent fights in front of him in the past
frank has 1cm ear gauges
he also has a lip ring and a nose ring, and once had an eyebrow piercing that got infected
frank gets tattoos from sketchy artists in alleyways and has to try and not get caught by the police while he gets them
he doesn’t see his mother very often because she lives across the state
his father is always working so he doesn’t see him much either
frank dropped out of catholic school in freshman year because he was tired of all the religious preaching and bullying
frank, despite his small size, has an unlimited amount of energy
frank is extremely jumpy and will sometimes tackle the other greasers or pick a fight with a soc just to get some energy out of his system
frank has four dogs
he takes his dog sweet pea with him almost everywhere. she attacks the socs when the greasers are threatened.
frank is usually the loudest of the greasers (he’s second loudest when mikey’s mad and starts yelling)
frank is very protective of gerard
frank screams a lot
frank likes to embarrass the other greasers
frank can be extremely annoying at times
frank is one of the funniest people you will ever meet, and always has a sarcastic and witty comeback ready
almost all of frank’s clothes are hand-me-downs from his father from when he was a teenager
frank is very patriotic about new jersey
mikey way
mikey has a terrifying amount of strength
mikey has been arrested so many times the police know him by name
mikey’s parents died when he was twelve, so he’s terrified of losing people he loves and is very protective of them
mikey has a nose ring
he is second in command of the greasers. if something were to happen to gerard, mikey would become the new leader
mikey has bipolar disorder and anger issues
when gerard started working so that they could keep their house, mikey would steal money to try and help his brother
mikey’s criminal record includes things such as burglary, breaking and entering, assault, assault with a deadly weapon and resisting arrest
mikey often bribes the police so they will let him or other greasers out of custody
mikey loves cats
mikey has frequent mood swings and can go from being happy to extremely angry within a 30-second time span
mikey has broken the walls in his house by punching them and throwing things at him
mikey has bleached blonde hair and he cuts it himself because he doesn’t trust barbers
mikey has a lot of hatred towards people, especially socs
frank annoys mikey to no end, but since he’s gerard’s best friend mikey tries to be nice to him
mikey is extremely protective of ray and will get aggressive towards anyone who so much as looked at him weirdly
mikey likes reading comic books and horror novels
mikey has probably done every drug known to man
mikey parties with his greaser friends every weekend and gets completely wasted
mikey and ray have known each other for more than ten years and are best friends
mikey swears a lot
mikey once had a motorcycle, but crashed it into bob’s expensive car after he betrayed the greasers and became a soc
mikey has a very unique fashion style
mikey wants to get tattoos but doesn’t have enough money to get one from a professional
gerard and ray are the two most important people in mikey’s life and he loves them more than anything
mikey has very warm hands
mikey loves heavy metal music
when he and ray argue they sound like an old married couple
ray toro
ray is small for a guy his age (5’7”)
ray wears boots that add an extra two inches to his height
ray has slightly darker skin than the rest of the greasers
ray has dark freckles all over his body and slightly chubby arms
everything ray wears is too big for him
ray’s parents are very abusive towards him, especially his father, who takes out all his anger on him
ray is a very talented singer and guitarist, but is too shy to ever perform
ray was beaten horribly by the socs four months prior to the fic’s beginning and now has a scar across his cheek
ray’s scars fade into black lines when they heal. he has a lot of them
ray has a very gentle and calming voice and almost never yells
ray is a very sweet person who loves showing affection for the other greasers. he considers them family
ray is very insecure about himself and doesn’t really like who he is
ray loves queen, david bowie, elton john, the misfits, metallica, alice cooper, the cure, joy division, and the smiths more than any other musicians
ray loves it when people hug him
ray gets cold very easily
ray hates it when people pull his hair and kicks them when they do
ray has dark circles around his eyes from lack of sleep. he has insomnia and only gets about two or three hours of sleep a night at most
ray loves tiny dogs and birds
ray is very shy and usually won’t say what he wants to
ray is usually able to calm mikey down when he’s angry by talking to him in a calm voice
ray has major anxiety and often has panic attacks
ray cares about mikey more than anything
ray is usually very quiet and reserved but can be loud and sassy if he wants to
ray didn’t have a very good childhood which is why he’s sort of fucked up now
ray often borrows / steals clothes from the other greasers because he barely has any
ray is targeted by the socs because he isn’t as strong as the other greasers, so he is often ganged up on by them
lindsey ballato
lindsey’s parents abandoned her when she was thirteen, which forced her to start fending for herself
lindsey is an artist and sells paintings for a living
lindsey also works with gerard at the comic book store
lindsey lives in an abandoned house on the outskirts of belleville so she won’t have to pay rent or bills
lindsey has long hair that reaches down to almost her waist
lindsey’s style can change three times in one week. she can be goth one day, a joan-jett look-alike the next and a punk the next
lindsey is often underestimated by the socs. she can knock one out in a single punch.
lindsey has dyed her hair every color imaginable
lindsey loves girl punk and rock bands
lindsey has a full tattoo sleeve and a wrist tattoo that was done by frank
she also has three piercings in her ear and a nose ring
lindsey loves horror movies, especially gory ones
lindsey and gerard are very close friends and do everything together
lindsey has a pet kitten named Chantal
lindsey and gerard wear each other’s clothes
people often make fun of lindsey for being a girl greaser, but she doesn’t care whatsoever
lindsey dropped out of school in eighth grade when her parents abandoned her and educated herself
lindsey drives a black car with gothic additions that she bought for $300 at an auction
lindsey often shops at thrift stores
lindsey acts as if ray is her son and is very protective of him
belleville, new jersey
one of the most dangerous places in new jersey
there are a ton of crack houses and drug dealers around
no matter where you go, you will most likely witness a street brawl
dead bodies appeared in the lake right by the town’s entrance
you’ll be lucky if you don’t get shot there
the police are incredibly corrupt and often accept bribes
there are many criminals around that should be in jail
there are many kidnappings throughout the year
most of the town’s population is very poor, but there is a small, very wealthy population
the brick shithouse
greaser bar that is actually named “rusty’s”
made of bricks and is a pretty shitty bar, hence the nickname
usually full of druggies and angry drunks
there are always fights going on, usually with switchblades
brian is the bartender
serve drinks that aren’t legal in the united states
if a soc even looks at the brick shithouse, the greasers chase them away and throw rocks at them
the brick shithouse has a top floor where brian lives
there is usually loud heavy metal or punk music blasting through the brick shithouse’s walls
the police show up to the bar at least three times a week
cherry hill, new jersey
more wealthy than belleville
is a pretty nice area, except for the outskirts
has a lot of bars and clubs, so there are a lot of neon lights
many people there dress the same, so greasers would stand out
has a lot of pretty scenery and nature
abandoned church and field
the church was abandoned in the early 70s
nobody ever goes to the church. most people don’t even know it exists
there is a beautiful view of the sunset from the field
there are a lot of trees surrounding the church
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rotzaprachim · 4 years
Ok but your soc au was and is absolutely everything I need!! I saw ur draft and was instantly brought back to like 2018 but like in a good way??!? You’re so talented it’s amazing!!
i’m SO GLAD TO HEAR and not sure if this is about the Hunger Games Au or the misfit au but EITHER WAY i am always so so SO glad when people enjoy my extremely niche soc (+ even nicher soc AU) stuff it’s been one of my most consistent interests for five years now. 
ALSO! There is MORE of the SOC misfits au and i actually have so many ideas and precise plot points i am going to have to take out a notepad and try to plan this bitch out? Which i NEVER do? But here’s a scene from the opening. Hope you enjoy!
  CONTENT WARNING that while one of the biggest divergences i plan to take is that the AU will be far, FAR less sexual than Misfits as a show, taking in mind the younger general target audience and character ages of Six of Crows and respect for the characters, there is a sexual joke in this that felt appropriatedly teenage. 
“We were given these powers for a reason. We have to do something useful with them. Use them to help people.” Inej insisted.
“Given these powers by who, then? God?” 
“God wouldn’t give them to us as a reward,” Matthias said, suddenly flexing his hands nervously, as if the possibility of his newfound ability to turn things into instant popsicles had in fact been conferred by a far more demonic entity. Looking at Kaz, he thought there was something to that particular theory. 
        “Everyone shut up with making the fucking community center into some kind of fucking seminary. God’s faker than the blonde hair of the poor girl who delivers off-brand milk to this dump on thursdays, and if there’s any supernatural reason for our powers, it’s that fate decided they’d dealt me a fucked enough hand and might as well give me something with a purpose.” 
“And that is?” 
“Making myself fabulously, disgustingly rich.” 
“Which you plan to do with your ability to inflict plain in what, the fucking community center? None of us have five fucking quid to rub together, except for Posh Boy Here.” 
“I don’t have five quid either,” Wylan said quietly, getting mostly drowned up in the arguing. 
“Yeah you do,” Jesper said quietly. Wylan almost flinched, unused to being heard in the chaos. “I know the pen you have. Some kind of an old school Lamy that needs fancy ink cartridges. It’s like, ninety at least.” 
“You know about Lamy pens? From where?” 
“I got a past even the devil would flinch from, merchling. I have seen things. Horrifying things, spine tingling things, th-” 
“I’ve seen you before. On Tv i think.” 
It was Jesper’s turn to be surprised. “I-” 
“There is no fucking way you are going to do that. I’ve been trying for fucking years and I barely make rent.” 
“Are you saying you have a sharper acumen for the world of business, Nina dearest?” 
“I’m saying I didn’t get fucking arrested for eating pick-n-mix, that’s for fucking sure. Anyway,” Nina said primly. “I agree with Inej. If we have powers we should use them for something.” 
“Like what? Fighting the oppressive overarching structures of society that hold us all down?” Kaz’s voice dripped with sarcasm. 
“Yes.” Inej said. 
“I was thinking more like. I dunno, small things. Loads of hopeless cases around here.” She shrugged. “Maybe we can make some a little less hopeless.” 
“That’s going to be really easy, what with the dead body of our probation worker lying around premises. Yes reporter officer sir, we did help that old lady cross the road with her sunday shopping, now come take our interview and take our photos for the Sunday Supplement and yeah, sir, don’t notice the full on bloody corpse lying in the rec room.” 
“We do it in secret. Have codenames to mask our identities, like real superheroes do.” Wylan said. 
“They organise a cute little meet-and-greet with a real fucking superhero as an extracurricular at Eton, did they now? Give you have so much experience with how real superheroes operate, then.” 
           Inej’s eyes flashed. It almost looked like a warning, and he filed a mental note that she looked like she might have a little more lightening inside than he’d first judged. Kaz glanced away from her and stared at the wall where they’d hastily moved a big sign for Mommy and Me Musical Magic Monday Maraccas Momzanza!!! (6 months to three years) over what remained of the blood, which, given the deteriorating likely asbestos-ridden condition of this rattrap, would be a goddamn bitch to fully get out of all the cracks and gouges in the wall. After they dealt with the body. 
The problem was, he liked the posh twit’s idea. Liked it a lot, far more than he was willing to let on. If there was anything he’d learned in his years in the Dregs, it was that names had power. Images had power, the idea that other people had of you. If they were properly terrified, they stayed the fuck away and did what you told them too. Make something greater than yourself, and have them fear it. That was the closest you came to power in this world. 
So Kaz gingerly nodded, levelling his enthusiasm in a slightly bored town. “Yeah, eh. Let’s do that. Codenames. So they don’t know what ours are.” 
“You go first, then, genius. What’r you gonna be going as? Cazzo Brekker? Dickhead of the nth degree?” 
Kaz thought for a moment. Tapped his gloved fingers against his knee. “Dirtyhands,” he said. 
A long, sudden pause. Kaz’s brain worked fast enough to realise the disaster he’d just set off, and he was suddenly, urgently, jealous of Jesper and his powers over town. 
The silence was broken by Nina shrieking with laughter, harpy lad and almost doubled over. 
“Dirtyhands? You might as well call yourself Filthy Fingers. Or better yet, Massive Fucking Wanker.” 
“You could abbreviate that to MFW,” Jesper added helpfully. “In case Massive Fucking Wanker was too long to fit on the superhero cape or something.”
Kaz glanced around. Inej had disappeared, although rather that was using her power or because she’d always been good at doing that even before the electrical storm made them all freaks from one of Wylan’s comics, and Matthias was doing something that looked like praying fervently, hands clasped and searching strips of the grey sky through the cracks in the skylights, looking very much like a man caught in one of the lower circles of hell and searching desperately for deliverance.
“Very funny. I have a suggestion for you lot, then. It’s called D-E-A-” 
He was well into launching himself at both Nina and Jesper, certain that if a fight broke out he at the very least wouldn’t be the looser, when he rammed into something small but very solid.  
“What the-” 
Some very sharp fingernails pinched his ears. Bold move, considering his aforementioned touch-me-and-feel-excruciating-pain powers. It hurt. 
Inej didn’t rematerialise. Jesper jumped up, though, as if someone had sharply stepped on his foot. “Oww, mate.” He reached out, swatted air. Nina tipped sideways suddenly, rubbing at her scalp. “Shit, did you have to yank at my hair that hard?” 
          She was fast. Tricky, tricky. Kaz mentally reassessed his current pecking order of bullshit-powers-by-order-of-danger 
“If we don’t stop fighting, we’re all end up in prison again. Police’ll be here soon, and we need to make alibis. They’ll cross examine us and we need to make sure the stories match, because there’s no way they’ll trust any young offenders on our own. And we have to do something with the body before putrefication really sets in and the smell comes.” 
Inej didn’t rematerialise. A veiled threat of another pinch, Kaz realised. He almost had to smile. Nina and Jesper both looked a little gobsmacked, and it dawned on Kaz that that was by far the longest string of words they’d heard Inej say at once. 
“Fine.” He thought he saw a dark ripple of her hair, but it was nothing more than a mirage- a tease, he would have said, if it were Nina-” and she was gone again. “We will have veiled identities, but we will refer to each other exclusively by our true, God-given birth names. Kaz, Jes, Nina, Inej, Posh Boy, and Barry.” 
“That’s not my name,” Matthias said. 
“It’s fine, man,” Jesper says. “You can go by your middle name instead. Kaz does, which is why he’s referred to by the diminutive form of Kazzmatazz, instead of his first name, Demon.” 
The clock on the wall hit five. Nina immediately started stripping off the required orange uniform jumpsuit, giving Matthias a good look at her cleavage.
“Don’t play with the poor boy,” Nina said. “He might almost believe we’ve all been possessed. Now has anyone seen where I left my bus ticket, lipgloss, and the half a hazelnut kitkat i saved from lunch?” 
The wind, the unknowing observer would think, blew the ticket, tube of gloss, and wrapper, emptied, right back in Nina’s face.
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rotzaprachim · 4 years
ok this is the first time i’ve tried to write a STORY in a while like not drabbles or jumping around but a Beginning to END story with multiple character arcs and plot twists
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rotzaprachim · 4 years
i realised what wylan’s superpower is and i’m so happy about that one 
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rotzaprachim · 4 years
the BIGGEST mood for the inej ghafa in the AU i’m working on rn
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rotzaprachim · 4 years
Your soc misfits au is driving me to distraction. also locke lamora? Love that bitch
listen i am SO GLAD you are enjoying the soc misfits au i bingewatched misfits season 2 earlier this week and just one (1) plot bunny grabbed at me and from there i couldn’t let go i have SO MANY ideas for this one holy shit... but then i was like this is so self indulgent literally WHO will enjoy this but Me? But i’m SO GLAD someone else is omg it’s the main thing i’m thinking about right now. ALSO LOCKE LAMORA LOVE THAT CHAOTIC NEUTRAL BITCH (Also i love sabetha. so much. yes) 
(also you have no idea how much the struggle to just post what i have of the whole first chapter up RIghT NOW but. still need to work out some plot threads subject to change)
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rotzaprachim · 4 years
california girls?
+ teenage dream
ok so neither of these were QUITE what i had in mind for nina + (also inej) doing pub karaoke BUT they have fully inspired me a SEPERATE scene which will feature some katy perry most probably so i thank you deeply for the suggestion!
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rotzaprachim · 2 years
@broekhart tagged me! thank you so so so much this looks like so much fun!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips.
the MAIN wip’s (aka the ones where I was like might as well write a novel. unpaid.) 
- a hartz iz nisht kein meleks trone 
- a doubter in the city of belief 
- take the water prisoner 
and some Drabbly/shorter/less serious: 
- ice ice baby 
- eve bit the apple ‘cause the apple was sweet 
- what sort of gun it is
- date night / (and god said survive, and carry my perfume among the decaying)
- kaz vs. zippy
- arrival 
- a pink carnation and a pickup truck 
- shalom bayit 
I'm tagging @daphneblakess @micamicster @mrsmiroir @fried-berries and anyone else who wants to jump in! 
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rotzaprachim · 4 years
not to be like [finds a thematic crossover at strange point] but uh working on a Key Scene in the SOC misfits au and listening to spanish sahara and finding out there’s a line that’s like  but i’ll find you in the sand/wipe you clean with dirty hands 
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