#the song is soda stereo - cuando pase el temblor
bitcell · 8 months
this is the song qroier asked qcellbit to sing to him to wake him up after the earthquake passes
"I will walk amongst the rocks until I feel the earthquake in my legs Sometimes I feel fear, I know sometimes shyness I am sitting in a deserted crater I continue to wait for the earthquake in my body No one saw me leaving, I know No one waits for me There is a crack in my heart A planet with disillusion I know I will find you in those ruins We will no longer need to talk (to talk) about the earthquake I will kiss you in the earthquake (I know) It will be a good moment There is a crack in my heart A planet with disillusion The earthquake (wake me) when the earthquake passes (wake me) when the earthquake passes (wake me) when the earthquake passes wake me, wake me, when the earthquake passes"
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guapoduoshipper · 11 months
JustaGuapoduoShipper blog content index (part1) :
Post constantly updated. Last update: 31/10/2023
Playlist songs:
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #1 Acuérdate de mí - Morat
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #2 All I want - Kodaline
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #3 Nothing Else Matters - Metallica
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #4 Me gustas tú - Manu Chao
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #5 So violento, so Macabro - PXNDX
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #6 23- Morat
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #7 Mariposas - Paty Cantú
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #8 Los amantes - Pambo
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #9 Angels like you - Miley Cyrus
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #10 The Reason - Hoobastank
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #11 Unconditionally - Katy Perry
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #12 Tal como eres - El canto del loco
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #13 Limón y sal - Julieta Venegas
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #14 Es por ti - Juanes
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #15 Evidências - Chitãozinho & Xororó
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #16 a Dios le pido - Juanes
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #17 Cómo te voy a olvidar - Los Ángeles Azules
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #18 Cuando pase el temblor - Soda Stereo
Inbox suggestions:
Suggestion 1: Paraíso proibido - strike / Fração de Segundo - NX Zero / Exagerado - Cazuza
Suggestion 2: This I love - Guns n' Roses
Suffestion 3: Deixe me ir - 1Kilo
A romantic date at the taqueria
Tacos: A language of love
q!Roier on love matters
q!Roier reliving a trauma
q!Roier and q!Cellbit: their castles built after feeling betrayed
q!Cellbit knows the meaning of sunsets
"I care for your happiness" q!Roier sharing what he loves
"I'd kill for you, but never you"
q!Cellbit has never seen q!Roier in his red hoodie
"I wish I could have been that someone you needed to never be alone again"
q!Roier showing his light to q!Cellbit from his minute one on the island
"Te amo, te amo con todo mi corazón."
q!Roier in the dreams of q!Cellbit
Deep sincerity in their wedding vows.
"I am lost! Not anymore, because I'm with you" / "I'm never lost if I'm with you"
The strong similarity between the Favela and the Hispanic household
Amaranth flower
"That's how we started and that's how we will continue until the end"
"Mi corazón es tuyo" (part 1)
"Mi corazón es tuyo, también" (part 2)
On the election's arc
A call for sanity.
q!Cellbit's scope
q!Roier sings in moments of panic.
q!Roier scared and confused
q!Philza's photo at the festa junina
Tiburoier greets q!Cellbit in q!Foolish aquarium
A count of all the times q!Cellbit focused on q!Roier in his camera during the "Base Guapita" mission.
This is how q!Roier looks like from q!Cellbit's point of view.
Seeing each other at the altar
"I want to marry Roier so bad"
Spiderbit flirting in global chat
Just them <;3
"Que te quedes a mi lado y más nunca te me vayas, mi vida."
Domestic-fluff Headcanons
q!Cellbit about his and q!Roier's scars.
The proposal of new dragon eggs
Hibernation / aestivation
Bobby Fields' rose bouquet
q!Cellbit listening to Ozuna
Bobby, Tilin and JuanaFlippa
To the first time they said "I love you" to each other.
qCellbit's reaction to fake Bobby
"Y es que no sabes lo que tú me haces sentir"
Cellbit finally finds out the difference for Mexicans between "te quiero" and "te amo".
"if he takes you I'll come after you"
Both q!Cellbit and q!Roier get very worried if ithe other one is in danger
I will always trust Roier. - q!Cellbit
If you want to know a little more about this blog, you can read here.
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hellcatsandcars · 8 months
tagged by @extra-omnes (thank you so much!!) so here are 13 songs i've been listening to recently:
body paint, arctic monkeys
all we ever wanted was everything, bauhaus
dealer, lana del rey
dear prudence, siouxsie and the banshees
i, carrion, hozier
love will tear us apart, joy division
lucretia my reflection, sisters of mercy
dysphoria hoodie, laura jane grace
my king will be kind, inhaler
i fought the law, dead kennedys
cuando pase el temblor, soda stereo
don't look back in anger, oasis
no hay nadie como tú, calle 13 & café tacvba
if you see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged!
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pirrusstuff · 9 months
I, L, and O?
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Not so far and I hope it stays that way.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
I don't think I can say anything genuinely nice about a character I hate/don't like but I can say something genuinely nice about a character I'm neutral about.
Shanon was a good mother
And she deserved more time, I would have loved to see her character development in the series and I think she had a lot of potential, she deserved more.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
I chose a song with my eyes closed from my playlist and this one appeared lol, funny considering today's shaking
This one in particular reminds me of Buddie idk, especially because of everything that happened in s6
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harleiquina · 6 months
Not me writing a post just because I saw @wilwheaton 's Spotify Wrapped on Instagram and thought "I can show him some new dark/gothic bands" (Links to the playlists in the band's names. Some of Soda Stereo's songs are translated in my main blog @illegalbilingual #Soda Stereo and #Gustavo Cerati)
So let us begin with my country (Argentina)
Soda Stereo basically our The Police with some The Cure and Bowie mixed in (among others that either I don't recognize or don't remember now). Featuring in this playlist:
-Cae el Sol (Sun's down)-En la ciudad de la furia (In the City of Fury) - Lo que sangra (La cúpula) (What bleeds (The Dome)) - Hombre al agua (Man overboard - I translated it as "Man on water" because I'm dumb) - En el borde (On the Edge)- El ritmo de tus ojos (The Rythm of your eyes)- (En) el Séptimo Día ((On) the Seventh Day)- Tele-ka - Corazón delator (Telltale heart)- De música ligera (Of light music)- Cuando pase el temblor (Once the tremor passes by) - Zoom - Juegos de Seducción (Games of Seduction) - Ella usó mi cabeza como un révolver (She used my head like a revolver)- Entre caníbales (Among canibals).
And if you liked Soda, you should listen to Gustavo Cerati's solo career. Sadly he passed away in 2014 after being in coma for 4 years due to a stroke that wasn't properly diagnosed while on tour. In this list:
Te llevo para que me lleves (I'm taking you so you take me (away))- Rapto (Rapture) - Dejà Vu - Tracción a sangre (Blood traction)- Karaoke - Puente (Bridge) - Crimen (Crime) - Adiós (Goodbye)- La Excepción (The Exception) - Corazón delator (sinfónico) (Telltale heart, simphonic version) - Cosas imposibles (Impossible things)- Paseo inmoral (Immoral walk)
Now... let's go to Russia. Yeah, I know not cool overall but I started to learn the language in 2018 so I'm not quitting now and I try to find artists that oppose everything P*tin stands for so...
Агата Кристи (Agatha Christie). The first time I listened to them I associated them with The Cure and Tears for Fears. Vadim is now a P*tin fan but Gleb (the one that wrote about 80% of their catalogue) is not. In this playlist you'll find:
Как на войне (Like in a war)- Сказочная Тайга (Taiga of fables) - Опиум для никого (Opium for nobody -this song just got banned in Russia) - В интересах революции (In interest of the Revolution) - В такси (In a taxi)- Садо-мазо (Sado-maso)- Абордаж (Boarding) - Гномы каннибали (Canibal gnomes)- Трансильвания (Transylvania)- Декаданс (Decadence)- Пуля (Bullet) - Триллер (Thriller) - Грязь (Dirt) - Кто украл мою звезду (Who stole my star?) - Весёлый мир (Happy world) - Последнее желание (Last wish)‐ Ураган (Hurricane)
Gleb started his own band called The Matrixx (at first known as Глеб Самойлоff + The Matrixx) where he got to do and write whatever he wanted. He experiments a lot. The first few albums are dark -kinda like Marilyn Manson- and very political. The rest are more about stories mixed with lots of techno. In this playlist you'll find:
Сердце и Печень (Heart and liver) - Такой день (That day)- Живые но мёртвые (Alive but dead) - Добрая песня (ft. Линда) (The Kind song -ft. Linda-) - Резня (Massacre) - Любить снова (Love again) - В дверь стучат (Knock on the door)- Москва-река (Moscow river) - Никто не выжил (Nobody survived) - Опасность (Danger)- Мы под огнём (We are under fire)- 13 - Романтика (Romance) - Готика (Gothic) - Звезда (Star) - Умереть за любовь (To die of love)- Синие цветы (Blue flowers) - С.Н (S.N)
Now let me introduce you to Король и Шут (The King and the Jester) a punk-rock band that mixed in some russian folckloric sounds and rock. All the lyrics have some magical/horror twist somewhere. Sadly one of the singers Mihail Gorshenov died in 2013. The other singer Andrey Kniazyev has his own band called Княzz (Prince) but I didn't listen much of it since I feel like something's missing also the last formation of the band renamed themselves Северный флот (Siberian flot after one of the songs) and still play some old songs and new ones. In this list you'll find:
Кукла колдуна (The sorcerer's doll) - Лесник (The Forrest ranger)- Прыгну со скалы (I'll jump off a cliff) - Танец злобного гения (The dance of the evil genie) - Камнем по голове (A stone in the head) - Прокляиый старый дом (The old cursed house)- Хозяин леса (The Forrest's Master)- Ром (Rum) - Ели мясо мужики (The men ate meat)- Мёртвый анархист (The dead anarquist)- Марионетки (Puppets) - Мест Гарри (Harry's revenge) - Джокер (Joker) - Тяни! (Pull!)- Сапоги мертвеца (Dead man's boots) - Валет и Дама (Jack and Queen)- Фокусник (Magician) - Король вечного сна (The King of Eternal Sleep. This reminds me A LOT to Sandman. Translation)- Вестник (Herald)- Дагон (Dagon)- В Париж -домой... (In Paris, home).
Honorable mentions:
Линда - Вороно (Linda - Crow) the videoclip is the weirdest thing ever. I love it.
Super Collection Orchestra - Сильнее (Stronger) from the movie Major Grom: The Plague Doctor -highly recommended-
Лето - Summer
Anzhela Vopit
Толко мной (Just -with- me)
Девочка Roketa (Rocket girl)
Мало (A little)
Голова муэссы (Head of Muessy)
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dragoncarrion · 11 months
Tagged by @robotclownindulgence
My brain is size of a pea can only fit so many songs
Kids - MGMT
Cuando pase el temblor - Soda stereo
Smalltown boy - Bronski beat
Sleepwalk - forrest day
Autumn town leaves - iron & wine
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deluluwh-0-re · 10 months
Ten songs, ten people
Rules: Put your music on shuffle n list the first ten songs that come up, then tag ten other people!
Dumb - Nirvana
Borderline - Tame Impala
Te Quiero - Hombres G
I Want it All - Arctic Monkeys
Love - Zoé
Come a Little Closer - Cage the Elephant
Soñé- Zoé (HEAVY on this one)
Cuando Pase el Temblor - Soda Stereo
Afuera - Caifanes
No One Like You - Scorpions
Thank you for the tag babes! 💗 @castasplla
Tags (feel free to ignore):
@lonelyfooryouonly @hrrormves @carmellie @dessiesposts @asteroidzzzn @jinxtheplanet @cowgirlcherrie @solaceocean @elliephobic @callmelola111 🫶🫶
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memorycollectr · 11 months
🎶✨️when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
1. Bad Example - Takayan
2. Cuando Pase El Temblor - Soda Stereo
3. Bonito - Jarabe de Palo
4. Antihero - Taylor Swift
5. Mal De Amores - Enanitos Verde
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purasvagancias · 4 months
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"Hay una grieta en mi corazón, un planeta con desilusión"
Soda Stereo // Cuando pase el temblor
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guapoduoshipper · 8 months
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #18
Cuando pase el temblor - Soda Stereo
Nadie me vio partir, lo sé. Nadie me espera. Hay una grieta en mi corazón, un planeta con desilusión. Sé que te encontraré en esas ruinas, ya no tendremos que hablar del temblor. Te besaré en el temblor, lo sé, será un buen momento. […] Despiértame cuando pase el temblor.
No one saw me leave, I know. No one waits for me. There's a crack in my heart, a planet with disillusionment. I know I'll find you in those ruins, we won't have to talk about the earthquake anymore. I'll kiss you in the earthquake, I know, it'll be a good time. […] Wake me up when the earthquake will be over.
We know that q!Roier finds it easier to express his feelings through the music he listens to rather than direct words. So, the last song he recommended to listen to his husband before going to sleep really speaks volumes about his thoughts with all that is happening on the island.
In q!Roier's case, ttalks about going through turbulent times, being afraid and feeling ashamed of his own feelings. It expresses how he struggles with his emotions, acknowledging the presence of a crack in his heart but, above all, it speaks of the possibility of finding solace among the ruins (the solace that is q!Cellbit for q!Roier).
Even q!Roier tells q!Cellbit directly: wake me up when the shaking is over, when the nightmare is finally over and they can be happy again with their son back.
If you want to know a little more about this blog, you can read here.
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henrvcavill · 3 years
dale vo 11, 23, 26
11. three favourite songs from movie or TV series soundtrack
1. in the city from the warriors - joe walsh
2. la casa del sol naciente from the angel - palito ortega
3. better love from the legend of tarzan - hozier
23. three songs that never fail to get you pumped up
1. jump then fall (taylor's version) - taylor swift
2. little talks - of monsters and men
3. riptide - vance joy
26. three favourite non-English songs
1. cuando pase el temblor - soda stereo
2. la hija del fletero - los redondos
3. yendo a la casa de damian - cuarteto
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softieskywalker · 3 years
5 and 6 for the non american ask game? :o
5. favourite song in your native language?
oh, tough one! maybe.... Cuando Pase el Temblor by Soda Stereo
6. most hated song in your native language?
despacito!!!!!!!!!! i hope that song disappears from existence 😩
non-usamerian asks!
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harleiquina · 1 year
I know that everybody is hyped up with songs featured in the show/comic or modern ones that I know nothing about because I'm old (30s) and stuck in time which affects my musical taste
But can I offer you some new old songs that make me thing of The Sandman/Morpheus in this trying times?
The Police - King of Pain
Like... really? Nobody thought of this... it's in the freaking title!
Main reason: something, something about living in every little thing that exists and feeling all they feel.
Sting - A thousand years
I actually link this song to one of my own characters of a book I might never end but I cannot deny that the lyrics also apply here.
Main reason: something, something about living for years on end carrying love with you (even if is not reciprocated)
Adonais - The Cure
It's Robert Smith. Enough said.
Main reason: the whole lyric. Period.
Want - The Cure
Even more melancholic and self destructive than Morpheus would ever be... but it's a damned good song. (If you don't like long intros, you might skip this one)
Main reason: something, something about trying to feel and experiment all at once and not feeling anything at the same time.
Walking in my shoes - Depeche Mode
Yes... I grew up with a closeted dark/goth mom and aunt (meaning, they never went in for the aesthetic, neither do I but this songs, people!! They just speak to your soul)
Main reason: something something about a person sacrificing themselves for a greater good knowing that no-one will ever fully understand what they are going through.
From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea - The Cure
Yes, The Cure again... I love them... sue me.
And yes, another long intro because Robert is everything that is good in this world and can do with his music whatever the Hell he wants.
Main reason: something, something about ups and downs in a relationship that always leads to a broken heart and the attempt to move on.
En la Ciudad de la Furia - Soda Stereo.
I'm argentinean and Soda was our own The Police (fun fact, singer, guitarrist and songwriter Gustavo Cerati was asked to replace Sting when Andy Summers and Stewart Coppeland wanted to do a comeback as The Police).
You can find the translation to English in my long-abandoned main blog.
Main reason: something, something about an entity that lives (and doesn't) among humans.
Cuando pase el temblor - Soda Stereo
With the rythm of a carnavalito (folckloric music from Argentina's north-west) the song is about the upcoming end of everything. Translation here.
Main reason: something, something about feeling the end of the world coming soon and hoping to never have to speak about it anymore.
There are many others that at this moment I do not remember... but I will soon, so maybe I'll do a 2nd part... maybe... ????
Still I want to leave one more song in Russian that I haven't translated myself just yet but I know thanks to Google translator that it is about a certain Matvey (Mathew in Russian) that dies in his sleep and encounters Morpheus or, how the song calls him "The King of Eternal Sleep". Even though Mikhail Gorshenov said that he wrote it remembering the times when his family lived in a town were the weather was so cold that dying of hipothermia was a possibility (were you are just so cold that fall sleep and never wake up again), I have no doubts that he might've also read The Sandman by then... I mean... Mathew? Morpheus? A palace? Morpheus dressed in a coat and boots? Coincidence? I DON'T THINK SO! Sadly Mikhail Gorshenov died on 2013 so we will never have a chance to ask about it. (Note: the title's pronunciation is Karrol vyechnava sna)
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fanofthepolice · 4 years
Music Recommendation :
Hi I came here to talk about a band and an artist that I recommend to you!! This is different but I think you gonna like it.
1- Soda Stereo
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Country: Argentina
Decade: 80-90
They're were three members, Gustavo Cerati (Vocalist and Guitarist) Zeta Bosio ( Drummer) and Charly Alberti (bassist).
About them : Soda Stereo is a Argentinian band of rock, it was in his country and in Latin America one of the most influential rock bands.
This band was influenced by The Police and anothers British bands.
Sadly, Gustavo passed away the 4 of September in 2014.
Zeta and Charly still playing like Soda Stereo.
The most popular songs are:
"De Música Ligera"
( I leave here the song, maybe you know it)
"Trátame suavemente"
"Té para Tres"
"En la ciudad de la furia"
"Persiana Americana"
"Cuando pase el temblor"
My favourite song: It's difficult but I love "Te hacen falta vitaminas", "Canción Animal" and "Nada personal".
My favourite Albums:
1984/Soda Stereo
1985/ Nada Personal
30 since the Album "Canción Animal": Today, 7 of August, was the 30 anniversary of the most popular album by Soda Stereo.
2- Gustavo Cerati
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Country: Argentina
Decades: 80-90
About he: Gustavo Cerati was guitarist and singer from Soda Stereo, but he also had his own musical career. He was born the 11 of August 1959 in Argentina and died the 4 of September 2014.
Popular songs:
"Deja Vu"
My favourite song: Crimen is very good, but my favourite is "Tráeme la noche" rather "bring on the night", a song by The Police. He play this song with Andy Summers.
My favourite albums:
1993/Amor Amarillo
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starberry-cupcake · 4 years
So, completely random question, but do you have any Argentine bands/ songs that you would recommend?
I do! I sure hope read more works now because there’s an organized list of recs under here.  
If you want to dive into my all-argentinian playlist, you can do that, it’s currently sitting at a lot of hours though, but I’m putting it out there. For specific recommendations, I’ll divide them by music genre. 
Las Taradas, an all-girl small orchestra, their songs are very different but started as a 40s/50s-style music band that evolved into something different and cool. Some of my favorites from them are Que No, Que No, La Preferida, En Bancarrota and Oro y Plata.
Sui Generis was pretty iconic and some of the songs are still super poetic, Canción Para Mi Muerte and Rasguña las Piedras are two of their most iconic songs.
Soda Stereo was pretty famous outside the country but idk if you’d know them. Some of their most famous songs are De Música Ligera, Persiana Americana and Cuando Pase El Temblor. 
Rata Blanca is a personal fave because it mixes metal with a fantasy genre vibe in some of their lyrics. Some faves are Aún Estás En Mis Sueños and La leyenda del Hada y el Mago. 
Caballeros de la Quema has some bops, including Fulanos De Nadie and Sapo de Otro Pozo. 
Almafuerte is 100% metal, if that’s more your thing, Se Vos is a pretty cool one of theirs. 
Bersuit has a lot of combinations but my favorite songs are Perro Amor Explota, El Tiempo No Para and Un Pacto. 
La Yegros is another singer I really love, some of my favorites from her are Viene de Mi, Magnetismo and Ya No Llores which is a duet with Miss Bolivia, another really cool argentinian singer/rapper, some of her most famous are El Paso, Paren de Matarnos, Rap Para Las Madres and Bien Warrior. 
Tonolec is a duo and they do a really cool modern take on folklore and use qom and guaraní in their songs very often. A couple favorites are their version of Zamba Para Olvidar and Que He Sacado Con Quererte.
Kumbia Queers have a pretty great new bop called Seivi too.
For something more dance-y, I’d recommend old albums of Miranda!, I’m not super fond of their new stuff but their first two albums were part of my youth lol, Tu Juego, Imán, Don and Yo Te Diré are some good ones. 
Musical Theater
Marisol Otero is a treasure, she was Donna in Mamma Mia! and her version of The Winner Takes It All, Hay Solo Un Ganador is still my fave. She also did versions of Defying Gravity and Beauty and the Beast in Spanish (she played both Belle and Mrs. Potts). 
Gerónimo Rauch didn’t record his versions in Spanish as Marisol did, but here’s his Music Of The Night and his Bring Him Home. 
The cast recording of Casi Normales (Next to Normal) is pretty fire, here are Superboy y la chica invisible and Sin las montañas. 
Tita Merello is a classic favorite of mine for traditional tango, Se Dice De Mí, Decime Dios, Dónde Estás? and Arrabalera are great. 
Bajofondo combines traditional tango with electronic and dance, some of their best are Pa’ Bailar and El Mareo. 
Other random things
María Elena Walsh was a poet, writer and musician who made a lot of songs for kids and was pretty much iconic in many ways. Some of her best, for adults or kids, are Como La Cigarra, Canción del Jardinero and Canción del Jacarandá. 
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