#the story is also an absolute blast btw would recommend
clefaiiiry · 2 years
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I’m still losing my mind over this
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scharoux · 4 years
That's Enough....
As a lot of my followers and mutuals know, I try to keep my blog 'discourse' and drama free. I strive to keep my blog a safe and accepting space for everyone to enjoy the fandom content we all want to see and share.
Unfortunately, I have to say something about all the disgusting ageism bs, bullying and harassment that some of the other fandom content creators have been subjected to recently.
I will NOT be putting this under a cut because it needs to be said and heard!
#TW: Profanities Abound
For those who are unaware, or are just plain ignorant to the fact because they choose to be, the Dragon Age series is an ELEVEN year old franchise. Dragon Age: Origins was released in 2009. At the time it was rated M, ie. appropriate for players ages 17 or older.
That means that people in the fandom who are currently between the ages of 17-19 were about 6-8 years old at its release. Which for those who can't do the math on the fly means that us 'old ladies' (who are in our thirties now) were either 19 or older when it began. That's only two years older than the recommended player audience (and here's some more math for you egotistical ageist offenders, that means we were the same age you are now.)
We were of age when we began this story. We got to enjoy the characters and experience their struggles and just generally enjoy the game for what it was. Naturally that means we also enjoyed the two sequels to the franchise when they were realeased in 2011 and 2014.
Did the fact that we aged with the games mean we miraculously lost interest in the games? No, it sure as hell didn't. We were just as interested and enjoyed those sequels just as much as we did the original. Just because you get older doesn't mean you suddenly stop enjoying the things you used to. Sure your tastes can change. You might not like something as much as you used to, or you may find you like something you absolutely hated before. However, I highly doubt that I am going to wake up tomorrow morning, and after 30+ years suddenly decide that I am 'too old' to like cheese.
You don't see us 'old ladies' sipping our cranberry juice while we air out our 'pussy stank' (that was fucking vile btw) coming at younger members of the fandom telling them they're not 'old enough' to enjoy it, or to come back when you're older. Why would we try to police what someone else enjoys when we also enjoy it based purely on their age? I am not embarrassed or ashamed to be in my thirties and playing video games, and I will NEVER apologize for it.
Age does NOT and should NOT define what we can or cannot like, enjoy or partake in if we are of an appropriate age to participate in it. No one has the right to dictate whether or not you're 'too old' to enjoy something.
I ask you;
Are you going to go to a skate park and bully or harass someone because they're not a teenager or in their early twenties, and ergo 'too old' to enjoy skateboarding?
Are you going to tell my grandparents that they're 'too old' to sit down and play Mario Kart together when they're clearly having a blast together and enjoying it?
Why is this any different?!
YOU trying to harass or bully someone because YOU decided they're 'too old' to like something makes you an asshole. That's it. End of argument.
IF you are planning on lying to me by saying that you won't or couldn't possibly be invested in any possible game, book, movie, music, etc in eleven years from now on the basis that you're tool old to enjoy them, then I feel sorry for you. You're going to have a very boring and entirely lack luster life purely based on the fact that you're too narrow minded to get your head out of your ass to see that you're being an entitled ageist bully and clearly have a lot more maturing to do.
I have zero plans to stop liking the things I like because you're egotistical enough to think you have any right to tell me I should. You can catch me playing Dragon Age, Mass Effect, etc until I am no longer able to hold a controller and if you don't like it I'd advise you to get used to being disappointed.
You DO NOT get to tell me or anyone else that we're 'too old' to enjoy the things we like.
Now get the fuck off my lawn....
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bangtan-madi · 4 years
Top Albums of 2020
I was tagged by the amazing @joonni to list my top nine twelve albums of 2020! This was honestly so hard, but so fun. I love any tags to do with music xD (Your music taste was amazing btw! Sorry I went a little crazy and did a few extra lol.) Thanks lovie 💓
I went with the albums that I loved as whole (aka I loved most, if not all, of the songs) and listened to the most this year. Some choices have deeper meanings, while others were just flat-out enjoyable. I also stuck with albums that came out this year only, but I wasn’t sure if that was inherently part of the challenge. I wasn’t too picky on the criteria, just went with the ones that made up the score for my 2020. All albums have Spotify links incase something catches your eye! (Apologies for my extra-ness; I added recommendations from each album and a brief...ish explanation as to why it made the list.)
Also, they’re in no particular order, because this was difficult enough...
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Map of the Soul: 7 by BTS
Explanation — This album was my first comeback as part of the BTS Army. There are so many tracks that I adore, and I honestly can’t remember the last time I was so excited for music. It breathed life into my Spotify, it was the album I listened to the most this year, and Black Swan was my most listened song. The differing music genres that they played with, all the way from orchestral to trap to hip hop and synth pop, left me more and more excited as the songs progressed. If there was a #1 on this list, it would be MOTS:7.
Highlights — Interlude: Shadow, Black Swan, ON, We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal
Zero: Fever Part.1 by Ateez
Explanation — This was the soundtrack to my summer. I hadn’t heard much from Ateez, but what I had heard, I wasn’t a huge fan of? Maybe I hadn’t been grabbed yet, but oh boy. Zero: Fever definitely did that. Every track is such high energy and memorable, so it was so hard to pick favorites! I’ll always think back on this one for summer, and will be transported back to plenty of sunset commutes.
Highlights — Fever, Thanxx, One Day At A Time
The Dream Chapter: Eternity by Tomorrow x Together
Explanation — Until this mini album, I had only listened to TXT in passing. I liked their stuff, but I feel like this is where they really found their stride. TDC:E caught me totally off-guard, in the best way possible. To me at least, this one is a work of art. Each of the six tracks is so entrancing, and so different from each other while still working together as a cohesive story. And don’t even get me started on the MVs! This is an album that I listen to for feels and fun, which to me, TXT are just brilliant at. 
Highlights — Fairy of Shampoo, Maze in the Mirror, Eternally
Dystopia: The Tree of Language by Dreamcatcher
Explanation — It took me forever to find a girl group that I could really stan, like hardcore. This comeback for Dreamcatcher was when I realized they were it for me. This album in particular is so diverse. Their voices are both haunting and beautiful, and the way they interweave rock/alternative elements into their music has always turned my ear. They are so different from so many other girl groups out there, from the sound to their stage presence to their aesthetic. I will never stop talking about them, and this album really shows the best of their work thus far.
Highlights — Red Sun, Sahara, Paradise
Explanation — How could BE not be on this list? What a perfect end to a shitty year. There’s something so comforting yet uplifting about this one, and I will happily admit I cried when I first heard Blue & Grey. Who am I kidding, I still do. There’s only one other artist I have listed on here with two albums, so BTS is in good company. What more is there to say other than BE was the warm hug we all needed.
Highlights — Life Goes On, Blue & Grey, Dis-ease, Stay
Heng:garae by Seventeen
Explanation — This is another group that I hadn’t listened to much before this album. I was so surprised and excited. Every song that passed, I found myself smiling more. Their voices are astoundingly beautiful, and the songs are sickeningly catchy. Another album that I go to just to have fun. It’s one of my favorites to just put on when a day is good, but doesn’t Seventeen make it a little better regardless?
Highlights — Fearless, Kidult, I Wish, Together
The Untamed by various
Explanation — If you’ve seen the Chinese drama The Untamed, then you know exactly why this is on there. This album is a collection of songs that are themes for the characters in the show, most of which are sung by the actors themselves. Let me tell you; I don’t know a lick of Mandarin, but these are some of the most stunning songs I’ve ever heard. It’s one of the things that drew me to the drama to begin with; everything, including the music, is breathtaking. The classical Chinese sound plays so well with the character’s stories and singer’s vocals. They tell stories all on their own and give the drama so much depth. Even if you’re not a fan of the show or webtoon it’s based on, give this one a listen. You won’t be disappointed!
Highlights — [Wen Qing] woodland, [Wen Ning] Chi Ni, [Lan Xichen] Bu You, [Jiang Yanli & Jin Zixuan] Yong Ge, [Interlude] Yi Nan Ping, [Nie Minghao & Nie Huaisang] Qing He Ju
Humanity (Chapters I & II) by Thomas Bergersen
Explanation — If you know anything about me, you know how important orchestral music is to me. It’s been a huge part of my music journey ever since I was in middle school. Thomas Bergersen has been my favorite composer for years; the way he integrates the classical with the modern is just...there are no words. These two albums cannot be listed separately; they’re part of a seven-part project titled Humanity. Chapters I & II came out in 2020, and honestly, I have no words. The way he tells a story through almost entirely lyric-less work is just immaculate. I’ve never felt more powerful, emotional, or inspired than when listening to these two. I cried when I first heard Your Imagination and Materialize. No matter how I am feeling, whether I need inspiration or hope or just some peace of mind, I go here. I’ve never felt more healed than when listening to his work. If you take a chance to listen to anything on this list, PLEASE. Give these a try. 
Highlights — We Are One, Wings, Humanity, Your Imagination, Materialize, Innocence, The Stars Are Coming Home
Brightest Blue by Ellie Goulding
Explanation — I don’t listen to a ton of western music that isn’t orchestral or lofi, but I used to adore Ellie Goulding. Halcyon was my entire teen-hood. When I saw she came out with a new album this year, I gave it a listen for sentimentality reasons. And boy, I still love her. Her voice is both angelic and haunting, and her sound is so unique. The messages given in these songs are powerful, potent, a tad bit bittersweet, and especially valid for young women navigating adult life. Also the instrumentals backing her vocals are often big and grand and symphonic, filled with piano and violin. That’s enough to get me to listen. And to top it all off, the collabs she has on this album are so fitting for each track, it’s absolutely beautiful.
Highlights — Start, Cyan, Ode To Myself, Woman, Flux, Overture, Slow Grenade, Hate Me
Beneath Your Waves by Sleepy Fish
Explanation — If there’s one kind of music that shuts off the little anxiety bug in my brain and gets me to work, one that isn’t as intense as orchestral music and that doesn’t put me into sensory overload like orchestral sometimes does, it’s lofi. And Sleepy Fish does it so freakin’ well. This album that came out this year is one of my most often repeated over and over. When I’m struggling with sensory issues at work, I put this one repeat and my mind just...goes...quiet. It’s like medicine. And the tunes are so catchy and sweet. I’m instantly transported to someplace magical, some seaside city straight out of a Ghibli film, and far away from the things that are troubling me. Then I can finally get some work done, get to sleep, or just quiet my mind. If you struggle with sensory issues or anxiety like I do, give this album a shot. Also, the album titled My Room Becomes The Sea from 2019 is excellent.
Highlights — Velocities, Sunbreak, Swimming, Nights Like These, Winter Winter
WOOPS! by Woodz
Explanation — Another mini album that is just a blast to listen to, but it also has such a soft side that hits me in the feels. I don’t see a lot of people talking about Woodz, but you all should give him a listen. He’s so talented, and his voice on this one is just *chef’s kiss* everything. The mixing is also impeccable and pairs so well with his vocals.
Highlights — Bump Bump, On my own, Sweater, Tide
D-2 by Agust D
Explanation — I mean, we all knew this one was gonna be dope. Yoongi did not disappoint. This mixtape is so different from most of the stuff I listen to, but I absolutely adored it. The truth and rhythm and pure talent in each and every verse stuns me still. I find myself especially drawn to this one when I’m frustrated (not exclusively, but often, ‘cause 2020.) Both his truth and sound give me a safe place to feel that frustration and anxiety and vent/work through it. I don’t know what it is about Yoongi, but to me, all of his work is like a comforting friend going, “Hey, you’re totally valid and okay for feeling this way...but it sucks, doesn’t it?” 
Highlights — Daechwita, People, Dear my friend
Now, I’ll tag these lovely people! Only if you wanna :)
@kooala​ @cultleaderyoongi​ @yoontopia​ @hobicomeholla29​ @helenazbmrskai​ @moon-write​ @dreamcatcherjiah​ @ditttiii​
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velvet-tread · 6 years
so revisiting octavia blake (especially after what we’ve seen of her in s5e06 tonight)... what’s your understanding of octavia blake, in relation to bloodreina and also as one of the most disliked characters in the fandom?
 TW – there follows some discussion of abuse so if that is one of your sensitivities, I wish you well and recommend caution with what follows. Are you asking if I still stan Octavia now she’s Blodreina? Because the answer to that is complicated but basically yes. For clarity: stanning, to me, doesn’t involve nailing my colours to the mast and then contorting myself into ever more unlikely shapes to justify every single thing my fave has ever done. It’s possible to love and emphathise with a character, while also acknowledging the terrible things they’ve done or are. Maybe I don’t need to tell you this, but maybe others need to hear it: don’t let ANYONE shame you for loving Octavia. And by that I mean if someone tries, just tune them tf out. They don’t get it, they never will. They aren’t worth your time and energy. Let that truth set you free. So yeah, I still love Octavia, with all her flaws and her sharp edges. I can’t love Blodreina, but while Blodreina is certainly Octavia, Octavia is not Blodreina. Blodreina is the very worst of Octavia. Spoiled, demanding, hard, judgemental, imperious, unyielding, cold, unempathetic and very, very violent. She is the culmination of the story of a non-person, disempowered and locked up under the floor, coming into being and being handed a sword. And power. So much power. She is a product of necessity. She is an amalgamation of Jaha’s lessons, Indra and Kane’s guidance, Kara’s support and Gaia’s teachings. She has a god complex which, imo, can only go the way of Mount Weather. By which I mean it will probably consume everything in its path before blowing to smithereens and taking at least one of our faves down with it. But while Blodreina is certainly real, let’s not get carried away with OCTAVIA IS REVEALED AS FOR THE MONSTER SHE’S BEEN ALL ALONG. Deep breaths everyone, and maybe a sip of water. Blodreina is a persona who enables Octavia to carry out the most monstrous of deeds (hi Jaha!) and live with it. Has Octavia drunk the Blodreina Koolaid? Most certainly. But Octavia embracing her worst is not the same has Octavia being the worst. Also see: Bellamy season 1 and season 3a. Would you look at that A PARALLEL WE LOVE PARALLELS. Blodreina serves a purpose for Octavia-of-the-butterflies too. Because this show is this show and we are never more than a few monologues away from “love is weakness”, Blodreina is also a protective casing that locks away Octavia’s grief, her pain and her misery, her loneliness and self-loathing, along with her vulnerability and empathy. It seems super obvious to me that Octavia’s personal journey this season, apart from trying and presumably failing to keep Wonkru intact, will be about disassociating herself from Blodreina. And that, probably, won’t come without falling spectacularly from grace and facing her pain, and reckoning with the things she’s done. Also see: Bellamy seasons 1-4. Huh. What happens when the exoskeleton crumbles? What’s underneath? What will Octavia-who-washed-Lincoln’s-wounds, come to think about Blodreina and the things she’s done in the name of her people? How will she confront the agony of being Octavia Blake, naked, piteous and vulnerable, the girl under the floor who was denied existence?
I want these things for Octavia. I want the narrative to subject her to the most abject moral scrutiny because that is what you should want for the characters you love. It’s what makes them interesting. It’s what makes them matter. ALSO SEE BELLAMY FOREVER. Now I’ve been in this fandom long enough not to expect many others to see it this way. We are balls deep in moral monochrome here in the Bellarke fandom, and while that gives me pause for a sip of tea and a short prayer to the patron saints of patience, it’s not a situation that anyone can change, least of all me. And why would I? People are free to engage with the show how they want, as long as they stay in their lane.
And look, I get why some people can’t see past some of her sins. I, too, have characters that I dislike with varying degrees of rationality. But objectively, Octavia’s level of moral turpitude is at about the same level as any of the main characters. That’s just a fact. People’s personal preferences, while as valid as any other preference, are just that: subjective opinions. Where I start to sip my tea and raise my eyes to the heavens is when people start presenting their subjective opinions as objective FUCK YOU AND YOUR INBOX truth and thanks but no. It seems to be fanon lore now that Octavia is unempathetic and…it just makes no sense. This is the girl who was filled with wonder at Earth, who refused to let Jasper die even when everyone in camp wanted him to. She saw the humanity in Lincoln when Bellamy, Clarke and Raven could not. She saw the humanity in humanity when all anyone wanted to do was kill each other until they burned in Praimfaya. Wonkru exists because Octavia inspired them with her faith in them. The only way it begins to make sense is when you consider Octavia’s actions through the prism of Bellamy’s experience – which 8/10 is how the BC fandom at least views the show. (Also valid btw. I also project onto my faves! Bellamy among them! But see above for subjective opinion vs objective fact.) With Bellamy, the lack of empathy is real. Octavia, or at least the Octavia of seasons 1-4 high key struggled to see Bellamy as a fully realised person with desires and feelings of his own. But, while this sucks for Bellamy, from Octavia’s perspective it is entirely understandable. No matter how young Bellamy seems to us, to Octavia he is her parent figure. How many of the people on here haven’t put their parents through hell from time to time? I shouldn’t have to point out the bleeding obvious here, which is that teenagers who care deeply about animal welfare, trans rights, LGBTQA+ rights, poverty and climate change can also go through phases of being absolutely fucking awful to their parents. Often, that’s because in our world, teens are subjected to an unholy amount of pressure with which they struggle to cope, and the overspill of that hurt lands on the people responsible for them. It doesn’t make them bad people. And, yes, that can, occasionally, tip over into emotional and, more rarely, physical abuse but we don’t usually call it that. We call that “teenagers being fucking awful” and I am 100% sure that this is the context the writers room is working from. Do I think it’s acceptable, or justified? Hell no. But it’s important to take these narrative threads in the context of the real-world understanding of the people who develop them. This show isn’t created in a vacuum. Now work the scenario I outlined above into a post-apocalyptic landscape with 2x traumatised victims of systemic injustice, one of whom was locked up by the other because of that injustice. Yeah. What is so interesting to me is that the blind spot Octavia has wrt Bellamy – the blind spot that denied him access to the empathy she showed everyone else - has come into play again now she’s Blodreina, but in a different way. After 6 years of having everyone kowtow to her, and after vowing not to love, suddenly Octavia is making concession after concession for her brother at huge personal risk to herself.  It might not seem like that to us, or to Bellamy (and legit! I get why, from Bellamy’s POV), but to Octavia it must seem like she’s trying SO HARD to give him what he wants within the framework of what she thinks is achievable. Consider love is weakness. Consider that she throws herself into his arms on sight, in full view of all of her people. Consider being the arbiter of life and death for 6 years. Now consider Bellamy asking her to trust him. She does and is rewarded with a sonic blast. Bellamy delivers her an ultimatum about Echo, and she concedes. She fucking concedes! When has she ever willingly conceded on anything and ESPECIALLY NOW SHE HOLDS THE POWER OF AN EMPEROR? It’s fairly obvious from the Blake siblings sparring session that Bellamy was the symbolic winner. He got through to her. Octavia NEVER forgives. But she offers Echo – the woman whose sins Octavia will never forget - a way out. When Echo and Bellamy refuse, does she banish Echo? She could do. She’s Blodreina. She’s used to doing whatever the fuck she wants. But, no. She accepts the alternative, and even helps Echo on her way. Yes, it’s brutal and Blodreina-y and serves a double purpose but still, she helps her. She’s not doing that for Echo.  She’s doing it for Bellamy. No, she’s not doing it with a winning smile and a cuddle, but that’s not Blodreina’s style. She tries to thank him for saving them, in the only way she knows how. She reaches out, and he lashes out with cold anger. And perhaps it’s deserved. No, it’s definitely deserved, but GODDAMMIT that was a “you’re dead to me” level of cruelty. Can I just roll back a second and talk about how co-dependent the Blake sibs are? Cool. A friend (I can’t remember who, sorry) once said that Bellamy and Octavia carried their cage back down to Earth with them. And for seasons 1-4 that is absolutely what happened. They are spectacularly co-dependent. Bellamy depends on her to give him purpose, and a direction and reason to live. Octavia depends on him to absorb the overspill of her hurt, to push against, to take the blame for all of the ills in her life. It sucks for them both, and they’re TRAPPED, so terribly trapped, and neither is the other’s jailer but neither can walk away either. And just, what strikes me about the interactions we saw in the sneak peek for 507 is that maybe, FINALLY, Bellamy has broken free of their co-dependent relationship.  He may not even realise it yet, but he has completely re-centred his world around Spacekru now. And I think, that if push comes to shove, he will prioritise Spacekru above Octavia, even if it hurts them both.  It doesn’t mean he loves Octavia any less, but after 6 years of love and support and peace and quiet, Bellamy has broken out of the cage. Bellamy is free. Excuse me while I cry tears of joy. But Octavia isn’t free. Octavia hasn’t had 6 years of peace and support and love. Octavia’s life has been marked by trauma from the moment of her birth, and the trauma hasn’t let up for a single goddamned second it just keeps coming and coming and coming until all she has is her walls and an alter-ego and the hope that she can keep Wonkru together and her brother by her side. Believe me when I say that Octavia is still very much trapped inside the cage which Bellamy has now vacated. IT IS ALL VERY HEARTBREAKING OKAY. IT HURTS. So yes, I still love Octavia and I am ready to see her again when Blodreina falls.
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uhhhhhhokay · 6 years
My Unpopular Opinions of 2018
This is messy, a bit mean, and full of my mad/irritated feelings. You’ve been warned. No slipping into my asks as an anon to fight with me because I’ve posted this on my account. These are my opinions and I’ve already said that they aren’t that nice to some shows
1) Charmed and Black Lightning are the only good CW shows and it has the best lesbian rep of 2018 (and Rosa from b99 would be the best bisexual rep)
2) Melanie Scrofano/Wynonna Earp is the best part of Wynonna Earp. Honestly lately the rest of the characters for me have either awful or boring or funny but given nothing to do
3) Also even though she’s the main actress, Melanie is somehow the most underrated actress/character in the show. She’s disregarded by so many fans, either in favor of Wayhaught or Doc, and the show treats her like shit by constantly putting her with Doc
4) Descendants fans who pit Dove Cameron and China Anne McClain against each other in the hopes of making the other seem superior are doing absolutely nothing for their careers and are contributing to the unnecessary comparison between successful women
5) Also I don’t care if you don’t like Dove Cameron, but hating her for that Mal/Harry comment she made months ago is so fucking ridiculous. She’s a girl in love who also loves her character, god forbid she make her own headcanons for it, and it wasn’t like she was asking for it to happen (and no she wasn’t disregarding Mal’s current relationship Ben because she was talking about Mal and Harry being exes god damnit) 
8) Timothee Chamalet or whatever his name is, isn’t that great. Like he’s fine I guess but like....Have you seen other actors? I mean, there’s Fady Elsayed, Jack Black, Jordan Renzo, Greg Austin (rip Class), and so many more actors that are, in my opinon, significantly more talented
9) Letterkenny and Galavant are the best comedies out there
10) Riverdale is shit for erasing Jughead’s asexuality and queerbaiting fans at the beginning with Beronica 
11) I’ve said this before, but people disliking Cole Sprouse because of the abuse allegation against him is incredibly valid. 
12) Mike Flanagan, Jordan Peele, and Kate Siegel are the only people I trust to write some bone chilling horror stories 
13) The Haunting of Hill House is better than American Horror Story and The Chilling Adventures of Sabrine combined 
Now it’s time to get serious.....
14) I have no respect and cannot get along with people who talk about how ugly people are 
15) The hellsite is shit for so many reasons but some of its worst qualities are when people take a situation and make it black and white, have zero sympathy or empathy for other people, and twist peoples words and put in meanings that were never there
16) I also hate how how people only care about mental illness when it doesn’t come to their jokes or memes. For example, mental health has been talked about a lot in regards to Ariana Grande, which is good, but once her engagement with Pete Davidson ended, no one hesitated to attack him in almost every way possible even though the man has been very outspoken about his depression. I don’t know shit about Pete Davidson but I’ve seen him relentlessly be attacked and have his depression and suicidal thoughts be joked about. 
17) Stanning is a fucked up culture that we need to leave behind in 2018. There are some celebrities who have a lot of projects that I love and I admire their talent, but the concept of stanning either includes an unhealthy amount of devotion to a celebrity or it erases them as a human being and reduces them down to objects. In some cases, both of these are true. It’s a sick thing for both fans and the celebrities. If a celebrity does something wrong, call them out, and if they don’t listen, well forget it or move on. Cancelling them as if they can be thrown in the garbage and disposed of promotes negativity and hatred, which is doesn’t solve anything, and it can inhibit any growth from that celebrity. They are human and will inevitably fuck up. It’s the only way to learn and grow. 
18) This is about Wynonna Earp but it’s a serious post. I’ve made my thoughts about this show abundantly clear but there is one thing I haven’t talked about at all and that’s the racism in the show and in the fanbase. Disclaimer: I am white. This show hasn’t treated any of their poc or black characters well. The latest example would be the treatment of Dolls and Kate. The last two seasons Doc has had two women of color as his love interests, and both of these characters have been treated as objects to make Wynonna jealous. There is also the lack of story and villainization of these women. There is also the major lack of story with Dolls, which most likely led to Shamier Anderson’s decision to leave. I won’t get into anymore, this is how I’ve always viewed these poor storylines, but I will say this: white fans of Wynonna Earp, we do not get a say on how black viewers should feel about any of these storylines. White lesbians, you would be livid is Waverly or Nicole were killed, and rightfully so. Black people or people of color probably felt the rage you would’ve felt if you lost one of those characters when Dolls was killed off. Telling people to get over it is cruel. If people want to stop watching, that is their right. We have no place in telling them how they should feel about the treatment of their representation. 
19) I made this post a while ago but it holds true: https://uhhhhhhokay.tumblr.com/post/179314393735/shows-with-good-lgbt-rep
20) Everyone needs a break from social media. I know that for some people, it really helps because we have friends on here that we can talk to, but it also has so many negative effects. The real world is nothing like this toxic website. You should take breaks from it every once in a while. You need to get hobbies. You need some other past time than this website. The majority of people on this site aren’t good and everyone should take a breather from it. I take breaks from this site on a regular basis and when I do it feels so fucking good. 
21) Random but The Lodgers is the worst movie ever and it’s an even worse horror movie. Would not recommend. Unless you feel like roasting something for an hour and a half. The only good part about watching that movie was that I watched it with my roommate who I am good friends with and we laughed our asses off and made fun of it so much. It is truly awful. Even though I had a blast roasting it, I will never get that time of my life back. 
22) The Last Jedi does not deserve that 91% on rotten tomatoes. Just like how The Lodgers deserves far less than 56%.
23) Time to get serious again. I get that a lot of us wished that the shows we loved were real, but they aren’t. That’s a fact that everyone needs to realize and accept. To me, hating an actor for their character’s actions is just as fucked up as stanning. They aren’t their character. They are not responsible for the shit their characters pull. They are carrying out the story written for them. As for writers, sometimes the writers do not support their characters actions either. Just because the character is evil or mean or whatever does not always mean that the people who work behind the curtain support that. 
24) Shipping real people and harassing them is sooo inappropriate and messed up. I shouldn’t really have to explain this one but too many people on this site don’t seem to grasp it. I mean, didn’t Harry Styles say a while ago that all the smutty fanfics, tweets, and fanarts about him and his bandmates effect his friendships with him? Him reacting that way is not homophobic, btw. It is him reacting naturally to people fetishizing and sexualizing him and his friends. These are real people. Their relationship, sexuality, and god just so much of their lives is none of our business. They don’t owe us any information about their personal lives. We don’t own them. They are their own people, which also means that they make their own mistakes. 
25) Random again, but original Charmed fans put their show too high of a pedestal. I never got really into show. I tried it, think I watched half of the first season, and I did a little research on it and I was in the fanbase for a hot sec but it was very short. From my research, it seems to me, that for a feminist show, the cast (except Shannon Doherty) was the opposite behind the scenes. I know you can’t help who you don’t like but you can control how you talk about someone, especially to the public, and from what I’ve seen there’s been more negative comments from them about their castmates than positive. I don’t think anyone will know the whole story but to me the feud between the og’s leading ladies has always very catty to me, and it’s gotten even worse with the remake. You can be protective of your show without being rude. You don’t have to support the remake, and you can do that without being rude either. By the way, this is more directed towards Holly Marie Combs, who I believe has been the most outspoken about being against it. Three young actresses are doing the job they love and they were given a chance to be the new charmed ones for a new generation. There is no reason to be so negative about it. It looks even more immature when you see the cast of the original Sabrina who gleefully gave their support to the new cast. 
26) Adults please stop thinking every show is for you. it’s not. Some shows are for kids, some shows are for teenagers, and some shows are for you. If you enjoy the show that’s directed towards a younger audience then that’s great. If you don’t enjoy it, then that’s fine too. What is not fine is you acting like that show was meant for you and tearing it apart and bullying people of that directed age group online. I can’t believe the amount of times I’ve seen some 19-40 year old dipshit on the internet go and bully a 15 year old only because they said they loved a show. That is not only sick and immature but it’s uncalled for. 
27) Also 15 year olds or younger, do not use your age as an excuse to be mean either. You might be young and you will definitely make huge mistakes, but there’s is nothing to justify you telling someone to kill themselves or insulting them just because they don’t like your favorite character or something. You might not be as experienced as some adults, but you’re old enough to know what the fuck you’re doing and how wrong it is. Don’t be cruel and blame it on you being young and stupid. You maybe young and all of us will always be a bit stupid, but that does not excuse your behavior. And @ older people who do that shit too, your older age and power does not excuse your cruelty either. Nothing excuses telling someone to kill themselves. Ever. Especially if it’s over a goddamn tv show. 
28) Can Ryan Murphy please just make one tv show and stick with it until it ends? He has so many great concepts but because he wants to do all of them at once they all go downhill after one season. 
29) On the same but different note, fuck Ryan Murphy for having Violet and Tate get back together. My girl deserves better than a serial killer/rapist that also got her mom killed because he impregnated her with the anti christ. Fuck that.
I never intended this to be so long lol no one will read this
30) The Hormone Monster is literally a metaphor for hormones. Stop twisting it into pedophilia. That show is so sex positive and is so much better than most of the sex ed that we got. 
31) Let’s leave monster fucking behind please
32) Puzzles are a treat to do
33) Funko pops are cute but they make a lot of dumbass decisions regarding which ones to make (like I saw pops of that new nutcracker movie a while before it was released like maybe wait and see how it does first????)
34) Also lets stop thinking of ships/shows as a way to up yourself as more progressive or whatever. We all have our trash shows and ships, stop acting like a saint. Just because someone has a trash ship, does not mean they are lesser than you. 
35) Fanbases are usually always trash. This didn’t change at all in 2018. 
36) Class’s first season was significantly better than Torchwoods first season. You guys are just mean. 
37) While I adore Class, Patrick Ness’s dialogue was really YIKES sometimes (the Charlie April deleted scene nearly killed me). Overall it was good though because it was the closest depiction of how teens speak.
38) Also any teen drama show that has a teen speak seriously in a hashtag should burn in hell (if a hashtag is used in dialogue as joke then it’s fine because it’s funny)
39) An actor being on a show you don’t like does not warrant hate
40) It’s been two years since Class but still, fuck the dw fans who were/are so mean to the class actors, especially Vivian Oparah and Sophie Hopkins. 
I think that’s it.
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jonesywrites · 7 years
Hey, I love your writing! I think I've consumed everything at this point. Do you have any favorite stories you can recommend? I may have blasted through all the fic updates of my own faves and just looking to see if people are reading stuff I might have missed. Looking forward to your next updates! No pressure!
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First, I am so very sorry it’s taken me so damn long to answer this. 
I actually did answer it - I wrote a very long, very beautifully gif’d post and then accidentally scrolled left on this stupid macbook and I lost the entire fucking thing and I wanted to throw my laptop out of the window.
::calming breaths::
Let us pray that doesn’t happen again this time (I am a klutz, so it’s a definite possibility). Secondly, I decided that now is the perfect time to recreate this answer because a) there are some goddamned talented ass writers out there killing the game rn, b) there are also haters out there trying to steal our joy rn and not only is it not going to work, I think now is a good time to spread the love as far and wide through Richonne as possible, so reblog the shit out of this and get reading if you haven’t already and c) I don’t have time to write the way I want at the moment so I hope this makes up for it.
I also really really need a list I can return to b/c I signed up to read a lot and am still verrry slowly getting through it.
So! Here goes…
Current Favorite Richonne fics…!
1. Round After Round by @nattah-gudgrrl
ZA Canon - Rick and Michonne after 6x10, being domestic and sexy af, round after round.
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Holy crap, Anon. I was hooked from the first few words. I’m not finished yet, but this is incredibly sexy and beautifully well-written. Nattah’s writing is hypnotic and poetic. She drops precious gems throughout each chapter with her words, the way she phrases things is so original and addictive. Rick and Michonne are pitch perfect, but so is everyone else (and she’s hilarious, btw). She includes music to score her amazing writing, and trust me, listening to her suggested tracks while reading will only suck you deeper into the tantalizing atmosphere she’s created with these two. AND THE SMUT. HOLY SHIT. Prepare yourself. I love opening up to a chapter and letting myself fall. I almost feel like I need to smoke a joint, turn out the lights, and close my door reading this, no joke. (no seriously, i’m not joking, be alone b/c you will feel thangs down there)
2. Musings of Rick Grimes by @nyese3529
NonZA AU - Rick as a NYC photographer slowly falling head over heels for a charismatic college student Michonne as she becomes his muse.
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OKAY. I’m not sure anything I say here will do this amazing piece of fanfiction justice. I’m not even caught up, but the chapters I have read so far are PURE FIRE. Nyese is a master at unfolding a real, atmospheric, moody, sexy, intense, and totally riveting Rick and Michonne for us to fall in love with from the start. Rick’s attraction to Michonne leaps off the page, as does she. She is so damn cute and sexy and seeing her through Rick’s eyes the way Nyese has written them is just to die for. Nyese also NAILS New York City life, especially as a southern transplant and artist (I feel you Rick) AND as a young, gifted black woman looking to make a difference while everyone else covets her light (I feel you Michonne). It’s a beautiful read, and I encourage you to ASAP. The smut is off the chain, as in every fucking moment of it had me squirming around wishing I had me a Rick Grimes here in NYC damn you Nyese you’ve ruined me!
3. The Art of Control by @avintagekiss24
NonZA AU - Rick as a sexy, wealthy contractor Dom and Michonne the comic book shop/cafe owner as his sub in Atlanta (bonus: featuring probably the best version of Maggie I have ever read)
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GOTDAMN. Let me tell you something. THIS IS THE SEXIEST RICK GRIMES OF ALL TIME FOR ME. Every fucking word Miss Kiss wrote for him to utter had my panties wet and my brow sweating, do you hear me? This fic is hot as fuck. Even before Rick Grimes shows up in the story, I was feeling hot and bothered about his mere existence, just like Michonne. The way Miss Kiss writes the buildup throughout their relationship is simply riveting. She’s a very visual writer, just like Nyese, so I can see, taste, feel, and ground myself in this stunning world of money, undeniable attraction and absolutely delicious sex. AND DID I MENTION HER MAGGIE IS SEXY AF, FUNNY AF, NAUGHTY AF, AND GODDAMN IT I WOULD SO BE HER PLAYTHING?? The plot is really good, too, like really good. Screw 50 Shades of Garbage. Miss Kiss’s sub!Michonne and Dom!Rick Grimes are what you want, what you need, what you deserve. Go forth, and savor every moment of this. In fact, I need to catch up, myself. Hell yeah.
4. Sirens of the ZA, by @isisnicole
ZA AU - Michonne and her two sisters, fierce, trained fighters, find and protect Carl. Richonne begins to develop once Carl is finally reunited with Rick three years later.
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Sigh, I love this fic. Miss Isis hooked me with her stellar opening, and the plot just got more and more compelling the more I read. Carl is still very Carl, but he’s got that “loved, protected, and taught to survive by three amazing black women” vibe to him that makes my heart melt. Ila, Luna, and especially Michonne are just everything in this. EVERYTHING. Their relationship is tight af, they keep it real, they are badass warriors (trained, medal-winning warriors, mind) and even though your heart yearns for Rick and Carl to reunite and for Richonne to soar, you cannot help but fall in love with the family dynamic that Miss Isis has written for them with Carl. The tension between Rick and Michonne is even more intense in this than in canon when they first meet, I’d say, but deliciously so. And once they both start to realize the business, it’s time to pull out the popcorn because the buildup is sooooo good. And did I mention an alive Shane and Merle, also written so well you kinda sorta forget they didn’t make it in canon? Yeah. Read this.
5. Red Dirt Road by @siancore
NonZA AU - Young!Richonne in southern af King County, Georgia, teenagers that fall in love one summer along a red, dirt road.
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Honestly, this fic is just perfect. The world is real. I can smell the dirt. I can feel the heat. Rick in this is juuuuuuuust….! He’s everything we think of when we think of a teenaged Rick (but not underage of course). Kind, responsible, stoic, patient, respectful, and sexy. Michonne is a vessel for us all, transporting us back in time to when we went to our grandmama’s house and she bossed us while loving us like nobody else could. The whole gang is there and they’re all written to perfection, especially Shane. He’s as shady and selfish and yet completely charismatic as you’d expect a young Shane to be. The story is so sweet and the pacing is comfortable, fun, and easy, just like those summers we spent messing around with our friends, falling in love, learning to drive, staying out after curfew. I adore Sian’s writing and this is by far my all-time favorite of hers right now. It’s a must, must read! 
To Continue Reading, So Help Me…!
1. HALO, by leeeel
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Holy smokes. I have only read chapter one so far and it is absolutely amazing. AMAZING. I reeeeaalllyy need to get back into this one. Rick and Michonne meet under dire circumstances, and the mystery begins. The writing transports you, and I actually got chills reading this. CHILLS.
2. Deception by @severelybabykryptonite
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YO. I HIGH KEY LOVE “THE BODYGUARD” AND THIS IS THE RICHONNE VERSION AND IT IS EVERYTHING. Rick as a no-nonsense bodyguard to Michonne’s sexy, vulnerable star is a dream come true. I really need to catch up on this one, it’s just so good and it’s visual and it makes my geeky movie+Richonne loving heart soar. 
3. The Day I Met You, by @chezza3009
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I almost don’t know how to describe this one. It’s dark. It’s riveting. It’s nothing like I’ve ever read in Richonne before. Rick and Michonne in the aftermath of an affair that leaves Michonne devastated and Rick a mess. I don’t recognize this version of Michonne or Rick, but then I need to continue reading. What I’ve read so far makes me very, very intrigued by this story. And it shall have my undivided attention ASAP.
4. The Beginning, by @vegasloversteel
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Once again, Vegaslover has an uncanny ability to hook you with great story telling, dialogue that flows like “how is she doing this??” and chemistry between Rick and Michonne that vibrates off the page. Richonne is hot hot hot in this. Set in their college years with a great plot and fun with all your faves. Gotta catch up!
5. Palm Trees, by @cake-by-thepound
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I AM SO UPSET I CANNOT PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THE JUICY FIC TALK GOING ON ABOUT THIS STORY RN. Arrrrgggh the spoilers I’ve seen alone are killing me not so softly. I just loooove the way Cake writes Richonne’s worlds. Rich, grounded, dramatic but in a real, honest-to-goodness “that could totally happen to me” way that makes me want to stand up and cheer. I know this is going to be a beautiful ride, so far everything I’ve read is perfection, as usual, so I’m really looking forward to the day I am finally caught up and I can (too late, of course) dip into the forums and be like “GURL. BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT PART WHEN…” 
You Thought I Was Done? LOL.
These are the stories I haven’t gotten to yet, but that are also on my list. I’ve heard nothing but good things and I am hoping to get to them soon!
Right Where We’re Supposed to Be by @tigerwalk3 - I’ve read her mini-fic Sparklers and I cannot wait to dive into this one. Her characterization alone is amazing, and the way she puts phrases and details together makes me low key jealous.
Honey Bees by @cranesinthe-sky - I don’t get enough Michonne and Judith in my fandom diet and I’ve heard some really awesome things about this one. I’ve heard nothing but praise for Lady Cranes’ writing, so I’m excited!
The TWD Chronicles by @yellehughes - I read Yelle’s Richonne Secret Fantasy fic and loved it, and I actually feel rather ashamed that I haven’t gone back to dive into this epic Olympian take on Richonne!! Allow me to correct this, with the quickness. 
The Hunter of Screams, by @codename-me - I started this, and holy crap is it amazing so far. Like me, Lady Codename has a thing for sci-fi and fantasy, and her writing is rich and detailed and visual, which totally turns me on. 
The End of Wanting, by @glowysweetfab​ - I have started this, and love this period AU, it’s immersive and the plot is so interesting I’m not even all that fussed to get to the romance bits (well that’s a lie, of course I’m trolling for smut but I’m really enjoying the ride).
Honestly, there are so many more stories I have favorited/followed that it would take me all night to list them all here. But I will do more posts like these as I finish fics and move on to others, it’s important to me to show the same support for all of these amazingly talented writers that they have shown to me, and to spread as much positivity as possible because they deserve it. 
This fandom is chock a block full of major talent, huge hearts, astonishing intellect, and abundant passion. No one can deny that, and anyone who does is lying. 
Thanks for the ask, Anon! 
P.S. I promise I will get back to updating as soon as I can. I’m in the middle of preparing myself to move across the country and transition to a new career. But my beloved fics are always on my mind, and boy do I have such glorious Richonne in store for you! Thanks for sticking with me! I promise you won’t regret adding a few of these ladies to your reading list, either, if you haven’t already. 
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evilisk · 4 years
Deeper, Into the Labyrinth...
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...of Touhou 2. Here’s a longish update on where I’m at with LOT2. So far, I feel that the game is much more forgiving and much, much easier, but the sheer gameplay variety of LOT2 is more than making up for its lack of difficulty.
= = =
I’m basically at Floor 7 and the 10 hour mark of Labyrinth of Touhou 2. Here is how I’ve progressed through the game:
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Floor 1: I already mentioned how easy this floor was, so I’m gonna describe the mindset I had entering the game. My initial mindset was to see "how far I can get into the game without touching any of the new mechanics", so I stuck to level up bonuses, minimal library upgrades (ATK or MAG for attackers and HP, DEF and MND for tanky characters like Reimu, Keine, Momiji etc.) and any equips from dungeons without touching anything else. I also decided I’d definitely try and stick with the level cap system (LOT2 now rewards you for fighting bosses under-leveled). 
Though I’m already deep into LOT2′s new mechanics, I have actually stuck with the recommended in-game levels. The game just doesn’t seem that hard tbh, in the near 10 hours I’ve played, only 1 boss (who I’ll go into later) has given me any legitimate trouble.
As far as recruits go, I picked up Kogasa and Momiji before beating and recruiting Youmu. Rumia is actually possible to get at this point too, but I was dumb and forgot to pick her up, which made the battle a little harder
Floor 2: LOT2 Floor 2 is definitely not as tough as LOT1's equivalent floor and it was basically as easy as Floor 1 (for me at least). I did have some trouble with Kaguya, but all my characters ended up dodging like champs so it wasn’t a a problem.
I don't quite remember who I picked up on Floor 2. I'm pretty sure I picked up Cirno, remembered to pick up Rumia but had to abandon Minoriko (since I didn’t have the items I needed for her yet).
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Floor 3: This was the floor to hand me my first full party wipe. The mini-boss on this floor basically required a guide (since they're a puzzle boss that can only be defeated with Rumia’s piercing attack) while the optional bosses for Wriggle's quest were just way too hard to fight with a half-cocked party. 
I skipped over the optional bosses, picked up Minoriko and Chen, recruited Komachi after beating her. We ended this floor by picking up Parsee (who is available after 12 recruits).
Floor 4: This floor was as far as I could get with a half-assed mindset towards the game. Mokou will absolutely destroy you on the first go, max level or not. The irony here is that you can don't need to fight Mokou to progress to Floor 5... but I didn't know that then. So I took it as the moment to start looking at all the new mechanics.
I’ll get into the new mechanics and passive system later but all you need to know is that the Wall of Fujiwara got me to use one of Momiji’s passives (which increases everyone’s accuracy when she’s fielded) and this helped me clear the Insects needed to clear Wriggle (the Insects are very evasive, so you really need Momiji’s passive buff). After picking up Wriggle, I picked up the last recruits available at the time (that is Aya, Kasen and Nitori. The latter two can be picked up at any time as long as you fulfill their requirements. Aya can be picked up on this floor at the earliest, so long as you’ve encountered enough enemy types. You need 30 entries in Keine’s Besitary for this).
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After a lot of experimenting, I came upon a party setup I liked. The core party could be summed up as Komachi (with plenty of FIR resistance), Kasen, Parsee, Minoriko, Nitori (with her Item passive) and Kogasa (with her Terror Boost passive). The strategy was basically boost Nitori’s ATK stat with her self-buff, switch her out, inflict Terror with Kasen then have Parsee and Kogasa take advantage of that. I brought Parsee in as the main attacker, but Kogasa was the true hero since, with her Terror Boost passive, she’d self buff with every attack. Cue the feedback loop of “Kogasa uses CLD-element Drizzle against a TRR’d Mokou, Kogasa powers up, Kogasa uses stronger Drizzle, Kogasa powers up, Kogasa uses *even stronger* Drizzle” etc.
With this strategy, Kogasa was able to outpace Mokou’s healing very, very quickly (since, not only is her damage getting better, but her defenses and speed improve too). Once Mokou died the first time, it was just a matter of having Komachi tank Fujiwara Volcano, then having her bring in buffed Nitori. Nitori would go on to hit Mokou for 6k damage (when Mokou revives, she only has 4k HP. Yay for Overkill).
This fight sounds simple but it’s easily the hardest fight I’ve encountered in LOT2 so far. Considering how much easier all the other bosses past this have been, I’m gonna have to kill this a ridiculous difficulty spike.
Floor 5: Since I did all of the corresponding events, this floor started with the decision: Mokou or Kaguya? While Mokou sounded like a way better option (her passive skills include self-resurrecting now), I went with Kaguya who seemed to be the default / intended option. 
Like I said, after Mokou’s difficulty spike, nothing was as hard, so most of the fights were a cinch. I immediately went after the Lamprey mini-bosses (since clearing both lets you recruit Mystia). I also picked up Orin after a fight. Then we had the next big story boss, Hina.
Hina was kinda nuts at first, since I rely a lot on debuffs, and Hina fucking loves that shit (no seriously, that’s her gimmick. She can reverse her self-inflicted debuffs). Then I realized that, so long as you don’t debuff her, and so long as you focus on buffing your own team, she’s not that hard. My own defensive team; ended up being Kasen (with the Fighting Spirit passive) in Slot 1, Keine in Slot 2, whoever in Slot 3 and Aya (with her Turn 0 passive) or Minoriko in Slot 4. You can use Aya to set up Kasen as a tank really quick by having Aya give her turn to Kasen (which is something Aya can now do), then have Kasen rack up her buffs and Fighting Spirit counter with her self-buffs.
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The team is basically defensive perfection, as I have super buffed Kasen in Slot 1, Keine ready to buff in Slot 2 and Minoriko who can do whatever in Slot 4 (Minoriko in LOT2 is amazingly useful, like I legit use her as an attacker now). It’s such a useful team that I used it to clear all other bosses on Floor 5 and most of the bosses on Floor 6. The actual Hina fight was a cinch, especially after I realized “oh, you can just let Hina’s buffs deteriorate and then she has nothing”.
Aside from Hina, I also picked up Nazrin who is, btw, super cool. I LOVE that they designed her as a grinding character (her spells actually double drop rates, money, experience etc. upon killing monsters). All the new recruits around this area are such high concept characters (especially Satori who can straight up copy spells from all your other party members. Holy crap)
Floor 6: I already said it, but Kasen, Keine and Minoriko were able to carry me for almost this entire floor. Only the next recruit (Yuugi) and Tenshi (who is blocking the path to Floor 7) forced me to change parties. Both fights are very similar, though Tenshi’s is unique in that it’s actually unwinnable... but if you actually do enough damage to Tenshi, you actually get special rewards. Before I started experimenting with these bosses, I picked up Utsuho and then Satori.
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I ended up stumbling onto a party layout that worked for both bosses. There’s three distinct parts of this party; the debuff attackers (Parsee, Hina, Komachi, Cirno and also Satori), the status affecters (Poison, Mystia) and the remaining attackers (Rumia, Marisa, Reimu and Minoriko). The glue holding this party together is Aya (with her Turn 0 passive and increase front row SPD passive).
The basic strategy is to have Cirno die to Tenshi (my Cirno has an ability where she slows down enemies when she dies), have Aya self-buff herself with Sarutahiko’s Guidance (so that she’s faster and gets more turns, causing her to buff the rest of the party faster too) then focus on setting up PSN early on. Then it’s a matter of debuffing, attacking, and then re-debuffing Tenshi with all your characters (e.g. Parsee can use Small Large Box for decent damage, Hina can use Biorhythm then Pain Overflow, though you want your characters to be protected, Rumia’s Ray attack is quite strong and cheap too).
The strategy is very loose (since Tenshi will attack in whatever and can mess up your strategy) though you typically want to space out your use of Komachi / Satori and Hina, you want Aya to be alive (so she can switch and passive buff) and you want to throw Marisa and Reimu out much later (they will be much stronger this way due to their Main Character passive). I actually think this strategy can kill Tenshi if I grinded a bit more, but I’m more than happy to settle for this special reward.
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The exact same strategy worked without any modifications on Yuugi too. All that’s left is to physically go up the staircase to the 7th floor
= = =
I just realized I made this big post, all just to say: I am having an absolute blast with this game. Like, I love Labyrinth of Touhou 1. But I love this game so much more. It’s taken all that I loved about LOT1, it’s removed most of the frustrating BS, and it’s like doubled the complexity and variety. It’s amazing, most of the strategies I just listed aren’t even the recommended strategies on the Touhou Wiki. I came to the Mokou and Tenshi strategies all on my own. 
God, this game is so good. I’ll make another update post after clearing a few more floors. 
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