#the strength and power that once would have been used to crusade now being used to protect.....
justarandomlambblog · 4 months
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 [END]
The second shackle comes off
Get adopted and feel loved, mangey cat
We're gonna pretend I didn't give Heket the wrong shaped crown aight? aught 👍
(explanation beneath the cut bc I didn't want dialogue)
The harvest comes. Narinder can't help but notice how sad the wheat fields are, the wheat growing small and patchy at best. He remembers how Heket would make the wheat fields flourish just by walking between the stalks. The memory of the fields she would create early in their godhood makes him feel somber, realizing now what the cost of being a godless land is; their entire lives are left to the limitations of the earth, without any god to help them thrive. These people are making the best of what they have, and they're happy even though it's not a lot.
Narinder notices some are harvesting wheat while others till the earth once it's been harvested, and the old dog explains that once this wheat is harvested they plant "winter wheat", which can be harvested in the spring before they plant their summer wheat. They till and fertilize the earth before planting the winter wheat, of course. Narinder tries his hand at harvesting the wheat, and the old dog begins to teach him how to use the sickle. Time passes.
Over the late summer, autumn and winter, Narinder learns how to live this provincial, modest life. He tills the fields with the other villagers, he sees feral beasts for the first time in over a thousand years, learns to collect eggs from said feral beasts, learns how and decides he doesn't like to collect milk (the godless lands have more feral beasts than the Lands of the Old Faith ever did), has finally regained enough strength to draw water from the village well without help, learns to bake bread (with great amounts of help so as to not waste the precious resources with the inevitable first fifty failures), and attends his first lantern festival. All in all, this marks his approach to his second year here, most of his first year spent indoors recovering. (His fur is also getting long, something something new me new hair something (totally not an excuse for me to draw hair))
At his first lantern festival, Narinder decides to partake in what is usually a coming of age tradition for the village; he gets an ear piercing, choosing a symbol that will essentially act as his written name. He chooses a symbol that is a crescent moon inside of a sun, thinking of Aym and Baal when he sees it. (Note: He is not scared/nervous about the ear piercing, he isn't bothered by a literal pinprick of pain, but the fact that someone he barely knows is this close with a needle is what worries him)
Later on, days or even weeks later, the old dog gives him a chain with their individual symbols on it, with a loose chain hanging from the other side of Narinder's sun-and-moon charm. Narinder questions this and the old dog explains the symbolism behind the charms; two charms with a chain extending between them indicates marriage/partnership, and two charms with another charm on the chain between them indicates that couple's child/children. The one Narinder has is the latter, with the second parent's charm missing, indicating that the old dog views Narinder as his own son, now. It takes a moment, but Narinder realizes all at once that this is the old dog's way of extending an invitation to become family- and it's been so long since Narinder had a family... (And yes, the old dog is fully aware that this cat is thousands of years old (Narinder was very vocal about this in the first weeks before he eventually stopped bringing it up), but that won't stop him from deciding he's gonna be this abandoned, fallen god's new family)
Narinder goes to sleep, and finds that despite everything- despite how simple and quaint and, frankly, not easy life in this little godless village is, he's happy. He has none of the luxuries that he had as a Bishop; no worship, no reverence, no servants, no silks or satins or veils or anything of the sort. Here he's just... one of the people. Just another face in the crowd. And he's happy. Happier than he's been in a long time. Unfortunately for Narinder, he is failing to realize that this godless village is a little less godless every day he's there. But that's not necessarily a bad thing.
The village wakes up to their fields flourishing like they never have before. The wheat is taller than the tallest villager, and no one is really sure what to do about this, but there is excitement throughout the village. Narinder thinks of Heket again, reminded once more how she would make the fields come alive. The shackle on his left hand opens up before dispersing into light, and he remembers the way she looked at him in the days leading up to his imprisonment, the quiet and somber warnings she would give him. He takes a moment to grieve before turning his attention back to the present, back to the family he's creating now.
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heretic-altias · 1 year
FFXIVWrite Day 11 - Once Bitten, Twice Shy
This is a prompt that legit would have worked for ANY character of mine, but Akku had the last prompt and i've spent a good portion this month attacking Altais's trauma with a stick, so you get a nice look at Kito's personal brand of drk trauma.
Don’t know my characters? Here’s a basic breakdown to help you out!
Kito’s mind was far too empty these days. He had grown used to Twintania’s constant presence, her constant commentary. But crossing the rift between worlds had spread the connection too thin, and all he could sense of her if he strained was a vague awareness of her soul confirming she was still alive.
Normally when his thoughts ran off on an unreasonable track, she was there to shut it down. But here, his thoughts were free to do as they pleased.
He swung his greatsword at a striking dummy, hoping the physical exercise would work well enough. But the battle at Holminster Switch still weighed on him.
They had won, sure. Even now he stood under the result of his efforts, the stars twinkling above for the first time in a century. But Kito knew he had not fought his best. It had been harder than any battle he’d fought in a long time. And he knew exactly why.
It was the same reason his self doubt was allowed to run this far. He relied on Twintania, perhaps a little too much. Her strength meant he never had to tap into the full extent of his own.
Which was a good thing. For him and people around him. A dark knight’s power was a terrifying thing. Kito knew that all too well.
The destruction of Bozja had left him alone, with no home or even purpose. He had been studying botany, but what was a man to do when the place he’d lived and studied and intended to remain was just gone? Perhaps that was why the soul crystal had called to him. 
The large sword he now carried had hung over the fireplace of his childhood home for as long as he could remember. When he’d asked his father about it once, the Hrothgar who had raised him had simply laughed and said it was a relic of his failures.
Yet somehow against all odds, when Kito had stumbled through the ruins looking for anything at all, the sword had survived. To this day he wasn’t sure how. Maybe some property of the soul crystal embedded in its pommel had prevented its destruction. In his pain and his grief that crystal had called to him. 
To control a dark knight’s power, one had to have a strong understanding of themselves. The ability to wield their emotions and not be wielded by them. A young man having just witnessed the destruction of his entire life and the loss of his entire family did not have that strength. He had spent years hunting imperial soldiers in a haze before coming to his senses.
He could not afford to slip that far again.
Twintania had told him countless times she could tell he was holding back. His aether was unusual, blessed by light yet aspected towards darkness. It made him exceptionally powerful at what he did. If he chose to be that powerful anyway. But he couldn’t. Maybe he had only battled enemies, but he hadn’t been in control of his actions. There was a very real chance it could end up pointed at innocents if he wasn’t careful.
He was supposed to be a hero after all. A hero did not give in to their darkness. Even here, where darkness was hailed as a savior he knew better than to believe otherwise.
Yet his battle against the first lightwarden told him he needed that power. They would only get stronger and smarter as the crusade against them continued. He needed to do the same.
He had to stop being afraid. He’d gotten away with it for this long with Twintania’s help, but here he was alone. Eventually, he would have to face his own darkness.
In his frustration, he lopped the head clean off the striking dummy. That was enough for him to decide to stop and head to bed. He had not broken past his fear tonight. And he doubted a striking dummy would ever be enough to cause him to do so. This would be a matter decided in a moment of life or death. That’s when he would know if he could do it.
And hopefully he could. Because this world needed darkness more than anything.
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eclipsecrowned · 1 year
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NAME: Merel van Breda ; Original name expunged AGE: 16-17 in canon events HAIR: Black EYES: Blue HEIGHT: 5′3″ OCCUPATION: Socialite ; Philanthropist ; Would-be engineer FAMILY: Mother (alive) ; Biological Father (deceased) ; Mr. van Breda (stepfather) ; Six younger half brothers (a plague upon her home)
Pretty, privileged, and a powerhouse of intellect, Merel wears a lot of hats in her time. She's a dreamer with an iron spine at the best of times, inventing solutions where others see problems. Where some characterize her as naive and immature, Merel knows that these people simply misunderstand her: Her gentle hand can strike harder and deeper than a closed fist, and wanting to change this world is strength when weighed against the petty evil of inaction. If nothing else, her family name will have others nodding along with her flights of fancy to be polite rather than insulting her to her face.
Of course, it wasn't all bread and roses. The only child of a Squaller and a farmgirl, Merel lost her father to witch-hunters before she was even able to form memories of the man. Her mother, fearful that her only child might be stolen from her if she presented powers, uprooted her entire life to move the pair to K*tterdam. Merel's earliest memories are of the street, of doing what she could to help ease the burden her mother faced in keeping them both afloat. They were two immigrants who slipped through the cracks, and Merel has never forgotten the indignity associated with that position. It's pretty clear that most of her later crusade is sparked by this early struggle to survive, and how she doesn't want anyone else to endure it.
Her mother eventually pulled them out of that situation through careful application of her beauty and social machinations alike. First the mistress, then the second wife, of a wealthy merchant, Merel's mother gambled in the smoky backrooms of the Barrel, and came away winning the house. This propelled Merel into being the only daughter of an old and grand family, and her stepfather willingly gave her his own name to use. From there, whoever she was before was buried -- She is now, and as far as anyone knows has always been, Merel van Breda.
Got her start in engineering young. While thrilled with the education opportunities presented to her as a child of high society, her artistic pursuits skewed far from the floral studies and stylized portraits most tutors preferred of her. Her studies were of a more mechanical slant, drawing out the mechanisms and inner workings of various apparatuses she interacted with in her daily life. This expanded into disassembling and reassembling that which she could reach, building bits and bobs of machinery out of tiny gears and household implements, and eventually creating small wind up toys for the brothers that came after her. She's a true acolyte of Droesen from the old tales, and as she's grown up, so have the intricacies and ambition of her projects.
Wants to succeed in business. Wants to build infrastructure and opportunities that will outlive her in the only city she calls home. To that end, she understands she will be swimming with sharks, men that will take her optimism and altruism for weakness. She has to beat them at their own game. So she heads to the wrong side of the city, and seeks the learn the game from the house that always wins. Meets that black-eyed stranger with a smile, offering him her dowry, her profits, and a cut of business -- if he'll only help her make it that far.
Performs acts of charity in her old neighborhood. Hands out money, hands out bread, listens to plights and tries to create solutions. Often, she gets taken for an ignorant, holier-than-thou rich girl whose alleged pity is met with hostility, or whose coinpurse is free for the taking. Too few people who live there would recognize her as the girl that would once linger at the canals and creep around markets.
Really, she does empathize with everyone's tragic backstories, she does. God knows she has one of her own. But that's just it. She gets it. Intimately. And she has her own way of dealing with her own. And if a character's cynicism is going to be leveled at her or make her out to be the fool, then they need to kindly get their traumatized self out of the way so she can go about actually trying to change something in this awful city.
Ideally aiming to beat these merchant men at their own games and steal the 'right' side of the tracks out from under them. Laments that this means one day she will have to duel the local villain protagonist to the death for control of the city, as he aims for the same goal but starts on the 'wrong' side of the tracks. This is all just a joke, of course. Her competition will have her killed and make it look like an accident long before they have to actually face one another.
Was given the traditional lady's education of the time. The running of a household, basic mathematics, etiquette, conversational skills, arts, at least one foreign language, dancing, a touch of geography and history. Things meant to shape her into a proper housewife and hostess, to keep up with her husband and guests. This means, of course, that for her skill in the arts and mathematics, for all her genius... She's coming into the narrative illiterate.
Is not above tax fraud marriage to get out of having her affairs managed by either her stepfather or another male guardian. Line up, fuckos, she's gonna marry you, pay you off, then stage an 'accident' where you die on paper and really retire to wherever the hell you want to go in the known world.
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canadianno · 2 months
Alright, lets get started
Ferrus Manus, the cataclysm
"An Ideal"
The world, Medusa, was one of the more unstable planets in the galaxy, this given that it was very close to the "Eye Of Terror", the place were Slaanesh was born, this one acting like a "connection" between the warp and the materium, so you know crazy and horrible things get out of there and affecting the planets near by
And that was where little Ferrus landed, in Nebula, this planet was almost sumerged in the eternal night and so, all natural life had been long death, the geografy was unbelievable unstable, creating and destroying entire continents in months and with that enormus volcanic explosions everywhere leaving entire portions of the planet uninhabitable
The humans that were trapped here by the Age of Conflics and without the technology to escape the planet had to start and create entire war claans just to conquer the little habitable territory of the planet and get those resorces, starting wars similar to what happen back at Terra, ending with years of intense and absolute war in the planet when Ferrus landed, the strongest lives, the weakest dies is that easy
At difference of another Primachs were they WANTED to get close to human civilization, Ferrus simply wanted to survive, exploring the planet and its inhabitans in the process until one night
While exploring the planet the Primach found old technology long forgotten by history, it was then where Ferrus found it, Necrons or atleast their technology and with that, its guardians, a machine was activated when Ferrus found it, it was a War machine back to the age of the War in the Sky, rusty for the pass in the time but still of enormus power, a Necron Serpent as it was know and now it was active and if not stopped, it destroy the entire planet
Given that its mistake and damage done to the planet at hands of Ferrus, he promised that no matter what it could cost him, he would hunt down the Necron Serpent and let the planet return to normality (at that point the wars in the planet were seen as part of the natural order)
Ferrus chased down the creature for all the planet in its own personal crusade against the metal and prepared with its own hands, Ferrus would fight it all by himself, those clans of humans that could witness the combat saw as the Primach and the Machine fighted as the land changed itself in the midle of the fight
The fight between the machine and Ferrus would end when the primach using its bare hands could grab the machine and start to burned in the volcanic activity in the planet, and with that destroying the machine and losing its hands in the process... or so the Primach thought
The Necron metal of the machine would form itself around the hands of the Primachs after being burned, leaving the arms of the primachs once again capable of moving and with even more strength thatit already had, its arms were now covered in the necron metal of the machine
After the battle with the machine, the legend of the man who destroyed the metal serpent with its bare hans runned throught the entire world and soon Ferrus could revel himself to the people but not to help and end the wars, but to start all over again
The Weakest way die, for the Strongest to serve him
[One thing about Ferrus is that he loved war so much that he wanted the entire planet to always be in war, pretty egocentric if you ask me, but the people probably didn't know another way of living besides are you gonna pick a fight with a human demigod?]
Starting an age of wars even more horrible than the last, the strongest were to live, the rest were to die, this eventually catched the attention of the Emperor, because Medusa had gained its reputation between the stars (that and the Emperor was passing for McDonalds that day)
When the Emperor meet its son he tried to knock some sense into his son and change its form, but Ferrus had other plans, if the Emperor wanted to prove an ideal and present him to its legion, he would have to prove it the old fashion way, a fight
Unlike Leman Russ, this time the Emperor had to use more force because Ferrus with the force of the Necron metal could destroy entire mountains with its fists, even tho in the end it was clear who won that fight, the Emperor won another fight against its son, destroying entire continents and changing the climate in the process (pretty much accidentaly) and just like Russ, Ferrus could put its loyalty into the Emperor
Ferrus Manus, Primach of the X legion, The Iron Hands are now at the war in the Great Crusade
[Little Important facts about Ferrus: Its Legion has an obsession with cybernetic parts following its Fathers legacy (even tho it was an accident) and Ferrus was bestfriends with Fulgrim]
-alz, fuckin dragon ball-like primach
-alz, if had a nickel every time the Emperor had to fight a primach to prove its loyalty, i could have 2 nickels, which it isn't a lot but is weird that it happend twice
-alz, 7/18
It IS weird it happened twice
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wcrstarter · 2 years
❝ so…do you forgive me? ❞
𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔫𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔨// @llosgcariad
For a moment, she's confused at what Kiran means, what there might be to forgive. She looks at him, brows furrowed, trying to puzzle it out. She follows his gaze, noting he was focused on a bare patch of her skin, where faint silvery lines were visible against her arm. If you knew what to look for, then one could spot the faint and ever still fading scars she had from being exposed to the sunlight, so very long ago now. The vampiress's face softened, and she reached out towards him, taking his hand gently in her own.
"Kiran....you had no leverage to use then, against either your father or my own. No power to make Viktor submit to a will other than his own. You had no reason to suspect either that I might have survived my execution, and no trail to follow. My name was struck from coven records, buried under black india ink and chiselled from any stone carvings. Those who carried blood memories....were slaughtered similarly. Viktor was thorough in the silencing, even if he couldn't erase the war between the Corvinus clans, he erased any trace of my existence. Had you even approached one of the council members and spoken my name, they would have pretended that they could not hear you." She began gently, knowing the machinations and politics of the coven she had been reared in and once killed by, would make some sense to him, even if parts escaped him.
"As far as the written records that Tannis was foolish enough to inscribe, and they were only pardoned at the time because my name was not said, I was put to death by sunlight. Ashes on the wind. The truth was I was badly burnt, driven into a deep state of hibernation. One I truly wouldn't have easily recovered from, were it not for the fact the foolish scientists of the dread organization Antigen had stumbled across my tomb and thought to try to resurrect me. I do not remember much of that time.....I was mad for a time. Mad with grief, mad with pain..."
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She trailed off, green eyes going distant as memories took hold of the time, hazy as they were. There were times she still felt a touch of that madness, the feral state she had been driven to by her wounds and the unfamiliar era she had awoken to. Sonja knew she had killed, knew she had done so indiscriminately due to her wounds, but she still did not know how many she had killed, and it plagued her to suspect that she might be responsible for the deaths of innocent bystanders that had been too close to the lab's location at the time.
She forced herself from her stupor, visibly shaking herself for a moment as if to scatter the memories, then gave him a slight smile and squeezed his hand.
"There is nothing to forgive, you did me no wrong. You had no way of knowing that I survived, it took decades for me to return to my kin and start to fix what they had done. And that slow work is ongoing. Free yourself from the blame, it lies at our fathers' feet, not yours. I know you would have stopped them, or tried to find me, if you had any reason to suspect I had survived. It's better, that you didn't see me when I awoke. I was not myself."
Personally, she viewed it better than none were left alive to have viewed her in that feral state. Vampires could be dangerous, especially one of her strength driven to such a feral state. If it were more widely known that they could be on the brink of death but still kill hundreds...the crusade to send her kind to the void might begin anew.
"I forgive you, even if you were not to blame."
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dirty-brainrot · 3 years
(Not like him ²)
Here's the 2nd part to this!
Pairing(s): Stardust Crusaders x Reader
After traveling for weeks and days with the crusaders, all of you have finally reached Cairo. You helped them track down DIO to the best of your abilities. But you were able to only scout the area for them at night and kept an eye out for any stand users under DIO's influence. (And yet with all of your efforts, your relationship with Jotaro hasn't changed. He's still wary of you.)
Iggy had been wounded. None of you were there to see what happened so you could only guess that the boston terrier was attacked by a stand user. On the brighter side, Kakyoin returned fully healed after the incident with the water stand.
You all wasted no time and headed straight for DIO's mansion. Although, you had a hard time keeping up because of the thick clothes you wore to protect you from the striking sun.
The time you had there was excruciating. Your allies had a near-death experience at the fight with Vanilla Ice but good thing you were there to prevent that. Although, they had sustained heavy wounds, making them unable to help further, and had to fall back.
DIO's minions were able to stall you all until sunset. Forced to fight DIO at night, you discarded the heavy cloak, also gaining the upper hand. And all of you fled away thinking of a way to figure out his stand's powers. Jotaro chased after the vengeful Polnareff while you, Kakyoin, and Mr. Joestar figured out the body-stealing vampire's stand.
Currently, you were on the trunk of the truck, gripping tightly on the edges so you wouldn't get thrown off. You screamed to Joseph on the wheel. "DRIVE FASTER!! HE'S GAINING ON US—" You looked back at the car that DIO was in but you were only met with a corpse hurtling towards you at great speed. Startled, you jumped off and rolled around the pavement. The car slammed into a building and exploded with debris flying all over. Worried for your companions, you ran towards the car. The corpse sat there but they were nowhere to be found.
Relief washed over you once you saw them swinging from buildings to building and calling your name. You glanced behind you to see DIO's silhouette in the smoke, calling out to you. "Y/N... Join me..." Not wanting to handle him on your own, you ran after Kakyoin and Joseph. Jumping from buildings to another as your stand had no swinging abilities like theirs. "Joestar!!" Catching up to them, you spoke in panic. "What's the plan?! He's going to catch up sooner or later!"
"Don't worry Y/N!" Kakyoin grabbed your arm and pulled you away from Joseph. You both hid behind a building. Confused, you looked up at him waiting for answers. "We made a plan. I will set up a trap while Mr. Joestar distracts him." Provided with little context; You nodded slowly, unsure. He quickly made a platform with [Hierophant]'s tentacles for you and him to stand on. You stood beside him, watching the Joestar struggle to keep DIO away.
Once he was in the designated spot. He was finally able to entrap him in place, kakyoin used his splash move. "Emerald Splash!" Trapping DIO into his 50-meter Emeralds Splash web.
"Smart..." 'With this... we can get DIO to use his stand..!' You mumble and he flashes you a quick, small smile. "Hmm... Y/N... This will be the last chance I give you a chance to join me—" You interrupted him, growing frustrated with his repeated words. "Just stop with that already! After what you put these Joestars through... I'll never join your side." You growled at him and he laughs, mocking you. Kakyoin fired emeralds at him, making him halt his laughter.
As Kakyoin stated, nobody can deflect his emerald splash but DIO was able to do it with his bare hands. "That won't hold him for too long, Kak... Will this work?—" And right on time, DIO finally decided to reveal his stand's true power. "[The World]'s true power is, indeed, the power to reign over this world!"
A loud echoing noise, then suddenly, everything stopped. 'His stand...' You didn't get the chance to finish your thought as he starts to cut Kakyoin's trap while flying in your direction. "Dear Y/n... My beloved half-blood... You could've ruled the world with me... But it's too late for that now." 'This is no good... My secret weapon is the same as his too..!' [The World] pulled back his arm, getting ready to strike a punch. But it wasn't directed at you, it was directed at Kakyoin's stomach.
As [The World]'s fist was halfway through the air, you moved through stopped time, surprising DIO but that didn't stop him. You grabbed Kakyoin's arm and pulled him away, taking the hit through the stomach. Unlike DIO, your [The World] can only pause and move through stopped time for a second or two. Making it slightly weaker.
DIO was still caught off guard by your stand's ability, his own stand's arm still plunged into your stomach as time started ticking again. Your hair wildly slapped against your face as you flew through the air until you felt yourself hit a water tank. Kakyoin and Joseph called out to you but you weren't able to hear them due to the ringing from your ears from the metallic impact.
Feeling numb, you tried getting all your senses all together but it was to no avail. Slowly, you tilt your head up. you could see Kakyoin's silhouette swinging on buildings trying to get to you. Being strict by drinking anything but animal blood is giving you a huge withdrawal. Your regeneration isn't as fast as it was before... "-N...Y/N!" You snap your head back up to see Kakyoin looking at you with concern. "Y/N, are you ok?!" You cough out blood and weakly spoke. "Same stand... DIO can stop... time.." Kakyoin glanced back behind him and back to you. He avoids looking at your stomach, feeling sick that he can see through the hole.
"Wh—why aren't you healing?" He stutters and helps you get out of the water tank. You collapsed on top of him and he gently sets you down on the floor, kneeling beside you.
"Need blood..." His eyes widen and you shook your head. "Tell... Joestar that.. DIO...can stop time.." You croak. Your body is regenerating but it wasn't as fast as how you wanted it. Kakyoin nodded and stood up, expecting him to leave you and help the elder Joestar but you were wrong. He called out his stand and shoot the large clock, breaking its hands.
"Fool..! Just go find Jota—" He stops you and grabs your arm, pointing it to his neck directly at the carotid artery. "You said you needed blood right?" Kakyoin said with a stern face. Your eyes widen as you tug your hand away from his neck, failing due to lack of strength. "Yes... but I don't need it- I can manage." you croak out while Kakyoin kept a firm grip on your hand. "Y/N, you saved me. You need this to be able to fight DIO." 'He doesn't even know if I actually saved him... He has this much trust in me..' Biting your lip, you hesitantly shoved your sharpened nails in his neck. You only needed a small amount...
He visibly winced but it disappeared quickly. You drank a small portion of his blood while your wounds start to regenerate at a quicker pace. Slowly getting your strength back, you rose from your sitting position and quickly removed your fingers from Kakyoin's neck. He stumbled a bit but you helped him regain his footing. "G-go..." You nodded and prepared to jump through buildings to catch up with Joseph and DIO but before you did, you glanced at Kakyoin. The guilt slowly rising within you, he notices your look and smiles. "...thank you." You mutter and with that, you searched for DIO and joseph.
Jumping from buildings to buildings again, time would often stop but thanks to Kakyoin's offering, you learned that you could stop and move through time for at least 5 seconds or more. Following the trail of bloodshed, you saw Joseph's dried corpse in the distance. "Oh no..." No time for grieving, you continued. Getting closer, you start to feel the presence of your damned brother.
"ROAD ROLLER!" There they were, on the bridge with Jotaro losing to DIO. Quickly, you made your way to them. "DIO!" You screamed before freezing in time. He laughs and throws the road equipment towards you, it gets stuck in time after it was inches from you. At least Jotaro doesn't have to worry about getting crushed.
Once time started ticking, you evaded it by punching it with your stand. Given the opportunity, you stopped time. DIO froze due to his stand's ability cooldown. You gave him a hard punch in the stomach like what he did earlier. Your stand's hand goes through him then you slow down and freeze while DIO starts moving again. He starts laughing at your attempt. "Foolish Y/N.... I am stronger than you." He pushes you. You flew back and your stand's hand went out of his stomach. It regenerates as nothing had happened.
DIO approaches you, your body tilted as it was frozen in time. "Why couldn't you just let me kill the Joestar's bloodline?" [The World] raises its arm, ready to decapitate you as DIO spoke. "Just for this, I'll make you suffer to what I had to go through just to get this body—" Then suddenly, he froze too. Behind him, you could see a towering Jotaro. "It seems like you can only stop time for 9 seconds..." He glances at you and nods, as a way of thanking you for distracting DIO to help him regain his strength.
"Now, it won't take even a second to finish you off!" Jotaro shouts and points at DIO. He approaches him from behind. Jotaro starts his monologue and kicks DIO on the legs, breaking them. "Time has begun to move again." Time starts and you dodged the falling DIO. He falls into the concrete, his legs bleeding. Jotaro hops off the road roller. "How long will your legs heal? Two seconds? Three seconds?" He stood in front of DIO. Ready to give him a beatdown. "The moment you heal. I'll throw [Star Platinum] at you."
DIO elevates himself, his knees shaking. He seems to be mumbling something. "-How I do it, does not matter!" He splurts out blood to Jotaro's eyes. 'He's playing dirty-' You jumped into action, helping Jotaro counter [The World]'s leg attack. You and Jotaro both punched its leg. [Star Platinum]'s hand starts to crack as well as your stand's but it healed quickly. DIO smirks at Jotaro but it instantly switched as the three of you heard another crack. [The world] starts cracking and falling apart. DIO screamed in agony. "WHAT?!" He starts splitting apart while yelling. "IMPOSSIBLE! I-I AM DIO!" He repeats his words and explodes into pieces. Body parts flying around and his blood tainting the floor.
That's it. It's done.
You sat down and sighed in relief. "Glad he's gone. He always stole my food..." Jotaro chuckles but abruptly stops. "Do you think... The old man's blood can be retrieved back?" You look at him with wide eyes. He looked determined and from his question, you could guess that he had a plan. "What do we have to lose?" And with that, the two of you called the Speedwagon Foundation.
Everything went well in the ambulance, Jotaro nearly punched his grandfather and you laughed at their antics. Avdol and Iggy gained prosthetics, Polnareff was mildly injured (comparing to Iggy and Avdol.) And Kakyoin is gaining some of his blood back.
You stayed with the Joestars while the others flew back to their home country.
But you can't help but think about the sweet warm blood that Kakyoin offered you. Maybe drinking a few more human blood wouldn't be too bad...
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agentofmischief · 3 years
Birthstone Legacy Challenge
Ok, I don’t post a lot on here, but I’m a huge fan of the sims. I’ve been playing it since gen 1 back in 2000. So, I’ve been having fun with challenges, especially the past couple years with 100 Baby, and I’ve found online. And after reading hearing and reading up on Lilsimsie’s Not So Berry Challenge, I had an idea of my own challenge. So, I thought I’d share if anyone else wanted to play along.
Disclaimer: These challenges mean nothing in regards to people born in that month. I simply took symbolism and cultural aspects of each stone to create a challenging and interesting playthroughs you might not think to do.
Lifespan requirements: Normal (not sure if it’s possible on Short, but if you want hard mode, do it).
The idea is to start with your month’s birthstone, then each generation is the next month’s stone for either 10 generations (traditional Legacy), or 12 if you wan to do the full year. You could also start on the month after your birth month with a full year play-through, so your birth month acts as a “finale”. Might be helpful if say your birth month is April, and you know your month’s stone is Diamond and to you it sounds like a finisher, or if your birth month is December, and you’d just prefer to start with January’s stone. It’s up to you.
These will just be listed month by month, so they are easy to find.
Like in the other color challenges, you want to model your sim with the stone’s colors in mind. You should also build their house with their stone’s color in mind.
1. January stone: GARNET
    Color: Dark Red
Garnets have a high refractive index, which causes them to look as if they are emitting light. Due to this phenomenon, travelers during the crusades would carry them to ward off evil. The stone represents Faith, Love and Constance.
Traits: Good, Ambitious, Cheerful
 - Complete the Soulmate aspiration
- Complete the Law career as a judge.
- Must maintain career until death (meaning no retirement, quitting, or being fired).
- Must have at least 2 kids after the soulmate aspiration is fulfilled.
- All children must be raised with all green character values and no lower than Bs in school.
2. February stone: AMETHYST
    Color: Purple
The word Amethyst comes from the Greek word, amethystos, meaning “not drunken.” This comes from a myth where Dionysus was so enraged, he vowed his wrath on the next human he saw, which was a young woman, Amethystos. To “save” this woman, Artemis turned her to stone (note to self, don’t ask Artemis to save you ever, because her track record sucks). Dionysus calmed at seeing the stone’s beauty, and poured his wine on it, giving the stone it’s purple color. In more recent centuries, amethysts have been associated with piety and rank in the Catholic Church, as bishops are given amethysts when they are appointed.
Traits: Genius, Bookworm, Snob (If you have Snowy escape, replace one of these with Proper).
-Complete the Knowledge - Renaissance Sim aspiration.
-Complete the Education Career as a Professor.
-Can not go to bars or nightclubs
-Max out Logic, Writing, and a musical skill (Violin, Guitar, Piano, or Singing)
-Can never marry or enter into an official dating relationship; HOWEVER must have at least 1 kid at some point to continue the legacy. This can be through adoption, which is more likely if you want to play pure piety or you have an Ace sim in mind, and the adoptee must be a child or teen. The other option is through secret woohoos if you want to play the more historically accurate, seedy way. **If you are playing with Risky Woohoos, you can have max 2 kids living with you. All others children must be removed from the house and into a Townie’s home once they become toddlers.
3. March stone: AQUAMARINE
    Color: Light Blue
Due to aquamarine’s sea-like color, they’ve long been associated with traveling and the sea. Sailors used to put them under their pillows to calm themselves. They are said to inspire peace and ward off poisons.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Glutton, Loner
-Complete Angling Ace aspiration.
-Eat out of the trash 5 times without getting sick.
-Have an aquarium with 10 fish.
-Catch a vampire squid. ** Or if you have Island Living, you must become a mermaid.
-Must eat and learn to make Pufferfish Nigiri.
4. April stone: DIAMOND
   Color: White/Silver
Diamond is the hardest stone on Earth, and is often associated with wealth and treasures. The word diamond comes from the greek word adamas, meaning unconquerable. They are the most popular of the stones, and so recently have been “Lab Grown.”
Traits: Ambitious, Insider, Perfectionist
-Complete the Scientist career.
-Complete Leader of the Pack aspiration.
-Find all the crystals.
-Must clone a diamond.
-Become best friends with Judith Ward and have a framed selfie with her in your house.
-Date/marry someone in the Style-influencer career.
5. May stone: EMERALD
    Color: Dark Green
Emeralds are an old stone, first mined in ancient Egypt. Cleopatra was known to wear them frequently. They are said to symbolize fertility, wisdom, and Spring. It’s also said to heal heartbreak.
Traits: Jealous, Romantic, Materialistic
-Master Gardening skill.
-Date and 100% romance a politician, then break up with them.
-Have at least 3 kids from multiple partners (each must have reached 100% romance first).
-Breed a frog worth over $100
-Must complete Fabulously Wealthy aspiration
-Does not marry, UNLESS you have Strangerville, and can marry an Officer in the Military Branch. However, when they die, so does your sim.
6. June stone: PEARL
    Color: White/Cream
Pearls are created by oysters and are considered the “perfect” gem, as it needs no man-mad alterations. Pearls are often attributed to wisdom through experience, as well as innocence and fertility.
Traits: Childish, Perfectionist, Family-oriented
-Must have 5 kids before becoming an adult.
-Must complete the Curator aspiration.
-Must master 10 skills. ** If you are using Tiny House perks, 15 skills.
7. July stone: RUBY
    Color: Bright Red
Rubies are well known for their blood-red color, earning their association with health and vitality. They are also symbols of love, passion, and prosperity.
Traits: Self-Assured, Romantic, Self-Absorbed
-Complete Serial Romantic aspiration.
-Master Cooking, Athletic, and Charisma skills.
-Complete Doctor Career.
-Must Woohoo at least once in each: Closet, Jacuzzi, Observatory, Bush, Spaceship, Lighthouse, Pile of leaves, Shower, Coffin.
8. August stone: PERIDOT
   Color: Light Green
Peridot is the stone of compassion, bringing health and peace to emotions and the mind. It inspires eloquence, creativity, and good cheer.
Traits: Creative, Vegetarian, Goofball
-Complete the Painter Career.
-Master Painting, Photography, and Handiness skills.
-Paint 5 Masterpieces.
-Craft a bathtub of excellent quality.
-Complete Painter Extraordinaire aspiration.
9. September stone: SAPPHIRE
    Color: Royal Blue
With the most famous sapphires being Princess Diana’s iconic engagement ring and The Heart of the Ocean in Titanic, it’s now wonder Sapphires hue long been associated with nobility and power. The stone symbolizes strength, loyalty, and focus through self-discipline.
Traits: Materialistic, Genius, Insider ** If you have snowy escape, Proper takes place for Materialistic.
-Complete the Law Career as a Private Attorney.
-Complete the Mansion Baron aspiration.
-Must start a club with Wealthy requirement ($30,000+). *If you start a fraternity/sorority in University, it counts if wealthy is listed as a requirement.
-Max out Charisma, Logic, and Writing skills.
-Must marry another club leader.
-Must get Gold in Wedding Social Event, and pay full $1750. Minimum of 10 guests.
-Must have a son. (He does not HAVE to be the continuation of the Legacy, but he can if you want. Also, if you have a born daughter, but decide to transition her, that does not count. Since it’s a click of a button without game mechanic influence, it’s kind of cheating. HOWEVER, if you decide your born son should transition, it still counts. This is mostly to take the steps during pregnancy to make a boy (since we’ve all watched others influence for a girl 1000x), That or to keep going until “the odds are in your favor.”)
10. October stone: PINK TOURMALINE
      Color: Pink
Pink Tourmaline, also known as October rose, represents humanity, sympathy to others, and humanitarian work. It’s believed to carry the virtue of love that is unconditional, offering comfort to children and lasting friendships.
Traits: Unflirty, Gloomy, Outgoing
-Complete the Politician career as a Charity Organizer.
-Complete Friend to the World aspiration.
-Adopt 2 kids (Do not have to be legacy continuation).
-Max out friendship/be best friends with 4 sims before becoming an Adult. The friendship must be maintained throughout life.
-Have a rose garden.
-Write 5 Children’s books.
-Volunteer with family 5 times.
*If you get the pop-up asking to donate to charity, you must if you have the money.
11. November stone: CITRINE
     Color: Dark Yellow (almost Gold)
Citrine’s yellow stone radiates happiness, creativity, and wealth. Named for it’s citrus like color, it’s no wonder it’s the stone for a month known for it’s food. Citrine is known also as the Merchant’s stone for it’s golden color.
Traits: Cheerful, Foodie, Creative
-Complete Culinary Career.
-Complete Culinary aspiration.
-Master Cooking and baking skills.
-Own a fruit and vegetable garden with every possible fruit and veggie in your game.
-Own a Bakery or Restaurant.
-Cook an Excellent quality Grand Meal.
-Learn 10 Food Stall recipes.
12. December stone: Turquoise
     Color: Blue/Green (Teal)
Turquoise is an odd one. In European cultures, it’s the stone of friendship and attracts money and luck, but is also frequently used in Evil Eye talismans. Historically, Montezuma II gifted these gems to Cortez, the Spanish Conquistador. The Apache used turquoise as well, as a charm on their bows for better aim.
Traits: Evil, Outgoing, Kleptomaniac
-Max out Mischief and Charisma skills.
-Complete the Criminal Career.
-Complete Public Enemy aspiration.
-Start a Kleptomaniac club.
-Steal an object worth $10,000
-Marry someone with the Good trait, and cheat on them 5 times.
Happy simming!
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psychotakublabs · 3 years
There is something peculiar about Jean-Luc’s appearance. From what we can tell, he is a mix of flesh and stone. Quite possibly a Golem to protect King. However, what is interesting about Jean-Luc is the flesh he is composed of looks like the same flesh Belos used during battle with Luz in “Young Blood, Old Souls”.
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This flesh could possibly come from the Titan as it’s magic is so potent it spreads throughout the Isles. This would explain how Jean-Luc and Belos can morph the flesh into different objects like claws, axes, and bows. Both Belos and Jean-Luc have utilized those abilities in combat. However, there is also another similar aspect they share: their blue eyes. Both eyes glow the same color and even have the same shape. Both could be related to the magic from the flesh of the Titan. We can also see both are more technology based than magic. Jean-Luc is a Golem created from flesh and stone and Belos uses his staff (which seems to be made out of metal) to conjure magic and create a portal from metallic substances. Jean-Luc and Belos seem to have a lot in common which begs the question if Belos is related to the island somehow since he tried to erase it from history.
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However, Jean-Luc is a Golem. Golems in folklore and fiction are makeshift beings created from specific materials with no thoughts/consciousness and pre-set goals/protocols. Jean-Luc’s purpose was protecting and serve King and nothing else. He cannot speak or do anything else unless King tells him to. He cannot gain any thoughts or feelings outside his directed protocol. It seems his purpose is also connected to the castle King was born from. When fighting Eda, he could not pass through the door and once outside the castle, he shuts off. He cannot function outside the castle, meaning there must be a power source or specific command ingrained in it’s programming of sorts. For now it seems he will just be a lifeless being stashed in Luz’s room for the time being.
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Belos is widely different from Jean-Luc. He has intelligence and conscious awareness. Enough to speak eloquently and plan everything to his advantage (Boiling Isles Coven system, fight with Luz, tricking Lilith, etc). He does have a set goal (Day of Unity) but unlike Jean-Luc, who’s direct objective is to protect King from an ingrained command, Belos is acting of his own free will (He does say it is for the Titan but still does it of his own accord). Belos seems to control the Titan’s flesh through his staff and technology whereas Jean-Luc can control the flesh on his body on his own. Both use the flesh for combat. However, Jean-Luc is able to morph his flesh into weapons while Belos can only form claws. This is probably because Jean-Luc is created with the flesh to be used for combat. Belos only commands the flesh from his staff which can be limited. Another difference is physical appearance. Golems can have humanoid appearances if designed that way. However, Belos was breathing heavily in “Agony of a Witch” and had to consume magic of a palisman to regain his strength and composure. It seems Belos does function like most living beings (breathing and eating) while Jean-Luc doesn’t require them to function. Belos is more living and sentient than Jean-Luc is.
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Despite similarities and differences between Jean-Luc and Belos, we do get a hint of Belos’s identity. Not just from Jean-Luc but from the mural of King’s father fighting a mysterious creature. In the mural, King’s father seems to be fighting a giant skeletal-like monster wielding a staff and breathing fire. The mural is damaged and the top part of the monster is missing (probably to create mystery and hide the reveal). However, there is something interesting about the monster. If you look closely, the shoulder is pointed upwards like a spike. It’s a small detail, but it also looks like the same upward appearance in the “cursed Belos” clip from the trailer. This could mean the creature in the mural is related to Belos. There are a few reasons how they can be related from other fandom theories:
1) Belos could be the creature itself from the mural but he is in a weakened state or in hiding. From many theories speculating throughout the fandom and information from the show (unauthorized history of the Boiling Isles), the creature could be the Boiling Isles Titan or at least a Titan. There have been sightings of bone fragments of different Titans but the Boiling Isles is the only complete skeleton. Meaning there is more than one Titan before they all perished and it’s possible this was because of King’s father. However, this is only plausible if King’s father came to be before or after the Titan decomposed (which has yet to be confirmed). Even if the language of the building King came from is not known, that could be because Belos erased this island from any known record. Despite Lilith’s comments on how ancient the building is, it does not confirm if it was created before or after the Titan’s death. If the creature is not a Titan, then it has to be some sort of giant or demon. In “Escape of the Palisman” the Bat Queen revealed she has no memory of who her previous master is due to thousands of years passing and her only recollection is she belonged to a giant. The creature in the mural is holding a staff which hints that this creature could be the Bat Queen’s previous handler. It could also be a demon that fought King’s father either out of retaliation or rage. Whatever this creature is, Belos could be it and is just in a weakened state or in hiding until the Day of Unity arrives.
2) Belos could be related to the creature. He may not be the creature itself, but have some relation. He could have come from the same race as the creature much like King. If King is able to be created from an egg, then it could be the same for Belos (not an egg exactly but some kind of demon creation equivalent). Belos’s  kind could have worshipped the Titan and gone on a crusade or war for dominance based on some type of Titan religion conquest. His kind, much like King, could have been wiped out from this war and Belos is the sole survivor. Belos could also have been created by the same creatures. Much like Jean-Luc, but a more advanced living creature. He could even have an ingrained command like Jean-Luc but is more of a living creature than a creation. Which could be a reason why he could be so hell bent on “The Day of Unity”. Belos could be in hiding by consuming magic from palismans to subdue his true form. May not make much sense, but he must appear like the others if he wants to remain in power. Again whatever this creature is, Belos could be related to it.
3) Belos has infused himself with Titan flesh or the technology he is using is starting to change him like Eda’s curse. Witch or human, infusing a magical substance or abusing technology/magic for too long can have dire consequences even if properly used. Much like Eda’s curse, he uses the magic from Palismans to keep his “curse” at bay. However, from “Separate Tides”, we see Belos with disheveled gray hair. This could imply either the usual trick is not working anymore or the curse is progressing faster. Possibly both. If the creature in the mural is the Boiling Isles Titan, it could explain his connection to Titan (heart beating in his throne room). If Belos somehow infused himself with Titan flesh or the technology has somehow made him connected, then his transformation could be a part of that as well. Belos cursed himself using forbidden techniques such as infusion or overuse of technology.
4) Belos could be a new type of Golem. Again, Golems in fiction/folklore do not have sentient consciousness and are made from someone/something. However, it doesn’t rule out the possibility that Belos could be a new type of Golem or robotic and organic creature. Notice how he never leaves the castle much like Jean-Luc never leaves King’s castle. He also has the same blue eyes as Jean-Luc and has a set goal (Day of Unity). He also uses magic from palismans to recharge his strength. He may not be a stone/flesh Golem like Jean-Luc but a much more advanced Golem. Advanced enough to speak and have conscious thought to carry out plans with flexibility. Now how is this related to the creature in the mural? Much like Jean-Luc being created from King’s father, Belos could have been created by the creature in the mural. The mural depicts a battle, but it doesn’t say if the battle was won or in a stalemate. The creature could have created Belos before passing. There is a slight possibility Belos could be possessed by the Titan. Golems usually don’t have conscious thought or sentience, so Golem Belos could be possessed by magic (especially if he is infused with Titan flesh) or the soul of the Titan itself. Again this is highly unlikely as Golems are usually makeshift creations that serve a purpose from their creator.
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Whatever Belos may be, he definitely has a connection to King’s past. He hid an entire island from any record on the Boiling Isles. Although his reign is 50 years, the Boiling Isles seems to have existed for thousands of years. However, written records of this island never existed and Belos probably did that to cover his tracks and to fit his narrative of being a messiah to the Titan. King’s castle contains ancient murals, defective technology, and new language. This island's existence would pose a threat to Belos’s reign. However, there seems to be more reasons why Belos would hide it. First, King recalls hearing a roar and a crash before falling asleep. Outside the castle there is a large hole at the top left side. King translated the roar to son, meaning King’s father must have fought someone/something trying to get to King. This someone could be Belos since we do not know his real age yet or when this incident occurred. Although King’s father was trying to protect him, what if Belos was not after King? What if Belos was after the technology King’s father had. Notice how the castle doors are technology based and Jean-Luc is also technology. This does not mean there is no magic involved, but no spells, objects, or commands were used. Also notice how the huge hole is not directly in King’s room. Belos’s must have fought King’s father and stolen the technology he is using right now as his form of magic. He hid the island to protect the technology and history being discovered from the Boiling Isles citizens.
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Belos has become one of the most mysterious characters in “The Owl House”. He is an all powerful witch who taught witches how to use magic the correct way and created a system limiting magic usage. Belos is a messiah to the Titan and uses dictatorship to rule by punishing wild witches. His reign has only been set for 50 years but has had a major impact in Boiling Isles society. He has a mysterious plan to build a portal to the human realm which is known as “The Day of Unity” (which is also a mystery). Let’s not forget he wield a staff that is mostly technology and is the source of his magic. What Belos is, his plans, and purpose for the Boiling Isles has yet to be revealed. However, this island does give us a hint to Belos. Although Belos was not a part of this episode unlike “Separate Tides” and “Escaping Expulsion”, “Echoes of the Past” has given us hints from the characters such as King and Lilith. Lilith mentioning there is no record of the island shows Belos is hiding something important from the island. Then we have King who recalls his father’s roar and a crash. Although King was still a fetus, we can tell King’s father did battle with someone to protect him. This someone could have Belos trying to obtain the technology in the castle. Then we have the castle itself. The murals, deactivated Golems (with exception of Jean-Luc), and technology based security shows us either Belos’s acquisition of his current technology and/or his past/origin. This is probably the closest we have gotten to Belos’s identity and we will probably learn more throughout the series.
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doreamu-san · 3 years
An analysis of SolKy
Hello! Thank you so much for clicking on this. A while ago, I was asked to do an essay explaining why people ship SolKy other than the whole rivals/opposites attract reason, and I got a lot of feedback stating it was useful for newcomers to the ship! As a result I’ve decided to post this on tumblr, but just on the ship’s tag as to not bother uninterested people.
A couple of disclaimers before I begin. This is firstly just my own opinion, so whilst it makes sense for me, other shippers may disagree with my points. I’m also not claiming they are canon because they are not. But I do hope it’ll give some insight into why some people like me enjoy them together.
Even once you’ve read this essay, you can still dislike SolKy. This isn’t an essay stating you have to ship them.
This will be extremely long as I basically cover every single interaction they’ve ever had with each other since I know some people sort of gloss over their dialogue, so grab yourself a drink, get comfy, and I hope you enjoy reading!
(Last edited: 09/05/2021. This will be updated again when Strive releases!)
How this all began
If we’re starting right at the beginning, it’s common knowledge that Ky and Sol weren’t exactly on great terms and often clashed most of the time due to their conflicting beliefs. Ky saw the world in terms of black and white, and had very strict rules on what constituted as right and wrong. Sol seemed to think differently and went against that, which was a stark contrast compared to the other Order members at the time.
Considering that they were in fact, in the middle of a war, you would think that generally people would be willing to put their differences aside and work together.
But Sol wasn’t like everyone else, going off and doing his own thing instead of actually listening to orders, so it’s understandable why Ky found him rather irritating.
However, Ky did grow curious of Sol. Obviously curiosity does not equate to love, but it is the basis of Ky wanting to become more friendly with and know more about Sol. There seemed to be something that Sol knew but Ky didn’t, but how was that possible..? As a result, despite how infuriating he could be, Ky sought to seek out the truth and so fought him for answers.
In regards to why exactly they fight (aside from the fact that this is a fighting game), Ishiwatari wrote something called ‘Hostility is Akin to Love’ right above a picture of them fighting:
Hostility is akin to love Thinking of your opponent’s actions to fight, Reading your opponent’s inner thoughts to fight, Planning attacks that will hit your opponent to fight, And then transmitting your thoughts with those attacks, The more you think of your own advantage, at the same time you think of your opponent, In the instant you mix with your opponent, a passionate feeling arises, and blood boils, Reality is hurt, and you wound your opponent, Hostility is akin to love. — Guilty Gear Isuka Mook
It states how fighting someone can be close to feelings of love because you have to think about what your opponent is doing, as well as how you’re going to respond to your opponent. Overtime, you start to memorise how your opponent thinks, and as a result you’ll know them on a deeper level.
So considering the above, this explains how even though they weren’t on friendly terms, they still formed a bond with one another.
Now we’ve established how exactly their relationship started, and why Ky was curious about Sol in the first place, let’s look at things from Sol’s perspective.
Sol’s attitude towards Ky
We know that Sol was also pretty annoyed by Ky, which was totally justifiable given the extreme way in which Ky thought the world worked. But Sol didn’t exactly dislike Ky.
In order to provide some evidence that Sol cares about Ky, let’s cover that infamous scene everyone likes to reference which shows Sol crying over Ky’s dead body:
Sol:     "I came to pick you up." Ky:      "Always coming late... you never could fix that..." Sol:     "You..." Ky:      "As to be expected... until the very end... I could never beat you..." Sol:     "Don't say anything!" Ky:      "I have... a request..." Sol:     "I said shut up!" Ky:      "After Commander Kliff... carry on... the Holy Order..." Sol:     "Stop it... that's your job!" Ky:      "Please... promise me..." Sol:     "Dammit..." Ky:      "If it's you... you can do..." Sol:     "Hey.... what's wrong. Hey! KYYYYYY!" — Guilty Gear XX Drama CD Side Red, Battle of Rome — Deathmatch
A lot of people bring this quote up when discussing SolKy and yes, it does show Sol cares about Ky considering how Sol never really cares about anyone in general, but the fact that Ky’s death managed to make him emotional shows what an impact Ky had on him. There are however more quotes that show Sol’s feelings.
There’s this scene in the GG Xtra manga, Ky and Sol get attacked by a mountain-sized gear. In order to save them, Sol rips off his limiter and Dragon Installs. This scene is very poignant when you take into consideration what Sol said in After Story A:
Sol:     "Back during the Crusades, before we met... Kliff told me this rumour about a prodigy swordsman." Sol:     "If you couldn't guess, that was you. I didn't give a shit at the time..." Sol:     "But then I saw you on the battlefield." Sol:     "I saw someone out there who surpassed all of my expectations. Or perhaps I should say 'something.'" Sol:     "No openings, no wasted movements, no carelessness, no hesitation, no embarrassment, not even any honor. No chivalry or mercy. A being unaffected by emotion." Sol:     "You were a killing machine. Taking down gears with brutal efficiency." Ky:      "...That was a long time ago." Sol:     "I'm not done talking. I've seen the face of the 'serious' Ky." Sol:     "Then one day, you challenged me." Sol:     "You wanna know what I thought right then?" Ky:      "..." Sol:     "I was afraid. Hell, I was scared shitless." Sol:     "'He figured out that I'm a Gear, and he's come to kill me.' That's what I thought." — Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-, After Story A
Sol admits that he knows just how scary Ky can be. Since Ky was extremely against Gears, if Ky found out that Sol was a Gear, then Ky would have most likely attempted to kill him. But Sol knew this and was willing to die for Ky’s sake, and transformed anyway:
Ky:      "Sol..." Ky:      (Really... that's really..) Ky:      (That's really you!?) Ky:      "SOL!" Sol:     "Shut it..." Sol:     "I didn't do it..." Sol:     "To help you out—...." — Guilty Gear Xtra, Chapter 5: Unspeakable Thoughts
Going off on a bit of a tangent from Sol’s feelings, but I just want to point out Ky’s state of mind at this point. Ky in this time period was still very anti-Gear, as it was only through this moment and his encounters with Solaria and Dizzy later that made him change his way of thinking. It took a long time for Ky to accept Gears, and he still had the remains of that mindset in him when he had Sin, as he refused to make eye contact with him because Ky was ashamed of having a Gear child. So the fact that Ky knew Sol was a Gear, believed all Gears were evil, but still decided to accept Sol into his life and wanted to support him regardless of that, is interesting.
Back to Sol, another small quote that manages to show Sol’s feelings towards Ky is this:
Sol:     (Maybe I'll finish them off while I'm at it...) Sol:     (But that would mean breaking my promise to Ky...) — Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R, Sol Badguy Path 2
Now, Sol doesn’t care about 99% of what other people do as long as they don’t get in his way. The fact that he intends to keep his promise with Ky suggests that he holds Ky in somewhat ‘high’ regards compared to others.
There’s also this quote that shows Sol is thinking about Ky in Overture:
The frustrations of the man wielding a giant sword were piling day by day, and a familiar face appeared in his head. What’s he up to right now? “Hmph, whatever…” With a feeling of self-contempt, Sol Badguy shook his head. What am I getting sentimental for? — Guilty Gear 2: Overture, #0 “Noise”
And when Sol encounters Raven later on after seeing Ky incapacitated, Raven points out how he can tell Sol is upset, meaning Sol’s not really doing a good job of pretending he’s still indifferent to Ky.
Raven: "You're as ruthless as ever, huh, monster?" Sol:      "Look who's talking." Raven: "Can you not put down your sword and talk? I understand you're upset with Ky Kiske defeated." Sol:      "I'll ask your corpse for answers." — Guilty Gear 2: Overture, #5 "Gaze of the Chronicle"
Sol’s thoughts about Ky become even clearer during his confrontation with Sin when he’s under the influence of Valentine, where Sol defends Ky’s actions and tries to make Sin understand Ky is not 100% at fault:
Sin:     "Can you see it? Can you feel it? This is my real power. This is my mother's strength." Sol:     "But it's light. It must be from your father." Sin:     "Shut up! Don't ever mention him!" Sin:     "He abandoned my mother and me using justice as an excuse!" Sin:     "Who cares about the King!? Who cares about the people!? That man, and that Kingdom, not one of them can protect a damn thing!" Sol:     "I don't give a damn about your family." Sol:     "But you know what, Ky may be a stubborn idiot, but at least he's true to his beliefs." Sol:     "A punk like you is still alive thanks to his justice." — Guilty Gear 2: Overture, #15 "Roaring Compass"
Okay, that’s the pre-Xrd era for Sol done, now to focus on Ky’s pre-Xrd’s emotions.
Ky’s attitude towards Sol
We’ve established earlier that Ky was annoyed by Sol and disliked him in the Crusades. However, afterwards it seems as if Ky saw himself as friends with Sol:
Ofc1:   "All of them seem to have been destroyed by... fire?" Ofc2:  "Yeah... why could that be?" Ky:      "........" Ky:      "Change our course!" Ky:      "Head towards the Eastern United States!" Ofc1:   "May I ask why, Chief Ky?" Ky:      "To meet an old friend." — Guilty Gear Xtra, Chapter 4: Former Friends
We know that Ky outwardly expressed his first signs of liking Sol when Sol stole the Fuuenken and Ky chased after him, only for Sol to win in their duel, and Ky says this:
Ky:      "Promise me one thing..." Sol:     "..What?" Ky:      "We'll meet again." Sol:     "Hmph... Well, if fate brings us together..." Ky:      "..That's fine." — Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R, Sol Badguy Path 1
It’s pretty interesting that Ky wanted to see Sol again despite how Sol never used to listen to his orders, and how Sol never even tried to act like what the Order expected their men to act like (chivalrous, putting the people first, etc). It at least shows us that Ky saw possibly the potential of becoming friends with Sol. And Sol didn’t even say straight up ‘no’ or ‘in your dreams’ or whatever Badguy-esque notion he usually would’ve done, so we can assume he doesn’t mind seeing Ky again either.
Then they don’t speak to each other properly for 5 years until the tournament that Testament holds, though they have probably ran into each other a few times within those years.
A common misconception people have is that during those 5 years, Ky was obsessed with Sol and would constantly try to find him. Obviously, this is not true. Ky was busy with IPF stuff and Sol was hunting Gears down.
However, it’s not as if Ky completely forgot about Sol — he was just probably at the back of his mind, and Ky does admit that he has been chasing after Sol the most more than anyone else:
Ky:      (Waiting outside for me when I left the ship... burning red flames. Soon, they seem to take the shape of a man... and he appears before me. Yes... it's him. The one I've been after the most... it's him.) — Guilty Gear X Drama CD, Vol. 1: Track Seven — Crater
There’s also these two other quotes:
Ky:      (Sol...) Ky:      (Why are you so stubborn about doing things alone?) — Guilty Gear Xtra, Chapter 5: Unspeakable Thoughts
You can interpret this in two ways: either Ky wants to help Sol out and/or he’s curious as to why Sol always does stuff alone.
And then there’s this:
Ky:      "Maintaining peace, law, and order. That is my duty." Sol:     "Whatever..." Ky:      "You and I, we are cut from the same cloth." Ky:      "How long are you going to keep that facade?" Sol:     "..." Ky:      "Answer me Sol!" — Guilty Gear Judgment, Sol and Ky Ending
Being ‘cut from the same cloth’ is quite a strong statement. The phrase means that Ky thought he and Sol were similar somehow, and that he shared something with Sol. Regardless, the ‘how long are you going to keep that facade’ at least shows that Ky knows Sol is intentionally acting distant/rough/etc. and that its not actually who he is.
Jumping to pre-Overture, just before Ky gives Sin to Sol, Ky is in a really depressive state due to all of the stress he’s been going through. This leads Dizzy to contact Sol. The fact that Sol is called means that Dizzy knows that Sol is possibly the only person who can help Ky at that point, which puts some emphasis on just how much Sol means to Ky or at least affects him.
Before I move onto Xrd, there’s this part where Ky gives his son to Sol. This proves he trusts Sol so much considering he was asking him to take care of Sin for a long period of time.
Ky:      “Sol....I want to request something...” Sol:     “...hnn?” Ky:      “My son....Sin..can you take care of him for a while?” Sol:     “...what did you say?” Ky:      “I know it’s unreasonable but...I still want to ask...” — GG2: Overture Story, Sol's Story
The Xrd era (because it is so long, it needs its own section)
The Xrd era is extremely interesting to me, because Sol and Ky have some more in-depth conversations, and boy, do they have a lot of conversations.
Focusing on Sol first, theres a scene in REV where Sol asks Ky why he isn’t interested in his past:
Sol:     "Why don't you ask me already?" Ky:      "Ask you what?" Sol:     "About my past." Ky:      "I can ask you?" Sol:     "I guarantee, it won't be interesting." Sol:     "Every other word that came out of your mouth was 'Duel me,' or 'I challenge you!' You were so eager to fight and..." Ky:      "........" — Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-, Story Mode: Chapter 03, Sense A
Given that Ky was constantly pestering Sol about his background in the past, it makes sense why Sol is suddenly a bit confused about Ky’s sudden change in behaviour. But it also shows that Sol wants Ky to know about his past. After ~170+ years of being alive, Sol wants to finally open up to someone again, and he specifically chose Ky for this. It shows in the very least Sol trusts Ky and knows him well enough to decide to let him know about who he used to be.
And then Ky says this, which is basically him just showing Sol how much he cares and understands him:
Ky:      "Sol. Of course I have an interest in your past." Ky:      "But wanting to understand someone and trying to understand everything is completely different." Ky:      "Right now, Sol Badguy's future matters much more to me, than Frederick's past." — Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-, Story Mode: Chapter 03, Sense A
There’s also this scene in SIGN:
Ky:      "I don't know your history." Ky:      "I don't know if you had friends once, or if you fell in love, or why you burn with such hatred for That Man and the Gears..." Ky:      "I don't even know your real name." Sol:     "..." Ky:      "But I do know a great deal about a man named Sol Badguy." Ky:      "Blinded by vengeance, he lost sight of himself, and now he runs from the truth that frightens him." Sol:     "...Say that again." Ky:      "Tomorrow always comes, Sol." Sol:     "..!" Ky:      "If tomorrow promises to be cold and dark, I cannot stand idly by... even if I know my efforts will come to nothing." Sol:     "... The self-righteous apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Ky:      "I don't expect the world to change tomorrow, but I do hope that, today, perhaps my words will reach you." Ky:      "Sol..." Ky:      "I'll be waiting for you. We'll all be waiting for you. Sin, Dizzy..." Ky:      "Once all this is over... come home." — Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, Story Mode: Chapter 04, Kaleidoscope B
Three things to take away from this:
Ky admits that he doesn’t know anything about Sol’s background, but that he knows a lot about the current Sol, and then goes on to explain how Sol acts. Which to expand on, means that although Ky used to care about Sol’s past, he doesn’t really mind about it anymore because Sol’s past won’t really change much who Sol is to Ky now. Also, the part where Ky explains how Sol was ‘blinded by vengeance,’etc. shows that Ky knows Sol’s current personality well enough in order to be able to distinguish his behaviours. Which is interesting because nobody has been around Sol long enough to be able to know him really well unlike Ky (Aria and Asuka count too, but they were around Sol when he was Frederick, and Sol seems pretty adamant on the idea that he’s a separate person from Frederick.)
‘Come home’ is pretty significant, as it implies that it’s almost like Ky is saying home is with Sin, Dizzy and the Valentines, and so when Sol is done getting revenge on That Man, instead of letting Sol just wander off alone, Ky wants Sol to be a family with them.
The fact that says Ky says ‘I’ll be waiting for you’ separate from ‘we’ll all be waiting for you’ implies that either Ky’s want to wait for Sol is somehow different from everyone else’s or it’s just for the sake of being dramatic. I interpreted this in both ways, as it seems like Ky knows that Sol treats him differently compared to others. So in a sense, by Ky emphasising that he’ll be waiting for Sol, it might make Sol more likely to ‘come home’.
There’s also a scene that shows Ky knows Sol’s personality well:
Ky:      "When I look at you, Sol, I see a man who is afraid." Sol:     "... What?" Ky:      "It became clear when I watched you caring for Sin." Ky:      "You work very hard to keep everyone at arm's length." Sol:     "..." Sol:     "I got Gear blood in my veins, and it ain't friendly. It's always there in the back of my head, whispering that I oughta just destroy all of this." Sol:     "The only way I'm gonna get some closure is tracking down That Man and beating some answers out of him." Sol:     "And if he doesn't have 'em..." Sol:     "Then maybe there really isn't a good way to live." Ky:      "That's why you close your heart off." — Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, Story Mode: Chapter 08, Hope A
There’s also this:
Ky:      "Not all people have the strength to stand on their own." Sol:     "..." Ky:      "If only life were simple, and the right path was laid out before each of us..." Ky:      "But even then some would leave it, and some would struggle with walking it. Such is human nature..." Ky:      "The truth is that no path will ever be 'right' for all people. Each of us must find the one we are meant to walk--and sometimes that is where none exists." Ky:      "That is what I learned from you." — Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, Story Mode: Chapter 08, Hope A
This just shows that Ky actually learnt something from Sol. Which I think is important because Ky is someone who always used to be very strict to his ideals. The fact that he learnt something from Sol that had an impact on his mindset means that Sol actually managed to have a great impact on Ky.
There’s this scene where Sol finds out that Aria isn’t dead when he confronts That Man, and he has somewhat of a mini mental breakdown. So Ky excuses them from the room, and goes outside to talk with Sol:
Ky:      "Sol. The grudge you hold is certainly not something that can be taken lightly. And, whatever answer you think you've found, I doubt any of us will be able to stop you from seeing it through..." Ky:      "But we have very little time left. Right now, we need the Gear Maker's help." Ky:      "So, I'm begging you... Just for now. Why don't you stay outside with me." — Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-, Story Mode: Chapter 06, Cause A
The last line that Ky says is interesting because it’s obvious that he’s just trying to calm Sol down, and Ky thinks that if he stays with Sol outside for a bit, he’ll be able to help him calm down. Furthermore, Ky thought it was more necessary to pause everything and help Sol out rather than keep listening to the plans of what their next course of action would be.
Ky does have the habit of comforting Sol. One of the more significant moments is whenever Sol refers to himself as a monster:
Ky:      "Yes, he took away some of what makes you human, but that doesn't mean he altered your mind or your soul." Sol:     "So what?" Ky:      "I want to believe that you'll fight for the people of this world." Sol:     "Are we seriously having this conversation?" Sol:     "Look, kid. I'm a monster. I'm here to do two things: Destroy That Man, and kill all the other Gears." — Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, Story Mode: Chapter 04, Kaleidoscope B
To expand a little on Sol’s mindset, it’s common knowledge that Gears were generally in the past regarded as akin to monsters. Now we don’t have any solid proof Sol is referring to himself as a monster because he’s a Gear, or because he feels guilt about the whole Gear Project, etc. But we do know it’s something he’s affected by given that he constantly refers to himself as one.
So the fact that Ky constantly reassures him that he’s not one, and that Ky didn’t treat him differently after finding out he was a Gear, must be comforting to know.
Then at the end of REV, there’s the scene where Daryl is about to shoot Sol, because he (quite rightly) doesn’t trust the fate of the world to be left to Sol. And so, the kids get beamed up, but Ky asks to be left behind:
Ky:      "But, if you plan on targeting Sol, then you must leave me behind, as well." Daryl: "What!?" Zappa:"60 seconds until impact..!" Sol:     "What the hell are you doing?! Stay with Sin!" Ky:      "I am well aware that this is a one in a million chance..." Ky:      "But, if I survive at the expense of my dear friend, then there is little reason left for my ruling this world as king." — Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-, Story Mode: Final Chapter, Fireworks
This was a really odd moment because Ky’s life was never in danger at that moment. If he had been sent on board Daryl’s ship as originally planned, he would have been safe. But Ky intentionally chose to risk his life, and its kind of startling because Ky has always put his people above everything. There were times when he put the people above his own family, like when he kept his family a secret instead of coming out with the truth about them in order to remain as King to protect his people.
So Ky suddenly going ‘I would rather die with Sol than take care of my people’ is really extreme. Also Ky was willing to leave his family behind, which is even more extreme. So this just really proves how highly Ky regards Sol considering how he would rather die with him than live without him.
Some concluding notes
I think Sol and Ky’s personalities do work really well. Perhaps not in the Crusade era, but if we take a look at the Xrd era, they have shown to get along and have deep conversations with one another that they both enjoy. They know each other extremely well; they know how to support one another when life gets a bit too much and they’re also capable of telling one another when the other is wrong.
Sol teaches Ky that life isn’t as simple as it seems, and that (figuratively speaking) he shouldn’t stick exactly to the textbook. He’s able to see under that perfect image Ky puts up about him being able to cope with everything, acting as a source of stability when you consider how Sol has been the only person who’s been around Ky since the very beginning.
Throughout all of Ky’s life, he’s been under so much pressure. From being Commander in the Crusades, to becoming the Head of the International Police Force, to becoming King. In every situation, people are constantly relying on him, and his environment is changing rapidly. But despite everything, Sol has always remained the same. He looks the same, acts the same, etc. Ky can rely on Sol and trust Sol. He’s like a source of stability for Ky in those hectic times.
And Ky provides something similar to Sol too, given how often he ran into Sol time and time again. When you’ve been alive for so long, it’d feel reassuring in the very least to see a familiar face. And Sol does seem to get less annoyed each time they meet each other again, considering like how in Overture he voluntarily went to go see Ky after seeing himself on a wanted poster.
Ky also gives Sol the chance to open up to people again and form connections with them, something that Sol has been reluctant to do. Sol needs someone to care about him, and Ky proves that by constantly reassuring him and never giving up on trying to help Sol, even though he kept getting pushed away.
They may not be canon but I really do love how they work together. Yes it’s true some people may like them because they are ‘rivals’and seeing rivals get together and bicker is great, but actually I think when people focus more on how much they support and rely on each other, as well as the fact that they do get along, them being in a relationship is more convincing.
Whilst this essay focused on their canon interactions, there’s plenty of other great material out there. For instance, the Guilty Gear 4KomaKINGS manga provides plenty of great SolKy interactions (like the time Ky wanted to have a friendship diary with Sol, only to get rejected and start crying about it. Of course, take these interactions with a pinch of skepticism considering the frivolity of the source material.)
And that, was my very long SolKy essay. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading! Though you may not have agreed with everything I have said, you still continued reading, and I am grateful for that. Thank you for showing such enthusiasm and loving this franchise.
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“I never thought I’d see a Crusader Priest in a hoodie.”
Nile says it innocently, not thinking anything of it. If anything, she was trying to lighten the tension in the car, the five of them stuck in the back of a van, their hands tied. It annoyed her how easy it was to restrain them once someone got the jump on them. She would assume that immortals would be imbued with super strength, but she feels as mortal as she ever did. Booker was right, as usual. Just because they can’t die, doesn’t mean they can’t hurt.
Except as soon as the words came out of her mouth, she feels like she wants to take them back. Nicky sits across from her, tied to the side of the car as far away from Joe as the captors could get them. It didn’t take a genius to figure out the two of them together were far more dangerous than separate. She’s watched the move together like water, all encompassing and forever together. He stills, his hands in front of his chest, head bowed. In prayer, she doesn’t think so, but if she didn’t know he was over a thousand years old, she would figure he was.
Glancing in the van, she looks for someone to explain what she could’ve said that was so wrong. Nile can’t help it, her eyes go to Joe, who hasn’t looked away from him.
It’s like staring at the sun, watching Joe gaze at Nicky. Blinding, beautiful, painful, and intense. It feels all encompassing and private, as though the moment becomes a physical presence around her. “It is a reminder.” Nicky says softly from his corner of the van. “I think it is important to remember your mistakes.”
“You know how I feel about—” Joe starts.
“Yes, you have mentioned before.” Nicky looks up, his icy eyes attempting something light, but even Nile can tell it’s nothing more than a blanket covering something dark.
“I think I can say the speech by heart.” Booker offers offhandedly, Joe glaring in response. “I’m just saying you two aren’t as private as some people would encourage.”
“You would think that after two hundred years, you’d be used to it by now.” Andy says, her voice only mildly irritated in that way that Nile has come to learn as annoyance with having to get out of chains. She wonders absently if she’ll ever get simply annoyed with capture. Where the fear filters out and it’s merely inconvenient.
“No, I still think we need to start investing in safe houses with insulation and separate rooms.”
“You know that everyone would sleep in the same room regardless.” Andy snorts, getting even a laughless breath out of Nicky. Andy relaxes at that, Nile slightly jealous at how she can read them. The woman is also focused on Nicky, whose hands are wringing together ever-so-slightly. Joe watches the movement.
Finally, Nicky looks up to Nile, his eyes warm. “There are certain things that stay with you, no matter how much you want to forget. You would think over time, they would melt away, like the rain on a window. But… others do not.”
Nile can feel Joe’s frustration to being tied up from across the van, his legs stretched out and nowhere near Nicky. He makes a huff, which Nicky merely snorts at. The two look at each other and she’s certain there’s a conversation happening she’ll never be privy. That is, until Nicky speaks.
“It was the first time I decided it was not God’s will to do what we were sent to do.”
The battlefield is ripe with the stench of death. Nicolo swallows, looking at the lives around him. His shirt is stained with blood of the lives he’s taken, and with a bit of his own. He’s understood that God has given him a gift to reanimate – despite his terrifying first few deaths, Nicolo understood his purpose. He wasn’t meant to die, until his finished God’s vision of the world.
There’s a shout from behind him and Nicolo flinches, reacting in a violent swing that would make the most vicious of warriors flinch. Before he can even register what is happening, a figure falls at his feet, eyes wide and noises coming from his mouth that Nicolo knew would haunt him for the rest of his days.
Nicolo startles.
He’s seen this man before.
Except there’s no way that could be possible.
This man has died in his hands. From his hands. Even though Nicolo didn’t like to admit it, he also had been on the receiving end of the man’s sword.
Except, this time is different.
Nicolo drops his broadsword and places a hand on his cheek as the figure collapses. He has the sort of curls that easily twine around his fingers, and eyes that seem to carry Universes. Universes that makes Nicolo think of the lessons that God has tried to teach him, but he could never find the answer. The man before him, blood staining his teeth and dripping from the corner of his mouth. The man he’s seen many times.
Nicolo utters a quicker prayer, dropping to his knees. This is not like what they have taught him. The man before him is the sun and is light and Nicolo draws closer. “I am sorry.” He finds himself saying in a shaky voice, even though he knows the man won’t understand.
Something incredible happens. The pulsing of his heartbeat grows stronger under Nicolo’s touch, the faint rhythm making his breath hitch. He looks down at the man’s shirt, still stained with blood, but no longer spreading. Nicolo jerks his hand away, shocked. He knows he shouldn’t be – he’s seen his body heal in the mirrors he found in camp, but… this was supposed to be God’s will.
He was taught to hate the man before him, and yet, here he heals.
“Praise God,” Nicolo mutters because he doesn’t know what else to say.
The man grips Nicolo’s hand, the blood stain in it smearing against he own. He slowly catches his breath and mutters under his breath, a language that Nicolo knows not, but sounds like poetry and music. He wonders if the man ever gets tired of speaking because he isn’t sure he’d ever tire of hearing his voice.
“Nicolo, what are you doing?”
He startles at his name, Nicolo standing up to see a few other priests standing before him. Like carbon prints of each other, thoughts and opinions copied until he isn’t sure if they kept their humanity any longer.
For the first time, he sees.
He sees like he hasn’t before.
In that moment, Nicolo reaches truth.
He swung his sword in a violent motion, thinking anything different as a threat. Except, the man desperately trying to get to his feet behind him, was not threatening. He held on Nicolo’s hand as if he was trying to teach him something. Something he knew Nicolo needed to learn.
Instead, Nicolo killed him.
He was not a human, not a priest, he was a feral animal unleashed unto the world under the guise of destiny. Perhaps…
Perhaps destiny had answers humans couldn’t understand.
“What are you waiting for?” They ask.
The world is quiet to him. Even though he hears the screaming around him, the fight and the lives lost, Nicolo hears nothing but the wind. He listens for God, for destiny, for whoever to tell him that he was wrong.
The man behind him says something, the words washing over him. He may not understand the words, but he understands the feeling.
“I was waiting for a sign from God.” Nicolo finds himself says. He takes his sword in front of him, spreading his legs in the attack stance he was taught too many years ago. “And this is not what God wants.”
The confusion on their faces is only for a second. They twist in something inhuman, in something that he was taught to fear. But, Nicolo was not afraid.
Before they can reach him, Nicolo lets out a gasp. Looking down at his chest, he sees a curved sword impaled through his chest. “My god,” Nicolo mutters.
“They will torture you.” The man whispers in his ear in a broken Italian. Desperate. “They will call you… demon. You can’t let them. We need… time.”
Nicolo feels his breath on his neck, a shiver running down his spine. “I will find you.” He mutters, his words catching as he sees black spots curling around his eyes. “I-I—”
“I am counting on it.” The man says. “And I you… Nicolo.”
Nicolo lets out a choke of a laugh. “Not fair, you know me.”
The man takes the blade out of his chest in a quick movement. Nicolo falls to his knees as he does so. He has fallen to his knees so many times. Except, this time, he feels free. Even as he can feel his body fight against the wound, the skin stitching back together like the chainmail wrapped around his head, he’s never felt more alive.
The man stands over him, a bright smile on his face, his own wounds nothing more than a ripped shirt. He blocks the sun, but then again, maybe he is the sun. “Yusuf.” He states, placing his hand over his chest. “Until we find each other.”
“Until…” Nicky chokes on the blood pooling in his mouth. “Until we find…”
He can’t say anything further. Instead, he’s lost in the sun and the world and the Universe. There’s nothing in the world that’s made him feel like this. He staring at a man he was taught to hate and he feels… infinite. He feels as if he’s watching the sun rise after a cold night, the frost on the leaves dripping onto the ground. He feels like he’s heard a psalm for the first time, understand God in a way he’s never thought.
His mind goes blank.
The chainmail falls off his head, his body covered in metal. The chains were off. Nicolo was free.
“I spent my life in metal.” Nicky says. “I need to remember what I learned.”
“Plus, watching a man walk around in chainmail isn’t exactly discreet.” Booker offers. “But I’m in full agreement that you should do that.”
“Fuck off, Booker.” Andy snorts under her breath, but she’s still searching between Joe and Nicky.
“But, why?” Nile asks, unable to stop herself. “Why would you want to remember all of that?”
Nicky sucks in a breath, his eyes meeting Joe’s. It’s soft and powerful and unyielding. He doesn’t even tear away to answer Nile, his attention forever Joe’s. “To remember that you can try to do what you think is right, but you can be wrong. That mistakes you make can be transformed into something beautiful. By… someone beautiful.”
The moment is fraught, tense, and intimate.
“My god, I need alcohol if you two are going to be like that.”
Joe and Nicky snap out of whatever gaze they’ve lost each other in, both laughing at themselves. “Book’s right,” Andy says, relaxing ever-so-slightly when Nicky smiles, the haunt behind his eyes fading slightly. “Let’s use that energy to figure out how get out.”
“Oh, you haven’t?” Joe asked, bringing his hands up. Nile’s startled to see that there’s no zip ties on them, his wrists not even pink with the pressure anymore. “I just couldn’t wait.”
He crosses the back of the car with a couple strides, placing his hand on the back of Nicky’s neck and pulling him close. The car rattles and bumps, Nile staring that the two, very aware of the handcuffs on her wrist.
“Yeah,” Booker sighs, rolling his eyes at her. “That’s the most pressing thing at the moment.”
There’s no heat in it and she finds herself joining him in her fond exasperation.
It lasts another ten seconds before Andy seems fed up with the whole scenario and kicks the two of them. Another thirty until they’re all free.
A final sixty for the five of them to job out of the car, the bindings nothing more than a memory.
And the memories fade, as insignificant memories do.
Nile hangs back with Booker and Andy, Joe and Nicky in a world the three will never be invited. As the moon shimmers against their shoulders, she thinks she may be alright with that.
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hetaestoniahq · 3 years
Ok I’ll bite. Tell us about how Estonians and Curonians would team up in hard times. 👀
Curonians? Oh I haven't heard that name for a long time..
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I wouldn't say we teamed up that much when things got rough, although, we still managed to be together from time to time during the times when things first got rough and I lost my freedom to the crusaders.
Many of you probably don't even know who she was huh? The Curonians, or well, Courland, I'm just gonna say Courland, she was a Baltic people in the south, neighbours with Samogitians who she didn't along with at all and Semigallians who she did become friends with. She was the warrior type, and would fight Vikings, we would often do raids and campaigns together. Apparently Denmark still has a few old churches where you may find "God protect us from the Curonians and Estonians" written on the walls.
Me and Courland did the infamous raid on Sigtuna together in 1187.
We fought on Sweden's side against Denmark during the Battle of Brávellir in the mid 8th century.
We fought Denmark and then looted Öland together in 1170.
That's just the start of it, I'm likely missing many.
I remember how even though when we had been taken over by crusaders, we still held respect for each other, and even would rather listen to one another instead of Livonia. Like July 13th 1260, Battle of Durbe.
"We're not going to free my people?" Courland spoke sharply, anger clearly rising with each word. Livonia sighed, shaking their head as they spoke "We do not have time for this! If we want to fend off their raids we must act quick, we don't have time to start going to their camps to help the people that got captured." Estonia remembers how ticked off even he was, at this point he already viewed Livonia to lack a care for people like them, but he still couldn't believe how low a nation can go.
Courland had not continued arguing, rather, she stood aside but her gaze still remained cold when staring at the order. Livonia paid no mind as they turned towards the Estonian instead to complain about how the Danes aren't listening to them when being told to get off their heavy horses as they were in a swampy terrain.
When the battle began, Estonia quickly noticed how Courland began to leave with her people. He could hear when Livonia had clearly noticed and begun yelling for her: "Return this instant! Courland!"
Estonia contemplated his next move for a moment, which Livonia seemed to notice as he could feel their gaze on him. "Estonia, don't you dare!"
Estonia looked over at the order, his brows furrowing as he began to step away. Before Livonia could grab him he bolted it, not looking back as all he heard was the nation screaming his name with anger only to then be silenced as they had to fight a battle.
They ended up losing.
I wish she didn't have to eventually slowly fade away as her language, culture and people eventually died off. She may have been a troublemaker who fought a lot of people, but she still cared about people, like me and Semigallia. She never knew when to quit and encouraged to keep fighting for what you believe in, she should have gotten to live longer. How come someone so strong didn't make it? Even when she was reduced to peasants and only getting weaker and weaker she would fight of Russians during the Livonian war. She was always someone I could depend on and trust, even if we weren't free anymore and able to do what we want.
It just shows how death can take anymore, no matter your strength, power, wealth, health. No one is safe, but it's just something we need to live with.
I miss her.
Sometimes I think, if there is an afterlife out there, I hope she made it there safe, and - I hope she is happy for us, for Latvia who now has the land which once belonged to her, for Lithuania who she may have fought a lot with but is still a balt standing today, for me, her friend.
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Your name is Dianne. You are the Exalted Mother at the First Temple of the Holy Father, God of the Sun. Everyone in the temple--and, indeed, the whole network of temples--answers to you without exception. You are the Exalted Mother, you are the highest in the order, you have powers granted by the Holy Father Himself as a gift to help you lead your congregation.
Your name is Dianne, and you are waiting for the arrival of someone who you will someday answer to.
You can see them, faintly, in the distance, under the watchful gaze of the sun. The heat beats down on the plains surrounding your temple, making the air shift and shimmer around the caravan approaching.
It's a simple caravan. A few horses pulling carts, and several people walking. You see her at the head of the column, walking next to the guide for the journey.
Even from a distance, her golden hair shines in the sunlight and catches in the breeze that moves the grass of the plains. Her armor shines just as brightly--the golden plating reflects light that hurts your eyes to look at.
Her name is Isabella. She has just reached the age where she is to make the pilgrimage to the First Temple to train under you and your clergy to reach her full potential as a Champion of God and lead the Crusades that will cleanse the world and lead sinners into the arms of your Father. It is her destiny, it is her birthright, given to her by the Holy Father. Her golden hair despite her dark skin signals this as God-given truth.
There was once another Champion, a boy child. He had come after Isabella, and was supposed to be the interpreter of her visions and the shield to her sword. However, due to the foolishness and negligence of the temple that had trained them both, he was lost.
You turn with a fanning of your golden robes and stride down the steps that lead up to the balcony. Your dark hair has heated up from the sun, and you run your hands through it as you descend.
"Open the gates,” you bark.
"Yes, Mother Dianne."
You come to a stop in front of the great gates to your temple. You give your glasses a quick polish before returning them to their position, as the dust blowing on the breeze has stuck to the frames.
The gates open, and the caravan grows ever closer.
Your face is set as you take in every detail of the approaching Champion. The way her boots thud on the hard-packed earth of the trail, the way she strides with confidence, the way she holds her head high with the attitude of someone who knows their importance and their place in the world.
She will do.
As Champion Isabella and the guide clear the gates, you step forward to be the first to meet them.
"Champion Isabella," you greet.
You do not dip your head, you do not bow, you do not show reverence. She has not earned your reverence, and she has not advanced to a position where you are forced to give it to her. She is hardly out of her teen years; a mere child in your eyes. You are confident that with your guidance, she will grow to be a Champion worthy of the respect of the world, but as for now, she is no doubt arrogant and in need of being shown her place.
"Exalted Mother Dianne," Isabella greets in return. Her voice is sweet as song, and her mouth curves up in an awed smile to see you. Her eyes are alight, showing a luminous quality to them despite their dark brown depths. "I have arrived to live and serve at your temple. I pray you will accept me into your domain and teach me all I need to know in order to make our Holy Father proud."
She’s well-spoken. You keep your face from betraying it, but appreciation for her former tutors and the effort they went through to temper the excitement in her eyes into formality and respect wells in your chest.
You turn to the side, opening your arms from their crossed position to bid her caravan entrance into the temple.
"I welcome you to the First Temple, Champion Isabella. I bid you enter and replenish your strength. The long journey must have been hard on your company--we have food and drink waiting for you in the dining hall."
"Thank you, Exalted Mother." The smile has not left her face. The enthusiasm needs to be tempered more, you note. Your eyes are fixed on her rather shapely mouth, watching her speak her next words with interest. "I have brought you a gift."
She turns and nods to the people accompanying her, and two of them lead a horse forward with a cart drawn behind it. A plump hart, gutted and resting in the cart, greets your eyes.
"I felled a deer not but an hour past," she tells you. "I hope that its meat will be to your liking."
You search her face. There’s no signs that this may be a trick or a test--no gleam in her eye that might suggest ill-intent, no savage curve to her mouth, nothing.
You choose caution. "Thank you, Champion Isabella," you say, "but it would be avarice to not share such a bounty. The meat will feed the congregation--I need not keep any for myself."
Isabella’s smile loses some of its humor--the light goes out in her eyes, and she casts her gaze downward. Just for a moment, before her face snaps back into a warm expression, though her eyes do not regain their spark. "Of course, Mother Dianne. Whatever you deem best."
You look her up and down before nodding and turning, beginning to lead them into the temple.
Isabella lengthens her stride to catch up to you, falling into step beside you.
"I have heard wonderful things about this temple," she chatters, and you can see now that her enthusiasm resists temperament. "I hope that my time here will be well spent."
"Tell me, Champion," you begin, "you had your choice of temples--any one in the country. Why did you choose mine to come to?"
"I've seen you in my visions, Mother Dianne."
The casual nature of the statement knocks the breath out of your lungs. She continues, hardly noticing the way you've turned your head to look at her strangely.
"The Holy Father has shown you by my side. What kind of fool would I be to defy His wishes and go anywhere else?"
"Tell me, Champion Isabella, how have I appeared in your visions? What role have I taken?"
"A mentor role. I've had several visions where you have appeared--one, we were looking at a map of the southern peninsula and planning our route down to the city of Targas."
The city of Targas is one of the destinations for the Crusade Isabella would lead. They would take the city of Targas, and use it as a base to attack the rest of the surrounding islands and beyond.
"And the other?"
"A metaphor," Isabella says. "One I had hoped you would help me make sense of."
"I am trained in interpreting visions," you affirm. "What did you see?"
"I saw a blind hawk flying towards the sun. It was intercepted by a dove, and the two fought before plummeting from the sky. And then I saw you."
"Tell me more. What did I have to do with the hawk?"
"You were watching the hawk and dove fight. You were wearing a falconer’s glove."
Your mind works through this puzzle of a vision as you lead her through the halls of your temple. The light from the sun pours in through the massive stained glass windows lining the halls that show past Champions and figures from legend. The light stained multicolored catches on motes of dirt and dust kicked up by your passing.
"The hawk represents you," you start. "The hawk is a noble figure, and you are the warrior who will bring justice to the world. You are headed towards the path of righteousness, but there is another blocking your path. Doves are merely fancy pigeons--rats of the sky, vermin. This other figure is no doubt the obstacle sent to every Crusade. The hawk is blinded, showing that there is something you're not seeing. As for myself, I believe that I am to watch over you and be a guiding figure."
Isabella nods. "The dove…you said the dove would be an obstacle?"
"Yes. There are obstacles in all Crusades--folk heroes who rise to try and block the light of our lord." You give a glance over at Isabella. You take in her face--determined, but clouded with worry. You take in the strong frame holding the weight of the armor she wears, you take in the ease of which she carries that sword at her hip. Every inch a warrior--but does she have the smarts to back herself up? "You are strong. No vermin will be any match for you."
Isabella smiles and you're blinded by it, for a moment. That mouth of hers makes such a wonderful shape when she smiles.
You push open the doors to the dining hall, allowing Isabella and her company entrance. Food has been prepared for them, and is set out on the long tables that span the dining hall. Their group and your clergy mingle as one as you partake in the meal--roast fowl, fruits from the orchards nearby, freshly baked bread, and preserves from the past year.
Isabella takes a seat next to you for the meal, and the two of you discuss some of her past visions, as well as common omens and signs you've been trained to interpret.
Once the meal is concluded, you take Isabella to tour the grounds. You show her the temple, where mass is held every morning; you show her the training grounds, where she will be spending her time training in combat for the coming Crusade; and you show her the libraries, where she will learn her scholarly pursuits to round out her skillset.
Isabella takes this all in with a childish wonder, and asks frequent questions--what times service is held, what exercises she'll be drilled in, and if she's allowed in the library at any time of day, or just for her lessons.
The more she speaks in that sweet, excited voice, the more you find yourself grating your teeth. The furrow in your brows becomes a permanent fixture on your face as you continue on the tour. She should’ve been trained to keep her demeanor and excitability under a close watch so that they wouldn’t get too out of hand. She has so many things still left to learn…
Finally, you show her to her rooms. You push open the doors and part the sheer gold curtains dividing the entrance area from her sleeping rooms. It's a lavish room, with a plush canopied bed in the southern style, as well as elaborate rugs, tapestries to keep the heat in during the long nights, and elegantly crafted furniture.
She wears a look of wonder as she takes in the room, walking through it to run her fingers over the stitching of the tapestries and the woodworking of the furniture.
"This is beautiful," she says.
"It's been a preparation in progress since you announced your choice to come here," you respond. "In any case, I will leave you here to prepare until evening meal, during which we will discuss the specifics of your training regiment."
"Thank you, Mother Dianne."
She has her brows raised and her mouth opens before shutting just as quickly. Her eyes dart to the side and a slight blush comes to her cheeks.
You raise your eyebrows in expectation as you wait for her to say whatever it is she’s not saying. Eventually, you tire of her silence. “Is there anything else, Champion Isabella?”
"People have told me about you," she says in a rush. "People say you have powers granted by our Holy Father."
You cross your arms. "I do. As the Exalted Mother of the First Temple, I was given abilities to help myself lead."
"Would you show me?"
"Absolutely not." You fix your gaze on her and stare her down until she shrinks. "These powers I was given were not meant for frivolous displays. They're to aid me in circumstances where the need for them is dire."
"I'm sorry-"
"As you should be, foolish girl. You presume too much and expect others to conform to your whims."
Isabella’s happy, cheerful demeanor falters. Her brows slant up and she looks remarkably like a scolded animal with the sadness in her eyes and the frown on her face. You continue, unbothered by this.
"You need to learn that not everyone exists to serve you solely because you're the Champion of the Holy Father." You look her up and down. "See to it that you remember this."
She bows her head and has the decency to look ashamed. "Yes, Exalted Mother."
You look at her for a few more long moments before turning and leaving the room.
Such a child should never have been sent to your temple. She needs to remake herself in sterner stuff before she can possibly hope to win your reverence, let alone the reverence of the general population.
You sigh. There's so much to sort out because of this foolish girl…
Your feet carry you to the temple sanctum. You push open the great oaken doors and look around, pleased to see that it’s empty. You don’t mind praying in front of others, but you find solace in praying alone to your God.
You enter and kneel in the center of the illuminated circle on the floor cast by the great glass window above. You find the symbol of your Holy Father in the pocket of your robe--a thick glass sphere containing a light that never goes out. Legend says when it is broken, it will protect the user in their time of need.
You grip this sphere tightly in both hands, and you close your eyes and focus.
Some speak of a honeyed feeling in their chest when they pray. For others, it's tingling in their body. Everyone has a sign that the Holy Father is listening and hearing their prayers. For you, it’s the sensation of a great light being turned onto you, and feeling the warmth throughout your body, along with the overwhelming feeling of something greater paying attention to you.
And so you pray.
“Holy Father, as you are in heaven, hear my voice and receive my prayer,” you say, the familiar start to any prayer falling from your lips. “I call to you now to ask for advice. Your Champion has entered my halls.” You pause, thinking over your next words. The warmth from a bright light warms you from the inside, and you take a moment to bask in it before continuing. “She is young, Father. She is young and in need of guidance and patience. Please show me the way forward, as the path is dark and uncertain. Send me a guiding light to show me the way.” You inhale, filling your lungs with the still air of the sanctum. “Father, hear my prayer and judge me worthy, as I am eternally yours.”
You sit in the light of the temple, thinking. The new Champion obviously needs lessons in discipline and restraint. She also needs to learn the ways of the world, these things are certain. There’s no guiding light that you prayed for as you think, though--no sudden spark that illuminates your path forward in her training. You stay kneeling and you run through these thoughts again and again, until the bell for evening meal rings and snaps you out of your reverie.
You stand with a sigh and head back through the halls to retrieve the Champion and escort her to the dining hall.
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Exalted 3e Villain Analysis
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When I was first going through the various Adversaries of the Righteous, I skipped right past Adeimantus, because I’m shallow. His art just isn’t evocative. But ho boy! Beneath that pale, bland exterior lurks a villain worthy of an entire campaign. So let’s talk about that.
Adeimantus is the ruler of a utopian City from the Shogunate named Beimeni-Ta. A city which was consumed by the Wyld ages ago. It now creeps into Creation like an infection transforming cities and slums into itself.
What a great freaking idea, wow. The sidewalks the towers, the people all transform into echoes of a golden age lost to time. Can’t you just see the brick back alley suddenly becoming a marvelous marble tunnel? The building torn halfway between one style and material and the next? The crowds of excited peasants waiting for their shacks to complete their transformation into mansions? Now that’s a threat! How do you even deal with something like that? Do you burn down the infected part of your city to keep it from spreading? Do you jail the new citizens to stop the from singing the praises of utopia, and converting more people to their cause? Or do you go after the Raksha that’s behind it all?
What I like most about Adeimantus is that he’s totally on the up and up, at least in my interpretation. He’s not doing this because he wants to eat every baby in Creation. He genuinely wants everyone in the world to live in his perfect city. So much in fact that he has a charm that not only changes the city to match the desires of an individual, but he himself changes to match that desire.
After the players have defeated Adeimantus and sent his city back to the mists: “That’s alright, we’ll start over as many times as you need. This is all for you.”
Which brings another terrifying aspect of Adeimantus into view. When he vanishes, so too does the city, and all of it’s people. Any buildings and individuals changed by Beimeni-Ta get whisked away to the Wyld, even victory can mean that a entire slice of a city is amputated. Spooky.
As far as a combatant, meh. If you’re using Adeimantus to beat people down, you’re doing it wrong. Although he does have a knife that can make you ugly to anyone who can read, which is fun. His main power in combat comes from his ability to summon battle groups of his followers to attack the pcs. Plus ya gotta involve the city itself in any combat you do. Potholes open up beneath your feet, shingles slide off the roofs onto your head, and other such irritants. Maybe give the city it’s own initiative, and stat block, why not?
His real strength comes from his ability to manipulate intimacies. Not only can he instill them in people through their dreams, but he can also make you disregard any that make you oppose him. Very fun, and could be interesting if you have players who are very dedicated to rp. Otherwise think of all the NPCs you can target, and turn against the players. Now that’s high drama. Solars want to live in Utopia too right?
Especially since as I said before Adeimantus is a chill dude. He doesn’t want to resort to violence, he rules a utopia, and wants to share it’s bounty with the world. Of course his Utopia ends up being pure madness when it returns to the Wyld, but no one seems to be dissatisfied.
So I’ve gushed on about this beautiful bald man long enough. What are some ways you can use him in a game?
1. A world saving device was once held in Beimeni-Ta, and it’s needed once more. Do you: look for a city infected by Beimeni-Ta. Crusade into the wild to reclaim the lost city. Or maybe infect a nearby city, long enough for the vaults of Beimeni-Ta to manifest.
2. Beimeni-Ta begins to arise within Great Forks. How does the city of a thousand gods react to such an intrusion? Is the draw of Utopia enough to tempt even a deity? Or do they hold firm as more and more of their followers join the cult of Adeimantus?
3. Every Winter Adeimantus visits a struggling village in the north, and provides them with supplies needed to survive the harsh winter. What scheme is he up to? It’s been generations since he started doing this, and no apparent harm has been done. The villages are convinced he’s a benevolent god of winter, how will they react when the players try to destroy him before he can corrupt their village?
4. Beimeni-Ta is ruled not only by Adeimantus, but also a Senate of Demons. So this Fair Folk, has an alliance with demons, as well as a permanent city in the Wyld. There’s something deeply interesting going on with Adeimantus. In his Stat block it does say the Senators are Raksha too, but I much prefer him being a complete weirdo. But as for plot hooks. A city has already fully fallen to Beineni-Ta. Now there is only one thing left to do. Characters must introduce a bill to the demon senate which will revoke the city’s hold on creation, at least this part of it. Can the pcs, get it through sub-committees, and over come a filibuster lead by a second circle demon?
5. Burns 100 Poets is a monk of the Immaculate order who has thrice vanquished Adeimantus from creation. He carries the weight of the many poets he’s killed to keep Adeimantus from spreading his corruption. He is retired now nearly 200, and works day and night to craft the poems which could have been were it not for his diligence. He may hold valuable information in how to stop Beimeni-Ta from spreading. However this gentle poet of an old man may suggest methods the pcs would consider frightful.
Finally let’s talk about a campaign that has Adeimantus as it’s big bad.
I call this one: Lookshy, Rise of The Shogun.
The basic premise of it being Beimeni-Ta was a city during the Shogunate Era, a pretty important one. Reclaiming it would finally give The 7th Legion reason to accept a new individual as Shogun.
Act 1
The Players, Dragon-Blooded protectors of Lookshy are tasked with looking into strange happenings around the city. The marching band plays a song hundreds of years out of date, a new building appears seemingly out of nowhere. Things escalate when a section of the city’s rampart’s becomes infected with shiny new lightning ballista. Suddenly the General Staff is torn on how to deal with the situation. with some opting to let the infection spread to access Beimeni-Ta’s ancient resources, to others wanting to combat the plague before it’s too late. The group is forced to navigate this tenuous situation, while beating back Adeimantus’ growing cult, and corrupted gentes. Culminating in the final confrontation with Adeimantus, and a member of the general staff he’s corrupted. Adeimantus vanishes with his pawn defeated, and takes however much of Lookshy he’s corrupted away with him, back to the wild. The walls are breached, the city is in ruins, the army is divided, and things are looking dire. Were The Realm not crippled by The Scarlet Empresses’ disappearance, this would be the end.
Act 2
After a brief recovery clarity comes to the surviving populace of Lookshy. The Shogunate Bureaucracy has records detailing this Beimeni-Ta many of the afflicted citizens were rambling about. It was once a seat of power for the Shogunate a place of immense importance, that fell into the Wyld never to be seen again, until now. Most importantly it was the final resting place of The Imperial Seal. The stamp with which The Shogun made words on paper law. With it, a simple document can be stamped and a new Shogun can be appointed, the shogunate will live once more. If only Beimeni-Ta can be dragged back out of The Wyld. If only... we could find it.
No maps of Beimeni-Ti’s location survive, only records of military assignments. Letters for a general to withdraw from the defense of the city, a general by the name of Tepet...
With the only lead they have the players are sent under cover to The Realm to find what they can about Beimeni-Ta from it’s ancient defenders. There’s investigation, spy work, a heist. All of which ends in a social confrontation with Tepet’s ruling Council which presents them with an offer: fulfill their oath to the Shogunate, regain their honor by retaking Beimeni-Ta.
Act 3
The impossible has happened. The players have convinced Lookshy to break with tradition, and march on the Wyld. House Tepet has given their only legion to the cause. The two armies of the Shogunate unite like something unseen in anyone’s time, and march through the river lands towards the end of the world. It’s a long grueling march, through an untold number of kingdoms. The centuries of Lookshy’s political favors, and military threats fray with each border they cross. Threats seeks to divide them with armies and from within. The Lookshy soldiers see their Tepet allies as traitors, and the Tepet aren’t too fond of the scavengerland barbarians either. The players must use their genius to get their army through in one piece. Until they reach, the border marches.
Act 4
From here on it’s all out warfare. The players and their small army must reclaim creation step by step enduring every machination the Wyld can through at them, from raining lava, to forests of grass as tall as a warstrider, and as sharp as a blade. All until they lay siege to Beimeni-Ta. At last the jewel is within their sight. They just have to overcome Beimeni-Ta’s endless militia of maddened citizens, their 100 Demon Senate, and of course Adeimantus fully empowered by the wyld and Beimeni-Ta itself. Who can with but a look, a touch, who’s very presence beckons you to join him in Utopia, in oblivion.
And what are the rewards for such an epic journey? A brand new city to rule over? The title of Shogun, and resurrections of the shogunate? An arsenal of first age weapons from the shogunate’s richest city? Who’s to say what dreams await you in Beimeni-Ta? 
Only Adeimantus knows.
Only Adeimantus can show you the way.
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sammystep · 3 years
No One Lives Forever- CH13
(AO3 link)
Stardust Crusader Wolf Pack AU
[From the beginning- CH1]
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New York streets are busy at any time of day and more so this early in the morning, people rushing their way down the street to get to work. Avdol and Joseph took a more sedated pace, letting the stream of humans flow around them like the torrents of a river. The walk to Avdol’s family’s shop was a fair distance from the new apartment but the act of patrolling around the new territory had a calming effect on their instincts. And since there was no real rush, why not enjoy the feeling for a bit?
Avdol’s tests and research the night before had revealed there were no active spells placed upon the pack, but faint magic residue was definitely attached to Joseph and Jotaro. It explained the frequent encounters and led Avdol to believe this was indeed being orchestrated by someone with a grudge against the Joestar line. The spell work was too faded to trace back to the caster, but with some specialized tools from the occult shop they could ward themselves from future spells.
“I still wish we had you examine that hunter from upstate. Maybe you could have traced the magic sooner.” Joseph grumbles as he puts his hands in his jacket pockets and sulks as they walk.
“I’m afraid it wouldn’t have done much good. I’d still be lacking the tools I need. After all, we weren’t expecting to encounter anyone, much less magic users.” Avdol does his best to reassure the older alpha, reverting back to their rolls of alpha and beta from before Jotaro was named leader of the pack. Joseph grumbles a bit more but lets the issue go, relaxing slightly as they continue their walk.
Avdol’s pace quickens slightly as the shop comes into view as they round the last corner. The occult shop occupied a narrow business space at street level, only a single door and large window with the words ‘OCCULT SUPPLIES * TAROT READINGS * WALK-INS WELCOME’ in gold font painted on the glass. Arrays of crystals, decorative knives and card decks lay just behind the glass on display to entice visitors to enter.
A bell attached to the door jingles pleasantly as they enter. From the back of the shop an older female voice calls, “Make yourself comfortable Muhammad, we’ll be out in just a moment!”
Joseph blinks in astonishment before catching Avdol’s smirk as they seat themselves at the reading table. He nods as he laughs a bit, “Right, fortune teller. She always catches me off guard with that. I’m not used to being on the other end of that trick.”
“You know by now it’s no trick Joseph.” An older black woman exits the back room of the store with the help of her cane. Her hair is styled into braids forming a bun on the top of her head, once black hair now mostly grey and silver. He half moon glasses are decorated with a beaded chain that clinks together with her jewelry as she moves.
Joseph just laughs “Well it is a trick when I do it Mrs. Avdol. I assume you know why we’re here then?” She nods and takes her seat at the table.
“My sight has shown me many things in the last few weeks. Your pack has encountered many bizarre things these past few days, correct?” Her kind brown eyes are serious as she looks at Joseph, waiting for his response.
He confirms with a nod and attempts to lighten the mood with a grin as he turns to Avdol, “How did you ever surprise her with birthday gifts?”
“Just because I’m not surprised does not mean I’m not happy, especially to see my only son.” Mrs. Avdol teasingly pinches her son’s cheek as he laughs with her.
“Mother, please!” Avdol brushes off her pinching fingers, “You act as thought I don’t visit!” he gives her hand a squeeze as she takes it back to rest both on the table.
The grandfather clock in the shop chimes 9 o’clock as Avdol’s father enters with a tray of coffee. “Right on time as always dear. Have you started the reading yet?” Mr. Avdol asks as he hands out the beverages.
“How could I concentrate on that if I know there was coffee on the way?” She grins and cackles as her husband takes his seat as well. “Thank you honey. Now…” Mrs. Avdol pulls a box from a nearby drawer and opens it revealing a deck of cards. “Before we get to the reason for your visit, first things first, the reading of your cards.” She slides the deck across the table face down to Joseph and Avdol. “Place your hands on top and we’ll see what fate has in store for you.” They both do as instructed and Joseph swears he gets a tingle in his fingers every time he does this.
“Good. As always, we start with the past, so we understand the context of the present and future.” Mrs. Avdol shuffles the deck a bit before spreading them in an arch on the table and indicating to her son. “Three cards please, Muhammad.”
One by one Avdol turns cards picked at random from the spread, first the tower, followed by the moon and strength. “Ah, so your journey has already been interrupted by calamity. Three powerful encounters behind you, but many more to come.” She picks up the rest of the undisturbed cards and re-shuffles them before spreading them out again. “I’ll draw your present.” The next three cards are even more ominous, the devil followed by justice and the world. “These represent the current danger, though I feel as though these two are more passive at the moment. A long-term danger to your pack.” She says as she points to justice and the world.
“You’re telling me we’re going to have to fight the devil?” Joseph groans and rubs his face, “Seriously? What crappy luck we’re having lately.”
Mrs. Avdol chuckles and corrects him “You know it’s rarely that straight forward. The devil is a subjugator, you will probably be facing a servant sent to fight you.”
She picks up the deck once more but pauses as she’s about to shuffle. A look of deep concentration passes over her features before she hands the deck to Joseph. “I feel you should shuffle this time, Joseph. And pick as many cards as you feel you need.” Mr. Avdol’s eyebrows shoot up his forehead in surprise but he remains silent as they continue the reading.
“Well, this is new.” Joseph is also surprised and quickly takes the cards and starts to shuffle. Instead of spreading them on the table he holds them as he draws a few cards from the middle. As they leave the deck, two others slip with them and fall to the floor face down. He tries to laugh off his clumsiness and quickly pick them up but Avdol stops him, his face serious as he watches his mother pick up the cards and turn them face up on the table. The Avdol family share a look between them before they turn back to Joseph.
“Even accidents hold meaning when reading the cards. These two,” Mrs. Avdol taps the fallen cards now revealed to be the hierophant and the hermit. “Together they represent knowledge and reflection, but that they fell… there will be a price to pay for the knowledge gained.”
Joseph’s brows furrow as he looks on at the ill-fated cards. Mrs. Avdol reaches out to gently take back the deck and his chosen cards, startling Joseph out of his thoughts. His cards remain face down as he asks, “I’m assuming when a psychic tells you there ‘will be a price to pay’, you aren’t talking about cash. What’s going to happen? This is my pack- my family we’re talking about. I’d gladly pay any ‘price’ to keep them safe.”
Mrs. Avdol pats his clenched fist on the table as Muhammad claps a hand to Joseph’s shoulder. “You know I would tell you if I could see, Joseph. All I can tell you is you will have to make this choice; the rest is foggy. Events are fluctuating around you and your pack.” She turns back to the cards he picked out and flips them face up: the star, the magician, the chariot and the fool. “These however look like good omens. Your pack learning and growing in strength and number. The way forward is a hard path, but the bonds of your pack are strong. If you rely and trust each other and your allies, I predict you will prevail over the enemies I cannot see.” With the reading over she scoops the cards back up from the table and shuffles the deck before putting it back in its box.
Joseph remains tense and contemplative as Avdol turns to his mother again, “Thank you, as always, for the insight. But we need to ask for an additional favor. I fear our enemy, or enemies, have a magic user with them. Would you be able to…”?
“Make you some protection charms?” Mrs. Avdol motions to her husband and he reaches for a tan drawstring pouch that had been sitting on the shelf full of miscellaneous items behind him. The contents of the sack clink gently as it’s placed in front of Avdol. “As I said, my visions have been unusually active for the past few weeks. I didn’t know when you would need them so I prepared them beforehand. Wear these charms at all times and you will be protected from nosey witches and the evil eye they cast on you.”
Avdol looks through the pouch of charms for a moment before taking out and opal earing and holding it to the light to inspect it. “Ah, this spell work should do nicely. Thank you.” He clips the earing to his ear before rifling through the bag and handing Joseph a metal bracelet, silver vines and thorns twisting around the band in intricate knots.
Mr. Avdol rises from his seat and makes his way to the back room with the empty coffee cups as his son secures the pouch in his travel satchel. Mrs. Avdol grabs his attention again, “Be warned, these will not be able to block more powerful spells entirely. Use caution and put up your wards like I taught you.”
“Of course. I’ve already started placing wards on our new lodgings. Now, about the shop… I feel it may be best if you and father left town while we get the situation under control.” Avdol places his hand on his mother’s arm as he implores her to close up shop.
Mrs. Avdol just chuckles as Mr. Avdol returns to the front room carrying luggage with him. Mr. Avdol chuckles along with his wife, “Don’t you know by now Muhammad? Your mother was just waiting to say goodbye to her son.”
<Previous Chapter    Next Chapter>
Author’s Note:
I am alive! Sorry everyone, life got real crazy for me for a while. Had some family health scares (everyone is fine now), work schedule changes, moved, gained a roommate... still adjusting to the new changes but I've found time to write again! artwork is still on pause till I can set up my workspace properly.
Anyway just wanted to say sorry for the long break, but I'm gonna finish this thing no matter what- 13/52 complete so far !
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draven-imani · 3 years
Journal 4
This is a bunch of bullshit.
This is all a bunch of bullshit.
It happened again. And just like every other time, there was nothing I could do.
I…should start from the start, huh? Actually make sense for once. Some travel journal this is. Just a jumble of my useless rambling spiraling thoughts.
Right, right, I should stop with the self-pity, that’s what Melody would say. She’d have some great uplifting speech about how someone else has it harder. Or maybe I should take it the Luna route and start blaming the gods and railing against fate, even though Iomedae is the only reason I made it even as far as I have with my cursed luck? Even though what she suggests spits in the face of everything Auriel would want to be remembered for…
I need to focus. But that is so much easier said than done. I feel godawful. Like my chest was ripped open. I haven’t felt like this since the others died. Gabrielle. Sophia. Issac. Lorette. Inheritor help me I don’t even know if Leto is alive or dead. I’d rather retreat back to the oppressive numbness, although I know it will return soon enough. And as unpleasant as that is, it can’t possibly be more unpleasant than what I’m feeling in this moment.
For now—I need to focus. I need—to write what happened while it’s fresh in my mind.
We left Neatholm soon after we woke. Lann led us part of the way to the rebels’ fortress, but we parted ways as it came into sight. We could see that there were two rebel First Descendants on guard at the front. Luna thought she may be able to try to sneak closer, as she was the most light footed of the group. We offered no disagreements, and she tried to move in to get a better angle. Unfortunately, she was spotted in her approach, and the alarm was raised.
She went immediately on the offensive, attacking the nearest Descendant. Melody and Auriel joined her and cut off the second one from attacking Luna from behind, while I helped her to dispatch the first she had already injured.
Unfortunately, now the alarm was raised and there would be no taking any of the fortress by surprise. Luna burst into the next room, catching the Descendants within halfway through getting their weapons and armor for a fight, leaving them with only their claws for offense. I joined her in fighting the Descendants in this room, but when I did a large monitor lizard burst through the door across the room from me. It zeroed in on me and apparently decided half-elf looked like a tasty treat. And immediately after that an arrow shot across the room from a cracked door, just barely missing my heart in a single shot. All at once I was not doing well—lizard’s chew toy and pin cushion in one.
Auriel charged across the room, and stabbed through the crack in the door. There was a shout of pain before the door was slammed shut. Clearly, my friend had managed to hit the man who’d shot me in retribution. At the same time Melody and Luna were keeping the Descendants busy, which left only the monitor lizard on me. I knocked it away and used some of my limited healing reserves to patch myself up, the arrow wound and bite marks stitching themselves closed—more or less. At this point what’re a few more scars? Don’t know if I’d even be able to tell one apart from another.
With a bit more work we cut down the last few rebel Descendants and the vicious lizard—who was still trying to eat me the entire time.
Auriel threw open the door to run after the mysterious archer who had shot me. There was no one behind the door, just an empty hallway, a closed door, and what appeared to be a well. So Auriel checked behind the closed door.
And got immediately grabbed by a giant amoeba.
The rest of us were still in the other room when we heard the sound of the struggle and came running. Thankfully in the time it took for us to reach him, Auriel managed to pull himself free from the creature’s grasp. Luna made short work of the acidic slime. I looked down the well, and found it was actually an entrance down to a basement.
I made a foolish call, and went down first.
And was immediately shot by the archer again, an arrow just barely missing my lungs.
By Iomedae’s blessing I found a final bit of strength to pull myself back up the ladder to safety before the two Decendants that were flanking him could bear down upon me. I warned the others of the trap waiting for us, so whoever went down next would be prepared. Whoever went down would not be me this time, as it had quickly become clear this archer was particularly good at putting holes in me.
Predictably, Luna took the lead. I heard the twang of another arrow shoot as she went down, but found out later she managed to avoid the shot since she’d been ready for it. Then she’d gone after one of the archer’s minions. Melody and Auriel had followed after her to work on taking them out. I took a bit more time, using some of the potions we’d been given to deal with the aforementioned arrow hole before joining them. By the time I was down, the archer was beginning to retreat, although Luna was hurting a bit, as was Auriel. Unfortunately, once my feet touched the ground the archer turned his attention on me once more for one final parting shot before turning the corner. Spiteful man that he was. Fortunately, this time I was prepared, and it clattered against my shield.
I dispatched one of the archer’s minions, and Melody did the other, while Auriel and Luna tried to go after the archer. Unfortunately, around the corner more Descendants flooded in from further up ahead, blocking the way and allowing the archer to escape. We cut our way through them, and then Auriel threw open the door to the next chamber.
It was a sacrificial alter. There was blood on the floor. But there was no sign of the archer. Auriel moved forward cautiously towards one of the doors. Then the door flew open and a woman with a glaive entered the room. She taunted us, saying we should throw down our weapons and surrender ourselves to be sacrificed, and we could at least die at a less humiliating location. Obviously, we all had something to say to that.
It all boiled down to ‘go fuck yourself’.
Auriel’s way was most elegant, however, as he declared Iomedae’s holy judgement upon her and rushed the cultist of Baphomet. With the Inheritor’s guidance his sword struck true, and the woman was nearly felled in a single swing.
She and her tiefling servant were enraged at this. They…returned the favor. Before the rest of us could reach him, far across the room from any of us, they both stuck him down. First the woman’s glaive, then her servant’s blade, found their mark in Auriel, and he fell.
Luna went after the woman. I put myself between him and the tiefling, trying in vain to keep him from getting the killing blow while Auriel was already bleeding out on the ground. I thought I still had a chance. If I could just keep the tiefling off him for long enough to heal him, I thought that maybe I could still save him. I thought…
But then the door on the opposite side of the room opened, and the familiar fwip of an arrow being loosed met my ear. There was a sharp pain as it pierced through my back. And then…darkness.
The others had to fill me in on the rest. Luna cornered the woman, Hosilla, whose armor proved infuriatingly difficult to puncture through despite the near fatal injuries she’d sustained from Auriel. Melody killed the tiefling servant, but two more cultists came from upstairs who we’d missed from some other room that we’d failed to clear out.
Fortunately, however, Aravashnial and Anevia came up behind the reinforcements, and helped to take them out—having followed us here despite saying they were going to stay behind.
When Luna had worn Hosilla down, she tried in one final act of desperation to flee with a case she’d grabbed from the room she was cornered in. When she did, Luna cut her down. The case flew open and a sword flew out of it…and stuck into Auriel’s chest.
I think Auriel was already dead by that time.
See, that sword is Radiance, the holy sword of Yaniel, one of the great crusaders past. When Yaniel was slain, Radiance’s power was thought lost. And apparently recently Baphomet’s minions stole Radiance with the intention of corrupting it for their own purposes. But when Auriel entered the fortress, Radiance awoke from its long slumber, and its power returned.
And then Auriel died before he got a chance to ever wield it.
And…according to Radiance, Auriel’s soul vouched for me. So…now I have the holy sword Radiance, sitting in its case again, right across from me as I write this.
And let me say Radiance is not terrible pleased with this turn of events.
Also, so you know I haven’t lost my mind over the whole Auriel dying and now I’m talking to a sword: Radiance is an intelligent weapon. Like, magic intelligent. And he has made his opinion on events crystal clear.
“If Auriel hadn’t vouched for you I would have flayed your flesh from your hands for trying to wield me.” Exact words. Pleasant guy. Guy? Sword. I don’t know. I’ll ask later.
I think around the time Radiance stuck into Auriel I started hearing his voice while I was unconscious. I vaguely remember that? I don’t know if I dreamed that up but I feel like I remember…something. Like Radiance’s voice was calling me back from the brink.
And then Aravashnial was over me with a potion bottle and I was awake, and I fully heard Radiance calling upon me to rejoin the battle. And…I saw where Radiance had landed.
And I didn’t have time to process that.
I grabbed Radiance. I was numb. Even more than usual. There was nothing. No thought about this blade that was obviously magic from nowhere and talking to me. No thought about Auriel, or that I had brought death to someone I had just started to consider a friend yet again. Just. A deadly calm. And that archer. I pushed right past Melody. No words, no flourish, no satisfaction, I stabbed the archer who had been giving us so much trouble this entire time and with a single slash with Radiance he died.
Then…I had a bit of a breakdown, to be perfectly honest. Obviously none of us were doing well. Melody and Luna both said something to the effect of it being their fault, and I denied that, obviously. Obviously. Melody tried to say it was not mine either at which I laughed, because she had no idea. How could she? She had no idea how wrong she was. How much it was my fault, how much my ill fortune poisons everything, how everyone always ends up dead, every single blasted time. Everyone but Leto.
Maybe even Leto this time.
Luna said something about how fucked up fate is, about how pointless this all was, how fate and gods throw us all to the meat grinder. I want to argue. I want to say that’s not fair, that’s not how Auriel would want his faith to be remembered. I didn’t have the mental capacity to then and I don’t have the energy to now. I barely have the energy to keep myself together. I usually feel so little and then I was overwhelmed feeling so much and it…felt bad.
We left back to Neatholm afterwards. Met back up with Horgus. He…actually took the news more roughly than I expected. Between that and knowing about the secret donations it seems he has more of a heart than he lets on. I’ll admit he’s growing on me a bit.
Once we were back in town, I was going to slip off on my own. Melody was having none of that. Something something people need people. In a moment of weakness and frustration I told her a little about what happened to my family, and to my friends. Two run ins with demons, not counting Kenabres’ fall. Two times I lost virtually everything.
She turned around and asked if it was worse to lose people all at once, or see them slowly die and be unable to do anything about it while they all die one by one while you’re helpless to do anything. I don’t have an answer for that and she wasn’t looking for one.
Between her and Radiance I’m having a bundle of fun conversations tonight.
You know, I’m not even looking for pity. I don’t want pity. I wasn’t asking her to feel bad for me, or to comfort me, or even necessarily to believe me. I just want someone to maybe acknowledge that, yeah, a fucking lot of bad things happen around me. Consistently. That it’s a pattern and the only consistent piece of the puzzle is me being in the middle of it every time. Maybe just say ‘yeah that’s kind of fucked up that keeps happening’, even if none of them believe me that my luck is cursed and that I’m going to get them all killed being around me…
I don’t know. I’m tired. This is the most emotional I’ve been in a year…and of course it was the bad emotions again. But I already feel the walls coming back up. I’m sure in the morning I’ll have slipped right back into the usual façade.
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yodawgiherd · 3 years
You Were Never Truly Gone ch.3
>>>Read on AO3<<<
The support I'm getting is blowing me away, thank you again, everyone <3 Let's get high on that copium together.
They stared at him.
He stared at them.
Mikasa stared at nothing in particular, her happy smile and blush speaking for themselves.
Returning from its quick trip to the see, the bird landed on that tree and turned its head, intently watching the red fabric wound around the woman’s neck. There had to be a way to peck at it again.
In the end, Jean lost it.
“Of course, this makes perfect sense.”, he blurted, “Three years, three fucking years you are dead and the first thing we see Eren doing is this – cramming his tongue down Mikasa’s throat. I mean…”
A cuff from behind silenced him, Pieck whispering.
“Not the time for this, Kirstein.”
Armin’s will snapped next. Unable and unwilling to talk, he crossed the distance in three long steps practically crashing his weight into Eren’s chest. The former enemy of humanity staggered backward but managed to stay up straight until a second person joined in on the pile. Jean’s weight was too much to bear, quickly followed by Connie’s, and Eren fell, for the second time that day, landing on his back with yet another pained grunt.
His fingers slipped out of Mikasa’s grip as he toppled, and she took a step back to watch them roll around on the grass, her smile widening. Mechanically, mind completely wiped, Pieck lit up a cigarette, then second, then third until she realized what she was doing, frowning at her treacherous hands. A single, fat bead of sweat ran down Reiner’s brow when the realization was dawning at him, his eyes staring at what his brain refused to believe.
The devil of Paradis drew breath, Eren Yeager was alive. Alive and currently being squished by three of his closest friends. This was a nightmare. With an expression of pure terror, Reiner turned to Pieck.
“What the hell do we do?”
And Pieck, the smart Pieck, Pieck who was always exactly right as Zeke used to say, shrugged helplessly. Two more, and now there were five burning cigarettes crammed between her lips, a faint attempt at having the nicotine rush calm her hammering heart, puffing like a chimney. It did not work.
“I can’t believe this.”, a voice from the pile of bodies, most likely belonging to Connie, “You’re back!”
An incoherent mumble that was most likely Eren, muffled by everyone on top of him. It was ignored.
“I thought I’d ever say this,”, Jean added, “but I’m happy to see you, blockhead.”
Not even a peep from Armin and Annie was having a funny feeling, watching the man she agreed to marry hug another man with an expression of pure bliss. On and on it went and Eren would probably perish if Mikasa didn’t rescue him, as she did so often. Gently yet firmly she pulled Connie off with one hand, Jean with the other, and Eren was finally able to breathe again.
Sitting up, he eyed the two members of the party who were watching him with mixed emotions.
“Reiner, Pieck.”
All of the cigarettes fell on the grass, Pieck stomping them out on a reflex. The blonde head next to her was shaking in continued denial.
“This can’t be happening.”, Reiner disagreed with the reality, “Not like this…”
Sensing the change in atmosphere Armin let go and Eren was free to regain his footing. Dusting himself off, the usurper stood up.
“I’m afraid that it is. I’m here.”
A sidelong glance to Mikasa from Eren.
“It’s a long story….”
“Well, it’s not like we are leaving without hearing it.”, Annie said, “The sooner you start the sooner you finish.”
Once again intertwining his fingers with Mikasa’s, Eren linked them together, the bond giving him both strength and confidence. And here, under the tree and next to his own grave, he told them everything. His death and what followed, the never-ending search among founder’s memories to locate his, the terrible pains Eren went through to put the pieces of his person back together. Thousand times he died and thousand times he pushed through it, filled with nothing but will to move forward. The determination that he drew from Mikasa, from how much he wanted to be with her. The fear that he might be left forever in the collapsed paths, and the incredible joy he felt once his eyes opened on the trampled field – the site of the last battle.
“You are saying that you didn’t regenerate?”, Reiner’s eyes flew to the grave, inspecting the undisturbed surface.
“No, I was given a new body, that’s it.”, Eren tapped his chest, “I lost all my powers, just as you guys, I’m a regular human being now.”
“That does not matter.”, Pieck interjected, “You are alive, it changes everything.”
“And that is a huge problem.”, Reiner’s voice was weak, weak and tired.
Everything they worked for, everything they tried so hard to achieve was at risk now. The fragile peace would shatter into millions of pieces the second Eren came back, and the war would consume the remnants of the civilization. Tired, so tired from fighting, scared, terrified that the nightmare was not over, Reiner let the heavy words fall from his lips.
“Eren Yeager must stay dead. He can’t be allowed to live.”
What happened next was a blur. In a fraction of a second, Mikasa moved forward, stepping in front of Eren and shielding him with her body. Ice, pure ice appeared in her eyes as she rammed those freezing spikes into Reiner, her voice being the most threatening thing the group ever heard in their lives.
“Try it.”
Trauma is an interesting thing. Reiner had it under control lately, his panic attacks and helplessness weakening with the years following the war’s end. But now, they came back in full force when he was confronted by the image of protective Mikasa Ackerman in all her glory, defending the man who gave him nightmares. No ODM, no blades, not even a uniform, she was dressed in a pink skirt and white shirt, yet she was the most terrifying thing that Reiner ever saw in his life – not to forget, the man has been through the rumbling. His first impression of her, during their training years and later, was a flying demon that put his titan to shame. Later he discovered the other part of Mikasa, the beautiful and tortured young woman that was so incredibly caring and sad, coming to terms with the loss of the love of her life. Now the demon was back, even more terrifying than before, because she just regained the most important person in her life and that joy was threatened.
“Try and take him from me.”, she hissed, and Reiner no longer had the armored titan to protect him.
With a sound of pure terror he fell, raising a hand as if to keep her away from him. Pieck tensed, Jean and Connie were frozen in place, Annie regarded everyone with an unreadable face. If there ever was a situation that needed defusing it was this one, Armin knew, so he slipped between the vengeful Mikasa and cowering Reiner, raising his hands.
“Easy, I’m sure that he didn’t mean it like that. Did you, Reiner?”
Yes, he was scared shitless, but he couldn’t give up. They had to see, they had to comprehend the risk.
“I do, think about it Armin! Think about what would happen if Yeager came back! It would completely destroy everything  we worked for!”
A flash of understanding deep in those ocean eyes and Reiner knew that he got his point across.
“I don’t care what you think, if you lay a finger on Eren…”, Mikasa’s whole body was tense, like a steel spring ready to jump, a feeling that she didn’t experience since the war.
The three years of relative peace melted away like nothing because that incredible happiness she just found, the joy that warmed her whole existence was challenged, and Mikasa would do anything to protect it. Luckily before anything could happen, Armin spoke up.
“Let’s take this somewhere else, sitting around Eren’s grave while he’s right here is creepy.”, he forced an awkward laugh, “Mikasa, you take Eren and head back to your cabin. I and the others will make a quick stop in the city, pick up some food and drinks and join you there. Hell, we must celebrate!”
It was obvious that the tension had to be broken, so no one protested. With a last dangerous look at Reiner, Mikasa walked away, hand clutching Eren’s. And Armin held, he held until they were far enough until he broke.
The grass was soft beneath him as he fell down to his knees, hands clutching his head.
“Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.”, the word was a mantra, repeated over and over as the reality truly sunk in, “This is so fucked.”
It was he who needed saving now, and Annie stepped up. Walking over to him, she pulled Armin back to his feet and then into a hug.
“It will be okay, it will be okay.”, she repeated into his shoulder, offering all the support that she could.
Behind them, Pieck helped Reiner stand while Jean and Connie exchanged a look, feeling ignored. When Annie pulled Armin back from the brink and Reiner put himself back together, the group headed back towards the civilization but this time the mood was entirely different. Armin was walking deep in thought, clutching Annie’s hand like a lifeline. Reiner’s expression was haunted, the old fears kept at bay creeping back in. Pieck patted her pockets only to find out that she was out of cigarettes, her usually cheerful smile turned upside down. Jean and Connie were the rear guards, their heads still trying to wrap around the situation. Silence, that ruled the group until they reached the edge of the city, the concrete making Armin turn.
“Guess I don’t have to tell you this, but not a word about Eren to anyone.”
There was a collective agreeing murmur.
“And about the situation…”, Armin sighed, “Reiner, you are right, him coming back is a huge issue. The second the information gets out the Yeagerists will immediately jump him, put him on the pedestal and use him to launch a crusade against the rest of the world. Mikasa is stronger than all of us, but she’s just one woman, she can’t protect him on her own. Obviously, we can’t let them have him, that cannot happen.”
He raised a finger.
“But. We are most definitely not killing Eren again, understood?”
“Yeah,”, Jean agreed, “Once was more than enough. He might be a suicidal blockhead but he’s still my f-friend.”
Yes, the last word was a stammer because Jean just called a man who killed eighty percent of the population his friend, still it was the truth, a bitter one.
“Would be easier if the Ackerman girl wasn’t so obsessed with him.”, Pieck muttered, but to everyone’s surprise was cut off by Annie.
“Obsessed? She’s not obsessed, she loves him.”, her hold on Armin’s hand tightened, “Love is beautiful.”
That shut Pieck up for now, yet her eyes were still calculating. Squeezing Annie’s hand back, Armin smiled at his fiancé before continuing.
“I will figure something out. For now, focus on the fact that our friend is alive, and we must celebrate that.”
Speech finished, Armin turned and headed towards the city, soon flanked by everyone else. After a short discussion on what do they even want to buy, Connie brought up wine, because drinking was now very high on the list of things he wanted to do. Jean was in favor of something stronger, and Pieck needed a new pack of cigarettes, so in the end the group split up, agreeing to meet in the square in half an hour.
The road ahead was treacherous, swimming in front of Connie’s eyes as he walked. Everything he knew, everything that he took for granted in those last three years was just turned upside down. A part of him was happy that Eren was back, a part of him was worried about what that might mean, and a small part of him was even angry. If Eren came back, why couldn’t Sasha? Why couldn’t Hange or Erwin? They didn’t deserve to die either…
But he couldn’t be mad at Eren. He did everything in his power to help them, to protect his friends against the cruel world, and allow Paradis to survive in the future. He even returned Connie’s mother to him, a fact that he was eternally grateful for. Still, the combination of all those feelings brought his legs back into an automatic mode, and he was entering Niccolo’s restaurant without even thinking about it.
Well, this could work, his friend always stocked some good wine.
Pushing the door open, Connie entered, seeing that there was quite a crowd inside. Not much of a surprise, as Niccolo’s place was popular. And still, the owner noticed him immediately.
“Connie!”, he shouted, pushing past his guests to hug him, “Man am I glad to see you.”
Normally, there would be a sort of ritual. They would sit down and drink, talk about what was happening, about Connie’s mission for a peaceful world and Niccolo’s restaurant he had with the Braus family. And as the bottles emptied they would end up talking about Sasha, remembering their dear comrade and crying on each other’s shoulder. But today was not such a day.
“Nicco, I’m so sorry but can I trouble you for a few bottles of wine? I need it for…”
“Mikasa.”, he understood immediately, “Today is the anniversary of his passing.”
“Is that why this place is so full?”
“Of course, Yeagerists love to celebrate.”
“Didn’t Eren get defeated today? Why are they celebrating that?”
“Eh, it's more like a promise to get revenge, a ritual in the honor of their war god to appease him.”, Niccolo rolled his eyes, “Pile of rubbish if you ask me, but their money is as good as anyone’s.”
He clapped Connie on the shoulder.
“Wait here, I’ll bring out something extra for you.”
Leaning on the counter, Connie let his eyes scan over the guests, noticing the number of uniforms. There were even some familiar faces, Hitch and Rico among others, and Connie was glad that Jean did not come here. Hitch had taken a liking to Jean lately, and it was difficult to separate her from him once she was attached.
The click of glass against wood woke him, noticing the vintage-looking bottles.
“One of my best.”, Niccolo said proudly, “Give them to Mikasa with my regards. I’ll probably drop by her cabin soon, a surprise visit with some of my homecooked food will cheer her up.”
The heart went cold in Connie’s chest, imagining what would happen if Niccolo came into Mikasa’s house and saw Eren standing there, very much alive and kicking.
“I-I don’t think that’s a good idea.”, he stammered, “I’d probably send a letter first or something, she didn’t look like she wants visitors.”
“Oh, okay. Thanks for the info, last thing I want is to make her uncomfortable.”, Niccolo’s face fell, “The poor girl suffered enough.”
Collecting the wine and thanking the cook again, Connie reunited with the others and together they walked, all the way to Mikasa’s secluded cabin. It wasn’t a short road but they were all former soldiers, easily crossing the distance even with Jean’s light complaining.
There was food on the outside table, ready to host them, but the woman who owned the place was busy. Busy with being seated in Eren’s lap on the bench, their faces pressed together. Not that Armin blamed her, they had a lot of catching up to do.
“Two minutes.”, Pieck remarked out loud, disturbing their moment, “Two minutes with no god damn kissing, is that too much to ask?”
Red-cheeked, Mikasa jumped down from Eren’s lap, yet her giddy expression quickly changed once her eyes found Reiner. Before she could terrorize him again, he held up his hands in surrender.
“Mikasa, I promise that I won’t try anything stupid, all right?”
She huffed in satisfaction and nodded, their short feud put to rest. The bottle of wine Reiner held towards her felt like a peace offering and Mikasa accepted it, pulling the cork out with her fingers alone, not having any issues. Damn.
Alcohol is truly humanity’s friend. With both the wine and the stronger stuff Jean picked up, the awkwardness and tension melted away, and Mikasa didn’t feel this relaxed ever since their drinking adventure in the refugee camp. Understandable, one could say, since the next time period was filled with literal apocalypse they had to stop. Not everyone made it, she knew, raising a glass in Sasha’s name, a toast that everyone joined. Another one was made for Hange.
And yet It was different in a better way. Eren was here, they were together, and Mikasa was free to do all the little couple things she always wanted - sitting on his lap or playing with his hair, stealing small kisses that made Pieck groan when she saw them. Mikasa was so happy that it felt like a dream. In the end, the emotional stress combined with her tiredness and Mikasa parked herself at the bench, watching her friends with a smile. It was no longer melancholic, it was no longer the feelings of a woman who was missing a huge part of herself because that part was returned, it came home. Now, it was a smile made of pure joy.
The group fell apart into smaller units, courtesy of the night slowly creeping in, and Eren joined Armin and Annie where they sat, staring into the fire.
“I believe that congratulations are in order.”, the ring on Annie’s finger glistened in the light, easily explaining what Eren meant.
“Thanks…”, Annie took a swig, her eyes not leaving Eren’s face, “I still can’t believe that you are alive.”
“Trust me, there are days when I do not believe it either.”
“Do you think that you deserve it?”, now it was Armin speaking, his voice slurred from the alcohol yet clear, “Back in the paths, you told me that you could never live with yourself, you didn’t want me to even try and bring you back. What changed?”
“You couldn’t have done anything, my body was dead and my mind was ruined by the founding titan. I had no understanding of time anymore, past, present and future blended into a mix.”, his fingers clutched the bottle tighter, “It is so terrifying for time to lose its meaning.”
Not wanting to crush the glass, Eren carefully eased his hold before continuing.
“I meant every word that I told you back then. I didn’t want to die, but it felt like the only way, I was damaged beyond repair. Only when the paths started collapsing, and all the memories began to die, I realized one thing.”, his eyes moved over to where Mikasa was sitting, “I could not let myself forget her. Ever.”
A chuckle from Annie.
“Gosh, you have it bad.”
Eren didn’t even bother with denying it, turning back to Armin instead.
“To answer your question, I still don’t think that I deserve to live. I have done things that can never be forgiven, I have destroyed this world.”
“Then why.”, Armin whispered, “Why do you live?”
“Because I was given another chance. Undeserved, but I got it, and I will not let it go to waste. War and death are the farthest things on my mind right now because I have a new goal in life.”, a tip of his bottle towards Mikasa, “I lived my first life for myself, and I will live the second one for her. There is only one thing I want, and that is making that girl the happiest that I can, every single day.”
“I’m not so sure that the world will let you do that. You may have died but your ideas went on, Eren, and not in a good way.”
“The Yeagerists?”
“Strong and growing stronger. Imagine how aggressive they would get the moment they knew that you are alive. Imagine the death and destruction your living will cause.”
“I do not want that, any of it.”
Armin gave him a tight smile.
“Sadly, that is the problem with gods. Their message can be twisted by the prophets.”
The heavy ocean gaze dropping back towards the fire, Eren understood the message and stood up, leaving the pair alone. They were right, of course, his life was bound to cause ripples, considering how important his death was. Yet there was no way in hell that he was ever leaving Mikasa alone again. As long as she would want him, he would be right there by her side. Forever.
Eren let his eyes graze over Reiner and the smoking Pieck but decided not to join them. The blond’s expression was still haunted and the girl’s guarded. They were never his friends, only enemies, they were brought together with the scouts by sheer necessity and Eren had to remember that. His return would cause a lot of trouble, and for Pieck and Reiner it was most definitely not worth it. So instead of poking the wasps' nest, Eren went over to the table where Connie was snoring with Jean at his side. The latter was watching the liquor in the bottle, frowning at the reflections, but he did look up when Eren sat down.
“Aah, it’s good to have you back.”
“Is it?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well… My return must have caused quite a disturbance in your…”, Eren nodded his head towards Mikasa, “plans.”
“Do you really think so low of me?”
“I didn’t mean it in a bad way, I was dead, and you liked Mikasa for a long time.”
“Sure, but you aren’t dead anymore.”
“Good point,”, Eren raised his bottle, “I’ll drink to that.”
A clear clink produced by the glass invaded Connie’s dreams and he mumbled something, drooling on the table. Putting his bottle back down, Jean tapped it against the wood.
“You know, I don’t feel that way anymore.”
“Is that so…”
“Or maybe I do, but it's different.”, Jean sighed, “Look, you didn’t see her, Mikasa was an incredible wreck after you died. My own heart was bleeding just from seeing her, and even after she moved on she always broke when near your grave.”
A pang of guilt in Eren’s chest, growing stronger when Jean kept talking.
“She loves you, you dumb blockhead, she loves you so much that I can’t put it into words correctly and yet you kept being an asshole to her for so long. Fuck, I want to punch you.”
“Then go ahead, I promise I won’t fight back. I deserve it.”
And Jean almost did it, but then he remembered how Mikasa reacted when Reiner only implied hurting Eren, and his hand fell back to his side. Call him a pussy, but Jean didn’t feel like dying today.
“Maybe another time.”
The bottle caught the light as Eren twirled it in his fingers, obviously putting together another sentence.
“Listen, Jean, if I didn’t come back, if I stayed dead, would you make a move on her?”
And he thought about it, long and hard, put his drunk brain to work, and came up with a plausible theory.
“I guess I would, once she would heal. Mikasa is an amazing and well, incredibly beautiful woman, and I do like her. But that is meaningless now. If there is one thing I like more than Mikasa it’s seeing her happy, and your return made her the happiest that she ever was. This thing between me and you? That was never a competition. Her eyes were only for you, bastard, a blind man would see that. ”
“Well, I guess that you could call me blind.”, Eren chuckled.
“Blind and stupid, you are lucky that Mikasa has enough brains for both of you.”, Jean gestured with his bottle, “Go, go back to her, I feel like passing out now.”
And pass out he did, head hitting the table and bottle falling on the grass. Leaving his friends to rest, Eren crossed the distance to the bench, sitting down next to the woman with a red scarf and offering her his lap, an invitation that she took and climbed into.
Together they watched the stars but didn’t sleep, lost in each other’s presence while their friends snored all around them. Armin and Annie huddled together by the embers, Jean and Connie by the table, Reiner curled on the ground and Pieck that somehow managed to fall asleep in a sitting position, a burned cigarette butt between her fingers.  The night was warm enough, there was no need to disturb their rest.
Hours passed yet Eren still didn’t feel tired, stargazing with the girl in his arms that meant more to him than all those lights in the sky combined. When the sun began to peek over the horizon, Eren broke the silence.
“Hey, Mikasa.”
She half turned in his arms, letting Eren see a part of her smile.
“What am I to you?”
“Oh no,”, she giggled, shaking her head, “not this again.”
“Come on,”, nose sliding over her shoulder, Eren nudged her, “Tell me.”
It took a bit more persuasion from his side, but in the end she gave in. Fully turning on Eren’s lap, Mikasa took his face in her hands, pressing their foreheads together.
“If you need to know, then I will stand behind what I carved on the headstone.”, her lips came even closer, hot air washing over Eren’s as she spoke softly only for them to hear, “You are my most beloved, my dear.”
She kissed him, he kissed her, and everything was great until a bottle shattered on the wall, one that someone threw at them, albeit very inaccurately.
“Two. Minutes.”, Pieck groaned, “Damn you!”
The sound woke Connie up, jerking awake.
“I need to piss real bad.”
That was all he said before darting towards the forest.
The commotion eventually roused everyone, and the ragtag group had a small breakfast before saying their goodbyes.
“You know I’m super happy that you are alive, but please don’t do anything rash.”, Armin was saying, clutching Eren’s hand, “I promise that I will think of something. In the meantime, the Yeagerists can’t catch wind of you. Even worse, imagine what the rest of the world would do if they knew.”
Mikasa’s cabin was secluded, the risk was low but it was there, and Armin was feeling uneasy about this whole setup. Yet there was nothing better to be done. It would be an interesting meeting with the queen when the ambassadors were all nursing throbbing headaches, yet one does not keep Historia Reiss waiting. Apologizing for the mess they left, and Mikasa was once again alone. If one didn’t count the man that was supposed to be dead, that is.
They cleaned the bottles together, working in unison achieved by years and years of working under captain Levi. After that it was finally time to get some rest, but when Eren entered the cabin a certain fact came to the light. Mikasa had only one bedroom, as she was living alone, which presented a potential problem.
“I can take the couch.”, he offered immediately, never in his life wanting to push her into something she wouldn’t want.
All Mikasa did was tighten the hold on his hand, pulling him towards the bedroom.
“You died, came back to me, and still you want to hide behind those walls? I meant it when I said that I want to be with you, all of you, so please stop this nonsense. You claimed that you loved me, so give in to those feelings, nothing is stopping us from doing so anymore.”
It must have been the remnants of the alcohol that made Mikasa this bold, yet the slight blush was present on her cheeks anyway. That subtle pink dusting was incredibly endearing and Eren had to kiss it, making her redden even harder.
“Lead the way.”
Entranced by her graceful movements, by her ethereal beauty, Eren allowed himself to be pulled into that single bedroom, eyes only for the girl he loved so much that the feeling brought him back to life.
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