#the superperforator song!
ifartconfetti · 11 months
It's a shame german isnt more widely spoken because if it was the Superperforator Song would be a widely adapted animation meme
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bowofbalance · 10 months
The superperforator song finally made it on my study playlist. I am unhinged
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chokememrstark · 7 years
Personal aesthetic: Santa Maria in Der Schuh Des Manitu
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saucy-mesothelioma · 3 years
Meso's Mixtapes: Vinnie
One of the characters I've been looking forward to doing with this is Vinnie from @zeddyzi's comic Ramshackle, which I highly suggest reading, because it's amazing. The art style is incredible, the characters are amazing, and I fucking love the atmosphere. She's my favorite character from the comic and I just had to do a playlist for her. I plan on doing playlists for Skipp and Stone as well, but since the crime gremlin is my favorite, I just had to do her playlist first.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ain't No Rest for the Wicked by Cage The Elephant Mustang Sally by Wilson Pickett Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard by Paul Simon Girls by MARINA (I mean, come on. I don't think I have to explain this one.) Firefly Main Theme by Sonny Rhodes (Don't Fear) The Reaper by Blue Öyster Cult Travelin' Band by Creedence Clearwater Revival One Jump Ahead from Aladdin (I'm pretty sure it's illegal to make a Vinnie playlist and not have this song, so I had to add it.) Free Ride by The Edgar Winter Group Born To Be Wild by Steppenwolf Hit Me With Your Best Shot by Pat Benatar (This song really resonates with her personality in my opinion. Just the "come at me" attitude represented here definitely screams Vinnie) Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne We're Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister The Railroad by Goodnight, Texas (Because this is a Ramshackle playlist, I had to have at least one bluegrass/southern gothic song because I strongly associate those music genres with the comic. This is the one that I feel fit her best.) Tequila Song by Johnny Kowalski and the Sexy Weirdos Volunteers by Jefferson Airplane Roxanne by The Police (I can clearly see a drunk Vinnie as Britta in "Remedial Chaos Theory" from Community. I don't know why, I just do.) Wild, Wild West by The Escape Club Hound Dog by Elvis Presley Bamboleo by Gipsy Kings Godzilla by Blue Öyster Cult (It's a song about Godzilla. It's Vinnie. I feel like she would like it just because it's about a fucking lizard murdering people. It just fits to me.) Miserlou by Dick Dale Rock the Casbah by The Clash Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival Drikken Natten Væk by Østre Gasværk Teater (This is the drinking song from Skammerens Datter. I feel like the tone fits Vinnie well and I really couldn't pass up an opportunity to include it.) Tank! by SEATBELTS Brighton Rock by Queen Neat Neat Neat by The Damned Superperforator from Manitou's Shoe (I'm not entirely sure why this song came to mind, but I decided to include it anyways.) Henrietta by The Fratellis (Let's be honest, a lot of Fratellis songs could be associated with Ramshackle, and I have no problem with that. I just chose this one because of the art Z posted of the trio with lyrics to this song.) Emanuela by Fettes Brot Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry Rasputin by Boney M. (I feel like this would just be a song she would sing drunk, but then again, that's half of the songs on the list lmao) It's Tricky by Run-D.M.C. (Refer to my Rasputin note)
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estelanel · 4 years
A quick insight into German (Millennial) meme culture (inspired by the blast to the past this uquiz gave me):
Bernd das Brot (a depressed bread puppet, originating from a children’s parody on advertising shows, later getting his own show)
The Bielefeld conspiracy: Bielefeld is a city in western Germany with about 300,000 inhabitants; there is also a running gag that Bielefeld doesn’t actually exist. The origin of that joke seems to be extremely random, there isn’t really a big story behind it. 
Germans like to argue about name and gender of their food. Ask a group of German people what they call the inside of an apple, or what gendered article to use for Nutella, and watch them yell at each other for half an hour.
The song from the Superperforator commercial (from a parody on Western movies that gets way more credit for being LGBT rep than it deserves (the song’s a bop tho))
Gays in Space (a parody on Sci-Fi movies that gets way more credit for being LGBT rep than it deserves)
A coke commercial with the keeper of Germany’s national football team lead to the “maybe it’s not [...], maybe it’s Manuel Neuer” meme
This super weird opening to a porn which I am going to translate real quick: “This is the fuse box we always have problems with, can you look at it?” “With pleasure, but why is there straw lying around?” “And why are you wearing a mask?” “Mmmh... give me a blowjob then.”
Bravo, the biggest German youth magazine, is infamous (amongst other things) for cheesy photo love stories, failing gloriously at using authentic German youth slang. This panel is the origin of “alles bäm?” (”all bam?”), a greeting nobody ever used before, but for a while everyone used it ironically after that.
Once a year every school in Germany holds a sports competition called ‘Bundesjugendspiele’ (Federal Youth Games). Participation is mandatory. It literally serves no purpose. You’re not even competing against other schools. Based on your score you either get a ‘Participation Certificate’ (’you participated but you’re also a loser’), a ‘Winner’s Certificate’ (you participated and didn’t win shit, but we want to make you feel better about yourself’), or a ‘Honors Certificate’ (’you can now brag about how good you are at sports’). Everyone hates it. Ask a German about Bundesjugendspiele and see their eyes go blank from hot fury and/or unprocessed childhood trauma.
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chaoslaura · 3 years
to combine the posts "das gleiche wie: gras ist verboten weil es verboten ist" + "deutschland hat wieder richtige auswahlen für den ESC" - kennst du Brokkoli (Muffelwild)? esc deutschland kandidat? (ODER "das lied aus der superperforatorwerbung"! eskimo callboy? irgendwas buntes mit viel glitzer?)
I don't know if it was my morning brain but I needed a very long time to follow your ask and understand what you wanted to tell me.😅
I'm ashamed I had to search up Brokkoli on youtube because I've been watching Space Frogs since their early beginnings, so yes I know this song! I've listened to this song a lot because I like the Seeed vibes of it.
Kiffen ist nicht cool, es ist cool nicht zu kiffen // Hold my beer, muss zum drölften mal schiffen // Das hin und her Gerenne hält mich fit // Schau was du für 'n fauler Stoner bist
I highly doubt they would even contemplate trying out but oh my god would that be funny. First of all it's in german so no other country would understand anyway and there would be a lot of people trying to boycott it. But at least it would be a fun song.
Same with the Superperforator (okay how did you come up with this idea?). I think the song isn't allowed to be older but imagine the people watching three cowboys dancing to this.
But Eskimo Callboy! A lot of people have said they should paticipate. They themselves asked if they should do it and I really think they would be up for it. They're a fun group and wouldn't mind being the clown of the show even though musically they're good and I would go so far as to say better than most stuff I've seen over the years in eurovision. So I really hope they go through with it. I would vote for them. They can pull off the glitter, the show would be ridicuous and the audience would love it, well, I'm not that convinced that it will bring us more points but we won't be boring germany anymore.
Also if you like the first one, look up Each Side Story (Oh! Ah!) by Marti Fischer and another fun youtube group. You won't get the song out of your head afterwards, promised.
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Reverse unpopular opinion: Till Schweiger Filme EXCLUDING ikonische Werke aus der frühen Schaffenszeit wie Manta Manta oder Der Bewegte Mann. In diese Richtung außerdem: Michael Bully Herbig Filme, vor allem Lissy und der wilde Kaiser (solltest du ihn gesehen haben).
Okay, als ich dieses ask ding gerebloggt hab, hab ich nicht mit SO schweren Fragen gerechnet tbh 😅😅
Hmm, mein Problem ist, dass ich fast keine Til Schweiger-Filme gesehen hab, und die, die ich gesehen hab, sind fast komplett aus meinem Gedächtnis verschwunden? Den einzigen, den ich öfter gesehen hab (und ich weiß nicht, ob der mit 2005 noch zur “frühen Schaffenszeit” gehört?), ist “Barfuß”. Den hab ich GELIEBT. (Ist es mir erlaubt zu sagen, dass ich glaube, dass ich ihn aus heutiger Sicht wahrscheinlich nicht mehr vertreten könnte? Weil uhhhhhh it has problems??!) Ich mochte enorm Johanna Wokalek darin, und ich mochte, dass die versuchte Message des Films war: Egal, wie abgefuckt du bist oder wie sehr du dein Leben gegen die Wand gefahren hast, du verdienst Liebe, Respekt und Autonomie. Das war schon ne ziemlich nice Idee.
Lissy und der wilde Kaiser hmm. Ähnlich wie Til Schweiger-Filme hab ich den gesehen, erinnere mich aber kaum. Ich schätze mal, im Nachhinein kann man ihm anrechnen, dass dieser Film nicht so sehr wie die zwei vorigen auf einen Humor baut, der sich über schwule/feminine Männer lustig macht? Das Zielpublikum waren wohl mehr Kinder bzw. Familien, d.h. es gab halt viel Slapstick-Humor und Absurdität und versteckte Innuendos für die Erwachsenen. Und ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass ich viel gelacht hab, als ich ihn im Kino gesehen hab?
Ansonsten kann ich mehr über Schuh des Manitu und Traumschiff Surprise sagen, weil - egal, wie offensive sie sind, sie haben definitiv einen Platz in meinem Herzen! Ich würde sie heute noch anschauen, und ich würde heute noch drüber lachen, und ich würde heute noch Anja Kling als Königin Metapha mit Herzchenaugen anschmachten, und den Superperforator-Song mitsingen. Und das Ding ist - ich mag diese Filme nicht trotz der Schwulen-Witze, sondern teilweise deswegen? Weil, manchmal hat es einfach was, Dinge zu reclaimen, die gemacht wurden, um dich zu verletzen oder kleinzumachen, und zu sagen, ich finde das witzig, aber aus anderen Gründen als die, die ihr gern hättet, und ihr könnt nichts dagegen tun. Spucki ist eine Tunte und ich liebe ihn, und seine Beziehung zu Käptn Kork ist eine wunderschöne queerplatonische Liebesgeschichte, die das Universum rettet. Vollkommen unironisch. Das gehört uns jetzt. Ha. 
ask meme: reverse unpopular opinion - ask me about something and I must say only nice things about it!
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cuppateadeer · 4 years
So i just listened to germany’s eurovision song and i hate to ask this and i genuinely don’t mean it in a mean way but are you guys aiming for zéro points again? 😭
i’ve actually listened to a few songs now and it has to be said, Germany’s is definitely one of the the more memorable ones lmao but WHY in gods name would you end that song by saying „ich hoffe Sie haben noch ein derbe nices Leben“ 😭😭
so i went and listened to it bc i hadn't yet and ASHDJSGSSGS what can i say i feel sorry too :D this is just what happens when german people try to be funny
i'm personally offended that they put the tap dancing in bc they should just send sky du mont with the superperforator song if they're gonna steal from him like this tsk
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spacerhapsody · 4 years
loved your quiz, thank you for getting the superperforator song stuck in my head, den ohrwurm werde ich jetzt drei Tage nicht mehr los...
i’d say i’m sorry but that would be a total LIE, this is a quality song (which i’ve now got stuck in my head too, of course, but 5/5, would recommend!)
especially considering some of the other songs that were in that quiz, lmao
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ericbrandonrp · 6 years
// That fucking Superperforator song is stuck in my head someone send help pls
Jfc I think I'll make it my ringtone now lol
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Poltergeist- Favorite song lyric?
You don’t have to wait for laterHere’s a new eliminatorAsk your local weapon traderFor the superperforator
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janjan-the-ninth · 7 years
I think Germany should send Sky du Mont with the Superperforator song to the next Eurovision Song Contest.
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laura491 · 7 years
Anyone ever wondered what German humor was like?
“Do you have any last wishes?” - “Yes, the song from the Superperforator advert.” ...
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birkenzeisig · 7 years
Der Schuh des Mannitou (2010)
Villian: “Do you have a last wish?” Good guy: “Yes! the song from the Superperforator -commercial!”
Villian: *pulls off without hestiation a complete epic preformance of the commercial to fullfill the last wish* Villian: *Coldblooded burns down the house and the people inside afterwards*
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thunder-stuck · 6 years
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Do you have a last wish? Yes! That song from the superperforator-ad! || 9gagrss || https://ift.tt/2wwLaIy https://ift.tt/eA8V8J ||
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memeatglance · 6 years
Do you have a last wish? Yes! That song from the superperforator-ad!
Tags: Schuh des Manitu, German Humor
678 points, 24 comments.
source http://9gag.com/gag/a3K6oY3
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