#the textures he doesn’t like is nuts btw
dusteebowl · 1 year
inattentive adhd lifeweaver headcanons
-his room is organised chaos. it looks messy but if he can’t see something he’ll forget where it is and tear up his room looking for it.
-while he loves conversation, it’s hard to pay attention when the topic isn’t something he cares about and his mind wanders. he’s gotten better at managing this but every now and then it still happens.
-hates bright lights and loud abrupt noises.
-fidgets with his biolight
-definitely medicated but sometimes he forgets to see the doctor on time so there will be days when he’s…a lot.
-i am CERTAIN his hyperfixation is flowers
-lotus themed bullet journal
-can’t stand certain food textures
-has way more washi tape than a human conceivably needs
-doodles flowers in his notepad margins
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maybeimamuppet · 3 months
Use this post as an excuse to dump all your Cady headcanons into one post. Go nuts dude.
Love your fics btw :)))
ayyyy thank you nonnie!!!!
i for sure have more but i’m just gonna post the list of headcanons i made to base her on when i first started writing
and usual disclaimer this is her 2018 musical version i have not used some of these and they may not still apply etc etc ANYWAY
tw for death mention
-special interest in math, specifically calculus
-polyglot, fluent in english, swahili, french, german, spanish, italian, swedish, and american sign language
-can say any word or sentence backwards, taught herself to read backwards when she was first learning
-sensitive to noise and touch
-swears in different languages when frustrated or hurt
-loves skincare, will pin janis down to make her let her do it to her too
-loves to stim with janis’ hair
-loves janis’ jackets
-and shirts
-steals them whenever she gets the slightest opportunity
-weird medical knowledge
-overly prepared for every possible scenario
-love language is touch
-loves to be snuggled
-tries to touch janis at all times, janis just goes with it
-doesn’t like soft touch, too tickly
-teaches janis asl for when one of them is nonverbal (or just for fun)
-loves fruit
-loves tea
-fascinated by american culture
-name is spelled because her dad was trying to be a musician when she was born and wanted to give her a musical name like harmony or rhyme, mother agreed to cadence if it could be cady on her birth certificate
-middle name is allison
-had an older brother named rhys, ten years older, died at 20 in the military
-he joined the military to pay for college, wanted to be a doctor
-was born in oregon
-aquarius, acts more like pisces, birthday february 11
-very organized but has terrible handwriting
-janis buys her chewy necklaces and stim toys and she loves and uses them all
-comes up with a code to help both of them whenever she has a sensory overload or other meltdown
-blunt as hell, honest to a fault
-tutors janis in math for payment of kisses and time as little spoon
-loves all animals
-kind of like a disney princess, can also befriend any animal
-loves to play animal crossing, designs her island to look like kenya, fav villager is rex
-afraid of the dark and big storms
-takes a sleeping bag and camps in the backyard whenever she’s stressed
-loves to let janis paint on her, the texture of the paint gives her good sensory input
-barefoot whenever possible
-hates being tickled
-tries to learn art to impress janis, it doesn’t work but janis loves what she makes anyway
-loves holding hands
-whispering irritates her
-shifts her lips side to side when she’s anxious
-keeps in touch with karen and gretchen throughout senior year, becomes friends with all plastics again once they become decent people in college
-keeps in touch with aaron, decided they were better as friends
-teeny tiny. 5’3 and 120 pounds
-will throw hands for janis
-vegetarian when she can
-sleeps on her tummy, janis thinks it’s adorable
-valedictorian in hs, fast tracks through getting her bachelors and masters in math , gets her phd really young
-becomes a math professor and tries her best to be understanding and fun, channels ms norbury
-they still meet for coffee sometimes
-used to go for walks in the woods alone when she got stressed until she learned how dangerous it was
-can play a little bit of guitar
-sings to herself a lot without realizing, janis is 😍
-goes to all of janis’ art shows and panics if she’s even a little late
-front row at all of damian’s shows too
-loves disney movies and makes janis watch them with her after they watch horror movies so she can sleep
-can and will sleep anywhere but pretends to have trouble sleeping sometimes so janis will cuddle her
-loves having her hair played with
-hates crowds
-certain textures put her off, janis thinks it’s odd but protects her from them nonetheless
-allergic to pollen, spends most of spring sneezing and with a stuffy nose (janis also finds this adorable)
-never wears matching socks
-said i love you first during a tutoring session with the equation thing
-finds signs easier than talking aloud most of the time
-knows all about space and the stars
-doesn’t understand sarcasm or most figures of speech unless it’s very obvious or intuitive
-janis gets her a bunny in college
-she tries to name it janice (but it’s different!)
-janis says no
-she names her pickles instead
-invents names for things and comes up with new swears
-drops shit all the time
-discovers crocs and causes chaos
-has frecklessssssss
-likes mornings, hates waking up to see them
-does not like eye contact but could stare into janis’ for hours
-janis helps her with english, she doesn’t like it because there’s too many exceptions to all the rules
-avoids alcohol at all costs
-can do really good impressions once she’s familiar with how they sound, learns a lot of social stuff through mimicry
-cannot do fashion at all
-doesn’t like surprises, gets anxious if her routine changes or if she doesn’t have enough information about a new situation beforehand
-hyper fixated on the lion king for a while after janis showed it to her
-has little plants she named after her friends, when one isn’t doing well she checks on them
-wants and loves to travel
-weirdly strong opinions about stupid shit
-says little things in her sleep sometimes
-will tell africa stories to someone on the sidewalk if they’d listen to her
-lived in kenya from 3-16
-watches inter-species friendship videos all the fucking time
-loves riding in shopping carts
-soft spoken. so soft.
-smells of rose water and cherries
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bitchapalooza · 4 years
Some ADHD headcanons I guess (coming from someone with ADHD btw)
He takes medication to help manage his ADHD however he does often forget.
More often than not, it's either a simple call or text from Canada asking if he's taken it yet or its his cool little alien roommate that shoves his meds catty into his face like "take the fucking capsule take the fucking capsule take the fuc" until he finally takes it.
America's stims are: rocking or swaying back and forth or side to side, waving his arms when excited or uncomfortable/frustrated, when incredibly anxious he uses a small beanbag he carries around to feel the beads inside as it helps him ground himself from getting overestimated.
One of his biggest, long lasting, hyperfixations is airplanes! He loves watching them take off and fly, taking them apart and studying them then putting it all back together by hand, making model planes to display, flying them himself— go ahead and ask him about airplanes, he'll get the biggest smile you've ever seen!
America didn't know, for the longest time, that what he has been experiencing is overstimulation. He simply thought he was being a brat about certain situations, what is lashing out and such. Although he understands now that doesn't mean there's any less panic, or at certain times aggression. He tries his best to push through it to get work done as he believes it'll somehow pass faster if he does so. He doesn't get it often thanks to learning how manage it better.
Hypersensitivity issues: tags in clothes, long sleeves that grasp too tightly(tight used loosely as to him tight is something like a bracelet) to his wrist, slimey or sticky things.
People who help him best: Canada, England(to his best abilities), Lithuania, Romano, and Japan.
North Italy
Vene does not take medication. He simply forgets too often and is too self conscious about telling people he takes medication, even to his own brother. He'd just like that to stay private is all. If he forgets so much to the point of the meds expiring with barely any use, he'd rather not take them all.
Instead, Vene had learned how to keep his own focus. He hangs up sticky note reminders or has a digital to-do list synced on his phone and laptop as he's always on them for work anyway. He's learned association words to go with dates and whatevers scheduled for those dates. It's not the greatest but at least he's not wasting anything that could very well go to someone else who needs it.
Vene's stims are: waving his arms or flapping his hands around, jiggling his leg up and down, humming— sometimes he'll put his hand just below his Adam's apple to feel the vibrations. He chews pencils and pens, jiggles pens and pencils between his fingers too. He'll also pass pens, pencils, straws—basically anything possible— between his fingers back and forth.
Cooking and painting/drawing are the two things he considers his biggest hyperfixations. Cooking he prefers to do on his own mostly as being crowded in one place while having so much to do makes his nerves go nuts. But he doesn't mind company when he's drawing or painting. He actually feels better with company at that point. He tends to get extremely quiet as he concentrates on his art so it gets pretty silent around by default. He likes it when people are around to fill in that space. When asked about cooking and art, he'll ramble and ramble nonstop about his favorite artists or chefs or what have you until he's tired.
Vene gets overstimulated a lot and this is due to his habit of just staying put and doing nothing about what's bothering him or not recognizing the annoyances at all. He gets very squirming, moving around a lot, when overstimulated. But still does nothing which leads to breakdowns that he still tries to ignore is happening. When asked, he'll just say he didn't get enough sleep and leave it at that. He simply doesn't want to broadcast this side of himself in case anyone thinks even lesser of him more than they may or may not do now.
Hypersensitivity issues: certains foods touching(rolls or toast CANNOT be on the same plate as his eggs or anything with sauceon it, absolutely no thank you, they'll get too soggy and v*mit inducing when even looking at it), his socks cannot have seams in them as they run the risk of touching his toes nor can the band be touching his ankles(so he normally wears knee high socks inside out as seamless seem to be hard to find). Most foods he can handle but honestly mashed potatoes give him a lot of anxiety. To him, the texture looks like it'll feel like sandpaper on his tongue. So he avoids it despite never even trying it in the first place.
People who help him best: Romano, Germany(he tries but he only understands the basic textbook definition, not Vene's personal experience; and that's really enough for Vene honestly), Seborga, Japan, and Hungary.
He fights Sweden, Finland and England about it but he does take medication. When at Sweden's, he tends to fall on bribing him to take it while Finland has already given up 30 minutes prior. At England's, he manages to get him to take it easily by threatening to take his games away(works every time).
Sealand doesn't really like the medicine as it makes him feel..... run down. He much rather prefers to feel very active all day than to feel like a zombie. But everyone has told him its for his own good so he at least attempts to listen. Key word: ATTEMPTS.
Sealand mostly rocks on his heels, sucks his teeth repeatedly for the sound, or fiddles with the joystick of the stim toy Finland bought him when he stims. He still moves around a lot regardless but he is a kid afterall.
Sealand mostly hyperfixates on his country status, that is true. However, he's also taken a liking to puzzles and legos. He's got about 14 puzzles finished and framed, a tiger puzzle is even hanging in the kitchen(Sweden's) for everyone to see! As for legos, Sealand just really likes to build little cities out of them and pretends their a part of his country. He never uses the people pieces, instead he just collects them and occasionally swaps their hair pieces out between the figures.
He doesn't exactly get overstimulated often. In fact its pretty rare. But when it does happen it's mostly when he's in the big cities surrounded by noisy cars and too many people. He clings as close as possible to whoever he's with, which is most often England. When he's alone, which is a lot as he kind of runs off on his own despite everyone telling him not to, he simply breaks down. Thankfully he has all his contacts in order and no phone lock so its easily accessible for anyone in case of emergency.
Hypersensitivity issues: None of his food can touch so he still uses dividing plates. The textures of broccoli and rice makes him incredibly uncomfortable. He won't eat beans unless he serves his own portion just to make sure it's not TOO goopy. And lastly he refuses to let anyone pick him up— he doesn't like anyone, not even those he considers family, to touch the sides of his stomach and much less under his arms. He says there's just something about it that makes him want to curl up and get away, its incredibly uncomfortable.
People who help him best: Sweden, Finland, England*, Latvia, and Seborga.
*England has better understanding with ADHD in children than he does with adults. As childrens' ADHD tend to be more presentable than adults', England can better recognize it and feels better in helping. ADHD was not a diagnosis prior to the 1900s so England did not know that what America had when he was child was ADHD, he simply believed he was a trouble maker. After taking care of Sealand and getting his diagnosis he later realized the similarities between them both and apologized to America for the harsh berating he gave him as a child. And when America later got his own diagnosis in the early 2000s, England further apologized and offered him as much help as possible while he adjusts with his new diagnosis. He had trouble with America but he at least tries which is all that counts in the end.
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missn11 · 4 years
Alright, you ready for this? Taika: 📔🌸 Oswald: 🔥📀 Gloria: 💛🌳
@nessynoname aw thanks for the ask about my vtmb babies! 😍 btw this is going to be a long boi! XD
Taika: 📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?What things bore your OC to tears and they couldn’t care less about? Why?
Taika of course finds magic and the occult super interesting even before she became a Tremere, her parents were New Age and very superstitious so they had a ton of occult or witchy spellbooks around the house and their interest rubbed off on her. 
Although if she’s in unfamiliar company she’ll downplay her interest to something that doesn’t sound too crazy but with her closest friends especially ones that are witches themselves she will nerd out for hours! One of the things she loves about being a vampire is that she gets to learn and discuss magic without looking nuts!
She also likes to discuss politics, even more so as a vampire.  
Looking up spells, occult lore, or urban legend conspiracies in either books or the internet is something that Taika loves to do, especially on a lazy Saturday or Sunday. She also loves to go out dancing and always goes out to the nearest nightclub when going on a date.
Do not ever take Taika to a sports game, she’ll get bored to tears and hates the food they serve at sports stadiums (she was a food snob XD) another thing she likes about being a vampire, no-one expects her to got to a sport’s game! lol 
🌸What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent? 
Taika has spent a lot of time perfecting her laugh to be pleasing to other people’s ears, she used to snort while laughing but not so much anymore (although there are times the snorting does slip in and that was when she was in LaCroix’s company when he managed to make her laugh and he found that rather endearing.) 
Taika does have a lovely singing voice, though not of the chart-topping superstar level of singing ability but certainly lovely enough to win some karaoke competition. :D
Her family moving to the US from Finland when she was eight years old, Taika’s native Finland accent got her made fun a lot by the other kids at school and yelled at by adults to speak better English when they couldn’t understand her very well. Again this was something she worked hard to ‘correct’ and now there’s barely any trace of her old accent and she sounds like a regular West Coast American. 
Oswald: 🔥Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colours, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
Oswald is fond of warm colours such as yellow, orange and red, colours of the sunset, really. He really doesn’t care browns, especially if they aren’t warm browns. 
Even though he couldn’t always afford it, he enjoys the silk fabric men’s shirt (especially if they have an elaborate pattern), oak wooden furniture feels good on his fingertips and he had a second-hand oak wood desk in his apartment before his embrace (sadly he couldn’t get it back since his parents took it into their home as a reminder of him) and the type of texture of food he tends to love are crunchy, potato chips, crispy fried chicken (Freaking Chicken! XD) and on the healthier side, carrot sticks. and of course, he loves the feel human/vampire flesh during sexytimes! 😉
Anything less than a 100% cotton fabric is something he dislikes wearing, they give his skin a reaction like a little rash. anything too squishy in his furniture or food isn’t something he cares for much. (Don’t say the word moist around unless you want him to shudder uncontrollably!)    
Oswald does listen to all kinds of music genres but he’s very into Nirvana, Hole or anything grunge, it just speaks to him in so many ways, even more so when he’s a vampire. 😢
The only type of music he doesn’t care is modern country music, it sucks in his opinion.            
When he was still human, Oswald loves sunny days, and wishes now having become a vampire he had spent more time watching the sunrise or sunset instead of letting himself get overtaken by his work in life.
Cloudy weather used to get him down a little when he was alive, though it doesn’t bother him too much as a vampire. 
Oswald doesn’t like to admit it to many but he loves a good mystery novel and puzzles, it’s what’s gotten him to being an investigator in the first place. his guilty pleasure is to read a best selling crime novel and count the number of mistakes the author makes! Another thing he hates admitting to liking, trashy reality shows, heavily edited cooking competitions or dating competitions, he’ll watch them all! 
As a human Oswald didn’t care much for horror movies for he doesn’t like getting jumps scared or feeling tense all the time. Now as a vampire, horror movies as the cliche goes don’t scare him at all (he’s seen true horror bro) and more treats them as mystery thrillers instead. Having been born and raised in California and worked as an investigator in LA and thus has seen a lot of shit, really hates any movie that puts Hollywood in a positive light, especially old Hollywood.  
📀How easy is it to shock your OC? To confuse them? To lie to them, to manipulate them? How are they with feelings of trust? Can your OC be trusted? 
Gruesome crimes scenes of murder or massacres don’t affect Oswald that much anymore but Andrei’s flesh house of fun really shocked him, watching the tape twice didn't prepare him at all for the horrors that awaited him. Also finding out that Vampires and Ghosts are real shook him to the core as well.  
You would have to do something so outside of Oswald’s impression of you and really weird or stupid to really confuse him, otherwise he’s seen some shit and isn’t easily confused a lot of the time. 
Oswald is pretty damned observant so he does usually notice when someone is trying to manipulate him, especially in Kindred society. But having become a vampire you can play on Oswald’s loneliness to get what you want but he’ll eventually figure it out and you better be ready to run, the Prince of LA learned the hard way what happens to those who use him!
When Oswald was alive, he had a lot more people around him that he was able to trust, close tightknit family, and friends. But as a vampire, Oswald is completely cut off from those closest to him and he’s very aware of the backstabbing nature of Kindred society to ever give his trust to just anyone.
Oswald on the other hand is pretty trustworthy himself, he keeps to his promises most of the time and rarely breaks them unless you’ve proven to be complete and utter scum that doesn’t deserve to live.
Gloria: 💛 In general, how in control of their emotions is your OC? Do they have a good hold on them or do their emotions control them, not the other way around? What do you think is the reason behind this and is your OC ever concerned about their lack of or good control?
After years of anger management, Gloria is more in control of her emotions than she was eighteen. (A lot of her anger comes from her Dad apparently abandoning her and generally her Mom getting screwed around by the system for having mental problems and being forced to leave her daughter to be put in a mental hospital)  
Overall, Gloria has a pretty tight hold on her emotions and refuses to let them control her, which can make her seem cold at times (Nines had thought so when he first met Gloria and it also made Velvet want to warm her up emotionally)
Again as the forementioned seemingly abandonment by her father and how horribly her mother was treated by the system has made Gloria really angry at the world and its injustices, which ended up with her getting in trouble with the law at times and her sent to anger management. 
Gloria is proud that she has such a good hold on her emotions but always fears losing that control and knows that if her Dad had gone through with his plan to embrace her into the Brujah clan it would’ve been a disaster! But as she spends more time in Kindred society without any access to any therapists, she finds that her general dissatisfaction with how things are being run in Downtown LA and losing patience with Nines’ refusal to either fully take the mantle of leadership or give it someone else, is slowly having a bad effect on her control of her anger.              
🌳 Compare your OC to themself from 10 years ago. How has their mental state changed since then, how have they aged and grown up? Would they say they’re in a better place than they were back then or do they need help? What advice would they give their younger self? What advice would their younger self give to them now?
In some ways Gloria is in a better place than she was ten years ago, she’s been able to make peace with her father and start rebuilding her relationship with him, now knowing that he didn’t willingly abandon her when she was 18, and she’s not so closed off all the time, finding that she is able to be more open with her emotions. But she’s also starting to get her old anger back and that needs sorting out.
But she’s not making as many reckless choices anymore, thinking a lot about how they could affect the ones she loves so dearly. Even more so when she has become a vampire.
She’s built up a found family with Nines’ crew, Velvet, Heather, and her father and his coterie that she’s not willing to lose so she has a support system but it can’t help her from her old anger problems, now given a new source.
Gloria would tell her younger self that she should trust that anger management will help her and not try to control her anger with drugs. and also be mindful that there are predators in the world beyond people (mostly men) trying to take advantage of her and no matter what it’s still worth opening your heart to people even in this dark world.
Her younger self would tell Gloria that it’s okay to make mistakes and fuck up at times, to not take any man’s shit even from the ones she loves dearly, and enjoy every day like it’s her last.         
 Oh damn, that last one made me all emotional! 😭 thanks again for the ask :D     
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Hey! Could I request some headcanons for the paladins where their s/o just has like a really mean sister? But the sort of "mean" where the sister thinks it's funny or joking to be really mean to s/o. But of course s/o doesn't take it as a joke since the sister makes really degrading jokes and/or physically hits s/o too much and too hard. I hope this request is okay for you to do, I'm just in the same situation rn haha. Thanks and btw I love your writing!
A/N: My younger sister is like this and it drives me nuts. Except she talks trash about my fashion sense. I know I’m not the best dresser… but like, I have some sensory issues and cute patterns usually have terrible textures that bother me and plain shirts don’t and are usually somewhat soft so what can ya do. Also, I couldn’t think of anything to do for Coran, matt, or Allura, so I just did the original paladins. 
 when he finds out, he tries to be as protective as he can without feeling like he’s being too much
he’ll low-key put himself between his s/o and their sister when they’re together
if he senses danger he’ll pull s/o away to “show them something” 
if it happens too much, he’ll bring it up when his s/o isn’t around
“Hey, I noticed you’re kinda rough with [s/o’s name], and they have a lot of bruises on their arms… do you think you could tone it down a little bit?” 
as a “joke” he and his s/o get the sister a “dammit doll” to beat up
 it’s just a little doll that you hit against something if you’re angry instead of punching someone or a wall or something 
he’s super gentle with his s/o
s/o probably has some mental damage or some ptsd or something from the years of their sister doing this
like if Lance moves too fast they’ll flinch
he makes sure to walk a little louder when entering a room so that they aren’t surprised when he enters
absolutely no hugs from behind
he’ll always lightly tap their shoulder to get them to turn around if he wants a hug
he’s also very encouraging and praises s/o a lot
“You look really pretty today” 
“I mean you look pretty all the time but I just felt like saying it” 
“This food was really good thank you for making it!” 
 he’s not really sure what to do when he finds out
but he knows he doesn’t like it
he’ll ask his s/o about what’s going on
after he finds out, he asks his s/o what they want him to do, or if they’re comfortable with him going to their sister to talk to her about it
if they are comfortable with it: 
he’ll talk to her the next day
he’ll just say how it’s affecting his s/o 
will ask her to try and be a little nicer because even if she meant it as a joke, his s/o doesn’t take it as one
he’ll always hold his s/o’s hand whenever they’re around the sister
mostly to offer silent support
I feel like for the sister, she would do what she thinks is a pat on the back when they’re saying hello
but really it’s like a brick being chucked at s/o’s shoulder
so Keith will drap an arm around s/o’s shoulder to prevent that 
like Lance, he’s really careful with how he enters a room and gets s/o’s attention
so freaking 
and now he’s super soft whenever he touches his s/o
 he’s not quite sure what to do when he notices how his s/o’s sister acts towards them
I mean, he knew siblings were sometimes more aggressive that others
but this sister is borderline abusive! 
he totally will talk to his s/o about it as soon as he gets a chance, but he doesn’t pry. His s/o will tell him when they’re ready
it’s more of a… “Hey, your sister is pretty aggressive. You okay?” type of thing
until his s/o tells him, he tries to become like a shield whenever the sister is around
he’ll casually put himself between s/o and their sister
if he thinks it’s too bad, he’ll talk to the sister about it
he asks his s/o for permission, of course
he wouldn’t want to do anything without asking 
if the s/o said no, he’d accept it but try to low-key suggest that maybe the sister should calm down a little bit
if s/o said yes, he would talk to the sister as soon as possibly and explain how it’s affecting his s/o
they’re nervous to be around her
they flinch every time she moves
always nervous about what rude joke she’s going to make
“If you tried to be a little nicer, your relationship would improve a lot,” he’d say after
either way, he’s going to try and make sure that the sister is a little nicer
he’s just really great emotional support
 it’s absolutely appalling to her that people would treat their siblings like that
she realizes she’s been spoiled because of her super good relationship with Matt
the second she hears a rude “joke” being made to/about her s/o, she’s going off on the sister
“Why would you say that to your sibling? They’re right there!” 
“That’s the rudest thing I’ve ever heard anyone say to their sibling” 
or if the sister hit them a little too hard
“I think you could have been a little softer,” Pidge will grumble
she’s just very defensive of her s/o 
and they when they’re away from the sister, Pidge will ask why they let her walk all over them (wow what a sentence)
“You need to stand up for yourself if you want that to stop!”
she knows that she wouldn’t take any of that crap with Matt
nobody should have to put up with that
she’ll encourage her s/o to talk to their sister about it 
“But make sure to do it at a safe distance. Like, go out to lunch and sit at a wider table on opposite sides.” 
always asks if her s/o is alright after a conversation with their sister
something super fluffy she’ll do is kiss her s/o’s bruises if they’re in a really obvious spot 
“That have been healed” she’ll announce 
 the first time he sees this sort of violent interaction he’s really confused
why would you treat a sibling like that? 
but he keeps his mouth shut. 
maybe it’s a one time thing
his s/o never mentioned it, so it shouldn’t real be an issue
however, after seeing them together a few more times, he decides that something needs to be done about it
he’ll encourage his s/o to stand up to their sister
he wouldn’t talk to the sister himself if his s/o wasn’t okay with it
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blue-pincushion · 6 years
TAGGED BY: @intolerablestrength woah thanks so much!!! O: TAGGING: oh shit here we go ! @team-phantom / @greendrums69 , @crimsonxblur , @1110-01111011 , @diamondintherouge / @wishesareeternal , @mercenaries-for-hire , @terminalvelocityau (pick your fave muse rn!) , @rothotnik , @fishing-purple-cat , @blunderbots , @birdboyofbabylon !
[ throwing this under a read more because it got long OOPS ]
—    BASICS.
▸     IS    YOUR    MUSE    TALL    /    SHORT    /    AVERAGE ? SHORT. hes literally 3′3 he’s the size of a hecking toddler but that’s what you get for being a mobian hedgehog lmfao. by mobian standards i’d say he’s probably average i guess? some mobians are way bigger and some are smaller than him it kinda varies from species to species. by mobian hedgehog standards i’d say he’s probably still average, maybe a little bit taller than the average hedgehog but yeah lmao
▸      ARE    THEY    OKAY    WITH    THEIR    HEIGHT ? it doesn’t really bother him that much until he’s forced to be compared to humans tbh like, especially when it comes to height restrictions for certain human contraptions such as a roller coaster designed for humans that he’s too small to ride honestly that shit ticks him off so much LET HIM RIDE IT DAMN IT
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ? long, pointy, and blue. LOL no but for real his fur texture is short and soft, a little fuzzy in some places, although where it nears his back his hair becomes very tough and pointy and it’s hard to see where his fur ends and his quills begin since the color makes them blend together so much. if you look closely you can see all the individual quills he’s got, they kinda just grow a certain way that makes them clump together in those spikes you see on his head and back. they can still be styled though although it’s not the most comfortable experience
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ? the most grooming sonic does is a quick shower, scrub down with some soap, and maybe brush some knots out of his fur if it’s bugging him. he’s absolutely the worst with remembering to groom his quills though and Tails has had to pluck loose ones out of Sonic many times before because it was driving the hedgehog nuts
sonic doesn’t really style his quills, they just are naturally spiked that way
▸      DOES   YOUR   MUSE   CARE   ABOUT   THEIR   APPEARANCE   /   WHAT    OTHERS    THINK ? not really! he’s confident in his looks so he doesn’t really worry much, although admittedly he’s a lil insecure about the very thin patch of fur on his tummy where you see that tan circle because he’s got OTHER male hedgehog friends who’ve got floof. how come he didn’t inherent his dad’s floof?? :c not cool
does he care about what others think about his appearance? nope he gets constant validation all the time from adoring fans who consider him to be a dream boat so honestly he’s not worried. he’s got his own style and is comfortable with it
▸     INDOORS    OR    OUTDOORS ? 
outdoors absolutely. this is sonic the freakin hedgehog come ON man. there’s no room to run inside! there’s no fresh air! no open space! where’s he gonna get his adventure fix if he’s just stuck inside all day? booooo!
▸     RAIN    OR    SUNSHINE ?   both! while sonic very much enjoys the sun and finding a warm patch of sunlight to nap in, rain is also one of his favorite types of weather too. while he may be afraid of deep water, any other forms of experiencing water is lovely and the rain is really refreshing to run and splash in ▸     FOREST    OR    BEACH ?   okay sonic admittedly loves the beach and grew up with one literally a 2 minute walk away from his house but since there’s not much really to do besides look at how pretty the beach is he’ll have to go with forests. more stuff to explore and what not tbh. ▸     PRECIOUS    METALS    OR    GEMS ?   Gems for sure. he’s had a lot of fun playing with precious gems 👀 ▸     FLOWERS    OR    PERFUMES ? Oh for sure flowers, Sonic’s a huge flower and nature enthusiast and he enjoys the natural floral scents that they produce, plus they’re very pretty! ▸     PERSONALITY    OR    APPEARANCE ?   Personality hands down. if the person just LOOKS nice but has no personality then whats the point ??  ▸     BEING    ALONE    OR    BEING    IN    A    CROWD ?   it kinda depends. sonic doesn’t mind being in the presence of a lot of people but he’d prefer if he didn’t have all their attention and wasn’t lost in the throng of it. he’d rather be off to the side where he can do his own thing but still enjoy the presence of others. he’s a weird extrovert like that LOL ▸     ORDER    OR    ANARCHY ?   While he understands that order is important and it’s good for people to have moral structure in their lives, sometimes he just can’t do with the rules set in stone. sonic may be a good guy but in his mind sometimes being the good guy means you gotta break the rules  ▸     PAINFUL    TRUTHS    OR    WHITE    LIES ?  It... depends, honestly. is the painful truth about him or someone/something else? is he the one lying or is he the one being lied to?
sonic has a really bad habit with compulsively lying about his own well being so that others don’t worry about him, but when others lie to him about something (if it’s a really important something, not like minor stuff--- minor stuff he can let slide) then he Can’t Stand That. Which makes him a pretty huge hypocrite for hating white lies from other people but in his mind’s eye he puts other people first before him because he’s so darn selfless so it’s not really a big deal he’s sacrificing his well being for other’s right? he’s saving lives and making people happy right ?
anyway as far as the painful truth goes, as long as it doesn’t revolve around his personal feelings then he can manage it. i guess he prefers the painful truth in that sense, considering he’s carefully optimistic 
▸     SCIENCE    OR    MAGIC ?   ....eh. honestly he’s seen it all. at this point sonic just kinda  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever man i can turn golden and super powerful with these magical rocks?? i can fight literal time gods with the rest of time space & reality crumbling around me and then re-set an entire timeline?? my brother can build a machine that can pinpoint my vital signature when i’m stuck in some weird void dimension??? aight. sounds fair. ▸     PEACE    OR    CONFLICT ?   Peace tbh, although after a while it does get a little boring if there’s no conflict for him to resolve--- being the hero he is. ▸     NIGHT    OR    DAY ?  
Either’s fine tbh, he doesn’t really have a preference. although sometimes night makes him feel a little on edge thanks to sonic unleashed ▸     DUSK    OR    DAWN ? 
he’s kinda indifferent about either, and isn’t really a fan of paying attention to the sun’s movements around these times of the day anyway bc it brings back unpleasant memories. thanks sonic unleashed
▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD  ? 
warmth pls he has short fur and was born on a tropical island, being cold sucks
both ? sonic has a few close friends and many acquaintances tbh.
▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ?  
PLAYING A GAME ABSOLUTELY. reading just doesn’t cut it for this hedgehog’s overactive brain he needs something he can physically engage in somehow and while he may enjoy a good story he has to be receiving it in a way that keeps his attention and if he’s just stuck sitting there and staring at a page he will lose focus pretty quick.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ? -lying (about his well being) and hiding when he is hurt emotionally/physically -letting his selfless nature take control to the point where it’s damaging his own health -isolating himself with his problems so other people don’t have to deal with it -running away from situations when he can’t understand his feelings -making impulsive decisions that he doesn’t always think through  
▸      HAS    YOUR    MUSE    LOST    ANYONE    CLOSE    TO    THEM ?      HOW    HAS    IT    AFFECTED    THEM ? sonic’s first experience with losing a loved one was his own father, who unfortunately died saving sonic’s life from drowning in a tsunami. it was what  really kick started a lot of what you see in the blue hedgehog today, tbh. his drive to help and save others, his resolve over accepting that bad things happen and you can’t always control that no matter what you do... you can thank his mom for that btw. she helped sway him away from completely internalizing this event and taught him some very important life lessons.
since then Sonic has been no stranger to loss but he’s gotten good at handling it over the years, seeing as he’s had to say goodbye to many people in his life. it still hurts, though. he will do everything in his power to not lose those people who hold that place in his heart
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    FOND    MEMORIES    YOUR    MUSE    HAS ?  
flying in his grandpa’s plane for the first time, it was the coolest thing he’d ever experienced in his life at the time. 
another time would be soaring above the city tops of grand metropolis with his teammates (in sonic heroes), like honestly traveling as that trio for a while was such a thrill and he sometimes misses those days
▸     IS    IT    EASY    FOR    YOUR    MUSE    TO    KILL ? ....not really, no. sonic really doesn’t like killing and will do just about anything to avoid doing it unless it really, really comes down to the only option he has. and let me tell you, sonic takes no pride in being responsible for the death of someone else, no matter who that person is.
▸      WHAT’S    IT    LIKE    WHEN    YOUR    MUSE    BREAKS    DOWN ?
oh boy.
sonic’s breakdowns are honestly really subtle, and that’s because they’re a slow process that consists of him cracking and crumbling and then trying to hold it together and build himself back up because he can’t afford to break down and then cracking and crumbling again but never really allowing himself to have that moment where he actually snaps and falls apart.
the signs you’ll want to look out for will be him avoiding people way more often than usual, becoming irritable and his temper flaring up, exhaustion from lack of getting amounts proper sleep, he pretty much starts to self destruct a little bit and it’s not a pretty sight. it’s why he especially tries to avoid people when he gets like this because he doesn’t want them to see whats actually going on.
▸      IS    YOUR    MUSE    CAPABLE    OF    TRUSTING    SOMEONE    WITH    THEIR    LIFE ? there’s lots of people he’d trust with his life tbh
▸      WHAT’S    YOUR    MUSE    LIKE    WHEN    THEY’RE    IN    LOVE ?
,,,, man.
ok, sonic is such a huge sap and he hates it LOL. he’ll suddenly catch himself thinking all wistfully about the person he’s in love with and will be like “really?? right in front of my salad??” LMAO it’s just in his nature to be cheesy and sappy and do sweet things for the person of his affections because that’s exactly how his dad was but at the same time he’ll mentally take a second to point out how lame it is and he embarrasses himself over it ashdfkd
besides that, though, sonic is a real big sweet heart, and he’ll really want to try to express to that person how much he loves them but he’d also fear this whole romantic side of him coming out will interfere with his love of adventure. the idea of committing himself to one specific person in a way that makes them feel like his whole world to him is a bit scary to sonic, because he knows that he can’t really afford that when he’s out here saving lives and going on adventures. how could he possibly have the time for that, anyway? can this person keep up with him? would he be willing to slow down for that person? it just begs so many different questions and forces sonic to face possible changes to his entire way of living and it freaks him out a little bit.
which is why he tends to avoid romantic topics in general, and also why when he gets a crush on someone he goes straight into panic mode LOL. he’d honestly rather stay friends with the person and quietly adore them in his own time, maybe by sending them gifts or dropping by their place on occasion, DEFINITELY, AT LEAST making an effort to spend a little bit more time with that person than anyone else. 
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