#the tiky one
mersei47 · 2 years
maybe a way to revive marble hornets's popularity again is to make fnf mod out of it imsorrydonthitme-
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theodosialapin · 1 month
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stole @alolantikibar 's edits and drew these >83c
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evostrashbin · 6 months
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a complete collection of all of the (mostly) FEH inspired headshot & bust doodles I've drawn so far!
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danwhobrowses · 4 days
You know, as much as I would've loved a massive catharsis-led triumph over Athion Zathuda in battle, possibly left at the mercy of the vibrant flames of Fearne's Titan form reiterating herself with aplomb as Fearne Calloway, I actually kinda love how the narrative chose to defeat him. In many ways it is just hilarious, but also ironically in-character. Man talked all about wanting to prove himself, had a grandiose title of 'Sorrowlord' and was looking to be both a physical and mental adversary after threatening to torment Fearne into becoming Exaltant by targeting her loved ones. But then when he is pit against Bells Hells he barely does a thing; he tries to talk his way into turning Fearne again, gets jumpscared by Ira, the 'farm girl' he mocked to Fearne commandeers his dragon, he loses a leg and is thrown off his dragon, and the Hells even opt to keep him alive for some reason in 107 before kinda accidentally offing him in 108.
He thought he was the shit, but enemies of true threat like Ludinus, Otohan and Liliana (a threat before she was turned) looked down on him, and thus his attempts to prove them wrong - while also falling into the same trap as Ashton's father in seeking out a personal destiny and being willing to see their child as a tool to do it - bore no fruit at all, he was practically an afterthought through and through, his dragon really being his entire threat level. In the end, he got killed running (well, hobbling) away, and while Gloamglut's keening was a little sad in a way that a pet cannot fathom the moral complexity of having to kill their owner he still had it coming, plus following his eternal torture in the Tiki Bar of Ligament Manor, the last sorrow he wrought was his own; he achieved nothing, everything he hints he did to get to his position was for naught, and for all the fear and danger he tried to make himself possess he truly had no power over anyone, especially not Fearne - who can only pity him and, as further proof of being better than he ever was, hope that he takes the time to reflect on his sorrows.
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hayannoran · 2 months
hi welcome to sintraburger or. something like that + misc doodles
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nejackdaw · 7 months
This was a hit with the roomie so:
Me when I started playing FE3H:
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(Tap to banish the blur, etc)
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guckies · 10 months
I think so many of the builds are so pretty on the qsmp yet I’m still so mad that Mr. Endlantis and Voidcube won’t build any proper big builds on the qsmp
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sun-e-chips · 4 months
I'm sorry for sending another ask so quickly! But I just thought what if the Waterpark AU had Restaurants that are Tiki/Luau theme?
How cool would it be if it was a dinner and a show where the tikis would perform fire dances (if too dangerous, they could still do the dances without the fire). It would be nice to see Sun and Moon occasionally join every once in a while for fun. Also, I thought it would be hilarious if the restaurant had crowd interaction shows where they would pick some people from the crowd, bring them up on stage to do the "grandma and grandpa dance." This dance is where the selected audience has to match the dance of the hula dancers while keeping to the beat of the drum, and of course, as dance progresses, the drum gets faster and faster. The goal of the dance is to move the bottom of the body as fast as possible, while the top remains as still and graceful as possible. I can picture y/n just watching this completely enthralled, idk if anyone can get them on stage, though. XD
Anyways, just some silly thoughts. But I just really wanted to share them with you.
No absolutely not silly thoughts!!!
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Having a luau dinner show is exactly what I had in mind for this au!
I’ve only been to two luau shows so I definitely need to do more research of what acts the show would entail but I definitely want to have the tikis performing the traditional dances and guest participation being pulled up on stage!!! Oh I think I remember a dance where a guest tries to mimic the performer I didn’t know what that was called I’ll definitely look up more about it I absolutely adore your description!
Oh! And for the fire acts because the tikis don’t have mouths (or robotic lungs) I was envisioning Moon and maybe Sun performing that section. They would be able to do those “fire breathing” tricks! Besides that the Tikis would handle most of the show’s performances but of course the boys can’t help but involve themselves into the guests portion, dancing along with kids and pulling up members from the audience to join in on the fun!
(As a fellow shy person nothing could get me onto a stage but let’s just say the water boys are very good at what they do and have their ways of getting people to step out of their comfort zone while still having a very fun time :))
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caiabresebun · 10 months
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preview of my piece for @fesapphiczine 🐉🌸 thank you for having me!!
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ahlatoad · 2 years
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I remembered this piece of Tiki I did through a fun project @kotalinejones had put together!
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the-priestess-of-dawn · 9 months
Grima and Final Blows
The other day I mentioned that I had an essay about Grima to write that I'd been putting off, and between that and all the great essays my fellow Grimleal scholars have been putting out recently, I decided to sit down and finally get it done.
So here you go. An analysis of Grima's difficulties with directly killing people.
Okay, so I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time, because one of my favorite things to explore when it comes to Grima is the gap between their villain act, which they actively play up in front of others in both Awakening and FEH, and their true feelings, which are hinted at in Awakening (particularly through the Future Past DLC) and made even clearer in FEH— their own evil actions are repulsive to them, and they wish they could live normally among humans, but they don’t believe they have any choice but to be the monster that “the fell dragon, Grima” is supposed to be. They are committed to this “fell dragon” character, to putting on a show for everyone, and they are so good at it that it’s easy to overlook that they… uh… aren’t very good at killing anyone important. Not directly, anyway.
Sure, Grima is responsible for numerous deaths. But what is their actual kill count? Well, in Awakening’s main game… zero. (Unless you count Chrom, but, as we witness, that was not a voluntary act on their part; Validar took control of their body. You could also make the argument that Grima “claiming the sacrifice” at the Dragon’s Table counts, but the problem with that is, although it’s obvious that Grima accepts the life force of the Grimleal members as a sacrifice, it’s not at all clear whether or not Grima personally kills them. Although it’s possible that they did off screen, it’s also possible that Validar killed them, or that they were ordered to take their own lives; there’s no reason Grima would have had to lay a hand on them.) In the Future Past, it’s… one, maybe one and half (Naga’s spirit, and Tiki, but only in body. More on this later.)
And it’s not as though Fire Emblem shies away from showing villains directly murdering people, Even in Awakening itself, the intro to Chapter 9 shows Aversa killing a Plegian soldier for delivering an unsatisfactory report, so it wouldn’t have been out of place to let Grima stab a few NPCs as a show of brutality. Especially seeing as Grima is the evil dragon final boss. As early as Mystery of the Emblem, we can see Medeus killing his cleric hostages to restore his own health if you fail to rescue them before trying to defeat him, and as recently as Engage, we get a whole cutscene of Sombron eating Hyacinth. Fantasy violence my beloved <3
Anyway, the point is, Grima could have been written to be much more violent and I don’t think anyone would have complained. Instead, though, Grima repeatedly— and consistently across the series— tries to avoid engaging in direct combat.
Let’s start with what Grima does in the main game of Awakening. We know that Risen pursue Lucina into the past, because we see them fall out of the portal with her in Chapter 1. We also know that those Risen, as well as the others that are appearing throughout the land, are not being directly controlled by Grima, because later in Chapter 13, as the Shepherds are leaving Plegia after meeting with Validar, Aversa, and the Hierophant, they are pursued by more skilled Risen, and Frederick notes that “Either they are learning our ways, or someone is commanding them…” So… It seems that sending the Risen—with or without specific orders—to attack while Grima is not themself present is a favored tactic.
But what about when Grima is present? Take a look at the Endgame: Grima chapter. Yes, you eventually get to engage Grima in direct combat. But not immediately. What Grima does first is…
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Grima attacks the Shepherds with dark spikes from a distance, reducing everyone’s hp to 1. Now, here’s what happens next: Grima attempts to possess their past self, Robin hears the voices of their friends and breaks free, Naga heals everyone back to full health, and then the fight against Grima begins… Except actually, the Shepherds have to get to Grima first, because they’re at the top of the map and they’re not budging. Naga warns them that “Grima’s servants will beset [them] to no end.” and she’s not kidding. Grimleal reinforcements will spawn infinitely, and they can hit pretty hard. Even with everyone starting at full health, it’s possible to lose units to these Grimleal soldiers if Grima isn’t defeated quickly. Can you imagine what would happen if Naga hadn’t healed the Shepherds first?
Well, I’d guess that they’d probably all die to the Grimleal without Grima having to face them up close. Which was probably what Grima was going for.
This isn’t the only time Grima tries the dark spikes trick, either. Grima attempts this exact same move in the Future Past 3 when they face Lucina, Severa, Laurent, and Gerome.
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Grima announces “With the next blow, I will kill you.” and then demands that they hand over the Fire Emblem as well as the gemstone they hold. The threat is very real. But…
Given that at 1hp, a gust of wind could take the kids out, would it not have been easier and faster to kill them and just loot their bodies immediately? And yet Grima lets the kids have an extended discussion about sacrifice, and even suggests that Lucina would indeed buy a little more time by running… Again, I cannot stress enough that Grima should be able to finish them off in one hit at this point.
So the plan was almost certainly to back off and let the Risen do the actual killing, even though that would be a lot less efficient under the circumstances. And when Chrom and the Shepherds arrive, Grima immediately turns their attention to them, saying “If it’s a reunion you seek, my soldiers shall welcome you on my behalf.” Then they once again pick a spot at the back of the map and refuse to move from it, forcing the Shepherds to fight through the Risen in order to engage Grima in combat at all.
And sure, Grima has some excuses. “I was hoping not to have to flex any muscle,” they say right before the dark spikes attack, as if to justify why they didn’t do it sooner. And of course they taunt Lucina over having to choose to whether to run as her friends sacrifice themselves for her or to stay and fight and die with them. “I must say I shall enjoy this either way!” Yes, Grima, we get it, you’ve made it very clear that you’re an arrogant asshole.
But is arrogance really all there is to it? If we look at what Tiki tells Grima in the good ending of the Future Past, it looks as though Grima’s arrogance has brought their own downfall. “If you had left Mount Prism alone, Grima, you might have stood a chance. Instead, you have brought the Awakening right to your feet.” However, when you think about it… Is Tiki’s continued existence not in itself a result of Grima’s repeated pattern of not really wanting to land a finishing blow? The game states that Grima did in fact kill Tiki… but only in body, not in spirit. This is, according to Tiki, because Robin intervened.
Now, the question I have is… Is it really possible that Robin could have intervened both against Grima’s will and without them having any idea? Honestly, it’s hard to tell exactly how aware Grima is of Robin’s resistance, because they lie about it a lot, e.g. stating that Robin’s spirit perished in sending Chrom back to his own world, even though just moments later, Robin is once again overpowering them. So, keeping in mind that Grima is a liar, was Grima really arrogant to leave Tiki’s body in Ylisstol, and to not make sure that her spirit was fully destroyed? Or was Robin simply able to capitalize on Grima’s propensity towards backing off?
Because surely the only way Grima could be unaware that Robin had acted against them is if Robin hadn’t actually acted against them. I don’t think I believe that Grima really wanted Tiki gone. Naga, sure—longtime nemesis and all. But if Grima had truly cared about seeing Tiki’s existence destroyed… Well, I doubt Robin could have interfered that much.
But maybe it could still be a matter of arrogance. Maybe Grima just didn’t think Tiki’s spirit could do anything with Naga’s spirit gone, and thus didn't care to pay attention to her anymore once she seemed dead enough.
If that’s true, it doesn’t explain why Shadows of Valentia Grima exhibits the exact same habits when fighting Alm and Celica, despite never having been outside of the Thabes Labyrinth at this point in their life. As opposed to the various Terrors throughout the rest of the Labyrinth, which chase Alm (or Celica) down in the overworld to force a fight, Grima is immobile in their room, and will wait patiently there indefinitely until the player chooses to engage. You can even evacuate from the dungeon.
But if you do choose to fight Grima, it proceeds much like the battles against them in Awakening go. The main difference is that they actually will move from their starting position this time, if you position someone in their range. That still requires a fight against (proto-)Risen who are spawning in from the sides to stop your party’s advance.
So… Now it’s starting to look like Grima actively prefers this one particular trick… And it’s a fundamentally defensive maneuver, which makes perfect sense from SoV Grima’s standpoint (they were attacked out of nowhere, after all), but is not really an obvious standout strategy for Awakening Grima, whose taunts and threats suggest an aggression that would be better supported with a more offensive strategy… Consider, too, that Awakening Grima is in fact being even more defensive than their SoV iteration, since they don’t move towards you at all.
With all that in mind, it really, really looks like Grima doesn’t want to fight, especially in Awakening. Not that they don’t intend for the Shepherds to die—on the contrary, they’ve set everything up so that the Shepherds will eventually be overwhelmed—but that they don’t want to land the killing blow.
(And gee, I wonder what might be fueling their reluctance? Being controlled and made to kill your best friend by your own hand wouldn't be totally traumatic or anything, right?)
And then... Funny thing here, I’ve been procrastinating writing this essay for a long time. I originally started thinking about it shortly before the Depths of Despair banner was released in FEH, so imagine my surprise when I saw this characterization hold up in the writing of Fell Exalt Chrom’s Forging Bonds as well… The Grima there says that Chrom was the one to kill the rest of the Shepherds. Now, it’s pretty clear that it was through Grima controlling him, but that’s not the point. The point is that once again, Grima didn't have to do any direct killing.
Look, if it had only ever happened once, I could buy that maybe Grima was just underestimating their opponents, that maybe they thought they could get away without having to put very much work in. But for Grima to operate this way so many times, so consistently, and to their own detriment? No...
Grima doesn’t like direct combat. Grima has trouble even when it’s a fight they asked for.
And when you think about it, that makes their reaction to Robin choosing to land the final blow themself in the sacrifice ending all the more understandable.
Because Grima would not dare. Grima has always preferred to let someone else land the final blow.
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im-captain-basch · 2 months
In the Dark of the Night from Anastasia came on my playlist and my brain immediately said "how can I connect this to Donkey Kong."
Well, uh, @swanksidelimbo had a headcanon that DK's bloodline was cursed by Tiki Tong due to his ancestor having started a rebellion that lead to the Tikis being overthrown and my brain said "Yeah we'll go with that" and well this is what happened.
I would have liked to do a full video to it, but I know how I get when I get started on something like this so I just did what I could.
I've got a few notes down below (I love to ramble <3):
This specific version of the song in the video is the cover by Jonathan Young, both because I feel like it fits Tiki Tong better than the original and also it's the one that came on and gave me the idea
I used my humanoid Tiki Tong design because for whatever reason I always have a problem drawing his canon design (also I just like drawing it)
The last couple of silhouettes are supposed to be Cranky (both younger and older) and DK, but Cranky's beard makes his look weird
"My curse made each of them pay, but one [...] got away" is supposed to reference another part of their headcanon in that pretty much everyone in DK and Cranky's bloodline dies young as a result of the curse, but Cranky is definitely the oldest surviving one (IIRC, he's not quite 70 in her headcanon)
In a hypothetical full version of the video (which to be fair is more like a PMV than an animatic), I'd imagine at the end is when the beginning of DKCR takes place
The reddish smoke in a couple of the frames is meant to reference whatever had been used to seal the Tikis, while the black smoke emitting from Tiki Tong when talking about "the betrayal" is meant to represent the curse, unlike in the later parts where it's more a result of him expressing anger.
...you can definitely tell what parts were done when I was losing steam and I'm sorry for that
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weneedatdcharacterwho · 9 months
We need a TD character, who without fail, gets hurt every single episode.
They aren’t sporty or clumsy, they just have really bad luck.
Somehow they make it to the final three.
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mirensiart · 1 year
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Diamant: goes to bed at dawn
Alfred: goes training at dawn
Alear & Amber: 😴😴😴😴😴😴
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so have you guys heard of the new incredibox mod The Masks? cause Oh Boy i sure have/pos
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cappucosmico · 4 months
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guys my spider looks weird. she looks a bit gay. do you guys think she will moult out of this or will she turn even gayer ?
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