#because I think this also happen to mad com?
mersei47 · 2 years
maybe a way to revive marble hornets's popularity again is to make fnf mod out of it imsorrydonthitme-
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shiggybrainr0t · 4 months
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shouto todoroki x reader
word count: 2k
warnings: reader has hair that can be tucked behind their ear, reader is bullied, forced self-harm (forced to pinch their cheeks)
a/n: this is my entry for @bloompompom ‘s “to all the fictional boys I’ve loved before” writing collab!!! the rom com I chose was ‘Ella enchanted’ because I instantly knew Shouto would fit perfectly ❤️ thank you for letting me join!! i love this but I also think it is not my best work and kind of cringey 💀 this was also inspired by many kdrama cliches djsjsks
summary: you have a quirk that makes you obey every command you are given. if only there was a prince who could come save you? or better yet, help you save yourself.
You're six years old when you develop your quirk. Your parents had taken you to the doctor, scared that you were quirkless, which in turn made you scared as well. The doctor reassured them that everything seemed fine, and your quirk should develop soon. Who would have thought that being quirkless would have been better.
It happened one day in kindergarten. Your then best friend was mad at you because you didn’t want to play dodgeball, and instead wanted to sit in the sandpit. In the heat of her anger, she screeched at you to “go eat rocks!” only to be shocked whenever you stiffly got up and did just that.
Your teacher was horrified when she was dragged over by your friend to see you, with gravel filling your mouth and tears running down your cheeks. When asked why, all you could simply muster was that you had too. You ended that day with a trip to the ER, multiple cuts inside your mouth, and a broken tooth.
Looking back, your quirk probably had already developed. You were known to be a very obedient child— it just took something extreme to clue everyone in. And it would only go downhill from there.
Your parents didn’t mean to take advantage of your quirk. Normal parental comments like “eat all your vegetables” and “go clean your room” just meant that you couldn’t talk back and had to follow the commands instantly. It became a habit almost to voice their requests as demands instead of suggestions or requests. You couldn’t fault them for it really. Especially not whenever they praised your good behavior in front of others, always so proud of their perfectly behaved child. Eventually, when you stopped talking as much and began secluding yourself more to avoid the feeling of your body and mind being forced to do something, they didn’t really seem to notice.
It was a day in your last year of high school that you met Shouto. You had always noticed him of course. Your general studies class and his hero class had been keeping the same lunch time for your entire high school career. He was princely in his stoicism. Perfect face not marred by his scar, only enhanced. He moved like an elegant dancer— every move calculated and on point. It would be no surprise to anyone that you had started harboring a crush on the fellow student. Who hadn’t had a crush on him would be the better question.
Alone at your table in the corner, you’d admire Shouto and his friends at lunch. They always looked like they were so close— the whole class did to be honest. Deku and the others were the only ones who you ever saw crack that perfect facade. A tiny smile here, a barely wrinkled brow there. It was magical to watch. The prince and his court.
You were glad he had made friends. You couldn’t say the same. Try as you might, you just couldn’t keep your quirk a secret. And once one person knew, it wasn’t long until there were many people taking advantage of it. You had gotten by relatively unscathed so far. You mostly got orders to do others homework and class chores. Many afternoons it was only you left in the classroom working away without choice, trying to finish the class chores before dark.
Your only reprieve came in the home room teacher of said prince: Aizawa. He had learned of your quirk, and it only took him one afternoon seeing you doing the chores alone for him to figure out the bullying. You refused to tattle, knowing that it would only make things worse, but he was able to release you from the power of your classmates’ demands.
You were given a strict suggestion, not an order though this time you don’t think you would have minded, to come find him anytime you needed his help. No adult had ever helped you like this before. All of your parent’s friends fawned over your quirk, and lamented about how they wished their own children had developed the same quirk. They had no idea.
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It was an afternoon where the sun was shining brightly. A perfect day for something ugly to happen— especially to someone with luck like yours. There was one girl in your class who always had it out for you. You didn’t know why, you had never even talked to her. Your attempts to remain unseen unfortunately did not work this day, because for some reason the most popular boy in your class had decided he thought you were cute and voiced that to his friends.
Enraged, the girl hissed at you after class in a voice filled with venom, “He won’t think you’re cute if your face is full of bruises. Pinch yourself and don’t stop.” As your body filled with syrupy static and your hand raised to your cheek to grasp it in a hard pinch, you fled to try and find the only man who could make you stop.
By the time you made it to the hero department, your cheeks were sore and tears had filled your eyes. You didn’t even notice the prince you had always admired from the top of your tower pause as you sped by, face marred by a frown at your distraught expression.
The pro hero was obviously unamused by how you refused to tell who had made you pinch yourself. A trip to Recovery Girl however had you right as rain, and you were honestly ready for the day to just be over. The last thing you were expecting was Shouto to be standing outside the nurse’s room waiting for you. His face serious and his large arms crossed over his chest. His uniform fit him perfectly, you noticed, like it was tailored just for him.
“I’ve heard about you.”
Your mouth dropped open without your permission . His voice, deep and smooth, glided over you like water and cooled on your skin.
“You have a quirk that makes you do what people tell you to do.”
You had heard about his blunt nature, but hearing it for the first time in person shocked you. At your timid nod, his brow furrowed, and his eyes gave you a once over quickly.
“You can come get me. If you ever need help.” With this statement he pushed off the wall, and without a goodbye walked away.
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You tell yourself that it’s just in Shouto’s nature to help people in need. He is in the hero course, so naturally he would follow you whenever he saw you were distress. Shouto being, well Shouto, makes it very hard to keep this in mind.
After the pinching incident, you seemed to have become a target for your classmates’ anger and frustrations. One classmate failed an English test, and to make themselves feel better they ordered you to jump on one foot until you couldn’t anymore.
Eventually left alone in the hallway, your jumping not being entertaining enough to them anymore, your saving grace came in the form of your prince. You don’t know why he was in the general studies section of the school, but you couldn’t complain— multiple students had walked by you with barely a glance. He walked over to you quickly and put a hand on your waist.
“Stop.” His voice cleared the haze in your mind making you obey, and his cool hand kept you steady as you wobbled, unstable after jumping for so long. Shouto straightened your uniform jacket with nimble fingers before walking away, leaving before you could even say thank you.
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The next big incident came in the form of you being told to dump your glass of water over your head in front of everyone in the cafeteria. You quickly ran off afterwards, and your prince followed only a few feet behind.
Staring at yourself in the bathroom mirror, your shoulders dropped. The bathroom door opening suddenly made you whirl around, heart racing whenever you saw the signature two toned hair of Shouto.
You had never seen this much emotion on his face before. He looked angry as he stalked over to you. He grabbed the paper towels you were using to dry yourself, and his hand raised up close to your face. The air around you turned warm. Steam surrounded you as he evaporated the water from your hair and down to your shoulders. You were reminded of how you would sit in front of the heater after playing in the snow as a child, defrosting contently.
“Why don’t you tell the teacher who does this?” His voice was soft, a contrast to his angry demeanor.
You looked up at him, and saw how genuine he was. He cared so much about the wellbeing of a stranger. A prince indeed. You decided to take a big step, and tell him something you’ve never told anyone.
“I-I can’t.”
Your voice was meek, and his face turned stoic as he took in your answer.
“You can’t, as in someone ordered you not to.”
It wasn’t a question but you nodded nonetheless.
“You know there is a loophole for this, yes?” He said it so simply, no judgement in his voice, only the same warmth.
With a sigh, you begin to explain. “Their dad is my dad’s boss, and somehow they figured this out.”
With a hum, Shouto grabbed a strand of your hair between his nimble fingers. He twirled it around before tucking it behind your ear and smiling. It was like looking at the sun.
“I think I can help.”
He held your hand as you both walked back to the cafeteria. It was his fire side, and the warmth radiated up your arm and into your heart. Before you both entered the cafeteria, he spoke.
“I know you can’t verbally tell me who is responsible for this, but whenever I point them out I want you to squeeze my hand. I already have some idea.”
To show him you understood, you gave his hand a shy squeeze. This made him send a small smile your way, and you could feel the breath physically leave your lungs.
Shouto confidently walks you to the right table, leaving a quiet room after him. Everyone seemed shocked to see you both hand in hand, except his friends. Glancing over quickly you could see that Deku and Ochaco had large grins on their faces, while Iida was nodding in what you could only interpret as aggressive approval.
Your classmates stared at the both of you in trepidation as you and Shouto came to a stop in front of their table. Without saying anything, Shouto quickly pointed at the girl who had always had it out for you, and made sure the rest of the class began to feel the same way. Surprised he knew so fast, you squeezed his hand, heart beating furiously.
“I see.” Was all he said, and you watched as the girl’s face turned pale in the glory of his ire.
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The next few days seemed to happen in a blur. Shouto had taken you straight to Aizawa to tell him who your tormentor was, as well as the concerns that held you back from using the loophole of your quirk sooner. The next day, the girl and her family met you in Nezu’s office to apologize.
They bowed to you, and the father told you that he was relocating himself and his family to South Korea, so there would be no worry of any retaliation against your father. Your father might even get a promotion. You noticed how pale he seemed as he looked at the tall figure looming behind you, icy hot eyes staring the man down.
Later that day, you stood shyly in front of a stoic Shouto, trying to put into words how grateful you were.
“That wasn’t the first time I had noticed you, you know.” He spoke first.
“I’ve um. I’ve always thought you were really pretty.”
Shouto looked away from you suddenly, bringing a hand up to scratch the back of his head. A soft pink highlighted the tips of his ears.
“I’ve always thought you were really handsome as well.”
Shouto’s head snapped back towards you in surprise. Before he speaks, his eyes focused over your shoulder and his expression crumpled. You looked behind you, shocked to see Deku, Ochaco, and Iida peeking out from behind the corner. Deku was exaggerating his expressions and mouthing “ask them out!” They spot you looking and quickly popped back behind the wall.
You laugh brightly, and find your confidence.
“Will you go out with me, Shouto?”
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 6 months
me, waking up drenched in sweat, violently sitting up in bed and letting out a gasp: IT'S A METAPHOR FOR BEING A YOUTUBER
idk if someone already thought of this and this is also probably the most obvious reading of it but here i go anyway: i was just walking a dog and listening to potato prints and when phil said "you've come a long way daniel" i was like "huh phil is in the teaching position in all of these just like he was for youtube" like phil just gives editing pro tips the whole time and it all parallels their story as a youtube duo.
and obviously the entertainment industry is rife (not proper usage of that word but it Feels Right so fuck you) with satanic symbolism/imagery/iconography/motifs. being an entertainer is "selling your soul to the devil" etc etc and we know dan hates being a youtuber and does feel that way. you gotta upload twice a day every day in order to be the number one art channel on youtube dot com after all. you gotta make those crafts for satan. bo burnham has a ton of lyrics/songs that i'm thinking about rn like "you used to do comedy when you felt like being funny but now you're contractually obligated so dance you fucking monkeeeey DANCE MONKEY DAAAANCE" and in "repeat stuff" which is a commentary of how mainstream pop love songs and pop stars have to be really superficial and unoriginal because they need to appeal to everyone and at one point he sucks satan off lmao and is like AHFRUEHQFWIIO I AM A VESSEL IDUSHISKA 666 KAJSDFI ILLUMINATI UIGDFSAHIO FREEMASONS. highly recommend looking at the lyrics to that song if you're into that kind of thing.
also the (very rightful) dig at phannies for the "don't cry craft" spamming like "we love all of our crafty audience that spread the message of this channel on all the other videos on the internet! everywhere! everybody enjoyed that!" is how creators who want to keep status have to address their audiences no matter how annoying or harmful they're being. thinking of the ajr line "stay out of politics, stay on the fence / stay out of all of it to keep half your fans" because like,, yeah if a creator ever expresses an opinion that declares their feelings on one side of an issue then they will lose support (smosh is a perfect example of a bunch of people never ever ever expressing an opinion if it could be considered controversial among their audience, like refusing to address the genocide happening right now and just taking their zionist member who the fans are mad at out of some videos to be like "shhhhh nothing to see here we don't know what you're talking about"), ESPECIALLY if that issue is the behaviour of their audience.
obviously the first dapc video was not made with any intended meaning, they just woke up and were like "let's be weird and freak people out" and they did that, and then adding in symbolism and making it all mean something developed with time. but i'm gonna pretend that it has always had consistent meaning because i'm neurodivergent and love overanalysing silly little media.
i am so jhfbvdahfkiufadkhlj right now so if anyone has more theories or things to add lmk and thank you for coming to my ted talk
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Mike Schmidt HCs
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Pairing- Mike Schmidt x Artist!Reader
Warnings- Spiders, nightmares, panic attacks, Mike worries he isn’t good enough, tooth rotting fluff.
A/N- Thank you guys so much for supporting me! I’ve posted so many headcanons, so sorry about that.
𖡎 The only reason he was able to stay awake during his shift was because he knew he had you to come home to.
𖡎 He would cuddle into your chest, humming in contentment when you played with his hair.
𖡎 Whenever he had the day off, you guys would order pizza and cuddle down on the couch to watch a movie with Abby.
𖡎 If he came in the room while you were sketching, he’d peek over your shoulder to see what you were doing.
𖡎 He loves watching you teach Abby how to draw, he thinks it’s sweet how close you two are.
𖡎 Begs for you to use him instead of pinterest references or whatever else you use.
𖡎 “Baby, I don’t understand why you are looking for photos of other people to draw when you could just draw me.”
𖡎 He actually gets worried if you don’t call him a pet name.
𖡎 “Mike? What? What happened to ‘baby’? Are you mad?”
𖡎 Comes up behind your, arms around your waists to whisper shyly in your ear.
𖡎 “D’you think you could teach me a few things, so I can connect with Abby?”
𖡎 You guys watch Coraline, The Corpse Bride, Nightmare Before Christmas, etc.
𖡎 Abby’s favorite movie is Coraline, even if it terrifies Mike.
𖡎 He’s a little worried, but calms down a bit when you tell him it’s your favorite movie.
𖡎 It can’t be bad for her if it’s your favorite, he can’t find anything wrong about you.
𖡎 You’re his savior, he practically worships you, and honestly, if he thought there was a god, he thinks it would be you.
𖡎 He doesn’t want to get up in the mornings, so you have to coax him out of bed with kisses and cuddles.
𖡎 This man will not shower without you, and that’s that.
𖡎 Totally will ask you if you took your meds before you leave the house, he doesn’t want you to have to go without them.
𖡎 He sleeps better with you there, when you hold him, he feels safe enough to get sleep.
𖡎 If he does have a nightmare though, you guys will go sit near a window and watch the stars until he’s calmed down enough to get back to sleep.
𖡎 And if you struggle with nightmares or get panic attacks at night, he’s getting you water and holding you until you’re okay.
𖡎 He never wants to see you upset. 
𖡎 If you have a rough day at work, he puts on music after Abby is in bed and makes you slow dance in the kitchen with him. 
𖡎 He secretly loves Rom-Coms, and makes you watch them with him, no matter how awful they are.
𖡎 Back with the spider headcannon, so beware.
𖡎 This man is terrified of spiders, but is also too scared to squish them and feels bad killing them, so he makes you take them outside.
𖡎 Whenever you two are walking somewhere together, he has one arm around your waist.
𖡎 All I can think about is forcing him to do face masks with you.
𖡎 He kinda hates it, but you have fun and that’s all that matters.
𖡎 Sometimes you have to remind him how good he’s doing, when he sees all the people he knew in high school getting married, getting fancy jobs, he feels like he’s not enough.
𖡎 “I just- you could have better.”
𖡎 It took a while to get him to be able to celebrate his accomplishments without feeling guilty.
𖡎 He doesn’t take you out on many dates, but does sweet things at home.
𖡎 Sometimes he’ll try his best to make cookies, or he’ll make you coffee in the mornings.
𖡎 He’s really just a sweet guy, who wants to make you happy at the end of the day.
𖡎 He actually gets worried if you don’t call him a pet name.
𖡎 “Mike? What? What happened to ‘baby’? Are you mad?”
𖡎 Comes up behind your, arms around your waists to whisper shyly in your ear.
𖡎 “D’you think you could teach me a few things, so I can connect with Abby?”
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hannie-dul-set · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS. wherein your friend offers a room for you to crash in while your dorm is being renovated, but fails to mention that your new housemates don’t know how to talk to women (oh, and they also have an ongoing bet about you, too).
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PAIRINGS. choi soobin, choi beomgyu, lee heeseung, park jongseong, sim jaeyun, park sunghoon x female! reader. GENRE. housemates! au, rom-com, sitcom, reverse harem time baby. WARNINGS. mentions of dicks and balls and nudity, mentions of sex, mild manipulation, someone cries at one point, the usual amount of swearing. WORD COUNT. 3.3k.
TAGLIST. @cerealdreamwriter @tyongff-ff @dinonuguaegi @certifiedmoa @blueberrgyuu0 @primantha @blu3bell4 @nunugget @hoshi-is-ult-bbg
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NOTE. whatever the bet they have is, it's definitely one of the three things you're thinking about. per usual, please let me know what you think about this trainwreck so far!
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CHAPTER 2 — the inevitable disasters of living with six men.
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FOR THE MOST PART, LIVING IN YOUR NEW TEMPORARY HOME HAS BEEN FINE. It’s similar to living in the dorms, but a lot more hygienic and a lot less stressful considering you don’t need to use your earplugs at the dead of night anymore. Your housemates all surprisingly tend to themselves, minding their own business on the day-to-day.
Jake makes sure you feel welcomed by introducing you to the extensive LEGO collection in his room which is taking him more than a week, you have never seen Soobin come out of his room again after he got jumpscared by your Victoria’s Secret on the first day, and Heeseung smiles and says hi to you but never fails to demonstrate his superhuman agility by swerving out of your way when you cross paths in the narrower hallways, making sure he never touches you. You also hear questionable screams of anguish from Beomgyu’s room whenever you come down for water at 3 a.m., you often have breakfast cereal with Jay and he always makes sure to refill your Cheerios while saying “to make your day a lot more cheery-oh,” and sometimes— when you’re particularly lucky— you and Sunghoon would emerge from your bedrooms at the same time and he’d stare you down, like usual, until you finally smile at him and he breaks into a cold sweat before either retreating back into his room or downstairs.
It’s great. Living with Jake and his friends is so great.
Until it’s not. Because you’re living with six men, and that statement in itself is bound to harbor problems.
Case in point—
“Who the fuck ate my ice cream?”
It’s early in the morning. Heeseung, Beomgyu, Jake, and Jay are all gathered around the kitchen island as you witness the murder scene in the fridge. You turn around, revealing the opened pint of mint chocolate that has a very noticeable chunk taken out from its creamy, minty center. “Not me.” Beomgyu is the first to defend himself. “You’re the only one in this house that even likes that toothpaste shit.”
“Say that again.” You slam the fridge door shut, looking him dead in the eye. “I dare you. Say that shit again.”
You wait. You continue staring at Beomgyu until he breaks into a nervous sweat and lets out a cough after tearing his head away. A victorious grin stretches on your face. “Thought so, punk.”
“That’s not fucking fair. You can’t pull that crap!”
“What crap?” you press further. Beomgyu isn’t able to challenge your stare again so he resorts to hopping off the stool with a groan and disappears into the living room. That’s another victory in your books. “Anyway, seriously— which one of you ate my ice cream? I won’t get mad. Just be honest and tell me.”
Jake fidgets in his seat. “Are you sure someone ate it?” 
“There’s a hole! There’s literally a singular hole!” You’re sure one of them took a bite before realizing their major fuck up and discreetly returning your pint into the freezer. Jay chokes back a giggle. The three of them are looking at each other. Oh my god, they’re all children. “Heeseung. Do you know what happened?”
The man in question suddenly jolts in his seat and straightens his shoulders. “N-no, no I don’t,” he sputters out. “I really don’t know.”
“I think he does,” inserts Jay.
“I think he does, too.” You settle the violated ice cream on the counter before marching up to the panic-stricken accused. He tries to run away, but you’ve memorized all his evasive tactics. You know how this bastard operates, so you slam your arm down over the counter as a barricade before he could book it. “Heeseung, did you kill my ice cream?”
“I did not!” he exclaims.
“Who did it, then?”
“I don’t know— ask Sunghoon!”
Just in time. Sunghoon is mid-stride into the kitchen, but makes an immediate u-turn the moment he hears his name. You’ve just about had it. You manage to grab him back by the scruff of his shirt and yank him down with a harsh tug. “Holy shit,” Jake breathes out. Sunghoon tries to pry himself off with a grunt, but you have an iron grip on his collar.
“Talk,” you spit out. “Tell me who ate my ice cream. I’ve had enough of your silent treatment, Park Sunghoon. You better spit it out, right now.”
This time, he succeeds by grabbing you by the wrist and almost flips you over, before settling with twisting your arm instead. “I don’t fucking know!”
You hold your forearm close to your chest. That was the first time he’s ever spoken to you and you would’ve thought his voice was pretty until he decided to cuss you out. “Well damn, you don’t need to be a total bitch about it.” Sunghoon’s expression sinks. He grumbles and turns back out of the kitchen. You let out a sigh, quickly returning your attention to the three boys on the counter before they can get the opportunity to run away. “None of you are leaving until you tell me who the culprit is.”
Heeseung squirms nervously under your stare. The other two are out of hot water because they don’t seem to know anything. It takes him thirty seconds to break. “Soobin hyung said— said something about making a mistake so I think you should— wait, hold on!”
Too late. You’re already marching up the stairs. You can hear the scrambling of footsteps following after you, but you don’t stop, not until you reach his room and you lift your fist up to gingerly knock on Soobin’s door. Two knocks. And then three. You hear the knob click before a small gap cracks open— wide enough for you to flash the hesitant Choi Soobin a malicious grin. Within a second, all the color drains from his face and he tries slamming the door back shut, but you wedge your foot into the gap quick enough to stop him.
Fuck. It hurts like a bitch. You’re biting down your tongue and trying your best to maintain a smile. “Let’s talk, yeah?” You kick the door open and Soobin stumbles back to avoid the violent swing.
It’s the first time you’re entering someone else’s room. You hope you don’t get sued for breaking and entering.
“I believe we have yet to formally introduce ourselves to each other, Mr. Choi Soobin, but you see, there has been a conundrum,” you start, walking into his personal space, inch-by-inch, step-by-step and he slowly backs away. “A crime scene, if you will. Yesterday, on my way home from work, I bought a delicious pint of mint chocolate ice cream from the 7-Eleven just outside the subdivision. You’ve been there, right?”
The back of his legs hit the cushion of his bed when there’s no space left for him to back into. “Soobin.” Your voice is sharp, slicing into the air, and Soobin stumbles back onto the mattress. “Have you been there?” you repeat your question. He nods, throat bobbing when he swallows down nothing. 
Maybe you’re pushing it, but you’re having way too much fun. Let’s just say you’re getting even. “Well, I left that pint of ice cream untouched in the freezer because it was already really, really late at night,” you continue. “I intended to eat it this morning, but imagine my surprise when I opened the pint to find a huge, gigantic hole in the middle! Almost as if someone dug a spoon and stole a bite of my mint chocolate ice cream.”
Soobin flinches everytime you hiss out a word with too much enunciation. You’re practically looking down on the giant man. His face is drenched in guilt. He’s got nowhere to run now. 
“Do you know what happened, Soobin?”
Too much. Maybe you pushed it a little too much this time because all of sudden— he’s in tears. He’s actually fucking crying. 
“I—I didn’t know it was yours! It was— it was late at night and I was half asleep, so I—I—I thought it was the choco chip ice cream I bought the other day, put when I put it in my mouth, it tasted horrendous, and that’s when I knew I did something horribly wrong.” There are fat tears rolling down his flushed cheeks and he’s close to breaking into a fit of hiccups. Oh no. Oh, for fuck’s sake. “I’m sorry, I’m so—sorry, please forgive me, I—”
“H-hey— it’s fine, it’s alright, I was just messing around!” Your palms and fingers are now all wet trying to console him while wiping off his tears. The last time you had to comfort a grown man was when you watched Hi Bye, Mama! with your friends, so needless to say, you’re lacking in that skill department and are thus, also freaking out. The only thing you’re getting out of this is the discovery that Soobin’s skin is unfairly soft. What the hell is his skincare routine? “It was a joke! A joke! You know what, you can have all my ice cream from now on! So, please just stop crying—”
“Oh my god.”
You snap your head back to see the rest of the boys gathered outside the door, but that’s the least of your concerts at the moment because you think you’ve just traumatized Soobin a second time within two weeks you started living here. “You monster. You made Soobin hyung cry,” Beomgyu announces from behind, and you shoot him a glare.
“Do you want me to make you cry next?”
“I think I’m good.”
Soobin finally calms down after that and you’re all subsequently kicked out. You knock on his bedroom door the next day with three more pints of ice cream (different flavors) as a peace offering and though you’re sure the both of you are cool now, he still starts sweating when you try to make eye contact with him. You also haven’t caught the bastard that keeps on depleting your kisses stash yet, but you’ll find him eventually.
And that was just one of your problems. The next issue you have is a little less dessert related, and little more—
“Fuck! Put some pants on, for shit’s sake!”
The amount of times you’ve almost seen a pair of balls hanging around shouldn’t be legal. You finally decide to round them all up in the living room for a discussion one day because it’s been getting out of hand.
“Listen,” you start your speech. The six of them are sitting around the sofa as you stand in front of them, arms crossed, and all. “I understand that you’re all used to living by yourselves for a very long time now. Trust me, I really do. But to be completely frank, I also really don’t want to see any dick and balls outside the bedroom, you know? I get enough unsolicited dick pics already.”
Jay looks like he wants to say something. “So, does that mean it’s okay if it’s inside the bedroom?” You give him a look. He politely puts his hands on his lap. “Sorry.”
“Anyway,” you continue. “Old habits die hard. I understand that. But someones these habits need to be broken for the sake of a peaceful cohabitation. That is why I thought of a countermeasure.” You tap on the large jar that’s been sitting on the coffee table since their arrival. All eyes are on the container. “Every time someone accidentally flashes anyone— of course, that includes myself— they have to put money in the Preservation of Dignity Jar as a penalty.”
“Yes. Thank you for your input, Jay. Jake, you’re raising your hand?”
Jake lowers his arm and clears his throat. “Who gets the money once the jar is full?”
“Very good question.” He looks proud of himself. You give him a smile. “All the money goes to me because of how much you guys have violated my eyes within two weeks of living here.”
“That makes sense,” Sunghoon nods at your proposal. Of course he does. He’s the biggest culprit out of the lot.
“That’s not fair!” Beomgyu interjects. “It’s not like I want you to see my dick!”
You give him a smile and he flinches back down into his seat. “So, is it my fault for walking into an unlocked bathroom?”
“Knock first!”
“I do, and you bitches never fucking answer!”
“Okay!” A clap resounds in the room. Heeseung makes an attempt to resolve the spat. “How about we all get the money in the jar?”
“None of your socialist bullshit, Heeseung. The most deprived should get all the money in full.” He winces the moment you step a little too close. You let out a sigh. “State your miseries. Soobin, you start.”
He’s been quietly fiddling with his thumbs since the beginning, and the sudden flush of attention isn’t helping his nervousness. “I...I have this Gojo figurine that I’ve been eyeing since last month, and—” Soobin cuts himself off. You raise a brow. He looks away. “N-nevermind. You can have the money.”
That was three more seconds of eye contact than usual. You should give him a pat on the head for that. “I’m in debt,” Beomgyu quickly presents his case. “I borrowed money from Jay and I need to pay him back.”
Jay goes next. “I’m a couple hundred thousand won short because Beomgyu borrowed money from me.”
“Those don’t sound very misfortunate, I’m afraid.” Jay says he totally, absolutely agrees with you and Beomgyu clicks his tongue before grumbling in the corner of the couch. Your eyes land on Jake, who hesitantly drawls out that he wants to buy a new beanie. Sunghoon spends too much time thinking so you eliminate him for being slow. “Heeseung, would you like to say something?”
“I just think we should all—”
“My turn,” you cut him off before he tries to settle for equality again. “My dorm caught on fire. I’m half-homeless right now. If there aren’t any objections about me being the most in need out of all of us, we can agree that I’ll be the one keeping the money.” They don’t dare make a noise. You grin. “It’s a pleasure doing business with all of you. Please feel free to walk around in your underwear as much as you’d like. Thank you.”
When you saunter out of the area, you hear Beomgyu rallying them to protest because this felt like an unfair arrangement, but by the end of the week, the jar is already a fourth filled with sweet, sweet cash and you have successfully established the steady flow of your passive income. Was that your intention in the first place? Perhaps, but they have to compensate you somehow for everything your eyes have been forced to witness.
But there is yet another pressing problem in your midst. This one, you’re not entirely sure you have a solution for.
“Hey,” you greet Jake after he opens his bedroom door for you. He invites you in and you realize he’s building an addition to his very extensive LEGO collection, so you’re careful not to aim your ass on any of the bricks scattered on his bed.
“What’s up?” he asks with a curious smile. 
“How did you get your friends to agree with me living here?” Jake cocks his head, eyebrows furrowed. “I mean, it’s kinda obvious that they’re not exactly comfortable with me being around.” 
“Are…you sure you’re not just misunderstanding?”
“Jake,” you exhale. “One of them picks a fight with me whenever he gets the chance, another one doesn’t even want to fucking talk to me. The other two are either desperately avoiding me or flat out think I’m about to hit them when I raise my arm for a wave. And aside from you, I can only hold a normal conversation with Jay, but those conversations aren’t exactly normal, either.” You have no idea if he hasn’t noticed this, or if he simply just wants to feign ignorance, but Jake looks like he’s in very deep thought. You sigh again. “Are you sure it’s okay for me to be here? I can just find another place to stay if I’m being too much.”
You must’ve hit a nerve, because he suddenly snaps into panic. “No! I mean, you really don’t have to go! Trust me, having you here is important to all of us.”
Now, that’s suspicious. You narrow your eyes at Jake, and he presses his lips together and looks away. Something is definitely up and you’re not going to give up until your dear friend voluntarily spills out his guts or until you make him spill it. 
“Important?” you prod. “What do you mean by that?”
He starts sweating even more. “I—I mean, those four are just shy, you know? They’re not very good at expressing themselves. And—and you’re getting along pretty well with Jay! They all have absolutely zero problems about having you here, I can guarantee you that.”
You continue staring at him for a little longer, throwing out a hum and sigh every now and then to get his gears grinding. When you deem him scared shitless enough, you finally start, “I see.” There’s something wrong in the tone of your voice and he knows it. Jake swallows nervously. You finally crack him. “Jake, I’m really disappointed.”
There it is. You watch as he crumbles right before your eyes. “I really expected better from you, you know?” A little more. “Of all people, I didn’t think you’d be the one to put me into this kind of situation. I mean, we’ve been friends for a good while now. No, I’m not angry! I’m just really, really disappointed.”
“Hear— hear me out!”
“I have nothing to do with the bet, I promise! I’m just an unwitting participant, so please don’t get mad at me! I’ll tell them to quit it, I really will!”
“Oh, so there’s a bet?”
It’s like you drained all the life out of him within a matter of seconds.
“H-huh?” he stammers, eyes batting in confusion. “Didn’t you say you were disappointed? Haven’t you found out about the whole bet thing?”
“I found out thanks to you.” It probably isn’t a good thing if Jake is this terrified about you finding out. You lean back, palms sinking into the push of his blankets as your friend continues to eye you nervously. “How about you tell me more about this interesting bet? Does it have something to do with me having to live with all of you?”
He’s nipping on his bottom lip. It’s becoming more evident that whatever this bet is— you surely have the right to know. “I’m sorry,” he finally spits out. “I—I can’t say— at least not at the moment! But, I promise it’s nothing bad! It’s completely harmless and not dangerous at all!”
It’s definitely something bad. “Alright.” You get up. He instinctively blocks your way and panics again when he realizes what he’s doing. You click your tongue. “I’m not going to force it out of you if you don’t want to tell me. You’re still the owner of the roof I’m living under, so I can’t exactly try to fight you, you know?”
“So, you’re not leaving?”
Jake is wearing his puppy dog eyes and you honestly start to feel bad. You sigh for the umpteenth time and raise an arm, letting your fingers pad through his soft hair when you pass in front of him, walking towards the door. “I’m not,” you assure. “I am finding out about this god damned bet eventually, though. It’s honestly worrisome how easy it is for you guys to crack under pressure.” Flashbacks consisting mostly of Soobin and Heeseung flit through your mind. You’ll try to mess with them a little less from now on.
You exit Jake’s room with a new problem on your plate and your previous one unsolved. It just keeps building up more and more.
To be honest, the biggest problem you expected to have upon discovering that you’d be living with six grown ass men would be them bringing in girls way too often for your personal comfort, but so far that hasn’t happened yet. Something tells you that you don’t need to worry about that anymore.
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HOME FOR THE BITCHLESS. © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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mammalsofaction · 3 months
I Fell For You (The Moment That You Pushed Me)
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Rating: T
Relationships: Heinz Doofenshmirtz/Perry the Platypus
Add tags: Human Perry, this ambiguously takes place in About Time, meet uglies kinda?, romantic realization uglies or sthg, idek
It is not often a person may be struck with a romantic realization in the most appropriate time and, or place.
Sure, you could argue that romantic locations, times and scenery could stimulate vulnerability and emotions, and there are plenty out there who are lucky enough to have found love by sunsets, watching stars, over candle light or in the capitalistic throngs of Valentine's Day.
Plentier still fall head first for a kind word on a terrible day, a shared pen while waiting in line at the bank, or perhaps even while pondering about groceries in line at the self service counters at Tesco. Like love, in all it's splendour, was nothing more than an ordinary fact of life, a rock overturned, a choice being made. Yes, I suppose this is a thing that happens now. Skies were blue, berries were sweet and yes, you were in love.
Bartholomew "Perry" Fletcher, also known as Agent Platypus of OWCA, was never a romantic. He didn't explicitly have anything against it. Maybe. But he was always just, for the lack of sounding like a harangued Hallmark christmas rom-com protagonist, too busy for love. It had always seemed like low priority. He just...had so much else going on.
Naturally, given the fact that the Universe had decided to put matters into its own hands, the realization comes at the absolute worst time a narrative could conceive of.
Heinz twists his arms, a surprising unrelenting strength from biceps that look so puny by a single glance, and it strains the muscles of Perry's wrists. It's the second of weakness he needs use his height--a significant draw, over Perry's. But then, that's not a difficult achievement when the bar is 5''4--to slam Perry against the wall, and he pins him there.
Perry goes headfirst, feeling the bright burst of pain and discomfort as uneven stone bangs against the top of his temple and he thinks, ah, shit, I fucking love him.
It's hours yet, before he realizes he'd thunk it, and it'd be years before he'd begin to dare dusting off it's cobwebs, neglected yet plump, and fed. To see. To hold it in his hands like it didn't matter if he dropped it, because he'd told himself Heinz had dropped it first. Something golden and heavy and blunt, like a weapon.
I love him, Perry had thought, grinning like a lunatic as he wrestled Heinz's weight off of himself, and the mad scientist had retaliated by sweeping his feet from underneath himself and Perry had broken his nose, his cheekbones, and scraped his palms gritty and bloody and he loved him, he loved him, he loves him.
Heinz always fought like it was their first, like it would be their last, and he is always angry, and wild, and potentially fatal. He kicks and he punches and he screams and grunts and claws and laughs, and he's perfect. Cards on the table and no punches pulled, and Perry could trust he would get back up again as he could trust the tides would turn, or that the sun would rise and the earth to spin. His indomitable, broken, brave Heinz. His wildcat, meteorite nemesis.
I love him, Perry thought, and through it all, every heartache and triumph, and for every ugly secret he finds as they understood each other, better and deeper and further, he'd only loved him more. Like it was simple, like Perry had waited for him all along.
All he'd needed was a little push.
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lyrakanefanatic · 11 months
Tig character hcs except this time it’s not their kids and just them!!
- I just KNOW the hawthornes made vines, and then Nash would have to be the one to edit and record them all 💀💀
- max used to make taylor swift music videos and then have her brother record them (yes, she has a brother that’s mentioned like once in the first book 💀💀)
- Avery is taller than libby by like 🤏 much
- Jameson “hates” cats but pets every cat he sees
- Libby used to make baking tutorials when she was 12
- Xander met maxs parents once and then was traumatized by them ever since (he’s scared of them)
- grayson has a 7 step skincare routine
- Xander once tried to surprise tackle nash but accidentally gave him a concussion so he was banned from doing that for a couple months 💀
- avery and Jameson have movie marathons that consists of eating Libby’s desserts and binge watching classics (or horror movies)
- grayson has a light blue skincare fridge
- when xander was little he tried to smuggle candy so he could eat it late at night and then they got maggots living in his room after that 💀
- Tobias was soooo mad
- libby has fed more cupcakes than she would like to admit to tiramisu
- thea used to have “fashion runway shows” in her bedroom, which meant wearing 748248 different pieces of clothes ontop of one another, and somehow managed to convince little xander to do it with her
- he still has the photos to haunt him to this day
- Grayson will NEVER EVER EVERRR admit it, but he likes rom coms. So sometimes, when it’s late at night and everybody else is asleep, he will binge watch a romcom or two. It’s his guilty pleasure and as much as he pretends to hate them and gaslights himself into thinking they’re cringe, he still loves them
- Rebecca never really got much attention from her mother, but sometimes Tobias would spend the day with her and show her cool puzzles. She would always look forward to those days, as it’s the one time she doesn’t have to worry about pleasing Emily (💔)
- Nash definitely had a girlfriend when he was 13 and when they broke up he started wearing all black and turned emo for two weeks. When his little brothers started catching on and asking Tobias what happened, he would just say “nash is going through a phase 😇”
- before Jameson learned Latin, he learned all the bad words and then started saying them to EVERYBODY (Tobias shut it down pretty quickly, but then they had to actually learn Latin so there wasn’t much Tobias could really do about it 💀)
- max almost died once because she decided to go ham on the pills that her parents had on the top cabinets
- Avery watched every single chipmunks movie about a million times because her mom used to think they were HILARIOUS
- when Gigi was little, she was sooo clumsy and would break everything, so it got to a point where even when Savannah would accidentally break a vase or something gigi would still get the blame for it 💀
- Grayson chased Jameson around the house with a knife once
- when they were little the Hawthornes would take April fools sooo seriously, which meant multiple things exploding, whipped cream being thrown in peoples faces, and just so much more chaos
- xander was a slime kid when he was little. He would have sooo much slime and would be constantly making it, and he also tried to do those “making slime without glue” things 💀
- when Avery was born and Libby saw her as a baby, she was so happy and was crying because she’s always wanted a little sister 💖💖:(
- max had a dream one time where Xander cheated on her so she called him crying at 2:54 AM while being half asleep and shouting about how he could do this to her
- she hung up not long after that and went back to sleep, but when she woke up she realized it was a dream (she still gets made fun of for it by xander to this day)
- xander asks libby if she can make him blueberry and lemon scones because they’re “better when she makes it” 🫶🫶
- when Rebecca and Xander were little, they tried storing WILD ANIMALS under xanders bed because they wanted a zoo 💀
- one of the animals ate through the walls, so that’s how Tobias found out
Okay I think that’s all!!! Lmk if u want me to do more, bc it’s actually rlly fun lmao
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yandere-paramour · 4 months
So I just got a hilarious idea of Atalanta. So you know how I’m movies especially rom coms there can be that moment where the leading lady find the guy in a “comprising” position with another woman. Say like they fell and one of them is on top of the other. How would Atalanta react if reader walked in and like her secretary was on top of her or vise versa?
I just think it would be hilarious to see this woman absolutely panic trying to explain what happened. Especially if reader was just nonchalant about it.
(Oh my gosh this is such a good ask, this is so funny)
Okay, so the closest person to Atalanta who could be considered a friend is her secretary, Noelle. Like in terms of people she's close to, it goes parents, Noelle, college acquaintances. Noelle and her actually do talk about things and Noelle has signed a serious NDA and receives a very hefty salary. Like Noelle makes 6 figures for dealing with Atalanta's bullshit constantly. Atalanta could call her at 2 in the morning asking for a flight to Croatia with box tickets to the opera and Noelle will call back an hour later saying that her flight leaves in two hours and there will be a continental breakfast waiting for her on the plane.
The way I see it, there are two ways where this could go assuming Noelle tripped and accidently fell on Atalanta: Darling walks in and flips tf out, or Darling walks in and is completely cool.
If Darling came in and absolutely lost it, Atalanta would probably throw Noelle off her (And to be honest Noelle would throw herself off), and immediately go to explaining to Darling. Atalanta would beg for Darling to listen, and probably spend the next month being extra loving and sweet to try and make it up to you. She isn't cruel; in her own strange way, she really does care for Noelle and she won't fire her for tripping. Darling is going to have to get used to it, but Atalanta will do anything she can to try and smooth the tension.
If Darling came in and was super nonchalant about it, Atalanta would be happy. She'd take you out for lunch happily and you'd have a completely normal day together. But then later tonight, she would start nitpicking everything. Why didn't you react? Are you mad at her? Do you just... not care? She will go over every interaction that day trying to convince herself that you're not mad at her. By the time you wake up, she will have worked herself into a panic and she looks like this: 😱🥺😖😫🫠🤯. She will spend the entire month doing sweet and romantic things for you like buying you presents, taking you out for fun things, and spending endless nights devoted to your relaxation and pleasure. And the entire time, she will send you longing, pitiful looks that when you ask her what's wrong, she's just like 😔 Nothing, Beloved, Don't worry yourself. She's such a girlfailure that she keeps this up for a month before she finally gets it through her head that you're not mad at her and you don't even know what she's talking about.
Also, during this time, Noelle is so annoyed because she knows her boss is an incredibly successful loser, but she accidentally caused this despair by tripping over her feet, so she feels responsible for fixing this. She spends every single day trying to convince Atalanta that you're not mad and you probably don't care because it's an accident but Atalanta refuses to listen to reason because she's stupid. So now Noelle has to track down expensive gifts and theatre tickets and set up romantic scenes fully knowing that there's no reason to do this. So she tries to ask you to tell Atalanta your feelings, but every time you try to talk to Atalanta, she thinks you're just being brave and pushing down your feelings to not upset her, and now she feels worse and tries to romance you harder.
Noelle is so fucking tired of you two, but that paycheck makes her feel better. Somewhat.
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i-yap · 4 months
I have a Dick Grayson request!
I don't know if you do vigilante s/o but I was wondering if you did could you write how he would react when he finds out that the crazy person jumping off buildings with his alter ego is also his gn s/o? I always find the different takes on the reader finding out about Nightwing but I really want to know what you think his reaction would be?Anyways, this might not be something you'll write but I just figured I'd ask
Lots of love and admiration for you and your works
A compliment and a Dick grayson ask??omg made my day ( I promise he isn't my favorite I love them all equally)
Ive never really written vigilante reader..or even imagined one but I can try
Dick Grayson x vigilante!s/o
s/n- supername
"There's an armed robbery at the children's hospital on 34th" reported Tim onto the batcom.
"I can get there in 5" replied Dick.
"Take hood with you, he's on 39th " Ordered Batman
"I don't need a babysitter..especially not hood"
"HAHA, Ill be there as soon as I'm done beating up this creep who was cornering pretty girls" Jason says cheekily.
"wait ..I dont think i need you here hood, or even I'm needed..S/n got here first. She's tying up the perps as we speak"
"Unmask her Nightwing, even I couldnt figure out her identity and she has been spotted in too many crimes around gotham" said Oracle
"You can't passible think THE s/n is a criminal" tim replied shocked
"Haha timmy has a thing for s/n just cause she was caught buying rock shirts from the shady stores he loves" Jason teases
" NO REAL NAMES ON THE COMS JASON, also Oracle is right. Best to be precautionary" states Batman.
Nightwing approaches s/n. "OH JEEZ, hi your scared me haha. Not that you're scary. You're really hot , I mean your partner probably finds you hot but not me. I'm just random vigilante...Uh anyways Ive called the police they're on their way so I think my work here is done!" You say hurriedly after spotting your boyf-nightwing approaching you.
"Well good work here s/n. But I actually had to speak to you alone. " "Me? why??"
"I need you to unmask yourself. Batman's orders . You cant trust me, you know I'm one of the good guys and we have been on multiple cases together. Plus you are kind of in my city"
" Well I- dick listen." "How do you -" You take off your mask to reveal yourself.
"I was about to tell you dickie..please don't be mad" "MAD? ME? MY SWEETHEART IS A CRIME FIGHTING ASS KICKING SUPERHERO! I KNEW YOU WERE TOO STRONG TO BE A BARISTA!. I mean I do wish you told me before" "I just didn't know how you would take it. You always talked about how much you loved our domestic intimacy and simplicity in our relationship and i-" Dick takes your hands in his "We can still have that baby, just because you are a superhero doesn't change anything. Youre still the best thing that ever happened to me and now we can even spend more time together as our alter ego. We would be a great power couple!" Says dick, pulling you into a passionate kiss.
"shit i forgot to turn off my comms" whines dick
"NO REAL NAMES ON THE COMS !" Orders Bataman
"Bring her to the manor once you have discussed the - the revelation. There is much to talk about" Says Batman.
"I'm Surprised Y/n is even real" Joins in Damian.
"WHY WOULD I LIE ABOUT HAVING A PARTNER" yells Nightwing into the comms while you try to muffle your laugh.
"Well, I am no one to comment on your mental state NightWing, But it is questionable"
You pull away Dick from the comms before they all start bickering- and giving bruce a headache. Sure there was a lot to discuss but dick is the best batboy to be a vigilante partner to. He would be understanding and non restrictive and the perfect partner in fight. Communication is easy with him and he trusts you and gives you your space to be yourself. After all, its all these things that make him love you for you.
sorry if there is anything offensive i don't usually write gn!reader cuz I'm a cis female and I don't proof read. Also english is not my first language. Lmk if there's anything offensive and ill change it.
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nostalgia-tblr · 16 days
My Next Attempt At Long Fic (by which I mean more than 10000 words and it has chapters) Should Be...
Poll and the (actually quite long) gist of each option below le cut:
The Sylki Con Artists AU
This one I have a wee bit written of already but I go back and forth on this one because it's Alternative Universe - Modern Setting and I feel like there's already a lot of those (which I also complain about a lot), and I have to justify it to myself as an experiment in whether I can do a Sylki Modern AU that doesn't just end up as "two people called Loki and Sylvie do normal stuff together". That's why they are con artists in this! Because 1) MISCHIEF (or crime, or whatever) and 2) if they have the same 'job' for similar reasons and I go on about them being similar a lot then that's maybe as close as reality can get to selfcest. (The selfcest is not just a feature of sylki, I feel it is THE feature and to admit to being Bad At Shipping (again) I'm just not that interested in it if they're different people who aren't even aliens. The same alien.) (You can tell me they are gods all you want but I've seen enough Doctor Who to know that must be A LIE so I reject it as such.)
The plot is that they meet in a bar one night and shag (obviously!) and then the reader discovers that Loki is trying to buy a painting from an old woman (planning on ripping off both her and his own buyer) and Sylvie is an artist who is selling a forged painting to some posh twat on the internet who she knows is trying to rip off her fake old lady persona on the deal but she's selling him a fake painting anyway so at least he deserves to be conned. They meet up a few times before finally realising that they are in fact conning each other under fake names on the internet, and then I have to try and fix it when they inevitably get mad at each other because of it. Also, Thor works in a shop because the brodinsons are Downwardly Mobile (dad spent all their inheritance, oh no!) Plotwise Loki is going to actually need Sylvie's painting for reasons I have not yet entirely worked out so one way or another they will have to eventually forgive each other for being con artists as they themselves are and for having attempted to con each other.
Ideally I will be able to make this one funny in some way, as I think the concept can get absurd enough to make a rom-com out of it.
2. The Jotun Heat Fic (also sylki)
I was into this one for about a day and now I have second thoughts because I am not sure I care enough about Frost Giant Biology to have to write an entire fic about it. It would continue my tradition (I did it once, that's enough for it to be a tradition) of turning a tiny ficlet into a much longer thing. This one: The Opposite of Heat, in which Loki and Sylvie go into whatever the Jotun equivalent of the fandom fave 'mating cycles/in heat' trope is, having never done so before because (see if you can guess...) they've never previously spent enough time around another Jotun for the hormones to kick in properly. They have no idea this can happen, and what starts out as Fun Porno-Fic Times soon gets a bit worrying and then I suppose they have to Investigate and that's the bit I fear might end up boring me.
This is set in an AU where S2!Loki did not instantly demand that Sylvie help him with his cop friends' problems and instead just went to live in Oklahoma with her, so the other/'real' plot is them getting used to living together and the weird-but-sexy medical issue bringing them into conflict because of course the first place Loki wants to go for help is the TVA (this not unreasonable of him, as they have a lot of info in their archives and he has no other friends anyway), which Sylvie is not keen on as she would rather just avoid them for the rest of forever. Gosh, I hope nobody goes to the TVA for help behind anyone else's back!
I need a way to make this one stay interesting once it gets to the Find Out What Is Happening part and also it needs to not just immediately end with a sensible solution like just going to Jotunheim and asking someone there for a talk about the frost-birds and the frost-bees.
Also I think they should fuck in that McDonalds. Just because.
3. Jotunheim Rejects The Guy Who Cannot Possibly Be Its Rightful King, Because I'm Annoying Like That AU (not thorki)
Speaking of going to Jotunheim, you know all those fics where Loki goes to be the Rightful King Of Frostland, as Odin apparently planned all along? That but it doesn't work, because I am not at all convinced he can have been Laufey's heir (who the fuck infanticides their only male heir?!) and even if he was well it'd just look awful, wouldn't it? Crusty Old Odin, worst friend to Jotunheim for several years running, sends back your kingdom's heir having raised him as one of his own family. (I hope at least one of you is thinking "US-Backed Puppet Ruler Who Will Do Whatever The CIA Tells Them To" because I did too! Ooh, geopolitical barely-subtext!)
The problem with this one for me is it requires a fairly large cast of Original Jotun Characters, and I still fear writing OCs because of the constant 'Mary-Sue' complaints in my fannish youth. Also I would Controversially (LOL not really) make some of them women, including Angrboda the ambitious would-be consort and Laufey's tragically spurned lover who on finding out that her long-dead son is not dead makes the most of it by insisting everyone call her 'My Lady, the King's Mother' (yes, I stole that from History but I do that sort of thing now, for the LOLs). So I have a bit of an idea what happens in this one, though I'd need to think of more political type plot stuff and also I just finished writing a multichapter fic that involved the Jotun succession so maybe I'd be overdoing it if I did this one now as well.
The other problem is Jotuns are too fucking tall. I mean really. This doesn't seem to bother anyone else but they are Too Fucking Tall to interact with the shorter characters, to the point that it just seems accidentally comedic to me. Just imagine the totally-not-a-puppet king of Jotunheim sitting on a massive throne, swinging his wee legs in the air. And I don't know how to work around that other than just saying "they are Less Fucking Tall in this fic" and I don't know if that would just annoy people. Also it does feel a bit incendiary to go against the general fandom insistence that Loki Is Totally The Rightful King Of Jotunheim. Though I suppose in this he is, it's just that he attempts to become so in the sort of circumstances that make everyone start saying things like "are we really that keen on our monarchy?" or at least "surely there's a cousin or an uncle we could give the crown to instead? yeah, even a woman would do. no, she doesn't have to be alive if there are only dead ones available."
(It was a mistake to let me read books about the Wars of the Roses, wasn't it?)
Oh and this isn't a thorki fic, but Thor is going to go to Jotunheim with his bro to help him settle in and also he will be going back to rescue him from it at the end. Bros before snows!!!!
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darcytaylor · 3 months
My thoughts on Season 3 of Bridgerton
I have been trying to word exactly how I feel about Season 3 of Bridgerton.
From reading what other people have said it seems like there are mixed reviews.
I will say this right now - I really did enjoy my time watching it. I think Nicola and Luke did a great job at portraying Penelope and Colin.
I think part 1 and part 2 have completely different vibes and I can see why they accepted the 2 part release. It gave the viewers more time to digest everything and to appreciate the first 4 episodes.
But I also think (for that very reason) it hindered the season as a whole because it seemed to me that I was watching 2 different seasons of Bridgerton. They left the rom-com elements in part 1 and didn't look back, and went straight for drama. (I do love some drama in a television show though)
Maybe if it was released all together it would have flowed a bit better because I wouldn't have been searching for the rom-com lightheartedness, that I saw in part 1. I would have accepted that the drama was about to happen and happy to say goodbye to the rom-com vibes.
Having been able sit with part 1 for so long and really appreciate all that the first 4 episodes had to offer, part 2 seemed to be a bit confusing.
One of my favourite parts of part 2 were the moments that Colin was angry at Penelope. I think Luke did a fantastic job at portraying someone who was in love and angry at the same time. I said this before and I'll say it again, his eye/face acting is on point!
Nicola and Luke had mentioned before that Penelope and Colin finally open all of themselves to each other, that's how they were able to make their relationship work and become partners.
I loved seeing them not be ashamed to confess their love with each other, it was heartwarming seeing Penelope take of her shield and not hide. That was the main take-away from part 2, Penelope revealing all sides of herself, to everyone around her.
She spent her whole life in the shadows and she was now stepping "into the light". That is why it had to be Penelope confessing she was Lady Whistledown, unlike in the books. That is why they needed to reveal she was Lady Whistledown to the Ton.
Whistledown was her shield that protected her, but she completely stripped that away and let herself protect herself. It was beautiful to watch and Nicola smashed it.
Do I think that some of the background stories were a bit dragged out? Yes. I don't think they needed all of the threesome scenes of Benedict. I didn't mind him becoming more aware of himself and having the threesome. I think most of us were waiting since Season 1 to finally see it happen! But I think they showed 1 scene too many of it and it became tiresome, it didn't feel like it was enhancing his story/character, by the last threesome scene.
I really loved the direction they took for Francesca. You can see that she walks to the beat of her own drum. She is guarded but at the same time so open. If that makes sense. I think that her season will be one to look out for, for sure! Especially since we now know that her story will have the LGBTQ+ storyline. Mikaela Stirling! YES! It actually made me gasp and smile when watching them introduce her.
As for the Eloise storyline, I think Claudia did a fantastic job at portraying hurt and love and wanting the best for people even if you are mad at them. I love the fact that it took so long for Eloise to begin to forgive Penelope. It seemed more real that way.
I know people didn't love the way that she befriended Cressida and how she seemed to listen to her. But she needed that friendship to understand why her friendship with Penelope was special. To see how a person can be the way they are because of the people who raised them. To see that bad people can do good things and good people can do bad things.
So my final thoughts, I loved the season as a whole. It made me smile, laugh, be angry, hopeful, cry. It did everything I would want a television show to do.
Were there some issues. Of course. There really aren't a lot of television shows that I would say are perfect (I have 1 but I'm not going there).
I look forward to watching more seasons and to see what ALL of the actors do in the meantime.
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Hihihi! okayokay so I'm really into the idea of being so very undeniably attracted to someone and them just being so cocky and arrogant about it idk how you feel about that but if it's okay would you do hcs for the obey me bros (any you think could fit this) knowing how bad the reader wants them and them just being such a dick about it idk I feel like this sounds weird but like I want to want them like an embarrassing amount the line 'you want to fuck them so bad it makes you look stupid' comes to mind because well yeah I do you can totally ignore this if you want but if you don't then how smutty or not smuty it is is totally up to you
Hsbsjzhwnsk my first ask and it's damn long, slay anon slay (also let's ignore the fact that I'm writing this in middle of lake)
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Obey me bros teasing a simp(aka u) 18+
Includes: reader being hard simp because yes, some cursing, mentions of sex and more sex so pls kids don't read
Of course I needed to throw this damn dilf here
He would know straight away that you took liking to him
In private he would com so close to you to the point you feel dizzy, him whispering right into your ear and it would be the most casual thing yet with that arrogant and prideful tone of his
"Oh my, your face is very red, perhaps you have a fever? I think you should stay in bed today"
Going straight into your ear, making you secretly hope that you won't be alone in that bed
Each time he would lean back from you, a smirk would be on his face, watching you trying to control yourself not to just jump at this man and suck the life out of him
Before his brothers he would just talk and talk about how you can't live without him
In private it's different story but let's not talk about it
Basically two simps holding hands and acting like you just played 7 minutes in heaven and fucked in there
But back to the topic
He's such a touchy person omfg
In front of his brothers or just anyone, he would NEED to touch you, your hand, waist, thigh, anything
He's hella possessive and greedy (what a suprise), when Levi or Satan (usually those two) would try to make fun of him for being a simp, oh boy, he would bite right into your neck, making you squeak in suprise, and proudly smiling to them, some of your blood on his lips
Later he didn't talk with you for two days, he was too embarrassed, fucking simp(affectionately)
A bitch
That's it
He's a bitch about it
"Oh you like me? I like you too friend" mf said with evil smile that says "fool"
You could fucking propose to him and he would be like "it's such a nice gift, I should get you one too my friend"
He's so, so fucking evil and he enjoys your frustration
He enjoys it even more than mad Lucifer
Pro tip: steal random cat and said that it could be your baby, he will give up
Bro would fuck you after your confession send then boom "yeah it was nice but good thing it was once"
Secretly wants more but I didn't tell you
He would randomly come to you, kiss the living shit out of you and then leave like nothing happened
Next second would come to you, dressed very nicely but still slutty and "do you think my date would like it?"
You would be both dumbfounded and jealous because fuck the date, be with me
Get him drunk and he will take you right here and there, not caring if anyone will come, bro's too horny for you to care in the end
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Do I think I did what was asked? No, did I enjoy it? Yes
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canirove · 7 months
My neighbour Rúben | Chapter 14
Author's note: You don't want to miss Friday's chapter 👀
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When I woke up the next day, my head hurt like hell. Everything hurt like hell, to be honest, and I wasn't sure about where I was. That wasn't my room at my grandma's house, that wasn't my bed and... And someone's arm was around my waist.
"Shit" I whispered. What had I done?
I tried to move and turn to see who was hugging me, but his grip was too firm, and I couldn't move without waking him up. Because this definitely was a man's arm. 
I needed to remember. What had happened last night? I went to a party with Aaron Ramsdale. To Ben White’s house. So that's where we probably were. And we drank something pink, and then... Rúben. I remembered talking with Rúben. And dancing. But what did I do after that? 
"Fuck!" the man behind me said, both of us jumping when someone closed a door with too much force. "That was too loud" he said, his arm leaving my body as he changed his position. "Are you awake?"
I recognized that voice. Aaron. The man next to me was Aaron. Why was I sharing a bed with him?
"I am" I said, my voice sounding all cranky. I needed a glass of water so badly... 
"I need some water" he said as if reading my mind. "Do you want some?"
I felt him leave the bed and walk somewhere, turning a light that was too bright, both of us complain about it. While he cursed, I hid my head under the duvet. And that's when I noticed I was just in my underwear. Dear God, what had I done?
"Why are you hiding?" Aaron said next to me. 
"The light. Too bright" I said, still under the duvet.
"Happy hangover" he chuckled, leaving the glass on the bedside table before getting back in bed next to me. 
This was bad. This was so so bad. And my head hurt. And I needed to pee. Badly. So finding some courage God knows where, I moved from under the duvet, looking around.
"Morning" Aaron said. 
"Hi" I replied, not looking at him. "Bathroom?"
"The door in front of us."
"Thank you" I said, getting up from the bed. But the moment I was on my feet, everything started moving.
"Woah, careful there" Aaron said, holding me by the arms. "Slow movements."
"Slow movements" I repeated, getting up again. 
Once inside the bathroom, I made sure to lock the door. 
"Ok" I said, taking a deep breath. I moved to look at myself in the mirror, see if there was anything different about me. But beyond looking horrible, my hair being a mess and my eyes red and swollen, I looked like always.
"You took your time there" Aaron said when I finally came out. "Everything ok?"
"Yeah, yeah. Just too much liquid in my body."
"We drank a bit, didn't we?"
"I could drink a lot more. But just water" I said, getting back in bed and drinking the glass he had brought me in just one go.
"Same. Do you want me to get us something to eat? That will also help."
"Talking from experience?"
"I'm afraid so" he said with that big smile of his.
"Ok. But Aaron," I said once he got up, just wearing his boxers. "Can you see if my phone is over there? My grandma may be going nuts wondering where I am."
"She knows you are with me. When you were in the bathroom I checked my phone and I had a text from my dad saying not to worry, that they knew" he said, handing me my phone.
"Oh, great. Thank you." 
"You're welcome."
"This is the best meal of my entire life."
"It's just a breakfast burrito" Aaron chuckled before giving his a big bite.
"Best meal ever" I repeated. Ben had thought of everything, getting breakfast for those guests who had decided to stay. "Do you think he'll get mad if we get his sheets dirty?" 
"He'll probably burn all the sheets that have been used tonight" Aaron laughed.
"Do... Do you..." I mumbled, putting down my burrito. 
"Do I...?" he asked with a smile.
"Do you remember what happened last night?" 
"You don't?"
"I remember us dancing and calling..."
"I think he's gonna be a bit pissed."
"What?" I said, my voice coming out louder than I expected.
"We made out while we were dancing. Then we came here, we kept making out, ended up in our underwear, and then…”
“And then?” 
“Then I… I… God, this is so embarrassing.”
“What happened, Aaron? Tell me.”
“Well, I started touching you down there, and you basically moaned Rúben's name instead of mine.”
“Oh my God” I gasped. 
"You have gone so red" he laughed. "But it's ok, don't worry.”
“It is. It had never happened before, but there is a first time for everything” he shrugged. 
"I don't know what to say, I…” 
“You don't have to say anything. At least not to me.”
“What do you… Oh.”
Rúben. The call. He was going to ask me about what had happened after. And since I can't lie because my face gives it all away…
“Urgh, I'm such an idiot!”
"Hey, don't" Aaron said, holding my hand. "Not crying under my watch."
"But I... I just ruined everything before it even started!"
"You don't know that."
"Oh, c'mon Aaron. If the girl you liked got drunk and did what we did with a guy she just met, wouldn’t you be mad at her? Wouldn’t you feel hurt and betrayed?"
"He may understand" he said after a few seconds of silence. "You said you were single, it isn't cheating."
"We had something going on, Aaron. And now it is gone."
"Oh, fuck!" he cursed, hitting the bed and making the food go everywhere. We could add Ben to the list of people angry with us. "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have brought you here, or told you to have a drink when you said you didn't drink, or..."
"It is my fault, Aaron. Not yours. I said yes to all of that, you didn't push me to do anything" I said between sobs.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry" he said, moving closer and hugging me, my body shaking while I cried.
I had fucked up. And big time.
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I just realised that on Memory Alpha is a site about the undeveloped ideas for a season 5 for Star Trek: Enterprise and now I'm even more mad, that it never happened. I mean:
Shran. They wanted to put Shran as an advisor permanently on the show. Not only would it finally have been justice for Jeffrey Combs but we would have finally gotten more information about Andorians or Andor which is always nice.
More mirror universe. I mean, come on guys, you can't tell me you wouldn't have loved more of Empress Hoshi Sato!!
T'Pol's father was supposed to make an appearance. And rumor has it that he was supposed to be an undercover romulan spy?! I mean, think of that what you want but it would've been nice to find out new things about her.
Borg Queen Origin Story. Need I say more?
Apparently the producer Manny Coton wanted the Enterprise to visit Denobula! Maybe it's because I love Phlox and think Denobulans are very interesting but I am so mad that they never showed us the planet. Maybe they did it in one of the newer shows I don't know, but Enterprise had a Denobulan as a Character in the main crew. Come on! (Also, it would have maye answered my questions in this post)
The Romulan War. The Romulans were supposed to become the main antagonists in the comming fifth season and the romulan warwould have FINALLY be addressed and shown but NO. They had to cancel the show!!!!
I am so mad right now. I am aware that maybe Enterprise wasn't the best show of Star Trek but it was by far not the worst and deserves more love and attention. No, I will not take criticism on that.
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cosmoeticss · 1 year
The Pact | Aegon Targaryen Modern!AU (part one)
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Words: 4.3K
Pairing: modern!Aegon Targaryen II x reader, slight Dalton Greyjoy x reader
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI Cheating, caught cheating, swearing, underage drinking, eventual smut. this is my ‘rom com’ fic so please expect rom com level corniness.
Note: This is probably gonna run for about 4 or 5 parts depending on how I lay it out but I’m so excited to share it with you. Also aegon isn’t show canon aegon obviously, I’m just very in love with tgc I pulled it from another random idea I had wrote out months ago with no plot line and made it into this. I hope y’all enjoy it.
my masterlist
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The summer you turned seventeen had seemed never ending while you had been living it. The hot nights were spent next to your best friend, sneaking out to parties, stealing bottles from Aegon’s fathers liquor cabinet, and climbing out of bedroom windows to stargaze and ponder what the future would hold for you both. It wasn’t until that fateful August night – the night of his older sister's wedding – when you both had exhausted the dance floor and small talk with distant family members and friends, that you felt in the air that it was coming to an end.
You were sitting at your assigned table, music from the reception blaring as you finally discarded the sandals that had been hurting your feet all night, when you felt fingers brush your shoulder, grabbing your attention. You snapped your attention to the culprit, none other than Aegon Targaryen moseying past you, a bottle of Casterly Rock red wine tucked discreetly behind his back as he beckoned you to follow. You gave him a lopsided grin, jumping from your seat to grab on to his arm as you both made a break for the exit. 
“Did they just let you take that?” you exclaimed, the excitement of getting caught jumping in your chest.
“I snuck in the kitchens while no one was paying attention,” he explained, arm linked with yours as he led you to a patch of soft grass outside the gardens of the Red Keep. 
“And no one saw?” you raised an eyebrow at him, stifling a giggle as you both found your place on the ground next to each other. 
“Don’t act so surprised, I can be sneaky,” he furrowed his brow, feigning offense. “Like a ninja.”
An earnest laugh bubbled in your chest as you took the bottle from him, making quick work of breaking the seal and attempting to remove the cork. “Of course, because the first thing I think of when I look at you is ninja.” 
“Let me,” he snatched it back, rolling his eyes as you struggled. He winced as he tugged at the cork with all his might, letting out a breath of relief at the satisfying ‘pop’ as he finally freed it. “I’ve never had wine before. My mum drinks it all the time, though.” He admitted, passing it back to you.
“Alicent is a woman of taste. This isn’t just wine, Aeg,” you said, mimicking a dramatic posh accent as you lifted the bottle to your nose to breathe in the bitter, fruity scent. “It’s very fancy, expensive wine for very fancy, expensive people.”
Aegon chuckled, eyeing her as she sized up the thick, deep red liquid.. “Well tonight, we are very fancy people, so bottoms up, mate.”
You took a deep breath, raising the bottle to your lips and grimacing as the liquid reached your taste buds. Coughing at the flavor, you reluctantly swallowed the large swig you’d taken down, gagging in disgust as you handed the bottle back to Aegon who was already in stitches. 
“Don't laugh!” you whined, only slightly embarrassed as you laid back in the grass. “It’s disgusting! I thought it was supposed to be good, your mum is mad if she drinks that all the time.” 
“What happened to her being a woman of taste?” he took a big swig, handling it with much more grace than you had but expression still twisting with distaste as he spun the bottle to read the label. “Yeah, that's rank.” 
“I told you.”
“Maybe we’re drinking it wrong,” he took another drink before setting it down and laying back with you, bringing his arm to rest under his head. 
You rolled your eyes half heartedly. “How can you even drink something wrong?” you poked, fingers weaving through the blades of grass between the two of you.
“I dunno, maybe we’re not fancy or expensive enough,” he teased, his hand falling from his stomach to scoop yours up, fiddling with it as you both admired the clear sky above you, the smell of fall air just lingering in the distance like smoke.
You giggled sweetly. “Yeah, that’s it,” he hummed at your response. “I’ll stick with my good ol’ Vodka Cran’s, thank you very much.”
He groaned in mock annoyance. “You and those Vodka Cran’s.”
You pointed your joined hand at the bottle sitting unevenly in the grass. “They taste better than that, I’ll tell you what.” 
He shrugged, smirking lightly at your defensiveness. “Cheaper too, I suppose.”
“Right,” you teased.
“Right,” Aegon squeezed your fingers as you two fell into a comfortable silence, the boisterous sounds of Rhaenyra and Harwin’s reception muffled by the distance and the chirping of nearby crickets were the only noise filling the air.
“I can’t believe Breakbones really cried when Nyra came down the aisle,” Aegon mused softly, breaking the pause. “I can,” you shook your head fondly at the memory of earlier today, as his fell to the side to look at you as you spoke. “He’s all big and tough on the outside, but on the inside the man is nothing but a softy, I swear it.” 
“Do you think you’ll ever get married?” Aegon pondered, studying your vague expression, brows furrowing as he tried to decipher what you were thinking. “What?” He pressed as you didn’t answer straight away, lost in thought.
You snapped out of whatever trance the question put you in, finally meeting his gaze. “Um,” your eyes averted, blowing raspberries through your lips as you thought. “I dunno. I hope so.”
“What do you mean you ‘hope so?’”
You shrugged shyly in what felt like defeat. “I mean I want to someday, it’s just,” you paused, feeling a bit silly about what you were about to admit. “Seeing your sister and Harwin today, like they really love each other.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, still confused at where you were going with this.
“I just have a hard time believing anyone will ever love me that much,” you huffed, and his face softened. “Like I can’t imagine anyone ever wanting to be with me like that. I just don’t see it ever happening for me.”
Aegon shook his head in disagreement. “(Y/N), I’m saying this as kindly as I possibly can, but that’s complete bullshit,” you veered your attention back up to the stars, and hoped Aegon wouldn’t see your cheeks burning red. “You’re gorgeous, and like, the best person I know. There’s no way you’re gonna end up alone.” 
“You think?” you frowned, holding back the tears that we’re pricking at your eyes. 
“I know it,” he insisted. “Anyone who doesn’t see it is stupid.” 
“Thanks, Aeg,” you fell into another silence, this one less peaceful than the last. 
“I’ll marry you,” he muttered and nudged you then, causing you to chuckle.
“Would you now?” you rolled your eyes.
“I would!” he sat up slightly, shifting to his side and looking down on your jovial expression. “What? Do you think I wouldn’t be a good husband?”
You burst into playful laughter, softly hitting his chest with the back of your hand. “No, I’m sure you’d be a brilliant husband,” you jested, sarcasm evident in your town.
“I’m serious,” he raised his eyebrows at her, his bemused smile outing him entirely.
You put up your hands defensively. “I’m sure you are.”
“I think we’d be a great married couple,” he offered, rattling off the next few things that came to mind. “We already spend every day together, and they always say you should marry your best friend. Our wedding should be half as big as this one, though. It’s more intimate that way. With more dancing and better booze.” 
You beamed at him in awe. “You’ve just got a pros and cons list, have you?”
“It’s been a very tough decision, but everyone else is insufferable so I might as well marry the one person who isn’t,” he affirmed, very matter-of-factly.
“And you’re so sure that I would want to marry you?” 
His eyes fluttered over your face in admiration, your fingers still intertwined between you as he toyed with them thoughtfully. The action made your breath catch in your throat as you suddenly took note of how close you actually were.
“I’ll make you a deal,” Aegon rasped, mulling something over in his head a moment, thinking it through before putting it fully out there. “If we’re both not married or in a serious relationship when we’re twenty-seven, we’ll marry each other.”
“Ten years from now?” your eyes widened. 
Aegon smirked. “Yes seventeen plus ten is twenty-seven,” he chaffed, causing you to smack him on the chest again.
“Thirty,” you wagered. 
He shook his head softly. “Twenty-seven.”
“Twenty-eight?” you raised an eyebrow, he pursed his lips as he pondered your bargain.
“Twenty-seven and a half,” he detangled your fingers to offer out his pinky, you eyed it a moment before interlocking it with yours.
“Deal,” you whispered breathlessly. “Stamp it.” You twisted your hand to press your thumbs together. 
“Uh-oh,” he grinned. “That’s legally binding now.” 
“Uh-oh,” you busted out in a genuine laugh then, throwing your head back as he joined in with you, lying back down on the ground next to you and wrapping you up in his arms and pulling you into his chest. “I better make quick work of finding a husband if I want to get rid of you.”
“Silly girl,” he dropped a chaste kiss to the top of your head as you both drank in the night sky and the sweet dwindling of summer warmth. “You’ll never be rid of me.”
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The second you had woken up that morning, you knew it was going to be a strange day. Strange was one way to put it. It had been the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that you had noticed while only half awake that morning, that hadn’t gone away no matter what you did. You weren't hungry, nor did you feel sick like you were going to spill the contents of your guts at any sudden moment, it was just that ever present sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that followed you the whole day.
That sinking feeling, combined with the staleness in the air at The Golden Stag – the pub where you worked – and the King’s Landing summer heat swallowing you whole was what you thought really did you in. There you were, hunched over the cash register taking deep breaths. Her back was turned from the mild crowd, one hand gripping the POS monitor and the other twisted in a fistful of hair to keep it off your shoulders.
Gods, a shower would fix most of my problems right now, you thought, the thin layer of sweat covering you was only making things worse. You were almost so wrapped up in trying to will your ailments away with your mind that you didn’t notice your shift leader, Cassandra Baratheon, approaching from behind to use the register you were currently hogging. 
As if on cue, you finally felt her presence, jolting from your spot to lean on the bar next to the register. “Sorry, did you need this?” you mumble as you do.
Cass cocks an eyebrow at you, “No worries,” she says as she begins punching in an order, her warm green eyes only leaving you to check the screen.  “Are you sure you’re feeling okay? You don't look so good, lovey.” 
“I’m probably fine,” you brush her off. “I’ve just been feeling a little off all day.”
Cassandra doesn't seem convinced. She looks over her shoulder, scanning around the room before bringing her attention back to you as you picked up a plastic laminated menu and began fanning your glistening chest with it. “Y’know we’re pretty dead,” she reasons. “If you wanna head out, no one would be mad.”
“What if it picks up?” you try, not wanting to sound too eager to bail so early in the night. Cassandra lifts up her wrist, her watch screen illuminating her face as she does.
“It’s almost one, love. I’m sure if we were gonna pick up we would’ve by now,” she pinched your elbow playfully. Gods bless this angel of a woman.
“I’m sure we’ll survive two more hours without you.”
You sent her a grateful look. “I’m sure I’ll feel better tomorrow.”
Cass rolls her eyes playfully at this, “Yeah, yeah. Just get out of my bar and go home,” she grins as she says it. “Make that himbo boyfriend of yours take care of you, I want you better by 6 tomorrow, missy.”
“Dalton? Coming anywhere near me while I’m sick?” you scoffed in spite of yourself as you collected your purse and keys, imagining it. “I highly doubt that will ever happen.”
“Jerk,” she frowned. “Tell him I said hi anyway, and be safe going home, would ya?.” 
“I will,” you called over your shoulder, shuffling out to the street and starting the five block trek back home. You had met Dalton Greyjoy at work, a couple months after you and Aegon had first moved into the city after university four years ago. He was a regular at the Stag, and hit on you relentlessly for weeks until you finally took him up on his offer to let him take you on a date. Everything fell into routine after that first date, two months later you were official, and eight months after that you were moving out of yours and your best friends shared flat and into Dalton’s one bedroom down the street from your work.
Though it was a complete change of pace from having spent nearly everyday together since you’d met, Aegon didn’t mind. Sure, he wasn’t Dalton Greyjoy’s biggest fan but, he wanted you to be happy, and you seemed happy enough. It wasn’t like he particularly needed you to help with rent. He would have used his trust fund for the both of you to live there if you had allowed it, but you weren’t one to take handouts even from him. So your nightly chats under the starlit Westerosi sky turned to weekly chats and sometimes took place over the phone after a long weekend shift. And your days spent always together became midday coffee runs a few times a week, and tipsy visits while you were bartending with whoever he was seeing this month. 
The newest one was called Sara, who despite her passive aggressive jealousy whenever you were around each other, seemed good for him. You didn’t know if this one would last, as they often didn’t, but had hoped regardless for Aegon’s sake.
The walk home had not been as bad as you had set it up to be, it was the rickety elevator in your building stamped with a neon yellow ‘out of order’ sign that was the real bitch. On any other night, the five flights up would be nothing, annoying at most, but now you were considering making a new home for yourself on the second floor landing. You paused as you made it to the third floor finally, bracing yourself against the wall as your chest heaved to give yourself a break. 
Gods, all you wanted was your bed and some peace and quiet, and it was so close, almost right in reach. “Come on, (Y/N).” You mumbled to yourself, forcing your legs to continue on. When you finally reached your door, you pressed your forehead to the hardwood, dropping your purse from your shoulder and fumbling around for your keys before your fingers grazed the familiar plastic souvenir keychain Aegon had got you on your summer trip to Dorne last year. You unlocked the door, before stepping inside and pressing your back to the door to shut it, taking several deep breaths. Your lungs were putting in overtime, as if you’d just run a marathon. 
As you finally steadied yourself, you moved to slide down the door to sit on the floor and finally remove your non-slip sneakers. As your fingers fumbled with the laces, you heard a muffled sound coming from your bedroom, almost as if your boyfriend had left the TV on in bed. “Babe?” You called out, ears perking to listen for a reply that didn't come. You furrowed your brow, eyes narrowing on an unfamiliar purse on the kitchen island in front of you.
Your breath caught as you halted the unlacing of your shoes and your gaze traveled to the ground next to you to find a pair of women's trainers that certainly weren’t yours. 
No. You thought sharply, that sinking feeling that had been plaguing you all day gathering as bile in the back of your throat. Absolutely not.
You stood slowly, not fully registering what you knew you would find on the other side of your bedroom door. Your steps were achingly slow as you approached, fingers reaching out to graze the door handle, your eyes falling shut as the muffled noises became clearer. You swallowed the dreadful acidic feeling and mustered all the courage you had in you to twist the knob and push open the door.
They didn’t notice you at first, Dalton and the pretty brunette underneath him that he was rutting into, the girl who was certainly not you. The bile rose again, as you finally were able to find your voice. “What the fuck is this?” You spat, nausea taking over as the girl gasped and your boyfriend halted his actions, cursing as he pulled out of her and covered himself.
“Shitshitshitshit,” he hissed, frantically scrambling to find his boxers. “Babe, this isn’t what it looks like.”
Don’t cry. 
“I’m gonna be sick,” you uttered, turning quickly on your heel to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before the contents of your stomach spilled out of you. You gripped the bowl tightly, hunching over and retching, as your body finally relieved itself of that nauseating, sinking feeling. You were left gasping for air when you were finally done, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
“(Y/N)?” Dalton whispered, fingers barely reaching your shoulder before you smacked them away harshly.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” you hissed, using what was left of your energy to push yourself to your feet.
Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.
“Babe,” he rambled desperately, following her through the apartment as you hastily made your way to the closet. “I swear it’s not what it looks like. I don’t even really know her, it was just a one time thing.”
The girl, still tucked under your covers didn’t dare move or interject as you gathered any article of clothing in arms reach of you and stuffed it in an overnight back. “Oh, it was just a one time thing, was it?” you exclaimed, sarcasm dripping like honey from your lips.
“Yes! I swear!”
“Fuck you, Dalton. Is that supposed to make a fucking difference?” you shoved past him, and back into the bathroom to gather all your toiletries and stuff them haphazardly into the bag.
“Please, (Y/N). Let me explain,” he was right on your tail, a pitiful look on his face that made you want to bury your fist into it. “Can’t we talk about this?”
You scoffed. “There’s nothing to explain, I understand perfectly what’s going on here.”
“What are you doing?” 
“Leaving.” you stated, matter-of-factly.
You barked out an insincere laugh. “I don’t see how that’s any of your fucking business, Dalton.”
His expression changed then, to something almost angry at the flip of a switch as you brushed past him to the door. “Oh, I don’t even have to ask, do I?” “I’d prefer if you didn’t, you fucking asshole,” you grabbed your spare pair of shoes by the door, making it the last thing you grabbed in your rage. “Besides, I don’t think you have any room to be patronizing me about Aegon when you were just fucking someone in our bed!” Your hand grabbed hold of the doorknob. “Fine, leave then,” Dalton threw his hands up dramatically. “Run home to your little boyfriend.” 
Your head snapped, over your shoulder, stricken with disbelief as you shook your head. You wanted to say something clever, something just outright mean, something that would really hit him where it hurt. You wanted to be brave and put him right in his place, but no words came to you. You just stood there in the doorway, frozen in place, and utterly dumbfounded. 
When you finally came to, you simply turned back to the door, opening it swiftly and slamming it shut behind you, stumbling down the five flights and into the street.
You finally let the tears fall then, a strangled sob erupting from deep within you as hot tears flowed freely and mascara ran down your cheeks. You took off walking through the city without a second thought – a babbling, crying, mess – to the only other place you wanted to be.
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The sharp chime of the doorbell rang through Aegon’s townhouse a little after two, followed by a pounding on his door. He groaned, curling deeper into his covers in annoyance. “I don’t wanna,” he whined, hoping the assailant would get the picture and leave. It was to no avail though, the bell rang twice more, followed by that same hastened pounding. 
He practically growled as he gave in, throwing the covers harshly off of him, making his way to the door. “Alright, I’m coming!” Aegon shouted frustratedly, not bothering to check the peephole to see who was waking him at this hour as he unlocked the door and flung it open. “Seven Hells, what?” 
Aegon’s temper diffused at the sight in front of him. You stood pitifully before him, hands full, hair disheveled, eyes rung red and mascara running down your swollen cheeks from crying. “(Y/N)?” he pulled you through the door frame without a second thought, tense worry painted over his face. He shut the door behind you and helped to drop your bags to the floor. “What on earth is wrong, sweetheart?”
“I’m sorry I woke you up,” you hiccupped as he took your face in his hands, thumbs wiping away the tears that flowed freely. “I didn’t know where else to go, Dalton, he–” 
Aegon’s jaw clenched when you couldn’t bring yourself to finish. “Did he hurt you?”
“No,” you shook your head frantically. “He didn’t touch me.” 
“What did he do?” Aegon tried to remain calm at the state of you. 
You sniffled, bringing your fingers to wrap around his wrists. “I walked in on him with another girl in our bed,” you sobbed, breaking Aegon’s heart as he pulled you into his chest.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he stroked the back of your head and rubbed circles into your back to comfort you as you wept. “I’m so sorry,” he muttered over and over.
“I was sick all day, and they sent me home from work early,” you lifted your head from his chest to look up at him. “I didn’t know what to do. I just came straight here.” 
“It’s okay, I’m glad you did. Come on, sweetheart, let’s get you cleaned up,” he brushed away the hair stuck to your damp cheeks, taking your hand and grabbing your overnight bag as he gently led you to the bathroom. “Before I drive over there and kill him myself.” 
Aegon wet a washcloth under cold water, handing it over to you to clean your face off. You accepted it gratefully, the cool sensation washing over you as you ran the rag over your face and neck. His lips dropped to your hairline, his hand coming to rub your arm softly. “I’ll grab you a sleep shirt.”
“Thank you,” you muttered hoarsely as he disappeared into the hall. You dug through your bag and the random things you remembered to grab during the fight. Aegon returned after you had nearly finished brushing your teeth, dark green t-shirt in hand. 
He handed it over, leaning against the sink as you rinsed out your mouth. “I haven't touched your room in ages,” he admitted carefully. “Not since you left.” 
Three years. Aegon hadn’t done anything with your room for three years.
“It’s empty then?”
“You took your bed when you left.” 
You nodded thoughtfully, eyes glued to his chest. “I can take the couch and figure things out tomorrow.” 
He shook his head softly. “No need, you can just sleep with me.” “Aegon,” you started. “I can’t ask you to do that.”
“You didn’t ask,” he shrugged. “And neither am I, come lay down with me. You need some rest and we’ll talk about everything in the morning. It’ll be a slumber party, like old times.”
“I’m not feeling very party right now, Aeg,” you chuckled humorlessly, looking over his facial features cautiously. “And coming from personal experience, I’m sure Sara wouldn’t be pleased to find me snuggled up to her boyfriend.”
If you call what you walked in on ‘snuggling.’
He pressed his lips together, shaking his head. “Well, it’s a good thing I’m not her boyfriend anymore then.”
Your eyes widened at his admission. “Aeg, why didn’t you tell me?” you moved to wrap your arms around him in comfort.
“It just happened last night,” he pulled you away to look you in the eye. “It’s alright. We’ll talk about it in the morning though.”
“Aegon—“ You protested as he pulled you carefully by the wrist towards his bedroom.
“In the morning,” he hushed you, straightening out the pillows and blankets that were splayed across his mattress to make room for you next to him as you changed into the shirt in his walk in closet.
When you emerged, clad in only his oversized ‘Hightower Family Reunion’ shirt, Aegon was already nestling under the covers. He gave you a sweet smile when he saw you, throwing them open to beckoning you in. You crawled into the spot beside his, the tension in your shoulders dissolving on the cloud he called a mattress. A sigh of relief slipped from your tear swollen lips, Aegon’s fingers found their home in yours between the two of you and he squeezed them three times, lulling you into relaxation.
You hummed softly, your eyes fluttering closed. The warmth of his bed and the smell of his cologne wrapping around you like a tender hug. “Goodnight, Aegon,” you mumbled sleepily, sinking deeper into the sheets.
“Goodnight, sweet girl,” he whispered, fingers drawing soothing circled into your palm. “I’ll see you when the sun is shining.”
next part
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lorifragolina · 1 month
More than Roommates...?
Another entry for @harringrovesummerbingo!
It's a silly rom com and I tried to keep it short :) I hope you enjoy it!
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Title: More than Roommates...?
Square & Prompt: C1 "Laughter"
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2501
Major Tags: Friendly schemes, Enemies to Lovers
Steve and Billy are roommates, but they didn't start with the right foot... even if they became attracted to each other pretty soon. But both of them think that the other didn't swing the same way... Two smart friends and a good scheme are needed for making them move... or not?
Read it on AO3
“Robin, he’s not gay, it’s as plain as day”.
“I never see him with a girl”.
“It’s because he’s not… I mean, he doesn’t… he just goes casual”.
“Well you can just ask and remove any doubt”.
“Are you nuts? He’s my roommate, I can’t go and ask something like this”.
Robin snorted and shrugged. It was the third or fourth time they had a similar discussion, in a corner of the cafeteria in front of their morning coffees. Usually, Steve had some wet dream about his roommate and went to venting with her. 
“Well I’ll ask him then,” she said stubbornly, frankly fed up with the hesitation of her best friend.
“Don’t you dare! Do you have an idea of how much it has cost me to find that room? I can’t ruin things with him”.
“I know, Steve, do you forget we moved here together?”
“Yes but you are a brainiac and you have your room granted in the residence”.
Robin snorted again soundly. It hadn't been so easy as Steve was painting it,  for her, but she could understand his doubts. 
Moreover, Steve and his roommate had a rough start and now, almost at the end of their freshman year, things were smoother and it was better trying not to ruin them.
“So, did you have some action lately?”
Heather adjusted the camera and went nearer to the screen, smiling slyly.
Billy sighed. “Nothing at all… dead calm”, he moaned, shaking his head.
“Don’t tell me you're still after him,” she raised her eyes. “Why don’t you make a move yet?”
“Sweet Jesus, he’s not gay!” shrieked Billy, regretting immediately for raising his voice, even if he was in his room alone. “He’s not gay, I already told you”.
“You can’t say. Do you know how many people swing in both ways?”
“He’s not”.
“Did he ever bring a girl into his room?”
“Well Robin is always here, but…”
“But they’re having sex? No, they don’t, so?”
“Well, maybe they…”
“Why don’t you ask him out? What could happen? At least you’ll stop bothering me with that nonsense”.
Billy knew that Heather loved him madly and he didn’t take her words badly, but she didn’t live there and she had no real idea of the situation.
It was him who had to live with Steve, and he didn’t want to ruin the delicate situation they created lately.
They had bitter arguments at the start of the year;  Billy liked to blast his metal out loud and having large Skype call in the common space until late, while Steve loved cheesy pop music and he wanted to sleep in the middle of the night; Billy liked to exercise and go to the gym and take care of his appearance, occupying the bathroom for hours. Steve was equally vain, but ha was not a morning person, so he passed half of his mornings knocking frantically at the bathroom door, and when he was able to going in, he didn’t mind to use Billy’s hair and body product, driving him mad when he smelled the scent of his special hair mousse on Steve’s hair. 
One time Steve had run out of the bathroom yelling like mad because he found Billy’s body hair in his razor, starting an argument that lasted almost two weeks. As if that were not enough, they had argued also in class, bickering about some unimportant detail in the textbook and their feud had been the goss of the week. 
They kept being on each other's way in college orientation events and in the basketball matches, but after a really tense few months, they reasoned out as adults, then they apologized and the cohabitation had started to go better. 
The problem was, for Billy, that all the confront and bickering had made him fixating in Steve’s body language, his moves and gestures and to walk in the room when he was agitated, how he passed his hands in his hair or put his hand on his hips, and specially in how the little mole at the side of his mouth moved when he was arguing, distracting Billy and driving Steve really mad; he didn’t know that in those moment when Billy forgot how to blink, he was thinking of kissing that little mole and all the other moles in his face and licking his neck and biting him and…
“Billy? Are you here?” Steve knocked at the door before entering.
Billy was still on his Skype call.
“I have to go, Heater, I’ll call you tomorrow,” he said in a rush, closing the laptop.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to bother you”.
“Don’t worry, I have already finished the call”.
“Ok… something important?”
“Oh no… family thing, you know, nothing important…”
Steve nodded, taking a glass of water and drinking near the sink with his hand on his hips, pensive. Billy had to gulp his agitation and smiled tensely.
“I was thinking to have a shower, do you want to use the bathroom?” He asked kindly, one of the things he learned to do to maintain their good relationship.
“Oh, no thanks, go ahead,” Steve smiled tensely too, washing a couple of dishes still in the sink since the morning. 
He was almost sure that he heard a feminine voice, he knew that Billy had a sister but it didn’t seem to him the same voice; Billy always closed his calls when he came in the room, because he didn’t want to argue anymore about bothering calls, but Steve suspected he called always the same girl, probably his distant girlfriend and for this he never bring any woman at home. Steve didn’t dare ask to maintain the balance between them and the peace they gained so difficulty.
He suffered for not knowing, anyway… he didn’t define himself as gay, he liked girls, but he also liked men very much, and Billy in particular was his type almost exactly, although they started hating each other; but he liked ripped, neat men, well trimmed, with an angelic nuisance and a nasty attitude; and Billy, with his Californian Barbie complexion, was almost near to perfection, making him struggle to stay formal near to him. Even if Billy still hadn’t picked up any girl at college, he had a crowd of female admirers and he seemed to enjoy it, so Steve knew he couldn’t have a possibility. Moreover, if he would come out with Billy, he could feel uncomfortable; he didn’t seem homophobe, but not everyone wanted to sleep with a non straight roommate. 
“Oh, shit,” groaned Steve, raising his eyes to the cafeteria door. 
“Oh, shit,” echoed Robin, for completely different reasons. 
Billy had just entered with a stunning brunette hanging at his arm, a beaming smile and gushing with happiness.
The girl was short but curvy, with pink hearted glasses and red lips, and a pair of mini shorts that showed her nicely shaped legs; the perfect Barbie complement for Billy, sighed Steve seeing his hopes shattered in the floor. 
Robin couldn’t also take her eyes off of the girl, definitely her type, even if she seemed she couldn't take her eyes off of Billy.
“Hey,” Billy waved at Steve, who he felt he wanted to die. He smiled and waved back. 
“Hello, I didn’t know you were here either… Heather just arrived by train to visit me”.
“Hello,” said the girl, lowering the glasses and raising her hand directly to Robin. “I’m Heather”.
“I’m Robin,” she answered, breathless. They looked at each other for a long, long moment, until Billy dared to speak again.
“And he’s Steve, my roommate”.
Heather smiled again, giving him her hand too. “Oh. I heard a lot about you”.
Steve blushed and Billy nudged her. “Stop it,” he hissed, then went to the bar to order the coffee.
“So, you’re studying here too?” Heather asked directly to Robin, who blushed, leaving Steve wide mouthed and speechless. They talked a little bit, ignoring Steve completely until Billy returned with the drinks. Robin got up to go to class reluctantly.
“Well I’m staying all weekend, I hope you can join us for dinner tonight,” Heather chirped with a soundly voice, and Robin nodded and went away, giggling. 
“So you’re the famous Steve,” she immediately turned to him, resting her face on her hand. “I thought you were taller”.
“Heather!” Hissed Billy.
Steve cleared his throat. “Will you… will you stay in our room?” His voice was oddly high pitched.
“Oh no, I booked a B&B here near the campus. I don’t want to bother you two big guys,” she giggled and they both blushed furiously. 
“But I hope you don’t mind if she stays a little in the room…” said Billy carefully. 
“Oh no, not at all”.
Heather smiled and they finished their drink, then she and Billy went away to visit the campus, leaving Steve sitting there, heartbroken.
“I don’t want to go to dinner with the lovebirds!” Said Steve later, outside Robin dorm. Robin pouted and looked at him with flames in her eyes. 
“Are you stupid?” She hissed. “I’ll go even if you don’t come”.
“If you like to be the third wheel…”
“God, you’re really stupid!” Robin crossed her arms and refused to talk again with him. 
When she reached them at the restaurant, Steve looked at her, really puzzled. He never saw her so dressed up before. She barely used makeup and combed her hair with a bobby pin to avoid hair in the eyes, but that night she was wearing a fancy jacket and pants and she curled her hair and painted her eyes and lips; she was really pretty, and when he looked the glance Heather gave to her, he finally understood why she called him stupid lately. 
Billy and Steve witnessed their shameless flirtation with wide eyes, unable to say anything and looking furtively at each other, utterly embarrassed. Steve was glad she definitely wasn’t his distant girlfriend, and Billy was glad that Robin was the platonic girlfriend of Steve, but they didn’t know how to break the ice to each other and bring the topic on the table. They kept talking about trivial things, some sport results and TV shows while their friends were talking intensely and ignoring them.
Steve and Billy didn’t notice that they exchanged each other's numbers, but when they left the restaurant, Heather announced that she wanted to go resting after the trip, but she would be free the rest of the weekend to do something fun with them.
Billy walked her to her hotel and Steve and Robin went away in the opposite direction.
“What the fuck was that?” Snapped Steve once they were a little far.
“All that thing, you were… flirting with her? You had just met her!”
Robin shrugged, looking at her mobile that had just buzzed. 
“Well she’s not his girlfriend. And he clearly hasn’t problems with queer people”.
Steve sighed. Well, there was a difference between having a lesbian friend and sleeping in the same room with someone who wanted to be in your pants.
“You couldn’t stay quiet, not for a little minute, could you?” Hissed Billy walking with her.
“You didn’t tell me she was gorgeous and lesbian, Billy. Is your gaydar broken?”
“I don’t… hey I don’t need to justify with you! I… I just didn’t realize”.
“Well it’s the perfect excuse to make a move with him, don’t you think? And you didn’t tell me he had that juicy ass, you little scoundrel”.
“Oh, please, stop! It’s a coincidence his friend is a lesbian. It doesn’t mean anything”
“Oh, it doesn't mean anything, Mr queer like a three dollar bill?”
“Stop this nonsense, I can do nothing with him. He’s straight and we are roommates, that’s all”.
Heather groaned and entered the hotel. She wrote to Robin immediately, chatting with her all night. 
“Is there some club to go dancing near there?” Asked Heather the next night, peeping a glimpse at Robin. 
“Well the Pink Flag is over there and they have good cocktails,” answered Robin immediately, waving at the end of the street. “You don’t have problems going to a queer bar, right, Steve?”
Steve blushed and nodded, of course he didn’t have problems, they went there very often, but he looked at Billy’s face, who blushed, lowered his face and nodded too. The girls joined the queue hand in hand and abandoned them behind. 
Billy tried to smile, worried, and saw the same expression on Steve's face. “Well at least they’re having a good time,” he sighed, while the girls were already chatting with the bouncer, who knew Robin, and obviously Steve. He accurately avoided confessing to Billy that he was a regular there, but he couldn't hide it for longer.
“Hey Steve, it’s been ages, I missed you! Oh, he is the guy Robin just told me about?”
“Hello… hello Alan…” answered nervously Steve, looking at his feet and running inside before the bouncer could say more embarrassing things. 
Robin and Heather were still inside, giggling at the dirty look he launched at them.
“How you dared!” He hissed to Robin. 
“Well you needed a nudge,” she giggled, disappearing on the dance floor with Heather.
Billy was looking at him, confused. “I’m not sure what had just happened outside… Do you come here often?”
Steve blushed. “Well, me and Robin, we… well, you know…”
“And what he said? You… talked about… me… with Robin?”
Steve gulped, looking away, feeling the tense in Billy’s words. 
“She thinks… well, she thinks I have… she thinks I have a little crush on you, that’s all. But don’t worry, I am not…”
“Oh shit,” Billy hit his forehead. “Don’t you see?” Steve looked at him, puzzled. “Don’t you see? They set a trap! It’s so clear!”
“A trap? But why? You don’t… don’t you…?”
Billy snickered, a little embarrassed too. “Well, well it’s possible that I… I mentioned to Heather that… I may like my roommate just a little bit”.
“Those filthy little bitches!” Snapped Steve, and Billy laughed, heartily, defusing the tension between them. Steve joined his laughter, looking in his eyes and staring at his swollen, juicy lips.
“I… I never heard you laughing…” he said, touching Billy’s arm with bashfulness. “I like it,” he smiled then, and Billy melted, looking at him with glossy, puppy eyes. 
He cupped Steve’s face and pecked him, kissing his smile, then Steve pecked him back, and they finally kissed, finally biting each other's lips, with a stupid happy look on their faces. 
“So what will we do now?” Whispered Billy, taking Steve’s hand. Steve looked at him with a mischievous smile. 
“Well, my roommate is cool, you can come in my room later,” he grinned, and Billy laughed again. “But meanwhile, those little schemers don’t deserve satisfaction”.
Billy nodded. “Agree. Let’s make them suffer a little more. But first, kiss me again”.
Steve laughed, and threw his arms around him, bursting in happiness.
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