#the undercity.
magioffire · 6 months
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jollymalt · 3 days
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some miku shitposts
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alfairy · 17 days
Viktors subplot about the glorious evolution is gonna end up being like this
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chaoticdistress · 18 days
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She looks so lost to me, not only can’t grasp other people liking her but she didn’t even do it on purpose, she accidentally became a symbol of the revolution, this reminds me of The huger games when Katniss was expected to film the message against President Snow
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sage-nebula · 3 months
It blows my mind that in 2024 there are still people who want to be like "it is 100% all Vi's fault that Jinx is the way she is" or "Jinx is 100% just an ax-crazy hell monster that Vi needs to be saved from" when the entire point of the show is that, yes, both sisters are flawed human beings who have made mistakes, but the true failure lies not with them, but with the overall system that was destined to fail them at every step.
This is most obvious with Powder, who shows signs of her psychosis within the first opening beats of the show, the little scribble hallucinations popping up between her fingers. Powder's mental illness is genetic. Trauma exacerbated her symptoms, but the illness was always there. And there are absolutely no resources in Zaun to give her the care she needed to healthily manage that illness. And the solution isn't "make her a Piltie instead," because Powder wasn't the only Zaunite with mental illness. The problem was that Zaun was in that state of poverty, police brutality, and systemic oppression at all. Powder was failed by by the social structure that killed her parents, that parentified her sister, that ensured she went hungry, was constantly at risk of police brutality, and had no means of accessing adequate mental health care. All of THAT is what led to Jinx.
Oh, and speaking of parentifying her sister — this system failed Vi, too. Not only does Vi also have hallucinations, but Vi never got to be a child from the moment her parents died. She had to be BOTH sister AND surrogate mother to Powder. No, Vander never told her to, but he also does spell it out. Powder, Claggor, and Mylo follow her every word as the oldest. She was their leader. And for Powder especially, she was all they had left of their biological family. Vi stepped into the role willingly, but at an age so young she had no idea what it was she was sacrificing. What she HAD to sacrifice, after her parents were killed, after she and Powder were, yes, rescued by Vander, but Vander could only do so much and had two other kids besides. Vi was only 15 when Powder accidentally killed Vander, Mylo, and Claggor; despite having to sacrifice her childhood, she was still a traumatized adolescent. She should have been allowed to act like it. But the systemic oppression and structure of the Piltover - Zaun setup didn't allow for that. It certainly didn't do her any favors when an enforcer's idea of saving her life was to leave her to rot in a cell indefinitely. The system failed Vi, too. Just like it failed Powder.
Arcane is a tragedy. It's a tragedy in all aspects, but it is primarily a tragedy about two sisters. And the fact that some people want to wholly blame one sister is just beyond me. They've both made mistakes. But they also both had the decks stacked entirely against them from the beginning. That's what makes it a tragedy. It didn't have to be this way. And yet, there's no other way it could have ended.
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chaoticvi · 1 year
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Birds of a feather flock together.
requested by @phoenixlionme <3
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xremus-is-deadx · 17 days
If people (fans, not the show itself) keep painting Jinx as the hero, I'm gonna have problems. I'm sorry, I get what she's fighting for, but no.
If anyone is the hero it is Ekko. He lost so much and he had NO ONE to support him through his childhood after the events of ep3, as far as we're aware. He lost EVERYONE.
And yet he STILL fought for what was right. He held the memory of everyone he lost with him as he tried to fight for peace. He built a new home, new life, he provided a family for those who needed it. He had everything taken from him, just like Jinx, but he never tried to get his own by taking from other people. Instead he tried to give to literally anyone who supported the same morals as him.
When Caitlyn showed up, he treated her with hospitality. He had every right to act any other way because she's an enforcer, and yet he STILL chose a path of equality and peace. And the same with Heimerdinger. He could have turned his back. Heimerdinger is the reason he lives the way he does, Heimerdinger built topside. And yet Ekko still treats him as equal, because he can recognise how they may be on the same page, regardless of backgrounds.
Ekko is the peace. He doesn't fight for one side or the other. He simultaneously fights for everyone. At the end of the day, Ekko is the one who who should be painted as the hero by fans.
(Like I said, I'm not talking about the show, the plot is the plot, but the fandom need to realise that Jinx is not the perfect hero, she is problematic, even if it isn't her fault entirely.)
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evren-d · 19 days
Vi (presumably) being left out of the undercity revolution is breaking my heart. I don't want a Jinx redemption arc and I don't want the sisters to magically be reunited under the new faction, but this is all that Vi wanted seven years ago, to fight with her people for a better life, and for her to be outside of it now 😩
I'm seeing a kind of, "serves her right for choosing the wrong side" attitude and ????? I can't think of a single major choice that wasn't a vote for Powder and/or the Undercity, I never once saw her choose Piltover, unless I'm missing something? I know she's in enforcer uniform in some of the clips, but I don't know under what circumstances/duress/context/goals, so I can't judge that yet. What I can judge is her expression there and she looks like she's going to vomit in a shoe and hang herself in the barn.
Said it before and I'll say it again, if it's just about being sweet to Caitlyn (or not being happy to shoot her dead at the drop of Jinx's hat), catching feels from someone showing tenderness and who displays overall GOODNESS, regardless of class loyalty and proves their good intentions multiple times in life and death situations, is not the same as switching sides politically or turning a blind eye on the Undercity plight.
I can see the show characters rejecting her as a traitor, and it makes sense from their POV, heck, she rejects SEVIKA as a traitor to the undercity, but we can see the whole picture. I don't see where Vi ever acted in Piltover's best interest or expressed a desire to further their goals.
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inluvwcaitvi · 2 months
i’m gonna need jinx fans to stop acting like she’s some freedom fighter or a genuine undercity hero for being the one to actually launch the war.
jinx is doing what she’s doing bc she’s lost, hurt, bitter, angry, and she has a personal vendetta against piltover.
she is NOT doing this bc she cares abt the undercity or the people in it. she is not fighting for their rights, or against the abusive and neglectful treatment they’ve endured for years and years.
she is doing this for herself and silco. she is doing this bc she feels as tho piltover has practically taken everything from her. and while she def isn't wrong, she also played her own part in her downfall and she is still being incredibly and entirely selfish.
that may change in s2, but as of now, this is what it is.
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dandelionandkrindle · 2 years
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Art by dreamwalker
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magioffire · 1 year
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Untouched cavern that developed its crystalline-like walls over tens of thousands of years, discovered in the Lechuguilla cave within Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico.
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secretly-a-trekkie · 2 months
I just remembered I don't know how to draw cities. brb gonna pirate some art books 👍
in other news... coruscant in survivor
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mistresscitrusslice · 4 months
I will never get why some people think Jayce and Viktor’s arcs aren’t connected enough. Like, did y’all not see how so much of what they did impacted the other? They’ll literally say there weren’t genuine moments between the two and still have the gall to post this shit on the Jayvik tag and say they could do a better job writing the show than the actual writers.
The point IS that they’re growing apart and not resolving their problems jointly throughout the series. Jayce gets drawn in by the worst parts of Piltover and Viktor gets drawn in by the worst parts of Zaun. That’s- that’s literally spoonfed in the “We lost our way” scene.
Their plots seem disconnected BECAUSE THEY’RE INTENDED TO BE. Because Jayce’s priority list is a mess of incomprehensible scribbles and Viktor’s go-to move is to lock himself in the lab, fuck everything else. That’s. The point. They lost sight of their goal just as they lost sight of each other. If Caitvi is an example of how Piltover and Zaun can work together, Jayvik is an example of how Piltover and Zaun can fall apart.
There are still people out there saying that Jayce doesn’t express worry for Viktor’s impending death outside of the hospital scene. And apparently there wasn’t enough story emphasis on Jayce insulting the people of the Undercity. That Jayce and Viktor “really don’t act like good friends or anything” AND THEN POST THIS IN THE JAYVIK TAG AS DIRECT PROVOCATION. If you can’t see that they’re close, then you’re denser than the brick wall I feel like I’m talking to. This isn’t even about shipping. Some people LITERALLY cannot see the platonic love waving its arms in front of you.
Jayce can’t figure out priorities, but we DO see him working with Viktor on the Hexcore, trying to influence the way it reacts to organic matter. In fact, I think the only time he spends in lab after becoming councilor IS TRYING TO SAVE VIKTOR.
Viktor also pushed him away at the start, saying not to worry, and Jayce respected his wishes. He only starts accepting Jayce’s help after getting sent to the emergency room.
You know what else he does to try to save his partner? HE DEPOSES THE HEAD OF THE STATE. (Besties, if your bf won’t dethrone a ruler for you, he ain’t your bf <3) As soon as Heimerdinger said he would destroy the one chance they had at saving Viktor’s life, Jayce took immediate action and removed that obstacle for them.
Wdym they never focused again on the fact that Jayce insulted Viktor’s people? We see that that line had IMMEDIATE AND DIRECT AND LASTING CONSEQUENCES. It’s implied that Viktor would have told Jayce about the shimmer since he said, “Jayce will understand,” but decides not to tell him anything after Jayce says that bullshit. Without someone to bounce ideas off of while using the shimmer and the Hexcore on himself, he gets a lot more reckless and Sky goes poof.
One thing leads to another. Just because it wasn’t spoonfed to you doesn’t mean you can’t use your brain and make the connection. Besides, Jayce eventually writes up the proposal to free Zaun. Viktor presents this peace treaty to the Council alongside Jayce, so we can assume that it has been at least partially resolved between them, but likely that we will see more of it in season 2, or so you need that spelled out for you as well?
I said this a in a response already, but seeing as it was deleted to curate this user’s echo chamber, i still felt the need to post this where people could see it. Fuck you, but you can’t see this anyway, so nobody’s feelings will be hurt.
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… I can’t imagine that we actually watched the same show. Like I REALLY AISNSOSNWKMEJDND
hold on I’m gonna need to calm down.
Let me just make a list of why I disagree and at least organize my anger. Long post incoming.
Vander was friends and had a deal with Grayson. The sheriff. Idk what else to even add to that
Caitlyn is more than a cop and Arcane isn’t copaganda. Genuinely don’t know what kind of progress some of these people are looking for. Real allies are a necessity for real progress.
Vi is not as much as an activist as you would like to believe
Silco was not good for the Undercity
Silco was not a great guy. Ekko had to build an entire separate hidden community for the people he hurt and stepped on for his own benefit
Caitlyn is ignorant and naive. That’s ok. That’s what character development is for.
Loving imperfect characters like Silco and Jinx then hating characters like Vi and Caitlyn is peak media illiteracy to me
FOR THE LAST TIME: VI DIDNT ABANDON POWDER!!!!! Silco literally wanted Vi DEAD for trying to stop him from killing Vander??? How could you possibly say silco was there for jinx when Vi refused to be???? SHE WAS IN PRISON BECAUSE OF HIM???
Silco’s manipulation is working wonders on y’all
Embracing all the outrage without at all looking out for the people harmed by bigotry is not activism
Caitlyn was the first person in years to show Vi kindness and care. She listened and stuck by her and took care of her after Vi was locked up for years and beat up by cops (i wonder what led her to be thrown in there?). Cait being a cop stopped being a point of contention once Vi recognized her naivety and genuineness.
The only way I can see Vi touching ‘class traitor’ in season one was the shimmer raid. Guess who the hell put those kids in there in the first place.
Just hanging out with Caitlyn isn’t being a class traitor if Vander’s allowed to be friends with Grayson.
Critical thinking is very necessary for watching shows like Arcane
What the hell did Silco really do for the Undercity???? What changed over the 7(ish) years he was basically in power of the place? All I’ve heard was he made the air cleaner, which would be great except for, you know, shimmer and the child factory workers
Jinx is unwell and feeding into it like this in a fully serious manor would not help Arcane as a show at all
What do you want Arcane’s message as a full show to be? ‘Screw cops’? That’s a little boring and unproductive isn’t it?
Caitlyn is trying to make Piltover and Zaun a better place. Is that not allowed? Am I missing something?
Caitlyn and Vi’s arcs have only just started. Season one is basically fully set up except for characters like silco and Jinx. This is far from the end.
Genuinely think Vander would appreciate Vi for being friends (using this term loosely because they are in love) with Caitlyn considering he was the one who was opposed to war and Vi wasn’t.
Silco should NOT be your idea of Undercity independence and respect. He oppressed the Undercity the same way the Council and the Enforcers did. He helped no one but himself, his team (barely) and Jinx.
You’re allowed to like and dislike any character you want but pretending like Silco is better for the Undercity than others is just so ridiculous to me. Everyone is of course completely allowed to like Silco, but we can’t pretend like he’s this stand up guy. If you have to pretend like he was, maybe you don’t like him as much as you think.
“Because Cait’s pretty” is also incredibly incorrect. Go check point #14.
Vi never stopped loving and caring for Powder. Powder’s mental health issues were amplified and utilized by Silco because he couldn’t even heal himself.
If all of your opinions of Caitlyn and Vi start and end with “cops suck” and “class traitor” then you genuinely don’t respect Arcane as a show enough to show you nuance.
The misinterpretation of characters is just so … it’s like you go out of your way to love and/or hate characters no matter how much they show you who you are.
Your closed mindedness is clouding your judgement and making you out to seem like you don’t actually want the Undercity’s triumph, you want Silco and Jinx’s, even if it means ruining the Undercity. And that would be fine because father/daughter evil duo but trying to say you’re all for this duo because you want what’s better for the Undercity when they continue to hurt it is simply not correct and very harmful (to fictional characters in a fictional universe 😭)
Only being able to understand how Silco and Jinx were oppressed and therefore should be able to not just destroy Piltover but also Zaun is not the eat you think it is
Why is Viktor never called a class traitor? I think he's great (I also think Silco and Jinx are wonderfully written) but we hardly saw him in the Undercity/ interact with people from the Undercity plus he killed someone (Sky) from there (accidentally)
EDIT TO ADD ANOTHER POINT: Caitlyn has shown little to NO malicious intent and has no real negative impacts other than Jinx’s attachment issues and insecurities being amplified by her mere existence. Again, this is her story and development. Throughout the season she is exposed to reality and recognizes her and her peers/ families wrongs. I have no idea what you want from this character. Should Piltover just be gotten rid of in the story? Then what? Should Caitlyn have just never gotten involved and continued to embrace her privilege? Should she have left Vi in prison and stay ignorant?
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sage-nebula · 3 months
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She still doesn't get it. She just doesn't get it!
Vi. Sweetheart. Bruiser with a head as thick as her fists. Your sister is not "gone." Your sister grew up. And, as all people do when they grow up, she changed. This is something she told you when you first reunited with her:
"Things changed when you left. I changed."
Of course, you dismissed her, saying she just did what she had to in order to survive. Which, yes, but also no. Six years passed between when you were taken from her and when you saw her next, and those were her formative years. Formative, meaning forming who she is as a person, a growing and grown person, because time moves ever forward and no one stays a little girl forever.
Now, does this mean you have to like the person your sister changed into? No. Certainly, your sister doesn't like you putting on an enforcer uniform to help oppress the people of Zaun so you can live a cushy life in Piltover with your new girlfriend. But she still IS your sister. Yes, she changed her name to one that lets her reclaim something traumatic from her past. Yes, she's decided to fully move on and look toward the future now. But her past is still part of her. She doesn't have dissociative identity disorder. "Powder" and "Jinx" were never two separate people. She's the same person, and always has been. She was only ever torn between trying to go back to her past life with you, or accepting her present and future — and she has chosen the latter.
But she is still, and always will be, your sister. Something she knows ("Finally got the name right, sister"), even if you, for some reason, have a very hard time understanding this very simple concept.
Get it together.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 13 days
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Undercity's Embrace
The undercity is always hungry.
Artist: Tyler Walpole TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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