#the vistion I have for it
dyslexic-mess · 10 months
Will I ever work on this more?? Maybe?? I Hope so but it's nearly 4AM and we only took it this far because my brain actually refused to sleep till I'd blocked out the first phrase so. Yeah.
ANYWAY, the idea comes from a few fics I've read where, as part of being the ghost king, Danny has to help newly formed ghosts to the ghost zone (if he finds them). Some of the most guttenching I've read being children. I've ALSO been reading a lot of banshee danny.
SO- there was some disaster that left a lot of distressed souls that formed a lot of ghosts. Worse, many of them are kids. Danny doesn't really have the time to seek out all the newly formed ghost children individually, but he dose need to round them up (as respectfully and gently as he can) and walk them to the infinite relms.
His solution? He sings.
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rose---child · 5 years
dumb mcu rant
i didnt like captian marvel but its because of the imperalist/militent subtext not her being a women and ive been raised on militent subtext my whole life so like i can ignore that like without my dumb assholeness it was a wellmade film.....actually i hope the muslim charicter ms.marvel gets a introduction .....hopefully not mcu but like spiderverse or deadpool style maybe idk but her comics from what i know seem like a very well done charicter .....ill be honest though i didnt read her comics though but i might have to find a copy or if you want a america based girl hero there is ms america which is black/mixed idk tbh and yes i know this just sounds like a rambling but but actually female and poc and queer and exc chareters in comics are some of my faves like comics sadly havent been adopted well into movies which is a shame but there has been alot of great arcs and charicters........for example in the comics the marvel civil war was this big fight among all the heros and everyone was just trying to servive and you gave the tony v cap thing but like it had weight to it like you had the whole world among many many writers having to write for this event and i thinkcap even dies and bucky becomes cap for a while or something????            where as civil war the movie was just some argument among a bunch of adult cosplayers with military weapons whining with aderall in their system and  Don Cheadle haveing to parent tony  ......................
also in the movies they refrence events that happned in the comics but its done so just like oh yeah thats a thing you dont realize that this means something in the comics which whatever
like speaking of the cap dieing thing falcon die become cap since cap and falcon were partners for decades which atleast the movies build up a relationship between the 2 but like ......whatever
i do like that cap marvel did take the skrull invastion arc and put it in that movie 
i do wish the ultron movie had him be mr.fantastics but i understand disney wasent the monoply it is now (its odd how this is the one time im making it seem like they arnt even though they were still a monoply at the time)......uhhh yeah but ultron was cool i guess AND WE GOT VISTION QUCIKSILVER AND SCARLET WITCH which actually makes me happy since wiccan from younf avengers is related with s.w. charicter but thats probs not gonna happen as a movie..... also house of m isan either but thats a event where with and vistion wanted kids but cant and she like destorys the world because of it or something and i think the m in house of m is magento since sc and qs are his kids but whatever...........................
also i just realized something okay so in the comics tony makes spidy a suit in civil war which has legs on it and spidy is all badasss........if i remember correctly thats in endgame oratleast the legs are on  his suit but not the right colours but stll
oh also you know how in ragnirock hulk was in space in a areana well there was kindof 2 events or arcs this could be a ref to 
1st planet......3evengts but i have to give backstory so if i remember correctly the hulk was trying to kill the whole world which this was called world war hulk or something and so they sent him to space then the 2nd part which is where hes on a war battle areana planet or something and he becomes like a god of sorts then the 3rd where thor goes there for some reason and fights him
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