#the voidhound
captain-jim-kirk · 2 months
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trying out drawing my swtor ocs and also trying out my drawing software. first up: the voidhound.
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sullustangin · 7 months
Fluffy February Day 19: Shadow
They said she came from the stars.
They said she came and went.  Nobody knew when she was really there.
Better behave then.  Didn’t want to be caught being bad. 
At least, that was the fear of the grown-ups.  Because they did the things that made her angry, like leaving the little ones to starve to get more blasters.  Like turning bigger ones into soldiers.  Like making it impossible for everyone to stay together, because there was too much poor land and too little food. 
One time, a Selonian den came through.  They kept to themselves.  They sought a place safer than Corellia or her twin sister worlds.  The small ones, with their sleek fur and their excited chattering, hadn’t quite learned the art of excluding non-Selonians – and perhaps these never would.
Yes, they’d heard of her.  They’d seen her, moving as a shadow across the face of Corellia and merging into their tunnels.  She had freed several adults from each of their septs. 
And she had not let a single hair be harmed on their heads – which was quite numerous, given they were Selonian.  One told of how a friend from another den had nearly been killed by a Houk, only to be saved by her, so small and lithe. 
They’d heard of her, even before the Selonians came through and even before she had first come here, now years ago.  She was bad to the governments. Some of the traders that came and went talked about her.  The Cartel hated her too.  They all called her a criminal.  Some, with a little more respect, called her the greatest criminal. They hunted her down.  Never caught her.  She defied their authority, and just like parents, governments didn’t like people who talked back and disobeyed… even if she was right and they knew it. 
But it never seemed that children had anything to fear from her. 
When she had walked in their streets, at night, the great coat she wore fluttered around her, so wide and soft that if someone was bold or too young to fear, they could walk beneath it, protected from the elements.  Her shadow was shelter and safety.
Her people – all shapes and sizes, their faces ever changing – had supplies that went to them, directly.  Children were trustworthy.  Grown-ups were not. 
Some on this small planet wondered if she would come, soon.  Corruption always grew.  It always needed to be fought.  The war inside the government – with her --  was not always large and violent.  She was a precise instrument that culled what was needed to go…and no more.  She could not remain.  No, she always returned to the stars, because they had to fix things.  Not her.
…but she gave them a chance to grow up.
A/N: This sort of evolved as a colonial child's perspective on the Voidhound. How would they understand this semi-folkloric person, who never seemed to age and always managed to slip the noose and brought good things to the deserving?
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jb-nonsense · 2 years
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ospreyeamon · 2 years
patriotism or profit?
The Smuggler Class Story is bookended by a pair of choices that are, in essence, the same choice presented in different ways. It’s a nice little parallel to tie things together.
One of those choices is the big damn decision of the grand finale – to back up the Republic fleet in the battle above Corellia or to fire indiscriminately to loot as much as possible from both factions. Pirate or privateer; loyalist or opportunist. The divergence between those two futures is probably the most immediately consequential of any of the Light-Side/Dark-Side world-states set in Act Three and it’s a shame we didn’t get to see that carried forward in the story (alas for budget constraints).
The other isn’t a choice made in-game but in the player’s mind about their character. It’s the question of why the Smuggler took the job that led them Ord Mantell and the beginning of their plot. Because the smuggler isn’t smuggling drugs or cilantro or bootleg holovids. The Smuggler is introduced as a gun runner. So, why did the Smuggler decide to deal arms to the pro-Republic forces on Ord Mantell? Would they have shipped to anyone who was buying and not worried themself about how the weapons would be used? Or was it because they sympathised with the Republic loyalists’ fight against the Imperial backed separatists that they took the job? Even a Smuggler with no love for the Republic might decide it needs to be supported because there’s no other power capable of fending off the Sith Empire. Even a Smuggler who feels a certain kind of pride in their home might put their own short-term gain before its long-term stability.
In that way, one of the Smuggler’s driving motivations can be set up from the very beginning, or change – as the Smuggler changes – over the course of their journey.
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vakarians-babe · 7 months
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Sketchy sketchy drawings of my favorite smuggler this side of Corellia.
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greyias · 2 years
I wish you would write a fic where... Theron somehow amasses a following of actual, physical porn bots droids and shenanigans ensue
I saw this prompt come in and devolved into a fit of heinous cackling. How, oh how could I resist trying to render our collective Tumblr nightmare into fictional text form?
Context: While not required reading, this is technically a sequel to this stunning crackfic, authored so long ago. If you need a refresher on the Medical Droid Love Triangle Saga, follow this link. Or this one, which is the real villain origin story of this fic. Or don't, you're already cursed if you click beyond the read more of this post.
With special thanks to @grumpyhedgehog, @sandwyrm, @storyknitter, @kitsonpaws, and @andveryginger for providing me with ideas, cursed pornbot summaries, and many cursed HoloNet websites that should never exist. You are not required to read any of this.
Technically rated T, but in reality rated N for Nobody, because no one should have to read this. I'm packing my bags, as my ride to superhell just came. Enjoy.
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It had started as such a normal day -- if you could indeed have called any day on Odessen “normal”. What with the galaxy always being at the brink of some disaster or another, and their merry little band of misfits being led by the galaxy’s most notorious do-gooder, Theron’s schedule and to-do list had a tendency to get derailed on almost a daily basis.
This, however, was not how that usually happened.
He’d paused, mid-step, finger still hovering over his datapad, mid-entry as the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, slowly dawning horror washing over him. His head turned slowly, like one of those doomed characters in a horror holofilm to look at the droid he’d just passed.
It was one of the new ones that had come in on a recent shipment. So new in fact, that there was still a fleet of them in the middle of being unpacked in the Logistics Wing. Shining, tall and blue, its highly polished quadranium head pivoted to look back at him.
“What,” Theron swallowed, willing his voice to sound even and not give in to the creeping dread, “what did you say?”
“Theron Shan,” the droid repeated helpfully, “is a master lover.”
“Oh no.” The words slipped out of their own accord.
“Just a moment, sir,” the droid continued, seemingly oblivious to the human’s distress, “I’m not quite done with your evaluation yet. Let’s see, where were we?”
“No no no no.”
The round flattened dome that served as its head tilted to one side, beady orange eyes sweeping over Theron from head to toe, before resuming its cheery, if horrifying report. “Subject is an exemplary specimen. In good cardiovascular health, above average muscle tone. Tall, well-built, and very clean...”
“Um,” Theron stammered. “I’m...” Flattered? Taken? Leaving? Wait--yes, that last one. “Going now!”
He didn’t give the cursed machine any more time to continue ogling him, instead taking off down the hall at a very brisk walk that nearly bordered on a jog. His mind raced at he beat a hasty retreat, trying to understand what was happening. It had been over a year since the The Incident, dubbed by some as the “Sexy Spy Virus”, and others by much more crude names, where a little harmless reprogramming had taken on a life of its own. Theron had been meticulous in his coding of the antivirus, wanting to ensure that the entire debacle would be forgotten. There was simply no way that it could crop back in on its own.
“Theron,” the brisk accented tone of one Lana Beniko burst in over his comm, “why did a droid just feel the need to inform me that they found rust on its insides during its last tune-up?”
“I don’t know,” Theron insisted, but his words were almost drowned out by a metallic clanking echoing down the corridor.
He threw a look over his shoulder, and to his horror, saw that his robotic admirer had decided to give chase. 
“I’m going to have to call you back,” he quickly said into the comm as the droid picked up speed from a walk to an all out gallop.
“Theron,” she sounded both concerned and exasperated, which, considering Lana, was about par the course, “what’s going on?”
“Save me!” He shouted as he took off a dead sprint.
In his many years in the field, Theron had been threatened, sure. Shot at? Many times. He’d been drugged. Tortured. Stabbed through the gut with a lightsaber pike and lived to tell the tale. He’d run into Sith, Revanites, bounty hunters, thugs, fanatics and cultists alike. He’d been in more firefights than he could remember, and more covert ops than he cared to. He’d even been accused of being a traitor (although that was kind of the point at the time).
None of that compared right now to being chased down by a droid yelling at top volume claiming he was the best lover it had ever seen.
And this time, he was pretty sure it wasn’t actually his fault.
He rounded the corner from the corridor leading from the Logistics Wing, passing by the Commander’s (and at this point, his) Quarters. HK-55 and Z0-0M straightened to their full height at his arrival. Oh thank the Force, allies.
“Salutations: Agent Shan, you are looking quite spry today.”
“What?” he panted as he approached.
“Yes, Agent Shan, don’t believe what anyone else is saying!” Zeeyo exclaimed, throwing her arms into the air. “Your undercarriage doesn’t look rusty at all!”
Mind sharp as a tack, Theron realized the implications of this just in time, and dodged to the side, ducking and rolling as the assassin-turned-bodyguard droid lunged forward to trap him in a bear hug. Not pausing to even catch his breath, as soon as his feet hit the ground he propelled himself forward and further down the hall.
“Frustration: I only wish to profess my admiration for you, Agent Shan!”
“Nope nope nope nope!” Desperation was starting to tinge the edges of his words now.
The metallic clanking intensified as more droids behind him joined in the chase, all of their vocabulators joining in unison to tell him in one way, or another, that he was in fact, the pinnacle of sexual prowess.
Theron couldn’t run forever, despite whatever their programming was forcing them to say, his stamina would give out before the lustftul droids’ power supplies. As the corridor zigged and twisted, he saw an opening in the form of a door sliding open. Without hesitation he dove in, shoving the individual there, thankfully made of flesh and bone, aside as he slammed the door controls.
The door slid securely shut just as the thunderous clanking filled the corridor beyond, their lustful words of appreciation and encouragement nearly drowned out by the racket. Theron hadn’t bothered to look or count, but he was pretty sure that the number had risen from three in the scant moments it had taken Theron to dart from one corridor to the next.
He held up a hand to his lips as he turned to thank the person who had unwittingly provided his temporary salvation. The words of gratitude died on his lips, as he realized exactly who’s room he had sought refuge in.
For a moment, Theron truly considered surrendering himself to the lusty droid mob.
Draike Highwind’s face was caught somewhere between confusion and amusement, but the latter was winning out as he started to decipher individual phrases drifting in from the corridor. A dark brow arched higher, lips twitching with undisguised mirth as the stupid blue droid that had started this whole mess yelled once again about Theron being a master lover.
More seconds passed, the ruckus quieting down, before silence descended once more, and it was finally safe to speak.
“So,” Draike drew out the word, somehow lacing it with more innuendo than all of the malfunctioning droids combined, “what ya been doing, Shan?”
“Nothing!” he insisted, voice still hushed just in case one of the droids could somehow hear.
“Doesn’t sound like nothing.” His brother-in-law’s smirk widened into an almost feral grin, eyebrows waggling. “Sounds like you’ve been getting... busy.”
One of the greatest mysteries in the galaxy was how one man could make anything sound that dirty. “I was minding my own business!”
“Oh, I bet you were.”
“You’re having way too much fun with this.”
“I mean...” If looks could kill, the pilot would have melted on the spot. Unfortunately for Theron, Draike was apparently immune to that sort of thing. “How often do I get the chance?”
“Did you do this?”
“Me?” Draike let out a sharp bark of laughter. “Stars, I wish I could have thought of something this good! These are memories I will cherish forever.”
Theron massaged the bridge of his nose. “I hate my life.”
“I mean, I’m not really into droids,” Draike went on, either not knowing (or more likely caring) about his brother-in-law’s predicament, “flesh is more my kind of thing. But you know, if you and the little lady need to spice things up by bringing in a little metal--”
“Please stop. I’m begging you!”
“Begging, eh? So you’re saying you’re more into--“
“Forget it, I’m taking my chances with the sex-crazed machines roaming the halls.” His palm hovered over the door sensors.
“Theron, wait!” There was enough urgency in Draike’s voice to give him pause. “It’s dangerous out there, take this.”
At first, he was honestly afraid to look, expecting to be offered something like a condom or some other bad joke, but was surprised to see the other man holding out a stealth generator.
“To escape your fans.”
“That’s actually not a bad idea.”
“I know. I’m a genius.”
“I didn’t say that.” He quickly nabbed the stealth generator before Draike could change his mind and frowned at the initials carved in the side in Aurabesh. “Is this even yours?”
“Eh, close enough.”
Whatever, beggars couldn’t be choosers. Theron would deal with those potential repercussions later.  He flicked on the power to the stealth generator which let out a low, almost inaudible hum as a burst of life engulfed his form. He closed his eyes against the sudden burst of brightness, and when he opened them again, dark spots of the light pattern danced in his vision for a few seconds. He blinked a few more times before they faded away.
He waved an arm experimentally in front of his face, and only felt the slight movement of air. Draike didn’t seem to react at all, and that was probably good enough.
“Thanks,” he said, palming the sensor to the door.
Draike rolled his eyes and ambled out into the corridor, looking around with the air of a man all too used to hiding from those looking for him. Theron watched as he raised a hand to a very slowly moving GNK power droid.
“How’s it hanging?”
“Oh yeah? You don’t say! I think I saw him head that way.” Draike pointed in the direction leading to cantina. “Just between you and me, I heard he’s sweet on that droid who’s a comfort enthusiast.”
Still hidden underneath the stealth field, Theron had to bite down the urge to make any noise of frustration and just turned an invisible, irritated gaze at the other man’s back. As if sensing Theron’s irritation, Draike just grinned wider.
“Yeah, you know how those spy types are. Always toying with droids’ hearts. You could do better than him.”
“Oh, you spicy droid! Yeah, trundle off that way, big guy. I’m sure you’ll catch him!”
With a loud clanking, the GNK droid began his slow and steady journey towards the cantina. As the echoes finally faded, Draike casually stretched, pointing towards the direction of the War Room.
Theron skulked on by, but not before giving his brother-in-law a well deserved whop upside the head. The stealth field flickered momentarily on the physical contact before shimmering back into place.
“It’d serve you right to get caught by doing that,” Draike sniffed indignantly, “after all I’ve done to help you.”
“When all of this is over--”
“Hush now,” Draike waved at the air in front of him. “You have bigger problems to deal with. Meanwhile, I will be heading to the cantina. And definitely won’t be live-streaming any brawls breaking out over the Master Lover breaking droid hearts everywhere.”
Theron snorted out an annoyed breath, and checked his urge to trip Draike as he sauntered off, hands jammed into his pockets as he whistled a jaunty tune. Like the purloined stealth generator, he’d have to worry about slicing and corrupting any servers containing evidence of this mess after he figured out how to stop whatever this was from spreading any further.
The upside to this whole unfortunate side encounter, was that the stealth generator made it possible for him to quietly creep around any droids he passed in the corridor. Most seemed to be making a hasty exit for the cantina, almost as if word had spread of Drake’s false rumor about his and C2-N2’s torrid love affair and every heartbroken circuit was flocking in that direction now.
And when he thought about it like that, when exactly had this become his life? Oh, right. Like fifteen minutes ago. Or however long this nightmare had started. Time had sort of lost meaning, if he were being honest.
He managed to make it to the war room, undetected and unmolested, and quietly snuck his way towards the irritable blonde Sith, holding her head in her hands as if she were battling the world’s strongest migraine. As Theron approached the Sith, he could hear her muttering under her breath in frustration. He hesitated for a moment before clearing his throat, causing her to jerk her head up in surprise.
“Who’s there?”
“Quiet,” Theron hissed. “They might hear you.”
“Oh, for Sith’s sake,” she exhaled, “where in the blazes have you been?”
“Hiding,” he whispered urgently. “These droids have all gone haywire!”
“And who’s fault is that, I wonder.”
“Not me,” he insisted, “not this time!”
“Right,” she said sardonically, “and I suppose that’s why there isn’t a reality holoseries entitled ‘Programmed for Love’ currently being live-streamed in the cantina for the entire HoloNet to see.”
“Damn it, Draike!” Theron cursed. “I thought he was joking about that.”
“Of course. How did I not see that coming?” she muttered.
“I’ll slice in and scrub all of the servers after we figure out this... this... whatever this is?”
“Your insecurities laid bare in binary?” she suggested, oh so helpfully.
“Why did I come to you for help again?”
It was at that point, that a probe droid, currently speeding its way towards the cantina, happened to take notice of Lana talking to thin air, and veered off its intended trajectory, heading straight for Theron’s position near the back of the war room. If the loud alarms and flashing lights were any indication, it had been able to see through his stealth generator.
Wait... those weren’t alarm proximities it was flashing. As Theron watched its rapid approach, he couldn’t help but stare at it in dumb fascination, brow furrowing as he tried to make out the images it was projecting. If he didn’t know better, he’d almost say it was a bizarre mixture of Aurabesh and hologlyphs.
He squinted, just able to make out: “DX-98 🤖🔥 Analytical  Scanner 💋🙏 Okara Droid Factory 🔍🌌💕 Exobiology Research 🥵🍑 Top HoloFans 0.7%!”
Before he had a chance to process any of that, the droid was already upon him, pincher arms spreading wide to snap him up for some purpose far beyond its original programming. He only had milliseconds to react before the droid reached him, when an explosive force sent the droid flying backwards harmlessly, and had Theron landing ungracefully on his tailbone. The stealth field fizzled out with a pop on his impact with the ground.
A familiar figure landed between him and the droid, twin blue scarves billowing behind her dramatically, blonde ponytail swaying with the motion of her movement. A small frown of concentration bunched her forehead as his wife threw a concerned look in his direction.
“You requested rescue?” Grey asked.
“Ah, my knight in shining armor has arrived,” he quipped back.
“I am not wearing my armor.” The frown of concentration morphed into one of confusion.
“I--never mind.” He pushed himself to his feet, dusting off his hands. “Thank you for the timely intervention.”
She graced him with a hint of a smile and a bob of her head in acknowledgment. “Any time.”
“As touching as all of this is,” Lana broke in sourly, “it still doesn’t solve our larger problem.”
“Yeah,” Theron rubbed the back of his neck, “you’re not wrong. It sounds like this has spread across the entire base?”
“It appears that way,” Lana said tightly. “You know, you assured me that all of this had been taken care of the last time we dealt with this issue.”
“Hey now,” he bit back, “I’m a man of my word!”
She snorted at that. “Tell that to the Umbaran Transit Authority.”
“How are you still mad about that?”
“You tazed me!”
“Focus,” Grey said, eyeing the stunned probe droid warily. “If memory serves me correct, you had a program you deployed to revert the programming of the droids the last time this happened.”
“Yes, that’s what doesn’t make sense.” He watched as the holoprojectors on the downed probe droid flickered, hologlyphs flashing rapidly in the War Room’s dim light. “I programmed it to eliminate all trace of the offending code. The only way it could be reappearing now is if someone took one of the infected droids offline before I deployed...”
Lana arrived at the same conclusion right about the time that Theron did, picking up the thought. “I seem to recall a certain someone requesting you replicate your work for less-than-legal purposes.”
Theron angrily punched the button on his comm as he growled, “Gault!”
The Devaronian’s voice came back immediately, almost a little too suave. “Theron! What a surprise to hear your dulcet tones requesting my presence.”
“Gault,” Lana managed to keep some measure of calm, “are you responsible for this current situation?”
“What situation is that?” he asked far too innocently, even as a distant call of a droid’s clanking nearly drowned out it’s loud declaration of the presence of rust on one Theron Shan’s “bolt”. There was a moment of silence before he continued. “Oh! You mean the lustful droids currently running amok on the base?”
“I’m glad we’re on the same page,” Lana said dryly. “My original question stands.”
“I am shocked, shocked and scandalized that my name would be the first to come to mind! Might I remind you, it was one Miss Djannis who requested you create her a Shan Sexbot.”
“Yeah,” Kaliyo jumped in on the comms, clearly annoyed, the sound of metallic brawling nearly drowning out her voice, “I wanted it for hilarious crimes! Not whatever the fuck this is!”
“Gault,” a third voice, Hylo Visz, cut in. From the background noise, it seemed she was in the same location as Kaliyo. “I swear, if you don’t help us figure out how to stop this, when you’re not looking I’ll cut off your--”
“Okay, okay, geez!” He interrupted before his significant other could finish whatever that threat was. “Fine, it was me! I deactivated a droid before Theron uploaded his program.”
“Of course.” Lana rolled her eyes upwards, as if asking the Force for patience.
“In my defense,” Gault continued, “originally it was just to shut the stupid thing up! But then Kaliyo came up with that brilliant idea for the Shan Sexbot Distraction, and I thought, why not hold on to this beauty in case it came in handy for a con?”
The sound of Theron smacking his forehead in frustration echoed throughout the War Room.
“So you know, just had a fun idea come to me the other day, so I extracted the original programming and altered a few things, and tried to put it into a new droid for my plan.”
“Did that droid happen to be a blue medical monstrosity?” Theron was actively massaging his temples at this point.
“I will have you know,” Gault said, “that BL-U3 is a consummate professional. You would be lucky to have him perform a medical exam on you!”
“Yeah, that was definitely his intent,” Theron shot back. “Purely professional and not lecherous at all! Which was not in any of my code.”
“Hey, I never claimed to be very talented when it came to software programming. I may have made a mistake or two when altering your code.”
“May have?!”
“How was I supposed to know that the remnants of the Gemini Frequency code in our systems was going to work after the entire Eternal Fleet had gone offline and deploy your software STD to the entire network? Sue me!”
“I’m considering it!”
Before the mostly pointless argument could escalate any further, the sounds of metallic clanking from above, roughly from the location of the cantina, began to grow closer, the cacophony increasing in volume, until it sounded like it was coming in all directions.
“That is not a good sign,” Grey’s mutter was nearly lost to the noise.
“Hey,” Drake’s annoyed voice cut in over the comm, “my livestream is now officially ruined! I hope you’re all happy!”
“I’m afraid to even ask why,” Theron said.
“Oh, it seems all of my extremely eligible and single contestants heard your voice over the comms and abandoned challenging Seetoo Enntoo to unarmed droid combat for the right to court you, and are now all headed in your direction.”
“Worry not Agent Shan,” the unusually warbly vocabulator of C2-N2 came over the comms, “I will not rest until I alone can provide you with the ultimate in comfort!”
“We should probably get a different housekeeping droid after this is all over,” he told his wife.
That seemed a lesser concern to Grey, as she had shifted into Alliance Commander mode, and was currently on the comms, shouting for every available member of the Force Enclave to get to the War Room as fast as possible to help hold off the incoming army of lustful droids.
Yeah, come to think of it, that was probably more important.
“We must use nonlethal force,” she stressed, giving a particularly severe look to Lana when she said that, getting a simple nonplussed shrug in return, “as we only need to hold the droids at bay until we can come up with a solution. They are not to blame for what’s happening.”
Theron begged to differ, but she was probably right in this case. The cost of repairing or replacing an entire base full of droids would be astronomical.
As Force users began to stream in and take up position around the room, the sound of wheels racing along the metal plating caught Theron's attention, and he looked over to see a familiar silver T7-series astromech racing into the room. He tensed up instinctively at the sight of a droid, as anyone would have in his situation.
“Teeseven!” Grey called out with a smile, clearly not as wary or droidshy.
The little astromech let out a friendly whistle and series of chirps in binary, that roughly translated to: “T7-01 = Safe! // Been off network entire morning!”
“Oh, what a relief,” she breathed, “I would have hated for you to be infected with this too!”
He let out another series of beeps: “T7-01 = still in possession of original antivirus code. // Can tweak it and upload to servers = Save the day?”
“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” Theron muttered.
“T7 = not scared!”
Grey’s expression melted into one of admiration and pride. “Teeseven, that’s incredibly brave -- but are you sure? Theron’s right, it could be very dangerous.”
“T7 = Jedi + Theron’s friend. // Helping > Risk!”
She looked at him and he returned the gaze with a small nod, realizing there wasn’t much in the way of choice. It was either that or let the droids overrun them. And then whatever happened when one of them actually got their hands on on Theron -- a prospect he wasn’t really that thrilled to explore right now.
“Fine,” he said tersely, “let’s do this!”
The two of them rushed over to the center console in the room, Theron pulling out his slicer spike as Teeseven plugged his scomplink arm into the main network terminal. The rest of their reinforcements from the Force Enclave arrived just in time and formed a ring around the two slicers. They managed to erect a large Force barrier just as the metallic clanging and clatter grew to a roar, announcing the arrival of the lecherous horde.
Near the front of the mob, Z0-0M threw up her arms in glee and excitement as she jumped to try and catch sight of her beloved. “There you are Agent Shan! You left before we could finish our conversation -- you were saying something about oxidation?”
“Interjection: Do not listen to this hussy, Theron! You and I will make sweet explosions together!”
Theron valiantly tuned them out as he took in a feed of the original antivirus code that Teeseven shared with him. Yes, this all looked correct. Unfortunately, he was going to need get a look to see how Gault had mutilated his beautiful original coding to know how to alter it.
Teeseven was two steps ahead of him, and a stream of code flashed across the HUD in his ocular implants. He watched in horror as he saw the butchery with his own two eyes.
“Gault, where the hell did you get this code?” he asked over the comms incredulously. “HornHub?”
“Excuse you, I only frequent the classiest places on the galactic communications grid, like HoloHump!” The growl of Gault’s name from a very angry Mirialan smuggler had him quickly adding. “You know, I’m just going to shut up and let you concentrate on what you’re doing.”
Teeseven, ever the valiant worker, ignored the conversation completely, and was hard at work running diagnostics on the altered code and the best way to modify the antivirus to address it. Theron watched the stream of letters and numbers fly across the HUD at lightning speed.
The little guy was good at what he did. He let out a flurry of beeps and whistles as almost the last piece of this very lurid puzzle started to fall into place. The little droid seemed to almost be singing along with the code as he wrote it, like a mechanical maestro conducting an orchestra. They were close, so close and--
The next whistle Teeseven let out was not his normal, cheerful way of communication, much lower in timbre and more seductive.
Teeseven whirled his flat head around until his visual sensor faced Theron, and let out another wolf whistle, his holoprojector lighting up to proudly display: T7-01 🤖👀🔍 Observant 👁️🔭 Scanner 🔍🏞️ Tython 🌄👏 215 🍒♎ Repairing 👅🙈 Top HoloFans 3.6%
“What was that?” Grey shouted to be heard over the droids catcalling.
“No no no no,” Theron muttered, “we’re so close! Don’t do this to me, little buddy!”
“What happened to my precious baby boy?” Grey demanded, sweat trickling down the side of her face as she struggled to maintain the Force barrier.
Beyond the barrier, the rest of the porndroid army followed suit with Teeseven, all either wildly projecting their own series of hologlyphs and random facts about themselves and their planets of origins, while others struck disturbingly seductive poses, and a scant few demanded that “ShanDaddy” start a holocall with them in private.
With no time and no recourse left, Theron dove back into the system, yanking Teeseven’s unfinished code as he was nearly overwhelmed with lewd images and thirsty hologlyphs, struggling to finish and upload the code as the volume in the War Room rose to a crescendo just as the Force users’ began to fall, one after the other, their barrier weakening by the moment.
The overwhelming cacophony of hologlyphs, lewd poses, and robotic come-ons that had filled the War Room suddenly disappeared. All eyes turned to the droids as almost in unison, as they all powered down—a sign that their malware had been neutralized. Theron slumped back in relief, his work finally done.
Grey, Lana, and the others let out a long sigh of relief, the tension leaving their bodies in a rush.
“Thank the Force,” Grey murmured, sinking down to the ground. “I do not think I could have held that barrier much longer.”
Theron nodded, feeling a similar sense of exhaustion. He leaned back against the console, closing his eyes but was unable to banish the mentally scarring series of images that were probably permanently burned into his retinas.
“Remind me,” he said faintly, “to obliterate HoloHump’s servers. Once I’m done murdering Gault.”
“You act as if there will be anything left after I find him,” Lana said darkly.
“Remember everyone,” Grey spoke in her best and most official Alliance Commander voice, “murder is bad and frowned upon in the Official Alliance Employee Handbook.”
“Query: Why are we all in the War Room?” HK-55 asked as he came back online. “And more importantly, why is that blue meddroid manipulating its medical instruments into a heart shape, as if expressing affection towards the Commander?”
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dingoat · 1 year
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Revenge on @voidendron featuring his very very splendid Cathar Voidhound, Jen Sept.
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raven-of-domain-kwaad · 8 months
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"I get along fine with Hutts... as long as there's half a galaxy between us."
Honestly Kelsa would probably prefer an entire galaxy's worth of distance between herself and the Hutts but she'll take what she can get. Being a former Hutt slave she refuses on principle to ever do business with the Cartels and their associates. This of course has the unfortunate side effect of limiting the jobs she can get in the galaxy's underworld as the Hutts have their tails stuck into so many different businesses.
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jorvach · 5 months
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This is Rin Swift, my main character in Star Wars: The Old Republic. She's a Smuggler and the twin sister of my Hero of Tython, Iryala Swift! She's currently in the early chapters of the Eternal Empire expansions and she misses her old ship and crew very much :( Valkorion is going to get a swift kick in the nuts sooner or later.
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wanderrealms · 1 year
Don't set a story near your route to the grocery store. Every time I go buy groceries I am haunted by characters.
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condomconfetti · 1 year
send (⊙ˍ⊙) for MY muse to walk in on yours [accepting] @tornscale
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    "Damn, now that's a sight." Her periwinkle skin didn't even flush when she walked in on him, but there was a cheeky grin on her face as she made herself comfortable. She didn't bother subtlety as she checked him out. Not that it wasn't anything she hadn't already seen and felt several times before. She would gladly do so repeatedly until the galaxy imploded.
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voidendron · 3 months
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all icons i've drawn in this style so far,, 💚💜
Jen, Voidhound (he/him) Xaerez, Cipher Nine (he/they) Soren, Darth Charis (she/he/they) Varkhal, Sith Warrior (he/it) Qizulth, Darth Nox (he/him) Leo, Battlemaster (she/they) Varrich, ex-Havoc CO (he/him) Aaz'n, Wrath (she/her)
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maxity666 · 6 months
I've been wanting to make this post but I got so mf STUCK on a caption so this is what yall get 💀💀💀
Malxus art that my dear friend @weirdway-jester made cause they're just as obsessed with voidhound as I am
Malxus art:
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Voidhound art (the sillies :D)
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Heres some art I made of malxus myself lmao (pencil only version + slightly coloured version)
(I'd like to mention that the dyed parts aren't specified, I just realized my pink ink pen still worked and went ham on it lmao)
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all of the art posted is specifically RL version, I haven't gotten to drawing RE8 Malxus since she was originally just in RL, but me and Jester is getting to it lmao, anyways if anyone wants me to post about her lore just ask :))
This isn't all the art I have of them though, I have some more pieces that are- well. That's all I need to say, iykyk <3
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jb-nonsense · 2 years
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sullustangin · 6 months
Fluffy February 2024 Master List
Huzzah! I wrote 29 things for Fluffy February (ok, 28 things plus one very fluffy chapter for my bigger fluffy fan fic).
Highlights: I developed my canon for both Lenn Teraan and Cole Cantarus. I wrote another Akaavi/Mako piece (someone needs to write them an epic Carbonite Years fic). I posted my most explicit work so far (is that a low light?). Dr. Oggurobb has decided to weigh in a lot lately.
I'll post the round up list, and then reblog with the AO3 link.
Snow -- 10 ATC - the smuggler crew lands on Alderaan
Eavesdrop -- 22 ATC -- Someone is spying in the cantina.
Entertain -- 21 ATC -- Theron and Eva do an intel drop at a casino.
Learn -- 10 ATC -- Eva learns how to dance from Lenn Teraan.
Planet -- 29 ATC (chronologically "now" in canon) -- Eva buys a planet. Because.
Fire -- 36 ATC -- Eva, Theron, and the big family on Odessen roast marshmallows.
Recovery -- 24 ATC -- Eva recovers from the Nathema Conspiracy. Risha makes sure of it. CW for untended anorexia.
Smile --over the years -- Theron's teeth may not be real, but his smiles are.
Storm -- 5 ATC -- Eva meets her first magnetic storm.
Care -- 21/22 ATC -- After Theron is injured, Eva makes sure he gets the care he needs.
Quest -- 39 ATC -- Theron and his band of adventurers... need to go to bed.
Discipline -- 40 BTC -- the Grand Admiral headcanon/backstory that's been rattling around.
Splurge -- 25 ATC -- Eva buys Theron a gift that isn't exactly what he wanted.
Free space! I added to Elysium, for a little while.
Craft -- Carbonite Years -- Akaavi knits something for Mako for the first time; in terms of the relationship, that's a big deal.
Spontaneous --- Theron and Eva rope Lana into one of their schemes.
Pleasure -- 22 ATC -- Eva speculates on some of the alternative universes in which she met Theron differently.
Pain -- sometime between 25 ATC and 29 ATC -- Bit of a kinky piece wherein Theron has his old scars replaced by Eva. This is Explicit for sexual activity, biting, bruising, and blood.
Shadow -- the legend of the Voidhound, from a child's perspective.
Partners -- 21 ATC -- A Theron/Eva heist fic, with their radio comms as cover
Reward -- 40 ATC -- Dr. Oggurobb finally retires... or so he thinks, thanks to Bowdaar.
Sacrifice -- 29 ATC (between patches 7.2 and 7.3) -- Theron sacrifices one of the few things to survive from his childhood. Eva is a pregnant person in this fic, so CW for that.
Dance - Eva dances with Jace Malcom. This is a continuation of an eventual post-Nathema fic about a party.
Apology -- 28 ATC (Between Elom and 7.3) -- Theron liberates Arcann from his job at a fast food join in Dromund Kaas by punching him in the face. No, I will not elaborate (I will totally elaborate).
Kiss -- 21 ATC -- Theron thinks about the his views on good morning kisses in the early days after Eva's return.
Rain -- 21 ATC -- Theron finds Eva out in the rain after Koth is worried about her. It's not as bad as it looks.
Protect -- 14 ATC -- Dr. Oggurobb meets the Voidhound on Makeb.
Shy -- 13 ATC -- Cole Cantarus becomes friends with benefits with Eva (she pays at the bar).
Fresh -- anytime after 23 ATC -- C2-N2 tries to start spring cleaning on Virtue's Thief. "Tries" is the operative word here.
@fluffyfebruary, @ayresis, @starlightcleric, @ermingarden, @blueburds-but-swtor, @vihola, @commanderlurker, @sarpndo, @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond, @vexa-legacy, @grandninjamasterren
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vakarians-babe · 8 months
me whenever people misrepresent, mischaracterize, dumb down, or otherwise butcher Corso Riggs' character
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