#the voodoo queen
atomic-chronoscaph · 1 year
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art by Vicente Segrelles (1974)
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3rdeyeblaque · 1 year
On September 10th we venerate Elevated Ancestor, Voodoo Queen of Louisiana, & Saint, Marie Catherine Laveau on her 222nd birthday 🎉
[for our Hoodoos of the Vodou Pantheon]
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Marie Catherine Laveau was a dedicated Hoodoo, healer, herbalist, & midwife who, "traveled the streets [of New Orleans] like she owned them", as the most infamous Voodoo Queen of New Orleans.
Marie C. Laveau I was born a "Free Mulatto" in today's French Quarter in what was then, New France); to a mother & grandmother who were both born into slavery & later freed via freedom papers. It is believed that she grew up in the St. Ann Street cottage of her maternal grandmother.
She married Jacques Santiago-Paris, a "Quadroon" "Free Man of Color", who fled as a refugee from Saint-Domingue, Haiti from the Haitian Revolution in the former French colony . After his passing, she became known as "The Widow Paris". She then worked as a hairdresser catering to White families & later entered a domestic partnership with a French nobleman his death. She excelled at obtaining inside information on her wealthy patrons by instilling fear in their servants whom she either paid or cured of mysterious ailments. Although she never abandoned her Catholic roots, she became increasingly interested in her mother’s African traditional beliefs. The Widow Paris learned her craft from a ‘Voodoo doctor’ known variously as Doctor John or John Bayou.
Marie C. Laveau I is said to have intiated into Voodoo career sometime in the 1820s. She's believed to be descended from a long line of Voodoo Priestesses, all bearing her same name. She was also a lifelong devout Catholic. It didn’t take long before Marie C. Laveau I dominated New Orleans Voodoo culture & society before claiming title of Queen. She was the 3rd Voodoo Queen of NOLA - after Queen Sanité Dédé & Queen Marie Salopé. During her decades tenure, she was the premier beacon of hope and service to customers seeking private consultations - to aid in matters such as family disputes, health, finances, etc, created/sold gris gris, perforemed exorcisms. While her daughter Marie II was known for her more theatrical displays of public events, Marie C. Laveau I was less flamboyant in her persona. She conducted her work in 3 primary locations throughout the city: her home on St. Ann Street, Congo Square, & at Lake Pontchartrain. Despite one account of a challenge to her authority in 1850, Marie C. Laveau I maintained her leadership & influence.
The Queen died peacefully in her sleep in her ole cottage home on St. Ann Street. Her funeral was conducted according to the rite of the Catholic Church & in the absence of any Voodoo rites. To her Voodoo followers, she's venerated as a Folk Saint. In² addition to her Priesthood in Voodoo and title of Queen, she is also remembered for her community activism; visiting prisoners, providing lessons to women of the community, & doing ritual work for those in need.
She is generally believed to have been buried in plot 347, the Glapion family crypt in Saint Louis Cemetery No. 1, New Orleans. As of March 1st, 2015, there is no longer public access to St. Louis Cemetery No. 1. Entry with a tour guide is required due to continued vandalism & tomb raiding.
We pour libations & give her💐 today as we celebrate her for her love for & service to the people, through poverty, misfortune, bondage, & beyond.
Offering suggestions: flowers + libations at her grave, catholic hymns, holy water, gold rings/bracelets, money
‼️Note: offering suggestions are just that & strictly for veneration purposes only. Never attempt to conjure up any spirit or entity without proper divination/Mediumship counsel.‼️
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fyblackwomenart · 2 years
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Voodoo Queen by Fred Ian
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mosneakers · 2 years
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Does anyone else feel like Morticia and Bella would be besties? And get together for macabre dinners and talk about dramatic floor length dresses and eternal love?
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misha-illustration · 1 year
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Marie Laveau 🐍
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jansoulfire · 7 months
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medusa-rpg · 11 months
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Angela Bassett as Marie Laveau in AHS: Coven (b. 1958, US)
African-American (Nigerian and ethnic groups from surrounding areas, European — mostly British)
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bitter69uk · 4 months
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“Born Susan Ballion in 1957, she was the product of post-war suburban life which, like many, she grew up to resent entirely … She was 14 when hospitalised with ulcerative colitis and it was while watching Top of the Pops on a children’s ward in 1972 that she saw David Bowie’s performance of “Starman” – a magical, rupturing event for many of her generation, and one that had a profound influence on her … Susan Ballion was one of the first to understand the radical possibilities offered by Bowie’s cut-up aesthetic, clearly and slowly began remaking herself as Siouxsie Sioux. Sioux’s image would become a violent but not haphazard mix of Charlotte Rampling in The Night Porter, the incarnation of David Bowie she had seen from her hospital bed, and Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra, and would draw upon the sharp lines of Kabuki masks and the leather and steel of S&M gear … Siouxsie’s “monstrous” look combined with her innovative musical vision had a profound impact on those around her …”
/ Excerpts from the catalogue to The Horror Show exhibit (2022/23) by Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard /
Light a black candle (or at least don a black T-shirt), grab the hair crimpers and can of Aqua Net - today marks a sacred occasion! Haughtily composed high priestess of punk, spooky voodoo doll frontwoman of the Banshees (and The Creatures), perennial eyeliner role model, perfecter of the death glare and Chislehurst’s finest, Siouxsie Sioux (née Susan Janet Ballion, 27 May 1957) turns 67! For generations of punks, goths, queers, malcontents and misfits, Siouxsie represents MOTHER! What a life-changing performer: it was seeing a black-and-white photo of Siouxsie in a magazine when I was in my early teens that planted the idea of moving to London. (I’m still unsure whether to be grateful to her or not!).
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cuntyko · 5 months
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i feel you keanu unanu,, this how i’m feelin too
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spoiledbratblog · 20 hours
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The Vodou Files
Diddy & his entitlement an blatant disrespect of Lwa Ezili Dantor/Black Madonna
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For all intent and purposes, the following information is alleged and for entertainment only.
In year of 2024, it’s no secret that Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs is a polarizing figure. After his recent arrest and federal indictment this September on charges of s*x trafficking and more, and with multiple lawsuits alleging a multitude of abuses against men and women, this cannot be denied.
Let’s get into the possible spiritual implications of his recent arrest. In 2017 Diddy tattooed the Black Madonna aka Ezili Dantor on his back, for protection. The Black Madonna syncretism is often been used in Vodou to represent the Lwa Dantor.
Here’s a rending of the photo of Ezili that he seems to have taken inspiration from for his tattoo.
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Ezili Dantor is the patroness and holy mother of Haiti. She is known as a protector of women and children, and was one of the petro or war spirits who were instrumental in the Haitian Revolution of 1804, allowing the Haitians to lead the first successful slave uprising. She assisted with giving them the strength in battle to defeat their colonizers and inspired others to resistance in the Diaspora. France went bankrupt during the Haitian revolution and had to sell off their land to pay off the massive debt this caused, spurring the Louisiana purchase and leading to creation of America as we know it, today. These acres of land make up the states of Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, North & South Dakota, Minnesota, Wyoming and Montana. There would be no American Independence, if it hadn’t been for the Haiti.
While Ezili does not own my head, I know her children. They are usually women who are family matriarchs and mothers, who are incredibly kind, patient and strong and actively involved in their communities. They tend to be well respected within their communities and usually involved in community activism to varying degrees. They generally have a pleasant disposition but can be dangerous fighters when challenged spiritually and physically. They make great leaders and can be very wise. It is common for children of certain Lwa to take on similar traits of said Lwa & I believe this aspect can especially be seen in her children, who she claims. While I do not have her in my court, I do carry her sister aspect the darker, merciless and vengeful Le Rouge.
The Ezili are a powerful class of spirits within the Vodou pantheon. Ezili Dantor is an example of a very powerful spirit who can shift fate and reality. She is the peaceful mother but can exhibit extremely controlled violence when necessary, a triumphant warrior queen personified. She does not take disrespect or injustice lightly.
Diddy invoking her essence and protection, with this tattoo while assaulting and harming people continuously would draw her ire, wrath and ultimate disrespect. Some think someone recommended he do this to hasten his downfall or he did this out of pure stupidity.
Others of the Catholic faith, see it as the Holy Mother, the Blessed Black Madonna looking out for her children and protecting them.
Either way it’s clear the drums of justice have begun to beat for Diddy and it’s time for him to account for what he has done.
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grungeisn0tdead · 6 days
Song supermodel superficial by voodoo queens
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hellshoard · 7 months
@fatass-adam || X
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Oh this won't do. Not at all. The doe let out a giggle before her hand comes up to snatch him by his collar, pulling him low until they were face to face. Her voice came out in a sweet purr, "Oh Adam. You're quite hilarious~ See, the thing is, the deal is real~"
With a snap of her free hand, a pink collar was strapped around his neck and a chain going to her free hand. She let out a soft coo, "As I stated before, babe, you belong to me."
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fyblackwomenart · 2 years
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Voodoo Goddess  --   BethsyFr
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some more music userboxes except these are a bit more obscure lol
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feel free to reblog/download and use on your profile but keep my username visible ty! :)
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jansoulfire · 9 months
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