#the wanted some of my delicious mushroom sausage i bet
fcktaken · 2 years
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Ispagnac - Florac
That day I had hazy views of the Tarn Valley I walked in the day before, the Grandes Causses with their vast plateaus and the steep valleys of the southern Cevennes I would hike in next.
This landscape has been formed and shaped by humans driving livestock up on the pastures in summer and into the valleys in winter for millenia. It is so intricably linked to agro-pastoralism and transhumance that a whole ecosystem would vanish if the animals would not keep the plaines free of trees and the humans would not tend to the sweet chestnuts, the paths and drailles, the terraces and the stone huts. It is now a UNESCO world heritage and the sound of the bells was the soundtrack to my hike the whole ten days.
(Cevennes 2022)
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spevonnie · 4 years
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Everybody has bad days. A day where you wake up, and you don't know why, but something is just off. You don't feel like getting out of bed, you don't feel like making or eating breakfast, you don't feel like going to work, but you suck it up and deal with it--Only some people can't.
Steven had woken up Saturday morning, luckily a day he and his flatmate slash girlfriend Connie both had off work, with a heavy, slimy ball of despair banging around his torso, his chest tight and a thick layer of gloom and guilt coating his throat. He lay on his side of the twin sized bed they shared, blankets tangled and askew as one leg and one arm hung off, his face smushed against his pillows, staring at the wall. He was awake unusally early, probably due to a nightmare he didn't remember, and he decided he had no intention, nor energy, to get out of bed that day. He felt Connie stir beside him, stretching out a bit, and she yawned and scooted closer to him, hugging him from behind as she wormed an arm under his rib cage and lay her head against his back.
"Mmmm....Good morning." She mumbled softly, waking up.
Steven, not wanting to alarm her and knowing she would try and get him out of bed because it was 'good for him' ow whatever, pretended to be asleep.
"Steven," Connie said, fingers scrambling sleepily at the little words on the chest of his shirt. "I know you're awake, I can tell by the way you're breathing."
Steven sighed. "That's impossible,"
"Well obviously not."
He didn't answer. Even his lips felt heavy, like it took an enormous amount of energy and motivation to speak.
"Steven?" Connie began, lifting her head so she could look at him. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah!" He mustered. "I'm fine."
She peered at him. "Bull. I'm gonna go make coffee, I'll even put that ridiculous amount of creamer you use in. Does that sound good?"
"I don't want any..."
Connie frowned. "Would you like me to make you breakfast?" She rubbed his back in slow circles. "Anything you'd like, I can even do those egg, mozzarella, sausage, and mushroom quesadillas."
"No thanks." He mumbled.
He didn't respond.
"Okay, well I'm gonna go get myself coffee and breakfast, okay? I'll come check on you." She kissed his cheek and left the half-walled room, making her way to the little kitchenette.
Steven remained in the same position, and she noticed with a deepening frown as she checked on him after breakfast, after her run, after her shower.
After her shower was when she finally drew the line. "Steven, you're isolating," She frowned. "Come on, come get out of bed and do something with me. It's almost noon." She walked over and crouched by his face so he was looking at her, taking his hand gently. "You wanna cook with me?"
He looked at her. "Can we make zucchini bread?"
Connie was a little but surprised at his response, but she smiled. "Zucchini bread? Yeah, sure! C'mon, sit up."
He nodded and sat up, stretching a bit and yawning. "Kiss me?" He asked her as he stood.
She smiled and stood on her tiptoes the slightest bit, giving Steven a little peck on the lips, making a playful stink-face at him as she pulled back. "Brush your teeth,"
He snorted and nodded, going to brush his teeth.
A few moments later, Steven and Connie were washing their hands in the kitchen sink.
"Okay, so," Connie began excitedly "I didn't know if you had a recipe in mind, butI was thinking maybe we could look for one that has-"
"I don't need a recipe," He shook his head.
"What? Steven, no," She giggled.
"Yeah! I made this all the time, we can do it."
"Okay, whatever you say." She said skeptically, but she smiled.
He gathered what he thought the ingredients were, and she began grating the zucchini.
"How much of this do we need?"
"Umm..." He began. "L-Like three cups?"
"Oh boy," She muttered playfully to herself as she shook her head at him, grating more.
He was mixing together their dry ingredients, and in Connie's opinion, he was spending way too much time switching between measuring tools before he actually used each one. She finally managed three cups of shredded zucchini and came to help with the wet ingredients.
"How many eggs?"
She gave a small laugh. "Steven," She said with a smile, hip bumping him gently. "I'm hearing an awful lot of hesitant threes. Are you sure you know the recipe?"
"Yes! Yeah, of course!" He grinned. "you just don't know how any of this works, you're too busy genius-ing or whatever."
She giggled as she cracked three eggs into the bowl. He turned around, hands on his hips and powdered ingredients all on his pajamas, scanning the room. She watched him, smiling a bit, seeing his eyes light up a bit as he found what he was looking for, a whisk he'd left on the counter. He brought it over and poured some milk into the bowl, eyeballing it and whisking. She pulled the zucchini over and they mixed it into thw wet ingredients, combining it with the dry. They poured it into their greased pan, and Steven popped it in the oven, setting a timer.
"Okay, you wanna come watch that one episode I've been telling you about all week?" She asked, poking his cheek with hands on his shoulders.
"Yeah, okay," He shrugged and took her hand, her free hand reaching to dust him off. He blushed and they cuddled on their little loveseat.
Some time later, Connie got up to pull it out of the oven, making a face.
"What, 'what'?" She asked
"You're making your oh-no face." Steven said.
"Er--It's nothing, I'm sure it'll be fine." She smiled.
"Connie, that's like the least effective way to assure someone," He smiled, shaking his head as he walked over on his toes a bit.
"PFFFT OH NO!" He laughed, blushing and covering his face a bit. "How-How did I mess it up this badly?" He asked, frowning at the sloppy, deformed lump on the cooling rack.
"Steven, I'm sure it's fine, it probably tastes delicious." She said, breaking a piece off and blowing on it for a second. She popped ut in her mouth, waving the heat off and beginning to chew. "See? It's--" She made a face and spit it into the sink.
Steven groaned and covered his face again. "Oh no, I wasted our groceries and your time, I-"
"No you didn't!" She smiled. "Okay, the zucchini, a little bit, but we weren't gonna use that anyway I bet. Steven, of course you didn't waste my time. You think I pulled you out here because I wanted some picture-perfect baked good?"
"Well--Well, yeah," Steven admitted, shrugging as he blushed a bit, rubbing the back of his neck.
She smiled and shook her head, reaching up and hooking her hands together behind his neck. "Honey, I brought you out here so you'd get out of bed and spend time with me. I couldn't care less if you made gourmet or garbage, I just wanted you to take care of yourself and let me take care of you." She said, blushing a bit.
He was a little pink as he nodded. He kissed the tip of her nose. "Well thank you..."
She smacked his shoulder playfully. "No thank-you's! This is just what you get when you have my love. You wanna go see if we can get some donuts?"
He smiled and nodded. "But I'm paying-"
"Not if I get my wallet first!"
They laughed as they stumbled over each other in their scramble to get their wallets and to the one set of car keys hanging by the door, and Steven felt a bit better in that instant--Not cured, and it was still a rough day, but he knew he had someone on his side.
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goron-king-darunia · 2 years
Annon-Guy: I like good old cheese pizza and I dip my pizza in ranch too 😋, so when you said that Marta would 300% dip hers in ranch, I whole heartily agreed with you. Pepperoni and Canadian Bacon are good toppings too. Never pegged Alice and Decus to like anchovies though. What pizza do you like Darunia?
Pepperoni with Canadian bacon sounds like a great salty and spicy combo! I figure that since Alice and Decus are outcasts and somewhat misunderstood that they'd like anchovy. After all, anchovies on a pizza that's already salty and oily from the cheese don't really taste bad or different. They're just a flavor enhancer. A lot of good food has anchovy in it that most people don't know about. Worcestershire sauce for example is a pretty standard sauce in barbecue and lots of sauces are based on it. Worcestershire sauce has anchovies! So does Caesar Salad Dressing. It's the same with a surprising amount of food that has fish in it. Lots of fried rice recipes for example call for oyster sauce or fish sauce even though they don't taste like seafood. Anchovies are a source of deep, rich, meaty umami flavor. We know Alice likes meat from the doodle in the end credits where Decus is trying to offer her a bouquet but she's just thinking about a big shank of meat. So I bet Alice really really likes anchovies because they add a lot of that same richness as meat does. And Decus likes anchovies because he's a huge SIMP (affectionate) for Alice. Plus, anchovies are usually thought of as a smelly ingredient because a lot of people don't like the aroma of fish. Maybe after all that Eau de seduction, anchovies smell extra delicious to Decus? Also, I almost forgot that Lloyd and Kratos don't like tomato! I know a lot of people that don't like tomato do actually enjoy tomato dishes, like ketchup and pasta sauce and pizza because a lot of people who hate tomatoes hate the gooey fluid sacs that protect and hydrate the seeds but enjoy the flavor that comes from cooked tomato. So I'm not sure if Kratos and Lloyd are red sauce or white sauce enjoyers. I'm going to tentatively change my answer to say that the probably prefer white sauce, but since I doubt we'll get an official answer from Bamco on that, I reserve the right to also think they might indeed enjoy red sauce. As for me, I enjoy most ingredients, but mushroom, sausage, egg, onion, and pepperoni are my favorite toppings! I also really like Thai Chicken Pizza! Or I remember liking it. I haven't been to anywhere that serves it for 10 years! But mom reminded me of it recently and I really want to try some again. So I guess that makes me closest to Richter and Emil. Which isn't entirely on purpose. We know canonically, or at least through word of God, that Emil likes meaty things (the skit where he asks if Colette can cook steak is canon, but we also heard from Bamco not that long ago that Ratatosk and Emil really like fried chicken) and we also know from canon that Richter likes herbs. While this doesn't necessarily mean he likes spicy things, he seems like the kind of guy who would, partly because I have a friend IRL who's a lot like Richter who also enjoys spicy things! And liking herbs also doesn't mean he likes vegetables, but I think he probably does because, if we remember the out of game materials, he and Aster start researching a way to fix the climate problem because it's impacting the world's vegetable supply. And as a half elf who likes herbs, I gather that he probably wasn't exposed to lots of junk food either, so I bet he also really likes the special treat of both fresh produce and rich, fatty meats like sausage and pepperoni. So yeah, that's my logic for these few! As for myself, my usual order is probably a supreme because that's what my mom likes and I just pick off what I don't like. I enjoy red bell pepper but I don't enjoy green, so I usually pick off green bell pepper. I don't hate olives but I don't like them very much either. They're a little too soft and salty for me so I may or may not pick them off depending on how lazy I feel. But otherwise, anything that comes on a supreme is usually good. If I ordered for myself, I'd be either Emil or pretty close to Richter! Can't go wrong with a classic slice of cheese though, so sometimes, especially if it's cheaper, I'll just get a slice of cheese pizza. Garlic sauce is bae, too.
Also I really like cream cheese with the crusts at the end! If I don't have garlic sauce for the crusts, I prefer to eat them with cream cheese over ranch, but honestly, yeah, crusts with ranch are pretty damn good. It's considered trashy, but, like. If it tastes good, then it fucking tastes good. I'm actually really curious to try anchovy pizza, but I'd want to split a slice with friends first before committing to it as a topping. I know I like the taste of anchovy because I like most if not all sauces that have anchovy in it, but I don't know what the texture is like because I don't usually eat small fishes. So I'm not sure if the mouth feel is good or not. I can be really picky about things that have a slimy or too soft mouth feel. But I'd be very curious to try! Also, despite all the hubbub about pineapple on pizza I don't HATE it. I will eat it if it's the only kind of pizza left. But honestly, pineapple is much better by itself and pizza is much better without it. But I am on the pineapple pizza hatred bandwagon more because outrage is funny and less because I actually hate it. But if you gave me a choice between getting a $10 gift card and a pineapple pizza or a $5 gift card and a pizza of my choice, I'm taking the $5 giftcard deal. Middle of the road dislike. I will eat it if friends order it, but I won't go out of my way to purchase it for myself. I also like white sauce and red sauce pretty equally! Probably a slight preference for red sauce because I usually like the acidity, but honestly, I've had some tasty pizza with white sauce in my time and I'd be down for that all the time.
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Just say yum, yuck, or any other reaction to these foods... Fruits Banana? Yum. Bananas are my favorite fruit. Orange? Eww. I hate oranges.   Red apple? Meh. They’re okay. Green apple? They’re okay. Mango? Nah.
Pineapple? Nah. Honeydew? It’s okay. Pretty basic. Papaya? I’ve never had one. Strawberries? They’re good. Especially covered in chocolate. Blueberries? I like blueberry muffins and waffles, but I don’t eat them by themselves. Blackberries? I don’t think I’ve had an actual blackberry, just blackberry flavored soda. Apricots? Ew. Peaches? They’re okay. Plums? Ew. Lychee? Never had it. Doesn’t look appealing. Watermelon? It’s good. Refreshing. 
Kiwi? Nah. Lemon? I like lemon flavored things and juice on stuff, but I’m not just eating a plain lemon. Lime? I like lime juice on tacos and stuff, but again I’m not eating a plain lemon. Pears? Nah. Vegetables Broccoli? Yes, one of my faves. Cauliflower? I like it. Cauliflower garlic mashed “potatoes” are really good. Potato? Loveee.  Asparagus? Ew, no. Carrot? I like them raw dipped in ranch. Cooked carrots are disgusting. Bell peppers? No. Peas? Nooo. Green beans? I like ‘em. Onion? In certain things. And onion rings. Mushrooms? Nooo. Celery? Nah. Beets? No. Tomato? Yes Pumpkin? No. Eggplant/aubergine? No. Avocado? Yesss. Sweet corn? Just regular corn. Zucchini? No. Cucumber? No. Radish? No. Dairy 2% milk? Noo. Skim milk? Noo. I use soy or almond milk. Butter? Yes. Margerine? Yes. Greek yoghurt? Blech, no.
Vanilla yoghurt? Meh, not a yogurt fan. It’s a texture thing.  
Blueberry yoghurt? ^^^ Strawberry yoghurt? ^^^ Cheddar cheese? Yum. Swiss cheese? Yum. Gouda cheese? No. Blue cheese? Ew, no. Havarti cheese? I don’t think I’ve tried it. Fetta cheese? Yum. Camembert cheese? I’ve never even heard of that. Whipped cream? Yum. Sour cream? Yes. Gotta have that with my burritos and tacos. Chocolate milk? Nah. Banana milk? Yum. Coffee milk? Yum. Meats T-bone steak? No. Not a steak person. Scotch fillet steak? ^^^ Minced beef? No. Corned beef? Eh, it’s okay. I only ever have it on St. Patrick’s Day. Chicken breast? No. I like chicken, but I’m really particular about what kind and how it’s prepared. 
Chicken wings? Boneless, yes. My fave. Chicken legs? No. Roast chicken? No. Duck breast? Never had it, don’t want to. Diced ham? No. I’m so picky, I only like spiral ham that’s cooked in the oven.  Bacon? No. Pork chops? No. Pork sausages? Yes. Roast lamb? No. Turkey breast? Yes. Salami? Yes. Love a turkey and salami sandwich or salami and cream cheese. Bologna? Yes. I love me a bologna sandwich. Beef sausages? No. Chorizo? Yum. Veal? No. Seafood Skipping this whole section cause I don’t like seafood at all. Crumbed fish? Steamed fish? Smoked salmon? Shrimp/prawns? Clams? Mussels? Balmain bugs? Tuna? Calamari? Crab? Lobster? Raw fish sushi? Breakfast foods Peanut butter? Yes. Honey? Yes. Marshmallow fluff? Yes. Poptarts? Yep, my faves are the strawberry frosted and the brown sugar frosted. Waffles? Yum. Pancakes? Yeah, but I prefer waffles. Toast? Yes. Scrambled eggs? Yes.  Fried eggs? Yes. Poached eggs? Yes. I just love eggs. Sausage biscuit? Sure.
Oatmeal? Yes, with condensed milk, brown sugar, and cinnamon. Eggs Benedict? No. Muesli? I had to Google that, but no. Granola? Granola bars. Meals Grilled cheese? Yum. Egg salad sandwich? Yum. That’s sounds good right now. Pesto chicken pasta? Without the chicken. Alfredo pasta? Yeah. Mashed potato? Yummm. With lots of gravy. Ricotta and spinach tart? Yum. Beef and black bean burrito? Nah. Cheesy quesadilas? Yum. Add some shredded chicken to it and it’s even better with sour cream and guac. 
Pepperoni pizza? Nah.  Nachos? Yum. Beef ravioli? Yum. Potato salad? Nah. Couscous? I’ve never had it. Omelette? Yum. Chicken schnitzel? Never had it. Hot dog? Sometimes. I have to be in the mood. I had one the other day for the first time in a long time. Indian curry? No. Beef stroganoff? No. Chicken stir-fry? No.
French onion soup? Never had it. I like French onion dip with chips, though. haha. Cheeseburger? Sometimes. It’s another thing I have to be in the mood for. I’ve had a couple recently, though. Dessert Pecan pie? Nah. I’m not a pie person in general, though. Apple pie? No. Cherry pie? No. Pumpkin pie? No. Tiramisu? It’s okay. Cream donut? Nah. I don’t like filled donuts. Jam donut? ^^^ Chocolate fudge? Yum. Tapioca pudding? No. Red velvet cake? Yum. Chocolate mud cake? No. Too chocolately. Cheesecake? Yesss. Fruit salad? No. Chocolate mousse? No.
Creme brulee? No. Brownies? Yummm. I’ve been wanting brownies. Christmas pudding? Never had it. Not a pudding fan, though. Lemon souffle? Never had it. Chocolate chip cookies? Sure. Chocolate croissant? Ooh, Jack in the Box actually has that right now and I tried them yesterday and they’re quite delicious. Drinks Cola? Yes. Lemon-lime soda? I only like when I’m sick. Orange soda? No. Apple juice? No.
Grapefruit juice? No. I don’t like any juice. Blackcurrant juice? Never had it, don’t even have a clue what that is, but I’m gonna say no. Raspberry iced tea? Sure. 
Peach iced tea? Nah. Lemon iced tea? Sure. I haven’t had iced tea in a long time, though. Black coffee? With flavored creamer or cream and sugar. Cappuccino? Flavored one, yes. Americano? Haven’t had one, actually.  
Cookies and cream iced frap? Haven’t had one, but I bet I would like it. Mocha iced frap? ^^^ Iced coffee? Sometimes. I’ve had a few lately cause it’s been so damn hot. I much prefer hot coffee, though, and drink that majority of the time. Coconut water? Noo. I don’t like coconut flavored anything. Wine spritzer? Nah, I don’t drink. Pina colada? ^^^ Bloody Mary? Never had one, doesn’t sound good.  Whisky old-fashioned? Nopeeee.
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50 of the Best Grilling Recipes ⋆ Real Housemoms
New Post has been published on https://recipesfordinnereasy.site/2019/07/17/50-of-the-best-grilling-recipes-%e2%8b%86-real-housemoms/
50 of the Best Grilling Recipes ⋆ Real Housemoms
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Get the charcoal started and light the propane! We have 50 of the Best Grilling Recipes to make your next cookout the best on the block!When it comes to summer our grill is always in use. I love it for weeknight dinners and cookout with friends on the weekend. It doesn’t matter if you prefer propane or charcoal, these 50 grill recipes will make you a grill master! We have recipes for every course on the menu, so fire up your grill and dive in!50 OF THE BEST GRILLING RECIPESLove it? Pin it to your GRILLING board to SAVE it!Follow Real Housemoms on Pinterest for more great recipes!Some of the best grill recipes I’ve had are appetizers. Are ready to find out why? Grilled Peach Bruschetta – Beautiful fresh peaches are the star of the show in this tasty recipe!Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Poppers – I bet you can’t eat just one. YUM!!BBQ Little Smokies with Bacon – A crowd favorite that’s easy to make!Grilled Baked Brie – Who says you can’t get fancy when grilling?! So gooey and melty!Grilled Cajun Chicken Wings – A little spicy and a lot of deliciousness!Blue Cheese Stuffed Bacon Wrapped Mushrooms – Gourmet gone grilling! Make ahead of time and cook when ready!Grill your dinner AND your sides! These side dish recipes are great on the grill or as vegetarian options! Easy Grilled Asparagus – Simple, delicious, and great with any meal!Grilled Chipotle Lime Cauliflower Steaks – I could eat this as a meal in themselves!Grilled Veggie Kabobs – I love all the colors! Grilled veggies are my fave!Grilled Potato Salad – Add a new level of flavor to your classic potato salad recipe!Grilled Eggplant Salad with Mustard Vinaigrette – One of my favorite ways to eat eggplant!Grilled Parmesan Garlic Bread – This recipe will give that baked stuff a run for its money!(Skinny) Mexican Grilled Corn – Grilled corn is a staple at our cookouts!Get your carnivore on with these grilled beef and pork recipes! There are so many options to choose from!Smoked Sausage and Potatoes Foil Packet Meal – So easy to make and great for sharing!Beef Satay Skewers with Peanut Dipping Sauce – Mix things up with these yummy skewers and sauce!Grilled BBQ Pork Roast – You DO NOT want to miss this recipe, friends! It’s one of my most requested summertime dishes.Chipotle Dry Rub Ribs – I love the spicy, smoky flavor of these ribs!Grilled Carne Asada – Melt-in-your-mouth good! You’re going to want to make this all the time!Grilled BBQ Pulled Pork & Peach Pizza – A great way to use leftover pulled pork and fresh summer peaches!Surf and Turk Kabobs – Fancy dinner made grill friendly! These fly off the plate!Italian Sausage and Pepper Foil Packet – Easy to make and practically no clean up!Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Avocado-Peach Salsa – Marinated pork and bright salsa are the perfect pair!These grilled chicken recipes are crazy easy to make and add serious flavor to your basic chicken breast! Spicy Pineapple Chicken Kabobs – I have to make a double batch whenever I cook these. Everyone devours ’em!Tequila Lime Grilled Chicken – Great all by itself or put it in your tacos, burritos, and salads!Chicken Fajita Foil Packet Meal – Fajitas have never been so easy to make!Grilled Caprese Chicken – Fresh, delicious, and everything I love about Italian inspired food!Sticky Honey Buffalo Chicken Fajita Kebabs – I love the play of sweet and spicy together in this recipe!Huli Huli Chicken – This recipe is like taking a trip back to the islands!Grilled Honey Lime Chicken – Sweet and tangy, this may be my perfect grilled chicken!Grilled Pesto Chicken Sandwich – Pesto and roasted red peppers are best friends!Thai Pineapple Peanut Chicken Satay – Take a culinary trip overseas! My family loves this recipe!Seafood on the grill is always a good idea. I have a special place in my heart for grilled shrimp recipes and a great grilled salmon recipe!Souvlaki Salmon Skewers – Dip in yogurt feta sauce for a cookout win!Grilled Bacon Wrapped Shrimp Tacos – These poco tacos are great for a fun dinner or as party appetizer!Grilled Lobster Tails – Treat yourself! These lobster tails are amazing!Hawaiian Grilled Salmon – Honey Bourbon Marinade with pineapple salsa? Yes please!Grilled Orange-Rosemary Salmon – I love the bright citrus pop in this salmon recipe!Grilled Clams with Chorizo – This recipe reminds me of getting tapas with friends!Grilled burgers and hot dog are a must make during summer or when you’re tailgating. These recipes are sure to take things up a notch! Tijuana Burger – It’s like have a tostada that’s a burger. Love it!Jalapeno Popper Hot Dogs – Cream cheese and jalapenos on a hot dog is amazing! Trust me!Spicy Guacamole Bacon Dogs – I could put bacon and guacamole on everything!Hawaiian BBQ Bacon Burgers – Tangy BBQ sauce and a pop of pineapple are great on a hot day!Spicy BBQ Tex Mex Chicken Burgers – You’re going to want to make this burger all the time!Asian Slaw Dogs – The fresh slaw on this hot dog is everything!Philly Cheesesteak Hot Dog – You had me at grilled peppers and onions with melty cheese!Fajita Burgers – A definite upgrade from your regular old fajita!Get adventurous and make dessert on the grill too! These dishes are easy to make and have fantastic flavor! Grilled Peaches – Brushed with a brown sugar honey sauce, I love them served with vanilla ice cream and raspberries!Grilled Blueberry Dessert Pizza – It’s a like blueberry no-bake cheesecake on pizza dough. Ah-mazing!Campfire Apple Crisp Foil Packets – Great for camping sure, but also your next cookout! Prep ahead of time and cook later!Grilled Angel Food Cake – Who knew angel food cake could get better?! Add some rhubarb sauce and you’re in business!Grilled Pineapple – Naturally sweet and perfectly caramelized on the grill! Add rum glaze and ice cream and you’ll be weak in the knees!Our favorite tools to make these grilling recipesIf you enjoyed these recipes you may also enjoy our collection ofSide Dishes for Your BBQ Summer Sangria Recipes Download Your Free Copy! Download your FREE copy of Dinner Made Easy!Sign up to receive our newsletter and download your copy of Dinner Made Easy FREE! You’ll get one email a week with our favorite recipes and tools to make life easy!Thank you so much for signing up to get our recipes delivered right to your inbox! Check your inbox to get our thank you present and to confirm you really want to sign up! You can unsubscribe at any time but I really hope you stick around! Source link
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kissnovel46-blog · 6 years
Pepperoni Pizza Keto Crustless Quiche
posted by Kalyn Denny on January 28, 2019
When you’re craving the flavors of Pepperoni Pizza but don’t want the carbs, this Pepperoni Pizza Keto Crustless Quiche will really be a winner! Use Breakfast Recipes to find more low-carb and Keto breakfast ideas like this one!
Click here to PIN Pepperoni Pizza Keto Crustless Quiche!
During January all the low-carb eaters who overindulged during the holidays go back to low-carb eating with a vengeance! I can relate to that myself so I always try to start out the year with some low-carb recipes that will help people to not feel deprived when they’re getting back on track. That’s why so many popular recipes with pizza flavors like Low-Carb Deconstructed Pizza Casserole and Low-Carb Pepperoni Pizza Chicken Bake made their first appearance on the blog during January! And this year I’m excited to share this new recipe for Pepperoni Pizza Keto Crustless Quiche! This crustless quiche was such a wow for us when we tested the recipe, and I loved it for leftovers when I warmed some up for breakfast the next day as well.
And it’s a fun story about how I got the recipe! During December I shared a collection of The Best Low-Carb and Keto Crustless Quiche Recipes. When that post went out to the e-mail subscibers, a faithful reader name Cherie sent me her family’s favorite quiche recipe. This is the same Cherie who sent her husband’s recipe that I adapted a bit and posted as Chester’s Low-Carb Southwestern Egg Skillet on the blog, and that recipe has certainly been a hit. Cherie’s Pepperoni Pizza Quiche had a crust, which of course we eliminated, and we made a few other little changes to come up with this Pepperoni Pizza Keto Crustless Quiche that I know you are going to love! So once again Thank You to Cherie for sharing another great recipe idea with the Kalyn’s Kitchen readers!
We used mushrooms and sliced black olives and a generous amount of Italian Herb Blend to combine with the pepperoni and cheese and make this crustless quiche have those pizza flavors so many people love. Preheat the oven to 400F/200C and spray a glass or ceramic pie pan with non-stick spray. Heat a little olive oil in a non-stick pan and cook the mushrooms until they have released their liquid and are slightly browned. Drain a small can of sliced black olives. Combine the two kinds of cheese in a bowl and mix in 1 tsp. Italian Herb Blend.
Put the cheese/dried herb mixture into the pie plate. Then beat 4 eggs with the heavy cream and a little garlic powder and add it to the cheese. Stir with a fork until the cheese and eggs/cream mixture is completely combined. Make a layer of the browned mushrooms over the top.
Add the sliced olives among the mushrooms, and then cover the top with an overlapping layer of pepperoni. (It will shrink quite a bit as it cooks, as you can see, so don’t worry about using too much pepperoni.) Sprinkle the rest of the Italian Herb Blend over the pepperoni. Bake the Pepperoni Pizza Keto Crustless Quiche 30-35 minutes, or until the quiche is completely firm and the pepperoni is starting to slightly brown.
Serve hot. The inspiring recipe suggested the idea of spooning some pizza sauce over each wedge of quiche, but we didn’t try that.
More Low-Carb Dishes with Pizza Flavors:
55+ Delicious Low-Carb and Gluten-Free Recipes with Pizza Flavors ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen Low Carb Pizza Stuffed Mushrooms ~ Aggie’s Kitchen Low-Carb Sausage and Pepperoni Pizza-Stuffed Peppers ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen Broccoli Pizza Crust ~ Well Plated Low-Carb Egg-Crust Breakfast Pizza ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen Pizza Slow Cooker Stuffed Peppers ~ A Spicy Perspective Julia Child’s Eggplant Pizzas~ Kalyn’s Kitchen
Weekend Food Prep:
This recipe has been added to a new category called Weekend Food Prep  to help you find recipes you can prep or cook on the weekend and eat during the week!
Pepperoni Pizza Keto Crustless Quiche
Yield: 6 servings
Total Time: 45 minutes
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 35 minutes
Pepperoni Pizza Keto Crustless Quiche will make a tasty breakfast option when you’re craving pizza but don’t want the carbs!
8 oz. sliced mushrooms
2 tsp. olive oil (for browning mushrooms)
1 can (2.25 oz.) sliced black olives, drained well (Olives are option but they’re good if you like olives on pizza.)
1 cup shredded Mozzarella cheese
1 cup shredded Italian Blend cheese (sometimes called Pizza cheese)
1 tsp. + 1/2 tsp. Italian Herb blend
4 eggs, beaten well
1/2 cup heavy cream (use half and half or milk if you prefer)
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
2 oz. sliced pepperoni
Preheat oven to 400F/200C. Spray a 9 – 10 inch glass pie dish with non-stock spray.
Heat the olive oil in a non-stick frying pan. (I used my favorite 12″ Green Pan Ceramic Non-Stick Frying Pan.) Add the sliced mushrooms and cook over medium-high heat until mushrooms release the liquid, the liquid evaporates, and mushrooms are cooked and lightly brown.
While mushrooms cook, dump olives into a colander placed in the sink and let them them drain well.
Combine the Mozzarella and Italian Blend Cheese in a bowl and sprinkle over the 1 tsp. Italian Herb Blend. Stir the cheese with a fork so the dried herbs are evenly distributed in the cheese. Place the cheese in the pie dish.
Beat the eggs with a fork, then mix in the heavy cream, half and half, or milk. Mix the egg/cream mixture into the cheese in the pie dish, stirring well with a fork until all the cheese is completely coated with the egg mixture.
Make a layer of browned mushrooms on top of the cheese/egg mixture. Top that with the sliced olives if using.
Arrange the pepperoni slices in an overlapping layer over the top of the mushrooms and olives. Sprinkle with the other 1/2 teaspoon of Italian Herb Blend.
Bake the quiche 30-35 minutes, or until the eggs are completely set and the pepperoni is starting to brown.
Let quiche cool 3-5 minutes (it will sink down slightly as it cools. Serve hot.
This will keep for several days in the refrigerator and reheats well in the microwave or in a pan on the stove.
Low-Carb Diet / Low-Glycemic Diet / South Beach Diet Suggestions: Pepperoni Pizza Keto Crustless Quiche is a good breakfast recipe for low-carb or Keto diets. This would be too high in fat for the South Beach Diet, but if you used low-carb milk, turkey pepperoni, and low-fat cheese you could make a South Beach Diet friendly version that I bet would still be really good.
Find More Recipes Like This One: Use the Diet Type Index to find recipes suitable for a specific eating plan. You can also Follow Kalyn’s Kitchen on Pinterest to see all the good recipes I’m sharing there.
Nutritional Information? If you want nutritional information for a recipe, you can sign up for a free membership with Yummly and use the Yum button on my site to save the recipe and see the nutritional information. (New recipes won’t show up in Yummly right away and information there is not always 100% accurate.) Another option is entering the recipe into this Recipe Nutrition Analyzer, which will calculate it for you.
posted by Kalyn Denny on January 28, 2019
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Source: https://kalynskitchen.com/pepperoni-pizza-keto-crustless-quiche/
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turkeyfeet8-blog · 6 years
The BEST Low-Carb and Keto Crustless Quiche Recipes
posted by Kalyn Denny on December 20, 2018
Crustless Quiche is a perfect idea for a holiday brunch or Christmas morning, and I’ve visited blogs around the web to find The BEST Low-Carb and Keto Crustless Quiche Recipes! Use Recipe Round-Ups to find more low-carb recipe collections like this one.
Click to PIN The BEST Low-Carb and Keto Crustless Quiche Recipes!
How’s your holiday season going? Around here things are getting a bit frantic, and I still have so many things I need to get done before I’ll be heading out to my sister Valerie’s house for Christmas. I’m looking forward to spending a few days there relaxing, playing cards, and trying to stay off the internet!
I’ve spent the holidays at Val’s house a few times through the years, and she has a great holiday tradition of making quiche for Christmas morning. And lately I’ve been loving crustless quiche, so I thought this collection of The BEST Low-Carb and Keto Crustless Quiche Recipes would give you some tasty low-carb options for a special holiday breakfast. I’ve collected a wide variety of crustless quiche recipes, even some made in the Instant Pot and the slow cooker!
And if your family already has a traditional holiday morning breakfast tradition, how about making quiche another time during the holidays? Most of the crustless quiche recipes make six or eight servings, so unless you have a big family you could make a crustless quiche for Weekend Food Prep and have some quiche left for breakfast another day!
I do have a couple more posts planned between now and the end of the year, but it’s definitely going to be quieter than usual around here. And I’m guessing most people will be on the internet less than usual during the holidays too. I hope everyone has a relaxing holiday season, celebrating with the people you love, and enjoying some good food.
All photos are copyrighted to the blog that posted the recipe. Just click the recipe title under any photo to see the complete recipe on the original site.
Let’s start with a classic quiche that’s been wildly popular on Kalyn’s Kitchen. This Low-Carb Cheesy Crustless Quiche Lorraine is perfect for a holiday morning!
Did you know you could make quiche in the Instant Pot? And this Instant Pot Keto Crustless Quiche from A Spicy Perspective has spinach, two cheeses, and just a few sun-dried tomatoes. Doesn’t that sound good?
Crustless Vegetable Quiche from Wine and Glue has Mozzarella and Feta along with the veggies; you might want to use all whole eggs and switch the milk for cream if you’re making this for Keto.
Crustless Three Cheese Tomato-Basil Quiche from Kalyn’s Kitchen has that red-and-green thing going on which makes it extra festive. You can use less tomatoes if you’re being really strict on carbs, but the tomato slices are pretty thin!
It was the words Roasted Broccoli in the title that caught my eye in this Roasted Broccoli and Bacon Crustless Quiche from Completely Delicious. Switch the whole milk for cream if you prefer.
The most creative low-carb crustless quiche on Kalyn’s Kitchen has to be this Bacon Cheeseburger Keto Breakfast Quiche, and this is a combination that really does work. We developed it to be a breakfast quiche, but I bet this would be good for lunch or dinner as well!
And how about crustless quiche made in the slow cooker? I think this Slow Cooker Crustless Broccoli Cheese Quiche sounds delicious from The Magical Slow Cooker.
Another pressure cooker quiche is this Pressure Cooker Crustless Meat Lover’s Crust from Pressure Cooking Today. This is another one where Keto people may want to switch the milk for cream.
My newest low-carb crustless quiche is this Bacon, Mushroom, and Feta Keto Crustless Quiche, and we loved this when we tested the recipe!
Easy Crustless Mushroom Quiche from Low-Carb Maven has butter, cream, cheese, and herbs adding flavor to the mushrooms!
Low-Carb with Jennifer calls this The Most Amazing Crustless Quiche, but she says her nine-year old calls it Bacon Pie!
And if you don’t mind splurging on some asparagus for the holidays, this Asparagus and Feta Cheese Crustless Quiche from my friend Dara at Cookin’ Canuck sounds delicious. This is low in carbs, but if you’re eating Keto you’ll want to use whole eggs, cream, and maybe increase the amount of cheese.
More Tasty Recipes for Low-Carb Quiche:
25 Easy Low-Carb Quiche Recipes ~ All Day I Dream About Food Crustless Salmon Quiche ~ Ditch the Carbs Ham and Arugula Quiche with Havarti and Gouda  ~ Low-Carb Maven Crustless Quiche with Sausage ~ Step Away from the Carbs Quick Crustless Paleo Quiche by Tina Turbin ~ Low-Carb So Simple Two Low-Carb Quiche Recipes ~ Keto Connect Low-Carb Quiche with Mascarpone and Asparagus ~ My PCOS Kitchen Instant Pot Crustless Quiche Lorraine ~ Ruled Me Three Ingredient Asparagus Quiche ~ Joy Filled Eats Low-Carb Cheesy Italian Sausage Quiche ~ Sugar-Free Mom
Which of these Low-Carb and Keto Crustless Quiche Recipes do you want to make first?
posted by Kalyn Denny on December 20, 2018
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We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.
Source: https://kalynskitchen.com/the-best-low-carb-and-keto-crustless-quiche-recipes/
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shrinksta-blog · 7 years
43 Keto Diet Recipes That Will Help You Burn Fat Fast In 2018!
The Keto Diet is becoming one of the most popular diets of 2018, with studies showing that it could help you burn up to TEN times more fat than eating a standard American diet.
With this diet, your body turns to fat as it’s main source of energy, thus helping you drop unwanted pounds and lose weight while eating foods you would traditionally not be ‘allowed’ to eat on a diet.
To kick start your weight loss goals in 2018, we have collected 43 amazing Keto recipes that taste delicious and will help you burn fat! Save and share all your favourites on social media. Enjoy!
43 Keto Diet Recipes That Will Help You Burn Fat Fast In 2018!
Chicken Meatballs Stuffed With Provolone Cheese
“Chicken meatballs are one of my favorite things to eat! Keto meatballs consistently pop up on my weekly menu plan. They’re delicious and simple, but lend themselves to a variety of flavors. These chicken meatballs stuffed with provolone cheese are always a hit with the family.” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Keto Butter Chicken
“This may be a little of a curve-ball, but if you want to make the most (nutritiously speaking) out of this butter chicken, forgo the butter. Wait, what? Yeah you heard me… substitute ghee in its place.” Recipe: CastIronKeto.
Mexican Tuna Steak, Sweet Red Peppers & Avocado Salsa
“In my quest to eat more fresh fish this year – and by that I mean to expand my repertoire of salmon – I decided to finally make something with tuna. This recipe features tuna steaks pan-fried in coriander seeds and lime zest brown butter, cumin and paprika sweet onion and red peppers, topped with zesty avocado salsa.” Recipe: EatDrinkPaleo.
Keto Enchiladas
“So you could say I was skeptical when I began prepping the ingredients for this recipe, all the way through shooting the pictures. However, when I sat down with a plate of two enchiladas, I made my way through the first one and was stuffed. I was pleasantly surprised with how filling each enchilada was, and I hope you with be too!” Recipe: CastIronKeto.
Shredded Beef Ragu With Sweet Potato Noodles
“Sweet potato noodles are great as an alternative to pasta, and serve as a perfect vehicle for this hearty, nourishing beef ragu. This Italian inspired meal is a must-have for any season. ” Recipe: EatDrinkPaleo.
Jalapeno Poppers Smoked With Bacon And Cream Cheese
“Football season is upon us. I’m not a sports person, so for me, this means next to nothing besides dodging carb-loaded game day snacks and listening to my friends yell at the tv. Although indulgent, bacon-wrapped jalapeno poppers are usually a safe bet as party food goes. My low carb jalapeno poppers recipe kicks the flavor up a level by adding one of my favorite “ingredients”: smoke.” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Cauliflower Parmesan Soup
“This creamy cauliflower parmesan soup is velvety and rich. It’s amazing how creamy the soup turns out considering there is no cream whatsoever. The trick to a creamy cauliflower soup without cream is adding in butter, or ghee if you’re dairy-free, and using a blender to puree. You can use either a stand blender or immersion blender, what is most convenient for you. Voila! Creamy without the cream and added calories!” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Keto White Chicken Chili
“This Keto White Chicken Chili is an amazing comfort food for the changing seasons. It’s filling, tasty and can easily be a crockpot/freezer meal!” Recipe: HeyKetoMama.
Keto Jalapeno Popper Soup
“This Keto Jalapeno Popper Soup will soon become your family’s favorite low carb comfort food. It’s packed with savory flavor and just the right amount of kick. Make it on the stove-top, in the slow cooker or in your pressure cooker for an easy dinner for the cold Winter months. Be sure to make at least a double batch for leftovers!” Recipe: HeyKetoMama.
Roasted Pork Belly Bites With Braised Cabbage
“Bacon is a way of life for us keto folks. The best way to know you’re getting a quality piece of bacon is to make it yourself.. but that can take quite a bit of work and that’s a recipe for a different day. A much simpler and still delicious route to take is roasting some good old-fashioned pork belly.” Recipe: Tasteaholics.
Cheddar Chicken & Broccoli Casserole
“We love broccoli cheddar! The combination is delicious and we love finding new ways of incorporating it into our day. We recently made a yummy Broccoli Cheddar Soup that will give even Panera Bread a run for its money. It’s creamy and thick, without all the added carbs that come from flour added.” Recipe: Tasteaholics.
Keto Chicken Soup
“When the the weather turns cold, or you’ve got a cold there are few things more comforting than a big warm bowl of chicken soup. I mean you can’t go to a book store and find a section full of Minestrone for Your Soul or Clam Chowder for Your Soul (well, maybe you could in you searched hard enough in New England). But for the most part chicken soup is synonymous with warmth…comfort…healing, and this low carb version doesn’t disappoint your tastebuds or your soul. ” Recipe: CastIronKeto.
Creamy Garlic Chicken Soup
“To prepare the creamy garlic chicken soup, I heated butter in a saucepan and added the shredded chicken. Once the chicken was warmed and coated in butter, I added the cream cheese to the pot and mixed as it melted over medium heat.” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Italian Sheet Pan Eggs With Artichokes & Prosciutto
“You can use this simple recipe as a template and create your own version of sheet pan breakfast. Try a combination of sun-dried tomatoes and Italian sausage, or sliced mushrooms and asparagus.” Recipe: EatDrinkPaleo.
Paleo Bang Bang Chicken (With Mango Cucumber Salad)
“I have wanted to make a paleo bang bang chicken for a long time. You might have come across the name bang bang chicken or bang bang shrimp in a hipster fusion restaurant but the name is actually Chinese (Szechuan) in origin. Also known as bon bon chicken, the traditional dish consists of cold, shredded chicken drenched in spicy sesame sauce. The chicken is tenderised by pounding with a heavy wooden stick, and as such, it is claimed that the name refers to the sound of the chicken being pounded.” Recipe: EatDrinkPaleo.
Shredded Chicken Chili
“I’m all about that meal prep and shredded chicken has become part of my regular routine… it’s always in the fridge ready to go! With a stock of shredded chicken on hand, this dinner comes together for me in a matter of minutes. If you aren’t much of a meal planner or prepper, you can quickly boil and shred the chicken before combining all of your chili ingredients or you can go the rotisserie chicken route and shred that up instead. See! Nutritious cooking doesn’t have to be that complicated!” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Keto Cheeseburger Casserole Skillet
“Gluten free buns are predominantly dry and the texture is off, and lettuce wrapped burgers always end up disintegrating. That’s where this delicious cheeseburger casserole comes in. All the flavors of your favorite burger in one convenient dish. So instead of dealing with a crumbly carb filled bun, or a the puddle left behind from a lettuce wrapped burger, pull up a seat and grab a forkful of this tasty entree.” Recipe: CastIronKeto.
Spicy Baked Chicken Meatballs
“These baked chicken meatballs are SPICY! If you can handle a solid roundhouse kick to your palate, you’re in the right place. Poblanos, habaneros, and jalapeños, oh my! Loaded with spicy low carb peppers, this chicken meatball recipe is not for the faint of heart.” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Low Carb Raspberry Glazed Chicken Wings
“Back to the chicken! Raspberry glazed chicken wings, where have you been all my life? The berry wing sauce is crazy delicious and so incredibly simple. Sweet, tart, unapologetically fruity. Arguably best of all, you just toss the ingredients in a casserole dish and walk away until your timer goes off.” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Low-Carb Smoky Pulled Pork Breakfast Hash
“This smoky pulled pork breakfast hash is the perfect way to start the day. The runny egg yolk almost acts like a sauce, and when you get a forkful of pork, veggies, and egg it’s as perfect a bite as any meal I could imagine.” Recipe: CastIronKeto.
Keto Indian Chicken Curry
“In a crockpot, combine chicken, tomatoes, coconut milk, ghee, garam masala, ground ginger, and garlic powder. Mix well to ensure chicken breast is evenly seasoned. Cover the slow cooker and set the temperature to low for 6 hours.” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Low Carb Keto Chicken Tetrazzini With Zucchini Noodles
“Born out of an insatiable, nagging pasta craving and iron-clad willpower, I now present to you: low carb keto chicken tetrazzini. This chicken tetrazzini is made with zucchini noodles instead of spaghetti, and the sauce is entirely keto friendly. If comfort food and keto fell in love and had a baby, it would be this low carb casserole recipe.” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Keto Chicken Wings
“The blue cheese in this recipe is what really makes it drool-worthy, and it’s also a super nutritious component of the meal. Blue cheese is a good source of protein, potassium, and calcium, but it’s the moldy blue veins that run through it that really pack a healthy punch.” Recipe: CastIronKeto.
Keto Tandoori Chicken Bowls
“Needless to say this was not the greatest introduction into Indian food and I was a little jaded when we tried again a few months later at another Indian restaurant while out of town. I was amazed… The flavors, the spices, all of it was so far removed from our prior experience. I was absolutely hooked; chana masala ✓, tikka masala ✓, palak paneer ✓, but the one dish I can’t get enough of has always been tandoori chicken.” Recipe: CastIronKeto.
Slow Cooker Keto Chicken Tikka Masala
“Chicken Tikka Masala is a super delicious and flavorful curry that you can now make keto! You can serve this on its own and it’s an amazing dish, though you can pair it with some sides to “bulk” it up in a sense. I decided to serve this with cauliflower rice, with a 1/6 serving per person.” Recipe: Ruled.
Sesame Almond Zoodle Bowl
“The sesame almond zoodle bowl is the perfect vehicle for this amazing sauce. Peanut sauce has been one of my favorite dipping and drizzling sauces for everything from low carb egg rolls to an overflowing bowl of stir fry veggies. Sadly, I’ve recently begun reducing my peanut intake. I’ve been focusing on more recipes that incorporate keto friendly nuts and nut butters like cashews and almonds and I have fallen in love!” Recipe: Ruled.
Chicken Tender Lazone
“This flavorful chicken dinner comes together in a flash! Smoky chicken tenders are pan seared in butter then served with a decadent sauce over zoodles. I can get this on the table in 30 minutes or less, so it’s the perfect dinner for a busy night.” Recipe: Ruled.
Zucchini Pasta With Chicken & Pistachios
“This recipe is an homage to the pasta recipes that show up on food magazine covers every spring. You know the ones: they feature a bowl of pasta flecked with herbs and golden chicken—and smiling, painfully chic people gathered around a picnic table on a hillside, all bathed in dappled sunlight.” Recipe: HappyBodyFormula.
Low Carb Broccoli Crust Pizza
“This Low Carb Broccoli Crust Pizza is an amazingly nutritious take on a classic favorite meal.” Recipe: HeyKetoMama.
Stuffed Beef Rolls
“These stuffed beef rolls are wrapped in prosciutto and stuffed with mushrooms, onions, spinach, cream cheese and other cheeses. They are crispy on the outside and gooey in the middle.” Recipe: Ruled.
Baked Italian Meatballs
“Traditional carb heavy Italian dishes can be something people miss when following a ketogenic diet. With this recipe you can recreate those familiar comforting flavors with a vastly reduced carb count!” Recipe: Ruled.
Instant Pot Smothered Pork Chops
“I love using the Instant Pot in the summer months when I don’t feel like heating up with kitchen with the stove or oven. These Smothered Pork Chops are a one pot dish that’s perfect for busy nights when we’re short on time but still want a homemade dinner that’s quick and easy.” Recipe: Ruled.
Keto Cauliflower Pizza Casserole
“Instead of using carb-loaded pasta as a base, we use steamed cauliflower. Not a cauliflower fan? Try the recipe anyway. It doesn’t taste one bit like cauliflower. Instead, it’s more like macaroni and cheese meets pepperoni pizza. The sauce is rich and creamy with notes of tomato, garlic, basil and oregano. The red pepper flakes add just a little bit of heat and complexity. Add in layers of pepperoni and gooey mozzarella cheese, and this recipe becomes comfort food nirvana.” Recipe: Ruled.
Low-Carb Cauli Cottage Pie
“This time around it is not topped with mash potato and a sprinkle of melted cheese (although feel free to sprinkle if you wish) but rather a healthy thick layer of delicious, healthy and creamy caulimash topped with the Paleo favourite, crispy bacon!” Recipe: Eighty20Nutrition.
Keto Egg Roll In A Bowl
“Keto egg roll in a bowl has been an all-time favorite dish of mine since embarking on a ketogenic lifestyle. It’s crazy popular in the low carb, paleo, and whole 30 circles for several reasons: it’s quick, it’s easy, and it captures the delightful essence of an egg roll without all the garbage added.” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Low Carb Chicken Enchilada Casserole
“I have two favorite foods, pizza, and enchiladas. If they were the only food available, I could eat them both every day and be happy. But when you follow a low carb diet, those are two types of foods that are notoriously full of carbs.” Recipe: 730SageStreet.
Low Carb Pizza – Turkey Crust Meatza
“Since then, I’ve tweaked a few things, played around with the ratios, cooking vessels, and a variety of toppings. I prefer to use a cast-iron skillet to get a nice crunch on the crust. Cast-iron skillets get super hot and stay that way, which is great for searing meat. Since your crust is made of meat and cheese, the meat is seared nicely while the cheese crisps up.” Recipe: Ketogasm.
Slow Cooker Chicken Low Carb Nachos
“Make delicious keto nachos with chicken in the slow cooker. These low carb nachos are delicious and use cheddar cheese crisps instead of traditional tortilla chips. Add your favorite toppings like sour cream, tomatoes and onions and you won’t even miss the corn chips.” Recipe: 730SageStreet.
Keto Steak Tacos With Pork Rind Tortillas
“The best part about these Keto Steak Tacos on Pork Rind Tortillas is they are extremely low carb. With so few ingredients, they are sure to become a fast favorite!” Recipe: HeyKetoMama.
Easy Keto Salmon Cakes
“These easy keto salmon cakes are a fun and flavorful low carb meal without any hassle. Great for quick lunches and easy meal prep!” Recipe: HeyKetoMama.
Keto Chicken Enchilada Bowl
“This Keto Chicken Enchilada Bowl is a low carb twist on a Mexican favorite! It’s SO easy to make, totally filling and ridiculously yummy!” Recipe: HeyKetoMama.
Crispy Slow Cooker Carnitas (Mexican Pulled Pork)
“Crispy Slow Cooker Carnitas (Mexican Pulled Pork) Con Ancho Chiles | Poblano Peppers smothered in so much flavour, you won’t be able to put your forks down!” Recipe:
Sun Dried Tomato Cheesy Meatballs
“Tender and juicy Sun Dried Tomato Cheesy Meatballs (Low Carb) spiked with sun dried tomato pieces, garlic and fresh herbs, fried and simmered in a simple tomato sauce with so. much. cheese. All in one skillet!” Recipe:
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ama-accountability · 7 years
"The good news is that you are trying to eat veg! The bad news is that you’re thinking how much you will miss all your old favorite foods. Well, guess what? The better news is that going veg doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice the dishes you love most. Pretty much anything you used to eat can be made with plant-based ingredients – even really meaty dishes like burgers, meatballs, and Buffalo wings. It just takes a little imagination, a bit of creativity, and the benefit of some tips and guidelines to help you create delicious vegan versions of those recipes. Soon you will be making delicious, satisfying meals that will satisfy your cravings, and before you know it, you will realize you don’t even miss the meat at all. Get your veg on with these 10 substitutes: Tofu, Tempeh, Seitan, and TVP You may not think of tofu or tempeh as vegetables, but they are plant-based and made from soybeans. TVP, or texturized vegetable protein, is also made from soy. Seitan is made from wheat gluten. The meat in any recipe can be replaced with one of these plant-based options. Tofu makes the perfect swap-out for chicken whether you want Crispy Tofu Nuggets, Moroccan Cutlets in a Lemon-Olive Sauce, or chunks for Chinese food like Kung Pao Tofu. Tempeh is wonderful for fish dishes because it has a flaky texture. Try it in “Crab” Cakes or to make Breaded “Fish” Fillets. It can also be ground up to act as ground beef for Tempeh Meatballs or tacos. TVP comes in all shapes and sizes and it can replace any meat including ground beef. Try it in this Chik’n Salad with Cranberries and Pistachios or in Tacos Sin Carne. Seitan can be flavored to taste exactly like beef or pork. You won’t believe the decadence you will get in a plate of Balsamic BBQ Seitan Ribs or a thick, juicy Seitan Steak in Beurre Blanc Sauce. Mushrooms When you want that meaty taste, that umami, mushrooms are the way to go. Their flavor is rich, earthy, and meaty, especially cremini or Portobello mushrooms. They are healthy and filling and can replace meat in any recipe. My favorite way to eat mushrooms is to saute them in vegan butter and add thyme, black pepper, and balsamic vinegar. Then I serve them over polenta unless I’m piling them up on a crispy roll to make a French Dip sandwich. Try mushrooms in this Mushroom Stroganoff or as a vegan “Lamb” Burger. Impress your dinner guests by serving them Stuffed Mushrooms with Pecans and  Portobello Wellington . Jackfruit If you have not yet tried jackfruit, you need to go out and get some. Technically, jackfruit is a fruit but incredibly, it can stand in for meat in savory dishes. You can buy it raw or already cut up in a can. Jackfruit has a very slight sweet taste but not so much that you can’t use it to make a decadent, satisfying Philly Cheesesteak. Jackfruit is perfect for barbecue sandwiches, stir-fries, or any dish that uses beef, chicken, or pork. Eggplant When anyone goes veg, eggplant is probably the first vegetable that comes to mind, but you can do so much more with it than just make parmigiana. Eggplant has a rich, meaty taste and it’s very versatile. If you think you’re not a fan of eggplant, try it in these Eggplant Burgers and you will change your mind. Other delicious ways to eat eggplant include Vegan Mozzarella-Stuffed Eggplant Meatballs, crispy Eggplant Fries with Marinara Dipping Sauce, and spiralized Eggplant Noodles. Lentils Lentils have always been a stand-in for meat since the beginning of veganism. Lentils are hearty and can replace ground beef easily. Lentils come in a variety of colors such as green, red, brown, and black. They cook up quickly, are inexpensive, and a small amount goes a long way. Definite recipes to try are Red Lentil Burgers with Kale Pesto, Lentil Meatballs, Double Decker Lentil Tacos, and South Indian Lentil Stew. Beans and Legumes Beans and legumes are amazing. They are inexpensive, healthy, filling, and there are so many to choose from: black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, aduki beans, chickpeas and black-eyed peas, to name just a few. Beans make for hearty soups, stews, and chilis. How about a White Bean and Kale Soup or a Tamale-Inspired Bowl with Beans? Beans and legumes can replace the meat to make incredible Hoisin Black Bean Burgers, Black-Eyed Pea Italian Sausages, or Chickpea “Tuna” Salad. Cauliflower Right now I bet you’re thinking, “How can cauliflower replace meat? It’s so white and bland.” Well, it can. When you season it and cook it up right, cauliflower can be the star of any dish. I like to use cauliflower to replace the chicken in Asian dishes like Cauliflower Manchurian and even Buffalo wings. You can slice the cauliflower into steaks and make an incredible Cauliflower Piccata. You can even make a pizza crust out of cauliflower. See? Cauliflower doesn’t seem so boring anymore, does it? Potatoes Potatoes are not just for side dishes. They can be the main ingredient in so many dishes. Whether you roast them, boil them, bake them, mash them, or fry them, potatoes are always a favorite. Start your meal with a Creamy Potato and Cauliflower Soup.  Potato Samosas with Coconut-Mint Chutney are spicy and delicious. Add potatoes to your burgers like in this Moussaka Burger with Béchamel Cheese Sauce and this Spicy Potato Cauliflower Burger. Don’t forget potatoes when it comes to dessert – that’s right. You will be blown away by this Chocolate Potato Cake. Beets Beets are nature’s candy. They are sweet and delicious and perfect for salads, but they have another side to them. Beets are also earthy and work well in savory dishes especially when roasted as in this Sesame Roasted Beets and Greens Dish. Amaze your guests with a beautiful platter of Beet Carpaccio and then treat them to Roasted Beet Burgers with Cumin-Scented Ketchup. Finish the meal with Beetroot Chocolate Frosted Cupcakes. Nuts Ok, technically, nuts are not vegetables but they can be used to make vegan cheese and to replace meat in your cooking. Nuts can be incredibly “meaty” and can make a hearty and rich “meat” loaf for dinner. Nuts are often added to vegan burgers for added “meatiness.” Try these Kidney Bean –Walnut Burgers with Mississippi Comeback Sauce. As you can see, when it comes to replacing meat in your meals, your options are practically limitless. Stop thinking of vegetables as side dishes and move them to the front of your plate. With all the hearty, “meaty” recipes you can create, there is no way you will miss the meat."
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The Internet of Pizza – just the latest digital topping for Domino’s
While different rapid food corporations are playing catch-up on domestic shipping, Domino’s has been on the frontline since the Nineteen Sixties, with virtual now accounting for 60% of orders.
This ‘new’ fashion towards meals delivery is something that we commenced 3 years earlier than I become born in 1960. And our founder in 1960 was quite convinced, it becomes an amazing idea, and he’s a clever guy and he was correct, bringing humans their meals is a clearly properly concept. So says Patrick Doyle, CEO of Domino’s Pizza, reflecting at the meant innovation across the idea of getting meals brought to the house. Last week, I looked at McDonald’s selection to ‘bet the farm’ on a blend of digital and delivery services. At the time, I cited that one of the success memories within the subject of each was Dominoes.
Built around a transport model from the get pass, some 60% of Domino’s enterprise now is available in from digital channels, in place of the traditional phone ordering of the beyond. That totaled $5.6 billion in worldwide virtual sales in 2016.
But the fulfillment of the Domino’s model shouldn’t lead others to accept as true with that this is an without problems-replicable trick, cautions Doyle:
It is sincerely tough, and I assume humans preserve to underestimate how difficult it’s miles to do efficiently and deliver constant provider for your customers. Stay tuned as [other] humans talk about execution troubles and margin impact and all of the relaxation of it. Delivery is not clean, and we are able to see how all this plays out however we’re growing our delivery and our convey-out business. On the virtual the front, Doyle says that the firm is so properly installed now that it’s capable of make fun of its personal generation song file:
We are in the midst of a national advert marketing campaign, revisiting something in our lower back catalog of innovation that is no less to nowadays a fan-favored, Domino’s Tracker. This is very cool. It’s certainly one of our foundational innovations and turned into our breakthrough hit with clients. It helped demonstrate our ahead-wondering technique early on as it becomes first of all evolved and launched again in early 2009. It’s an exquisite advert and nice to have a few amusing with our virtual lovers and customers at the same time as revisiting the pioneering piece of an era, first introduced through Domino’s closing decade. That tracker tech just took a step forward with the inevitable Internet of Things topping. The so-called Internet of Pizza sees Domino’s partnering with the IFTTT loose net-primarily based platform, which allows builders to add and create connections between virtual gadgets and services with easy conditional statements, referred to as Applets. Domino’s release assertion explains:
Domino’s has created some useful IFTTT Applets, such as one in an effort to mechanically flip off their sprinklers when Domino’s Tracker says their order is out for delivery. Customers also can download a Domino’s Applet that turns on their Samsung Powerboat whilst their order is being organized – perfect for while the residence wishes an excellent vacuuming earlier than the crowd stops by using for a pizza birthday celebration. This latest platform play joins the pizza firm’s other virtual channels, along with Google Home, Facebook Messenger, Apple Watch, Amazon Echo, Twitter and text message using a pizza emoji. Doyle says that innovation in ordering remains a concern:
We’ve added the present day within the new wave of anywhere ordering platform innovation, the potential to begin and whole a new order from scratch without the want for a profile or saved Easy Order. Customers can now order this way through Facebook Messenger and Google Home with greater to come back. This is very interesting, the following fundamental step in the evolution of our ever-developing suite of specific and forward-thinking ordering platforms which continue to be unequaled inside our competitive space. Easy as pie
Another key asset is the Piece of the Pie Rewards digital customer loyalty software, take-up of that is at the upward thrust and boosting sales, says Lawrence:
We currently held our first Loyalty Member Appreciation Week, offering double points to our digital rewards software participants for a week-long term length in advance this month. The simplicity of this program continues to be thoroughly obtained by clients and the focus on riding frequency continued to be a significant contributor to income performance at some stage in the first quarter. Domino’s does even have a wholesome bring out business and in aid of that, there’s also the investment in technologically-upgrading offline shops, says CFO Jeffrey Lawrence. These branches had been a contributor to the firm’s digital culture, he provides:
Our group USA company store footprint skews a little bit extra city on average than all of our other franchise shops inside the US and as a result of the reality that our organization-owned stores had been genuinely adopters of digital and online a little bit faster than our franchise stores, years and years ago. You’re seeing a bit extra digital blend in our company stores this means that that the impact of loyalty and the tailwind we’re getting from that is a little bit greater as well. Currently, there’s a focal point on getting EMV (Europay, Mastercard, and Visa) chip-and-pin readers into the US shops, says Lawrence, as customer requirements exchange:
More and greater clients are choosing to use credit score playing cards with us through the years, as you will assume with most QSR (Quick Service Restaurants) those who have a virtual presence. For digital challengers, which include McDonald’s and different QSRs, there are lessons to be discovered from Domino’s reviews, however, the fundamental one is that this doesn’t occur in a single day. Doyle notes:
Our tale is considered one of a true long game method, riddled with hard selections, reset priorities, and smart risks, which, while they took the time to undergo fruit, finally reshaped our brand and gadget. I say all of this because we are frequently requested about which unique sports are driving our close to time period success. While our extremely good analytics deliver us a few of the solutions, we realize that the cumulative impact of plenty of long-time period choices over a few years is what’s ultimately riding our achievement. And even as there are lessons it is able to train opponents, there aren’t any plans to provide ‘white label’ versions of the Domino’s virtual delivery structures to 0.33 events. This is Domino’s very own model of ‘secret sauce’, concludes Doyle:
The competitive benefit that we’ve created in digital and in transport is something that we’re going to apply to grow the Domino’s emblem…When you’re selling one in six pizzas or one in seven pizzas within the US, there’s an awful lot of increase for us in sticking to our knitting. I think our effects are kind of proof that the potential distraction of doing [digital platforms] for others isn’t always a chance virtually really worth taking. My take
After saying closing week that I hadn’t been in a McDonald’s for years, I made a point of popping into my neighborhood digitally-upgraded department over the weekend. The only phrase to describe the enjoy became “chaos”. The self-ordering kiosks just led to bottlenecks, at the same time as I couldn’t see how you may customize an order to do away with gadgets you didn’t need (eg any gherkins and so forth). And the ‘Hostess’ on duty become not able to offer another inspiration than that I ought to visit the counter.
In contrast, Domino’s digital ordering appears quite damn seamless. Like Starbucks, Domino’s is an exquisite instance of a ‘first mover’ benefit.
The Basic Components Of Perfect Pizza
Pizza is a famous and tasty dish that is fabricated from four special components, the crust, sauce, toppings, and cheese. Although produced from best 4 easy parts, the wide variety of ways you may make pizza is sort of limitless the use of a selection of ingredients, some pizza recipes, and your very own imagination.
The Crust
All kinds of pizza begin with the bottom or the crust, which can be crafted from one of a kind styles of flour along with white and entire wheat to create the homemade dough. After rising, pizza dough is stretched, tossed, and formed into a circular form and then baked in the oven on baking sheets or on pizza stones for a true tasting crust.
The Sauce
Sauce for pizza needs to be tomato based totally and then pro with the herbs and spices of your choice. A perfect pizza sauce is one this is simply the proper consistency, neither too watery nor too thick. Some people select a tangier sauce whilst others like their pizza sauce to be a chunk sweeter. Experiment with various quantities of seasonings to discover the balance you opt for the most.
The Toppings
Toppings for pizza are usually a combination of veggies and meats with mushrooms and pepperoni being on the top of the listing in phrases of recognition. Other toppings to recall for making the perfect pizza encompass artichoke hearts, black and green olives, green peppers, floor beef, warm peppers, onions, and sausage.
The Cheese
Last, but absolutely no longer least is possibly the absolute great part of the pizza, the cheese. In a conventional experience, the cheese of preference for making pizza is maximum definitely mozzarella. However, you are sincerely now not restrained this type of cheese as there are lots of delicious varieties to pick out from such as Asiago, parmesan, provolone, ricotta, and Romano.
Beefy Mediterranean Pizza Recipe
What You Need
1 pound lean ground red meat 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 onion, chopped 3 cloves garlic, minced 2 tablespoons clean mint, chopped 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup pasta sauce 1 pound pizza dough 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon butter or margarine 2 cups lettuce, shredded 1 tomato, chopped 2/three cup crimson onions, thinly sliced 1 lemon, cut into 4 wedges How to Make It
Preheat the oven to 500 ranges Fahrenheit.
In a nonstick skillet, cook dinner the beef over medium to high warmth for approximately 7 minutes or till it is now not red and cooked thru. Drain the grease and vicinity the cooked red meat in a bowl.
In the skillet, upload the oil and warmth over medium before including the chopped onions, minced garlic, chopped mint, cayenne pepper, and salt and cook dinner for approximately 5 mins or until the onions are soft.
Add the beef to the skillet along with the cup of pasta sauce and simmer over the bottom heat for three minutes.
Divide the pound of pizza into 4 sections. Sprinkle flour onto the counter or tabletop and roll out every phase of dough right into a small to medium sized circle, approximately 6 to 7 inches in diameter.
Place the pizza dough on the bottom of 2 greased, rimmed baking sheets. Spread the beef combination evenly over the dough and bake for approximately 10 minutes or till the crust is golden brown.
After baking, top the pizzas with the shredded lettuce, chopped tomato, sliced onions, and chopped parsley. Set the lemon wedges on a pinnacle of the pizzas for squeezing.
Serve by myself or together with frozen vanilla flavored yogurt.
Domino’s internet Can You Eat Pizza With Type 2 Diabetes?
When you’re recognized with kind 2 diabetes, you need to come to grips with the truth that you are going to should modify some of your habits and your lifestyle. It is a serious infection that should be attended to if you need to live a long and energetic existence. The precise news is that you may without problems manage diabetes thru your food regimen and exercising habitually.
Type 2 Diabetes is a disease that shows a dangerous and uneven level of sugar to your blood. This frequently comes approximately through weight loss program alternatives that have been made. You can control your Diabetes thru weight loss plan and exercise, but that doesn’t usually imply that that is the best factor which you want to manage it. In fact, in some instances, you may need the medicinal drug to maintain wholesome blood sugar degrees.
That being stated, you can’t rely on medicines to preserve your health and well-being. You need to make sure to modify your eating regimen in order that its miles rich in the meals that you need. When you are looking at your weight loss program, you could come up with some easy questions on everyday ingredients that you actually enjoy. You may additionally surprise; can you devour pizza with Type 2 Diabetes?
Deciding what to eat is constantly a challenge, in particular with Diabetes. However, pizza is virtually one of these foods that everyone loves and craves. The question is, can you have it as a part of your diet and nonetheless be able to maintain your health? Well, sure, you may, however, you want to understand some of the nutritional content of pizza to discern out the way to comprise it into your new and more healthy lifestyle.
Pizza does have healthy factors on it like cheese, and veggies. However, the muse of a pizza is the crust, and crust is bread. Bread is not a terrible component while it is used in ordinary does.
However, bread is full of carbohydrates, and generally, pizza dough is built with easy carbohydrates, that are important sugars. It is exactly these carbohydrates which can motive you problems in the first area. These are the varieties of carbohydrates which are essentially sugars, and those are the sugars which can affect the degrees for your blood main to diabetes. Knowing this is critical so that you do not overindulge inside the forms of food that might force your blood sugar levels up. It’s additionally crucial to word that every other key thing of pizza is tomato sauce. Though it is not dangerous, it is full of sugars.
So does that suggest which you cannot eat pizza when you have Type 2 Diabetes? No, under no circumstances. What it manner is which you want to be careful approximately how lots pizza you eat. You maximum certainly will have some slices each every now and then. What you cannot do is take a seat right down to a medium thin crust all on your very own and consume it in one sitting. Though it will take the subject, it’s miles within your attain while not having to sacrifice certainly one of your favorite foods!
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