#the warnings are preemptive
etz-ashashiyot · 28 days
I did a poll the other day about this from the [Jewish] Zionist perspective; I'm now curious about the Jewish anti-Zionist perspective.
To answer this poll, you MUST identify as BOTH Jewish and anti-Zionist. Jewish non-Zionists, post-Zionists, refusetoidentifyniks, other assorted folks, and goyim of any political persuasion, please just choose the see results button. Thanks!!
Also: This poll is meant for genuine listening, learning, and seeing the true thoughts of other Jews. I stg if I see anyone attacking any people nice enough to respond to this poll and give serious explanations for their answers, like folks did on the original poll?
I will find you.
If you don't like it, keep scrolling. Thank you!!
Edit: Please do reblog for reach regardless of your background or views; I'd appreciate it!
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kadextra · 7 months
idk guys but the urgency I’m getting from q!Bad’s 4D chess moves lately is making me concerned. he is usually calm and collected when orchestrating stuff but the past few days has shown the opposite, he’s acting quickly
he even blatantly said that he’s trying to help q!Cellbit asap- because they are close friends, he feels responsible to help, but also because he was “relying on cellbit’s mental state to be stable for what could happen” which is…. really worrying to say?? and today he rushed to drop baghera on bagi’s doorstep and have them talk because “we need to rely on our friends. somewhat.”
It’s very obvious q!Bad is trying his best to hurry up a possible q!Cellbit solution + attempt to unite his friends before the 4th.
[This is all speculation from here]
Personally? I’m thinking the urgency is because his help is needed right now, and past the 4th he won’t be available to help anymore- and knows it, so he needs to do as much as possible now. and he would’ve liked q!Cellbit to be the mentally sound one if he can’t be. methinks down in purgatory he will go one-track mind to save the eggs, and based off the things he’s saying….
“What happens when those you care about get in your way…?”
“I lacked commitment, but I won’t anymore.”
“Even if I have to kill every single person on the island to get the eggs back”
“It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to cut loose”
“I don’t think you guys (the eggs) are gonna be happy with me when it’s all over…”
….feels like clear foreshadowing that he might go on an insane murdering-his-friends spree or something if everything goes horribly wrong. today he basically told q!Bagi that it could happen too. or alternatively this is all a fake out, and he tragically self-sacrifices? idk yall!!! either way I’m terrified!!
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lilalilan · 3 months
Finally got done watching the new Quinton Reviews video and have some thoughts. If you're not familiar with the video in question just know that I will be talking about child abuse so be prepared.
Something he did a really good job navigating is talking about behavior that was clearly abusive, but that doesn't neatly fall into the main categories of abuse we use, those being Physical, Emotional, and Sexual.
People really don't know how to handle things that clearly weren't okay but that don't fall neatly into those categories. I've even struggled with trying to understand my own experiences, which I'm going to use as an example. One of the things I experienced growing up was one of my parents asking me for massages and not being allowed to say no. Physical contact like that leads people towards wanting to categorize it as sexual abuse, but it wasn't sexual. And so people, with hesitation, refer to it as physical abuse. But our general cultural conception of physical abuse is physical violence, so I've never felt comfortable calling it physical abuse because I don't want it to come off as though I'm claiming I experienced something that I didn't. So I've generally had to go with explaining the specifics, and I hate that because I don't want to have to get into the specifics with everyone who I needs to understand what I've been through.
And I think that same line of thinking is why people to try and accuse Dan Schneider of child sex abuse even though (from my understanding) there is no evidence for that. They understand his behavior to be bad, and want to call it out, but our current understanding of abuse and abusive behavior doesn't really have a way of categorizing "inappropriate physical contact with a child that is not sexual". If it was child sex abuse that is a clear cut bad thing that culturally we already understand as a bad thing and have ways of talking about. So people lean towards trying to categorize it as child sex abuse even though the things we know about don't really fall into that category, because otherwise we don't really have a way to talk about it and understand it.
So I guess part of what I want to say here is thank you to Quinton Reviews for giving us the phrase "inappropriate boundaries" to refer to these types of things. Because I think we have words to describe certain types of inappropriate boundaries (sexual abuse for if it's sexual, parentification if it's about treating the kid like a fellow parent, etc.) but I've never really seen a term describing the overarching idea of just "adult behaving inappropriately with a child".
For me personally it gives me a better way of understanding and describing my own experiences. It's taken me from "there were a lot of different upsetting yet hard to describe things that happened that I don't know how to categorize or really explain" to "along with the neglect and the emotional abuse my parents did not maintain appropriate physical and emotional boundaries which messed me up in the long run". Clearly and succinctly describes what happened without getting into detail or forcing me to provide personal information.
And I think culturally having a way to talk about this type of abuse is useful. I'm hoping that enough people see the video that I can start talking about my experiences and be understood by others.
Also just like. Not being sexual abuse doesn't mean that it's not bad or messed up or worthy of attention and discussion and support. I feel like sometimes people think you're trying to downplay what happened but like. I say that being forced to provide massages was not sexual because I know for a fact it wasn't sexual. That doesn't mean that my being forced to provide an adult with physical contact was okay, it doesn't mean it didn't mess me up, it just means it messed me up differently than how it probably would have if it was sexual.
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sergle · 9 months
Have plenty of button-up shirts/tops you can put on and remove without moving your arms too much. Saved me and my younger sibling tremendously
already on it, boss!!!
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Murray might have to make a reappearance if things don’t pick up…
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celluzu · 6 months
I am not responsible for any words that come out of my mouth if Cucurucho is involved in getting Jaiden out of purgatory btw.
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melanorhynchus-side · 12 days
the 51 post
I'm so sorry for not OC posting on tumblr. I have decided keeping my funny things in my friends' DMs only is actually maybe not the best if i want to continue talking about my OCs, so during the summer I will be posting about them more. but for now we will start with this thing! I will post about this in parts because i am slow. smiles !! Please note it uses it/its only. BIOLOGICAL LOG UPDATE [* You are currently here.] PSYCHOLOGICAL LOG UPDATE [wip] - ADDENDUM: STRESS [wip]
[subsequent logs and art will be reblogged to this post.]
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art by @eggtomatosoup
T-05-51 - The Bloodbath
[These records continue off the information present within the Manager's Manual. Please consider [re-]reading it for information about the abnormality during its existence within Lobotomy Corporation.]
[...And don't comment about that last part around it, alright? It's already going through quite a bit as it is.]
Somehow, this abnormality has managed to bring itself into a superficially human form. This form appears to shift variably depending on when and how it is viewed, but it generally appears to look like a young female adult woman with waist length hair of a blue-grey color with bright red eyes. It bears an uncanny resemblance to the Library's Director and.... someone else, and tends to resemble an 'in between' of the two people [though the specifics, such as the way its face is built or its hair color fluctuate from one end of the scale to the other. Many have remarked this as unsettling, though it seems the abnormality cannot control this in any way.] Even with this appearance, its internal [? external?] anatomy seems to diverge greatly from the body it is attempting to replicate.
The greatest physical differences appear to affect the torso- it has a small duct, supposedly to screw on a showerhead, where its manubrium should be located. Underneath this, its torso opens up into a large basin similar to its original form. It appears to be shallow from a distance, but in reality it seems to have a depth inconsistent with its appearance- it typically is much deeper than it seems. The bottom of this basin along with its palms are lined with a soft, porous silicon-like skin [resembling a traction mat] that secretes the blood[*] that gives the abnormality its name.
[*NOTE - This blood is not actual blood. While it has similar behaviors to/has the properties of blood, such as coagulating in contact with air, it is not human blood. Instead, this substance is more like a digestive fluid, similar to gastric acids secreted within the stomach. This fluid allows the abnormality to digest its victims after dragging them into itself.]
[Because of this, in human form, its digestion is severely modified compared to both a human body and its original form to compensate for its lack of "proper" stomach. The abnormality can simply hold onto something organic, and start digesting it in its hand with the 'blood' secretions. The digested material gets absorbed into the glandular skin, which is naturally porous.] [Please be cautious with interacting with it physically because of this.]
Its skin is also strange in a similar manner - It is shiny, almost like porcelain or glass, but is still warm to the touch and appears to thermoregulate like a mammal.[*] It is clearly flexible, but under contact with high pressure, it appears to crack and shatter [though it is very sturdy either way]. It can be put back together without adhesives and appears to fuse back together naturally.
[*NOTE - The ins and outs of how it is able to maintain homeostasis is still unknown; however, it is hypothesized that the 'blood' that constantly leaks from its body keeps it from overheating from whatever method it uses to generate body heat- concentrations of glands can be found on the back of head releasing blood as well, despite there being no reason digestion-wise for it. It instead is used to dispel heat trapped by its hair. We can't know this for sure despite our best guesses, however, and it appears that the abnormality doesn't understand its own body much itself.] [Trust me, we asked.]
From what is given, it does not appear to have any other internal organ systems [and seems hollow], but can still vocalize [though with a very husky voice - most often compared to rattling, echoed piping overlaid on a feminine voice] and feel pain [though it seems to have a higher tolerance to pain than the average human being]. It is very clumsy with its new human body, and is prone to stumbling and tripping on itself- It tends to walk slowly to compensate for this lack of coordination. However, It has surprisingly good fine motor skills in its hands.
Some diagrams under the cut too though theyre OLD. so they may be slightly outdated but theyre servicable
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anyway thanks for reading so far, because god damn. i have a lot to say. uhhh i'll be updating this in waves because i'm too excited to share and dont want to wait to compile everything in one place, but I also dont want to overwhelm people with too much information at once. hee hee....
youre free to ask any questions as I go, by the way! I love answering questions about my guys, especially from their bilogical standpoints. its just fun ok..... okkkkk... anyway [runs off] [ill be back with more soon]
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tozettastone · 6 months
The fic reader expectation that writers will tag exhaustively degrades the fanfic experience. It should never have become commonplace.
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allinsideyourhead · 1 year
Simon & Garfunkel + matching (or almost matching) outfits
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Yes, scarves count as matching outfits, as do black turtlenecks- I don’t make the rules.
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hexplaything · 1 month
took melatonin so i can avoid keeping myself awake for hours and torturing myself with thoughts so if i just disappear and randomly stop posting for the night it's cause i passed tf out
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waffleshark · 2 years
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-pokes everything with antennae- gentleman where are you i cant hear you without my glasses
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gintrinsic-writing · 2 months
S and X for the ask!
Hey there!
S: How do you feel about fan art inspired by your writing?
I’m always honored and delighted by it. Is there anyone who wouldn’t be?? Banish them to the shadow realm.
X: How would you categorize your fanfic reading?  Are you a voracious reader?  Do you carefully pick and choose?  Something in between?
I enjoy reading just about every day, though I’m admittedly picky. Poor characterization (which I realize is subjective), grammar, or pacing will get me to back out of a fic. Same goes for if a summary includes spelling errors or those “sorry this probably isn’t very good” or “THIS IS A ___ STORY” lines. I’m a sucker for longer fics that dive into why a character acts a certain way and/or fics that include overcoming conflict or challenges. Also horror. I love it.
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coockie8 · 2 months
does "thousand yard" refer to the "thousand yard stare" soldiers with ptsd can get?
Yes, it does. I wanted to explore Roy's ptsd and this fic is the lens through which I will be doing that.
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hunybody · 2 years
when steve harrington dies i WILL be editing a s1-5 tribute to the iconic song (i just) died in your arms tonight after my requisite mourning period. just so we all know.
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warning preemptively that the chances of me being on tomorrow at all are slim to none; I'll be on a bit in the morning (between 5-5:30 am est, pre present opening) but after that. probably won't be back until 9 or 10 pm, and probably won't be on for very long at that point. (I'm gonna spite clean me and my sisters room until it's done, so I'm probably getting somewhere between 5-6 hours of eep tonight. which. actually yeah that's just my average, but-)
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agere-ena · 1 year
ough i know i updated my about only a few months ago, but the urge to do it again is rising...
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