#the way 3 of these shirts r from high school.... No one is ever beating my high school xc t-shirt swag
bsaka7 · 5 months
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feeling extremely satisfied that my running shirts can nearly make a full rainbow
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star-lemonade · 3 years
School reunion (1/3)
A.C.E Junhee x Reader
Cw: bulling, kinda angsty, Junhee is a sweet heart though
Rating: T (Series R)
Word count: 3.6 k
Summary: You hire someone to accompany you to your school reunion.
I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. The laptop sat on the kitchen table and the page in the browser was taunting you. You stared at the screen from your spot against the kitchen counter. The empty boxes waited for you to fill in your information. Should I really do this?
You sighed and filled some water into the kettle just to delay having to make a decision. The other thing on the kitchen table was not better. It was an invitation to your school reunion. The reunion was scheduled for the Saturday of the following week at your old school. School. Even the address on the paper brought a bad taste to your mouth.
“You’re so ugly, who would ever date you?”
“I dare you to kiss her.”
“Yak not even for money”
You shuddered. No, no, there is no way I will go there alone. You sat down at the table and began to fill in the form. Name, address, phone and age. On the next page they asked about the occasion or event and you typed: school reunion.
Time? about 3 hours. I won’t stay there for too long.
Gender preference? Hmm I don’t actually care. ‘Don’t care’ was not an option, so you chose ‘man preferred’ over the ‘man only’, ‘woman preferred’ and ‘woman only’ options.
Age preferences? 25-35. I can’t show up there with an 18 year old.
Your finger hovered over the enter button. The shadow of your school days was still haunting you and made your hand heavier until you finally clicked check out.
You had officially rented a plus one for your school reunion.
A day after you had filled out the form you received a message from an unknown number.
“Hello, this is Junhee. I will accompany you to your school reunion next week. Would it be okay if I asked some questions so I can prepare?”
“Hi, Junhee. What do you want to know?”
“How should I introduce myself?”
You chewed on your lip. As you typed the next message your face felt warm.
“As my boyfriend.”
It felt so sad to ask this of a total stranger and you prayed he would not judge you for it. Please don’t question this, please don’t question this.
“How long have we been together?”
I guess that is a valid question someone could ask. You thought about it for a moment. It should not be too short but also not too long. The fact that you did know much about each other would make it not believable that you are together for years.
“A few months maybe?”
He asked a few more questions like “where and how did we meet?” (“at work while getting coffee”) and you answered them with whatever struck your mind.
“Okay. I think this is enough for me. Thank you!”
You sighed. This was actually more complicated than you had anticipated. At least now it felt real as opposed to just a scam to get money from people. Three dots appeared on your screen again.
“One last thing. This is also in the terms of service, but we all must remind our customers about this: I am not a hooker and you did not book sexual favours.”
Your face burned when you read that. Surely no one had asked for that before, had they?
“Of cause not, I just don’t want to go alo-”
Before you really thought about it, you had accidently pressed ‘send’ instead of backspace. Oh no. OH NO.
My escort knows how pathetic I am. ‘As if he did not know before’ another part of you interjected. Your phone vibrated again.
“It’s okay, I will do my best to keep you company :)”
You did not know what to answer and just send:
“Thank you.”
As the reunion neared you found yourself thinking about it more. A sort of dread had settled in your chest. After all these years you would finally face your bullies. The people who had belittled you for not been pretty enough and made you believe that you could never find anyone who loved you. The worst thing was it seemed that they were right. You were single and you even had to hire someone… no. No, you would not let them get to you. The past years had been the happiest you had ever been. You had friends, even if they were not many, and you did well at your job. There was nothing not to be proud of. Even if you were single now, that did not mean you were unlovable. It just meant that you had not met a person that fit. You would walk in there, head held high and show those petty bitches you were not afraid of them anymore.
Your mood oscillated between confident and anxious for the whole week. You did not want to give them the satisfaction of knowing you were still so affected by them, that their mere presence could make you stay away. No, you had to go. Like this you killed the time to the day of the reunion.
You had rented a dress from a rental service. It was not too fancy but you simply did not own that many dresses and the ones you had did not seem appropriate. Someone on the organizing committee had decided that nice dresses and suits were what they wanted to see. You had messaged Junhee to wear something appropriate for that dress code.
“In a few hours it’s over.”
Your mirror image was not convinced by this but it was all you could do now. Backing out last minute would make you look bad, even if you really wanted to. All of this seemed like a bad idea. What if they found out that you had hired someone to play your boyfriend? You would be the laughing stock of the whole school and this after you had not been in school for years. For a moment you considered just taking off the dress, putting on some sweaters and sitting down on the couch. Your phone made a noise. A new message had arrived.
“At 5 pm at the station, right?”
“Yes. See you there.”
As if it was mocking you, the sun shone from a bright blue sky. The people on the street smiled more than you had seen in some time. On the other hand it was maybe your imagination. Now that you were walking to what could be the worst night of your recent history, everyone seemed in a better state than you.
You arrived at the station.
“I’m wearing a red dress.”
Maybe the dress was a bit much. It had seemed like a good idea. Wearing red would make you stand out. Now, however, that was the opposite of what you wanted to do. Fading into the background, turning invisible and just straight up going back home was what you really wanted right now. The only thing that was that held you back was the thought of the money you had spent upfront for your plus one.
Two young women stopped next to you. One of them sat her backpack down and tried to stuff a paper bag into it.
“Should I help?”
Her friend watched her struggle with amusement. Despite her offer she did not help backpack girl but looked around instead.
You shifted your attention to your phone. Junhee had seen your message. Good. I hope he will be here soon. So we can get this over with.
“Jeez, I wish my boyfriend looked like that,” the girl said as her friend proclaimed: “I’m done. Let’s go.”
Backpack girl dragged her friend away. At least she had a boyfriend. It was not like you needed a man in your life but it would be nice sometimes. Next week I will try tinder. From past experience that was not likely but the thought alone seemed to pacify your mind for now. Getting a boyfriend was future-you’s problem. Present-you had to worry about that goddamn school reunion.
Someone said your name.
You were not sure which part shocked you the most: the crisp black suit that hugged the man’s body perfectly, the curly dark hair that looked straight out of a romcom, the beautiful lips and handsome face, the million dollar smile or the soft voice that said your name. It was hard to choose.
“Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Junhee.”
“ID please.”
You showed it to the sour faced student behind the supermarket counter. He nodded and you paid. Buying hard alcohol in broad daylight was highly suspicious but this situation called for it. You definitely could not do this sober. Junhee had sat down on a bench not too far from the supermarket. The black suit and white dress shirt fit him perfectly. It was as if watching a photo shoot for the next wedding catalog. Oh, this is a catastrophe. You unscrewed the bottle and took a good mouthful. The cheap alcohol burned in your mouth and all the way down. No one in their right mind would believe he is my boyfriend. It could not be more obvious that you had hired him. Junhee watched the cars go by. The sun made his hair seem more brown than black and the light breeze moved the soft locks. You took another gulp and stuffed the bottle in your handbag. Did I accidentally book a model? There had not been an option for that of course. I should have asked for a photo. You left the store and walked over to Junhee. Maybe I should just send him home and go drink at a bar.
When he saw you, Junhee stood up. His charming smile filled you with dread. This is a car crash waiting to happen.
“Did you get everything?”
You nodded. Soon the alcohol would hit your brain. Maybe then you would care less about everything. You could not bring yourself to send Junhee away. He had come here, looking sharp and you had paid money for him to be here. Your stinginess won against better judgment, so your only option was the original one: go to your old school.
It felt like there was a black cloud of doom that thickened as you got nearer. The bad experiences from the past made every step you took towards that hell hole more difficult. You wanted to run away.
“Can I take your hand?”
Junhee. You had almost forgotten about him. He had not said anything for the past ten minutes or so. Maybe he felt that now was not a good time to talk. You offered your hand. He interlaced his fingers with yours. It had been some time since you held someone’s hand and it made your heart beat faster. Or maybe it was the liquor.
You turned the corner and there it was. The building looked the same as in your memory. Whoever had the idea of starting the evening here before instead of going to a restaurant directly, did not have your gratitude. Walking through the front door stiffly, you clenched your hands. Your whole body was tense. You were ready to fight or flee at any second.
Voices were coming from the gym. Next to the open door stood a table. On it were pens and stickers. As you approached a woman came through the door and smiled at you. It was the most fake smile you had seen in some time.
“Welcome! Please make a name tag for yourself.”
She made a swiping gesture to the table. You let go of Junhee’s hand and wrote your name on a sticker. The woman watched Junhee as he made a tag for himself. You had never been the jealous type but right then wanted to claw her eyes out.
“Have fun.”
You almost felt her looking as you entered the gym. The hall was filled with bar tables groups had formed and all eyes were on you. At one of the empty tables you stopped.
“I will get something to drink. What do you want?”
You barely heard your own answer over the ringing in your ears. The ceiling had been decorated but it made the hall seem more shabby. As if the paper garlands were only there to hide the cracks in the grey concrete. You looked around.
They looked back at you from the other table, pointed and smirked at each other. Your bullies. They looked old. The ten years since graduation had carved lines into their faces but they tried to hide it by applying too much makeup.
You felt sick.
A hand landed on your shoulder and you jerked. Junhee pulled back his hand. He studied your face.
“Do you want to leave?”
You looked up. Leave? Leaving meant giving up. They won if you left. No, no you were strong. Your hand strangled your purse. You would not run away from them. Junhee‘s brown eyes watched the tremor in your hand.
“Let’s go,” he whispered and took your hand. Your skin was cold and sweaty against his as Junhee dragged you out. You were so shocked, you did not even say anything until you had left through the front door.
You ripped your hand free from his grasp.
“You should not stay there any longer.”
“That is not your call to make,” you snapped at him.
His face flushed.
“No, but it is the right one.”
Before you could talk back he continued in a calm tone: “You don’t care about any of those people and they don’t care about you.”
He waved his hands.
“I don't know what happened in the past but you are not here to meet some old friends.”
Your eyes burned. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. It’s humiliating. You tried to blink the tears away but your vision blurred.
“Not here.”
Junhee grabbed your shoulder and led you away. The tears fogged your vision, so you just followed wherever he was going. Your feet moved on their own accord and you were thankful for it. Holding back an undignified sob took up all your mental capacity.
You collapsed on the bench. There was nothing holding the tears back now. You looked like an idiot in front of everyone. Your bullies had seen you turn up with an escort only to run away the second they looked at you. And now you cried on a bench in front of said escort. How pathetic had your life become? You had not felt this bad since leaving school.
Get a grip. There was nothing to be done here. You did not feel better by telling yourself this, but at least one of these could be fixed. Try to stop crying.
You concentrated on a point on the ground. The concrete was cracked there and something green had started to push its way to the surface. Plants are amazing. They can even exist in these places.
Your eyes still burned and your nose was all clogged up, but you had stopped crying.
“I’m sorry, Junhee.”
You looked up. There was no one around. When did he leave? You sighed and your eyes burnt again. I guess it is just that kind of day. Going home sounded like a good idea but you could not bring yourself to get up. The weight of your sorrows kept you on the bench. You could not even blame Junhee for leaving either. Usually you were very composed and rarely had outbursts of any kind, but today was just not your day.
A bottle of water entered your field of view. Your gaze followed the arm that was holding it up until you met Junhee’s eyes. You took the bottle and almost cried again because he was still here. For better or worse he had not abandoned you on a bench.
The water was cold. It had clearly been in a fridge not too long ago.
“Thank you.”
Junhee sat down next to you and waited while you drank the water. This day, although it was not over, was already a train wreck. Very carefully Junhee asked: “Can we get something to eat?”
You nodded slowly. Food was not a bad idea. You had skipped lunch because you had not been hungry at the time.
Junhee stood up and looked around, hands on his hips. He turned to you and asked in a hushed tone:
“Where do we have to go?”
There was nothing funny about it but you laughed anyway. Junhee looked like a lost puppy and when he saw you laughing, he pouted. Now this really was funny.
“The station is that way.”
Junhee looked at his phone. He took off his tie and pocketed it.
“Technically I’m free to go now.”
You raised an eyebrow. “We just got here and ordered food and you want to go?” was what you wanted to say but swallowed it. You were still embarrassed and grateful that Junhee was there with you. He had made dumb jokes all the way to your favorite restaurant. It was almost on the other end of town but it was the only place you wanted to be right now.
“So, you wanna leave?”
“Leave? No, no!”
He waved his hands frantically.
“I … meant I’m not here because of work now.”
The soju had painted Junhee’s cheeks a rosy red. It looked good on him.
“What do you do when you don’t do this?”
You gestured vaguely at you and him sitting together in your favorite restaurant. Surely it had to be model or something like that just based on what you had seen so far. Technically you were not supposed to ask personal questions but your contract was done. Technically.
“I’m a student. I study computer science, but I will graduate soon.”
He took a sip from his drink. That rang a bell in the back of your mind. Computer science? Someone was talking to me about that not long ago. Who was it?
The waiter came and set your food on the table. He opened the lid of the barbecue that was mounted in the table.
“Have a good meal.”
“Thank you.”
When you left the restaurant, the sun had set. You felt a little awkward. It had been nice spending time with Junhee even if you had been very distressed earlier. Before you could really think about it, the words fell from your mouth.
“Thank you for spending the day with me. It was nice.”
You did not look at him. It felt unnatural but you meant it and had to say it.
“It was nice for me too.”
Junhee’s hair was not as neat as earlier. The waves had flattened and the way he always combed it left it looking disheveled. His cheeks were flushed from the food and the drinks.
You were not sure what to say. “Goodbye for ever” seemed a bit odd.
“Good luck with your studies. See you around.”
You left Junhee at the restaurant and walked home. It was not too far so you could walk. The night air was refreshing after the stuffy restaurant. It also cleared the dryness of your eyes and nose.
Your apartment was dark and empty. You took a quick shower, put on your pyjamas and went to bed. The day had been emotionally exhausting and you were drifting into the fuzzy precursor to sleep. Your mind drifted through some memories and thoughts but nothing was clear. It hit you. You were wide awake because your brain had found the answer to the question. You grabbed your phone from the nightstand. The light from the screen nearly blinded you.
John, a name he had chosen because none of his overseas clients could pronounce ‘Seungmin’, was the CTO of a company that had their offices in the same building as your company. Without thinking much about it you sent Junhee John’s number.
“He is looking for some computer science people. Maybe that’s something for you. Anyways good luck and best wishes.”
You tried not to think too much about that day. It still felt like a defeat even months later. You had run away from your bullies. They had looked at you and you had folded. It was a bitter memory. The logical part of you noted that it was not worth your time, that you should focus on the tasks at hand and live your life.
You spent time with your friends and on your hobbies. Indeed your spirits lifted slowly. The less time you spent ruminating about the past the more time you could spend on other things.
“Let’s get lunch. I’m starving.”
You agree with your colleague. You grabbed your phone and keys. Your colleague was already at the elevator and held open the door.
Two floors down the elevator stopped and the door opened.
John and some of his staff entered. You waved and smiled. John was a man in late 40 or early 50s, you had never asked, but he gave off the youthful energy of someone who loved his job. A ‘ding!’ announced the closing of the doors but John jammed his leg and arm between it.
“Hurry up, newbie! We can’t have you starve on the first day!”
Steps echoed in the hallway and the newbie flew into the tight space. The young man had dark hair and wore round glasses. With the dark blue sweater and the jeans he gave off the youthful vibe of a university student. He was very handsome and your face burnt.
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ayatosmlktea · 4 years
best boyfriend series | bokuto
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A/N: thank you very much bri for making this banner after I gave up! We all know bokuto is the worlds best boyfriend, and if you don’t agree I hope this convinces you!
Tags: @bakugoustanaccount @hoekaashi
I got really carried away with the backstory aha oops
‧͙⁺˚*·༓☾  ☽༓·*˚⁺‧͙
- You and bokuto meet your first year of high school, you happen to get stuck together during orientation and you like his talkative extroverted nature
- You end up being in the same homeroom together while you situate yourself in a seat near the back of the class by the window bokuto makes his way over to you and sits down next to you
- You guys shared one other class, science, one of your better subjects and one of his worst, so you spend lots of time helping him understand the work
- The humour flows really well between the two of you, you enjoy his company as much as he enjoys yours and more than once you guys get called out for goofing off too much
- Lots of moments are spent where he’s making you laugh so hard you have to keep it all in and your cheeks burn from how hard you’re smiling
- You guys text each other outside of class, he asks for help doing the english homework which results in you guys calling each other and laughing over him pronouncing the vocabulary
- He finds your laugh the cutest thing he’s ever heard and goes out of his way to make you laugh ever opportunity he has
- He asks you to come to a few of his volleyball practices - to show off obviously- he lives for the praise you give him but you know this so you often tease him for his mistakes just to see him pout although you’re always sure to remind him that he’s talented
- During his games when he nails a really good spike he’ll search you out in the crowd after and seeing you cheer him on excitedly makes him feel like he could play 100 matches and not get tired
- It’s the end of his second year when bokuto begins to realize that he likes you as more than a friend, that the erratic beating of his heart is because he has feelings for you that go deeper than platonic friendship it makes him nervous
- He starts to notice the things he didn’t pay attention to before like the way you bite your bottom lip when you’re deep in concentration or the way your eyes shine when he makes you laugh
- The nervous shy smile you get when he pulls you into him so you don’t get bumped into in crowded spaces
- He’s never gotten jealous over another guy touching you before but Konoha clearly trying to flirt with you sparks something in him to make you his
-Bokuto starts to think about how his life would be if you weren’t in it and comes to the realization that you’re different from his other friends, he sees you as something more but he’s scared to ruin the relationship you have and doesn’t think you would ever think of him that way
- Spends the entire summer thinking about being in a relationship with you and there were many times he hyped himself up to text you and tell you but every time he backed out
- He doesn’t think you’re in his league, especially when you showed up on the first day of your third year looking like an absolute goddess, you guys hadn’t hung out at all that summer and he almost didn’t recognize you
- Your smile is different than before, it makes his whole body tingle with nervous excitement, its brighter like you’ve become more confident in yourself and he can see why
- He thinks you’re absolutely radiant
‧͙⁺˚*·༓☾  ☽༓·*˚⁺‧͙
- The day he asks you out comes when you’ve stayed late after school to work on a project
- You both finish at the same time, he insists on walking you home like he’s always done before
- You hadn’t planned on leaving this late and were met with a cold wind upon exiting the building
- Bokuto quickly bounded up to you offering you his volleyball jacket which you gladly took without a second thought, it was something you’d done a hundred times before but this time had Bokuto wishing that he could grab your small hand in his and pull you in for a kiss
- “Bo? You good?” you inquire waving your hand in front of his face calling his attention back to the present
- You notice that he’s fidgeting more than usual and he looks ..kinda constipated
- You were no stranger to calling Bokuto out when he started getting weird and in his head so you stopped walking and turned to face him telling him to spill whatever was on his mind
- Bokuto’s eyes widen clearly not expecting to have been called out so soon, you can see the uncharacteristic indecisiveness swimming in his eyes and it makes you start to feel uneasy
- You were expecting him to say something about not wanting to be friends anymore, you knew you had changed over the summer and maybe he didn’t like who you were now
- What you weren’t expecting was for him to practically scream a confession at you
- When he was done you both stared at each other, you not knowing what to say and in shock at the fact that the guy you’ve had a crush on for 3 years has confessed that he feels the same way you do
- Your silence is his eyes indicates rejection and he feels as though he’s been kicked in the gut but he tells you to forget what he said and shoves his hands in his sweater pockets mentally berating himself for being stupid enough to think you would like him back
- You reach out and grab his elbow stopping him from walking away, you don’t say anything and instead stand on your tiptoes to place the softest kiss on his lips
- Both of your faces heat up but neither of you move away from each other, you whisper that you like him too and have liked him for years and he can’t help but laugh in relief
- He pulls you into a hug and spins you around before holding your face in both his warm hands and kisses you again making your headspin and your heart race
- The next day all your friends are relieved when you show up to school holding hands claiming that watching the two of you pine over each other so obviously and not doing anything about it was painful
- Bokuto as your boyfriend!!!! finally
- Bokuto is your #1 hype man, for everything
- Doesn’t matter how big or small it is he’s always happy when you succeed
- Every time you post a selfie on instagram he’s always the first one to comment in all caps exclaiming how beautiful you look
- Also the kind of boyfriend to make you stop when you guys go out so he can a bunch of pictures of you, tells you to pose, tells you how pretty you look with the sun making your skin and eyes pop
- He kisses you every chance he gets, just peppers your face with kisses because his heart is overflowing with so much love for you that he doesn’t know what to do with himself other than to express it through kissing you
- Loves skin to skin contact, when you’re lying in bed together he’ll lift your shirt up and press your back against his chest with his arms cuddling your stomach
- Screenshots every snapchat you send him, even the ones you think are ugly because he thinks you always look beautiful especially when you’re being dorky
- He loves going for hikes, being the active person that he is he’d def be down for a lot of outdoor activities
- Kuroo still has the pictures on his phone from when you all went down to the lake for the weekend and Bokuto tipped your kayak over. At the time you had been anything but happy with your clothes and hair soaking wet but the memory of it now made you chuckle
- Your size difference is his favourite thing about the relationship, you’re so small you barely reach his shoulders and it makes him feel fuzzy inside knowing that only he gets to hold you close against his big beefy chest
- Insists on paying for literally e v e r y t h i n g
- It doesn't matter how much money you make, he always wants to treat you because you’re his baby, don't bother trying to fight with him bc you're going to lose
- Not only can he physically overpower you from being able to read the machine to pass your card but he’ll just pull some shit out like “can’t a guy treat his beautiful girlfriend?”
- If you mention in passing something you’ve been craving like food/candy/snacks etc he’ll go get it for you, if he notices you are looking at something you've been wanting to get yourself for a while but are hesitating bc its too expensive or you don't think you deserve it - you got it, he’s going to buy it for you
- Everyday is valentine’s day for Bokuto so there’s never a day you don’t feel loved and cherished, he buys you new flowers every week with a cute note attached saying something he loves about you
- On the actual day, he just sees it as an excuse to go all out for you, breakfast in bed, your favourite chocolates and/or candy waiting for you in the kitchen, obviously he’s gonna insist on waking you up with his favourite meal...if you know what I mean
- He insists on picking you up from work when he has the chance, especially if you’re working late
- When he has to leave early for practice he spends the few moments he has between waking up and getting dressed to cuddle you, buries his face in your neck and enjoys the sound of you snoring softly
- Always kisses you goodbye, one on your forehead and one on your lips
- Sends you a good morning text so you wake up to something happy because he knows you get sad when you wake up and he’s gone all day
- If he has to leave the city for a game or something else work related he makes sure his side of the bed smells enough like him that isnt overpowering but is enough for you to hug while he’s gone and have some comfort
- Sends you pictures everyday until he’s back and while you learn to cope with him being gone he nevers sleeps right without you
- He misses you even more than you miss him, he’s a clingy baby and needs your validation that you love him as much as he loves you
- Everyone gets insecure sometimes, including Boktuo and when he’s having one of those days all he wants to do is lie his head down on your chest while you play with hair and cuddle
- Bokuto is the kind of guy who knows he’s going to spend the rest of his life with you, I feel like depending on his mood he’s either antsy to propose or he’s not in a rush because he’s enjoying the lives you two are leading right now
- He’s had the ring he’s going to use to propose to you with for a solid year before it happens
- I also feel like he’d do some shit like pull the ring out while you’re not looking and take a picture to show you on the days leading up to the proposal
- He’ll take you to the beach to watch the sunrise with you and although you’re cranky and complaining that it’s too early to be awake you know the view will be worth it
- What you aren’t expecting is for him to get really serious as the first splashes of blue and pink hit the horizon while he talks about how he never imagined you’d become so important to his life
- He recalls the moment he fell in love with you, it wasn’t anything romantic or particularly cute and it was a little embarrassing now that you think back on it but he remembers the two of you joking around during lunch and him making you laugh so hard you snorted out milk through your nose
- He doesn’t know what it was about that moment but it had stuck with him all these years, he talks about how he wants to spend every morning waking up to you, bed head and morning breath and all
- He thanks you for being so patient with him during his time growing up in high school, he tells you he’s grateful you were there for him when he was feeling the worst about himself
- He starts to choke up as he talks about knowing that he wants the spend the rest of his life with you and that he’ll spend everyday making you the happiest woman alive and making sure you know how loved and appreciated you are
- By the end you’re both crying and when you choke out a yes he grabs you into a tight bear hug and can’t stop smiling the rest of the day
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emmies-archives · 4 years
My Only
I haven’t made a request before so pls forgive me if I’m doing this wrong, but i thought (from song prompts 2) number 3 and number 18 could be cute? With either bakugou or todoroki? Bonus points if theres some pining and ends happily :) if not ofc I’m happy to read whatever you do!
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Song prompts: 
 3. “Trust me, Darling.” Bad Liar by Imagine Dragons.  18. “Push me out, I’ll pull you close.” What You’re Made of by Lindsey Stirling. 
Todoroki Shoto x Female Reader.
Word Count: 3.4K
Genre: Some angst, lots of fluff
Warnings: Endeavor being d*ck, cursing, slight nsfw mentions at end
Summary: Endeavor holds a charity ball. Shoto invites you as his date as your relationship has grown stronger. Endeavor tries to break the two of you up a few times, Shoto stands up for you twice, you stand up for Shoto once when Endeavor works behind his back. It only strengthens your relationship, bringing you even closer.
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                  Everywhere you looked there were lights. Twinkling in sync like they were dancing to the soft music playing in the background. There was a warmth shifting through the room, despite the harsh chill outside. You could feel the warm drafts envelope you as they moved between others and the tables they sat at. Mixing in with the flames swaying at each table’s centerpiece. Everything was so beautiful and calm. It was as though nothing could break the trance the night had put on everyone.
Enji Todoroki always had a way about him that tended to ruin things for you though, especially because you were attending the charity ball he had set up. The first time he managed to get under your skin for the day was when you were getting ready. Shoto had offered for you to come over early to his house to get ready for the ball.
He had asked you the first chance he’d gotten to be his date for his father’s ball. It was an easy decision; it was no secret that you both had been feeling something for each other. At first, you both really didn’t understand what it was that you were feeling, but after the villain attack in the forest, the only person on each of your minds was each other. After that, the two of you had begun to study together, you went out to eat with only each other. It seemed like any chance Shoto got he asked to spend it with you, whether if it was in his dorm or the common areas, out somewhere, or just simply training.
He asked you one night as you both lay on his bed, both scrolling mindlessly on your phones if you wanted to meet his siblings. Of course, you said yes immediately wanting to know more about his private life and just more about him in general. You knew his family was a touchy subject for him and you were excited and happy that he trusted you enough to let you in on it. He warned you several times the day of to be wary of his father. That Enji would most likely try to pick you apart, to see exactly why Shoto was so fond of you.
You didn’t expect it to be so awful though. Before he arrived, you helped Fuyumi prep and cook the meal while Shoto stood at one of the counters watching. You could tell Fuyumi was so excited to see that Shoto brought someone home, let alone a girl. Every time she asked you something about Shoto you could feel the tips of your ears burning, even though you loved the butterflies that danced in your stomach.
“I so excited to finally meet you, Y/n!” Fuyumi said excitedly when you finished preparing dinner, “Shoto has been talking about you for as long as I can remember, and I couldn’t help thinking maybe you were made up! You seemed so perfect! How Shoto managed to snag you beats me, Hon.”
You saw Shoto glare at his sister and she just grinned at him, her nose scrunching up. “Oh no, that’s not true!” You said you were starting to get even more flustered. Fuyumi started to speak again but she was interrupted when someone burst into the dining room.
“Hey! Quick pestering little Sho’s girlfriend, Fuyumi.” Your heart jumped at the guy’s words, then he turned to you. “I’m Shoto’s older brother, Natsuo. Nice to meet you, Y/n.” He pulled you into a quick hug, “Don’t mind her, Fuyumi has always wanted a younger sister.” Natsuo said and moved to Shoto, wrapping an arm around his neck and ruffling his hair. “But on a real note, if you need me to beat him up just let me know. I’ll help you out.” Natsuo winked at you and laughed when Shoto shoved his arm off.
You were starting to really enjoy the energy of the siblings. It was refreshing to see. It only lasted a short while longer until a door slammed. Everyone in the room visibly stiffened, and the air grew heavy. A moment later, Enji Todoroki walked through the threshold of the dining room. He clapped his hands together before pulling out his chair to sit down, his eyes never seemed to stray from you from the moment he entered the room. “Well, is everyone ready? I’m starved.” Everyone followed his lead in sitting down. “I would love to get to know you, miss Y/n.”
Next to you, you could see Shoto clenching his teeth. He looked so stressed. You moved your foot nudging him; he turned his attention to you from the plate in front of him. You smiled at him and noticed his expression soften, and a small smile form on his face as well.
Enji wasted no time in bombarding you with questions, ranging from about you and your quirk, to your family and your home life. It was literally exhausting answering each one, searching for the right answer seemed impossible and it was hard to tell if the ones you gave satisfied him. All he ever gave in response was a grunt or a nod, then more questions followed. Once dinner was finally done, Shoto grabbed your hand immediately and started to pull you from your seat.
“Follow me, y/n.” He said softly once he saw your confusion. You started to follow him until Enji stopped you both.
“Stop.” His loud, steady voice said. Shoto stopped his pace and turned to glare at his father.
“What now?” Shoto asked, rolling his eyes.
“I want to say I am not impressed with your choice to bring this girl home, Shoto. She does not meet anywhere near my expectations of what I thought I taught you.” Enji spoke like you weren’t in the room with him.
“Are you kidding me, you have no right to say anything about her.” Shoto snapped back and started to pull you out of the room again. “We’re done with this now.”
“I did not enjoy having you here, miss Y/n,” Enji stated, locking eyes on you as you left the room.
The rest of the night was better than everything Enji had put you through before. Shoto had brought you to his room, he needed to cool off before you left for the dorms. He was visibly angry at his father’s words. You moved next to him, sitting on the edge of the bed, and laced your fingers through his.
“Hey,” You said softly. “Forget what he said.”
“Usually I do, but I don’t think I can. He insulted you, Y/n.” Shoto said and sighed. “Everything he did down there was absolutely uncalled for.”
“You’re right, it was very uncalled for. But I don’t care what he said at all, even if it was shitty.” You said back to him, and he turned to look at you. “All I care about is how you feel, and that your siblings are there for you.”
“What I feel?” Shoto asked it was soft like he was asking himself.
“Yeah. It doesn’t matter what your father says about anything, what you feel is right.” You said, and a small smile started to grow on his face. “Does that make sense, Shoto?”
“Yeah, I think so.” He said and grabbed your hands. “I feel like I want to kiss you right now.”
That made you laugh, even though butterflies erupted inside of you. “Then do it.”
Shoto moved in to press his lips against yours. It was slow and soft at first, then he pulled you closer. It was like all the pent-up stress he was holding from dinner melted away at your touch, your lips moving in sync with his. He was the first one to pull away, he had put you under a spell.
“Thank you for making me feel better, Y/n.” Shoto said, his forehead pressed against yours.
“Always, Shoto.”
You ended up staying in his room for the night instead of going back to the dorms. It was too far away and all you wanted to do was cuddle up in bed with him. Wrapped in his arms and wearing a pair of shorts and a shirt he gave you, it felt like something you’d been yearning for had finally come true.
  The time you spent with Shoto after that night seemed different. It felt more special, more whole. You weren’t wondering how he felt anymore, there was no need. He told you all the time. How special you were. How happy he was when he was with you. There was nothing between the two of you until Enji stepped in yet again.
The afternoon of the charity ball you were in Shoto’s room getting ready. He had gone out with Natsuo to get a last-minute suit adjustment for his brother. You had just finished zipping up your dress when a knock sounded at the door. When you opened it, the happy mood you were in faltered.
“Oh,” Enji said, a frown visible on his face. “Where is Shoto?”
“I believe he went out with Natsuo to get something.” You said stepping back away from the door.
“I need to speak with him.” He said, and you almost couldn’t stop from rolling your eyes.
“He has his phone on him I think, did you try calling him?” You asked, trying not to sound too rude. It was like Enji didn’t even think before barging to Shoto’s room.
“Not yet. I will soon.” He said and looked at his watch. “I suppose I could talk to you right now too.”
You waited for a moment for him to talk, but he didn’t say anything. “Okay? Anything in particular you need?”
“I’ll put it simply. I do not like you being with my son. Nothing good will come of it. I do not see a future with you in his life.” Enji said, bluntly.
“Excuse me?” You asked. You always knew Enji did not like you dating his son, but this seemed out of nowhere.
“It’ll be better if you end it sooner than later. I have big plans for him, and I do not want your petty little high school romance to ruin his career.” He pulled something out of his back pocket, it was a checkbook. “Of course, I would reimburse you. Name a price and it’s yours.”
“This has to be a joke, right?” You couldn’t believe what was happening. Nothing like this had ever happened to you, and you never thought Enji would even do this.
“I am not joking, miss Y/n,” Enji said, sighing at your blank stare and silence. “I didn’t want to tell you this, but tonight I will be having a young girl of equal promise meet with Shoto. If all goes well, they will be engaged tonight. I’d rather not have you there to mess it all up. So, name a price and I will have someone drive you home right now.”
“No.” You said, shaking your head.
“What?” Enji questioned, he raised an eyebrow like he couldn’t believe you.
“I won’t. You can’t force us apart.” You said louder, you were starting to get very frustrated.
Before Enji could say anything else, a door slammed shut and you could hear the boys back already. Shoto was home earlier than expected. “So be it, Y/n. He will no longer be yours by the end of the night anyway.”
He left the room after that. All you could do was stand, staring at the door where Shoto’s father stood. Enji Todoroki was a monster. You could feel tears pricking the back of your eyes, trying to crawl out.
“Y/n? Are you ready, love?” Shoto called from the hallway. You turned around quickly, grabbing your bag. “Some of the boys from our class are here already, it’s almost time to get going.” You heard him walk through the door, and you were all but kicking yourself to shake away what happened. “Y/n? Is everything okay?” Shoto asked softly, placing a hand on your elbow.
You turned to him nodded quickly. “Yeah, I, um. I just got a feeling I was forgetting something, but I remembered what it was.”
“Oh, good.” He said, smiling once he took in your outfit. “You look stunning.”
“Thank you, Shoto.” You said smiling, then pull him close to you. Moving your lips to meet his you sighed slightly when he wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing you back.
“What was that for?” Shoto asked once you pulled away. “Not that I’m complaining.”
“Just missed you, and I’m excited about the ball.” You said. Hopefully, you could get your mind off of the conversation you had with Enji before you reached the hall.
   A smile sat on your lips as you watched your friends dancing to the soft, slow music. Everyone looked so good tonight. So far you had been having a wonderful time, you had managed to even forget everything that happened with Enji. Dancing with Shoto a few times and sneaking a couple kisses helped a lot.
Though, it had been nearly thirty minutes since you had seen Shoto. You had been so distracted by your friends; you hadn’t realized how long it had been. Leaving the seat at your table you went to look for him. Then you saw Enji. He had a smug look on his face when you held his gaze, and your heart jumped.
“Oh no.” You muttered to yourself. You knew exactly where Shoto was now. Enji had taken him to meet some random girl, to steal him from you. Following Enji’s gesture toward the doors of the balcony, you made your way to them. Once you were on the threshold your heart fell as you saw Shoto. An absolutely gorgeous girl stood not even a foot away from him, her arms were dangerously close to being wrapped around them. This was it, you thought. The last time you’d be able to see Shoto before Enji’s horrible hands tore your relationship apart. How could Shoto resist the ‘perfect’ girl?
You gathered all the courage remaining in you and stepped onto the balcony. “Shoto?”
He turned to you, and you could feel tears in the corner of your eyes once again. “Y/n?”
“What do you want?” The girl sneered at you, her hands now resting around Shoto’s neck, his around her waist.
“Shut up.” You said through gritted teeth. So much for all the time, you spent on your makeup. The tears falling down now surely was ruining it.
“You need to leave!” She yelled at you, standing up straight now. “Don’t interrupt us!”
“No, you need to leave.” You all but growled once you were close to them, “Stop touching my boyfriend.”
“Your Boyfriend? I don’t think so.” The girl let go of his neck and her face almost turned into a snarl.
Shoto turned to the girl, a confused look on his face. “I thought you just fainted, Kanna.”
The girls, Kanna’s face went red, and she whipped toward him. “Oh, I did, Shocchan! I just, your strong arms helped me feel better.”
“I didn’t think it worked like that.” He said bluntly.
“It doesn’t, Shoto.” You said and stepped between them. Kanna squealed slightly and stomped her foot, it looked like she was beginning to throw a tantrum.
“Go away you freak!!” She yelled at you and tried to push you away. Her hands landed on Shoto however, he had moved between you and Kanna at the perfect moment.
His expression turned dark, “Don’t even try it, Kanna.”
“Oh! Shoto, I’m sorry. She is just being so annoying, ruining our special time together.” Kanna pouted.
“She isn’t ruining anything. You are. Don’t ever insult or threaten my girlfriend ever again.” Shoto moved his arm letting her hands fall from him. “Leave my sight before I do something I surely will regret.”
Kanna burst into tears, running towards the doors to the ballroom. You heard her cry out Enji’s name as she did. Shoto turned to you, and the dark expression still on his face. You had never seen him look so threatening and so hot at the same time. When he saw the tears on your face though, it fell in an instant.
“Y/n! Are you okay? What’s the matter?” Shoto questioned, holding your arms and staring into your eyes. He brought his hand up to wipe the stray tears on your cheeks.
“I, um.” You whispered; you could almost feel the concern in his eyes. “I don’t want to tell you.”
“Is it about her? Don’t worry, I promise. She is one of my father’s puppets.” He said, a small frown falling onto his features. “Once in a while, my father will send her my way in hopes of us getting engaged.”
For some reason, you felt yourself breathe a sigh of relief. “I thought…. Shoto I was so scared I was going to lose you!”
“You won't ever lose me.” Shoto said pulling you close into a hug. You didn’t know when you had started shivering but you felt it now. He leaned close, his lips brushing your ear. “Trust me, darling, you’re my only one.”
A sob of relief broke out at his words and you buried your face into his chest. You had never felt that way before, it was devastating. After a few moments of just holding each other, you pulled away to look up at him.
“Your father is the worst man I ever met.” You spoke, gaining a sharp laugh from Shoto.
“You have never spoken truer words.” He smiled at you, and he noticed you were still a bit tense. “Was there anything else bothering you, love.”
“Your father,” You started, breathing in deeply. “He told me to leave you, he tried to pay me to end what we have. He said there was no future for me with you.”
“That bastard.” Shoto growled and started to move from your grasp toward the doors.
“Wait!” You cupped his face pulling him into a kiss. It was deep, rushed. It took your breath away and it stopped Shoto in his tracks. You pulled away for breath. “Shoto, I said no. That I would never leave you. I couldn’t ever.”
“I knew you wouldn’t, y/n. I fell in love with you for a reason.” He said breathlessly. Butterflies soared from your stomach up to your heart, warming your body where they touched. The music inside grew louder, and he grabbed your hand, starting to dance along with the slow music.
You moved along gracefully with the music. Following Shoto’s lead, he was an amazing dancer. When he dipped you, a giggle left your mouth. He pulled you back up and you kissed him again. “I love you too, Shoto.”
“Even if forced you to leave me, Y/n.” Shoto began, stopping the dance. Pulling you close, your bodies flush. “Push me out, I’ll pull you closer. I’ve never had something that meant so much to me.”
You shivered at his words combining with the cold in your bones. Shoto shrugged off his suit jacket, wrapping it around your shoulders. He grinned at you, then bowed slightly, his hand out.
“Can I have this dance, darling?” He asked, staring at you through long eyelashes
“Absolutely, Sho.” You placed your hand in his.
He placed a soft kiss on your hand and began to move you along to the music again. Even though the night almost turned to shit, it couldn’t have ended better. Being wrapped in Shoto’s arms under the beautiful night sky. 
He leaned close to your ear again. “You know what we should do, Y/n? Use my father’s credit card and take this to a hotel, the night is still very young. I want to show you just how much I love you.”
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transmascfrankiero · 5 years
all of mcr’s songs ranked out of ten based on whether or not you can strip to them:
romance: could work if you were going for a Super Melancholy smiths-esque vibe but overall too slow and pretty. 1/10
honey: headbanger soundtrack to showcase your revenge body to ur ex. bonus points for underlying ‘gonna murder shitty boyfriend’ context thanks to audition-inspired video. but slightly too angry to be seductive. 5/10
vampires: too goth, too many feelings. reminds me of pot dreads frank. would not work. 0/10
drowning lessons: this song is cursed and cannot be listened to in public unfortunately 0/10
sorrows: if u were going to do a strip routine while beating the shit out of someone for trying to stealing ur tip money this would be a gr8 choice 6/10
halos: it’s about blowing your own head off and taking too many pills to cope w/ wanting to die all the time. 0/10
turnstiles: please do not!!! strip!!! to a song!!! about 9/11!!!! what is wrong w/ you!!! -100000000/10
monroeville: if u were doing a private lil strip dance for your george a. romero-obsessed s.o. where u both cry over the idea of having to kill the other person b/c they turned into a zombie then sure??? but other than that no. .5/10
best day ever: ehhhhhh. too fast. kinda weird to get sexy to unless u have a hospital kink. 0/10
cubicles: wow the thought of doing a strip routine to a song about pining for ur coworker who doesn’t know u exist is too sad to even joke about -20/10
demolition lovers: it’s a long song but it’s got cool tempo changes for variety and if u got the stamina then go for it. 4/10
helena: so, like, i get it. it’s a bop. u could dance to this beat for sure. the costumes and color scheme from the video make for gr8 stage pictures and the dancing corpse lady is v pretty. i could understand why if u were doing an emo strip routine u would want to use helena. but please for the love of all that is holy do NOT strip to a song gerard way wrote about his dead grandmother okay i am BEGGING you -∞/10
to the end: this would be a hilarious choice for a bachelor party ngl 7/10 for that alone
prison: absolutely you could strip to this song but u gotta COMMIT okay u gotta light something on fire onstage and challenge gender norms while screaming your head off 8/10 but only if ur not a coward
i’m not okay: it’s a bop, but can u strip to it? no. 0/10
ghost of you: mikey way did not die on a beach in fake normandy for u to strip to ghost of you. seek help -5/10
jetset life: dude this song like. actually works??? for a strip routine??? so long as you don’t actually listen to the words, from a musical perspective, u could totally strip to this 10/10
interlude: what kinda weird catholic shame kink do u need to have to strip to this song. also it’s too short and too pretty. -5/10 (unless ur into catholic shame idk)
venom: this would require such a high energy routine but if u can make being sweaty work then this is a gr8 choice 7/10
hang ‘em high: this is a BATSHIT INSANE choice for a strip routine but if u want to do it then PLEASE do. i like ur style. 8/10
deathwish: u can strip to this only if u introduce ur routine by dedicating it to everyone who ever said eyeliner on dudes was gay. 5/10
cemetery drive: i think not. 0/10
never told you: if u are a highly theatrical highly murderous stripper then yes definitely 7/10
desert song: this song is Way Too Beautiful to strip to sorry you can’t have it -300/10
the end.: the only sexy thing about this song is how good gerard’s voice sounds so no. 0/10
dead!: this is a bold fucking choice but u have to play your cards just right. high risk high reward but SO much to potentially get wrong 6/10
how i disappear: u could. but why. 2/10
sharpest lives: holy SHIT yes ABSOLUTELY u should strip to sharpest lives. the drama. the beat. the spy rock guitar that frank accidentally nailed. this is one of THE choicest options from their catalog. why aren’t u stripping to this right now 50000000/10
wttbp: cute idea but don’t actually 0/10
i don’t love you: again, a bold fucking choice. u could strip to this in an edgy, meta sort of way but it’s missing the trashy factor so it’d have to be part performance art and part strip routine. if ur into that then totally 5/10
house of wolves: i mean i would pay money to see someone strip to this song so 7/10
cancer: LMAO YIKES -2000000/10
mama: this would be GLORIOUS if u fully embraced the sheer insanity and went Bonkers in Fuckin Zonkers burlesque-show-in-hell w/ it. 100/10 but u gotta pound the floor wailing at some point
sleep: i’m conflicted on this one like on the one hand it’s a good tempo for stripping but on the other hand it’s a song about being cruel to ur loved ones in order to force distance between u and them b/c you’re terrified of them getting hurt and it being all your fault. so maybe don’t strip to this one actually 0/10
teenagers: a bop w/ a great beat and fun costume ideas from the video but two major drawbacks being 1. ur getting naked to a song about teenagers which is uhhhh sort of Inappropriate and 2. it’s kind of also about school shooters which is also Inappropriate to get naked to. 0/10
disenchanted: why would u want this. you sad fuck. idek what to say except if you want to strip to this song i’m crying on your behalf -100000000/10
famous last words: don’t????? don’t. Do Not. stop that. -12/10
blood: this is HILARIOUS omg please strip to blood 10/10
kill all your friends: sure?? no objections but it’s an odd choice. this goes for the demo too. 2/10
heaven help us: if u want to strip to this then you definitely just read unholyverse for the first time and while u are valid, Don’t 0/10
my way home is through you: not an especially sexy song but it’s fun!! you do you 3/10
astro zombies (cover): uhhhhhh it’s a no from me dawg. i’d be thinking about danzig, like, the whole time. 0/10
desolation row: sure but u gotta be willing to get punched in the face by the riot squad for maximum effect 4/10
common people (cover): just b/c gerard would strip to britpop doesn’t mean u can. 0/10
emily: NO!!!! -50000/10
party at the end of the world: nah. 0/10
not that kind of girl: literally please consider the subject matter of this song and rethink ur life choices. -10/10
all the angels: it’s a cool song but don’t strip to it that’s weird -2/10
jack the ripper: you and the person who wants to strip to astro zombies can go sit in the suicidegirls corner together how about that. 0/10
na na na: a banger!! strip away my friend 9/10
bulletproof heart: a good song but not a strip song 1/10
sing: sorry this song is [REDACTED] it gets no score
planetary (go!): you could try to strip to this but it’s such a classic four-on-the-floor that i think you’d end up just regular dancing to it and forget to be sexy so 4/10
the only hope for me is you: are you doing a strip tease for michael bay. stop. put ur shirt back on shia lebeouf 0/10
party poison: like this is a hilarious option and i support you but realistically it’s pretty fast for a strip song 3/10
save yourself, i’ll hold them back: this is a safe option. Too Safe. almost soulless. a person who’d strip to this would avoid eye contact the entire time and never smile and later when you went out for a smoke break you’d overhear them on the phone with their ex arguing over child support payments. 4/10
s/c/a/r/e/c/r/o/w: the more i think about it the more fun the idea of stripping to this becomes so i say go for it 6/10
summertime: i’m Certain that gerard would prefer if you didn’t -5/10
destroya: is this objectively the best mcr song to strip to? Absolutely. it’s got everything you could possibly want right down to built-in moans and fever dream drums. but the only person in the universe who Can Must and Should strip to this song is gerard. sorry them’s the breaks. ∞/10 but only if you’re gerard way
kids from yesterday: don’t. 0/10
vampire money: 100% yes you should strip to this. bonus points for stealth twilight references 1000000/10
we don’t need another song about california: do i like this song? yes. is it sexy? no. 0/10
black dragon fighting society: i can’t understand what the FUCK gerard is saying in this song AT ALL so i can’t recommend that u strip to it b/c i have no fucking idea what it’s ABOUT 0/10
f.t.w.w.w.: i mean. this song is about eating pussy. and robots that are built specifically to fuck. so yes you can strip to this but you gotta dress up like a pornbot 100/10
mastas of ravencroft: again i cannot understand most of the fucking words and the ones i do understand are something something RICKETY BONES RICKETY HANDS so like. probably not the one 0/10
boy division: i could go either way on this one like it’s really fast but it’s also about cocaine so??? 3/10
tomorrow’s money: while this song slaps overall violent nihilism does not a strip song make 1/10
ambulance: no. 0/10
gun.: antiwar messages are sexy but not the right kind for stripping 1/10
the world is ugly: PLEASE no. 0/10
the light behind your eyes: oh my god this is so DEPRESSING why would you want to strip to this who hurt you -2000000/10
kiss the ring: yes yes yes it’s got built-in audience participation conceit factor if u let ur audience kiss ur ring, totally works 10/10
make room!!!: again, slaps, but not a strip song 1/10
surrender the night: dude we talked about this!!! dying violently w/ ur loved ones is Not Sexy!!! 0/10
burn bright: i guess you could strip to this but again it’s Too Safe tread carefully 3/10
fake your death: i want frank iero to strip to this song so i can throw tomatoes at him for being a LYING SACK OF SHIT FOR TWO YEARS i’m not gonna rate this one but frank if ur out there i have a basket of slightly squishy heirloom tomatoes and i am COMING FOR YOU
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nnnnnjkkhf · 4 years
the experiment | kth ft. pjm
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◇ kim taehyung x reader ft. pjm
◇ smut; slight angst  | E2L!au | poolparty!au
◇ word count: 4.3 k
notes: this is my first ever fanfic, so i apologize if you think something is wrong. pls don’t hate me <3
warnings: soft dom!taehyung, sub!reader, dirty talk, oral (m&f receiving), masturbation, protected sex, public fingering (wHOOPS)
summary:  one of your group mates for research was giving you a hard time just because he was always annoyed by you and the attention the boys are giving you, but you don’t know that.
“Ding!” a message from Jungkook popped on the top of your screen while searching for the list of equipments you needed for the experiment. Shit, you mentally cursed. You looked up, and everyone in your group was staring at you.
“Why the hell are you texting when we are still discussing the things we need for this research?” Kim Taehyung snapped. Yes, snapped. This guy was giving you a headache ever since you’ve been classmates this school year. He hates you and you don’t even know the reason why. Jeongha, one of the girls in your group, smirked. 
“Maybe one of her boys is texting her for booty calls.” you glared at her. 
“Maybe you're just jealous that no one’s texting you.” you said, mimicking her facial expressions.
“Shut up, ___. I was asking you why you are texting when we’re discussing our experiment.” Taehyung said out of irritation. This guy. He doesn’t even know if I was really texting or not! I need to kick Jeon's ass later for texting me when he knows I’ll be in an important group meeting!
“Well, one of my boys needs me. If you’re done talking, maybe I can leave?” You didn’t wait for his response and started to walk away from the group. He is so annoying. I’ll just send my part to Ji-eun later, so I won’t need to interact with Taehyung. He’s getting on my nerves. You opened Jungkook’s message to check what was so important for him to message you during a group discussion. 
[1:48 pm] assjeon: “___! I got an invitation to Jimin’s pool party tonight. I know you won’t say no since you’re basically crushing on him since freshman year.”
[1:55 pm] you: “Who said I was crushing on him? I’m in love!”
[1:56 pm]  assjeon: “You? In love? Who are you kidding? The party will start at 7 pm, so I’ll pick you up later.” 
[1:57 pm] you: “Okay, dad, I got it.”
Good thing his message wasn’t that bad and you really needed it. Jungkook was your best friend since high school, so he knows you well enough to judge if you’re in love or not. Of course, I was kidding but damn, who could ever resist THE Park Jimin? He’s a walking meal for Pete’s sake! His ass looks so good. Any girl would say yes when talking to him. You still had enough time before the pool party so you went to Starbucks to get your favorite drink and went home to take a nap in your flat. 
You closed your laptop after sending Ji-eun the list of equipment you researched earlier before leaving the group meeting. If Taehyung wasn’t being an asshole, you would’ve already finished working on it earlier. 
It was already 7 pm, and you noticed Jungkook already went inside your flat. He had an extra key in case of an emergency. You got up and picked up the two different bikinis in your bed.
“Which one should I wear? Black or red?” You tried to put the bikini over your oversized shirt and asked Jungkook to choose your bikini outfit for the party. 
“If you wanna seduce Jimin wearing a bikini, I think you should go for the red one. It will suit your curves well.” He said while sipping his iced coffee. He already saw you naked because of one accident wherein your towel accidentally dropped on the floor while the two of you were dancing to the beat of your favorite song. He was flustered, but then he started laughing, so you guessed he didn’t care about it. It happened about a year ago, so you don’t care about it now.
“Okay. I’m almost done. Go start the car now or something, I’ll head out after this.” You said while packing some extra clothes in your canvas bag. He nodded and left your flat after leaving his drink on the table. What a jerk, leaving his mess for me to clean up after. Am I his mom or something? 
 The drive to Jimin’s house went smoothly because Jungkook was a safe driver. There were already many people and some of your mutual friends since you arrived a bit late when you went inside. 
“___! Here!” Ji-eun called for you. She was seated on a couch with a group of people who you’re not familiar with except one, Taehyung. He’s with his guy friends, Seokjin and Yoongi. Why was he here though? Oh right, he’s Jimin’s best friend, and he lives here too. How could you forget? Isn’t it ironic how you would want Jimin to fuck the shit out of me but hate the nerves of his best friend?
“Hey, Ji-eun! You’re here early. How did the meeting go earlier?” You sat beside her and across Taehyung. He was looking at your figure, and his face screamed in disgust or so you thought. You felt insulted. Most of the guys you’ve encountered admire you because they think you’re pretty and hot, but unfortunately, Taehyung isn’t one of them. You focused your attention on Ji-eun since she was responding to your question. 
“Oh God, don’t even talk about it. Taehyung ended the meeting after you left because he was pissed. Don’t worry about it. Let’s go dance!” pissed? Of course, he was pissed. You literally told him that one of your boys needed you while having a meeting. On second thought, he deserved it. He accused you of texting during the discussion where i fact you were focusing on your tasks.
You went to the crowd with Ji-eun to dance. The party was a blast. After a while, you bumped into Jungkook while he’s grinding his hips to the girl he’s dancing with. 
“That’s gross, Jeon.” You whispered to his ear before you continued dancing. “You’re just bitter because Jimin’s talking to a girl, which is not you.” He said and smirked.
 You stopped dancing and scanned your eyes across the room to look for your crush, but instead of him, you locked eyes with Taehyung, who was drinking his liquor on the other side of the room. He was looking at you intensely, and you thought it was hot. Damn, I must be crazy. If he weren’t annoying the shit out of you, you would totally have the hots for him. He smirked. You broke the staring contest first and rolled your eyes, continuing the search for your beloved Park Jimin. There he was, talking to the girl who pissed you off earlier, Jeongha. 
“Ji-eun, I’ll get a drink for myself. You can stay here,” you said, and she just nodded as approval.
Jeongha was obviously into him because she kept on touching Jimin’s arms. Disgusting. Siri, please play that should be me by Justin Bieber. You mentally rolled your eyes and walked over to them, bumping into her on purpose. 
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t know you were there. By the way, I heard your boyfriend looking all over the place for you.” You said while smiling innocently. You knew this bitch doesn’t have a boyfriend but you lied so Jimin would stop talking to her.
“Bitch! I have no-” Jimin cut off her sentence. 
“Wait—you have a boyfriend, yet you still kept on flirting with me? Get lost, girl.” He said and pushed her away. You smiled secretly like an agent who completed her mission. Jeongha glared at you and walked away.
“So, ____, do you have a boyfriend?” You slightly jumped because you thought Jimin’s going to walk away too, but he didn’t, and he started a conversation between you two! He even knows your name! 
“I’m not really into relationships.” True enough, you weren’t interested in dating—just plain sex.
“That’s good to hear, babe. Let me get you a drink. What do you want?” He smirked. 
“Surprise me.” He winked at you and went to the kitchen to get you a drink. Someone grabbed your arm. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” It was Taehyung. He looked pissed. Why does he look pissed every time he’s talking to me? 
“Why do you care?” You asked him back and shot him a glare. 
“Of course, I care. One second you were grinding your ass with the guy in the dance floor, and now you’re flirting with my best friend!” Taehyung’s mind went ballistic. His mind tells him that he’s just jealous because he’s not the one you’re flirting with, but he’s in denial of his feelings for you. 
“Damn. He’s old enough to take care of himself, you moron. And for the record, the guy on the dance floor was my best friend. Stop annoying me and get out of my sight.” you hissed. Did he think I was flirting with Jungkook? I treat Kook like my twin, and now he’s telling me I was grinding my ass on him? Gross.
 “Oh, you two know each other?” Jimin handed you a red cup with some sort of alcohol in it. 
“No.” both of you answered at the same time. Jimin laughed and just shrugged it off.
“Tae, this is ___, and ___, this is Tae, my best friend.” the hell I care, I already know about that. You just smirked and drank every bit of alcohol you had in your cup. You forgot you had a low tolerance with alcohol. “I wanna go for a swim. Do you mind?” you told Jimin. 
“I’ll go with you. Come with us, Tae.” why did he even invite Taehyung to go with you? You wanted to leave because things are starting to get awkward. Didn’t he notice the tension?
You started walking towards the outdoor pool and placed your things on the sun lounger. The two guys began to take their shirt off, and you were staring at Tae’s abs. Before he start to notice you, you look away and focused on Jimin instead.
“Like what you see, baby?” he smirked. Damn, he’s hot, and he’s confident about it! Of course he should be. Look at all those girls on the side, drooling over his body. Taehyung dragged him to the side of the pool and pushed him. Both of you were laughing because of Jimin’s reaction. 
“Aren’t you going to swim?” Taehyung said and jumped to the pool, not waiting for your response. You forgot what you were supposed to do because you saw Taehyung’s back while he was jumping, and he looked so damn hot. 
“Damn, I must be drunk,” you whispered to yourself. The water splashing to your legs made you shiver. It was cold. 
“What are you waiting for, kitten?” you didn’t hear the last word he said but you saw his lips while saying the word. kitten? What the hell, Taehyung? You slowly take off your oversized tee and shorts, attracting the attention of two men and other people who were near you, revealing your red bikini and your curves. “Damn,” Taehyung thought. Jimin whistled while eyeing you up and down and forced you to jump to his side. 
 After jumping, you rose and felt someone holding your waist. It was Jimin. He pulled you closer and went for a kiss. ”Is this okay?” He asked in between kisses. You responded by placing your arms on his neck and kissing him deeper. Jimin’s fingers slowly traced the inside of your thigh as they slowly traveled up the soft skin. A shiver went down your spine as you realized what was happening.” Jimin,” you said breathily, trying to close your legs. 
He merely tsked and pried your legs apart with his strong hands. “I know you want it, baby,” he whispered in your ear. Your head was thrown back as he reached his destination, slowly pushing a finger inside you. You look over Jimin’s shoulder and saw Taehyung’s back leaving the pool. Guilt suddenly washed over your face as you realized the both of you were with Taehyung, and you were in public. 
 “Wait, stop,” you said, holding Jimin’s arm while he was starting to thrust his fingers in and out of you. “What’s the matter, babe? Don’t you like it?” he asked. You liked it, but it felt wrong. “We’re in public, Chim. Maybe I should go swim for a bit.” he was flustered, but he didn’t stop you. He nodded,” Okay then. I’ll just go for a drink.”
You went over to the other side of the pool and observed the people surrounding you. They were busy and having fun enough for them not to notice what you were doing with Jimin. You’ve always wanted Jimin to notice and touch you, but right now, you feel like something’s wrong. 
You got out of the pool and caught some guys looking at your ass. Jungkook was walking towards you and when he got near you, he helped you put on a robe.
“What’s up? Jimin told me to give this to you. He didn’t look that happy.” he said while drinking from a bottle.
“I don’t know, Kook. I just don’t feel like fucking right now.” he was surprised but he didn’t say anything. Who wouldn’t? Even you were surprised. Your main goal when you went to this party was to get laid. What changed your mind? Moreover, who? You didn’t care about how Jimin would feel because you knew there were plenty of girls he could screw over. Besides, this is his party. 
That’s when everything got back to you. Kitten. That look in his eyes. Was it Taehyung? He left the pool without a word when he saw his best friend trying to finger-fuck you in the pool. Was he affected? Stupid, of course he’s not. He was just protective of his best friend because he said you were flirting with everyone and he obviously didn’t want his friend to get hurt. 
“Do you want to go home?” Jungkook said while clinging into your arms like a baby. “Let me go otherwise, you’ll get wet. And yes, I’ll go home. You can just stay here and look for girls to screw.” you said, grabbing your clothes from the chair beside the pool. “You sure?” he asked, and you nodded. “Alright, should I inform everyone that the queen is leaving the party?” he laughed out loud, making some heads look over the both of you, while you smacked his head, smiling.
You went to look for the bathroom on the second floor of the house because the first-floor bathroom was taken by some people making out. To your surprise, someone grabbed you and pushed you inside a room.
“What the hell?!” to stop you from screaming, he covered your mouth with his lips. His scent was very familiar, but you didn’t respond to the kiss. He stopped when he realized you weren’t going to react and rested his forehead against your shoulder. The room was dark, and only the moonlight from the window was the light source, so you can’t see anything but his silhouette. No way.
“Taehyung?” he didn’t respond. You were starting to feel butterflies in your stomach. The only person ever who made you feel like this. Crap. Why is he doing this? Were my thoughts earlier real? Was he really jealous? 
“Stop making me feel like shit, ____,” he said in a husky voice. He smelled and tasted like alcohol, so you figured that he was somewhat drunk. “What d-do you mean?” you responded. He moved his face away from you.
“It’s nothing. J-just leave me alone.” did you hear him right? leave him alone? “You basically dragged me into this room, kissed me, and now you’re asking me to leave? Who do you think you are?” he’s such a jerk! He didn’t answer your question but instead, he pulled you closer for a hug. You felt stiff, and you can’t even push him away. He’s making you mad, at the same time, driving you crazy. 
“I-I,” he sighs knowingly. 
“You’re what? Do you think this is some kind of a game?” you slightly pushed him to break the hug. “You treat me like shit whenever you get the chance, and now you act like a jealous boyfriend? What game are you playi—”  
“I like you!” He cut you off.
There was a moment of silence.
“You l-like me?” wow. I’m lost for words. All he did was get on my nerves, and now he’s confessing his feelings for me? “I liked you ever since. I was jealous because all you do was entertain and date guys that aren’t me! What do they have that I don’t?”
You honestly don’t know what to respond to him. You feel so overwhelmed. You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing went out of it. Taehyung looked rejected and was about to leave when you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. It’s all or nothing.
“I kind of like you too, Tae.” and with that, he took off your robe and placed his big hands on your ass to carry you without breaking the kiss. He pinned you to the wall and started kissing your jaw down to your neck, leaving soft marks on it. Small whimpers went out of your mouth as your core clenched around nothing when you felt his erection poking your stomach. 
“Tae,” you heavily breathe as he continues to kiss down your collarbone. 
“Tae, please,”
“Please, what, kitten? What do you want?” he said, slowly dropping you back on your feet. “I need you,” you moaned as he slid his finger down your bikini top and cleavage down to your stomach. You helped him by removing the bikini effortlessly. He sucked your left mound while playing with the other one. An arousal-laced gasp falls from your lips as his hands drop to your inner thighs. 
 “Do you think you deserve me? After letting my best friend kiss and touch you like that? With me around?” his fingers hook under the fabric of your underwear, and he quickly slides them down your thighs.
“I’m sorry, please, I won’t do it again. I want you now, Tae.” 
“Will you be a good girl for me?” you nodded. “I need to hear you say it, kitten.” he looked at you before slowly kneeling so he can be eye to eye level with your pussy.
“Yes, daddy. I’ll be a good girl.”
After a swift glance up at your eyes, he leans between your thighs and drags his warm tongue against your clit. The feeling is almost like heaven on earth. His lips are soft, but sinful against your cunt. It’s not every day you receive oral sex this good, especially not from your oh-so-called-enemy. Taehyung’s right-hand finds comfort gripping your hip while his left-hand cups the flesh of your inner thigh. He lifts your leg to give him a better access for his tongue to enter you. 
“Can other guys eat you out and pleasure you like this? Hmm?” he said and continued what he’s doing. 
“No, baby. No one is as good as you. Fuck, I’m close.” 
You encourage yourself to be vocal to let Taehyung know that he’s making you feel great. When his tongue glides over the perfect area, you tighten your grip on his hair and emit a soft but loud moan. He’s listening to your vocals and then skillfully dragging his tongue against your most sensitive areas. You looked down at him and saw his erection. It looks painful.
You can’t help but wonder how many times he’s done this. Even more intriguing to you, who taught him this. As his palms run along your soft skin, you notice the texture of his hands, slightly calloused and large, too. If he wanted to, he could probably crush you. All this daydreaming has you accelerating closer to your climax, so you quickly tug on his hair and pull away from his mouth. His lips and chin are slick with your arousal. 
You make it your next move to crawl onto the bed. As you turn to face him, he crashes his lips against yours and guides your almost-bare back to his sheets. The smell of his manly perfume floods your senses. Your tongues greet each other with passion, and the pure intensity of the kiss has you hot and unbothered. He breaks the kiss for a brief moment to tug his shirt over his head and pulls his jeans down along with his boxers. His muscles are well-defined and flex as he leans over to kiss you.
You’re both aware you need to prepare before taking his cock; otherwise, it’ll split you in half. He sank a single finger on your pussy, and you moaned loud enough for him to hear. 
“I bet Jimin didn’t even make you feel like this, huh. You’re such a slut. This cunt is fucking mine now, you hear me?”
His knuckle stimulates your clit as he gently fucks you with his digit. You wrap your thighs around his torso as he adds another finger. There’s a slight warmth from the stretch, but the pleasure almost drowns it out.
“All yours, Tae. Please, just fuck me already,” you playfully grin.
He got up and went to get something out of his wallet. He rolled the condom over his dick and slowly stroked it up and down. Damn, he looks so fucking hot. “Are you ready for me, baby?” you nodded. He’s so big. Will that even fit?
He wastes no more time. With a swift adjustment of his body, he positions his cock against your entrance and slowly sinks inch by inch. You dig your nails into the flesh of his back and emit a strangled moan. 
He sighs at the feeling. “God, baby, you’re so fucking tight.”
“Oh, my fucking..” You gasped. ”T-taehyung.”
Just when you thought he couldn’t reach any deeper, he pushed back your thigh and sank deeper. You pulled his chest against yours and rolled your hips, signaling him to start his sinful movements. His thrust had your back arching and your thighs shaking like never before. 
As you go in for another kiss, you take his tongue between your teeth and suck on the muscle, emitting a startled moan from his throat. His hips stutter slightly at the foreign gesture. He grips the headboard as he fucks you with all his might. He’s been dreaming about this moment since the dawn of time, so he’s going to make the most of it. Your eyes are rolling to the back of your head. He’s hitting deep and in all the right areas. 
A deep moan falls from his lips, and then another. He can’t seem to contain himself, but you’d be a fool to complain. His shaky breath and pretty moans are drawing you closer to your orgasm. 
A few more strokes of his hips and you’re moaning loud enough and coming around his cock. He follows closely behind, holding the entirety of his length inside of you and reaching his climax. The pressure is unbearably pleasurable. 
He lay down beside you as the both of you continued panting. “Did I do great, kitten?” he said as he made you turn to him and pulled you closer, kissing the top of your forehead. “Yes, Tae. The best sex I’ve ever had.” you grinned and cuddled him. You can’t believe that the guy who you thought hates you made love with you.
 The sunlight woke you up from your deep sleep. You glanced over and realized you were not in your room. It’s a manly room. You guessed it was Tae’s. Oh, right. Memories from last night clouded your mind, and you blushed. Taehyung was not inside the room, so you figured he’s already downstairs. You checked your phone on the table beside the bed and saw two missed calls and three messages from Jungkook.
 [11:23 pm] assjeon: Hey, where are you? Did you get home safely? 
[12:02 am] assjeon: Bitch, reply asap. Are you home? 
[8:09 am] assjeon: Fucking ____. I swear I will kill you if you hurt yourself or whatever you stupid bitch.
His messages made you laugh. He’s acting like a mad brother. The latest text from him was just twenty minutes ago. You called him, and he answered right after.
 assjeon: where the hell are you, and why didn’t you go home last night?!
you: chill, dude. I’m still here where you left me.
assjeon: by that, do you mean you’re still in Chim’s house?
you: well, obviously. 
assjeon: thought you wanted to go home because you weren’t in the mood for sex last night. What happened?
you: well, it’s a long story. I’ll tell you some other time, kook. Have to go!
assjeon: you better do! Take care of yourself. Love you!
you: love you too.
Call ended.
“We had sex last night, and the first thing you do in the morning is call another guy?” you stopped scrolling through your phone and looked up. Taehyung was standing there while holding a glass of milk. Cute, you thought. 
“Good morning to you, too. Are you jealous of Jeon? He’s basically like a brother to me! Thank you for the milk.” you said, smiling and walking towards him to reach the glass of milk. You noticed you were wearing your undies and an oversized shirt. Taehyung dressed you up while you were sleeping, and you felt those butterflies in your stomach again. 
He held your waist and pulled you closer so he could leave a kiss on your forehead, and you giggled. “I’m not jealous of him. Just the attention you’re giving him. Good morning, baby girl.” 
You gave him a peck on his lips. What a great way to start the morning. 
a/n: Thank you for reading my first work ever. Do you want a part 2? 
taglist: @strwberryvmin​ @bonnyskies​ @hannahmaehudgins​ @adoringinsanity​
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americasmarauders · 4 years
Wasteland, baby!-- Ben Hargreeves (part 1).
author’s note: hello hello. after weeks of writing here it is: my masterpiece. to be complete honest, this might actually be one of the best pieces of writings I have ever produced. ever. 
words: 2759
part 2
part 3
part 4
summary: that girl on the bus stop seemed so lonely and Ben couldn’t help himself really. So, he snuck out and became her friend.
He was having a hard time sleeping. It usually happened after a mission. Ben was haunted by the monsters he unleashed, and the faces of those he attacked. He hardly could sleep after using his powers. He silently thanked that Father had stopped monitoring their sleep after Five disappeared.
           He sat on his bed, his back resting against the wall, his feet dangling. He looked out the window, the sun was barely up and the streets were quiet. Usually, he was always the first one to wake up out of his siblings—the morning light peaked right on his face. He would wait until the dreaded knock on his door, a sign that they were to face the horror they called Father.
           Usually, Ben would sit watching the streets, quietly wondering and admiring the normalcy of it. There wasn’t anything to watch, a couple of cars passing, the tiny garden one of the residents of the building in front tended to, a bus stop that half disappeared on the corner of the sidewalk.
           However, today, something got hold of his attention. A girl, standing quietly near the bus stop, just enough so Ben could see her clearly. She had a clear umbrella dangling off her backpack. She wore jeans and a white t-shirt with a print he couldn’t quite discern. She looked about his age, but it wasn’t that what intrigued him,
           She looked so lonely. She had a lost look in her eyes. She kept glancing up and down the streets, her face morphing into something sadder each time she saw no one was coming.
           His heart beat faster and faster. How come? She looked so kind and sweet. How could someone leave her alone?
           He shuffled on his bed, his face this close to the glass window, clinging to her image. Ben watched her with curiosity. She was a new figure in his life, his so controlled and planned life.
           He didn’t know how long he stayed there looking at her, but he heard the dreadful knock on the door. It must have been long.
           “I’m coming,” he answered to it.
           When he looked back to where the girl was standing, she was gone.
Ben woke up earlier the next days. Earlier than he usually did. He spent the entire week looking at her. She stayed at the same place for a while before she walked off to the end of the street, he guessed to the school at the end of it. She always looked lonely, she always was looking for something or someone to accompany her.
          He changed out of his pajamas quickly. He was tying his tie when he turned to the window, one knee on the bed, seeing if she was outside. He finished his tie and pulled the sweater on top of it, opting against using his blazer.
          Ben glanced one last time out the window. The sky rumbled. He sighed, as he looked up to the sky, little droplets of water fell. He put his shoes on and quietly left his room. He avoided all the spots in the corridor where the wood would creak under his feet. He hoped Pogo was nowhere near the entrance.
          He descended the stairs quietly, his heart beating rapidly and strongly. Ben had never done something so sneakily and so exciting in his life. Sure, he had once messed with Allison’s teddy bear and a string of other practical harmless pranks, but this felt different and more criminal than those childish plays.
          As he stood in front of the door, his hand gripping an umbrella tightly. His other hand hovered over the handle hesitating. He closed his eyes and, in a rush, he opened the door and stepped outside. He opened his eyes as he felt drops of water hit his shoulders and hair. He smiled and closed the door.
          With the umbrella opened, he crossed the streets in long strides, laughing at the thrill of defying orders. He could see her, standing under her clear umbrella looking down at her phone—a luxury he wished he could have. Just as always, she looked a tiny bit sad.
          He slowed down his pace, still smiling. He quietly approached her. She sensed him coming her way and looked up right at him. Ben wasn’t counting on how beautiful she looked up close, he had seen her only from afar. He faltered for a split second shocked, but quickly recomposed. He stood next to her, his smile still very much present.
          “Hi,” she said quietly.
          “Hey,” he breathed out. “I’m sorry,” he laughed nervously, “it must be weird. I mean, you’ve never seen me. I—” he cleared his throat, “I noticed you looked quite lonely and I thought I’d stay with you.”
          She smiled. “Okay,” she said quietly. “It’s not weird. I saw you looking last week.”
          “Oh,” Ben hadn’t seen her looking. “I didn’t know.”
          “It’s okay,” she responded. “Someone might have thought it was creepy, but,” she laughed and shook her head, “I somehow knew you didn’t mean any harm.”
          “That’s—” he swallowed nervously, “good.”
          “I’m Y/N,” she said and his heart stopped for a second at how beautiful and fitting it was.
          He smiled at her. “I’m Ben.”
          Lightning stroke and she yelped slightly. Both giggled at her scare. Both knew it was the start of something magical.
It became a routine. A routine he maintained for the better part of 2 months.
           Ben would wake up earlier—they started to meet earlier and earlier, craving for more time together as they became closer—jump out of bed, and fly out the door (he started climbing out the window when he had a near encounter with Pogo one morning). He would stay with her until she had to leave for school. With that he would climb to his room and put on his blazer. Sure, he would come to breakfast a few minutes later, but it was all worth it. She was worth every second of the few minutes they spent together.
           He discovered a lot of things about her. She lived a couple of blocks away and she went to school just down the street. She was a year younger than him and she wanted to be a scientist after school. She read a lot, mostly contemporary books, but there were some classics that she absolutely loved like Peter Pan and To Kill a Mockingbird.
           Some would argue she was absolutely, positively ordinary. To Ben, that was what made her extraordinary. He was surrounded by things he couldn’t really explain, that most couldn’t even begin to wrap their heads around it. His whole existence was one of mystery and, quite frankly, horror.
           Y/N was the opposite. She was normal. No powers, no buying kids to experiment on them. She had both parents, normal balanced adults who loved her very much. She was an only child, no crazy siblings for her. She went to school and learned normal things, she didn’t learn a thousand different languages and advanced calculus or whatever. She said she didn’t have many friends, but he was her friend. He believed he was her friend because she was his only friend.
           It was a sunny day, hot, nearing the end of the school year to her. Ben was sweating in his button up, and she adorned a sundress. Some would say it was behaved, playing it safe, she didn’t want to draw attention to herself. To Ben, it was perfect. She glowed. Her hair was down and she clutched her backpack tightly, the clear umbrella always hanging off of it.
           They chatted lightly. As they talked, Ben lost track of time. She was supposed to be heading to school and he was supposed to be on his way down the stairs as the breakfast hour neared. His eyes drifted to the academy, his brother Klaus looking out his window with a smirk framing his face.
           “Shit!” Ben said, frantically looking down a watch he kept in his pocket.
           “What?” Y/N responded confused. “Is everything okay?”
           “We lost track of time,” Ben said looking up the window one more time, Klaus signaling to his wrist as if Ben was running out of time. Y/N’s eyes trailed to where Ben was looking. She raised her eyebrows at the sight of a boy at Ben’s window, absolutely amused at the situation. “We need to go.”
           “Yeah,” she breathed out, her eyes peeling off the window and settling on Ben. She smiled. “See you tomorrow?”
           “Yeah, yeah,” Ben shook his head, already halfway across the street in a rush. “See you!”
           Shit, shit, shit, shit, he muttered all the way up to his window in the second floor. As he got up there, Klaus helped him up the ledge, helping bring his brother into the room. He didn’t wipe the smirk off his face, as Ben frantically composed himself in the mirror, straightening his tie and fixing his hair. He picked up the blazer on top of his bed and put it on.  
           “You’re lucky it was me who caught you,” Klaus said amused.
           “Shut up, Klaus,” Ben muttered.
           “Wow, Benny boy, you wound me,” he said dramatically. “I guess you won’t mind then if I tell dear old dad that Number Six is sneaking out of the academy to flirt with girls,” he completed with annoying kissing noises.
           “Don’t tell Dad,” he gritted angrily. His eyes softened and he quietly begged, “Please, Klaus. She—,” he swallowed, “she has nothing to do with this. Don’t involve her.”
           Klaus wasn’t one to show softness: he hid it under a much dramatic persona, alcohol and drugs—not necessarily in that order. Ben was lucky his brother was sober that morning. “I won’t,” Klaus said. “But you have to more careful.”
           With that, Klaus was out the door. Ben exhaled deeply and muttered a small yeah before he was off to slay that morning’s demon.
Ben laid awake that night.
           He had spent the entire day on edge, hoping Klaus wouldn’t spill his biggest secret to everyone, especially their Father. Thankfully, he wasn’t that much of an asshole, and even when Klaus was higher than high that afternoon, he managed to keep his mouth shut—which was greatly appreciated by Ben.
           He started to reflect on every single conversation he and Y/N shared, his heart racing at the memories. It started with a simple glint in her eyes, and it escalated to Ben feeling like he couldn’t breathe right if he didn’t see her regularly.
           He hadn’t felt that way before, but he wasn’t exactly daft to the symptoms he was feeling. He had read enough novels to conclude he was either having panic attacks—which weren’t all too weird for him or his siblings to have—or he was in love. He quickly dismissed the first option. It wasn’t prompted, not like it usually is, and he couldn’t even imagine Y/N being a source of panic for him. Not when she felt like the only good thing in his life.
           The logical conclusion was love. But a part of Ben was reluctant to admit that. It wasn’t planned: he hadn’t planned on loving her, he just wanted a friend. It was too soon for it. They’d had only two months of friendship, something he held so close to his heart he didn’t tell anyone he had a friend outside the Academy. It was an accident—a slip, really—that Klaus had found out.
           That also prompted the elephant in the room: she didn’t really know who Ben was. She knew who he was, of course, he was Ben. He hadn’t lied and maintained his personality a secret in a weird catfishing way, no. She just didn’t know who he was. She didn’t know his surname, she didn’t know why he only wore white button ups, shorts and ties, she didn’t know why he had an umbrella tattoo at only 16 years old, she didn’t know he housed monsters inside of him.
           The worst part is: Ben chose to omit that part of him. He didn’t want her to befriend him for his powers or for who his siblings were, he wanted her to like him for him, just plain old Ben. He wanted to prove to himself he was more than a number—sadly, quite literally—that his whole world was a mere detail in the grand scheme of things, that he mattered outside of being a tool for world salvation.
           And she had helped him prove that. He knew that, now. He knew by the way her face would light up when she saw him cross the street, coming at her encounter. He saw by the way she would laugh at his sarcastic remarks on some random anecdote she was telling him about school. He saw at the way she would smile and listen attentively to what he was saying, even if it was the silliest thing to ever leave his lips. He knew he mattered to her. More than he could imagine, maybe. And, somehow, that was the world to him.
           Smiling, he shifted in his bed, laying on his side. He looked at his night stand, the book she lent him staring back at him. She said that when she read, it had reminded her of him. He could hear her saying that—the memory too fresh from the previous day—it sent butterflies to his stomach and his thought became all fuzzy.
           He hadn’t opened it yet. She said he was to open it. He felt bad for a second, he hadn’t had the time to do what she asked him to, but that thought quickly subsided with the memory of the exhaustion he felt after the training he had endured. If she knew, she would understand, right?
           Ben picked the book up sitting upright in his bed. The clock flashed a 9:37 pm in a sickly green. If he could read at least the first chapter of it, he would finish it in minutes, and it wouldn’t leave him too exhausted for tomorrow’s training and he could comment his thoughts with her.
           His fingers trailed lightly over the creases of the title. My Sweet Orange Tree, it read. He opened it and an envelope fell. He put the book aside and opened the envelope. He first took out a paper, folded in itself a couple of times. He then noticed there was another item inside of the envelope but opted to read the letter first. Ben turned the lamp beside his bed on and read.
           Dear Ben,
           I know you often choose to read intellectual books, your brain too smart to waste time on fickle fantasies. But I ask for you to waste time on this one. You’ll find that there’s more than meets the eye. Just like you, I suppose.
           There’s a moral to this story you’re about to read, one I hope we get to discuss more than the few spare minutes we have before I go to school and you have to do whatever mysterious things you refuse to tell me. I hope you find it fitting, just like I found it fitting for you and me.
           I know it seems early and even cowardly to say this through letter and not to your face, but Ben, my god, you mean so much to me, more than my brain can process. My heart surely can. I hope you know this.
           It sounds silly and old fashioned, but I put a photo of me in the envelope. So, you’d remember me if something were to happen, or just remember me in general. I didn’t mean to sound so pessimistic. Behind the photo there’s my telephone number: home and cellphone. If you ever manage to, perhaps we can call each other?
           After that sequence of random topics, I bid you farewell, my Ben. I hope to see you tomorrow.
           He threw the letter aside, reaching for the envelope he had abandoned a few moments ago. He took the small picture out of it. Y/N was smiling at the camera, wearing that amazing sundress he loved, looking carefree. He smiled at the picture, his heart threatening to jump out of his chest. He flipped the picture, the numbers in black ink and her penmanship.
           He put the letter and the picture on his night stand, making a mental note to get a frame for her photo. Ben sighed happily and opened the book. Chapter one.
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fmdduri · 3 years
a headcanon about duri & titan’s title tracks.
word count: 2,422. about: this is how duri feels about each title track of titan’s thus far. duri also very much saying he doesn’t like a song because people work hard,, but you can’t help what you don’t like, right? notes: don’t perceive me for some of this, thank you <3 i believe i did this on duri’s old blog as well but this is all new information ! 
btd: duri believes that btd (before the dawn) was a rather strong debut song. it showed off titan’s concept rather well, as well as cementing titan as a strong group in vocals, rapping, and dancing - no matter what position you have in the group. btd is definitely a song that still holds up to this day, one that duri really enjoys. however, attached to btd is also the criticism that duri faced about not fighting titan’s concept and saying that he was simply only there due to be a very strong vocalist, especially for the age that he debuted at. nonetheless, god tier debut.
be mine: this was a rather strong comeback song, duri believes. everything about it was rather smooth and he thinks it really showed off titan being a strong group together, once again. even though his styling gave very, your high school boyfriend who fell into the category of emo trying to be some sort of rock god - it did manage to work with the whole mysterious concept of titan. however, duri does prefer btd over be mine, if he had to be honest. duri, yet again, faced comments about not belonging in titan due to the concept and his own image, saying that he was really only there to carry vocally. 
paradise: duri likes to forget his hair exists in this. however, it’s clear their producer is truly iconic, especially with something like this. this song tends to remind duri of the 90s songs that he had really enjoyed, but clearly with a more modern push upon it. he wasn’t entirely sure why they spent a lot of the time in a train, but it’s fine, whatever. this is also one of the songs that comments towards duri in the concept had gotten better, but they just weren’t all the way there just yet. but, it was looking up now. 
the chaser: probably his favorite of their older songs, as well as really being the song to cement titan as legends in the industry. while duri never fully watched the music video due to the fact that a car accident occurs in the music video (that he didn’t watch while on set, granted he had to walk away from the flipped car at some point, he held up pretty well), it’s still generally one of his favorites. still kind of frustrating though that titan went through all of that in the music video, only for them to not even open the box in end, even though they had the key. this was the comeback that had also solidified duri fitting into titan’s concept.  so, it was all around really positive for him and one of the songs he still really loves to perform. this just truly showed how incredible he is with stage presence and something that continued to carry throughout his career. however, the only negative was duri being faced with underaged sexualization because you could see his arms through the mesh shirts he was styled in for music shows. 
destiny: another song that is 100% one of their best, at least in duri’s opinion. he really enjoys destiny, the music video itself, and the dancing as well. generally, he just believes that it’s a really good song and something that’s really fun to perform. destiny really just is that girl and there’s nothing else that can be said about it. she’s just sitting very pretty in titan’s discography. 
fanfare: to put it simply, this is one of duri’s least favorite titan songs. he finds the beat of the song to be rather odd, to the point that he wasn’t entirely sure how to really sing it at first. also, the “la la las” in the chorus were rather odd as well and he didn’t get it. kind of wishes it wasn’t in the discography. he seemingly just felt awkward in this song.
roar: roar just feels like a continuation of fanfare, with that odd beat that occurred. he really can’t say he even understands why that became such a trend with the last two releases. again, the “la la las” in the chorus is just something that he can’t seem to really get behind. essentially was a fanfare 2.0 and it would be better if this didn’t take up space in their discography. 
easy love: easy love... she’s just that girl and you can’t say anything bad about her. this is a song that duri really, really likes from titan’s discography. this is another song that he enjoys performing from their older discography. he really likes the genre it falls in, the beat, and the choreography. after the chaser, this is the second song to really prove that duri does fit into titan’s concept, as well as solidified him even more as a force to be reckoned with in the industry. 
last romeo: last romeo definitely falls into the extraordinary part of titan’s discography with btd, the chaser, be mine, paradise, and destiny. they found themselves going back to the older vibes of your emo rock boyfriends, but they really just made that styling work. he can’t say anything bad about last romeo either, he really likes her. sure, the music video is a bit odd, but she’s fun! 
back: truth be told, duri probably didn’t fit this concept at all. but, gaia and netizens thought he fit really well, and maybe he just ended up being a rather good actor. this is a song that falls into the extraordinary part of titan’s discography as well. it’s very much god tier with the chaser and destiny. but, in general, he enjoyed this one a lot. 
call me baby: this seemingly marked a shift in titan’s sound, as well as rounding out their concept to be even bigger than it was. it still fed a bit into the mysterious heartthrobs in a way, but was also a bit brighter. duri also likes this type of genre a lot, so he really had a lot of fun with call me baby. this was also shaping to him really, really fitting into titan’s concepts and being able to put himself into multiple different concepts of music videos. really just the type of song to shake your ass to! 
love me right: the electronic and r&b genre is something that duri really enjoys, which makes love me right go pretty high up on the list of favorite titan title tracks. he gave him that early 2000s boy group that he truly wishes he was because of how much he really enjoys songs from the 90s and early 200s. he felt a little bit cool in the football uniforms as well, even though he doesn’t no one thing about american football in the slightest. but, he looked cool, so that was great. 
sing for you: sing for you is probably one of duri’s all time favorite title tracks. however, that probably more so has to do with the fact that it’s one of titan’s ballad title tracks and duri is very much a ballad singer, which definitely shows within this titan release. there’s something rather comforting about the song and the melody that it holds. he really can’t say anything bad about the song at all, and it’s really just a perfect winter song, that’s for sure. 
monster: a song that falls into the their more “funky” songs, but it’s something that works really well. duri quite enjoys this song, and holds one of his most iconic lines in a titan song of “creepin’, creepin’, creepin’.” monster is definitely a song that duri wouldn’t ever get tired of, and a song that he really enjoys/enjoyed performing, to say the least. the styling of monster also one hundred brought back the emo wannabe rockstar boyfriends, but it worked really well, so that counted the most. definitely a heartthrob song for sure. 
lucky one: probably one of titan’s weirdest music videos, to say the least. the creepy, lifeless stares that they had to do was very chilling to have to see. but, besides for the rather odd music video, she’s a very fun song! following the funkiness again, but it also just works really well. the choreography is a bit odd, mainly because of the head bopping. but, other than that, she’s a very, very good song that duri quite likes. he remembers not having to work out on this filming day because of the amount of running that went on.
lotto: she’s definitely your best friend’s sexy older sibling. while she relies very heavy on autotune for the purpose of the beat and everything else about the song, she really wasn’t that hard to sing on stage. it also didn’t diminish titan’s talents in anyway, even though so people like to drag them for using autotune - duri still really likes the song because it just works so well. plus, he also did feel a bit sexy in this music video because of the cocky attitude he had to portray for some of his parts. 
kokobop: this song means a lot to duri, simply because bc entertainment had picked his lyrics for this song. he wrote the title track completely on his own, so he’s probably a bit bias to the song as a whole, but it is one of his favorites, and would even consider it one of their god tier songs - but, that might just be because he wrote the song and he had fun with the song, it went over rather well as well. though, of course, he had to explain a few times that kokobop means “fun dancing” and also comes from the 1959 hit song “shimmy shimmy ko-ko-bop” by little anthony and the imperials. he’s really proud of this song, and it’s something for the girls and gays to shake their asses to in the summer!
power: probably titan’s most hated song and duri holds a rather unpopular opinion about the song. he likes this song, a lot actually. he thinks the song and performance is a lot of fun. yes, maybe he did get to be the hero in the music video and beat the big robot with the shield he created through the music video. but, still, it was a very fun song that he really likes! he likes fun! he likes to have fun!
universe: this is another song that duri really likes, however, it’s most likely because it falls within the genre of ballads. though, it is a bit different due to it being a pop-rock ballad. but, duri still got to shine a lot due to it being a ballad, and really just showing off balladeer duri. it’s another comforting song and generally, the whole concept of baristas and stuff is something that’s very comforting to duri as a whole. generally, he can’t say anything bad about this song at all. 
tempo: another god tier song!! though, the only thing duri might hold against the song is the fact that he didn’t get to be apart of the acapella part of the song. however, this holds another one of duri’s iconic lines, with him opening the song with “i can’t believe” and the way that he just sings it, which had often been mentioned in reviews of the song. nonetheless, this is a song that duri really likes, something that falls into the god tier. it simply falls into one of their best songs. 
love shot: another incredible song. duri can’t say anything bad about it. it’s very reminiscent of lotto and duri feeling a bit sexy due to the cocky attitude of the song as a whole. generally he just felt very cool in this song and it’s one of his favorites among titan’s discography, he can’t deny that at all.
bad: simply, another god tier song. this song kind of brought titan back to their days of being mysterious heartthrobs, rather than the heartthrobs that they had become over the years. however, it did bring back some more versatility, especially for duri, as he showed off the aggression in his voice some more, like he used to in the older titan tracks - something that hadn’t really been needed the last few years for titan over all. this is another favorite of his, and the music video was a lot of fun - even if he wasn’t really a fan of the small rooms and had a hard time with that. lots of running again.
obsession: obsession is the god tier of god tier. however, that probably has to do with the fact that, once again, duri gets to feel like he’s in a 90s boy band, simply because of how the song is. he also finds it rather cool that they’re all essentially the evil versions of their selves in the music video and performances. there’s simply just something about this song and simply, it’s never going to get old in anyway. 
now or never: essentially, he thinks this song is just okay. at least, okay till getting to the chorus. the beat is okay too, if he’s honest. he kind of wishes the choreography was attached to a different song. it’s another song that he can do without, but he doesn’t dislike it as much as he does some others. 
o sole mio: this is honestly another song that’s just really good. he doesn’t have anything bad to say about it, she’s really just a whole banger! there isn’t one bad thing about the song in it’s entirely at all. he thinks it was a really good choice for a title track and believes it fits in well with what titan had released in the past. 
enough: enough isn’t that bad, either. it’s definitely a song that falls into their emo wannabe rockstar boyfriend with the styling, and adds onto being mysterious heartthrobs. generally, it’s the second best song that titan has released from 2020 to 2021. however, he wouldn’t say it really falls into titan’s best songs either. but, it’s still a bit of a banger. 
rpm: if he was honest, this song falls right behind both fanfare and roar in being apart of titan’s possible worst songs. it seems to not really fit in with them sound wise, and the music video is interesting, to say the least. something in duri wishes that a different song was chosen, while also wishing that titan had at least one more song to release this year, rather than leaving rpm as their last comeback of 2021. 
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toddtakefive · 4 years
Can I Have a Ride Home? I’m at a Party and I Don’t Know Any1
fandom(s): Gravity Falls, Over The Garden Wall
pairing(s): Pinescone , Mabcifica (mentioned)
words: 5314
rating: M (reasons listed in trigger warnings + swearing)
work type: One-shot , AU
tw(s): homophobia , use of slurs , violence and references to past violence
Also on AO3!!
Wirt wasn’t entirely sure how Sara had managed to drag him along with her to Senior Prom, hell he wasn’t even sure how she had managed to get a suit for him when he’d refused to go in for a fitting, but now he was standing in a crowded gym full of high-schoolers and he already wanted to leave. In his defense, they’d already been there an hour and that was an hour longer than he was at most parties.
If he was going to be completely honest, the party wasn’t that bad. Sure the music would cut off whenever there was a swear - everyone would still sing it anyways -, and sure the punch tasted weird, but it wasn’t necessarily a bad party as most parties go. The reason it was a bad party is because it was a party full of nothing but high-schoolers, and high-schoolers are scary. At least to Wirt.
He lost Sara twenty minutes ago -he’s honestly starting to think she’s underneath the bleachers flirting with the girl from her Chem class- and he’s getting bored so he pulls out his phone and starts typing a quick text to Dipper.
‘Bored. Wish you were here :/’.
The reply is immediate, 
‘Lol r u a postcard??’ ‘Wish I wre ther too <3 drving rigt now txt you lter′. 
The next text he receives is a picture taken by the person in the passenger seat, likely Mabel, with a peace sign while Dipper attempts to get his phone back without taking his eyes off the road. The caption for the photo is ‘road safety laws are bogus B)’. He laughs to himself. Yup, definitely Mabel.
He looks up at the sound of steps approaching, expecting it to be Sara but instead seeing evil incarnate. He takes in a deep breath before plastering on a fake smile.
“Hello, Trevor.” he says. 
Trevor Martin. No offense to the British actor Trevor Martin, of course, but Wirt fucking hates this guy. He’s book smart, Wirt’ll give him that, but that’s his only redeeming quality. Not only is he a totally fuckwad, but he has the audacity to say he’s not and try to date Sara, a very loud and proud lesbian. Like, dude, at least Jason Funderberker had the decency to back off when she came out. Plus, never trust a guy with a first name for a last name.
Trevor, wearing his slimy little smirk like he always does, doesn’t even meet Wirt’s eyes. “So, where’s Sara? I figured she’d be with you, you know, since you’re like her fucking boyfriend or whatever.”
Wirt scrunches his nose just slightly, he doesn’t want this situation to escalate more than it has to. “I’ve told you this a thousand times, Trevor. She is not my girlfriend.”
Trevor rolls his eyes, “Sure. You get pissed off that I’m trying to date her because you aren’t her boyfriend. Got it.”
Wirt shakes his head, “I get pissed off that you’re trying to date her because she’s a lesbian. Which is literally common knowledge, by the way.” he throws away his plastic cup and walks out into the hallway. Trevor, being an idiot in everything but school subjects, follows him into the hallway.
“She’s not a lesbian, she’s just saying that to get me to leave her alone.” Trevor explains, causing Wirt to roll his eyes as he walks.
“That’s not how that fucking works, Trevor. Besides, if a girl is literally resorting to faking being a lesbian to get you to leave her alone, maybe you just don’t know how to take a hint.”
He hears Trevor scoff, “Well she’s dating you, so she isn’t a lesbian.”
“She isn’t dating me! And you do know people can be bi, right?”
“If she isn’t dating you then why are you always talking about your relationship in World Civ?”
Wirt, just wanting this idiot to leave him alone already, stops walking abruptly and turns around. Trevor runs into him and falls back a little bit, he has a look on his face that Wirt thinks is his ‘gotcha’ face, but he’s really had enough of the whole ‘Wirt and Sara are dating in secret’ thing when they’re both very out homosexuals.
“Because I have a boyfriend, Trevor.” he deadpans, and sees that smug look fall off of Trevor’s face. God he loves the look of confusion that floods his features, it’s pure poetry.
“What?” Trevor asks, with all of his genius.
“The reason you hear me talking about my relationship -in conversations that didn’t involve you, by the way- is because I have a boyfriend. He lives in California.”
Trevor looks as though his entire world view just got re-shaped. He’s between wanting to believe and wanting to think it’s a prank, but, to Trevor, Wirt isn’t cool enough to pull a prank like this with a straight face.
The long minutes of silence is starting to get awkward, but just as Wirt is about to walk away Trevor speaks up again, “Wait so,” he pauses, “you’re a faggot?”
Wirt tenses immediately. That word. God he hates that word. The first time he heard it was when he came out to his biological dad when he and Dipper started dating back in Sophomore year. It wasn’t a great conversation, and Wirt vividly remembers the bloody nose he got out of it.
“I- uhm. Y-yeah. I- yeah.” Wirt stammers out. Trevor’s entire demeanor changes.
“Wait, what the fuck?” he says, distancing himself from Wirt by a couple inches. This causes Wirt to snap out of whatever funk he was in. He raises an eyebrow.
“Me having a boyfriend isn’t new information, Trevor. You’ve heard me get teased for talking about him before.”
“Yeah, but I thought they were joking! I didn’t think you were actually. You know.” he makes a wild hand gesture in Wirt’s direction.
“Gay?” Wirt asks with a furrowed brow.
“That! That. I didn’t think you were that.” Okay, now Wirt’s getting pissed. Obviously the use of the slur pissed him off, but not even being able to say the word gay? Come on, dude.
“Is there a problem with that?” He asks, crossing his arms. He’s not entirely sure where this newfound courage is coming from, but he can think about it later.
“No it’s just, dude have you been checking me out in the locker rooms and shit this whole time!” Trevor asks, his stance becoming defensive.
Wirt flinches back a bit at the question. “No. Why would I do that?”
“Because you’re.” Another wild hand gesture. Dude, just say the word.
Wirt sighs, “Gay. Right, yeah. We’ve established that. But I don’t go around creeping on the guys in the locker room. That would be fucking weird. And, again, I have a boyfriend, and you also aren’t my type so we’re covering all the bases of ‘I’d never do that’.”
Trevor takes a step forward that causes Wirt to take a step back, “I don’t believe you.” he says, voice lined with anger.
Wirt, quickly realizing he should have just walked away while Trevor was confused, holds his hands up in defense, “Good for you, but I don’t really care.” he glances over Trevor’s shoulder to see if he could make a break for the door. That idea is quickly thrown out the window when Trevor grabs Wirt by the collar. Wirt laughs a bit to himself, “You know, this looks kinda gay.”
Trevor’s hold on the front of his shirt tightens, he brings his hands up higher to make sure he isn’t touching the other boy anywhere, “Okay! Okay, okay, okay! Okay. Look, honestly man, never watched you while you were changing! I don’t think we’ve ever even had a P.E class together, if I’m being honest. And besides, I don’t think watching sweaty teenage boys change is that appealing. Especially not you, cause no offense you’re not really anyone’s type. At least not any gay persons type I mean! I’m sure some girl at the college you attend will think you’re hot, she’ll probably have kinda low standards but a girlfriend’s a girlfriend, right? And she’ll marry you right outta college, and you’ll become a fucking accountant or something else just as soul sucking, and you’ll have two kids, and a dog, and feel free to cut me off whenever you like.”
There’s a crunch and a massive amount of pain that makes Wirt stop talking. His head is spinning faster than a tornado, but he knows the feeling of hitting the school floor well enough to know it happens somewhere within the time he gets punched in the face a second time and kicked in the stomach the first.
He’s not entirely sure how long he’s on the floor, but he does know that when he finally opens his eyes Trevor is standing above him, heaving, staring at his own hands like they’re covered in blood- oh they are. That is blood. That is definitely blood. That’s a lot of blood. Wow.
Wirt pushes himself off of the ground, there’s an ache in every fiber of his being but the floor is cold and dirty and he’d rather not be down there right now. As he rises, slowly, he can see a steady drip of blood coming down from his face. That’s not good.
By the time he’s fully standing, Trevor looks ready to burst. “Wirt! Oh my god, dude. I am so fucking sorry, I didn’t. I don’t know why I. I never. Fuck I didn’t, I just, shit are you fucking okay?” the questions are rapid fire. Wirt’s a little too out of it to be able to tell if they’re genuine or not, and he doesn’t really care if they are at this point. This guy eats paste.
“Trevor.” Wirt finally says, “Shut the fuck up.” his words are slurred, and it’s obvious he’s still scared if the tremor in his voice is anything to go by, but he really just needs it to be quiet right now. To his credit, Trevor does shut up, but he just stands there.
There they are, two guys standing in a hallway, five feet apart cause one just beat the shit out of the other for being gay. Prom night is great. In his delirious state, Wirt can faintly hear ‘Lover Is a Day’ by Cuco playing from the gym. The beats pulse under his feet, and it’s just adding onto the pain right now.
After maybe five minutes, Trevor speaks up again. “Wirt I really am sorry, dude. I don’t know why I did that. I was pissed and you wouldn’t shut up and I didn’t what else to do! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!” Trevor hits the locker to his right with the side of his fist. The sound rings through the otherwise empty hall, and Wirt just stares at the first still on metal.
Wirt runs a hand through his hair, “That’s great and everything, but was the getting on top of me and repeatedly punching me in the nose necessary? Or, you know, any of it? You just fucking committed a hate crime dude, do you even realize that?” he’s talking slowly, his voice is tired and he would rather be anywhere else.
“I know! I know it was! But it honestly didn’t have anything to do with you being,” he pauses, and Wirt is about to finish for him before he continues on his own, “Gay. It didn’t have to do with you being gay, okay. I just. I have like severe anger issues. It’s some fucking long ass name, but the shortened thing is IED. It’s not really something I have any control over, and it’s been a while since I’ve had an episode that bad, and I promise it has nothing to do with you being gay or anything! That fucking chill, man! This stuff literally just happens, I swear on my motherfucking yeezys!” Wirt, who is finally coming back down to Earth and is able to process English language again, raises his brow, “ Okay, I don’t own yeezys, but you know what I mean.” He looks down to the floor, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Wirt sighs, wiping under his nose with his suit sleeve. It doesn’t help, the blood keeps flowing and now his suit is ruined. Fuck Prom night, dude. “Look, Trevor. If you actually have a genuine mental illness that does that, you get a fucking pass on the beating the shit out of me part.” Trevor flinches at that, “But you’re still kinda homophobic dude.”
Trevor looks up from the ground, “What? How?”
Wirt shrugs, crossing his arms again. “Assuming someone isn’t a lesbian when they say they are is pretty high on the list. Actually, assuming a gay guy is checking people out while they’re changing is also pretty high on the list. Both of the things you said are pretty high on the list, actually.”
This time it’s Trevor who furrows his brow, “But she isn’t a lesbian. I asked her why she thought she was a lesbian a couple weeks ago and she said it’s because she thinks girls are hot and that she wouldn’t mind kissing them, but that’s normal. Like, I know a couple guys in my classes that I wouldn’t mind kissing or like fucking or something and I’m not gay or whatever. Everyone thinks like that.”
Wirt’s mind just fucking imploded on itself. He’s joking. He has to be joking. Oh fuck he is not joking. Oh dear. Wirt cringes to himself, “Oh Jesus.” he whispers, “Trevor, you do know that isn’t a universal thing, right? Like, you know not every guy would be fine with fucking another guy, right?”
“Wait, really?” Trevor asks, his voice quiet. Wirt simply nods and watches as Trevor seems to contemplate his whole existence in front of him. “But I’m not. My mom told me that I couldn’t be gay, I just needed to find the right girl and it would be fine. I don’t like guys like that, I’m not.”
Fuck, why does Wirt have empathy. If he was a dick he could just walk away from this situation and not feel a thing, but he can’t leave this guy in a crisis. Even if he did just beat his ass.
“Trevor, why do you like Sara?”
“She’s funny, and kinda cool, I guess. I just want to hang out with her more, plus my friends kept saying I should go for it, so I figured why not.”
“Dude, you just want to be her fucking friend. That’s, what you want is a friendship. Jesus dude, you don’t even actually like her do you?”
Trevor shrugs, “I don’t know. I mean, she’s cool and everything.”
“Would you kiss her.” Wirt asks.
“Would you kiss Sara. Or any girl for that matter.” He asks again, slower this time.
Trevor rolls his eyes, giving Wirt a look that suggest the answer should be obvious, but when he opens his mouth, no words come out. It stays open for about ten seconds before he frowns. “No I. I wouldn’t” he lets out a dry laugh void of humor. “Holy shit, I fucking wouldn’t. What the fuck.”
Wirt sighs taking a few steps over to Trevor, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Go home, Trevor. You have had more than enough action tonight.” his hand slides off and he turns around to find the nearest bathroom, he about to round a corner when he remembers something and looks over at Trevor, who hasn’t moved an inch, “Try to refrain from using the f-slur before you figure out your whole mess, maybe?” He gives the other boy a quick smile before walking away.
The nearest bathroom is way too fucking far away, in Wirt’s humble opinion. And why are half of the lights off in these hallways? God, he feels like the character about to die in a horror movie. Thankfully, the light switch in the bathroom was easy to find so he isn’t completely in the dark.
He grabs some paper towels and wets them, and then he finally looks in the mirror. Jesus fucking Christ.
Trevor did a number on him, and if it were any other situation that required less brain power he would be kinda impressed. His nose is definitely broken, if the aching and gushing blood are any indicator, he’s got a black eye, a busted lip, bruises across his face and collarbone -and if the amount of times he was kicked in the stomach is as many as it felt, he’s got them there too- and, the cherry on fucking top, his suit jacket ripped a little bit.
His phone buzzes in his pocket as he finishes wiping the blood from his face, but his nose is still bleeding. Pulling his phone out of his back pocket he finds two new messages. One from Sara, saying she scored with the girl from her chem class and that she has a date next Saturday, and one from Dipper saying they’ve finally stopped driving.
Wirt texts Sara back congratulating her on her suaveness that she most definitely didn’t have (see: nearly puked on a cute girl for complimenting her shoes once) before opening up his texts with Dipper and taking a picture in the mirror holding up a peace sign. He masterfully captions the photo: ‘babys first hate crime <3′. 
His phone rings immediately.
He picks up right away, and is greeted with a very frantic, “Where are you?” there’s faint music in the background, they must be at their dance right now.
“Uhm. The bathroom in hallway E, I think. Why?” Wirt asks, throwing away the bloody paper towels.
“We’re on our way.” Is all he gets in response.
“What? You’re in California how are you supposed to. Did he fucking hang up on me?” Wirt pulls his phone away from his ear, “Wow, okay.” He pockets his phone and stares at himself in the mirror for a few seconds. It’s gonna suck having to explain this to anybody, and he knows his mom will go full Godzilla mode on the school board if he tells the truth, but he can’t just out someone. Fuck, man.
The door to the bathroom swings open and two rapid sets of footsteps approach him, he’s almost expecting to be beaten up again until he’s turned around and hugged tightly. His confusion only lasts for a second when his land on Mabel, but then it flares up again because what the fuck that’s Mabel.
He pushes away from the person hugging him and is met with a person he both did and did not expect to see.
“Dipper.” He not shocked that Dipper did actually find hallway E, they broke in last summer to investigate if the place is actually haunted (it is), so he learned the layout pretty well in that instance, but he’s shocked that he’s even in the room. “Wait. Am I concussed? Is this a hallucination?”
“Er, wrong!” Mabel says, pushing Dipper out of the way and hugging Wirt tighter than a strait jacket. He lets out a sound of pain and she lets him go immediately. “Sorry! I forgot you’re like, dying right now.”
“Not dying, per se, but getting there if my nose doesn’t stop bleeding soon. I didn’t even know I had this much blood, if I’m being honest.” Mabel laughs a bit and wow did he miss that sound. He missed them, really. It’s always better when they’re around.
“What happened?” Dipper’s voice finally enters the conversation, and it makes his heart flutter but also reminds him the situation in which they’ve been reunited. Especially if the pissed off tone is anything to go by.
Wirt shrugs, “I got into a fight?”
Dipper gives him a look, “You called it a hate crime, before.”
Wirt laughs, “Yeah, I know. But it wasn’t, technically? I don’t know I’m still having trouble processing the whole ordeal. But I just got into an argument with Trevor, you know who I’m talking about, and he got really mad so he fucking beat the shit out of me and,” Dipper turns to walk out the door but Wirt pulls him back by the arm, “don’t walk away, I’m not done yet. He has a thing called IED, or something? He didn’t know the full medical name for it, but he said it had to do with like uncontrollable anger? Like it just happens or something.”
Dipper nods, “Intermittent Explosive Disorder.”
“Yeah, probably. But he felt really bad after, and I can’t blame him for having something he can’t control, dude. That would be a dick move. But yeah, we talked it out I guess. I think I just made him question the entire universe.”
Dipper sighs, still tense but loosening now, “So you called it a hate crime, because?”
“Well, I mean, okay. At first I thought he did it because I was gay, but from our little conversation we had after, it was definitely not that.” 
Both twins raise eyebrow, “Are you gonna give us any more info, or?” Mabel asks and Wirt just shrugs. Dipper lets out another, deeper sigh. He’s known Wirt long enough to know that little shrug means ‘never in a million years ever’. 
“What are you guys doing here, anyways? I mean, I’m happy you’re here, but I live in Arizona? It’s like an eleven hour drive.”
Dipper shrugs, taking Wirt’s hand. “Guess I missed the ‘Team Roping Capital of the World’.” he teases and Wirt groans.
“Shut up! You know I think that’s stupid as shit.” He says, and as the twins laugh at him he takes a second to admire his boyfriends face. Dipper always laughs freely, and Wirt thinks that’s one of the reasons he fell in love with the younger (”by two days!”) boy at summer camp. His hair isn’t in his usual baseball cap with a pine tree on it, and is styled just the right way to cover his birthmark. He looks happy, if not still tense about the fact that Wirt got his ass beat. An easy smile finds it’s way onto Wirt’s face as Dipper calms down.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here.” Dipper says, leading him towards the door. Mabel follows quickly behind, flicking off the light. She runs ahead of them, twirling around the hallway and nearly falling over herself in the process.
“So, I know Wirt is gonna wanna bounce because he’s covered in human juice.”
“Stop calling blood human juice.”
“Don’t interrupt me, Dipper. But what are we gonna do when we skedaddle out of here?”
Both twins look to the brunette for an answer, he huffs as he tries to think of something. “We could get burgers and shakes at McDonald's? And then head home, probably. Greg’s gonna be super excited to see you guys.”
“Oh! I can’t wait to see him! We’re here for the next four days, by the way, god I can’t wait!” She pushes open the doors to the gym and the music floods over them. Jesus, was it always that loud? How long had Wirt been away from the party?”
“What time is it?” He asks Dipper, trying to ignore all of the strange looks that are being sent his way. He can’t blame them, it looks like he got mauled by a pack of wild dogs.
“It is, nine forty-eight.” The other boy responds, Wirt nods as they exit the gym into the parking lot. Dipper’s car is still as messy as it was the year before, if not more, but Wirt thinks that just adds to the charm.
Sara, who had apparently been in front of the gym the whole night, drops her punch at the sight of Wirt. “Oh my god! Wirt!” she rushes over.
“I’m fine, Sare. Really. It’s all good.” He gives her a smile, but she doesn’t stop giving him a look.
“Trevor did this, didn’t he? You know he came out here like thirty minutes ago fucking covered in blood and looked like he pissed himself when he saw me. So don’t cover for him.”
“I’m not covering for Trevor! There were circumstances that I don’t know if I’m allowed to share.” Wirt says, gesturing wildly with his hands, thankfully Dipper doesn’t seem to mind.
“Wirt, if he’s blackmailing you just tell me. I can fix it!”
“Sare, I appreciate the thought, but this is really something that should be left alone, alright? I might tell you on a different day, but right now it is confidential. No I’m not being blackmailed, if anything the information I got out of him after everything could be considered blackmail, just. Not tonight, okay?” He can tell she doesn’t want to give up but he really can’t explain all of this right now, “Please?”
She sighs, “Alright. Fine. But I expect a detailed report of what happened tomorrow morning.” Wirt nods and it’s then Sara finally notices the twins, “Oh. You found him. Cool, see you guys.” The twins giver he simultaneous ‘later’s’ and she walks back to the girl from her chem class.
Mabel moves to get in the front seat before she’s stopped by Dipper, “Ah ah ah!” he says, gaining her attention. He passes her the keys and she whines but moves to the other side anyways.
“You fucking suck, Dip-stick.”
“Sorry that I want to be able to comfort my boyfriend in the backseat of my own car and can’t do that when I’m driving.” he opens the back door and motions for Wirt to get in, and once they’re all set they drive to the nearest McDonald's.
Ordering food had thus been the easier part of Wirt’s night, but he’s hoping things will start going up from here.
The food sits in the passengers seat in the quiet car before Mabel presses play on the car stereo. Wirt immediately looks up from where his head was buried in Dipper’s shoulder, a smile crossing his face.
“Isn’t this the mixtape I made you?” He turns back to Dipper, absolutely beaming.
Dipper’s face is red, but he nods. “Yeah. I listen to it sometimes.”
“Liar! He listens to it all the fucking time. I have it memorized by now.” Mabel calls from the front. Dipper kicks the back of her seat, “Shut up! At least I don’t have an entire folder dedicated to pictures of him on my phone!”
“My Pacifica picture collection is none of your business! And you have like eight hundred Polaroids on him on your wall, don’t even try that shit with me!” 
Dipper’s rebuttal is cut off when Wirt presses a kiss to his cheek. The younger boy turns and immediately presses their lips together in a kiss. It’s soft because of Wirt’s busted lip, but it’s still incredible. It’s never not incredible when it’s the two of them.
Mabel makes fake barfing noises, causing Dipper to flip her off, causing Wirt to laugh. They pull up to the drive way, walk through the front door, and are immediately greeted by Greg. He rushes into Wirt, giving him a tight hug. Even at ten years old, Greg still has as much energy as he did at six.
“Welcome home, brother o’ mine. How was, whoa what happened to your face?”
Wirt ruffles his little brothers hair, “I got into a fight with a dragon, dude. I won, obviously, but my jacket didn’t make it out alive.”
“I can fix that for you.” Mabel says taking his suit jacket, she’s almost knocked over when Greg charges into her next which makes her laugh. “Hey there, space cowboy. I missed you too!” She pulls him into a tight hug twirling him around the foyer before setting him back down. Dipper gives him a hug as well, just as tight but without all the spinning, and then Greg’s attention is back on Wirt.
“Okay. Why was this dragon mad at you?” He asks. This had become their thing ever since The Unknown. They would talk as if they were still there, or at least like they were in a fantasy world, and explain things to each other that way. Wirt thinks it helps them cope, but it’s probably just a result of being some weird kids.
“Anger issues.” Wirt says. That’s way too simple a phrase for it, and he knows that, but Greg is nine. He can explain it another day, but this is now and it’s ten o’clock.
Greg gives him a goofy grin, “Alright!” he says, skipping into the kitchen. The three teenagers follow him, Dipper once again takes Wirt’s hand.
“What were you doing in here little man?” Dipper asks, noticing that all of the chairs at the edge of the kitchen.
Greg picks up Jason Funderburker, the frog, and smiles again. “Well, Wirt was at his dance, and I wasn’t allowed to go with, so I made my own! Mom and dad are out tonight, too so I can play is as loud as I want!”
Greg being allowed to stay home alone tonight was a big decision. Not because no one trusted him but... okay yeah no one trusted him. Plus, it was dangerous! But, tonight was their mom and Johnathan's ten year anniversary and his mom didn’t want him to miss out on his Senior prom -no matter how much he assured her he could live without having gone- so it was the only option. No one was available to babysit, again prom night, and they couldn’t exactly take their nine year old to a bar. It doesn’t look like anything is on fire or broken yet, so Wirt can say it’s been a success so far.
“Alright then,space cowboy, lets get this party started!” Mabel says as she turns up the music. The song is ‘You Really Got Me’ by The Kinks, how Greg knows this song Wirt has no clue, and it bounces off the walls echoing up the stairs.
Greg does his weird jump step thing that he’s been doing since he could walk. It’s literally just jumping side to side to music, with the occasional dangerously fast spin, but it’s not a bad move. Jason Funderburker looks sick from all of the motion and Greg stops his movement just to let the frog go.
Mabel has always been a crazy dancer, just jumping around, arms flailing, hair going everywhere from her shaking her head. She’s probably going to poke someone’s eye out one of these days, but at least she’s having fun. Or, maybe she’s trying to poke someone’s eye out. Either way, she’s having a good time.
Dipper makes sure his arm movements hit every beat, spinning around for the parts where there are no hard beats to hit but smiling nonetheless. He looks like an idiot, and he knows he looks like an idiot, but what’s the point in being around all of your favorite people if you can’t look like an idiot in front of them?
Wirt, not much a dancer in normal circumstances, is going all out right now. He’s much more graceful than Mabel is being, but other than that they’ve got practically the same vibe. Except that Wirt actually did hit Dipper in the eye on accident earlier, but that’s in the past now.
The song ends and another begins and that cycle repeats for an hour until they’re all too tired for it anymore. Wirt sits down in one of the chairs, looking out over the kitchen. Greg is sitting on the floor with Jason Funderburker while the twins argue over what terrible movie to watch simply to make fun of it.
They both turn, “Wirt,” Dipper says, “What do you think?”
Wirt smiles. Maybe Prom night isn’t so bad after all. 
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unfortunatemoth · 4 years
The Fox and The Hare
CHAPTER 1 - The Fox - Filicide
Read on AO3
TWs: Abuse, physical abuse, breaking bones, body horror, descriptions of violence, blood and gore, injuries, death, homophobia and use of slurs, hallucinations, bullying, mentions of prosthetics. Please tell me if I missed anything! Notes: Bonnie is nonbinary! Reynard/Rey = Foxy Maggie = Mangle Cher = Toy Chica
His mind felt numb. It always went blank when this happened. The smell of blood was too familiar at this point. It still stung at his eyes and clogged his senses, but it wasn’t new anymore. He felt like a shell, laying in his bed with his pillow over his ears to block out the cries coming from the next room. He knew it was painful to be the one in that chair. To take the beating while the blinking light recorded every second of it. Every hit, stab, slash, tear… It was all recorded for sick people to see. Scars littered his small body, broken bones left to mend on their own without ever going to a doctor, and he looked overall pitiful. His older sister was worse, though. Maggie had always been the one to take his punishments. Yes, he’d still get punished, but she’d take the worst of it for him. That added with her separate punishments led to her looking… like how she does. It didn’t help that she was so rebellious, always promising him that when she turns 18 she’ll break them out. Stealing them food, water, and extra clothes. She got in trouble, not just with Father. She was so skinny. She’d been denied food for a week now, her legs could barely keep her standing anymore. She could still have water, but her growling stomach never stopped. Her hand was broken when she tried to steal food for herself. He knew that soon enough she’d be fed, fed more than she can handle, as another punishment. The house smelled. Maggie’s hair was going grey early from all of the stress. Her once pretty red-brown hair had prominent grey streaks, and she had such dark bags under her eyes. Her left arm was completely useless and her eye was patched up, she had so many scars. Her broken bones weren’t like Reynard’s. His could actually be.. “Healed”. While her bones were broken so out of place, no way for them to mend themselves. She had missing teeth and a crooked nose. Her body wasn’t what it used to be. She used to be so pretty.
Father stopped bringing home victims to torture in favor of using Maggie as his personal punching bag. Reynard was always forced to watch, and listen to her suffering. He’s not sure why he’s so angry today. All he knew is that he wanted to throw up. His older sister’s blood was on his feet, and she laid twitching on the floor, slowly getting back up on her hands and knees. He doesn’t know how she could always get back up. She was strong. Despite her injuries, her useless arm, and her swollen legs, she still got up, albeit heaving and drooling. She was hit one last time with a metal bat to the side before Father left. As the door closes, he immediately rushes to his sister’s side. He was only a child, though, he didn’t know how to do this. He didn’t know how to even start with healing her. A bandaid couldn’t help this. His hands were shaking as he helps her sit against the wall. Her breathing was heavy, bruises forming on her quickly. He moves across the room, grabbing her shirt and skirt for her. She was left in her underwear. It was never anything sexual, it was more so for humiliation. Or for being able to harm her better. He struggles helping her into her clothing, her flinching every time she bends her limbs. Her dead arm was stiff from the beating it got. He noticed her torn ear, the blood matting her hair and staining her neck. She wasn’t as skinny, but he could still see her bones through her skin. Her neck was badly bruised, she’d been strangled. Her clothes did little to hide her injuries. She was breathing, but limp against the wall, eye glazed and unfocused. He holds her hand gently. He’s afraid he could break her with the slightest movement. He couldn’t shed tears, he’s so dehydrated. He’s so thirsty. Instead, he let out quiet sobs, trying to desperately contain them so Father doesn’t hear.
Then the fateful night happened. He was 13 and Maggie was 17, about to turn 18 in 4 weeks.
It was a mostly quiet night, the cicadas chirping being whitenoise in the background. He’d always been a light sleeper, coming in and out of consciousness. His sister had been gone for 3 days. He was worried, obviously. It plagued his mind, but he already spent two nights worrying himself to death, and he desperately needed to sleep. He had dark eye bags under his eyes, and bloodshot eyes. He was so tired. He would flinch awake whenever he heard a creak or a noise. But in the end, sleep overtook his body. He felt heavy. His sleep didn’t last long, though. He jolts awake when he hears a noise in the hallway. Father usually isn’t awake this late. And if he is, he’s outside. He sits up with bated breath, staring wide eyed at his bedroom door. His throat felt tight.
When the doorknob started moving, he felt as though it was moving in slow motion, but it was probably just in his tired mind. But relief washed over him, almost overwhelmingly so when he saw his sister poking her head in with a crooked smile. She walks in, followed by a girl she’s never seen before with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was really pretty. They shut the door as quietly as possible. “Rey, I need you… I need you to grab, uh, grab your things, okay? Gra- grab what you need, we can’t have t-too much that’ll slow us down, al-alright? I’ll be sure to get you.. I’ll be sure to get you, uh, get you new things.” She says, her voice croaky and slow from all of the abuse done to her throat. She clears her throat, muffling the sound with her sleeve. Reynard nods slowly, looking at the other woman who had a comforting hand on Maggie’s shoulder. She notices this and gives a pretty smile. “I’m Cher.” She says quietly, kneeling down next to him. “I’m your sister’s partner. I’m helping you get out of here, okay?” He didn’t completely understand what was happening, but he nodded silently once again. “G-Good.” Maggie smiles. “Get, get your things, Rey-rey.” He obeys her, getting up and grabbing a change of clothes, his water bottle, and other things he deemed important. Maggie kept guard at the door, and Cher was peeking out the window for anything. He puts everything into his beat up school backpack. They both look at him, soft smiles on their faces. It made his worry dispel, at least a little.
He grabs onto her useless hand, noticing how it’s been bandaged up. He wonders if a doctor did it or if someone else did. “Should be clear.” She whispers, slowly opening his bedroom door and looking around. His tension was high once again, and he grips a little tighter onto her hand, even though she can’t feel it. He gulps, anxiety buzzing inside of him. They walk slowly, making their way towards the front door. They all moved so slowly to not make any noise. His head was hurting from the amount of concentration it took just to not put too much weight on his feet. The tension was so high that it stressed him to no end. It was all going well, they were almost to the front door. His heart was racing, and his throat felt tight.
Then, he slipped. His stupid socks slipping on the polished wood floor, it was too dark to see where he was putting his feet. It felt like it was going in slow motion, Cher reaching to catch him and Maggie nearly falling with him. He hit the floor hard, and it was as if a gunshot went off. They all stare, wide eyed and pain bloomed in his arm. Cher quickly gets him to his feet and they race for the front door, stealth now out the window as Maggie works on the locks. She curses under her breath as loud, stomping footsteps come from down the hall. Then, Father turns the corner, seeing the three of them at the door. “Just what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He asks, voice low and rumbling. He was absolutely seething at what he was looking at. Reynard felt all of the color drain from his face. He felt cold, seeing the man before them. “I-I’m… I’m fucking taking R-Rey!” Maggie yells, voice hoarse. “No, you fucking wont!” He yells, walking forward and grabbing Reynard, forcefully stealing him from Cher’s grip. “Rey!” Maggie runs at him, but gets punched in the jaw, hitting the wall hard with a thump. “Babe!” Cher cries, looking between the door and Maggie. But she stands back up like she always does. “So first you try to take my son, and next you’re a fucking dyke?!” He screams, throwing Reynard aside like he was nothing but a doll. He slams into the floor, and he can feel his shoulder disconnect. He swallows his scream, tears prickling in his eyes as he breathes heavily, scooting back.
“Cher, go!” Maggie yells. Cher looks reluctant but quickly grabs Reynard and runs out the door, carrying him as if he were her own child. But, she doesn’t run far, setting him in the bushes and standing up. Her cheeks were stained with black tears from her makeup. “Stay here, please. I’m going back in there, just stay here and hide, okay?” She says, grabbing his smaller hand, practically pleading. He simply nods, and she gives a smile, running back into the house. Of course, though, he wasn’t going to just wait here. He peeks in through the window, getting a view of the living room where it was happening. In the living room, Father was beating her harder than he’s ever seen before. He throws her onto the floor, stomping and kicking her head. Cher runs in, pulling out a gun from her purse, pointing it at him with shaky hands. All of them are frozen in place, and Cher says something he can’t hear. Father steps back a bit, and Cher lowers her guard. He takes this opportunity to push her into the wall, the gun falling to the floor and sliding away. Cher groans, nose bleeding. Maggie tries to get back up but he kicks her again, stomping on her throat. He stops, breathing heavily as Cher once again tries to wrestle him, but he flicks her away like a bug. He grabs the metal bat from the corner, swinging it at the girl’s head and she falls over, unconscious on the floor now. Maggie scrambles to get on her feet, but is swiftly cut off by the bat hitting her knee. She screams in pain, her broken knee giving out as she tries to scoot away from him. Reynard is frozen. His muscles refuse to move and his eyes can’t look away. Dread builds inside of him. Father brings the bat down on her, not holding back at all. Her arm gets beaten, breaking and the bones splintering and sticking out through her skin in a way that makes him want to vomit. But he doesn’t stop, continuing to bring the bat down onto her already limp, weak body. Both of her kneecaps were shattered, her skin red and purple all over. She was heaving out blood, it pouring from her lips like vomit. He swings at her head again, and he sees her jaw dislocate, but he doesn’t stop. Smashing, hitting, and destroying her head. She didn’t even look alive anymore, her head somewhat caved in and clear fluids coming from her mouth and nose along with the blood. Her eye was wide open, glazed over, no light in them. But, Father still leans down and twists her neck, snapping it until it's in the complete wrong direction. He wants to vomit. He didn’t even notice Cher. She had inched towards the gun while Maggie was taking the beating, she probably hasn’t seen just how bad it is yet. She lifts up the gun, shooting him in the leg and he yells, dropping his bat and holding his leg. This gives her a clear view of Maggie. Her eyes land on her mangled lover. Shock spreads over her face. There was a beat of silence, and then she screams, such a primal, gut wrenching scream that he’s never heard before. She drops the gun, completely forgetting about what they were here for and goes for Maggie’s body. But Father turns around, grabbing her and wrapping his hands around her neck. She yells, kicks, screams, tries to fight back, but the fighting starts to stop and her yells get quieter until her hand drops limply to her side.
After that there was a chilling silence. The only sound being Father’s shuffling as he stands up, putting away the bat and lighting a cigarette as if it were any other day. Reynard finally feels time unpause, and he practically collapses, legs giving out on him and he heaves, vomiting onto the ground, only his stomach fluids coming from him. He hasn’t eaten in a while. He knows he needs to run. He needs to run as quickly as possible and get the fuck out of here. He needs to go, but he feels limp, just like his dead sister. Dead. That realization sinks in, hitting him like a train. He wants to scream. He wants to scream and cry and bash his head into a wall. Why is he alive?
And it’s his fault. His fault they got caught. That hurts more than any injury he’s ever received. He breathes quickly, gasping and shaking. It’s his fault. It’s his fault they both died. He killed them. He killed them and they’re gone forever and now he’s going to be a slave to his Father and their hard work and deaths would be for nothing. His head is pounding, and he wants to scream, but his throat feels swollen and his muscles are stiff. He doesn’t remember when or how he fainted.
The next day, he woke up in Father’s car. He felt so drowsy, his vision blurry as he slowly regained his consciousness. He smelled cigarette smoke, and heard the radio on. He blinks slowly, looking up at Father, who was staring ahead. “Finally awake, brat?” He asks, flicking his cigarette and turning to him. He frowns, looking around. In the back seat were two bodies. Cher and Maggie. Cher looked otherwise fine, though she was only wearing her underwear, he’s not sure why. But Maggie… Her poor body was practically mangled, none of her limbs were twisted the right way. Her head was almost completely backwards, and her body was laid awkwardly, her bones not really holding a human shape anymore from the amount of damage. Her mouth hung open from her broken jaw, her nose broken beyond repair and her neck splotchy and red. She looked so pale. He felt sick staring at her, so he looked away. “What… What’re we doing?” He asks, looking at Father with fearful eyes. He huffs, blowing out smoke slowly and putting out the cigarette on the dashboard. “We’re getting rid of the bodies.” He says simply. He then opens his door, getting out and going to the trunk, holding two large white sheets. He opens the back door, setting the sheets on top of the bodies. He then grabs filled trash bags, placing them on top, probably to make it look less suspicious. He then gets back in the car, buckling up. “But we’re not disposing them here. That dyke’s got a family that’ll be looking for her. If we go to a different state or county, the body won't be so easily identified.” He explains this, turning the car on. He glances at his child. “And this will also be an example to you if you ever think about misbehaving.” Reynard gulps, feeling a chill go down his spine at the icy tone. He simply nods, buckling his seatbelt and staring ahead out the window.
Everything seemed to start fading away after that. Nothing felt like it existed anymore. The music sounded like static to his ears. His entire body felt numb, light but at the same time so heavy. His eyes were unfocused. He just… shuts down. This tended to happen, usually when Father brought people home. His brain turning off to avoid the emotional meltdown he’d have to eventually face. Just bottle it up for a little longer. He’s not sure how long they’ve been in the car, his mental clock just stopping for him. They could’ve been here for hours, minutes, or maybe just a breath. He might’ve fallen asleep at one point, but he doesn’t really know. All of it was foggy. The time on the road all blended together. But, then they come to a stop. The road they were on was completely barren, and it’s now nighttime, but he’s not sure the exact time, it was just dark out. He pulls in, stopping the car and unbuckling his seatbelt. He gets out, the car chiming, lights blinking. “Get out, kid.” He says. Reynard follows suit, getting out of the car slowly. He feels his tension rising, his back feels stiff, almost, and his throat tight. He grips onto his shirt, biting his lip. Slowly, Father begins taking out the trash bags. They all drop onto the concrete, and the covered bodies become more visible. He adjusts his gloves, wetting his lips and grabbing a body, wrapping it up some more with the sheet. It was harder to wrap Maggie’s body. He huffs, pulling the bodies out, and chucking them into the shallow ditch. Rey felt a bit sick. Father goes to the trunk, pulling out two containers of gasoline. And, without a word, he dumps all of it onto the bodies. “This is what happens…” He throws the empty canisters out of the way, lighting a match, “To brats that misbehave.” And he throws the match into the ditch. It lit so much easier than he had expected. The smell made him want to vomit. He bites the inside of his cheek, trying to not seem as distressed as he actually is. The fire grew huge, he could see the sheets burning and holes forming, showing the now darkened, dry dead skin. They stand there, watching for a moment. The smoke made his eyes water. Or maybe it was his emotions. If his Father sees, he’ll just say it’s from the smoke either way. “Okay, get in the fucking car, we’re leaving.” He turns, going back to the driver’s seat. Reynard takes a second. This was the last time he’d ever see his sister. He bites his lip, tearing his eyes away and running back to the car.
That was the last time he ever saw his older sister.
The next day on the news, two unidentified female bodies were found. No one came forward to the police. They were marked as Jane Does, and the case went cold.
Skipping ahead, he was in school again. He’s not sure why Father allowed him to go back to school, but he appreciated it. Even if the people there were mean and made fun of him. They called him names, or were generally creeped out by him. He had a lazy eye now, which in itself caused a lot of bullying on top of the problems he already has with it. Then he’d get bullied for his name, too, being called Rey-tard by his peers. They seemed to think it was the funniest shit, for some reason. He wasn’t all that attractive, either. He had crooked teeth and an ugly scar on his nose. Most of his scars were covered, at least. His lazy eye would dry out a lot easier, he’s not sure why, but it’d look all red and gross. None of the bullying got physical, really. He suspects it's because he’s already got a prosthetic. Oh yeah, he has a prosthetic leg now. It was real ugly looking, and he covered it with pants all the time. So the bullying never extended to anything physical. Funny though how they still made fun of him. Some of them backed down when they learned about it, probably pity, but there were still people who picked on him. If they got especially rude, he’d detach his leg and it’d usually freak them out. So he was known as a weirdo, too. It wasn’t all bad, though. He had some.. Friends? Or, at least people who pitied him. It was better than being taunted. He wasn’t a great student, either. He had bad grades from always zoning out, he’d hear things that weren’t there and see stuff out of the corner of his eyes. They were mostly auditory. Once, when they were watching a documentary for class, all he could hear was the background music. It was much louder than anything else, and it sounded like it was coming from the floor rather than the speakers. He’d hear people say his name, or sometimes feel taps on his shoulder when people weren’t actually touching him. This would cause him to say things out loud in the middle of class, and get laughed at or scolded. On especially bad days, he’d hear his sister. But not just that. Whenever he’d see a bat, he’d hear her grunting and groaning coming from behind him. He’d also hear her panting and breathing right beside him in class sometimes, or her croaky voice whispering things that he can’t make out. And on the worst days, he’ll see her. Her mangled body. He’s never had a hallucination of her in her normal state. Always her mangled, disfigured dead body. Once the room started to get covered in blood. The first time he saw her, he began screaming in class, falling out of his chair. He was sent to the nurse and it took them an hour to snap him back to reality, and another 30 minutes to calm him down. He can’t get any medicine prescribed to him because his Father isn’t going to spend money on any sort of therapy or psychiatrist. But his hallucinations were getting worse. He doesn’t really remember when they started, but they’ve been getting worse and worse. His “bad days” were becoming more frequent and his grades were dropping tremendously. He’s been trying to ignore these hallucinations, though it was really hard when he could hear and feel it all. Even if others couldn’t experience them, it all felt real to him. He knows they’re not real, but they feel so real. He even smells things sometimes. He’ll smell blood a lot of the time. Sometimes, the noise around him gets turned down, sounding like he’s underwater, and he’ll see his arm detached on his desk. No one else sees it, no one else is even looking at him, but his arm is on the table, and he can’t feel anything. He feels like he’s going insane. Maybe he is. He knows next to nothing about mental health. Who knows what the fuck is going on in his brain? He sure doesn’t.
He wishes he could tell someone, anyone, about what happened to his sister and her girlfriend. But to everyone, he’s an only child. He’s not sure how Father was able to completely wipe his sister’s identity. But only they knew about the two Jane Doe cold cases. Not many other students really keep up with the news. Plus, at this point it's been a few years. He’s about 16 years old. The case was still being investigated, but at this point many officers have moved onto active cases. The Jane Doe cases faded into the background for everyone. Just another murder. It makes him feel sick. If he tells anyone, they’d contact Father and then he’d get beaten. Or maybe killed. He doesn’t know what punishment he’d get if he ever said anything about that murder. The thought alone scared him. He wants to scream it to the world. Maybe when he can leave his father he can safely go to the police. Just maybe. He just needs to wait a few more years.
When he became 19, he had enough money from his part time job to get an apartment in a completely different state. It was still close by, the next state over, but it was a long drive and he hoped that his Father wouldn’t be that dedicated to kill him. It was really hard, getting all the money without Father stealing any of it, and most of all finding a place he could afford and finding the time to be able to move. He didn’t tell his Father about it, either. He just wanted to get the fuck out of there. He used a bus instead of his car, and he planned to replace all of his electronics, just so he couldn’t be easily tracked. Maybe he was paranoid, but he doesn’t want to risk anything. Moving into his apartment was exhausting, but he made sure to only pack some suitcases and only two boxes of his things, just so it wouldn’t slow him down. It was still such an annoyance. He only had a couch, some chairs, and a mattress for now. It wasn’t a life of luxury, that’s for sure. In his new home, he works 2 different part time jobs. One as a cook, and another as a janitor. He’s not really allowed to be a cashier or anything that shows him much. He’s not exactly the most comforting presence to be around, that’s for sure. Nor was he really welcoming. He’s no good at talking, and his appearance was a little sketchy. He worked hard, though. Mostly because he needs money to actually live, and not so much out of passion.
After two months of living on his own, he decides to finally go to the police station. He was incredibly anxious, and he was surely looking suspicious just walking into the police station while acting this paranoid. He probably looks like a druggie or something, but he came to file a report, so that’s why he’s here. It took some time, but he’s eventually sat down with an officer, one who seemed tired and disinterested. He gulps, shifting in his seat. “Okay, Reynard…” She writes something down, looking at him. “What is it you’re reporting today?” “T.. The Jane Doe cases from… 6 years ago.” He begins, and the woman looks at him with a raised eyebrow. “Uh, I know who did it. M-My father.. He, uh… he killed them.” She hums, chewing on her pen as she types on her computer. It’s quiet for a few minutes. She then looks back at him. “We don’t have any unsolved Jane Doe cases here.” She says simply. “N-No the.. The case in California. Uh… Shasta County.” He gulps. She hums. “We can’t really do anything other than contact the police department over there.” She explains. She doesn’t seem to be taking his statement very seriously. He bites his lip, nodding. She writes something down. “We’ll contact the sheriff there, and inform him of your statement. Then you can call their police department, alright?” He frowns but nods. “Alright… Thank you.”
First try wasn’t great, but hopefully the next try will go well.
Calling the Shasta County Police Department was a little strange. He paced in his living room, trying to calm his nerves. “Y-Yes, I’d like to file a report.” He says, clearing his throat. “It’s about the Jane Doe cases from 6 years ago. The, uh, unsolved one.” There’s some typing on the other line. “Yes, what do you have to report?” He gulps, trying to calm his nerves. “Uh, my Father. He killed them.” “Your Father?” “Yes.”
There’s a bit of silence on the other line, before she begins speaking again. “Alright, what details do you know about the case, sir?” This was it. He gives a shaky breath. “Uh, all of it. I was, uh, there. One of them was, uh, my sister. We were heavily, a-abused as kids.” He says, voice beginning to shake. “He, uh, was always violent. Not just with us, h-he’d kidnap and torture and kill people o-on camera. U-Uh, he’d hit us with.. Ba… bats.” He’s starting to shake a little. “H-He uh, killed her and her girlfriend a-after she tried to, uh… escape with me. He killed them and… burned them in a ditch…” There’s typing on the other line, some occasional hums. When he finishes, she speaks again. “What’s your name again? And the victim's names?” He gives their names, but he can’t remember the girlfriend’s name, no matter how hard he tries.. Again, there’s a long silence. “Sorry, sir, there isn’t a ‘Maggie’ in our system. We can’t find any birth records, either… And we can’t do much about the other victim if you can’t remember her name.” She speaks slowly. “N-No, I swear she’s the one who died!” He sounds desperate now, gripping the phone tightly. “Sir, please calm down. I suggest… you see a therapist or psychiatrist, sir. I think you’re just imagining things… And to begin with, the victim’s injuries are more in line with a car crash than a bat.” She speaks slowly and carefully, as if she’s talking to a child. “She was killed by a bat! A-A metal one!” He’s breathing heavily now, one hand clutching his stomach. The woman sighs. “Sir, I’ll get you on line with a psychiatrist.” “No-!” The phone cuts off.
He didn’t have any luck after that. He's not sure why no one would believe him. He’s telling the honest truth. Is his story really that unbelievable? He feels sick. He’s on medication now, at least. That’s one plus. His hallucinations aren’t as frequent or bad as they used to be, but it still bugged him to no end that his story keeps getting disregarded. He wants to pull his hair out, it’s so frustrating. Talking to a therapist helps, but they just… don’t believe him. It doesn’t help that he has some gaps in his memory. It was so frustrating. He just… wants to give up. He doesn’t want his Father to get away with it, obviously, but he’s so… tired.
And there’s not a lot he can do when he’s not even in California anymore. He feels so helpless. He’s tried making many reports, but none of them went through. He wishes people would believe him, and he wishes he could remember more. He doesn’t know why his memory is so foggy… He needs to remember, but he just can’t.
So, for a while… He gives up. He gets a stable job as a mechanic, and continues seeing his therapist. That should be the end of his story, right? Well, not quite… It’s not over yet.
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lost-inyourwords · 5 years
bad ideas can have good endings (Maeve Wiley x F!Reader)
Request: “Hey! if you are still taking requests could i please have a maeve x female reader where maeve gets outed by Otis when he’s drunk and tells everyone that she likes R? maybe angst with some fluff? Thank you!!!!!!!” @onehellagaykid
Warnings: minor angst, underage drinking, minor retching/vomit mentions
Word count: 1849
A/N: thank you so much for your request! I had such a blast writing this and I hope it’s everything you imagined :) feedback is mega appreciated and requests, as always, are open!
This party was a bad idea. Maeve knew it, Ola knew it, Otis had yet to figure it out and Eric was too busy inviting people to stop and think about it. As [Y/N] put on her outfit for the night, she was looking forward to the carnage that a party brings but there was dread in the back of her mind. What if she got too drunk and accidentally told an Untouchable to shove their million-pound attitude up their ass? What if she blacked out and ended up missing school? Who has a party on a Thursday anyway? Pushing her apprehensions to the back of her mind, she fastened her necklace; a simple silver chain with a small bee-shaped pendant. 
 “Where are you off to then?” Erin drawled once again. Maeve could swear she felt the headache arrive moment by moment, “Nowhere,” came the quick reply. The faster she got out of the caravan, the less questions she’d get. Erin, ever the supportive mum, scoffed dramatically. “Fine, don’t tell me. Is there at least a boy involved?” she pleaded. Fine, Maeve would indulge her for the 20 seconds she had left of lacing up a boot. “No, there isn’t. I keep trying to tell you that boys have never - and will never - be involved,” she reprimanded. Erin did her best not to look wounded but Maeve could tell there would be no further conversation. Pulling her tote over her shoulder, she left the caravan and waved ‘bye-bye’ to Elsie though the window. Turning toward the exit of the park, she sighed. This was a bad idea. She heard Isaac trying to taunt her again but decided she didn’t want to potentially get involved in an assault case, so she simply sped up and put her mind in a different place. 
 Otis Milburn is not what you would describe as a “frequent drinker”. In fact, many people wouldn’t describe him as a “drinker” in the first place - not even himself. This Otis, though, would say something very different. That is, of course, if he could get the words out without burping obscenely or choking back a bit of sick. Yes, Otis Milburn - sex kid, Moordale’s very own urban legend - was drunk. Not just drunk, but positively wasted. [Y/N] wondered if he thought this was a bad idea. She found Eric among the heaving crowd overtaking the house. 
“What is he doing? I’ve never seen him like this,” she said, unable to contain the concern in her tone.
“Relax! He’s fine, just enjoying himself and letting loose a little. Speaking of which, can I get you a drink? You look so wound up,” he slurred slightly.
“Yeah, alright. Just a cider or something though, I have to walk home after this,” she replied, conceding that she was a little high-strung by the stressful week behind her. Maeve had come back to school. Yes, Maeve, the one and only girl who had ever made [Y/N] think about love outside of the fairytale bubble containing a white picket fence and 3 kids whom all look too similar to truly pick a favourite. That word hadn’t even been in her vocabulary until she came to high school and met the smartest person she knows. She’d read so many great books thanks to the once pink-haired rebel. Had enjoyed so many hours of amazing music both with her and because of her. She’d been devastated last term when everything went down with Sean. She’d sounded so sad over the phone. They’d tried to keep in touch but there was only so much that they could do until the horrible drift happened. [Y/N] would actively avoid the pretzel shop at the local shopping centre because she knew that she wouldn’t be able to hold back her pity. Despite how strongly Maeve carried herself, [Y/N] knew what happened behind closed doors. The breakdowns, the empty laughs, the glazed over eyes at 2am when sleep evaded her. Besides, [Y/N] had started talking to Otis after Maeve disappeared. He’d confessed about how sorry he felt for the way things ended and all he wanted was to see her again one more time to just apologise and tell her how proud he was of her. It was sweet. Perhaps he was thinking about that right now and needed alcohol to numb the pain. Maeve had just strolled in the door, after all.
 Upon stepping foot inside, Maeve recognised that this party was already a disaster. Not 30 seconds had passed before she saw multiple people drunk off their faces and at least one person puking in a bin. Charming. Eyes scanning the crowd, her gaze fell lovingly upon the makeshift bar in the kitchen, which she made a quick beeline towards. Pouring a too-strong drink, she let herself drift. She didn’t need to think tonight; maybe she’d let herself get blackout drunk for once. Losing control could be good. Feelings were too complicated anyways; especially those involving other people. Like [Y/N]. Especially [Y/N]. Maeve’s thoughts and dreams had been overtaken by visions of the girl; from daydreaming about going on cheesy dates to nights spent dreaming about… more inappropriate activities. She longed to feel [Y/N]’s hand in her own, to kiss her in the morning at school, even to watch her fall apart underneath her when she finally gives her what she begged so sweetly for. Having gotten lost in her own thoughts again, her eyes drifted towards [Y/N] and Eric, standing next to someone hunched over a bin. Again, she contemplated, charming. 
 Otis retched once again, the sound ripping through [Y/N]’s ears despite the blasting music flooding the house. Eric tutted softly. 
“You are such a lightweight, man. How can you not even hold down a shot?” He pleaded, clearly exasperated. Rahim seemed to apparate out of thin air and dragged him away with nothing but a suggestive look that he hoped [Y/N] didn’t see. She did, but elected to ignore it. If there was anything she wanted to avoid tonight, it would be a horny and impatient Eric without his best friend by his side. Otis finally straightened up from his shameful hunch over the bin and swiftly headed back to the kitchen for a refill. Would he ever learn? She decided not to think about that and instead let her eyes scan her surroundings. So many teenagers - so many insecurities in one room. How many of them were getting completely wasted to forget about their feelings or their home life? How many were looking for a random hookup just so they could brag to their friends about losing their virginity? She silently hoped that Maeve didn’t fall into that last category.
 Maeve pounded her second shot. “Fuck it,” she murmured to herself. Making her way across the room to where [Y/N] stood, a wave of confidence flowed through her. Even though she knew that was simply her blood flowing faster due to the booze, she still felt empowered. She was finally going to do it. After a year of looking away right before she got caught staring, a year of daydreaming, a year of pining, she’d finally let her true feelings be known.
Otis had poured his fifth drink for the night and set his sights for [Y/N]. He needed to apologise. He didn’t know what for, but [Y/N] had such a sad look in her eyes some days - Otis definitely knew it was somehow his fault. Swishing the plastic cup in his right hand, he contemplated what he would say before getting to her. His train of thought was interrupted when he felt the sharp-smelling liquor splash and land on his shirt. He turned rapidly, ready to throw venomous words at whatever clumsy asshole wasn’t watching their step, but his sentiments died quickly in his throat when he saw Maeve’s brown locks. She swivelled on the spot. Paused for a beat too long.
“...Oh. Hey, dickhead,” she said, straight-faced and terrifying as ever.
“Hey. Wa- watch… where you’re going, maybe?” Otis replied, bold, and suddenly really feeling that fourth shot.
“Yeah, sorry,” she brushed him off and tried to continue on her way to [Y/N]. 
“HEY! Don’t walk away,” he shouted, unfortunately loud enough to catch the attention of pretty much everyone downstairs. 
Shit. Why was he trying to make a scene? Is this just what he’s like when he drinks? No-one should have ever let him near any alcohol in the first place. God, she could punch him right now.
“Sorry, Otis. Do you have something to say?” she spat, quickly losing her nerve.
“Yeah. Yeah, I do. I’m sorry, okay? I’m- I-” he stuttered, retching a little. 
“Go on then, spit it out!” someone yelled before turning the music down. Oh great, Maeve thought. So we’re involving everyone in this then? 
“I’m sorry about all the shit that went down with you and Jackson last term. I’m sorry you have to live alone and all your family left. And I’m sorry that.. that you’re in love with someone who doesn’t feel the same way. Trust me, I know the feeling, Maeve,” he finished, his eyes landing directly on [Y/N]. She backed away slowly, her eyes never leaving Maeve’s, and disappeared upstairs.
 Maeve could feel tears forming in her eyes. The quicker she found [Y/N], the better. 
“I hope you’re proud of yourself, Otis. Oh and by the way, I’m sorry that you can’t wank or hold a girlfriend down for longer than six months,” she uttered, before running after [Y/N].
Maeve eventually found [Y/N] in the bathroom after very unfortunately stumbling upon Eric and Rahim’s… activities in Otis’ bedroom. She’d never closed a door so fast in her life. Sitting opposite her on the floor, [Y/N] took a deep breath. 
“So… is it true?” she asked. No point beating around the bush. Either she denies it and they continue this weird song and dance or this ends happily ever after.
“Is what true?” Maeve parrotted. This wasn’t happening. [Y/N] forced out a huff.
“Fine. If that’s what you want to do, then there’s no point of me being here. I’m leaving,” she snapped. She didn’t need any more bullshit tonight. Anger flared through her as she stood and made for the door. 
“Wait!” Maeve called out, reaching the door before [Y/N] and putting her weight against it. “Look, I’m sorry, alright? It is true. I… I have feelings for you. It’s really hard because I know you’d never feel the same so I’m sorry that he embarrassed you like that, I’m gonna go kick his arse-” she rambled before being cut off by [Y/N]’s lips on her own.
“Shut up,” she mumbled against them. “I like you too, alright? Have for a while. Been thinking about doing this for a while, too,” she confirmed.
“Me too,” Maeve said, pulling away slightly. “Can I kiss you again?” she asked softly. Turning them around so that [Y/N] was backing her up against the wall, she replied, “Of course”.
243 notes · View notes
t0ngue-tech · 5 years
Deadline | Five
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“Jungkook laughed, turning around to follow your movements towards the Keurig, eyes still not leaving your frame. ‘I apologize. I didn’t mean it in a bad way. It’s cute.’
Don’t turn around. Don’t look at him.”
↠ fluff, fake relationship au, high school au ↞
word count: 5.8k
↠ series: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | ↞
A/N: hi guise! just casually dropping deadline onto your dashboard huhu. if you’re not streaming MOTS 7 then baby what is you doinnnnn???? have a lovely day my loves ^-^
Why were you so nervous? You had absolutely no reason to be as nervous as you were at the moment. Afterall, you were the one who invited Jungkook to come over after school to work on the history project. You had multiple chances to cancel on him, but you sounded confident when you asked so you didn’t want to turn back.
Before leaving your house that morning, you made sure to let your mother know that Jungkook was going to be coming over for academic reasons. She didn’t miss a beat and teased you about it because she was going to be coming home an hour later than usual. Nothing was going to happen, you were one-hundred percent about that, but of course your mother didn’t know that.
You were going to be alone in your house with Jungkook for a few hours.
Completely normal.
No biggie.
I need to fucking calm down.
You were now sitting in the passenger seat of his car trying to focus on the story Jungkook was telling you. His words were entering through your left ear and straight out the other because all you could think about was did I tidy up the magazines on the coffee table or I swept the floor, put away the dishes, and changed out the towels in the bathroom, but I swear I’m missing something.
Obviously you were overthinking everything. You cleaned up your house before Jungkook picked you up in the morning and you made sure that everything was in order twice. Nothing was out of place, but you were so sure something was going to go wrong.
“H-Huh?” You blinked.
Jungkook chuckled and ruffled your hair. “We’re here.”
Oh, great.
“Yeah, sorry. Let’s go.” You scrambled for your bag and fumbled around the front pocket for your keys.
At your front door, you were untangling your keys from your lanyard trying to keep yourself level headed, but the timing of your keys slipping in between your fingers was impeccable. You heard Jungkook snickering behind you as you reached down to get your keys and get your act together at the same time.
“Are you alright?” Jungkook asked whilst snickering.
“Just peachy.” You muttered and pushed your door open. “Come in.”
The house was kept just as you left this morning and as much as you didn’t want to admit to yourself, everything was spotless. Jungkook took off his bag and settled himself down on the large rug beneath the coffee table. He looked around the living room, only making you feel more tense because of your constant overthinking of some sort of “mess” you probably left around.
“Oh yeah, you said your mom is going to be back later?” You nodded. “I have her tupperwares in my car. I already transferred the rest of the food you made me into my own containers.”
“Okay. You can just leave them in the kitchen.” Jungkook stood up from the floor. “I’m going to change really quick, okay?” He nodded and escaped outside while you retreated to your room.
Out of all places, you were not ready to showcase your room. It wasn’t because it was messy but because it was your sanctuary, you held precious parts of you in your room that you weren’t ready to present to Jungkook; pictures, figurines, stuffed animals, it was all too personal in your eyes. Plus, on a less serious note, he had no reason to be in your room right?
You left your room wearing a cropped t-shirt you cut up yourself and maroon sweats, much more comfortable than your skinny jeans and knit sweater. Jungkook was in the kitchen taking the tupperwares out of a reusable bag and you joined him.
“Do you want something to drink?” You asked whilst opening your fridge. “I have water, juice, and coffee creamer.”
“I’ll just have water, thank you.”
You took out the pitcher of water and the bottle of french vanilla creamer. As you glided around the kitchen, you couldn’t help but get the feeling that Jungkook kept his eyes on you the whole time; you pulled out your coffee mug and a tall glass from the cupboard above the sink, loaded the keurig with your favorite pod, and returned to Jungkook’s side with his glass.
“Yes?” You laughed and poured him his beverage.
“No-Nothing.” Jungkook cleared his throat. “You just look tinier in those sweats for some reason.”
You scoffed and looked at him with a shocked expression. “I’m appalled, Jeon. I let you into my home, provide something to quench your thirst, and in return, I receive slander? You wound me.”
Jungkook laughed, turning around to follow your movements towards the Keurig, eyes still not leaving your frame. “I apologize. I didn’t mean it in a bad way. It’s cute.”
Don’t turn around. Don’t look at him.
You gave in and peeked over your shoulder to find Jungkook walking back into the living room while asking for a coaster. How could he just casually spew out the word “cute” like it was no big deal? And more importantly, why did it matter to you? He was just joking around. It didn’t mean anything.
The entire time you spent working on the project with Jungkook was surprisingly enjoyable. He helped you create a rough draft of how you both wanted the poster board to look like, took the liberty to search up photos to print out on your laptop, and even proposed a few of his own ideas. What surprised you the most was when he pulled out his notebook that was filled with notes about the Renaissance era and offered to do half of the book report. He wasn’t keen on writing up reports, but he was simply doing what he said he would from the beginning: doing his best on the history project.
You swore you were working hard, but it felt as if you two were taking more breaks than what you originally planned. The coffee table was pushed forward giving both you and Jungkook room to lie around on the rug.
Jungkook laid on his back with his arms up in the air supporting his phone so you can look at his screen. You were sprawled out beside him, leaving a good distance between your body and his but your head still close enough to his so you can look at his music playlist. 
“You only have hip hop and r&b on your phone?” You questioned.
“Pretty much. I also have a few 90s boy band music because those are classics.” Jungkook swiped his finger along his screen and played you a song. “This is my parents’ favorite song to slow dance to. They played this a lot in our house so it grew on me.”
You closed your eyes, listening to the slow rhythm and romantic lyrics. You were familiar with this song. It was one of your favorites so you hummed along subconsciously.
“Oh shit, you know this song?”
“Yeah. My mom is all about 90s boy bands and love songs.” You pulled out your phone to reveal the music you stored. “My dad liked 50s, jazz, and swing music, so my phone is pretty much a mixture of all of those genres.”
Jungkook adjusted his body to lie on his side, inching a bit closer to you. “You remember that about him?”
“Kind of? I recall a few memories back in first or second grade where he’d put on music and dance with me and my mom. And of course my mom told me about his music tastes.” You smiled to yourself reminiscing about the innocent memories of your younger self dancing around with your father; spinning, dipping, and occasionally stepping on his feet without a care in the world.
“Can..Can you recommend a few?” Jungkook carefully asked. You only ever mentioned your father a few times since you started a new friendship with him, so he was probably gently treading your waters.
Your face lit up. “Of course.”
For the next hour, your positions on the rug changed from on your backs, to your stomachs, cross legged, and even with an inch or two of space between your bodies. You played a few songs for him, mainly your favorites. You even let him listen to noir jazz which was your personal favorite branch of the jazz family. After each song he listened to, he wrote it down on a piece of paper so he could download it later.
Loving music that was considered old school made you feel outdated and to top it all off, you also loved old school romance; making mixtapes for each other, handwritten letters, picnics. This was a guilty pleasure of yours, something only a few people knew about you.
“Listening to these makes me feel like I’m in a romance movie from the 70s.” Jungkook quipped.
“Yeah and the noir jazz makes me feel like I’m a private-I in a black and white film.” You played a song from your noir jazz playlist and began your monologue. “It was a stormy night, just as it always has been the past few days. I sat in my chair, desperately craving a shot of whiskey.” To add to your drama, you emerged from the floor and sat down on your sofa with your coffee mug in hand. “It was no use. How was I supposed to solve this case without a lick of new information? Feeling defeated, I picked up the manila folder on my desk so I could toss it across the room, but someone knocked on my office door.”
You raised your eyebrows at Jungkook who seemed to be enjoying your little play. He blew out a breath, “do I have to?”
“I mean,” You swirled your coffee around in your mug, being extra careful to not spill any. “You don’t have to.”
Jungkook laughed to himself and slapped his own cheeks before standing. “Okay, okay, but bear with me and try not to laugh.”
You chewed on your bottom lip, trying to not laugh at the way Jungkook paced back and forth. He walked towards your dinner table and stuffed his hands in his pockets. A broken snicker slipped past his lips and he cleared his throat to collect himself.
“I didn’t know why I was here. I could’ve stayed at the bar to give everything more thought, but no, I hailed a taxi and now here I was, knocking on her door.” Jungkook stared you down and stuck his hand out for you to speak.
“Oh! Come—Come in.” You stifled your laughter.
Jungkook pursed his lips together, shoulders shaking from trying to hold in his own laughter. “I strode… I strode inside her office. Sauve, confident, dripping with devilishly good looks after being soaked in rain.” He slicked his hair back. “‘I think I have something for you, Ms. y/n.’ I said cooly and she looked at me with hungry eyes—”
“Hungry?!” You snorted, finally releasing your caged laughter. “This is a mystery film, Jungkook.”
Jungkook broke down in a fit of laughter, sinking to his knees and clutching his stomach. “Sor—Sorry! I couldn’t help it, it seemed to fit the moment. Let’s start again, come on,” he cleared his throat. “I think I have something for you, Ms. y/n.”
You wiped a tear from your eye and took a few deep breaths. “No, no, no. Come on, we have to reorganize the timeline.” You crawled back onto the floor to turn down the music.
“Aw, it was getting good.” Jungkook pouted.
Honestly, it really was. You didn’t expect Jungkook to actually follow through with your improv performance. He understood the dynamic, albeit he was turning it into something else, but it was still fun.
The rough draft was beginning to look alive. It took a lot of excessive research and a small disagreement, but it was starting to look near perfect. You were now staring blankly at the photos you needed to print out while Jungkook scrolled through his phone. He quietly sang along to a power ballad you played from your playlist and it was, in a way, comforting to listen to. Both you and Jungkook were immersed in whatever you two were doing, that neither of you noticed the sound of the front door opening.
“Hi honey, hello Jungkook.”
Jungkook flinched and flailed around almost dropping his phone. He stood up from the floor and straightened himself out to look presentable in front of your mother.
“Hello, Mrs—uh, um. Hello, auntie.” Jungkook smiled.
“Pffft.” You spurted and arose to give your mom a kiss on the cheek. “Hi mom.”
Your mother had a few grocery bags in hand and Jungkook rushed to assist her in carrying her things.
“Here are your tupperwares, auntie. Thank you for letting me use them.” Jungkook said politely.
“It’s no problem. Thank you for returning them. Your mother unloaded her grocery bags. “Do you want to stay for dinner, Jungkook?”
You snapped your head in their direction. In a way, you had a feeling your mother was going to offer him to stay over, but you were in denial about it. The last thing you wanted was to have your mother tell embarrassing stories from your childhood.
“Uh, um,��� Jungkook looked at you in search for an answer and you just smiled. “Sure, auntie. I’d love to.”
“Perfect. It’s nothing special, I’m just whipping up a beef stir-fry.” Your mother tied on her apron. “Why don’t you two take a break from your project. Just wait in y/n’s room and I’ll let you two know when dinner is ready.”
“Mo-Mom!” Panic rose to your face and it was obvious Jungkook’s cheeks were just as pink as yours. Your mother raised an eyebrow and you sighed in defeat. “Okay..okay, this way, Jungkook.”
Great. Just great, This was going exactly the way you wanted it to.
“Wow.” Jungkook trailed behind you with his hands in his pockets.
Your walls were splashed with a pastel lavender color and a few framed photos. A cluster of stuffed animals guarded your bed that was pushed at the corner of your room next to a window. There were fairy lights strung along your bed frame and around the window sill. 
Your work desk was cluttered with papers, textbooks, and containers for all of your stationery needs. Just above your desk was a white board and a cork board with multiple polaroids and developed photos tacked to it. Beside your desk was a small bookshelf that carried books, some with cracked spines and withering edges. On top were framed photos, a snow globe, and a self-painted vase with a few fake flowers in them. 
Even if you didn’t use much makeup, you still had a vanity that was setup near your closet. Jennie took the liberty to recommend a few makeup products that would suit your taste such as lip gloss, eyeliner, and a few eyebrow products; she purposely left some of her own makeup there for her benefit and yours too. You barely left the house with makeup, but there were rare occasions where you made the effort to do so.
“Sorry for the mess.” You rushed towards your desk to quickly tidy up. “Take any seat.”
Jungkook waited for you to settle yourself down at the head of your bed while he sat down on your desk chair. “I like your room. It feels almost nostalgic in a way.” He scanned the photos on your cork board and even on your bookshelf. “Is this your dad?”
He rolled over to the shelf and picked up a bright pink picture frame that had scuffs around the corners. The frame held a photo of you and your father from one of your birthdays. There was icing smeared all over both of your faces and you were smiling from ear to ear.
“Yeah. That was from my sixth birthday.” Even if the photo was far from you, you knew every single detail of it.
Jungkook held the frame and examined it in silence. You leaned over and watched as he cradled the frame in his fingertips. He grazed over the photo and settled it back on the shelf.
“I’m sorry, y/n. I can’t imagine how hard it was for you and your mom.”
You smiled at the back of his head. “Lighten up, Jeon. Sure, we miss him like crazy but we’re doing fine. I’m sure my dad is sitting on a reclining chair in heaven with a cup of coffee in one hand smiling down on me and my mom.”
Jungkook chuckled, still not looking in your direction. He kept his attention to the pictures on your cork board.
“Wow, you and Jennie have been friends forever, huh?” He stood up from the chair to take a better look at the photos.
“Yup! We’ve been sisters since kindergarten.” You beamed with pride. “Do you have anyone like that in your life?”
Jungkook hummed and stared at your photos a little longer. “Not exactly a friend, but my brother and I are really close. I would consider him my best friend.”
It occurred to you that you knew very little about Jungkook. You knew he had a brother who was two years older than Jungkook and you also knew his parents worked in the same office building but with different positions. This prompted you to ask a few questions about himself, nothing too personal, just enough to come off as friendly rather than an interrogator.
You learned that, just like you, Jungkook lived in the same house all his life. He and his brother played soccer together in elementary school, but Jungkook quit in the eighth grade while his brother continued thus granting him a soccer scholarship. His parents never forced college onto either of them, but still encouraged them to do their best in whatever studies or work field they decided to do.
The Jungkook sitting across from you was a completely different person. He wore a content facial expression and carried gentleness in his eyes. From what you observed, he was a social butterfly. Jungkook never hesitated to talk to people, be playful with them, and always made friends with everyone. The Jungkook in front of you was calm and collected, maybe because he was in an unfamiliar setting, but you enjoyed this version of him.
“You seem to cherish a lot of things.” He spun in your chair to take another glance around your room.
“Mhm. Having all of the good memories surrounding me makes me feel comfortable. It’s difficult for me to get out of my comfort zone, so my room is my safe haven.” You explained.
Jungkook turned his back to you again. “I see.”
“Hey,” your mother stood at your door frame. “Dinner’s ready.”
Please. Please. Please.
You sat in your chair desperately hoping that your mother wasn’t going to do anything to embarrass you. Even if Jungkook wasn’t really your boyfriend, being embarrassed in front of a friend was already bad enough.
“Just eat up, okay Jungkook?” Your mother placed a large bowl of the beef stir-fry in the middle of the table. “I usually make it spicy, but I wasn’t sure if you like spicy food or not.”
Jungkook laughed while pouring a heaping amount of the stir-fry over his plate of rice. “I actually can’t handle spicy food that well, auntie. Thank you.”
Your mother returned to the table with a small bowl of sauce specifically for you to pour over your food. As you dressed up your meal with a dark red sauce that easily tickled your nose, Jungkook stared at your plate with wide eyes.
“Want to try a piece?” You asked.
“No...thank you.”
“Scared?” You teased with a smirk.
Jungkook squinted at you with lasers in his eyes. You held up a sliver of beef and a slice of a green bell pepper that was slathered in the spicy sauce with your fork. He leaned in about half way, clearly hesitating, but you heard him say shit under his breath and closed his lips around your utensil.
“Y/n.” Your mother sighed.
“What? He’ll be fine, mom.” You chuckled.
He chewed slowly, nodding his head as he let the flavors settle onto his taste buds. He glanced at your mother with a small smile and then turned to you with the same lasers in his eyes.
“Yeah, I’m fi—” Before finishing his sentence, Jungkook put his head down and coughed harshly into his t-shirt. He then scrambled to reach for his glass of water to guzzle it down with streaks of water rolling down his chin.
“See, mom. He’s just fine.” You retreated into the kitchen only to return with a small spoonful of sugar. “Here, Jungkook. This helps better than water.”
First, you fed him a piece of your dinner and now you were feeding him sugar. You never fed him anything since you’ve known him and it all had to happen in front of your mother. It was such a coupley gesture and it genuinely shocked you.
“Honey…” your mother sighed.
“No, it's okay, auntie.” Jungkook coughed. “I’m fine, really.” 
The two of you shared a quiet moment of eye contact before breaking out into a broken fit of laughter. It was weird. This was a situation that could easily make you uncomfortable, but you felt at ease. It was banter between friends and you had to admit, you enjoyed every second of it.
Dinner went a lot better than you expected however, your mother did bring up a few stories about how you cried easily as a child and that until now, you can’t watch The Titanic without bursting in tears. You facepalmed a few times wishing you could hide underneath the table, but Jungkook continued to smile at you, assuring you that he was having a grand time.
Jungkook complimented your mother’s tiny garden out front and mentioned that his own mother grows her own herbs; this was something you didn’t know. He even promised to bring a couple of herb seeds for your mother to plant some time.
You tried to avoid the thought, but Jungkook was doing a great job at being your fake boyfriend. It kind of terrified you because of how well he was getting along with your mother. This was dangerous because he wasn’t your real boyfriend and from your past experience with Sehun, you didn’t want your mother to get attached to Jungkook.
You looked over at Jungkook who was aiding your mother in putting the dishes in the sink. They were having a mild conversation about school and if you were a good tutor. It was a lovely sight to see; the way Jungkook smiled politely and chuckled nervously.
“Ah, mom, Auntie Eunbin is calling.” You walked into the kitchen with her cellphone in one hand and the rest of the dishes in the other.
“Oh, okay. Sorry you two, I’m going to have to take this call.” Your mother swapped her phone in your hand with the dish sponge and fled into the backyard; you assumed your auntie was calling to ask about your mother’s potted plants.
“My mom is probably gonna ask you to stay to have some ice cream, so be prepared.” You snickered and hovered over the sink.
“Can I stay?” Jungkook questioned.
“Yeah it’s fine. I hope you like fudge brownie ice cream, Jeon.” You poured dish soap onto the sponge and squeezed it a few times to get it nice and lathered. Just before you could even start scrubbing, Jungkook stole the sponge out of your hand and gently nudged you to the side with his hip.
“I’ll take this, thank you very much.” Jungkook said smugly.
“No, no, no, no. I don’t think so.” You tried to reach for the sponge, but Jungkook was at an advantage with his larger built body frame. “Jungkook, you’re a guest!”
“Exactly! So let me show my gratitude by doing the dishes.” He flug some of the soap suds at you and this triggered you to scoff and wipe the left over soap residue on his cheek.
For a good minute, you and Jungkook were attacking each other with soap and water, completely forgetting about the true objective: washing the damn dishes.
“Ahh! Jungk—”
In the blink of an eye, Jungkook encircled your wrist in his hand and had you caged against the kitchen counter. He leaned it and your breath was caught in your throat. Streaks of the soapy water were still visible on his face and you couldn’t help but look right into his eyes.
“Uh—umm…” you stammered.
“Y/n.” He breathed. “I got this.”
The bass of his voice shook you and you had to fight the blush that was rising to your cheeks.
“Oh...kay…” your voice came out as a whisper and you could feel your chest tighten.
Jungkook let go of your wrist and reeled himself away from you. The hand that was once around your wrist was now on top of your head and there was a beaming smile plastered on his face. “Perfect! It worked!”
You blinked a few times as you allowed yourself to get pushed off to the side. Jungkook casually began to wash the dishes and smiled at you one more time.
“It worked? It—?! Jeon, you asshole!” You laughed and grabbed onto his shirt, shaking him side to side.
It was weird.
You never imagined a day in your life where you’d be standing in your kitchen smiling and joking around with Jeon Jungkook. It didn’t feel strange or unfamiliar, it was like you two had been friends for a while.
So weird.
“You know what sounds great right now? Watching The Titanic.” Jungkook quipped.
You nudged your knee against Jungkook’s and ate a spoonful of ice cream.
Just as you predicted, your mother invited Jungkook to stay a little longer to enjoy a scoop or two of ice cream. He eagerly agreed which led the two of you to sit side by side on the sofa watching a true crime series on the television.
Instead of a scoop or two, Jungkook had two mugfuls of ice cream and as tempting as it was to eat more, he refused. You ended up feeding him some of your share because why the fuck not, you’ve been hand feeding him the entire night might as well keep the ball rolling.
“I can’t believe my mom mentioned that.” You groaned and held a spoonful of ice cream to Jungkook’s mouth.
“There’s nothing wrong with that.” He swallowed. “Hell, I still cry watching A Walk to Remember—”
Jungkook froze and tilted his gaze towards you, hoping to not make eye contact but you were already gawking at him.
“I mean—”
“You cry when you watch A Wal—”
“I didn’t say anything.”
You let out a teasing chuckle. “Well, well, I know what we’re going to watch next time.” 
Jungkook swiftly grabbed the mug out of your hands and sulked into the couch cushions.
“If we’re watching A Walk to Remember, then we’re also watching The Titanic.” Now it was his turn to offer you a scoop of your own ice cream. It was a risky deal, but you agreed regardless. As much as you didn’t want to show him your crying face, the desire to see what he looked like when he cried was stronger.
You probably said okay, let’s get back to work after this episode about three times. All of your papers were still sprawled across the table and the true crime series was still playing. At this point, the project was already long forgotten.
At the next commercial, Jungkook stretched out his limbs and let out a strangled whine.
“Whew, I haven’t been this full with good food in a while.” He leaned over to the side and rested a hand on his stomach.
“Oh yeah, I forgot! I hope this didn’t ruin your diet.” You collected the mugs to leave them soaking in the sink.
“It’s alright. I’ve been juggling between the meals and snacks you gave me with other smaller meals, so a dinner like this won’t hurt me too bad.” He explained. “The lettuce wraps and roasted sweet potatoes are my favorite by the way.”
You joined him back on the couch and crossed your legs. “I’ll make you more next time.”
“No, y/n. I can’t ask you to do that.”
“It’s fine.” You smiled. “I had a lot of fun making it. I don’t cook much anyway, so I felt like a chef.”
Jungkook smiled at you and inched a bit closer to you. “Okay, well let’s both go to the supermarket together next time so I can pay for the ingredients at least. I don’t want you to spend your money.”
You definitely judged Jungkook too quickly.
He was a sweet and courteous guy. You probably just didn’t trust handsome faces, especially ones who were as social as Jungkook. He also became easy to talk to and someone you could joke around with. Besides getting a good grade on the history project, a friendship with him was another positive outcome from this fake relationship deal. 
“Deal.” You replied.
The true crime episode came back on and both of your attention immediately went back to the television. Your eyes danced along the screen, then down to the cable box.
Holy shit. It’s already this late?!
“Hey, Jungkook.” He turned to you. “What time do you have to be home?”
He then looked over at the cable box and then back at his phone.
“Oh shit. I didn’t even realize it was this late already.” He chuckled. “Uh, I should be heading home.”
For a second, you felt… disappointed?
“I’ll help you clean up first. We did quite the number to your living room.” Jungkook laughed again.
You both began to tidy up the living room in silence, probably because the two of you were still trying to watch the true crime episode.
“I’ll walk you out.” You smiled at him.
After letting your mother know that Jungkook was going to leave, they said their goodbyes, and Jungkook followed you out your front door.
“It’s cold as fuck out here.” Jungkook shivered. “You should’ve just stayed inside, y/n.”
You shook your head. “No can do. I have to make sure I see my guests out.”
Jungkook nodded his head and unlocked his car, tossing his back in the passenger seat.
No matter what the weather or situation was, you always made sure to walk your guests out to be sure that they made it into their cars safely.
“By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask,” you began. “Do you always open the car doors for people? Cuz’ I always have to walk my guests out. Is it the same thing?”
Jungkook closed the door and leaned on his car. He crossed his arms and gave it some thought. “Yeah, I guess it’s sort of like that. When I was a kid, my dad used to always tell me and my brother to open the car door for our mom because it was something ‘a man should do.’” He explained and you smiled a little imagining the sixth grade version of Jungkook opening the car door for his mother. “As I grew up, I guess it just stuck with me. I only do it with girls though, my guy friends know how to get in a car.”
You laughed. “I guess it’s kind of like me then.”
A gust of cold wind blew and you rubbed your arms.
“Well, thanks for coming over, Jeon. Text me when you get home so I know you made it safe.”
“Thanks for inviting me.” He smiled.
Jungkook stood there for a moment and honestly, you were hoping he was going to get inside his car soon because he was right, it was cold as fuck outside. He lifted an arm and tugged you by your forearm to have you flush against his body. He enveloped you in a hug and it caught you completely off guard. Your hands were pressed against his car, hesitating to return the gesture, but eventually you circled your arms around his torso.
“You know, y/n, you mentioned in your room that you find it hard to leave your comfort zone and I really can’t thank you enough for being my fake girlfriend.” He said softly. “We both got out of serious relationships and getting to know you a little better, I can’t imagine how hard it must’ve been for you to go from holding hands with Sehun to me all of a sudden.”
You blinked a few times.
Now this was out of the blue.
“It—It was probably harder for you. You dated Chaeyoung for like three years.” You explained into his chest.
“Heh… I guess you’re right.” He gently rubbed your back. “But, really, thank you for doing this for me. It was selfish of me to ask and I hope you’re not going to hate me after it’s all over.”
You laughed thinking about how you gained a new friendship with Jungkook. “I won’t. You’re a good guy, Jungkook.”
Silence filled the air once again and you were thankful that your face was buried in Jungkook’s chest. You didn’t dare look into his eyes.
“S’warm….” you hummed.
It didn’t occur to you that you said that out loud until Jungkook chuckled and hugged you tighter.
“I told you to stay inside.” He let you go and gently nudged you to walk back up your driveway.
“I’ll be fine.” You laughed, watching him get into his car. “Drive safe!”
Jungkook waved at you, gesturing you to go inside but you countered, waving him off so he can drive off first. This went on for a while until he finally gave in, starting his car. You stood in your driveway just until his car disappeared from your line of sight. Just as fast as he left, you sprinted into your house and pressed your back against the front door.
The noise of the television filled the room but you paid it no mind. If you had to be honest with yourself, at the beginning, you thought of just discarding Jungkook as an acquaintance overall once this whole facade was over. You imagined your life going back to the way it used to be: undisturbed, going at one pace, and staying focused on yourself and school. This was the plan. You thought you had it set in stone.
Now, you weren’t sure if you were ready to leave this temporary chaotic lifestyle anytime soon. But just because Jungkook wasn’t going to be your fake boyfriend anymore didn’t mean anything else had to change. You still had a new bond with him and once it was all over, that new friendship was going to remain.
You dipped your head and blankly stared at the wooden floor.
“I guess leaving my comfort zone once in a while isn’t always a bad thing.”
♡ rae jagi
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prettyboy-parker · 5 years
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breaking the first rule of fight club
winterspider; fighter!bucky x softfem!peter
so I read a fic a while ago where Bucky was a fighter/boxer and I can’t remember for the life of me who wrote it. 
The little breaks in italics are text convos between the two.
Even though he grew up in Queens, Peter’s never been much of a fighter. He’s never even liked fights. Whenever a fight would break out in his high school, he would look the other way in fear, much to the amusement of Flash.
So he doesn’t really know how he ended up here.
Here being some totally illegal underground fighting ring, perched prettily on the bleachers next to his best friend MJ.
Earlier, MJ had pleaded Peter to come with her to watch her new girlfriend fight. (She must be pretty smitten with the girl if she wants to go all the way to Brooklyn to watch her beat another girl up in a sports bra.) Peter thought MJ knew him well enough, but that seems unlikely because Peter would never willingly sit in on a fight.
But because he’s the number one friend in the entire world, he agreed. Chances are that MJ and this girl (he can’t even remember her name, but it was something stupid, like Cilantro) will be done by the end of the week.
So, he decided to suck it up and watch this girl fight, squished between MJ and some burly guy who smells like Beef Jerky.
“Isn’t this so cool, Pete?” MJ whispers in his ear, barely heard over the shouts of the crowd.
“Yeah. So cool.” He says, studying his manicured nails in boredom.
“You’re no fun.” MJ huffs, turning her attention back to the fight.
Turns out MJ’s girlfriend wins, albeit with a split lip and bloody nose.
MJ tells him she’s going to congratulate the girl, Peter wiggles his eyebrows, and she punches him in the shoulder.
Peter definitely doesn’t feel safe without MJ. He can barely open heavy doors, let alone fight off anyone who feels like picking a fight. But, this thought is promptly taken off his mind when he sees who’s fighting next.
The next fighter is the most handsome man Peter’s ever seen before.
His hair is a chocolate color that’s pulled up into a bun, loose strands framing his sharp features. His dusty blue-gray eyes sparkle with adrenaline, thick eyebrows furrowed above them. He’s got a scruffy beard and Peter maybe wondering how it would feel on his thighs. And don’t even get him started on his body. Let’s just say Peter may be drooling over his six pack for the next couple of days, and the way his dog tags fall over his chest.
One of the craziest things, though, is the metal arm that takes place of a real, fleshy left arm.
“He’s one of the best, by the way. Never loses a fight.” The man next to him says, showing the money he’s betting on the guy.
“Really?” Peter responds, preferring to look at the fighter than talk about him.
“Yeah. Seems like your new, so always put your money on Bucky.”
The name suits him, rugged and unique like him.
“By the way, the name’s Kenny.”
“Peter. Nice to meet you.”
Bucky adjusts his mouthguard, slipping on his black boxing gloves as the person who seems to be his coach massages his shoulders.
Peter could care less about the other fighter, as Bucky is obviously the star of the show.
The crowd grows about 10 times louder for Bucky.
The referee sets the two up, shouting the rules over the crowd.
“No biting, no kicking, and no shots below the belt. Got it?”
Both men nod, bumping their gloves together.
“Ready? Fight.”
Peter’s never been this entertained by a fight before.
Honestly, when a hot guy is throwing the punches, fights become a lot more interesting.
It still makes him a little woozy seeing blood spewing out of someone’s nose, but whatever.
The ref holds up Bucky’s arm after 2 rounds, the other guy knocked out cold and being dragged off the mat by his coach.
“Where do I have to go to talk to him?” Peter asks Benny.
He lets out a loud laugh.
“Bucky doesn’t talk to fans, kid.”
Peter pouts and crosses his arms. Kenny sighs.
“You can find him at the bar.”
Peter flashes his smile that should be award winning and hops down the bleachers. He pushes through the crowd, finding his way to the makeshift bar that probably carries 10 different diseases on it’s countertop.
He spots Bucky leaning against the bar talking with his coach, so Peter makes the great decision to stand behind the coach and order his drink.
“Could I get a water?” He asks the bartender, the burly, dark skinned man nodding and turning away.
Peter makes sure to lean against the counter, sticking out his ass just so.
This seems to do the job somewhat.
“Didn’t expect someone like you to be here.”
Peter cocks his head so he’s looking at the coach. Up close, he’s definitely handsome. He’d even go as far to say pretty. His facial features are sharp, yet soft in a young way. He has clean cut blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He’s ripped under the navy button up he has on, which is weird attire for the ring.
“You sayin’ something?” Peter quips, nodding his thanks to the bartender who sits his water in front of him.
The coach raises his hands in mock defense.
“Absolutely not.”
Peter giggles and bites his lip.
“Steve. Rogers.” The man, Steve, holds out his hand and Peter gives it a weak shake.
“Peter Parker.”
“And this is Bucky.”
Bucky smiles at him, pressed against the bar and leaning on his good arm.
“H-Hey.” Peter attempts to say smoothly, pushing a stray piece of hair back.
“I’m going to watch the next fight. You two get along.” Steve tries to joke, turning to push through the crowd.
“Saw you out there. I’ve got to admit, I never thought I’d find a fight so hot.” Peter flirts, adjusting the bottom of his baby pink crop top.
Peter’s brow furrows in confusion.
Bucky smirks and stands up.
“You’re from Queens. I can tell.”
Peter smiles.
“And what does that have to do with anything, Brooklyn?”
“It just so happens I have a thing for guys from Queens.”
Peter ends up bent over the table in Bucky’s warm up room after the last fight.
Doll: !!!
Attachment: IMG_350
Bucky: that is dumb
“Y’know, I think you’re my good luck charm.”
Peter laughs from across where Bucky is sitting on the ground doing his stretches.
“Buck, you’ve been undefeated for like, 2 years. We’ve been together for what, 3 weeks?” Peter says as he helps push Bucky’s back down, the older grabbing his toes to stretch.
“Still. I think that’s all chance.” He huffs as his muscles flex.
“You’re funny Barnes.”
“M’ lucky you don’t distract me. Sittin’ there, lookin’ all pretty in my clothes.”
Yeah, he may be Bucky’s biggest fan.
He tries to make every single one of Bucky’s fights, (which are legal, apparently)taking the subway all the way from Queens. He tends to wear Bucky’s shirts, oversized on his tiny body and short shorts.
“You think I’m pretty?” Peter teases, lightly kissing the back of Bucky’s neck as he leans over his left leg.
“The prettiest out there, darlin’.”
Peter’s lips come in contact with the cool metal of Bucky’s left shoulder.
“I think that’s you, Bucky.”
He hears Bucky gasp in mock anger as he crosses his right arm across his chest.
Out of nowhere, Bucky turns around and pulls Peter on the ground with him, colliding their lips together in a lighthearted smooch.
“No one is prettier than you.” Bucky grumbles as he presses a kiss to the corner of Peter mouth. Peter giggles and squeezes Bucky tighter.
“If I remember correctly, you said something about enhancing your performance with pre-fight sex. You wanna test that claim?”
Buck 🖤🖤: Where r u
Peter: in the bathroom
Buck🖤🖤: Oh
“Jesus Christ Bucky, fucking sit still!” Peter groans as he straddles Bucky’s lap, a plethora of first aid supplies scattered on the half broken coffee table.
He’s been playing the part of Nurse much more since he’s moved in with Bucky. He successfully convinced Aunt May that he was just looking for a roommate, and that Peter’s reception job wasn’t enough to keep up rent.
Total lie.
But, he’s happy with Bucky and their Goodwill furnished home, so keeping Aunt May in the dark for a little bit can’t hurt.
“The mouth on you, doll.”
“Hush.” Peter snaps, dabbing a bit of peroxide on his split lip.
Luckily, he doesn’t make any noise, just grips Peter’s hips a little tighter.
“There. The worst part is over, baby.”
Bucky just groans as Peter dabs some Neosporin on the wound, then covering it in a small drop of liquid bandage. He tries to lean in for kiss, but Peter stops him.
“Nu-uh. Wait for that to dry. Then you can give me all the kisses you want.”
Bucky pouts and rests his head on Peter’s shoulder. Peter gives the top of his head a little kiss, massaging his real arm lightly.
“My nurse.” Bucky mumbles, warm breath hitting Peter’s neck.
“Let’s get started on that hand, shall we?”
Bucky pulls away and places his beaten hands in Peter’s. It’s funny, the stark contrast of Bucky’s large, scarred, bleeding hand, and metal one, in Peter’s flawless, tiny ones.
Peter rests Bucky’s hands in his lap, turning to grab more peroxide. Bucky hisses as the cotton ball hits his open wounds and Peter gives him a kiss on the cheek as reassurance. He uses the Neosporin again then wraps his hand in white bandages.
“There. All better.” Peter says softly, pecking his lips quickly.
“Thanks, doll. Don’t know what I’d do without ya.” Bucky chuckles, brushing a curl out of Peter’s eyes gently.
“I don’t know how you survived all these years without me. You beat yourself up.”
Bucky hums in response, taking Peter’s face in his newly bandaged hands and kissing him. Peter squeaks in surprise, immediately wrapping his arms around the older’s neck.
“You wanna dance, darlin’?”
Ah, dancing.
Peter swears Bucky is a time traveler or something, he seems to have walked straight out of the 40’s. He’s very much a gentle giant, preferring to sway with Peter in the kitchen when neither of them can sleep.
Peter chuckles against Bucky’s neck.
“Sure, baby.”
Bucky eagerly pushes Peter off his lap, sauntering to the kitchen table where his record player is. Peter hears the scratch of the needle as Bucky finds the right song. The crooning voice of Ella Fitzgerald abruptly starts and Peter can practically feel Bucky’s smile in the air.
He heads back to the living room, arms outstretched and brow raised in question.
Peter giggles and hops off the couch. He presses his left palm to Bucky’s right, his metal arm wrapping around his waist gently. Peter rests his head on Bucky’s chest with a sigh. He runs his thumb against the textured material of the bandage.
“Dance with me, I want my arm about you.”
Bucky mumbles softly along with the music.
Peter giggles and kisses his nose.
“You’re a dork.”
“Your dork.”
“Damn straight, Buck. Damn straight.”
Buck 🖤🖤: I hate technology
Peter: okay go off ig
Bucky looks absolutely terrifying before a fight.
That’s what Peter figures out as he sits next to Steve right by the cage, perched on his reserved bar stool, mini skirt riding up.
Bucky glares at the people yelling in his ear as he pushes through the crowd, making his way towards Steve.
Some guy claps him on the shoulder and of looks could kill, he’d be dead in an instant.
“Alright Buck, you’ve gotta leave all your anger out on that mat.” Steve says once he’s close enough, stretching his neck and staring the other fighter down.
Earlier that day when Peter got home from work, Bucky had smoked through a pack and was practically fuming.
He refused to talk about it with Peter, but the younger still insisted on calming him down by putting on his favorite Ink Spots record.
Bucky is mumbling about something to Steve. Wordlessly, Peter gives his broad shoulders a little squeeze. Bucky turns around, and all the stress and anger drops off of his face.
Bucky smiles and rests his hands on Peter’s thighs.
He presses a kiss to Peter’s jaw, earning a little giggle from the boy.
“Here, baby.” Bucky takes his hands off of Peter’s thighs, bringing them up to his neck. “Been meanin’ to give these to ya.”
Peter stares with parted lips as he takes off his dog tags, slipping the cool metal around Peter’s neck.
“Bucky I-“
Peter’s silenced with a kiss, it ending quicker than he would have liked.
“I’m up. Love you to pieces.”
“I love you too.”
Bucky presses one last kiss to his cheek before heading over to Steve, rubbing his thumb over the James Buchanan Barnespressed in the tag.
Buck 🖤🖤: Can u get me my cigs 
Peter: no
“You better cut that shit out, Barnes. It’ll kill you.” Peter pokes Bucky’s side as they stand on the fire escape.
He takes a long drag of his cigarette, the wind blowing his open flannel print shirt slightly.
“Whatever. Just gotta make the most of now.”
Peter giggles.
“One, that made no sense. Two, that’s very depressing thinking.”
Bucky chuckles as he leans over the railing, watching the clouds float in the sky. It’s almost dark out, the sky a blue grey that reminds Peter of Bucky’s eyes.
“As long as I live long enough to marry you.”
Peter’s heart practically stops in his chest.
“You-wait, you want to marry me?” He blubbers, wiping his sweaty palms on his sleep shorts.
“Doesn’t have to be right now. Just wanna make you a Barnes one day.” Bucky says nonchalantly, fiddling with the cigarette that’s between his fingers.
“Make me a Barnes?” Peter repeats, voice barely a whisper.
“You okay with that, doll?”
Peter feels immediate guilt.
“Yes, I, fuck! Bucky I love you. I want to be with you forever. Want to be a Barnes.”
Bucky throws his head back and laughs.
“Good. Because it would’ve been embarrassing if you didn’t.”
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Are you more positive or a debbie downer? Debbie Downer should be my name lol
What would you love to drink right now? I’m drinking water rn, second mug in a row, my belly is going to explode
Is that an alcoholic drink or not? it’s not this kind of water :P
Oh good. What would you love to eat right now? I’m not hungry...
How many meals do you eat a day? depends
Do you brush your tongue with your tooth brush? sometimes
What are you favorite type of jeans? I’d say skinny even tho I don’t wear jeans anymore ^^”
Do you eat your nails? wait what swallow? ewww I don’t even bite them :o 
Do you enjoy making or taking surveys? taking them more 
Name something that is blue that you like Sadness from Inside out
Name something pink that you like PYNK music video by Janelle Monae? XD
If you could have one more pet, what? meh
If you could sleep next to a tame wild animal what? woah 
Would you rather have an owl or a snake? both are cool
What would you name it? Bowl for owl and for snake either Ksysio or Wonsz żmieja?
Do you eat the ice in your drink? no
Have you ever been addicted to cigarettes? I had one cigarette in my whole life but I still keep a package in my room :x
Which do you use more? Facebook or Instagram? fb, I don’t care for insta 
Do you watch beauty videos on You Tube? nah
Do you like Star Wars? love
What kind of surveys do you like the most? interesting, not just YES or NO questions, I want to go deeper 
Have you ever dropped something down the garbage disposal on accident? omg luckily not 
What CD would you never buy for yourself? anything Justin Bieber for sure
Is sex a must in your life? absolutely not
Would you rather be cute and ugly or hot and stupid? cute and ugly? lmfao ok 
Are you evil in any way? everyone is, more or less
Would you rather be a clown or a garbage man? can’t decide :D
Would you rather be a rockstar or a librarian? librarian but rock star ain’t that bad of a choice ;)
WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE? again? I just got this question on ask today and that really made me anxious
Did you and your mum ever have a big fight that caused you to move out? sigh... Has the last person you kissed ever been to your house? yep but not to my room as I’m super ashamed of it, it’s not what I really want, it’s more like a storage room for mine and my mom’s things, I wish I could move and out and do what I want instead of cleaning this mess just to have it ruined days after, not that I have money now to fix things the way I imagine my bedroom to be someday :( Have you had a good day today or was yesterday better? yesterday was better but today I got a T-shirt so that was a good moment Do you have any plans for the upcoming weekend? hospital
Could you date someone very attractive, but who thought they were better than everyone else? blergh, r u kidding me?... Do you always feel like you’re making mistakes? constantly Does anybody have a tattoo with your name on it? not because of me but someone somewhere definitely has that name on them for another reason How would you feel if you got the person you liked? I'm in a relationship Is there anyone who likes you? it seems If the last person you kissed saw you kissing someone else, would they be mad? of course  What’s the first thing you heard this morning? you mean a sound (doorbell) or words (I don’t remember)? If you fell pregnant to the last person you kissed, what would you think? not possible Are you young or old? young, at least according to my ID and being childish Are there always other fish in the sea? there are but maybe I don’t want them and/or they don’t want to be catched etc. What can your tongue do? pfft Do chickens have feelings? sorta Do you think the body is the most beautiful thing that was ever made? ...  So how are you feeling today? not good enough Where is your sister right now? don’t know nor care What do you smell like? it’s so hot, I smell like sweat and I can’t stand it but I can’t shower all day long What colour is your mum’s hair? grey  When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings? last week Do you like fire? as an element of magic in fantasy movies  Does your mum vacuum early in the morning while you’re asleep? she’s noisy in different ways Does wearing glasses really make people look smart? that’s a lame stereotype Do your band-aids have cartoons on them? they’re useless but one time I bought Moomin ones because I’ve been walking through the store and they fallen right under my feet and there was nobody around nor the shelf/aisle that they could come from so it was weird and I love Moomins so I took them home (I paid) and they’re probably stored somewhere  Have you ever kissed someone you shouldn’t have? what do you mean? Who’s the funniest drunk person you know? my gf apparently - in a cute way - that’s surprising for a teetotalist like me  What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? my tee came! When was the last time you saw your father? he just left for work and I was waving to him through the window which is our tradition  What if your partner went through your cellphone? I have nothing to hide Has anyone ever been with you while you were throwing up? my parents and sister
Robert Downey Jr. — Bet you have a crush on him. he’s handsome but I’d prefer to be him instead of having a crush on sex I’m not attracted to
What would you do if you were to get stuck on a ski lift overnight? ... freeze? and pee myself Have you ever received an anonymous gift? one time when we were really poor that we couldn’t afford food someone left a package under our door, knocked and ran, bless this person whoever knew we have hard times :* What kind of laugh do you have? many kinds that happen randomly Will you have a Valentine next year? I have a bigger chance than any other year before  Macaroon or a cupcake? cupcake Did you kiss or hug anyone today? hug my mom and my dad too Are you currently waiting on someone to do something for you/to you? kinda Do you know anyone, personally, who is in an abusive relationship? Are you? I’m not in an abusive relationship but I know those who are as it’s common and it’s really sad that ppl think only beating makes relationship toxic Are you planning on going anywhere with someone, some time today? I’ll stay home  Do you find your school to be loaded with hot guys or not so much? I remember E.W. once said that we have a lot of elves around because LOTR movie had very ugly ones as we did in high school, I tried to find that pic someone posted back in the day but I failed, it was from the council from what I remember 
Is there anyone you are currently trying to get out of trouble? Why? mostly I just keep my eye on my father and my mother all the time because of covid (and not only because of it) if that counts Are you plotting anything at the moment? another chapter of the book? Have you ever wanted your significant other to get rid of a friend? because they were evil to them, it wasn’t about ME If you have siblings, have they moved out or do they still live with you? she moved out :3
Do you have a therapist? no longer Have you ever gotten a good grade in math class? yeah, in middle school I was getting awesome grades in math class What do you think of the last person you texted? we’re dating Have you ever gotten a bloody nose from snorting cocaine? I’ve never done cocaine wtf
Do you post pictures were you look good but your friends look bad? I ask them first  Are you friends with any of your exes? me and one of my exes are together Are you a whiskey person? I’m a no alcohol person
Has anyone ever made fun of your taste in music? tiny bit, wasn’t that bad
Have you ever overflown a bathtub? I have not Have you ever thrown food at a stranger in a movie theater? not in a movie theater Are you somewhat of a perfectionist? somewhat Do you like sour candy? by Lady Gaga  not eat Do you usually wear sunglasses when you’re driving? but I don’t drive Is there ever a time that you enjoy cold showers? brrrr no way Are you good at painting nails? am not but it doesn’t matter Are you good at filling silence in awkward situations? doubt it What word should you really probably remove from your vocabulary? kurwa Do you rip out the page if you make a mistake writing, or cross it out? cross it out, if I ripped the page then there would be nothing left  Do you use a full length mirror daily? we don’t own one Can you walk in heels, or do you feel awkward in them? I think they don’t match my style and they’re uncomfy in a long term Mac or PC? PC Will you tell someone if there’s something in their teeth? sorry but probably not Do you ever actually make your bed? when I have guests Do you make an effort to eat healthy? yup The last time you kissed someone, what color of shirt were they wearing? black, that’s easy What’s something you want to purchase next time you’re at the mall? food If you had to choose between a million dollars or to be able to change a regret? money because one regret won’t help me and even might make things worse Are you taller than your mom? almost 10 cm What would you do if your best friend told you they were moving today? my gf - break up  my dad - try to stop him or move out with him You’re locked in a room with the person you last kissed, problems? no problems  Do you have any ‘naughty’ photos on your phone? 0 Could you handle living with a male roommate? my dad, no one else What were you doing at 10:00 this morning? waking up Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? who said we aren’t texting? Do you think you’ll actually live a happy life with somebody? don’t feed my paranoia Connection between you and the last person who messaged you? love Where is your biological father right now? bus/job already Who else is in the room with you? I’m alone Water with ice or no ice? no ice  Are you wrapped in a blanket? too hot for that
Has anyone done anything nice for you today? I’m thankful for all those nice things people do for me - big or small The last time you hung out with your sibling(s), what did you do? took a walk
Do you usually bring or buy a lunch for school? bring
The last time you had sex, was it in their bed or yours? their
How old were you when you figured out you were definitely straight, or bi, or whatever? middle school was the beginning 
Do you fit in at work or in school? I was always an outcast
Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought, “Oh God, Ew.”? 99% of time
Have you ever cried at a real wedding? nope
Is there someone you need to forgive? *annoyed sound*
What’s your brother(s) / sister(s) names? personal
Suppose you saw your crush/bf/gf kissing another girl/guy, what would you do? why tho
What is your favorite color for bridesmaid dresses? whatever bridesmaid wanna wear besides white
Do you have a secret crush right now? it’s no secret
Do you know anyone who doesn’t want to have kids? me
Would you rather visit Tokyo or Paris? dunno
Do you think you would like living in New York or Chicago? Why or why not? too overcrowded/loud etc.
Name 3 celebrities who are the same height as you. Lady Gaga, Ellen Page, Reese Witherspoon
Are you happy with your height? I’d like to be taller, not too much tho
Do you have big or small hands? small
Have you been baptized?  I have been 
Have you ever been abused in any way? sadly
Do you like unicorns? they’re fine
Is there one book you have read over and over again because it’s so good? if so, which is it? I don’t reread books
Do you play games on your phone a lot? recently I became obsessed with LOVE ISLAND game 
Have you ever had to put out a kitchen fire? my mom took care of it but it wasn’t a big deal tbh
Have you ever been kidnapped? wut
Do you have anything glow in the dark in your room? stars
Do you wear a scarf, if so, what does it look like? not rn
Is there a video or computer game that you can get lost in for hours? mhm but not too long
Do you get breadsticks with your pizza? breadsticks and pizza? it’s like bread with bread - no thx
Did you ever have a waterbed? I hate those
What toy from your childhood do you miss? rubber toys?
Did you sleep in late today? yes
When was the last time you were disappointed? this day
Do you like listening to love songs? I like a variety of music which includes love songs
In your group of friends, are you the smart one, athletic one, etc.? funny mom friend... ok, fine, a dad because my puns are daddy jokes
Has any of your friends’ family ever yelled at you? no but they said bad things about me behind my back
Did you ever watch the show Full House? with my sister What was the last thing that scared you? how I feel physically Do the librarians at your library know you by name? they do
What ten people would you most likely bring on a roadtrip? 10 ppl?! shoot me...
Is there anything you’re really stressed out about right now? health issues
What was the last thing that made you cry? I’m about to cry...
What are the last three songs you listened to? Crystal Castles - Suffocation  frnkiero andthe cellabration - neverenders  Major Lazer - Be Together (Feat. Wild Belle)
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prongsmydeer · 5 years
Ayesha Liveblogs One Tree Hill S1
No matter how many times I watch the pilot I consistently forget that Nathan and Peyton used to date
“Don’t bother showering tonight” is that really your come-on Peyton I will never understand sports
Lmao @ Nathan and Peyton “OTP: Distracted Driving”
“You’re despicable, you know that,” said Dan, a literal future murderer
I’m always so thrown when ppl in shows start drinking at their workplaces like what kind of bold behaviour Whitey you work at a high school
“What are you wasting your time at now?” Nathan ur a terrible boyfriend
“I say that the people who pray here are wasting their time. God doesn’t watch sports” I know Lucas is pretentious as all hell but this is my favourite line in any sports show ever
Karen is such a good mom ahhhhh like she just wants Lucas to be happy and she knows he’ll put other people’s happiness first 
Dan calling Lucas ‘this kid’ like he’s not his wholeass son what a dick
It’s not lost on me that Keith telling Lucas stories about his father means that it’s Lucas’s grandfather Keith Scott is truly the only dad in this show who matters
“So why’d you just tell me all that” because he loves to monologue
“If I could [change the fact that Lucas exists], I would” Dan answer your door I need to send you a very rude telegram
I am in love with Moira Kelly and also I want Karen to punch Dan
The music of this show is really.... transcendent 
Djhfkjhfkjh since Lucas is implied to have like, five friends.... is that crowd of supporters hugging him just a bunch of people who think Nathan is a dick
I admire Lucas for deciding he was gonna put up with all this bullshit to do something he loves
Omg I forgot that Brooke wasn’t in the pilot she’s such a major character
“Nice hands” “Nice legs” Emo flirting in a jock setting lmaooooo
My inner 2007 angst awakens every time I hear Gavin Degraw. He is THAT bitch
“You ever think I might want to talk” Peyton and Nathan’s relationship is truly nothing but blind horniness they have nothing in common at all in this juncture of their lives
“I didn’t invite you to come in, I just asked if you wanted to” Peyton is so weird but I kind of want to marry her. Is this what Lucas feels like
Lucas’s economic status is really part of Brooke’s romance criteria at the age of 17 they teach the bourgeois early huh
Oh my god I cannot BELIEVE Jake recommended Atlas Shrugged to Lucas jhjhgjhgjh the undertones of this basketball show really are about capitalism
HAHAHAH Nathan’s word being “revenge” calm down Sasuke Uchiha
I haven’t said so yet but Haley is so very endearing she’s great
God. Lucas turning around to reveal to Dan that he’s cast away his name. HE is that bitch
Ghjkghjkgh Keith hissing at the rude Boosters mum. Love of my life
“Maybe he’s gay” “No, I think he’s just nice” who writes this dumbass show
“Do you even care that it’s slipping away” maybe it’s because I went away for university but the idea that someone is this deeply invested in their kid’s high school basketball career is. A lot
Nathan simultaneously trying to bother Lucas and pass English while about to fall in love: I can multitask!!!
Update: He also managed to trash Lucas’s favourite basketball court somehow in all his business. He really can multitask!
“If it makes you feel any better I called some woman a bitch the other day” [giggle] I love Karen and Lucas’s relationship
Haley is such a good friend to Lucas and hoo boy Nathan when do you grow a conscience
“You’re both so broody. You could brood together” that’s it, that’s Peyton and Lucas
These emails and VCR references are really dating this show
Nathan is a straight up sociopath in these early eps my god he humiliates Lucas publicly twice at this party and just pops over to Haley like “Hey cutie :) Idk why Lucas is so mad :) I’m rlly nice :)”
Nathan really taking his girlfriend’s car to hit on another woman how much of a crapbag
As soon as I said this he (drunk?) drove her car into a streetlight my god 
Deb and Karen having a nice lesbian coffee shop AU would be a pleasant turn in this show instead of literally anything that happens in either of their narratives
“Why would you even go there” “Because I loved getting dumped on” That is... accurate
“I’ll call you when you’re not so PMS” said Nathan, when his (ex) girlfriend rightfully lambasted him for crashing her car
I take it back Peyton and Nathan do have one thing in common it’s their disregard for traffic laws
HELL YEAH Keith IS your dad Lucas <3 <3 <3 <3 
Whitey talks a lot of shit for someone who advised Dan to abandon Luke 
I had been wondering why Lucas had the Scott name when Dan is such an ephemeral piece of shit and I guess there’s my answer thanks Karen 
Does Haley ever find out about the shit Nathan pulled at the party I feel like these are relevant details in her budding affection
“Dad send you to spy on me? Poison my drink?” This is the second time in two episodes Deb has been accused of being Dan’s spy I wonder if she still considers that a red flag 17 years into marriage
“One of the boys doesn’t have a father” BUUUUURN Dan
Rhkgjhgjkh the last moment of this scene:
Keith: There is enough room in my heart for each of my brother’s mistreated sons even the rude ones Nathan
Nathan, experiencing a split second of paternal love: :O
Ghkjghkjgh the Scott bonding in hatred of Dan continues with Lucas asking Nathan if he too would like to spite Dan:
Lucas: You will be receiving your “I Hate Dan Scott” Club invitation in the mail shortly Nathan, mom, Uncle Keith and I hold meetings biweekly
Nathan: Biweekly as in every two weeks or twice a week 
Lucas: Both! See you on Tuesday
“Does this mean we’re dating” yes it does the mixed CD is emo code
“Good luck with your game” “yeah, you too, Ma” hehehehe
Someone revoke this college medic’s license hoo boy
Ghjghkgh Lucas keeping his money tucked into his boxers what a doofus
I can’t believe Nathan and Lucas’s second big bonding moment is threatening dudes while in their boxers after beating on each other what a brotherly bond lmao
Okay but highkey if ur a lady and ur friends are gonna leave you alone and vulnerable at night get new friends
“I can live without my shirt” Nathan is thirteen shades of petty lmaooo
Dan is such a bad (abusive) father that Nathan literally would prefer to have none at all my god 
“Can I tell you a secret? I pretended too” just get marrrried 
“Thanks for cutting Lucas some slack” talk about accepting the bare minimum Haley kjhgkjhgkj
Brooke is really unbearable in this episode is it any wonder her, Lucas and Peyton’s relationship is as dysfunctional as it will soon become 
Hoo boy the one (1) time Nathan doesn’t do something douchey and he gets blamed for it 
LMAO @ Lucas approaching the one girl at this school with commitment issues with a bold “I wanna be here [in your heart]” hahaha
“Yeah, they can have their world,” said Lucas to Haley, about the two people they would literally go on to marry
The fact that Peyton doesn’t turn off her webcam and just covers it also really speaks to the era
This Gabe dude is really ready to assault a minor like he’s not just a r*pist he’s also a predator double KO 
It is not lost upon me that it looks like one pill has been popped out before so he is also a serial r*pist big fucking yikes
“What, you got a cellphone too, dawg? Things sure have changed” also quite dated hahahaha
They really went out of the way to redeem Brooke not only did she give Nathan and Haley a very very cute date she also saved her friend from being assaulted
“So you don’t have any brothers, do you” jhgkhgkhg Brooke please 
“Why are you only nice to me when we’re alone” a very legitimate question Haley
Nathan’s dating methodology: There’s nothing in life that can’t be solved with make-outs
Deb is really so nice but every time I look at her I think of her drinking a lot and sleeping with Nathan’s friends lmao
Haha that North Carolina sign explains the mild Southern accents 
Aieeeeeeeeeee you kiss that man and follow your dreams Karen
Even if Nathan is still A Lot this season him and Haley are so cute:
Haley, smiling: We can’t do this here right now
Nathan, giggling: We just did
Lucas says more to Dan by constantly leaving with a look of disgust than any words ever could
“My heart’s racing too. That’s what happens when I’m around you. (And on drugs. I’m very unstable Haley.)”
Lucas and Nathan’s very intentional “pressure from your dad” and “you don’t know anything about my dad” bc Lucas will not acknowledge that Senor Crabag Sr. is anything resembling a father bless 
Drunk tattoos with crush’s bff Lucas has decided to make all mistakes at once and I respect it
Poor Keith he is trying his best but Lucas just chose this week to hit his rebellious phase
“Do you really think that Nathan would choose you over me” uh???? Are you not aware you are... the worst father in town
Brooke you were fully aware of Peyton and Lucas’s vibing and actively pursued him/interfered so you have no moral high ground to be like “:) I’d never choose a boy over my friendship”
Skillz and Mouth accurate “hoo boy don’t look” when ur friends start PDA
“Mom doesn’t want things to get back to normal, she wants them to be better” hell yeah Nathan gaining emotional intelligence
Lucas quit projecting your childhood issues onto Jake he too is a child let him decide how he wants to live Jenny’s 6 months old not like she’s gonna remember lmao
Damn Nathan LET LOOSE on Dan fuck that dude
JGFHJGFJGFJH I forgot Gavin Degraw had a cameo hahahahah
Did Luke.......... break into Jake’s house. His parents work at night how was he able to get into Jake’s coffee table
“You do not have to feel like a third wheel” The pure dumbass energy.... Peyton is literally CRYING do u really think her issue is “third wheel” you KNOW she and Lucas had a thing Brooke???????
Me watching this team form a brotherly bond over their mutual love of basketball: Mayhaps sports are... good 
Hahahaha Lucas threatening Peyton’s dad with a rake is weirdly endearing
“Hey you.” “Hey you, and you,” is a good summary of this seasons Brooke/Lucas/Peyton dynamic lmao
Why is Dan’s head... shaped that away. It is like a bar of soap
“I don’t mind you playing ‘Daddy’ to one of my offspring, but leave the good one alone, will you?” Dan. Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot at midnight and we’ll have words
“The whole Nice Guy thing is wearing kind of thin” foreshadowing for all the dick moves Lucas is about to pull lmao
“He’s got you skipping school now?” “Lucas talk to me when you get your tattoo removed”
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Lucas is such a meddler lmao how many family dynamics is he going to alter
I don’t trust Dan being nice for a minute all he wants is the upper hand with Deb in the inevitable custody battle over Nathan
Props to Nathan and Haley for somehow, some way, being the only normal couple on this show despite their incredibly dubious origins lmao
Scott family dinners are bananas I count four (4) major revelations and they haven’t even revealed that Deb and Dan are separated
Lucas and Peyton are really hitting every fictional couple trope in this ep - road trip, bed sharing, hurt/comfort, truly the YA bases 
“The truth? In this house?” Props to Deb for drama lmao 
Brooke saying ‘I love you’ you’ve been dating for like two episodes but okay kjhgkjhg
I can’t say I understand Nathan’s logic lmao but I guess they have to bring him back to basketball sometime
Wow Lucas zero hesitation on that second kiss lmao u r a mess
This scene is the definition of “that escalated quickly” they go straight to undressing 
“How do you explain being with me and not her?” “Because with you, I saw a future” that’s Dan code for ‘I’m a gold digger’
You’re literally macking on Peyton in the middle of the hallway while you’re dating the other most popular girl in school Lucas how are you this ridiculous and bold BREAK UP WITH BROOKE U DUMBASS
“So what are we going to do” I’ll tell you what you should do BREAK UP WITH BROOKE
Keith it is still daylight out stop bringing alcohol into this high school you have a drinking problem
“Can’t control love, you know?” THAT’S NOT ADVICE LUCAS BREAK UP WITH BROOKE
I really can’t handle watching Keith and Lucas self-destruct this episode how is Nathan the only Scott in a happy, healthy relationship
“You know that this is... wrong, so that makes it feel... deeper?” Lucas asks, as if he were not entirely in the wrong by carrying on with Peyton (who is not in a relationship) while dating Brooke
“I don’t want to hurt Brooke,” he said, about to start his third secret cheating makeout session of the week
“But then again our spouses aren’t here are they” [Deb opens door] COMEDIC TIMING
Gjjhgkjhg Nathan revealing his messed up intentions with Haley entirely by accident Scotts have no self-control whatsoever it’s their kekkei genkai
Lucas evading responsibility for his romance crimes by literally dying
Hahahah Karen’s confused vibes at Brooke are kind of the highlight of this episode 
How funny would it be if Lucas woke up to Karen scolding him about his tattoo
Hahahaha for such dysfunctional partners Nathan and Peyton are excellent exes 
Keith rlly was gonna propose after zero (0) days of dating I’m telling you no self-control is truly the Scott clan kekkei genkai
Ahhhh bless Karen’s compassion 
Dan is literally blackmailing his son into staying in his custody he is in Deb’s words an “abusive son of a bitch”
Fucking finally Lucas ends this sham of a relationship with Brooke
It’s wild that Nathan is the only Scott with a happy and healthy romantic relationship 
Nathan divorcing his parents is a real power move 
I’m glad Haley announced Sheryl Crow’s name because let me tell you I would not have recognized her on sight
“How’s my daughter” Lucas really chooses exclusively to hook up with people who have devastating emotional consequences for his immediate friend group huh
“Funny I didn’t know you were forgiving at all” Lmao Peyton is that really the position you’re going to take after cheating with your best friend’s boyfriend 
All the deodorant product placement lmao ‘this ep sponsored by Secret’ 
All things considered I think Lucas is handling Haley’s constant ditching p well 
Bfhkghghjg Keith buying a new shirt just to go to dinner with Karen stop
The comedic timing of “hungover idiots” panning to Karen and Larry kills me
“She used to be this totally original.... Haley” what does this mean????
I don’t think Nathan and Haley are being entirely fair to Lucas bc he was only a dick once she ditched him twice (or thrice?) in one weekend 
This boy toy auction as a concept is so inappropriate on so many levels
“I get Nathan for free” Fhjkfhkfjh Haley pls
God I was so very concerned about whether or not Nathan and Peyton were gonna kiss 
“You’re not a mess, you’re just in love” [Ole Del Paso Girl voice] Why not both?
“She’s nine months old, just in case you forgot” to be fair I assume Nikki gave birth so she would remember that you can’t hold that one over her 
It must take Lucas some mental disconnect to assume Peyton and Nathan are cheating when he also kissed Haley
Fhjfhkjfhjfh Keith fulfilling my fave trope of ‘we are not even dating but how about we get married bc we’ve been repressed in love for years’
“You know I asked your mom to get an abortion,” said Dan, to his literal son
I really can’t figure where this pregnancy storyline is going bc I know Brooke doesn’t have a baby
Nathan and Haley really need to consider oral or smth there’s a middle ground between making out and having vaginal sex
“It all hurts just the same” Brooke really out here trying to say that cheating is in any way equivalent to faking a pregnancy (even if only for a week)
Peyton and Brooke are way more invested in each other than Lucas 
“I got you a high five” Hahahhaa I love Peyton 
Gary like: Wow Nathan it’s humanizing that your father is an abusive dick
“Maybe this is the one that changed him” Lucas joining Dan as the second and only non-Dan member of the Dan Scott Apologism Club
It’s wholly unreasonable that Haley expects her boyfriend not to look at p*rn lmao
I love all this Lucas and Nathan bonding but I hate that it comes at the cost of Dan being near them at all u stay away from those boys u manipulative fuck
Ah the foreshadowing about Peyton changing in front of her webcam finally pays off
I’m no legal expert but I don’t think that taking your daughter out of state will help you in the custody battle in the long term Jake - nor will dropping out of high school
“What do I get out of it” r u 4 real Keith u dont get payment for loving your family
“I’m leaving because I can’t look at you anymore without my heart breaking” I like you Keith but that sounds like a You Problem
This is a fun way to shoot this episode One Tree Hill has such good directing tbh
Nathan discarding the Scott name from his jersey just like Lucas did in ep 2: 
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Haley: Having sex will solve all of my problems Nathan what are you talking about
I remembered that at some point Deb and Keith have sex and I’m glad they fuck things up early bc I could not deal if it was later on
“I’ll miss you too, little brother” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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queen-scribbles · 5 years
Character Interview-Mallory
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Tagged by @haledamage​, who wants to see one of my Wayhaven girls specifically. I’m all too happy to oblige(actually was planning on doing it with at least AJ and Mallory at some point anyway, so being tagged just bumped it up the priority list ;D)  Fabulous new art courtesy of lovonne
1. What is your name?
“Mallory Denney.” She gives a slight nod and sits with her hands folded on her desk. “Nice to meet you, I suppose.” While the words sound true enough, she looks less than entirely comfortable with the prospect of being interviewed. 
2. Do you know why are you named that?
She smiles slightly, fondly, the stiffness fading from her shoulders. “I think Mum just liked the name Mallory, and Dad was so in love with her and excited to be starting a family he agreed. My middle name’s for his mum, though. I do know that for sure.” The smile shifts more toward wry. “Of course, given… some recent events, having a name that means unlucky seems more than a tad ironic.”
3. Are you single or taken?
The stiffness is back and she shifts ever so slightly in her chair, gaze dropping to her hands as one thumb picks at the other. “I… That doesn’t seem relevant. But, to humor you, I’ll say work is important, and I have a lot on my plate, especially as liaison to the Agency, so there’s not really time for anyone outside that.” She glances at her computer screen. “Which I suppose would make my answer that I am single.”
4. Have any abilities or powers?
She almost seems relieved at the change in topic. “I know a couple different martial arts, so I can handle myself quite well in a fight. I’m a bloody good shot, very determined, and quite good at deductive reasoning.” She snorts softly. “Much as I wanted to join the army, I do have to admit to being well-suited to my current career.” 
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
She cocks her head, arching one brow, and laughs. “If you think I’m lacking in flaws, I can give you the names of several people who will  be all too happy to change your mind.”
6. What’s your eye color?
“Hazel.” She gestures vaguely toward her face. “They trend toward the green end of the spectrum most days, but under certain conditions I’m told they’re more golden-brown.” A wistful look flashes through her eyes, there and gone so fast it would be easy to miss. “Mum says they remind her of Dad’s.”
7. How about your hair color?
“Black.” She runs one hand through the loose, silky waves that hang down her back, gathering them forward over her shoulder with a half-twist. “That I got from Mum.”
8. Have any family members?
“There’s Mum, but she’s the only one I’m close to, however tricky that’s been with her job.” She rolls her eyes. “A few relatives from Dad’s side who’ve stayed just enough in touch they felt free to make their opinions known when I started planning to join the army….” A snort. “Probably why I don’t talk to them much any more.” 
9. Oh? How about pets? 
She shakes her head. “I’ve thought about it a couple times, but I work such long hours it wouldn’t be fair to a dog, I’m allergic to cats, and my immediate neighbors are not the type to enjoy knowing there’s a rodent or snake  living next door, so those are out in consideration of them.” She absently gathers her hair in a loose ponytail, which she leaves hanging over her shoulder. “I did come rather close to getting a bearded dragon, but they grow enough to require a tank larger than I’ve room for.”  
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now, tell me something you don’t like?
“Being lied to. Being used. My authority and/or competence being questioned.” A wry smile twists her lips. “Being treated like a bloody child, usually just b’cause I’m shorter than most.”
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
“The martial arts I mentioned are both for self defense and enjoyment.” She cracks her knuckles, thinks moment. “People watching, camping, sports or exercise of any kind, really, but particularly swimming.”
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
“Certainly,” she shrugs. “Both professionally and personally. Some I regret, others” --she smirks--”Others I do not.”
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
“Not so far, though I have come close on a couple occasions.” There’s a flicker in her eye that hints at this not strictly applying to the line of duty.
14. What kind of animal are you?
“I have been informed on many occasions that I remind people of a wolf. It’s not always meant in a complimentary fashion.” She shrugs. “If that’s the case, I I would like to further clarify that I am either a lone wolf or an alpha; fine working on my own or with a team, but in the latter case, definitely prefer being in charge.”
15. Name your worst habits?
“I’m too stubborn by half, short tempered besides, and competitive enough for it to be my undoing someday” She smirks. “There’s more, but those are the worst.”
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
“Mum, obviously. Her job’s not easy, but she does it to keep people safe. And she’s done her best to keep in touch with me despite it keeping her busy and being a massive bloody secret.” She runs her finger over a slender ring that circles her pinkie. “We’re not always as successful at keeping in touch as we’d like to be, but it’s enough. I know she cares, and she’s doing a damn hard job. Can’t help but admire that.” She thinks for a second. “I also admire Tina’s optimism and Felix’s cheerfulness, even if I can’t quite share them.”
She leans back in her chair, staring at the ceiling and clearly biting the inside of her cheek as she wrestles internally with something, before sitting forward again with a groan. “Never, ever tell him I said this--and I mean EVER--but….. despite how arrogant and condescending he can be, Adam’s commitment to protecting people no matter how low his personal opinion of them is extremely admirable.” She groans again and tugs on her ponytail. “I’ve had to do that before, just once and for only a couple days. It’s hard, especially when the person you’re protecting validates your opinion.”
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
“Straight.” She arches a mildly judgmental brow. “Not that I see why it matters.”
18. Did you attend school?
“I did. University was a struggle, if I’m honest; I’m more of a hands-on learner than a classroom type, so voluntarily doing the latter was… not the most enjoyable experience.” 
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“It’s not something I’ve ever really thought about, if I’m honest.” She purses her lips. “I don’t have a problem with the idea of a family, but I would be worried about putting any children through the experience of losing a parent in the line of duty, having been through that myself. I suppose you could say I haven’t ruled it out, but it would require a lot of careful consideration before I actually did it.” 
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
Her gaze narrows and darts toward the front desk, specifically the young officer slouching in the chair to play some sort of game on his phone. “Unfortunately.”
21. What are you most afraid of? 
Her expression closes off, face going rigidly neutral, save the dark look in her eyes. “Failing at my job. I’m supposed to protect people.” She rubs her arms, gaze going distant as she murmurs, “and there is no feeling in this world more awful than not being able to do that.”
22. What do you usually wear?
She shrugs, relieved at the lighter topic, but something still lingers in her eyes. “Something practical and comfortable. Usually that means something like this”--she gestures at her t-shirt and cargo trousers-- “with Old Faithful there and a pair of sturdy boots.” She nods toward the beat-up and clearly well-loved leather jacket hanging on a hook by the office door.
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
“Anything from Haley’s Bakery,” she says with a wry smile. “I realize that’s far more than one food, but, really, that woman is entirely too good at what she does. I suppose if I had to pick just one, though…. Strawberry rhubarb pie.” 
24. Am I annoying you?
She presses her lips together and arches a brow. “No comment. Captain Sung thinks this is a good idea for PR, so it doesn’t really matter what I think about it, does it?””
25. Well, it’s still not over!
She flicks one wrist in a semi-dismissive gesture. “Then let’s keep going.”
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
Her brow furrows in thought. “I believe we would count as middle? Not scrambling to make ends meet or anything, but I’m not exactly rolling in money, either.”
27. How many friends do you have?
“Not many.” That wry smile is back again. “I’m not particularly social, and not the easiest person to get along with, both of which are rather significant obstacles to a large circle of friends.” She pauses, lips moving as she silently counts. “At least four, though.”
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
“Pie?” She cocks her head. “Depends on who made it. If it’s one of Haley’s, I’ll eat the entire thing myself, regardless of type.”
29. Favorite drink?
“Tea, particularly a good strong cinnamon chai black tea.” 
30. What’s your favorite place?
“The gym.” She cracks her knuckles. “Working out’s my preferred method for handling stress, thinking through problems, things like that.”
31. Are you interested in anyone?
Her expression locks down again, but her ears are going red under her hair. “I… We already established that I’m single and too busy to change that, didn’t we? That I don’t have bloody time for anything outside detective work and the Agency.” The fingers of one hand curl against the opposite bicep and a muscle in her jaw twitches. She shakes her head to pull out of the encroaching memory and arches a brow. “Who would you imagine I’m interested in, anyway?”
32. That was a stupid question…
“I wouldn’t call it stupid,” she says carefully. “Perhaps redundant. I know personal details are a large part of what interests people in interviews and articles.”
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
“A lake, I suppose,” she replies after a moment’s thought. “Riptides are bloody terrifying, and they’re not a threat in a lake. Unless it’s a very large lake.”
34. What’s your type?
She clears her throat and glances toward her computer screen as if hoping for a distraction. “You’re really determined to get something about my love life out of me, aren’t you?” She sighs. “My type… Honest. Stands by his convictions, willing to protect people, no matter how thankless a job it can be at times. Y’know the saying about actions speaking louder than words? Someone like that, who’s more interested in doing the right thing than just saying the right thing.” She makes a face. “I dated a sweet talker at university; pretty words do not a good relationship make. Trust me. Other than that… Green eyes are nice. Unless they belong to arrogant, condescending blonds who think they belong in charge by default and refuse to let anyone get a word in edgewise.” Despite her scowl and the tight set of her jaw, there’s no real heat behind the words.
35. Any fetishes?
She smiles, gives a small shake of her head. “Sorry if that disappoints you.”
36. Camping or outdoors?
“Both are quite fun, though I’m confused by that ‘or’ as camping usually takes place outdoors, doesn’t it?” she says playfully. “I do enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and such. The woods around here are quite lovely and peaceful, for the most part. And I love camping.”
Her computer chimes and she glances toward the screen. Her expression turns serious at whatever she reads. “Unfortunately, I have some important, time sensitive information I need to discuss with our pathologist, so we’ll have to end things there. I hope what we got through is sufficient, and I trust you can see yourself out.” 
Without waiting for confirmation or farewell pleasantries, she closes out her email, grabs a file from her desk and her jacket from its hook by the door, and is gone toward the basement steps. 
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