#the way eren was breaking down ‘n she just goes ‘he’s so fine’
aureatchi · 11 months
finally watched the last ep of aot w my bsf ( ;∀;)…oh my gosh it was so.
btw! she’s an eren girlie while i’m a levi girlie jsjsjdj
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c-h-i-m-es · 7 months
geto suguru
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never in your lifetime would you have imagined that you'd have to call someone to come pick you up. from jail.
how did you even end up behind the bars? the last thing that you have a proper memory from tonight was you and ari, your friend were club hopping.
she finally broke up with her sad excuse of a boyfriend of almost two years. when she called you over at her place, hearing her announce she dumped him was not on even the back of your mind.
to celebrate her break up, you two made plan to drink the night away. it was all fun and games until she started complaining she had to pee right when you were in the way to another club three streets away.
"why didn't you go before we left the club when you've been complaining about your overflowing bladder since the last hour?" you pull her body close to yours, helping her drunk self walk.
"bitch i forgot about it then! i swear it's gonna leak out." she bends down, crossing her legs. you look around the place you currently are, trying to think if there's any public bathroom around. "try not to think about it, 'kay? only few blocks away. please." you try to drag her so she could just continue walking.
"if i stand up, it's not gonna hold." she speaks, biting her lower lips while you don't know if you should laugh or cry at the situation. "want me to get you a bottle or what?" 
"where do you think you'll even get a bottle out of nowhere? from a dumpster-" she snapped her head to you, "girl i'm gonna take a piss." you look at her confused as she gets up, tightly sealing her lips together as she jogs to the little gap between two buildings.
without questioning, you follow her, seeing her get behind a dumpster, pulling her little dress up and her undies down. you pause, shocked at what goes on in her mind. you cover your face with your hands, embarrassed of her behavior, turning away from the sight of her squatting down.
you don't know where the cops were but that's basically how you are where you are.
"bitch i told you to hold it." you say as you get up to walk out the cell to call someone. she pouts at you, eyes closed and head resting on the wall behind her, "that was the nicest i felt in ages."
the officer hands you the phone, "you get one call and you only have five minutes." he gives you a look and walks away. you curse at him in your head and call your boyfriend. you pray that he picks up even though it is two in the morning and he is probably sleeping.
a few more rings later, he picks the call making you let out a relieved breath, "hello-" "suguru, come pick me up please."
he takes a second to himself, "y/n? what- are you okay?" you hear his movements, probably him getting out of bed to come to you. "uh huh i'm fine. i'm sorry but can you come pick us up?"
"okay where are you?"
"of course. it's just you and ari?" "yeah it's just us."
"the police station."
one second. two second. and the third second. "what?"
"don't ask me, will you come?"
"of course y/n." you hear him sigh, "gosh you didn't kill someone did you?"
you gasp, "no! why would you think that? just get here quick."
almost an hour later, you finally walk out with geto and ari out of the police station. "this is.. freedom." ari chuckles at herself, spreading her arms and taking in a deep breath.
you scoff at her, "girl, stop tryna be eren yeager." you boyfriend chuckles from besides you, "i cannot believe this even happened."
"it's always trouble with this girl, i swear." you wrap your arms around his, leaning your body on his. your friend looks back at you, "hey at least it's a whole new thing that you got to experience."
"but if you think about it, it your boyfriend- ex's fault you went to jail." you and your friend look at geto then at each other. "think about it."
you both gasp at the same time, "give me my phone." she asks geto who just gives it to her and hands you yours. "whatchu gonna go?"
"that bitch never fails to make everything about himself. i finally broke up with him and when we go out to celebrate, we end up in jail?" she types something in her phone and brings it to her ear.
knowing exactly what's happening, you rest your head on geto's arm while you both watch your friend start cursing at her ex over the phone.
not even two minutes into her screaming into the phone and you two laughing, a cop comes out, "it's literally just night for most people. could you keep it down?"
geto apologises to the cop and you drag your friend to where geto parked his car, "please.. you can do that tomorrow."
she gets in the back seat while you sit in the passenger seat. he drives to ari's place and stops in front of her building. "can you get to your room on your own?" you ask, doubtfully looking at her.
"geez of course i can. all that screaming cleared my mind a little. i can manage. you two go ahead." you blow her a kiss and geto drives away. now that it's only the two of you, you turn your body to him, "you look so hot right now."
he was in his night sweatpant and basic white oversized tee. his usual night wear. and his hair messily tied in a bun. yeah, very hot.
you smile at his words and stare at him, getting lost in the thoughts. there's a comfortable silence between the two of you before he speaks, "i didn't know you could go to jail for pissing in public."
he looks at your for a brief moment, chuckling before he brings his eyes back on the road. "i could say the same about you, pretty."
you gasp, "oh thank god it's not just me. i was thinking they are pranking us when they said they're taking us because ari pissed behind a dumpster."
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if something with the cops doesn't make sense idk either lmao
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3rensgf · 3 years
stupid/annoying, but endearing, things they do in a relationship eren, armin, jean, connie, erwin, levi, reiner, bertholdt, porco, zeke, colt, hanji, mikasa, sasha, annie, pieck
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word count: 2.3k
warnings: one mention of sex in erens, reader uses makeup in jeans, mentions of injuries and dilf!reiner in reiners
notes: this is a gn!reader. there are mentions of makeup being used, but i feel like any gender can use makeup. it's not even anything serious like a beat face. just some lip gloss n mascara. chapstick too but thats not makeup. it's just one line, so you can skip over it if you would like to!
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✩ eren bites you. its not even in a sexual way, he just likes to bite. they’re like a second form of kissing to him. you could be chilling together on the couch watching a movie, and he’ll just chomp on your shoulder. even when you were trying to focus on something, he swings by, bites then leaves. eren has no shame, so he does it in front of your friends too. you could be having a normal conversation with mikasa and he’ll just bite you, then the two of you carry on as if it was normal. it’s not normal. but you love it. sometimes you bite him back too. but only in private.
✩ armin gives you random things he finds. armin likes to go out and explore, with or without you. when he comes back after an adventure you opted out of, he always has something for you he found. a rock, a seashell or a cool flower are just some of the things he gets for you. if he can’t find something, he finds a gift shop to get you something instead, saying, “well, (y/n), i did find it in the gift shop.” he always looks so proud giving it to you, rambling about the story of how he found your gift. you have a small box tucked away with all the treasures he gives you.
✩ jean steals your things. whenever he comes over, he likes to mooch off your possessions. if he’s spending the night at your place and needs a shower, he’s using your shampoo, conditioner and body wash. if his lips are chapped, he swipes your lip balm to use on himself. one time you even walked in on him trying your mascara and lip gloss. another time he had your clothes on his giant frame. but he always replaces whatever he uses, venmoing you within the next few days with some cash and a sorry note. “sorry for using ur lip balm baby, buy some more <3” with $20 attached to it. you tell him that lip balm doesn’t even cost that much, but he tells you to treat yourself to lunch with the extra money.
✩ connie makes plans without letting you know beforehand. at 3am, you are woken up by an influx of messages and calls from your boyfriend. in your sleepy state you go to answer him, only to be told to get dressed and come out. he’s right outside of your house and hungry. you remind him it’s very early in the morning and you both have class. “but i’m hungry and craving burgers,” he repeats. you have no choice to get in the car with him. this can happen throughout the day, not just early in the morning. one time he whisked you away in the middle of your online class because he didn’t tell you he bought tickets to a movie showing in 30 minutes. the memories you share on these spontaneous dates are always your favorite ones with him.
✩ erwin buys you whatever you like in bulk. it’s not even an exaggeration when you say bulk. you mention one thing to him, and the next day there are boxes upon boxes sitting on your kitchen counter. “these oranges taste pretty good,” you mumble to yourself as you peel your 2nd one. erwins sharp ears hear this, and first thing in the morning he’s off to buy multiple bags of your supposed favorite oranges. it takes you days, sometimes weeks, to finish whatever he decided to buy you. you always tell him he doesn’t need to buy so much, but he never listens. though, you always appreciate how attentive he is to your likes and dislikes.
✩ levi cleans up for you and ruins your organization. it’s always a blessing when someone else decides to take on the burden of cleaning for you, and you thought you hit the jackpot with a boyfriend who loved to clean, clean, clean. but it could get annoying when you suddenly couldn’t find anything you placed anywhere. if you’re anything like me, you’re messy but organized. you know where things are. when levi comes to clean, he places things where he thinks they should go. you’re sent on a wild goose chase looking for your pencil case, only for it to be in a completely different drawer than the one you usually kept it in. despite this behavior, it’s always nice to come home from a long day from school to see your desk organized. what was once a mess of papers and other supplies have been filed into their correct places, the table wiped down from any lingering coffee stains and your supplies being organized in a way so you knew where everything was. sometimes there’d be a plate of fruit with the note, “good luck on your exams,” written in your boyfriends neat writing beside it.
✩ reiner coddles you too much. whenever you express any sort of discomfort, reiner is always rushing to your side. “are you hurt? do you need medical attention? how many fingers am i holding up?” he asks, checking you for any cuts or bruises. thank you, honey, but i’m fine. just bumped into the counter. despite that, he’s dragging you over to the bathroom to fix up your imaginary injuries. you always find it a bit much when you’re fine. it’s during the times where you’re actually hurt where you learn to appreciate it. he’s so gentle cleaning your cuts, kissing them softly once they’re dressed. you wonder if he’d be like that with your future children.
✩ bertholdt is too nervous around you. it’s been years since the two of you got together, and he still refuses to make eye contact with you. his hands get sweaty and shake when you attempt to hold his hand. he always stumbles over his words when speaking to you as he tries to find the right words to say. he even blushes when he introduces you to other people as his significant other! you remind bertholdt over and over again that he doesn’t need to be so shy around you. but you cant help but coo over him showing up for your date, flustered mess and thrusting flowers into your hand. “they reminded me of you,” he said quietly, refusing to meet your eyes. you giggle and press a kiss to his hot cheeks.
✩ porco is too cocky for his own good. he’s always parading around the house, boasting about his latest achievements. he beat colt in a video game colt was a supposed god in. he can throw a baseball farther than zeke. he can run faster than pieck. if he’s taller than you, he's always making fun of you for being shorter than him. if you’re taller, you’re not exempt from his wrath either. he’s boasting about how he’s perfect height to not hit his head on doorways. he never goes as far as to hurt your feelings, always knowing when to stop. though he has a big ego, he would let it crash and burn just to see you smile after beating him at smash bros. you laugh and taunt him, happy you beat him in one thing. he doesn’t mind, instead watching you with a soft smile on his lips and love in his eyes.
✩ zeke forces you to work out with him. and it’s not like in the afternoon to help you stretch out. it’s not light yoga or a couple minutes on the treadmill. no, this man wakes you up at ass crack in the morning to take you on a 5 mile hiking trip. you barely have any time to register what is happening around you before you’re already standing at the start of the trail with your gear. “come on! we can’t slack off!” he says, clapping his hands together. the sun is beating down on you and your feet hurt, but this man doesn’t let you stop for a break. “we’re almost there,” he says. your complaining goes out the window when he shows you the view at the top. its one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen. hiking up long ass trails to see beautiful views with your boyfriend was so worth it in the end.
✩ colt accidentally turns your dates into babysitting sessions. you show up at his house with the promise of a good time, only to be met with a guilty looking colt and his little brother falco behind him. “sorry,” he says sheepishly, “gabi got sick with the cold, so i couldn’t drop him off there. i hope you don’t mind him staying.” you hide your disappointment behind a wide smile, nodding enthusiastically as to not hurt either of their feelings. you just wanted to spend some alone time with your boyfriend, and it would have to wait. hanging out with falco wasn’t actually that bad. the three of you had an amazing time together, watching tv, playing games and even baking together. if you hate kids, you can’t bring yourself to hate falco; he’s just the sweetest boy you’ve ever met. you and falco are already asking colt when the three of you can hang out again when you have to go back home.
✩ hanji is always talking. you don’t discourage them from talking about their interests. they’re very passionate about the things they love, and can’t help talking about them. its like the scene where hanji kept eren up all night talking about titans. when you’re trying to focus on something or go to sleep, hanji is just yapping away. you’re honestly amazed at their ability to never run out of things to say about the most mundane things. hell, one time they talked for an hour and a half about a building color they saw when they were out one day. but hanji just looked so happy when talking. their face would break out into a huge grin, and their arms would fly around as they told their story. it was too cute for you to tell them to stop.
✩ mikasa hovers too much. every corner you turn, every place you go to, mikasa is following. she claims she’s not clingy, but in reality she is. it’s like a cat who hates affection, but needs to be in the same room as you at all times. you don’t mind her following you into the bedroom or living room or kitchen. you had to draw a line when she tried to follow you into the bathroom. even when you’re out, she’s always following you around. you tell her it’s okay to break off from you and spend some time by herself, but she always shakes her head and follows you to your next destination. you’re always grateful for her hovering when a group of drunk people try hitting on you, whistling and telling you they’ll give you a good time. but one look at your girlfriend who showed up from out of nowhere, and they’re running away with their tails between their legs.
✩ sasha eats your food. she can’t help it. she likes to snack. she’s always hungry. and you get that. to stop things like this from happening, you have separate places to keep your food. just so sasha and you have your favorite snacks and takeout separated. you respect the rule, but your girlfriend seems to lose her reading skills when hungry, one too many times you have walked in on her with her hand deep into a bag of your chips, something you’ve been waiting to eat all week when you were supposed to watch that new horror movie on netflix with her. you huff and puff and retreat to your bedroom. sasha comes back after a few hours, looking upset with tons and tons of snacks in her arms. “i’m sorry i ate your chips,” she frowns. she sets down all the food she got on your bed. “i got all these snacks you liked as an apology. and 3 bags of your favorite chips.” you could never stay mad at her cute face.
✩ annie complains about spending time with you. “i like my alone time,” she says, brushing you off when you asked why she didn’t want to watch a movie with you. some people were introverted, preferring to spend time by themselves rather than with someone else. you were like that too; you had your moments where you didn’t feel like being around your girlfriend. but it became an annoying problem when she constantly shot down your attempts to hang out with you. when she finally agrees, she’s always finding something to complain about. but during important dates or when you’re not in the best mood, she’s always the first to remind you or initiate a hang out/date. she shuts her mouth and enjoys her time with you, not one criticism or groan leaving her lips. she would never admit it, but being around you made her so happy.
✩ pieck is always sleeping. you have to wait a few hours to get a text or call back from pieck because she’s always dozing off somewhere. “sorry sweets,” she yawns into the mic, “was taking a nap. need something?” good luck trying to reach your girlfriend during an emergency. when you come home with takeout for dinner because neither of you wanted to cook, she’s sleeping at the dinner table. when you’re watching a movie she wanted to watch, she’s snoring away, curled up at the end of the couch. during lectures you share together, she has her head in her arms and has the audacity to ask you for your notes in the end. and it’s not like she’s not getting enough sleep, no. she gets her recommended 8 hours of sleep and then some. it’s nice to have a sleepy girlfriend, though, when you’re dead tired from living. you drag your feet into the bedroom to see her about to take her nth nap for the day. she notices your zombie-like state and opens up her arms for you. the two of you cuddle and nap together, sleeping the stress away.
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3rensgf © 2021 ; do not repost or translate my work.
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
Can I get a story with Levi and a child reader (Chile, hear me out) who he sort of takes care of please? Like she doesn’t have parents and found her way to the Corps somehow. She’s curious and innocent, she loves to explore. However, she’s very anxious and relies on Levi to protect her. She only comes out of her shell when he’s at her side. He seems distant, but he secretly adores her and will raise all of Hell if anything ever happens to her. Thank you!
C/n: wait! This is…adorable!! I love it! I’m just picturing baby Caddy with grumpy Levi and I almost died. Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
His Girl. (Levi x Reader)
How a child managed to get into the most dangerous army regiment without being seen was a mystery to everyone. But there she was. Sitting in the kitchen, munching on bread. “Who is she?” Eren asks and Armin squats down to get a better look at her. “Don’t know. Hey there. I’m Armin. This is my friend, Eren. What’s your name?” Armin asks but she doesn’t look at him nor answer. She just stares at the bread in her hands.
“Oi! Why is everyone gathered here?! Don’t you people have duties to attend to?” A gruff voice asks and Y/n looks up to see a man. “C-Captain Levi! There’s a child here and we don’t know how she got here!” Eren stutters and Levi looks at her. She stares at him with big e/c eyes with breadcrumbs all over her face. “Tch. All of you go. I’ll sort this out.” He orders and everyone dispersed leaving him alone with her.
“Can you talk?” He asks and he sees her nod.
“What’s your name?” She plays with the bread but answers. “Y/n. Y/n L/n.”
“Alright, Y/n. Why don’t come with me and you can tell me exactly how you got here?” She nods and slowly gets up and walks to Levi. Her little legs not being able to keep up with him and he scoffs. “Come here then, brat.” He says and lifts her up and carries her to his office.
Once there, Levi sat her down on the couch and sat next to her. “How did you come here? Where’s your mom and dad?” He asks and she looks around his office. “Mommy left and daddy died.” She says nonchalantly and Levi’s eyes widen. ‘Jesus Christ.’ “Oh. Well then, how did you get here then?”
Y/n continues to look around as she swung her legs back and forth. “Horses.” She says and Levi nods. “How old are you?” She looks at him and holds up five fingers. He nods and then looks at her attire. He gets up and goes to his bedroom to get a spare t shirt for her when he feels some hug his leg. “Oi. What are you doing?” He asks looking down at her, Y/n’s eyes staring at him. “Tch. Put this on then.” He says and gives it her. She takes the shirt and plops down on the floor as she plays with it. ‘Lord have mercy.’
Levi rolls his eyes and picks her up and sits her on his bed. He removes the torn shirt she wore and looked at the marks on her tummy. “How did you get this?” He asks and she shrugs. He sighs and puts the shirt on her. “We’re going to see a friend of mine. Then I’m going to give you bath because you’re filthy.” That makes her giggle and hold his face. “Wevi.” She says and he groans. “Levi. Say “Levi”.”
He shakes his head and takes her into his arms as he begins to walk to Erwin’s office. He knocked and waited for him to answer while Y/n stared at Levi. Erwin’s door opens and Y/n flinches at the loud sound.
“Oh! Levi, hello. And who is this?” He looks at the girl in his arms and Levi enters the office and plops Y/n in the couch. “Y/n L/n.” Levi says and Erwin squats down in front of the small girl. “Hello, beautiful. I’m Erwin.” He introduces himself but Y/n only stared at Levi.
Erwin turned and faced his friend as he tried not to laugh. “I think she likes you Levi.” He teases and Levi rolls his eyes. “Tell him how you got here, brat.” He tells her and she nods. “Mommy left and daddy died. I saw horses and came here.” She says in, possibly the sweetest voice Erwin has ever heard.
“Levi she’s adorable.” Erwin smiles and pinches her cheek. Her hands touch Erwin’s eyebrows and he chuckles. “Like them?” He asks and she nods. “Caterpillars.” She mumbles and Levi resists the urge to laugh. “Alright, I’m taking her to my room. Get her cleaned up and stuff. What do you want to do with her?” Levi asks Erwin.
“Well, I’m not going to send her to the orphanage, that’s for sure. Why don’t you take care of her? I mean, we all will. She’s safe here. What do you say?” Levi rubs a hand through his hair but nods. “I don’t think I have choice, now do I?” “No not really.” Levi sighs. “Whatever. Come on, Y/n. Let’s go.”
She quickly leaves Erwin and waddles to Levi begins to walk to the door. “Uh, Levi?” Erwin calls and Levi faces him to see Erwin point down. Levi looks down to see Y/n make grabby hands to Levi and he sighs.
“Come here then.” He takes Y/n in his arms and begins to leave. “Not a word, Eyebrows.”
“I didn’t say anything!”
Levi bathed her and watched her as she played with the bubbles he made for her. Y/n blew the bubbles and one landed on Levi’s head which made her giggle. “Haha, very funny.” He sarcastically says and drains the tub. He wipes his head and then wipes Y/n down. “Arms up.” He orders and she puts her arms up as he wipes her tummy and legs and toes. Then he wraps her in the towel and takes him to his bedroom and sets her down on the bed.
He takes a new shirt and shorts and puts it on her to see it was massive on her. “Do I have to get you new clothes now?” He asks her but she just stares at her toes. Levi sighs and makes a plan to tighten the clothes around her. He pins them together and ties the t shirt. It worked but he definitely needed to get new clothes for her.
“Hungry or sleepy?” He asks and she blinks. Her stomach growled and he hums. “Hungry it is then.” He takes her into his arms and makes his way to the mess hall. Luckily he was the first time there so he got them both food and he sat her next to him.
She ate like hadn’t for months and Levi wiped her lips. “Slowly. We don’t want you getting sick.” He says and she nods.
Slowly, the mess hall started to fill up and when Levi’s squad surrounded the table to see the little girl from earlier sitting next to their captain:
They were smitten.
“Aww hello there!”
“You’re so pretty!”
“How old are you?! How did you get here?!”
“Such chubby cheeks. Lemme pinch!”
Poor Y/n was so overwhelmed by the attention she hid in Levi’s side. “Hey! You’re all scaring her. Calm your tits.” He ordered and everyone falls silent. But then they hear giggling and Levi looks down to see Y/n sitting in his lap.
“What’s her name, Captain?” Armin asks as she looks up at Levi. “Y/n L/n. She’s an orphan and she’s going to be staying there from now on.” He says and everyone smiles. Y/n looks around to see everyone looking at her and she eats her meat. “Levi?” She calls him and looks down. “What?”
He takes her cup of water and gives it to her. She drinks and then looks at him. “Levi?” “Yeah?” “I want to see the horses.”
“Not now. It’s late.” Levi says and finishes his tea.
“Can we play with her?” Eren asks and Levi looks at him, thinking. “Fine. I got paperwork to do anyway. But, Armin is in charge,” he looks at him, “don’t let her out of your sight.”
When Levi places her on Armin’s lap, he leaves and begins to work on his paperwork.
“So Y/n, what do you like?” Eren asks and Y/n turns her face away and cuddles Armin. “Oh my god I think my heart just busted a nut.” Connie says and Sasha slaps his head. “What?!” “Don’t speak like that in front of babies, idiot.”
Y/n jumps down from Armin and walks to a barrel to explore. Everyone watches her as she walks around the hall. But as she walked, a very tall man cowered over her. “Hello there.” Mike greets and that made her break.
She started crying and Armin rushed over to her with Eren and Mikasa. “Y/n. What happened?”
“Levi. I want Levi.” She cries out and holds her face and Armin picks her up and goes to Levi’s office as he tries to calm her down. Levi immediately opened the door and sees Y/n reaching for him. “What the hell happened?” He asks as he bounces her to calm her down. “Squad Leader Mike said hi and she just bursted out crying.” Armin explains.
“The giant was bound to do that. Thanks Armin. You can go.” He dismissed him and shuts the door as he holds Y/n. “Brat, you need to be strong. You can’t cry for everything, alright?” He speaks to her and looks down to see her fast asleep. He rolls his eyes and tucks her into his bed.
“What a pain.”
Y/n started to fit in nicely. She loved her Aunt Hange and Uncle Erwin and even warmed up to Mike. But everyone in the Corps realized that she was only smiley and laughing if she had her protector with her. Levi had to be with her whenever she went and it was tiring because her curious mind wanted to go everywhere.
One time, he had to leave with Erwin to the city and Y/n cried the whole time he was away. Hange had to make a baby potion to help her sleep and when Levi returned, Hange almost got killed by him because she allowed her to cry.
He won’t admit it, but the brat made her way into his heart. It was the little things at first. How she always looked for him when she woke up, how she “helped” him with paperwork. By helped, she wrote squiggles. Levi even caught himself hating being apart from her. He always worried about her in his own way.
“Y/n probably would want this, huh?”
“You think Y/n likes strawberries?”
“Y/n would love that show. I have to bring her here one day.”
Erwin had to listen to his friend speak about Y/n every single time they went to the city. Not shutting up once about her. It was refreshing to hear Levi speak that much.
Y/n was the reason Levi got sleep. She had nightmares and wouldn’t fall asleep unless her Levi was there. To her, if he was next to her, he will fight all the monsters that came for her. Levi ended sleeping a full six hours and Y/n ended up in his chest.
He won’t admit, not to anyone alive, but Y/n was his girl. Levi took her to see Hange and when Hange wanted to carry her, Levi just said no. “Your hands are dirty and I just gave her a bath.”
“But I-“
Y/n was super possessive of her Levi. She never wanted him to go anywhere without her and he just had to suck it up and take her wherever.
Not that he minded. No, not at all.
“Genshin is taking over my life.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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bakugosbratx · 3 years
Hi hi! Congratulations!! 🎊
Could I please request a fic with Eren or Levi and could they have some yandere tendencies? Like they’re too protective, gets jealous easily, would absolutely fuck you until you’re screaming so that the guy who’s been checking you out heard?
NSFW 18+ Let them hear you — Yandere Eren Jeager x Reader
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Warning: 18+ Content. Sexual content, bdsm, degrading, unprotected sex, oral, non-con, abuse, possessive, toxic relationship, gaslighting, Jean abuse, punishment, violence, etc.
Words: 1.9k
Check out my other works here
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A/N: Hey love. Thank you so much for the request! I hope it meets what you are looking for. I am only on the third season so I apologize in advance for anything that seems uncanny. Enjoy.
P.S. I am still on break but I am trying to complete some request that have been sitting in my drafts. I miss y’all and will be back before y’all know it. Thank you for all the love and sweet messages.
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“Eren, what are you—“
“Shut the hell up, Y/N.” Eren seethed through gritted teeth as he pulls you along. The death grip on your poor arm is making you cry out in pain. This only infuriated him more.
You did nothing wrong. You were eating your lunch with Mikasa when Jean strolled on over. It is not a secret that Jean likes you. Everyone knows that Jean likes anyone with a pulse. You have told the man multiple times that you are not interested — along with Eren — and you have a boyfriend, but it does not stop the man from trying. Especially when Eren is busy.
“Hello Y/N.” Jean greeted with a flirty smile. Your eyes couldn’t help but roll.
“Hello Jean.” You sigh as he sat across you two.
“What’s with the sad face, pretty thing? Eren got you down?” Jean chuckled before taking a bite of his sandwich.
You scoffed. “Me and Eren are doing just fine, thank you very much.”
“Well, your face says otherwise. If you ask me, I’d say you can do better than that douchebag anyways—“ Jean’s spill got interrupted with a hard punch to the side of the head then another one to the nose. Gasp filled the room as eyes landed on who did this to the man. No one was surprised to see it was Eren himself.
Eren grabs Jean by the collar of his shirt, lifting him up to meet his height. Eren’s natural blue eyes were filled with rage. “You son of a bitch. Why the fuck are you flirting with my girl, Jean? She told you more than once she’s not interested.”
Jean manages to release himself from Eren’s grip, stumbling to keep his balance. This is not the first time these two have had altercations with one another.
“Ha, you don’t see the way she looks at me. Besides,” he pauses to wipe the blood leaking from his nose, “she was totally flirting with me.”
“Bastard!” Eren bellows as he goes to attack again, but the higher ups stop him along with you and Mikasa.
“Eren, stop.” Mikasa and you demand, hanging onto his arms.
“Let go of me! I’m going to make that son of a bitch pay.”
“That’s enough, Jaeger.” Captain Levi scolds. Eren snaps out of his rage to meet the small man’s eyes. “In my office. Now.”
Though Eren is still angry, he still knows when to show respect. Especially when it comes to the higher ups. Everyone in the room knew this.
“Yes, sir.” Eren sighs, still breathing heavy.
“Eren,” You began with sorrow filled irises. Though this is in no way shape or form your fault, you cannot help but feel the guilt within your bones. If only you would have done more than maybe Eren would not be in this situation.
Eren just glared down at your small frame compared to his, clearly not happy with you. It was a look you know all too well and you know you will be in for it later. Your heart pounded against your ribs at the thought.
“We’ll talk later.” Eren hissed before following Captain Levi to his office.
Jean did not mess with you for the rest of the afternoon. Eren was sent to clean up the horse stables while the rest of the team did their chores. Eren made sure to have his eyes on you anytime you were in close proximity. His glare was one you always refused to meet with your own two eyes. It made you feel small. Just like how Eren wanted.
Your anxiety has been through the roof all day. No one can blame you, though. Eren is a loose cannon on a good day. So, your super barely being touched was noticed, but not discussed amongst your peers.
Strong hands touched your shoulders. You jumped out of reflex. Looking up, you see your boyfriend looking down at you.
“Eren!” You exclaimed with joy and fear. He noticed both emotions.
“Follow me.” Eren orders, patting your shoulder more rough than he should have. You did not even have time to comply as his hand snakes around your bicep and pulls you along.
“Eren, you’re hurting me.” You whine as he pulls you towards the closest bedroom available.
“Eren, what are you—“
“Shut the hell up, Y/N.” Eren seethed through gritted teeth as he pulls you along. The death grip on your poor arm is making you cry out in pain. This only infuriated him more.
Slamming the door open, he ushers you along inside and swiftly closed the door behind him. Your hand wraps around your now warm, pulsating arm. You can feel the heat from Eren’s glare down onto you. You start to tremble.
“Eren, I—“
“I said shut the hell up, Y/N.” Eren growls. He has taught you more than once to respect his orders, but you just cannot seem to listen. You will pay for that sooner than later.
Eren leans against the door, arms crossed as he heavily sighs. “What were you doing with Jean earlier today?” He finally asked. You turned to face him.
“N-Nothing!” You stammered. You know this made you sound guilty, but you are actually innocent. Just Eren knows how to intimidate you and when you’re in this position, your nerves take over.
Eren scornfully chuckled. “Please, do you really think I’m that dumb, Y/N?”
“I’m telling the truth, Eren! You know I don’t like Jean.” You spat. Your blood is boiling at this point. This accusation has been thrown at you more than once in your relationship and quite honestly, it’s getting tiring.
“Watch it.” Eren warned. You know you are not supposed to raise your voice towards him. He has corrected that behavior more than once and will do it again if necessary.
“Why was he sitting with you at lunch?” Eren interrogates after he notices you lose some confidence to yell at him.
You let out a deep sigh. “He just showed up. You know how Jean is.”
“And you didn’t stop him?”
“What was I supposed to do?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“Tell him to fuck off!” Eren barks.
“And I did!” You argued back.
A small shriek escapes your lips as Eren charges towards you, wrapping his hand around your throat, and pushing you down onto the nearest bunk bed. You struggled to untangle his fingers as they squeeze your throat tightly.
“What did I say about talking back, slut?” Eren growls.
“I-I’m s-sorry, E-Eren.” You managed to get out as you lose circulation to your lungs.
“Oh, you will be. I’m going to make sure this filthy little mouth of yours will not be able to talk for weeks.”
Eren finally let’s go of your throat. You immediately cough. There is not enough oxygen in the room to get to your lungs fast enough it seems. Eren would argue and say you deserve it.
You hear a belt unbuckle along with his pants unzipping. His pants hang low on his hips as he watches you collect air. By the way his boxers are fitting quite snug, you know what is coming.
“On your knees.” Eren demands, pointing towards the creaky wooden floor below. You shook your head no, your eyes pleading. Eren did not respond to that well as he grabbed a hand full of hair and forced you to the ground.
“Do you ever fucking listen? I said on your damn knees.” Eren growls. You did not even have a chance to explain that you are not in the mood because Eren’s length is now being stuffed down your throat. You choked on Eren’s cock as every inch was entering your mouth.
Your nails clawed at Eren’s clothed abdomen. His hand never let up on your hair as he thrust in-and-out of you. You are choking, coughing for air, but Eren refused to show any ounce of mercy. In fact, he found it quite amusing. You should know better than to disrespect your boyfriend.
“Where is all that back talk now, princess? Don’t have shit to say with my cock down your disrespectful ass throat, do ya?” Eren mocks as takes another rapid thrust down your windpipe. Drool covered your chin and Eren’s dick. You can feel his girth stretch out your throat and he loves it. He loves seeing you struggle.
Pre-cum started to leak from his erected member. You are mentally thanking your maker. You needed a break and a gasp for air, but those prayers were answered quicker than expected. Eren pulls out his cock from your sore mouth. You let out pitiful coughs as he stroked himself to the sight of you.
“Strip then get in doggy.” He demands. Not wanting to make this worse for yourself, you do as your told. You are not even sure whose room this is. You just hope they do not walk into see the sinful things you and Eren are doing.
Each article of clothing fall to the floor and you get in the position Eren wants you in. All of your delicate tight holes are displayed for his taking. He walks over and spreads your ass out some more to get a better view. You yelp when a hard slap hits your ass.
Without warning, he brings you closer to him by latching his hands onto your hips and his cock slips into your tight cunt. Your walls do their best to expand to his girth, but no amount of sex with Eren can get you prepared for that. Your pussy takes in inch-by-inch. His stamina and merciless rhythm is forcing you to be accepting of his cock. Your knees shake under the pressure and your hands tightly grip onto the covers below.
A hard slap to your ass exploits the moan you have his behind your lips. “I kept your throat intact for a reason. Use it.” Eren scolds before hitting your ass again. You whimper.
“Eren.” You mewl.
“Yeah, who is making you feel this good?” He teases as he continues his venomous thrust.
“You do.” You sob. Your pussy is beginning to become accustomed to Eren’s erection and he is hitting all the right spots. He always does.
“Can Jean make you feel this good?” He groans, his knees slowly buckling beneath him.
“Never.” You wail. Your weeping cunt confirmed this as well.
“Damn,” he pants, “straight.”
Cum leaked from Eren’s cock deep into your cunt. You let out little moans as you became stuffed with Eren’s seed. Though you did not like he was not using protection, you have no say in the matter. This is for his pleasure and your punishment. You just have to take it like the good little submissive girl he taught you to be.
You milked every single drop of Eren before you were granted permission to put on clothes. Your hands intertwined as he lead you to the door. There stood Jean, Armin, and Conny. They all looked horrified as well as you. Eren’s smug smirk never left his features.
“What the hell are you doing in my room, Eren?” Jean exclaims in furry.
“Handling business,” he wraps his arm around Jean’s shoulder and let’s go of your hand to pat his chest, “By the way, thanks for letting me fuck my girlfriend on your bed.”
All Rights Reserved
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bakugohoex · 4 years
uwu hcs for jean and eren with a s/o who’s bold in giving affection but gets easily flustered when they’re the one receiving it 😗
“now whose the flustered one”
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paring: eren yeager x female reader, jean kirschtein x female reader
cw: implies nsfw, kissing, heavy flirting, fluff
word count: 2400+
a/n: sorry for the lack of content, but i hope you guys like this, im trying to get through all the requests before i go on hiatus but hope you like it any comments will really benefit, also i didnt read it properly but its a headcanon sort of, idk sorry im tired 
summary:  in which giving affection to the boys always leaves them swooning but as soon as they do it to you, you become an entire mess in front of them
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eren yeager
You had known Eren since day one of the cadet corps, both meeting one night out on the barracks. You had seen him around whilst in the cadet corps, but you talked to Sasha and Connie a lot more than you did him and his two friends who always seemed to follow him around.
But the one encounter late at night had bloomed a friendship where you both became closer than anybody realised. Now two years later, on the brink of graduating and joining the survey corps you and Eren were partnered up to spa with the boy, the consistent teasing and flirting for two years flowing out from your mouth.
“Aww is Eren not able to beat a girl.” You mock going in for a punch, he dodges but cocks his head backwards in a laugh.
Looking at your much shorter frame, he goes in for a punch himself, “I’m capable of beating anyone Y/n, that includes you.”
You’re the one to laugh this time, arching your back to miss the swing of his fists, “maybe you’re going easy because you like me, it’s fine a cute boy like you, I might let you win.”
He blushes but tries to hide it with his fists raised, “like you, I could never.” The back and forth continuous on, everybody in their own worlds except Armin and Mikasa, the latter being annoyed at how you hit him.
“Come on Eren, aren’t you going to try harder.” You tease before you feel him grab your arm and flipping you to the ground, he stood on top of you his feet planted beside your waist.
An idea popped into your head as you quickly grab his arm dragging him down on top of you, you heard Mikasa shout his name but you both ignored it. His body on top of yours, you smirk feeling his hands on the sides of your body. He encased your body in his own and you leant up to meet his ear.
“Baby if you wanted to get me in this position, all you had to do was ask.” You kiss the side of jaw the blush on his face evident. Mikasa and Armin had come up to you both, confusion at how you both just stayed there.
The flirtations had been a common occurrence, you weren’t just naturally flirty with everybody you happened to have a soft spot for the boy and maybe a teensy crush. And the only way for you to let it out was through teasing and flirting which he seemed to enjoy a lot.
“Eren are you okay? Did she hurt you?” Mikasa speaks worriedly grabbing the top of his shirt to get him up, his cheeks visible to everybody.
You laugh getting up yourself, “Mikasa I’d never hurt the pretty little thing.” His eyes flash, widening at how easily you can flirt and tease at him, evidently a rush had gone somewhere else with how he grabbed his jacket from the floor covering his lap.
“Eren you shouldn’t put dirty things on your clothes.” Mikasa spoke about to grab it.
“I’m fine.” Eren muttered back, he watched as you walk a way a grin on your face at how at ease you were.
It wasn’t till after you all got back to the barracks that he could sort the downstairs problem and all he could imagine was you. A happier grin on his face he joined everybody for dinner, the bread being stale and the food being grim to say the least but the first thing he notices was how you, Jean, Marco, Connie and Sasha were on the table with Armin and Mikasa.
He shrugged it off grabbing the food and going to the table, “where were you?” Mikasa questions ready to give her his seat, but he instead sits beside you. You hadn’t noticed him listening to Sasha about food and hunting a smile on your face.
“I had to sort something out.” You nearly jump out of your seat at the sound of his voice a laugh echoing through your ears at how close you both were. His arms touching your own.
“Sort something out yeh.” You muttered lowly, it was barely audible but Eren heard and as much as he loved the flirting, he needed to give you a bit of your own medicine.
He moved his face towards your ear, his hot breath fanning your ear. “You created a problem for me, so I had to sort it somehow…” his voice becoming even more quieter, “how about next time you help me yourself?”
You had watched the boy grow, watched everything for two years and now at the sound of him knowingly flirting back, knowingly acknowledging something was there. You heart fluttered and a heavy red scattered across your cheeks, you felt warm and in heaven.
He moved his head ready to start a normal conversation with everybody else, nobody having paid attention except Mikasa who always kept an eye on the boy. For her sake, you hoped she didn’t like him because you knew you were not letting him go. “Now whose the flustered one.” It was audible enough and your head spun out how he knowingly knew that you were blushing at his comment.
You could barely speak; he expected a response but was instead brought with your wide eyes and flabbergasted face. “i…i…”
No words came out and with Jean on the other side of you trying to gain your attention you stayed frozen. “Did someone break Y/n?” Jean mutters, Marco laughing at how dumbfounded you were.
“I…I’m fine.” You seethe out trying to cover your face with your hair, “I need some air.”
You weren’t trying to get away, but you felt embarrassed, they had known you for two years as a major flirt even more than Ymir was to Historia but the way you had easily got flustered over a proposition. It was humiliating to say the least.
You rushed out, moving past the people. You had been holding in a breath that you quickly let out, the warm air hitting your skin, you leant against the building, looking up at the stars before you heard a cough beside you.
You turn and see Eren, the boy looking down before meeting your gaze. “I shouldn’t have said that and I’m so…”
Interrupting him, you began to speak yourself, “you don’t need to apologise, I just didn’t expect it I thought you didn’t know of my feelings towards you.”
He smiles coming closer to you, he brings his hand to your jaw making you look up at him, your back pressed against the wall. His other arm against the wall trapping your head, “Y/n you’ve been flirting with me for two years you really think I’m that unaware of anything.”
You tried to turn your head away, but his grip made you face him, “I thought your only focus was killing all the titans, or you liked someone else and were trying to let me down easily.”
“I’m not a dick to lead a girl on for two years Y/n, I needed to get over some stuff and then everything happened, and we’ve nearly finished this whole thing and I realised in a couple days we’ll be in the survey corps and fighting titans and I might not have another chance to say this. But I love you.”
The last three words were a whisper, but it was all you needed for you to grab his hair pulling his face closer to yours. He closed the gap in an instant, his hand removing off your jaw and onto your waist, it was a sweet kiss, filled with love and lust. His tongue licking your bottom lip for access, which you allowed, soft moans came from you both. Hoping nobody would see but that was the last thing on Eren’s mind as he relished in the way your tongues moved together. It was as if you were both made to fit into each other. It was a needed kiss and the turmoil the would come made it even sweeter.
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jean kirschtein
The survey corps was the worst place to ever flirt ever. You and Jean had only just finished training and you were both thrown into the deep end with the first scouting mission, of course you and Jean had unhidden feelings, but it was always just flirting. Heavy flirting especially from you but just flirting.
The female titan being uncovered made everything become even more chaotic and finally when you both had gotten some sort of peace in where the main base of the survey corps were. You were spending it with your friend hoping no more disorder would come.
You sat at dinner, chewing at the bread as you leaned against Jean. He would often let you lean against him just to know that you were there, and to everybody you acted like a couple but you both knew that neither of you had admitted any feelings. You talked between yourself as the others had left themselves before it was just the two of you. They knew that once you two were deep in conversation nobody was every going to break past the two of you. Which was evident as you realised everybody had left.
“Where did everyone go?” You gestured to the empty dining area.
Jean looked around, you both had been in your own world, talking about everything you two possibly could, “they must’ve left.” He shrugs grabbing the glass of empty water. “You drank my water.”
“I was thirsty.” You try and gain sympathy, but he rolls his eyes at you.
He drops the glass looking at you again, “I wish I spat in it.”
“Gross but if you’re into that.”
“You’re terrible Y/n, I hope you know that” He mutters shaking his head, you had still been leaning against him but as you stretched, he knew what was coming.
“Come on pretty boy, let’s go on a walk.” You gesture about to stand up.
“Pretty boy, really.” He mutters but you could sense he had a thrill from hearing the words.
You pout standing up and putting your hand out, “would you rather me call you horse face?”
The nickname Eren had given him a plague on your tongue, he whipped his head to face you. Taking his hand in yours, he was a lot taller than you, but you liked the height different, it made you feel safe. “If you call me that I’m never talking to you ever again.”
You laugh at the boy before speaking, “I don’t need you to talk, just little moans will do it for me.”
He always admired your boldness, both your feelings there but never told to each other. It wasn’t like you two had even kissed yet and this had been going on for two years now. Of course your flirting always left him a mess, many nights along in his room thinking of you. Sometimes you came too close to him your breath on his neck, or it was how in your normal clothes you left a couple buttons shown to see your visible chest. Or even better how you said bold words that to anyone would only be reserved for a couple.
He knew how outspoken you were but you both had just not gone down to talking about your feelings. He himself never went to the extent you did but he loved watching you flirt with him and even make him jealous occasional by touching Eren’s arm.
He knew if in a relationship, you doing that would make him fuck you in an instant but right now he couldn’t do shit. He could only watch you flirt with  him, you both had arrived outside, the breath of fresh air hitting you both.
You saw some of your friends, seeing Connie try and fight Sasha for some meat presumably. You dragged Jean the other way, wanting him all to yourself. “You’re awfully quiet, what happened am I too pretty that you’ve gone quiet?” You giggle pulling him along the narrow alleyway, he admired how you occasionally looked around to make sure he was still following even though you were the one holding his hand.
Finally getting into the open area, you sat on one of the steps waiting for him to join, you undid a few buttons. His eyes fixated on your hand movement, “I don’t bite you know, unless you’re into that.”
A blush creeped onto his face, he shut his eyes to surpress it but to no avail he became a mess under your words. He sat beside you quietly, trying to think of what to say before an idea popped into his head, “a pretty girl like you shouldn’t be spending so much alone time with me, I might ruin you.”
“Ruin away.” You taunted back waiting for a comeback, he smirked facing you your head rested against his shoulder whilst looking up at his face. He was a pretty boy, you could imagine him ruining you, you had been known back in your town as timid and quiet, but it was really because nobody really took an interest in.
But Jean, he was perfect having come up to talk to you and as time went on you grew comfortable enough to stop being timid and be the loud outspoken person you are today. And it was all down to the hot head.
He touched your thigh rubbing is fingers up and down, a friction making you tense up. He had never gotten this close, never done this before but you liked it. “I bet you’ve spent countless nights thinking about me, you enjoy taunting me because it gives you a thrill, but both of us know that when we’re alone you’re just a hot mess…” He paused taking a breath, “just for me.”
You knew he was right, the nights tossing and turning not able to sleep, with thoughts of him touching and kissing you. Your cheeks erupted in a flush on embarrassment. You were the one to get shy this time, he grabbed your face, moving his lips closer to yours whilst speaking, “now whose the flustered one.”
He edged closer and closer before you closed your eyes and kissed him softly, the fireworks that erupted inside of you made you melt under his touch. He guided the kiss with his hand, making sure that you were comfortable but satisfied by it all, it deepened with his hand grabbing your thigh to bring you closer. You could almost feel his own thighs beneath him, his teeth tugging at your lip to gain access for his tongue. You obliged with ease, the movements of both your tongue perfectly balanced with soft moans erupting from your mouth. You felt dazed but enjoyed every second of it, because you had finally gotten the kiss you had dreamt about.
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titan-fodder · 3 years
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Prima Vista Part VIII
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Rating: E (explicit; mdni) Pairing: Mike Zacharias x fem!reader wc: ~13.2k
Warnings: this one fucking hurts, pining, stupid decisions, miscommunications, explicit sexual content (it’s time for something we’ve been waiting for), yet another party, angst A/N: Read this, but before you murder me remember there’s one more after this. Also, this isn’t the big thing you’ve been waiting for, but I know it’s something a lot of people have wanted to see. Enjoy this ouchie. 
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Mike doesn’t feel human when he wakes up. He’s nearly positive he no longer is—body taken over by some creature of the bog with toxic breath. Jesus, what the fuck happened last night?
 Blinking hurts. Shifting his leg hurts. His chest is fucking killing him, feels like he bruised his god damn sternum, and when he moves to sit up in a bed that is not his, overwhelming nausea has Mike groaning and covering his mouth with one hand. 
 “He has risen,” a vaguely familiar baritone voice rings through the air, loud enough to make Mike wave his other hand in an attempt to mute it. Erwin chuckles, paying him no attention apparently as he speaks again, “Good timing, too. I just came to drop this off.”
 Mike tries to focus his bleary eyes on the nightstand where his friend sets down a bottle of water, a bigger bottle of Gatorade, and several liquid gel pills. 
 “Chill here for as long as you need. I’m just watching the pledges clean downstairs. Want me to bring the trash can over?” Erwin’s concern can’t entirely hide the amusement in his voice. It’s irritating, but also… Mike needs that trash can.
 “Yeah,” he croaks through his palm. “Thanks.”
 Erwin nods and grabs the little plastic bin, setting it down next to the bed. Mike considers just picking it up and sitting with it in his lap, but he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to stay upright for long enough.
 “I’ll be downstairs. If you need anything, you’ll just have to yell because your phone is definitely sitting in a bag of rice in the kitchen right now.”
 “What?” Mike frowns. How even…
 “It got wet,” Erwin states, like that clarifies anything. “Probably in the shower.”
 “Why was I—”
 “We can talk about it when you’re less…” Erwin gestures to Mike’s face with one finger and grimaces as he finishes, “Green. You didn’t do anything too terrible, though, so you can rest easy.”
 He leaves, and Mike chokes down the pills and a few gulps of water before gently laying back down. He has to retrace metaphorical footsteps to get to the last thing he remembers from the night before, and it’s body shots off some blonde clone. His order of events goes: hanging out with Rhi, talking with you and Erwin, Zeke showing up, catching Eren mid-roofie attempt and throwing him out, getting mad at Nile, and then just a lot of drinking. Too much. Of different kinds. That had been dumb. 
 He thinks he spent a little while in the bathroom. Erwin was there. And, Nile came and went. He thinks he may have heard your voice a few times but can’t be sure, and honestly, trying to recall anything from the period of time his brain was literally incapable of processing new memories is a pretty big waste of time.
 Mike spends most of the day in Erwin’s room. He drifts in and out of restless sleep, waking up to drink his water and Gatorade. At some point, one of the kids, Jean, knocks on the door and drops a bowl of soup off, mumbles, “Erwin told me to bring this up here.” Mike hasn’t spent a ton of time around the current pledge class, but Erwin must like Jean if he trusted the kid enough to give him his room code. 
 The soup settles his stomach enough to move around a little more. His headache ebbs into a dull throb, and the sharp ache in his chest fades into that of a bruise. By around five o'clock, Mike is finally able to amble downstairs, give everyone a tired wave, mumble his thanks to Erwin, then drive himself to his apartment. 
 He's still trying to piece together what happened the night before, but he just ends up more confused than before, so he decides to put it behind him and move on. Everyone deserves a wild night every once in a while. 
 Thanksgiving nears. Mike has already made plans to go home to his parents which means he has to turn down the Pike house Friendsgiving offer that Erwin extends to him. 
 He tells Mike that Nile and Hitch will be there, but Marie might show her face, "So, that will be interesting." 
 Some of the brothers who can't make it home will attend. Erwin is bringing Maddie who Mike hasn't heard about in several months, but he's pretty sure that's just to throw him off the scent of whatever Erwin has going on with you. You, who will also be in attendance because apparently your mom opted to go on a girls trip instead of face the family. Mike can't blame her. 
 He thinks maybe he should reach out to you, to ask about the night he blacked out because he has a feeling you can give him some details that others can't, but Erwin assures Mike that you were only in the bathroom with him for a short time. "Just long enough to see you rip your shirt which she seemed a little too happy about."
 Mike doesn't know what he'd say to you anyway. Even after learning that Zeke had blocked his number in your phone. He's still mad that you let the fucker get close enough to do that in the first place, that you had chosen him. It's a wound that just won't heal. Any time he sees you or hears your name, all Mike can think about is why he wasn't good enough. 
 So, he keeps distancing himself. It seems like the most appropriate thing he can do until he decides he'll be able to have a conversation with you without blowing up. 
 Mike's parents are happy to see him when he walks in the door. Scout jumps on him until he picks her up and holds her like the puppy she is not. He isn't surprised when his mom asks about you, if you and Mike sorted things out. The question hurts even if he was expecting it, seems like yesterday you were walking around the house like you'd always been a part of it. 
 Lying is the easiest path to take. He tells his parents that you had to go home for the break, that you couldn't split up your time between two families in just four days, and, of course, they buy it. 
 Thanksgiving day is nice enough. The family travels a couple cities over to Mike's aunt and uncle's house. It's much bigger, has room for the relatives that are able to make it. There are traditional Greek dishes as well as the usual turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, etc. A few pictures here and there, entertaining his younger cousins—it's a good time. 
 Until Mike checks his various social media apps and sees the pictures from Friendsgiving.
 They're tame, nothing wildly inappropriate, but they still make Mike scowl as he thumbs through them. 
 One of Nile cutting into the turkey, of Reiner ripping into a drumstick, Connie hoarding all of the cranberry sauce while his best friend, a girl named Sasha, does the same with the deviled eggs. Gelgar looks to be crying with a dot of potato salad in his hair. Marie is indeed there, glaring in the background of a photo where Nile and Hitch are tapping beer bottles together with silly smiles. She looks much happier in the shot of her and Maddie sitting together, laughing over glasses of wine. 
 Mike's heart stutters when he gets to a photo of you aiming to toss food into Reiner's mouth, then of you and Erwin both holding beers in one hand and pointing matching finger guns with the other.
 Thick as fucking thieves. Two peas in a god damn pod. Mike wants to throw his phone out the window of his dad's suburban. 
 There are several more pictures that Mike doesn't bother to look at. He'd like to have a good time with his parents for the remainder of his break, and there's no way he'll be able to do that if he's pissed off. 
 So, he distracts himself. He goes on walks with Scout and plays with her for hours, watches old movies with his mom and dad, calls a couple relatives from overseas to catch up. But, those pictures are seared into the back of his mind, surfacing whenever he has down time. 
 He doesn't have any desire to go back to campus, not if he's gonna see you and Erwin together. His friend can deny it all he wants, but Mike knows something is going on between the two of you, and as he drives back to the college, he finally has the realization that… you might just be a shitty person. 
 Yeah, you have issues, but so does everyone. It doesn't excuse you from—from fucking toying with people, from using them as puppets whenever you need to. Mike wishes he'd never even tempted you to sleep with him that last time. It had felt too good and too right, but apparently you don't feel the same way. You went right back to Zeke once you'd gotten what you wanted, and Mike should have seen that coming. He should have been prepared for it. On some level he knew that's what you'd do, but that never stopped him from hoping that maybe… maybe it would have opened your eyes. 
 Plus, it ruined the entire Jurassic Park franchise for him, so that sucks. 
 He picks up where he left off both in his classes and in his social life. He stays away from PKA as much as he can but still attends meetings when necessary. The lacrosse season is coming to an end, so he tries to make the most of it. Rhi ends up in his bed again, both of them taking what they can from each other. Erwin jokes that he's gonna fall in love with her— "You know what happened the last time you tried to keep it casual," —and Mike nearly decks him in the face. 
 You don't try to talk to him, no texts or calls. When you see each other on campus, you don't spare him more than a sad glance as you pass him. 
 Mike is fine with it. He isn't about to be the one to make the move to talk things out. Honestly, he doesn't know if there's anything to talk out. You dated Zeke, and now you're dating Mike's best friend and trying to hide it. 
 He's mad at both of you, but it's easier to channel that blistering anger toward you rather than Erwin who he has to see on a regular basis. Besides, Erwin has always gotten around. Mike isn't especially surprised that he'd try his hand with you especially after what happened at the ranch house, but fuck, couldn't he have waited until after he and Mike graduated or something? Just disrespectful. That's what it is. 
 "Bro, I do not wanna go to another party," Mike's voice rises in frustration. "Consider me partied the fuck out, okay? I'm tired of 'em."
 "It's not even a party," Erwin tells him. "It's more like a gathering of… like-minded individuals."
 Mike snorts. "Yeah, okay." 
 "I'm not kidding! Like, twelve people at the most. All we're doing is hanging out at the ranch house."
 "Will there be drinking?" Mike questions, moving his head back and forth in a mocking way. 
 Erwin shrugs his shoulders where he sits. "Of course there'll be drinking, but you don't have to partake. I just want you there to chill. Come on, man."
 "Who's going?"
 The blond lists off some of the Friendsgiving group, but he doesn't get to finish because once Erwin utters your name, Mike cuts him off with a loud, "Nope!"
 "Duuuude," Erwin sounds like the frustrated one now, not that he has any right to be. 
 "Don't dude me! Why the fuck would you think I'd have any interest in watching you two giggle and cuddle n' shit."
 "Mike," Erwin groans, rubbing his forehead. "How many times do I have to tell you…"
 "You don't have to tell me anything. I already know what I need to know."
 Standing up, Erwin seems like he's at his wit's end when he barks, "You don't know shit! You're seeing what you want to see without asking either of us! She misses you, dude. I'm just the next best thing."
 "Nice to know your dick game isn't better than mine at least," Mike grumbles. 
 "Jesus Christ, you know what? I don't care. Come to the house, or don't come. Whatever."
 Erwin takes long strides to get to Mike's front door, obviously ready to get away from him. He slams it hard enough to make Mike flinch. 
 He doesn't care how annoyed Erwin is with him. It's partially his fault that Mike doesn't want to go to the gathering, and he should know that. He'll come to understand eventually, and that thought makes it easier for Mike to make his decision. He's not gonna go. He refuses. There's no way. He won't—
 Mike ends up going. 
 After powering through finals and visiting his parents for another few days. He has a mental debate the entire way to the ranch house, swearing to himself, going over the pros and cons. He comes close to turning around more than a few times, but after a couple hours, Mike finally pulls into the large circle drive right behind Levi's black Prius. 
 Erwin is extremely surprised to see him but keeps his mouth closed about it, just tells him, "Room upstairs on the far right is still open."
 Mike drops his stuff off then greets the others—Nile, Gelgar, Reiner, Jean, Marco, and Levi. 
 "Wasn't expecting to see you here," the last states, focused on burning the loose string of his hoodie with a lighter. "Erwin told me you guys had some bullshit argument."
 "Happens sometimes," Mike dismisses as he takes a place on the couch. 
 "I guess. This is why I don't have a lot of friends. Can't put up with stupid shit like that."
 "Oh, is that why?" Mike rolls his eyes. 
 Levi snickers, shaking his head. "Aw man, he was right. You are in a bad mood, aren't ya'? 
 "Man, fuck off."
 They sit in silence for a few minutes. Mike is bouncing his foot where it's thrown over his opposite leg—anxious or angry or some other negative emotion he needs to get rid of. 
 "Party's gonna be a fucking sausage fest," Levi mumbles. 
 Nile passes behind the couch just in time to hear and informs the smaller man, "Not entirely. Maddie, Marie, Hitch, and Mike's little heartbreaker should be getting here soon."
 Mike groans internally but speaks out loud, "This was a mistake. I can't fucking be here if you guys keep talking about her."
 "If you can't handle us talking about her, how're you gonna handle seeing her?" Levi scoffs. 
 Erwin has stocked the bar with craft beer and various wines. Mike considers going ahead and breaking a few bottles open, but he resists—doesn't want a repeat of the forgotten party. 
 They set up a horror video game upstairs and an animated adult series downstairs. Erwin wasn't lying about it being a more relaxed environment than usual, but that doesn't stop Mike's neck from prickling when you arrive with Hitch at around five. Maddie and Marie show up a couple hours later, and Mike can feel the tension that surrounds all four of you. Amusing as it can be, he really doesn't have the patience for cattiness tonight. 
 High quality Chinese food is provided courtesy of Erwin's father's credit card as well as dipped strawberries that Nile keeps feeding Hitch. It gets Marie very heated very quickly, and Maddie has to talk her down in another room. 
 It makes Mike wonder if you would ever let him feed you like that or if you would snort and bat his hand away. What the fuck do you think you're doing, Zacharias? That's couples shit.
 It makes him sigh and slouch on the couch, thankful you're upstairs watching Connie play the most recent Resident Evil. 
 He knows you're not a fan of horror, so the only reason you'd be up there is to avoid Mike. 
 Erwin is the first to open the wine. Maddie won't leave his side, stuck to him like a magnet. The fact that he has to get a drink only furthers Mike's theory that Erwin didn't invite her as a real date. 
 He spends a fair amount of time shooting the shit with Levi. It isn't necessarily the most enjoyable conversation considering Levi's constant smartass comments, but it's better than trudging up to the second floor. 
 Nile fucks Hitch in the bathroom for everyone to hear. Marie starts crying and runs to the porch. This gathering is about as insufferable as Mike assumed it would be. 
 Eventually, you journey downstairs. It was inevitable. You spare Mike a glance and sigh as you make your way to the kitchen to grab a beer—you don't even like beer, so why—
 "Hey, can you grab me one too?" Erwin calls out, and when you hand it to him, he gives you that hundred watt grin Mike knows brings girls to their knees, but while Maddie stares at him with that dreamy look in her eyes, you just snort and gently shove him. 
 "Don't fuckin' look at me like that, Smith."
 Ah, the last name card, the one that you pull to act like you're all aloof when really you're just reeling them in. 
 "Like what?" Erwin asks before taking a sip, still smiling around the rim of the bottle. 
 "You know what."
 Mike chooses then to go upstairs, knowing he steals your attention as he stomps like a toddler throwing a tantrum. 
 Why did he even come here? Was it just to give himself more reason to brood? Solidify that he's valid in being angry? 
 Connie is trembling as his character makes his way through a decrepit house. Jean laughs every few minutes, but he also startles at every jump scare, leaving Reiner to call both of them pussies as he bites into strawberry after strawberry, throwing the stems into a little bowl in his lap. Mike supposes the first years are entertaining enough. He can see why Erwin invited them here. 
 It's close to nine o'clock. Mike is bored out of his mind, can't help venturing back downstairs mostly because he's tired of watching the pledges swear and shout at the video game (including Reiner now) but also out of morbid curiosity. 
 Marie has returned and is sitting in the kitchen with Maddie, both of whom are glaring into the den where you, Erwin, Nile, and Hitch share the couch. Hitch may as well be in Nile's lap, but you're sitting on the back ridge, feet planted on the cushions as you hunch forward and nurse a beer. Your knee is against Erwin's arm, but that's the only point of contact. Still, whenever something funny is said on the TV show, he looks up at you, as if to check that you're laughing, taking it in. Mike can't blame him. You have one of the cutest laughs he's ever heard. 
 Levi and Gelgar are both on plush loveseats on opposite sides of the room, either scrolling or typing on their phones. 
 Again, Mike has to think about how laid back the party is—even if he's a mess. It's so different from the raucous scenes he's used to—blasting music and keg stands and dancing on tables. This would be infinitely preferable if it weren't for the open pit in Mike's stomach. 
 If he could just chill the fuck out, pay absolutely no attention to you and Erwin and the way his fingers slowly wrap around your ankle when you won't stop bouncing your leg. 
 Not together his ass. 
 When Mike gets a text from Rhi, he basically sighs in relief—the perfect opportunity to forget about you for a while. 
 He doesn't bother asking to make sure it's okay with the host, just messages back, what are you doing rn? and immediately asks her to come over, knowing she only lives about an hour away. 
 Naturally, she agrees. One of the only great things about Rhi is that she’s always, always down to fuck. Mike doesn’t know if it has something to do with his size or if she just has a high sex drive. Either way, he’s glad for it.. 
 He meets her on the porch after waiting for what feels like an eternity, just having to sit and watch you kick Erwin’s thigh whenever he says something dumb. He always retaliates by pulling on your little toes which makes you squeak and almost fall off the couch. It’s fucking maddening, makes Mike want to pull his hair out or throw something, just trash the fucking house because Erwin deserves it. 
 But, then Rhi arrives in all her Ugg boot glory, wearing the old, green hoodie that you had given back to Mike a few months ago.
 They walk in, Mike’s hands on her shoulders like he’s pushing her over the threshold. You look up, take the other girl in, then very quickly step off the couch and prance into the kitchen without saying a word.
 Erwin, however, makes up for your silence, wide eyed as he stares at Rhi and utters, “Fuck.”
* You didn’t want to be like Maddie and Marie, jogging to a private place to cry over a fucking boy, but god, you are definitely locked in the bathroom, hunched over the sink sobbing as quietly as you can. Your nose is running, and your eyes are burning, leaking god damn rivers
 It wouldn’t have been so bad if she was just in her normal winter sorority get-up. But the hoodie? The one you wore for months on end, the one Mike would sniff whenever he would lay his head on your stomach, mumbling something about, “Smells good. Might have to take it back.” He didn’t have to say it out loud, but you knew he always felt a little jolt of pride when you’d wear it, like you were advertising how close you were to him.
 So, to see another girl wearing it—to see Rhi wearing it—it fucking hurts. Your throat is sore from holding back those loud, pained cries. Your stomach is rolling like you ate something spoiled. Your fingers ache from digging into the fancy, granite sink. Everything hurts. 
 It makes you wonder if Mike felt like this when you first told him about Zeke, if he feels like this now that he thinks you’re with Erwin—stupid, stupid, stupid. You shouldn’t have waited so long to talk to him. You should have cleared things up right after the party. Now, it’s too late. 
 There’s a knock on the door that makes you sniff and wipe your nose, but you still tell whoever is on the other side (most likely Hitch or Erwin), “Go away.”
 “It’s me.” Erwin. "Let me in."
 "Literally what did I just say?" 
 "If you don't unlock the door, I'll kick it in. It's my house, so I won't get in trouble for it."
 "Oh my god," you grumble before turning the lock on the knob. "Spoiled fucking brat."
 Erwin steps in and closes the door then takes a good look at your puffy face and red eyes. Sighing, he leans against the wall. "For the record, I didn't invite her. Mike must have—"
 "That doesn't make me feel any better," you say, grabbing some toilet paper to blow your nose. "Actually, it makes me feel even worse."
 "I just wanted to make sure you knew."
 "What, d'you want brownie points or something?" You ask sarcastically, making sure the toilet lid is down before sitting on it, bracing your arms on your knees and looking up at Erwin to find him frowning. "Sorry. I'm being a bitch, I know."
 He waves it off. "It's understandable. I'm not very happy with him either. The perpetual shitty mood is driving me crazy."
 You don't know much about that other than it being entirely your fault, so you apologize, "Yeah, sorry about that."
 "If you guys would have just talked it out like adults—"
 "Well, we didn't, Erwin. And, it seems like it's not even an option any more, so…" you hold your hands out in a clueless fashion, like you're at a loss. "I don't know what you want me to do."
 Your voice is thick, straining against the lump in your throat. Vision going blurry again, you shove your palms against your eyes, repeating, no more crying, no more crying, no more crying. 
 "I'm sorry he's doing this to you," Erwin says quietly. 
 You sniffle, almost laugh when you reply, "Not really different from what I did to him. Like," you have to blow your nose again so it doesn't start running, toss the toilet paper into the waste basket next to you. "I don't know if he's trying to get back at me or legitimately moving on, but I can't exactly hold it against him."
 "Still," Erwin takes a couple steps toward you. "Pulling this kind of shit is fucked up. He had to have known it would hurt you on some level."
 "You don't have to, like, take my side or whatever," you state. "I know we're friends and all, but you don't have to coddle me like this."
 "I'm not trying to coddle you. I'm sympathizing. There's a difference."
 "Whatever it is, it's unnecessary," you mumble.
 "Yeah?" Another step closer so that he's right in front of you. "So, you weren't planning on crying in here for the rest of the night?" 
 "No," you're quick to deny, but your lips quirk upward when you correct, "I was gonna go up to my room and cry in there for the rest of the night."
 Erwin shakes his head then pulls you into a strange embrace, pressing your face to his stomach with one hand while the other settles between your shoulder blades.
 Your first instinct is to shove him away, but his shirt is soft and smells like detergent, and his stomach is firm and grounding against your cheek, and the knuckles rubbing up and down the top of your spine are warm and soothing. 
 So, you stay in the slightly awkward position, shutting your eyes and trying to relax, but all you can think about is Mike walking in with his hands on Rhi and the way she looked in his hoodie. Is she cuter than you? Does she smell better than you? Does she treat him better than you did? 
 Tears well up in your eyes once again, dampening Erwin's shirt as they slip over your waterline, and before you know it, you're clutching the material covering the small of his back and crying against him. 
 And, he lets you—just keeps stroking between your shoulders and shushing you with a quiet, "I know, I know. It'll be okay." 
 Erwin is cocky and bold, takes things a little too far sometimes, but, just as you thought last year after he stole that kiss, he is good. Even if he's broken too many hearts to count and completely disregarded people's feelings, he's a good guy. At the very least, he's good to you, and that's what you need at the moment. 
 "What time is it?" You speak into his shirt. 
 "About eleven thirty."
 You hum and turn so that your forehead is resting just above his hips. It could be a suggestive position, but—
 But nothing. 
 You blink a few times, weighing the situation, everything that unfolded tonight—everything that's unfolded over the past semester and… it would make sense. It's not like you've never thought about it before. You're worked up and need to unwind, need to clear your head, and besides, Mike already believes there's something between you and Erwin, so why not take advantage of that?
 Sucking on your bottom lip, you go through a list of pros and cons. The biggest downside is that Mike will be upset with you. He already is, though, so there’s isn’t much to lose on that front. The upside is that you'll be able to forget about him for a while and possibly get an orgasm out of it. 
 "Hey, Erwin…" You're not entirely sure how to bring it up, but it turns out you don't have to. 
 "Don't fucking ask," he huffs. Perceptive bastard. 
 You push away from his stomach and look up at him. "Okay, why, though?"
 His head is hanging back, gaze trained on the ceiling as he admits, "Because if you ask, I won't say no, and it'll only make things worse."
 Something about that gives you butterflies. That's a good sign, means you might be invested enough to finally let your mind wander from Mike. 
 "Mike already thinks we're fucking, though, so unless you don't actually want to fuck me, I don't see why we shouldn't."
 Erwin walks backward until he hits the cabinets. His full lips are pressed into a tight line, and his blue eyes look like a warning. Don't push me. 
 "Do you honestly think you won't walk away from that feeling guilty?" He questions. "We know we aren't sleeping together, that we aren't actually doing anything wrong even if Mike doesn't believe it. But, to actually go through with it?" Erwin lets out a little chuckle and crosses his arms over his chest. "I probably won't feel bad 'cause I'm kind of an asshole, but you? You will feel awful."
 "I already feel awful," you remind him as you stand. "I already feel guilty. If you think I could feel any fucking worse than I already do, you might be overestimating my—my—I don't know—emotional capacity?"
 Moving forward, you nudge Erwin out of the way to get to the sink, splashing cold water on your face to clean it of dried tears. You cup a hand under the faucet, then toss some water into your mouth, swishing, and spitting, and turning back around. 
 Erwin's gaze is dark and not at all subtle when he eyes you up and down. 
 "I might hurt you, you know," he states in a voice that's considerably deeper than before. 
 You raise your eyebrows, unconvinced. "You don't have to worry about me catching feelings, Smith. Relax."
 Mouth tugging up on one side, Erwin smirks in a way that makes you squirm where you stand. 
 "That's not what I meant."
 It takes you a moment to decipher what he's trying to say, but you breathe an, "Oh," when you realize, then another as it truly sinks in. "Oh."
 That's okay, you want to tell him. I want to be hurt tonight. You only want it if it will hurt. If you confess to that desire, though, Erwin might back out—a disappointment considering the way you're starting to get a little excited. 
 "If I can handle Mike, I can handle you," you say, fully aware that he'll take it as a challenge. If there's one thing you know about men, it's that they thrive off competition. 
 Erwin is no different as he slides in front of you, hands finding your hips and pulling them to his. He's already half hard in his khakis, and you stand on your tip-toes, brushing against him as you do, to tilt your head back and hover just under his mouth as you tease, "Don't tell me you haven't thought about it before."
 "You have no idea how often I've thought about it—how often I think about it."
 You nip at his bottom lip, enjoying the way he licks it afterward. "Have you been holding back since we started hanging out—just the two of us?" 
 His fingers dig into your back, just above the curve of your ass, and you already know there will be small bruises left behind. 
 "Do you want me to paint a picture?" He rumbles, and you nod, pressing a kiss to his throat. "Any time I have you in my room I think about fucking you. On the bed. Over my desk. Up against a wall…" A little gasp makes its way out of him as you bite down on the skin you've been sucking on, and Erwin ruts against you a couple times before continuing, voice a little more strangled than before. 
 "Thought about fucking you downstairs on the couch for the whole frat to see, all spread out, moaning like a porn star. I know what you sound like," he whispers, catching you off guard when he suddenly lifts you to set you on the counter. "I've heard the way you scream for Mike." 
 There's a pang in your chest at the mention of him, but it's gone just as quickly. 
 "And, you'd like it, wouldn't you? Being watched." Erwin trails his lips from your temple to your ear, making you shiver when he speaks into it, "You can pretend all you want, but I know you liked it when I walked in on you and him. You liked being on display."
 He isn't wrong. You replay that instance in your head a little more than you probably should. 
 Hearing the fact stated now, though, right to your face has your body heating, arousal flooding you and making warmth pool between your legs. 
 "You can admit it, it's okay. I've known for a while now."
 One of his hands moves to the inside of your thigh then further up, fingers dancing over your covered pussy. It's your turn to gasp. You clutch his shoulders and spread your legs despite knowing there's no way you'll be satisfied with this, not when thick denim is separating you from his touch. 
 "Don't get too cocky, Smith." You try to sound confident, but it's hard to when your breath keeps hitching. 
 "Why?" He grazes his teeth over the sensitive space below your ear, and it makes you twitch in his grasp. "I have every reason to be."
 He goes on to list every other place he's thought about fucking you—apparently just about every setting you've ever been in with him. Each and every Pike party, the locker room before or after a lacrosse game, his Mustang, Mike's Wrangler.
 "That's fucked up," you somehow manage. 
 Erwin shrugs his shoulders, mumbles, "Can't help it," then slots his lips against yours for the first time (or, the first consensual time). 
 You're reminded of Zeke, the way all you did was compare him, only now with Erwin, you have two men who flash through your mind. He's softer than Zeke but just as bold as he cradles your head and slips his tongue into your mouth—tastes sweeter than Mike (probably from the strawberries), but it's not necessarily a good thing. It isn't bad either. It's just Erwin… Different. 
 His hair doesn't brush your cheeks like Mike's does. He doesn't have glasses to dig into your skin. Clean shaven, no coarse hairs to tickle against you, and he's smack in the middle in terms of height. You have to crane your neck more than you did with Zeke but less than you had to with Mike. 
 It's all a little jarring, but you feel this was always sort of an inevitability, at least once you started spending time with Erwin one on one. You never would have let this happen if you had stayed with Mike—if you had actually taken the next step with him—but that's why you started hanging out with Erwin in the first place. 
 You never noticed the way your back and forth was flirty, mostly just you giving him shit about one thing or another, but apparently others read further into it. And, you've had as good a time as you can. The heartache has put a damper on things, kept Erwin mostly off your radar save for the days you woke up frustrated and desperate, but that's what your vibrator is for. 
 Apparently, while you were busy making sure things stayed friendly between the two of you, Erwin's mind was getting away from him. Every god damn time you hung out, he told you, whether it was at the house or out to lunch, walking with you to classes or out to your car. 
 He did make it a habit of touching you, you can admit, but none of it was inappropriate—a nudge to knock you off balance that would result in you hitting him, a prod in the ribs that would result in you squeaking and hitting him. Sticking a foot out to trip you that would result in you…
 Dude obviously likes to be slapped around. 
 There's also the hugs. Up in his room when you feel extra gloomy, he'd wrap his arms around you and sway back and forth. Sometimes he'd sit and pull you with him, turn on a movie and keep a tight hold around your shoulders. There were afternoons you'd walk into his room while he was studying and just pass out in his bed, up too late the night before from worrying and obsessing, in need of a nap before your evening lecture. He'd set an alarm for you, stay up for a while longer before allowing himself to take a break and crawl under the blankets beside to—
 Oh, god, you've been dating Erwin Smith. 
 You have to break away from him to laugh, lightly hitting your head against his chest so that he chuckles and asks, "What?" 
 "I—" You look back up at him, shaking your head to yourself. "I can't believe I didn't fucking see it."
 "See what?" 
 "You and me—"
 "You and I," he corrects, and you shove him. 
 "You and I have just been doing what Mike and I were doing."
 "Uh, excuse me," he holds a finger up. "We have not been having endless sex, thank you."
 "That's not—" You roll your eyes. "I'm saying we've been dating without actually dating. Like, I get why everyone thinks we're a thing."
 "Oh," Erwin nods, sucking his teeth for a second then adding, "Yeah, I was wondering when you would figure that out."
 "Fucker. Did you do it on purpose? Like, just to prove you could?" 
 He frowns, looking genuinely offended. "Christ, what kind of person do you think I am?" 
 "Not twenty minutes ago you confessed to being an asshole."
 His face softens when he snickers. "Okay, true. But, no. I'm not trying to manipulate Mike or you for that matter. You've been upset, and you've put up with a lot of shit over the last few months, and I just figured you could use a friend."
 Staring up at him, you notice the way his face is turning a little red, and you hold your tongue between your teeth as you smile knowingly. 
 "You caaare about meee."
 He scoffs and looks away
 "Heartbreaker Smith cares about a girl," you tease. "How embarrassing."
 "Laugh it up. You would've been miserable without me."
 "I mean, yeah, but still. What's it like having a platonic girlfriend?" 
 He tilts his head to the side then reaches forward to squeeze your thighs. "Is it really platonic if we're about to have sex?" 
 "Absolutely. Hundred percent."
 "You're not even a little worried that it'll become a regular thing and you'll fall in love?" The arrogance is both astounding and amusing. 
 Cocking your head, you take a deep breath, expression one of false sympathy as you pat his stomach. "I'm positive. Unfortunately, my heart belongs to another."
 Erwin clicks his tongue before moving forward and sliding his hands between the counter and your ass. "I'm a little hurt, honestly. I'm used to fucking a girl and having to hide out for a while afterward—always so clingy."
 You squint, can't tell if he's being serious or overdramatizing to annoy you. 
 "You know what? Nevermind. I don't even want your little playboy ass anymore—"
 Naturally, he turns the charm back on right then, getting too close to your face, blue eyes flicking to your lips before he breathes, "Don't lie," and presses a tiny peck to them. "The tough girl act is only believable for so long."
 "Wow, fuck you."
 "That's the idea," he smirks. 
 "Har fucking har. You're so funny."
 Erwin pulls you closer to the edge of the counter and grinds his hips against yours then prompts, "Your room or mine?" 
 "Mine," you reply. "I'd rather you have to do the walk of shame later."
 "Probably a good idea since you won't be able to once I'm finished with you."
 You actually laugh out loud. It would have worked on you a few minutes ago, but all the joking has you a little giggly at this point. 
 Fuck, he is going to make a great distraction. 
 "Okay, calm down. Don't make promises you can't keep."
 "Sounds like a challenge to me."
 "Men," you sigh. "So predictable."
 After minutes more of unnecessary banter, Erwin finally coaxes you out of the bathroom you've both spent far too much time in. Your face has cleared up, the urge to cry subsiding, though your heart still drops in your chest when you pass behind Mike and Rhi on the couch, green eyes tracking you as you walk up the stairs in front of Erwin. 
 This is not the right way to solve a problem, but it'll probably be fun for a while. It's already fun as Erwin kicks the door closed and walks you back to the bed. He isn't even touching you, just watching you with a hazy blue gaze. He isn't smiling, looks like a predator, and honestly, it's ridiculously attractive. 
 "Stop making that face."
 "What face?" 
 You run into the bed, wave your arms to keep your balance, but Erwin presses his fingertips to your chest and just barely pushes to knock you back. 
 "What face, hm?" 
 The hair on your arms and neck is standing on end, anticipation bubbling in your gut as you try to crawl higher on the mattress only for Erwin to grab you by the ankle and tug you back down. 
 Damn. He's good at this. 
 "Stay," he commands, straightening up to take his shirt off. 
 He's tan and toned, light blonde hair sprinkled over his chest and above the waistband of his pants. 
 You're reminded of the very first Pike party you went to, the first time you slept with Mike (and can't remember), walking downstairs the following morning to find Erwin in the kitchen wearing sweats and drinking his coffee and smirking at you like he could tell the future. 
 Maddening. He's maddening. 
 You rid yourself of your own top then shimmy out of your jeans. Erwin eyes you hungrily, causing your whole body to tingle. It simultaneously makes you want to cover yourself and spread yourself open for him. 
 "I have been waiting way too fucking long for this," Erwin mumbles, raking fingernails down your torso so that you take in a shuddering breath. 
 "It's been, like, a y-year and a half." Your back arches on its own volition, hips bucking as Erwin scratches over the bones before catching your thong and pulling it down. He kneels at the end of the bed, a familiar scene save for the head of shiny, golden hair.
 "A year and a half of having to look but not touch."
 "Poor little—" you gasp when he parts your folds with his thumbs, staring at your pussy then blowing a stream of air over it. 
 "Do you know how many times I've jacked off to the thought of you? How many times I've slept with other girls while imagining it was you?" 
 You want to make another smartass comment, tease him about being a pervert or in his feelings or something, but you can't find your voice as he licks a long, slow stripe up your slit. You stare at the ceiling, not even blinking as too many signals fire in your brain all at once. 
 Erwin is good with his mouth. Like, stupid good. He has a teasing rhythm, flicks your clit with the tip of his tongue until your muscles are coiled then moves to trace the ring of your entrance, taking his time as you turn from human to puddle. 
 He’s better at this than Zeke who would purposely graze his teeth over your sensitive little bud a little too hard on purpose, would suck on it until it hurt. He liked when you whimpered for him, liked leaving raised welts on your ribs and back from where he’d scratched. The intermixed pain and pleasure never failed to make you come, but the climb up to that precipice was usually precarious for lack of a better term.
 Then, there’s Mike (because of course there is). His mood usually determined how he would take you, hard and fast before a game or slow and lazy as you both relaxed in his room. One thing always stayed the same no matter his disposition, and it’s that he fucking worshiped your pussy—even said it on multiple occasions. He would eat you out like a starving man, lapping at your juices like it would quench his thirst. Some days he would overstimulate you to the point of tears, neverending licks lavished over your clit as he pumped thick fingers in and out of your cunt. Other days he would go down on you like it was a fucking hobby—turn on a movie, spread you out on the foot of his bed, and eat you out while only halfway paying attention to the TV. He could pull multiple orgasms from you that way, letting you come around a finger or two before returning to your pulsing clit. Fuck, you used to make such a mess. He’d spend minutes trying to lick you clean, but you always ended up in the shower afterward.
 You shouldn’t be thinking of that right now, though. You should be thinking about Erwin’s clever tongue and the fingertips just barely brushing over sensitive skin. You want them inside of you, want something to clamp down on, but no matter how much you pull his hair or utter a breathy, “Please,” he keeps the same pace, only moving on when he feels like it.
 He’s doing it on purpose, trying to break you before even getting to the point of fucking you, and if you’re being honest, it just might work. He’s gonna make you lose your god damn mind tonight. Exactly like you want to.
 “Fuck, how much p-practice have you had with th-this?”
 Erwin laughs, stilling your wriggling by curling his arms around your thighs. “Too much, probably.”
 You whine when he continues, but when he starts softly sucking on your clit, you’re surprised at how close you suddenly feel, your legs naturally trying to spread further but remaining immobilized in Erwin’s grip. The threat of not being able to move only intensifies the building sensation in your gut, and soon you’re gasping his name, eyes rolling as you try in vain to buck further into his face. 
 You feel more than hear Erwin groan, a deep vibration that pours over your clit and makes you twitch. He gives you a few more long licks, then pulls back and stands, exposing the way his mouth and chin are covered in a glossy sheen. 
 “Feel better yet?” He smirks.
 You wave a lazy hand, don’t want to fluff his ego too much, so you allow him to witness your borderline stoned state while still jeering, “I’ll feel better when I have your cock inside me.”
 Erwin laughs to himself, mutters, “Eager,” then takes his pants off. 
 Pushing yourself up on your elbows, you give his cock a cursory glance and stop. “Hold on,” then slide off the bed and to your knees. 
 If you’re gonna fuck Erwin Smith, you’re at least gonna appreciate it. 
 He inhales sharply as you place your hands on his thighs, eyes traveling over his length. It’s pretty, above average in size, smooth, with a flared tip that’s currently flushing a dark pink. 
 “I really hate to admit this, but you could be, like, a dick model.”
 He chokes on some kind of snort, and you swear his entire chest turns red. “I—thank you?”
 “You’re welcome,” you tell him, promptly taking hold of his cock and guiding it into your mouth.
 “Oh, fuck, fuck—”
 His skin is soft against your tongue, warm as you take him deeper. His girth stretches your jaw, but you’re still pretty used to the feeling, had to get used to it with Mike because he’s a little bigger than—
 That’s not important. 
 Erwin breathes through his teeth as he places a hand on the top of your head, and when you look up at him through your eyelashes, he lets out a disbelieving little laugh. That confident fucking tease is nowhere to be found as you swipe your tongue over the tiny hole leaking pre then surge forward, almost pressing your nose to his pelvis as you run the muscle back and forth under the base of his cock.
 “Shit, let me—let me lean against the bed,” he says, pulling you off him and chuckling, “Gonna make my fucking knees buckle.”
 You turn where you’re kneeling, waiting for him to get better stabilized before resuming your efforts to ruin this annoying, charming frat boy who is always put together. You suck and slurp and trigger your gag reflex a couple times. Erwin’s fingers scratch against your scalp like he’s looking for purchase. He’s careful not to be too brutal as he pushes you down on his cock, raising his hips to meet your rhythm. His head is thrown back, thighs tensing under your hands as his chest rises and falls with short breaths. 
 You have to work up to it, but once you feel loose enough, you press forward and let Erwin slip further into your throat. His voice sounds like honey when he groans a low, “Hoooly fuck,” letting his head hang down as he attempts to stare at you with unfocused eyes. 
 “Okay, okay, okay,” he huffs. “Keep going and we won’t get to the main event.”
 You pull off of him with a lewd pop then raise to your feet. Your knees are a little sore, but it’s nothing some exercise won’t work out. 
 “Want me to wear a condom?”
 “I don’t care. I’m clean and on birth control,” you tell him. “What about you?”
 “Well, I’m clean, but I haven’t gotten my birth control prescription refilled in a wh—”
 You flick his chest, and Erwin laughs as he bats you away. 
 “Alright. Up on the bed with you then,” he motions to the mattress. “Lay on the edge.”
 You do as you're told, spreading your legs for Erwin to stand between, and you bite your lip when you feel him rub the head of his cock between your folds. You’re still wet with slick—probably dripped onto the carpet when you were giving him head—which makes the glide easier as he teases you. 
 “Ready?” He asks, wriggling thick eyebrows until you smile. He doesn’t wait for an actual answer before he starts pushing in, pressing your legs to your chest as he slowly seats himself in your cunt.
 You’re making that face—eyebrows moving toward your hairline as if you’re worried, jaw dropping open as air is pushed from your lungs. Erwin looks focused, licking his lips as he gazes down at the way your pussy stretches around him. 
 He thrusts in and out at a tortuous pace, apparently waiting for you to start trembling around him before he deems you ready to take more. Every one of his movements is measured, slowly pulling out only to push in all at once. The ridge of his cock drags over your g-spot, pressing firmly against it and making you claw at his shoulders. 
 He feels good, satisfying, but he’s not quite as good as Mike who used to hit all your spots without even thinking about it—somehow making you beg like a whore and sing like a little girl in Sunday school all at the same time. 
 Still, you don’t have to lie when Erwin quickens his pace and pants, “Feel good?” 
 “Fuck—yes, yes, Jesus Christ—”
 He’s pulling all manner of crude sounds from your pussy, wet and greedy as it sucks him back in with every rut of his hips. The angle is perfect—his height paired with the bed on stilts has him hitting your spot every time, and you feel the need to warn him, “If you keep—keep fucking me like this—god—m’gonna squirt.”
 “Fuck yes,” he praises, wetting a thumb in his mouth before bringing it down to massage your clit. He only speeds up as your voice rises, body confused like your muscles don’t know if they should be flexed or relaxed. 
 You feel that tell-tale burning, that urge that only gets stronger the more Erwin abuses your g-spot and presses against your clit.
 “Shit, shit, shit—”
 Erwin groans when fluid starts to trickle from you, pushes more and more out of you while quickly swiping two fingers over your clit. The sense of relief is mind-numbing. You can’t even be upset that your sheets are gonna be damp whenever you decide to sleep. 
 He doesn’t slow down, doesn’t lose his rhythm, just sticks his two wet fingers into his mouth and sucks them clean. 
 You see it now—the skill, the appeal, why the girls always come back to him. It makes sense. He’s devastatingly handsome, especially like this, all fucked out and flushed, hair out of place, lips red and swollen from biting them. 
 Yeah, Erwin is fucking hot.
 But, that doesn’t mean he’s your type. 
 Pulling out, he flips you onto your stomach, and you have to stand on your tip-toes as you lean over the bed. The burn in your calves disappears almost entirely when he slides into you from behind, pelvis pressing against your ass as he curls over you, cupping your tits and tweaking your hardened nipples as he gifts you with a series of shallow thrusts. It makes you whimper and teeter forward, unable to balance and squirm at the same time. Face suddenly buried in the mattress, your cries are muffled by the blankets. Erwin’s hands travel back to your hips, rocking you back and forth on his slick cock. He’s getting a little rougher, pressing into you as deeply as he can, and the fact that you’ll be sore from this tomorrow gives you a strange sense of satisfaction. 
 Only way to get over someone is to get on top of someone else, right? Or, underneath in your case. Being a little more in control wouldn’t be the worst thing, though, so…
 “Erwin, Erwin, fuck—Lemme ride you.”
 There is no hesitation. Erwin slips out of you and throws himself onto the bed, grinning crookedly as he watches you climb over him on unsteady limbs. His patience must have worn out some time ago, because he holds his cock with one hand, using the other to line you up with it, then guides you down his length. 
 You have to sit still for a second, or you would like to, but Erwin is still holding your hips, and he rocks you back and forth in his lap like he knows. He probably does. He’s probably fucked enough girls to notice exactly when their eyes pop open, when they shudder and break out in goosebumps because that pressure is hitting exactly where it needs to, and yeah, he knows. 
 Finding it in yourself to move again, you lean over Erwin, planting your hands on the pillows by his head, then start bouncing on his cock. He hisses in a dark, appreciative way, eyes and hands immediately drawn to your chest. He sits up enough to suck one of your nipples into his mouth, licking and pinching then doing the same to the other. 
 He’s so good—feels so good, knows just where to touch, the exact place to bite on your neck that makes you melt, but how—how does he know that? It’s like he has a sixth sense or—
 Or, he just paid attention to the bruises that Mike used to leave on the sides of your throat. That checks out. 
 Fuck, he used to mark you like he wanted everyone to see, especially that last night. It was almost animalistic, like he had been—marking his territory, Zeke’s voice plays in your head. It makes you frown, and you rid yourself of the thought only to replace it with the memory of Mike’s mouth on your skin, his calloused fingertips trailing down your torso, huge hands wrapping around your legs to pull you against him—
 You whine, glad it sounds like a sound of desperation rather than frustration. You just want to stop thinking about him. Just an hour—if you could go a single fucking hour—
 “Hey, look at me,” Erwin commands in a soft voice. 
 You open your eyes, still hovering over him, and expect him to say something, but instead he just reaches up to the back of your head and pulls you into a kiss. 
 He’s helping move you on top of him, forcing you to take his cock over and over, and like this, so close and breathing him in, you don’t even have the room to think about Mike. 
 Both of your bodies are damp with sweat, and Erwin’s hair is a mess, pushed from his flushed face. He bites down on your bottom lip and tugs, only letting go to ask, “Where do you want me?”
 “I don’t care,” you groan, legs and arms and pussy growing sore. You’re not surprised; you’ve been going at it for a while now. 
 Erwin licks your lower lip as if to soothe it after biting it, tells you, “Oh, don’t give me that option. You know where I’ll pick.”
 Smiling, you straighten up then move to fit your feet underneath you so you can bounce more freely. “You can come inside, dude. It feels good to me, too.”
 “I really don’t know how to respond to being called ‘dude’ when I’m balls deep in a girl.”
 You shrug, “Sorry not sorry,” then raise and drop yourself, feeling in charge for the first time tonight. 
 That feeling is short lived as Erwin goes right back to using you the way he wants. You think for about half a second that he’s finally, really losing himself, but the accuracy of his finger on your clit proves that is not the case. He’s clearly having a good time, but he isn’t at that feral stage that Mike falls into sometimes.
 Before you can dwell on it for too long, you hit your peak, moaning Erwin’s name, hips moving uncontrollably as you ride out your orgasm.
 He’s speaking, mumbling praise or pleas or curses, you aren’t so sure, but after about another minute of fucking into you relentlessly, Erwin comes, shooting line after line inside of you until he’s spent and twitching. 
 With your two previous partners, this is usually when you’d fall forward and cuddle, catch your breath and enjoy the feeling of being all plugged up.
 But, it’s Erwin, huffing and blinking up at the ceiling then finally stating, “That was a dumb idea.”
 It makes you laugh for some reason, probably because you agree. 
 The sex was great. There is a reason girls talk about him on campus, about his sexual prowess or whatever, and if you weren’t too busy suffocating in your little pit of heartbreak, thinking about your best friend nonstop, you wouldn’t mind fucking Erwin again. And, again and again.
 That’s not gonna happen, though. The heat of the moment is fading, every mental faculty returning to you, and despite the fact that you’re still seated on his cock, as you look down at him, you feel absolutely no spark.
 He’s ridiculously attractive, pretty fucking brilliant but with a dumb sense of humor, and you love him. You really do. He’s done a lot for you over the last semester, made it at least somewhat bearable, but… This shouldn’t have happened. 
 Hopefully, it quelled his curiosity, though.
 “I told you it would just make you feel shitty,” he mumbles, but he doesn’t look sad. Sympathetic more than anything, resigned that he’s probably going to have to pick up the pieces of another mess. 
 “Yeah,” you drawl. “You were right.” Your joints pop as you stand, towering over Erwin for once and leaking his fucking cum as you hop off the bed. 
 “It’s been known to happen from time to time,” he jokes absentmindedly, wiping a few drops of white off his stomach then reaching for the tissues on the nightstand. 
 You don’t feel awkward or out of place, but you have no idea what else to say. The only thing that comes to mind is, “I’m gonna take a shower,” as you walk toward the bathroom.
 Erwin moves on the bed, stretching a little before grabbing his pants and leaving you to your devices, but you pause before stepping onto the tile, turn back and pace over to him.
 “Hey,” you start, and Erwin glances up from the button of his khakis. “Thanks.”
 He rolls his eyes, a small smile playing at his lips, and once he’s all zipped and buttoned up, he pulls you into a hug. 
 “I would say any time, but we probably shouldn’t do this again.”
 “Yeah, probably not.”
 You breathe into the space under his collarbone, humming as he gently scratches you back, then break away. “Alright, actually gonna shower now.”
 Erwin nods, “You do that,” then slaps your ass as soon as you turn around. 
 You look at him over your shoulder with raised eyebrows, but he just winks and tells you, “I had to. Just once,” which is fair. 
 You run a hot shower, scrub the shit out of your skin, lather your hair with some fancy shampoo then rinse it off. Once you go through your full routine, you’re happy to change into pajamas and slip into the comfortable bed. You don’t even mind that the comforter is a little damp in various places.
* You don’t stir when the door opens and closes, but you do when the mattress dips. Shifting slightly, you assume it’s just Erwin, falling back into your usual routine by slipping under the covers with you.
 As soon as he lays behind you, though, you know it isn’t Erwin. You recognize that weight, that warmth, that smell, and you are very awake very quickly. 
 All he offers is a little, “Mm,” to confirm.
 You chew on the inside of your cheek, confused and clueless as to what you’re supposed to do. 
 “Are you drunk again?”
 “No. Little buzzed.”
 Why is he here, then? You want to ask—What is he doing? Why isn’t he with Rhi?
 You start to turn to face him but you're stopped when Mike sets a hand on your back. It's oddly firm, keeping you in place as he grunts, "No, don't."
 "Don't turn around." His voice is hushed and choppy, like he's gritting out every syllable. 
 "I have shit I wanna say to you, and I won't be able to if you're lookin' at me."
 You have no idea how to respond to that, don't know if this is going to be a positive one-sided conversation where Mike confesses deep feelings while actually sober, or if he'll just unload all the baggage you've given him. Either way, you wish you could see his face. Something about having him laying behind you, close enough to feel his body heat, has you feeling very uneasy. 
 But, you nod, "Okay," trying to put on a brave face that he refuses to look at. 
 For a while, he just breathes. You assume it’s because he’s gathering his thoughts or maybe working up the courage to say something, but the suspense is making you shiver under your blankets. You have that terrible feeling in the pit of your stomach, the mix of anticipation and regret you get on the way up to the first drop of a rollercoaster. 
 “Why have you been lying to me?”
 And, there’s that drop. 
 You swallow. “I haven’t been.”
 “Mike, I haven’t been!” You try to turn again, but his large hand is still right in the middle of your back. 
 “Do you think I’m fucking stupid?” His fingers close around the material of your shirt. You feel it tighten at your chest, making it hard to breathe—harder to breathe. “How are you gonna tell me that right after sleeping with him?” 
 You open your mouth to argue, realize you can’t make a case for yourself, and when you snap your jaw shut again, the sound of your teeth clacking seems to echo in your head.
 Yesterday, you would have been able to talk to him about this and be honest when telling him you weren’t fucking his best friend. Now, though…
 God, that had been such a bad decision. Why hadn’t you just listened to Erwin? Why can’t you fucking listen to anyone?
 “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Mike mutters. His grip loosens, but you can still feel a light tug at your shirt, the movement of fingers, and you think he might be rubbing over the material he’s still holding. “Pretty sure all of us could hear you guys goin’ at it, so… Thanks for that.”
 You take a deep breath in, squeezing your eyes shut because it sinks in that this is not going to be nice conversation. This isn’t going to result in the two of you apologizing and making love confessions to each other. 
 “I… I’m sorry.”
 Now, you’re grateful for not being able to see his face. You wouldn’t be able to stand looking at him right now, not when you know his expression will be grim—probably angry. 
 “I can’t really do anything with sorry,” Mike sighs. His hand drops from your back, but you make no move to turn over. 
 Your heart is like a hummingbird’s, beating frantically in your chest as that ache rises inside of you again, making your throat constrict and your eyes burn. 
 “Why’d you invite Rhi tonight?” You ask, hoping your sniffle isn’t too noticeable.
 “Why does it matter?”
 You suppose it doesn’t, but you still want to know, “Is it to get back at me, or is it because you’re actually into her?”
 Mike scoffs. “Not that it’s any of your business, but do you think I’d be in your room at three in the fucking morning if I was into her?”
 It’s probably the closest he’ll get to admitting it, but it’s all you need to hear. He’s been going out of his way to hurt you. At least any pain you’ve caused him wasn’t intentional. Until tonight, that is, and even then, you didn’t fuck Erwin to hurt him; you did it to help yourself. 
 Pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth, you hold back tears and mumble a thick, “Just wanted to know.”
 “Want to make sure I’m still interested? That I’ll keep waiting for you to fucking realize—”
 “I have—” You turn over roughly, pinning Mike’s hand under your ribs as you glare at him, but he manages to put more distance between the two of you when he yanks his arm back and sits up.
 “I can’t do this anymore,” he tells you, and you think you hear his voice waver for a second.  
 The orange light pouring in from the bathroom is the only way you can tell his eyes are wide—worried—and it chills all the blood in your body.
 “Wh-what d’you mean?” 
 “I mean, I can’t fucking do this anymore,” he repeats a little louder, drawing it out like it’ll help you understand. “I cannot deal with you anymore. I can’t keep feeling this way, okay?”
 “No,” he stops you, acts like he has something else lined up but bites his tongue and sighs. He sits cross-legged on the bed now, hangs his head as he speaks calmly, “This semester has fucking sucked. I am angry all the time. I can’t focus in class, and I can’t play lacrosse without getting in trouble, and I can’t fuck anyone else without feeling bad—I can’t fucking do anything without thinking of you, and I’m—” he looks at the wall and shakes his head. “I’m exhausted.”
 “I am too,” you tell him, voice cracking as that lump in your throat grows and bubbles, pushing hot tears from your eyes that you quickly wipe away. “Mike, I am too, so can we just—”
 “No,” he cuts you off again. “Whatever it is you’re about to say—move on, pretend it didn’t happen, pick up where we left off, whatever… the answer is no.”
 He seems like he already has his mind made up, came into the room with a plan, and he isn’t gonna let you talk him out of it. 
 So, you stay as silent as you can, sniffing and swallowing and letting the comforter catch every teardrop. 
 “I have been… Right in front of you this whole time. I made myself completely available for a year—was at your beck and fucking call. I was—I mean—I was good to you, right?” He sounds incredulous, like he can barely believe he’s asking. 
 “Yeah,” you manage. “Yeah, you were.”
 “Then, why…? Zeke? And, now Erwin?”
 “Do you want me to try to explain, or do you just wanna rant for a while?”
 Mike glances at you, looks surprised that you’d give him the option. 
 “Honestly, I don’t really wanna hear it. You’ve more than proved your point.”
 Indignation swirls in your stomach alongside your nausea, and you press, “My point being?”
 “That I’m not good enough.”
 Oh, god. No, no, no. You could understand him being angry. You’re okay with him being angry, it’s fine. But, this—this feeling of inferiority? That is so much worse. It makes you sick. This is the last thing you’d ever want Mike to feel. It’s the last thing he should feel because it’s false. He has no reason—he’s too good and too kind and too warm. He’s like… He’s fucking sunshine. He can light up a room, and he doesn’t even know it.
 “Mike, n-no,” your voice breaks, making you sound like a wounded animal. “You are so, so good. You are more than enough, I promise.”
 He snorts in a self-deprecating manner. “Then, why—”
 “Because I’m not good enough. I fucked this up. This is my fault, and I can own that as long as you know that there is absolutely no—nothing wrong with you,” the last part comes out as a squeak as you try not to hyperventilate and cry the way your body is urging you to. Not yet. 
 Mike nods a few times. You can see his mouth moving from the side like he’s biting his lip or sucking his teeth until he agrees, “Yeah,” then adds a quiet, “Whatever you say, babe,” that makes you want to throw up.
 Mike scoots to the edge of the bed and stands. You assume he’s about to leave, let you be alone with your thoughts, so when he rounds the corner to get to your side, you sit up a little straighter. 
 Half of his face is illuminated, casting shadows under his eyes, highlighting the bruise on his neck that Rhi probably left, but your gaze is trained on his as he leans down to you. A finger hooks under your chin, and Mike tilts your face at an angle, kissing you so softly that it’s painful. 
 His lips are warm and familiar, everything you’ve been craving as they cover yours. There’s no tongue, no force, just light pressure as he inhales through his nose.
 You know what this is, what he’s doing, but you can’t prepare yourself because there’s still that tiny string of hope you’re grappling for. He just needs a break. You just need to give him space. That’s all—
 “I love you,” Mike murmurs. His voice is low and honest and slices you open. “I love you so fucking much it hurts, and I just—” He brushes a thumb over your lower lip as he pulls away, and it takes everything in you not to grab his hand and beg him to stay. “It’s like I hate you too.”
 You pull away to wipe your face with the blanket. There’s so much you want to say but have no idea how to articulate it, so all you can do is stare at Mike with wide, watery eyes. He… hates you. He hates you. 
 Straightening, Mike’s expression is suddenly nonchalant, like he just flipped a switch in his brain. “I’m not exactly the social butterfly I used to be, but I wanna have fun my last semester of undergrad—make up for the time I lost fucking brooding over you, so—”
 “I’ll stop going to the Pike house,” you tell him quietly. It’s easier to make the decision yourself rather than have to hear it from his mouth: Don’t come around anymore. I don’t want to see you. 
 “Cool. And, if you, like, see me on campus or anything—”
 You cough, maybe gag, you can’t really tell at this point because wow, this just keeps getting worse. 
 “I won’t bother you.”
 “Cool.” He bends to press another much more patronizing kiss to the crown of your head, then starts walking toward the door. “I’m just gonna try to move on, you know? Start fresh. And, you should do the same. Shouldn’t be too hard for you.” 
 You don’t watch him leave, just listen for the door to click shut behind him before you crawl out of bed, turn the lights on, and start packing your things. 
 You and Hitch drove together, but you have no doubt that she'll be able to get a ride with Nile, and with that thought, you’re out of the ranch house and on the road just as the first rays of the morning sun start shining over the horizon.
 It’s surprisingly easy for Mike to slip back into his old, obnoxious persona, and the remainder of the school year is spent partying, fucking, and cramming for tests he should have studied for weeks in advance.
 But, life is short, and he’s done beating himself up over stupid shit.
 Most of his PKA brothers are happy to have him “back”, and the pledges get the chance to see this of him, but there are times when Mike catches Erwin or Nile shaking their heads at him. He doesn’t mind much. They can both go fuck themselves for all he cares. 
 True to your word, you don’t show your face around the house. There were a few weeks after the holiday get-together where Erwin would disappear for a few hours at a time and come back either tired or angry, sometimes a combination of the two. 
 He attempted to bring you up in a conversation a total of one time, right in the middle of a party where Mike had been eyeing up a sorority girl. He brushed his friend off, easily telling Erwin, “Don’t fuckin’ talk to me about her,” through the crooked grin he was flashing at the little blond across the room. 
 Erwin didn’t bother after that, obviously deeming Mike a lost cause. 
 Mike knows better, though. He isn’t lost anymore. In fact, he’s found himself all over again.
 Every once in a while, he’ll catch a glimpse of you on campus, but whenever that happens, he just turns around and takes a different route to wherever he’s going. He doesn’t want to give you any reason to think you can talk to him—doesn’t want to give you the chance.
 He’s spent too much of his time hung up on you, too much time pining and hurting, and that hasn’t disappeared entirely. Mike can still clearly remember the way you looked at him the last night the two of you spoke, the way your tears twinkled in the dim light. He remembers how strangled you sounded while speaking, remembers the way your shoulders shook as you fought your emotions, remembers the way your lips trembled against his. 
 It wasn’t very satisfying. Mike left the ranch house the following morning sporting a few bruises on the outside thanks to Rhi as well as a few bruises on the inside thanks to you. 
 That entire night had been a clusterfuck—between Maddie and Marie storming off to cry then the little stunt he pulled by inviting Rhi, it had been much too dramatic for a gathering of that size. Mike experienced a wide variety of emotions that night, but the one that stands out the most is the searing rage that threatened to burn him from the inside, the red the clouded his vision as soon as he heard you moan Erwin’s name through the wall. 
 Mike had already been toying with the idea of severing all ties with you, but that’s what pushed him over the edge, watching you put on your little show when Rhi walked in only to turn around and have a grand fucking time with his best friend. 
 It needed to happen. Mike needed to free himself of you. It feels good. Mostly. There are still some days he comes close to giving in, just picking up his phone and calling you, but he resists, and he’s better for it. 
 He gets through his classes, does well on his finals after actually putting in the time to prepare for them, and by the time Mike graduates, he’s already been accepted to the graduate program of his choice and has an internship lined up. The tension between him and Erwin has faded for the most part, which is great since he’s going to grad school in the same area up north. Things look… promising—something he didn’t think possible without you by his side, something he didn’t want to be possible without you by his side. 
 But, now, here he is, unpacking his new apartment with the help of Scout who insists on sniffing absolutely everything. He’s halfway across the country from his parents, away from all he’s ever known, and Mike couldn’t be more thrilled about it. 
 He can go full days without sparing you a thought now, and he hopes—he prays—that one day he’ll think of you for the last time in his life. 
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amnxsia · 4 years
just a friend- yuka makoto (2)
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pairing: yandere!sniper mask x reader
inspired by a request :)
content: fluff, mentions of violence, a dislocated shoulder, and relocating a shoulder (just for this chapter)
tw: yandere behaviors
word count: 988
chapter summary: it’s a blast to the past when the you reminisce over your history with yuka, but you’re not the only one that has been busy thinking.
a/n: so this series is based of an request  which will be the first chapter :) i hope you guys enjoy this new series please send me feedback and lmk what new series you want me to write. :)
taglist: @callmepromise, @namrekcaivel​ , @namischild​ , @erens-piss-cleaner​(please let me know if you want to be on the taglist)​
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“I love you, Yuka”. Those are the words that constantly ring through your mind while shuffling through your shared house with Yuka, not even a month after confessing your “feelings” for him he bought a house for you guys more specifically for you. You still remember how he reacted when you confessed he went ecstatic, crying a bit his big smile never leaving his face, your heart swelled from his reaction leaving you with a lingering feeling you couldn’t exactly pin point what it was or decipher it but you dismissed the feeling no longer paying attention to it.
While laying on your shared bed your mind wanders to the time when you first met Yuka, he saved you from being killed by a mask, which you will be forever grateful for him, and once again those feelings come back again, “what are these feelings?” you ask to yourself, turning on your side to finally succumb to sleep.
Running, scared, but determined thinking to yourself  “I have to stay alive in this world to return to the real one”. While running you see a street with two paths and you ultimately choose the path less traveled by. When you take the path you collide with a mask, and on impact from colliding with the masked killer you’re sent flying trying to soften your landing so you don’t land on your head to avoid any concussions you slightly turn your body so you land on your shoulder breaking the bone, you yelp out in pain but not very loudly, closing your eyes and trying to bear the pain. You almost forget about the enemy, once you realize that your eyes shoot open and you try to scurry your way far from the mask, but out of the corner from your eye you see the mask recompose themselves and grab their weapon, now looking at you they start to walk towards you very slowly, trying find any sense of human emotion but with the way they’re moving and how they seem unresponsive, you sigh “well there goes my chance of returning to the real world, but oh well it was nice while it lasted”, you close your eyes thinking that this might be the end for you.
It goes quiet.
You hear something drop, a brick?, no, a body?, maybe. Unbeknownst to you your whole body is shaking, you start to cry but you use your free hand to muffle your cry’s knowing that even the smallest sound would attract thousands of mask, but then you feel someone kneel before you but your eyes stay shut.
“Hey it’s okay the mask that was trying to harm you is dead”.
Your eyes stay closed.
“Your shoulder looks dislocated is it okay if I relocate it back, it’s going to hurt but I trust you won’t make a noise yeah?”
Your eyes stay closed, you blush and mentally thank him for his kindness. You shake your head yes.
“Alright grip tightly down on my shoulder so when I put your shoulder back in place you have something to brace yourself on.”
For some reason you found him to be so trustworthy.
You open your eyes.
“You have beautiful eyes don’t ever close them around me okay?”
Those were his first kind words to you.
“Okay”. You said smiling.
“What’s your name?”
“Mine is Yuka, for some reason I trust you with my name, your the first person to know my name.”
He trusted me with his name, thinking about that made you blush even harder at that fact he trusted you a random stranger.
“Your name is pretty”. You say getting more comfortable with him & his presence.
He just smile at you through his mask, now looking more focused at his mask you noticed it had a tiny crack but you made no attempt to ask about it.
“Okay your arm is properly secured so you need to hold onto me while I put it in back in place”.
You nod. Sitting up a bit so you can hold onto him.
“Okay, you ready?”
You nod.
You fall back onto the pavement softly, hand still on your mouth covering it, while tears threating to fall.
Yuka looks terrified and rushes to your side “Are you okay Y/n??”
Taking a deep breath you smile “Yeah I’m okay Yuka thank you so much”
He smiles.
“Yeah of course.”
He gets up and lays next to you grabbing your hand “Y/n I know we only met each other for like 10 minutes ago but I feel drawn to you for some reason and I don’t know why and I don’t want to ignore these feelings I want to continue to get to know you and see where these feelings become and I want to one day escape this world and be with you forever”.
You smile. 
“I would love that Yuka.”
Yuta takes off his mask and he leans in and kisses you.
                                               Back to the present
You awaken to light touches on your legs, you turn around and there's Yuka. “Hey sleepyhead, I heard you calling my name and I got worried, what was your dream about?”
“Oh nothing sorry for worrying you.”
“What is she hiding?” Yuka thought.
“It’s fine I’m just glad you got some sleep”. He says and gives you a soft kiss on your forehead. “I’m gonna go make lunch for us, be back in a sec”.
Before fully leaving your room Yuka stops and turns around with a big smile on his face.
“Remember everything I do is for you, and only you.”
“Yes, of course Yuka”.
“It’s Yuu to you angel.”
As Yuka leaves your room and goes to the kitchen he thinks to himself.
“That idiot ex boyfriend is next to go.”
As Yuka leaves there’s that feeling again. And you think to yourself.
“Am I in love with Yuka?”
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scarlet-fantasies · 3 years
Hello, I wanted know if I could ask for😭if that’s ok ?
Hi anon,
Yes of course! gosh I'm so sorry it took forever. I made it about both brothers so I really hope you like it. :)
Requests are open
::Related Works::
when they get in a fight with their gf
how they break up with their gf
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How they make their gf cry
angst (mentions of insecurities and lots of doubts
hcs about how they make their gf cry. so it's just crying sad shit. read at your own risk and don't forget tissues or a few boxes.
Modern Au
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Eren in general does fight with his girlfriend.
But it’s mostly over the little things and it’s usually silly.
If it’s a real argument things start to get real.
He doesn’t get physical and he never would. He can’t imagine doing that.
He’d hate himself for it.
And I see he likes a girl that isn’t super sensitive and is kinda strong.
Like she has a strong mind and that’s what he likes but he forgets that sometimes you can be hurt by what he says.
And the argument can be about jealousy, him pushing you away when he has a problem, if he’s friends with his ex’s cause it’s kinda sus. Or just he does something you don’t like and you two argue and things get out of hand to the point where he goes too far.
“Eren, please I didn’t do anything. I was trying to leave but—-“ You’d say following him as he continued to ignore you.
“But what? You just let that guy be all over you?!” He’d yell.
“No! I didn’t want that.”
“Well it didn’t look like it.”
“Eren, I’m being serious.” You’d frown.
“So am I.” He crossed his arms and looked at you being fed up.
“Eren, You know I would never—“
“I don’t know what you would do anymore, Y/n.” He’d snap, about to walk away from you.
“How can you say that?! You know I’m not like that.” You’d look at him with wide eyes.
“People change.” He’d answer.
“But I don’t, I’m not that kind of person. I care about you.” You’d shake your head.
Seeing he didn’t respond, you pleaded. “Eren, please.”
“Just go home Y/n.” He’d ignore acting like he didn’t care.
“No.” You felt your eyes sting with tears.
“Damn it, Y/n. I said go home!” He’d yell at you now as you looked down in shame, not wanting him to see you in such a state.
“You could at least listen to me!” You yelled, your lips quivered at the way the argument hurt you.
“God you’re so stubborn, this exactly why we need to start seeing other people! Just get out.”
You told yourself not to cry, but before you could hold back anymore tears you felt them rolling down your cheeks as you looked up at him.
“D-do you really t-think that about m-me? About us? T-That man was harassing me and you don’t even have the decency to hear me out?!” You argued whilst sniffling and crying.
Eren was speechless to see you cry and knowing that he hurt your feelings he felt like shit.
You put your hand up to stop as you shook your head. “Y’know I really thought I knew you, but I guess I don’t.” You’d frown with tears rolling down your cheek again as you’d only walk away and continue to cry.
Pushing you away:
This all happened bc you and Eren we’re dealing with one of his ex’s drama and the scandal she tried to put Eren in that made you mad (at first) and his parents since they think that he is doing bad things and that he’s back with his ex and is cheating on you. But you knew somewhat what was happening and you were trying to help him with it.
“Eren, please just talk to me. Did I do something wrong?”
“Y/n I said it was fine.”
“Then at least tell me what’s wrong. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me.”
“Maybe I don’t want your help.”
“Eren?” You blinked, taking in the way he said it.
“Quit telling me how to do things. I’m a grown man. I don’t want you telling me how to handle things!” He’d argue having you frown, thinking you screwed up.
“I’m just trying to help.”
“Well stop trying, it gets annoying. You know just because my parents approve of you and adore that you care for me, doesn’t mean I do. Did you ever bother to think that maybe it’s annoying when you try to defend or protect me all the time?!”
Eren himself couldn’t believe what he said and he was even more shocked as you tried to not cry at what he sad.
“E-eren.” You’d stammer as tears blurred your vision.
You wanted to hold back your tears but you gave up and cried bc it was overwhelming.
Tears streamed down your face as you turned away to grab your purse.
“Y/n, I didn’t mean that.” Eren would say reaching out to grab your hand, his face twisted with pain seeing you like that.
“It’s fine—-I’m just--I’m just, gonna go home.” You’d sniffle whilst crying still as headed out the door to get some air.
I think he can also make you cry when he gets hurt and you're worried about him. This post for eren I made before gives us an example of that.
Other times he has said something that really touched your heart that made you cry.
Like something loving like i picture that when he first told you that he loves you it made you cry bc you were full of doubts and you two were going through a lot in that time and you guys were real long seeing each others true side. And I also see that his girlfriend is an introvert and she just feels so much pressure and doesn’t feel like the one for him.
“Why do you always put yourself down? I don’t care if you’re not like the others.”
Getting the courage you finally spoke. “. . . Eren, I’m not a normal girl. Most girls are free to do what they want and have been in relationships. They have friends, I just started having Mikasa be my only friend. People have always liked them, no one ever sticks around with me. If something happens to me I’m not supported, I’m accused. I was a loser in high school and you don’t know that cause you’ve never seen the year books. But if you did you’d be ashamed of being with me. I never got in clubs because I wasn’t enough. I was just smart, that’s all.”
“If that's how you feel, then why are you acting the exact opposite? You go to parties—“
“Because no one will like me if I act like the introvert I am! If I want to be with a guy like you I have to push myself to be confident, I have to be better than all the girls you’ve had. I have go to parties, dance to music I hate, lie about my personality and my school life. I can’t be myself for you. And I know sometimes I don’t act like that normal girl all the time and you see some things but I know you don’t wanna see that side of me. No one does, and that’s why I push you away. Because I’m so scared whenever you call me pretty, I-I f-feel like I’m in a dream. And I know one day it’ll all just d-disappear and that might be today since you know my secret now.”
“You’re wrong, that you, that you always hide is the girl I fell in love with.”
“I love you, Y/n. I know it sounds crazy since I’ve been out with girls before and I’m 24 and you’ve just turned twenty-one and you feel like our relationship was the way it was just two years ago, but it’s not. The things I know about you now, I really love you Y/n. I’ve liked you since I saw you in our first class I just didn’t know it. But when I look back, I realized how much I liked you. Even tho we didn’t get along and al,l I wanted to know more about you. And I’m so glad I never gave up on such a beautiful girl. You’d don’t know how much I love you, and I don’t care about who you were and what people made you think you are because, you’re my favorite person Y/n.” He’d smile compassionate tucking a strand behind your ear, he watched as your eyes swelled with tears at what he said.
He’d smash his lips onto yours whilst wiping your tears away. And ever since then you two have been inseparable.
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I’ve made conversations like this before but it’s like when you argue about him being protective and selfish.
“Just let it go.” He’d huff, being annoyed with how you always try to be nice to everyone.
“No I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because their my friends, I care for them, Zeke. They need my help.” You’d frown, looking at him with softened eyes.
“Y/n, they can do it on their own.”
“How can you say that? How can you be so selfish?” You’d cross your arms finding his behavior to be hurtful.
It’s true you were always a good person and Zeke just didn’t want you getting hurt. You always seemed to be misused in some way. And he was tired of you going out of your way for people and getting so involved with your friends. Truly you just felt like you owed them so much and even tho you have already paid that debt with them long ago you still wanted to help them. But I really picture that your friends are not the greatest and you’re like the better friend so that’s why he’s getting upset. I see that this convo is also about how he can never stay in a relationship committed and so he wants you to not even be with him and be with someone better because he thinks someone as good as you deserves the world.
“I’m protecting you.” He’d point out.
“I can handle myself.” You’d state looking up at him determined to prove him wrong.
“Y/n, you’re too nice to them and that’s why you’re always hurt.” He’d say, this twisted your heart a bit, it was true but you didn’t want to hear that. Mostly cause if you admitted it he’d
“That’s not---”
“It is, and if you don’t want to accept that, fine. Don’t. Just like I don’t have to act differently for you. I’m not gonna sit here and watch my girlfriend be stupid.”
“So what are you saying?”
“I’m saying you have to forget about people who aren’t worth it.”
“Zeke, if you’re upset about turning a new leaf I never asked you to. I just want you to better yourself but you don’t have to do anything for me. I like you anyways.” You’d shake your head reassuring him.
“That’s not what you said before.”
Your eyes grew with tears as you looked at him, biting your lip, you answered. “It is, even if you think, that --- you’re not the best choice for me. I’d still put you first.”
“Y/n, back and forth never works. You need better people in your life.” He’d disagree , out stretching his hand to touch your cheek sympathetically.
“Even if my friends make mistakes I still care for them. Yes, I know I’m the better friend but I can’t change that! I can’t change you either, Zeke. And that’s fine. I just don’t want to fight, I don’t want to be alone anymore. I just want us to be happy.”
“You know you can do better but you’re here. Why?” He’d ask, it was one of the most hurtful things for you to hear.
Why did he feel the need to push you away, you only loved him so why did he have to push you?
Were you not enough for him, no, he told you that you were so why did he have to go and hurt your heart?
Tears slid down your cheeks as you sniffled. “Because---even after all the countless times you’ve come in and out of this relationship. You’re the only person I don’t want to walk away from--you’re the o-only one that hasn’t p-put me down.” He took note of your crying state and brought you into a hug tightly, comforting you.
I think another time he would make his s/o cry if it wasn’t a modern au it would probably be about him dying in one years which, I have already made a post about here.
I see that if he messed up in your relationship he wouldn’t be the type to approach you but he’d always be around you somehow and at some point you’d end having to comfort him probably cause he’s been tearing apart your relationship apart with your new boyfriend and he’s just hurting you.
“Do you really have to go that far, Zeke? You embarrassed him--you embarrassed me! Is it ever enough for you?!”
“Y/n I just said what was true about you both at the party.”
“We are not a thing anymore, we haven’t been for a while now. And you just think it’s okay to come into my life whenever?”
“You left, I can come back, yeah that works, doesn’t it?”
“You are sick, and beyond selfish. You told him everything--”
“And were you ever going to?”
“You ruined my relationship and that’s all you have to say?”
“Relax, there’s plenty of guys out there.”
“I was trying to start over! I wanted a new life, I moved because of you! And all you can say is that it doesn’t matter. You h-hurt me.” Tears streamed down your face as you hated everything that just happened being vulnerable in front of him and having your life being torn because never came in like a gentle wave, you two had always been a natural disaster put together.
And it was the main reason you two parted in the first place even if you both still cared you were just trying to continue life and he hated that fact. He hated how you acted like you didn’t care even tho he screwed up.
“I will never forgive you for this.” You’d sniffle, wiping your tears from your eyes while walking away as the tears still streamed down your face.
And I think that’s about it here. I don’t want to write too much about his (for this post) cause one I have no more ideas tbh and also I don’t want to cry more than I already have making this.
::Previous Post::
© scarlet-fantasies // do not steal, reuse, repost onto other sites. all writing and ideas are original unless stated otherwise. // 2021-Present.
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strangerivy · 3 years
The Titan Boy
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Summary: After the Scouts gain custody of Eren Yeager and Y/N witness the beating her boyfriend, Levi inflicts on him to do that something buried deep in her heart, breaks through the cracks that she and Levi must overcome to move forward. Warnings: Swearing Pairings: Levi Ackerman x Reader (y/n) Genre: 18+ | Fluff | Angst Word Count: 4.2K Author’s Note: Guys, I actually cried writing this. I hope you guys enjoy, let me know what you think! Also I can do a tag list for any Levi fics I writing if people are interest just ask!
|| Masterlist | AOT Masterlist ||
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Year 850 - Summer
It was supposed to be just like any other expedition, reclaim a town that would be lost once you left. You would rechart the area taking note of what had changed and what had been found in the time that area had been abandoned all those years ago.
You stood behind Levi watching around you to make sure no titans came out of nowhere while he did his best to comfort the dying soldier. Petra glanced up at you meeting your gaze, tears slowly falling down her cheeks as she listened to Levi. You quickly looked away tensing for a moment when you saw movement but relaxed seeing it was Erwin. Everything was going okay, until this moment.
Erwin approached with a grim look on his face “Levi!” He shouted; Levi stood up turning to face the commander with a raised brow. Erwin stopped his horse just in front of us. I turned to help Petra up as she patted off the dirt from her pants.
“We’re pulling out,” Erwin announced making both you and Petra snap your heads up to look at him.
“Sir?” Petra questioned.
“What the hell I-” Levi stuck his hand out in front of you silently telling you to stop.
“What do you mean? You damn well know we can push further? My men didn’t die to pave our retreat,” Levi shot a glare up at Erwin at that last part and Erwin gave just as serious a look back, he looked between the three of us before answering.
“There’s a swarm of titans moving north, there bearing down on the city,” You sucked in a breath, and Petra’s eyes widened. Levi grimaced at the news, you were the first to move grappling back through the buildings heading towards where your horses were being watched, Levi shouting after you.
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Just as Erwin had predicted, the titans had breached Trost but to your surprise, the hole had been plugged by a boy. A boy that had the ability to transform into a titan.
You couldn’t help but pace as you waited for Levi and Erwin down in the basement talking to the boy that you now knew, was named Eren. A recruit from the 104th cadet corps hadn’t even made it to selection night. He was just a kid. Hange hummed calmly leaned up against the wall Moblit right beside her as you all waited.
“What’s taking them so long,” You grumbled and Hange chuckled
“Careful Y/N, don’t get to worked up,” She warned with a cheeky grin and you rolled your eyes dragging your feet towards her falling back to leaning against the wall with an over-extracted huff. You had questions, questions you knew you could discuss with Hange but, you glanced over at the MP’s guarding the door to the basement, you didn’t want them listening in on your conversation.
The door opened and you all stood up straight as Erwin walked through followed by Levi.
“We’ll discuss the details more later, Levi,” Erwin instructed him before turning giving you a nod before heading off somewhere.
“Y/n,” You turned to look at Levi again and he motioned his head for you to follow. You said goodbye to Hange and Moblit before following Levi back to your temporary quarters while here in the interior. He held the door open for you shutting it once you both were in. You went and sat on the armchair waiting for him to inform you of what was going on.
You tapped your foot impatiently as he made you both some tea handing you yours as he sat down with his cup. You took a quick sip staring him down.
“Stop staring,”
“Fine,” He set his glass down on the small table in between you both letting out a small sigh, “We are going to petition for the boy to be released into the custody of the Scouts-”
“That’s it?”
“Would you let me finish?” You sealed your lips motioning for him to continue, he shook his head taking another sip of his tea.
“He will most likely be released into my care and will become part of the squad.” You nodded your head at this information expecting it really, “There won’t be any room for error however if something goes wrong, we’ll have to put him down.” Your eyes widened as you sat back in your chair staring at the empty fireplace.
“He’s just a child,” You whispered mostly to yourself not liking the sound of this plan. Levi really expected you to be able to put down a child if it came down to it? Your frown deepened at the thought and you were so lost in your thoughts you didn’t notice Levi get up grabbing your empty cup from your hands.
He leaned down kissing the top of your head gently, “I need to speak with Erwin more, I’ll expect to see you in the courtroom when the time comes y/n”
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Saying you were pissed was a slight understatement, shooting Daggers at the man next to you as you walked down the hall with Erwin and Hange. Erwin noticing your glare but not letting up on the conversation with Levi regarding your new Titan shifting recruit. Eren Yeager. Also, a 15-year-old boy that you just witness your boyfriend beat nearly to death with not an ounce of regret.
You didn’t really know why you were so mad, really you didn’t. But it just really really irked you. You let out a frustrated huff turning your attention back to the steps in front of you and Levi snapped his head towards you with a frown and small glare of his own.
“Will you drop the dramatics?” He ordered and being the obedient Scout you were, you didn’t listen scoffing at his words forcing an irritated growl from him stopping in his tracks Hange and Erwin stopping a few paces in front of you watching the scene play out at a safe distance. “Care to explain why the hell your acting like this?” Levi spat eyes narrowed at your back as you were turned away from him arms crossed over your chest.
You quickly snapped your head to look at him cheeks reddening from anger as you took a step closer to him. “You nearly beat him to death Levi!” your voice raised a few octaves and Levi was not a fan of that taking a step closer so you were almost nose to nose, neither of you backing down from the other.
“What the hell did you expect me to do?” He questioned you through gritted teeth “You heard Erwin, it was the right card to play.” You let out another scoff not believeing your ears. You jabbed his chest with your finger knowing what kind of button you were pushing when doing it. Hange making an ‘Ooo’ sound as you did, waiting in anticipation for your next words.
“What,” Jab “The hell,” Jab “kind of card is that, Levi? He’s 15 years old! What if he couldn’t regenerate! What if you beat him to a pulp and he couldn’t recover! You played your card on a damn WHIM!” You shouted the last part hands on your hip as you waited for his explanation. Levi was calm. To calm really at your outburst. Normally by now, he would have pulled you to a private room to have this kind of argument.
“Wow y/n, I never knew you could be so motherly,” Levi and you both froze, eyes widening at each other, cheeks turning bright red at Hange’s statement. You panicked unable to look at Levi now turning to face her and a smirking Erwin.
“Tha-that isn’t wha-t-t th-is is,” You stuttered cheeks growing redder eyes darting around the room,
“Now that you say that Hange, I have noticed that you have been quite more attentive to the children in the city than usual, y/n.” Erwin pointed out the sly smirk never leaving his face as he spoke, and you wanted to punch it right off his face your cheeks feeling as if they were on fire at this point.
“I have to go,” You huffed quickly walking away from them leaving Levi to deal with them, your argument completely forgotten. You march aimlessly down the hall with no destination in mind but to be away from them.
You ended up on a balcony overlooking the interior letting out a heavy sigh leaning back against the wall resting your head against it letting the evening sun warm your skin. You slid down the wall resting your arms on your knees once seated.
You looked up at the sky thinking back on the situation you had just escaped from trying to place why it bothered you so much. Deep down you already knew why, a longing for something more buried deep within you knowing in the world you lived now it would be impossible. You couldn’t justify bringing a child into this dark world no matter how much you craved it.
Levi and you had been together 5 years and the conversation has never come up, never really being an issue till recently when your want to be a mother started breaking through the cracks of your heart. Wet droplets hit the stone beneath you as the tears fell from your cheeks mourning the life you never could have.
Levi searched up and down the halls and rooms of HQ looking for you, growing ever the more frustrated with each empty room. Deciding to head back to your shared room to wait for you. He scolded himself knowing he should have gone after you the minute you ran off but was frozen by both Hange and Erwin’s words. Was that something you wanted? A child? A family, with him?
A scoff left his mouth at himself, of course it was what you wanted. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have reacted in such a way. He wasn’t blind, he knew something was bothering you lately, you thought you hid it well, but he could see it, he would always see. The way you spoke with the few kids that came up to you both when in uniform excitedly asking questions before expeditions. The way your smile would falter just a bit when their parents rounded them up.
His frown deepened with each memory that passed through his mind of all the signs of the secret that you held so close to you. He passed a hall pausing his step when the faint sound of a sniffle caught his interest. He turned taking light steps to you see you sitting on the ground, knees held tightly to you as you silently cried to yourself. His chest tightening at the sight.
“Y/n,” You stiffened at his voice quickly looking up at him with tear-stained cheeks, you looked away quickly wiping them away trying to pretend that he didn’t just walk in on you like this.
“Levi, I didn’t hear you,” You forced yourself to smile as you looked back up at him, his expression blank and unreadable as he stared down at you a hand slowly moving from his side to offer to you. You took it pulling yourself up and when you were almost standing his grip tightened before pulling you end to him arms wrapping around you tightly. You stared in a bit of shock not sure what to do as he held you.
“I’m sorry,” He whispered into your ear. You didn’t need to ask what about already knowing. Sorry for not being able to give you the life you craved. Sorry for this shitty world. You wrapped your arms around him gripping at his jacket as you buried your face into the curve of his neck fresh tears falling.
“Me too.”
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You and Levi headed out the next morning with Eren riding silently as you met up with the rest of your squad before heading to your new temporary living situation. The old abandoned former Scouts HQ in between Hermina District and Trost District. Far enough from any towns, just in case the worst-case scenario happened.
Your grip on your reins tightened at the thought but you were quick to push it aside relaxing. Your rode next to Petra behind Oluo and Eren and Levi right behind you. Petra noticed your slight change in demeanor giving a concerned look that you shook your head to let her know it was nothing. Being the only two females in the squad you had a closer bond from the others.
Oluo was going on about how Eren shouldn’t expect a royal treatment from us despite his importance to the Scouts or Humanity in general. In a moment of attempted intimidation from Oluo, his horse hit a rock jerking him forward making him bit his tongue once again sending him screeching in pain sending you and Petra into a fit of silent giggles.
You arrived at the old HQ getting off your horse staring up at the old castle. From years of being vacant, it was overgrown with weeds and no doubt did it have a thick layer of dust all over the inside. You directed your horse towards the stables tying her up so you could clean out a stale for her. Eren walked past you, hood of his new Scouts cloak still up as he looked around at the team.
“Hello,” You greeted he jumped at the sound of your voice not noticing you, he turned to face you
“He-hello,” He greeted tying his horse up as well to get the stall next to yours cleaned out. You finished your stall untying your horse leading her in and start taking off her reins.
“I don’t believe we have formally met yet, my name's y/n,” You greeted with a soft smile, you didn’t want him to think you all were only here to be his killers if it came to it. The way you saw it, he was still a boy. Despite his gift. If that’s what you would call it.
“You’re the second-in-command, right? I- I um saw you next to the Captain at my trial.” He was shy and a bit awkward which you guessed was normal for a teenager. You finished up walking out of the stale, you shook your head going to help him.
“No, that’s Eld’s job. Levi and I have just- we’ve known each other a long time,” You informed him, and he seemed a bit shock at the information. You didn’t blame him, the way you carried yourself, and the way the others respected you it made seem as if you were the second in command, but you turned down the position when Levi offered it saying you didn’t want that kind of responsibility. Even so, the squad still treated you as such knowing about your relationship with the Captain.
“Y/n,” You looked up seeing Levi not too far off from you, he stared at you before looking over at Eren and then back to you “We have some cleaning to do, you too Eren,” You nodded falling after him into the castle.
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After a long day of cleaning and organizing and getting rooms ready, you all sat at one of the tables drinking some tea that Levi made in the old dining room. You silently took a sip avoiding Levi’s gaze on you ever so often. You hadn’t really spoken much since he found you crying. Not ready to talk about what never could be, but he waited as patiently as he could.
You set your cup down leaning back in your chair relaxing a bit. You stretched out one of your legs ready for when you could take the straps off.
“It’s safe to assume our orders will stretch into next week but word through the grapevine is we’re gearing up for a big mission a month from now,” Eld informed your ears perking up a curious glance over at Levi through the corner of your eye, “One where a bunch of wet-behind-the-ears graduates are slated to be our main backup.” Levi noticed your stare shooting you a look to tell you that the two of you would speak later about it.
“Well, that can’t be right,” Gunther spoke up now and you turned your attention to him “why do something like that? The cadets have been through enough with the last Titan attack. Why subject them to that kind of danger again?”
“Perhaps the uppers feel that since they have had their exposure that they can handle a mission right out of the gate,” You spoke up attention turning to you as you spoke, “We all know the ones that survived have the skill at least,” You took another sip of tea.
“You have to wonder how many of those snivel-drop runts peed themselves,” You smirked into your cup at Eld’s words knowing full well that he was one of those Cadet’s not long ago.
“Surely this can’t be the case?” Petra turned to Levi in disbelief at the news. Levi sat relaxed in his chair one arm resting against the back of the chair the other on the table.
“Mission planning is my responsibility, but it is Erwin’s. And you can bet the man has obsessed over every angle.” Levi answered and you nodded in agreement. Eld rested his arms on the table his hands held together as he rests his chin on them.
“Well, that’s the truth,” He responded, confirming Levi’s statement “Especially given how unique the situation is. Considering how many people died on the path to taking back Wall Maria, then hope comes in a form no one expected.” Eld shifted his gaze to Eren “One we’re not even really entirely sure on how to deal with,” Eren visibly tensed as the gaze of the whole squad turned to him.
“Eld,” You warned a sudden sense of protectiveness running through you and Levi was quick to notice.
“Y/n,” Levi warned you and sunk back in your chair arms crossed as you stared at the ground.
“Most of us still find it hard to believe,” Eld continued “So, how does it work? This whole changing into a Titan trick. Really?”
“Wish I could tell you, but the fact is my memory’s not clear, guess it’s kind of like being a trance. I do know the trigger seems to be hurting myself in some way. Like biting my hand.” Eren held his hand up staring at it as the others all looked at him wanting more answers than they were going to get out of him.
“You’re not going to get anything out of him. Apart from what the scribblers have laid out in the reports,” Levi grabbed a hold of his cup letting out a hum,” Not that you-know-who won’t have a go at it.” This brought a smile to your face as he spoke about Hange as if saying her name would summon her from thin air. “You’ll be lucky to come out of it alive if that one lays into you, course it's only a matter of time.”
Eren got visibly nervous at Levi’s words looking over at you who tried to suppress the grin on your face. “I’m honestly surprised they aren’t here yet, I expected them hours ago,” You played along with Levi’s game of teasing Eren seeing it as harmless knowing full well Hange would never really put Eren in any true danger if she could help it.
“Who’re you talking about?” Eren asked leaning forward and as if on queue a loud bang hit the door behind you with a loud shout of pain behind it, Petra getting up to remove the wooden bar that kept it locked.
Hange walked in holding her forehead and you couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped your lips.
“I’m so sorry. Good evening, Team Levi!” She greeted walking into the room, Levi looking both annoyed and unsurprised by her “How is castle life treating you all?”
“You’re too early.” Levi complained and Hange smirked at him walking over to the empty seat across from you.
“Am I? S’pose I couldn’t help myself.” She joked and you smiled over at her
“Well, I say you are late, what took you so long?” You asked finishing off your tea.
“Ah you know, paperwork this and paperwork that,” You nodded knowing the feeling, Eren stared at Hange a bit confused as to why she was here.
“Section commander Hange?” He questioned and Hange turned her attention to him
“Hello Eren,” she greeted “In the event, you haven’t pieced it together yet, it's my job to spearhead the Scout Regiments research efforts. Essentially, I poke and prod our captive Titan specimens. I’d very much like your help.”
“My help? In what way? Like what would I have to do?” Eren questioned obviously not sure on how he could help himself
“Join me, of course!” Hange was getting excited her voice raising a little “On a quest of scientific discovery!”
Eren leaned back getting more nervous as Hange went on “Well, uh… I’m happy to help, except it's not up to me. I’m on strict restriction by order of the higher-ups you see,” Hange smiles looking over at Levi.
“Levi! What's on the docket for him tomorrow?” She asked excitedly looking over at the Captain
“Clearing out all the weeds.” He answered unamused
“Excellent, then! It’s cinched!” Hange leaned down to Eren grabbing a hold of his hand “Young man, tomorrow will be grand.”
“Hange calm down, you're going to scare the poor boy,” You pointed out and Hange nodded relaxing just a bit and Eren shot you a quick look of thanks before turning back Hange.
“Uh, okay but just so I’m clear, what exactly will I be doing?” He asked and Hange hummed letting him know to continue his question “Are you running experiments or something?”
“Idiot. Shut Up,” Oluo whispered head resting on his hand
Hange sighed looking over at Eren overjoyed by his question “Ahh I knew it! You possess a singularly curious mind, don’t you?”
You let out a sigh pushing your way up as did the rest of the squad not wanting to stick around for what was going to be a long night of Hange go over her experiments with Eren.
“Hange,” You started, and she gave a hum to let you know she was listening “Let him get some sleep tonight, yeah?”
“I can’t promise anything, y/n! You know that!” She beamed and you shook your head following Levi out the door that he was waiting for you by. The walk back to your quarters was quiet as you walked next to each other, he opened the door once you arrived and shut it once you were in. You walked over to the bed sitting down on it with a sigh of relief ready to take off your uniform for the night.
You pulled your shoes off, setting them neatly next to the bed, and started to unbuckle your straps when Levi walked over smacking your hands away to do it himself. You looked up at him curiously noticing a very faint blush on his cheeks.
“We need to talk about this, y/n.” He pushed and you let out a heavy sigh starting to pick at your fingers as he gently removed the belts from around you, he tugged at one that signaled for you to stand up and you did, your chest pressing against his as you did from how close he was standing to you. You felt his breath on your cheek but didn’t want to turn your head knowing if you did you would break down again.
“I know your smart, so I know that you are aware that we can’t fulfill that dream of yours, and I- I don’t know if we ever will,” He started, you bit your lip as you tried your best to hold back tears. The last buckle coming undone sent your straps falling to the floor and Levi sighed grabbing your chin gently to turn you to look at him.  “the is one thing though I am willing to do for you, one thing I’ve always intended to do with you,” He walked over to the dresser in the room digging through one of the drawers as you back down on the bed staring at him curiously something grasped in his hand as he turned back to face you.
“I know I am not good at expressing my love for you,” He walked back over kneeling down to your level grabbing a hold of your hand, “and perhaps I waited far longer than I intended to do this but the timing never felt right.” He reached up cupping your cheek leaning in for a kiss and when he parted he opened up his hand to reveal a simple silver band, the one you actually saw a few years prior. You looked up at him with wide eyes recognizing the piece of jewelry and he smirked knowing how confused you were.
“I bought it when you went to get those pastries for lunch,” He admitted to you
“That day was two years ago, you’ve held onto it all this time?” You asked in disbelief, he nodded shyly.
“I- I can’t give you children y/n, not when the world is so fucked up but-but I do want to marry you if that can be enough?” The tears flowed freely down your cheeks as your lips spread into a smile nodding your head. It would be enough, as long as Levi was there. He would always be enough.
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aetheternity · 4 years
I'll admit it's exciting. (Armin x reader)
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Synopsis: Being your professor's dirty little secret. His pet.. Sounded too good to refuse.
Warning: Smut in the later chapters! 18+ only
"Good girl.." Your lip tucked itself beneath your tooth. Spine tingling at the intoxicating scent surrounding you.
You coaxed a breath off your lips as the almost inaudible creak of the desk under your professors weight made you sit up straight. His arms locking you in place.
You looked into his soft blue eyes feeling a tinge of entrapment at the way he had you locked in.
"Do you understand now?" His surprisingly large hands caressed your shoulder.
"Y-yeah." If you could see your own face you'd probably be embarrassed but you were currently helpless to the tiny bits of touch he allowed you.
Your elbows pushed you up just a little bit closer to his chest. His touch disappearing too soon.
"I think you'll be ready for the test in a couple days." And suddenly every bit of him was walking away and back to sit at his desk. "You should still study though. This stuff has been difficult for you."
The tip of your nail stayed fidgeting between your lips.
Words flew through your brain but it all continued to just be flushed straight out again.
"Y/N!" The book flew from your grasp landing with a clatter that attracted glances from all angles.
"Are you alright Y/N?" Eren asked, concern etched into his deep sapphire eyes.
You let out a harsh exhale. "I was, until Sasha stopped my heart." You held a palm up to your chest, glaring over at Sasha.
Mikasa blinked boredom sunk into her features. Her cheeks forced into the palms of her hands as her elbows stayed firmly planted into the table. "New class?"
You nodded, shutting your binder before promptly flipping it open again.
"You'll be fine." She muttered, staring at you with her own version of concern.
"How can you say that? I had to transfer from a different class a month after the semester already started. You know how much stuff I've already missed! Not to mention I had originally thought this class was gonna be next semester me's problem." With a groan you let your head flop harshly onto the mildly sticky table in front of you.
"I think what Mikasa was trying to suggest was that Mr. Arlert has always been said to be a very gentle and caring professor." Sasha said
"You can always take office hours if you really have a hard time." Eren suggested
"Thanks Eren, but I think you're forgetting that I hate doing anything outside of class that won't immediately get me a passing grade."
Eren just shrugged, moving to stuff his notebooks into his own bag. All of them genuinely looking as though he'd just reused them from high school. Each one with a rip in the first page or the spiral unraveling.
"Welp it's 2:00." Sasha reminded you. And you groaned so loud you could practically feel the stares from other tables touching your soul.
"Maybe I'll fall down the stairs and break my ankle before I get up there." You slung your bag onto your shoulder hanging your head as you walked off.
"I'll have your favorite donuts in my room after you get out!" Sasha called
"You should've started with that!"
You made the walk so much longer by dragging your feet up every stair individually and rubbing a finger to your temple. So much so that it surprised you when you walked into the classroom and no one was in there except..
"Oh hello."
So so very hot..
His smile sparkled only futher brightened by his deep blue eyes. His short blond hair parted slightly over his forehead. His blue button up was cuffed up against his forearms revealing a very slender but still fairly muscular set of hands. He probably had a nice chest too.
"You must be Y/N." He chuckled and before you could reassociate he was giving you a whole new list of things to think about as he bent over his desk to retrieve a piece of paper.
"Here's the syllabus. You're starting kinda late so it will be helpful to you to come to office hours. My office hours are at the bottom here." When he reached forward to point his scent caught you by surprise. A sweet almost fruit like smell wafted up your nose. "I hope you'll catch on quickly. Sit wherever you'd like."
His remark barely registered in your mind, your mouth hung open immediately slamming shut as the class quickly began to fill.
Before you could get swept up by the people flooding into the room you made your way to the front plopping down into the seat closest to the window. When you looked up again from where you'd yanked your binder almost haphazardly out of your bag, you caught the quickest wink you'd ever seen in your entire life.
Or maybe it was your imagination.
But the way he leaned a little closer when he approached you wasn't.
"Front row? Good choice."
Regardless of the heart problems he'd recently caused you he was moving on. Quickly silencing the class and starting the lesson.
The only thought racing through your head.
Hot. Hot. Hot..
He was pretty! When he turned off the light his eyes didn't dull in the almost blinding way in which they shone. His hair fluttered over his forehead and ears and his shirt seemed to hug his chest tighter every time he reached up to turn off the projector or even just to reach a high spot on the board.
You already knew everything from today was going in one ear and out the other but it was really hard to give a damn when your professor's pants cupped his ass they way they did. His dark shoes clicked across the floor and-
"Do you understand any of it? I know it's your first day."
You blinked up at him hoping your eyes weren't as wide as they felt or that you weren't popping your mouth open and close like a suffocating fish.
He smiled, flipping the paper on the desk around till it faced him. "Can I?" He reached for the tip of your pen and as you let it go your fingers brushed in probably the strongest current of static that had ever touched your body.
"Don't worry ok this is just a practice test I wanna see what you know." He said, leaving a couple marks on the paper. He then pointed to the two empty test questions. "Don't leave anything blank ok."
This time when he walked away you were without a doubt certain he'd winked. When you looked down at your paper again you could see 3 checks on the paper in the light blue ink you were using and a little smiley face in the corner.
Your chest honestly had no right fluttering the way it did over something so trivial.
The class was only an hour and forty minutes but when it was over you felt like you'd only been seated there for ten minutes. When you handed the test paper back he sent you one final wink that made your knees buckle.
"See you next time." He said and you had to forcibly stop yourself from shuttering.
You half speed walked half ran out of there as soon as his classroom door had shut behind you. All the way to Sasha's dorm room.
You slammed it open already knowing Sasha only kept it locked when she wasn't in there. Your chest was heaving and you held onto the door frame for support. Noticing the immediate and visible flinch from Eren and Sasha.
"He's. Hot!!" You gasped for air before walking in and sinking to the floor in front of Sasha. She didn't budge as you fell against her shoulder just wrapped an arm around your shoulders hugging your back. "Oh god he's so hot.." You breathed into Sasha's collarbone.
"Looks like she did learn something." Eren muttered
"No! You don't understand he's like so pretty!"
Mikasa didn't even try to hide the way she rolled her eyes and Eren just sighed.
"Aww you've got a crush on your professor that's adorable." Sasha said, reaching into the box next to her, grabbing your favorite donut she pushed it into your open mouth pulling it back slightly to allow you to chew.
You sobbed a little before sighing and falling back into Sasha's neck. "What the hell am I gonna do?" You sighed
"Focus on passing the class is probably the first step." Eren replied
"Now you're just being silly." You replied, rubbing your fingers into the floor.
Sasha brought the donut back up to your lips smiling as you took another bite. "I wanna see him now! Isn't he the really young professor? Like he's supposedly only twenty five as of recently and got hired less than a year ago."
"Yeah.." You quickly put your password into your phone, turning the screen so Sasha could see.
Mikasa and Eren scooted closer as Sasha took a closer look. "He is pretty." Mikasa was the first to speak.
"Why do you just have his picture pulled up? How're you already being creepy?" Eren questioned
You scoffed, "I just happened to be looking on Instagram during a quick bathroom trip.. and I just so happened to look for him.. it's his fault for making it easy." You snatched the donut from Sasha taking a bigger bite.
"Yeah no I agree with Eren this is cree- AW HE HAS A DOG!" Sasha snatched the phone zooming in on the puppy in his lap.
"Actually it's his family's dog. Her name's Pumpkin and he goes home as often as possible to see her. A small two hour train ride to be exact." You sigh briefly "I've never really liked Terriers as a dog breed but that one's so cute.."
"Is the dog cute or is it the guy holding her?" Mikasa questioned with a little smirk.
"Not helping Mikasa.." Eren interjected "What are you even thinking? No matter if you like professor Arlert or not he has to keep it professional and so do you."
"Eren, look at the puppy." You took your phone from Sasha turning the screen back to face him.
He glanced down at the image then back into your eyes with a raised eyebrow.
"Creepy!" He pressed the power button on your phone and you deflated against Sasha's legs letting your phone turn over onto its face.
"I'll never understand why you don't go for a degree in hacking or something the way you always manage to pull up information on people." Mikasa shook her head.
"Probably going to be stuck with more math classes for one and secondly when I become a supervillain I don't need everyone knowing it was apart of my major." You replied, with an exaggerated eye roll.
Sasha shrugged, "If it was your major I'm pretty sure everyone would understand your descent into madness."
"I can't believe you just said that.." Eren groaned, squeezing the bridge of his nose.
"Me or her?" You asked
Thursday came too soon. Or maybe you should say, finally Thursday is here! You jumped back and forth between the two but by the time you slid into the honestly uncomfortable classroom seat and placed your bag between your legs you knew exactly what you felt.
"Professor!" A female's voice caught your attention and you turned slightly to see a short brown haired girl running into the classroom.
"You were right about what I was missing! Once I applied what we talked about in office hours it became so simple."
"That's what I like to hear Petra." He winked as he flipped through a stack of papers on his desk.
Wait, had he always done that to all the students or had you just not noticed last time? You felt your shoulders hunch but they were instantly picking back up again as he slid a piece of paper onto your desk.
"You did pretty well on that practice test. Seems like you'll be up to speed in no time." He smiled, a deep warm smile that made your stomach squeeze.
Your lips curled upwards and you quickly moved to hide it behind your paper as he walked away.
"You too huh?"
You felt your skin practically vibrate but you hoped and prayed it wasn't too noticeable.
"Wh-what?" You glanced over at the girl Petra who sat only one desk away from you. Her features flat and her eyes dark in the middle an almost scary contrast from earlier.
"You're into him too?" She muttered
Was it that obvious? Stupid question. How could you be so obvious?
"I don't think you'll win out." She continued and before you could question it, she pointed to the back row.
It seemed almost like a tussle as Mr. Arlert was being held hostage by another young female holding his hand. He smiled mildly awkwardly as he spoke with her, nodding his head to everything her and the other girls surrounding her said. The first girl running a thumb over the back of his hand.
You felt your skin prickle and you exhaled loudly. "So.. I'm guessing you too.."
Petra blinked at you then quickly shifted around in her seat. Mr. Arlert quickly approached the front of the room clapping to get the classes attention. And with that the lesson was beginning.
You noticed from the clap at the beginning of class to the last word uttered that not one word in Mr. Arlert's lesson had actually registered in your mind. Your thoughts too full of Petra's words, her blank almost villainous expression as she'd talked.
And that girl's hand. That annoying girl in the back row. You peeked your head back there looking at the now empty chair. In fact the entire classroom was empty and had been for at least 15 minutes since you continued to struggle with stuffing your binder back into your apparently shrunken bag.
"Need help?"
You bit your lip and looked away as he came closer. You weren't really standing up straight but you immediately noticed the way he towered over you. His fingers so delicate in the way they brushed over yours sliding the irritating object into the confines of your bag.
"Thank you.." You whispered
He chuckled, "No problem, happy to help."
His eyes didn't leave yours for an almost uncomfortable amount of time so you shifted your feet backing away a little. He seemed to notice and placed a hand on the back of his neck, backing up himself.
Oh no. Now he was getting uncomfortable.
He made his way back over to his desk but not before you'd slipped in something to ease the tension. "Sorry for over staying my welcome.."
He let out a soft chuckle. "You're not bothering me plus there are no classes in here for two hours after mine on Thursday. You can stay as long as you'd like."
"O-oh." You face palmed internally at your stupid reply. "So.." You began again. "Do you mind if I asked you how you're such a young professor.."
His eyes flickered up from the work he'd been filling out. "Well, I skipped a couple grades and I was in college by 15. I'm actually still in college now but I was an assistant teacher at 18 for about three years for a high school a couple blocks from here before I became a full fledged teacher and then I worked at the same school as a teacher for three more years before I finally left and started teaching here."
It should've been obvious from the start that he'd worked tireless hours of school to get here at such a young age. Not to mention probably having worked just as hard in the gym. He'd only leaned back a little bit in his chair but it was enough for you to have a perfect mental image.
Your eyes flicked up to his much softer more.. Arlert like smile? Maybe? It just felt like the kind of smile he'd give a friend and less like the smile he used in the classroom. Not that that one felt fake, just.. different.
"Do you.. I mean.. have you always had girls?.." His eyebrows scrunched as you spoke. You pointed to the back of the classroom. "You're young I mean, do girls always touch you like that?"
He blinked up at the ceiling then back down to you. Your breath hitched as he pulled himself up from the desk walking closer to you.
"As soon as they find out I'm not that much older than them? Yeah."
You probably should've stopped but your brain was suddenly working independently. "Does it?.. Do you like that kind of attention?"
He sat down on the desk crossing his arms over his chest and his leg over his knee. He spoke his head. "Not normally no."
He stood again but this time he stopped directly in front of you. Sharp blue eyes cold and yet warm and vibrant. The desk creaked under your weight as you leaned back into it. His hands at your sides, his breath tickling your upper lip.
His thumb came up to graze your cheek but was quickly removed and planted back on the desk. "Can I kiss you?"
You nodded way too eagerly and-
So so so much softer than you'd even thought imaginable. His nose rubbed against yours and he was pulling away. Too soon.
You grabbed the back of his neck, yanking him back to you. Immediately delighted by the warm touch of his pretty pink lips.
He pulled back and you yanked him forward. Over and over again with soft peppered kisses. And then one slightly longer one where he was comfortably mushing his lips against yours.
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bcdwhcre · 4 years
Hey! Can you do a scenario for AOT with Mikasa, Sasha, and Annie’s S/O gets seriously injured during a fight with some titans? Whether the reader survives or not can be up to you. I love how you write for the AOT characters haha
“Battles,” Mikasa x Sasha x Annie Headcanons
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Couldnt find a gif with all 3 of them. SAD
Summary: Being with one of the girls and you get injured in battle
Warnings: none, no spoilers
Also pls don’t comment any spoilers and be considerate of others thank you <3
You weren’t supposed to be on this expedition but Mikasa had convinced the Captain to let you tag along, knowing how much of use you would be which was true.
You were pretty good at your job and you were well known for your skills so it wasn’t a hard decision for Levi to accept the offer of you being on his team and coming along with them.
But you were way over your head. You were thinking the capture of Bertholdt and Reiner would be simple, easy, won’t have to do much but you were far from right.
As the both of them transformed into their Titan forms, you had tried your best to take Reiner down- going to far lengths and risking your life completely. He needed to be down, no matter the cost and you knew what you needed to do.
As you swung and flipped in the air, shooting the gear to shoot into the wall, helping you fly up higher up to the back of Reiner’s neck, trying to be quick to swipe your sword through his thick skin but he had seen you from a mile away.
He moved his hand up, swinging it across the air and knocking you back quite hard, making it difficult to move and dodge the attack. You were thrown across the sky, your gear crushed and too jammed to shoot a hook up and the impact of his armor had almost instantly knocked you unconscious.
Mikasa had seen everything unfold before her very eyes, panic running through her veins as she tried to fly towards you and was trying to be fast enough to catch you midair but you were flying at high speed.
You finally landed on the hard ground, sliding against the cement and the impact of your head hitting the ground had killed you in seconds. There was no way for you to survive the landing, it was too hard, too fast. You were like a bug smashing on the ground.
She didn’t want to believe that the impact had killed you, she knew how strong you were, you could survive, you could make it out of this with some broken bones.
As her feet landed on the ground, the sight of your body on the ground, frozen still. She kneeled down beside you, wanting to hold back her emotions, she hated to show her true feelings but seeing someone she considered her soul mate laying before her dead, her tears were threatening to fall from her eyes.
“Y/N,” She whispered more to herself, her hands reaching down to pick you up and hold you in her arms, sighing to herself.
The guilt and blame had washed over her quickly. It was her fault you were out here risking your life, she shouldn’t have pressured you to come but she had confidence that you would be the one to end this fight once and for all.
A few tears had slipped down her cheeks, shaking her head as the anger boiled inside of her. She was going to make him pay for this, she was going to kill him with her bare hands no matter what.
She didn’t know what to do, she didn’t want to leave your dead body here and she didn’t want to leave you behind but what more could she do? Carry you around while everyone is fighting for their lives? She grunted, walking inside one of the broken down house and laid you on the floor.
She had taken her jacket off, looking down at you one last time, not knowing if she’ll be able to come back and collect your body for a proper burial. Her heart was broken, it pained her to see you like this but she needed to keep herself together- for the others.
“I’ll be back for you, I promise.” She mumbled, laying her jacket over your face after she had planted a single kiss to your forehead before returning back to the fight.
The scouts were doing a short expedition that shouldn’t be of much trouble, it was just to explore boundaries and figure out future plans that needed to be set.
But randomly a crowd of titans had showed up unexpectedly. You were told that not many would be out and this would be an easy mission to get through before going home but you knew by the large crowd, you weren’t going home anytime soon.
You glanced over at Sasha, a look of panic written on her face and as you both stood high up on the tree, you reached over to grab a hold of her hand to reassure her that everything would be alright.
“Don’t panic, I’m sure this would be a breeze.” You said confidently and she gave you a weak smile, squeezing onto your hand.
“Just don’t die on me.” She said sarcastically, moving her feet to stand closer to you as the both of you looked down at the Titans that were only getting closer.
“Same goes for you.” She laughed at your words, feeling much better about the situation and before she leaped off the tree, she had given you one last smile and blew you a kiss.
You had watched her swing along the trees, you were in complete awe with how talented she actually is with the gear and being able to take down some Titans no problem.
But once you heard the others swing down, you had snapped back into reality and jumped off the tree branch, feeling the wind gush up against your face before you had shot the wire into the tree and swung up in the air.
It wasn’t hard to take down most of them but once you heard there were more problems deep inside of the woods, something the scouts weren’t aware of except for Levi’s team and Eren himself.
You had taken it in your own hands and risked going deeper to be of some help since the Titans were under control near the edge of the woods. But once you made it towards the middle, you instantly regretted your decision as your eyes stared up at the female titan.
“Y/N, you need to go back!” You heard Eren shout towards you as all of Levi’s team laid out around you dead.
Everything was spinning, you head was spinning and you felt lightheaded but the look of determination on the female Titans face as she stared down at Eren, it clicked in your mind that he was first priority. Levi would want you to protect him.
“Eren just ride to the others, I’ll distract her.”
“But you’ll die just like them!”
“As long as you have time to run away, I’m fine with that just go.” You looked at him, nodding your head and watched him ride away through the woods.
Before she could try to run after him, you flew up and sliced through the skin on her ankles which somewhat prevented her from running right away. You just needed to give Eren a few minutes, that’s it. Nothing else mattered but his safety.
It wasn’t long till Levi had swung in and tried to help you and at first it was working until one wrong turn and the female titan had grabbed onto the wire that was attached to your gear.
She had spun around, dragging you by the wire and let go to watch you fly pass the trees and eventually hitting one pretty hard. Instantly you can feel a few of your bones break at the impact, making you fall to the ground in pain.
She didn’t even bother trying to finish you off, her mind was set on Eren and she quickly ran away. Levi landed in front of you, looking down at you state and cursed under his breath, he could tell you weren’t going to be able to stand on your own.
“Just go, I’ll be fine.” You groaned, wiping the blood from your mouth and his eyes had stared into yours, deciding whether or not he should actually leave you here and he did after saying he’ll have someone come back for you.
But while you sat up against the tree, having a hard time breathing properly, you could hear a familiar voice yelling in the distance calling for you. You had tried to move but everything hurt too much, making you sit still.
You finally saw Sasha come in view, her eyes landed on you and they grew wide as she quickly jumped off her horse and ran to where you were. She started to panic at the way you were covered in blood and she could tell a few bones were noticeably broken.
“Are you okay? Can you stand?” She asked, looking down at your legs and reached down to try to grab a hold of you.
“Sasha..” You barely said loud enough at first but she continued to try to lift you up and hold your body up.
“Sasha just leave me here, I’ll only slow you down.” You spoke louder, the pain unbearable and you could feel it take over your entire body.
“What? No!” She yelled at you, practically carrying you to her horse and tried her best to put you on top of it, almost failing but she managed to do it.
“Don’t ever tell me to leave you, are you crazy?” She scoffed, jumping on behind you and made sure you were leaned back comfortably against her chest as she rode through the woods.
Your eyes moved to look up at her, a small weak smile coming across your lips as you tried to wipe the blood leaking down your face as it tickled your skin. You couldn’t help the pain shoot through your body but you were also glad you were alive to be with Sasha just a bit longer.
“I love you.” You mumbled up to her, making her eyes shoot down to meet yours and she couldn’t help but laugh quietly, her heart racing.
She was grateful she even made it in time and that you were still breathing, she wouldn’t know how to live if she came a little too late.
(this one is gonna hurt a lil)
When Annie had started her mission to bring information back to Marley, she didn’t expect herself to fall for one of the Scouts that she went through the training corps with.
She always tried to stay away, keep her distance and do what she needed to do but you were always persistent and always got on her nerves which you enjoyed doing.
After a while, you grew on her more and more and eventually it turned into a little fling. She didn’t want to admit that she considered you two a couple and she also didn’t want to go too deep about feelings or go forward with asking you out.
So instead it was an unsaid thing between you two.
After a while, Reiner had caught on to the fling she had with you and he could see how much it distracted her from her mission and the reason why she was here.
He had tried to slap some sense into her and even threatened her on many occasions, nothing ever worked but nothing can scare Annie so easily. But she knew if Reiner had even tried to lay a finger on you, he was dead.
But during one of the expeditions you were called on after the Armor titan had kicked another hole into the second wall, you were there to try to save as many civilians as possible but Reiner had another plan in mind.
He had somehow gotten you alone during the mission, asking for some help but he was lying, his plan to get you killed by a titan was on the top of his head, he needed to do it for Annie’s sake.
“I heard there’s more civilians over here, needed some help to collect them.” Reiner said to you, making you nod your head and follow him.
Until he purposely jammed up your gear, forcing you to stumble down on the ground at the perfect place and time- a titan stumbling along towards the both of you.
“Reiner, what the fuck?” You shouted up at him, your eyebrows furrowing together and you slid your blade back out.
“No hard feelings.” He said, staring down at you from the rooftop.
He had watched the titan stumble closer to you and it didn’t take long for it to eventually catch up to you and without your gear, it was no use, you were dead.
The titan had easily bitten down onto your leg, ripping it clean off and doing the same with your arm, making you practically bleed to death as you screamed with agony, the last thoughts in your head was of Annie.
She had swung through the air, looking around for you when she hasn’t seen you in a long period of time which was unusual, your team was stationed not too far from hers- she would’ve seen you by now.
She had an awful feeling in the back of her head, like something bad was gonna happen. And she believed it when she had seen Reiner with you.
“What’s going on here?” She said, walking up behind the both of you but you were laid out on the ground.
Her eyes had went wide, seeing your body on the ground- half eaten.
“I tried to save them but I was too late.” Reiner lied through his teeth as her body shook with anger, she didn’t believe one word from his mouth.
“You did this, didn’t you? You forced a titan to capture Y/N.” She mumbled, her skin growing hot as her hand gripped the sword and she glared up at him.
“Maybe they’re just not that good as they seem.”
Annie swung her fist, punching him straight in the jaw and watched him stumble back on the roof, almost falling over and Bertholdt had landed behind them, stepping in the middle.
“Hey, stop it!” He yelled, making her eyes glare at him as well before her full attention landed on you.
She sighed under her breath, she should’ve known this would happen. She wasn’t meant to be tied down because every time it happened, it ended badly. Maybe she was bad luck.
She kneeled down to pick up your body, wanting to scream, maybe even transform and kill the both of them for doing this to you. Most of all, she wanted to cry and she was never good at expressing emotions. She never cried, never smiled but when she was around you- it was different- she felt every emotion.
“I’m so sorry.” Annie mumbled, her eyes staring down at you and her heart felt empty again.
It was empty before you then you filled it up with such love and happiness and now she was back to being empty, back to feeling alone and angry. She wished she didn’t put you through this, such pain and suffering just by being with her. She felt guilt and she just wished she could have saved you and protected you.
“I’m sorry.”
Annie’s is kinda short but I tried😳
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erenscumprincess · 3 years
Attack on Pu$$y Ch.3
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♡ Pairing: Eren x Y/N reader
♡ Summary: A family trip to visit your boyfriend’s home country goes terribly wrong when unwanted guests show up at your parent’s hotel. With Eren already being on your dad’s bad side, it’s up to you two and to save your parents, your vacation, and your relationship.
♡ Genre: Comedy and lots of smut
♡ Warnings: Kind NSFW, contains mentions of sex
  Read the previous chapter here 
“Jeager!” Your dad shouted, hopping out of his car, and stumbled toward Eren’s car, obviously shaken by the minor collision. “I’m gonna beat your ass!” He declared, his entire being jiggling, face red as a tomato as he sauntered right before tripping over his way-too-long for him pants sending him into a second minor collision with the asphalt. 
“Shit,” You scurried from underneath the steering wheel, attempting to wipe off the white goo that Eren shot onto your face as best as you could. “Why would you cum all over my face Eren!? You have the worst aim I’ve ever seen!”
“My fault..” Eren trailed off, eyes wandering down to your now cum stained top, “Yoo, we’re fucked.”
No no no, the thought of your dad seeing his daughter drenched in the baby batter of the man he loathed? There’s no way this could be happening. “Eren, take off your shirt, now,” you demanded. He fumbled, quickly removing his shirt and tossing in your direction to hide your face. You frantically pulled his shirt over your tank top, hiding your face in the opening. 
The both of you flinched upon hearing a loud banging on the window. “Open this motherfuckin’ door, nyow!” Your dad cried, his chunky palms repeatedly slapping the window. Normally, you and Connie would giggle at the sight of your dad’s planet-like head tilted back revealing way too much nostril, beady eyes squeezed shut, and his already largemouth filling your entire field of vision, revealing a swinging uvula, but this time, this was no laughing matter. For you, anyway.
Your mom and Connie had also appeared beside him.You suddenly were filled to the top with anger seeing Connie’s obnoxious ass hiding his face behind his hands, obviously trying, and failing, to suppress a giggle.
Eren glanced at you before slowly lowering his window, just enough to expose half his face to your angry father who was still sputtering fumes like a shaken pop can oozing fizz. Eren cleared his throat before breaking his silence.“Sir,” he calmly said, as if nothing just happened. 
“What the hell do you mean ‘Sir’? I’ve had it up to here with you. First, you disrespect me in my own house and now you risk the life of my precious only daughter by driving like a reckless maniac, almost killing me in the process!”
“Hey! What about us? We almost died too, Dad!” Connie interjected, half joking, “No but seriously, y’all good?”
You couldn’t help your body’s natural reaction to start rocking back and forth as you prayed to go unnoticed. Connie please don’t look this way, or fuckin’ comment. Even though it would keep the attention on Eren, you were fine with throwing him under the bus, so long as no one realized that you could be a total freak when no one was looking.
“We’re fine, just saw something run across the road,” Eren coolly said, gently placing his palm on your knee.
Connie squinted, and leaned forward, of course unable to keep his mouth shut and irrelevant thoughts to himself. “Ay, sis, you alright?” He looked over in Eren’s direction, his eyes trailing down to Eren’s naked torso. Instantly, the punk put two and two together, causing his face to light up with delight. “Ooohhh, y’all are nasty.”
The gears in your dad’s head clicked, as he realized what caused the accident, no thanks to Connie. You dared a peek at your dad and froze. You could see the glint in his eyes extinguish, as a part of his soul died. “Congratulations, you just earned yourself the ultimate ass-whoopin’.”
Your mother’s hand flew to cover her mouth as she caught on herself. “Oh my God,” she whispered. You were now officially caught in the worst-case scenario. 
Eren raised his hands in surrender. “Sir, I don’t want to do that, we both know how that’ll end.”
You watched in panic as your dad’s face twisted as if he’d been possessed by a demonic force. “Let me tell you something,” his voice dropped by about eight octaves, and without warning, your dad extended his arm into the half-opened window, his hand forming the perfect “C” shape as he reached for Eren’s neck. “Get-”
Eren moved with the quickness, rolling up his window trapping your dad’s pudgy fingers in the process. 
“AAAHH!” your dad screamed in pain, as he struggled to free his hand, “Unhand me you creatin!”
“It’s pronounced cretin, if you’re going to insult me, you should do it properly. Eren seemed to have lost his sense of urgency after being exposed and chuckled. “I had prepared for a battle of wits, but I see you came unarmed.”
“Eren,” you sighed, rolling your eyes in annoyance, “Please, just give my dad his hand back.” This was a whole new level of hell, you guys haven't even reached the airport yet, and it was as if WW3 had erupted.
 This is gonna make me pick up a cigarette addiction. You glanced at your mom with pleading eyes, hoping she would calm down the situation, the same way she always did.
“Really guys, is this who we are?” the sound of your mother’s voice was like music to your ears, she really came through. “This is supposed to be a family vacation, and right now we’re not acting like a family.” Even she couldn’t hide her disapproving expression when she turned to face you. “I really expected better from you.” Ouch. You never liked when your mother showed her disappointment in you. You’d even prefer your dad’s petty raging over her calm storm.  
“I better not see any more fighting for the remainder of this trip,” she continued, eyes newly fixated on your Dad’s busted fingers. “Carl, Connie, I’m only gonna say this one last time. Get in the car.”
You watched with weary eyes as your family loaded themselves back into your mom’s, now scraped up, vehicle. This whole ordeal had left you feeling like the main character off of a Tyler Perry movie,  traumatized, ashamed and defeated.  
Your mom was right, if this trip- no if this relationship was going to work,  Eren and your dad would have to force themselves to get along. 
You just wondered if that was even possible.
“Hey big head,” Eren’s deep voice pulled you away from your thoughts, his hands reached over to clasp yours before bringing them to his lips for a kiss. ‘You okay?” His big green eyes met yours, a look of concern on his face. 
“Yeah,” You chuckled lightly, your eyes flickering down to your hand, still wrapped around Eren’s, “This was just a lot you know?”
He hums, nodding in agreement as he watches you trace circles into his skin. His man bun had long gone undone, messy brown tresses splayed across his face. A tranquil silence fell in the car, a nice contrast to all the screaming and yelling from earlier. It's moments like this that reminded you that as long as you had Eren by your side, no matter the circumstances, everything, eventually, would be alright. 
“So,” Eren starts, breaking the silence, a cheesy grin grows on his lips, “I guess no more road head huh?”
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jaycewrites-192000 · 3 years
The Rest Of Our Lives
Levi Ackerman x Reader
It had all finally came to an end, the world could finally try its best to heal from years upon years of death.
Speaking of healing, he had gone through the worst of it over the years. And finally, he has the rest of his life to heal.
But he can't do it alone...
(Spoiler Warning!!! This story contains spoilers for the end of the Attack on Titan manga!!!)
It had been three years since that fateful battle. So many lives had been lost that day, good and bad, friend and enemy. Even the majority of the human population, eighty percent to be specific, had been wiped out just for the slim chance of peace, and even then, it wasn't completely guaranteed. But for now, all was calm. That day, was the battle between titan and human, heaven and earth. The day the dreaded rumbling had began, and soon ended. It resulted in many deaths and plenty of injuries, the worst landed upon Levi Ackerman. Humanity's strongest soldier was nearly killed, but he wasn't given that title for nothing. He was still living today, though missing a few fingers, a working eye, and finally his permanently damaged leg. It wasn't too much of a problem, as there were no longer any titans to fight. Though, it was somewhat, shameful in his eyes. That after everything, a busted leg is what holds him down. He wasn't even elderly, and yet he needed constant help. He grateful for the help however, though he wished he didn't have to burden people with his problem so much.
But, it wasn't a burden or a problem to her.
She was there by his side for as long as he can remember. She fought by his side during expeditions, comforted him during his low points, and even risked her life over and over to keep him safe and alive. He can't say he's never done the same for her. Maybe it was her constant attention and care, that made him fall in love with her. At the time, it was horrible. He fell in love with someone he could so easily loose, but now in a world free of titans, he could love her as much as he wanted. And the same goes for her. They both confessed their love for each other shortly before the rumbling began, then he proposed to her after everything settled.
And so, here they were, in their own little cabin next to a beautiful lake, surrounded by tall pine trees. They both were outside today, rested on the bench that sat right before the lake. Hand in hand, her head leaning on his shoulder. Their gentle breaths in sync with one another. The calmness of the quiet air, aided to their ease. For once in their lives, they felt no need for worry or panic, or when the next attack from the titans would be. And they would never need for such worries again.
Her eyes slowly opened, she smiled as the first thing she saw, was her soon to be husband. Even with the scars, he was still as handsome as ever. Though, his eyes were distant and somewhat empty. Why? "Levi?" She spoke softly. "Are you ok?" Levi finally blinked, sighing softly he looked down at you. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?" She sits up to meet his gaze. "You seem, a little distant. Are you tired?" Levi shakes his head before placing his hand on his scar. "Just thinking." He muttered. Was that what this was about? This would happen every now and then, Levi would just stare at himself in the mirror. Well, less himself and more at his blinded eye, the two long scars that covered it. It started from the top of his eye down to his lip. He considered himself lucky, that explosion Zeke Yeager caused could have just killed him all together. But it only costed him an eye and a few fingers.
Still she wondered, did he hate how he looked now? He never commented on it before, so she just assumed he didn't care. But the way his overall expression would falter anytime he saw it, or tried to lifted his hand, or even when he tried to stand. "Levi? You know I didn't think less of you because of those scars." She placed her hand on top of his damaged one. "Or your hand. Or your leg. I still love you. I always have and I always will. This doesn't change a thing." Y/n say softly, trying to reassure him. "I...I know that Y/n. But....it's not that...not this time." Levi looks up at the sky. It was a soft orange, signifying the end of the day. "Every time I wake up, I wonder when it will happen." Y/n blinks a few times, not really understanding. "When what will happen?" She asks. "When they will come back. The titans. Before, at any moment, we could die at the hands of those giant bastards." Y/n would be lying if she said she hadn't felt the same at sometimes.
"But Levi, that was before. They're gone now. There are no more titans, we're safe." She explains to him.
"For how long?"
The panic in his voice was clear. Y/n took both of his hands and held them in her own. Her eyes full of sincerity as she spoke. "Levi, I know how you're feeling. But, you were there that day. We both were, the titans are gone. They died along with Eren." It still pained you to say it. Though in the end Eren was acting rash and out of hand, you still remembered him as the same young boy with hope in his heart that one day, the world would be a one without titans. It was a shame that he let it go to his head, and because of that, he was responsible for nearly exterminating all of humanity. Therefore, he had to face the consequences of his actions and pay the ultimate price. Poor kid...
"There are no trace of titans left. We're safe. You're safe. And you will never have to worry about stuff like that ever again." You bring his hands up and kiss them gently. Making sure he felt your love, even through his missing fingers. "And I won't ever leave your side. I'll always be here for you Levi. To care for you, to love you, for the rest of our lives."
A sudden wetness on your hands made you flinch. You look up to expecting to see rain, but instead, you saw Levi, crying. He sniffles a few times before leaning closer to you, until his head rested on your shoulder. You smiles and rub his back in a soothing manor. Through his sobs, you could make out a feint "thank you" from Levi.
You meant every word. You will always be there for him. And he in return would always be there for you. You two will always have each other, for the rest of your lives.
Another year has come to pass, Levi and Y/n had finally married, and proud to call themselves Mr and Mrs Ackerman. And Mrs Ackerman was expecting and due to deliver soon. There were congratulations given all around. From Armin, Jean, Connie, Annie, Reiner, even Falco and Gabi. Even Mikasa. It was a bit surprised that she came to visit. Mikasa had became distant ever since Eren died, she was the one that killed him after all. She had been by Eren side for many many years, and in the end, she was the one that put him to rest. It took quite a toll on her. But she was recovering, slowly but surely.
Y/n wished so desperately that Hanji and Erwin could have been here today. Though, she bet that Hanji would have been pretty sad without having anymore titans to experiment on. But deep down she knew, that they were still here, even if she couldn't see them. Levi knew it as well. They would both regularly visit their graves to pay respects and generally just talk about what's going on in their lives. Hanji would have been so thrilled to know that Levi and Y/n settled down to start a family. From the very beginning, Hanji had always hoped you two would get together. She even went as far as teasing her and Levi, which would normally result in a kick to the back from Levi. Not too hard though, he didn't want to break her spine. And Erwin, he would just be happy to see Levi happy with someone. And of course Levi's former squad would be happy that he was at peace with himself. They all would be so proud of him.
When it came time for Y/n to deliver, it was one of the most stressful and wonderful days of Levi's life. Fortunately, Y/n was just fine afterwards and gave birth to a healthy and beautiful little girl. She resembled Levi the most, with her black hair and her grey-blue eyes. She had some of Y/n's features as well, like her skin tone and her facial features.
"What should we name her?" Y/n spoke softly as she held her baby close. "We haven't came up with a name for her yet?" Levi mutters. They were spending more time preparing themselves for a new addition to their small family, that they hardly had time to think of one. Levi gently stroked his daughter's cheek, she gave a tiny smile in return before her face returned to a more sleepy one. It made Levi's heart race. This was his daughter, he made that! Well, really Y/n did, but it meant just as much to him. Never in his wildest dreams would he ever think that he would have children. Then again, he never thought he would meet someone like Y/n either. Levi's stone expression dropped, a smile of his own made it onto his face.
"Levi, I've actually had one in mind for a while. But, I wasn't sure if...you would be ok with it." Y/n spoke hesitantly. Levi held her hand, such a small gesture, made sure she knew she didn't have to keep anything from him. "I know how close you were to Farlan and Isabell." Levi's breathing halted for a second. "More specifically, how much Isabell looked up to you. I know she saw you as a brother, but...what I'm trying to say is, what if we named her, Isabell?" Y/n looked down at her baby, who was sleeping peacefully in her arms. It was true, Farlan and Isabell were like family to Levi, it was devastating the way they died. He wasn't there to help them, if he was, maybe they would be here today. He missed them dearly...
When Levi didn't respond, Y/n became worried. "I-I mean, we don't have to. I was just-"
"It's perfect." Levi cut her off. "Our little Isabell." He says with another warm smile. Y/n returned the smile before kissing her daughter's head. "Welcome to the world, Isabell." She whispers.
With this, Levi knew he was living for so much more. He had a woman who loved him with all her heart, despite how he looks now. And now, he had a child. Though this world was without titans, it doesn't mean there won't be another danger that was out there, just waiting to snatch his happiness away from him. But Levi wouldn't let it. Levi swore this very day, to protect his wife and daughter with everything he had. Despite injury, despite age, he would never let anything or anyone harm his family. Because for now on, it will be only them, together.
For the rest of their lives.
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(This was not stolen! This story was reposted from my Wattpad account!)
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
How about something like the reader is originally a warrior, she becomes a scout immediately after the wall fell and ends up falling in love with Levi. Then one day she goes and tells Erwin everything to prove she’s on their side, when Levi finds out he’s angry at first but then ends up forgiving her
C/n: I actually wanted to write a story just like this. Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
Where My Heart Lies. (Levi x Reader)
Commander Magath spoke loudly as he addressed the warriors and soldiers. “Bring back the founder. I don’t care how, you are Warriors. Nothing less. This is your objective. Now, teamed with the Armored, Jaw, Female and Colossal Titan would be a normal soldier. To not create any suspicion and to look after you kids. Y/n L/n has been chosen from the head commander for this specific job. L/n!” He shouts her name and she steps forward. “Are you ready?”
She salutes and nods. “Yes, sir!”
When she is sent back to her room to pack, she thinks about the devils she will meet and kill. It made her happy. This is what she’s been training for. She might not have made it to inherit the Female Titan but she was strong. Strong enough.
She kissed her family goodbye and headed to the Island of Devils with four kids.
When Marcel died and the kids infiltrated the walls, Y/n made another plan. It was much better than Magath’s “just get the founder no matter what” plan. “We are joining the army. Don’t worry. I’ll be right there with you. Once we gained their trust, we attack. Trust me.” She holds Reiner, Annie and Bertholdt close to her.
The training was easy for them. The gears were weird but it took Y/n a couple of tries to get it right; that meant that it didn’t take long for her to catch the attention of the Commander and Captain of this Survey Corps.
Erwin Smith, spoke to her. Telling her that if she joined the Survey Corps, she would be the best assets there. Titans would fall quickly and it would be closer to their goal of saving humanity. Although Y/n hated it, she agreed and later joined. Reiner, Annie and Bertholdt also joined because that way she could keep an eye on them.
Once she joined, her skills improved. Unintentionally, of course. All she wanted was get the founding titan and go home, because a certain man had captured her attention. Captain Levi. Humanity’s Strongest Soldier, a ruthless machine. He had his own squad but he helped train other squads as well. Including Y/n.
“You’re getting better, L/n. Keep it up.” He says as he walks by here as she finished taking down her opponent. “Thank you sir.” Levi nods and stands to the side as he watches her fight again. The movements faltered a bit but she won that round again.
“Let me show you something.” Levi interjects and steps in front of her. Her eyes widen but go back to normal as she finds her stance. “Be sharp on your feet, don’t avoid eye contact. Now watch.” He says and as fast as lightning, he had her hands behind her back and legs immobile. “How?!” She yells, chuckling a bit and he lets her go. “Practice. Now continue.” She nods as Levi begins to walk away.
Reiner didn’t miss that smile she had when Levi walked away.
Over the course of six months, Y/n and Levi began to get a bit closer than a captain and a cadet would normally be. She wasn’t young, late twenties just like him, but the feelings she felt for Levi started to flourish and it terrified her.
She couldn’t sleep because of it. Where did her heart lie now? To the army of Marley who didn’t really care about her or the “devils” that did nothing but be kind to her? Or the devil who stole her heart?
When the female titan attacked, Y/n gathered the warrior kids away from base. “What the fuck were you thinking?!” Y/n shouts at Annie but Annie scoffs. “That Eren Yeager is the reason. Did you forget why we’re actually here or did that devil do his magic on you that made you lose memory?” Annie spits back and Y/n shakes her head.
“Unnecessary. That’s what that was. Unnecessary deaths. This is ridiculous.” Y/n sighs out.
Now that Y/n had been promoted, she had got intel on the plan to capture Annie. As the commander spoke, Y/n had a war in her head. Does she tell Annie? Does she go along with the plan?
A soft voice pulls her away from her mind and she looks at the man to her left. “You alright? You seem tense.” Levi asks and she nods. “I’m fine. This is a hectic plan, huh?”
“Yeah. Our own being a traitor? Make me sick just thinking about it.” Levi says and Y/n gulps. “But it’s alright, we’ll get them. I know it.” Levi assures her and rests a hand on hers.
When Annie crystallized and havoc rained on the Survey Corps, Y/n knew where her loyalties laid. Once she knew every girl was asleep, she snuck out and made her way to the commanders office. The light that shone from inside told her that he was still awake, probably paperwork.
Y/n knocked and Erwin opened the door. “Ah, Y/n. Hello. Come in.” He welcomes her and she thanks him before sitting down. “What brings you here at this time of the night?” Erwin asks as he sits back into his chair.
“Erwin, there’s something…I need to tell you. Everyone actually but you’re the first that needs to know.” She begins.
“Me? I’m honored to know before Levi. I see you two are quite close nowadays.” Erwin wiggles his big eyebrows which makes her chuckle. “Yeah. That’s one of the reasons why I’m going to tell you what I know.” She gets serious and Erwin leans forward. “Go on.”
And she does. Every thing, not missing a single detail. From Marley, to the training, to the Titans and the traitors. “Commander, I’ll do whatever you want me to do. I’ll leave if that’s what you want. But, Reiner and Bertholdt plan of taking Eren hostage and if you can stop that, I suggest you do.” Y/n concludes and takes a deep breath, trying to compose herself after her speech.
“I see. And, when exactly will this “kidnapping” happen?” Erwin asks.
“I’m not entirely sure, commander. They only spoke about it but no specific date.”
Erwin nods and gets up from his seat causing Y/n to flinch. “Tomorrow, you tell all of our Vets. I’m not going to lock you up. That will cause too much of drama and ruin the plans. Go to sleep now. First thing tomorrow, you come clean to everyone.” Y/n nods and gets up from her seat to leave.
Once she is back in her bed, she breaks down. It’s like a heavy weight has been lifted from her shoulders. But the hard part now is to confess to Levi. Everything. “He’s going to hate me.” She whispers to herself as she wipes her tears. “I didn’t even get to tell him that I love him. Fuck.”
The next morning, the Vets sat and listened as Y/n outed herself. She didn’t make eye contact with anyone and continued to look at the floor. She wouldn’t be able to handle the disappointment they had for her.
“Well, Y/n,” Nanaba begins after a long minute of silence, “thank you for telling us. It’s not going to be easy from here on out.” Y/n nods and lifts up her head and her eyes immediately land on Levi. She’s never seen him so mad before and to think that all that anger was aimed at her made Y/n sick to her core.
“Y/n did not do anything to betray her loyalty to the Corps. Instead, she betrayed her hometown. If that doesn’t scream loyalty, I don’t know what does.” Erwin comments and looks at her. The meeting progresses and when it finishes, Levi is immediately gone. She sighs but feels a hand in her shoulder.
“Talk to him. Explain it just as you did to me. That’s the only way he will forgive you.” Erwin tells her and she closes her eyes. “I don’t think he’ll ever forgive me.”
Levi stormed to his office and slammed his door shut. How could she? After everything that they had been through? Him losing his squad only to realize that she knew. And to think for a moment he might ha e actually loved her. A knock makes him groan. He wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. So when he opened the door and saw Y/n standing there, it pushed him over the edge.
“How dare you show me your face to me?” He asks and Y/n bows her head. “I..I just wanted-“
“Nothing. I have nothing to say to you.”
“I didn’t know, Levi!” Y/n suddenly shouts and he looks at her. “What?”
“I didn’t know that Annie would do that. That wasn’t in the plan. That’s why I pulled away from them. If killing innocent people was the way to get the founder, I wasn’t going to participate. I’ve heard so much of stories about the devils of Paradis and how horrible they are, but right now the only horrible people here are the Marleyeans. I didn’t expect this. Everything I knew before was all lies. I didn’t expect to fall in love with you or confessing to all of the plans we had.” Y/n sighs as she finishes and Levi stares at her. Did he hear right? She loved him?
Levi runs a hand down his face and brings her in his office before shutting the door. When he faced her, he held her face in his hands and searched her eyes. “You won’t..lie about that, would you?” He asks in a hushed tone. Y/n knew exactly which part he was talking about and held his hands. “Never. I know that I lied about how I came here and my plans, but not this. Not when it means I could lose you if I did.” She replies and Levi nods.
He gently pulls her to him and kisses her forehead then lays his on it. “You’re going to have to make it up to me, you know that?” She smiles
“I know. I promise I will.”
“She what?” Magath asks Reiner. “Y/n fell for Captain Levi and married him. When Zeke got involved, they were prepared already. She betrayed Marley, sir. She’s also the reason Bertholdt got killed. All of our plans were almost unsuccessful because of her.”
Zeke chuckles as he lights a cigarette. “Can’t say I’m surprised. She acted all tough but I knew she was a weak little bitch.” Reiner internally winces at Zeke’s choice at words. “Whatever. She is t our concern anymore. She married a devil so she is one now.”
Reiner shook his head at the thought of the girl who he looked up to. He’s so happy that she escaped this life. He wishes he was that lucky. Wishes that he could’ve left and start a family away from the chaos.
But at least one of them got a happy ending.
“I can’t take it. My heart’s breaking.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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sleepysnk · 4 years
Team Player: Chapter Seven
Pairings: Eren Jaeger x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.8k
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The past four days had been slow for Eren and (Y/N). All the two have been doing is communicating ideas to help improve his teamwork, of course it was a lot of Eren disagreeing or saying it wouldn't work. (Y/N) assured him that it would help, and it would also give him some time for his ankle to heal. 
It wasn't the easiest convincing Eren of all people, sometimes he didn't want to listen, but (Y/N) would tell him in the end it'd be worth it and he shouldn't be complaining, because it gets him nowhere. 
Here they were, sitting in class talking about everything. 
"How else could I change it? There aren't many ideas!" Eren complained, shrugging his shoulders. 
(Y/N) sighed, rubbing her temples. "Look Eren, we'll figure it out soon. Just help me with this," she replied, scooching her chair closer to him. "Look this up for me please," she added, looking at the website she had jotted down. 
Eren sighed in annoyance and opened his laptop to the slideshow. Most of it was already done by (Y/N), because of their deal. It was itching at Eren at how much he wanted to change about it, all of it looked so fancy, and he just wanted to restart. 
"(Y/N), Eren, how is the project going?" Professor Ackerman asked, approaching their table. 
She rubbed the back of her neck. "Uh.. it's going well!" she replied, smiling nervously at her professor. 
His face remained stoic as he shrugged. "I hope it goes well, this is worth your grade. Keep up the good work," he replied, walking towards another table. 
(Y/N) sighed with relief as she turned towards Eren, who had a giant smirk on his face. 
"What?!" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. 
He chuckled a bit. "Oh nothin', you seemed so scared of Professor Ackerman over there. You looked like you were gonna fall over," he said, smirking again. 
(Y/N) felt heat grow onto her cheeks. "I wasn't scared! He's just a hard teacher to pass, that's all. God, shut up!" she said, rolling her eyes at him. 
Eren laughed again, smirking in the process. "Whatever you say princess," he replied in a teasing voice. 
She looked at him again with an annoyed expression. "Will you shut up with that nickname? It's so gross! Ugh," she said, turning her face away.
"Is that why your face is all heated up? I can tell, but nah I like that name for you. It's funny," he said, chuckling. 
(Y/N) gave him the middle finger, covering her face. "Can we just focus?" she asked, rolling her eyes. 
Eren leaned back in his chair. "Yeah fine… but we need to figure out ways to improve my 'teamwork' or whatever," he said, looking towards her. "We don't have much time until the championship game," he added.
(Y/N) furrowed her brows and turned towards him. "When is that game?" she asked, nodding her head. 
"I don't know, my coach never exactly knows those dates until we win the game," he replied, sitting up. "I'm certain it's soon so we have to get something done," he added. 
She nodded, looking at her phone. "How about tomorrow I come by your dorm, we can do this idea. It may work," she said, looking up at him. 
"At my dorm huh? (Y/N) I never took you as that type," Eren said, smirking. 
She smacked his head, causing him to almost fall out of his chair. "Can you not? I'm trying to explain, and I'm not talking about that stuff. Just wait until we hangout," she said, rolling her eyes. 
He rubbed the side of his head. "Okay fine! I was just messing with you," he said. 
She sighed. "God you're a pain in the ass," she said, looking back towards her laptop.
Eren crossed his arms. "Whatever you say (Y/N)," he replied, looking around the classroom. 
"Class is over! Be sure to finish your projects," Professor Ackerman yelled. 
Eren and (Y/N) stood up, exiting class together. "I'll see you tomorrow then?" she said, nodding her head. 
He smiled. "Yeah! Do you need my dorm number?" he asked, putting his hands in his pockets. 
She looked on her phone. "Yeah I actually do," she replied. 
Eren took his phone out, going to send her a message. "There ya go!" he said, looking down at her. "It isn't too far from yours," he added. 
(Y/N) looked down at his message. "Yeah, it's pretty close actually. I'll probably come by around 6 or 7, because that's when my classes end." she explained, putting her phone into her pocket. 
He nodded. "Sounds like a plan!" he said, going in the opposite direction. "See you tomorrow," he added, turning to walk away. 
(Y/N) smiled, shaking her head as he walked away. Who knew he could be such an idiot, but cute at the same time? She hated thinking Eren was attractive, but she couldn't exactly say he wasn't charming. His brunette hair tied up in a bun, his hands, his height, those piercing green eyes, the cologne he wore, and those broad shoulders. 
God, why was she thinking of him that way? It's Eren Jaeger. The asshole who ruined her reputation. 
(Y/N) pushed the thoughts out of her head, and made her way back to her dorm. She silently prayed that tomorrow would be a good day, and hopefully Eren doesn't act like an ass towards her. 
The next day seemed to fly by for the two, Eren didn't have practice so he had a bunch of free time to get ready for (Y/N) to come by his dorm. For some reason, he felt extra? He re-did his bed which was out of the ordinary, he took a shower, he even put on extra cologne. 
It was out of the ordinary for sure, Eren never usually got this ready for someone. He usually would just leave things the way they are, but it felt different. 
Weird how he got extra for (Y/N) out of all people, the two never got along before, and it surprised Armin when he mentioned it. Armin stated that he should be thankful for her help, and he should feel blessed that a person like her even agreed. Considering what happened three years ago. 
Eren was laying on his bed, the time on his phone reading 6:38 P.M. Eren remembered that her classes went a bit later, since she was a smart student. She was similar to Armin, having classes at weird hours of the day while others just did the usual morning to afternoon classes. 
His phone suddenly vibrated. He grabbed it, opening the message. 
(Y/N): hey um, are we meeting up? I just wanted to ask.
Eren: yeah we are, you can come by rn.
(Y/N): okay great! i'm on my way.
Eren sighed sitting up to fix his hair, he tied it into a messy bun, and sprayed some cologne on as he waited for her to arrive. His mind wandered to what ideas she had to fix his teamwork skills, was it the project? He didn't have any idea what she meant. 
A sudden knock came from the door. Eren stood up, making his way over and opening it to see (Y/N) standing there with her backpack. 
"Hey.. come in," he said, moving so could enter his dorm.
(Y/N) entered and looked around his dorm. "Nice dorm," she said, smiling a bit. "I'm going to finish the project first then we'll get onto my idea," she added, putting her backpack down. 
Eren shut the door and went to his side of the bed. "Alright.. sounds cool," he replied, crossing his legs on his bed. "Are you sure you don't need help?" he asked. 
She looked up from her laptop. "Yeah I'm fine.. just give me a few minutes," she replied, opening her folder and grabbing her paper. 
Eren looked at the slideshow as she edited it and added information. He watched the way her eyes squinted or the way she chewed her lip, Eren couldn't help but stare. She looked kind of.. cute.
"Eren! I need you to look at this really quick," she said, breaking him out of his thoughts. 
He shook his head, going to look at the slide she was at. He read through the information she put, he looked back up to see her eyes on his. 
"Does it look fine?" she asked, nodding her head. 
Eren leaned back against the wall. "Yeah! That looks fine, but are you sure you don't need any help?" he asked, raising a brow.
(Y/N) crossed her arms over her chest. "Do I need to remind you of the deal? Trust me Eren I got this, just sit back and let me finish this." she replied, looking back down at her laptop.
He sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Okay fine.." he mumbled, looking around the room.
Within a few minutes she finished the rest of the presentation, she felt satisfied with the project. Hopefully Eren wouldn't pull what he did freshmen year and fuck it over, that's why she decided to submit it as early as she could so no new changes could be made without the professor noticing. 
"Alright.. done!" she said, closing her laptop. 
Eren sat up and clicked his phone off. "So what now? What did you want to do?" he asked, nodding at her. 
She looked over at him. "So I know this sounds odd.. but it's a good way to help with your teamwork. Do you mind if we clean your dorm?" she asked, grabbing her backpack.
His brows furrowed. "Clean my room? How is that going to help me?" he asked. 
She sighed. "It involves teamwork if it's the two of us and there are a few ways it helps. It helps communicate, share ideas, and it can be useful," she replied. "Trust me, it was either this or we go find people to play football with." she added, taking out some trash bags. 
Eren looked at the stuff on his bed. "If you say so.." he mumbled and stood up. 
The two began to clean his side of the dorm, (Y/N) was a bit surprised seeing how his side wasn't actually that dirty, but it still needed a lot of work. Eren was tossing out some garbage that was under his bed, while (Y/N) sorted through his dresser and table. 
"You got ibuprofen as your pain killers?" she asked, holding the bottle. 
Eren looked over and nodded. "Yeah that's what the nurse gave me," he replied. 
She chuckled a bit. "No wonder you aren't healed, these are baby painkillers. You need some Tylenol," she said, putting the bottle back onto the dresser. 
Eren tossed the bag of garbage onto the floor, he tossed a few things off his nightstand and put them onto his bed. 
"Should I do my bed?" he asked, looking over at (Y/N).
She looked over at it. "Furniture first! Your bed should be last," she replied, turning back to his dresser. "Eren, can you give me the cleaner?" she asked.
Eren grabbed the cleaner and walked up behind her. She turned around and her breath hitched, she forgot how tall Eren had gotten. His breath slightly fanned over her face. 
"Here," he replied, going back to his nightstand. 
Her heart raced a bit. She turned back to his dresser and sprayed the lemon scented cleaner onto it, she wiped it up and tossed it into the garbage bag. 
(Y/N) began to place back some of the items on his dresser, she looked at the different football trophies he had or the photos of his family. She vaguely remembered the mention of a sister, Mikasa was it? She placed the frame back onto the dresser and turned towards Eren. 
He was on his phone watching something. 
She walked over and grabbed it. "Come on! Let's keep going," she said and put his phone on his dresser. 
He sighed in annoyance. "Why is this so hard?" he asked with a whine. 
She crossed her arms over her chest. "It isn't that hard Eren. You're just lazy right now," she replied. "Come on, let's do your bed." she added and walked towards the end of his bed. 
He stood up and threw the sheets off his bed. 
"Someone's aggressive," (Y/N) said, picking up his comforter. 
Eren rolled his eyes playfully. "I just wanna get this over with," he replied, walking to the other side of his bed. 
"Here.. tuck this in on your side," she said and flipped the sheet towards him. 
Eren grabbed the ends of the sheet, lifting the mattress a bit as he tucked the sheet under it. (Y/N) did the same. 
Within a few minutes his bed was made and his side of the dorm was clean. Eren was surprised at how clean it was, it hadn't been this clean since he first moved in three years ago. He felt a bit tired from all the cleaning. 
"Toss me my phone," (Y/N) said and walked towards Eren. 
He handed the cellphone to her, she opened her timer app and nodded. 
"What?" Eren asked and raised a brow. 
She smiled a bit. "I timed this whole thing.. we got it done in less than an hour," she replied, showing her phone to him. 
He raised his brows in surprise. "Damn.. it takes me usually about an hour or more," he said. 
(Y/N) giggled a bit. "See? That's what I was trying to teach you. Working with someone else can get things done quicker, and we did organize a lot of your stuff which shared ideas," she replied. 
Eren fully understood what she was trying to do now, it didn't seem so bad afterall. 
"That makes a lot of sense," he said, chuckling a bit. "But uh.. thank you for helping me with my room," he added and smiled at her. 
She couldn't help but admire his nice smile, his teeth were pearly white. "O-Oh! Yeah totally, it was no problem." she said, looking away as her cheeks heated up. 
They sat there for a while, staring at each other. 
"Uh.. I should get going. It's getting pretty late," (Y/N) said, breaking the silence between them. 
Eren blinked a bit. "Oh yeah totally.. um, do you want me to walk you back? It can be dangerous you know," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. 
"Yeah sure.. that'd be nice," she said and grabbed her backpack off the floor. 
The two stood up, Eren put his slides on and followed (Y/N) out the door. He exited the doors of his residence halls with her, she shivered a bit as the cooler air hit her skin. 
"Cold huh?" he asked, laughing a bit as he watched her attempt to warm herself. 
She smiled a bit. "Yeah.. I kind of miss summer," she replied and looked down at the ground. 
Eren nodded and shoved his hands into his pockets. "I miss it too but I love fall, it's football season." he said and smiled at the thought of the sport. 
They got to the residence hall that she stayed in, Eren opened the door for her and watched as she made her way inside. Eren followed her down the hall to her dorm, he remembered her number like the back of his hand. 
She stopped as she got to the door. "Well I hoped helping you did something," she said, smiling a bit. 
Eren chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah it did in a way," he replied, staring down at her. 
They stared at each other again. Something inside Eren was tempting him to do something to her, not something bad, he was tempted to..
"Thanks for walking me back. It means a lot," she said, breaking Eren out of his thoughts.
He shook his head. "Uh yeah! No problem, I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked, nodding his head. 
She smiled. "Yeah totally, be careful. Don't fall," she said, giggling a bit. 
He rolled his eyes playfully. "I haven't fallen yet, but thanks for the concern princess" he said, chuckling at her nickname. 
(Y/N) slapped his arm and opened her dorm door. "Shut up," she said and laughed. 
"Alright whatever, see ya" Eren said, waving at her.
"Goodnight," (Y/N) replied, shutting the door to her dorm.
Eren sighed as he left her residence hall, he was tempted. He was so tempted to just lean down and…
(Y/N) lied down on her bed, she couldn't get Eren out of her mind. Yeah it was normal to think of him usually, but this was different. She thought of him on a daily basis, she was kind of disappointed to see him leave her dorm. She wanted him to stay for some reason. 
Something in her wanted Eren around.
tagging: @ererokii @eremiie @callmepromise @katsuhera @moomii-hime @luvrboykento @flam3bird @thicmitten @simpforerensattacktitan @daughter-of-the-stars11 @mariardgzn @basket-flower-chick @just-a-little-sad @chayauwu @sofi-yeager @ryan249057 @bell0214 @lunamoonawatcher
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