#the way he calls her 'honey' when she's hurt and you realize he's probably called her that hundreds of times. we just didn't get to hear it
pretty-little-mind33 · 7 months
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James Potter x fem!reader
Summary: You're a stupid drunk and James Potter is very very bad at dealing with his romantic feelings.
Genre: Angst (happy ending), fluff, hurt and comfort (a little bit of everything honestly)
Warnings: jealous!james, stupid!james, swearing, screaming, arguments, crying, injuries, punching, blood, protective!James, protective!marauders, platonic!best friends!marauders, confessions, dangerous activities (reader puts herself in danger), mentions of dying
You look towards the ground and your ankle bends a little in your winter boots as you try to control your movements. The cherry liquor you had drank earlier lingers in your mouth and in your drunken haze, the tower you're currently balancing on feels secure as you move forwards and the onlookers below continue to cheer. 
"Please don't stay out too late," Remus warned you.
You blush, shaking some snow from your hair as you outstretch your arms for better balance, biting your lip. You look up at the sky, the stars prominent this evening.
"And don't drink too much," James reminded you with small smile. 
"We'll see you there," Sirius promised.
What the hell did they know? You pout, now staring down at the snow on the ground. They hadn't even shown up!
You hear someone call your name and you look down to see Arthur Brown, a Ravenclaw boy you'd been talking with at a party. He's handsome with a charming smile and as you wave to him, you almost fall over. 
Arthur just chuckles and encourages you to continue whatever nonsense and liquid courage inspired you to walk on the castle roof in the snow this late at night. 
"Y/n?" you hear Remus's strained shout and when you turn your head, you're surprised to see Remus, James, and Sirius rushing over. They aren't dressed for the cold weather and they look extremely shaken and confused. "Come down from there," Remus shouts. You wonder how they'd known.
Sirius looks pale and James is frantically looking around to find some way to help you down safely. He looks more distraught than the others and Sirius has to calm him.
Your eyebrows knit together. You're afraid James might make a scene. Only, why would he? You know he'd let Remus, Sirius, or Peter do this in a heart beat, and he'd find it funny.
Bloody hell, James would probably do it himself so why does he look so worried when it's you?
"Bugger off, she's fine," Arthur interrupts as you take another step. Your boots slip on the snow again but you laugh as you move your arms out further to catch yourself. "See, she's fine. So, stop being her little guard dogs for one second and let her live a little," he says with unnecessary venom. 
"What did you just say?" Sirius barks, grabbing Arthur's collar. He looks furious now. 
"Y/n, come down, please, honey," Remus calls, occasionally telling Sirius to drop it and to concentrate on you.
You frown as Arthur's teasing riles up your friends and the crowd underneath you. Wind swirls around you and you gasp, feeling suddenly even more unbalanced and you start to realize maybe this wasn't the smartest plan.
"You fuckin' prick, don't talk about her like that, you hear me?" James suddenly swears loudly. Because you hadn't been paying attention to the boys under you, when you hear James and look down at him, you see that he'd pushed Arthur into the snow and was pinning him down.
Alarmed by their shouts, you accidentally slip as you turn around to make sure James's is okay.  
You let out a shriek and all the students suddenly look up, seeming to remember your presence. Momentarily distracted by your scream, Arthur slams his elbow into James's cheekbone and sends him falling off him. Chaos ensues as everyone rushes to crowd around both you and James separately. 
Remus kneels next to you, his hand coming behind your head to support you up. You're clutching at your ankle as you wail uncontrollably from the way you had fallen onto the snow. With nimble fingers, Remus cuffs your jeans and sees how swollen your ankle looks. "Oh, honey, that looks like it hurts," he whispers and caresses your cheek with his knuckles. 
From next to you, Sirius and other students are standing around James; James, who has scrambled up from the ground. His nose is bleeding and the crimson liquid stains the snow as he curses at Arthur. Sirius is holding James up by his shoulders and he uses his hand to pinch James's nose as his best friend winces in pain. Arthur, who has a prominent bruise under his eye, is pulled away by his friends. 
"What happened here?" The low drone of the Headmaster, accompanied by an anxious looking Professor McGonagall, is heard and you all turn your heads around.
* * *
Around an hour later, as Madam Pomfrey takes the time to heal your ankle, a disheveled looking James sits on the bed opposite of yours. He's holding a handkerchief to his nose and Madam Pomfrey hasn't tended to his injury yet. To her defense, James still looks extremely pissed and you wouldn't want to approach him either. You won't have that same luxury as the moment Madam Pomfrey is gone, James is staring.  
"What were you thinking?" he whispers, his tone quipped. Still a little fuzzy from how drunk you'd been, you blink at him and shift uncomfortably. 
"What was I thinking? What were you thinking?" you counter, defensively.
"What?" James drops the handkerchief and glares. 
"Why would you jump Arthur like that?"
"Why the fuck do you care?" James hisses, his eyes narrowing. He's your best friend, he knows you hate it when he swears but that doesn't stop him now. "You're fucking reckless, you know? How could you have been so fucking stupid?"
You stare at James as your eyes water painfully. No coherent words form in your head. You're grateful for an escape when Remus and Sirius pile into the room. 
Sirius rushes to your side. "Aw, poor sweetness, does it hurt terribly?" his sentence dies when he sees your tears and he wraps an arm around you so you can hug him. "Y/n, what's wrong?" 
Remus, always more intuitive than Sirius, looks at James and sees James's furious expression. He frowns and quickly walks over to his best friend and holds onto his arm. James pushes him away and you see Remus whisper something in his ear. 
However, Sirius pulls your attention away from them as he wipes your tears with his thumb. 
"I am not!" Your attention is pulled again and you hear James shout as Remus shushes him.
You sniff, and look at Sirius. "James hates me," you say and Sirius's expression falls. He looks behind and sees Remus and James's shushed argument. He turns to you and holds your chin in his hand as his gaze softens. 
"James couldn't hate you even if he'd been cursed to," he says so simply.
You shake your head and bite your lip. "No, he's really mad…like really mad, Pads."
Sirius chuckles and sighs, "Oh sweetie, James isn't really mad at you. He's mad at himself. Merlin, you should have seen him when he first saw you on that roof, the poor bloke looked about ready to faint." 
Sirius continues and turns to Remus and James only to see they've moved further away from you and Sirius, and James looks like he could burst into tears at any moment, "Jamie is madly in love with you, Y/n. Just the possibility of you and another guy makes him go absolutely bonkers. And listen, if he hadn't hit Arthur like he did, I don't know if you would have fallen, doll. James knows that too and he's simply mad with guilt."
You try to concentrate on Sirius's entire story but your mind stays stuck at the words; "James? In love with me?" 
Sirius's lips curl in amusement but he doesn't have the time to answer because he hears Remus shout an exasperated; "Prongs!" as James, his nose still very much broken and bloody, storms out of the Hospital Wing without a second word. Your chest tightens as you watch him and if you could, you'd run after him.
* * *
James has been avoiding you. Or more accurately, he's been avoiding everyone for the last three days. He's never in the common room anymore and he has evening detentions with Professor McGonagall so you don't see him at all outside of classes. Remus, Sirius, and Peter all tell you he's been quiet in their dorm too and that they don't know what's happened with him either. 
Remus won't tell anyone what he spoke to James about that night in the Hospital Wing.
By the fourth day of complete silence, you've had enough. You manage to catch James on his way to detention. You speed walk over to him and cut his path, spinning around to look at him. You gasp when you see him. His face is bruised and his lip is split. "James!" you gasp and stop him. James's brown eyes narrow and he looks angry. 
"Get out of my way, Y/n," he hisses as his fists clench. 
"What happened?" you insist. His burises look horrible, and you think that he hadn't got his broken nose healed properly since he'd stormed out of the Hospital Wing. Why handn't the boys told you James looked like this?
"Are you a bloody insane? What he fuck happened?" your voice comes out stern and James pauses at your curse word, his frustrated expression faltering for a moment. 
You hold onto his sleeve and push him into the nearest girls lavatory. James almost trips as you make him lean against the sink. His eyes widen when you pull out your wand and firmly grasp his chin in your hands. You ignore his whinning as you point your wand at his wounds. "Episky—shush be still," you mutter sternly as you heal all of his wounds. "What is wrong with you, James Potter? Tell me who you've been tousling with this instant!"
James scrunches his nose and touches where his wounds had been. He leans away from you. "Nobody," he says, his voice high so you know he's lying. 
"James," you warn. You move away and shove your wand in your cloak. "Please, tell me."
James has never been able to deny you a thing, even at times like this. "Fine, just don't lose your head over it, bird," you scowl at the nickname with an eye roll. "Brown keeps pushing my buttons, is all," he says. 
"Arthur? The same boy who broke your nose?"
"Yeah, that little fucker, I'm pretty sure he's in love with you—or he has some weird obsession because he can't keep your name out of his fucking mouth," James suddenly pinches his nose and shuts his eyes, "Shi-sorry I keep curing, I know you don't like it when we curse." 
Almost like he's sulking, James leans against the sink and stares at you. He doesn't speak. 
"You're such a wanker," you mumble and look at him more closely, "Why are you acting like such a prick since that night?"
"Oh, since the night you almost fucking died?" James raises his eyebrows, his tone sarcastic and you ignore the curse word again. 
"Horrible exaggeration considering all I did was break my ankle."
"Could have been your neck," James deadpans. 
"Well, it wasn't my neck and that's certainly no excuse to be a such a prat," you say seriously. James considers your words and sighs. He runs a hand through his shaggy hair and looks away. 
"What do you want me to say?" he asks. 
You stare at him like he's absolutely mental. "That you're sorry?"
James laughs and you swear you've never met a boy as stubborn as he is. "Why would I be sorry?"
"Are you serious, James?" you whisper and press your finger accusingly on his chest, "Listen to me, I know I shouldn't have been on that roof, that's my mistake, but you know damn well I wouldn't have been on that roof if you'd all come with me to the party like you'd promised!" your voice comes out rushed, "And I wouldn't have fallen if you didn't have to knock down Arthur Brown and make me worried for you!"
James's cheeks are flaming. "You think I, out of everyone, don't know that?" he says, straightening up and moving closer to you, his voice harsh, "do you think I don't lay awake at night, going absolutely insane over every possible scenario that prevents you from falling?" James's voice cracks and he steps forwards again. 
You look up at him, slightly breathless. For someone so angry, James looks undeniably handsome. "I know we should have gone to the party with you, but Merlin, I couldn't bear another one! Another party I would have had to spend watching other boys fawn all over you! Fuck, Y/n, how could I have known you would decide take a drunken nightly stroll on a roof because we hadn't shown up!"
You listen to him, eyes wide, "You don't like it when boys fawn over me?" you whisper. 
James frowns. He bites his lip and squeezes his eyes closed. "Of course I don't," he says, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. 
"Because you should be mine," James's voice is smaller now, less authoritative, less angry. 
You stare at him and take in his expression with an inhale of breath. "But, James, I am yours."
James shakes his head quickly and tugs at his curls. "No, no. You aren't mine. You're ours. Sirius, Remus, Peter—you're our best friend. And I was okay with that, until I wasn't anymore and now everytime Arthur Brown says he wants to kiss your lips all I want is to punch something." James's fists clench and he looks away from you. 
"You're scaring me," you look at him, whispering honestly but you don't move away from him.
James looks down and this time he looks really remorseful, "I'm sorry, Y/n, I don't meant to scare you. I—"
"So, Sirius was right," you inquire, taking his sudden remorse as a widow for a civilized conversation. 
"Sirius was right about what?" 
"You're in love with me," you don't say it as a question, more like a statement and James's eyes round so wide you're almost afraid they'll pop out of his skull.
James tries to escape but as he backs away, he bumps into the sink and his heart sinks. His eyes are moving so rapidly around the room and his cheeks have turned a less aggressive crimson and into a more lovesick pink. 
"Why does everyone keep telling me that?" he mumbles to himself, feeling warmth on his cheek. 
James rubs at his nape and looks less angry and more nervous. You smile. You had been right to strike this conversation now. "Moony, in the Hospital Wing. He said I loved you—which was why I was acting like a prick and I don't," he backtracks immediately, "I mean, I love you as a friend and n-nothing more."  
You expected to feel pain at the rejection but instead, you laugh. You stare at James and laugh harder. So hard, you clutch your sides and James's eyebrows crease with worry as you hyperventilate in front of him. 
"Because you should be mine," you repeat his words through your laughter, "That's what you said and now you want me to believe you aren't in love with me?!"
"What?!" James's crimson cheeks have returned and he sounds annoyed now, "I- listen, sorry to disappoint but I-I am not in love with you!"
"You aren't?" you look at him, your eyes flickering to his lips. 
"Then why do you want me to be yours? What does that mean, hmm, James?"
You walk a little closer and your arms rest on the sink behind him. You ignore the way your heart is pounding your chest and screaming at you as you stand so close to him. James is staring down as you look up at him through your lashes. You expect another protest, maybe another incoherent defense, but instead he mumbles, "Fuck it," under his breath and takes your cheeks in his hands as he kisses you. 
Without a second thought, you kiss him back. Your hand tangles in his hair as you press your lips to his. It's almost animalistic the way James is kissing you and it only lasts a few seconds before he's disconnecting your lips and resting his forehead onto yours. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he pants, shaking his head, "I shouldn't have kissed you without asking you—"
     "Oh, shut up," you grumble and kiss him again. He accepts the kiss and spins you around. He uses his arm to hoist you onto the sink and deepen the kiss. You hold onto him and wince when your hip accidentally hits the faucet. James pulls away and looks at you like he can't believe what just happened. 
"Okay, so maybe I am in love with you," he finally admits and his chest is heaving from all the emotions. 
You crack a smile, "I'm in love with you too, James," you admit and touch his cheek. "Only, you can't act like a prick to me when you can't deal with your emotions. You should have told me all these feelings instead of sulking like a child." 
James nods and squeezes his eyes shut, "I was just so angry at myself," he whispers.
"I know, Sirius said that was the reason."
James chuckles with a roll of his eyes, "How does Sirius suddenly know my emotions better than I do? He's usually the emotional wreck!" 
You adjust his glasses a little, "He's just observant," you say, "and you're stubborn."
James pulls you in, holding you close to him as he dips and kisses your neck. He hums against your skin and whispers, "I'm such a fool, can you forgive me?" he asks, basically pleads, "I'm just, I was jealous."
You laugh, "Oh, I know. But, James, you know you have no reason to be jealous of anyone."
James whines and looks at you with his famous doe eyes; "I have every reason to be jealous. I'm jealous of the way Peter laughs at your jokes, or how Remus bonds over books with you. I'm jealous of Sirius and how he makes you laugh, and I'm jealous of every boy that looks your way. And worst of all, I'm jealous of the sun because it shines on you every day and I can't," he sounds like a lovesick idiot. He's barely making sense. 
You look at him seriously, "James. You are the sun. You're my sun." 
James looks into your eyes and bats his eyelashes innocently. He says, "So, you forgive me for being a wanker?" It's obvious he wants to make you laugh and he succeeds as you chuckle and playfully and lightly swat his cheek. 
"I'll forgive you," you say, "for now."
James pouts but he also lifts you and spins you around. He drops you on the ground, his hands at your hips and kisses your forehead. "I'll take it, love. Now, let's tell our friends we aren't mad at each other anymore."
"I was never really mad with you," you point out with a snort as James takes your hand. 
James squints, and looks behind his shoulder at you. "Yeah, you were," he says but when you shake your head he decides not to argue with you and just smiles, "Okay, fine, then let's go tell our friends I'm not being a baby anymore."
"Much better," you beam with a giggle and James realizes with a hopeless smile that he wants to be the only reason you ever giggle like that again. 
Merlin, he really is madly in love with you.
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iateyourparents · 10 months
i want to write you a song | c.b.
pairing: colby brock x musician!fem!reader
summary: you were an artist. when you were heartbroken you didn’t just cry alone in bed. you’re just making something out of your emotions.
warnings: kinda angsty, break up, use of y/n, bad writing and grammar(i’m sorry, english isn’t my first language)
an: inspired by ‘I want to write you a song’ by One Direction. (btw guys i’m slowly running out of ideas so if you have something you would like to read you can request it/write to me or in comments <3)
pictures are from pinterest:)
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You wanted to lie in bed all day. You really wanted to. But you weren’t this type of person, you couldn’t just lie all day while not doing anything but crying. It would just make you more frustrated.
So instead you just decided to pour your emotions on a paper and write a song.
You really wanted to make some energetic song where you would just badmouth your ex but you still loved him too much to do that, so instead you wrote a goodbye song for him. And it was really good.
“I want to write you a song, one as beautiful as you are sweet” you hummed to yourself trying to make a melody that would be perfect with your song.
“Already sounds great sweetie.” your manager, Ellie, said coming into your studio room. You deeply regreted giving her keys to your apartment. “What got you writing something like that? It doesn’t sound like love songs you made about Colby.”
“It’s a goodbye song for Colby. I actually wanted to call him an asshole and viagra taker but I just couldn’t make myself do that so I decided to do this. And I actually feel pretty good after writing this.” you shrugged and put your gituar in its place.
“Oh honey, what happend?” she sounded concerned.
“Colby broke up with me because he ‘didn’t felt as he should feel’ he just…wasn’t in love anymore.” you felt tears pricking at your eyes. Ellie gasped and hugged you tightly. “Don’t feel too bad, that song is amazing.” you laughed even though tears were already streaming from your eyes.
“Okay guys, so I have this new song and you’ll be the first ones to ever hear it before it comes out today at midnight.” you told the crowd which started screaming with excitement. “That’s actually a form of a goodbye to someone who was, still is, important to me and even if we won’t ever talk again I want him to know I wish him the best.”
Well, maybe that wasn’t the best way to announce your break up to the world but whatever. It’s not like twitter and tik tok detectives weren’t starting to notice little things.
Music started playing right when you started playing your gituar and crowd got silent to listen better to new song.
“I want to write you a song, one as beautiful as you are sweet…” you continued singing and people started to get what you meant, and who you meant, in your little speech and well, you never heard a silence quite this loud.
“I want to write you a song. One to make your heart remember me, so anytime I’m gone you can listen to my voice and sing along. I want to write you a song.” you ended the song with tears in your eyes. Singing it out loud in front of thousands of people made you realize how real that situation was. You were no longer with Colby. And it still hurts.
You could see that some people in the crowd had shock on their faces and tears in their eyes. It was the first time ever it was so silent after you ended a song. And it felt weird but also so right.
It was like a minute of silence for you and Colby and for your relationship. For your memories.
You and Colby were popular couple. Many people said you’re the perfect example of right person in right time, so you knew these news would be heartbreaking for some of your fans.
“I know it’s probably a lot to take in just a moment but it actually felt good singing this out loud. Yeah, some chapters in life ends but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing waiting for us. New chapter is just a new chance and I’m gonna use it as best as I can.” you did a little speech and your fans finally recovered from the news you dropped at them and applaused for you. “I love you guys, I wouldn’t be here without you. I’m so fucking grateful for y‘all. See you soon!” as you were coming off the stage you could hear squeaks, shouting and clapping and it made you smile. You made it. And you will make it through this negative feelings. And you will be fine again.
You were in a bar. It was your friend’s birthday party and as much as you liked her, this party sucked. Everybody was so sober and awkward that it made you want to leave.
“Oh hi.” you heard next to you. When you turned you saw Colby.
“Hi” you smiled to him. He looked really good. His black button up was revealing part of his chest and his beautiful blue eyes were shining in dim light “How are you?”
You tried to be civil with him. You were almost used to thought that you are no longer together. It still hurt, especially with world still talking about it since you announced it just few days ago even though you were broken up for few months.
“Good, thanks. And you?”
“Fine.” you smiled awkwardly. You stood in kind of awkward silence and just from looking at him you knew he wanted to tell you something but wasn’t sure how. “Just say it.”
“I like the song you wrote.” he finally choked out and you felt your heart squeezing. You didn’t expect him to start this topic but you just gulped and faked a giggle.
“Thank you.” when you wanted to say something else he stopped you with his words.
“I know I hurt you. I regret it like nothing else in my life but you deserve better. I just didn’t feel like I loved you enough. Not as much as you deserve to be loved. So I didn’t want to hurt you even more with pretending. But maybe…” he quickly shuted up and then changed his words, or rather tried to avoid saying what he started saying. “So I thought that would be better. But I still love you and think that in some way, I always will. But I think it’s better if you find your perfect match instead of being stuck with me. And it might seem cruel for me to say this now but I just wanted you to know that it would be impossible for me to forget someone like you. You changed my life, y/n.”
You wanted to say something but before you realized it he was out of your eyesight so you just sighed and took a sip of vodka.
It’s been a month and you couldn’t stop thinking about Colby’s words.
Did he meant what you thought he meant?
He still loved you but didn’t think it was enough? Didn’t think he was enough for you?
You had so many questions and it made you sleepless trying to think what you should do or what are answers to these questions.
So now here you were, at Colby’s door in the middle of the night, still in your pajamas, hoping he was home.
You inhaled an air into your lungs and started knocking. Maybe more aggressive than you should but you just were desperate for answers and you couldn’t give up.
Finally moments later, the doors opened revealing sleepy Colby who looked at you confused and then he suddenly were more awake looking at you with concern.
“Everything okay? What happened? Are you hurt or in danger?” he looked over you as if to look for any visible wounds.
“Yes, I mean no.” you sighed and started explaining. “Since Doris’ birthday I can’t stop thinking about your words and it’s fucking crazy. Like, what did you mean?”
Colby could see desperation and tiredness in your eyes and it make him feel bad because he was the reason of your distress.
You interrupted him.
“I thought about it so much that i got to a conclusion that you still love me but don’t want to be with me because you’re too… scared of something, like hurting me or whatever. And it hurts so much anyway because I don’t think I can function without you anymore what is so funny to me because I literally wrote a song to get over you. But it didn’t work because I still fucking love you and want you back and I hope i’m right and you also still love me because I think it will break me for good if I’m wrong and you don’t love me anymore. And I might sound so pathetic right now but I don’t care becau…”
This time he was the one who interrupted you. But with the way he did that, you couldn’t be mad.
He kissed you to make you shut up.
You gladly reciprocated the kiss and after a moment he took his lips away just to place his forehead on yours.
“You’re right. I’m still in love with you. But I just felt like my love wasn’t enough, that you deserve so much better. Someone who will always be able to show you his love and share your passions with you and…” now you were the one shutting him up with your lips.
“Don’t say anything. You’re so stupid, Colbs. You’re the only one I want, even if you have your own hobbies. And you showed me your love in a way I loved. I want you, only you.”
Colby smiled at you and took your hands to lead you inside his home.
“I’m so glad you were brave enough to come here because I missed you so much but was afraid to confront you after Doris’ party.” you laughed softly at that and squeezed his hand.
Maybe now you will be back to writing love songs about this man.
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tryingtograspctrl · 1 month
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SUMMARY: When your girlfriend hears that you're not feeling well she drops everything to take care of you.
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You were on you couch snuggled up under some blankets, barely paying attention to some reality show as it played on the tv.
Over the weekend you started to feel under the weather, initially thinking that it was just a common cold you brushed it off, opting to just sleep in and hoping it would fade on its own but when you returned to work Monday you only began to feel worse.
"You alright?" Emily asked placing a hand on your shoulder, pulling you from your fever induced haze.
"Yeah, just a little tired i'm sure i'll be fine after more coffee." You stood up from your desk making your way toward the break room.
"Hi sweet cheeks, need a recharge too?" Morgan greeted, leaning against the counter.
"You know it." You smiled at him picking up the coffee pot and pouring yourself a big mug full.
Just as you were about to lift the cup to your lips you felt yourself become lightheaded, nearly falling to the floor.
"Whoa are you okay?" Morgan grabbed you, pulling a chair over and sitting you down in it.
"Yeah, yeah i just didn't get much sleep last night, got this cold i can't shake its been keeping me up." You sighed.
"Sweetheart this doesn't seem like a cold, i think we should take you to the hospital." He frowned.
"Morgan i'm okay, there's too much work to do i have no time for a hospital visit." You shook your head.
"Let's see what Garcia has to say about that." He pulled out his phone dialing the woman's number.
You groaned in protest but he just held a hand up, shushing you.
"Hiya babe what can i do for you?" She spoke sweetly on the other line.
"Hey babygirl y/n nearly fainted just a minute ago and she's refusing to go to the hospital, i was hoping you could be of some assistance." He explained.
You frowned is disaproval, crossing your arms.
"Oh my goodness i'm on my way downstairs!" She squeaked, quickly hanging up.
It wasn't long before you heard the sound of clicking heels approaching, Garcia's eyes locking with yours as she entered the break room.
"Penelope i-" You started to protest but she instantly shut you down.
"Nope. I don't want hear it angel we're going, now come on." She grabbed your hand as Morgan helped you stand, leading you out to her car.
She buckled you in and ran over to the driver side starting up the car and peeling out of the parking lot.
The two of you rode in silence, her hand on your thigh stroking it comfortingly.
At the hospital
After what felt like hours you were finally called to the back for a checkup.
Despite how adamant you were on being fine Garcia insisted that some tests be run just to be safe.
"Looks like the flu and dehydration which would explain the fainting." The doctor came back after a while, eyes scanning your chart.
"Baby how much have you had to drink today?" Garcia looked at you, brows furrowed in worry.
"Now that i think about it probably just a cup of coffee, i didn't realize." You frowned eyes glued to your shoes.
"I'll prescribe some oseltamivir for the flu and i recommend that you drink plenty of fluids as well, water and something with plenty of electrolytes." The doctor gave the two of you a nod before walking off.
"Y/n how many times do i have to tell you, you have to make sure you're eating and drinking plenty throughout the day." Garcia grabbed your chin, lifting your face so your eyes could meet hers.
"I know baby and i'm sorry i was just so wrapped up in work that i forgot." You pouted hands resting at her waist.
"I admire how dedicated you are to the job but i don't like how you let it consume you, do you know how hurt i'd be if i ever lost you? How hurt the team would be? You have to start taking care of yourself honey." She whispered.
"I will Penny i promise and if i start to slip up i know you'll keep me in line, that's why i love you." You pecked her lips gently.
"Damn right, i love you too angel face." She pulled you in for another kiss.
A/N: I love Pen so much and i don't see enough fics on here for her. Enjoy this fluffy sick fic. 🌻
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horeformilfs · 9 months
Keeping You Safe
Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Reader
TW: Abuse, Panic Attack, Anxiety, PTSD
     Meeting Scarlett was probably the best thing that ever could have happened to you. You two had grown quite close on the set of Avengers Age of Ultron. You were new to acting with this being the first major movie you were appearing in. You were excited to be away from your home in Utah, you had a rough childhood, not remembering much of it because your parents had been abusive towards you.
Your father was a heavy drinker, taking his anger out on you when he was drunk. Your mother was a narcissist, she had a sense of entitlement about herself and always disregarded other people's feelings. You were also in an abusive relationship with a woman ten years your senior. She had promised that she would always be gentle with you, knowing that you confided in her about your childhood and teenage years of abuse from your parents.
You felt safe with her, like you could tell her anything, and she would continue to give you reassurance and love. But slowly she started to become more and more violent. Soon the raised voice turned into screams and the raised hands turned into slaps and punches. You were in that relationship when you moved to New York, her moving with you.
After about two months of filming, you came home from work to your girlfriend who was home, waiting for you in the living room. She was livid, she had seen a picture of you and Scarlett together in a cafe, and thought that you had been cheating on her. You tried to tell her that you were just friends but she didn't want to hear it.
     You woke up the next morning with a cut lip, swollen eye, and bruises in the shape of hands on your neck and others littered on your arms. You tried your best to cover it up before making your way to work, avoiding people as you made your way to your trailer.
Scarlett had seen you walking to your trailer, looking down, walking quickly, not making eye contact with anyone. She couldn't help but feel like something was wrong, she made her way to your trailer, knocking on the door, waiting for you to open it. When you didn't come to open it she slowly opened the door slowly entering the trailer. "Y/n honey, are you in here?" She asked looking around your trailer, not seeing you in the front.
With no response she made her way back to the bedroom. Knocking on the door, waiting for a response from you to make sure that you were okay with her coming into the room. Still with no response, she opens the door to the bedroom, closing it once fully in the room.
     Slowly doing a once over of the small room, she saw you in the corner, knees pulled to your chest, arms wrapped around them, rocking slightly. She quietly called out your name, not wanting to startle you. Making her way around the bed to the corner you were in, she kneeled in front of you, placing her hard on your arm, not expecting to react violently.
Thrashing around, Scarlett gently wrapped her arms around yours, trying to prevent you from hurting yourself, she gently placed you on her lap, continuing the pressure around your arms. "Y/N darling, calm down it's just me." She said, hoping you would recognize her voice. And you did, tears still spilling, you slowly opened your eyes, taking in your surroundings, realizing that you are in your trailer on set, not in your apartment with your girlfriend. "
Shh darling, it's okay, just breathe." Scarlett reassured you that you were safe, letting you get your breathing normalized. "Can you tell me what happened?" She asked, gently playing with your hair. Normally you would pull away, scared that you would get your hair pulled, slamming you into a wall or door. But the actress made you feel safe, the feeling of her hand in your hair was soothing.
"It's nothing really, you don't have to worry, I'm fine." You respond, not wanting to be a bother to her. "You're obviously not okay, love, you have cuts on your face, and bruises that look like someone strangled you on your neck, not to mention the ones covering your arms." She said gently as if you were a baby deer, making sure not to frighten you away.
"Oh, it's nothing, I just fell." You reply starting to pick at the skin around your nails, something that the older actress had picked up on, during your time on set when talking with the producers. "If she's hurting you, you can tell me love." Tears started to slip from your eyes again, with you slowly breaking down in the actress's arms. "I didn't mean to upset her, really I didn't, I just got stuck in traffic." "What do you mean?" "By the time I got home, she was home, waiting for me in the living room." You explain, Scarlett intertwining your hands with hers to help you fight the urge to pick your skin.
"What did she do?" She asks softly, making sure you were comfortable. "She thought that I was cheating on her with you, she saw a picture of us at the cafe we usually go to for lunch, and when I said that I didn't, she said I was lying. She slapped me hard, knocking me to the ground." You say starting to get worked up, as your breathing increased.
"Shh you're okay love, focus on my breathing. You could feel Scarlett's chest on your back, her breath rising and falling at a comfortable pace. After a few quiet minutes of you and Scarlett sitting together, focusing on getting your breathing under control, you continued with a recap of last night's events.
"She punched me, her ring cut my lip. I tried to defend myself but she was stronger than me. She pinned me down and wrapped her hands around my neck, I couldn't breathe." Scarlett sat behind you holding you, furious that someone would do something so horrible to you. "I don't remember anything after that." You say concluding the events you recall from last night. You both sat in silence, you were scared of the older actress's response. She was fuming, she couldn't understand how anyone would put you in such a dangerous situation.
"Darling, you are so brave for telling me this. I know it couldn't have been easy, but I'm glad you did." She said turning you so that you were now facing her, straddling her as she wrapped her arms around your waist, making you feel safe. You wrapped your arms around her, placing your head in the crook of her neck.
     The silence of the moment faded as Scarlett asked you a question. "Do you want to go to the police?" She asks, you never thought that you could go to the police, you were always afraid that your girlfriend would hurt you if you did. "I can't, she will hurt me if I do." Your voice coming out quieter then you were expecting.
"I won't let her hurt you again, I will go to the police with you if you want me to, anything to keep you safe." She said, making sure you knew that you knew you were protected. "Okay." You say, agreeing to go with her for a bit, staying in the embrace of the one person that made you feel safe for just a bit longer.
     Finally after about ten more minutes you pull away from Scarlett's chest, looking at her. She smiles at you, confusing you. "What?" you ask, tilting your head slightly. "Nothing, you're just so beautiful." She admits honestly, making you blush, looking down. "
I mean it, I want you to be safe, and I want to be the one to keep you safe." Says the older actress. You nod your head leaning into her chest one again. You stay in the embrace for a few more minutes before Scarlett helps you up from the floor, telling you to get your things ready, while she went to the producers telling them to not expect the two of you for the next few days.
     After filing the report at the station, you and Scarlett make your way back to your apartment. Knowing that your girlfriend was at work made it easier for you to go back and get your things without problems.
You made your way to the front door, hands slightly shaking as you turned the key in the lock, walking into the apartment with Scarlett right behind you. You step into the living room taking in the scene that was before you.
You had not paid much attention to it when you woke up, focusing on getting ready for work and trying to get there on time. Scarlett came to stand next to you looking at the same scene, tears forming in her eyes.
The room was a mess, there was blood on the carpet, pieces of glass both big and small littered the floor, as well as a broken wine bottle near the fireplace. Books were ripped off the shelves, scattered in various places in the room.
     You didn't know what to think, your mind couldn't process everything, you hurried out of the room, running up the stairs to the guest bedroom. Scarlett followed you quickly, seeing you in the same position you had been in earlier that day broke her heart, she made her way to the bed, the only sound being shoes on the floor. "Honey, you're okay, she's not here." The actress assures you, taking your hands from your hair that you had been pulling on.
"I know, it feels like she is." You explain looking at Scarlett. "I know love, hopefully we can get your stuff quickly so that we can get out of here." She responds. "I don't have anywhere to stay." "You can stay with me, only if you're comfortable," She says. You nod, staying silent as you move to start packing up the necessary things from your room.
     The drive to Scarlett's house is about an hour from your apartment. Fifteen minutes into the car ride you drift off to sleep. The older woman looks over to see your head resting on the window of the car, smiling to herself. The two of you arrive at the house with you fast asleep.
Scarlett gently unbuckles her seatbelt, reminding herself to get the two suitcases out of the back of the car later. Closing the driver side door quietly, she makes her way to the passenger side, opening the door and unbuckling your seatbelt before picking you up gently, walking with you in her arms to the house.
She places you in her bed, pulling the duvet over your body, making sure you're comfortable before making her way out of the room to her office.
     The actress worked for about an hour and a half answering emails and phone calls before a scream ripped her from her work. Like it was second nature she rushed to the bedroom, opening the door to see you violently shaking in the bed. Making her way over to you she turned on the light on the table beside the bed, before gently trying to wake you. You shot up from the bed, sweat covering your body, the shaking never stopping.
Your breathing was erratic, heart pounding in your chest, you looked around the room, stopping on Scarlett who was sitting on the edge of the bed. Falling into her embrace you started to cry. She held you tight adjusting herself so her back was against the headboard, you head on her chest, quietly whispering words of reassurance in your ear as she helped you calm down from the nightmare.
"Do you want to talk about it love?" She asks quietly, stroking your hair. "It was horrible, I couldn't get her to stop, I just laid there." You said, burying your head into her chest farther. "It's okay, she won't hurt you anymore. I will always protect you." You smile at the older actress knowing that the words that came from her mouth were true.
You felt a connection the day you first met each other on set. You were caught up in the memory, so much so that you didn't notice Scarlett move you to sit on the bed while she walked into her closet, coming out with a fresh set of pajamas for you and her in hand. You quietly accepted them, making you wy to the bathroom to change. You decided to wash your face, hoping it would help regulate your body's temperature.
     Once finished in the bathroom you made your way out to see the older woman in the bed reading a book. Standing there, not sure where to go, she opens the blanket motioning you to join her. "Only if you're a comfortable darling." She said hoping to give you some reassurance. You slowly make your way back to bed, laying down next to her.
Gradually moving into her embrace she wraps her arms around you, tensing out of reflex but relaxing moments later, with your head on her chest. "Sleep darling, I can see in your eyes you're tired. I'll be here when you wake up." You nod softly, wrapping your arm around her waist, feeling a kiss on your head before drifting off to sleep once more. 
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Long Way Home (M.H)
Summary: Heading home with a very tipsy Matty, who's too cute for his own good.
Word Count: 648
Warnings: Use of alcohol
Author's note: Hope you guys like this short little imagine, and as mentioned before: Asks and requests are open! I'd be more than happy to accept them.
The air was sticking to her skin and the whole room was thumping, a low bass spread throughout and within. The noise was blending into one, the laughter of the drunken crowd, the club classics egging everyone on, the occasional shouts of a name, and the little whisper of: "There you are, love."
She turned around, focus set on the voice that had just appeared behind her. She knew exactly who the man tumbling on both of his feet was, hands gripping onto her frame in desperation.
"Matty," she sighed softly, somehow relieved to see his face again after losing him in the crowd yet also concerned, seeing the state he was in.
He hummed as her hands came to rest on his waist, an act of stability. He smiled goopily, a twinkle in his eyes as his forehead came to rest on her shoulder.
"Are you alright?" she spoke into his ear, to which he responded with a quick nod of his head.
"Couldn't be better, now that I found you." he mumbled into her skin, putting his whole body weight onto the girl, leading to her tumbling behind a bit.
"Ironic to hear from someone who can barely stand," she chuckled out, trying to balance herself with him leaning onto her.
"I can very much stand on my own, thank you!" he huffed out in frustration, backing away from her support and demonstrating his skills by standing still on his feet.
Ultimately, he failed. His two left feet tripping over eachother in some bizarre way, looking like he was demonstating a new dance move he had learned as he almost came crashing down to the muggy floor.
"Matty!" she gasped as she reached to put her arms around him, somehow saving him from collapsing.
He blinked at her, her arms around his waist and his gripping her shoulders. He opened his mouth to defend his antics, only to close it when she shot him a mean look.
"'M sorry," he murmured in a defeated tone.
"It's alright, honey. Really," she said, reaching up to quickly adjust his tie and move his curls out of his sight.
"You think it's time to go home yet?" she teased him slightly, loving to take the piss out of him, even more in his overly tipsy state.
"Stop it!" he cried out, embarassed that probably everyone saw his little show.
"Come on now, cutting the drinks for tonight! Don't want to carry you home on my back," she laughed out, walking through the crowd cautiously with a whole body leaning onto her side.
"Fine... only because I love you. And because Ross stole my last drink," he muttered the last part, leading to her swatting his shoulder.
"Hey!" he scowled jokingly.
"That didn't hurt, crybaby! You know you always bite me," she mocked, followed by a soft sting on her neck and a huffed laugh onto her skin.
"That was not an invite!" she gasped out at the action, his face nuzzling into her collarbone.
"You know you like it..." he breathed out, as they finally reached the exit of the humid club.
"Maybe I do," she grinned down at him, the head of curls tickling at her neck with yet another small bite following and a giggle.
"Stop messin'! Let's go now," she breathed out, calling for a cab on the curb.
"Can I atleast stay at yours tonigh? Please?" he drew out the beg, the words dripping with desperation.
"Matty, honey... We live together," she giggled at his headlessness, his cloudy state making him forget their recent move-in.
"Oh! Right!" he gasped out happily, overjoyed by the realization as a cab pulled up to the pavement, tires screeching in the quiet night.
"Let's head home, shall we!" Matty eagerly spoke as he opened the car door, losing his balance slightly.
Oh God, this was going to be a long night.
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devondespresso · 8 months
My Sunshine
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G | 815 words | also on ao3 | cw: minor reference to child neglect and a dysfunctional household, mild blood
STWG prompt: Sunshine
Thank you so much to @stellarspecter and @vegasol for betaing and helping with clarity! You guys are truly amazing 💕💕💕 Dividers by the lovely @saradika-graphics 💛
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Steve is 8 years old again.
That’s old enough to form memories that will last longer than a year or two, and he's starting to hate how that's the way time has to work, with the old stuff mostly forgotten. This memory, even, he didn’t realize had slipped away.
But all it takes is the vague tune of a song, and he's 8 years old again.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine."
Steve is 8, before she learned about the cheating, before he had to learn what that meant, before screaming, and before all of that was taken to New York, Chicago, then Seattle, because she said too quiet was better than too loud. 
"You make me happy, when skies are gray."
He is 8, and he is laying in bed. He has two scraped knees and an ever uglier elbow that Mrs. Hagan almost fainted at the sight of. He is a little tired, but he is not ready for Saturday to end.
"You'll never know, dear,"
But his mom is sitting on the side of his bed and running a hand through his hair. She is wearing her rose-tinted Sunday best. And she is singing.
"How much I love you."
Steve isn't eight years old.
And he definitely isn’t 8 years old.
He's nineteen, too close to twenty, sitting in the doorway of a room that isn't his, in a house he didn’t grow up in, stopping himself from getting comfortable leaning back on a door frame despite the current strain in his back, because it would only hurt the wound there more.
He's on the outside this time, looking over because no one told him he had to leave yet, as Ms. Henderson sits on the side of Dustin's bed and hums the tune like he isn't nearly fifteen years old.
And then, of course, the song is over, because it's always been too short.
And Steve is not eight years old.
There's too much strain on his back, so he brings his legs in carefully and pillows his head on his knees as she starts humming a new song that’s not as familiar.
Tews pops his little head into the room, looking at all his options before deciding to bump his head into Steve's legs and start purring, like he doesn't already have plenty of food in his bowl.
"You have food, you little rat," he whispers, petting Tews' head.
Tews leans into his hand, but still meows, circling to his other side to bump into his other leg.
"Mhm, pretty sure it was still half full five minutes ago.”
Tews meows again and darts behind him, trying to lead him back down the hall. Steve leans back a bit to try and find him, but he can’t.
Tews sticks a paw on his stomach, right where his bites are freshly bandaged, clearly thinking he was jumping on a lap before Steve yelps and shoots a hand over to get him off.
“Tews, Tewsie, c’mere,” Ms. Henderson calls from the bedside, a hand still in Dustin’s hair, and with a little sound all cat people somehow know how to do. Tews meows at him again with the same tone, then runs over to Ms. Henderson.
“Sorry, bud,” Steve whispers, holding the spot as he tries to relax again, laying his head back on his arm.
Tews bumps his head into her ankles, circling back and forth before meowing again.
“Too sweet for your own good,” she chides, picking Tews up so he can curl up in her lap.
And she starts humming the song again.
And Steve is not an eight year old.
“You okay, honey?”
Steve looks up.
“Yeah, just hit the edge of it, it’s probably not bleeding or anything.”
She nods, but she doesn’t believe him.
“Alright, Tewsie, up–”
“No, I can get up,” his hand finds the door frame to make it easier, and he stands without a fuss. “There, easy peasy.” 
Then he joins her and Tews, because it’s easy. 
Ms. Henderson pats the bed, just barely so it doesn’t wake Dustin, and Tews goes to the spot. Steve pats his head again.
Ms. Henderson stands, and offers a hug.
Steve’s nineteen, but nobody can really say no to a Henderson hug.
She avoids poking at the wounds on his back that are too fragile to handle it right now, somehow holding only around them, almost like there's nothing there. Steve might be bleeding.
And she starts singing a song only moms seem to know when to sing.
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.”
And he closes his eyes. 
“You make me happy, when skies are gray.” 
And he hugs tighter.
“You’ll never know, dear,”
He’s bleeding, and it’s going to fall onto the shoulder of her sweater.
“How much I love you.”
“Please don’t take my sunshine away.”
And Steve is 19.
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quimichi · 1 year
Hello! This is my first time asking so forgive my mistakes,
I don’t know if you’ve done this before but could you do headcanons for a reader who’s lumine’s traveling partner and when their in liyue (I don’t remember how it’s spelt 🥲) Qiqi randomly starts addressing them as her parent, uhhh what’s the reaction of the liyue crew (who kinda have feels for reader) when reader just accepts it and calls her their daughter
Gosh that was long, yea that’s my ask sorry for the mistakes 😅 you don’t have to do it if you’re busy
-Honey Anon
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. . . . ╰──╮BEING QIQI'S "PARENT" ╭──╯ . . . .
PLATONIC!Qiqi x GN!Reader
¡! ❞ having qiqi refer to you as her parent, which is clearly not the truth, is a situation you needed to get used to
¡! ❞ but no wonder she thinks you're her parent when you take care of her. Yes, Baizhu does too but you somehow manage to not order her around and rather gently guide her and help. (Not like baizhu would mistreat her or anything!)
¡! ❞ you always remind her to take her notebook with her, on her worst days she may forget it to take it. On the absolute worst days she even forgot where she put it. Luckily you always remember
¡! ❞ awww look at you always packing her lunch for when she works at bubu pharmacy. And the lunch always includes coconut milk, thats very important
¡! ❞ you know she can't taste anything, but she can feel textures and temperatures, so her lunchbox may look weird to people who dont know. You always try your best to pack in every food she likes the texture or temperature of
¡! ❞ I don't really know if she needs to eat and drink but--pls it's to cute
¡! ❞ Qiqi also looooves to pick herbs with you! She can't really show emotions but having you by her side all day long really makes her feel "better". With you she feels like she can't forget anything
¡! ❞ she read in books how parents act with their children, and this is what you do with her. So obviously you must be her parent!
¡! ❞ she's proud of that conclusion tho
¡! ❞ she mostly stays over at your place, sleeps with you all cuddled up in her parents arms. Its cute, really
¡! ❞ she's stuck with you, or you're rather with her but who would complain about little cute qiqi being glued to your side?
¡! ❞ Lumine and Paimon also find it adorable, weird at first but it's cute. Paimon tried once or twice to explain qiqi that you are indeed not her parent but Lumine always stops her. Crushing a little zombies dreams like this is not what they want.
¡! ❞ but they're happy for you and sometimes even join in, in the herb adventures if they have time
¡! ❞ Baizhu on the other hand was not surprised at qiqi calling you her parent. (Considering he probably was the one who gave her the books where the most basic human stuff was written down so she would remember or know) Theres not much that can surprise him. But hes sure also very happy. At first he was worried, you could hurt her or play around with her forgetfull mind. But you didn't, you helped even more and then he was relieved. What a relief no he doesn't have to poison you---
¡! ❞ and after more time spend with you and qiqi together he understood why she feels this way. Youre patient, caring and supportive. Like a good parent should be. Hes even prouer when qiqi seemed to have thought you some things about herbs. It was for sure a accident she did but now you can even help around in Bubu pharmacy with little to no struggle
¡! ❞ not Baizhu realizing he caught feelings after a few months. Panic--like this was not his intention at all-
¡! ❞ but Zhongli was definitely warm around he heart. What a nice and caring person you must be that a child will call you their parent. He already was interested in you before but now---
¡! ❞ Qiqi calling you her parent was a big gossip in Liyue once, everybody knew or talked about it and it also came to the ears of Ningguang, Keqing and Ganyu. All three of them are taken aback by the cuteness overload of it all. Although Ganyu was more open to show how soft you made her feel with you parently behavior
¡! ❞ whenever Ningguang is in Liyue she will pay Bubu pharmacy a visit just to see you two acting along. She might even give you some Mora for Qiqi like a sugar mommy--but mostly because her heart is aching for you and your attention-pls visit her in the Jade palace too, you might also bring Qiqi along for a evening tea! Be careful to not let her fall down tho---
A/n: getting the others involved was very hard to do and didn't truned out this well but--yeah
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
Obsessed with the idea of you dating Aaron (and you don’t work for the BAU). As your relationship naturally progresses, you take on a pretty big part in caring for Jack while Aaron is away.
Since you know that Aaron doesn’t always get to spend as much with you and Jack as he would like, you’ve taken it upon yourself to send him updates throughout the day. Pictures of the two do you at the park and little messages like “I think jack has been hanging around Morgan too much. When I asked him what he wanted for dinner he told me we should just to the store and see what the vibes are.” Along with a photo of what you ultimately did end up making for dinner that night.
Maybe you’ll even send him some photos of yourself. Little reminders about how much you love and miss him and you’re proud of him.
Aaron loves it. It improves his mood. Makes him a little lighter throughout the day. Because of the nature of his job and how often he’s out in the field, he can’t always respond right away. But the little messages, those little pieces of home are such a balm and comfort to the horrors he’s often subjected to in the day. When he does has a moment - while the team is eating or on the jet, he’ll catch up on all the little bits he missed. He often worries about missing out on jack’s life. Not just the big events like holidays and birthdays but also just the little stuff. Seeing his sense of humor evolve, finding out what he likes and dislikes, growing his own personality. So he loves the little bits he gets from you. It’s his daily affirmation that there’s more to life than just the sickness he sees all day long. Outside of being “hotch” and “unit chief” he’s also just Aaron. He’s a father to a sweet little boy that loves superheroes and soccer. He’s a boyfriend to a wonderful partner that he loves. it’s his little reminder that makes the hard days and the most grueling cases worth it. He’ll tell himself- You’re doing this for them. So the people you love can live In a safer world. You couldn’t make the world safer for Haley, but you can still do it for them.
But maybe one day - someone makes a quip to you about how often you’re messaging him. “He’s got a lot on his plate you know. Don’t you think that’s a distraction from his job? I’m just saying it seems pretty clingy to me.”
And it works it way into your brain and makes you self conscious. Are you being too clingy? Are you the desperate girlfriend that can’t tell when she’s overstayed her welcome? When you look back on your messages, you do have to admit that it seems like a lot.
So you back off.
Aaron has been zoned in on the case, working against the clock to save lives that he didn’t realize the lack of buzzing throughout the day. When he gets back to the hotel and doesn’t see a single message from you, it concerns him. Obviously, he worries for your safety. It’s not like you to not talk to him at all. What if you’re hurt? He sends a quick message, not wanting to cause alarm even though his heart rate has increased exponentially.
“Everything alright, honey?”
Your reply is short. “Yeah. We’re all good here!”
His brows furrow at this. It seems odd to him but he tries to calm himself down. No pictures. No little updates on what you did today. He figures if there’s anything truly wrong, any danger, you surely would say something. Maybe you and Jack are just really tired - maybe you went to the park or went swimming or something.
The next day, you send a photo of Jack on a Pokémon Go walk in the neighborhood, face scrunched in concentration while he tries to catch a mewtwo. It helps calm his nerves. This was a good sign, things were probably going back to normal.
But then the third day - it’s radio silence again. He can’t help his thoughts turning the whole situation inwardly on himself. Were you getting bored with him? Maybe you were getting frustrated with the fact that he was away and you seemed to play nanny to his kid more than being an actual girlfriend.
He calls you but you insist on everything is fine. You’re just a little tired or you and Jack didn’t really do anything interesting that day so there wasn’t much to share. Aaron slightly rolls his eyes at this. There isn’t anything that you could do that he wouldn’t find fascinating. He tells you this but you seem to just brush it off.
He’s good at what he does and he can tell there’s more than what you’re telling him but you keep insisting everything is fine and his own insecurities that he’s built up over the last couple cause him to drop the subject. He doesn’t want to push and potentially make anything worse.
When the case is finally wrapped and the team makes their way back home, they can tell something has gotten under hotch’s skin. Their normally stoic boss is wiggling around in his seat like his ass is on fire. It was a bad case and maybe he’s just on edge from the brunt of it all.
One thing they aren’t used to seeing though, is him there alongside the rest of them, going home at a normal hour. They can’t help but tease him about the whole affair, “I guess there’s a certain special someone that you can’t wait to get home to, huh hotch?” He chuckles along with them but secretly his only hope is that there still is a special someone waiting for him when he gets there.
When he does walk through the door, the first thing he notices is the emptiness and the quiet. His heart sinks. On autopilot, he moves to your shared bedroom and he instead of you, he finds all of the bedsheets missing, the closet door open and your suitcase missing from the spot on the top shelf.
No. No. No. he panics. You packed up. You left. He stumbles out of the bedroom, calling out your name, calling out jack’s. His voice cracking. He hears a door open down the hall and there’s his son. “Dad! Come here” he tried to brace himself for what he might find. Jack looks physically fine, no immediate signs of distress. When he finally makes it, he sees you huddled up under a blanket fort, popcorn and chocolate and stuffed animals tucked underneath the mountain of blankets. And your suitcase. With the handle extended to hold up the weight of the sheets above it. He breathes a sigh of relief. You haven’t left. You built a blanket fort with jack.
you finally do talk about it - after Jack has crashed from the sugar high. When he asks you what’s wrong, he’s not prepared when you say, “I’m a burden to you, Aaron.”
“Where the hell did you get that idea from?” He can’t hide his shock. So you’re blurting it all out to him. He’s Confused. Kinda pissed about the whole event. How dare someone make you feel like you and his son are an annoyance to him in any way? His sweet little family that he loves and adores. You have an understanding, especially after Haley, he doesn’t want to miss out on his life anymore and if that means 2,000 texts a day then he will hand his entire salary over to his phone company to make it happen. He loves that you don’t try to make him feel bad for being away, you understand how much he loves the team and you love seeing him work. But you also know that his family means the would to him too and the fact that you’re willing to accommodate that isn’t something you should ever feel ashamed of. He’ll spend the whole night proving it to you.
aaron loves your little texts and updates during the day 🥺 he loves seeing your face and his son’s light up the screen of his phone! it’s what keeps him going when a case gets too much. it’s what he looks at when he feels disappointed in the world :(
so when you stopped doing it, a weight was suddenly placed on his chest. tbh he probably got flashbacks from all the fights he had with haley about his job :(( so he’s terrified history will repeat itself :(
meanwhile you’re also very :(( bc you’re worried that this random person was right and maybe you did annoy aaron with all your texts and updates. you know he loves you but you’re worried that he doesn’t have the time or energy during his very important job to care about your silly messages.
and aaron coming home and freaking out you left 🥺 i know the tears were in the corners of his eyes ready to spill :((( all these coincidences were just too cruel.
but when he finds you and jack simply having the time of yours lives he feels such a sweet relief! bc you’re still there and you love him <333
when you talk about it you agree that the messages not only aren’t gonna stop they’re gonna be even more frequent now 🤭🤭 and you also promise you’ll never let another person affect you with words like these. aaron loves you more than anything!! and you should not believe anyone but the man you adore <3 so when he says he loves you and your little messages, it’s true 🥹💞
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slxsherr · 1 year
Bizarre Love Triangle
part II of Feeling Like I Never Should
pairing: kirby reed x fem!reader x charlie walker
summary: kirby is so much more than just your best friend.
wc: 1661
warnings: fem!reader, cursing/swearing, mentions of underage drinking, mentions of alcohol, degradation, praise, ffm threesome (?), oral (m! receiving), thigh riding, throuple
a/n: sorry this took so long please enjoy!!!
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Kirby is your best friend, but recently she’s realized she likes you more than a friend should. She’s been avoiding you and Charlie, too afraid to make things weird between the three of you, unknowingly making things weirder. 
“Honey! I’m home!” Kirby calls as she enters your house, drunk off her ass after another lame party. 
But you’re not anywhere to be found. Your house is usually empty, your parents aren’t home much, but usually you’re on the couch watching something. Since she’s met you, your house has been her home away from home.
Tired and drunk, she makes her way to your room. You’re not there either, and she quickly scrolls through her contacts to find your number. She puts you on speaker, clumsily taking off her clothes to crawl into your bed. 
“Hello?” Your tired voice crackles over the line. 
“Where are you?” Kirby asks, her voice whinier than intended. 
“I’m at Charlie’s. Why?” Your voice a whisper now. 
“Because you’re not home and I just left a party,” she answers, patting the empty space beside her where your body usually is. 
“Are you at my house?”
“Yes, I miss you.” 
“I miss you too, I’ll be home tomorrow, okay?”
“Goodnight, I love you,” she says, turning over to face away from the empty space in your bed. 
“I love you too,” you say, hanging up. 
You don’t get home as early as you thought you would. Charlie kept you longer than you anticipated, and by the time you get home, Kirby is already gone. She doesn’t answer your texts until after you get out of the shower, letting you know you can come over.
Just like Kirby feels comfortable waltzing into your house unannounced, you walk into hers using a spare key she gave you. Her parents are at home about as much as yours are, which isn’t much. Probably why the two of you gravitate towards each other so much.
“Kirby?” You call, making your way towards her room. 
“Yeah?” She answers from her bed. 
“How are you feeling?” You ask, joining her on the bed. 
“Mm, not great,” she says, which you expected since she forgets to drink water and take aspirin after drinking. 
“That’s what you get, party animal,” you tease, wrapping your arms around her when she moves to embrace you. 
“If Charlie didn’t steal you away from me I wouldn’t be hurting so much,” she says, her serious tone revealing the underlying meaning. 
“Don’t blame him,” you say, and she can hear the frown in your voice. 
“Has he even taken you out on a date?” She asks, holding you tighter to her. 
“Yes, he took me to see Paranormal Activity 3,” you answer matter-of-factly. 
“How romantic,” she remarks sarcastically. 
“If you’re just gonna insult my boyfriend–” you begin to say. 
“Your boyfriend?” Kirby interrupts you, surprised by the label. 
“I’m leaving,” you say, moving out of her hold and off the bed. 
“No, don’t leave,” she says, moving after you. 
“No, Kirby. You don’t get to ignore me and Charlie after a night like that, then call me drunk because you showed up to my house and for once I wasn’t there,” you say, leaving her room before she can respond. 
Charlie’s hair is soft, a surprise since you know for a fact the only products he uses are drugstore shampoo and conditioner. His head rests on your stomach, allowing you to play with his hair as the two of you watch some classics. The way he talks about the effects, the slasher backstories, and the behind the scenes stories reminds you of your movie nights with Kirby.
“Babe?” Charlie asks in a soft voice. 
“Hm?” You respond with a hum. 
“Are you tired? Wanna go to bed?” He asks, checking on you. 
“No, just spaced out a bit I guess,” you say, hands still messing with his hair.
“Have you talked to Kirby?” He asks, turning over so that he can face you. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he laughs when you answer with a sour expression on your face. 
“I don’t get how she can be so dense,” you say with a sigh. 
“Love makes you stupid I guess,” he jokes. 
“Does that make me stupid?” You laugh. 
“Extremely,” he says, moving up to kiss you.
Charlie knows there’s something between you and Kirby, even before the intimate night the three of you shared. It confused him, because you treated him just as you treated Kirby, and Kirby treated him just like she treated you. It hurt both of you when she began to distance herself, and the two of you only had each other to turn to. 
Kirby hates that she can’t bring herself to make things right between you. She throws herself into Jill and Olivia’s bullshit, hoping their mundane, heteronormative boy troubles will distract her from you and Charlie. But she still can’t bring herself to skip Stab-A-Thon. Olivia, and Jill and Trevor are going anyway, it’d be weird if she didn’t go too. 
It’s a big turnout, the most popular Cinema Club event of the year, crowds of intoxicated teens waiting for the movies to start. She watches you and Charlie throughout the night, following the two of you up to the hayloft towards the end of the first movie. After some liquid courage, she feels brave enough to confront the two of you. 
She’s not sure why she expected something different, following you both to the somewhat secluded space. But she didn’t expect to see you on your knees with Charlie’s cock down your throat. Her body moves before she realizes, mouth speaking words she hadn’t even thought. 
“You are such a slut,” she says, her hand landing on Charlie’s shoulder as she stops beside the two of you, startling you both. “Oh, don’t stop on my account,” she says when your head stops bobbing. “Keep going, good girl,” she praises, her hand moving to the back of your head to set a rhythm for you. 
“You know, you’re really lucky Charlie,” Kirby says, her grip tightening on his shoulder. “Most guys’ don’t have such easy cocksluts for a girlfriend, barely ever get blowjobs,” she says over his whimpers, moving your head faster.
“She’s not a slut,” he says, voice breathy as Kirby continues to move your mouth on him like a toy. 
“Aw, that’s sweet,” she coos, meeting your teary eyes. “But just look at her,” she says, turning his head down to watch the drool spill out the sides of your mouth and onto your exposed cleavage, his eyes trailing lower to see the hand not holding his thigh under your skirt, touching yourself over your panties. 
“Fuck,” Charlie whines, throwing his head back in pleasure. 
“You gonna cum?” Kirby asks, taunting him. 
“Uh-huh,” he moans, hands grabbing your head as Kirby continues controlling your movements.
“Go ahead, cum down her throat. Make her swallow it all,” she says, holding your head still as his hips move on their own, chasing his release. 
Tears stream down your face as you gag around his cock, the tip bruising the back of your throat, nails scratching his thighs from the force. You do your best to swallow it all, but some spills out the sides of your mouth, following the trail of drool down to your tits. Finally, they let you go, watching your pretty face relax from the facefuck you just received. 
“Pretty girl, come here,” Kirby instructs, patting her thigh as she sits on a bale of hay.
You crawl over to her on your hands and knees, too weak to stand. Charlie sits on the floor next to her, his head laying against the outside of her thigh, watching you straddle her thigh. She tucks the hem of your skirt into the waistband, exposing your damp panties. 
“Poor thing,” she says with faux sympathy, rocking your hips back and forth. “Bet you wish he was fucking your cunt instead.”
“Please!” You cry, holding onto her forearms when she bounces you on her thigh, your clit rubbing against the fabric of your panties and the denim of her jeans euphorically.
“Shh, don’t wanna get caught, do you?” She says, hands gripping your hips tighter to keep you moving at a steady rhythm. “Charlie, play with her tits,” she says, watching you bite your knuckles in an attempt to keep quiet.
“So beautiful,” he praises, pulling your top and bra down to expose your chest. “Fucking perfect,” he says, cupping your breasts, tweaking your nipples, and kneading the flesh. 
Your belly flares with heat, grinding your slick cunt against Kirby’s thigh in desperation. She’s moving your hips forcefully, holding you tighter as you attempt to move on your own as you approach your orgasm. Your hands cup her jawline gently, connecting your lips in a messy kiss as you reach your high, your moans muffled by her mouth. 
“Feel better?” She asks, watching your thighs twitch as you ride out your orgasm. 
“No,” you whine, dropping your head to avoid her gaze. 
“No?” She echoes your answer, surprised. 
“How can she feel better when you’re just gonna ignore us tomorrow?” Charlie asks, massaging your shaking legs. 
“I won’t–” Kirby begins to say. 
“If you just want to fool around, that’s fine,” you interrupt her. “But this will be the last time, because I love you and I can’t keep doing this if you expect there to be no strings attached.” 
“You love me? But you and Charlie–” she tries to say. 
“Think three’s a party,” Charlie interrupts her this time. 
“So, do you wanna be our girlfriend?” You ask, holding Charlie’s hand for reassurance. 
“Gladly,” she answers, wrapping her arms around you when you lunge forward to hug her. 
“Can I?” You ask, tracing the button of her jeans when you separate. 
“Sure,” she says, watching you strip her bottom half and settle between her thighs, Charlie slowly moving behind you.
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princess-pray-a · 1 year
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Characters: Gilbert, Chevalier, Clavis reader
Paring: Gilbert X reader
Words count: 750
Synopsis : Clavis and KING Chevalier visit Obsidian as Rhodolite representative on birth of Gilbert and former belles (your) child. As Gilbert let's them meet the baby they both witness something that leaves them surprised and smiling in the end .
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Gilbert holds his little baby just so precious, his eyes so soft on her his bloodlust gone the room felt so calm like a shrine ! Everyone including Clavis and Chevalier could feel that the conqueror beast was conquered by a little kid , something not even the most genius of men could do . His smile is so care free as he gazes at his little daughter . “ My little tiny bunny , you look soo much like your mother , let daddy protect you ok !?” He speaks to her his tone coated in honey, after coming out from his world of happiness a joy after being a father for the first time Gilbert glances at Clavis and Chevalier .” Fufu look how cute is my daughter Chev I bet you are jealous but you too have been an uncle , And Clavis I hope you won’t drag my little one into your pranks ! But I am assured you will help me like a good friend won’t you !?”. “ The mood grew slightly tense as Clavis understood who it was before him . The conqueror beast was a beast after all now a protective one . Chevalier heaved a sigh “ Ridiculous, I don’t care”. He was almost going to leave the room when Gilbert blocked his way out .” Aha nope nope atleast have a look at her , no wait fufu hold her see for yourself how charming she is!” With the gleeful smile Gilbert hands his daughter to Chevalier , Chevalier who was clearly annoyed now holds the infant with somewhat awkward clumsy handle on her yet being careful not to hurt or drop the little one . When he gazes at her face her brown doe like eyes sparkle and a giggle escapes her lips while her hands extends towards him, trying to grab him , Chevalier who always had even adults cowering at his intense icy gaze felt a sense of warmth and surprise at how this baby was clearly enjoying herself held by a man known as brutal beast , it probably was because she herself was the daughter of the women with the most beautiful heart in rodholite “ BELLE” and the conqueror beast as her father. Chevalier smiled a little the same soft smile he rarely showed some selected people . “ Ah Chev smiled ! Wow she even won over the brutal beast “. Clavis exclaimed . “ hhaha didn’t I say you Clavis … she “ Gilbert was trying to explain about how wonderful his daughter is when he got interrupted, he couldn’t believe his ears “ ma.. ma … mama” his little baby was looking towards the door while held by chevalier, there stood the love of his life mother of his daughter , you , THE WOMEN. WHO ONCE WAS BELLE. That was your daughters first words . You and Gilbert rushed to her but she was not done yet . “ pa.. pa .. papa fuuup “ she called gilbert. Chev holding the baby didn’t know what to do . He was confused why were both you and Gilbert acting so strange its just some words by a baby while Gilbert and you both were tongue tied and almost going to burst to tears. “That’s our baby’s first time speaking “ Gilbert spoke softly . Now he gets it getting to witness a child’s first time speaking is definitely something to behold he realized how warm Gilbert gaze felt . But what he didn’t anticipate was the child’s next move .“ cheu, chewu, chev “ she called out to him with her so precious smile . How could someone so small be so courageous . It wasn’t anything big but it was big for chevalier it was Important for him. And not only him she glance at Clavis and started calling out to him as well “ clai, clavi, Claveshee “ . Now it was Clavis’s turn to run to Chevaliers side “ dearie me ! You are definitely dangerous taming 3 beasts as soon as you start speaking How am i going to leave your side when you call out to me soo lovingly !you are going to be more courageous than your mother who married the world wide disaster !”Captivating the brutal beast , the conqueror beast and the pleasure loving beast all at once with her charms your little baby was definitely was an enigma who was to turn the world upside down ! . You thought as Chevalier handed you your baby while Gilbert pressed a kiss to your forehead ! While the four of you made your way to the gardens to witness something even more wonderful with you little life in arms.
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A/N CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING TO THE END ! I was soo much in awwe with the new card for gilbert in jp where emma has been changed to kid it made me write it💓💓💫😌 my hearttt feels blessed hope you like it !!
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ramblingroommate · 3 months
Part 3 (part 1 & part 2)
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Only his fourth month on the job? Oh he’s new new, that’s interesting! And explains why he’s taking this so bad, poor baby
I have to say this also puts that whole stealing the truck thing in a different context. From the way they were talking I was under the impression he had a long history of doing things like that (like he had been working with them for a year or two), but he just started working there so it probably was the first time he did something so dumb. He fucked up once Bobby let it slide, he did it a second time he fired him. Oh my god he got fired after four months on the job
It was deserved but still. It also makes sense that he was so sorry about everything and said he realized in that moment how much he cared for the job.
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Oh baby no don’t say that. Yikes.
He’s taking the guy’s death so hard and it’s clear he’s angry because he wishes he could have saved him, but going to his funeral and telling his sister it’s his own fault he died that’s just… oof
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Yeaaah, that’s pretty much what I expected after what Buck said. Still hurts tho
This episode has been brutal on Buck
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I LOVE how Bobby handled this. He knew immediately what was off but didn’t address it while on the job and with a person’s life on the line. Too often this kind of shows do exactly that to up the tension, but it always takes me out. This reaction just feels more realistic to me.
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And now they address it! Love it.
Also “I know I let you down”? They really want me to feel for Buck, huh? Cause it’s working
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LOVE this scene where they communicate without talking. I’m actually really liking this episode in general! It already feels like a step up from the first one.
It probably has to do with the much more realistic calls and discussions they are having, they’re more my cup of tea
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Buck tried out for the Navy SEALs, interesting tidbit of backstory. I like when info get sprinkled in like this, instead of being dumped all at the same time when a storyline requires it.
Also really liked the explanation of something as horrifically tough as the navy seals giving him trouble not for the physical torture of it all but because of the emotional repression required
If Buck is one thing it is a caring person who takes things at heart. Makes sense he dropped out because he couldn’t be just a machine
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This is Buck’s character in a nutshell. Wanting to be cool and tough yes, but most of all wanting to help.
I have to say it’s interesting to see which characters they are focusing on and developing more in these first two episode. Bobby is probably number one, closely followed by Buck and Abby. Maybe it’s all those Bs in their names lol
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Talking about going to therapy after a traumatic event? In a tv drama? IS THIS A FUCKING MIRACLE?
I’m shocked, these shows -almost every show actually- usually pretend they’ve never heard of therapy so they can keep their characters traumatized and the tension high
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You and most men, honey. It’s cultural upbringing
Also, that’s an extremely attractive therapist… are they going to get together later down the line? I hope not
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Wait what? We just… cut away?
Alright, I get it. They’re going back and forth between Buck’s therapy and Athena and her husband’s.
I got really confused there for a moment lol
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So her main grievance is that Michael made her feel like a fool and not that he lied to her for decades.
Actually, I love that lol. It makes sense with her character: as a proud black woman on the force, she probably has had to use her confidence as a shield for quite a long time. The last thing she wants is show everyone that she was blindsided and “fooled” by her own husband
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Oww that’s actually really sweet. When she’s out of her uniform she shows a much more compassionate side. I like that the show is drawing this difference very clearly
It also makes the whole “I always knew you were gay” trope (which I usually hate) a little bit better in this case
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And we’re back with Buck! I have to say I’m not loving this back and forth, I forget what they were talking about by the time we switch back. The talks on their own are really well done which is why I don’t want to lose any pieces
This also makes more sense: they have lost people since Buck joined but it was more along the lines of “we got there and there was nothing we could do”. Now that I think about it didn’t a woman jump in the first episode? But in that case Buck wasn’t directly involved. This was the first time they got there in time, he got involved, did everything right and the guy still died. It probably feels very unfair (like “I did everything right, why didn’t he do his part?”)
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Okay Michael has my attention now! I didn’t really care about him in the first episode, I don’t know why. He just felt kinda… off? His behavior just came off as weird to me. Too forcefully happy and positive. It’s okay to be happy because you finally feel comfortable enough coming out, but you’re also an adult and know this change won’t be easy on your children right away and might take some time getting used to. He was acting like he expected everyone to be over the moon for him and celebrate right away (I understand wanting to be accepted but you’re basically telling your children their parents are getting a divorce, pump the brakes).
This conversation makes me like him a lot more tho, peels back that mask of forced optimism and reveals some of his hardships
Also he has a boyfriend!!! Things get spicy
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I was wondering when we would get here! Buck definitely blames him which is a natural response/defense mechanism to that kind of traumatic event. It’s also true that there may be a million different reasons why that guy decided to let go and we’ll never truly know. Sometimes not knowing is what makes us get stuck, prevents us from moving on. But we do need to move on anyway. I wonder how they’ll go about this
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This is not what I was expecting
And now they’re having sex… why do you do this to me? It was going so well, I actually let myself hope they wouldn’t do this. It was an empty dream, if there is a young attractive woman in a show then she’s going to have sex, no matter how unprofessional
“I feel so much better” yeah because you used sex to feel better in the moment and avoid taking a deeper look at the underlying problem.
Is this trying to hint again at Buck being a possible sex addict? I’m still confused about that
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Is the rope attached to the guy in the show or is that for the stunt and was left in?
It’s not present in the next scene so definitely a stunt rope that wasn’t hidden! I like when I can catch small mistakes in shows
Also this whole scene was hilarious
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I love Bobby’s approach to the whole situation. The first time he noticed Buck’s hesitation he didn’t push, talked to him privately and gently, recommended he talk to a therapist and now he starts to push him (still gently) to get over his fear. Loving Bobby’s character so far
Aaaaand I need to make a part 4 because I reached the pics limit 🥲
Will definitely need to change some things around for next episode so I don’t do so many parts
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quill-pen · 3 months
So I had a thought.
Connie’s divorce gets finalized. Like, she and Orin sign the paperwork, shake hands, everything. He travels to London to do it and is … different.
He wishes her well as he turns himself in for all the abuse/corruption to go to prison. He even apologizes. She can’t speak. She asks the girls to come for support.
She’s deathly quiet and taciturn the whole time. Her demeanor reminds the girls of when she snapped and raided the med cabinet. She’s on the precipice.
Then, upon arriving in the cottage door, she just buckles. She throws her bag, tries to punch a wall, then just … breaks.
It should be a good thing. It should be a relief. A party! And the divorce party will come. But … she still loved him hopelessly for 20 years. And it ends with a whispered “I’m sorry”.
Adonis tries to call and she tells one of the girls she can’t do it. “I can’t let him hear me cry about another man. He deserves more than that.”
Connie doesn’t even love Orin anymore, but …it’s not that simple. She did love him, and although she never wants to see him … was that it?
Twenty years of suffering, torture, and an attempted su*cide ends with a messy signature and ‘I’m sorry’? She wants to forgive him but can’t.
Arthur filled her heart with mournful sadness, but Orin filled it with mournful anger.
“Talk to me, girls. Please. Just help me forget.”
Oh, Connie. These feelings are so complicated and completely valid, honey.
Bess is the one that takes the lead with this. After all, she's the only other one in the house that can, somewhat, relate to Connie's situation. She leaves relaying messages to Adonis with Gal and Addie and takes Connie to her room. She helps Connie take her shoes off and then she sits beside her on the bed with an arm around her. If Connie snuggles into her or curls up and buries her head in Bess' lap, she lets her, stroking her hair soothingly.
"I know," she murmurs. "I know how much it sucks to have put all this time, energy, and emotion into someone for years and have it feel like nothing but wasted time in the end. To hold out hope for someone you cared about to change and become the person you wanted them to be, even trying to help them become that person, but all they do is fail or tell you to piss off with it.
"You want him to be angry at the end, to fight back and match your energy, to give you an explanation why he did what he did or was what he was: "I lied because...", "I beat you because...", "I treated you like less than human because...". You wanna try to understand why he couldn't or wouldn't care about you the same way you cared about him. It all feels flat and unfinished when he doesn't give you anything like that. And it hurts because you realize he probably never did have feelings like you did; maybe even never actually cared about you at all."
Bess grip Connie's trembling shoulder and brushes some hair off her wet cheek behind her ear. "That's how I felt when I broke it off with Oliver," she says. "I still felt that way, even when I wasn't with him half as long as you were with Orin, and, by the end, any positive feelings I had for him were long gone. So I can only imagine how bad it hurts for you right now, Con.
"And I know the hurt probably doesn't make much sense, in a logical way, but you shouldn't feel ashamed of it. You shouldn't hide it, either: You shouldn't go back to acting like everything is fine when it's not. It's okay to hurt and cry even when the reasons for them make no sense and feel stupid. And it's okay to let the people who care about you--all the people who care about you--know that you're not fine. They'll understand."
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ericaand · 1 year
can i request an angsty hurt/comfort eddie munson x reader? i would love to see reader meeting kas!eddie for the first time and realizing how much her boyfriend has changed and maybe even saves him? idk haha!
or!! this is very specific, but could you do a cheerleader!reader x eddie munson, where they are in an established relationship when s4 happens. and they used to be enemies before they became lovers? so maybe reader or eddie gets hurt and hits their head (blunt force, bleeding, swelling, idk) during the piggyback plan (as opposed to getting eaten by bats) and so when one of them wakes up in the hospital, they have lost their memories of the last few years? and so whoever didn’t get injured has to be put through the hurt/comfort of realizing that their partner doesn’t remember dating them, but does remember when they were ‘enemies’? and ofc a happy ending, maybe where they try to get the one who was injured to get to know them again in hopes of it jogging their memories. (bonus points if one of them is insulting the other, like if cheerleader!reader lost her memories she would probably call eddie a freak and if eddie lost his memories he would probably call her a half wit conformist or something)
just some ideas!!
Oooooh, I'm getting 'The Vow' vibes from this.
Yes, absolutely.
Thanks for the request Anon. I hope it reaches you so you can enjoy it I had a blast writing it. Hope you like ittt!
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"Eddie, dear, you've got to go. Visiting hours are over."
"Can I just stay, just a few more minutes? What if she wakes up? She'll be scared if she's alone." He sighs.
"No dear, I'm sorry." The nurse opens the large door and waves him through.
Eddie wanders out to the hall and to his van, where he sleeps at night while you're in the hospital.
You blink your eyes open, foggy and faded. The only light that fills the room is from the machines that you're connected to. Annoying, repetitive beeps are amidst the silence. It doesn't take long for you to recognize you're in the hospital.
"Hello? Hellooo?" You search for a nurse button; once found you push it. You see a swipe of a figure passing your window of the hall as the door swings open.
"Oh my! Hello, dear! How are you?" The nurse asks.
"I'm...kind of thirsty." You respond horsely.
"Oh of course you are! Allow me to grab you some water and I'll find the doctor, he'll be in quickly."
You're sipping your water as the doctor enters. He asks if you know who you are, where you are, and how you got here. You respond with knowing who you are, and where you are, but not how you got here. He nods and checks you over, assuring you that you are doing well.
"Honey?" The nurse knocks and enters slowly. "I have someone here to see you. He hasn't left your side. I practically have to drag him out of here every day after visiting hours are over." She giggles.
She opens the door wider and you nod. None other than Eddie "the freak" Munson walks in! You shake your head, furrowing your brows, and wrinkling your nose.
"What are you doing here, freak?" You scoff, arms folded over your chest.
Eddie breathes deeply, then begins to laugh as he walks to you and bends down to hug you.
"Ew, what're you doing?"
"Baby, why are you being mean?" He asks.
"Cause you're a freak, and you tried to touch me! Why are you even here?"
"Are you okay?" Eddie looks concerned, then dashes out the door. "Nurse! Hello? Somebody! There's something wrong with my girlfriend!"
Girlfriend. GIRLFRIEND. Girlfriend. No, no, no. There is no way this freak thinks you're his girlfriend.
The three of them rush in, Eddie standing at the foot of your bed; hand across his chest, biting his nails on the other. A nurse on one side, and the doctor on the other.
You point to Eddie, "This freak thinks I'm his girlfriend! I am not. He needs to leave, like right now."
You can see Eddie's eyes welling as he shakes his head. The nurse quietly speaks something to him and whisks him away.
"Gross." You say under your breath.
Your parents came and picked you up the next day. As you neared your house, you noticed Eddie's van in your driveway. "Mom, what's the freak doing here? Is he stalking me or something?"
Your mom furrowed her brows, then widened her eyes. "Oh I don't know honey, I'll tell him to go home."
On your first day back at school, people took two approaches to you. First, some acted like you were a fragile china doll and ignored you completely. Second, they hovered around you, like you were a damn queen; fun at first, now annoying.
You unlatched the locker and opened it, breathing in an oddly familiar smell. As you moved books and binders out of the way you come to find a bandana. It smells of sweat and cheap shampoo. It instantly gives you butterflies as you felt a smile beginning to form on your face. You shook your head and began to pull everything from your locker in search of more evidence. Nothing.
Back at home, you begin to go through your things - drawers, diaries, notebooks, photo albums, everything you could possibly think of to find clues about the mystery man.
So far you'd found a guitar pick, the bandana, and a ring made of paperclips with what looked like a heart-shaped rock, kinda. You gathered them into your hands and laid them on the kitchen counter by your mom.
"Who's are these?" You asked firmly.
Your mother tapped the wooden spoon on the edge of the pan and set it down. She turned to you, put her hands on her hips, and sighed.
You looked at her with wide eyes, "So?"
"I just thought we'd gotten a second chance with you! I took the opportunity while I could! You've got to understand, we don't want you to ruin your life. You have so much potential." She raised her voice even louder, "And that freak was about to take it all away! He was going to take you away from us, from here, from your dreams of college and a career!"
You clenched your jaw and inhaled deeply, shaking your head. You ran back to your room, put on your sneakers, and stormed through the front door. You could hear your mother yelling as you ran down the road, tears welling in your eyes.
As you reached the road that enters the trailer park, you slowed down and walked as you caught your breath. You stared at the ground, mumbling as you walked. Why didn't anyone say a damn thing? Were they really all that afraid of him? Or maybe just shitty friends.
You reached the bottom of the stairs to Eddie's trailer and it felt familiar. It felt like coming home. You heard the metal of the door unlatch, and the creak of the door opening slowly. You looked up.
Your lower lip began to quiver as you allowed your tears to stream down your face. Eddie ran down the stairs, chains clanking and dangling.
He wrapped you up in his arms and placed a hand on your head as you brought it to his shoulder. You two stood, rocking side to side as he whispered, "It's okay. It's all okay. I'm here. We're okay." And you could hear his voice cracking.
You grabbed his waist and pushed him away enough to look him in the eyes.
"Eddie, I'm so sorry. I don't feel like myself again, but it's slowly coming back. Little things, here and there. I found your bandana in my locker, and it smelled like you. So I searched and searched, and found your pick and a paper clip ring." You began to cry harder.
He grabbed either side of your face and used his thumbs to wipe away your tears; the roughness scratching your skin.
"None of it made sense! None of it felt right. And no. one. fucking. told me! Screw them all!" You yelled.
"But as soon as I got to this bottom step, I just knew." You said with a shrug.
Eddie placed a hard and long kiss on your forehead.
You placed your hand on his stomach and pushed him away, looking at him with disgust. "Ew, freak!"
Then you smiled devilishly, grabbing him by his leather jacket and pulling him in as you dove onto his lips. You could feel the curve of his lips into a smile, as he mumbled into your kiss. "I love you."
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joeys-babe · 11 months
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Someday We’ll Be Together
Chapter 14: October 1st
(y/n's pov)
Joe stayed at the house long enough to eat breakfast with my parents and me before he had to leave to set up for our date.
there were so many kisses shared that morning, it seemed neither of us could get enough of the other. my parents didn't seem to mind at all either, in fact, they thought the opposite. they could tell Joe made me so happy and that's all they wanted, to see me happy.
my parents, plus pretty much everyone around us could tell that Joe and I's connection went deeper than "best friends", that being said.. when they found out that Joe confessed and that we were more than friends they were so happy that it finally happened. it felt like a game to them, waiting to see who'd confess first since it seemed inevitable.
even though we had confessed to being "in love" with each other, "I love you" hadn't been said yet. That was going to be a separate occasion.
Joe and I had decided to not reveal our non-official relationship to his parents yet. We'd be doing that tomorrow night in a funny, quirky, very Joe Burrow-style way.
I had just told Joe bye when I walked away from the front door and towards the stairs, my mom was in the kitchen with a smirk on her face as she looked at me.
"He makes you happy, huh?" - your mom
"Extremely happy. My cheeks hurt since I've been smiling for the past 10 hours straight." - you
"That's the best type of pain, honey." - your mom
"I'm starting to understand that." - you
"Do you have any clue what the date entails? Or even where it is?" - your mom
"Uhm.. nope! I'm sure Joe has something nice planned though." - you
"Okay.. you better start getting ready, did Joe tell you what to wear?" - your mom
"You're starting to make me realize that I know nothing about this date." - you
"Then text him!" - your mom laughed
I felt like a teenage girl as I ran up the stairs giggling, and simultaneously pulling my phone out of my pocket.
Instead of texting Joe, I thought it would be easier if I called him so I quickly found his contact. Since last night it has been changed to "Joey💕". Crazy how the day before yesterday I had him blocked, and now there's a heart by his name.
Joe answered in less than two rings, his deep beautiful voice ringing through the phone causing a blush on my cheeks.
"Miss me already, baby?" - Joe
His cheerful tone of voice made it easy to picture the expression that was probably on his face right now. A war-ending grin on those perfect lips that I loved.
"That too. But, I was calling because I need to know some details about our date." - you
"Ask away." - Joe
"What do I need to wear? Where is it? What time-" - you
"y/n, sweetheart chill out. You can wear whatever, I'm wearing sweats. I'm picking you up so don't worry about a place and I'll prob be over at your house at 6." - Joe
"Okay sounds good. I can't wait." - you
"Me neither. I've been thinking about this night for probably a decade." - Joe
"Me too, I'll see you in a couple of hours?" - you
"Yup, I'll see you then. Bye, beautiful." - Joe
"See ya later, Joey." - you giggled
When the tone sounded through my phone speaker letting me know that Joe had hung up, I fell back onto my bed. Butterflies swarmed through my stomach as my cheeks heated up; feeling more loved than ever before.
*time skip*
"do I look okay??" - you
It was currently 5:55, just five minutes before Joe would be picking me up for our date and I was standing by the front door as my mom helped with any finishing touches.
For my outfit, I opted for a pair of baggy jeans and an oversized graphic sweatshirt. It was comfy but cute and chic at the same time.
"You look great sweetie. You need to stop worrying though, it's just Joe." - your mom
"Sure it might just be Joe. But I still want to impress him! I've waited so long for this night, Mom. I want everything to be perfect." - you
"Everything will be perfect if you stop stressing!" - your mom
I went to open my mouth to utter a rebuttal but the ringing of the doorbell beat me to it.
My mom gave me an encouraging smile as I reached for the doorbell but hesitated to open it.
"You got this." - your mom
I nodded and quickly opened the door, Joe's gaze lifted from his shoes to my face. As he did so, the large smile that I adored made its way onto his face.
Joe was wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt; a simple combo that made him look so complexly handsome.
We just stood staring at each other for a few seconds, we didn't know what to do.
"Oh! Yeah these are for you!" - Joe
Joe moved his hand from behind his back revealing a bouquet of white roses. He handed them off to me as a blush of crimson flushed his cheeks.
"Aww. Joe, I love them. They're so pretty!" - you
"I'm glad you like them. Wanna get going?" - Joe
I nodded and my mom took the flowers from my hand.
"I'll put these in a vase then put them in your room. You two have fun!" - your mom
My mom practically shoved me out of the house before shutting the door behind me, Joe took my hand and led me to his car.
Before I could even reach for the handle, Joe opened my door and once he knew I was comfortably sitting he shut it back.
When Joe started driving a comfortable silence fell over us, our hands intertwined on the center console while music played through the speakers.
"So... where are you taking me??" - you
"It's a surprise. We've been here together before though." - Joe
"Oh really?" - you
"Yup, as kids. Don't look in the backseat by the way it'll give away everything that I have planned." - Joe
I nodded but when we were at a red light I couldn't help but peak. Joe immediately noticed and let go of my hand, he grabbed my chin gently and moved my gaze to him.
"No peaking!" - Joe
I laughed at Joe's pouty expression and before I knew it he was pulling me by my chin to connect our lips.
It was such a sweet kiss, Joe's lips were soft on mine with a hint of possessiveness. A silent promise that I was his.
The only thing that made us pull away from each other was the light turning green.
"I don't think I could ever get tired of kissing you." - Joe
"Good, because I could never get tired of kissing you either." - you
Ten minutes later Joe was pulling onto a dirt road that felt familiar but not significant.
"Backroads? Are gonna kill me?" - you laughed
"No ma'am. Not after I just got you all to myself. Maybe in a couple of months." - Joe joked
"Oh shut up!" - you
"I'm just playing, baby." - Joe
"I know you are Joey." - you
When Joe parked up in the grass and helped me out of the car, the sight my eyes landed on took my breath away.
"I hope you like it..." - Joe
There was a red checkered blanket laid out on this grassy hill that had a beautiful field view. A white sheet was hung between two trees and a mini projector was on this upside-down wicker basket. On the blanket was another folded blanket, two pillows, with candles scattered around the perimeter.
"It isn't the most romantic first date ever but I did try to make it something you wouldn't forget." - Joe
I felt tears well up in my eyes, happy tears of course. This was the sweetest thing a guy, or anyone really, had ever done for me.
When I turned to face Joe I watched panic fall over his face when he saw my teary eyes.
"Joe. It's perfect. I love it." - you
"Really?" - Joe smiled
"Yes, it's so sweet and so romantic." - you
Joe laced his fingers with mine and led me over to the blanket, my heart filled with so much love as we got closer to it.
"You can go ahead and get comfortable, I'm gonna grab the food from my car." - Joe
"Okay!" - you plopped down on the blanket
Joe had to chuckle, you looked so cute and he was oh so in love with you and everything about you. Being in your presence alone had him melting.
He returned shortly with the picnic basket of snacks, the pizza, and the cooler of drinks.
Joe spread everything out before sitting down beside me.
"Okay, so I tried to think about all your favorite things. Everything I thought of, I bought. We can eat the picnic snacks first then eat pizza." - Joe
"Sounds perfect!" - you
Joe grabbed the picnic and started getting things out. When he pulled out red grapes I decided to play a little prank on him.
"Uh Joe, I like green grapes." - you
His neck snapped so fast in my direction as a worried look appeared on his face.
"What? Since when? I was sure it was the red ones you liked-" - Joe
"I'm kidding Joey!" - you placed a hand on his shoulder as you laughed
"Oh. I was worried I messed something up already." - Joe
"I assure you that you won't mess anything up, we've been here five minutes and I've already cried." - you laughed
"Those were happy tears right?" - Joe
"Major happy tears." - you
Joe smiled as I leaned forward and pecked his perfect lips. When we pulled away he kissed my cheek and continued sitting everything out on the blanket.
"Hey, what's the projector for?" - you
"I planned to watch the sunset, but I was worried that the sunset might be underwhelming. So if it is, we've got a movie to watch instead." - Joe
"Woah, Joe you've thought about everything haven't you?" - you
"I've run every possible situation through my head and adapted. There is no way this is getting messed up." - Joe
"That's sweet of you." - you grinned
"I try." - joe smiled
"C'mere, lay with me. You should start the movie and we can eat our snacks." - you
Joe scooted over on the blanket carefully to not bunch it up and laid down next to me.
"What movie you wanna watch?" - Joe
"It's October so how about a Halloween movie? Not a horror movie of course since you are scared of them." - you
"I'm not scared of them, y/n! I just don't like them!" - Joe
"Sure, Joe." - you laughed
"I didn't come here to get made fun of." - Joe
I laughed as I laid my head on his shoulder and threw an arm over him.
"Sorry, babe." - you
"You know, I love when you call me that and baby." - Joe
"Well, I love calling you them." - you
Joe leaned down and pressed a kiss onto my lips before sitting up to open a box.
"Chocolate-covered strawberry?" - Joe
"Ooh! Yes, please!" - you
He leaned down on his elbow to where he was hovering over me and led the strawberry to my mouth. My hand found its way onto his chest, just wanting to remain in contact with him.
"Good?" - Joe
"Mhm, they're really good. Hand me one, it's your turn." - you
Joe handed me a chocolate-covered strawberry and I leaned up a little bit to guide it towards his perfect lips.
"Mmm, those are good!" - Joe
"What else do you have? I'm feeling something savory." - you
"We can have the pizza." - Joe suggested
"Oh yeah!" - you
Joe grabbed the two plates he brought and handed me one, along with a few napkins.
He was hesitantly reaching for the pizza box and for a second I wondered why he was seemingly nervous all of a sudden, he seemed fine up till now.
I watched Joe place the box between us before he slowly opened it. When he did his eyes immediately traced off to mine, and that's when I realized why he was nervous.
Written in pepperoni said, "Be My GF?" 
Joe was silently freaking out, scared he asked too soon, worried about what you're answer would be, or if it was a lame way to ask such a big thing.
You on the other hand felt like you were on cloud nine. This was such a Joe way of asking you to be his girlfriend and you found it sweet and so endearing. It was perfect and quirky, just like Joe.
While you were swooning over the proposal, answering the question seemed to have slipped your mind. When you're eyes finally met Joe’s and he seemed frantic you realized you hadn't answered his question yet.
"Of course, I'll be your girlfriend!" - you
Joe’s once-nervous expression turned lit up with excitement as he leaned forward to crash his lips onto mine.
My hand cupped Joe’s cheek as I held him as close as I could get him, his lips rough on mine.
When Joe and I pulled away from each other huge smiles were plastered on our faces.
“So, I'm your boyfriend…” - Joe
“I’m your girlfriend…” - you
We looked at each other for a second before erupting into nervous giggles. It was almost as if our teenage selves came back for a second.
A few minutes later we had calmed down and got comfortable on the blanket. Joe got Hocus Pocus playing and we were cuddled up eating our pizza, stealing kisses after bites, and feeding each other snacks now and then.
The sunset didn't disappoint and neither did the view of it.
It seemed as if life couldn't get any better than it was at that moment. I was watching one of my favorite Halloween movies, and eating my favorite snacks, all while cuddling up to my boyfriend.
“Joey?” - you
Still lying on his shoulder, I rubbed his chest to get his attention.
“Yup?” - Joe
“Thank you for all of this. This was the best first date ever and I've loved every second of it. I'm so happy to finally call myself yours.” - you
“You’re so welcome, baby. I'm glad you've enjoyed it because I have as well.” - Joe
Sadly once the sun had set and the movie ended shortly after, it was time for us to leave.
Joe told me to head back to the car while he gathered everything up saying he didn't want me to get cold without the blankets.
Even while I was alone and Joe was putting stuff in the backseat, I couldn't stop smiling.
Today had been so perfect; waking up next to Joe, having breakfast with him, and then having the best date possible to end the night.
I wasn't without Joe for very long and when he got in the car he slipped his hand onto my leg as he turned onto the main road.
“My girl.” - Joe squeezed your leg
You had smiled at the gesture just thinking he was reminding you of his presence but in all honesty he just wanted to say it out loud to see if it would feel any more real to him. He couldn't believe it, the girl he'd had a crush on since high school was his girlfriend. She felt the same way about him that he felt about her and it was so surreal to him.
It was silent in the car, not an awkward silence but a little too quiet for Joe’s liking so he went to shuffle his usual playlist.
“Aye! We listened to your music the last time we were in the car. It's my turn.” - you
“Whatever you want, babe.” - Joe laughed
I connected my phone and shuffled my everyday playlist, a content smile on my face when “we fell in love in october” was the first song that played.
It hit me that it was October 1st. This song felt a little personal now that Joe and I started dating in October.
“This is kinda our song now…” - you
“Well. We started dating in October, I don't remember what month it was when I fell in love with you a few years ago.” - Joe smiled
Authors note: this chapter has me feeling REALLLLLLLL single.
Hope you enjoyed! ❤️
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xmalfoyweasleyx · 2 years
Anything - Steve Harrington x reader
Summary: When Steve's girlfriend (Dustin's sister) almost gets involved in their usual adventures, Dustin asks him to do anything to get her away from it. But things get out of hand...
Warnings!: ANGST, Steve hurts reader (accidentally), fighting, f!reader, henderson!reader , words: 1k
A/N: I'll probably make a part 2 for this cause I'm a sucker for fluffy endings ;) —> part 2
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“Why are you both so rushed? Is there something wrong?” y/n asked, standing in the middle of the living room with her arms crossed. Her boyfriend Steve and her brother Dustin were acting suspicious for a while now.
“Nothing wrong” Dustin lies, sounding scared and rushed. “Yep, everything’s fine honey” Steve adds. He presses a quick kiss on y/n’s lips and runs to the dooropening where Dustin is standing.
Y/n is confused about the sudden attitude of the boys and even feels left out. She used love the fact that her boyfriend and brother are best friends, but now it seems like things are changing. “Wait! Stop! You’re both really bad liars. You look like the world’s gonna end” she sighs angrily.
Ironically, she wasn’t wrong about that. A few seconds earlier Mike had warned them through the walkie talkie, a demogorgon was in the woods nearby. Y/n didn’t know anything about the crazy stuff the boys have been through. They kept it a secret for her, to keep her safe, just like they’re doing now.
“Baby, trust me, don’t ask questions, it’s for your own safety” Steve reassures her.
“W-What? I don’t understand, what’s going on?” Y/n sounds worried now. She gets overwhelmed with anxiety when a weird sound comes from the wood. At first y/n would have thought it was just some kind of wild animal, but when she sees the look on the boys’ faces, it seems more than just an animal.
Never in her life had she seen them look so scared.
“What was that?” Y/n screams now.
The boys stay silent, confused at what to do: comfort the girl they love so dearly or just leave and save the world.
“We need to go Steve” Dustin whispers, ignoring his sisters scoff.
“She’ll follow us” Steve answers. “Damn right, I will” y/n adds.
“Please, Steve, you have to make sure she doesn’t get involved, please, anything, what if she gets hurt… or… or killed?” Dustin whispers, so only Steve could hear.
Suddenly something clicks in Steve’s mind.
This sudden feeling, the need to protect her. The realization that if he lets her go with them, his biggest fears might come true. Flashes of his nightmares crossed his mind. They were almost always about her, and the monsters. Y/n always knew how to comfort him when he woke up screaming, but she never knew what the nightmares were about. When he lets her go with them, she’ll be in great danger, and it would be… His fault. He would never forgive himself for that.
“Hellooo?I’m standing right here, stop whispering” y/n gets annoyed, her fear turning into pure anger.
“Honey, you have to stop acting so stubborn” Steve sighs
“Excuse me?! Stubborn? You guys are acting all crazy out of nowhere and you expect me to ignore that?” y/n feels her skin starting to burn, turning red out of anger and confusion. “Look, I have no clue what’s going on but I’m not blind, if you guys are in danger I will help and you ca-“
“NO” they simultaneously cut her off. Steve gets away from the door opening, trying to get a little closer to his girlfriend again. His hand touches her arm cautiously, as if he’s trying not to break her into pieces.
“Y-you have to trust us” he sighs. His loving look almost calms her down, but the anger is still coursing through her veins.
“I don’t want to wait here” y/n says accentuating every word.
“Goddamn it woman, for once, listen to me!” Steve loses his temper.
“Don’t speak to me that way Harrington!” she speaks heavily. Steve takes a step back, shocked by the way she says his last name. She never called him that. Lots of people called him Harrington, with the right amount of disgust on their face. But she never did. Until now.
It almost felt like fume was coming out of his ears. Dustin still stood there, he was getting nervous, this was escalating.
“Steve.. I think we should…” Dustin tries.
But Steve doesn’t hear him.
“This is BULLSHIT” y/n spits out the word her boyfriend hates.
It becomes black before Steve’s eyes. He doesn’t even realise it when he steps even closer to her and grabs her wrists harshly. “STOP IT!” he screams.
“LET ME GO STEVE” she screams back, completely in shock by the sudden unfamiliar way he acts. His big hands press harder on her wrists, it feels like it’s going to leave bruises if he holds on. For a moment it’s like her Steve isn’t there anymore. The affectionate, soft, adoring look he always had when he looked at her. It was gone. Y/n could only see dark eyes with nothing behind them.
She calms down almost immediately, her angry words turning into whimpers.
“Steve..” she whimpered softly, focusing on the hands gripping her,
It was silent now. A tear falls down her cheek. “Steve… Steve? Y-you’re hurting me” she cries.
Suddenly, his eyes soften again when the unfamiliar cries of her voice make him realise what he’s doing. He lets go immediately.
Steve is in shock. He’s focused on the redness on y/n’s wrist, doesn’t even have the guts to look at her hurt face again. That look was the worst things he’s ever seen.
“Y/n, I’m so so sorry, I can’t even believe I did this.. I-I..” he whines with a hurt expression. His heart shattered into a million pieces when he dared to look at her again. She looked scared.
Scared of him.
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noneedtoamputate · 16 days
The Vault in Our Stars (Band of Brothers Olympics AU) - Chapter Two
Thanks to @mercurygray for letting me borrow Marj and Eileen for this chapter and the wonderful suggestions and editing help (any mistakes are entirely my own) and for @shoshiwrites for always seeming to like my favorite parts of things I write. Enjoy! And here's a link to Chapter One if you missed it.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Four days before Opening Ceremony
Breakfast tray in hand, Carwood found a table in a quiet corner of the cafeteria. He took a much-needed sip of coffee and enjoyed the silence. The team had been eating their meals together since arriving in Paris. But Dick had an early interview this morning, George and Tab decided to sleep in, and Harry was nowhere to be found, meaning he was probably with Kitty. 
The tension between the guys had lessened after Dick returned to the room last night, but the words from earlier in the day still echoed among the group. Carwood hated conflict, and the stress he felt between his teammates wasn’t helping his concentration. He looked forward to a quiet breakfast, without George cracking jokes or Tab talking about their next TikTok video or Dick being judgmental about what was on his plate. 
“Mind if I sit here?”
He looked up and saw a tall woman - well, taller than him, anyways - with honey-colored hair styled in a wavy bob wearing the warmups issued to the American athletes. 
He nodded and smiled, trying to look polite despite feeling slightly disappointed at the thought of having to make small talk with a stranger. He really did want to meet fellow athletes, but he wouldn’t have minded waiting until after some caffeine kicked in.
“Marjorie Gordon, rugby,” she introduced herself while placing her napkin on her lap. “But call me Marj.”
“Carwood Lipton, gymnastics,” he replied. 
“Oh, the other NixWorks team! Blanche Nixon started sponsoring us last year. She’s done so much for us,” she said before digging into her oatmeal. 
“Yeah, Lew’s been great for us, too,” Carwood agreed. He was still getting to know their corporate sponsor. Calling him by his first name felt strange but calling him Mr. Nixon felt even stranger. Lew wasn't much older than Dick, and Lew himself had already made all the jokes about the name Nixon. He’d forgotten there was a sister.
“I don’t think it hurts that Blanche has a thing for our captain, Connie.” Carwood’s eyebrows raised at Marj’s admission, but he said nothing. ���Connie’s too focused to even notice, but maybe she’ll realize after the games are over.”
He tried to think of something to say, but she beat him to it. “When does your competition start?” 
“Two days after the opening ceremonies. How about you?”
“We’ve already started pool play,” she said, like this would mean something to him. He nodded and tried to look like he knew what that meant. “We had a match yesterday, and we have another one tonight.”
“Did you win?” he asked as he cut into an egg. 
“Of course!” she said, assuredly. “We’re here to put USA women’s rugby on the map.” She took another bite of her oatmeal and seemed to study him for a moment. “So, are you an all-rounder or a specialist, and what’s your favorite apparatus?” She smiled at his confusion. “I studied sports medicine in college - did a whole internship with our gymnastics team. I couldn’t do any of it but it’s beautiful to watch.”
The way she said beautiful made him nervous for a moment. Carwood explained that, yes, he was an all-arounder, meaning he competed in all six events, but pommel horse was his favorite. 
She gasped. “I love pommel! The physics of it all amazes me,” she explained. 
“Don’t tell me, physics was your second major.” He couldn’t help himself. The joke just tumbled out.
She grinned. “No, but maybe it should have been. At the end of the day, rugby’s all about forces and objects.”
“I’m studying engineering,” he said.
And their conversation took off after that. Marj didn’t let up with the questions, and she learned where he was from (West Virginia), what he thought about his team (“they’re great guys, but they can be …a lot”), what he liked to read (military history, especially World War II), and she didn’t get weird when he mentioned his dad died in a car accident when he was ten. 
“Did the network ask you about that when they interviewed you for your profile piece?” It was no secret that viewers loved human interest angles, and stories of perseverance over loss resonated the most, even with people who didn’t care about sports.
He signed. “They almost had me convinced I wouldn’t have made the team if he was still here. And they kept asking me if I thought he was looking down on me and smiling. I don’t know, it’s just not something I think about …”
“Or something you want to share with strangers and a camera in your face?” Marj finished for him
“Exactly.” He looked at her for a moment. “Are you always this nice?”
She grinned like this was part of a longstanding joke.  “I’m from Minnesota. It’s in the water.”
He laughed - actually laughed, out loud - and then felt self-conscious about it. “So, what did they ask you during your interview?” he asked, sticking his fork into a piece of cantaloupe. 
“Oh, the usual. Tall girl, tomboy, loved sports. Never felt like she fit in until she found rugby and became part of this team.” She rolled her eyes. “I might have felt like that for two weeks at thirteen, when everyone felt awkward. But I played hockey and softball growing up and always felt like I belonged.” 
Carwood noticed the way her eyes twinkled when she smiled. 
“I’d wanted to go to U of M since I was little, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to play hockey there. The competition is just too good. But a girl on my floor told me about the rugby team and the rest is history.” She took a sip of orange juice and sighed. “It’s too bad they did the interview a few months ago. If they had interviewed me at the beginning of this month, they would have had a real story.”
“Why, what happened?” he asked.
“My boyfriend dumped me after five years.” She said this with the extreme calm of a woman who’d already made peace with it. “Said he was tired of me putting rugby before him and our plans, which wasn’t true. But here we are.” She shrugged her shoulders. “What can you do?”
“He dumped you three weeks before the games?” Carwood asked incredulously. He didn’t realize he could be so angry at someone he never met, whose name he didn’t even know. 
“Allen was the star quarterback in high school,” she explained. “He played in college, too, but never good enough to go pro. Which was fine for him, because he always had this plan of going back home, getting a teaching job, getting married, having kids right away, and coaching the little league team. I don’t think he liked it when my plans made a detour and when the spotlight was on me for a bit.”
“A detour to the Olympics.”  Carwood couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Marj shrugged. “Allen sounds like an asshole,” he said, loud enough so that athletes at the table across from them turned their heads. Sorry, he mouthed their way. 
He turned back to Marj. “I’d be proud as hell to have a girlfriend in the Olympics.” He realized how that might have sounded while he was staring at her across a table sharing life stories and took a quick tactical detour “My teammate, Harry, has been with Kitty Grogan for years, and he loves it when people call him Mr. Grogan. He’s even said he’ll change his name to hers when they get married.” He was rambling now, and he needed to find an exit. “A real partner doesn’t make you change who you are.”
“Thanks. He really is an asshole,” she agreed, speaking softer than Carwood.
For a while neither of them spoke. “What did you do after that?” he asked. He couldn’t imagine going through that kind of emotional turmoil in the middle of training for the most important competition of your life.
“Well, I went out with my team and got really drunk. I mean, really drunk. I woke up the next morning and felt like a truck had run me over. I looked in the mirror, and all I could see was my hair. He loved talking about my hair. So, I cut it.”
“You cut your own hair?” Carwood asked. He had enough memories of his mother discussing haircuts with his sisters to know this was a big deal.
Marj, however, did not seem bothered by this. “Hacked it off, really. And then Doris - she’s my best friend on the team - came over to my apartment to check in on me. She took one look, gasped, called her stylist, and asked if he could work a miracle.” She patted her hair. “And now I get to wear cute headbands and start trends for short hair.”
“I really like it. It suits you,” Carwood shared. 
“It does. A new me.” She looked down at the remains of her oatmeal like she was deciding something. “You should come to the match tonight. Bring your guys. It’ll be fun.”
“Um …” he trailed off. Athletes didn’t get automatic admission to other events, and even when tickets were available, they were often expensive.
“There are free tickets available for the qualifying rounds,” Marj added, recognizing his hesitance. “Just ask for them at the USA hospitality desk. Or Blanche should have extra tickets, too.”
Breakfast seemed to be coming to an end - Carwood was finished with his eggs. But there was still something else on Marj’s breakfast tray - one of the chocolate croissants George had been going on about all week. “What about your game later?” he asked, thinking about what Dick would say about the importance of breakfast before a competition.
“One pastry’s not going to kill me. And if it did, I’m in the wrong sport.” She picked up her pain au chocolat, examined it, took one bite, and let out a moan. This might be the best thing I have ever put in my mouth.”
He cleared his throat, trying not to think of other connotations of that statement. “My teammate, George, loves them, too. He’s interviewing Team USA about them for his TikTok, if you’re interested.”
“Well, now he has to come! We can meet up afterwards and he can do the whole team. The girls eat them any chance we get. Are you on Insta? WhatsApp?” He nodded.
“My username is scrumptiousmarj. A scrum is a pack of players in rugby,” she explained, noticing the look on his confused face.
“I’ll look you up,” he promised.
“Great. See you later, Lip!” she said as she walked off.
Lip. No one had ever called him that before. 
He liked it. 
Thursday, July 24, 2024
Three days before Opening Ceremony
 Lew saw Blanche sitting on the table outside the café, looking at her phone and smoking a cigarette. She wore a pair of oversized sunglasses in an attempt to hide her bloodshot eyes. Her jet-black hair looked uncombed, and her maxi dress needed the help of an iron. Well, as long as she’s having fun. He certainly wasn’t in a position to lecture anyone about appearances.
She stood up to greet him. “Mon frère,” she said, kissing his right cheek and then his left.
“Did you ever make it back to Grandmère’s last night?” His Grandmother Ryer kept an apartment in the 7th arrondissement, arguably the best neighborhood in Paris, just in case she - or other family members - happened to be in town. It was a handy landing pad for continental tours, trips to Cannes, or - in this one very particular instance - avoiding the absolutely insane price of hotel rooms during the largest sporting event of the year.
She shook her head. “I was with the girls after the match,” she said, referring to the rugby team. “And then I met up with some friends to catch up.”
“That must have been some catch up,” he said. 
“I’ll nap later.” She waved her hand holding the cigarette. “This bothering you?” she asked, in a way that clearly said she didn’t care if it did.
“No,” he lied. Lew hadn’t smoked in four months. Everyone said it would get easier.
Everyone was a liar. 
“You know you can have one. It’s Paris. It doesn’t count,” she reasoned.
“I’m pretty sure it does,” he said, as a server walked over to take his order. 
“How’s your team doing?” Blanche asked while looking back down at her screen. “I saw some of them yesterday.”
He held in a laugh. His team, like he did anything except throw money towards a group of guys who could really use it. Throwing money at a problem - a Nixon family trait. NixWorks had started these sponsorships as a way to burnish up the company image - supporting serious, deserving athletes to replace the overriding image of his father’s multiple marriages, drunk driving charges, and poor skills with the press. And it was almost working. 
How is my team? he thought. His talk with Dick the other day went as he hoped, and the team captain seemed a bit more relaxed when he saw him yesterday. The guys had a good practice, and Dick seemed okay with the guys going to the women’s rugby match, especially when Carwood explained matches were only fourteen minutes long. Come to think of it, Carwood had dropped a lot of rugby knowledge yesterday. Lew didn’t know he was such a fan. George had gained some more TikTok followers with his pastry posts, and people were talking about the team more on social media. 
“Good,” he said simply. “But I think they’re getting anxious for the competition to start.”
Lew’s cappuccino arrived, and the siblings started sharing tech industry insider scoops and family gossip when a passerby caught Lew’s eyes.
It was easy to spot Americans in Paris. They were always louder than anyone else, for one thing. But they didn’t have that, well, je ne sais quoi. They looked a bit sloppier, walked with a little less confidence. 
But not this woman. She looked smart in her black wide-legged trousers and fitted striped shirt. Her minimal makeup was expertly applied, and Lew had dated enough women to know that her messy bun took time to style just right.
No, this woman wouldn’t be mistaken for an American. The only reason he knew she was from back home was because of an unfortunate encounter and he hoped she wouldn’t recognize -
“Eileen!” Blanche shouted out. The woman turned, smiling and waving in recognition of his sister. She walked back towards their table.
Speaking of loud Americans, he thought, shooting a look at his sister as the rest of the cafe side-eyed her shout over their breakfast pastries.
“Join us!” Blanche invited, pointing to the extra chair. 
Eileen set her Louis Vuitton clutch on the table and looked at Blanche. “Could I bum a cigarette?” she asked.
Blanche handed one to Eileen and lit it for her. “I didn’t know you smoked,” Blanche said.
“I don’t. But it’s Paris,” Eileen said, as if that explained everything. Blanche smiled and looked over at Lew.
“That’s. Not. How. It. Works,” he said back, no longer hiding his aggravation. 
Blanche ignored her brother’s tone. “Eileen, I don’t know if you’ve had the pleasure of meeting my charming brother, Lewis. Lew, this is Eileen Hammond. Is your title influencer now, or are you going for something different?”
Eileen waved a hand lazily in the air. “Model, influencer, brand ambassador, host - take your pick.”
“She runs a travel blog and channel called Eileen Over the World. It’s what, nine hundred thousand followers now? A million? Are you filming an episode here or just here for pleasure?”
Eileen took a long drag and blew the smoke out a little too close to Lew’s face for it to be an accident. “Work mainly, but I’m trying to schedule some down time here and there. And actually,” - she looked directly at Lew - “your brother and I have already met.”
Lew silently groaned. Well, damn.
“Oh really? Do tell,” Blanche urged Eileen on.
The woman leaned back in her chair, cigarette in hand and impossibly good looking for it. “It was two years ago. I’m at some boring party in L.A., wondering if it’s too early to leave, when a man with a very nice smile and extraordinary eyebrows walks up to me. We chat about Hollywood, about modeling jobs, about influencing, about whiskey, which he knows a great deal about. Anyway, he’s very witty, and not just in the Hollywood way, and I am just about to give him my number - which I rarely do - when who walks up but his girlfriend.”
“Oh Lew,” Blanche said, sounding a bit disappointed but not surprised. She turned her attention back to Eileen. “Was it Kathy?” she asked.
Eileen shrugged. “I don’t know. She didn’t offer a name. What does Kathy look like?”
“Tall. Tan. Big boobs.”
She shook her head. “No, this one was blonde and petite with a pixie cut and a rather posh English accent.”
“Oh, Irene.” Blanche was making a face. Blanche never had a problem sharing her opinions about Lew’s love life. Kathy had been known to have something of a temper, but Irene had been absolutely territorial when it came to Lew.
“I’m right here,” Lew reminded them, not appreciating the round down of girlfriends past, but they ignored him.
“Maybe he confused the both of you. Eileen. Irene. They sound a bit alike.” She laughed at her little dig.
Eileen shrugged. “Anyway, I didn’t even know his whole name until the pictures of her shouting at him afterwards were all over some gossip site. To be honest, I was a little surprised he didn’t lead with ‘owner of a major tech company.’” She stared him down like she was expecting him to deny it. “They usually do.” 
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly.
“Excuse me? What did you just say?” Blanche asked, needing confirmation that her brother had just apologized for something he did.
“I’m sorry,” he repeated, ignoring his sister and looking directly at Eileen. “It was a terrible thing to do. Yes, Irene and I were just about to break up, but we hadn’t yet, and I shouldn’t have done that to her, and I shouldn’t have done that to you.” It was a weird point in my life, and I’ve figured a few things out since then - like not getting involved with someone immediately after a breakup, or when substances are involved, and not starting something until you’ve finished what you’re in the middle of. 
“Aren’t you going to say something?” he asked Eileen. It wasn’t everyday he admitted a mistake. The least she could do was acknowledge it. 
She stared at him and crossed her arms. "I'm not sure what to say - is this one of the famous Nixon public apologies?"  
Lew's face burned. His father’s apologies were the stuff of legend - delivered often at the point of a sword - or a lawsuit - and usually about as hollow as they came. 
He heard Blanche let out a small gasp. 
Lew felt his body tense up, and his heart rate increased. He wanted to make the feeling go away as fast as possible. He wanted a cigarette, a whiskey, a shouting match with the woman across from him who had caused all of this.
Instead, he took a deep breath, held it for four seconds, and exhaled for six. 
“I am nothing - nothing - like my father,” he finally said.
He stood up, took his wallet out of his jeans pocket, and threw one hundred euros down on the table without a second thought.
“Coffees are on me. Enjoy your day, ladies.” 
He walked away, not knowing where he was going, only that wherever it was, he wouldn’t have to see Eileen’s face.
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