#the way i gasped when i saw KAI's and Baekhyun's photos
losttareellka · 1 year
I was a K-pop stan from 2016 until, I guess, 2020 (maybe?). I was a huge EXO stan, and even after leaving this whole thing and not being in touch with any news about them, I still adored them as very talented singers.
I was really upset with the release of 'Don't Fight the Feeling,' the quality of the music video (it's painful to watch, sorry), the size of the album, and the song itself. All of it was very upsetting to me (although I liked 'Runaway,' though). It seemed to me that SM just doesn't want to work with EXO seriously and focus on NCT and aespa.
But I accidentally discovered this comeback and watched the 'Let Me In' music video, and now I am really excited. I liked everything about it—the song, visuals, OT8, all of it. The atmosphere is just incredible. Now I have hope that SM will not abandon them in the near future. It would be such a loss for all of us.
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Eternally Yours
(I was in a hardcore Soft mood for like three days and this is what came of it. 
Sorry bout the ending.)
Pairing: Chanyeol x Writer!Reader. Married! AU ft. Kaisoo
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You had no intention of waking up, but when a breeze shifted your curtain and allowed a shaft of sunlight to practically punch you in the eye, it was hard to drift back off. You turned away from the window, finding yourself face to face with your sleeping husband. Somehow he looked stunning, even in his sleep. His lashes were fanning across his cheeks, his hair was ruffled and sticking up in odd places and his plump lips were parted slightly, letting quiet snores emit. Not even seconds later his phone on the bedside table began ringing loudly. His eyes snapped open, locking onto yours for a moment, making him smile.
“Phone.” You reminded him. Sitting up he answered, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. You followed him, squishing your face into his back and wrapping your arms around his torso. As he spoke he began absentmindedly playing with your finger, specifically the ring on your left hand. 
“Hello? Ah good morning Xiumin Hyung.”
“Hi, Xiumin.” You mumbled against his broad back.
“Y/n says hi as well.” He moved the phone towards you so you could hear Xiumin shout.
“Good morning Mrs. Park.” Chan grinned at that, moving the phone back to his ear.
“Look, Xiumin hyung I'm going to be completely honest with you. There is literally nothing you could tell me that would make me come in today.” He confessed, making you chuckle lightly. He smiled at your actions, as he listened to what his elder was saying. “If the building was on fire I would calmly drink a glass of water and watch.”
“You're so mean in the morning.” You laughed lightly. “Where did you even learn that phrase?”
“Yeah, see you tomorrow, hyung.” He bid, hanging up the phone and tossing it on your side of the bed. “Was I too mean?” You shook your head, still pressed to his back.
“Not at all Yeol, Xiumin will understand.” You reasoned.
Nearly 4 years ago, when Park Chanyeol had announced that he had a girlfriend, everyone expected her to be like him. They expected a musician or an actress or at least a producer, but what they got was something else entirely. You were an author, and more than that, you had been nicknamed the “Modern Mother of Horror” after your novels had found themselves on every shelf across the globe. You were darkness, you were the creep factor, you gave seminars on how to write the perfect crime novels and how to discuss realistic demons.
You didn't seem Chanyeol's type.
Chanyeol was the human embodiment of a golden retriever, and you were the amalgamation of H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allen Poe and Stephen King. Yet still, he loved you, he stayed with you and one day, he married you.
“Do you want coffee?” He asked, eyes barely open.
“If you make breakfast, I'll make dinner.” You offered, pulling away from him to sit up fully and stretch. He glanced back at you, a smile forming on his lips as he saw your tired yawn. Somehow, despite having such a long relationship, the sight of you in one of his shirts still made his heart flutter.
“Good morning.” He finally said.
“Good morning, Yeobo.” You greeted back. He leaned towards you, capturing your lips in a good morning kiss.
“Did you want to go to the gym today?” He asked, laying back down next to you, resting his head on your leg. Your hand immediately went to his hair, combing your fingers through the brown locks.
“Not right now, it's too early.” You both laughed.
“Understandable.” He stared up at you quietly, admiring your face. He always felt like a schoolboy with a crush when he saw you. “How about, I make breakfast while you shower and we can see where today takes us?”
“Sounds good to me.” You nodded. He grinned, leaning up to kiss you again before bouncing off the bed. “How are you always so hyper in the morning?”
“I just have to see that ring on your finger and I feel like I could take on the world.” He confessed.
“Cheese ball.” You teased, but the smile on your face assured him you loved him for it.
When you two had met, nearly 5 years ago, neither of you expected where you were now. He had come to your book signing in Berlin, being a huge fan of your most recent series. When he arrived, it was later in the signing and you were mostly just having fun with your fans. You walked among them, giving hugs and autographs, it looked more like a party than a book signing. He planned to have his security guard approach you when the event was drawing to a close but when he saw how your face light up when Power was suddenly played over the speakers, he couldn't help himself. He approached you slowly like he was a scared deer.
“Um, hello.” He mumbled in English. You turned to him, and when your eyes met his, he couldn't help but smile under his mask.
“I'm Chan, I love your writing.” He told you, gripping his copy of your novel against his chest. The smile that blossomed on your face made his heart flutter.
“Hi, Chan. It's nice to meet you. I'm Y/n.” You held out a hand, and he quickly wiped his sweaty palm on his sweater before shaking it. “Would you like me to sign your book?” You asked, gesturing to the copy he held.
“Oh yes please.” He held out the book almost shyly. When you saw that it was in Korean, your grin increased. “You're Korean?” You asked, in Korean. He stared at you wide-eyed before nodding.
“Yes, I had no idea you spoke the language.” “I actually rewrote the Korean versions to better fit the language.” You explained, scribbling something on the inner cover. “Is Chan short for something?”
“Chanyeol.” Your eyes darted from the book to his face, then to the security guard behind him. You smirked up at him, nodding slowly as you figured it out.
“Well then Mr. Chan, here you are.” You handed him the book back, no with a message to him in Korean.
“Thank you, you're awesome. I wish I could repay you, for rewriting the books in Korean, it must take a lot of work.” He gushed.
“Thanks, Chan.” You smiled softly up at him. “Actually, are you busy in about,” You glanced at your watch, “Half an hour?”
“No, why?”
“Well, I was supposed to have dinner with my publisher but she's just left for South Korea, would you like to join me?” His stomach did about 40 somersaults then exploded into a cloud of butterflies.
“I'd love to.”
Smiling at the framed selfie on your desk, the memories of your first date flooded your mind.
“Hey babe, what's up?” His voice broke her out of her thoughts, tearing her eyes away from the photo to find him standing in the doorway. He made his way over to her, resting his head on hers, and looking at the writing on the computer. “I stopped hearing typing to I came to see if you had fallen asleep or died.” He joked, making them both laugh.
“I ran out of inspiration and ended up distracted.” You confessed. He hummed, the vibrations being felt on the back of your head.
“Distracted by me?”
“Aren't I always?” To moved your head away from him, kissing his jaw lightly. The grin on his face as he looked down at you was endearing.
“Mm, I also came to tell you that Kai was wondering if we would like to join him and Kyungsoo on a date tonight.” He leaned on the desk, tilting his head back and forth as he though. “I figured, we haven't gone on a date in a while, and we're both gonna be kinda busy in the coming days.” He grinned over at you, while you twirled a pen in your hands.
“Where are they going?” You tried to pretend to sound uninterested but you really did miss date nights.
“There's a carnival by the beach. It's very cheesy so you know Kai had to go.” You both rolled your eyes at that. “So, Mrs. Park, would you like to go on a cheesy carnival date with me?” You pretended to think about it, tapping your chin lightly.
“Well, Mr. Park, I think a cheesy carnival date is right up your alley.” Somehow his grin got bigger.
“I am going to win you the biggest teddy bear ever!” Chan cheered as you climbed out of the car.
“There's no need.” You laughed.
“The quickest way to a girl's heart is through manliness and money.” He joked, spotting the others across the parking lot.
“Babe you already have my heart.” He smiled down at you, kissing you lightly before pulling up your face mask. There would definitely be people who could tell who you were, and this was sure to end up all over the internet.
“There she is!” Kai yelled as soon as he saw you. “I haven't you in ages!” He cried, pulling you in for a tight hug.
“Hello Kai, hey Kyungsoo” You greeted, hugging them both.
“How have you been?” Kai asked, pulling you ahead of the boys and hooking his arm into yours. Just behind you, D.O. and Chan watched your forms. Most other guys would have been at least apprehensive about their wives being so close to another man, but at the beginning of your relationship, it had quickly been realized that while Baekhyun, Jongdae, and Kai were your close friends, that was all they were.
“Chanyeol has decided to win me the biggest teddy bear he can.” Kai gasped, loudly and over dramatically.
“Babe, you have to win me a big teddy bear. There's no way I'm letting Chanyeol be more romantic than us.” He cried, spinning to face the other men. You couldn't help laughing, slowly sinking into a squat as D.O tried to reason with his boyfriend.
“They're already more romantic than us, they're married.” He explained, shooting you a slight glare.
“Then you have to marry me, then win me a big teddy bear!”
“Babe.” D.O. blushed, trying to make Chen stop yelling. Chan helped you stand back up while the boyfriends continued to talk.
“We'll meet you guys later for the finale.” He called.
“I will have a big teddy bear by then!” Kai replied, while Chanyeol just pulled you towards the ticket booth.
Thanks to the masks you both wore, it was a lot easier to just have fun. You both knew the internet was going to have a heart attack about the two of you playing cheesy carnival games together, him winning you a giant stuffed panda, and the two of you just generally being a cheery happy couple.
It didn't take long for you to play every game available, and soon found yourselves walking along the beach as the sun began to set.
“I really miss going on these cheesy dates with you.” You confessed, leaning your head on his arm as you walked.
“I do too. What if we went on a second honeymoon?” He offered.
“Aren't those for old couples that have been together for ages and are trying to rekindle their marriages?” You joked.
“Maybe.” He laughed. “But we're going to have some time after this comeback, we should go somewhere. Somewhere where its always just a bit cold.”
“I like seeing you in my hoodies.” He stated as if it were the most obvious thing ever.
“You'd prefer me to only ever wear your hoodies.” You reminded him. “And preferably nothing else.”
“You got me there, but we went to Dubai for our honeymoon, and we haven't gone anywhere since. So we should go somewhere the opposite of Dubai.” You nodded along to his words, racking your brain for ideas. “Somewhere kinda cold, and more subtle, Dubai was all about being rich and expensive.”
“San Francisco?” You offered.
“That sounds nice, but we're likely to get recognized in such a big city.”
“Oh, what about Big Bear Lake? You can rent these really fancy cabins there and it's really pretty in the winter.”
“I like it, how about we figure out all the details when we get home?”
“Hey, you two!” Kai’s scream made you jump and nearly drop your over-sized panda. “Look what Kyungie got me!” He waved a giant unicorn towards you.
“I love it.” You cried. “Look at my panda!”
“The fireworks are gonna start soon. I convinced the Ferris wheel attendant to get us on the very top for the finale.” D.O told Chan.
“There's gonna be fireworks?” You asked, earning nods from the boys.
“But we gotta get to the Ferris wheel, first.”
You practically ran towards the Ferris wheel, the four of you claiming one of the cars. At the top you could see the city lights sparkling over the ocean, you sat the panda next to you and cuddled against Chan to keep both of you warm. You may have jumped at every crackle from the fireworks but Chan's warm arm around your shoulders kept you grounded. He looked down at you as the finale began, the lights shining in his eyes. Pulling you close he whispered in your ear,
“Is it too soon to ask you to marry me again?”
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kreacts · 7 years
EXO Reaction To A Trainee They’ve Helped Liking an NCT Dream Member.
Could I request an exo reaction to a 15-16 year old trainee that they've helped train liking a member of nct dream?
This was a totally new thing to write, so thank you for your request! And obviously, because I’m too extra, they’re all pretty long lmao (why do I do this to myself) I hope you enjoy it anon!
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“You like… Mark?” Suho would nod in understanding as you confirmed that you’d had a crush on NCT’s Mark for quite some time. Suho would rest his head on his hand and just keep nodding as you spoke about your crush. He’d really want to be a cool kind of guy who happily spoke to you about your crushes, and he was glad you trusted him, but he felt quite fatherly towards you so he didn’t quite know what to do with your confession. Suho would find a way to bring you and Mark to an event together. He’d be stood chatting with you and then when he saw Mark he would start waving his hands and approach the younger idol, greeting him enthusiastically.
“And do you know my favourite trainee, Y/n?” He’d ask, swooping a hand in your direction. Suho would stand with you both and make you have conversation no matter how you were feeling, asking you questions. He’d be so awkward you and Mark would end up giving each other some ‘is this guy ok?’ looks. I think Xiumin would come to your rescue and pull Suho away from you both and you would just sigh. Mark is a super sweet guy though, so he wouldn’t think anything was particularly off about Suho so he’d just ask you questions politely and encourage your work, smiling all the while.
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“You mean the Jaemin that’s sat right over there?” Xiumin would full on point at where Jaemin sat with the dreamies and you’d have to wrestle his hand down, terrified at the thought of Jaemin noticing. Xiumin would laugh and look between you two, settling back into his chair with the look of someone up to mischief. “Yeah I can see that, you’d be cute together.”
Xiumin wouldn’t want to really get involved since he saw the way you got a bit nervous about your crush, but he would always tease you all the time. He’d take a really ugly photo of you and then “Should I send this to Jaemin?” or you’d fail making some ramen and “I’ll have to tell Jaemin he will have to be the cook in your relationship.”
I think he wouldn’t plan to introduce you two, it’d just happen. You’d be at a music show and he’d bump into Johnny who’d introduce him to Jaemin and Xiumin would then lead them over to you in his excitement. “Look who it is, y/n!” During your conversation with Johnny and Jaemin, Xiumin would be stood to the back grinning and winking at you.
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Lay would be the most like a concerned father I think. He’d pick up on the way your behaviour would change around Jisung but he’d wait a while, just wanting to confirm that you actually did have a crush on him before saying anything.
He’d pull you aside one day and sit you down and ask you very honestly about your crush, saying he knew it was true and asking what you wanted from Jisung. He’d take it super seriously, and you’d be a little flustered since you only had a small crush on Jisung and now Lay was acting like you wanted to marry the guy.
“I just think right now your career should be the most important thing. You’ve worked so hard up till now, you can’t afford to be distracted by a crush,” You’d sigh and nod, you already knew this, but you were kind of happy Lay took your career so seriously. “But he seems like a sweet kid. Maybe wait till your careers are both more stable and if you still like him, see where it goes.”
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“You what now?” Baekhyun would freeze up in shock, involuntarily grinning, but you could see he looked super awkward. Baekhyun hadn’t expected you to talk to him about your crush on Renjun. He didn’t know if it was appropriate to laugh and joke around since you were so much younger, or if he should sit you down and have a serious talk about dating and crushes.
“That’s great?” Baekhyun would look around the room, looking for another topic to bring up. Sure, he had experience dating, but he didn’t know if you would even want his advice or if you had just wanted to share the  knowledge with him. “So, do you and him you know... hang out some times?”
Slowly, he’d ask you questions, just getting the feel for how serious your crush was. He’d probably tell you to keep him up to date on it, not all your little feelings but maybe if Renjun expressed attraction to you. If you ever asked him if he wanted to meet Renjun he’d probably get awkward and laugh. “Maybe ask Suho?”
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You were sat eating lunch with Chen and he was goofing around, as per usual, chopsticks in his mouth like he was a walrus. You’d glance around to him and laugh, choking on your drink.  Sure, Chen was one of your teachers, but he had always been very relaxed and comfortable around you and treated you more like a little sibling.
“So, Chen... I was wondering if I could ask you something?” Chen would be too busy stuffing his mouth full of food, so he’d just look up when he heard your question and nod, chewing enthusiastically.
“Do you think I should ask Mark out?”
Chen would choke, hurriedly swallowing his food. He’d gulp down some water, his eyes wide. “Mark? He’s a bit old for you, isn’t he?” You’d reach over and pat his back, helping him settle down from his choking fit, and laugh at his reaction.
“No! NCT Mark, he’s not that much older than me,” Chen would sag, relieved, and nod slowly.
“That is a much better idea.”
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Chanyeol would be like a best friend, he’d hype you up so much. I can totally see him gossiping with you about Haechan. “Oh my gosh you like Haechan, really? Like… you think he’s cute?” Chanyeol would totally giggle at any reaction you had to Haechan. If you so much as walked past Haechan at a show Chanyeol would high five you.
He’d be your hype boy, but he would really get annoying. Like he would always be teasing you. If you wore some nice clothes he’d ask if you were wearing them for Haechan. “I probably won’t even see him today, Chanyeol.” “You could be sending him selcas.”
Chanyeol would definitely be THAT friend that calls you up to hang out, but would secretly call Haechan to hang out. So you’d both arrive there and you would be totally fuming. Chanyeol would then leave you two alone so you could talk and hang out alone by pretending he’s going to get snacks from a shop.. (I can totally see Chanyeol and Haechan getting along well so you might have to fight Chanyeol for Haechan time.)
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“That’s… great for you,” You’d drop your crush on Chenle on D.O just randomly. D.O would stop smiling and just stand there, looking confused. He was shocked you trusted him with something so personal, but he felt so confused. Was he supposed to give you some advice on flirting with Chenle? What did you want from him?
I think if he was ever with you and Chenle, or even any of the other dreamies, appeared he would be more awkward than you. You’d be talking and smiling and laughing and D.O would be stood there, stiff as a board, with a robotic kind of smile just nodding every now and then to try and seem like he was paying attention.
D.O would just always be thinking  “It’s Chenle, what should I do?” so if Chenle turned to ask D.O a question he would freak out and just blurt “I like cheese” or something. Luckily Chenle spent 85% of his time laughing, so Chenle would just laugh “I like cheese, too.”
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Kai’s initial reaction would just be quiet as he watched you interact with Jeno, an unusually bright smile on your face. He watched as Jeno said something to you and you hit his arm playfully, blushing a little bit, and Kai would beam. His lil y/n was growing up! They had a crush!
Kai would be in such a good mood, he loved seeing young love, and seeing how happy you are was a relief for him. He had been worrying he’d been working you too hard and you were missing out on life, but seeing that you’d managed to develop a crush was great for him.
When you turned up the next day ready to practice with him Kai wouldn’t ask you about the crush, I think he’d just smile a lot every time you looked at him. Sometimes he’d just be sat there, thinking about it, and he’d feel all mushy and just have to hug you or compliment your hard work or skill more than usual.
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Sehun’s reaction would just be mock shock. Sure, he was your teacher so he didn’t know your whole life, but he had seen the way you jumped at the chance to reply to your messages, and when you asked who you were talking to you usually always replied with ‘Renjun’.
After a vocal session the two of you were sat down, relaxing for a bit, and you were scrolling through your phone, looking at all the lovely messages Renjun had sent you over the past few days. You wanted to talk about them, they made you so happy, and the only person around was Sehun.
“Sehun, I’m going to tell you something now, ok?” Sehun would put his phone down, expecting it to be a serious topic. “I really really... like Huang Renjun.”
“No,” Sehun would gasp, his hand smacking to his face. You were concerned for a moment that you had genuinely scared him but then just just rolled his eyes and picked up his phone. “I can’t believe you waited three months to tell me. So rude, y/n. What, did you think I was an idiot?”
Thank you for reading! We really hope you like it. We’re open for requests, so go ahead and message us! Thanks for the lovely request, Anon! Admin ☼ Iris 
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kimora2000 · 7 years
I Really Like You!EXO Oh Sehun x Reader
Chapter 6:
Sehun's POV
My alarm went off, but I just turned it off and went back to sleep. Just as I was about to fall into my deep slumber, I was dragged off my bed. I sat on the floor in a daze, sleep still in my eyes.
"Wake up. We got to go soon. Get dressed and let's go eat."
Baekhyun was rubbing my face trying to wake me up. After he left, I just fell to the floor to catch some more ZZZ's.
"Really! Sehun get up!"
This time there were two sets of arms hurling me up and dragging me to the bathroom. I could hear the water running but my eyes were too tired to open. Then I felt something cold on my face. I slowly started to open my eyes to see Chanyeol wiping my face with a cold towel and Baekhyun picking clothes out for me. Once Chanyeol was done, he began to strip me of my nightwear and helped Baekhyun put my fresh set of clothes on.
"Gosh! I feel like I'm dressing a baby."
"Yeah. A 22-year-old baby."
"Maybe you need to stop hanging out with girls till dawn, Loverboy."
With Baekhyun's words, I jolted up and ran to my nightstand. I stubbed my toe on the side of my bed leg, but the pain wasn't there, once I picked up my phone. She sent me a text this morning.
My Angel: Good morning! Hope you have a great day at work, Bubble tea boy❤️.
I read the text over and over again. With that I walked out of my room to get some breakfast, leaving two dumbfounded brothers in my bathroom.
Your POV
I got a call around 6 in the morning.
"Could you come in a little early? We have a big client today and I need your help."
"Sure. I'll be there as soon as possible."
I hung up and quickly showered and slipped on an outfit.
After I applied some makeup and fed (Dog's name). I grabbed my phone and started walking to my workplace. I was a photographer at Seoul Snaps. It doesn't sound fancy, but a lot of Korean Idols, even American ones, come here. It's laid back and we make sure that everyone has a wonderful time. As I walked through the doors, I was attacked by my friend (Friend #2).
"Omg, I feel like I haven't seen you in weeks."
"Hey, Unnie. I was here like two days ago."
"I know. I'm just super excited. The clients for today is one of my favorite Boy groups ever."
"Who is it?"
I shook my head to show that I heard her. I don't really know who they are. Never heard their music or seen their faces.
"Really (Y/N)! You moved here like a month or two ago, how have you not heard of EXO yet? They're like one of the major groups in Korea."
"Just haven't had time to watch the news really. I'm working a lot, trying to make money to pay off my bills. But... I did meet someone last night."
I looked to see her shocked face.
I told her the whole story on how I met Sehun.
"And last night he ran... I mean ran back to my house, just so that he could get my name and number. I never had a guy do that before, well I've only dated one other guy, but still. And I almost kissed him."
She screamed and I had to cover her mouth. She held my hands as we jumped up and down then started to laugh. After our high, we headed to the set to find our boss.
"Oh, there you are. Ok, we have a very important client coming today. They are a group of 9 members and it's split into two subgroups, EXO-M and EXO-K. (Y/N), you're responsible for K, alright."
"Yes, ma'am."
She handed me, the folder that held the name of the group and which set I'll be using. I walked down the hall to the set to get it ready for the shoot. I turned on my playlist and got to cleaning. After a while, the set was all clean.
"Just need to change the lights."
After some time, I was on the last one, the light on the highest point. So I had to grab the ladder. I climbed up and sat up on the top. As I was changing it, I could hear footsteps walking into the room. Five good-looking men walked in, looking around, wondering if they belong there.
"Hello. EXO-K?"
I shouted from the ladder and slowly made my way down. I walked over to the group of men and wiped my hands from dust to shake hands.
"Yes. My name is Suho. I am the leader of the group. This is Chanyeol, D.O., Baekhyun, and Kai."
I shook hands with them all.
"I thought there was six of you."
"He's still trying to wake up, so he went to the bathroom real quick."
The one named Chanyeol said. I nodded and brought them to the dressing room. I pointed where their outfits for the shoots were and where the makeup and hair room was and left so that they could get ready. I started to walk to the restrooms so that I could go before we start. Right when I turned the corner, I bumped into something hard. I jerked back and grabbed my nose because whatever I hit, hurt my nose.
"I'm sorry ma'am."
I know that voice. I quickly looked up to see Sehun standing right in front of me.
"(Y/N)! What are you doing here?"
We hugged and laughed from the outcome.
"I work here. What are you doing here? Wait don't tell me you're with EXO."
"Angel, I am EXO. EXO-K, Lead Dancer, Lead Rapper, blah blah blah"
He waved his hand around like it was nothing. I was so shocked to find that I went on a date with a member from EXO and that I was going to be working with Sehun. Why didn't he tell me he was part of a famous group. I could already feel my cheeks heat up. Also, he was staring at me for a long time.
"You look beautiful."
"Thank you."
I gave him a shy smile as my cheeks heated up, and he waved at me and left. I let out a huge sigh and walked into the restroom. Once I was done, I headed back to the set. They weren't in there yet, probably helping Sehun with his clothes, so I grabbed the camera and got everything ready. Then, I heard them step out and turned around to see all of them dressed in their outfits.
'Wow, they look so handsome.' Then Sehun walked out. 'Omg! He looks so good. Snap out of it (Y/N). Pay attention.'
"Ok, so we'll start with Suho."
He came walking up and smiled at me. I could see Sehun frown in the distance from his actions. And with that, I started the shoot.
Next Chanyeol.
Next up is Baekhyun.
Sehun's POV
(Y/N) looked so beautiful in her dress. It showed the right curves and outlined all the best parts. Apparently, the others could see it as well, from how Suho walked up to her with his cheeky smile. And don't get me started with Baekhyun, pretending like he hasn't done a shoot before and making her touch him so that everything was perfect. She was on D.O., when she took off her jacket. Her body looked so good, I just wanted to walk up and kiss her, but not with the others in here.
"Dude, she's totally hot. Like I'm speechless."
I heard Baekhyun whisper in my ear. If only he knew, she's the girl I spent the whole night with. I didn't know when it was the right time to introduce her to the guys yet, plus we never really fully committed to dating yet, so I'm not sure what we are.
I snapped out of my daydream and looked up towards (Y/N). She was waving me over.
"You're up."
I walked over to the set and waited for further instructions. She looked through the camera, then walked over to me. First dusted off my shoulder and fixed my hair, then walked back to her spot. I don't know if it was the lights or her, but I started to feel super hot. I posed, trying to get my mind off her, and tried to focus on the shoot. But it was hard knowing that the girl I have a crush on is standing right in view. So I looked up as if there was something to look at. Flash after flash after flash, she stopped to look at her camera. I looked at the guys and you could see their gaze towards (Y/n). It made me so mad, and I don't know why.
Once I was done, I walked over to her and looked over her shoulder to see the photos. 'Man, I look good' She glanced up at me and laughed.
"Are you admiring how you look?"
"Yes and trying to remember your scent."
She gently shoved me away and chuckled, then walked to the computers. Taking out the SD Card and inserting it into the computer, the shots of us came up.
"Are you guys happy with the results?"
"I think we all look great. Thank you."
Suho placed his hand on her back as he leans in to get a "closer look". I was so fed up and was about to shove him out of the way.
"Hey, (Y/N). Are you done with the shoot?
'Saved by the Bell.'
"Yes, I just need to edit."
"Ok. Alright, Exo-K if you be so kind to come with me for some refreshment before the next shoot."
We all stood up and headed out the door. I was about to turn when I ran back into the room and saw her sitting in the same spot, so I ran up and covered her eyes. She gasped and turned around to see me.
"Hey, aren't you supposed to be following the Leader?"
"Yes, but I want to give you this."
I leaned in and kissed her cheek. I pulled back to see her face heat up.
"Yah! Get going before they come back in to find you here."
I just threw her a wink as I walked out.
Baekhyun's POV
I turn around to see Sehun missing, so I turned back to find the kid. As I stepped to the door, I could hear them talking.
"Hey, aren't you supposed to be following the Leader?"
"Yes, but I want to give you this."
I peeked to see Sehun kiss her on the cheek. My eyes widened at the sight. 'Is she the one he met last night?' I was so confused by this behavior.
"Yah! Get going before they come back in to find you here."
I quickly stepped back and when he came through I met up with him and acted like I saw nothing.
"Where did you go?"
"I just forgot my watch in there and went back to get it."
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